#fic: sanguine
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kittylittersmoothie · 13 days ago
POV: You suddenly remember the story that you were supposed to be writing several weeks ago exists
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naffeclipse · 2 years ago
Instead of a raging insomniac, what about Sun and Moon handling a Y/N who is a furious narcoleptic? It would involve Sun coaxing Y/N to stay awake because yikes, even Moon agrees that it's a problem to sit down for one second at the security desk and immediately slump over into a dead sleep.
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chiropteracupola · 11 months ago
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in the mood for a modern au. banishing them to Community Theatre.
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changelingsandothernonsense · 2 months ago
✶Sujumma Morndas (Coz I live in the future)✶
Thank you @skyrim-forever and @sulphuricgrin for tagging me!
tagging @archangelsunited @nyarevar @saltymaplesyrup @pocket-vvardvark @dayundying @vivifriend @viss-and-pinegar @firefly-factory no pressure tagging is no pressures. [This week Sujamma has been brushing up on his literacy. It's hard being a humble Nix-Hound. Reading doesn't come naturally to him, but he's doing his best! This week Sujamma is hoping you will help him learn to read!
Post a favorite scene, favorite sentence, favorite dialogue, favorite anything from any fic you've written! If you haven't written any fic, feel free to share your ideas. If you don't have any, recommend a friend's fic!]
Going to post a snippet from the one shot "The Myriad Realms of Revelry" or that time Josh joined then ran a Cult of Sanguine out in the Alik'r. The section I'm sharing doesn't involve smut but I will drop a NSFT warning on the fic itself. It's about a sex cult and Josh getting caught up in a massacre as a result. This is the point in his history where his brain gets a bit skooma addled, so...
Josh kills some Vigilants and escapes a ruin with a familiar face below the cut.
His ear was ringing something awful as he struggled to sit up, something heavy seemed to be preventing him from moving his legs. Teldryn wiped the dust out of his eyes and looked around him, struggling to understand the scene before him.
Fire was what stood out to him the most. The flickering of orange flames surrounded him, and dust floated through the air…or maybe it was smoke? Teldryn couldn’t tell, there was too much going on around him.
Screaming slowly began to replace the ringing in his ear before the whole scene cleared in his mind. It took one of his followers running past him, robe burning as he ran towards the ancient fountain that sat in the centre of the hall. For him to realise they had been ejected from Oblivion by some extreme force.
Teldryn looked down and was met with the lifeless form of his favourite sprawled across his lap. Her green eyes glazed and unfocused as they stared up at the ceiling. Her mask was broken and blood dripped from her mouth, nose and ear.
This was not what he wanted.
Teldryn leant down and kissed the girl on the lips as he closed her eyes. He carefully moved her to the side as he stood. He would find out what the fuck had happened and he’d fucking kill whoever did it!
He looked around him the room choked by a thick black smoke. His followers were strewn across the hall, some struggling to their feet, some staring about in shock. Most of them were just lying about the room. Still and lifeless, some missing limbs and suffering deep wounds from whatever had caused the blast. He saw a small, delicate hand lying at his feet. He knew who it belonged to.
Teldryn still felt stunned as he took in the whole scene before him. He noticed there was something a little off amongst those Revellers who were still standing. Namely, that several of them were dressed in armoured mages’ robes. The faded teal fabric stood apart from the scarlet decor that his followers had covered every surface with. He watched as one of them ran a blade across the neck of one of his screaming followers, the Redguard falling to the ground as he held his hands to the gaping wound across his throat.
“Stendarr’s Mercy be upon you, for the Vigil has none to spare!”
Those fanatical fuck heads had found them! It was just a question as to how. Though maybe that didn’t matter anymore, everyone was dead. Teldryn felt an intense rage take him, he had not wanted this! The cult was just supposed to continue without him. Find a new leader and keep up Sanguine’s praises. Instead, the bodies of those whom he had spent decades with lay mangled at his feet. Some were so burnt that he couldn’t tell who they used to be…some were still breathing.
He pooled his magicka into his palm and unleashed a jet of fire at the Vigilant, engulfing her in flame. He walked towards her as the fires died down, taking the blade she had dropped to the ground and holding it to the dying woman’s throat. A charred hand reached for his ankle as he placed a foot on her chest, gurgling something as he smiled down at her.
“Pray to your god for mercy,” Teldryn hummed as he plunged the blade into her throat, “For I have none.”
He withdrew his blade from the woman’s throat, twirling it in his hand as he flicked the excess blood from the weapon. The thing was a standard-looking steel sword. Not his favourite weapon but it would do until he got back to his chambers. Teldryn raced out of the banquette hall, and up the set of stairs that led to his living quarters. He dodged the carnage as he raced through the hall, slicing at whichever fuck it was that came at him. Honestly, he couldn’t quite tell who it was half the time! Friend or foe he didn’t fucking care! Everything was just a blur, and the sheer amount of moon sugar he had ingested earlier that night certainly wasn’t fucking helping things!
He had finally gotten back to his private chambers and hurriedly set about gathering his things. Teldryn grabbed his ebony scimitar and slung his pack over his shoulder. He had placed his set of netch leathers in his bag and threw on a pair of boots. His armour would take too long to put on, and he was already feeling light-headed from the lack of air. He coughed as a thick, black smoke began to fill his room. He had to get out of here. Now!
And then something moved out of the corner of his eye.
Teldryn looked up, expecting a Vigilant, weapon ready to take him in combat, which would have been a stupid idea on that fuck’s behalf. He was even more dangerous with a blade when he was off his face and didn’t know which way was up.
Instead, he was met with what looked like one of his followers. Though it couldn’t have been, he was the only Dunmer here. He’d have remembered seeing her around, surely. Had he really become so numb to everything around him that she simply joined without him noticing?
“We have to get out of here!” he wheezed as he staggered towards the door. The girl only nodded, her silver mask glinting in the light of the inferno that surrounded them. A nightingale, the feathers detailed in silver. She smiled at him, before turning, her long, auburn hair swaying behind her as she slinked down the hall.
Her eyes had reminded him of Gidain’s. Amaranth, bright and beautiful.
He raced after her, following her as she ran down the halls and through the ruin. She almost seemed to move right through the chaos, as if the dead and dying were nothing but illusions. Her robe reminded him of starlight as she raced through the halls and then she was gone. Her form lost in the thick, black smoke that threatened to choke the life from him.
Teldryn sank to the ground, choking on the thick smoke. The heat was growing unbearable and he found himself lost in the chaos. His vision began to tunnel as he lay down on the stone floor, heated by the inferno that raged around him.
And then she returned, amaranth eyes bright and sparkling behind that silver mask. She smiled at him and the look made his heart slam against his chest. Who was she? Teldryn took her hand and let her help him to his feet. She let go and started running through the halls again, her form disappearing into the darkness.
‘Follow her!’
It was the first time in decades that Nerevar said something that he actually agreed with.
He set off after the girl, catching up to her as she seemingly ran through a Vigilant, their mace at the ready as Teldryn ran straight into it. The thick steel connected with his ribs and knocked the wind from him. He grabbed at the area that had been hit as he sunk to his knees, trying his best to suck in a breath as an intense ache radiated through his chest. The Vigilant approached him, raising his mace for a final swing.
He wasn’t sure if it had actually connected with his head. Honestly, he didn’t quite know what had happened though he suspected that Nerevar had something to do with it. He could feel a sharp pain behind his eye that told him he must have well and truly spent his miserable stores of magicka. A cool breeze rustled through his hair as he stared at the vast, open night sky. He tried to suck in a breath of air, the act causing his chest to throb, and he cried out in pain.
Teldryn looked down at his abdomen, his fingers brushing painfully against the area on his right side where the mace hit. The skin looked like it was beginning to bruise, the thick, gnarled scar that webbed across his torso oozed that thick, black substance from the small lacerations caused by the edges of the weapon. He was certain that bastard managed to crack his ribs. Fucking fantastic!
Teldryn struggled to his feet and gathered his things, slinging his bag over his shoulder and grabbing his scimitar. He looked around him, hoping that maybe someone else had escaped that inferno. His heart sank when he realised he was alone. Standing half naked in the middle of the fucking desert, covered in soot.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 20 days ago
Summary: Zhou Zishu is ready to be done with Tian Chuang. He's ready for his seventh nail, and ready to wander before facing his eighty one brothers with a bowed head in the afterlife. He will do this after, apparently, one last mission that's simply too intriguing to pass up. The Ghost Valley has sent a letter past its borders, asking to attend the Heroes Conference of the Five Lakes Alliance. The Five Lakes Alliance, unbelievably, has accepted. Both no doubt have hidden intentions, and Prince Jin wants eyes and ears on the scene. Zhou Zishu can't quite bring himself to deny his own ravenous curiosity enough not to accept. The stunning beauty that shows up with the girls of the Department of the Unfaithful, the one who introduces himself as Wen Kexing, is universally assumed to be a favorite plaything of the yet unseen Ghost Valley Master. His beauty and charm may be enough to captivate all the others into underestimating him, but Zhou Zishu knows a killer's eyes when he sees one. Wen Kexing is a puzzle he'd like to figure out, and Zishu himself can't say he isn't also captivated by dark eyes and a smile that wouldn't be out of place with blood in its teeth.
Author: jaemyun
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Was it casual when we went drinking together and spent the rest of the night travelling the land, causing chaos. Was it casual when I didn't remember a single thing, but my main objective was to find you after. Was it casual when you revealed yourself to be a diety who disguised himself as a mortal just to spend a night out with me. Was it casual when, as you said goodbye, you gave me a rose. Was it casual when you gave me an artefact that would summon a warrior that looked like you to protect me?
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waterdeep-weavemoss · 4 months ago
question for the vampire... astarion, my love, what the everloving FUCK was that
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effelants · 4 months ago
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is a loosely canonical chronicle of the events of Dragon Age: Origins with an F!Amell/Alistair pairing featuring a canonically impossible Warden, which results in some familiar situations resolved in unfamiliar ways.
It is fully pre-written (by myself, over the course of the past seven years) and fully illustrated (by the exceptional @vjatoch), and is being published in a serial format with weekly updates.
in which Alistair has a realization about his fellow Warden that might make things a bit uncomfortable going forward.
Read chapter 10 on AO3!
(Yes, it’s technically chapter 12 on AO3 because chapters 1 and 8 are covers… but don’t mind that!)
Start from the beginning!
Sign up for the tag list by commenting below to get tagged on weekly update posts on tumblr! Alternatively, you can follow the tag #ssfp sanguine!
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kittylittersmoothie · 2 months ago
The first chapter of the "Brews & Bandage" rewrite...
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..Is finally complete.
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ashamedbliss · 4 months ago
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Sun, Sea, and Sanguine Arts by ashamedbliss on AO3
Bloodweave, M, Chapter 14/? out now!
Fic summary:
After a year spent in seclusion, former professor Gale Dekarios is convinced by his tressym to travel to Ioma. Not just to research the magical crystals there, mind, but to pick himself back up following a string of failures. Suddenly freed by the death of his master Cazador, Astarion has fled as far as possible from Baldur’s Gate to seek solace for the first time in two hundred years, armed with nothing more than a broken sunwalking ring. At a romantic seaside getaway, the last thing either of them expect to find is love.
Chapter 14 Summary:
Gale's latest discovery about the Iomic crystal might just be his most ground-breaking of all.
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hear-feel-think · 6 months ago
FFXIVWrite2024 | #20 - Duel
Rating: T
Sometimes, being a romantic in a city full of pirates is hazardous to your health.
Leather Bridle stumbled backward into the street at daybreak, wearing only her skivvies and clutching her clothes to her chest in a hastily gathered bundle. “How was I supposed to know she was your girl?” she called to the angry woman in the doorframe.
“If ye’d spent any time in the Missing Member, ye’d know!” shouted the Sanguine Siren. “Next time maybe get to know folks afore ye go swannin’ off with someone ye’ve just met.”
Leather hopped on one foot, trying to pull her trousers on over her boots. “If you expect people to just know your girl’s off limits, you should give her a ring and get eternally bonded! Then maybe she wouldn’t be swannin’ off with people she’d just met!”
The pirate stomped out of the house and stopped right in front of Leather, poking her in the chest. “That’s the last straw, adventurer. Ye’ve violated my home, insulted me honour, and now ye’ve insulted me girl’s honour. We duel at dawn tomorrow. Choose yer weapon.”
Swallowing around the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat, Leather thought fast. The pirate was clearly a ranged fighter, the pistols on her hip made that abundantly clear. But Leather was much taller and stronger. In melee, she’d have the advantage. “Axes,” she said. The pirate was cocky, and drunk to boot. Letting Leather choose the weapon was a mistake she’d live to regret.
The next morning, in a field under a windmill on the La Noscean shore, the two women faced each other with marauders’ arms. The audience was small, each of them had brought a second and the pirate’s girlfriend was there with a friend of her own, to whom she clung nervously. The pirate’s second stood between the fighters, just off to one side. She held a handkerchief aloft and counted down the start. At the drop of the hanky, Leather let out a battle cry and charged for the Siren. She swung her axe, and the pirate blocked. The pirate attempted a riposte, but Leather’s axe moved through the air faster, and with a fluidity of movement the smaller woman couldn’t hope to gain. Leather levelled the axehead to the pirate’s chest and shoved, knocking her to the ground. The pirate scrambled to get up, but Leather planted her foot over her ribs and kept her pinned down. “Do you yield?” shouted Leather, holding the axe aloft.
The pirate coughed and spat out mud. “I yield,” she said through gritted teeth.
Leather lifted her foot and walked off the battlefield, axe slung over her back. She paused to lay a hand on the shoulder of the woman who started it all, who was visibly shaken and gasping for air as she clung to her friend. “I had fun,” said Leather, “but if you can’t be honest about your prior commitments I can never trust you.” She patted the woman’s shoulder and headed back to Limsa Lominsa.
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lyonface · 1 year ago
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All Things End
Astarion x Tav | Sanguine Series | Fanfic by Lyonface
On the final day of Leofric's stay in the city that had been their home for almost two decades, during a night of chasing the promise of fuzzy, warm relief from the pain of losing their wife, comes a sudden stranger who offers them company, and something else.
This is a sequel fic to That Sickening Feeling.
It is a part of the Sanguine Fic Series for Baldur's Gate 3.
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tiptapricot · 1 year ago
(Suggestive/body part related content in preview)
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And finally my second preview for @sanguinevampirezine’s ferociously fresh 18+ add on 👀 If you like robots, vampires, and semi-sexual body horror (and are 18 or older) check out the add on content! And if not, check out the rest of the fangtastic works the main zine has to offer!
I had sUch a delight making this piece and I’m sOOOO EXCITED to get to share it auGgh!!! Preorders are open, go grab a copy now!
[ID and transcript: a preview for a zine add on story. The text is stylized, imposed on a red background splattered with blood. It reads: Shuffle Off That Metal Coil, written by Michael H.
He cannot shake the thought once it has taken hold. It is so simple, so right. The vision of fresh mass swelling within him makes L57PA keen in rushes of binary and spiking heat, muffled in the safety of his own mind and the padded walls of a storage closet.
Could his wires pump with more than volts? Could they grow full and warm and squeeze against his gears? Could his servos stain his chassis red with the fresh pink strain of muscle? The images whirr through his mind at night, his exhaust ports blowing in overtime. (End of preview snippet.)
The zine’s info is visible at the top and bottom of the image, reading: Sanguine, An Original Vampire Zine. Pre-orders now open. October 13th to November 26th. /end ID]
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erotetica · 2 years ago
I usually think of tolkien elfs as socially androgynous bc. I’m tired BUT elfsogyny is interesting in 2 ways:
a) rule 63 maedhros/fingon au where where another way feanor is ‘heretical’ is he’s a bad girl-dad. Like. He married a freewheeling bra-burner & he lets his 7 daughters do whatever. Finwe doesn’t sign executive orders 2 let his other kids do whatever so for public favor/their political careers, the nolofinwions r living more conformist. Fingon’s introduction to princessing is gendered in a way she does not like. Haus Feanor, as always, likes to eat nettles for fun and profit so r63 maedhros is still just. A senator. Fingon thinks she’s soo feminist until she doesnt. It’s just The Rise and Fall of Girlboss Culture: the fic
b) rule 63 au where celegorm is the only daughter of feanor, is raised essentially as miriel 2, & bc following Orome is a masculine pursuit she is apprenticed to Vaire. Bc celegorm is the butch version of hannibal lecter all the time, and bc spiders also weave, she discovers an ungoliant cult in the avathar. Something something she helps Luthien escape from nargothrond. Something something she makes Luthien’s magic jacket Because They’re Friends, but she weaves dark magic into it because she like, can. Something something the spiders in nan dungortheb eat beren and luthien. Gender Roles Have Far-Reaching Bad Outcomes For Everyone: the fic
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khthonyk · 7 months ago
Sanguine Snippet 4
(tw: blood, violence, animal abuse)
Baby had been Caro’s best kept secret. He had been letting the grey cat into the kitchen to feed her during the brightest hours of the day for the past couple months. He had found a sanctuary in her soft fur, and spent every waking hour he could with her curled up and purring in his lap.
Today hadn’t been much different, at least not until Baby’s ears had pressed flat against her skull and she began hissing. “So this is where you go when I’m sleeping.”
Scrambling to his feet, Caro held the cat protectively against his chest. “You—you said I could wander the house, so long as I didn’t leave.” He quietly defended.
Tomas looked down at the cat in disgust. “Why is that disease ridden animal in my house?”
“She was hungry. I—I just gave her a little milk to drink.” Caro pleaded with him. “Please Tomas, let me keep her. I won’t ask for anything ever again. She makes me happy. I’ll do anything.”
A smile twisted onto the vampire’s face. “Anything you say? Alright, you can keep her so long as you behave. But the second you step out of line once, she’s gone.”
The brunet nodded. “Thank you, I won’t disappoint you.”
Caro had been on his best behavior for weeks. And true to his word, Tomas allowed him to keep the cat. But one day the vampire had ventured a step to close and Baby had swiped at him. 
Angered, he held out his hand for the cat. Shaking his head, the brunet cradled her against his chest. “You promised I could keep her if I was good. And I’ve been good.”
“Give me the cat before I take it from you.” He hissed.
Caro set his jaw. “I won’t let you hurt her. She’s just fussy.”
“Last warning, pet.” 
“But she’s mine. You promised.”
Swatting the boy away, Tomas grabbed the yowling cat, sneering at the writhing beast, he broke its neck with a sickening crack before dropping the lifeless body to the floor.
Weeping, Caro fell to his knees, gently cradling the broken body in his arms as he pressed a kiss to her head. 
“That’s the end of that, I suppose.”
Shaking with rage, the brunet pushed himself to his feet. “You promised.” He hissed, swiping angrily at the tears that rolled freely down his face. 
Smiling maliciously, the vampire leaned down, getting in his face. “Aww, little Caro, are you really crying over a filthy animal?”
Seething, the boy clenched his fists, before he could think better of it he reared back and hit the vampire as hard as he could. Sending the man stumbling back several steps in shock.
Touching the corner of his mouth, rage twisted up the vampire’s face as he found his lip split and bleeding. “You little whore!” He hissed. 
Caro didn’t even have time to brace as the man cracked his cane down across the boy’s leg, knocking him roughly to the ground. 
“How dare you raise a hand against me! I have been patient with you and this is how you repay me?” He swung the cane down against the brunet’s chest, knocking the air from his lungs. 
Gasping for air, Caro rolled onto his side, defiantly pushing himself back up. The cane cracked across his back and shoulder, sending him sprawling again.
Releasing a pained whine, he weakly tried to get up again. 
Reaching down, Tomas gripped both of his wrists in one hand lifting him clear of the ground. With sick delight, he squeezed until he felt the boy’s bones creak and he writhed in pain.
Holding him in place, he backhanded the brunet as hard as he could, snapping the boy’s head to the side with the force of the blow. 
Caro could feel the blood run down his face as Tomas returned the favor, leaving his lip split in three spots and nearly breaking his nose. He clung to consciousness, fighting against it as his vision darkened. 
He could see the vampire’s lips moving, the question reaching him a long moment later. “Do you have anything to say for yourself.”
“I hate you,” he weakly hissed, beginning to succumb to the pull of unconsciousness.
He was dropped carelessly to the ground, the tap of the man’s cane fading down the hallway. Pulling himself across the floor, Caro curled himself around Baby, cradling her limp body against him before he finally passed out.
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hisunshiine · 2 years ago
So I’ve just read parts 1 and 2 and I am so completely enraptured by this world Sarah created! I am in love with the characterization of Vampire JK, and I am loving being introduced to the other members and their various roles in the world!
The creatures we’ve experienced so far have been familiar if you are a mythical creature lover, and it’s so easy to imagine them in the descriptions given.
I love that the reader is feisty and strong, though she can be stubborn. All of the actions the characters take make sense, which is pleasing as a reader to understand the motives of characters.
The story is on hold (I didn’t know until after I finished part 2 😭) but it’s still so good and worth a read. Highly recommend!!
Sanguine Masterlist
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⟶ summary: Marry the vampire king. Save the kingdom.
Your father is the king of a rare human kingdom that has been plagued by famine and sickness. And in a last ditch effort to save the kingdom, he has arranged for you to marry the vampire king to the north. Your hand in marriage in exchange for his help in saving your kingdom.
Everything you swore could never happen between the two of you begins to unfold as you spend more time in the vampire kingdom with its king and his subjects. Can you learn to love this place and it’s beloved ruler?
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
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