#I blame Rebel for this
fudgecake-charlie · 5 months
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"rebelle painter has an in depth brush engine to simulate traditional painting techniques" is all well and good until you only use your digital painting method. at least the impasto is really pretty
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carouselunique · 5 months
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They had a bit of a chance encounter on a day where Blueblood was dealing with something that was very difficult and was so caught up in his emotions he didn’t even care that he was in the garden getting grass stans on his coat and Ditzy, with her natural impulse to cheer ponies up, didn’t even notice or care that she was flying into the palace gardens when she saw someone sat in the rain.
At first he was definitely going to call the castle guards to come apprehend this strange filly with the odd eyes who was intruding when this was the last moment he’d want to entertain any desperate debutantes, however she surprised him by not fawning or anything, not even caring about his status, just putting one of her fluffy wings up and asking if he needed somepony to lend an ear.
“Don’t let my eyes fool you, my ears work just fine!”
She was incredibly disarming and while he didn’t reveal everything about why he was upset, he found himself talking about his feelings to her. And she made such cheerful remarks, and was very comforting. In the end, he felt better and she came to check on him the next day, even sharing a blueberry muffin with him. He remarked that he’d never seen her around before, and that he wouldn’t mind terribly seeing her more often.
The rest, as they say, is history.
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stealingpotatoes · 10 months
hayo I just want to say your art convinced me to watch rebels and I just finished THAT episode in session 4 and while I knew it was coming the minute he cut off his hair I’m still distraught over it and currently blame you for my grief (affectionate)
no he's literally fine. see look here's a real image of him getting back from the mission safe and telling his wife he loves her
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irafook · 9 months
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Looking at my OTPs like. Ah yes. The Chosen/Honored One and their cult leader boyfriend. That might be a pattern here after all.
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a-7829 · 5 months
Hello. I am A-7829.
//@jayreesepurple @blinky-boy @its-izaak @eddiethebanished420 @anyone else!
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blueaphelion · 1 year
Idk why I expected Ezra to somehow still be wearing the old and tattered remains of the same outfit we last saw him in from the 3rd and 4th seasons of Rebels, lmao.
But I’m digging his new threads. Looks like maybe he’s wearing some Dathomiri clothing, whether stolen or gifted. (Stolen with the help of his new lil alien friends is how I’ll headcanon that until proven otherwise lol)
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carcasstohounds · 1 year
ok so like i’ve seen a few posts blaming mira and ephraim for what happened to ezra and i think that is. a weird take. anyway my personally belief is that tzeebo wasn’t their only plan for ezra if they were taken because they feel like the kind of people to have a network of allies if the goddamn governer of lothal was their friend. i also imagine that they weren’t the only people taken by the empire that night or afterwards, because i feel like it’s implied that they weren’t the only people speaking out against the empire? so like, they probably had a network of people to take care of ezra if something happened but that network dissolved due to arrests, people fleeing, etc etc until there was no way for anyone to find ezra or for ezra to find anyone else and then he was on his own and it was no one’s fault but the empire.
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illuminatedquill · 11 months
Sabine Wren
Short Cuts
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Story Summary: A short series of scenes featuring Sabine Wren occurring throughout the first season of Ahsoka that help fill in the narrative gaps left by the hat man (Sabezra focused, of course).
Author's Note: I was super bored at work today and came up with some more headcanons for stuff that should have happened during Ahsoka. Enjoy.
One Last Thing Before I Go
Sabine Wren x Ryder Azadi
(Takes place near the end of Ahsoka 1x02, Toil and Trouble. Sabine visits Governor Azadi to ask for some last favors before she leaves.)
The intercom on Governor Azadi's desk chirped, signaling an incoming message from his secretary. He clicked the channel open.
"Azadi here. Go ahead," he said, scribbling away on some forms.
"There is a Sabine Wren here for you, Governor."
Ah, he thought. Decision time.
"Send her up, please," he replied.
His secretary, sounding flustered, said, "She, uh - never mind, she's already on her way to see you, sir."
Azadi sighed. "Of course she is." Formal decorum never was Sabine's style.
The doors to his office hissed open - and a Mandalorian walked in.
Azadi's eyebrows climbed up his forehead in surprise until he recognized the familiar color scheme. Few Mandalorians painted their armor in such a vivid array of colors.
In fact, he knew only one.
A slow smile spread across his face. "Well, well," he drawled. "Don't you look spiffy."
The Mandalorian took off her helmet, revealing Sabine Wren - with a freshly shorn haircut. She had on a cocky grin and her eyes glinted with fierce determination.
Azadi felt his heart soar. Now that's the Sabine I remember, he thought.
"Still fits," she replied, showing off her armor.
"That it does," Azadi agreed. "I take it this means you're partnering up with Ahsoka again?"
"Yeah. We'll be on our way, shortly."
"Good, good." Azadi was in disbelief of Sabine's involvement when Ahsoka showed up and told him of her plans to ask for her help - until she revealed what was at stake.
Or rather, who was at stake.
"And your wound? It's not bothering you?" he asked.
Sabine reached down to her abdomen almost instinctively. "What, this? Nah, it's fine. All good to go," she said, dismissively.
Azadi snorted. "You were stabbed by a lightsaber, Sabine. Not very many people just walk that injury off."
She shrugged. "It's fine, Ryder." Her eyes flashed, dangerously. "I plan to pay it back, don't worry."
"Glad to hear it," Azadi said, firmly. "Anything else I can do for you before leaving?"
Sabine reached up and rubbed the back of her neck - a nervous gesture that sent a mysterious sharp pang of nostalgia through Azadi.
So familiar . . .
"Yeah, if that's alright with you."
"Of course. Name it."
Sabine looked at him. "First - I need someone to feed my loth-cat, Murley."
Azadi blinked. "You want - what?"
"Someone needs to feed my loth-cat. Twice a day. And probably play with him, too."
Azadi blinked again. "And . . . who do you have in mind for that?"
Sabine tapped a finger on her chin and smirked. "You could send one of those hotshot pilots you had chasing me down the speed-way the other day."
Azadi rolled his eyes. "You want me to use military resources to feed your cat."
"Yeah. If that isn't too hard for them."
"Sabine," replied Azadi, steadily, "if you're going to be annoyed, do it at me. I gave the order."
Her eyes flashed again. Azadi braced himself.
"You knew I wasn't going to show up at that ceremony. Haven't done so for years."
Azadi leaned forward, irritation creeping into his voice. "You're not the only one who misses Ezra. That ceremony is meant as a token of respect and gratitude towards everyone else who sacrificed and lost that day!"
He jabbed a finger at her. "What about them, Sabine? You forget about everyone else just because their name isn't Ezra Bridger?"
The smirk vanished in an instant. Sabine took a step backwards, rubbing at the back of her neck again in embarrassment.
Why is that so familiar to me?
Azadi took the moment to calm himself down. Way to go, old man, he thought. What a role model you are.
"I'm sorry," he said, quietly. "I know Ezra meant a lot to you."
"No - no, you're right," she admitted. "I was being selfish."
Azadi hesitated for a moment, thinking - and decided to push forward anyway. "You were also being scared. Which isn't like you."
Sabine looked up at him. "You think I was running away."
"Yes," he confessed. "I was tired of seeing you run away from . . . everything. Life."
She was quiet for long moment, processing this. "I've been running my whole life, Ryder," Sabine said, sadly.
He studied her. "This trip with Ahsoka - are you still running?"
Sabine considered her answer for a few seconds and then spoke, confidently, "Yes. But the difference is I'm running to something now. Not away."
Running to someone, you mean, Azadi thought. I know your price. But the answer was sufficient for him.
He drummed his fingers on the desk, thinking. "I'll send one of my assistants to check on your loth-cat while you're away, Sabine. You have my word."
Her shoulders sagged with relief. "Thanks, Ryder."
Azadi nodded. "Anything else?"
Sabine dug in her pockets and pulled out a hastily folded form. "Your secretary insisted I fill one of these out. It's an official request."
Azadi took and scanned the document. Smiling, he said, "Consider it done."
Sabine, in a surprisingly formal move, bowed her head. "I appreciate the help, Governor Azadi."
He blinked and bowed his head in return. "Of course, Commander Wren."
She turned to go - and paused. Rubbing the back of her neck again, he saw the embarrassed look -
And it clicked. The pang of nostalgia ran through him again, and he knew why the gesture looked so familiar to him.
Ezra used to do that. Whenever the boy was feeling flustered or unsure.
His heart ached - and not just for the lost Jedi. Oh, Sabine.
"Something else, Sabine?"
"I just - I just wanted to say thank you. For letting me stay on Lothal all these years."
For a moment, Azadi saw the young girl again, still in her teens, with the weight of a galaxy on her shoulders.
"Lothal will always be a home for you, Sabine. Wherever you go," he replied, a tear running down his face.
Sabine turned to him and smiled - a true smile, not her trademark smirk or mischievous grin; something he hadn't seen her do in years.
"I'll bring him home, Ryder," she promised. And she turned, departing with a wave.
Azadi wiped the tear from his face and looked down at the request she had given him once more:
Azadi looked at the closed doorway where Sabine had left.
Softly, he said to the empty room, "Make sure you come back home, too, Sabine."
Down Time
Sabine Wren x Ezra Bridger
(Takes place during Ahsoka 1x07, Dreams and Madness. An extended version of Sabine and Ezra's conversation.)
Ezra was babbling again. Something about the Noti, their culture and their language.
Normally, Sabine would be listening with feigned interest but she just laid her head back on the weird dome that served as the nomadic crab people's domiciles/vehicles.
Her boots were propped in front of her and she just let Ezra talk.
The same thoughts kept cycling in her head, unceasingly.
Ezra's here.
He's alive. He's safe.
A small, dark voice in the corner of her mind interjected: he doesn't know what you did.
She locked down that train of thought, viciously. She would deal with that later.
For now, she just wanted to hear Ezra's voice; real, warm, and alive. Not being filtered through a holo-recording.
That alone made it all worth it. Just hearing him talk, in real time.
Sabine felt a sharp poke on her cheek. "Hellooo. Is this thing on?"
She grinned and said, "Just taking in the view, Ezra."
"Ah, yes," replied Ezra, dryly. "Peridea is famous for it's barren wastelands."
Sabine waved at the caravan surrounding them. "The locals are nice, though."
"True," Ezra admitted. "The Noti are nice. Saved my life a couple times."
Sabine stared at the open, grey sky. "Does it ever lighten up around here?"
Ezra shook his head. "Not really. Not much in the way of sun, around here." He cocked his head, thinking. "The nights are beautiful, though."
He considered it for a long moment, then admitted, "More beautiful than Lothal's nights. Hard for me to say that."
Sabine's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Wow. That's saying a lot." She knew from many late nights just how beautiful the starry skies over Lothal looked.
Ezra shrugged. "At least, from what I remember. It's been a while."
Sabine winced. That last part had come out a little too casually.
"You can see a lot, at night?" she asked.
"Oh, yeah." Ezra's eyes lit up, as he said, excitedly, "You can see whole galaxies and nebulas - everything, Sabine. It's totally wizard."
She smiled at his wonder. "I'll take your word for it."
"I used to look up at the night and wonder which galaxy was home, you know," he said, his smile fading a little.
Sabine felt her own fading in response. "Did you ever figure it out?"
He shook his head. "No. I'd just choose a random one and . . . talk, I guess. Tried reaching out with the Force, to see if someone could get a message."
Ezra said, ruefully, "Didn't work, as you can see. But I still talked. Pretended it was Hera, Zeb, Kanan . . . you."
Sabine felt her heart ache. "What did you talk about?" she asked, softly.
"Just how things were going. What I experienced that day, good or bad." He paused.
"How much I missed everyone back at home," he finished. "Silly, really. But it helped."
Sabine reached over and gripped his hand. "You were missed, Ezra. You were missed so badly."
He blinked at her, tears welling up. "Really?"
"Of course," she said, firmly. Sabine could feel her own eyes begin to glaze over with unshed tears. "The whole crew split apart after you disappeared. We couldn't keep it together without you and Kanan."
His face turned sad. "I'm sorry."
"Not your fault," she replied, quickly. "Don't even think of blaming yourself, do you hear me? It was just how it happened. We didn't hate each other or anything . . . it was just the war with the Empire and all of us had separate paths to take."
She tried to blink away the tears, remembering the aftermath of Ezra's disappearance; how quietly the Ghost crew, her family, had just . . . drifted apart.
Sabine wiped her face and looked up at the bleak sky of Peridea. "We held funerals for everyone who died during the battle, you know," she said, quietly.
Her throat became thick with emotion. "Yes."
She couldn't look at him, as she added, "And you."
Ezra was quiet for a long few moments, before saying, jokingly, "Hope mine wasn't too boring."
"I wouldn't know," Sabine replied. "I didn't go."
"Oh," was all Ezra said.
"They all believed you were dead," said Sabine. "I never believed it. I didn't want to believe it . . ."
Ezra interrupted her talk with a hug. Sabine froze, in shock, and then melted into him. She felt the strength, the love, the dedication, the surety of his care and affection for her -
All real.
All for her. What she had missed, craved so much in the past decade. It flooded into her, filling a dark hole that she had been ignoring inside of her, and the pain and relief of it made her weep.
And she sobbed into his shoulder. For Ezra, for herself, for all the years they had been apart and the damage that had been done.
"Why did you leave, you stupid idiot? Why did you leave me all alone? To fight all alone? We were supposed to finish this war together! Live and see Mandalore and Lothal revive during peace, together!"
She pounded a fist into Ezra's shoulder with each question, the tears and hurt and anger just pouring out of her, uncontrolled.
Ezra didn't say anything. He just accepted her fury, her despair, and responded the only way he knew how.
He just held her tighter. Keeping her from flying apart; keeping her whole.
When she finished, Ezra just continued talking about inconsequential things, like nothing happened.
Sabine loved him so much for that. For just accepting her and letting her be what she needed to be at that moment.
She took a moment to wipe away the snot and tears.
The dreaded voice, like a gremlin, spoke from the dark corner of her mind once more: he doesn't know what you did.
Maybe so, she retorted back at the voice. But I still have him for now.
She prayed to the Force - or whatever power ruled in this unfamiliar galaxy.
Please, just let me keep him for a while longer. Just a little while longer.
(Author's Note: I cried like a bitch writing this part.)
Someone Special
Sabine Wren x Ezra Bridger
(An extended epilogue to the Ahsoka finale 1x08, The Jedi, The Witch, and The Warlord. Sabine returns to the Noti camp after the 'Shadows in the Starlight' scene to find Huyang waiting for her with a surprise.)
"Lady Wren," called Huyang as she approached. "I have something here that might interest you."
Sabine frowned at the droid. "What is it?"
He held out a metallic box, crudely put together. Sabine peered at it closely: it looked like someone had done a rush job with welded together Imperial salvage. And all of it was built to -
Sabine's eyes widened. "It's a holo-recording."
Huyang nodded. "Indeed. I believe Master Bridger left a message for you."
Another recording. Sabine's heart raced at the thought.
Ahsoka, her master, caught up to her. "A message?" asked the older Jedi.
Sabine took the recording from Huyang's outstretched hand. "From Ezra. Do you mind if I take a listen?"
Ahsoka nodded. "Go ahead. I'll take first watch."
Huyang led the way inside one of the domes, where they could be alone. "The recording is in bad shape. If you don't mind, I'll observe to make sure it doesn't explode on you."
Sabine snorted. "Thanks, Huyang. Whatever would I do without you?"
"Explode, probably," replied Huyang, dryly.
Gingerly, Sabine set the recording down on a crate and cranked the power on. The machine sputtered and sparked - and then the lenses flared to a shimmering image.
Sabine gasped.
"Oh, dear," Huyang observed, sadly.
It was Ezra, alright. His hair wasn't quite as long; the beard not as scruffy. Younger than the current Ezra now.
But he looked hurt. A bandage, hastily applied, was wrapped around his mid-section; a dark stain was staining it, visible despite the thick gauze. His left arm was in a crude sling, made from some unknown cloth.
But it was his eyes. His eyes were the worst part. Haunted, bruised with a sadness and wariness that she didn't know he was capable of.
Ezra was hurting. Someone had hurt him.
Sabine's heart cracked at the image, but she forced herself to stay still. Her hands clenched into tight fists. "Thrawn," she hissed.
Ezra was peering at something and muttering; the audio didn't catch it until he took a few steps closer: " . . . think it's finally working. Yes!"
Despite his battered appearance, Ezra smiled and waved awkwardly with his one good hand. "Hey, Sabine. I mean - I'm assuming it's you watching this."
He took a deep breath and seemed to gather his courage for a moment, before speaking again.
"If you're watching this, Sabine, I'm probably dead."
Sabine's stomach dropped out of her. She could feel Huyang watching her, waiting.
"I'm sorry you had to find out this way," Ezra continued. He gestured at his injuries. "As you can see, today was a bit rough."
"It's been . . . I think three years since I came here? Wherever here is. Thought Thrawn had given up on finding me. I got sloppy."
He chuckled. "My mistake, obviously."
"I managed to scrape together enough salvage from the Chimaera; the purrgils took big chomps out of it when we came out of hyperspace. Took a while to get this holo-recorder built without the proper tools but I managed it. And today got me thinking that I should probably prepare a farewell."
"I don't know how it will happen. Most likely Thrawn. Or it could be something else. But I think it's coming. Don't know when or where. And I don't want you to come all this way without . . . without knowing."
Ezra reached up and rubbed the back of his head. She had to remind herself that Ezra was safe, he was heading back home.
He wasn't dead. He wasn't dead.
"In my last message, I told you I was counting on you. I don't know when you'll find this; I've given the Noti instructions to give this recording to anyone with the starbird symbol. They know what it looks like since I've been painting on all of them since I got here. I hope you like it. Not as good as yours, but I had to make do."
"If you're here now, then that means my faith in you wasn't misplaced. I hope the Empire was beaten and that Lothal was saved. You're probably home with your family in Mandalore now."
Sabine's stomach twisted; her parents, her brother. Her home. Ezra never knew.
Ezra's faced turned sad. "Please don't beat yourself up for getting here late. I don't regret a single thing - a single moment of my life. Any of it. I would do it all over again, given the chance."
With uncanny accuracy, the holographic Ezra seemed to look directly at Sabine.
"I'm doing this message now to say that I want you to lay down your burdens, Sabine. Live your life now. Be happy. Maybe . . . maybe find someone special to have in your life. You deserve it."
He paused and then said, emphatically, "Someone special like you were to me."
Her heart skipped several beats, a blush threatening to come.
Ezra turned away for a second, composing himself - and then laughed. "I think I said last time that you were like a sister to me."
Sabine snorted. As did Huyang, surprisingly.
Sheepishly, Ezra said, "You probably figured out that was a lie." Taking a deep breath he continued, "It wasn't the right word - but none of them seem to be right, when it comes to you. I just didn't want to burden you with . . . with how I felt before leaving."
He gestured in a frustrated manner. "And now I'm leaving again. But this time I don't want to leave with regrets."
Turning to look at her again, Ezra Bridger said, softly, "I love you, Sabine Wren. Always have. Always will."
"While we were on Mandalore a while back, I asked your brother for some Mandalorian phrases - and, well, here we go."
He raised his one good arm and pounded it to his chest in a formal Mandalore salute. Sabine choked back a laugh at the sight.
"My Lady Wren. It pains me that I cannot continue to stay by your side and see your song be sung. I hope that whoever you choose as your partner will do so, in my stead, and see that day when all of Mandalore acknowledge your courage, your passion, your honor, and your prowess as a true Mandalorian warrior."
Ezra's eyes were shining with tears.
"I hope, my Lady Wren, that you know that I will always cherish the time we had together, fighting side by side. That there was no other person who was your equal. And - " He stopped short, fully crying now.
Sabine was crying, too.
" - And I hope you know that I will always be grateful for the verses in your song that I could share. And that, one day, if you are ever on Lothal and the sun is shining and you feel a breeze and hear the tall fields of grass rustle, you will think of that as my song, to compliment yours."
Ezra was absolutely butchering the Mandalorian phrases, but it mattered little to Sabine. She cried at the sincerity, the love he was giving her; a final, parting gift.
He smiled, lop-sidedly, as he finally finished. Sabine felt a smile tug at her cheeks, too, despite the message's tone.
"Wow, that was easier than I thought," mused Ezra. "Should have done that much sooner."
He peered at the something - the holo-recorder, in his point of view. A beeping noise could be heard. "Ah, karrabast. I think the power's draining. Need to make this quick."
Huyang tsked. "Goodness, the language. Where did he learn that word from?"
Sabine chuckled weakly at the thought of Huyang meeting Zeb one day. His circuits would explode.
Ezra smiled and said, quietly, "Live and be happy, Sabine. I'll always be with you. I really do hope you find someone special in your life to share in all the laughter and joys and sorrows."
"I hope they know how lucky they are." He grinned and added, "I'm sure you'll be reminding them plenty."
The hologram began to fizzle. Quietly, Huyang said, "The power reserves are almost out."
Ezra raised a hand in good-bye, a sad, but loving smile playing on his face. "Good-bye, Specter-5. This is Specter-6, signing off."
The recording sputtered and died, leaving Sabine and Huyang in the dark.
After a moment, Huyang said, "I'll leave you be for the night, Lady Wren."
The droid walked out.
Sabine picked up the holo-recording gently and cradled it to her chest, feeling the tears track silently, warmly down her cheeks.
Someone special in your life.
"Yeah, I did find someone special," she choked out through the sobs. "And I'll be reminding him plenty when I get back.”
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kanerallels · 2 months
apparently there’s a three sentence fic ask game? idk but I do have an ask—Kanera school au where they’re actually teenagers instead of adults (that’s literally all I see when I try to find modern aus)
(There is! It's from a while back and I just forgot to post it but this is an IMMACULATE prompt and I loved writing it. Also honestly fair there aren't nearly enough of those?? It's probably because they're very parental vibes and also the age gap but who cares have some fan fic)
Technically speaking, Caleb did his best to stay out of trouble in school. It wasn’t his fault there were jerks who needed to get punched sometimes. But his mother had firmly informed him that he was supposed to stay away from fights and focus on learning.
So Caleb was doing his best. It had been a couple weeks, and he was kinda proud of how focused he’d been staying. It wasn’t that he was bad at school by any means. But he hated seeing kids get picked on for no reason.
So far, he hadn’t run into any other incidents. He was minding his own business and doing just fine—
“Give it back!”
The sound of a girl’s furious voice caught his attention, and Caleb glanced down the hallway he was passing, and nearly groaned out loud.
In the middle of the hall, two kids were facing off with Ozai, one of the worst bullies in the school, who was holding up what looked like a notebook. One of them, a boy, was shrinking back, and looked almost near tears—not that Caleb could blame here.
But the other was standing facing him, hands on her hips, a fiery glare in her eyes. “Give. It. Back,” she growled.
“Or what?” Ozai sneered, hefting the book. “What’s a tiny little kid like you gonna do about it?”
Well, kriff good intentions, I guess. Dropping his backpack, Caleb started towards the incident with no clear plan in mind other than possibly punching Ozai’s face in. But the girl moved first.
Faster than Caleb would have expected, she slammed a fist into Ozai’s gut, and the boy doubled over in pain. Snatching the sketchbook from his hand, the girl shouted, “Run!” at her friend, and took off down the hall. Straight toward Caleb.
He saw her gait falter as he moved forward, and knew she was getting ready for a fight. Holding up his hands, he said, “Third door on your right is unlocked. Hide there. I’ll distract him.”
Her eyes widened—striking green eyes, like Caleb had never seen before. “Thanks,” she said, flashing him a smile that quite efficiently stunned him speechless. And then she and her friend were gone.
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I was so caught up in the Anakin/Ezra parallels I didn't even consider the Obi-Wan/Kanan parallels...
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zeb-z · 1 year
I dunno, and I haven't read the Ascendency novels to be clear, so I can’t speak of who he was before his exile - but maybe Thrawn accepting Grand Admiral for that shitshow on Batonn sealed his fate. Maybe he wasn't the one to pull the trigger, maybe he was appalled by the needless death - he still took the promotion, even if he didn't want it. The moment he took the rank plate was the moment the blood on his hands became insignificant in the grand scheme of things. The moment where all his intentions begin to be buried by his actions.
Everyone is all about how Thrawn isn't that bad of a guy - and honestly I do agree that his character is misunderstood more often than not - but he still did terrible things with the Empire. Turned a blind eye and condoned much more with silence.
Because the fall of Nightswan and Batonn may not have been his fault - but he accepted the stain when he took his promotion.
For all you try to keep things fair, it doesn't matter if you're working in a system that is instituted to be cruel. And while Thrawn had never claimed to be a good man, and had only joined ultimately for the protection of his own people, there's something to be said of this deterioration of morality. How he doesn't understand politics, but is still shaped by the dangerous and vindictive workings of Imperial political scene, forgoing honesty for station.
Pirates and smugglers turn to insurgents and rebels. Capture turns to execute. He kills to prove a point.
He develops for the worse. For all he shapes the Imperial Navy, it shapes him all the same. I dunno. Complex character and all o that. He’s no scum of the earth true evil, but he’s no shining star either.
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inquisitor-apologist · 8 months
Anybody else fucking hate when people draw modern au Sabine in like. Skimpy tank tops and bras and stuff? We never even saw her wrists in Rebels, there’s no way she’d wear anything less than a t-shirt
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achingly-shy · 4 months
What if you had to pick one star wars duo? 👀
stop this is too hard…….i was trying to think of a way to cheat your question and the only thing i’ve come up with is picking one ship duo (kanera) one master/padawan duo (kanan and ezra) and one sibling or familial duo (sabine and ezra) but even still that’s just me focusing on rebels and if i had to choose just one idk how i’d pick between kanera or kanan and ezra 😭
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maulfucker · 5 months
So I watched TPM yesterday for the first time in probably over a decade, and I am having Thoughts about Maul. And I want to know why exactly he becomes so obsessed with Obi-Wan. Getting cut in half by a guy would be pretty infuriating, but I don't think that's the whole reason (certainly not enough to hunt someone down just to die in his arms). Is he jealous of the master/apprentice relationship he sees between Qui Gon and Obi-Wan? Is it the love he sees in Obi-Wan's anger? Is that the first time it occurs to him that an apprentice should be able to trust their master? I'm v interested in your interpretation.
In TCW he tells Savage he was robbed of his destiny by Obi-Wan, so I think that (at least at first) he thinks this defeat was the reason why he was discarded by Sidious. if only he hadn't lost to Obi-Wan, he could've continued as Sidious's apprentice and been granted a place in his grand plan, he could've helped his master rule the galaxy, he could've been a powerful sith, known and feared across the galaxy. it never occurred to him that his master had already decided to replace him, and the duel on Naboo was just what sealed his destiny
so I think it starts as like. an attempt to prove (even if just to himself) that he was worthy of this destiny he was "robbed" of, that he was more powerful than Obi-Wan and shouldn't have lost the duel and his place by his master's side
but it kinda backfires as he can never really defeat Obi-Wan, and is left feeling humiliated time and time again. Obi-Wan never responds by trying to kill him either, so it's probably extra infuriating - he can't even get Kenobi to respond in kind
and I guess there's also a little bit of him treating murder as the answer to everything. he wanted Obi-Wan's attention so he killed an innocent village. he was afraid of Anakin falling and becoming a sith so he decided to try to kill him. so whatever he feels for Obi-Wan (hate? envy? admiration?), he responds to it by deciding to make it his life mission to kill Obi-Wan
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kcciny · 1 year
I’m always hearing ‘god teens these days’ but with 16 I was getting drunk with my crush and played strip poker with him, stole an car and set an entire garden on fire on news year by accident. And I was one of the normal ones back then. I believe every generation did some shit with 16, let people live.
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samaspic31 · 2 years
Everytime i watch or read old sw material I’m like. Oh that’s where filoni got this idea. Oh that’s who filoni named this character after. I swear, he actually invents so so so so little. The bad batch is delta squad copy pasted and watered down. He even take arcs from the fucking droids 2D animated series and he gets away with it because too few people have watched it
Also did you know there’s a dumb villain named KYBO REN in the fucking 2D droids cartoon. I have gone fully insane since watching that episode. Not even the name is original about kyle Ron it’s a fucking droids reference
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