#I bet you thought you had seen the last of me
clairecrive · 1 day
Hey there, I got an idea for a request Alfies secretary is a quiet girl and Alfie is always flirting with her he loves to make her cheeks blush red. And one day she finally becomes brave and says something flirty back to him and he gets all flustered first as he wasn't expecting it and then he's like "fucking hell" with his cheeky grin and makes his move while he has the chance and gives her the best kiss of her life💖
A/n: Hello everyone!! It's been ages since I last wrote anything, let alone for Alfie. However, lately I 've been right down obsessed with him again and couldn't fight the urge to write for him. I found this in my inbox and I'm so so sorry it took me this long to write this!
I'm not going to tag anyone because I don't even know if there's still anyone reading this blog lol. but let me know If you want to be tagged.
"Cat and mouse"| Alfie Solomons x reader
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"Hello, luv."
"Hello, Mr Solomons."
"Ah, pet how many times do I have to tell ya, eh?" You had been working for Alfie for a while now. Enough time to make you a trusted employee. Even more than that actually. if his relentless flirting was enough of tell.
By now, you were on first name bases. But even though Alfie was quite outspoken about his appreciation of you, the only way you told him it was somewhat reciprocated was by flushing furiously whenever he flirted with you.
It wasn't enough. Not anymore. And while Alfie was patient and respectful of your shy nature, you were done with this cat and mouse dance. You wanted him. You're just waiting for the right time to go for it.
"There's Mr Shelby waiting for you in the hallway, should I let him in?"
Alfie groaned at the name. You knew it was only to keep up his burly grumpy man persona he got going on. Deep down, you thought he didn't mind Tommy's company much.
"Only if you come in with him, pet. I need something beautiful to look at to survive that fucking bore, right?"
Blushing at the insinuation you nodded before going to let Mr. Shelby in and retrieve pen and paper. This was actually part of your job description. Alfie's request was more because he was a flirt and he liked to see you flush.
Nothing but charm in his vein, let me tell you.
"Ms. Y/N will be with us so she could take notes and whatnot, I hope you don't mind Tommy but to be fair, I don't give a fuck if you do, right?"
"She always does Alfie." Tommy drily pointed out while lighting a cigarette.
"Yeah well, I like to be surrounded by beautiful things, don't I?"
"So do I, Alfie. So do I." Tommy agreed
"Alright gentlemen, if you could stop flirting with each other and move onto business please. Mr. Solomons. has a packed schedule, as I'm sure you have as well Mr. Shelby." Rearranging the papers and documents in front of you, you dressed the two men. You knew that they could go on for while like this. Especially alfie had a way of talking for hours without actually saying anything. It made for a perfect business strategy but you knew that he actually needed to settle things with Tommy.
The brume acknowledged her with just a light tilt of his lips while your boss sputtered in shock.
"Fucking hell, pet. What the fuck are ya on about, eh?" He looked at you, and you could see that other than the shock for your outrageous implication, there was actually surprise in his eyes. And then a pleased glimmer.
You only raised an eyebrow at him to silently suggest to just get on with the meeting.
"Fucking women, eh Tommy? Wild creature they are, I tell ya. You never can guess what's on their fucking mind, can ya."
"If you'd get on with it, then maybe you'll have enough time this evening so that I can tell you over dinner."
You had never seen Alfie Solomons speechless. Hell, you had never seen him be silent for more than one minute. You bet that he talked even in his sleeps.
Well, would you look at him now. Eyes wide and mouth almost open. If you hadn't just taken a huge leap out of your comfort zone, you'd find this situation funny.
Tommy Shelby probably did.
"You know what, Alfie? I'll come back tomorrow." And with just a tilt of his head in your direction, the brummie was off and out of Alfie's office.
Meanwhile, Alfie was still looking at you. Which was making you nervous. And when you were nervous, you tended to rumble.
"What? Is it such a preposterous idea?" you said being defensive.
"Fucking hell, pet. Didn't know you had it in ya."
"You're not the only one who can flirt, you know." You mumble, suddenly shy.
"Of course, not. And I fucking hope you're not going to stop either." He smirked at you. Pushing away from his desk he turned so that he was completely facing you.
"Now, why don't you come here and show me exactly what's on yer mind, eh?"
Burning. Your cheeks were burning red by now. But you did exactly what he said. You got up and you walked so that you were now facing him.
With him sitting down and you standing in front of him, you were almost the same height.
You didn't know what to do with your hands, with yourself really. That sudden burst of courage was long gone now.
Taking you in, Alfie could see that as well. Smiling, he gently pulled you even closer to him.
"We could wait 'till dinner and even after that, pet y'know? There's no rush, yeah?" He softly promised. He had been flirting with you for months after all, what's a few more weeks or however much you needed?
"I don't want to wait anymore, Alfie. I just don't know what to do." You looked at him under your lashes, all bashful and cute and Alfie could barely restrain himself.
"Then let me show ya, right?"
Gently cradling your face, Alfie leaned in. He let his nose touch yours in a gentle caress so that you had time to pulled away if you wanted to.
Then, when you didn't he finally kissed you.
It was gentle and soft and, in your opinion, the best kiss in the world.
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scoobydoodean · 2 days
ELEANOR: The demon I could've handled, but when the angel stepped in, I - I told him, Bobby. They have enough to crack Purgatory wide open.
Cas pops in right after Elenor dies from the torture Crowley and Cas inflicted on her. Cas immediately shifts the blame onto Crowley even though Eleanor said he was the real terror.
CASTIEL: I'm sorry this had to happen. Crowley got carried away. BOBBY: Yeah, I bet it was all Crowley you son of a bitch!
Sam and Dean have to hold Bobby back. He and Eleanor had a romantic relationship in the past.
Dean again appeals to Cas's conscience (or rather, his lack of one):
DEAN: You don't even see it, do you? How totally off the rails you are!
This season, Dean has seen Cas torture a child. Cas has used Dean without permission as bait and for a spell. Cas knew Crowley was forcing Sam and Dean to work for him after a certain point and allowed it to continue until he couldn't anymore because they were going to kill each other. Cas killed Lenore simply because trying to convince her to just lay low for a while was too inconvenient. Last episode, Balthazar told Sam and Dean that Cas's plan relied on Cas being able to sustain the energy of all the souls he planned to consume, and there was a high likelihood he'd fail and blow up the world. Balathazar tells Cas this too, but Cas's only reponse is too demand Balthazar's loyalty without ever addressing his concern. He ignores it because it doesn't support his narrative of how this will all go—how Cas needs it to go. Cas has abandoned so many of his convictions at this point just to prove that he was right to go down this path to begin with. He just tortured someone to the point of death and he's about to do more.
CASTIEL: Enough! I don't care what you think.
And yet lying to them all season was explicitly because he did care what they thought. He knew they wouldn't like what he was up to. He knew Balthazar wouldn't like it either and lied to him too, and to Rachel and the other angels. All because he was ashamed.
CASTIEL: I've tried to make you understand. You won't listen.
This is code for "I told you how things would go and that there was no discussion to be had and you didn't fall in line". Now the threats:
CASTIEL: So let me make this simple. Please, go home and let me stop Raphael. I won't ask again. DEAN: Well, good, 'cause I think you already know the answer. CASTIEL: I wish it hadn't come to this.
No one is making him do this. What he's about to do is a choice he is making that no one is forcing him to make. Even if he wanted Sam and Dean out of his way, he could have done any number of things other than this. In fact, he could have done other things that were arguably much more effective. He only needed to delay them for 24 hours. He could have flown them to the other side of the world and left them there. He could have locked them in a prison. He could have knocked them unconscious. He could have even made them forget, which would have also been cruel, but it would have been more effective. But the path he chooses is breaking Sam's mind.
CASTIEL: Well rest assured, when this is all over, I will save Sam, but only if you stand down.
Whereas in the previous episode, we can reasonably argue that Cas's words come out wrong and he doesn't actually mean to imply that he'll save Lisa only if Dean does as Cas tells him to do, in this case... we can't argue that. He is explicitly telling Dean that he's going to destroy Sam's mind, and that Sam's mind will remain broken even after all of this is over if Dean doesn't do as he's told.
Cas is trying—not as effectively as he knows how, but rather as cruelly as he knows how—to bring Dean to heel. He chooses this action even though it's arguably less effective than other things he could do because he wants to not just control but also punish Dean for disloyalty and disobedience. Dean returned Sam's soul behind Cas's back after Cas told him not to in 6.10 with ulterior motives. Breaking Sam's mind in this specific way is another way of proving that Cas is right and that Dean should have listened to him. Cas makes the thing he was worried would happen—happen to punish Dean for not listening to him. It's honestly incredible that their relationship recovered, especially with all the personal experiences Dean has with angels specifically trying to force him to comply with their demands via force and threats.
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wolfnight2012 · 2 days
Place your bets now, do we have 1 last Polites reference to look forward to, or 2?
So far, we've had some sort of Polites reference in Each saga
Ocean Saga:
"Open Arms" chords heard in "Luck Runs Out" (confirmed by Jorge in this video here)
Odysseus: "I still believe we can be kind. Lead from the heart and see what starts"
Polites: "We'll be fine if we're leading from the heart"
"Everything's changed since Polites" in "Keep Your Friends Close
Circe Saga:
Circe: "You've given me no reason to bestow you with my trust"
Polites: "You can show a person that you trust them, when you stop & lower your guard"
Odysseus: *lowers his guard by telling Circe his true motivations & gains her sympathy/help in the process*
Circe: "Maybe showing one act of kindness, leads to kinder souls down the road"
Polites: "Kindness is brave"
Underworld Saga:
We actually get Polites back/Open Arms refrain
"I lost my best friend" from "Monster"
Thunder Saga:
The siren uses Polites' instrument while trying to lure Odysseus into the water in "Suffering" (Jorge talks about that in this video here)
Wisdom Saga:
We get Polites back again/another Open Arms refrain in "Love in Paradise"
(Also, check out my post talking about how the Wisdom Saga argues for Polites' open arms philosophy to see just How Much it is referenced/paralleled/called back to in that saga)
Telemachus: "Maybe, it's all gonna turn out great. I know we'll be fine"
Polites: "Whatever we face, we'll be fine if we're leading from the heart"
Telemachus: "Boy I wish I could, so I could bring the world some light"
Polites: "No matter the place, we can light up the world"
Now, it could ABSOLUTELY be a coincidence that Jorge referenced Polites/Open Arms in every saga & maybe the Wisdom Saga will be the last we hear of him
OR, it could be a pattern, in which case, Polites will show up again in SOME way in both the Vengeance Saga & the Ithaca Saga (be it his instrument (like with the sirens) the "Open Arms" chord progression (like in "Luck Runs Out") or the "Open Arms" chorus (like in "Underworld" or "Love in Paradise")
Now, I've already mentioned a few times how I could see Telemachus being used to call back to Polites (such as at the very bottom of my response here) ESPECIALLY after the Wisdom Saga & how much Telemachus parallels Polites both personality-wise & in his beliefs.
So I'm thinking IF we have one last Polites reference it might be when Telemachus & Odysseus finally meet/speak.
Perhaps a semi-reprised lyric (such as another lyric about "bringing the world light" or Polites-like optimism) combined either with Polites' instrument or chords from "Open Arms"
Which could both remind Odysseus of Polites & show that the values of "Open Arms" still live in Telemachus, even if Odysseus couldn't manage to uphold them himself.
(I also like the thought of making it more explicit, with Odysseus acknowledging he sees Polites in Telemachus with lyrics such as "I look into your eyes & I think back that friend of mine. You're as old as he was, when we left for war."[which I got from @midnight-drip art here] BUT, I don't think this is likely)
A Polites' callback could come from Athena of all places, given that in the Wisdom Saga she realizes she was wrong to demand Odysseus turn off his heart.
Personally, I like the idea of one last "Open Arms" reprise in the Ithaca Saga, BUT not the chorus.
If you check out my break down of "Open Arms" you'll know my interpretation of "Open Arms" is Polites' noticing Odysseus' stress/trauma & trying to help him heal.
What if after Odysseus takes care of the suitors he's left unsure of how to approach his family? The wife he hasnt seen in 20 years. The son he's never known?
What if they're standing across the stage from each other, both parties unsure of how to proceed, then we hear a soft
"This life is amazing, when you greet it with open arms"
BUT, we don't get the chorus. After the pause, Polites' voice continues:
"I see in your face, there is so much guilt inside your heart"
Odysseus shudders, staring longingly at his family but still not daring to approach them after everything he's done.
"So why not replace it? And light up the world here's how to start..."
Telemachus takes the initiative. He takes a tentative step forward, then another, and another, until he's standing in front of his father.
"Greet the world with open arms, "
Telemachus reaches slowly for his father, willing to breach the gap but unsure if his touch is welcome.
"Greet the world with open arms..."
Odysseus opens his arms & yanks Telemachus into a crushing hug. He starts to sob. Telemachus hugs him back just as tightly. Penelope starts to make her way over, though she gives them their space for now.
Odysseus & Telemachus pull apart just enough for Odysseus & Penelope to face each other. Odysseus extends his hand to her & she slips her hand into his.
Then we get the final line, fading/echoing, as if it were making its exit:
"You can relax, my friend"
Signaling Odysseus can let go now. Its over. He's allowed to let go of "the war and bloodshed" and of the screams.
Then song 39 starts (which like, in my defense, if "Love in Paradise can have both an introduction by Athena AND midway commentary from her, then song 39 could open up with one last Polites reprise)
Not that I think this WILL happen, but it wouldn't be unprecedented for this musical.
Something like this would tie up that Polites/Open Arms narrative thread + it would fit in with the canonical fact of Polites' being Odysseus' emotional/mental support
(Also, check out my analysis/break down of Odysseus & Polites' relationship as depicted in EPIC for more on how Polites is canonically Odysseus' emotional support & his death moves the entire plot)
AND something like this would give the audience closure/reassurance that Odysseus' journey HAS indeed ended. He will relax now, he will put away the sword/warrior, something he wanted to do since the Troy Saga but couldn't (both as an explicit command from Athena & because of the whole Polyphemus/Poseidon business)
Don't read past here if you dont want spoilers for song titles!
[AND, just for funies, if you wanna read a Really long post breaking down the song "Open Arms" lyric by lyric, you can see my analysis of it (and of Polites' character) right here!]
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b0r3dtod3ath · 2 days
Could I pls request smth a bit more dark/angsty? Ben Shelton x tennis player!reader where reader is dealing with a break-in from a stalker? And how Ben reacts and deals with reader experiencing some trauma and wanting to protect/care for her?
Inspired by “The Diner” by Billie Eilish
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♡ navigation / request info / tennis masterlist
♡ warnings: none
♡ a/n: thank you for the request! i like this idea a lot and here's how it turned out. i may rewrite it in future tho
You signed as you stepped out of an uber. It had been a long tournament, every match you fought hard and managed to get into the semis. But now, all you wanted was to collapse on your couch and relax. 
Walking up the pathway to your apartment building, you reached into your pocket for your keys, feeling the familiar weight of them. As you approached the mailbox you braced yourself for the usual collection of bills and junk mail. But as you flipped open the mailbox, your stomach dropped. There, amongst other letters, was an envelope with your name scrawled in messy handwriting. 
You froze. This wasn’t just any letter. You could recognize this handwriting anywhere. You’d seen it before in the disturbing messages that had been arriving sporadically for the past few months. Messages you tried to ignore, hoping they were nothing dangerous. 
With shaky hands you closed the mailbox and looked around you for any potential people. You grabbed the envelope and hurried up to your apartment. Fumbling with your keys, you unlocked the door and immediately knew something was wrong. 
As you walked inside your cautious eyes darted around the scene. The living room was in chaos - drawers pulled out, many items on the floor, bookshelves emptied. 
The kitchen was a mess - plates and glasses laid shattered, the refrigerator door was open, its contents scattered all over the countertops and floor. A chill ran down your spine when you noticed an empty slot. A knife was missing from its usual place.
You slowly made your way into your bedroom. And then you saw it: the picture frame on the ground, shattered glass glittering in the sunlight. It was a photo of you and Ben, taken at a tournament months ago. In matching outfits, both of you smiling from ear to ear, having just played your first doubles as a couple. But something was horribly wrong. The part of the photo where Ben had been standing was ripped out, leaving only you. His side was torn to pieces. 
Your breath caught in your throat, when you started checking other photo frames. In every single one, Ben’s face was gone, either cut out, ripped off or scribbled over with a pen. 
You forced yourself to breathe, to focus. The letter was still in your hand, its edges crumpled from your grip. You didn’t want to open it, didn’t want to see what was inside. But you felt the need to know what was inside.
You tore the envelope open and pulled out the contents. A chill ran down your spine as you unfolded several printed photos of yourself. Candid shots of you in various places: walking to practice, grabbing coffee, even through your apartment window. Your hands shook as you flipped through them, each one a violation of your privacy. On the back of each photo there was a date has been messily scribbled. 
And the letter. Tears ran down your cheeks as you read the words. “Don’t be afraid. I’m what you need” , “I know, we’re meant to be” . But the last line made you drop the letter “If something happens to him, you can bet that it was me”. 
Without a second thought you grabbed your phone and dialed your boyfriend’s number. It rang once, twice, and then his voice, calm and steady, came through the line. "Hey, you back already?". His tone opened a flood as you started hiccuping and crying even more. “Are you okay? He.. he was in my apartment..” you choked out. “What? I’m coming over. Don’t touch anything, I will be there soon”. 
You stood in your bedroom, amongst all the mess, and cried while Ben was still on the line with you. You heard someone walking into the house. Once Ben found you he immediately pulled you in a tight hug, comforting you as his eyes darted around the room. 
After a moment he broke the hug but his arm still rested on your body. As he called the police he noticed a letter on the floor and picked it up. His brows furrowed as he briefly read the message. 
For the next hour, the officers moved through your apartment, taking photographs, collecting samples, and documenting the scene. You sat back down on the couch, Ben’s arm around your shoulders, keeping you anchored as you watched them work.
One of the police officers recommended staying somewhere else while they look for the offender. Somewhere safe. 
The days that followed were filled with tension and sleepless nights. You stayed at Ben’s place, he refused to leave you alone even for a second. He could see how scared you were all the time. He wanted to do more, to fix everything but all he could do was be there for you, to try and bring back some sense of security.
Ben took care of all the practical things. He called the police for updates. But every time he came back to you, his focus shifted completely to how you were holding up.
Some days were harder than others. But nights were the hardest. You couldn’t sleep alone. Every sound, crack or light made you jump. He noticed your state, he stayed up late, stroking your back. “I’m right here” he’d whisper into the darkness whenever you woke in a panic. "No one's going to hurt you. Not while I'm here”. 
You started going out less, avoiding any public places. He didn’t push you, instead he bought your favorite places home. He brought your favorite foods, organized dinner dates and movie nights in his apartment.
He knew you missed the court, but he also knew you needed time. He made sure your practices happened on very private courts with no one else there. He was always with you. 
You were grateful, but you could see the toll it was taking on him too. There were mornings when he looked as exhausted as you felt, dark circles under his eyes. He put on a brave face, never letting you see how worried he was, but you knew. Even with death threats from the letter in his mind he was trying so hard to be strong for you, to keep you safe while pushing his own fears aside. 
Gradually in the span of weeks you started going out more. Short walks first, occasional stops at small coffee shops. With time you felt better and better. The nightmares still haunted you but with Ben by your side everything was easier. 
september 21, 24
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heymrspatel · 8 months
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mornin' babyface 🩵
@gallacrafts theme 29: freckles
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badnewswhatsleft · 2 months
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so fluffy
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Kissing Huening Kai; Slowly bringing your faces closer together, seeing his smiling eyes crinkling around the edges and shiny with love and the lights from above you through the bangs over his eyes that he grows to hide them. The smile stays on his face until your lips are almost touching – he can't help it – and then you're kissing, sharing the warmth of your lips. It's as if you can feel the warmth he homes inside him. When you part, his smile returns, his eyes twinkling once more, his face so fond. It's love.
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demitsorou · 6 months
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i'm back sluts
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raayllum · 1 year
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every rayllum scene ever: 313/?
You’re home now, Zym. 
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prehistorictriforce · 2 years
fuck you people who fake tourettes fuck you people who say they want tourettes fuck you people who have made having tourettes into smthn cute quirky and desirable!!!!! i’m mad!!!!!!!! fuck you fuck you fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#this goes for any disorder or anything like. fuck off.#if you think faking this shit doesn’t matter then try like. actually asking ppl that have it???#tried to explain that i had tourettes to my last employer. they thought i was faking it lmfao#bc they had seen people on tiktok faking it so often. they thought i just WANTED to have tourettes. and i didn’t#get the understanding and kindness i deserved until i could explain my dx and who i got it from#so they could know i wasn’t lying. i shouldn’t have to do that much to ‘prove’ my syndromes and disorders#just bc SOME PEOPLE think it’s cool to act like they have shit or they want to have shit. like NO!!! you’re ACTIVELY harming the communities#and you don’t even fucking care!!!!#my tics hurt!!! they hurt so damn bad some days and i’m one of the LUCKY ONES that has gotten less severe with age!!!#and im medicated!!!!!! and i still have days where i just wanna lay down and cry and never leave my room#some of my tics are cute ones. those tics DO exist. i have a few and have had others over the years that are gone now#but then i pop my joints out of place. pop my jaw out of place over and over. snap my head to the side. and again these are MILD compared to#SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE with ts#bet y’all don’t fucking WANT those tics. bet you don’t WANT to be hitting yourselves full force amd bruising ur skin constantly#i’m sorry for ranting in the tags but holy fucking shit this pissed me off#saw some shit on tumblr and tiktok and im. hooooo buddy. fuck you so bad.#ok. i’ll shut up now. tourettes isn’t fucking quirky.#rant tw#tw rant
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seaside-cave · 2 years
might go crazy and post some art tonight
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delusionaid · 2 years
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closed starter for @archoniic​
Liyue is just as beautiful as Tartaglia remembers - perhaps even more so, filled with the festive spirit and the hopes of an entire nation as it is. Every corner of the city is decorated with the utmost care and dedication, the plethora of lanterns, paper cuttings and flowers blooming in all the colors of the rainbow make everywhere your sight falls a feast for the senses. The young harbinger has barely stepped foot into the city and yet already he’s seen a handful of things he mentally marked for buying later to send home to his siblings. The lantern rite truly is a special time of the year in Liyue.
It feels a little strange to be back here after everything that went down, but in a way it’s also exciting. This time Tartaglia is here to visit and enjoy himself and aside from some smaller matters at the Northland Bank he is not planning on handling any Fatui business during his stay. After the incident that followed his disgraceful defeat the Fatui lost their footing in the city for the most part anyway and while that is unfortunate for their organization it leaves Tartaglia with no obligations other than his own desires.
He walks through the familiar streets confidently, remembering them very well from the time he spent in Liyue. Every other corner, building or view of the mountains around them holds a memory of a little (or not so little) tale Zhongli spun for him as they strolled through Liyue together and Tartaglia is almost impressed with himself for how much of it he still recalls. In hindsight it is, of course, far less surprising that so much knowledge about Liyue and its history is concentrated in one man.
One man who is sitting on a bench outside the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, a cup of tea in his hand and his gaze set on something in the distance. He looks exactly like he did when they last saw each other, the way he always has in the time Tartaglia has known him. The way he will probably look until the end of time. “Zhongli xiansheng!” Childe calls out, raising a hand in greeting as soon as he is noticed. With quick steps he closes the distance between them, regarding his old friend with a smile. “How lucky, I found you right away. Happy Lantern Rite!” - if that’s a thing people say. “Surprised? I promised I’d come back.”
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alexthetrashyracoon · 4 months
Simon grinned at himself through the mirror like a stupid teenager in the changing room as Price, god bless this man and his father figure behavior, tugged on his tie to keep it straight and clean.
Wedding Day had come. His wedding day had come.
“Mate, you must be shakin’ with excitement to marry the pretty face.” Gaz grinned from his spot on the couch, all three of them dressed in their best attire. Even Soap hadn’t complained once about wearing a tie.
Simon’s mind wandered to you in the other room, he hadn’t seen you since last night, tradition, that’s what they called it.
He hoped you were having a blast, because you had to spend so many days and nights over the wedding plans that he had to get you to the hospital once after you broke down from exhaustion.
“Anyone ever thought big bad ol’ Ghost gets married?” Soap teased as he rummaged through the drawers at the desk. What exactly was he searching? Simon didn’t know or maybe he was too happy to question his best friend’s motives for now, they usually end in chaos and today was meant no chaos.
“I always believed Simon would find the one true love one day.” Price nodded and patted Simon’s chest, telling him he was done with the tie.
“Liar.” Gaz laughed and shook his head. “If you want to know who always believed in you, Lieutenant, that’s me. Ol’ Captain and MacTavish over here said you would die a virgin. We got a bet running for a while.”
Simon wasn’t even surprised or mad, maybe tomorrow, or the week after. But tonight he wanted to be on Cloud Nine and looking through the pink tinted glasses of love. Tonight he would say ‘yes’ to the person he loved the most, the one that kept him alive and sane and put up with his antics.
“I’m getting married.” He smiled at himself in the mirror.
“You’re getting married, son.” Price looked at him, through the mirror, a proud smile hidden under the beard.
A minute later his phone rang, your name and picture on the screen.
“Yes? Everything alright, darling?” Simon asked and looked at Price, worry flashing behind his brown eyes.
“I’m scared, Simon. I… I know this will sound crazy and you probably think I’m mad. But… I wanna run away.” You say, followed by a shaky breath. “But at the same time I don’t wanna run away but stay and marry you. Does it make sense?”
Simon relaxed immediately, you were nervous, as you should be. Just like him.
“How about this then, darling, we run away together until you know what you want.” He grinned and picked up his suit jacket.
Soap and Gaz were gasping at him.
“Let’s run away together and if you still feel like running, we blew off this party. And if not, we come back, say yes to each other tonight and live our happily ever after.”
Gaz asked if he was insane. Soap was looking between Simon and Price, who simply had the time of his life while opening the door for Simon to leave.
“Are you sure… do you… I mean…?” You started to ramble and mutter under your breath.
“Darling… For you I would go through hell and back. I am not complete without you anymore. There was a time before you, sure. But there will be no time after you. Together.” Simon spoke gently and could see through the phone who your cheeks turned pink and tears pricked your eyes. “I’ll be out in two minutes, don’t let me wait.”
(Spoiler, in the end Simon and you got married surrounded by friends and family. Price lost a bet to Laswell because they both know you two and knew you would pull such a stunt. Soap had gained a few more grey hairs than necessary and Gaz was pretty sure this was some kind of punishment, why else would you two pull something like that.)
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5sospenguinqueen · 5 months
Terrible Two | Max Verstappen x Hamilton! Reader
Summary: Lewis hates the idea of Max dating his sister. Not because he's overprotective but because he’s trying to save the younger driver from the insanity of his sister. Or the one where Y/N terrorises the Grid OFF the track and Max terrorises them ON the track.
Warnings: Swearing. Fluff. Not 2021.
Female reader with various faceclaims. Pics found on Pinterest.
Requested by @shelbyteller
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, georgerussell63 and others
YourUserName race day with my favourite hamilton (oh, and lewis was there too, i guess) 💚 tagged: roscoelovescoco, lewishamilton
User 1 i live for the hamilton sibling shade
lewishamilton i miss how peaceful my life was before you were born
→ YourUserName i miss how peaceful my life was before i was born too
→ User2 oof, felt that
roscoelovescoco loves you aunty y/n
→ YourUserName and i love you my sweet boy. i’m already planning my next attempt to kidnap you
→ User3 i love that she wastes no time to pick on lewis but plays along with his roscoe account
→ YourUserName i don’t play when it comes to my fluffy man
User4 miss thing, you are not slick. we all see the red bull in the last slide
→ User5 omg and they were seen chatting outside the space between the two garages earlier
→ User6 she was also seen talking to charles, pierre, valtteri and george but i don’t see any of you linking them together?
→ User7 her and Charles tho
→ User6 ffs 🙄
mercedesamgf1 you and roscoe are also our favourite hamiltons
→ lewishamilton i just can’t catch a break
charles_leclerc thank you for letting me into the garage to see the baby 🐶
maxverstappen1 always nice having you around the paddock
liked by YourUserName
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by alex_albon, lewishamilton and others
YourUserName another weekend, another flex 🏁. also, thank you to @ nike for literally being the reason i get to chase my brother around the world tagged: lewishamilton, georgerussell63
7,669 commnets
georgerussell63 will you stop eating my snacks
→ YourUserName no, you don’t need them. your trainer says you’re getting fat
→ georgerussell63 don’t tell lies!
lewishamilton shoes on the bed!!
→ YourUserName they never touched the bed! and they’ve never even touched the ground!
→ YourUserName get off my post!
→ YourUserName go lose some races!
→ lewishamilton just like you’ve lost my love!
→ YourUserName i never wanted it in the first place!
charles_leclerc perhaps you could wear red next?
→ landonorris nah mate. papaya all the way
→ maxverstappen1 i think she'd look better in blue
liked by YourUserName
mercedesamgf1 thank you for being the most entertaining member of the garage
→ georgerussell63 admin, how could you? i thought i was the best 🥺
User8 i'm living for y/n's sponsored post for work literally leads to her terrorising half the grid
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User9 no because the way this woman had him blushing and kicking his feet outside his own garage earlier, he’s smitten
→ User10 i was in the paddock and no joke, he giggled!
User11 um i highly doubt max is flirting with y/n to mess with lewis, if anything, lewis asked y/n to flirt with max to mess up his game
→ User12 i bet you’re feeling real foolish about this comment now (race day tweet)
→ User13 agreed with user12, if anything the flirting fuelled max because he won with an 8 second lead
User14 no because they would be far too hot for any of us to handle
YourUserName oh look at that, I’m trending again
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and others
YourUserName thanks for having me @ redbullracing. it was a different perspective of the track, that’s for sure. well done on your 1-2 tagged: maxverstappen1
mercedesamgf1 but you’re still a traitor 💔
lewishamilton i missed you
→ YourUserName @ lewishamilton you’re so needy
→ YourUserName but i missed you too
redbullracing our good luck charm
→ georgerussell63 back off. you can’t have her
→ mercedesamgf1 @ georgerussell63 you tell ‘em, boo
maxverstappen1 it was a delight to have you
→ User15 dude you need better rizz than that
charles_leclerc ferrari in the future?
→ lewishamilton no
→ georgerussell63 no
→ mercedesamgf1 no
→ maxverstappen1 no
(this comment has been deleted)
danielricciardo i tried getting you to visit me there for years but max comes along and asks ONCE
liked by maxverstappen1
→ User15 omg max invited her
→ User16 omg she was there for work
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by lewishamilton, maxverstappen1 and others
YourUserName he said he liked my curls so I let him take me for a drive
yourfriend okay but the hair is looking fire
lewishamilton who’s car is that
lewishamilton where are you
lewishamilton who are you with
lewishamilton I know you’re on your phone. stop ignoring my comments
→ User1 lewis is killing me
→ User2 she’s really making him work up a sweat
yourfriend2 these pics are killing me. salivating
→ yourfriend3 agreed. bark bark woof woof
liked by YourUserName
liked by maxverstappen1
User3 okay but doesn’t that look a lot like max’s recent car?
→ lewishamilton show me the evidence
→ User3 omg no way you replied
→ User4 you literally can barely see the car but okay?
maxverstappen1 was he at least a good driver?
→ YourUserName i don’t know. he hit the curb and was a bit on the slow side
→ User5 you ain't slick, sis
landonorris omg you promised you wouldn’t tell anyone about us
→ YourUserName omg but you kept asking me for curl care routines. how could i resist?
alex_albon i mean the curls are nice but i don’t know how he can put up with your personality
→ YourUserName @ lilymhe dump him
→ lilymhe but he’s losing? so i feel like i have to wait until the season is over
→ alex_albon babe!
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User6 do they need a third
User7 everybody stay FUCKIGN CALM!
User8 okay but the way he holds her when he kisses her 🥹
User9 can somebody check on lewis? i feel he may not be able to handle this
User10 anyone else think these photos are an absolute invasion of privacy? how disgusting
→ User11 oh agreed. we hate that this was done but we're also so happy that they're together
User12 the dream team. one can terrorise the grid OFF the track and one terrorises them ON the track
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, carlossainz55 and others
YourUserName when bae is thirsty so am i 💦
User13 is this a hard launch
→ User14 no, i think the paps did that for them
→ maxverstappen1 she had a 10 page document of plans for a soft launch as well
→ User15 um miss y/n, we'll still take those posts please
User16 does this mean we’re going to be getting y/n in the red bull garage from now to on and not Merc :(
→ georgerussell63 we were told we had to have shared custody
→ mercedesedamgf1 toto and christian had to sign a contract
lewishamilton i don’t like this. i'm happy for you but i do not need max verstappen thirst traps all over my feed
→ YourUserName well, i know you much prefer the real thing but you’re not allowed to drool over that anymore
→ lewishamilton how do i disown you?
→ YourUserName i've been asking myself that question for years
danielricciardo woohoo maxie. i wasn't familiar with you like that
charles_leclerc it's nice to see the two of you finally together so that max stops talking to me in the cool down room about your beauty
→ maxverstappen1 shut the fuck up.
→ YourUserName @ maxverstappen1 aww you think i’m pretty
→ maxverstappen1 of course I do
landonorris how could you do this to me. i thought we were forever
→ YourUserName we weren’t even for 2 minutes
→ danielricciardo she only likes champions, mate
redbullracing going to need these blown up and out in the garage
→ YourUserName already on it
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by mercedesamgf1, nicorosberg and others
YourUserName just a couple of besties aka my brother wants to steal my boyfriend tagged: maxverstappen1, lewishamilton
danielricciardo i think you mean MY boyfriend
→ YourUserName max told me your little fling meant nothing to him
→ danielricciardo @ maxverstappen1 you bitch!
→ maxverstappen1 i'm sorry but y/n means more to me than our night together
→ danielricciardo take it back
→ YourUserName your head game just wasn’t that strong
→ lewishamilton @ YourUserName i hate you for making me read that
georgerussell63 why don’t you take pics like this of me with lewis 🥺 i like him more than max does
→ YourUserName @ lewishamilton you’re upsetting all of your boyfriends tonight
→ lewishamilton i hate you
landonorris does this mean you’re free for me to hit you up
→ maxverstappen1 watch your back on the track
→ redbullracing @ maxverstappen1 christian said you’re not allowed to say that online anymore
→ maxverstappen1 for legal purposes, my previous comment was a joke
maxverstappen1 you’re the only Hamilton for me, schatje
→ YourUserName love you baby
→ maxverstappen1 love you too 💕
→ charles_leclerc @ maxverstappen1 i miss when you loved me
mercedesamgf1 please stop posting these. you’re making the rest of the grid jealous
mclaren please stop upsetting the grid by revealing their affairs. now they’re all crying
williamsracing @ YourUserName for the sake of the race, please stop stealing max from his boyfriends. they can’t drive through their tears
redbullracing we need more content like this, please. if the other drivers are too heartsick, there’s nothing standing in our way
→ redbullracing for legal reasons, this is a joke
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rafecameroninterlude · 2 months
rafe jerking off to one of kook!sweetheart!reader’s pictures and making a mess out of himself? 😵‍💫
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warnings: reader sends pics, male masturbation, suggestive ending
[10:56 PM] sweetheart <3: 1 attached image
[10:56 PM] sweetheart <3: i just got this sample in for my next collection, what do you think?
rafe stared at his phone, utterly speechless at the sight. how was it that he was the one to receive a picture of you in the skimpiest lingerie he’s ever seen?
he swallowed thickly, his jaw clenching as he inspected every detail, every curve of your body in the photo. you were obviously in bed, the thought of him barging into your room and ripping every last piece of lace off of you before fucking you into oblivion was, without a doubt, something he was seriously considering doing right now.
mind scrambling to write a reply, rafe cursed under his breath as another picture lit up his screen.
[11:00 PM] sweetheart <3: 1 attached image
[11:00 PM] sweetheart <3: cute little detail, right?
if rafe thought he was losing his mind at the first photo, he was definitely losing it now. there, in the middle of your bra, hung a small gold pendant with the letter ‘R’, the damned thing glinting underneath the dim lighting of your room.
rafe was already a jealous hothead, so to see you put his own little mark on you willingly? oh, he was going to show you his appreciation. with his phone long forgotten next to him, rafe stroked his already hard cock, wishing his hand was your own as he brushed the tip with his thumb.
everything you did drove this man insane. the little glances at his lips whenever you two would be flirting, the way you rested your pretty hand on his thigh when he’d make you laugh, all of it— rafe felt it all boiling down to one thing. and he needed it bad.
“s-shit,” rafe shuddered, his eyes screwing shut as he imagined you on top of him, that pendent with his initial swinging in his face as you rode him like there was no tomorrow. he would bet all of his daddy’s money and tanneyhill, that you’d feel like heaven wrapped around him.
it was embarrassing to rafe how fast he felt himself approaching his high. his mouth fell open, a throaty moan falling from his lips as his hips bucked into his fist. he wondered if you’d let him cum or make him work for it, just like everything else.
the first time he tried to talk to you, you ignored him until you saw for yourself that he wasn’t in any other girls ear. everything, whether it was a peck on his cheek, or simply letting him take you out to lunch, you made his actions determine whether or not he was going to get what he wanted.
“holy fuck!” he whispered, his chest now rising and falling as the band in his stomach threatened to snap. never in his life had he wished he was somewhere else right now, that ‘somewhere’ being between your thighs, hearing your sweet cries of pleasure. rafe couldn’t decide if he wanted to fuck his cum inside of you or paint your face, but after this? he figured he’d do both.
“oh, my g-” rafe’s words were cut short when his orgasm hit him, his jaw falling slack as his eyebrows knitted together. spilling his load into his hand, rafe groaned as his cock twitched in his boxers, a hiss sounding from his lips as he continued to move his hand languidly over his length.
by this point, it’d been well over thirty minutes since rafe had left you on seen, your ego a little hurt that he hadn’t responded to any of your texts after you dolled yourself up just for him. just as you were about to call it a night, your phone dinged with a message from none other than the man himself.
[11:33 PM] ray <3: made a mess. i’m getting in the shower and then i’m making my way over there. be ready for me, doll.
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