#I asked my sister what tags I should add. These are what she said:
aestaseuria · 2 months
I've been thinking recently about the Sith Wars and specifically how it must have impacted Mando'ade-Jedi relationships for centuries onward. Buckle in, cause this is going to be a long one. We hear a lot in canon how the Mandalorians are historically the Jedi's enemies, often siding with the Sith in conflicts.
And yet, we have Jedi Master and Mand'alor Tarre Vizsla, who is seen as held in high regard by both the Jedi and the Mando'ade. He is Mando'ad by blood and Jedi by Creed before he became the Mand'alor. We also know that something happened to cause the Darksaber, Tarre's lightsaber, to become the symbol of the Mand'alor. Thus we know that in some form or another, the Mando'ade of the day (or at least some of them) did not see the Jedi as the child-stealing, emotionless sect that so many thought as them as by at least the time of the Acolyte. So then why would they be considered generational/historical enemies by the time Jaster Mereel became Mand'alor? Why would they be considered historic allies of the Sith if the Sith were gone from not too long after little Tarre was given to the Order to decades after Jaster died?
In real life, feuds like those don't just appear out of no where. Like, the enemyship of Israel and Palestine didn't poof into existence from thin air, it came from centuries of consistent conflict between the two peoples. To figure out what caused such hostility between the Mando'ade and Jedi that it would survive nearly 1000 years past the end of the Sith Wars, we must then look at the context in which each culture exists and how that shapes their views on each other.
First and most obvious, we have the Dral'han, the Mandalorian Excision. The Jedi were ordered by the Senate to commit orbital bombardment on Manda'yaim, the Mandalorians' home planet. This occurred in 738 BBY, 272 years after the Ruusan Reformation and 312 years after Tarre Vizsla joined the Jedi. But again, this is AFTER the end of the Sith Wars by several centuries. And this isn't ever really brought up when discussion the animosity between the two cultures.
What gets brought up is nearly always that the Mandalorians are the historical allies of the Sith. Which doesn't make sense! If the Sith and Mando'ade were allies, the Force-Sensitive younglings given up for training would never have gone to the Jedi like Master Vizsla was. They would all be given up to the Sith! But let's relax and backtrack even farther. Given that there is a "historical' allyship between the Mando'ade and the Sith, they must have fought on the same side of the Sith Wars for a while. But Master Vizsla having been a Master of the Order by the end of the Sith Wars and then going on to become Mand'alor means that at some point in there, that changed.
My best guess is that before Master Vizsla came in, there was no real leader of all the Mandalorian clans. Instead, like how the Sith had no real leadership, they all just kinda hung around various Sith and allied with them specifically. But the Sith had infighting. So much infighting. To the point that it is often listed as the true cause of the end of the Sith. Thus, it would not at all surprise me to find that the Sith were using the Mando'ade in their plots against each other like Pong Krell with the 212th and 501st.
And on top of that, the Mando'ade know war. Their language is kinda built around it. Like, the phrase "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"? They have a word for that. "Narudar," meaning a temporary allyship to defeat a common enemy. Both sides in this are very aware that the allyship is temporary, but can trust each other to not stab them in the back until the third party is dealt with. The Jedi of this time also know war, but as Force-sensitives (which by default have a larger blast radius if something goes wrong), they don't have this concept. For Force-sensitives in the Sith War, if someone becomes their enemy, there is no trust. They could not trust one Sith to help them, even to defeat another Sith. To them, any of their enemies coming to them proposing a temporary alliance to defeat someone else could never be anything but a trap. For the enemy to be one they know to be allied with the Sith? There could never be the prerequisite trust for narudar to work. They would turn the Mando'ade away.
Something else to remember is that the whole 1 padawan per Master, no-attachment, no public offices for Jedi, and no military offices for Jedi rules only came along with the Ruusan Reformation, which hadn't come into play yet. The Jedi had their own ways of dealing with things, their own definitions of words, their own associations with concepts. None of those would match the Mando'ade OR the Jedi Order we see in the Prequels or TCW. This is so far before that as to be nearly unrecognizable.
So in thinking of all this, and trying to put together a semblance of timeline for a fanfic idea, I began writing my thoughts and came up with the following:
1033 BBY: The Mondo’ad clans were following various Sith as allies against the Jedi and the Army of Light. They have grievances against the Jedi Order, and the Sith swore to help them resolve it, and to work as allies, partners, in this fight and those following. In actuality, the grievances the Mando’ade hold are half-rooted in misunderstandings. The Sith betrayed the Mando’ade (ala Pong Krell). They pulled out of the war. The lies and losses were enough to cultivate hate for the Sith in the hearts of Mando’ade regardless of clan. They begin their hunt. 
Do not mistake me, the Jedi were no friends of theirs, but narudar was possible. At first, the Jedi refused. Too long had they seen Mandalorians at the side of the Sith to trust easily. The Jedi do not have a concept of narudar. They knew the Light, and the Dark, and the difficult path that must be taken to come back, or die. 
(It is a difficult question to ask: when is a genocide justified. The Jedi did not ask it this day, nor any prior. Nor, I’m afraid, was it asked any day after. These were their Enemies, after all, and it is among the oldest laws of instinct that you did not suffer your Enemies to live. Regardless, the Jedi and Sith fought, and died, and fought, and the conflict seemed unending. Don’t think about how their cultures are fundamentally entwined. Don’t think about how at each turn they seemed destined to lock horns. Don’t think about how the Jedi preach emotional control in what likely started as an attempt to deprive the Sith of one more weapon. Don’t think about how the Sith Code preaches Freedom as its core goal. Don’t think of how the Force needs balance like a human needs air. Don’t think about what the galaxy looked like when the Sith weren’t there to provide the needed darkness. Don’t think about how the very first Sith was likely once a Je’daii. Don’t think of the depths of despair and hatred the captive, enslaved Force-sensitive that would become the Sith was subjected to. Don’t think of them coming home to the other Je’daii and being reviled as corruption, wrong, disgust. Don’t think of their family looking at them, afraid, before raising their weapons to kill them. Don’t think of how this millennia-long conflict likely started from an act of fear. Don’t think about how the Je’daii would regret, and strive to never act in this fear again. Don’t think, child. This is us, and this is them, and we do not think of how we are family, love. We are Enemies, they have killed us, and we kill them ‘lest they do it again. Do not think, child. Fight.) 
Regardless, to the Jedi of the day, no doubt the Mandalorians seemed Dark. They could not know different, no… Beskar muffles the force. They turned the Mando’ade away. This does not stop them from fighting — only stopped them from fighting together. Mando’ade-born and newly knighted Tarre Vizsla did not refuse those of his brethren that wished to fight with him. He gained allies this way, and formed many bonds of friendship. Remember, the Jedi of that day were not yet under the Ruusaan Reformation. This was not forbidden, only cautioned against. It is not the attachment that caused the Fall, but the fear of losing it. Emotion, yet peace. This was war. Let the bonds steady you. 
The friends he made here would be instrumental later, when Tarre Vizsla sought to unite his people as his visions bid. On that front, and some nearby, they fought together.
1032 BBY: The Sith Wars end, the Republic is formed, the Army of Light disbanded, and the Ruusan Reformation instituted. The Sith are thought to be by and large gone.
1031 BBY: Master Tarre Vizsla leaves the Jedi to go to Mandalore. The Force has told him his place from here on out is not among the Order, nut rather leading his birth people. He goes to unite the clans, as he had seen in his visions.
1022 BBY: Tarre becomes Mand'alor.
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the bravest soldier | m33
Description: Max Verstappen and his girlfriend go inside a taxi (not knowing that it's a prank set up for him) in which, their relationship is made public.
Pairing: max verstappen/model!leclerc!reader
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yournameleclerc1 he loves himself ladies and gentlemen 💙
tagged: max verstappen
239 comments 123,210 likes
user19: UMM??? Y/N??? baramram3: i smell y/n x max 😳 maxverstappen1: 😆
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"It's more of a red and orange day," he explained, moving his arms around and placing the cap on his head. He fancied himself a fashion connoisseur at home, even helping you pick out outfits for work - but when he was out with friends and the media? The same cap was on his head - the same polo, and it was frustrating.
"I actually feel proud 'cuz I forced you to wear white," you chuckled as he opened the taxi door. "Don't be too cocky, liefde." he rolled his eyes - helping you carry the luggage inside the car.
"Maybe I'll get you to wear red soon," you add - and he gently nudges you inside. "The day that pigs fly - maybe." he laughed, settling his hand on your thigh. The taxi driver in front of you looked familiar - but you couldn't remember where you saw him.
"Oi! Are you Max Verstappen?" the man rudely asks and your boyfriend nods his head. His grip on your thigh tightens - praying to the gods that he wouldn't recognize you. "Yes," he answered politely, playing with the straps of your seatbelt. He was a professional driver but seldom wore it in the passenger seat.
"Very nice eh? Must be the dream." the man complimented, moving his car away from a section of the airport. "We'll be going to ******," your boyfriend informs while fastening the seatbelt around your waist. "If you don't mind - I don't use those digital map thingies. I think that if you wanna be a taxi driver, you gotta know the roads." the man rambled, and your boyfriend continued smiling.
"Yeah, I guess that's the best way to get around things." he replied while playing with his phone. He couldn't believe that the both of you were unlucky enough to score a chatty driver. "How about the girl beside you? Is she your sister?" the man asks intrusively, and a nervous chuckle escapes both of your lips.
"No, she's uhh - my girlfriend." Max confirmed proudly, wrapping his free hand around you. "That very nice," the man nodded his head - trying to get out of a conversation that he started.
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leclercuniverse16: ya'll...check channel 4 💀
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charles16ismydaddy: what is going on? i don't have ch 4 - arthurleclercsupporter1192: they were doing one of those gags where they prank celebrities and MAX VERSTAPPEN went inside the taxi with Y/N LECLERC AND HE SAID "No she's my gf" LIKE
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"Y/n what was that?"
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landaurrnorris12: lando wtf is this 😭 - LandoNorris: had to jump on it before charles finds out
bellawherehaveubeenloca: TELL CARLOS TO TELL CHARLES - LandoNorris: I think Checo would appreciate having a teammate that's alive ✌🏼
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"I'm sorry, I think I took the wrong turn." the taxi driver apologizes, quickly pulling up a paper map from his pocket. "It's totally fine," you smiled at him, playing Helix Jump on your cellphone. He begins driving towards an empty field - to the right place.
"I'm sorry but I got to take a wee," the man apologizes again and your boyfriend agrees; mumbling something along the lines that he understands. Once the taxi driver was out of the car, Max began to panic. "Where are you going?" you ask and he opens the door.
"I think we should get out," he informed you, taking your seatbelt off. "Why?" you inquire - caught in headlights in the sight of danger. "There might be a bomb here," he explained and your eyebrows merged into each other. "Like assassins sent by Ferrari or something," you attempt to lighten the situation but ultimately - the both of you exit the vehicle.
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Charles getting out of his car to find Max and Y/N
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"Assasins sent by ferrari" Nooooo the enemy (Max Emillian Verstappen) has brainwashed you!!
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After a long ride - you finally reached your destination. Max made sure that you were the first person to exit the car. "What's with the cameras?" the man asked while helping your boyfriend take a few of the remaining luggage inside the car. "Umm I don't know - probably something about a documentary," he shrugged, telling the cameras to leave you out of the frame.
"Wait really? Really?" the man repeated the question while taking his disguise off. An amused chuckle exits your lips - he was one of the interviewers for the sports channel. "Fucking hell mate," Max laughed, realizing that it was a setup. "I thought that you were some creep," he grinned while scratching the back of his head.
"He was prepared to run away," you say from behind the camera. "I hope it's fine that I exposed your relationship," the man apologized - quickly telling Max that it wasn't part of the plan. "Nah, you're fine mate - we've been meaning to tell the public anyways." he comforted - freezing once he sees the faint figure of your brother running towards the both of you.
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callsigndragon · 2 years
Sunshine | Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
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(I love this gif so much I'm not even joking)
Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Wife!reader
Word count: 1010
Warnings: nothing! Pure, lovely fluff.
This was requested by @bookaholics-stuff. Thank you, honey! This was such a cute request and I just had to write it NOW. Hope you like it!
FOREVER TGM TAGLIST: @tayrae515 @alexxavicry @xoxabs88xox @mercurio23 @shrimping-for-all @abaker74
(if you want to be tagged, ask me!)
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Mrs. Seresin was the only thing Jake didn't brag about. Don't get me wrong, it's not because he is not proud of you. Quite the opposite. 
He's so damn happy to have you in his life that he wants to treasure you. Keep you to himself. 
And there hasn't been a lot of time to talk about each other's lives during this mission. Phoenix wants to fix this matter, actually, suggesting all the members that a day at the beach could be a good opportunity to get to know each other. 
Unbeknownst to you, Jake had agreed to meet with the rest this Saturday, have something to drink at the Hard Deck, play some Dogfight football… Just a bunch of friends spending a normal day at the beach without having to worry about the safety of the planet. But that plan is thrown out the window when you, Y/n Seresin, the love of Jake’s life, ring the bell of Jake and Javy’s shared house. 
“Sunshine? Oh my god, what are you doing here?” Jake says, while hugging you tightly. It has only been a few weeks since the last time he saw you, but it feels like a lifetime away from you. 
“Heard that my handsome hubby had chalked up another kill, saved the day and also the famous Maverick. I had to come here and celebrate!” you explain, covering his face with kisses, Jake scrunching his nose due to the pure happiness of the moment. 
“Stop, you’re gonna make me blush, Mrs. Seresin” 
“Where’s Javy?” you ask, entering the house and leaving your small suitcase in the bedroom. 
“I don’t know, he said he was gonna meet Mickey and Reuben to buy something. Don’t ask me why because I can’t remember” he confesses, laughing. 
“Oh my, Jake Seresin, aren't you a bit young to be forgetting things?” you joke as you lay down on the bed, tired from the flight from Austin. You had been staying with your sister-in-law and her two kids for a few days, not wanting to be alone when you found out how dangerous this mission was going to be.
“It’s your fault. Do I have to remind you how I forgot my own name when I first saw you?” he recalls, sitting in the bed next to you, his hand quickly moving to your hair, and moving some strands out of your face. “You still have that effect on me, Sunshine” 
You smile, satisfaction running through your body as you realize that no matter how much time passes, Jake will always be completely and utterly in love with you. “I saw the beach while in the taxi. This place is amazing, Jake. And you are definitely sunbathing without me, huh? Look at that golden skin” you poke his cheek, making him giggle like a teenager.
Everyone saw Hangman, the aviator. 
But only you were able to see Jake, the loving husband. 
“Want me to take you to the beach, sunshine? We can take a bath and go for a walk.” he offers, kissing your forehead. 
“I’d love to”
“Is that woman talking to Hangman?” Phoenix questions out loud while leaving the cooler that Mickey, Reuben and Javy had bought earlier to fill with drinks, in the sand. 
“Maybe he is talking to the poor woman,” Fanboy suggests, moving his sunglasses down his nose to try and understand the whole situation. “Should we go rescue her?” 
“She doesn’t seem uncomfortable, though” Payback adds, the whole squad standing there like a bunch of sentinels, ready to jump into action if the lady needed to be liberated from the blonde cowboy. 
Seconds later, Hangman is throwing the poor girl over his shoulder and walking straight to the water. “Oh god, he’s gonna get smacked,” Bob laughs, opening his blue folding chair and sitting down to enjoy the show. 
“JAKE SERESIN PUT ME DOWN” you yell, trying to leave your husband’s arms, only to be thrown in the water. You stand up, your sundress now completely stuck to your body. Thank god you are wearing your swimsuit underneath. “If I didn’t vow to love you for the rest of my life I would kill you” 
“Did she say ‘vow’ as in ‘wedding vow’?" Rooster asks, looking at the rest of his team. “Man, I don’t understand anything” 
Javy, who had been trying to get the beach umbrella from the trunk after it got stuck, walks happily to the rest, wondering why the heck are they standing there like… well, idiots. “Guys what are you- Y/N SERESIN?” 
“JAVY!” the woman, who now everyone knows it’s a Seresin, runs to Javy, almost tackling him to the ground. "I'm so glad you're okay" 
"What are you guys doing here?" Questions Hangman to the group, joining his wife and his best friend. 
"Dude, beach day. We told you" Fanboy looks at Hangman, wondering if the pilot really had forgotten about it or was just messing with them. 
"Excuse my husband, he's having trouble remembering things lately" you tease him, earning a glare from Jake. 
"Husband" mutters Bob.
"Husband?" asks Phoenix. 
"Husband!" confirms Javy. 
"I'm Y/N. We've been married for three years now. And no, I wasn't forced to marry him, Rooster. I know you were about to say that" you say to Bradley, leaving him shocked. 
"I was gonna ask that, yes. How did you know? And how did you know I was Rooster" 
"Oh, cause I'm good, Rooster. I'm really good" you retort, making Jake laugh. 
"Oh no, there's two of them. We're doomed" Bob says, sitting down again. 
"I'm guessing Javy was the best-man?" Javy nods at Phoenix, answering her question. "Well, Mrs. Seresin, would you like to play some Dogfight football with us?" 
"I don't even know what's that but teach me, and I will play" you say, taking off the sundress and stealing Jake's sunglasses from him. 
He looks at you, wondering what had he done in a past life to be this lucky. Good job, good friends, and the perfect wife. His own personal sunshine. 
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velaenaa · 23 days
strawberry chocolate parfait \ nanami kento x reader (ch.1)
word count: 1.1k tags: slight slow burn, pining, romance, fluff, added as i go! setting: you are a worker at a bakery that nanami kento frequents ♡ authors note: hello ^_^ i hope you are doing wonderful! this is my first time writing for nanami. pls enjoy! chapter: 1/? <next>
Chapter 1 - Vanilla Cake
‘Does this guy need help….?’
‘He’s staring real hard at the bread…. Omg- is it ugly? Aw hell- I made that this morning…’ 
Your thoughts were cut off by the towering figure of a man, with two loaves of baguette in one hand and one container of cake, that happened to be your favorites, in the other. You smile up at him, “Will this be everything?” He gives a stiff nod, locking his eyes with yours, then you giggled; “Then.. I guess I'll bag-uette up for you..” 
No? No reaction..Damn, tough crowd.. 
He thanks you and you bid him farewell and to come back soon. You could’ve sworn he almost smiled… maybe that was a look of irritation..?
After he leaves eyesight, You make haste by sitting down behind the counter, face flushed with embarrassment and agony. It made you cringe. Why would you say that? Your coworker giggled at you, making sure to add salt to the wound, “You tried.. That’s all it matters.” she gives you a head pat and continues,  “He’s a regular here. He’s probably gonna come back in another couple of hours on his way home or something.”
“Then how come I’ve not seen him before?”
“Dunno.. He’s been away for a couple months now.” 
“What’s his name?”
“You should ask when he comes back.”
“Isn’t that weird?”
“Oh but asking some other random person, who doesn’t know him at all, by the way, isn’t weird?”
She has a point.
You looked down at your phone and idly texted your friend Nobara about your day and fashion related topics. 
You met when Nobara came down to the bakery to get some pastries for her boyfriend. You hit it off right away due to shared interests, albeit you being 7 years older. Nobara enjoyed having an older sister with an affinity for style, love for shopping, and interest in all the cool girl stuff that Maki wouldn’t normally talk to her about. 
Right now you two are discussing weekend plans. Nobara and her boyfriend Yuji, along with Megumi, and their teacher Gojo were going to a karaoke room cause it had been a while since Gojo had gone out with his students. He was stuck on oversea assignments for the past couple of weeks and he dearly misses them, or so he says. As always, you had been invited and of course you said yes! 
You are very fond of the kids and Gojo. The 3 of them reminded you of your siblings back home, and well- Gojo is Gojo. Plus, if you had declined, Gojo would pester you non-stop. 
After a mini rush, you sit  down, tired, ready to bite down into your sandwich, when on queue, the door swings open, revealing the tall blonde man, taking his glasses off as his eyes pierce you again. You wave at him and he just nods. You get a bag ready as the man collects another slice of the same cake he had bought earlier. He also got another dessert, this time, a small vanilla custard tart w/ fruits on top, made by yours truly. He comes up to the counter, and you stiffen up  in shyness, “Is this everything for you?”
The man looked tired, but he let out a soft, yet stern ‘yes.’
As you rang up his order you looked back up to him, your lips curling into a small grin, “How was work?” This caught them both off guard, “Oh- I didn’t- I didn’t mean to assume-” I mean.. Unless this guy enjoys walking around in a whole business suit for funsies.
He actually lets out a chuckle, “It’s okay. It was a busy day.” 
You both stayed silent for a second before he asked in return, “How was your day, miss?” This made you feel warm and your smile only got bigger, “It was wonderful! I got to serve a lot of customers. They bought their kids in. It was so fun.”
‘And cause you came into the shop twice.’
“Ah sorry.. I’m trailing. I didn’t mean to ramble- you must be dying to get home.”
‘No, I could get used to listening to you.’  is what he wanted to say;
Instead he lets out a relieved sigh, “It’s alright. I’m glad you had a good day today.” This caused your cheeks to tint red. Dying from embarrassment because you just knew that your coworkers were listening in, she redirects the topic, and points at the cake, “Do you like those?” He nods again, “They’re the best I’ve ever had. Compliment the baker for me.” Oh your heart, you could hear it beating so hard from your chest. 
You do a mental fist pump before clapping your hands with glee, “Oh I’m so glad you liked them!” You go around the counter and grab another slice just for him. You stared up at him in absolute awe, because behind the counter was elevated by at least a foot. 
This man was tall, as hell. 
He just looks down at you eyeing your move. You push the cake towards him even harder, “This one is on the house!” He tilts his head in question. You double down and nod your head, affirming the choice. He grabs hold of the cake with one hand, “Thank you. I appreciate that.”
‘Ask for her name Nanami’ He repeats to himself in his head
“What is your name?” She beats him to the punch. 
‘Have you lost your touch?’-- “Nanami”
“I really like your name. It’s beautiful! My name is Y/N.”
‘Y/N, huh.. What a nice name..’
You give him his bag as he recollects his thoughts, “It’s nice to meet you. I’ve got to get going. Work” You shoot him one last smile before waving him off, “Thank you for coming! It was nice to meet you! Don’t work too hard!”
An hour goes by and it's time for the bakery to close for the night. You turn the lights off as the ladies load up the delivery car with food that wasn’t sold for the day so they could give it to the local kitchens and homeless shelters. You bid your coworkers farewell before hopping into your car and collecting yourself, before driving home.
After you get home you jump into bed, eager to text Nobara. 
[Txt]  Y/N - “I met such a cute guy today!”
A second later there’s an audio msg from her of Gojo;
[Voice Recording] “Wahh?! Y/N I wasn’t there today!”  in a whiny bit.
You laugh as Nobara actually sends a text;
[Txt] Nobara - “Tell me all about it when you come to karaoke… matter of fact, he should come!”
But you just met.. How are you going to pull that off… and will he even want to go is the better question… what if he thinks you’re weird … oh lord… so many overthinking possibilities.. Ok but what if he actually says yes?
[Txt] Y/N- “Are you sure?”
[Txt] Nobara  - “Yeah! Gojo-sensei is paying anyway.”
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twignotstick · 6 months
Broken Brothers (and How to Fix Them)
Part 4 ❤️ | Part 1 <- 🧡 | Part 2 <- 💙| Part 3 <- 💜
Note: This story is based on @cupcakeslushie 's Empyrean Weeping au. These characters are not my own, and this story is in no way canon to the main story. I wrote this as my love letter to the story and the characters. Especially April :)
Tags: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, ROTTMNT, Raph & April, April & the Turtles, Splinter's there too, NOT MY CHARACTERS, Empyrean Weeping AU, guilt, talking it out because we're adults, basketball(???), turtle pile(!!!)
Warnings (if there's anything I should add here, tell me please!): yelling, small physical injury
Words: 3,015 (i may be insane🤪)
Summary: April was able to figure out her first brother easily. Now, she gets three more, with a couple more issues to worry about.
When Splinter told her where Raph was, April couldn't help but want to go home. To leave. To act like she didn't know.
But that isn't what big sisters do.
So, instead, like the brave pre-teen she was, she went to the dojo. She went to the shrine, where Raph was already kneeling. She paid her respects (for as long as a hyperactive kid could) to those kids she had never met.
“Do you think I would have been a good big brother?” Raph asked, staring at the family photo in front of him. One of the only remnants he and his father had of his little brothers. 
“You are a good big brother,” April responded without hesitation. “You're still looking for them, aren't you?”
“...well, yeah…”
“Then you're being the best big brother that you can be!”
Raph rubbed his knuckles. “But, what if, when we find them, I don't know how to be a big brother? Maybe I won't want to be a big brother then…”
“You can just follow my lead!” April said, puffing out her chest. “I'm already the best big sister, aren't I?”
“Course you are!” Raph said. “But I can't do everything you can do, y’know?”
“Like what?” April asked suspiciously.
“Like…” Raph pondered. “Like putting your hair up! Raph ain't got no hair.”
“Hmm…” April rubbed her chin in thought. “True. But you don't need to do your big brother-ing exactly like I do my big sister-ing. You do Raph! Besides, who cares about hair when you do have the cutest, coolest, most spikiest shell ever in the whole world!”
The girl hopped on Raph's back, climbing on his spikes and tickling under his armpits in just the right spots, leaving both of them laughing blobs on the floor.
Raph was going to be the best big brother ever. April just knew it.
Mikey’s hand wandered over to April’s fries, trying to snag one without looking away from the action in front of him. April decided to help him and angled the box so he could grab one.
Donnie had somehow managed to get himself on top of the basketball hoop, with one foot hooked over the backboard, one entangled in the net, and both of his hands wrapped around the hoop itself. Both Raph and Leo were beneath him with their hands up, ready to catch him when he inevitably fell. It was amazing he hadn’t already, honestly.
“April, tell him to get down!” Raph begged, shooting the bystanders in the stands a sideways glance.
“He doesn’t listen to me,” she responded helpfully. “He’s your little brother.”
“At this point, I don’t think he knows how to get down,” Mikey added from his spot on the bleachers. “You might have to cut his foot loose.”
“What do you mean?” Donnie asked, scoffing. “I can get myself down from this contraption just fine!”
Mikey smirked, squinting his eyes. “Prove it.”
Donnie unhooked his leg from the backboard behind him and tried to jump forward, only to discover that he had, in fact, tangled his foot a little worse than expected. He yelped when all of his body weight was suddenly put onto the small space of his ankle as his body inverted. Raph and Leo rushed up to help him down, but found that they could only push him up to lessen the pressure from him dangling. 
Raph’s eyes were blown wide. “What do we- MIKEY! DO SOMETHING!”
April and Mikey both came up quickly, and Mikey clambered up Raph’s shell. He pulled a small pocket knife from his hoodie and started sawing at the net while Donnie winced and flailed. Eventually, they got him down, and April could feel the collective relief across the brothers.
Today was supposed to be an easy day. Go out to the surface, pick up some fast food, and show the boys how to properly play basketball. For the most part, it was an easy day. But of course, it couldn’t stay easy. Stupid turtle luck and all. So when Leo just happened to say the wrong thing for Donnie to misconstrue, it all fell apart.
“What were you thinking?!” Raph shouted, looking at Donnie on the ground who was massaging his irritated ankle. “You could have gotten seriously hurt! You did get seriously hurt! I warned you!”
“Chill out, Raph.” Leo tried to place himself between the two. “It's not that serious. No need to get your mask in a twist-”
“Not that serious?” Raph got up in Leo’s face. “You’re telling me it’s not that serious?! You were just as worried as I was!”
Leo pushed Raph’s plastron lightly. “Yeah, when he was dangling from a basketball net. Now he’s on the floor, and it’s fine.”
“We’re all good, bro!” Mikey sat down next to Donnie, looking at the injury himself. “Yeesh, that is not pretty, though…”
April was starting to feel like she wasn’t supposed to be here for this conversation.
“All good?!” Raph stomped on the ground, leaving a small crack on the court. “If we hadn't caught him, he could have broken his leg, or smashed his skull open! If we weren’t here, he could have just sat here, waiting for some human to find him! What happens then?!”
April tried to step forward. “Raph, you need to calm down.”
Donnie looked up with pitiful eyes. “I'm sorry, Raph, I didn't-”
Raph threw his hands up, only to freeze when he looked down.
Mikey had his hand firmly in his hoodie pocket, ready to take out his pocket knife again. Leo had readied himself into a defensive position, one he had practiced many times in the dojo. Donnie held his arms braced in front of his face, neck turned away, ready for impact.
Donnie's eyes were clenched shut, but Mikey and Leo kept theirs trained on the threat.
The threat.
The threat.
Raph's breath got shaky, and he stepped back slowly. His eyes kept darting across the brothers beneath him. He picked up his pace and hurried out of the basketball court, walking with purpose down the sidewalk under the New York moonlight.
April walked up next to the boys on the ground. Leo looked at her, with despair and guilt in his eyes. “April, we didn't…”
“I'll find him,” she promised. “You boys just stay here, alright? If anybody walks by, put your hoods up. Sound good?”
The brothers nodded solemnly, and April hurried to catch up with the eldest. 
The New York streets were, thankfully, empty due to how late it was. The only lights showing now were the light of the moon, the stars, and the streetlights. The air felt thick, but April couldn’t tell if that was because it was humid or because of the nervousness she felt. April was able to see the large form of the snapper quickly moving down the sidewalk. She jogged to catch up, only for Raph to turn and start scaling a nearby apartment building.
The turtle got up to the roof quickly because of course he did, he's been training as a ninja his whole life. April sighed and strained her neck up to where he had vanished. “You know I'm not good at this stuff, right?!” She called up, not expecting a response. Sighing in defeat, she moved toward the fire escape.
She scaled up, having to toss herself up when she reached the top level, and hefted up onto the roof. After recollecting her breath, she looked up to see Raph curled in a ball in the far corner of the rooftop. His arms were wrapped around his legs, knees held close to his chest. He had his beak stuffed down, hiding his face, with the hood of his hoodie haphazardly covering his neck and the back of his head.
April settled down silently next to him.
His breaths were deep, but they had a relatively normal pace. April wasn't worried about that. She was beginning to worry about how deeply he was shoving his face down. She rested a hand on his arm softly, ready to pull away if she needed.
“...did you see their faces?”
April almost missed the whisper. “Raph?”
“Their faces, April,” Raph sighed, lifting his face to reveal his reddened eyes. “There was so much fear in their faces. They… they were scared, April. They were scared of me.”
He choked back a sob. “They were scared of me, April! They thought I was gonna hurt them! Little brothers don't get scared of big brothers! Big brothers are supposed to keep their little brothers safe!”
He placed his chin on his knees, looking blankly into the air. “Raph ain't no big brother. I just… ain't built for it. They deserve more than what they got.”
April put a hand on the side of Raph's face, making sure he was looking at her. “Do you want a hug, big man?”
Without hesitation, Raph wrapped his bulky arms around April's much smaller body. April knew he was holding back, but the squeeze around her core was still strong. She didn't mind.
Over her shoulder, she heard the whimpering voice of her little brother say, “...why can't I do this?”
April rubbed the turtle's spiky shell through the hoodie he was wearing. The spikes were threatening to poke through the fabric. “You're still learning how to be a big brother. Just like they're learning how to be little brothers.”
“If I had done something, maybe they… m-maybe they wouldn't have gotten hurt. I-if I'd stepped up as a big brother, maybe none of this…”
Raph's breath hitched as his tears started to fall.
“...you're not talking about the hoop anymore… are you?”
Raph squeezed her tighter, rubbing his face on her shoulder.
“None of that was your fault, Raphael. You were a kid.”
“I was supposed to protect them, April!”
“Maybe you were. Maybe that's what you should have done, and you didn't. But you can't change that now.”
Raph leaned back, and April wiped a tear from his face. Only one; she didn't dare wipe them all. He needed this.
“You can't beat yourself up because of things you didn't do. That's not what big brothers do.” April lifted his chin, just a bit. “What big brothers do is help get through the aftermath. You have to be there for your little brothers when they need you. And sometimes, they have to learn things the hard way. It's your job to make sure they truly learn, and heal.”
Raph leaned into April's palm. “I don't know if I'm all cut out for being a big brother anymore, Apes.”
April huffed through her nose. “Well, that's too bad.”
“You don't get a choice no more, Raphie. You wanted to be their big brother. Now they need their big brother. So either you leave your baby brothers without a big brother to take care of them, or you tough it out and make them feel loved.” April lightly punched Raph's shoulder. “I didn't put all this effort in for nothing, either. I'm trying to be a big sister too. And with brothers like yours, it ain't easy.”
“Mikey's easy,” Raph laughed.
“Sometimes, maybe, but other times, he's a perfectionist and a doormat! And Leo's always got a stick up his butt, and don't even get me started on Donnie!”
“Hey!” Raph shoved April's shoulder back. “Don't be talking about my little brothers that way.”
“And there's that big brother.” April smiled, patting his arm. “It's like you don't even have to try.”
“Well,” Raph said, grabbing April's hand to hold, “I learned from the best.”
April's chest puffed proudly, and she pulled Raph in for one more hug.
The sweet moment was interrupted by April's ringtone coming from her back pocket. She pulled her phone out and answered Mikey's call.
“Hey April! Did you find Raph?”
April looked at Raph in front of her, then back at her phone. “Yeah, I found him.”
“Sweet! Well, uh, we were going to just head back to the lair, and you guys can meet us there? I think there's a Lou Jitsu movie, a bowl of ice cream, and a turtle pile with Raph's name on it. If he wants it, of course! And I think I can convince Pops to get in on it too…”
Raph met April's eyes, then inched closer to speak into the phone himself.
“I'll hold you to that, big man.”
Mikey immediately cheered up on the other end of the phone at the sound of his big brother's voice, and April handed Raph the phone so they could talk. She sat back and watched Raph apologize to Mikey, all while smiling and promising the biggest hugs he could possibly give.
He had grown so much. Physically, that was obvious. But ever since his little brothers came back into his life, April had seen Raph grow as a person. He was better for it. He was stronger for it. Because now, he had something to protect.
Raph was going to be the best big brother ever. April just knew it.
Apologies were given, ice cream was eaten, and Lou Jitsu movies were watched. The four brothers were left sleeping in a pile of limbs and bean bags, and it was the happiest sight April had seen in months. Raph at the base, with his arms wrapped around Donnie and Leo at his sides, and Mikey tucked into a ball on Raph's plastron. Each of them, just a picture of bliss.
Splinter had gotten up to make tea, which he had done quite easily with his ninja dexterity. April, on the other hand, had struggled for a full 3 minutes to get out from her wedge between Leo and Raph without waking them. It was worth it, anyhow. Even if just to see the brothers like this. (And to talk with Splinter, but the boys being cute took priority.)
The rat filled his absurdly skull shaped kettle with water and began boiling it. He turned around to see April and smiled. “Would you like a cup?” he asked softly.
“Sure!” April affirmed. “I'd love that.”
The tea brewed, and the two enjoyed each other's company in silence. April had never felt quite as close to an adult other than her parents as she did with Splinter. And sure, he was a giant rat man who often did strange things like singing to get his back popped into place and bragging about how hot he was in his past, but he was one of the kindest people April knew. Human or not. And coolest, of course. He was a ninja warrior, what did you expect?
Once their cups were filled, they returned to the living room. April sat on Splinter's couch, while Splinter himself stood to the side. Both looked at the slumbering turtles as they sipped their tea.
“Thank you.”
April looked down at Splinter, whose eyes were filled with pride. “Me? Why?”
“They would have never been like this without your help. Usagi's and Cassandra's as well, but especially yours. It is because of you that they can be so peaceful like this.”
“A rare sight,” April snickered.
“Yes,” Splinter agreed wistfully. “When you have four teenage boys, you learn to appreciate moments like this.”
April looked fondly at the rat, then at the boys, with a strange fullness in her chest. A familial feeling. One growing stronger by the day.
“You have done more than help them,” Splinter continued. “You have encouraged me to come into my role as their father. You have reminded me, time and time again, that I am their father, and I must act as such.”
“‘Reminded’?” April teased. “You don't need reminding. You're, like, the best dad ever. No offense to my actual dad.”
Splinter laughed, a smaller version of that hearty, old man laugh he had. Quiet enough not to disturb his sons.
“I'm serious! You should get some sorta reward for this. Maybe a plaque- ‘World's Best Father Who Got Turned into a Giant Rat and Accidentally Got Four Impromptu Turtle Sons’.”
“Oh, April.” Splinter placed his small hand on April's arm, looking over at his sons with shining eyes. “I have my reward.”
April fought laughter at the cheesy remark, but she kept silent. The rat put his empty cup down and climbed back into the turtle pile, carefully nestling back into the perfectly sized space between Raph's plastron and Mikey's. Even in his sleep, Mikey's arm instinctively curled around his father.
April suddenly felt a wave of fulfillment in her core. A feeling that told her she had done something right. That she had truly made a positive impact on something.
And maybe that something was a family of mutants. Four boys forced to grow up too soon and a father with haunting memories in his mind.
They weren't perfect. They never would be. Not with the hand they got. But, even so, they were trying. They were improving. That was all April could ask of them.
Some things would never be fixed. In certain ways, her brothers would always be broken.
They just needed someone to help carry them when they shattered. 
April finished her tea, placed her cup next to Splinter’s, then stepped as quietly as she could to return to her place in the pile. Donnie scrunched up and rubbed his face at the disturbance, but fortunately didn't wake. When he calmed back down, he placed his cheek on the crest of Mikey's shell contentedly, drooling just a bit.
As April settled back in, Leo rubbed his face in her hair. Raph churred softly at the feeling of pressure returning to his chest. All of the mutants let out a calm breath as their bundle became complete once more.
She was always happy to pick up the broken pieces, especially if they brought her warmth like this.
Behold, the finale. 8,776 words total. I had to rewrite some parts of this a couple times to get it right. Originally, I was just going to end it with Raph agreeing to go home, but that didn't feel like a proper way to wrap up this whole story. And with the lack of Splinter throughout, I figured that last scene would be the perfect way to wrap it up. 🐀
Shout out to @cupcakeslushie again. The EW comic was actually the thing that finally made me get a tumblr account instead of watching from the sidelines. Now I get to enjoy one of the coolest communities ever, thanks to that. Thank you, slushie <3
(also, i may or may not have something for venus in the works,,👀🩵)
I plan on writing more @tmntaucompetition propaganda stuff while the comp is going on. There are so many skrungly aus i want to get my little paws in,,,, But after that, ive got some aus of my own that i cant wait to share!
Check out the tmnt au comp, follow EW (THE NEXT PART OF THE LEO ARC COMES OUT TOMMOROW, AH), and thank you for reading! :)
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enstarriedownbad · 17 days
Leo Tsukinaga x F!reader
Minors DNI
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Genre: smut w/ comfort at the start
Tags: switch!Leo, Invited over, music production, fluff, sleeping in his room, confession, hurt but healing
Plot: Leo invites you over to help you with music production. Looks like it turned into something else.
Words: 3,040
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By clicking on "show more," you acknowledge that you are 18+ and consent to read this fiction.
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"Onii-chan! This is the first time you bring a girl over! ... Does mom know?~" a shy voice says while peeking inside the bedroom.
"Here is my room! Make yourself at home--"
"Ruka!" Leo exclamates, surprised.
"Is she your girlfriend? Can you introduce her to me?~" Ruka asks her brother.
"G-girlfriend??", Leo says while looking at you, blushing briefly. He coughs. "This is Y/N, a fellow musical artist. She's staying for dinner, so I'll introduce her to you at that time when Mom and Dad will be here too," he replies in a serious tone.
"Good afternoon," you greet her joyfully, "so you are Leo's sister, 'Ruka-tan'. I heard a lot---"
Leo cuts you off and puts his hand over your mouth.
"Wait. Ruka-tan doesn't know I call her that. And she isn't aware of the way I talk about her," he whispers in your ears, embarrassed.
"...? What are you two doing?" Ruka asks.
"Hum, nothing. We're busy with music right now. We'll come down for dinner," he ends the conversation.
"Oh, okay... Sorry for disturbing you. See you later Onii-chan and Y/N!" she says with a soft smile as she leaves the room.
Leo removes his hand from your mouth.
"Sorry about that, Y/N, my family is erm... A tad bit curious about my life, hahaha~ But Ruka-tan is a sweet girl! I'll introduce you two formally later. ☆"
Sounds like his tone is back to his usual one. You start wondering why he's using a different one with his sister. After all, when he's around the rest of Knights, or with his friends, he's always laughing or shouting something joyful. But you also like this new-found side of him.
"So, should we start working on the music part? I'll teach you the base of producing," he adds.
"You can sit over here next to me. Can you see the screen well?"
"Yep!" you reply.
"Okay, so~ To start, the program I use is---"
"---And then to add harmonies, I suggest you scale the song up by 3 tones and record the main lines while listening to it. That way it's easier to record and you can cut the parts you want~ Or you could just scale up the lead vocals! But be careful because sometimes singing the 3rd above the melody creates a dissonance with the chord structure underneath."
"Okay, I see. Hmm... Can we do a quick break before going into the harmonic dissonance details please?" you ask him.
He looks at the time on his computer screen.
"Oh it's already been a few hours, haha. It's only 6 PM, then we still have time before dinner, so sure!☆ What do you want to do in the meantime?~" he asks.
"I don't know, but my back hurts from sitting on a chair for so long," you reply.
"You can stretch a bit or relax on my bed if you want~ I'll go get you something to drink," he says while getting up. "What do you want? We have orange juice, coffee, tea, water..."
"I'll get the same thing as you if that's okay," you reply.
"Okay got it! ☆ See ya in a second!" he tells you while leaving the room.
You do as he says and lay down on his bed for a bit. You look around you. Posters of music, musical instruments, lyrics, musical sheets WIPs... Even those very sheets are tinged with his fragrance. Everything in that room makes you think of the great Leo Tsukinaga.
He's very passionate about music. When he was teaching you earlier, you noticed that sparkle in his eyes, even though it probably wasn't his first time teaching music. He seemed happy to give music lessons. Often, Leo seems so... out of reach. Therefore, you are glad to be able to bond over something together.
You hear the door move.
"Okay I'm back!" Leo says as he enters the room with two cups of coffee. "You said you'd take the same thing as me, so I brought coffee! ☆"
He hands you a cup and waits for you to sit on his mattress before sitting next to you.
"Thank you, Leo," you thank him kindly as you drink on your coffee.
"No problem, Y/N!" he replies with a wide smile.
"And thanks again for inviting me over and for teaching me, I really appreciate it..." you say kindly.
"Oh, well, it's the least I could do for you. You've been a big help to Knights, and I've always wanted to return the favor to you~ So when you asked me for musical advice earlier today, I didn't waste a second to invite you here hahaha. After all, who better than me, a musical genius, could teach our dear Y/N? ☆"
'Dear Y/N'... That nickname makes you smile.
"I see, haha," you reply.
"You know," he adds with a softer tone, "before we met, during the year I founded Knights, I was used to constantly pleasing people for different reasons. But it only took the better of me."
"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that..."
"But seeing you act so kind with us - with me... It gives me a reason to keep trying my best every day and to always keep doing what I like," he says.
You both smile at each other.
"Did you finish your coffee?" he asks.
"Yep," you reply.
Leo takesyour cups away and sits back next to you. He seems to be stressed out.
"... Is it safe to assume that you'd pick me over my music?" he whispers with a cold, anxious gaze.
"What do you mean?" you reply.
Leo gets closer to you and firmly looks you in the eyes, waiting for an answer.
"Of course, I'd pick you over your music, Leo."
"Is that not what you wanted to hear?"
Leo moves his torso and puts both of his arms next to your thighs. You try to back up a bit but Leo gets even closer to you, making you lay on top of the bed sheets. He gets on top of you.
"Really ☆? Me? But why?" he asks.
You look away from his persistent gaze, not wanting to look at him in the eyes with what you are about to tell him, as you feel it is a bit clingy.
"Well, I do love your music for sure," you reply. "Both your talent and hard work can be felt in your productions. Your songs have such a nice touch to them. But, I obviously like you more. You would still remain the Leo I look up to, even without your songs,. Your energy, your smiles, your kind words, and your affection... I could go for weeks without listening to your songs, but I'll miss you a lot if I don't see you every other day. I'm also thankful that you reply quickly to my messages. It makes me feel like I'm wanted. And you know, even during the weekends, I keep wondering what you are up to, and I..."
You stop talking, realizing that it looks like a confession. Leo has yet to react. You are starting to feel embarrassed.
"Sorry, was I rambling too mu--"
You feel a drop falling on your face. You look up, only to see Leo, tearing up.
You are met with Leo's bare and genuine gaze as if his smiley mask has finally fallen.
You gently raise your thumb toward his cheek, wiping a tear away from his face.
"Are you sad because of me?" you ask him with an empathic smile. "Is it because you don't--"
"... Not at all," he cuts you off. "If anything, I couldn't be happier right now..."
"You know," he adds, "I've been anticipating your answer ever since I've been interested in you. I wanted to ignore it, but I couldn't close my eyes on such matters anymore. That's why I finally got myself to ask you before our relationship got... more serious," he replies as tears escape from his eyes.
'Our relationship'... you wonder if you heard that correctly.
"Leo, do you...?" you ask as you brush his wet cheek.
"Sorry if that sounds selfish," he replies. "But..."
You swallow your saliva, anxious.
"Can I be childish with you one last time and ask you to say it first?" he says with a look even more anxious than yours.
"Fine," you reply while softly brushing his hair. "I like you."
"Mhh?" he mumbles like a desperate child.
You take your courage into your own hands as he gets closer to you.
"I love you, Leo the genius," you emphasize the adjective with a sarcastic tone.
"I love you too, Y/N."
You look at each other, eyes filled with all sorts of new feelings.
Leo slightly tilts his head.
It only took a second of intense eye contact before your lover leaned in for a kiss. His lips feel soft. The kiss is so gentle and sweet. You wrap your arms around him, not wanting to let him go.
As the kiss gets more and more heated, you can't help but taste a salty flavor from Leo's tears of joy. This doesn't stop you nor him from going all the way in, twisting your tongues together, only inducing more and more needs in each other.
It looks like he has finally opened himself to you. And you, on your side, desire him just as much. You want him to be all yours. He wants you to be his.
The stimuli don't make you think straight, but you two are sure of one thing: this kiss is only the start.
You pull away for a few seconds to catch a breath.
"...", you pant.
"...", he grasps for air while looking into your eyes.
His green gaze is so mesmerizing. You fail to remember what you wanted to say. Leo's looking at your lips.
Your lover gets closer to you, sealing a second French kiss. You don't need words to communicate now: you can use your body.
As his tongue touches yours all over again, you can't help but moan of pleasure. The arousal is building up. You keep following his lead. An aroma of coffee, tears, and sweetness accompanies this second kiss.
"Ah! Y/N...," Leo moans. "I don't think I can hold myself back any longer," he says, all red.
You look down, only to find a bulge in his pants. You have an idea.
"Don't move," you tell him as you reverse your respective positions, with him now lying on the bed while you sit on his legs.
"What are you doing?" he asks.
"Leave it to me," you reply as you arch your back and move your face towards his crotch.
You unzip his pants and lower them as well as his boxers.
You get met with Leo's rock-hard cock. Now, nothing is retaining him. You take a last good look at him, all red and shy, before diving in.
You slightly open your mouth as you put some hair strands behind your ears. Your lips finally touch his cock.
"Mh!" Leo moans.
You lick his tip while looking at him in the eyes. You can tell it's his first time from how much that first contact turns him on.
After coating his head in your saliva, you begin taking the whole thing in your mouth and start the blow job. Your lips are wrapped around his length. You swirl your tongues in circles, going back and forth. Your hands are also doing a great job caressing his thighs.
"haa~," he moans.
You suck gently on his cock, varying the pressure of your suction based on his moans.
As much as you want to keep his dick in your mouth, your jaw is hurting.
You take his length out of your mouth and begin stroking it. You gently squeeze his cock and spread his precum over it.
"I'm close..." he whispers.
You give him a few last strands to finish him off.
"Y/N..." he moans as he cums on your clothes.
You both take a few minutes to get your breath back, panting. You lay next to him.
Leo looks at you with insistence.
"What is it?" Did you like it?" you ask.
Before you get to hear an answer, Leo flips over and gets on top of you.
He begins stripping you off.
"Wait, don't remove everything. It's embarrassing me," you guard him all shy.
"Everything about you is beautiful, Y/N," he says as he removes your shirt and bottom clothes.
Now, only your underwear is left.
Leo removes his shirt, making you see his bare chest and upper muscles. As you appreciate the view, he opens a pack of condoms and opens one with his teeth in a very sensual way. He carefully puts it on his member.
"Are you ready?" he asks in a lower register than usual, teasing a very intense intercourse.
"Yes, please be gentle," you ask, even though you don't mean it, and he knows it.
He places the tip at your entrance and begins entering you. Having a thick length like his in your pussy rather than in your mouth is extremely different. It even hurts a bit.
"Wait, Leo, it hurts," you tell him.
He quickly stops and changes the position by bringing both of your legs on his left shoulder. He resumes grinding again.
"Does it hurt now?" he asks you.
"Not really," you reply.
He took this as a green light. He's almost fit his entire shaft inside of you by now. The new angle is more pleasurable for both of you.
"Are you comfortable now?"
"Then I hope you're ready for this," he says, "because I'm about to make you remember this moment."
"Wh-? Ah!", you moan as he begins thrusting into you with no restraint.
His rock-hard cock is hitting your deepest end without fail each time he thrusts. You feel full, yet still want more of him. You're drawn to the manly expression he has on his face while doing you. You could leave everything to him, and he'd still do such a nice job satisfying you.
"I like that face you're making right now," he abruptly compliments your love-driven look. "If I could, I'd make sure you keep this expression every day when it's just the two of us".
This implies he would be down to fuck you so brilliantly every day like he is doing right now.
"I..." you're at a loss for words.
Leo kisses you on the lips as his cock keeps going in and out of you.
"Mh!" you moan out of pleasure as his mesmerizing emerald eyes are fixated on your expression.
Wet noises are getting louder and louder with each thrust. The atmosphere is so intense. You feel your climax approaching, as well as his. After all, his cock is so dominating that you can't help but tighten over it.
"Ah~" he finally lets out a deep moan. "So tight... I can't last any longer."
"Me neither..." you reply.
Leo rests his head next to yours, closing the last bit of space you had between you two, keeping you still below him.
Leo starts pounding into your pussy in a way faster way, indicating a climax.
"Ha..." he moans. "Ah..." "I'm gonna cum right now".
"Me too..."
Leo locks you in that position and gives you his last yet deepest thrust before giving in to a mutual orgasm.
"Ah ah, Y/N, I love you!" he moans as he cums inside of you.
"I love you I love you," you say in ecstasy while holding onto his back.
You feel warm and safe in this moment. You completely let go of everything, only caring about Leo.
Both of your breaths take a while to recover. Leo pulls out cock, and you got to see the condom full of his semen.
He puts his boxers and pants back on but remains shirtless.
Since the climax sensations went off, you feel embarrassed about the situation and put your clothes back on before Leo lies your body back next to him.
"... That was nice," you break the silence.
"For sure," he replies. "You know..." he hesitates. "What I said still stands," he reminds you while looking elsewhere.
"What you said?..." you ask before remembering the next second. "...Oh!"
"Is that a no?"
"No, I mean no, I mean..." you stutter. "I mean I'm down too, if it's with you."
'With you' those words make him all flustered even though he's the one who asked you to hook up from now on.
"What is it? You're all red," you tease him while pinching his cheek.
"It's nothing!" he pouts like a kid before taking on a more serious voice. "I've been thinking..."
"I don't want you to think I just want your body, not that I don't want to do it with you but... Ahhh," he struggles. "Okay let me ask you this before I lose the courage."
He looks at you in the eyes and doesn't break the eye contact.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
"I'd love to", you reply with the biggest smile.
Leo kisses you on your forehead before kissing you everywhere on your face.
Knock knock.
You hear the sound of a door opening.
"Onii-chan and Y/Nnee-chan! Time for dinn-" Ruka calls for you before stopping in her tracks. "Wait, Onii-chan, why is your shirt turned upside down?"
"Oh it's nothing don't mind it," he says all sweaty while trying to remain a composed look, all that as you acquiesce all awkwardly while sitting on the floor.
"Ookay...", she replies, confused. "Whatever, dinner is ready", she says while closing Leo's bedroom door.
You look at each other.
. . .
...And burst out laughing.
"Hahaha! ☆ Did you see that? Safe!!!," he laughs.
"I was sitting on the floor and she didn't ask me any questions hahaha," you laugh. "But maybe next time lock your door, Leo," you say sarcastically while giving him gentle elbow bumps.
"Sure, sure," he says while having tears of laughter in his eyes. "Well, should we go eat dinner with my family?" he asks. "I'm going to present my girlfriend to them".
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I've had this in my drafts for 10 months and finally finished it 👤💧
Many things happened, including me being busy with other stuff and also taking a break from enstars. Hope you still enjoy my writing, and have a nice day 👤💖
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corroded-hellfire · 2 months
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Prompt Day 25: Gareth
Word Count: 995
Rating: T
Pairing: Slight Gareth x OC
CW: None
Summary: Gareth’s little sister is a pain in the ass when it comes to the band, but ends up being a pretty good wingman.
Have to tag @the-unforgivenn because this is her man 💕
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When the band first started practicing in his garage, Gareth loved it. Now, he thinks he’d rather rehearse in goddamn Jason Carver’s bedroom. 
Initially, he’d worried that his mom would be the one to interrupt them, with her tendency to ask if anyone is hungry. Gareth would kill for his mom to be the problem now. At least he would be able to talk some sense into her. 
“Why can’t I just sit on the couch and watch?!”
“Because you never stay quiet! You always bother us.”
“I do not! They don’t think I bother you! Right, guys?”
Both Emerson siblings turn to look at Eddie, Jeff, and Frank. The three Corroded Coffin members are caught between a rock and a hard place. 
Gareth is fuming; his nostrils flaring, and his fists clenched around his drumsticks. Fourteen-year-old Olivia stares with wide green eyes, hands on her hips as she waits for a response from her big brother’s friends. 
“Uh…” Eddie starts, eyes moving from left to right to see if the band member on either side of him is going to speak up. But no dice. “We, um, we… Jeff?”
Out of the three of them, Jeff has the thinnest tightrope to walk, and Eddie knows it. But he also knows that Olivia is apt to do whatever Jeff says since he’s the reason she wants to sit in on practice anyway. Doesn’t stop Jeff from wanting to wring his neck, though. 
“Well,” Jeff starts, clearing his throat before he continues, “do you think you can stay quiet this time, Olivia?”
Irritation flashes in Gareth’s eyes, while Olivia gives her best smile and bats her eyelashes. 
She bounces over to the raggedy couch in the corner while Gareth rolls his eyes and heads towards his drum set. 
Olivia does manage to stay quiet until the end of rehearsals but that somehow annoys Gareth even more. She’ll hold that over his head as a reason to sit in practices more often. 
But as much as that bothers Gareth, it’s nothing compared to what his little sister announces once they’re done. 
“Mom said I can go with you guys to your show next week.”
“Well, I can’t go when you guys play at the bar,” Olivia drawls, as if her brother is stupid. 
“But this…this isn’t even our show. It’s Roane County’s Battle of the Bands,” Gareth says. 
“Whatever. Mom still said I can go.”
Gareth runs his hands over his face in frustration and turns to his friends. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to my mom,” he tells them. 
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“Mom, we’re playing one song. We’ll be backstage for the rest of it and that’ll be hours.”
“I don’t see what the big deal is, Gareth,” his mom says as she adds another later of cheese to the lasagna she’s preparing. “She’s fourteen, she can sit in the audience by herself. It’s at a community center. She’ll hardly be able to find any trouble.”
“She only wants to go because of her crush on Jeff!”
His mom smiles at this, finding the infatuation Olivia has with one of Gareth’s best friends adorable.
“It’ll be fine,” is all she says. 
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Gareth has a hard time psyching himself up for the show. He should be focused on playing his best so they can win this thing and gain any exposure that comes from it. Instead, he keeps peeking out at the audience to make sure Olivia is still in her seat in the fourth row. She may be a giant pain in the ass but that doesn’t mean he wants some creep to abduct her. 
“She’ll be fine,” Jeff assures him. 
The drummer sighs and nods his head. “You’re right. Anyone who would try and kidnap her would return her after fifteen minutes anyway.”
With his bandmates’ help, Gareth is able to get his head back into the music and is able to go out on stage without being preoccupied. He still sneaks a glance at his sister as he walks on stage, though. 
Corroded Coffin comes in second place, which is higher than any of them expected. As they emerge from backstage after the show, Gareth also sees that his sister is just fine—in fact, it looks like she made a friend. 
Frank is called over by the bassist of an all-girl band and Eddie spies a redhead smiling at him, who he wanders off to flirt with. That leaves Gareth and Jeff to approach Olivia and the girl she’s standing with. The girl is older than Olivia, at least Gareth and Jeff’s age, or maybe even graduated from high school. 
“Gare Bear!” Olivia says before throwing her arms around her brother.
He hugs her back, but his cheeks redden at the nickname in front of this beautiful girl.
“I’m so proud!” Olivia crows.
The mystery girl smiles at Gareth and Jeff can practically see the hearts growing in his friend’s eyes. He knows what he has to do.
“Hey, Liv, do you want to come with me and get some ice cream from the truck outside?” Jeff asks.
Speaking of heart eyes, Olivia lights up, making her brother’s excitement seem dull in comparison. 
Gareth gives his friend a grateful look as Olivia takes him by the hand and leads him towards the door. 
“I’m Annie,” the girl in front of Gareth says, offering her hand, which he shakes.
“Gareth. I hope my sister wasn’t bothering you during the show.”
“No, she’s so sweet,” Annie says with a lilting laugh that has Gareth’s heart pounding against his ribcage. “She sat next to me, and we talked in between bands. She was so excited to see you play.”
This bombshell was sitting next to Olivia the whole time and Gareth hadn’t even noticed? Holy shit, he must care about his little sister more than he thought. In fact, he knows he does by the way his heart warms at Annie’s words. 
“Yeah, she’s a good kid.”
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stephen-the-spider · 1 month
“Hello? Hello..? Hi there, (user). Oh, me? Just showing the new camper aroun-“
“Dude, get off my blog.”
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Data loading…
Name: Miles (retracted)
Age: 15
Birthday: (retracted)
Sexuality: subject, when asked, bite Doctor Matthews (demiromantic)
Gender: subject is male and will answer to masculine or gender neutral terms (he/him, they/them, it/its)
Godly claim: subject has Roman heritage but is a child of the Greek god, Thanatos
Diagnosis: subject is labeled as autistic, sociopathic and possibly manic (aspd, impulsive episodes)
Behavior: subject is able to function in a social environment, but lacks the necessary skills to communicate effectively and bond with others
Crime log: Attempted murder, murder, breaking and entering, robbery, assault, battery, identity fraud, arson, lying to a judge, lying to a cop, and vandalism
Other: Subject is Romanian-American. Speaks both languages fluently. Subject has a strong bond with (retracted), a young girl subject labels his sister, and (retracted), a spider. (Flora, Stephen)
Subject has yet to form relations, if subject manages to, they will be listened here:
@clown-energy-skyrocketing - Knox, brother
@crazy-son-of-hades - Ace, they’re friends, miles just won’t accept it, yeah ‘friend’
@by-the-fates - Eryx, a ‘friend’ as well
@of-course-im-the-winner - Daphne, sadly she should be returned to me if lost
@if-chaos-was-a-boy - calix, pup, whichever - I’m stuck with him now
@itsyourboyezra - adding you purely because it feels weird to have 2/3 of the couple, Ezra, I don’t know if we’re friends or if he just talks to me cause I talk to the other two
@iceweavercatlover - Damien, my brother :) fellow spider obsessed death boy
@so-to-be-or-not-to-be - Bea, another sister of mine
@bambi-the-dummy - Bambi, daily dose of sunshine
@ridethiscowboyy - Luka, he’s convinced I could be a model
@girl-of-madness - Vanessa, gives good head massages
@green-child-of-aphrodite - Alex, I think we’re friends
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Retracted 1
“Mimi! What are you doing?”
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Data loading…
Name: Florence “Flora” Daniels
Age: 9
Birthday: April 3
Sexuality: Subject has shown attraction to females, but is too young to have this attraction labeled
Gender: Female, subject answers to she/her
Godly claim: a legacy of Ares and daughter of Apollo
Diagnosis: subject is autistic
Behavior: subject is joyful and friendly, but is prove to lashing out
Crime log: battery and assault
Other: subject is not to be separated from miles.
Subject is excited to add close relations here:
@clown-energy-skyrocketing - Knox!! Our brother :)
@frank-zhang-praetor - Frank!! Officially my friend, cause I said so
@so-to-be-or-not-to-be - Bea!! My sister <3
@bambi-the-dummy - Bambi, she’s so sweet!!
@green-child-of-aphrodite - Alex, she’s lovely :)
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Tagging system:
Flora’s talking - flora makes an appearance
Miles murmurs - miles is talking
Doc mcmatthews speaks - doctor Matthew shows up, which will be a rare occasion
Stephen the spider - Stephen, retracted 2, the pet spider of miles is shown or mentioned
Manic miles - self explanatory, miles is manic
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Ooc: miles and flora are loosely based off the characters from ‘The turning’ but I feel as though I’ve altered them so much they are almost my own
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restricting myself to only do 5 snippets lol i love them all so much
🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼 (OH!!!!!! @ that last snippet more pls)
➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰(this one has me on the edge of my seat!)(i say as if the others dont lol)
📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖(its new so im requesting more :))
🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷(this one i need a totally normal amount! diaz boys Talking ;-;)
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨(i just love them so much)
You can do as many as you want! Tanis submits 800 million every week.
I'm gonna put Gentle On My Mind at the bottom bc the snippet is sort of smutty, so I'll hide it under the cut.
That being said, 30 for ➰:
Tagging @steadfastsaturnsrings
His fault. Sure. The naproxen? He shouldn’t have taken it from Rachel. That’s on him, too. Rachel’s kid cracking his skull open? Dumb bad luck. Not on him. But, fair enough… Three out of four. 
“That makes sense,” he tells Eddie weakly. 
“Why?” Eddie asks. 
“Just curious,” Buck mumbles. 
“Well, don’t worry,” Eddie replies. “Not like you’ve had to watch them, right?”
Yeah… He supposes that’s true…
“It doesn’t matter,” Buck says quickly. “Sorry.”
Something sad flashes across Eddie’s expression. He cups Buck’s face and pulls him in for a kiss. Buck allows it to happen, although he’s not sure he’s in the mood for their usual morning activities. 
“We should get going,” Buck says, breaking the kiss. “Don’t want to be late for kayaking today.”
Eddie nods. “Right. No. No, we don’t.”
45 for 📖:
“Hi,” the woman greets him with a nervous little wave. 
She’s beautiful, Buck thinks. Bright smile. Gorgeous eyes. Eddie is holding her hand.
Buck feels strange. He thought she was out of the picture. Are they back together?
“Shannon,” she adds. “My name is Shannon.” 
“Nice to meet you, Shannon.” Buck says, smiling. He feels a little muted and he doesn’t know why. 
“Nice to meet you, too, best librarian in the world.” 
They chat some more. She’s really nice. Buck can see Christopher in her. Whatever happened there, Buck resolves himself to be happy for the three of them. 
Not that it’s any of his business, anyway. 
Life gets busy for a bit. He dates and subsequently breaks up with an interior designer named Ali. In Maddie’s life, there’s a stalking incident. A near kidnapping. Chimney gets hurt. Maddie’s ex ends up in jail. Buck lives in a state of shaky adrenaline for weeks. He takes some time off work to help his sister move apartments again and fight with her new landlord about breaking her lease. Even when he’s back, he doesn’t have as much energy for the job as usual. He feels bad about it, but he just can’t give his all. 
All this to say, he doesn’t get to know Shannon Diaz very well. Even though she’s the one picking Christopher up more and more these days. Even though she’s kind and talkative. Even though Chris lights up when he sees her and it’s clear having her back in his life has been good for him. 
It’s nothing against her, really. He’s just busy. He’s got a lot going on personally. He doesn’t have the same energy for the parents as he did six months ago. No other reason. 
But then… 
Well, then she dies. 
He only finds out about it through Carla. Christopher stops showing up to after school programming. One day. Two. By the third, Buck starts to worry. 
60 for 🦷 (YEAH TALKING!):
Eddie doesn’t know why. He doesn’t know what he’s said wrong. 
“What about when you got back from Afghanistan and you were hurt?” Chris asks. He seems insistent. 
“Uh,” Eddie furrows his eyebrows. “I don’t think I had any ice cream then, Chris. I can’t remember.”
“No, comfort. Who comforted you?” 
Eddie’s chest feels tight. 
“I mean… I think your mom tried,” Eddie replies weakly. “She had, uh… She had a little kid to think about, though. You. And her mom was sick…”
“So no one?” Chris fills in.
“That doesn’t mean she didn’t try,” Eddie defends Shannon. 
“What about…” Christiopher’s eyes dart around. He’s upset. He’s upset and Eddie can’t tell why. “What about when you were shot?”
Eddie nods. Okay, yes. Yes, he can give a satisfactory answer. 
“Yeah, buddy. Buck was there for me. Comforted me all the time.”
“Just Buck?” Chris asks.
“I mean, other people were there. You were there. You being there helped.”
“What about Ana?” Chris asks. 
“Right, yes. Ana.”
Chris narrows his eyes. 
“What is this about?” Eddie asks. “Why all the interest in my own surgeries, Chris? Yours won’t be that bad, I promise.”
“It’s not that,” Christopher sighs. 
“Then what?” Eddie tries to temper the edge in his voice. He doesn’t know why he is getting frustrated, too. Maybe it’s just the confusion of it all. 
Christopher looks down at his tub of ice cream, then back up at Eddie. He looks like he’s going to cry. It makes Eddie want to cry. 
“I… I thought going to Texas would make me feel better,” Chris says. His voice is wavering. Like it’s about to crack. 
Eddie freezes. The ice cream is probably warmer than the blood in his veins right now. 
“I thought… I thought I’d feel better because you’d feel worse. I thought I’d feel better because I wouldn’t be in your way.”
45 for 🚨:
“So, uh… So, where is Christopher today?”
Eddie feels a little thrum of apprehension. 
“He’s at the zoo,” Eddie answers. “With his stepfather.”
Eddie doesn’t think he’s ever phrased it quite like this before. To anyone who doesn’t know Buck’s role in his life, Eddie might phrase it like… My partner. My boyfriend. Something like that. There’s a different sort of implication behind my son’s stepfather. A permanence. A finality. One Eddie knows is valid and true. But one that catches Ramon off guard, clearly, from the way he raises his eyebrows. 
“Stepfather?” Ramon asks. 
“Yes,” Eddie replies tightly. Maybe he’s testing him a little. “You saw him. At the funeral. Buck.”
Ramon nods. “My memory of the day is a little fuzzy.”
“Right,” Eddie replies. 
“You’ve been together a long time?” Ramon asks. 
“A year,” Eddie replies. “Friends for longer, before then. He’s a firefighter, too.”
“That’s good. It’s good to… Well, to really know a person.”
Something in his tone says he’s speaking from experience. Like maybe he hadn’t, so well. Or maybe he feels like he doesn’t anymore? 
Eddie nods. “We’re happy.”
He doesn’t know why he feels the need to say this. Perhaps because the implication, when he came out to them all those years ago, was that he could never really be. That he was taking his life in the wrong direction. Well… Here’s the truth. He did right by himself.
30 for 🔼:
Eddie kisses Shannon as he undresses her. Her mouth. Her cheeks. Down her neck. Her collarbone. Kissing along a line of freckles he has memorized. He knows every inch of her. 
He removes her bra and moves his mouth to her breasts, brain short-circuiting at the fullness of them right now. 
“God, Shannon,” he mutters uselessly. He thinks she says something back but it’s muffled and a little incoherent. 
She’s so beautiful. She’s always been so beautiful. He’ll never stop being amazed by it. 
Her chest has always been sensitive. She’s always liked him kissing her here. Applying a bit of pressure. Today, she’s more sensitive than ever. He obviously understands why. But her reaction takes him by surprise. The volume of her gasping. The sharp digging on her fingernails into his back. It drives Eddie forward with confident resolve. 
He keeps moving. Kissing further and further down her body. Her sternum. He kisses the firm swell of her stomach. Peppers it with the affection he hasn’t been able to give. He kisses her thighs. Another freckle on her hip. He kisses her everywhere he can, and then he gives her exactly what she needs. 
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slayfics · 1 year
Falls down the stair s
finally have the courage to request here so JDJDJDJDDKKWJS
may be an odd request tbh but basically Muichiro with the reader sulking about something and it turns out to be that the reader’s sister (or sibling, whateve-) is mad at the reader for a not-so serious reason and the reader just feel very bad-
Would also appreciate if u add a moment where muichiro witnesses the reader getting pecked multiple times by their sibling’s crow before handing out the letter
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Heres a quick doodle of mui
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Muichiro comforts you after you have a fight with your sibling.
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"Ow- Ow- Ow-" You yelled, as your sister's crow pecked you multiple times. "Cut it out! Can't you see I feel awful enough as it!"
Muichiro approached curious about the scene that was going on.
"Go now, you've delivered your message," he said calmly to the crow. The crow quickly obliged the Hashira's orders and flew off.
Muichiro turned to you to see you quickly scanning over the letter the crow delivered then plopping down to the floor with a heavy sigh.
"What's the matter?” He asked sitting down next to you.
"It's my sister. She's furious I missed her birthday celebration, but I didn't have a choice!" You said with animated tears forming in your eyes. "She should understand what our duties as demon slayers- I had to complete my mission. People were dying. Surely that is a valid reason to miss her birthday. It isn't like I wasn't going to make it up to her." You said pulling your knees into your chest.
"Why don't you tell her that?" Muichiro mused.
"I tried!" You said slumping over further. "She didn't want to hear anything I had to say. She was certain I had forgotten... I know I'm forgetful but I promise I didn't forget this time. I even tried to give her crow an apology letter but it wouldn't take it! I feel so awful!" You said burying your head into your knees with soft sobs escaping you.
Muichiro wasn't sure what to do with the abundance of emotions you were throwing at him.
"I understand- I can be forgetful too sometimes," he attempted his hardest to relate.
"I didn't forget!" You yelled feeling completely overwhelmed.
"Right- Uh-" Muichiro racked his brain for another was to sooth you. Clearly, he wasn't good with words. He gently placed his hand on your back and made rhythmic circle movements.
Your tears halted for a moment as you looked up to stare at the Hashria.
"Um- is this helping?" He asked.
"Yeah... I think so," you said stunned at the Hashira's affection.
"Good," He replied back smiling at you. His gentle smile made it hard to feel upset any longer.
"I just feel awful- I was hoping to see her as soon as I got back... but she wants nothing to do with me," You sulked further.
"I'm sure she just needs time. Meanwhile, would you like to visit the town with me? We can get some food and maybe you can find a gift for her." Muichiro suggested.
The thought of going into town in Muichiro's company banished all the guilty feelings that were eating at you.
"That sounds really great Tokito," you said, with a smile finally returning on your face.
Muichiro stood up an held his hand out to help you up, "Let's make our way over then, we don't have too much time before the stores close."
You reached out to take his hand and he gently pulled you up off the floor. You expected him to return your hand but instead, he kept his hand on yours and interlaced his fingers in between yours.
"Ready?" He asked. A blush formed on your face at taking in the sight of the Hashira holding your hand. It was hard to believe you were just in anguish a few moments before.
You nodded and smiled back at Muichiro.
"Let’s go then," he said leading you to the direction of town firmly holding your hand the whole way there.
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Your drawings are the cutest! Thank you for the request I hope this was fulfilling for you!
Thank you to @snowmist-hashira for proofreading for me!
@plvuii @aeolia18 @muichirouswife @yandere-kou
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234 notes · View notes
A Marriage in Convenience Part 2 (R. Danaan)
Part 1
Summary: You and Ruhn are forced to marry each other
Words: 1.2k
Requested: Yes by @elle4404
Tags: @fides25 @mirandasidefics
Warnings or A/N: I added the reader helping out the orphanage just to add on what type of person the reader is.
It's been a stressful week from picking out table covers, to flowers, to cakes to picking out the food. You were going out of your mind and you still haven't figured out that. You and Ruhn had different taste in everything. It wasn't that you weren't willing to compromise with him, it was just that both of you couldn't find anything to compromise on and if you had to hear Tristan crude innuendos, you were going to shoot yourself. Declan had been the only one that hasn't been annoying.
Carrying bags filled with toys and essentials, you and Felix stood in the reception area of the Fae orphanage. "Hello, I'm Jules, the director," greeted a Fae woman in a pantsuit, slightly taller than you.
"Hi, I'm (Name)," you replied. "I wanted to donate some toys and essentials for you all. I heard you were in need.”
Jules enthusiastically agreed. "Yes, we would love to accept the donation. Just leave them with the secretary and we will make sure they are distributed to the kids."
"Miss (Name), where should we put all of it?" one of the workers asked.
"All of it?" Jules questioned.
"Oh! This isn't all of it. There is a truckload coming," the worker replied.
"A tru-truckload?" Jules stammered.
"Yes, ma'am. The Princess here wants to make sure all the kids have everything they need," Felix explained.
“You're the princess who is set to marry Prince Ruhn,” the worker exclaimed.
You nodded. “Yes, but please just call me (Name). I'm just here to ensure that the kids get what they need and want. So, where should we set up?”
The worker suggested, “Oh, definitely the auditorium. It's the biggest room in the orphanage and you can bring the gifts in through the back doors so the kids won't see, if you want to surprise them.”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
After everything was set up at the orphanage, you instructed the workers to inform the kids about the source of the gifts however they saw fit. You didn't care about receiving credit; you only cared about ensuring the children had what they needed and were happy.
Felix pulled up in front of Ruhn's mother's villa and parked the car. Despite their marriage being purely for show, he was eager for you to meet his mother.
Felix opened the car door for you, and you took a deep breath before stepping out and walking towards the door. After knocking, it took a few moments for Ruhn to answer, looking annoyed as he said, "You were supposed to be here half an hour ago.”
"I was actually doing something productive," you retorted.
"What? Fucking another male you met at White Raven?" Ruhn shot back
You chuckled, "I haven't been intimate with anyone from the club."
"Then who have you been with? I can see the marks on your neck," He pressed.
"I'm sorry, but that's none of your concern. The person I choose to have between my legs is off-limits to you. Our marriage is purely for political reasons and the benefits it brings to our kingdoms. That's all,"
Ruhn sighed and moved aside to let you enter the house, with Felix trailing behind.
"Go straight down the hallway," Ruhn's voice sounded from behind Felix as you heard the door close.
Walking down the corridor, you noticed photographs hanging on the walls. Ones of Ruhn, others with Ruhn and his mother, and some of Ruhn with a young girl. The resemblance between the little girl and Ruhn made you assume she was his sister. His mother was undeniably stunning. It was no surprise the Autumn King had taken notice of her.
You proceeded down the hallway until it led to a spacious room adorned with a couch, a recliner, a coffee table, a TV, fireplace, and various knick-knacks, giving the place a cozy atmosphere.
A smile formed on your face as you compared this welcoming living room to the cold mansion you once called home. No matter how much you tried to make it feel like one, it never exuded the warmth and comfort that this house did. It dawned on me that your mansion was simply a building, not a true home.
"Oh! Hi!" a woman greeted me from behind. "You must be (Name). I'm Lorin."
I turned to face her and was struck by her beauty. There was a certain softness in her features that set her apart from other faes. Her blue eyes reminded me of Ruhn's, and her silky black hair only added to her allure. If Ruhn and I were to have children, I hoped they would inherit more of Lorin's traits than Runn’s father's.
I extended my hand towards her and replied, "Yes, that's me. I apologize, but you are truly stunning.”
"Oh my Gods. I was thinking the same,"
"Thank you,"
"Is that the man accompanying you your bodyguard?"
I glanced at Felix and touched his shoulder. "Yes, this is Felix,"
Lorin shifted his gaze to Ruhn, who entered the room. "Your father made a great choice,"
Ruhn simply nodded and settled onto the couch.
"Aren't you going to offer her a drink or snack?” His mom questioned.
“Do you want anything?” Ruhn inquired.
As you were about to decline, the enticing aroma of chicken, sausage, garlic, and other delicious ingredients filled the air, causing your stomach to growl. "The smell of whatever you're cooking is absolutely mouthwatering," you admitted.
She revealed that it was chicken and sausage gumbo with smoked paprika, garlic powder, mustard powder, and cayenne. She then asked if you had any allergies.
You declined any allergies. "Nope," you shook your head.
She then offered you some of the delicious meal. "Yes, please," you enthusiastically accepted.
Lorin smiled warmly and motioned for you and Felix to follow her into the kitchen. Catching a glance at Felix, she asked, "Do you want some too?"
Felix hesitated, "No, ma'am. I don't want to-"
Lorin interrupted firmly, "Nonsense. You are protecting my future daughter-in-law. That means I am going to make sure you are going to eat and don't leave my home hungry."
With a grateful nod, Felix replied, "Yes, ma'am.”
I smiled with Felix, and he returned the gesture. It was heartwarming to see someone treating Felix as more than just my bodyguard, and I couldn't help but feel grateful.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
As I danced to the music at the White Raven, Felix stood watch from a distance, ensuring our safety. Suddenly, I felt hands on my body and turned to see that it was Ruhn. "You really think I can't smell Felix on you?" His words were hushed by the loud music, shielding our conversation from others.
I knew that pushing him off would attract unwanted attention and potentially lead to more trouble.
You took his hands and placed them on your midsection, dancing with him. "You really think I can't smell all the females on you?"
Ruhn remained silent in response.
"Do you even know who they are? Can you name at least one? I know Felix's name, at least."
Ruhn angrily pushed past me and left. I shrugged it off and chuckled, then proceeded to pull Felix onto the dance floor at the club.
Fuck what others think.
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maidragoste · 2 years
I miss you
Age up!Jacaerys Velaryon x Reader (Daeron's twin sister)
Summary: You go to Winterfell in search of support for the greens and you meet your old lover.
Part 2
please reblog cause i'm not showing up in tags again 😭😭
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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You let the guards guide you through Winterfell. On another occasion, you would be looking carefully at the castle but you were nervous thinking that you would soon meet Jacaerys, you had seen Vermax at the entrance, and the last time you had seen each other you said horrible things letting yourself get carried away by anger. You were furious about his engagement to Baela. You wanted him to break it, to tell your sister Rhaenyra the truth about her affair, but he seemed more than happy with her new commitment.
But that didn't matter now. There was about to be a war and you need to win over Cregan Stark for your brother, he needed to have the support of the north.
You entered together with the guards to the castle dining room, the castle dining room. They were obviously having a banquet. That doesn't sit well with you. It didn't sit well with you either to see Cregan and Jacaerys laughing… It seemed that you had already arrived too late and that your former lover had already won over the North.
"My lord, Princess Y/N" one of the guards announced and everyone fell silent.
"Princess, she is welcome to join us," Cregan stated and was motioning for a servant to add another chair to the table.
"Please, aunt, sit with us," said Jacaerys getting up from her seat to leave it to you. It felt weird to call you that but they no longer seemed close enough to call you by your name, much less to call you by the nicknames he had given you. He couldn't call you "my sweet, my princess, my darling" anymore now that he was engaged.
You ignored the Northerners' gaze and walked forward until you were sitting next to the Lord of the North. While Jacaerys took the servant's chair and placed it next to his old seat.
"Thank you, nephew" you smiled at him. You had never smiled at him like that before, it wasn't your real smile. It was the smile you used in court to keep up appearances and pretend to agree with whatever the lords said "Oh my lords, don't interrupt your celebrations for me" you said out loud causing everyone to speak again. You did not doubt that they were talking about you "Thank you, my lord" you thanked when Cregan handed you a glass of wine.
"Well, aunt? What are you doing here?" asked the prince causing you to take your eyes off the Lord of the North.
"The same as you, dear nephew. I come to ask the loyalty of Lord Stark" you turned to see the man. You had to admit he was handsome, he was stocky and his beard made him look more mature, his gray eyes were very striking, and you could see yourself sharing the bed with him.
"Princess, I'm sorry you traveled here for nothing. My loyalty belongs to the rightful queen. Rhaenyra"
You should have seen that answer coming. The Starks are known for not breaking their word. But you weren't going to give up anyway. You had a hard time convincing your mother to let you come here and you wouldn't come back empty-handed.
"My lord, if you could listen to my proposal…"
"Princess, I'm not interested in the money or land that your usurper brother can give me" he interrupted you making you start to get frustrated.
Jacaerys watched with amusement as your cheeks turned red, he was sure it wasn't due to the wine or the cold. He knew You well and he could tell that you were starting to get annoyed. After all, you were used to being told yes to everything you ask for and being given everything you want, you were a spoiled princess, you were their spoiled princess.
"My Lord…
"Princess, I have no problem with you staying in Winterfell until you recover from such a long journey, but I will not change my allegiance."
"My lord, I come to offer you my hand," you said hastily before he could interrupt you again. You smiled when you saw the surprise in her gray eyes "Let me show you that I can be a good wife. Your son is still a child and needs a mother, let me help you raise him, I will raise him as if he were mine and if you allow me I will give him an egg dragon from my dragon's brood" you felt satisfaction to see that he finally listened to you with attention. You could see how his head began to scheme.
Jacaerys slammed his wineglass down on the table, making too much noise. For a moment you had forgotten about him. You felt furious at the betrayal in his eyes. He was the one who left you first, he had no right to feel hurt and betrayed by you when he was the one who broke your heart.
“My lord, you do not need to give me an answer now. You can think about it in peace” you turned your attention to Cregan “Well, tell me about the wonders of Winterfell”
Prince Velaryon saw how you managed to get the wolf to talk. He listened to them talk for what seemed like hours. Before you showed up he was delighted to hear Cregan's stories but now all he wanted was for him to shut up. He hated to see how interested you looked by the lord of the North. He knew you better than anyone and he knew your interest was genuine, he could see it in your eyes, you weren't faking it just to inflate Mr. Stark's ego. He felt jealousy bubbling up inside him and by the end of the night jealousy was eating him up when he saw you dancing with Cregan. You looked so happy dancing with him, it seemed like for a moment you had forgotten about the war that was coming.
If Cregan Stark told him the next day that he was withdrawing allegiance from him to his mother, Jacaerys wouldn't blame him. He couldn't imagine a man not falling for your charms. You are so charming that anyone feels lucky just to get a little bit of attention.
You heard someone knock on the door of the room where you were staying. It would soon be a week since you arrived in the North, and although you would love to stay longer you knew you had to return to the Red Keep with Lord Stark's answer.
"Jacaerys?" you said surprised, you didn't expect to see it.
It hadn't been Jacaerys's intention to listen to the servants but he did and so he knew that Lord Stark had come to see you in your chambers. So he didn't even think about it and now he was standing in front of you not knowing what to say.
"And? Will you be the future Lord Stark? he asked rolling her eyes.
“Not that it was any of your business, but no, I'm not marrying Lord Stark. Now you can go write to my sister and tell her that she can stay calm, the north is on her side” you answered coldly and wanted to close the door when the prince put his foot to lock it and with his hand pushed the door to open it again. "Jace…"
Then the prince entered the room and kissed you. You should have pushed him out of your chambers. But you didn't, you kissed him just as fiercely. His lips were still sweet, just as you remembered. You felt your body burn as he grabbed you around the waist to bring your body closer to him.
"I miss you" he confessed breaking the kiss.
You should have told him that the kiss was a mistake, that he would leave you alone and walk away. You knew if you told him now he would. But you didn't, you couldn't walk away from Jacaerys after being deprived of her kisses and caresses for months. This would probably be the last chance you would have to be in her arms. Once you returned to the Red Keep and he returned to Dragonstone, the two of you would be enemies.
"Me too" you admitted before stamping your lips with his again "I think about you all the time," you said making him smile. Oh, how you would miss seeing his beautiful smile.
"I love you" he declared and distributed kisses all over your face, kisses on your forehead, your cheekbones, your nose, and finally your lips making you laugh "Let me show you how much I love you" I kiss your neck.
"It's okay, my prince. You can do whatever you want with me tonight" No more words were enough for your lover to start untying the laces of your dress.
And to your family's disappointment, you returned to King's Landing empty-handed, with no engagement or support from the Northmen…but with a bastard in your belly, you had no idea.
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heeseungismymanz · 4 days
𝑀𝓎 𝒲𝒶𝓎
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Synopsis: You and heeseung have been dating for about 3 months now. You both were the most popular people on the entire campus. It was all fine until you two got in a fight because of his ex. But now you have to go your own 𝒲𝒶𝓎.
Mentioning: All of enhypen (heeseungs friendgroup), yunjin lsfm (y/n bestie), yunah illit (heeseungs sister and your bestie), karina aespa (y/n bestie), keeho p1h (y/n ex), yeji itzy ( heeseungs ex ),more..
Pairing: Popular bf!Heeseung x Popular gf!Fem Reader
Taglist: @mitmit01 @mimisxs
Tropes: Loving to Hatred, Lovers to Exes, Friends to Enemies
Warnings: Cursing,Fighting,love language is pt so will hug,cuddle alot,nothing much,idrk! Tell me if i forgot something!
°•More under cut•°
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"How am i grounded AGAIN and i have a basically broken leg?!" you ask while literally about to cry. Your at your dad's house and all you wanted to do was meet up with your boyfriend. And YOU personally didnt see a problem with it. But your dad did. "아빠는 그냥 친구예요! (dad hes just a friend!)" You yell. The only response he has is "그럼 지금 우리 친구에게 키스하는 건가요? (so we are kissing friends now?)" What was he talking about? Didnt he or like mom kiss their friends on the cheek when they were younger? Well Heeseung isnt just a friend but whats the big deal? You how old like 17? Does he want you to die single or something?. You didnt physically say it but in your mind you said "무슨 일이 있어도 나는 학교에 갈 것이다. (whatever im going to school.)"
Now your walking to school. May i mind you with a sprained ankle (that is NOT breaking your leg but wtv) and all you hear is "she really is weak!" or "ew her personality is giving ugly but her face is giving pretty!" those insults were WEAK to you and were super childish so you just walked by not giving a single fuck. Soon you made it to class. And the first class had to be math. Heeseung and Yeji sitting in a corner laughing ,smiling and just talking. Then your friends sitting in another death-staring them. You take a seat with YOUR friends and Heeseung's friends. "Hey guys!" You say smiling hiding the fact your annoyed seeing Heeseung and his EX together. "Hey ynnie!" Yunjin says first. You smile then use your phone texting Heeseung "Hey can we talk soon after class?" You see the bubble typing to see a new message "Sure.." What does he mean "Sure.." he's supposed to be the kind, loving boyfriend he always had been. Annoyed you decide to talk to Jake because who doesnt like talking to your boyfriends friend? "Hey jakey!!" You say loud enough for Heeseung to hear. "Oh hi yn!" he says smiling back with his big puppy like smile. "Wanna eat lunch together?" You also say really loud to the point Jay and Sunghoon asks "Can we join?!" at the exact same time. "Sure! Id love to eat with all of you. How bout all of us including Yunjin, Karina, and Yunah join and meet at that boba cafe near by!" You say smiling really big at Jake for no absolute reason then looking back to the others. "OOH YES!" Karina says. "Seems like a good plan" Yunah says. "I should invite hee-" Yunah trys to say "Oh no its fine hes with Yeji anyway. Im sure they have plans together for lunch!" You say practically aiming for them to not come while also cutting off Yunah. "Oh true! Plus we havent been all together for a while like this." Sunghoon adds. "Okay ill text the address." You say. "Also i cant go to any parties for like a week so :/" You add on. "What AGAIN?!" Jay asks. "Yeah i got in trouble for sneakin out tryna meet with someone i shouldnt see." Then the teacher walks in Yappa yappa yappa.
Heeseung texts you. "Lets talk now?" he asks. "Sure meet me at my locker." You text back. Honestly your really scared to the point you might even pee or poop your pants. You havent talked to him ever since the fight. So you dont really know what to say. You lowkey zone out for a few minutes til heeseung shows up. "What do you want?" He asks obviously NOT wanting to be there. "Why the fuck are you with Yeji? Am i NOT your girlfriend?" You asked him quite literally deathstaring him. "Listen she's better anyway like why'd you try punching her?" he asks as if he's trying to avoid the question. "Punching? So i started punching now?!" You say kind yelling in the school hallway. "WHY DOES IT MATTER TO YOU?!" He asks still avoiding the question. "Heeseung its my way or hers. Choose." You say literally annoyed to the point you might drop kick him like a kickball. "And what if i choose hers?" He says. "Im done with this fucking bullshit see me out of this relationship. All i was trying to ask was why your flirting with your ex!" You yell. "OH IM FLIRTING NOW?!" He yells back in defense. At this point Sunghoon, Jake, Jay, Karina, and Yunjin found you and Heeseung. You quite literally almost punched him but then Karina, and Jay held you back. Then you black out.
Now your in the nurses office. All you remember was Karina and Jay holding you back. Nothing more nothing less. The nurse walked in. " Yoon Yn im sorry to say this but you have bruises and have a serious head injury that might not heal really fast because you've been hit in the head by Heeseung." That fucking bitch. How'd you even like a man like that? All because you tried Sneakin out tryna meet with someone you shouldnt see. Wait when did you even meet him?
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AN: What an interesting way to end a chapter. Why is heeseung lowkey a bitch in this chapterrrr. Im so sorry i havent been updating but it's because my sports. I literally have volleyball games back to back every week.
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reginarubie · 3 months
hi I don’t know if you still do request tumblr prompts, but if you’ve lurked in the jonsa tag there was this post shared about a person asking if an adopted son can marry the daughter of the family that adopted him and I was wondering if, inspired and have time. Could you share a dabble or even dialogues with that in mind?. I don’t know, maybe literal conte yes or Jon posting this and people find out it’s him, anything really haha
Oh nonny, why not?
Aragorn married Arwen, though.
The first one to approach him, if one would believe it, is Rickon.
Jon was there when Rickon was born, small, shrieking and red haired. He had been there keeping hold on Arya to avoid she jumped on all the furniture of the hospital room in her excitement.
His little brother leans closer to him a couple of days after as he swings his backpack on his shoulder and as he munches on a protein bar, “Yes” he whispers, his breath smells of nuts, without offering further explanation. Then he smirks like Theon does when he’s about to whore his way out of some mess, and leaves.
Jon remains awestruck, and uncertain, on his feet at the isle of the Stark’s kitchen. He isn’t usually home this hour of the day, not since he’s moved out, but Ned needed helped with the tree-house and Jon needed a day off to get his hands dirty anyway.
Ned keeps looking at him strange all day, and Catelyn studies him with a knowing grin from the kitchen window, and when she brings out some apple pie for them during mid-morning, she takes great care to state that Sansa made it, with much love.
Jon chokes on empty air.
Ned is helpful enough, despite the way he has looked him all morning, to pat him on the back and tell him something that should sound wise and resigned but make Jon only feel uncomfortable.
He’s never been uncomfortable since the Stark officially adopted him when he was fifteen; and after helping set the table he skips — two steps at time — upstairs to find refuge in his old room.
Bran is there. Bran’s mischievous grin, as if he has Jon precisely where he wants him, makes him almost bolt for the door. But Bran is smart, and that wheeled chair is more flexible than he thought because he manages to reach him and knock him on the bed by grabbing him by the hem of his shirt.
“So,” Bran says “you want to marry Sansa, and have her babies. Or would she have yours?” he questions.
And that’s how he learns that all the Starks (barred Arya who is in Braavos for a fencing competition and Sansa who’s in the Vale busy with fashion school) have read his post.
“Would it make you want to hit me less if it was Arya?” he tries to smooth the tension that Bran has unnecessarily created.
Bran’ eyes narrow, “You want to marry my sister, have her babies or she yours; and you want to cheat on her with my other sister?” he demands and Bran can be pretty scary when he wants to, okay? He takes it after Catelyn.
“No…” Jon practically squeaks, and when Bran cocks his head on the side he hastens to add “no one is having anyone babies!”
“Yet!” Catelyn shouts from downstairs, “and until that is true, come down, lunch is ready!”
Bran snickers as Jon helps him down, “And I would not cheat on her,” Jon tells him, offended.
Bran doesn’t stop snickering and Ned is making a very peculiar expression where he’s sat at the head of the table.
“Don’t worry dear,” Catelyn tells him as she pats him on the head as she did when he was a child, “Sansa doesn’t know, yet”
Jon looks helplessly at Ned, his bastion. His father.
Ned just takes a deep breath, and stands up abruptly “We need something stronger than water for this” he states, moving toward his liquor cabinet.
“Eddard Stark stop there!” Catelyn shouts, “Doctor Luwin said…”
“I don’t care what Doctor Luwin said, woman” Ned replies “our son needs it, and to be frank, so do I”
What follows is perhaps the most uncomfortable lunch since that time that aunt Lysa’ new partner Petyr Baelish came visiting after uncle Jon’s death.
In the end though Catelyn sends him off with enough food to last him a week and promises him everything will be fine, “We knew,” she tells him and at Jon’ doubtful look she smiles, “I knew,” she amends, “and perhaps Bran, that kid knows far more than he tells. And Rickon is more perceptive that you’d think… perhaps, only Robb and Ned were not in the known”
Jon wants the earth to swallow him up, “And Sansa, but Sansa is always wilfully blind when it comes to you, so”
“Can we… pretend this never happened?” he pleads. Catelyn never looked more motherly.
“Of course dear, whatever you need”
But since Jon is an unlucky bastard, of course they can’t.
Arya just sends him a text, “My sister? You can do better” and then adds “actually, so can she” but then sends him a married cat couple sticker and they don’t speak of it further.
So perhaps they can really pretend it never happened.
Only, they can’t.
Robb ambushes him outside of his work, when Jon really thought that perhaps he had not given the matter any thought.
“We need to talk” straightforward as always.
“I’ve had a horrendous day, Robb. Can we save this for another time?”
“It’s about Sansa,”
Jon’ patience has grown thin since Rickon has kept pestering him asking to be flower boy.
As if he isn’t taller than him, to Jon’ vast dismay, and looks like he’s twenty-four and not sixteen.
And Bran keeps questioning his intentions.
And Arya hasn’t stopped sending him nauseated gifs all day long.
Even bloody Theon knows. And he and Catelyn keep trying to reign in the others by teaming up in their effort to tease the hell out of him.
He’d like to smash Theon’ face in, since his foster brother had once the very same problem when it came to Sansa. He’s been restless. Always making importune questions at the most importune times.
“Yes I’m in love with her, no she doesn’t know. No, no one is having anyone’s babies and no I would never cheat on her,” he lashes out, walking around Robb and completely missing his brother’ grin and the glint in his blue eyes.
“Wait a moment, Sans, I’m going to put you on speaker,”
And if Jon believed he has ever been embarrassed. Well… he was wrong. He now is properly embarrassed.
“That’s very comforting to hear Jon,” Sansa tells him from the speaker “it means Robb and I’s ten year plan to get you to fall in love with me has finally born some fruit,”
There’s blinding light and then Jon is beaming, grabbing the phone from Robb’ hand as his brother grins like a Cheshire Cat.
That very same night there’s Sansa comment under his question, pinned above all other comments (all kind of comments and Jon is quite offended by some of them).
There’s a particularly nasty one that almost knocks the breath out of him and Jon is on the point to delete the whole thing altogether despite being too giddy to do anything now that he knows Sansa actually returned his feelings.
Aragorn married Arwen, though💅—SStark🍋
Because there isn’t much more to say to that, is there? Gods. Jon loves this woman.
Sooo nonny! Hope you enjoyed!
Sending all my love ~ G.
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
achilles heel - I: Ben's Sister
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Grace is the very opposite of her brother in every way. when she finally moves onto campus at UNC Chapel Hill, she feels like she gets to be her own person, make her own friends, and hopefully start a promising career in the museum industry, and maybe, one day, get married to her high school sweetheart and live the American dream for herself. Rafe Cameron however, upon their very first meeting, throws a wrench in her very perfect plan.
rafe cameron x fem!oc, rafe is giving very much homewrecker, fanon!rafe (kinda), college!au, friends to lovers, slow-burn (maybe?), minimal oc description, drug and alcohol use, mostly unedited, (these tags are not exhaustive, lmk if i should add anything!)
wc: 2.1k
my master list
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January 4th, 2019
B: i'll be at the caf in 10 if you want to grab breakfast before class
Her phone buzzes twice in quick succession as the screen lights up on the table in front of her. She leans over to read it, putting down her coffee mug and rolling her eyes slightly to herself. Grace had already eaten the same thing she always does, being frozen strawberries and whipped cream for breakfast, and is finishing up her first of several cups of coffee for the day when she receives this text from her brother.
g: okay, back table in the corner
She sends her quick reply and goes back to what she was doing, pretending to read her textbook and hoping to absorb at least the key points before her eight am class. So far, this method has worked well for her. Only one semester down so far, but with a 3.91 GPA, Grace is feeling pretty good about her academic career.
Her brother, Ben, on the other hand, got into the same school on a scholarship for soccer, and Grace is pretty positive he's only doing the same degree as her so she can tutor him while he lives in a frat house. Which he very promptly moved into after orientation, leaving Grace on campus alone, and she didn't mind it one bit. Having some space from her brother and her parents for the first time has been amazing.
Grace looks up as her disheveled-looking brother slides into the seat across from her at the table, practically throwing his plate down. She removes her headphones to hear what he's saying. "Huh?" She asks, prompting him to repeat himself.
"I said..." He draws it out, clearly frustrated his sister didn't listen. "You're already reading that? It's only the second class."
"Oh, well yeah, they're assigned readings for a reason." Grace replies, putting in her bookmark and closing the book, shoving it in the bag at her feet before looking back at her twin brother. He looks like he just rolled out of bed, which, of course, he did.
"Right. Give me the summary then, yeah?" He asks through a mouthful of cinnamon and sugar toast.
Grace sighs a little. "So, basically, there's this guy, totally a dick." She begins to explain and Ben nods, but he's already looking down at his phone. "So he shoots this elephant, right, and then someone else shoots him, and then that's how the third world war started."
"Wait, what? Really?" Ben asks, his attention suddenly drawn back to her.
"No. There was no World War III, dumbass." She replied flatly, crossing her arms over her chest. "Do you even know what this course is about?"
"Not yet but that's why I'm here isn't it?" Ben chuckles, taking another bite of his toast and instantly chasing it down with his orange juice.
Grace cringes a little as she watches that. "Not exactly..." She replies, looking down at her watch. "We have fifteen minutes. We should probably go, we have to get all the way across campus."
Ben nods and shoves the rest of his one piece of toast in his mouth and picks up the other to carry with them while they grab their bags and clean up the table.
No one really knows what it is about the first week of the semester, but Grace, as well as every other girl she's seen so far, has fallen victim to the idea that you need to look put together and organized knowing damn well that by two weeks from now, she'll be showing up in pyjamas. But today, for the time being, she's actually wearing jeans and makeup to class.
They walk across the beautiful campus that overlooks the city from a hill. It's January, but the sun is rising and there's hardly any snow left on the ground, not that there ever was much to begin with at UNC. Grace grips her coffee cup with both hands to try and warm them- it was probably an oversight to leave her gloves back in her dorm.
They make it inside and find their classroom, walking in and looking around, scanning to see open seats. Grace's eye lands on a table with two seats that no one is sitting at, and makes a beeline for it, placing her bag down before realizing her brother isn't at her side anymore.
"Hey, man, how's it going?" She hears as she looks back over her shoulder, seeing her brother grabbing the hand of a boy sitting in the back row. She sighs and sits down as he sits in the back with someone she's assuming he knows from his frat or soccer or something,
"I'm pretty good. Don't know why I took an eight am but here I am I guess." Ben's friend, Rafe, says as Ben takes a seat next to him.
"Honestly, same." Ben laughs slightly, pulling his laptop out of his bag and placing it on the desk.
"Hey, uh..." Rafe starts, leaning closer to his friend and lowering his voice. "Who's that girl you came in with?"
"Why?" Ben asks, taking on a defensive tone as he digs around in his bag, looking for his textbook.
Rafe instantly shakes his head, leaning back in his seat. "Just wondering." He says quickly, looking forward at the long-haired girl sitting a few rows in front of them. "I didn't know you had a girl- I just thought you would have told the team."
"What? I don't." Ben looks up at him to see his friend staring at his sister. "That's just Grace. My sister." He admits, leaning back in his chair as well.
Oh, his sister. Rafe thinks to himself, nodding slightly in response to his friend, that was now watching him, watching his sister. Time to look away. "You have a sister?"
"Uh, yeah, dude."
"You never talk about her," Rafe says, glancing back at her.
"Not much to say I guess." Ben shrugs in response. "Uh, we're twins, I don't know she likes to read apparently. She's a history major, she lives here on campus. I don't know what really there is to add."
"Oh, really? I was thinking of doing history."
Ben laughs. "Dude, as if Ward would ever let you even think about taking anything other than business. Pretty much the only thing you can do with history is write or teach, that's boring as hell."
Rafe sighs, he knows Ben is probably right. "I mean, like, I wouldn't hate that. At least it would be my choice."
"Yeah, I mean, whatever you want man. Why not, right? Being a prof makes bangin money too. People respect you and shit-" Ben rambles on but Rafe isn't really listening. His eyes are trained again on the girl sitting closer to the front of the room, as her hair cascades over her shoulders when she leans forward more, writing something down in a notebook.
"Right?" His thoughts are interrupted.
"Oh, yeah, totally." Rafe nods, completely unaware of what his friend was talking about by now.
"Okay, so we've got some new faces in here today." A man who Rafe assumes to be the prof says, clapping his hands together to get everyone's attention as the room quiets down. "You, in the back there. You missed introductions on Monday, so basically we all shared our names, our majors, and what year we're in if you'd like to share as well."
He's looking dead on at Rafe in the back, and everyone's heads turn to look at him. "I, yeah, sure. I'm Rafe, uh, this is my first year, so I haven't made any big decisions yet, but I'm thinking about majoring in history." He says, making eye contact with Grace and giving her a slight smile.
"Right, yes, Rafe Cameron. You're on the soccer team with Ben here. Your dad is Ward, right?" The prof asks and Rafe nods.
"Yes sir."
"I've met your father, he's a really nice man, hey?" He grins and Rafe nods again slightly in response, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "Anyway, let's get started, shall we? Did everyone get the readings done?"
Grace gets up at the end of class, placing everything in her bag and her headphones back in, assuming that her brother would take off with his friend.
"Shouldn't we wait for Grace?" Rafe asks Ben as his friend turns to the door.
"Nah, I'll talk to her later." He shrugs in response. "Come on- we've got practice this afternoon and I want to have a nap first."
"Hold on one sec," Rafe replies, holding his hand up at his friend signaling for him to wait, and watching as Grace turns around evidently surprised to see them still standing there looking at her- waiting.
"Oh, hi." She says, removing one of her headphones.
"What did you think of the first real lecture? Did you write down every word?" Ben asks her and she laughs a little.
"No, but I'm glad we're getting into something interesting at least." She replies, avoiding eye contact with his friend, who's watching her intently.
"Hey, uh, I'm Rafe, by the way." He says to her before Ben can get a word in.
Grace looks briefly at her brother, who is staring at Rafe with an indecipherable look on his face. "I'm Grace." She says, looking back at her brother's friend and smiling politely. "You said you want to take history? That's my plan too." She adds, making an effort to move the conversation along so they don't just all stand there staring at each other.
"Yeah, I mean, maybe. My dad wants me to take business because he owns a company and I'll have to take it over eventually and all that crap." Rafe shrugs as the three of them head for the door.
Grace nods at that, shoving her hands in her pockets as they walk out the door and down the hall. "My boyfriend was supposed to take business too, or that was originally his plan in high school. He decided to go into chemical and electrical engineering instead and he's loving it, but I guess it's a bit different than your situation but I still think it's important to do what you want, not what other people want you to do." She shrugs, as Rafe looks at her brother, giving him a 'what the fuck, man?' expression.
Ben raises an eyebrow at him, the silent exchange finished with his confusion, and Rafe quickly continues his conversation with the girl who wasn't watching them, eyes straight ahead as she walked. "Yeah, I guess you're right. My plan right now is to sell it as soon as my name's on it, so my degree won't really matter."
"Yeah, you probably don't need a degree in business for that." She agrees, laughing slightly as she shakes her head.
As the three approach the end of the hall, Rafe takes a few quick steps forward to grab the door, and Ben smiles at him, laughing slightly and patting him on the shoulder as he walks through. "Thanks, bro." He steps outside, leaving Rafe to stare at the girl who took a turn down the hall instead of following them out. 
"Not going back to dorms?" He asks her, making her turn as she continues to walk backward staying with the flow of other students.
"I have a class in C building in ten minutes- this way is much faster. It was nice meeting you!" Grace smiles with a slight wave, popping her headphone back in as she turns around and continues down the hall. Rafe smiles back and raises his hand in a quick wave, sighing as he's stuck holding the door for a few more people before he can follow Ben.
"Dude, you didn't think to tell me she has a boyfriend?" Rafe asks, jogging slightly to catch up with his friend.
"Sorry, didn't think you'd be into my sister. Didn't think it mattered- that's not like, the most important thing about her, you know." Ben scoffs, shaking his head.
"Well, of course not. Would've been nice to know, though." Rafe grumbles, adjusting his bag on his shoulder.
"You're not hooking up with my sister. Listen, even if she wasn't dating that loser I wouldn't let you. That's like, fucked up." Ben says sternly. "What would you say if I said I was into Sarah, huh?"
"Dude- gross. She's like, seventeen." Rafe shakes his head, scrunching up his nose at the thought.
"Exactly." Ben agrees. 
"Okay, well, that's different."
"You're digging yourself deeper and deeper man- you've just got to let it go." Ben insists, turning to walk towards his car on the opposite side of the parking lot from where Rafe parked his bike. "I'll see you at home!" He shouts back.
"See ya'," Rafe replies, walking in the opposite direction. He pulls the other side of his backpack over his shoulder, holding tightly onto the straps as he makes his way back to where he parked his bike- completely unaware that he was being watched through an upstairs window in C building by his friend's sister.
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ahhh finally part one!! i’ve been working on this one for a hot minute so lmk all your thoughts and everything- i don’t have the whole thing planned out so also if anyone has any requests on where this should go, pls lmk!!
taglist: @madelynie @slut4drudy (message me or reply to this to be added!)
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Always There - Chapter Fourteen: S.Snape
Summary: Y/N Potter was left with a baby to care for after her brother and sister-in-law were murdered by Voldemort. One person was there for her, a person she didn’t expect but soon became her comfort person, Severus Snape. During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and her third year as Herbology professor, a few old friends come around again. Y/N has to handle the feelings of these old friends being around again as well as handle her feelings for a certain potions master all while she tries to hide these things from her godson.
Series Masterlist
My full Masterlist
Pairings: Severus Snape x Female Professor Reader, Potter!Reader x friend!Remus, Sister!Reader x James Potter, Potter!Reader x Friend!Sirius
Chapter Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader(No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, Harry growing up in a loving home, Umbridge, Fudge, Harry is a little shit, swearing, not proofread
Series Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader (No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, OOC Snape, Harry grows up in a loving environment, mentions of death and murder, poorly written angst, Remus is a shitty friend, poorly written pining,
Please let me know how I can improve my writing and being more inclusive to POC as I am whiter than white. Please also let me know if I have to add more to the warnings! My messages are open as well as my asks!
I am starting a taglist so leave either a comment or something in my asks if you would like to be tagged in any of my works or just this series!
Author's Note: To those who celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving!
Please let me know how I can improve or if you find any errors! Correct me, don't be afraid to! I want to improve my writing and become a better writer so any feedback or advise is welcomed!
Word Count: 1775
My asks are open for questions, suggestions and feedback!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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not my gif
Not even a few days into the term, Harry had already received detention from Professor Umbridge. Now the toad-like woman never told Y/N exactly why he was given detention, just that he had lied to her about something and she didn’t appreciate that. She then proceeded to blame the Herbology professor’s parenting for the boy’s behavior. This was her first sign that something was up with the new professor and then she saw her nephew’s hand the day after his detention. It was scabbed over with the words ‘I must not tell lies’ carved into his hand.
“Harry, what happened to your hand?” Y/N pulled him aside to ask him the question. 
“It’s nothing Aunt Y/N, I promise,” Harry replied.
“Don’t hide this from me. Tell me what happened and how you got those words on your hand.”
“It was my detention with Professor Umbridge. She used some kind of quill that carves the words into your hand as you write them. She told me to stop lying about the return of Voldemort but she wasn’t there! I was there! I saw him!”
“I know, my boy, I know. I’ll handle this, okay? Go see Madame Pomphrey, she’ll give you something so that won’t scar,” She instructed her nephew. To say that the woman was furious was an understatement, so she stormed her way up to the headmaster’s office where Dumbledore and Umbridge were sitting and talking with the Minister of Magic. “You foul woman! How dare you use a cursed quill on a child! You should be sent to Azkaban for what you did to my nephew!” She yelled at the woman drowning in pink.
“Whatever do you mean Professor Potter? I would never do such a thing,” Umbridge said innocently.
“Look at Harry’s hand! It’s all scabbed up with the line YOU made him write for telling the truth! He does not lie! I raised him better than that!”
“Are you sure you raised him at all? I mean the poor boy looks quite disheveled all the time, his clothes are all worn down and his shoes are atrocious. I thought you came from a wealthy pure-blood family, Miss Potter?” Umbridge picked at her. She wanted a reaction and boy did she get one.
“I swear to Godric I will kill you if you speak ill of my family once more! Harry has new clothes and shoes, he just doesn’t want to wear them yet! And my family’s financial status has nothing to do with it! Nor does the blood status! Who cares about blood status?! Albus, Minister, if you two don’t take action, I certainly will and you will not like what I will do to this loathsome toad disguised as a woman,” Y/N was panting with anger, the longer she looked at the woman, the more she wanted to pounce at her and beat the shit out of her. However, she knew she couldn’t do that, not with the minister around, she had to be on her best behavior which she also wasn’t following.
“Did you need something, Dumbledore? I was interrupted in the middle of my lesson,” A familiar and calming voice stated behind her, however calming it was, she was still amped up and rearing to have a go at the pink toad. 
“Ah Severus, nice of you to join us. I wish to speak to you and Miss Potter privately,” Albus responded, “Professor, minister, I hope you don’t mind waiting a few moments. I need to speak to these two about a rather urgent matter.” Umbridge and the minister left the room and waited outside to be called back in. 
“What’s going on, why are you so upset, love?” Severus asked her.
“That toad out there is torturing the students! She used some kind of cursed quill on Harry that carved whatever he wrote on paper on his skin. He has ‘I must not tell lies’ carved on his hand for Salazar’s sake! Hasn’t there been enough shitty professors here in that same position?”
“I understand your frustration Y/N, however there is not much I can do here. They have begun to dwindle my authority in this school and that starts with not having the ability to dismiss Professor Umbridge. She was hired by the Minister, not by me so it is the Minister’s doing if it comes to dismissing her or not,” Dumbledore explained.
“That’s bullshit and you know it, Albus! You’ve been ignoring Harry since the beginning of the term and now you’re just letting this slide?! Like this isn’t child abuse or torture?!” She screamed at the man.
“Why don’t you head to the hospital wing with Harry, love. I’ll handle this, you need to be with him right now,” Severus stepped in trying to diffuse the situation.
“If nothing gets done about this I will leave my position and take Harry with me, no matter how much I love this school and no matter how much Harry does, I cannot allow my boy to be tortured like this! He is my son! He is mine to care for and protect! And with that toad around, I can’t protect him!” She threatened before storming out of the office. She quite literally ran into Umbridge on her way out, nearly knocking the woman over, but she kept walking. 
She kept her pace until she had made it to the doors of the hospital wing, taking a deep breath before entering and locating her nephew. He was sitting in the bed, Madame Pomphrey applying a healing ointment to his hand to help the scarring. His eyes lit up when he saw his aunt, a smile making its way to his face, brightening his features. She had noticed that Harry and James have the same smile, one so big that it will light up a whole room, it was uncanny really.
“Harry, my love, how’s your hand feeling? Any better?” Y/N asked, trying to keep her voice steady and calm even though she was still seething inside.
“A lot better actually. Did you talk to Dumbledore?”
“I did. Harry, there’s nothing he can do. The Minister hired her so that means that Dumbledore can’t do anything. The Minister seemed rather unphased. Look, love, if nothing gets done, we will be leaving Hogwarts and going elsewhere. I can’t have you at risk again, we can go find somewhere safe, maybe go to America, I heard Ilvermorny is one of the best wizarding schools in the world.”
“I don’t want to leave! That’s not fair, you can’t take me away from my friends for something so little! And you can’t just leave Hogwarts and the Order! That’s not the right thing to do!” Harry argued.
“It’s the right thing to do in terms of your safety! That is my number one priority, YOU are my number one priority!” Y/N replied, getting frustrated with the situation once again.
“I am not leaving. Hogwarts is my home! Hogwarts is where my family is! And you want to take me away from that?!” 
“What about our home? What about me? Am I not your family anymore?”
“No, not if you take me away from here. Hogwarts is my home, it’s where I feel the safest, where I feel the most welcomed!” With that, Y/N walked out of the hospital wing, not wanting to continue the argument and make the matter worse. She felt like every time she took a step forward in the right direction, she took three steps back not even a week later. She couldn’t catch a break.
She didn’t get what Harry didn’t understand, and sure it was unfair but did he not consider his safety? His aunt’s sanity? She had almost landed a one way ticket to St. Mungos during the summer, after spending the whole holiday awake and rushing to calm Harry down after a nightmare. She made it back to her quarters in no time, Severus already there waiting for her to return. “What’s wrong, my love?” He asked, seeing the look on her face knowing that something was bothering her.
“Harry told me he won’t consider me family if I pull him out of Hogwarts. I just want to keep him safe, Severus. That is all I want and I can’t have the peace of mind with Umbridge here because can torture the students and get away with it because Fudge sucks and will do anything that toad will ask of him. The students aren’t learning anything in her class nor are they practicing and then she is observing me tomorrow and I know it’s going to be bad because I yelled at her in front of Dumbledore and Fudge and I’m gonna get sacked and have nobody until the holidays. I’m overwhelmed, I’m so overwhelmed and I don’t know what to do anymore. Nothing I do will make Harry happy and all I want for him is to be safe and happy. It’s getting to be too much for me, Sev, I don’t think I can handle this by myself anymore,” She ranted to her partner. Severus was quiet for a moment, processing everything she had said before he formulated his response.
“Firstly, I don’t think she’ll sack you for yelling at her, she has to observe the way you teach before making that decision, you are a fantastic professor, you will be fine. Secondly, Harry doesn’t understand it because he’s a teenager, everything is about him and his friends, nobody else. He doesn’t want to get taken away from his friends which is understandable, however, the way he spoke to you is not okay, he needs to learn to treat you with respect. Thirdly, you don’t have to do this alone anymore, I’m here. I will always be here, call me for help, if you need me to handle Harry, I can handle Harry. You are the love of my life and that boy is a part of you, he is part of my life too and he is a big part. I will do anything for the both of you, always. Just say the word and I will be right by your sides,” Severus replied, his voice filled with understanding and love.
She rushed towards him, wrapping her arms around his middle and holding onto him tightly. Her face was buried in the crook of his neck as she breathed in his scent and listened to his breathing. Severus wrapping his arms around her almost instantly and holding her just as tight, his head resting on top of hers. “Thank you,” She whispered to him.
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@acupnoodle @chxelsxaa @fluffyrat365 @fanficwriter5 @atanukileaf @v3lv3tvampir3 @jspidey5 @mija-novella @leo4242564 @crazyunsexycool @livillain00
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