#I didn't just want to post an image without giving credit to the people responsible for it so-to-speak
bloggedanon · 2 years
Detroit: Become Human except this is RK900's calibration coin
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heck-theo · 3 months
ROTTMNT Pride Flag Icons
The response to my last post about these was very encouraging so I finished them! Here are some examples using popular headcanons and/or headcanons that I like (so hard to pick cause there are so many great ones).
Below these examples are some rules for use and then below that are the blanks with the green flags for you!
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Rules: First I wanna acknowledge that there's nothing I can really do to stop people using these however they want, and while I would disapprove, I'm not going to get mad and fight you about it. I won't give you the attention.
If you have any good faith/genuine questions or criticisms about these rules please let me know.
TLDR:Keep it respectful and PG.
Who can use these? I don't mind anyone using these if it follows the rules. Please credit me in some way if you use (even if it's just a text post), and don't claim that they are your own. If you would like to use it in a way that isn't specified here or with a flag not mentioned, feel free to ask.
Editing? I don't mind if you want to add small details, adjust colours etc, but I'd rather you didn't make large adjustments that could really change the overall picture.
How do I use these? I actually have no clue how to mask over a colour in a flat image, these are all clipped over the flag colour layer. If you do know please feel free to leave a comment. If you would like to request a specific flag go ahead and ask. If I only get a few requests I probably won't mind doing them for you. This is not a guarantee though, and it just depends on what I have going on and how I feel at the time.
What flags can I use? This is intended for flags that represent or support LGBTQIA identities. To be clear this does NOT include anything like TERF, MAP or Zoo flags. Also please don't use any flags representing kink and stuff.
Country flags? That is not the intended use and I'd really rather you didn't, however in the end as long as the flag isn't being used in a way that supports war, genocide or bigotry I'm not toooo fussed.
I really hope I'm being paranoid and this won't be an issue but I feel the need to say it cause I've been on the internet long enough to know it's full of trolls, grifters and creeps. If you see anyone being problematic, bigoted or disrespectful with these feel free to let me know. Free block list.
One last thing: There is a more "fem" leaning/alt version and a more "masc" presenting version. I tried not to get too carried away with changing their designs in the alt version. Also I'm still trying to figure out this style so it's not perfect but I was flattered that you guys were interested so I wanted to finish them off. Also they were designed to read well on a small scale so a lot of choices were made specifically to try and increase readability when they're itty bitty and some things might look slightly odd on full scale? Anyway.
Ok without further ado here are the blanks (I hope you can get some use out of them and enjoy ^^):
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The Duff 14
Warnings: groping, insecurity, food and body issues, manipulation, and the usual. Proceed with caution.
Feedback is always welcome. Love you and thanks for the wonderful responses so far.♥♥♥♥
Image credit (I want to give dues where due but don’t want the creator to keep getting tagged in my posts as I have been approached by some before that they don’t want me in their notifs)
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You skip lunch, trying to make up for missed time. The hours fly by and you only look up from your desk as Marnie packs up. You wish her a good night and Taylor leaves soon after without a word.
You cradle your forehead and pull your phone closer, flipping it over. Notifications stack on the lock screen  unnoticed as you keep it muted in the office. You don't need Gloria lecturing you again about professionalism.
That most of the notifications are messages from Curtis both surprises you and doesn't. You fully thought he was too mad to bother yet he's left a scroll of texts. He's a bit much, too much. 
Ugh, you don't know. You put down the phone and rub your eyes. It's just all too fast. You're panicking. And clueless. You just really don't know if you're blowing it out of proportion. 
You retrieve your phone and flip up the lockscreen. You thumb through your contacts and hit Stephanie's name. You hesitate, hovering over the keyboard.
'Hey, sup?'
Hopefully she answers. You can ask her about Curtis. Or maybe you're better off just forgetting him. You're almost too embarrassed to tell anyone. You're probably being stupid. 
You go back to your work. Gloria is already gone. You barely saw her before she left for the courthouse and Charles dipped out after his lunch. You might be the only person left in the office.
You enjoy the solitary. You feel like you haven't been alone in forever. You never realised how much you actually enjoy it.
Your steady typing fills the silence. You ease into the lull, the sky dimming through the windows, casting a haze over your cubicle. You save the file and check the time. You should go. At this point, you're working for free.
The click of a door handle frightens you. You assure yourself it's just the cleaner but the scuff of a sole assures you otherwise. Andy lets out a garbled noise.
"Shoot, sorry, I didn't realise anyone was still here," he says.
"Just about to leave," you grab your phone and make a face at the new alert. Even more messages and none from Stephanie. 
"Avoiding home?" Andy wonders as he pulls shut his office door.
"Not exactly," you shut down your computer and grab your bag from under your desk, "just… not in a hurry."
"I know the feeling. Not rearing to sit down to a microwave steak and powdered potatoes," he kids, "you know what people never warn you about when you divorce? The cooking."
You force a laugh. It's nice of him to humour you. You suppose your problems could be worse. You don't have to worry about custody or alimony or really anything but yourself. Maybe that's why Curtis is making you so anxious.
"Not tryna be inappropriate but you have any suggestions? Might be better off grabbing something on the way."
"Er," you shoulder your bag, "the taco place isn't too bad from what I hear. My friends said it was amazing.:
"You didn't go?"
"Uh, no," you admit as you rub your neck, making the awkward shuffle towards the door ahead of him, "I was busy."
You won't admit that they didn't invite you and that you were at home watching their Insta stories about the ghost pepper salsa. No one needs to know that. You wish you could forget that altogether.
"Hmm, I don't mind Mexican," he follows you through the door, "how about you? What's for dinner?"
"I don't know, cereal," you scoff as you head down the stairs, "easier than cooking."
He's quiet as the stairs creak beneath his feet. The old building groans as you come down to the main floor. You don't even feel much like eating. 
"I hate to be… too forward but you wanna join me for tacos? My treat."
"Hmm?" You pause at the door and glance back at him.
"I mean, you want something quick and I hate eating alone. Every night. In front of the TV."
You feel a pluck of sympathy. You can't tell if he's playing it up or joking. You also don't know how acceptable it would be to have dinner with your boss.
"You don't have to stay. We can grab take out and you can enjoy it at home."
You keep your hand on the door and tap your toe. It's just food, right? You hate to turn down a free meal and Andy's harmless. 
"If I'm being honest, I really just don't wanna walk in by myself. I feel like a bit of a sad sack," he lowers his voice. "So?"
You tilt your head back and forth. It will be a good excuse not to look at your phone. You tuck the cell phone on the side pocket of your bag and give a smile.
"Sure, why not? If you're paying, I'm not complaining."
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multimuseticles · 3 months
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You know... I've been drawing ever since I was like 5 years old. It's something I've spent pretty much my entire life doing. The longest I'd ever really go without drawing is like a couple of months maybe, and lately I've been drawing on an almost near daily basis. But if I'm being honest, I'm fairly close to actually quitting.
I still love to draw and I don't really want to stop, but it's getting to a point where AI slop is just entirely taking over the internet. Finding even reference images these days is so difficult because google is filled with AI crap and a lot of actual art sites allow AI art(looking at you Pixiv and DeviantArt).
I used to get a couple of commissions a month just a few years ago. Then covid hit and I got a little less work because people didn't exactly have the same amount of money to spend, which makes perfect sense. But getting closer to the end of covid when people could actually go back to work etc, AI decided to creep its head up and now I'm lucky to get one commission every few months. Originally, AI art was laughable and it was only able to make really stupid shit that was basically illegible. Like that Dall-e thing.
Putting the rest under a read more because it's somewhat long.
But nowadays, a lot of people prefer to use AI than give actual artists attention. Especially now that a lot of big companies are pushing their own AI crap(looking at you Adobe and Meta). Instagram used to be a great place for artists, now its filled with AI crap that Instagram seems to fucking love and is basically training their AI on your own posts. They say you can opt out, but if you live in the USA? You seemingly can't. In the EU you can because of laws, so I was able to opt out. However. I don't trust Meta not to train off my shit anyway.
Then you've got Adobe, which y'know, was a thing for artists to create stuff, be that through Photoshop, Illustrator or even their video editors. But now they're just pushing their lame AI crap to do everything for you, and still charge a ridiculous amount for their service.
Now I'm not just complaining because I'm getting less work. It's just depressing that creativity is dying. Generative AI is being used in video games, movies, tv shows, music, youtube videos, voiceovers and pretty much EVERYTHING else. It's impossible to avoid these days. Sites that allow AI but ask you to tag it so people can hide it doesn't work either, because people just don't tag that shit.
Due to all this AI crap, artists are being accused of using AI to create their art, regardless of if they show proof or not. It hasn't happened to me yet, but I feel it's inevitable simply because I absolutely suck at drawing hands and I can just barely get the hang of them most of the time. A ton of actual artists have been essentially bullied to the point where they don't post their art online anymore, or are forced to change their art style.
It's so much harder for artists to get their work out there anymore because AI is taking over all of these sites so the majority of the stuff you see is generated bullshit. It has led to people being like "Why would I pay someone to do this when I can just write a prompt and get what I want in seconds?" and no matter what you say to people with this line of thought, they just do not give a single shit.
I'm fine with AI to an extent. I think it's fine to just use it for dumb shit between friends, or helping to get a design idea for an OC or something. But the moment you start making money from AI or posting it online and claiming it as your own(and saying that people should credit you if you used it???) is the moment I think it's not okay. Have you seen Facebook or Twitter lately? Filled with really messed up AI images and AI responses. Facebook is rampant with weird and disturbing looking AI generated images and Twitter is 90% bots these days.
This whole post was spurred on by a conversation I saw between two of my friends. One of my friends wanted to get into graphic design, and being the artist of the group and having experience in graphic design, he came to me for advice. He got some very basic stuff done and he was really proud of it. He was showing some of the stuff he made to our other friend who simply responded with an AI generation of the same thing saying "Just use AI man, it's quicker and looks better." It was super depressing to see, especially since I've had conversations about how much I hate generative AI with these same friends.
So at this point I'm on the edge of just stopping. I probably won't, but I'm starting to lose motivation because I feel like there is no safe place to upload my art anymore. Will I stop? Probably not, but the temptation is there. I dunno, fuck generative AI man.
Sorry for the long ass rant, but I'm just getting so fed up with this crap.
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therealraeweber · 2 years
Logging on to Tumblr last night and seeing the hashtag "AI art" was trending was an experience. I expected to click on it and see a flood of those "me if I was a Greek Goddess, AI generated" posts (which... by the way... none of those posts ever look like the op, or a Greek Goddess... just saying). Instead, I saw people talking about the ethics of AI art and MAN WAS THAT REFRESHING! We haven't been talking about this enough. Here's my little rant for the day.
I'm going to preface this by saying, yes I have used AI to generate images. I used to do it for fun when DALLE was first gaining popularity, because who wouldn't want to make a silly little picture of Gonzo from the Muppets at a pride parade, or the 11th Doctor working as a Walmart cashier. I have also been using AI a LOT recently, but not of my own volition, but because we had not one, but TWO AI ART PROJECTS that were mandatory for the Digital Media class I took this semester at university. Being an art student is frustrating some times.
I also want to say, yes I have shared some of the AI pictures I've generated on Tumblr, thought I always disclose when something I post is AI generated, and make sure no one thinks it is my own artwork or photography. I also only post the silly ones (like the aforementioned Gonzo at pride parade), nothing that I think would look like it has been stolen or referencing someone else's artwork.
Ok, now that that is out of the way, AI ART IS UNETHICAL. I've been realizing that more and more as I've been using it and as it's become more popular. Not just because it's taking jobs away from artists (which it is and will continue to do), but because it directly steals artworks from artists without their consent, uses them to spit out a new image, and gives absolutely no credit or compensation to the original artist.
I didn't realize until very recently just how much it steals from artists. If you are an artist who has EVER posted one of your pieces to social media, or anywhere on the internet for that matter, you are at risk of having your art stolen and ripped off. That's a terrifying thought.
In my digital media class, our assignment was to use the Midjourney AI to create a series of 10 images. I remember originally being very upset and frustrated about this assignment because I'm paying to go to art school and take art classes, and yet we have an assignment that has absolutely no creativity required? Our assignments should be encouraging us to practice creativity, not just type a few words into a computer and call it a day. Originally, this is what upset me most, but as I got into the project more and more it quickly became the ethics of the project that were aggravating to no end.
Our prof wanted us to play around with style. I remember his suggestions of typing in "In the style of _____" to make a piece that emulates the style of a specific artist. This just felt super icky to me, so I stuck to only generating things that said "photo realistic", so it didn't feel like the computer was stealing someone's art style for me. I haven't got the marks back for this assignment yet, but I'm going to assume I didn't do well because I wasn't very experimental with the style of the images, but I simply refused to steal another artist's style of work for my project.
I remember about half way through the assignment, we had a mid-project critique session, where we shared a couple of the images we generated with the class and shared what prompts we used to create these images. I remember one of my classmates said something along the lines of "I really liked the style of this artist, so I tried to get the AI to generate something in his style. I ended up not using them because they always added his signature to the bottom corner, which made me super uncomfortable because it felt like stealing his artwork". I remember our prof's response to this was "Don't worry about it! You can photoshop out the signature before you hand it in!"... UMMM WHAT. If that isn't a perfect example of how dangerous this AI is to artists then I don't know what is.
We did have a little bit of a discussion of the ethics of AI artwork creation in this class, but it was mostly by the students, as we were complaining about having to do this and how icky it was. I really wish now that we had had a full class designated to discussing this in more detail.
Anyways, I do think AI art is unethical, and I did feel really gross about doing it as an assignment for an art class. Now... am I still using the AI? Yes. I'm using it because I had to pay for a month's subscription to this thing for my assignment, so I want to get my money's worth. I don't think there is much harm in me using it just for fun, provided I'm not using these photos for anything or sharing them anywhere. They are just going to be sitting on my computer as pretty images for me to look at, and I would be lying if I said it isn't fun to generate them. But I wouldn't use them for any art purposes, and especially never claim that I made them. That being said, I am using some of them as base references for paintings I've been making, but I do make sure that I am just using them as inspiration, rather than copying directly, because you never know whose stolen art has been used to generate a piece. I've generated quite a few images now that have got me excited to paint again, so at least one positive came out of this assignment.
If you are someone who posts AI generated art without disclosing it is AI generated, or worse, you claim to be the "artist"... shut up. Please. See the toll that AI is taking on the artist community and just stop.
So that's my little rant about AI art and my art class. Don't mind me, I'm just going to reblog a few posts now about the ethics of AI because it's important to me that these posts get shared and the message gets around, especially to non artists. Have a lovely day everyone.
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yenkat101 · 3 years
Bsd ability is protecting pt. 1
25 post event. 7/25 -pt. 2 (Dazai and Chuuya)
Characters: (Atsushi x you) (Akutagawa x you)
General: Scenario
Text type: Pine point and dialogues
Warning: mentions of strangers assaulting reader
Master list
Senecio: I was thinking about some original ideas I could post about until I fought about, what if you're lovers ability acted on it's own to protect you because they sensed you in danger? Not all the bsd characters can do that. But, I know that Atsushi and Akutagawa could since their ability has it's own mind. Not so much Atsushi, but it has happen in numerous episode that he's ability has a mind of he's own.
These images are not mine credits go to the owners!
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Atsushi Nakajima
-Atsushi was with Dazai on another case to solve a robbery cause by some ability user, it didn't take long until they solved the case and arrest the people responsible for the crime
-now Atsushi was walking back to the agency with Dazai, until he came to a helt because he felt so uneasy
Atsushi: ...
Dazai: Atsushi..? Do you feel sick or something?
Atsushi: ...
-Atsushi didn't know why he felt so uneasy. His guts told him to start naming names of people he knew. He named all the agency members with no luck, until he said Y/n. He's stomach responded loud and clear that he's uneasy because of you. He didn't understand at first
-like why would you make him feel sick? Then his ability activated on it's own making he's legs into a tiger's back leg
-he told Dazai to go without him, claiming that he forgot something important he needed to do
-once Dazai was out of view he decided to use the tracking app that he'd refused to use it under any circumstances
-it didn't take long to pin point your location, he felt more uneasy when he saw that you were currently in a part of Yokohama where there were many reports of criminal activities there
-he decided to go and see you, in order to calm his nerves
-suddenly his ability acted up more and started sprinting to your location at he's highest speed. In 3 minutes he would be at you location if he continued he's current speed
-he was quite shocked when his ability started running, and even more worried because he's ability never acted up this much
-but, he was instead glad that it did, because what he saw angered him
Y/N's pov
-you were just walking to the armed detective agency to meet up with your boyfriend Atsushi to have lunch with him
-what you didn't expect was some thugs that wanted you as hostage to possibly capture Atsushi who was 7000 yen and sell him to receive all the money nessessairy to be as strong as the Port Mafia was now attacking you
-they were beating you up, now you were on the wall crouched down as blood came down your nose and as bruises started to forme
-it was a terrifying site to walk by, an innocent young adult being beaten as if they were a twig. You look bearly old enough to be an adult so many would mistake you as a teenager at first glance
-you were done for, until a white tiger came. It was clearly angry, it also had a slight glow of blueish turquoise, you knew it was Atsushi. I repeat he looked furious.
-he was quick to shield you, now there was an threatening tiger growling at the attackers as you were hidden under his stomach
-the tiger showed an aggressive attitude, clearly giving the point that he was not afraid to harm them if they were to harm you
-soon enough the police showed up because apparently a citizen came across the scene and called the police, they claim that innocent teenager was being beaten up by thugs
-lucky enough the police station that responded to the call has worked with the armed detective agency before and are aware of Atsushi's ability. so, they weren't too shocked to see him and focused on resting the thugs instead of worrying because there's a white tiger intimidating criminals
-after the scene was cleared up they want to check on the so-called innocent teenager that was absurdly harmed by some lowly thugs. But Atsushi was not comfortable with the action. So, he used his mouth, bit onto your clothes a bit, carrying you like how felines normally carry their cub and started running, jumping roof to roof
-once the both of you have reached a far distance, he turned back to normal on a rooftop. Now he was in his human form with certain parts of the body that refuse to return to his original state and he was still glowing which was something new. He said and caressed you while crying a bit
Atsushi: Are you all right?
Y/n: Yes. but, how did you find me? you're supposed to be at the agency...
Atsushi: Believe it or not, my ability knew you were in danger and reacted on it's own
Y/n: Really?
Atsushi: Yeah, I think my ability knows I want to protect you so it acted up on its own when you were in danger
Atsushi: Now let's go back to the agency to get you patched up, here I'll carry you
Y/n: Love you...
Atsushi: I love you too, but rest now. The bruises are starting to get worse and we must treat the blood before anything else happens. Feel free to sleep during the walk back, this time I'll protect you and make sure nothing happens to you
-afterwards Atsushi used a bit of his ability to turn his legs into a tiger's legs to be able to go to the agency faster
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Ryunosuke Akutagawa
-Akutagawa just finished a mission, having finally gotten rid of Higuchi. He was wondering if you were alright
-suddenly his coat aka Rashomon summoned himself looking deranged and agitated
-Akutagawa was confused because this is the first time Rashomon has ever done something like this
-Rashomon moved oddly as it twitches seeming like it's glitching, as well as trying to say something important that Akutagawa needs to know
-the more time he stood there trying to understand what was his ability trying to tell him, the more Rashomon became impatient and even tried rushing away from him in order to show him what's wrong
-finally he agreed to follow his ability in the direction that it was leading him to, almost every second that passed Rashomon wanted to go faster
-so Akutagawa decided to follow his pace and continue on, and he was 100% confused on why was it acting up
-but all he cared is to get it over with. so, his ability won't attack him
-when Akutagawa realized why Rashomon was acting up he was straight up furious and suddenly had murders intentions
Y/N's Pov
-you were just going home after work, after you decided to take the morning shift
-now right now is about lunch time, you know your boyfriend was busy all the time. so, you didn't even bother to ask if he wanted to eat with you. but, it wouldn't hurt to drop him off something to eat
-so now you were walking to go get some food, like perhaps soba? Or even figs, you were a bit hungry so you didn't care
-suddenly a hand grabbed you and pulled you in an alleyway, you didn't know who were these strange men but they were looking for trouble
-they started touching you weirdly and asking what was frail child doing on the streets
-you were so confused, what! is now illegal for a young adult to walk in broad daylight!?! In your defense you said you were not a child but rather a young adult
-then out of nowhere they were acting all smug saying they knew who I was and who I was dating
-then they started smashing you repeatedly on the wall then they started punching you for their own pleasure, now you were trembling not exactly knowing what to do you weren't totally afraid but of course you didn't like what they were doing
- (why weren't you afraid? You seen Akutagawa do worse to someone else)
-you couldn't help but cry and tremble while you hold yourself, it was painful, it hurt. Now you're a bit shocked of fear, since you didn't exactly know how to stand up for yourself
-then suddenly the attackers expression changed to smug and pleasure to now fear and horror
-then you were quickly lifted off the ground, into an embrace
-this person held you close and covered your ears and eyes for some reason
-now you're being carried by this person and still wasn't aware of who it was
-but after 5 minutes of pure silent and continuous walking you came to a stop. The person that quote unquote saved you, was your boyfriend Akutagawa
-you couldn't tell who it was because he never did spoke waiting forcing you into his arms even if he did you want to be able to hear because of the years that covered your ears. Your vision was also taken away and you're certainly not used to him giving affection. so, the thought of your boyfriend being there was somewhat of a distant memory, due to him not exactly touching you often
-you could tell that Akutagawa had various amount of murderous intentions within all that calm compose human being act
Akutagawa: Are you alright..?
Y/n: Now that you're here, yes
Akutagawa: We're going to my apartment
Y/n: Aren't you supposed to be at work or something
Akutagawa: I finished early... you're not going to work for the rest of the day
Y/n: I just finished work for the rest of the day...
-then you tumble forgetting that you had a moment of trembling out of a fear and most certainly being beaten up that caused your legs to give out
-Akutagawa was surprisingly fast enough to catch you, you never seen him move that quickly
Akutagawa: You're not going to work for a week that's final
-that was the last thing he said until he started carrying the bridal style to his apartment
-and yes, you were forced to not go to work for a week
Y/n: Aku...
Akutagawa: Yes?
Y/n: I love you...
Akutagawa: I love you more than you think *mumbles*
25 post event with (Atsushi x reader) and (Akutagawa x reader) 7/25.
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Orange is Offence
I've seen several different theories floating around both prior to and post the new aside video, Working THROUGH Intrusive Thoughts. So I decided to throw my two cents in.
So my main cause for concern about Orange's identity has always been that he is never explicitly referenced by ANY of the other sides. They never once speak of him, but he has made himself known before, such as in the episode SVS Redux, when he appears briefly amid one of the videogame cutaways as an orange colored 4110.
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This is the first instance we've had of a dark side choosing to attempt communication individually without aid or disguise from the other sides.
For instance, our first known hint of Remus actually comes from the episode The Sanders Sides 12 Days of Christmas, where Roman says the line:
"May visions of sugarplums dance in your head and hopefully not visions of your naked aunt Patty... Yeah, I don't know where that came from."
And later in Remus's introduction song, this image appears behind him:
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For Janus, his existence was first hinted when he silences Roman from speaking in Accepting Anxiety Part 2/2. Later when he finally did reveal himself, whenever he would appear it would always be as one of the four main sides.
Then why is Orange different? Why was he able to speak to Thomas (in an albeit round about way through a videogame screen) when he has yet to show himself fully to him?
Well first lets look at what the color orange represents.
A few positive meanings of orange, of many, include balance, freedom, and expression. The most common negative associations of the color include crassness, rudeness, and frivolity.
Next, the newest big revelation in TSS since Deceit's reveal.
Logan's outburst:
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Now, many people have been theorizing that Orange is a part of Logan, and that they could be either a dichotomy/set of twins such as with Roman and Remus. But I don't think that's the case.
(I'd like to give credit to @candiecards for this next portion.)
In fact, I don't think Orange has any significant relation to Logan apart from the other sides. Rather, I think Orange is using Logan as an easy target/susceptible vessel. Just like how Janus would only appear by mimicking the other sides and disguising himself as him, I think Orange manipulates the other sides through a sort of mind control. Which is why he would be able to greet Thomas through the 43110 screen, by manipulating and altering Roman's videogame example to suit his needs.
First off, Logan has always been rather short-tempered, this is nothing new. In fact, Thomas called him (and Roman) out on it in the episode Fitting In (Hogwarts Houses!). Also, remember the time in Learning New Things About Ourselves, when Logan grew so annoyed with Roman's constant berating of his character, screamed, and threw a notecard at his eye? If Orange was always a part of him, and can be presumed to appear in fits of rage, why didn't he appear then?
Because he isn't inherently connected to Logan.
But Logan is becoming an easy target for Orange.
Over the past few episodes, and even throughout the series, Logan has been feeling left out and ignored. He was benched in SVS and was skipped and tossed aside in SVS Redux. Besides Roman, I'd say Logan is the most self-engrossed and prideful, believing that he is more important to Thomas than the other sides. He even stated in Learning New Things About Ourselves that he is the one who "maintains order."
However, when we are introduced to the state of Thomas's life in the newest episode, it is clear that Thomas is completely disorganized and has lost any sense of control over minimal things such as keeping clothes off his staircase.
It's then made clear by the way Logan speaks with Thomas that he has been trying for an undetermined amount of time to convince Thomas to reorganize himself, but that Thomas has ignored him each time.
Throughout the episode we see Logan eagerly push Thomas to work on his set schedule, but then conceding several times to Thomas's more pressing needs to deal with Remus and his intrusive thoughts over Nico's lack of a reply to a text he sent the previous day. Logan does appear patient with both Thomas and Remus, trying to logic his way through each set back, telling Thomas it's okay to take a break because of his intrusive thoughts, and trying to reason with Remus to hold himself back so he can work with Thomas more efficiently. Of course, it doesn't work, and he snaps at Remus to stop ignoring him.
Interestingly enough, at the same time Logan snaps, Thomas, who had previously appeared only anxious over Nico, then appears angry that he's being ghosted.
They become offended over the same thing. Being ignored.
Before I continue, allow me to provide a clear definition of the word offence.
Offence (noun): annoyance or resentment brought about by a perceived insult to or disregard for oneself or one's standards or principles.
As a reminder, the color orange can represent both freedom, expression, and crudeness.
When one believes that their freedom and expression of themselves and their beliefs have been insulted they take offence and often lash out in anger and become crude.
Offence can come from many places, it can come from different experiences, different expressions and emotions; but the reaction that is birthed from that offence is almost always outbursts of anger. Just think of a self-righteous Karen demanding to see a manager.
Throughout the story, Logan has been teased and ridiculed for his love and belief in strict and ridged methods and lifestyles. For him, planning and organizing and due dates are all fun things he enjoys, but to the other sides, its all just a bore and they make fun of him for it.
Logan comes off as (one of) the "angriest" side because he is constantly taking offence from others and defending himself. He is also more emotionally stifled than the other sides and does not know how to properly regulate his emotions, making him more prone to outbursts of anger. This would make it easy for Orange to take over/control him, by using his anger to blind him.
I mentioned in an old theory of mine, What is Deceit Really After?, that I believe Janus is plotting to create a power shift a from the "light" sides to the "dark" sides. And while in that theory I said I believe Janus would try to manipulate Virgil to gain power, although I still think that may be possible, I now also believe that Janus wants Orange to use Logan's offence and anger against him to control and manipulate him instead. After all, Janus was the one responsible for keeping the dark sides suppressed, only allowed to appear if Thomas wished to see them. But now they are appearing without Thomas first giving his consent to meet them.
He released Remus, promising that he would make sure that Thomas would no longer "deceive [himself] about the ugliness within [him]." Orange's sudden appearance could be the next step in Janus's plan to gain control, although I'm not sure what he could have offered Orange in exchange.
In the final moments of the episode, Janus is perched on a tree where he eats a green apple and says "Yes, everything is just fine."
As pointed out by @ethecookednoodle green apples represent matters of the mind.
The green apple at the end could very well hint at the upcoming events of the story regarding Logan and orange as the side representing Thomas's mind, and the side that performs mind-control over those who lose themselves to offence.
After all, whether he believes it or not, Logan has the most say in what Thomas does and thinks, comparable only to Patton, who Janus is in the process of seducing.
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
RE BigHit vs Jikook
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I appreciate you trying to clear things up after my last post on this topic.
I skimmed through your rejoinder and I get where you are coming from. But it seems the point of my response to you flew right over your head too.
You know what gaslighting is great but do you know what whistling is and how the erroneous use of reductios- reductio ad absurdums, the act of reducing another's argument to absurd extremities in order to critique is a form of whistling- exposing a person to online attacks or placing a target on an individual's back?
I really, really don't believe BigHit would HIDE TWO PEOPLE interacting within the group either you know?
I don't think asking two people to tone things down or slow down because they are acting risqué is the same as HIDING those two peole. That's gaslighting and is tacky.
Are you aware that by intentionally misconstruing and misinterpreting my theories in the way that you are doing in your reblogs can subject me to unwarranted negative attention and could potentially lead others who come across your reblogs out of context to attack, disparage and critique me harshly unprovoked?
Cyber Trolls and bullies looking for attention on the bird app often use this tactic to direct hate and abuse towards individuals they've tartget.
They intentionally distort their targets words, twist it around, reduce it to something absurd that they know will inflame passions or take it out of context, and post it online to incite and direct mass hate and violence towards people knowing full well that not everyone who comes across the content they've posted would grasp the context or go out of their way to find the right context of those texts.
These people try and often succeed at weaponizing the mass attention by appealing to the crowds sense of 'cancel culture' as a means to suppress and oppress people they've targeted on the internet.
I have been subjected to this form of online abuse one too many times, I'm used to it by now. But I don't find it funny at all. People will intentionally distort and reduce my theories to extreme absurdities or take certain bits out of context and would post these to Twitter, facebook, their GCs or whatever platforms they have in order to fuel or direct hate towards me either because they don't like me as a person or they don't like the things I say out here.
And their go to code word of attack is always, Taekook_lives because they know how passionate half the fandom is about that person.
You refer to your statement, 'BTS are ashamed of ships' and 'Jikook gets punished whenever they look at eachother' as a literary resource, whatever you mean by that, but you made it seem in your post like it's a theory coming from me or one I had espoused when in fact it's a reductio from you.
Am I the author of those statements? No. Have I said or implied those premise. No. But you have. Those are your assumptions about my posts. The emphasis is yours not mine. It's your interpretation of my work and like you said YOUR opinion on my work.
But ask yourself. Would you be dragged and attacked for it if it gained attention or would I ?
Do you see the problem here?
I get called out for people's interpretations of my posts all the time which to me is ridiculous.
There is nothing wrong with misunderstanding a post, or falling on the fallacy of reductio ad absurdum to argue your points, it can be humorous sometimes but understand it's a fallacy especially if you are appealing to the extremes of the argument like you keep doing in your reposts- please credit those posts appropriately next time you quote me by using disclaimers such as 'the emphasis is mine' where you assume a a meaning out of my posts or use 'the reductio is mine' or 'I assume by this statement you mean' 'correct me if I'm wrong'
Get creative with it. Lol.
Where none of these markers are used I assume without prejudice malice rooted in the fiery pits of hell are intended and I treat it as such.
As for the rest of your argument about Jikook not being a brand. It's fine. Do you.
But I disagree. Jikook is a brand in of themselves within BTS.
I see them as a brand. I see them as being managed by BigHit as a brand.
Also, I believe BigHit is aware they are dating and they are well aware of instances where Jikook gets negative attention too like whenever Christian organizations in South Korea lead online protests against them for promoting homophobia in South Korea because of their 'fan service.'
Side note: People are out here screaming Jikook is fan service every day but apparently South Korean Christians disagree. Lmho.
As for how BigHit manages Jikook in instances where they attract negative attention, I think their approach to JK's Tattoo girl scandal says it all.
The company asked the shop to lay low until it all blew over. I assume this is the protocol. I don't think it's crazy for me or anyone to assume that BigHit does the same with Jikook and ask them to tone things down when they are recieving negative attention or are moving in a way that is likely to attract negative attention.
I don't know how you arrived at 'BigHit is hiding Jikook' when all I said is I felt around a period BigHit had asked Jikook to tone things down- perhaps because they had a strategic partnership in the pipelines but sure go ahead and compare me to Taekook_lives because what better way to punish me for the opinions you don't agree with or shut me up than to get the do before complain gassed up 13 year olds roaming these streets to come for me😊
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Or better still set loose the Kookie monsters of tumblr on me- those are a lovely bunch😊
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Unfortunately, tactics like these don't work on me honey.
I'm gay and a Christian.
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Hell fire doesn't stop me from doing the gay. I don't think retweets from faceless chipmunks will slow me down out here💀
As for my theory on JK and Jikook getting punished when they breach company policies or come close to breaching their glass closet- actions have consequences.
They are employees at the end of the day and as much as they have self autonomy they are required to honor their contracts, terms of service, and obey company rules in order to continue to be employed by the company.
BTS themselves have talked about recieving punishments for defying company rules every now and then. Tae Kook have said they are partners in crime because they often get into trouble with the company and get 'scolded' for it. Jin have said he got into trouble with the company for cutting his hair himself or something. He's said he was pulled into a long meeting with staff over his hair once when he dyed it by himself- cross check, I don't remember accurately what that long meeting was about.
Jimin have said the same thing- getting in trouble for doing certain things that defy company polieces. BTS have said they aren't allowed to do certain things like drunken tweets, drinking or even swearing on VLive.
Do I think they get pulled into long meetings for a word or two when they act risqué yea. Do I think sometimes drastic measures are taken to serve as a warning or deterrent to others yes.
I really don't know why you find it absurd that I assume Jikook get punished for certain actions or that they get regulated by the company.
The look on RM and JM's face in the Be. TS Vlive when JK talked about preferring white to black to me is indication JK was going off script in that moment and was acting defiant as fuck. I don't think it's far fetched for me to assume JK wasn't supposed to say what he said or that he was going against the collective will of the group to uphold the kumbaya image of the group in that instance.
It's equally not far fetched for me to assume JM or RM would ask him as politely as possible to check his attitude next time during a VLive.
Hell, we've seen Hobi advice Jikook to be careful the way they conduct themselves on stage.
We've seen RM glare at, tap, and touch JK and the others several times on stage or during interviews and awards to get them to behave themselves and Tae has explained its because RM wants and tries to get them to act and look 'cool' in front of the cameras most times.
Tae did say he wasn't allowed to record a song with Jimin now didn't he?
Aren't all these a form of regulation? Why then do you think it's absurd for me to believe Jikook are sometimes regulated?
Please listen to BTS's song, A Typical trainee's Christmas to understand in what ways the company controls them. They've said it themselves, not I.
I recommend you watch Rookie King to understand the relationship between the boys and the company. Tae and Jin were not complaining about the company for no damn reason.
Of course they've matured now and their success guarantees them more status and freedom within the company as they are royalty and shareholders of BigHit but they are employees nonetheless.
Listen to RM- the leader of the group talk about that the company disregards their ideas and their creative inputs into their visuals and marketing I presume during the TaeNamKook YouTube live in 2020.
I promise you, just think of Jikook as real and in real life settings and the mystery will go away.
They are two gay men who work together under a company that is queer friendly but set up in homophobic society.
What advice would this company give them?
There you have your answer and if you still believe it's too fantastical to assume then agreed to disagree.
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territorial-utopia · 4 years
Hi! In response to your recent anon answer about art theft, I'm trying to find and give credit to all art I use as profile pics and such. What would you recommend doing if the place I got the image from also didn't credit the original artist? Should I just change the image completely or would it be enough to say I can't find the artist? I thought it would be good to get an artist's view, as I myself am an uncreative lump who has never had to worry about this (also sorry this ask is so long)
It’s never enough to say that you can’t find the artist. It’s lazy, rude, and pretty much theft too. It’s not an excuse that the source you got it from doesn’t tell you the original artist.
What you can do if you find a piece of art that is posted uncredited, is you can look at the drawing, most artists sign their art, somewhere in there there might be a signature or a watermark with the artist’s name/website. 
Some assholes crop these out though when they repost and honestly it’s sick but if that has happened, google’s reverse image search is a thing that will be very helpful. Just download the picture, find google’s image search, upload the image there, and see what results you get. It might take a littlebit of wading through endless pinterest results (i don’t think a single artist posts their own stuff on pinterest, it’s all stolen) until you find the original artist.
If you do, that makes you part of the problem.
Also if you see people posting cool art without credit? Confront them about it. Tell them what they’re doing is wrong. Most people who repost don’t understand that what they are doing is wrong.
Educate not only yourself, but those around you.
Thank you for asking, people who want to learn restore my faith in humanity a lil bit.
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tamras-shieldmaiden · 3 years
I'm the anon from earlier and while I do appreciate you answering you still left out the actual answer to the following question: do you ask the arists before reposting their art? Because even if you leave a link to the original art (which, btw, isn't proper crediting) you should never repost anyone's art without permission.
Your question left me with questions as to why reposting with links direct to the source and to the artists would be considered incorrect. I’m going to turn this into a training opportunity.
Many of us here are laymen when it comes to what could be considered good manners towards artists and their art. I believe most disapprove of plagiarism, and most believe in giving due credit to the artists. This is not necessarily the case across the board in other social media sites. I’ve personally witnessed how art went constantly uncredited in places like Facebook groups and some discord servers to give a few examples. So I decided to educate myself on the subject and found that they’re different opinions on what an artist would prefer when it comes to sharing their work, but pretty much all boils down to having basic courtesies with artists and their work.
On How To Deal With Online Art Theft, author, artist, and brand designer Nela Dunato describes a common scenario for artists:
“Problem 1: People who just want to share images they love, and they think they're doing you a favor
    This group people post your image without any bad intentions, but since they're not familiar with copyright law, they don't know they're doing anything wrong by posting your original image online without crediting you as original artist. Since original artist is unknown, the poster is unknowingly making it appear as if (s)he was the original author of the work. Most of the time things like this happen because the poster didn't even acquire the work from the original artist's web site, but some other channel (other people's blogs, Tumblr, Facebook...) where somebody else shared the image without credit.
    If you are doing this, I am asking you to please consider adding a clause under the image with the name and the URL of the original artist. These days it's not difficult to find the source of a particular image, since TinEye and Google Search by image have developed algorithms for image recognition.”
Quoted with author’s authorization. 
On this DeviantArt forum topic, opinions among artists themselves varied on the subject.
On this Aminoaaps entry, it goes on why reposting is bad and even mentions places that incur in hosting uncredited art.
So in summary, all of this has been a learning experience for me, and from.now on, I will proceed with due diligence with the art I post. I' ve contacted some of the artists from whom I reposted works from, and responses can be summarized as that as long as credit had been included, it was fine but that asking first is always appreciated.
So to the anon, with this question I was given the opportunity to learn about a subject I didn't know that much since I fall into the group of people Nela Dunato described, well intentioned but without knowledge of copyright law. Keep in mind that I had the interest to educate myself because, like many others, I wasn’t aware of the fact that what I was doing could be something improper or even to the detriment of the artists. Perhaps in the future, an explanation on the “why” instead of just pointing the “what" might be even more helpful and effective in educating me and others on this and other subjects.
Hope you find this answer satisfactory.
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withnive · 3 years
210804 니브(NIve)_'bollywoodhungama' Interview
EXCLUSIVE: Korean singer-songwriter NIve on piecing together debut EP Broken Kaleidoscope, navigating through tough times and producing for biggest artists In a crowded space of Korean music, every year you come across new musicians trying to leave a mark with their artistry. This year, more artists have taken the plunge to unveil music and one of them is multi-hyphenate NIve. Known primarily for his emotional and sentimental sound in his music and vocals, the musician has challenged himself with a rougher approach to both, laying down the foundation for a new sonic identity and ensuring that he presents a record that is resonating. After releasing his debut international single ‘Getaway’ in 2018, NIve received much global attention spurring his Korean debut with ‘Like a Fool’ featuring R&B singer-songwriter Sam Kim in 2020. NIve capped off 2020 with the smooth and emotional single ‘2easy’, which featured Korean R&B star Heize and marked the beginning of NIve’s full-fledged Korean promotional activities. In addition, NIve marked his debut as a producer and songwriter after composing ‘Beautiful Goodbye’ for EXO member Chen’s solo debut. NIve also has producing and songwriting credits with some of K-Pop’s brightest stars, including NCT U, Super Junior, SF9, CRAVITY, BTS’ V, and more. After a long 7 months since his last single ‘2easy’ feat. Heize in November 2020, NIve is determined to navigate through turbulent times through his debut EP Broken Kaleidoscope and build a soundscape that presents his story. "With this album, I really want people to listen to this album. This album is for people who are feeling things, but not sure if it's only them who are feeling it or if others are feeling the same thing. This is the album that talks about 'Hey, you're not alone!' Some people are feeling similar things’," NIve tells Bollywood Hungama. Befitting of his title as a rising artist and producer, NIve plays with multiple genres in the album including UK hybrid pop-rock, pop-rock, and adds a human element to the storytelling. The raw emotions of the EP bring a sense of relatability. Post the release of the album, NIve sits down with Bollywood Hungama on a beautiful afternoon to talk about it. Dressed in casuals and zooming from his office in South Korea, a happy NIve discusses at length about his EP, what made him pour his heart into it, how he battled some of the most challenging moments in life and how writing music has been his biggest escape. Congratulations on Broken Kaleidoscope. What's the response like from the fans?  Well, thank you first. So far, I'm getting a lot of like, support, and love from all the fans, who was the video they think is very different from what I've been doing. But then they liked it, which I was kind of like scared for, like, scared and worried about if my friends were going to be able to kind of get used to my new image, and the style. But it seems like it's playing along pretty well. So I'd say things are going pretty fine. There is this presumption that you make sentimental music. This debut EP Broken Kaleidoscope is a complete genre jump in that perspective. What was the process like to curate this album?  As you mentioned, I think of my five tracks in the album. And each song except for track number one ‘Escape’, track number three, they share like all songs are different, like genre-wise and message-wise, but then they play along the top bar. But most important importantly, when I started working on this album, I didn't think about making an album so it was kind of intuitive. ‘Escape’ was the very first song that I wrote for this album, but when I was writing it, I wasn't thinking about the album. I was writing it just to express myself. So, we had no plan to work on the album. I had a lot going on in my mind and heart. I just had the feeling that I needed to express myself. I got like nine to 11 songs and then I selected a few that spoke about my heart the best. So that's how the song list for this album was selected because I was like I wanted the songs that express my heart at best.
While I was working on this album, I kind of figured out that I was always talking about the big messages like the messages that heal people. But I thought to myself except for that, I haven't really shared what's going on with me at a certain point. So this album is really about me at a certain point in my life. So it's very kind of like an intuitive album. What is the significance of this album title in your life right now?  Well, the title for this album Broken Kaleidoscope actually, the concept of the idea started back in 2020, March, end of March.  I started a series to express myself; I kind of started writing diaries. I named it to be my Broken Kaleidoscope. From day-to-day, I have tried my best to keep up with my feeling since 2020 March, and I've been writing stuff that I wanted to hear daily. I've been uploading that stuff on Instagram stories. I wasn't going to continue with the idea. But then I got lots of messages via DMs, telling me that they can relate to what I was saying. Since then I felt kind of like some more responsibility. I felt responsible for not keeping up with expressing myself. So I kept going. When I wrote those five songs, and then my team and I decided ‘Hey, we're going to put this into an album’, we had to come up with the title right. Naturally, my team suggested and I thought too that we like the concept that I've been doing since 2020 – Broken Kaleidoscope to my broken kaleidoscope. So we were like ‘Why don't we name our album Broken Kaleidoscope because these are the songs that really talked about myself.’ So that's how the title came to be. I started the concept because I felt that it described me and expressed me in the best way, in my opinion. We felt that naming the album Broken Kaleidoscope will resonate with what I've been doing so far, which is expressing me to the fullest. In the opening credits of the, ‘I'm Alive’ music video, you hold a gun to your head waiting to pull the trigger. The tagline reads “It was only after getting a taste of death that I could feel alive.” The concluding credits end with you pulling the trigger but we never see if you did that or not. Cut to the last scene, you see a cake with ‘I'm Alive’ written on it. What was the idea behind the music video concept - do you reflect on your dark past and see a light and not pull the trigger? What does the storyline signify?  Well, you pick the right point because, in the music video, I get the gun in my head, and then you guys can never tell if I pull the trigger on that, well, whether I pull the trigger or not, I wanted to give out the concept that it's the way I am trying to express liberation. What does it mean to be alive? What if, you are not able to embrace yourself, and live your daily life? I thought that, is it being alive? Is it like staying alive without embracing yourself? Can you really tell you're alive? I felt we need some kind of liberation. So the gun in the music video is just like one of the tools that indicate death. Apart from the gun, I run, I drive, I sing in the hotel, I can express a lot, right? Like my anger, or like stress, and all those gestures. The fact that there are emotions that we have to go through to carry on with our lives, and to stay, and truly be alive, I felt that we are dismissing all those negative thoughts and negative feelings on purpose because we think it's just not like good to feel in a certain way - in a negative way. While you're alive, it's inevitable for you to feel the uncertainty and chaotic feelings. I felt that you have to go through those emotions and then be able to embrace those for you to be alive and liberated. So I purposely made sure that you guys cannot tell if I pulled a trigger or not. When do you feel alive? Well, I mean, I can give you the cliche answer. I feel alive when I'm writing. And when I'm driving, recently, I got into the habit of driving. So you can tell from the music video that I did for I'm alive. Your track ‘Escape’ has a hybrid rock vibe but the music video has a lot of angst and rage. What are, were or are you escaping
from? From myself. When I was working on the song ‘Escape’, I was in a position mentally that I felt like I couldn't feel anything whether it was positive or negative. I felt I was at my limit; feeling anything was just too much for me. I felt like I need to escape from myself thinking in this way. The only way for me to be able to pull that off was to write about it. So, to simply answer your question, I'm trying to escape from myself, my feelings. Since you worked on many songs for the EP, how did you put together these five tracks that only showcase your singing skills but also shone a light on producing and writing skills as well? For this album, especially when I was selecting songs, as I mentioned before, I was really just trying to select messages more so than the song itself. I can write a song about basically anything, but then, for me to make sure the album is the album I set out to make, I had to set a good theme. I was just doing my best to select songs that fit the bigger theme that I set. So while I was trying, and doing that, I think the songs just came to be. I felt that when I selected the songs, for example, when I selected ‘Escape’, I thought it's perfect for the beginning of the album because I started the idea with the feeling of escaping – the feeling like wanting to escape from myself. The second track, ‘Maybe I Will Die’ – it’s really not about death itself. But then, felt that you really have to go through those kinds of thoughts in order for you to really learn and know about how precious it is for you to want to live. With ‘I’m Alive’; I felt this song is perfect for this album because it talks about staying alive. I think this song has the most straightforward message out of all the songs on the album. ‘Perfect Dancer’ – I think one of them is the brightest song out of the album. I also talk about how I am preparing myself to treat the world with my own attitude because even if I'm imperfect, I will carry through. That is how I felt and ‘Perfect Dancer’ is a song that talked about it the best. Lastly, ‘To My Dear Friend’, is a song that punctuates this album. It really is a song that talks about the final thoughts of my agony, magnetized thoughts, and like the journey of my emotional elevator like an emotional rollercoaster, I think it’s a song that really puts an end to all the emotions that I was feeling. The songs had stories, and I felt I can align those five songs and put them into a story, then I had confidence that people will be able to walk through my thought process with me. When did you start working on this EP? Did the pandemic change the way you shaped it? I think it was around mid-February that we decided that we were going to make this into an album. This year, mid-February, and I've been writing about those songs since I think, maybe last year, December. A lot was going on in my life. At that time, career-wise, my personal life, all my relationships, personal relationships, and everything just jumbled together and led me to kinda explode. I just felt like, I don't know if I can continue, and the only way again, for me was to write. So I guess, since then I just started writing to really literally survive spiritually, and mentally. You mentioned you weren't in a good space, mentally. So, what helped you in terms of your mental health? To write about it? I mean, what did I feel and I tried to keep up with my thoughts, and the only way for me to keep myself safe is to write about it, express it. I'm not best at cooking or dancing; so I think I'm better at music than most of the things that I can express myself. I picked music to be my tool to deliver and write about my thoughts. So that's how I kept my mind and spirit safe. Is it difficult to pen your thoughts that are, basically, your diaries in a way? Now that it is out in the open, people are listening to your diary, does it get overwhelming?  Oh, yeah! It's scary. It's a scary experience because you are emotionally getting naked and now it is out in the world. It's a diary, it is supposed to be your thoughts like written
in the book. You don't normally share your diary with anyone unless it's your lover, but even if it's your lover, it's very rare for somebody to share their diary with anyone, even with their parents. For me, I'm literally doing it with the world. So it's a very scary experience. I don't know how people are gonna react to it. In some way, it's pretty liberating. But then, that feeling didn't really last for too long for me as the album release date got closer. I felt like 'Should I do this? I don't know if I can do this.' Like, I felt very scared. While making this album, did you learn something about yourself?  Yeah, I learned about myself, way more. I learned that I'm not perfect. I learned that I'm not that strong. While I was writing songs about this album, especially because I had to reveal my weakness, I felt like 'Wow, I had this side in me, and I was vulnerable.' I'm not as strong as I know, how I thought that I'd be. It's just, it was fascinating. But now I learned that I'm not perfect. So I write this album that's what I learned. After releasing this album, I also learned that I'm not alone. So that's also what I've been learning that you're not alone in this - it's like a journey. You grew up in many places, not just in South Korea. So who were your musical influences growing up? Well, all the countries that I've been around, it's not too many. However, I've indeed been living a nomad lifestyle. I was born in Korea, went to elementary school in Korea, and then I moved to Australia, went to middle school there. I moved to New Jersey, United States, and then I went to college in New York City. All while I was doing that, I got personal musical experiences from everyone in the country, so I cannot pinpoint who influenced me or what influenced me. I think all those countries, all my life experiences, I think everything was just like mixed, together. By the time that I decided - 'Hey, maybe I should start writing a song' - all those experiences became my inspiration. Now, to that inspiration, I'm adding my heart to it. So everything is mixed. I think that's how the music that you guys are hearing from me came to be. Was 'Beautiful Goodbye' by Chen of EXO, a turning point in your career?  Well, definitely! It's the song that started my career as a producer and songwriter. It indeed helped me in the artist aspect and career as well. Thankfully, the company themselves contacted my company, but I think, really working with different artists gave me not only the recognition, but it gave the experience that not many artists can have. It's very hard. I know that people may think that artists have this, like, huge community, and then they talk to themselves, like from day to day, it really doesn't happen that way. It's just the same as our society, if we don't have a connection together, workwise or conversation-wise, the connections don't happen. But for me, it happened through my songwriting, so I had to learn and experience fairly different things from what a lot of it was like which artists may not encounter. Is it true that before you started becoming a songwriter and producer, you were about to become a clarinet player? I majored in classical clarinet in my college, I went there for a year. So yeah, it is true that I tried my career to be a scientist, or, or a professor, teacher, like to be exact. And then I went to college for a year, and I decided, maybe I want to take a year off from college. Because if I continued going to college, I felt like I would end up, I will not have my way out from clarinet. And I wouldn't be able to have more opportunities to do different things. So I felt like at least let's take a year off from college, and then do whatever I want to do, musically. And since then I'm here. Well, life happens. How long did it take for you to reach where you are today?  I think it took me 10 years to be where I am right now - a little more than 10 years to be exact, like 13 years, but then I'll exclude those three years because I was young and didn't know what I was doing. Professionally, I think
10 years for me to reach where I am right now. I cannot say that I like fully succeeded as a musician. To become where I am right now mentally and spiritually. I think it really just took me 10 years to get here. Is it difficult to produce and write for yourself compared to produce and write for other artists? It is equally hard because there are two different things. When I am writing for myself. I listen to myself, my story and that takes effort. When I'm writing for others, I'm listening to them and try to figure out their stories in the right for them. So that's like a different style of writing from the other. So those are equally hard. Those are very, not easy. Broken Kaleidoscope EP is out now. What is next for you? What kind of journey would you like to take now? Well, I take my journey to another broken kaleidoscope. Yeah, another Broken Kaleidoscope, which means I will not know, actually, to correct myself. I will keep up with my writing my heart out daily, what I feel the emotions. They're very different from not too different than they're slightly different. And so I will be writing my diaries about what I'm feeling like these days and the next album will be another broken class. Go with a different theme. So I'll be working on that. You said that it's a 10-year journey, anything looking at the day when you started writing versus now? How do you see your journey? Where do you think in the next 10 years, you would be? If I'm still alive, in 10 years, I think I'm gonna be doing the exact same thing that I'm doing right now. With all their face. Same thing, same thing, just no work on my craft to be a good producer, myself, and for the others, and just continue to express and I will never stop with the music. Maybe I tried to do different things from here to there. But then music within myself will not change. So which means that I myself won't change. So I'll be doing the same thing. Do you have any set goals for yourself? I don't think I will ever reach a point where I'm satisfied, but at the same time, which means my only dream is to continue with what I'm doing. And right now I'm doing it. So I guess I'm living my dream out.
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Hi! This public letter is so funny. Liam's team posted this everywhere and part about Bear is funny because he thanks C only like his mother, not "my love, my best part or smthg". The main focus - C is perfect mother. Singers didn't send fans parts about their personal life and by the way, C liked those IG post after totally ignoring all Liam's job on Ball. How people believe in this shit show?
Hi Nonnie!It's honestly one of the most detached ways to mention her that I can think of. He thanks her for being a mother (in super awkward wording that isn't Liam-like imo) without mentioning her in any other role. Shouldn't he also be thanking her for loving and supporting him, and encouraging him to follow his dreams? That's what a real s/o would do, but apparently Charcole didn't fill that role for Liam this year. He's mininizing her to exactly what she wanted to be: the world's best, independent mom. She's just a glorified babysitter for the kid he's seen 4 times all year LMAOI also saw that Charcole commented on the IG post with a couple emojis, specifically "😢❤" which is literally so vague I laughed. What are you crying about? What are you sending a heart at? Where is the "proud of you, you're a good dad, love you" response that would be appropriate? Imo she responded because it would've made her look really bad if she ignored him when he's being so kind to mention her and give her credit.At this point, they look and sound like two single people who have mutual respect for each other and are joined by a kid. I still think a breakup announcement is coming in the very near future, but it will be amicable and we will get single dad!Liam for a while, which is why he went back to talking about the kid so much. These posts are prophylactic damage control to show the GP Liam really does care about this kid (even though his actions and words tell different stories if you look closely).Charcole doesn't need drama until she's ready to release material, so I'm guessing she'll drip feed all of Liam's "problems" to the press slowly when that happens. If they breakup and she instantly starts whining about everything that's wrong with him (he won't marry her, he's always gone, they have different ambitions), the GP are just gonna ignore her because anyone with two eyes and a brain could've seen this coming. She's probably gonna play the noble route for a bit to work on her new & improved mature mother image (the reason this whole stunt happened), and then something will happen to make her lose it and bash Liam (think, a new gf or something).I think people believe in Chiam/BG2.0 because it's easier than looking into the inconsistencies. Other parts of the fandom and the GP don't spend the time that we do paying attention to Liam. If you take 5 minutes and look at the timeline and a few of Liam's interviews, it's pretty obvious that he isn't a father and he'd never date a person like Charcole.
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shock777archive · 7 years
What's the point in all the hostility... I lost all respect for you after seeing how you chose to handle this.You encourage shares & reblgs but then report & heckle those who do. I'm not sure why your so concerned anyway, your work is plastered with your tags. notice how i didn't swear once in all this, its because im speaking calmly no hate.
“What's the point in all the hostility” 
Because I am frustrated with the sheer disregard for my hard work and all the time and effort i put into things. 
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I’ve had numerous copys of my work blatantly redrawn to the point that it drives me up the Wall. I am very angry and understandably so. 
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16,975 SHARES, 4,900 likes, 519 comments. Meanwhile compared to my own posts on my facebook account: 
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I average only 50 likes per image, and 
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only 382 likes on my whole entire gallery. I fail to see how you don’t think this is an issue. Notice they did not even credit me for my work. I am angry. I am emotional. I should have handled the anon’s asks better. But at this point, it should be understood by people who merely TAKE the art they want and don’t reproduce any THAT ARTISTS LIKE TO BE CREDITED FOR THE WORK THEY DO. This is my passion. This is my life. I wanted to share these images with fandom friends and strangers to show them what I did. I want to make art my career. All of these things are like bits and pieces that go into a Portfolio. Do not take someone else’s things from their portfolio and put it onto your wall just to show someone else without crediting me. It should be made apparent that I deserve a little credit. After all, if my art is that good to be stolen and replicated over and over, shouldn’t I at least get credit for the originals???
“I lost all respect for you after seeing how you chose to handle this.“
I don’t care. I should have done a better job, sure. Does my anger and emotional response excuse my hostility? No. But does it make the anon’s ask less rude? He/She was being extremely rude and I have no time for it. As do I now have no time for a person like you who lost all respect for me. Honey, you didn’t respect me from the beginning. 
“ you encourage shares & reblgs but then report & heckle those who do“
-There is a difference between shares and reblogs and reposting. If you cannot learn the difference, then I feel bad for you. I encourage sharing and reblogging. NOT REPOSTING. The key difference is when I post on my own site, my own page and people sharing the post via the reblog button. That is not reposting. Reposting is when they download the image and save it to their own galleries or edit the image into their own way. It happens on a daily basis. As shown before, They often get more likes and reblogs and shares promoting Their galleries as opposed to mine. Maybe I’m an attention whore, fine. But the art itself that I Made is getting attention anyways. Might as well give the correct person the right amount of attention for making something so eye-grabbing. 
“I'm not sure why your so concerned anyway, your work is plastered with your tags.“
Do you know why those tags are there? It’s because people take and take and take my art and never give me the credit I should get. I put watermarks and my signature on EVERYTHING so if people do see the art, they can realize that the reposter is not the original content creator. HOWEVER, Most people ignore the watermarks and are even keen to DELETING the tags altogether. Just because my art is watermarked doesn’t make the reposting any less horrendous for me. Again, stated previously, their gallery continues to grow whilst mine doesn’t. 
You sound like a person who watches reaction videos on youtube. It’s the same principle at use. A content creator creates a video that goes viral or is eye-catching and awesome to watch. Then comes a REACTION CHANNEL who posts the whole entire video into theirs and just reacts to it. Stealing the views, the likes and comments from the original content creator. Do you honestly think people who post reaction videos leave the original link in the description every single time when they upload 10 videos a day? No they do not. And how much more do you want to bet people click on that original link after already watching the content in the reaction video? Not. very. many. 
It is a one and the same example of what happens when others post my art. They are the reaction channels of the art world. My watermark embedded does nothing to hinder them, and I would also like to mention it hasn’t given me extra attention. I don’t know many people who have found my channel or my galleries because of a reposter. It is not promotion. It is not flattering. It is blatant theft. 
“notice how i didn't swear once in all this, its because im speaking calmly no hate.“
Irrelevant. I could care less if you swore up and down my page. My points are still valid and they’re still going to be heard and spread. I may have a potty mouth, but at least I am in the right when you are in the wrong. 
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Hello! I just saw your reblog post that the interviewer in Klaine Explained bts vid was Leanne, not Mia. Wow, I didn't know that. How come most of the fandom think it's M? I remember that some fans even thanked and applauded M for being so generous and big-hearted for giving us this bts, and also 5x15 & 5x20 bts featuring C & D, despite the hate she got from CC shippers.
Hi! I honestly don’t know why they pretend it’s her, or think so. For me, here are a few reasons that might be why: 
1) M pretended she was the only woman who worked on BTS or had the most pivotal role. Leanne to my knowledge didn’t make a big deal. So everyone just assumed it was M and the gif set, without the correction, was seen to be ‘evidence’ to prove this.
2) The creator of the gif set or M fans were the only ones who assumed it was her because their queen does everything and didn’t bother doing research. Because they say it was her, most people assume it is because they either don’t care enough to do the research on bTS and only watched that one, or they believed them bc they’re more ‘trustworthy’ than us because their ship is ‘canon’
3) Because M bragged about how she’s the one responsible for all the beautiful CC bts (even though there were only about… three or four interviews? And C wasn’t in many of them…) so people didn’t see why she’d be lying. Especially her fans. But let’s ignore the time she screeched at us all when she shamed us all for her Cory comment. Which she only acknowledged when someone who praised her on Twitter was made aware of her trashiness and the comment she made and, as a result,  she lost her publicity for her trash band. Bitch still hasn’t apologised for the hurt she’s caused btw.
4) The M fans / M&D shippers know it’s not M. They know C & M hate each other. But they lie and pretend that it’s M in that interview because she took credit for the one that was postponed. Most people won’t care enough to correct them and because the one’s that will are CC shippers? Well, we’ll be dismissed as ‘crazy’ and pushing an agenda if we say it’s not her! Remember, these people also tried to dismiss the look of utter contempt on C’s face when she was talking to D as ‘it’s his resting face’. Now, C does have a resting bitch face, he can look angrier than he really is. But that wasn’t RBF. That was his own contempt for her. They also deny the fact that M was incredibly condescending towards C when he didn’t want to be interviewed by him and waved it off as ‘her giving him cute nicknames’ and ‘proof’ they’re super close. Especially because she went to SBL (funny how she wasn’t in any of the photos with him, especially when multiple accounts say her ‘BF’ spent the whole night with C). They use all these tiny bits of evidence to ‘prove’ we’re wrong. Because if they admit we’re right about C & M hating each other… what else are we right about? Now, I’m not saying we’re right about everything. I think we know less than we actually think we do (don’t kill me for this lol). But they always feel insecure about things like this and always try to prove us wrong rather than going ‘yeah they hate each other but that isn’t proof M & D aren’t dating’. 
Personally, I feel it’s mostly three but the other potential reasons are mixed in with it. I think it’s mostly M’s fault because she knows what her fans are like/ She uses them to push an image she wants them to see about her and the people around her. Another reason might also be that M let her laugh be heard in the background often and bc Leanne spoke, the assumed it was her right off the bat considering the rest of the BTS people didn’t normally allow themselves to be heard.
Now, I’m not saying this is true - in fact, I’ll probably be off point on alot of this, but this is just my personal opinion on why this is!
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duanecbrooks · 7 years
Media Impact     It's time to once again let you in on what is My All-Time Favorite. And to remind you once again that I am not nor have I ever been a high-culture maven nor an aesthete nor even a real and true intellectual but am and all during my adult life have been a geek of the Meghan McCain stripe.       Got all that? You do? OK, so My All-Time Favorite Media is...Heart and Soul magazine's 2003 cover story on my girl Robin Givens.               Literally everything about said article shines. The cover of this particular Heart and Soul issue features Robin sporting an especially dazzling smile and is emblazoned with a particularly ingratiating headline: "Robin Givens: On Mike [Tyson], Money, and Being Misunderstood." Open up the magazine and flip through a few pages and there's Robin again, again wearing a notably uplifting smile and bent over rightward in a quite fetching manner, with the words "Robin Redux" on the bottom of the page. Flip through a few more pages and on the "Contributors' Page" there's a pic of the (as shall be demonstrated, very talented) writer of the Robin piece, Janice R. Littlejohn, who is shown to be a not-bad-looking woman, probably (then) in her early-to-middle-40s, herself equipped with a highly beguiling smile. In her space she engagingly compares meeting Robin to "[c]oming face-to-face with the most popular girl in high school. 'It was like meeting up with the girl who you thought you knew everything about, but [then] realizing how much you have in common.'" We're then let in on the fact that Littlejohn is "[a] freelance television, entertainment, and lifestyle writer in California" and she appealingly reveals that she's attempting to make her life more pleasurable with "food, travel and trying to find the perfect couch for my new house."             Now to the Robin piece.               Let it be said first off that my lady looks positively stunning throughout, first giving yet another stunning smile while lying upon her stomach with her legs up in the air and outfitted in Maroon pinstripe pants, a beaded Chaiken tank top, and metal Mare olive heels. Turn the page and there's Robin again, this time wearing a L'impasse white floral gown and a Elisabetta bracelet. Turn the page once again and there's my woman once again, this time decked out in an Anja Flint olive jersey dress, a Stephen & Co. gypsy-like necklace, and a Barry Cord cocktail ring. And in all--all--of the photos Robin has an enticingly cheerful expression.           Here's where we come to the actual Robin article.             The aforementioned piece begins with a rather appealing quote from the subject herself ("I feel okay now. I know what I want instead of what you think you're supposed to have. I know what makes me happy"). Then Littlejohn paints a sensitive picture of the two of them agreeing to eat at this one restaurant on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and her expectation that "[s]ince the media has been less than flattering to Givens [that's a considerable understatement]...I expected her to be guarded." (As it turns out, she was all the while "relaxed and friendly"). Eventually Littlejohn deftly captures, as the two of them walk along, "fans [of Robin] beginning [sic] to take notice--gawking, waving and doing random drive-bys, yelling, 'You look good, girl!'" From there Littlejohn skillfully depicts where Robin was at that point in her life ("At 38, Robin Givens is a woman reborn, clearly revelling in a new sense of self outside the Hollywood spotlight--a nascent inner tranquility that comes from embracing life's simpler things. She divides her time between Maryland, Kentucky and New York...fancies herself a connoisseur of fine Italian and French food, frequents American diners and loves chitlins and pig's feet"). Littlejohn proceeds to stylishly sketch where Robin was professionally (the latter "is no longer defined by the trappings of a box-office-driven career. Acting is simply what she does") and offers up some insightful words from Robin's Boomerang/Head of State co-star Chris Rock ("I'm clicking through channels and see Boomerang and think, 'Hey, what's Robin Givens doing? Haven't seen her in a while.' When I met her for lunch, I said, 'You should get back out there.' It was kind of a pep talk. 'Get out there. You can act'").               Littlejohn's article continues. She elicits from Robin some admirably searching words from her subject concerning how it was like for her growing up without a Dad ("[Y]ou just feel this sort of unworthiness, and the pattern begins there...If you're not good enough for the first man in your life to stay, then why should any of them stay?"), incisively delineates what was Robin's public image pre-Tyson ("Givens has long been known for her love life, beginning with a romance with a Saturday Night Live comic named Eddie Murphy. She's had public romances with Brad Pitt and tennis pros Murphy Jensen and Svetozar Marinkovic, whom she married and quickly separated from") and draws from Robin some telling observations regarding Tyson's words during that infamous 20/20 interview they did by Barbara Walters, which was responsible for Robin's 20-year reign--especially, sad to say, as crowned by blacks--as The Most Despised Woman In America ([Tyson told Walters] "'The best punch I ever gave, she went from that wall to that wall...and she was out.' I thought. 'This is definitely not going to be acceptable.'"). Following are some intensely perceptive words from Robin's good buddy Tiffany McLinn, one of the Lifetime network's Intimate Portrait executive producers ("[Tyson] was really popular, and people were completely on his side...[A]t the time he was married to Robin, and so people really vilified her...She didn't have any rep before [hooking up with Tyson]--it's just because of that marriage [emphasis mine]"). From there there is a deftly-done sketch of my lady's professional standing during that period ("She starred in TV projects such as The Women of Brewster Place and The Penthouse, and she was on her way to box-office stardom with critically applauded roles as Imabelle in 1991's A Rage in Harlem and the next year as Jacqueline Broyer in Boomerang").           Going forth: Our portraitist gets Robin to present some genuinely moving recollections concerning her then-emotional/psychological life ("I had gone through hurt, and I mean it really hurt, and it hurt me and it hurt everybody close to me and it was serious for me, the pain that I felt. So it was interesting to have agents going, 'Yeah, but you're on the cover'"). After pointing out--and this is a fiercely individualistic statement, considering the fact that it's being made by a black writer about a black celebrity/entertainment figure in a black-oriented magazine--that Robin realized "that she was just another cog in the Hollywood machine," Littlejohn's probing gets Robin to freely acknowledge: "At that point I realized I wanted to be a healthy, happy human being, not just have a successful career. That's what I realized was the most important thing to me." Littlejohn, to her great credit, also gets Robin to own up to the fact that "I'm not looking for vindication. I'm not looking for people to go, 'Aha!'"                 And there's more. Littlejohn, with laudable journalistic professionalism, paints a picture of Robin as an absolutely hands-on mother, quoting her as asserting: "Nothing makes me happier," then quoting McLinn as contending that Robin and her sons are "like the Three Musketeers...[Being a single mother is not without] its challenges. But [Robin] is first and foremost a mom, not an actor." Robin then movingly tells of her renewed spirituality ("[Y]ou can call it anything. I mean, I now have a relationship with God") and in time laughing and "carefree," (Littlejohn's description) claims: "I have no ambition for a career." (To this Littlejohn adds: "At least not a career outlined by Hollywood's terms," going on to delineate the sporadic work Robin had done around that time [periodic television series like Courthouse, periodic independent pictures like Book of Love, her then-current work producing the Uninvited series for the Heritage Networks]). Following is a quite sprightly portrait of Robin doing a photo shoot, wherein she's "wearing jeans, flip-flops and a white tank top under a black salon cape" and "[h]er hair is in spiral pin curls, and she's wearing no make up." Littlejohn effortlessly captures Robin's admirable good humor during this shoot ("I think we shoot me just like this, whaddaya think?").                 And the conclusion to the article is honestly uplifting. Littlejohn makes the exceedingly perceptive observation that "while Robin Givens may not have always been in fashion, she has always been popular. Now with age and life experience, she has an outlook that matches her newfound confidence." (Robin afterward shares said outlook: "I know that if you hang in there, He'll work it out for you"). And the absolute end of the piece is outright heart-melting. Here Robin "smilingly" says: "I've been through enough to know some stuff, but [I] still have a lot of living to do. You know when little stuff would bother you? Now it's like, 'This is me. Take it. Leave it.' It's feeling comfortable in your own skin. As a woman."             In sum, Littlejohn's Robin profile certainly, definitely proves the aptness of the title this one IMDb-message-board-post writer bestowed upon Robin: "The sexiest black woman in entertainment" (actually, she shares that title with Paula Patton)--and proves that she's a highly articulate, intelligent, thoughtful person to boot.               Heart and Soul magazine has long, long, long since stopped doing cover-making celebrity interviews. Too bad. Janice R. Littlejohn's Robin Givens article should have won the aforementioned publication a National Magazine Award. Hands down.
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moonymartell · 4 years
Hi, I couldn't figure out why I'm blocked, then thought of GIFs I'd saved from Google searches. If they had credits on them, I didn't see them. Obviously, I should've realized they were made by *somebody.* Doing image searches, I've found several that were yours. I was thoughtless and failed to do proper research and I apologize. It wasn't my intention to use your GIFs without credit but that was exactly what I did and I take full responsibility for it. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry.
First off, I’d like to point something out, cause it sounds like you think blocking is just me being pissed about you using my gifs without credit, but:
- I also block people that repost other people’s gifs when I’m able to identify them, it’s just that it’s a lot easier to recognize your own gifs, and therefore I’m more likely to block people that repost my gifs, because it can be hard to be certain whether gifs are stolen if they’re not your own, or you are very familiar with the style of the person who made the gifs. 
- Blocking works two ways, in addition to making sure a person can’t interact with your posts or your blog, it also removes their posts from your dash (unless someone else you follow has reblogged from them) and the tags, so in some cases it’s as much to remove their posts, because I don’t have any interest in seeing or supporting reposted content. This is especially the case with people that make a lot of very long reposts (whether with credit or not). If I go to check out tags, it’s to see if there’s new content, not to scroll through a mile of posts of someone reposting the same handful of gifs from tumblr’s gif search over and over again, so if someone starts clogging up the tags with reposts, credit won’t make a difference for me.
Now I don’t know who you are specifically, so I don’t know how much of this applies to you, but maybe you’ll have at least a vague idea of whether this is relevant to you or not.
I’m not entirely sure what you mean by “If they had credits on them”, but my best guess is you’re talking about watermarks? If that is the case then no most of my gifs don’t have watermarks, because I honestly hate having watermarks on my gifs: it doesn’t look good on your gifs and it’s extra work added to an already time consuming process. I only started adding watermarks because people can’t figure out how to credit content creators on their own.
I realize that a lot of people on this site think that content creators are overreacting when they get angry about people reposting their content, and there’s probably several people who will think I’m being unreasonable in this, but frankly I’ve come to a point where I don’t give a fuck. The amount of content being stolen and reposted have all but killed my will to continue creating gifs. It’s definitely the main reason I’ve cut the time I spend making gifs so drastically (and cut my time spent on tumblr in general). If people want to continue having content in their fandoms they need to stop stealing from the people providing them with content, or they will stop making content for your fandom.
It’s nice of you to take responsibility and apologize for your actions, it’s certainly more than what a lot of others do, and I hope it means you’ll credit people when you use their content in the future.
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