#I am still bitter about nana
smalltownfae · 1 year
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14thcommander · 3 months
loml | hange x reader
summary: the first time hange sees you after your breakup.
cw: 1k words, and listen this is angst okay. open ending. smoking and swearing. both of them are bitter af. no beta we die like hange: scared but willingly. recommended songs for listening while reading this: cowardice by defeater, loml by taylor swift and/or such small hands by la dispute. enjoy!
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Hange has managed to avoid you for a few of months now.
It didn’t really manage to soothe the ache in their heart, almost as if the phantom of your relationship still existed around Hange. Traces of you left behind the scene of their heartbreak, a couple of lipsticks in the bathroom, a Polaroid of your smile attached to the fridge. There isn’t a day in which Hange wakes up in a cold bed and not misses the feeling of your body next to theirs.
“Tch, gotta at least pretend a little. You look miserable.”
Levi’s mellow voice doesn’t hurt them, and Hange notices how he hasn’t used any insults to address them for the past couple of weeks.
There’s music and chatter filling the air, making Hange feel exhausted at the thought of interacting with people alone. They are hiding in the balcony, with Levi by their side. Smoking seemed like a good reason to excuse themselves from the conversation.
“Well, Sherlock, I am miserable.” Hange mumbles, cigarette dangling from their lips. “Shit, where’s my lighter?”
Before Hange can look in their pockets, Levi fishes a silver lighter from his own, handing it to them. A muttered thanks is all he gets in return.
It was Nanaba’s birthday celebration, a dinner slash party slash event happening at the shared house of Miche and Nana. The thought of the happy couple only makes the pain more sour.
“You sound like a fucking emo teenager. What is this, 2006?”
Needless to say, they weren’t handling the break up very well. They wonder if you were affected by it at all. It’s been, what, three months?
In the meantime, Hange’s hair got messier. Dark circles now adorned their brown eyes. They picked up the bad habit of smoking again, one they had dropped when they were a graduate — the reason they quit in the first place was your breathing issue. Was it bronchitis?
Everything is blurry lately.
Hange hears Levi mutter yet another curse word under his breath, but they think none of it. Smoke enters and leaves their lungs, slowly poisoning their body.
“Smoking kills, you know.”
The sound of your voice makes Hange momentarily freeze in place, as their brain short circuits at the sound of the words you once told them years ago.
Slowly, awfully slowly, they turn around, being met with the sight of you.
You got a haircut since the last time you saw each other, and it suits you perfectly. There’s a guilty smile playing on your lips, painted in a color they haven’t seen you wear before. Something darker, edgier. After all, your favorite lipstick was left at Hange’s place.
“Yeah, too bad.” It’s what they come up with, taking another drag, blowing the smoke towards the open air, in order to avoid it reaching you.
There’s a beat of silence, and you get closer.
What now? Hange thinks. What the fuck am I supposed to do?
Perhaps they should have been nicer, more gentle.
You give them a chuckle, followed by “It doesn’t smell good, either.”
It was a far friendlier response than what they originally expected.
“I’ll leave you two to it.” Levi states, before discarding his own cigarette in the ashtray. It was awkward enough as it is. “Figures.”
Silence weighs heavy between the two of you, the tension so thick it barely allows you to move — but you do. Of course you do. While Hange is curious and erratic, manic even, you manage to be the reckless one in this relationship. Did, actually.
“How you’ve been?” You dare to ask, and Hange almost gasps in disbelief.
Their dark eyes find yours as they bury the remains of the cigarette in the ashtray. Something inside them snaps, thinking about how this seems like a scene straight out of a nightmare.
“The usual. You?”
Their stab seems to reach your heart, from the look on your face, and it almost pains them. Almost.
“Well, uh… still living in Petra’s guest room. Working a lot. You know, stuff.”
Hange chuckles in return. They know damn well about stuff — crying before sleeping, not being able to eat from how much they miss you, smoking for breakfast. Stuff.
“Stuff. Yeah, I know.”
A glean around your neck makes them notice how you are still wearing the necklace they gave to you, the jewelry reflecting the moonlight. It was Hange’s birthstone or something like that. Something they didn’t understand why you liked, but still gifted it to you in order to make you happy.
Another beat of silence. Another piece of their heart dropping on the floor, cracking like glass.
“Was wondering if you’d like to, um, catch up or something. I miss you.”
They chuckle again.
“Sweetheart.” They fully turn their face to you, seeing you standing closer than they thought you were. The sound of the old nickname tastes bitter on their tongue. “You are the one who decided to call it quits. You don’t have to make small talk out of pity.”
You make a sound that seems like something between a scowl and a sigh, avoiding Hange’s somber eyes.
“I don’t pity you. Believe it or not, I don’t see you as a victim-”
“Excuse me?”
“although I do regret what I did. I was fucking depressed and didn’t want to be a burden to you. I’m sorry, I realize I fucked up. All I’m asking for is a second chance to make this right, to take care of you again. And, you know, let you take care of me too.”
Hange sighs. You blink at them.
“I really am sorry, Han. I wanna make this work. These past months have been the worst of my life. I regret breaking up every single day.”
Hange stares at your moonlight glazed eyes, nodding.
“Yeah. Guess we can go out for coffee or something.”
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chiriwritesstuff · 4 months
Hometown Glory; Chapter 2 Sneak Peek (Pt. 2)
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Series Masterlist │ Read Chapter 1 Here!
Do we want a little flashback? I finally have a chance to sit and write after the chaos that was the last few weeks, I hope you all enjoy this little sneaky peek! Chapter 2 is dropping soon!
Your eyes remain fixed on the glossy surface of Nana's casket, the black reflection staring back at you like a mirror of your own conflicted thoughts and feelings. It's as if you're trying to find solace in the emptiness, to drown out the chaos of emotions swirling inside you with the deafening silence of grief. His voice breaks through the stillness, soft and hesitant, a stark contrast to the storm raging within you. You can hear the awkwardness in his tone, the uncertainty in his words, as if he's treading on fragile ground, unsure of where to step next. "I heard you graduated last fall," he begins, his voice so soft it's almost a whisper. You nod in response to his question, your gaze still fixed on the casket, the weight of his presence beside you almost suffocating in its intensity. You can feel the tension between you, thick and palpable, like a barrier separating you from the rest of the world. "And you started law school," he continues, his voice betraying a hint of eagerness, a flicker of hope. "I heard about it from Pop—" "I'm surprised you're even here," you say before you can fully process how harsh and how bitter you must sound, like someone who bets on losing dogs, like someone who— "Yeah, well, I got on the red-eye from Tampa after I got the call," he replies, and you swear you can feel his heavy gaze trained on the side of your face, his eyes pleading, begging. "Look, Glo, Bel—" But before you can fully process his words, before you can respond to the flood of conflicting emotions threatening to overwhelm you, he reaches out to you, his hand closing around your wrist with a firm but gentle grip. His touch sends a jolt of electricity through you, sparking memories of a time when his touch meant safety, comfort, home. But now, it feels like a betrayal, a reminder of everything that's gone wrong between you, everything that's been left unsaid and unresolved. “I wanted to see you,” he whispers, a slight heave in his chest. “Fuck, Glory, it’s been five fucking years—” And at that moment, you're torn between the desire to push him away, to protect yourself from the pain he represents, and the longing in your heart that yearns for connection, for closure, for something more than this endless cycle of hurt and regret. “Are we really going to do this now?! Right here, in front of—” “Yes, Glo. Right here, right now, right in front of this entire fucking town,” he replies harshly as you strain against his grasp, your strength no match to his. “You wouldn’t see me otherwise, god knows how much I’ve tried… please, Bella—” “Don’t you fucking dare! Don’t you fucking dare call me that, Francisco—” “Oh, so it’s like that, then?" he exclaims, his face a mask of stunned hurt, the weight of his words heavy with disbelief. "You disappear without a word, not even a goodbye, and we’re back to square one? Francisco?! Seriously, Bella?! Thirteen years of friendship—" “Well, that’s your name, right?” You spit, your eyes darting around your surroundings as you try to hide your distress. “I remember a time when you would call me Frankie, but that was before you decided that you were too good for this town and everyone who gave a damn about you!” “Well, that’s something a friend would call you, right?” you retort, your voice laced with venom, your eyes finally meeting his gaze. "What would your girlfriend think, Francisco? Did you bring her along for the ride, to my grandmother's fucking funeral?" A throat clears from behind you, and a light tap on your shoulder makes you turn, only to see a figure you never wanted to face again. "Fiancée, actually," Chelsea corrects, her smirk betraying her satisfaction as she steps closer, pulling you into a hug. "I am so sorry for your loss," she whispers against your ear, her fingernails digging into your skin. "Oh, Glory," she coos, "I missed you."
Series Taglist:
@ashleyfilm / @danaispunk / @imdrinkingpedro / @yxtkiwiyxt / @lilyevanstan1325
@kungfucapslock / @critfailroll / @maried01 / @misstokyo7love / @missladym1981
@angelofsmalldeath-codeine / @brittmb115 / @readingiskeepingmegoing / @darkheartgatita / @jupiter-soups
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calamitys-child · 2 years
Thinking about how that one redemption episode was like 2 degrees short of a coming out episode. How much it would have meant to have them estranged not because of military history disagreements but because Eliot was 15 and his dad heard from the guy at the gas station that he had to chase that queer son of his out with a bat for kissing boys behind the bike shed. Gets home and unloads on the kid, and it's because he's afraid, really, he doesn't want Eliot hurt, but it comes out like a total aggressive permanent rejection. Eliot joining the military to prove he's as much a man as his dad ever was and getting only a reflexive bitter joke about communal showers in reply, his dad doesn't want him to get hurt!! But it all comes out through that filter of not talking about feelings and his dad's military trauma and small-town 80s homophobia and Eliot runs. Spends years not letting himself feel anything. Letting himself be used, a tool at the disposal of others. And then he meets this team and he falls in love and they go back, he leaps headlong into the fight to help his dad with Parker right on his heels and when he looks up, long-haired (his dad made him cut it off again and again as a kid, told him he looked like a sissy, the army kept him in a crew cut, this took a lifetime) and wide-eyed and pleading, his dad looks at Parker and back at Eliot and sniffs dismissively. Finally got yourself figured out, I see, and Parker doesn't know the history but she knows what it looks like when Eliot is defiantly Not Flinching and she steps forward, puts a hand on his back, helps him up even though he doesn't need it and he lets her, and now she knows something is hurting. And Bre knows that tone, though never from Nana, and she tells Hardison man, you gotta get here. They plan out the job, because no matter what, they help people. Eliot's dad tells him he's glad he found Parker, and he means it, and god is Eliot grateful he found Parker, but it still hurts. When Hardison calls and asks Eliot if he's alright, Eliot cries, and it scares the living hell out of both of them. They save the town. They finally get a bit of an admission that his dad is sorry, deeply so, he was just so worried. Parker takes Eliot's hand. Hardison appears and kisses them both, screw space, you guys needed me here, you think I'd go anywhere without an escape pod? You know I always wanted to ride an escape pod, and Eliot's dad goes wide-eyed and Eliot stands tall, not parade rest, he's comfortable, relaxed, he's safe, and after a moment his dad goes shit, kid, I'm never gonna stop being afraid for you, am I? And Eliot shrugs and goes guess that's what being my father means.
I just think that this is what redemption should be.
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incorrectlumityquotes · 10 months
Lumity Episode Master List
Well, this is it gang. It's over. The Owl House is finished. Part of me will always be bitter about Disney gutting season three.
BUT at the same time, part of me is glad that The Owl House is over. Because that means lumity is canon forever and nobody can change that. What's that Disney? You don't like the gay? Well too bad. The only way you can change it is to make more episodes which I know you're not gonna do.
Nana-nana, boo-boo. Stick your head in doo-doo.
It's been a fantastic journey and if you ever wanna go through it again, there's always Disney Plus. But if just want your lumity fix without going through every single episode, then here you go.
I did it for starco and now I'm doing it for lumity. Here's every single episode the led up to lumity.
Spoilers for a show that we painfully know has ended.
"I Was a Teenage Abomination"
The revolution was a lie. Do you remember? When we were young and you wanted to set the world on fire? Sorry that's a reference to a song I like.
You can't do a list about a ship without actually starting the ship. The episode where Luz and Amity first meet and thank jeebus they did. Personally, I thought the first episode was okay and I didn't like the second one. But this episode was amazing. 10/10.
Luz feels like she isn't learning as much as she could from Eda so she sneaks into a witch school. With witch kids. We meet Willow and then we meet Amity, who I honestly thought was going to be some kind of Draco Malfoy bully type character. And she's kinda sorta like that in this episode. Little did we know the love that was gonna blossom here.
I get it. It's like coven and convention. OH now I get it. Well, we can't have them be enemies to lovers without them being enemies first. Willow and Gus invite Luz, Eda and King to the local covention where Amity just happens to be checking out the Emperor's Coven panel.
Yeah, she's still upset over the whole 'pretending to be an abomination thing.' We get some classic Malfoy-esque bullying from Amity that pushes Luz to challenge her. Since the Clawthorne sisters refuse to have one up over the other, they both cheat, embarrassing Amity.
The scene where Luz apologizes to Amity was the first hint that Amity would go beyond a Malfoy-bully character. Even though Amity was still upset, she broke the pact and Luz held no ill will towards her.
"Lost in Language"
I'm lost in language and I don't know what I'm thinking about. I'm back on my feet. Eager to be what you want me. Sorry. That's another song.
We get the first seed of the actual lumity ship and my first "I ship them" episode. Luz goes to the local library and the show shock everyone by showing Amity...reading to kids in the kids corner. You guys gotta remember that at the time this blew everyone's minds. The bully character reading to kids in the library? And they love her? Everyone's view of Amity changed, especially Luz's. Then we met Edric and Emira, who unlike Amity, are super cool and nice. All of which plays to the theme of the episode.
We (and Luz) discover that Amity is a lot more than she seems. She's not the bully character. Same with Edric and Emira. They're not the cool ones; they're the bullies. And that's the same way Amity feels about Luz. But with a little teamwork and a horrifying children's character come to life, Amity agrees to try to be a friendlier witch.
"Adventures in the Elements"
We wouldn't see Amity again for another several episodes. Thank goodness for that other country airing the episode early, am I right, people? Anyway.
Luz finally goes out with Eda for some serious witch training after Amity (oh cramity) warns her about the baby class. We get Amity making an actual effort to be nice to Luz, which almost completely goes to hell when Luz takes Amity's training wand. But then she does the "You'll only get hurt bit," and we see more of those little glimpses.
It's safe to say that after this episode Luz and Amity actually did become friends. No ill will on either side.
"Understanding Willow"
Luz and Amity became friends in the previous episode. Just Luz and Amity. Willow and Gus were a different story. Especially Willow. This is that story. It's the full story.
It's revealed that Willow and Amity used to be friends until Amity's parents forced Amity to push Willow away, something Willow still resents her for.
In the lumity side of things, Luz starts wiggling her way into Amity's heart with her upbeat, positive attitude. It's infectious. We even get a lumity hug, even if it was one sided.
"Enchanting Grom Fright"
Come on. Come on. Do I even have to at this point? The episode that blew this ship into the stratosphere.
It's Grom season and everyone's getting a date. Except for Amity who is unfortunately named the grom queen which means she has to fight a horrifying shapeshifting monster. Horray for The Boiling Isles being a safe and sensible place to live. Luz, being Luz, takes Amity's place so she doesn't have her worst fear come to life in front of everyone. But Luz is unable to face her greatest fear, and it takes the power of Wan to put Grom back in his place.
I love this episode. I love talking about this episode. I love how Amity is staring at her note because she's contemplating putting it in Luz's locker. I love how she says "Watch it, nitwit," before she realizes who she's talking to. I love how Luz and Amity randomly meet at the woods. Is it sloppy writing? Fuck you. I love when Amity grabs her dress when Grom tears her note. That's such a kid thing to do.
This is already way too long. I should move on.
"Wing It Like Witches"
The final part of the original lumity trilogy. We get the stupid fakey made up magical sport. Fuck you, Harry Potter. And we also get Boscha being a royal B. Someone tell her to see you next Tuesday. Am I right, people?
Luz, being Luz, wants to stand up to Boscha for Willow but, being Luz, makes things so much worse. Amity pops in and out of the episode to try to help but the gay panic is too much for her. Amity admits, out loud, that she loves how Luz seems to always get herself in over her head when she's trying to help someone. But they lose anyway. Fuck you, Harry Potter.
Enchanting Grom Fright was huge. But this episode was a bunch of fun. Fuck you, Harry Potter.
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"Escaping Expulsion"
After breaking Amity's leg because we didn't want her anywhere near the season one finale, she finally makes her grand return. We also meet her parents and Odalia is one of the biggest Karen's I've ever seen. Luz gets expelled which is bad but she's more concerned over Willow and Gus. She tries to cut a deal with thicc mama Blight, but gets roped into product demonstration. Odalia tries to kill a child and fails when Amity appears from the rafters like Sting and announces to the world, "Stay away from my Luz."
It was awesome. We get a return blush and Luz officially starts crushing on Amity back. Reminds me of another post I did long ago telling everyone to be freaking patient. This episode also marks Amity being a part of the Hexsquad, but not one hundred percent into the friend group just yet.
"Through the Looking Glass Ruins"
I'm looking at you through the glass. Don't know how much time has past...I forgot the rest of the song.
It's funny because I guess the lumity stuff was actually the B-plot to this episode. This episode was very important for a lot of reasons. It introduced Phillip's diary, the galderstones, Matt and Gus kinda became friends. But we're not here to talk about that.
Luz discovers the there was a human in The Boiling Isles who donated a journal to the Bonesboro library. And since Amity works at the library, you know the whole two stones thing. And we see Luz crushing hard on Amity for the first time.
Unfortunately, Luz does get Amity in trouble again for like the fourth(?) time or something. That puts a real dent in things. But Luz comes through for Amity (offscreen) and gets her her job back. Amity makes the first move right at the end of the episode marking the beginning of the purple Amity era.
"Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door"
Hey, hey, hey! Please tell me I'm not the only one that got that reference. Don't make me feel old.
This is it. The most important episode since Grom. Dana and the crew knew that the series had been cut short so they had to speed things up. So they turned to...Hooty? Yeah. Okay. Sure. Whatever.
Luz is torn between finding a way back to the human realm and trying to ask out Amity. And you know that old saying about chasing two rabbits? Yeah. Hooty's solution? Kidnap Amity and force the two into the tunnel of love. Amity is actually totally digging the tunnel of love but Luz is afraid that Amity is going to make fun of her. Both ideas backfire and Amity starts to the think that she's been rejected already.
But that's to Hooty losing his mind, and a little advice from Eda, Luz asks out Amity. And she says YES! Lumity canon! In episode 8 of season 2! That's how you do it, Star vs the Forces of Evil! You give the people what they want. And now that Amity is Luz's girlfriend, she can help get more info out of the echo mouse.
And the love stuff too.
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"Eclipse Lake"
Oh right. Amity. The girlfriend of Luz. The girl who is in a romantic relationship with Luz. Luz's girlfriend. That's Amity.
We have the first episode of Luz and Amity being a couple and hoo-boy, did Amity make sure to let us know. Nervous about having her first serious girlfriend, Amity wants to prove to Luz and herself that she is an awesome girlfriend. By going into the titan's veins to steal some of its blood.
As one does.
Hunter tries to prey on Amity's (and his own) insecurities about having to prove your worth. But it takes King and some well placed emoji messages to remind Amity why she fell in love with Luz in the first place. That Luz is so different from her family and her social circle. She doesn't have to prove anything to Luz. Luz wears her affection on her sleeve.
"Follies at the Coven Day Parade"
Night of the living dead is on its way. I keep making a lot of song references here.
This is the episode were the couple hits their first snag as a couple. Luz has a serious problem communicating when something is wrong (more on that later). After the traumatizing events of the previous episode, Luz can't bring herself to tell Amity that she promised her mom that she'd leave forever, especially since Amity is doing so much to get closer to Luz like learning Spanish. But Amity ain't no dummy. She can tell when Luz is hiding something. It's made even worse when Amity gets a hold of Luz's phone, which anyone who has been in a relationship could tell you, is a trap.
Luckily, trust and compassion win out in the end. Luz tells Amity exactly what happened, and they communicate. But if Luz was honest with Amity in the first place, we'd only have half an episode.
"Any Sport in a Storm"
Again, Lumity takes the B-plot.
While huntlow is becoming a thing, Luz and Amity try to search for the author of the Azura book series. On the way they parody fan theories in the nicest way I've ever seen in a show. And the big twist of the author of Azura turns out to be that there is no twist. It really is just a fantasy book series that Luz really likes that sometimes washes up in The Boiling Isles.
This episode is important because it serves to remind people what Luz and Amity have in common. Pointing out the fact that the two girls are different is fun, but sometimes you just have to go back to basics and remember that Luz and Amity just really like each other, get along, and are both nerds who like the same book series. And that whole opposites attract thing is bullshit. The key is compliments, not opposties.
"Reaching Out"
Hoo-boy. This one is heavy.
It's a special day for Luz, which is not a good thing. She wants to do anything but be alone with her thoughts. Good thing Amity shows up with a problem that could distract them all day.
Amity thinks that signing up for the Bonesboro Brawl could bring her closer to her dad (since her mom is obviously a lost cause) and ditches coven tryouts to compete for the championship title. Luz tries to help, but when Amity has the competition in the bag, Luz tries to help even more to keep herself busy.
But, as usual, Luz gets Amity in trouble and it really hurts this time. Not only did Luz get Amity in trouble (again), but she won't talk to her (again). When Amity has had enough, Luz does what she only does as a last resort and actually communicates.
That's when everything changes. It's the anniversary of Luz's dad's death. And usually Luz and Camila spend the day together. You know, to make it hurt less. But this year, she can't be with her.
This episode is important because after seeing Amity at a low point an unfair amount of times, this time Amity is seeing Luz at her lowest point. Amity makes this one face that, to me, says that Amity is shocked (to say the least) that her girlfriend was in pain this whole time. But she was so wrapped up in her own problems that she didn't notice. Or at least, that's my interpretation.
Luz and Amity make up and pick flowers together. It wasn't pretty or that romantic. It hurt and was kinda sad. But if you want to paint a pretty picture, sometimes you're gonna use some dark colors. And they're stronger for it.
"Clouds on the Horizon"
Oh yeah, baby. You know what this episode is.
When all hope seemed lost, it turns out not everyone believed Bellos' promises of paradise on the Day of Unity. While the adults are trying to stop the draining spell, Luz is sent on a slightly less dangerous mission of rescuing Amity from her mom's house arrest. Thicc Mama Blight even broke Amity's tamagachi thing. That bitch. See her next Tuesday.
But hope comes in the form of a Noceda as Luz enters through her bedroom window, Romeo & Juliet style. She promises Amity a slice-of-life future and Amity can't hold back anymore and
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Gifs you can hear. Am I right, people?
We get it. Our first kiss. Our babies grow up so fast.
Actually no, that took forever, but you get my meaning.
Season 3: "Thanks to Them" "For the Future" "Watching and Dreaming"
Okay yeah, this is a bit of a cop out, but also, not really. Since Disney decided to be, well Disney, season three was cut short. Just enough to finish the story, but not enough to get lumity centric episodes. Everything was mashed together into 3 forty minute episodes.
Yes, we do have a lot of important lumity moments, but they're generally spread around all three episodes. None of them are more important than the other.
"Thanks to Them" had Luz coming out to her mom and introducing Amity. "For the Future" had Amity comforting Luz about her palisman. "Watching and Dreaming" had more kisses.
Unfortunately, I have to end the list by just saying watch all of them or none of them. Not very specific for a post that's supposed to be a specific list. Sorry, gang.
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charlotte-official · 1 year
9/19 Recap
Boob Shenanigans: Continued
With all the rage, the poll was finally finished after a grueling 24 hours. And the final results, quite unexpectedly, Former Acting Grand Sage Alhaitham won by a landslide
Alhaitham won with the grand total of 60% of all the votes in comparison to:
Blue Oni, Takuya’s mildly pitiful score of 4%.
And Arataki Itto, Leader of the Arataki Gang, who scored a mediocre 36%.
With the finality of the poll, the discussion comes to an end. Or does it?
No just kidding, following the official closing of the poll, no genshin-official accounts have mentioned it. (according to my sources.)
Fatui Hater and Fatui Harbinger Segment Fight Ferociously to Defend their Honor and Deny Marriage Claims!
 In response to September 18th’s article, Uta, the prior mentioned Fatui Harbinger segment was enraged with the assumption that he and Diluc Ragvindr, Owner of the Dawn Winery and crucial key player in Mondstadt’s Wine economy were flirting.
It didn’t end there though, in a chain of messages being delivered to the Steambird’s ask box, UTA frantically rushed to try and protect his dignity and refute the claims of being like an old married couple.
Quote 2: “... We WEREN'T flirting! I do not flirt with him! I don't like him so why would I flirt!! …”
Charlotte, Editor of the Steambird and runner of steambird tumblr then called him oblivious and told him that it was quite obviously flirting.
Quote 3: “It is not flirting!! We are not flirting! I am trying to annoy him damn it!! I am not that oblivious!! I'm pretty sure I can tell if it was flirting or not, and it very much was not! I do not like him enough to be flirty. I don't think he'd be pleased with that either. How is it even flirty?? I sincerely doubt it is!”
Editor Charlotte then told UTA that his remarks were quite suggestive and he was saying these things at evening, a relatively romantic time.
Quote 4: “Okay, it might have been suggestive. I can understand that part. But I doubt suggestive can count for flirting! And i chose that time because it seemed to annoy him!! Why else would I bring that up to an enemy? Because it probably threw him off guard! You wouldn't actually talk about kinks to someone who actively hates you! It is to annoy the hell out of the emo. I am NOT INTERESTED in him like that!!”
End quotes
Diluc Ragvindr, the other man in the situation, also had some.. Things to say.
In a flurry of messages delivered to the Steambird’s ask box, Editor Charlotte decided to not respond or feature these messages in the article because of how.. Vulgar and aggressive they were.
Young Shuumatshuban Ninja gets Stuck in Tree because of Evil Shrine Maiden
A Bitter Faruzan, elder in Haravatat, and Hat Guy of Vahumana then squabble afterward
Young Sayu, a ninja of the Shuumatshuban, finds herself stuck in a tree, hiding from a “wicked shrine maiden”- Kano Nana. 
Arataki Itto offers to catch the young girl, but she’s still intimidated.
Especially because Arataki Itto is how she describes, “A bumbling moron. But a pretty nice moron”
Faruzan, an elder in the Darshan of Haravatat, offers to help, offering to make a wind current so Sayu can fall safely. 
In thanks, Sayu quips that Hat Guy revoked certain piggyback privileges** and asks Faruzan why she and Hat Guy argue so often.
**Piggyback privileges, reference to a day or two ago when Vahumana’s Hat Guy told Sayu he’d be willing to carry someone on his back should it be necessary, but after Sayu told Arataki Itto that Hat Guy complimented his boobs, Hat Guy got a tad bit upset and decided to revoke his statement on being willing to carry someone on his back.
Which was dubbed “piggyback privileges”
Faruzan replies that it’s because Hat Guy(Whom she has dubbed “Hat Bastard”) is a “bitch”.
This ends in a small squabble between Faruzan and Hat Guy, despite it being very short lived compared to past vicious bouts between the two.
Reminder of the Day!
Today, Albedo, Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius seems to have been out of his game.
Tired, overworked, etc
So today’s reminder is for everyone to get enough sleep and take a break if you’ve been working very hard lately!! 
This applies for EVERYONE. (Genshin-official or not.)
Small tidbits!
Kaedehara Kazuha gets high on Naku Weed.. Again. 
Kaveh, Famous Architect, denies claims from Shikanoin Heizou. Again.
Missed Details from yesterday!!
Dottore’s clones release a petition to shut down the Akademiya.
It seems to be backfiring hideously. Especially with a lack of roughly 498 signatures.
That wasn’t worded with malice! Do not misinterpret that as hostility please! (- charlotte)
Fontanian Ghost who died over a century ago comes to mock Kaedehara Kazuha about killing his ancestor. 
Kaedehara Kazuha sobers up from his Naku Weed high and snaps back to reality to talk back. 
In the craze, another ghost joins the fray- Nameless Bard. and he SWEEPS the competition and knocks out Fontainian Ghost Guy, Escher.
Who, in which, is famous for being in the Mondstadt Revolution, but also for his sick comebacks.
This even caught the attention and amusement of Focalors/Furina, the Hydro Archon.
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dangermousie · 3 months
City Hunter rewatch - ep 3
This drama holds up so spectacularly on rewatch (and it makes me a little sad because no kdrama makes me as rabid now as kdramas used to in late 00s/early 10s.)
The yearning Yoon Sung feels for a mother really gets me harder on rewatch. Of course Undaddy lied - he told Yoon Sung that his mother abandoned him (presumably so he won't go looking for her/because he'd hate Undaddy forever if he knew the truth). The first time I watched this, I wondered why YS didn't look for her and now it makes sense - Undaddy made him believe she didn't want him! His lashing out is the lashing out of a hurt child.
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That is going to do such a number on someone's psyche (see his reaction when ahjusshi finds her), but of course Undaddy doesn't care. But despite his harsh words, of course he goes looking and the yearning. Oh, the yearning! seriously can't think of a pit of hell good enough for Undaddy. I am sure your best friend would be so happy to find out you kidnapped a kid from his mother's arms, brought him up without an ounce of affection in a drug camp while training him into a fighting machine, did your best to try to turn him into a murderer, and made him carry out a revenge plan that would likely lead to his death. I am sure your dead best friend is doing a jig up in heaven, don't you agree, Druglord? That last scene with Yoon Sung spying on his Mom - all that longing and pain on his face, it killed me.
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It hits all over again on this rewatch both how surprisingly human YS is and how little he knows of normalcy.
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I mean, he's genuinely asking ahjusshi this because he's been brought up by psycho in a drug camp, his sense of what is allowed and what is normal in normal world is close to nonexistent. He has to cobble his own morality somehow since Undaddy provided none, and is in fact has come to Korea because he's angry YS is taking people down without murdering them (the way on rewatch, knowing what I know, Undaddy's revenge goes from just horrid to utterly heinous on levels I cannot even describe and how it denies YS' being an actual person is just...)
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The thing is, it kills me how young Yoon Sung is. I don't mean he acts 12 or anything - he's, refreshingly, a grown-up, but he still has this residual naivetee about the world (look at his face when Congressman invokes his immunity and is voted to keep it) but also this deep, ingrained kindness - he brings the Congressman down much more because of his treatment of the kid neighbors of Nana than any abstract murder of his father 25+ yrs ago. His emotions get involved because of the former, not the latter. That is why Nana is so necessary to him, even though he does not consciously realize it (nor his feelings, either) - she teaches him normalcy, something he's never had.
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(Ouch at his reaction at her comment about mother's cooking, you can see a slight, almost imperceptible flinch.) And later she actually does give him homemade food to take home!
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He is a teasing little boy with her, utterly happy and relaxed. She cooks him meals and scolds about his habits and talks to him and makes him interact with neighbor kids.
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Without knowing it, she is dragging him out of his cocoon. Prior to her, his biggest influence was Undaddy but now he has rational, warm, kind, joyous Nana. And you can see him changing without realizing it (I loved the little scene where ahjusshi made him coffee that he used to love and he found it too bitter because he got used to Nana's sweet variety. It speaks to so much). Just check out this scene the day he delivered the Congressman to the prosecutors - he and Nana and the two kids romp in the fountain, and then after carrying one of them home, he invites himself to her house, gets into her bathrobe, and nitpicks the food she gives him (I laughed about him picking out all the vegetables) and she teases him.
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They have insane chemistry, yes, but underlying the undoubted sexual attraction is their complete comfort with each other, their basic compatibility. And their ability to have fun together. He honestly shines like a new penny with her.
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She brings both vulnerability and comfort in him. What he really needs after the end of the drama is a ton of therapy - it's a kdrama so he won't - but being with Na Na is almost a form of therapy for him as is.
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PS This and Faith is the hottest LMH has ever been to me. I mean, look at him here shooting bullet after bullet in the same hole, upset the Congressman got off, but still remembering to shoot above bullseye so nobody would realize his skills.
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justaduckarts · 1 year
For Star Holder, I have a question.
I am rather interested in the parents in Star Holder. May I ask for some acts about them (You can exclude Obscura if you want, I understand she already has some fact about her on this blog.)
(dw obscura, i still love you)
Let's list the parents! <3
Solaris and Obscura (Sun and Eclipse's dad and mom)
Solaris facts can be found here! I did these a while back.
And here are Obscura's, for those who missed that post!
Terra and Ursa (Pluto's dad and mom)
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-Terra, baby Pluto (10), and his wife Ursa <3
Terra is the previous forge god and a rather notable greater god.
-Though, he's quite antisocial and prefers to show his care through the things he makes.
-He specialized in jewelry, rather than weapons. Pluto chose weaponry as her focus because she wanted to know all her friends were safe. Whereas Terra believed his friends capable of handling all situations without use of deadly force.
-Ursa was a minor goddess of the springtime.
-She was very focused on the growth of plants and flowers.
-Ursa fell for Terra almost immediately. She loved his big himbo energy. <3
-Ursa did push Pluto to socialize, but only because she knew how bad Terra struggled with his own social anxieties.
-Terra and Ursa made the decision to create Pluto, rather than have her the way humans do. They did this by planting a seed under the star's light and coming back everyday to bless the seed for YEARS.
-Thanks to their dedication, Pluto was born very strong. They say she split the earth all by herself when she emerged!
-Even though Terra was a mountain of a man, he was quite gentle! His familiar was a little squirrel that he tried to rescue but ultimately didn't make it.
-Ursa took an owl as her familiar! A wise and noble creature that had a grudge against Terra's squirrel to the bitter end.
Luna (Moon's mom)
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-Luna and Moon (age 13)
-The previous moon goddess!
-Was really well known for her passion for academics and magic.
-Also had a cat for her familiar named Twilight!
-Luna was the kind of woman everyone wants to be (or be with). She was confident, social, and overall very sweet. There were very few people who could say anything bad about her.
-She was also pretty darn sassy
-And while she was known for her kindness, she held a quiet distaste for Solaris her whole life.
-Much like Terra, Luna chose to have Moon the way greater gods traditionally do! She grew him in a fish tank that she kept where it could receive the moon's light each night. <3
-When Moon came out and said he wanted to transition, Luna was fiercely supportive and protective of her son.
-Luna always believed Pluto and Eclipse would end up getting married and was quite shocked when she learned that wasn't the case
-Luna was good friends with Elusia! They often met to talk and enjoy tea together. She encouraged him to start writing after he lost his wife as a way to express his grief.
-She's a lesbian. Just. So very soft for women. (Looking at you, Obscura)
-After Obscura married Solaris, Luna resolved to focus on her studies instead of romance. Thus, she never married.
-Luna loved to collect cursed and rare magic items. She was very interested in lifting curses as a hobby.
-The one item she never could purify was this creepy old book about a rabbit king. :)
Shafaer vi Welunna Thurkear and Elaine (Lunar's dad and mom)
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-(Left to right) Erid (13), Lunar (10), Welunna, Nana (8), Elaine, and Clyde (11)
-"Shafaer vi Welunna Thurkear" translates to 'on a moonless night'. His name literally means New Moon. Though, most just called him Welunna, as he lived in an area where draconic was common.
-A god of lies and deals, a trickster! Much like his son.
-Elaine was a human woman whom Welunna loved dearly. She moved to the village Lunar grew up in in order to learn medicine from the dragons <3
-Elaine and Welunna had three children the way humans do. (Lunar's siblings)
-Welunna created Lunar the way other gods are created <3 Elaine wasn't able to help with magic, but she would bring new herbs to the spot Lunar was planted every day and prey for him to grow up strong
-When Lunar was born with four arms, Welunna was so proud, he wept
-Welunna loved to tell stories to the local children and often put on little plays using his gift of illusion. Elaine helped do the voices!
-When Elaine passed on, Welunna focused more of his time on working to ensure all of his children and grandchildren would have a stable future.
-Elaine lived a very long, happy life.
-When Lunar introduced Welunna to Aya, Welunna first words were "I knew you'd choose someone gentle".
-Welunna loved his family. But he refused to tell them anything about his own parents until he was on his deathbed.
-When Welunna passed, his final words to his children were "Don't hold onto hate". This was because he didn't want any of them to end up like his mother had.
-Welunna and Elaine were very well-loved members of their community. When Welunna died, the dragons gathered to give him a farewell ceremony.
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lovebillyhargrove · 1 year
Wake me up when July is around
Chapter 7
Chapter 8/?
Billy knows he's not the luckiest guy in the world when it comes to family matters. However, he's also aware that people have it worse, so he's not complaining.
Especially, when once in a million of years the sun shines down on him,
and when it does, Billy truly appreciates it. Turns out, having Susan's relatives living in a nearby town can be a blessing
Cause guess what
Neil and Susan are going to visit Aunt Shirley and Uncle Dean this weekend, with Max and
Drum roll
They are not taking Billy on this little family trip because Neil doesn't want to undergo the shame of his "imbecile of a son" interacting with his wife's respectable relatives again. Seriously, does dad really think he's punishing Billy like that, does he believe it is going to make him feel bad?
Cause Billy would take such punishment any day. Gladly.
He can't believe his luck. He is willing to behave in a more imbecilic way in the future if it gets him free passes out of family situations like that.
Max is upset, heheehe, of course she is, she'd rather stay here and hang out with her friends from that stupid AV club. On Thursday evening Billy overhears her asking Susan, voice full of bitter spite
"Why do I have to come? Why isn't Billy coming?"
What now? He wants to strangle her. If Neil and Susan change their minds and decide to drag Billy along, he'll definitely commit a crime, he can't be held responsible for his actions. Just shut up, Max, it's not your fucking business why he's not coming.
"It was dad's decision."
Max snaps
"His dad's, he's not my dad! Don't say it like he's our dad!"
Susan tells her to be quiet and "we talked about it, honey."
Susan is deranged if she still believes Max is willingly going to call Neil "dad".
Billy can't help but smile gleefully at his stepsister and give her a little wave when he sees her stomping to her room.
Max flips him off and slams the door.
Wait, it's getting better. Neil, Susan and the little rat are leaving on Friday evening and coming back late on Sunday. Dear parents and beloved sister are gonna be away for two whole fucking days. Uncle Dean wants to show them the farm which is, apparently, huge, and they are also gonna visit Susan's 100-year-old nana or something.
Billy's so happy, he's afraid of jinxing his luck. It happens so seldom, when he gets the house all to himself. When just the two of them - his dad and he - lived in pre-Mayfield era, Billy got plenty of time alone at home, and he couldn't stand it. Couldn't stand the emptiness, the silence. He used to go to Nick or his other buddies, stay out late on the beach or the streets. He never invited any of his friends over because Neil never welcomed it.
When the Mayfield ladies moved in, instead of feeling better cause he was never alone at home anymore, Billy hated the intruders with all the hatred his teenage heart could summon.
So hell to the fucking yes, he's getting a breath of freedom this weekend. Billy does have work on Saturday and Sunday, but he can do whatever the fuck he wants to on Friday and Saturday evenings.
After he says "Have a great trip!" and closes the door at 5 pm on Friday
He takes the weights out to the living room, turns on the tv, and the music, opens the windows - it's going to be chilly but he wants to smoke inside, and cracks a can of beer open after a hard-working day at school.
The entire weekend is fucking his.
He's home absolutely alone.
He spends the whole Friday evening like that, working out, watching car programs on tv, making something quick to eat, smoking, drinking beer when he feels like it. At some point he takes out a porn video tape hidden in his suitcase that's in his closet, puts it in the VCR in the living room and ends up jerking off to porn multiple times till his balls run dry, right on the family couch.
He then rolls a joint and smokes it sitting in his car blasting the speakers at midnight.
When Billy goes to bed at around 1.30 am, his head is blissfully empty.
On Saturday he gets up late, ignores the mess he's left in the kitchen and living room, - he's gonna have plenty of time to clean up tomorrow morning, - has breakfast watching MTV on the couch and drives to work. Old Joe makes a note of Billy's good mood and invites him to share lunch together in his little office in the garage. The old man is okay, knows a lot about cars. Been in this business his whole life. Billy thinks he misses his son who got married and moved to Indianapolis, he sure likes talking about him. Mr. Daley also seems to like Billy. What's there not to like? Billy's work ethic is excellent. He's never late, he's smart, quick and knows what he's doing.
When he gets home at four in the afternoon, he takes a long shower, throws a sandwich together, rewinds the porn tape he's left in the VCR and goes to his room to look for another one.
Billy then changes his mind, digs into his school bag and finds a copybook with Vicky's number scribbled on it.
On Monday, through quiet whispers, gossip, like spiderwebs, is spreading all over Hawkins High.
Rumor has it, Hargrove and Vicky have fucked.
Rumor has it, Vicky's in love with him. She's walking around the school with her girlfriends, having private conversations, blushing slightly and exchanging eloquent glances
Her eyes always on the search for Billy.
Vicky's sitting in classes with a dreamy look on her face
Languidly examining Billy's profile while he's busy writing stuff down from the blackboard.
Judging from the way she's staring at him, it's probably true.
She's in love.
Hargrove, on the other hand, seems his usual self, only much calmer. Sex with Vicky did him good.
During lunch break he's sucking on a straw of the juice-box and listening to Tina talking about the absolute must-be-there of a party she's having this Friday night for Halloween.
"I hope everyone has figured out their costumes!"
Vicky is watching Billy's lips and tongue play with the straw.
She's not the only one whose eyes are following the movements of Billy's pretty mouth
Apart from some other girls, Harrington who is sitting two tables over and seems to be all lovey-dovey with his girlfriend -
what was it? A nice dinner with the princess's family followed by a timid and unskilled blowjob up in her room at the weekend? -
shoots an occasional glance at Billy, now and again
Harrington did have a quite pleasant Friday dinner, thank you very much, but not at Nancy's, although Mrs. Wheeler wouldn't have minded. No, he spent the whole evening with his parents, miraculously dodging all the questions about his future that he didn't and still doesn't have answers for. Well, mom and dad drank wine and were in good spirits, Dad was mostly preaching the wisdom, so Steve was just stuffing his belly.
On Saturday morning while Steve was still in bed, parents went to Indianapolis for a couple of days to visit mom's sister. Harrington drove to Tommy's place and they hung out in his room dishing about the people they know.
Steve told his mom and dad he didn't want to go to Indianapolis cause he had plans to study, and he indeed opened some school books. For a couple of hours. He also had a very nice Sunday with Nancy. They went to a diner, and spent the night at his place, and yes, they had sex which started with a timid blowjob which lasted a minute, and led to missionary. Steve has been meaning to spice up their sex life a bit, but he feels it's not the right time now with everything Nance has been going through, so he's happy with whatever he's given.
Harrington's eyes fall on Billy's tongue again -
the hell he's doing with that straw? -
and he's losing the trail of their conversation with Tommy.
All of a sudden there's an uneasy feeling in Steve's inside, simmering, lurking. It feels like calm before the storm. He can't explain it. The sex was good and tender, although Nancy seemed a bit distant but when hasn't she lately?
Maybe it's asshole Hargrove who's been minding his business and it is strange? Steve's probably overthinking things that might have actually just settled down. It's quite likely their stupid rivalry with Hargrove has somehow dissolved. He's got a girlfriend now - if Vicky has been honoured which is still a big question, - his own circle of buddies to hang out with, he's got a job, he's got off Steve's back.
Feels strange.
Hargrove was the one who fixed Andy's yellow camaro. The guy must be good with his hands, huh. Steve's never fixed anything. Has had everything done for him. Never worked a day in his entire life.
Speaking of cars, his beamer needs an oil change, and just uh .. a check up. Just a thought, for later.
As for their relationship with Nancy, Steve will keep on trying to bring it back to the way it was.
Calm before the storm? Nah, it's most definitely bullshit.
He shrugs the feeling off, hugs his girlfriend tighter and resumes listening to Tommy rambling about him wanting to dress as the Karate Kid for the upcoming party.
Tina wasn't lying when she told everyone the party is going to be massive. The trees on the front lawn and the house are toilet papered, cars are parked haphazardly near the house and down the street, there's Steve's BMW, Tommy's Ford, Andy's and Billy's camaros .. Drunk up to various degrees teenagers are everywhere, outside and inside, talking, dancing, shouting, making out, drinking some more. Hawkins High students went wild with costumes, and with alcohol. There's a huge bowl of punch which Roy still needs to come up with a name for, endless beer and vodka bottles and a keg.
"Shout at the devil" by Mötley Crüe is ripping the night up. The party in in full swing. Tina welcomes everyone dressed in Madonna's "Like a virgin" costume. The outside crowd is counting
" .. forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty, fifty-one, fifty-two !!"
All are cheering and Billy is brought down from the keg, beer foam flowing out of his mouth and down his well-defined pecs and abs. He's dressed as a .. Terminator? Black leather jacket, black fingerless gloves. Chest out for everyone to see and drool over, help yourselves.
The crowd is going insane
"Yeah! Fifty-two!"
Tommy - in a Cobra Kai Dojo costume - is sticking a lit cigarette in Hargrove's mouth
"We got ourselves a new keg king, everybody!"
Billy's holding a cigarette with trembling fingers, taking a shaky drag, yelling
"That's how you do it, Hawkins! That's how you do it!"
He is so wasted, god please help him.
People start chanting
"Bil-ly! Bil-ly! Bil-ly!"
Hagan is putting his arm around his shoulder and they get inside the house. The place is trashed. Toilet paper gets in Billy's face and he wants to .. what, lick it?? It's so soft .. He's fucking plastered.
Hargrove spots King Steve leaning on a wall with his prissy princess and without giving it a second thought starts walking towards him, through the crowd, climbing over the couch, which he doesn't really register cause his legs seem to move on their own, and
when he comes face to face with the King
Harrington takes his sunglasses off, like .. like he doesn't want to hide from Billy's intense stare
Why? What is this smoldering animosity between them?
Tommy's again materializing by Billy's side
"We got ourselves a new keg king, Harrington! Fifty-two!"
Mike, who happens to stand nearby, cuts in although no-one asked for this dude's opinion
"Yeah. Eat it, Harrington!"
Steve just stares back at Hargrove, holds the gaze
Is Hargrove back at it again? Just when Steve thought that the guy found something better to do.
Nancy who was standing by Steve's side, suddenly walks away, and Harrington has to go
"Yeah, whatever, Tommy. Not now."
I've got something else going on here.
Nancy walks into the kitchen and curiously smells the red liquid in a huge bowl
"What's in this?"
Roy who's been hanging around the bowl practically the whole evening provides the necessary information
"Pure fuel, pure fuel! Whoo!!"
Burps loudly and goes on pumping more fuel into his system. He's totally going to end up puking all over the kitchen
Nancy fills a plastic cup with punch and takes a big sip. When Steve catches up with her, she's already drunk half the cup
"Hey .. Who, whoa, take it easy, Nance? Take it easy!""
"We're just being stupid teenagers for the night. Wasn't that the deal?"
Steve knows he dragged her to this party, she didn't want to go. Nothing new.
Today at school Nancy thought that she had seen Barb in the library. It wasn't Barb, of course, but the silhouette and the hair colour reminded Nancy of her missing friend.
"Steve, I can't keep doing this." She told him behind the closed door of a small library room
"Doing what?"
"Pretending like everything is okay."
"What are you talking about?"
"Barbara. It's like everyone forgot. It's like no-one cares. Did you hear her parents want to hire a private detective and they'll have to sell their house to scrape the money?"
"Their house ..? How much does this detective actually cost? Are they sure it's not a scam?"
"I .. I don't know about the money, but they are going to spend the rest of their lives looking for her. It's destroying them."
"Nance, I know it's terrible. But .. I don't understand what we can do about it."
Nancy looked as though she wanted to tell Steve something but stopped herself midway. It wasn't the first time when Steve got the feeling that she was hiding something from him.
She fell quiet and Steve decided to use the same strategy - distraction.
"Hey, it's hard but .. but let's just go to Tina's stupid party .. wear our stupid costumes that we've been working on for a stupid amount of time and just pretend that we're stupid teenagers, okay? Can we just do that, just for tonight?"
"Okay." Nancy sure sounded super excited about it.
"Come here." Steve pulled her into a hug.
Nancy sighed and laid her head on her boyfriend's shoulder.
Steve remembers their conversation now, it happened about eight hours ago and backfired pretty quickly. Looks like Nancy took his words as a guide to act exactly like Steve said but multiplied it by a hundred.
Why can't things just be easy?
The thing is, Nance has already had enough. The girl isn't experienced enough when it comes to alcohol, and a couple of bottles of beer she had earlier have done their job. Still, she willfully fills her cup with punch again.
"No, no no, Nance!"
"Get off!"
"No, you've had enough, okay?"
"Screw you!"
"Nance, I'm serious. Stop. Hey, hey .. stop. No, I'm serious! Put it down!" Steve's trying to snatch the cup from his drunk girlfriend's hands
"Nance, put it down!"
"Steve, stop!"
He doesn't stop because what the hell? It's enough! Nancy is not letting go of her drink, but he's still trying to grab it. They look like kids. It's hands moving chaotically and
Oh shit, one wrong movement, and she's spilling the blood red punch all over herself, all over the white dress
People around them gasp
"What the hell?" Of course, it's Steve's fault.
Everything is his fault, according to Ms. Wheeler.
"Nance, I'm sorry."
Nancy probably wants to wash the stain off, so she goes to the bathroom, and Steve's trotting behind her. Because that's what a good boyfriend does, right? She opens the tap and starts rubbing the stain with a wet cloth but it's useless
"That's not coming off, Nance." Steve just wants her to stop being so stubborn, what has he done, where's his mistake?
"It's coming."
"Come on. Let me just take you home, okay?"
It's not gonna come off, the dress it ruined.
"Let me take you home, Nance."
His girlfriend looks at him eyes full of anger, slurring the words
"You wanted this."
What does she mean? He only wanted them to have a nice time together, jesus, is that so awful?
"No, I didn't want this. I told you to stop drinking."
"Bullshit. It's bullshit."
Steve doesn't like the way Nancy's saying the word. It .. it doesn't make sense
"No, it's not bullshit. Okay? It's not bullshit."
"What? You're pretending like everything is okay. Like my friend didn't disappear in your backyard."
Pretending? .. Steve's not ..
"Pretending like we're partying. Like we didn't kill Barb."
"We .. what? I didn't kill anybody. Did you kill her?"
"Not with our hands, Steve."
"Whoa whoa hold on, Nance. I didn't kill her. You didn't kill her."
"Oh yeah? We shouldn't have left her alone there, near your .. pool."
"Nance, she wasn't even my friend! You brought her there!"
"Are you saying I killed her? It's all my fault?"
"Nance, it's nobody's fault. Also, why shouldn't we have left her alone? Were we supposed to babysit her the whole evening? How did we know something like this was going to happen?"
"I don't know, Steve! But she's gone now, and it's all bullshit, all of it, I'm so sick of pretending!"
The way she's looking at Steve, there's no love. There's only frustration and guilt.
"I told her to go home, so that I could spend the night with you!"
"Nance .. you didn't know .."
"It's all bullshit. Let's just party, let's pretend .. pretending like we're in love and we're partying."
Wait, what?
"Like we're in love?" Steve can feel his own voice breaking
"We're partying. Party. Let's party."
Maybe he misheard her, maybe she didn't mean it.
"Like we're .. you don't love me?"
"It's bullshit." Nancy turns off the water. The dress is definitely ruined. The evening is ruined.
She spins around and walks out of the bathroom, Steve is standing near the sink
"Nance! Nance wait!"
He knows that he has to follow her again, she's drunk and he has to take her home, and he will, he just needs to .. needs a moment to pull himself together.
He only wanted to have a good time.
It's all bullshit, apparently. He is bullshit. Their love is bullshit.
Is it for real?
Steve's alone in the bathroom.
He's looking at himself in the mirror.
Steve didn't kill anyone. He invited Nancy that night in June cause he wanted to spend time with her, he wanted to sleep with her, okay? He was, and still is, in love. Jesus fucking christ, they shouldn't have left Barb alone? Who would have thought something like this was going to happen??
Why is Nancy putting the blame on them, on him ? He didn't do anything bad. Steve can understand Nancy is feeling guilty, but .. he doesn't know how to help her. It's not their fault.
Distraction as a way to make her feel better doesn't seem to be working. It has only made everything worse.
He doesn't .. he doesn't know what to do.
The door of the bathroom opens wide and an absolutely wasted Billy Hargrove stumbles inside.
His heavy gaze is landing on Steve's face, hand going up slowly, and grabbing Steve by the collar of his jacket.
Almost gently.
The fuck?
There is no force.
"Haarrringtn .. Course it's you." Billy's snickering
"Can a guy piss? Or you're gonna throw a tantrum again and start shouting this is your fucking bathroom?"
He's such an idiot. It doesn't even make sense. It's Tina's house.
Hargrove's grin is obnoxious, Steve wants to punch it off the dumb drunk face. Bet one punch is going to be enough to knock him off his feet. He is so fucking hammered. Barely standing straight, slurring every word, and his eyes are so glassy, it looks like they're fake.
"You gonna stand here and watch me piss, Harrington?"
The grip on the collar tightens, and Billy starts getting closer, but Steve shakes Billy's hand off and shoulders past him.
When their shoulders collide for a second, Steve can't help it, there's something .. the force, the strength, Hargrove's body feels like a rock, big and solid.
He walks out of the bathroom but doesn't know where to go. The word bullshit echoes in his head, and he's suddenly so tired of this freaky night.
Let's make it freakier.
Steve turns around and opens the door to the goddamn bathroom again. If he can't distract Nancy, he can try distracting himself.
Hargrove's standing near the sink, washing his hands. He's swaying slightly, turns off the tap and is about to start on his way out when Harrington pushes him back inside. Slams the door shut without turning his back.
Something sweet and deadly is spreading through his veins. He wants to shove Hargrove further, wants to make him fall, nevermind that the guy's drunk, Steve doesn't care. There it is, a glimpse of weakness, and Steve wants to probe it, how deep it's gonna go.
Hargrove seems taken aback. Confused. Steve looks at him like crazy. What does he want? He's not so sure anymore. He wants everything to be the way it was before the summer, before the fall. His heart is turned inside out at Nancy's words, and anger is mixed with pain, because what the fuck?? Why is it his fault anyway? He didn't do anything bad, and now he's shit? He runs after her like a fool in love, but according to her it's bullshit?
And there's Hargrove, with his fucking basketball skills and badass car and he's so tough, so cool, so fucking macho, swaying his ass in those jeans in the school hallways, hanging out with Steve's friends and stealing his keg king title. Getting on Harrington's nerves by simply existing.
It can all go to hell, for all Steve cares. If it's bullshit, let it all blow up.
Billy is not the only one who's unhinged. Whatever it's called. Steve's hurting inside. She doesn't love him? Why, why not? What has he done wrong?
Both Hargrove and Harrington are staring at each other with wide open eyes. The trajectory is short and simple, eyes - lips, lips - eyes. Hargrove's eyelashes are too long, too thick, too fucking thick, it's annoying. Steve can hear them rustling.
He feels Billy's hot breath somewhere near his mouth, it smells like beer and cigarettes and a hint of mint gum. These smells are mixed with a barely audible scent of sweat coming off Hargrove's body and also some delicious perfume .. Steve knows this smell, he knows its name, he's sampled it in perfume stores
He notices that Billy's eyes are becoming predatory and wild. Unpredictable.
However, is it so hard to predict what's gonna happen if they stare at each other's lips like that?
Their lips are so close. A flash of a second, and it's Billy who goes for it
Stopping only an inch away. What the fuck, he's not gonna do it? Steve sees that Hargrove is slipping away from this, so he grabs Billy by the back of the neck, his grip feels like it's made of iron, fingers digging in that messy mullet. He pulls. He has to pull because Hargrove's balking like a stubborn donkey.
Fuck no, you're not getting away from me.
Steve locks their mouths together. Hargrove's lips are soft and .. and unexpectedly tender.
The kiss - cause that's what it is, right? - feels fucking weird. It's not gross, it's just weird but the kind of weird you wanna explore. They are looking into each other's eyes, Hargrove is narrowing his stare at Steve even more, like he's trying to figure out his game and then he pushes him away muttering a quiet
"The fuck .."
But the strength is not there really, so Steve pulls him back and kisses him again
Maybe I like it
Flashing lights at the back of his mind
He feels hot all over, feverish. It must be the alcohol, it must be the pain of Nancy's words still ringing in his head
Bullshit bullshit you are bullshit what we have is bullshit your love is bullshit
This time, Steve's lips stay on Billy's a couple of seconds longer, and when a low mmmm leaves his throat, he slides his tongue between Hargrove's lips. Billy is not making it easy, cause he attempts to shove Steve away again, but it's weak, and Harrington is holding him tighter, one hand still gripping the back of his head, the other slithering around Billy's waist. It's like Hargrove surrenders, opens his mouth more, but the moment his own tongue touches Harrington's,
Steve is pulling away as if he touched something hot, as if he got burnt.
Afraid to get burnt more.
Everything is a rollercoaster together with a joyous and vile feeling blooming inside Steve - he now knows what Hargrove's deal is. He's cracked the Californian sun on hot wheels.
If someone, say, Tommy or .. or any other guy tried to kiss Harrington, he'd shove him hard, the hell you think you're doing? He wouldn't want it. He'd probably rinse his mouth after.
Hargrove didn't push him away. To be fair, he did, at first. But then, when Steve showed persistence? Billy kissed him back. He wanted more, didn't want to stop.
Steve knows his secret now.
There's a satisfied smile flickering on his lips.
You sure seemed to enjoy kissing a guy, Billy boy.
Steve swings the door wide and walks out, leaving Hargrove alone in the bathroom
As a matter of fact, Steve's got a drunk girlfriend here somewhere. Though it's not clear anymore if they're still together or not.
Steve goes to look for Nancy but can't find her.
He spots Tommy and Carol dancing and making out in the middle of the crowd. The party is still on and getting louder.
"Hey, Tommy, you seen Nancy?"
"Yeah, she went home."
Carol is smiling and Steve doesn't like her smile or her tone
"She's okay, Steve, she went home. She's probably in her bed already all tucked up."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, she's fine. Did you have a fight or something?"
"Uh .. kinda. Okay, I'm .."
"Hey man, everything alright?"
No, Tommy, fucking everything is fucked up.
"Yeah. I'm going home. You guys have fun."
Steve gets home after midnight, falls on the bed. His mind's on fire.
Nancy, what the fuck was that with Nancy? Are they still together? Is their whole relationship bullshit, that's what it is for her ??
Steve's wounded, Steve's hurting.
What has he done wrong?
He kissed Hargrove, that was definitely wrong.
He has him figured out now though.
There's a burning tingling sensation on his lips that won't go away
It's not gonna happen again, but deep down ..? If he's completely drunkenly honest with himself?
He liked the feeling of his lips on Billy's.
Tomorrow in the daylight his mind's gonna be set straight. Now in the darkness, Steve can secretly relish the feeling
Steve's burying his hot face in the cool of his pillow.
Is it the storm? Or it is only the first gusts of wind rising and the first raindrops falling from the sky?
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luvly-writer · 2 years
"But of..cara mia"
Ch. 9 I'm not yours
Dick Grayson x Latina! reader
Warnings: None
Status: Ongoing
Author's note: Writing these two chapters was tough af! But we pulled through. This is more of a filler chapter to get the story going. ENJOY!
Taglist: @lorosette @nanas-teatime @prettyacademia00 @mxtokko @sarahkaliii @w31rdg1rl @Eurydicegrimes @writing-for-the-hell-of-it
Series Masterlist:
You had grown hopeful the last few weeks. Dick was different with you, almost softer. Caring looks and warm touches, suggestive quips, and loving actions, anyone would have gotten carried away right? But once he announced that he was traveling to Jump City per Kory's request that hope had been squished. He would always run back to her. It wouldn't matter how far he was, she asked and he answered almost automatically. When he mentioned her name, Barbara and you exchanged looks. Her eyes were full of sympathy and yours full of sadness. You both kinda saw it coming. You had decided you needed a break and took a Zeta tube to Diana's place. You would be staying there for a few days, wanting to wash off the bitter feeling Gotham gave you with Dick's departure. You finally arrive. The tube always led straight to your childhood bedroom. You look around and walk towards the living room, calling out to her. "MOM?" you say and hear ruffling in her office. There you see Diana get out, face lighting up when she sees you. "My beautiful warrior, you are home!" she says as she brings you into a warm hug. Over the years, you had begun calling her mom. She had taken you in and loved you as her own. It took a while to get used to at first, seeing as your mother was one of her best friends and you still were fresh out of your parent's death, but with time, that mother-and-daughter bond was formed between the two of you and she had legally adopted you by the age of 11.
Once you both pull away, she brings you to the couch where you both caught up. Sensing that you are not telling her the entire truth about how you feel, she asks, "Little dove, what is wrong? You know I can tell when you don't feel alright" and you sigh, telling her everything that had happened ever since you arrived. Diana listens closely and hums in response. She waits until you are done and asks you, "Why are you insecure, child" and you flush. You don't know what to answer and she lifts her eyebrow and smirks at you. "You are an amazon, you have just enough standing and worth as Starfire." and you roll your eyes at her and answer, "Half- amazon, mom. I am not like Artemis and you, who are fully Amazon, or like Cassie, who is a demigod." Diana scoffs at you and you shrink under her mom's gaze. "Nonsense! I was sculpted of clay and given life by the gods, so you having a human father doesn't make you any less worthy of being an Amazon. You are a child of Themyscira. Our powers flow through your veins and the gods gave you their favor and blessings when you were born. You have trained under Amazon command and I have taken you there enough times for you to be considered a citizen. You are an Amazon whether you like it or not" she winks, teasing you with her last sentence, "You have just enough value to be considered just as beautiful, amazing, strong, and talented as an alien princess" she finishes and you smile at her. She brings you into her arms and you tease her one last time by saying, "yeah mom, exactly, she IS a princess" to which Diana pinches you arm softly making you giggle and says, "You are royalty as well. Before she retired, your mother had been my royal guard for years, which grants you rank in Themyscira. Aside from that, you are my daughter, Yn. Me being the daughter of the Queen of Themyscira, and heir to the throne, grants you the title of princess. Gods forbid you to speak so lowly of yourself in your grandmother's presence, or in the presence of any of the gods. They ought to give you an earful about you wasting your titles and gifts with self-doubt. Especially if it's over the affections of a man, Athena wouldn't stand for it" she responds teasingly and makes you laugh. You remember your days, running around Themyscira with Artemis and following Hippolyta around. You both decide to order some takeout and watch some movies. Spending time with your mother truly soothed your mind and you felt refreshed after the tornado of emotions you had been feeling the last few days.
The rest of the weeks went uneventful. To say you were anxious about Dick's arrival was an understatement. A big part of you didn't want to be there when he arrived because it would sting a little. You knew that there was a high chance that he and Kory fell back into the same habits as before. They probably slept together and shit. Thankfully, Diana had called you so that you could take a trip to Themyscira the same weekend he had arrived. She was going to take her armor to be inspected and cleaned and suggested you'd take your suit as well. Both had been crafted there and although you were great with technology and design, godly armor and magic were things you weren't going to mess with. You had kept your phone with you during your stay and would constantly text Babs asking her to give you the details when he arrived. What you received was something half expected and hoped wasn't true. Dick and Kory had gotten back together. Not only that, Dick had brought Kory to Gotham to be his date at the gala. The same gala you thought you'd be his date for because of how he had been acting before he left. You felt your heart drop. You should have seen it coming though. For all of the teasing comments, shared smiles, flirty looks, fond touches, and moments insinuating that something would happen, were all for nothing, because with Kory around, we all know Richard John Grayson was never going to be yours and nothing could change his mind.
A little Author’s note:
This is to give you a references for yn’s armor/suit.
It’s a shoutout to one of my favorite Wonder Woman suits in the DCAMU. The only difference is that the dark blue is black, the silver is white, and the red is dark yellow. Instead of a star she has the wonderbat logo, representing both of her mentors.
Present day suit:
suit pt. 2:
suit pt. 3:
Suit from her younger years:
Suit pt. 4
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the-sun-princess · 2 months
Emi Plays Revue Starlight: El Dorado Part 1
yeah sure why not i'll reblog my thoughts. we'll see how it goes lol. i havent done a live reaction On Tumblr in Years. block #emi plays el dorado if u dont wanna see it
so their last summer....and ofc hikari has already disappeared. tsk
ah class B....are we just gon be a rando class B member that's fine. amemiya backstory! she kinda reminds me of mashiro and tomori lmao just kinda....sorta wrote stories/lyrics n then got urged to make them a real thing. not nearly as shy as them tho
....amemiya and masai and the teacher seem to be narrating from a first year standpoint despite us being shown the 3rd year classroom? lmao masai was a lil fangirl of amemiya's script. cute
huh masai says she wants to be a director but her og interest seems to be set design. which obv they go hand in hand but still
awwwww they fans of each otherrrrr cuuute. they both go 'partner pls? partner?' AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES. I never did think about class B's dorm situation lol.
ok yeh it is 1st year baby B's
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i mean it wouldnt be starlight if it wasnt gay immediately. shion and kiriko like i Technically knew that but also i tend to mess up who is who. snort
amemiya just goin to 'masai' with 0 honorifics and when masai is taken aback she's like 'AM I MOVING TOO FAST?'
then masai just immediately goes with shion-chan lol
girls girls i already ship u ur killin me
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tbf me shipping them has nothing to do with the VN lol. tho i might end up having to actually draw them for once
stop acting like summer is 'right before' the seisho festival its not i Know the stupid festival takes place late feb/early march
THEY HAVE A PET AXOLOTL?? gimme its name. now
masai is not a morning person. tho at least she slept ksjhksjdhf
el dorado is the new national troupe specialty huh....no wonder mahiru/maya/futaba prob wanted to do it
oo i wonder if sakura or her friends will be in this. or at least mentioned
opening time doo doo
YAY WE START WITH MAHIRU she wants salvatore it's her dream role. well. if im in charge mahiru. i agree. u can have it
maya wants alejandro
futaba salvatore. sorry futaba but since u three are the ones goin to the new national troupe whoever is the 3rd most important i'll give to you. or maya.
salvatore: mahiru, futaba, claudine, kaoruko, junna
alejandro: maya, nana, karen
so many people are going to go for claudine salvatore and maya alejandro first huh
kjhsf kaoruko wants salvatore bc as a kid futaba always gushed about the role. wants futaba to praise HER salvatore
damn nana are u that bitter about junna crushing u in your revue skjdhf i THINK this happens after the movie revues.
yeah this def happens after the movie revues since junna's actin diff than her lil showcase for the newbies. so is karen
sjkhf kaoruko wanted judy's role zulfikar. she does like bein the villain
mm so hikari Did go back to the royal academy. i mean i knew she went back to london but that doesnt mean she went back to the school. diff terms after all
i assume we're technically masai + amemiya in this so i am kinda interested in who the other chiefs are gon pick
alejandro salvatore
karen (didnt care til mahiru oops) futaba | (i THINK art?) nana | (lighting) mahiru (music) maya | (props) kaoruko (stage setting) claudine (production) junna (costume)
kjkjxh props chief maya didnt even AUDITION for salvatore but ok yeah wants her as alejandro now
music chief gushing over mahiru :)
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truly mahiru has the best appeal
u cannot follow up a vote for mahiru with a vote for KAORUKO kjhjhdf
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kaoruko's niceness doesnt often feel Genuine lmao
alrighty now I get to choose
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starlight sure knows how to be homophobic to Me Specifically
well now i dont even care so whatever i guess i'll just go down the list.
i am upsetti spaghetti
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mahiru angy. same
poor futaba gets the shortest stick tho even when she's a lead role she's not the one she auditioned for.
snort nana sounds in awe that junna's salvatore. maya meanwhile is like 'aijo-san if u dont give it ur all i will kill you'
so kaoruko is lord cavallero. papa. futaba is carmencita-
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....how tho. nana's miguel. snort. futaba shoots back with a 'it seems fitting youre an assassin' which is hilarious
claudine is columbus, maya is luigi
that does leave mahiru as isobel but no ones metioned it and now im even grumpier. how dare. evil.
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:( no its not that jun jun-
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kjhkjfhsf junnna
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'stop with the gay drama already i s2g'
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skjfhsf gon get revenge for karen beating her TWICE at the auditions. valid. i support u junna
junna: i'm vindictive and stubborn like that karen: aha you really are junna: >:O
well that's enough for now
part 2>>
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theophagie · 6 months
*the same afonana anon*
sorry for being annoying about this but let me ramble for a while >>
also the theme of smile with these two... like I swear to God...
the way he smiled while saying shit like " thank you for such wonderful comedy" .... and she smiled back at him in her last moments telling him while being choked by him that he's gonna lose to Toshi cuz he's more unhinged than him...
I think part of his weird fixation on her coming form the realization that she reminds him of his brother..
I hate when ppl claim that hes so fixated on her only to mess with Toshi.. like if that was the case he will settled with Hana instead, to fuck with Am's mentality... Afomight is great and all but women also deserves to be throwing at toxic yaoi for real 😤😤😤
anyway thank you for your galaxy brain takes and your awesome posts! I hope you're doing ok!
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Never apologise for giving me the chance to read about afonana!!! I'm doing okay-ish, got some stuff going on but it is what it is. Tysm for your kind words, and I hope everything is going well for you too 🥹🥹
Afo's clearly not fixated on Nana only because of AM, the first he did when they met in the vestige world during the PLW was channel his inner divorced man who's still bitter about the separation lolll. The toxic yaoi with AM is real, but I think that a lot of people are hesitant to speculate or more closely look into afonana's dynamic as well because of the whole "protect women </3" bs, which is sad because like. They are characters, and you're locking yourself out of one of the best parties in town......... and also you're so right about Nana-Yoichi!!!!!! It's so fun to think about them sitting on their little chairs and going "So. We experienced Afo's love horrors huh" "First-hand, yeah. We sure did :l", and so on. The trauma bond besties
Tbh Afo only didn't go for Hana because she was "too old" already, but thinking about what might have happened if he had makes me feel like... sicko at the window meme.png. Hana looked so much like Nana, the only thing she missed was her mole, and there are like hundreds of horror stories with a similar premise out there. Tenko looks like her as well, but god. The ghost of Nana manifesting itself through Hana... haunting AM sure, but haunting Afo as well.........
The bit about smiling is one of my favorites because. Because.
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Yes Afo was taunting AM, but that's also the same gesture as Nana's... as if he knew how she taught AM about that, as if he even knew why she did that or what she thought + before things got bad for him he was always smiling as well... as if he took her philosophy and twisted it to adapt it to his ways. Horikoshi putting a memory of her in the centre between them in their last battle is so 🥴😵‍💫
I never thought about it before, but it would be SO funny and in line with everything if way back when Afo did tell AM about him and Nana and exploited his shock to almost kill him. "You know it's something I would do", or whatever it was that he said when he told him about Tomura, so it would have been twice as easy to accept that as the truth, because Afo had done something similar already. Only the revelation about Nana would have made AM feel awful in a different way because it's not like Afo was with her to spite him, it was just something that had Happened between them!! That had been real!!!!
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apparently-artless · 1 year
do you have any jdrama recs? i really wanna start watching them! thank u sm! 💓
hi, anon! I do have some jdrama recommendations but since you didn't specify your preferred genre, I'd take it that you're fine with any. (٥⁀▽⁀ ) You can click the links to check the summary.
Bitter Blood (Partners by Blood) - the first jdrama I finished watching, the comedy in this series is great and aside from the genre mentioned, there are other elements of the series that made it worth watching. Genre: Action, Comedy, Mystery Main Cast: Satou Takeru, Watabe Atsuro
Kagi no Kakatta Heya - this got my interest because of the main cast but it definitely became one of my favorites that I still rewatch even to this day Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Drama Main Cast: Ohno Satoshi, Toda Erika, Sato Koichi
Good Doctor - this one originated from Kdrama of the same title, I watched the Korean and US versions so I can definitely say that this version has a different flavor to offer Genre: Life, Drama, Medical Main Cast: Yamazaki Kento, Ueno Juri, Fujiki Naohito
Mystery to Iunakare - I posted this one before and I even read the manga, the mysteries are not that mind-blowing but the main character is very interesting. this will have a movie that will feature one of the arcs in the manga and I am also looking forward to it. ^^ Genre: Mystery, Psychological, Life, Drama Main Cast: Suda Masaki
Shikaku Tantei Higurashi Tabito - the MC is also interesting, he had an accident in the past that lead to losing all his senses except his sense of sight and he is using his ability as a private detective. this has 2 seasons by the way so if ever you're going to watch this and enjoyed watching the first season, you might as well check season 2 Genre: Mystery, Drama, Supernatural Main Cast: Matsuzaka Tori, Tabe Mikako, Hamada Gaku, Sumida Moeno
Nobunaga Concerto - this one's based on manga, I never read the manga or watched the anime so maybe this could be another reason why I appreciated the live-action version but if you haven't read or watched the animanga, you can give this a try too Genre: Action, Military, Historical, Comedy Main Cast: Oguri Shun, Shibasaki Ko
3 Nen A Gumi: Ima kara Mina-san wa, Hitojichi Desu - you can watch this on Netflix, this is also a very good series Genre: Action, Thriller, Mystery, Psychological Main Cast: Suda Masaki, Nagano Mei
99.9: Keiji Senmon Bengoshi - MC is also weird so it got me, I have a thing for characters that are too weird but too good in what they do. this has season 2 as well ^^ Genre: Mystery, Comedy, Law Main Cast: Matsumoto Jun, Kagawa Teruyuki, Eikura Nana
Radiation House - this is also based on manga, I've read only a few chapters but I think the series was also well-made, there's romance but not to the point that it would go off the actual plot Genre: Mystery, Drama, Medical Main Cast: Kubota Masataka, Honda Tsubasa, Hirose Alice
Bokura wa Kiseki de Dekite Iru - now this one could be a total hit or a total miss for you, some find it boring but I really loved this series, if you are fine with watching a pure slice of life drama, you might also like this one, the MC is also eccentric which also became one of the main element of the story Genre: Life, Drama Main Cast: Kubota Masataka, Honda Tsubasa, Hirose Alice
So these are just some of the series I can recommend. If you're planning to check some of these and liked them too, feel free to DM me so we can talk about it more. It's not often that I encounter someone interested in jdrama. ^^ But damn, just reminiscing about these series makes me want to watch them again.
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So yeah, it seems I have another writing idea. And yes it is another one which I will probably never finish but still. I just can't help the fact that my brain is like that. Thus, now I am sharing what I came up with so far.
First things first is the fact it's a fanfiction from my newest brainrot a.k.a. MHA. It's obviously an AU and in here Izuku has a twin sibling named Hanako. Hanako or Hana as she likes to be called has an unspecified fire quirk. Izu still like in canon at first seems quirkless so Hana is very protective of him.
And when it comes to Hanako themselves, she is...something. Why? Because even if they are twins it's Izuku who's more like Inko. Hana on the other hand is in a lot of aspects a carbon copy of their father and absolute opposite of xer brother. It is even smarter than Izu, tall and muscled. Definitely not beautiful or pretty, at least not in the standard sense. Especially considering their scars, sharp features and narrow eyes. She dyes xer hair green and wears vividly green contact lenses. Why is under the red warning. Personality wise xe IS quiet. Like quiet quiet, she is able to talk but they're still effectively mute as she chooses not to. And well, xe's angry, bitter and jaded. Seeing how the society treats quirkless and people with quirks that are considered weak or villainous, people with mutations she doesn't trust heroes. They're not evil but definitely more morally grey. Xe's not exactly kind or comforting either. Even when she tries you can clearly tell it's awkward & unpracticed but nonetheless genuine. And they understand other people like that on a deep level. Still you can tell xer emotions by her eyes. They also force herself to be strong so the others do not have to be. So in conclusion she' a distrustful & sharp, quite antisocial person. She is polyamorous omnisexual however demiromantic & demisexual nonbinary xenogender(fugogender) with she/xe/they/it pronouns.
Firstly, AFO is Hizashi Midoriya and Inko is Nana's daughter. Momo is a Shimura too and Tomura's sister. She was born the same year as Tomura dusted the rest of the members, she's alive because she wasn't there but at the hospital. She was adopted by Yaoyorozus who needed a heir/heiress.
Hanako is exactly this kind of sibling who when she can, wrecks people bullying Izuku. They still can't be on the lookout 24/7 and Izu hides a lot from xer & their mom to not worry them.
Izuku actually has a quirk. It's telekinesis and it's stronger than Inko's. However it was jumpstarted when he took Katsuki's "good" advice. Kat himself saw it and had a brutal wake up call. Izuku did die for a second there but miraculously came back. (We will come back to how later.)
After that some truths came out. Mainly all about the bullying Izu suffered from Aldera & Katsuki. Also the fact how abusive Mitsuki Bakugo is and how Masaru doesn't interfere.
Well hearing that and the true regret from Kats, Inko made a decision. She formally adopted Katsuki and made him go to therapy, both for trauma and anger issues. Now he fixed his relationship with the twins somewhat and is protective of both. Still not the nicest and a huge tsundere but nonetheless slightly improved.
The sludge villain incident with Katsuki happened as in cannon, Izuku jumped right after. All Might after tried to find him but as Zu was in hospital he didn't have much luck. However he met both twins at "that" beach and approached them. He at first planned to do what he did in cannon when it comes to Izu but after learning of the new quirked status of our broccoli boy he just offer to train them. Hana though agreed only to keep on eye on Izu. In the end both siblings actually got OFA as Hana reasoned that if they share it, it may go 50/50 and as such be easier to handle. She wasn't wrong and as they are twins it also made their sibling connection that much stronger. Now they're literally able to feel each others emotions, pain & unfortunately if one dies.
Hitoshi and Kyoka were pretty quickly adopted after they started UA by the Yamada/Aizawa who are married.
Almost whole class 1-A is dating and all are poly. Most are LGBTQ+ in all ways.
Chisaki here is completely reworked personalitywise. While still a criminal and Yakuza leader few things are changed. He's kind to Eri who is his biological daughter. He's trans and dating Hari though only the Precepts know, also the Precepts, Hari & two Chisakis are a family before all else.
LOV is on the other hand even more found family and you can tear this trope from my cold dead hands.
Dabi is Toya Todoroki but he only wants revenge on Enji without including his siblings and mom a.k.a. he's a good older brother(and partner but that later).
Twice & Magne survive. I repeat they won't die here because I said so.
Hawks had been sent as a spy by the Comission but he quite quickly fully deflected after seeing all of the lies he was fed his whole life. He kept the act to protect LOV though and only stopped when told to kill Twice. He paid for it being tortured half to death before getting broken out by one slightly more decent person (OC) and then being brought to the LOV who nursed him back to health. Said OC though dies for that.
Most parents of the 1-A & 1-B kids suck very much. The only decent ones are Iidas, Inko, Rei, Kirishima's moms, Satos, Ashidos & Seros.
Tokoyami after his internship with Hawks got basically unformally adopted by him which much later was actually formalized.
Toru got adopted by Nemuri(who also won't die) and Emi Fukukado/Ms. Joke.
The war happens in their 3rd year but that would be another much more spoiler-y post.
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gulducock · 2 years
CAN. i hear your thoughts on the ds9 ep. bcuz you have been talking for months about how the utter disregard for ds9 in nutrek AND ALSO as someone who is a genuine lwd fan YIPEE AND JUMPA FOR JOY!!!
OKAY. this is hard okay this is difficult. this is a difficult time for all of us. what i can say immediately is that it was nice to see ds9 again... it was nice to see quark voiced by armin shimerman giving his all and kira returning still as the colonel of the station voiced by nana visitor and they didnt try to pull anyone else back in just those that were interested its nice to see again. it is an acknowledgment of ds9 and that is nice to see *smile* now i dont want to be bitter and look a gift horse in the mouth because like yah im happy they did this but the problem with lower decks is that before all else its a comedy cartoon and idk if it has the leverage to carry off on the insane shit from ds9 yknow. what i want from nutrek on ds9 is just like i dont know. wrap up all the loose ends. we still have noooo fucking idea what happened after ds9 to the dominion to cardassia to the federation, klingon empire, ferenginar, the aftermath of the war on all the occupied beta quadrant planets. sisko garak odo n their respective legacies or whatever. like thats a lot of fucking shit that happened that was never ever wrapped up and it is still unmentioned besides quark off-handed mention of the war to get the karemma out of his bar. i thought the sideplots in this ep were very boring as well i like mariner and jennifers relationship theyre cute and an epic win but that was uninteresting and tendi and rutherfords thing was like ok whatever. theyre reeeaaaally riding on quark and kiras appearance here but you know what? i like how much they held off on the nostalgia bait like thats really it. and obviously rutherford has his whole thing but thats like a bit a funy joke. they dont mention any other ds9 chars or things that happened its very much just we're just doing business on ds9! because at this point ds9 isnt some big important place anymore its just another station with some history. i think they were respectful in my eyes idk they were good about it it was still very much a lwd episode just on ds9 no easter eggs no nothing. and as bitter as i am about all of ds9's loose ends i think its for the better they left it all unmentioned because simply i dont think lwd is the series to cover all that because it isnt a serious show nonetheless do we even know if any of this is Canon. and its hard because i think lwd is the best show out right now so its hard to say i want any other show like discovery or pic.picmkcmjhv to decide what happened after ds9 ended. but yknow we take what we get
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ro-valerius · 1 year
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The sisters sat in their shared room, silence enveloping them. The silence itself wasn’t unusual, but Hana could feel the deepening tension coming from Fiora’s side of the room.
She didn’t want to look over and see the black tendrils in her sister’s arm twitching, as they do when Fiora is distressed. But only the two of them could See these, and even then, Hana had never told Fiora she could. Her hands tightened in her lap; though, “sat” and “in her lap” are misleading in Hana’s case. She was situated on her back, legs propped up on the blanket still folded at the end of her bed. It was like she was sitting, but she was more lying down than anything. Finally, the silence was broken.
“Hana,” Fiora called from across the room. 
“Hm?” Hana hummed, letting her sister know she was listening. 
“Do you remember how long ago you went blind?” Fiora asked. If it weren’t for the pitch dark tendrils twitching more aggressively, Hana wouldn’t have any indication of Fiora’s mood. Hana made another slight hum to signal thought. 
“12 years ago?” she said softly. The inky darkness coming from the runes in Fiora’s arm froze for a split second before vibrating intensely. Hana’s expression grew worried, and she was glad that her sister was as blind as she was. Starting softly and slowly, a bitter laughter began from Fiora’s side of the room.
“I see. So that is also my fault. Of course! Of course it is!” Fiora’s voice began to take on a colour it didn’t normally have, and it was an alarming colour. Hana sat up properly and leaned forward, ready to rush over to her sister if needed. Fiora’s laughter grew more alarming as she slowly broke. “Tell me, Hana, what do you really see?” Her expression was one of a pained smile, and she as well was glad that Hana was effectively blind.
Hana got up slowly and walked over to Fiora’s side of the room, settling on the floor at her sister’s feet, leaning against her legs gently. 
“The dark pinkish-red of my beloved sister,” Hana murmured. “My strong, smart, capable sister who loves her family more than anything.” The darkness emanating from Fiora’s arm calmed and Hana smiled in relief. Hana hooked an arm carefully around Fiora’s leg and held on, as if she were hugging her from that position.
“Fiora… I know you’re afraid of losing control. I…” Hana didn’t know how to continue that line of thought, so she discarded it, as she does. “I’ve grown used to Seeing this way. I find it more helpful, honestly, I do. Even if I can’t see the flowers, the sun, the sky…Well, not directly. I don’t mind, because I get to See the way that other people see the world sometimes. And…Sometimes the way other people see the world is more beautiful than the way I saw the world when I could see.” Fiora grew quiet.
“What…do you mean by that?” 
“O-occasionally, when I’m near people, I get flashes of things they’ve seen before. Sometimes, it’s really sad, but sometimes, it’s really cheerful or sweet!” A soft giggle erupted out of Hana’s throat. 
“I know…that people treat me like I’m younger than I am, because I act younger than I am. I feel younger than I am, because there is a large portion of my life that I don’t remember. A portion that I’ve chosen to forget. So I never said anything, because I was afraid they would worry about the things I’m Seeing. But it’s fine. Really, it is! Part of me knows…that what I’ve been through is sad, too. Why else would my body know how to suppress the hurt? So, Seeing that other people hurt too, and are all the kinder for it, it…gives me hope that, if I do someday remember the parts I’ve forgotten, I can still be kind, too.” 
Fiora reached down and ran her fingers through Hana’s hair. The darkness in her arm had grown still. Hana grabbed her hand and brought it to her face, so that Fiora could feel her smile. 
“I’m happy, just the way we are. Even if some things are scary, it’s fine. Because I know Nana and Tofu will protect us. A-and I know you’ll find a way to undo the darkness. You’re smart, if anyone can, it’s you.”
Once more, Fiora laughed, but it was softer, sadder.
“So you can See it too, huh? Tell me, do you See the way Tofu changed when he came back from his little vengeance spree on my behalf?” she asked, her voice shaky. Hana tilted her head up, as if to look at Fiora’s face, even though neither of them would see it. 
“I’ve Seen it, yes. But! If you’re blaming yourself for that, too, I’m going to stop you right there!” Hana’s voice took on a petulant tone, settling back in to the youngest sister role she was used to. “What they did to you, and what they did to Tofu, the blame is not yours to take. It belongs to them, and they’re gone, so the blame dies with them, okay!” 
“Do you know what they did?” The question was barely audible. Hana shook her head. “I didn’t think so…”
“H-he…doesn’t know that I know. As far as he knows, only Ro knows. I overheard him tell Ro that he told Berry and Peachy, too, because Berry is overly insistent. But, what I am about to tell you, you cannot repeat. It is for my own selfish reason that I am telling you, because being alone in knowing that I know is too much of a burden.” Another humourless laugh echoed through the room. 
“His body no longer reacts safely to magic. Not teleportation magic, not healing magic,
none of it.”
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