#I am tired so this probably is incoherent
mommalosthermind · 10 months
So I'm slowly starting to come to understand that we shouldn't censor things but also I'm still a little uncomfortable with the site allowing things like pedophilia to be written in a way that's romanticized. I get it. Avoid it since I don't like it but at what point do we say, 'hmm this isn't okay.' I mean I get it, fiction doesn't hurt people but if that were truly the case then why are we lobbying for rep/realism/etc in media? Fiction, at some point, has to have some effect on real life.
Hello darling! I got your second ask too, please don’t worry, you’re definitely not coming across as unkind.
And you’re definitely not the only one to have similar thoughts or concerns.
But my answer’s going to be the same.
There is no such thing as a little censorship, and opening that particular can of pringles is not going to end happily for anyone. It’s better to not open it at all. And yes, that means people will create deeply fucked up things. But they should have the ability to do so, just like you should have the ability to avoid the hell out of it.
(Which, for AO3, is where I start in on my tag your shit appropriately/read the fucking tags!!! Rants. Learned the hard way a million years ago when I *thought* I was reading something very very different than I was, so when I got to ‘Character has sex with a dog’ I lost my mind, then realized I fucked up and hadn’t read the tags. If I had, I would have noped out of that fic immediately. So. That entire encounter was on me.)
“At what point is this not okay?” Well, that’s the whole point, isn’t it? Who would be in charge of deciding where the line goes? Who gets to decide what goes on which side of the line?
The last anon seemed to think writing was the same as doing, and thus writing shouldn’t be allowed at all.
And then got annoyed when I pointed out how often those unsavory themes happen in movies or TV without any warning at all, and generally, people move right past it.
Fiction doesn’t hurt people. People hurt people.
My favorite comparison is still my kitchen curtains, because my curtains are still weird: fairies, trees. Very witchy. I’ve seen people do literal double takes over my curtains. I can tell by the way they squint they can’t stand them or don’t understand why I would want something so *non-traditional* in such a public part of my house. They keep their damned mouths shut though, because they know its rude to tell me to change my curtains to fit their idea of a kitchen. (And also because I’d toss them out after laughing my ass off but that’s not relevant)
Person A has an idea of what ‘acceptable’ levels are, but that’s much much less than person B. Who wins? No one.
And no one should have the power to just decide things like that.
It’s stupid o’clock at night where I am, so I’m not about to go digging for studies, but I know we’ve got pretty solid proof that media doesn’t cause behaviors spontaneously. At the risk of sounding old, but this same argument once was applied to music, too. The weird compromise was slapping content warnings for language/sex/violence on CD’s. (Y’know. A significantly less useful form of tagging?) It didn’t… really do shit for anyone. Other than make those CD’s more attractive to teens, tbh. But. The argument at the time was rap and rock were violent and would make kids go insane and violent just by listening.
It… didn’t. It still doesn’t.
Reading dark fic isn’t going to cause someone to do something out of the blue.
Someone who’s debating doing the thing might seek out media about whatever their obsession is, yes. But their obsession was already there. Fic, music, movies, they’re not going to create it. I’d wager those girls who murdered their friend and blamed ‘slenderman’ had signs long before they went that far.
Part of the problem with this entire thought is that it’s thought policing. Folks assume the thought equals the sin. And as someone with pretty wonky intrusive thoughts and a long family history of mental issues— no. I have weird ass thoughts all the time. ‘Huh, I’m up high, I should jump, maybe I’ll float.’ I’m not gonna act on them. I know they’re weird thoughts. I’m not gonna float, I’d just die. Your brain just… says things sometimes. Some of us more than others. Therapy’s helpful for folks who struggle with that.
Fiction’s got nothing to do with it, though. Fiction just represents someone else working through their lives.
Melissa Etheridge wrote a song (scarecrow) about Matthew Sheppard’s murder. She didn’t cause anyone else to go torture another lonely gay boy to death. She was working through her grief at losing another one of us. And we worked through our grief when she sang.
Art is made for the making of it. Fiction—even the kind that squicks you— is still art.
As for the other part of your ask, the representation? I’m not sure I see the connection you’re trying to make. When people talk about rep, they’re talking about making the characters more authentic, more reflective of the beautiful range of humanity at large. Not seven brown haired white guys and one bitchy white woman and the unnamed not-white side character used for shit jokes. There should be a rainbow of humans in media, because little black girls deserve to know they’re strong and smart and beautiful. Because queer kids of all sizes and shapes deserve to know they’re loved. Because boys should get to be princesses. Because people with chronic illnesses, disabilities, they should get to be part of the stories. Because white folk need to see the rest of the world as human. Folks want to see themselves in the heroes, the happiness, the successes.
Too many kids never get to see themselves on the screen or read about people who look like them.
I loved belle as a kid because she looked like me and she loved reading. I loved Ariel because she wanted to be free. I cried over encanto because I know what it’s like to be excluded, what it’s like to be the big sister. I cried over reading red white and royal blue because the gays get to live and they’re happy. Everyone should have some way to connect.
The realism bit,though, I don’t think is the consumers as a whole. Yeah, some folks prefer it, but from what I’ve seen over the last 20 years, it’s more like the people who control most popular media have decided that’s what they wanna make. I don’t care for it, tbh. Media doesn’t need to be an exact copy of the real world.
Stories are meant as a place of solace, or at least a place that is different, than your day to day.
I like stories that have soft, happy ever afters. We’ve worked through the Big Bad Thing and come out stronger for it and now we get our well deserved rest. The real world doesn’t give me those things. Other people look at the state of the world, read seriously fucked up shit, and then go, well, at least my life isn’t that. It could be worse! And this is their happy place.
So. I’m not sure I’m much help here, but tl;dr: remember the tenets of fandom:
1) kinktomato: your kink is not my kink and that is okay. (You like this, I do not, I’m gonna leave it alone, the end.)
2) DLDR: Don’t like? Don’t read. Filtering and blocking are your besties.
3) ship and let ship (or sit down) — don’t press your dislike onto the people who do like. Let ‘em alone, go find what you do like.
4) tag appropriately, read the damn tags.
5) curate your own spaces. You alone are responsible for your online existence/experiences
6) have fun. Enjoy it. Be weird. Be silly. Be fucked up. Be unrepentantly yourself. Don’t let anyone else take that away from you.
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larvae-pietatis · 8 days
no but like okay i'm literally mixing the 1% of lore i know + personal headcannons but does anyone ever think about FUCKING JEAN VICQUEMARE like. imagine being Jean and your partner loses memory and pretty much becomes a better human being and gets a new partner/friend he isn't such a shit to and youre just left there with all the baggage of your relationship bc turns out he's actually lost his memory from drinking so hard. astronomic amounts of guilt probably because he didnt save Harry from destroying himself and he wasnt a better friend but also the anger at Harry for doing this to him and for probably making his life into hell for years and for being a better partner to Kim. So Jean is just left there like this??? wondering if Harry was actually the person who ruined Jean's life or if Jean was the reason Harry ruined his? who started this spiral? and the unfairness of only experiencing Harry's worst state and then Kim only experiencing his better side???
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uygfiug · 2 months
Antibiotic resistance is a major issue at the moment. Its happening because antibiotics are being prescribed when theyre not needed, and people arent taking them for the full course. This kills the bacteria that are the least resistant, but leaves the bacteria that have the most resistance behind. Because theres now more space and resources etc for each bacteria, they are able to grow and multiply, leading to a population of bacteria with a higher resistance to the antibiotics. Also, bacteria can pass genetic information between each other, which would be a bit like me touching you and you then get a bit of my dna in you. So with a smaller population, it is easier for the dna that codes for resistance to spread. And it is likely that at some point our antibiotics will stop working on lots of bacteria, meaning people will die of previously treated bacterial infections.
Introducing: BACTERIOPHAGES!!! (or phages for short) One system of antibiotic resistance are efflux pumps that pump out antibiotics from the bacteria before they kill the cell, and these pumps are proteins. Phages are viruses that only kill bacteria, and they attach to specific proteins on the surface membrane of the bacteria. So scientists have found phages that specifically target the efflux pump proteins, meaning that bacteria with those are killed. This causes a selection pressure for bacteria without these specific proteins in the cell membrane, which is great because it basically helps to remove the antibiotic resistance from the bacteria! So then you can use the antibiotics that were previously ineffective against the bacteria to kill them!!
I hope you enjoy reading this almost as much as i enjoyed writing it XDDD
ooooooh! fascinating!! a joy to read :)
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coquelicoq · 1 year
you guys would not believe the multitudes i contain. on the one hand i found myself thinking today "pachelbel's canon fucks. like, severely." on the other hand my 17yo cousin thinks i am "really cool" (he doesn't know about my pachelbel's canon opinions). i tried to go up the down escalator at the airport and didn't realize for SEVERAL steps, then tripped on my suitcase at the bottom and exclaimed "LORD ALMIGHTY!" in the middle of a large crowd of people who had watched this happen. a guy at the airport today saw me writing a crossword and came over to talk to my mom about it because apparently he had been on a flight with us a few days ago and saw me doing the same thing (he asked her if i was "coding". on graph paper, bro??). i wore a long, full-skirted floral dress to a wedding and did a little photo shoot of me manspreading and looking disaffected under a neon sign reading "let's party" and my entire family is obsessed with it. i brought a card and a pen to the wedding and made all of my relatives (including the bride lol) sign it for my grandmother who was unable to attend, but i was also super rude to my mom and had to apologize a few hours later after i had calmed down. a baby puked on me and it made my day. my sister said i have "really good taste in music" (she also doesn't know about my pachelbel's canon opinions) but also i am apparently the person who introduced her to janelle monáe, so point to me. the 17yo who thinks i'm cool seemed reluctant to stop talking to me at the wedding because he was afraid we would not see each other again to which i should have been like "dude do we not have telephones? and the internet?? and are we not both members of this family that gets together every few years???" but instead i was like "i know your address! i'll send you a card!" (he wants to be a dentist so i'm now congratulating myself for having saved every "i got my teeth cleaned!" sticker i was ever given as a child, because now i can send them to him and give him all of my very important anthropomorphized tooth clip art opinions.) walt whitman whomst.
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goblin-enjoyer · 7 months
i'll admit that my knowledge of WoW is mostly based around 'the Horde are really cool and i like them a lot' and 'Thrall hits all the Favorite Character buttons like Winston does and actually they seem to occupy similar narrative roles' but i've heard some stuff from friends who were into WoW!
Fair. Thrall is a pretty cool dude there’s a reason why he is one of the only horde characters that gets mentioned consistently. He does preform a similar role as Winston in the sense of getting all the characters together and acting and the more reasonable and responsible party in conflict. It just sucks that he’s one of the only horde characters to get any screen time. Baine and the Tauren get to show up to fill a primarily alliance heavy scene so that horde players don’t feel left out. Trolls don’t even have a real leader at the moment and are constantly getting sidelined hard(but at least they have some of the most in-depth lore when compared to the often forgotten Tauren). Orcs are kinda just default horde npcs most of the time but at least when they do get character/culture moments lately they get the fantasy so right and it’s always nice to see orc players come together and cheer for when these things happen. Forsaken get to be a part of their own plot lines but they rarely show up in the world, things have been weird since slyvannas got hit with the standard horde leader villain bat. Blood elves are for when blizzard wants to use humans for a quest line or two but then either remember that this is a horde plot line or they want someone nicer looking. Their old lore is pretty interesting but currently they don’t have much going for them in my personal opinion. Goblins (I love them and ones my main) are the hordes joke race/only reason they have any sort of tech on par with the alliance. Their story’s are fun but far in between. Blizzard just puts them next to gnomes for the contrast.
With the faction war being pretty much over blizzard has less of a reason to give horde races story lines and prominent npcs then ever before. People complained so much about the constant horde villain batting and the obnoxious war writing of battle for Azeroth blizzard thought the best way to fix this after the faction war finally ended was instead of finally writing story lines about everyone equally and start writing the interesting dynamic from there, or give some of the hordes other leaders some time in the spotlight after constantly being raid/dungeon fodder for years they just got rid of almost any identity that and horde aligned npcs have and relegate them to scene fillers and hostile goons for the player (see the primalists being mostly comprised of horde races). I’m probably over exaggerating and forgetting a few things but man, after an expansion that disregarded most of the horde races spiritual beliefs ( shadowlands ) and one, while good and enjoyable, still primarily had titan themed stuff and aesthetics so dwarf, human and gnome ( dragonflight ) I just hope that the upcoming expansion the war within doesn’t keep kicking down.
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youssefguedira · 1 year
estoy pidiendo de nuevo vuestras recomendaciones de canciones en español
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ocdhuacheng · 2 years
Me knowing full well that the value of the yen in the csm universe is probably meant to be exactly the same as in real life it’s just that denji is chronically in hustle mode and will do the strangest things for an absolutely pitiful amount of money like being a human chair for the grand total of about one (1) American cent but liking to think otherwise bc if what the latest chapter implies that devil contracts are based not on actuality but on perception there’s no way I can imagine asa genuinely believing she can buy an aquarium for about seven thousand (7000) American dollars unless she has no concept of money which I doubt bc she’s not exactly rich herself unless you don’t have to genuinely believe something in order to affect the contract you can just pretend but that doesn’t really make sense to me bc then like. What Is A Devil Contract Anyway
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jeanmoreaux · 2 years
Hi, I'm absolutely loving all of the literature talk (your taste is exquisite<3) and wanted to ask you what you love about Frankenstein (if you would care to elaborate). I just finished it today and enjoyed it, but didn't love it and I would love to hear your view of the book
hi! i am glad you enjoy the occasional literature talk—it's what i live and breathe for :') i think my love for frankenstein really comes down to how closely i worked with the text over the years. i think i read it for 3 different classes throughout my academic life, so i had the chance to really read the text thoroughly and engage with it from different angles. what i love about it most is probably how much is just *there* in the text; it's about parenthood, it's about nature vs. nurture, it's about hubris, it's about humanity and what it means to be human, it's about the romantic sentiment, it's about the consequences of your actions, it's about the scientific progress and how to (not) approach it and the responsibility that comes with that, it's about the consequences of being ostracised to the human psyche, it's about the cycle of violence, it's about transgenerational trauma, it's about what it feels like to live up to other people's idea of you, it's about being forced into a life you haven't chosen for yourself, it's about taking responsibility, it's about language, it's about writing and the creation of art...... and that's not all of it! i mean, you can adopt basically any of the lenses of the literary analysis toolkit and have the text make sense from that perspective (from historical criticism to marxist, feminist or queer theory -> the feminist and queer theory ones make for such interesting readings of the text. i mean i am sure you've heard about how the creature can be read as an manifestation of victor's homoerotic desires (and subsequently a externalisation of his internalised homophobia). the queer subtext in victor's dynamics with henry and elizabeth is definitely there. and ofc when looking at it from a feminist perspective how there's a clear absence of women with agency in the story and as a consequence the absence of female qualities and how all that contributes to the characters' eventual downfalls. yet the story is framed, presented AND centred by (indirect) women's narratives that seem to be almost overshadowed or suppressed—women's writing is essential to the existence of the story BUT there is only the indirect allusion to women narrators, we never actually read from a female writer (think captain robert walton's letters to his sister margaret walton saville in the most outer layer of the story and safie's letters at its core -> also consider the historical implications of how the writing of narrative letters was often practiced by women etc.).) do you see what i mean??? that's just a couple of examples and far from an exhaustive list of readings!!!
((there is a text post that provoked this ask that brushes on some other aspects of the novel.))
this novel really gives you so much to think about and talk about when you take the time to really engage with the text and sit with it. that also makes it great for rereads bc every time you go in with another focus you'll get something else out of it. and i love when a novel is able to work on so many levels.
and ofc it's also such a monumental text. that fact alone manages to sparks awe in me???? i mean, mary shelley really wrote the first sci-fi novel at 17 and lay the foundation for one of the biggest genres we know today. that's just mind-blowing to me as well.
that's the gist of it, really. but yeah, i have a lot of love for this novel in my heart. it's definitely my favourite classic.
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intertexts-moving · 2 years
🍓(its matt rn but just us in general is fine) <3
HIIIII MATT hiii frog discsys hi hi hi!!
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oh man.... u are one of the og og mutuals!!!! every time i see yr url in the notes n go :DDD hooly shit its frog!! yay!! excitement!! (<-this goes double for when u reply to my gm posts btw.giving u a fresh croissant.) i think its yr fault the jrwi guys are my blorbos in law btw... neither of us have much fandom overlap atp but i still love seeing yr guys n stuff!! anyway. u do rlly fucking neat art & have excellent takes all the time & u are one of Thee beloved mutuals ever.!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333
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astral-catastrophe · 2 years
Y’all I’ve been thinking about one thing all day and that one thing is the Skyward books
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toastsnaffler · 3 months
woke up feeling ruffff but took my meds and went back to bed for a while n I feel a bit better
#only slept 4 hrs yesterday so was rly hoping to get a solid nights sleep today bc i probably won't tonight....#but i didnt sigh. but my options are either to plough thru w today and make myself do this even tho i dont rly feel like it#or cancel plans and stay in and mope which will inevitably turn into self harm so rly the latter is a non option lmao#its all okay ill get into the swing of things n have a good time once im thereee#and i always knew i was gonna feel a bit like this like its an open wound for me i just need to be careful not to touch it#bc how i feel isnt based in reality its just insecurity n vulnerability n ik it can take months to fully recover from a previous episode#and part of the recovery process needs to involve facing potentially triggering situations instead of avoiding them#bc otherwise ill get increasingly worse bc its not possible to always avoid and ill be defenceless again when it does happen again etc#like its part of rebuilding my sense of self n confidence n hopefully i can eventually start to trust other ppl again n lower my guard#bc it sucks being contorted into this defensive pose all the time and i would like to allow myself to feel genuine connection w others !!#and to stop instinctively flinching and waiting for the hit im tired of my mind telling me ppl r lying + trying to hurt me when theyre not#im being a bit dramatic like i am doing a LOT better than i was a few weeks ago. n i def can handle this one#and the risk of triggering myself is much much lower anyway in this specific situation. so long as theyre not hiding shit from me again#i can think of several ways that risk could skyrocket n unexpectedly spiral out of my control n it makes it hard to breathe just imagining#but i need to believe that it wont. so if-no WHEN it doesnt then next time ill have proof that i can navigate it n i wont feel so anxious#it makes me laugh how stupid this is from an outside perspective. my brain causes me so much weird n 100% unnecessary distress#but its the only brain ive got n will always have so i need to work with it!!#anyway all that aside i genuinely am rly looking forward to this afternoon!! ive rly wanted to start doing more nice things for myself#n the fact it coincides w missing smth that could incite my rsd is kind of for the best even if it is making me anxious#i cant let my life revolve around anticipating how ppl might upset me n basing my decisions off minimising that damage#n while it would be nice to have company.. well ik its just as fun going alone bc ive done it before! n i need a reminder of that#ah im gonna turn myself in circles if i think much more. i dont need to justify anything#i hope they have a nice time and i hope i have a nice time and i hope that eventually someday we can have a nice time together instead#of separately. and i hope that someday ill feel included and wanted by other ppl and wont be posting on tumblr every time this happens LOL#this comes across like im saying i need to learn how to enjoy my own company or whatever but i prommy i already do..#what i actually need to learn is how to trust n enjoy the company of ppl i care abt without constantly being scared theyll hurt me....#but thats not happening today cuz i got other plans woooo OKAYY im gonna stop ruminating and get some chores done sjdkfh#.vent#<- well not rly a vent bc its not like im channelling feelings here im just rambling bc i have a lot on my mind. but still#this is prolly incoherent i keep putting my phone down and doing other things and then adding another thought LOL
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atlasbeetles · 5 months
taking my gay ass to bed before the horrors get me but i do think i would feel a lot better if i was like motivated to talk abt my ijterests like. ever
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astrxealis · 1 year
i've stopped rambling abt fandom stuff on tumblr as much bcs i do it more on my priv twt but it's sooo crazy how i reach max tags & max tweets in a thread pretty easily. oh god.
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princessoflalaland · 5 months
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so y'all know the sick man from lady k and the sick man? well, i've only read that thing one time, and im not afraid to admit how unhealthily infatuated i am with lady k's man. he's literlaly my favorite flavor of man: older, kind of a deadbeat with a good heart, can and literally wil fuck you from sun up to sun down, built like a greek god, he. is. PACKIN, looks half dead, a genuine sweetheart with his lover's best interest in mind. i think his name is tostumoto yuushi, and lemme just say that i would gladly, GLADLY, take lady k's place if it means i get to breathe that man's air for even a second.
just imagine you've known tostumoto yuushi since maybe high school, having even dated him at one point. you two experimented with your bodies, tested the waters of intimacy because who better to do that with than someone you love. adversely though, life managed to drift you two apart for a few years. when you two reconnect it's a dingy casino. by that time, he's already jumped from job to job, left a recent custodian gig, and gambled most of his savings. he's on the verge of eviction and feels like he's at his lowest. the only thing he truly feels is his undying sex drive, which isn't much in the face of everything. the flame between you two rekindles as quickly as it did all those years ago, and before you know it, you're back at your apartment with his tired face nestled between your thighs.
"forgot how good you tasted, baby, fuck.." he rasps, his tongue dragging hastily over your clit, making your legs quiver and close around his head. your fingers yank at his dark hair, incoherent babbles falling from your moist lips. "yuushi," you mewl helplessly, your sensitive core constantly leaking your essence into his greedy mouth. "'m gonna cum again, s-slow down, nghhn.." he leers up at you, his eyes dark pools of lust burning holes into you. "do it, cum in my fuckin mouth."
and you do. the pressure in your gut is far more intense than what it usually is, and as you achieve your third orgasm of the night, you squirt onto yuushi's face, leaving him glistening with your release. he licks whatever landed on his lip and rises so that his large body is hovering over where yours lays sprawled on the couch, the look in his eyes makes your core pulse. "c'mon, be a good girl and clean me up."
i'm probably gonna write something abt him one of these days :')
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venusstorm · 2 years
𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞
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Fearful that Bucky only likes you for your body, you finally gather the courage to tell him how you feel.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, oral, insecure!reader, mentions of body worshiping, angst, crying, hurt/comfort, fluff
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Masterlist | W/C: 733
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Being jealous of something that was a part of you felt stupid, and yet, you fell victim to the blossoming insecurity.
You shifted slightly as Bucky spoke down to your pussy, mumbling incoherently as he slid his fingers through your slick folds. At first, it was endearing how much he worshiped you. Whispering how much he adored you between your thighs until you came around his sweet lips.
Until one day you felt disconnected – as if he was no longer worshiping you but solely what rested between your legs.
After hard days on the job, he wouldn't say a word. Would just slide open your legs and speak to your cunt in that sweet tone of his. "You're so pretty aren't you?" He'd sing. You knew he was talking about your pussy, so you never uttered a word in response besides loud whines and moans.
It continued like that for days and eventually, you grew tired of never being asked about your day. Missing the time when he’d rush home and the only thing he wanted to do was wrap you in his arms. When “my pretty baby” meant solely you.
You needed him to speak to you, to worship you face to face. As foolish as it seemed, you couldn’t shake the feeling that he no longer saw you.
̟ ෆ ‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿ ෆ
Tears sprung into your eyes as you tried to confess your feelings. You despised confrontation, and this was exactly why. No matter what emotion you felt, they were always accompanied by watery eyes. 
"Hey— hey, what's wrong sweetheart?" Bucky quickly joins you on the couch, wrapping his arms around you.
"What am I to you?" You whisper.
Bucky's taken aback. "My everything." He began to panic internally. Had he done something wrong? His worst fear was always disappointing you, hurting you. And seeing your face wet with tears as you question your relationship had his knees buckling.
"I feel like you don't care anymore," you hiccup.
He doesn’t hesitate to wrap you into a hug, kissing your forehead softly. He’s thankful you don’t pull away. "Please tell me what I did," he pleads.
You shake your head, laughing dishearteningly at how pathetic it would sound coming out of your mouth. "You know what. It's stupid I'm sorry. I'm just being overly sensitive."
His gaze hardens. "If it's enough to make you cry then it's not stupid. I just wanna help you, baby. Tell me what’s wrong. Please.”
You inhale shakily before speaking, terrified that Bucky would find you needy and pathetic for what you were about to say. "You only want to speak to my fucking cunt, James. You come home and don't even speak to me sometimes. I— I feel like you're using me." Your eyes widen after the last sentence, afraid that you pushed it too far. You knew he would never use you but god you couldn't help but feel as if he were.
Another wave of tears streams down your face as you await his response. "M'sorry baby, I know you probably never meant to do that and I don't know, maybe it's nothing at all and I'm just being more whiny than usual. I'm sure nobody on earth has complained about their boyfriend speaking to their fucking cunt and—"
Your rambling is cut off as Bucky smashes his lips against yours, his arms pulling you tightly against him. "I'm so sorry," he groans. "You're completely right to be upset. I should've realized...I was just so caught up in my own shitty days that I failed to realize I'd come home and not ask about yours."
He couldn't even continue speaking, not when he was envisioning you thinking about how he possibly didn't love you. That he only cared about what was between your legs and not the beautiful personality and person in front of him. Bucky began to tear up, he couldn't hold you close enough.
"You mean everything to me, doll. I'm gonna start praising you face to face like I should've been all along."
You whimper against his hold. Thankful that he was so understanding of your needs. 
"I love you so much," he whispers. "Love you more than anything and anyone in the world." His eyes connect with yours in pure disbelief that he’s with the most gorgeous soul he’s ever met.
"I love you too Buck," you sigh happily.
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hotpinkstars · 6 months
LAZY MORNINGS - aventurine x reader
- your husband gets a call early in the morning, kicking a start to your day. but instead of him going into work, he stays in your arms.
- hellooo everyone! i'm back and i changed my theme up a little bit. thank you to all of the condolences i received, it made me smile and also made me happy :) but i feel ready enough to write once again, and i've been having aventurine brainrot...... hm... also my bad if this is really ooc i've read most of the penacony story and have payed extra to aventurines parts (i can also write ratio for all you ratio simps who want more food..) but my brain is wired weird so.... i fuck some things up anyways enjoy!!!!!!!!!
- no warnings, wc 528
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You wake up, and immediately check the clock on the side of your nightstand. It reads 5:30 am.
You rub your eyes, scanning the room before your eyes land on your husband, Aventurine, who's got one hand in his hair and the other holding his phone up to his ear.
He was a beautiful sight; his eyes half open, hair messy, and pajamas in a bundle with one button keeping it on his torso. You lay a hand on the naked part of his chest, letting him know you were awake. He looks down at you, shooting you a soft smile before speaking into his phone.
“...Alright, I understand,” He said, his tone laced with irritation and sleepiness. “Lets schedule the interview for today.”
You sighed, replacing your hand with your head, trying to go back to sleep. You pull the silk sheets over your ear, everything below your eyes covered by the warm covers. Aventurine wraps an arm around your body, hanging up on the man who called to inform him of what you assumed was something important, and put his phone down next to him.
“Sorry if I woke you, sweetheart,” He sighs, wrapping his other arm around your torso. You nuzzle into him, eyes closed. You mumble something incoherent, and he chuckles. “Someones tired this morning.”
You nod, and he kisses the top of your head. “Do you have to leave early this morning?”
“Nope, not today. They wanted me to, but I'll just say I didn’t feel well enough to get out of bed. I don’t miss work too often, so they won't bat too much of an eye, hopefully."
You giggle a bit, snuggling even deeper into his chest, his heartbeat audible. It comforted you, it always does, and you could’ve fallen asleep right away if it weren’t for his voice keeping you conscious.
“I wish I could bring you to work with me, but unfortunately I can’t. I have to work with Ratio again today,” he groans, putting a hand up to his forehead. “I’d rather spare you of the nuisance he is.”
You laugh once more. “I bet he’s not that bad. You just make him sound like a geek, that’s all.”
“He’s much more than that. Much more insufferable.”
“I doubt it.”
You both laugh before simply holding each other. It seemed like it was only the two of you on this planet; the sounds of birds chirping brought a harmonious feeling, and it was as if none of your worries were able to break through your bedroom door and haunt you.
You tried to stay awake with your husband, considering he was probably up for the day due to the ever so rude interruption at such an early time in the morning. He was used to waking at this time, so he would’ve likely been up soon anyway. You, on the other hand, usually wake up when he’s long gone for the day, so it’s just natural to want to sleep a little longer.
“Fall back asleep, babe,” he pressed a tiny peck to the top of your head, burying his nose in your soft locks. “I’ll be here when you wake back up.”
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