#I do think she felt horror and shock and worry and despair and anger and disbelief
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There are so many moments in Wolf 359 where the 'missing information' of the audio-only medium is used to add to the impact of a scene. But a particularly emotionally devastating one for me is when Eiffel tells Minkowski "No, don't make that face, it was… it was the only way" after she learns that he's about to lose his memories in the finale. Because we don't see "that face". We don't know exactly what expressions Eiffel is reacting to there. Was her mouth open in horror? Were her eyes wide in shock? Did her brow furrow with worry? Was there despair in her expression, or anger, or disbelief? We don't see it, and so for the listener, this moment contains all of those possibilities. All we know for sure is that Minkowski heard that Eiffel was going to lose his memories and the expression on her face was not one Eiffel wanted her to make. And to me, that's more powerful than the relative certainty of seeing her expression.
#This line is calculated to draw attention to the fact that Minkowski is having a visible reaction to this news#without telling us exactly what that reaction is#so the listener can picture whichever possibility is most impactful to them#I do think she felt horror and shock and worry and despair and anger and disbelief#and perhaps a whole lot more besides#but which of those won out on her face?!#Anyway yes I am always thinking about the unique power of audio fiction#I've talked about it in relation to w359 before and I will again#Wolf 359#w359#Eiffel & Minkowski#the empty man posteth#Wolf 359 spoilers#w359 spoilers
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Say You Love Me - Jimmy Darling
Plot: Reader is heartbroken when she hears Jimmy has lost his hands, but when they're replaced he decides to make up for lost time
Word count: 3105
Warnings: Smut, Smoking, Mild violence
The words hit me like a ton of bricks when Dell brought the news. Jimmy's hands were gone. My Jimmy's hands were gone. Taken. That no good piece of shit Richard Spencer and his lies. I couldn't believe Elsa had fallen for his bollocks, but I supposed that was his game. The rest of the freaks stood in shock.
"Oh no, not Jimmy!" Ima cried over dramatically. I felt my blood boil. My skin crawled as she wailed. I felt my ears burn up with my rage. She'd been here not five minutes and here she was, caterwauling over what they had done to him. I couldn't out loud admit what I felt about Jimmy, but I sure as hell could let it be known how I felt about her. I ran at her and swung one hard punch to the side of her head. The force did not knock her over, but the shock certainly did.
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I spat out the words repeatedly as I continued to hit her face and chest once she had fallen. I felt my eyes prick as I screamed at her, before Paul and Eve pulled me away. The second the anger cleared I collapsed in tears. Penny came over to me as Eve followed Dell out the tent. She held me tight as I sobbed into her chest. Ima was taken out the tent, bloodied and bruised and sniveling. I lifted my head only to spit in her direction.
"Shh, shh," Penny cooed, stroking my hair.
"What have they done to him?" I whimpered, my voice coming out far more feeble and cracked then I had ever heard it. "How's he going to survive in there without his hands?"
"I don't know," Penny told me, honestly. "I'm sure he'll find a way."
She took me back to my caravan and I poured myself a drink. I pulled an ashtray out the cupboard and lit a cigarette.
"You don't have to watch over me Penny. I'm sure you probably best go check on your man."
"I don't want to leave you like this," she admitted, sat delicately on the edge of my bed. She was still so beautiful, despite the lizard tattoo, and so kind as well. I couldn't bear to be around anyone at the minute though.
"I'll be fine," I told her softly, but when she didn't move I snapped at her. "Piss off! I don't want you here!" I hadn't meant to be so harsh, but she gathered herself up and left. I knocked back my drink in one. It burned my eyes and stung my throat but I hoped for my own sake it would help me sleep.
I went through more alcohol and more cigarettes. My ashtray overflowed. My head was spinning as I reached toward the bottom of the bottle. With my head heavy I fell over into my bed and pulled the covers round myself, only bothering to clumsily remove my shoes before shutting my eyes tight and trying to forget my thoughts. I lay there, my mind playing a reel of horrors of what could have happened to Jimmy. I pictured him beaten in a jail cell, battered to death like Meep was, or sat in despair at his own situation. I knew he couldn't have killed those women, even if he didn't, because he was here in this caravan when it happened. I knotted my fingers into my hair, reeling drunk. I was just as bad as he had been.
I eventually passed out, but kept waking, sweaty and restless after nightmares. At one point my stomach turned and I chugged up my guts off the side of my bed. I rolled back over after that and caught half an hours rest before I woke again. The night went on like that until the sun rose and Eve came in to get me up.
"Oh sweetheart," she muttered upon seeing my sorry state. She delicately picked her way to the bed past the vomit and brought me out of bed to go sit on the seat I had. I blubbered pathetically while she tossed a towel over my mess and brought me a glass of water. I was still slightly drunk, but tried to be as co-operative as possible. Eve sat next to me, pulling me in for a hug while I continued to feel like a maudlin burden on her. She took me over to have breakfast with the others, and I hiccuped my way through some bread and butter, as everyone threw pitiful stares my way. I began to sober up.
"I'm sorry, Eve. I'm sorry I'm so useless."
"Don't be silly, come with me," she directed, taking my hand and leading me away from the show ground. As we walked further away I wiped my eyes with my sleeve.
"It's awful nice of you to try cheer me up but I'd rather not go anywhere," I told Eve, following her through the undergrowth. We passed the spot where Ethel had ended her life, which brought back more memories of how Jimmy had been after she passed. My eyes welled, but I tried hard to keep it suppressed. I didn't want anyone to think I was being such a pathetic mess over Jimmy Darling. I didn't want to be another of the freaks that he's fucked and now loves him.
"It's Elsa who said you ought to come here," Eve explained. It was probably her plan to distract me from my wallowing, or punish me for what I did to Ima. I expected hard labour ahead of me. We reached a small barn with the doors locked. Eve produced a key, unlocking the chains. "Now listen. Elsa says its your job to look after him," she instructed pulling the door open to let me see inside. It took me a minute to realise there was a bed, a bed and a familiar face.
"Jimmy!" I gasped, rushing to his side. I burst into tears again, this time from pure relief. "Oh baby your hands!"
By his side lay two bloodied stumps wrapped in bandage. His eyes filled with tears when he looked at me.
"Princess I haven't ever seen you cry before," he told me lightheartedly, but his voice cracked and he wept. I placed my hand on his face and he leaned into my touch as I wiped his tear with my thumb. I turned back to give Eve a thank you but she had left. I turned to Jimmy.
"I thought you were gonna be gone forever," I told him, sniffling.
"Me too baby." I bent down and pressed my lips down against his. We shared a salty kiss. I felt him flinch hard and cut off the kiss when he lifted his arm hold me. He immediately broke down in tears again. "I'm never going to be able to hold you again," he whimpered, and I sensed that there was certainly more to it than that. It stung to see him in such a sorry state.
"Oh Jimmy don't upset yourself," I tried to comfort him. "I have to change your bandages. Okay?" He shook his head. "I let you do it for me," I reminded him.
"Well you have no fucking idea how much it hurts," he snapped. I understood his frustration, but I couldn't help but pull away, hurt. His eyes softened. "I'm sorry (y/n), I just... I just don't know what I'm gonna do."
"Hold, still." I ran my hand down his arm slowly until I reached the bandage trying to cause minimum pain. I unwrapped it slowly, Jimmy putting on a brave face. As I pulled the bloodied part away from his wound he flinched and gritted his teeth. "This is really gonna sting," I warned as I poured alcohol onto cotton to clean his injury. He bit down on his pillow and nodded for me to go ahead. I wiped it as gently as I could and tried to ignore his muffled howl. "I'm sorry." He let the pillow from his teeth.
"You have nothing to be sorry about, doll," he assured, breathless from pain. I took his stump in my hands, wrapping it in bandage.
"I tried to tell the police it wasn't you, but they wouldn't listen."
"It might have been me, I was there, I was blind drunk."
"It wasn't, Jimmy. You were in my caravan. You said you loved me."
"I do." He looked at me sincerely. I avoided his eye, focusing my attention back to binding up his arm.
"You don't Jimmy, you love Maggie, you only wanted me because you were scared she might leave you and you thought I wouldn't." I sighed.
"That's not true, I kept coming back because I love you." Tears pricked my eyes again. He probably thought Maggie had left and was settling for me. I tied off the bandage and he raised his arm up to my face, sucking in his breath sharply as his stump brushed my cheek. "And you love me too."
"No, I don't," I lied. He watched me, his stare breaking me apart like it always had.
"Paul came by before you. I haven't seen you cry once before, (y/n), but he said you have been tearful all morning. He also told me about Ima," he teased, smugly. I didn't know it was possible to sound both so weak and so smug at the same time.
"I was worried, it doesn't mean-"
"Please just tell me it does. Just tell me you love me, it's all I ever wanted to hear." I let out a breath I never realised I was holding.
"I love you, Jimmy Darling." He smiled at me. I reached into my jacket pocket, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it before taking a few draws. I put it between his lips for him so he could take a puff.
"Look at me," he complained. "Can't even hold my own cigarette."
"Hush now Jimmy. Things will take time," I reassured him, to little effect. We shared the rest of the cigarette and I moved round to change the bandage on the other side. Jimmy didn't speak until I'd finished and stood up to leave.
"Thank you, (y/n)," he said sincerely. I went back to his bedside, leaned down a pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.
"I'll be here to change your bandages again tomorrow," I told him softly.
Although Elsa had not left, she had still sold the show to Chester, who although had a definite screw loose, seemed harmless enough. He was bright, chirpy and certainly not bossy. His odd qualities only came from the wooden ventriloquist doll he was so attached to. The twins seemed quite smitten with him, and, if I didn't know any better, I'd say they were screwing him.
I was civil with Maggie after her trickery, especially knowing how difficult the world could be, but Jimmy had far from forgiven her. This was a hard situation to negotiate. She had asked about him, and I knew she cared, but Jimmy was set in his hatred of her. It was hard to sympathise with a woman who had been part in a scheme resulting in the death of Ma Petite and the loss of Jimmy's hands. For the most part I told the truth. Jimmy was not going to soften any time soon.
I apologised to Ima too, hard as it was. She didn't really take my apology, but it hardly bothered me. It was mainly for the sake of the others, and to keep the peace.
That night, Dell was shot. He, it turned out, had been the one to kill Ma Petite. I felt bad for his death. As shitty as his actions were, I always felt he was trying his hardest for a better life. Still, killing another freak was unforgivable, and Ma Petite was innocence itself. It was my job to deliver the news to Jimmy, which was horrible.
"He was my father!"
"I know Jimmy! I'm sorry!"
"Don't you dare start apologising for those murderers, (y/n)!"
"Jimmy he killed Ma Petite!" I ended up snapping. "He killed an innocent and he paid the price." Jimmy broke down into tears again, and I ended up wrapping my arms around him.
"I'm losing everything."
"Come on, baby. It hurts to see you cry so much," I mumbled into his neck. He sobbed into my shoulder.
"Don't ever leave me (y/n). Don't ever break my heart.”
The day Jimmy's hands were ready was the happiest I had seen him in months. I came into the barn again to see him, when I spotted him sat on the bed. The moment he saw me he stood up and rushed toward me. I opened my arms to him and he caught me in his grasp, lifting me off my toes. He kissed me, properly. His dark eyes seemed full of hope. I took his arms from around me and held one of his new hands in mine. Mr. Dolcefino had created perfect wooden hands, still with Jimmy's finger shapes. They were works of art.
"They're beautiful, baby," I told him, smiling.
"They ain't half as functional as they were, but my hands have never looked so good."
"Your hands always looked good." I kissed him again, harder this time. He pulled me flush against him.
"It kills me I can't touch you the same baby," he told me, running his wrists down my side in place of his hands.
"I don't care, Jimmy. I love you," I said, and it was the first time I'd said it since he asked me to. He pulled me in again for another kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth and pushing the backs of my knees against the bed. "Easy tiger," I teased.
"I haven't held you in so long (y/n)," he replied, pushing himself even closer to me, my body flush with his own. I felt him, hard against my thigh. I kissed him again, hard, and let him push me onto the bed, his own weight on top of mine. He began to nip at my neck, and I sighed contentedly. He went to cup my breast with his hand, but came short when he realised his hands could not move the same, could not feel. "Baby, I'm sorry," he apologised, sitting up on his knees and pulling away. I sat up with him and put my hands around his neck, fiddling with the hair at its nape.
"You aren't giving up that easy are you?" I jibed. "After all, you have a mouth in perfect working order." He grinned at me, pulling me into another hungry kiss. He nibbled down my neck again.
"I'm afraid you're going to have to undress yourself, doll." I did as instructed, pulling my jumper over my head while Jimmy watched. He returned to kissing my collarbone as I undid my bra. His kisses travelled over my breasts, wooden hand against my side. He kissed along my chest, eventually moving to take one of my nipples in his mouth, swirling his tongue over it as I sighed. He bit down on it and I yelped, scolding him lightly by giving him a little slap on the arm. He grinned again at my reaction, before kissing his way down my sternum. He stopped for a second, giving me an opportunity to pull my trousers off for him. I went to pull my underwear down but he stopped me, instead using his teeth to pull them down and bringing them the rest of the way with his prosthetic. I laughed at his actions, until he buried his face into my heat, licking over my clit again and again. I felt myself get quickly wetter as he flicked his tongue up my slit. His attention went back to my clit, circling it as I dug my fingers into his hair, pulling at it and moaning as I did. I felt my cheeks flush when he came back up the bed to kiss me again, my taste still on his lips. "I'm feeling a little uncomfortable in these pants, do you think you can help doll?" he asked. I happily obliged.
"Of course baby." I pulled his shirt of his shoulders slowly, the removed his vest, taking my time to run my hands all across his chest and take it all in again. I ran my hand over his stomach and reached to palm him through his trousers. He groaned and closed his eyes. Then I took off the trousers, getting him to sit up in order to help me. I could see the shame in his eyes so as soon as they were off I kissed him hard and put my hands into his pants, stroking his cock. He let out the most delicious moan into the kiss. After a minute of this we were both desperate for it so I bit his earlobe and pulled his cock out of his pants, guiding it to the right place. He pushed into me slowly.
"Fuck," he swore, before capturing my mouth with his and thrusting again. I let out another moan into his mouth as he bit down hard on my lip. He pressed wet kisses into my neck, speeding up his thrusts with considerable lack of control. It had been a while since we had sex, so the desperation in his movements was very apparent. He let out the most beautiful gasps and moans, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers into his hair as he continued to nip and suck at my collarbone. I tugged at his brown curls and he groaned breathily. He recaptured my lips in his own and I let out a moan as he pushed deeper into me.
"Jimmy," I panted into his ear, before pulling on his earlobe with my teeth. He let out what was almost a growl and fucked me even harder. I felt myself drawing closer to finishing and let out a desperate string of swears.
“Come on, baby doll, fuckin finish for me,” Jimmy murmured deeply, kissing along my jaw and neck before biting down on my collarbone. I let out a gasp as I felt a wave of pleasure over me, clenching around him and digging my nails into his back. He kept going, his thrusts sloppy, coaxing me through my orgasm until a faltering moan fell from his lips and he pulled out, spilling his load onto my stomach. He lay on top of me, spent, and I pulled my fingers through his hair, running my nails against his scalp.
“You really love me?” I asked, as his hot breath brushed my neck. Before he answered he pressed soft kisses against my shoulder.
“Of course I do, doll face.”
#jimmy darling#jimmy darling smut#jimmy darling x reader#ahs smut#ahs freakshow#ahs x reader#evan peters#evan peters x reader#american horror story
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Chapter 14
Marinette sighed as she closed the program on her computer and leaned back. She wasn’t sure what she was thinking, but this, something was bothering her………. She didn’t know what it was but something was missing with what they knew about Lila. Come on, what is it? I mean okay Lila is working with both Gabriel and she seems to be on a conversational basis with Hawkmoth, we already ruled him out before, and according to Adrien the Collector got both Nathalie and his bodyguard, so who could he have given the Miraculous to if he was Hawkmoth? There isn’t anyone that he trusts, and his bodyguard was apart of that party and Nathalie was with him when they both left the city………but what am I missing? She thought as she looked at her blank screen as Adrien looked at her with worry.
“Your Ladybug face is showing my lady,” Adrien said with a smirk and Marinette looked shocked and blushed as the two Kwami in the room chuckled. “The fact that Lila is working with both my father AND Hawkmoth?”
Marinette looked at him, seeing the way his eyes were troubled and she sighed. “Oh, Kitty……”
“I thought the same thing my lady……… and about Lila? When Kagami was Akumatized the second time…….. I think Lila tried to make a deal with Onichan,” Adrien said with a bitter edge to his voice and Marinette looked at Adrien in shock.
“Remind me again, wasn’t Onichan after Lila to kill her?” Plagg asked and Tikki nodded. “Okay, she’s a psychopath or a sociopath.”
“Yeah……. I don’t know what we should do,” Adrien admitted as everyone looked at him. “But with everything we’ve got, maybe the most we should do is wait for now, I mean there’s Sabrina and her new partner, we might find out where Hawkmoth is hiding!”
“But Adrien, if he’s in the area of your home……” Marinette said and Adrien nodded.
“Yeah, but we have to find him, we don’t have a choice……. And since we figured out why he might want our Miraculous…… I thought about my mom,” Adrien admitted and Plagg winced and looked down.
“Kit……” Plagg said and landed on Adrien’s head as Adrien tried not to cry.
“I mean, it makes sense right? But that means that he knows what happened to mom and he never told me……” Adrien said and Marinette felt her heart break a bit.
On the surface, this was another mark against Gabriel but the sheer odes against it…… but the more that she thought about it the more it made sense. If Gabriel was Hawkmoth then how he always tried to keep Adrien locked in, out of the way of Akuma………. He was the head and owner of a company so he could ditch work and become Hawkmoth whenever……. But the Collector, that was the only mark against him. And they didn’t know that powers couldn’t affect the wielder, and Mayrua had created a Senti-Monster on her own!
As they all thought about it Plagg looked around the room and frowned. He hated Gabriel for how emotionally abusive he was, but he didn’t know that he could admit that
“So let’s table that and talk about the feelings between you two instead! I mean when the Bug’s parents called you down for that game it was just getting good!” Plagg said causing Adrien and Marinette to blush as Tikki giggled.
“Let’s leave them alone, me and Plagg will be on the rooftop balcony!” Tikki said as she shot forward and grabbed Plagg and pulled him up and through the door to the roof. Adrien looked up at the roof and took a deep breath.
As soon as breached the door, Tikki spun around and looked at Plagg with a scowl. ”Plagg, did you have to do that!?”
“What’s wrong Sugar-club? Wouldn’t you be happy that they’re finally letting each other know what they feel?” Plagg asked and Tikki only sighed.
“Before yes I would, but something happened…….. Fluff happened,” Tiki said and looked down as Plagg’s eyes widened.
Down below Adrien looked up at Marinette and smiled at her. Marinette looked away and blushed, her mind going miles in seconds as she tried and failed to figure out how to bring up everything she needed to, so after a few seconds Adrien started.
“So we have to talk about this, don’t we?” Adrien asked with a smirk as Marinette
“We do,” Marinette said and sighed as she looked up at Adrien with a hard look. “And I have to tell you about something, something that happened before everything the other day…….. I need to tell you about Chat Blanc.”
Adrien looked at Marinette and saw such despair and pain in her eyes that Adrien was caught up in this desire to grab her and hug her.
“Chat Blanc? Who was that, I never even heard of him……. Was Theo hit by Hawkmoth when I was away or something?” Adrien asked and Marinette shook her head and looked at Adrien with sorrow.
“No, one did but everyone did. It would have happened in the future, and the victim was you,” Marinette said and Adrien went still and looked at her shocked as she started to cry.
“Me?” Adrien said faintly as he felt himself grow cold as he looked at Marinette as she cried. He wanted to hug her and never let go,
“The whole city was underwater, the ‘Tower was on its side and the Moon was broken. I cleansed it and you said that our love was what destroyed everything,” Marinette sobbed out as Adrien looked at her in horror and pain as he shook his head, a hundred different things going through his mind.
“Oh Bug,” Adrien whispered as he put his arms around her as she just cried and he held her, letting her just cry as he whispered to her. “I’m here, I won’t become his victim, I promise.”
“Our love, that’s what you said caused it,” Marinette bit out and for a moment Adrien went still as anger suddenly went through him before horror hit him as he made connections in his head, connections that he hoped wouldn’t prove to be true.
“I signed my name for that barred I gave you and transformed to deliver it, then Bunnix appeared and then, and then….,” Marinette said as she started to cry.
As Marinette cried and leaned into Adrien she tried to think about everything was different now, how the rest of the team was helping each other and everyone was on board, what happened that caused Chat Blanc wouldn’t happen again, she would make sure of it.
“Oh Mari, I’m sorry you had to hold this in on your own, I really am,” Adrien said and part of him was sure that he was right about his fear, but as he held Marinette he let deal with her feelings.
A few moments later Marinette took a deep breath and moved away, a shaky smile on her face. “Thanks Adrien.”
“Anytime,” Adrien said as he looked at Marinette. As he looked down at her he swallowed as he zeroed in on her lips and for a moment he remembered how she had kissed him when Dark Cupid had corrupted him and then when they had been hit by Oblivio. He looked at Marinette as she looked back at her and smiled shakily at her as he noticed that she was blushing. “Say, when everything with our court dates are over and everything works out okay, how about you and me watch a movie when I get my new place set up? Just us and our kwami, a good movie or two, and some food?”
Marinette looked at Adrien and blushed harder, looking away from him as her mind went strange places and she chuckled lightly and looked at him with a coy smile.
“I’d like that Adrien,” Marinette said softly as she put her arms around his neck and smiled at him with a strange expression on her face as her suddenly felt heavy as she opened her mouth.
As Adrien started to feel strange and after a few seconds he acted on them, slowly he moved his head towards her as Marinette did the same as they both closed their eyes slowly before a call came from below.
“KIDS GET OVER HERE!” Tom bellowed and Marinette and Adrien both blink and seeing how close they were they to each other, they jerked apart and laughed shakily as they realized just what they had almost done and they laughed as inside Adrien and Marinette were both fuming.
“Dad only does that if it’s important, we should check it out,” Marinette said as she rushed towards the ladder down as Plagg and Tikki came from above, shooting into their chosen's pockets.
The teens ran into the living room and saw Tom and Sabine on the couch looking at the TV. On it was a scene of one of the local hospitals as three ambiances were out front with doctors bringing people in. “And repeating the top story, over twenty people within ages from 10 to twenty were found earlier today asleep, dead to the world. So far all the doctors have said is they are not in danger of dying and seem to have all their organs and no marks that could explain their state. This reporter will update on this developing situation as it develops,” The reporter said as Tom turned off the TV and shook his head.
“After everything, I wondered what could shock me. If Hawkmoth hadn’t set off an attack earlier today I would have thought it was him again,” Sabine said and Marinette looked at Adrien who shook his head as she felt Tikki press against her and she nodded to him before turning to her mother.
“It’s terrible, but why did you call us down?�� Marinette asked and Sabine sighed and looked at them.
“Nadia called, her station is sending out interns to ask around where they were found, and they were found within two streets of us so for the next few days we might have people coming and asking to talk to us, so I want you to only open the door if you know who is on the other side and Adrien, keep away from the windows or stay in Marinette’s room,” Sabine said and Adrien blushed and looked away as Marinette started to stammer and Tom chuckled, Adrien meanwhile looked into his mind, remembering a lot of Tabloid ‘reporters’ and what they would do for a story, if one of them found out he was here………….. he didn’t want to think about what some of his fanatics would do, much less what his father would do.
“So you two up for a little four-part tournament of Mecha-Strike?” Tom asked and he was met with three grins.
Kim sighed as he got out of the pool and toweled off as he walked towards his chair. As he looked up at the skylight and saw the night sky and the moon shining down he tried to calm down, even after swimming lanes he couldn’t quiet his mind. He was still very angry about what happened to Marinette, he might not be too bright but he knew all about law, and what happened was against all of the laws of both respect and dignity! Before he could spiral like Marinette a towel hit his head. He looked out from under it and saw his girlfriend Odine walk towards him, her peach skin was wet, her swimming leotard dripped as she walked over, her swimming hat in her hands, her short red hair free and her brilliant turquoise eyes above her freckles shined with worry.
“Hey, you were hitting the lanes hard tonight, what’s up?” Odine asked and Kim sighed and looked away.
“A lot of things, I don’t know where to start,” Kim said as he looked at Odine.
“Well start at the beginning, what happened?” Odine asked and Kim sighed and looked down. Odine was his girlfriend but she was also a friend of Marinette and Nino, they had all gone to elementary together and they had been friends for a long time, only he, Nino and Mari had a longer friendship.
“Marinette was expelled without a hearing!” Kim bit out and Odine just blinked a few times before she looked at Kim and she started to growl. Kim swallowed; Odine’s grandfather had been a judge and she was very
“What?! What happened?” Odine demanded and Kim scowled and looked away.
“It was crazy, first a stolen test answer sheet was found in Marinette’s bag, then Lila supposedly was pushed down the stairs in the courtyard and then Lila led the way to Marinette’s locker and then the Owl expelled her on the stop!” Kim said bitterly and Odine sat down and looked at Kim with a scowl.
“And you didn’t stop it?!” Odine demanded and Kim looked down.
“I was shocked! And then before anything else could happen there was a Mass Akuma attack and I was one of the victims!” Kim defended and Odine gasped and looked at him with a scared look on her face and he smiled at her. “But it stopped in mid-attack, weird really, and after that, I was kinda out of it for about twenty minutes.”
“Oh, Kim that was terrible!”Odine said as her own nightmare flashed behind her eyes, when she flooded Paris and most people had been stuck in buildings, thankfully most buildings had been airtight because of her powers.
“Yeah. I thought that the principal would at least give her a hearing her but when other class representatives tried to get it he threw them out, yelled at them and me and Max were barely able to get away without detention! My little buddy said he was going to talk to Marinette about her rights, but then the Akuma and he’s gone silent!” Kim defended and Odine huffed and looked at him with a scowl on her face.
“Who the heck does that scum think he is!?” Odine asked and Kim grinned darkly.
“Yeah well my buddy sent me a message the other day, she’s suing them for what they did and she will get a hearing,” Kim said and Odine grinned darkly and started to chuckle.
“Good, very good,” Odine said evilly and Kim started to feel scared for a few moments before he realized that she wasn’t thinking about him.
“Yeah…… say do you want to get something to eat tomorrow? Just the two of us?” Kim asked and Odine looked at him shocked before she blushed and nodded, not noticing how close the two were to each other.
“Hey you two! The pool’s closed, go shower and change and I’ll lock up when you leave! And no PDA HERE!” A voice startled the two of them and they both looked down and saw how close they were to each other and laughed as they moved towards the changing rooms, both blushing as they walked away.
About ten minutes later they walked out the doors and the lifeguard locked the doors behind them and Kim smiled at Odine.
“Would the lady like an escort home tonight?” Kim asked as he offered her his arm. Odine giggled and accepted it and off they went. As they walked they made small talk, Odine smiling at Kim as they walked, when she was with him she knew she would be okay no matter what happened, that her dreams weren’t too far out of reach.
“Hey, Odine are you okay?” Kim asked and Odine looked at him and she looked away, only for Kim to put his other arm on her shoulder. “If there’s anything I can do to help, anything at all you just have to say it you know?”
“I…… I just haven’t had a good week at school, Kagami’s been having the same troubles lately,” Odine admitted and Kim raised an eyebrow.
Kagami in Kim’s mind was one of the most straightforward girls his age, coming in behind Odine, Marinette and Chloe. If both she and Odine were having troubles then it was probably like Lila, someone not something.
“What is it, or who?” Kim asked as they turned down a side alley that went to a small courtyard near the Tower. Odine opened and closed her mouth, not knowing how to describe it but if Kim had seen through Lila.
“The school has a new principal and student, there putting more…….” Odine trailed off as she looked ahead of them and gasped.
“What…….. Ah, Shi-bal,” Kim breathed as they saw over twenty bodies on the grounds of the small space before them. Odine ran towards a child’s body as Kim ran towards an older body lying face down and rolled it over and saw a woman whose chest was moving up and down. “She’s still breathing!”
“Here too!” Odine called out, looking around for anything. “I don’t have my phone, it’s getting repaired!”
“Mine too, stay here I’ll get help!” Kim called out as he ran away, leaving Odine alone.
A few moments later a low moan came from an older woman in a beige blouse and dress. Odine ran towards her and crouched down and looked at her, the woman looked elderly and had her white hair in a bun. “Who’s there?”
“I’m Odine, my boyfriend is getting help, hold on!” Odine said and the woman grinned at her, looking at her with glowing eyes that shocked her.
“Oh….. good. I ssee you, you’ll do what needs to be done, protect her, get the others please,” The woman said as she pushed a small white square box with a red circle in the center of it into Odine’s hand. “Don’t let anyone know you have her, promise me!”
“I don’t understand….” Odine began holding the box when the woman lunched and grabbed her.
“PROMISE ME!” The woman said fiercely and Odine nodded and the woman slunk back down and Odine examined her and saw that she was still alive.
Odine looked at the box and frowned before she put it into her purse as she heard a siren, looking up she saw Kim running back towards her with police and paramedics following along behind him. Waving Kim and one paramedic came over to her and she looked relieved that help had come. “This woman just woke for a few moments, she didn’t say anything but she was semi-coherent!”
“Good work, I’ll take it from here!” The paramedic said as he started to look over the woman.
As Odine stepped back a police officer came to her and smiled at her. “Good work, but we’ll need to make a statement about what you two found, I’m sorry but we need everything we can to help these people.”
Odine nodded and Kim took her hand and squeezed it, both of them drawing strength from each other as they followed the policeman. The box in Odine’s purse made it feel even heavier as she walked, not knowing that her destiny had been changed, that her life would change in the short term and become stranger but better.
Max looked at his computer as he quickly hacked into the school database and frowned. It had been too easy to do that, he would have to try and send a message to the school about how easy it was to get into it. As soon as he was in he went through a few files here and there on school evens before sending Lila’s file to a cloud server set up in Russia.
As she floated, Kaalki looked at Max as he worked, Max finding her stare and looking away.
“Not so, honorable is it?” Max asked bitterly and Kaalki looked back at Max and smiled at him, her eyes holding understanding and
“By a certain point of view, it is,” Kaalki said bluntly as she floated there and looked at her chosen with a calm look. “Many of my own have been spymasters or helping with steeling things that they needed too. Honor is in the reasoning, not the doing as one of my first ones said.”
Max smirked as he finished his work as Markov came back online and floated upwards he looked at Max who was turning on another computer next to him. “Finished with your shadow work Max?”
“Yes, for now, let’s just get the file and then start looking into Lila,” Max said as he quickly navigated to the cloud website and download Lila’s file before opening it. As he looked over it he frowned as he saw the numerous health concerns that were listed for Lila with no doctor’s note to back them up.
“I don’t know procedures about this Max, but shouldn’t there be notes from her doctor scanned in?” Markov asked and Max nodded as he finally found the data he needed from the file and turned back to his hacking one, quickly finding the school in question he started to look for an online yearbook.
“Yeah, they should,” Max muttered as he finally found a list of students and then looked at the number of graduates for each year before Lila came to Paris and frowned when he saw a few numbers off, more than he thought. “Markov, I want to know who didn’t graduate from this school and what happened to them, I’ll hack into the records and find out where Lila was before she was here.”
“Of course Max, give me a minute,” Markov said as he slotted into the computer and started to absorb the data as Max worked.
“Done, three students beyond Lila left this school for other reasons. One is a grade lower than Lila would have been, two are the same age and both left not long after Lila did,” Markov reported and Max nodded as he worked.
“Good, find out what happened to them please,” Max said as he found the school and location where Lila had been before. He frowned, the city wasn’t one of the big ones that he expected a diplomat to have been sent to, something was wrong……… he needed to find out just what had happened in this city to have sent any diplomatic staff there long enough for Lila to go to school? Wait, this says she left this one after only four months? I guess an appointment to overlook something for the embassy would explain why she and her mother were only there so long, but why, where did they go after that? Max thought as he looked at his screen and tried to figure out why Lila had moved when she did. As he sat there and let his mind wander over all the possibilities for why that was done, he couldn’t find anything. He knew that Lila said her mother was a diplomat, but with what they all knew he doubted it. He tried to think of what kind of job her mother could have that let them travel so much, but still the longer he tried to the more he came up empty for an answer.
“I found them Max………. it’s not good. One of them is a girl named Arianna Bianchi; she’s currently in a monastery…….. I tracked down a medical report that she tried to take her own life,” Markov said mournfully and Max swallowed. “I found social media posts and she was cyber-bullied a lot, the sheer viciousness of some of these posts……. The other is a girl named Daniela Candreva, she left the school after testing out the grade and is currently studying to become a prosecutor, I think I can find her address to email her. But Max…….. most of the posts are about what ‘she’ or ‘they’ did to Lila,” Markov said and Max almost told him to send a message off but stopped himself and shook his head.
“Why would Lila……oh god!” Max said faintly and started to shake in fear as everything started to make sense to him.
“Max, what is it?” Markov asked and Kaalki looked at him in concern.
“That’s what she would have done with Marinette, because she discovered Lila was lying! She made this class hate her and then she tormented the girl until she did that!” Max snarled and Kaalki looked sick.
“Yes, it fits. The way she was acting, she had to have had practice at this. she goes to a new school…….” Max began and Markov took over.
“And someone either finds out about Lila or she finds a target to get the rest of the class on her side, and then when things go too far she’s either already gone or moved schools. Smart, evil but smart,” Markov said bitterly and
“Scum, I haven’t seen such monsters in centuries! I thought that modern schools looked for that! People like that actually like it! Why else if she’s been doing that for how long?!” Kaalki snarled as Markov unhooked himself and floated upwards. Max looked at his computer as he saw the data on it, he found another discrepancy and looked at Markov with a hard look.
“Markov, I’m going to find her third school, do what you did again with the second, we hunt for any and all evidence about what happened while Lila was there,” Max said as Kaalki nodded as Markov connected to the computer again.
“One thing bothers me, what about the younger child?” Kaalki asked and Max went still. Markov beeped and made a ‘smily face’ with his visor.
“Good news, from what I found the child only moved away with his family because of a death in his family, nothing to do with Lila!” Markov said and Max released a sigh and Kaalki floated with a lightened look in her eyes.
“Well, there’s that at least,” Max muttered as he looked back to his computer and sighed.
Kaalki looked at Max and his creation as they worked and hid a chuckle as she smirked. He might be a worthy Horse after all are very smart. But they all saw the big picture, but we have to remember the little things and how they affect the big. She thought as she floated there and looked at Max as he and Markov hacked. “Still what does she get out of this all? No one is pure evil, three are reasons for everything that is the truth of the universe. But what is Lila after?”
“I don’t know…….. Markov new mission; I want you to look into the relationships of each student in Lila’s class before she joined up……. Wait see if there’s a class chat first,” Max said and Markov ‘nodded’ with his visor and Kaalki floated over to his shoulder.
“There is, and three people are active tonight,” Markov said and Max nodded.
“Then let's talk, time to hack into it,” Max said softly as he looked at his screen.
“Done Max, I found a chat and I’ll need to relay and translate it but we’re in,” Markov said and Max nodded.
As Max looked at the chat room, he kept his mind blank and he hoped that these people would help him.
“We’ll be visible to them all in 3.2.1, message sent,” Markov said and Max nodded and started to type.
Starhacker909 has joined the chat.
Bloodhunter; Who the hell is Starhacker909, Rob did you invite somebody new
StrikeBak; No, who are you and how’d you get in here?!
Starhacker909; Wait, please! I’m sorry about this but I needed to talk to you about a person named Lila Rossi, she got a friend of mine expelled a few days ago!
Stanford; That witch is still doing that again!?
Bloodhunter; Okay Starhacker909, we’ll talk if you tell us what city you’re in!
Max breathed a sigh of relief and Markov blinked his eyes.
“Max, my barriers were hit by ten viruses and whoever is behind it is trying to find out where we are but I fought them off and they stopped, I think we’re safe for now,” Markov said and Max nodded as he looked at the screen.
“Markov, try and find out if Lila really did what we think she did at other schools, if she did we need to talk to a lot of people about her,” Max said grimly and Markov ‘nodded’ and Max started to text as Kaalki watched from behind him, a somber look on her face.
Odine looked at the small box as she sat in her room as the box set on her desk next to her bed as she looked at it. After the police had questioned them she had been driving home, her father had been worried when the police had shown up but after being told that she had found the people on the news he had relaxed a little. After she had gotten o her room she had locked the door and put the box on her desk as she looked at it, trying to understand why she hadn’t said anything about it, and why that woman had been so instant that Odine take it. After a few moments she took a deep breath and opened it, a moment later a ball of light shot up into the air, forming into a tiny grey creature with a large head with blue eyes, a fin on its back, a small snot, short arms and it grinned at her.
“Hi! I’m Bottla, nice to meet you!” Bottla said and Odine swallowed a screamed as she looked at Bottla as it looked around with a frown. “Wait……. Where’s Melisa?”
“You mean the old woman, she’s at the hospital,” Odine said and the creature gasped!
“Oh no, she found us!” Bottla said and looked around, a scared look on its…..her? face as Odine looked at the creature and tried to calm Bottla down.
“Hey, calm down. She was okay and breathing last I saw her,” Odine said and the little creature nodded and looked at her with a strange look on its face.
“Sorry, I’m Bottla, the Dolphin Kwami of Discord and …….” Bottla began before Odine gasped.
“A Kwami?! Like Ladybug, Chat Noir and Hawkmoth?!” Odine interrupted Bottla who nodded before going still.
“Ladybug….. Tikki’s chosen?! What happened to bring them out into the light of day?” Bottla asked and Odin looked at the Kwami in surprise.
“You don’t know what’s been happening in Paris!?”
“We keep moving, staying ahead of the Seven Deadly,” Bottla said and Odine looked at the kwami with a bad feeling going through her.
“The who?” Odine asked and Bottla sighed and looked away.
“The holders of seven of the 7 miraculous of Dark Emotions, they’ve been tracking me and mine for years, I’ve lost so many friends to them,” Bottla said and sniffed as Odine looked at the Kwami in concern before she remembered what Melisa had told them.
“Was one of them responsible for what happened there?” Odine asked and Bottla nodded.
“The sin of Gluttony; the Vulture. Those people who were hurt won’t wake up until the egg she forms is used up or destroyed. And the sin of Lust; the Ant gave her eggs to her, we destroyed a Soldier before
“Soldier?” Odine asked and Bottla nodded.
“A non-sentient monster created from the Ant’s Powers. The created warriors obey the one who activates them, wielder or civilian,” Bottla said and Odine swallowed.
“What are they after?” Odine asked and Bottla looked down and away.
“Me, my power of Turmoil causes all abilities to be turned on whoever used them, Melisa got away by hitting the Soldier so it would go after Vulture instead of us,” Bottla said and looked at Odine with a hard look. “If they take my Miraculous, then they can do whatever they want with no way to counter their powers.”
“So these Miraculous have been passed down for how long, and most of the time they’ve been hunting you?” Odine asked and paled when Bottla shook her head.
“No, it’s the same people……… They have a ritual that uses the energy that the Vulture gathers to empower them and extended their lives. Anything they kill, they all gain the years, in the past they left totems near where battles might happen to gather the years of killed soldiers, WW1 and 2 gave them centuries!” Bottla said with a haunted tone
Odine looked at the kwami as she tried to figure out what to do. The easy thing to do was get in touch with Alya, she ran the Ladyblog and if anyone could get a message to Ladybug then she could. But then the woman trusted her with this, and why shouldn’t she do something to help out? By the way the kwami was talking, if she was able to get even one of them away from the Seven then she might be able to stop them. And her home was perfect, it was in a section of the city away from the center and the main roads, if…..when the other seven made it to the city she would be out of the way. And she knew the sewers and catacombs well, she had played there as a child and knew them almost as well as she knew the streets. And Bottla was a dolphin, her favorite animal.
“If I used your Miraculous to transform, can I breathe underwater?” Odine asked and Bottla nodded and Odine took a deep breath. “Then I have one question, what’s the name of the hero who uses it to transform?”
Alya blinked her eyes as she woke up and looked around, seeing Chloe’s room in the hotel and for a moment she was confused before she looked down and saw Trixx sleeping on her chest and then remembered everything. She after they had all learned how much of a psycho Lila was she, Chloe and Sabrina had done a quick interview, she had transformed and had Sabrina record ‘Ladybug’ and ‘Apisera’ and talk to Chloe about how she had been retired and Chloe had agreed with them, only saying to listen to their ‘teacher’, a good trick they had to keep Kwami from being on the news and in the public eye.
As she looked around she saw Sabrina and Chloe leaning against each other with their kwami sleeping on their chosen, she smirked as she looked at them. Who knew that the three of them loved to watch feel-good movies or that Chloe was such a romantic? As the sun shined down Chloe and Sabrina both woke up, all the kwami did as well.
As Sabrina got up she looked around and saw Alya as Chloe turned the news on as she grabbed a PDA and looked over it, smiling as she listened to the morning news.
“……… And in local news, if you can head over to the zoo tomorrow, the tickets will be half price and there’s a presentation on fire safety there as well. And next on Moth Watch, the latest Akuma was defeated by three heroes, our protectors Chat Noir and Ladybug with the help of a new hero we haven’t been able to get in touch with, as usual, the victim has been hidden and the reason why they were influenced,” The reporter said as Chloe looked at the screen, scoffed and muted it, causing Alya to look at her with a raised eyebrow.
“What, have you got a thing against the press?” Alya asked as Trixx landed on her right shoulder
“Yeah. No offense Alya, but a lot of the reporters on the Hawkmoth case are worse than tabloids writers,” Sabrina said
“Daddy tells me that reporters are always trying to get dirt on people who were Akumatized, a reporter even had a piece about how a girl who was almost raped before she was Akumatized in the first month should have fought harder,” Chloe said bitterly and Alya gasped before she nodded.
“Trash like that, you should give them nothing at all, they’re just a stain on journalistic integrity,” Alya growled and Sabrina looked at her with a strange look as Chloe grinned evilly. Alya looked up and saw the look Sabrina was giving her and Alya looked ashamed. “And before you say anything about my interview with Lila, I never published it because I was still working on fixing it before I met Trixx here for the first time and after that well…..”
“Yeah, nice to know that you’ve got a good head on your shoulder,” Chloe said Alya nodded. “Thankfully daddy went down hard on all the editors, something about banning their people from any events he or mom held in the city,” Chloe said with a dangerous purr and Alya whistled as Sabrina giggled evilly as the Kwami looked at each other shrugged.
“Nice……” Alya said with a smirk and looked at the two girls as they looked at their bodies and Chloe felt her hair and shuddered.
“So, I’ll get the first shower, then I’ll order breakfast while Sabrina showers and Alya can finish last and Sabrina can act like she’s drying off when the food gets here,” Chloe said as Alya looked at Chloe with a frown as she tried to figure out what Chloe meant. “Me and Sabrina will get dressed in my walk-in closet, Alya, you will get dressed in the bathroom. Order the usual for me Sabrina, and ask Alya what she wants, and don’t forget the honey mustard please”
Alya opened her mouth closed it and nodded after she realized Chloe’s plan. She grinned as Chloe walked away but frowned as she looked at Sabrina who grinned back at Alya as Barrk sighed as he ate a small part of a dog cookie.
“One thing I don’t get it, why do you act like a servant to Chloe all the time?” Alya asked and Sabrina looked away and Alya felt a little bit dirty for a second. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to……”
“It’s not a good story, but well……” Sabrina said and sighed and looked away. “My grandfather on my dad’s side and Chloe’s were godbrothers growing up, they promised we would have a place with each other…….. and after I moved here with my dad four years ago…….. I just didn’t want to be around people for a while and I got to like acting.”
“So it was an act? Everything?” Alya asked in complete shock and Sabrina grinned at Alya.
“Yeah, I actually bought most of the ‘gifts’ Chloe gave me, it was all part of our plan really,”
“But your Akuma?” Alya began and then winced. “Sorry……. ‘Don’t talk about what caused it’, forgot for a moment there.”
“No, it’s okay. A…….person I liked didn’t notice me when I left them a gift…….. when he hit me I was cursing how I acted and I think Chloe for her part of our plan…….. at least I think, you know how when you’re ackumatized you forget about a minute before and what he offers you?” Sabrina said as Barrk rubbed his head against Sabrina’s check,
“Yeah. But romance, that’s hard,” Alya said and Sabrina chuckled.
“At least I’m not like Marinette and Adrien!” Sabrina said and Alya laughed a little as Trixx giggled while Bark nodded.
“Bugs and Cats kit, they always orbit around each other. The stories I could tell you about them all,” Trixx snickered as Bark nodded.
“Yep, I remember sometime around 800 years ago, me and my chosen were tracking down this necromancer when we came across the Black Cat, we worked together for about a month tracking the varmint down and saving all we could and all he could talk about was this girl he knew, turned out she was the Ladybug of the time,” Barkk said and Sabine looked at her kwami, for a moment she had forgotten that Barrk and the other kwami were as older as their concepts, the sheer time they had been around staggering for a moment.
Sabrina looked at the TV screen and paled at what she saw. “OH MY GOD!”
“What?! Oh,” Alya said as she and the Kwami turned and saw the screen, the reporter in the foreground as behind him was a shot of last night in front of the hospital.
“CHLOE GET OUT HERE!” Sabrina screamed and Chloe shot out of the bathroom a moment later clad in a yellow robe as Pollen flew behind her.
“What is it……” Chloe trailed off as she saw what was on her TV as Sabrina raised the volume.
“ at this time nothing has changed since last night, the victims are still unconscious but sources have reported no casualties at this time. Police are still looking for what could have caused it with the Park by the ‘Tower still closed as the ECDC look it over. With nothing new to go on, most authorities are waiting for any of them to wake up to hopefully explain what happened to them……. And now on to the weather,” The reporter said moments before Sabrina muted the screen again.
As Chloe dripped onto her floor she looked at the screen in horror, horror that was mirrored on the faces of Alya and Sabrina.
Chloe however was feeling something else, she remembered an old meeting from when she was a lot younger when she was learning to read. She couldn’t remember it but she heard something like this before, she couldn’t remember what it was exactly but it was there.
“This is terrible; I wonder if it’s something to do with Hawkmoth?” Sabrina asked and Chloe hugged her as Alya looked at the screen with a hard look.
“It sounds familiar, doesn’t it?” Trixx asked and the humans looked at the kwami. Pollen and Barrk were looking at the screen while Trixx floated upside down.
“Trixx, are you okay?” Alya asked and Trixx just floated there for a few moments before snarling. “Trixx?!”
“No, I…….this is something I’ve faced before, but I can’t remember when!” Trixx snarled as old emotions came back, emotions the kwami couldn’t place.
“I’ve never heard of something like this, but it was a long time ago,” Pollen admitted and Trixx just floated there as Alya looked on in concern.
“Why can’t you remember?” Alya asked softly and Trixx just kept floating and Alya shared a look with Chloe and Sabrina.
“We lived a lot longer than you all, and sometimes when the old Guardians would take us out the box, sometimes the others would come back having forgotten things,” Pollen said darkly and Chloe held Pollen to her body as the Kwami relaxed against her.
As the three girls exchanged worried looks, the way Chloe called Master Fu a ‘cult baby’ yesterday came back to them. Chloe was only speaking in jest, but the evidence was something that they couldn’t deny. If the guardians were a cult like Chloe suggested, then they all might be in more danger than they thought they were, with the surprising fact that Hawkmoth might not be the only foe they would have to face.
Lila smiled as she looked at the Hotel before her, all she had to do was find anyone who worked here and say that she was a friend of Chloe’s and that she was blocking her calls. Then all she had to do was say that she was worried because of the class chat, well that was enough for the old-timers to tell her how Chloe was feeling. If she could find out anything about how she was feeling about the New Bee because of how much pride Chloe had, how she was worried she might do something, and if anyone heard her then that’s all the better for when she was Akumatized.
As she walked into the lobby she looked around and smiled, there were enough people there that she could do her plan and not be obvious about it. She saw a woman with tan skin in a white uniform talking to a man behind the desk and she walked towards it as a woman with purple hair and dark skin walked out of the elevator, but Lila ignored her once she saw the dark clothing the woman wore, writing her off as a goth once she saw colors of her hair and clothing.
“Excuse me, but I haven’t been able to get in touch with my friend Chloe for a while, and since the new Bee hero was revealed on the news last night I was worried about her reaction,” Lila said as the two people by the counter looked up at her.
“No Madame Chloe is currently in her room and I believe that she is fine and doesn’t want anyone to come up there now,” The man said as the goth walked closer and looked at Lila with a strange look on her face.
“Is she okay, she’s my friend. With the last text of we exchanged I’m so worried about her, it seemed like she was angry when she wrote them, and well with Hawkmoth….” Lila trailed off and noticed a few people looking at her from the mirror behind the counter and barely kept from smirking.
As the man looked at the Italien, Marina looked at Lila and frowned, she remembered Alya talking about a girl who was a liar and how she messed up, if this was that girl who tricked her daughter then so help her then she would beat the girl herself.
“Miss Chloe was alright the last I saw her,” The woman said and Lila grinned, not seeing Penny looking at and frowning.
“Oh good, I mean the way the texts I saw, it was all I could do to try and talk to Chloe about it, I was so worried about her,” Lila said sweetly and Penny looked at Lila, she knew the girl looked familiar, but she couldn’t remember where she had seen her.
“I…..well she did look like she was crying last night,” The woman muttered and Lila grinned, something that she could use against Chloe to string along Hawkmoth was just what she needed. She might not have turned Marinette into an Akuma yet, but the return of Queen Wasp might win her some points. As she wondered if Chloe would get expelled before or after Lila got her Akumatized?
Before Lila could say anything else Penny finally reached the desk and spoke up from behind her.
“Hey, you got our mail from yesterday right, J’s been chomping at the bits to finalize the paperwork on a few things,” Penny called out and the woman behind the counter nodded and handed over a bundle of mail.
“Here you go ma’am. Will you and your friend be leaving us soon?” The woman asked and Penny shrugged.
Lila looked at Penny, something about the woman was bothering her, she knew she had seen her before but she couldn’t remember where. She looked at Penny as she shrugged.
“Maybe not too soon. There’s this girl who tried to start a rumor that Jagged made up a song about her when she was a pre-teen of all,” Penny said as Lila’s eyes shrank as she realized she was looking at Penny Rolling, the woman in the chief’s outfit gasped and shook her head.
“That reminds me about this lying girl my daughter told me about, I can’t believe that there are such people out there, liars that just want to make themselves look good!” The chief said and Lila paled a little and took half a step backwards.
Her lies and tales were all to get a good life for herself, but sometimes people just didn’t understand why she did what she did and those people always made trouble. She fought back against them and set things up so her revenge would happen after she left, and was it her trouble that people never understood that she and they were legitimately fighting?
As Lila slipped away as the woman chatted about their own experiences with liars, Penny suddenly went still and then turned and saw Lila’s back as she left the hotel, finally realizing exactly who that had been and cursing the lost chance to give that young lady a piece of her mind.
“Is everything okay ma’am?” The woman behind the counter asked and Penny shook her head.
“Yes, everything is fine for now, I just need to give someone a talking to,” Penny said darkly as she took the mail.
#Miraculous Ladybug AU/ The Law is The Law#mlb fandom#mlb fic#mlb sugar#lila salt#lila rossi bashing
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Worlds Away / Chapter 40 - One in the Same 🔞
w/c - 6,476
As Satoru positions himself back on the bed with a heavy heart, he wonders how long he’ll be without her voice. Elska lies there unconscious, in her own queen-sized bed a few feet away from Naoya who is also in the same condition but in a separate bed. The room Satoru mentioned to everyone before has become their new quarters but with his own personal flare. The five walls are a deep blue-grey, the trim a dark red, all decorative furnishings either that same red or a bright light blue. The sheets both of the sleepers are wrapped in resemble the color of love. This was all designed and put together as a surprise but things haven’t exactly gone as planned.
As he situates himself next to her, Gojo finds that he desires the comfort of her heartbeat. Laying his head on her chest, he relives the horrors of when he and Choso arrived to find them. He’s weighted with guilt, having become too distracted by his mother to focus that day. ‘What did they have to go through?’, he can only imagine having seen the scene himself. Although he wasn’t particularly bothered by the gore, Choso’s reaction said it all as normal people would easily have been mortified. Gojo’s heart also sinks from the sin of dealing with the woman who gave birth to him, even if she was monstrous herself.
“My love…”, his voice is broken from emotion as he whispers to her caringly, “Please come back to me.”. He’s been informed by Nanami and the others that Toji once found her in this same state, taking 6 days to wake up previously. This information doesn’t comfort him however after perceiving the devastation her, Naoya and Toji must have experienced. ‘…and we still haven’t found him yet.’. Satoru knows for a fact that if she wasn’t mentally compromised from the attack, not having Toji will certainly destroy her.
He positions her arms to lay over him, as if she’s wrapping them around his own. Gojo is still reeling from his own experiences that day on top of everything else. The heartache that dwells within him after killing his mother plagues him as if she still existed, only differently. “Love, I didn’t know it would hurt.”. A tear spills from each of his darkened eyes, remembering the vexation that woman caused him for his entire life. There certainly wasn’t any love lost between them but a piece of him died with her and he can’t explain why. In this moment, he only needs to be held by his love. As he listens to the rhythm in which her heart pumps, he feels like he’s brought to a point of necessary, although temporary ease. Bringing her even closer lowers him deeper into security, feeling safe and nurtured by her touch alone. Her and Naoya have only been out for roughly 18 hours at this point, leaving him to also dread how much time he’ll be without her.
Without moving at all, Satoru calls for them to enter and sighs as he feels close to losing his composure. He decides to not hide his despair for lack of current ability.
Choso quietly strolls in and takes in Satoru’s depression. He’s apprehensive about how unstable Gojo’s been since coming back to the academy but appreciates how much the man is going through. A slight grin appears across Choso’s face though as he looks over Gojo’s clothes, they’re both wearing their group-matching pajamas. Upon approaching Naoya, Choso pulls back the covers to further evaluate him, wanting to be sure all wounds were healed. He says to his friend, “You are one fortunate man…”, and pulls the sheets up with a smile. He then takes Naoya’s hand with relief on mind, understanding that Naoya will likely be happy at the fact that he was turned. Choso has reservations about this but they’re not strong enough for him to speak on.
Megumi now enters and walks straight over to Elska, on the opposite side from Gojo. He’s still in a state of shock after being filled in on the aftermath. He’s in a foul disposition not knowing where Toji is and is even further upset with how messed her and Naoya looked upon being retrieved. When he reaches out to take up Elska’s hand, his is swatted away, causing him to lower deeper into his anger.
“Leave her alone.”, Gojo growls from Elska’s chest. He immediately feels bad for snapping at Megumi but that was the only warning he was capable of. The hurt displayed on his former student’s face that he catches out of the corner of his eyes prompts him to sit up a little. “I’m sorry Megs, I just… she’s mine.”.
Megumi is feeling disheartened by his current fears on his father’s whereabouts and feels almost completely alone as he drowns in his thoughts. The territorial stance made on Elska causes him to snap, “She is her own person, you’re fucking delusional!”. As his breath catches in his throat, he waits for Satoru to respond maliciously but becomes confused when he doesn’t. ‘I just want to make sure she’s ok…’.
Choso walks over to Megumi and speaks with purpose, “Please let Gojo have time with her, he’s been through a lot…”, and nods as if to reiterate there still are things Megumi is unaware of. Choso sees the discontent on Megumi’s face and can feel the boy’s presence fluctuating so he continues, “And we will find Toji, I promise you. He loves you, you know…”. He watches Megumi’s eyes become glossy as he tries to fend off the tears so Choso hugs him. “I’m sure he’s ok, we just have to get to him…”.
Megumi usually wouldn’t accept the embrace but he feels so incredibly small and useless. He finds Choso’s need to comfort him endearing and wishes he’d been kinder to the being in the past, knowing now how well he means. “I…I miss my dad…”, he meant for it to be a statement but the clarification is muddled by the sorrow in his voice and it only strengthens as Choso continues to try and soothe him.
“Just come back later Megs…I know you’re worried too…”, Satoru doesn’t make eye contact but his voice is genuine. “I just need to be with her right now…”. He now curls back up into Elska and sighs deeply. “She would be angry if I kept everyone from her…”, and Satoru knows this is a fact but is still not budging on the current meeting.
Megumi wasn’t expecting Gojo to offer time up so he doesn’t know how to respond. With a fake scoff he replies, “I will then.”, and heads towards the door. Before leaving he stops and turns around to face them once more, “Shoko is awake now and she wants to see you Gojo.”, then shuts it behind him.
Satoru is aware that they have a prisoner underneath the school and Shoko likely has important information to give to him, he just hasn’t the motivation to move. He buries his face into Elska further, wanting to escape his current duties and pretend they’re just napping together. “Please come back.”.
After a few seconds, Choso exhales, “I’m glad Shoko’s alright.”. After being teleported to Elska’s location, he had to carry her back through his portal while Gojo grabbed Naoya. Choso immediately began to heal Naoya after they returned to the academy but they were soon met with Nanami who requested him to see to Shoko’s head injuries as well. Choso recalls that while he was navigating through his shadow realm that Elska’s energy once again lingered behind them and even seemed to stain some of the surroundings. He’s always been curious as to why hers behaves differently than everyone else. While lost in his thoughts, he’s jolted back to the present as Gojo begins to cry next to Elska.
“Gojo…”, Choso was caught off guard but feels he needs to allow privacy as he doesn’t know what to do. The terrifying Silver Shaman condenses before him, leaving a new wave of misery within his very being. Choso’s still shaken up by the events that took place with everyone and has yet to properly deal with the emotions flowing through him. He glances over to Naoya for a second and then internally declares he will return later. He hears Gojo plead for him to wait so he turns around and utilizes patience as Satoru collects himself.
“We…We have to find Toji.”, Satoru finds himself worried with the possibilities that could be his friend’s fate. Choso nods so he says, “Please, please search for him.”. Gojo looks down at Elska who has yet to show signs of waking, “For both of their sakes, we need to get him back.”. Now darting cold eyes to back to Choso, “I will kill whoever I need to. I will fucking explode every last one of them. This is what they deserve.”. Satoru’s eyes narrow as he thinks of who this Genghis is and how that man is likely responsible for organizing the horrific event. ‘He at least helped Getou…’.
Choso felt a chill crawl down his spine while listening to Gojo. ‘He very well means it.’, crosses his mind but he’s actually reinforced by the statement because he has his own revenge that occupies the same goal. He straightens himself while looking at Satoru, “We will find them and we will end them.”. Choso now brings his gaze to Elska for the first time and finds his dark thoughts fading, beginning to feel consumed by irrational emotions that stem from her condition as well. He has this completely visceral knot that tells him to remain near her but he can’t justify why so he thinks its best not go far at least. “I’m going to try some mapping but I’ll be nearby if needed…”, Choso now reluctantly opens the door and leaves.
Snuggling back into Elska, Satoru closes his eyes and tries to steady his breathing. “Everything’s so fucked up, love.”, he regretfully informs her as she sleeps. Wanting to be even closer to her, he now takes her right leg and hoists it over himself. He pulls down the front of her slip but only so he can her skin against his cheek. “They will pay for this…”, he seethes as he thinks about the new trauma her and Naoya had to live through at the hands of the Titers. “Genghis and Getou…”, his partnered enemies. He opens his eyes to slight movement. “Love?”. Slowly she begins to stir more, moving her legs and arms to in an attempt to regain awareness. Satoru hurriedly sits up and looks down to her with endearing hope.
Elska is coming to already and smiles sweetly once she opens her eyes to see Satoru. “My sweet Sati…”, she raises her arm to hold his cheek, only now detecting his anxieties. This realization triggers her though as the ominous memories play back in her mind. She instantly screams at the top of her lungs and is sent into a hysterical state once again. She doesn’t know that she’s flailing around during this until she feels Satoru anchor his body around her to prevent her from harming herself. She struggles against him though as she continues to wail. “THE CHILDREN!”, rips through the room and Satoru understands kids must have been present in the attack.
Satoru whimpers regrettably and holds her while her heart breaks. As her cries echo the otherwise silent room, he feels his heart responding, “My love, I’m so sorry…”. He rests his chin above her head as she begins to settle, although her sobs are still incredibly fierce. Her breath can be felt against his chest and neck as she heaves air in this dismantled state. He squeezes her tighter and reminds her, “I’m here love, I’m here. You’re safe now…”. He begins to tear up too as her voice goes silent and strains to make a high-pitched, fading squeak, the fact that she’s as broken as he assumed absolutely wrecking his confidence on the matter but he repeats, “You’re safe now.”, and kisses the top of her head. Satoru notices how strong her presence is and thinks that the whole campus should be aware of her waking.
Choso heard and felt her so he runs back into the room. “ELSKA!”, he continues his pace to the side of the bed where Megumi was and sits down. The sounds that leave her compel him to place a hand on her side as she’s still overlapped by Gojo. She seems to respond to him and calms down slightly but with wide and teary eyes he looks to Gojo who’s just as unnerved by the situation. He hears her say, “They made Toji…kill. They crushed…Getou…he crushed the children…”, and to these words, a tear falls from the beings face. ‘Getou has no qualms with killing innocents…’, but he keeps this information to himself while deciding he should share the tragedy of his brothers eventually.
Elska is slowly comprehending that the horrible sights behind her eyes are of the past but is still riddled with mourning. Understanding that the men have no idea of what all happened she forces herself to compose the best she can and tries to sit up. Satoru only took a second to understand so he is soon helping her. She remembers everything from the attack, which is different than how it’s happened in the past. With weary and swollen eyes, she looks at the two before her and says, “They tried to kill Naoya…”, she glances between Satoru and Choso, “His heart actually stopped.”, the fear of her prince dying reclaims its stance. “He blocked the spear meant for me…”, she looks over and sees him there laying motionlessly and begins to panic.
Choso can see her apprehension as her eyes drift to Naoya and says, “He’s right there Elska”, and grabs her hand as he can only imagine how awful that was, “He is stable and with new energy.”. Her eyes light up but then become watery again as she quietly speaks, “But they took Toji with t…them couldn’t protect both…”, and feels his lips quiver as she deteriorates before them again. Choso’s hand is now on her leg so he brushes the spot to provide additional security. “Knowing that helps, I will find him Elska.”.
Satoru feels Megumi and Itadori approaching the room so he yells, “NOT RIGHT NOW!”, and becomes satisfied when they stop. Looking back to Elska he grabs her shoulders and kisses her forehead, “Love I am going to fix all of this.”. He lifts her chin to him and with complete determination radiating from his eyes, “Everything is going to be ok. I will show no mercy.”, and she seems to be consoled by the darkness exuding him. He kisses her cheek and whispers, “We will paint the city with their blood.”.
Elska feels like his dark nature is nurturing her very soul. In a strange wave of reassurance, the calamity within her lessens so she finally begins to settle into him. While closing her eyes and taking a deep but jagged breath however, the familiar voice ricochets through her.
Her eyes jolt open and she slowly turns her head towards Choso who’s still sympathetically rubbing her leg. She questions if she should but understands there is a reason she’s being prompted to do so.
With a mousey voice, “Sati?”, she feels through his chest, his “Yes my love?”, and pulls away from him, “I need to feed from Choso.”.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea love, why would you say that?”, Satoru is afraid that she will repeat history and is adamant about making things better not worse. He looks over to Choso who shares his reluctance and eyes him in a way to warn that it isn’t going to happen. “Love what if you lose control?”, he doesn’t understand what she could be thinking but fears it doesn’t matter as her eyes begin to glow. “Love…”.
Elska adjusts herself to her knees and holds her own body, “I think the other me is me.”. When she looks up to them both she can tell they’re confused by that but she proceeds, “I have to do it.”. She launches herself over top Choso and pins his arms down, “Choso I’m so sorry!”. She sees that Satoru has warped to that side of the bed in an attempt to reach her so she growls. He seems to be hurt by this so she adds, “JUST TRUST ME!”, and feels less anxious as he slowly pulls his hands away from her.
Choso’s in shock beneath her, not being sure as to why this is happening or if he should fight her or not. He darts his scared eyes to Gojo fearing that this won’t go over well but is confused as the Silver Shaman seems to retract. He now looks at Elska and can tell she’s not liking how she placed him in this position and suddenly feels at ease. ‘Was this why I wanted to stay?’. He nods to her and lays back down into the bed as her fangs pierce him shortly afterwards. Choso instantly moans and latches onto her, feeling one of his bent legs touching the floor kick out reflexively. She whimpers near his ear and it causes him to melt in place while she pulls from him. After a few seconds her left hand laces into his hair and grips the strands to pull his head more to the side, him closing his eyes and complying. She soon is grinding against him, exuding pleasurable noises which would have been his main focus if her presence wasn’t darkening so rapidly.
Gojo is cautiously monitoring the situation and feels he should stop it when her gestures turn sexual. Hearing her moan seductively into Choso leaves a bad taste in his mouth but remembers he chose to trust her. He knows this is the other Elska now but her words haunt him, “I think the other me is me.”, bringing him into a new state of contradiction as he thinks about how he’ll handle this if shit hits the fan. As he watches her free hand sail from Choso’s chest to underneath her he can’t help himself, “LOVE!”.
Elska grabs Choso’s member and squeezes it. She hears him quietly yelp and hums to his growing as she begins to fondle him further but eventually stops and closes the being’s puncture marks. ‘FOCUS’. Sitting herself over him she inhales deeply before looking down, “It’s incredible, how arousing your blood is…”, and manically looks down to his flushed expression, “…but it makes sense.”. She can tell Satoru reaching out behind her so she quickly grabs his wrist and flings him overhead and onto the bed next to Choso. She relishes in the shaman’s surprise to her strength and chooses to say in the lowly voice, “My favorite human…”, and grinds on Choso again instinctively, meaning the gesticulation for Satoru. Before either of them can say anything she continues, “She is right, we are one in the same…”. Still feeling overcome with desire she takes Satoru’s left hand and forces it upon her breast and whimpers when he grabs it. ‘FOCUS’, cascading through her mind. “They took my beloved but I believe they were meaning for me. I became too confident and played with the Titers, I was having fun.”. She feels the anger race across her expression as the failure surges within her again. “When the mind was repressed, we split into two in order to salvage as much as possible.”, she looks to Satoru with devious eyes, “We would’ve slowly gone mad otherwise.”. Neither of them are speaking, giving her the floor so she turns her glowing gaze to Choso, “You and I are almost exact in product, we were just born differently…I am half curse as well.”.
Choso’s eyes widen to this immensely as many pieces fall into place. Her energy that lingers, her ability to sense the darkness within him, the fact that his blood fuels her. He breaks his gaze with Elska to turn to Satoru who seems to be thinking but isn’t overly sharing his true feelings on the matter. Her presence increases rapidly again so he quickly looks back to her and becomes afraid as she licks her lips at him. She says, “If Sati wasn’t here, I’d take you right now…”, and he feels her hand caress the side of his face but holds his breath not knowing what that exactly meant. ‘Does she mean…’, and looks down at his lap as she sinks her weight into him. He cries out, “Elska NO!”, but feels himself being pinned by her again.
“Elska…”, Satoru is not sure as to what is going on but knows he should tread lightly with his disgust of her harboring secret desires for Choso. She looks to him expressionlessly but the attention was enough, “…Love, I’m sorry for doing this to you.”, he feels the shame in his heart and almost as if she could read his mind she says, “This was a war waged far before you were born sweet Sati. My ancestors and those of the Zenin and Titer clans started this centuries ago. A tragic love story…”. While still remaining her eyes on Satoru, “A Zenin once loved a woman from the Oda clan but their union was rejected for her clan’s lack of status. Oda’s were not inherently shaman and suffered in servitude to the major clans for this and many other reasons. An intelligent and unusually empathetic curse heard their plight and decided to offer them a deal. The Oda’s would evolve, allowing them capabilities of harnessing cursed energy. The heartbroken woman accepted without understanding what would be waged allowing the curse to manifest itself into fragments to take form in every Oda. The Titers, who were then one of the major clans, saw this as a threat and manipulated the time continuum to relocate the Oda’s to a place where they would not have to fear their dark powers.” She exhales, “The curse’s stipulations were for the Oda’s to end humanity by turning them into similar but lesser beings which would eventually allow the curse to take physical form once again.”. Gojo is left in awe by this explanation. ‘A Zenin?’, and turns his head to Naoya and contemplates on the unexplainable connection Elska and Naoya have always had. He realizes something and tells her, “The Zenin’s want you apart of their clan this time…”, his eyes unfasten completely, “…The Titers do too now.”, he thinks of his mother’s words that confirmed they want to breed with her.
“Yes but they foolishly misunderstand their place. The Titers never have and never will be able to control me. Their thoughts otherwise on this are contrived.”. Elska now thinks of Suguru. “I drank from Getou and learned a great deal, he’s merely their powerful puppet. I believe I placed enough doubt in his mind though, if he’s worth anything he will realize his own will.”. Choso and Gojo both wear expressions of mortification that she ignores, “If he ends up agreeing with his clan then I’ll be forced to act however.”, She grins frenziedly, “They do not properly comprehend that their fate rests on my whims.” Her eerie smile fades, “What they’ve done however, I will require lives to pay for it.”. She looks over to Naoya and winces to the reminder that he suffered greatly, “My prince will soon awaken. His DNA synthesis rapidly took course and it was unlike anything we’ve ever seen…”. Merely gazing upon her blonde lover quells her strength, “He has an adverse effect on my existence, he drains me of my ability to stay in this form…”, she looks back to Choso, “…which is why I need to become whole. You can make this possible.”.
Gojo is trying to make sense of this new information and is categorizing his brain for this purpose. When her eyes meet his own again she grins and says, “I will have you too when the time is right. You’re a variable in all of this, the Gojo’s have never had a turned amongst their ranks and with your innate power, I am hesitant to expose you to this needlessly. In theory I will be your master but your soul particularly is already so darkened that I am forced to question what your nature will be.”. Satoru has never discussed becoming like her but a small part of his heart is mended knowing that he’s not left out of her collection. “Love, I would be willing if you saw fit.”, he removes his hand from her breast and brings it to her face. She seems to like being addressed this way which cements the fact for him that they really both are Elska. ‘She refers to me as Sati too.’.
Elska abruptly dips back down into Choso’s neck and bites him again. His cursed blood reanimates through her veins and feels herself growing even stronger. The thought of wiping out the Titers and rescuing her beloved mix with the sensations the being gives her causing her to moan deeply. She feels him growing more underneath her again and smiles into him and wishes that she didn’t need his permission to turn him.
Despite her current ecstasy, she yanks her head up and huffs with annoyance before closing the wounds. “Sometimes I grow fucking tired of your voice.”.
‘Who is she talking to?’, Choso feels his brow furrow as he recalls the other times she seemed to speak to no one. He’s reading that she’s now agitated and wonders if he shouldn’t make a break for it soon. He thinks about Naoya and Toji, how they would be losing their shit if they were witnessing this and doesn’t want to be at the receiving end of Gojo’s wrath either.
“You need not run…”, Elska sighs to the obvious hesitation from Choso and maneuvers herself off of him and stands. “I will not turn either of you right now for our efforts should be placed into retrieving my beloved.”. Gojo warps behind her and spins her around and she feels his arms embrace her. With confusion she asks, “Do you not fear me, Sati?”.
Satoru chuckles into her hair, “Oh I fear you…I just love you as well.”, and is surprised when this dark Elska relaxes into him. ‘She loves monsters because she is one too…’. He knows this thought would likely terrify anyone else but he feels a new bond has been created between them in this moment and reminds her, “I know you feared me but you also never let me go.”. He inhales her scent begins to sway them, “You’re my love.”. He wonders as well who she meant that random statement to but doesn’t feel the need to press her for more information as he’s still working through what was just laid out.
Being so close to Satoru, feeling his body heat and breath brings Elska back to her arousal she’s been fighting for the sake of communication. She bites his chest through his shirt and rakes her nails down his back as he whimpers. She can taste his own excitement and decides that enough was said.
Gojo feels himself being pushed onto the bed and watches Choso jump up to standing. Elska straddles him and tears her slip open before glaring down and demanding, “Remove your shirt.”. He hastily does as he’s told while admiring how frightening her mannerisms are. When she leans down to kiss him, she lifts her weight from his lap and growls, “Your clothing is still in the way.”, to which he shimmies the waistband to his thighs, allowing his hardened flesh to make contact with her bare skin. He quickly finds Choso who is standing a few feet away with his jaw slacked open, “Cho-…”, she covers his lips and aligns herself with Satoru’s erection and says, “Do not concern yourself with him whilst I fuck you.”. He then feels her wet warmth slide down his shaft and groans loudly into her palm as she felt amazing. She pins his arms over his head against the mattress and proceeds to thrust herself into him passionately. When she gasps to using him, he feels a long-forgotten desire to tame her. Suddenly Gojo experiences his own switch as she continues to bounce herself on him. He breaks an arm free and sends his hand to her throat, squeezing it as he pulls her face down to his. When she bites her lip with arrogant eyes, he understands that she’s hoping he’ll fight back for dominance and whispers into her lips, “I will have you begging me to stop.”.
Elska grins to the confirmation but all of the sudden finds Satoru is no longer below her. “Try your best, you will not break me.”, she teases in her lowly voice as she recognizes his presence behind her. She hears Gojo say, “Choso, find me something to tie her up with.”. She looks to Choso who seems to not understand why so she smiles, “Do as he says.”. Satoru now wraps a hand around her throat again and pulls her back to where she’s on her knees and feels his erection rubbing against her. She tries to angle herself so she could feel him again but fails. She huffs disapprovingly but is soon met with his grith spreading her, leaving her crying out in lust. He leans down by her ear while he seats himself completely, “Love, is that what you wanted?”, and snickers as he rams her a few times.
Choso is finding the request made of him to be completely outlandish. ‘She shouldn’t be tied up!’, he now hears Satoru thrusting into her and feels uncomfortable with witnessing it in person. What he cannot ignore though is his own throbbing while he scurries to find anything that can be used for restraints. While searching through the drawers he comes across a scarf and quickly throws it over to Gojo without looking at them. His eyes take to Naoya in the other bed and he frowns to the situation at hand but knows there’s nothing he can really do to stop Elska. It was clear to him that she initiated and wanted to further down this adventure with Satoru. He looks over to them finally and looses his breath as he’s met with her alluring eyes. ‘Does she want me to stay?’, he questions internally hoping he was wrong. “Elska?”, he asks in a small voice, becoming mesmerized with how she’s staring into him.
Gojo pushes Elska down into the bed and brings her arms to fold neatly behind her back. “Like old times…”, he teases wantonly as he secures the scarf around her forearms and wrists. He nudges her body forward so he can sit on his knees behind her and admires her body as he postures himself over her legs. With his left hand he grabs himself up to rub into her folds, moaning to the visible evidence that he’s going to be able to go wild. He notices Choso run out of the room and chuckles while gliding into her fully, “I guess he didn’t want to watch. Smart move.”, and begins pound into her relentlessly as she moans into the sheets. He grabs her throat again with his right hand to pull her back towards him and says, “That’s right love, you will take this dick and you will fucking like it.”, and slaps her ass with his left. “I am going to conquer you all over again…”, he hisses as he pulls on her waist to make sure there’s not a single inch of him missing out. She cries out, “YES!”, which causes him to tighten his grasp on her throat from the rush it sent through him while he delivers deep thrusts. He whimpers to how she feels contracting around him and takes notice to her body’s response as he continues through her orgasm. “Already, huh?”, the accomplishment fills him with pride and he expresses it by still crashing into her as she falls apart. After a harsh few minutes, he slows down in an attempt to caress her internally. “Mmmm…”, he hums to how slippery her walls have become as she pants in front of him. “Perhaps my love wants to be controlled?”, he slaps her rear again with his left hand before regaining his grip on her hip. She lowly gasps, “Please try!”, which makes him say, “I am going to destroy you…”. He decides to warp in front of her and watches her body fall into the mattress. He grabs her hair and assists her in lifting her head while tilting his chin to the side and mocking, “The scary little Elska…”, she opens her mouth so he sends himself down her throat, “…gagging on my dick.”. He works his hips into her as expected tears roll down her face. When he removes himself to allow her air, he sighs to her saliva coating her breasts, causing them to glisten every so often. To his surprise she seductively moans and challenges, “Is that all you’ve got?”, which causes him to grunt as he traces her lips with his tip. He replies, “You should know me better than that.”, and proceeds to thrust into her mouth again. When she chokes on him, he throws his head back and furrows his brow while gasping, “My sexy little Elska…”.
Feeling his grip in her hair as he harshly stretches her throat fills her with exhilaration. There are reasons as to why he is so special to her and this depravity he harbors is one of them since it mirrors a part of her nature. She looks up to him the best she can as her muscles convulse to his motions and loves the dominating way in which he treats her. ‘Nobody has ever been so brave.’, she thinks as she gags. He removes himself from her mouth again but drags his member along her face which makes her whimper with anticipation. He says, “I can’t finish until I’ve opened everything.”, and she shivers to his voice as it was chilling, knowing he’s going to take her in every way he can. He warps behind her again but is maneuvering her to lay on her left side. She tries to adjust in a way that makes her arms more comfortable but he slaps her thigh and says, “Don’t squirm now love, it’s too late for that.”.
Satoru bends her legs up towards her chest so he could have unobstructed access. Spreading his kneeing stance, he leans over her to grab her throat again while he begins to nudge her second entrance. “You are mine to fuck and so is this ass.”, and groans down to her as he feels himself slowly making progress. He loves how her face morphs into pleasure the deeper he goes and wonders, ‘Has she liked this all along?’, but is soon taken out of thought as she gasps to being further parted. He releases her throat to lean back and stabilize himself with her hip, wanting to watch himself submerge into her. “Look at you love, taking me so well…”, she cries out heatedly and he bites his lip as he backs out to start the process over. He drops some of his own saliva down where they meet and works himself in deeper, becoming completely swallowed by her. “Such a good girl…”, he breathlessly whines as their eyes meet. “…Take it all…”, and begins to set a rhythm. As he increases his force she cries out “YES SATI”, and smiles with parted lips as she’s forced to endure him. He’s watching her skin ripple and wave out from his impact and it nearly makes him come undone having the knowledge that she’s enjoying this. He pulls out of her to take in the sight of her mess and rolls her onto her stomach. After making his way back in, he leans his body to hover over hers while he continues to pound through her.
Elska is completely under his control but is rather thrilled by how rough he is being. Through her moans she tries to tell him that it’s coming but before she can, the pheromones release into the room. She turns her head and sees Satoru’s face next to hers as he fills his lungs and moans, his motions halting while he does. She hears him say, “You must love it when I fuck you like this…”, and picks up his pace again. While gasping she’s able to say, “I want more!”, and her eyes roll back when gives her exactly that. She can tell by his breathing that he’s nearing his end so she arches her back underneath him as if to present she was ready to be a pretty display. His thrusts after that became full and deep with each stroke until she feels him twitch and begin to settle. He opens her legs to guide her onto her back while remaining inside of her. The look on his face is breathtaking and she can sense his relief as he slowly nudges through her a few more times.
While holding her ankles and leaning his hips into her, he brings his gaze from her face to where they’re connected and grunts to how pleasing the sight is. He leans down to kiss her feverishly as he comes to terms with his affections for Elska as a whole and says, “I love all sides of you…”, into her lips. He leans back up so he can watch his contents spill from her after he pulls out and moans when it’s even more beautiful than he imagined. Rolling her back onto her stomach he reaches down to undo her binds and finds their lips meeting as soon as she was free.
She slides her tongue into his mouth passionately and they moan into each other again. When she breaks away she says in her lowly voice, “I don’t have much time left like this but one day I will be whole. Let’s see if you can overpower me then.”, and brushes her thumbs across his cheeks. “I will be a blend of all attributes but I can promise I’ll want more of this.”. Her eyes feel heavy now as she feels her state diminishing, “I will have to sleep again but I will return to normal when I wake. Will you…”, she hesitates, “…will you bring me to sleep next to Naoya?”. She’s taken back by his kind smile as he lifts her up into his arms. They sway as he uses his knees to bring them to the edge of the bed and they nearly fall over as he works to swing his legs out to the floor.
They laugh together as he awkwardly finds his balance but he feels her sincerity as he walks them over to Naoya. “You can rest easy love and I’ll clean you up…”, he tells her as he lowers her down next to the sleeping Zenin. Her eyes are quickly losing their glow as she lays there and wraps her arms around Naoya’s left one, so he knows she’s going to be out here soon. “Love?”, she brings her hazy gaze to him, “We will find Toji, I swear it’s my priority.”. She smiles and thanks him before saying, “I’m glad to know he’s important to you as well Sati. Please, locate my beloved…he needs me…”. While he was forming his next words she closes her eyes and falls asleep instantaneously. “Love, I will make this world work for you…”, and leans down to kiss her once more. He stands upright again to find something to wash their wonderful experience with. After wiping her down he crawls in the bed and uses the slightest bit of space given to make his own spot, wanting to be next to her. He ponders on what she said earlier about the curse’s will to replace humanity and smiles into her neck, “I don’t much care for humans either…whatever your endgame is, we will succeed.”.
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Chapter 21
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As the adrenaline left him, Tallpaw was aware of how badly his ear stung. The battle had started and ended so fast. He looked around and spotted Dawnstripe limping up to him, a deep bite wound on her fore paw and red streaks trickling down her muzzle.
“What happened? D-did we win?” Tallpaw wheezed.
Dawnstripe sniffed his ear briefly before looking back at a bloody Fallowspring and an exhausted Hareflight stumbling to their paws, Fallowspring cursing loudly as she did so.
“I don’t think it was ever really a fight,” Dawnstripe said grimly. “They ambushed a small patrol to prove a point.”
“And they’ll surely be back.” Hareflight panted.
Tallpaw was still looking around for Shrewpaw when he heard his wail from somewhere past the undergrowth. Dread at the uncharacteristically panicked voice immediately sent Tallpaw’s fur on end. When they found him, Shrewpaw was leaning over his mother, who lay on her side clearly struggling to catch her breath.
“She’s bleeding and she hit her head, what do we do?” his voice was pitching as he looked desperately at his mentor. Tallpaw had never heard the brash apprentice sound so frightened, and it unnerved him terribly. Shrewpaw tried to nudge his mother to her paws, but she stood for only a moment before stumbling and collapsing back down.
“We must get her home, now. Hareflight, are you well enough to help her?” Dawnstripe’s voice was urgent and stiff, and Tallpaw couldn’t help but feel she was struggling to keep fear from it.
“Get up, it's not far,” Shrewpaw pressed his nose to Brackenwing’s head.
“It’s ok…” Brackenwing’s voice was hoarse and labored, and she clearly didn’t have the strength to stand again.
Fallowspring, ignoring whatever pain she felt from her wounds, ran up to the limp molly and tried to nudge her head and front legs beneath her, clumsily lifting her onto her shoulders. “She can’t walk back, Hareflight and I are the strongest, we’ll carry her.”
Shrewpaw shakily tried to help Hareflight lift Brackenwing’s lower body, and they started back up the slope.
Tallpaw trailed behind, feeling utterly helpless. “She’ll be ok, Shrewpaw,” he offered weakly.
Shrewpaw wheeled around on him, teeth bared in barely restrained fury. “I would have been there to help her if I didn’t always have to save you!” he spat. Tallpaw recoiled, stung by the anger in his voice. “Fighting amongst ourselves won’t help any cat, focus on keeping her balanced!” Hareflight ordered. Tallpaw watched from behind as they struggled onward to keep her weight between them, at a pace far too slow for his comfort. Brackenwing was one of the strongest cats he knew. She had to be alright.
Now that his head was clear, Tallpaw knew now what should have been obvious. The younger ShadowClan cats weren’t hiding in the bushes out of fear, they hadn’t been part of the fight at all. They were just backup, meant to distract while the warriors attacked. And Tallpaw had fallen for it so easily. He hung his head next to Dawnstripe as the patrol limped back to camp as fast as they could. He tried hard not to think about the amount of blood dripping from the ugly wound on Brackenwing’s throat, leaving a steadily growing crimson stream running down Fallowspring’s flank. Dawnstripe nudged him out of his stooper.
“Tallpaw, go ahead and tell Hawkheart to prepare his healing supply. I can’t run on this paw right now, I need you to go as fast as you're able to.”
Tallpaw took off without a word, and his limbs stung and ached as he crested the hills towards camp. He hadn’t looked yet to see how much he was bleeding, but he didn’t care to right now.
Briarpaw was found first, who looked up in shock when Tallpaw burst into the medicine den.
“T-Tallpaw?” he stuttered, “what in StarClan’s name happened to you? Are you ok?”
Tallpaw fought hard for his breath. “ShadowClan--they attacked, Brackenwing’s hurt badly she-she--”
Briarpaw’s eyes widened with horror and it took him a moment to find his voice “What’s wrong with her? Is she ok?”
Tallpaw couldn’t breathe well enough to answer. Luckily Hawkheart didn’t require further explanation to start working. Soon he heard the commotion from others in camp as they saw the rest of the wounded patrol limp down the slope. Tallpaw was barely aware of Briarpaw telling him to stay where he was and lay down before running into the clearing to meet the patrol. Hawkheart shoved by and barked some instructions to Briarpaw, but it was hard to tell if Briarpaw was listening. Hawkheart cursed and started rummaging in the back of his den, taking out clumps of leaves and cobwebs. Tallpaw’s body was content to do as Briarpaw said and stay there, but he had to see Brackenwing. She was being laid awkwardly down outside the den, the warriors carrying her unable to easily squeeze through the entrance together. Fallowspring stumbled back, a large patch on her side dyed red. Briarpaw was at his mother's head and Shrewpaw paced around him.
“She’s going to be ok, isn’t she Briar?” he wheezed. Shrewpaw had a deep cut running down his head, but if he was in pain, he wasn’t paying attention to it.
Hawkheart began pressing something to Brackenwing’s neck, and hissed in Briarpaw’s ear, “go fetch more cobweb, I will take care of this.”
Briarpaw looked up at him blankly, his mouth hung open, as if he was trying to protest. He looked frozen, eyes wide as a frightened rabbit. There was so much blood on the ground.
Shrewpaw was leaning over his brother's shoulder, babbling a string of nonsense. “Ok, we just need more cobweb right? I can go find more if we need it--where’s our father, he can help. This really isn’t that bad, right Briar?”
Briarpaw’s voice was caught in his throat. He looked from his mother to Hawkheart, seemingly trying to process his prior instructions
Hawkheart growled in frustration. “Fine then, just keep your paw here! Someone get Shrewpaw back!” He replaced his paw with Briarpaw’s, and bounded over Tallpaw back into his den.
Hareflight tried to herd his distraught apprentice back, and Shrewpaw was resisting but was not coherent enough to be successful. Tallpaw could only watch Briarpaw helplessly. The shaky red-brown tom was whispering to himself, pressing weak paws against his mother's neck. The small clump of cobweb was completely stained through with blood, Tallpaw could hardly tell it apart from the wound itself.
Brackenwing’s eyes had fluttered open and shut. Just for a moment the dullness cleared ever so briefly, and her warm yellow eyes looked up at her son. Her paw twitched forward to reach for his face, but she fell short and it hung weakly at his shoulder. She parted her jaws, but couldn’t seem to speak. All she could do was blink slowly at him, just once, like she wanted to comfort him. Tallpaw felt his chest seize up as her paw slipped from Briarpaws shoulder. It landed with the softest thump upon the earth.
“Mother--” Briarpaw’s voice was hoarse. He didn’t move until Hawkheart returned to his side, and nudged his paws away from her throat.
“Let me do this, I’m going to stop the bleeding. I need you to help the others, Briarpaw.” The medicine cat was pressing a bundle to his apprentice, and at last Briarpaw stumbled to his feet, looking around frantically at all the wounded. It was hard to tell how much of Fallowspring’s blood was her own. She didn’t seem to know either. Mistmouse sat next to her daughter, trying to clean it from her flank. Tallpaw could still feel blood trickling down his face, but that was the least of his worries right now. He struggled forward to Briarpaw and shakily pressed his nose to his friend's shoulder. At his touch, Briarpaw turned and blinked at him, but his eyes were wide and unfocused. He seemed to notice the blood on Tallpaw’s face and his own blood soaked paw lifted for a moment, half reaching out to him.
“You’re not dying too, are you?” Briarpaw’s voice was barely above a whisper.
“N-no,” Tallpaw replied, “No, don’t worry about me. It’s going to be ok, Briarpaw. Hawkheart will take care of things.”
He was still trying to figure out what he even wanted to say. It was hard to think through the noise and all the eyes on them. The clan around them had gathered closer, with confused distressed yowls asking what had happened, who was responsible, and that some cat had to fetch Brackenwing’s mate.
The last thing Tallpaw expected to feel was Shrewpaw ramming hard into his side. He yelped in surprise, thudding against the ground and stared up into Shrewpaw’s furious face.
“This is all your fault! You useless idiot!” Shrewpaw shrieked and Tallpaw was too stunned to put up any defense as he was pummeled. “You left her, you made me leave her to go after you! I could have helped her chase that rat-hearted bastard off and she wouldn’t have been left to fight him alone, and she wouldn’t have gotten this hurt! I should have just left you to get torn apart!”
“Shrewpaw! Stop this at once!” Hareflight gripped his apprentice’s scruff in his teeth and hauled him backwards but Shrewpaw kept swiping the air in front of Tallpaw’s muzzle. He struggled and twisted out of Hareflights grip, even catching his mentor across the cheek in his wild flailing. Briarpaw yowled feebly in protest, pressing a blood soaked paw in front of his brother's chest, leaving a dark stain in his fur. Something in Briarpaw’s expression finally made Shrewpaw freeze in place. He growled in a mixture of anger and despair as he slowly sank to his belly, the fire draining out of him.
Tallpaw quickly crawled away from Brackenwing and crouched alone, hiding underneath an overhanging stone in the camp walls. He did not dare try to approach again.
Hawkheart eventually left Briarpaw and Shrewpaw crouching numbly at their mothers side, and she didn’t move at all while Briarpaw desperately checked and rechecked the cobweb covering her wound. There wasn’t much else for anyone to do but wait.
When Dawnstripe limped over to him and insisted he come to Hawkheart so they could be checked over together, he still didn’t have a voice to respond, but slowly pushed himself to his paws to follow her. There was a new scratch on his chest from Shrewpaw’s claws and a single drop of blood fell onto the dusty ground. Shrewpaw was right. He left Brackenwing’s side for no good reason, after she came to help him.
Hawkheart cleaned his wounds, and the bleeding significantly slowed. Aside from some bad bites that may take a few days to heal properly, the rest of them were more or less ok. Tallpaw waited with baited breath while more patrols that had been out returned to camp. He caught sight of Redclaw, and not far behind him, Sandstone. They looked as though they had been arguing, until of course the smell of blood must have reached their noses. Redclaw froze in his tracks. He blinked as if he could hardly process what was in front of him.
When he rushed to his mate's side, that shock quickly rose into a rage and it took no more than a few heartbeats before he was yowling. “We must attack, we’ll go to the heart of their territory, I’ll make them suffer--every one of them, we must--we--'' he whipped his head around the clearing “Who was responsible for it? Who!?”
Shrewpaw’s voice was weakened from his earlier outburst, but Tallpaw could still hear him growl, “she wouldn’t be this bad if it weren’t for Tallpaw.”
“What? What are you talking about?” Redclaw asked.
“What has he done now?” That was Sandstone’s accusing tone. His father was so ready to believe that it was his doing. Why wouldn’t he? Tallpaw felt fear shoot through him as he imagined Redclaw’s furious ire turned on him. What would he do to him?
“That’s enough,” Heatherstar’s voice rang out. “This is not the time for blaming one another. We cannot launch an attack and risk more lives in a rash act of vengeance.”
“I won’t accept doing nothing!” Redclaw cried. “I’ll make ShadowClan regret ever setting eyes on us!”
Tallpaw covered his ears with his paws while Reedfeather tried to calm Redclaw down. Just as he thought his despair couldn’t get deeper, he caught sight of two wide, pale amber eyes peeking out of the nursery entrance, finally awoken at the commotion. Palebird looked at her son and the blood easily staining the thin white hairs of his pelt, her fur began to spike in alarm. Then her gaze dragged across the clearing where the earthy brown form of her closest friend lay limply near a smeared stain of blood soaking into the soil, with her two distraught kits stuck close to her side. Palebird took a single step forward. Tallpaw wondered if she’d cry out. Her mouth hung open over so slightly and she padded slowly through the crowd, a blank look of numb shock on her face, as if she continued to move without her own volition. She did not turn her gaze back to her son again. Tallpaw was almost glad she didn’t. She would know the truth soon, if she had not heard Shrewpaw’s scream earlier already. Brackenwing could very well die because of his foolishness.
“You must start cleaning your wounds Tallpaw,” Dawnstripe urged. She was trying to get him to look away from Brackenwing.
“I didn’t mean for this to happen,” Tallpaw wheezed “I didn’t mean to--”
“Tallpaw, listen. Look at me. The only ones at blame for what happened today are ShadowClan. This is not your fault. Every warrior goes into battle knowing the risks. I’m sorry you had to see it this way first. You must help yourself heal.”
Dawnstripe eventually relented and left him alone, and he curled tighter around himself in misery. He didn’t want to look up again, didn’t want to see his mother's face, but he couldn’t help seeing Sandstone out of the corner of his eye, glaring at Heatherstar as he sat on the outskirts.
Tallpaw had so far avoided his attention, but he was near enough to hear his father growling to himself, “we were taken by surprise on our own border and surrounded! This is precisely the event I have been trying to prevent.”
Hawkheart called Dawnstripe away to treat her injured front paw more closely. Just outside the medicine den, Tallpaw felt suddenly exposed and afraid when he saw his father’s attention, eventually, land back on him. Sandstone quietly padded over, perhaps more out of obligation than anything else. He looked at his son only briefly, then glanced up at Hawkheart.
“He seems fine.” It wasn’t even a question, just a statement.
Hawkheart grunted “More or less. It could be worse. Sounded like a nasty ambush. The emotional shock is probably worse than the wounds.”
“What a surprise.” Sandstone muttered.
Tallpaw stared blankly at the wall, still as a stone. When Sandstone looked down at him, he felt like he could crawl right out of his fur.
There was a long painful silence before he spoke again. “What happened in that fight?” It was the first thing his father had said directly to him in days.
Tallpaw attempted to give a clumsy explanation of how he had made a mistake splitting off and chasing after apprentices in the battle. Sandstone was quiet. Tallpaw didn’t look up.
“Well...” was all he said. Tallpaw waited for him to continue, reprimand him if nothing else. But Sandstone just shook his head, and Tallpaw felt himself whither.
“Will you sit with Palebird?” Tallpaw asked hesitantly after another painful silence. StarClan knows he couldn’t do it. He wanted to be there with Brackenwing, but he didn’t feel like he deserved to.
Sandstone grunted. “She won’t want my comfort. Heatherstar will likely send out a patrol to make sure ShadowClan has gone, and to search out where they have been hiding. I will go. This attack was so perfectly planned. There are eyes on the moor that aren’t our own.”
For a moment Tallpaw thought he meant ShadowClan had somehow been spying without leaving a trace, but then he understood. “You don’t mean the visitors do you? But...they wouldn’t betray us. Would they?”
Sandstone narrowed his eyes. “I will not rely on any cat I don’t know. Rogues can’t be trusted to keep their morals, there’s nothing holding them to. And don’t forget we failed to heal their friend for them. I don’t know the truth of what happened yet, but I will focus on how to help WindClan win back its pride. Brackenwing never cared for me, but even she could not fault me for wanting that. I must think of action. That is how I believe a warrior pays their respects the best.”
“You're crowding my den,” Hawkheart’s stern voice came from the back. “If you don’t need anything, then you can go.”
Sandstone gave them both one last cold look before padding away.
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What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 16
Wordcount: 4, 869 Rating: M for strong language, moderate sexual references, violence, and gore The reader is referred to as she/her. "God knows. Maybe you have a greater purpose to serve. Why else did he make you?" Chapter synopsis: And you never considered yourself trigger-happy. But the shots have been fired. They're dead before you can interrogate them. Allen is eager to convince you it was the right thing to do, but even he can't deny the horrors that will follow. The war rages on. Alfred stays ignorant for the meantime, and you revel in his bliss of it. You share one last peaceful night with him before the fearful unknown.
16 - Nothing breaks like a heart

The reader is referred to as she/her.
An ear-splitting bang echoed in the pool room. Blood and small chunks of flesh landed on the tiled floor in a splat. Tearing his hand away with a shaky gasp, he held the wrist and hunched over to writhe in agony. "Ergh... Fuck!" He spluttered, feeling a violent tremble seize his wounded hand. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..."
He lifted his head to glare at you with the utmost betrayal. "What the hell did you do that for?!"
A sizely hole formed in his palm. The exposed flesh was still oozing out blood like a full sponge, dripping onto the ground in generous puddles. A whole section of his bone was missing. And you did it. You shot Alfred. You paled in horror for a few moments, but as he panted before you with tears streaming down his red and enflamed face, it became apparent that your guilt was unfounded.
"What I did that for? You aren't Alfred!" You exasperated, raising the gun shakily to point it between his fearful eyes. "You're a clone!"
A sour flavor was left in your mouth as you spat out the word. His origins were no mystery.
Nobody else could have been responsible or capable of such a heinous crime. To grow an abomination from whatever DNA was left in their lab. You only imagined them to be created for one purpose, and one purpose only. To torment, kill, and replace Alfred. As the thoughts raced through your head, you tightened your finger around the trigger—"Wait, wait! Don't shoot!" He begged, throwing his arms up.
"I know you're freaking out right now, but I have no idea what's going on either!"
Gritting your teeth at his excuse, you were determined to not let it get to you. But it was easier said than done. "Shut up! Don't think for a second you can fool me!" Despite the cutting conviction of your voice, you took on a terrified expression at the thought of shooting him. "I'm gonna do it. You're nothing but a freak of nature! And you'll never... Never..."
As you trailed off, you realized you indeed couldn't pull the trigger.
Not when the barrel was aimed at a face that looked just like Alfred's.
It was contorted with so much fear and despair, pleading silently for you to not hurt him. The fact that he was a spitting image of him made it even harder. How he moved, talked, acted—seeing it chipped away your resolve, leaving you all but paralyzed. The gun was left juddering furiously in your hands in light clacks, holding him hostage at the moment before death.
"Please. Please don't do it." He whispered, bringing his hands down to shield himself. "You gotta help me, (F/N). I don't know how, but I woke up in this body. That's... That's all that happened."
How painfully familiar it sounded.
I woke up in this body.
The similarities were so uncanny, it was cruel. Giving your head a quick shake, your lips quivered as you uttered this.
"You're lying. You're not real."
Creases formed between his brows. "I'm not lying! And I am real! I'll prove it to you, I swear! We went through so much shit together, like uh—" He pointed at you and laughed nervously as he sifted through the scanty archives of his memories. "—I kidnapped you. Ha! See? I know something! That's how we met! And you hated my guts at first."
You swallowed thickly as uncertainty slowly overwhelmed you. If he could remember that, he had to be real, right? No. You had to fend off the feeling. "That's not good enough!" Your finger stayed on the trigger, and the barrel, on him.
He tensed up as panic caught him in a chokehold. "Okay, okay! Well, er..." His heart was pounding harder and harder with every second he failed to say something. "... Oh! Remember the time I nearly got murdered by a cult leader? He had a whole kabuki mask get-up and everything—just like, like Professor Callaghan from Big Hero 6. You know that movie right?"
You sucked in a sharp breath. The title didn't ring any bells, but what he said had you second-guessing yourself. Was he not lying after all? Lowering the gun at that, your motion was slowed by slight hesitance. "... How... How do you know those things?" You asked faintly. "What are you?"
Before he could formulate an answer, footsteps thudded down the hall. Your thoughts came to a complete standstill.
Then, you heard a voice.
"(F/N)!" They shouted. Was it Allen? Your heart sank when you realized you couldn’t tell—it sounded too similar to Alfred. Or were you just imagining things? The sheer amount of panic was too incapacitating that you couldn't think.
So you did the unthinkable.
Raising the gun once more, you fired a shot into his abdomen.
The second you let the bullet fly, you regretted it.
Both your ears rang as the next few moments occurred in silence. And they would unfold in painstakingly slow motion. Dropping the gun to the ground in a soundless clatter, you watched him stumble back a few steps with his eyes popping out of his skull. Blood was spreading around the flaps of his kimono from a new hole in his chest. But the gore couldn't compare to his look of betrayal.
Of a heartbreak so deep, it destroyed you.
"Oh my God..." You raised both hands to your mouth. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed on the ground in a bloody heap. "I just—I just killed—" Tears streamed relentlessly down to your chin as you stood frozen.
"(F/N)! I heard gunshots. What the fuck happened?!" Allen appeared in the doorway. His loud voice derailed your train of thoughts, forcing you to turn to the man. When you did, your heart clenched at the realization you made a mistake. It wasn't him. Alfred was never down the hall, and you panicked.
He never even had a chance to explain himself.
When Allen caught sight of the corpse by your feet, he dug his hands through his hair. Terror ran deep in his expression as he processed what he was seeing. "Shit, (F/N)." His nose scrunched up in shock. Never did he imagine the day would come where you would take someone's life. At least, not so soon.
But it arrived as an unwelcome surprise, unexpected and uninvited. "Did you kill that guy?"
You nodded profusely as a sob racked your body.
He scrambled over and shielded you from the grotesque scene. "Hey, hey, hey! Don’t feel bad! I’ve killed loads of people too, so welcome to the club!" The man rambled frantically, rubbing away your tears with his fingers. But who was he to tell you these things when he felt his own tears come?
"I’m sure he deserved it, and you were just protecting yourself, so don’t worry!" Allen forced a wide, manic smile.
His efforts to console you were in vain as you cried even harder. Pulling you into his chest, he rested his chin on your head that trembled to your coughs. "I'm so sorry..." Allen screwed his eyes shut and squeezed you tighter. "... I’m sorry I left you by yourself. This is my fault, not yours. It's my fault."
The string of apologies he spewed out was on your behalf, but he meant them with every fiber of his being. He had failed to protect the single most valuable thing to him.
And the blatant lie he forced you to accept was the last resort to preserve it. But it was time that stopped. "No, I killed him." You asserted shakily. He had nothing to do with this, and his eagerness to shoulder the blame only rubbed more salt into the wound. If you let him have his way, you would never live it down.
Without removing yourself from the hug, you pointed at the motionless body with your head turned away. "Look at him. I could never lie."
Allen lingered his gaze on you before obliging, albeit reluctantly. Nearing the corpse cautiously, he kicked its chest to roll it over. It revealed the dead man’s face in all its glory. Alfred’s face.
What the fuck.
When he thought he couldn’t be any more disgusted by the tyranny of technology, he was proved wrong yet again. This was clearly your father’s doing. And it was a declaration of war. But perhaps, it was just the continuation of the one that never ended.
Arthur was completely shit-faced downstairs. Slamming his beer mug down on the counter after he downed the whole thing, he gasped.
"Bwah! That hits the spot." His cheeks and ears were redder than a tomato, a stark contrast to his companion who was stone-cold sober.
Alfred raised a brow. "Sure looks like it. Dude, you gotta lay off the booze. You’re gonna regret it first thing tomorrow." Once he sighed that out, he rested his cheek on his hand. Then, he glowered at the hallway where you and Allen disappeared to.
"How long does it take to piss? They’ve been gone for ages. Twenty minutes? Thirty minutes? I don’t fucking know," The mechanic let out a low chuckle and slapped him on the back. The force made his torso bounce, much to his annoyance. "What’s your deal?"
The other hummed mischievously. "I was just thinking about what you said." Arthur squinted almost suggestively, causing Alfred to do the same, but only out of being appalled. "Maybe... Maybe they aren’t pissing. Since they’re gone for so long at the bathrooms at that—so maybe, urgh... They’re doing the nasty together." The Brit practically howled with laughter, having figured he was probably right.
It was a plausible assumption. As he humored the suggestion Alfred heated up more severely than his intoxicated friend. You having sex with Allen? His chest whirred and nostrils flared. He'd never been this enraged before, but behind the mask of anger was a deep hurt and toxic kind of jealousy.
"Shut up! You’re drunk and slurring your words. You have no idea what you’re talking about."
Arthur snorted. "Sorry to break it to you, brother. But the only time I’m this honest is when I’m drunk, so."
Alfred’s eyes went round. Without a moment’s hesitation, he shot out of his stool and made a beeline to the hall. Before he could make it far, he bumped right into the very subjects of his conversation. Much to his relief, they were in no state that indicated they did anything sexual by nature; you were in his arms and fast asleep. Not that he was happy about it. "Woah. She's out like a light."
"Yeah, so keep your voice down." The other grumbled, bouncing you lightly. "I think it's about time we head home. How drunk is he?"
The blonde blinked. He wasn't expecting him to catch on so quickly. "Off his ass. He's red as."
Allen clicked his tongue and brushed past him. "Called it." Alfred would have dismissed it as something he always did. But since he was carrying you, it made him feel like an extra. So when the man walked off, he followed with a scowl. "Can you get a cab? I'm gonna sit in the corner for a bit."
And sit in the corner he did, laying your body across his lap so you could rest. Alfred narrowed his eyes into a dark glare, lingering on the sight as the club music pounded away in his ears. And he told him to keep his voice down? "Yeah, I'll call you a damn cab."
You pretended to be asleep the whole ride back to Arthur's. It was easy with Allen's shoulder at a perfect height for your face to bury in. For half an hour, you were stuck in that position. There, you listened to the symphony of a trip home from the club: the automated voice of the taxi A.I and the drunken warbles of an intoxicated friend. Without seeing it, you could feel Alfred watching you for the whole duration of the ordeal.
Fortunately, you could escape any interaction with him as Allen carried you to the bathroom upon arriving.
"Oi, where are you taking her?"
The redhead kicked the door open. "What does it look like?"
"Shouldn't you wake her up, at least?"
"Yeah, yeah. Quit breathing down my neck, already."
The door locked. Setting you down on your feet, you held onto his arms to regain your balance. Once you did, you glanced up at him with the utmost panic. "I can't face him." Digging two hands through your hair, you let out a shaky gasp—"Oh my god, I don't know what to do! I shot him, Allen. I fucking shot him! What's he gonna think of me when he finds out?"
He sighed and gripped your shoulders firmly. With his brows furrowed in a stern expression, he corrected you. "You didn't shoot him. You shot another version of him." Allen couldn't stress that enough. But there were many things he needed to shed a light on in this emergency bathroom meeting. "And it was kinda my fault that happened. If I was there, I woulda' shot him for you."
"That's not the point, here! And it's never gonna be your fault. It's mine, and mine alone. End of story." You swiped a hand across his face for emphasis. While he groaned in dismay, a brief pause followed as you regained your breath.
At least an hour had passed, but you still couldn't wrap your head around it.
"I can't believe I did that. I don't even know how I could! I panicked. I thought Alfred was coming down the hall, but—"
"—but it was me. Doll-" Allen exasperated, dragging out the pet name. "-you can't blame yourself for what you did. Shit happens. And who says what you did was wrong, huh? You probably just saved us all from a bloodbath. And you know that!" Rocking you gently back and forth to shake some sense into you, he leaned in to peer into your wide eyes staring into space.
"That's why you shot him. You did the right thing."
As he blurted that out, the memory replayed in your head again and again like a broken record. Intrusive thoughts were a bitch. And there was one particular detail of the event that you would never forget. "Was it the right thing to do, though?" You murmured, lowering your doubtful gaze to the tiled floor. The betrayal in his eyes was so genuine, you came to regret everything you've done.
"What if he was real like he said?"
You were asking some hard-hitting questions, that was for sure. Everything else was shrouded in a fog of uncertainty.
"Well, it wouldn't matter if he was real. Cuz' he's dead."
Allen's expression morphed into a dark glower.
"But if he was still alive, there'd be two of him, and not for long. They'd kill each other, for sure. I mean, if I found out there was a second-rate version of me farting around out there, I'd kill that poser for sport. Hunt him down like game." Lifting up your chin so you'd look at him, he flashed a grin.
"So don't feel bad. You killed him and saved Alfred the trouble."
Softening your gaze at that, you pulled him into another hug. Allen was always amazing at comforting you in the direst of situations.
"... Maybe you're right."
He chuckled and patted your back. "I'm always right."
But there was still one concern he could never address.
If your father made a clone of Alfred, a real and legitimate copy, there was no saying he could make another. Hell, you even expected him to. He could keep churning him out so long as he had his DNA. The only way to end this threat was quick to cross your mind, but you didn't want to think about it.
You would have to kill your father.
Allen figured. But today suffered enough bloodshed.
Before he left the bathroom for you to use, he held onto your cheek.
Flickering his striking scarlet eyes over your troubled expression, he caught you in a quiet gaze. You could easily translate the untold fondness he watched you with. We can still run away together.
He pulled away slowly, reluctantly. Then, the door closed behind him, leaving you alone with your thoughts. It never crossed your mind the first time he brought it up earlier tonight, but you finally understood what he really meant by running away. Allen wanted to share his life with you. Heat flurried in your chest as you considered the idea.
Tears threatened to return once you realized how much you wanted to do it, just not with him. The desire was there, but it happened to be stronger for someone else.
Alfred had been waiting outside with his back against the wall, arms crossed with a frown. It only deepened when Allen walked out.
"What're you lookin' at?" The redhead mumbled.
"... Nothing. Just wondering why you two spend so much time in the bathroom together." Alfred pointed out, glancing down at the cigarette between his fingers. He would have been jumping for joy if it weren't for wanting to look serious. "What were you doing with her in the penthouse?"
The other felt a spell of irritation hit him. It was always jealousy with this one, wasn't it? But he couldn't be a hypocrite. "None a'ya business, bub." He hummed, slotting the cancer stick in between his teeth. A sly smirk widened his lips as he saw the blonde tense up. "You saw how tired she was. So don't even think about it."
Don't even think about it, he'd said. How come everything coming out of his mouth sounded like a euphemism for sex? Don't keep her up with stupid conversations would've sounded better. Alfred huffed and stormed back to the guest room. Or was it just his mind that was in the gutter? He blamed Arthur for even bringing it up.
Hanging his clothes on a chair, he curled up under the covers. His chest was whirring again, and the discomfort was akin to something you've gone through before. Separation anxiety. When you did show up ten minutes later, he rolled over to the door to watch your form. Hearing the fabric shuffle in your direction made your heart skip in panic.
He was awake.
"Arthur's puking his guts out, so if you hear coughing, it's him."
Hopefully, some light-hearted banter could keep you from acting up. But that was easier said than done.
The blanket lifted briefly so you could get under it. Once you got comfortable, he didn't hesitate to pull you in by the waist to spoon you. Ever since he saw you sleep in the club, and on Allen no less, he'd been dying to do this. "... I tried telling him." He murmured into your ear. "But I've slept through worse. You flop and roll a lot."
The feeling of his breath on your neck and the sound of his husky voice made your heart ache. Every night was spent like this, warm and snug in his arms, but tonight was different. Inside, you were still agonizing over what you had done to him, even if it wasn't exactly him. So to feel his chest rise against your back, then his legs rub against yours, you just couldn't take it—it was all too much.
Rolling over to him, you caught his neck in your arms and pulled it down for a tight squeeze. What you uttered next captured your deepest and most inexplicable desire. To truly be alone with him.
"I can't take it here anymore." You muttered furiously, hugging him around his neck to start crushing him.
He let out a shaky breath at the sudden pressure.
"Hey, hey, calm down. What's wrong?"
"I can't calm down. I need to talk to you. Alone." Sitting up at that, you pulled him along. It came especially easy as he stood up, eager to understand your spontaneity. "And in someplace that's not here. There's just... Too many people. Four is too many."
Alfred lit up, but his growing smile did his emotions no justice. He was ecstatic. Things were always simpler when it was just the two of you. Maybe you were finally getting sick of these cramped living conditions, the scrutiny. At least, he knew he was. So it was almost as if you read his mind. "Okaay. Are we going on a midnight adventure?" He piped.
But then again, you always seemed to be walking on the same wavelength as him.
He followed you around the room like a puppy as you collected some things—your jacket, then Alfred's phone to shoot Allen a text. We're off to the nearest no-tell motel to talk. We'll be back in the morning. Setting the device onto the desk, you threw him his belongings. His gun and trusty coil of tools. Catching them wordlessly, he shot you a quizzical look. "Well, aren't you mysterious? Where are we going?"
Little did he know, your decision to leave the house for the night had only so much to do with random selfish impulses. From the outside, it looked exactly like that. Up and going without a care in the world, without care for Allen, and becoming unreachable for the next several hours. But after what happened, you just needed time to recalibrate.
"Where we always used to go." You threw your jacket on. Dragging him out into the hall, he caught a brief glimpse of Arthur passed out over the toilet before he found himself in the garage.
Handing him his key, you opened the car door next to the driver's seat. "We have to be quick before Allen tries to stop us."
The said man was sitting on the roof when he heard the rumbling of the garage door. Immediately after the sound stopped, a car sped out of it with an aggressive vroom and disappeared into the night. Narrowing his eyes at the rear window, he stood up and tossed his cigarette over the edge. Where the hell were you going this late at night? And with Alfred, no less?
He could feel hot jealousy prick him all over again. But it was warped with a harrowing kind of sadness. No matter what he did or what he said, he couldn't seem to get in between you two. Allen sat back down and lit up another cigarette. Giving that a few puffs, he surrounded his head in a cloud of grey smoke. Maybe he did know you for too long.
For eight years, he'd been a brotherly figure in your life. Now, he was afraid that was all he was ever going to be.
Parking the car in the courtyard after the most thrilling joyride, you pulled Alfred into the reception to book a room. Given his inhumane strength, your efforts to drag him down the hall were to no avail. Peering down at you with a warm smile, his face contorted with an amused look as you tugged at his arm as hard as you could. "Easy there, tiger. This is a motel, not a five-star hotel."
Between two walls littered with cracks was a dimly lit interior. Everything smelt like vomit, piss, and alcohol to boot, and yet, you were bounding beside him in excitement. "I know! But doesn't this feel nostalgic? We lived in these places for ages." You exasperated, scanning a keycard to unlock the door.
Alfred didn't think he was a sentimental person, but hearing you reminisce the past so fondly was enough to change his smile into a bittersweet one. "I guess." He couldn’t remember everything like you, but for now, he could pretend he did. "Motels are economic and discrete, so where was a better place to go?"
Once you both got inside, he felt your hand let go of his. For a moment, he felt just the smallest dash of loneliness—it was the emptiness of not feeling you somewhere where you should have been. Fortunately, it faded when you gleamed at him while you explored the room with child-like curiosity.
"I think I did a pretty good job at converting you." Alfred mused.
You flopped onto the bed to lie on your back. "Converting me to what?"
The mattress dipped to your right, so you rolled over to face him. "To a commoner. Or maybe something lower than that." He grinned devilishly. And for that comment, he would earn a strong shove on his chest. Despite nearly falling off the edge, he merely scooted back in. "I've never seen someone this happy staying in a dump like this."
"Don't give yourself too much credit. I just miss it." Pausing briefly at that, a small smile spread to your lips when you saw his, wide and as endearing as ever. If there was one thing you wanted to see before you died, it was this. Alfred's warm smile. As you lingered on the thought, you realized you were completely smitten with him.
But most importantly, at peace.
This was exactly why you even dragged him here in the first place. For some quality alone time, backtracking, and a good, long talk without interruptions. "I'd know all about dumps." You murmured, reaching out to play with a lock of his sandy blonde hair. "Zao and I tend to find our best friends in them."
He chuckled airily. "Is this me?"
"... Well, sure. But I was talking about Allen."
Things got dark pretty fast.
You both laughed it off. He didn't have great memories of motels, but laying here with you reminded him of what you said about them. A lot of good things happened in these tiny rooms, apparently. And they were what you two talked about until three AM in the morning, standing together out on the balcony. From here, the heart of the city could be seen, from the aerial roads of spinners in the distance to the endless hills of skyscrapers and blinking lights.
"I was thinking," Alfred murmured quietly, turning his head to you. The right side of his face reflected the glow of the city. But it couldn't quite compare to the hope that lit up his eyes, as subtle as it was. "Is everything finally over?"
You turned to him, gaze softened. For just tonight, you would let him bask in his ignorance. And yourself, in his hold. "Not yet." You whispered. The feeling of his hand on your waist was a feeling you could get used to. Reaching out to his other one on the railing, you guided it to your side so he could hold you properly.
Alfred squeezed you eagerly, pressing closer to your body.
Taking his face into your hands, you gave him one last gesture of untold affection. It was a culmination of raw emotion free from your own better judgment. A means to communicate without talking.
You pressed your forehead against his and closed your eyes.
At that very space in time, a singular thought occurred to both of you—I wish this moment would last forever.
"But we'll make it... Just like we always do."
What would you do if I killed you?
Nothing, because I'd be dead.
What if you survived? Or left behind a soul?
Then I'll come back and find you.
The club was still pounding away, much like the headache in his skull. Sucking in a sharp breath, he suffered the worst wake-up call in his short life—he was still bleeding, and in terrible pain. He shakily felt around his wound while hyperventilating on the ground. How he hadn't kicked the bucket yet was beyond him.
"Get your ass up already. I know you're not dead." A man growled in disdain, giving the body on the ground a light kick.
"Gh—!" He let out a pained gasp and clung onto the ground for dear life. It had been years since he felt this alive—ironically, it was when he was inches away from death.
His perpetrator had their dark eyes fixated on him like a stain on the floor. Their pupils were as red as the blood his victim bathed in. But they always had a strong stomach for gore. "What am I gonna say when the owner finds out I'm the reason you even got in here? You're bleeding into the pool." They murmured, raising his leg to keep tormenting the other like a new hobby.
With a few more kicks, the body rolled onto its back.
"Ugh... Fuck... How am I not dead?" He coughed in agony.
The other shrugged, flicking their ponytail over their shoulder. "God knows. Maybe you have a greater purpose to serve." As cryptic as that sounded, it was nothing but the truth. He had more to his life than dying in a nightclub. Dying could be a part of it, but this couldn't be the location to do it, nor could it be by your hand—the closest kin to his creator.
"Why else did he make you?"
#cyberpunk#hetalia fanfiction#hetalia fanfic#hetalia x reader#x reader#reader insert#america x reader#aph america#hws america#2p! america#2p! america x reader#2p america#sci fi#science fiction#cyberpunk 2077#axis powers hetalia#axis powers ヘタリア#alfredosauce50#alfred f jones#allen jones
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Weeping Monk X Reader : The City Of Fey Chapter 10
Notes: ^ my gif. Let me know what you think :). *silent screaming over this chapter*
Summary: As a fey queen you are by now used to it that fey come into your woods seeking refugee or a place to hide. Things get complicated however when your knights have not just brought a fey boy but also the Red Paladins’ fiercest warrior into your city.
Chapter Summary: You return alone, bruised and bloodied. Lancelot can barely contain his anger and tells you he wants to leave to lure the Trinity Guards away before they find the city.
Chapters: 10/ ?
Word Count: 3092 words (in this chapter)
Warnings: Feels, of many kinds. None other in this chapter I think.
You were draped over the horse when you finally reached the city.
Raphael was the first to your side.
"Gods !" He exclaimed as he saw your blood stained clothes. Lancelot approached, Percival quickly following in his footsteps. Raphael helped you down and you held onto the horse and him "Where are the others ?" He asked quietly. You just shook your head, eyes filled with sorrow. Seeing you arrive alone, bruised and bloodied confirmed what Lancelot had feared. "What happened ?!" He was in front of you in just a few quick paces. Grabbing onto your upper arms to keep you from falling over as Percival was guided back inside the city by Raphael. Your abdomen hurt and you bend forward a bit because of it "We were ambushed by the Trinity guards. The others were killed. I barely escaped." It was what he had feared most, they were tracking him, tracking the path he had taken with Percival on his horse. If they had tracked him into the forest, they would find your tracks as well. Another sharp pain went through your body and you almost doubled over. Worry now flooded him and he moved to put your arm around his neck.
For a second you thought he was just going to help you walk to the infirmary but instead he put an arm behind your knees and swiftly lifted you from the ground. He proceeded to carry you into the city. Your other hand grabbed onto his shoulder in suprise. Momentarily forgetting the pain as he looked at you every few paces while walking towards the infirmary. You weren't used to being carried so you just hoped he wouldn't drop you by accident. He must have noticed because he commented "I won't let you fall." "You'd better not." It was supposed to sound a little threatening but it came out more as a plea. He held you a little tighter to him and smirked. You relaxed a little and moved your hands so they clasped together behind his neck instead of probably bruising his shoulder with your grip.
The guards of the castle opened the doors when they saw him approach with you in his arms.
The loud commotion made Dahlia enter the hallway and when she saw what was going on she covered her mouth in shock.
“Gods ! Come, hurry ! Bring her inside !” She held the door open as Lancelot carried you into the infirmary room. He gently set you down on one of the cots before he stepped aside to let Dahlia do her work.
He looked in horror at the amount of blood you had lost, taking note of the bruise forming on your jaw.
Dahlia moved your clothing aside on your shoulder, enough to see the wound.
Lancelot swallowed when he realised you had been hit by an arrow. Guilt flooded him now, he knew the trinity guards had come for him and it had almost cost you your life.
"I will clean the wound ! Are you wounded anywhere else ?" She spoke hastily as she gathered her materials.
“Just took a hit to my stomach. And..” You gestured at your face.
He clenched his fists in anger. Resisting the urge to go to the forest and end the miserable lives of those responsible for this.
“I will call for my assistant, he will come and help the others who were with you. If this is how you look then I imagine Sir Crillan looks even worse with his recklessness.” She said, unaware of what had happened.
Your eyes fell to the floor as they started to sting, you didn't want to cry. You had to be strong, your people needed you. You couldn't break, not now.
Lancelot saw the pain in your eyes at the mention of Crillan's name.
He cleared his throat and Dahlia looked at him, he shook his head silently.
Sorrow was now in Dahlia's eyes. She sniffed, and swallowed. She continued to work on your wound as she shed her tears silently.
A knock was heard before Raphael entered the infirmary. You looked at him guilt ridden over the death of his fellow knight and friend. He walked over to you and knelt before you. "What happened in the woods, y/n ?" You swallowed the pain as you explained what happened. "We were following one set of tracks. We realised too late that it was an ambush. They lured us to an open spot and then attacked us." The knight's eyes never left you "Did they suffer ?" He deserved the truth but you couldn't get it over your lips. You settled for "Not long. Crillan was hit by an arrow... I couldn't save him.. they were targetting me. There was no time." In that moment you felt worthless, powerless. Knowing that there was a chance, however small, that he could have survived if you would have had the chance to use your magic. The knight was silent for a moment as he stayed composed "How did the trinity guard find this forest ?" Guilt washed through Lancelot at the question. He knew the trinity guard had tracked him into the forest. You avoided the question, knowing Raphael blaming Lancelot now was not going to help the situation. You needed to work together to protect the city. "Raphael, send the children to the tunnels along with all those who cannot fight." You commanded. Tension filled the air when you had spoken, all knew it meant that you were expecting the trinity guard to find the city. The knight gave a nod, understanding the gravity of the situation. He stood and left the room.
A moment later Lancelot spoke, clearly having picked up how you left some parts out "How did you survive when they were targetting you ? They are known for their skill in battle." You knew he had figured out that you hadn't told Raphael the full truth. You turned to Dahlia who had just finished covering the wound "Dahlia, will you give us a moment ? Please ?" She understood the situation and excused herself from the room. The door closed and Lancelot stepped closer to you, his eyes unreadable to you.
He reached out his hand, lifting your chin up with his fingers as he looked at the bruise on your jaw. His thumb brushing away the streak of blood on your chin, and it made your heart skip a nervous beat.
“What happened ?” His voice was tense, barely restraining the anger he felt within. "They wanted information." The last thing you wanted was that Lancelot would blame himself for this. "They've come for me." It was not a guess, but a statement “They don't know of this city. I can lure them away from here." He stepped away from you, not able to face you.
It sounded as if he had already made up his mind. And that was exactly the case, they were searching for him and would soon find this city. They would burn it to the ground. Enough had died because of him, he was not going to let it happen. "I will not sacrifice your life to the trinity guards ! You're one of us, this is where you belong ! We will fight for you the same as we would fight for any other fey." "You would be sacrificing this city in my stead !" He turned to you, his voice a mixture of anger and despair. Your stubborn demeanor didn't falter "This is my city, my people. I will protect them until my last breath and that includes you too now." He shook his head and paced around the room "I've seen your people train, they won't stand a chance against them. They'll be slaughtered." "There's more of us. We'll battle strength with numbers." You countered, trying to make him see sense.
“You almost died because of me ! I don't deserve your kindness ! I don't deserve.. ” His voice barely containing his frustration before he stopped.
Your eyes widened when he had not finished his sentence “Deserve what ?”
“Any of this.” He gestured around himself so you would know he meant being here, in your city. It was a half-truth however, he did not just mean the city.
But you.
He didn't deserve you. Your grace, your kindness..you.
“Lancelot..” You shook your head, sensing so much guilt radiating off of him.
"I lost one of my only knights." Your voice thick. He could see that you felt guilty for their deaths "You couldn't have saved them. The trinity guards are some of the best fighters out there and in group they are lethal." You shook your head and wiped away a tear that threatened to fall "I failed him, I failed to protect my people ! And now you expect me to just sacrifice you to them as well ?!" In all his years serving Father Carden, Lancelot had never seen him show real empathy when a paladin was killed. Seeing you here now, a queen, weeping for your fallen soldiers and knight was something he never expected to see. A brave queen that cared so much that it made her shed tears. How often did you have to hide how you truly felt ? Some would consider it a weakness, but not him. It made him respect you even more.
You were lost for words, it felt like everything was falling apart “You were right. You are not my knight or a soldier.. I can't command you and I doubt we would be able to stop you..”
You couldn't believe he was actually leaving.
His eyes softened when he heard your voice break. You went to step past him, wanting to leave the room before the tears you were holding back would spill. He blocked your path, not wanting you to leave in this state. "Get out of the way." Your voice was weak but anger was boiling inside of you.
Anger not aimed at him but at your failure.
He didn't move a damn inch and you tried to push him out of the way. It didn't work at all, both of you knew that you'd never actually hurt the other. You pushed harder and he evaded your hands easily. He finally grabbed hold of your wrists, stopping your attempts. The mixture of anger, grief and pain was too much. You broke down sobbing against his chest.
Wanting nothing else but a bit of comfort as you wrapped your arms around him. He froze but recovered quickly, his arms wrapping around your form as if it was instinctive. He hated to see you like this, he knew what it was like to suffer in silence and to pretend like nothing was wrong. He did what he wished someone would have done for him. Give comfort when it feels like there is nothing left to fight for. Comforting you, holding you felt like it was healing a part of him as well. The physical contact almost overloading his senses. The warmth of you against him, the sound of your breath steadying. The scent of you enveloping him. “Please, don't leave..” It was a whisper falling from your lips. He placed his hand on the back of your hair, a protective gesture. And you found yourself calming down, he held you in such a way that it was hard not to feel safe. You had thought this would get uncomfortable but the opposite was true, this didn't feel strange or uncomfortable. It felt safe and warm and it must have been similar for him considering he showed no intention to let go or push you away.
Your words echoed in his mind, the desire to stay here was tearing him apart. Holding you in his arms just made it so much harder to go.
Gods, he wanted to stay. With you and Percival..
Your plea cut him deeper then any sword had ever done.
He burried his nose in your hair and you raised your hands up to cup his face keeping your eyes closed, just cherishing this moment. Knowing that it could be the last time you saw him, you remembered what Crillan had told you. He then let his forehead rest against yours. Your mere presence soothing all his doubts. You tilted your head ever so slightly and your nose brushed against his. His warm breath ghosting over your skin. So many emotions were coursing through him. Your scent overloading his senses, until it felt as if there was nothing else but you. Your voice was but a whisper and he wasn't sure if he had heard it right. He opened his eyes and they locked on yours. You saw the uncertainty in his eyes and you repeated your words silently to him. "I love you." For a moment you feared you had made a fool of yourself for confessing it. He found himself unable to form words, he again placed his forehead to yours as he let out a shuddering breath. Your words bringing hope to something he was taught he could never recieve from another being. Love. You didn't know what to think, why was he not saying anything ? You just confessed to him that you loved him.. "Lancelot ?" You softly said, daring to look him in the eye. Maybe he really didn't feel the same and he was trying to think of a way to tell you without hurting your feelings. But then, that look. The look in his eyes betrayed him, his eyes captivating you once again. A look of longing was shared between you, and you realise he wasn't going to move unless you did. So you swallowed back your fears and acted boldly. Drawing his face to yours softly, making sure that he could move away if he wanted to. Your lips touched his and lingered briefly before you pulled back to watch his reaction.
He felt frozen to the spot. This was something unfamiliar to him. But one thing he knew. It felt right. And gods could he get addicted to the feeling of your lips on his. Instead of speaking he closed the last space between you and his lips brushed against yours. Uncertain at first, but he grew bold and pulled you closer to him. His hand tangled in your hair, your kiss making him feel like there was liquid fire running through his veins.
How addictively you were invading all his senses, it awokened a hunger inside of him that he never knew was there.
You were the one who broke the kiss when you ran out of air, never expecting him to kiss you like that. I seems he was not just passionate in fighting.
He was out of breath as well, his gaze on you making your knees weak. Your heart was racing like a horse in gallop.
Your hands cupped his face as your thumbs traced over the marks below his eyes.
He couldn't stop looking at you as you traced his marks. His whole life he was taught it was impossible, that he was a monster who needed to be saved from the fire.
Yet you had accepted him for what he was, for who he was.
You loved him.
A loud knock startled the both of you and you stepped back just in time before the door was opened by Raphael.
Raphael looked between you and Lancelot momentarily. You sneaked a glance at Lancelot who did the same. Raphael must have picked up on the tension in the room but he ignored it, the matter that brought him here was more important. "Y/n. Our archers have spotted groups of trinity guards. They are nearing the city." Now Lancelot knew that even if he had gone to lure them away, they were already too close to do so. You had expected that fighting would become unavoidable. "How many ?" Lancelot asked the knight. "Four groups of them." Raphael spoke hastily. You turned to Lancelot "How many of us do you believe to be advanced enough to fight ? You've seen the people train.." He thought about it before he answered with a heavy voice "Not enough. The trinity guards do not fight fair. They'll burn the city to the ground if we can't stop them." Dahlia had entered the room again as well "Your highness.." All of you turned to her and waited for her to say what she had to say. She walked up to you before placing a hand on your cheek. Her eyes still held the sorrow from before but she still smiled at you. "You could not save Crillan.. but there is still time now." She said knowingly. Lancelot send you an inquiring look before noticing that Raphael knew what Dahlia was talking about. "My magic is not strong enough.." You told her. She shook her head, clearly disagreeing with you "How could you know ? You did not have to use your full power in years. I believe in you, y/n." You looked her in the eye when she finally just called you by your name. You gave her a silent nod. Lancelot watched the exchance between you and spoke up "How will your healing magic help us ?" "She doesn't just possess healing magic." Raphael smirked at him before turning to you. You looked at Lancelot sheepishly "I haven't used that kind of magic in years..and it's not very strong." "What kind of magic ?" He quickly asked you. You brushed it off as if it was nothing special "I.. can control the wind. But it is very weak.. I never really used it. It's not a very usefull ability to make a place windy.." A plan was forming in Lancelot's head with the information. "I have an idea." He looked at Raphael "Those who cannot fight are in the tunnels below the castle ?" Raphael nodded "Yes." You could see the wheels in his head turning. "And those who can ?" He asked the knight. "Barricading the homes, why ?" The knight looked at him confused. "Tell them to stay away from the houses, they'll be burned to the ground. Arm those who can fight and tell them to find cover in the streets. Tell them to wait for a signal." You looked at Lancelot with a confused expression "What signal ?" His attention was on you, a confident smirk on his lips "They'll know."
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Uneasy Lies the Head - Dark Lord/OC - Chapter 6
Chapters - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13
Chapter 6 - Marigold and Fire
Back at the Spellman House, while Nick and Sabrina were getting the Hand of Glory from Aunt Hilda, Samara ran upstairs to her room. She held out her hand as she approached her armoire filled with potions and ingredients. A bag flew into her hand and she quickly began picking potions out and filling her bag. While she hoped they’d get to the Academy before the Witch Hunters did, she wanted to be prepared if they didn’t. While a couple potions could be used as weapons, most of what she gathered were to help the fallen. Phlox paced around the room ready to go.
“Phlox, I know you want to go with me but you have to stay here. I can’t fight the hunters, help the injured and worry about you too. You’ll be safe here.” Samara’s words were met with fierce protests from her familiar. She huffed out a breath and knelt down. She extended her hand towards him.
“I know. I know. I’m the worst Witch alive and the most neglectful familiar. But I can’t have you go. I need to know you’re safe, here. Please Phlox.” Her voice was pleading and soft. She fought a smile as her familiar huffed and padded over to her, bumping her hand with his snout. She scratched his head before hurrying downstairs.
“Sabrina. Sabrina!” That sounded like Harvey Kinkle. Samara strode down the stairs, bag slung on her shoulder and clinking against her hip. Sure enough, that was Sabrina’s ex-boyfriend standing in their entry. Sabrina came running from the botanical room.
“Oh, you’re okay!” Harvey enveloped Sabrina in a tight hug. Samara’s brow quirked at that. From what Sabrina had filled her in on, Harvey and his friends hadn’t been very nice to Sabrina. Judging her for her witch power and other things. It just lowered them in her mind. Samara never did have a high level of empathy for mortals.
“Well, yeah. I’m fine. But what are you doing here?” Sabrina pulled away as she spoke. Samara continued down the stairs, joining Nick at his side.
“Sabrina, someone was trying to kill you. How could I not come?” Samara rolled her eyes at his comment while watching her Aunt melt at his words.
“How’d you know about that?”
“I was with Roz when she had her vision. I rushed over to make sure you were okay. I’m so sorry for what I said and how I acted. Roz and I both are. It was shitty. It’s just… Roz has been hurting and I don’t know how to help her.” Harvey continued to ramble. Samara rolled her eyes again at his excuses. She heard Nick scoff at her side and shot him a smile.
“It’s fine, Harvey, truly. But we have to go. Witch-hunters are attacking the Academy.” Samara blew a sigh through her nose as Sabrina spoke. Now the boy would want to join them and help save Sabrina. Typical.
“Witch-hunters are attacking your other school?”
“Yeah, we better hurry.” Nick’s answer was short as he clapped Harvey on his back as he passed by him. Samara squeezed her Aunt’s hand and began to leave with Nick.
“I wanna come too. To help.” Bingo.
“No way, Witch-hunter.” Nick was firm in his response.
“No. Uh.. Nick’s right, Harvey. It’s too dangerous.” Sabrina tried to speak some sense into the other boy.
“Yeah, and we don’t need anymore Witch-hunters.” Nick spit out. Samara moved forward and rested her hand on their magically repaired door, ready to go.
“I told you the night of the Greendale Thirteen, Sabrina. I’m done being a coward. If there are people-” Harvey began on a tirade.
“Witches.” Nick corrected.
“Whatever, in trouble, you’re gonna need as much help as possible.”
“Oh for Satan’s sake, let him help. He just wants to put things right. We don’t know how many Witch-hunters there are do we? So the more the merrier. Come on, sweet Harvey. I’ll catch you up on the way, my love.” Aunt Hilda cut in corralling everyone out the door. Always the one with a big heart. Samara couldn’t care less if the mortal came. So long as he actually proved useful and not a hindrance.
The group of 5 entered the Academy to destruction. There was blood spattered along the tile and the statue at the center of the school was rubble.
“Baphomet! What unspeakable thing could have done this?” Nick breathed out. Staring in horror at the pieces of stone strewn on the ground. Samara continued around the room, looking for the students or professors.
“Are we too late?” Hilda asked the question on everyones’ minds.
“Prudence? Agatha? Dorcas?” Sabrina called out.
“Where is everyone?” Nick asked as he left the fallen statue. Just as he did, someone collapsed onto the floor over a chair in the next room. They all rushed over to see the heavily bleeding man.
“Ambrose? Ambrose!” Samara ran forward and fell to his side. She helped him onto his back and began scanning his wounds. She stared in horror at the dagger sticking from his chest as he seized. Blood poured from his mouth and wounds, soaking his clothes and staining his teeth.
“Thanks for the chicken, Aunt-” He began speaking but was cut off by choking and seizing. Aunt Hilda knelt across from her as Samara began rummaging through her bag.
“He’s losing a lot of blood. I’m trying to find something for him. Try to stop the bleeding and get that Satan-forsaken dagger out of him.” Samara snapped as she continued to search for the vials she needed.
“Okay. This is going to hurt a tiny bit okay?” Aunt Hilda soothed before wrapping her hand around the dagger and ripping it out of his chest. Ambrose’s torso rose from the ground from the pain. Both let out ear-piercing shrieks.
“Ohh, I’m sorry, love. I’m sorry. Okay. Rivers may flow that blood may not. Blood be bound, and blood be clot.” Aunt Hilda chanted and continued under her breath as the blood flow paused. Samara finally found the vials she’d been searching for and began pulling them from her bag. Setting them onto the floor beside her.
“Ambrose, where is everyone?” Sabrina leaned over her cousin and asked him.
“Two...angels…..took them.” Ambrose managed to groan out. Samara’s head shot up and stared in shock at the rest of the group.
“Aren’t angels supposed to be nice?” Harvey’s questions broke through Samara’s shock.
“Have you ever actually read the Bible? Angels are the ones with fiery swords.” Samara bit out, double checking the vials beside her.
“Took them where, Ambrose? Do you know?” Sabrina pressed to her gasping cousin.
“I do, Miss.” Came an otherworldly voice of a little boy. Sabrina leapt up and rushed towards the figure.
“Quentin! What happened?”
“The angels, they tried to take me and the other ghost children to Heaven, but we ran and hid.” The boy walked towards Sabrina. Samara felt sorrow slash through her at the thought of these Angels trying to uproot the children from their home.
“Did he just say ghost children?” Harvey asked full of disbelief. Samara snorted.
“So where did the angels take the witches, darling? ‘Cause we need to help them.” Hilda’s distraught voice interrupted, her eyes filled with tears. Ambrose began choking again and Hilda’s attention was drawn towards him.
“Our desecrated church.”
“Our desecr- Why would they go there?” Sabrina asked in confusion.
“To convert them probably. That’s what they do. Convert then kill. They call it Cleansing.” Samara answered as she began pouring potions down Ambrose’s throat. Blood replenishing, pain numbing, energizing, plus others.
“Let’s go then!” Sabrina was filled with determination.
“No you can’t Miss. They found the Church from us. Sealed it with Holy Water and reconsecrated it. No witches can get in or out.” Quentin interrupted. Samara felt herself droop at his response. All those witches.
“Okay, well. It’s not safe for you or the other ghost children here. Go back to your graveyard and hide, okay?”
“Yes, Miss.” Quentin disappeared before their eyes, presumably to return home.
“Sabrina I’m gonna have to tend to Ambrose’s wounds, so- He’s still losing blood.” Aunt Hilda despaired. Samara growled and started pulling more vials from her bag. The group behind her began figuring out how they were going to break into the Church. Samara forced some more potions into Ambrose.
“I’ve already given him as much blood replenisher as I can for right now. He’ll have a reaction if I give him any more. Here, these 3 purple vials are it. If he’s still bleeding like he is in 15 minutes then give him another vial. Same thing 15 minutes after that. Yes?” Samara gave the instructions to her Aunt, feeling anger well within her that her potions weren’t working how she wanted them to. It must’ve been a blessed blade.
“Yes, my love. Thank Satan you brought your bag.” Aunt Hilda cradled her cheek in a bloodied hand, leaving behind streaks of blood on her pale skin. Samara heard her cousin storming out of the room, presumably to head to the desecrated church. She spun around and demanded Nick’s attention.
“Nicholas. Aunt Hilda will need help. Ambrose isn’t clotting, even with everything I’ve given him. I think it’s because the blade was blessed. Keep chanting and keep him breathing. I’ll figure something out when I get back.” Samara commanded and stood up, turning to leave the room. Nick leapt up and grabbed her arm.
“Whoa, we just went over that no witch can get in or out of the Church. What do you think you’re going to be able to do?”
“Over my dead body is Sabrina facing avenging fucking angels alone. I don’t care if I have to raze that bloody building to the ground myself. Nothing is going to happen to her.” Samara growled out, her eyes flashing with fury. Nick quickly recoiled at her tone. He also ripped his hand away from her skin, feeling like he was holding hellfire. Samara spun around and stalked out of the Academy.
Her trip to the Church was short but filled with violence. Unconsciously any bush, tree or leaf in her path burst into flames as she walked. She found herself before the now consecrated church and glared. She took a deep breath and walked forward with single-minded determination.
She reached the front door and felt like she’d hit a wall. Even though the doors were open, it felt like they were closed to her. Samara bared her teeth at the barrier and placed a hand against it. She felt it shudder at her mere touch and grinned a wicked smile. She dug her sharpened nails into the barrier and drug down. She felt as she managed to worm a sliver of a hold into the shield. Her grin grew at the small success and began channelling all of her energy, power and focus into creating a rip just big enough to fit through. Her Shadows swarmed around her, lending her extra energy as she expended hers. She felt herself begin to waver, her strength waning. She grit her teeth, solidified her spine and continued to pull and push and rip and rend. She felt a scream build in her chest as her magic threatened to fail. She released it with a haunting wail as blood began to drip from her nose. Finally, she could tell the hole she’d made was just big enough for her.
Samara rested her hands against the still standing parts of the barrier, panting as she recollected herself. She finally squirmed her way through the barrier. She flicked the loose hair out of her face and used the back of her hand to wipe the blood from her nose. She squared her shoulders, straightened her spine and marched towards the internal doors of the Church.
Samara stood in the doorway of the room as she watched Sabrina fall to the ground, arrow-riddled and a thorn crown upon her head. She remained silent as she took in the scene before her.
The mere observer would’ve kneeled before her as they saw the fury within her eyes. Her dark hair flowed from her shoulders, her chin held high and set in determination. The glint of hellfire that shone in her eyes. The unholy shadows that danced around and caressed her. The coven that trembled before her would always picture this when her name was mentioned.
“Samara Spellman! As your cousin was forsaken, there is still a chance for you! Kneel before the Lord and repent!” Jerry shouted, his arms raised before him. A crossbow held in one hand. Samara raised an eyebrow in response, feeling as though something otherworldly was influencing her.
“You dare come into my Community. You dare push your beliefs onto us. You dare slaughter innocent Witches in our Church of worship! I promise you, angel, you will come to regret what you have done. You will live the pain you have caused. You will not know peace for as long as I walk this Universe!” Samara’s voice echoed around the church with promise. The witches shuddered at the truth that rang through it. The male angel sneered at the tiny fearsome witch before him.
“Then you will meet an end like your Coven.” With quick movements he sent an arrow soaring through the air where it found its home in Samara’s abdomen. She looked down at it, prepared to approach the angel who shot her, when a blow from behind caused her to fall to her knees beside Sabrina. The dagger buried in her back was blessed. She could tell from the molten burning it riddled her with. A scream burst forth as a thorn crown was also placed upon her head. A second arrow flew and buried itself in her chest.
“When you have died, know this Earth was cleansed from an aura of Darkness such as yours.” The man spat before her and turned towards the rest of the witches. Samara fell to her hands as blood spilled from her lips. She looked upon her cousin’s face and rested a hand on her cheek. She could feel as the end approached. She could feel and see her Shadows fluttering about, waiting for direction. She bowed her head and rested it on Sabrina’s, eyes closed as she struggled for another breath.
When she was about to give up, fight leaving her, she felt it. The same presence that had accosted her at her Dark Baptism. The same thing that filled her and blinded her when Blackwood touched her in his office. She felt as it’s fury licked up her spine, the worry it clenched in her belly, the determination it set in her jaw. She felt as it shared its own breath with her. She felt as it shared its own power with her. She felt herself smile at the gifts it was bestowing upon her and sent it a short prayer of thanks.
Her eyes snapped open to stare at her cousin’s still face. Everything was hazed in gold and blue. She felt raw power coursing through her veins. She placed her lips upon her cousin’s cooling forehead and whispered against the skin.
“It’s not your time to leave, my Sword. Rise and finish them.” The words danced upon the girl’s skin. Samara watched as Sabrina’s eyes snapped open, no color to be seen but a glowing white. Samara knew that if she could see her own they’d be glowing the blue of hellfire.
She watched as Sabrina rose into the air and extended her arms towards the angels. Samara stood below and behind her cousin as she continued.
“That’s enough. I offer you a chance to survive the night. Convert, Hunters.” Her voice was not her own. Filled with the power and strength she now possessed, it sounded like dozens of voices combined to one. With a wave of her arms the angels were forced to kneel.
“Take Lucifer Morningstar into your hearts, and I promise you mercy. But you must say His prayer. O’Mighty Dark Lord, by whom all things are set afire….” She waited for them to repeat her.
“Never.” Samara glared as the man spat. She felt satisfaction fill her at the shocked gasps and awe as Sabrina’s hand became fire.
“Say the prayer! It’s your one chance. Come on! Say it with me or you’ll burn in Hellfire.” Sabrina warned. Samara had a dark wicked smile curl on her face as she saw the angels’ resolution crumble and they began to repeat her cousin.
“O’Might Dark Lord, by whom all things are set afire. Thy power be thy path. Thy will be my desire. In Hell as it is on Earth. Praise Satan!” The prayer was finished with horror and fear fixed on the angels’ faces. Samara clapped and laughed.
“Well done. But my, how quickly you turn on your False God.” Samara drawled as she slowly walked towards the kneeling angels.
“Neither one of you is a witch. What are you?” The man breathed in fear.
“I am the Dark Lord’s Sword!” With Sabrina’s declaration she caught them up in Hellfire. Samara grinned at the action as the witches around them shrieked in fear. Samara glanced at the dead witch on the floor with her throat slit.
“Arise, Sister!” Samara shouted, her hands extended towards the fallen woman. The witches around her jumped as the dead woman gasped and began to sit up.
“Arise, Brother!” Samara did the same to the man laid on the floor, his throat slit too. Again those around him jumped as he sat up.
Sabrina floated down to join Samara on the floor, both their eyes still glowing. They clasped hands as the other got closer.
“‘Brina? ‘Mara?” Came the shocked voice of Harvey behind them. Both girls tilted their heads as one to look at the mortal behind.
#caos#Chilling Adventures of Sabrina#lucifer morningstar x reader#lucifer morningstar x oc#lucifer morningstar x ofc#lucifer morningstar#dark lord x reader#dark lord x oc#dark lord#ofc#oc#spellman#sabrina#hilda#zelda#ambrose#nick#scratch#still hate tagging
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Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 16 - Fallout
Hiro felt the strong wind batter his helmet as he scanned the skyline. He and Baymax were perched on top of the San Fansokyo bridge. The robot's sensors were also searching the cityscape before them, looking for Varian.
Hiro of course wouldn't be able to spot the teen in a crowd from this height, but still he kept on looking anyway, hoping against hope that he might catch a glimpse of the familiar goggles and blue streaked hair. His friend had been missing for over twelve hours and he was really starting to worry.
Just then his eyes did pick out something bounding across the rooftops. It was Fred carrying Wasabi, and they were followed close behind by Gogo and Honey Lemon.
They quickly joined him on top of the pier.
"Any luck?" He asked.
"No." Honey Lemon sadly answered.
"Fred and I didn't find anything either." Wasabi despaired.
"And he's still not answering his phone." Gogo added.
"How about you and Baymax?" Fred asked hopefully.
Hiro gave a weary sigh. "Nothin'. Baymax must've scanned the whole city by now. Either he's not in San Fransokyo anymore or…." He trailed off, unable to finish.
"Or what?" Fred pressed.
"Or he...he may not be... alive." Hiro felt a lump in his throat starting to rise and blinked back tears.
"Don't … don't say that." Honey Lemon protested, her voice shaking with fear. She couldn't bear the thought of losing another friend so soon. Not when they were just starting to get to know him well.
"Maybe Baymax's scanners missed something?" Wasabi suggested optimistically. "The city is a large place and we are talking about millions of people here."
Hiro shook his head. "No. According to Baymax's memory files, Varian has a unique biosignature from everyone else because he's from another world. He should be easy to find in a crowd."
"You mean he is an alien?" Fred asked, trying to make sense of what Hiro was saying.
"Oh no, he's human, just like us, but he gives off a low level electromagnetic radiation reading; probably due to travelling through the portal unprotected. Either way Baymax would be able to pick it up easily unless... unless Varian just isn't emitting any vital signs at all."
A suffocating silence fell upon the group as they shared worried looks. No one wanted to assume the worst but they were running out of options.
"Then he must have left the city. That's all." Gogo said, the calm assurance in her voice putting everyone at ease, even herself. "He does have a bus pass. He may have rode out to the suburbs or the beach, or something."
"Unless he got his portal working and left the planet altogether." Fred countered.
"What!? And leave without taking his pet raccoon with him!? Nope. Nuh-uh. No way am I keeping that thing!" Wasabi fumed. Though really, his annoyance was more about distracting himself from his own despair rather than focusing on the possibility of losing someone he had come to care about.
Just then Baymax interrupted. "I have found something."
Everyone looked at the robot hopefully. "Where? Is it Varian?" Hiro asked.
"A faint energy reading coming from Muirahara Woods." Baymax replied. "But it keeps fluctuating, I can not tell if it is Varian or not."
Hiro and his friends shared a look amongst each other. Muirahara Woods was well known to interfere with electronic devices. There really was no telling if what Baymax was picking up was their friend or not. Nor if the signal fading in and out was a byproduct of the interference or if Varian's vital signs were actually low.
"Well so far it's the best lead we've had." Hiro said. "Let's move out."
Varian sat huddled underneath the giant tree. He’d woken up early in the morning sore, hungry, and cold, his jacket having been soaked through from the damp ground. Now the sun was nearing midday and he was becoming hot and thirsty instead. However, he still didn’t move from his perch. He wasn't ready yet to face his disgrace.
“Man, what have I told you about sleeping outside?” An annoyed voice broke through his worrisome thoughts and Varian looked up to see Wasabi standing before him, dressed in his full armor, quickly followed by the rest of their friends.
Hiro hopped off of Baymax’s back and angrily strode towards him.
“What were you thinking, running away like that!? Do you have any idea how worried we’ve been? Chief Cruz has the whole police force looking for you and Aunt Cass hasn’t stopped crying since you…”
Hiro was interrupted by Gogo, who placed a hand on his chest to halt his progress. “Calm down. Yelling won’t help.”
Varian’s only response though was to duck his head and hug his knees, as if he could hide his shame so long as he could hide his face from them.
“Are you ok?” He heard Honey Lemon ask and Varian felt a gentle hand rest upon his shoulder, but he still didn’t move or say anything.
“I have done a full body scan and he appears to have suffered no injuries.” Baymax’s clipped voice filled the air. “However I do detect low levels of serotonin, which can be linked to anxiety, depression, panic attacks, insomnia..”
“We get it, Baymax. Thank you.” Wasabi interrupted, presumably to spare everyone the long and unnecessary details.
"Are you embarrassed about being arrested?" That was Fred talking. "Don't worry, you're not the only one to get busted for bot fighting, just look at Hiro here!"
"Hey!" Hiro protested, annoyed.
Next Varian heard footsteps coming nearer and felt the presence of someone squatting down next to him.
“Varian?” came Gogo’s voice, “what’s wrong?”
No response.
“We want to help you but we can’t if you won't talk to us.” She pressed.
Still no response.
“Varian, we know something is wrong, and it’s not about bot fighting or the arrest.” She sighed. “The panic attacks, the angry outbursts, and now this….”
She paused again, hoping he’d offer something up as a way of explanation but he didn’t. So instead she steeled herself and asked the question she had been wanting to ask since their argument last week, but had been afraid to do so until now.
“Why were you left alone? Where’s your dad?”
This did get a response. Varian inhaled sharply and squeezed his arms tighter around his legs, as if he had been stabbed by those questions. He still didn’t answer though.
“What... what do you mean by ‘left alone”?” Hiro asked, all of his anger now replaced with concern.
“He said he's been on his own since he was fourteen.” Gogo replied.
“And he also said that his pet raccoon was all he had left.” Wasabi added with horror as a new context for Varian’s angry outburst during his first night in San Fansokyo took shape.
"You really did lose your family?" Fred gasped. "Is that why you became a super villain?"
Wasabi gave his friend a disbelieving look, "For the last time he's not a super villain, Fred." He then took a swat at him for being so tactless, not that Fred felt it through his armor. "Stop saying that ya dummy!"
"But I am."
Varian's confession was muffled from where he still held his head in his lap, but there was no mistaking the tears in his voice. As one, all of his friends looked at him in surprise.
"What do you mean?" Honey Lemon gently asked when Varian offered no further explanation.
"I... I've been in jail before." Was all he could say.
"For what?" Hiro asked, almost fearful of the answer.
Varian paused, unsure how best to explain his extensive list of crimes. Finally he settled on the one that pretty much covered all the rest.
"Tre...Treason." He choked.
He couldn't see it, but he was sure everyone was exchanging shocked looks with one another and he braced himself for the rejection that would undoubtedly follow.
"You sold out your country's military secrets in a time of war?" Wasabi asked, confused.
He hadn't expected that. Varian looked up to see everyone staring at him with worry and confusion. He could only look at them with equal confusion. What was Wasabi talking about?
"We don't know what 'treason' means in your world." Gogo explained. "We only have our definition and it's pretty narrow."
Varian's breath hitched and he ducked his head back down. Just even saying the word had been hard enough. He wasn't sure he could recount everything without breaking down again. His mind whirled as he tried to even pick out a starting point.
"It means… lots of things…." He heaved through sobs. "I guess, the first… crime...was stealing the sundrop…"
"The what?" Fred asked.
"A… flower…it's supposed to heal people."
"You mean medicine?" Hiro said, trying to put Varian's words into terms they all understood. "You… you got tried for treason just for stealing medicine?" His voice was now incredulous, as if he couldn't believe it.
Varian hugged himself tighter and snuggled his face deeper in his arms, trying to make himself as small as possible. There was more besides the theft but he couldn't bring himself to admit it out loud.
"Varian," Honey Lemon coaxed, "why did you need the medicine?"
"My… my dad… he's hurt." Was all Varian could say.
"And this happened when you were just fourteen?" Gogo said, piecing together the puzzle. "You've been on your own taking care of your dad and no one helped you?"
Varian finally looked up, tears running down his eyes, and nodded. All of his friends looked back at him sadly, unsure of what to say or do.
"And that's why you ran away when Aunt Cass mentioned your dad." Hiro said, coming to a realization.
Varian's stomach turned with guilt as he thought about the trouble he had caused for the kind woman. She had only been trying to help him.
"What's wrong with him?" Hiro continued.
How could Varian explain? What could he say that would even make sense to these people who came from a world without magic? Hell, he barely understood it himself and he had lived through it.
"There… There was an accident. He's… he's unconscious…. And hasn't been able to move for over a year now."
"What you have described is a coma." Baymax said. "A coma is a state of deep unconsciousness that lasts for a prolonged or indefinite period, caused especially by severe injury or illness. There are many causes for a coma and treatments vary on a case by case instance. I would have to see the person in order to diagnose further."
Varian very much doubted that the robot could find a cure for the amber but he declined to state so out loud. Instead he straightened himself up a little and with new found determination said, "I have to get back. I got to save him. No one else will help him."
"We'll help." Hiro replied.
"Yeah," Wasabi pitched in, "We can bring him back here. With all our advanced medical knowledge; if there's a way to cure him then surely we'd have it."
Gogo rest a hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes reassuringly. "Hey, you're not alone any more."
Fresh tears began to well up in Varian's eyes for a whole new reason, but before he could respond Honey Lemon was throwing her arms around him in a tight hug. "That's right, and until you get your portal working, you got us!" She squeezed him and nuzzled her head against his other shoulder.
Soon Gogo joined in on the hug, followed by Hiro and the Wasabi.
"Yeah, we don't mind that you're a former super villain." Fred said as he also joined in on the group hug.
"Fred." Everyone else groaned, but Varian could only laugh.
He'd spent years alone. No one had given a damn about him or his dad. No one had offered to help, many had outright attacked him when he tried to ask, and yet here he was now surrounded by people who really did care. Who had looked for him when he was lost. Who didn't turn on him for messing up. Who now were offering to help his father and vowing to stick beside him.
There weren't enough words in the universe to describe his joy as they all surrounded him to offer love and support. The hard plastic of their armor wasn't particularly cuddly and with Baymax adding himself to the hug their collective weight was now crushing down upon him, but he didn't care. He wanted to hold on to this moment for as long as he could.
He had friends now, real friends, and he wasn't going to lose them like he had lost everyone else.
Aunt Cass paced back and forth frantically inside the café, alternating between nervously biting her nails and biting into pastries she snagged from behind the counter.
She hated waiting. She wanted to be out there, hunting for the missing teen, but Officer Cruz had insisted it'd be best if she stayed here at the Lucky Cat in case Varian showed up.
She had made a beeline back to the police station last night, in hysterics, as she told the chief of police about Varian running away. Cruz had put several of his men on the case and had called the college as well to let them know he was missing. The next morning, after a fitful night with no news, Hiro and his friends had left to join the search.
How could this happen? How could she just lose a child like that? It had to have been something she had said or did that made Varian run off like that, but she didn't know what. The car ride from the police station replayed in her mind over and over again as she tried to figure out what she had done wrong. All she knew though was that if anything happened to the boy she would never forgive herself.
She was halfway through her sixth donut that day when she heard the bell ring indicating that someone had entered the café.
"We're closed." Cass yelled with her mouth full, before turning around to face the customer who clearly couldn't read. She hadn't opened the coffee shop this morning, much to the annoyance of her regulars, but she just couldn't deal with the stress, not right now.
"So I see." Professor Granville said as she read the 'close' sign.
"Oh, Professor Granville." Cass sighed in relief. Hopefully the schoolmaster would have some good news. Maybe Varian had made it back to the dorms on his own. "Have you heard from Varian?"
"No, but I've informed both the faculty and the residential advisors about the situation. If Varian shows back up at the college we'll know it as soon as he does."
Granville closed the door and walked over to join Cass at the counter. "I came over to find out from you what had happened."
Cass gave a shaky sob and tried as best she could to recount yesterday's events through her tears. Granville waited patiently until she was done, letting Cass vent, not showing any judgement on her part. When finished, Aunt Cass broke down completely and Granville laid a calming hand upon her shoulder.
"It's not your fault." The older woman reassured her. "Being arrested again must have re-traumatized him."
"A...again?" Cass choked back sobs, confused as to what Granville meant, but before the professor could explain Chief Cruz walked in.
'Diego!" Cass rushed to him. "Did you find him?"
"No, but I got my best men looking, we'll find him. I actually came to check up on you." He placed a hand upon her shoulder. "How are you holding up?"
"Holding up?" Aunt Cass echoed and then she gave a bitter laugh. "You mean how am I, after losing a child in less than half an hour of receiving custody of him?"
"Cass." Cruz gently chided. He hated to see her beat herself up.
"Or how about how my nephew got in trouble for 'bot fighting for, what, the eighth time now?"
"Or the fact that I wasn't there? That I couldn't stop...Tadashi…" Now she could barely talk through the tears. She felt like a failure. She had never intended to become a parent and yet somehow the cruel universe had decided that she would have to raise her nephews herself only to then take one of them away. Now it seemed to have stolen another child from her.
"Cassidy." Cruz gently urged, using her full name to snap her back to the present. "Don't worry. He'll turn up fine. I'm sure of it." That was when he noticed Professor Granville standing off to the side. "Hello."
"Hello, Chief Officer Cruz, I'd take it?" The woman coolly eyed him up and down, clearly not impressed by his rank.
"Yes, and you are?" He asked, growing annoyed.
"Oh, Diego, meet Professor Granville. She's the head of the Science Institute. Miss Granville, this is Chief Cruz." Cass hastily introduced them as she wiped the tears from her eyes and tried her best to compose herself. However neither of them were paying much attention to her anymore.
"Miss Granville..." He acknowledged curtly.
"I prefer 'Professor', if you please." Granville returned, equally terse.
"Okay, professor," he spat, "I've got a bone to pick with you."
"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow but showed no other sign of emotion.
"Where do you get off admitting a sixteen year old into your school, knowing full well he doesn't have any legal guardians or other adults to watch over him while he's in the states?"
"The same way I 'get off' admitting any other student. Varian is one of the smartest kids I've ever come across and he earned his scholarship the same as Hiro, or Karmi, or any of the other exceptional young teens who prove themselves capable of handling the challenge."
"Un-huh, and do any of these young teens have parents who live on the other side of the world?" Cruz retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"If this is about Varian being an immigrant, then I have all of his papers in order and you'll find everything perfectly legal."
"It's not about that." He snapped. "A sixteen year old can't live in the dorms without an adult that he can contact in case of emergencies. So unless you are that adult, then he needs someone to foster him and no, a roommate doesn't count."
"And just who do you think, pray tell, could or would be able to foster him that just so happens to live within commuting distance of the school? Especially since he isn't a citizen and not subject to the usual system."
Cruz slid his hand across his face in frustration. "And that's why we don't admit foreign students who are underaged in the first place."
Granville looked sadly at him. "That wasn't an option." She said quietly.
"Come again?"
Granville sighed with worry. What could she say? He wouldn't believe the whole truth, but she had to tell him something. As chief of police, Cruz had the power and connections to take Varian away if he thought the boy wasn't properly being taken care of.
"He's a refugee." She hesitantly admitted, choosing a half truth.
"What do you mean?" Cass interjected, confused now. Hiro had told her that Varian was an exchange student, but a refugee implied something else entirely.
"Varian was already here in the states when I met him." She paused as she recalled all of the clues and hints Varian had dropped to her about his past and then tried to contextualize them to a modern setting as best she could. "His home is in the middle of a civil war. His whole village was destroyed, his father is missing, possibly injured or imprisoned or both, and he himself had just escaped from prison. And we're not talking about those nice clean cells down at your station, officer, he was held in a jail that's a little more advanced than a medieval dungeon."
Cruz looked at her aghast and Cass put a hand to her mouth as silent horror filled her.
"I thought he was from Russia?" Cruz said, wondering what other lies the professor had forged.
"A colony of Russia, a hold over from the USSR" She clarified. "He fought alongside a group who are trying to reclaim their land back."
This last part was at least true. Varian had mentioned being associated with a people called the Saporians, who really were fighting to regain their homeland. He of course had tried to walk this back whenever he let it slip but Granville could piece it together. The fact that Corona just so happened to coincide with a less than always stable part of the world was mere coincidence, but was proving useful to explain his past without giving away Big Hero Six or the portals.
"How did he escape and get here?" Cruz asked, still unsure what to think about all this.
Well so much for keeping the portals a secret. Still, no reason to claim he's from another world entirely.
"The boy built a working spatial portal. He's a genius, a prodigy, but he's never had the opportunity to even attend basic grade school. What else was I supposed to do? Turn him away? So I helped him to obtain a student visa, one that is perfectly valid, and provided him with room and board."
"And it never occurred to you that maybe that wasn't the best idea?" Cruz pressed on, still not willing to concede yet. "That maybe there are other options, like, I don't know, social services or something. Surely they have the means to take care of him."
Granville rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Oh, of course, let's just throw the boy who's been on the run for his life into foster care, where he'll be shuffled around from house to house, until he ages out of the system in two years anyways, where he'll then wind up on the streets without an education or be deported right back to the hell he just escaped from." Granville's voice dripped with sardonic venom. She was getting really fed up with this police officer who acted like he knew everything. "I've worked in social services for years, Officer Cruz, and while they can be potentially life saving, they aren't always the solution. The boy needs stability and a future."
"The boy needs a home and adult supervision." Cruz pushed back. "He can't get that living in a college dormitory."
"Then what do you suggest?" Granville challenged. She'd be damned before she let this policeman drag Varian out of school, head sergeant or no. Hell, she'd adopt the boy herself if need be, though she'd have to get a new apartment first. Her one bedroom penthouse was actually very nice but it wouldn't hold both of them.
"I'll take him."
Both Granville and Cruz stopped and looked at Aunt Cass in surprise. She had been silent for most of the argument but now her plaintive voice interrupted their battle of wills. She had listened to Granville's explanation of Varian's past with growing terror and her kind soul could hardly bear the thought of that sweet boy alone in the world, facing all of those horrors at such a young age.
"He can stay here." Her voice became more steady as she continued. "I have plenty of room, and he could still go to school. That way he gets both; a home and a future."
"Cass…are you sure?" Cruz asked her.
"You mean am I sure I can handle taking in a teenaged boy genius and raising him as my own?" She gently teased her friend. They all knew that that was precisely what she had been doing for the past several years.
"I'll take him." She softly reiterated, more sure this time. However her new found confidence gave away when she remembered their current problem. "Th-that is if we can find him." Her voice cracked and she collapsed in on herself now with fresh tears. Cruz cradled her in his arms and gently led her over to a nearby stool next to the counter where she then laid her head upon the countertop and cried.
She only looked up when she heard the bell to the café door ring again.
"Look what we found?" Came a cheerful call.
There, standing in the doorway was Hiro and his friends. They had ditched their armor and superhero gear inside the garage and were now dressed in civilian clothes. Not that Aunt Cass knew nor cared at the moment; for standing in front, looking very small and sheepish, but very much alive and unharmed, was Varian.
#of rocks and robots#tangled#big hero 6#varian#Hiro Hamada#cass hamada#wasabi#Fred Frederickson IV#GoGo#Honey lemon#baymax#professor granville#chief cruz
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Chapter 19
“Sir?” Jonah raised his head from his computer, frowning as he saw Emily. The young woman seemed worried about something. “May I come in?”
He softened his face a bit. “Of course.” Emily nodded, coming into the room and sitting down in front of her boss’ desk. Jonah took his hands away from the keyboard, folding them over his desk. “What’s wrong? Are you afraid Monarch knows of our headquarters’ position?”
“No! No, it’s not about that.” Following Florès’ exposing of their takeover of Outpost 32 to the military, the Titan Liberation Front had had to leave in an emergency, coming back to their base in Boston. It had quickly been followed by Emily doing a quadruple check of the security system.
The only trace from Florès she had found was an encoded message on a Word document that hadn’t been there before.
Remember, Jonah doesn’t trust you...
“Well then, what is it about?”
“... are you sure waking all the Titans is the way to go?” Emily asked, frowning. When Jonah narrowed his eyes, she quickly tried to correct herself. “I-I mean I know they’re the only ones who can save the planet at this point and that not waking them would just delay the inevitable, b- but what if when we free all of them, we end up regressing back to the Stone Age-”
“Emmy.” Jonah suddenly cut her off. She flinched away. Emmy was a nickname her parents had given her before they had died. Jonah was pretty much the only person close to her who was still allowed to use it. “Why are you so worried? Humanity going back to a time were they held no impact on the planet is an ideal scenario.”
“I- it’s not just about that... it’s Ghidorah.” She started. “It’s- they’re not from Earth, they’re not going to restore the planet- they’re destroying it- it’s not going to be the co-existence you told me about, they’re a walking extinction event-”
“Kane.” Jonah started, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Are you telling me you’re having second doubts now? You were fine with millions of people dying, but you’re going to draw the line at billions of people dying?”
“That’s not what I said-”
“If we’re a sickness,” Jonah started, circling his desk, “and the Earth Titans are a fever, then Ghidorah is both the cure and the vaccine. It doesn’t matter what our intentions are: what’s important is that humans won’t be able to rise up again once they’re done, and the planet will only benefit from it. Do you understand?”
“... yes, sir.”
“And if we do live to see this mass extinction event through...” He placed his hand on Emily’s shoulder, making her flinch. “I trust you and your talents will help us out, yes?” Jonah smiled down reassuringly at her, patting her shoulder.
... And you shouldn’t trust him.
Emily hesitantly nodded, remembering the message Florès had left her. “O- of course, sir.”
“You want me to teach you how to absorb energy?” Rodan nodded, San turning away from the coast to look at him instead, still not getting up. The sun was starting to set, and Ghidorah had made it very clear they were fascinated with the sky and the objects in it. There was also the fact they drew most of their energy from it. “Any reason why this sprang up?”
“I’m having difficulties finding food, and your brother mentioned you could teach me how to do it.” Rodan explained, sitting down and craning his neck up to look at San. “Something about being more spiritual.”
San nodded. “That is true. Ichi’s too clinical, and Ni convinced himself that if he allows himself to be vulnerable, he’ll die.” There was a pause. “Either way, neither can meditate if I’m not here. Can you absorb energy on your own, like, consciously?”
“Not consciously, I just start doing it automatically the moment I submerge myself in lava.”
“Partially, or fully?”
“Both. The more I’m submerged, the easier it is.”
San nodded. “Alright, that means you’re the unconscious type. We’re gonna try to meditate, okay? Okay. I want you to close your eyes, and breath in a pattern: 4 seconds in, 4 seconds hold, 8 seconds out. You think you can do it?”
“Yeah, I’m not an idiot.” Rodan hissed out, San giggling to himself before closing his eyes. Rodan watched the taller one do it a few times, before attempting himself. He started taking a deep breath. 1, 2- Heat, too much heat, feathers burned off, scalp burning, sides of mouth splitting, veins bursting, eyes burning, heart burning, too much light, no noise, nothing, lost everything-
“Hey, hey.” Rodan opened his eyes, craning his neck up to look at San. The blond had a worried look on his face. “You weren’t able to get it in. What went wrong?”
“I felt like I was burning from the inside out.” Rodan wheezed out in a shaky tone, before stopping and taking a moment to gather himself. When he spoke again, his voice was steadier. “Am I supposed to feel like I’m losing control of my powers?”
“You’re not. Probably. I don’t feel like I’m getting struck by lightning when I meditate, but I do feel like I’m floating... You said you felt like you were burning, right...?” San seemed to think for a moment, before holding his hands out. “Take my hands.”
“... alright?” Rodan hesitantly put his hands in San’s. He shuddered. Apparently, the cold from the ice had seeped into their very being. It felt as if frost spread were his hands touched San’s. Long fingers curled around his hands, and he shivered as he felt a shock run through his body.
“If you start feeling too hot again, focus on my hands, alright?” Rodan nodded, closing his eyes again as he took a deep breath. 1, 2- liquid fire in his lungs, in his heart, can’t breath, can’t talk, all alone- he squeezed San’s hands, all cold and long fingers and letting off small shocks each time they moved- shaky 3, steady 4. He opened one eye as they held their breath in, but quickly closed it again when he saw San’s were still closed. He let it out, and San giggled. “See? You did it!”
“Y- yeah.” Rodan couldn’t help but blush. “I guess I did. What now?”
“We continue. Try to find your own rhythm. I’ll follow you.” Rodan nodded, resuming the exercise as they slowly adapted to his own breathing- which was more along the lines of 5,3,8. He could practically hear his own heart beating, how the magma flowed in his veins. Slowly everything seemed to fade away, the only thing left being the hands he held. “Rodan?”
“Open your eyes.” Rodan carefully opened one eye, before looking around in confusion.
They weren’t on Mara anymore. The sky had become whirls of color he couldn’t put a name on, and the ground a flat expense of white sand covered by a thing layer of water. Thousands upon thousands of stars filled the sky. Rodan blinked in confusion. “What the...?”
“What, first trip to the Soul Realm?” Rodan turned toward San, and screamed in surprise, letting go of his hands. Instead of San, there was now a vaguely San-shaped golden floaty thing in front of him, three pairs of round white eyes staring at him.
“Wh- San!?” He exclaimed in surprise, the spirit nodding. “What happened? Where are we? Where did Mara go? Why do you look like that-”
“One question at a time, okay? First, we’re meditating. This is what happens when you successfully separate your soul from your body. This is the Soul Realm, or the place between life and death. Mara didn’t go anywhere, in fact our bodies are still on it, alive and soaking in energy. And I look like that because that’s what my soul is like.”
Rodan groaned. “Great. And I thought the moth’s whole deal was weird...”
San giggled. “Don’t be like that, fire bird. I mean, look at you! You’re practically wrapped in fire!”
“What are you talking about- woah!” Rodan looked at his hands. His sleeves had been replaced by feathers of fire, dragging after him like a train as he got up. He slowly moved his arms, watching the flames move in synch.
He slowly started laughing, running around in circles and watching the fire around him grow larger, brighter, encompassing him. He distantly registered San laughing along or telling him to spin as he danced around, but he complied anyway, flames growing with each gleeful pirouette he did.
“You’re even brighter than the precious Fire guardian!” Rodan came to a halt at that, the flow of flames around him dying. San tilted his head at that, Round eyes becoming ovals in an imitation of confusion. “What’s wrong?”
“... Quetz had similar flames?”
“Oh yeah!” San cheerfully said, seemingly obvious to Rodan’s distress. “She was really something to behold. A bloodlust that nearly rivals Ni’s, a flawless defense in her attack, and a passion-”
“-That shined brighter than the sun could ever hope to.” Rodan finished, his voice breaking a bit on that.
San tilted his head in curiosity. “... are you sure you’re alright? Each time the former Guardian of fire comes up, you get really sad.” Rodan said nothing, simply maintaining his lack of eye contact. “With how you and your people’s hierarchy work, I thought you’d be happy about a runt like you getting close to the top of the food chain-”
Rodan’s flames flared up again, this time in anger as he screeched. “WHY WOULD I BE HAPPY ABOUT MY MATE DYING-” The flame went back to a smolder as he realized in horror what he had just blurted out. There was no way they wouldn’t try to use that against him-
San looked impassive, but what he said sounded... horrified? “You... your mate died and you ended up taking her place!?”
“I- I don’t know why it happened either-” Rodan started, the pent-up frustration and anxiety and despair that had accumulated and festered over the years starting to come out as yellow flames started surrounding them. “It’s just- we were trying to start a family and one of the attempts finally took- and before I knew it the volcano we nested in erupted and we lost the eggs and I lost a wing and she choked on the smoke and I tried to join them but Terra wouldn’t let me die-”
Rodan came to a halt as he felt two hands come up to his face. San was looking down at him, all three pair of eyes narrowed. “How cruel.” He blankly stated. “Instead of letting you join her, your god- Terra, is it?- has decided to throw her death right in your face by making you her successor... are you not angry at her?”
Rodan grabbed San by the wrists, taking his hands away from his face. “Why do you care? It’s not like you ever lost anyone dear to you.”
“I have, actually.” Rodan’s eyes widened in surprise. He would’ve called bullshit, but something about San when he said it made him seem more... vulnerable. “Back when we lived in space. He often helped us, we had similar point of views, and he was very fun to be around. A bit similar to you, really. Losing him so suddenly is what drove us to come here.”
“Oh.” Rodan took a hold of San’s hand, squeezing reassuringly. “I’m so sorry for your loss... was his death brutal, or... ?”
“Oh, he didn’t die, firebird.” San started ominously, standing to his full height. “He betrayed us.”
“W- what?” Rodan’s eyes widened in horror. As far as he was concerned, once mated, you essentially pledged your very being to that person. And while a relationship between mates could die if given enough time, betraying them before breaking off was never an option. “Why would he do that!?”
“Weaker beings are afraid of what they don’t understand, and we are very hard to understand.” San stated, his voice back to it’s dissonant cheerfulness. “I mean, I’m very sure you’ve seen quite a few humans who didn’t like Titans and wanted them dead-”
Rodan didn’t process what came out of San’s mouth next. He was too focused by his arms breaking off, separated from his shoulders by tiny black, pointy sticks. He opened his mouth to scream, only for more sticks to lodge themselves in his lips and throat, chocking off any sounds that would come out of it. As those sticks started tearing into his chest, is vision went blurry, the entire world around him melding in a sick spiral of colors, gold at it’s center.
“Rodan!? RODAN! OPEN YOUR EYES!!!” Rodan opened his eyes, eyes turned to the ground and whole body shaking as he hyperventilated. He was back in the real world. ‘Hey, hey, it’s fine, you’re fine, there’s no danger- Look at me.” He slowly looked up. The light of the mostly set sun was casting strange, moving shadows on San, his glowing red eyes amplifying the strangeness of his sharp features. “What’s wrong?”
“C- Can’t breath-”
San frowned. “Breath, then.” He sang, his voice echoing onto itself.
Rodan didn’t know why he wasn’t ignoring the Ghidorah’s songs. Hell, they were the whole reason he had built up his immunity to all Calls, thanks in no small part to hanging out with Godzilla so much. But that didn’t mean he didn’t feel the pull of it. And he was too shaken to not listen right now. He took in a large gulp of air, breathing in short, quick bursts as San held onto his hands.
“Do you want to talk about what that was about?” San asked, tilting his head. Rodan shook his head. Revealing his relationship with Quetzalcoatl could’ve gone wrong very fast, and he attributed San having someone similar to a pure stroke of luck on his part. There was no way Ghidorah could’ve ever been hurt by beings so much smaller and weaker than them. He hoped the other wouldn’t push it.
But San just nodded, letting go of Rodan’s hands and gently bending forward as his breathing calmed down. It’s then he realized. “It worked.”
San blinked in confusion. “Uh?”
“The meditation, it worked!” Rodan cheerfully exclaimed, pushing his earlier thoughts in a corner of his mind. “I feel stronger then befo-”
“GAH!” Rodan turned his head, only to see Ni staring down at him and San. “I told you not to sneak up on me like that!”
Ni simply shrugged in indifference. “You’ll get used to it.”
“Oh, hi Ni!” Ni nodded at San, before kneeling down, facing Rodan.
“I found something you might like.” Ni told him, handing him a handful of something. Rodan’s eyes widening in surprise when he realized it was a handful of small roots, nuts and grains. “You told me you couldn’t eat the fish around the island anymore, so I tried to find something you could eat in the human settlement. It’s not a lot, but it should be better than rotten fish.”
Rodan smiled, bringing the handful of food to his mouth and swallowing. He then turned toward Ni, his face glowing a bit. “And it is. Thank you, Ni.”
Ni frowned, bringing a hand to Rodan’s face. “Are you sure you’re fine? Blood keeps rushing to your face.”
That snapped Rodan out of his relaxed state of mind. He jumped up, the flush growing bigger as he did so. “Of course I’m fine, whywouldntIbefine-”
“Rodan, it’s fine, sit down-”
“AnywayitsgettinglateandIneedtosleepgoodnight!” Rodan exclaimed, followed by a strong wind that carried him off to the top of his volcano. Ni and San could see his silhouette collapse at the top of it, followed by a strange, quiet shriek.
San turned toward his brother, smiling. “Good idea to find him food!”
Ni blinked. “I didn’t think my efforts to make him like me were working.” When San gave him a confused frown, he shrugged. “Each time I try to be nice to him, he keeps getting... flustered. Embarrassed. That’s not a good thing.”
“... He’s touched.” San blankly stated. “You keep giving him gifts, Ni. Of course he’s gonna keep blushing.”
“How did you figure out he needed food?” The two turned toward Ichi, who they knew had been watching them for a time.
San waved as their older brother sat down. “Hi brother Ichi!”
“He... told me?” Ni tried hesitantly. “It’s why I told him to talk to San. So he could learn to absorb energy without soaking himself in lava. Help him stay not weak.”
Ichi nodded. “Either way, good job. The both of you.” Ni sighed in relief and San beamed at the praise. His good mood only improved as Ichi pat him on the head. “If we continue like that, we’ll be out of this place sooner than later.”
#writing#My writing#Godzilla#godzilla gijinka#gijinka#emmy kano#alan jonah#Rodan#ghidorah#King Ghidorah#san ghidorah#ni ghidorah#ichi ghidorah#kevin ghidorah#rodorah
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Wᴇ Cᴏᴍᴇ Rᴜɴɴɪɴɢ - Tʜᴇ 100 Bᴇʟʟᴀᴍʏ x OC - Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 29: Wᴏʟғ Iɴ Sʜᴇᴇᴘ's Cʟᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ
Episode: We Are Grounders - Part 1
Rating: Mature
Summary: During her time in the Skybox, Indigo formed a precious friendship with fellow outcast Octavia Blake, the girl under the floor. At first they thought their departure from the oppression of the Ark was a blessing, but quickly came to rely on Indigo's keen survival instincts. The 100 struggle to meet the challenges of Earth whilst Bellamy strives to lead the wavering teenagers and his irresponsible attitude fuels constant conflict with Indigo. Their only shared interest is in protecting Octavia and Indigo beings to suspect that there is a deeper cause to Bellamy's seemingly irrational choices. As the consequences of his actions mount up around him, he finally begins to confide in her and she discovers more than she ever bargained for.
Fandom: CW’s The 100
Pairing: OC x Bellamy Blake
My writing is entirely fuelled by coffee! If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate toward my caffeine dependency: will work for coffee
Warnings: Mature content. Non-consent, language, sex, self harm, suicide, anxiety, helplessness, torture, captivity/confinement, alcohol/drug use.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
The night seemed to drag on forever as I pushed myself to keep working. I’d lost the feeling in my hands hours ago and my eyes stung from exhaustion. I was constantly aware of the impending danger of attack from the grounders and the risk of being outside the camp walls gave me a healthy dose of fear that kept me awake. Many of the others had either given up or swapped out with someone else, leaving as one of the last few determined workers remaining in place. I was relieved when daylight broke but I knew that Bellamy would find me when he was ready to talk about next steps. I assumed that, like me, he wanted to squeeze every last moment of preparation out of camp that he could so I continued planting landmines with bleary eyes.
“Indigo!” I could barely tell where the voice was coming from through my exhaustion. I glanced around, unable to see the source of the voice but it seemed to be far away. “Indigo!” The call came again and I knew that I had definitely heard it this time. I stood up and turned towards camp. McIntyre emerged from the gate and sprinted towards me in a frenzy. “Indigo! It’s Murphy, he killed Myles and he’s taken Jasper hostage in the dropship! You have to talk to him, he listens to you.” She blurted and my stomach flipped as her words washed over me.
All feelings of tiredness dissolved and I was immediately on high alert. I bolted through the minefield without even considering the danger and sprinted into camp. I could hear shouting in the distance and my mind raced through a million scenarios of what could have happened. I was terrified that I may have misjudged Murphy and that my defence of him may have cost Jasper his life. I hoped that I could still reach him but as I turned McIntyre’s naive words over in my mind, I expected that any chance of reasoning had long passed as I considered the seriousness of what Murphy had already done.
As the dropship came into view, I was shocked to find that the door was open and I watched in horror as Bellamy strode inside. I willed my body to move faster in a desperate effort to apprehend him but I was already at my limit thanks to the sleep deprivation of the last few days. I witnessed someone tumbling down the ramp and Octavia surged forward to catch them. As soon as she lifted them to their feet, I recognised that it was Jasper in her arms. I realised with a crushing panic that Bellamy had traded himself for Jasper’s safety and suddenly Murphy’s change in behaviour made a sickening sense. I knew in my gut that he had been biding his time to get to Bellamy this entire time and I felt a rage boiling inside of me as I threw myself at the rapidly closing ramp, bouncing off it with a thud.
“Bellamy!” I screamed and lashed out in attacking the door, before Octavia attempted to pull me away. “Please, please tell me he didn’t just hand himself over?” I interrogated in terror as I glanced over my shoulder at Octavia and she nodded back tearfully. “God fucking damn you Murphy! If you even think about harming him I’ll tear you apart! You’ll be begging for the grounders when I’m done!” I snarled as I pounded at the door and my words came out with a fury that I couldn’t control. Octavia and Jasper dragged me backwards and I fought against them, lost to the madness of my anger. I landed on my ass and the impact snapped me out of the desperate behaviour. I panted in an attempt to regain control and instead felt myself descending into panic. I pulled my legs into my chest and my hands wound into my hair, tugging at the roots in stress.
“This is my fault.” I wheezed, barely able to get the words out through the manic thoughts that ricochet around in my mind. “I defended Murphy, I protected him, I pushed others to trust him and now I’m going to lose Bellamy to that vile little rat.” I felt myself shaking in terror and my eyes filled with tears. Jasper crouched down and put his hands on my shoulders to steady me.
“This isn’t your fault Indie, we’re gonna get him out of there.” He smiled reassuringly at me, despite the obvious nervousness in his eyes.
“Oh, Jasper!” I gasped, gripping him back in a wave of relief. “I’m so sorry, did he hurt you?” I ran my hands over him to check for any visible harm, hardly able to keep up with my back and forth of my emotions.
“Nothing major, considering he wanted to kill me.” He smiled and I released him from my worried grip. “Raven has found a loose panel, I think we can get in that way. Bellamy knew about it before he went in, so he’s just gotta keep Murphy busy until we can back him up. We’ll get him back for you Indie, so don’t panic yet.” He explained in a calm voice and I startled at this news. I used his steady position to pull myself to my feet.
“I’m coming with you.” I stated firmly, wiping my face and searching for any sign of Raven in the immediate area.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” He queries as he scanned me sceptically. I could understand his concern but I was driven by an overpowering need to do something.
“Oh I’m sure, I need to get my hands on Murphy.” I insisted and I felt my voice drop to a low, dark tone as I spoke. “Let’s go.” I prompted and Jasper reluctantly led me to the back of the ship where Raven managed to pop off the panel as we approached.
“There you are, no time to waste.” Raven called back to us, opening the hatch and crawling in on her front. Jasper crawled alongside her and as the passageway was narrow, I had to wait for them to get all the way inside before there was space for me. The very first moment that I saw an opportunity I threw myself inside and crawled through as rapidly as I could. Once I reached Raven and Jasper, there was enough space to crouch and I scanned the space for a way into the main ship. I could hear Bellamy and Murphy speaking above and my stomach lurched at the arrogant tone in Murphy’s voice.
“I’ll have to shoot through the floor. I just need to figure out where Murphy is.” Jasper whispered, frantically searching for somewhere to aim through. I fell into step with him in my eagerness to stop Murphy. Raven gripped onto Jasper’s shoulder to halt him and she nudged me to gain my attention. She indicated up at hydrazine containers above our heads and I sighed in frustration at the sight of them.
“Bad idea.” She hissed, tapping on the containers and it was clear from the sloshing sound that they made that they were nearly full. “Holy crap, there’s tons of it!” She breathed in an excited manner.
“The engines fired late on the way down.” Jasper explained as he scrutinised the containers. He suddenly turned to face Raven, catching on to her excitement. “We can make more bombs!” He gasped and I saw hope glinting in his eyes even in the darkness.
“Can we focus on how you’re gonna get me up there to kill that bastard first?” I hissed, drawing both of their attention with my exasperation. Although I was glad that we’d found something useful, I couldn’t even consider it when I knew that Bellamy was in grave danger right above me.
“Sure but from now on, no shooting. You got me?” Raven instructed, glimpsing between us both for a sign of acknowledgement. As she waited for confirmation that we wouldn’t take any drastic actions a gunshot sounded above and I flinched to face the ceiling in horror.
“Get me up there!” I snarled as I broke into pacing around the space, examining every inch of the wall and ceiling for any possible entrance points. I felt my hands shaking as I ran them across the panels that made up the ship's interior and I knew that I was barely holding back the bubbling storm of emotions inside.
“Indie, you need to stay calm if we’re going to figure this out.” Jasper whispered as he appeared at my side and tried to slow me down, whilst Raven busied herself with some kind of fuse box behind us. I could hear Octavia’s frantic voice through the radio above as I searched and I knew that we were sharing a similar feeling of despair, although she relied on me to save Bellamy from certain death.
“You want her to know you’re okay? Start tying.” Murphy’s condescending voice was clear even through the floor and I struggled to contain the panic as it blossomed in my chest.
“God, he’s going to kill him.” I hissed as I rubbed my head in an attempt to calm down, but I felt as if my brain might explode from the stress at any moment. I couldn’t think straight despite my desperation to come up with a plan.
“I’m fine, just a misfire.” I heard Bellamy’s firm voice respond from above. He spoke in a way that would’ve sounded calm to most people, but I could feel the nervousness in his words and I felt myself becoming breathless. “Now, stop worrying about me and get back to work, all of you.” He ordered, pausing to clear his throat. “And tell Raven to hurry her ass up.” He added with a poignant tone. I thinned my eyes at Raven and she sighed as she continued to fiddle with the wires.
“All right, that’s long enough.” Murphy spoke again, the cool tone of his voice sending chills down my spine. “Tie those two ends together.” He instructed and the realisation of what he was forcing Bellamy to do struck me in a wave of dread. I had to cover my mouth to keep myself from gagging as the unwelcome image of the situation above filled my mind. Jasper came to my side and put a careful hand on my arm.
“He’s making him tie his own noose.” I whispered in clarification, feeling a hot tear roll down my cheek. “Jasper, I have to get up there, I can’t just sit and listen to this.” I hissed between panting as I felt panic overwhelming me again and my chest compressed. I hadn’t felt this powerless in many years and it was a painful reminder of the way I’d felt watching my mother suffer before I had the courage to end it.
“Raven’s working as fast as she can, she’s gonna get that door open, we’ve just got to be ready.” Jasper replied softly whilst observing me closely to see if I had calmed down. When I continued to panic, he decided to try another method. “Or you can put that devious mind of yours to good use and find us another way in.” He prompted with an encouraging smile.
My eyes widened at his words and I slowly came to my senses as they sunk in. I have to find a way to get to them. I separated from Jasper and wandered the space anew, forcing myself to tune out of the conversation above. I caught sight of a small beam of light and all of my focus honed in on it. I ran my hands along the edge of the panel where the light was coming from and could feel air pouring through. “Air vents!” I breathed, remembering that Octavia would use these to sneak around in the skybox. “Jasper, help me get this open.” I called under my breath and he rushed to my side to help me.
Together we strained against the panel in a desperate bid to move it and I could feel that it was starting to budge. I felt confident in the knowledge that it would have been designed to open for maintenance, but the ship was so old that I doubted this had ever been done. With one last desperate push, the panel popped out to reveal a tiny passageway. It wasn’t clear where it led, but there was a bend that light shone in from. I scanned the entrance to see that there was nothing to grip and the space was directly vertical from my position. I glanced back at Jasper for suggestions and he shrugged defeatedly.
“I want you to feel what I felt, and then…” Murphy’s voice carried clearly from the newly opened space. “Then I want you to die.” My eyes widened at the words and I realised that if the sound was carrying that clearly, this passage must lead to them. I made the impulsive decision that I was getting through it, no matter what it took.
“Jasper, boost me up.” I instructed firmly and he studied me doubtfully.
“I can’t get you up as far as the bend, how are you going to move up there?” He questioned as he scanned the space and furrowed his brows in concern.
“I’ll figure it out, we don’t have time to plan. Just get me as high as you can, then stay here and be my backup for Raven’s plan.” I demanded and my words bolted him into place.
He lifted me onto his shoulders with a struggle and launched me up into the cramped vent. I leaned over and managed to wedge myself across the space with my back to one side and feet and hands on the other. It took constant strength to maintain my position and my body shook at the strain. I moved in tiny, controlled movements as I tried to wiggle myself upwards. It was impossible to ignore the events above now, as the sounds echoed through the chamber. I heard something being dragged across the space before Murphy’s stern voice spoke again.
“Stand on it.” He demanded and I already had a clear image in my head of what was happening in there. I heard two steps and could see Bellamy stepping up to the noose in my mind. “Put it over your head.” My breath hitched at the next order and I urged myself to move faster, pleading with any god I could name to protect him. I was almost at the bend now, I just needed a little more time. I concentrated on keeping my grip; one wrong move now would send me flying back to the bottom and would alert Murphy to our presence inside the ship.
“This is insane. The grounders could -”
I heard Bellamy attempting to reason with him before shots were fired again, causing me to involuntarily flinch. I clung to the wall with every muscle in my body and could feel several beads of sweat running down my back. My legs shook in exhaustion and I took a few deep breaths in a dire attempt to calm myself.
“Put it over your head.” Murphy repeated and I breathed a sigh of relief. I took this as confirmation that Bellamy was still managing to stall him and tried to reassure myself. I had to believe that Bellamy could do this, he was holding his side of the bargain, I just had to get to him. I heard the telltale sounds of movement, before Bellamy spoke again in a frustrated tone.
“Happy now?” He spat and I felt my panic blossoming in my chest. This could only mean that the noose was around his neck and I could easily imagine the smug expression that Murphy would be wearing. We were definitely running out of time. I finally reached the bend in the passageway and met my biggest challenge so far to manoeuvre myself onto the horizontal platform that faced me. I put one foot in the section, and one on the wall behind me and tried to steady myself.
“You’re so brave, aren’t you?” Murphy sneered as I leaned my arms forward, stretching my body to it’s breaking point. With a multitude of muscle tearing movements, I launched myself forward and splayed onto the next section. I peeked up to find a grate just above me and took in a sharp intake of breath. I was almost there. “I mean, you came here thinking you’re just gonna turn this whole thing around, that you were stronger than me and maybe one of your friends would come and help you.” Murphy continued rambling in a taunting manner and I shifted onto my knees to reach the grate. I tried to simply lift it in vain hope, but I was quickly disappointed to find that it was screwed down. I grabbed the knife from my belt and began slowly turning the bolts with the point of the blade.
“Well, what are you thinking now Bellamy?” Murphy sneered as I realised that I could see into the space now and was horrified by the scene before me. Bellamy stood on a crate with a noose made from several seatbelts around his neck and Murphy gripped the other end with childish delight. He yanked gleefully at it causing Bellamy to shift onto his tip toes, desperately clinging onto the crate for balance and I could hear his strangled gasps for air. My hands were trembling again and I cursed my fear for slowing me down. Bellamy struggled to keep his hands inside the noose to protect himself and Murphy paced the room, enjoying the act of watching him.
“You know, I’ve got to hand it to you Bellamy. You’ve got ‘em all fooled.” Murphy moved tauntingly close as he spoke and I descended into screaming in my mind. I was still only on the first screw. “They actually look up to you almost as much as they look up to Clarke. Yeah, well, we know the truth, don’t we? You’re a coward.” He spat just as the first screw finally came out in my hand. I quickly moved onto the screw in the opposite corner, hoping that if I could just get enough movement I may be able to prize it open.
“I learned that the day you kicked out the crate from beneath me.” He remarked with bitterness filling his voice. I moved much more frantically this time. My nerves were dissipating now that I knew it was possible to get the screws out with my knife. My fingers bled from my grip on the blade but I carried on without any consideration. “Isn’t that what you said? That you were just giving the people what they wanted, right?” Murphy continued with his verbal attacks and I found myself growing annoyed with his words as well as furious with his actions. The version of Bellamy that he wanted to punish no longer existed; he’d grown so much since Murphy began his exile that it felt as if he were punishing the wrong man.
“I should have stopped them.” Bellamy breathed and I could hear the regret in his tone. I couldn’t help worrying how this level of guilt could affect his mental state and I hoped that he would be able to remain focused.
“Yeah, it’s a little late for that now.” Murphy retorted and I kept working on the second screw. I prayed that Bellamy could keep him busy for just a little longer.
“You think they’re just gonna let you walk out of here?” Bellamy questioned and I was thankful that Raven informed him of the plan in advance so that he knew to keep Murphy talking. I doubted there would’ve been much conversation here otherwise.
“Well, I think the Princess is dead...but I know the King’s about to die, so who’s really gonna lead these people, huh? Me, that’s who.” He spat confidently and I struggled not to scoff out loud. I berated myself for falling for his act. He was undoubtedly delusional if he truly believed that the camp would treat him as a leader after this. “And yeah, maybe I'll have to kill your grounder-pounder little sister-” He began in a jeering tone and I knew in the seconds before it happened that Bellamy was about to lash out.
When he kicked at Murphy, it signalled that I was out of time. I knew that as soon as he stopped focusing on keeping him distracted, it wouldn’t be long before he was killed. Murphy jumped back out of his reach and leapt at the end of the rope, pulling it tight. Bellamy’s boots barely grazed the stall now and he snatched at the noose in a panic. I inhaled sharply as I witnessed the moment unfolding in horror, when the second screw finally dropped out.
“Of course, I might have to kill your crazy girlfriend too...but then again, she seems pretty fond of me since I got back, so maybe I’ll just keep her as a pet.” He provoked. I felt sick to my stomach at his insinuation and I was repulsed by the idea that I’d given Murphy the impression of interest as well as causing Bellamy to react in jealousy. I was about to thread my fingers through the grate to prize it open when a spark from below caused Raven to cry out. Murphy quickly realised that they were not alone in here and he glanced down at the floor with a sadistic smile.
“I’m guessing that’s her right now, looks like I’ll have to kill her after all.” He drawled, storming over in the direction of the sound and firing randomly at several sections of the floor. I put my hands over my head and curled into a ball, anxiously waiting for the gunfire to stop. I heard the sound that Bellamy had trained me to recognise as a gun jamming and I decided that stealth was no longer an option.
I slid onto my back, unable to see the two men any longer and risked kicking the grate. It lifted slightly and so I kicked it at full force with both legs over and over. I was shocked that the loud clanging sound of my attack didn’t draw Murphy to investigate and I became aware of Bellamy choking with a wave of dread. Between kicks I recognised the sound of a punch and hoped that it was Bellamy turning the tide. There was a slight creaking that echoed from above as I finally kicked the grate free, sending it flying out of sight and I frantically scrambled through the opening. As the room came into view, I spotted Murphy manically climbing the ladder out of the corner of my eye, but I couldn’t focus on him as my attention landed on Bellamy. He was hanging from the noose in a limp fashion with his face pointing at the ground in a lifeless expression.
“No!” I screamed in horror as I pulled the pistol from my belt. I hadn’t fired it since he trained me and felt nervous as I pointed it in his direction. I remembered him telling me that the time would come when I would need it and how he praised my excellent aim when I had the right motivation. I couldn’t think of any motivation that could ever be stronger and so pointed the gun at the clasp on the belts, took a deep breath and fired. As the bullet bounced off causing the belt to snap open and release Bellamy, I ran forward to catch him before he could hit the floor. I was unable to take his weight and so I used my body to soften the impact, lowering him to the ground. I laid him flat on his back and he stared up at the room, remaining perfectly still.
“Breathe! Please Bellamy!” I shrieked as I pleaded with him but nothing about his lifeless demeanour changed. I straddled him in preparation to do CPR as I wracked my terrified mind to remember how. Two breaths, thirty compressions. I leaned down to pinch his nose, as I blew two strong breaths into his mouth and promptly sat back up. I heard panicked voices from behind, but I couldn’t tell if they were real and I didn’t have the awareness to tear my attention away from Bellamy. I knitted my hands tightly together and just as they touched the centre of his chest, he coughed violently as he tried to sit up.
“Oh thank you, thank you!” I yelped as I frantically climbed off his lap so that he could turn onto his side and I rubbed his back as he gasped out for air. In my blind panic, I hadn’t even noticed that the door was now open. Jasper and Octavia ran to his side in a panic, dropping to their knees to check on him. I was shaking wildly as adrenaline coursed through me and I couldn’t make out a single feeling in the whirlwind of emotions that tore through my mind. Bellamy didn’t even seem to notice our presence at his side. As soon as he could move, he turned onto his hands and knees and hollered up at the hatch above.
“Murphy!” His voice was guttural and wild, adequately conveying the fury that radiated off him in waves.
He dragged himself up the ladder and was able to force it slightly open with the strength of his rage. Now that I could see that Bellamy was safe and had no ill effects from his brief time in the noose, I was able to push the fear aside momentarily. Instead, his determination reminded me that Murphy was still inside the camp and my anger returned, refuelling me for a fight. I ran from the dropship in a red tinged haze and I couldn’t feel anything other than the need to get hold of Murphy. I knew that there were outdoor grips on the ship that were designed for use during space walks and I climbed them in a frenzy. I could hear Bellamy’s furious threats even through the walls and I continued climbing until I had almost reached the top floor where I knew Murphy was hiding.
As I neared the top level the grips ran out and I searched the ship’s exterior for a way inside. I bashed various panels to check for any movement, but nothing seemed to budge. Without warning I was thrown from the ship by a blast that rang out across camp and fell to the ground, landing on my back in the dirt. I was dazed, unable to properly focus my eyes and there was a sharp ringing in my ears. I could make out a hole in the top of the ship that hadn’t been there before and saw a figure jump out of the hole to break into a run out of camp. I knew this would only be Murphy and so despite feeling winded and disorientated, I forced myself to my feet. Once I stood up straight, I felt my vision clearing and I stalked toward the gates. Although I moved slowly at first, by the time I neared them I had completely returned to my senses and marched towards them in fury.
“I’m gonna kill you Murphy!” I bellowed as I approached, only to be apprehended by two guards who blocked me from exiting the camp. “What are you doing? I have to get out there!” I growled frustratedly as I attempted to force my way past them. A firm set of hands pulled me backwards out of the struggle and I was turned by my shoulders to face Bellamy.
“Indie, you can’t go out there, the grounders will kill you.” He reasoned, gripping onto me tightly to hold me in place. He scanned my face with a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes and I felt my resolve weakening slightly at the sight of him.
“I can’t just let him get away, not after what he did to you.” I argued, feeling tears fill my eyes again as the image of him hanging in the ship flitted through my mind. I shook my head to force it away and Bellamy’s brows furrowed in concern.
“I’m okay, you don’t have to worry about me.” He stated gently before forcing his face into a reassuring smile as he met my emotional eyes. “As for Murphy, the grounders will deal with him.” He declared and I sighed in defeat.
“Someone’s coming!” A frantic cry from one of the guards drew our attention and he turned toward the gate. Several members of camp moved into formation, approaching with guns raised and I waited with baited breath. I’d already been through so many emotions today, I didn’t know if I had it in me to fight the grounders too. “Hold your fire! Clarke and Finn! Open the gate, get it.” I turned to peek at Bellamy with wide, hopeful eyes and we both remained rooted to the spot, hardly able to believe what we’d heard. Jasper jogged over to stand at my other side and as the gate slid open, I almost collapsed at the sight of our two missing members.
“Hey, we heard an explosion, what happened?” Clarke questioned as she ignored the surrounding campers who celebrated their return. Instead, she ran straight to Bellamy for an update and it was strangely comforting to witness.
“Murphy happened.” He announced in a manner that revealed his disbelief at the state of events. Clarke widened her eyes at him and he shrugged. Jasper suddenly rushed forward to hug Clarke and without thinking I hugged Finn tightly. He seemed taken aback but returned the embrace with a chuckle under his breath. As soon as she was free, I hugged Clarke in quick succession as my relief overflowed.
“It’s so good to have you both back.” I breathed as I glanced between them thankfully and I noticed Bellamy’s entertained expression from the corner of my eye.
“Where have you been? Where’s Monty?” Jasper asked, hovering around them nervously and I quickly peered behind them to find that he wasn’t there. I had hoped that only their names had been announced, but it seemed that Monty truly wasn’t with them.
“Monty’s gone?” Clarke replied in a confused voice and I put my hands over my face as I felt my stomach drop.
“Clarke, we need to leave, now. All of us do.”
I heard Finn’s voice but I couldn’t bring myself to care about what they were discussing. All I could concentrate on was Monty. If they hadn’t seen him, I knew that meant that the grounders likely left him to die in the woods, like they had Myles. I lost all hope of him returning and the enormity of that realisation was too much to bear. I turned to face Jasper who seemed to be having the same internal crisis that I was and without a word he pulled me into a hug. I stayed wrapped up in him as the others discussed whether to leave camp or not and we shared a moment of mourning for Monty. We only broke apart to force ourselves to pay attention when Bellamy addressed the crowd.
“This is our home now. We built this from nothing with our bare hands! Our dead are buried behind that wall in this ground, our ground! The grounders think they can take that away? They think that because we came from the sky, we don’t belong here. But they’ve yet to realise one very important fact: we are on the ground now, and that means we are grounders! I say let them come!” Bellamy exclaimed, earning cheers from the riled crowd. I managed to smile at him, despite the whirlwind of emotions that was ravaging me on the inside. After listening to Murphy berate him earlier, I couldn’t help but notice how much he’d grown in the time since we arrived on Earth. I could honestly say that I was proud of both the leader and the person that he was now.
“Bellamy’s right.” Clarke declared as she stepped forward and I was surprised to find her standing with him for once. “If we leave, we may never find a place as safe as this. And God knows in this world, we could be faced with something even worse tomorrow. But that doesn’t change the simple fact that if we stay here, we will die tonight. So pack your things, just take what you can carry. Now.” Clarke urged. I was disappointed with how her message flipped from start to finish and the feeling only worsened when the crowd dispersed without question to follow her orders. Only Bellamy, Finn, Octavia, Clarke and I remained in the centre of camp, staring at each other in a tense silence.
“Help me!”
A small cry caught our attention and we turned to see Raven limping into camp gripping her hip. We moved to surround her and I realised with a feeling of horror that she had been shot when Murphy fired into the floor of the dropship. The guilt of my actions threatened to crush me under its weight, as I analysed that I may have been able to protect her if I’d remained by her side. My solo mission barely took me to Bellamy’s side sooner than her plan and even if she’d still been shot, I could’ve at least found help for her sooner. I almost burst into tears as I considered how long she had been trapped there, desperate for rescue whilst we reunited in campgrounds. Finn immediately lifted her into his arms and carried her into the dropship, but I couldn’t bring myself to move. The overwhelming guilt that fell on my shoulders was the last emotion to push me over the edge into despair. Clarke moved to follow but Bellamy blocked her path with a scrutinising look.
“Clarke, leaving here is a big mistake.” He appealed to her calmly but it was clear from her expression that she wasn’t interested in his opinion on the matter.
“The decision has been made.” She answered coldly before she attempted to push past him and I was frustrated by her unreasonable behaviour. He stepped back in front of her stubbornly and I remained frozen to the spot.
“Crowds make bad decisions, just ask Murphy.” He pleaded and I watched with sympathy as his brows furrowed together. It was painfully obvious that facing the consequences of that mistake today haunted him as I feared. I agreed that this was an overly rash decision and desperately wanted to back him up, but I couldn’t find the strength to step in. “Leaders do what they think is right.” He added firmly with a glimpse in my direction and my heart skipped a beat. I almost burst into tears at hearing him repeat the advice that I’d given the night before and I was thankful that I’d been able to help.
“I am.” She replied with an icy determination. She took one last annoyed glance at him before she stormed toward the dropship and left us alone.
#wecomerunning#the100#oc#fanfic#fanfiction#writing#indigo#originalcharacter#bellamy blake#octavia blake#john murphy#jasper jordan#raven reyes#clarke griffin#finn collins#monty green#bellamy x reader#bellamy x oc#bellamy x you#bellamy blake fanfiction#bellamy blake the 100#bellamy blake series#the 100 fanfiction#the 100 insert#the 100 rewrite#bellamyblakedaily#bellamyblakeedit#bellamyblakesource
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Reddie "in the rain" because of "love" pls 👀
@thundercatseddie also requested this.
“I dare you… to kiss Richie!” Bill said with a broad smile, making the whole group jump in surprise. Eddie watched him shocked, holding his breath and not daring to turn to face the friend on his left.
He frowned at the look of defiance that Bill gave him, though, quickly losing his temper.
The smile on Bill’s face disappeared, the others still hadn’t said a word.
“It’s a dare, Eddie, you can’t refuse-”
“And yet I’m doing it, dares are not intangible, like, if you ask me to throw myself under a car I would, of course, refuse to do it, even if it’s a dare!” The boy continued, deliberately continuing to look at each person in the circle other than the friend involved.
Your only chance Eddie. You’re wasting it. Big idiot.
“It’s just a kiss, Eddie… we are friends, why are you-?” Beverly tried to ask, not interested in having a fight in the group for a stupid truth or dare game, but she was interrupted before finishing.
“No! Fuck you Bev, and fuck you, Bill. I’m not going to kiss Richie, okay?!” he snapped then, surprising all the present. He distinctly felt Richie moves slightly, but he didn’t dare look at him now, didn’t want to know the face he had assumed.
“Eddie!” Bev was bleached, unable to understand what had happened “What the fuck?”
“I’m going to the bathroom.” he said with a growl, standing up and turning away without another word. He didn’t even close the door, a moment later Bill was behind him. He shut it up.
“….What the a-actual fuck, Eddie?” He snapped, crossing his arms, the bearing of a dad in front of his bratty son. The thought made the flame of anger re-ignite in Eddie like a big fire.
He threw himself on him, pushing him hard enough to make him collide with his back against the door -hard enough to take off his expression of disappointed mother. Bill let a little moan escape from his lips that made the other proud for a very second.
“Eddie, what are you doing!?”
“I told you not to interfere, Bill! I told you I just needed to tell someone and you, instead of letting me go to my fucking speed, decided to ruin everything!” Eddie burst out, clenching his fists at his sides and almost trembling with anger and despair.
Bill seemed almost offended at his words, as if Eddie hadn’t expressly asked him not to do what he had just done: expose him in front of everyone, in front of Richie.
“I was he-he-helping you out!” Bill said, his ears slowly turning to the same color as his hair.
“I didn’t ask you to!”
“Eddie are you ss-ssuh-serious?” Bill exploded, denying his head in disbelief. “I offered you an o-o-op-opportunity to kiss the guy you l-l-like and you do the fini- fin-, fuck, the little bitch and then attack me in the bathroom?”
“But I don’t want it to be like that!” Eddie snapped, stopping then, as he felt a sob forming in his throat; he lowered his head. Bill didn’t add anything, waiting.
“You made me feel like I needed to take advantage of this opportunity, like it’s unmissable, my… only chance to kiss him… but I don’t want our first kiss to be like this…it can’t be…”
It was embarrassing, so, so embarrassing, Eddie wanted to bury himself, to disappear from the face of the Earth, or at least from that bathroom, with Bill at his side and his friends - among with the person he was madly in love with- in the next room, where everyone surely thought he had become crazy.
“It wasn’t what… E-E-Eddie, that’s not what…” Bill murmured, taking a few steps to get close to his friend and put his hands on his shoulders to made him look at him. Eddie’s shoulders shook.
“I’m so-ss-sorry, it wasn’t the way I wuh-ww-wanted to make you feel, I just wanted to be a good…g-good friend, and help you.” Bill continued, biting his lip to stop himself from saying he wanted to be a good older brother… at least for someone. This would not have made Eddie happy either, he would have felt used.
“I really fucked up, didn’t I?” Eddie said murmured with a distressed smile, resting his head against his friend’s chest, apologetically. “I treated you badly… now all of them will hate me.”
Bill stroked his hair with a small smile “I’m ss-suh-re they’ll understand. …Richie tough…”
“What Richie?” Eddie asked worriedly, raising his face to his friend with a worried frown.
Bill looked at him in surprise “Didn’t you see the face he had? You must apologize to him, Eddie, I think you really did hurt him.”
Eddie’s eyes widened in horror “Fuck!”
When he came back into the living room, Bill behind him, four pairs of eyes looked at him as if he could burst from a moment to the other and blow them all up. The lack of the member of the group was obvious and pretty fucking heavy.
“Where’s Ruh-Richie?”
Bev answered, frowning, visibly ready to fight with Eddie seeing the furious glares she was throwing at him. “He got out to smoke, he didn’t want to be accompanied.”
“By no one.” Stan specified, watching the couple still standing with confusion mixed with bewilderment, as if trying to see what they had been talking about in the bathroom just from their faces.
Eddie headed for the door, making himself deaf to Bev yelling at him not to follow him and make it worse. He then took a deep breath.
Outside it was raining, not hard, more than anything it was drizzling. Eddie saw Richie’s car parked nearby, the owner sitting behind the wheel, window down, protected from the water by the roof. He was smoking his cigarette, just as he had said.
Eddie went to him, circling the car and trying to open the passenger door, but nothing, Richie had blocked it.
“Let me in, Rich, we need to talk…” he only said, but received no answer, the door remained locked.
“I’m getting wet from the rain, Trashmouth, you should get me in the car, I could get sick.” He tried again, but yet no answer, he sighed and retraced his steps. He lowered himself to Richie’s window, looking at his face.
“Hi…” He muttered, Richie was wet too, his hair still dripped water, the radio was on, but it was kept low, like when Richie needed company in addition to his thoughts. And at that moment they certainly weren’t the best for company.
“It’s cold out here, I don’t know how you’re doing it, I’m freezing my ass off.” He tried again, Richie at least turned to look at him, but still showed no sign of being willing to unlock that stupid door.
“Go back inside then.” he only said.
He had a hoarse voice, Eddie wondered if he had been crying, his voice made it sound like it could be, but from his face it was never clear: Richie had always been good at hiding tears.
But, like, a person doesn’t cry if your bro doesn’t want to kiss you, even if he says it rudely, like he did.
“I didn’t want to pull you in the middle, I was angry with Bill.” He decided then to explain himself, pretending not to feel the frozen drops making their way down his back. Internally he wondered if this would have caused him a fever the next day, and he felt sorry for himself. Not for a moment, though, he thought it wasn’t totally worth it.
“I told him a secret and when he asked me to kiss you, I-”
“Didn’t want me to get in the way?” Richie tried, sighing and turning off the cigarette knowing that his friend wouldn’t leave very quickly: Eddie didn’t like the smell of nicotine.
“I didn’t want him to get in the way.” Eddie corrected him with the surprise of both, he didn’t really know where he got so much courage.
Richie looked at him lost, not understanding if he was joking or not, if he had understood correctly. “What?”
And for the second time, Eddie, probably driven by the iron tremors that had made him braver, asked for something right.
“You wouldn’t have reacted this way if you were just a friend, right? If… if Bev had refused to kiss you… you wouldn’t have holed up in the car, would you? ”
The door was unlocked, after a moment of fear, Eddie went around the car again, sitting in the passenger seat. Richie pulled up the windows, raising the heater.
“With Bev you would have joked about it, wouldn’t you?” He asked again, after about a minute of silence, a minute that Eddie had allowed himself to let his numb muscles warm up.
“Please, answer me, I’m literally panicking here.” he added, with a slight smile of tension.
Richie didn’t look at his face, he just nodded with his head, as if expecting to be punished.
In reality he waited with pain that Eddie realized what this meant and left, probably forever. What else should you do when a friend is going after you like a maniac for the past 4 years?
“Last week I told Bill I’m in love with you.” Eddie said then.
They were both looking at each other now, at the distance the two seats allowed them. Eddie stood motionless, trying to keep a neutral face, when inside it was about to explode with anxiety.
Richie’s eyes were wide, he looked at his face as if he had just said the biggest bullshit in the universe.
“But… when he told you to kiss me, you…” he murmured in confusion, not allowing himself to believe what his ears had 300% heard.
“I didn’t want to, I mean…” Eddie tried to explain, turning his face red and glancing down. The wave of courage eroded.
“… Our first kiss to be in front of everyone, and for a stupid middle school game…”
Eddie didn’t have the heart to look in front of him until he heard Richie move by his side. He found it a few inches from his face, red on the cheeks too.
He was no longer looking him in the eyes.
He was looking lower.
Suddenly Eddie felt Richie’s cold hands cupping his face.
“So…” Richie said in a faint voice, licking his lips in tension and letting out new bursts of chills along the back of the other. “So now would be a nice time, right?”
Eddie had no way to answer. But he genuinely couldn’t care less, as he masterfully managed to forget that Richie still smelled of cigarettes, that he was cold because of the rain and that they were both still wet.
Richie had finally placed his lips against his’ and it was perfect.
He finally let himself go, stepping over the golfer between the seats that was preventing him from touching him for real and almost falling over him, being gladly welcomed by the other, who momentarily abandoned his lips to leave a few quick kisses on the temple, on the neck and then underneath an ear, a place that made Eddie grumble involuntarily, surprising both of them. Eddie felt the other’s grip tighten on his hips and almost let another one of those sound slip away, so he decided to silence himself long enough not to look embarrassing by taking back Richie’s lips, pushing his way and deepening the kiss. He settled himself better on the other’s knees, trying to be comfortable without hurting Richie, who in the meantime had raised his arms to the middle of his back, wrapping it and bringing their chests to touch.
Eddie finally took courage and slipped a hand under the other’s sweatshirt, feeling his warm belly contract slightly against the touch: probably his hands were cold too.
And yet there was something strange, beautiful, about passing his hand on Richie’s back and on his side, to feel him move away and immediately return back so as not to lose that skin-to-skin contact. Especially when in the meantime they were also busy making out. All that was…it was…
Suddenly Richie moaned, for real, not the small, awkward squeaks that Eddie had done before, something that weighed heavily on his stomach and that sounded fucking pretty.
And although neither of them was visibly willing to stop, Richie moved away slightly to talk, leaving a series of short and sweet kisses on the lips of the other boy.
“Eds, as much as I would give anything to stay here and kiss you forever, we have to stop right away if you don’t want our first time to happen in a car not far from the rest of the Losers.”
He was red in the face, but he had a broad smile that was impossible for Eddie not to emulate. “I think it’s a good idea…” he said, he felt out of breath.
He laid his head in the hollow of Richie’s neck with a long sigh, sniffing slowly the scent that, although almost completely gone, was still perceptible.
“What are you, a dog?” The other chuckled, wrapping his arms on his waist, gently stroking his hips. Touching them for the sake of it, without ulterior motives.
“I’m just happy.” Eddie grinned sweetly, moving away from his neck and smiling at his face. Richie couldn’t believe his eyes to see how beautiful he looked at that moment.
“I think I never felt so happy in my life, actually.” he continued, chaining his eyes with Richie’s, receiving an even bigger smile in return.
“You certainly know how to silence the Trashmouth, Eds, it has always been one thing of yours.” He murmured, before leaving another kiss on his smiling lips, Eddie brought his hands to stroke his hair and the base of his neck.
“Maybe it’s also part of the reason I’m in love with you.”
Eddie still cheered with joy, lingering on the other’s lips before starting a new kissing session himself, slower, quietly, sweetly. Just because they can now.
At one point, though, Richie burst out laughing out of nowhere, almost frightening the other, who looked at him in confusion.
“I just realized that now I can sing you Eddie my love without pretending I’m not serious!”
Eddie wrinkled his nose and denied rigorously. “Not that song again, you always pinch my cheeks when you start singing it. ”
“You adore it.” Richie rested his forehead against his, Eddie lowered his look, hiding his red cheeks “No, that’s not true.”
“It is.'' he murmured again, moving away slightly before taking a hand from Eddie and pretending to be dancing a kind of waltz.
“Eddie, my love, I love you so!” He intoned, Eddie had to restrain himself from giggling. “Richie please don’t do this to me.”
“How I wanted for you, you’ll never know!” “Can we start kissing again, please!”
Richie giggled, bringing Eddie’s hand to his lips and lightly kissing his knuckles. “I will make you regret having said these words, Eds, they will follow you to the grave!”
“Shut up and fucking kiss me, turd! And don’t call me that!”
“Please, Eddie, don’t make me wait too looong!”
Permataglist: @tinyarmedtrex @madi-personal @kitty-cat791 @that-weird-girls-blog (ask if you want to be added!)
#request#reddie fanfic#stephen king's it#eddie kaspbrak#richie tozier#bill denbrough#beverly marsh#Stan talked once#Anyway this is probably my favorite for now
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Reunion - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - The Reunion (Previous Chapter)
Rated: T
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Pairing: Zack Fair x Aerith Gainsborough (Zerith)
Summary: Zack and Aerith finally get the reunion they both desperately deserve. (Part 1 of 2)
Aerith fell to her knees and Zack wanted nothing more than to run to her, but of course, Cloud picked a fucking wonderful time to stop supporting his own weight (as little as he could) and sent Zack nearly spiraling face-first into the floor. At the last second, he caught himself on the door frame and reluctantly had to accept that he had to keep Aerith waiting a few moments more so he could set Cloud down somewhere first.
"Hang tight, Spiky. I'm gonna set you down somewhere comfy you can rest." Zack whispered near Cloud's ear. "I'll come back for you, but right now, I gotta go see Aerith - I told you all about her, remember?"
The blonde let out a breathy version of what Zack could discern as his name.
Zack smiled in relief that Cloud's lucidity was coming back (fucking FINALLY) as he gently maneuvered Cloud over to one of the pews that wasn't completely rotting through. Zack lowered Cloud gently onto the wooden seat and made sure he was lying down comfortably before turning to leave.
"D-Don't…go, Z...ack…" Cloud muttered when he pulled away and Zack's heart lurched upon turning back around only to see Cloud shakily reaching out for him.
Pursing his lips, Zack removed his Buster Sword and the leather straps of its holster, laying both down before kneeling next to Cloud. Automatically, Zack took Cloud's shaky outstretched hand, squeezing it gently between both of his.
"I am not leaving you. I would never do that. I'll be just a few feet away..." Zack swallowed down the sudden lump in his throat upon hearing Aerith's sudden cry and knew he needed to get to her now. "…We're safe here and I'll be back, Cloud. I promise."
Cloud looked up at him and Zack choked back a sob when he seen Cloud looking back at him.
A few seconds later, the blonde's hand went slack; he closed his eyes and Zack knew he would soon be sleeping peacefully (he knew from experience given his many wonderful naps he'd taken in Aerith's church as she tended her garden). Laying down Cloud's hand down beside him, Zack brushed his fingers lightly through Cloud's Chocobo tufts before rising to his feet.
A quick internal pep talk later, Zack turned around to the girl he'd unwillingly left behind for way too damn long.
As he approached the huge patch of colorful flowers where Aerith knelt, Zack stopped in his tracks when she suddenly put her hands over her mouth. Even muffled behind her palms, it did nothing to silence the most gut-wrenching sobs he ever heard come out of a person. The fact that it was his Aerith (a girl who hardly ever cried) made his own heart feel as if it was being brutally yanked from his chest with a pair of rusty tongs.
Zack would rather endure four more years of Hojo's torture than ever hear Aerith cry like this again…
"...Aerith…" he whispered, surprised his voice didn't crack as he made it to her, standing a few feet in front of her before slowly kneeling to her level. Carefully, ever so carefully, making sure not to hurt her flowers ('Most people are more careful around flowers, you know' '…I guess I'm not most people'), Zack scooted closer.
Instead of responding, she shook her head as her hands finally fell from her face only so she could hug herself around the middle. Her eyes still were locked on his and the utter agony lacing those red-lined watery green orbs and the tears dripping down her anguished face had his whole body ache.
Zack wanted nothing more in that moment than to grab her and wrap her in the safety of his arms.
To touch her to make sure she was real. Feel the silken softness of her skin against his heavily calloused palms, cradle her petite frame safely against him, press her tear-streaked face into the hollow of his throat and comfort her like she did for him the night his friend and mentor, Angeal, died.
…but Zack was afraid.
Yes, him. A First-Class SOLDIER who was trained and naturally feared nothing, laughed into the face of certain death more times than he could count, was absolutely petrified into stasis. Utterly terrified that if he reached his hand out, that Aerith would reel back or push him away.
…and that would kill him.
If the girlfriend (if she still was considered that at this point) he'd spent the last five years wanting nothing more than to be back in her arms, pushed him away - it would destroy him. Zack was horrified to think that the tears she was currently crying were not from relief from his reappearance but stemming from anger or sadness that he dared come back after leaving her alone and waiting for so fucking long (even if he had no choice in the matter)…
If Aerith rejected him now, Zack truly had no idea what he would do…
Zack imagined her screaming at him to get out, that how dare he come crawling back after leaving her alone for so long (even if he couldn't even recall her even doing so much as raising her voice before). Imagined him sitting in shocked silence but knowing he needed to respect her wishes, he'd nod, grab Cloud, leave back out those doors and never come back if she asked him to. He'd be leaving his tattered, bleeding heart lying at her feet and departing as nothing more than an empty shell but he would…for her.
So, he patiently waited as she finally opened her mouth to speak.
Zack mentally and emotionally prepared himself for anger, bitterness, hatred but instead of telling him to leave or some other horrific statement he'd expected, she finally cried out with the most broken voice he'd ever heard in his life.
"I - are…Am… A-Am I… *sob* …Am I d-dreaming…?"
Zack slowly approached her like one trying not to scare off a skittish animal.
Brilliant emerald eyes were huge with pools of shimmering tears clumped on her thick black eyelashes, cheeks and nose splotchy and red from crying but damn if she still wasn't the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen even in the state she was in. Her soil-coated hands and dirty fingernails, sweat limp hair (must have been hot today), dirt-covered frumpy yellow apron covered in a tacky flower pattern and…wait…
…was that a pink dress like he'd asked her to wear when he saw her again…?
Coincidence probably…but, wait… was that -
…The ribbon…
Aerith was wearing the same worn pink ribbon he'd bought and tied in her hair during their very first date over 7, or was it 8, years ago by now?
It was still there…she was still wearing it even after all this time…
Zack heart lurched and he didn't bother muffling the sudden sob that tore from his throat before finally answering her in a breaking voice, "…If this is a dream, than we both are, Aerith."
Aerith looked him in his eyes; emerald gaze scanning his face for an indeterminate amount of time as she visually traced every inch, every line, every single mark on his face before gazing straight back into his eyes and it was like his entire body and soul was completely bared before her. His skin prickled under her scrutiny - down to the very marrow of his bones - wondering what she was thinking but he didn't have to ponder long.
"...Oh, ZACK!" she abruptly cried, reaching out to him with trembling hands and in a split second, he was only inches from her. Still, he didn't touch her; worried she wouldn't react well to his sudden affections, so he waited as she reached out and touched him first.
Aerith couldn't remember a time when she felt more of a sense of complete despair and utter relief all at once when her fingers finally reached out and touched the fabric covering his chest. Shaking digits and soil-coated skin of her palm experiencing warm cloth with the rock-hard musculature underneath versus the air that she expected.
How this Zack didn't fade into dust but was right here in front of her…
It wasn't like those other times when he'd disappear before reaching out to him…
Because this Zack didn't vanish…
Aerith sobbed loudly as she fully pressed the palm of her hand over his sternum, head fell forward slightly as she felt the frantic pounding of his heart and his chest rising and falling with unsteady breaths under her trembling palm. How absolutely wonderful it all felt.
All those nightmares - the horrific visions of blood, rapid gunfire, cold rain, a bullet-riddled chest and unpreventable death - of Zack fighting until his body physically couldn't hold him up anymore. Watching in utter horror and helplessness as the love of her life was ruthlessly gunned down and left for dead on blood-drenched cliffs. The dark sky opening up to pour sheets of icy rain over his battered, broken body until his heart stopped, breath ceased and all that beautiful life faded forever from his sky blue eyes…
Almost every night it was the same damn dream that felt way too real. All those endless nights she woke up soaked in sweat and tears, sobbing and screaming his name into her pillow, begging for him to come back. To please, just be alive, Zack… In those endless nights, how she would give anything just to be able to see him again.
And, like a long-awaited answer to a faithful prayer, here he was.
…He was back.
Zack kept his promise…
"...Y-You're real…" she whimpered, inwardly in the back of her mind knowing she sounded utterly wretched, but she didn't care when after five years, her Zack was back. "You're here…you're really here…" she uttered tearfully.
"...Yeah, I'm here…" he said with a sad smile and a trembling lower lip. "I'm sorry I took so long…"
Watching breathlessly when he blinked, her eyes following the few crystalline tears that slid down his tanned, sculpted cheekbones and slipping off his sharp jaw and it was like everything inside her broke straight open.
Aerith pushed aside all those fanciful ideas and detailed plans of what she would do upon seeing him again and just threw herself into him.
Not even giving a single thought to the flowers under her knees that were crushed and uprooted in her reckless actions - nothing mattered but Zack.
Clinging tightly to him as close as she could possibly get without outright crawling under his skin, Aerith hugged him. Knuckles and fingers ached as she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and frantically gripped the fabric of his shirt and buried her face against his neck. The thrum of his pulse against her cheek and his heart wildly hammering against her breast was the absolutely most wondrous feeling in the entire world. She bit her lip and the sharp pinch of pain informed her instantly that she wasn't dreaming - she was awake - this was real…
And it was like she came alive again.
Zack was really here.
Holding her just like she dreamt he would upon his return…
All those lonely miserable seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years faded into oblivion with the sensation of those wonderfully muscled arms returning her embrace. Big, warm calloused hands dragging and tenderly caressing in comforting circles across her back as he curled his body around hers like a protective barrier until she was completely surrounded by him. His incredible warmth, unsurpassed strength, intoxicating smell… Everything was just like she remembered and she never wanted to be without it again.
"Oh, Zack…I missed you…" she sobbed into his tear-soaked throat.
Zack was taken aback when Aerith abruptly flung herself into his unsuspecting arms.
Instinctively, he immediately accepted her into the circle of his embrace. Slight weight, the feminine softness of her petite body, dainty fingers clenching tightly onto his newly-acquired sweater and warm, teary face burrowing into his throat had him letting out a sudden cry that he didn't even bother stifling. Normally steady hands were shaking as he eagerly ran his thickly calloused hands against the fabric of her pink cotton dress, loose braid, stray wisps of auburn silk kissing his knuckles and sinfully smooth skin of her arms and shoulders.
Zack finally wrapped her up and simply held her like he had been dreaming about for five fucking years…
So much pain melting away with her touch and affections even after so long apart. The agony of his previous hellish torture, pain, aches, fatigue of the battle he somehow survived, and all the damn stress he'd been carrying like an herculean burden for the past half-decade melted away as her arms tightened around him like she refused to let him go.
Zack wouldn't mind if she didn't either…
"Oh, Zack…I missed you…" she wailed into his neck, nose brushing against his pulse point and he let out a huff of a laugh, a few tears trickling down his face as he nuzzled his cheek against her hair.
He sniffled, swallowed back another sob before replying, "I missed you too, Aerith…so much…" Lower lip trembled as he gently brushed his lips against the crown of her head in an imitation of a kiss.
Aerith let out a soft cry at his voice and burrowed her face deeper into his throat, arms tightening around him. In turn, Zack cradled her closer, being so careful to make sure he wasn't hurting her or squeezing to tight. Inhaling deeply and shoulders slumping in abject relief, Zack felt himself relax and muscles completely unwind for the first time in five whole years.
The scent of the garden was a mocking comparison to how Aerith smelt - the earthiness and clean, fertile soil clinging to her clothes and skin, the fruity shampoo she still used wafting from her hair and the distinct smell of lilies that trailed her wherever she went even when she wasn't among her garden.
…For the first time in so damn long, Zack felt safe…
So much so that time itself felt non-consequential in Aerith's thin arms.
For years, Zack was nothing but a jittery bundle of nerves. Whether it was waiting for Hojo to start their torture of himself or Cloud, debilitating anxiety when Cloud screamed but then stopped, eventually even quit responding to the messages he'd scratched into the glass of their Mako tanks. Or just how utterly and terribly alone he'd felt for so damn long. The escape and running and running and running; the constant anxiety and agony of wanting nothing but to be free and away from under Shin-Ra's thumb.
Body and nerves frayed, constantly expecting an attack, an ambush, always running and hiding and fighting just to survive until the next morning… But as Aerith's hands loosened in his sweater, fingertips and short nails dragging pleasantly over his shoulderblades and spine in comforting circles and mindless shapes, that deep ache he assumed would always be present began to fade away…
"...Zack?" Aerith asked, breaking him from his thoughts (he could have easily fallen asleep for a year like that) as her face finally left the hollow of his throat to look up at him with those gorgeous green eyes he'd missed so damn much.
The ex-SOLDIER reluctantly released his tight embrace to look at her properly, "Hmm? What is it? …Is everything alright?"
"It is now," she said with a teary smile, "…but, I just need to know…" Aerith bit her lip before finally asking, "…Where were you, Zack?"
Zack froze.
His cheek twitched and hands started shaking but he forced them still before she could notice (she probably still did though…she was always way too observant when it came to him).
Old but terribly loud demons began screeching within the confines of his head and he pulled back slightly further from Aerith in fear that she could somehow hear the echoes of them. Sephiroth speaking nonsense in a moldy basement surrounded by dusty books (nothing like the stoic proud man he knew before), a town on fire and all those innocent people dead or dying in the blaze. Being thrown like a ragdoll down metal stairs with the masume wound pierced straight through his side, Cloud falling next to him and he couldn't even reach him before it all went black. Waking up in a sterile lab, Cloud's screams of pure blinding-white agony joined by his own, Hojo's demented laugh or even the roar of the horrendous saw that crudely cut his ribs open to get to his organs…
Aerith couldn't know what really happened.
His beautiful flower girl still retained that same innocence even if it was burdened by five years of waiting and difficult slum life - he still saw a brightness in her he never wanted to dim. Would die before ever letting that happen and Zack wouldn't be the one to take that light away from her. It was his burden he refused to share - especially now.
"It's…I…Aerith, I can't, I -" Zack struggled for words, the tremors returned but Aerith's gentle hands returning to caress his shoulder blades had him calm almost instantly and he leaned into her healing touch.
"No, I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have asked," Aerith looked chastised, more tears gathering as she must have seen the horrific memories that etched themselves on his expressive face. Zack had always been easy for her to read; with her, he was sure to carry his heart on his sleeve and it seems five years did nothing to temper that.
"No, Aer. I will. ...I'll tell you someday…but not now…" Zack shook his head, "Hell, maybe not for a really long time. Maybe never, I just..."
"Zack, you don't have to, I'm sorry, I -" Aerith sobbed and Zack gingerly brushed his hand against her cheek as an interruption; she trembled and leaned into his palm.
"...I will when I'm ready - okay?" he decided on.
Aerith bit her bottom lip as it trembled between her teeth and she gazed knowingly into his eyes before finally nodding, "…whenever you're ready..."
The slight break in the intimate moment before was quickly recovered when Aerith leaned forward to rest her head back on his chest. "I'm sorry. It really doesn't matter now...I'm just so happy that you're back...that you're here with me," she admitted against his sternum, hands caressing his back mindlessly.
Zack was relieved when she dropped the subject; uttering a simple, "Yeah. Me too…" against the top of her head. Forcing his heart to calm and remember that he and Cloud were safe now, Zack wrapped his arms loosely over her thin shoulders as his eyes slid closed.
(Link to Chapter 4)
#zerith#ffvii#ffvii crisis core#ff7r#zack fair#aerith gainsborough#zack x aerith#fanfiction#zerith fanfiction#ff7 remake#these babies finally get the reunion they desperately deserve#zack is fucking alive#zack cloud bromance#zack is best brother to cloud#i actually finished this#yay#i'll probably write more zerith#they're too precious not to
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Hi! It's me again :) I would like to request another Ash comforting Misty flashfic. This time I imagined Misty having a panic attack. Hope the idea appeals to you! And take your time, no worries :)
[Hah, perhaps unfortunately, after I received this request and gave it a whopping five minutes of thought, I suddenly felt really inspired to just go for it.]
She was floating rather blissfully in a pool of water. Small waves lapped softly against her, pushing her rather loftily to and fro as she blinked up straight into a bright sun that, despite it’s shine, didn’t seem to hurt her vision. A multitude of water-type Pokemon were swimming around her, some diving under or leaping over, just everywhere… and she accepted this rather passively even not knowing whose Pokemon they were or where they’d come from.
It was a rather pleasant dream overall… until it wasn’t.
Suddenly she was sinking down, the sun fading away, taking its light and - she assumed though she couldn’t say she felt it - warmth with it. The Pokemon, no more than vague shadows representing familiarity, had all but vanished except for one.
She was gripping her Staryu by its top point as it dove deeper into inky, cool abyss, leading her towards… something. She was looking for something, desperate to save it, but she could barely see her Pokemon plunging through its element a foot or two in front of her. How could she possibly find…?
What’s happening…?
Training instincts told her to conserve oxygen, but her lips flew open anyway as if trying to call out to her target. Bubbles and breath and a single word escaped her, in such clear articulation she knew it shouldn’t have been possible.
She was looking for Ash, her best friend. He’d fallen from so far, so fast… He was sinking! Was he even conscious…? She remembered now, at least that much, but the anchoring question of why seemed impossible to answer at present. She had to find him!
Where was he? How much farther would she have to go? How could she possibly hope to find him in this blackness? And how far had she gone without needing to take a breath…?
And yet Staryu continued to faithfully carry her onward in their mission.
She had reached a peak of lucidity just in time for an object slightly larger than her hand to float hazily by. Without concern, she snatched it out of the murk.
It was a cap she had seen on his head near constantly in recent days, her heart plummeting in breathless fear and panic at the sight of it in her grasp and him nowhere in sight. She didn’t think about the insensibility behind calling out to him again.
“Ash!” The shriek of her own unnerved horror threatened to deafen her as well as her Pokemon. “Ash, where are you?!”
“Misty, wake up!”
Her eyes snapped open, wiry muscles rigid as a damp sheen clung to her brow and neck. Fists clenching tightly around her bedroll, she leaped into a sitting position, at this point realizing she hadn’t taken a single breath since waking, inhaling deeply in response.
“I… What…?” she whispered, vocal chords weak and throat dry. Craning her neck, wild gaze taking in her surroundings, she was met with Ash Ketchum and his partner Pikachu staring her up and down looking reasonable taken aback from beside her.
“Uh… you okay?” the young man asked after a few seconds, leaning a little closer. She couldn’t answer, fingers wringing their way around the hem of her sleeping bag at the mere question. “You looked like you were having a nightmare.”
A nightmare…?
“Pikachupi, kachu pika?”
“Y - yeah, we were worried. Glad you’re up now though.” And, looking slightly bashful, averting his gaze, Ash added, “It… kinda sounded like you were calling out my name. But…”
Almost any other time, the redheaded teenage girl would have read something into how flustered he looked at the thought of her dreaming about him. She also would have had the clear head to feel self-conscious over an Ash donned in nothing more than boxer shorts and a bandage around his scalp, which was currently the case. All the sight did now was remind her of…
“I think… about earlier…” she muttered, heart leaping up into her throat, stomach churning before icing over. “Or… I guess it was yesterday…”
“Oh.” It was hard to tell by the dim light of the low fire but his face seemed a little paler.
Yesterday, when Team Rocket had last attacked them. It had been all of six or so hours ago; barely dusk. They had used their tricks to steal Pikachu as well as Ash’s belt lined with the rest of his Pokeballs before taking off in their latest hot air balloon.
In her effort to assist, Misty had released Staryu to sabotage their escape but her precious water-type’s rapid spin had only been able to cut all of two ropes tying the villains’ basket to their balloon. One rope had been secured again by the Rocket gang and tied slipshod once more while Ash, in furious pursuit, had grabbed the other one before they’d lifted too high from the ground, immediately carried up and away with them.
Misty had seen him try to climb it while she ran to catch up, seen also Team Rocket’s collected anger and alarm as they attempted to shake him loose before Jessie had released one of her own Pokemon to force the teenage boy to let go.
Ash hadn’t much chance at evading; it was hard to do so when he was busy trying to keep his grip on what was steadily becoming a literal life line, Pikachu calling out to him from where he was trapped a good twenty or so feet overhead.
Even from her slowly increasing distance, Misty heard the blast that was Jessie’s Gourgeist releasing their seed bomb. The attack descended, exploding as it approached her friend. Ash was shouting, slipping, flailing, a second explosive impact and he was suddenly falling from the sky as her heart stopped–
No more playing softball!
He’d hit the body of water that had (luckily) drifted below him with a sickening smack on his back, sunk quickly below the surface. It all happened so swiftly.
Gyarados appeared in a familiar flash of red and roared, his trainer commanding him to immediately leap and bite through Team Rocket’s balloon, tearing the fabric instantly and disabling the criminal trio’s getaway. So violent, so much, so fast.
In the meantime, Misty grabbed a hold of Staryu, inhaled deeply and held it, both diving to search for their friend… So dark… So gone… So quickly…
“Hey, are you okay?” Ash abruptly asked her, voice sounding distant and hollow, reverberating in her eardrums, the sound challenged by her roaring, pounding heartbeat.
“Misty, what’s wrong?” He sounded a little more anxious now during round two, and she was surprised to vaguely notice his hand around her wrist, though she couldn’t feel it for some reason.
“I don’t…” She couldn’t breathe, response reduced to a throaty gasp. Her throat was coated in plastic and suffocating. Her skin was burning from cold somehow, she needed water–
–he was sinking so deep down–
–and air–
–holding her breath, but she would top out after one hundred and eighty seconds max and how much time had passed already–
–sweat was pouring from her forehead, her neck, she was either numb or aching, on fire, her gaze vacant, and it scared him if he was being honest–
“–Misty, what’s going on–?”
–where was he, where is he, how big is this place… his hat is in her free hand, her grip on Staryu stiffening, she would have to sacrifice the hat if, or when, she found him–
–so many times, this had happened too many times already since knowing him, what if she doesn’t get to him quick enough, what if he–
His shout was enough to momentarily clear her head. Perhaps he was able to sense that fact because he took advantage, and Misty felt the shocking impression of cool hands resting firmly against her flushed cheeks. Then the two were eye to eye and her wave of despair and doom and panic briefly subsided.
“Listen, Mist, you’re not there, you’re here. Pay attention to me right now!” he told her forcibly, and she felt him tug a little uncomfortably, her neck yanking, so she wouldn’t lose focus. “Look at me, okay? Can you do that?”
She could barely hear him, gaze flickering between the fire light glowing in his eyes to his fringe and lashes, to his cheeks… It was all him though… She could… She could do this!
“You need to take a breath! C’mon, we’ve got this, just do what I do, look,” after which he did indeed lead by example. She watched his chest rise and fall, his eyes fluttering momentarily closed and lips pursed barely open as he exhaled.
She gurgled and choked, blinked away the white hot tears at the corner of her burning eyes, halfheartedly shook her head in defeat.
“It’s okay, c’mon, we’ll try again together, now in through your nose,” he coached her, slowly initiating his own attempt and waiting until he heard her copy it before moving on, “and then out through your mouth… You got it!” he applauded her, “Okay, and again… Let’s do it a few more times…”
It seemed forever and yet also instantaneous for the symptoms to subside, and she did what she could to bear in mind what Ash was saying and doing to tether her to the present.
“–take a breath–”
His hands on her cheeks…
“–Pay attention to me right now–”
His shoulders rising and falling…
“–we’ll try again together–”
His face overtaking her vision, mere inches from hers, collarbone connecting to his bare chest…
Ash wasn’t sure what emotional response was most prevalent a few minutes later when his redheaded friend, still trembling a little but no longer writhing and choking, maneuvered to cover his hands with her own, both pairs now held against her cheeks. Part of him was pleased, it seemed to be her first conscious and calm move since… whatever had happened. Another part of him was loath to admit how flustered he felt as her somehow inconceivably soft fingers splayed over his own rougher ones.
“S - so… what happened?” he had the nerve to eventually ask her, though he could still barely look her in the eyes. Her current object of focus was Pikachu curled up in her lap while she patted his short fur coat. The teen boy noticed it offered a pleasant distraction, all things considered.
“Dunno,” she croaked, cleared her throat, tried to elaborate. “That’s… never happened before that I know of. It’s like… I was having that nightmare, I think it was based off what happened… y’know, yesterday… But then I couldn’t stop thinking of it… Then I was feeling it, like it was happening all over again, and I was… thinking of you, losing you…” She didn’t give the flush on her cheeks the chance to settle, continuing with her description. “Y’know, you worry me too much, Mr. Pokemon Master!” she finished rather harshly, faltering in her grounding activity.
“Mwah, wait a sec, now it’s my fault?!”
“Of course it is, you dummy! I mean, you shouldn’t have done that! We would have gotten your Pokemon back eventually! We always do!”
Rather than risk a rebuttal that would lead to another panic attack, he stared her down before heaving a deep sigh and relenting.
“Sorry… It’s second nature by now.”
She thought about asking him if he meant his self-sacrificing nature or worrying her to near death but decided against it. They’d been through enough by now and it was only roughly three in the morning!
“Y’know Ash, I can admit after all the time we’ve known each other… that I really like the kind of person you are,” she iterated almost affectionately instead, “You’re passionate and considerate, at least when you wanna be,” she made a point to add. “But sometimes… I really wish you’d take a little better care of yourself. Every time something like… like yesterday happens… I worry it’s the last time I’ll ever see you.”
The… last time? he thought, not quite understanding immediately what she’d been getting at… Oh, there it was. He hummed under his breath, brow furrowed, had gotten to the point of opening his mouth without a clue as to what he’d say before she interrupted him.
“Well, if there’s anything I know for sure it’s that there’s no changing you… so I guess for now at least I’ll have to do my best to support you.”
“Oh. Yeah. Thanks.” The response was so simple but he honestly had no idea what else he could say. Perhaps it was something for another time.
“I mean, after your help earlier, I guess I owe you, right?”
But Ash was briefly overwhelmed by the flashback of his regaining consciousness with blurred vision on the hard ground the evening before, head aching and blood dripping from his temple, Misty kneeling over him soaking wet and shaking from the brisk chill, practically crying even as she smiled in relief at the sight of him coming to.
His gratitude and… something he couldn’t quite place swept through him and swelled up, filling every ounce of his person as he took in the sight of his best friend sitting at his side.
“Please, Mist,” he told her peaceably in utter confidence, “it was the least I could do for you.”
[There were a couple details i left out because of the word count limit. Ash was down to boxers because he didn’t plan ahead, simple as that. His only outfit was soaked after falling into the water so yeah, it’s meant to be air-drying. Misty is fully dressed because she did plan ahead. Lol. Ash also received some cuts and stuff from the minor explosives and Pikachu escaped his cage when Gyarados attacked TR’s balloon, after which he rescued his trainer’s PokeBelt from them. Just in case anyone was curious. As for Misty’s panic attack timing, I felt that the adrenaline rush in the moment would keep her from falling prey to it so that’s why it takes place hours later when she has time to think. As for how Ash helps her control it, he’s instinctively offering her deep breathing and grounding techniques which - if you’re unfamiliar - are pretty basic mental coping skills.
Also a few unrelated things: Please do not just like this story! If you had a good time reading, I implore you to share this and help me spread the word about this blog! I haven’t received many requests lately, only one every 6-15 days! That being said, if you have a fic request, please send it in! I have 1 or 2 in my inbox and a couple others in drafts that I’ve started but I could use some more prompts if you’re interested in me writing for them!]
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hm i rewatched spyfall last night & in the discord i did a scene-by-scene analysis of the doctor’s expressions & emotional state whenever she confronts the master, so now i think i will inflict it on you all except rebloggable this time
hm the doctor's microexpressions during the Reveal ... i'm reading confusion, horror & fear as she starts to realize, then when he admits to it there's mostly shock that very quickly morphs into anger, then back to shock, & then she crumples in on herself in despair
then she has that fist in front of her mouth which just screams fear & horror to me, then disbelief - or rather, a desperate wish of denial - with the whole "i met o" bit, which she quickly moves past, & she crumples over again, back into some mixture of shock & despair
but her head SNAPS UP when he says that o is "close to his heart" & she has a face of utter shock & horror when she finds out about the matchbox
then he tosses the matchbox & her face is back to fury, tinged with wariness, & she runs to the cockpit; when she finds it empty she looks first shocked, then fucking furious as she shouts "where's barton?"
then for the whole sequence with the bomb she is mostly just panicking, this is honestly the least in control we've seen her since her run started
then that last exchange between them she just sort of looks lost, her expression some mix of shock, despair, & intently listening to whatever he has to tell her
when the doctor & the master meet up again in the adelaide gallery - it literally cannot be more than an hour later on her part - the doctor is so much calmer, so much more in control of herself; if she's still feeling fear or shock, none of it leaks through, though shades of righteous anger, disgust, wariness & irritation definitely do
she’s just not afraid of him; she’s worried about what’s going on, worried about what he might do, but she is not afraid of him
i guess half an hour was long enough to have steeled herself for the inevitability that he'd turn up again; it's much easier to keep calm when she knows he's coming, when it isn't a shock
& she is in almost complete control of the situation, certainly of herself & the power dynamics between them, right up until he brings up gallifrey, which imo he 100% did on purpose for that very reason
bc immediately prior to that, the power dynamics had completely flipped - when he had her on her knees, for all that it felt like she was Allowing him to be in control he was still, nominally, the one in control
but then she realizes the situation he’s in with barton & the kasaavin & she seizes the upper hand with barely any effort, she’s amused & smug & laughing at him, he has to do something
also on the rewatch i absolutely do not read the kneeling scene as at all sexual, it barely has sexual undertones to me beyond the pretty standard doctor/master power plays
jesus that entire confrontation on the eiffel tower is such massive exes/old friends energy; they’re irritated with each other in a way that screams familiarity, they’re both so snarky & reluctantly fond & there’s so much history there
again, the eiffel tower sequence has the doctor very much in control of herself; she very much has the upper hand, she's prepared herself for the conversation about motivations that honestly they've probably had before, he wasn't telling her anything she didn't know or suspect there
& the mention of gallifrey fails to faze her either, bc he started to mention it in the adelaide gallery & by now she's had several hours to process it; she's prepared herself for anything he might say about 'home' & genuinely just refuses to believe him
that conversation is enough to plant the doubt in her mind, enough to make her check, but she absolutely did not believe him in that moment; she considers it for like 2 seconds before dismissing his claims
if he'd had more time he might have convinced her, she was clearly prepared to hear him out at least, but he'd have had to work at it & she'd never have truly believed it until she saw it for herself
i mean imho this scene is barely worth mentioning form a perspective of the doctor’s genuine emotions; she was fronting so much here, this scene was 100% facade
she has the upper hand, not just on an emotional level like in the preceding scenes but on every level, & she had as much time as she needed to emotionally prepare herself
i mean the general impression i get of her in this scene is confidence, assurance of her impending victory, & a general air of smugness, mixed in with a little well-earned pettiness as well
gosh i wonder if this total suppression of anything resembling negative emotions, including the anger that permeated their other scenes, had anything to do with the presence of a certain trio of companions
she goes to gallifrey, so clearly the master got to her more than she let on earlier; i think it's partly bc something as traumatic & loaded as the re-destruction of gallifrey was always going to be a trigger for her & no matter how much she disbelieved him she would have to check, if only to prove him wrong, but also she was covering a lot in the earlier confrontations, was more affected & made more vulnerable by him than she really let on
in the aftermath of seeing gallifrey, she's kind of in shock again, & that’s when the hologram shows up; when she's vulnerable & unprepared for it, when she's completely alone & he isn't really there - so in this scene, she's not hiding anything
she goes over to the hologram & her expression is just lost; she looks so shellshocked & vulnerable that it genuinely hurts
then he tells her that he did that & her jaw sort of trembles & i honestly could not tell you whether it's in anger or horror or grief but she looks like she's about to cry
& god, he starts to explain himself & she's listening, bc she's just so lost at this moment, she doesn't understand & she'll take just about any answers she can get
& after her flashback, when he's about to explain the timeless child, her face looks completely gaunt, she's waiting for him to tell her this world-shattering truth & she simply cannot fathom her own feelings, whether she'd rather hear it now or never know at all, but she's going to let him tell her either way
& then he doesn't
literally the moment she realizes he's not going to tell her, her open, vulnerable expression starts morphing into anger
the hologram ends & she lashes out, flinging the disk away in a moment of complete emotional overload & the frustration that accompanies it - imho that bit wasn’t just anger, it was everything
then the initial anger at being denied fades, replaced with sorrow, shock & horror, only to be replaced again by fury, a much deeper anger than immediately prior, bc that is the moment where she finally starts to properly feel the emotions that accompany the second destruction of gallifrey, & very much seems to settle on rage
#anyway she's totally gonna Deck Him tonight & that is that#ok i added some stuff & i made some edits but this is largely copy/pasted from the discord#partly bc i'm lazy & partly bc i don't have time to write this out properly#i went into less detail on adelaide gallery/eiffel tower bc i was more interested in the moments where she was feeling off-balance & afraid#doctor who#dw meta#thirteenth#the master#original
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Mended Rose
Year 6 - Chapter 32
Summary: Severus does his best to make a mends with you, hoping you will forgive him.
Word count: 2943
Warnings: Some depression like symptoms...
A/N: I’ve edited and rewritten this too much, but hopefully I did the story justice. And I’m sorry, but the posting every day streak had to end some time lol. I’ll do my best to post as much as I can but I am warning you, school will take over my life (unfortunately). Thanks for your patients, and I hope you enjoy this chapter 😊
Previous Chapter - Chapter 1
She wanted to go to the Ball with him and he ruined it. He ruined it like he ruined his friendship with Lily. It had played over exactly the same, except this time, the girl he’d pushed away had loved him back, had opened her doors to him only to have him slam them in her face. You’d left him by the lake with the rose he intended for you. To willow in the grave mistake he’d just made. Picking up the flower, he examined the petals that threatened to fall off, his anger simmering away, replaced with nothing but regret. The rest of it was mostly intact, salvageable at the very least, even after the reparative beatings it had taken today. He didn’t know how, but he knew he had to fix this.
With determination and a splash of desperation pumping through his veins , he got up from where he sat and made his way towards the Great Hall. Dinner had already commenced by the time he got there. The hall filling with cheerful noises of conversation between friends and professors while he stood at the entrance, frantically scanning the table across the from the one he belonged to. You weren’t there. He would have easily spotted you, but he still kept looking, hoping he was wrong. But you weren’t there. The dorms, he thought, that’s where you must have gone. His shoulders dropped as his gaze fell to the floor in disappointment. There was no way for him to get inside, and after what happened with Lily, he couldn’t make a habit of camping outside the portrait of the Fat Lady. He’d have to wait patiently to catch you another time. At least it gave him the opportunity to think over what he would say. He couldn’t leave this conversation to chance like he did last time. He’d learned that rushing into such an apology could lead to more regretful words being spoken, and that was the last thing he wanted. Instead of joining his fellow housemates, he went to his own dorm, heading straight to bed as you curled up under the sheets, reflecting over today’s events and how he could possibly make it up to you.
The next morning, he went to the astronomy tower with the small sliver of hope that you would show up to their daily study sessions, but it was no surprise to him that you didn’t. Sighing, he closed the door behind him and fought back the tears. It had barely been twelve hours and he already missed you. Knowing how angry you must be with him, hurt. It pierced his heart and he knew it wouldn’t stop until he made it up to you. Perhaps this pain could serve as punishment until then. It could keep him grounded and focused on making it right with you. He made his way around the castle and searched every location he thought he might find you. His final stop was the Great Hall where breakfast had been served and as he searched the room as he did the night before, he began to realize just how hurt you were if you had skipped both dinner and breakfast.
But he knew your schedule, every class you took, every study break, he knew everything about your daily routine. He was sure that he would find you eventually.
The incident with Severus had struck you harder than you would have initially imagined as you puddled into a complete mess over the next few days, refusing to leave your dorm over the weekend and even skipping all your classes on Monday. A few of your housemates noticed and began to worry over you. Mary began sneaking food out of the kitchen, practically forcing you to eat as you attempted to shove her away, burying your face back into the small comfort your pillow offered.
“If you don’t want to tell me what’s wrong,” said Jessica, “You could at least eat. Please (Y/N), this isn’t healthy. You haven’t eaten in days!” Mary placed the food on your bedside table as Jessica attempted to pull the covers off of you.
“Leave me alone,” your voice was raspy, weak from all the tears you had shed. You knew she was right, that you had to eat but you couldn’t find the energy, or the will power to even sit up.
“If you don’t eat, I’m getting McGonagall,” Jessica threatened.
You paused, thinking about what would happen if your head of house saw you in such a state. She would surely ask you to explain yourself and you had no interest in sharing the little chat you had with Severus with anyone, let alone a professor.
“No don’t get her,” you said quickly.
Slowly, you let go of your covers and let Jessica tear them off of you as you tried to sit up. It had been so long since you had moved from your spot in your bed that your joints ached with every small move you made. Your head pounded as Mary pulled back the curtains around your bed, letting in the blinding sun you hadn’t seen in days. You pressed your palm against your temple as you shut your eyes. Your hair seemed to have formed a nest from the lack of care you’ve been giving it and your pillow was still damp from the fresh tears you shed a few hours ago.
Mary picked up a glass of pumpkin juice and handed it to you before pulling Jessica aside.
“You weren’t serious right?” she whispered to Jessica, out of earshot from you. “You’ll get McGonagall?”
“No, not yet,” she responded. “We got her to eat at least. Maybe we can convince her to go to class tomorrow. And if not, then yes, we’ll tell McGonagall.”
“My head is pounding,” you said as you downed the rest of the drink in your hand. “Do you think you could fetch me a pain-relieving potion from Madam Pomfrey, Jess?”
Jessica brought her attention back to you before heading to her trunk, rummaging through it. She threw you a small vial and you watched as it landed on your bed between your legs. You picked it up and read the label.
“It’s left over from last month when I asked her for some,” she explained. You popped open the potion and was about to down it before she spoke again. “You should eat first. It can have some really bad side effects if drunk on an empty stomach.”
You paused and looked down at the potion, realizing how right she was. It shocked you how you’d completely forgotten that it could burn a hole in your stomach if not drunk under proper circumstances. Tears gathered under your eyes as you remembered asking Severus about this potion during one of your study sessions. Your mind suddenly filled with memories of you both before the last few words he spoke to you began replaying.
Mary walked back to stand beside you and took the small vial, sealing it and placing it on your table. You wiped away your tears as you reached for the food instead, slowly nibbling on it, fighting the nausea as you felt your stomach fill up quickly.
“How about we go for a walk?” Jessica suggested.
“No.” you whispered before leaning back into bed and drinking the potion she had given you. “I don’t want to leave.” You felt safe here in bed, like the horrors of the world couldn’t touch you if you hid under your covers.
“Then how about we just sit in the common room?” asked Mary.
A few moments passed and you found yourself sitting by the fireplace, surrounded by your Gryffindor mates, all happily chatting, trying to cheer you up. Your tears quickly dried up as you finally found yourself thinking of something other than Severus for the first time in days. They did their best to convince you to go to class and by lunch the next day, they found you dressed and ready to head to Charms.
You avoided Severus’ gaze during classes the rest of the day, throwing all your focus into your studies instead as a distraction. Soon enough, comfortable eased its way you’re your mind and lead you to continue your studies as you didn’t want to fall behind, but you knew that if he tried to talk to you, it would bring back all those negative thoughts and you’d no doubt find yourself falling back into the hollow abyss of despair.
You somehow found yourself seeing a lot more of Andrei since he asked you to the Yule Ball. Every corner you turned, you feared of bumping into him as the last time that happened, he wouldn’t let you leave until Professor McGonagall threatened to give you detention if you didn’t head to class. Despite your luck with the Durmstrang Champion, you had managed to avoid seeing much of Severus thus far and after class, you would always hurry away back to Gryffindor tower before he could talk to you. However, as you left Transfiguration, you found Severus outside waiting for you, forgetting he had a free block that period.
“(Y/N) please, I want to talk.”
“I have nothing to say to you,” you replied, mimicking his usual cold demeanor.
“I’m sorry!” he said quickly. “I didn’t mean it (Y/N), I’m really sorry for what I said. I thought maybe you were just stringing me along. I didn’t think-“
“No, you didn’t! You didn’t think! You just jumped to conclusions like you always do! Sev, how could you possibly think I would ever try and hurt you like that after all we have been through!”
“I know, I’m an idiot and you deserve to be treated so much better than how I treated you. I’m sorry (Y/N). I really am so sorry. I didn’t mean it. I-I was angry, and it just slipped out. A-and I’m not trying to make excuses for what I did, but (Y/N), I truly didn’t mean what I said. You are amazing and beautiful and I’m so sorry. I really hope you can forgive me because… I would really like to go to the Yule Ball with you.” He paused and took out the rose he had wished to give you two days ago, looking down at the flower as he continued in a quieter tone. “If you don’t want to go with me, if you would prefer to go with that Durmstrang boy, then I’ll understand.” He looked back at you and took your hand, “but I would really like to show you how much you mean to me (Y/N).” He gently placed the rose in your hand, “please (Y/N), go to the Ball with me?”
You examined the damaged rose in your hand, all thoughts of yelling at him, finding a way to hurt him as he did you thrown out the window the second you heard his pleads. The flower you held wasn’t as pretty as it was when you first found it; a few petals looked as if they were about to fall at any second and a few others were bent incorrectly. As you looked back up at him, seeing the helplessness in his eyes, you felt pity and desperation emulating from the boy standing before you. Gently, you arranged some of the petals to their rightful place before answering him.
“Let me think about it,” you whispered.
He nodded in agreement and left you to your thoughts. You wanted to forgive him, to go to the Ball with him, but you couldn’t get what he said out of your head. You understood he only spit out that word because he was frustrated, thinking you had flirted with him only to turn around and find someone else, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt, that didn’t excuse what he said. He did care for you, you knew that and you still harbored feelings for him, which made it so much harder to forget him. What were you supposed to do now? If you forgave him, you would be opening your heart to him, risking having it crushed again, but if you didn’t, you would likely lose him forever. You made your way back to your dorm and set the rose on the table beside your bed.
Each day for the next few weeks, passed the same way; you went to bed and woke up looking at the rose, thinking about your relationship with Severus and how long you had been waiting to show him just how much he meant to you. You felt so conflicted and unsure of how you felt after what happened between you two. On one hand, you wanted to put what happened behind you, to move forward and start a relationship you knew would blossom into something tremendously beautiful. But your heart held you back, telling you not to trust him again, not to put yourself in such a vulnerable position because what if his intentions weren’t as pure as he’d made them out to be. Or worse, what if he was simply using you again like he did with Slughorn’s party in fourth year? Deciding you had to talk to him one last time before giving him an answer, you set your rose back down on your table and went to bed, momentarily pausing your thoughts as you made plans to catch him tomorrow.
After lunch the next day, you made your way to the astronomy tower with the rose in your hand and found Severus with his face buried in a book in the same corner you would both normally sit together. When you opened the door he looked up, immediately put down his book and stood, wide eyed.
His quick movement shook you a moment, but you closed the door behind you as you eyed him a moment before speaking. “Hey,” you said softly.
“Hey.” He copied the same cautious tone you gave him. You took a few steps towards him, wanting to get all the answers you needed from him.
“So, I was thinking, about what you said to me. And, I want to forgive you Severus, I do.” You looked down at your hands. “But how do I know I can trust you again? How do I know you won’t turn on me again?”
Severus took a moment to think about how to reply. He understood your hesitation and understood why you asked him these questions, but he just wasn’t sure he could give you the answer you were looking for.
“Do you remember when we first met? I-I didn’t trust you back then. I thought you were like all the other Gryffindors. Like Potter. But you showed me kindness and compassion. I know I haven’t returned that favor, I know I haven’t been the most open person. But I want to show you that I can be. I want to show you that you can trust me. If you forgive me, I promise I won’t betray your trust again… I promise I won’t jump to conclusions,” you giggled at his last sentence. He hesitated for a second before kneeling to pick up a book from his bag. He took another moment tracing the outline of the front cover before speaking again. “I want you to have this.”
Your eyes widened as you recognized the book he’d handed to you. You’d asked to borrow it on many occasions and without fail, he had denied each request. It was a potions book, containing some rare mixtures. His mother had given it to him when he was young, and he never parted without it. It was the first book he’d grown to love, one that had been passed down from generations in his family holding the royal ambiance of the Prince family.
“Y-you’re giving this to me?” you asked in shock. “I can’t take this Severus! I know what it means to you.”
“Then you understand what you mean to me.”
A shallow breath escaped your lips as they twitched into a sincere smile at the gesture he made. Your heart fluttered at the feeling of the vintage leather beneath your fingertips. You couldn’t believe how much he trusted you, how badly he wanted your forgiveness. You stepped forward until you were only inches apart. Placing your bag and the book he gave you on the ground, you reached into your robe and took out the delicate rose before taking his hand and holding the flower between your chest and his.
“Ask me again,” you whisper, your eyes searching his and finding nothing but love. He raised his free hand, placing it on yours as you both held the rose in place.
“Will you go to the Ball with me?” he whispered back.
“I would love to go to the Ball with you.”
Severus held back the ball of happiness ready to burst in his chest as he let out a breath of relief. Smiling, he cautiously leaned in a bit wondering if he was overstepping, but you closed the distance between you two, finally locking lips with him. You both kissed like you hadn’t seen each other in years, noses colliding and lips hungry for each other’s touch. You snaked your arms around his neck, and he placed his on your waist in response. It was perfect and you couldn’t have asked for more.
When you finally parted, panting for air, Severus met his forehead with yours, giving you a genuine smile. This moment was the happiest he had felt in a long time and you couldn’t have shared in those feelings more.
Next Chapter
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