#I call dibs on working at the Shack
prettyinpwn · 2 months
Plot twist: the website is an announcement that Disney is buying a ghost town in Oregon, rebuilding it as a real life Gravity Falls, and fans will move there in droves and we'll all slowly lose our sanity together as Disney turns a fandom into a town of money slaves cherished friends where your salary is Disney bucks, only payable to Disney, everyone works for Disney, and no one ever leaves.
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messinwitheddie · 9 months
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[Over 10 Summerweens ago]
Nny "That's your plan?! Keep him trapped inside your mind?! That's a shit plan! You do understand that's a SHIT plan, right?"
Dipper "Until I come up with a way to destroy Bill for good, it's the only plan I have to work with."
Nny "How did you trap him inside your head in the first place?"
Dipper "It was a happy accident. Dib and I were playing with this interdimensional scope and he just slipped back in, BUT this time, I know how to keep Bill from fully taking over."
Nny "Dib doesn't know either?"
Dipper "NO! He doesn't need to know! No one else needs to know! The whole damn point is to keep Ill-bay Ipher-cay off everyone's minds! If no one brings him up, it's easier to keep him from jumping into someone else's head!"
Nny "And you believe staying doped out of your skull is keeping him trapped? Aren't you in college? How are you supposed to function like this? For how long?"
Dipper "As long as it takes. Whatever keeps him from terrorizing my family.."
Nny "I'm not exactly the best person to give out life advice, but speaking as someone who has dealt with my fair share of cosmic horrors, I'm telling you THIS is going to backfire. Worst case scenario, the horrors consume you and drive you to KILL anyone who is able or willing to help you. Unlike ME, YOU have a network of friends and family who can help you. You don't have to fight these battles alone like I did-"
Dipper "I'm trying to protect my friends and family. This is a demon we've fought before. Please trust my judgment."
Nny "Trust the judgment of a 19-year-old frat boy covered in pot leaf decals trying to trap a demon in his head with micro doses of LSD... yeah, no. NO-"
Dipper "Stop calling everyone who made it into uni a frat boy! I'm not in a fucking fraternity! And forgive me if I don't trust the judgment of a man who once choked a woman to death with the chord to his headphones because she flashed a dead tooth when she smiled at you."
Nny "It was off-putting!"
Dipper "Grunkle Stan thinks highly of you. I WANT to believe you actually WANT to be apart of this family and you wouldn't try to hurt any of us, but I'm not altogether convinced. You want to convince me?"
Nny *frustrated growl* "Goddamn you, Squee, I can't believe you made me care about any of this-- YES, sure!"
Dipper "Ok, GOOD! Then keep your mouth SHUT and your short neck OUT OF THIS. Will you PROMISE ME, for the sake of this family's safety and possibly all of humanity's safety you will never mention this to anyone in this shack EVER?"
Nny "Son of bitch... yes. YES. Yes, I promise."
Dipper "Thank you. Let's get back upstairs before someone realizes we're missing."
Nny "Yes, LETS. That portal thingy gives off big moose wall energy and it's turning my stomach."
(A continuation of this dialogue)
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regivapor · 2 years
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Omega111 was performing his daily tasks at the beach. Gathering plates and trash from tables, returning them to the kitchen, and washing or discarding them were what a busbot did.
It wasn’t a day he was typically there, but Dib had cancelled on their beach volleyball yet again.
Dib, the very same gholdengo he had rescued from an abusive trainer in Paldea…years ago. He had become partners with the beautiful coin entity.
However, Dib was very distant these days…. Maybe the memories of his trainer were weighing him down again? Omega111 decided the best course of action was to be patient.
The iron valiant continued to clear tables and get water for guests at the fish taco shack.
Suddenly, his audio sensors perked up with a familiar noise. A cute little laugh! It was Dib, for sure.
Omega111 felt a warm lightness in his core and rounded the corner to see his partner.
His LED eyes went wide and he immediately dropped the tray of used silverware he was carrying.
It was Dib alright. It was Dib and another, larger gholdengo…
The larger one was slightly darker in color and bore a permanently lusty look on his gilded face. Omega111 would have analyzed the situation differently, but it was obvious. The newcomer was very handsy; tickling and grabbing Dib wherever he wished. They frequently kissed and exchanged filthy sentiments…at least, Omega111 thought they did. The other guests seemed a little put off by the two gholdengos. Dib seemed very happy for the interaction, though…so The iron valiant did not step in.
He instead observed the scene and analyzed…
The warm, light feeling in his core felt like it had been snuffed quite suddenly. In its place was a painful, cold, dead feeling; like a power failure.
"Critical error detected in quark drive," the iron valiant said in his mechanical voice, "Running diagnostics…"
Omega111 continued to stare as his diagnostic systems worked.
"No error detected in quark drive Critical error detected in quark drive re-run diagnostics….no error detected in quark drive!"
The awful feeling began to mount and Omega111 wasn’t sure what to do. His coolant seemed to pulse with anxiety and he turned and rocketed his way out of the taco shack.
"HEY HEY! Yo bag o bolts? Where you off to?" demanded the tall regirock in the small white apron.
The rock creature turned to follow, but a small white tentacle stopped them.
"Lemme handle this, Gia…"
A short, curvy white creature with big shiny eyes looked up at the regirock as she carried a crystal crowbar.
"Oh all right, Zero."
Zero was well respected on the beach. She protected them all from attacks and provided a safe place to live.
The all white eletzytynn pursued the fleeing robot.
"Omega, hey…hey buddy…"
Zero was sort of watching as she ate dinner, but she didn’t want to assume.
"Critical error in quark drive, re-run diagnostics…no error detected in quark drive critical error detected in quark drive re-run diagnostics…" the iron valiant had paused under a tall palm tree and was repeating the same error message over and over.
"Omega, what’s going on, man?"
Omega111 turned to face Zero.
"Error detected in quark drive, upon diagnostic run no error was found."
"I see," Zero replied, "Do you know what brought on the error?"
"Observing Dib in a place originally no expected. He had given me false information about where he would be. Not immediately alarming, but found with new partner. No longer partners with Omega111. Critical error detected in quark drive!"
"Ah. You have what us fleshbags call a broken heart," Zero explained, "Not your fault. Gholdengos are nasty little ghouls. First they break your bank then they break your heart."
"I should have predicted this was occurring based on the number of times Dib was gone overnight times the amount of occurrences of Dib cancelling our meetings."
Zero sighed, "You just…really didn’t want to believe it was happening, okay?"
The pale eletzytynn reached up and gave Omega111 a comforting pat on his metal side.
"Hey now…how about I take you to the bar?" Zero offered.
"Excellent course of action. Durian Computers Genius Bar can perform advanced diagnostics and repair."
"I don’t think the Genius Bar can repair a broken heart…I meant a different bar."
"Alcohol will slow system functionality," the iron valiant informed.
"That’s the idea, Omega."
Zero wrapped one tentacle around the iron valiant’s upper arm and led him off toward the colorful lights and music of Sunset Beach.
"Once we get some liquid courage, I’m going to kick that gholdengo’s 24 karat ass…" Zero muttered to herself.
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thejadecount · 3 years
Okay so I’m obsessed with Crossover AUs nowadays
Because sure yeah they’ll never happen like you can’t have ghosts AND aliens AND demons in one universe with all those protagonists too much shit would be going on ALONG WITH COLLEGE
Hilda, Dipper Pines, Coraline Jones, Norman, Dib, Danny and Wirt
Hilda would be the friend of the group to just go off on adventures and try to befriend every supernatural/paranormal thing they run into and succeed with varying levels of success. She knows EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. You need an in with the local water nymphs? She’s your girl. You need help finding some magical super-important artifact you lost? Don’t worry fam, she’ll call up her friends and you’ll go into another pocket dimension (Hilda fans will recognize). Self preservation? Never met her. Like one day they’ll run into some super violent nature spirit or some shit and they’re like “and now I shall kill you for traspassing into my territory—HILDA?!” And Hilda’s just like “YO WHAT IS GOOD FAM?!”
Dipper is the one that freaks them out the most, even though some of them can see and turn into ghosts. He’s the witch friend of the group. He makes morbid, dark jokes, he knows shit that no one else does, after killing a nature spirit one day or something he’ll be like “don’t worry guys the first one’s always the easiest.” Having said that, he is also a huge paranormal and mystery nerd, and they all know this. They’ve been forced to binge watch Sherlock and Supernatural for what, 3 times now? Don’t let him get into your spices. It just anything, don’t let him touch your stuff. He’s like a toddler who’ll mix shit to make potions in the toilet except THEY’RE ACTUALLY POTIONS. He may or may not know a few demons, personally. It’s not like one possesses him time to time, no. And raising the dead? That was never a one time thing. Oh, and let’s just say law breaking runs in the family.
Coraline is just done with everyone’s shit. When she came to college, she wanted to escape the paranormal trauma and magical shit that went down in her home state of Michigan, and then she had to run into these idiots. However, they haven’t done anything particularly traumatic yet, and they do provide good entertainment value. So she’ll stick around them, she supposes, even if some of them really are just idiots most of the time. And don’t tell anyone this, but Wirt’s her favorite because he’s the only other brain cell in the group.
Norman? He’s just trying to survive the school year. He and Wirt are the only things keeping the other guys from accidentally setting the males dorms on fire. He’s the quiet one of the group, and gets along with everyone pretty well. Occasionally he, Danny and Dipper do go on ghost hunting adventures and let me tell you, what happened in the haunted shack out in the woods stays in the haunted shack in the woods. Even though Coraline and Wirt are usually ones with common sense, he’s the only truly sane one of the group. He’s the glue kinda. He makes dudes everyone gets along with each other. Just whatever you do, do not mention anything zombie related to him. He will not hesitate to start ranting about zombie movies.
And then there’s Dib, the Weird One of the group of weirdos. They all think he’s a little strange, especially with his tendency to get well…over passionate about things. Aliens. Conspiracy theories. Allegorical literary works commenting on society’s flaws like the Joker and the Lord of the Flies. They’re secretly considering to get him a therapist. And possibly a lot of ADHD medicine. But still, knowledge-wise? He’s the most intelligent and resourceful of them. You do not want to see the damage he can do with some tape and a paperclip. He also occasionally just leaves them to hang out with a fucking alien, so cool I guess. He has an obsession with fingerless gloves, black nail polish, bar earrings, literally anything and very thing edgy. He also knows how to do makeup really well for some reason (probably to fit with the aesthetic). Also, never give him sugar or caffeine past 12 unless you don’t fear God. You do not want to see this man caffeinated. Thank god he isn’t jacked or else they would go from seeing him as the weird one to considering sending him to a psych ward for everyone’s physical safety, even his. Also…he might be just a tad depressed? Just a little???? Something between him and his family—he won’t explain. But as previously mentioned, they should get him that therapist.
Next is Danny, the dude that can turn into a ghost. He’s the most popular out of them. He also is the only one who isn’t single. He’s the most chill one of them all, except when they go on their adventures—the action and fighting he gets into when he ‘goes ghost’. The rest of the group thinks he’s cool with his powers and stuff. Although one time he did accidentally get stuck in a door and they did in fact leave him there and laugh about it as they watched him struggle before finally helping him (and sending a pic of it to his gf of course). He and Dipper constantly get into mischievous, pranking shit with the other students and teachers. He’s also trying to push Wirt and Dipper into confessing their obvious feelings for each other because holy shit someone help those poor flustered men.
Finally there’s Wirt, the mom friend of the group. He’s constantly watching over the other guys and making sure they don’t kill themselves on the daily. He’s also the only one who knows how to cook good food instead of instant ramen and Mac n cheese. God give him patience, because how the hell have these guys not died without him? He also helps them with their English and History homework (usually just with the essays), because according to them he ‘has a way with words’. They all know his obsession with poetry, and they usually only mildly tease him for it. Although they all did get him collections of poems from his favorite poets several times as thank-you gifts so he’s not complaining. And even though he’s probably one of the more socially awkward ones of them (it’s either him or Dib they can’t tell) he’s usually being asked for advice with stuff, even Danny asked him romantic advice for his girlfriend. He’s also the only one who dresses decent compared to the e others when they aren’t doing anything important. With the rest of them it’s just jeans, leggings and sweatpants and lose baggy t-shirts. He’s the only one who wears sweater vests as well, bless his nerdy, inner-English poet soul. He’s also a bit sap for romance movies and novels. He also gay panics from Dipper. A lot. And vice versa. But these two will practically be ignorant to the end of time, God help them.
I really want to write a multiple one shot series (because I have very much learned the hard way that consistent multi-chapter plot and buildup is not my style) but I’m not even sure if I would be able to continue it still, because I’ve noticed a lot of oneshots series actually only have one or two entries in them.
What gave me the idea for these guys were two fanfics I’ve read on AO3, Dipper, Dib and Wirt are Roommates by nschimm (skullsulker) and Us College Kids by sirina77
Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. Who knows. At least if I decide to do a one shot series like this I won’t have to have a consistent plot with boring filler and constantly antagonize myself for not uploading.
I might just even post parts of it that don’t make sense without context and are out of order and leave y’all confused.
Who knows!
I just really like crossovers.
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joemerl · 3 years
Writer’s Month 2021, Day 5: “Secret”
Fandom: Invader Zim/Gravity Falls crossover
Word count: 880
Summary: Dib tries to investigate a paranormal hotspot. Unfortunately its residents aren’t making it easy for him. 
Author’s notes: Hopefully this will be a full-length fic someday.
Dib Membrane was used to frustration. He was used to people refusing to see the paranormal even when it was in front of their eyes. But he wasn’t used to people lying about seeing the paranormal. And after an hour in Gravity Falls, he was convinced that that was what was happening.
“Never mind all that!” a random townsperson said when asked about the events of the previous year.
“But witnesses said that the sky was red, only in a patch of sky right above this town! How—”
“Never mind all that!” the man insisted, then turned and ran away.
The same thing happened when Dib went into the local diner.
“Never mind all that,” the blue-haired waitress said breezily. One eye swiveled as she moved. “Now, what kind of soda would you like?”
“Classic Poop. But the town was completely cut off! My sources say that there were no calls, e-mails—”
“Power outage.”
Dib flipped through his notes. “Okay, but people who went to your town’s website, or even any blogs or social media accounts from people living here, saw ‘staticky videos of a weird, triangle-shaped cyclops laughing and speaking in ominous backwards messages.’ And any recordings of those messages went blank a few days later!”
“POWER OUTAGE!” Dib recoiled as the waitress put her face about an inch from his. Then she drew back and cheerfully left to get him his soda.
Dib marched out of the restaurant a few minutes later. He grilled random people walking along the street. He tried asking some kids younger than him. He asked a police officer. And each began with the same phrase: “Never mind all that.”
He might have believed that they were all just stupid, like the people back home...except that, as he was talking to one woman, a giant eyeball with bat wings flew by. Dib let out a scream and fell back, while the woman scoffed, swung her purse at it and grumbled something about “stupid pests.” Dib was still fumbling for his camera while it flew off into the forest.
While he was talking to the policeman, two foot-tall men in pointed hats ran by, working together to carry a large ham.
“And what are those?!” he cried, motioning as they disappeared into the bushes. “How can you tell me that there’s nothing weird about this town when—YAAAGGGHHHZZZ!”
“WHOO-HOO! Mad with power!” the police officer cheered, running off and waving his taser above his head. 
Dib stumbled over to a telephone poll and grabbed it for support. He blinked when he noticed the flyer attached to it. Then he snatched it up, rereading it thoughtfully.
And that’s how he found his way to the Mystery Shack, a small wooden building not far out of town.
There were a few other tourists milling around as Dib tentatively checked out the exhibits. A fake bear head with a unicorn horn. A fake Sasquatch wearing briefs. A stuffed jackalope, which upon close inspection proved definitely fake. A T-rex skull that might have been real, but didn’t technically count as paranormal if it did.
In the gift shop, Dib found a tall, redheaded teenager reading a magazine behind the counter. He grabbed a bumper sticker at random and slapped it on the counter.
The girl sighed and then, impressively, started to scan his purchase without looking up from her magazine.
“Hey. Did you enjoy the exhibits?”
“No. So,” Dib handed her a ten-dollar bill, speaking in a fake-casual voice that he hoped was leading, “you deal with the supernatural here, right?”
“I assure you, nothing in these exhibits counts as ‘natural.’”
“Right. Well—I’ve heard some rumors about stuff in this town.”
“Specifically, stuff that happened around here last August?”
The girl finally looked up. “Oh, right. ‘Never mind all that.’” She gave Dib a wry look, like this was some inside joke that she expected him to get. Then she slid his bumper sticker across the counter, along with a penny in change, and went back to her magazine.
It was her tone, more mocking than deceptive, which finally set Dib off. He pounded the counter, causing her to jump.
“You’ve got to be kidding me! You have a museum dedicated to the paranormal, but you still won’t tell me about the actual paranormal phenomena that you obviously know?!
“Do you think you’re being clever?!” he continued, now pacing back in forth in front of the desk, gesturing wildly at the air. “Every person in this town says that same thing! This couldn’t be a more obvious cover-up! And then I waste ten dollars on a bribe, and you still won’t cut me a break? You think I actually want this?!” He waved the overpriced bumper sticker in front of the girl, who continued to stare. “If you think you’re fooling anyone, you’re wrong, and I am not leaving this town until I uncover the truth!”
He ended by pointing dramatically in the girl’s face, then lowered his arm, breathing heavily.
A few seconds passed before she spoke.
“I go on break in five minutes. Sneak into the back room, and I’ll tell you what you want to know.”
Dib blinked. Then he gave a manic grin, grabbed his bumper stick and hurried in the direction she had pointed.
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Pick Up Lines
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary: Sirius has been trying to get Remus to admit his feelings for you ever since Sirius found out about your feelings for Remus. His methods, while annoying and a little cliche, produce wonderful results in the end
Tags: Marauders Era, Young!Remus Lupin, Swearing, Fluff, Flirting, Self-Loathing (Remus), Sirius Black: The Matchmaker, Use of the word whore(?), discussion of prejudices against werewolves (and associates of werewolves), Happy Ending
Taglist: @chewymoustachio
“Wanna go manage some mischief together?” Sirius asks as he slides onto the bench next to you for breakfast. You give him an odd look and wait for him to continue.
“Cause I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.” He finishes with a wink. James and Peter both laugh along with Sirius, while you and Lily roll your eyes. Remus, however, merely grimaces and you see his hands curl into fists. You were used to Sirius’s stupid pick up lines. He had been doing it for the last month or so after he had found out about your crush on Remus. Sirius was convinced that if he flirted with you Remus would get jealous and reveal his feelings for you. Unfortunately, it has been a bust so far. 
“Still no, though I must admit your lines are getting better,” you tease. Sirius grabs his chest in fake shock, making both Lily and you laugh at him.
“Any ideas of what we should do today?” Remus asks in a strained voice. It was a rare Saturday where there was nothing official planned. No Quidditch, no Hogsmede, and thankfully none of you had any homework this weekend.
“Well, I was actually thinking we could go down by the lake and practice our dueling.” You answer as you reach for some fruit.
“That’s a great idea! Professor Walker said we would be starting dueling in class next week.” Lily agrees with a smile.
“I got dibs on you Evans,” James says with his signature smirk. Lily rolled her eyes but gave him a quick kiss anyway.
“I call dibs on dueling Y/L/N! Unless of course, Moony wants dibs?” Sirius asks, wiggling his eyebrows at Remus suggestively.
“Ouch!” Sirius exclaims, jerking his leg under the table.
“You ok Sirius?” You ask.
“Yeah, Sirius, you good?” Remus inquires with an unusually sharp edge to his voice.
“Yeah, I just bumped my shin on the table,” he grunts shooting Remus a glare. The rest of you resume eating not noticing the glaring contest Sirius and Remus are having with each other for the remainder of breakfast.
“Alright, who wants to go first?” Lily asks looking around. You and Sirius volunteer to go first and you swear you see Remus throw Sirius another glare. But you shake it off, Remus was probably just annoyed at Sirius for some reason, Sirius did have a habit of pissing people off. 
It has nothing to do with you, you tell yourself.
Sirius and you got into position and awaited Lily’s command to start. 
“1, 2, 3, GO!” Lily shouts. Both you and Sirius start firing off spells and curses at each other. You catch Remus’s eye at one point and he looks ready to kill Sirius, you hope Sirius’s flirting plan is working. But you try and erase that thought from your mind. There’s no way Remus liked you, he just couldn’t. 
“Did you just use the stupefy charm or are you a natural stunner?” Sirius flirts after shielding himself from your stupefy. You roll your eyes but then you hear a growl and pause.
“ENOUGH!” Remus shouts and charges over to you.
“I’m in love with you!” He admits, throwing his hands in the air. He turns on Sirius, with a look of absolute rage covering his face. “Happy now?! You’ve destroyed my friendship with Y/n!”
“Moony I didn’t mean to-“ Sirius starts, looking immediately regretful of his actions.
“Remus!” You shout making everyone stop and turn to you. Everyone except Remus who refuses to look at you and instead keeps his eyes trained on his shoes.
“Our friendship is not ruined. I love you too Remus. I have for years.” You say firmly.
“I know, I know-wait-WHAT?!” He exclaims finally looking at you.
“I love you too, you big goof,” you tease walking over to him and cupping his face with your hands, forcing him to keep his gaze on you.
“You don’t mean that,” he mutters, shrugging your hands off and turning to walk away. No fucking way is he getting out of this. You were going to talk about this one way or another.
“Remus John Lupin!” You shout causing a few other students to look over before they look away again. Remus stops dead in his tracks and slowly turns to face you, eyeing you bewildered.
“Ooooh, Moony, you just got full named!” Sirius cackles.
“Watch Sirius Orion Black!” You shout back at him, making Remus smirk. Sirius shut up after that and he and the others walked off to give you and Remus some privacy.
“Remus, I love you. And yes I do mean it. I have been in love with you since our first year.” You say as you grab his hand in yours.
“Why don’t we go for a little walk? Get some privacy,” you suggest and he nods in reply. The two of you walk towards the Whomping Willow, where no one else was around. You look around quickly and once you are sure no one can see you, you transform into your Rabbit animagus and dart to the knob on the tree to stop the Willow from moving. Remus quickly follows you into the base of the tree and you release the knob once Remus is safely inside. You transform back into your human form and lead him to the Shrieking Shack.
“Remus, I mean it, I do love you.” You say once the two of you reach the main room
“Y/n, you can’t love me. You deserve so much better than me. I’m a monster…” he trails off, looking down ashamed.
“Remus, you are not a monster,” you reply softly. 
“Look at this room,” he says motioning to the rundown room.
“You are an incredible man. You are so much more than a werewolf. How can you not see that? You are a kindhearted man, incredibly brilliant, stunningly handsome, and so much more.”
“Y/n, you don’t understand. I’m a werewolf, our society is none too kind towards people like me. If you were with me you would face many of the same prejudices. They-they would say things, about you, about us-” you cut him off already knowing where he was going with this.
“Like werewolf whore?” You ask with an edge to your voice. 
After finding out about Remus’s condition you started researching anything and everything about werewolves. While werewolf relations had gotten better over the last couple of centuries, it still was archaic. Many people who were werewolves or associated with werewolves were discriminated against. Especially witches you were romantically involved with werewolves, many tabloids and bigots called them ‘werewolf whores’, amongst other things.
“Yes.” He growled, his hands forming into tight fists and his knuckles turning white.
“Remus, I don’t care! I know what they’ll say, I know what they’ll call me. And I don’t care! As long as I have you the rest doesn’t matter.” You shout and he jerks his head up to look at you, his eyes looking much more golden than normal.
“I care! I don’t want you to go through that. I want to protect you.” He growled out.
“It’s not just your decision Remus! It’s my life too!”
“I’m not about to let you throw your life away for me!” He roared, looking angrier than you had ever seen him, though you could tell it wasn’t directed at you. He was angry with himself.
“I wouldn’t be. Remus, I’ve been in love with you since first year. I can’t imagine my life without you. A life without you isn’t worth living. Who cares what others think?! What matters is what we think! What we feel!” You shout back, refusing to back down on this.
“I won’t ruin your life.” He murmurs, you can see in his eyes he’s close to conceding. 
“You’re right, you won’t. Because you’re going to stop pushing me away. Give us a chance,” you plead. Remus lets out a sigh and starts pacing and you feel the tears well up in your eyes. He’s going to reject me. He’s going to push me away.
“Are you sure this is what you want?” Remus finally asks, turning back to you with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Yes,” you whisper, he’s on you in seconds. His large, rough hands on your face as his lips crash down upon yours.
“WOOHOO!” You hear a familiar voice whoop. Remus and you pull apart, slightly alarmed at the loud noise. Looking into the hallway you find Sirius and James hugging each other and jumping up and down, while Lily and Peter try to calm them down.
“Sorry,” Lily apologized when you looked at her. She smacked both James and Sirius on the arm to get them to stop and sent them both bone-chilling glares. Those two are in for it, you giggle to yourself.
“So...you two, are you finally...together?” James asks after he breaks away from Sirius. You send Remus a questioning look.
“Yes, we are.” He confirms, tossing his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into him.
“Fucking finally!” Sirius exclaims launching himself at you and Remus for a bear hug.
“You’re going to take credit for this aren’t you?” Remus guesses after Sirius finally lets go of the two of you.
“I think I just might Moony!” He answers, a sly smile forming on his face.
“We’ll never hear the end of it will we?” You ask even though you already knew the answer.
“Never,” Sirius confirms, throwing his arms around both yours and Remus’s shoulders as the six of you walk out of the shack.
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angelliev · 4 years
Lover Boy - JJ Maybank x OC - Part Nine - Pogue Style
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Word Count: 3.1K
Summary: Aria has the time of her life with JJ and the Pogues. 
Warnings: Making out, explosions, implied smut, cursing, and the Pogues doing crazy shit I guess
A/N: I had a blast writing this one. I just love the Pogues and their chaotic energy. Sorry for not posting for a few days. I’m taking my time writing these parts and I’m still trying to figure out where I want this to go. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy! (Not my GIF. Credits to the owner. I don't own the show or any of the characters.)
Lover Boy Series Masterlist
I’m starting to believe that the past is actually coming back to bite me in the ass. It has been a couple of months of Jennifer being gone. She still calls me occasionally to see how I’m doing along with the family and everyone else. Lately, my parents from my understanding are giving her space. However, they’ve been arguing a lot lately, and when they’re not, they are avoiding each other. I couldn’t help but notice that my dad hasn’t been around the house lately, not that I’m complaining, but it has been making me suspicious. He’s been acting a bit weird lately. He works on the mainland, so normally he’s only here on the weekends, but now here’s rarely ever here.
Today was just another normal day around the house. I’m currently doing homework at the kitchen island, while mom is cooking dinner and talking to Damian. Everything was going just great until the front door slammed shut. All three of us look up in confusion. In charges a very angry Claude. None of got the chance to ask what was wrong before he plucked my phone from my hands and threw it across the room. The sound of a shattered screen could be heard throughout the house.
“What the fuck?!” I yell, which surprises me. Normally I don’t have the guts to yell at my dad. “You lying little bitch!” He shouts. “Claude! What is wrong with you?!” My mom yells. “She has been lying to all of us this whole time!” He shouts. “What the hell are you talking about?” Asked Damian. “I just got off the phone with the private investigator. He knows you dropped Jennifer off at the ferry. He’s seen the text messages between you guys.” His words make me freeze. Everyone’s eyes were on me.
“Are you kidding me? You hired a private investigator to find her? When are you going to take the hint that she doesn’t want to see you?” I spit. “I don’t care what she wants! And I don’t appreciate you going behind my back and helping Jennifer run away.” His eyes filled with rage. “For god’s sake dad, she’s a grown woman! She’s not obligated to live here! She’s finally happy! Just leave her alone!” I quickly gather my things. “You’re not going anywhere. You tell me where she is!” He follows after me. I sprint to my car and lock the doors. I jump high when his body slams against the vehicle.
“This isn’t over! Get out the fucking car right now!” I speed away leaving my dad yelling to the top of his lungs. That man needs some serious help. I pick up the cracked phone. My screen is completely shattered and the phone itself is barely working, much to my dismay. I wanted to call JJ, but that idea was thrown out the window, like my phone, so I just continued to drive towards the chateau hoping that JJ was there.
I pull up to see that the van wasn’t anywhere near the fish shack, but I was more than delighted to see JJ’s bike parked. I check his room, having no luck, so I go outside and follow the sound of music. I find him resting in the hammock, vape in hand, and blanket covering his body from the brisk air. “Hey babe.” I greet him, making his head snap towards me. “Hey, babygirl. Wasn’t expecting to see you. C’mere.” He made room for me and lifted the blanket. “You’re like the best boyfriend ever. You know that?” I snuggle into his warmth. He just smirks. “I know. You moaning my name already says enough.” I lightly smack his chest, before taking a hit from his vape.
“We should runaway together.” I suggest. This catches his attention. “Where did you have in mind beautiful?” I take a couple seconds to think. “Somewhere tropical. Like Spain, Italy, Greece or Monaco. I’ve always wanted to see Europe. We can have a little house on the beach. We can get that dog you’ve always wanted. Fix up that Chevy Camaro. Think about it baby. Wake up to have morning sex, then shower sex, make breakfast, surf all day, have beach sex, drive for a little while, have dinner, then end the night with even more sex.” I ramble on. This makes him laugh. “Someone’s horny. But that does sound nice.”
“Of course, it does. I came up with it.” I let the weed relax my body, enjoying the high. “What brought this on anyways?” He asked curious. “Oh, the usual. My dad being an asshole. Fucking threw my phone across the room.” “What crawled up his ass?” “He found out I helped Jennifer runaway.” I sigh. “How?” “He apparently hired a private investigator, fucking psycho. He’s such a control freak. She’s in her early twenties, if she wants to live in Boston, who cares? Hell, I just turned eighteen and he thinks he has complete control over me still.” I huff.
“I know the feeling babe. Trust me, once we finish school, we’ll be out of here before you know it. We can fuck each other all day with no cock blocking.” The two of us laugh. We let the time pass as we vape and kiss. The kissing soon escalated into a full blown make out session. His tongues slips into my mouth while his hands find my ass making me giggle. I let my hands venture under his shirt, feeling his nicely toned body. “Jesus shit your hands are freezing.” He shivers. “I can think of a few ways to keep each other warm.” I say suggestively, before connecting our lips again. He rolls on top of me, trapping me under him. He attacks my neck with kisses.
“Cool off you two!” A voice interrupts our session, along with a water gun, hitting JJ’s back. The two of us looks up to see the whole group of pogues along with Sarah. “When the hell did this happen?” John B asked, water gun still in his hands. “Oh, you mean the make out session? A few minutes ago.” JJ attempts to dodge the question. “Not that dipshit. You guys dating. How long has that been going on?” JJ’s face scrunched trying to remember. “Like since that get together at Charis’s.” Both Pope and John B’s eyes nearly popped out.
“About time you two came out.” Said Kie. The two clueless boys whip their heads towards her. “You knew?” They asked astonished. “Yeah, so did Sarah and Charis.” “So much for no secrets among pogues.” Muttered Pope. “Sorry to interrupt your guys’ dumbassery, but can I help you? We were kind of in the middle of something.” JJ interrupts. “As a matter of fact, yes. We were planning on doing some stupid shit. You two in? Or are you guys just going to sit here and bump uglies all day?” John B aimed the water gun at us. “Okay! We’ll join you guys! Just put the damn thing down.” We got up from the hammock. “That’s the spirit. Now, get it in the van children.” He smiles. “Spoken like a true pedophile.” Says Pope.
I think it’s fair to say that I was not expecting the day to go like this, but it’s better than going home. “So, what are we doing?” I asked still unclear what the guys were planning. “Well, for starters we’re hitting up the store, Kie and Sarah were nice enough to offer to buy food and drinks, and then the rest is a surprise.” Explains John B. “This should be interesting.” Says JJ. The six of us jump out of the van and stroll our way into the store, ready to terrorize the isles and poor shoppers.
We grab a shopping cart. Sarah jumps into it after calling dibs, earning a glare from the store clerk. We head straight to the candy isle, burying Sarah in M&Ms, Watermelon Sour Patch Kids, Kit Kats, Jolly Ranchers, Skittles, Pop Rocks, Twizzlers, Hubba Bubba and Snickers. “We’re overdosing tonight guys.” Smiles Sarah. We then grab a bunch of chips. Our next stop was the snack isle. John B grabs a shitload of Cheez Its, while Pope grabs fruit snacks. At one point, I had Kie on my shoulders as she attempted to grab a box of Gushers sitting at the top shelf.
“Welp, I think that’s everything guys.” Says Kie, motioning to Sarah, here head the only body part that’s visible due to being buried by all the junk food. “I can’t move guys.” She laughs. As we make our way towards the checkout, we spot Rafe, Kelce and Topper along with more friends talking. JJ gets this brilliant idea to grab the store speaker phone and disguises his voice before announcing, “Paging Topper Thornton. I repeat Topper Thornton. We have your order of extra small condoms ready at the front desk. Thank you.” We all rush to the check-out to pay for our things giggling, before Topper and his friends come to beat our asses. Once we reach the parking lot, we all burst out laughing.
“Did you guys see his face?” JJ asked wheezing as we loaded the groceries into the vehicle. “Maybank! I’m gonna kill you!” We look over to see Rafe, Kelce, Topper and the rest of the crew charging towards us. We all quickly gather into the van, barely escaping from the Kook death squad. “Yo, John B! Slow down a little!” JJ commands before grabbing a snickers and a condom out of his wallet, before opening the side door, to see Topper on our tails.
“Here man have a snickers! Oh, and here’s a much larger condom for you man! Don’t worry you’ll grow into it eventually!” He laughs chucking them at the poor kook. “Screw you dirty pogues!” He yells as we drive off laughing. This is way better than sitting at home. Together we laugh, sang and ate as John B drove us to the surprise location. After a while, we all grew impatient, wondering where the hell he’s taking us, as we look out to see we’re practically out in the middle of nowhere on the island. We finally reach a location, of what looks like an abandoned amusement park.
“Where the hell are we?” Asked JJ, who’s head sat in my lap. “Exactly what it looks like. The OBX Fair Grounds. It’s been abandoned for like over a decade now. It’s the perfect place to do a bunch of stupid shit.” John B smiled feeling accomplished. I must say it was definitely fun to have the whole park to ourselves and boy did we have some fun. Such as, climbing roller coasters that were definitely not stable, venturing into creepy mirror mazes, and drinking on the carousel, while playing a good game of Cards Against Humanity.
As of now, me and the girls are playing another round when the boys came back rolling a bunch of bumper cars. That’s when John B and JJ begin setting them at the top of this small hill. “What the hell are you guys doing?!” I asked bewildered. “We’re gonna race these bad boys down the hill. Winner gets a twenty!” Shouts John B. “I’ll squirt you guys on the way down!” Pope yells holding up the water gun. “I highly recommend you don’t do that!” Yells Sarah. “Don’t worry! Those bushes over there should stop the cars.” Says JJ. It’s at times like this where I wonder how I ended up dating a literal five-year-old. “That doesn’t sound right babe!” I yell. Kie just scoffs. “JJ! I think what your girlfriend is trying to say is that you guys are a bunch of fucking morons!” She yells.
“Fuck off!” Yells JJ, earning an eye roll for Kie. “It’s a miracle that men aren’t extinct, due to the stupid shit they do.” Says Kie, which Sarah and I nod our heads to as we watch the two boys situate their selves in the number carts. “On your mark. Get set…go!” The boys push their cars, speeding down the hill screaming. John B’s car begins to drift. “You’re gonna crash!” Sarah yells to her boyfriend. “No, I’m not!” Not even 3 seconds later, he crashes into a gate, earning a cackle from JJ. “Suck on that loser, better get that twenty-“ JJ doesn’t get to finish his sentence when his car crashes through what looks like a closed off booth. “Dumbass.” Mutters Kie.
“You guys okay?” I asked. The two just got up and whooped. “Let’s do that again!” Shouts John B. “Holy shit! Guys I just found a bunch of fireworks.” JJ grabs one and points at the booth. “Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s light these bad boys up!” JB yells as all the boys run back up to us. “Yes, John B. Let’s let everyone know that we’re setting off fireworks in the abandoned amusement park that we’re currently trespassing.” Kie said in a sarcastic tone.
“How about this, we’ll just set off one, and take the rest of them back home?” Pope suggests. “Those things are like a decade old. Do they even work?” I asked. JJ just smirks. “Only one way to find out.” He says and proceeds to light the rocket. We all stand back as the spark is close to reaching its end, only for the rocket to fall over, aiming for the whole firework shack. “Oh shit!” “Fuck!” “Run!” All of us curse and begin to run the other way. The rocket shoots into the direction of the shack, before exploding. It then sets off a chain reaction, making all the fireworks go off at the same time, exploding the whole firework tent.
The sound of the all the fireworks going off at once and the explosion makes me cover my ears as we all continue to run and scream, attempting to make distance between us and the explosion. It felt like a long time before the sound of exploding fireworks came to a halt. We decide to look back, only to find that the tent had caught on fire, along with some more standing by it. The black smoke begins to cloud the sky. All of us stand there in pure shock.
“What the hell did you do JJ?” Screamed Kie. “That wasn’t my fault! It malfunctioned!” He defended himself. “Guys, not the best time to argue! We need to get the hell out of here! The cops and fire department have probably already been notified of the explosion and fire going on right now! And we’re a ways away from where we parked.” Pope distinguished the conversation. “Let’s haul ass people!” JB shouts and no one hesitates to resume to running.
All of our lungs began to burn, sweat was beading down our bodies, and our legs were close to giving out as we ran across half of the damn park, before reaching the van. That’s when we hear the nearby sirens. “Everyone in?” JB and Sarah look back to make sure no one was left behind. “GO, GO, GO!” We all scream, the van’s tires make a screeching noise and all of us are thrown back as we speed away from the scene. All of us sit back as we try to catch our breath, adrenaline pumping through our veins. JB decides to take a different route, hoping to avoid the authorities.
“Holy shit. Did that seriously just happen?” I asked still in shock, I must be fucking dreaming. This is not how I thought my day would be turning out. “Hell yeah! Pogue style baby! That’s what I’m taking about!” JJ smiles and puts his arm around me. We all began to laugh at how crazy and ridiculous the whole situation was. Our moment is cut off by Sarah’s phone ringing. “Who’s that?” Asked JB. “It’s Charis. Hello?” Sarah puts her on speaker.
“What the fuck did you pyromaniacs do?” Charis’s voice could be heard throughout the van, making all of us giggle. “What are you talking about?” Sarah plays dumb. “I’m talking about that big ass explosion and smoke in the sky that everyone can see!” She shouts. “Oh that? That wasn’t us.” Sarah played it off all nonchalant. “Bullshit.” “Oh, c’mon Charis. Why would we be start going around blowing up shit?” Asked John B. “Why wouldn’t you guys start going around blowing up shit?! And why wasn’t I invited?!” We all started laughing at Charis. “Uh oh, I’m losing signal. I’ll call you back later. Love you. Bye!” Sarah hangs up the phone.
“Is this a normal day for you guys?” I asked. “Pretty much.” Everyone says at the same time. Damn, I should’ve started hanging out with these guys a long time ago. I have never had this much fun in my whole life. The whole way home we all screamed and sang along to our favorite songs, until we pulled up to the chateau. We all exit the vehicle, still pumped up, so we decided to start a bonfire. Despite the fact that we already started one.
We all sat around the fire roasting some hot dogs and marshmallows. I was snuggled into JJ’s lap, blanket wrapped around the two of us. He takes his roasted marshmallow, before smearing some on my cheek. I look up at him before smearing some of mine on his nose. He leans down and crashes his lips against mine in a sweet kiss. “Get a room you two!” JB throws a marshmallow at the two of us. JJ just gives him the finger. He hugs me tighter nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. “I don’t want you to go home.” He whispers placing a kiss on my neck. “I’m not going back home. At least not tonight. I don’t feel like dealing with my dad and his bullshit.” I yawn before taking a sip of my beer.
“You tired?” He asked. “Nah, the night is still young.” I yawn once more, making him chuckle. “C’mon, let’s go to bed.” He pulls me off the ground, wrapping his arm around me, my arm hooks around his waist. The pogues begin to make moaning noises. “Mm, JJ fuck me.” “Fuck! Right there baby.” “Harder JJ!” “Give me that Big J!” They all teased, earning another finger from JJ. “Night you horny shits.” He waves them off. “Night!” They all say.
The two of us, make our way to his room knocking into stuff, a little drunk. The two of us giggle as he picks me up and kicks the door shut before throwing me onto the bed. We throw our clothes off across the room. “I’m still kinda feeling the adrenaline rush.” He confesses as he litters my breasts with kisses. “Then let’s put that energy to good use.” I suggest, before biting my lip trying to contain my moan when he finds my sweet spot. “Let them hear babygirl. Let the whole world hear. I need to make sure they all know you’re mine.” He kisses my lips. “I’m forever yours.”
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shadowofthelamp · 4 years
Idea I had earlier today: college-age Dib with mentor Ford! Dib'd snap up that apprenticeship in a heartbeat if he didn't think Zim was his responsibility, so if Zim wasn't a threat anymore (he found out his mission is a lie, they’re friends now, he’s off in space somewhere, take your pick) and Ford started up research again after traveling with Stan and put out a call... Dib, who’s willing to do anything right now that his dad will technically approve of that isn’t working at the lab, snaps it up since Ford is a scientist with multiple phds and this is field work that could count as an internship.
Dip gets an excited call that Ford's found a new assistant, and then when he comes back to the shack to visit (probably over the summer, he’s working on his degree in spring/fall) he meets Dib. They hit it off and go on adventures together, both alone and with Ford since Ford obviously still cares about Dipper too but knows he's doing his own thing now.
Mabel's making coffee and sees Dib, Dipper, and Ford all huddled over the kitchen table, clearly having gotten zero sleep last night, and is just “Oh no, there's another one. GRUNKLE STAN WE'RE OUTNUMBERED'
“Don't worry sweetie, I've got a broom for if the goth one tries anything”
I kind of like the idea that Dib has a crush on the obviously-unattainable Ford first as one of the only good adult role models he's ever had, but Dipper likes him, and then Mabel manages to nudge Dib into realizing he likes Dipper back since he doesn't really Know How Friends Work. (Even if he’s friends with Zim at this point, that’s obviously a bit different since they started out as such rocky enemies.)
Dib’s like ‘he’s so cool!’ about Ford, Dipper’s ‘he’s so cool and mysterious!’ about Dib, and Mabel sees Dipper’s face and is just ‘oh boy, Dipdop’s gonna need help with THIS one, MABEL'S ON THE CASE’
Just throwing Dib at gravity falls where people would genuinely validate him is always nice, and giving him an adult who respects him as WELL as friends is just 👌
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socksual-innuendos · 5 years
New Vegas Companion Meme -- Contreras
Okay sure, he’s a canon NPC but I called dibs.
Link to the template here!
Name: Daniel Contreras
Location: Camp McCarran supply shack
How to obtain: Finished the quest Dealing With Contreras without turning him in to NCR.
Tumblr media
Art by @yesjejunus​
Companion Wheel
I think we should travel together: “Sure, just have me home before 9.” / “Yeah I think I got a lunch break comin’ up.”
Use Melee: “Are you serious right now?” / “I’d prefer not.”
Use Ranged: “Were you expecting me to use something else?” / “Yeah, that’s what I’m trained in.”
Open Inventory: “You still have to pay for that.” / “I ain’t a charity, kiddo, you’re not getting anything for free” 
Stay Close: “You’re not gonna hold my hand are you?” / (if the Courier is female) “You making a pass at me?”
Keep Distance: “Fine by me.” / “What, you don’t want to be seen with ol’ Contreras?”
Stealth: “Not exactly my specialty” / “You’re askin the wrong guy for this”
Back Up: “Yeah, I like my space too.” / “Oh-kay, damn. No need to be pushy.”
Be Passive: “No complaints here.” / “Good, you handle the fighting.” / “That’s all you, kid.”
Be Aggressive: “Yeah I’m gonna have to pass....no? Damnit!” 
Use Stimpack: “Aaah that’s good.” / “Shit you couldn’t have used that sooner??” / “Think I might need another one....or three.”
Wait Here: “I can’t just sit here all day. MPs seem me loitering alone they’re gonna start asking questions.” 
Follow Me: “Yeah, that was the plan.”
Send to the Lucky 38: “Alright, paid vacation!.” / “You know, an empty casino is actually pretty boring.”
Send Home: “Good idea, Boyd’s probably wondering where I’m at.” can be found in Camp McCarran’s supply shack
Injured: “Aaah SHIIIIIT!!” / “Fuck this, fuck that, and fuck you.” / “I told you I was a noncombatant damn it all!” / “This is outside my pay grade!” 
Death: “Goddamnit--” / “This wasn’t...part of the plan--” 
Aggression: not aggressive
Confidence: cautious
Assistance: helps friends and allies
Karma: neutral
Contreras has a starter perk that will be built upon depending on how the Courier handles his quest line.
Man About Town: Contreras has connections all over Vegas, taking him with you now allows you to access them! Some NPCs with shops will now allow you to access special items they do not usually sell, while some non-merchant NPCs now have an accessible shop.
Should the Courier convince him to be more careful and selective on who he does business with, Contreras will gain the Customer Loyalty perk.
Customer Loyalty: Regulars are the basis to any good business. Not only do you get special shops from certain NPCs, you now earn a loyal customer’s discount and can request that special items be ordered in bulk.
Should the Courier convince him that business is inherently risky, and that taking chances is just part of the job, Contreras will gain the Traveling Merchant perk.
Traveling Merchant: Barter checks are now easier to pass and earn better bonuses when Contreras is in your party. All vendor NPCs can be negotiated with, lowering their prices on items. 
Big Book of Science, or one copy each of La Fantoma and Grognak the Barbarian, or Programmer’s Digest
One 9mm bullet - a single 9mm bullet. Why does he have this? Why doesn’t he have more....(becomes a miscellaneous item when looted)
Half the amount of caps he had before recruitment 
Quests and Recruitment
To recruit Contreras, one must first complete his main quest Dealing With Contreras in a way that doesn’t get him arrested. After this, he trusts the Courier enough to take on larger jobs. Recruiting Contreras also starts his companion quest, as he will request to join the Courier on the strip. Because his quest is tied in with How Little We Know, the Courier must NOT have completed any of Troike’s quest line.
Note: To keep Contreras as a companion you must maintain some good reputation with the NCR. Anything too low and Contreras will say you are too controversial to be seen with.
Contreras can and will leave the party if his health drops below 50%. To re-recruit him, just go back his supply shack.
Risky Business
“It’s the worst kept secret that Daniel Contreras is dealing arms on the side, however no one really knows just how far his business goes. You’ve helped him in the past, and now he’s asking for your help again. Take Contreras to Gomorrah and talk with his contact.”
When the Courier talks to Contreras after completing Dealing with Contreras, he will ask them if they are interested in another, bigger, deal. If the Courier says no, they can accept the quest at a later time by choosing the “So about that job...” dialogue option when talking with him again.
If the Courier says yes, Contreras will tell them about his business in Gomorrah with the Omertas, and that his contact requested that he comes to talk with them regarding their last shipment. If the Courier has exceptionally good reputation with the NCR at this point, he will mention that being seen with them will make the operation look like a regular night around the strip. If the Courier has the Black Widow perk, they may flirt with him.
When the Courier agrees to help him, the quest Risky Business will be activated and Contreras will join your party. Upon entering Gomorrah, Contreras will stop the Courier to talk with them, telling them that they need to find Troike and where he can be found (he will be located in the Brimstone party rooms.) The Courier can ask about Troike, in which Contreras will reveal how Troike was blackmailed into being the shipment runner between Contreras’ operations and the Omertas. The Courier can question him further, or wait til they meet up with Troike, and learn that Contreras was recently contacted about their most recent shipment not coming in. 
Upon meeting up with Troike, Contreras will ask him what happened to their last shipment and that he doesn’t appreciate being contacted by clients with complaints. Troike will then explain that it wasn’t his fault, and that he’s been working on getting it back. He will explain what happened to the Courier, in which they can ask him more detailed questions about the Fiends responsible for the shipment loss. When the Courier exits dialogue with him, Contreras will then talk to them, asking if they can do him another favor, and that caps would be included for a job well done. The Courier can agree, in which How Little We Know will engage if it hasn’t been started previously, or they can disagree, prompting Contreras to get frustrated, or they can say that they will think about it. If the last option is chosen, the Courier can proceed with How Little We Know in any way they chose. Any option taken will prompt Contreras to leave your party and wait back in his shack.
If the Courier agrees to get the shipment back, the location of the shipment will be marked and they can retrieve it or destroy the shipment. If the shipment is retrieved, the Courier can return to Contreras and he will thank them for their help and give them a hefty amount of caps. If they destroy the shipment, they can lie and say that it was destroyed when they found it. Contreras will be angry upon hearing this, and say that Troike’s luck is running thinner with each deal. He thanks them regardless, and give a small amount of caps for the trouble.
Although the Courier can ask Contreras about his dealings with the Omertas after they deal with the shipment, the quest will not continue until the Courier learns that the Omertas are working with the Legion. They can then ask him if he knows this, to which he will reply that once the weapons are out of his hands, he doesn’t care where they end up, and that business is business. The Courier can either agree with him, saying that he is right to take any business opportunity he can get and he will reply positively, reassuring the Courier that even if he wasn’t giving them the guns they would still find a way to get them. If the Courier disagrees with him, saying that he needs to be selective about who he deals to and be more careful about where his supplies end up, he will get irritated with them saying that they’re the dumb muscle of this operation and not the guy in charge. If the Courier has completed I Put A Spell On You, they can use this as an example of why he shouldn’t be giving the Legion any advantages in the war. Contreras will hesitate before admitting he had sold explosive ingredients to Curtis a few weeks prior. The Courier can also cite Clanden’s plans in How Little We Know to convince him that he should be more cautious. Either option will make him reconsider his business practices. 
Depending on what the Courier chooses, Contreras will gain a new perk to add onto Man About Town. If the Courier tells him to play it safe, he will gain Customer Loyalty and will indirectly thank the Courier for helping him see his recklessness. If the Courier tells him that he should take business wherever it crops up, he will gain the Traveling Merchant perk and tell the Courier that he appreciates having an agreeable business partner. 
Ending Slides
Contreras’ ending slides are based not only on how his quest is completed and which route the Courier takes with Vegas, but also depends on how the Courier handled Clanden in How Little We Know.
If his personal quest is never completed…
He does not get an ending slide, however he will default to whatever the NCR does.
If Contreras is killed after his quest is completed
Contreras, feeling hopeful that he had found another reliable business partner was betrayed in the end. Though he had seen many people come and go through his business deals, he had only placed such confidence in few. The sergeant was found dead in his bunk, and investigations into his murder turned up his own betrayals. With no family to inform, Contreras was dumped outside Freeside, forgotten by his unit.
If the Courier sides with Legion and…
Convinces Contreras to be more careful about who he sells to...
and DOES kill or make Clanden leave
Contreras, falling back with the NCR, put in to be transferred further west. Although the eastern front of the NCR’s territory brought good opportunity in illegal trade, the threat of Legion outweighed any benefit. Knowing that he could keep up his work in California, Contreras continued to live comfortably as quartermaster. 
and does NOT do anything with Clanden 
The Omertas, working for Legion, had devised a plan to spread the NCR’s attention before the Dam battle. Contreras, getting one last look at Vegas, became one of the many casualties in an attack on the Strip. He suffocated in the streets, dying without ever knowing what role he played in losing the eastern front.
Agrees that Contreras should sell to anyone...
and DOES kill or make Clanden leave
Not letting the NCR’s defeat deter his work, Contreras continued to do business indiscriminately. With weapons now harder to smuggle, he focused his efforts on moving chem supplies to the fleeing Fiends. Not keeping their demands in check, he was killed in a raid by an upcoming gang, the Coyotes.
and does NOT do anything with Clanden
The Omertas, working for Legion, had devised a plan to spread the NCR’s attention before the Dam battle. Contreras, getting one last look at Vegas, became one of the many casualties in an attack on the Strip. He suffocated in the streets, dying without ever knowing what role he played in losing the eastern front.
If the Courier sides with NCR and…
Convinces Contreras to be more careful about who he sells to...
NCR’s annexing of Vegas and its surrounding territories created a new wave of clientele for Contreras. Although he sold contraband to many rioters and Fiends none proved to be too large a threat for the Republic, and in turn kept his side business moving. Contreras continued his work, earning enough caps to live more than comfortably. 
Agrees that Contreras should sell to anyone...
Following the Courier’s advice, Contreras continued to sell to clients indiscriminately. Eventually his recklessness had gotten him noticed, and due to selling NCR resources to their enemies he was charged with treason and executed via firing squad. 
If the Courier sides with House and…
Convinces Contreras to be more careful about who he sells to...
and DOES kill or make Clanden leave
Despite NCR’s loss of Vegas, Contreras’ business continued to thrive. Where weapons became harder to smuggle, chem movement was at an all time high. With Fiends and junkies no longer welcomed in the city, Contreras made his living off them, exploiting their addictions for a comfortable life. 
and does NOT do anything with Clanden
The Omertas, tired of living under House’s rule, had devised a plan to take back the Strip. Contreras, getting one last look at Vegas, became one of the many casualties in the attack. He suffocated in the streets, dying without ever knowing what role he played in their rebellion.
Agrees that Contreras should sell to anyone...
and DOES kill or make Clanden leave
Contreras continued his business in arms and chem peddling. Though he reaped the benefits of a larger clientele, they could not protect him from the consequences: over confident, he didn’t expect an assassin hired as a result of a deal gone wrong. Contreras was murdered in his bunk, and though his death caused alarm among the troops, he was quickly forgotten.
and does NOT do anything with Clanden
The Omertas, tired of living under House’s rule, had devised a plan to take back the Strip. Contreras, getting one last look at Vegas, became one of the many casualties in the attack. He suffocated in the streets, dying without ever knowing what role he played in their rebellion.
If the Courier makes New Vegas independent and…
Convinces Contreras to be more careful about who he sells to...
Contreras, falling back with the NCR, put in to be transferred further west. Although the eastern front of the NCR’s territory brought good opportunity in illegal trade, the loss of Vagas meant business opportunity was elsewhere. Knowing that he could keep up his work in California, Contreras continued to live comfortably as quartermaster.
Agrees that Contreras should sell to anyone...
Contreras continued his business in arms and chem peddling. Though he reaped the benefits of a larger clientele, they could not protect him from the consequences: over confident, he didn’t expect an assassin hired as a result of a deal gone wrong. Contreras was murdered in his bunk, and though his death caused alarm among the troops, he was quickly forgotten.
95 notes · View notes
insideoutstory · 5 years
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Inside Out → Chapter Five
summary: School turns out to be a special torture all its own after a tough weekend. word count: 5.1k warnings: n/a [ masterlist ]   [ FF.net ]
“You look better today.” 
Dustin was waiting in the driveway when Christine came out the next morning. She stuck her tongue out at him as she collected her own bike, which made him grin. 
“Mom made you lunch,” he added, offering her a brown paper bag. “Just in case your power went out last night.” 
“Power? You guys too?” 
“Yup. Killed everything in the fridge. Which sucks but means we get to have fluffernutters.” 
“Sick.” Christine took the bag, stowing it away in her backpack. “My fridge is still going, but I don’t say no to a fluffernutter.” 
“Man, brown outs are so lame,” Dustin complained. “Blackouts are fun. That shit’s exciting. Not being able to do some things is just dumb.” 
“Language, Dustin.” 
They set off together down the street. Dustin always pedaled faster than Christine, and had to loop around at every stop sign waiting for her to catch up. He’d tease her about being a slowpoke from time to time, but it was something they were both used to. They didn’t bike to school together every day, but the ride was nicer with company. 
“Did you talk to Nancy?” asked Dustin, pulling up beside Christine. 
“Nope. Did you talk to Nancy?” 
“Nope. I told you I wasn’t gonna say anything. You might think bards are all show and charisma, but my word means something. Besides, she was being a real jerk yesterday. I offered her the last slice of pizza and she just slammed the door in my face.” 
“Don’t take it too hard,” said Christine. “It’s me she’s mad at, not you.” 
“Why is she mad at you? She’s the one who kissed the guy. You should be mad at her.” 
“No, I shouldn’t. She’s my friend, and I love her, so I should be happy for her.” 
“But you liked him first, didn’t you?” 
“That’s not how it works, Dust,” she sighed. “You can’t call dibs on people. They make their own choices.” 
“Yeah, but I thought your friends are always supposed to come first.” 
It took her a minute to come up with a response to that one. Christine pushed down the remnants of her rage, and steeled her resolve. 
“They are. Which is why I’m not mad at her.” 
“You’re not?” Dustin asked, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. 
“Not even a little bit?” 
“Are you sure?” 
“One hundred percent.” 
“So if you biked up to the high school right now, and Nancy and Steve were sucking face in the parking lot…” 
“Oh my God, shut up, Dustin.” 
She flipped him off, and Dustin raised a warning finger. “Hey, watch your language! Your—Your hand…language. Shit.” 
Christine smirked at his fumble, and took the opportunity to change the subject. 
“Hey, Mike said the new ham shack should be in soon. He wouldn’t say if I was allowed to see it. You gonna put in a good word for me?” 
“Oh shit! That’s like today! Yes! Oh, hell yes!” 
Dustin spent the rest of the ride gushing about the new radio, all the features it was supposed to have, how much it cost. Christine listened intently, trying to focus on his rambling instead of the trouble waiting for her on the horizon. 
They split ways on the main road—Dustin going to meet up with his friends while Christine turned toward the high school. It was annoying having to weave through all the speeding cars of the upperclassmen, and she got honked at more than once for cutting someone off. Almost no one rode their bikes to school anymore. On the bright side, that meant she never had to fight someone for a spot. There was always space at the bike rack.
Christine kept her head down as she walked to her locker. No one looked her way, and there were no waves of whispers floating around her. She allowed herself to relax just slightly. Part of her had worried that after the scene she’d caused with Tommy, the halls would be echoing with the words “psycho bitch.” But to everyone else, it just seemed like another teenage party. People drank, people hooked up, people cried—and the world kept spinning on. 
She dropped her bag in her locker, and out of habit headed down the hall toward Nancy’s. She stopped short when she realized what she was doing. She hadn’t thought at all about what she wanted to say. What if Nancy flipped on her for bailing on the party? What if she really was with Steve, sucking face in the hallway like Dustin had said? 
Christine gripped her books tighter, and forced herself forward. She couldn’t avoid Nancy forever. It was better to get it over with and just move on with her day. 
Nancy was already at her locker, but thankfully, Steve was nowhere in sight. Instead she was talking to Barb, who was smirking at something Nancy had said. Nancy laughed, but stopped abruptly when she spotted Christine. She had to rush to cover her shock with a smile. 
“Morning,” Christine said, casually as she could muster. “What are we laughing at?” 
“Oh, nothing!” Nancy’s words were rushed, and Christine didn’t miss the side glance she shot to Barb. “Uh, hey! How are you feeling?” 
“Better. I was…pretty wrecked yesterday. Hungover, I mean. That punch was stupid strong.” 
“Right. No, yeah, I figured that was what happened.” 
“I’m sorry I bailed. I was just like…puking and nauseous and…” 
“No, it’s totally fine! I—I caught a ride home so…it’s cool.” 
They nodded at each other in silence. Nancy averted her eyes to the books in her arms, and Christine inspected a ripped sticker on a locker two doors down. But Barb caught her eye, giving her a painfully pointed look, and Christine struggled to bite down her sigh. 
“So. You and Steve. Congrats.” 
Nancy’s head shot up like a bottle rocket, her eyes wide. “No, no! It wasn’t like that. I don’t know how much you heard or—or what you saw, but it wasn’t like that. Really.” 
“Nancy, it’s fine.” 
“I mean, he kissed me, yes. And it was great. But it’s like you said, right? It’s not exactly a marriage proposal.” 
“Nancy,” Christine said firmly. “It’s fine. I’m really happy for you.” 
She wasn’t sure if the words sounded convincing. They certainly didn’t seem so to her. But Nancy’s shoulders sagged in relief, and Barb nodded approvingly. 
“I was just telling Nancy that she better not be too cool to hang out with us anymore. If she becomes friends with Tommy H or Carol, I swear…” 
“Oh, that’s gross,” Nancy scoffed, turning back to her locker. “Okay, I’m telling you it was a one-time…two-time thing.” 
Barb raised her eyebrows, and Christine laughed politely. It wasn’t as hard as she’d expected. Nancy might be lying through her teeth about the whole ordeal, but as long as she did, the venomous shred of hope in Christine’s chest still had a tiny spark. There was plausible deniability. Until, of course, Nancy opened her locker. 
A small rip of paper fell onto Nancy’s books, which she unfolded without a second thought. The big blue words would have been impossible to hide even if she’d tried to. 
Meet me. Bathroom. –Steve 
Christine’s tiny spark spluttered out. 
“You were saying?” Barb asked slyly, and Nancy flushed scarlet. 
“I—I should probably go. I might have left something in his car, or maybe he wants to…” 
“To ravage you before class,” Barb finished, waving a hand. “Go, Nance. We’ll see you in homeroom.” 
Nancy gave a nervous look to Christine, who luckily still had the polite smile stuck on her face. 
“Yeah, go. We’ll catch you later.” 
Nancy nodded, quickly collecting her books from her locker. Then she darted down the hallway toward the nearest bathroom, her excitement already beginning to burst through her face. 
“Well, that was painful,” said Barb, once she’d disappeared. “But nice job.” 
“Hey, I’m trying, okay?” Christine huffed as they headed in the opposite direction. “I know I should be supportive. I’m just still…” 
“Bummed,” she corrected flatly. 
“Well, it definitely could have been worse,” said Barb. She bumped Christine with her shoulder, gently knocking the shorter girl off track. “I just wish you two had done it over the phone so I didn’t have to witness it.” 
“I tried calling her, seriously. But after I called you, the connection just went completely out of whack. All I could get was static.” 
“Yeah, me too. My parents had the news on this morning? Apparently it was county-wide. Some people still don’t have power.” 
“Seriously?” Christine furrowed her brow, thinking back to her bedside lamp, Dustin’s fridge. “Power lines down or something?” 
“Well that’s the thing,” said Barb. “They’ve got no idea what caused it. Scientific anomaly.” 
“Great. That’s real comforting.” 
“For sure. Especially when my dad starting going on about the Russians.” 
They were two of the first to arrive for homeroom, and took seats in the back so they could gossip in low voices. Barb forced Christine to recount everything that had happened on Saturday, from Steve’s clever convincing at the movie theater to the disastrous party itself. It didn’t seem so bad now that she was twenty-four hours removed. It actually felt nice to get it all out. And as much as Barb had teased and egged on Nancy in the morning, she still offered a sympathetic ear to Christine’s complaining. 
For this, Christine was eternally grateful. She didn’t want to stick Barb in the middle of some stupid, petty fight. It wouldn’t be fair to her, not after all the times she’d put up with their daydreaming and giggling. At the same time, she knew it wouldn’t be easy. Especially when the final bell rang fifteen minutes later, and Nancy still had not joined them in class. 
“Alright, everyone settle down,” their instructor, Ms. Snider, called. “Faster we get through this, the faster you can get back to your lives. Gina Atwood?” 
“Ana Bently?” 
“Jonathan Byers? Jonathan? No? Alright. Warren Chadwick?” 
They combed farther and farther down the list, and Christine’s eyes stayed glued to the door. She was one minute late, two minutes, three… 
“Christine Walcott? Christine?” 
Barb had to kick her under the desk, and Christine jolted upright. “Uh, here! Sorry.” 
“Thank you, Miss Walcott. And Nancy Wheeler? Nancy?” 
Christine looked at the door, but it remained firmly closed. 
“Alright, then,” said Ms. Snider, clapping the front of the podium. “Announcements. Hawkins Elementary is still looking for volunteers to help in their annual field day. If you’re interested in that, make sure you stop by the front office to look at the sign-up sheet. If you’re not interested in that, may I remind you that it does count as extra credit toward physical education. So those few of you who are so keen on skipping gym might want to think twice. The honor society is also hosting…” 
A loud creak interrupted as the classroom door inched open. Nancy squeezed inside, then froze when she noticed that every single person in the room was looking at her. A few students giggled, but Snider didn’t bother quieting them. 
“Miss Wheeler. Thank you for joining us. If you’ll find a seat, so we can continue.” 
Nancy’s flustered blush was visible from the other side of the classroom. Her tousled hair was a bit subtler, as were her swollen lips. But to Christine they stuck out like stains on a white carpet. She gripped her pencil a bit tighter, grinding the graphite into a fine powder against her desk. 
After homeroom, Christine decided to change her strategy. She couldn’t avoid Nancy forever, but she could damn well avoid her for now. She hurried out of every class they had together, and used her queasy stomach as an excuse to duck into bathrooms wherever possible. She knew Nancy was suspicious, but there was little that could be done about that. Avoiding her was better than completely losing it in the middle of the hallway, wasn’t it? In the end, it would all be for the best. 
Christine could avoid Nancy to the best of her ability. But there were some things she just couldn’t run from. 
Steve slid into his seat just as the bell rang, his physics textbook in hand. Christine watched him out of the corner of her eye, but did not raise her head. The plan was to deny him the satisfaction of her attention. He had Nancy for that now, and Christine was putting her foot down. 
“Okay, people,” called Mr. Austin, propping his feet up on his desk. “First thing’s first, place your lab reports in the hand-in bin, and then back to your seats to read the intro to chapter eight. Lecture starts in ten.” 
“Reports?” Steve echoed. “We have…? Shit. Christine, did you…?” 
She wordlessly slid the paper over him, focusing intently on her textbook. 
“Oh, thank Christ. You’re a freaking angel.” 
She only listened as he scribbled his name next to hers on the paper, and hurried up to the front of the class to hand it in. She would not look up from her work. She would not, she would not, she would not… 
Steve collapsed back into his chair, peeking over at her book to check the page number. It even seemed like he was able to read a couple sentences before he got distracted. He ran a hand through his hair, and traced a few lines of the first paragraph. She watched his hand drift to the edge of the book, where his thumb stroked down the corner a few times. Then he reached over and tapped Christine’s page. 
“Hey,” he said softly, ducking his head to avoid the teacher’s gaze. “How are you feeling?” 
“Oh, good. Tommy said you ran out of the party on Saturday. I thought you might’ve been sick.” 
Steve’s hand flinched in the corner of her vision, but Christine ignored it. She wasn’t even reading the chapter at this point, just glaring down at the fine print. She was not going to look at him. She wasn’t going to do it. 
“Hey, did your power go out last night?” he tried. “My dad was yelling about the TV for like an hour. It was nuts.” 
“Yeah, wild.” 
She winced. She knew she was being short. But he deserved it, right? After everything he’d done, she shouldn’t care if his feelings were hurt. She should probably celebrate. Serve him right for… 
Steve reached over before she was prepared, brushing the back of her hand. It was just one finger, barely ghosting over her skin, but her body reacted like it was a thousand-volt shock. She looked up instantly, meeting his gaze. 
“Chrissy, you sure you’re okay?” 
He looked concerned, truly and honestly. And God, did she want to believe that he was. But he’d given her looks like that before. It hadn’t meant a damn thing. 
“I’m fine, Steve.” Her voice was feebler than she’d intended, which was infuriating. She snatched her hand away from him. “Seriously. Now look at your book and read the chapter before Austin gives you detention again and I have to write your notes on this too.” 
Steve gaped at her, eyebrows shooting up in surprise. “Wow. Bossy.” 
Christine rolled her eyes and went back to her book, prompting Steve to let out a low whistle. That, unfortunately, caught the attention of Mr. Austin. 
“Harrington, do I need to come back there and hold your hand through the reading?” 
“No, sir,” Steve replied, giving him a thumbs up. “Just read something super interesting. Sorry, sir.” 
Laughter rippled across the classroom, but Austin let him off the hook. 
Steve left her alone after that, for the most part anyway. Occasionally, Christine could feel his eyes lingering on her. On any other day, it would have been thrilling. Today all she wanted to do was burrow into the floor and disappear forever. 
As soon as the bell rang, she was out of her seat. She swiped her books into her arms all at once, grabbed her backpack, and rushed out of the door as fast as she could. It was easier to breathe in the hallway, away from the lingering smell of expensive cologne and hairspray, but only until she heard the footsteps rushing up behind her. 
“Hey, Christine, wait up!” 
She did not want to wait up. If it wouldn’t have caused a scene, she would have sprinted down the hallway like a track star. But she didn’t need that kind of attention. So she slowed down her pace to a normal walk and waited for Steve to catch up to her. 
“Damn, you’re in a hurry,” he laughed. It faltered a bit when she didn’t join in, but it didn’t stop him from continuing. “You heading to lunch?” 
“Alright, cool. I just wanted to know if you guys wanted to join us.” 
“You know, me, Tommy, Carol, a couple other people. I figured you could eat with us. You, Nancy, and uh…that other chick you’re always hanging around with.” 
“I can’t,” Christine said instantly. 
Steve stared at her. “You…can’t?” 
“Yeah, um…my fridge died last night cause of the blackout. Brown out. Whatever.” 
“O-kay? So what, you’re buying?” 
“No, uh…my neighbor packed lunch for me. She’s super sweet, and wanted to make sure I had something, but I have to go pick it up from her son at the middle school, so…yeah. I gotta go. Thanks, though.” 
He was still squinting at her, and she had run out of things to say. Without any real choice, Christine turned on her heel and fled down the hallway, cursing under her breath as she walked right out the door and into the parking lot. She didn’t dare stop. She walked all the way around the building and back into the school through a different entrance. Then she headed for her locker, where the lunch from Mrs. Henderson was safely tucked away. 
She twisted the paper bag in her hands, deliberating. Then she slammed her locker shut and walked in the opposite direction of the cafeteria. 
She didn’t really have a plan laid out. The only objective was staying as far away from her problems as she physically could. 
She wound up by the gymnasium. Satisfied that no one would come looking for her here, she sank to the ground, leaning her back against the giant tiger mural splayed across the wall. She fished her Walkman out of her backpack and slipped on her headphones. The smooth vocals of “Careless Talk” by Billy Joel filled her ears, and she cranked up the volume. On the highest setting, she could almost drown out the sounds of the basketball game going on inside. 
Christine opened her lunch bag, smiling morosely at the squished fluffernutter. She’d have to thank Claudia for thinking of her. There was no telling what kind of emotional trauma she’d prevented by giving Christine an out. 
The rest of the day stretched on, a war on Christine’s nerves. She’d had to bullshit her way through a conversation with a very concerned Nancy after lunch, explaining that Steve must’ve misunderstood what she’d told him. Her fridge hadn’t died. Dustin’s had, and she had to bring him his lunch because he left early for school. It was a much better lie than her previous one, but Nancy still didn’t believe her. That wasn’t a surprise, but things were still too awkward to push the issue. 
In fact, almost all the conversations she had with Nancy were turning out to be painful. They were either over complimentary to each other, or so short they were barely talking at all. It hurt, and Barb was clearly growing exasperated with both of them. At the same time, Christine found it comforting that Nancy didn’t know how to handle the situation either. 
It was a relief when the final bell rang at the end of the day. Christine collected her things and escaped out a side door, taking the long way to the bike rack so she could avoid any unwanted interactions. She even went the extra mile to bike to the middle school instead of heading home, just so she wouldn’t pass Barb and Nancy on the road. 
Hawkins High School let out about twenty minutes before Hawkins Middle, so she had to wait a while before the students rushed out. She finally spotted Dustin’s hat among the masses, where he was walking with Mike and his friend Lucas. She waved, but the boys were deeply involved in their own conversations. They didn’t notice her until they were right on the curb, and she cleared her throat behind them. 
“Hello? Earth to the Dungeon Squad.” 
All three boys jumped, wheeling around clumsily with their bikes. 
“Christine!” Dustin complained, laying a hand on his chest. “Don’t do that! And don’t call us that!” 
“Sorry. Dungeon People?” 
“Oh, ha, ha. You’re hilarious.” 
“Uh…hi, Christine,” said Lucas, smiling brightly. 
Dustin and Mike both rolled their eyes, and Christine contained her chuckle. 
“Hey, Lucas. How ya doing?” 
“Great. I mean—I’m cool.” 
“We’re not cool,” said Mike, glaring pointedly at Lucas. “And we were kind of in the middle of something.” 
“Yeah, you know,” Dustin added. “Places to go, people to see. Later Chrissy!” 
“Woah, woah, woah,” said Christine, watching as they climbed onto their bikes. “Where are you rushing off to? And aren’t you missing one? Where’s Byers?” 
The boys froze, and all exchanged downcast looks. Christine stood up a little straighter, inspecting them closely. 
“Guys? What’s going on?” 
It was Mike that answered her first. 
“He’s gone.” 
“Gone? Like, he skipped?” 
“No, he didn’t skip,” he snapped. “I said he’s gone.” 
“Chief Hopper came down to talk to us,” Dustin supplied. “Will’s mom can’t find him anywhere. He’s just…gone.” 
“Gone?” she echoed, again. “What do you…? When was the last time you saw him?” 
“Last night,” said Lucas, “after the campaign. We left Mike’s at eight.” 
“I biked home with him,” Dustin continued. “We raced to my house and then he kept going. No one knows what happened.” 
Christine bit her lip. She didn’t know Will very well, but he was a quiet kid. Not the type to skip town for kicks, especially without his best friends. And if the cops had come down to question them, it sounded serious. Her mind flashed back to homeroom, and the empty desk where Jonathan Byers usually sat. 
She did her best not to let the worry show on her face. 
“I’m sure he’s fine,” she said supportively. “And if he’s not, the police will find him. Hawkins isn’t that big.” 
“If he’s still in Hawkins,” said Mike. 
“Well…one thing at a time. Come on. I wanna make sure you all get home okay.” 
All three boys began clamoring at once, supplying various excuses and trying to inch away before she noticed. But Christine simply held up her hands, unfazed. 
“Listen, if Will’s really in trouble, I’m not letting you guys go off alone. You can talk on the walkies when you get home, but I don’t think you should be wandering.” 
“We’ll be fine,” Mike insisted. “It’s like you said. Will’s probably uh—completely okay. Nothing to worry about.” 
“And we won’t wander off,” added Dustin. “Cross our hearts.” 
Christine stared down the boys. Mike and Dustin maintained their poker faces, smiling innocently until she looked away. She zeroed in on Lucas, who was repeatedly adjusting his grip on his handlebars. After a few seconds under scrutiny, he cracked. 
“I don’t know, guys,” he sighed. “Maybe Christine is right. You heard what the chief said.” 
Mike smacked him, and Christine raised her eyebrows. 
“Oh? What exactly did the chief say, Lucas?” 
Both Mike and Dustin were glaring at him now. Lucas squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for the inevitable impact. 
“He made us promise not to go looking for Will.” 
“What the hell, Lucas?!” 
“Asshole. You are so whipped.” 
The arguing stopped abruptly, and the boys turned to stare at Christine. She stepped forward, and jabbed a finger at each of them in turn. 
“Listen up. I have had a really shitty day, so the last thing I need is to listen to the three of you arguing all the way home. I’m biking each of you to your houses, and if I find out you didn’t stay there, I tell your parents. End of discussion. Got it?” 
They nodded reluctantly, though Dustin was still giving her a pissy look as she hopped back onto her bike. 
“You’re crabby. If you had such a bad day, why didn’t you just go home?” 
“I made the mistake of thinking hanging out with you might make me feel better. My bad.” 
“Lay off, Dustin,” said Lucas, and he stepped up to her side. “Sorry you had a bad day, Chrissy.” 
“Thanks, Lucas.” 
“You’re way too good for Steve Harrington anyway.” 
Christine turned deadly slow toward Dustin, who already had his hands up in the air. 
“Lucas made me tell him!” 
“What? I did not!” 
“Yes, he did! I told you! He’s crazy about you!” 
“You’re dead, Henderson!” 
Dustin was off like a gunshot, Lucas right on his tail as they raced for the main road. Christine screamed for them to slow down, but it was no use. She huffed, sitting back on her bike, and Mike snorted next to her. 
“You still want to bike home with us?” 
“Nice try, Wheeler. Get pedaling.” 
They stopped at the Wheeler’s first—“stopped” being a rather loose term, as Christine barely stayed long enough to see Mike make it to the door. Then they dropped off Lucas, before circling back around to their own street to head home. Dustin whined obnoxiously as Christine parked her bike in his driveway, insisting on walking him all the way into the house in case he tried to make a run for it. Judging by all his complaining, it was exactly what he’d been planning to do. 
“Dusty? Is that you?” Mrs. Henderson came shuffling into the living room, one arm around her overweight cat and the other on her hip. “You’re late! I was getting worried!” 
“Blame Chrissy,” he scoffed, walking straight down the hallway to his room. “She wouldn’t let us bike home alone.” 
“Well, that is because Christine is the best babysitter in Hawkins.” 
“She’s not my babysitter, Mom! She’s my friend, and she’s annoying!” 
The door to Dustin’s room slammed shut, and Mrs. Henderson huffed. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him! He’s been so rude lately.” 
“It’s fine, Mrs. Henderson,” Christine said with a shrug. “He’s just worried about Will. All of them are.” 
“God, that poor thing.” She pressed a hand to her cheek, shaking her head. “You know, Joyce Byers called me this morning at wit’s frayed end. I can’t imagine what’s she’s been through. If it had been Dusty, I don’t know what I’d do.” 
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that. So long as he doesn’t climb out a window to go look for Will, I think he’ll be okay.” 
“What are we going to do with him?” she asked, shaking her head. Christine almost answered, but Mrs. Henderson lifted her cat’s face up to her nose instead. “Huh, Mews? What are we going to do with him?” 
Christine laughed awkwardly, taking a step back toward the door. “Alright, well I’m gonna head home…” 
“Are you sure, sweetheart? Do you want to stay for dinner? I’m making lasagna!” 
“No, no. No worries. I don’t want to be a bother.” 
“Oh hush! You’re never a bother, Christine. I can’t thank you enough for taking care of Dusty. You could even stay here for the night, if you’d like. I don’t like the idea of you alone over there, especially with everything going on.” 
“I’ll be fine, really. I’m not planning on heading out anywhere. Besides, if anyone tries to get in the house, I’ve always got my dad’s shotgun.” 
Mrs. Henderson did not seem to find that as funny as Christine did. She pursed her lips, and hugged her cat a little bit closer. 
“Alright. If you’re sure. But I want you to call me before you go to bed tonight. I don’t want to have to worry about you vanishing too.” 
“You got it, Mrs. Henderson.” 
“Christine, you’re nearly sixteen years old. ‘Claudia’ is fine.” 
“Right. Sorry.” Christine waved goodbye, but hesitated for a moment at the front door. “Claudia? Thanks for the fluffernutter. It…kinda saved my day.” 
Mrs. Henderson smiled. “Anytime, sweetie. I figured you could use it. Dusty mentioned you had a rough weekend.” 
“Ugh. Did he tell everyone?” 
“Probably,” she laughed lightly. “But it’s only because he worries about you.” 
“Yeah, well. I guess I worry about him too.” Christine bit her lip, tapping on the edge of the doorframe. “If you want, I’ll take him all the way to school tomorrow. Just to be safe.” 
“Ah! You’re the sweetest.” Mrs. Henderson placed her cat on the floor, hurrying over to Christine to give her a kiss on the cheek. “You’re like my own little angel.” 
“Yeah,” Christine muttered to herself as she stepped out onto the porch. “So I’ve been told.”
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messinwitheddie · 5 years
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Grunkle Stan "Don't mind him, goth Cheech. He's got himself worked up over finalizing the 4th book and a dozen other things. The kid's some kind of masochist."
Dib "I've noticed-- Holy shit! Grunkle Stan, is that you?! Or am I that high right now?"
Stan "It's me, genious. No one gets that high off pot. You and Dipper smoked enough of it in the shack to know that. It's good to see you back, Dib."
Dib "It's good to be back. I missed this place. We all miss you. It sucks you're dead."
Grunkle Stan *shrugs* "Meh. I was born a Jew and died an atheist. Neither believe in a afterlife, so fuck me, I guess."
Dib *laughs* "You were the best. It's not the same with you gone."
Grunkle Stan "I miss you too, kid. How's your little Wednesday sister?"
Dib "She's good; Gaz is working for an indi gaming company now. She's married, she's a mom."
Grunkle Stan "Damn, it's been that long, hu? What about your old man?"
Dib "Dad...is thinking about retiring. I might be taking over Membrane Labs in a few years..."
Grunkle Stan. "Mozel tov, kid! Good to hear. So this should be a perfect reunion. What's the problem? Why are you up here getting splinters in your ass when your friends are down there enjoying a fire?"
Dib "They look just fine without me from up here. I could have been a better friend to everyone. I could have been a better son to dad, a brother to Gaz and boyfriend to L'lei...I could be a better dad to Reg too, but I'm consistently NOT. I'm a peice of shit asshole; a waste of Membrane Lab's resources. I don't know why Dipper asked me to help him clear out this place."
Grunkle Stan "Because you ARE a good friend to him. Dipper knows it; he also knows how much this place means to you."
Dib "Are you really ok with him turning the Mystery Shack into a dispensary?"
Grunkle Stan "I'm just happy Dipper will bring in decent revenue to fund his wacky paranormal research.
Hey, to be clear, he never called you a peice of shit. NO ONE thinks that, so stop telling yourself that! It's unhealthy. It's counterproductive."
Dib "My ex and my kid think that. Dipper thinks that. They don't word it that way, but that's how they feel and they're probably right. I really am a selfish, synicle asshole peice of shit who can't make meaningful emotional connections-- and I make anyone who attempts to connect with me regret it."
Grunkle Stan "You made a few choices in your past you regret. That doesn't make you a peice of shit. It means you slipped up. Even the best of us slip up. Did you mean what you said? Did you learn your lesson? Are you going to avoid the same mistakes?"
Dib "Yes, yes I am."
Grunkle Stan "Okay, you're good to go. Don't waste precious time and energy on self-loathing. Trust me, it will suck away both and you don't get it back. That's my biggest regret; I spent a lot of time HATING myself because that was easier than making the effort to be someone I could sort of like. Am I making any sense?"
Dib "Yeah, it's just... I really don't know how to stop. I've hated myself as far back as I can possibly remember."
Grunkle Stan "Eventually you need to accept the fact there are people in your life who DO love you. They're the people you try to be better for.
You're not doing as bad as you think."
Dib "Thanks. I'm sorry I haven't come back in so long."
Grunkle Stan "Don't sweat it, kid. I'm proud of you for living life. Come visit one summer if you can."
Dib "Definately."
Zim 'Who are you talking to?"
Dib "Grunkle Stan."
Zim "What's a...? Nevermind. I was sent by your human friends to locate you."
Dib "I'll be down in a minute. You ok?"
Zim "I feel... out of place here. Nature and Irkens are not exactly "one" with each other."
Dib "You miss your Irken firends, hu?"
Zim "I have no Irken friends, wiseass... Can I join you?"
Dib "Yeah, no problrem."
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Pills (Chapter 15)
(1877 words 😄 ((much better)))
GIR and Minnimoose sat in the main lab. It had been exactly 2 hours since the Tallest had called and GIR had decided to just stand and stare. The silence was interrupted by Minnimoose.
"Wah?! Was zat?!" GIR squealed.
"My mi me!"
"Little Timmy fell down ta well?!"
"Mei gn wh me me ih!"
"Let's go save em!" GIR ran through one of the pipes in Zim's lab, leaving Minnimoose to her own devices.
The doomsday device floated around the room deep in thought.
"Me hi my meh mi" The creature mumbled to its self. A certain urge to protect her master as she floated down to the keyboard.
She typed using her short nubs. A combination she remembered Zim using whenever he needed 'help'.
'CONTACTING PRISONER 777' The computer beeped.
The screen fuzzed before the ashy skinned alien came on screen.
"What is it now Zim- hey wait you're not Zim... you're that... doomsday device I helped him make." He gave the moose a look.
"Why are you calling me?"
"Miu muy mh hnn mei!"
"Wait really? You want my help? With what?"
"Mm yh ehh de my!"
"A base shield? I guess I could do that... what for?"
"Mmm, my mei gu he meh!"
"Forget I asked."
The screen lit up with schematics for the shield and Minnimoose couldn't help but squeal.
"Uh, you're welcome."
Minnimoose then hung up and started getting ready to prepare the base.
Zim and Dib's situation was a lot different however. Considering the day was said to be pretty stormy by the look of clouds, they were pretty bound to the water proof tent.
Zim shifted uncomfortably.
"This tent thing is pretty close quarters don't you think Dib-human."
Said human rolled his eyes.
"That's cause the tent is ment for only one person Zim."
The alien crossed his arms.
"If you don't like it you can go back outside if you want." Dib suggested when suddenly a crack of lightening struck HARD causing Zim to jump and almost duck into his sleeping bag.
"HOW CLOSE WAS THAT?!" Zim paniced.
Another bolt struck the earth followed by thunder.
"1,2,3,4... well last one was 4 miles."
The alien before Dib was obvousily shacking but trying to play it off.
"Oh uh ok GOOD. Wait how do you know?"
"Oh it's a simple trick the internet taught me. When lighting strikes count the seconds until thunder. Every second is a mile between the lightening and you."
Another crack broke Zim and he bolted deep into the confines of the sleeping bag until only his twitchy antnnae were visible.
Dib couldn't help but snicker.
"It's just lighting Zim."
The boy could hear the soft soon to be hard pitter-patter of the rain drops on the top of the tent.
"Zim you're over reacting."
Dib let out a sigh. Today was going to be a long one. He dug through his bag and pulled out a smaller version of his computer and a hotspot. He firgured watching some youtube would be a great way to pass the time. He made sure to turn on incognito mode, just incase the Swollen Eyeball tried to hack in to his device and view him through his computer.
It was an hour later and storm hadn't let up a bit. The rain was hard and heavy and at times Dib could swear he could see Zim's shaking figure jump everytime lighting struck. Though Dib was sure it was the thunder he was reslly scared of.
Dib paused and typed something new into the search bar.
-que music-
When the music started playing Dib noticed how the aliens antnnae twitched in curiousity.
His shacking toned down a bit and he seemed to relax.
Dib placed his hand near Zim's head. The alien looked up at him though all Dib could see was his shiny magenta eyes. Slowly the gloved claw slid out of the sleeping back and accepted the human boy's gesture.
Dib couldn't tell you how long they sat like that. Every now and again Zim would jump at the flashing of lightening or the sound of thunder and grip Dib's hand just a little tighter and if this bothered the earth boy he certainly did not voice it.
It had to have been hours before the storm let up and when it did Zim was out like a light. Dib had no choice but to guess that exhaustion was a symptom of Irken withdrawal sense the Irken slept so much.
It was so strange to see Zim sleep. He always claimed that it was only a human weakness and that Irkens had no need for rest and yet right now that didn't seem so true. Funny thing was just because Zim was asleep did not mean his strength let up in the slightest, no doubt Dib's hand would be stuck in Zim's clutches for a bit and yet Dib didn't seem to have any problem with it. Not because he was concerned for Zim or anything he just didn't need that hand while he decided to watch youtube til Zim woke.
It was around 5 when Zim woke and crawled out of his sleeping bag. Dib was in the middle of a video of two guys blowing things up in slow motion. He didn't even notice Zim crawl up and sit next to him nor did he notice his hand still intertwined with the claws of that evil green alien he swore he hated to the moon and back.
He swallowed that warm fuzzy feeling and tried his best not to say a word when Zim leaned just a little bit on him to watch the video. If he was blushing Zim didn't comment on it.
He didn't even give any snarky or sarcastic when Zim asked stupid questions about the video though Dib was SURE it was only because Zim was sick and didn't know any better.
It was 9:34 when they decided to eat 'dinner' and go to sleep.
However instead of sleeping the two were wide awake laying in their sleepingbags.
They were looking at eachother, both had something on their mind though none knew how to voice it.
"Zim, I-"
"Dib, ca-"
The two boys ended up speaking and the same time and recoiled in embarrassment.
"I uh... you go first Zim." Dib spoke first.
"No no you go first." Zim insisted a light blue blush dusted his face.
"Uh ok I just wanted to say... it's perfectly fine if you're afraid of lighting. I used to be too when I was a kid. I won't hold it against you."
"Ha foolish human you thought I, ZIM was SCARED?!" The alien tried to play off but the series of awkward chuckles that followed gave him away.
Dib rolled his eyes.
"Anyways what did you want to say?"
Zim seemed to blush more at that.
"I was uh wondering if you uh could give me your flesh hand again. It a helps me sleep." Zim wasn't lying. When their fingers were interlocked Zim had his first ever good dream. No nightmare no nothing.
"It's called holding hands Zim and uh sure." Dib pulled his arm out his sleeping bag and reached over while Zim did the same.
With their hands now clasped together, Dib couldn't push back the blush. The alien in front of him curled up and did the cutest thing Dib had ever seen. Zim used his other hand and rubbed up his antnnae as if to clean it simliar to a cat licking it's paw and wiping it's head. Dib had to hold back a squee in fear of retaliation and Zim fell asleep before him.
Dib couldn't believe it. To think that years ago he was chasing Zim down the street with handcuffs and now he was practically cuddling up against the enemy.
Dib shook his head. He was only doing this to keep earth safe. As long as Zim was safe he'd go by the days on withdrawl normally, get his memories back, and leave. That was the plan and yet, any and all thoughts of such an occurrence made Dib's stomach turn.
Dib needed to get it though his head.
Until Zim remembered who he was he was the enemy.
Zim was sitting when he opened his eyes. The room around him was dark with only a singular light above him. In front of him was a table with what looked like blueprints to an Irken base of some kind. It took Zim a bit to realize someone was speaking to him in Irken.
'Zim? Commander?' Skoodge, the alien standing beside him snapped his fingers in front of his face tossing him out of his trance.
'Oh uh sorry must have lost track of my thoughts.'
'Well you better get them together. This is our biggest mission yet Zim.'
'I know I know it's just we lost a lot of good men last time.' Zim set his head in his hands.
'Every damn time we loose more and more. Either by death or worth capture. I saw what those horrible drugs do your mind Skoodge. Our army once stronge rebellious soilders reduced to mindless service drones.'
Skoodge placed a hand Zim's shoulder.
He spun Zim's chair so that they were facing eachother. The short Irken holding the other's shoulders now.
'You gotta pull yourself together. If we don't complete this misson and destroy those drug factories all those lost lives will be for NOTHING. When this war is over and we destroy every single one of those horrible pills there will be time for grief. Until then you need to keep your head up and guide us.'
Zim couldn't help but frown.
'But what if next time you die?'
'Then I die. You can't slow down just because I'm gone I know you're better than that. We WILL win this war and those disgusting control brains will receive their just desserts. The heels of our boots.'
The two Irken stood still for a moment before Zim felt soft tears trickle down his face just a bit.
'Oh Skoodge the Irken race doesn't deserve you.' Skoodge pulled Zim into an embrace. They stayed like that, just holding eachother and mentally preparing themselves for the battle that will certainly change their lives forever.
They pulled back a bit smiling at eachother then turned back to the blueprints and set up their attack on the factories.
'This has to work. They'll never see it coming.' Skoodge smiled.
'Those handmade bombs of yours good to go?' He asked.
Zim smirked.
'Oh you better believe it.'
They clasped their claws together an all too familiar feeling ran through Zim as they rubbed their foreheads together and chirped happily. They clicked antnnae and pulled back.
'Don't get caught out there.' Zim held Skoodge's cheek.
'I was just about to say the same to you.' They giggled and chirped together.
Suddenly Zim awoke in his sleepingbag.
(Aww so much fluff oh god so much fluff. I didn't think my edgy ass was capable of making something so cute.)
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littleplebe · 6 years
tfw you don’t write fanfiction for months and then suddenly you get this dream that you HAVE to share with everyone.
Steve checked the address on his phone. He shouldn’t have to. There was only one house there for miles. Even if Natasha had pinned the wrong location, there was no way they could barge into someone else’s house. This was it. A despondent looking uncared-for shack in the middle of nowhere.
Steve exchanged a doubtful glance with Sam. “You first.”
“You’re kidding me, right?” Sam exclaimed, raising his eyebrows incredulously. He pointed worriedly at the boarded up windows of the rundown shack. “We can’t stay here. The place looks haunted. I’d rather die than let myself be possessed by a demon.”
“What if it’s a good demon?”
He got the side-eye as response. “There’s no such thing as a good demon. Let’s just turn back.”
Steve laughed and poked his friend in the side. “Pussy.”
They stood looking at the house for another long second. Natasha had said it was a safe house. Sure, it was way outside of civilization. So it was definitely safe in that way. But what Steve was worried about was the interior. The house looked ancient. He didn’t want the roof to collapse on them while they were sleeping.
Beside him, Sam was grumbling under his breath. “Can’t believe we’re reduced to living in dumps. I miss home!”
Steve chuckled and clapped him on the shoulder. “Come on, bird boy. Let’s go in.”
“Don’t call me that, Steve. It’ll catch on!”
“Sorry to break it to you, pal, but it already has.”
They walked up to the front door, gaze alert and hands hovering over their weapons. Steve pushed at the door and was wholly unsurprised when it fell clear off it’s hinges with a loud crack, making Sam jump a foot in the air.
“Wonderful,” he mumbled sourly.
Steve bit his lip and focused on sounds, putting his enhanced hearing to use. “I don’t hear anything,” he murmured after a moment. “It’s definitely empty.”
“Of course it’s empty,” Sam said, pushing past him into the house. “Who’d willingly live here?”
While bird boy explored the place, Steve put the phone to his ear and spoke into it. “Hey, it’s safe. Come on down. Park the quinjet behind that clump of trees.”
Clint’s voice floated through from the other end of the line. “Aye aye Captain.”
“This room’s fiiiiine, my man,” Sam’s voice called from inside. “Dibs on the bed.”
“You can’t call dibs without all of us being here,” Steve called back, walking in. He looked around the small living area with interest, his gaze taking in the lumpy couch, ashes in the fireplace, and mold growing on the ceiling. As expected, everything there was coated in a thick layer of dust. Yet Steve couldn’t help but feel how lovely and quaint the place must have been back in the day when people were living in it. In another life, he could imagine himself vacationing there in summers.
A bunch of photo frames on the mantle caught his eye but before he could go and check them out, a deafening yell broke the eerie silence, causing Steve’s heart to almost jump into his throat. Without wasting a second, he whirled around and bounded into the room he had seen Sam disappear in a minute ago.
If you asked him now, he wouldn’t be able to tell you what he had been expecting when he ran into the room (probably a cockroach or a lizard; Sam was weirdly scared of bugs and reptiles) but it definitely wasn’t the sight of Sam Wilson standing on trembling knees, pointing a gun at the wall.
“What---?” Steve began, only to be cut off by Sam’s frantic shout.
“Look over there, man!”
Steve looked. There was nothing but wall. And mold. “There’s nothing there!”
“Steve! I saw her, I swear to---”
Steve would be lying if he said he didn’t let out an embarrassing yelp. A figure had popped up before them, literally materialized in front of their eyes out of thin air!
“Holy hell!” he cried, whipping out his gun and pointing it at the interloper, both men standing shoulder to shoulder as they faced off the unwanted person in their safe house.
Only... it wasn’t a person. It was a woman but wait... was she floating? And why could they look right through her like glass?!
“What fresh hell,” Steve heard Sam mutter beside him, while he himself could only stare at the apparition in total and complete shock. He didn’t know if he had ever encountered anything like this in his whole life.
The woman waved cheerfully at them. “Sorry, fellas, your guns won’t work on me.” She floated toward Sam, who gasped and leapt back. “Sorry, sorry, I was just trying to...” She bit her lip and turned her gaze to Steve. “Hey, guy? Guy. Your mouth’s open.”
Steve blinked and snapped his mouth shut. “How... whaa... who are you?”
The woman’s smile returned and she waved again. “Hi. I’m Darcy the friendly ghost. But you can just call me Darcy.”
Sam shifted beside him. “Told you the house was haunted.”
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criminaldaddies · 6 years
Choices: Part One (Hotch X Reader) / (Morgan x Reader)
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Title: Choices: Part One (Morgan x Reader / Hotch x Reader)
Request: Hi!!! I love your writing!! Could I request a Hotch X Reader X Morgan fanfic where you and Hotch are dating and he’s crazy about you. Then the reader is hurt on a case she’s working with Morgan and he realizes that he’s in love with her and confronts her. Panicked and confused, she tells Hotch and it leads to some harsh words and some bad decisions?? Smut would be great and feel free to change this anyway you would like! Thanks!!!
Pairing: Hotch X Reader
Triggers/Warnings: Mentions of gruesome crime scene and stabbing.
Words: 1,279
A/N: I love you and your kind words. Hope I did this awesome idea justice Xoxo
You yawned, trudging into the bullpen, lugging your go-bag over your shoulder. You scanned the office, seeing no signs of life but the beaming light in Hotch’s office behind the closed door. You sighed happily and jogged up to the door, knocking lightly.
“Come in.” His voice was deep and strict as always, but you could hear a hint of a yawn indicating he was as tired as you were.
You stepped inside the room, smiling sweetly at your boss. “Hey, ready for this?” You smirked sarcastically and he chuckled. Getting called in the middle of the night and flying out to wherever wasn’t exactly the better part of the job, but nonetheless it was part of it.
“Y/N, how do you still look so beautiful even half asleep?” His eyes sparkled with admiration. You giggled as you walked over to him, pressing your lips to his. He tasted sweet and you could honestly sit there with him all night, but duty calls. You tugged his arm, pulling him to his feet.
“Come on, we have lives to save,” you coaxed, dragging him behind you. He groaned in disapproval, “I wish my sleep schedule could be saved.” You laughed in agreement and pulled him behind you all the way to the conference room where you were greeted by Garcia, Rossi, and JJ.
“Well, looks like everyone’s going to be fighting over who gets to sleep on the couch,” JJ chuckled, examining you and Hotch’s exhausted faces. Garcia was eyeballing you and Hotch’s enclosed hands and smirking at you.
“Don’t even start,” you laughed, releasing Hotch’s hand to slightly push her.
“Are we fighting already? I mean I know it’s early, but damn.” You all looked up to see Morgan walking in followed by Reid.
“Just warming up for whoever we need to arrest. Son of a bitch is cutting into my beauty sleep,” Rossi shook his head in annoyance as everyone laughed.
Moments later, everyone had arrived and was seated at the table and Garcia began her routine of informing everyone on the situation. You were so tired you could barely pay attention. Something about a guy who’s killing women by slitting their throats and publicly displaying them. Nothing new for you guys honestly.
You all boarded the jet, Spencer calling dibs on the couch and, because he was so damn sweet, no one bothered to argue. You fell asleep in the soft seat, Hotch’s left arm loosely draped around your shoulders.
You were suddenly awoken by a shrill of a voice.
You rolled your eyes and dragged yourself out of the chair, nudging Hotch and tapping Morgan’s leg with your foot to wake them up. They groggily followed you over to the couch area where Garcia’s perky smile was on display on the laptop.
“Glad to see you’re all spruced up! Okay bad news, new victim was found in an outdoor mall. Body was stripped this time, but same slashed throat.”
You grimaced at the crime scene photos, sadness washing over you as you couldn’t pull your eyes off the screen. You felt a nudge to your arm and looked up into Morgan’s deep brown eyes. He gave you a sympathetic smile and nodded at you, understanding your current emotions completely. You nodded back, silently letting him know you were fine, not noticing JJ and Prentiss’s staring, eyeing you both curiously.
“Alright, when we land, Reid, Rossi, and I will set up at the police station. JJ and Prentiss, you two check out the old crime scenes while Morgan and Y/N will check out the new one. You all nodded in agreement and began planning in your groups about your next move.
When the jet landed, you and Morgan headed straight to the newest scene. Morgan pushed a pair of thick sunglasses over his eyes as he started the engine.
“Still sleepy?” He smirked. You didn’t even need to see his face to know he had that humorous twinkle in his eye.
“When am I not?” You sighed as the black SUV roared into action and you two raced towards the scene.
“What’re you thinking about?” Morgan’s voice made you jump as you averted your eyes from the body.
“Is it bad that the first word that came into my head was ‘Yikes’?” Morgan tried not to laugh at you, as it would seem unprofessional, surrounded by a ton of police and crime scene operators.
“Not really, but what’re you thinking about the unsub, Y/N? You didn’t forget our job is to profile right?” He couldn’t hold back a chuckle this time.
“No,” you spat back. You sighed, “Alright well this woman is obviously a surrogate for the true target of his rage. He must be getting closer to whoever she is because his anger is increasing.” You gestured to the stripped corpse. “He’s trying to humiliate her. Maybe the object of his rage humiliated him in some way. Maybe an ex-wife or girlfriend. What do you think?”
Morgan paused for a second, looking around the scene. “The murder weapon is obviously a knife, but I’ve seen that kind of slash before. Pops and I used to go fishing when I was a kid. It looks like a fisherman knife. Could be nothing though. We’d have to check the ME report.” He shrugged, clearly unsure of his own logic.
The team regrouped not long after you and Morgan left the scene. Garcia and Prentiss already had a lead on the unsub and, as Derek suggested, was possibly the local fisherman. George Martinez. Garcia had uncovered that his wife had recently left him, keeping her two daughters with her, and kicked George out of the house, forcing him to live at his dingy bait and tackle shack.
“Alright, let’s go, Garcia send us both home and work addresses,” Hotch demanded, eager to head out and bring George into custody.
“Already done, as per usual. Good luck my furry friends!” Garcia hung up and with that, the team split up, heading to both addresses.
You, JJ, Morgan, and Reid took the wife’s house while Hotch, Rossi, and Prentiss took the tackle shop.
The house was large and fancy in a more “out of the way” area. You pulled up in the SUV, guns at the ready and charged at the house. You stuck closely behind JJ, feeling nervous which wasn’t uncommon for you. It was dark now. The only light source being the dim porch light and the slice of the moon in the starry sky. You examined the surroundings of the house, woods on all sides. Looking back to JJ, you noticed that she’d gotten farther ahead. You moved quicker, trying to stick behind her when you were yanked back. You spun around, silently praying it was Reid or Morgan, but you knew they were in front of JJ.
George Martinez hadn’t shaved or showered in what looked like days. He had a scruffy, gray beard and a wicked, sick smile plastered on his dirty face.
“You’re cute…huh. Too bad I have business to take care of.”
You were too frozen in fear to scream out or raise your gun. But then it didn’t matter. There was nothing you could do as you felt a sharp pang in your stomach. You slowly looked down at your waist, seeing your white sweater beginning to turn a deep shade of red. The last thing that you heard was Morgan screaming at George to surrender before you plummeted to the ground.
You jolted awake to the sounds of fuzzy voices and low beeps ringing in your ears.
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dat-g-man · 5 years
A Haggar redemption with Lance sent to the past, kinda. Incomplete and spoilers if you have yet to watch the series.
LI have been thinking of a Haggar redemption idea where she hides her hHonerva side masquerading as Haggar trying to stop things from the inside. Unfortunately she realizes 1 it's too late and 2 she needs help. The black paladin (Shiro) is too compromised thanks to her and the red paladin is too rash. She wouldn't want to put so much pressure on the green one and knows the yellow one needs time to grow into himself before she can consider him, and unfortunately time is running out. The princess is not going even think about it as well as Coran. The blue paladin is her only option. Initially she isn't sure but the more she thinks about it the more he makes sense.
She just needs to isolate him to give him his mission. She won't be in the right mind set when she sends him back so she needs to send him with the proper tools. Upon meeting she is shocked when her magic reveals altean ancestors related to her. Now more than ever she is sure he was always meant to be a paladin and help her. The past altean ancestor allows him to undergo preparations with ease and their distant relationship allows their quintessence to resonate much more.
Lance is not sure at first but the chance to undo so much suffering wins out. Matts fake death hurt but it did not compare to the real thing. Neither did facing the robeast of Thace or the execution of Sam Holt. He agrees and Haggar whisks him away for his training. They don't have much time now that she openly defied Zarkon in orchestrating this meeting. She also has Voltron and their allies hunting her down so the clock is ticking quickly. 
She trains him as best as she can along with giving him all the inside information she can give him. They end up running out of time and rush sending him back. The rushing as well as distant relation resulting in him being sent back earlier than expected. They had agreed to send him back when the rescued Slav so that his memories wouldn't overwhelm him and Slav could explain it all. Instead, he ends up being sent after the Kerberos mission. 
The memories overwhelm him and it takes him a few days to fully assimilate/understand them. The garrison wants to send him to his family for down time but Lance refuses not wanting to fall behind. Thankfully Hunk is there to take care of him and provide support. Lance takes advantage of the downtime to start planning. His first step is to make nice with Keith and prevent his expulsion. Unfortunately he doesn't know what caused it the first time and endeavors to prevent it all the same and wait for Pidge to join.
He is successful to some degree. He is able to befriend a tentative Keith with Hunks help but he gets expelled all the same. They keep contact with him and sneak out to see him instead of going clubing like the last time. Hunk is happy for that and doesn't worry as much. Lance gets into fighter class and Pidge comes with it. They have just as much trouble getting her to open up but unlike last time they have a Keith to help them.They force Pidge to go with them one day and Pidge is shocked that 1 they are indirectly part of the same side (searching for the truth about kerberos) and 2 do not fully trusting the garrison. 
She starts crying because of how overwhelming it is knowing she wasn't alone in her belief and in her pain. With their help she can get more done and have extra pairs of eyes and covers. It is a little strange for her since she was only used to having her family as her support, but this might be nice. She also has fun hacking a garrison hover bike so that they don’t have to rely on Keith for transport in case he is needed elsewhere. Hunk helps modify it so that it no longer screams garrison property and Lance calls dibs on painting it Blue
They makes the usual plans and find the cave earlier. They just don't explore it which Lance is thankful for as that means his knowledge of events yet to pass remains unknown. He can’t explain anything now, but he plans to find the time. Hunk can already tell he is different but thankfully that ball of sunshine is incredibly understanding. 
The time for episode 1 comes and they are all listening in on Pidges radio. Keith is the eyes outside and has Hunk with him as back up. Lance is happy they became friends earlier since now they all have some sort of combat training. Lance still remembers the stuff from when he was a paladin but Keith trains them all up because of 1 paranoia and 2 he doesn't want them to rely on weapons to get out of tough situations. With the garrison as it is he is scared they might be detained. Knowing Pidges secret motivates them all to maintain it to the best of their ability.
As a result of this training they are all better prepared, but Hunk flourishes. He always had muscle but no control making him hide himself as much as he can to keep from accidentally hurting others. Lance never cared and knows how tactile Hunk is so he always instigates all the hugs and cuddles Hunk needs. Pidge calls her mom and gives her updates from the shack. She does not want to make her worry or make a connection the garrison can potentially exploit. When Shiro arrives the crew rescues him easily and out run the garrison on their tail.
They go to his shack after meeting at their rendezvous point and cover their tracks. The shack is where all their supplies are held so they want to make sure they do not lead anybody there. Any essential/crucial stuff is carried on their person so even though this mission was impromptu they did not leave anything of value or incriminating at the garrison. 
They treat Shiros injuries and his recovery is swift. They just want to make sure he will well as they take stock of their supplies and the situation. He is given the quick note of what he missed and Pidge being Katie waits as he processes everything. Plus he will figure it out soon.  
They are now ready to explore the cave and this is where i brainstorm because i have several clashing ideas fighting each other. I have 2.5 deviations. The .5 is canon with some modifications
First deviation! It would be interesting to have Lance as the black paladin, Keith as the red paladin, and Shiro as the blue Paladin. The idea behind it is mostly that Lance being part altean and Keith part galra are like opposite of their predecessors.
Second deviation(s)! Lance becomes/remains the red paladin. This one mostly has Lance being sad about blue and when they find red lance is like "ready to be my leading man" to red as he extends his hand. That one is split between having Shiro as the black paladin and having Keith as the black paladin. Lance being sent back inadvertently changed them all. They are not the same as their canon selves so I can see black paladin Keith being a possibility.
Some more changes this au features is thtat Hunk is still a ball of sunshine, but he is much more confident in himself. Part of it is Keith’s training and friendship along with Lance and Pidges. Pidge on the other hand is more opnen. She also has a lot of people to help bounce ideas off of. Keith also taught her hand tricks so all together she is sneakier and more creative. Keith is pretty noticeable in that he a ball of controlled anger that can appreciate a perfectly executed plan. His is not as reckless since he has his friends and surroundings to take into account. Lance has always been the leader of the garrison trio, so now it just extends to add Keith sometimes. When he ins’t leading Keith he is right beside him. Having lived longer he knows when to pull back. Still as stealthy as ever but knows his weaknesses. He also isn't afraid to seek help now.
Pros of non black paladin Shiro is that he is more approachable to the team. This will help them be there for him as Keith can be his only support for so long. Less duties would also allow him to better recover. That is not to say he won’t have duties, but that they will be shared as I see him being the second in command. It also provides a great opportunity for Shance as they would interact more, and black paladin Lance and blue paladin Shiro would have a great working relationship that would transfer over to personal.
When I started this idea I had Matt in mind for shipping. It has too many uncertainties to have a concrete ship but it seems like Shance and Heith are the way to go again. I can’t make up my mind yet on that but Lance is supposed to unleash his altean heritage, free Honerva from the zombie thing, meet Lotor and is so endearing Lotor makes his girls promise to protect him at all costs (despite the conflicting altean “saving” history), the girls also adore him so they are very motivated to protect him,they eventually meet Matt and Matt does the you are so beautiful to Lance, Shiro pulls Matt back and hovers over Lance, they dance around each other until they get together, defeat Zarkon, but there will be the blade! And my babies don't die this time, hopefully.
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Eff You, Mr. Eff - Part 1
The familiar sound of the front door quickly scanning and then allowing patrons to enter alerted Tenn to come from the security footage room upstairs. She had already set up the screens to broadcast each street from earlier yesterday into the current day at that exact time.
She waved from the top of the stairwell.
“Good to see that you all made it here safe. Brother Squee, Brother-in-Law Pep, and TAK are all on their way here. But in the meantime we can get started.”
She met them halfway down the stairs, she was in strategic soldier mode, her arms clasped behind her back and her head held high.
She gave small professional smiles to the two tall men and the red tentacled, dog-like creature.
“Everything is already set up for review.” She went on to list all of the streets up on the screen as she opened the door for them to come inside the security room.
“You can take your pick on which you’d like to station yourself to.”
“Down the line- There’s Grave Road, Maple Street, Obilivia Lane, Brighton Circle, Badger Road, Windhurst Lane, Aegis Street, Aligheri Street, and the Downtown area goes through a rapid cycle of certain areas, so that may become a bit disorienting, so just a warning in advance if you wish to take post there.”
Jhonen looked over the map. “Honestly I’ll go downtown. The city is there, and if Prince is like my Nny- most of his walks are through the city,” he said, looking over at the different stores and buildings in the area.
A beep at the door heralded the arrival of Tak.  “So what’s the set up?”  She paused.  “Actually, Squee and Pep are right behind me.  Wait a moment, would you?”
The duo came in, weary and cold.  
“Thanks for waiting, TAK.  Not like you could have held the door open.”
“She really couldn’t have - there’s bio-scans for each key card swipe.”
Pep grumbled.  He didn’t have to like it.  
“So what did we miss?”
Edgar continued, uninterrupted by the appearances. “I’ll take Grave Road, I trust that Jhonen and Tenn haven’t seen Nny personally, but Nny is fast and I’m sure things have been busy in their house anyway,” He stood in front of the screen where familiar houses stood in a row. Few cars went by.
Lil’ Shit shook their head.  
“Nᴏᴛ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ.  Gʀᴀᴠᴇ Rᴏᴀᴅ ɪsɴ'ᴛ ᴀ ᴄᴏɪɴᴄɪᴅᴇɴᴛᴀʟ ɴᴀᴍᴇ, ᴡʜᴇᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄɪᴛʏ ᴋɴᴇᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴏʀ ɴᴏᴛ.  I'ʟʟ ᴘᴜᴛ ᴍᴏɴᴇʏ ᴏɴ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀᴛ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛ - I ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ғᴇᴇʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ʟᴇᴀᴠɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ɢᴏ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ.“
“You misunderstand, Little Shit, was it? Edgar won’t be physically going anywhere. We’re just going to watch the screens.”
“No one will be going anywhere without a plan, okay?” She called over her shoulder as she went back to the top of the stairwell to wave the rest of the group in.
“We are up here,” she walked down to the middle of the stairs again, same militaristic stance as before, “TAK, Brother Pep, Brother Squee. Come with me.”
“Father Vee’s already surveying Downtown cameras, Edgar took Grave, and I still haven’t heard confirmation from Little Shit where they will be looking.”
“Maple, Oblivia,Brighton, Badger, Windhurst, Aegis, and Aligheri. Take your pick.”
“Let me know if you see anyone who looks like Nny. Sometimes cameras can skew appearances. Even if you see Nny at an earlier point of time, we still will benefit from that, retracing steps is important in this case.”
Jhonen nodded, concentrated on the screens. So far- he didn’t really see Nny….just a bunch of people walking around…he payed attention to each person who managed to pop up on the screen.
“I’ll take Maple.  It’s a major road, so the odds are high he’s gone down it at least the once, especially to leave the apartments.”
“We’ll take Aegis, Aligheri, and Windhurst - the amount of obfuscation that’s on those streets - it’s irrational to assign anyone else to them.”  
Squee nodded.  “Windhurst is the only street that ISN’T warped, but it rounds out the quadrant.”
Edgar had felt incredibly touched by Lil Shit’s offer of companionship. Although misguided, the fact that the service pet had even spoken up made him smile, “It’s alright, Lil Shit. I’ll be right here with you. Before any of us go anywhere we’ve gotta find Nny.”
Lil’ Shit looks to Edgar, still worried, but it dawns on them that A NEW PERSON, TENN, can hear them!  Despite the solemnity of the situation, their tail wags.
“Yᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴇᴀʀ ᴍᴇ?”
No.  Bad Lil Shit.  Concetrate.  Think about the options.  “…Bʀɪɢʜᴛᴏɴ Cɪʀᴄʟᴇ ɪs ǫᴜɪᴛᴇ ʟᴀʀɢᴇ.  I'ᴍ sᴜʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴍᴜʟᴛɪᴘʟᴇ ᴄᴀᴍᴇʀᴀs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴍᴏsᴛ ᴄᴇʀᴛᴀɪɴʟʏ ʙᴇɴᴇғɪᴛ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴍʏ INFINITE EYES.  I'ʟʟ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ Bʀɪɢʜᴛᴏɴ.”
Tenn loves dogs, of course being around five at once nearly twenty-four/ seven, so she smiles at Lil Shit wagging his tail.
She nods, albeit being a bit confused, it shows on her face, “Well a talking service pet doesn’t exactly faze me as much as any random person. I mean, you’re no stranger to my family and friends.”
“Good choices to you all. I wish you luck, I’ll be keeping an eye on the current monitors. I’ve set up an algorithm that should alert me should Nny appear in any current shot.”
Jhonen kept an eye out, Nny didn’t seem anywhere! However, what he noticed might have some clues of Prince’s whereabouts. In the camera feed, he noticed a pattern; a slight decrease in people. He saw people zoom by and then end up on the floor, knowing that Johnny was out there; the people on the floor were most likely dead. However, it’s tricky to catch, unless you really pay attention. So, Jhonen kept a watchful eye, hoping that the killer would pop out of the shadows.
Tak’s eyes widened, and she nearly moved her head to glance back at her adopted sister - but she restrained the impulse, never looking from her screen.
“Tenn, I couldn’t understand what Lil’ Shit said.  Never have been able to.  Squee, Pep, Dads, Todd, Edgar, Prince?  Yeah, they can.  I can’t.  Dib can’t -”  She cut off her trail of thought.  So how can YOU?
“Guys, I caught him going northwest from the apartments.”
Squee’s eyes widened in alarm, briefly glancing away from Windhurst to Tenn, then right back.  “Tenn- Tak- do you think it’s because of that THING that Tenn can hear them?  Also, still nothing on my end.”
“Nothing on mine.”
Edgar had barely ever interacted with Vasquez and Co., finding that seeing another Nny who was distinctly different from his Prince and also had been a source of much unintentional heartbreak wasn’t worth any get-togethers. He certainly hadn’t learned much about Jhonen’s alien daughter, Tenn, aside from when he gushed about her or Tak had mentioned something.
He was alarmed and quite frankly wary now that he knew Tenn could understand Lil Shit. It was just his nerves.
Instantly his attention was brought to the screen where he saw Nny come on screen, walking down the street. Edgar called for everyone’s attention. He watched as Nny seemed to pause near the old 777 and then… walk almost in a daze into the dilapidated shack.
He blinked almost non believing.
“He went into 777.”
Lil Shit was discomfited by the fact that Tenn could in fact hear them.  The rules regarding who COULD were pretty clear by now.  “I ᴍᴜsᴛ ᴀᴅᴍɪᴛ, ɪᴛ’s sᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ʜᴇᴀʀ ᴍᴇ.  Yᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ FEEL ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ sʏsᴛᴇᴍ… ʙᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ DO ғᴇᴇʟ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ.  Sᴏʀᴛ ᴏғ.”
It dawned on them what Edgar had said. “Wᴀɪᴛ - ʏᴏᴜ sᴀᴡ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇ? Aᴛ- Aᴛ 777?”  Lil Shit shifted nervously.  “Oʜ ᴛʜɪs ɪsɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏᴏᴅ - ᴛʜɪs ɪsɴ'ᴛ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴀᴛ ALL.”
Tenn didn’t have enough time to continue entertaining Lil Shit’s observation. She bolted over to Edgar’s station.
“That was recorded earlier today. Experience tells me that any Nny going to a 777 and not coming back out is not a good sign.”
Jhonen heard the commotion and went over to investigate. His eyes widened, he didn’t know Prince that well- but any Nny going into 777 was NOT good.
“Oh fuck.”
Tak bolted up, worry all over her face and demeanor.  “Edgar- He LEFT 777 for a REASON- the ghosts- they’re still there- aren’t they?”  Her eyes have nothing but fear in them - but not fear of Prince- fear FOR Prince.
“Fuck- Eff lead him there- and I hope I’m not right as to WHY - I’d rather the murders to what I fear.”
Pepito’s eyes widen.  “So for one: there are GHOSTS there. Two, they caused Prince to LEAVE 777, presumably for his safety.  And THREE: HE WENT BACK?” He gets out of his seat.
Squee nods. “Pep has a point - Prince is clearly in danger on two fronts.”
“Nny had told me when he was in the throes of the worst days of his life there were two doughboy entities. Obviously we know it’s the work of one. But there’s two different ones… one that he told me wanted to be alive and do things outside of Nny’s control and one that just wanted to end Nny and be set free of a physical presence. To serve a master. To serve whoever had a hold on Lil Shit… Judging by the circumstances.. that would make it be that it’s the former one… Mr. Eff. And I don’t think it’s fair to saw that he just went back. Obviously he was under some type of trance. We need a plan before we jump the gun, we have to expect the strangest and prepare for the worst.”
Tak shifted uncomfortably.  “I’m well aware of the… stranger things.  I saw the house when Lil Shit was a barely-uncontrollable BIG Shit.  …I’ve seen… some of the current situation, as well.”  She pauses, unsure of how much to say.  She glances to Jhonen.
“I’ll just say that I’ve seen an unmanageable Eff before.  We were lucky that the situation was what it was - both Jhonen and Nny.  It- we all would have died.” She goes silent.  “I’m scared.  I don’t think the way things went before will work again- not when Eff has the upper hand with territorial knowledge.”
“If you look in Prince’s post, there’s still parts of him there. He’s not entirely gone which can be used to our advantage. Obviously we all know Nny is incredibly strong and has only gotten stronger, despite the contrary being said by Eff. He’s holding on for us and he’s asking for help. However, I too fear that what TAK has done before might not be so effective.”
She looks to Jhonen, having only heard what happened with Nny and seeing the aftermath in the form of a scar, of course that was the work of Psychodoughboy and not Eff, but still, it was worrying to say the least. Tenn also knew some things, but just like Tak, she didn’t know what was in the open and what wasn’t.
Jhonen looked back at his daughter, and then spoke up.
“We should all be very cautious nevertheless, the last thing i’m sure we want is for Prince to cause harm to himself or others. We need a strategy, and a plan, so that we can approach the situation without getting too hysteric or too cruel. If we get out of line, it could get way more serious.”
Squee spoke up. “…Has nobody been looking at the newest post from Prince? ‘Into the house Johnny, It’s time to finish painting that wall.’ Lil’ Shit’s not IN the wall.  This seems like Eff’s getting revenge - or attempting to open a new cell that will never be created.”
“What does he have to gain then,” Edgar glanced in confusion to Squee.
“Just revenge? If a cell can’t be created… and there’s no master there… what is this thing’s end game? Could it really be that vengeful where it would just want Nny to kill for the sole purpose of… killing? He still kills.”
His brow furrows. “Unless.. Eff just wants us gone so that Nny is left with no-one… or even worse. Trap him in that house- isolate him until he’s right back where he started… In any case, Jhonen is right, we need to eradicate as many risks… and eliminate as much harm as possible.”
Lil Shit curls up.  This doesn’t sit right.  “Uɴғᴏʀᴛᴜɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ - ᴛʜᴀᴛ’s… ᴛʜᴀᴛ’s ᴀ D-Bᴏʏ’s ᴍᴏᴅᴜs ᴏᴘᴇʀᴀɴᴅɪ.”
“Doughboys are predictable, that’s about the only thing we can expect from them. Is that they want one thing and that’s to have control over something, whether it’s to destroy or self-destruct.”
Tenn taps her chin. “We still don’t have a plan…I don’t know if fighting is the right way to go, but knowing the doughboys… how they work… how things like them can make people into someone they’re not-“ She gives another much shorter glance to Jhonen, “We might have to. But if anyone has any other ideas say it right now. We need to hurry though… whatever we come up with, we need to implement it soon.”
Jhonen doubted there was another solution to all this. Unfortunately, it seems the thing infecting prince wasn’t just gonna let go if you fucking asked! He stayed silent, unable to come up with any alternative solutions.
Tak stood up.  “I’ll go.”
“I went in when THAT happened.  I went in when Lil Shit wasn’t so little and was quite nearly unmanageable.  I- I need to.  I can fight him off, use the PAK legs to get him restrained, then use my implant.”  And pray it works.
“For me, failure is not an option.”
Squee could only bite his lip.  He’d go, if only in hopes that it would take Prince’s guard down to see ANY Squee there - but he knew that if things got BAD - it would be back to step 1 with his recovery.
“I can’t go.  But I’ll keep an eye on the monitors?” he said, ending it as a question.
Pepito looked to his side.  Of course - if it came down to blows and the worst situation came to pass - no.  He couldn’t let that happen, couldn’t let his Squee see that.  “I can see about boarding 777 off from the rest of the world for an hour or so - even then, that might be pushing what I can do,” he admitted.
“I’ll go too. I shouldn’t have let this go on so long and I should have been there in the first place. I need to see he’s at least a little okay and I want to be there for him when he… I want to be there for him,” Edgar finishes with a sigh.
Lil Shit manifests several tendrils ending in various sharp objects.  
“I ᴀʟsᴏ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴄᴛɪғʏ ᴛʜɪs.  I ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ I ᴀᴛᴇ ʜɪᴍ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʜɪs ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ.  I ᴍᴜsᴛɴ'ᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴅɪɢᴇsᴛᴇᴅ ʜɪᴍ ᴀs ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴀs I ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ.”
Tenn gave a grim smile to the determined group, nodding.
“I would like to tag along, but only if I am needed. If there’s nothing I can do, or if you believe you have it covered then I won’t. I just want to help the best way I can.”
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