#I can see being indifferent or not a fan but to hate a woman who is so unproblematic
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iwatcheditbegin · 10 days ago
Taylor hate from men is such a red flag, it’s no longer even about her as an individual or even a musician. A lot of men see her as a proxy for all women
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crimsonender · 5 months ago
Why do you care so much about Lily Orchard
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Actually getting this a little backwards. I took notice of Lily Orchard as an individual earlier this year, back in January to March, when she was listed amongst a series of trans creators that are unfairly scrutinized. As she was the only one who had a Tumblr at the time I began following her because I wanted to basically spite transphobes. I've come under fire myself for being trans in the past.
What I discovered in the months I followed her is that she had awful takes and was really dismissive and sometimes outright mean to her fans. I went to a live stream or two, and I watched a couple videos. I soon became critical of her, and decided to do some research. This lead me to Hiding in Private and Sai Scribbles. At the time, I was focused on Lily being a bad YouTuber, both in terms of content and how she treated her fans.
I knew that no one else was going to cover her video on the Coffin of Andy and Leyley because most people dismiss this gothic horror game as problematic and incestuous. As a fan of the genre and the game itself I decided to cover the video. Then as a spur of the moment decision at the end of that stream I decided to cover her latest Kingdom Hearts video as well. This would turn into a an edited video later on where I was very insistant on not focusing on Lily's actions and the allegations. I was mostly concerned with her rhetoric and behaviour as a YouTuber, because I had been wanting to talk about media analysis for a long time. As you can see from my coverage on MatPat, Anita Sarkiseen, Anthony Gramgulia, and iDubbbz. I think there is something fundamentaly flawed with the way the modern internet analyzes media. Each of these individuals has contributed negatively to this rhetoric in their own way, but where people like Anthony and iDubbbz and even Sarkiseen have tried to improve (and in Anthony's case a large reason for the majority of his writing that is worthy of criticism was how he was editorialized by the publications he worked for) Lily has always doubled down and gotten worse. Moreover my biggest issue with Lily right now is how she interacts with her fandom, which is unique to her. She has been publically very sexual towards them, she encourages anti-intellectualism, has a history of abuse, so yeah that definitely is a factor. My last two videos were less about her media analysis and more about how she interacts with her audience and the world around her. I think people like Lily are dangerous.
I don't hate everyone I cover. I'm friends with Anthony and I like his videos and style of writing. He's not perfect but he's also very open to criticism. iDubbbz I'm not a big fan of but for the most part I'm fairly indifferent to. MatPat's videos while I'm highly critical of them, are somewhat of a guilty pleasure for me and I've been watching him since he released his first Starfox video. Sarkiseen I am more critical of but acknowledge she was one of the first people to make videos about feminism in modern media on the scale she was doing it. I wouldn't say anything these people are doing is dangerous.
If Lily was just some woman on the internet with a bad opinion then I probably wouldn't care. It's Lily's control over such a large number of people that worries me. Dismantling her rhetoric is how we show the people she has control over a way out. It's how we teach people that have been trained to turn their brain off that they should think for themselves. Videos like Joon the King's covering her allegations are important don't get me wrong, but unless we teach people to think for themselves, they're just going to fall for the next grifter to come along. The crux of the matter is that no one person should dictate what your opinion is based on how big of a fan you are of them. This problem is so much bigger than Lily. Lily just represents this issue to such a large degree.
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scarlet-moonlight · 3 months ago
This is gonna be a LONG ass post but
I got around to watching Arcane s1 (I watched s2 without finishing s1 because I didn't want to worry about getting spoiled for all the stuff that will inevitably flood the league tags so I just said fuck it, I did know a little bit about what happened during s1) and now that I did, I think I like s2...less?
Like I thought I was confused while watching s2 because I skipped s1 so I might not have known about what was happening (And I did on some, like I didn't know Silco and Vander were close at one point when I saw the flashback with them and Felicia, or that Singed used to be a mentor for Viktor) but..no. Looking at s1 then back at s2 it really does feel night and day. I think the problem is that s1 is great in how down-to earth and realistic the world, the characters and problems they have, but then in s2, suddenly everything became so much more..bigger. And not in a good way. suddenly everything became so much more bloated with too many characters, conflicts that started/showed up that they needed to end in the same season cause they had to make it 2 seasons even though it could've benefitted from another one or at least anotehr act. The animation is great, the music is great, but even that just feels like well.. spectacle for the sake of it. Especially when it comes to the music, because compared to s1 and s2, s2 is just too music heavy. And I was watching s1 with my sister (who is blind reacting to all of arcane from the start) and I feel like if we finish s1 and get to s2 she might not think of it as good as s1 for the same reasons.
MORE IMPORTANTLY THO I realize how oddly ooc Jayce became from s1 to s2, mostly for his relationship between him and Mel that got sidelined in s2 for viktor. And apparently that was intended by the writers because they liked jayvik more (I used to watch Star vs the forces of evil so this is giving me serious flashbacks to the writers hell that became) Yes Jayce and Mel started off as more or less fuck buddies but there were scenes that showed that they cared about each other that they just..kinda threw away in favor of Jayik. I don't hate jayvik and I liked the memes and all but I also dont like just sidelining a woman (A black, woman no less) in favor of a yaoi ship in the grand year of 2024. Like knowing their relationship in s1 it makes me realize how ooc Jayce and Mel were acting towards each other in s2. I don’t care if they ended up canon or not, but they just acted toxic and indifferent to each other for no reason when they did have scwnes in s1 that showed they cared about each other and now I think they just did this just so they could make Jayvik look better and because of how Mel was done dirty despite me loving her character I am now actively going to ship Meljay out of spite (Also fuck you they both look sexy) (and I also like Viktor by himself away from Jayce, preferably him in s1 because of how cute he was and I want to keep him for myself)
For any arcane only fans, I happen to be a selfship/yumeship blog who's favorite charater happens to be in a really popular yaoi ship (made partially implied by canon and making him all thats ever used for when theres so much else that they can do with his lore instead of just making him an accessory to please fandom, huh doesn't that sound familar?) and I know people would hate on me for also being a girl "getting in the way" if i was in any other part of league fandom (at least tumblr is pretty chill) so don't worry we're at two for two here
Again, I like s2, I think they've done a great job but knowing what happened in s1 and then seeing s2 it just made me feel like there was so much missed potential outside of the already confusing plots and pacing issues I experienced on my first watching
and ykw Im gonna repeat what I said in a previous post in that; fuck yall, I wanted the Mel being pregnant rumors to be true just to spite yall (and that the kid would be Rell)
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epickiya722 · 5 months ago
6,7,9,10 for the choose violence ask for both MHA and JJK
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
For both fandoms, I can find anyone annoying no matter specifically what they ship. Now, if I had to be specific, it has to be people who hate on a ship who are clearly just homophobic.
I recently had been called an "imbecile" by someone over an innocent ItaFushi post and found out they found the ship "diabolical".
Twice, one for each fandom, I made a post about F/F ships and someone had to bring up a M/F ship. Honey, please, I don't care. BEGONE, HEATHEN!
But again, no matter what they ship, if they annoy me, they annoy me.
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?
Okay, for MHA, I don't actually hate Hawks. I'm more so indifferent with him even when he did appear. However, sometimes in fandom, I find his presence annoying. Especially, whenever Miruko is involved. I was recently salty for a week because for the Miruko tags, it his face there and the artwork centered around him.
Like, no, last time I checked Miruko was a bunny woman. Not a blond bird man whose jacket I have a disdain for.
I even once wrote a fic out of spite because someone said something about Miruko and hyped up Hawks and I'm like "She didn't do anything to warrant this slander but alright". Ever since then, Hawks would sometimes be the butt monkey in my fics. I actually was thinking about doing a sequel to that fic, too.
For JJK, it only recently became Yuta. Now, unlike Hawks, I don't actually not feel anything towards Yuta. I do like him.
However, I have a deep seething hatred for those who constantly bash Yuji to hype him up. Yuta is cool, but he is not that fucking cool to bash Yuji. Come on now. I hate it whenever I go on a post anywhere and someone will talk about Yuji's accomplishments or just only mention Yuji and some assholes will be like "well, Yuta this" and "Yuta that". Yuta is rocking the teenage boy version of Yuji's mom's haircut, so stop.
9. Worst part of canon?
Okay, did Miruko have to lose 3 of her limbs? Her arm? I was fine with that. A leg, I was actually confused for a while as to how she even lost it until I went back and saw what happened but I don't think she should have completely cut it off. 😭 Her other arm? Okay... her and Edgeshot are definitely the Heroes who lost the most in the final war. Mind you, Miruko's Quirk has her use her limbs. I'm glad she got her a little bazooka in the end, but she low-key sacrificed a lot more than other Heroes.
I actually wrote a fic addressing that because I'm salty about it. It was my recent Miruko-centric fic.
Okay, for JJK... do I have anything? Nothing really actually aggravated me... okay, I think Choso shouldn't have died. Or Yuki. I think about them and start punching the air.
10. Worst part of fanon?
Where to begin here? I feel like there are so many things.
For JJK, I low-key have a disdain for the first person who misinterpreted Gojo would be a fucking playboy. Like, no he wouldn't be in a committed relationship because he can't be loyal because "he's a man, he has needs" or whatever bullshit reason. It's because he's a jujutsu sorcerer! And one of the busiest ones in top of that! Hell, we just found out what his schedule looks like, he wouldn't have time to commit!
There's also how dumb some people tend to make Yuji. Like... he's dumb, he even admits it but I think it's just more so that he's not motivated to learn certain things and he just thinks he is. He's smarter than what he (and the fandom) gives him credit for.
And some of the memes? Don't find funny at all. I actually got tired of the "Nah, I'd win" memes I kept seeing. And how Yuta would make fun of someone for having "No bitches". That's stupid, I hate it.
For MHA, again some memes I just don't find funny. Recently any meme I see about "Midoriya being a fast food worker", who makes them instantly has me wishing they step on a Lego. And just saying, fast food workers have probably done more for anybody than certain people. Or that "Katsuki stole Ochako" from him is definitely a case of "those are OCs with the same name" because we know damn well canon Katsuki ain't touching Ochako like that with even a ten foot long pole and vice versa on her end.
Playboy Katsuki? Yeah, not really my favorite portrayal of him in fiction like that. I can see him being very popular and having a lot of girl fans because that's canon, it makes sense. But hooking up with a lot of people? And using it as some "escape" or whatever? Yeah... eh...
Also, sometimes I feel like folks want to use that "Black Best Friend" trope on Miruko whenever it comes to Hawks and DabiHawks. Like, she got to be his hype man or something. The idea doesn't appeal to me really.
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ceratedfish24 · 2 months ago
Communication skills are not my best thing too, and I definitely get over the board sometimes. My biggest problem is bouncing from topic to topic and not having a clear segment to flow into another thought, so I hope you give me a spec of doubt, if something sounds out of nowhere.
The most important thing that I implied, but might have not worded, so you missed it. Is you maintagging: 1) anyone who is a more relaxed fan will think there is some drama, or just get a sour feeling over being called fake fans. They're the people I meant, when I said to create a safe space, not trolls. Most CC's are very welcoming of the people who aren't as crazy in the fandom, as you and I. But your actions constuct an idea of some toxic Scott or Joel fans. 2) You are bringing attention to hate. As in to create your a post about something hateful, you have to repeat all the unfavorable things said. It's like coming into CC's chat and saying "It's so horrible that everyone hates you and says these mean things about you". Even if you will add that you support them, the hateful comments that you repeat will stick to them, as before they might have not seen them. (This example is not exact, but Scott is on Tumblr and if you maintag, he could see it) 3) You just said that the person is convinced they're right, and that you're stubborn. The three people that will see this post are people who like, indifferent or hate Scott, and by your own words the post won't do anything. Internet fight are most often just talking to a wall. Even me saying all of this won't change anything about what you think, this is just an english workout for me, so thank you for humoring me.
I get that people are homophobic, you don't have to say this every single paragraph. I am queer, as many other people on Tumblr and in MCYT fandom in general. Gem got a lot of hate in Secret Life for being a bi woman. If I take a moment out of her stream and give that line to her character, if I analyze it on my own blog, see how her character interacts with other people. Will you say that I'm a biphobic misogynist? If I just simply didn't like her character arc or actions and critizied them in a manner of looking at life series as a story? You're trying to connect outright homophobic people to people who are invested in the fandom to the point of spending hours thinking and analyzing characters.
And why is analyzing CC's bad? The CC's know that they're playing characters and these characters aren't words in a book. Every individual CC approaches their character differently, they're all storytellers, and thinking about how the actions CC choose affect their character is extremely interesting. If we wanted to read a book, we would have, but Life Series and similar concepts are a completely unique thing, which is somewhat comparable to dnd.
To add. Being critical of CC's is okay. They are not a god. People thinking that them being mean to each other is real and not a roleplay is the same as trying to be a knight in shining armor for them, it's all parasocial. They have flaws and we're allowed to look into them, being a content creator comes with that as well as a certain power (By power I mean CCs can send mobs of people to bully one person, sometimes not even intentionally, and other things I'm too lazy to go into). We should not dismiss someone's behavior, if they are gay or a woman or neurogivergent, but it feels like you are unintentionally promoting this thinking that gay people can't be bad. And I think Scott is a good person, who made some mistakes as any person can do (I'm not implying or saying any particular things, mistakes are a thing that everyone does). But you don't actually know him or any CCs. With the most recent example in this community, it's impossible to know if someone is shitty. Being that fixated on protecting a person only to realize that they aren't the perfect human being is painful. I'm just advising for you to take a step back from investing yourself too much into a CCs life. (I'm saying this as a person who can be quite parasocial, which I am working on).
I do not wish any harm on you or others, I am not threatening or trying to make mean comments. I'm just putting my net zero into this conversation, as a common internet dweller.
Hi! Your ask was not destroyed at all. Tumblr delivered it just fine!
Addressing your first point, I understand that being called a fake fan can feel rough, but I genuinely cannot imagine criticizing someone who is close to someone you care about for being cruel to the person you care about if the person you're criticizing didn't do anything cruel, especially if you're taking a mutual moment of teasing between friends out of context and targeting one person for a harmless act that both people committed.
I am bringing attention to hate. I don't think anyone should do it all of the time, but I still think that it's important, especially if the hate was unintentionally awful, to address when people are being really awful to one person who hasn't done anything out of the ordinary. The post has been tagged with discourse. If someone does not want to see fandom critical posts, they can filter out the tag. If you disagree with my approach to dealing with hate, that's perfectly valid and I respect that.
Scott, unfortunately, already knows about the hate. He has replied to some of the posts himself, and he has acted on some posts himself.
My post has done something. Not necessarily done something life changing, but I did see that it brought comfort to some people. It's fine if I argue with a wall, but I looked at the points that the other person was making, decided what I agreed with, and made changes and apologies accordingly. When I was not met with similar respect and the other person instead moved the topic to be critical of me and refusing to respond when I inquired about what I felt they did wrong, that's when I became a wall too. When the points that I made were dismissed in favor of an argument that drifted from the problem and the reasoning that I felt was justified - and it's fine if other's disagree, but, again, that doesn't mean I'm changing anything - that's when I stopped taking the conversation too seriously.
Gem getting hate for being bi is different from Gem getting hate for a specific thing she did unless the thing is something that most if not all of the other players did. If someone picked Scott apart for something that was specific for Scott, I wouldn't be so disturbed by it. The problem is when people try to tear Scott apart for things that everyone else or at least many other people on the server have also done and have never received half as much backlash - if any- for. For example, if you were upset with Gem because she teases Jimmy, but you think it's fine or even hilarious when Grian, Martyn, Scott, Joel, fWhip, etc. do it, then it would come off as biphobia or misogyny because the other people, all men who aren't bi, aren't being treated with the same seriousness despite having done the same thing. If you were mad at Gem for teasing Jimmy, but you were equally upset with other people for teasing Jimmy, then that's a different situation where no one is being targeted. If you were mad at Gem for, I don't know, screaming at someone (This is a hypothetical. She did not seriously scream at anyone), then that would also be different because that would be unique to Gem. If you were to be misogynistic or biphobic in your criticism of her for something unique to her, then that would only be able to be observed in specific relevant points in your criticism as opposed to who you were critical of, seeing as there would be no one else to be critical of to compare your reaction to. However, the Scott situation is not at all unique to Scott; Scott is being scrutinized for things that many other people - all straight that I can think of, but please do correct me if I'm forgetting something - have also done and are not being nearly as disliked for. That's why it feels like the argument that Scott is awful tends to come from a place of homophobia.
As for deciding a line is for a character, if you respect that everyone else who did or said something similar for the same reasons and in the same context are equally guilty, then that's fine. If you are taking something that someone said and criticizing it, but you are not criticizing everyone else who did or said something similar in the same context, then saying that you were referring to the character isn't relevant to the discrimination between that CC/character and other CCs/characters who have done the same thing and are not being criticized.
The reason why I feel that homophobia is linked to a lot of Scott criticism that could be used against almost every other creator but often isn't is because a lot of people are specifically accusing Scott of being "manipulative" and "toxic", which are harmful queer stereotypes that Scott doesn't fit into the box of as far as we know. He may fit a lot of gay man stereotypes, but that doesn't mean that people should lump him in with harmful stereotypes that he doesn't actually fall under. We don't have a reason to believe that Scott has some evil ulterior motive to being friendly.
Analyzing a CC is... iffy. That's a real person. Most people are pretty uncomfortable being analyzed, especially if you are analyzing them for something they did while playing a character in a silly game with their friends (cough the Martyn situation cough). Of course, it's more than okay to recognize and appreciate the good things that someone does, but it's really none of the audience's business to scrutinize someone for something they said playfully to a friend who they have a long standing close relationship to and who hasn't shown signs of feeling hurt or disrespected. The main problem with the argument I was in was the inequality between how Joel was being treated and how Scott was being treated. I also think that it's important to be able to differentiate between when a CC is making a decision based on the rules of the game and the lore of their character and when a CC is just having a laugh with their friends. Not every CC cares so much about characters and lore. There's a big difference between when someone is playing an aggressive character and when someone is just being themselves in a competitive environment.
Being critical of CCs is okay. Accusing CCs of things they haven't done is not okay. You could ruin an innocent person's livelihood. I wouldn't defend Scott if I feel like he genuinely did something awful. It just kills me to see people accusing him of things or arguing that Scott is crueler than other Life Series players who have all done or said much of the same things that Scott is being scrutinized for and yet they are treated normally, as they all, including Scott, should be. If someone feels like Scott teasing his friends is a flaw, then they should also address when his friends tease each other in ways that are equally or even more (playfully) mean. I don't feel as if that is fair to the CCs, seeing as it is their relationships alone and their responsibility to handle when they are uncomfortable with something that their friend(s) said and they have proven that they will handle that discomfort with maturity and efficiency and therefore it's not our job to accuse them of being cruel to each other, but at least that way doesn't target just one person or just certain people.
It's not that I think that gay people can't be bad. I think that this one gay person didn't do what he's being accused of doing and that, if someone is going to accuse him, then they should at least acknowledge the equally guilty other parties, who were straight. It may have been complete coincidence, but it seems strange to me to accuse a gay person of being horrible while defending a straight person who is equally guilty, hence why it came off as homophobia to me. I would like to note that I have used the word "guilty" pretty often, but I do not feel like any actual guilt should be involved. The thing that everyone involved is "guilty" of is a lighthearted thing. I only mean that everyone did the same thing.
If Scott had seriously done something wrong, obviously I would not defend him. However, it does frustrate me when people accuse him of things that haven't happened or at least that we have no reason to believe has happened. For example, I wouldn't defend someone who burned down a house if someone accused them of burning down a house. I would defend someone who burned down a house if someone accused them of slashing someone's tires, which they did not do. If Scott did something terrible that was completely unrelated to the accusations that I've argued against, then I wouldn't really feel guilty. I would be very sad, of course, because I find him to be a great creator, and I would hold him accountable for whatever he did do, but that doesn't mean that he should be accused of things he didn't do, similar to how the Hermits did have to clear up some assumptions about what happened recently before more information was released. I don't think Scott's perfect. I do think he's being treated unfairly.
Thank you for being so thorough about your thoughts! That was very helpful in understanding how to appropriately answer you. Additionally, thank you for being understanding about the tardiness of this response. I was going through a life transition that wasn't going very smoothly, and this was a VERY long ask (which is not at all a burden! I invite long asks!) that I wanted to be very thoughtful in response to. I hope that I didn't miss anything and made some sense, and I hope that you're well!
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confusedhummingbird · 3 days ago
I think it's interesting how dickbabs fandom is lol
For many years, Kory was humiliated, not only by them but by DC itself. And humiliated without any need, it's just because she was Dick's ex. They portrayed her as a witch who was there to disrupt Dick and Barbara's relationship.
But now the tables have turned, we are starting to have more critical sense, and see that as something ridiculous. Well, if Dick and Barbara are soulmates, why does Babs need to worry about every woman who approaches Dick? If Kory "gets in the way", is it her fault? Or Dick, who has no emotional responsibility for the two?
So, we started pointing out these mistakes, the Dickkory fandom has grown a lot in recent years, and consequently, Dickbabs has started to be criticized more. And now we are toxic lol.
So, I won't deny that there are some that I don't agree with that Dickkory shippers, even though they are part of it (I think we should stop using Barbara's betrayal with Bruce, it was something alternative and disgusting)
But saying that we don't like the couple because we think it's forced, that it hinders the development of both Nightwing and Batgirl, is that being toxic?
Not to mention that we are in 2025, and to this day I read that argument from those who like Dickkory who have never read a comic, and are nostalgic for the Teen Titas cartoon (little do they know that starting the comic was what made me hate Dickbabs more)
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I'm always here for people taking their loving Kory juice. It's a delightful juice!
I also agree with you about Barbara, I'm not a fan of her in general but I'm not gonna complain about her actions in Batman Beyond canon unless I'm exclusively talking about my issues with Batman Beyond.
I'm gonna be honest at first I was natural towards DickBabs when I started I loved Dick and Kory more because at first the cartoon but also when I read NTT I fell in love with them more but the fact that fans and DC tried to push Kory into the role of just Dick's Ex Girlfriend and act like even without the romance that she's not someone Dick cares about so much and trusts with his whole heart. That's when my indifference turned to dislike.
And not only that but Barbara feels counterintuitive to what Dick would want or need in a partner.
Kory was freedom and passion, she showed Dick there was more than just being like Bruce. That he can use Bruce's skills he taught him but also use his big heart and his charisma and people skills to be a better leader and hero. She showed Dick over and over different ways of life and how to grow and improve. And he (and Donna) showed her the importance of mercy and patience. They were just what each other needed. They bounced off each other. It was opposites attract and their opposites were even able to rub off on one another. They're a great couple and it's truly no wonder they're still popular to this day.
Barbara just brings Dick back to Gotham. Back into the fold of being under Bruce's shadow and so many of her personality traits are similar to Bruce's to where if Bruce did some of the stuff she did (Like spying on his with a whole camera system) He'd be rightfully pissed. With Barbara Dick will always just be Batman lite and Dick is anything but Batman lite.
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madametamma · 8 months ago
Also Lois just being indifferent to Steve or just kinda hating him too. Like her dad treated him well and was supportive of him a lot.
Honestly I feel like out of all the other justice league characters to cross over with MAWS I think Wonder woman would fit best working with this version of Superman, and we don't have many adaptations that do just a Superman/Wonder woman team up.
We got plenty of Batman. A few with the Flash come to mind. Even the animated movie "Superman: man of tomorrow' did a really good Martian Manhunter/ Superman first meeting and teaming up. but I can't think of any just Superman and Wonder woman meeting and teaming up for the first time (At least not without other members of the JL thrown in there as well). Which is odd because along with Batman they're the DC trinity. The big three.
Currently I'm working on fan stuff for a MAWS superman and Wonder woman crossover artwork and story, (It might be a while because I'm working on other stuff too at the moment) but I'm glad I'm not the only one who can see some potential here.
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reinadelvudu · 3 months ago
Hello! Sorry for jumping on and using you like a Romy therapist lol and thanks for making it a safe space for people to have negative views of the characters and ship even when you like them and the ship itself, not a lot of Rogue fans can take that. You’d think you’d burnt their house down because you don’t think Rogue is a blameless victim haha. Very much yikes!
Rogue fans are the reason I no longer like her character not that I was very invested in her to begin with. They use the excuse that Gambit is a cheat and abusive which is, wild really but okay. Sure, Remy did cheat like what once? When they weren’t very serious and in an on off like any other times in their mess of a “relationship.” Gambit is a bit of a dick when he’s first introduced, loose morals but making out Rogue is a victim under his spell when she was super manipulative and gaslighting from the start is something I’ll never accept from her fans. She leads him on, pushes him away then makes out like he’s the bad guy. They were both immature and messy. Gambit has never been abusive, pushy definitely especially when the writers hated him but he’s never abused anyone, if anything Rogue is the abuser but that’s okay because cardboard feminism rules and equality means nothing. Mentally, emotionally and even on occasion physically she’s messed him up so bad. She never supported him and never got to know him even when they were supposedly best friends. Remy would die for Rogue… Rogue is indifferent to him unless she wants something. There’s no actual love there. She doesn’t trust him ever even when they’re married and they just feel… pointless. Soap opera worthy with a lacklustre end. Gambit had more spark with Danger the robot than he’s ever had with Rogue.
I just can’t get my head around them. It’s such a forced ship in my opinion. It feels like she’s jealous of him at the start for being able to touch and get out there in a way that she can’t do and then when she finally got to touch she didn’t even want Gambit. They have a north-south relationship. Like two magnets never destined to be together. Never able to connect. That’s how I see them. And now Gambit is more mature and past his fling-loose moral part of life they have nothing. Early Romy sure, I guess I can see the appeal, the drama of it all was entertaining but when they parted ways it should have stuck. It’s no coincidence that Gambit is only worth reading when Rogue isn’t involved, his solos without her (some) were fantastic. His growth in X-23 2010-12 as a person, X-Man and friend was his best era and for me it was ruined when they shoved him back under Rogue’s boot again. He’ll never flourish with her, ever. There’s just nothing there for them but bad memories mixed with a little ‘if only’. I agree with a lot of people who are turning away from Romy about Rogue not caring for Remy let alone loving him. It’s been consistent for her to want him for a good time then dropping him to do her own thing until she gets bored and it makes Gambit look pathetic. He’s not the type of guy to hang around on a whim for a woman who won’t ever appreciate him.
I think for both of them they should just be solo characters or in teams that aren’t together. I don’t think any ship even the ones I like for either would change much. People have it in their heads now that Gambit is the walk all over boyfriend/husband who you can do anything to and he’ll stick around when he’s had decades of canon where he knows when to let go and move on in a healthy way. He isn’t the bitter type even if he still has love in his heart but the way she has always treated him is a joke. He’s been turned into a joke that isn’t even funny it’s just sad. Their marriage was so rushed and off the wall it made no sense and really feels like it was done just to shut the Romy fans up and I don’t think that’s very fair. That’s what variants and multiverses are for, 616 shouldn’t be a sitcom for certain favs to do what they like while other characters suffer for it. We’ve got so little good Gambit content that he might as well not even be a character anymore.
Want my king of thieves back and right now it feels like that’s never going to happen.
You can use me as a therapist anytime anon. ''Gambit had more spark with Danger the robot than he's ever had with Rogue.'' I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Rogue is not a blameless victim, and it needs to be said and that's ok! Of course Gambit doesn't piss holy water either. Everything you said is so true it hurts. Being a romy fan is terribly stressful. It's incredible how they can't respect the essence of the characters nor do they know how to handle a mature couple FOR THE LOVE OF ALL GODS IT'S NOT DIFFICULT AT ALL!!!!!!
I also want my king of thieves back 😭
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stylesunchained · 1 year ago
Are we just putting all the blame on a artist who has no control over the venue being cunts and shutting of the vents and refusing to give people water, when the artist themselves was throwing water into the crowd and telling the security to do their fucking job? Or is this just a hate a certain person and feeling like a cunt so gonna blame them?
Let me perfectly clear:
Nobody is blaming Taylor Swift for the death of her fan.
The venue wasn't the issue, it was the production company who made all the mistakes you guys are seeing
NONE of you who are outside of Brazil are getting the ACTUAL facts because you guys rather believe everything that's said on the internet instead of doing actual research
And since I'm here and I'm talking about this, let me make this point so you guys can stfu and maybe listen to reason for once in your life:
Taylor Swift is not to blame. No matter my personal feelings towards this woman, she had no hand in the death of this fan. What she IS responsible for is having the good sense, the empathy and the humanity necessary to help the family who lost that 23 year old girl, who still had an entire life to live and was tragically lost.
Instead of showing herself as an empathic person, Taylor Swift chose to put out a statement so cold it's nearly clinical in which she exempts herself of all blame and of also manifesting any support towards Ana Benevides's family and friends. These are her own words:
Tumblr media
What's the point of saying this happened before her show? WHY is she making sure everyone knows it happened before she was on stage when at no point anyone blamed her for this tragedy? This is her PR people who are trying to make her an innocent victim yet again when the VICTIM WASN'T HER and nobody is blaming her. There's another part of her statement in which she says she cannot speak about the girl's death on stage because she's in too much pain - yet another example of Taylor Swift making something tragic ABOUT HER. This is not about her, I guarantee you Taylor Swift isn't feeling more pain than the parents, the friends and the family of the girl who lost her life trying to make her dream of seeing her favorite artist live come true. She sang a song people interpreted was am homage to Ana but refused to say a word or put a picture of her fan on the screen to honor her life ... why couldn't she do that? Why couldn't she show more humanity?
Third of all: the parents have yet to get their daughter's body back because they come from a simple background and do not have the means to pay for the transportation to bring her back from Rio to their city. They have yet to receive the support of the production company, who SHOULD BE BLAMED and should be responsible for paying for all of this, but Taylor - who we all know has very deep pockets and claims to be such a phylantropist - should at the very least reach for this family, who's the one who's actually devastated, and help them pay for Ana's funeral, the transportantion of the body and EVERYTHING ELSE THEY NEED.
Again, I repeat: no one is blaming her. But she was the reason why this girl left her house alive and is going back dead. The LEAST she could do is show some kind of empathy and humanity towards the family who will probably never recover from this. Instead, she let her fans once again gather their already little money to help the family instead of doing something that would show some compassion from her part. Instead, her and her team are being criminally cold and indifferent towards the loss of a life.
All of that is also not helped by the fact that many people in the entertainment industry that I am friends with are telling me horror stories about her and her team's behavior here in Brazil. Not only are her people calling her fans "savages", they're also being xenophobic. She also requested no food from Brazil to be put in her dressing room because apparenly just like Drake she thinks we can't produce something good even though all of the fruit and vegetables she eats in the US are imported from us.
To finish it off, let me say this: nobody blames Taylor. Everyone knows circumstances led to a sad ending and that the lack of planning and structure from the production company also helped this end as badly as it did. Everyone knows they're the ones who should answer to all of this... but why is Taylor acting like this has nothing to do with her and that she can't do something when she claims to be oh so good? Why is she being so indifferent towards this? Is she afraid of a lawsuit? THIS SHOULD NOT STOP HER FROM SHOWING EMPATHY.
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andorerso · 2 years ago
you're a bad, bad person! anyway 7, 8, 24
me? starting problems on purpose? no sir, I would never
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Hate is a strong word because I don't hate him but I've gotten to a point where I'm kind of indifferent about Melshi now. Mostly because I feel like he's starting to replace Kay (and in certain cases Bodhi) a bit, which I don't vibe with. I get that Melshi got popular after Andor but I don't like to see Kay erased as Cassian's closest friend as a result. As if Cassian wasn't literally devastated when Kay died. As if Kay didn't see him crying on Jenoport. As if Kay, before dying, didn't literally simulate a scenario in his head in which Cassian lived because it pleased him. Kay was absolutely Cassian's closest friend and I'll DIE on that hill. Anyway, this isn't Melshi's fault, but the resentment is growing. (he and Cassian should still fuck though. as a treat.)
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I'm not a fan of manwhore Cassian lmao. not because I'm trying to slutshame him, obviously, I even made a whole post in his defense when people tried that shit. it just... it doesn't feel in character for me. and you can say "but Andor" yeah yeah yeah, whatever, I'm talking about Rogue One Cassian Andor here. I just wasn't buying what they were selling me in Andor about him being a horndog lmao. Cassian Andor, a horndog??? it just feels SO wildly OOC to me. I think he uses flirting as a manipulation tactic (we see this with the hostess and even Cinta) but that's not genuine. and don't get me wrong, I never thought he was an inexperienced virgin either, but the whole thing with him just sleeping around all the time and fucking everyone is just... it's not him to me. like at all.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
oh boy, I could bring up so many stuff. some of the things Tony Gilroy has said, Syril apologists who think he's the real main character, Cassian haters who think Bix got tortured because of him, saying Diego Luna was miscast, the whole debacle about whether or not Andor retconned stuff (it did) and whether or not we're allowed to be upset about it (we are), Saw haters who miraculously love Luthen, there's just so much.... but ultimately, Maarva apologists, this one's for you. stop excusing that woman.
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notafunkiller · 2 months ago
I just want to say, I don't care if Sebastian and Annabelle's relationship is PR or not. But I can see Sebastian's expression in front of the camera when he is with Annabelle. I don't know if this is right or wrong, because what I see is Sebastian's expression when he is with Annabelle in front of the camera is flat and doesn't show that he really loves Annabelle. While Annabelle always seems to show that she really loves him and will always support him. Maybe you will hate me for this and I don't care, but this is what I see from their togetherness. I'm not a fanatic Sebastian fan and I'm not a fan of Annabelle, I also don't hate Annabelle. I actually never cared about Sebastian's relationship with anyone because for me it is his privacy and I have no right to interfere. But seeing some paparazzi photos out there and the comments on the photos, then the drama from the fandom on social media is quite interesting to me.
I personally don't think that their relationship is PR. I'm sure Sebastian is a smart person. If this is PR, then why would Sebastian want to stay for years? For money and fame? Well, he can even get it without having to do PR relationship. But on the other hand, I also think that there might be something behind their relationship. Again, I don't know, that's just my thought. The point in their relationship that I see is Annabelle who is too excited while Sebastian seems indifferent. Yes I know, maybe behind the camera Sebastian is not like that, maybe he really loves Annabelle. Again I don't know, but I'm a little bit unsure if behind the camera or in his personal life if he really loves Annabelle. I don't know why so don't ask that, because that's just my thought based on what they show to the public.
I don't know either, but what I saw in Sebastian's previous relationship seemed happier and enjoyed it. Even in front of the paparazzi, he looked relaxed with his partner. I don't care if you say I'm crazy or sick. But his face says it all. He doesn't look like he's enjoying his relationship with Annabelle that much while Annabelle looks like she's enjoying it. It's the opposite, right? Well, maybe they enjoy it more behind the camera, again I don't know. I just want to say that his face says it all. That's all.
I can see in some of Sebastian's photos when Annabelle is not with him, he looks calmer and more himself. But when Annabelle is with him, he changes, looks a little more depressed. I'm not telling you to see it too and I'm not telling you to believe me, but that's what I see. Annabelle is a good woman and has a good reputation, but sometimes I see her as thirsty for attention. If she really wanted her relationship with Sebastian to be more private, she shouldn't have posted anywhere she goes with Sebastian on her Instagram. Yes I know it's her own Instagram account, and she has the right to post anything there. But it will still attract the attention of fans especially fans who hate her.
I personally don't think Annabelle used Sebastian to gain fame. But I think Sebastian changed a bit after being with Annabelle. I'm not sure if their relationship works in public, considering how many people hate them both. It's different from Sebastian's relationship with his previous partner. This is too much hate. On the other hand, I also feel sorry for Annabelle because she must have gotten too much hate. Especially considering that Annabelle seemed to be working alone to maintain this relationship while Sebastian seemed more indifferent.
Thank You.
I don't think anyone should hate you for having an opinion.
I personally do not care who he dates. I just think Annabelle is problematic for all the reasons I mentioned before with evidence and his hardcore fans do not call her out at all. And her display is not supportive either in my pov. But she totally doesn't deserve being sexualized or threatened.
There are many pr relationships that last even more than 5 years in Hollywood🤷‍♀️
And honestly, if it's not PR, it's even worse.
0 notes
aquaaquila · 5 months ago
Ok, I may become blocked or hated for saying this, I'm really sorry I bother you like this, and I will try to be as respectful as possible, but I have to speak up because this behavior contributes to TOH's fan base toxicity as a whole, even if it comes from a place of genuine frustration and exhaustion caused by it already existing.
First things first, I want to establish that there's nothing wrong with liking other ships that are non-canon or ships that are canon. We can all co-exist peacefully, but we won't if we're going to assume that shippers of other ships by default must be sexist or delusional or just the worst. Yes, I know you had an encounter with a terrible Lunter shipper and I'm sorry that you had it as I wouldn't wish it upon anyone, but trust me, they aren't the norm. Unfortunately, you just have the worst luck imaginable when it comes to TOH's fan base (my condolences), but it goes to show just how as a whole TOH isn't a healthy collective and it could never be as this fan base is much larger than people internalise (you can't have so many people invested with this show for the fan base to be supposedly chill, like fat chance).
Second of all: multishippers exist. Some people like both Lumity and Lunter and there are Lunter shippers who like Amity, me included as Amity's one of my favorite characters. It's disingenuous to assume Lunter shippers are by default lesphobic or just hate Amity. Heck, the reason Lunter shippers dislike Amity is less about her and more about the fan base's attitude. Imagine being constantly harassed that you don't ship mainstream ship by being specifically reminded that a specific lesbian exists, even if this isn't about her. You would be tired of her too because "good for her to be a happy lesbian", but Lumity may still not satisfy people as it's basically all fluff at this point. People are so overjoyed with them being together they hardly explore now possibilities of them going through something. At most, they will use green-haired Amity but people still will be waiting for green to turn into periwinkle, and fluff will just overwhelm anything else. And don't get me started on how both of them also end up being flanderised and dirty because of each other (as it goes both ways). People can just not vibe with that or be indifferent, but because people get harassed for daring to not love Lumity or Amity, they just end up hating it more. The issue is not Amity, the issue is Amity being the only option allowed. And gatekeeping people from enjoying other ships isn't ok. It really makes you feel like people erase aspects of their characters just to conform to a specific image of them and how can you accept something like this when the show is all about embracing weirdness and differences and not conforming to anything. Loving Lumity is a norm, not a break with convention.
Third of all: I'm sorry but Lunter is either trading white girls for white boys or one woman of color for another woman of color. I don't see where racism comes into this other than an obsession with white people in general, which is its own can of worms.
Fourth: I'm sorry but considering Evelyn and Willow as literal parallels because they both fell in love with "Caleb" is disingenuous to both of them. No one would draw this connection if Willow wasn't romantically involved with Hunter. And while I don't disagree that Huntlow is goated and canon/semi-canon, their relationship is still left to interpretation and they are only implied to have a thing but not confirmed to be downright an item. We don't know 100% if they're dating, playing the long game, engaged, or amicably broken up. And that's great as both of their characters work in their own right and they don't need an established relationship to be fulfilled. And Willow being dressed up AS A STEREOTYPE just doesn't help the case. Luz was dressed as an actual witch character (even if said witch is also not how real witches operate either, but it's still closer in meaning than Willow being dressed up as a devil as if Evelyn indeed charmed Caleb and he didn't fall in love with her like a normal person or that Evelyn was ever in the wrong to like a boy).
And as for Evelyn: please stop just summarising her up to Caleb's love interest for Titan's sake. We may not know much about her but we know that they did start as friends according to Dana's livestream and later on they would become parents to their child (if Belos didn't ruin it). Not only it's different from Huntlow as Huntlow didn't establish where they stand in their relationship at the end while it's clear that Evelyn and Caleb fucked, but Evelyn and Caleb had their love story that did take time (Huntlow at most is just getting started but for all, we know they could still break up in the future cause why not, it's their choice, first love isn't necessarily the only option). My point is that Evelyn's life didn't revolve around her love for Caleb alone so saying Willow and Evelyn are parallels because of them being lovers of our favorite white boys pretty much erases both of their characters. Evelyn's worth as a character doesn't end on getting pregnant, but also being a catalyst of all the events within the story, along with being a Clawthorne ancestor and original wild witch living between worlds.
Fifth point: this is where I bring Luz into this as the parallel. People draw the connection because aside from having no romantic feelings towards Caleb, Luz is also a wild witch (wild as in both wild personality-wise, wild as in everything Belos stands against (and side note: Willow being someone Belos wouldn't approve of is not a high bar because Belos would literally not approve of ANYBODY within our cast, so Willow's not special in this regard, heck Belos doesn't even know Willow all that much), wild as in using the very magic that came from the titan and wild as in a wild card that changed the course of history) that traveled between realms and came from another world (let's be real, Hunter is a witch from boiling isles, not a human from the earth, so Luz by a longshot matches the description better than Willow who's just a regular witch born in the demon realm to Hunter that frankly wouldn't be hurt or restrained by the coven system as she only uses plant magic from her bile sac and didn't go against the empire until season 1 finale and even then she didn't do it as a wild witch but child witch railing witches belonging to the coven to release Eda). Both of them also have loose association with Clawthornes as Luz isn't legally one but just a surrogate daughter of one and Evelyn's surname isn't known, the clan could've been established much later down the line or Evelyn's descendant married into Clawthorne's family, making Evelyn just an ancestor at best and distant at worst. I also already mentioned how both of them are catalysts to both the rise in power and the death of Philip while having massive guilt over it (Philip died on the inside as he killed Caleb, crossing the moral event horizon along with setting on the journey of destroying the entire realm. Plus I cannot imagine the survivor's guilt Evelyn must have felt over Caleb dying and orphaning their unborn child - which parallels Luz thinking she doomed her palisman by carving into an egg thinking it could never hatch because of how "she keeps on messing up constantly"). And of course, it's clear as day that Luz kickstarts Hunter's redemption arc by introducing Flapjack (and Evelyn did the same with Caleb, meanwhile Willow's only interaction with Flapjack is her giving him flowers on his grave), making him question what he knows (a witch hunter falling in love with a witch - existential crisis is warranted, along with tones of guilt) and making him "betray" Belos (Hunter disobeyed Belos in HP and then questioned him directly in HM; Caleb "left Philip behind"). Like I'm sorry but Willow did nothing but wait till Hunter gets his shit together by himself (the only thing she actively tried to change his mind about is not judging a book by its cover but that's where it ends; she didn't call him out on doing the utterly terrible thing of kidnapping them to his cult nor anything else he did that wasn't morally correct) while Luz openly defied him and his worldview for him to come to his senses ("You're really going to take all those Palismen? I know what he does with them. I thought you were a good guy, but that was just wishful thinking" Hunter proceeds to protect Luz from Kikimora, reveals his name, and lets Luz go with the Palismen just like that). Trivia: Evelyn also has brunette hair that is wild and tied back, Luz used to have them too early on but shorter, and currently they're curly.
That's where parallel comes from. That's what Evelyn us to Caleb: catalyst of change. Yes, Luz isn't in love with Hunter, but we could headcanon away that Caleb would be merely an uncle of Evelyn's kid, who's going to stop us from doing that? We can even make it that Philip felt replaced by Evelyn by her being Caleb's "new sibling" just for the fun of interpretation of the character. Since when Tumblr is against being delusional and mentally unwell towards our blorbos?
But even if we won't do that (as no one forces us) then we must remember that parallel characters are not 2 characters being one and the same. Evelyn and Luz would still be separate entities and there's no crime in that. Luz not falling in love with a blond white boy is fine because that isn't and shouldn't be Evelyn's defining trait. Evelyn's defining trait is kickstarting change in Caleb which kickstarts Belos's vendetta against Witches. Romance was a bonus.
My sixth point: Last but not least let's finally talk about the elephant in the room that is parallel between Philip and Luz. All interpretations are valid, if you're choosing to interpret them like that, it's your valid choice and opinion. But saying that it's THE thing that happened within the show is just not correct and let me explain why before you discard me altogether if you haven't already.
Luz projected into Belos and Belos took advantage of that.
There, I said it, that's the ultimate truth of the show, you literally cannot deny this isn't how it happened.
Luz pretty much only had Philip as a point of reference to someone who shared her experience of a human in the demon realm. However, if she got to know Caleb instead of Philip, he would be the one Luz would compare herself to him. Ironically, she would be more correct as both of them are humans who run away to the demon realm after being possibly rejected by the closed-minded society and leaving behind unpleasant reality and their only living family member who they didn't realize how much they've hurt for choosing to leave them for the world that made them happy and helped them flourish (compare starved Caleb in Belos's vision to Caleb living in the demon realm and introducing Philip to Evelyn before he decided to kill them,). But unfortunately, Luz doesn't know Caleb as well as the audience does, all she knows is that he used to be a witch hunter who fell in love with Evelyn but that's about it. She doesn't know that he even has a connection to the portal door or Clawthorne ancestry.
So with no one else as a point of reference, Luz is going to compare herself to Philip Whattabitch. She assumed that she must be as bad as Belos because she thought he sincerely thought he was doing everything for a genuine reason and not because he was just a douchebag. Sure Philips's motivations are complex, but they don't come from a good place in the slightest. The Titan himself literally tells Luz if she's drunk on Eda's apple blood for thinking she's just as bad as Belos.
Like seriously, Luz stumbled on the Isles by pure accident. It was never for a reason or a higher purpose. She was never "destined" to go there, but it was her actions and decisions that led her there and changed the world around her. She didn't know the reason why she landed on Boiling Isles because there never was any reason or a prophecy to justify her presence there as it was never needed. This is not the same as Belos who willingly went to the demon realm to both find his brother and destroy all the witches. Luz very quickly grew out of "I'm the chosen one" whereas Belos made himself a false messiah. Even the Titan said that she's not chosen to be given Titan powers but for her actions and kindness she's given them to support her but it was her decision to accept them. Not to mention that she respected the Isles, the inhabitants, and the magic that was part of this world, while all Belos ever did was destroy, murder, and steal it all for himself.
The show doesn't tell you Luz and Belos are foils, the show tells you that Luz VIEWS herself as Belos's foil, but she's nothing like him. Even their respective hero complexes are different. Luz seeks self-improvement to find a community for herself to belong to. But Belos? Belos wants to get praise and glory for slaughtering "the evil". Those two are not the same because Belos doesn't care about anyone but himself while Luz is all about what other people feel and think about her and she sacrifices herself multiple times for other people's sake. Belos would never do that. Belos wasn't even happy that Caleb was actually well and healthy in the demon realm, in contrast to the vision where Caleb is starved and sleep-deprived because he had to look after him ever since they were little orphans, sacrificing his own well-being. But Luz would rather give up her own hopes and dreams just to not see anyone she cares about ever put themselves on the line like that.
At most, I can agree that Luz represents what's best in humanity and Belos represents the worst, but that is still an incredibly broad concept that just doesn't contribute much to the actual story of TOH which isn't about humanity as a whole.
And I'm sorry but you just said yourself that this parallel is just used to woobify Belos and villanise Luz, something Lunter shippers don't do and something that certainly is not right. Because even if you made Belos a hero and Luz a villain, they'd still be nothing like one another.
Even Luz's dynamic with Hunter is nothing like Caleb and Philip. Caleb and Philip grew up together and they were the entire world to one another growing up. But Luz and Hunter didn't even have each other when growing up, they didn't get to know them until their teens, and the first time they meet they were at each other's throats which is different from Wittebane brothers having a loving relationship early on only for Belos to stab Caleb. Arguably, even if liked the idea of Luz and Hunter being siblings, I'd be disappointed with how much the show didn't do anything with them and it's always the fan base that pulls heavy weight on them being sibling-like. Like Hunting Palismen is them not even being friends let alone family and it's still supposed to be the pinnacle of their sibling rivalry, even though they were actual enemies and Luz is just as petty and immature here as she is with Kikimora? Luz supposedly didn't go after Hunter after he ran away from the Owl House whereas she did chase King when he learned the truth in Echoes of the Past? Supposedly we never had an on-screen scene where Hunter officially becomes a Noceda? I'm sorry but I will take a "You're family" from Afro-Latina with a grain of salt when it comes to either viewing me as a friend or a sibling when both could apply, especially followed by Willow's "You're one of us now" and preceded with Camila's "I'm a mother of six". Are Hunter and Willow siblings too now? Hunter didn't even get to be in a photo of the Noceda family in the epilogue, what kind of brother would that be?
Camila is more of a Caleb to Luz considering it was her who raised Luz through trials and tribulations, sacrificing her own quirks and encouraging Luz to do the same just to conform to the norms of Gravesfield. But quite frankly it's Luz who ultimately runs away because of a certain Clawthorne Witch leaving Camila behind. Hunter literally has no such story with Luz, unless you count him running away in HM, only to return to COTH a week later and then finally live under Nocedas' roof.
Even when Luz didn't like Hunter's guts, she would never kill him. And despite being dressed up as Belos in the nightmare sequence, there's never a parallel between Philip and Caleb, because truly this isn't their relationship. And while we're at it, the whole nightmare sequence is once again a play on Luz's insecurities and doubts, but none of them are the truth. None of Luz's friends blame her for what happened, none of Belos's crimes are her crimes, and Luz would never willingly destroy the Boiling Isles because she doesn't destroy the things or people she hates. Even Belos was not finished off by Luz but by boiling rain and her family.
FINAL SUMMARY: listen, I understand that shippers can be obnoxious and TOH's fan base has a serious issue of being delusional, but quite frankly a minority of people is not the problem, the problem is the majority usually vibing with the takes of the minority, but Lunter shippers who are ultimately a minority as they are outnumbered by Lumity shippers along with also having a bad rep would not have any of their takes taken seriously thus they would not be the actual problem with the fan base. Even if you have your own interpretations and headcanons, other people are entitled to have their own and the real issue comes from not accepting that, so if you really want to do the right thing then I just ask to not villainize a part of the fan base that was villanized enough already for neither vibing with your headcanons nor admitting they're true to the text when even the text itself doesn't acknowledge it whatsoever and it's purely a choice of fans to interpret it as such.
What makes the Lunter people so insane is that LUZ ISNT EVEN ATTRACTED TO HUNTER.
Dana is not unwilling to show Luz be attracted to other people. She showed Luz at Emira, Edric, and the shirtless ripped tan puppet. 3 people besides Amity that Luz has shown attraction to , you know who is not on that list of 3 people HUNTER!
The ONLY reasons people ship Hunter and Luz is because they have an irrational hatred of Amity, are SUPER homophobic, or are trying to make an Evelyn and Caleb connection and are RACIST.
Two out the three characters she was into before Amity were guys to, so she liked an equal number of guy and girl characters. But somehow it's "biased" that she ends up with one of the girls.
(Although there was some guy DeviantArt who made a TON of ship art of Luz and Edric. Because they did want to ship Luz with Amity and Edric was the only (white) guy at the time. They were ALL OVER Google images including art of Amity crying while Luz chooses a guy over her)
Also people who hate Amity but love Hunter are baffling to me, it's giving sexism. Like they're the exact same type of character, they just have different types of dynamics with Luz (and they BOTH tried to hurt Luz at first before anyone tries using that excuse)
But the "Hunter and Luz are a parallel to Caleb and Evelyn" has got to be the epitome of the fandom making shit up. The show made it obviously clear that Luz and Hunter are meant to parallel Belos and Caleb.
They LITERALLY showed Luz dressed as Belos. And the fans LOVE bringing up that parallel to villianize Luz or woobify Belos. But suddenly say she's actually Evelyn to ship her with Hunter?
Willow is obviously the Evelyn parallel. The WITCH girl he fell in love with that Belos wouldn't approve of. She LITERALLY dressed up as a evil version of a witch.
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la-pheacienne · 2 years ago
On Alicent: I totally agree that the show should’ve leaned into her spite. They could’ve crafted such a strong character who felt victimized and just tried to be a good person and do what she thought was her duty only to realize it didn’t mean anything and getting ANGRY about it. I totally agree with what you’re saying, but I think it makes her interesting because people like her do exist. People who just accept victimhood and could help themselves but for one reason or another, they don’t, which frustrates the people who love them. I don’t feel bad for her because I think she’s a poor helpless baby, I feel bad for her because she has the means to grasp power but feels more comfortable playing the victim. She wants the power, hates the idea of being powerless, but she’s scared to grasp it. She’s in a bind.
I think her crying when Viserys died could mean a lot of things. People have complex relationships to those who have mistreated them. Dany named one of her dragons after her abusive older brother. There could be a Stockholm syndrome factor. I imagine she loved and resented him in equal parts because if she didn’t love him, she would’ve gone mad. I personally like to think she was crying not because of sorrow because he died, but because she knew what his death meant. She would be forced to truly grapple with power and take action, which she hates. I can’t speak to what the writers or the actress wanted (the actress said that she was told to portray Alicent as a woman for Trump but that she chose deliberately NOT to do that) but that was my takeaway.
Oooooh you're making some great points here and I hope you read this despite the late reply. You are actually "forcing" me to dig much deeper into the character of Alicent, in the beginning I was more indifferent.
"people like her do exist [...] People who just accept victimhood and could help themselves but for one reason or another they don't, which frustrates the people who love them". That's actually extremely accurate. Yes there are people like that, passive and terrified, without backbone, and it's frustrating fo everybody else to see how much they are willing to put up without fighting back.
"she has the means to grasp power but feels more comfortable playing the victim" yes, totally. She doesn't want to challenge her father so she just stays there watching everything around her like she's in a play.
You also say that Viserys' death "forced her to truly grapple with power and take action, which she hates" and I agree with that take. That's probably why she was crying.
So, since I agree with you on all of that, why don't I have more sympathy for her?
Well, the first reason is already hidden in the question, it's simply because all this arc is inspiring me to do is to have sympathy for her. That's why. All this character represents is an archetype of someone we should sympathise with. Literally, nothing more. They present this character and they tell me "feel bad about her, she's so miserable, she's so passive, she doesn't want to challenge her dad, she wants to break free but she's too comfortable in her current status so she never does anything to challenge it, look at her suffer through everything that comes along, again and again and again, feel bad about her and then feel bad some more because her life was horrible and her end was equally horrible". And that's literally it. What does she do in the story? Nothing. Does she have an impact in some way? No. So, she's there just to make me feel bad. Okay I feel bad. How many times can I feel bad before it becomes repetitive and frankly boring?
The second reason is also simple : the reasons why I'm supposed to feel bad for her are not that important. Ok she was a child bride. She actually wasn't according to the show timeline but the fans and writers of the show seem to have forgotten that, collectively, so let's just agree to ignore show canon and book canon and say that she was a child bride and her husband was old and ugly and disgusting. Ok. I feel bad for her for that. But in a medieval setting, almost all women go through the exact same thing. So she suffers a fate that almost all women suffer in her era, there is nothing narratively exceptional here, the only difference is, she is actually the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. She is actually extremely, EXTREMELY privileged with enormous power, despite her inferior position to her husband. Also, as I said before, there are a lot of legendary female rulers who were child brides and didn't choose their husbands. So is it really going to make me paralysed with pity? No, sorry.
Third reason is that the reasons why I'm supposed to feel bad for her don't make sense in the narrative. Sexually abused? By her disabled servant? No? This is entirely ridiculous. It contradicts basic logic. Believing Viserys changed his mind after watching him drag his dying body to the Iron throne to defend the only heir he chose, after spending years with no contact with reality? Feeling forced by fate and destiny? Lol no? Suddenly panicking for Rhaenyra's fate after preparing a coup for like 20 years? Which is it? You want to prepare a coup and usurp the heir or you don't want to prepare a coup and usurp the heir? I mean you have to choose. Either she actively usurps the heir or she has an interior conflict but ultimately takes Rhaenyra’s side and betrayes her daddy. But she has to DO SOMETHING. She has to stand for something. She doesn’t. She doesn't even believe her son is fit to rule. Her arc is all over the place, so I don't know how to feel.
Forth reason is the most obvious one : we had more potential in the book version, we know it could have been so much better and we don't get that which is a huge disappointment. If they had followed the source material, none of the first three reasons would exist. We would have had a consistent character, with impact in the story, that is not there just to make us feel bad, that makes sense in the narrative. In that character they could have so easily added the negative backround of a wife who lives a miserable and limited life, while keeping all the other points that make the character engaging. It could have been so easy and organic and much better frankly than the version of “oh look at this character just going through shit without doing anything to help herself again and again”. Sure people like that exist, she is relatable, but this is not Gilmore Girls. This is a fantasy history-based greek tragedy-wanna-be show. Being relatable is not exactly a good enough trait for a character. What you're looking for is exceptionalism (not in the political american sense of the word). There has to be a reason for me to be interested in the characters, they have to have some exceptional traits in them. Exceptionally bad, or exceptionally heroic/ambitious/courageous/cunning/ruthless/cruel. People that prefer relatable comfort characters should watch Gilmore girls. So what if people like show!Alicent exist? People like book!Alicent also exist, and they are more interesting in the narrative. So why not just choose the book version?
Well, because of political agenda. The final reason. It’s the writers’ political agenda  that distorts the source material to make a story of torture porn basically. Sure they have limited the sex scenes, but it’s still torture porn. Evil men torturing poor women again and again and again. This poison transfers to Rhaenyra as well. Well, this is just boring, best case, not to say misogynistic. The other part of the political agenda is (team Black) Targaryen hate. The imperialistic entitled rulers that feel superior all the time. They are clearly the ones who are treated unfairly in this story, so what do we do? We create a doormat character that suffers because of them so that people don’t sympathise with the Blacks too much. Let’s just completely fuck up the narrative and the meaning of the story just for that. Let's erase a canon sapphic couple (Laena and Rhaenyra) and put the queerbait that is Rhaenicent in its place, merely for that. That kind of political agenda doesn't inspire me to root for the character.
Honorable mention : the deranged stans that are on drugs 24/7. Do I need to elaborate on that? This is a whole separate post, the fact that the sole reason they stan her is because she's a traditionally attractive feminine submissive self-insert, like a comfort food that validates their Targaryen hate and hides their obvious internalised misogyny. This is not exactly the character's fault, this is a meta take on the reasons why some people are obsessed with her which ultimately makes me sick of Alicent herself.
Disclaimer : in this post I'm taking into account the best version of Alicent possible. I'm not even raising the point of her internalised misogyny (jealousy for Rhaenyra's sexual life and freedom etc), her arrogance (refusing to marry her daughter to Jace), her obsession with religion (being furious and outraged and disgusted because a woman had kids with a man that is not her husband is not exactly a likeable trait), her self-righteousness ( believing that everything she does is for justice and not for her ass) : I'm not even talking about all of that, I'm actively choosing to ignore that and explain why I don't feel bad about a character who is literally created just to inspire empathy and pity.
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madara-fate · 2 years ago
Shit, man, on this SS-fan thing, I hate Shippuden Sasuke with the passion of a thousand suns, but I don't want the guy to suffer (and I know, he's been through hell and Curse of Hatred and everything else, and I sympathize with him intellectually, but it's a "his behavior reminds me of someone who hurt me in the past so I can't get over it" sort of thing).
All that being said, I wouldn’t want him to be in an abusive relationship just so Sakura can "pay him back" for what he did or whatever. I hope they talked about it and I hope he apologized to everyone on Team 7, but I don't want him groveling daily to keep her love. That shit's not healthy. I like their mutual respect of each other as adults.
Honestly, as much as I love Sakura, she's got a lot of toxic behaviors herself that she needs to unlearn, mostly the tsundere ones because that's not healthy (that said, she never was that way with Sasuke, and again, it's unhealthy behavior. We shouldn't want to see her treat Sasuke like that, we should want her to grow too and not act that way to anyone). Side bar, I hate how prevalent the "violent scary wife" trope is in the world that they even did it to Temari and Hinata. Hinata. Fucking hell.
But really, I'm going to die mad because Sasuke pulled some Gomez Addams level shit going "My wife isn't a weak woman, she'll probably have everything handled by the time we get there," ontop of how he fought alongside Sakura in Gaiden, and so Boruto Sasuke has begrudgingly earned my respect, heck, even my adoration, and I feel like that should be illegal with how much I hate Shippuden Sasuke.
All this to say, I liked the ship in Part 1 and I like the ship post Shippuden, especially with my own headcanons to fill in the blanks.
And while I still hate Shippuden Sasuke, he's allowed to grow and change and be happy as an adult after processing all that unmitigated trauma he went through as a child. Idk why that's so hard for some people to grasp? Just my thoughts on SS that I wanted to throw in on the subject.
Thank you for your input, I agreed with pretty much everything you said, apart from the hating on Shippuden Sasuke part of course. My opinion on him never changed; he was my favourite character from beginning to end.
I'd also just like to highlight a few things from what you said.
It's a "his behavior reminds me of someone who hurt me in the past so I can't get over it" sort of thing
That's understandable, so fair enough.
Honestly, as much as I love Sakura, she's got a lot of toxic behaviors herself that she needs to unlearn, mostly the tsundere ones because that's not healthy
I'm glad you mentioned this, because it's not mentioned enough. Both Sasuke and Sakura had aspects of their characters that they needed to work on. Thankfully, much like Sasuke, the ones you mentioned for Sakura seemed to have faded from her adult self.
I hate how prevalent the "violent scary wife" trope is in the world that they even did it to Temari and Hinata. Hinata. Fucking hell.
I'm really glad you mentioned this, because my goodness I couldn't agree more.
Boruto Sasuke has begrudgingly earned my respect, heck, even my adoration, and I feel like that should be illegal with how much I hate Shippuden Sasuke.
I've never been in a situation where a character that I used to despise ended up earning my adoration. I either stay hating them, or I become indifferent to them, but my opinion has never changed so drastically that I actually end up liking them, must be strange, lol.
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igglemouse · 3 years ago
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Episode 9 ~ The Prophecy
I decided that it was time to kind of throw some bait out there for Tabitha. As you are all aware I have been considering turning her. I think vampirism would look good on her but it isn’t a gift that you can just give to anyone and everyone. They have to be of stable mind, of course, or else they will just eventually destroy themselves. It is a rather large responsibility, you see.
So I asked her if she had any opinions on vampires in general.
Tabitha: Vampires? The ummm, the kind that come out at night and suck on your blood?
Julius: Yes, the very kind, something like that, I suppose.
Tabitha: I umm, I think they can be cool? I’ve seen a few shows, read a few books, I’m no big fan but I don’t hate them. I guess I’m indifferent. Why do you ask?
Julius: Do you think it would be cool to have certain powers like-
Tabitha: Ah! Immortality, I think? Yes! I could be forever young and beautiful, who wouldn’t want that?
That’s always been a big selling point, especially for the ladies. 
Julius: Do you think there would be any downsides to it? 
Tabtiha: Hmmmm, I guess not being able to see the sun would suck. Ha! Suck!
I laughed a little but in the back of my mind I knew that her answer had told me everything I wished to know about her. Usually, you ask someone this question and they will either say having to drink blood OR being unable to see the sun. You see, it is a morality test, you could say. 
If one says that the worst part of becoming a vampire is having to drink blood it shows that they have a bit of empathy for others. They might drive themselves insane with the guilt of what is to come because of their new dietary restrictions.
If one, on the other hand, says that hiding from the sun is the biggest con they can think of then it shows a bit of selfishness. Tabitha here is thinking firstly of herself. She’s more concerned with things being taken away from her than she is of taking from others...
That is a promising answer but I do have to wonder if the woman is secretly evil. That’s important too.
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yuedama · 4 years ago
at your mercy
hard dom!yelena x gn!reader (female bodied)
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synopsis : you loved being good for yelena, but sometimes you couldn't deny the fact that you enjoyed her putting you in your place just as much.
content : nsfw, degradation, clit slapping, vaginal fingering, orgasm denial ; use of the word 'pet' like once
notes : jus want yelena to be mean to me and tell me i'm nothing
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yelena hated having you come to her as she finished her work til the late hours of the night. it was distracting, she says, and you would only become a reason for her to be irresponsible.
there are times though when she considered it a test of your patience. and, well, restraint.
during the nights when you were needier than usual, she loved seeing just how long you would last without any of her attention, how long you could keep yourself from being bad and eventually touching yourself.
it was a tough game for you, but yelena enjoyed every bit of it; from the flustered look on your face as she catches you breaking the rules she had so carefully set, to the mewls and whimpers you gave her as you pleaded for her forgiveness.
she hated having to discipline you for your ill behavior, for she expected you to be good for her always, but she also wouldn't be lying if she were to admit how titillating it was to see you all sullied and glistening like a whore beneath her, rambling repeatedly about how sorry you were and that you wouldn't do it ever again. something about it fed the sadistic hunger inside her.
tonight was like one of those nights.
“what did i tell you about coming to my office while i'm working?” steel eyes bore into your meek form, menacing and unforgiving, yet lustful and hungry at the same time as she drank in every inch of your skin that was revealed by the skimpy nightdress you wore.
“that i would only distract you and that i should wait in our bedroom like a good pet....”
“and what are you doing right now?” her voice, despite being stern and cold with anger, did nothing to intimidate you, if anything, it only fanned the flames of excitement burning in your stomach.
“i-im...please, 'lena, i need you,” glossy eyes looked up at the blonde, silently hoping she would see the desperation behind them. she did see, she could tell without even looking at you for she knew you like the back of her hand; knew just how to reduce you into nothing but a filthy mess begging for her touch like it was all you've ever known. “need you so bad!”
“poor little thing,” mock pity laced her voice as she leaned back into her chair and rolled her eyes, resting her chin on her hand to take a good look at you once more. it took everything in yelena to not pin you down on the wooden table and devour you right then and there, the thin fabric hanging loosely on your body left little to the imagination.
“have you no dignity?”
you could only shake your head timidly at them, the ache in between your legs only seeming to become more intense with each passing second.
“c'mere.” they growled, low voice echoing in the room, but you were far too lost in your thoughts to hear her the first time. “i said come here you fucking slut.”
you scampered towards the woman and made yourself comfortable on her lap, peering at her eagerly as your hands held her shoulders for support. however, your fingers were slapped away from her shirt as soon as they got there, causing you to retract them as a stinging sensation bloomed.
“don't touch me with your filthy hands,” yelena seethed into your face, the tone in their voice making you rub your clothed cunt against her thigh.
“'m sorry...” your apology was sincere, but yelena seemed to have none of it. her stare remained indifferent, though you were sure you saw the slightest glint in them as she bent you over her lap. you let out a yelp at the sudden action, but as you peered up at her you were greeted by an all too familiar, condescending smirk.
“you're being very bad, you know that?” she drawled as she slowly, teasingly, traced a finger down the curve of your back, gripping the flesh of your ass harshly before pulling your underwear down to your ankles. goosebumps arose on your skin as the cool air in their office kissed your dripping cunt.
“stepping into my office looking all desperate to get fucked—” a slap made its way to your clit, causing a loud smack to resound in the room, followed by your shaky whimpers. the bud burned from the impact, but god did the burn feel so satisfying.
“putting your hands on me without my permission—” squeals tumbled out of your mouth as you receive another smack, the painful sensation of her fingers against your clit euphoric. your limbs flailed weakly, fists clenching and unclenching as you didn't have anything to grip on.
“and now your cunt's making a mess all over my pants,” long fingers ran across your folds as yelena gathered your slick, scoffing at the way your body trembled deliciously on her lap, before pushing your juices back into your hole without notice. your body jerked forward at the sudden intrusion, hands coming to your mouth to muffle your sobs.
“y-yelena...mmph...” you shut your eyes, all inhibitions flying out the window as yelena repeatedly pushed her slender fingers in and out of your deprived cunt, curling them just a bit to tease your sweet spot. hot tears spilled down your cheeks as the stimulation became overwhelming, the blonde's ministrations easing the painful ache in your core in the slightest, just enough to rouse you to your high.
“fuck,” yelena laughed at your pathetic, twitching form, a sadistic glint flashing in her eyes as she watched the way your walls eagerly sucked her fingers. “you're so fucking greedy, i can barely pull my hand from your cunt.”
she sped up her pace, the pads of their index and middle finger brushing against your spongy spot as her other hand busied itself with groping your tit, sending you into a state of delirium. the lewd squelching of your walls along with your desperate pants for air resonated in the room as you felt the knot in your abdomen close to snapping.
your legs shook violently as you shut your eyes hard til all you could see was black, toes curling as a sign of your impending climax. the tension had been built for so long, and you could finally feel your release until—
“h-ha ah, yelena!” you cried as yelena withdrew their fingers from your dripping hole, voice raspy as your throat had gone dry from all the sobbing.
“look at your pathetic hole clenching around nothing.” your body, exhausted and limp, felt flush as you looked up at her and saw the way she was eyeing your entrance like it was the most intriguing thing she'd ever seen.
“y-yelena...why'd you do that?”
“ah, the filthy whore is speaking. you think you deserve anything after disobeying my rules?” yelena turned her head to meet your eyes, fingers gripping your chin as she pushed you off her lap and made you kneel between her legs. “you should be glad i even touched you; let alone give you my time.”
your swollen lips quivered as you looked up at her, cheeks wet and red, with slick weeping out of your hole.
“i promise i'll be good! just please, let me...”
“what? spit it out, i haven't all night,” she sneered at you with no interest, as though she was seeing dishrags and not her lover who was needy for her touch.
“please, let me c-cum.” you contemplated making any promises you were uncertain you could keep, though in your state, you were practically willing to do anything just for her to get you off. “i'll do anything, 'lena.”
yelena's eyes lit up at your proposal, a wicked smile spreading across her lips as you craned your neck to gaze at her just as a subject would to their god, devoted and completely at her mercy. the rumbling of your heart against your chest was loud as you anticipated her next words, watching her longingly as she licked her lips before parting them to speak.
oh, you were in for a long night.
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