#I am sooo normal about that old man (<- lying)
wolfsplosion · 7 months
i am having very sane and normal thoughts and definitely not looking for references bc this ship. owuwoeue idk how i managed to consume this anime + manga and not, think of any ships. opens clip studio paint.
HEHEHEHEHHE I'M SOOOO GLAD <3 the world needs more chilaios, I'm just doing my part 🫡
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
The end:(( sobs cries wails
Time to loop bittersweet symphony
Oh yeah i forgot about the surprise bday jdsvfkgkf tommy is so SWEET i hate him sobs hes sooo<33
the fucking fire IM LAUGHFOGNGKG i loved this bit so much its so funny ohmugod
Its sooo lovely:( this fic is so lovely i want to cry picturing the house they live in :( they mean the world to me :( i love hats so much
Petition for u to write a chat fic /hj
The texts are some of my fav parts of this fic 😭 theyre so fucking hilarious bee, I'd consume the shit outta a chat fic if u wrote one
I love techno shfkgklgf
When i first read this fic I'd never had cider and was against alcohol bc i thought it all tasted like shit 😭😭 but then once i turned legal age i had cider and DAMN BRO i love cider sm...
I had this delicious berry flavoured one... somersby... so good FHGKKG
I honestly was shocked that i liked cider considering that apple flavoured things normally make me feel nauseous, but cider tasted diff enough that i was able to enjoy it !!!
"I love you"
U are SO good at writing music into fics man... ur so good at describing it
Youre such a talented author bee, i don't think I'll ever get over just *how good* u are at writing
The way you describe stuff... sk well so pretty rahhsss
I love this fic so much
It is 2 am whoops... worth it tho ❤️
This fic makes me feel so whole i adore it with everything i love ti sosoososo much:( i think it gen might be my fav fic by you... it is so lovely:( it means so much to me
Also damn yeah bittersweet symphony fit this fics vibes sooo well, its just been on loop for half n hour shfjgkg
Okie i go sleep now, thanks for being the best author ever ❤️❤️
I loved writing the surprise birthday party in this for many reasons. for one thing it felt natural after I wrote about wilbur throwing tommy a birthday party in nocturnal animals, and also I wrote honey and tangerines over the course of the summer. in a way that timeline of tangerines followed real time, because I wrote the wilbur surprise birthday party in mid to late september which is roughly around cc!wilbur's actual bday (yes yes I know he could be lying about his birthday but it's the one we all go with) so it just felt very fitting time-wise
the fire 😭 I love writing tubbo's antics so much
"petition for you to write a chatfic" you do not know the war flashbacks you just gave me with that
you wanna know why I'm good at writing funny texts? it's bc I have experience. I'm never going to publicly reveal my old ao3 (not really out of embarrassment but bc I don't want people I know from that account to find out I'm writing mcyt fic bc I will legitimately lose friends), but on that old ao3 when I was 16 I wrote a voltron chatfic. and it got somewhat popular. not super popular or anything, but it was my most popular fic up until I started writing for mcyt and it's how I really learned how to write humor. anyway the voltron fandom was the worst fandom experience I've ever had and I hated the ship the chatfic was centered on by the time I finished it bc the fandom was just so goddamn annoying about it. anyway yeah I can't write chatfic anymore it brings back war memories LMAO
I love cider man I love going to a bar and getting a nice cold cider if there isn't any beer I want. it's just so refreshing! and yes not all of it tastes like apples! I had a pineapple cider at a bar recently and it was so good
god I had so many emotions writing the card scene between crimeboys just waaaaa tangerines crimeboys i miss you
I'm so glad I write the music in my fics well, I try so hard to integrate it in a way that feels natural and doesn't pull the reader out of the scene
bittersweet symphony is a song that means a lot to me for many reasons so I usually have a rule to never include it in anything I write so it just stays as something for me, but it fit too perfectly for this fic for me to not throw in there and I'm so glad I did
thank you icy you're so sweet I'm really proud of how I wrote so much of honey and tangerines it's definitely one of my favorite things I've done. I'm so glad you enjoyed your reread :D
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seeraplimau · 2 years
Mood: I am very very very sleep and tired.
Writing this just a way of escapism, you could say. I have like a lot of list in my brain to do but when you're sleepy, it just dooze. Masalahya I AM TIRE ALL THE TIME. So all of the list dah berhabuk since September :')
BRB chugging my vitamin B as we're speaking lol.
Life sucks, you live then you die. Though the intermission in between determine what kind of death you'd enjoy. Were you nice to your friends? Have the encounter between you and a stranger bringing good impact to the world? Talking about stranger, I am still suck at saying morning to people. I don't know, I guess where I am, greeting strangers is not very ideal. We all looks normal inside but god forbid what we did the last 2 hours. I stumbled to an old tweet where a guy was practicing black magic in his apartment. He look like any other guy you walk passed by honestly. So, maybe I was just being paranoid and project this view to everyone I see on daily basis. Maybe. Today as I was walking to my work, I smiled a bit, like not even a proper smile to the guy sat next to my workplace and he said something to me(?) like I tak dengar actually. Probably, "kerja sini ke?" something like that. And it kinda, make me uncomfortable??? hahahaha cannot explain. That question only acceptable from the makcik who you always see every morning tbh. Like I'd answer them genuinely. I wish man would learn more manner and idk shame. Make Matriarchy a thing!!
I saw on news about a former badminton player who post an Islamophobic statement. I think it sad, sad that we still leave in a prejudice nation. Few weeks ago, a hockey player got suspended for a racial comments too. Sad. I do feel like it a deserve action. Racism shouldn't be excused. But, an equal teach of why slur shouldn't be used should also be implemented. Maybe we have, in sivik's class, but we should make it more exclusively to Malaysian. Why this slur is bad and so on. I don't think anyone ever told me professionally why I shouldn't call anyone k*ling. YES NO ONE EVER TOLD ME THAT. I just learn that it would hurt people, common sense-ly. Empathy. Would I be glad being called that? Does people have ill attention by calling me that? What is the root problem that I 'have' to say the word? I ask myself that. The 'war' between nation of SEA, specifically between Malaysia and Indonesia is a never ending. People shouting "ind*n balik rumah" is like a common thing you hear. It sad. Saying this why lavishly eating your nasi geprek. Hipokrit. We should, have more empathy. Towards ourselves and people surround us. After all, we all, is all we have.
Changed. I do think it's unfair for us to judge someone act, especially if it something they did 5 years ago. 5 years ago was not long, but so many thing could shift. So many. You can still see the line for social distance purpose on eateries. Fascinating. Yah on people, we change, and god forbid us to get dox over something we did in the past. I said racist thing in the past, but for the love of god I was 14. Why are you picking a fight with a kid. Thus, I always find myself to excuse someone action that they did in the past. Sometimes, well most of the time I dont care lorh, so cam whats the point. BUT some action I cannot just forgive is bullying. I hate kids who bully each other sooo much. Tak kesah-lah they have a fuck up childhood ke, to the point they're acting "alpha'. I hate them and I would never forgive anyone who did that. I don't think forgivable is something we all should aim for. We connect, say sorry, and if the person not going to forgive you, we should just move one. We don't deserve someone forgiveness honestly. Nobody do. I remember one of case at my high school, a girl pretend to be a boy to ask some inappropriate picture from her girl classmates. That is fuck up. Even from a 16 years old brain, I know it's not a right thing to do. What a sickos. Fuck her.
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nat-20s · 3 years
for @jonmartinweek THE FINAL DAY prompt- Pining/Longing. This one takes place, well, you’ll see
A Study of Longing, Told in Six Parts
Part 1
Martin wonders if he’ll ever get to a point in his life where kindness doesn’t feel like a shock to the system. It’s already surprising enough when Tim and Sasha invite him for drinks in a genuine offer of friendship, but for that kindness to come from Jon? Martin has no idea what to do with being believed, let alone being protected.
And now here he is, blearily opening his eyes only to find himself staring at a mass of hair. As he sits up and rubs the sleep from his eyes, the shape resolves into the form of one Jonathan Sims. He had apparently fallen asleep with his head cushioned on his arms, against the cot Martin was currently occupying. It’s not an image that Martin can fully process at the moment, so instead he debates whether or not to wake Jon up or quietly get off the cot to let him get some much needed sleep. He decides on the former, both thinking that it would be hell on his back to keep sleeping in that position, and that he would like an explanation.
Hand hovering above Jon’s shoulder, but not fully touching, Martin oh so quietly calls out, “Jon?”
That’s all it takes for Jon’s head to rush up with a gasp, glasses askew, and with the texture of his sleeves pressed in red marks on his face. It is a horribly endearing look. “Hrn?”
Martin opens his mouths, closes it, and waits for Jon to get his bearings. Jon smooths down his (frankly ridiculous) sweater-vest, adjusts his glasses, and slips back on his professional demeanor. “My apologies, Martin, I, ah, must have fallen asleep.”
Glancing to the crappy little digital clock resting on a file box next to him, Martin rolls his eyes. Only Jon could be quite so stuffy at 4:32 in the morning. “No apologies needed. Though, um, was there? Something you needed or..?”
Jon shakes his head and stands up, dusting off imaginary grime. “No, no, nothing like that. I had just, er. I had heard you cry out and I- I wanted to make sure nothing was going on. It appears that it simply a nightmare,so I will be.. taking my leave. Now.”
He doesn’t know what part of himself replies, “Oh! You don’t have to go!,” but he replies it anyway. Jon does that little thoughtful frown at him, which forces him to continue, “I mean, if you wanted the cot. For sleeping. I’ll probably be awake for the rest of the night, so, you know, no skin off my back .”
“Ah. No, that’s quite alright, Martin. Try to get some more sleep, there’s still a long work day ahead.”
Jon doesn’t even wait for a response before turning on his heel and leaving. Martin sort of hates how much he wanted him to stay.
Part 2
Jon is laughing. Jon is terrified, all the damn time, and yet, somehow, he’s laughing. Honestly, he was starting to wonder if he was still capable of it. Martin is gesticulating wildly with his fork, animated in a way that Jon’s only ever seen when in they’re in the middle of a rather silly debate. He thinks this lunch’s topic was something like whether or not snakes were cute? He lost the thread of conversation about half an hour ago, honestly. Covering his mouth, he lets the giggles run through his whole body, shaking his shoulders and heating his core. He feels light, heady, like he’s reminiscing with an old friend and they’re both on the edge of having had too much to drink.
He only wishes he could trust this feeling. He wishes that he could trust Martin, that they were normal coworkers having a normal lunch, that the previous person in Jon’s position had gone into an easy retirement instead of being violently murdered. He wishes he hadn’t read that letter telling him, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Martin, Martin, who took him to lunch and brought him tea and seemed so very warm in so very cold circumstances, was lying to him.
Jon stops laughing.
Part 3
Of course, the second his body hits the simultaneously stiff and weirdly lumpy motel mattress, his phone goes off. It may only be about 8 pm, but he’s tired, and he’s sore, and he’s had a persistent headcold for the past week for some unholy reason, the last thing he wants to do is talk. However, only about four people have the number to the burner cell, and they’re almost certainly have a purpose behind their call.
Closing his eyes and letting out a sigh that turns into more of a groan, he picks up on the 4th ring. “Hello?”
“Hey, Jon! It’s Martin, I’m not sure if you have my number programmed in that phone, or if it even has caller ID if you do. Anyway, it’s been about a week since I’ve heard anything, and I wanted to make sure you weren’t, y’know, dead or arrested or anything.”
His previously tense and aching muscles all relax, without him consciously deciding to relax them, and a sleepy smile spreads across his face, because some time in the past year he’s become a parody of himself. Yes, maybe he should be more affronted by how much Martin’s tinny voice brings him comfort, but he’s had a rather terrible time of things since...since he began work in the archives, really, and he’s worn down enough that he can admit he misses his friend.
Huh. Friends. They are, aren’t they? Wonder when that happened. (He can guess, something involving a fake CV admission, but he doesn’t feel like it right now.) “Martin, I recognize your voice, no need to introduce yourself.”
“Right! Yes, uh, ‘course..of course you can. Right. Sooo...I take it you’re not dead, then.”
“Correct. I haven’t been arrested, either.” It’s only sort of a comforting lie, so Jon thinks it can be forgiven.
“Good. Great! Yeah, that’s...that’s good.”
The conversation could probably end there. Jon could probably tell Martin good night, and they’d hang up, and Jon could get the sleep he had been so desperately craving not moments ago. Somehow, he thinks that neither of them want that. Scrambling for something to talk about, Jon replies, “Hang on, isn’t it something like 2am over there?”
“It...might be.”
“What! It’s not like you have a monopoly on bad sleeping habits. Besides, I was up anyway, and I just..”
“Just what?”
“I just missed your voice.”
Oh. Heat rushes to his cheeks, and tears start to prick at the corners of his eyes, and god. He had missed Martin’s voice too. “Really? I know you’ve had to listen to a fair number of tapes lately, thought you might be sick of it by now.”
“No. I mean, I am a bit tired of tapes, honestly, but even the ones that you recorded, that not really your voice, is it? I mean it is, but it doesn’t sound like you when you’re actually, um, you. I wanted..I wanted to hear you.”
Jon’s far too worn out to deal with that sentiment, and the way that it makes his heart clench. So instead  of addressing it, he says, “I am very close to being asleep.”
“Oh. Right, sorry, I’ll let you go-”
“No! No. Um. Would you mind staying on the line? Until I’m gone? I-I like hearing your voice. As well.”
“Oh! Sure, yeah, definitely. Anything in particular you want me to talk about?”
“Whatever you like. Something nice?”
“All right. I can do that. Um. Did I tell you about this little yarn shop I found the other day. It’s called ‘Puttin’ on the knitz’, and it’s…”
Jon peacefully drifts off, listening to the voice of the man who he can only admit in moments such as these, he wishes was in this bed, laying beside him.
Part 4
please come back please come back for the love of god come back I can’t believe you’re doing this do you have any idea how stupid this is come back to me come back come back come back
Part 5
There is plenty of things to long for in the apocalypse. A decent cuppa. The relief of actual sleep. Murdering Jonah Magnus. For there not to be a apocalypse. They are grateful, however, to not have to long for each other.
Part 6
Martin comes to without a knife in his hand, or bloodstains on his clothing. Those, under other circumstances, would be good things.
Martin comes to, laying in the grass, without anyone beside him. He barely has the moment to feel agony spike through him before he’s out once more.
There are no Jonathan Sims admitted to the hospital. As far as he can tell, no one was admitted into the hospital at the same time as him, and certainly no one with a stab wound.
There are thousands of ‘Jonathan Sims UK’, typed desperately into a library computer search bar, wielding mostly results about a sport manager and a romance novelist. None of the images are of the right person.
Sometimes Martin puts one foot in front of the other, carefully blank in heart and head. Surviving, even  during times that he’s not sure he wants to, is one of his greatest abilities.
Sometimes Martin despairs.
On the worst nights, he tries to call the Lonely back to him, tries to be swallowed whole. It never works. He’s not sure if it’s because the fears aren’t in the reality or if they’re not established enough to have any leverage or if his connection has simply been broken. (He doubts the last reason. He hasn’t been this alone since Tim’s funeral. Even then, Melanie had thrown a few stilted condolences towards him. No one is aware enough of him to give condolences now. He misses Melanie. He misses all of them. He misses Jon like a gaping, bleeding wound misses skin.)
Seven months later, and he has enough money saved and identity built that he moves on to Scotland. The little village they had been adjacent to exists in this reality. Daisy’s cottage does not.
On a whim, he enters the yarn shop. He’s not going to pick anything up, hobbies are the last thing he can focus on, but it’s nice to look. To feel the various textures, to take in the rich variance of colors, to, hopefully be present in his own body, if only for a moment.
Martin steps in. The bell chimes. He’s there. Standing in front of him. Whole. In a cry that’s closer to a gasp, he calls out, “JON!”
Jon turns, looks up at him, recognizes him even before he’s even fully seen him. It’s his Jon, he’s here he’s here he’s here. The callback of “MARTIN!” sounds like it was punched out of him, the start of a sob and a laugh all at once.
In a blink, they’re together, their embrace a tangle of limbs, a collision of lips, a mixture of tears. Martin can’t tell which of them is saying the litany of “thank god thank god thank god” and who’s repeating “it’s you it’s you it’s you.”
It’s Jon that’s telling him, “I knew you had to be here. I knew it, because I kept thinking. Surely. Surely this new universe wouldn’t be so cruel as to allow me to live, but to make me live without you.”
It’s Martin that replies, “I didn’t know. I thought it would be that cruel. Please don’t make me go through that again.”
Jon pulls him in tighter, eliminating the centimeter of space between them. Speaking into Martin’s neck, whispered in fierce devotion, Jon promises, “Never again. Never again. You and me. Together. For the rest of our lives.”
Barely discernible through his sobbing, Martin tells him, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
There are people that think that wanting is more worthwhile than having. Martin thinks, frankly, that those people have never been in love.
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miyaniacs · 3 years
Mafia AU - Bokuto x fem!reader
A/n: uhmmm sorry for not updating ... i haven’t been motivated to continue this and then i did and forgot that i had this update lol... so here you are. The beginning of the downfall is here. Sooo Tbh it will Kinda depend on your responds to this chapter if it will take months for me to continue it - or days 🙇🏼‍♀️
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Chapter 12 - A decision is made
Index ; masterlist ; Chapter 11 - The encounter
Warnings: uhhh... violence? Mentions of guns
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Bokutos POV
Monday 12 am
I want to punish him. I want to hurt him the way he hurt her, by messing up her life.
He looks at Ushijima with hate filled eyes, his whole aura shifts when he sees his arrogant smirk.
Why is he so sure of himself?
Does he really think that he, Bokuto, wouldn’t beat the shit out of him, right here in his office?
“Oh and Bokuto - hope you have fun with that hoe.” Ushijima smirks and now Bokuto fully breaks.
“Call her a hoe one more time.” Bokuto hisses. Furious wasn’t enough to describe what he was feeling right now. He was boiling with pure hate, his fist was ready to collide with this arrogant face of the male in front of him. He was ready to sent him straight into the hospital, hell he was even ready to kill him right here.
The one thing that was holding him back was the fact that such a quick death would be way too ‘nice’. He needs to suffer, he wants to break him, makes him feel all the pain in the world. Slowly peeling the skin off his body, until he begs him to finally kill him.
“And what are you doing then? Huh? I’m just telling the truth. She would have went to bed with you straight away the first time you saw her, just to get close to you and get informations.”  Ushijimas face is now almost touching his, sparks flying, both ready to beat each other up. “That’s only because you’d force her to do so.”
He laughs again. What is so funny, was it all a joke to Ushijima? A joke that he ruined your life, forcing you to throw yourself at random man, just to get information out of them? And for what? A small amount of money, comparing to what Ushijima probably owns? Oh he has to deal with the consequences at some point, he has to ... feel the consequences.
He can already see him hanging on a wall, blood dripping off the several cuts on bis body, his arrogance long gone as he looks up at him with eyes, showing that Bokuto did it, that he broke him.
Suddenly he feels someone tugging on his arm and he spins around, taking a few seconds to understand that he is still im the office. The fire in his eyes burning up again as he sees the fearful look on your face. He wants to comfort you and ask what happened, but then the shook took over him. You’re afraid of him.
He takes a few steps back, giving you some room to breath.
He couldn’t talk to you, the knot in his throat hindering him from telling you how sorry he is. Bokuto is lost in his thoughts the whole way back to the car and during the drive.
He is filled with guilt.
He hates himself for showing you this side of him.
All he ever wanted was to be a save space for you, to make you feel home and at peace.
He never wanted you to feel fear when being with him.
He has to do something and he knows exactly what.
“Go inside, I have to discuss something with the boss.” He says without looking at you his eyes still fixed on the street.
“Kou… let me explain… please.”
His heart breaks, you really feel the need to explain? To apologize? When he is the one that hurt you?
“Later.” He says way to cold for his own liking, but he couldn’t start crying now, even though he feels like it. He swallows the emotions that start to well up inside of him “I promise we talk later.” Placing his hands on your face he softens. You’re so beautiful.
He frowns when he sees small tears rolling down your cheeks.
No, why are you crying? He slightly starts panicking inside but tries to not show it. “Don’t cry my love.”
“I’m sorry.”  Here you go, apologizing for nothing, at last he doesn’t see a reason why your should apologize to him.
“No, don’t apologise. Non of this is your fault. I should have known better. You already told me how you’ve met Ushijima. It was my fault.”
Regret fills him up again.
Why was he so stupid?
He walked right into Ushijimas trap.
And now you were afraid of him.
He wasn’t good for you.
He wasn’t the right one for you.
The life he lives wasn’t one for you.
He had to get you out of this whole mess, you deserve so much better than this.
Even if that means, for him to leave your life completely.
He leans in for one last kiss.
“No. Don’t say anything. I promise you, you will never see me like this again. I can’t bear knowing that you’re afraid of me, even if it’s only a tiny little bit of you fearing me.” He mumbles before kissing you again. “Now please, get inside. And I hope to find you in one of my sweatshirts when I get back home.”
He hated lying to you.
But he had to.
“Okay, I can’t promise not to take your Vetements one tough.” You laugh and he smiles.
“Whatever I own is yours.”
My heart, my home, my car, my everything, he’ll make sure that you are save when he wasn’t with you anymore.
His cheerful smile dropped the second you were out of sight, he speeds through the city, not caring about the red lights or the other cars.
Monday 3 pm
“Sorry the Boss isn’t here right now.” One for the guards says.
Bokuto rolls his eyes and walks around in the empty office.
“What are you-“ the guard begins, “ I write him a note.” Bokuto huffs and scribbles something on a piece of paper.
“Make sure to keep Y/n save.”
He storms out of the building.
The Adlers really think they could simply tick him and the others? By putting Y/n in his life to spy on them? Are they really that desperate to involve such an innocent and pure soul as you into all of this?
The hate he felt for them just increased the more time he got to spent with you. Your pure soul lightens up his day, he smiles whenever he looks at you, his heart warms whenever he sees your smile, when he hears your laugh it’s the sweetest sound he has ever heard. All those days he got to spent with you for now, have been the best days of his life.
And how can such a beautiful person like you, work in such a dark world.
This isn’t a world that’s meant for you.
Sure he knows that you’re strong... but he isn’t stupid.
He can see that all of this is just a mask, you got used to this life, but it is not the life you wanted to be involved in. All your sarcasm, the cold look in your eyes, the raised eyebrow with that light smirk playing on you lips, whenever someone is saying something that could definitely get them into jail.
It is all an act.
And he knows that you know that he can see right through it.
Those nights he spent awake next to you, making sure to reassuring you that everything is alright and that he is right next to you, trying to keep all those nightmares away from you. He sees how you turn in your sleep, how your face frowns, he hears all those small no’s. And it breaks his heart whenever he feels your hands grabbing his shirt, clinging on him, burring your face in his chest while you whimper something only you can understand, your whole body shaking out of fear of whatever hunts you in your dreams.
Sure, you play tough, but he knows that deep inside your heart you want to leave all of this behind.
Enough was enough and he certainly had enough.
He takes his phone and type three small words before getting out of his car.
Opening up the trunk he pulled off the flooring revealing countless of guns and knifes.
It was a true old fashioned kamikaze mission, but he didn’t care.
Putting two of the small guns in the back of his pants, he grabs the loaded submachine gun in one hand, takes a deep breath and opens the door.
I’ll get you out of all of this, you’ll be able to live a normal life again, with or without me.
And he pulls the trigger, shooting the first guard.
Your POV
You stand in front of the big window, looking down at the passing people and cars, always looking out for one specific black one, but you couldn’t spot it. The longer you wait, the more restless you get, Bokuto was away for way too long now, he would have told you if it would take longer right?
So why haven’t he come back home now.
Your phone vibrates, before you could check it, you hear the door burst open.
“BOKUTO?!” You can hear Atsumu call out.
“Atsumu?” You walk over to him.
“Where is he?” The person next to him, Sakura asks.
“I was about to ask you the same thing, he dropped me off and told me he has something to do... but that was hours ago...” you mumble the next part, “ You... you don’t know where he is?”
“Does it look like we do?! The Boss is sending all of us out to find him!” Atsumu growls.
“Tell us everything that happened today.” Sakusa demands and you begin talking, describing the whole situation that happened with Ushijima and how Bokuto behaved slightly strange the way back to his.
The three of you stare at each other after you’ve finished and your attentions shifts to the TV.
“BREAKING NEWS - Countless of shots have been heard from the Casino, related to the infamous Adlers, we’re live - Cassie, what do you know?
‘ We all know nothing, civilians could all leave, all of them are talking about only one men, entering the building. The police is still clueless, but a few minutes ago, the shooting stopped and -“
“FUCK!” Atsumu screams and he and Sakusa run out of the door, “YOU STAY HERE!” He shouts before pulling out his phone already calling someone.
No. No. No no no. This can’t be real.
Your mind is racing while you collect your things and rush out of the apartment.
If there is one small chance that Bokuto is still alive, you have to take it, you had to save him at all costs. Even if it means breaking his heart and revealing everything... you just have to everything you can.
Looking down at your phone, you remember the message you got.
From: Bokuto
Please remember that I will always love you.
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@tendouthighs ,  @lilacshouko​@softhourswithseb​ ​@theperksofcoffee ​@cuddlesslut @shhhlikeme​​, @kynyta​​ @yammmers​  @asahi-is-jesus-periodt​​ @hxnni-bxnni​​ @theduvetpirate​​ @chromaticstudio​​@gywjd0131​​​ @haikyuusimp91​​​ @kara-grayson04 @saucysamu​​ @brokeyiam​ ​
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writing-red · 4 years
from the dining table
draco malfoy x reader (mentions of harry potter x reader)
summary: You and Draco broke up and he is trying desperately to get in touch with you even though he knows exactly why you aren’t picking up the phone (song fic based on harry styles’ from the dining table)
request: @runninglownad​ hii! can i request a draco imagine based on from the dining table by harry? thanks sooo much <3
warnings: this is super angsty, breakup, toxic relationship, sad anger and drinking
a/n: I hope you enjoy!! and photo credit to @fixedunit​
word count: 2.1k
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Woke up alone in this hotel room
Played with myself, where were you?
It was seven when Draco finally decided to stop fighting the insomnia. Thoughts of you claiming his mind and making him entirely unable to find sleep. The white hotel sheets were curled around him, pillows on the floor, broken glass shattered around him like an unholy halo, and the room in total disarray. He laid there, staring at the ceiling, unsure of what to do with himself, unsure of what to do with himself now that he had lost you. He so desperately wished that he could squeeze his eyes shut only to open them and find you laying there next to him, wishing desperately to see that incredible beaming smile of yours, the one that would turn your cheeks rosy red.
He rose from the bed and navigated around the mess on the floor to get to the bar in the room. With a heavy hand he poured himself a scotch, as he continued to think of you; the feeling of your lips on his, the lines of witty banter you always seemed to whip out of nowhere, and the idea that he may never hear the rasp of your voice in the morning again.
Fell back to sleep, I got drunk by noon
I’ve never felt less cool
He abandoned the glass dragged the bottle back to the bed, putting on the television as a distraction. He couldn’t seem to find a program that didn’t make him think of you, he couldn’t get the sound of your sweet and joyous laugh echoing through whatever space you held.
Tears streamed down his face as he downed the scotch, he felt like an absolute child. Crying over a girl, drinking, and sleeping. The pattern was pathetic and the last thing Draco Malfoy was, was pathetic. Yet it seems you could reduce him down to a blubbering child and all he would think of is how terribly he missed you, and how badly he wanted to smell your deep ambrosial perfume. By the time he woke up again the digital clock next to the bed was flashing 12:13 as if it was mocking him, goading him to wake up and get over himself. 
We haven’t spoke since you went away
Comfortable silence is so overrated 
Why won’t you ever be the first one to break?
Even my phone misses your call, by the way
Your voicemail, the one you had recorded with him, your voice was happy, and it sounded as if you would never be sad again.
“You’ve got Y/n” joyful, happy, in love. “I am buuuuusy and I am so very sorry I missed your call but shoot me a text or leave a voicemail after the beep and we shall speak at another time! Thanks.”
“Y/n, darling?” he muttered. “Look I know that I fucked up, and that you don’t want to talk but can we please just go get coffee, I want to see you, and I don’t want to end things on that note. Please, I know that we aren’t getting back together, I just, Y/n I need to see you.”
“You’ve got Y/n! I am buuuuusy and I am so very sorry I missed your call but shoot me a text or leave a voicemail after the beep and we shall speak at another time! Thanks,” Draco was mocked by the shrill beep that followed the sound of your voice.
“Hey, I’m sorry about all the voicemail’s and all of the text messages, if you don’t want to see me please just tell me so. Look I just, Y/n, I am miserable and I really just want to apologize for everything face to face. Please don’t just ignore me.”
“You’ve got Y/n! I am buuuuusy and I am so very sorry I missed your call but shoot me a text or leave a voicemail after the beep and we shall speak at another time! Thanks,” Draco listened solemnly as the voicemail played wishing this wasn’t the only way he could hear your voice.
“Look, I get it if you don’t want to talk to me, just, tell me yourself don’t just ignore me. Please,” he was desperate, to see you without tears streaming down your face, tears he had caused.
I saw your friend that you know from work
He said you feel just fine
I see you gave him my old t-shirt
More of what was once mine
Weeks past and Draco didn’t hear back from you. He knew that you were forcing him to move on and he didn’t want to accept it but he knew that he had no other choice. He was back to work, back to normal, although no matter what he did he couldn’t seem to get the thought of you out his head. He was drinking, more than usual, smoking more than usual, and he had destroyed his fair share of hotel rooms. It was time for him to start living his life again.
You had always loved coffee, going to coffee shops, trying out different drinks, people watching, you had made the whole ordeal a habit for Draco and now it was a way for him to hold onto you. He thought that if he was lucky enough he’d catch you at one of them.
Today he went before work, luckily he had skipped the morning coffee shop rush and there were just a few other people inside the shop.
“I’ll have a black drip coffee, and a croissant,” he said, handing the barista money.
“Here’s your change, and it’ll all come up at that bar over there,” she said gesturing to the end of the bar.
“Thanks,” Draco said kindly as he stepped over to where the barista had gestured to wait for his order.
“Malfoy,” he heard a familiar voice.
“Potter,” Draco said, surprised to see the man you had both gone to school with, and who you now worked with.
“Nice to see you, what have you been up to recently” Harry asked him.
“Just work,” Draco observed Harry, the man he had always been so jealous of, for a moment when his eyes caught something similar. “That’s a bit of a posh shirt for you isn’t it?”
“Ah- it was in Y/n’s flat, I mean she gave it to me because it was in her flat and it’s my size and all that.”
“Got it. I think that’s mine,” he said, his eyes still on the shirt as the barista placed his coffee and pastry on the bar in front of them. “Tell Y/n I say hi?”
“Sure thing mate, she’s uh doing pretty alright,” Harry offered and Draco nodded, swiftly exiting the coffee shop refusing the urge to start crying over you again.
I see it’s written, it’s all over his face
Comfortable silence is so overrated
Why won’t you ever be the first one to break?
Even my phone misses your call, by the way
Potter. You had to choose Potter of all the men you knew to sleep with. It was as if you were trying to hurt him, trying to drive the knife further into his heart. That night Draco proceeded to call you all of thirteen times, four of the calls sober, and the other nine varying levels of drunk until he finally blacked out.
All he wanted was to hold you one more time, to hear you talk over a movie, shout out the lyrics to some old Bon Jovi song, watch you dance atop your kitchen table, you were always the perfect antagonist to silence and now it seemed that silence was all he could hear. People would speak to him and he couldn’t hear it, he would try and remember the sound of you, your singing, your voice, your laugh, but his memories of you were only pictures.
Maybe one day you’ll call me and tell me that you’re sorry too
But you, you never do
The ringer on his phone was always on, and when it buzzed he picked it up as quickly as a man could. Although, he was routinely disappointed to find that it was either Blaise, his boss, his mum, or a hotel calling to let him know of the damages done and the charges he would incur. But it didn’t matter, none of those calls mattered because they weren't you.
He just wanted you back, and all he could do was call and call, while picturing you lying in Harry Potter’s arms. You had chosen to be with Potter, and you had chosen to leave Draco, and Draco just couldn’t cope with your choices.
Woke up the girl who looked just like you
I almost said your name
He didn’t know this ones name, and he didn’t know the last one’s name. These girls that circled through his bed, each of them vaguely resembling you in one way or another. Today he awoke to seeing your nose, and your hair on someone else. Sleeping with these women upset him more than it comforted him, but it was at least something to do with himself.
“Y/-” he stopped himself. “Hey, I’ve got to go to work.” He said, shaking the girl awake.
“Can’t I just leave after you?” She groaned, her eyes still closed.
“No, get up,” Draco said as he got out of bed and pulled the duvet off of her. “Now,”
“Fine, I’m going,” she said, taking her time to draw herself up. “And I promise I won’t be back.”
And there she went, another person lost whether he wanted her or not. All he knew how to do was drive people away. He didn’t want to get over you, ever since your trip to New York you had been the love of his life. But now he resolved to living his life as a ghost, constantly in terrible silence without you.
Comfortable silence is so overrated
Why won’t you ever be the first one to break?
Even my phone misses your call, by the way
Taglist -  @sarcasticallywitty15​​ @fred-love-bot​​
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senseitiddy · 4 years
Hush || Chapter 4
Note: guys I am so sorry for taking so long with this! It’s been a rough few days and I had my birthday on top of it, watching kids, a lot is happening. I’m sorry it’s such a short chapter🥺
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Rai was sat across from the emo ginger. She was picking at a string coming from the hem of her shirt. They have been quiet for at least 10 minutes, Pain was just staring at her.
“....sooo are you just going to be looking at me or are we gonna talk? Cause it’s making me uncomfortable-“
“Shut up.” Pain interrupted her. She put a thumbs up and just nodded with a small ‘alright’
He was trying to think of all the possible outcomes with allowing her into the akatsuki. He’s been staring at her because he’s trying to figure out if this is a good idea. He knew Rai would make the group stronger, and she’s experienced true pain.
“...can you please tell me what’s going on” Rai sighed looking up from her hands. She was anxious.
“I have made a decision.” He got up out of his seat and walked around his desk. “You, Rai Zuki, are accepted into the Akatsuki.”
“Oh my god really?!” She jumped up out of her seat, nearly knocking it down. “Thank you, you won’t regret it!”
“I better not.” Pain grumbled and handed her a cloak. “I’ll assign you to Tobi and Deidara. You’ll have a mission to complete tomorrow morning. You leave the hideout at 9 am sharp.”
“Thank you thank you thank you!” Rai hugged him tightly. He just patted her arm uncomfortably. He was not enjoying the hug. Pain doesn’t like hugs. “I’ll see you later!” She waved and ran out of the room.
Her little feet pattered against the floor, making a little sound. “TOBI!” She jumped on Tobi and he screamed really high pitched and fell over.
“Rai-senpai! You scared Tobi!” He exclaimed. She moved so she was sitting on his stomach, “Why is Rai-senpai so happy right now?”
“Pain let me in the Akatsuki!” She said cheerfully. “He even gave me a new cloak!” She giggled and showed him.
“Put it on!” He said happily and she got up off his stomach. Tobi helped the short girl put the cloak on and he giggled. “You’re so short that it just looks big on you.”
“I’m not short!” Rai giggled with him and looked down at the cloaks. She was like a little school girl getting accepted into a college, her joy was enormous. “We should go take a walk!”
“Tobi knows where a playground is!” Tobi grabbed her hand and dragged her away. Of course, she struggled to keep up with him. This man was hyper, way more than Rai. He stopped when they got outside, “it’s not too far away, we can walk!”
“You’re too quick” Rai laughed. He was still holding her hand, he didn’t let go of it. This crept a blush up her face, making her look away so he didn’t notice. But of course, the masked man noticed.
“Rai is something wrong?! Your face is all red!” He exclaimed stopping to grab her face. This only made it worse for Rai. Her face was a very deep shade of red now. “Here here here here let Tobi sit you down!”
Tobi sat Rai down under a tree for some shade. “Thank you Tobi” she whispered. She couldn’t see him smile under his mask, but he had the biggest grin.
Something about her reminded him of Rin. The feeling he got around Rin was the feeling he was getting around Rai. He was happy to be around her, like a sudden feeling of joy. And to keep this lady safe.
“Do you have a fever Rai-senpai?” Tobi placed his hand on her forehead to feel. To Rais luck, her face was all heated up. “Oh no! You’re burning up!”
“I’m okay,” Rai chuckled and he shook his head quickly. “Tobi I’m fine I promise” she reassured him, grabbing his hand. He sat down next to her and sighed
“You better not be lying to Tobi” He said sternly, she could swear his voice dialed down from his usually childish tone. “If Tobi finds out you’re not okay,” he leaned into her ear, “you will regret it” he whispered.
Tingles ran down her body, and she bit her lip. Something about his voice was making her clench her legs. “I-I’m not lying to you” She whispered.
“Good, now let’s go to the park!” He returned to his normal child voice and pulled her up. “Come on Rai-senpai!” He dragged her along with him.
“You’re too energetic!” She laughed and just tried to keep up with him.
It wasn’t too long before they got to the park. “Tobi push me on the swing!” Rai giggled and sat on it. Rai was starting to just get more and more hyper from being around Tobi. She was matching a 6 year olds energy right now.
“Anything for you Rai-senpai!” Tobi shouted and started pushing her.
She was having fun for her first day as an Akatsuki member. She had it perfect for her first day. Going out with her teammate to a park? Easy!
And Tobis thoughts? He was having fun as fuck with his new friend! He was going to protect her against anything. He wasn’t gonna let anything happen to her! He would kill anyone instantly if they were to hurt her.
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Honestly write whatever you want catradora is sooo good and I just need to c o n s u m e. An au would be nice, tho it's up to you what kind!
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me, chanting: IRON MAN AU IRON MAN AU IRON MAN AU (aka the au no one asked for but the one i wanted to write lmao)
tumblr still isn't letting me add line breaks but i will try to put them in later!! thank you for your patience xx
HI = Horde Industries
“Hey, Adora - don’t forget you have a teleconference with Hordak tonight,” Catra said as she walked into the lab, marking off something on her clipboard. “I’ve already prepared all the documents you’ll need for the meeting because I know you don’t have the foresight to do that yourself.”
Adora groaned at the thought of dealing with HI business, especially involving Hordak. “Can’t someone else do it?” She paused in tinkering with the various electrical parts in front of her. “Like you?”
Catra rolled her eyes. “Obviously I normally would, but I have tonight off, in case you’ve forgotten.” She clicked her pen shut. “I know you’re utterly incapable without me, but you’ll have to make do for a few hours.”
Adora stood up from her worktable, brushing the front of her pants off before walking over to Catra, a frown creasing her lips. “Why are you taking tonight off?”
Catra laughed, the hint of irritation in her voice making Adora wince. “I’m allowed to have off on my birthday, Adora.”
“Oh. Today’s… your birthday.”
“Mhm. That’s what I just said.” She tucked her pen into the pocket on the front of her shirt.
Adora chewed her lip, shoving her hands into her back pockets. She hadn’t meant to forget. She just… hadn’t grown up with any importance placed on birthdays. “Buy yourself something nice from me, then.”
“Oh, I already did.” Catra smirked as she removed the first paper on top of her clipboard and handed it to Adora - a to-do list for that evening. “Thank you. It was a wonderful gift.”
“It’s nice, I take it?” Adora asked, begrudgingly accepting the paper while simultaneously unable to stop herself from wondering what ‘she’ had bought for Catra.
“It’s amazing. Brings out the blue in my right eye.” She chuckled. “You have impeccable taste.” Catra then glanced at her watch. “Will that be all, Adora?”
A chill always ran down her spine when Catra said her name. She couldn’t keep her eyes off the woman’s lips. “That will be all, Catra.”
There was a lingering silence between them where neither moved, but the ringtone that suddenly blasted from Adora’s phone startled them both out of their reverie. Catra gave her a familiar smirk before leaving, and it took all of Adora’s willpower to stop herself from watching her go.
“What do you want, Glimmer?” Adora grumbled as she answered the phone.
Glimmer snorted. “Well, by that tone I can tell I interrupted you and Catra flirting, didn’t I?”
“You know as well as anyone that Catra and I’s relationship is strictly professional.”
“A blatant lie, but I really don’t have time to argue with you right now. You’re an entire hour late for our flight!”
“Please. It’s my personal jet,” Adora scoffed. “It’s not like it’s going to leave without me.”
“Just get over here stat before you drive me any further to the brink of insanity.”
“Yes, mom.”
“Light Hope, what is it?”
“It is a sword, Adora.”
“Don’t make me reboot you.”
There was a pause, and if an AI could sigh, Adora had a feeling Light Hope would have. The only noise in the room was the low humming of Light Hope’s system as she scanned the sword.
“It is made of a rare metal,” Light Hope finally said. “Vibranium, I believe it is called. And there are inscriptions along the handle in a ‘forgotten’ language of the ancient Etherians.”
Adora frowned. “First Ones?”
She tapped her fingers on the table, the sound muffled by her gloves. “Is there any way to translate the inscriptions?”
“Only fragments of First Ones’ writing have survived. However, given time, I can compile a list of all known translations of these writings and see if any applies to the symbols on the sword.”
Adora nodded. “Yes. Do that, please.” She stared at the sword, resisting the urge to pull off her gloves and pick it up. “Also, scan it for radioactivity and anything else that might be dangerous. I want to know if I can touch it bare-handed.”
As the AI got to work, Adora tried and failed to tear her gaze away from the blade. Something in her still wanted to grab it and try to interpret the inscription herself, as if somehow an ancient sword was going to fill the void inside her -
“Adora, why the hell do you have a giant sword in here?”
Adora jumped at the sudden voice, turning around to see Catra standing in the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest. “I told you to knock before you come in here.”
“Yeah, right,” Catra scoffed, walking around a worktable to get to Adora. “If I knocked every time I came down here, you’d be dead because I wouldn’t have been able to save you from the stupid things you’re always doing.”
“I have never done anything stupid in my life.”
“You have done everything stupid in your life.”
Adora rolled her eyes in what was probably a very childlike but nonetheless cathartic manner. “What, and you haven’t?”
“Not since you hired me!” Catra hissed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Look, what is even going on down here? You get back from a war zone and the first thing you do is start looking at new weapons? Are you kidding me?”
“It’s not a new weapon,” Adora protested, which sounded pathetic even to herself. “It’s a First Ones’ sword. So it’s an old weapon. And all I’m doing is having Light Hope run a few scans on it, okay?”
“What you need to be doing is helping me figure out what we’re doing with the press,” Catra argued. “Everyone is clamoring to know why HI wants to drop out of weapons manufacturing the war against the Rebellion!”
Adora winced at the mention of the war, her mind flashing back to what she’d witnessed HI’s own technology doing to innocent people. Destruction she alone was responsible for. “I know, I know. But right now -”
“I am detecting strange molecular activity from the sword,” Light Hope interrupted.
As if on cue, the sword began to glow with a dim white light.
“Uh, that’s not radiation, right?” Adora asked, instinctively taking a step away even though a part of her wanted to move closer and observe the blade. She was really losing her mind.
“It does not appear to be radioactive,” Light Hope replied as the sword began to glow and pulsate with greater intensity.
“Literally, why do I still work this job?” Catra grumbled, massaging her temples as she glared at the sword warily.
“Because I can’t function without you,” Adora said, stepping between Catra and the sword, keeping an eye on the glowing blade. “But maybe you should consider getting out of here -”
“God, you need to take a break from - from this!” Catra snapped, gesturing to the entire room. “There’s HI business to take care of, Shadow Weaver is breathing down both our necks, and dammit, Adora, I’m really worried about y-”
The room was suddenly filled with a blinding white light emanating from the sword, and Adora jumped out to grab Catra, tackling her to the floor as the sword hissed and sparked and all the lightbulbs in the room exploded.
When the bright light from the sword faded, Adora was able to clearly see the icy glare Catra was directing at her. The awkwardness was only intensified by the rather… intimate position in which they’d landed, with Adora on top and Catra below her.
“Uh…” Adora winced. “In my defense, I did not know that was going to happen.”
“And you’re sure it’s safe to touch?”
“As certain as I can be, Adora.”
Adora hesitated, then shrugged. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” She pulled off her gloves, then carefully picked up the sword. For such a large blade, it felt surprisingly well-balanced in her hands. “Any updates on a translation of the inscriptions?”
“Yes,” Light Hope replied, sounding as pleased as an AI possibly could. “From what I can determine, the words translate to ‘for the honor of Grayskull’.”
“‘Grayskull’? What’s that?” Or who, Adora supposed.
“Regrettably, I could find no information on that term. But I am still searching.”
“Thanks, Light Hope.” Adora exhaled slowly, running a finger over the symbols carved into the golden handle. “‘For the honor of Grayskull’, huh?”
Out of nowhere, power surged through Adora’s body, strength flowing through her veins as the room was filled with a blinding light not dissimilar to the one from only days earlier.
When the light faded, Adora’s reflection in the glass walls of her lab was no longer her own. A much taller and much blonder woman stood in her place.
Adora somehow managed to bite back a scream of horror as she stared in shock at the stranger who vaguely resembled her, the sword falling from her hands and clattering on the ground at her feet. “Light Hope,” she said through gritted teeth, trying not to panic, “what the hell just happened?!”
“You appear to have transformed into the legendary hero ‘She-Ra’,” Light Hope replied. “I have run diagnostics, and you do not seem to have suffered any ill effects from such. This transformation is likely connected to the words you spoke while holding the sword.”
“Oh, you think?” Adora groaned, her fists clenching. Magic sword. No big deal. “Is there anything in recorded history about She-Ra? Something that could be related to why I am now… her?” All things considered, she thought she was remaining pretty calm about everything. “And how I can turn back into myself?”
“There is extensive documentation. Would you like me to sort through it?”
“Yes. Separate what you think is relevant so I can go over it personally, please.”
“Certainly, Adora.”
An hour or so later, Adora - or should she call herself She-Ra? - was lying atop one of her worktables, surrounded by files with the umpteenth manilla folder in her hand as she tried to force herself to continue reading about She-Ra and her magic sword. Really, all she’d learned so far that her transformation was a result of ancient First Ones’ magic or heavy LSD.
Ugh. Her eyes were starting to glaze over. She needed a nap.
“Hey, Adora, are you - oh my God who are you?!”
Adora yelped and fell off the table at the sound of Catra’s voice, landing uncomfortably on her back as the same glittering light from before surrounded her and finally returned her to being -
“Adora?! You were - glowing - giant - what?!”
Catra’s voice was an octave higher than usual, which Adora had to pretend wasn’t simultaneously hilarious and adorable.
Adora sighed, not even bothering to move from where she’d fallen upside down on the ground, paperwork scattered around her and the sword next to her head. “Let’s face it. This is not the worst thing you’ve caught me doing.”
Catra simply buried her face in her hands.
this is an AU im totally up to expand in the future. the pepperony dynamic fits catradora ridiculously well. thank you for reading! :)
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obsidianfr3sk · 4 years
The Origins (Chapter 1)
Summary:  Before the Renegades put an end to the Age of Anarchy, they were six kids trying to survive day by day in a city ruled by chaos and desolation. Is there a space for hope and kindness somewhere in Gatlon City? Maybe.
Sooo i’ve been playing around in my head with this idea for a six part fanfic that i have about how i think the OG renegade’s lives where during the age of anaychy and how they were as kids. we don’t really know a lot about their early years, so i saw this as an opportunity to experiment with some headcanons. i’m not an english native speaker, but i hope i’ll improve my writing skill with time (renegades fandom is non-existant in spanish). 
here’s the link to the story in ao3, if you rather read from there: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25123756/chapters/60870652 
but anyways, enough about me. hope you like it! :)) 
The world that’s waiting up for me
Age of Anarchy
Year 2
He was running at full speed. The air was cold and burned his throat each time he needed to breathe. His legs had started to hurt two blocks ago because of the hits he received during his fight with Fred, but Simon wasn’t going to stop now. He was leading the run.
He turned what he believed to be a corner, and ran into a dead end. Then, he looked around, hoping to realize that his brain was fooling him into seeing that, but no. There were four boxes full of rotten fruit, an enormous closet, and dozens of black bags…
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
It was obvious Fred had seen him get into that alley. Surely he was already fantasizing with the one hundred ways he was going to torture Simon as soon as he got his hands on him.
Simon heard his haunter’s fast and threatening footsteps. He analyzed his options once again. Boxes, bags, closet…
He stepped into a little puddle in his way to the closet. Closed its doors so fast, that he almost hurt his fingers. The closet wasn’t that large, so he had to remain still, so that damn old piece of furniture wouldn’t fall into pieces.
His socks were wet. Those were his best socks.
There was a minuscule space between the doors that allow him to see Freud running into the same dead-end Simon had.
But, instead of being confused, Freud grinned. The blood coming out his nose had dried and, with his crooked teeth, his appearance was even scarier than normal.
Simon still didn’t fully understand where he had gotten the courage to turn around and punch him right on the face. Laura had told him not to do that.
“Never hit the nose, Simon. You could kill someone.”
But Simon had done it. He had disobeyed Laura.
Laura had also advised him not to hear what Freud had to say about him. It was simpler than what he expected; Simon could bear with dignity all the comments about his ragged clothes, his old shoes, or his not so good looks. He could even bear when Freud started calling him “rat” and all his classmates followed the trend.
Laura would be so disappointed at him for using brute strength before words. His mother would be too. His father probably would say something between the lines: “My boy finally is starting to turn into a real man”, and the baby… well, she wouldn’t say anything. She was a baby.
But what Fred had said to him…
It comforted him knowing that if Laura had heard what Freud said, she would have hit him too.
“Where are you, little rat?” Asked Freud with a trace of mockery in his words. “Look at you. Running. Like a rat. Like your whore sister.”
The day was gray. A faint ray of light illuminated the blade of the jackknife Freud held. The image of that blade stabbing Simon in the chest, was enough for him to not get out of his hide spot and broke Freud’s nose.
“They said she tried to run,” Freud keep saying while he looked for him in a big trashcan, “but I don’t think so. I think she even enjoyed it.”
Freud kicked the boxes. Yeah, because Simon was hiding between that old fruit.
“And even if she hadn’t, I say it again: she deserved it,” Freud sentenced, disgusted by the stench that the fruits emanated. “Prodigies like her had always been freaks. Dangerous freaks. I don’t fucking care how many Ace fucking Anarchy appear to defend you and try to scare the shit out of us, we won’t bow before you. Do you hear me? WE WON’T BOW!”
Simon wasn’t a prodigy. Laura’s powers were creating bubbles. Since when bubbles were dangerous? Since when being able to make them out of thin air was an excuse to kill someone the way they killed his sister?
Before he realized, Freud’s eyes met his.
He had found him.
“No one humiliates me and lives to tell the story, rat.”
Freud opened the door wide, and Simon was ready to be stabbed when a third figure appeared behind the older boy.
“That wasn’t a nice thing to say.”
Freud frowned. He cleaned the blood off his face, and slowly turn around to see the face of the one who dared to defy him. Simon couldn’t help but poke his head over his bully’s shoulder.
He was a blond kid, not older than him. He wore black frame glasses, attached with a piece of tape. His blue eyes looked at Freud with disapproval with which no one had ever dared to look at him.
“Do I know you?” asked Freud after laughing his ass off.
“I’m just saying that, if you have a problem with someone, you report that person with the school’s authorities,” the blonde boy kept saying, ignoring Freud’s question. “It’s not good taking justice into your own hands. It just causes more trouble.”
“Shut up!” Freud screamed as he pushed the blonde boy into the same pond Simon had stepped in a few moments back.
The most surprising thing, however, wasn’t how calm the boy looked when he was facing Freud. It was that he never stopped talking.
“Is that a jackknife?” he asked. Freud looked at the object he carried “Do you take it with you to school? Sharp weapons are not allowed inside school grounds. I’m afraid I’m going to tell a teacher about this.”
Freud cried with hatred and lunged at him, the jackknife ready to kill him. However, the blade broke as soon as it made contact with the blond boy's side.
Before he could process what had just happened, a silver stake sprang out of nowhere and narrowly pierced Freud's shoulder. He managed to move just in time for it to only leave a deep cut.
Simon wouldn’t deny it: Freud almost getting pierced by a stake gave him a morbid sense of satisfaction. His scared, hurt, and confused gaze almost made him cry of pure happiness. How blissful (and relieved) he felt when Freud ran away from the scene.
Just like a scared rat.
The blond boy had dropped shoulders and glasses on the tip of his nose. From his looks, he looked like one of the sons of those businessmen, who lived in those big houses in the northwest of the city. However, his clothes were as old as Simon's. He looked apprehensively at the stake as drops of blood stained his gray sneakers. He didn't see that he had it while he was reading Freud about good behavior, and it was too big to keep in his pockets. It was as if he had created it out of nothing.
And maybe he had.
Immediately, he regained composure and smiled.
“You can go out now!” he exclaimed animatedly. “He's gone”
Didn't he see him standing in that old closet? He was literally in front of him.
As if hearing his thoughts, the blond boy turned to the closet and his face lit up. Simon wanted to run away when he saw him approach with abnormal enthusiasm on his part, but there was nowhere to move.
“Amazing!” the boy yelled. He looked in all directions and muttered, “You are like me.”
“Don't be scared, I'm with you,” he whispered. “My name is Hugh.”
He held out his hand. Simon accepted it out of sheer courtesy.
“How old are you?”
“I had never met a prodigy my age.”
“I am not a prodigy,” Simon clarified.
Hugh's smile froze.
“But I just saw you use your powers.”
“I run very fast to run away from the gangsters,” he said sarcastically. “It comes naturally.”
He gave a loud laugh. Making him laugh was not his intention at all.
“No, I am talking about the other power.”
“What other power?”
“That you turn invisible!”
Hugh quickly covered his mouth and Simon released his hand. He hadn't realized all the time he had been holding it until now. Hugh had a very strong grip.
“Sorry, it was not my intention to shout it,” he mumbled. “I know that sometimes it is better to go unnoticed.”
“Have you stabbed someone else?”
His smile disappeared for a moment.
“I usually don’t do that.”
He did not believe him. There were times when people sometimes had to do things to survive that they were not proud of. But, well, Hugh could continue lying to himself. It was not his job to get him out of his bubble.
“Freud deserved that and more.”
Hugh looked up to protest, but instead said:
“You’ve done it again!”
To hell with this.
Simon raised his arms to push him away, just to realize he was wrong: Hugh was not crazy.
His hands... his entire body was completely invisible.
He moved his fingers and felt the movement. Then his legs. The atmosphere seemed to distort slightly every time he moved. He blinked hard, hoping that when he opened his eyes again, he would realize that it was all a dream, and he was lying down, with his sister preparing to take him to school.
However, he opened them and his sister was not there. He guessed then, neither did his mother.
It was just him and Hugh.
This can’t be true.
His mother and Laura were the only prodigies in the family. They always knew that there was a possibility that Simon was a prodigy too, but after a certain time, they began to realize that he wasn't. Before she died, his mother said she hoped the baby wasn't a prodigy, either. It was best for everyone.
Now, his family's worst nightmares had come true. How was he going to explain to his father what had just happened? How was he going to react? Was he going to kick his son out of the house? If that happened, where would he go? What was to become of him?
He was panicking, and Hugh wouldn't stop looking at him like he was a Christmas present under the tree. That didn’t help.
His hands appeared.
“Your power is so cool,” said Hugh.
“I swear to you, this is the first time I've done this,” he whispered.
Again, the frozen smile.
“Are you serious?”
“Completely serious.”
Hugh adjusted his glasses, shocked.
“I'm sorry,” he said awkwardly.
“Because ... this is not how origin stories should be,” he replied.
Oh, that.
“It doesn't matter,” he replied. He wasn’t lying, the topic never concerned him. However, now he had the feeling that he should be concerned.
“I've seen you at school,” said Hugh, trying to change the subject.
“Yes, I am the rat,” he blurted out angrily.
Hugh shook his head.
“I wasn't going to say that. You're Simon Westwood,” he corrected him. “You're Laura Westwood's brother. She worked at the pawnshop.”
“I was her brother,” he corrected.
“You are her brother.”
Simon did not want to continue arguing. He had already realized that it was not worth trying to win an argument over that guy.
“Did you create that stake?” he asked. “I mean, out of the blue?”
“Yes…” he replied showing him the stake. “I'm not proud. It's just that sometimes when someone attacks me like that, they just... appear? Like a defense mechanism or something. But I'm working on it.”
“What is it made of?”
“Chromium. That’s what my auntie says.”
Simon looked at the stake. There it was again, that morbid feeling…
“I've never seen a prodigy using their powers for good,” said Simon thoughtfully.
“I didn't do something good,” Hugh replied. “I almost killed someone”
Laura would have said, “Please, a shoulder injury doesn't kill anyone.” But Simon said:
“You would have done the right thing killing him.”
“What did he do to you?”
Oh, boy, what he hadn't done to him.
The insults, the teasing. Although, the beating was something new. Freud must have been bored of not receiving any reaction with the verbal attacks, so they evolved into physical attacks. The first was after Laura's funeral.
How crazy do you have to be to do that to someone who had just lost his sister?
That had been going on for two weeks now, and Simon put up with it, just like before. But he was never going to allow anyone to mess with her family.
“He said Laura deserved it,” he replied.
Hugh went silent.
He heard a pair of thunder in the distance.
“We should go to our houses,” Simon said.
He stood up and went to the street. Freud's jackknife was on the ground. The blade was next to the red, plastic handle. He took both of them very carefully and put them back together. It wasn't tight at all and surely was going to break in the slightest attempt to cut something or attack someone, but it was still menacing.
Without much thought, he picked it up and put it in his pocket. Just in case.
“Hey,” Hugh called out, still sitting in the closet. Simon turned to see “Where do you live?”
“Over there,” and pointed to his right.
Hugh smiled again. He hadn't realized he had dimples on his cheeks. Surely they had formed it after giving away so many smiles.
“What a coincidence,” he said. “Me too”.
Then Simon smiled back at him. It was an honest smile.
When was the last time he had smiled like that?
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Title: Anatomy 101***
Chris Evans AU x Reader One Shot
 Warning: SMUTTY, SMUT, SMUT, NSFW, cursing, choking, slightly older man/college student
 Word Count: 5.6k
 Note: Sooo, at this point, I’m just going to stop apologizing and giving summaries. I think everyone just expects me to be one of those writers who just have fifty-‘leven open WIP
 **Loosely edited**
**Loosely Proofread**
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    You slammed your palm down on the alarm clock. Its annoying blaring was really grinding your nerves especially given the fact that you hadn't gotten much sleep because you decided to go to the frat party last night and didn't get in until nearly four in the morning. You looked at the clock and grimaced seeing it read eleven.
    Why the fuck did I take this class? Yes it was a core class, but you didn't have to take it this early, you could have taken it in the fall, but you had the bright idea of doing it in the spring. Groaning again you rose off the bed and sat at the edge. Hating yourself some more for your asinine decision you dragged your feet to gather your bath supplies so you could get a quick shower. You walked through the hall with your eyes closed; muscle memory was carrying you. Not caring what was going on around you, you walked into the shower room, stripped and stepped into the hot stream of water. This was precisely what you needed, not only were you a little hungover, but you were also half asleep. Usually, you wouldn’t want to get your hair wet this close to class because then you'd have to battle with it to get it straight and the process took entirely too long, but now you didn't care at all. The water beamed down on your scalp, and you sighed thoroughly enjoying it.
    By the time you made it back to your room, you had less than thirty minutes to get dressed and make it across campus to your Anatomy and Physiology class. Doing your best to hurry, you picked something cute but not too cute. It was after all an 11 am class, and the professor was a boring old man who lost your attention the minute he uttered his first word. That was bad; you needed this class not only for your degree but your career. How could you become a clinical physiologist if you didn't understand the essential functions of the human physiology? You couldn't, plain and simple. You needed to find a way to get your head in the game or else you'd be done for.
    Hearing the campus clock striking eleven, you rounded the corner and ran down the steps into the health sciences building where your class was held. You gripped your heels tightly in your hands. You regretted the choice as soon as you stepped out your dorm and saw you had eight minutes to get across campus. On an average day walking, it took at least twelve to get to class. You panted and bumped into a group of students standing around talking.
    "Hey, watch it!"
    "You watch it. This is an education facility talk outside idiot!"
    Not bothering to go back and forth you ran up the flight of stairs and down the hall to the class door and flung yourself inside.
    "And that is why and how the cardiovascular system is easily the most important system in the body."
 Everyone looked at you. Ignoring the eyes, you hurried up the steps and to one of the many seats. There were only fifteen people in this class because everyone else was smarter than your dumb ass. You made it to the fourth row back and took the closest seat. Your heart was pounding in your ears as you tried to catch your breath. You closed your eyes and held your head back, thinking it was way too early for this shit.
    "Is everything all right Ms--Y/N?"
    Your head snapped forward and landed on the man standing in front of the room, half perched on the desk.
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 "Holy shit you're gorgeous!"
    The snickers that rang out around you alerted you that your censor had failed you yet again. You pinched your lips together and closed your eyes; embarrassment filled you.
    "I mean--uh, yes everything is fine," you corrected and dug into your bag to retrieve your notebook and other supplies.
    "Thank you for the compliment, much appreciated," he said as he rose from the desk and walked around it, giving you the first view of his perfect ass. Your jaw dropped as you gawked. This was not your professor. This man was nowhere close to being your professor. Everything about him was the opposite. He was taller easily reaching 6'3, his eyes looked to be blue from here while your professor's could have been green, or brow, or green, hell you didn't know. This man before you was built like he spent two hours in the gym a day and didn't take any days off and his ass looked like you could bounce a quarter, a nickel, a dime, and a penny of it and it would bounce off and create ninety-five cents, he had a magical ass, a magically luscious ass. He turned around, and your eyes widened as they zeroed in at the crotch of his pants. You could see a subtle bulge, a bulge of a man who was packing a semi-automatic but that said semi-automatic was asleep.
    Shaking your head at the unexpected loud sound, you looked up to see him looking at you. You'd been caught. You averted your eyes and flipped to an open page in your notebook and began taking notes. Thinking to yourself that no man let alone an academic professor should be this fine, you took a few calming breaths and did your best to listen to the lecture. You found yourself getting lost in him because not only was he gorgeous he was smart, those two put together made him the sexiest man you’d seen on this campus. Before long, you found yourself having little daydreams as he spoke. You fantasized about his big hands squeezing your ass, his lips tasting yours, his thighs resting on either side of your cheeks as you took every inch he had to offer. In a matter of minutes, you were wet and getting quite hot and bothered.
   An hour and forty-five minutes into your two-hour class, he placed the chalk down and walked to the front of the desk where he leaned against it. His thighs pressed together, and you wondered what it would be like to sit across his lap. You looked around and noticed for the first time the entire class was females. You wondered if they’d known sexy, blue eyes and dreamy would be here. When you looked ahead there, he was standing in front of you down at the front of the class. It was so unexpected you jumped and sank back into your seat. It was then you saw a sly smirk spread across his face.
    “Ms. Y/N.”
    You raised an eyebrow to him, giving him more of your attention, even though he’d had it this entire time.
   “True or false, Dopamine is the human body’s pleasure chemical.”
    You thought about it vaguely remembering him talk about pleasure. Truth be told once he began talking about pleasure you zoned out and thought about just that—him giving you pleasure.
   “Eh-em, well dopamine is made in the brain, and the brain is responsible for most if not all the chemicals the body produces and distributes. So with that being said; true.”
    He smirked and licked his lips slowly. “What are the body’s connection and relationship with the pleasure center? How does let’s say the first signal or spark begin all the way to completion?”
    You knew this; you’d read in the text and studied it for an upcoming quiz. Right now, though, you were drawing a blank. As you looked at him you knew he knew you had nothing. How the hell could you think with him looking at you? It was as if his eyes were boring into you, stripping away everything you used as a shield, defense mechanisms, walls, clothes, shit you felt bare underneath his intense gaze.
    “Okay, seems you might need another way to grasp the material. Come on down,” he said. You didn’t move, you looked around the room, and no one looked as if they thought this was strange. When you looked back to him, he walked back to his desk.
    “I won’t repeat it.” The authority in his voice had you shooting up involuntarily. You looked around again and the girl nearest you rose her eyebrows as if to say you were in trouble. Were you in trouble, you thought? You closed your notebook and slipped your feet into your heels before you descended the stairs to make it to the desk he was now leaning against. You stopped a few feet from him and clasped your hands behind your back. His eyes dropped to your breasts, and his teeth scraped over the skin of his bottom lip. Surprise ran through you. There’s no way your professor just checked out your boobs, you thought to yourself. This was wishful thinking. You shook your head and shook the idea away.
    “Do you normally struggle in this class?”
    “Um, no.”
    “Professor Evans. That is my name, and that is what you’ll call me,” he filled in with authority. This time you felt the butterflies in your stomach. You swallowed a little more loudly than intended and took a breath.
    “No Professor Evans.”
     “So it’s just today with me you seem to be a less than sample student?”
    “You showed up ten minutes late when everyone else managed to make it on time. You were barefoot when you came in and since you’ve barely listened to a word I’ve said. So, I ask again; is it just with me you’re not the sample student?”
    Speechless you looked around the room again and crossed your leg over the other. For some reason, your nether regions were tingling. There was no way this was turning you on, you thought.
    “I guess it’s just with you—Professor Evans.”
    He nodded, stood up straight, and walked to you never taking his eyes off yours. You lost all breath in your lungs; you couldn’t even think, his eyes pinned you where you stood. You bit your bottom lip; his eyes fell to them before he disappeared behind you. Without your eyes, you still knew he was directly behind you.
    “And why is that Ms. Y/L/N?”
    “I don’t know.”
    “Class give me a brief physiology of lying, spot a liar. Go!”
    The girl you sat close to shot her hand up first then spoke.
    “When someone lies, Catecholamines are released in the body.  these are the hormones that spawn from stress, which is what the body is put under when it lies, professor Evans.”
    “Good. Anyone else?” More hands shot into the air, and he called on another student.
   “The body then has tells, fidgeting, sweating, and subtle voice fluctuations to begin professor Evans.”
    You rolled your eyes; these bitches were looking for an A++ today.
    “Good. Now Ms. Y/N, which one of those tells do you think I registered with you just now?”
    You bit your tongue; this was getting a little humiliating, and you didn’t like it.
    “You tell me, Professor Evans, you’re the one between us with an actual degree on the subject. Enlighten me, pretty please.”
    Once the words were out, he looked to you, his lips smiled, but his eyes darkened from a celestial blue to an almost the shade of blue denim jeans. The transition took your breath away, and you released a gasp, one that was inconspicuous to the rest of the class but somehow you knew he’d heard it. The edges of his lips turned up into an almost sinister smirk, one that made your stomach fall partially from dread and fear, but also from excitement and anticipation.
    “Be seated Ms. Y/N.”
    On wobbly legs, you hurried back to your seat and did your best to compose yourself. He continued to lecture, but his eyes never landed on your again. He went on as if you were invisible. You weren’t sure how you felt about that. On the one hand, you were relieved not to be under the intense scrutiny of his stare, but you wanted him to look at you, you wanted it more than almost anything. For the remainder of the class, you didn’t pay attention to one word he said. You just watched him move. The way his trim legs moved and how his ass looked as it was perched atop the desk made your hands itch to touch. The way his lips moved to form speech and the way his tongue tipped out every so often to wet his lips made your mouth water and long to taste his. You could barely contain the amount of arousal you felt. It definitely superseded anything you’d ever felt before. You wanted him, bad.
    “Okay, so that is all for today, hopefully, you have a new understanding of the curriculum. Go on get outta here,” Professor Evans said.
    Everyone got into motion gathering their belongings and exiting the room. You heard the girl that sat close to you speak under her breath.
    “Goddamn, he’s fine.”
    You smiled to yourself, and the two of you exchanged an all-knowing look that said the two of you understood the situation. When you grabbed your bag, you didn’t pay attention to how you took it up, and everything spilled out. You cursed to yourself, bent down, and retrieved the items. By the time you finished, it was just you in the class. You made your way to the door. When you turned the knob, it didn’t budge. It was locked. You tried it again and added some force, but still, it didn’t move.
    “What the hell?” Looking around the room you realized you were alone, not even the professor was in sight.
    “Hello?” No answer. You wiggled the doorknob again and kicked it when your frustration rose high.
    “What did that door ever do to you?”
    Spinning around you saw Professor Evans sitting in the front seat with his legs spread wide and arms crossed over his chest. Even like this, he still looked incredible.
    “It’s locked, how did it get locked? I didn’t know these doors even locked from the inside.”
    “Well, now, you do. I locked it.” He stood and walked closer to the desk. You felt an uneasy feeling in your chest, and a chill ran down your spine and crept around to settle in your belly. You felt as if you should feel fear and part of you did, but it didn’t grip your entire being.
    “Wh—why would you lock it? What is this?”
    “I thought you needed a little more—tutoring,” he said.”
    “Excuse me?
    “You know you’ve been watching me all morning, I doubt any of the material even made it in,” Professor Evans said.
    Trying your best to keep a straight face and show no emotion or shock you clenched your jaw and held your chin high; “Ha, I was not watching you.”
    “Do you prefer gawking? I saw you staring at my ass. I could almost hear all your dirty little thoughts.”
    You wanted to die; you were so mortified. Not that he’d caught you clearly sexually objectifying him, but he had the balls to tell you. At the thought of him having balls your eyes involuntarily dropped to his crotch. You heard a breathy chuckle and snapped them back to his face. He smiled and shook his head.
    “Have a seat.” You didn’t move. One, because you couldn’t believe what was happening and two, you were afraid of what was happening.
    “Now, Ms. Y/L/N.”
    Damn your need to please. You walked toward the front row of seats before you felt him grip your wrist. You looked to him with a questioning look.
    “Not there. The desk.” Obeying, you changed courses and walked to the elevated podium where the desk was. Stepping up the two steps, you placed your belongings on the chair that held his things. Once you sat, you crossed your legs and looked to him. He stood a few feet away, just watching you. He didn’t move though. A full two minutes passed in silence, then he walked to you.
    “Uncross your legs.” Feeling a little strange, you hesitated and searched his blue eyes. They were a bit darker than before but still gorgeous. You did as he asked and took a deep breath.
    “The reading and assignment last week according to your previous professor’s notes state it was on the physiology and biology of lust, attraction, and attachment. Is that correct?”
    You could feel the heat coming off his body though he wasn’t touching you. It made your body come alive. You nodded, unsure your voice worked. Without a word, he shot you a questioning glance, one that gave you the opportunity to rewind. You took a deep breath and swallowed the lump forming in your throat.
    “Yes, Professor Evans.
    “Let’s test your knowledge. What is the biology of attraction?”
    You scanned your memory hoping you’d find even the smallest detail from the reading you did over four days ago. He was fucking with you. Who remembered their reading from so long ago, especially when they had other classes they had to read for too. His eyes never left yours; it was as if he were trying to intimidate you or make you mess up. You began to wonder if he wanted you to mess up. He smiled as if reading your mind.
    “Ms. Y/L/N. Tick, tock goes the clock.”
    “Attraction is just a mix of chemicals in your body working together to fire off a response to the brain.”
    “What chemicals?”
    “Dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin,” you filled in.
    “What effect does each of those have?”
    “Norepinephrine is the chemical that makes one giddy, energetic, and euphoric; it can even lead to decreased appetite and insomnia. Serotonin, a hormone that’s known to be involved in appetite and mood, a lot of studies have shown that serotonin may have a part to play in the intense infatuation that characterizes the beginning stages of love and attraction. Dopamine is the feel-good hormone. It’s released when we do things that feel good and have similar effects as Norepinephrine,” you finished.
    You couldn’t tell what his expression was he was behind you. Suddenly you felt his heat near your ear.
    “So it’s just with things I say you struggle with,” he whispered. God, his voice sounded so sexy, and on cue, your body responded. You felt the ache of your breasts your telltale sign they needed to be touched, the heat swirling in your belly and the slowly increasing pulsation between your legs.
   “You forgot one other thing--,” Professor Evans took a deep inhale, one that broke you out in goosebumps.
    “Pheromones. They are a huge tell-tale sign of attraction—I can smell you.”
    You tried to stifle a moan, but you were unsuccessful. You knew he heard it. Soon he was standing before, you between your slightly spread thighs with his thighs grazing against your skin. He was hot—literally.
    “Tell me about lust.” His voice was low and filled with something you couldn’t put your finger on. Something that spoke to the heat in your belly and traveling down between your thighs. Clenching your jaw, you took a steadying breath.
    “Testosterone and Estrogen are the primary chemicals. Testosterone increases libido, and estrogen can also increase arousal.”
   “What kind of arousal?” his voice was now gruff.
   “Sexual,” you whispered.
 He closed his eyes and sunk his teeth into his bottom lip.
   “You smell—so damn good.”
    You studied his face, went over every inch of his beauty. He had not one wrinkle. His beard was no doubt one of your weaknesses. You were always a sucker for a full beard and a nice ass; he had both. Your eyes traveled over him, but below his waist was obscured. You recognized the desire pumping through you. You didn’t expect to see his eyes open when yours returned to his face. You licked your lips, and his eyes remained there. When his lips crashed to yours, you hesitated and allowed him to expertly kiss you. His beard was soft against your face as were his lips.
    You’d been kissed plenty of times before, but this kiss was different. This kiss wasn’t from a boy pretending to be a man as all the college guys you dated had been. This was a man in every form of the word, taking charge. You felt his hand at the small of your back before he pulled you to the edge of the desk, closer to his own body. You felt the protruding bulge in his pants as it connected with your pubis. Without thinking, you moaned and laced your hand in his hair and gripped the strands as he intensified the kiss.
    In an instant, your back was flat against the desk, and he was hovered over you kissing you better than anyone ever had before. His tongue teased yours. Feeling your anxiousness rise you sunk your teeth into his bottom lip, his moan vibrated across your lips before he roughly pushed your thighs back to meet the desk. As he pulled back from your mouth, his eyes skimmed your body before they stopped at the junction of your thighs. You laid sprawled atop the desk with your hot pink thong on full display. His groan echoed throughout the empty room; then he moved his hand to your pelvis where it rested possessively for a second before he balled the dainty fabric and ripped it right off of you.
    You flinched at the sudden action and the sting it produced on your skin. Professor Evans then slapped your sex, creating a wet sloshing sound. Your back arched and a moan escaped your lips.
    “Do you know why you’re wet?”
    You shook your head; you knew damn well why, but you sure as hell wasn’t going to say it. He smiled as he dropped down to eye level with your aching core.
   “Your body is aroused by my pheromones, so much so that the dopamine in your system is increasing at a fast rate, one that is intoxicating you and bringing your body into hyperdrive. Tell me Ms. Y/L/N, is this the perfect example for lust?”
     God, he was killing you. You didn’t care if this was lust or not all you knew was if he didn’t stop talking and show you what that mouth could do as he’d been teasing all class you’d combust. He dropped a kiss to your inner thigh, and you groaned. Your arms instinctively flew to his head hoping to pull his head to you, but he evaded you.
    “I see someone is feeling anxious. Answer the question.” You still didn’t want to. You lowered your hand to your sex and rotated your fingers around your wetness. His eyes automatically dropped to watch you. He slowly licked his lips as he watched you. Two could play this game; if he wanted to tease you, you’d do the same. You slowly dipped one finger into your heat and gasped aching backward at the sudden pleasure that filled you.
    “You’re so wet, show me.”  You pulled your finger out to show him how they glistened underneath the florescent lights of the classroom. He examined your finger before his mouth engulfed it. He sucked your finger clean, ensuring to nibble and flick his tongue around it. God, he was a tease. As if sensing what you were thinking, he smiled before his mouth dropped to your sex and began pleasing you better than anyone had before.
    Your hands flew to your breasts and squeezed, trying to maximize your pleasure. His tongue rhythmically flicked across your sensitive bud, and then he was sucking it into his mouth. The change of sensations sent your body into a state of heightened arousal, one you knew preceded an impending release. You couldn’t believe you were already there. It had barely been two minutes. He sped up the movements of his mouth, no doubt wanting to torpedo you into your orgasm. The heat in your belly furled out to every inch of you, and without warning, you whimpered, gripped his head ground yourself against his mouth. He didn’t let up; instead, he sucked your lips into his mouth before you felt his finger inside you. Arching up onto your elbows, you watched as he maneuvered two fingers in and out of your swollen heat. His lips were glistening with your wetness, wetness that looked to saturate his perfectly groomed beard.
    He smiled and pulled his fingers from you then sucked them clean.
    “Not quite yet. You’ve been biting those lips all morning,” he began as he stood before you. Your eyes dropped to his hands at his pants as he began undoing them. Once the buttons were undone, you saw peeks of grey cotton. He wasted no time pulling down his pants and underwear until his thick need flopped out and bobbed before you. Your jaw dropped at the sight of him. Yes, he carried himself with unmistakable big dick energy you somehow didn’t expect it actually to be big. It—was—big. You couldn’t tear your eyes from him. He stroked himself once, then twice until your teeth sunk into your bottom lip.
   “I want to see them wrapped around me,” he finished. You shouldn’t have moved as fast as you did. You wasted no time sliding off the desk to drop to your knees before him. Once you were eye level with his need, you licked your lips way too anxious to have him. You gripped his girth and marveled that your hand couldn’t even fit around him fully. As you stroked him, you heard his breathing pick up. Tipping your tongue out to trail along the underside of his length, you ended at his smooth tip. Professor Evans groaned and widened his stance. Continuing your tease, you licked across his skin for a few more minutes until you slowly lowered your lips onto his scorching desire. Once your lips tightened around him more than halfway down, he hissed out and ended with an aggressive groan.
    “Fuck, so good Y/N!”
    You noticed he used your first name and it turned you on even more. Moving your mouth up and down his length, you decided it was not the time to be cute. It was time to enjoy yourself fully. You had been thinking about this all morning. You knew this was a once in a lifetime thing and decided to fully let yourself go. Speeding up your mouth you increased you suction as you neared his tip. Every time you did, he cursed and bucked forward, feeding you even more of his lengthy thickness. After a few minutes, his hands connected to the back of your head, and he began thrusting into your mouth. His hips sped up, and before you knew it, you were taking damn near all of him. Every time he thrust forward, you felt the tip of him slink past your tonsils. You had to stifle your gag reflex and take everything he offered. You refused to back down. His moans and grunts filled the room, and you were happy the door was locked to prevent anyone from walking in. Although, if anyone looked in the peek-a-boo window they’d see you on your knees with your spit dribbling from your chin as your professor face fucked you. You didn’t care; the danger of discovery only made you want him more.
    Professor Evans pulled himself from your mouth with a loud groan and “pop,” “Face down on that desk, poke that perfect ass out for me.”
    You did as you were told, ignoring the coldness of the glossy maple colored wood against your exposed skin. The anticipation was killing you, and it showed with the slight shiver of your body. You felt his hand connect with your backside and you moaned.
    “I love the perfect jiggle of this ass,” he said before he slapped it again, and again. Each hit made you wetter and wetter. When you felt him rub himself against your opening, you flung your head back releasing your own grunt. You didn’t have to wait much longer before you felt him fully sink himself inside your needy channel.
   “Fuck, yes!”
    You felt his hand roughly grip your hips as he rocked his hips back and forth, building the friction and pace steadily stoking your desire. He felt so good, better than you’d ever remembered it feeling before. The heat from his skin scorched you from the inside out and heightened your pleasure. Professor Evans picked up his speed and plowed into you making sure that every time he connected with your body, he forcefully nudged forward stroking the swollen bundle of nerves.
    “Shit, yes, yes.”
    “You love this dick, don’t you Y/N? You love how it fills your needy little pussy!”
    Your panting grew louder, and you tried to hold on to anything you could find, the only thing close enough was the edge of the desk. When his thrusts slowed down the force of which he slammed into you didn’t. Each bruising thrust only made your eyes lull to the back of your head more. You felt his body hover over your back and then his fingers reach around between your legs to caress your clit. You hissed at the sudden increase of pleasure and knew your release was seconds away.
    “Oh my god, yes!”
    “What’s my name?”
    “Professor Evans! Yes, fuck this tight little pussy!”
    “God damn right it’s tight. It’s been waiting for a real man to claim it,” he growled out as he increased his speed but added a slight swivel of his hips upon impact. The change of angle sent you over the edge.
    “Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck! I’m coming!” With that, the dam broke, and you hit the desk over and over as you came long and hard all over him. Still, he didn’t stop or slow down, not his pounding increased to an incredible speed and force. You knew you were going to be sore tomorrow and possibly the day after that.
    “Does this pussy love me?” you nodded wildly, not caring how thirsty you looked. You were parched and didn’t care if he knew it.
    “This pussy loves you! Shit!”
    You felt another orgasm build within you, your legs gave out, but he was there to hold you against him and the desk. His thrusts became sloppy, but they remained precise. He knew what he was doing, know how to handle a woman’s body, knew just how to make it do whatever he wanted. You felt his breath at your ear.
    “Ready for this one? It’s going to be big. Say yes, Professor.” His hand around your throat barely squeezed, but it was enough to trigger your orgasm.
    “Yes, Professor!” His grip tightened slightly, and his thrusts sped up. After one, then two and a third gut plunging thrust your second orgasm took over. You clenched around him and screeched through the intense pleasure. His hands slacked, and your body slid off the desk. He turned you to face him, and it was then you saw the unbridled need that darkened his eyes.
    “Your knees,” he grunted out through clenched jaws. You obeyed and opened your mouth. This was not your first time. He quickly stroked himself, and while maintaining eye contact with you. It was so hot your hand crept between your legs to swirl around your still needy soaking clit. Your fingers moved as quickly as his hand did and when the first spurt of his come splashed the side of your mouth yet another orgasm coursed through you. You felt his come fill your mouth spurt after spurt. It barely registered over the brain-numbing pleasure you felt from your final release. He cursed and grunted to his heart’s delight before you wrapped your mouth around him again and milked him for every drop he had left.
    After a few moments, he hissed again and released a small, vulnerable whimper before he slowly pulled himself from your mouth. You looked up to him and licked your lips of any excess before you teasingly bit your bottom lip. He smiled and shook his head as he began pulling his pants and underwear back in place. You slowly stood on shaky legs before you leaned against the desk. His eyes dropped to your hand and took it, placing your coated fingers in his mouth to clean them off. Just like that, the heat had been reignited. Staring into his eyes, you could tell he felt it too. His jaw clenched and unclenched before he stepped back from you.
    “You’re free to go.” You heard the click of the locks signaling the end of your little tryst. You walked around the desk to your belongings and smoothed over your clothes before you walked to the door. You could feel his eyes boring holes into you as you walked. When your hand touched the doorknob, you heard him call your name. You glanced back at him to see him holding your torn and tattered thong in his hands.
    “See you next class.” He moved the underwear to his nose and smelled. You wanted him again. You glanced down to his waist and saw the evident bulge in his pants and smiled to yourself. You weren’t the only one with an insatiable need. Turning you walked out the door savoring the delicious ache between your thighs. Maybe you would enjoy this class after all.
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krystalficloverdh · 4 years
My hero - This was sooo not part of the novel!
Second chapter.
Describing fight scenes are hard.
All she could hear were screams as she looked up as she saw big black flames rising above the houses from the tribe.
“Deku! Stay here!” Katsuki commands her while running in the direction of the flames and screams.
“But…!” She yelled as she looked at the big caos, she saw a big dragon near the flames. He had a strange black mist around him and he looked frightened not angry from the look of his eyes. Her eyes widened when she realized that the dragon had a strange gem in his head of the same color as the dark mist around him, like it didn’t belong to him. Someone it’s controlling him. She whipped around to find a mysterious man with green curly hair looking scene up in higher grounds and there was a younger man with pale blue hair scratching his neck. Like they were expecting something.
Little did she knew that there was another man holding a glowed green sword from the other side hiding in the woods waiting for the right moment.
That’s when realization hit her. “That’s it.”
When Izuku was about to take off towards the dragon she hears a scream.
“Some one! My baby!” One of the ladies cried out as the tail of the dragon is about to hit a little girl.
“Girl first dragon later.” She said as she ran. Her body glowed green as she used her powers. “Watch out!” She shouted as she reached the girl avoiding the hit barely brushing Izuku's hair. She wrapped her arms around the girl and they rolled to the ground with Izuku underneath the child with her arms around the little girl. The girl nodded in her direction as a sign of gratefulness and ran towards her mother as Izuku pushed herself off the ground. She raced towards katsuki that was above in the sky leading away the dragon from the people. When she was about 3 feet from it she levitated herself alongside Katsuki grinding her teeth together.
“Aim at the gem above his head someone is controlling him! We must set him free!” Izuku twisted her head at the mysterious man she saw earlier.
“Deku you fuck! I told you…!”
“Now it’s not the time! The gem!”
The scowl in Katsuki’s face disappears and turns in a serious one when he sees the man and heads above the dragon riding it making the dragon squirm.
“I’ll kill you if you’re lying!” He warns her but with no venom comes in it and faces the tribe men making the dragon to back off. “Restrain him!”
The moment they manage to hold him down Katsuki makes a small explosion against the black gem. The mist disappears and the dragon faints making a gust of wind. Izuku lost balance expecting a awful landing, but someone caught her.
“You really are a magnet of danger.” Katsuki mutters as he set her down on her feet.
“Hahaha” Izuku laughs nervous.
“Well I’m not into boys...But I have to admit you’re a great disguise.” Katsuki’s eyes widened at the disgusting voice coming from a big slime monster and pushes Izuku from danger.
“Step away Deku.” Katsuki’s deep voice rang as he got trapped by the villain.
The villain caught his arms making it impossible for him to use his powers and started to force himself against Katsuki’s mouth. Izuku screams in horror as she noticed that the slime is almost encasing him completely. There were explosions but none of them made the monster to let him go, it just made it worse. “Sorry to break it to ya, but you’re gonna die and I gotta to impress those guys sooo...No hard feelings pal?” The creature laughed loudly as it continued to pull him in.
The only feeling Izuku felt at that time was fear.
“Let him go! You asshole!” Izuku shouted loudly at the monster, she planted hard on her heels making the ground tremble, her eyes and body glowed an intense green as she extended her hands towards the slime. The monster widened his eyes looking at the girl as he could feel his victim being pulled away by some force he couldn’t control. A shockwave erupted from her power, that was new to her, she paid no mind. She successfully pulled half of Katsuki’s upper body making sure that his hands were free, the moment his hands got free Katsuki coughs a few times and with a sinister smile made a big explosion against the slime’s head. The monster loses his hold and out of nowhere there was a big sword slicing the remaining slime attached to Katsuki setting him free.
Because of the force of the impact, Katsuki smashed against Izuku, they flew up in the air and rolled. Katsuki managed take Izuku in his arms, they locked eyes, lost in each other. A lot of emotions ran into their eyes, horror, fear and joy from what they witnessed earlier. Tears fell down in Izuku’s face at the sight of him being alive, she grabbed his face and clutched to him like dear life. Katsuki landed so hard that they created a crater and caged Izuku even more with his arms.
“Have no fear! For I am here!” The couple was greeted by a familiar figure, a tall man with shining white teeth and blond hair. ”DETROIT SMAAAAASH!!!!” Another gust of wind blew over them and the villain disappeared.
“All Might?!” Everyone in the tribe shouted.
“I am!” The hero smiles brightly and salutes them with his right hand. “Well keep on cheering me on! Now this hero must go!” All Might gets on his knees and before taking a leap in the sky he takes one last glance at the green haired lady while smiling and leaves.
He found her.
A few minutes have passed, they stopped the fire and the couple still haven’t let go of each other's arms. Izuku decides to break the silence and bites her lip hesitantly.
“Are you okay…?” She whispered with her eyes red from crying and Katsuki nodded with a serious face, unmoving.
“...Ehem!” A voice is heard at their sides and people started to kneel in front of them.
“Your majesty Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugou!”
Izuku blushes hard and gets off Katsuki when she heard the couple in front of them, a smirking woman with the same hair as Katsuki and a man with brown hair. Izuku realized that she looks exactly like Katsuki, she has the same crimson eyes and spiky blond hair.
“My my what a beautiful young lady!” The still smirking lady looking up and down the two teenagers.
“Hello, my name is Masaru Bakugou, king of the Southern Tribe of the Badlands.” He said smiling.
“Mitsuki Bakugou, queen of the Southern Tribe of the Badlands.” She presents herself with a soft expression looking exactly like Katsuki making Izuku turn red, again.
“I’m Izuku Midoriya, It’s an honor your majesty.”
Some recognition flashes in Mitsuki’s eyes and her eyes goes down to her neck for a second to go back to her eyes, she’s good at hiding it from everyone and smiles brighter.
“Oh! Call me Mitsuki...Thank you for your help! You have our gratitude Izuku.”
Izuku starts to move nervously her arms at all directions."No no I didn’t do much.”
“Nonsense, I saw what you did back there.” Mitsuki looks over a woman holding the girl that Izuku saved moments ago. “You saved that little girl and my idiot son.” Katsuki grunts at that but says nothing.
“Uhm…” Izuku looks at Katsuki asking for help.
“Old hag.” Katsuki steps in putting his hand over Izuku’s shoulder.
“Sop calling me old hag you brat!” Mitsuki snaps and wraps her arms around Katsuki almost choking him.
“Oi is that how you treat your nearly dead son?!” Katsuki yells at his mother, Izuku just steps aside and notices that everyone surrounding them were looking at them it was the most normal thing in the world.
Izuku pales at that.
“My...They’re always like that, don’t worry about it Izuku-chan.” A cheery voice is heard behind her.
“Kirishima-san…” Izuki says and turns to Kirishima.
“Oh and they’re not at their full potential....If they were riding a dragon there would be chaos.” A woman with pink skin next to Kirishima points out while laughing.
“You don’t say” Izuku says sarcastically to her.
“I like her, my name is Mina Ashido cutie.” The woman beamed happily and Izuku laughs.
“It was Izuku’s idea to destroy the gem.” Katsuki looks at Izuku while pushing Mitsuki off and she frowns at that.
“The dragon had a weird gem on his head and I noticed some strange men watching over there.” Izuku points the big rocks in the distance, a perfect spot.
“Those bastards…!” Mitsuki snaps loudly. “We’ll search the area.” She said while fuming smoke through her nostrils and Masaru tries to calm her down.
“How about you give this young lady a ride and I calm down your mother?” Masaru changes the subject and takes Mitsuki away.
“Tell your mom Inko that I’ll drop by to have some tea!” Mitsuki yells in the distance to Izuku and she smiles before turning to Katsuki.
“Hell yeah! Take me to a ride! yeah?” Izuku beams with stars in her eyes. Izuku clings to Katsuki’s right arm as she flashed her eyelashes. Katsuki blinked several times, he ran his crimson eyes up and down like he had trouble placing the six year old Izuku he met in the forest. He could hear his thumping of his heart against his chest, he was shocked, he realized that she is a woman and he is a man, they had grown up. Izuku is inexperienced when in comes to the opposite sex, she didn’t considered herself as a seductress, she had some tricks under her sleeve from those romance novels she used to read and boy that reaction was gold.
“...Alright.” He said and takes her hand.
They flew up in the skies in direction on her village for ten minutes and some memories flashed through Izuku’s eyes. She was an expectator, she couldn’t do anything or say a thing.
A boy and a girl playing in the forest, clear ones this time.
“I’m super strong! I’m going to be the strongest of all heroes!” A six year old Katsuki shouts while puffing his chest and with his hands on his hips.
“Me too! I wanna be a hero!” Izuku standing at her full height and raising a hand.
“You haven’t even manifested your magic, how come you’re gonna be a hero? Stupid Deku” Snorts Katsuki while pointing at Izuku.”It’s better if you just step aside and let me do the job!”
“Just you see! I’ll levitate things like my mommy or breath fire like my dad!...Maybe both!” She snaps angrily at Katsuki.
“We’ll see.” He replies with a bored expression, a loud thorn is heard from the mountains making him tense and faces Izuku with a serious face.”Deku...I have to leave.”
“See you tomorrow here?”
“I won’t come back until It’s safe...We’re moving to the West tribe of the Badlands for a while” Katsuki takes off a necklace, a simple one with a green pendant and puts it on Izuku. “In my tribe there’s a tradition when you wanna stay with a special someone forever, keep this and I’ll find ya.”
“Then we’ll be together forever?”
The two kids smiled and a woman in the distance was waiting the young Katsuki, he runs to her and takes one last glance at the young Izuku.
“Remember, we’ll be heroes!”
“Mmm!” The girl beams happily and watches the boy leave.
“You do realize that you basically married him?” A grown up Izuku tells the little girl, she couldn't be heard anyway.
“Well you’re me sooo we’re on the same boat.” Replies the young Izuku to her and faces her.
That shocked her.
“Wasn't this a memory?! Can you hear me?”
“We are the same but...not the same soul.”
“...Aren’t you mad? That I stole your life?”
“Like I said, we are the same but your soul has changed so many times...The first time we were unfortunate... misunderstood, alone in the world, another one we had no purpose, who knows how many more...Blame god if you’d like and now what are we gonna do...?” The girl asks Izuku expectant.
“Let’s become heroes! We shall not become puppets anymore.” Izuku answers smiling and extends her fist towards the child.
The girl smiles fondly and and a little gust of wind breaks loose making Izuku to close her eyes for a second, when she opened her eyes she is faced with a perfect replica of her in front of her. Like a mirage.
“We shall.” The girl corresponds her fist with her own.
“We’re here.” A voice in Izuku’s ear whispered and she noticed that they had landed back to her home.
Katsuki gave her a ride back home and now they’re back in the forest near her village, the sun has set down. She smiled at the revival of their childhood, she looked at the ground and their fingers brushed slightly when Katsuki unhooked his arm around Izuku’s waist. She stretched her fingers to let go of the jolt of sensation of his touch.
“Yeah...Um thanks for the ride.” She said, even if she didn’t remembered much of it and just the warm feeling of his arm and chest. She moved to her side and climbed off the dragon with a soft swift of the power and made eye contact with the man riding the dragon before he took off in the sky. Her feet felt numb on her steps back home, she had too much emotions in one day.
When she reached her house her mother was already outside waiting for her. “Darling!” Her mother beamed and hugs her.
“I’m home” Izuku smiles.
Izuku jogs down in the quiet forest, it was seven in the morning and her head was filled with thoughts about the events of yesterday. Who were those people? Should I ask Kacchan about the necklace? Ahhhh it was so awesome seeing All Might in action!
After an hour, Izuku decided that it was time to go back and have breakfast with her mother when a mysterious voice rang behind her.
“There you are young lady!”
Izuku turns around, while thinking that the voice was extremely familiar, it wasn’t long before she realized why and her eyes landed on the greatest hero of all time, All Might.
“No way?! All might is right in front of me…” Her thoughts raced over and over.
“Young lady?”
“Right! All Might sir!” She saluted with her hand. ”Um, my name is Izuku Midoriya at your service!”
All Might laughs. “I saw you yesterday jumping in to save the little girl and to fight that slime monster.”
Izuki looked up to him confused urging him to continue.
“Tell me, what were you thinking when you ran into the fight?”
Izuku smiles “I guess...My feet moved of its own, when I saw that little girl’s eyes I didn’t need a second thought.”
“That’s the spirit!” All Might said before laughing again.”To be a hero is to put your life on the line to save others, there’s a lot of stories from heroes saying that their feet moved without thinking.”
Izuku was getting more and more confused, it seemed that All Might had more to say.
“Yagi Toshinori.”
“What?! You're giving me your real name?” She responds with a somewhat high-pitched voice but then she clears her voice. “That’s quite an unusual name hahaha...But isn’t it dangerous telling it to a stranger?” Izuku said as she is getting weak on her knees.
“I trust you young Midoriya.”
All Might crouches down to her level to held her shoulders.
“I've been traveling all over the world...looking for someone and that someone is you.”
Something metallic sounds behind All Might as he takes a step back Izuku notices that is a sword, the legendary sword.
“I have chosen you as my next sucesor and so this sword, when I was around the area this buddy was flashing some energy pulling me to you and when I saw you in action I knew it.” All Might says as the plants the sword in the grass.
“Are you s-suffering from some type of a disease? I mean you can still fight right?” Izuku asks.
When All Might was about to answer a small smoke came from him and the very strong man capable of lifting large numbers of men on his shoulders transformed in a skeletal man, not what Izuku expected.
“Ah shit! I’m running out of time…” All Might started to have a cough attack spilling blood.
“Aaaaaah who the hell are you?!”
“It’s me young Midoriya calm down.” All Might lifts his hands and pointed himself.
“Sir Are you okay?!” Izuku yells alarmed.
“I’m fine young lady, this was bound to happen sooner or later.”
“How come you’re fine?! You’re spilling blood!” Izuku panicked.
“A long time ago, I had a battle against our most powerful enemy, we both got seriously injured, I almost died that day and now I can only use the power of the sword for a certain use of time.”
Why can’t she remember that?
“Young Midoriya, I need a sucesor, someone to pass down my sword, to be the next legendary hero! And that someone is you!” All Might points at Izuku. “Do you accept?”
Izuku’s face was filled with shock but turned in a serious in a matter of seconds “I do”
“Then, take this sword and forge your destiny! Let’s save the world!”
The moment Izuku touches the sword handle in front of an expectant All Might there is a blinding green light coming from it knocking them both to the ground and a few trees. After a few seconds of silence from the two of them All Might beams happily coughing a little bit of blood.
“My! What a great amount of raw power! I like it!”
“Is that a common thing?” Izuku points the sword with her eyes wide open.
All Might just laughs loudly.
“Let the training begin!”
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osakaso5 · 5 years
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Ryunosuke Tsunashi Twelve Hits Rabbit Chat Part 3: Request Hits 2
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Nagi: Has everyone returned? If so, let us resume gathering requests for Tsunashi-shi!
Nagi: └(o゜∀゜o)┘  Wasshoi!
Tsumugi: Nagi-san! You seem to be in a much better mood now, which means..!
Mitsuki: The recording was still safe, lol It was just on a different disk from usual!
Nagi: I am terribly sorry to have kept you all waiting. However, my heart is now quivering with joy.
Ryunosuke: I'm happy for you, Nagi-kun! You really love that show, so it's great that you can watch it whenever you want.
Nagi: Tsunashi-shi, your kindness is truly indiscriminate.
Ryunosuke: Is it? That's nice to hear!
Nagi: I am also grateful to you, Yamato and Mitsuki.
Yamato: Thanks, buddy.
Mitsuki: I'm just glad you're back to normal, lol
Tsumugi: Now that the recording has been found safe and sound, let's resume the requests!
Tsumugi: Mitsuki-san, let's hear your request for Tsunashi-san!
Mitsuki: Gotcha!
Mitsuki: Mine is that he tells us something he wants to do with our sports club!
Mitsuki: Tsunashi-san's birthday's coming up, so we'll agree to do whatever he wants!
Momo: Yep! We're gonna pamper him good ☆
Ryunosuke: I don't think I want that... Sports just doesn't feel good if your opponent is letting you win, lol
Momo: Don't worry! We're not gonna go easy on you at all, lol
Mitsuki: We'll pamper you by putting up a real fight!
Ryunosuke: Now that sounds good!
Ryunosuke: But it's no different from  what we always do.
Momo: Now that you mention it! (ノ゜o゜)ノ
Mitsuki: Maybe we could randomly praise your skills even though we're having a super serious match and all glaring at each other, lol
Ryunosuke: That would only make it creepier! lol
Mitsuki: Fair enough, lololol
Mitsuki: We get together so often that it feels like we've pratically tried everything there is to try. I still wanna try something new, though.
Ryunosuke: It's a pretty high hurdle! I want to try something new with you guys, too.
Ryunosuke: I'll look around online and try to come up with something.
Mitsuki: Okay! That sounds good!
Tsumugi: Your sports club always seems like a lot of fun!
Tsumugi: Yamato-san, you're next!
Yamato: Mine's to do a free talk where you say the opposite of what people expect.
Ryunosuke: Huh! Like what?
Yamato: It's a game where I give you prompts, and you have to say the opposite of what you think or feel about that thing.
Yamato: The listeners don't know what your prompt is. They can try to figure it out while listening, and you'll reveal the correct answer once you're done. How's that sound?
Iori: Interesting. So it'll be a psychological game, like Werewolf.
Yamato: Something like that. I thought it'd be fun if the listeners could play a game with the host.
Yamato: Tsunashi-san's a pretty honest guy, so I like to think he's a bad liar. Doesn't that make it even more fun?
Ryunosuke: It sounds difficult, but I want to give it a try!
Yuki: I'm not sure you can handle it
Ryunosuke: O-of course I can! I think..!
Gaku: Let's test it. Your prompt is fresh soba.
Mitsuki: October's the perfect time for fresh soba, after all!
Iori: Now I'm in the mood for some soba.
Ryunosuke: Got it. All I need to do is say the opposite of what I'm really thinking, right?
Yamato: Let's see what you've got.
Ryunosuke: Um, it's a foreign dish that's short, fat, and served without broth.
Sogo: Well done!
Yuki: Not bad for your first try
Ryunosuke: I don't like the flavor very much. It's a real letdown whenever I have to eat it for lunch.
Gaku: Ryu... Did you really hate soba all along..?
Ryunosuke: N-no, of course not! It's the opposite, remember! Aren't you the one who came up with this prompt..!?
Gaku: Oh, right (lol)
Tenn: I can't believe you forgot so fast.
Ryunosuke: Um, I'm not sure what I should say next. Now I'm all confused..!
Ryunosuke: Maybe I really am bad at this.
Ryunosuke: Yamato-kun on the other hand is really good at games like Cheat or Werewolf! Whenever we play, I always lose to him...
Yamato: You're easy to read, so it's fun to play with you (lol) Especially since I'm pretty good at reading people to begin with.
Ryunosuke: Ugh, you're too tough to beat..!
Tamaki: I suck at lying, too
Tamaki: When I'm the werewolf, I get caught right away
Yamato: It's so easy to see through Tama and Riku. And I like it that way
Riku: Huh!? I don't think I'm that easy to read..!
Iori: Yes, you are...
Ryunosuke: I'll have to practice saying things that I don't really think before the broadcast!
Tsumugi: This request would make for a fun show!
Tsumugi: Yaotome-san, you're next!
Gaku: Yeah. Mine is to tell me someplace he wants to drive to with me.
Gaku: It's almost Ryu's birthday, so I wanna take him someplace!
Ryunosuke: Thank you, Gaku! That's so nice of you!
Gaku: We haven't been driving far because of our schedules, but what so you think about doing that if we have the time?
Ryunosuke: Sounds good! We might as well travel all the way across Japan, to Hokkaido or Kyushu.
Gaku: Driving along the coast is par for the course, plus it feels nice!
Ryunosuke: It's a little cold for it right now, but opening all the windows in the car is the best! You can really take in the sea breeze that way, lol
Gaku: That's gonna mess up your hair (lol)
Tenn: You two turn into a bunch of kids when you talk about these things.
Ryunosuke: You should join us if your schedule allows it, Tenn! If we don't go anywhere far, we can just drive around right after work.
Tenn: You want me to mess up my hair, too? No thanks
Gaku: Isn't that the fun part?
Ryunosuke: We'll bring a comb!
Gaku: I can fix your bangs for you (lol)
Tenn: I'll do that myself. You two aren't very good at it, for one
Ryunosuke: You're a lot more nimble than us!
Tsumugi: Just seeing TRIGGER drive around would make for a wonderful MV!
Tsumugi: Tsunashi-san, it's time for you to request  something from yourself.
Ryunosuke: Yeah. My request for myself is to try doing tongue twisters!
Tenn: Are you sure? The last time you did that, you accidentally bit your tongue
Ryunosuke: That's exactly why! I want to succeed this time.
Riku: Come to think of it, we heard you practice tongue twisters that one time when we came over to your dressing room to say hi!
Sogo: You mean that time when Tsunashi-san was alone in the dressing room?
Riku: That's right! He was muttering something really quickly to himself...
Ryunosuke: Oh, you heard that..!
Ryunosuke: I was practicing in secret. I get so frustrated when I fail...
Yuki: Wow. You're such a hard worker, Ryunosuke-kun
Gaku: That's what you were up to? I could've helped, if you'd just asked.
Ryunosuke: But it's not really something people practice, so I felt a little embarrassed about letting anyone see me do it.
Tenn: You do it at home too, don't you? I've seen it
Ryunosuke: Huh!?
Ryunosuke: Tenn, you saw me..?
Tenn: You kept saying "the sixth sick sheikh’s sixth sheep’s sick" to yourself over and over, so I thought you were having a hard time with something
Momo: Why did you choose that tongue twister, lololol
Yuki: Incredible
Ryunosuke: Oh my gosh! That's so embarrassing..!
Ryunosuke: Ah, come to think of it, there were times when you'd make me tea or just act nicer than usual for no reason...
Tenn: I'm relieved to know you were just practicing tongue twisters
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Tsumugi: I'd love to see the fruits of your labor on the show..!
Tsumugi: Momo-san, could you tell us your request next?
Momo: OK! (・∀・)ゞ
Momo: Mine is for him to go full sexy ★ (゜∀゜◎ノノ☆
Ryunosuke: Full sexy..!
Momo: Ryu's gentleness has its own charm, but I think his wild and sexy side is the very definition of a lethal weapon, too!
Momo: You'd mostly just be saying sexy phrases or doing a husky voice over the radio, though!
Momo: We're starving for some erotic Ryu content~!
Yuki: Sure enough. I'll never forget the day when I got teased by a wild Ryunosuke-kun.
Gaku: Uh, try not to tease him too much (lol)
Tenn: He came crying to us, asking "Did I really do that to Re:vale!?"
Momo: He sooo cute~~~~ (○´д`人´д`○)
Yuki: I meant by seeing him on TV
Ryunosuke: Thank goodness..! I didn't remember anything like that, so I thought it might've happened  while I was drunk.
Yuki: Ah. Come to think of it, there was that thing at our last wrap party...
Ryunosuke: Huh!?
Yuki: I'm kidding
Ryunosuke: Y-you nearly gave me a heart attack..!
Momo: Yuki~! You shouldn't tease our juniors too much, even if they are cute ヾ(*`ェ´*)ノ
Yuki: Sorry, his reactions were so funny that I couldn't help myself ^^
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Tsumugi: I'm sure Tsunashi-san's fans will love seeing him dial up his sexiness!
Tsumugi: Yuki-san, may we hear one last request from you?
Yuki: Mine is for him to go full soothing
Ryunosuke: That's the opposite of what Momo-san was asking!
Yuki: Yeah. It feels like you've been showing more of your true self in   front of your fans, instead of just being sexy
Yuki: I'm sure the listeners would like hearing you chat as your usual self.
Ryunosuke: Thank you..! I feel like my fans have changed a little bit, too. It's like they're accepting me for who I am, not just the me they see on TV...
Ryunosuke: So I'm really happy to hear that from you!
Ryunosuke: I don't know if my true self is soothing though, lol
Iori: You are soothing. You're the model representation of a wholesome young man.
Sogo: Iori-kun is absolutely right!
Nagi: You are definitely of the Light attribute.
Ryunosuke: Attribute!? Am I going to have to fight something..?
Tamaki: It'll be funny if Momorin and Yukirin's requests get picked
Momo: Sexy!? Soothing!? Which is he!?
Rinto: That really brings me back!
Kaoru: Oh, that old joke. Not that I ever participated in it.
Ryunosuke: If I draw Yuki-san's request, I'll get to have a relaxing free talk!
Tsumugi: Thank you for a wonderful request!
Tsumugi: That's all for the requests. Thank you all!
Gaku: Now it's time for Ryu's requests to us!
Mitsuki: Ask anything!
1. Do you have a request for us?
Ryunosuke: I want to try baking apple pie right about now. I want to make a lot, so you should all come over to eat some!
2. Do you have a request for TRIGGER?
Ryunosuke: I want all three of us to go on a drive together, like we just talked about! I want us to do lots of stuff together, not just for work!
3. Do you have a request for Re:vale?
Ryunosuke: Momo-san and I spend a lot of time together at the sports club,  but I'd like to spend time with Yuki-san,  too! Maybe he could teach me some  vegetable recipes later?
Ryunosuke: Thank you!
Momo: I know these are pretty typical Ryu answers, but are you sure these requests are enough for you?
Yamato: They feel so normal (lol)
Ryunosuke: You're all such good friends that I don't know what else to ask for, lol
Gaku: But it's almost your birthday!
Tamaki: In that case, we're gonna wish you happy birthday
Tenn: Like we always do with these request group chats, you mean
Tamaki: Ryu-aniki, hbd! Please feed me Hamburg steak again
Riku: Happy birthday! I want to eat your Hamburg steaks, too! lol
Momo: \(oゝェ・o)ノ/゜・:* 【Happy Birthday】 *:・゜\(oゝェ・o)ノ
Iori: Happy birthday.
Sogo: Happy birthday. I hope you have another wonderful year.
Mitsuki: Happy birthday, Tsunashi-san! Let's get along, as idol buddies, cooking buddies, and sports buddies!
Yamato: Happy birthday. I look forward to your radio show.
Yuki: Happy birthday. If you're ever in trouble, I'll help
Banri: Happy birthday!
Rinto: Tsunashi-san, happy birthday. I hope you continue to be friends with our Re:vale!
Kaoru: Happy birthday. I'm blessed to be TRIGGER's manager. I hope I can stay that way for a long time.
Tsumugi: Tsunashi-san, happy birthday!
Ryunosuke: Thank you, everyone..!
Ryunosuke: I'm happy to receive such a lively birthday celebration. I'll accept your birthday wishes and requests the best I can!
Ryunosuke: I'll make sure my Twelve Hits! show is great. Just you wait.
Gaku: You better be ready for the celebration we've got in store for your actual birthday, too!
Ryunosuke: Thank you! I can't wait, obviously!
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
A second chance; Pond family x toddler reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so this request was from over 8343984 years ago a prequel based off of this fic I made for the 11th doctor “do you wanna have a snow day”. So to the anon who requested this I hope you like what I’ve developed and THANK YOU FOR BEING SOOO PATIENT WITH ME :) I promise anyone who sent me a request last year you will get it ASAP I PROMISE!!! So not really any warnings persay just some good ol fluffiness and cutesy stuff. Plus the true sharing of the OTP of DW. Enjoy my lovelies :)
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A knock was heard at the door of the Pond family. Amy groaned and shook Rory’s arm.
“Rory. Rory someone’s at the door.”
“I didn’t hear anything.” Rory groaned tiredly.
“Go down and see who it is.” Rory groaned but got out of bed and sluggishly headed down the stairs.
When he arrived at the front door, he unlocked it before finally opening it to reveal no one was there.  Since this had been a full waste of time, he decided to shut the door and head back up to bed.  But just before he fully closed it, a familiar voice rang up.
“Uncah Rory.” Immediately his eyes shot up and he became more awake as he opened the door once more and looked down to see (y/n). The Doctor’s 2 year old baby girl.
“(Y)—(y/n)?” he gapped out.
“Hiyah Uncah Rory.” She smiled and waved happily. Rory immediately picked her up and brought her inside and kept hold of her as he said.
“(Y/n), sweetheart wh—where’s your dad at?”
“Daddy? I—I have a daddy?”
“Rory what the he—” Amy’s voice soon rang up as she now came downstairs and the second she saw (y/n), her eyes widened and she said to Rory “Is—is that?”
“Mm-hmm.” Rory nodded.  “But that’s not the only thing, she doesn’t remember him.”
It was at that point the Ponds were beyond confused.
They now had (y/n) in the middle of their living room playing with an old doll that once belonged to Amy when she was a little girl while they stood in the kitchen to talk privately.
“How does she not remember him?” said Amy.
“Maybe something happened and someone wiped her memory of him” Rory suggested.
“Then why hasn’t he come here yet? You’d think the Doctor would know immediately where she is since she’s connected to the TARDIS.”
“You are correct Amy, but this goes a lot deeper than you think.” They both turned around and there stood their first born child, Melody or as the galaxy knew her as, Rover Song.
“River.” Muttered Amy.
“Hello mum, dad.” She said with a solemn smile.
“So what did you mean bigger than we think River?” asked Rory.  River sighed solemnly and she answered her father.
“I can’t say much, but what I can say is that (y/n) is no longer safe with the Doctor.”
“Why what happened? Is he alright? Is he—”
“He’s fine mum. He’s just…..going through some things at the moment. Remember I am his future, I know everything that is to happen to him and I saw this coming from the moment she was born.”
“Did you know she would lose her memory? How was it taken from her?”
“He took it from her. He’s done it before but this was the hardest thing he ever had to do. She can no longer remember that her father is the legendary warrior the Doctor. And you both cannot tell her about it either, if even one crack is open in her memory it could cause a chaotic reaction.”
“But why did he do it? Please River at least answer us that, why can’t she be allowed to remember her own father?” asked Amy.
“I promised I wouldn’t tell but—given the fact that you are her grandparents you at least deserve to know. Because the last mission they were on together, he almost lost her.”
The Ponds turned to (y/n) with a shocked expressions.
“So what do we do now?” asked Rory.
“The Doctor wouldn’t have trusted anyone else but you two with her.”
“Wait what? No River we—we can’t we never……”
“I know you missed your chance to raise me mum, but as her mother I’ll for once agree with that stubborn man. She’s not safe with either of us. And if anyone can raise her in a normal, stable life it’s you two. This could be your second chance for both of you.”  Amy and Rory turned to each other anxiously.  “Please say you’ll do it, I won’t take no for an answer. I believe in you two.” Then with a turn of her time travel watch, she vanished from their sites.
“God sometimes I hate it when she does that.” Muttered Rory.
“Yeah well she gets that from you.” Amy stated bluntly.  Rory gawked at her but before he could say anything, she left the kitchen and headed back to the living room where (y/n) was starting to get a little fussy now. “What’s wrong love?” Amy cooed as she picked her up.
“I think she might be hungry.” They took her back to the kitchen and with no highchair, Amy decided to just keep her in her lap while Rory looked through the fridge and the cabinets to see what they all had.
“I’ll run by the store tomorrow and get some supplies for her.”
“Also some food too. All I can find here that would be suitable for her is either some tomatoes and fish fingers and custard.”
“Try the latter.” Remembering how her father was obsessed with fish fingers and custard when she first met him when she was a little girl, Amy thought that maybe (y/n) might like them too.
Rory warmed up the fish fingers and prepared the custard.  Once the fish fingers were done, he cut them up into small pieces small enough for (y/n) not to choke.  He then used a fork to poke one of the pieces and he held it out to (y/n).
She took one look at it and pushed it aside exclaiming out.
“Okay, try the tomato.” Rory set aside the first dish and took out one of the tomatoes and cut it up into small pieces.  He placed them on a plate and held it out to (y/n) who kept turning her head aside refusing to look at it even as Rory tried to get her to look at them.
After the failed attempt of getting her to eat, (y/n) suddenly began to cry.
“Shhh, shh it’s okay. It’s okay honey.” Amy tried to soothe her.
“Wait—you…..you don’t think she needs to be….you know.” Rory didn’t even want to say it.  Amy turned to him and said.
“You know—changed.” Amy then looked down at (y/n) and felt her pants and she did feel a little damp.  It was at that point they had a situation on their hands.
Thanks to a neighbor who had a toddler around (y/n)’s eyes that was still using diapers, they now had (y/n) lying on their bed with a couple of diapers to settle her till morning for Amy to go to the store.
“So do you know how—” Rory started off.
“How should I know?”
“I thought all girls were supposed to automatically know this stuff?” Amy turned toward Rory and stared at him offendedly.
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that. Now come on, we can do this, together.”  Rory turned to his wife and nodded as he said.
But all that resulted in was Rory fainting as soon as the horrible stench filled the air.
After the whole diaper changing incident, Amy and Rory decided to go back to bed.  They set (y/n) between the two of them until they got her a bed.
“Think you can stay here for tonight (y/n)?” Amy asked.  (Y/n) nodded and she yawned as she tiredly spoke.
“Night, night Auntie Amy, night, night uncah Rory.”
“Goodnight poppet.” Rory said.  He then reached over and turned off the light and soon the Ponds and (y/n) fell fast asleep.
The first few weeks of them officially becoming ‘new parents’ were intense.  Like the time the two of them tried to give (y/n) her first bath, which ended up in a game of hide and seek because all (y/n) really wanted to do was play instead of taking a bath.
Another time was when the time came to toilet train her.  They had bought all the books and training potty and when it came time for (y/n) to use the bathroom, they watched over her but nothing would happen for hours and hours.  Then when she would stand up after not going potty, sometimes she ended up having an accident on the bathroom floor.
But despite some of the awkward phases and moments, the Ponds eventually got the hang of it and soon saw (y/n) as their own child and loved spending every waking moment with her.  Amy loved having the special girl time with (y/n) like going out shopping for clothes, going to the park and swinging on the swings, and having little tea parties.  Rory also loved spending the time with her, especially at nighttime when he took over for storytelling or comforting her when the nightmares came around.
Like for example one autumn night, he woke up to the sound of (y/n)’s crying.  He immediately shot up and raced from the master bedroom to her bedroom and saw her tossing and turning in her bed crying.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n) wake up love.” She shot up whimpering and Rory calmed her down, “It’s okay, it’s okay you’re okay poppet.”
“It was scary uncah Rory.” She whimpered as she clung onto Rory’s nightshirt.  He picked her up and held her close to his chest and said as he softly rocked her trying to soothe her crying.
“It was just a bad dream poppet, no need to be scared anymore.”
“But—but what if…..it comes back?”
“Then I guess I’m gonna have to—tickle it out of you!” He suddenly began tickling her stomach.  Her tears of sorrow and fear now changed to happiness and joy as she squirmed in her uncle’s embrace and cried out with laughter. “You gonna have any more bad dreams?”
“Nohahahaho!” she exclaimed out.
“Are you sure about that?” Rory asked teasingly.
“Yehehehehessss!” Deciding to believe her, he ceased his tickle attack.
“Okay. Now you promise no more bad dreams?”
“I promise.” Rory smiled softly and tucked her back into bed and stroked some of her hair out of her face.
“Alright poppet, back to sleep.” He kissed her forehead and (y/n) shut her eyes going back to sleep.  Rory got up and headed back to the master bedroom and fell back asleep, assured that his niece would not have any more bad dreams.
Unbeknownst to anyone in the house, coming up the stairs and entering (y/n)’s room was the Doctor.  He silently walked up towards his daughter and knelt down beside her.
“I’m sorry love.” Using his timelord magic, his hand glowed and he softly touched his daughter’s temple which caused her face to become more relaxed as the dream she had, which was actually a memory of what had happened to her before her memory was erased, was taken away from her subconscious.
Now that she wore a content smile, the Doctor smile brokenheartedly as he whispered to her as he stroked her hair out of her face.
“No more bad dreams, and no more bad memories.”
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drummerqueenrmt · 5 years
Hey, I love your writing! Could you maybe write me a Ben x reader where the reader is Roger Taylors daughter and she helps around on set and gets closer with Ben but he only uses her because of her father but in the end it gets fluffy? Sorry if it doesn‘t make any sense, English isn‘t my first language. :)
Sooo… here we go! I hope I have understood it well and this is something similar of what you had in mind, anon!
Warning: a little bit of swearing + angst + fluff
“You used me…”
“No, [y/n]… Please” He tried to catch you by the arm but you didn’t let him.
“You have been using me all the time just to have a better relationship with my father…”
“That’s not true”
“But it is! I’ve heard you speaking with Joe and Gwil…”
“You missed the important part!”
“And what is it?” You said crossing your arms, waiting for an explanation.
“Look…” He approached you a little, trying to relax the situation. “I’m not going to deny that I used you at the beginning, I wanted to be as close as possible with Roger and I thought that the best way was gaining your confidence, so I started flirting with you and… Well you know that part”
“I thought I did” You pointed bitterly.
“I shouldn’t have done that and I’m sorry but, to be honest, I’m glad I did”
“You what?!” You asked incredulously.
“Don’t take this wrong but I’m glad I did because with the time I have starting to feel very intense things for you, things I’ve never feel before and I’m not lying anymore when I say I like you”
You snorted. “And I am supposed to believe that?”
“Yes, because it’s the true… I swear it, [y/n]” He was looking at you with a desperate look on his face, his eyes stating to water. And you wanted to believe him but your heart was broken so you just walked away. 
He followed you.
“Stop” You say suddenly, turning to face him. “I don’t want you to follow me”
“I’m not going anywhere till you see I am saying the truth”
“Fuck off, Ben!” You approached him and started hitting him in his chest. “I trusted you! I thought we had something special…”
He stopped you, hugging you strongly against him. “We do have something special… I’m sorry…” He kissed your head several times.
By that time, both of you were crying. You stayed like that till you felt a little more relaxed and with the strength to talk to him again. “I need time… I need to process this, to think…”
“Go home, Ben”
“I’ll walk you home first, then I swear I will go home”
And he did. You spent all the walk without saying a word till you arrived to your house.
“Will I see you tomorrow on set?”
“I don’t think so” You said containing more tears.
“Goodnight, Ben” 
“Goodnight, my queen” You could hear before shutting the door behind you.
“This is the room where my father has all of his old stuff”
“Wow, this is very cool”
“Do you want to have a look?”
“Wouldn’t he mind?”
“Not at all” You could hear Rog’s voice from behind. “Do you want me to show you my favorite things?”
“It would be a honor”
You spend an hour looking at them talking about stories of the youth of your father, melting at how good they seem to get along.
“It all makes sense now... That’s why he wanted to spend so many time with me here, at home” You turned to look at your father’s eyes. “It was because of you...”
You both were sitting in the porch of your house at 3 a.m.
“I’m such an idiot...” You buried your face in his shoulder and he wrapped you in his arms.
“It’s ok, my little girl. It’s not the end of the world”
“But it hurts...”
“I know it does, but you are focusing only in the negative part of all this”
“I’m not saying that you don’t have to be angry, he has lied to you and treated you in a way he shouldn’t have, but he has realized that you are amazing and now loves you because who you are, not for me anymore”
“I don’t trust him anymore...”
“Would you be mad at me if I tell you that I do?”
You moved a little to look at him in surprise. You didn’t know why he was acting like that, you thought that he would be mad at Ben but he was defending him. “Why? Why do you take his side?”
“I’m not taking any side, I’m just-”
“Yes, you are! Gosh!” You stood up and began to walk in every direction. “I should have thought that this was going to happen... He’s like a son for you now, isn’t he?”
“It’s not that, let me explain myself”
“I sometimes think that you prefer him over me”
“Enough!” You hated when he shouted at you. It only had happened a couple of times but it was the worst feeling ever, and he knew. “I’m sorry but I need you to listen to me and to stop saying stupid things, alright?”
You simply nodded.
“I had a conversation with him a couple of days ago. It was about you” You look at him, his deep blue eyes fixed at you too. “He told me everything. How he first did all those stupid things to try to obtain all the information he could about me and how he suddenly realized that he was madly in love with you” You snorted. “Look, come here” He tapped the same spot where you were sat before. You did as told. “When he told me the first part of the story I swear I was very close to punch him in the face” 
You let out a little smile. “You should have done it”
“Yeah, probably” He smiled too. “But then he started to talk about you the way I used to talk about your mother and I couldn’t” You didn’t need to look at him to know he was almost crying, so you grabbed his hand strongly. “He was almost crying, [y/n]. He asked me for forgiveness one hundred times and promised to take care of you another hundred more”
“Yes...” He raised his head to look at you. “I know you are hurt and you have all the right to be angry, but we all know that you two have a very special thing going on and I don’t want you to lose it. You deserve to be happy and, excuse me if I am a fool old man, but I think that Ben makes you more happy than ever”
You gave him a sad smile and hugged him. “I love you, dad”
He kissed you head and hugged you too. “I love you too, my girl”
“I screw everything... I hate myself”
Ben was sitting around a table with Joe, Gwilym and Rami, the three trying to cheer him up and to make him eat something without success.
“We told you it wasn’t a good idea” 
“Joe... We are trying to make him feel better not worse” Gwil pointed out.
“You have to show her that you are saying the truth this time”
“But how, Rami? How? She doesn’t want to speak with me... You had to see her yesterday, she was so angry...”
“It is normal, Ben. She’s hurt and now she needs time to think about all of this”
“Or she has told Roger and you’ll be fired soon”
“Joe!” Rami and Gwil southed at once.
“Sorry, I stop”
“God, why did I do it? I’m a fucking asshole!”
“Yes, you are” You said entering the room.
He turned and his eyes went wide when he saw you. “[y/n]!”
“Well... I need to find my curls” Gwilym said standing up.
“And I need my teeth!” Rami said following him. “Joe, c’mon”
“Why? I want to see this”
“C’mon!” Gwilym take him by his shirt to make him stand up and leave the room.
Ben also stood up to approach you. “I thought you weren’t going to come today”
“I thought that too” 
“Look, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you I’m sorry or-”
“Let me talk first, ok?” 
“I’m very angry with you... I’m so angry I want to slap you in the face”
“Do it, I deserve it”
You raised your hand as if you were to do it and he closed his eyes in advance. But just when you were centimeters apart from his face you stopped and gently placed your hand on his cheek. He opened his eyes in confusion.
“I have talked with my father, he want you to know that you are not playing him anymore”
He lowered his head, his eyes fixed on the floor. “I understand”
You moved your hand a little to his chin and made him look at you. His eyes were full of tears. “
“I’m joking”
“What? Really?”
You couldn't help yourself and laughed a bit. You were enjoying making him to suffer a little. 
“God...” He sighed relieved while moving wildly in every direction. “I thought you were serious”
“Nah... He’s just going to kill you for making me cry”
“I-I-I didn’t wanted... I-I-”
“Breathe” You told him. “He’s not even mad at you”
“He told me you two had a conversation the other day and he tried to make me see that you regret what you did”
He looked at you surprised. “Are you joking?”
“No” You smiled. “Not this time”
“And why did you told me all of this?”
“I’m mad, remember? I want you to suffer a little”
“Right...” He said smiling a little. “I deserve it, I guess”
“He trusts you, you know”
“My father”
“And you?” You could notice his eyes on yours, praying for you to say yes.
“I don’t know”
“I see...” 
“But I follow my father’s advices most of the time” You came closer to him, your faces only centimeters apart. “He thinks I should give you another chance, that you really love me and that we have something too special for throwing it to the rubbish”
He slowly wrapped his arms around your waist. “I know I don’t deserve a second chance but give it to me and I promise to show you how much I love you everyday of my life”
He was crying. You were crying too.
“Then...” You closed the space between you and kissed him softly. He pulled you closer to him and you passed your arms around his neck.
“Thank you” He whispered between kisses. “I made a mistake but I love you more than anything, my love. I swear it’s true”
“I know, Bennie. I love you too”
You were smiling to each other, forehead against forehead, when you heard your father’s voice.
“And I swear I will kill you if you make her cry again. Unless if it is of joy, of course” He winked to you. “Understood?”
“Yes, Roger”
“Good... Now go change your clothes, you have many things left to shoot”
He cupped your face and gave you one last kiss before leaving the room.
You spend the rest of the day next to your father and your uncle Brian, seeing the work of your boy and the rest of the cast. Every time Ben was having a break he approached you to hug you and kiss you as much as possible like the previous days. 
And deep inside of you, you knew that it could be a lie at the beginning but that now you were madly in love with each other. So nothing previous mattered. Only the present together.
Thanks for the request and for saying that you like my writing, it means a lot! I hope you like it💛
All the people reading this: remember you can send me a request about any Queen or BoRhap member and I will write something for you!
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kuntrabida · 4 years
2. the axon snaps and thoughts can’t travel (a rant abt COVID-19, senior year spring, and college in the fall)
12 may 2020
the gap year. the fall sem. the jump cut. the FUTURE. much on my mind right now folks lmao (prob folk in singular since like one (1) person’s gonna read this ashvcxjkv)
okay so let’s break this DOWN ig. yea LET’S unpack my inner psyche and my mental baggage at this point because i’m sure that i can’t be the only one feeling this way and even if i am, i’d like to get it off my chest and not rant to the same five people who’ve heard me talk about the same sad subject throughout the entire duration of quarantine asdjfkvcxufdsw
let’s start with senior year haHA :) still haven’t gotten over that xoxo even tho i’ve tricked myself into thinking that i have! gonna refer to it as ye olde Jump Cut because that’s exactly what all this feels like... like mother nature just threw the video file of my high school experience into a fuckinn Premiere timeline or smth and slammed her fist on the W key (an esoteric reference, i know, i know, my bad, but iykyk). 
THE JUMP CUT – senior year’s over and i know it’s a stupid fucking thing to be upset about during a LITERAL GLOBAL PANDEMIC where people are losing and risking their lives and entire livelihoods are being upended but i still... can’t help but feel upset and terrified and devastated about what i’ve always viewed as this buffer period in my life between high school and college to just VIBE and figure myself out a little bit more being cut short. especially when, for once, things were going so well.  
god, the last thing i wanna do is sound dramatic and utterly tone deaf because I RECOGNIZE my privilege and how incredibly fortunate i am to have a roof over my head and food in my fridge and a bed with a damn duvet cover to sleep in at night but i’m... so fucking sad. i’ve BEEN so fucking sad, and i think what’s even worse is the fact that i’ve been DENYING how fucking sad i’ve been feeling because i don’t think i’m... allowed to be sad in this situation? but at the same time i consciously understand that my feelings are valid and everything... it just feels like legitimately everything else in the world right now dwarfs all my concerns combined. but alas. here i am, making a blog post about my feelings to finally try and sort them out...
i just aghsdfhxhzjlk i wasn’t finished. that really is the best way to put it. i wasn’t finished with any of it. and i suppose a lot of that is my own fault for taking all the good times for granted (but also lowkey the fault of idek who... american society? for romanticizing and commodifying the culmination of high school oop)/
i feel like so many people focus on those big milestone events associated with senior year: prom, graduation, senior awards, etc. but to me personally, and to nearly every one of the friends i’ve talked to, it’s the little things that matter most — the absence of which we feel the deepest. i miss spilling coffee on myself in the cafeteria and burning frozen pastries in the toasters and complimenting people’s outfits in the hallways and staying in the building from dawn till dusk and eating takeout on the floor and hastily texting my friends at the end of the school day asking if they wanted to hang out or if they could give me a ride home and i MISS spontaneous sushi and starbucks excursions and quiet heart to hearts in coffee shops and last minute target runs and stressing out about music events and belting in the practice rooms and learning choreography in parking lots where confused drivers would momentarily glance over and just KEEP ON DRIVING and lying on the ground in one of the school’s hallways facing the sun when the light would hit JUST RIGHT through the glass and i could close my eyes and pretend i was at the beach or on an island or in a canyon somewhere or SOMETHING, anywhere, anywhere but there. and i feel this chasm in my throat whenever i think about it because looking back at those moments, i realize that there’s literally no place i’d rather be right now than inside my high school building on a normal ass day dealing with normal ass problems with exceptional, radiant, life-giving souls there to have my back and support me and hug me wow, GOD, hug me. wow how i miss hugs. and I miss my friends. shit. 
hell bro i even miss the days where everything would become a little too much for me and i’d have to find recluse in a digital media classroom and the scent of old lemon-laced coffee grounds as they brewed into dingy styrofoam cups and wandered through the halls with me during the period, into the music room where i literally grew UP and found my voice and discovered validity in my own identity and all that JAZZ and into the bathrooms where i’d spend such subtle, unsuspecting mornings with friends still practically sleepwalking and FUCK bro. frankly i’m just not ready to jump into a life where all the things i hold dear are “remember when”s. i can’t imagine this entire world that i’ve built for myself being a thing of the past, a thing that i’ll look back on as one of the best fucking times of my life even though i never realized it when it mattered, a thing i still want so so so much more of, that i am not and may not ever be ready to let go. i want it all back. but i know getting upset over it is a futile pursuit, because there’s nothing i can do, and that just fuels this feedback cycle of anger and hopelessness and denial and back again. 
i do think of that good ol’ winnie the pooh quote, though. “how lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” but it doesn’t really make anything hurt any less. and i guess i’m just tired of hurting lol. 
THE FUTURE – dawg what the fuck is happening with colleges in the United States right now bro what is the protocol what do i DO¿
pretty damn self explanatory. my defense mechanism has ALWAYS been, “at least things will be better a couple months from now!!!!” and yeah, with university and the reality of getting to attend my dream college fast approaching i did believe that for a hot second but CORONA DAWG CORONA just plunges everything into the sea of uncertainty. i know i’m not the only one frustrated by this damn virus and i should be comforted by the unity we all have in our confusion but lmao i do not feel any better! no! one! has! any! answers! asdjfkvlcxvjl being a graduating high school and incoming college student right now is so FUCKING confusing and frightening and once again i want to acknowledge what an incredible privilege it is to even have the option of a higher education open to me but it’s such a multifaceted and unpredictable issue this year and thinking about the future — again my go-to defense mechanism and at the very least a worthy consideration since i’ll be putting down hella dollars for it — has been the cause of so much stress... 
THE FALL SEM – i! don’t! know! if! it’s! gonna! be! on!line! and i am not planning on staying in my house any longer for a goddamn variety of reasons soo i have no clue how to plan for this! no one does right now! 
our administration keeps affirming that we’re planning for a return to normalcy in the fall semester but a considerable amount of students and experts alike are saying that it’s essentially a cover so no one’ll panic and decline or defer their acceptances. SO MANY OTHER COLLEGES are revealing their contingency plans to have an online semester and ahaHA if i have to STAY in this HOUSE for ANOTHER 4 MONTHS that would FRICKIN SUCK DAWG lmaO i’ll leave it at that! so i’m: very much panicking! 
i know that things are so uncertain right now and there’s really no point in trying to predict what’s going to happen in the next couple of months because so many unknowns remain. i know that a lot of universities are gonna be in deep shit if they don’t open in the fall but at the same time, if it’s a damn public health risk it’s definitely better to keep as many people home as possible. but i have no CLUE what institutions are gonna end up doing and again, literally no one does either! i was listening to a podcast yesterday about university plans for the upcoming academic year and i got asdhvjckxv so stressed when they said that we could be one week away from the start of the school year and things could still be drastically different the next week... there’s just no way of knowing much of anything and god i hate that. it’s making me so goddamn anxious. 
i really doubt things are going to be back to normal in New York in the fall sooo...? i don’t know man again it comes down to asking people questions they don’t have the answers to and that’s just incredibly frustrating because i just want to know ONE THING for certain right now. ONE THING! idk i just wish that my college would be a little more transparent about their plans as they move along and figure things out but i know that’s not feasible. at the very least i hope things will be safe enough for them to make dorming on campus an option — freshmen have a pretty ample amount of singles available anyway. but if i have to spend the first semester of college onLINE in THIS HOUSE that’s... gonna suck. especially because i’m still probably going to be paying thousands of dollars for it which is, as my grandmother says, foul! 
THE GAP YEAR – to defer or not to defer? that is the question. 
so naturally in preparation for a potentially wonky ass academic year i’m considering deferring enrollment. but lmao... the deadline to do so is in uh *checks watch* three (3) literal days so. don’t know about that chief! 
like, i know i’m PROBABLY NOT gonna end up taking a gap year. but i guess it’s just the fact that i have so much more canvas space to daydream about it that makes it so appealing... there are so many more possibilities that i can think of that are more likely to be open to me. then again, nothing’s guaranteed. not even my own health in the fall. which is also pretty fuckin scary as hell.
y’all wanna know where i get my gap year daydream fuel? UNJADED JADE. bruh i’ve been binging her videos like MAD especially the ones where she interrails Europe during her gap year and UGH. it seems incredible. and that makes things even more confusing because i really don’t know what the right decision to make is right now. to defer or not to defer... 
again it’s all so heavily influenced by unknowns. of all the things that could happen, i’d much prefer to have a regular freshman year fall with the people in my class whom i’ve already been getting to know pretty well through groupchats and social media and the like. they’re a pretty dope bunch and i think college with them is gonna be a hoot and a goddamn half. but if i’ll end up just staying home and watching zoom lectures in my basement anyway... i’d much rather be taking a gap year. 
and i’ve been brainstorming what i’d do during this gap year (again, thanks Unjaded Jade for the god-tier content agh) and there’s just like... so many options. i could get a goddamn JOB and start saving up for tuition instead of paying tens of thousands for online school. hell with the money i make working full time i could probably save up enough to afford an apartment so at the very least i could move out of my house into a place where i feel more comfortable. and lmao I: s a l i v a t e at the thought of using that time to focus on my writing, too. the amount of writing i could get done in a year of empty calendar space... glorious. what an utterly glorious prospect. 
and of course, i’d love to fucking travel, volunteer (with a reputable and well-intentioned organization) in a foreign country, do a workstay abroad, take a train across america, but again, i don’t even know if any of that’s going to be feasible in the fall. it’s so FRUSTRATING because i’ll think of a possibility and then another one comes in and completely shuts the former down. 
and it’s not like i can ask anyone for advice right now because we’re ALL none the wiser. plus, i’ve realized that frankly, even if it’s unreasonable, i don’t want anyone to tell me that my plans for a gap year aren’t feasible. it’s such a petulant thing to say... but i don’t want anyone to add to my sense of there being a limited amount of options that i can take advantage of because everything’s already so goddamn stifling as is. i guess the prospect of a gap year excites me so much because it seems like a year where i don’t have to be defined by anyone or anything but myself. and that’s so fucking liberating. 
i just want the freedom to imagine right now because that’s when i feel happiest, but at the same time i’m afraid to get my hopes up for anything because i have this sinking feeling that the absolute worst case scenario is going to become reality. lmao. people in my state aren’t even fucking social distancing correctly so i’m damn sure that we’re in for a second and a third wave and that’s gonna suck but people are stupid as hell :)  
lol on that positive note, thanks for reading this... increasingly depressing and chaotic rant. don’t really think i’m doing this “blog” stuff right but if you got this far, i love you. leave a note if you so please, comment your thoughts, reblog if you’d like (still don’t really understand the difference between reblogging and reposting on this app but lmao feel free to click the boxy arrow thing), and stay safe and healthy and all that jazz <3
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
Bill and Jessica
This is a continuation @skrsgrd-my-boi requested. So here ya go. Super fluffy and some curse words.
This is Bill and Jessica and they're just gonna be happy overload
For the first one go here: https://anastasiaskarsgard.tumblr.com/post/185008455366/i-sooo-need-you-to-write-about-what-would-happen
“Honey I’m home!” Jessica yelled as she walked in the condo, a few minutes past 3 am.
She’d been drinking since that afternoon and had misplaced her iPhone, somewhere along the way. Therefore, she had no clue that Bill had been blowing up her phone all night. She tripped over some shoes in the hallway and ate shit. It wasn’t too bad of a fall, but any type of fall, when you’re an adult is rough. Lucky for her, she was wasted, so everything was just hilarious.
Bill got up and walked out of his room, to find Jessica, lying on the ground laughing hysterically. He hadn’t been able to sleep anyway and had been laying there, rehearsing what he was going to say to her when she got home, but now he was just happy she was back safe.
He went to help her up, but instead of getting up, she pulled him down on top of her.
“Dammit! Where have you been? I’ve been calling you all night! I was worried, sick!” Bill spat at her.
“Billy Willy I might have drunk too much and lost my phone when the sun was still up. So there’s that. And then I was a drinking safari with Angel because she liberated herself from her evil boyfriend, the Dreamkiller. Terrifying guy. No fun at all.” Jessica hiccuped. “Excuse my hiccups, but I love you.” She grabbed bill’s face and pulled him into a deep kiss, interrupted here and there with a hiccup.
Bill was rigid at first, but he really loved Jessica’s drunk ass and couldn’t really be mad, she couldn't answer the phone, if she didn’t even have it.
He pulled away and met her eyes, “you could of at least called and let me know you’re ok.”
“Will do Billy Willy. 10-4 over and out.”
“I’m serious. I love you, and I worry. I know what a drunken jackass you can be, and I’m not saying you can’t go out and get smashed with your friends. I wish you would bring me along so that I can take care of you,” Bill said as he peppered her face with kisses.
“A-ok. Scouts honor,” Jessica tried to salute, but just poked herself in the eye somehow. “Ouch!”
Bill tenderly kissed her eye. “Can I carry you to bed?”
“Only if you’re naked,” Jessica said with a mischievous grin.
Bill had only been wearing boxers, so he quickly was nude and hoisted Jessica up into a bridal hold, carrying her to their room.
“Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer!” Jessica sang out.
“You are THE MOST obnoxious drunk girl that ever lived,” Bill said, rolling his eyes.
“Bitch! I am serenading you, and you call me names? Shame on you! Shame your cow! Shame your whole family!” Jessica giggled, but when she looked at Bill, he looked utterly lost. “Don’t tell me that you never saw Mulan!”
The beautiful Swede looked just as lost as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Put me down. I must go to my secret movie stash!” She said, kicking her legs.
He set her down, and she ran out of the bedroom to get her movie while Bill brushed his teeth. He turned to see her walking in the room carrying a tape box. He spat and asked, “is that really a VHS?”
“Yes. I have all my old Disney movies. I’m not a heathen. I can’t believe you never saw this classic. And you call yourself an artist. Bah!”
Bill beamed at Jessica as she talked to the DVD VCR combo trying to make it work with sloppy drunk impatience. She shooshed him and pressed her ear to the machine, with the cutest little concentration face, Bill had ever seen.
“What are you doing, Jess?”
“I’m making sure, it’s not eating it.... I think we are good.”
She stood up, quickly shedding all her clothes, and bounded over to the bed before diving on it, bouncing around giggling.
Bill loved how silly and free-spirited she could be. He had been like that once, but after playing a few very dark, disturbing roles, he found it more and more difficult to let go, and act a fool.
He’d met Jessica after an event she had decorated, when his then-girlfriend, had gotten jealous and abandon him there. Bill was rather intoxicated, and his phone was dead, so he had no way to call a ride, and didn’t particularly care. He sat down to smoke when he heard a yelp. He quickly got up and ran towards the direction of the sound, imagining several terrible scenarios, he could be running into. What he found was a breathtakingly beautiful woman, clinging to a ladder that had fallen over against the wall, about to crash down at any moment. He hurried over and righted the ladder, holding it so she could climb down.
Jessica turned to thank her hero, and when she looked into his eyes, her eyes went wide, and she laughed.
”What?” Bill asked self consciously.
“Shut the fuck up! Bill Skarsgård did not just save me! Oh my God, I just told Bill Skarsgård to shut the fuck up! I’m so sorry, my bad. I should be internalizing all this, but I’m an asshole.” She hid her face in her hands, shaking her head.
“No worries. What were you doing on that ladder?” He asked.
Jessica explained she was tearing down the party now and was working. She owned a company that made any theme, or vision you had, a reality. Want a flapper fundraiser? Jess would come in with feather boas hanging from giant white balloons, that lit up. Champagne bottles turned upside down, spraying balloon bubbles, in a cascade. Make amazing centerpieces and turn a plain ballroom, into a scene out of the Great Gatsby...
Bill found her very easy to talk to and followed her around holding the ladder as she told him about all the different parties she’d done and hilarious anecdotes of her adventures.
“I’m just talking away and although I’m not complaining, why is a movie star helping me?” Jessica asked him, biting her lip nervously.
“Well, for one you’re a lot of fun to talk to. Also, I’m learning a lot about event planning, which I imagine is useful, but my phone is dead, and my date abandon me,” he said, making a pouty face.
Jessica couldn't believe anyone would abandon this sweet, beautiful man, but she knew the bitch he was dating, so it wasn't a complete shock. She knew all about him.
You see, although Jessica was hiding it well if Bill knew her better, he knows she talked a lot when she was nervous. She was worried because she was 1000% a Bill stan and even had a Tumblr dedicated to him. So outside she was quirky and cool, inside she was losing her fucking mind and had died and been brought back to life like 50 times that evening.
”Use my phone.” she said, handing him her phone.
Bill took the phone and stared at it blankly.
”You can use my Uber account or google a cab. Or you probably only like limos huh? You can also rent a car, and they'll pick you up, or I can give you a ride in my awesome ass van, but that'll be quite some time since I have to get all the decor down. I don't have to clean or anything. Just get my shit and go.”
”you wouldn't mind?”
Jessica nearly fell over. Her mind raced as she thought about driving with Bill in her work van. It was taking all her power, not to fangirl the fuck out, but he was surprisingly easy going and seemed like he just wanted to be a normal person. ”No! You can help me carry stuff so there are fewer trips and we leave sooner.”
Bill didn't want to leave sooner, but he nodded, and they went around collecting everything, laughing and chatting. When it was time to go, Bill panicked at the thought of never seeing her again but reminded himself he had a girlfriend. He climbed in the van and told her the hotel he was staying at while she turned on her Spotify.
”Okay, so I have a girlfriend.” he blurted out.
”Not a very nice one, but to each his own I suppose. Don't worry tho Bill; I wasn't planning on taking advantage of you.” she quipped.
Bill blushed and asked, ”well can you text me your number, in case I ever need to decorate an event or need to laugh?”
She could not believe Bill motherfucking Skarsgard was asking for her number. She handed him her phone, to text himself and tried to focus on not swooning so hard, she crashed the van.
Soon she dropped him off at his hotel, and it wasn't until he was safely inside she screamed.
Bill crawled in bed, and snuggled up to Jessica, happier than hed ever been in his life. She was the light to the dark, and as he watched the movie, listening to her commentary, singing along word for word to every song, he wondered how long was polite, to ask someone to marry them.
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