#I cannot remember
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shadow-von-vamp · 7 months ago
meanwhile at the ultimate lifeform factory
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rwsdarw · 1 year ago
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pretend this is a good caption
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dyinggirldied · 1 year ago
The portal accidence truck-kun isekai Danny
Yeah, like the title says, Danny is a huge DC fan and especially batfam content. His parents are still ghost scientists and his sister still psychoanalyze people too much.
He decides to try to help activate the portal for his parents only to get himself isekai.
He wakes up and finds out he is Danyal, the short-lived son to Batman and twins to Damian.
He decides to do nope his way through his 'destined' death in canon by planning to run away.
Unfortunately, he has endeared himself to his family and that plan aint gonna come, once his ghost powers come into play
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it is extremely slightly implied that percy is a reincarnation of Perseus and that annabeth is a reincarnation of Odysseus (maybe this could be a really old headcannon who knows). in this was percabeth could be classified as a yaoi greek mythology fanfiction. In this essay i will-
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evieeexxx · 5 months ago
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faejilly · 1 year ago
so average-mako-enjoyer made this post about Shepard being forced to have a social media account for morale and only posting hamster pictures and like
I read that and immediately had four different Shepards yelling at me in my head (I blame @shadoedseptmbr's Aedan tags) 🤣🤣🤣
Weaver would in fact include hamster pictures, but they'd be macro pictures of like, whiskers and toes only.
The whole account would all only be macro photos. No tags, no comments, no explanations, no definitions. No time stamps or metadata, all expertly wiped, no location cues beyond maybe the quality of the light... which isn't that hard to manipulate after all, if you've got an omnitool and some good flashlight/spotlight blueprints.
It's all just exquisite close-ups of pieces of gravel and seeds and leaves and pollen or fractions of circuit boards and weird screws or clamps or the odd pattern of wear on a [redacted but clearly the Mako for those in the know] tire.
She and Aeden would clearly get along great.
Ngaio would flat out refuse. (She would've done it if she'd met Traynor sooner, because she can refuse Traynor nothing, but that was too late, on several levels.)
Ella would be asked to make an account after she gets her N7 status and starts showing up in the news periodically; she's told to try and soften the public image of the infamous Butcher of Torfan.
She does set something up, posts some generic pretty Alliance Training Stock Photos, the kind you get in a recruiters office, but that's it for ages.
And then she posts five separate in-depth tutorials in a row, three on astronomy and two on France of all things, one specifically about the language, one about cooking.
Then nothing again.
And then a three-part series on astral navigation, and how different species figured out the math for measuring where the fuck they were in space.
Then a thing on baking with chocolate, including how to convert levo recipes to dextro (and vice versa) and which things were more likely to translate into something that might still taste good.
She never shows herself however, so it does fuck all to counter all the pics and videos of her stalking around heavily armed and armored in full gear, occasionally with a bit of a blue halo from biotics usage, generally glaring or scowling as she avoids reporters trying to get a comment.
Most people don't connect her socials to the Butcher of Torfan at all, and those that do assume someone else is running the account in her name in a failed Alliance PR stunt.
After the Battle of the Citadel, there are enough recordings of her helping with clean-up efforts and being polite at formal ceremonies to make it clear that the Butcher and the Shepard-who-goes-on-weird-tangents-on-social-media are actually the same person, who is also POSSIBLY a galactic hero, so the whispers about Torfan finally start to fade out a little...
And then she dies.
Ward would be some terrifying (but delightful once you got past the scowl) combination of Adam Savage and Mercury Stardust because he would legit show people how to take things apart and upgrade and fix them (and which bits are 'legal-ish' depending on whether they technically own them or not) but also things probably explode sometimes (or at the very least spark A Lot™️) and Tali guests wearing glorious (flame-retardant) Turian fashions and ALSO sometimes PROPRIETARY TECH THAT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE and no one ever bleeps ANY of Jack's swearing and sometimes the three of them are gleefully trying to make something that probably shouldn't exist and some poor Alliance PR officer cries in their office sometimes because they are actually spectacular PR and GREAT for morale and also they break so many TOS's but it's Commander Fucking Shepard so who's gonna tell him to stop?
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butchsquatch · 9 months ago
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0ransje · 1 year ago
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Mspaint boys :]
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accursedpenner · 6 days ago
I got frustrated and actually vented about it
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I don't like venting online, but I think I should be allowed to vent about this. Sometimes I actually want to cry because the people IRL who are supposed to "get" me don't. People get on my case for not looking or acting in a way that's queer enough People get mad at me for even peeking out of the closet because "wow I didn't want to deal with that so close to me. keep that to yourself."
People doubt my queerness all the time I get told to my face I am not non-binary because I keep my hair long and I'll wear a dress every once in a while and then on the flip side when CERTAIN TYPES people do learn I'm queer I get congratulated for "being one of the good ones." "Thanks for not rubbing it in," they say! "why can't more gay people be like you! You don't make it your personality," they cheer!
Meanwhile I'm stewing knowing I can never win. I've made a lot of concessions in my life to keep the peace and to not make every day of my life to be a constant, potentially dangerous, struggle.
But it has taken such a huge toil on my emotional health. But jokes on everyone else because I am a queer artist and writer and that's where I am visibly queer. I have been very very very shy about being candid on social media but maybe one day I'll start posting more about my OCs and stuff.
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eddie-rifff · 9 days ago
Movie Tag Game!
Rules: Without naming them, post a GIF from ten of your favorite films, then tag ten people to do the same. I'm just gonan say. if u have movies u wanna share, do this and say i tagged u <3
tagged by @carcarrot :***
before u look........ i did not purposely try to pick mostly films from the 80s. i just really like films from the 80s. i like how they looked and the practical effects and i like the actors from that time and i like the comedy and the everything. 80s films supremacy
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halfapersob · 2 years ago
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I kind of completely forgot I did this because it was midnight. Anyways
Go read crimson [thats the link to the prelude]
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vashti-lives · 4 months ago
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vessalis · 1 year ago
I never got to say goodbye to you. I didn't want to leave you behind, I was scared to draw the line l, even when everything was over, and it was radio silence from your end, because what if it wasn't? What if I just went and ruined what I had with the fist person that I called a friend? But you never came back, and it's been awhile now. I was lonely then and so I thught what we had was deeper than what really was. I can't really blame you, I don't blame you, I had no right to expect anything back, really. I was foolish, really. And it's time to do what I refused to in a long while.
Goodbye, 'Jack'.
Hello? Um due to the fact that you did send this anonymous I'm afraid I am not quite sure who you are and I am well aware that I have been off this blog for a long time, as life got in the way, but I mean if you ever do see this reply know that if you were someone I talked to, roleplayed with, or anything I never meant any ill intentions with any silence on my end, i really was just living life and forgot about tumblr roleplay in general. and would love to reconnect if you want?
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systemtermz · 1 year ago
I have reigned :p in.
Also have I been using the wrong pronouns for :p I genuinely just default to Admin’s pronouns for everyone, fuck.
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a-concert-just-for-me · 1 year ago
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I need you all to see my poor little bark bark
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rosaacicularis · 1 year ago
did i ever tell you guys about the poem i wrote that reads as religious trauma but i literally wrote it about third life grian??
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