lanyardwearingteen · 4 years
GEE16: The Entrepreneurial Mind BLOG 2
Crossing The Boundaries: Taking First Step 
Couple of days later our group of five was formed, coerce into a single entity in order to traverse the road of entrepreneurial education together. We will known as the Enjinerrs. The name is actually unofficial but I like how it sounds, I need to deliberate with the team with regards to this matter.
On the first couple of days in our team deliberation and planning, the team decided to tackle problems concerning the environment and the individual health as we deemed it as a priority in helping the environment and the community grow as a whole.
Specifically we tackled three (3) problems:
1. Excess biodegradable waste of the coconut plantations in the Philippines;
2. Unsanitary drinking water in some of the rural and urban areas in the Philippines; and
3.Existence of recyclables solid pollutants that was not utilize.
For our startup to fly, rather for our project to be successful we devise three critically planned methods that is not based on assumptions, but rather based on data mining and research referencing and also taking economic growth into consideration preferably Entrepreneurship into consideration, we have devised the following:
1. Convert the excess biodegradable waste into activated carbon;
2. Utilize the activated carbon with the fabricated recycled scraps into a water filtering device; and
3. Fabricate and design a water filter using recyclable and sanitize scraps.
Although, the project sounds common and shallow in order to cope up with the current trend in the market. What this actually possessed is something that the market doesn’t have since we’ll incorporate engineering directives and technological advancement with the device that we want to manifest.
Back in High School the second project that my team have developed is quite similar, it is a smart tap water quality monitoring device integrated with a microcontroller that works on real time. It runs on a similar concept the only that is missing is the filtration mechanism but all in all in its own totality it’s a good efficient and an accurate device that is proven and tested through various test.
So I’m quite excited for our team’s proposal for this project.
Anyway back at the main topic at hand, before the team decided to pursue this startup we have devise a hypothesis in order to guarantee a result. So have formulated four hypothesis, two (2) alternative hypothesis and also two (2) null hypothesis.
HA1: There’s a necessity to apply a water monitoring and a filtration device to ensure the safety and cleanliness of drinking water.
HA2: The presence of biodegradable coconut waste on coconut plantations exhibits the necessity for a direct solution.
H01: There’s no need to apply a water monitoring and a filtration device to ensure the safety and cleanliness of drinking water.
H02: The presence of biodegradable coconut waste on coconut plantations doesn’t exhibits the necessity for a direct solution.
So, questions now would be, How did we proceed with this project knowing we have so many hypothesis? The answer for that question would be we just proceeded, the hypothesis that we formulated aren’t even that much. Given with time effort and of course experience, it’s easily solved.
In order to test the hypothesis the team have followed two mechanism; a) using survey questionnaires (rather online interview through messenger since it’s the most convenient way of action in the midst of this global pandemic) second through literature referencing for validation of the themes that existed on the respondents answer.
Our questionnaire rather interview have two (2) parts, with Part A. relating to open ended question about water resources and Part B. relating to questions focus on biodegradable and is composed of six (6) questions. The question are actually qualitatively open-ended in order to gather qualitative results. In order to determine its coherence when it comes to testing the hypothesis.
(Interview questions)
Part A.
1. Necessity of safe water
2. Necessity of clean drinking water
3. Necessity of monitoring water quality.
4. Necessity of clean access to drinking water in a community.
Part B.
1. Problems with biodegradable waste? ex. residues of biodegradable waste on coconut plantations in the Philippines...
2. Necessity for actions to resolve the existence of the biodegradable waste.
So for this phase in our task, the team have interviewed 10 respondents through messenger and compiled all results to conclude the themes present on their answers. For ethical and data privacy purposes, the team won’t release a documentation on what happened during the conversation. I don’t know about what my co-member will do, but I as a former student-researcher with 6 years of experience on the field won’t do it so casually as I follow a strict ethical conduct on matters like this. However, I may released a censored documentation.
So the common theme formulated by the interviews goes as follows:
1. Safe water is necessary.
2. Clean drinking water is necessary.
3. Monitoring our drinking water is essential as it’s a matter that relates to the health of the individual.
4. A community deserves clean access towards drinking water.
5. Biodegradable waste is a problem depending on isolated cases and minor exception.
6. In order to resolve problems with biodegradable waste proper management is necessary.
So, based on deduce results there’s a necessity to apply a water monitoring and a filtration device to ensure the safety and cleanliness of drinking water and the presence of biodegradable coconut waste on coconut plantations exhibits the necessity for a direct solution. In conclusion, the team accepts all the alternative hypothesis and rejects the null hypothesis. Lastly, this ensures the slight margin of success for the project of the team.
The question on your mind now would, I presume “What are the other option that we have aside from this project? I mean, we could have chosen different projects especially in the current pandemic where the trend and competition in the market with regards to medical equipment is high, if we want to become an entrepreneur then we need to stay with trend. However, there’s problem with that and it is a matter of credibility and credentials necessary for the work. The thing is, we are not biomedical engineers that would develop medical devices and you can’t just trust a company without proper credentials as it is necessary to be coherent with the field. What I am trying to imply is, let the expert handle their works.
As to why we chose this project, according to recent research conducted by the water.org, the team have learn that, out of 109 million people living in the Philippines, nearly seven million rely on unsafe and unsustainable water sources and 24 million lack access to improved sanitation. Despite its growing economy, the Philippines faces significant challenges in terms of water and sanitation access. The country is rapidly urbanizing, and its growing cities struggle to provide new residents with adequate water and sanitation services. And the team have decided that we can’t just ignore the existence of those people.
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lanyardwearingteen · 4 years
GEE16: The Entrepreneurial Mind - Blog 1
As I traverse the path of opening and developing the inner entrepreneur within me I have decided to be honest and and just state my preliminary opinion about the concept of the subject before I undertake this ever changing multi-dimensional route of discipline. As it emphasizes its learning outcomes on exhibiting the relationship of engineering on solving modern day problem that is context-wise related to the entrepreneurial world. 
However, when we are situated in this scenario we have to think about the correlations and the possible connections within the two multi-disciplinary subjects. In order do to achieve the objectives of the given task, one thing that we need to consider is knowing the framework of the given concepts, thereby leading us to its introduction and the following integrated notion, especially about Entrepreneurship.
Now this leads us to the question of, What is entrepreneurship? or would you rather cater the question of, As an engineering student why do I need to study the concepts of entrepreneurship? Is it really necessary to be included in the field that I'm currently working with? To answer those rhetorical question we need to consider and understand the relationship between both concepts. As of now, since we are still currently lacking the substance required to answer those question, therefore it has to wait until we are done with the subject per se.
Whether we relate the subject at hand on dealing with matters concerning technology innovation and development with regards to the status quo or on the matter that it develops and conditions the mind of its disciples to be innovative and strategic, the subject at hand will still fall on the matter of choice of the individual to full integrate and accept the notion of the subject or to just learn it casually as requirement.
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