#I am working on them muahahahahaha
draculas-husband · 2 years
9: I’m so proud of you kiss
Having defeated Nidhogg and checking in with Estinien, Drac had returned to the manor with the hope of spending time with the man he had longed for. He went to his guest room to drop off his belongings, only to find his lover already there, waiting, with fine wine and plenty of love to offer the hero. Drac quickly got changed and joined Edmont on the bed, caring little for the wine and instead focused on relaxing into his lover's warm embrace. The former count smiled at his beloved hero before whispering against his horn. "I am so proud of you, my dearest." Edmont's tone was full of love and he placed soft kisses onto his lover's face, relishing the moment.
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chaoticgoodthief · 8 months
Mission Archnemesis (Was A Catastrophic Failure)
George Valley Centre for Sisyphean Supers, File M-BS-5
Superhero Alias: Bullet Storm
Archnemesis: Midnight Devil, Lord of All Darkness, Master of the Fifth Spiral of Doom and Bane of Humanity
Mission Report: It all started on a gloomy Monday morning. I was drinking my coffee, which to my dismay had gone cold during my intense session of preparing for my first fight with my sworn nemesis. The Midnight Devil, Lord of All Darkness, Master of the Fifth Spiral of Doom and Bane of Humanity. After several hours of searching restlessly for clues about the villain’s secret base, I found it. A warehouse in the shady depths of the city. It had been believed to be abandoned for years, but I knew better. With my magnificent powers granted to me by my mysterious magical amulet, I punched down the door with a single blow! 
But alas, The Midnight Devil, Lord of All Darkness, Master of the Fifth Spiral of Doom and Bane of Humanity must have sensed my glorious presence, for he had already fled, leaving not a trace of his presence behind. Yet I did not give up. I relentlessly continued my search for the rest of the week, working day and night to scour every last inch of the city for clues to my archnemesis’ whereabouts. But alas, despite my valiant efforts, The Midnight Devil, Lord of All Darkness, Master of the Fifth Spiral of Doom and Bane of Humanity nimbly out of my clutches at every turn.
So, I have returned, outwitted but not defeated, to gain my strength for the formidable battles ahead, no matter what form they may take. And I shall be prepared.
Signature: BS😎 
Diary of Midnight Devil, Lord of All Darkness, Master of the Fifth Spiral of Doom and Bane of Humanity, Page 20
Dear Evil Diary,
Today marks the first day that I, the evillest villain in all the land, shall finally be greeted with someone claimed to be a worthy foe. MUAHAHAHAHAHA! I have an evil scheme planned that will surely show them that no hero could ever overthrow my mighty and tyrannical rule! 
First, I shall send my most loyal sidekick, Mosquito, to muddle the path of their noble quest until they are completely lost! Then, should they somehow surpass this obstacle and find me, I will be draped seductively over my couch, holding a remote control in one hand and petting a cat with the other! And then the remote will activate my trap, The Horror of The Depths, Reaper of Pure Souls and Crusher of Dreams! MUAHAHAHAHAHA! It’s flawless I say, completely flawless!
The hero didn’t show up. Were my evil schemes not wicked enough for them to feel the heroic need to thwart me? Were my riddles not clever enough? Was my dark and secret villain basement too cliche? No. Of course not. I must have just been too bad for them, and they fled in fear of my power, only to return stronger after a mandatory training montage!
Who am I kidding? I CAN’T WAIT THAT LONG! Note to self: Get Mosquito to find me a new hero asap. The most pure hearted in all of the land, the chosen one, the mighty saviour! Who needs a pathetic wimp like whatever loser couldn’t even bother to show up to my evil scheme? I will reign victorious! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Mosquito’s To-Do List 
Wash the dishes ✔️ 
Male sure your Pong score is higher than Elgye’s. That’ll piss him off ✔️ (Go me!)
Do the laundry ✔️
Automate the system so that Boss can stop wasting a whole hour signing his stupidly long villain name on every single document! ✔️
Pay rent ✔️
Thwart the new archnemesis ✔️ (I didn’t even have to do anything! Free money, hell yeah!)
Cook dinner ✔️ (It’s always my turn. Ugh. Roommates.)
Evil cackle time with Boss ✔️ (He’s so dumb.)
George Valley Centre for Sisyphean Supers, File BS-6
Superhero Alias: Bullet Storm
Archnemesis: Midnight Devil, Lord of All Darkness, Master of the Fifth Spiral of Doom and Bane of Humanity
Mission Report: My tale begins on a foggy Saturday evening. I was on the way back to my secret base after another day relentlessly chasing after the Midnight Devil, Lord of All Darkness, Master of the Fifth Spiral of Doom and Bane of Humanity. Then, I saw him. A man obscured by shadows, trying to break into my secret base through the window! I checked the time, and much like I suspected, it was midnight. “Midnight Devil, Lord of All Darkness, Master of the Fifth Spiral of Doom and Bane of Humanity! I have caught you in the act!” I declared loudly, aiming a light in his direction.
Alas, he escaped back into the shadow before I could glimpse his face, nimble as the night itself! “Yes,” he growled, voice deep and muffled, “It is I. Find me on the Devil’s Lane next midnight, and we shall have our grand battle.” I refused, determined to catch him then and there! But like a demon returning to the pits of hell, he was gone. Nevertheless, I return victorious, with more information about the mysterious Midnight Devil, Lord of All Darkness, Master of the Fifth Spiral of Doom and Bane of Humanity than anyone has ever learnt before! And tomorrow, I will be victorious!
Signature: BS 😎
Diary of Midnight Devil, Lord of All Darkness, Master of the Fifth Spiral of Doom and Bane of Humanity, Page 23
Dear Evil Diary,
Today was a beautifully evil day! I, The Midnight Devil, Lord of All Darkness, Master of the Fifth Spiral of Doom and Bane of Humanity, have finally encountered my mortal enemy! I found him, walking through my very lair like he owned it, holding a folder full of my darkest secrets! 
He stood as still as a statue, clearly terrified by my mighty and powerful presence. “Are you the one that they call Bullet Storm? The only being believed capable of ever matching my unfathomable strength?” He stared back in noble silence, and I saw it all. His proud jaw, his golden hair, the subtle curves of muscle on his bare arms. Yes, I thought to myself, This is him. This is the one.
“Come, Bullet Storm, let us begin our glorious battle!” I declared, my cape waving dramatically behind me. But alas, Bullet Storm fled, as nimble as his name suggested. Nevertheless, my encounter with my fabled nemesis has sent villainous passion running through my veins. I began constructing my newest trap, a grand machine of unfathomable intricacy and evil glory. I shall name it the Hellfire Pit, Extinguisher of Light, Forge of the Darkest Flames and Death Bringer! And with it, I shall end this battle for once and for all! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
Audio File Recorded By Mosquito, Deleted Immediately After Creation
“I don’t usually do this, but god, this week has been a mess. I’ll delete this after I’m done. Yeah, that’s a good move. Hell, I just need to say this insanity out loud.”
“First, I get caught by my roommate while trying to sneak back into the apartment. And for some reason, the dumbass thought I was my boss? So I just went along with it and it worked! God, he’s so stupid.”
“Then, I was leaving work without my suit to try to avoid it happening again and my boss didn’t recognise me! He just thought I was his archnemesis for some reason? What is with me always falling in love with idiots? And why do I always play along?!”
“So now I’m playing the goddamn middleman for two conclusion-jumping morons. Why is this my life? What did I do to deserve this? …Ok, maybe that was a bad question, but still!”
New Satrie City Herald, pg 1
Two Rival Supers Fight Same Imposter
A small street on the edge of the city suddenly became lively with action last week when a pair of “eternal rivals” confronted each other. Despite believing to have fought each other for two years, neither recognised the other. And their true nemesis had been hiding just beneath their noses the entire time. More on page 3.
George Valley Centre for Sisyphean Supers, File BS-642
Superhero Alias: Bullet Storm
ID Number: 7188
Reason For Leave (please tick all that apply):
☐ Medical emergency
☐ Identity leak
☐ Pregnancy
☐ Career advancement
☐ Work commitments
☑ Familial obligations
☐ Jury duty / Court hearing
☐ Personal Illness
☑ Unexpected circumstances
☐ Religious holiday
☐ Death in family
☐ Doctor’s appointment
☑ Other (please specify):
Signature: BS 😎
@black-rose-events hope I'm not late!!!
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fanboo · 1 year
Party Planners
Karl Jacobs
(I just checked my poll, he got the least amount of votes, therefore I’m writing him. Because ultimately I am the God of this operation and you can’t stop me!! Muahahahahaha)
Parent AU
There was nothing you hated more than the elementary school pickup line. The school itself was fine, but god that fucking line. It was worth it, though, because every day you saw your son’s teacher, Mr. Jacobs. And obviously your son, but you had a huge crush on his teacher. It was protocol for parents to get out and grab their kids (safety reasons) so you and him would chat every time you got Tommy.
Today was no different, so once you finally got a parking spot, you walked over to grab your son. “Hi Tommy!” You called as you got closer. He looked up, eyes puffy from crying, and ran to you. You dropped down to catch him. “Oh no, baby, what’s wrong?” You asked, picking him up. His teacher stepped forward. “Tubbo told him they’d be moving soon,” Mr. Jacobs said. He reached out to pay the child’s shoulder. “Schlatt has a job opportunity that he told me will help him take better care of Tubbo. I forgot about that,” you said softly.
Karl looked sad. You could tell he would miss his student. So would you, as you and Schlatt were great friends, not to mention your children. “We should throw them a going away party,” you said, hoping to get Tommy’s attention. He looked up. “You love parties, don’t you?” You asked your son. He nodded, making Karl laugh. “That’s a great plan. I’ll talk to Tubbo’s father about it. You’ve got my number, I believe, so I’ll text you if he’s okay with it.” You nodded. “Well, I better go. Ready Tommy?” He nodded again, and waved at his teacher. “Bye Tommy! Bye, Y/N. Pleasure to talk to you again! Have a great day.”
As you were buckling Tommy’s seatbelt, he watched you. “Do you like mister Jacobs?” He asked. The question had you taken aback. “Excuse me?” You stuttered. Tommy shrugged. “I think he likes you. You should kiss him.” You laughed. “That’s not quite how that works, kiddo. C’mon, let’s go home.”
Hours later, after you had Tommy tucked into bed, you got the text from Karl saying you had the okay from Schlatt. The three of you would be the only ones in on it (besides Tommy, who promised not to tell) to make sure Tubbo didn’t find out.
When the party finally came, you went in with Tommy. The room was decorated by yourself and Karl the night before. As you’d decorated, the two of you talked about life. How Karl loved kids but had none of his own, how Tommy’s other parent had left you a month after he was born, how he tried his best despite his ADHD. It was nice.
“Y/N! Everyone, say hi to Y/N,” Karl greeted as you entered. “Hi guys! I’m Tommy’s parent.” Everyone rushed to greet you, so Karl helped calm them down. As he explained to them why the room was decorated, you watched him. He looked so at home surrounded by the kids. This was definitely his dream job. “Me, Y/N, and Schlatt decided to give Tubbo a going away party.” Schlatt was near the snack table, gently instructing Tubbo on how to tie his shoe. Upon hearing his name, he rose and waved. “Hey ya little gremlins.”
The party went great, all the students were playing, chatting or snacking to their hearts content. It lasted all day, so when the final bell rang, you stayed behind to help clean up. You were arranging Tommy’s ride home with Schlatt when Tubbo tugged on your hand. “Hey bud. What’s up?” You asked, picking him up. “Thank you,” he said quietly, hugging your neck. You kissed his forehead. “Hey. You’re like a second son to me. Anytime. Tommy’s gonna spend the night tonight, your dad said it was okay. Here, Schlatt.” You handed him his child and let Tommy know the plan. Obviously he was ecstatic. “Bye guys! Be good for Schlatt, Tommy.” He nodded, then they were gone.
Once it was just you and Karl, he put on some music and the two of you started to clean. It took a few hours; you were famished by the time you were done. Karl must’ve heard your stomach growl, because he smiled at you. “Hungry?” He laughed. You blushed and nodded. “We should go get dinner. I’ll pay,” he offered. “Mister Jacobs, are you asking me on a date? Scandalous,” you teased. The two of you laughed. “Maybe I am. And please, call me Karl.”
“Okay Karl. Sure. And thank you.” He smiled at you. “Anytime, Y/N.”
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codydrawin · 3 months
Although I don't identify as trans I am gender non-conforming and I often get refered to as she/her or ma'am no matter if I'm dressing femininely, masculinly, or ambiguously. I think might be gender fluid tho? Idk
It is funny how just having long hair is enough to pass for a girl. Idk maybe the people in my area are just way more accepting than I thought.
Sometimes it does peve my s lil bit but it feels rude to correct them directly so I just try to sound a lil more masculine (does not work lmao, gay AF voice). Other times I'm all "muahahahahaha get gender confused idiot!!!!" in my head.
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thesoulspulse · 2 years
Been having a crazy busy/hectic week!
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Hey guys, just a quick update things have been pretty hectic this week which is why I haven’t posted much lately. But I am working on a couple of things on the side and hopefully tomorrow will a bit more relaxed.
As I said in an earlier post I want to go back to my roots a little bit and improve Owen’s story by starting it over from scratch. I really miss working on fanfics with an oc of mine as the main character instead of Danny and the gang (as much as I love them and Vlad obviously since he’s a fun villain to write about.) Don’t worry though, I’m still planning on wrapping up a few of my current unfinished fanfics before I do anything else but for the time being it has been kinda nice jotting down notes about what I’d like to improve since the last time I wrote anything for Owen. He means a lot to me after all and I want to do his character justice.
Anyways, while I’m thinking about it I’m going to go ahead and share what my current and future plans are for the moment as far as my Danny Phantom content is concerned. Nothing is set in stone though so things might change down the line depending on what I feel the most inspired to work on at any given time. Plus, you know, life happens.
This is just an overview of what’s on my to-do list at the moment...
Current Projects/Goals
Finish revising “Haunted Soul” (finished!)
Continue research for future “Ghost in the Machine” chapters and then resume that story
Complete enough content for a playable “Psionic” Demo of Iris’s rpg maker fangame.
Reread “The Grimoire” and “Ravenheart” to take notes on and then make an outline for the rewritten version.
When time permits, continue cleaning up “Nowhere To Run” so it’s easier to read.
Future Projects/Goals
Come up with a story and outline for my “Unseelie Vlad AU”
Find out what other episodes can be salvaged and added to the timeline of my “Good Vlad AU” for when I work on that story
Alongside the “Psionic” fangame, I want to make an outline for Iris Brooks story too. I’d really like to try and make some kind of animated intro/animatic to the game too if possible.
Continue working on the “Nowhere To Run” sequel “Turning Point”
Rewatch the show again in it’s entirety and take notes to finish up my random thought posts about it. Might even try to watch a few episodes with the members of my discord and discuss it, who knows!
Might be tempted to write a fanfic about my “Halfa Maddie AU” since we need more of the college trio in the phandom!
Definitely want to write a fanfic for Veronica too!
Ok, this one is kind of a silly one but I’d like to try out some sort of random oc prompt where you guys give me ideas on what type of oc I should draw next! Something like, picking their ghost core type/element, gender, personality, and so on. I know I’m always using my own bases to make my own but I just want to find some new ways to interact more with the phandom again.
Oh, and speaking of drawing I want to try drawing more genderbent characters and even merged versions like this one I really want to do where Nocturne and the Fright Knight are one in the same and rule over the nightmares and fears of mortals! Muahahahahaha!
That’s all for now since its pretty late now and I need to head to bed, but there you go. I might add more goals later but for now, that’s what I currently have planned for the future! Wish me luck!
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notsuchasecret · 3 years
“You’re acting like this is your first threesome.” MatsuHana+Whoever else you want to include. The challenge is to keep it sfw. :D
Ushijima sat, clearly unsure of what to do. Hanamaki had already gone over the rubric with his color-coded highlighters and his notecards were all filled out, and Issei had already divvied up the work between the three of them, and their first session was coming to a close. Ushijima sighed, his hands fluttering slightly before coming to rest on his lap once more.
“You’re acting like this is your first threesome,” Hanamaki laughed. Issei swatted at him.
“Must you call it that?” he asked.
“This is not my first group project,” Ushijima said.
“Oh my god, you’re precious,” Hanamaki whispered. Issei just stared at him.
“I… understand the sexual undertones of the joke,” Ushijima said when they continued to stare. “I simply thought beyond the laughter, you meant to imply that I had not participated in a group setting before.”
“You need to stop getting cuter,” Hanamaki scolded, then grinned. “Poor Mattsun here might have a heart attack.” Issei swatted at him again.
“I simply do not know how the portion you have assigned me is enough to be called contribution,” Ushijima said, either barreling straight through the tension out of ignorance, or out of pure stubbornness. Issei, who had seen the way his little red-haired friend acted, thought it was probably the latter.
“You’re saying you want more work?” Issei looked at Hanamaki, whose eyes were wide and unsure. “That’s like asking him for his first born child, you know.” Leaning in, he stage-whispered, “Makki’s kind of a control freak.”
“Am not!” Hanamaki whined. Issei laughed, and Ushijima looked uncertain again.
“What’s wrong?” Issei asked quietly. Hanamaki quieted and stopped flailing about, and they both looked at Ushijima.
“You are… intense,” he said. “It is a lot to handle, the way you are so tied to each other. You work like a well calibrated machine, but you are also loose. Human.” He looked down, brow furrowed. “I do not understand how best to fit in.”
“Oh my god,” Issei whispered under his breath.
Hanamaki looked at Ushijima, then at Isse, then back again, and then he snorted. “All right, clearly no one else is gonna address this elephant, so I’m gonna do it for you. We’re going on a date, to the coffee shop, where Issei is going to buy me so much caffeine I can’t see straight, and we’re gonna hold hands and walk through the park after. And neither of you is going to argue with me, got it?”
Ushijima smiled. “Got it,” he said, and Issei’s heart melted into a puddle of goo on the library table.
“Got it,” he said. Hanamaki nodded, and started gathering up their supplies. “Control freak,” he added, to restore balance. Hanamaki laughed, and things felt easy once again.
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i-am-a-stupid-robot · 3 years
Stupie help i started using shotcut to make gifs because you suggested it in the tags on my post and it works INCREDIBLY but now I'm feeling overpowered like I could make music videos of my favorite ships and the songs that go with them and just... You have given me ENTIRELY TOO MUCH POWER and I am EVER SO THANKFUL FOR IT
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solastia · 3 years
Day 14
As You Are, Yoongi x Original Female Character, 3/? Chapters, 10 k words so far
I missed yesterday!!! AHHHH! But that’s ok, that just means you get 2-for-1 today, whether you want it or not, muahahahahaha!!!
Ok, Sunny, our MC in this story, is so fucking relatable it hurts! How many of us have been there? Stuck in a shitty job, working hard and not getting anywhere, dreaming of a different life that seems completely unattainable. I am Sunny, Sunny is me!!! Or at least I’ve been her during various stages of my life.
“She looked over at Bang PD and suddenly felt lightheaded. He was smiling too, and clapping. They were saved.”
That’s right, our mans Bang PD is the hero of this story, as he should!!!
And what’s with Yoongi being so aloof in the beginning??!! Admit you liked the performance Yoongi!!
“The girls all rushed to hug him, except Sunny, who elected to grin at him from the table she was leaning against.”
OOOH BOY, our girl has walls built thick and high, doesn’t she?? I get the feeling she’s been hurt and has been disappointed by life one too many times.
“She needed this to work. THEY needed this to work. She was tired of having nothing, tired of seeing her girls hungry and exhausted. She was just tired….”
“She put everything into the song. All of her hopes for the future, her love for her girls, her desire to be happy for once in her life, despite the demons that lived inside her.”
Ok, yeah, I’m ready to throw down for Sunny. Must protecc
“All of the girls were getting excited. This was it. They’d made it.”
WHY DO I FEEL LIKE THIS IS SO OMINOUS?!?!? LIKE, SOMETHING REALLY BAD IS GOING TO HAPPEN?? Maybe because I know how much you like to hurt us :|
“I wasn’t actually going to do it. I was just…” she sobbed.
“I know. Believe me, I know.” He sighed, propping his chin on her head.”
Oh, so our boi Yoongi isn’t so cold and distant after all!!
“Manager Sejin was a teddy bear, but a HUGE teddy bear.”
I welcome any and all mentions of Manager Sejin, thank you so much!!!
Ok, so...I am absolutely speechless about Chapter 2. There is so much that is implied, so much hurt, so much pent up anger, and then the little girl!!! I cried. I shed real tears over this chapter. Sunny is so incredibly strong, I love her!
And now, a shift in the tone of the story, something you are really good at!
“We are watching some horror movie now. I think it’s called “LazyTown.”
Mina chuckled. “Sis, that’s a children’s television show.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s not. It’s terrifying. Those puppet things have the most expressionless faces I’ve ever seen. I’m almost certain they are possessed. I’m also pretty sure the pink haired bitch is a serial killer. And they all keep bullying the only decent guy on this show, the one with the chin.”
YES SUNNY!! That show was so freaking disturbing! Our gurl is talented and smart, she knows what’s up!
“Yes, Mom. I have my pepper spray, the alarm thingy, and that knife that looks like a key. I remember everything you taught me about punching my hand into the nose, kicking them in the nuts, and using my shoe laces to get out of a zip tie.”
Ok I am both impressed and concerned, Sunny. Our girl is determined to keep the other girls safe!
“ Ruby squeals and throws her arms around Sunny, who looks uninterested in the show of affection to the casual observer, but all the girls know she secretly adores it.”
Hmmmmm, reminds me of someone...but who????
“You have tiny ass legs.”
There you go, Sunny, take him down a notch.
“You have a big ass nose.” He replied in a monotone.”
Awwwww, love is in the air! LMAO!
“Look at me for a minute. I’m being actually serious here. That’s not going to happen. However, IF you hear something like that, bring it to me. I will not hesitate to shut that shit down. Got it?”
Well dayuum Yoongi, why you acting like a dreamy Knight in Shining Armor all of a sudden?? I like it! Don’t get me wrong, I’m just curious. Perhaps it’s because YOU HAVE A RAGING CRUSH ON SUNNY?!?!
“Enjoy your porn!”
“Thank you. I will.”
😂😂😂 I can’t with these two!
“She noticed a few longing glances between certain people, and made a note to have “the talk” with the males in question. The talk being “Hurt them and die.”
SUNNY HAS ZERO CHILL!! Someone please switch her to decaf. Wait, no. Then someone will surely lose their life! Nevermind
“Close your mouth and eat, wife. You’re setting a bad example for our daughter.” His deadpanned voice barely hinting at it being a joke.
Nope. That totally didn’t just give her goosebumps.”
“Her plot for revenge was interrupted as she felt fingers threading through her right hand. Long, elegant fingers. She looked down and stared at their hands, palm to palm, interlocking fingers, what the fuck…
She glanced at Yoongi, who was looking around the room completely straight faced, occasionally taking a bite of something. Nonchalant as hell. He offered her a sip of his beer, unfazed by her glare when their eyes met.”
This fic was an emotional rollercoaster, from start to finish! This was the first time I’ve read this one, and I was not disappointed. I honestly don’t know who I’m feeling more, Yoongi or Sunny!!! AAAHH! Thank you!
Ok, be back with the second part of this 2-for-1 deal in a bit...
This one needs some serious rewriting and I’m always embarrassed when people read it 😬
Can I just mention something real quick? I think I’m hilarious, right? I mean, we all think that we are the funniest people we know, but I write certain lines that are sarcastic and dry because that’s just how my humor is, and I always go back and reread those lines and crack up because I’m apparently narcissistic when it comes to my own humor.
Anyway, I’ve noticed during this venture of yours that you have a talent for picking the lines that I myself go back and read. So thank you for validating my belief that I’m the funniest mf out there 😂
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hyba · 4 years
wps questions! how has writing been going, what's something new you're proud of with your writing, and what piece of research are you really excited to incorporate into any of your wips?
Thanks for the Q @kaatiba (and for being so patient!!) ^^ (Also, love the new profile picture!)
Writing has been going well. I really only started again yesterday, and it was a good start. I’ve decided to do 500 words per day, and double that on weekends. So far so good!
I think I’m most recently proud of the fact that I was able to finally think up an ending that actually makes sense and propels the story forward for The Pirates of Sissa. For a while there, it was sort of the outlier in my series - these characters popped up once and weren’t supposed to pop up again. But that didn’t seem right, and it felt a bit... useless to incorporate it in the series in that case? But I also really, really wanted it in there. Anyway, after some careful thinking, I’ve found a way to end the book that actually pushes these characters through the story instead of leaving them behind, so they become active characters and role-players in future books as well, and in the overall plot. Plus, it makes more sense this way ^^ So I’m very proud of that, because it has also in turn allowed me to figure out how to fill in a big plot gap I had in the overall plot of the series.
Also... 👀
...This allows me to also possibly include a scene later on where someone attempts to assassinate Vadra for Reasons 👀 The scene was originally sort of swept under the rug because I couldn’t find a place for it in The Pirates of Sissa, but now that I know these characters will turn up again in another book in the series, I believe we have ourselves a solution!
Okay, so this MIGHT be a spoiler because I’m still including it in my story and have been writing the scenes separately for now, but there’s this thing about sarcophagi. Did you know that the word sarcophagus means flesh-eating stone in Ancient Greek? I am working on incorporating that into... a Creepy Situation that has to do with sarcophagi that Mila finds herself in. 😈 And I won’t say more than that! Muahahahahaha!
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anachronisims · 5 years
@lauratje86 replied to your post “big fat important ed. note I have been flirting with changing my...”
I'm really enjoying reading about Meraki and I'm looking forward to seeing how your new way of posting about it works. It's similar to how I would like to post about my next 'hood (when I finally get it up and running!), so I'm interested to see how you make it work :-)
Thanks!! I’ve drafted about a week’s worth of posts already and I’m already in love with the new format.  I hope y’all like it too!!  And you should totally get your hood going, I’d love to see what you do!!  I’d read your 2020 goals and it sounds like you have some great ideas - I’d love to see Alaskan Widespot!!
@eulaliasims replied to your photo “Meraki Y1D2 Summary *  Heatstroke struck hard on Summer 1st thanks to...”
I'm really enjoying reading about Meraki. :D The way you incorporate sims' speech balloons into the story is neat!
Thank you!  It’s sometimes really agonizing and sometimes the easiest thing in the world.  But I love how conversation topics sometimes go viral around the village, and it definitely enriches the gameplay for me!  I hope I continue to do a good job interpreting :)
@niamh-sims replied to your photoset “Junia:  “Gandu, honey?  I’m finally home…” Junia:  “And apparently I’m...”
Your poor Sims and their heatstroke! How long are your seasons?
Almost as bad as your Sims and their flu lol!  Seasons are the normal five days, and after this summer the Extreme Weather mod will get pulled into a standby folder.  I’m doing a seasonal ROS for global effects but I hadn’t written it yet at the time I started, so I just used “extremely hot summer” for the first one.  
But even still, it will get a little better soon - we’re approaching the moment I decided it was too hard having them overheat in bed all the time and I changed the caves from being “open air” to actually enclosed rooms that read as climate controlled by the game.  Maybe a little cheaty, but also, caves are naturally cooler than the surrounding land, so, why not?  I am probably going to open them back up for winter though muahahahahaha
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deltabrony7 · 5 years
MLP Season 9 Adventures: The Delta, The Omega and the Legion
*Delta Brony was flying over Equestria as he plans to meet Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Queen Chrysalis. He also mentions about Galeem and Nintendy.*
[Delta Brony] “Nintendy thinks that he could expose me by telling Twilight about my plan. Galeem is at 50% so he is halfway there. Looks like I’m gonna have to take things under my wing, by meeting Twilight’s old enemies.”
*Delta Brony looks down and sees Grogar’s lair.*
[Delta Brony] “I been there before because I was undercover. So now would be the perfect time to reveal myself to them.”
*At Grogar’s lair...*
[Cozy Glow] “Sorry to interrupt you Tirek. When Grogar retrieves the bell and we take over Equestria, what would be our next goal?”
[Lord Tirek] “A mere celebration we could have.”
[Queen Chrysalis] “Haven’t you forgot something you too. Grogar could be using us at his own game.”
[Cozy Glow] “He is very grumpy and mean to be honest.”
*Suddenly, Delta Brony arrives at the scene.*
[Delta Brony] “Hope I am not interrupting.”
*The three villains gasped and sees that the alicorn stallion is here.*
[Queen Chrysalis] “ANOTHER ALICORN?!!”
[Lord Tirek] “What is he doing here?!”
[Cozy Glow] “Hey, you look familiar. Aren’t you the same pony that became headmare Twilight’s substiture teacher?”
[Delta Brony] “In the flesh Cozy Glow.”
*Delta swoops down and walks close to the villains*
[Delta Brony] “Delta Brony, alicorn prince and guardian of Twilight Sparkle.”
[Lord Tirek] “Delta... Brony... oh yes. That name almost sound like Omega Brony.”
[Omega Brony] “You called?”
*Omega Brony arrives at Grogar’s lair to meet with Delta and the Legion.*
[Delta Brony] “Omega Brony, why am I not surprised. How’s Dar...”
[Omega Brony] “Shhhh...”
[Delta Brony] “Oh... sorry.”
[Queen Chrysalis] “Two alicorns? But this one has bat wings.”
[Cozy Glow] “Weird if you ask me.”
[Omega Brony] “Don’t be hasty with your words. i followed Delta here to tell you that...”
[Delta Brony] “..our training needs to be complete?”
[Omega Brony] “Whoa!! How did you know?”
[Delta Brony] “I can predict what you are about to say.”
[Omega Brony] “Intriguing  of you. You are quite intelligent just like me.”
[Lord Tirek] “Training you say? Well, we could help you become stronger than ever before until Grogar arrives.”
[Queen Chrysalis] “If you could join us of course.”
[Omega Brony] “Who you may be, oh lovely one?”
[Queen Chrysalis] “Chrysalis, the changeling queen. I could transform into anyone I choose like this one.”
*Queen Chrysalis changes into Delta Brony*
[Queen Chrysalis (Delta Brony)] “So, what do you think?”
[Omega Brony] “SWEET!!”
[Delta Brony] “I dealt with more of your kind when you invaded Canterlot long ago.”
*Queen Chrysalis changes back to her original form.*
[Queen Chrysalis] “It’s a shame that my army was turned against me because of Starlight Glimmer!! I will not let her get away with this!!”
[Delta Brony] “Oh you will, cause you and the other got something for Grogar to use against the ponies.”
[Cozy Glow] “You mean this bell?”
*Cozy Glow shows the bewitching bell to Delta Brony, and Omega Brony walks close to it.*
[Omega Brony] “Muahahahahaha!! So this is the bell that you retrieved for that ram of yours. I am impressed that he sent you on a mission, and you accomplished it.”
[Delta Brony] “Grogar will have unlimited power when he puts it on, and Twilight Sparkle will have no choice but to falter.”
[Omega Brony] “It is only a matter of time.”
[Lord Tirek] “So, are you in for some training lessons or not?”
[Delta Brony] “There’s are cue Omega.”
[Omega Brony] “I can really use a workout.”
*Meanwhile at the field...*
[Cozy Glow] “The first thing is all about offense and defense. One of you is gonna go one on one with Tirek.”
[Omega Brony] “Well well well, this could be my ultimate opportunity.”
[Lord Tirek] “So you want to face me? Alright then, although I’m gonna need some magic to match your power.”
[Delta Brony] “That’s fine with you.”
*Cozy Glow and Queen Chrysalis and Omega looks at Delta with a smug look*
[Delta Brony] (gasp) “No... you wouldn’t dare!!”
*Lord Tirek uses his magic to levitate Delta Brony and brings him here*
[Delta Brony] “Don’t do this. I know what you are capable on doing. You did this to Twilight and her friends once.”
[Lord Tirek] “Sorry Delta, but it has to be this way.”
*Lord Tirek opens his mouth wide and starts sucking up Delta’s magic*
*Lord Tirek finally has all of Delta’s alicorn magic and becomes strong. He puts him down to the ground.*
[Delta Brony] “That was... painful.”
[Omega Brony] “It won’t be long now Delta.”
[Lord Tirek] “Ready?”
[Omega Brony] “Ready when you are.”
*Tirek smashes the ground, causing the pillars to emerge. Omega Brony flies and evades them all. Then Tirek fires a beam at Omega, but he uses his magic shield.*
[Omega Brony] “Is that the best you got?”
[Lord Tirek] “Not bad. But can you handle this?”
*Lord Tirek begins to charge at Omega, he collides with him. Omega fights back by stopping the charge.*
[Omega Brony] “I was right when I said that I could use... A WORKOUT!!”
*Omega Brony slams Lord Tirek onto the ground.*
[Delta Brony] “Omega... he’s... doing it.”
[Queen Chsytalis] “How could he be this strong than Tirek?”
[Cozy Glow] “I was gonna ask the same thing.”
[Omega Brony] “Heh. Never underestimate the most powerful pony in Equestria.”
*But Tirek gets up and grabs Omega Brony*
[Lord Tirek] “Except you never turn your back on your opponent.”
[Omega Brony] “Heh. I was hoping you say that. LIGHTNING MASQUERADE!!”
*A storm cloud appears and surrounds the two in a barrage of lightning bolts. One bolt hits Tirek’s hand, causing him to let go.*
[Omega Brony] “Crimson Sphere!!”
*Omega fires a glowing red ball at Tirek and it explodes by contact. The smoke clears as Omega sees Tirek shielded himself just in time*
[Lord Tirek] “You are powerful than ever. Where did you get this magic?”
[Omega Brony] “It’s a long story Tirek. Very long story.”
[Lord Tirek] “Well then, on to the second lesson.”
*Lord Tirek returns all the magic to Delta Brony.*
[Delta Brony] “Thanks. Heh, now that I know how it felt to have my magic taken away.”
*A few minutes later...*
[Queen Chrysalis] “The next lesson is working together. Grogar taught us that.”
[Delta Brony] “Well, we are a duo. We totally got this.”
[Omega Brony] “If we can get the formations right, we can totally outsmart Twilight at our own game.”
*Delta and Omega begin their training, using every attack and magical ability that they could use against the Mane 6. After hours and hours of training, they become exhausted.*
[Omega Brony] “I could use a glass of water right now.”
[Delta Brony] “Me too.”
[Cozy Glow] “Wow, you are pretty banged up after all that training.”
[Lord Tirek] “Now you are ready for your final lesson.”
[Omega Brony] “I cannot wait for this day.”
[Delta Brony] “Ready for anything Omega.”
[Lord Tirek] “Your last lesson... is by joining us. So when Grogar returns, we could destroy Twilight Sparkle and her miserable friends.”
[Delta Brony] “That’s the lesson?”
[Omega Brony] “They are cunning than I thought.”
[Delta Brony] “Don’t you have the bell for Grogar? You might as well wait for him to arrive. We can truly leave him and the rest of you to your evil ways.”
[Queen Chrysalis] “If that’s the case, then that is all I can help you with.”
[Cozy Glow] “Unless you change your mind.”
[Delta Brony] “Haha!! Sure. After all, I’m the bad guy. If Grogar and the rest of you fall to Princess Twilight Sparkle and the ponies, I’ll finish what you started.”
[Lord Tirek] “What would be splendid if you did.”
[Delta Brony] “Welp, I guess I gotta go. Thanks for all the help guys.”
[Cozy Glow] “See you later Delta Brony.”
*Delta Brony leaves the scene, but Omega has something to say to the three.*
[Omega Brony] “Delta is very kind to you don’t you think?”
[Lord Tirek] “Very noble indeed. You decided to stay with us?”
[Omega Brony] “Not exactly, but I am counting on you three and Grogar. You’re the only ones that I am willing to root for. What can I say... Long Live Grogar.”
*Omega Brony leaves the field*
[Omega Brony] “I like this Omega pony. He totally fits with us.”
[Lord Tirek] “We don’t have time. We must head back to Grogar’s lair immediately.”
*At the skies*
[Delta Brony] “So... how’s Dharkon?”
[Omega Brony] “55%”
[Delta Brony] “WHOA!! Nice!!”
[Omega Brony] “Darkness is the only thing that matter for Dharkon. As for Tirek, Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, and their leader Grogar, they won’t know what hit them after they defeat the Mane Six, cause they will be consumed by darkness.”
[Delta Brony] “I’m willing to give you a taste of your own medicine when Galeem coats Equestria in light.”
[Omega Brony] “A magnificent competition. Let’s see who will take control of Equestria.”
*Omega Brony returns back to the dark realm and Delta heads back to see Galeem,*
[Delta Brony] “Light vs. Darkness it is.”
To Be Continued...
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blapisblogs · 5 years
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After that song ends and Corey Taylor gets a glimpse of something we’ll come back to later, we then cut to “young Corey Taylor” getting smacked and sassed by... Rob Scallon as the teacher? Yeah, Doug not only got Corey Taylor and his son Griff for this, he also brought in another musician. At least he got to contribute more to the music in this “review” than Corey Taylor did. Apparently he’s dating Tamara Chambers and that’s how he got involved with this (which makes the fact that Tamara’s here as one of his “students”... awkward at best), but judging by how desperately he’s tried to erase any mention of his involvement with this after the severe backlash it got, I’m guessing that he now regrets this. Anyway, hello, other Doug Walker regular Malcolm Ray. I have no clue who the other two “students” are, but I can only guess that they’re other regulars for Doug’s stuff. (Edit from the future: I think the other guy’s name is Walter? I know nothing about him except he works for Doug and I guess he likes Power Rangers.) All of them have high-pitched dubbed-in voices (I guess to make them sound younger in a “funny” way), and it’s really grating. Like... If you’ve read through my liveblogs about Sonic X, then you remember how I hated it whenever Bokkun said literally anything, right? Well it’s not quite as bad as him as far as the pitch goes, but it is just as annoying, if not even more so because there’s multiple people with high-pitched voices and the lyrics they get to sing in this part aren’t just annoying, they’re insulting.
Oh yeah, did I mention they sing for this next parody song?
If you know the album or the movie, you're probably already dreading this, and it's just as bad as you fear, maybe even worse. Yes, we’re at what’s probably the most popular song from The Wall: the BAFTA award-winning “Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)”. If you don’t know, that song is preceded by “The Happiest Days of Our Lives”, which is so connected with it that most of the time it’s considered part of “Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)” itself, as I’ve always heard it credited as part of that song on the radio. Doug does seem to know the difference though, as he notably does not parody the lyrics from “The Happiest Days of Our Lives”, which to me is a problem: that part is integral to knowing the story behind the song that follows it because it’s the part that talks about how the children in the school were abused by their teachers. Again, since Roger Waters based a lot of this off his own life and he grew up in a time where the teachers were legally allowed to physically and emotionally abuse their students, it’s pretty obvious that’s what the song’s about. Even without including “The Happiest Days of Our Lives”, Doug still parodied the scene where the teacher was humiliating young Pink in front of the entire class, reading his poems aloud and calling them “absolute rubbish” (though for this “review” it’s the teacher insulting Taylor’s musical taste in Pink Floyd, which is still shitty and psychologically damaging, and really upsets me as an autistic person who’s had their interests mocked multiple times). Despite all this, Doug claims Waters is just being a crybaby and exaggerating how bad his school life was when the abuse he suffered and the damage it caused him was real and very serious. You can say what you want about Waters’s ego, Doug, but making fun of someone for being abused, especially as a child, is a line that you should never cross.
It seems like Doug’s not satisfied enough with mocking what Roger Waters was talking about regarding his school life, though, because he goes as far as to mock all people who complain about school, dismissing detailed dissections of what’s wrong with today’s education system as “long-winded rants”. I’m convinced he didn’t actually read these “rants” he’s mocking, because there are serious problems with our education system. I could go into all the shitty things that I personally had to go through as an autistic kid, but you can find plenty of better, more detailed posts and articles talking about how fucked up America’s education system is today, to say nothing of what England’s school system was like in the 50′s (you know, the time period and experience Waters was clearly talking about with this), and this post is already long enough before I can even properly rip into this dreadful parody.
As the turd on top of this shit sundae, Doug Walker does a Dracula impression for part of the song because he’s saying that Roger Waters is calling all teachers “monsters” (yes, that’s literally the only reason). More specifically, it’s the Dracula played by Adam Sandler in the Hotel Transylvania franchise, where Sandler was already doing a weak impression of Bela Lugosi. Basically Doug’s doing an annoying, shitty impression of an already annoying, shitty impression.
Kill me.
[Lyrics (and snark) below the cut]
NC: We need more victimization (There are no good teachers! Not one! Not even by accident!) We need more stuff to rebel
[I know some people will complain about literally anything, but did you actually pay attention to what the album and film were saying? That teachers who abuse their students and try to quash their creativity and individuality is bad, something that Waters himself has clarified in interviews regarding the very song you’re parodying here? Do you not agree with that?]
(We don’t want to help you! We just want to eat your blood and suck your brains!) Though our education system’s broke (Wait, maybe it’s the other way around. I don’t know, I got a high school education! Muahahahaha!) This is pandering like hell
[You reviewed Norm of the North, Boss Baby, and the Emoji Movie despite none of those having ties to anything nostalgic (you even admitted as much in your review of the former), which was the entire point of the Nostalgia Critic. If that's not you pandering to your fanbase who just likes hearing you yell about bad movies, then I don’t know what is.]
(Remember that one teacher who seemed cool? He wasn’t! He was all part of the plan!) Hey! Who cares? All this bitching sells!
[Clearly it does considering your whole internet career is founded on that.]
(Remember that one teacher who seemed really kind and gave you candy?) Well oh well, we’ve got another hit in The Wall (That candy was really sugar-coated children's’ souls!) L-O-L, so school sucks. Grow a damn pair of balls.
[Okay, Boomer. You first. (Before anyone goes “well actually he’s not a Boomer”: I don’t care. This is such a Boomer message that a Boomer may as well be saying it.)]
(Children’s souls! We’re so evil! Muahahahaha!)
[I’m sorry for including all the evil laughing in this transcription, but it’s just as annoying to hear it, trust me.]
Bokkun “Child” chorus: Real cool visualizations (It’s all part of the plan so that you’re more likely to get a job when you’re older!) Milking your gloom and pity (Muahahahahaha! How terrible is that? Muahahahahaha! Muahahahaha!)
[Considering how schools in the way they operate now make students lose sleep, stresses them out over numbers that are assigned to tasks that have been forced upon them, and has been outdated for years since that’s not how most jobs work anymore... Yeah, it actually is terrible. You even said earlier that there are problems with our current education system, yet now you’re making fun of people who criticize it? Make up your mind.]
You hated school, who the hell didn’t? (It’s like those ‘90s commercials where the adults look like bad guys!) What’s next, hating DMVs? (Except they weren’t 90s commercials, they were really mini-documentaries! It’s all true! Muahahahaha!) Hey! Waters! Leave it on F-B!
[We get it already, Doug, you really hate Waters’s ego and the things he talks about in these songs. You’ve already talked about that in your previous parody, can you move onto something else about the movie that isn’t that? So far you’re making it sound like that’s the only thing worth talking about regarding this film.]
(We really don’t see what makes Cinnamon Toast Crunch so great!) All and all, complaining doesn’t mean much at all
[Well, at least you’re able to admit that your career means nothing.]
(Because we’re old! Muahahahaha!) But who cares, it’s still a damn cool song in The Wall (Bleh bleh bleh bleh, I’m a teacher, bleh bleh bleh bleh!)
[In case anyone was wondering why I said it was Adam Sandler’s shitty Bela Lugosi impression he was doing and not just a shitty Bela Lugosi impression, there you go. (For those who don’t get it: the “bleh bleh bleh” thing is a recurring “joke” in at least the first Hotel Transylvania. Yes, it’s as lame as it sounds.)]
We still need more persecutions (Muahahahahahaha! Ahehahahahahehe suck your blood, bleh!) (??) need to hear you (???) (Stabula!)
[I’m giving this my best shot, I really am, but... all I hear for that last set of question marks there is a really inappropriate c-word.]
What are you big boys to say school’s lame? Based on a long-winded rant?
[Hmm, posts and articles made by people who know what they’re talking about explaining how the American school system (since that’s what you’re basing this on rather than the one Waters wrote about) needs some serious retooling in order to cause less burnout, stress and trauma with literal children that can and will affect them in the short and long term when they grow up, or some internet jackass who gets paid for yelling at things and hasn’t been to a high school since at least the 90′s. Gee, I wonder whose opinion on that subject matters more in this situation. (That was sarcasm, by the way, for those who couldn’t tell.)]
Hey! Twitter! (???) bloody (???)!
[I’ve tried my best to figure out what they’re saying here, but this is one of the few times that I cannot actually tell no matter how hard I try, I’m sorry.
So anyway, the TL;DR version of what I think of what this parody song has to say about the original can be summed up in one Kermit gif:
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...Why aren’t I watching The Great Muppet Caper instead?]
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gifsbysimplysonia · 5 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @jillybean1217
I apologize for the crudeness of the collage AND that it only focused on crushes as opposed to all the things you love like Stitch, Baby Yoda, Harry Potter, A7X, what a good cook you are, makeup, and so much more. But I told you, I’m superficial so :P I DO miss Livejournal, though, where I had 2 handfuls of friends that I could be like, “Hey, can you make me a cool graphic for my friend’s birthday?” and they’d whip that up in no time. Now, you’re stuck with lame collages, at least til I find a better free phone app I guess. SORRY!
Plus I’m also enjoying the fact you are FINALLY a dual crush gal, now that Sebastian / Bucky have somehow invaded  your life, muahahahahaha lolz
Just a lot of gushing about my NorCal bestie behind the jump....
There are a million and one things I can say to you and about you. It feels like a lifetime ago that you reached out to me to start chatting on Twitter & Tumblr. You’re probably one of the last friends I’ll make in my lifetime, thanks to being emotionally stunted and damaged as I am :P But somehow, that’s never mattered to you. 
You have a habit of and skill for taking care of people, and I count myself among the blessed that have been on the receiving end of that. Whether you’re talking me down from some emotional crisis or laughing with me THROUGH some new obsession I have discovered (and then ultimately dragged you into, haha), or doing my hair and makeup to make me pretty when we go on an adventure, or driving me around cuz I hate driving and feel like I’m the worst at it or providing me with recipes for healthier lunches ... you’re ALWAYS THERE. Literally, when I need you, for whatever I need you for, and even when I don’t know or refuse to admit I need you ... there you are. 
Your friendship has been one of the best gifts I’ve ever gotten, and your thoughtfulness and sincere heart are so precious. I often refer to you as Leslie Knope cuz you are the best gift giver I’ve ever met, and it’s because you get to know a person and can think outside of the box about what would mean a great deal to them. 
Let us not forget what a talented artist you are, even though you won’t admit it. I watched you develop and sharpen your talent as you attended classes and I’m SO PROUD of the work you always put in. As well as very proud of the work that was put on display, created by your hand. You always want to discount yourself but you NEVER EVER should!
Work has been an adventure for you, but again, you got out there into the office world again and you conquered. To the point you’re basically the office manager right now, after only a little over a year, and not getting paid for it -_- But honestly, for your manager to have you training people and you putting together SOPs when you were still there UNDER a year speaks volumes for how responsible, organized you are. And your way with people makes you much easier to learn from. 
This sounds like a bio at this point lmao. But I know you. I know you don’t sit back and take proper stock of all the things you have accomplished and you do NOT give yourself the credit you deserve. So it’s my job to remind you. You’re in a new place, working hard and being the best daughter, sister and definitely best friend you can be. All of us in your life are lucky / blessed to know you. And I look forward to many years of friendship ahead, always cheering you on in whatever you do because you are capable of so much, even if you don’t see it. 
Hope the bundlet you get today is awesome, AFTER your birthday dinner of course, and I see you one week from today! Isn’t that nuts lol? 
I love you. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life, and for being one of the best people I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. 
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faye666-999 · 5 years
This is a rant post
So I know (ish) a blog (let's call the blog the color Red) that posts really great fics and I'm always leaving feedback when I read their works and for the past weeks I stumbled across that post about how anons go on 'anonymous' to send hate asks and something about changing that (and send love confessions/positive asks instead) etc so naturally I was appalled that people take the time out of their day to specifically hate on someone else's blog and content and just them, cause like anons sending hate really got no better shit to do. Smh. So Red sometimes gets depressed (sadly I can relate and I hate feeling depressed), and apologizes to their readers for taking breaks. And I'm over like bish the fuck? Take care of ya damn wonderful self first alright, we can wait. You come first. And then I started leaving positive asks anonymously, and I'm just like sksksk. When red answers the asks, it makes MY day. And then I chuckle gleefully cause they'll never know who I really am. Muahahahahaha. Like I'm so glad a couple lines of me appreciating their work and their existence just makes their day. Like it makes ME giddy that my anon love message makes Red feel so nice.
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
I’m currently rewatching s11 (hello to everyone else on the tnt loop!) and looking at some interesting parallels with s14...
I’m effectively past the point where it becomes obvious that Dabb has taken the wheel as showrunner, and into the territory where he and Bobo are pretty heavily laying out the heavy character stuff that will drive the emotional narrative going forward.
What makes a monster, using the wrong words, what we’re willing to do for the people we love, and all of these people truly beginning to wonder who they want to be and what their real place is in the whole cosmic order. What is their real purpose and value as individuals.
And this is a journey that Sam, Dean, and Cas have been on during Dabb era, with the narrative textually telling us to remember the past but not to wallow in it, not to let their future be defined only by regret.
So this notion that the exact same plotline is now playing out with Michael “pretending” to be Dean for some inexplicable reason... I think Bobo probably remembers his own episode with Lucifer pulling that deception with Cas (11.14):
Lucifer: Mmm, I feel a burden lifted. You know, this whole 'deep cover' thing, it just wasn't, it wasn't terribly well thought out. Donning this-this Cas mask? This grim face of angelic constipation? Just ugh. And then teaming up with you two. I mean, I thought you boys were insufferable as mortal enemies. But, working with you? Ugh, that's the soul crusher. Why the faces, boys? You should be cheering. We have a common enemy, and with this she will be no problem. I mean, I will have killed you both by then, but still, come on.
I mean I guess nothing is stopping Michael from being as shiftless and directionless as Lucifer-- even when Luci did have a stated mission to defeat the Darkness, he knew it was a bluff at best the entire time, and even admitted that in plain words in 11.22:
CHUCK: Amara’s been caged for billions of years, but y’know, she was always there. She had to be there. Y’know, yin and yang. Dark and light. DEAN: English, Chuck. CHUCK: There’s a harmony, a balance, in the universe. Light needs dark. Dark needs light. If you blow one of them up, then, I mean— LUCIFER: It wouldn’t be a good thing. CHUCK: It’d be really not a good thing. Like ‘end of reality’ not good. SAM: Okay, so we gift-wrap Amara. I mean, we got the team back together, so— CHUCK: Not quite. We’re still a few members short of the original line-up. LUCIFER: Yeah, first time it took the combined strength of me and my brothers to weaken Amara before Daddy-O finished her off. CHUCK: Even then it was close. Now with just the two of us, we’ll lose.
So what was all that with his promises to Cas that he alone could defeat the Darkness? I think he just wanted out of that cage and seized what was likely to be his only opportunity to do so. And then rather than rallying his forces to actually accomplish... anything... he did what he’s always done. Which was “whatever struck his fancy.”
Michael? Yeah, he’s on a mission. He hasn’t been standing in parks tossing breadcrumbs at seagulls. He hasn’t been lounging around on the throne of hell (or heaven, for that matter) idly passing the time until the lights went out. Michael’s not up against an adversary like Amara, he’s not hoping God will return and put things right, he’s not even looking to vanquish a specific enemy standing in his way (like Lucifer) to reshaping the world in his own desired image.
Michael is a doer. He’s out there doing.
Sure, he’s probably worried the Winchesters might prove to be an annoyance, like the organized resistance hunters proved to be in the AU, especially seeing as he doesn’t have an organized angel army at his command here. But he has effectively learned everything he believes possible from Dean. As he said, he owns Dean. He’s proven he has the power to force Dean to do whatever he wants, and we don’t yet know just how much he’s let Dean see of his own plans. How much of a trojan horse he’s implanted in Dean’s own memories of his time possessed.
My guess is that Bobo hasn’t forgotten the past. Nor has Dabb, with the overall direction of the show and not just this specific plotline.
Information can be a weapon, but disinformation can also be a weapon. Rather than wondering if Michael is all squished up hiding out inside Dean waiting to pop out and yell AHA! ‘TWAS I ALL ALONG! YOU CAN CALL ME DINKLE AND DESPAIRRRRRR! I think it’s going to be the specific memories Michael left Dean with, and the specific memories Michael may have excluded from Dean’s memories that will be at the heart of Dean’s actual trauma going forward.
I mean, unless they want the entire season to read like the most regrettable plot arc in the history of the show (ie  You have chanced upon a lineage with a long and proud tradition . . . And some unwanted notoriety. One of Europe's oldest families. The house of . . . Frankenstein. MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!) (yes I added the MUAHAHAHAHAHA! because seriously, wtf even) And I think Dabb is just as spiteful about all that bs as I am, based on how he’s been steering the show since he got his grubby little mitts on it.
Yes, Michael owns Dean. He demonstrated that nicely, planted the bait he wanted, and then flapped off to let Dean spin in circles over his loss of agency. Let the mind games begin, essentially. He knows he doesn’t need to keep a hand in Dean for the time being. He’s wound Dean up, pushed all the right buttons, and left him to flounder. Because he THINKS he knows Dean. He knows what Dean thinks of himself, the mindset he still had post 13.20:
Dean: You remember what happened the last time we had front row tickets to the Lucifer/Michael show? 'Cause I do. You died... and went to Hell. But see, this time, the apocalypse isn't looking for us. We're actually looking for it. I don't care what happens to me. I never really have. But I do care about what happens to my brother.
Dean doesn’t care what happens to him, which he proved when he said yes to Michael in the first place. I can only imagine that now Michael is COUNTING on this holding true, for whatever nugget of information he’s left Dean with now to play out.
So where is Michael right now? What is he doing that he felt he didn’t need his “Sword” for? I don’t even know that it’s relevant yet. Because right now our focus is back on Dean, and TFW trying to figure out what the hell is even going on right now.
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Function pairs: the stereotype and the goal
Te with lower Fi: 
Stereotype: Te: I MUST CONTROL AND WIN AT EVERYTHING AT ALL COSTS MUAHAHAHAHAHA. Fi: (whispers) But what about morals?
Goal: Te: I have a lot of goals and ways to work towards those goals, and I act based on logic and external standards of achievement. Fi: That’s great! Remember that there are also internal standards of achievement, and that acknowledgement of your own needs is not counter to your goals even if it slows your progress a little.
Fi with lower Te:
Stereotype: Fi: I GOTS TO BE ME AND IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT YOU DON’T GET IT. Te: um maybe do stuff sometimes? If you want to.
Goal: Fi: I have a firm belief in what is important to me and I want to live consistently with that. Te: As well you should. However, you will need to show others why your position is important and why you’re worth listening to in a logical way sometimes. Be prepared to do so.
Fe with lower Ti:
Stereotype: Fe: I love everyone! I hope they love me! I’m happy if they’re happy! Feelings! Ti: (doesn’t exist)
Goal: Fe: I want to engage with people meaningfully and make sure our group dynamics are working out well for everyone. Ti: Did someone say optimization? I can consider people’s likes and dislikes and find a solution that is best suited to bring about agreement.
Ti with lower Fe:
Stereotype: Ti: EVERYTHING IS BLUEPRINTS and I have analyzed all of the deep web time to get started on some elaborate unsolved cryptid puzzles. Fe: How do I people and outside?
Goal: Ti: I want things to make logical sense and to be able to apply the systems I developed to everything. Fe: That’s great! People don’t always work in a predictable way. Perhaps you can think of them in terms of something like chaos theory, and engage with them to make sure your systems are understandable to others.
Ne with lower Si:
Stereotype: Ne: hahhahaha monkeys and biscuits! I’m such a random nerd lol! Si: (narrator voice) But their randomness was only hiding...a haunted past.
Goal: Ne: I have a lot of ideas! Everything gives me ideas and I want to explore them all and see what concepts will develop from each path - it’s impossible to choose! Si: We can get an idea of how things are likely to turn out from our past experience, so that might help you decide which possibilities are likely to yield more interesting paths to follow.
Si with lower Ne: 
Stereotype: Si: I’ve memorized the law spreadsheets and it’s 5 pm sharp so it’s time to go home to my 2.5 picket fences. Consistent is the life I lead. Ne: BUT WHAT IF SOMETHING EXPLODES? I DON’T KNOW WHAT, JUST SOMETHING?!
Goal: Si: I like to approach things with caution and understand how they are likely to play out. To do this I plan, using my past experience to guide my current actions. Ne: Sometimes, though, you inevitably find yourself in an unfamiliar scenario, and I can help either link a past experience that at first glance doesn’t seem related but can guide you here, or help you handle the unfamiliarity if it’s truly new.
Se with lower Ni: 
Stereotype: Se: SEX AND DRUGS AND ROCK N’ ROLL AND SKYDIVING!!!!!! Ni: too bad death is inevitable at all times.
Goal: Se: I don’t want to commit to just one thing when the world is constantly changing - I want to make sure I’m able to fully engage with everything as it happens and appreciate the richness of the experience. Ni: And when you do need to plan for the long term more, I can draw an abstract conclusion from all of those rich experiences and guide you.
Ni with lower Se: 
Stereotype: Ni: I see the future. I see dead people? Maybe. It’s all connected. Se: I am a clumsy, beautiful woman in a romantic comedy! Sometimes I forget to eat because I’m thinking so hard!
Goal: Ni: I have a vision of how things are supposed to be. I like things to unfold as I expect them and I plan to ensure this happens. Se: But occasionally, things don’t occur as you’d expect, and this can be either good or bad. If it’s good I can help you say yes to something you wouldn’t have otherwise done - it could change your perspective! And if it’s bad I can give you the tools to respond quickly.
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