#I can’t even be unconscious correctly
beckiboos · 2 years
Guess how I found out today you can faint in your sleep?
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 month
Getting pinned against a wall by kny men
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Pairings: Akaza x fem!reader; Gyomei x fem!reader; Rengoku x fem!reader; Sanemi x fem!reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: no smut but it's getting heated, TENSION you guys, not proofread bc I really need to go to sleep lol
Let me know what you thiiiink
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There you sit. Uncomfortably with your knees resting against the cold hard floor, watched by countless of demons that buzz around you like a school of fish.
“Can I go home now?”
Your eyes dart towards the one who captured you earlier, the guy who managed to force you into unconsciousness with one well-placed blow. Why you’re still alive? You have absolutely no idea.
After all, things are pretty clear: You are a hashira. And that guy standing in front of you is none other than the upper moon three.
“You’re not going anywhere”, he remarks dryly, his hand resting against his hip while looking downwards.
“Why didn’t you eat me?”
“You’re not my taste”, the unknown man bites back.
Is there a way out of here? You scan each and every corridor, every way that might help you out of this trap. What is this place, even? With those countless open rooms and literal buildings that float through the air like balloons, you’re definitely not close to your estate anymore.
You lift yourself off the ground and stretch your limbs.
“I can’t sit here like that for any longer without feeling like a granny”, you groan along with stretching your back.
The second you take one step towards the ground, you feel his rough grasp on your wrist.
“What do you think you’re doing, brat?”
“Just checking if I’d survive jumping down there”, you give back.
“You’d be dead before you hit the ground.”
“What a pity”, you mutter.
“What an idiot”, Akaza mumbles under his breath.
When he was assigned to bring you here, he thought you’d be just like the rest: trembling in fear, begging for mercy, fighting until you eventually die a heroic death.
But you did neither of those things. You didn’t even ask him who he is, let alone where you are. You just sat there in silence with your orbs wandering around infinity castle filled with nothing but curiosity.
“What’s even your name?”
He wants to curse himself, his stupid tongue for acting faster than his mind was able to stop. Muzan never mentioned your name before. Who is that strange girl with those innocent eyes and calm temper?
“You’re asking me for my name after kidnapping me? A little too late, don’t you think?”
Your bored expression almost sends him over the edge.
“Are you actually too stupid to realize what position you’re in?”, he hisses, the grip around your wrist tightening with every passing minute.
“You might be the upper moon three, but you’re not a threat for me. I won’t tell you my name.”
With a shrug of your shoulders, you yank your hand out of his grasp and continue walking towards the end of the platform.
Did he…just hear that correctly? Him not being a threat for you, you not willing to tell him your name?
But he needs it. Fuck, he needs to know who the hell you are, he needs to know you better, needs to find out why you’re acting this way and how you caught Muzan Kibutsuji’s interest. The first human being that ever grasped his attention, the first hashira he encountered with an attitude like that.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
Faster than your mind is able to process, you find yourself pinned against a wall with vibrant yellow pupils staring at you intensely.
For a moment, you forget how to breathe. Of course, you realized how well-build this demon is right from the start, that his face is remarkably beautiful for the fact that he’s a monster, but seeing him up close…
“That’s a rather unexpected position”, you breathe out.
“Tell me your fucking name.”
“Tell me yours, first”, you demand playfully.
“I mean, that’s the least you can do after pinning me against a wall like you’re my lover.”
“A lover?”
You watch in sheer amusement how his eyes widen in utter surprise, how his mind starts visibly thinking through your words. But within the split of a second, he grabs your neck roughly and prevents you from getting the air you need.
“Sorry, I did mean to upset you”, you choke out, hands instantly grabbing his in order to free yourself.
“I should kill you right on the spot”, he spits into your face.
Why the hell do your eyes have to look so damn captivating in that light? And why does the heat radiating from your body make his head feel dizzy, lets his mind wander to places they’ve never been before? Your much smaller frame pressed against his, his hand resting on your neck…Is he going insane?
“My name’s (y/n).”
(y/n). A truly fitting name for someone like you, the sound of it never reached his ear until now.
“Akaza”, he mumbles out of instinct.
“Nice to meet you, Akaza.”
You can feel the pressure around your neck decreasing, now gasping for air like a fish on land. But he doesn’t remove his hand. No, the demon in front of you stares at you with eyes so intensely that you feel like blushing any given minute. Would it hurt to lean forward just an inch, to catch a taste of him? If Rengoku could see you right now, lying in the arms of a demon while every single hashira is probably out there searching for you, he'd definitely wash your head properly.
But you couldn’t care less. Not about the fact that you are in danger, not about your former master being worried about you, not about the circumstance that this force of a man is a damn strong demon who could kill you within the blink of an eye.
“Feeling that sexual heat as well? Because I definitely do”, you comment into the silence.
Another hit that wipes that cheeky grin of your face and sends you into sweet nothingness.
“Sexual heat…”
Gently, Akaza lifts you up inside his arms and stares at your resting face.
“You’ve got some nerve.”
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Gyomei Himejima
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“I’m on your right!”, you shout over the sensation of chaos, screams and death while dashing forwards.
Again and again, without questioning what you’re doing for a single second. Since the day you joined the demon slayer corps, it has always been this way. Fighting until you physically can’t anymore, standing up for people who don’t even know you.
You glance at the man to your left, watch how skillfully he makes his way through the crowds without hurting anyone except demons.
Fighting on Gyomei’s side, to be exact.
Countless nights, you imagined what a relationship with him might look like. Why does a man like him not have a partner already? Him, who is so gentle and assertive at the same time. Him, who cares about others more than about himself. Him, with that massive and well-trained frame, his oh so captivating face.
It’s no wonder you fell in love with him after spending your time right by his side. There’s no need to feel ashamed about your constant daydreaming and secret looks, right?
“(y/n), watch out!”
Your heart drops to the floor, eyes widen in sheer horror. What is this thing darting towards you at neck-breaking speed? A ray of lighting, a blade, a bullet? Too fast for you to even react, aiming straight for your head.
Is this the end?
Your body starts feeling light, adrenaline rushing through your veins a few seconds too late. No, you won’t be able to make it. You’ll die right here on the spot.
Gyomei…you should have told him everything. From your constant dreams to your well-hidden feelings. Even though he might not feel the same way, you’ll take this secret to the grave.
Without seeing his face one last time.
“(y/n), are you alright?”
Your eyes rest shut, preparing for the hit that can’t be escaped.
“(y/n), please say something.”
You furrow your eyebrows. Are you imagining that oh so familiar voice again?
“Look at me.”
You force your eyes open.
And stare directly in that so known face.
“Gyomei”, you breathe out.
“Are you alright? Were you hurt?”
His hands are all over the place, scanning your body for potential injuries. That’s when you realize how close he is.
So close that his large frame pins you against a tree completely, to be exact.
“I..Uh, I’m a-alright”, you press out.
His earthy but still fresh scent darts up your nose, makes you forget the stinging smell of blood and burnt flesh around you. No, there’s only you and him. You, resting between his strong arms. Him, who bends his head down to meet your level, single droplets of sweat now covering his forehead.
“Are you sure? That attack was directed directly against you”, he continues while furrowing his eyebrows.
“And you do feel hot”, he adds.
Maybe you’re hot because you’ve never been this close to him before. Or maybe you’re hot because his lips are only inches away from yours, because his presence is so intense that you feel like fainting any given minute.
At this very moment, his lips look as kissable as never before.
“Are you sure you’re alright, (y/n)?”
“I’m…Yeah!”, you blurt out.
Thank god he can’t see the way your cheeks turn dark red when his hand comes to a stand on your waist.
“I was deeply worried about your well-being. If something ever happens to you, I’d never be able to forgive myself for that”, he adds, his free hand now caressing your boiling cheek oh so gently.
“Just tell her you love her, man. Her head’s already super red”, Sanemi shouts from afar.
“What!?”, both of you reply in an instant.
“Your head is red.”
“You…love me?”
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Kyojuro Rengoku
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Your nerves are tingling in frustration, just glancing at his back almost drives you over the edge.
Kyojuro and you never really had the same understanding when it came to missions. Him with his fiery passion, strong sense of justice, unwavering resolve and usually calm and composed demeanor. Until it comes to the safety of others.
And that’s where you part. It’s not like you don’t care about others, as if you’d risk innocent lives without blinking. But what comes first is destroying that demon as efficient as possible.
Even if it means putting your own life on the line.
“You were acting reckless during our mission again, (y/n). Your decisions almost put everyone around you at risk, including yourself”, he points out with unusual serious voice.
 “What are you even talking about? That was a lower moon demon, way too much to handle for those beginners. I saved their lives by playing a little risky!”, you bite back.
God, how much you hate those conversations. How is it that the two of you always end up with each other when you’re so different? What about Sanemi and Obanai, at least some guys who get it?
“Is this really how you feel about the situation? You need to be more careful with those lives and apart from that, we are a team”, he literally scolds you, now turning around and eyeing you up and down.
“I don’t give a damn about my life and I never asked for this!”, you jeer at him.
The atmosphere snaps. Suddenly, Rengoku grabs your collar and slams you against a nearby wall. You feel your breath getting momentarily knocked out of your aching lungs as your back crashes against the wood, the room’s dim light casting sharp shadows across Rengoku’s usual so tender face. His gleaming eyes stare at you with a mix of concern and anger so intensely that it feels like he’s completely burning you alive with those countless emotions. What the hell is going on?
His voice, usually so warm and encouraging, is sharp as he leans in close, his breath hot with frustration.
"You could have died out there! Do you think I would have just stood by and watched that happen?”
“Like you’d actually care about me!”
“Can’t you see how much I care at you?”
He screams into your face with so much force that you flinch. But what really catches you off guard are those words leaving his mouth. How much he cares about you?
“I mean, no…”, you mumble.
And for a brief moment, he leaves you utterly speechless. Never in your life, someone really cared about you. You were never more than a freak, a poor girl that grew up on her own with no one supporting her. Even within the demon slayer corps, you were always looked down at until you made it all the way to the top. You never cared about your own life and were more than sure than nobody else does at well.
But Rengoku…The way his hands still rest against your shoulders, his stinging gaze that now turns anger into despair. You can tell he isn’t lying. No, it seems like this man truly cares about you.
“Do you?”
“I’m worried each time you have to leave for a mission on your own, scared that you might risk your life, that I might never see you again. So I’m making sure that you’re staying by my side. Because I care about you. More than I should”, he blurts out.
“What are you trying to say?”, you mutter with widened eyes.
This can’t mean that he loves you, right? It’s impossible for a man like him to fall for you, after all. With you being his polar opposite and getting on his nerves constantly, with you being the only one who managed to make him lose his composure on a regular basis, with you not being able to communicate your very own feelings towards him...
“I love you, (y/n)!”
„Look at me.“
When his vibrant orbs meet yours again, your heart almost stops. There’s not a single spark of humour in them, not a tiny hint that he might lie.
“You are remarkable good at reading other people. Tell me I’m lying.”
It’s a faint whisper in the distance, a silent cry inside your head that suggest you to lean forward instead of talking.
That faint whisper that forces your lips against his. Longingly, passionately, like he’s air and you cannot breathe. Rengoku lingers over you with his large frame, his hands keeping your waist in place while you’re still pinned against the wall, trapped between his hot body and the cool wood.
“You can’t love me, I’m a mess”, you mutter into his parted lips.
“I am more than eager to give you what you want and need, (y/n).”
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
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“Look who’s there again.”
“Who the hell invited her?”, Sanemi hisses into the room when his eyes meet yours.
“You know, (y/n) is a hashira too. It’s only logical for her to attend a hashira meeting”, Shinobu explains calmly.
“Fuck that. She’s so annoying that I might die when I look at her.”
"Wow, if I knew I had that much power over you, I would have dialed up the annoyance ages ago”, you reply dryly.
There’s nothing that brings you more joy than seeing that vein pop out of Sanemi’s forehead when he’s losing it again. Even though he turned his back on you, you can clearly see the way his muscles tense up, how he balls his hands into fists so tight that his knuckles stand out white.
“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to, huh?”
“A jerk, maybe?”
He grabs you by your collar faster than you’re able to react and drags you out of the room without anyone following.
“Shouldn’t we help (y/n)?”, Mitsuri cries out.
“And get between them? No, they are good on their own”, Obanai remarks.
“Maybe they finally confess to each other.”
“Confess to each other what?”
“Let go of me, you prick!”, you hiss through gritted teeth while slapping his arm away.
“You have some fucking nerve.”
In the blink of an eye, Sanemi presses you firmly against the wall outside with his way too strong forearm.
“Barging in there and insulting me in front of everyone.”
“What can I say? I’m an entertainer.”
“You’re a pain in the ass. You…You…”
He’s lost at words when your eyes find his. Gleaming in confidence, that smitten smile that caresses your lips.
Why do you have to be so damn beautiful?
“What’s wrong, cat got your-“
You aren’t able to finish your sentence. In fact, you just forgot how to talk, let alone breathe.
Without a warning, you find Sanemi’s lips pressed roughly against yours, his hands resting on each side of your head. Demanding, violent.
And so hot that your knees threaten to fail you.
You would have never admit it, never dared to talk about your dreams about him to anyone. After all, you’re supposed to hate him, right? There’s nothing but hatred between you and Sanemi.
He shoves you even rougher against the wall, forces you to instinctively wrap your legs around his waist to feel him even closer. Whimper after whimper escapes your puffy lips, the sensation of his mouth against yours almost eating you up alive.
“I hate you”, he grumbles.
“God, I hate you even more”, you whine.
“I just knew you guys wouldn’t hold up any longer”, Obanai’s voice comments behind you.
“I can’t believe it! Everyone, look at this!”, Mitsuri jeers while clapping her hands.
Sanemi builds himself up in front of you, shields your body from the curious looks of your comrades.
“Get lost, every single one of you!”, he shouts demanding.
“Come on, let’s give them some space”, Shinobu adds while dragging all of them back inside.
“I…I still hate you.”
“I hate you even more.”
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls @barbuse @sunshine7queen @lavenderdrxp
@yaninnaacu @hopefulbelievertimemachine @laurencrsnt @sanemifucker @blunderland
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donetbhlmao · 3 months
while I agree that the cast and writers of the bear play way too much in our faces about sydcarmy, it honestly blows my mind how a good number of viewers don’t stop to savor the EXPLICITLY romantic storytelling beats between these two:
- the bear, the SHOW, starts the day Sydney comes to the restaurant. Not the day carmy comes back. The day SYDNEY appears to stage.
- the many many many MANY MANY parallels between the two. After s3 there’s too many to list here, but oh boy…
- the beat that the camera takes after syd asks “who’s Claire?” when nat first brings her up. That beat is meant to portend something bad (aka one of syd’s main conflicts in the season with getting carmy’s full focus).
- the music. Oohhhhhh god the music. I’ll tell ya, there’s tons of songs about friendship and family or whatever. They’re not using those songs for Carmen and Sydney.
- the red dish of fate that connects the two???? The fact that carmy couldn’t bear to send out another dish the way he was told to and send out what HE thinks is right? AND IT’S SYDNEY’S FAVORITE MEAL? bye
- the fact that sydney literally brings him down from a panic attack, TWICE. carmy is spiraling and the thought of claire is making it worse (and strange currencies is playing in reverse and chopped up) but the THOUGHT of Sydney is enough to bring him back (and strange currencies plays correctly)?? I’m so sorry but that’s some shojo manga-level shit. the contrast between the trauma of his past (his family, and Claire being connected to that), and the golden promise of his future (Sydney). It’s almost unbearably romantic.
- them talking quietly under the table with Pearl Jam’s “come back” playing in the background. if I think about this one too long I’ll combust.
- the fact that carm has (unconsciously) made his dish look like Sydney’s scarf in s3 e9????? like she is his MUSE you all can stay mad abt it.
my position has always been that the actual storytelling has always been romantic for these two. It’s in a subtler than what’s on other tv shows, sure. you can’t deny that there is TONS of platonic love on the bear. Sydney and carmy’s bond stands out simply because it’s presented differently from those examples of platonic love.
And this isn’t even an exhaustive list!!!!!! The bear writers I’m in your WALLS!!!!
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niki-phoria · 10 months
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petnames txt calls you !!
includes: soft moments with txt, implication of overworking (yeonjun), not proofread so pls forgive any mistakes
a/n: partially inspired by this prompt list by @promptsh20
gn reader (no pronouns used)
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you can’t breathe. despite your best attempts, it feels like there isn’t enough air reaching your lungs. like the nightmare world your brain had unconsciously created has somehow stolen your ability to breathe correctly.
“honey?” soobin’s voice is soft as he lazily sits up beside you. you nearly jump when he reaches over, gently rubbing your shoulder. “what’s wrong? why are you awake?”
you shake your head, pulling your knees up to your chest. “nothing. just a nightmare.”
soobin shifts even closer to wrap his arms around you. his arms find a home around your waist, tugging you so your back is pressed against his chest. “do you want to talk about it?”
“no,” you sigh, turning to bury your head into the crook of his neck. “just want to cuddle with you.”
“okay,” soobin nods. he lazily tightens his grip around your waist, tucking his chin against the top of your head. you shiver when he presses a soft kiss against the nape of your neck. his lips just barely ghost against your ear when he leans down. “i love you, y/n. try to get some sleep. i’ll be here when you wake up.”
yeonjun is exhausted. he all but collapses onto the cool wooden floor, staring up at the lines of lights decorating the ceiling. his chest heaves as he slowly catches his breath, letting his eyes flutter shut as he finally allows himself to relax. 
he startles when a quiet knock at the door interrupts the previous silence in the room. he doesn’t move when you slowly open the door before slipping into the practice room. “jun?”
yeonjun all but jumps to his feet at the sound of your voice, excitedly turning to face you. “y/n! what are you doing here?”
“soobin said you were in here.” you smile, holding a bag out in front of you. “i brought dinner.”
“sweetheart,” yeonjun whispers. he lets his bag fall onto the ground in a small heap before he all but launches himself towards you, throwing his arms around you and pulling you into a tight hug. 
you laugh as yeonjun leans in, peppering random kisses all over your face wherever he can reach. your arms snake around his shoulders; yeonjun’s find home around your waist. he brightly smiles when you pull back just enough to lean your forehead against his own. “you didn’t have to do this.”
“i know,” you smile, leaning in to press a peck of your own against his lips. “but you deserve it.”
beomgyu is dying. at least he feels like he is. his movements are tired and sluggish and he’s sure even the thick layer of concealer on his face is doing little to conceal his under eye bags. 
he moves like he’s in a daze. whatever footwork he had learned seems to have been forgotten as he stumbles into your apartment, haphazardly kicking his shoes off beside the door and all but throwing himself onto your couch until he lands right on top of your lap.
“gyu?” you quietly grunt as he relaxes, letting his weight rest on your thighs. you allow your protests to die on your tongue in favour of gently carding your fingers through his long locks of hair. “long day?”
beomgyu simply hums in response. he rolls onto his back, staring up at you with tired eyes through disheveled bangs. you chuckle as you brush the hair away from his face. “get some rest, gyu. i’ll prepare a bath for you when you wake up and then we can order takeout for dinner.”“you’re an angel,” beomgyu tiredly whispers. he reaches up, taking your hand into his before he presses a kiss against your knuckles. “my angel.”
“it felt like you were gone forever.” taehyun chuckles as you whine, burying your face even deeper into the crook of his neck. your hand rests on his chest; it’s just close enough to feel the steady rhythm of his heart beating beneath your touch.
“it was only a few weeks, darling,” he chuckles. “besides, i’ll be home for at least another few months.” 
“a few months with you sounds like a dream,” you murmur. taehyun chuckles, leaning down to press a kiss against the crown of your head. 
“‘m sorry, i just… i missed you so much.” you mumble, reaching up to brush your fingertips against the edge of taehyun’s jaw. you gently trace his features with your fingers as if you’ll be able to commit his bone structure to memory before he’ll inevitably have to leave for yet another extended period of time. 
you softly smile at him, letting a content sigh escape you before snuggling yourself even closer to taehyun’s chest. “i’m glad you’re home.”
“me too, darling,” he smiles as he loosely wraps his arms around your waist before leaning down to press a kiss against your forehead. “i love you.” 
you hum, letting your eyes flutter shut. “i love you too, tae.”
kai is burning - at least, his face is. he can feel the heat rushing to his cheeks and flooding his ears as you look at him. your hands feel soft against his skin as you cup his face with your hand. 
kai watches as your smile grows slightly. your eyes twinkle with a new idea before you lean in, gently pressing a soft kiss against his cheek. he can just barely feel your lips brush against his skin before you pull away; your lips now press a quick peck just above the curve of his own lips. 
“love?” kai chuckles, tensing at the ticklish feeling of your kisses pressed against his skin. you simply hum in response, pausing just long enough to meet his gaze once again. “what are you doing?”
“kissing your freckles.” you say it like it’s the most natural thing in the world, but your words nearly make kai’s heart stop beating in his chest. he freezes when you lean in once again, pressing yet another kiss against his face - this time landing on the freckles just below his eyebrow. 
kai smiles when you pull away, reaching over to rest a hand against your cheek. “i love you, y/n,” he whispers. “never forget that.”
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veethewriter · 1 year
I have a prompt in mind… if you can’t do it tho that’s ok!! My brain has been rotting with scenarios of reader fighting with Astarion and The Gang™️, reader gets gravely injured and Astarion has to choose between letting the love of his life die in front of him or turning them. What happens and how reader reacts is up to u 😉
Of course!! Sorry if astarion is a little ooc....I tried my best. Also requests are open!
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He barely had any time to process what had happened before you had fallen to the ground, incredibly injured. They had come out of nowhere it seemed just as you were setting up camp to rest, what seemed like hoards and hoards of goblins. It wouldn't have been a problem usually but you all had been low on supplies recently from all the fighting you've had to do. Not to mention how exhausted you all were from it. Wyll killing most of the ones near him and shadowheart, shadowheart trying to keep him healed.
You and astarion on the other side, fighting as well however taking more damage with no healer. That's when he had heard it, the painful gasp of breath coming from you as your armor had broken and a goblin had been able to stab a sword through the hole in your armor straight into your stomach, into some of your organs. You stabbed the goblin in front of you before falling to the ground yourself from all your injuries.
Filling with uncontrollable anger he quickly killed all the goblins around him before rushing over to you. Calling out the rest of the team as he went over to you. Shadowheart and Wyll rushed over still focused on killing the rest of them while protecting the two of you now. Making sure he's covered, astarion softly held you in his arms trying to not let the tears start seeing how bad you were. You were already unconscious barely breathing and turning pale, he could hear your pulse slowly dying.
He didn't know what he could do, you were bleeding too much even with him keeping the weapon in so you didn't lose more blood and wrapping the other wounds you had. He knew he could just turn you but would you be happy with that, is that what you would want? To become what he is? Would you be upset at him if he did? He didn't want the choice forced on you like it was to him. However he also knew he couldn't go on without you and the rest of the team would need you too. He had to make a decision quick and fast before you did die and it was too late to even turn you...
Caressing your face softly before finally deciding he leaned down and bit you before pulling away, cutting his palm, putting it up to your mouth making sure you drank some of it. Quietly hoping it would work, not even sure he was doing it correctly. You had already stopped breathing as he finished, he pulled the sword out of your wound before picking you up. All speechless still of what had happened they quietly went back to camp. Finally in your tent astarion set you down on the bedroll as shadowheart followed and broke the silence that had been hanging in the air, "Are you sure this is what she would want?".
All astarion can do is look down at you while thinking of what he had done was right before looking at shadowheart, "What would you have done?".
All she could do was sigh before using her magic to hear the wound on your stomach through still leaving a big scar since she had used most of her magic in the battle. As she leaves, astarion stays not leaving your side just with his book trying to distract himself even a little bit, feeling worried and guilty for what he had done....
It had already been a while since the sun had set when you had finally opened your eyes, feeling tired and for some reason very thirsty.... Seeing you finally awake astarion became nervous about how you would react. Astarion sat back down near you as you had sat up, holding your throat, "Astarion, what happened?"
He seemed nervous and very hesitant before grabbing your other hand, holding it softly, "My love, you got greatly injured, shadowheart was out of magic I didn't know what to do...".
You looked confused before you finally felt it, what more now than before permanent bite mark. As you were processing astarion handed you his mirror, confirming what you thought. You had only made astarion more nervous than before with you not saying anything, he quickly tried to explain himself, "I- I'm sorry darling, I just needed-," before being interrupted by you cupping his face softly.
You sighed softly trying to process everything before talking, smiling at him softly, "I don't blame you, you did what you thought was best and to be honest if the roles were switched I would've done the same....if I had something to stop you from dying I would've done it.".
As astarion tears up, knowing you're not mad at him, you pull him into a hug, running your fingers through his hair. Whatever happened next you two would get through together no matter what.
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verystrxxwberry · 1 month
Hi! How are you doing? I've been reading your content and I must say that I truly do enjoy it, you are my favorite content creator! I am about to do a nsfw request, so please forgive me...
What about the MCL newgen routes when they are turned on? What are some signs of them being turned on?
Thanks! Lots of love for you <3
MCL NEW GEN; when they are in the mood (NSFW)
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: Suggestive, MCL NG routes, how do they act when they are turned on. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: I'm doing pretty good! It’s been a while since I do not write for MCL, but it is a pleasure for me to go back to it :). I truly hope you enjoy it!
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This guy is confident when it comes to acting, and I don’t think he is the type to hold on if he wants something. If he wants to have you close, he will do his best to achieve it.
When he is in the mood he becomes more clingy. If you are in the office, his arm would simply be wrapped around your waist all. the. time. He won’t let you go, and his thumb would be giving slow circles on your side. He would remove it when Devon appears, but he is going to take his time to enjoy the way your curves feel against his hand.
His breathing changes a little, and you’d be able to hear it because you basically would have him right besides you. Whenever you talk to him he leans in, his eyes focused on you, but he might look at the way your lips move when you are talking. And damn, his gaze is genuinely so hungry that he might steal your will to talk correctly.
As much as Roy would like to take you at that moment, he respects your dignity and of course, your job. He needs to be subtle. But expect him to lean in to compliment your scent and then plant a ticklish kiss on your neck.
Plus his voice gets lower and deeper, yet he speaks so softly that it seems he is whispering to you. When he goes from being loud and confident to more quiet and intimate, there is something cooking in his brain- and you know he has some intentions behind it.
When you are alone, he is not going to be subtle. He needs his partner and his clinginess is obviously making it clear. 
Roy is a romantic partner, and even if he has no fear of giving you small and gentle kisses in public, that’s not even a half of how romantic he can get to be. During private… it’s different. He loves kissing you, being in contact with you as long as it doesn’t overwhelm you. And when he is turned on, his hands are holding you close to him by your hips. He’d be giving slow kisses to your neck as he purrs about how good you smell.
The moment he takes your lips in a kiss, it is impossible to escape from his grip. And not because he wouldn’t let you, but he’d keep you hypnotized with the sensuality and gentleness he shows in the kiss. He is a good kisser, and he knows exactly how to do it when he wants to make you feel butterflies with only his lips.
He won’t rush things, but he will be amused if he gets to make you hungry for him as well and you get needy. He will tease you by going even slower. 
Not gonna lie, the main reason for her to get randomly in the mood might be due to ovulation… She is a passionate lover. Even though she gets quite flustered when there is no reason for her to be turned on at that moment.
In the office she might act distant at first, worrying you in case she was upset over something. But her rosy cheeks are dyed so red that it’s not normal of her. Maybe she's feeling bad, and then the moment you approach to touch her skin to check the temperature she sighs. She stutters whenever she talks, and the way she looks at you…
There is something intense in the way she stares at your form whenever you are around. She can’t focus on her work even if she pretends to do so, looking at the screen of her computer and cursing herself for not being able to think straight. But she’d stare at you, checking you out a few times as she unconsciously bites her bottom lip.
If by any chance you look back at her, she will quickly look away. 
You’d see her fixing her hair as she crosses her legs. Oh, and you know very well why she is crossing her legs. She’d adjust her skirt a few times as she makes pressure with both of her thighs to try and relax herself, but guess what. That only makes her more needy for you.
You approached to check on her, using your hands to massage her shoulders. Damn she melts once again. Amanda looks up at you and the puppy eyes she gives to you are enough to make clear how she is feeling.
Once she’s got you all for herself in private, she is going to be needy. The moment you both get to sit on the couch, she’ll start by slowly placing his hand on your thigh, caressing it up and down. The need is so obvious that you can feel his touch being basically fire in your skin.
Her eyes have no shame in wandering down your body once again, as she approaches to glue her chest area to your side, making sure to press her boobs so she can tease you. She seems to be cuddly, but she aims to go further than simply cuddles.
She gets very handsy, her attention placed on your reactions instead of your words. But she nods as if she was listening to you..
It’s unfortunate for him to get aroused during work because he has an image to keep in front of his employees, he has to be responsible and serious as he is the one representing the company. It would be a pity that someone would catch him devouring you with his gaze as you work.
When he is in his office, he keeps himself busy to not focus on the feeling there is on his pants. He straightens his position, crossing his arms over his chest and sighing deeply. His back is completely straight, his chin up to the front and his shoulders tensed, doing a great example of the perfect position. 
Every time you enter his office, he bites a pen as he looks at your whole form trying his best to focus on your words. He’d sign you to get closer because he can’t help it, he wants to feel your warmth a little bit at least. 
As he talks to you about some documents, his hand is on your lower back. His office doesn’t give the best intimacy as the walls are made of transparent crystals, yet he looks around to check that no one is watching as his hand slowly goes down… resting over your bottom for a few seconds and then moving it away. He’s not that bold with his touch in public, normally, but he can’t help it.
He would ask you to respectfully go back to your desk. As the switch goes through, he dares to walk around the office, once his pants are less tight. He asks everyone how they are doing, and when he reaches behind you, he caresses your shoulders and neck. His caresses are so slow that you realize he is taking his time to enjoy the softness of your skin.
But he stops himself before getting aroused once again.
Once the shift is done and he gets time alone with you, he is quite direct about his intentions as he literally unbuttons his shirt slowly. “I might take a shower to relieve the stress. There’s room for two, if you wish to join…” he purrs, a cocky smile evident on his face as he starts to walk towards the bathroom.
How to say not to such an offer <3.
Another one who is flustered and acts distant. When it happens in work, he deeply focuses on his work, trying to ignore that your presence achieved to get him in the mood without even trying. His leg shakes anxiously as he works, doing his best to ignore everyone. It is annoying for him to wear those jeans he usually wears for work and having an erection.
He gulps, clearing his throat as he feels his throat dry constantly. He would be constantly sipping from a big bottle of water, but not even that can end with the thirst he has for you. He even licks and bites the skin of his lips, trying to distract himself.
He uses his hand to brush his hair back in frustration. The impact you have on him is intense, and you are completely oblivious about it. He blames himself for being hard, closing his eyes and trying to take deep breaths so his friend calms down a little. He is even frowning.
You notice him acting strange, and he’d simply say that he is fine, but his voice would sound husky and low, as if he was tired. But he is simply… fighting himself to have pure thoughts. He’d accept physical contact, but would need a few seconds to organize his thoughts and speak coherently.
His pupils are big when he looks at you, as if he was seeing a meal he wanted to devour already.
When he gets to be alone with you and he gets turned on by accident, he normally tries to act normal. He puts his hands on his pockets to hide the fact that he was aroused. He’d be distracted, trying to follow your conversation and not paying attention to his needs, but it seems so appealing for his mind to give him so many dirty thoughts that he sighs in frustration.
His eyes are more expressive than his whole face, and even if he holds a neutral expression, his eyes are burning in desire. He doesn’t start unnecessary physical contact since he finds it awkward, but look… Now it is necessary. He rests his arm around your neck, his hand playing with your hair slowly as he listens to your words. His legs would spread a little, his knee pressing against yours.
Knowing him, you knew that his clinginess had a reason behind. 
As always, he absolutely adores being a lil shit and teases you as much as he can to check your reactions. He deals with his arousal naturally, doesn’t make a big deal about it but will not hide it from you.
When you visit him in his office, he can’t help but smirk at the view of you. “Ah, right on time…” he mutters and pats his lap. There might be the risk of someone walking into his office, but he doesn’t care to be seen with you on his lap. He holds you by the lower part of your back, his other hand resting over your thigh as he presses your side towards his torso. 
He looks up at you with that cocky expression you are used to seeing from him. He gives you a little seductive smirk as you rant about anything, his hand massaging your thigh slowly, making slight possessive pressure. His eyes accompany the lust he is feeling.
His method to show you that he is turned on is by turning you on. And he is surprisingly good at this. Jason keeps the little game of keeping eye contact to make you nervous, which he adores. Then he’d lean in to give some kisses on your neck that would make you squirm.
Being on his lap doesn’t make it any easier as you can feel the arousal growing under his pants. Jason isn’t ashamed. When he is in the mood, he is like a predator hunting its prey.
Knowing that there are still people in the office, he wouldn’t go as far as he would like, but he’d be aware that he managed to get you in the mood before telling you to come back later. He adores seeing your frustrated expression whenever he leaves you right on the edge of doing something further than giving you teasing caresses and heated kisses.
But once he is the only one in his office, he will gladly use the area of his desk to satisfy both of your needs. 
About him getting turned on in private… he is pretty much the same, he makes it obvious by his seductive movements and works on making you needy as well. The only difference is that you won’t have to wait much for him to satisfy your and his needs.
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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angelstate · 9 months
InfatuatedBoyfriend!Konig x Wandering!Reader.
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InfatuatedBoyfriend!Konig who holds you dearly in his heart, has never loved anything or anyone as much as he loves you. You are the epitome of his existence, the sole reason he wakes up every day and doesn’t dread the passing of time, the getting older, the living a fulfilling life outside of the battlefield, away from violence and death.
and he doesn’t think you know the extent his love goes for you, he doesn’t think you are aware of just how deeply he feels for you to the point sometimes the pressure in his heart from all the love he has for you makes him feel like his chest it’s about to burst. 
you love him, he knows you do. And it feels like being loved by a God, like the creator of his purpose in life is continuously reinforcing he is living correctly, how he is meant to live, and it’s as gratifying as it is scary because there is so much to life and all he sees is you. and he knows he would die a happy man only having met you, but he fears your gaze won’t meet enough places and be amazed by enough things to feel as fullied as he feels when looking at you.
you have an insatiable sense of wonder and he knows he (as big as he is) isn’t enough to satiate your senses, and your eyes will continue to fall onto everything that calls out to you to be discovered, it’s never other people, but is things, places, is everything, is nothing. 
InfatuatedBoyfriend!Konig sometimes can't help but overthink, finding himself imagining that maybe one day, without even meaning to, you will meet someone else, someone more fitting, someone as outgoing as you are, someone who doesn’t have social anxiety and feels electrifying fear every time he has to enter crowded places.
He fears that “inevitable” day as much as he feared the dark when he was a kid. Irrationally hard yet so ground-shaking it torns to shreds every piece of bravery he built when the lights were on, When you are in his arms. 
And then, you come back to him, you always do. Like a catholic person always finds a way into their church, like Virgin Mary memorized her way into his son’s tomb for years after his death. you love him and you come back every day out of devotion for him. He can’t help but ask why you do, Why do you come back to him? why not let your eyes wander and find someone who has the same excitement to discover the world as you do, he truly doesn't understand yet sighs in relief at your continuous presence.
“Love you, kö” he hears you whisper next to him, the room dark yet the light in your eyes still visible, even in the darkness you find a way to shine and observe what doesn’t want to be seen, are you the most beautiful human being to ever exist. “I love you too” he mutters, voice shaky, because he loves you so much that the word “love” falls short, it isn’t quantifying enough to summarize his feelings for you, he feels sorry there isn’t a word fitting to tell you how he feels.
“Sleep well, kö” Your voice slowly fades, quieter and slower but you managed to wish him a good night's rest, aren’t you just so lovely, so caring even when falling into unconsciousness, even in your fading awakeness having him in mind “Schlaf gut” (sleep well) he whispers, not wanting to disturb you.
InfatuatedBoyfriend!Konig doesn’t sleep much when he’s with you, too busy breathing in your smell, the warmth of your arm wrapped around his waist and the heaviness of your head on his chest keeping his heartbeat erratic with love. it borderlines as an obsession about your presence and existence around him.
He perceives you in ways that make him feel at ease, you are what he lacks. you are everything he could’ve been if life had been kinder, and he is everything that you could’ve become if life hadn’t been kind. It’s a difference so parallel he feels like he shouldn’t be capable of touching you.
It feels sinful for someone like him, with hands stained with people’s blood to touch someone like you, with hands pristine from the violence you have never committed. He holds the pureness in which you live like one of the most prized parts of you he guards.
InfatuatedBoyfriend!Konig knows he isn’t a holy man, and has never stepped into a church after killing someone for the first time, not wanting to bring his sins into a place too holy to forgive him, he knows he doesn’t deserve forgiveness for what he’s done.
Yet, he still dreams of marrying you, of you in a white dress, walking towards the altar where he awaits for you, ready to vow his life and soul to you, even till death do the two of you apart. Because if the afterlife exists, he knows he’ll love you then and in whatever comes next.
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
the fandom has felt kinda quiet to me for a few days now (which might totally be my fault i dont think im using this app correctly) and i kinda feel like im standing with a group of people where everyones done talking and no one know what to say next so im gonna do what i do then too: Yap ‼️ (its my one talent)
if you’d like to yap with me feel free to hop in my ask box and say whatever you like, headcanons, theories, whatever, but for now here are some random little headcanons I have:
(disclaimer: my apologies for weird spelling errors or oddly autocorrected words im dyslexic lmao)
- Wild loves to do fun things with his hair! He loves braiding it up in new styles or putting pretty things in it or buying fun clips to keep it out of his face. Sometimes one of the others with shorter hair who can’t do their own fun hairstyles will ask Wild if they can do his, and he almost always says yes
- Legend is the most likely to buy little gifts for the others. He’s not as likely as the others to verbally say he cares, and he can come off as a bit standoffish, but he really does love the others and gifting them little things is how he shows it. He bought Sky a beautiful new carving knife once, he loves giving Wild earrings (and Wild is not above just poking new holes in his ears so he can wear more of them at once), he gave Warriors a new journal one time, etc.
- Four is a HUGE fan of rain at night. He loves the sound it makes on roofs, it’s calming to him. It’s less fun when he’s sleeping outside, but he just loves the sounds and smells of rain. Warriors does too, and the two of them have sat out in the rain together silently, just enjoying each other’s company
- Twilight loves the occasional pet as Wolfie, as long as the others still hold the same respect for his physical space they do when he’s a hylian. He loves hugs, he loves the occasional pet, and he loves bonking the top of his head into the backs of Warriors’s legs to trip him before he innocently runs off to Time and acts like he’s done nothing wrong in his life ever
- Sky wakes up every day and chooses peace. He chooses kindness and love, and he seems so very calm and sweet on the outside, but if someone dares to lay a finger on someone he cares about he will explode and there will be serious consequences. He’s genuinely a very loving person, but he does have a side of him that’s just full of rage that he occasionally unleashes on monsters that deserve it. He one time let a sliver of that anger loose at a monster that knocked Wild unconscious and the others stood their with their jaws open, and then of course Sky turned back around after he calmed himself down and looked at them all like “:3”
- Hyrule cuts his own hair and because it has a good amount of curl to it, it ends up looking fluffy and it’s hard to see exactly how uneven it is. When Legend found him just trimming his hair in the dark with a knife he was like “what the fuck” and ever since he’s at least tried to help Hyrule make his hair a LITTLE more even (its still an absolute mess, but it looks fine on him)
- Wind gets under stimulated a LOT, it’s hard for him to just stay in one place or walk super slow or not be doing something with his hands, so Warriors taught him how to finger knit so he can do that while he walks as a sort of mindless activity. He doesn’t really make anything in particular, and he ends up unraveling it at the end of the day so he can keep reusing the same ball of yarn, but it helps him stay with the group and it gives him something to do as they walk
- Time is the biggest prankster of the group and he gets away with it every single time, and Wind, Wild, and Hyrule often end up taking the blame for it. The only ones who know it’s really him are Warriors (though he never actually catches him in the act, he just knows) and Twilight, who’s seen him do it several times and had to swear his silence. He’s too scared that Time will be disappointed in him if he reveals who the true prankster is, but he does feel genuinely bad every time someone else gets yelled at for one of Time’s dumbass pranks. On their last day together Time does reveal it was him all along, and then he literally leaves and disappears before the others have a chance to yell at him for it. When he arrives at the ranch alone with tears in his eyes, laughing his ass off, Malon somehow knows EXACTLY what just happened
- Warriors is usually the one who helps mend the other heroes’s clothes. They all have SOME ability to sew (some of them are better than others, like Wild and Legend, and some of them refuse to fix the holes in their clothes until it gets so bad there’s no fixing it and they literally just have to buy another tunic, *cough* Wind), but more often than not Warriors gets asked to do it, and he does it gladly. He does a wonderful job every time, and sometimes he gets to embroider little patterns, which is a lot of fun for him. When he gets bored he’ll just do that on his own spare tunics
again feel free to come talk to me in my asks or add ur own headcanons to this post :) i like to yap and i’ll gladly yap with you if you send me things
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4acoffee · 7 months
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Prompt: “Am I a hero or the devil’s son? Can’t figure out what side I’m on.”
pairing. todoroki x reader
word count. ~900
genre & warnings. fluff, insecure todoroki, comfort
notes. here have this edited repost of an old drabble i did a while while back... mans so difficult to write for but so gorgeous he's a trap in every sense i swear. only i would suffer stiff shoulders the rest of my life for him anyway <3
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The steady hum of the air conditioner running at full speed filled the air and left your skin pleasantly chilled. Your room was dark, long curtains draped over your windows, and the soft plush of the mattress covers under you were steadily making your eyes more and more difficult to keep open.
You could have fallen asleep so easily, if it weren’t for the warm body currently pressed gently to your side.
Earlier, UA's resident pretty boy, Shoto Todoroki, had unexpectedly turned up at your room, head hanging almost sheepishly, and asking in his soft, world-peace-fostering voice if he could come in.
And although it wasn’t out of the ordinary to find him hanging around your room at the dorms, he was generally always accompanied by Midoriya, or Iida. Your cozy little room was somewhat of a designated rest area for your friend group with your extra pillows and blankets, and the fluffy pink beanbag that Uraraka often curled up on.
Which is why you peeked behind him uncertainly at the empty space in the hall, but let him in nonetheless.
When he had seated himself comfortably on your bed, you attempted to ask him if everything was ok, and the only answer you received was a simple nod.
He looked exhausted. While the young hero was not as volatile as one particular blonde classmate you have, you know he still struggles to express himself easily. You figured he would open up to you in his own time if he really wanted to. So you decided not to prod and plopped down on the bed next to him, doing your best to ignore the way your heart started to race against your will at the proximity.
As you messed around on your phone, over the course of an hour, you came to the sudden realization that the two of you had unconsciously gravitated towards each other. Soon, your legs were curled up to your chest, with one hand gripping your phone, and the other getting sore because of the deceivingly heavy head of silky half and half hair now resting, frankly, uncomfortably on your shoulder.
You would have believed he was asleep with how quiet and still he was being, but his fidgeting hands on the cotton of your oversized shirt proved that he was still awake.
Besides the coma inducing fact that his mindless fussing was making your top steadily reveal the skin of your stomach, even in your groggy state you could practically feel the current of thoughts plaguing Todoroki.
He radiated something anxious and tired at the same time, and you couldn’t help but steal glances at him to try and gauge what he was thinking.
Just when you figured that maybe you’ll never truly figure out the mystery that was Shoto Todoroki, his hands stilled, and he said something so softly you struggled to hear.
“...am I a bad person?”
Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion. Did you hear him correctly?
You tilted your head at him and hummed in question.
He sighed deeply and you watched as his lovely heterochromatic eyes turned dark and sad.
“I’m trying my best to be the hero I always wanted to be as a child, but sometimes I wonder if I actually deserve to be here. My family has been through so much trouble because of me. Mom is in the hospital because she always had to protect me from him, Touya left because I had to be better than he could be, Fuyumi and Natsuro, father always neglected them because of me. It’s my fault that we couldn’t be a normal family. My fault the we can’t be together. All the time, I see real families, happy families around me, that need protecting — and I can’t help but think, — do I really deserve to be the one protecting them? If I can’t even keep my own family safe, do I really deserve to call myself a hero? Hero’s are supposed to be good, — am I good?”
You listened in astonishment as he rattled of reasons why he was a shitty person. His speach trailed into mutters and slurred words that you could barely put together. He sounded like he was barely concious and you think that at this point, he was more talking to himself.
In his sleepy rant of self-deprivation you did catch one thing as he buried his head further into your shoulder.
“Am I a hero or the devil’s son? I can’t figure out what side I’m on.” He said, dead serious.
A sputtered laugh was the only response you could muster, why did he have to be so dramatic sometimes?
He narrowed his eyes in indignation at your laughter and looked up at you through his lashes. You grinned apolagetically. “Sorry Todoroki, I didn’t mean it like that.”
You shifted to face him better, “It’s just — none of that is your fault. You know that right? No, clearly you didn’t know that or we wouldn’t be here.” You said, and he pouted further.
“It doesn’t matter what your past was like, we’ve all done some bad things in our lives, and what happened to you was completely out of your control. Just because you made some mistakes, doesn’t make you any less of a capable hero than any of us. In fact, it makes you better, because you know what there is to lose.” You reassured him.
He looked at you carefully, “Oh, you really think so?” he asked you, so hopefully you swore you felt a part of you melt.
“Of course” you told him, he spared you a soft smile.
You smiled back and nudged him playfully, “Now if your done moping, could you get off my shoulder, — I lost feeling in it hours ago.”
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Drive With You Forever
Chapter fifteen: Figuring it Out
Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc x Lando Norris x Reader x Oscar Piastri
Chapter summary: The reader has a dream, books are burned, the reader gets sick again, but the doctors are nice this time!
Warnings: Every form of abuse is depicted in this story. Sickness, vomiting, fever, nightmares, panic attacks, graphic description of SA, child SA, Rape, unconsenual medical procedures, mild implied SH,
Notes: This is so long. I couldn't find a good stopping point, so I just kept going...
Previous <-
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Why is everything so blurry?
The lights are swimming and she can't seem to find her footing. They world beauty her seeming to sway.
She blinks away the feeling, looking to find her center and figure out what’s going on.
“…test number six hundred and thirty four…” says a muffled voice from somewhere in front of her. A familiar voice at that. She hauls herself of the ground as her vision begins to clear up.
She’s still in the basement. Where did everyone else go? She scans the room in search of any sign that their comfort is near.
Her panic increases as she can’t see them. Her chest becomes heavy at the thought of being trapped here once again.
Then she sees his face. For a moment she locks eyes with him, but he passes right by here without a thought.
He keeps circling her wooden box of a bed. She must be in someone’s memory. She would says it’s her own but she doesn’t remember this. Or she does and she just locked in away.
She knew she was unconscious or incoherent enough that she could never quite tell what was happening aside from the feelings. Normally, pain. Sometimes, there were differences in textures. Occasionally, hands.
He’s working in her unconscious body. He sticks her body with all sorts of things she cannot name.
She doesn’t want to be here for this. She doesn’t want to see herself go through this. Feel those things again.
She runs runs up the stairs only to find herself back in the basement room.
There are so many people here. All of them dressed in odd looking costumes. It almost looks like a Halloween party but if the theme was pilgrims.
She sees her unconscious body again. This time layer out in the middle of the floor, bare for everyone to see.
Why are they taking turns touching her in such a way? Was the feeling of hands never just her fathers?
She feels sick. She thought the first time her body had gone through such a thing was the Max. It was different then. He was gentle and kind and he constantly asked if she was okay.
Again she makes an attempt at an escape. Again she find herself in the same room in a memory that’s not her own. Her father has been here in every single one. She assumes that it’s his memory, his connection to her amplified by her wooden coffin.
She’s sitting in the box, playing with strands of light that dance out of her fingertips. She looks at herself and there is no recognition. Her eyes are hazy and the motions feel robotic.
She’d always hated waking from these trances he’d put her in. No memory of what she’d done.
“It’s not enough! Why can’t I amplify your power?” He growls. He’s lankier in this memory then he was when he came to the paddock. His face less wrinkly and no grey hairs in sight. She must have been about ten if she remembered his appearance correctly.
Another man comes down the stares but her past self makes no movement.
“If she can’t bear a child we’ll be finished.” The figure is cloaked in darkness. His voice echoes through the room.
“I’m aware.” Her father spits.
“We need their power if we want to continue living.”
Living? She wondered at times how her father seemed to have knowledge beyond his years. The stories he’d shared about how her mother kept him young she thought was nothing more then a myth.
They are exploiting her. They need her. They need her body and power to continue to keep their supposed immortality.
How is that even possible.
“I’ve managed to make the constraints less.”
“Show me.”
She assumes that whoever this dark shadowy figure is, is in charge.
She watches as a rotten apple it placed in front of her unresponsive body. She still makes no move. Not even a sound.
“Fix it.”
Her past self obeys the command and lets the light dance around the the apple. It begins curling itself around the shape. She can feel the warmth through her own skin.
It’s beautiful in a way. How the light moves and repairs.
This time the memory fades away. The room shifting into something unfamiliar. She’d never see this place before.
It’s a wooden building. It feel hollow and smells of mildew. The men from before are once again dressed up, but they all look different.
They are doing what they did to her. Their terrible ritual. The women’s body in the center is unconscious, but she looks far different from her mother.
Aside from the hair. She’d seen picture of her mother. Their hair practically identical and now this woman’s is as well.
They take her apart as well. It's strange how they drink the crimson leaking from her. Her father was a human as far as she was aware. So why were these people acting like vampires?
Something, a woman’s voice, warm and kind, tells her to watch these men. Each one that takes instantly becomes younger. Any hints of wrinkles gone. Their hair becomes full and vibrant.
Then the scene vanishes.
Everything is dark and she doesn’t want to be alone in it.
The voice calls her further in, and she wastes no time sprinting towards it. The abyss seems to never end.
The voice gets louder as a ghostly figure comes into view. It’s familiar and it’s kind.
It’s her mother.
She halts in front of it. Just an arms length away.
“I can feel that you’re frightened. There is no need to fear me.”
“But you died.” Her voice is shaky and confused. She feels so small in comparison to the figure.
“It’s a connection we all share.”
“What are we?”
“Witches I suppose. Maybe a deity of some kind.” She shrugs. “You’ve been so strong to face this alone.” The ghost reaches to touch, and she finds herself leaning into it. It’s not cold but comforting.
“How were you making them younger?”
“It’s something inside us. Some drink out blood, others use sex, and when strong enough, it can even come from just a touch with someone you have a strong connection with.” She explains.
“What about my other powers then? Could you do that too?”
“That, unfortunately, was your fathers doing. The healing comes from your bloodline, the rest is something I don’t understand.” She sighs with a hint if exasperation. “I’m sorry, that I haven’t been there. You’ve managed to suppress more then I would’ve imagined.”
“I’m sorry I killed you.” Her eyes find her feet. The shame of why she is this way creeping back in.
The ghost leans down to her. “That was not your fault. That could’ve never been your fault and there wasn’t anything you could do to stop it. We’re not immune to death.”
She feels herself being dragged away and into the void. “No!” She screams. “Don’t leave me!”
The ghost reaches out to her one last time and kisses her forehead. She feels an energy she’s never had before flowing through her veins. It’s not scary though, it’s welcoming. “I’ve always been here and I’m not going anywhere.”
She can’t even register the tears as she falls into the void. The once welcoming feeling now morphing into the ones she felt earlier.
Hands. Needles. Whispers. Breaths. Knives. Teeth.
An endless fall into the fear she knows so well.
Lando is still awake despite everyone’s best attempts to get him to sleep. He’d been awake for almost twenty four hours. His eyes are heavy and he wants to succumb to sleep so badly, but he can’t. His mind refuses to stop thinking about every possibility.
This is why he’s able to react to the ear-piercing scream so quickly. While everyone else is stumbling around, he’s taking the stairs by two. Hanna told them to stay out of the room and let her rest meaning they were stuck in the downstairs room.
Of course Seb is at the door before him.
Seb opens in and Lando is bounding over to the distressed female. Her hands are clawing at her own skin to the point she’s drawing blood. Her eyes are screwed shut and her legs are trying to move her away from something even though she’s not getting far. Eventually she hits the headboard.
“Y/N, it’s me, open your eyes please love your safe now.” He whispers. It comes out shaky because he’s distressed but he knows he needs to keep himself as calm as possible.
Seb stands at the side of one of the beds. She’s feeling for an exit and will fall off if she keeps it up. He lets Lando soothe her. His whispers helping the screams to die out.
The other three appear in the door as well. Only for a few seconds though before they’ve dispersed to grab things.
Finally Lando coax’s her into opening her eyes. She’s still rubbing at her skin, clawing lines into it, but she sees him. “There you are.” He smiles at her. Her breathing is still massively uneven, but she lets him get a little closer. “Can I come over to you?”
She just stares at him. Then she just breaks into sobs. Her body freezing in its place as she attempts to curl even further into herself.
Whether she wants it or not, Lando is crawling own to her. Pulling her body into his chest and protectively wrapping him arms around her. She did this for him too. It’s where he learned it actually. She told him that ‘sometimes when we want to make ourselves small, it’s nice to have someone much to protect us’ so they all did it for each other.
She had no mercy on her skin and he’s thankful when Max comes in with bandages.
She starts trying to flail her body and fight them as they get them on her. Lando is constantly reassuring her through the whole ordeal.
Charles is the one to suggest music. Another noise for her to focus on while they try and get her cleaned up. He throws on his recorded piano songs that she’d taken pride in watching him create.
She does relax at the sound. Reduced to just choked sobs now.
Seb had to go check on his own children. They’d woken to the sound and had worried. He’d gone to reassure them with Hanna that everything is going to be alright with their sister.
She tires herself out in Lando’s arms. No tears left to cry despite her body attempting. “I remember." She croaks.
All of them freeze. They don’t push her to continue but they attempt to get comfortable. She uncurls herself but still clings to Lando like her life depends on it.
Oscar is drowsy from having his sleep interrupted and Lando can clearly see it on his face. His head goes into Charles’ lap and the Monegasque looks down at him endearingly.
Max is across from her but holding hands with the Monegasque like he’d been doing since Charles started trying to close himself off.
“Take whatever time you need, chéri.”
She has yet to look at any of them completely. Her face still mostly hidden in Lando’s shirt. “I’m sorry.”
They all look at her confused. Then at each other for some sign that one of them know why she would apologize. Then back to her with no answers.
“Why are you apologizing?” Lando whispers into her hair.
Her nails attempt to find her skin again but Max catches her in the act. He now sets himself beside her and lets the girl play with his fingers. Charles slips off a couple of his rings for him. She’d been fascinated with them and messed with them to keep her hands busy.
Her hands did it without Max even having to guide her. Though the rings don’t fit anywhere but his pinky.
“Do you remember Max, when you took me when is was just us two. Still no idea Charles would be joining us in a month and completely clueless?”
“Yes, it was a miracle I lasted as long as I did. How could I ever forget that.” He smiles at her.
She inhales shakily. “You weren’t the first.” She confesses. All four of them now understand what she’s meaning. They’d seen the videos. Why someone would ever record that was beyond them. They planned to burn the laptop if and when she said the could.
She looks directly at him now. “I feel gross.” The empty tear ducts only leave her with small drops of liquid. “I feel violated and like I’ve lied to all of you.”
“You have done nothing wrong here. You are a victim.” Max stops her before she can get any farther. “What they did to you was wrong and unforgivable.”
“We found videos and images on his laptop, amour. We saw.”
Lando can feel her starting to hyperventilate again as she struggles to get out of his hold. “We skipped anything that had you in it. It made us all sick and we couldn’t do that to your privacy. We did listen to your fathers monologues though.”
She instantly calmed down again. Her hands once again finding the rings on Max’s fingers.
“There so much more. Everything that I am. Everything I can do.” She hold her hands up for them to see and the mesmerizing glowing lights appear once more. “I’d forgotten about this. It’s beautiful. And it’s completely mine.”
“What do you mean by completely yours?” Oscar asks with a yawn. He’s exhausted but still trying to remain present for her.
“I saw memories of those who came before me. I’m some sort of magical being I think and it’s been passed down for generations. The healing and gift of immortality is mine. That’s from my bloodline. Everything else is the work of my father in order to expand on that trait and bring my mother back.” She explains. Even though the story is tragic, she seems at piece with knowing. Like she able to understand herself better now.
“My bloody and body heal. It has the ability to give back someone’s youth. That’s why they need me back, they’re aging now.” Once again, the feeling of hands crawls around her skin. She shivers lightly and tries to keep herself grounded.
“I couldn’t control it before now. My father had to go through extensive procedures before I could be of use to them. It’s like I turned it off. But I have it now if I want it. Or if I’m unconscious, I suppose.”
“We want to burn the laptop and some of the journals if you’ll allow us.” Proposes the Brit. He’s not sure that she’ll. Say yes, it maybe the comfort of the idea will help her to stay calm.
“Can we do it now?”
Seb and Hanna meet them outside at the fire pit. The kids once again tucked away into bed.
The fire is already raging. Books and computer in hand.
“They tried to burn us. Maybe this completes the circle in a way.”
They all take turns tossing things in and watching it go up in flames.
As her family locks hands with each other, she knows everything will be okay.
It most certainly doesn’t feel like it right now and she has more fighting to do.
But they’ll be next to her, fighting with her, every step of the way.
The very idea that a cult is after them sends Max's thoughts into overdrive. He wanted to go downstairs and discuss with everybody, but a certain Australian is clinging to him like he'll die if he doesn't.
Him and Oscar sleep the most out of the five. This is what he's become used to since he started staying with them. Mornings where the Aussie are curled up into him have become something he looks forward to.
Currently, however, he knows he'll have to wake him up if they are going to be productive today.
Max makes an attempt at escape but ends up just pulling Oscar with him. He mumbles and shifts a bit before opening his own eyes.
"Morning sleepy head."
"It's too early." Disgruntled groans follow the statement.
Max lets out a breathy laugh. "I know, you can go back to sleep if you want."
"But you're leaving."
"Would you rather me carry you?"
Max didn't know what he was expecting, but walking down the stairs with a sleepy Australian on his back wasn't it.
The fact that the sight brought a smile to the faces of all his lovers made the effort worth it. They join the other three at the table. Oscar looks like he might fall asleep on the table.
“How are you feeling?” He asks toward the female. She’s playing with her food and sitting with her knees tucked into her chest.
“She hasn’t kept food down yet.” Sighs Charles who’s sitting next to her. She scrunches up her nose when he says it.
Max nods his head. The ever looming sickness strikes again. “I think we should move.”
“Again?!” Lando rolls his eyes. Max already knows how much the Brit hates moving. They’ve moves so much the last few years that he’s come to despise it.
“Well, kind of.” Max leans back in his chair and the other four eye him expectantly. “I think we should closer to Seb and Hanna but also keep the Monaco apartment. That way we’ll always have somewhere to come back too.”
“Logical idea.” Oscar says to the table. "We could do that during summer break since it's coming up soon."
"For now, we need to decide if we should stay here or go back to Monaco."
The female looks at her food and then back at them. "I love it here, but I think Hanna and Seb wouldn't appreciate us doing things in their house."
"What does that have to do with this?" Asks Lando. Innocent. Pure actual innocence.
"Because someone can only go so long."
Charles eyes to female cautiously. She'd yet to keep anything down. Reduced to dry heaving every few minutes.
"You don't have to sit on the bathroom floor with me."
"Mm true. But I want to." He runs his fingers along her spine. It’s the only comforting feeling she has to cling to at the moment. Even as she’s back to heaving up nothing, he’s still comforting her.
When it passes, Charles leans her back against his chest. “Do you think it’s your powers?”
“Honestly? No.” Charles hums. He doesn’t push her to continue. He just continues to give her a feeling to ground herself with; his fingers now finding hers as she goes to play with his rings. “It’s the memories. Knowing what actually happened to me. It doesn’t feel real but I can’t escape the feeling of hands that I didn’t want on me.”
She heaves again. Harder this time then previously. Like somehow speaking it made it real and more intense. She leans back into him. “It’s not fair, Charlie. Especially to you four. How are we supposed to live like this?” Her voice is so broken. It’s a sound that will haunt him.
“Will figure it out, Mon amour. But first I think we need to get sustenance in your body.”
“What’s the point?” She groans. “It’s just going to come back up. I would eat anything if it meant I could keep it down.”
“I think I might have an idea.” Charles smiles down at her and kisses the top of her head.
Ice cream is his idea. The boys went out to get it and were diligent in avoiding people. The thought of their trainers finding out keeping them from just walking around like normal people.
Charles had dragged Max with him while the other two stayed behind to look after the female.
"I feel like we're on a secret mission."
"And yet you're drawing attention to yourself by ducking around the corners."
"Andrea will have my head if he finds out about this."
It took them an hour to get back. and things had gotten worse when they did.
Lando greets them at the door. They are thankful the Seb and Hanna took the kids out for the day. having the house to themselves makes this a bit easier.
"Oscar is attempting to force water down her throat. It's getting worse." There is a certain anxiety in the Brits voice that Charles can't ignore.
"What do you mean worse?" Max beats him to the question.
Lando runs a hand through his curls. "She's spiked a fever, and she passes while you two were done." He bounces on the balls of his heels. "Also, she keeps muttering in her sleep and it's starting to freak me out."
The three make their way up to the female. Charles grimaces at the sight. She's panting and drenched in sweat.
Lando is right. He can see her mouth moving frantically. Her eyes flicker back and forth behind shut lids.
"She fell asleep again. I got some water in her before she did." Oscar looks at her nervously. It's the same look he has whenever she's not doing well. Now they know better than to force him away from her. Last time they tried he didn't speak to them for a day.
"I hate to say it, but we're gonna need to find a way to get fluids in her consistently." Max sighs heavily. They all know it's necessary but taking her back to the doctors comes with so many risks.
"What about a private doctor?"
"Even then it would be risky."
Max ponders. They need to think of something or risk her dying of dehydration. "We'll try the emergency room and hope they are so busy they won't pay close attention to her bloodwork. like the did the first time."
Lando didn't think pulling Oscar away from her would be so damn difficult. He's been running the opposite direction of anything medical related since he got out of the hospital.
"Osc, it's just a few minutes to they can get her set up in a room." He tries to reason with the younger. "How about we go get some air and we can talk about this."
The Aussie finally gives in, letting his arm go slack. Lando almost falls over at the sudden lack of resistance.
He jumps on the opportunity to guide him out of the building. He keeps their fingers interlocked. Lando couldn't care less if the vultures pounce on them. He desperately needs to get them away from the anxiety inducing building until they can see her.
Charles or Max would probably be batter at calming him then Lando. But Max was the one who went back with her since he knows her medical history like the back of his hand and has the excuses they planned to use if anyone got suspicious. Charles is on the phone with Seb talking about what's going on.
That leaves Lando. The most anxious out of all of them.
"Wanna talk about what's going on in your head?" They continue walking, hopefully the air will do them both good even if it's a parking lot.
"It's hard to explain." Oscar admits. "It was terrible being drugged out of consciousness. And I thought I was dreaming, but she came to check on me. She bargained for my safety." Lando can feel Oscar's hands starting to relax a bit. He's not fighting so hard anymore. "Then, when we started to try and make our way out, she saved me again. She was exhausted and I had to carry her at one point but it was so cold and damp and dark. I just never want to leave her like that again."
Lando thinks back to when he stumbled across them. How Oscar kicked and screamed at them, the females body in his protective grip. Somehow, they'd kept each other alive, and now Oscar feels the effects of the trauma that has bonded them together.
Lando stops them next to a relatively secluded part of the lot. He spins around and places his hands on either side of Oscar's face. "I promise you that we're never going to let that happen again. We're going to figure this out. What they did to you both is not something I'll say I understand, but I hear you. You and her are safe, and we're going to do our best to keep it that way."
Seb stands in the doorway with Max and Charles. His daughter now, thankfully, awake with a broken fever. The unfortunate part is that there are about four doctors standing around her asking her questions.
They'd been very specific with the Max. Mainly because the Dutch refused to let them near her when they said there were irregularities in her DNA.
They won't do anything without consent.
Yet the boys are still standing guard. Max's eyes haven't left her body, and Charles is trying to keep him from slamming the door open and kicking all of them out of the room.
The doctors step away from and exit the room. Seb grabs Max's arm in an attempt to keep him stationary.
The interaction certainly doesn’t look like much. Yet Seb can see the way she tries to curl herself farther away from them. They don’t advance, just continue talking. He can’t help but admire the respect they have for the traumatized girl.
Three of the doctors nod at them and walk away. The fourth closes the door behind him and steps in front of sebastian.
"We're going to discharge her. We think it was a psychological response to something, but otherwise, she should be okay to leave."
Seb thanks the man. His chest is relieved of the weight sitting on it since he'd gotten the call.
They didn't go back to Monaco. Instead, they flew directly to Hungary. It was her request since she wasn't sure she could stomach multiple trips. It was only a few days earlier than they needed to be there.
Max had gotten his own hotel room this time. The place is massive and luxurious. It's not like it's shocking or that she's not used to it by now. Her mind just recalls a time when her and Max were in a barely standard sized room eating comfort food while avoiding Brad.
"I don't know you, but I am exhausted." Lando let's out a large yawn to further prove his point.
Max drops his bags and turns to face the group. "That's a shame. Guess you won't get to join us then." A playful smirk tugs on his lips. She's not exactly sure what the plans are, but with the cheeky glint in the Dutchmans eye she knows they are in for a long night.
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mellorine-dreams · 3 months
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I really do wonder just how old Mephisto and the Demon Kings are, if they can be defined as having different ages, if their ages are something that can be quantified, and if this impacts their memory. It’s been established that some have been conscious for thousands of years. When looking at the panel of Mephisto reveling in his human body for the one of his first times, the setting appears to take place anywhere around the Sumerian to Babylonian periods (roughly 6000 BCE to 1500 BCE). If I recall correctly, that is around the time that deities were finally being recorded on written texts. They were given more personality and more distinction on what they ruled over as more people wrote more about them. With Mephisto saying that some of them are thousands of years old, it does seem possible that he and a few others developed their egos and first took their human forms during that time period.
That’s all theory though, and I’ve seen some debate as to how to measure their ages. It’s been stated that they developed egos after being created as concepts, but the idea of them also being as old as what they rule over is a good point to explore. Do they have different ages? One for when the area that they rule over came to existence, and one for them developing egos, and another for them taking bodies? If they’re also as old as the things they rule over, then it poses the question of “Can Demon Kings recall moments relating to what they rule over, even if these moments happened long before they developed egos? Or were they dormant and unconscious?” For instance, if Mephisto has maybe been conscious for a few thousand years, would he be able to remember the Big Bang and all other time and space related moments afterwards, regardless of that being billions of years before his ego developed? If so, then that would give him an absolutely insane advantage over his siblings since time is constant and has always existed everywhere, and him ruling over space would amplify that advantage even further with how space/matter is everywhere on Earth.
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When explaining to Rin that Satan was unstable when he first took a body, Mephisto says that this was due to how Satan took years to acclimate and understand what was happening and who he was, and has only been fully conscious for a short while as a result. I love the theory of them being as old as what they rule over and having memories that ancient, and I see it as a good possibility and highkey want that to be canon, though I do think that most Demon Kings gained a more solid sense of memory after they developed egos.
After explaining to Rin how Satan’s ego developed, Mephisto makes the claim that he can’t recall what he was like when he first developed an ego and took a human body. He does have the advantage of being able to go back in time and watching events unfold again, though he doesn't seem to do so very often. He doesn’t like meddling with the past as he told Rin not to interfere with anything when he took him back in time. Plus he’s more future oriented with how he focuses on possibilities of what could happen later on.
Another note is how Lucifer is referred to as the oldest sibling, then Mephisto as the second oldest sibling, and so on. Not entirely sure how that works since Satan rules above them all and is regarded as their father, despite only having an active ego for a few decades. Very curious about this and hope that this is explored more in the manga, along with their ages and memories and so on.
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mcsm-confessions · 4 months
Lukas’ character is so overlooked because hes ‘hot’ and its genuinely terrible because i love analyzing his character SO much so let me dump some headcanons (?) or just rambles
I really, REALLY wish Lukas was more meaner throughout the witherstorm arc if you were mean to him as Jesse. His charming and kind demeanor is a huge part of his character, and I admire him for that, but if you chose the worst dialogue options/story decisions (leaving him in the basement, telling him to stay away from Reuben, letting him leave the shelter, etc.) he just,,, takes it. The worst he does is call Jesse out for their actions and leave the cave, then apologizes to them one episode later. I was upset that Lukas felt the need to apologize to Jesse even though they were the one that excluded him in everything and treated him horribly and as if he weren’t apart of the team, and realized that Lukas’ easy forgiveness (?) might’ve derived from being around the ocelots. (uh oh this is where the rambling starts) Like,, this dude was around the worst people ever, I could imagine them doing the most god awful things and Lukas would have to apologize on their behalf. They literally became terrorists in episode to jealousy. I personally headcanon Lukas had been friends with the ocelot many years during the post witherstorm arc, but they, excluding Lukas, changed for the worse. Lukas believed that they could still be better, so he waited, and just became a bystander when it came to the ocelots bullying Jesse’s gang. He waited and waited until the day the ocelots ditched him for being apart of Jesse’s gang, (even though he quite literally risked his own safety to save them from the witherstorm’s grasp) and then just rebranded to the Blazerods. Despite having a good heart, being around terrible people influenced him a lot. And not in a ‘changing Lukas to be a bully’ way, it’s more-so a making him scared to show even an ounce of uncomfortableness or fear around his own friends. Whenever he’d try reasoning the ocelots, they, especially Aiden, would discard his feelings immediately. They’d probably make him feel sorry for even showing the slightest bit of emotion, thus leading him to apologize to Jesse even though he got heart. I’m not saying Lukas can’t stand up for himself, because he very much has on several occasions. But I am saying that he’s an empathetic guy and sensitive person at heart, also a HUGE people pleaser (which is confirmed, if I remember correctly). um ok im done projecting myself on Lukas. moving on!
I wanna talk about the injuries he gained throughout the portal arc. You cannot convince me he went out of the portal arc with absolutely no scars at all, especially with the things he had to bear through. Example, being punched by Aiden, tackled by a guard (if the player chose to follow Milo), and pushed off sky city. It was visible he was suffering from the pain of Aiden punching him then quick to push him off the island, because he asks Jesse if he can stay down in the surface because he doesn’t have enough strength to follow Jesse back up. This all happened in episode 7 by the way. And in episode 6, the worst thing I can remember is the white pumpkin shoving the mask on his head. With how quick Jesse was to arriving in the scene where Lukas got framed, Cassie probably hurt him in the process especially since his body was kinda wobbly (which derives from aches). Even though he looks okay after that occurrence, I can’t help but see him still suffering from the aches when he was encased in the closet. Moving onto episode 7, where I believe the worst injury happens. If the player doesn’t choose to save Lukas in Harper’s lab, Lukas has to endure having a mind-controlling chip literally implemented into his brain until the final battle. Also, he got electrocuted in the pama fight and had his hand punch through glass forcefully (he’s wearing a glove, yes, but his knuckles are exposed) and then went unconscious for a little while. And again, that chip was literally implemented into his BRAIN. That would leave some sort of scar or bleeding, or leave a long-lasting side effect even way past the end of season 1 and maybe even season 2. I headcanon he gets frequent aches in his head for absolutely no reason, specifically the back of his head where he got chipped, then pictures the traumatic memories of being mind-controlled to try kill Jesse in his head. Poor guy deserved a good break. Onto episode 8, I can only imagine him suffering from the pain of being crushed (Mevia mentioned that although the competitors do not actually die, they still have to endure the pain later on.) in the games. Also still feeling some side effects from the previous episodes. Mind you, the portal gang hopped through multiple portals without any breaks, and didn’t have the opportunity to do so because Harper immediately led them to the door to episode 8. It’s crazy how they went through all those portals and suffered from several injuries without any breaks at all, which would add up to the trauma they’d get from the portal arc.
Overall, I really love Lukas’ character. He’s fun to analyze, and his writing is so painfully overlooked by the writers themselves, but that means more analyzing and headcanons for me! He’s definitely one of my favorite characters ever, I feel like I can project myself so much onto him because he unnervingly is extremely similar to me. But that’s a biiig reason why he’s my favorite. Okay I’m done now
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sylver-drawer · 2 months
So tired of people claiming LP Jennette was some evil and cruel mastermind.
The only person she was ‘hurting’ was Claude, because he was the object of her ‘revenge’ for her parents who, at that point, had found out/received the knowledge of being killed by him. Was it true? No, but she didn’t know that. In her point of view, her uncle after killing her parents became emperor through usurping the throne and even claimed he vanquished evil, that being her parents. How insulting is that? How dare he? In LP Jennette’s perspective, this act of pretending to be his daughter is her revenge. Other than that, she was a normal girl. She was noted as the only other person other than Lily who cared about LP Athy, by SBAPOD Athy’s own words. She’s also repetitively supported Athy in LP even though we only saw a small sliver of their life.
When Claude falls ill, and the officials beg her to oversee his matters, she obviously presents Athy as a better candidate. People kept saying it’s because she’s selfish and immature, but have they even read or dissected the scene correctly? She is Claude’s favored daughter which is why the officials ask of her. If her response was purely emotional and irritated, I would’ve understood the ‘selfish and immature’ sentiment. But she isn’t. Instead, she offers Athy instead by listing out Athy’s skills and knowledge that exceeds her own. Even though Jennette is officially the crown princess and successor, Athy has lived in the palace for eighteen years while Jennette arrived merely four years prior. Even if they received the same official education, Athy most definitely knows internal matters more than she does. It was also known by SBAPOD Athy herself that LP Athy studied tremendously to gain Claude’s favor before Jennette arrived on her own accord. Of course there’s no official record of it, why would there be an official statement of the abandoned princess’ tutelage? But Jennette knew this. Jennette knew Athy’s experience and intelligence, and presents this knowledge of Athy. It isn’t her being spoiled and a brat if she’s presenting true facts! There was some talk about her being cruel because she wished Claude would stay sick and unconscious, but isn’t this??? Exactly what SBAPOD Athy thinks when she sees a sleeping Claude during her runaway arc????? That if Claude is just going to kill her when he wakes up, that she wished he’d stay asleep then??? Like these are direct parallels to each other and it makes me insane that one is called cruel while the other is praised as a saint.
We have no idea what LP was about other than this sliver into their lives, but if it was anything like how the novel of SBAPOD was, it was full of people jealous of her sudden status and noble support. And this was even with Claude’s support, meaning she had to handle this predominantly on her own. If you think about it, despite how favored Jennette was, this is nothing like how SBAPOD Athy was treated. Athy was favored, just like LP Jen was. Enough to have tea party dates, happily spending time with each other day by day. But Athy isn’t surprised when Jennette gets targeted by other noble girls’ gossip and underhanded words in the main story. Rather, she treats it as something Jennette has to handle on her own. If Jennette was supposed to be a lovable character with a carefree journey, does that nonchalant behavior make sense? This can only mean that Athy knew Jen would face these kinds of situations from reading LP. And if we read between the lines, this means that LP Jennette’s experience is completely different from SBAPOD Athy’s experience. Athy had her own troubles, but when it came to socializing with other nobles, she was popular and loved. But even while favored by Claude, LP Jennette had to combat the nobles and their underhanded praises and snide remarks.
Seeing that this is the case, I just can’t see at all how LP Jennette is spoiled and immature, or some evil mastermind. LP Jennette still struggled despite being favored, and she knew the differences in her skills vs Athy’s skills appropriately. She has some darker emotions, but like her main story counterpart, she never showed it nor lashed out upon it in regard to others. I don’t see it at all, how she can be any more ‘evil’ than SBAPOD Athy, when LP Jen had way too many parallels to her as well.
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sokkastyles · 4 months
something i was thinking about wrt azula in the avatar state is that the narrative really establishes even this early that azula’s way of commanding people just doesn’t work. we get that later, too, when she realizes (but can’t accept) that her own behavior is what caused mai and ty lee to be willing to go against her.
but this moment shows that even if someone wants/is trying to do things her way, she doesn’t create an environment where it’s actually feasible. the soldier that lets it slip that iroh and zuko are prisoners might not have if azula was a better boss, but she creates such a hostile environment that it makes people terrified and unable to perform to her standards and mess up. (i mean, tbf, that Could Have happened anyway, human error and all, but i think human error is often compounded by the environment you’re in.) so not only is azula’s behavior cruel (though that too), it’s just ultimately not that conducive to actually accomplishing what she wants. maybe for a time but, as we see, not forever.
Oh, absolutely. And part of that is that Azula is just not as good as she thinks she is, but another part of it is that I think Azula (and Ozai, and people like them) do this kind of thing purposefully, although maybe unconsciously, because it's not really about the end goal, it's about the power trip. If someone isn't able to ever meet your expectations, that gives you an infinite supply of power over them and allows you to continue to feel superior. I think of, for example, Azula criticizing her servant for not correctly pitting a cherry at a point in her life where she's been shut down by her father and abandoned by her friends, so she looks to someone she can easily bully to get that sense of power back. And like I said, she may not be doing it consciously, although her vision of Ursa at the end suggests that she, on some level, is aware of it.
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Nurse Ann Headcanons
It’s MY blog and I get to pick which creepypasta goes next for my HC list!
No but seriously I feel like Ann has always been such an underrated character, it sucks the OG artist (Yaguyi I believe) never came up with a canon story for her.
Everything I list here is purely not canon, literally the only thing we have to go off canon-wise is that one image made years ago.
You know the drill, expect canon typical violence. Extra warning for mentions of SA, this is your only warning, stop reading NOW if things like that bother you
Is some form of zombie, however has full sentience and intelligence somehow
Zombies aren’t normally this coherent, like???
Died around the 90s
Was a nurse at a small hospital in New York before her death
Got into a car accident on her way to work one day
Assumed on the way to the ER of the hospital she worked in that she was in good hands
Oops! There’s a secret cult operating behind the scenes at the hospital!
The head surgeon was always a lecherous creep to the nurses. Took advantage of Ann’s injured unconscious state in multiple ways
Wasn’t sedated, was fully awake and felt everything as her body was dismembered, all in the name of [REDACTED] in the hospital basement
Her organs were harvested after she died from her injuries. Heartless physically and emotionally!
Her body was dumped up north in the woods
Botched sacrifice left her life clinging to each part of her body in a weird unconscious state
The pieces of her body were found by Jason. He planned to use her for spare parts in his craft, but some other force urged him to reconstruct her instead
Now the two are besties (mainly because Ann considers that she has a lifelong debt to Jason)
Obviously this whole experience fucked her up
Like bro my coworkers just murdered me in a ritual sacrifice and didn’t even do it correctly smh
Is fueled by spite and revenge
Has yet to track down every person at the hospital involved or complacent with the cult
But makes sure every time she finds one, they suffer a painful death the same way she did
Besides vengeance, she’s motivated to kill for her own body
No seriously she’s a walking corpse. She’s gotta find new body parts every so often, or consume flesh to revitalize the parts of her she can’t part with
Often replaces limbs, refuses to replace parts of her torso, or her head
Thanks to Jason teaching her, she’s insanely good at sewing and stitching
Her and Jason are the go-to pastas for whenever someone has a ripped shirt or something
Has an immense hatred for the medical system for many reasons besides what happened to her
Tries to be as gentle as possible with her patients, especially Sally
Gentle =/= BS tolerance tho
The amount of times she’s kicked Jeff out of her office because he was rude or made a pervy comment. If you’re gonna be a creep go tell your jokes to the big demon with no eyes and mouth tentacles
Keeps a secret stash of candy like a real doctors office and often hands them out randomly. Most of the time it isn’t even for good behavior during checkups, she just likes surprising people with random candy
Is often found betting on who gets hurt by what on a weekly basis with Eyeless Jack. Both of them agree that Jeff is off limits because he’s showing up to either of them constantly
Any body parts she doesn’t use or consume gets shared with Eyeless Jack and the other cannibals
Her hair isn’t naturally red, or even naturally there anymore. It’s a wig. Like bro she’s undead, have you seen the hair on corpses at funerals. There’s no way in hell she’s getting human hair to look that good for that long
But on the topic of wigs—weirdly one of the few pastas allowed to mingle with “normal” society
She’s insanely good at disguising herself
Owns many different wigs and outfits that strategically cover the rotting or stitched parts of her flesh from the public eye
Will moonlight as many different roles/jobs to gain access to needed supplies
Also helps gather local intel when Ben’s usual online intel isn’t enough
Secretly has befriended a few humans. Often goes out for coffee/book club with this very small group
Would probably be fully mentally broken if the others found out and went after her human friends
She loves being friends with Jason, Helen, and Eyeless Jack, but she knows for a fact that all 3 of them would see that as weakness and use it against her somehow
If Helen found out, he’d immediately use the information as leverage and blackmail against her
Jason would get insanely jealous. As per usual in his case. And would obviously go after the poor people
Eyeless Jack would straight up just eat them. I mean at least he’d offer to share with Ann, because he’d assume she was just “saving them for later” but eat them he would and he wouldn’t feel bad about it
She’s terrified of anyone finding out and often has a “do I even belong here?” Crisis
Up until she remembers why she’s there in the first place and immediately goes back to tracking down those involved in her death
Ben offered to help track these people down for her once, which was immediately turned down
It doesn’t feel the same if someone else did all the work like that. She has to be the one to find them and make them pay or it just doesn’t sit right with her
Is neutral about animals, but hates insects due to the fact they so frequently go after corpses. Bug traps and cans of various bug killers are scattered throughout her office to keep them at bay
Wears a fuckton of perfumes and bug repellants when out in human society to mask her rotting scent and to keep bugs off her skin
Is friends/close with: Eyeless Jack, Helen, Jason, Kagekao, Masky, and Hoody
Has a tolerable relationship with: Ben, LJ, Clockwork, Slenderman, Nina, Liu, and Sally
HATES/doesn’t get along with: Jeff, Jane, the Puppeteer
Jeff is pretty self explanatory
She doesn’t like Jane because Jane just rubs her the wrong way. She can’t explain why, but it feels like Jane is trying to be better than her for some reason
Puppeteer mistook her for one of Jason’s creations and assumed she was free to “play” with. Once he realized she was sentient and not, in fact, a corpse doll, he stopped, but she’s never forgiven him for that
Oh yeah if it wasn’t already obvious she holds hella grudges
If you don’t apologize within the microsecond of wronging her, your ass is on the burn list
Piss her off enough and she’ll remember specific details of things you did, and then list them off in front of other people until you do whatever she wants in that moment
If Helen is the king of manipulation then she’s the queen
You’d think her and Jason would be the gossip besties but it’s actually her and Helen fr
Is pretty close with Masky and Hoody since they’re the only other ones who are able to go out in human society often
She has no idea that they know about her human friends, but it’s fine considering they’re ones to talk
Her and Eyeless Jack share a bond of having unfortunate connections to [REDACTED]
Has made sure to carve off every part of her original body effected with the brandings/symbols of the cult
Often changes her eyes out for new fun ones. Does heterochromia for fun, and to irk Nina
“But you look like a Mary Sue when you do that!!” “But it looks cool” “BUT THE PRINCIPLE OF IT!!!!!”
When not tending to the injured masses, she’s often in the mansion’s library, or out in human society hanging out with her friends gathering supplies
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peachkkuma · 5 months
📓. DIARY ENTRY 05 ︴APRIL 30, 2024
dear loass diary…
though April has treated me well, reflecting on the month led to an accidental reflection on my loass journey. as I was reflecting on this month, I was a little down because “it didn’t reflect in the 3D”. I know, seeking confirmation in the 3D is stupid but ofc I felt a little deflated. Anyways, that’s not what made me open up tumblr and start typing an entry. I remembered that thoughts are reflections of ur state and my thoughts were all anxious and worried and intimidated in regards to my desire. Stuff like “omg aprils already over and it still hasn’t manifested.” that’s a clear indicator that I’m not 🙅‍♀️🚫 in the sowf like I thought I was. I think often times I take me intending on being in the sowf as me actually being in the sowf. But there’s a difference, it’s either ur in the sowf or ur not. And after that realization, at first I was like “this sucks, why can’t I just be in the sowf? Why is it so hard for me?” I don’t blame myself for thinking that, it felt like I was more out of the sowf then I was in it. But then I started to actually ask myself, why can’t I be in the sowf? What’s stopping me? Nothing but me. Whenever I think “ugh other ppl become fulfilled so easily why is it so hard for me?!!” I never expand on it. I never actually think about it, and if I had, I would’ve realized it’s not hard. I just wasn’t letting myself, it was more familiar and comfortable to just be hung up on the fact that I can’t get into the sowf “correctly”, which just comes from how I think that I can’t manifest deep deep down. anywaysss, another thing is that I’m so obsessed with being in the sowf but not for a good reason. Though I don’t like to admit it because it goes against the law and my understanding of it, I am unfortunately and seemingly unconsciously obsessed with getting what I want in the 3D. Is it because I’ve been in the loa community for so long? Is it desperation? Or is it because the inner man is starving? Who knows, all I know is that I need to change my intentions. Even when I tell myself the 3D doesn’t matter, I do it to detach for the sole purpose of making my manifestation coming faster in the 3D. I just know all the loa bloggers would be sick of me bro, I would be too ‼️‼️🗣️🗣️ cuz this is just stupid. The innate desire to experience things in the 3D has yet to be replaced by the satisfaction and relief of imagination. I think it’s cuz I just don’t imagine as much as I think I should. I want to start imagining more, so the inner man won’t starve and I can actually identify with having what I want. And not just to get things, but so I don’t have to feel bad about the 3D. This time I want to detach myself from the 3D not to make things come faster but so I can actually thrive in imagination. I think I’m tricking myself. I think that part of me is fooled into thinking that when I imagine I’m secretly doing it for the 3d. But the part of me with a better understanding of the law, a smaller but growing part, knows that I’m imagining so I can actually experience what I want to experience. Idk, I can’t shake the feeling like I’m lying to myself. Like when I say I’m doing it for fulfillment I’m actually doing it for the 3D, I don’t mean it like that but for some reason I think it. But I need to realize that it is possible for me to do things without the purpose being the 3D. I also realize that no matter how much I cry beg scream plead or whatever the 3D isn’t changing because I’m not the one physically changing it. The only, ONLY, way is for me to change self. So why can’t I do that without worrying about the 3d????? I hate that I’m not having a full circle moment rn.
I’m asking myself why do I get so upset when the 3D doesn’t change, and the answer is because I’m changing self with the intention of changing the 3D. And in that way, I’m not changing self at all. So howwwww do I stop obsessing over the 3D? I think this is just coming from me “failing” at manifesting and never seeing an actual desire manifest into the 3D, so I feel kinda helpless. But if I want to experience it, I don’t need the 3D for that. And that is what imagination is for, giving yourself what the 3D can’t. And if u persist in that imaginal identity, if u keep saying “that is me” in regards to it, the 3D changes because you’ve changed. Because why should u let go of the identity u love? Why not persist in it?
Yooooooo everything just clicked for me let’s goooooo bro
okay I lowkey sound like I’m tweaking here 😭😭 this is more of a rant, that’s why it’s unorganized and has a ton of spelling errors but at least I was able to apply my knowledge and soothe my worries 😜
long story short, safe to say I’m no longer questioning the role of the 3D and imagination
kisses, peachkkuma
(just looked back at this and GOOD GRIEF this is long I gotta take it to a publisher or something god 😭😭 chatterbox ahh tumblr post)
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