#I couldn’t get cats to like me I didn’t understand their body language n now she’s fully converted me into a cat person🥺🥰💝
staycatcher · 2 years
I don't think you took that long at all! And it sounds like you were having fun so it's all okay, I've never heard of that before but I think it would be fun to go someday or something like it maybe 😃
I'd love it if you could send photos of your sister's dog he sounds so cute and your own cat too of course 🥺
I respect picking lotad but if we're shooting for the stars I'm picking a dragon, they're huge, they fly, and they breathe fire! And I feel like I have to pick them as my favorite fantasy creature because they remind me of my favorite book when I was a child but I don't really know if I have a favorite. Have you ever pet a pig before? They're really wiry feeling but they're cute enough that I don't care.
And I don't write so you're in luck, I'll note your preference by not starting now, let me know if you think of anything else though ❤️
I'm tired so I can't really think of anything else to ask but you can ask me anything you want or go off about something in the answer to this message.
WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED!! I’m changing my answer!! My dream pet is a sky bison!! Like appa from the avatar universe!!!🥺💞💝 LOVE those lil (huge, honkin) guys!!
N yea!! Any excuse to share animal photos I will share them!! I’ll go full proud grandpa mode!
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Here He is! His name is Dax, he’s 2
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Here is my baby Bear! I thought she looked a lil bear cub when I first got her! She’s now 3🥺
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Here is them meeting for the first time!! He offered her a ball, she was confused. Now he’s much much bigger, n tramples her every chance he gets n is still confused on why she doesn’t behave like a dog n she would rather admire him from a distance <3
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fluff-a-nutter · 5 months
My I request a fem!mute!witch!reader? Mute like flufflepuff
Her and varian are enemy’s but even though varian hates her she wants to be friends with him and she won’t give up. She wear’s the common witch stuff, black dress, black lipstick, bangs cover her eyes, etc etc. she always try’s to annoy varian by trying to kiss his cheek, mess with his stuff you know you know but one day she starts to roughhouse with him and she gets the upper hand and pins him down while kissing all over his tummy, leaving lipstick marks on his tummy and stuff like that. He eventually developed a crush on her after that and he comes to her in a lee mood as he stutters flustered and shyly asks her for tickles and she responds with body language (he’s the only one who can understand her body language for plot reasons) by asking him for a favor once the tickling is done (the favor is a kiss on the cheek)
Hey there! This is a cute idea! I hope this is what you had in mind!
You really enjoyed being around Varian. If only that feeling was mutual. You desperately wanted to gain his attention and friendship (and if you got really lucky, something more.) Unfortunately the alchemist seemed to hate your guts. So you worked with that. You were a clever girl.
Creeping up behind him, you tried to press a kiss on his cheek, but he somehow knew you were there and instead he held his pet raccoon up and your lips made contact with a fuzzy muzzle instead. If you could have groaned, you would have, but you settled for pouting and crossing your arms.
Varian on the other hand, found this amusing and he gave you a shove.
“What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?”
That was the last straw. Tossing your black bangs out of your eyes you charged, launching yourself at Varian with a silent battle cry. He didn’t have a chance to dodge, so Varian hit the ground with a stunned grunt.
The two of you wrestled each other for dominance for a few minutes before you eventually got the upper hand. You managed to pin Varian’s arms under your knees and you smirked down at him.
“Hey! Get off me!” Varian demanded, struggling against your pin. Although it was kinda- hot? In a weird way. Not that he had any sort of feelings like that. At all.
Grinning, you ignored Varian’s protests and lifted his shirt. Then you silently leaned over and began kissing his bare tummy, covering it with black lipstick prints all over.
Varian writhes on the ground, screeching with flustered laughter. How on earth had you discovered his little weakness? He knew you were doing this to get him to tap out and from the looks of it, he was close.
With one more kiss directly onto Varian’s exposed navel he lets out a deafening squeal before tapping out.
“Gah! You win! Just stop it, (y/n)!”
Beaming with satisfaction, you sat up and released Varian. Not only had he tapped out, but he had called you by your name!
As he laid there panting, you couldn’t help but notice that while he had been screeching uncontrollably, he’d only asked for you to stop once he tapped out.
Meanwhile, Varian was battling a severe blush. Not only was he now in a vicious lee mood, he was now deeply crushing on you. Finally, he looked up at you with a sheepish expression.
“U-um, (y/n)…. Could you maybe… do that again?”
You were certainly taken aback by his sudden change of heart towards you, but you could not tell him no. But you still wanted something in return. Grinning, you tapped your cheek and then Varian’s lips. The realization dawned on him quickly and he begrudgingly sat up and pecked your cheek before settling back down.
And soon after, the only sounds heard were Varian’s screeching laughter.
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
𓅨 Dreamswept: Chapter Eleven
Dreamswept: In which Dream’s imprisonment brings out his darker side. Y/N’s mother works for the Burgess’s as a nurse, and after stumbling across what is hidden beneath Fawny Rig’s mortars one summer, Y/N’s life will never be the same. A darkness has attached itself to her and no matter how long she is kept from the Endless in the basement, he has not forgotten her kindness and brief moments of comfort. No, he has not forgotten, and now he craves it. 
Warnings: Explicit Language, Non-Consentual Explicit Material.
To Note: Dark!Morpheus/Dream x Female!Reader, Inspired by 'Claiming His Queen' by @moonmaiden1996 (Go Read It!).
Word Count: ~2.5k
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When you woke up from your deep slumber, you found yourself snuggled against the softest sheets imaginable and feeling more rested than you had in years. Your eyelids fluttered and you fully opened your eyes. Dark shimmering fabric met your eyes and confusion overtook your mind. Pushing yourself up, you looked at what you were laid out on and blanched. This wasn’t your bed, and looking around, you surely weren’t in your room. Your hands scratched at your body only to find that you were naked as a newly born babe. Your face flooded with heat and you snatched the shimmering black sheets to your chest, covering your naked body. You certainly felt awake now. You were in an unknown place with no clothes. How the hell did you get here?
You looked around the room, noting that it was large and castle-looking, with softly glowing candles mounted on the wall. Dragging the sheet from the bed, you wrapped it firmly around your body and moved to poke around. There was a little sitting room and a wall of windows with French doors that let natural light into the room. Interested to see if you could recognize something, you peered outside the windows. 
“What the bloody hell,” You whispered as your eyes were met with a fantasy-like landscape. Of course, you could recognize mountains and forests, even the waters that shimmered at the base of the castle you apparently werein. But what had you flabbergasted was the design of the castle you could see and the townspeople who milled around in the village at the base of the castle. Was that a human-sized cat? That looked like one of the wild things from the book ‘Where the Wild Things Are’. “I’m going crazy,”
“Do you really think that?” You spun around, clutching the sheet closer to your body at his voice. Upon seeing him, you did your best not to turn into a floundering or flushing mess. His eyes drifted along your covered body and you tightened your grip on the bedsheet. It was clear that he was appreciating your body, even if he couldn’t see the physicalities of it at the moment. 
“Where am I?” You questioned, glad that your voice was managing to remain steady despite your situation. “Where have you taken me? Better yet, who the bloody hell are you!” He prowled forwards, looking at you like a predator hunting prey: hungrily. When he reached you, he gazed down at you with that nova-like gaze that you could feel in the very center of your being. You could feel the echoes of his touch on your body, both the rough and the light. A shudder went through you when he leaned down. 
“I am Dream of the Endless,” He spoke softly to you. “King of Dreams and Nightmares, Prince of Stories, Lord of The Dreaming, and the one you have promised yourself to.” You had no idea who Dream of the Endless was, but you were quick to understand his title of King of Dreams and Nightmares. “And you, my priestess, have been kept from me ever since you tried breaking me out of my confines deep within that manor.”
“What?” You had no recollection of attempting such a thing. Surely you would remember him. He reached up and brushed your cheek. 
“Why do you think they didn’t want you coming back?” He said, his words brushing over your lips. “Was it not enough to have me trapped for over a century, but they had to take away the one person who showed me an ounce of kindness? You put the first crack in my cage and gave your dreams to me willingly. You are my priestess, Y/N, mine.” 
You didn’t remember any of that, but something in your gut told you that what he said was true. It was no wonder your mother had you put on dream suppressants for 15 years, she was trying to protect you from him. This changed everything, explained everything, they didn’t want you back because they were trying to protect you. Something within his eyes changed and like a rogue wave, his eyes blazed with rage as he pressed forward in anger. 
“You think you need protecting from me?” He hissed out, his anger at the insinuation near palpable. You shrunk back in fear and he was soon gripping the side of your face. “Have I ever given you cause to fear me? It seems that I will need to enforce my reverence for you, repeatedly, until you realize my complete and utter devotion to you my little priestess.” He was growling now, angry that you had suggested such a thing as him being a threat to you. 
“I— I— Dream this is—“ Your lips sputtered for word as his face pressed closer, his nose nearly brushing against yours. You could feel the heat and desire radiating from his pale and marble-like skin. 
“You will call me Morpheus.” He darkly commanded you, his gaze now all-consuming, possessively bearing down into yours until he was all you could see. Endless galaxies and stars swirling around silver and blue. “Yes!?” You nodded eagerly, not wanting to push him any further. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly. “Word, my love. Use them.”
“Yes, Morpheus,” You breathed out as fast you could to appease the Endless. His vice-like grip didn’t ease up, but he, at the very least, looked satisfied now. He brushed his thumb over your lower lip, pressing down and dragging across it as if relishing the softness. 
“Again,” He demanded, like you speaking his name was pure ecstasy for him. It was. 
“Yes, Morpheus,” You repeated obediently. He called for you to do so a third time and you did. His eyes briefly closed, relishing his name rolling off your tongue like the sweetest nectar in the known universe. No one said his name as you did. No one. Morpheus leaned his forehead against yours. Your next breath hitched in your throat. 
“You belong to me, my love, my Y/N, you have since you first spilled blood for me.” He whispered, his words caressing your lips in a sweet draw. Morpheus released your lip and traced his thumb down your chin to your throat, then his hand encompassed the column in a light grip. “I have been robbed of you for fifteen years and I will not spend a second more without you.”  
You didn’t know what to say to that, and it scared you to think about what he wanted to do to you. A shuddering breath made your entire body tremble against his, and in seconds Morpheus was lifting your body from the floor and swiftly crossing the room. You didn’t even have time to register what was happening before your back hit soft sheets and the very sheet you had been using to cover yourself was all but ripped from your body. You gasped with a squawk and tried to reach for the remaining sheet to recover your naked body, only to see dark eyes blaze with mercury. The sheet dissolved away, leaving you with nothing. Your arms dove down to cover yourself, your left arm across your breasts and your right hand to cover your cunt. 
“Morpheus, please, I—“ You cut off as mercury eyes landed on yours and you could see the wild anger that boiled in his star-soaked eyes. 
“Do not hide yourself from me, my love,” He spoke to you, running a hand along your naked side, stroking your skin with such delicacy that one might think he was caressing the finest of silks. To him, you were more precious than anything money could buy. He was going to lavish you through until you realized just how much you meant to him. You were the one who had devoted yourself and yet Morpheus would do the worshipping. You would see the error of your ways soon enough, but in the meantime, Morpheus was starving and you were the only thing that could sate his appetite. 
“I didn’t ask for any of this, this has to be some sort of mistake!” You violently protested, wiggling in place and trying to roll away from him. In an instant his body was dropping down on top of yours, preventing you from sliding out from under his. Your body squirmed against his jeans and his jacket, and your hands reached up to push at his shoulders. You strained your neck to put your face as far from his as possible. Morpheus pressed his lips against your neck, placing kiss after kiss along your skin, feeling your racing heartbeat beneath your skin. Your offered neck all but beckoned Morpheus to dine. The moment Morpheus’s lips parted to suckle and lave at your flesh, your body went taut and a strained moan passed through your lips. His mouth sank into your throat and painted your skin until color bloomed and you were squirming uncontrollably, pushing at his shoulders and kicking your legs out while making periodic soft whimpers fall from your lips. Morpheus brushed his lips up your neck, nuzzling the places where your pulse raced. He kissed your chin and reached up with a hand to force your eyes back to him. Your eyes were filled with fear. 
“You did ask for this, my love, but your mind has been so twisted and manipulated that you no longer remember.” You blinked rapidly and a few stray tears slipped from your eyes. 
“Stop, stop, stop,” You breathlessly whispered, feeling frozen beneath his intense gaze. “This is just a dream and I need to wake up, wake up, Y/N, wake up.” Morpheus’s mouth twitched in the corner at your words. You still thought this to be a dream? Your mother had twisted your mind worse than he thought… Morpheus had a grand task ahead of him. Leaning down, Morpheus kissed away your tears. 
“You have nothing to fear from me,” He whispered, brushing his lips over yours. You jerked against him once more, straining to free yourself from his entrapment. It was a useless endeavor because it was like trying to push a marble block, uphill. With the languidness of a serpent, Morpheus dragged his lips down your throat to pepper your breasts with love and attention. You bucked against him, your hips scraping against jeans and jacket once more. Your struggles were nearly useless and your energy waned, soon enough you were sagging against the bed with a defeated noise. Morpheus shushed you gently from where he was tracing your hip bone with his lips. 
Your fingers curled into the rough fabric at his shoulders, clawing and dragging downwards as Morpheus’s hot mouth explored your thigh, pressing sharp bites between sweet suckles and gentle kisses. Another whimper passed through your lips and your leg twitched in his grasp. Your eyes drifted downwards to see Morpheus nuzzling your tender skin which already bore the markings of his dark love. His eyes lifted to meet yours and you shivered in fright, feeling the breath from your lungs escape you as intense silver conveyed total and complete obsession. 
“Do you not see how your body reacts to me?” He murmured, his right hand caressing your other thigh and deeply stroking further upwards until his thumb glided right through your cunt. Your body stiffed once more as an explosion of sensations rippled through your cunt and your body reacted on its own, betraying you in the worst way. It wanted more, and Morpheus knew that. You felt ashamed at your reactions to his sinful ministrations but he only seemed to be pleased by it. “Do not protest what is only natural for someone of your position.” He further stroked your cunt, pressing and rolling this thumb over your clit. Your eyes rolled back slightly and a triumphant look crossed Morpheus’s face, your resistance was finally crumbling. He withdrew his damp fingers from your cunt and dropped his hand back to your thigh in a tight grip. Then his mouth, voracious and eager to explore your flesh, dove between your trembling thighs, and once again, he feasted. 
You felt his tongue swipe over your clit and cried out, your teeth once again sinking into the flesh of your lip. His grip on your thighs tightened against the twists and turns of your body, surely leaving behind imprints of his fingers on your untouched flesh. Your sweet scent was driving him crazy and your taste already had him hooked on you. It wasn’t long before your hand was descending to his obsidian hair, burying into the soft strands as your muffled cries of ecstasy fed his appetite. Your skin felt as if it was sweltering with fire and that fire was making it hard for you to breathe. Feeling your nails scraping against his scalp and tugging at the strands in your grasp, a soft growl of appeasement rumbled from Morpheus’s chest. Finally, finally, you were reacting to him rather than resisting, and oh how you fell apart beneath him. 
From the taste of your nectar on his tongue to your uncontrollable writhes against his mouth, you were a goddess that was quickly falling to pieces. But he had made a promise to both himself and you, Morpheus would not allow you the pleasure of release until he was sheathed within your body and connected to you in a way only he could be. So with great restraint, he pulled back from your quivering body. He watched as you all but fell back against the bed with a strained gurgle, your hand limp in his hair and your chest heaving as you sucked in air. You looked exquisite stretched out, and it took everything in his being not to ravish you further. The very scent coming from your body was enough to make his cock twitch, never mind the fact Morpheus had you entirely naked and your taste was fresh on his tongue. Morpheus leaned over you and brushed sweaty strands of hair away from your forehead, allowing his fingers to linger along the path of your temple to the curve of your cheek. Your face was flushed as you refused to look at him. 
“Everything will be as it should be soon enough, my love,” He whispered, pressing his lips against your forehead. You refused to give him the satisfaction of hearing another pitiful sound come from your trembling lips. “I will give you the release you seek, but only when our bodies are one,” Another trickle of fear ran down your spine. This nightmare seemed to be never-ending, and the longer it lasted, the more you started to think it was reality. Morpheus pulled away and stared deeply into your eyes, making sure you kept that eye contact. “And when I fill you with my seed you shall be more than just my priestess, you will be my queen.” This time you couldn’t hold in the whimper. 
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Date Published: 11/30/22
Last Edit: 4/3/23
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softshiin · 3 years
Hey !! :D
How are you ? I hope you’re feeling okay ! :)
I love your writing, so.. can i request smtg ?
Idk if you write for these characters, if you don’t write for them or don’t like this request you can just ignore it !!
Then, can i request Tokyo Revengers boys (Mitsuya, Rindou, Izana and Chifuyu maybe ?) reacting to their s/o being followed and they just protecting them because theyre a lil scared ? Idk if that makes sense !! (Im french btw so english isnt my first language)
Thanks in advance <33
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summary: what would they do if their s/o is being followed
characters: mitsuya, rindou, izana, chifuyu
warnings: reader being followed by stranger
note: hello nonnie!! tysm for requesting~ and don’t worry for the characters, i write for every of them if i don’t specify it <33
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; you were totally scared, and you could sense that someone was following you since you got out of your school
; at first you tried to ignore it, but then you saw a shadow of a middle aged man behind you
; panic was starting to get into your body and you could barely breath
; “y/n?”
; your boyfriend’s voice reached softly your ears
; slowly you looked into his eyes, scared
; “babe is everything alright?”
; you could still feel a presence behind a corner, so you lowered your voice
; “tsu, listen, there’s this man who’s following me since i got out of school.. c-could we walk a-away from here?”
; mitsuya immediately hugged you, pulling you closer to him
; “stay here angel, i’ll take care of it”
; then he walked towards the man, who instantly looked away, as if he wasn’t following you
; “you gotta a problem with my s/o, man?” your boyfriend asked calmly
; “hm? n-no? besides, who are you? do they really have a boyfriend?” the man sounded so annoying yet creepy
; “yup, and their boyfriend is right here, ready to beat the shit out of you”
; we can all imagine what happened later
;then mitsuya safely escorted you to his house, just in case that creep wouldn’t follow the both of you and know your address
; probably spent the whole night with you in his arms, just because he could feel that you needed it
; “y/n?”
; you heard izana’s beautiful voice approaching you
; you quickly turned your face to meet his eyes
; “why.. are you trembling? did something happen?” you could tell by his tone that he was starting to worry
; you could barely speak, the only thing sure was that that man was still there, and he was coming closer to the two of you
; “excuse me, young boy, do you perhaps know them?” he asked to your boyfriend, who was still trying to understand the situation
; izana never took his eyes off yours, “yes, they are my partner, is there a problem?” he slowly turned to finally face the man
; “tsk” he just said, before trying to casually walk away from the both of you “it seems I’ve mistaken you for another person”
; you couldn’t even look at the man, because you knew that he will be there to follow you for all the following days, as he was doing since two weeks now
; “wait a sec old man” your boyfriend put a hand on the creep, stopping him “i don’t know why.. but my s/o here is quite afraid of you. ‘care to explain’?”
; “boy careful on how you speak to me, you will regret it”
; izana just let out a giggle before landing a kick on the man’s face, making him pass out
; “now then, angel. lets go home! i’ll put outta your school a bunch of my men, just to make sure this dude doesn’t follow you anymore”
; with this said, he placed an arm around your waist and started walking the two of you home
; prob spent all of the next hours with you, playing video games or doing some fun stuff together
; tbh this brat didn’t even see you, since he was walking while scrolling on his phone
; as soon as you saw him, you started walking faster, hearing also the steps behind you accelerate
; “rin! hello babe, what are you doing here?” you suddenly raised your voice in his direction, making him jump on his feet
; “hi sweet cheeks, just got out of school?” he said, placing a quick kiss on your lips
; he immediately noticed that someone was hiding behind a tree not far from you, but still decided to ignore it, maybe it was just a coincidence
; “what are you up to?” you asked with a trembling voice, he raised his eyebrow trying to understand why
; “is.. everything alright y/n?”he whispered
; “no its fucking not. there’s a creep that has been following me since i got out of school.. now that i think about it, i-its not even the first time i see him, he’s always walking around here..”
; your boyfriend immediately embraced you, telling you not to worry
; his scent succeed to calm you down a bit, and when he made sure of this, he quickly took off his glasses
; “can i leave them in your hands for a bit? im afraid they will dirt with blood”
; then he took you to his home, and spent a whole evening cuddling with you in his arms, eventually letting you style his hair
; this boy will stand for you even against 100 and im not joking
; the problem now was that he wasn’t here with you, while some creep was following you
; and he wasn’t even answering to your calls or messages
; you were seriously tempted to call the police, until you heard a familiar voice
; “come here,,, kitty kitty, where are you? I’ve brought you food~”
; you heavily sighed
; “oh my god chifuyu not again” you said to yourself, completely forgetting the old man behind you
; you ran to your boyfriend as soon as you saw him, scolding him because he shouldn’t buy cat food every time he sees one of them
; he cutely pouted at you, faking his sadness “but look at how cute he is!”
; you two ended up staying on the street for all evening, with the cat, being a lovey-dovey couple
; that man probably died of cuteness and understanding that you already had a boyfriend, he never followed you again
; he probably started being afraid of cats ofter this
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write-orflight · 4 years
The Fraction of Innocence.
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**Gif Not Mine**
Anon Requested: 10, 16, and 25 for the smutty prompts thing!!!
10: “were you just touching yourself?” ‘yeah, what are you donna do about it?’
16: “the only way you are gonna get off is on my thigh.”
25: “she may be all lollipops and candy bars, but I bet behind closed doors she’s hand cuffs and gags.”
Pairings: SpencerXReader
Rating: M, (This is very explicit.)
Words: 4K
Warnings: NSFW!!! 18+ (Dom!Spencer, BDSM overtones, sexual conduct, fingering, bondage, etc.)
Summary: Spencer thinks Y/N is an innocent, naive girl until a case reveals her extracurricular activities. 
Spencer had been back from jail for 2 months when he first met her. 
At first he didn’t think anything of her, other than the faint smell of vanilla and daisy as she walked past him in the bullpen and the bright smile that seemed to take up half her face. She was carrying files close to her chest like a schoolgirl late to class and the skirt of her white dress bellowed softly behind her as she made her way to Emily’s office.  
“Who is that?” He had asked. 
Luke looked up to where Spencer’s gaze was. “Oh, that’s Y/N, she's a tech analyst helping Penelope out right now. She’s sweet, you’ll like her.”  
It doesn’t take Spencer long after that to decide he, in fact, does not like you. There was nothing wrong with you. Luke was right, you were sweet, almost sickeningly so. It was like you had no concept of reality. You lived in this world of all sunshine and good things despite the horror that crossed your screen daily. And while Penelope was the same, she at the very least knew how bad the world could be and chose to see the good in it. You didn’t, it was like you’d never had a single bad thing happen to you. And Spencer, who had been dealt the bad hand so many times in life hated that. 
It also didn’t help that you were gorgeous too. You looked like an artist sculpted you himself to make the perfect woman. Real People weren’t supposed to look like that. Real people were supposed to have flaws and blisters. Real people were supposed to look tired so early in the morning not fully awake and smiling while handing everyone in the office a coffee. He didn’t understand how you could be real.   
“Here you go, Spencer. Americano lots of sugar.” You said, placing the coffee on his desk. 
“Thank you.” He mumbles. 
“We have a case, by the way.” You giggle, going off to hand Luke his coffee before walking away to the conference room. Spencer was barely able to keep his eye roll at bay. 
Luke sees that and laughs, clapping Spencer on the back. “Come on, kid. Play nice.” 
“She’s giggling about a murder case.” Spencer grumbles before following him into the conference room. 
“3 women have been murdered in Queens. Judging by the scars, they were all bound and strangled before finally being dumped in an alley.” Garcia says, as she goes through the slides, showing the crime scenes. “Police need our help finding the connection between these three women because right now, it looks like there is none.” 
“I’d say.” Tara speaks up. “We have a waitress/student, a doctor, and a paralegal. All living in different areas of the city with virtually no reason to interact.” 
Spencer looks down at his file, examining the picture when he notices something. Just as he opens his mouth to say something, you clear your throat.  
“Umm, Emily?” You say from your seat right across from Spencer. Emily looks up inquisitively at you. “I think I know what connects them.” 
“What’s that, Y/N?” Emily asks, raising a brow at her.  
You clear your throat again. “Victim #2, Rebecca Belfront, has a Padlock collar necklace on in her second picture. That’s typically used to indicate she’s a submissive with a committed dominant partner. But she wasn’t wearing it when her body was found which makes me think that that relationship recently ended. That made me look at the marks on their arms. While there are some new ones from the murders, they all have faded marks around the wrist and body as well. Leads me to believe the bounding was er-... consensual. We should probably look into New York’s BDSM scene.” You close, smiling awkwardly. 
Spencer looks at you in shock. He, of course, had come to the same conclusion you did and had been about to say that but he, at least, knew why he knew that. Why did you know that? 
Emily hummed thoughtfully. “It’s worth looking into. Do you mind coming to NY with us? Your insight might be needed.” 
You look kind of shocked at that but nod. “Of course, whatever I can do to help.” You say, softly. 
“Great, Wheels up in 30.” She says, getting up, effectively ending the meet. Spencer watches you speed after her, files in hand to ask some more questions. Spencer’s walking back to his desk when Luke catches up with him. 
“Y/N has a dark side. Who knew?” He says, smirking. 
“Probably not.” Spencer muses. “She could’ve just known that. I mean, I  just know stuff sometimes too.” 
“Nah, I don’t think so. Her body language gave her away. She was flushing and stuttering sure, but she was confident in what she was saying. Almost as if, she was speaking from experience.” Luke laughs. “She may be all lollipops and candy bars here, but I bet behind closed doors, she’s handcuffs and gags.”  
Spencer hums. “Maybe.” He says looking up to watch you walk back across the catwalk from Prentiss’ office. Luke was right though, your body language did give you completely away that you were talking from experience. Spencer couldn’t help but wonder just how much. 
When you arrive in New York, You head straight from the jet to the Police Station in Queens. You fiddle with your thumbs a bit, you are nervous. 
“You ok?” Spencer says, from his spot in front of the bulletin board he was setting up. You were supposed to be helping him but you knew Spencer was particular about some things so you let him do it. In fact, there were a lot of things you’d let Spencer do. With you, to you, you weren’t picky. The man was gorgeous enough to make you nervous. With his lean muscles, long, fluffy hair, and large hands, he looked like something that walked right out of a wet dream of yours. Which sometimes, he was just that. You weren’t stupid though, you knew Spencer didn’t think of you that way. In fact, you didn’t think Spencer thought of you in any way. He seemed to ignore you anyway he could. 
You look up from your laptop. “Oh yea, I’m fine. I’m just...nervous. I’ve never been in the field.” 
“Chances are you won’t be, Emily will probably keep you in the Station if she can help it.” Spencer provides. 
“I know, it’s just-- you know what I mean.” You say, Spencer nods before returning to the bulletin board. You stand to look at the map with him. “So, from what I was able to find there’s only 3 BDSM clubs in Queens but there’s only one in the middle of where the three women were found. Place called Cat’s Cradle.” 
Spencer hums. “How complicated and unpredictable the machinery of life really is.” You look up at the man, recognizing the quote.  
“There is love enough in this world for everybody, if people will just look.” You say back, shrugging. 
“You read Vonnegut?” He asks. 
“You said that like you’re more surprised that I can read than what I read being Vonnegut.” You say, Spencer shrugs not even denying it. God, he was such a dick sometimes. A hot dick, but a dick nonetheless. 
The two of you turn when you hear a knock at the door to see the lead detective coming in to check on you guys. “Just wanted to see how things were coming along. Also see if you guys needed anything?” Though he only directed the question at you with a sly smirk on his face. Men were so obvious sometimes. 
“Nope, we’re fine.” You smile although you didn’t want to. “We’ve narrowed down to a couple BDSM clubs so hopefully we’ll catch our guy soon.” 
“Wait, you think these girls were…” He trails off. You nod, knowing what he was thinking. “Well, it probably serves them right.” 
“Excuse me?” You say. 
“Listen, I know what kind of girls go into those kinds of clubs. If they want to be sexual deviants, they can’t be surprised when shit like this happens to them.” He gestures to the board. 
“Actually more women are into Dominant/Submissive as well as BDSM relationships than you would think, statistically 85%.” Spencer cuts him off. “These clubs are just commonplace for them to meet like minded people just like you would do in any other club and they should be put on trial after their deaths for trusting the wrong person. If you don’t mind, we’d like to get back to work, Detective.” He says, turning back towards the board. The man nods and leaves shortly after that. 
“Thank you.” You say, softly. 
“What for?” Spencer asks. 
“Come on, I work with profilers and I’m not stupid. I know you guys know about me so thank you for defending me just now.” 
“I wasn’t defending you.” Spencer says. “He was making inappropriate comments about victims and we don’t need that outdated way of thinking working on this case. Besides…” He says, eyes flickering down to your lips and back to your eyes. “You’re not the only one with… unconventional extracurriculars.” He turns and walks out after that leaving you watching after him. 
 After delivering the profile, you find the Unsub, a man named Ivan Parke. The only thing left to do was find the best way to snuff him out. When the team is discussing the next best course of action. It’s then Luke comes up with the idea. 
“We should send Y/N undercover.” He says. “She knows the profile and knows the most about the scene.” 
Emily nods. “Is that something you’re comfortable with, Y/N.” 
You look up. “Oh, um yea. I’d have to find a different outfit but you have to send someone with me.” You say, everyone looks at you confused so you sigh and explain yourself. “If you send me into a club like this, in a foreign place with no Dom, the Unsub isn’t going to be my only worry. Someone’s going to have to play my dominant.”   
“I’ll do it.” Spencer speaks up. Your eyes widened, you were not expecting Spencer to agree to it, you assumed you’d be stuck with Luke. Now you’re going to have to spend the night with the man you’d been crushing on since you started working with the BAU as his submissive. Like that wasn’t a dream come true. 
“Great.” Emily says, dismissing everyone and handing you an expense credit card for an outfit. You take it and leave immediately, ignoring the sly look Spencer gives you. 
You ended with a short, low-cut black leather dress with tank-like sleeves that showed off your curves and left very little to the imagination. As well as a clear pair of platform heels. You pulled your hair back into a sleek ponytail and you topped the look with your own personal leather choker with a large circle knob in the center. It was one of your favorite pieces to wear though you never really got a chance to wear it unless you were going to clubs, which you didn’t do as often these days. It was an expensive piece sure, but so worth it when you got to wear it. You were doing your makeup a little darker then you usually do in the bathroom when Spencer comes in. 
“Is this how you typically look on the weekends?” He asks, standing behind you in the mirror. You look up to look him in the eyes through it. 
“If I have the time.” You shrug. 
“It’s very different. You’re very different from how I thought you were.” 
“And how did you think I was, Spencer?”
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have assumed anything about me.” You say, turning towards the man. 
“Maybe you’re right… That’s an expensive piece.” He points out pointing to your choker. “Emily’s going to have fun explaining that at the next budgetary hearing.” 
“I didn’t buy it today.” You explain. “It’s mine.” 
Spencer hums for a moment before lifting his hand to turn your jaw, examining the piece. You can’t help the way your breath hitches at the contact. Spencer was already so close to you and now he was touching you, it was already starting to be too much. Soon, Spencer is hooking two fingers into the circle knob of your choker and he yanks it. Involuntarily, a whimper falls from your lips, prompting a smirk from the man across from you. 
“Tonight’s going to be fun.” He says before leaving you in the bathroom in a state of shock. 
 After getting your comms set up by Luke, who tried to avert his eyes from your frame as much as possible, you and Spencer walk into the Cat’s Cradle. Typically you didn’t like the club scene, but you sometimes liked to venture out when looking for a new partner. Cat’s Cradle was definitely different than the other places you had been. Sure it still had the private rooms and the main stage where a scene was happening in front of you but it was a lot more laid back than the ones you went to in DC. Spencer was really enjoying his role too. Probably hamming it up too much because he knew there was a part of you that actually wanted him to. In the end, finding Ivan Parke was easy. He took the bait almost instantly and you were arresting him just as fast. 
“Great work tonight guys.” Emily says, when you reach the hotel lobby. “Jet’s leaving at 7AM so make sure to get some rest.” She says, dismissing you. 
Now begged a tricky situation because you had almost forgotten you and Spencer were rooming together. As you walked back to the room together the air was thick but both of you were silent. The tension had been building between the two of you since he yanked your choker in the station bathroom. You knew it was a matter of time. The dam had to break. 
“You can shower first.” Spencer says. You nod, taking off your choker and grabbing clothes before taking solace in the bathroom. You wanted Spencer and you knew you needed to expedite this. After a much needed shower, you change into your pajama shorts and tank combo. Spencer steps into the shower almost as soon as you leave it. It’s then that you think of the perfect plan. You lay on the bed and spread your legs before slipping a hand down your shorts. You tease yourself at first, rubbing your clit through your underwear while you thought about the events of the night. How Spencer had been so authoritative. How his hand slid to the small of your back and sometimes ghosted your ass as the two of you walked around the club. How he had been so close in the bathroom. The way he yanked you closer. A small moan escaped you as you slid your hand in your underwear. Soon you hear the bathroom door open. Spencer stops short, watching you before leaning on the frame. 
“Were you just touching yourself?”
“Yes.” You answer. “Are you gonna to do something about it?” 
“Should I? Instead of telling me what you want you decide to act like a brat and do this.” 
Spencer moves closer to the bed but doesn’t do anything, just continues to watch you so you decide to give him a show. Moaning loudly as you slide a digit inside of you. Spencer looks at you with hooded eyes. You can’t help the small laugh that leaves you. 
“I think you’re going to give me what I want.” You say, smirking. 
“And why’s that?” He says. 
“You’re already weak.” You say. 
“I’m weak, pretty girl?” He asks, incredulously. Before you know it, he’s ripping your hand out of your pants and crowding in the space between your legs forcing you to sit up and look at him. “You’re in here touching yourself to the thought of me like a horny teenager and I’m the one who’s weak? Ok.”  He sits back and pulls you by your hips to sit on top of his lap, your legs straddling one of his thighs. “The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh, ok?” He tells you, starting to move your hips. You moan, nodding your head as the friction makes its way through your core. Spencer lifts your shirt off you and smirks when his eyes land on your bare breast. He leans forward to catch your left nipple in his mouth. Your back arches as you grind harder against his thigh. Your hands fly up to start unbuttoning his shirt when he stops you. 
“Did I say you could touch yet, princess?”  He asks. 
“N-No, sir.” You stutter. 
“Then keep your hands to yourself.” He says, putting your hands back to your side. He does indulge you by taking his shirt off himself. But that doesn’t help you keep your hands to yourself. You saw the lean muscle and craved to mark it up with your nails. Your hands go up to touch him again but he stops you. 
“If I have to ask you again, I’m going to tie you up, Princess. Just be good, baby.” 
You were already close before but now with Spencer’s hands and mouth everywhere and constant friction on your sex it was damn near pushing you off the edge. 
“I’m gonna come.” You tell him, he grips your hips tighter, lifting his leg slightly so he was only rubbing against your clit. That makes you moan out loudly. 
“Go ahead, Princess. Cum for me.” He says, and that was all you needed to fall right over the edge. Your legs shake and convulse as Spencer grips your hips help you ride it out.  Soon you come down panting and he’s kissing into your neck. He pulls back and grips your jaw. 
“Still think I’m weak, Princess?”  He asks. 
You knew it was unwise. In fact, you tried to stop yourself before you did it but it was too late. You reared your hand back and slapped Spencer across the cheek. Not hard enough to be seen as anything malicious but sharp enough to throw him off, like he couldn’t believe you had done it.  
“Yes I do.” You say looking him in the eyes after. Something like a switch went off because there was no other way to describe the look he gave you other than feral and fully primitive. He pushes you off him. 
“Get on your hands and knees, now.” He says, menacingly. You scramble and run to get into the position. Once in, Spencer forces your knees further apart. He angrily takes his belt off his pants before fashioning them into a makeshift cuff and pulling your wrist so they’re tied behind your back, leaving you face down into the mattress. He slides your shorts and underwear off in one go. You yelp loudly when the first slap comes to your behind. When the second and third slap comes, you try to squeeze your legs together to get some form of friction but Spencer forces your knees further apart. You moan out when you feel a digit slide against your folds. You try to push back on it but Spencer holds your hips in place. 
“P-Please.” you stutter. 
“What do you want, Princess?” He says, sliding a second digit inside you making you cry out more. 
“Please, fuck me, Spencer.” You say, and you really didn’t have to ask twice because almost as soon as you ask Spencer’s hands leave you to finish unbuckling his pants. There’s a brief moment of calm, so calm that you almost think Spencer wasn’t going to give you what you want but that calm is interrupted by Spencer slamming into, no warning. You scream out but that’s only rewarded with your head being shoved more into the mattress to muffle your cries. Spencer’s hands are pulling on your cuffs so he is almost impossibly deep inside you. You moans start to get louder and louder. Suddenly, Spencer is pulling you up so you’re both sitting up, your back against his chest. One of his hands slides to grip around your neck while the other is moving to circle your clit. The hand around your neck tilts your jaw back so you’re looking up at the man behind you. 
“Fuck, you feel so good. Open your mouth, Princess.” He orders, which you do instantly sticking your tongue out. Spencer leans forward and spits into your waiting mouth before locking his mouth with yours. His hand squeezes your neck tighter as you moan into his mouth as he starts fucking you faster, his dick hitting your g-spot almost every thrust. It’s not long before you’re just babbling, not even able to string a coherent sentence together. 
“You gonna come for me, Princess?” He asks. You nod, moaning loudly. At this point, you knew there was no way the person in the room next to you guys didn’t hear you. You could only hope that it wasn’t one of the team. “Go ahead for me, baby. Be a good girl and come on my cock.” After that, it doesn’t take long before you’re falling over the edge, shaking all the while. Spencer fucks you through it before tightening his grip on your hips to bend you back forwards so your face is back on the mattress. He fucks you hard and fast before falling over the edge himself, moaning your name. 
The two of you say nothing as he unties you. When he does, you instantly flop down on your back, breathing heavily. Spencer wordlessly gets up and goes to the bathroom. For a moment you think he’s just leaving you like this, that you were foolish to think Spencer cared anything about you but in that moment he comes back with a wet cloth and ointment. He says nothing as he wipes between your legs before tossing the towel aside. You watch him with a smirk on your face as he rubs the ointment on the red marks the red cuffs made on you. 
He looks you in the eye. “What, Y/N?” 
“What happened to Princess?” You say, Spencer just looks at you with a bored expression which only makes you smile more. “Now’s probably a good time for you to ask me to dinner.” 
Spencer chuckles lightly at that. “You don’t want to go to dinner with me.” 
“I’m almost positive I do. Why would you say that?” You ask. 
Spencer looks you in the eyes at that moment. “I’m not-Y/N, I’m not like you.” 
“Like me?” 
“I’m not able to be cheery and smiley. I can’t float into rooms. I can’t be happy like you are, too much has happened to me. You deserve someone happy.” 
“Spencer.” You say, looking him in the eyes. “You are not broken. You can be happy, it’s going to take time sure but I’m willing to be with you through that. If you want that.” You say. 
Spencer nods. “Ok, Y/N.” he smiles. 
He rolls his eyes at that. “What’re you doing next sunday?” 
You smile, brightly. “Absolutely nothing.”    
Perm. Taglist: @moonshinerbynight​ @crimeshowtrash​
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requested by @1-800-baddie
I don't know how to write a shy, Awkward character but I'll retry my best for you!!
warning: some head bashings, cussing, and maybe some OOC.
{Masterlist 1} {masterlist 2}
It's all about believing in yourself and having confidence. It's a battle of the mind."
yeah right, my ass.
Like it's so simple to get your point across without rambling on in a never-ending ramble that gets lower and lower till no one can hear you.
It doesn't help that you're literally surrounded by the epidemy of loudmouth,over-confident, cocky members of Toman on a daily basis
Being shy and Awkward in toman is a normal thing. You have Hakki and Souya who are adorably awkward just in different ways.
But it's so apparent on you! You can't even hide it and believe me, you tried to overcome it.
But you ended up scaring the poor soul you were trying to talk to. You were so focused that you didn't notice your stare was intensifying by the second.
So you were often feeling dejected when you try to break out of your shell. Sometimes when you focus too hard on befriending others your stares get intense to the point that they get mistaken for bitch faces and your aura just looks like your begging for a fight.
Souya and Nahoya
The first time you tried to befriend Nahoya didn't go so well. He thought you were picking a fight with him and you almost got into it if it wasn't for his younger brother.
Thank the lord for Souya.
the three of you become friends and get along well. Nahoya begins to read your body language and starts to interpret your actions into words. He's used to Souya's little quirks and he finds that you sometimes have the same ones as Souya's. He basically becomes your interpreter which isn't exactly the best thing due to the fact that the man has no chill. He just adds you to the sibling lists and begins to treat you like a long-lost sibling. The twins know what your trying to say before you even try to say it. That doesn't mean Nahoya won't tease you though.
"Hey, it's..."
-you hang up -
Nahoya never forgets to tease you about how you get so shy on the phone that you hung up once you get flustered. He never lets you live it down!
how could you hang up on him!
you get better with overtime but you managed to fluster the Kawata twins when you first said I love you.
Souya and Nahoya were dropping you off in front of your home after hanging out all day. When you finally say your goodbyes it slipped out and you didn't even notice!
"Okay, time to go sweetie."
"Alright, drive home safely."
"yes, mom."
"Love you see you tomorrow!"
The sound of their bikes crashing was heard in the distance. They ended up with giant bruises on their foreheads from bashing their heads onto the ground from falling in shock.
Hakkai and MItsuya
You can't stay in the same place as Hakkai! It gets so awkward so fast. Like you both just ignore each other presence but eventually you two end up catching each other looking and just look the other way. You think this is your cue to maybe start talking Hakkai
"...Hey...Wanna have a talk??..."
"no?...okay," you say with a slight hurt in your voice and Hakkai can't take this guilt.
Please forgive him!! He's sorry! Thanks for trying though.
Mitsuya has the time of his life seeing both of you interact, well if you can call it that.
yeah, so, um...do you want to see that new movie? I mean, eh, not with me if you don't want..."
of you sweet summer child, Mitsuya will help you and he'll go to the movies with you. He sees you trying so hard to at least talk to both of them.
this once time Mitsuya caught you reading this book on how to communicate with the opposite sex and he just didn't know what to do. He didn't even know why you needed the freaking book until he heard you talking to Hakkai or at least trying to for the 6th time today.
"Do you think I am cute?"
They sputter, they both sputter in utter shock! Where did this confidence come from??
"I'm sorry! I just read a book and it said it might be that!!" you move your arms wildly trying to explain away the situation away to a shell-shocked Hakkai.
After that Hakkai begins to talk to you little by little.
Only to be completely shell-shocked again when you told him you loved them after you parted ways for school.
His jaw hits the floor when Mitsuya says it back. Mitsuya has to explain to him, that it's normal in your household to say it, even in his.
It takes him a while but he says it.
Baji and Chifuyu
under construction
Baji was going to fight you if you kept up your murderous glares. You can catch these hands for free anywhere any time.
He was about to confront you until you stood in front of him. He just looks at you ready to fight if need be.
“You’re um really pretty.."
All that just for that?? Little Baji is confused. Now, look if Baji is getting pressed about you think of how Chifuyu reacted. He thought you were going to kill him! All you did was try to ease into talking with him about cats like Baji said but you couldn't come up with anything to open up the conversation. Baji thinks you're a lost cause at some point and he has to be in between you before you make Chifuyu look like a fool. Chifuyu eventually understands what you were trying to do and now knows your just shy and awkward.
"You're so cute, I love you!!!" you mess up his hair and run away.
sssh don't tell but he blushed a little. He was caught off guard so hard he didn't even chase you.
Chifuyu thinks you are in love with him. He thought you were confessing to him,
" yeah yeah, I love you. I'll see you in 2 hours."
"y-yeah love you too."
He panics and has a meltdown before calling Baji. He consults all the manga in his collection.
someone help this man.
Mikey and Draken
under construction
You fought one of them not gonna lie.
it was Draken
you fought Draken.
What do you expect! You say nothing as you look at them. So he thought you were picking a fight.
Mikey will say it back full-heartedly
"I love you too y/n!!"
Draken takes his time and probably tells you when it's just you two or else he's taking it to the grave.
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wishingyouback · 3 years
In The AM.
[01:45am] late nights with minho;
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It’s a quarter to two in the morning when you stumble upon minho in your apartment kitchen with his hands on his face.
Though his back is facing you, you can almost picture the look on his face. His eyes closed, hands resting on his face to either try to subside the growing headache he had or, he was just exhausted with amount of workload he had piling up. You frown to yourself and lean against the doorframe of your kitchen, being quiet and careful to not stir him from his thoughts, to take a proper look at him.
His body is slumped in comparison to his usual lean position. His hair is ruffled, looking as if he had run his hands through it a million times to rid of the worries in his head. You’re about to walk over to him when Minho turns his head to look at you. Your eyes immediately catch his and he can’t stop the smile he has growing on his face. You bite your lip to contain your excitement and make your way into his arms that opens warmly for you.
When you wrap your arms around his neck, he finds solidarity in your embrace and hums. You feel his body relax in your warmth and you almost want to cry at how tired he must be.
“How’d you know I was there?”
“I heard you open your door,” he looks at you then kisses your forehead lightly which makes butterflies erupt in your stomach. “I’m sorry I came so late. Practice took longer than usual.”
Minho rarely talked about work — not because he didn’t want to or didn’t trust you. He trusted you with his entire life and if anything, he adored you to bits. It was just that, whenever he would be around you, you helped ease his worries. You took the pain away before he could even acknowledge it; you were his escape from reality because when he was with you, it actually felt like nothing else in the world mattered except for the moments together like right here, right now.
He was extremely thankful for you, and he always made sure to let you know that. If he couldn’t say it, he’d show it.
For your first day as a couple, the hazel haired boy surprised you with flowers at midnight because he was busy with practice the entire day. When you reached a month, he bought you the bracelet you had been eyeing the time the both of you went shopping for his lovely cats. Needless to say, Minho was an attentive lover. He knew you inside out — everything you did together felt so intimate and you felt incredibly lucky; even privileged at times to be privy to these type of affections from the man who was once shy in front of you.
You pull away from him to stretch your arms, closely resembling a feline creature he was fond of, which makes him smile.
He keeps you close to him with his arms wrapped gently around your waist as you stand between his legs that he parted to make room for you. “Did I wake you?”
You hadn’t seen each other for two weeks. Though that was considered the shortest time you both have been separated, you missed him a lot more than usual and you were glad you made a spare key just for him to make his entrance any time he wanted. You shook your head.
“I woke up to get a glass of water,” you then rested your head on his shoulders, relaxing in his arms when he started to draw small patterns on your waist. “Did you just get here?”
He checks his phone and nods. “Just a few minutes, actually. We had a last minute meeting too.” He says this with a sigh.
He covers it up with a shrug but you know Minho and you know the difference between his usual nonchalant attitude to this one.
After a moment of silence with him swaying you from side to side and you laughing at the little jokes he would whisper in your ears, you stand up properly and sternly place your hands on his shoulder, making him tilt his head up to look at you. He sees the blank look on your face and sits up to mirror you.
You don’t have to say anything for him to know what you’re asking.
Even if it was just a look or a stare, Minho could read your body language and he recognised it even if you thought you were being subtle. He was alert; protective even, especially when it came to you.
“We learnt this choreography today,” you listen intently and play with the roots of his hair, something you noticed Minho liked even when he would jokingly push your hands away. “It wasn’t difficult, but it wasn’t simple either. I know we’ve done harder but— I just can’t get this one move right and it’s frustrating.”
Your heart suddenly grows heavy and you feel the sudden urge to want to reassure Minho that he’s doing amazing, so you do.
You take a step closer to him, place your hands on his cheeks, making his lips pout a little but make him look into your eyes.
“That’s not your fault, baby.” Minho’s about to deny it but he knows you have more to say, and doesn’t interrupt you. “I know I won’t understand how you completely feel, but I want you to know that I’m so proud of you and that I know you’re already doing your best. You always do, and the boys know that too.”
You stare up into Minho’s eyes and he decides that there was not a single word in the dictionary, he was sure, that could describe just how beautiful you looked tonight.
You weren’t glammed up, nor were you in the least bit trying considering you were asleep, but he decides that this is his favourite look on you. You’re wearing one of his shirts, given it was a lot bigger on you than on him, it fit you perfectly. Your hair was tussled, evident from the tossing and turning you did in your sleep, and your cheeks are more pink then they usually were, but you looked so beautiful that Minho couldn’t resist the kiss he gives you when you’re about to say something in reply.
You smile into the kiss and he suddenly feels so energised that he swallows your giggles and hums a satisfied tune against your lips. When he pulls away, he pecks your cheeks then your nose.
You can’t stop grinning after this, feeling your face heat up. “What was that for? Not that I’m complaining.” Again, you look up at Minho with the softest look he has ever seen and he nearly melts at the sight.
“Just thankful.” Is what he says which makes you raise your eyebrows as if to ask ‘for what?’ and he knows it isn’t to tease him. You genuinely don’t know what for, and he’s more than happy to tell you. “For you, angel.”
You bury your head into his chest at the new pet name and he already knows you’re blushing. He bites back his inner cheek to stop himself from laughing, but it’s not use because a giggle slips out and you’re pulling away to look at him again.
“Stop.” You whine and he laughs harder.
After a moment, you feel Minho draw figure eights on your back with his fingers and you feel yourself moving into him more to hug him again. He always had that affect on you.
“You wanna know something?” His voice is so low that if you weren’t in his embrace, you wouldn’t have heard it. He looks down to check if you’re listening and you are, you’re already looking at him.
“I’m so in love with you.”
You break into a wide smile and let out a shy laugh. The both of you have been together for a year now, yet you still get giddy at the compliments he gives you; the things he says to you, especially when he tells you that he loves you. It wasn’t new to hear, yet every time he said it to you, you couldn’t help but feel like it was the first time.
Minho found it endearing. He loved seeing you happy and most importantly, he loved loving you. You were his person, his lover and partner in everything.
“I’m so in love with you too.” You say when you wrap your arms around his neck so he can hug you properly. He presses a kiss to your temple.
“You wanna head to bed now?” You nod.
“Let me get a drink then I’ll join you.”
He hums an answer and lets you go get a cup but before you can take another step, he grabs your wrist and when you turn, you feel his lips land on yours. You’re about to react when he pulls away as quickly as he started it, a teasing glimmer in his eyes.
“I’ll see you in bed, baby.” You roll your eyes playfully at the older boy let him go. He reluctantly lets go of your hand that he squeezes before leaving and you grab your drinks feeling nothing but pure happiness completely consume your body.
a/n if you made it ‘till the end, thank you so much for reading ily, i do. & if there are any errors, let me know and i’ll fix them ♡ happy reading(s)!
— you’re always loved. x
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yourwildsimp · 3 years
sweet confessions
includes: aizawa, y/n
warnings: mentions of nightmares
length: 1,986 words
summary: with neither of you able to sleep, trapped words are finally allowed to slip like melted butter.
Four in the morning was not the time to be up, especially on a work night. Well, a workday at this point. You should be in bed, surrounded by the fluffiest, warmest blankets on the softest mattress you could afford.
And yet? Here you were in the bathroom, washing your face with warm water, for what was the third time in a row. It was as if you were trying to slowly drown yourself. A yawn left your lips, strong enough to rock your body with violent yet satisfying shudders. You cursed your insomnia. You knew you were tired, so why couldn’t you fall asleep?
Something clattered in the kitchen, a hushed swear which broke the stillness of the shared apartment soon followed.
Was he up, too?
Your face heated up at the thought of your roommate. There had always been a spark between the two of you, but both of you dodged any confrontation. It was like fate danced you both around each other, curious to see who would take charge. Who would finally end this little game of cat and mouse? You didn’t think you had enough confidence to be the one to put a stop to the games you were playing and admit how hard you’ve fallen for him.
However, as life tugs you both along, curious things unfold.
You cracked open the bathroom door to peep out, holding your breath in case he was just outside. This was new to you, as Aizawa was typically asleep for as long as he could be. His record is 19 hours straight after a hard mission. Your record was nine hours, and you were damn proud of yourself for it, too.
You carefully stepped out after turning off the light, trying to creep back to your bedroom without getting caught. It’s not like you wanted to avoid Aizawa, you just didn’t want him to catch you up this late again. Though as soon as you took your first step out into the hallway, he spoke, the words making you freeze like a deer in headlights.
“What are you doing awake at this hour?” You swallowed around the lump in your throat as you stood straight.
“I thought you didn’t know I was up,” you said with a grin, but Aizawa could see how tired you were.
“I’m a pro-hero,” he hummed, a coffee mug warming his hands. “It’s almost insulting that you thought I didn’t notice you. Now, why are you up?”
“I could ask you the same thing, Mr. Pro-hero,” you retorted, earning a worn chuckle. The distant look in his eyes told you everything you needed to know to understand why he was awake as well.
You knew all too well that Aizawa’s night terrors were a force to be reckoned with. On some nights he even woke up screaming or falling out of bed. Aizawa’s dreams were the only thing that could get such a strong reaction from him.
“Drinking coffee this late can’t be good for you,” you said, changing the subject rather quickly while you headed into the kitchen with your roommate. “Doesn’t a hero with your status need to stay healthy?”
“It’ll keep me up,” he murmured with a strange sort of solemnness infecting his tone.
You couldn’t stop the empathetic look from tainting your face even if you wanted to. You hated nothing more than watching as the hero business ate away at your best friend.
“Hey.” His voice took you from your thoughts. “We’re already up this late, and I doubt either of us will sleep soon, so. . .” Aizawa trailed off as you looked up at him. “So, come sit on the roof with me. Only for a bit.”
Your jaw nearly dropped to the floor before you caught yourself and nodded. You hoped that you didn’t look too head over heels for him, but little to your knowledge, Aizawa found your reaction cute.
“Sure, alright,” you said with a small smile, trying to sound nonchalant. You didn’t, but Aizawa didn’t comment on it, sparing your pride. “Ah, wait, let me grab a hoodie-”
“Don’t bother,” he said, just loud enough for you to hear him.
A smirk tainted your lips as you crossed your arms over your chest and accusingly leaned towards him.
“Oh, so you want me to freeze? That isn’t very heroic, mister.” The way you raised your eyebrows got him to spill a chuckle.
“I do not. You can just wear mine."
Leaving the conversation at that, he turned away before you ever saw the pink hue that dusted his face. It took you a second to let his words process before you were following after him like a lost puppy.
It's not a big deal. He's just being friendly and giving, as always. That's the lie you've always told yourself.
“How do we get up on the roof?" You asked as he led you on the small back porch.
Your small smile dropped entirely as he jumped and grabbed the edge of the roof, pulling himself up with practiced ease.
"All right, asshole, not everyone is a pro-hero, so-" You cut yourself off as soft cloth suddenly wrapped around you, acting as a safety harness.
He lifted you to the roof without breaking a sweat. And to be honest, that boosted your confidence by a few points.
"Such foul language doesn't belong in a pretty mouth like yours," Aizawa murmured, his calloused hands carefully pulling his scarf off of your shoulders. He left the cloth on your waist for you to take care of, as he didn't want to overstep any boundaries.
The scarf was the furthest thing from your mind as you hoped the dark sky hid your heavy blush.
He said I was… Pretty. Aizawa… called me pretty.
"You, um…" You tried to start a conversation to distract Aizawa from the fact you weren't removing his scarf. "You got up here stupidly fast. Do you do this often?"
He didn't comment on the matter of his scarf, silently using it to justify why he was sitting this close to you.
"I'm a stealth hero. I'm always jumping rooftop to rooftop," he reasoned, heavy eyes taking in the ever so familiar landscape.
"That's not what I asked," you prodded gently. "Do you come up here often, this late at night?"
You wanted him to trust you, to tell you what was obviously plaguing his thoughts or what had scared him sleepless this time. You were well aware trust wasn't given easily, especially for someone like him. Someone who's been hurt time and time again.
His jaw shifted, and you were too concerned about his mental health to think of how handsome he was with his sharp features.
"Sometimes. When the dreams aren't incredibly terrible," he muttered after a thick swallow.
You hummed to let him know that you understood, your body shifting a minuscule closer to his warmth. He noticed, and without a word pulled his hoodie over his head. You two were sitting so close that you needed to lean to the side to avoid getting elbowed.
"Hey, what are you-"
He smiled gently as he set the article in your lap, and the sight alone shut you up. He was gorgeous, basking in the never-sleeping city lights.
"Didn’t I tell you? You can wear my jacket if you're cold."
Be still your beating heart, because if it didn’t soon, you were sure he'd think someone was knocking at the door with how loud it was pounding against your ribs.
With a painfully flustered chuckle to fill the silence, you put it on. And, God, you'd be content dying surrounded by his scent of heavy rain and the forest. A small thank you filtered off your tongue. Using the visual excuse of adjusting how it pooled at your hips, you shifted ever closer.
"You know-"
You had both gone to speak at the same time, earning a soft giggle from you and a deep chuckle from him.
"You go first," you offered with a gentle smile.
"Only if you go after, no matter what," he playfully demanded.
As you agreed, you watched his eyes lingered on you, something indescribable dancing behind the walls of charcoal. With a deep breath, he faced the horizon.
"Sometimes when I drive, I'll turn on the radio. Just to have some background noise. I don't pay attention to it, though, because most of the music is shit," Aizawa started, something in his chest swelling as you chuckled at him. "But then, when I was sitting in the UA teacher's parking lot, something hit me as I listened to a sappy song."
"What? That you're getting old?" You teased, trying to break some of the tension in his shoulders.
"I realized that all of a sudden, every love song was about you."
Your soft gasp sounded like a nuclear bomb to him and he screwed his eyes shut. He knew he should've stayed in bed.
"I..." Aizawa moved to stand. "I should go back to sleep," he finished rather quickly.
Your nibble fingers gripped his pants leg and he froze entirely, like a child who’d been caught eating candy past midnight.
"Hey… What happened to our little deal?" Your caring tone caused him to hesitate. "Please, Shouta, won't you hear what I have to say?"
Shouta. How pretty it sounded rolling off your tongue.
He swayed in the morning breeze, the very beginning of a sunrise highlighting his dark features. And then he sat, avoiding looking at you at all costs.
"As I was going to say before I was thankfully interrupted," you began, adjusting the sleeves of your (his) jacket. You took a deep breath, hyping yourself up to finally fess up as he did. "You know when you look at a kitten, you think of Shinsou? Or when you see candy apples, you think of Eri?" You asked, earning a stiff nod.
"Everything has started reminding me of you. From sleep bags to your favorite dark chocolates, and baggy clothes like the ones you rarely allow me to borrow, or a coffee mug you'd like. You're always running through my mind," you took a breath, needing to get some air after your fast-paced rant.
You both sat in heavy silence, the dew in the grass glinting from the rays of marigold that poured over the horizon.
"Can I do something stupid?" He asked quietly, shifting in his spot.
" 'Course. It's about time we swapped roles," you humored.
Smokey-colored eyes bored into yours as he faced you, Adam's apple bobbing as he gulped. You'd never seen him so… beautifully revealing.
Suddenly you were surrounded by warmth, Aizawa no longer looking at you. He hugged you so desperately, it was as if he thought you'd leave him. He scruff tickled your neck as he nuzzled into you, but you couldn't care less.
The way you didn't need to think twice about returning the hug made him smile against your skin. You both sat there on the roof, basking in rays of fresh morning sunlight, never letting go of each other.
"It was about losing you," Aizawa breathed, breaking the blissful silence. "My nightmare… In it, I had lost you forever."
You closed your eyes, one hand tenderly massaging his scalp with the other held him closer to you. "I'm right here, Shouta. I'm not going anywhere," you reassured, feeling his breathing pattern calm. "You know that, don't you?"
"Yeah…" He whispered, voice heavy with sleep and concern.
"Let's get back to bed, okay?" You murmured, feeling the weight of your feelings change from suffocating to soaring.
"Not yet. Please… I just wanna stay with you." Aizawa pulled you impossibly closer and you smiled.
"Whatever you wish, but don't blame me when you're sore tomorrow." You felt him chuckle as his eyes drooped shut.
" 'm always sore anyways."
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Soft Landing
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One Shot
Summary: Vacation get-aways don’t always let you escape the past, but maybe you can help bring Andy back to the present. Just be careful not to pick up too many bumps and bruises along the way… Pairing: Andy Barber x Reader
Warnings: Smut (NSFW, 18+) Angst, language!
A/N: So this is another entry for @imanuglywombat​ ‘s  “Is That Even A Sex Position” weekly challenge. This position is called “Louise”. See here for more information. This is my first time writing for Andy, and it appears I can’t even do a single smutty one shot for Lawyer daddy without inserting a fuck tonne of angst so…sorry!!!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this story bar the reader and other mentioned OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Tagged my permanent tag list.
 You stirred in your bed, turning over and reaching out for your husband only to be met empty space, your fingers grasping at the cool sheets. Blinking, you propped yourself up on your forearms, squinting as your eyes grew accustomed to the low light in the hotel bedroom before you sat up, stretched a little and swung your legs out of bed.
You made your way out of the bedroom, poking your head into the next room down and, satisfied everything in there was as it should be, you made your way through to the living area of the suite and glanced around, spotting that the curtains covering the door leading to the balcony were blowing a little in the soft breeze.
You padded over to the door, pulled back the curtains a little more and you could just make out Andy’s frame, his broad, bare shoulders silhouetted against the early morning sun. Shoulders which carried a much heavier burden than when you had met almost six years previously.
You had been fresh out of law school back then, and he was not-so-fresh out of a break up with his wife. Neither of you had been looking for anything, but as is always the case, you always find the best things when you’re not searching.
Simply put, Andy Barber had swept you off your feet.
At almost 10 years his junior, the comments at first had been unkind but not unexpected. You’d been labelled “the rebound”, his “early midlife crisis”, a “convenient way to keep his dick warm whilst he got over Laurie.” But talk is cheap, as you had both proven when three years to the date you’d met he got down on one knee and you became relabelled his fiancée.
A year post that you relabelled again as his wife. And some twenty one months ago you’d relabelled once more as the mother of his child. A daughter he claimed looked just like you.
Ironically, you’d actually fallen pregnant on the last vacation you had taken. A family getaway to Mexico following Jacob’s acquittal when you’d all wrongly assumed the horrific dream was over, and you could finally wake up and get on with your lives.
You couldn’t have been more wrong.
In some sick twist of fate, you’d discovered you were pregnant the day of the accident that had claimed Jacob’s life, and later that of Laurie’s. The elation you and Andy had felt at the fact you were going to be parents together had been wrenched away from you in a single phone call from the police, and once more that shroud of dark despair had descended on your life turning the dream into a nightmare once more.
And for Andy the nightmares still continued, some two years post Jacob’s death and you knew without even seeing his face that was what had woken him and why he was now sat on the balcony of your stunning ocean view hotel suite in Cascais, Portugal instead of being in bed besides you.
“Hey.” You spoke softly as you slid the door open and he turned to look at you, his eyes carrying the familiar warmth that they always held for you, as you stepped into the balcony, taking care to leave the door open a crack just in case your daughter woke.
“Hey, Sweetheart.” He gave you a smile as you approached the sun-lounger he was perched on, facing out over the Atlantic, the first glimmer of the mid-June sun peeking over the horizon. “I didn’t wake you or Lia did I?”
Lia, or Halia to use her full name. Chosen by you and Andy for its meaning. A Hawaiian name for remembrance of a loved one. In this case the brother she would never meet.
“No, I checked in on her. She’s flat out.” You assured him, as he moved his legs, dropping them either side of the lounger allowing you to sit in between them, cross legged as you faced him. You studied him for a moment, cocking your head to one side as he gave you a gentle smile. “Get out of there, Bubs.” You gently reached up, tapping the side of his temple and he took a deep breath, his hand curling round yours, lacing your fingers together.
“Sorry, just got caught in a memory.” He offered as explanation. And to be fair, you didn’t need him to clarify any further. You knew, you always knew.
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Not really.” He swallowed, so you didn’t press further. You respected his wishes, just like he did to yours.
“Do you want a hug?” You offered instead, and he gave a soft smile, opening his arms. You shifted onto your knees, scooting forwards a little, wrapping your arms around him as he pressed his face into your neck, taking a deep breath as your hand ran through his soft hair and down his neck in gentle, sweeping arcs. You sat in silence for a moment, the lapping of the waves against the shore the only noise you could hear as you held him close, feeling him nuzzle further into you.
“Thank you.” He mumbled against your skin and you pulled back a little, sitting back on your heels as you looked at him
“What for?”
“Everything.” He shrugged, his hand reaching up and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, his eyes soft as he studied your face for a moment, his gaze flicking to your lips before it went further down and he arched an eyebrow. “And for wearing that.”
You chuckled a little as you glanced down at the pale blue silk slip, one of the thin straps had slipped down your shoulder slightly, your nipples pebbled against the thin fabric. “Well, someone bought it for me.” You looked back at him, smiling as you tugged your bottom lip in between your teeth.
“Yeah?” Andy’s eyes moved back to yours. “Anyone I know?”
“No, just someone very special to me.” You leaned forwards to press your lips to his.
“He’s a lucky man.” Andy whispered against your mouth
“I’m the lucky one.” You mumbled back. “And, whilst we’re on the subject, I would also like to thank you for what you’re wearing.” You grinned, your hands flat on his chest, smoothing down a little before they trailed back upwards, curling over his strong shoulders.
“I’m not.”
“Exactly.” You smirked, kissing him softly again.
Eventually the teasing pecks flowed into something much stronger, Andy’s arms curling round you, pulling you closer, domineering swipes of his tongue against yours set every single nerve in your body on edge. Your hand moved back down his chest, tracing his soft abs before you palmed his growing bulge through the sleep pants he was wearing, causing him to grunt a little.
Without a word, one of his hands trailed up the outside of your thigh, the other making its way along the inside of your opposite knee and you shifted a little, parting your legs, as his fingers delicately danced upwards to where you wanted him the most. When they softly parted your intimate lips he gave a little groan as he realised you were wearing no panties, and you swallowed as his fingers swirled in your slick, the pad of his thumb grazing your nub ever so gently.
“Always so ready for me.” He hummed.
“Yeah, it’s a curse.” You whispered back, as his spare hand slid the other strap of your slip down, his lips pressing a tender kiss to your shoulder as he pulled the front of the garment down, freeing your breasts. As he kissed his way along the swell of your cleavage, his tongue softly teased each taught nipple and your whimper caught in your throat, emerging as nothing but a soft squeak of delight. You felt his mouth curl up into a smile against your skin and you gently wrapped your hand around his wrist, halting his teasing fingers.
“Andy, I want you.” You whispered, your head falling back as you rocked your hips forwards against his hand as you held it in place. “Please.”
Andy didn’t reply, but with a grace unbefitting a man of his stature, he moved, kneeling up as he pulled his sleep pants down, his gorgeous cock springing free and slapping gently against the thin strip of hair that led down from his belly button. He drew his knees apart slightly as his hands grabbed your hips and he hauled you towards him, his lips pressing back to yours.
You positioned yourself over him, your knees hugging his torso as you lowered yourself down, both of you giving a groan as you took him in. Your feet remained by his knees, one hand sliding round his neck, fingers tangling in the hair at the nape of his neck, the other gripping at his forearm.
Andy rolled his hips upwards as you pressed your forehead to his, noses bumping together as he moved you gently, his rhythm slow and needy from the off. Large hands slid along your thighs, gently palming your ass before they slid up the back of your silk slip, coming to rest tenderly on your spine, holding you close. As he rocked upwards, you let your head fall back slowly and let out a soft sigh of delight as his lips caressed your throat, barely there kisses moved down your neck, that beard you loved so much scratching your skin as he went. Your grip on his arm and neck tightened a little, your nails softly grazing the nape of his neck as he once more lavished affection on your chest, and this time it was his turn to let out a soft groan into your skin. He loved when you touched him there, you’d often made a joke about how if he was a cat it would make him purr.
His mouth moved upwards again, tongue dipping into the hollow of your throat, tracing a path up to your jaw before his lips caught yours again, the kiss deep and needy, like he was at that moment. Your tongues danced lazily together, matching the slow, steady roll and rocking motion your hips were making. With a low grunt, Andy broke away, pulling back a little, his nose nudging your chin as he placed a soft kiss once more to your neck, his rhythm never changing as his hands pulled you even closer, pressing your chest into his.
“Baby, look at me.” His voice was a whisper, and it was a request not a demand, but a request you were more than happy to meet. Your eyes locked onto those deep, ocean blues which were blown with love and lust and you simply held his gaze as he continued to rock up into you, stroking that spot inside that drove you wild.
You could feel the burning, deep in the pit of your stomach, and your hips started to move a little more as you ground down against him, desperate for the friction against your clit and you let out a little cry as you found it, Andy bucking up a little deeper and faster, reading your body language perfectly, just like he always could.
Moving your hands, you cupped his face, the pads of your fingers tangling in his beard as he closed his eyes, those ridiculously long eyelashes fluttering against his flushed cheeks and you pushed down again, rotating your hips, watching with satisfaction as he tipped his head back, a groan flowing freely from his lips, the softly whispered “don’t stop” barely audible, his voice was that deep.
Seeing him so suppliant was something you would never get tired of, because you loved this beautiful, wonderful man with everything you had. You’d both been through so much, yet still made it through the other side as strong as ever, the ultimate sign of your love sleeping in the room inside as you gave yourselves to one another whilst the dawn continued to break over the ocean, tendrils of light purples, oranges and yellow snaring around the pair of you, enveloping you in their warmth, heating the very depth of your souls.
“I love you.” You pulled his face back to yours, kissing him once more, your lips resting against his as you told him again. “I love you.”
“I love you too, so fahkin’ much.” His Boston twang grew more pronounced as did the movements of his hips, his rolls turning into thrusts as you met him movement for movement, pushing down, rocking yourself against him. The burn you had been feeling was now boiling hot as it bubbled to the surface, and you knew that any moment now you were going to erupt into flames.
“Fuck, Andy, I need…”
“Take it, Honey, it’s all yours…” He surged upwards, his hands flat against your back, pulling you to him as you kissed him deeply, before you’re head tipped back as the world around you tilted on its axis, your stomach tightening as you clenched down around him, your release crashing over you like the waves on the shore below. Your entire body went rigid, his name on your lips became nothing but a choked, strangled moan as he continued to rut up into you, his face pressing into your neck as he chased his own bliss.
"Fuck, Sweetheart..." Andy growled as with one final thrust upwards, his body stiffened and he spilled himself inside you, his cock twitching as the aftershocks of your orgasm kept your walls clamping down on him. His head tipped back, eyes fluttering shut and his jaw clenched before he relaxed a little, chest sagging as his arms clutched you to him, as if he never wanted to let you go.
Which, if he didn't, that was perfectly fine by you.
You leaned forward gently, sliding your nose along his, your lips brushing together as he gave a soft smile. With a satisfied sigh he leaned back, taking you with him as he made to settle you down against the back of the lounger you were laying on. Only he didn't stop, he kept going, his eyes flying open with surprise as the back of the lounger collapsed and you were suddenly pitched forward as the other end tipped up sending Andy crashing backwards onto the balcony with a loud bang as the metal frame of the lounger hit the sandstone tiled surface, you still clutched securely to his chest.
There was a pause as the pair of you looked at each other in surprise before Andy's head fell back and he gave a huge bellow of laughter and you hastily clamped your hand over his mouth in an attempt to stifle the noise, trying to supress your own giggles. One of Andy's hand's moved from your back as you sat up a little, legs still straddling his waist, his softening cock still stuffed deep inside you. He curled his fingers around the wrist of the hand you had pressed over his mouth and he pulled it away, pressing a kiss to your palm,  his beard twitching as he continued to chuckle softly, his eyes crinkled at the corner.
"You okay?" He asked, his lips curling up into a smile and you nodded, running your hands through his hair as his fell to your hips.
“Yeah, I had a soft landing.” You teased, causing him to snort out another laugh. "All these years and you can still make the Earth move for me, Barber."
"Well, I aim to please." he quipped as you leaned down to press your lips to his.
"Is everything alright?" You head a voice say which stopped you mid kiss. Your eyes flew open, as did Andy's and the pair of you looked at one another, as Andy started to laugh again.
"Yeah, fine, just a little...mishap with the sun lounger." You called over to where the voice had come from, the next room down to yours.
"But thank you for asking." Andy added, polite as always.
"No problem!" The male voice shot back, before you heard the sliding of a door and the click of a lock as it shut.
"Reminds me of that time at my parents when we broke my old bed." You giggled and Andy snorted, his hands smoothing over your thighs.
"In my defence, that thing was almost as old as me.”
"Well that's a load of shit." You grinned, looking down at him, your hands sliding through his rumpled, fluffy hair. "I only got it when I was eighteen, and given that you're ten years older than me that would mean-"
"Yeah, okay, shut up." He mumbled as his hand reached round the back of your neck, pulling you back down to him.
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chosonore · 3 years
part three | epiphany
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epiphany [noun. a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of, something that is very important to you ]
pairing: kamo noritoshi/f!reader
summary: your relationship with noritoshi was like a game of cat and mouse; no matter how hard you tried to escape from him, he would always find his way back to you.  
wordcount: 9.1k
content/warnings: friends to enemies to lovers, language, angst, smut!!!!, dom!noritoshi, noritoshi is mean, oral sex, fingering, begging, edging, biting? (he gives u a bite like once), dry humping, riding, lowercase intended [UNEDITED]
a/n: i... will not comment on this. lmfao i can’t believe i wrote all of this filth. please have mercy on me, this is the first time i’ve every written smut and i’m not really good at it fhuewhiu (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) i think this is the angstiest chapter by far but i promise, no more from the next chapter on! i hope you enjoy (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ will also add the series playlist to the masterpost so check it out if you wanna!
previous - masterlist - next
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noritoshi watched as you angrily stormed out of the room, slamming the door forcefully. he leaned back against the wall, staring up at the ceiling. now you've gone and done it. the words came out harsh and hurtful, force of habit deeply engraved into his brain. never was it his intention to hurt you so deeply, to push you away. but it was the only way to protect you from his family. noritoshi was well aware that he was a mere pawn in the stupid game that the clans were playing. he was the golden child, only accepted into the family because of his cursed technique. the cruelty he experienced was something he would never forget. he seeked revenge, for his mother and himself. but this was his own problem to handle, not wanting to drag his mother or you into this mess. 
for years, noritoshi had suffered quietly, his only motivation being the protection of his mother and you. rarely did he ever show any emotion, nor did he know many to begin with - but he knew he loved you. his suppressed adoration brought out ugly facettes of his personality: jealousy, frustration, anger. if his family ever caught wind of how much he loved and cherished you, it'd be the end for the both of you. he didn't doubt that they'd already arranged a partner for him to marry. noritoshi hated how they held onto traditions that had no place in this time any more. how they still engaged in these petty clan fights when now it was most crucial to stick together. he swore to himself, as soon as he would become clan head, everything was going to change. but until then, he had to get through this.
how much longer he could deal with this, he wasn't sure. it did bother him that you got so much attention from everyone else; it irked him even more to see that you flirted back sometimes, completely unaware of the effect you had on them. his heart yearned to be yours. as much as he didn't want to be selfish, he couldn't help but indulge. noritoshi still felt your lips on his, your smooth skin, how pliable you were in his arms and how you gave in, into him. was it unfair of him? he supposed so. if he ever got the chance to explain the entire issue to you, he would have to beg for your forgiveness, undoubtedly.
summer rolled around faster than you’d anticipated - it meant that you could finally get some room to breathe and just do nothing for a while. the third years had graduated a week prior, making you feel a little sad and wistful. you’d miss todo a lot now that he left the school but made him promise that he would drop by whenever possible. noritoshi however- you hadn’t spoken a word to him ever since that incident. it was frosty between the two of you, even the teachers had noticed and tried to not let you close to each other. while you hadn’t thought about him in a while, sometimes the thoughts were creeping up on you. some type of closure would have left you feel more at ease but having talked to your mum about the issue, it helped you move on. regardless of how he had made you feel, you would live your life for yourself now.
summer break was long and you didn’t have anything in particular planned - the two main events were your summer vacation with miwa as well as your training camp at tokyo tech. the spring tournament also had its good sides, you guessed, you were able to ask shoko and gojo to teach you over the summer. having witnessed shoko’s healing abilities first hand, you were hellbent to become as good as her. never again would you feel anxious and useless about your skills, you would become an excellent on field healer. you were looking forward to spending time with everyone there as well, especially since yuta was coming home for the summer break. you couldn’t shake the little crush you had on him, it creeped up on you whenever you talked on the phone or texted each other. subconsciously, you hoped that something would bloom out of it but hope was a fickle thing that could quickly turn into misery.
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before you left for tokyo, you decided to visit your parents at the kamo estate, hoping that you wouldn’t run into noritoshi on your way there. as far as you knew, he was busy on missions, rarely ever coming home. you greeted the guard at the front entrance, making your way to your family’s little house near the outskirts of the estate. despite the uncomfortable atmosphere that was surrounding the entire estate, you still couldn’t help but fall in love with the gardens and sculptures over and over again. you couldn’t lie, growing up here was wonderful. deciding to make a little detour to the koi pond, you skipped towards the arch bridge. below you, the fish were happily swimming around, glimmering in all kinds of colours. you peered at them, leaning against the railing. as a child, you always liked to dip your feet into the water on hot summer days, promptly earning a disapproving glare from your mum. you always ignored her though, claiming that she couldn’t stop you from getting some kind of refreshment.
as you watched the koi and took in your surroundings, footsteps made you halt in your musings. one of the kamo elders must have gone on a stroll around the gardens; you whirled around to greet the person. your throat grew dry and constricted when you saw noritoshi walking towards you, looking so casual and carefree in his loosely tied yukata. should you greet him? after all, this place was his in some way. but your friendship (could you even call it friendship?) ended on a bad note, did you really owe it to him? neither of you made a sound until he stood next to you, leaning against the railing. you tried your best not to look at him and focused on the pond below you, staring so intensely that you thought you might have lasered some holes in the surface beneath you.
how much longer would you stand here? could you just leave? but then, wouldn’t it be even more awkward? not that you cared anyways. you hadn’t talked to each other in months. as you pushed away from the railing, noritoshi cleared his voice and turned his body towards you. 
you froze in your steps, looking at him like a deer in headlights. behind you, the wind was rustling up the leaves, adding to the tense and awkward atmosphere. you tried not to scream at him in frustration - it would only end up in yet another fight. yet, noritoshi looked strangely vulnerable in this state, seemingly not knowing what to say to you either. it appeared he simply spoke to you without considering how to further the conversation. he looked like he wanted to reach out to you but simply didn’t know how. you couldn’t fall for this - it had happened before.
“how have you been? i heard you’re going to tokyo tech for training,” he started after a moment of hesitation and gave you a wry smile. huh? you were confused. why was he asking you about this now? it was because of megumi and yuta, wasn’t it.
“it’s… it’s none of your business,” you said with a strained voice. even though you felt uncomfortable with his presence around you, you couldn’t take a step away from him. perhaps you were hoping for an explanation from his side. perhaps you were just relieved to see he was okay, after all the missions he’d already been sent on. “i don’t see how i owe you an answer after… everything that happened between us.”
noritoshi stayed silent, balling up his fists. “you’re right. i’m sorry,” he mumbled, hiding his hands in the sleeves of his yukata embarrassed. “i… i want to explain myself. at least as much as i can tell you and if you’re okay with it. can we move it somewhere more private? i don’t want any of the elders seeing us.”
you hesitated. on one hand, noritoshi sounded sincere but your history spoke for itself. and yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to deny him. like a moth to flames, you were always drawn to him. like the center of your universe, everything revolved around him. curiosity got the better of you, nodding before you could stop yourself. noritoshi let out a sigh in relief, stepping towards a more secluded area on the estate, one that you were very familiar with. as children, you used to spend time there a lot, hidden from your parents eyes and without any care in the world. the little corner was surrounded by tall cherry trees, adorned with smaller bushes and a little bench underneath the tree crowns. as noritoshi made his way there, he glanced behind him, making sure that you wouldn’t just leave him and vanish. true to your word, however, you trudged behind him and kept your distance. not once did you look him in the eyes, avoiding his gaze altogether. you were afraid it would make you weak in your resolve, walls crumbling and falling apart like paper mâché.
arriving at the bench, the two of you sat far apart, mirroring the distance between your hearts. you reminisced the old times, the memories making you queasy. whenever you spent time here as children, you would sit close to each other and read books together or just told each other stories. all that’s left was bitterness, heavy and suffocating on your tongue. “what is it that you wanted to tell me?” you questioned him, folding your hands on your lap. you were clenching your hands hard to keep them from trembling, not wanting to show him any weakness.
noritoshi was questioning his own resolve - he shouldn’t tell you anything, should’ve stayed away from you. the yearning was too strong; it was one of the few times he would ever get to see you again before being sent to yet another mission. noritoshi wanted to be selfish, to savour your presence until he was satisfied. maybe you would understand, at least a little bit. he didn’t expect you to forgive him, nor did he think you would let him crawl back into your space. but being close to you was enough.
“i know no amount of apologizing is going to make this better or even take the pain you’ve felt from my treatment but i want you to know that i’m really sorry. you didn’t deserve that whatsoever. i can’t tell you the exact reason why but- but i don’t want to leave you in the unknown any longer,” noritoshi recited his reasons so fast that you almost weren’t able to follow. with each word, your confusion visibly grew. but instead of feeling anger, as you should have, your heart grew heavier with disappointment. his confession was somewhat of closure but not quite. why couldn’t he tell you the reason? was it really so important? important enough to hurt you? you couldn’t understand and you didn’t want to.
“i don’t understand. why can’t you tell me? in case you didn’t realize yourself, this entire thing makes no sense. i don’t understand why you suddenly started hating me. we were close friends, we grew up together. are you telling me you never felt that way? that you weren’t and still aren’t able to trust me with this… reason? and why would you dump this onto me now? i would’ve been content not knowing anything at all,” you vented frustrated, sending him a glare. noritoshi was taken back by your outburst, gnawing at his bottom lip as he looked at you guiltily.
“i… fuck, i don’t know how to explain this without giving away too much, okay? i know it’s stupid but it’s complicated and i don’t want to drag you into this. i trust you, more than i trust anyone but this wasn’t… it wasn’t because i didn’t trust you,” noritoshi took a deep breath. “my entire goal was to protect you by keeping you away from me. and yeah, that was the only way.”
“but why-”
“now that i’ve left school, i’ll most likely be traveling a lot… i won’t be able to see you, let alone keep my eyes on you to make sure you’re okay. i just wanted to be fucking selfish for once, just needed to see you again. you don’t want to see me, i get it. i’ve been nothing but cruel to you and i don't expect you to ever forgive me. but i promise i'll make it up to you."
"noritoshi," you clenched your jaw, brows furrowed as you leaned over, jabbing your finger at his chest. "i don't want to play this game of cat and mouse with you. let's just stay away from each other, okay? nothing good comes out of it anyways. either you want me by your side or you don't, easy as that. you don't get to decide when to get back into my life just because you feel like it."
you just couldn't show him how hurt you were. whatever opening you would reveal, noritoshi would use it against you. he had always been and will always remain your weak point. you made peace with the fact that he was your first love but would probably not be your last. a dam broke inside you as you felt the warmth of his chest, memories flooding your senses. that day was long forgotten, exiled out of your memories until now. there was never a moment that allowed you to reflect on it. you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it and his confession had confirmed the suspicions. noritoshi wasn't the type to engage with people he strongly disliked, much less be intimate with them. there was more to it that he simply refused to disclose to you. you had to put an end to this endless circle - a clean cut until the two of you were ready to face each other again.
taking a deep breath, you withdrew your hand and clutched it to your chest. "this isn't going to work out the way it is. you keep pulling and pushing, without giving me an explanation and- and i'm tired of it. i'm tired of getting hurt. i used to like you a lot, i had a crush on you-"
"you what?" noritoshi visibly paled, unnoticeably inching closer to you. he never realized.
"-and i kept hoping that one day you would return the feelings. i'm a fool, for thinking we could ever get anywhere," you smiled bitterly, slowly getting up from the bench. "let's go back to being enemies, okay? pretend this never happened. it's obvious we need to grow as people, independently from each other. maybe it's good that we'll go separate ways… if fate wants it, we'll find back to each other. and hopefully by then, you'll have a good explanation."
conflicted, you didn’t take another step, staring down at him. he looked small and meek as he sat there with his usually broad frame hunched over and kept his eyes on the grass below him, fiddling with his fingers. as if sensing your gaze on him, noritoshi tilted his head to look at you. his mind was elsewhere, far far away. he didn't realize he was staring at you with blank eyes until you came closer and leaned down concerned. you were so close to him, he could almost feel your breath fanning across his skin. you liked him. noritoshi fucked up, majorly, and he felt like everything was slipping from his fingers. his carefully constructed walls, the mask he kept on at all times and the unwavering resolve to push through until he'd become the head of the clan, they all came crumbling down when you announced that you would leave for an indefinite amount of time.
"don't leave," the words came out like a whisper, barely audible in the chimes of the wind. your eyes widened ever so slightly at his words, heart clenching at the sight of such a vulerable noritoshi - a reflection of your 'toshi. he reached out to you, hesitantly glasping your hand in a weak grip. as if he was afraid, prepared even, that you would go anyways. "please," he pleaded a second later, intertwining your fingers with his. like the wings of a hummingbird, your heart was fastly beating at this display of intimacy. it made you feel warm and cold at the same time, filling you with dread and the looming fear of consequences.
but what would he do if his last source of hope would leave him? ever since his mum left, he sparsely had contact with her until the contact eventually ceased to be. never did she reach out to him or react to his attempts to rekindle the relationship. throughout his adolescent years he had lonely, the guilt gnawing at his conscience. if only he could be stronger, more resilient. stand up to the elders and stand tall and proud, being nobody else but him. you gave him hope, that he could someday return to you, even if it remained a simple friendship. a beacon of light would always be one as there was always light at the end of the tunnel. panic filled his head as he realized that you would abandon him and this time it would be final.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry," noritoshi mumbled in a begging tone and slowly drew you closer, until you stood between his legs. his face was basked in the evening light, accentuating all the features you liked about him. his kind, steel blue eyes that harboured depths of emotion and mystery like a restless ocean. his long hair that flowed with the wind, not being wrapped up in the bindings for once. the wisps of hair that framed his slim face. it was an unusual sight, making your heart clench in melancholy. he looked so innocent like this, the gentleness in his facial expressions more visible now. as if feeling your resolve slipping away, he took the opportunity to wrap his arms around your waist and pressed his face in your chest, exhaling shakily and slowly. you let him, gently petting his hair.
underneath his breath, noritoshi murmured something. his voice was muffled in the fabric, making it difficult to understand what he was saying. you made a confused sound, leaning down slightly to better listen to him. not expecting him to move as well, you suddenly found yourself face to face with him and much closer than before. "i love you," he breathed out, pressing his lips against yours in a fluid motion. they felt scalding against yours, as if reminding you to stay away and yet soft, inviting you back in. finally gasping for air, you pulled away, fingers coming up to touch your tingling lips. noritoshi gave you a hopeful look, fingers dancing across the expanse of your back.
slowly, you backed away from him, avoiding his glance. you were in shock, not being able to process his confession. the entire confrontation had quickly escalated and you weren't able to follow. though the words made your heart clench, you couldn't help but feel like they were empty words. empty, simply thrown into the mix to elicit some kind of reaction from you. "i'm sorry, noritoshi. i- i can't return this, nor do i… i don't feel like i can believe you," you told him with a heavy heart. he opened his mouth, about to retort something when you cut him off. "please just let us move on from this, okay? i- i'll leave now." you sprinted away from him, tears stinging in your eyes. how could words that you've always wanted to hear hurt this much? how dare he play with your emotions like this, using your weakness to his advantage. he wasn't serious, and you were sure of it. there was no way in hell, after all those years that he'd spent being a menacing asshole.
love was a fickle thing but what was it between noritoshi and you? treading the line between love and hate, tilting more towards the other but not quite. never far apart and connected to each other like an invisible thread of fate was intertwined between you. it wasn't love and it wasn't hate but everything in between.
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you stared at the piece of paper in your hands, mildly offended. how dare gojo? why would he do this to you? yeah right, because he liked to see you suffer. and he wasn't even here to get an earful from you. clenching your teeth, you tossed the note on your table and moved towards your closet to pack. it was no use complaining about it, in the end the mission had to be accomplished either way. years you'd gotten away with rarely ever meeting noritoshi. the sorcerer community wasn't big to begin with but with skill and determination, you were able to dodge every encounter. the handful of times you met, he always kept his distance though you always felt his watching eyes on you. megumi had told you that noritoshi was to become clan head soon - the elders had finally given in and the handover would be taking place soon.
apparently noritoshi had proven himself to them, both in strength and leadership skills. even you had taken notice of this. you'd only caught a brief glimpse at him at the last gathering but could tell that he had matured, exuding an authoritative and strong aura. but you had grown as well, no longer the meek girl you had been. you were more confident in your skills now thanks to your diligent training with shoko and yuta. moments of insecurity rarely entered your mind anymore. the relationship, or rather lack thereof, between you was rather frosty now, merely limited to an awkward greeting or a simple nod. the tension was palpable, no one wanted to come in the line of fire. for the most part, people had left you alone and not dared asking about the issue, not even your own mum. but of course, gojo then had to enter and send you on this stupid mission that apparently had to be done in pairs. you would’ve been fine with anyone but noritoshi.
it was a rather unpleasant curse that you had to deal with, gojo told you that it required two people to keep it in check. though you didn’t understand his reasoning, seeing as noritoshi was a grade one sorcerer now. gojo had simply left you a note on your door after he left for his own business (pure cowardice, in your opinion). the note let you know that you would be staying overnight, gojo had already booked a hotel room for you and gave you instructions for the report that you had to fill out later. you were to meet up with noritoshi at the hotel before then heading out to investigate, work out a strategy before attacking. you sighed, tossing the bag near the door before crawling in your bed. how would you face him again, for an extended period of time, after all those years of silence? it was best to just get it over and done with, efficiently and quickly. depending on how fast you were, you might even be able to catch the last train home. you couldn’t sleep, feeling restless and anxious about the entire situation. still, you closed your eyes, trying to get your mind to rest. but all that floated around in your brain was the sound of rustling leaves, accompanied with soft lips on yours.
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coincidentally, noritoshi was already in the city the curse was situated at, deciding to then check into the hotel first before you’d meet up. he would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous - he didn’t know how to navigate the entire mission with minimal communication. he knew you didn’t want to talk to him, choosing to give him curt and snappy responses instead. cooperating was out of question, you disliked his presence and he could feel it. seeing that gojo had coordinated this (instead of doing the mission himself, like he was supposed to), noritoshi didn't expect anything to go well. weeks prior, gojo had pestered him about the title that was bestowed upon him. "so what's your first deed as the kamo clan head?" he had questioned noritoshi, grinning from ear to ear. noritoshi had shrugged and simply told him that he would go about his day. there were no plans, not yet at least. "so you're not gonna go and woo your lady?" this all knowing idiot. just thinking about it made his blood boil again.
noritoshi’s patience was already wearing thin upon seeing that gojo had booked one room for the two of you. with one bed only. he swore that gojo's secret skill was to give everyone headaches. complaining was useless, the hotel couldn't give him another room as everything was booked out due to it being the summer holidays. they'd deal with it somehow, even if he would have to sleep on the floor. noritoshi was placing his bag and outerwear in the closet when the door clicked, signaling that you'd arrived. for a brief moment, your eyes met but as soon as they did, your eyes had flitted somewhere else. you placed your bag on a nearby chair, rummaging in it until you found your sword and other supplies that you would be taking with you.
noritoshi remained silent, not wanting to upset you. he waited until you were ready to go, soundlessly following you. it was awkward but expected. at first, he was somewhat able to tell what you were looking for and gave you pointers in the right direction. it seemed to irritate you and you started venturing off on your own, simply leaving him behind. it frustrated him, after all you had a job to be done and needed to be as careful as possible. as a result of your uncooperativeness, it took longer than usual to map out a strategy. even longer because you refused to follow his suggestions and rather made up your own, knowing full well that they weren't as efficient.
the aftermath was… rather unpleasant. while there were no casualties, the two of you looked absolutely filthy and were in need of a good shower. noritoshi was angry, he didn't want to blame you but the entire situation got incredibly messy because of your stubborn head. hadn't you attacked him on your own, he would've been able to get rid of the curse swiftly. you'd snapped at him, asking him what his problem was. after all, the mission was finished and over with. involuntarily, noritoshi had to snort. you came back to the hotel late, far past midnight and still, you had the nerve to nag on him the entire way there. he'd let you use the shower first before hopping in himself. without a word you left the hotel room to grab yourself some snacks, stomach growling in protest.
noritoshi was seldom petty; as he put his robe on and entered the room, discovering that you hadn't come back yet, he promptly decided to give you a taste of your own medicine and stubbornly take the bed. what would you do about it now? he was peacefully reading a book in the dim lighting of the room when you came back. you almost dropped the snacks that you grabbed, narrowing your eyes at him. noritoshi ignored you, turning another page in the book unbothered. huffing in annoyance, you stomped over to the other side of the bed. noritoshi continued to ignore you.
"i'm not sharing a bed with you," you stated, crossing your arms in defiance. you didn't have any other solution but you were not going down without a fight.
noritoshi just narrowed his eyes at you and replied equally annoyed: "childish much, huh? just put some pillows between us if it bothers you that much. we're adults, for fuck's sake. and we've shared beds before, so i don't know what your problem is."
at this point you were fuming, you'd rather sleep on the floor than go anywhere near him. you wanted to wipe that stupid look off his face because you knew he was right and he knew it too. you were being childish and you couldn't deny it. there was no real reason to the quarrel, you wanted to be as insufferable as possible.
"it's different now!" you hissed indignantly. noritoshi looks at you incredulously, not getting your point. "you're a man now and- and it makes me uncomfortable!"
truthfully, it was more the fact that you were painfully aware of his presence now. noritoshi hadn't noticed but your feelings came crashing back in, filling the entirety of your being with yearning. each and every time he came too close, you dashed and didn't give him the opportunity to look at your face. the pained expression on your face was obvious, you weren't able to hide it. despite the hostility, you couldn't help but care. no matter how much you denied it, you would always habour feelings for him and were very much attracted to him.
"that's why i told you to put pillows between us??"
okay, that's it. "i can't stand being anywhere near you! you're a prick and i hate you," you snarled at him. to seal the deal, you hurled one of the pillows at him and watched triumphantly as it hit his chest. the angry look in noritoshi's eyes, however, told you that you fucked up. gritting his teeth, he tossed his book aside and lunged to grab you. you squeaked in surprise and wiggled out of his grasp, wrestling out of his arms until you stumbled and awkwardly landed on the bed, beside him. noritoshi keeps a tight grip on you, glaring down at you. now you've really crossed the line. 
all confidence left your body when he hissed: "what. is. your. problem." you fucked up, royally. once noritoshi was mad, you were in for a ride. it was best to keep him in good spirits, appease him a little so he would ease up. you scrambled panicky and tried to apologize, pathetically wiggling in his arms.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry! i didn't mean it, please let me go!"
noritoshi kept a steel grip on you, moving between your legs and pinning your hands to the mattress. his face inched closer, you could feel his breath fanning across your neck. you stayed still, breath hitched as you waited for his next move. noritoshi's voice was raspy, lilting with an emotion that you couldn't decipher. "you're being a brat, y/n. look at yourself, you've hurt me… tsk, how are you going to make it up to me?"
you couldn't tell whether he was joking or genuinely hurt - your intuition told you that he was simply playing with you as payback. no matter how far away you strayed, you always seemed to find yourself back in this position. he was hypnotizing, alluring even. not giving him a reply, you stared at the ceiling, frozen in thought. while you'd been intimate on more than one occasion, noritoshi had never acted this way. so… possessive and strict, the tone in his voice told you that he wasn't up for any more quarreling. you were at a loss for words. 
noritoshi, not being happy with not receiving an answer, decided to take matters in his own hands. he nipped at your neck playfully, making you yelp in surprise before pressing kisses against your neck. your skin was tingling, shots of electricity moving up your spine. when there was no objection on your end, noritoshi took it was an okay to continue. hands squeezing yours, he resumes his work, giving you soft and almost unnoticeable kisses. other times, he was pressing harder, sucking your skin gently. you wondered whether he left some marks - delirious on pleasure, your mind focused back on him.desire overtook you, no longer was your rationality at the forefront. in the depths of your heart, an emotion that rarely made an appearance emerged. it was flooding your senses, your conscious and mind, begging you to give in.
by the time noritoshi reached your lips, you were writhing. you expected him to kiss you but then he stopped, making you involuntarily whimper. you wanted more, wanted to savour it. a small smile found its way onto his lips as he brushed your hair back and cupped your chin, making you look at him.
and you swore that he knew, he just had to know what a mess he's already made of you in such a short amount of time as he asked, "what's wrong hm? what do you need, baby?" you fell for it, hook line and sinker. you thought to yourself, fuck it, the opportunity was right there. he may be an insufferable dick and you might fight more than you get along but the opportunity was there and god, did you want to be selfish. for just one night, you wanted to be his. you leaned up to kiss him but noritoshi pulled back, clicking his tongue, repeating again and this time more firmly, "what do you need?" 
you couldn't help but stare at him, how his slightly damp hair framed his face, his chest that was exposed by the loosely tied bathrobe and how it revealed parts of his thigh. you wanted to see more of him, touch him. there was a burning feeling inside your chest, it was clawing at your skin, trying to break free. you grew more restless as he stayed still and gave you a stern look until you grasped the hem of his sleeves and whimpered quietly, "please kiss me."
it felt like an eternity until he pressed his lips against yours, everything that was so unmistakably him flooded your senses. his scent wrapped around you until your brain couldn't make out any more coherent thoughts other than him. 'toshi, 'toshi, 'toshi, your 'toshi. he moved so languidly; his lips were warm and soft but bruising at the same time, kissing you with fervour. you began to ease into the kiss, letting go of all your inhibitions. you could worry about it later, you'd decided, this is a future you problem. you wiggled in his hold, hands coming up to push at his bathrobe. noritoshi didn't budge and continued to kiss you, sucking your bottom lip - your hands became more restless, desperate to touch him. he made an unenthused noise, biting your bottom lip as if warning you to not push him. still, he somehow obliged and sat back on his heels, taking his bathrobe off and throwing it haphazardly to the side. 
he looked ethereal, somewhere in the distance you thought you can hear angels singing. you reached out to touch him again, earning you yet another warning glance from him. “where do you get the confidence to do whatever you want after that little stunt you pulled earlier?” he questioned you in a low voice. whatever snarky remark you had on your tongue was thrown out of the window when noritoshi leaned down to touch you, slowly pushing your oversized shirt up to reveal your shorts, then your bra. 
your breath hitched in your throat, you couldn't tell what he was thinking because even in this state he kept his perfect poker face on. and when he undressed you, you almost felt embarrassed of how eager you were to rid yourself of your clothes. yet you felt exposed - noritoshi didn't make a sound as he just studied you as if you were a luxurious meal presented on a silver plate, the sound of his breathing alone making you squirmish. he didn't give you the satisfaction of a compliment nor did he let you know what he thought, instead leaning down to kiss you again.
before you could deepen the kiss, he’s already moved down to your neck. you mewled in disappointment, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your hands in his hair. this time, he let you touch him, too absorbed in his mission to paint the skin of your neck in hues of red and purple. noritoshi moved lower when he was finally satisfied with his work of art, you’re a great canvas, he thought to himself. the burning feeling in your chest was flaring up again, you felt uncomfortably hot and the only relief you got was him touching you. he must know, he was doing this on purpose. you were convinced. a surprised gasp left your lips when his tongue swiped across your nipple before wrapping his lips around it. his fingers flicked the other one and- oh god did it feel so electrifying, so delicious, so good. you moaned his name, gently tugging on his hair as he continued his ministrations. “noritoshi,” you whimpered, trying to grind against his thigh. “please- please touch me.” he moved faster than you could react, snapping the waistband of your panties against your skin.
“i am touching you,” noritoshi responded matter-of-factly, cupping your breasts. “is this not enough?” you shook your head, making him chuckle. he took his sweet time, lathering your chest with the utmost attention. at this point you were sure you’d soaked through your panties and onto the sheets and you were desperate. finally, his lips left your nipple, his breath grazing them, making you shiver. he seemed to enjoy it, enjoy the effect he has on you, how you were writhing for him and him only. with swift movements, he removed your panties and your legs were thrown over his shoulders - how are his shoulders so broad - and he pressed kisses to your inner thighs. “look at you,” he cooed, glancing up at you. “you’re so wet for me and i haven’t even touched you here yet. are you craving me?”
“yes,” you mewled truthfully, wiggling your hips slightly. you missed how his face lights up in delight, loving how you’re slowly but surely coming undone for him. he was placing kisses everywhere but where you wanted him, where you needed him. you were at his mercy, he alone decided the pace. the desperate little tugs at his hair left him unbothered, you couldn't even move properly because he was keeping a tight grip on your hips, holding them down onto the mattress. “do you want me?” you nodded quickly. “then beg.”
"i'm not- i'm not gonna fucking b-" you didn't get to finish your sentence as noritoshi gave your inner thigh a bite. 
"language," he hissed in irritation. "we can do this all night, baby. i don't have any qualms about keeping you here, making you squirm until you know not to treat me like that." to emphasize his threat, his hands languidly stroked your inner thighs, inching closer to your heat. goosebumps raised across your skin. noritoshi paid no mind to your laboured breathing or how you stared at him in disbelief. you would not beg him more than this, this stupid asshole, who did he think he is to expect you to do as he says? as if sensing that your attention wasn't on him anymore, one of his hands reached up to pinch your nipple.
you felt his fingers grazing your pussy, flicking over your clit but not quite touching it. yet the pleasure, coupled with the sharp pain of his pinching, was enough to make you delirious. you moaned his name, hips rutting up slightly to meet his hand. noritoshi pulled away abruptly and made you whine in frustration. "noritoshi!" you whimpered again, closing your eyes in embarrassment. "please just- just touch m-" 
you felt another, harder pinch, tingles shooting straight to your core. "look at me," noritoshi growled and you opened your eyes quickly, not wanting to disappoint him again.
"please touch me, please just… i need you, need your lips or fingers," you struggled to find the right words, huffing in frustration at your weak attempt to persuade him. "please make me cum, please. i'll be good for you, i promise, i promise. wanna be good for you." 
a sardonic smile graced noritoshi's lips, your begging music to his ears. he almost wished you could see yourself like this - the yearning evident in your eyes, your glossy eyes. what would you say? how quickly your resolve had crumbled, even though you'd vowed to yourself to keep him at an arm's length away from you. what was more heavenly to his ears are your moans and he intended to draw every last bit out of you tonight.
when his tongue finally made contact with your cunt, a loud moan leaves your lips, you almost sob in relief. your thighs trembled slightly, threatening to close but noritoshi was quick to pry them open and delved deeper into your heat. he alternated between lapping at your folds, then dragging his tongue across your clit before giving it a suck. your hips rocked against his face, meeting his movements as if it was already second nature to them. you thought you were seeing stars when you inched closer to your climax. tugging at his hair you whimpered out his name, letting him know that you're close, so close. that's when he pulled away, smirking at you as your high slowly ebbed away. you made a noise in protest, brows pinching in frustration but noritoshi just cooed at you condescendingly. 
"you seem to forget who's in control here," he tsked at you, dragging his thumb across your clit. your hips jerked. "but, baby, you look so pitiful, i might just feel sorry for you." 
hope sparked in your eyes when he pressed a brief kiss to your lips before slipping his fingers past your folds, his thumb drawing circles on your clit. "ride my fingers," he commanded and you reacted immediately, eagerly rutting against his fingers. you missed the dark glint in his eyes, the look that tells you you were not easily let off the hook whatsoever. pleasure was clouding your judgement, heightening your sensitivity to his touch. a loud moan fell from your lips when noritoshi curled his fingers, hitting a spot that otherwise was difficult for you to reach. your hand came up to cover your mouth, too embarrassed about other guests possibly hearing you.
noritoshi withdrew his fingers, thumb pressing against your clit. you gasped desperately, pawing at his chest to plead him to continue. "i want to hear you. don't you dare hide your moans," he told you, only sliding his fingers back into you when you complied. noritoshi was still kneeling, watching as you moved your hips against his fingers with fascination. while you'd kept a steady rhythm at the beginning, it was getting more and more sporadic. you were close again, noritoshi could tell. and yet it wasn't enough, he had to get you closer to the edge to then break you after.
"o- oh fuck," you cursed, gripping the sheets tightly as noritoshi moved his fingers, repeatedly hitting the spot that made your toes curl. you were to close, you could cum, soon- 
"noritoshi!" a frustrated sob resounded from you as he pulled away, looking down at you with a satisfied smirk. your hands came up to wipe the tears that were welling in your eyes. you bit your bottom lip to keep yourself from crying as you watched him pop his fingers in his mouth, licking your essence from them. the sight alone made you feel hot and bothered. in the dim light of the room, noritoshi looked downright sinful. the way his broad frame was casting a shadow over your form, his glistening eyes, the sheen of sweat on his body and how his hair was hanging in his face.
"please let me cum, please! i- i want you so bad, want you in me… noritoshi, please give me it," you begged quietly, crawling towards him. noritoshi felt his heart soften at your cute face - you were so easy to read, he enjoyed teasing you. small hands reached out for the bulge in his boxers, experimentally pressing and nudging at it. noritoshi hissed uncomfortably; he was painfully hard and ready to cum as well but he couldn't, not yet. wanted to play with you more, mapping out the entirety of your body until he memorized how you reacted to his touch.
swiftly flipping positions, he pulled you on top of him, placing you directly above his crotch. you sank down immediately, sighing shakily as you pressed your cunt against the bulge. the boxers had to come off, they were the last barrier. you had to feel his skin on yours, wanted to be closer. noritoshi's hands shot out to stop you, giving you a warning look. you understood, withdrawing your arms to rest on your sides. pressing his bulge against you, he guided your hips to move against it, folds dragging across the fabric of his boxers. the friction was delicious, especially when he rutted against you, pressing against your clit. it took you a few tries until you figured out a comfortable rhythm, placing your hands against his chest as you moved on your own.
noritoshi kept his eyes on you. brushing your hair out of your face so he could get a better look at you, he then rested them near your thighs. "are you close?" he inquired when your movements became quicker and you nodded in reply, giving him a pleading look. he raised his eyebrows at you, shaking his head ever so slightly. "you don't get to cum without my permission."
he could see the conflict and hesitation, dancing in your eyes, how you were contemplating to go against his commands. noritoshi's heart filled with pride when you slowed down, thighs trembling from the restraint you kept on yourself. "good girl," he rewarded you, leaning up to kiss you. you whimpered against his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer. you were a sight to behold, noritoshi mused. slick spread across the fabric of his boxers and your thighs, kiss-bruised lips and the love bites that were blooming across your chest. he was proud to be able to have this effect on you. 
it didn't take long until you were close again, this time begging and pleading him to let you continue. noritoshi supposed he toyed around enough, ready to give you what you were so desperately craving. lifting you up slightly, he pushed his boxers down and reached to the side, fumbling with the drawers of the night table before being able to pull out a condom. you watched in curiosity, as he put it on then lined his member up against your pussy. he dragged the head of his cock against your clit a couple of times, making you jump in surprise before letting you sink down. a long, relieved moan left your lips as you felt him fill you up to the brim. you'd never felt this full and good. jerking your hips against his slightly, your legs trembled as he perfectly hit that spot inside you effortlessly. his name fell from your lips like a mantra, letting everyone know that he was the one pleasuring you. 
noritoshi let you adjust to him before wrapping his arms around you to keep you in place, driving his hips up against yours in an almost punishing tempo. your lips parted in a silent scream, no sounds leaving them other than heavy breaths. "f- fuck, noritoshi! i'm so close, please let me have it, please-" you begged sobbing. you didn't think you could survive another edging, it would utterly crush you. knowing that you were at his mercy, you complied with his orders. never had you felt this much pleasure, with anyone. noritoshi accomplished what others could never - setting your nerves ablaze with a simple touch.
"cum for me." your orgasm washed over you like a tsunami, leaving you writhing in his arms until you rode it out. noritoshi continued to move against you in a languid tempo, lovingly pressing kisses across your face. you slumped against his body exhausted, aftershocks still wracking through your body. he stroke your back gently, giving you a short kiss. "can you take another one?" he asked, making you look at him. though your mind was hazy, you could tell that he was caring, wanting to make you feel as comfortable as possible despite his mean side. you nodded, your words slurred as you told him: "mhmm, still want you, all of you."
noritoshi was laying you on the mattress, freezing mid-way as he hovered above you. could it be? there was no way. he brushed the thought off quickly, leaning down to kiss you. you sloppily returned the kiss, blindly moving your hands around until you found his, intertwining them happily. swiftly, he entered you again - now taking his sweet time. the pace was slow but filled with force, making you see stars. you wrapped your legs around his waist, heels digging into his skin. you blinked in confusion as noritoshi whispered sweet nothings into your ear. tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at him - you wanted him, so so much that it hurt you. you imagined you weren't in this situation, that this was simply intimacy between lovers. that you were his and he was yours, with no care in the world.
driving his hips against yours faster now, you could tell that he was close. lifting your hips to meet his movement, you whimpered against his lips. you wanted to pleasure him as much as he did you. the sight of his screwed shut eyes, panting heavily as he came, it nearly knocked the wind out of your lungs. noritoshi buried his face in the crook of your neck, whimpering quietly as he thrusted a few more times before coming to a halt. for a few minutes, you remain in this position, basking in the afterglow. he removes himself from you, telling you to stay put as he left to get some wet towels from the bathroom. as you laid there, your cunt wasn't the only thing that felt empty.
your eyes were glossing over and you were once again reminded of the fact that you couldn't have him. that he’s not your ‘toshi. you sat up slowly, spotting the mirror across the room. you stared at your reflection in your mirror, horrified at all the marks noritoshi had left behind and suddenly it dawned on you that you don’t understand why. you didn't care about each other - why would he mark you like this? your heartbeat sped up at the thought of him possibly, maybe, returning your feelings. that he wasn't just toying with your feelings to get back at you.
noritoshi returned, giving you a small smile as he signaled you to lift your arms a little so he could wipe you down. the gentleness in his actions made you sniffle emotionally; he paid attention to every single detail, making sure not to miss a spot. once done, he placed the towel on the nearby chair then returning to wrap you in the blankets and cradling you against his chest like a baby. the sound of his breath nearly lulled you into sleep. you leaned against his chest, sinking into the blankets. "are you okay? was i too rough?" noritoshi asked after a moment of silence. you didn't reply. why was he acting like this? as if you were a couple, as if he really cared. 
"y/n? you don't have to reply, but at least give me a hand sign, so i know you're okay," he repeated again, looking at you with furrowed eyebrows. you turned your head away from him, trying to hide your tears. it wasn't long before you started crying uncontrollably, hiding your face in your hands. noritoshi started panicking, fussing over you and tried to pry your hands away so you would look at him. repeatedly shaking your head, you pushed him away from you.
"w- why couldn't you always be this gentle to me?" the words finally left your mouth, accusatory. "i- i didn't deserve any of this treatment and i still struggle to understand why it happened. i should hate you, hate you so much and yet i don't? why can't you love me the way i love you?"
speechless, noritoshi pulled away from you, arms sinking to his sides. it made you sob even harder, thinking that he was going to leave you again, like he always did. he never stayed, only came to wreck havoc, leaving you to pick up the pieces. "y/n, i'm sorry, i-" he drew you in, pressing you against his chest. you were confused at your own outbreak of emotions, not sure how to calm down. "i'm not sure what you thought, but i meant it when i told you that i love you, all those years back," noritoshi mumbled, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
you shook your head vehemently. "i don't believe that, not for one second. you've hurt me for so long and suddenly you had a change of heart?"
"i know it's hard to believe, but i promise i'm not lying. i do love you. with all my heart," noritoshi lifted your chin slightly, wiping the tears from your eyes. gently, he kissed you. "back then, i wasn't able to tell you but… things have changed now and i'll tell you, okay? but not now, tomorrow-"
"no! you'll just leave again and act like nothing happened and i-" you panicked, clinging onto him as dread washed over you again. he was going to leave again, the mission was over after all and you'd go separate ways again.
"i'm staying." noritoshi said firmly, holding your hands so you couldn't flail around anymore. "i'm not leaving you, okay? go to sleep, i know you're exhausted… when you wake up, i'll be there. we'll discuss things in the morning."
"i promise."
you didn't know why but this time, you trusted him. at least a little bit more than before. nodding slightly, you pressed your small frame against his. noritoshi's calming scent wrapped around you, lulling you into sleep. he watched as you fell asleep in his arms, pressing a kiss to your forehead before he settled as well, closing his eyes.
"i love you, y/n."
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p.s.: i hurt myself writing this too haha but i swear this was it with the angst
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keeper0fthestars · 4 years
recrudescent (i’m right here)
Din Djarin / gn!reader 
1.6k words
warnings: angst / comfort, repressed memories, heartache, nightmares (and the panic that follows), mentions of death / violence
summary: ‘the past beats inside me like a heartbeat’ - John Banville
a/n: please heed the warnings and do not read if you are affected by things like this. 
the prompt for this came from this post
The explosion knocks you back into the dirt. Smoke and ash fills your mouth. Sticks to the back of your throat, stings your eyes. You will yourself to sit up because this time, you tell yourself, it will be different. The ringing in your ears makes you lightheaded, the heat of the billowing smoke gets in the way, but you don’t need to see, you know these winding streets in the dead of night.
You run.
You don’t have to tell your feet which way to go; you know all the shortcuts, avoiding the white helmets with their flamethrowers. You’ll beat them this time. Your heart pounds twice for every stride you take in the packed dirt, the smoke gradually thins the farther away you get, and they don’t even see when you dart across the main path. Climbing the wall, the familiar chase stars and you’re ready for it. Narrowly missing the jump over the ledge, climbing up to the next roof, higher and higher, until your boot catches on a loose edge. You hear rubble fall, knocking the helmet down with a grunt but you can’t look back, there is nothing there for you anymore. There will be nothing ahead of you either if you don’t get there soon. And warn them.
The burn in your muscles doesn’t come as soon as it did before, but you’re older now, stronger. You’re through the trees by the time it hits and like last time, you push even harder. They’ll still be there. They have to be. You will get there in time. You’re older now, faster. You’re getting close, the taste of hot coals once again thick in your mouth and you try to call their names, to warn them, but your voice doesn’t carry. It’s dry as parchment, singed and black.
The house glows orange from inside and no one is here. No no no. Not again. Where are they? There is nothing left of your mother’s curtains in the summer kitchen. The blue enamel flowers on her pottery blister in the heat and no longer match the embroidery on her linens. You smell the scorch of thornwood as the flames lick along the beds and doorframes.
Eyes burning with smoke, the rubble bites into your knees. They’re gone. Everything is gone. Where are they. Clawing at the gravel, every breath scorches against a raw throat, you wish the flames would swallow you too. The grief that comes is like an old friend.
From some hazy distant place, you hear your name; a gloved hand touches your knee.
In a rush of fear, you don’t look to see who it is, your instinct is to kick it away but your feet feel like they’re stuck in mud and it takes an enormous effort to get away from the looming figure beside you. Wiping the sweat and soot from your eyes, you try to focus on the reflective round head beside you. He’s speaking but you can’t understand the words. Something familiar tugs at your memory but you don’t trust your memory because familiar means grief and heartache and misery. And familiar doesn’t matter anymore because you couldn’t save them.
You never will.
The hand won’t let go; no matter how hard you push on it. Please. Where are they?
In your desperation, your foot finally connects with a plank of metal so hard you cry out, sitting up, scrambling away.
“You’re okay,” he says again, his hand still on your knee, “it’s just a dream.”
He’d been startled out of a light sleep; the sound of choked sobs echoed from the other side of the hull, filled his stomach with panic. Detecting your frantic pulse and he’d scrambled over to you. A broken name falls from your mouth, a name he doesn’t recognize, sounding slurred like you were underwater. Under the soft light from the panel over your head, sweat and terror shine on your forehead.
“Hey,” his soft voice blankets your senses with calm. “It’s me. You’re okay… you’re okay.”
The voice tugs at your brain again, the blurry figure is still here and your body reacts to his soothing words. You stop struggling and sit up against the wall, hugging your knees to your chest.
The sharp pierce of your own fingernails digging into your palms brings you back to the Crest.
Just a dream.
Face wet, your lungs are no longer burning from ash and dust, they burn from exertion. In your exhaustion, you make out the beskar helmet through wet eyelashes. It was just like all the other ones. The same explosion, the same suffocating panic, the same fire.
Cool air fills your head as you struggle to catch your breath but your muscles droop like lead, you start shaking.
But that’s ok because he’s holding you up.
With his broad chest and solid arms. You weren’t alone.
No matter how many times you relive it, you would never get home before they were taken away. You’d never get a chance to say goodbye. You turn your face against the fabric of his worn shirt to quell the hurt in your chest but the piercing shock of fresh grief claws at your throat, your mouth starts trembling unable to stop.
“I tried but I couldn’t get there.” They were innocent. “Why couldn’t they take me instead.”
Stomach heaving, the agony of memories spills down your cheeks. It’s the kind of sobbing that leaves your heart ragged and hollow, as if you were a child, bawling on your knees. You cried for all the things you’d never get to tell them, you cried for the years you didn’t dare let yourself grieve, for the years you’d spent fending for yourself.
There are no words in Basic that comfort demons like this. His other language snags inside his mouth and he almost whispers the mantra he knows for protection. Does it still count if he didn’t say it aloud?
Taking your trembling hand, he places it flat on his chest, holds it there. He feels your fingers curl into his shirt over his heart, clinging to the fabric. Your head sags against his shoulder.
“Hear my heartbeat?” the gentle vibration of his voice curls in your chest. “Just… focus on that.”
He knows dreams like this. He wonders what else you’ve kept hidden for so long. You’d not had a nightmare like this the whole time you’d been flying with him, he would have known if you did. Vicious memories can resurface without warning, but he still finds himself wondering what brought this on.
Your day together had been uneventful, nothing out of the ordinary: a stop for supplies and fuel, a quiet couple of hours at one of the markets. The only uncharacteristic thing that stood out in his memory was when something had caught your attention that afternoon and you’d backtracked down the alley, your eyes on one vendor in particular. Like a pinhole, his memory zeroed in on that little cart where it stood behind everyone else on the corner. Two young girls were selling soft-crusted loaves and baked sweets and you’d dropped enough credits on their table to pay a small army. He’d noticed the looks of awe on their dirty faces when they saw the pile of credits, way more than what the Quinn cakes and spiced rolls were worth. He didn’t understand why you’d decided to purchase the contents of the entire cart, but he’d noticed the tender longing beneath your smile when you crouched down and spoke to the smallest one, pulling wrapped candies out of your bag and giving them to her.
When you’d rejoined him, arms full on the way back to the crest, you spoke before he could frame a question. There’s a children’s shelter on the other side of town, and I’m going to bring it all there tomorrow before we leave
Something bites painfully into his heart, swallows his stomach whole. His shirt is tear-stained and soaked and your breathing has evened out but he has no intention of letting go of you anytime soon.
He wonders if you were that young. When you got left behind. He wonders if you were as young as he was, by the time everyone you’d loved was dead and gone.
He pulls you closer to his chest, carefully tucks your forehead against the soft fabric of his cowl under the edge of his helmet. You don’t object to the closeness, exhaustion quickly takes over and you curl yourself into him.
“I’m sorry,” your voice scratches, a lonely sob still hitching in your throat, “didn’t mean to wake you-.”
His chest expands under your head; a deep breath crackles through his helmet. The soft brush of his palm on the back of your head, he murmurs. “Don’t be sorry.”
Maybe you won’t remember this in the morning, he thinks, as he reaches over your head and taps off the light panel. His visor adjusts to the blanket of darkness and the faint glow of emergency lights. Eventually, he breathes a sigh of relief when his newly emitted readings finally tell him you’re in a deep sleep.
You’re oblivious to how he carefully shifts himself and lifts your knees, bringing your limp body down on the cot with him, giving you a soft place to sleep, cocooned inside his arms.
In your sleep, you’re unaware of how you turn towards his touch when the backs of his fingers trace feather-light along your cheekbone. You don’t know that his breath catches in his throat when a soft contented hum slips from your lips. You don’t hear the whisper of his voice from the modulator. ‘I'm right here.’
The soft home-y scent of fresh pastries fills his nose, but that was because the lot of it was currently piled in the Crest’s galley.
He’d go back there tomorrow and buy more.
Thank you for reading! 
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thesunshinebunny · 4 years
How about NRC putting on a talent show every year for the students and MC/Yuu/Reader putting on a proper "show", going up on stage alone, singing and dancing like a real Kpop star. How dorm leaders would react along with the freshmen since at no point did MC tell them that they were going to participate????
I can’t tell you if you were lucky with the exit of chapter 5 or that you are simply a fortune teller dear anon. But I'm going to tell you something that I am sure of ... this type of request is MY JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM
I recommend listening to the following song since for this one-short I relied on it
Second Part
The show had been a success. Neige had gone up to conquer his fans and record producers, his tender figure had fallen in love the entire public. But when it came time for Vil and the other boys ... the arena was on fire. They shone, there is no other word to describe their performance. It was hypnotic to see them move with such synchronization, even Grim was dancing as if his life depended on it, incredible that just two weeks ago this cat couldn’t coordinate his two hind legs.
There wasn’t much more to say, the boys were excellent, I was envious I couldn’t have gone up with them. Yes, I was completely mad at Vil for not letting me participate, as according to him, I wasn’t going to fit in well in the group given my vocal chords and my intonation. Now I would show him the serious mistake he made. With the applause reverberating over the audience, the boys emerged one by one, Vil being the last one taking his characteristic super model steps.
"That was great, we have to repeate it one day" Kalim was overflowing with joy. You could see in his eyes that he had enjoyed it.
"Stay calm Kalim" Jamil as always trying to calm him down and prevent him from spreading so much happiness.
“(Y / N) did you see us? Did you like the show? I think we did great. ”Ace, Deuce and Grim approached me from all sides, huge smiles on their faces. I was very happy for them, even proud of what they had accomplished.
"Excuse my daring, I know we are all charged with adrenaline, but I couldn't help but observe that you, mon ami, look completely beautiful"
It was a matter of time until Rook or Vil noticed my appearance. Transparent black top with details in the chest area, iridescent violet choker hiding the neck of the top, black cut leggings and two-inch platforms. Matching makeup with violet, black and turquoise colors.
"Did you produce yourself for the occasion?" Vil showed a look of pride, apparently my clothing was of his approval.
"Mmmm, something like that"
Out of the corner of my eye I could see how my team was coming to the stage. Ortho was standing behind the light panel and Lilia over the music control, while three freshmen from Pomefiore were positioning themselves to go out into the audience.
"Hurry (Y/N) we are about to go out"
The guys in front of me stared puzzled, not understanding much of the situation. Before anyone could open their mouths, we heard Mr. Crewel make a short announcement over the speakers:
“To end this beautiful day, we called our last guest and their companions to the stage. Please give (Y/N) (L/N) a big round of applause”
With a smile I looked towards where the Pomefiore students were leaving for the stage, gradually getting into their positions. On the other hand, I slightly saw Ortho and Lilia, both of them raised their thumbs, a sign that everything was ready. The lights in the entire stalls were turned off, leaving a single diffuse purple light on the stage where I was supposed to be placed.
Before going out into the audience, I looked at the boys and said in the most self-centered and proud voice that I could:
"It's show time"
It was shocking to see from the stage how not only the students but also guests and families were approaching us in a superhuman way. But what almost perplexed me was the fact that I found the dorm leaders off to one side from the stalls, as if they had a secluded place just for themselves. Vil had arrived in the blink of an eye, I'll have to make a mental note to ask how he did it.
I was very surprised to see Leona and Idia, perhaps the last one decided to leave his cave when he knew his little brother would be helping me put on a show. If I didn’t expect to see Leona, I was expected for that damn lion was to be lying in his room, without the slightest intention of seeing the show.
Now I'm a bit nervous.
The same was in the case of the teachers, they were watching from a high audience, avoiding the congestion of people around them.
Already in position, microphone in ear, encouraging smiles from my dance partners and some nerves that ran through my spine, I was ready to put on my best show.
Unbeknownst to me, the first-year one braincell boys had arrived in time to sneak into the front row, even Sebek who was being grabbed by the arm by Epel. From where they were he could see Malleus directly, so he didn't care much about being led to where they were.
Ace and Deuce were already looking puzzled, still unable to understand the situation. At no time had they found out that their magicless friend was going to participate in this contest, much less alone (although in reality you were accompanied, but you understand)
And ... As you said before ...
Show time
Coming at you live Real real wild Here to light it up Set the world on fire Gonna break rules And hearts in twos 'Cause that's what the baddest do
Vil was the first to react and in the worst way: his soul fell to the ground to hear your voice intoning perfectly with the music and how the way Lilia was playing the sound made your intonations reverberate much more than possible. He was internally cursing himself for not involving you in his group, you would have been a great companion, he would even have put your own solo.
He was just as impressed by the physical ability that not only you had, but his dorm residents as well. He was proud of his first-year boys, but in the same way he was going to repress them at the end of the day for didn’t warned him they were going to participate ... but between us, it will be nothing more than a reprimand of a few seconds, since inevitably he would congratulate them.
Kalim was amazed, he had never seen a choreography like this and in his seventeen years he saw countless dances in many parties. His eyes shone at the sight of you moving as if your life depended on it, and the fact that you could sing without getting tired after so much hustle ... impressive. When the show was over, he would go directly to ask you to teach him how to move that way, just as he would return the favor by teaching you traditional dances from his native land.
Pretty face 걸어들어와 유행 선두자 원하지만 못하잖아 애가 타잖아 You like "whoa" KALI you the GOAT 난 알지 I know
Azul's and Riddle's mouths almost reaches the floor. Not only were they impressed by your dancing and the amazing, powerful song you were singing, but they felt like they ascended to heaven by hearing you sing in Korean. Neither of them knew that you had such a capacity, and although they knew very little about the language, they understood you perfectly.
Likewise, Riddle was completely flushed. He wasn’t used to seeing this type of show and looked almost hypnotized as your body moved at an almost vertigo rate. Azul on the other hand was as fascinated as Kalim, not to the point of asking you to teach him to dance, the very poor man can barely walk with his new two human feet; but he was interested in having some business matters with you, maybe introducing you once or twice a week at the Monstro Lounge… who knows.
Sorry for the bad news, sorry I'm so bad Only took a minute for me to get what you had Sorry for the bad news, know it makes you sad I'll be here for a minute, baby, you should pack your bags
At some point during this incredible show you caught eyes with Leona, who, to tell the truth, had his trademark smirk on his face. He really liked what he was seeing, not everyone could have the stamina to sing and dance that way. Lowkey impressed. He smiled sincerely at you, or that's what his smile conveyed, and sent you moral support by shaking his head. Beside him, Idia was biting his nails annoyingly. He was mentally kicking his butt for not having brought in incandescent lights, the same lights that are used at idol concerts.
As for Malleus… let's just say he was having a good time, after all. Even not understanding much of this kind of event, he enjoyed watching you dance and sing so happily, an act that he didn't have the pleasure of witnessing so much.
Look at the gold all on my chest Look at the gold, call it a flex
The entire state completely exploded. The clapping and screaming overwhelmed your ears. Among the people you noticed the first years clapping and giving you their full support like a bunch of crazy people. The leaders clapped too, each at their own pace, some more invigorating and some more proud.
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rae-gar-targaryen · 4 years
alight with the lights out | diego hargreeves x reader [tua]
A/N: Thank you for all of your interest after I posted the teaser! It was VERY surprising and humbling; I’ve NEVER had so many people ask for a tag before. I only ask that if you asked for a tag, you interact with this fic SOMEHOW. And go find another story you love and REBLOG IT! LET THAT WRITER KNOW YOU LOVE THEM!
I’ll be honest, I’m very nervous about this one. I’m not sure if it turned out as good on paper as it did in my head. Please let me know what you liked and what you didn’t!
Pairing: Diego Hargreeves x vigilante, powered!Reader; this one may read a bit more like an OC because I’ve given the reader backstory, powers. She’s (you’re) a vigilante who regularly runs into Diego. I keep the physical description vague, so I hope you can still imagine yourself! 
Warnings: Language; who doesn’t love getting a little sweary? Violence, fighting, references to a shitty childhood, and separately, implied sexual assault (nothing graphic, I promise); angst and angsty dialogue; SMUT-- 18+ ONLY PLEASE; lots of cocktease dialogue, fingering, pierced nipples (the reader’s not Diego’s-- sorry), biting, rough sex, choking. Romance is its own warning. Fluff.
Word Count: 12.1k of sexy, self-righteous vigilantism, half-baked metaphor and of course, at least one literary reference. 
Summary: Diego Hargreeves, aka The Kraken, is secure about few things in life; one of those things being his vigilantism. He’s a hero. Until he meets a fighter who shares the same hobby, albeit with different methodologies. Diego isn’t quite as certain about her, but her mysterious abilities make him think he and his siblings aren’t the only ones in this world with power. If only she and Diego could just stay out of each others’ hair. It’s a good, old-fashioned ENEMIES TO LOVERS, lads!
Link to my playlist of songs that inspired this fic: here
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You wouldn't hurt anyone who didn't deserve it. That was rule number one. Hell, if you could get away with it at all, you wouldn’t hurt anyone. 
But Mr. Adler hated children. And he had made it his mission to not understand you. To regard you with the utmost disdain. And unfortunately for you, Mr. Adler had married your mother when you were six years old. 
You had never known another father. Your mother refused to talk about the circumstances of your birth, or of the man who had supposedly been responsible. The lack of identity loomed like a large question mark over certain portions of your life. 
And Mr. Adler, that loud, controlling lout, was not about to fill that void. 
When you were in elementary school, you began to feel like you were different from the other children. Watching them carry about their days with their steel-pressed pop culture lunch boxes and not a care in the world. While you sensed your music teacher’s sadness when her cat had died. You could feel every anxiety that passed through your classmates on the day of a spelling test. You didn’t know why you could feel these things. You just could.
Prominently above them all, you could feel Mr. Adler’s hatred for you, like a thick, toxic wall every time you passed through your front door and into what was supposed to be your sanctuary. 
He shouted at you for inane things, like the pantry door being left open, or the fact that your mother was tired after cooking dinner, insisting you never did enough to help. As a child of eight, what did he expect you to do? You kept your room clean, cleared and set the table, helped your mom water the plants in her garden. What more could Adler want from you?
Still, Mr. Adler’s hate for you colored your every interaction with him, the world you saw him through tinged with an orange-red lens of rage. 
You had never tried expanding upon your grasp of others’ feelings until you had witnessed a boy in your class push your pigtailed classmate, Annabelle, down on the playground. Anna’s shock, fear and sadness had bitten into you from the other side of the sandbox like an unwelcome spider bite, sudden and itchy. 
It didn’t sit right with you. To you, how was this boy any different from Adler? Reigning terror over someone else just because he thought he could. You’d recognize that red-orange tinge in another person anywhere. 
You stood, marching over to the boy, gripping his wrist firmly in your stubby, grubby fingers. Quick as a flash, you were met with every emotion this boy had ever felt -- annoyance at Anna (she wouldn’t share her toys. How selfish, the boy had thought); anger (how dare you grab him!); and finally, prominently, fear. 
Fear looked different for everyone, you had noticed. For some, like this boy, it was an ugly green, so like jealousy. For others, like Adler when he’d been drinking, it was an inky black you could drown in. Fear was clearly the strongest. You knew that now.
You gripped the boy’s fear in your own mind, pushing it to the forefront until he began to cry, his eyes welling with the sudden fear he couldn’t understand. 
“You won’t do that again,” you said. Turning to Anna, you offered a hand to help her up, but she just shook her head, pigtails flying, and scampered away from you. 
Your teachers were clearly afraid of you after that. Could sense that something wasn’t right. Anna? You thought she’d be grateful ... but the chilly pale yellow of her fear, and everyone else’s, followed you wherever you went. 
Fine, you thought. If they wouldn’t be grateful for what you could do, you may as well help yourself. 
From then on, you exploited your teachers’ happiness -- pop quizzes became less frequent. Everytime they wanted to scold you for incomplete homework, they were left grasping at straws and with the daze of an emotion they couldn’t name. 
Adler hated you for it. 
“I knew there was something wrong with you,” he sneered over your mother’s weeping objections. “I don’t know what it is, but I know there’s something.” 
Once you reached 18, you left for the neighboring bustling metropolis and didn’t look back. The world was full of people like Adler, like the boy in the sandbox, like your teachers, who tried to use their own fear to feed their hate, to exploit others. To exercise false power over them. 
Well, you wouldn’t have it. If it meant a few of those assholes got hurt, well, so be it. 
You lived like that for years. Until --
"I hope you choke on it," you hissed, watching the smoky black tendrils slither their way around the man, constricting -- bringing him to his knees, hacking and gasping. "I see your fear, I feel it all. You deserve this, you know you do," you lectured, advancing toward the man, your hands raised. 
He was seconds away, you knew it-- and then one more scumbag would be off the streets for good ...
Things were going your way, you were in your favorite position in an altercation-- you know, the one where you had the upper hand? Everything was coming up you, until--
Your ears were met with a whizzing noise mere seconds before a sharp, shiny something nicked your cheek and lodged into the wooden beam just past you. 
Your gaze left the piteous man before you long enough to see what looked like a small, but dangerously sharp, knife embedded in the beam. You reached up and plucked it from its resting place, spinning it in your palm before catching the hilt in a clutching grip. You turned to see where it had come from, your eyes catching a dark blur flipping from the fire escape of the opposite building, before said blur landed at your feet.
Standing at his full height, the blur-- no, the Kraken himself-- towered above you.
You had to admit, the stories didn't do him justice. Standing before you in head-to-toe black and a harness replete with shimmering, twinkling edges and danger, you could've sworn he was your knight in shining leather. His cropped hair and facial scars gave him the air that he was every bit as sharp and deadly as the many blades that adorned his body. His oilslick eyes so like mirthless pits of danger, daring to suck you beneath their surface. He was, in a word, imposing.
Regarding you from behind his Venetian domino mask, he spoke, "Miss I'm gonna need you to drop the knife and let this man go."
You snorted.
"You're joking, right?" Not giving him a chance to respond, you chuckled as you swung at him with the hand still holding what you now knew to be his blade. 
You'd give credit where it was due, Diego Hargreeves, aka Number Two, aka the Kraken, was every bit as fast as they'd said. In this regard, the stories and Umbrella Academy-related media hadn't been wrong. 
Diego dodged your swing, bending his body back before twirling around to strike at your torso, like a snake, with his heavy, hammered fist.
The hit knocked the wind out of you, effectively breaking your concentration, and, devastatingly, your connection with the previously fear-choked man cowering in the alley behind you. As you recovered from Diego's hit and swung around to check your quarry, you could only watch as he shook himself from your fear-induced trance.
He scraped and scrabbled to get up off his knees as Diego shouted at him to "Go, just get out of here!"
You snarled and swung a well-aimed high kick at Diego's head, connecting with just enough of his jaw to drop him. As soon as your proverbial window opened, you turned from Diego to run after the man. But even grounded from a blow, Diego was formidable. He shot his arm out and snagged your ankle, yanking you to the ground. 
The gritty pavement scraped your palms as you attempted to catch yourself on your way down, growling as you glanced up to see that loathsome cockroach of a man slip out of the alley, huffing as his bloated legs carried himself far away from you. 
You tossed a glance over your shoulder to see Diego righting himself as he stood up, looking down at you before shrugging, offering you his hand.
"Not a chance," you scoffed, knocking his hand away. You rolled slightly back, arched up, and used your hands to help you spring as you lept to your feet in one smooth movement. You landed with a thud of your boots, your feet spread apart, and arms raised in a boxer's stance. 
Diego had the decency to look slightly surprised at your obviously-dangerous athleticism. He shook himself slightly as he regarded you. 
Besides, he thought, taking in your stature, it's not as though you were any match for him. No way.
"Why would you get in my way, Umbrella douche?" You bit out harshly, glaring daggers at the knife-wielding Kraken.
"Come on, hot stuff," Diego shrugged. "If you know who I am, you gotta know it's not like I can just let you mug that man with … well, whatever you were doing to him." What he had seen you do in the alley seemed to be catching up with him as he cocked his head and queried, "What exactly were you doing to him, by the way? I mean, other than hurting a civilian?"
"A civilian?" You spat. "You don't know what you're talking about, do-gooder. If you knew what he was, you wouldn't be defending him so staunchly." 
“And what was he?” Diego pressed. 
“That dickless fuckhead would-be-rapist isn’t worth the shit on your shoe,” you snarled. “And you let him get away. Nice job, hero,” you sing-songed the last word mockingly, taking advantage of Diego’s lowered guard to level a swinging hit to his nose. 
Your punch landed with a satisfying crack, Diego stumbling back, shaking his head. 
“What in the ever-loving FUCK is wrong with you, lady?” Diego shouted. 
“Take your hits like a big boy. Aren’t you supposed to be some kind of ‘Big Deal?’ ” you asked, advancing toward Diego, fists raised. 
“Honey, my reputation precedes me for a reason,” Diego quipped back, blocking your next swing and making one of his own toward your gut. 
The two of you sparred in the alleyway, whirling and spinning in a very violent dance between two unwilling partners -- Diego, clearly pulling his punches, while you were obviously preoccupied with your rage at your escaped quarry. 
Diego flipped and spun and swung his fists with a speed that bordered on unnatural. His jabs and kicks annoyingly landed, as you were really only able to block just about every other hit. Fuck him for being so fast. 
So it was true, you thought, the superpower hype was real. Well, two could play that game. 
At Diego’s next hit, you caught his fist, allowing the contact to create the connection you needed, feeling for Diego and any underlying emotion that would be his undoing, before latching onto your favorite-- past the overstuffed confidence, you tasted simmering rage. Beyond that? A tiny prickle of … was that??…Ah, yes, the stinging, burns-so-good zip of lust... File that one away for later … and beneath it all lay Diego’s stammering, stuttering, suffocating fear. 
You dug your proverbial claws into it once you found it, bringing it to the surface, manifesting it into your signature smoky tendrils. 
Drag them down with their own fear. 
Diego’s eyes widened as he looked down to see his legs wrapped in what looked like snakes. Suddenly, his worst memories of fearful days under his father’s tyrannical reign were the only things in his brain. The shouting proclamation his own inadequacies in his father’s too-posh voice pounded within his skull. It was all he could think about -- Your presence before him seemed to dwindle, he couldn’t focus on you, try as he might-- when he was overcome with the feelings of every bad memory he had ever suffered through bearing down on him like the crushing weight of the ocean, pulling him under with the riptide of his own panic and inadequacies.
What the fuck was this shit? 
He pushed through his sudden indifference toward you to regard you, the woman stood before him. Diego’s fist clenched as he took in your own grip clutching around his wrist. Your eyes were closed as your face was screwed up in concentration. 
Repulsive. You were repulsive, he suddenly thought. How could he have cared so much about hurting you when his own terror and agitation sat heavy on his tongue, like ugly curdled cream?
But he hadn’t always felt this way-- not his usual modus operandi, was it? So what was this? Was this-- you?? Was this what you had done to that man?
Diego began to dredge himself through his own agitation, past his father’s lilting abuse… through the mire of never-quite-being-enough against Luther... dragging his proverbial feet through a bog of his own self-hatred. Just long enough to wrench his wrist from your grip, grabbing you by the shoulders and spinning around, slamming you probably a little too hard into the wall behind him. Your eyes snapped open as your head made a minor thwack off the  alleyway-- you had just enough time to tilt your head to the left as Diego brought one of his knives down, driving it into the wall a sliver from the space your face had previously occupied. 
Diego bore his weight on his toes, leaning his imposing height into and over you, panting and snorting heavily through his nose. You looked at his eyes behind his mask-- hardened flints of pissed-off-superhero glared back at you.
“W-wh-What the F-f-UCK was that?” Diego spit, lip curling over his teeth in a gruesome snarl. 
A fleeting flicker of shame passed through you. He hadn’t really done anything to deserve that, had he? Before you shook yourself out of it-- No! He let that rat-faced motherfucker get away! 
You fixed your face into an impassive mask of your own before you chirped, annoyingly, “What was what?” 
Diego chuckled mirthlessly, shaking his head.  “Nuh-uh. How did you do that?” Diego pressed, leaning even closer to you, if that were possible.
“Do what?” you chimed innocently, tilting your chin up, eyes meeting Diego’s from beneath your lashes. Maintaining your feigned ignorance.
“Don’t do that,” Diego snarled. “Don’t play dumb. I think we both know at this point-- you’re alot of things, and dumb isn’t one of them.” 
“You’d know all about playing dumb, wouldn’t you, pretty boy? Or for you, is it not really playing?” You reached up and ran a finger along his sharp jaw before tweaking his chin and dropping your hand back to your side. You sighed at Diego’s stone face. Honestly, it was so boring when they didn’t bite back.
“I don’t know what to tell you, cutie pie. I can’t help it. People are just drawn to me,” you quirked an eyebrow. “Or repulsed by me. I really haven’t decided.” You fluttered your eyelashes at him, ever the pretty picture. 
Diego leaned further into you, pressing your back further and further into the wall. All the while, his leather-gloved grip creaked around the handle of the knife he’d plunged into the wall next to your head as he gripped it tighter. 
“Huh,” he mused, scoffing at you lightly. “Ya know something, doll? I just don’t fuckin’ buy it.” 
“Babe, if you wanted to play bad cop, all you had to do was ask,” you smirked as the stone face slid from his features and gave way to "surprised face."
“Honestly, honey,” you slinked up Diego’s body, propping yourself onto your toes and brushing his lips ever-so-lightly with your own as you spoke into his mouth, “Did you really think you and your reject siblings were the only ones in this whole wide world with a little … taste … of power?” you purred. 
Ah, you thought, and there it was. 
The warming, zinging hum that your ability recognized as Diego’s lust crept through your fingertips that were currently resting on his chin. You were sure if you took the time to analyze exactly who was feeling what, that this feeling of craving wouldn’t be as one-sided as you’d otherwise have hoped. Diego was, you had to admit, very pretty -- for a man. 
The swirling galaxies in his midnight eyes regarded you with confusionangerwant.  Had you really just -- kinda kissed him?
You took advantage of Diego’s surprised state to knock his grip from your shoulder and shove -- hard. Diego toppled back, and you took off as fast as your enhanced body would carry you, cutting down the alley and away from your fascinatingly frustrating new rival. 
Diego took in your retreating form from his final resting place in the disgusting alley’s concrete. Slamming his fist into the rough-gravel ground, groaning out his frustration and anger.
You were gone. 
What were you? 
Were you really like him? Like the others?
Diego shuffled into Hargreeves Manor, determined to see who else was around. Surely they, or Pogo, would know if there were others like them out there. Had he been the only one to run into one? Was it all a hoax?
As he wandered into the cavernous, but simultaneously stuffy, living room, sure enough-- there was Klaus, sprawled across the couch, arm slung over his face in a restless nap. 
“Klaus!” Diego barked, startling the spindly man from his perch on the couch and onto the floor. 
Klaus looked balefully up at his brother from his spot on the carpet. “Jeeeesus, Diego, really? What do you want that made that necessary,” Klaus grumbled.
“Have you seen Pogo?” 
“I haven’t seen anything but the back of my eyelids for the last several hours, thank you very much,” Klaus replied, “Although, I did have a very good dream about running into an old friend of mine in the grocery store. He was always so convinced he was straight. But I think the rest of my dream calls bullshit.” Klaus chuckled to himself. 
“Yeah, whatever, man. I need to talk to Pogo,” Diego stressed, turning to leave the living room.
“Well, wait, wait, wait. What is so important?” Klaus queried, clambering up and lumbering across the room to catch Diego’s arm.
Diego sighed, facing his brother. 
“Do you think … Do you think we’re the only ones like us?” He asked.
“Well, there’s no one like you, brother,” Klaus chuckled, taking on a rumbling, Diego-esque mocking tone, “I’m Number Two!” He cackled to himself for a moment before coming back to himself with a sigh. “And honestly, we all know I’m an original. So I’m not sure I take your meaning.” 
“I mean… it couldn’t just be the seven of us, right? There’s a lot of other people in the world… it just makes sense others could do things like what we can?” Diego pressed.
Klaus started. He had never seen this look in his brother’s eye before. The unhinged mania of a fight? Sure. Crushing doubt? Obviously. But not this … fierce certainty buried beneath a question. This was new for Diego. He must be serious. 
Klaus blinked, regarding his brother, before slowly nodding. “I mean… sure… theoretically, there could be others. But I don’t know any. Why? Did you find someone?” 
Diego drew in a breath, unsure of how much he wanted to reveal to Klaus. After all, you were his nemesis. His pain in the ass. His whatever you were. 
Diego crossed the room again, back to the couch Klaus had previously occupied, before sitting down in a creak of leather and clink of blades still strapped to his harness. Propping his elbows on his thighs, he placed his head in his hands. 
“I don’t know. I think so? I found her while I was out patrolling, and I … I don’t really know how to describe what I saw.” 
Klaus placed himself next to his erstwhile sibling, tucking his feet beneath himself as he sat, reaching up to pat Diego on the shoulder.
“There, there, big guy. Just… tell me what happened,” Klaus crooned.
Diego launched into the story of finding you in the alley, choking the man with your smoke without even laying a hand on him. He described to Klaus how the two of you had fought, and how you had called the man a “would-be-rapist” before knocking Diego to the ground and making your getaway. 
“Well, she sounds hot.” 
“Helpful, Klaus,” Diego deadpanned. 
“Oh, isn’t it obvious, sweet Dee?” Klaus chimed at the end of Diego’s story. At his brother’s nonplussed look, Klaus continued. “She’s just like you! She likes to put on her Batman underoos and fight crime,” he chuckled. “Even if she is like… us… she clearly can do something different. But I think the most telling thing is how obviously into her you are.” 
Diego sputtered, “Wh-what?? I am not into that … psycho. Whatever she can do, that’s all I want to figure out.” 
“The lady doth protest too much,” Klaus sing-songed. “Whatever you say, brother. But I think the only way you’ll really figure it out is if you run into her again. I mean, we know dad had his secrets. If he knew about other powered children, don’t you think the Umbrella Academy would’ve been a lot bigger? The world is a big place. I’m sure there’s more out there, but, um… we just didn’t know about it until now?” 
Diego sighed deeply. “Oh, joy,” he muttered. Ignoring the tinge of excitement that passed through him at Klaus’s suggestion he seek you out. 
Klaus clapped his hands joyously, cuffing Diego’s shoulder, shaking him. 
“A nemesis, Diego! How sexy! How exciting!” 
Your encounter with one of the Umbrella Academy had left you slightly shaken, to say the least. You were so careful when you went out. No one missed those assholes you took care of. Honestly, you were doing the city a favor. 
Patrolling on any given night would yield one or two men who were plotting something less than savory. And all it took was a brush of skin to determine their true intentions. 
You sighed angrily, ripping off your bodysuit and stomping across your apartment to your shower, yanking back the curtain and twisting the knob forcefully. 
Hot water began to pour from the showerhead, steam filling your bathroom. You regarded your reflection in your bathroom mirror, a distinctly palmlike-bruise adorned your shoulder from where Diego had clutched it, not to mention the scrapes that lined your body from your repeated meetings with the concrete during your sparring. 
You met your own eyes in your reflection, regarding yourself as balefulness gave way to venom. 
Honestly, that toadlike little nobody had deserved what you were about to do to him. You had watched him from the back of the bar as he had annoyingly pressed his presence onto a poor girl who was just trying to enjoy her drink. Her drink that the toad had slipped something in when he thought she wasn’t looking. He even went so far as to grab her wrist with his stubby little hands. That was the final straw. 
You steeled yourself, letting the lustful, rowdy feeling of the other bar patrons that permeated the air like thick smoke take you over. Putting on your best, beguiling smile, you crossed the room and brushed your hand over the man’s bare arm, letting him feel the tingling want that you had absorbed. Simultaneously, you felt everything of his disgusting intent-- the hateful, possessive desire for the girl, the hurt he intended to inflict to trample his own inadequacies and sadness. 
Oh, yeah, you were right about this asshole. 
He looked up at you, disgusting gaze lingering on you, before forgetting all about his intended prey, pushing back from his barstool and venturing behind you out into the alley. 
The rest, as they say, is history. And an annoying vigilante type who had an ass that just wouldn’t quit once encased in black leather just had to rain on your proverbial pain parade. 
Diego Hargreeves… Of course you knew who he was. Everyone knew about the Umbrella kids. And you knew the man once-dubbed The Kraken was still doing his best Caped Crusader (sans cape) and kicking ass by night. Annoyingly self-righteous, really, you thought. Choosing ever-so-delicately to ignore the hypocrisy laden in your thought. Is that not, in effect, what you were doing? Albeit with a little more emotional manipulation and bloodshed. 
As you thought of Diego, your fingers traced the slim, sharp cut his knife had made in your cheek as it surged past you. 
You let the remnants of Diego’s rage that you had felt overtake you, amplified by your own, as you slammed your fist into the small mirror over your sink, letting the shards clatter to the ground around your feet.
Payback was a bitch, and so were you. You didn’t know if Diego Hargreeves was a praying man, but he had better hope to whatever deity would listen that he didn’t run into you again.
You wouldn’t be so kind twice, you told yourself, climbing into your shower and letting the blood and grit from your body swirl down the drain. 
As luck wouldn’t have it, your gods were decidedly not on your side. And clearly whatever deity you had mentally implored Diego to pray to was on vacation. 
Because you ran into that maddeningly beautiful dipshit, several times over the following weeks. He would do his best to bust up your party, stopping you from exacting your special brand of vengeance. You’d exchange a few quips and blows before running off before he could ask you the question you knew was burning in his mind. 
You managed to evade prolonged encounters with Diego until about another two weeks later. Too soon, honestly. 
Or not soon enough? God, your inner voice was desperate and annoying. 
You encountered Diego again while you were propped against the wall of a seedy dive on the other edge of town, assessing each person as they passed. While your power worked best if you could touch, some feelings were perfectly easy to pick up from a distance. 
So far, nothing. Just a few gross, horny bikers and depressive barflies. It was a maddeningly slow night. And you doubted you were needed here. 
Just as you were about to call it and head to another hotspot, a familiar prickle passed through you. You glanced up, across the street. 
Sure enough, on the neighboring rooftop, perched Diego Hargreeves in the flesh, surveying you like some kind of Great Value Nightwing. 
You sighed, pushing off the wall and crossing the street. Diego watched as you clambered up the fire escape to meet him on the rooftop. 
“Of course you would be here,” you chastised. “Are you fucking following me? I’ve been a good girl. Haven’t killed anyone in a week. I promise!” You held up your hands in mock surrender, coming to stand in front of Diego’s gloriously firm, leather-clad figure. 
“If you say so, Princess. Maybe I’m just here for a drink?” Diego cocked his head toward the shitty bar whose entrance you were haunting mere moments ago. 
“Doubtful, Underoos. I think…” you trailed off, circling Diego, tapping your finger to your chin in a pondering gesture. “I think you’re babysitting me. Making sure I don’t do your job for you and clean up the streets too well.” 
You ceased your vulture-like circling, coming to stand before Diego. His eyes bore into your own, once again partially obscured behind that stupid mask. As if you didn’t know what he looked like without it. Your eyes weren’t deceiving you when you saw Diego’s eyes flash a quick up-down of your body before resuming his stern visage. 
Oh good, you thought. You recognized the latent feelings buried beneath Diego’s anger. A new one brushed over you-- confusion… He still hadn’t figured you, or, more than likely, your power, out…
You weren’t left in suspense too long. 
“Tell me about what you can do,” Diego pressed, advancing toward you. You took a step back to maintain some distance… best if you can perpetuate some veil of advantage. 
“Ah, ah, ah, baby. It doesn’t work like that,” you chided. “You think I’m just going to spill all of my secrets because why? You’re cute? Try again. Ask nicely,” you smirked, pushing your lips into a tantalizing pout.
Diego rolled his eyes. You weren’t going to play fair? Fine, neither was he. Honestly, his fuse was too-fuckin-short for your shit. He wanted answers, even if he had to beat them out of you. Quick as a flash, he strode toward you, jumping into a flip and kicking you down to the ground upon his landing. 
You looked up at him, standing over your body as it lay on the gravelled rooftop, bringing your hand up to touch your jaw, where his boot had collided with your face not moments ago. 
You grinned widely, savagely, around bloodied teeth and split lips. "So that’s how we’re going to play? Do your worst, Big Deal. I like when it hurts."
With that, you swung your leg at Diego’s, causing him to topple beside you, where you promptly rolled over, coming to straddle his hips, bringing your hands to his wrists, the direct contact allowing you to bring his fear to the forefront. 
Just as you were about to choke him with the smoke of his own fear, Diego surged upright, his arms breaking free from the grip of your wrists, his own hands coming to close around your throat. He squeezed insistently, enough to break your concentration-- the smoke dissipating as soon as it had come. With that, he had managed to roll the two of you over, you flat on your back as one of his thighs came to rest between yours. 
You gasped, looking up at Diego with fiery shock looming in your eyes. 
“Wow,” you rasped, “I told you before-- if you wanted to play bad cop, all you had to do was ask.” 
Diego removed one hand from your throat, bringing it to his own head and ripping off his flimsy excuse for a mask. He regarded you with nacreous, tarpit eyes that glowed and glittered with the streetlights, his breath coming in ragged, uneven puffs through his sinfully full lips. His cropped hair was glistening with sweat borne equally from the heat of the night and your encounter. 
“Baby, I think you owe me an explanation first,” He pressed, squeezing your throat lightly, free hand pulling a knife from his harness that he spun in his fingers while gazing down at you. 
You whined, rolling your hips against where his thigh rested between your legs. 
“This would be so much more fun if you’d just do things my way,” you pouted at Diego. 
“Maybe I would, if you would bother to tell me what your way is,” Diego retorted.
“I could tell you, or I could show you,” you purred, rolling your hips again. “I’m all about more fun.” 
Diego sighed. The familiar buzz of lust radiating from your skin-- or was it his own-- that always seemed to hang over your encounters was pressingly prevalent and it was all he could do to not just give in. He gritted his teeth, and shook his head. 
“No. Come on. I know what you’re doing… whatever it is. Just … tell me what it is you can do. Tell me why you’re hurting those people,” he implored.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes, using your free hands to knock his grip from your throat and coming to a sitting position, as Diego remained crouched over you. 
“All you hero-types. You’re no fun. You want to know what I can do? That pleasant little hum you feel? That’s you. Well, it’s me. But it’s you. I don’t make anyone feel what they don’t already… but I can use it against them. That first night at the bar? That,” you shuddered, “That rat was going to force himself on some poor girl. I could feel his every feeling as he was preying on her. I had to stop it. It’s simple, honeybunch. I do what you do, but better. I’ll make them choke in it, their own fear, their self-hatred, their inadequacy, their lust, I’ll drown them in it, and they’ll thank me for it. Because I’m nothing if not merciful,” you gritted out. 
Diego’s mind reeled, jaw slack from your confession. He knew it! You were an empath, an enhanced emotional manipulator. Except you seemed to be able to manifest emotions into something tangible, something harmful. 
Suddenly, the weight of your confession seemed to crush Diego, you had exploited every feeling of his during your encounters to gain an upper hand. And he hadn’t truly known about it until now. 
You felt the surge of his rage, his disgust, his fear with you before he could say it-- 
“You c-can’t-- you can’t do that,” Diego said. “Kililng people who haven’t even done anything yet? It’s w-wrong. Y-you’re w-wro-wrong,” He stuttered out, clearly distressed, but advancing even further into your space.
“As opposed to you?” You bit out. “You wait until someone’s already hurting or hurt someone else to do something. How are you any better? Who are you to judge me,” you spit through gritted teeth. 
“You’re a killer,” Diego pressed, pushing back from you and coming to stand.
“Sticks and stones. So are you. But I don’t hate you for it,” you snarled, jumping into a standing position, squaring your shoulders before Diego’s imposing form. 
“You could always work with me,” Diego offered, “ We could take what you can do and just… re-tool it a bit.” 
You ground out a harsh laugh. 
“Unlikely, you absolutely patronizing dick. You don’t want anything to do with me other than to change me, control me. You’re just like them.” 
With that, you unleashed a slew and flurry of attacks on Diego, swinging your hips around to level a kick at his gut, knocking him to his knees, where your arm was ready to strike a heavy blow against his cheek, your rage fueling the unnatural strength behind the hit. 
Diego sprawled against the concrete of the rooftop, half conscious after blows you’d dealt him. 
You stood over Diego now, looking down at his prone form. 
“I would never want anyone who only means to stifle me. To take me apart until there’s nothing left. Never.” You spit a glob of bloodied saliva at Diego’s feet, leaving him in his semi-conscious, battered state-- the guilt only slightly prickling you. 
His fear-- choking on half-gasped words from behind the tremulous task of tripping over his own tongue-- followed you like a stuttering stormcloud. It stung. Knowing that he was afraid of you.
Okay. The guilt was more than slight. 
All he had wanted to do was help, right? 
Years alone with your power, the sting of Adler’s rejection as a child, it all weighed down on you like the crushing magnitude of Atlas. You didn’t really want to hurt him. 
You sighed, resolute. You just needed to make sure.
With that, you headed out in the storm. Headed toward Diego. 
The rain pounded on the walls of the Fighting Lion, plunking heavily like half-hewn nails tossed onto the small window in Diego’s back bedroom. He could hear as it landed on the brick, the wet stone and stormy atmosphere making the air thick with the scent of sagebrush and rain. 
A kind of whoosh passed through the room, prompting him to turn from where he was folding his laundry on the bed to see you propped against the door, legs crossed at the ankles, looking every bit as if you belonged. 
“Wow, Big Deal. Nice digs,” you said as you sauntered in the room, staring at the case at the foot of the bed that was full of Diego’s knives. “Not what I’d expect coming from a dude who hails from the city’s biggest mansion. But still -- homey.” 
Diego ignored the jab about his upbringing in favor of the real question.
“How did you get in here?” He asked, seemingly --and to you, maddeningly-- disinterested in your presence as he continued stacking his paired socks into their rightful place in his bureau. 
“Uh, have you seen this place? It’s not exactly rigged with ‘Entrapment’ levels of security,” you snarked, folding your arms across your chest.
“Does that make you a cat burglar? Are you Catherine Zeta-Jones in this scenario?” Diego glanced at you from his socks, cocking a strong eyebrow. 
“If you want me to be, sweetie,” you shrugged. “But, uh -- and don’t take this the wrong way, Diego, but you don’t exactly have anything I’d want to steal.” 
“Then I’ll amend the question. What are you doing here?” Diego asked, finally turning to fully face you, taking in your form as you stood by his bed. The sight causing a pleasantly-unpleasant little something to prickle across his skin. 
No, no, it’s not like that, he chided himself. Besides. You were an absolutely monumental pain in his ass. And his head. And basically every other body part of his you came in contact with. Nope, nope... Don’t think about her body parts “coming into contact” with anything of yours, he scolded. 
“Aw, well now, Big Deal. Maybe I just missed you?” You mused. 
“Doubtful. Did you come back to kick my ass with your freaky little homicidal chokehold some more?” Diego snapped.
Ouch. Maybe you had gone too far in your last little encounter. After all, wasn't that why you were there? To check on your favorite knife-wielding antagonist? To make sure you hadn't actually hurt him?
But what came out instead was--
"Is there any other kind of chokehold?" You hummed, arching your brow. 
Before he could stop himself, Diego retorted, “Based on our last meeting, I think you know there is." 
Momentarily stunned into silence, feeling the heat rush to your cheeks at the memory of his hands on your throat, you dropped your arms from where they were crossed at your chest down to your sides, hands flexing nervously. You chuckled.
"Heh. As tempting as that offer is, pretty boy, I only came to make sure I didn't ring your bell too bad."
Diego leaned against his dresser, tilting his head back and looking down his perfect, strong nose at you. 
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I must be going fuckin' deaf. Did you just say you slunk in here with your little kitten tail between your legs to say you were sorry?" Diego snorted, obviously pleased with himself as he saw the obvious fluster cross your face.
Okay, now he was pissing you off. You came here with good will and he sasses you? Two can play at that, as you two so often do...
"You must be fuckin' deaf, dipshit. I didn't say I was here to say I was sorry. I did say I wanted to make sure I didn't kick your sorry ass into oblivion. Which, you're obviously fine, so I'll just be going." You crossed Diego's room, breezing for the door.
Honestly, why did you think this was a good idea? Stupid, stupid, stupid…
Diego caught your arm as you passed him in your hurried attempt at an exit. You gave a half-hearted tug to pull your arm from Diego's grip, surprised to find how firm it was. You turned your head to meet Diego's gaze, throat closing around your sudden nerves. Diego's eyes were molten, boring into you with quizzical questions and low-burning heat. His grip on your arm afforded you an insight into the unique blend that was his confusion and simmering passion.
"What are you doing?" You asked.
"Come on," Diego drawled. "You clearly know what I'm feeling. But I have no idea what you're feeling. You have me at a disadvantage. I don't like it."
"Every time we meet, I have you at a disadvantage," you snarked. At the brief hurt that flashed across Diego's face, you sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I meant what I said when I told you I was coming to check on you … I just--" 
You looked down at your feet, the laces in your boots suddenly incredibly interesting to you. Diego's other hand gently gripped your chin, his thumb pressing into its apex, fingers curled beneath your jaw.
"D-don't do that-- keep going. Tell me what you're feeling for once," Diego implored, eyes meeting yours once more, lips ever-so-close to yours. “Please,” he added, softly.
Had your heart been thudding like this the whole time?? Was your jacket always this hot? All you could hear was the pounding sheet of rain, pressing itself into your brain, growing fuzzier. Diego's proximity to your person was decidedly distracting. Wholeheartedly overwhelming. 
Could he really not tell what you were thinking? You were certain at this point it must be written all over your face. Were you not being obvious?? Your burning ardor for him creeping through every inch of your person, drowning your intentions and better sensibilities in anything and everything Diego Hargreeves. You swallowed the lump in your throat before speaking.
"I'm feeling-- was feeling … guilty. The last time I saw you.. I h-hit you...  pretty hard. So, you win. I guess I am here to tell you I'm sorry." You brushed your fingers softly over the bruise that adorned his prominent, proud cheekbone. "I… I just wanted you to be okay. Because I think you were just trying to help. And that's stupid. It's stupid. I'm sorry," you hurriedly stammered. 
Diego relinquished his grip on your arm, allowing his hand to travel down your side until it met your waist. He cocked his head and studied your eyes with his own mercurial ones-- searching for any hint of mistruth in your confession, but seemingly finding none. 
After all, he too knew the honesty behind words that struggled to come out.
"You were… worried about me? You?"
"Let's not make a big thing of this, big boy. You're obviously fine. I shouldn't have come… An honest mistake. Won’t happen again," you started to turn your head, breaking his gaze. 
But Diego's grip on your chin firmed, forcing you to look at him again before surging forward and crushing his lips to yours. 
And, oh, this was bliss-- you were just sure of it. Your yearning manifested itself in the hand you had placed on Diego's cheek, cupping your hands to the sides of his face before dragging them back to thread through the closely-cropped hair at the nape of his neck, then passing your hands up through his longer hair toward the top of his head and tugging. You took advantage of the gasp Diego elicited at that sensation, sweeping your tongue into his mouth. 
Your shared lust bled through your connected skin, hands on faces and elsewhere…  washing over you both like warm static, a pleasant buzz akin to drinking just a little too much champagne. 
Diego’s hands tugged at the hem of your rain-dampened hoodie, tugging it over your head. Your newly-exposed skin prickled with goosebumps at the sudden chill. You had run over here in the rain, after all. Diego’s darkened, honeyed gaze reverently took in your form. 
Never one to waste an opportunity, you took the break in action as your chance to respond in kind-- peeling his skin-tight black crewneck shirt from his own gloriously-sculpted body. 
The two of you stood, staring at each other’s exposed torsos, ragged breaths dragging through the air of passion so-stifling the room like incense you’ve left burning for too long. 
Diego stared at your chest, breasts heaving from behind the scrap of lace that constituted your bralette-- were those piercings that made your nipples poke so prominently through the lace? WIth this realization, Diego felt himself harden. He lunged for you with a growl, scooping you by the waist and dropping you with a bounce onto his bed. 
His mouth latched onto your throat, sucking insistently while his powerful hands rested at the edges of the delicate lace trim of your bra, passing almost reverently across your ribcage. 
You gasped as he brushed a thumb over your nipple, feeling yourself growing wet beneath your leggings. You hmm’d a whine as Diego’s mouth found that spot on your throat, his thumb still rolling circles over your nipple. 
“D-Diego,” you gasped, sucking in air like you’d never properly breathed before.
“Yeah, baby?” 
“Take it off,” you glanced down at the scrap of lace that adorned your chest. “Please,” you intoned, sweetly. 
“Since you asked so nicely,” Diego said,” creeping his fingers beneath the lace to lift it off your skin. Suddenly, with that preternatural speed he’d come to recognize as a gift of those who were enhanced, like himself, you seized his wrist and squeezed. 
“It wasn’t meant to be nice,” you ground out. “Take. It. Off. Now.” 
With that, you released his wrist, and Diego gripped the lace where it rested beneath your breasts with this two hands and tugged, ripping your bralette cleanly in two, exposing your tits to his roving gaze. 
“There you go, Big Deal,” you preened in satisfaction, taking your own hands from where they had previously been resting along his strong abdomen, trailing them down to the top of his jeans. You popped the button on his fly and began tugging his zipper down, before Diego caught your hand as quickly as you had just done to him. 
“I’ve got this, baby,” Diego assured. 
With that, he brought his mouth down to your left breast, swirling his tongue around your nipple, taking the hand still clutching your wrist and planting it above your head. He released your wrist, trailing his hand, down your side until it met the waistband of your leggings. He pressed his fingers beneath the waistband, raking his fingers under your panties, to where you wanted him most. 
As he dragged a finger through your wetness, you gasped out a keening sigh. Diego’s long fingers working magic against your center, rubbing up and down your slit before pressing one, long finger inside. He lifted his mouth from your breast, pressing it to yours to swallow your moan with a searing kiss.
After a few more moments, Diego slid his finger from your center, retracting his hand from your pants, his other hand coming to meet it, peeling your leggings and panties from you in one fluid motion. You lifted and wiggled your hips to assist him. As soon as the leggings were free from your legs, you wasted no time in wrapping your bare legs around Diego’s waist, locking your ankles behind him and pulling him to you, dragging your hands up his neck and into his hair, hissing in pained pleasure as you rolled your hips against Diego’s still denim-clad hardness. 
Diego groaned as he felt your hardened nipples press against his chest, the microscopic bite of cold from your piercings as they touched his warm skin made him sigh.
The room felt like it was bordering on a hundred degrees, the previously champagne-drunk feeling of your shared lust now replaced with a frantic urge to taste and mark every inch of the other as their own. 
As you continued to grind your hips into Diego, he kissed you deeply, tongue sliding into your mouth, running along your own tongue and teeth, tasting every bit of your want for him as he succumbed to the heated buzz of the room. 
Your power had its benefits, he reasoned, if it meant this would feel so… resplendent. 
The mutuality of your shared passion was enough to do you in. You couldn’t be imagining that Diego wanted you as much as you wanted him. If that wasn’t the case, you both wouldn’t be burning like this, writhing atop his bed with pent-up passion and aggression. 
Diego broke his hands from where they had previously been digging bruises into your hips, coming up onto his knees to start shucking his own jeans and underwear off. 
And oh, he thought, you were a vision. As he looked at you while he stripped himself, he was overcome. Your half-lidded gaze swimming with hazy, unfulfilled promises, swirling lazily like the drizzle of sinfully sweet syrup over something forbidden. Your lips were flushed, swollen and lightly bruised from the punishing pace of your shared kisses. Your wickedly luscious curves and the glimmering slick between your thighs on display for only him. In this moment, he felt he could die under whatever your power would dish out, if it meant he died feeling like this. 
Now bared to you in his entirety, Diego positioned himself once more between your legs, his impressive length sliding to where he had guided it along your opening. 
You tossed your head back, eyes closed at the glorious feeling of his skin finally meeting yours where you wanted it most… but, still, it wasn’t enough. 
“Di- eh - go,” you panted, your glimmering gaze meeting his lustrously darkened one. “P-please, I need it. I need you,” you cried piteously, clutching his shoulders and grinding your hips once more against him.
Diego chuckled, only to happy to oblige. With a guiding hand and a smooth flex-and-thrust of his hips, Diego entered you with a powerful, needed thrust. You cried out, sound going straight to his cock, twitching from its rightful place inside of you. 
“There, now, baby,” Diego crooned, bringing his mouth back to yours and humming into your open lips. “Doesn’t that feel ... So. Much. Better?” He punctuated each of his last few words with hard, firm thrusts of his hips. 
You nodded, eagerly fusing your mouths together, rolling your hips in kind to meet Diego’s sweet, but punishing thrusts. 
“After all that shit you pulled with me,” DIego ground out, “It’s nice to know-- this is what you really wanted. Fuck--” he broke off as you clenched around him just right. “This is what you needed.” 
You whined your assent, keening and high-pitched. 
“Mmmm, I want y-you, as much as you want me,” you gasped out, Diego’s brutal thrusting brushing your clit with his pubic bone, bringing you ever closer, closer, closer to that teetering edge. You lifted yourself up to balance on one hand and meet Diego’s face where he was hovering above you, your sweat-slicked bodies pressing into one another with a delicious, filthy heat. You looked into his eyes, your jaw slack with the stupidly good feeling of everything he was doing to you. 
You turned your head to face his sculpted shoulder, and grazed your teeth there, biting into the apex of his arm. Diego hissed, obviously pleased with the feeling, bringing his hand to your neck, fingers wrapping around your throat and tearing your teeth away from his shoulder, guiding your mouth back to his with the pads of his fingers lightly pressing into your airway.
You gasped, the combined feeling of his kiss, his pressing, insistent touch, and his cock inside you brushing repeatedly against that spot of your inner walls causing you to clench, crying out your sudden, gushing release. 
Diego guided your head back to his pillow, clenching his fist, the same battered-knuckled boxer’s fist that had previously clutched your throat, now clutched around his bedframe as he hammered his final thrusts, pounding into you until he met his release, groaning as he came down from his sudden, bursting high. 
He sighed into your neck, the lovingly sticky heat of your sweaty bodies pressed together as he eased himself from you, pulling you into his side.
You sighed in contentment. 
Was everything Diego Hargreeves did punctuated with such beautiful, forthright power?
You both lie in the after, bodies pressed firmly together. It would have been romantically intimate had the primary motivator not been the lack of space on Diego's too-small mattress squeezed along the wall in his room. 
Nevertheless, you lie there in complete contentment, basking in the afterglow and Diego's delightfully even, rhythmic breathing.
Said lothario had his head turned into your cheek, nose brushing against your hair. His arm around you, curling you to him and trailing his fingers up and down your side at a slow, steady pace.
Why couldn't it always be like this? 
After all, fire doused with water still burns brightly at one time, but loses its penchant for destruction, tampered in cool, calming depths and leaving behind cooling steam. So, too, had you and Diego drawn a peaceable, but joyfully sweaty truce. 
In that moment, you could see yourself loving him. You know he'd let you, if you gave him enough time and enough of yourself. The man had not had enough love given to him in his life-- he fought for it, tooth and nail. And had come up woefully empty, like clutching at soft sand that slips through your fingers. He'd had the love of his siblings, sure. But this was -- understandably-- different. You recognized a chasm in him that you often thought you'd never mend within yourself. 
But he was so deserving of love. Whereas you? Well, the jury was still out. 
When you think of Diego, you couldn't help but think of strength. Assuredness. Agility. His aura burned red in your deeper sentiments. Power. You do associate his memory with annoyance, sure, but also a biting wit that he so-oft concealed. And an endearing sentimentality. And an iron will suffused with stubbornness.  
You had gleaned some of this from your foray into exploring his emotions, sure. But you don't use your power at every turn. The rest of it was every impression Diego had devastatingly left you with. You had learned so much of him, you yearned to share a piece of yourself, similarly eager for acceptance. Which then prompted you to share--
“You know,” you piped up in the dark, “You remind me a bit of the main character of my favorite books series-- Ever hear of ‘The Dark Tower?’ You know, the legendary Gunslinger?” 
Diego scoffed at that.
“Guns are for pussies, real men throw knives,” he stated primly, but still unable to conceal the smile in his voice.
“That sounds a little rehearsed, Big Deal. But I’ll let it slide. Besides, you don’t know what you’re missing,” you acquiesced, turning your head to face him, your noses brushing.
“Yeah, sorry, I’m not into all that bookworm stuff. Cuz, ya know, I’m not a fuckin’ virgin,” he chuckled. Obviously pleased with his middle school-grade burn. 
You met his eyes, yours widening in mock surprise. “Oh no?” you gasped. “Well, then why do you dress like one?”
Honestly, it had to be some kind of world record, how fast Diego’s face fell.
"I'm kidding, big boy. You know I dig the black leather," you crooned. Ever eager to smooth the waters of this moment, of his now furrowed brow, back to the placid lake it had been.
"You're goddamn right, you do," Diego chuffed, his grin now prominent in his voice.
You looked at him, your eyes travelling between his shining, ochre eyes and his full lips.
"I do not aim with my hand; he who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I aim with my eye. 
“I do not shoot with my hand; he who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I shoot with my mind.
"I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. I kill with my heart," you recited.
Diego regarded you for a moment before brushing his lips across yours, kissing you warmly.
"What was that?" He asked.
"'The Dark Tower,'" you replied. "What? I like to read. You really do remind me of him. Surly, but just. Lost, but ever-searching. Pinpoint accuracy. Deadly. But hasn't lost hope." 
Diego kissed you again, running his hand down your body beneath the covers to grip your bum and roll your body over his, urging you to tarry with him on another burning exploration of one another's bodies.
Yes, you think, sighing as Diego's teeth graze that spot on your neck, his warm palm on your breast. You could easily fall in love with him… if you let yourself. You were probably more than halfway in love with him already.
Oh, no.
You awoke to the early-morning sun peeking weakly behind the remnants of fat, overstuffed rainclouds from the night before, purpling the sky as sunlight met grey. 
You took in Diego’s, sweet sleeping form-- his long lashes fringing his sweetly-closed eyes, his cropped hair mussed from a night of tugging, rolling, writhing. He breathed deeply, evenly, peaceably, as evidenced by the repetitive motion of his muscled torso, his long-fingered hands resting along his stomach. 
You couldn’t do this. Couldn’t taint someone so noble and beautiful with your special brand of poisonous manipulation. 
You couldn’t stop yourself as you spoke softly to the sleeping man beside you, coming to sit on the edge of his bed and brushing one hand through his soft hair. 
“You wanted to know about my power? It’s a curse. You think I want this? This? It’s isolation, Diego-- it’s eternal damnation. I shouldn’t be able to do what I can do …  No one should. It’s not a gift, it’s a curse. And it dooms me to a life alone,” your voice cracks as your breath catches in your throat, hitching over tears that were now, suddenly pooling in your eyes. “There’s no trust. It’s what I … It’s what I deserve.” 
With that, you left Diego’s room. Leaving him to wake alone to a cold one-half of his bed, fingers clutching over air and the warm memories of the night before. He blinked in confusion, the sting of your rejection settling beneath his skin. 
When you saw Diego again, it was nearly a month after your last… encounter. The sharp knife of anxiety and longing you so regularly felt in yourself since that day, you recognized immediately as emanating from Diego as you watched him limp away from what you assumed was a particularly nasty fight. 
“Big Deal!” You shouted across the street and through the darkness. 
Diego’s head whipped up, head turning to the direction of your voice, before meeting your gaze. He shook his head, looked away, and kept walking. Away from you. 
Honestly, you could understand why he would. You had done the same to him a month ago. Walked away. But the pinging sting of his rejection dug at you, like glass into the thin skin between your knuckles. 
All you had ever wanted was for other people to understand. But mostly, now, you realized… You really only cared that Diego understood. 
You took off after him, enhanced speed helping you catch up to his limping form outside of a boarded-up, long-closed bar. 
“Diego!” You called, stopping in front of him, causing him to halt.
“What could you possibly want with me, after all this time?” Diego spit.
“I.. I deserve that, Big Deal. I do,” you glanced at your boots, scuffing the toe into the pavement. “Please, just… hear me out?” 
You looked up at Diego. Really looked at him. His beautiful, tawny skin damp with sweat from a fight, his usually bright and mischievous eyes sunken under the weight of tired bags that sat beneath them. He looked drawn, more exhausted than you remember. You caught sight of a particularly nasty, jagged cut on the side of his neck that had clearly only recently stopped bleeding, the splotching clot like a raised, splintering cut from a large cat’s claws. A particularly nasty bruise was already forming around his left eye and onto his beautifully-sculpted, prominent cheek. 
You rushed to meet him, your fingers coming to brush along his cheeks, mindful of the bruise. He closed his eyes at your touch, lashes fanning downward in defeat. 
“Who hurt you? What did they do, Big Deal? Who the fuck did this? If anyone hurt you, I would make them hurt. I’ll make them pay”
Diego dropped the knife you now noticed was previously-clutched in his right hand, bringing his hand to meet your wrist. 
“Don’t do that,” he whispered.
“Don’t do what? Kill the fucker who hurt you? Fine, I’ll just break their knees--” you started, before Diego shushed you.
“No,” he said, “Shut the fuck up. D- Don’t act like you give a shit. Someone who gives a shit wouldn’t bounce for a fuckin’ month. Not after a night like that.” 
Your hand left Diego’s face. 
“I… I deserve that,” you said. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.” And with that, you plopped yourself onto the pavement, sitting on the sidewalk at Diego’s feet. Annoying? Sure. Dramatic? Sure. But if something is stupid and it works, then it isn’t stupid. 
Diego sighed at you, rolling his eyes before coming to sit beside you, gasping out in pain and clutching an obviously bruised rib or two on his way down. 
“Fine. Tell me what the fuck happened. Why’d you go?”
“Diego--” you started… “I-- I can’t be with someone when I’m like this. It never works,” you confessed. 
“Like what?” He pressed, bringing his hand to your knee. 
“I’m-- I’m a monster,” you cried. “Adler knew it. Everyone I meet knows it. It’s only a matter of time before you know it too. I just… I don’t know how to stop.” The tears you thought you could hold at bay were now creeping up and causing your throat to close around your words of contrition. 
“You’re not--” Diego began, but you silenced him with a harsh wave of your hand. 
“You don't understand. You wanted to know how it works? I’ll tell you. The power works based on the other's emotion, sure. I amplify what they feel. Cripple them with it, even. But that's not all… it only works, really works, if it's something I can draw on. They feel what I want them to feel-- because I feel it too …" you admitted. “Everything I ever do to someone else I can only do because I know how it feels. If I want someone to hurt, they’ll hurt… I -- I don’t want to do that to you, too.” 
“You won’t. Not with me,” Diego pressed. 
“And how can you be sure? Even now, I feel how pissed you are at me for leaving. It’s humming beneath your skin. I can feel it.” 
Diego nodded, picking up the knife he had previously dropped and beginning to spin it around in his hand. 
“I know it because I felt it. When we were together,” he sighed. “We both, we both can do these things. Anyone else would piss themselves if it was turned against them. But you look the danger of what I am in the face, and you laugh. When we’re together, we’re matched. The way that room felt? I know what that was.” 
You sat, stunned at Diego’s read of the situation. 
“I take back what I said the first night we met,” you said. At the question in his eyes, you continued, “You’re not dumb. That was… that was… something. But I know how to flex my power. I know what fells all men. Fear is a powerful emotion." 
Diego smiled at you. 
“I hate to break it to you, princess, but I’m not scared of you. I know you think I am, but I’m not. And you know what's even stronger than fear? Love."
You looked at Diego, blinked. He blinked back. You then turned your head with a mocking, retching, gag.
"Jesus, Big Deal. They teach you ‘Hokey Catchphrases 101’ at Dysfunctional Superhero Camp?"
“Hey,” he jostled your shoulder with his. “You know I’m right.” 
You stood, offering Diego your hand.
“Come on, big boy. Walk me home?” 
Diego acquiesced, coming to stand with a stifled grunt. 
“You’re lucky I heal quickly.” 
With that, the two of you walked down the street. You matched Diego’s stride, mindful of his injuries. As you walked side-by-side, your fingers brushed. Before you could stop yourself or think better of it, you took Diego’s hand. 
When you reached your door, you turned to Diego, fiddling with your keys. 
“Everyone’s distinct, you know? Everyone feels differently. Wears their hearts on their sleeve, so to speak. But with everyone, it’s a different emotion. Some flaunt pride. Some are more passive. Do you want to know what I feel when I see you?” 
Diego glanced down to where your hands were still joined. He brought them up to his mouth, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. 
“I want whatever you’ll tell me. You’re such an open book,” he admitted sarcastically. You rolled your eyes.
“Come on, I’m being serious here. You feel... you feel...” 
At Diego’s urging look, you continued. 
"You feel like warmth. Like I could wrap myself in you and never feel the biting cold of my heart again. And when you're not around? The absence of you is worse than any feeling I could ever exploit. I hate it when you aren't here."
Diego stared at you in silence for a moment, before he spoke, “I really think you should open the door now and let me take you inside.” 
You smiled, pleased that your honest confession had gone over well, the smile morphing into a smirk. 
“As you wish, Big Deal.”
And in the morning? Well, In the morning, you and Diego were still wrapped up in one another. 
You looked into Diego’s swimming, honey-and-tar eyes, tracing your palms down the sides of his jaw and cupping his cheeks as you told him, “You have my whole heart. It’s yours -- crush it, hold it, bury it in whatever you feel ... Do whatever you want with it, I don’t care. Just say you want it-- that you want me.” 
“I want you.” With that, he kissed you deeply.
You were a master of emotional manipulation. To do that, you had to have a decent handle on your own emotions. For years, you’d rested on your own laurels of your mastery of self, indulging only in the most passing of forays into others’ feelings for the sake of your own.
So why on Earth were you so fucking nervous? Why couldn’t you get it under control?
Yet, here you were, hand in Diego’s, fingers laced, on your way to Hargreeves Manor to meet his siblings, months after your mutual confessions of want. The two of you had been inseparable. 
Diego clearly sensed your unease, because he turned to you, squeezing your fingers in his own, planting a sweet kiss to your forehead. 
“They’ll like you,” he promised. 
“How can you be so sure?” You worried, trying to keep all of them straight in your mind based on Diego’s stories, anecdotes and descriptions. 
“Because I like you, and they love to annoy me. So they’ll definitely want to buddy up,” he chuckled with a shrug. “Baby, you’ll be fine.”
With that, you found yourself standing in the ornate living room with five nonplussed persons who introduced themselves to you one by one.
As the largest of the group approached you, you beat him to the punch.
“You must be Luther,” you said, pumping your arm in a handshake where his hand comically dwarfed yours. 
Luther blinked. “How did you know?” 
"Easy,” you said, “You look like a 'Number One.’ " 
Luther straightened, obviously pleased. "Important?" he asked.
This caused the lithe one with the smudged eyeliner who had introduced himself with a wink as, “Klaus, darling,” to howl with laughter. 
“She’s fuckin’ got your number, Luther,” he gasped out between his chuckles. He turned to the seemingly-empty air beside himself and said, “I know! She is fun!” 
The group found itself sitting around the living room on the various, overstuffed furnishings, in a fun little Q-and-A circle, which was only getting easier all the time, as you found the Hargreeves siblings’ obvious bond to be so endearing. The glamorous one you knew to be Allison had queried about your power, curious as to how you and Diego had met. 
Diego had recounted your first meeting to the group, and proffered an explanation of your powers with, "She takes the idea of 'wrapped up in your emotions' and makes it literal."
“And how did this come about?” Klaus queried, gesturing his long fingers between you and Diego. “It’s not like that first meeting was full of warm-and fuzzies.”
“I don’t know … We’ve …  run into each other a few times,” you offer with a shrug and a shy grin. 
Klaus clapped his hands, a large grin adorning his face.
“Oh-ho! I like this. Diego’s girlfriend beats the shit out of him on the regular!” Klaus happily sang to the massive living room. “Or is that how you two, you know, keep it exciting?” he intoned to Diego in what must have been the world’s loudest and worst attempt at a whisper.
“She does not beat the shit out of me,” Diego protested, rolling his eyes at his brother’s swaggering antics.
“Right, right, you beat the shit out of each other. Honestly, I get it. Kinda hot. No judgment from me, you crazy kids,” Klaus smiled and held up his hands in surrender, flashing you the “Hello” and “Goodbye” on his palms. “Diego told me about you the day after you first met. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about it myself when I’m ever-so-alone at night,” he added with a wink. 
All you could do was chuckle. Who couldn’t love Klaus Hargreeves? 
After that, the questioning from the gathered siblings dissipated into a casual little party, with people pairing off to speak in groups of just them, and with drinks from the open bar being passed around amongst the siblings. Even Five. If you were honest, it was strange to see a thirteen-year-old boy drink frozen margaritas. But you’d had to remind yourself that he was actually older than all of you. Honestly, you’d tried not to think about it too hard. 
In between drinks, you found yourself engaged in silly banter with Klaus and Vanya, laughing at Klaus’s stories of eating bagels from dumpsters and his bantering memories with their brother Ben. You responded in kind with stories of your own-- making your elementary school teachers believe they’d had crushes on one another by exploiting their repressed desires, making your classmates piss themselves every Halloween with some prank or another ...
While Vanya was a bit more reserved with her amusement, you’d caught a smile playing at her lips. Klaus outright howled. 
“Oh, you truly belong here, don’t you? Reggie would’ve haaaated you,” he gestured at the stern portrait of their father. “Which means you’re absolutely perfect for our dear Diego,” Klaus proclaimed, lacing his fingers through your own. 
With that, Klaus turned to you with a conspiratorial giggle and hmm'd into your ear, "You know what they say, peaches. 'A scrub is a guy who thinks he's fly.' And if we're being honest, Diego deeeeeeefinitely thinks he's fly." 
You laughed, choking on your sip of margarita. You’d never felt a kind of discordant unity like this one. 
With Diego’s family… with Diego, you felt like you truly did belong.
As you and Diego lay together in bed after the day with his family, he’d asked if you felt comfortable.
“Of course, love.” You pressed a small kiss to the tip of Diego’s nose, nuzzling your own against his. “They were wonderful. You’re wonderful. Thank you for sharing all of this with me.”
Diego gazed lovingly at you, eyes, a deep, endless pit of an eclipse, brimming with golden honey streaks of mischief. 
“I can’t wait to share everything with you,” he whispered, pressing a kiss into your shoulder and settling beside you comfortably. 
Ah. So that’s what that warm, soft, cotton-y, cloud-like feeling you had begun to experience since you’d began your relationship with Diego was ... Comfort. Funny how it blended so seamlessly into the burning, cinnamon-tinged, blooming one you’d come to recognize as his love.
Tagging: @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @winters-buck @qveenbvtch @forever-rogue @ali-cide @fleetwoodmactshirt @stellarkyun @zeldasayer @ayeayecaptaingally @nappingtopknot @holographic-carmen @mandaloriane @pascalplease @phoenixhalliwell @white-wolf-buckaroo @melon-eyes @pancakepike @noturjacky @johnc0nstantine @amarachoren @outrebanx @yespolkadotkitty @agentpike @cryptkeepersoul @netflixandzayn @deadpoolcouldshootme @manchuria @flhorah @halerune @spideymanreads @athousandbuckys @imagining-constantly @dovesgrangers @ravenoussss @pyrosag @rzrcrst​ 
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bakugohoex · 4 years
can you please write a fic where youre aizawas' wife and you're pregnant with twins, and while he's in the middle of teaching at UA you go into labor and you call him, and he leaves in the middle of their class, (the class dosen't know he's married and obviously dosen't know he's about to become a father) and the class thinks that something's seriously wrong because they saw panic on his face for a slight second when he got the call, so they end up following him to the hospital only to see him sniling and holding two newborn babies that look just like him and the woman who is on the hospital bed (you) and theyre in shock when they find out that you're his wife and those are his kids, but what shocks them most is the big smile on his face when he was holding his babies 🥺 idk i thought it would be cute
“did he steal two babies?”
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pairing: shouta aizawa x female reader
cw: language, fluff
word count: 3000+
a/n: i live for domestic one shots, i might write some more depending on how i’m feeling, hope you guys like this have a happy new years eve people, the stupid tags arent working so if you could reblog it it would mean a lot 
summary: in which you’re aizawa’s secret wife, aizawa gets a call in the middle of class that you’re going into labor and eventually leaves, the class being noisy pricks follows him to a hospital, feeling worried they continue to follow until they see him holding two babies with a smile at his new family
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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Eight months, eight full fucking months of carrying Aizawa’s little spawns. Having spent your last term of pregnancy on bed rest, it had been the worst term ever, you would rather have taken the puking up last nights dinner then staying in bed. Even Aizawa had gotten annoyed with how frustrated you had got, you craved how he could get up and leave for work. You hadn’t gone into work since your maternity leave started and you were annoyed, being a pro hero it had been worse.
As soon as you told the agency you were pregnant, you were desk bound, unable to go on patrols. It was fucking annoying and you hated every second of it, and all Aizawa could do was smirk at your frustration. “I’m due any day now, just leave work and stay with me.” You plead grabbing the material from his neck, you wanted him to hold you. You already felt gross staying in bed 24/7 but now you didn’t have your husband beside you 24/7.
“Kitten, this is my last day, I’ll spend the rest of the pregnancy with you.” You were grouchy letting go of him and turning your head to face away for him. “Y/n.”
He tried to gain your attention but ignored him, “you should’ve gotten pregnant as well you’d understand.”
He raised an eyebrow, shaking his head as he crept his arms around your body, his hand resting on the baby bump. You shuffled closer to his body, before turning your head to see him softly rubbing back and forth across the bump.
“Be patient, my love.” It was a whisper which brought you comfort.
“If you’re not home by 4pm then I’m locking you out of the house.” You threaten.
He looks down at you with your fiery eyes, “sure you are.” He kisses the top of your head; you pout wanting a proper kiss. He looks at how perfect you looked with his babies, when you both found out you were having twins, the small apartment you had called home since dating. Had gone and a house in the country close enough to UA and still for you to do pro hero work was where the both of you had situated.
Your relationship have been very secretive, a small wedding ceremony which had been perfect with your family and friends. Of course people had noticed you had gone MIA but one day you’d come out and tell the world how you and Aizawa were an inseparable family.
He moved to capture your lips, grabbing his face you wanted to just drag him back to bed. But he quickly moved out of your grip, “patience Y/n.”
“Shouta.” You whine like a child would.
“Seems like ill be raising three babies now.” He mocked putting the scarf around his yellow goggles.
“I hope you break your goggles.” You huff again, he doesn’t speak only kissing your temple after the small peck he had given to your lips.
He starts to walk out the bedroom, your wedding photo situated on the cabinet. You were perfect back then and now with his kids inside of you, you became somehow even more perfect. He had never thought that the woman he had met all those years ago, who had showed of her quirk to the whole world would be the one he fell in love with.
He looked back at you, you were grumpy due to hormones but once the babies were out you knew you’d go back to being yourself (and both of you could fuck properly, but that was just a bonus.)
“Make sure to walk around the house.” He warns.
It was your turn to raise an eyebrow, “and what if I don’t, will you come home early?” Your extra clinginess melted his insides, he knew how bored your loud self was and being cooped up inside had took a toll on you.
“I’ll come home early.” The sound of your squeal lifted his spirits, it was adorable, and he loved how easily your mood changed. Your face was full, and you had something to look forward too as he left the room.
The day for Aizawa had been smooth sailing, having asked to leave at 2pm and being able to, he had been with the students whilst they were training. He could imagine teaching his kids everything to do with this world, he couldn’t wait for his own leave, to spend time with his future babies but also with his loving wife.
The sound of Bakugo shouting was something else he had gotten used to; how could a 16-year-old boy be louder than the babies he had heard on those stupid pregnancy videos you made him watch. You had shown him a woman giving birth and to say it was the weirdest thing he’s ever seen; he’d happily watch stuff go inside of you but the other way round was another issue.
He stood watching over them, they had gotten a lot stronger in the months and the events that had occurred. It was another reason for the secrecy, having to hide your relationship to prevent disaster from happening. He watched the time tick away; another two more hours and he could leave and spend the rest of the trimester with you.
The sound of running caught his ears, he looked up and saw Principle Nezu walking towards him. “Agh Aizawa, we got a call from your wife’s mother.”
He hadn’t checked his phone, but if your mother had been calling it must’ve been something serious, the class had noticed the principle and had gotten quiet even Bakugo who wanted to know why the principle was here.
“Finally, you answered, she’s going into labour.” He heard on the other liner, he was in shock, his phone dropping to the side.
“Sh…She what?” It was early, of course you both knew about early pregnancies but this he had just spoken you a couple hours ago and now here you were about to go into labour.
“In labour, her water broke whilst I came to see her.” He could hear you screaming on the other side, how you must’ve been in pain, he knew you had been dilated a couple days ago but this, this was sooner than he had expected.
Nezu got the hint that something had happened and so had the class, a flash of worry across Aizawa’s face. “We’ll send the students back to the dorms.” He was calm and Aizawa quickly rushed out of the gym, leaving nothing else to say. He needed to make it to the hospital as quick as he could, in an instant he called your mother.
“Is she okay?” He had ran outside going to his car to quickly rush to the hospital.
He heard screaming which he assumed was you, “she’s grouchy…”
Before he could hear the rest of what your mother said, he heard you shout, “if that’s my idiot of a husband tell him to get to the fucking hospital.” It was a wail and he regretted not taking the day off.
“Y/n.” Her mother scowled, “we’re at the hospital, I’ll text you the room.” Is all her mother said before hanging up. Aizawa was stressed to say the least but what he hadn’t seen through the chaos was class 1A following him.
The class had seen the worry and panic before he jolted out of the room, “you all are dismissed for the day.” Nezu spoke before leaving.
“What do you think happened?” Momo questioned worried.
“He seemed in a hurry; it was probably something important.” Kirishima retorted back.
The class watched him on the phone the question of ‘is she okay?’ being heard. “Who do you think he’s talking about?” Mina asked.
“Why do you lot care so much?” Bakugo angrily said pissed that training had been cut early.
“He’s our teacher, what if something bad happened Kacchan.” Midoriya answered but it just fuelled Bakugo’s anger.
“We should follow him.” Denki suggested. “It might be serious and if people need help, we can help.”
They nodded, all assuming it had something to do with hero work, seeing Aizawa in his car, they started to follow him on foot, “we should’ve taken one of the buses.” Bakugo scowled following.
“We cant drive.” Kirishima muttered back.
Bakugo huffed following them all on the long walk, it was easy enough to keep following due to the mass traffic occurring. Aizawa having got the room number, he didn’t care for his surroundings, his eyes fixated on the road.
He finally saw the sign for the hospital and breathed out hoping you hadn’t gotten into labour yet. “Why is he at a hospital?” Ururaka questioned, “do you think someone got hurt?”
“Maybe we should go back.” Momo said not wanting to intrude on something that could have no villainous intent.
“Shut up extra’s, we’re already here.” Bakugo muttered walking to the entrance, they all followed the angry boy who glared at the children coming out of that ward.
“When did you care about the injured?” Kirishima questioned the blond.
“I don’t, you dragged me with you so now we’re staying.” For one thing the boy was persistent.
Across the hospital, Aizawa had ran to the room and saw your eyes filled with fury, your mother holding your hand as he could see how much pain you were in. “Look what the cat dragged in.” You scowled in pain.
“You can take over now.” Is all her mother said, going outside and waiting. He took her place and in an instance your hands had grabbed his.
“You must be the husband, I’ll be helping your wife, can you wear these?” The doctor spoke passing the blue overall type to keep his clothes covered, Aizawa obliged still holding your hand. “Mrs Aizawa you’re about 9cm dilated once you get to 10cm I’m going to tell you to push, okay?”
You were breathless and felt dreary, it would’ve been fine if it wasn’t for the fact you were having twins. You knew you’d go through even more pain then normal and in that moment felt scared.
“Hey kitten, look at me, you’ll do amazing.” Aizawa tried to be encouraging but even he was scared for all three of you.
“It hurts.” You tried to hide the tears, but it mixed in with the sweat.
“I know kitten, but you can grab onto me as hard as you want.” He smiles moving the strands of hair away from your sweaty forehead.
“10cm’s.” One of the nurses spoke out, the doctor nodded before looking at the angry you and calm husband.
“Mrs Aizawa you need to start pushing.” The pain was excruciating, you tried to push your grip on Aizawa’s hands becoming tighter. It was the worst pain you’d gone through and you’d been stabbed before.
Aizawa gave words of encouragement but all you wanted to do was tell him to shut up, tears cascaded down your face whilst pushing. “I see a head.” The doctor spoke, “keep pushing.”
You pushed a long with what the nurses had told you, in time to make sure you weren’t just randomly pushing. Aizawa was the first to see it, first to see the baby come out, it was quiet before wailing out loud, it was his turn to cry. The baby being placed on your chest before the doctor continued, “one more push, let’s get the other one out.”
You felt the first baby on your ski grabbing your neck as you kept on pushing, “I don’t want too.” You cried out but seeing Aizawa and how he looked at the baby on your chest you knew you needed too.
“Come on kitten, one more push.” He spoke a loud, you suppresses the tears before feeling another hard push come and the head of another baby erupt out of you. The doctor but the second baby on your chest, both their crying having stopped.
They stayed on you, you let go of Aizawas hand as the doctor told him he could cut the umbilical cord, he happily obliged before looking at the two babies that you both had created. They were smaller then normal and there eyes were tightly shut clinging onto their new mother.
“We need to weigh and clean them.” The doctor spoke as two nurses took the babies ready to put tags on them, the oldest had been a boy and the youngest a girl. You missed there touch and hold wanting to hold them again but watching them being taken out.
“We did it.” You spoke sleepily as you felt yourself being cleaned up and ready to be moved into another room.
“Yeah, we did.” Aizawa spoke going in to kiss your temple, “we’re parents.”
Tears brimmed his eyes; this normal dry flat facial features had become happier and all he could think about was how you looked with his two children. How he had gotten a family that he had never expected to have had.
Being moved to a different room, Aizawa followed sitting on the chair beside you. You saw the two babies come back to you both, in an instance they were placed back into your arms. “You can hold them?”
You had seen Aizawa’s hesitance to even touch the babies, but he knew how to do it and with ease they both were situated in his arms. You could hear your mother outside, she seemed to be talking to some people, but you ignored it watching at how Aizawa’s eyes welled up at the two babies.
“Where are my grandchildren?” Your mother spoke a loud before having heart eyes at how Aizawa was holding your babies.
“Mum, please be quieter.”
“Hey, I had to handle your screams, let me be happy, they look adorable with their father.” She spoke moving to the bed.
“They really do.” You both watched him look at the two children, a tear falling from his face.
Your mother turned back to you and she smiled at you, “I’m proud of you.” You give a nod holding her hand before she speaks, “have you two got any na…”
Before she could continue you hear the door open with the doctor coming in, “it seems you two have more visitors.”
You were both confused on the matter, nobody really knew you had gone into pregnancy except your parents and his and your father was still at work whilst his parents were out of town. It was unexpected but your eyes widen when you see the group of 16-year olds.
“They were wondering around the hospital.” The doctor speaks, Aizawa hadn’t noticed his students, but you and your mother had.
The kids were in shock at seeing a pro hero in a hospital bed but there eyes went to Aizawa’s he had been looking at his babies, unaware of his surroundings.
Nobody spoke instead just watching Aizawa interact with the two new-born babies, a smile placed on his normal flat self. “Did he steal two babies?” You hear one of them whisper, you instantly begin to speak after that.
“Shouta.” You whisper.
“Yeah.” He was so out of dazed but once he turns to face them all, he’s in shock as well.
“I’ll leave you to handle this.” Your mother leaves not wanting to have to explain this scenario.
Aizawa was still in shock, you reach out for one of the babies, he passes you the youngest, who starts to grab at your fingers. He sits holding the boy, before the class start cascading you both in questions.
“Are they yours?”, “How do you know Pro Hero Y/n?”, “Who is she to you?”
Aizawa looks at them and then at his family, you nod a sign that he could tell them everything, “This is my wife, and these are our new kids.”
It was a simple but effective, the class in shock that there homeroom teacher who seemed to be detached had you the loving pro hero as a wife, but even more now had two kids.
“Congratulations.” They all spoke a loud. It was rehearsed and you could tell that it all came out due to shock.
“What are you doing here anyway, I thought we said go back to the dorms.” Aizawa scowled.
“Baby, it’s fine, it’s good they found out anyway, since you wont be teaching them for a bit.” You calmed the man down.
He shakes his head at how easily you calmed him down, “you’re an amazing pro hero.” Midoriya spoke a loud, you thanked him before they didn’t know what else to say.
“I’ll go call Nezu, he can get you back to UA.” Aizawa muttered handing you the other child as he left the room.
“You married Aizawa.” Mina spoke a loud everybody looked at her, “what? We were all thinking it?”
You laugh looking at them all, “yes I did.”
“And you slept with him.” Mina continued with ever more eyes growing wider.
You continued to laugh, “that is how I got pregnant.”
“What are their names?” Ururaka asked coming towards the two kids.
You sat upright, letting them have a closer look, they all came forward even Bakugo who saw children as devils spawn. They were fresh out and anew, so pure and innocent as they tugged onto your hair.
“We haven’t decided yet.” You said looking at the two kids, you notice Aizawa at the door looking at the class as they surrounded you and the babies. The way they were quieter than they had ever been around two new-borns, they spent time asking questions and looking at the two babies. Before being dragged back to UA, all smiling happily at having spent the afternoon with two new-borns.
“They look like you.” You mutter sleepily, the two babies being put to sleep on the other sides of the room. “We made them.”
“I love you.” He whispers kissing you softly, you kiss back, happily at the new family you had and Aizawa finally realised what his happiness was. You and your two babies were all he ever needed now.
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i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
if you guys want to be a part of a tag list, just reply to any post and i’ll add you xx
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empyreanwritings · 4 years
Old Habits Die Hard
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Pairing: Yelena Belova x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: violence, mentions of kill orders, blood, strangulation, slight angst with a hopeful ending, language
Summary: After a year of running and fighting your ex, it's finally time for a conversation.
A/N: This was written for @envoyofyagami for winning my 3k giveaway! I'm sorry this took so long but I hope you enjoy it bby! Also first fic of 2021, let's celebrate a little!
Feedback is always welcome and appreciated (: x
The heat was unforgiving today. Your position on the rooftop did little to shield you from the sun. Sweat stuck your back, your skin felt feverish, and your throat was dry. You wanted nothing more than to pack up and go home, but you couldn't. It was the first time in months your target showed her face in public. You couldn't lose her now. 
Your relationship with Yelena Belova was complicated, to say the least. Five years you had spent with her, convinced you were soulmates and ready to marry. But life never turned out the way you hoped - not for two assassin's with too much blood on their hands. 
Instead of planning a wedding, you were planning a murder. 
It wasn't your choice. The agency you worked for put a hit on her after word got around the Black Widows wanted you dead. You wondered if that was her doing or not. The break up had been messy, but it wasn't messy enough to want you dead, was it? You didn't think so, but you weren't going to wait around to see what happened. You needed to take her out before she got you. It was only fair. 
You adjusted the rifle resting on your shoulder and sighed. Through the scope you saw her enjoying breakfast at a small streetside cafe. She was blissfully unaware that she was being watched. All the training in the world, and she wasn't looking over her shoulder every few minutes? It was too good to be true, too easy for someone who hunted you as well. 
And if you knew anything about Yelena, she never made anything easy. 
You glanced through the scope again, and a familiar glimmer just under her chin reflected as she lifted her lips to meet the rim of her champagne glass. A mask. She was wearing a fucking mask. 
"Fuck!" You hissed. 
There was no time to process you being duped as a wire wrapped around your throat and yanked you backwards. A strangled yelp left you lips, and it was the last bit of air you managed to suck in. 
Your attacker left no room for you to slip your fingers under the wire, so you needed to think of another strategy. Fast. Your oxygen was rapidly leaving your brain, and your eyesight grew more blurry by the second. You swung your arm back, tapping around until your hand met any body part you could find. Once you found her calf, you slipped your knife from under your jacket sleeve and jammed it into her muscle. 
She shouted and released you instantly. The rush of air into your lungs stung but was welcomed. You didn't have long to catch your breath, though. Having your back turned on someone who wanted you dead was a rookie mistake, and you were no rookie. 
You spun around, bloodied knife still grasped tightly, and paused when the barrel of a gun met your gaze. Your eyes trailed from the glint of the silver to Yelena's pained expression, and you smirked. Despite the situation, she still managed to make your chest feel warm. You only hoped that happened to be the air filling your lungs and not your feelings. 
"The decoy was a nice touch," you praised sardonically and slowly lowered your knife. Yelena's brows shot up to her hairline as you tossed it onto the ground, and you shrugged. "If you really wanted to shoot me, you would have done so already. Let's talk." 
She watched you silently walk over to your bag and pulled out a first aid kit. It wasn't until you slid it over to her that she finally lowered the gun. 
"Figured I'd be able to distract you long enough with her," she replied. 
You grumbled and rubbed at the raw throat. "Feels like you were actually trying to kill me this time." 
"I can say the same to you." 
You leaned against the edge of the roof, digging the heels of your boots into the gravel. You were exhausted. It seemed like every time one of you closed in on the other, someone disappeared. The hits had been put out at the beginning of last year, and the longer you played this game of cat and mouse, the sloppier you became. Maybe it was simply because you knew it would end eventually, maybe you were just done running. Yelena’s loyalty to the Widow’s wouldn’t allow her to leave this rooftop without killing you, and you had no intention of dying today. The fight would need to pick up once she bandaged her wound. 
Even if part of you wished it didn’t need to. 
“So, how do you want to do this?” You asked dryly. “You want to have a stand-off and see who draws first, or do you want a fight to the death? I’m all about the dramatics, but I am getting old.” 
“I said neither!” She snapped and roughly tossed the pack of antiseptic wipes to the ground. 
You rolled your eyes and huffed. “We’ve been hired to kill each other. You know how this ends.” 
Yelena stayed quiet, choosing to focus on her wounds rather than your words. You didn’t understand her. She dumped your ass when you showed interest in getting married - claimed she wasn’t ready for a commitment so big. She was also the one who agreed to pick up the bounty on you and just finished trying to strangle you with a wire! But she wanted to pout over the idea of killing each other? 
As a feminist, you hated to say it, but women were fucking complicated. 
“Then what are we supposed to do?” You croaked, not making the effort to look up at her. “Cause I can’t keep doing this.” 
A beat of silence passed before she finally leaned back against her hands and let out a sigh. It sounded more like she was trying to remember to breathe rather than get out her frustrations, but you refused to comment on it. Why did you care so much? 
“Perhaps there is another way,” she finally murmured. “Perhaps I can say I lost sight on you today, and I hear rumors that you’ve headed back home to Greece. A foreign land where our agencies don’t have footholds is quite a place for two people to disappear under the radar.” 
You chuckled quietly. “You suggesting we run away together? Live the normal life we always wanted?” 
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
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waithyuck · 4 years
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pairing: elf! na jaemin x reader (f) **halloweenie special**
genre: smut, supernatural au
word count: 3k
warnings: {OKAY IM PUTTING A WARNING FOR VERY MILD *DUB-CON* BC TECHNICALLY THE READER IS TRICKED , BUT IN THE END OBVIOUSLY CONSENTS, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED}, sexual content (fingering, dry humping), explicit language, use of several pet names, possessive behavior and vocabulary, reader just wants to find her damn cat but gets a whole lot more than that, bad attempts at explaining folklore, I’m sorry for any inaccuracies 😬 **ALSO UNEDITED**
a/n: **repost bc tumblr sucks** this is definitely more of my own spin on what I think an elf would be like, so sorry to those of you who are into the lore and stuff 🥺
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your grandmother was always a very smart woman, and you knew that very well. so when she told you not to do something, you made sure to NEVER do it.
you lived with her on the very outskirts of your town; your own backyard made up of a very dense forest with enough trees in it to block out almost all sunlight. your bedroom window faced the forest, and every night you were forced to stare at it as you sat at your desk, contemplating what went on in there.
your grandmother repeatedly told you to never go in there, no matter what, ever since you were a child. she would talk about all kinds of crazy things, like witches and faeries, and even elves.
the first time she told you about the dark forest, you were only six years old.
“you can’t go in there, y/n.” she said seriously, crouching before you as you stood in the kitchen with her. “no matter how much it may call you, you can never enter it.”
you didn’t understand, so of course, in typical child fashion, you questioned her.
“well why not?” you shot back, crossing your arms and pouting. she stood back up after looking at you for a second, going back to mixing brownie batter in a large bowl.
“the fae are dangerous creatures. the forest is littered with them, my dear.” she stopped for a moment, gazing out the kitchen window and into the thick gathering of trees and plant life. “the elves will claim you once you enter, and you may never be able to escape again.”
after that, she didn’t say much else to you about it.
at first, you thought she was just trying to scare you into not wandering off, but after a while you began to believe her.
there would be strange noises in the night; like whispers calling out to you from the direction of your window. it creeped you out but you tried to convince yourself it was just your imagination playing tricks on you.
your life continued on like that for years, and eventually it didn’t phase you at all. you were used to the nightly whispers now, and even your cat didn’t seem to mind them, if she could hear them at all.
you never told your grandmother about them, however. she was getting old and you didn’t want to be the reason she had a heart attack, as awful as that sounded.
for being as old as she was, she still got around pretty good, and there were days when she left you along for a good few hours to go out on walks with her other old lady friends.
it was really cute.
today was just like any other day like that; your grandmother left around eleven in the morning to go out, leaving you some breakfast on the counter for when you inevitably stumbled out of your room at one o’clock in the afternoon.
everything seemed normal. you ate in silence and scrolled through your phone at the kitchen table, but then noticed something was right.
looking around you, you noticed your cat was nowhere in sight. she would usually be up on the table sitting and staring at you or rubbing against your leg for no reason, but currently she was nowhere to be found.
at first you just assumed she was sleeping somewhere else, but after eating you searched the house and couldn’t find her anywhere. walking back into the kitchen you happened to glance outside and your heart jumped in your chest.
then you started to panic.
looking out into the backyard you saw her stark white fur disappear into the thick brush of the forest, and you almost screamed out loud at the sight.
“fuck,” you exclaimed, your heart racing and your mind thinking of all the ways to try to get her back. you were always advised to not go into the forest...but you couldn’t let your poor cat who you loved very dearly to get mauled out there by some bigger animal.
you had to go after her.
you mustered you all the courage you had inside you, not bothering to change out of your ratty shorts and t-shirt before shoving your feet in your sneakers. you let out a shaky breath as you walked into your backyard, staring down the darkness of the forest with determination.
as you apprehensively made your way to the very entrance of the brush, you spotted a large crooked stick, and didn’t hesitate to grab it to use as a weapon if necessary.
you didn’t want to be completely defenseless against any supernatural creatures you came across. you had a gut feeling that running into one would be inevitable, and the fear rang like a siren in the back of your mind like a sonata.
the ‘do not enter’ and ‘keep out: danger’ signs did nothing to ease your pounding heart and screaming nerves, but you pressed on regardless. you had to do this, for your stupid cat.
with one large step, you passed the boundary of the trees, the wind picking up as soon as you did. a chill ran down your spine but you kept your legs moving, careful not to break your ankles on any protruding roots. it was incredibly dark, even though the sun was high in the sky, but the leaves of the towering trees cut out almost all light.
you stumbled around aimlessly for what felt like hours, but in reality it had only probably been about 45 minutes before you stopped and took a breather. checking your phone for the time, you felt a pang in your chest when you realized that it was off, and wouldn’t turn back on no matter how hard you tried.
“fuck,” you muttered, fear creeping up on your soul once again. you really didn’t want to be in this forest longer than necessary, and you really seriously contemplated just leaving your cat behind, as horrible as that was.
your eyes gazed around, taking in the trees surrounding you. nothing seemed too out of the ordinary...all though you really though you saw a few small dashes of light fly around you through your periphery. you prayed that they weren’t pixies or fairies of whatever else your grandmother told you about.
you didn’t trust anything, no matter how beautiful or non-threatening they seemed to be on the outside.
“hello there.” a voice spoke out suddenly, causing you to jump and spin around, dropping your makeshift weapon in the process.
your eyes met the sight of a young man who looked to be around your age, with a slightly unsettling smile upon his face. he was almost too handsome; the beauty that emanated from him in waves was incredibly addicting, and you felt the pull of him immediately. it was hard to tear your eyes away, and that scared you.
you had no idea where he had come from, nor did you know how he managed to so quietly sneak up behind you like he did. you definitely would have heard him coming, considering the amount of twigs and leaves littering the ground at your feet.
your heart raced at the possibility of who, or what, he was, your mind trying to go through everything your sweet old grandmother ever told you. some inner part of you already knew what you were dealing with.
“don’t hurt yourself, darling,” the man spoke again, referencing to your mind working in overtime. he took a step forward toward you, and in turn you took a large stumbling step back. he watched you move, chuckling. “I’m jaemin, care to tell me your name?”
“n-no,” you managed to say, your hands clutched at your chest as you tried to calm your racing heart. you swore you saw his eyes flicker a bright aquamarine for a moment before returning back to brown as his smile faltered slightly. It came back a split second later.
“you’re a smart girl,” he purred, most likely realizing that you knew he wasn’t human, inching closer once more. you felt frozen, unable to step back like you truly wanted to, and you willed yourself not to panic. “you know what I am, I presume?”
your lips shook as you opened your mouth to speak, your tongue running over your chapped lips and he watched every single movement, causing your body to shiver.
“I have a-an idea,” you softly whispered, not breaking eye contact as he stopped in front of you. he didn’t say a word, only smiling at you as you stayed frozen in your spot. one word screamed in your mind: elf. you didn’t even have to look at his pointed ears to deduct that. the vibe he gave off was abundantly clear, even if you had never encountered another being of his kind before.
it didn’t feel like he was compelling you; it was more or less your reaction to the immense shock and fear you felt, coming in contact with a creature your grandmother always warned you about.
and it’s all because of your dumb cat.
“l-look dude, I’m just trying to find my cat.” you stated strongly now, holding your ground as best you could as he looked at you intensely, that slightly unsettling smile never leaving his face.
“once it entered the forest it became mine.” he simply retorted, leaning against the tree trunk beside him. “anything that passes the trees here belongs to me…” he paused for a moment, his eyes now glowing a full bright aquamarine, startling you as he seared his gaze through your very soul. “so I guess that means you’re mine as well. how lucky.”
the elf spoke softly, but there was an edge to his tone that made you shiver, paired with his choice of words.
“I-I’m not..” you stuttered, your fists clenched by your sides. was he the ruler of the forest? some sort of elf king?
“you’re not?” he asked, chuckling to himself as he pushed his body from the tree, slowly slithering toward you on his bare feet. “did you not hear what I said? everything in this forest is mine. that includes living creatures,” you had no willpower to move away as he crowded your space, his glowing eyes paralyzing you as his body drew closer and closer. “I wonder what I should do with my new possession.” he smirked to himself, reaching a pale hand out to gently cup your chin, laughing lowly as you instinctively flinched. “you are without a doubt the prettiest thing I’ve seen enter my domain in years, princess. I’ve been waiting for you.”
his last sentence threw you off, but for a moment your brain couldn’t remember the whispers you heard all those years, and it didn’t click. you couldn’t deny that this elf man was attractive; and you couldn’t deny the fact that his voice had your legs weakening with every word he spoke. you cursed yourself mentally for being affected by him, because deep down you were aware of the danger of encountering elves.
thinking back to your cat, you wondered why she would have left the house in the first place. she was lazy and never wanted to really move...unless something was calling her…
your heart seemed to stop beating and your blood ran cold.
“you tr-tricked me…” you said in realization, your eyes widening. “you tricked me into coming in here, using m-my cat!” your voice was panicked and you found it hard to breathe. then, your brain finally figured it out. “you’re the one that’s been whispering to me all these years, aren’t y-you?”
he smiled at you with dark aquamarine eyes, and now you weren’t sure how you were going to get yourself out of this mess.
you weren’t entirely sure you wanted to get out of this mess.
wait, what?, your eyes widened at your own thoughts, where did that come from??
suddenly and without warning, your entire body was grasped in his hold. his hands dominantly gripped your waist and flipped you around so that your front was smacked up against a tree, the sharp bark scratching your cheek as your face was scraped against it.
“you’re my kitty now.” his voice whispered directly into your ear, his breath causing your body to visibly shiver in his hold.
you didn’t mean to whine, you really didn’t, but when he his teeth found your ear and nibbled gently on the skin, you couldn’t hold it in. your legs trembled beneath you as your knees weakened, the feeling of his warm body pressed tightly against your back leaving you wanting more and more.
he pressed deceivingly sweet kisses along your neck, your hands clutching the bark of the tree in response, your nails scratching along the surface. you jolted when you felt his right hand move down your front and nestle between your legs, putting pressure right against your covered center.
“hmm, you want it, don’t you?” he mumbled quietly, his chest rumbling against your back. “your thoughts are so loud, I know you can’t resist me.”
your thighs clenched in anticipation as he ran his long fingers delicately along your core through your shorts, and you let out a breathy whimper in response.
he tsk’d at you, giving your pussy a light slap through the thin fabric before completely drawing it away. “I wanna hear you say yes, kitty.”
his voice was demanding as he spoke, and you couldn’t disobey.
with your eyes glazing over, you gripped the tree trunk tightly and mewled out, “yes!”
you could practically hear him smirk, his chuckling causing you to grow even more wet as he finally slipped his hand down your front and into your shorts. when his long finger reached your bare and sensitive nub, you could help but arch your back, causing your ass to press tightly against his rapidly hardening cock. he groaned right in your ear, his hips bucking and grinding against your behind in time with his strokes against your clit.
“you’re already so wet, darling,” he moaned out, dipping his finger down to circle your entrance. “I could just...slide right in.” with those words, he slipped his index finger into you in one clean movement, his long finger reaching deep inside your pussy.
you cried out when the tip of his finger brushed a sweet spot inside you, and you heard him groan in response, a deep chuckle following.
“good girl,” he muttered, casually slipping his middle finger inside you beside his pointer. the stretch had you throwing you head back, giving him access to your pretty neck. “be as loud as you want, baby. it’s just me, you, and the forest now.”
his hips grinding against your from behind never ceased, and he thrusted his fingers to the same rhythm as his hips. he was literally fingerfucking you; before you knew it he was adding a third finger.
to help with the burn of the stretch, he reached his free hand down and used two fingers to pinch and roll your clit, making you squeeze your eyes shut and clench your teeth at the sudden immense pleasure you were feeling.
it was embarrassing, but you were already so close to reaching your high. you really wanted this feeling to last forever, so you tried to hold it as long as you could.
the noises escaping from you only grew louder the harder he went; the powerful strokes from his hips driving you into the bark of the tree and his fingers plowing deep inside you had you practically screaming.
his lips found your neck and he left wet kisses there, his grains and growls only enhancing your feelings of ecstasy. he sounded like sin, and even though he was an elven boy that you had just stumbled across, you knew you didn’t want him to leave your life. you never wanted to live in a world where you couldn’t hear his moans, and that thought almost terrified you. the effect he was having on you was extremely intense, and you weren’t sure if it was normal, but at this point you were far too gone to care.
“are you gonna cum, kitty?” he strained out, breaking you out of your thought as his hips stuttered against your ass, his fingers still powerfully fucking into you. you could only nod desperately, your throat sore from the guttural sounds you were releasing.
he let out a breathy laugh, causing your walls to flutter around his digits. “then cum. I wanna feel you fucking drench my fingers.”
his words were all it took for you to let go. you screamed as you came, your nails scratching against the tree as your cheek scraped sharply on the bark, most likely drawing blood. your pussy clamped so hard around his fingers that he could barely move them in and out of you, so he drew circles over your clit to help you ride out your orgasm.
his hips pressed tightly against you, and you could feel through your own pants the wet spot on the front of his, indicating that he had cum as well.
after a powerful minute of cumming, you felt your eyes droop in exhaustion almost immediately. jaemin withdrew his fingers from you, wiping your essence on his pants before grouping your waist to keep you from collapsing. you definitely would have fallen if it weren’t for his hold on you.
he gently lowered you to the ground, turning your body so your back was able to rest against the trunk. he wiped at the scratches on your cheek with his thumb, but even though it stung you didn’t have the energy to flinch.
“go to sleep, precious.” he said softly, still stroking your face lovingly. his gentle nature should have set off all of the alarms in your mind and body, but you didn’t have enough energy to care.
in the back of your mind you realized that you probably would never see your cat or your grandmother again, and that you would most likely be trapped in this forest with jaemin for the rest of your days on earth. you didn't want to think about it now, so you took his advice and allowed your eyes to close, dreaming of jaemin and nothing else.
maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
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