#I bet you guys the answer is zero!
orcboxer · 5 months
Okay let me try this one again. The Trolley Problem sets up a scenario that sucks to be in. You either kill one guy, or you kill five guys. Nobody likes these options. We all don't want this be happening. That's kind of the point. It's a moral quandary. It's supposed to feel bad.
Now, according to a recent post floating around on tumblr, choosing either of the two options demonstrates "learned helplessness" and makes you a neolib sheep. The only correct answer, the post states, is to reject the question altogether. (Or to change the parameters of the question to include an option that saves everyone, thus eliminating the moral quandary.)
It sounds nice, doesn't it? Fuck this bad situation, we control our imaginations, so let's imagine a situation that doesn't suck. Hah! Bet you didn't think of that!
Here's the problem. Even though I think most situations generally have at least one solution that is both Feasible and Not Terrible, I have to admit that there are some situations (as in, not zero of them) where all the feasible options are unpleasant. This is a natural consequence of living in a world where A Lot Of Things Suck.
But if shitty situations do exist, even if it's super super rare, then it's not unreasonable to ask, "How should we make decisions when we find ourselves in a shitty situation?"
This is the beginning premise of the Trolley Problem. It says, "Hey what if you were in an unambiguously shitty situation? There are many shitty situations, so let's imagine one that is contrived enough to get everyone on the same page regardless of political affiliation, AND really emphasizes the key parts that I want to discuss."
Tumblr says "let me stop you right there. What if instead...we imagined a different scenario that wasn't as shitty?"
Well, okay, but then we're not talking about the same thing anymore. That doesn't actually count as an answer to the problem, you're just changing the subject to a completely different thing.
Tumblr goes on to say, "Exactly. That's the only thing you should ever do when confronted with an ethical quandary. Frankly the fact that you are willing to even consider a scenario that sucks suggests that you are fundamentally incapable of considering less shitty scenarios."
I just want to say I think that's bullshit. I don't think every problem is a trolley problem, but I do think that some problems are a trolley problem. And I think that those problems are worth discussing, even though they don't feel good. The trolley problem exists as a framework to discuss those problems.
Maybe our aversion to difficult decisions has an impact on our ethical reasoning, and maybe we should actually question how our ethical standards hold up under the weight of that aversion. So maybe moral quandaries like the trolley problem are worth discussing. And if you don't want to engage with the quandary, then don't - you don't have to concoct a whole essay about how the quandary is inherently morally bad.
It's possible that what you really want to say is that it sucks when people treat certain situations as trolley problems, when those specific situations actually do contain unambiguously feasible and unambiguously perfect solutions. I would agree with that.
But like. Let's not pretend that you can reduce all of ethics down to unchallenging black and white moralism.
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dreamescapeswriting · 26 days
Revenge Is Sweet ~ MYG
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GENRE: established relationships, you’re a bet, angst, getting revenge, sweet ending, reader not being walked over for once
PAIRING: Yoongi x Fem!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - August 2024
A/n: I hope this is alright!
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Four and a half months. It had been four and a half months of pure bliss for you since the man you'd been in love with for almost half of your life asked you out on a date and you'd been falling harder and harder ever since.
You and Yoongi had been neighbours almost all of your life, growing up next door to one another and hanging out whenever your parents would hang out. As kids, he told you that you annoyed him but you figured it was because you were a girl and he was a guy so younger he instantly thought you had "girl cooties" but as you got older he thought of you as a friend. Or so you thought until two minutes ago.
You'd made your way to your usual meeting place with Yoongi, the library near a stack of old books. The two of you didn't really have any plans today but you were going to invite him back to your room and finally give yourself fully to him. He and his friends had moved a table there since no one ever went to these shelves for anything and it could be their own little table away from everyone else and prying ears. Only you stopped when you saw him and a few of his friends huddled together and laughing rather loudly at one another. Patting Yoongi on the back and giving him different piles of cash,
You weren't even sure what you'd walked in on until you saw Jungkook and Jimin - two of Yoongi's best friends patting him on the back and handing him a wad of cash. Your eyes zeroed in on it all. It could have been anything. It should have been anything but your world was brought to a screaming halt as you heard.
"I didn't think you had it in you." Jungkook laughs as Yoongi stands there, counting all of the cash in his hands. None of them realised that you'd suddenly joined them in their corner of the library.
"The Five months are almost over...didn't think you'd actually go through with it," Jimin laughed, further twisting the dagger inside of your chest. Five months. It had almost been five months since you'd gotten together with Yoongi. Was that what they were talking about?
"Can't wait any longer until this stupid thing is finally over and I get my money from you all, the rest of it at least," Yoongi answered, clearly amused by them all.
"You gonna tell Yn the truth when you dump her or just leave her confused?" Jimin sniggered and you backed away, leaning against another one of the shelves as the blood drained from your body, your heart racing as you heard them walking away.
"Haven't figured that part out yet," Yoongi's voice trailed off as they all made their way out of the library and you were left standing there. Panting heavily as you tried to control the way you were about to break down.
"Not here," A voice whispered before a hand was wrapped around your wrist and you were dragged somewhere secluded, a door shutting and locking before you finally got a good look at who it was.
Lights around you began to flicker on and you realised you were inside one of the archive rooms inside the library, your eyes slowly moved up to the person who had dragged you inside,
"Lix?" Felix was one of Yoongi's friends but ever since the day Yoongi had asked you out you hadn't seen him around as much...At least now you knew why. Quickly you wiped your eyes and cheeks to try and hide the fact that you were on the verge of a breakdown but Felix smiled weakly and handed you a tissue. He'd been there when he heard them discussing the bet openly in public, just asking for someone to overhear them,
"Did you know this whole time?" Your voice shook a little as you carefully took the tissue and began to wipe your eyes before blowing your nose a little. Felix knew that lying to you wouldn't be in your best interest so he nodded at you,
"Not the full extent but enough. I told him not...not to go through with it but he just sees it as a joke. Thinking you'll bounce back from it," You scoff at the thought and shake your head. Bounce back from being used as a fucking joke? As if your feelings meant nothing and you were nothing but a toy for him and his jerk group of mates could play around with a hurt without a care in the world. The more you thought about it the more it began to kill you inside, twisting your guts as you felt buile rise to your throat, your eyes burning and throat drying as you tried not to break down into tears once more.
"You can cry...I won't...I'll never judge you," Felix told you, reaching out and rubbing your shoulder softly as you sniffled, doing your best not to let the dam break but it was almost as if on command the tears flooded out of you. You began to sob into your hands, which were quickly replaced by Felix as he cradled you against his chest whispering that you were okay and he wasn't going to let anything happen to you.
Giving you all the time in the world to break down, scream, cry, yell and do anything else you were ever going to need to do and he just held you against him. Rubbing your back softly and promising he would make all of this right for you.
After you'd calmed yourself down you were both sitting on the floor looking at one another, neither of you had spoken since you'd calmed down and you weren't even sure what to say or do.
How were you supposed to face anybody if they'd all known about this joke? And go along with it? For god sake, you were almost sure some of the girls in your classes knew by the way they'd looked at you.
"I don't know what I did to make him...do this shit," You were still having a rough time wrapping your head around the fact that someone you had once considered a friend was now backstabbing you and making you the laughing stock of all his friends.
"Yoongi is...Complicated. He likes to be liked and will do anything to get that from those around him," Felix whispered, trying not to sound as though he was defending Yoongi but still trying to make you see the reasoning behind everything,
"He could have told me...I would have gone along with whatever he wanted if he needed the money," You whispered, even though it might have made you seem pathetic, that option seemed a lot easier to deal with than heartbreak did.
"Yoongi doesn't have the brain cells to rub together to come up with a plan like that," Felix smirked making you smile for the first time in over an hour,
"You know what you need?" Felix snickered, the wheels in his head turning as he moved himself closer to you, your eyes finding his as you frowned a little.
"What...?" You trailed off, watching him. You knew that look on his face, it was the same look you had whenever you were going to play a prank on your siblings only Felix's looked a lot more dangerous than yours ever did.
"You need your own back," Felix smirked, his mind already coming up with the perfect plan as a small smirk began to grow on your face.
Revenge did seem very sweet right now.
"What did you have in mind, Mr Lee?" You giggled, leaning into him and ready to hear his plan.
"Well, there's a party this weekend..."
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"Yn?" Jungkook's voice squeaked as you walked into the living room where he, Yoongi and his friends were all playing beer pong. You never came out...ever. You never went to any parties in all your years of attending the university, in fact, you'd once called it "pathetic" to waste all your time drinking when you had papers to study for.
Almost everyone turned to look at you, drinking in your appearance as you did your best to appear confident.
None of them knew you knew about the bet yet, you and Felix had done everything you could to make sure it stayed that way too. Even if it meant playing nice with the man who had ripped your heart out and stomped on it for a few more days until tonight. Tonight your plan was going to go down and you'd had days of preparation for it.
"What...What are you doing here?" Yoongi reached out as he ran his hand up and down your waist, his mouth dry as he stared at you. The dress you were wearing clung to your body perfectly, sculpting every single of your body to perfection leaving very little to the imagination of everyone that could see you.
There was a reason he never brought you to these kinds of parties and that was because his friends were pigs and that possessive side of him didn't want his friends oogleing what was his. That and he knew you hated this sort of thing and he'd never bring you somewhere he knew you would be uncomfortable.
"Yoongi," You giggle, bringing him close to you by his hand, his eyes looking you up and down as he struggles to speak a little trying to find the words to tell you how incredible you looked but it was like his brain was mush.
"I wanted to surprise you," You whisper into his ear, biting down softly on his earlobe so he knew what you were hinting at. Your heart racing rapidly as you bring him closer to you, running your hands down his chest and toward the belt he is wearing.
"Here?" His voice cracked as you nodded, taking his hand and dragging him toward the staircase, his friends all whistling and hollering at the two of you as you made your way up to the room Felix had already set up for you both. There was nothing in there, all of the clothes had been removed from the wardrobes in preparation for what you were about to do.
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"Yn, wait," Yoongi whispered as you pushed him down onto the bed, your eyes drinking him in. It was a shame he was such a dickhead and so good-looking all at the same time. Your heart still beat for him despite what he'd done to you and it only made you hate everything more.
"I want it to be tonight." You tell him as you bite down on your lip, that you'd been trying to appear as sexy as possible for this plan to work.
"But here? I-I wanted...I was gonna take you someplace special." He told you so connivingly you almost would have believed him had it not been for the bet.
"Here," you whisper slowly kissing him down his neck, unbuttoning his shirt as he whimpered a little, his heart racing so hard the vein in his neck was obvious. The brain in his head works completely differently from the one in his pants,
"You never bring me to parties," You pout at him as you strip him off his shirt, throwing it behind you by the door so it is in the perfect position.
"I never want you to be around my friends, they're idiots and they make you uncomfortable." He mumbles, kissing you deeply and lovingly, your heart fluttering as he pulls you closer to him, running his hands over your cheeks.
"Are you sure...here? I can take you somewhere better...Somewhere special, a hotel. Somewhere we can go slow and take our time..." He was speaking to you with so much softness you felt your heart racing for him. The thought of him wanting to do that for you made you want to melt into a puddle for him but you remembered the bet and that part of you shrunk.
"Yoongi...I'm ready, I trust you." You made sure to put an emphasis on trust and Yoongi's heart bottomed out,
"Yn." He whispers as you take off his pants, his primal instinct trying to take over but he is doing his best to control himself, to wait and figure out a plan. This isn't what he had planned for you, he wanted your first time together to be special and somewhere it would be meaningful for the two of you. Not some random bedroom in a frat house he was too drunk to give a shit about and he needed to tell you everything first. He needed you to know the truth.
"Yn," He pants as you finally remove his clothes leaving him completely bare, your breath catching in your throat as you see him completely naked to you, the gods had blessed him it was just a shame you were never going to get a real taste of him.
"Y-Yoongi." You lean into him, kissing him softly, your heart breaking from the kiss. Your body and heart needed one last kiss from him, just one more and you'd go through with the rest of the plan. You'd remind yourself what he was doing to you and you'd get out of there.
"I can't...Yn, please." You pull back, looking at Yoongi. You were completely taken aback at him being the one to deny it.
"We can't. This isn't right, there's something I have to tell you first." He held your hands in his and you stared into his eyes, your mouth opening to speak but you felt Felix ringing your phone, you knew he was asking what was taking so long.
"Let me...Let me tell you something, okay? Pass me my clothes," Yoongi whispered only further confusing you. You thought this whole thing was a ploy to see how long it would take for him to get you into bed and this was only making your stomach twist.
This whole thing was supposed to be him trying to fuck you, so you could take his clothes and make people laugh at him instead of at you for the bet. This was the revenge plan. Turning to the door you picked up his clothes, your hands shaking a little before you walked out. Following Felix's plan, you ran down the stairs and out into the yard where he was waiting with his car.
"Quick, get in." He urged but you were frozen in place as you heard Yoongi yelling for you to come back. Your heart pleaded with you to stay and hear out what Yoongi was going to say but your brain was screaming at you to run.
"Yn! Get in the car!" Felix screamed at you, looking at you as you froze in place, your mouth opening to speak but it was like nothing would come out. Leaving you standing there like a fool.
"Yn! Wait! Please!" Yoongi pleaded as he reached the front porch of the house, you turned your body to look at him, and a stuffed bear was the only thing covering his decency. People around him laughed and cackled, taking photos and videos of him as you felt your heart drop into your stomach.
You were no better than he was, you were stooping to his level.
"I know you know...well, now I do," Yoongi said as he walked closer to you. His hands clutched the bear to his cock so no one could see him completely naked.
"Yoongi-" You breathed out, guilt weighing down on you as you realised how bad this must have felt for him but he shook his head at you,
"I deserve this, a lot worse actually for what I did to you...I deserve to be shamed like this." He laughed nervously as you looked at him, tears in your eyes as you sniffled a little, fresh tears running down your cheeks as he sighed.
"I was trying to tell you upstairs. I-" He stopped as he turned to see Jungkook and Jimin watching him, smirking at their friend who was naked in front of the girl he had fallen for. Noticing all the cameras on him he turned to look at them, if he was going to make this apology right he was going to make sure every single person heard him properly.
"Hey everyone, erm...I guess you can all see me," He laughs softly, ever the charmer but it wasn't about charming them tonight. It was about being honest with you. Slowly he looked back at you,
"You're probably all wondering why I'm standing here naked with a bear hiding my cock," He kept his eyes on you, a small smile on his face as he looked at you. He'd never admit it to anyone but you but he was proud you'd taken this stand for yourself,
"But it's because I broke the heart of the girl I love the most," Your heart rattled against your chest as the music from the party faded away and you focused on Yonogi.
"It was a stupid bet. I was wrong and I never should have agreed to it but- I don't even have an excuse for it. But after spending time with you...realising that I was enjoying it and...actually falling for you. I realised something," He moved so he was standing in front of you,
"You are so much more than I ever imagined: smart, funny, and incredibly kind. Every moment we spent together made me see just how amazing you are." One hand reached out to run his hand over your cheek, wiping away the tear that had rolled down.
"I know saying this doesn’t erase what happened, but I need you to know it wasn’t just a game to me. Tonight, I was trying to tell you the truth. I've been torturing myself trying to come up with a way to tell you which didn't...end up in us...breaking up but Yn. I fucking love you." He said with so much conviction you could practically feel the love from his words.
"I don't deserve your trust but I'm begging you, to believe me when I say I never meant to hurt you. I care about you...and I'll do anything I can to make things right." He whispers as you look at him, your breath catching in your throat,
"Yoongi-" You were cut off as he moved closer, the bear dropping and revealing every single glorious inch to his friends and people around you,
"Yoongi!" You screamed covering him with his clothes but he didn't care. Yoongi would let them see if it meant you would take him back or at least try and give him a chance at earning your trust.
"Let them see, I'm not moving until you either tell me to get fucked or forgive me...O-Or at least give me a chance to earn your forgiveness." You look him in the eyes, trying to decide if he was being truthful or not. You couldn't see any lies in his eyes and you bit your lip,
"One shot. You get...O-one shot." You tell him sternly,
"Now put your boxers on and get in Lix's car," You giggle a little as he smirks at you, quickly kissing your cheek as he slides into his boxers and into the car with you and Felix.
"You break her heart and I'll do much worse than let everyone see you naked," Felix warns him as he looks in the mirror at the two of you.
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"Not the best wedding speech but it's the truth, the way I met the love of my life and how I got to keep her," Yoongi said as he spoke into the microphone, addressing everyone in the room at your wedding reception as you groaned and shook your head.
"You could have left out the part where you were completely naked," You giggled at him but he smirked,
"But how else would everyone see these." As he finished speaking the screens in the reception lit up with the video of Yoongi standing there naked and pleading for you to forgive him.
"Yoongi!" You squeal running to try and turn them off as he smirks, bringing you into his arms and kissing you deeply.
"I love you, wife," He chuckles before you smoosh some of the cake into his mouth and shake your head at him.
"I love you too, husband,"
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@chiisaiblog@sw33tnight@kaitieskidmore97@laylasbunbunny@tinyoonsblog@whitefoxgirl@katnisspeetaprim@acciocriativity@choisoorin@heyjiminnie@btsiguess-kpop@halesandy@gothic4under4lord@soulphoenix1618@aerastus@jin-from-the-block@lenfilms@elizaschuyler18@piratequeen-impact @Namgiswifey@delulu18@xyahrinx@katsukis1wife@anthropologymajorkpopmultistan@blairscott@4-chan-inpadella@swga-ficrecs@niktwazny303@armystay89@myyouthdonut@xakx@kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy@kpopmenace143@loveforred@b1nn1e-1s-cut3@elissasimp @royallyjjk @parkjennykim @piercedddriver
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justwinginglife · 2 months
Hello! May I kindly request a one-shot where the third division has a betting pool about if freader and hoshina are dating (because they kept their relationship a secret, but are kinda obvious about it)?
And the way the others find out is because they either find them in the act or because they accidentally walk in on hoshina proposing to freader?
I love this prompt so much-thank you for fueling my brain with the delicious idea.
The Third Division was a rowdy bunch, though strong and disciplined on the battlefield, at home base they needed to find some manner of venting their chaotic energy. This week, the topic was you and the Vice Captain.
Kafka had made a drunken comment at the party last night that the reason you and Hoshina had both shown up late to dinner was because y'all were fucking somewhere in some back alley and that got people thinking about how you both always seemed to be missing at the same time and reappearing hours later together.
They recalled how you both had showed up to the rookie induction looking somewhat tousled, and you had even smoothed Hoshina's hair back into place for him when you thought no one was watching. What kind of officer dared touch their superior officer that familiarly? There had to be something going on.
And then there was that time when you got injured fighting a kaiju and Hoshina disappeared from his training, claiming he was just doing the rounds but his "rounds" consisted of pacing back and forth in front of the infirmary doors until he got word of your recovering state.
"I bet 20 bucks they're secretly dating." Iharu said grinning as he slapped the bill down on the center of the table. The other officers sitting around the table looked around at each other, smirking and nudging each other.
"I'll take that bet. Those two have zero chemistry- you remember when Y/N beat Hoshina's short range combat record? He was pissed. They're rivals, I say. I bet he waited outside of that infirmary to rub her weakness in her face." Haruichi said, leaning back in his chair.
"No way- I bet he thought it was sexy that she beat his record. He was probably just hot and bothered when you thought he was pissed." Someone chimed in.
"No but remember, she didn't go with Hoshina after that happened. She went up to Narumi instead. I bet she has a thing for Narumi."
"You idiot- didn't you hear her insulting him, saying she was going to kick his ass too? There's no way she'd be into him."
The officers begin arguing about different moments that they remember and who they think you'd be into. One person even suggests you're into Mina instead.
Ichikawa holds his hands up. "Guys, guys. We shouldn't be talking about this, this is private stuff."
The other officers stare at him, waiting for him to continue.
"...but if I had to guess, I'm with Iharu, she's totally dating the Vice Captain." He finishes, earning a couple chuckles around the table.
"Well, well. What do we have here? A little illicit betting ring in the cafeteria?"
All the officers still as the platoon leaders start to file in. They look intrigued and amused.
Someone coughs but then finally explains to them what they're all betting on.
The platoon leaders look at each other and then look around to make sure you and the Vice Captain are nowhere in sight. Then they start throwing money down on the table too. "We're team Y/N and Vice Captain." They whisper and then they walk over to sit at their own table, laughing and shoving at each other.
The officers are stunned at the wad of money that's now collected in front of them.
"Someone's got to figure this out." Iharu mumbles as he eyes the large stack.
"Allow me to answer for you." You say, stepping through the doors of the cafeteria and sweeping up the pile of money.
Everyone's eyes and mouths widen.
"P-Platoon Leader L/N." Ichikawa stutters. "What are you d-doing here?"
You raise an eyebrow. "Settling a bet, apparently." You hold up the bundle of money. Then you call over your shoulder, "What do you think Hoshina? Should we give them their answer?"
The Vice Captain emerges from behind you, causing all eyes to drop to the floor as they avoid his gaze.
He smirks at the sight as he nears them. "We're not dating. And it's none of your business anyway. 50 laps around the building for gossiping. That includes you too." He swings his head around to look at the table of platoon leaders that have been eavesdropping. They lower their heads in defeat and join the officers running out the door.
Then it's just you and Hoshina alone in the cafeteria. He laughs as you flip through all the bills in your hands.
"Told you that you shouldn't have fixed my hair in front of everyone." He teases as he leans down to kiss your cheek.
"And who was the one waiting for me outside the infirmary like an idiot?" You shoot back, pinching his cheek.
He rolls his eyes. "That Kafka has a big mouth. But he's right about one thing. I do wanna fuck you in some back alley though I'll settle for right here."
He pulls you closer and starts making out with you when suddenly Captain Ashiro walks through the doors, causing you and him to freeze, mid-embrace.
She eyes you both up and down and then says with a smirk, "I'm telling all the officers they owe me money."
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crispy0nion · 1 month
if you pay attention to non-voiced dialogue, side quests and drip marketing posts you might've realized already, but
Billy Kid used to be a member of the Sons of Calydon.
it's not like it has been outright stated but with the amount of hints the game has given, i think it's a safe bet. we don't know the implications of this connection as of now considering how little we know about SoC, but i think we'll get more info in 1.3, along with Caesar's release. with that being said, let's get into it.
starting easy, Billy's jacket. red, and with a boar. need i say more?
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not exactly the same, but definitely close enough to have a connection.
moving on, most of the hints can be found in Billy's trust quests. they are triggered randomly (and I assume some of them are only available at a certain trust level) but I think as long as you level up his trust you are bound to get the ones I will be talking about.
first off is the Sixth Street Motor Legend one. you meet Billy on one end of Sixth Street, near the Workshop, and he tells you about this legendary biker who drives his super fast motorbike by Sixth Street at midnight every night. he compares it to the bikes of the Outer Ring, which is where SoC - which we know to be bikers - reside. when questioned on his interest, he mentions how he was just interested in seeing the legendary bike since he himself used to own and ride a bike when he lived and worked in the Outer Ring.
in the second part of this event, he goes to question Enzo, convinced that the legendary biker is him. as Billy described the SSML to him, he uses the words "crimson nightmare" (because the bike is red), which seem to remind Enzo of something. he denies being the biker, but brings up an old customer of his who "fits that description". he describes this guy: member of an OR biker gang, pretty well known in his circle, had white hair and a red scarf. and his name was "Starlight Knight". as soon as he says that, Billy says "that's my name!" which is odd even for a diehard fanboy. he quickly accepts Enzo's words, as if wanting to dismiss the topic, and the Proxy brings up how he seems to be acting suspicious. And then Billy just hurries off. Which is suspicious. If you try interacting with him after the quest is over, he says "Maybe... the Sixth Street Motor Legend should remain a mystery, after all."
in another trust event, he tells the Proxy he used to live in a big truck a long time ago, and he seems to know a lot about cars. both are things that are typically associated with the SoC, iirc.
lastly, there's the Hollow Zero quest. Billy asks the Proxy to bring him to explore the Hollow, and after starting the exploration, you run into some bandits. nothing of note happens in the dialogue before the fight, aside from the leader of the bandits mentioning how Billy looks familiar. in the dialogue after the fight though, some stuff comes up. the leader starts noticing more things about Billy: the white hair is brought up again, and he seems to recognize the red jacket as well. he says "Could it be that you're the legendary-" but Billy interrupts him. and as soon as he's done talking, the leader yells "Run! We don't wanna mess with this guy!" and leaves in a hurry. following that you can question Billy, who seems to be hiding something. his answer convinced me for good that something's up. he says "everyone has a past. you're no different, right? you can't change the past, which is what makes the present and the future far more important." the game wants you to know there's more to his character.
to those who might be wondering why i would bring up the bandits recognizing Billy when it's likely that they simply know him for being a Cunning Hare, let me tell you: that's probably not it. The Cunning Hares aren't famous, they're broke and underground, and would definitely not strike that much fear into Hollow Raiders. the Sons of Calydon though... they might. and as a cherry on top, I doubt "Billy Kid of the Cunning Hares" is even close to being a legendary figure.
i was going to make this post sooner, but I was worried it wouldn't be enough to prove my point. then Caesar was drip marketed today, and...
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you don't call the leader of the SoC "Big Sis" if you don't have a past with her, or the entire faction.
maybe there's more stuff i missed. maybe i'm being delusional. but I still invite you to join the "1.3 Billy Kid lore drop" prayer circle. anyways thanks for reading my ramble I just really like it when the silly robot guy with guns has a Past.
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
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Just an outline for a potential full on fic to come.
First of all, I’d like to put credit where credit is due and thank Kden (from Quotev) for creating Straight Venomous and inspiring me to start this. And thank you firefly-graphics and galacticgrafitti for the dividers.
Damian and Reader are of legal age in this fic but there will still be an age gap between them and Bruce (I mean he literally fathered the former so it can’t be helped)
This is my first fic in Tumblr so forgive me if it isn’t up to par for quality and format wise as I’m still learning.
CW/TW: Reader is POC coded as in Latino/Black like Miles although you can kinda have to squint since it’s only from the dialogue with their mother in future chapters. Reader is described to have gained “muscles” and height. Spoilers for Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. NO NSFW YET BUT WILL COME IN LATER CHAPTERS.
current status: unedited
summary: damian meets and gets attracted to wrinkly brained reader. mostly follows the into the spiderverse plot.
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“If I sound lazy just ignore my tone, cause I’m always gonna answer when you call my phone
like what’s up danger?”
You most likely met Damian first.
He was astonished by how much of a failure you were. Really, he wouldn’t have noticed you in the first place if you weren’t such a catastrophe. He knew you only got to his school via raffle but even the worst students here didn’t get complete zeroes on all their scores.
He was probably assigned to be your tutor. Which you remember vehemently refusing. After all you wanted to be expunged from this god awful preppy school filled with elites of all kinds. But nope — you were forced to get along with the worst of them all. Damian Wayne. Perhaps you’ve gone too far and should have settled for a 20 or something on that paper instead . . . or all those quizzes and assignments you purposely got zeroes on.
In any case you now had the Damian Wayne inside your house (if you even call it that) and a paper to write about your ambitions or whatever.
You were basically complete opposites. He was rich, you were below average if not just straight up poor. You even bet he was a daddy’s boy or some shit. (But who were you to judge when your first day at the school literally consisted of your father forcing you to say you love him . . . with the loudest speakers known to man!) He was probably into classical music and while you did enjoy the genre as well you were more of a hip-hop, trap, pop music sorta guy. He was known as a snob that didn’t take bullshit from anyone while you were literally the definition of a pushover.
But surprisingly you two clicked really well. It started with you off-handedly correcting one of his mistakes. It wasn’t supposed to reach his ears really. But the realization that you, the bottom feeder of all bottom feeders corrected him flustered him entirely. That moment stuck within his head for the entire week that it even slipped into his vigilante activities.
Like, after single-handedly decimating a group of people trying to rob a bank he just yells, “How the hell did I get that wrong?!” while that one dude pretending to be unconscious in the background so he wouldn’t get beaten up harder just stares at him in confusion and shock.
After he cools down a bit, he starts wondering how you got it right. He looks into your scores and notices everything before his intervention were literally straight zeroes. Not just in the classes you two shared. It was either you were extremely (un)lucky or . . . you knew every answer from the start.
So he starts taunting you. Forcing you to display your prowess. Calling you an idiot, poor, nobody when you didn’t relent to his provocation.
And so you did. You showed him that you really didn’t need help from him. That you were a genius in your own right. Capable of doing advanced arithmetics within seconds in your head. You were fascinating to him.
And maybe the fact that only he got to know this side of you — not your classmates or teachers, even your parents now that you’ve secured a dorm room close to him (courtesy of the Wayne name) — knew about your intelligence inflated his ego. If only you didn’t have a roommate that bothered you two once in a while. He was quite the annoyance with how the music in his headphones could be heard even across the room. Like seriously, how was the boy not deaf yet?
It was around that time you got your powers.
You began avoiding him (and everyone really) but mostly him (he’d convinced himself). You’d only come to his desk once in a while to tell him that you weren’t available for tutoring that day, or even that entire week. Not to mention your sudden growth in height and muscles. Were you going through . . . puberty? No wait— you’re older than him by a year! Perhaps you were a late bloomer? You probably just started a gym membership. But he didn’t spot you in any gyms throughout Gotham out on his patrol. Not even at your room at night…
That and your already sus scores and attitude prompted him to instigate an entire investigation.
Who was [Y/N] [L/N]?
He knew some facts about you just from your room, the fact that you enjoyed music of all sorts and art, more specifically the graphic - pop look. He even started noticing your name-tags that you’d put everywhere both in his civilian and vigilante life. Seriously, how were you able to put it atop this streetlamp of all places?
Then he started noticing how alike you two actually are. Aside from enjoying art and all, you were incredibly rebellious. You had a relationship with your dad that could only remind him of his with Bruce. He knew you probably get reprimanded for all the vandalism you’ve gotten up to all the time. A small smile graced his lips at the thought.
However this only made him question your avoidance even more. So he decided to take a step further and trail you as robin (even harder).
You were getting really close with this Gwen girl in class. He quipped in his head as he noticed you two walking together.
Were you . . . going to the gym to impress her?
You didn’t seem like the type to change yourself for the sake of others. Despite your downtrodden attitude about academics. He can see the hidden potential, that confidence he wanted out for him to witness and bask in. He wanted to see all sides of you he realized.
He wanted to be the only one who did.
But just as he was about to follow you two into a dark alleyway he gets called by Dick of all people to investigate something else. Something about a man trying to cross realities and universes? Pah, as if that was more important than this. Nightwing can handle himself. He couldn’t have his competence questioned though. So with a reluctant sigh, he takes off into the night sky. Wondering what the pair he followed could be doing.
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gothamrumours · 6 months
Tim Drake has a METROPOLIS BF!?
To the people of Gotham, people have seen it all finally it has happened Tim Drake is dating that jock in a leather jacket from Metropolis, you know the kid Lex Luthor has, him. Conner I believe his name is.
Rumor has it they were seen watching the stars, or eating together at a cafe doing very aesthetic and domestic things together. It's disgustingly cute like I'm a bit too single for this. All though no one has seen them kiss or do anything very romantic I am 100% sure they are dating. l mean Conner had his arm around Tim's shoulder and they sat and stood a little bit too close to each other for it to be platonic.
But there is another rumor that Tim is talking to a nerd blonde head here in Gotham and they have been spotted sitting together at BatBurger(the best burger joint ever, my favorite meal is the Robin nuggets with a Two-Face sandwich) but back on the topic at hand some people even have bet and have to bug the Wayne's in interviews and on the bird app about to sadly zero response. Hopefully, we can get an answer soon since it's killing me like fear toxin.
Your Loyal Journalist,
Gotham Rumors
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obeymematches · 5 months
My friend’s been starving for Simeon content ever since I introduced them to OM! (which was yesterday) so can we get some random Simeon HCs? Ty
he been on my mind lately-
🩵 Random Simeon HCs 🩵
Domestic stuff:
I just know he is the fastest at changing the bedsheets manually, without using any spell. He got used to this, living with Luke; being in a clean environment is high on his priority list. Moreover kids tend to pee in their bed sometimes, in that period you get real fast at changing sheets and doing the laundry.
However he does like a good spell to help with domestic stuff, like doing the dishes. Though... I don't think he uses these often, only when he is seriously tired.
He prefers tea with coffeine instead of coffee. Has a very elegant, impressive teapot and likes to try various types of tea; you are always welcome to join him! Tries to have a limit on coffeine though, his self control is extraordinary regarding things like this.
Although he is not the self-care advocate of the bunch he does like having time for himself; he does like to smell nice but not too much perfume; he does like dressing well. Bet he is the cleanest guy after Asmo.
He is very knowledgeable on a very board spectrum; he likes to learn about ideas, structures, functions. He also knows a lot about stuff he doesn't really care about but had to update his knowledge because of Luke. You can ask him anything basically, the man is a walking Wikipedia.
Though! In case you find a topic he is not much familiar with, he is not too proud to admit he has absolutely zero idea about the answer. It makes him so loveable ahhhhhhh
Can't learn to drive a car to save his life though.
Dating stuff:
Listen I just know he is not as punctual as he wishes he was. I mean 15-20 mins of running late is normal when you date him. He is always apologizing because of this, but he does his best to get there ASAP.
He is the kind of guy to text you WITHIN 3 hours after your first date, whether or not he enjoyed it; he is going to tell you why he doesn't think you are going to work out if he believes so and you can't change his mind if he didn't enjoy the time spent together. On the other hand if he did like you he is also going to let you know; he starts flirting even more, gets more bold but doesn't cross any boundary!
He could get so obsessed over you; talks nicely about you to everyone, thinks of topics he would like to discuss with you..... imagine him sitting at the window, daydreaming of you as he plans your next activity together, his mug letting off steam, his hand holding his head. He already had peace; it is dull without you though.
Also imagine a dim lit room, you laying under the bedcover, him joining you with an adorable smile and a book in his hand. 🥹 He is there to read next to you when all is calm and it's just you.
Another scenario to think about is going on roadtrips with him and Luke! You must be the driver though.
Alsooo I think he would appreciate funky gifts??? Like buy him that strange shaped mug! Get him socks with ducks on it!! There are those mittens that are shaped as crab "hands".... yeah he would have a good laugh, appreciate it and use them. 😌
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acciocriativity · 10 months
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Summary: You weren't really the lonely girl™ of campus, but it does feel like it when you look around, and there's no one by your side when everyone else are talking and whispering between each other. You did have "friends", more like "group projet friends" that you managed to get for yourself, but they were the ones that were real close, you were there only when they had an extra empty seat. But it seems like the gods above took your nonchalant facade as a challenge. Oh, you don't think you need friends to survive through college? Bet.
Pairing: Non! idol OT8 ateez x reader (platonic)
Tags: college! au; hybrid! au; ateez! au; fluff (a whole lot of fluff and wholesomeness); angst; hurt/comfort; mentions of mistreatment and abuse.
WC: 2,2k
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Ateez Masterlist
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“… project, how come you did not come to see it? Did you know that you’re walking with…”, Wooyoung was talking your ears off about his dance major while the nine of you walked out of the cafeteria, both of his hands around your right elbow as he walked with a skip on his steps.
It was an adorable sight if San was being honest with himself, but he was too afraid of being only a house of cards to enjoy the moment. He could only hear his own nervous heart and anxious thoughts. Usually, walking alongside of a hybrid could only be two things for a human: a burden or a prize, but he never felt like any of those things around you. Which made everything worse.
It’s been almost two hours and the right time never came. San felt his throat closing around the words anytime he brought himself to say it. He felt bad. Yes, he missed you and yes, you did so much for all of them, but if they didn’t have a clear goal in mind, he doubted he’d talk to you again. You reminded him of the old days when he needed you. Once again, he needs you, but he wished he didn’t.
I’m so fucking selfish, his brain kept telling him. He hated that he was there to only ask for a favor without anything to give in return, as if he’d have anything you already don’t.
“San?”, your voice woke him to the conversation again.
The moment he looked around, he noticed how you already were near the entrance of campus. His pack was also expecting an answer from him. They knew why he got so distracted all of a sudden, they could feel how heavy his heart was and could only imagine the thoughts running through his head.
“Sorry”, he forced a genuine smile and you waved it off his apology. “What did you say?”
“What are you thinking about? You seem a little lost in there”. Once again you give them an opportunity to tell you whatever they wanted to.
San’s mind froze. It was the perfect time, he could just ask then and there. What if you said no? What if you hate us for taking your time for nothing? What are we going to do then? Where are we going to go?
It was your turn to force a smile, they changed the topic anytime you got close to ask what they actually wanted. It was cute when they insisted the first time they just wanted to know how you were doing, so you let it go. But they seemed more anxious as the time went on, if Wooyoung’s nails extending and retreating rubbing against your arm was anything to go by.
“Can I help you guys with anything?”, their expressions were the answers that you needed to know. “What it is? Why don’t you just tell me?”
“We don’t want to bother you”, Yeosang said so fast you barely understood it. “We only, w-we…”, he sluttered as everyone eyes fell on him.
“We were going to find a way ourselves, but then we saw you and you are the only human we can trust to ask this”, Jongho interrupted, taking all the attention to himself and Yeosang hid behind him.
You nodded along, getting a little nervous yourself. If it was money it would be fine, but they seemed so tense you thought they got into some serious legal trouble and you were far from being a lawyer.
“Do you happen to know a safe place for us to stay?”, Hongjoong said the final words.
It was a strange sight to see Hongjoong being so indirect, so shy about something that he wanted, that was the last thing you expected from him for something so small to you.
But it wasn’t small for them.
As the seconds passed, the more anxious they seemed to get. Wooyoung couldn’t look at you, although he was still attached to you by the hip. The floor seemed much more interesting to him.
“I think I do, but Mingi mentioned an apartment, did something happen?”, you asked and everyone glared at Mingi in a subtle way.
It was clear Mingi himself didn’t remember to mention it. He had a silence discussion with them through his eyes only. The apartment was a sensitive topic and nobody else was supposed to know.
“It’s nothing you can do”, Seonghwa said after a long sigh. “Some nosy bitch found out that all of us lived there”.
“What’s the problem with that?”
“Only half of us are free hybrids”, Yunho informed as he crossed his arms in front of his body. Out of instinct he shrunk into himself because of those words.
“Oh, fucking stupid law”, you said the words in your mind and that earned you a couple of smiles from them. “A safe place, huh? Like a hybrid facility but better?”
Yunho scoffed at those two words, but agreed nonetheless. “Better would be great”.
But even the facilities were shutting down one by one, thanks to the years and years of protests against the mistreatment and down right abuse from those institutions. To find something better than wouldn’t be easy.
“I have my own place, but I can try to find something better in the meantime”.
They seemed lost in thought, then looked at each other. The silent conversation between them showed you a bit of the true connection they had. It made you a bit uncomfortable all of sudden, like you shouldn’t be witnessing whatever was happening in front of your eyes.
If San seemed uncomfortable in your presence before, now it was clear to you the reason wasn’t because he said he missed you, but because of this whole situation. It also brought you some flashbacks and it made sense that he hadn’t looked your way in the past half hour or so.
“You guys can think, how much time do you have until you have to leave?”
“Not a lot, but can I have your phone number?”, Hongjoong took a step further with his own phone in hand. “I’ll let you know if we took upon that offer”.
“And I’ll let you know if I find something else, so send me a quick message, okay?”, you got another smile out of them and took it as a small victory.
“Thank you so so much”, Wooyoung said as he rubbed the marks he accidentally made on your skin before pulling away from you.
It then downed on you his tail was around your waist this whole time like a warm blanket protecting your skin from the wind and you only noticed it when it left your body. It didn’t cross your mind how strange it was when he got so attentive and clingy the moment he had an opportunity for it.
Did that fox just used his seductive skills to win me over?, you thought as you tried to keep a poker face.
To his credit, Wooyoung didn’t plan to do anything of that sort. He was only being himself, at least 99% of himself with only 1% of boldness he usually hadn’t in him. He felt like he did a walk of shame back to his pack, because, of course, they noticed. Sure, he knew he didn’t need to do that to you, but in the back of his mind he knew that was the only way to get into someone’s good side and they needed to be in your good side.
Wooyoung only took a deep breath when he felt the comforting hands of San rubbing his back. At least San wasn’t judging him.
You thought he was cute. Really, all of them would always be kind of adorable in your head and you weren’t mad at him or anything. But the fact he thought he had to do that with you was disheartening. Now you had another hybrid avoiding your gaze.
“Which side are you guys going to?”, you broke the awkward and full of unspoken emotions silence.
Jongho took that bait as a sign and pointed to his left with his left thumb.
“I’m heading the other way, I hope we see each other soon”.
It was a lie, your home was the same exact direction, but you took the long way around it.
San could say he never had a silent way back home such as this, but there was no home to come back to.
He didn’t need to look at the others to know how they were feeling. There was hope, frustration and anger hanging in the air, still nobody dared to be the one to say those words.
Hongjoong was the most frustrated one. Nothing went as planned, since they didn’t even planned to reach out to you in the first place. At least not now, but time never was on their side just like every other fucking thing. It was Mingi’s idea to go into the cafeteria and if you were there, they would go talk to you. What were the actual fucking chances you were there?
He walked in front of everyone else without a new plan yet, which was pissing him off further. His head was too heavy for his shoulders, but he needed to find a roof for his pack, so he couldn’t complain about it.
Mingi and Yunho were the last ones in line on purpose.
Yunho was a ticking bomb, he could keep the smile on his face as long as he wanted, but Mingi knew better. Yunho always thought this pride thing was kind of ridiculous in this situation. He was the first to agree to Mingi’s plan and the one who encouraged everyone else to at least try to find you, because there was not another alternative. Why was that so hard to understand? This could easier than the mess they created it.
And Yeosang was trying so so hard to conceal the hope that everyone would be ok in your house and would be able to figure it out from there. He understood why the others were hesitant, freedom wasn’t a joke for hybrids like them, who hadn’t any for so long. But at the same time you wouldn’t abuse your powers as owner of the house and only human, he would lose faith in humanity if you were like that after all he went through.
Everything was aligned for a fight to happen at any minute and San was more anxious than ever. It came out in waves off of him, Wooyoung, who was by his side, could actually feel it penetrating his own skin and therefore making himself anxious.
“Stop!”, Wooyoung yelled and all of them paralyzed in the middle of the sidewalk. He took a deep breath as a couple glared at them before bumping into Mingi. Jongho held Yunho’s arm before he could give them a piece of his mind. They can not afford to grab this much attention on the streets. “Fuck, guys, stop , let’s just… there”, Wooyoung pointed to an empty alley.
Wooyoung did little to explain himself as he walked away.
“You can’t just do shit like this in the middle of the road”, Hongjoong angry whispered to Wooyoung, barely able to contain himself as he was the first to follow him.
“I know, I know and I’m sorry”, he whispered back as he disappeared in the shadows and the others followed suit.
“I do no-”
“Does anyone have a better plan?”, Wooyoung interrupts Seonghwa without noticing it. “Because I don’t think anyone does and we’ll be out here until they throw us into jail, is that better than to just accept some help?”
“We can at least try”, among the whispers, San’s voice was the softest. “We did it once, didn’t we?”
“We are trying and where is that taking us, Sannie?”, Wooyoung’s voice sounded as tired of that topic as he felt dirty from the lack of shower for the 2nd day in a row. “We came back to level zero and we even lost all of the progress for Yunho’s case”.
At the mention of that topic, Yunho turned around to face the wall.
“Guys, we have to leave right now”, Seonghwa said as he looked over his shoulders. “Now, come on, we have to go”, Seonghwa pushed Mingi and Jongho to move first.
The two of them started with small steps looking for what Seonghwa saw, then they noticed the weird white dude talking on the phone on the other side of the road. The whispered words reached their twitching hybrid ears. It was something about safety laws and … hybrid security.
They ran.
Jongho didn’t know where he was going, but he found himself guiding them through neighborhood after neighborhood. Unfortunately it was hard to be discreet when there was nine hybrids running in broad daylight and as time passed, they got more and more attention from humans.
Their ears up in their heads, waiting for the first sign of sirens to come, because they always did if any stray hybrid was out in the open by 5.
Then, Jongho suddenly made a turn when he caught a familiar scent. The others were too busy to noticed the change in route. Instead of the nation park, now there were headed to the outskirts of the small residential area.
When they all noticed, it was too late.
They were in front of your house.
And the siren let them know it was well past 5.
Tagslist: @asherthehimbo @katsukis1wife @a1i33a @idfkeddieishot @pyeonghongrie-main @h3arteyes4mingi @huachengsbestie01 @hhoneylix @alxxxnya @queenproxy-blog @staytiny816
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aziraphales-library · 6 months
Hello!! :D i hope you're doing well
Do you guys have any good recs for fics set in lockdown? I have a preference for fluff and zero smut.
Thanks in advance :) <3
Hi! We have #good omens lockdown, #awake the snake, and #covid-19 tags, so check those out. Here are more lockdown fics...
starved for (your) company by elloquial (T)
He’s calling Crowley before he can fret about consequences and implications for another moment. The first three rings, which he listens to with dread mounting in his core, are torturous. But then Crowley answers, and his surly (awake!) voice is such a relief that Aziraphale skips hello entirely. “Would you like to do zooms with me?” (in which Aziraphale sets up nightly zoom meetings to keep Crowley from hibernating, and eventually re-evaluates his stance on quarantining together)
May I have your number? by Crowletto (G)
Aziraphale's student job has its perks. He certainly meets interesting people. (This is a Human-AU set in Lockdown, please mind the tags!)
nature is healing (or something like that, anyhow) by nightbloomingcereus (T)
Well. If Aziraphale could be stubborn, so could Crowley. He didn’t need Aziraphale, or his bookshop, dammit. He was going to take a nap, exactly like he’d said he would, and he wasn’t going to get up again until the world, and a certain frustrating angel, stopped being such a downer. It was the perfect plan. Or it would have been, had he still had his bloody bed in his bloody flat in bloody fucking Mayfair. Or, the one where Crowley takes his three-year-long pandemic nap in his plant-filled Bentley.
The Last Four Years by juliet, Laura Shapiro (T)
After the nightingale sang, before a naked archangel arrives in Soho – four years passed. What happened during that time?
Better With You by WordsInTimeAndSpace (M)
Due to a petty feud between their respective department heads, Crowley and Aziraphale have been hiding their friendship for months. When they’re suddenly stuck in lockdown amidst a pandemic, Crowley is not coping well. Thankfully, Aziraphale is there for him - but their changing relationship means that keeping secrets from their bosses only becomes more of a challenge.
Fancy Patter on the Telephone by HotCrossPigeon (G)
A series of telephone conversations between Aziraphale and Crowley during the Lockdown. They get steadily more desperate and ridiculous as the weeks go on. Featuring a moping demon, a teasing angel, a pub quiz, an explosion, extraordinary amounts of alcohol, a bubble bath, awkward flirting, several love confessions... and an ill-conceived bet on who can last the longest without seeing the other. What could possibly go wrong?
- Mod D
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ansbobcar · 7 months
I'm ready to become a part-time lore builder of a fandom if I can't get any answers.
Seriously. Time to do some mental gymnastics again because, I LOVE TALKING ABOUT LORE (well worldbuilding lore) AND MAKING LORE IF THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT IT!!
We're back to looking at the Divine Visionaries again because, what the hell are these administration/department/subdivisions man.
Here are my rankings of most straightforward to least straightforward (in terms of what they govern) and my reasoning, questions, headcanons AND MANGA SPOILERS. Feel free to discuss!
It's basically quality control check of any magical tool and also acts like a museum. Very straightforward to guess. It's managing, checking the quality of new, old, or powerful magical items. We also know the most about it I think because Rayne currently manages it (idk why i trust the fandom wiki)
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This is also straightforward. They manage forbidden magical texts from being accessed to the public. But I'd like to think that this department has to ensure that any texts which use magic, such as newspapers and maybe even children's books, abide by their printing laws and don't enter into that forbidden valley. Prevention of more forbidden magical texts is probably one of their main goals. I mean, confiscation of books and materials or clues regarding them will either be stored or burned possibly. Censorship is a possibility.
Every time I hear security I think of that random post from twitter I think about how the US' whole military like thing is called the defense something or something. AND I THINK ABOUT IT. But you know atleast security makes more sense.
Current headcanon is that the magic police is under their jurisdiction but being called a magic security officer is diff from a magic police officer. The main difference is that magic police focus solely on internal and surface level, local scale magic (and lack-magic) crimes.
Magic Security is a more national/international scale, or something that involves the Bureau directly. Like a war between other magical races or those type of conflicts. The bar to being a magic security officer is much higher than a magic police officer too.
The management of deceased magic users/wizards is pretty straight forward BUT what I'm tryna figure out is:
a) How many official cemeteries are under their jurisdiction? If so is it illegal to bury a deceased wizard's body on your own?
b) Do they only manage the cemeteries? If they don't does that mean that it's a law to contact their department while preparing for a funeral and burial? How early do they have to get involved?
c) Whoever was managing this division when Adam Jobs died was not good at their job. Nvm this guy's body was gone to bits. Still bad management on their part to not scavenge for that bit of flesh left over. Burn the area to the ground if you have to. Fucking Innocent Zero got his body.
The only reason I have this much lower than I initially intended is because there are so many fucking magical creatures in this fucking world that it should be one of the biggest ass divisions of the Bureau alongside Magical Items.
a) You need research/encyclopedias on these creatures. What their weakness is and so on, research on magical creatures (probably in conjunction with magical research).
b) Is animal cruelty a thing in this world? It probably is. It better be then there has to be a governing body for that.
c) I feel like for magical magical creatures like Dragons, they have to manage/hand out yearly licenses towards educational institutes to allow those dragons to be used. Otherwise, I think they'll be released to the wild and will be blacklisted from ever owning a dragon. (Animal cruelty act or something)
d) They probably have a national zoo which is used for both research and conservation purposes. Bet there's a bunch of endangered species.
Just like the previous department/administration... this is also pretty broad. (You'll realise a pattern as we go down the list). The way I see it is that every year, they gather statistics and feedback from the people, and come up with 4-6 projects of varying scales to help. These can range from new technology for pre-existing magical tools or making new innovations and tools.
They also do research on animals, plants and probably somewhat manage the welfare of the country slightly.
What I wonder is if it's illegal to do research outside of their department? Or do they allow exceptions, like some company can pitch their idea to the magical research department who then greenlight their thing or not like Dragon's Den.
Orter and Rinka, idk how y'all even do this. Magical Power Admin according to the fandom wiki (which I think took info from the fanbook, but cannot confirm), looks into shit related to power basically (abuse, lack ofs, very magical power creatures).
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My problem is that kind of overlaps with magic security just slightlyyy. I also headcanon that the magic police are governed by magic security and magical power.
So far for my fanfic (big spoilers lol):
a) Their main goal is to reduce/prevent the abuse of magic within the kingdom/country.
b) They can make and enforce laws/policies/the legal rules surrounding the use of magic which include giving penalties/punishments.
What the fuck is Kaldo's job. I get he looks at Divine Visionary candidates before they even get to the final exam but seriously. I would like to think that part of his job is to take note of what kind of personal magic has ever fucking existed other than tryna analyse people. If his department was more like HR, I think it'd make more sense.
His department probably has the least amount of people/staff.
_ _ _
There's probably other departments as well that aren't governed by a Divine Visionary for now. My ted talk is finished. For now.
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dezertvideogames · 1 month
What the controversy? - Genshin Impact
I don't normally make post like this, maybe I should as a mixed video game addict. I bet you've heard about the understanding outrage about the skin tones of Genshin characters. Maybe you've seen the meme pointing out that the White Pharaoh has darker skin than most of the Genshin cast. I'm here to tell you the problem is even worse.
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What happened previously?
Genshin Impact has been heavily criticized by fans from all over the world for the blatant colorism in the game.
Genshin Impact is a free open world game with gacha mechanics. Characters come from a myriad of in-game regions each based off of real life ones including Western Europe, Japan, China, the Middle East, Russia, Central Europe, and the most recent region taking inspiration from Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin Nations.
This can be a very interesting approach to this kind of worldbuilding, as Genshin is not unique for this, and often makes it easy for fans to connect to the characters culturally.
Genshin's problems started to show immediately. In fact the first region's set of characters, Modstadt, based off of Central Europe has THE darkest skinned characters in the game. Kaeya and Xinyan, and one of them is a mean obnoxious black girl stereotype.
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As the other regions have been added to the game, the problem has only gotten more apparent. Regions that would naturally have a few more diverse skin swatches among the cast just didn't have them. When Genshin did add darker characters they were often lighter than the average mixed person, or another variation of white skin tones, because lets be honest white people come in many colors too.
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Now there isn't anything wrong with a region having diverse skin tones, especially if it's based off a real life region with a very commonly diverse population when it comes to skin tones like the United States, Brazil, Egypt, Iran, or South Africa. These places realistically are very diverse, and the people from then come in many colors.
The problem is in Genshin there are zero characters added with a darker skin tone than Xinyan, and the dark characters they claim to give us are barely darker than average Chinese person. There are very few brown skinned people, and they're all quite pale brown skin tones. Take for instance the Sumeru line-up.
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When Sumeru came out fans of Genshin were outrages at the lack of darker skin tones among the middle eastern inspired characters. Since then there has been a demand for darker skin tones, and tons of criticism against Hoyoverse, but their pleas were never answered.
The Latest Region
The latest region added to Genshin Impact is Natlan. It takes inspiration from Sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin nations. Players have waited with baited breath to see if Hoyoverse finally adds some darker skinned characters. The answer?
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Natlan came out with one brown skinned character. Meaning in all the regions of Genshin Impact there is a whopping three brown skinned playable characters, and zero black people to play.
This is worse than it seems: Hoyoverse
Genshin Impact isn't Hoyoverse's only game. In fact Hoyoverse's other popular games, including Honkai Impact 3rd, Honkai Star Rail, and Zenless Zone Zero also have zero black playable characters and sparse brown skinned characters.
In fact if you are a Hoyoverse fan in general you got your first two furry characters this year, before any dark black characters.
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We got blue people before black people guys
The Outlook & Excuses
Many players are choosing to quit the game, boycott purchases inside the game, or completely moving on from Hoyoverse entirely. In fact I am one of these players (sorry to my mans Zhongli ]: ). I quit when Sumeru came out because I felt very offended seeing the outlook of colorism in the games as someone who is brown toned.
Some fans of Hoyoverse have tried to defend the company by mentioning how it's an Asian game, and these are simply Asian beauty standards.
So how does Genshin Impact hold up to other anime styled Eastern games? It doesn't... AT ALL.
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These pictures all come from other Eastern video game companies, including Fire Emblem, Reverse 1999, Arknights, and Dislyte.
There is no excuse for Hoyoverse.
My Video Game Suggestions
If you're a fan of free gacha games I suggest wholeheartedly Reverse 1999 and Dislyte for their diversity. Arknights is also pretty good.
When it comes to open world games there's hundreds out there, many of which Genshin itself is based off of or has been the inspiration of in the first place; like Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild or Palworld.
For games with anime styles the Persona series, and Fire Emblem are super fun. The Xenoblade series has very similar storytelling to Genshin Impact. There are many other series in development that plan to be similar to Genshin Impact, however most have the same hardcore flaw of zero to sparse dark skinned characters. Keeping an eye on them doesn't hurt though, as the lesson might be learnt before further updates are made.
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Anyway, play Reverse 1999 if you want a free mobile game to fill the void Genshin brutally left. May Zhongli rest in peace.
I really like the writing, the animation style, the voice acting can be silly but that's because each character is voiced by native speakers of their background.
There's a tons of lesbians in the game too if that's your thing.
(PS. I judge no one who continues to play Hoyoverse games or holds hope for the future of the franchise)
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xcixmoon · 2 years
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zero - part II
this is a 18+ page, minors dni
⤥ simon 'ghost' riley x reader
⤥ fem!reader, simon ‘ghost’ riley x reader, lt!ghost x rookie!reader, simon riley x reader, angsty!ghost x reader.
⤥ ultimate masterlist - zero masterlist
⤥ warnings: strong language and violence.
note: unedited and keep in mind that parts of the recent campaign has been modified to fit my story/character. THANK U FOR 600 FOLLOWERS AAAAA, I APPRECIATE U ALL SM
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you watched as ghost carefully tended to your gunshot wound. a sting went throughout your body when he wiped off the dried blood - you groaned lightly at the feel.
you noticed ghost eyes looked up at you, “sorry…” you mumbled.
you were laying on a old couch that was at the current safe house you found and ghost was kneeling down to see your injury.
thankfully the safe house had some medical supplies stored.
every bit of useful supplies you always kept with yourself was left in your backpack with the shadows and graves in the car.
ghost had hardly said a word when you both got to the safe house. you both had to move quick as graves was looking for you, soap, and ghost. it was clear enough that graves was willing to do anything to get you all.
you shut your eyes in annoyance with the situation, you felt like you were dead weight to ghost, “why haven’t you said anything?” you finally asked him.
you were used to ghost speaking up in situations like this but you were left with nothing, it made you feel worse about the situation.
ghost sealed up the wound and set down the medical supplies, “what you were willing to do was stupid.” he finally spoke.
he was right.
ghost was always the one to be blunt and straight forward, there’s no beating around the bush with him.
“why is that?” you couldn’t help yourself.
you just had to ask, you were irritated at the situation at hand and your words just spilled out before you could think.
ghost got up from the floor and walked to look out a near window. you heard commotion going on - the shadows were killing innocents.
sure, the cartel had people under their wings but hearing the screams of the women and men that had no clue what was going on made you more motivated to get back at graves.
“bloody bastard.” you heard ghost say under his breath.
you knew this upset ghost as well, he had his suspicions towards graves as is and he was right all long.
ghost turned towards you - “price and i taught you better than to let anger control you.” he finally answered.
you felt disappointed in yourself when the words came out.
he was right, yet again.
once joining task force 141, you had spent a lot of time with price and ghost. price would often be the one to give you the best advice while ghost furthered your training.
spending time with each other allowed you both to open up, occasionally. you were the first to slowly let your walls down and tell him about why you are the way that you are and ghost would occasionally drop hints about his past.
in some cases you were similar.
"we're a team y/n. we need to stick together." ghost said.
a scoff escaped your lips.
you still couldnt help yourself and his words upset you further, your hand skimmed your cheek across your newly scar. "is that why you guys came looking for me?"
you were being stubborn and soon regret it as soon as the words left your lips.
the fuck are you thinking.
but the words kept going, "if i wasnt with sin nombre i bet you lot wouldve just left me."
"thats not true and you know it." ghost responded calmly.
you got up and walked towards ghost, "then where the hell was alejandro or you, you were overwatch! you had soap doing the task to get her but alejandro failed to be the eyes and ears when we needed it!"
you wanted to say i needed but that was selfish.
you were never selfish and always knew things happen out of plans when going on missions. nothing is ever set in stone because the enemy can always have another plan.
you were acting out and knew it but you couldn’t stop. it was a foreign feeling to feel this way but you wanted answers. you were picking a battle that wasn’t worth fighting.
you never asked about that day because there were other important things to tackle.
there still are other important things to tackle.
ghost looked down at you - you were small compared to him but still you managed to feel taller than him in your fit of anger.
"stop talking zero," he warned you.
"no." you responded.
ghost pushed past you, "that wasnt a request, it was an order."
you turned to ghost in disbelief, "you want me to shut up then tell me what i want to know simon."
ghost pov
she was being so bloody stubborn.
when the words “if i wasn’t with sin nombre you lot would’ve just left me.” hit me i was shocked at first but not surprised.
she was used to being left alone by those who are supposed to care for her - she had been alone since she was twelve.
a good for nothing father and a even worse mother.
i thought our chats would unknowingly let her know that no one in 141 is leaving her for any reason.
not even me.
we understood each other more than the others and i know for a fact that shes eating at herself for letting the words spill out with each word she speaks.
her calling me simon in a case like this pushed a button.
zeros pov
"where the hell did you think i was when the team collected sin nombre and you!" he raised his voice slightly. ghost looked into your eyes, you both were close to each other.
your chest rising and falling quickly trying to calm yourself down.
you scanned his eyes, "i was making my way to somehow get into that building as i got confirmation from alejandro that he couldn’t find you. i was willing to possibly risk the mission." he lowered his voice again.
he let out a big sigh and walked away.
you felt like a fool as soon as he said he was willing to risk the mission before you could respond to ghost you both heard soaps voice come through communication, a wave of relief hit both of you at the sound of it.
“we’re at a safe house now but zero is injured.” ghost told soap.
soap was whispering his words, “what are we gonna do L.t.?”
he had to be hiding from the shadows.
ghost looked at you for a split second, “meet us at the towns church, we have a better chance at getting the hell out of here from that direction.”
you grabbed your weapon and began trying to prepare yourself to head to the church but soon you groaned in pain, “shit…”
ghost looked at you as you tried to brush it off but doing that was no use. you were only going to further your injury.
he took off his sweatshirt and noticed a bit of his stomach flashed in doing so, you quickly averted your eyes from the sight and felt your cheeks grow red, “here.” you heard him say.
he made a makeshift sling out of his sweatshirt, you felt embarrassed at catching a glimpse of his stomach.
he had a happy trail and seen he was definitely in shape. you had to be in shape of course but you never got to see simons build with his armor always being on him 24/7.
“thanks…” still embarrassed about everything. you tried to avoid his eyes but his eyes were looking at you before you looked at him.
he tied his two sleeves together behind your neck, “don’t worry about it.” was all he said.
[two days later]
the last two days had been... tense.
you were hardly speaking to ghost after that night and people that were around were starting to notice.
soap, thankfully, is doing well after being shot by graves. he seemed to be in high spirits after seeing familiar faces again - you couldnt imagine being alone and injured while trying to dodge the shadows and graves.
you luckily had ghost who was quick with his decision making and was able to take down shadows by himself. the only time you both had talked when he was ordering you to wait or to follow him to get passed a few shadows.
getting out was easy with a partner.
none of you had gotten much sleep as everyones thoughts kept them up at night.
you were injured and tired but still had to keep fighting to get alejandro back and the final missile that was still in the hands of the enemy.
"graves most likely has alejandro here," rudy pointed at the map.
once ghost and you were able to round up soap, he took you to alejandros safe house, when you got there rudy was waiting. "graves also detained your men, would they be located in the same vicinity?" you asked rudy.
he nodded, "likely."
"we're going to need more than what we got." you told the group.
you looked at ghost and soap and they gave a nod in agreement, "we're well stocked." said rudy as he opened up a door that led to an armory.
"get supplies for your team and lets head out." ghost ordered.
everyone agreed and began getting ready.
"you got it L.t." said soap.
the group broke off to prepare for the mission. rudy was gathering equipment for his team, soap was getting his gear on, while ghost was studying the map of alejandros base.
wanting to talk to him you chose to ignore your thoughts and decided best to get ready. you went to freshen up and to take a look at your wound, you looked in the mirror and sort of felt like a different person.
you reflected upon recent events, "what in the fuck y/n." you said to yourself.
you splashed cold water on your face.
everything felt wrong.
everything is wrong.
a slight feeling of regret hit you as you thought about price recruiting you for 141.
the what ifs began to fill your head.
you werent an emotional person and the last few days proved that - you didnt know how to handle new feelings, "y/n." a familiar voice said behind you.
you looked in the mirror to see ghost standing at the doorway.
"i couldve been using the bathroom." you told him half jokingly.
"then you would have had the door closed." he responded and caused you to laugh lightly.
you turned to ghost and leaned against the sink counter, "what can i do for you?" trying to pretend everything was normal between you two. you were too busy looking at your bandage to notice that ghost was close to you now, "i want to talk about the other day." ghost told you.
you stopped your actions to look up at ghost.
he was closer than expected - your bodies almost pressed against each other. "right..." was all you said. you looked down at the ground in embarrassment, "im sorry about that, i honestly dont know what i was thinking about being selfish to think that way." you told him truthfully.
ghost tilted your chin up to look back at him, "dont apologize." was all he said.
you felt yourself beginning to blush at his actions, "ghost..." you began but he soon cut you off with his words, "i know you're beating yourself up over it but dont. i want you to understand that no one in 141 is leaving your side. understand?" he told you.
you gave him a half smile, "i supp-"
"i dont want a 'i suppose so' response. i want you to say that you understand, we are sticking together." he told you. he finger still rested below your chin, "i understand..." you trailed off.
"good girl." he responded.
you blushed more that this response, "lets head out - itll be nightfall soon." he told you.
ghost left the room to leave you like a blushing idiot, your face was visibly red as you looked back into the mirror. ghost had never flirted with you in the past but...
"no, he didnt mean it like that. right?" you asked yourself.
ghost pov
i hadnt realized how i felt about y/n until the last few days.
i purposely didnt speak to her much to get my head straight but it was useless. i seen how tense she was because we hadnt been speaking, she wanted to talk but didnt know how to approach me.
i felt responsible for it as i couldve easily spoke up but i also didnt know how to approach her. i decided to stop thinking too much into it about what to say or how to say it and just sort of... followed my heart when i spoke to her.
i did exactly that.
my heart was pound with each word i said and action i did. i hoped she couldnt hear my heartbeat as it felt like it was going to pop out of my chest. wearing a mask came in handy for many purposes, she couldnt see my face become red with my words but i could see hers.
she looked pretty when she became shy, i had never seen her that way before.
seeing her in that light confirmed my thoughts further.
i had a bloody crush.
zeros pov
getting into alejandros base was easy, the shadows had some guards on patrol but they werent on high alert like we suspected.
ghost had warned us that graves most likely didnt give up on finding us, we were so far lucky as you all maneuvered through the base.
soap was on cameras with rudy, he was instructing you and ghost the best approach to try to reach alejandro.
"zero, theres one on the balcony. take em out quietly, theres two others in the distance that can hear the body drop if you used your pistol." soap warned in the ear piece.
you worked your way climbing to the balcony to reach the shadow, you could see ghost covering behind a wall. you stuck your knife into the shadow, covering his mouth in the process.
"not so bad after being shot, eh?" soap commented on your ability.
ghosts voice came through, "johnny, focus."
"right. you both can either take out the two shadows out with your gun or knife. the coast seems clear for a bit of ways now." soap instructed.
you looked down at ghost who better positioned himself, "take em out, zero. i got right." ghost told through comms.
you took out your silenced pistol to aim to the shadow to the left and pulled the trigger and ghost followed. the bodies dropped and you noticed a truck pulling up, "shit, ghost... theres a truck approaching. they might see you and the bodies."
ghost noted your words, "soap, visual?" he asked.
"theres a power bank nearby, if you turn it off then the shadows will be blind. theres four of them, seems like theyre splitting up." soap told ghost.
you noticed ghost reaching the power bank and cut the power. "good work, one of them is approaching you L.t. - he seems like a big boy. your knife skills will be useful." soap said.
ghost quickly moved his way around to hide from the approaching shadow, he was distracted turning the power back on and ghost took the opportunity to strike him down.
you and ghost continued to work your way through the shadows in a stealthy manner, luckily they werent alerted but you still had to work quickly to reach alejandro. you and ghost looked at the holding cell building in front of you.
"rudy, soap. coast is clear - make your way down here and we can get alejandro." ghost instructed.
you looked at ghost, he was still keeping an eye out for any shadows that might be lurking. you couldnt help but feel butterflies flutter in your stomach as you thought back to a few hours ago.
"take a picture." he said to you.
"what?" you laughed. he couldnt respond as you both heard footsteps approaching from behind, "lets get alejandro, yeah?" soap spoke with a smile.
"hes going to be upstairs, there should be a room across that unlocks the doors. lets take it slow and approach from there." rudy told us. ghost agreed, "a team gets alejandro, b team moves to get the rest of rudys men."
b team being you and rudy, "supply your men once you can. im sure graves is going to be alerted soon since his shadows have gone MIA." ghost ordered.
the team was able to take the quiet approach at first but one of the guards was able to alert graves before meeting his death, "shit..." ghost cursed as he, soap, and rudy was approaching heavy fire from enemies above.
you were a bit ahead of the team as you were able to move quickly compared to them, you noticed a room across that had weapons stored. "ghost... im going to try to work my way to high ground." you commed.
"what?" ghost responded back, "you stick with the team."
you rolled your eyes, "we're in a shit situation, we arent all going to make it out alive if we dont try to get the advantage." you told him, you already quickly made your way to the room and grabbed an AR that was fully kited but noticed a sniper sitting off to the side.
"bingo." you told yourself.
"zero!" you heard ghost call for you.
you were already rushing outside to see if you could work your way up to the rooftops as the building had skylights to get the advantage over the shadows, you noticed a latter and quickly climbed it.
as you looked down in on the windows you seen the shadows and ghosts team still fighting, a few had been taken down but still no real advancements were made - "im right here, sir." you told ghost before taking a shot at a shadow.
the body fell over the railing and fell down in front of rudy.
"what the hell was that?!" a shadow said to another.
you held your breath to help focus on the scattering shadows, they were panicking as they still had no clue where the shots were coming from.
you helped the team push forward as the shadows were becoming less and less, "good work," ghost said - "we're nearing alejandros cell, hurry down here and help rudy get his men.
"hard copy, rudy head down there. ill meet you." you told him.
rudy noted your words, you turned around to see a man standing near you with two others. "Now... what are you doing here." graves said before you could report back to ghost and the rest, you were met with a butt of a gun.
"zero? where are you?" rudy commed, "ghost! she isnt here." he continued.
you heard their voices but were too weak to respond, soon everything turned black.
"zero! how copy?!" ghost yelled.
to be continued...
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please keep in mind this is a potential slow burn! smutty simon and fluffy simon will make an appearance at some point(s) in the series.
i do not own anything of call of duty or any of the characters. I rewrote some bits of the campaign to include 'zero’ for structure for the rest of my story.
taglist: @splicer14vex @hugs4coya @palomaxaxaxa @ahmya-4 @nameless-ghoul @ryunniez @luvr-bunnyy @junedevil @hungrhay @keliiii @churchofrain @growlingyu @cryingdvst @thatawokenhunter @shadylilac @sleepynyx
reblogs are greatly appreciated
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acourtofthought · 10 days
I read that josh body language post. It’s like they’re living in a completely different universe! I mean, seriously, these are the same people who tried to redefine “skittered” and somehow thought it would be a great idea to dive into fly fishing. Because, you know, nothing screams “literary genius” quite like a detailed breakdown of a fishing term and thinking that's exactly what Sarah had in mind. 🙄
Like, do they think Sarah wrote skittered hoping her most dedicated fly fishing fanatics would understand. 😂 Because I can’t imagine a single person outside that niche who cares about how a word used for darting fish could possibly relate to body language IN a romance book.
This is what their post said:
Skitter (v) - to draw (bait) jerkily across the surface of the water as a technique in fishing
The fact that Azriel's shadows skittered back could imply that they actually wanted Elain; that they were trying to draw her in, for whatever reason.
You know, having opposite intent of recoiling.
Honestly, it’s impressive how they manage to spin these absurd narratives. Incorporating fishing lingo into their analysis of character relationships. “Oh, his shadows totally skittered away, just like a trout escaping a hook!". 😂😂😂😂
These folks are really grasping at straws, and it’s hilariously cringeworthy. Keep it coming, though—this level of delusion is pure entertainment!
If you ever watch any of Sarah's interviews where Josh is present you see he's a bit of a fidgety guy. Also both Sarah and Josh become evasive when they're tip-toeing around questions that they know Bloomsbury might want them to answer in a certain way so as not to give anything away. I would bet money on the fact that he has absolutely zero emotions towards the possibility of Gwyn and Az together, that he is 100% supportive of what Sarah chooses to do with her characters. It's wild that they'll believe reading the body language of Josh is somehow a major clue while completely ignoring Sarah's friend directly saying "I don't think E/riel is happening." That they'll ignore Sarah laughing at the theory they had of Gwyn being a child but Josh somehow has skin in the game over who Az ends up with.
To your point about skittering. My guess is that a seasoned author is going for the obvious definition of skittering in her writing and not the answer that only those with fly-fishing terminology awareness have. Not to mention Sarah made sure we understand the point Az was making when he followed it up with "they'd always been prone to vanish when she was around." How can anyone claim that in one breath he's suggesting they're trying to lure her in when the next sentence literally tells us they often disappear around her. You know, that's the same issue I have when they try to claim Elain's scent of Jasmine and Honey has anything to do with night blooming Jasmine. First off, Jasmine is first mentioned in the Spring Court (book 1). But also, Sarah followed up "jasmine" and "honey" with "like a promise of SPRING." Is that not the author nudging you in the direction of her meaning? Especially when later we have Nesta thinking how the SPRING COURT had been MADE for someone like Elain? I guess they'll keep seeing what the want to see but I don't think they're going to like what the end result looks like.
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Comet just LOOK at this tiny guy
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Wouldn't it be such a shame if someone tossed him over their shoulder, dragged him backstage, bent him over something just a little too tall and railed him while Dew kicked his little feet? I think that would be just AWFUL.
Oh NO. That would be TERRIBLE. HORRIBLE, even.
Dew is barely out of view of the stage when he's being hauled off his feet. The world turns the wrong direction and suddenly he's slung over a narrow shoulder, looking at the floor and the curve of an ass that can only belong to-- "What the fuck, Rain?" Rain holds his calves tight and doesn't answer. His fingers dimpling into his boot hard enough that Dew can feel the pressure through the leather. "Rain come on--" Rain slaps him, hard, on the ass. Nailing the plug Rain worked into him before the show dead center. Pushing it deeper, grinding it against his prostate in a way that makes Dew's brain feel like it's been lit on fire. He yelps. The sound echoes through the venue hallway. He blames the heat flooding through his face on the fact that he's being held upside down. It has nothing to do with being thrown over Rain's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Rain doesn't manhandle him that often. Certainly not like this--not to carry him down long venue hallways in full view of staff and roadies. It's a rarity, and Dew will be damned if he admits how much he likes it. Being thrown around by Swiss or Aether is one thing. But Rain? Something about being flung over this boney shoulder in particular makes Dew feel insane. Rain shoves into one of the dressing rooms and kicks the door closed. He turns and tosses Dew over one of their equipment crates in the corner of the room. One of the ones they use to store costume pieces.
The edge of it bites hard into Dew's thighs as Rain lets him go. "Satanas, Rainy. Go easy."
"Turn over."
"You want to tell me what the fuck you’re doing or--"
Rain grabs him. Dew doesn't get a chance to resist. He's forced onto his stomach. Bent at the waist over the equipment box. Mask bouncing off of it from the force. He realizes, one second too late, that his feet don't touch the ground. He can graze the threadbare carpet with his toes, but that's all he's got. No leverage. No motion, no nothing. Rain presses tight against him. Pinning Dew’s thighs apart with his own.
"Been thinking about this," Rain whispers, reaching around to undo the button on Dew's pants. He forgoes the zipper. Gathering the waistband of both the pants and Dew's briefs and yanking them down in sharp motion.
Dew shifts, leans to the side, tries to get leverage with at least one of his feet--but it's fruitless. He’s stuck. He tries to ignore the way his cock kicks at the realization.
"Been thinking about you, clenching around this all night." Rain pushes on the base of the plug and all thoughts of wiggling free are dragged from Dew's mind. He digs his fingers into the edge of the case and hopes Papa won't notice a few scratch marks. “I bet it was distracting.” Dew thinks about the fumbled note during one of his solo’s. About how he almost missed his mark at the beginning of Year Zero. “Very,” he gasps, as Rain pulls it almost all the way out and then pushes it back in. Rain fucks the plug in and out of Dew a few times. The sound of lube, and Dew’s slick filling the room. Dew reaches up. Trying to fumble with the laces on his mask so he can get it off. His vision is so narrowed by it--he wants sight. Something to ground him. He feels control rapidly slipping through his fingers. And even though his cock seems to love it—it’s taking a second for a his mind to get on board. Rain stops him, grabbing both of Dew's wrists in one hand and pinning them tight to the small of his back. "Rainy, come on. I can't see." "What do you need to see for?" Rain asks, incredulous. Dew thumps his forehead against the crate and gives in.   Rain pulls the plug out with his free hand. Dew hears it thud to the ground. He thinks about telling Rain that Cirrus wouldn't like him treating her toys like that, but then the rasp of Rain's zipper fills the room. And Rain presses the blunt head of his cock against Dew's slick hole and Dew swallows his words. Digs his teeth into the inside of his cheek instead. Rain slides home with one brutal thrust. It rocks Dew up higher on the case, his toes now hopelessly out of reach of the floor. The head of his dick bumping against the metal edging on the crate. Despite the plug and the copious amount of slick, there’s still a stretch. A pleasant burn that drags up Dew’s spine and quiets the part of his brain that desperately seeks control.  
The pace Rain sets knocks the breath from Dew's lungs. There is nothing about this that is meant to be long-lasting or indulgent. Rain fucks him hard enough that Dew feels each thrust in his molars. That he can’t think about anything except the way it feels like Rain is trying to carve him apart—make a space inside Dew that belongs just to him. Rain's grip on Dew's wrists tightens to near bruising. And all Dew can do is whine, and keen, and beg. He presses downward with his toes, still looking for leverage so he can contribute. So he can grind back against Rain and turn the tables. His boot scrapes against the carpet, it’s nowhere near enough.   Rain hauls Dew up a little higher on the crate and it changes the angle from all consuming to devastating. Dew tries to find something to bite down on to muffle the noises he's making, but all he has is his drool soaked balaclava. Dew's babbling incoherently. He’s aware of sounds and words being forced from his lips but not what he’s saying. Mostly, he thinks, it’s Rain’s name, spoken over and over against the metal he’s pressed against. The head of his cock, flushed dark and dripping, bounces off of the edge of the crate with each thrust. Not enough to get him anywhere, but enough to send small spikes of pleasure racing down his spine. Enough to make him feel like he’s about to lose his fucking mind if Rain doesn’t touch him. "Rainy," he pants, "more. Need--fuck--touch me. Please--I need it." For a handful of horrible seconds Dew thinks Rain might ignore him, might cum in him and leave him like this. But eventually, Rain slips his hand beneath Dew, he curls his hand around the base of Dew's cock and squeezes. Dew sobs in relief as Rain begins to jack him off. There's little coordination in it--timed with Rain's faltering thrusts. But it doesn't matter. The brush of Rain's knuckles along the underside of the head combined with the unholy way Rain is nailing his prostate with each brutal thrust is enough. He's cumming before he's aware of it. Jerking in Rain's grasp. Wailing. Feet still scrabbling for purchase as he shudders and sobs with the sudden, perfect, relief of it all. He sags against the crate, boneless and gasping. Rain hauls him up while he's still twitching. Letting go of his wrists to lock one arm around his waist and curl the other around his throat. Forcing Dew into an arch that makes his spine ache. Pinning him to the crate with only his thighs and hips. Rain only lasts a handful more second before he's hunching over Dew and swearing. Cock kicking deep inside of Dew as he empties himself into Dew's still shuddering body. When he pulls out, Dew crumbles. He slides to the floor without Rain's bulk to hold him up. Landing on his knees next to the discarded plug.  He catches his breath, then pushes himself up onto shaking legs and pulls his pants back up. He winces at the mess between his legs, and tries not to look at the cum splattered across the side of the crate. He gives it a cursory wipe with his sleeve, but that only smears it around, makes more of a mess that he’s too exhausted to clean up. "What the fuck was that for?" Dew asks, body still shaking. Rain looks over at him, expression impossible to read through his mask. He shrugs, zipping up his pants, nonchalant as ever. “Whatever.” Dew pushes past him as he heads toward the door and the waiting bus. "We're doing it again."
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sillyjpeg · 1 month
this is part 3 of my yapsesh. i found ALOT MORE TO SHARE. This post is bill oriented
starting off strong with bill stuff, when i typed in
"ONEEYEDKING" i got this:
i immediatly heard the morse code and translated it, getting me this:
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FAUSTIAN backwards! neat :) typing this in gives us this cool little tidbit, which contains the name of bill’s lawyer:
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and an option to sign a deal with bill
more decoding guys its my favorite... if you type in
"SUCKITMERLIN" you get to see this beautiful photo of bill with some very scrumptious looking code ontop which reads: "DAYMARE VS NIGHTMARE"
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zero idea what this may mean, maybe a eirdmageddon reference? and it dosent mean nything when put into the computer. but really beautiful art!!!
keeping on the bill train, i thought it would be cool to put in family, when i didnt get anything i tried "FAMILY MATTERS" and i got this:
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“Did I do that?" i cant imagine this being anything other than a reference to bill and his home dimension (WHICH I WILL TALK ABOUT LATER) but im not exactly sure what its referring to. maybe bill being shocked after what he did? denial? im not a psychologist, he can work that out in eternal group therapy.
update im just an idiot its a steve urkel reference i think too hard
I also NEEDED TO SPEAK ABOUT THIS. if you type in
"WELLWELLWELLBEING" you can get 3 answers, but this one is the most interesting to me.
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I would bet money that this is talking about his parents, which i can confidently say are named Scalene and Euclid.
Both are geometry related, and if you pop them into the website, you get this back:
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which makes alot of sense. I dont see any indicator of which one is Scalene and Euclid though.
Short and not so sweet post, but ill be doing one on the Henchmaniacs later today.
stay silly :)
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cuephrase · 2 months
from the questionnaire:
are there any results that really surprised you or that you didn't expect?
oooooh good question!! for me personally, no, not really? at least nothing that automatically comes to mind, so yk, don't quote me on that if i share data later and say "this surprised me/i didn't expect this!!" lmao
ummmm, hmmm. well actually okay, so i did expect Tim to be the Most Disliked Robin, but not by such a margin, if that makes sense? more like, logically one of them was going to be the most disliked even if only like 10 people disliked a Robin and my bet was that Tim would have the most votes, by process of elimination/other hypotheses. i wasn't upset by the results, if you've seen the post you know i was incredibly entertained.
there were definitely some results that were a relief? like they aligned with my personal predictions, but it was still really nice to see them.
oh, something that did surprise me was the amount of commentary i got on batcest!! there is zero discussion of shipping in the questionnaire, which is mainly why i wasn't expecting so much commentary, and there's not really a whole lot of ship discussion apart from batcest stuff that i remember- i did think i might get a couple mentions of it but i got a lot more than a couple lmao.
in favor of and against, to be clear, and to be even clearer to anyone reading- this is not an invitation to share your thoughts about batcest with me, i truly do not care. not to be rude, either, like i don't care if you love it or hate it, i just have zero interest in discussing it since a) my blog is mostly gen and b) i don't see any benefits in engaging in discourse about batcest 🫶
on the individual response level, there were some things that surprised me in isolation, but made perfect sense in the context of the responder's answers, like for instance one person said they didn't see Dick as brothers with any of the boy Robins except for Damian, because "he doesn’t really interact with a lot of the other robins in canon", that being said, the only eras they said they read were pre-crisis and rebirth. makes a lot more sense in that context. like i was thrown for a loop, but then i saw the full picture and i was like, "oh. okay."
let this be your daily reminder that the statement "i read comics" means basically nothing lmao. and i don't mean that as a dig at that responder, not at all, just that if you're someone who reads comics you cannot assume that someone else also reading comics means that you guys will be on the same wavelength. not because canon is nebulous and unknowable imo, but just because there's a lot of it!!
also!! a decent amount of people said i was brave?? that freaked me out a little, because i hadn't really...i didn't think i was stepping into shit, okay? in hindsight, i realize that that was naive of me, but idk. i wasn't thinking about the results in that way, and i also really didn't think i was going to get much interaction either- i was floored by the engagement the questionnaire got. but yeah, idk, i was just genuinely curious to see if my theory had any weight, i wasn't thinking about the broader implications of what the data might reveal. whoops.
and here's what surprised my wonderful data-crunchers:
@chinajousama: Hmm, I think one thing that did surprise me was how little the types of Robin media actually impacted the results [of the Most Disliked Robin]. Aside from that pocket of Jason hate from the post-Crisis fans, everyone was remarkably consistent. Also, it wasn't really a surprise, but it was extremely funny to see how big the gap between tim and literally anyone else was, dislike wise.
(we got an ask about if the media/eras consumed impacted which Robins were disliked, so that math has been done, but i haven't shared the results yet, sorry!!)
@tevyaa: Lots! Off the top of my head: - I was sure that the clear winner of the most disliked Robin poll would be Damian. He's the only one I've ever really seen hate for - probably because I entered fandom through Tim-centric whump fic 😂. I was shocked that it's actually Tim who the fandom is most annoyed with. - I was surprised how much of the fandom does actually read comics! I would have guesstimated that the comics/non-comics fans were something like 50/50, and was shocked to find out that only 15% of fandom doesn't read comics (and only about 4% doesn't interact with canon at all, including comics/ games/ animation)
(dw, we haven't released any data apart from the MDR yet, but you'll be able to see the breakdown of comics read/canon interaction eventually!!)
ty for the ask, anon!! i hope you enjoyed the answer!!
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