#I can except it being done for a tv show because thats a tv show
ruckis--rookie · 1 year
Not me getting irritated over something dumb like another one of the things that I liked watching because of its goofy lighthearted humor turning into something with a serious, dark plot 😔
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elsa-fogen · 3 months
hi ! i have a question, i was wondering something when it comes to your 'breakfast au'. ive read through a lot of this, and ive seen you and multiple other people state velvette "deserves" this? that just confused me in general, because out of all the people in the show, velvette probably has done the least amount of bad things. so how would she deserve this? i saw a few people saying its because of the love potion thing she collaborated with valentino on, but i dont really think thats a valid point. given it states in the wiki that its unconfirmed what that actually was. (ill send an image of where it says this.) it couldve been anything. and given velvettes line of work, (fashion, social media) id assume itd be some sort of perfume made to be taken orally. like perhaps a pheromone perfume which ive seen is commonly promoted by influencers, or just these types of people in general.
the next point i saw was somebody saying shes a narcissist? which, she really isnt. if you do any research on npd you could see that. velvette is shown to be confident, maybe even egotistical. she acts like a confident teenager would. she doesnt have npd.
ive seen people say she deserves this type of thing because shes friends with the vees..? which honestly would make no sense. so far in the show, shes shown to only really speak to vox. (which isnt bad, given vox hasnt exactly done anything big and bad like say alastor or valentino, or hell, even sir pentious' crimes.) everytime shes really talked about valentino, its been in a bad way. shes shown to not like him. so its not like those two are best friends or even anything more than business associates from what ive seen??
anywho, i was just a bit confused. i was also a bit confused on alastors behavior aswell. while yes, hes a horrible person, yes he eats people, YES he would do something like this; he has no reason to with velvette. he gains nothing from this. so whats the point of him doing it?? its not to spite vox, given alastor is shown in the show, not to give too fucks about vox 😭
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I personally said that she deserved it only to spite that hater, i should've clarify that 😅
Alastor gets to mess with Vox and to make HIM suffer from screams (Valentino comes as a bonus). He GIVEs fucks about Vox tho, maybe not as much as the said TV man, but still. He spills the tea about Vox asking him to join the Vees, and does so clearly to humiliate him. The way he tells about it implies that. so he WOULD spite Vox if he had a chance that wouldn't take too much effort.
but still, Velvette isn't innocent. she's in hell and it has to be for a reason. she joined the Vees which indicates that she supports their activities. Velvette had no problem with Val killing her models except that it causes troubles to her show.
about Vox, he's also fucked up. And maybe he isn't killing people left ang right, he does many bad things, like hypnotizing people, stalkering and so on. He supports Valentino's attitude too. He knows what Val does to Angel and doesn't give a fuck.
Problem here is that you only count things shown on screen. While characters have life outside of it. And for now we've seen only Val being a horrible person. Bonus points that he's being mean to the chracter we know and love. Other Vees didn't get the time to show their fuckedupness. I know for a fact that in season 2 we'll get at least Vox' fucked up side. and, hopefully, Velvette's too, and people will finally stop thinking that they're poor little meow meows that ended up under bad Valentino's influence.
Also, as i was saying in the first post about this AU - Velvette really shouldn't have said that the can eat other overlords for breakfast (au namedrop!!!) in front if 2 real cannibals. They took that personal.
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outcastinthecorner · 2 years
Ok i've just read one of the worst take ever on Bill and Frank's relationship and while i dont usually like to vent im gonna have to and its gonna be long: "transactional". Thats how their relationship has been described in that take. Especially on Frank's part of course. For the whole part of it. Yes. The whole part. The whole 16 years.
Except that Frank made it clear from the start that it wasnt. "Im not a whore" . Yes, maybe at first he wanted to have a nice shower, nice meal, new clothes and maybe even to be able to stay the night and sleep here. Yes, he realised quickly that Bill was gay and shy and maybe (and thats a huuuge maybe) he thought abt playing with him so he could survive another day. U know, having not eaten since 48hours, being the last one from a 10people group and shit.
But then he saw him play the piano and sing and he was a goner. Simple as that.
Because yeah, of course, when you're here only for "transactional" reasons like a safe place and food and showers, u run into a dangerous area with ur little gun where other guns are firing everywhere to save "said transaction" and reassure him that everything is fine, trying to not have him pass out ("talk to me abt your list Bill") while never letting go of his hand (And while in a transactional relationship, u obviously answer "im not alone, u re here" when the other part of "said transaction" says u cant stay alone if he dies and that you will need Joel, his bestfriennemy).
And yeah, of course, when you're here only for "transactional" reasons like a safe place and food and showers, u try to surprise him after 6 years of boring transactional shit with strawberries, and kiss him passionately, moved as fuck when "said transaction" tells u he's afraid to lose you.
And yeah, of course, when you re here only for "transactional" reasons like a safe place and food and showers, u tell him after 3 years that u want to repaint the town for both of u because thats how one show love. LOVE.
And the paintings of Bill, too, totally not done with love, obviously. And it definitely didnt break your heart to realise that you had a hard time finishing the last one because of your illness.
And on ur last day on earth, amongst other things that will make it one last good day, u definitely ask your transactional boyfriend to marry you, something you couldnt do in this universe before the outbreak, which is very symbolic but which of course totally doesnt show how much you love him.
And i could go on forever.
Bill and Frank is one of the most realistic and loving relationship i have ever witnessed on TV. In real life, i witnessed it with one relative and his boyfriend. Where u can love someone and still be honest saying for example "i've had bad days with u too" but God u wouldnt change a thing and still do it all over, because you had "more good days with him than with anyone else".
This is love.
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Alright Gravity Falls fandom, we need to talk.
MASSIVE tw for (not always particularly kind) fictional depictions of mental illness, psychosis and hallucinations. General unreality tw, also tw for heavy/realistic gore. This post goes into possible GF crossover/meta content within a fairly graphic live-action tv show.
I’m sure everyone has seen Jason Ritter’s recent monthlong, Book Of Bill -fueled twt roleplay stint where he acted, loudly, as though he was possessed by Bill Cipher.
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One problem: I already knew it was Jason Ritter that was possessed, NOT Alex Hirsch… since last fall. And I think y’all need to know why, because… well, you’ll see.
(Disclaimer: I have not seen 99.9% of Gravity Falls, and have never been in the fandom. I have only watched/read the necessary material to make this post.)
The relevant episode here is “Sock Opera”. First of all, this episode establishes that may have been another viable vessel for Bill left behind after the series finale, albeit a charred and torn one.
Puppet Dipper.
Why the fuck does this matter? Well, last fall (premiering on the night of the Harvest Moon no less), edgy meme fodder superhero show The Boys released a spinoff, Gen V, focusing on superheroes in college. One character, named Sam Riordan (don’t get me started on the Riordan thing. His brother’s name was Luke), suffers from vivid hallucinations, and that’s where things get really strange.
Final tw for live-action depiction of psychosis/hallucinations
So… yeah. Jason Ritter, on The Boys*, playing HIMSELF, playing a deranged puppet show host who appears in a boy’s mind to convince him to go on murder sprees.
*the puppets and larger in-universe puppet tv show associated with Jason Ritter’s character have since appeared in the mainstream The Boys universe, so it can be concluded that Jason Ritter exists there as well.
Oh, and when Sam does give into Jason Ritter’s influence (wtf am I even writing rn) this happens:
Realistic gore warning, especially at the end of the clip. Seriously.
Making all this even weirder, this entire show predates the Book Of Bill’s announcement by two whole months, and Jason Ritter’s recent Hot Triangle Summer by almost nine months.
It also predates Matpat’s ICONIC penultimate theory video by seven months. In that video, Matpat (jokingly, mostly) lays out a “final theory” that Bill
1) Survived (confirmed by Book of Bill)
2) is looking for a way into “our” dimension (also confirmed)
3) has found a new human puppet in…. Alex Hirsch. Now, that’s where I don’t agree. Due to the above clips, I always assumed that if Bill was hiding among the GF crew, it was in Jason’s head.
Also in this video, Matpat attempts to explain the Bill Cipher Zodiac thing (??? as I said I don’t actually watch this show)
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…this thing. Matpat attempted to explain That Thing by linking each symbol to a project Alex has since worked on, saying that together, these easter eggs would spell out “the way to defeat Bill for good”. However, there is one symbol that Matpat couldn’t figure out.
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The “llama”. Except it’s not a llama. It’s an alpaca.
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A seemingly (ie, hopefully) sentient alpaca named Sloane, who just happens to be one of the most baffling, non-sequitor gags in Gen V.
So, this is as bizarre as it gets, right? All this goes down, Book of Bill comes out, Jason has his Bill roleplay month and we’re all done, can shut the proverbial and literal book on this specific vein of Cipher shenanigans. …Right?
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On June 4th, 2024, Gen V’s official twt and insta pages announced their newest character, Cipher, with the show’s second season being confirmed for 2025 in a post dated July 26th.
That’s all the updates on this situation for now. A quick reality check to finish up: Obviously Bill Cipher isn’t real and these writers, actors etc aren’t actually possessed. However, I would take Matpat’s own thoughts one: Alex Hirsch absolutely being the type of person to build this bonkers metanarrative, and add that this is far from the only absolute gut punch of a late-2000s-fandom-specific easter egg to be found in Gen V. Other examples include the characters of Luke Riordan, Annabeth (yes seriously), and ofc the tragic/antihero psychic girl with mind control abilities whose eyes turn red with blood when she overuses her powers, and who loses her hand in a climactic season-ending battle…. If You Know, You Know. TLDR someone in Gen V’s writers’ room is both young enough, savvy enough and unhinged(complimentary) enough to 10000% do this on purpose.
Anyway yeah. Just coming over from The Boys fandom to let yall know that Bill has already made the jump to 3d, via puppets of all things. Hope this was helpful or just vaguely ominous.
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
basically rewriting my own tags here but. AU where The Joker is Wild is a more serious character exploration of BJ set in season 4
this got quite away from me and also long so. under the cut to save ur dashes
the point of the episode here would be to establish BJ more as his own character early on, by directly dealing with the idea of him being jealous of Trapper, and resentful of being compared to him. it also makes for an isolated sort of feel with him- he hasn't built these connections with the rest of the cast yet, and this is a cast who knew Trapper and so far dont really know him. by taking this more seriously it allows for some exploration of BJ's character, some room for him to grow, an opportunity for him and Hawkeye to strengthen their bond, and even some room to drop hints for the anger the bubbles underneath the surface for him
it starts off fairly similarly- BJ pranking Hawkeye and Hawkeye not being particularly impressed, leading to him launching into reminiscing about the "golden days" of him and Trapper's schemes. its implied here that this is something Hawkeye does often; comparing BJ to Trapper, often unfavourably, often bringing up how Trapper did things better and how he misses that. Hawkeye doesnt mean any harm here, he's just trying to reminisce and handling his best friend's departure as best he can, but this understandably still gets under BJ's skin. BJ, clearly unhappy, promises to show Hawkeye he's just as good as Trapper was, maybe even better. Hawkeye, not seeing that BJ is legitimately upset here, doesnt take it too seriously and just wishes him luck
no bet element. nobody else is in on it. BJ is still new to the 4077 and hasn't quite found his footing yet, further cementing his insecurities related to where he stands with everyone. he starts off small, simple, harmless. gag cigars, swapping the salt and the sugar and the like. Hawkeye continues to be unimpressed, goading BJ on, not realizing BJ is genuinely getting more and more upset and therefore not taking him seriously. until finally BJ starts to get outright mean, lashing out more obviously, and Hawkeye realizes something might actually be wrong. still, he doesnt think much of it- he doesnt know BJ, he doesnt know him angry, and he decides to wait until he's cooled down to talk to him about it and see what's up
well, that doesnt happen. Potter sits BJ down in his office at one point and tells him he needs to knock off the childish tantrum and speak up if something's upsetting him. he points out BJ's been lashing out at everyone, acting uncharacteristically mean, and watching Hawkeye be bombarded with a bunch of pranks is exhausting. he warns BJ to stop now before he goes too far. BJ agrees, but then typical sort of TV show dialogue moment- leaves the office and says to himself "after I get him with this one"
one last prank and then he's done. its all harmless, after all, he'll just get this last one out of his system and then this all becomes a funny memory. except that's not what happens. something goes wrong. it was supposed to be harmless, of course it was supposed to be harmless, but something goes wrong and Hawkeye ends up hurt. he was told to stop, he didnt listen, and now his best friend is hurt and its all his fault. nobody will even let him help, and he cant even blame them
once things settle, thats when they lay into him. Potter is the most livid anyone's ever seen him, nearly rips his damn head off because he fucking told him so. Margaret is furious, demanding what the hell's wrong with him, and Mulcahy's right beside her. even Klinger and Radar look ready to kill, Klinger holding Radar by the shoulders while Radar demands how anyone could do something like that to someone like Hawkeye. and BJ's feeling so horrible, so guilty, so angry at himself, it all just rushes out of him. he's so sick of being compared to Trapper, so sick of everyone treating him like he's just Trapper's replacement, all he wanted was to show them that he isn't just a sub-par replacement. he just wanted to be respected as his own person, he just wanted the comparisons to stop, he just wanted to stop being stuck in the shadow of someone he never even met. at this point BJ storms off before they can say anything else, goes to the only place he can go; the Swamp
that doesnt make it right, of course. but that forces some reflection. it makes a bit more sense, now. and the others can reflect on that- its implied they've been doing it, too. comparing BJ to Trapper. they comment on it a bit- Margaret saying she sometimes does it without thinking in OR, Klinger agreeing that he's brought it up when BJ reacts to one of his outfits differently than Trapper did, etc. Potter understands BJ's anger, having struggled with slotting in himself, especially seeing as he's replacing a dead man. everyone's anger softens a bit
meanwhile, BJ finds Frank in the Swamp, the only one that didnt tear him a new one. Frank, for his part, is completely unbothered. says he's on BJ's side, actually. says Hawkeye needed to be humbled. BJ snaps back that that wasn't the point, and Frank asks him what the point of it all was, then. and BJ starts to explain like he did to the others, but it starts to fall apart. and he admits that maybe it became about just taking his anger out on Hawkeye, because he didnt want to talk about it, didnt want to admit how much it hurt. he knows Hawkeye misses Trapper, and he's not mad at him for that, he just wishes Hawkeye would see him for him, see him for a real friend, not just a cookie cutter replacement. Frank makes a remark about how he definitely did their friendship no favours by putting him in the infirmary. BJ, wallowing in his guilt, agrees and makes his exit. one of those instances where frank is unintentionally and obliviously kinda deep?
bit of a time jump. its been a few days. Hawkeye's fine, recovering without a problem- it wasn't anything serious. BJ hasn't gone by, though. things are tense between him and the others, and he feels way too guilty to see Hawkeye. finally, he's eating his lunch in the Swamp, really just avoiding everyone, when Hawkeye comes in with his own tray. he parks himself right beside BJ and asks if he plans on talking to him about it, or just avoiding him forever. BJ tries to say there's nothing to talk about, but Hawkeye doesnt let him off the hook
so, they have a heart to heart. BJ opens up, admits how he hates how much he's compared to Trapper, admits he feels this ridiculous jealousy towards him. explains that he just wants Hawkeye to see him as his own person, as a friend, but he feels like every time Hawkeye looks at him he's just seeing Trapper in his place. he says he's done a lousy job at being the friend he wants to be seen as, and that he's been fucking stupid, and apologizes
Hawkeye, for his part, agrees that BJ's acted stupid. but he goes on to say that he himself was acting stupid, because he didnt see how much he was hurting BJ by constantly comparing him to Trapper. he admits he's struggling with Trapper's departure, and that he misses him a lot, but he also knows thats no excuse for the comparisons. he apologizes for making BJ feel like he was nothing more than Trapper's replacement, and tells him in no uncertain terms that he does like him a lot for who he really is, and values him as a friend. he promises to stop comparing BJ to Trapper, so long as BJ promises to stop with the pranks- at least, the pranks on him. BJ agrees, and they shake on it, both of them smiling now
an undetermined amount of time later, Frank is the victim of a devastating prank by the both of them. while he rages on, Hawkeye and BJ fall into each other laughing hysterically. their friendship has come out of this stronger than ever, and we end on an optimistic note
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thegongoozlerreacts · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Episode 1: Overture
hello i am back with a New Update on things to react to, and i thought Hazbin Hotel would be the perfect place to start since all episodes were fully released a few days ago! and also EVERYBODY i know has been bugging me about watching this show and now i FINALLY have the time to!!
spoilers under the cut
wow barely a few seconds in and i can already tell that the music is gonna be So Banger
wow okay so the opening exposition is Super Interesting
just wanna say the animation is also Fantastic in this section but ooh the lore drops
i really love the way the angels are stylized here, and how its all in black and white with accents of gold (except Lucifer who has a very light red gradient in his wings)
and also its the way that More color is brought on screen by Lucifer only oooh
oohh and the way that red gradient turns gray when the angels are like, disapproving of his ideas
its So Funny how Adam fumbled his first wife So Hard that she ran away and fell in love with someone else then his second wife got convinced by the First Wife and Her New Love LMFAOO
MAN this makes me feel SO Bad for Lucifer and i feel Conflicted as someone raised christian but like. i feel bad for him they do say that the road to hell was paved with good intentions
also Lilith thriving on the evil stuff like you Go Girlboss
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these are So Pretty to look at
aww Charlie and Vaggie are So Cute
SEVEN YEARS? ouch seven years without hearing anything from her mom
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omg they are So Cute
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damn the ominous Ringing of the Bell in the only angelic-like structure of hell
"Founded five days ago by Lucifer's ~delusional~ daughter!"
"As she tries to work through her daddy issues by fixing you!" STOPPPP NAHHH THATS FOULL
the shaky camera i cant
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"HAHA I NAMED IT" LMFAOOOO yeah you sure did buddy
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incredible, they dont have A Working Phone
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their faces LMFAOO
love that Alastor is bad at TV commercials because he's like... a radio host. the radio demon. he is Decidedly Not a TV Guy
also can i just say that the animation is So Smooth and So Fluid like wow i could rewatch the way each character moves 100 times and that is NOT exaggeration
help he is So Mad that they arent doing a radio show
ok actually Angel Dust's voice is really good like?? idk something about it is just Fun to listen to
Charlie trying to be So Nice is extremely entertaining
OMG HUSK !! HIS VOICE HELP !! it fits So Well
also shoutout to the background music
omg Angel Dust has got a little heart spot on the back of his head thats really really cute
aww Charlie is so cute
LMFAOO "That bitch is halfway down the street!" i love Angel's goofy little smile as he says it also Amazing how the fuck did she get over there so quickly????
i love Charlie's and Vaggie's voice
"They're bloodthirsty and deranged!" <- really funny that this is being said about angels
he is a Hologram hey this guy's An Asshole what the fuck did Charlie ever do to you
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new reaction image she looks so done with his bullshit im cackling
i can already tell that the new commercial is Not gonna go well
HEKSDJKSDN ANGEL DUST "I need a big strong daddy to put me in my place... on the path to redemption!" THE CHANGE IN TONE I CANNOT
oh ok so this Asshole Angel Guy is adam
"I'm the original dick!" BRO???? HELP?? IM ?? this does not sound like Angelic Behavior anyways what The Fuck is he even on about
the fact that he specifically calls out Climate Change as Earth's Problem, but not HERPES?? implies that angels get herpes i guess????
HELFHLDKJ I CANT Hazbin Hotel is KILLING it with the facial expressions
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there is not One Thought behind that eye new reaction image
its okay Nifty you're trying your best
there are just Too Many good reaction images and memes spawned from just this One episode
Alastor is So Mad and Bitter about TV
BRUH the way he couldve done all that The Whole Time but he didnt because he Hates tv 😭😭
also wtf Nifty's giant now
well... at least Vaggie and the Hotel Gang are having a better time than Charlie with this Asshole Angel Guy
"I've never made a mistake in my fucking life" says the guy who fucked up so bad that he had to get a second wife
fuck this song is banger BUT i hate adam
DAMN "And for those of us with divine ordainment/Extermination is entertainment!" fuck when he sings it it goes So Hard but like aw :(( what The Fuck Heaven
help Alastor just glitching on screen
oh what The Fuck theyre moving it earlier cuz somehow a demon killed an angel? and theyre gonna kill ALL OF THE DEMONS????? WHAT
and thats the end of the episode im.
wow well. honestly it was REALLY good and i am so excited to watch the rest of the series
unfortunately i have to go now, bye i will be back with my reactions to the second episode! tomorrow (hopefully)
farewell, folks!
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
2/3 ‘Look it’s Emy and Bri!! Are they finally going to be good friends?’ ‘Oh Brian, is BORED BORED! He is not used of being without Justin. I love it but i hate it…exactly Ben, Brian is hurting!!! finally someone kno- FUCK YOU DEB’ *pauses tv on Mel and Linds fighting* ‘idk anything about *flaps his hand towards me* uterus stuff but can she really have a kid cause of a new procedure? (Craig comes up on screen) OH ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY NOT! NO NO NO NOOOOO!’ I need you to know that when he watched s1 and Craig gave Justin rules, he actually physically left the house and went to a store 5 minutes away (it took him 15 bc he could barely walk and yes, i did go after him bc he’s an idiot) but this time he stayed seated so maybe he’s maturing. ‘No Justin, there are better ways to pay for tuition than going to your bitch ass dad. Like becoming a hitman is always an option or selling your feet pics! But don’t throw your dignity away for that fucker. OH SO NOW BRIAN IS GOOD FOR YOUR SON? WHEN HE PAYS HIS SHIT. everyone uses him! The lesbians *quickly makes a fist for ally*, Mike, Deb, he has no one in his corner except me! THATS RIGHT YOU ARE NEVER GONNA BE STRAIGHT, take it from me Justin, it’s not all that pretty. I mean the girls are pretty and they smell nice and wear cute lipsticks but the dudes give us bad rep *looks at me in fear* am i one of the dudes?’ Craig says that Justins biggest priority as a kid was to make him proud ‘oh go fuck yourself’ *pauses and leaves the house for a smoke break* ‘Did Ben always wear glasses? Or is he just so boring that I didn’t even notice that change until now? Why is he so boring? Is it to like show the total opposite of Brian for Michael?…BEN is literally the only one in this whole show that is thinking logical about the whole moving in thing. Michael in s1! Justin now with that lil freak.. WHAT IS THIS? I didn’t even wanna move in with you for a few months after this surgery and I’ve known you my whole life..’ ‘so Emmett cheated on Ted, Justin cheated on Brian..i see a pattern but only one of those doesn’t make me want to puke..is this what their relationship is gonna be like?’ The school tuition scene is finally up!!! ‘NOW WHY IN THE FUCK IS HE HERE? Why would they put him in a scene where Justin has to talk to his school about HIS education? Whats next? He goes with him to a job interview? (The cringe lines are said) god, i wish the world was deprived of you. ITS ALREADY BEEN PAID?! LADY TELL ME WHO PAID IT! I REFUSE TO GIVE CRAIG A REDEMPTION ARC! JUSTIN IS LOOKING DOWN! CMON CAMERA PAN THE FUCK DOWN I WANNA SEE THE NAME.’ He paused the ep to give me an example of how they shouldve done a reveal of the person that paid tuition so when Justin looked down, the camera would reveal it. He is very upset that they didn’t do it like that because he would like to know who paid for the tuition and is threatening with arson if they end up treating him like Justin when it comes to Brian and the hospital visits.
Are Emy and Bri now going to be good friends? Brother is on the platonic KinneyCutt train. I love that for us.
HE PHYSICALLY LEFT THE HOUSE when Craig laid down his rules in S1? I love that. (ally!)
Becoming a hit man or selling your feet pics. I die.
Everyone uses him! I know, right?
am i one of the dudes? Brother Anon, I think I speak for all of us when I say, no you are not. You are one of us.
Ben is boring but he does think logically. I love his theory about showing Michael with the opposite of Brian… and I’m dying a little. I can’t wait for his reaction to Ben’s steroid use and his ‘roid rage towards Brian in the locker room.
The school scene. Absolutely why is Justin’s brand new boyfriend at the registrar’s office except to deliver those cringiest lines. (Excuse me while I puke)
Quickly going to the next one because we know what happens and it is so romantic…
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Ok I wanna talk about ghosted, can we talk about ghosted? its a sitcom x-files-esque tv show, one season, didn’t last long. its all about Max(ex-professor, wife kidnapped by aliens(lost professorship because he didn’t shut up about it) and Leroy (ex-cop, lost a partner on the job) working for the Bureau Underground (x-files FBI division, Unusual Incidents Unit(SCP), Odd Squad) and like, for the first bit of the show its Max and Leroy being back at HQ, talking to the folks in the office and making jokes before running out to the field and battling bat-man, solving a ghost, seeing a UFO, finding Max’s wife, hey! wait a second, she was taken by aliens, and they found her? whats up with that? well, she gets taken in by an asylum and Max goes to meet here and within 2 minutes she slams his head into the table, hops out the window and vanishes. How cool! and, yet somewhat normal. Par for the course for tv shows. might call it a cheap mystery! but still, the jokes are good, the show is finding it’s legs comedy-wise
ok but heres the thing. one episode theres NO anomalies for weeks. Nothing is happening. Leroy gets fed up, goes to the front upstairs and tries to run it like a normal business. some guy comes up wanting to buy some hangers, in the mean time downstairs in the hq a bug wire is discovered and heres the thing! the show is LEAVING THE GARDEN OF EDEN its breaking the mold and doing NEW things, there is no monster of the week after this! every episode is a furthering of the plot except NO ITS NOT!
one episode ends with Max’s future self visiting himself, warning him not to do something he’s already done, and in the next episode the asshole deepthroat-level guy who fired their last boss and called off the office bugging investigation is just gone! their old boss is the boss again. You could say its shoddy writing, but thats just too visible to be JUST bad writing (though they’ve made some poor writing choices in the past few episodes, but I won’t hold that against hem, I suspect they’ve found out they’re fired). so theres a question of whether its an alternate universe or not! except dammit theres only one season!!! who knows what the hell was going to happen!! maybe nothing at all!
but it was so good while it was here!
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lozzzzaaaaaa · 2 years
*S2 Spoilers*
Comforting to find that other people didnt think this season delivered because i finished it yesterday and was in tears at how bad it was?? I read the books after s1 came out and whilst i had my own gripes with those, overall i enjoyed, soc & ck especially. To my memory, s1 and book 1 were basically the same, with a few changes and i thought they did a good job of adapting it. But s2 was a mess. Dont get me wrong, on a baseline it was great- visually stunning, every single actor ate, Freddy Carter outshone imo it was his moment. Watching it as a fantasy tv show i had a great time, as a book fan i did not. The first half i enjoyed more, although at the back of my mind was “thats not how it happens” “thats not right” but these thoughts were hard to ignore esp in the last 2 eps. A lot of decisions were made that i think they’re going to have difficulty explaining later on- genya and david (absolutely devastated about him), Inej’s freedom before soc, and a lot of v poignant scenes in the books wont make sense anymore e.g. the dock fight in soc when kaz carries inej and other scenes have lost their significance.
One of my fave scenes in R&R is when the DL shows Alina the burning orphanage with Ana Kuya and Botkin really put everything into perspective about how bad his character is and the lengths that he’ll go to, delivering one of the best lines. But nothing in the show. That being said i am still a basic bitch who simply wants the content in her eyes so Wesper yes Kanej yes G&D amazing Tolya and Tamar can do no wrong so i was still freaking out but it felt sour afterwards. Nikolai/Sturmhond i liked, i was initially unsure about Paddy but he pulls it off well. Shame they couldnt have made him look different for the two characters but oh well.
The final battle in the fold was not at all like in R&R, my fave out of the 3, and reading it i was sobbing but with this i didnt really feel anything except annoyed. There’s so many things i can point out that have annoyed me but this would be a 1000 words long.
Ultimately i understand why they have done this- no ones safety is guaranteed at netflix and i have been burned by their cancellations before. But in the same way that some dont want a SOC 3 book so all characters are technically safe- i think i wouldve rather had a 2 season show done right rather than whatever they’re going to pull to fix it, pending renewal. Speaking of which- idk what Calahan has done to wrong the writers but he mustve had 10 mins of screentime this whole season they did him so dirty. Ok im sorry you had to read all that but i was going to combust. Let me know ur thoughts tho
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olden-towne · 11 months
tagged by @oplishin
first 10 songs when on repeat playlist gets shuffled:
Love Again by Dua Lipa
Who the Hell Is Edgar? by Teya and Salena
Nightmare Night by GLAZE and WoodenToaster
Viva La Gloria? (Little Girl) by Green Day
Evidemment by La Zarra
Physical by Dua Lipa
Vampire Money by My Chemical Romance
Beyond Her Garden by GLAZE and WoodenToaster
Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz
Peacemaker by Green Day
my top 15 tv shows:
15. Amphibia: It was trying to be a disney sitcom with a whacky premise and also a shonen anime. For the most part, the shonen anime stuff was good, the sitcom stuff was not as much. Season 2 was my favorite. Also polyam rights.
14. Star Vs the Forces of Evil: I like Eclipsa. What the fuck was that finale? I mean, I know no one saw it. I know it is how it is because low ratings led to an early cancellation, but still, what the fuck was that finale?
13. The IT Crowd: some of it has aged poorly, chiefly the views of its head writer, however, I grew up with it, its hilarious and it still holds a special place in my heart.
12. Ugly Betty: What a fucking telenovela. I mean, it pretends to be a sitcom, but its a telenovela. Every twist shocked and delighted me with its insanity. Betty has bad taste in men.
11. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: I love every single character in this show. I love Kimmy and Lillian and Titus Andromedon and Artie Goodman. It runs on cartoon logic and thats wonderful. It has gotten in some hot water for its depictions of Native Americans, which I don't feel qualified to comment on. its not yikes, its just weird. Last season kind of drags though since everyone's pretty much done with their arcs and feels like the writing changed hands to someone less good.
10. The Good Place: I love all of the characters so much, good as this is a very character driven show. Hilarious, wonderful emotional arcs, masterful twists, and an amazing, heart wrenching ending. Jeremy Bearimy is the new wibbly wobbly timey. Chidi sees the time knife. There is no "answer" but also Eleanor is the answer. BORTLES!
9. The Owl house: great show, finale was the best it could be given the limitations imposed on it by homophobic Disney, those dickweeds. I love all the characters, except Amity, whose only character is being Luz's girlfriend.
8. Infinity Train: Volume 2 was my favorite. Bring it back HBOmax, you rat bastards.
7. Adam Ruins Everything: rewired my brain as a child. I wouldn't not be the person I am were it not for that show.
6. Fleabag: So good, so funny, love that hot priest. If you haven't seen it, you need to watch it all as soon as possible.
The top 5 is not my top 5 as a result of quality but of brain worms. Not to say that some of them aren't good, but still.
5. Gravity Falls: best Disney show ever. The spooky cryptid vibes, and the humor, impeccable.
4. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: my mantra for this show is often bad rarely boring. I saw all nine seasons, and it got bad after season six. You can feel the bronies pull on the show in the later seasons and that is a bad thing.
3. Sex and the City: has its good moments. Maybe not good exactly, but interesting, memorable, never not entertaining. Also intriguing as a cultural artifact in my opinion. It is very *of its time* plus I have the brain worms. Also fuck Big.
2. Doctor Who: also has its good moments. Has largely been downhill since RTD left, but I have the brain worms. I started watching it with my gf and RTD's coming back so its on my mind
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Best show of all time, fucking fight me
@whoateallmynachos if you'd like
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
I had a lot of positive things I was carrying into today. I had momentum. I had motivation. I had confidence. Even despite being woken up like 4 times by my upstairs neighbors. I got up, I stopped myself from "helping" some local person realize that their crusade against the entire Goodwill chain was really because they were upset that the branch manager was rude to them when they denied their donations a week after new years, at the busiest and most stressful time of year. I didn't comment, I walked away. I was better for it.
I did my yoga. Brutal. I felt weak. I was weak. I fell over. I shook. I felt faint. But I made it through it. And I reminded myself that I've done 30 day challenges like this every year since the pandemic started, and every year I complete them. This will be no exception. Day 5, done.
I showered. I listened to an album that I haven't had good associations with since college. That two broken, damaged, unfair relationships ruined for me. And I vowed to reclaim that album. Its beauty should not belong to pain alone. It deserves to be appreciated, not feared. And I made it through the whole thing.
I got my TV. I paid 50 bucks for some woman to drive the thing 8 minutes to my door and have me take it out of her fucking car because she "dislocated her shoulder". The frustration of this didn't really hit until the walk back to the apartment. I was fucking awake anyway. I was up and moving anyway. I was just so fucking frustrated with myself. All because of this stupid trauma and anxiety shit swarming around me because I have a fucking wolf at the door every goddamn day. And I'm baiting the fucker to my door. And I answer the fucking door like almost every goddamn day. Like an idiot. I'll clarify in a second.
I sorted boxes. Finally. I took my momentum from getting my TV and transmuted it into sorting my recycling, breaking down boxes and organizing. The plan being, when the TV was done, I could break down that box too. Then I can load all the boxes into the cart and bring them up to the recycling and get it over with. Keep the ball rolling, always keep the ball rolling. Thats my strat, it's literally the only way I get shit done. What happened, you ask? Oh, I'll get there, don't worry. Don't wanna glaze over this bittersweet gem.
I got two simultaneous texts when I was in the shower. Surprising, because I never get texts. I mean that. I never get texts. So I heard the sound and I legit assumed it was part of the music. One was my mom, asking if I needed any support today. The other was my sister in law. My sister in law was letting me know that she and my brother and nephew (who I haven't even met yet, he's getting pretty close to a year old now) were nearby and wanted to see if it was cool if they dropped by. My place is an absolute warzone. It makes me wonder if they've ever really... even seen what any of my houses look like. I honestly don't think they have. I mean, the entire perimeter of my main room is packed cardboard boxes full of my possessions. I have barely any furniture. I look like I moved in yesterday. It's been over a month. It's humiliating. And it's really not kid-safe. And the worst part, it's 100% a mental health thing. And I really shouldn't have to explain myself. But if I don't it is kinda unfair to other people to blindside them with this when they show up.
I let my sister in law know that my place was a mess and... well... my confidence was high so I said if they wanted to they could feel welcome to drop by. I'd swallow that pill for the chance to finally meet my nephew. Here's the part that I didn't really process, that I'm just processing now. They were in town meeting a potential babysitter. You know, looking for child care. While I'm 20 minutes away, unemployed, have trouble leaving my house and I haven't even met my nephew yet. And I have several months experience babysitting my "former godchild" at the exact same age. And I'm just... not considered. Again, I would wager because of mental health. Or just... not getting to know me. No clue. Fucking odd that I'm not even considered for dogsitting, I just lost my fucking dog 6 months ago and it doesn't even pop into their heads that maybe I might miss it a bit? That maybe 10 years of experience raising the same breed of dog alone might be enough to qualify me? And maybe I could use some cash? Because I'm technically unemployed and I have no income? Like... I'm not kidding... it's really fucking weird that the babysitting thing... I used to get my goddaughter to nap and keep myself entertained, our compromise, was to put on Twilight Zone, the original series. She'd conk right out and I'd have something cool to watch. And now, this shit just feels like I'm straight up in an episode of it. I mean that genuinely, it's a big part of why I can't even smoke weed right now. Because I start to feel like I'm actually in some kind of fantasy series or something, that this is fiction, that some trickster god is fucking with me, or aliens or interdimensional beings or something. Because how could this be fucking real life?!
Glad I missed that (sarcasm), because besides overcoming the yoga obstacle... that was the best thing that happened today. I started setting up the TV and I was concerned about putting it on my glass-top coffee table. I called my mom to get her opinion. It started okay. Then I started setting up the TV. The setup stuff was kinda in broken english, which is always... it kinda feels like a bad sign? Like maybe corners were cut? You know? And a little anxiety about that whole "maybe this is was a bad investment, maybe i picked the wrong TV" came up. But I squelched it pretty quick. Then it came time to get my TV connected to the wireless router. And guess who hasn't entered his wireless password in... oh god... over 2 years? Because my PC and Xbox were hardwired and my phone/laptop just autosaved. Guess. It was me. I forgot my wifi password. But hey, check it out, Xfinity is super convenient, right? I remembered that their app lets you just pull up the app on your phone and hit a button and you can get right into your router, don't even have to do any of that admin browser entry shit. So I pop open the app and log in. 2-factor hits me, of course. Then I'm in and my fucking account says "INACTIVE". Yep. And the address is my old address. Yep.
So I try to get my mom to get into her account, in case... for some mysterious reason... it was set up in her name. She forgot her password. She tried to get me to give her my login and my password, for some reason. After like 10 minutes, I made it pretty fucking clear that I really do not feel comfortable reading out my login and my password out loud with paper-thin walls in my apartment building. It just started off with that goddamn tone where it was like... she was just doing whatever the fuck she wanted and she "knew best". Like what the fuck do you even need my password for? I'm literally logged in right now. You need YOUR password. Can you tell I'm angry? Well stuffing that down and repressing it for 3 fucking hours of pulling teeth will do that. Every time I asked for something, every time I asked a question, just fucking goddamn stonewalled. Like, I shit you not, I asked 4 consecutive questions and she flat-out acted as though the Men in fucking Black came in and neurolyzed her. Like I never even spoke words. I had to check to make sure I wasn't muted. But she was straight up fucking ignoring me and dodging. And I'd bring attention to it. "Hey, I've asked you a like 3 questions now and you haven't answered, can I get that information please?" and just... deflection. Dodging.
So why the fuck did I stick around this? Why was my hand glued to the goddamn lit stove? Because I do not have access to my own internet account. If anything goes wrong with it, I'm fucked. I don't have the password, it's not in my name, if I call support I strongly doubt they'd give me access without confirmation from the account holder. Because she owns that part of my life. And this has been done "for my convenience" for almost 2 decades. I got my rent out from her control. I got a few other things out too. But my internet is apparently in her name. And my insurance. And my car insurance. And my car itself. Which is why my car has been sitting idle in a dealership lot not being repaired, they haven't even ordered the parts. And they haven't even spoken to me. Because her name is on the fucking car. I'm 30 goddamn 6. I didn't choose this. I've literally known no other way. This is how things have always been. I mean that. I had no idea this wasn't normal until really recently. And I really feel like I'm in some kind of Britney Spears conservatorship or something, I don't know. It scares me, because I endured some really fucking abusive shit tonight. Like having the 3 hour dragging feet, power struggle, making shit difficult bullshit being blamed on me because I have memory problems. That I literally can't do anything about. That hurt me more than anyone else. I actually have to leave notes around the house for myself to remember to get basic things done. It's not an easy life when you live fucking alone. Shit falls through the cracks every goddamn day, every hour, it feels like.
I had to hang up again. I was very clear dozens of times that what was happening was not okay, and that it's a repeat of the same fucking problem over and over, and I was just told over and over that I brought it on myself. That it was warranted because she was simply "defending herself". And she wasn't even trying to control herself. Not even attempting. She was just... right. And I was wrong, and "aggressive" (not stressed, not frustrated, not having his problem be taken over by a geriatric woman who was not welcomed and asked several times to stop, "aggressive"), because that justifies her anticipatory "defense".
I get stressed with a problem. The "supporting" person misreads my stress as aggression towards them. The "supporting" person does not verify this assumption, but acts on it by "defending" aka retaliating. I get my ass beat by my "support" for being legitimately stressed out about a real problem I'm having. Totally healthy.
Now I guarantee that at least 2 of my neighbors heard my side of the argument. Oh fuck, I almost forgot the best part! Oh so my dad decides to barge into her room and just start talking to her when she was on the phone, and I asked her to relay a message to him and guess what? He fucking responded. Because I was on goddamn speakerphone the whole time. Yep. So next time, I'm super tempted to put her on speakerphone so that my neighbors can witness the entire reality show. Not just think I'm a complete asshole. Like I just fucking moved in and already it's like... fuck. AAAGHGHHHH.
My depression was at an all time high before this. It's been escalating super rapidly. I've been very open about this. And this is the second brutal beating in 3 days. I had one day of recovery. ONE GODDAMN DAY. And now. I feel like I've been up for a week straight. I've gotten one good night's rest in 2 fucking weeks. I feel like Christian Bale in The Machinist. I mean that. The skin on my face feels... tight and clammy. My cheeks feel sunken. My posture is like bullets are flying over my head at all times. I have bags under my eyes. I am constantly tense and in pain at all times.
So I reached out at 11PM, I called. Stupid, but I wanted to communicate clearly. I left a message. "Congratulations, you broke me. I need a list of all of my accounts that are in your name by 4PM tomorrow." I can't be the monk anymore. I'm too weak. I'm not going to lash out. I'm not going to explode. But I'm not hiding the fucking truth anymore. My will was broken today. Over a fucking wifi password. OVER A FUCKING WIFI PASSWORD. AND THE PASSWORD WAS FUCKING PASSWORD, OKAY?!?! AAGGGHHH. I am fucking human just like all of you, I have feelings too, very very strong ones. And this is the extent of how much I'm willing to express this one. Suffering and anger swirling together because my ability to live my life is being blockaded by a control freak who constantly shames me for not "being independent". I'm broken. And having a moment of weakness. But even in that moment, I have the clarity to know exactly what I need to fucking do. I need to be free. I. Need. To. Be. Free.
No more punishment because I didn't phrase things the way they wanted. No more looming threats. No more dangling friendship, bonding, affection, and social support... and making me pay prices like this and come out with less than I started. No more weaponizing my own mental health struggles against me. The only reason I dealt with this today was because that account is not in my name, I cannot legally access it and I don't even know where to start with getting legal counsel. I even tried to get the account changed to my phone number so I can change the billing info myself and access the router, talked to some dude in fucking India to get it set up and they didn't do it. I've already had my power, heat and cable shut off from missed bill payments and shit at my old place because of this "help" and "support" I'm getting. Just because I've never done this before and I have executive functioning struggles doesn't mean this is a guaranteed failure if I take these responsibilities on. It's scary as fuck to take on so much shit I've never done when I'm like... on the edge and super overwhelmed already, but I have to. Because paying this price?! Paying this price, I'm gonna be dead before I hit 50.
I'm not even leaving the house! The primate graphic novel idea was a great inspiration, but also a really great therapeutic tool, and I had a vision come to me yesterday of primate Me cowering inside the door and a bunch of gigantic beasts gnashing their teeth outside. Guess what? They ain't outside. They're in my phone. They're in my eardrums. They're crawling into my mind. Almost every single day. I can lock my doors, I can barricade the windows. And they still get in. Because I welcome them in. Because I, from the bottom of my soul, with every ounce of optimism I have, try to keep faith that people are redeemable. That they can change. And I give so fucking much of myself, my entire life, to support that effort. And I just get shit on for it.
So, fuck it. I gave it 3 years of trying. GG. Call me when you find God.
I found myself having a very dark thought earlier, and I want to be completely honest about it so I can not just shrug it off. So I can process it and move forward with it in mind. My cat is going to be 17 in about 2 months. She has osteoarthritis, hypothyroidism and kidney disease. She's a scrappy motherfucker, she always has been, but I'm afraid she may not have much time left. My dog is already dead, she died in July. I have no friends. You know what they say, "you can tell who your real friends are when the chips are down"? Yeah. Sad, but true. I have no family. Not really. My father was never a father. My brother flipped out on me because I asked him if he wanted to make music with me, and if he wanted a free art lesson while my landlords came over to inspect my house, to get my mind off shit, to distract me. My other brother hasn't had a real conversation with me since early high school, and communicates with me extremely rarely through his extroverted wife. That's all I got folks. So... my cat is really all I have left. Because I have to really strongly consider that my mom cannot actually stop herself from crippling me.
So what happens when my cat dies? All I will have is my art, my writing and my music. And without financial support from my parents, I'm pretty damn sure that's going down the drain too. No way I'm paying these bills on that kind of salary. So... yeah. That might be curtains. I mean. What kind of life is it really if I can't be myself? If I can't fulfill my purpose? How is that living? In this life, yes, I suffer greatly. Regularly. Likely shaving years off of my life. But at least I get to pursue my passions. When I'm not just perpetually recovering from the last brutal emotional beating. With the world the way it is now, with no connections in any field, not even any contacts... I don't see it happening. I see myself working somewhere, anywhere that I can. Just to get money. Just to keep food in the cupboards that are already bare. Just to keep a roof over my head. I will not be living. I will be surviving. And I honestly don't really know if that's a life I want to live, to be honest. I can't live a fulfilling life, I cannot fulfill my life's purpose, if I am merely surviving. The gifts that I have can not function when I am in survival mode. Ask Rimworld, they added it as an an actual game mechanic. Inspiration comes when good mood is sustained. Mental break comes when bad mood is sustained. Two sides of the same coin. I will be reduced to a miserable laborer, grinding the days away until I find the sweet release of death. And that's not a life, that's not living. So, I'm keeping that in mind.
This is insanely dark. I want to apologize, I feel compelled to. But I'm tired of apologizing for my own pain. I just need to get my pain out a bit, because I currently don't have any other coping mechanisms besides distraction and yoga, and I'm sore. Weed will make this worse, I've thought it over a dozen times and I really believe that right now. Drinking is not available, but I'm starting to strongly consider it. Prescriptions are not a thing for at least a month. Cigarettes have been dangling in my peripheral view for days now, I can hear their siren's song every day. "We can solve all your problems, my dear." For a price.
So, this is where my stress has to go.
I don't know what to do. I don't even know if I can sleep. It's 3:30 again, I'm exhausted, but I'm fucking terrified. And just... wounded.
But hey. At least I broke down some of those pesky cardboard boxes, huh? I'm sure cleaning my house will make shit right as fucking rain.
I've tried so hard to be a beam of pure light for as many others around me as I can be. And that light is a barely flickering ember right now. Even Jedi have their limits.
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
What did Tom King do to Kara?
you don't like woman of tomorrow? thats interesting, from what i can tell that seems to be one of king's least uncontroversial DC works and gets unanimous praise from the fandom + comic readers in general (not that i've read it myself, just from what i've seen)
Combining these two related asks!
I want to start out by saying that ALL of my problems are with the writing - Bilquis Evely's art is breathtaking and I wish it was being used to tell a story that deserves it.
I have two problems with Woman of Tomorrow:
King does the same thing to her that he has done with literally every other character, which is to cherrypick their history to tell the bleakest, most nihilistic, least heroic story possible. It's not super noticeable with Batman because Bruce is kind of always in that zone, but it's very obvious with characters like Wally West (Heroes in Crisis: Therapy Is Bad and Will Kill You), the JLI in Human Target, and Kara. His Kara is a depressed, foulmouthed, murderous drunk who spends the entire book suffering physical and mental torments. I am just so exhausted by the lack of creativity. Dude is a one trick pony and I don't understand why this isn't more widely recognized. (Oh wait, I do, it's because pessimism is so often mistaken for genius, and also he loves a nine panel grid which too many people think immediately makes a comic Deep (TM) instead of just copying Watchmen.)
THE STORY ISN'T EVEN ABOUT HER!!! The main character is Ruthye, the alien girl who hires Supergirl to avenge the death of her father. Ruthye narrates the book. Ruthye drives the plot. Ruthye has the emotional arc. Kara could be replaced by any Super or other strong alien - J'onn, Sodam Yat, fucking LOBO - and the story would be exactly the same. (Because it would be True Grit. It's literally just True Grit But Supergirl Is There.)
Now, there's a place for bleak and even completely pessimistic, nihilistic stories - but Supergirl ain't fucking it. Supergirl was created to give little girls a heroine to look up to who had all the powers of Superman. She is aspirational and inspirational. She is joy.
Woman of Tomorrow is aggressively Not For Little Girls. To me, it radiates a deep contempt for the idea of Supergirl as a happy, kid-friendly character. It drags her through the mud on purpose, and then looks at you like it's making a point, but the point is just "mud exists." Yeah, Tom, I know. WE ALL KNOW.
(In general, King seems to really hate the idea of "nice" girls - look at what he did to Tora in Human Target. There's an issue of WoT that flashes back to Kara's origin and the destruction of Krypton - except it goes all the way back to the Silver Age, which is a generally bright and happy era, and pulls directly from that version of events while also making it as bleak as possible. Like, at one point Kara finds a dead baby on the sidewalk. HE PUT A DEAD BABY IN THE SILVER AGE. HE IGNORED THE FACT THAT THIS ORIGIN IS FOUR REBOOTS OUT OF DATE IN ORDER TO PUT A DEAD BABY IN THE SILVER AGE.)
I wouldn't be nearly as angry about this book if it wasn't capping off 20 years of DC treating Kara like shit, but since she returned in 2003, they have had her try to murder Clark, had her sexually preyed on by Darkseid, implied an incestuous relationship with her father, had her be abused, made her a blood-vomit-spewing Red Lantern (an arc I actually liked because Guy Gardner as Kara's Space Dad has my whole heart, but it's part and parcel of Angry Violent Sexy Kara), had her infected by the fucking Batman Who Laughs, and more. And that's when they even bother to publish her! They refused to give her a 60th anniversary special in 2019 because "she has a TV show," even though Two-Face got a 75th anniversary special a couple years before. Fucking Two-Face!!! Kara didn't even have a regular comic for much of the run of her show, because why court an audience of millions when so many of them are icky women?
Grant Morrison said it recently and said it best (they were talking about "Superman as fascist," but I think it applies to this too):
"Why, I say, oh why, is it so hard to simply serve the concept and write the adventures of a smart, creative and kind-hearted teenage girl with superpowers?
"To undermine the fundamental appeal of superheroes like Superman and Supergirl by re-casting them as anti-heroes at best or outright monsters - dragging imaginary childhood paragons off their pedestals to reinforce a fairly facile point about the tendency of real world heroes to exhibit feet of clay, struck me and strikes me still as imaginatively lazy.
"Using kids’ adventure heroes to make hackneyed observations about typical human behaviour that does not in fact apply to made up comic book characters strikes me as – I don’t know - whimsical? Dilettantish? A squandering of energy and creativity?"
Supergirl isn't for the edgelords of the world. She isn't a tool for reiterating, yet again, that life is pointless and full of pain. She is intended to inspire little girls, and anyone who doesn't understand that has no business writing her.
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meloswifeyyy · 3 years
Relationship Alphabet
A - Attitude
Who often has the worst Attitude ?
Well, you obviously. Most of the time because you are hungry or you and Melo just got out of an argument. Melo usually fucks the attitude out of you anywhere, anytime tho.
B - Baby
Who wants Babies the most - first ?
Melo. He often jokes about having kids or when you are having sex he would whisper in your ear  “You trynna have my babies?” or  “You boutta have my babies ” when he nuts in you. He says that he wants 3 or more. You only want 2. You arent rushing into it.
C - Crying 
Who Cries the most in the relationship ?
You. You often cry alone when you miss Melo when he is at away games for so long. Or when your BP triggers, Melo would comfort you. When watching sad movies, or when someone you love dies. Tears of joys appear here and there. Or when you get into arguments and Melo says something wrong or disrespectful out of madness.
D - Dates 
Who has the best Date spots ?
Melo. He would often take you to fancy restaurants in L.A or Miami, or wherever you guys went. Or take you shopping at an expensive place. He would do dates at home like watching movies, have you cook dinner because he cant cook for shit, or he would have a bath waiting on you. 
E - Eat 
Who Eats the most ?   
You. You know damn well you cant survive without food. Its the 2nd best thing that has ever happened to you besides life and Melo. Cant even survive a night. If you would wake up in the middle of the night and get hungry and go to kitchen and try to sneak some food without waking Melo up, he would hear it and go to the kitchen and scare you, picking you up over his shoulder with one arm, and with the other putting the food away carrying you back to the bed because its a little to early in the morning to be eating. 
F - Freak 
Who is the Freakiest ?  
Both of you. You being the only girl that can fuck Melo like you do, and being the only girl Melo is sexually, physically, and mentally attracted to no other girl can do it like you.10/10 in bed. Now Melo on the other hand is a demon in bed. His strokes, hitting your G - Spot constantly with you feeling it in your guts. His 9 inch is almost  always on hard when he is around you. And his tongue is crazy, going in and out and on the pearl AT THE SAME TIME. Crazy right. Spelling his name out on you. He loves when you scratch his back up or give him hickeys everywhere. 10000/10. Makeup sex is the best. 
G - Games 
Who wins the most games ?  
Melo. He would always dare you to a game of Call of Duty or Fortnite to see who would win first. And he would always win. When you would play a game of Uno you would often win and he would be mad the rest of the day due to his competitiveness. But any other game he would win.
H - Happy
Who is the Happiest in the relationship ?  
Both of you. You are always happy when you guys are around each other. Even when you guys just got done arguing you are still happy that he is in your presence. Melo on the other hand is always happy with you around him, he loves to cuddle with you. Its one of his favorite thing to do. He just loves that you are in his presence. You are his other half.
I - Irreplaceable
Who is the most Irreplaceable ?  
You would say Melo but Melo would say you. Melo knows how to deal with you more than anyone else does. He knows all your spots and what you like and dont like. He notices all of your flaws and sees the good and beautiful in them. He knows your body, mind, and soul. No man has a better or brighter or bigger smile than him. He always brightens the mood. You on the other hand are different. A big beautiful smile. You know how to deal with Melo when he is sad, looses a game. You can tell when he is lying or telling the truth just by looking through his eyes. You know how to make him happy. You are the best he has ever had.
J - Jaded 
Who gets the most Jaded after doing something ?
Melo. He usually gets really bored after sitting in the house all day. He really wants to leave the house and do something fun but usually its night time and you would be taking a nap or would be sleep. 
K - Kisses
Who gives the most kisses?
Melo. He is always so clingy and that comes with all the kisses in the world. He kisses you all over your face in your sleep, even when you are sleep he gives you kisses. He loves to kiss all over your body.
L - Love
Who fell in love the fastest?
Melo. He had always had a crush on you and everyone knew you were the one for him. You just didn’t know it until you two started dating. He’s always making sure you are good. He loves your hugs. He was the first one to say “I love you”. He want kids you to have all 10 of his kids.
M - Motivation
Who gives the most motivation?
You. When melo is going to a game and is not having a good feeling about it you motivate him to push through it and win for you. 9/10 he will win or get a lot of points for you.
N - Night Owl
Who is more of a Night Owl?
Both of you. Sometimes when his ADHD is on 10 you guys stay up and listen to music, play games, go on ig live, or just fuck for 7 hours straight. Sometimes you have to tell him to got to sleep or put him to sleep (😏) because he has a game tomorrow and needs all the rest and energy he can get. It also the same for you.
O - Oral Sex
Who gives Oral Sex the most?
Melo. Trust me, you give him head a lot and it’s amazing, 10/10. But melo loves giving you head. He loves to spell his name out on you. Loves to see the faces to make you scream and shout. Loves sharing your cream with you (🥲). He loves to climb under the blanket while you are sleep for some breakfast in bed. Maybe even dinner. His lips make it even better. So glad he don’t got them white genes in his lips (😋😭).
P - Perfect
Whos perfect?
Obviously, no ones perfect but God (🙏🏾). But in your eyes no one else is better for you except melo. You couldnt imagine living life without him. Cant imagine what anyones elses kids would look like with you but. No relationship is perfect. Melo sees you as perfect. Your body. Your style. Your personality. He absolutely loves your touch. He loves touch but for you loving your touch is an understatement. He couldnt imagine his kids with anyone else but you. Cant imagine getting married with anyone else. When you guys get into arguments and sleep in seperate rooms. You barely get sleep because all you can think about is each other. How perfect you guys are for one another.
Q - Q? (Cant find a word, Tell me one and ill edit it.)
R - Relate
What traits do you guys have a like each other?
A lot. Both of your favorite food is Chicken tacos. You both love a good game of Uno. You both love sex. Duhh. Both of you guy’s love language is touch. Love playing fortnite together. Love listening to music and taking drives together. Both love lil uzi (we pretending yall💀). Just in general you guys are very alike.
S - Sex
(No question for this one lol. Y’all already know how we is round hea nahhmeannn😭)
The sex. Omgggg. The first time you and melo had sex was. So amazing. Can’t ever forget that moment. Melo is always so horny. Morning sex is the best. Sometimes a little top at the red light can turn into a few rounds in back of the McDonalds parking lot. Lucky enough all his windows tinted as hell. Or in the Victoria’s Secret fitting rooms. You guys could be listening to Chris Brown and he would really take you down, fuck you back to sleep, switch up the tempo, or make you wet the bed (i’m laughing hard ash). The hickeys. The high sex. Drunk sex (drunnnnkkk in lovvveee). Car sex. Balcony sex. All over the house sex ( i got bars.) Mad sex and Make up sex. I could go on. Sex with me so amazinggggg. (i was listening to this song while writing this one💀😫😫😫)
T - Trips
Who likes taking trips internationally?
Melo. He love to take you and a yearly or even monthly vacay. Just you and him. Turks and Caicos. Bora Bora. Jamaica. Iceland. Japan. Africa. Anywhere where you can get away from the world. The different places. The hotels. Being able to fuck anywhere and everywhere. The pools. The different air. (united states ait is so boring). The new food. The animals. You guys love the new places. He loves to see you happy and with a smile on your face.
U - U (Cant find a word, Tell me one and ill edit it.)
V - V (Cant find a word, Tell me one and ill edit it again.)
W - Right the Wrongs
Who rights their wrongs after an argument?
Usually it would be you first. If you said something that was out of pocket or melo didnt like you woukd quickly apologize. He would forgive you and still cuddle and kiss you and stuff because thats what he does. Tease you. But he would ignore you until he actually forgave you in his head. Melo would apologize and give you some bomb ass d for and apology. Or make that cute face that you can’t resist.
X - (Can’t find a word for X. Give me a suggestion and i will edit it)
Y - Young
Who acts like a Young ass child?
Both of you actually. That’s what makes you love each other the most. The laughs and jokes, the tv shows, everything you could think of. It’s nothing wrong with it at all. Y’all are always gonna bust a joke out at the right time. Maybe sometimes even the wrong time. (damn, double homicide). You guys love laughing with each other.
Who has the worst sleeping habits?
Probably Melo. If you scooted over him even a little bit, he would probably scoot back closer to you or pull you back over to him. And the only con of that is he snores a lot. (Why this nigga snore with his mouth open?🤨💀). Sometimes if he was awake and you werent he would kiss all over you. He loves to lay on your 🍒.
Y’all welcome. I haven’t pose the one of these in a minute. This took me a whole month and a half. I’m tired as hell. 💀
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winderlylandchime · 10 months
1/2 And we are now on 5x09, his only request for the episode is that Britin gets back together bc there’s only 2 cds left so they dont have much time: ‘how am I supposed to dance to the intro song when nothing in the show is how it’s supposed to be?’ The ep starts with Mikey and Ben having sex ‘not to be a prick but that is also not what i asked for. (The scene with the ladies for vote yes on prop 14 happens) *starts laughing* this is the only funny thing Mike has done in this season’ ‘look how Brian has been hanging with Emy and Ted lately but they don’t want me to see it. Ugh Mike. GOOD BRIAN! Ignore him. Forever!’ Deb asks mikey if him and Brian will ever talk again ‘oh look who cares now! Little miss “you gotta let Mikey go”. Mike doesn’t deserve Brian for what he said to him. Fuck you Mike, how about you tell her what you said to him? Fuck this whole shit show.’ Justin is about to meet Tucker! ‘OH? YOU GO GIRL! LOOK AT MY GIRL! That should’ve been me with her.’ ‘Now why is he passive aggressive to Jen? Why does he keep acting like a little shit? *pauses tv on jen standing in front of Justins painting* tell me that shit doesn’t look like something Brian would hang above his bed. Or in his office! Anyway *starts ep again* justin…you dated a kazoo player with a bad goatee, youre nobody to judge. Why is he so fucking horrible to Jen? HES JUDGING ABOUT AGE GAPS?! Bro, you need to fucking chill, shes a grown ass woman who can do whatever she wants…even if its not me’ and we are at the Brian/Debbie scene ‘look how pretty he looks. Debbie! If she’s here for Mike, she has to go. But if its for Blondie, than come on in. GET HIGH TOGETHER! HELL YEAH! *points to Brian smoking* i know damn well that fucker smokes in real life. One of me! See, we would be friends (i make a joke about how theyd only bond over cigarettes and thats it) i have bonded with people over far less! You’d be amazed at my ability to connect over anything. (Debbie says she doesnt like how hes been treating mikey) EXCUSE ME?! HE? WHAT ABOUT MIKE? You know what? Get out. Mike is always a fucking victim. Nobody ever stands up for Brian. Except me! *points at Brian* i think i used to have that zip up hoodie..you know who else fell in love Deb? brian! Now lets talk about that instead. *puts his cast up and spins his left index finger around his cast* here’s mikey and here’s the world. Not everything is about him. Can she please realize that her son is a little shit to Brian too? Why is he always the one who has to compromise and sacrifice? Man, fuck this whole show’ And that scene with the store being broken in is on ‘well shit. Not to be a dick but *sings very horribly* karmaaaa. Fuck now i feel bad for saying that but also fuck him for hurting Brian’ The Drew/Em scene is up now ‘HOLY SHIT DREW CAME OUT! AHHHHH YOU GO BOY! A guy like him? Bro fuck you. YEAH EMMETT HELPED HIM! Wait. HOLY FUCKING SHIT HE KISSED HIM ON LIVE TV! OH MY GOD!’ And we are at the gallery now ‘ive been so busy with everything else, i forgot about this. (Justin makes a face at the critic)*points to Justin* this! Is the fucking look and reaction he would give to Brian during that stupid dinner the second Marty and Elliot opened their mouth. And i know I’m right. Why is he calling the critic a cunt tho?’
That Ben/Mikey scene is only tolerable because they piss off that homophobe. THE ONLY REASON I ALLOW IT.
Justin being such a little shit to Tucker further confirms the writers decided to change his character is inexplicable ways. The Justin we knew would high five Jen about getting a hottie mchotterson
You’d be amazed at my ability to connect over anything. <- I do not doubt this is the case. Your brother has tumblr friends he doesn't even know about.
Why is he always the one who has to compromise and sacrifice? Man, fuck this whole show MMHMM
HOLY FUCKING SHIT HE KISSED HIM ON LIVE TV! OH MY GOD! Emmett getting the love he deserves (btw Cat Emmettt is being a little shit as I write my responses to these. He's been sick for most of the year and I'm glad he's feeling better but BRO CHILL TF OUT)
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Can I ask you something?
If, hypothetically, Howard and Maria would have survived the "car accident" and stayed in Tony's life long enough, would they ship Pepperony?
I mean, their 30 years old son hired a gorgeous and smart woman to be his PA. And that woman even said, plain and simple, that she doesn't intend on sleeping with her boss.
Surely Maria was like "in two years they will be married", while Howard would watch the show, silently agreeing with his wife, because Pepper reminds him of Maria.
What about you? What do you think would have happened?
Oh they totally would have been Pepperony shippers, Maria would be leading the way as Captain of the ship. Cause you gotta think about it...they survive and Tony doesn't go through what I call his "dark period" where I headcanon in my fics there was a lot of drinking and drugs and sleeping around. Young Tony still may have got around with people because he was young but I wholly feel part of teh reason it lasted so long was like a trauma response, trying to feel something kinda thing but we see how he immediately cut these people out of his life after he was done with them. Im also gonna say that I hope Tony and Howard would have worked through things like adults and much like in my fics Howard has some sort of redemptive period where he gets his head out of his ass and tries to connect with Tony. So , Howard is showing Tony the ropes of SI, really showing him, not pawning him on Obie, not talking down to him, letting him shadow him and speak up in R&D meetings, bring his ideas to the table and once one of Tony's pitches is accepted and becomes a hit, say the intellicrops or maybe SI gets the jump on medical tech or even computers/cell phones in the mid 90s. Whateevr it is is a hit and Howard starts giving Tony more responsibility after he has proven he can be "trusted" and of course Tony likes success and all the benefits....except now he has so much paperwork, and interviews on tv and magazines etc and Jarvis (AI) is still learning and not equipped yet to handle organizing Tony's life so Howard is like, "Son, just hire an assistant." Howard arranges for some qualified individuals and No one works out though. Tony doesn't click with them or they can't keep up with him or they are just too scared of him since he's the CEO's son...future heir. Then one day maybe Happy or Rhodey and Tony are on their way back from R&D arguing over the future of sustainable energy and Tony is walking backwards, paying no attention to anything as he argues and just BOOM. He collides with someone rushing in from the other direction and it's pepper...frazzled and late for her final interview as an accounting lead because she got lost and now this man completely bowled her over sending her resume and recommendations etc EVERYWHERE and without even looking up she just starts going off, like really the nerve of this guy not paying attention and she just smacks his hand away from trying to help her and just gives him a piece of her mind and though she registers he looks vaguely familiar she HAS TO GO so she gathers her things and runs off and Tony is just stunned. Like. Stunned. But he smiles and looks at whoever like..."I think im in love." Luckily she forgot a paper and it happens to be the cover letter of her reume with her name so he heads off to Howards office on a mission and just barges in like "DAD. I need to find this woman." ... And Howard is in the middle of interviewing said woman. Pepper pales like WAIT DAD?! THATS TONY STARK?! and she thinks that's it her career is down the toilet but Tony is just HAPPY and practically begs her to be his PA. Howard is like ??? and Pepper even more so. But Howard carefully watches them interacting and Pepper bantering back with him like NO IM AN ACCOUNTANT and Tony just keeps laying on the charm but she just keeps being baffled but unaffected and Howard is just like...this is perfect...i can find a lead accountant anywhere but someone who cn tell Tony no? And she's more than qualified. So, Howard steps in and is like listen, you can take this accounting job and lead this perfectly respectable, organized, normal life...or you can really put your mind and skills to good use and be his PA. The choice is yours. And then he quotes her the salary to wrangle Tony and Pepper makes a choice. It's not love at first sight. Pepper is impervious to his charms at first. The first time Maria sees them interact isn't until the SI Christmas Party several months later but she has heard stories from Howard of how in just such a short time this no nonsense woman has managed to organize Tony's entire life.
Pepper goes with Tony NOT AS A DATE but because he is set to give a speech and she has to make sure he reads the cards and gives his toast but when Maria looks at them she just knows that they just FIT. Pepper reminds her of herself and even parts Peggy Carter. Strong and immovable but also kind and diplomatic. She eyes them all night and sometimes she catches a slight smirk on Pepper's face when Tony says something incorrigible or how she sometimes her eyes linger on his face when he laughs or is looking the other way. Same for Tony. And that's when she makes it her lifes mission to make sure that they get together. Even going so far as orchestrating a perfectly placed mistletoe that she can't help but point out when she goes to chat with them. Tipsy on just enough christmas cheer Tony dutifully bestows a chaste kiss to Peppers willing lips and they smile and laugh awkwardly about it but Maria KNOWS BETTER. From there it becomes her mission. "Oh Tony you should really be the one to attend the conference in Paris, this green energy tech is your baby and your father isn't getting any younger he needs to limit his travel." (Howard resents that remark but he finds the entire matchmaking scheme amusing and maybe Maria is right and he's older and ready to retire...at least from SI). And oh no the hotel is overbooked and Pepper and Tony have to share a hotel room and this somehow becomes a trend? This goes on for maybe a year or two at the most But the lingering glances turn to mutual pining and so much UST and THE BANTER. Everyone around them is just like OMG JUST KISS EACH OTHER AND GO ON A DATE. But Pepper has her morals and principles and Tony doesn't wanna violate that and part of him is kinda baffled that she would even like him like that because he is the exact opposite of her type despite how cocky he acts around her, and he wouldnt be Tony w/o a little self loathing of she could do better than me... Howard understands that. So Maria sends him to talk to Tony and they have a little bonding session and he gets Tony to spill his guts a bit and gives him the greatest creation speech and wipes away lingering doubt as to his worthiness and explains how he met Maria and went through the same thing. Maria offers her own advice too later. Then at the next Christmas party he asks Pepper to dance...and she's baffled but goes along with it and has fun but is worried about her image (sound familiar) but he takes her outside, confesses how he feels and she is stunned and still not believing but ahem there is a perfectly placed mistletoe again...hmmm..."You know the rules, Potts." he shrugs and they kiss...for real and the rest is history. The end lmao. They became way more detailed than I expected. Thanks anon. <3
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Cheryl//you can’t go through life trying not to get hurt
Request: So can I ask for a cheryl x reader where r does everything to make cheryl happy and just being supportive of her?
hey! i kind of got just a little bit carried away with this. but i think i pulled it back! i hope you like it! also, i know the title is an archie quote but i don’t really care because it fits and i like it! plus, they’re both red-heads so what’s really the difference? 
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- We know Cheryl hasn’t had the best life 
- Her entire family and everything to do with it is tainted
- So for a long while, she thinks she’s tainted to
- And when she meets you 
- On a rainy Friday night, sat by Sweetwater River
- With your hair plastered to your face and the brightest smile she’s ever seen 
- She knows she has to stay away from you
- Because anybody who can be that happy sat in the pouring rain 
- Is somebody too pure for her 
- So she turns around and heads back to her car 
- Deciding that if she wants to be alone, she can just do it at home
- But then she hears it
- Your voice
- So soft, but so demanding 
- And you’re calling her name 
- Her name has never sounded so pretty 
- Even if it is coming from a complete stranger, who’s staring at such a dark place like its the most beautiful thing in the world
- ‘yea-yeah?’
- Her confidence slips for just a few seconds and its purely down to the way you’re looking at her 
- Like she’s filled with magic and wonder and mystery 
- A mystery you’re going to solve 
- Spoiler alert...you do
- ‘come sit’ You pat the rock beside you and she glances warily between you and it 
- It may have stopped raining but that rock is still very wet and she’s wearing a new skirt 
- ‘oh come on. live a little’ Your eyes sparkle as you speak 
- She eventually concedes and sits beside you
- Now she just has to make sure she doesn’t give too much away 
- Never let anyone else in
- Its the mantra she’s been repeating for as long as she can remember 
- This time she’s going to stick to it 
- Spoiler alert...she doesn’t
- Because thats easier said than done when a pretty girl is asking her questions 
- Or just paying attention to her tbh
- So she asks you questions instead 
- ‘how do you know who i am?’ 
- Normally she’d be afraid of a complete stranger who knew her name
- But this time, she’s just curious 
- She wants to know who you are 
- Why you’re in Riverdale?
- How has a town so full of dark secrets and awful people managed to capture you?
- She’s expecting a long winded explanation about how you just moved from a big city
- Because lets be real, thats the only place she can picture you living 
- But instead you just laugh 
- Such a light, unexpected laugh
- And now she’s unsure of what to say 
- What do you say to that?
- ‘i know a lot about a lot’ 
- ‘wow’ She mutters 
- She couldn’t help it 
- She is Cheryl Blossom after all 
- She can’t been seen as anything other than a bitch 
- But when she see’s the flash of hurt in your eyes 
- She can’t help but feel even more like the worst person in the world 
- She mumbles a quick apology and looks at the river instead 
- ‘its fine.’ You shrug. ‘you’ve been through a lot’ 
- ‘how do you know?’ 
- ‘i just do. but you will be okay cheryl, and don’t worry, you could never taint anything. i don’t think you’re capable of even leaving a trace of something bad.’ 
- She really wants to say something 
- But what the hell do you say to that? 
- And when she turns to face you, hoping the right words will find their way somehow 
- You’ve vanished 
- For a split second she thinks you’re a ghost 
- Its not the first time she’s had full on conversations with the dead 
- But then she hears a thud
- Followed by a groan and a small ‘ow’ 
- And it makes her laugh 
- Like properly laugh 
- The first she has in a while 
- She watches you stand and give her an awkward wave before actually disappearing 
- For the rest of the weekend you’re the only thing she can think of 
- By the time Monday rolls around she’s determined to find you 
- It can’t be hard 
- You’ve got to be a new student
- And Betty gives tours to all the newbies 
- She’ll just ask her 
- Thats easier said than done though
- She tried looking for her cousin before classes started 
- She even came in early 
- But no luck 
- So she has to wait until lunch time 
- And that makes her worry 
- By lunch time, you could have been told literally everything about her 
- How her brother was murdered by her father 
- How awful her mother is 
- She was almost assaulted 
- She attempted suicide 
- And she joined a cult 
- Just to name a few 
- Riverdale High is a breeding ground for rumours 
- Usually created by her 
- But they spread fast around here
- When lunch time rolls around, she’s sure you’re going to know how much of a train-wreck she actually is 
- Despite all of that though 
- Something inside her wills her to ask Betty about you 
- She then goes on to describe everything she remembers about you 
- Maybe in a little too much detail 
- ‘she had sparkly y/e/c eyes’ 
- ‘and y/c/h hair that framed her face in just the nicest way’ 
- ‘and her smile...it was wonderful’ 
- ‘...right. did you get a name?’
- ‘if i got her name do you really think i would be here right now?’ 
- ‘che-’ Betty is cut off by someone calling her name 
- The sound of it making Cheryl feel like she can’t breathe 
- She knows that voice 
- Even Betty’s name sounds nice when coming from her 
- From you
- But hold on
- You’re hugging Betty 
- Thats way too friendly for someone you’ve only known for half a day 
- ‘hi cheryl’ Your wave is less awkward than it was on Friday night, but your smile is just as cheerful as you look at the red head. 
- Okay, now she definitely doesn’t know what to say
- Betty quickly puts two and two together and smirk appears on her lips as she looks between the two of you 
- She has known about your small crush on Cheryl for a while 
- So she decides to help you out 
- ‘what were you saying about y/n’s smile? it was amazing? no! wonderful!’ 
- ‘shut up betty. i think your boyfriend wants you’ 
- She’s practically shooing Betty away and she mutters something under her breath but walks away anyway 
- Once she’s gone, Cheryl turns back to you and just stares at you 
- ‘so, you go here?’ 
- ‘yep?’ 
- ‘how long?’ She really doesn’t want to know the answer 
- ‘as long as you have’ You don’t seem annoyed when she looks at you 
- The opposite in fact
- You kind of look amused 
- ‘how have i not noticed you?’ 
- ‘you’ve been pre-occupied I suppose’ 
- ‘how can i make it up to you?’ 
- ‘notice me’ 
- ‘i’ve definitely already done that.’
- ‘take me to pops then’ 
- She never wanted to do something more
- But she’s torn 
- She wants to say no. To keep you safe from her and everything that come with being involved with a Blossom 
- But the way you’re looking at her makes her knees weak and her head dizzy 
- So she says yes 
- And its the best decision she’s ever made
- At first you take it slow 
- She’s been hurt before 
- And she’s hurt other 
- But something that makes it easier is the fact that you already know everything about her 
- Even if you were in the background during most of it 
- She’s so excited to get to know you
- One of the first things she learns is how you’ll do anything to make the people you love happy 
- Especially her 
- She’s quite literally never met anybody like you 
- You’re just so supportive of her 
- Nobody has ever treated her like that 
- So at first she doesn’t really know what to do 
- But then she remembers the night you met 
- And how you were so kind to her 
- Even though she didn’t know who you were 
- And she slowly starts to get used to it
- In return she learns how to be more supportive of others
- Something her friends are incredibly grateful for 
- To the actual supporting/happy bit because I kind of got a bit carried away 
- Whenever she’s sad 
- Whether it be because she’s missing Jason 
- Her mom/other family members have made an unwelcome appearance in her life 
- Someone has been rude to her 
- Or she’s just sad
- You will do literally anything and everything to make her smile 
- Cuddles? Hell yeah! 
- She wants to stay in bed all day? That sounds like an amazing day.
- She wants to watch her favourite film/tv show? Definitely
- ‘where do you keep your dvd’s?’ 
- ‘what century are you living in? you know there is a thing called the internet.’ 
- She wants her favourite food from Pops? You’re already out the door 
- You’ll go for drives around town while she tells you stories of her and Jason 
- Or you’ll let her teach your archery or some other weird hobby she has 
- Plus, you’ll tell her all the stupid jokes you know 
- Usually she laughs more out of pity than humour
- But it still counts 
- ‘sure it does babe’ 
- And if someone has made her angry 
- It doesn’t really take much
- But you’re working on it 
- You are 100% behind her if she wants to ruin their life (in moderation) 
- You go along with whatever crazy plan/scheme she’s though of that week
- She wants to start a business? Where do you sign? This is the best idea ever 
- Steal something from somebody thats wronged her? Where is the best place to buy spy-wear 
- Create a little chaos? You’ve already got three ideas planned out you just need her approval
- Its not just silly things either 
- She decides she wants to go to therapy (everybody in this town needs it, including Pop). You’ll go with her and wait outside of every single session if she wants you to. 
- You usually spend the time googling how to help her (she just thinks you spend the entire time on Instagram) 
- She wants to properly cut off her family (with the exception of Nana Rose and the twins). You 100% support her if thats what she wants
- As your relationship grows, so does your support 
- She’s literally never felt more loved than when she’s with you 
- And you make it a mission to make her feel like this for the rest of her life 
- Spoiler alert...you do
support my writing! if you want! 
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