#I cant draw the same way I did before and I really liked what I had going now everything that I did that made it look so apparent I made it
skunkes · 4 months
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reposting some old doodles i still enjoy a bit
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i miss mspaint i dont hv my laptop anymore
#i was so ambitious with everything and I always found some way to make it work#Now I feel disappointed and unaccomplished with everything I make#It was really fun to stay up late school nights making dumb shit from song lyrics#That ajin draw was fucking insane cuz I didnot even know I had in me to cook that hard#It was so much fun I just beat myself up over everything ive been making recently#Like yeah ive got a whole tablet now and a pen youd think id be able to draw so much better but now it feels like the bar was raised a ton#I cant draw the same way I did before and I really liked what I had going now everything that I did that made it look so apparent I made it#So recognisable its just gone#Im just gonna start with taking it easy like i use to first and then if it comes to me ill put whatever i got into it#There is also this fucked up feeling that nobody really gives a shit like yeah im drawing for myself but then also idk i wish it would feel#Like I was doing it for others as well because they would like it too as much as i do#It was such a phenomenal feeling when that sukuna and gojo cooking one got so much praise#Or even when that toji and sukuna one driving got tagged with fav and even that kirei and gilgamesh one too it was crazy#To be fair i cant expect others to say anything now since i havent really made anything recently#Im just overthinking it but well i dont really have anybody to talk about it with#Well maybe i do but id rather just leave it here nowhere where somebody might see it or not but then again who really cares#I feel really lonely#Ive tried connecting with some people here that I really like and they seemed to like me back too but I just get completely ignored#And brushed off or either I will make a connection but turns out they just leave completely so well ig thats all gone#And then when I am talking with people outside of here its always so damn one sided#I have an amazing person that will listen to me talk about the things i really love but its not the same cuz#I dont know its a weird feeling i cant describe i dont want to talk about something that person isnt into tho yk?#And the people that do know wtf i am talking about theyre just so damn dry and they dont seem as into it as i am and cut the convo short#Either that or they couldnt care less overall and not know what im going on about#Despite being surrounded by so many people i still feel so insanely lonely i have so many feelings that make me feel so miserable these#Feelings of being a disappointment of never being able to live up to my parents surreal expectations of it all being pointless despite#everything i do this feeling of it all being over for me before i even get to start
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swampdrive · 1 year
Love having to hemorrhage money on fucking ubering to work <3 its sooo great and totally isnt emotionally crushing to have it be a major financial drain
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Good Morning
Pairings: Poly!marauders x disabled!reader Summary: Remus wakes up turned on and sets the others off. Warnings: Smut (group sex, dry humping, praise kink, oral - fem receiving, cum play, p-in-v) Note: I was going to save this one to post later as I really wanted to write some Sirius smut, but my brain has been stuck on this all week so now it's done, I had to post it Series Masterlist
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Your eyes flutter open, the room still dim with the early morning light filtering through the curtains. The air is heavy with the scent of pine and a hint of spice, a comforting smell that wraps around you like a familiar blanket. Remus's arms encircle your waist, his body spooned against yours, a solid presence that anchors you to reality.
James and Sirius lie on the other side of the bed, their bodies warm and relaxed in sleep. Sirius's legs are tangled with yours under the covers, his foot brushing against your calf every so often.
The faint rustle of fabric against skin echoes in the quiet room as Remus shifts behind you. His chest rises and falls against your back, each breath a testament to the life within him. A low hum vibrates from his throat, the sound barely audible but sending a shiver down your spine nonetheless, and you feel the firmness of his arousal pressing against your lower back.
Turning your head slightly, you catch Remus's gaze on you, his eyes soft with affection. He smiles, the corners of his mouth lifting in a way that makes your heart flutter. His hand, resting lightly on your arm, begins to move, fingertips tracing lazy circles on your skin before venturing upwards to cup your cheek.
"Good morning, love," he murmurs, his voice rough with sleep yet undeniably gentle. A soft hum of contentment escapes your lips as you lean back into him, the warmth of his body enveloping you like a second skin. His hand slips beneath the hem of your shirt, fingers splaying across your stomach in a gesture both intimate and possessive.
You can't help but arch into his touch, a quiet sigh slipping past your parted lips. His other hand roams lower, settling at the junction of your thighs where your body is already responding to his proximity. Your breath hitches as he presses himself closer, the hard length of his erection pressing against your arse.
Remus's lips pepper your neck with delicate kisses, each one igniting tiny sparks of desire that spread through your veins. His hips shift subtly, pressing into you just enough to make you want more. His fingers toy with the edge of your panties, pausing at the brink of a boundary only you can grant him permission to cross.
You nod, a silent acquiescence that is all the encouragement he needs. Slipping his hand beneath the fabric, he finds you warm, ready for him. His fingers trace slow circles around your sensitive nub, applying just the right amount of pressure to draw out a moan from deep within you.
"Is this alright, love?" Remus asks, voice barely above a whisper.
"Yes," you whimper, hips canting back into his touch. His breath hitches at your response, and his movements become more deliberate. Each brush of his fingers sends sparks through your body, heat pooling between your thighs.
Sirius's eyes flutter open, dark with desire. He leans in to capture your lips in a slow, searing kiss. His hand trails down your abdomen, tracing the same path Remus's did moments ago. They work together, fingers alternating in rhythm, overwhelming your senses with pleasure and you whimper into Sirius's mouth, the friction building with each expert stroke of their hands.
James stirs from his slumber, drawn in by the sounds of your pleasure, but he doesn’t move, allowing Sirius and Remus to take the lead.
Remus pulls away, your bodies parting with a soft sigh. He reaches for the small bottle of lubricant he had set aside earlier and coats himself generously. His fingers glide over his length, teasing out the pleasure in preparation for what's to come.
His body comes back to yours, settling between your thighs. You can feel him hot and hard against you, the slickness of the lube making him slide easily along your skin. Your thighs squeeze instinctively around him, drawing forth a low groan from his lips as he begins to move against you.
"God, you're perfect," he breathes, his voice barely above a whisper yet carrying the weight of his desire. The praise sends a thrill through you, making your heart pound faster in anticipation.
His movements grow more insistent, the friction building a delicious pressure that has you gasping and arching beneath him. His hands grip your hips, guiding you to meet his rhythm, each roll of his hips igniting sparks at your core.
Sirius eases himself upright, his hands steady as they reach for the hem of your shirt. You lift your arms, and he peels the fabric away, exposing your skin to the cool air that raises goosebumps along every inch of you.
"Look at you," Sirius murmurs, his grey eyes drinking in the sight before him. He leans over you once more, this time with intent clear in his gaze. His lips descend to your chest, hesitating a breath's width away from your hardened nipple. Then, his tongue flicks out, and the sensation sends a jolt straight to your core.
A gasp escapes your lips as your back arches instinctively, seeking more of the contact that sets your nerves ablaze. The pressure builds within you, an exquisite tension coiling tighter and tighter under their combined ministrations.
Your thighs squeeze around Remus, who groans in response. His hands never leave your hips, guiding and adjusting you as if you were an instrument he knew how to play to perfection. And maybe you are—maybe under their touch, you're finding melodies you didn't know existed.
"Look at you," Sirius murmurs, his voice a low rumble against your skin. "So beautiful when you let us care for you." His mouth descends, kissing along the valley of your breasts, tracing the contours of your torso with a gentleness that belies the power within him.
Behind him, James watches, propped on one elbow, his gaze heavy-lidded yet focused. Every movement, every shift of your body beneath their touch, is catalogued in the depths of his eyes. He's silent, but his presence is palpable, a steady anchor amidst the storm of sensations threatening to sweep you under.
Your breath hitches as Remus shifts, his cock brushing against you in a way that makes sparks of pleasure race up your spine. He manoeuvres you onto your back, needing to see the way his length rubs against you, wanting to witness every hint of desire that crosses your face.
Remus' breaths come in ragged gasps, the tension coiling tighter within him. "I'm close," he murmurs, his voice a low growl resonating with anticipation. His movements grow more powerful, urgency driving him toward the edge.
The moment arrives in a rush, his body tensing, and a deep groan escapes his lips as he stills, holding himself at your entrance. You feel the first warm spurt against your skin, followed by another and another, each one marking you with the evidence of his release. He shudders, lost to the world as waves of ecstasy pulse through him, his name a mantra on your lips.
"Love," he breathes out, a final surrender to the overwhelming sensations that claim him. The last of his release coats your skin, glistening in the soft light.
Spent, Remus collapses beside you, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tries to catch his breath. His fingers trace lazy patterns on your skin, revelling in the warmth of your body next to his. "Merlin," he gasps, awe lacing his words. His gaze travels down your body, taking in the sight of his release clinging to your skin. "It looks good on you."
A blush creeps onto your cheeks, but you don't look away. Instead, you reach out and run a finger down his chest, tracing the lines of his muscles. You can feel them tense under your touch, a silent testament to the pleasure you've just shared.
The room is heavy with the scent of sex and Remus' release. As you lie there, your thighs sticky with his come, Sirius watches, his eyes darkening with desire at the sight.
"What a mess you've made, Moony," he says, running his fingers through the strands of Remus' release on your skin. It's an observation rather than a complaint, and his voice is thick with anticipation. Remus laughs softly, his breath tickling your neck as he nuzzles against it.
Sirius moves between your legs, his hands tracing the inside of your thighs before settling behind your knees. He lifts them gently, spreading you wide for him. His breath, hot and heady with anticipation, fans over your sex, causing a shiver to pass through you.
Without preamble, he bends down, his tongue darting out to lap at your swollen folds. You gasp as the sensation sends a jolt of pleasure straight to your core, your hips bucking slightly against his touch. His tongue moves in steady strokes, lapping up the remnants of Remus’ release still clinging to your skin.
A low moan vibrates against your sensitive flesh as Sirius savours the mixed taste of you and Remus. His movements grow more determined, the flat of his tongue dragging along your slit, collecting every last drop. He laps at your entrance, his tongue dipping inside briefly before trailing upwards to flick over your clit.
The rough texture of his tongue combined with the sounds he makes—hushed groans muffled by your body—has heat pooling in your abdomen once again. You squirm beneath him, your fingers threading through his dark locks, holding him close.
"Delicious," Sirius murmurs, his voice a low rumble that resonates deep within you. His tongue delves deeper, seeking out any trace of Remus that might remain. Your thighs tremble, clenching around his head as he continues to feast on you, the wet sounds of his mouth filling the room.
Finally, Sirius pulls away, his lips glistening. His gaze locks onto yours, dark eyes smouldering with a hunger that mirrors your own. "I think it's my turn now, love," he says, his voice husky with desire before his mouth descends on yours once more.
His kiss is demanding, all-consuming, and you can taste yourself and Remus on his tongue. It's a strange taste but not unpleasant, rather it adds another layer to the intimacy unfolding between you. His hands roam your body, each touch igniting a trail of fire on your skin until you're certain you'll combust from the inside out.
Your fingers clutch at his shoulders, the hard planes of his muscles flexing under your touch. You're vaguely aware of his erection pressing insistently against your thigh, seeking friction, and the thought sends a new wave of anticipation coursing through you. He breaks the kiss long enough to lift your legs over his shoulders, aligning himself at your entrance.
In one swift, decisive movement, he fills you completely, his groan of satisfaction mirroring your own as your body welcomes him home. He sets a steady rhythm, each powerful thrust pushing deeper, claiming you over and over again.
"Fuck, baby," Sirius groans, his hips shifting to hit that sweet spot inside you that makes your world tilt on its axis. "Take all of me."
His pace quickens, the intensity of his movements stoking the flames within you higher, hotter. The room is filled with the symphony of your bodies moving together—skin against skin, breath against breath.
You turn your head slightly, catching sight of James propped against the headboard, his hand working himself over at a leisurely pace as he watches the two of you. His hazel eyes are dark with want, pupils blown wide with desire. His chest rises and falls rapidly with his laboured breaths, and you can't help but feel a twinge of anticipation for what's to come.
The harsh whisper of Remus's voice sends a shiver down your spine, the decadent compliments laced with raw hunger and unspoken promises. His hands explore the terrain of your body, finding their way to your breasts where they knead the soft flesh, tweaking your nipples into hardened peaks.
"You're magnificent, taking him so well," Remus murmurs into your ear, his breath hot against your skin. "Look at you, being such a good girl for us." The praise, coupled with the relentless rhythm of Sirius inside you, has you teetering on the edge, your moans filling the room with the sweet symphony of desire fulfilled.
Sirius's grip on your hips is unyielding, his thrusts hitting that divine spot within you over and over again until stars burst behind your eyelids. He's panting, every exhalation a testament to the pleasure coursing through his veins, each syllable of your name from his lips akin to a sacred chant. The tension coils tighter in your belly as he drives into you, the anticipation of release building like a tempest inside you.
At the same time, Remus's fingers wander down your body until they reach the centre of your need. He circles your clit with a feather-light touch, building tension before pressing harder, each stroke sending lightning bolts through your veins.
"That's right, love," he murmurs, his voice a warm caress against your skin. "Let us make you feel good." His fingers move with a purposeful rhythm, coaxing responses from you that lift your hips off the bed, seeking something just out of reach.
James draws nearer, one hand buried in your hair while the other continues its languid strokes over himself. His eyes are dark, filled with a hunger that matches the intensity of your own as he watches you come undone at Remus and Sirius's touch.
Sirius grunts, his movements becoming erratic as he nears his own climax. With a few final, powerful thrusts, he buries himself deep inside you and groans, his body shuddering as he spills into you.
You feel every pulse of Sirius's release, his warmth spreading through you, claiming you. He collapses onto you, his breath hot against your neck as he nuzzles into your skin. Neither of you move for a moment, the only sound in the room the shared panting that fills the air like a silent confession of what has just transpired.
"Your turn, Prongs," Sirius murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper yet laden with an undercurrent of raw satisfaction. With a final shudder, he withdraws from you, his retreat marked by a slick trail of mingled release that stains the sheets below.
James takes his place without hesitation, positioning himself at your entrance. He teases the tip of himself along your folds, sliding through the wetness left behind by Sirius before slowly pushing inside. The stretch is different this time—more pronounced, as if James is staking his claim anew.
"Merlin, you're tight," James groans as he starts moving. His pace is slow and measured, one hand on your hip guiding you, the other intertwined with yours beside your head. He continues to move, deep but deliberate, his hazel eyes never leaving yours.
The sensation of him inside you, coupled with the intensity of his gaze, leaves you breathless. You can feel every inch of him moving within you, the connection between you both physical and emotional. He leans down to kiss you, his lips soft against yours even as his hips keep their steady rhythm.
"That's it, love," James murmurs, adjusting his angle slightly so that with each thrust, he brushes against your sensitive bundle of nerves. Your toes curl at the intense pleasure, a soft moan escaping your lips.
"Look at you," Remus whispers, leaning in to press a kiss to your cheek. "So beautiful, taking James so well."
Sirius' mouth trails down your neck, nipping lightly at the skin there. "Our good girl," he praises, his grey eyes dark with desire. "Letting us love you like this."
Their words wash over you, mingling with the sound of James' low groans. The room is filled with the scent of sex and the tangible feeling of their adoration for you, wrapping you up in a cocoon of warmth and pleasure that has your body humming in response.
The pleasure builds within you, a tidal wave gathering strength, pushed forward by their skilled hands and mouths. Remus' fingers find your nipples, pinching and rolling them as his mouth descends to take one into his warm cavern, sucking gently. Sirius' hand ventures lower, his fingers joining where you and James are connected, teasing that sensitive bundle of nerves.
Their combined actions make the coil within you tighten further, your walls clenching around James in response. "Fuck, I'm close," he grunts, his thrusts losing their steady rhythm, becoming erratic with need. Remus' pulls at your nipple with his teeth while Sirius' fingers rub circles over your clit, driving you closer to the edge even though you haven't crested yet.
With a final groan, James stills, his body pulsing as he releases inside you. He falls forward slightly, resting his forehead against yours, both of you panting for breath. "I love you," he whispers, tracing your cheekbone with his thumb. You reach up to pull him into a slow, languid kiss, his taste mingling with yours as he stays buried deep within you, not ready to move just yet. Sirius and Remus remain close, their hands roaming over your heated skin, whispering praises and sweet nothings into your ear.
James remains inside you for a few more heartbeats, savouring the closeness before he carefully withdraws. The air feels cool against your exposed skin, but then Remus is there, positioning himself between your legs with a warm, damp cloth in hand. His touch is gentle, almost reverent as he cleans you, ensuring your comfort after the intensity of what you've just experienced.
Sirius slides next to you on the bed, his arm curling around your waist to pull you flush against him. His hand glides up and down your back, fingers pressing into your muscles with a soothing rhythm. He leans in close, lips brushing against your ear as he whispers words meant only for you.
"You were perfect, love," Sirius murmurs, his voice low and rich with pride. "Always perfect for us."
James's legs tangle with yours, his strong arms wrapping around both you and Sirius. He lays his head on the pillow next to yours, his breath warm against your neck. His lips press to your skin, gentle kisses trailing from the base of your neck to your shoulder.
Remus finishes with the cloth, cleaning up the last remnants, and with a flick of his wand, he sends it away, before moving to join the three of you. You're cocooned between them, their bodies warm and solid against yours. Hands roam over your skin, tracing patterns that ignite sparks beneath the surface. Words of praise and affection are whispered into the silence, each one a promise of the bond shared between you.
"And ours," Remus adds, his eyes meeting yours with a softness that melts any lingering tension in your body. His hand cups your face, thumb stroking along your cheekbone. "Our beautiful girl."
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
Since the last post you made about him I've been wanting to ScReAM my love for him but I never had the time and the energy at the same time! D: until now >:]
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Now, continuing to be an acceptable member of the Tuna Lover society.
Hold yourself because I have 0 self control when it comes to ramble about my specialist little guy and I'm afraid I wrote quite a lot.
Tuna looks like he is so tired. Look at him! His whole body language is screaming "I'm so tired but i dont really think sleep cluld help me". What did this rascal do that he's so tired? I wonder, but for some reason he looks more like being emotionally tired than anything. Poor bean! Did he had a rough week? A bad day? Is he feeling down? Maybe he's just tired for no specific reason, it happens sometimes. I wish I could cup him in my hands and pat his head softly as I rock him to sleep because he's so my baby :'[ <3
Ellie oh you heart of gold woman how lucky is the crew you're a part of it! Like seriously. She looked at this sad teen and said: not under my watch young boy. And went to cook his fauvorite rolls??!? She's so grannie coded I need her in my daily life you have no clue (oh no I got nostalgyc-). She's trying to hype him up and she's not just silently sliding the rolls under his hands. She's actually talking with him and something about physical contact. WAIT. IS THAT IT? IS TUNA SO VERY TOUCH STARVED THAT THIS IS HIS REACTION? OOOUGH MY HEART CANT HANDLE IT. I'll follow this train of thought later. (🚂)
Like. She's so gentle, so careful, so... She's really making sure she does all she can to lift up the spirits of that young man!
Because the way he's looking at her... the fondness.. the care and gratefulness????? Oh dear momma fish I'm dying. He's looking at her so sweetly! So gratefull! He's screaming "thanks for being a part of my life" without his mouth. He's screaming "I am so gratefull you love me" with his only one eye and I'm so down for it. I need more of them. They warm my fish heart so much... She's the grannie he never asked for bur always needed! Y'know? He's capable of looking at someone like that after all he's gone through and if that doesn't make me want to cry I don't know what does. Because that's just... OUGH I CANT WITH THEM HE HAS SUCH A TRAGYC BACKSTORY AND FEELS LIKE NO ONE LIKES HIM AND THEN THIS OLD LADY IS LIKE: YEAH, ILL BAKE HIM SONETHING SO HE CHEERS UP??!??! I NEED THEM HUGGING I NEED THEM BONDING I NEED THEM BEING A MEANACE TOGERHER BECAUSE OHMYGOD WHAT I WOULDNT GIVE TO SEE THIS TWO BEING LIKE THIS EVERYDAY.
A tiny part of me kinda wants to see one of them hurted really bad and the other protecting, but the other part of me is terrified of the mental implications it would have. Especially if it's ellie the one hurted. Oh no, no, let's end that thought there for my own sake 🫠
Ok, returning with that train of thought (🚂)... I probably have alredy rambled about this before, but... When was the last time someone hold this guy gently? I mean, not even hold, but just... touch him without meaning harm? Or more precisely, when was the last time someone touched him with care? With fondness? With the intention to lift his spirit? To make him smile, at least a little tiny eety beety winesy bit?
She puts hers hand on his shoulder and he jumps, freezing with his mouth full of delicious food. It's her. Of course it's her, they were chatting alone in the kitchen, although it felt more a monologue as Ellie cooked than an actual conversation. He was too in his mind to really listen. The sudden contact was what made him blink with his only eye, staring at the caring old eyes of the lady at his right. It was nice. Warm and rough hands squeezed his arm softly, fully aware that she had startled him. She looked at him with a fond smile and placed the fresh rolls in front of him. "There, you better enjoy them boy!" She may or may not say. Thing is, his eye goes to the hot, delicious food, and then he realizes. The hand is still there. Gentle. Almost can't feel it. It's. Why? It's strange. It should hurt. But it didn't. Of course it made sense, but why? Of course it didn't! It was Ellie! And then the realization hits. All in a matter of seconds. Ellie would never lay a harming hand on him. And he felt... He felt.
"You can't eat literally with your eyes, you do know that, do you?" He forgot he was eating. He smiled. And seeing that smile made her smile too. After all, how couldn't she? That wasn't something she saw everyday! Much less in such a sincere way! He was just... smiling at her. Oh she felt so happy! "I'm glad you like those! If you want more just tell me!" Oh wasn't he in the verge of tears? Happy tears! Him! Oh. The realization hitted like a truck. (Or like a ship? What's the equivalent? Idk, like a punch of Louis if you please.) He was cared for. He was loved. There were hands in this world that weren't meant to harm him. He just smiled, fondness burning in his chest like a wildfire because how this woman can change a man via kindness/food.
What is so crazy is that maybe he's just staring lovingly at the lady that cares for him. Because he feels like he's a rock on the boots of the crew most of the time but he's good at what he does so they bare with him. Maybe he feels they don't want him around but... but this lady does. And isn't he gratefull for it? Isn't he so happy she's around? She touches his only arm in such a gentle way? The other won't feel kindness never again, did it ever felt it? Not punches, not grabs, no, just... placing her hand there. Like he isn't an animal with the rabbies but actually a just really fucked up little guy who is terrified of people because people gave him reasons to and barks and bites but is, at the end, very lonely and afraid because he pushed everyone away. Except for this lady. He tried. He bited and barked until he realized she doesn't care, that she alredy saw the scared guy he was and didn't cared. She didn't cared. She cared so much more than anyone that she didn't cared! She wasn't afraid! She wasn't going away! If anything, she sitted closer as time passed. And suddenly, a pet on the head. A so waited, so dreamed, so strange, so scary! Pat on the head. Gentle. Not like those who grabbed him to calm him down and only made him bark and bite with more energy. No. Gentle. It was new. It was nice. But he was afraid. Afraid. How long until she hits? He thinks. But she never hits. She brings him treats. Suspicious. But... not so... Why? It's just that he isn't used to see someone care. But she cares. And she doesn't goes away. And she doesn't turn her back. If anything, only to take the rolls out of the oven!
He doesn't thinks all that in the moment. He just wants. Oh. That felt nice. But was kinda unexpected. It's later at night that he thinks, if his three neurons decide to work. Mayne this is how his complex being feels but his tint neurons don't know how to think. He just loves and cares about the lovely woman that cares and loves back. I need more of them. They mean everything to me at this point factual I'm descending to madness.
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kaisturni · 3 months
let me | m. sturniolo
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→ matt x fem!reader
→ plot; you’ve been on your own for a while, not needing or wanting the company of anyone. what happens when you meet a guy late night on the beach, and everything about him draws you in?
→ includes; making out, slightly suggestive towards the end, reader is slightly angst if you squint
→ a/n; this was my first request! it was by an anon, so i hope you like it :) this was super short i feel like i usually write longer lol but this is something i’d see myself doing a part 2 of!
sand sticks to my feet as i walk along where it meets the waves, taking the salty air into my lungs.
the moon shines down on just me, seemingly the only soul on the beach unlike it’s brighter, more crowded counterpart.
i find a good spot further up on the sand, peeling my sweatshirt off to sit on. i cursed at myself for not bringing a towel, but this will do.
i didn’t bring anything besides my wallet and keys, since my apartment is a short walk away from the beach. i take walks like this alone often, so i don’t usually come geared up.
i’m used to being alone now. i left home, i don’t have roommates anymore, and everything just came falling apart. i cant rely on anyone anymore and i don’t want to.
closing my eyes, i sit with my solitude for a moment before i hear a pair of feet shuffling in the sand.
i open my eyes, he’s a fair distance away, but close enough that i can make out every detail of him.
he’s pretty cute; tattoos, all black, nice hair, all his features go together nicely. as if he can feel my gaze lingering on him, he turns in my direction as he fixes himself on his towel, and i quickly whip my head in front of me.
i feel rude, he definitely knew i was staring. just i did to him i can feel his eyes on me too, and i close mine to prevent from investigating.
“aren’t you like, cold?”
i look in every direction first before his, seeing if he could have been speaking to anyone else. but no, he’s the one other soul now present here.
truthfully i am a little cold, the breeze is fairly strong and here i am sitting on my jacket like an idiot who forgot to bring a towel to the beach.
“a little yeah,” i’m a little standoff-ish without meaning to. i feel bad. i have no reason to be rude to this person but i am.
“i have a blanket here if you want, you know to sit on or wear or somethin,” he lifts up a blue blanket that was out of my sight, and i ponder this strangers offer.
this could potentially be a really bad idea, but how many murderers are sitting on the beach at night with a baby blue blanket on them?
“sure, thank you,” i say, getting up and walking over to him.
our eyes meet and i can now see that his are blue, still glowing despite the lack of light present. his jaw is sharp and he gives me a sweet smile as he hands me the blanket, i smile back; both at his gesture and how handsome he is.
“i’m matt, by the way, and you can sit next to me if you want— if that’s not weird, if you don’t mind,” matt’s words pick up at the last part, and i giggle at his rambling.
“i don’t mind, and i’m y/n,” i say, settling down the blanket so it’s touching his side. we smile at each other as i sit down and prop my arms slightly behind me.
we sit in silence for a bit and i my eyes flutter shut again, before he breaks the quiet between us,
“so why are you all by yourself?” he asks, shifting his position to mimic mine.
“i just like being alone. plus, it’s pretty peaceful out here at night. less people but it’s so much more alive,” i tell him, taking in all of what’s around me.
“oh yeah i know what you mean. i’m sorry if i disturbed your alone time,” matt gives me a cheeky smile, and i feel my face grow hot realizing my situation and the accidental rude comment i made.
“sorry, i didn’t mean it like that.”
“all good,” he smiles warmly at me.
i want to keep more distance but at the same time i don’t. i hate myself for being drawn to him but for whatever reason i can’t. he seems so sweet and inviting and it makes me sick.
“what are you doing alone here?” i ask him, genuinely curious as to why he is here alone and casually picking out his new best friend.
he laughs for a second, “just needed some peace and quiet away from my brothers; nick and chris. i’m a triplet, we all live together. sometimes they just drive me crazy and i need a break.”
i purse my lips and nod, i almost crave to have people to drive me crazy.
“im guessing you guys are close?
“they’re my best friends, i love em to death,” he smiles, and i can tell he’s thinking about his brothers.
he obviously loves them. he has people he can love. maybe that’s where he gets his kindness from. kindness to give a stranger a blanket, offer conversation, he’s so nice that — it annoys me.
being attracted to him is also not helping.
i think he can almost tell that i’m getting annoyed, and he clears his throat.
“did you bring a suit, we can swim if you want?”
luckily i did bring a suit, and i can take him up on this offer. unfortunately for myself, it’s quite small and doesn’t cover much, but i can grit my teeth and stick it out because it’s dark out and he won’t be able to see much of me anyway.
“yeah, let’s do it,”
he peels off his hoodie, leaving him in just black swim shorts, and he looks down at me waiting for myself to change.
i take off my shirt and shorts, leaving me in my matching black two piece. fitting.
matt seems to have no adverse reaction to my suit so i think i’m in the clear. he offers me his hand to help get up, and i take it.
i’m shocked by how strong his grip is, how he easily picks me up off the ground with just one hand. this doesn’t help with my attraction to him, and neither does seeing him just above naked right in front of me.
“race ya!” i say, before sprinting to the water, him running after me calling my name.
i splash into the water before falling in, and a pair of arms grips around me, pulling me back up to the surface.
“i think you won,”
he glows in the halo of moonlight down on us, his body is slick with water and hair messy, it’s hard to keep my guard up when he’s so kind and attractive.
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after playing in the water for about 10 minutes, we drag our tired bodies up to the towels waiting for us on the sand.
i crash down first, and matt follows. he lays down on his back, eyes closed and chest rising up and down softly.
i can’t help but stare at him again. it’s became a problem that i can’t find the solution to. i don’t realize i still am, until i meet eyes with him.
“hey,” he says gently, his tired eyes peering into mine.
“hi,” i reply, my wet body shivering in the wind, cold air kissing my skin rapidly.
“come here, let me wrap you in this,” he moves to where i’m sitting on the blanket before picking up his towel and wrapping by body in it.
i sigh in relief at the warmth of it, he chuckles at my reaction.
we stare at each other for what feels like an eternity, and now that i’m closer i can see how plump and pink his lips are, his tongue swiping across his bottom one and i look up at his eyes and he’s staring at my own lips.
he leans in, and i close my eyes and brace for the contact of his mouth on my own.
it’s soft and warm, unlike anything i’ve felt before.
our mouths move in sync, and i find my hands tangling in his hair for something to grip on to. matt groans into my mouth lightly, his reaction making me want more of him.
he swoops me from my seated position to underneath him without breaking our kiss, one arm holding himself up and the other anchored on my waist.
all my bravado is gone as soon as i’m underneath him, and i can’t control my hands that explore his body, wanting to feel every bit of him.
it’s horrible; i just met him but in this moment he’s everything and i don’t want any of this to stop.
we both break away for air, and i hesitantly take my hands away from his body, them tingling at the thought of how his skin felt all from my palms to my fingers tips.
i want more.
he’s panting, lips puffy from kissing me, and he moves the sticky wet hair out of my face.
“you’re so beautiful,” he whispers, hung eyes exploring my face, taking in every bit of me as i do the same for him.
“says yourself,” i say, unlike myself to directly compliment a man i had just met, let alone make out with him first.
“i don’t normally do this, i hope you know,”
“neither do i, i don’t normally find random cute guys to make out with at this time,”
he chuckles and drops his head, feeling wet droplets from his hair falling onto my skin.
i cant help myself, i want to kiss him again.
so i do.
matt is initially taken aback at first, before relaxing into me and his grip is stronger on my body than it was before.
our last kiss was about a minute ago— but even so this one is different. it’s less controlled, hungrier, and i can feel my body grow hot as it goes on.
his lips come apart from mine and they move down to my neck, lightly nipping and kissing down it.
i groan at his mouth on my skin, and my hand finds its way back to his hair again.
he’s been in my neck long enough that i’m sure i’m going to be marked up by matt, but i cant even begin to care in this moment.
he lifts his head up from my neck, i can tell he’s about to say something but before he does he grips onto my waist,
“we should, we should dry off. let me take you home, i can give you a ride,” his eyes pierce into mine, and my next sentence is difficult to get out.
“i actually walked, i live pretty close. but i wouldn’t mind a ride in your car,”
what is wrong with me?
he captures his bottom lip between his teeth, registering the words before even i do.
“perfect, let’s go,”
we quickly gather our beach supplies, not bothering to put on clothes or properly. beginning our walk to where his car his, he reaches his hand out to mine.
for a second i’m hesitant to take it, but i do anyway and our pace picks up and i’m almost being dragged to the car by him.
he has a sleek, black kia with dark tint. it’s a nice car, way nicer than mine. he unlocks it, turning around and signaling me to give him the stuff in my hand, and he shoves it in the trunk.
i find myself shuffling to the passenger seat of the car before he can even shut the trunk, nervousness kicks into me and my heartbeat is so loud in my own head i almost don’t hear him get into the drivers seat.
my head whips around and meets his gaze,
“hey,” he starts,
“want t… want to go to the back?”
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robiinurheart33 · 2 months
(Flashes my mind beams) Soap having really bad nightmares whenever his mental health is low.
It’d be really bad most of the time, waking up covered in sweat, panting or just outright screaming. The dreams would have felt so real, so lifelike that it would shake johnny down to his core, needing time to fully process the dream and then calm down. It would board on topics such as his loved ones, phobias, worst case scenarios the whole nine yards. Often times when the nightmare cycle starts to happen, Johnny wouldn’t get much sleep at all and when he does he’s thrashing and shaking the entire time.
This would happen since young, but being raised in a catholic household as the middle child did not help at all. Most of the time when Johnny would try and confide in his parents, he would be dismissed with a “God is good.” Or “No evil against you shall prosper.” Which, I mean yeah but how does that help him in any way?! He just wants to be comforted. He had dreams where his sisters died, and he would go straight to them to hug them as tightly as possible, no matter how much they protested. Nothing seemed to work to bring the nightmares down unless Johnny’s mental health actually got better.
It only got worse in the army. The screaming, gunfire and mental strain Soap had to go through was excruciating. He woke up panting and covered in cold sweat, hoping he wasn’t screaming in his sleep and waking others up. Once, early on when 141 was just created, Ghost walked into the shared pantry only to find a sweat-faced, pale, bloodshot eyed soap munching on cereal, staring off into space. He made his tea and walked out of there as fast as he could.
As they got closer together, Ghost eventually asked Soap about that one instance. Soap wasn’t even aware Ghost was in the kitchen in the first place. He tried to explain, as casual as he could, that he gets horrific realistic nightmares when his mental health goes to shit. Soap isn’t sure if he actually manages to play it off seeing as he cant exactly gauge Ghost’s reaction, but that was that.
He eventually forgot about it until about 2 years later, when they both start to float on the same wavelength and sleep in the same bed (wink wink) that it happens for the first time. The first nightmare that he experiences around Ghost is extreme. He dreams of metal and blood, screaming and frustration. Johnny wakes up screaming, a hand over his mouth and back covered in sweat. Ghost is up in a millisecond, gun drawn and up from the bed. They’re both equally disoriented, confused as to what was happening. Ghost looks over to Soap where he’s panting, eyes bloodshot and eyebags evident. He’s seen this somewhere before.
Gun immediately tossed to the side, Ghost rushes to Soap’s side, not sure what to do but wanting to help. He’s still processing what just happened, unable to speak and eyes just trained on his lap. Ghost flickers open the lamp, sitting right beside Johnny, not speaking but just being there, his presence a solid wall he can lean on. After what feels like 4 hours (it was 10 minutes), Johnny finally looks at Simon, eyes full of tears and body trembling. He cant take it anymore. Simon rushes to place their bodies close together, Johnny’s ear against his chest as he murmurs affirmations.
“You’re here with me. I got you. You’re safe.”
They didn’t go back to sleep after that, getting up at the peak hour of 4am to go for an early early morning jog. This wouldn’t be the solution to the nightmares all the time, however. Sometimes it would just be Johnny listening to Simon’s heartbeat, a cup of warm coffee, a comfort show, spacing out, drawing, or a morning run. It just depended on his mood after he woke up. But one constant was that Simon was always right beside him, accompanying him in whatever he did. It didn’t matter if Johnny protested, he would always wake up along with him and stay right by his side. As long as Johnny had Simon, he wouldn’t have to be alone to face on his demons ever again. He made sure of that.
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I'm up way later than I need to be and listening to music while I draw and this song gives me SUCH Sabo feelings and I would love to hear your opinions!! (Never Love An Anchor by The Crane Wives)
You dare bring. The Crane Wives. Into this peaceful household.
Never Love an Anchor no less.
The audacity.
Yeah it makes me think about how Sabo left Ace and Luffy on his own accord at the end. Of course it was a last resort but he left them because he knew that this was the only way for them all to be free.
He left knowing that he would probably not see him until they were 17. Or maybe even never again.
He left them so that they could be safe. Because as long as long as he was with him, as far as he could see, hands would still try to claim him, resulting in the ones he loves getting hurt.
There was no winning for Sabo or any of them. As long as he tried delaying the inevitable, it just never would have happened.
He had to give up what he loved so he could keep it.
And then after he regains his memories, him thinking how much he’s changed. His claws might hurt the one he loves so dearly, even though at this point he doesnt even know him anymore. What if when Luffy finds out that he was alive, it only hurts him deeper. Knowing that there was someone who would have made a difference that day wasnt there. Reliving not only that day in the moment of reuniting, but the say he lost Sabo, too.
I dont find it strange that Sabo didnt try to reunite with Luffy until dressrosa. And in fact i think that reuniting with luffy is something he did as an absolute last resort. I think he truly didnt want to meet him that day at all.
In the anime alone, it doesnt much show it, but in the manga and the Episode of Sabo his hesitance and nerves are really clear to me. He takes a second before he starts walking to talk to luffy. His hand is clutched and shaking. He walks as slowly as he can. And also he only does it after he knows that Luffy cant get the fruit.
They both need that fruit safe. An heirloom of their precious brother, the only thing they have left that can life on from him.
If Luffy could’ve finished that tournament, im fairly certain Sabo would’ve never revealed himself.
I think he feels like he might hurt luffy if he did, but i also think that he didnt feel he deserved it. To reunite with Luffy after all that time. After all that happened.
Going back to the song, the lyrics
“So, I did the only thing that i could And severed the rope to set you sailing from my harbor.”
Even though it was Sabo who went sailing from the harbor, what he was doing was sever the rope from his connections with luffy and Ace so that they could grow and be free without worrying about being held back by him and the weight of his life keeping him suffocating at the bottom of the harbor he’s being drowned in.
If sabo had successfully left Goa that day, and he had reunited with Ace or Luffy somewhere down the line, i think he would act the same way he did in dressrosa that day. I think he would feel his baggage is too much, someone could be after him. And he wouldnt want to reunite. Especially after how he left them.
To me, that letter didnt read as a “i hope i see you again”, but a “goodbye forever”. Which i mean,,,, it was one, at least in Ace’s case, so … 🤷‍♀️ kill me
Anyway, the sentencing of your crimes of Crane Wives-ing me will be capital punishment, i hope you understand.
Thanks for the ask!
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
How can I cultivate the same, "just keeping making stuff all the time" kind of energy you have? It's very impressive and something I wish I could do!
well, theres a couple reasons i think! one is that i just found ways to be satisfied with small amounts of work. its in part because of my ADHD, but my parents were always trying new things (motorcycles, leatherwork, acrylic paint, collage art, photography, video editing) so that definitely rubbed off on me; i had a great example of people just wanting to try stuff. i keep making stuff all the time because i love trying out new things; you don't have to be an expert to try something new! you just have to have a desire for it! wanna make a zine? google it! wanna write a comic? give it a shot! wanna get into woodworking? buy a carving knife and find a stick or something! i think theres plenty of ways to find entry points into interesting stuff and you gotta let yourself be okay with making shit that sucks just because its fun. which leads me to my second point!!
im okay with being dogshit at stuff! i try new things, i kind of suck at them, and i think it's either 1. cool that i made it this far or 2. kinda funny that this is what its like at the moment. i know that sucking is never permanent, everything can be improved with time, and rarely does anyone ever magically get good at something first try. i think of myself as a talented artist, but its over the course of 2+ decades of drawing; im always improving, and no matter what im going to find things i want to get better at, so why fault myself now for not being perfect? a couple of months ago i really wanted to try woodcarving, so i made spoon with my dad. did it turn out great? not really! you cant even use it as a spoon! but im glad i tried it, it was fun, i had a great time with my dad, and now i know a little bit more going in next time. the idea that you have to be perfect or make tangible progress every single time you try something new is a recipe for burnout. i promise you, it doesnt matter if something doesn't come out like God's Gift to Humanity! Did you have fun? did you learn something? are you satisfied in some small part? good!
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(pictured: tha spoon)
last, im just really easy to please myself! I'll make a doodle or implement an idle animation in my game or color a piece and go "wow! thats so cool i did that :)" and it really is just a matter of realizing that its fucking COOL to create stuff, no matter how small! whatever you made didn't exist before you, especially in your own unique way, and now it does! doesn't that rule?! i'm obsessed with it! even if its just a stick figure, its a stick figure you made, and it wasn't there before. thats fucking awesome!!! art is so cool!!!! i think that being happy with small goals and victories is a great way of trying out new things and showing off cool stuff u made, no matter what skill level. :) this turned into a whole big thing, but i hope this helps! tl;dr is try things if they seem fun, be okay with not being good at them, and find stuff about it that makes you happy or satisfied!
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squiddy-god · 4 months
overstim shigaraki
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This is lowkey an older fic/hc set and I hate it now but I'm still posting because I love shigaraki-
CW : smut, a fab reader, mean shigaraki, over stim
Shigy is a sadist what’s new, and while he gets sexual pleasure from pain being inflicted on him he knows you aren’t the same
So he saves if for the bedroom
Really really likes over stimulation, 100% gets off knowing that he’s fucking you into near painful orgasms and the tears in your eyes are almost enough to make him cum on the spot
This man has a corruption kink and it’s not even a question, this is a hill I’ll die on. Period 🥰💅
Eats you out and finger fucks you into a needy mess and he’s more then Willing to give you his cock and won’t stop giveing you his cock
Go’s absolutely feral and you clawing at his back only urges him on more because jokes on you he’s into that shit
Bite him, scratch him, make him bleed, he’ll cum on the spot but won’t stop
You : omg I’m sorry I clawed up your back 😔
Shiki :
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Likes to think he’s corrupting you and causeing you to fall into depravity with him
Your his pure adorable little human and he’s going to fuck you until your just as dirty as him
Calls you his sinful little rabbit, letting a fallen angel mark you up
Has broken a bed and he’d do it again but you get mad at him
Because of the insedent above if he feels like he’s gonna snap and go feral he quickly moves you to the floor because he cant break that
I like to imagine he likes to flaunt his wings like a peacock so his wings are definitely out
By the end your going you to be screaming and sobbing, marked to hell and back, and unable to walk
Shiki is going to be clawed to hell and covered in bite marks and bruises from you griping onto him
Gets super soft after this because he knows aftercare is important and that it takes a lot out of you
Wraps his wings around around you like a cocoon and holds you in his arms for a while, then draws a bath because 1) your covers in cum 2) he’s coved in blood(or At least his back is)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*☆.。.:* .。.:*☆
You smiled and looked up to the baby blue sky, it was a beautiful day out and even better your boyfriend had asked you to come over to his house. You waited outside the school gates for shiki to be done with his council work so you could walk with him. It wasn’t long before you saw the familiar sight of his messy violet hair and striking bloody orange eyes, you waved his way and he came walking twords you. He smiled and planted a kiss on your nose before wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you in close to him.
“How was you day y/n? ” He asked as you walked down the sidewalk. “It was pretty good! Lots of tests tho, that sucked” You said with an adorable pout, “what about you shiki?” “Oh my day was good, I pissed of mage and he hit me in the gut” A twisted smile pulled at his lips as his cheeks flushed cherry pink at the thought. His body shuddered against yours and his eyes held a dark glint. You shook your head at his antics “so you had a good day antagonizeing the other council members?” He nodded snaping out of his episode.
You finally reached his house and walked through the large gates and up to his front door, he opened his door and walked in behind you. You walked in and looked around, his house was nice and it always amazed you when you walked in. So many old paintings on the walls, of angels and clouds, demons and brimstone set ablaze with sins and lemantation. Bright burning eyes watched your figure like a hawk circling it’s pray, such a pure little bunny you were, such a cute little thing so close in his grasp and so tempting. He’d make you fall just as he once did. He’d drag you down into depravity as he tainted whatever purity he hadn’t already taken from you.
He was determined to paint your soul with sin and make your body a canvas for his love and sinful desires. Two pairs of ebony wings ripped through the blue fabric of his school jacket, soft black features scattered fluttering gently to the ground before long legs carried him to were you stood, willowy arms snakeing around you and traping you against his chest. Eyes half lidded and grin warped in a devious smirk, his hands trailed down to grip your waste and pull you flush against him. His breath was hot against the shell of your ears, his voice was shakey and dark, dripping with lustful excitement as he spoke, whispering into your ear. “Y/n~ let me have you, I’ll break you so beautifully, again and again~” He shuddered at the thought. Your face was stained with a lovely red and you swallowed the lump in your throat, nodding you head ‘yes’. He grin got wider as his fingers taped in gentle trails down your thighs before shoveling up the lacy white ruffles of your underskirt. His hands groped and squeezed your thights and brought you flush against him as he ground his erection against your ass. A shuddered groan sounded around the room as his head buried into your hair Inhailing deeply.
Black feathered wings closed out the light of the large windows, sweraling darkness clouded your vision and your body felt light and weigh less.
Light floded your vision and your body once again felt weighted and shikis wings left your vision to sit comfortably behind him. He spun you around and pressed his lips to yours, his tounge invaded your mouth as he took heavy steps backwards until you fell onto the bed. Breaking the kiss he looked into your (e/c) stained glass eyes. So bright and pure, such a lovely contrast to the dark glint of his orange eyes shrouded in sin. He striped off the deep maroon blazer before nimble fingers pryed open the buttons of your blouse. His eyes drank in the sight before him, your lovely (s/t) flesh a perfect canvas for the marks he would leave, your lacy (f/c) bra that sat so perfectly on your breast. Your face was so red as he ripped off his own Navy blue blazer and white dress shirt, it lay there now ripped and discarded on the floor leaving his slender but toned chest exposed. You undid your skirt and slid it down your legs, kicking it off you sat almost completely exposed to his hungry eyes.
He moved you to the center of the bed before crawling over to you and admireing the way your (h/c) hair spread against the cushiony pillows. His hands reached around and uncliped your bra tossing it to join your other discarded clothing. Next he moved to strip off your panties. His fingers toyed with your clit rubing circles and rolling the sensitive bud between his fingers. Your moans were music to his ears and his twisted grin only grew as two slim fingers slipped past your folds and caressed your walls, twisting and wiggling inside you as his thumb rubbed your clit. His other hand groped your chest as his mouth latched onto your neck sucking and Nipping at your skin leaveing dark bruises in his wake as he traveled across your soft skin and down the valley of your breasts marking them with bite marks and hickys.
Your body felt as though it was on fire as shiki continued to toy with you, your hands tangled in his hair and tugged at it roughly. He groaned and his fingers burried deeper into you causeing you to moan out, he slipped in another finger causeing you to stretch so deliciously around his digets. You unconsciously clenched down as his fingers curled inside of you, your legs shuddered as you came but his fingers didn’t stop even after he had fucked you over the edge with them. He applied more pressure as he rubbed your clit and traced shapes along the walls of your dripping cunt. He moved down and removed his fingers but before you had a chance to complain they were replaced with his tounge. His tounge darted in and out of you before sweraling around your sensitive bundle of nervers. You shuddered and shaked as another orgasm crashed over you.
Wasteing no time he stripped himself of his pants and boxers, tossing them aside before teasing your folds with his cock. You wined a little and looked at him with pleading eyes as his perverted smile only got wider. “Such a sinful little rabbit~ so willing so be defiled by the likes of a fallen angel” As he uttered those words he sunk into you, your walls stretching around him so tightly. He groaned pushing into you all the way before pulling back and snaping his hips back twords you. His mouth once again started to suck and bite at your neck as your arms wrapped around his torso underneath his wings, your nails raked down the space between his shoulder blades and wings down to his lower back leaveing angry red marks along his pale skin.
He groaned at the pain spuring him on to pound into you faster. You were moaning his name as his cock dragged against your velvet walls hitting your spongy g-spot when his hips met flush against yours, his hand came down to toy with your puffy clit makeing your legs shake. You were on fire as the coil in your stomach tightened. You cried out as your pussy clamped around him and your legs shaked while he fucked you through your orgasm. He groaned at the feeling of your nails digging into his skin and you creaming around his his cock.
Without stopping he continued with his relentless pace, your legs wouldn’t stop trembling as tears pricked your eyes, the space between your legs burned and tingled as shiki continued. His hips only stuttering when he neared his own release before continuing his pace and makeing a mess of your cunt.
He cold tell he was loseing himself to you, your pretty face so twisted in the pleasure he brought you and so stained with tears as he made you cum around him over and over. He stopped suddenly and you thought you were getting a break, oh so foolish. He was going to break you. He scooped you up, dick still throbbing inside of you, he layed you down on the floor and pulled out of you. You were confused as to why he had layed you on the floor when he suddenly pushed up your legs so your knees met your chest before quickly slamming into you. He hit even deeper inside you and you cried out as your mide whent blank of all thoughts other then his cock filling you up to the brim.
His orange eyes we’re wide and crazed, shrouded in a feral kind of lust, mouth open and spewing moans as the sound of skin meeting skin floated in the air alongside your moans and crys. Your pussy ached and clenched around his member and he moaned at the added friction. You had bitten into his shoulder so stop your strangled moans but it was in vain as your choked sobs mixed with the moans that spilled from your mouth. Lewd sloping played like a symphony as shiki thrusted in and out of your over stuffed pussy.
Finally his hips stuttered again but this time he pushed inside you and stayed and he once again spilt his seed inside you. Leeking out as he pulled out of you, cock stained white with his own cum as he once again moved you to the bed. He layed you down and wrapped his arms around you holding your trembling body against his, large black wings draped over you, covering your body in a blanket of soft feathers as it lay limp ontop of you. Gentle lips kissed away the trail of tears and those that brimed your glossy (e/c) eyes. He sighed and took a deep Inhail of your sent mixed with his.
You were trembling like a Leaf in his arms, your legs no doubt almost numb yet still aching and painted white. He rubbed gentle circles on your body and whispered sweat nothings into your ear. “I’ll go start a bath so we can wash off my lovely little rabbit” His wings desipered, only leaveing scattered black feathers as proof of there excitance, his arms uncoiled for your body. You didn’t have the energy to protest as you lay exhausted, limp, and trembling. Kissing your head softly he stood up and walked to the bathroom that was connected to his room.
Blood orange eyes looked back at your form with a soft fondness. He had fallen for you and you had fallen for him, he would choose to fall from the heavens for you and he knew that you would fall together.
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cator99 · 6 months
Massive fuck you to the sole blue hair retard in the crowd who managed to get picked for Fran Lebowitz Q&A time (a time which, for those who are observant, the audience is given the opportunity to suggest a topic for her to riff on) and asked how she would solve the Israel Palestine conflict. This of course garnered a collective groan of utter disdain and succeeded in clearing her off the stage in less than a minute after she refused to touch that question. I know its topical but it's not like other serious subjects where she can weave her way through it using funny anecdotes with the goal of landing on some punchlines. Do they not grasp that she only uses politics as a conduit for humor? Theres a reason she states upfront that she is not an activist. The thing that really set an uneasy tone amongst the room is the awareness of the unlikelihood that this person would have asked this of any random celebrity. We all know why they asked her. Same reason that my unemployed ftm housemate, as I told him where I was going while putting my shoes on, proceeded to google her and immediately say "I cant find anything about her stance on palestine :///....." Yup. She's A Humorist. I didn't know what else to say. But these types truly seem to believe that anything and everything should be presented alongside an eyesore collage of flags and a series of infographics and anything falling short of that should be understood as an inherent affront to morality– displayed in how they sort of complain-brag about spending all day arguing with Whatever-Phobes on Instagram and getting worked up over rage bait twitter posts in the name of Activism. Before I could finish collecting my thoughts, he continues: "...but I did find this drawing someone did of her in an IDF uniform. With a kid in a chokehold!" Yes. Thank you. I'm aware of the prevalence of antisemitism. Case in point. He continued on to say that while he Likes Comedy, that here aren't enough Leftist Comedians for him to feel Safe trying to Engage with it. Why are these types incapable of so much as looking in the direction of anything that isn't an exact mirror of their experiences or beliefs without shitting themselves? It's scrupulosity OCD to a fucking T. And jesus christ if you're going to a comedian for their political beliefs you're not only exposing yourself as someone without much in terms of a serious investment in actual politics to begin with but also a tragically humorless person– ie the type to show up to see Fran Lebowitz and clear the room with your inability to read it. One of the many pitfalls of illiteracy is that its impacts aren't restricted to the confines of a piece of paper.
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ganondoodle · 4 months
this isnt a call out for anyone; i keep getting asked why i even post my opinions on the internet if i dont want to argue whenever i mention how tired i am of people trying to argue with me or proof me wrong
and i just ... for one its bc there are people that have told me they like hearing my opinions bc it makes them feel less alone, its validating to hear that i am not alone and i make them feel less alone (this is a big reason)
then theres the thing .. do you feel good never saying your opinion on anything and just keeping everything to yourself? be it big or small, i tried to do that for years, just trying to crawl deeper and deeper into a hole bc clearly i am the problem and should be able to deal with everything on my own, never say anything, i could be annoying, i could be a burden, and it nearly killed me; i have very few friends and i already spam them enough to feel constantly guilty
and if i did that on some private account ... what use is that, thats the same thing as not saying anything, whats the use of saying anything when no one listens, even to select few, whats the point if others cant find it, there might be people i dont know at all that would find solace in hearing my stupid ramblings about games
its true i lack self control and just tend to talk about stuff when i feel the need of talking, but is that really so bad?
correct me if im wrong but i was never of the impression that posting something on the internet automatically means wanting to debate and argue unless you specifically say or initiate it on someone elses post? like thats why i pretty much always make my own post to complain and dont go on other peoples posts of opposing views, id view the latter as an invitation to argue moreso than the former
when i post some stupid opinion (im talking about harmless personal video game opinions mind you) on my own account who am i bothering, if people agree thats great! if they dont they can just move on- i know people love to discuss and share different opinions but the the ones i most often encounter are ones where its a basically trying to start a fight over whos more right (like theres always one correct opinion to have) or just telling me i am not allowed to feel like i feel-
im aware i cant expect everyone to be able to see a differeing opinion and move on without saying anything, but when i say something, unless its specifically a question, i just do it to vent, to let my thoughts out so they dont slowly gnaw at me, maybe find validation in others also thinking like that (i know i cant also expect everyone to think that way .. i just see it as a form of politeness? sorta?); in all honesty, i dont do it to get told opposing opinions (i know thats maybe a little ... idk, selfish i guess?) bc i usually have seen or heard those already and am saying mine bc i havent seen it before or very very little- what i think is often very much not the majority so the need to say something gets greater the more i see somethign i dont agree with, like an urge to balance it? a call to see if i am alone or not? and much less so to argue or debate over something like that, im tired and exhausted at all times, and have often trouble even getting myself to draw, i dont enjoy fights of any kind, and especialyl so when its about something so completely ignorable like a game opinion i only said bc i wanted it out of my head and bc i have seen that the majority seems to be of a different one
like a sticky note on a wall, not an invitation to a political meeting?
maybe this is something i need to work on and get better at, i havent found a way that lets me get rid of my thoughts in a way that doesnt leave me feeling guilty (like spamming my friends) or to gnaw at me (not saying anything, or somewhere no ones gonna hear it)
i know im incapable of shutting up ever (though at least i got a better control over my emotions by now) and i risk accidentally seeming like im inviting people to a fight but i dont know what else to do
maybe its something i horribly missunderstood about the internet, but its my only outlet for that, i dont have anyone IRL to talk to about my interests, maybe its a flaw that needs work, maybe its just a flaw, i dont know :/
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finnbbl · 7 months
Hyunjin X M! Reader - Dancer AU | SMAU | Chapter 4
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Ch. 4 - Meeting Stray Kids | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter |
| Story Masterlist |
Written: Yes
Smau: Yes
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: I decided to go with Hyunjin for this story. Something about his personality draws me in and motivates me to write. I hope you guys will stick with me throughout it 🥹 (Feeling really inspired, so maybe a triple update today)
Warnings: Not much I don’t think, swearing maybe?
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A couple weeks later..
Reading over that paper that previous week, you noticed it had said you would be leaving with Stray Kids within a few weeks. You weren’t sure if your eyes were working correctly. So you re-read it for what felt like a thousand times before you finally came to the conclusion that, yes, you would be leaving with them in only three weeks. Those few weeks were spent with nonstop rehearsal, which you didn’t mind. Dance was such a relaxing hobby for you. However, those few weeks left no time to actually practice with the idols yet. It was assumed you’d be doing that the few days before the first concert.
It wasn’t long before the 3 weeks was up. On the paper was also a list of stuff you should expect to bring with you. God did it seem like a lot, but you managed to fit everything into two suitcases. So there you were, luggage in hand at your front door as you waited for your friends who had agreed to take you. At 4 in the morning. They wanted to bid their final goodbyes before you took off for god knows how long. Soon enough, their car pulled up, one of the doors swinging open almost immediately. Next thing you knew, you were on the ground. “Y/NNN I CANT BELIEVE YOURE LEAVING!!!”
“Ohmygod Lia!” Laughs from the other four girls came from the car as they all watched from inside. “Now you know how I felt!” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “Yeah yeah,” Lia eventually got up off of you and held a hand out for you, which you gladly accepted. Not sure if you could see or think straight as your head had just collided with the wall pretty hard moments earlier.
“Guys we better get going if y/n is gonna get to the airport on time!” You and Lia heard Ryujin shout from the driver side window. With that, you two were in the car. “Sooo how do you feel y/n, going on tour with such a big group?” You shrug. “What do you think the answer to that is?” Your head cocked to the side as your eyelids fell, deadpanning at Yuna. “Nervous, as always.” A scoff could be heard from you, although she wasn’t wrong. “I swear, if I had a dollar for everytime y/n got nervous over something, i’d be rich.” Yeji stated as she turned her head around to face you guys in the back seat from the passenger side.
Your eyebrows furrowed. “You already are rich Yeji.” She rolled her eyes at you playfully before turning back around. “Well thanks to Lia I can’t even focus on being nervous now that my head is pounding.” You neared her face with yours briefly. “Not my fault, you started it.” Lia retorted, followed by a pout. Her bottom lip stuck out with her crossed arms, now avoiding eye contact with you.
“Oh just a heads up y/n, i believe you’re flying on the same plane as them.” Chaeryeong told you, this took you a back. “What? But i’ve never done that before, backup dancers have always gone on separate planes as the artists.”
“Yeah well, that’s our company for you.” Chae saw the way your head fell back at this information. “I better not embarrass myself.” Muttering, now with your head in your hands. It didn’t take much for you to get so anxious. You had your anxiety to thank for that. Always worried about messing something up, or embarrassing yourself. “And that’s why I told you now.”
A hand was placed on your shoulder from her, “Don’t worry, they’re really nice. Like we said. Just relax and take a deep breath.” Following her instructions, a few moments later you were able to push it aside. Not only that, but now you were at the airport. Spotting everyone at the designated spot to meet, you could already see the eight boys of the group. “Well, we’re here. Come on get out we want a hug before you go.” Smiling to them, you six stepped out of the car as they enveloped you into a giant group hug. “Tell us all about it. We wanna hear everything.” Ryu told you, as everyone else nodded in agreement.
The eight guys noticed that the members of their fellow group was onto feet away from them outside of their car. “Hey look, it’s ITZY. I wonder what they’re doing here?” Felix grabbed his friends’ attention. “Come on we should go, I wanna say hi to Yeji.” Hyunjin told Felix, who only agreed. Quickly, they were stopped by their leader. “We’re not supposed to leave without a body guard guys.” Bangchan had said as he put a hand on each of their shoulder. The other five, weren’t paying as much attention to anything going on. After all, everyone was tired as it was so early in the morning. Once the five girls had stepped back from what appeared to them as a group huddle, they noticed you standing in the middle of them. Hugging each one of them goodbye. “Wait who’s that?” Hyunjin questioned mainly to himself, but ended up grabbing a couple of the others attention. “Woah that’s y/n l/n. He’s such a sick dancer dude.” Suddenly butting into the conversation, was Minho. He could appreciate a fellow good dancer. After squinting, the other three could realize that it was in fact you.
“Ohh you’re right. Hard to see out here with how dark it is.” Lee Know could only tell by your signature cap you always wore. In fact, the whole group was familiar with you. You were always trending on social media, and you had danced with many great artists. A very well known dancer, but they wouldn’t have guessed you’d be traveling with them.
Just then, all five of the girls began smiling and pointing in their direction. Causing you to look over at them, you waved nervously as Lia started to drag you over to them. “Oh god Lia. Please do not embarrass me.” You haulted her to a brief stop. “Relax oh my god i’m not gonna do anything. Besides, embarrassing you would mean embarrassing me.” Her statement confused you, but maybe that was her plan as you were being dragged over again. Wasn’t long before you were standing in front of Stray Kids, a few other of the backup dancers stood to the side. “Hi guys, this is y/n.” Lia started to introduce you as you yanked your arm out of her grasp. “Lia, I don’t think they nor I came here for an introduction.” You let out an heavy breath and rolled your eyes. This earned a smile from a few of the members, at least the ones who had noticed the six of you. “Well anyways we should get going and so should you guys. We just came here to drop him off.” Chaeryeong stated before they started slowly making their way to the car. “It was nice to see you guys again, bye!!” All the girls called out their goodbyes to both you and the boys.
Moments of silence passed as you all waited for the rest to show up. Then it wasn’t long before you all headed to check in. “So, y/n…” You had heard someone next to you say your name. Hesitantly turning your head towards them, you realized it was Bangchan. After first finding out who you’d be touring with, you decided to do a bit of research on them. Learn their names and such. “Oh, me?” It was hard to believe someone like him would be talking to you. He nodded and chuckled at your response. “So how do you know ITZY? Never seen you dance with them before so i was just curious.” His head tilted to the side, eyebrows furrowed. “Oh well uh, I went to high school with Lia.” A small smile fell on your face as you responded quietly. “Ahh gotcha. Well, we’re excited to work with you.” His elbow nudged you lightly, all you could do was smile like a dork. If it wasn’t thanks to your mask, you’d be an embarrassed mess. It was hard for you to take compliments, especially in person. A few more words was exchanged with their leader before you all made it to security.
The next few steps were done efficiently and quietly. Next thing you knew, you were on the plane. Examining the interior was like nothing you had seen before. You never expected the plane to be so fancy. Only having toured with a few other artists, who weren’t under very large companies. Considering how popular this group and company was, it made sense. You had learned from the girls how touring with artists worked, seats would be random but you’d only hoped you wouldn’t be seated next to one of the members. Not that they weren’t nice or anything, but you couldn’t handle sitting that close to someone so famous. They lived an entirely different life, one you’d never experience or understand.
But as your luck would have it, the tallest member of the group took the middle seat right next to you. Trying to avoid any unnecessary eye contact or interaction, mostly for your nerves’ sake, you found yourself staring outside the window. And it worked, for five minutes at least. “Heyyy y/n, it’s nice to meet you.” The member known as Hyunjin, had positioned himself to face you. With no other choice, you decided to turn his direction and face him. “Hey, it’s uh.. nice to meet you too.” Hyunjin tilted his head to the side, a gentle look resting on his eyes. Something about them relaxed you, and for some reason you weren’t anxious. Pulling off your mask, as it was starting to get pretty hot, you shot him a warm smile. Silence enveloped you two. As he was about to say something else, the pilot interrupted with the usual script they followed.
Taglist: @silverstarburst @virluna148
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blackheart-6 · 6 months
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noelle holiday age progression chart
without height lines
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explanations of designs:
hi yall
so, i actually finished this drawing like a week ago lol. but i didnt want to post a bunch of drawing in a row, and then i got sick, so i havent been able to post it till now!
its my imaginings of what noelle looked like as she grew up, and a potential adult noelle design! ill explain my thought processes about these designs below, if anyones interested 😁
i also plan on doing one of these with dess, but this one was pretty difficult, so it might be awhile before that (unless yalls are interested in seeing it?)
first off, im not 100% sure ill keep using all these designs. some of them im not that happy with (im no good at designing outfits 😔) but i just went with them so i could finish the drawing. so if anyone has any alternative outfit ideas for any of her ages, id be interested in seeing/hearing it!
secondly, something that may stick out to yall for all the designs is how tall she gets. its the same height i normally draw her with, but given how i usually draw her by herself you cant really tell how tall she is! i have 3 main reasons for why i headcanon her as this tall: deer are pretty tall irl, so having her be tall makes sense in my head; i just like the look of her being super tall, it makes me happy lol; and third, i personally also headcanon the holiday family as boss monsters (i think ive explained this headcanon before on here, so i wont explain again, unless someone is interested ^^). so yeah, she ends up being 7 feet tall as an adult, the second tallest in her family!
also, i gave all her children forms stripes in some way, as a reference to when monster kid in undertale says they can tell frisk is a kid because of their stripes!
now onto my explainations for individual drawings!
theres nothing really to say about her baby design. the only thing i did that might be new is give her faun spots! they are most plentiful on her baby form, but they persist until shes in her teens, i would say (on here you cant see them after age 7, but thats just because i imagine they are mostly on her back). and i gave her a cute lil onsie that says a-deer-able! if you guys cant read it ^^
this outfit i made for her toddler design is actually an outfit ive used in the past! i wonder if yall know what drawing it was? its pretty much the same as it was there, i just added a stripe to the shirt. i felt like overalls are so reminiscent of childhood, i had to give at least one of her designs them! i also added a little mistletoe to the front pocket, to make it more christmas-esque. and i gave her some bandaids, just cause.
7 years old is one of the designs i really struggled on, and im still not happy with it. i dunno if ive said this yet, but i headcanon noelle to be trans, so at 7 is when i decided she started realizing it. so here i gave her long sleeves and pants, to show how shes more hidden now because shes unhappy with herself, if that makes any sense? i was also trying to make her look a bit like a nerd, with the button up and khakis, just because its funny. but yeah, ill probably end up changing this design at some point :P
11 years old was one of the easiest to do, considering how ive had her design for this age for awhile lol. one thing i did change was going from 2 red/white stripes to one, but ive done that before, so it wasnt something entirely new. i also gave her a smile and closed eyes, cause shes happy being a girl 🥰. other that that, its the same, so yeah, thats it for this part
okay, this next design is a fairly different looking one than all the rest, but i have my reasons! at this point in noelles live, dess has gone missing, so i wanted to show her being sad and stuff. i also gave her shoes and long sleeves because she probably goes out looking for dess when she can, hoping to find a lead 😭. but outside of in-story stuff, this outfit is based off of an old one i drew, but its fairly edited, so i wouldnt be surprised if no one recognizes it even if they have seen my old stuff. she has straight hair here, to show how unhappy she is (idk what it is about straight hair it just feels sad) and because i wanted to give her different hair varieties on this progression chart. i gave her antlers 2 prongs each at this point, because the way i see deer monsters, their antlers show their growth/aging, so youll see them getting bigger and having more prongs as the chart continues.
this outfit for 15 is another one i dont like. i tried to make it similar to her current outfit, but still pretty different. im not even sure what precisely i dont like about this outfit, it just doesnt feel that good. for this one i gave her leg warmers because i used to (and sometimes still do) draw her normal outfit with them. i gave her the curly hair she has as a callback to when i used to draw her hair like that! but yeah, ill probably end up redoing this one too
for 17, i just gave her the normal outfit, so it was easy ^^. in game i think shes 16, but close to turning 17, so i just went with 17 here to fit the +2 age pattern thing i had going on. i also gave her an extra horn prong than i normally give her, just to show age once again
finally, her adult design! i dont like this one either lol. i spent so long trying to think of what outfit to give her, but i couldnt come up with something i liked >.< so i just gave her something simple. i feel like once noelle graduates high school and probably goes to college she branches out more and tries things her mother never let her do, which is why i gave her an outfit like that, that has a crop top and a shorter skirt. also, yalls might recognize the hair style i gave her, i drew a potential adult noelle before and i gave her the same hair ^^
i think thats all for the post! i probably have more thoughts that im just not thinking of, but its fine for now. i hope yall enjoyed the drawing, and if you have any question or comments or whatever, go ahead and say them!! if youve made it this far, have a cookie, you must be hungry after reading so much ^^ 🍪
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
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this has been a week huh? I got sick an all 🫡 BUT
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what romantic kind is Luois? The akward one? The winner spirit? The handsome prince? The actually decent? The in denial? The not in any way obvious? The quiet? I feel like he wouldn't say a word, but he'll be obvious (Ellie would see him acting nicely to her and be like: "finally some respect")
If Ellie found out what would she do? Probably nothing if I think of it, maybe she'll be like: "it's a phase, you'll grow our of ir if I'm lucky". She's so done with everyone but fish (he loves the crew but fish are fish)
tell me about them, I know probably Luois is a decent cookie being with his feelings and doesn't do much because "getting attached like this to a coworker isn't that much of a great idea", but tell me PLEAAAASEEEEEE
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I don't know if you have told me before, but how is his relationship with Urchin? She seems like someone he can mess up with and then she'll mess him up way worse (in a sibling way if you get me)
XD hey you can ramble on about how much you love Tuna whenever! There's no set time XDD and I'm sorry to hear that you've been sick. :( I hope you feel better soon! :}
As for Louis and Ellie, I haven't really thought it through a whole lot.. would Ellie feel the same way? What kind of romantic is Louis? I'm not sure of much of that.. but this ask did give me a drawing idea. XD
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Perhaps Louis is very confident and charismatic in most areas of his life. But when he's met with romantic interest in a woman? And being unsure if said woman feels the same?? Suddenly he's shaking in his boots and keeping his feelings locked up all over again. It's probably a similar situation to Blue and Seafoam. He's unsure if Ellie feels the same and doesn't want to risk damaging or altering their current friendship.
And don't be mistaken about Ellie. She isn't heartless or cold, her body language is just hard to read! She really is a sweetheart and loves her crew to bits. That's why Louis is interested in the first place- he knows that underneath that grumpy exterior she's a real catch. It just so happens that her grumpy exterior makes it hard to tell if she feels the same! <XD
As for Tuna, he's been doing well I'm sure! Eating, drinking, sleeping and all that XD Now his relationship with Urchin.. hmm.. well, Urchin is really chill and easy going. I imagine she has a fair bit of patience to deal with any of Tunas shenanigans. Perhaps they'd be good friends! Especially when Tuna eventually lightens up around the crew :}
Thank you once again for the ask and interest in my ocs!! :DD It makes me heart very happi :}} 💞💞
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sunnyfoxsstuff · 2 months
Hello! Hi! Im quite happy tonight lol between @shadowfuka here's the draw of Ghost shi qingxuan!
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Be the judge buddy >;p i hope y'all like this little Fanart i made of my own fanfic! With that imma hop onto the fanfic!
Chapter 4: meeting again
Xie lian, hua cheng and shi qingxuan all shared their deserved diner
After this they went to sleep, hua cheng and xie lian sharing the same bed again it obviously became an habit while on the other hand shi qingxuan was in the guest room however he could not find sleep imediatly so he stared mostly outside looking at the nature around and falling asleep beside's the stair's of the front of puqi shrine,
In the morning the Sun ray's woked shi qingxuan up he wasnt really hungry but he decided to prepare breakfast for xie lian and hua cheng he wasnt expecting any special reaction about it from hua cheng he was more doing it for his friend as a part of pay back for his past help he had offered, not too long After xie lian woke up walking toward's the kitchen to shi qingxuan
XL:"i could've made breakfast y'know you dont need to work or do chore's around" he said feeling a bit awkward
SQX:"pff-" waving his hand "dont worry about it and i wanted to Cook breakfast since you two were still asleep i didnt wanted to bother" he said smiling looking for a minute at his friend before putting his attention back on the food he was cooking
XL:"how-..how does it feel?"
SQX:"huh?" Confused by the question his Friend had just asked
XL:"like uh- yknow? Dying and being a Ghost like- how did it felt? How do you feel?" He said smiling awkwardly
SQX:"since when did you figure it out? But i suppose i cant really hide it well yet, and didnt you asked hua cheng that? He's a Ghost even better he's a Ghost king" he say's joyfull as his usual self extending his arm's up making dramatising gestures
XL:"no i didnt asked him i usually dont it feel's kind of awkward and personnal to Ask someone 'bout their death" fidgeting with his finger's looking down a little
SQX:"hm well i suppose i could tell you, however my death wasnt really tragic unlike other people's that either die saving someone or on war or protecting someone you should know you said it yourself that i was sick gotta admit it felt like torture staying back there sitting and not being able to properly digest my food like literally! I couldnt even move!" He say's a bit annoyed about it "i was already slow because of my limbs which by the way dont really hurt anymore cant deny the pain is still a tiny bit present i dont know why or how so i keep the bandage's just incase who know's but as for my death, first my injuries were pretty Bad and barely had even healed of course and seccond i suppose the illness got me.." he said pausing for minute
A silence fell for a little while, while these minute's xie lian was preparing the bowl's for their breakfast seeing that shi qingxuan was almost done
XL:"i wish i had came back and picked you up" he said with a sad tone
SQX:"naaaa! I didnt even feel my death i just closed my eye's one morning After waking up and..poof! I was a soul!" He say's with a brighter tone bringing the rice and putting some in each bowl's not really filling his enough
XL:"sooo you didnt feel anything?" Tilting his head
SQX"nope! Not even a pinch!" Saying proudly putting the vegetables on the rice with an omelette
XL:"why did you became a Ghost then? You're not one to want vengeance and your brother is-" he shutted his mouth before saying one more word
SQX:"yeah well i thought i would pass on After all there was nothing else to do but,.." he paused thinking about that moment for a minute until he got snapped out of his thought's
XL:"but?" He said looking at shi qingxuan who's smile had wore off because of his thought's
SQX:"i saw a black silhouette looking at me with golden eye's" he say's seriously "you're probably thinking i imagined it but i didnt" he stopped seeing xie lian wanting to speak and without loosing a second he exclaimed what he was thinking
XL:"wait! So you're saying, black water sinking ship"
XL:"the one that traumatised you and killed your brother!," he exclaimed louder
SQX:"yeeesssssss i mean my brother was kinda going insane obviously but i still love him of course he'll always stay my ge'" he answered
XL:"why would that one person Come see you it's odd" he paused thinking with his usual thinking pose while hearing hua cheng waking and sitting at the table too and shi qingxuan starting to munch on his food
HC:"it doesnt look like what you usually Cook gege" he said looking at xie lian snapping him out of his hard thinking
XL:"oh!- yes, that's because i didnt made it shi qingxuan did he didnt wanted to bother us since he woke up before us" smiling at hua cheng finally taking the bowl and eating it without any more word's hua cheng on the other hand looked like a kid a picky eater toying a bit with his vegetables even so he still ate a little bit of it since xie lian seemed to appreciate the food
However soon enough hua cheng felt a stare and looked in the direction of shi qingxuan raising an eyebrow looking at his bowl seeing that he was empty, he tried to ignore the stare of this..New ghost but he couldnt shake it off and put down his chopsticks turning his head to shi qingxuan which had now a side smile and he started glaring back, not giving up shi qingxuan continued his stare and with that they continued their stare glare fight while sometimes breaking it to answer xie lian
In the morning shi qingxuan went off in the forest wanting to explore while hua cheng insisted that xie lian stay's and pass Time together, soon the afternoon came shi qingxuan was coming back while hua cheng was displeased with the presence of a so said 'ghost king' he looked more like a angry fish to hua cheng's eye's, xie lian however tried to make him at home but he'd refuse to enter puqi shrine as to not get more debt from hua cheng
Hua cheng and he xuan were kinda bickering seeing who would Snap at who first like a competition, when suddenly someone got Heard from a far sounding like as if they were running back
SQX:"your highness look what i got!-" he'd exclaim happily to then stop straight infront the three of them seeing he xuan up close again made him feel, fear, with a mix of a bit of happiness and didnt quite know how to act
Xie lian came toward's his friend continuing his talk "what is it what you got?" He answered as if to change his thought's
Shi qingxuan looked at xie lian for a little and then openned outer robe a bit a little white bird peeking his head out
XL:"he look's adorable! You shouldnt take animal's like that though he's a wild bird!"
SQX:"i do what i want" saying proudly "beside's he's the one that came on my shoulder he was cold so i putted him in there" petting the bird's head
He xuan just observed he didnt know why hua cheng asked him to come and seeing qingxuan standing right there wasnt feeling right, he was sure to have seen him die that day, that morning
Suddenly hua cheng coughed a little bit only to bring the attention to him "he xuan i asked you to come because thi- his highness's 'friend'. Wanted to see you dont make me do it twice." He said with a strict tone grabbing xie lian bringing him inside not wanting to deal anymore with these two he had already beared shi qingxuan's presence long enough he had even dared to cook breakfast instead of his highness saying that he was pissed would be an understatement
Both of the ghost's stared at the door that had been slammed shut right infront their nose, they both felt awkward not knowing how to start the conversation something qingxuan was usually good at, for once he xuan started talking first
HX:"so you're not dead?" Talking with the same monotone tone as before
SQX:"actually- i am-" he answered awkwardly fidgeting with his finger's
HX:"qingxuan" he sighed crossing his arm's "why are you here dont tell me it was to see me because as far as i can tell your body is against being near me." He said coldly not looking away
and he wasnt wrong qingxuan's hand's were horribly shaking he still tried to hide it by putting his hand's behind his back and smile a forcefull smile he didnt know why he couldnt just smile right now, "well i thooought we could probably start over? Our friendship, i wanna get to know you" he exclaimed with a bit of a shaky voice
HX:"sure." Still cold still monotone no change's "but i dont recall you having a home"
SQX:"i'll build my own house we could share it!-" he said determined and bold while the bird flew off back into the wild where he belong
He xuan take a sigh before walking off with an instant shi qingxuan was right behind him following
SQX:"he xuan where are you goooiiiiing!? Wait for me!" His bad leg betraying right on that moment falling face flat down on the dirt
He xuan stopped and looked back amused at the sight but keeping a neutral face, walking back toward him handing out a hand as to help him get up shi qingxuan accepted the help of course a bit embarrassed about falling down like toddler that barely knew how to walk
HX:"your leg isnt healed isnt it?" Looking down at the Bad leg that qingxuan was keeping up
SQX:"uhm, well it depend on the time sometime's it does hurt sometime's it doesnt" he answered to then saying lowly "i didnt thought it would hurt right now, its embarrassing it was fine until now"
HX:"you Can walk or do you need a stick?" He raised an eyebrow looking at him
SQX:"i'd rather die than keep a walking stick by my side!" He exclaimed with a pouting face
HX:"..you are already dead idiot" slapping gently qingxuan's back head
After a little while of fighting and chatting which was as usual only qingxuan talking he xuan made a teleportation array to a nice spot and offered qingxuan to live in a small but big enough house that had been abandonned there,
He wasnt much of a builder so he agreed and so their journey together started.
Imma stop here i feel like i wrote longer than usual! However i loved writing this chapter my creativity just kept flowing lol x)
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