#I am putting this scene in my head and spinning it around like a microwave
thelittlemermage · 7 months
Thinking about how the words "Love, Pinky" actually got him a little shook.
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thedawningofthehour · 10 months
Hiii :)
this isn’t really an ask but more of an appreciation message. I just wanted to tell you how cool it is when you respond in depth to all these questions you’re asked. The amount of knowledge and thoughtfulness that you put behind every scene of Doth is incredible and amazing to see you explain. I always love to see your thoughts on even the smallest instances or words said.
i just love how thought out everything seems to be <3
Aww, thank you!
I've joked about it before but this story really is spinning around in my brain like a microwave. I have ADHD and have like...ten tabs open in my head at all times, and eight of them are usually this fic. It adds up to a lot of thoughts.
Sometimes I genuinely don't know why any of you are here, but I am immensely grateful that you are. I appreciate you guys being willing to listen to my ramblings. :)
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leossmoonn · 3 years
Unexpected Love [Kai Parker] || Part One
pairing - kai parker x fem, human!reader
type - fluff, angst
note / request  - this request is by @mrs-parker-1972​ “The reader is on the other side with the others, and gets trapped there with bonnie and damon, or you can just skip to part when all three of them are in the prison world. So i am not really sure on how the reader meets kai, but you can improvise that part, I trust you. And then well, um, the reader and kai will hate each other and despise each other (damon and bonnie are in the real time world I guess?) And then kai does something human for the reader (you know, coz he doesn't have feelings) and it wakes something in him and the reader and kai grow close to each other, and I really don't know what else, but like can you, make their time in the prison world longer?? (Kai and the reader's) . And please it would be hilarious if you could add some comedic lines if damon, coz you know, damon is damon. And it would be AWESOME if you added the deleted scene of kai Parker where he is really emotional, and he says that after the reader touches a really soft spot about his child hood. And please make the reader human.” 
note - so i was planning on just rewatching the 6th season and copying scenes but i discovered it would take so long lol, so i split this into a 4 parts. i also didn’t really copy anything from the show, just the scene at the end. so most of this is just my writing. part two is at the end and word count is 7k+
summary - you and kai fall in love over a period of time after spending time with each other in the prison world
warnings / includes - language, alcohol, crying, fighting, 
*gif isn't mine*
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“Maybe if you didn’t take so long to look for Alaric, we would still be alive!” I exclaimed. 
“Hey, you’re the one who insisted that you have a whole conversation with Lexi about the last few years,” Damon spat. 
“Yeah, but we were both already with Bonnie. You were miles away!” 
“You two stop it!” Bonnie shouted, putting her hands up in-between Damon and I. 
“No, Damon needs to know that this is his fault,” I glared.
“Oh, hardly. Why were you even there, again?” Damon asked. 
“Because you twisted my neck, jackass. Which thank you, by the way,” you smiled sourly. 
“Man, I wish you weren’t wearing that ring. You being dead right now would really-”
“Damon!” Bonnie yelled again. “I’m serious. You two need to stop. You’re giving me a headache.”
“Not my fault,” I mumbled, looking down at the road. 
“Liar,” Damon said not-so-quietly. 
“Before you two start again, let me remind you that I’m scared and mad, too. We can’t just fight the whole time, though. We need to see if we can get out. You two have been fighting about this for months, so stop,” Bonnie said. 
“We’re dead, Bon-Bon. We can’t get out,” Damon said. 
I rolled my eyes and started to walk away from them. I couldn’t stand Damon. 
“Where are you going?” Damon exclaimed. 
“To look for a way out, and to get away from you!” I yelled without looking back. 
“See? She’s useless,” Damon muttered behind my back. 
I let out a long, distressed sigh. “I’m going back home.”
“Same. I need some food,” Bonnie said, catching up with me. 
We walked for miles until we got to Damon’s house. I was sweating and panting by the time we got there. We had no cars so it was a good 5 mile walk.
“Need any water?” Damon asked as we walked inside his house. 
“Yes, please,” I breathed out. 
I trudged over to the couch, flopping down and taking my sneakers off. Damon came back over with a big class of cold water. I smiled at him gratefully, standing up to take it. Damon had other ideas, though. He lifted the glass up to the top of his head, making it hard for me to grab it. 
“Oh, c’mon. You’re such a dick!” I whined, jumping up. My fingertips skimmed the bottom the glass, but I still was just a little too short to grab it. 
“Say that magic words,” Damon smirked.
I rolled my eyes. “Thank you, oh great wise one.”
Damon smiled happily, setting the glass down on the table. 
“Jerk,” I muttered, taking a long sip of the water. 
“You love me!” Damon sang. “Nope,” I shook my head. 
“Hey, we need to get more food,” Bonnie stated from the kitchen.
“Then go and get it, Bon-Bon,” Damon muttered. 
“I was just about to, Damon,” Bonnie spat.
“Maybe you can go and learn magic again, too,” Damon snickered. 
I turned my head to him. glaring. “Wow, you are just full of shit today. Huh, Damon?”
Damon rolled his eyes at my insult. “Yeah, well, I don’t want to be stuck here. I want to see Elena.”
“And you will! Who knows, maybe I’ll get my magic back. While I’m out I’ll go and practice magic,” Bonnie shrugged off Damon’s insult. 
“Good idea. I’ll go with you,” I smiled, standing up and slipping back on my shoes. 
“With all do respect Bonnie, you haven’t been able to do magic ever since you became the anchor. What makes you think you can do it now?” Damon asked.
“Just have faith, Damon. She can do it. I know it,” I smiled at Bonnie, who smiled gratefully back at me.
“Fine. But are you guys gonna leave me all alone?” Damon whined. 
“Yep,” I nodded, walking over to the door. 
“Who’s the rude one now?” Damon challenged. I put a finger up to my chin and hummed, pretending that I was thinking hard. I then put on a charming smile. 
“Still you. Ready Bonnie?” I turned to the girl next to me who was putting on a jacket. 
“Yep. See you later, Damon,” Bonnie smiled and waved. 
“See you,” I nodded. 
Damon waved goodbye as we shut the door behind us. I walked with Bonnie until we split off. She went to her grandmother’s house, while I went to the little supermarket a few miles out. 
Walking there was a pain in the ass. I had my car keys with me, but I couldn’t seem to find my car. Even though this place had everything else; Damon’s house, my house, Bonnie’s grandmother’s house. Even Elena’s house. Just not my car, which pissed me off, but I knew I couldn’t start to get mad again. Getting angry and upset wouldn’t help us get out of here. 
I walked up to the supermarket and entered the market, expecting someone to be at the register, but no one was there. I laughed at myself for expecting someone. Every time I’ve gone out, I’ve always expected to see people. But I remind myself that I’m dead. Of course no one would be here. We were all alone. Those cars outside were just there because this was just a very real, very confusing after-life. 
I grabbed a shopping cart and started getting the stuff we needed. Eggs, milk, fruit, vegetables, bread. I then got some soda and water bottle cases, some bags of chips and sweets. I went over to the frozen food section and got a few microwavable dinners and some ingredients to make food like chilli and tacos. I went around the store once more, making sure I got everything we needed. I passed one shelf, stopping once I realised that something was missing. 
“I thought there were pork rinds here,” I muttered. 
Merry-go-round music then started to play. I turned a full 360, trying to see if there was anybody in the store with me. No one was here. I went outside of the store, seeing the little merry-go-round spinning. 
“That’s weird,” I mumbled. 
I heard the sound of flapping and my head snapped to the sound. I saw someone pass by in a flash. Goosebumps sprung up on my arms and the hairs on the back of my neck raised. I got this uneasy feeling in my stomach as my mind went to disturbing thoughts.
“Hello?” I called out. 
I walked further into the parking lot, hearing the noise again. I sighed as I realised it was probably just Damon pulling a prank on me. 
“Very funny, Damon! You’ve freaked me out, good job. You can come out now!” I exclaimed, my eyes searching the open area. 
The merry-go-round came to a stop and I let out a deep breath to try and calm myself down. Bonnie, Damon, and I were the only ones here. No one was going to hurt me… Right?
The merry-go-round music started up again suddenly. I jumped in surprise and fear, doing another 360.
“Must be on a timer,” I muttered. 
“False,” an unfamiliar, matter-of-fact voice spoke behind me. 
I froze in my spot, afraid to turn around as I knew that definitely wasn’t Damon. 
“Don’t be scared. I won’t hurt you,” the voice said, getting closer to me. 
The person appeared in front of me. I stiffened up more as the voice belonged to a man. A very attractive man, might I add. He had a big, teasing smile on his face. His blue eyes danced around my face, studying me as I studied him. He had brown hair that was combed up, wearing jeans, a black t-shirt, a green jacket and carrying a bag of pork rinds.
“Oh, you’re the one who stole the pork rinds. Who are you?” I asked. “I’m Kai,” the man held his free hand out.
My eyes flickered down to his arm and back up to his eyes. I put my hand out gingerly, slipping my hand into his slowly. I kept eye contact as we shook hands. My stomach did flips as we touched. 
“Nice to meet you, Kai. I’m Y/n,” I offered him a friendly smile. 
“Oh, I know,” Kai shrugged. I furrowed my brows, instinctively pulling my hand away from his. 
“How?” I asked. 
“I’ve been watching you and your friends for a while,” he admitted. 
“Oh,” I said, my eyes wide in shock. 
“Yep! It’s so nice to have friends now. Man, I have been really lonely,” he chuckled. 
“We aren’t friends. And what do you mean you’ve been lonely. Are you dead, too? Have you been stuck here as long as us, too?” I asked. 
Kai frowned, stepping closer to me. “Why all the questions? Don’t you want to get to know me?”
“Um,” I shifted uncomfortably on my feet, stepping back so there was distance between us. 
“Am I making you uncomfortable? Sorry about that. It’s been a while since I’ve had face-to-face type human interaction,” he chuckled, looking down to the ground. 
“No, it’s fine. Anyways, are you dead, too?” I repeated one of my burning questions. 
“No! I am very much alive. Well, I think so. You can kiss me to find out, though,” he flirted. 
I felt the tip of my ears grow warm as his suggestion. “No, thanks.” 
“Oh! I’m doing it again. God, sorry. You are just so pretty and i get nervous when I’m around girls. Especially ones like you.”
I chuckled, my grip on the shopping cart tightening. “So, you said you have been lonely. For how long, exact?”
“Long time. I’m not sure. It’s 1994, though,” he explained. 
My eyes bulged out of my head. “What?! It’s 1994?”
“Yep. There’s literally newspapers everywhere,” he snorted. 
“Well, I haven’t really been observant, I guess. What are we doing in 1994?”
“We’re stuck!” He explained. “Oh, damn,” I muttered. 
“Yeah, it sucks, but now you guys are here to keep me company!” He grinned. 
I smiled politely at him, getting ready to turn around and go back home. “Right. Well, I gotta go. My friends are expecting me for dinner. Maybe you could uh… You could um, come to dinner?”
His eyes widened in surprise. I kept on my smile, shifting the weight in my feet. 
“Really?” He asked. 
“Yeah, why not! Um, chilli sound good?” I asked. “Perfect. I’ll bring drinks,” he suggested. 
“Sounds great. Well, um, see you later?” I proposed, getting ready to turn around. 
“Yep,” he smiled. “Great,” I chuckled, looking down shyly. I began to turn around, but Kai stopped me. 
“Why don’t I drive you there? It’d be tedious of you to carry the cart all the way home, right?” Kai asked. 
I turned back around, “Um… Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. Are you sure, though?” 
My smiled widely, giggling a little. “Well, yeah, I’d really appreciate it.”
“Great. My car’s over here,” He said and pointed to a dark blue Chevy. 
“Wow, this is a really cool car,” I said, wheeling the car to it. “Yeah, I know,” he smiled, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
I opened up the trunk and loaded the groceries in the car. I then walked over to the passenger seat and got in, buckling and waiting for Kai to get in the driver’s seat. We got to Damon’s place in 10 minutes. I was very thankful I had met him, even though he was a little bit of a weirdo. Kai parked in the entry way and he helped me take in the groceries. 
“Hey, Damon! Is Bonnie home yet?” I called out. 
“Yeah! I am,” Bonnie came out from the kitchen. Her smile faltered as he saw Kai standing next to me. “Who, uh, who is this?” “Oh!” I giggled. “This is Kai. We met at the supermarket.”
“Oh, really? Hi, Kai,” Damon narrowed his eyes at him. 
“Hi, Damon!” Kai said cheerfully. “How the hell do you know my name?” Damon asked. 
“Oh, he’s just uh… He’s just been observing us and stuff,” I explained. 
“Hm, not creepy at all,” Damon muttered. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Kai. Are you joining us for dinner?” Bonnie asked. 
“Yeah, I hope that’s okay,” Kai said. “Yeah! It’s fine, guys, right?” I asked. 
“Sure,” Bonnie nodded. 
“Great! I brought drinks, too,” he said, holding a bag filled with bourbon and whiskey. 
“Great, but we already have some,” Damon said, gesturing to the liquor cabinets. 
“Oh,” Kai frowned. “But it’s fine! We’ll drink your’s,” I said. 
“Great,” Kai perked up again. “Let’s get dinner started, yeah?” I suggested, walking over to the kitchen. 
Everyone nodded in agreement and helped with dinner. Kai mostly helped. Damon got bored in the middle and went to his room to do God know’s what, while Bonnie went to sit on the couch and watch 90′s classics. 
“Thanks for helping with dinner,” I said. “No problem. You are an amazing cook,” Kai complimented. 
“You haven’t even tasted the food,” I chuckled. 
“Well, you seem to know the recipe and whatnot. And it smells amazing.”
“Well, thank you,” I smiled, turning and looked at him. 
My eyes met his and a wave of butterflies washed over me. I looked into his mysterious blue eyes, getting lost in them quickly. 
“Is dinner done yet?” Damon asked, interrupting the moment. 
I jumped away from Kai in an instant, hanging my head low in embarrassment.
“Yeah,” I muttered, walking away and getting bowls out. I poured the chilli in each bowl, bringing them to the table with a glasses of Kai’s alcohol. 
“Dig in.” I sprinkled cheese over my chilli. 
“Let me take a sip of this bourbon first,” Damon said, holding the glass up skeptically. He brought the glass up to his lips, taking a slow and small sip. As soon as the bourbon touched his lips, he dropped the glass on the floor and his hand flew to his throat. 
“Oh, my God. Damon, are you okay?” I jumped up from my seat, running over to him. 
“V-Vervain,” Damon gasped. “Vervain… What?” I gulped, my eyes immediately meeting with Kai’s. 
“You!” I pointed. “Oops,” Kai chuckled, getting out of his seat. 
“Not so fast,” Bonnie said, grabbing his arm to sit him back down. Kai grabbed her arm, too. Bonnie started screaming and holding his hand in pain. 
“What? What are you doing to her!” I exclaimed, going over to them. 
“Taking her magic,” Kai shrugged. “What! B-But… How?” I asked. 
“She’s a witch, so am I. Well, not exactly. I’m more of what you say… a siphon,” he explained as if I was supposed to know. 
“Well, whatever are you, get off of her!” I yelled, taking ahold of his jacket and pulling him away. I stumbled back, still holding onto him. 
“I wasn’t done yet!” Kai whined. 
“I don’t care! You were hurting her,” I glared at him, shoving him out of the way and going to Bonnie. 
“Hey, did he burn you? Let’s get your arm under some water,” I said, grabbing her shoulder gently. 
“No, I’m not burned. It just hurt like hell. Ugh! Why did you do that?!” Bonnie exclaimed angrily at Kai. 
“Because I needed the power to do this,” Kai said, holding up his hand. He made the bottle of bourbon float up and poured it all over Damon. 
“Stop!” I shrieked, running over to shove his arm down, but he sent me flying across the room with his other hand. 
“Sorry, princess, but I can’t let you ruin this,” Kai said. 
I groaned, holding the back of my head. “Screw you.”
“Oh, I wish you could,” Kai winked at you. 
I gagged in disgust and got up slowly, groaning at the paining my back. “Not anymore.” Kai chuckled will finishing pouring the bottle of bourbon on Damon, then lifting him up and throwing him against the wall.
“B-Bonnie. D-Do mag-gic,” Damon whimpered.  “Yeah, please do,” I nodded, balancing myself on the island counter. 
“Yeah, please do, Bonnie. Please humiliate yourself in front of your friends. It’s so sad that you can’t do magic. I’ve been watching you for weeks now. What’s even the point of you trying? What’re you gonna do, fail at me? It’s embarrassing. I’m embarrassed for you,” Kai taunted her. 
Bonnie gave him a death glare and looked around the room, spotting a few candles. She closed her eyes and held up her hand. “Phasmatos Incendia.”
I watched in amazement as the candles lit. Bonnie then turned to Kai, who had a shocked look on his face. She grinned at him, cocking her head to the side. 
“I’m embarrassed for you,” she mocked him. 
“Dammit,” Kai muttered. “Looks like I have to kill you now. I was planning on for that to be later.” “Oh, no you don’t,” Damon remarked, getting up slowly. He then sped over to Kai and before Kai could react, Bonnie held Kai’s arms back while Damon punched Kai. 
“You’re going down, wacko,” Damon muttered, taking Kai’s head in his hands and slamming him down on the floor, knocking Kai out. 
“Are you okay, Damon?” I asked immediately. “Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s get him chained up,” Damon said. 
“Yeah, okay,” I nodded, going over and lifting Kai up form under his arms. 
“Good job, Bon-Bon. About time,” Damon patted Bonnie on the back. 
“Thanks,” Bonnie gave him a small smile. 
Bonnie helped me chain up Kai to a chair, Damon going on the couch to heal and rest. 
“I can’t believe you liked him,” Damon spoke up after a while. 
“I didn’t,” I protested. “You sure? You were drooling all over him when he first came into the house. You're type is crazy,” Damon smirked. 
I rolled my eyes, wanting to change the subject. “I think the whiskey he brought also has vervain in it.”
“He’s right, Y/n. You have horrible taste in guys,” Bonnie teased. 
I scoffed. “Un-called for! Damon’s supposed to be the rude one.”
“It’s not being rude if I’m telling the truth,” Bonnie smirked. “Yeah, well, I guess I liked him. Not anymore, though,” I sighed, sitting down on the couch next to Damon. 
“Good. We would definitely have had to take you to therapy,” Damon smirked. 
I laughed with him, letting out a long sigh. “I just still can’t believe there is someone here with us.” “Yeah, and he’s a psycho,” Damon spat. 
“What're we gonna do with him when he wakes up?” I asked. 
“Interrogate him. See what he knows, what he wants, how to get out of here,” Damon answered. 
“Well, I know a little bit about what he knows,” I said. “We’re in 1994.”
“Yeah, I know,” Damon muttered. “What, how?” I asked. 
“While you were gone we found a newspaper. Apparently, we have been re-living May 10th since we got here,” Bonnie said sourly. 
“Oh. Great,” I shook my head. “Anything else you guys found out?”
“Yes, actually. Kai is a murderer,” Bonnie said. She grabbed a newspaper from the coffee table and held it up to my face. She pointed to the left side where there were four headshots of teenagers. 
“Family Massacred in Portland. The only one missing was the oldest boy. A 22 year-old named Malachai,” I read aloud. I then looked up to Kai who was still knocked out. “I-Is he Malachai?”
“All signs point to yes,” Damon said. “My God. I liked a murderer? Jesus, what is wrong with me?” I muttered, setting the newspaper down. 
“Really? Your type in men is what you’re worried about?” Damon scoffed. 
I smiled a little. “No, no! It’s just… Weird to me. Anyways, if he knows the way out, we have to get out without him, okay?”
“Deal,” Bonnie nodded. 
“Do you guys want to go to bed?” I asked. “Well, someone has to stay and watch,” Damon gestured to Kai. 
“Why don’t you. You’re the immortal,” I nudged his shoulder. 
“Fine. I’ll alert you guys when he wakes up,” Damon said. 
“Great. Thanks, Damon,” Bonnie smiled. “Mhm. No prob!” Damon exclaimed as Bonnie and I climbed up the stairs. 
“He is kinda cute,” Bonnie said once we reached one the guest bedroom.
“Who? Damon?” I asked. “No, Kai,” Bonnie explained. 
I raised my brows, my mouth formed in the shape of an ‘O’. 
“What?” Bonnie asked. “I cannot believe you just said that about our enemy. You’re never this two-faced,” I smirked. 
Bonnie rolled her eyes, “Yeah, well, he’s still a sociopath.”
“True that. Hey, wanna have a sleepover? Maybe have some fun,” I suggested. 
“Yes! Oh, I wish that Care and Elena were here,” Bonnie sighed. 
“Me, too, Bon. We’ll get to see them soon, though.” I put a hand on her shoulder. 
“I hope,” Bonnie smiled.  I smiled back and went to the closet, finding a pair of sweats and a tank top. Bonnie and I got ready for bed, staying up for a good hour talking, finally passing out across the bed. 
I was the first one to wake up. I rose up slowly and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Once I opened them fully, I looked around the room with complete confusion. Once I looked at the clock, though, I finally realised that I was in a repeating loop of May 10th, 1994. You’d think waking up for months in this place, I would get used to it, but I really never have. Not yet, at least. 
“Disappointing, right?” Bonnie spoke next to me. I turned, chuckling in agreement. “Most definitely.”
“At least we got a full night’s sleep. It’s 10 AM,” Bonnie said. “True,” I nodded, getting up and stretching. 
“Let’s go and see the sociopath living downstairs,” I groaned. 
“I’ll need coffee before I see him,” Bonnie said, getting up and putting on a robe.
“Oh, me, too,” I chuckled. 
We both went downstairs after freshening up, going to the kitchen immediately.
“Um, hello? Did you forget about us?” Damon asked form the living room. 
“Yep,” Bonnie smiled at him. Damon rolled his eyes, going over to us. 
“Hurry up, sleeping beauties. Malachai is awake,” Damon said, his eyes going wide as he said Kai’s full name. 
“Please, it’s Kai,” Kai said. “Hm, nope. I read Malachai in the newspaper,” Damon gave Kai his signature sarcastic smile. 
Bonnie and I laughed at Damon defying Kai. I poured myself some coffee and made myself some eggs and toast before going over to Damon. 
“Alright, I am ready to get this interrogation on,” I smiled, sitting down on the couch. 
“Me, too,” Bonnie said, sitting next to me. 
“Wow, you look beautiful when just waking up,” Kai complimented. 
“Drop the act, weirdo,” I rolled my eyes. 
“I was actually talking to the green-eyed beauty next to you,” Kai grinned. 
I couldn’t help but frown. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach and I looked down at my food, picking up the toast and nibbling on the crust. 
“You can still drop the act. We want answers,” Bonnie demanded. 
“Ooh, you are so sexy while dominant,” Kai winked. “And you are so gross and desperate,” Bonnie stated. 
“If you don’t give us answers, I’ll snap your neck,” Damon threatened. 
I looked up and saw Kai pursing his lips. 
“It’s so funny,” Kai stated. “What is?” Damon asked. 
“Well, you three seem to hate me, yet you haven’t killed me yet,” Kai explained. 
“Because we need information from you, and you are withholding for no reason,” Bonnie explained further. 
“Fine. But I want Y/n to ask the questions,” Kai said, his blue eyes landing on me. 
I glared at him right away. “Why me? You seem pretty infatuated with Bonnie.”
“Jealousy is not a good look on you, princess,” he spoke playfully.
I had to fight the butterflies that were swarming in my stomach. “And being annoying is not a good way for us to not kill you.”
Kai laughed, “Fair. So, what do you guys want to know?”
“Why are we here? Is this my personal hell?” Damon asked quickly. 
I furrowed my brows and looked up at  him. “Why do you think this is your personal hell?”
“Well, first of all my car is parked in the entry way. Yeah, I noticed that. And second… There was something bad I did during May 10th, 1994,” Damon sighed. 
“Damon… What did you do?” Bonnie’s voice wavered. “Yeah, Damon, what did you do?” Kai pressed on. 
“You,” Damon pointed to Kai. “Shut it. And… You guys would hate me if I told you. Like, hate me for real.”
“Oh, I bet it’s not too bad,” I smiled comfortingly. 
“Nope, it’s bad,” Damon sighed. “Well, then tell us,” Bonnie pushed. 
Damon sighed, walking from the back of the couch to the armchair. He slumped down. “I… I killed a pregnant woman.”
The plate that was once in my hand clattered to the ground. 
“You what!?” Bonnie exclaimed. 
“Not one of my best moments,” Damon sighed. 
“W-Why?” I stuttered, racking my brain for any type of logical explanation. 
“Cause I was mad at Stefan,” Damon shrugged. “And that justifies the fact that you killed a pregnant woman?” Bonnie shouted. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know! I’m a horrible person, okay?” Damon exclaimed, shooting up from his seat. 
“You’re worse than I thought. How can Elena love you!” Bonnie scoffed. 
I stood up in-between them. “Okay, not the time, guys. We need to ask Kai questions.”
“And before you do that, I need you guys to get a few things for me,” Kai said. 
I groaned, “What now?”
“Well, I need to make a list, and I can’t if I’m all tied up.”
I rolled my eyes. “Fine.” I went over to him, untying the rope. I then got a paper and pencil and handed them to him. 
“Thank you, honey,” Kai gave me an eye-blinding grin. 
“Yeah, whatever,” I muttered, going to the kitchen to get a dustpan to sweep up the broken pieces of the plate. 
“Alright!” Kai announced after a few moments. “All done.” “Great. I’ll go out,” I said, going over and taking the paper out of his hand. Kai reached out to stop me, though. 
“Nope. I want you to stay,” Kai said. “Why?” I asked. 
“Because you’re so cute,” he complimented. “Shut up. I will kill you,” I sneered, jerking my arm out of his grasp. 
“I’ll go. I don’t want to be around Damon,” Bonnie snarled, snatching the piece of paper. 
“Bon, c’mon,” Damon said helplessly, following her to the door. 
They both went out of the house. I could hear Bonnie shouting from the outside. 
“Finally alone together,” Kai said. 
“Yeah, no. I’m going upstairs,” I said, turning on my heels. 
“If you stay I'll tell you everything,” Kai said. 
I stopped in my track, turning back to him slowly. “Really?” 
He nodded. “I promise.”
“Fine,” I sighed, sitting back down on the couch. Kai got up and walked over. He sat down right next to me. 
I huffed and got up, sitting in the armchair. 
“Fine, I’ll talk to you this way, I guess. So, what do you want to know?” Kai asked. 
“Why did you kill your family?” I asked.  “Well, I was born into a coven of witches. The Gemini coven, to be exact. I was the black sheep of my family. The one whose magical ability was sucking the power out of people. My family hated me. My father hated me. He never showed me love or tried to understand me,” he explained. 
“And that’s why you killed your whole family? Because you never got love?” I asked. 
“Yep. Basically,” he shrugged. “Not a good enough reason,” I shook my head. 
“Well, what were you expecting?”  
I sighed, “I don’t know.”
“Precisely. Anyways, that’s why this is my personal hell. Not Damon’s.”
“How do we get out of here?” I asked. 
“Well, there’s this thing called an ascendent. That will take us home,” he explained. 
“Okay, what is it?” I asked. 
“A mystical relic that was created by my family. It can harnesses the power of a celestial event and creates a portal, to which we can all then go home.”
“And where is the ascendent?” I asked. “I have no idea,” Kai smiled. 
“Ugh! Seriously? How are we going to get out of here now?” “Well, the stuff I asked Bonnie to get will help us. Don’t worry,” he shrugged. 
“Okay, well, I’m going to go and get ready for the day,” I said, standing up. 
“And you’re going to leave me here alone? What if I kill you in the shower?” Kai asked. 
“Well, I need a shower. So, if you do, at least I’ll be released from this world,” I smiled sweetly, walking off. 
I heard him chuckle behind me. I sighed quietly and climbed up the stairs. I could not wait to get out of there. 
I came back downstairs after 30 minutes. I first looked in the living room, seeing Bonnie and Damon with Kai. 
“Took you long enough,” Damon said.
I rolled my eyes, “I assume Kai filled you in?” “Yep. I have to do a spell now to find the ascendent,” Bonnie nodded. 
“And we’re gonna do that with Kai having jam on his fingers?” I asked, pointing to Kai was scooping out jam with his hands. 
“Well, I’m not gonna do the spell. Bonnie will. I’ll just guide her,” Kai explained. 
I hummed in reply and nodded. “Alright, well, let’s get started then.”
Bonnie and Kai went to the dining room table to work. Spreading out a big map and putting some of Kai’s blood on the paper to do a locator spell. 
We watched as she tried a few times before she realised the blood wasn’t moving. 
“It doesn’t feel right,” she sighed. “Maybe I need bigger map.”
“Maybe you’re just out of practice, and you suck at magic now,” Damon said.
“Ignore him, Bonnie. Pretend he’s a white noise machine,” Kai said. “That’s how I used to tune out my siblings.”
“How many siblings?” I asked casually. 
“Seven,” Kai answered. “You know, all of them constantly yammering. But it, uh, taught me how to focus.” He went by Bonnie, looking her in the eye, his gaze traveling down to her lips. 
A pang of jealously hit my heart. I looked down at the ground, not wanting to see them kiss, if they did. 
“Easy there, big brother,” Damon remarked. “She doesn’t know you. At least buy her a drink.”
Bonnie and Kai chuckled, looking at each other. I groaned quietly, going to the kitchen to get myself a drink.
“Hey! Where are you going, princess?” Kai called. 
“Somewhere where you’re not,” I grumbled. 
I got out a bottle of scotch, taking a swig from the bottle. 
“Woah, easy there, princess,” Damon mocked the nickname Kai had given me. 
I glared at him. “Do not call me that.”
“What, I can’t, but Kai can? Sounds like someone still has a crush,” Damon sang. 
“I do not!” 
“You sure you don’t like him? Cause I think you two would make a great fit. He’s crazy and well, you seem to like crazy.”
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, like you and Elena are a great fit, right? You being the one who keeps breaking up with her and all.”
I then walked past Damon and back into the living room, earning a glare from him. 
“The blood’s moving towards Virginia. Can’t be right,” Kai said. 
“Mm-mm. Spell’s working. It’s showing me Mystic Falls. It feels so… close,” Bonnie said, putting her hand on Kai’s jacket, candles lighting up. 
“It right here,” Bonnie said, pressing her hand into his chest. 
Kai took out the ascendent from his jacket pocket, an expression of shock on his face. “Very good.”
“That’s the ascendent?” I asked. “The one and only,” Kai smiled. 
“Thanks for the mind games, jackass,” Damon said. 
“It was just another little test. To make sure Bonnie’s magic was precise enough for the spell,” Kai explained. “I do believe we’re ready. Pack your bags, we’re going home.”
Kai then walked out of the house and to the front yard, stopping every few moments. 
“You’re wandering around like a crazy man, why?” Damon asked. 
“I’m looking for the exact right spot,” Kai answered, holding the ascendent up to the sky. “We need to find where the power of the eclipse is focused.”
“You know, you could have just showed us the ascendant to begin with,” Bonnie said. 
“Yeah, but I wanted to feel your hand on my chest,” Kai smirked. 
A frown rested upon my lips and I looked down at the ground. 
“He is so annoying,” Bonnie muttered. 
“You’re just not used to guys hitting on you,” Damon said. “You know, I can’t wait to get out of here,” Bonnie glared. 
She then went next to me. I held my head back up, but not looking at her.
“Hey, how you holding up?” She asked. “Oh, fine,” I shrugged. “I’m getting kind of bored, though.”
“Yeah, I feel you… Hey,” Bonnie said, putting her hand on my arm. I turned to her, “Yeah?”
“Kai is a sociopath. He’s just flirting with us to get a rise out of each other. I know you don’t like him anymore, but that attraction you felt to him is probably still there. Let’s not let him tear us apart, okay? We’re stronger than some guy,” she smiled. 
I smiled with her, perking up. “Yeah. You’re right. Sorry, just between him calling me pet names and the fact that Damon is always so pissy, it’s hard to be optimistic.”
“Well, I can do magic again now, so there’s one reason!” “Very true. Good job, by the way,” I complimented. “Why, thank you,” Bonnie chuckled.
We followed Kai and Damon, beginning to talk about our plans for when we got home. I looked down at the ground as she talked about her plans with Jeremy. I kicked around a rock, a pair of shoes appearing in front of me. It was Kai. Before my body could stop, I knocked into him.
His hands supported my waist, holding me up. My eyes met his and for a split second, I could see the human in him. I pushed him away though, scoffing in the process. 
“A little warning next time?” 
Kai just smiled down at me, then looking up to the sky. “The eclipse will happen directly overhead. In perfect alignment with the Gemini constellation. You need to dig under the tunnels below us. We’ll do the spell here,” Kai said 
“Wait, why do we have to dig?” Damon asked.
“Have you never portal-jumped through an eclipse before? Okay, look, the light of the eclipse will shine down and activate the ascendant. You spout a little witchy woo and then, poof! Anyone standing in the circle of light holding the ascendant goes home,” Kai explained. 
“Let me see the spell,” Bonnie said. “When the time comes,” Kai smiled.
He then walked past us three. 
“Where are you going?” I asked. “Into town. I need to gather some important supplies,” Kai explained. 
“Y/n, why don’t you watch over him to make sure he isn’t planning to kill us,” Damon said. 
“What! No!” I protested. “You really want to be stuck with us? Digging a hole?” Bonnie asked. 
“Not really,” I sighed. “Fine, I’ll go. See you guys later.” 
“Have fun,” Bonnie smiled. “Oh, you know I will,” I smiled sourly as I followed Kai’s path. 
I jogged to catch up with him. “Hey, Kai! Wait up.”
Kai stopped in his tracks, turning in surprise. “Stalking me?”
“Nope. More like babysitting.”
“Hm. Well, I’m older than you, so technically I would be doing the babysitting,” Kai said. 
“Yeah, like you have any parental instincts. So, where into town are we going?” 
“I thought you hated talking to me,” Kai said. “Just answer the damn question,” I glared. 
“I’m picking up some personal belongings,” Kai explained. 
“Why?” You asked. “Because 1994 has been my home for most of my life. I don’t want to get homesick when I go into the 21st century,” Kai answered.
“Hm, I see. Well, a lot has changed in the last 18 years,” I said. 
“So I can see. They obviously didn’t make girls as pretty as Bonnie back then,” Kai smirked. 
My lips pulled down into another frown. Him complimenting Bonnie was like a stake to the heart. I didn’t know why, but it bothered me a little too much to hear him talk about other girls. It was even worse considering that the girl he was talking about was my best friend.  
“Hey, don’t be so sad. You’re pretty, too,” Kai nudged my shoulder.
“Wow, thanks,” I rolled your eyes. 
“I’m serious! You’re more pretty than Bonnie!” Kai said. “Just want I wanted. You dragging my friend down so I can be complimented,” I hummed. 
Kai rolled his eyes. “Women are so difficult. Look, I meant that you’re really pretty. Bonnie is, too. Just accept the fact I think you’re pretty!”
My face warmed up quickly and I hung my head low. “T-Thanks.”
“Let me guess, not a lot of guys compliment you?”
“They do, but doesn’t mean I don’t get flustered.”
“You seem pretty outgoing to me,” Kai said. 
“Well, that’s probably because I hate you. I’m shy to guys I like,” I explained, putting my head back up. 
“Hm… Or you just think that. You know, girls can be mean when they like a guy.”
“Yeah, in elementary school. Look, I’m not 8 anymore. I know the difference between love and hate and trust me, my feelings for you stand on the hate side.”
“Keep saying that, princess,” Kai remarked. “And stop calling me princess! God, it’s so annoying,” I groaned. 
“C’mon, I know you like it, princess,” Kai teased, poking at my arm. 
I swatted his hand away. “For someone who is a sociopath, you sure like to flirt a lot.”
“I am not a sociopath,” Kai said. “You sure are,” I chuckled. 
“I’m not. I was just treated like the biggest embarrassment and disappointment of my family, and I’ve been stuck here for 18 years. It’s not fun going through what I did,” Kai argued. 
I softened up a little. “Right, yeah. So, how long do we have to walk for?”
“Not very long,” Kai said. 
We walked in a weirdly comfortable silence for 10 more minutes before arriving at a house. 
“This your place I assume?” I asked. 
“Yep. Not the place I grew up in, though,” he said, walking up. “Because you were born in Oregon?” I guessed. 
“Yep. Wow, you pay attention to what I say. So sweet.” I huffed, “Just hurry up.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” I waited for him outside the house, beginning to play with the locket around my neck. I took it off, opening it and smiling nostalgically.
“I miss you guys. I wish you were here,” I said to the pictures, running my fingertips on them. 
“Are you talking to yourself?” Kai’s voice sounded out of nowhere. 
I jumped, immediately shutting the locket. “No. Are you finished?”
“Yep,” he nodded. 
“Good, let’s hurry back.” 
“Who were you talking to?” He asked as we started our journey back to Bonnie and Damon. 
“Nobody,” I answered. “So you were talking to yourself?” Kai pressed. 
“Yeah,” I admitted. “Why?” He asked. 
“It’s none of your business,” I said quickly. I hoped he got the hint that this was something that I would never share. 
“Oh, please? You know, like, everything about me!”
I groaned, “No, Kai! Stop it.”
His eyebrows raised, his lips curling up into a smile. “Alright, Miss Fussy.”
I went in front of him, walking fast. We finally got back to the big hole that was now in the middle of the forrest. 
“Now will you show us the spell?” Bonnie asked, panting. 
“Not yet,” Kai said. “Why? We’ve done everything you want. Just get us out of here,” Damon said. 
“I just… I can’t. Not yet,” Kai shrugged. 
I scoffed, “Now is not the time to be a dick.”
“Wait,” Bonnie said, staring hard at Kai. “He doesn’t know the spell. Which means we don’t need him. Motus.”
Suddenly the pickaxe that Damon had flew up and plunged Kai in the heart, missing my arm by a centimeter. 
“Bonnie!” I shrieked. 
“What? You never liked him anyways,” Bonnie shrugged. “I have my grimoire right here, I’ll find the spell.” Bonnie pulled out the spell book from her backpack. 
“Yeah, and how long is that gonna take?” Damon asked. “Not long if you two let me concentrate,” Bonnie said. 
Damon groaned and walked over to me. “She seems way too calm.”
“She’s not one to freak out like you or Caroline. I’m a little mad at her, too, but I know she’s got this,” I shrugged, taking a seat on the dirt. 
“Find the spell yet, Bon-Bon?” Damon asked, leaning against a tree. 
“It’s been 2 minutes,” I swatted Damon’s leg. “No, but I think the Gemini coven used a Bennett spell to create this place. That's why my grams sent me here,” Bonnie explained. 
I smiled at her, “Great thinking!”
Bonnie thanked me with a nod, holding the ascendent up in her hands and muttering an incantation. My jaw dropped as I saw the ascendent move outwards. 
“And this is why Kai never killed me. He needed a Bennett,” Bonnie smiled triumphantly. 
“See, I told you she knew what she was doing,” I smiled up at Damon. 
“Yeah, well, I did, too. I was just giving her a hard time,” Damon shrugged. 
Bonnie chuckled. “You guys ready to go home?”
“Hell yeah!” I exclaimed and jumped up. 
We all jumped down the hole that Bonnie and Damon dug up, landing in a cave. Bonnie wasted no time dropping her blood onto the ascendant. She muttered the spell, the ascendent winding out further. 
“Ready, guys?” Bonnie asked. 
I nodded, walking up to her and putting my hand under her’s. Damon put his hand under mine. 
“Let’s go home,” I smiled, tears threatening to fall out of my eyes. 
As Bonnie was about to say the spell, an arrow struck just right under my heart and sent me flying. Another arrow also hit Bonnie. I hit a pile of rocks, my head turning to whoever hit me. It was Kai. 
“Forgetting someone?” He asked. “Did you really think I haven’t tried to kill myself before? Because I have.” He loaded up the crossbow again. 
Damon made a move for the ascendent that was now on the floor. 
“Grab that or the next arrow will be in their hearts. Your choice.” Kai threatened. 
Damon sighed and sped over to Bonnie, pulling the arrow out from her body. She screamed in pain, my eyes widening as I watched Kai take the ascendent. 
“Damon!” I exclaimed as Damon as about to feed us his blood. 
Damon fed Bonnie his blood quickly and ran up to Kai, knocking the ascendent out of his hand. My eyes fell to the ascendent as it was close enough for me to try and grab. I tried to reach, but Bonnie was a few steps ahead of me. She then bent down to me, ripping the arrow out of my side. I screamed in pain, tears streaming down my face. 
“We’re gonna get you out of here, okay? Just put pressure on this,” Bonnie said, grabbing her jacket around my wound. 
I shook my head, smiling sadly. “No, I-I won’t make it. You and Damon go. You guys have too much to live for. Me? I have no family there, and we all know Caroline and Elena miss you more.”
“That is so not true,” Bonnie said. “When you were gone at camp for those 3 summers, all Care and Elena could take about was how much they’ve missed you. And I know for a fact that Tyler, Matt, and especially Stefan miss you, too. We are getting you out of here.”
“We are, Y/n. Otherwise Elena would kill me,” Damon groaned from behind me. “I would rather be killed by my hot, vampire girlfriend instead of this psycho. A little help Bonnie?”
Bonnie nodded, muttering a spell that sent Kai flying back. Damon then came over and lifted me up, carrying me over to Bonnie. We stood under the light and I looked up, smiling happily. 
“I’m getting out of here,” I sighed. 
“Not on my watch!” Kai exclaimed. As soon as we started to float up, Kai ran over to Damon and knocked me out of his arms.
“No!” I screamed. 
“Y/n!” Bonnie exclaimed as she shot up in the portal. 
I watched with hot, burning tears as Bonnie and Damon disappeared. I sobbed in pain and sadness, looking at Kai with a watery gaze. 
“Why?!” I screamed. 
“Because like you said, you don’t have any family there. Me neither, so there’s no reason for you to get back to your home,” Kai explained with a shit-eating grin. 
“Screw you,” I muttered distantly. I felt my eyes begin to droop. My breathing was so shallow, I could barely feel my heartbeat. I looked up to the light that was shining down. Where my friends once were. 
“Sleep well, princess. I’ll see you soon.” Was the last thing I heard before I lost all consciousness. 
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
Alix's rom-com night
The June event of the @mlwritersguild was to create bonus content for one of our fics - I decided to seize the opportunity to finally sit down and write one of the bonus scenes of You can count on me (I will be there for you), and to do draw a bit of fanart to go with it (4 panels, including a Marichat piece)! Let me tell you that the Burrow is a pain to draw, but I'm actually quite proud of the result :)
About YCCOM: It's an aged-up, one-sided reveal with "fake" wedding fic, based on Sallteas' art. The fic is 9 chapters and 20k words long. It was written before season 4, so it's no longer canon compliant in terms of who knows who's identities at the beginning.
Synopsis: Ladybug's identity is compromised, and somebody is after her. After a lot of pondering, she and Chat Noir come to the conclusion that her best bet is for her to marry Adrien Agreste. It breaks her heart that she is not marrying Chat Noir, but she knows that she's buying them time to figure out who is behind the anonymous letters she's been receiving, and hopefully to find Hawkmoth. Whatever the situation might be, her wedding day should provide a moment of respite. And maybe it would have, had Chat Noir refrained from coming to visit her just before the ceremony...
About Alix's rom-com night: it's a one shot that's chronologically set before the main fic, but I recommend reading it after reading the latter since it contains spoilers for it. It follows Alix (obviously), and includes Ladybug revealing her identity to Chat Noir and the set up of their "fake wedding" plan.
Hope you enjoy!
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Alix opened her door and dropped her keys in the bowl as she kicked off her shoes with a satisfied sigh. Home, sweet home.
Her studio apartment wasn’t very big, but then again, she didn’t need a huge surface when she had a whole extension waiting for her just a transformation phrase away. She’d mentally thanked Marinette more than once for choosing her to wield the Rabbit Miraculous, rather than somebody else, just for the savings she made in rent.
She whistled happily as she made her way to her kitchen area, grabbing a bag of popcorn out of a cupboard and shoving it in her microwave.
She deserved the treat. She’d been running around all week, trying to slide letters to her targets without being spotted, spending hours on end to find the perfect stationary, and then staying up at night to get the wording exactly right, a delicate mix of subtlety and threat to elicit some sort of response from them. It had taken a lot of trial and error, especially for Ladybug. Her friend had always been surprisingly oblivious on many fronts, and it seemed that her honeymoon phase with Chat Noir reinforced her optimistic ability to brush ominous details aside. It had taken three letters for her to start freaking out and to promise Tikki she would talk to her partner about them, whereas Hawkmoth had started the analysis phase upon the first one he’d received.
Alix had only been mildly surprised by the identity of their nemesis when she’d decided it was high time she knew who they were facing; it was all too fitting that the man who leached off Paris’ most intense negative emotions should be the most embittered person she knew, and the one who, in retrospect, had been the cause of many an Akuma (she still shuddered at the what-could-have-been of Chat Noir’s akumatisation).
The microwave dinged, bringing her thoughts back to her timeline. She took the bowl out and called for her Kwami.
“Fluff, clockwise! Burrow!”
A white portal appeared in the middle of her living space and she walked through it, emerging in the ovoid room covered in screens. She made her way to the furthest point, hung her umbrella up on the coathanger she kept in there, and grabbed a folding chair. It was a director’s seat which supposedly had belonged to a rising name in the cinema world before their career had been shot down for obscure reasons, but she didn’t really care about its story; she’d bought it for a very low price at a yard sale, and that was all that mattered to her.
“Right, where are you…” She muttered, scrutinising her surroundings, until she found the screen she was looking for.
She unfolded the chair, zoomed in on the empty (for now) rooftop, propped down in her seat and threw a fistful of popcorn into her mouth, waiting for the show to start.
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Unsurprisingly, Ladybug was the first to arrive on the scene. She paced around, mumbling to herself as she wrung her hands together. Alix felt a pang of guilt as she watched her rehearse how she would break the news to her partner, but reassured herself that the ordeal would soon be over.
Finally, Chat Noir landed beside Ladybug, and she flung herself at him, holding him so tight he had to untangle himself from her arms to breathe.
“Well, well, well, my Lady, I know I couldn’t make it to patrol last night, but I didn’t think you’d miss me this much,” he chuckled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
Alix rolled her eyes at just how lovestruck he looked as he did so. How could her friends be so sappy, and yet still be at square one in terms of knowing who the other was?
Some might have said that it was romantic, that they loved each other regardless of who they were; but those people did not have to deal with the constant end of the world threat.
“What was so important that you couldn’t just text me?”
Ladybug took a deep breath. Her fingers slid along his arms as she relaxed her embrace, taking his hands in hers at the end of the line. “Somebody knows my identity,” she said quietly, looking down. “And I don’t know who they are.”
“What?!” Chat’s voice detonated in the previously peaceful quiet of the evening, making a couple of pigeons take off in a loud flutter of wings.
“I’m so sorry, I must have been careless when I got home one night, they must have seen me, I bet it was last week when I was tired and I-”
“My Lady, no offence, but I don’t care about the when and why, just... are you okay?” He tilted her chin up, gently turning her head to each side, checking for any signs of injury.
She placed her hand on his, making him stop, and gave him a soft, sad smile. “Yes, Chaton. Just a little rattled; you know you were the first person I wanted to reveal my identity to. Not including Bunnyx, although technically I never told her who I am.”
“And technically, I’m still the only person who knows who you are,” Bunnyx smugly commented between two handfuls of popcorn. “Now come on, I want to see how you react when you reveal your identities to each other.”
“How do you know somebody knows, though? And do you have any idea what their intentions are?”
Ladybug’s expression darkened. “I received some letters. They’re not signed, but they’ve got enough butterflies on them to make me think that even if they’re not from the biggest pest in Paris, then they’re probably from somebody who’s up to no good.”
Chat Noir swore under his breath, then regained his countenance. “So, what do we do now? Do you think we can hunt down the bugger?”
“We definitely will, but…” Ladybug bit her lip, and Alix leaned forward in her seat. This had to be it. “Chaton, I think the time has come for me to tell you who I am.”
“YES! Finally!” Alix cheered, almost spilling her popcorn bowl.
“Are you sure, my Lady?” Alix didn’t have to be on site to tell that Chat Noir’s heart was beating faster than usual; the corners of his mouth twitched as he repressed a smile, as though his excitement could make her change her mind.
“Yes.” She nodded. “I really want you to know.” In case something happens to me, Alix was pretty sure her friend had left unsaid.
“Okay, okay.” Chat Noir took a deep breath, buzzing with anticipation, so much so that he apparently missed the whole subtext of her previous words. “Do you want to do this now? And how do you want to do it? Do you want me to close my eyes? Are you going to write it on a piece of paper for me to read? Are you going to detransform? Should-”
“I was thinking the latter, and yes, now,” Ladybug said timidly. “Up to you if you want to look or not.”
“For some reason, I feel like I shouldn’t.” He took her hands in his and kissed her knuckles without breaking their eye contact, then took another deep breath and closed his eyes, a blissful smile on his lips. “Ready when you are, my Lady.”
“Ok, here goes.” She let out a shaky breath and called off her transformation. The soft pink glow engulfed her and receded, her suit melting away to reveal her true appearance.
“Wow, Marinette, you actually broke out your favourite dress for this? Glad to see all of this isn’t affecting your ability to think straight.” Alix smirked. If her friend had gone home after a long, stressful work day, and found it in her to change and doll herself up to make a good impression on Chat Noir, things couldn’t be that bad. She had to agree that her dress, simple, white, with little red hearts embroidered on it, was perfect for the occasion, though.
“You can open your eyes now, Chaton.” Marinette gave his hands a squeeze.
Chat Noir obliged, blinking slowly as he took in her appearance, her identity, her. Marinette squirmed under his gaze, his expression not giving away any of his thoughts.
“H-Hi,” she stammered when she couldn’t take it anymore. “I, erm, I guess I should introduce myself? We’ve run into each other before, when we were younger, and even if you actually had lunch with my family that one time, I guess it’s been a while… My name is-”
“Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Chat’s smile finally broke free, spread from ear to ear, almost literally illuminating his face. Alix wondered if anything could ever wipe it off. Love and admiration twinkled in his eyes as he picked her up and started spinning her. Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck, giggling giddily, before Chat Noir closed the gap between their lips.
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Bunnyx modestly looked away, allowing them to have their moment. Her eyes landed on a rerun of Plagg putting an end to the dinosaurs’ reign.
“I should have known that it was you, Princess.” Chat panted slightly as he carefully set Marinette back on the roof. “Everything makes so much more sense now, I-”
“Before you finish that thought, I can’t know your identity.” She placed her index finger on his lips. “Yet, of course.”
“What?” Chat froze, and so did Bunnyx, her hand pausing midway between the popcorn bowl and her mouth. “But why?”
“I don’t know what might happen to me, but I don’t want to put you in any danger.” Marinette cupped his cheek. “And I don’t want to lose my memories of you. Of us.”
“Oh for Kwami’s sake.” Alix rolled her eyes. “Boo!” She threw a fistful of popcorn at the screen as her friend continued to list all the reasons Chat couldn’t reveal his identity.
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“My Lady, Marinette, if you’re worried about your safety, maybe we should do something about it. I could move in with you, or in a flat nearby, maybe, stay transformed or wear a mask at all times so you don’t know who I am, we can figure it out… Of course I know you can protect yourself, but I could stand guard while you sleep, or...” Chat raked his hand through his hair as he thought.
“You know I love you, Chaton, and that’s why I can’t let you do that! You can’t live like that, I can’t ask that of you. Not to mention how difficult it would be for me, do you really think I could resist having you so close, and not trying to get a glimpse of who you are?” She joked, trying to diffuse the sudden tension.
“Then we need to get you a bodyguard,” he insisted.
“I thought about it, but… Well, I can’t really afford it, and how could I justify suddenly needing personal security? I’m just a designer, and nothing I’ve ever done has been avant-garde enough that I should be worried about my safety.” She shook her head.
“Damn, I knew I should have targeted Chat Noir,” Alix swore under her breath. “He would’ve had to reveal his identity, and she definitely wouldn’t have been a pushover on her kitty’s protection matter. Come on Adrien, do something.”
She could tell that he was up to something just by looking at him. He’d been silent for a little too long for it to be natural. Cogs turned in his head, making him squint. He let go of her completely and paced around the roof, almost pulling his hair out as he did so. Alix sensed that whatever was on his mind was going to be big. She leaned forwards in anticipation.
Finally, Chat Noir came to a halt in front of Marinette, the fever in his eyes and his dishevelled hair making him look slightly unhinged.
“Buguinette, I think I’ve got a solution,” he whispered.
“You do?” Marinette’s voice was full of hope, although she looked slightly concerned about him.
“You’re probably not going to like it,” he warned her, lifting a finger.
“Beggars can’t be choosers.” She shrugged, taking a step forward.
“Right.” He gave her one last look, an opportunity to stop him before the words tumbled out. She nodded encouragingly. “Okay, here’s the thing. I have it on very good authority that Adrien Agreste is being pressured into getting married by his father.”
“I see Gabriel’s just as delightful as always,” Marinette shook her head.
“Unlike good cheese, he definitely doesn’t get better with time.” Chat smiled bitterly, eyes losing focus a little.
“What’s it got to do with us, though?” Marinette prompted, placing a hand on his arm.
“Oh, Agreste, you absolute genius, I think I know where this is going.” Alix took another handful of popcorn.
“Oh, yes, right.” He cleared his throat. “See, Adrien’s not dating anyone at the moment…” Right, Alix snorted. “And he’s not really planning on starting a relationship with his father breathing down his neck, but, well, he happens to owe me a favour, and I’m sure that he’d be more than happy to put his security detail to good use…”
“So you’re suggesting that I marry Adrien.” Marinette deadpanned.
“Well, er, I actually thought you could just date, but thinking about it… It would be less strange for you to request a bodyguard if your relationship was more serious…” He trailed off.
Alix was impressed by how well he concealed his emotions. His poker face was truly exceptional.
“And you think Adrien would be ready to marry me because of a favour he owes you?” Marinette crossed her arms over her chest, pursing her lips and squinting at him as she tried to pick at his lie.
Alix winced for Chat. Maybe he should have waited a bit before blurting out the (as it turned out) probably only sane option in that situation so he could work out all of the details for himself. Marinette was very good at trying to shake plans to see how solid their foundations were.
“Please. Adrien had a crush on you when you were younger, if anything I could probably smuggle it as another favour, given how perfect the fake scenario would be. Although I guess that since you also liked him… It might just cancel out.” He tapped his lip pensively.
“Adrien had a crush on me?” Marinette frowned. “Oh, you must mean Ladybug. I think Nino mentioned it once.”
“Well, yes, but he also had one on you, Marinette.” Chat stepped forward, mischief twinkling in his eyes as he poked her on the nose.
“Really, now,” she muttered to herself.
“The main reason he didn’t act on it was that he thought you loved somebody else.” Chat smiled ironically.
“Wow, what a pair of idiots.” Marinette chuckled.
“You don’t know the half of it.” He kissed her forehead.
“But you know what?” Marinette didn’t pick up on her partner’s comment. “I’m actually glad we didn’t get together. It probably would have delayed us getting together.” She pressed a peck to his lips. “If we’d gotten together at all in that timeline.” She smirked.
Alix snorted. Out of all the timelines she’d watched unfold in an attempt to keep things in check, there wasn’t a single one where Marinette and Adrien, Ladybug and Chat Noir, didn’t end up together, and not just because of her interventions to help them, and the rest of the planet, stay alive.
Marinette’s face fell at Chat Noir’s lack of response. Alix knew her friend didn’t particularly believe in soulmates, but she understood that she would have liked a sappy Chat Noir special comment on how he’d told her he’d grow onto her anyway, and that she would have soon discovered that the Agreste boy had nothing on him. She assumed that he was too busy restraining himself from saying the wrong thing.
“Actually… What about us, then?” Marinette cleared her throat and looked up at him, eyes glistening slightly in the half light.
“My Lady… If you really think that you being a divorcée will spur me away…” Chat Noir looked down at their entwined hands, locks of blond hair falling in front of his eyes, concealing his giddy smile from her. You sneaky cat, Alix thought.
Marinette followed his gaze, letting out a long sigh as she watched their hands sway lightly. Alix knew her brain was probably trying to find all the flaws in the plan. She crossed her fingers, hoping that it would be enough for her friend to accept. It was perfect, whether they got their act together and figured everything out before the event, or not.
“Fine,” Marinette finally said with resolve, making Alix mentally thank whoever was out there. “I’ll do it on two conditions.”
“Anything, my love.” Chat let out a sigh of relief.
“Firstly, we’re honest with Adrien from the get go. No lying about anything.” Chat nodded along. “Secondly, we get cracking on finding Hawkmoth, and after we do and the divorce is settled, if we even get that far with Adrien because obviously if everything is settled before the wedding we won’t be going through the whole plan…” Chat smiled fondly as she took a deep breath. “After all that, we are getting married.” She gestured between the both of them.
“My Lady, are you proposing to me right meow?” Chat Noir all but purred.
“I guess so.” Marinette shrugged, a smile and a blush spreading on her cheeks.
“Wow, then, I’m definitely putting Adrien in charge of the proposal planning,” he replied with a smirk.
“Chaton!” She stomped her foot, her mildly amused smile cancelling out her frown.
“What?” He teased her.
“Will you? Marry me?” She held his gaze.
“Do you even have to ask?” He chuckled. “You know, my Lady, I’m pretty sure that, in my head, we’ve been married since that speech you gave on the Eiffel Tower during our very first fight. Well, I’ve been married to you; you do whatever you please.”
“You’re such a dork,” Marinette laughed, brushing her nose against his and throwing her arms around his neck.
“And yet you still love me.” He pulled her closer.
“Unfortunately, I do,” she sighed dramatically before pressing a kiss to his lips.
Alix dismissed the screen. She’d seen what she wanted, and it seemed like a good place to stop; a happy, sappy ending. Also, she’d finished all of her popcorn.
Everything was on track, her friends would start their Hawkmoth hunt, and soon everybody in Paris would be able to live without fear of their own negative emotions.
(Of course, that was the theory; she’d soon find out that she’d underestimated Adrien’s will to organise the perfect wedding for Marinette, and that, my friends, was no small oversight.)
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ot3-watch · 3 years
Episode 5: The Mile High Job
So we’re starting on a client testimony. Which is sad because I kind of like the context establishing scenes
Sophie being French is hilarious
I’m not saying Hardison shouldn’t be able to take off when he needs to. I am saying that MAYBE THEY SHOULD PLAN HEISTS FOR DAYS WHEN THEY ARE A MEMBER SHORT?
Also, why does Hardison not put his food on a plate before he puts it in the microwave. That spinning plate does not get washed nearly enough for that to be sanitary
OK wait did Hardison just flake out? THEN WHY DID THEY NOT POSTPONE?
I love Parker being magic and teleporting
The security guards always seem like idiots and tbh, working where I work with the security guards being who they are, I feel like it’s all bullshit and a disservice to security guards.
I love the Doctor WHo references. TOM AND SARAH JANE BAKER YES MA’AM
But also did no one make a Doctor Who comment? Like really. I know Tom Baker is probably a common name but I really want to know what happens when they get a whovian checking their IDs
THe poor flight attendant. That sucks. Can you imagine getting a COMPLETELY fake call that your cat might be put down? I’m sorry, I can’t. Completely innocent people get screwed by them sometimes and I feel bad
Eliot remembers everyone he’s slept with I love him.
THIS POOR FLIGHT ATTENDANT? WHat happens when she comes back and everyone is side eyeing her and being bitchy?
I hate the trope of girlfriends or love interests being overly sensitive about people remembering tiny details. Especially when they aren’t actually together. Especially when it happened years ago. Especially when they hold it against them for the whole episode.
Also, this is Nate. It’s a shock he has any brain cells left with how drunk he is 99% of the time. Get OVER yourself Sophie.
PLACE YOUR MASK OVER YOUR MOUTH AND NOSE ok Leverage predicting the future…
Parker being a terrible flight attendant is hilarious
Did I like her in this episode? I think I liked her in this episode
Eliot suffering through economy I can’t
I feel bad for the woman, but like… stop pushing? I know she’s nervous but the flight attendant is trying to do her job. I mean, it’s Parker, but in any normal situation…
Hardison pulls the same “You’re such a racist” bit every time he gets in a sticky situation, and it always works? Can you imagine if he tried to pull that on an actual racist?
Do planes have bars like that? I’ve been on plenty of planes and i’ve never seen a bar like that
Im never in first class though so whatever
Which means noah wyle exists in the leverage universe.
Unless they just… expected no one to notice? To be fair, it’s not like they focused on it
They probably just needed a movie they could use without securing rights first or running into copyright issues
But still… paradoxes
Eliot just going through a bunch of random people's bags…
Parker. That’s not reassuring Parker. Parker that’s just terrifying. WHY WOULD YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT PARKER?? pARKER?? i’M CONCERNED PARKER!
I really hate Sophie getting mad at nate for this shit. It’s not funny. It’s not cute. It just makes Sophie seem unreasonable and bitchy
OK BUT Hardison and the woman bonding IMMEDIATELY over nerdy gaming is so great
Also i like that they made the other nerd a woman is great
OK but he is not talking nearly silently enough for the ONLY other person in the room to just stop listening to him?
Could you imagine the person you were talking to randomly stops talking, looks upset, and then sticks his head in the cabinet? And starts muttering to himself?
He really does pull this shit off really well.
The amount of men in that conference room is oppressive and very realistic ina very sad way
Parker must be in a thief’s paradise
“Nobody tells me anything”
Literally the job I’m working in right now is exactly like that
My job is literally to know things and help people and provide them with the information they need
WHy can I not remember why they’re going after genegrow? Someone died I think? But i cannot remember
“The guy in 1D wants to kill you. Ginger Ale?”
Why is it that all i can think about right now is harry styles and niall horan
I mean I KNOW why but like… why
I LOVE them but why?
How does no one question Hardison showing up out of nowhere though?
Im just saying… supposedly it’s “Dave’s” birthday, and they think they should have already known about it? He just started that job on that day?
Unless he’s pretending to have been there forever but even then…
This makes no sense? I’m so confused?
Eliot beating a guy up in an airport bathroom is fantastic
But also you can’t fit one person in a airport bathroom, let alone two
THe view from the top is much smaller than the shots from the side
Parker: the guy we just took out? Eliot: -_- Parker: The guy Eliot just took out?
Sophie always seems so shocked by the inhumanity of some of these people they interact with. Nate’s like “Yeah, people are awful” and Eliot’s like “I see worse all the time” and Parker’s like “Is this meant to be weird or something?” but Sophie’s like “WHAt? Someone wants people DEAD? And might KILL US IN THE PROCESS?”
Is the art theft world just not so violent?
Even hardison doesn’t seem shocked, just upset and offended. Sophie’s always like OoO though and it gets weird?
Now both Eliot AND Nate are fitting in the bathroom? With an already unconscious guy? I’VE BEEN IN AIRPLANE BATHROOMS. THEY AREN’T BIG ENOUGH FOR THAT.
Unless i’m just fat. Which is an option.
Why do people have random wires in their luggage? Who travels with a giant bundle of wires in their luggage?
Oh look. The red head was right. There is a tailwind
I know they’re panicking but still
Nate really does just throw things at hardison and then Hardison goes like WHAT I CAN’T DO THIS and then he does it.
HOW is Hardison THAT talented it’s ridiculous
WE all talk about Eliot being hyper-competent in everything when Hardison is literally right there
Not to say that eliot doesn’t deserve attention because he does and I love him
I’m just saying Hardison deserves more credit
HOW DID THEY NOT HIT ANY CARS WHEN THEY WERE LANDING? THERE ARE CARS RIGHT THERE? ANd then there’s suddenly no cars in font of them when they land ? It’s all deserted?
How did they set up a party for “Dave” so quickly?
Everyone is so done with Hardison and honestly? Fair. He might’ve saved them, but he also screwed them over earlier. It came in handy, but still.
I really could not give less of a shit about the Nate Sophie storyline in this episode. In most of season one really. It’s all shitty and annoying
FINAL THOUGHTS: 8/10. Points off for people not acting like people. Points off for the shitty Sophie/Nate stuff. Extra points for Eliot being Eliot. (There will always be extra points for Eliot being Eliot). Extra points for Hardison’s badassery. Extra points because I liked Parker in this episode. Extra points for nerd girl. You go nerd girl. Points off because I literally remember nothing about this episode except for Hardison being awesome, the office scenes, and the fact that there was a plane crash. Why were they on the plane? No idea. Can’t remember.
Sam count: 3/5
IYS count: 2/5 (Am I remembering this wrong? I felt like there were more? Then again, I’m only 5 episodes in)
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sailtoafarawayland · 4 years
Oh, Captain!
Summary - Emma think’s she’s hurt Killian and deals with the consequences, saving him from himself just might be the one she didn’t see coming. 
Rated for all, no warnings. 
Tumblr Exclusive for now- will be posted over at AO3 and FF (Farawayland) when life allows. I just needed to write some happy what with all this not happy I’m watching on the news. Most likely a one-shot. 
Chapter 1
Emma’s heart was in her throat.
He knew.
He knew, and she hadn’t even been the one to tell him.
“Don’t!” she pleaded, catching up to him and snatching at his sleeve, her fingers seizing the thin, black fabric and wrapping around his forearm. “Killian, please…”
The warmth of her hand, the chill of her fingertips—they were always so cold, despite his many attempts to warm them—stopped him in his tracks, the tension between them slackening as he allowed himself to be swayed back toward her, but she held on tightly, too afraid to let him go.
Afraid of what he would do.
“Am I supposed to simply let it go, Emma?”
She could hear the outrage, low and dangerous, in his voice—and it hurt, because she knew it was her fault.
“Belle shouldn’t have said anything—I told her not to, that I would handle it. I just wanted to wait until after tonight. I was afraid if you knew he’d kissed—”
“He kissed you?” Killian growled, his features darkening as he yanked his arm from her grasp, the prop hook clattering to the floor between them as he stormed toward center stage where Neal was mid-scene with Tinkerbell.
“Shit,” Emma groaned.
Belle probably hadn’t mentioned that, had probably only implied she’d seen Neal hitting on her and refusing to take no for an answer, but had left out the part where he’d tried to steal a kiss.
Emma didn’t know why she had so much trouble with words—why the things in her head couldn’t just exit her mouth in the right way, or at least in a way that didn’t always make things worse. It should have been so easy to explain—that the minute Neal leaned in, she’d shoved him halfway across the library, and if that hadn’t left an impression, she had a right hook ready. That in that moment, she’d been so sorry that she’d insisted on keeping her relationship with Killian a secret. That she wanted nothing more than to have been sitting there with his hand wrapped in hers, for everyone to see—no one else trying to take what wasn’t theirs.
Emma wavered where she stood, not sure how to process the shit show everything had become in such a small space of time. Killian was seething, his black leather coat flaring behind him as he stalked across the stage—much to the surprise of the cast performing. Ashley stumbled over her line and twisted her hands in the lime green tutu she wore as Killian reached them, his long fingers wrapping around Neal’s shoulder and jerking him into an about-face.
The gasps of confusion from the opposite wing were audible as everyone tried to figure out why Killian was on stage when he shouldn’t be, and the murmurs from the audience were no better. She was sure they were all wondering why Captain Hook was confronting Peter Pan out of nowhere. Time slowed as she watched Neal’s features twist from surprised to nervous, her eyes snapping down to Killian’s hand as he clenched it into a tight fist. She couldn’t take her eyes off the chunky, heavy jewelry from the prop department adorning his knuckles.
Props that she knew he was about to drive into Neal Cassidy’s face.
Principal Gold’s son.
The man who always had it out for Killian.
Her boyfriend was about to get expelled, and it was all her fault. She should have told him earlier, but she couldn’t fix that now. She had to do something—anything—now.
Trying not to think about how far from normal this opening night was turning out to be, or how Wendy had no place in this scene, she rushed after him, doing the only thing she could think of to keep him from getting thrown out of his senior year.
“Oh, Captain!” she cried, feigning exhaustion and leaning heavily against the backdrop of painted, wooden jungle. She paused for a moment, catching her breath and glancing warily behind her, as if she were afraid at any minute something dangerous was going to pounce from the bushes.
Three sets of eyes from center stage turned to her, along with every head in the packed auditorium.
She caught her breath and tidied the blue bow perched on top of her perfect curls. “You found me! I thought I would be trapped here forever—”
Killian’s grip was still white-knuckled on Neal, who was starting to squirm uncomfortably, and Ashley looked like she wished she could actually turn into a ball of light and fly away, but she could see the curious sparkle in Killian’s eye beneath a cheekily arched brow, and it gave her the bravado she needed to keep going. She had no idea where this scene was headed with her at the helm, but it didn’t really matter.
Saving the play wasn’t the point.
Saving Killian was—the rest would just be a bonus if she could pull it off, so she continued.
“—stuck caring for Pan’s lost boys, washing their socks, cooking their meals, and do I ever get a thank you, Wendy—what delicious coconut salad, Wendy? No, never!” Righteous indignation flooded her face and she straightened her dress brusquely, angling toward the audience as she arched an eyebrow and rested her hands on her hips. “And let me tell you, not a single washing machine or microwave on the whole island.”
Not waiting for the reaction, but smiling inwardly as the wave of laughter rippled through the crowd, she turned her attention back to the strange trio that was a squeamish looking Peter Pan, a very nervous fairy, and an inscrutable Captain Hook. Relief washed over her as she saw Killian’s face losing that dark edge as she approached, her breath catching in her throat as they locked eyes. It may have been a cliché, but he’d always been able to do that to her, to just steal her breath away. It didn’t help that he looked sinful as anything in that pirate get-up. She thanked her lucky stars that he’d tossed that ridiculous wig and hat in the trash and decided to give Captain Hook his own spin.
He met her halfway between the wing and centerstage, letting go of Neal’s arm without a backward glance. To her surprise, the spotlight followed him, bathing them both in its glare as they came together. Her hand brushed along the rough stubble of his jaw before settling on the back of his neck, his arms circling her, and though he was dressed as a pirate, the possessive squeeze of his hand at her waist was all him.
There was anger and regret simmering, she could see it in the way he held his jaw, but there was also happiness, and laughter, and something more in the warmth of his eyes—something she would catch glimpses of sometimes when he thought she wasn’t paying attention, but she knew what it was, and that he held back for her—because she’d been so insistent about keeping everything between them a secret, because for some reason she was terrified if she admitted what she felt, and what she wanted, that she would lose it. It was a silly thing, and now it had hurt them.
“I never thought I’d fall in love with a pirate—” and it was not how she thought she’d tell him she loved him, so it was probably good that technically it was Wendy telling Captain Hook—“but you see me when no one else really does—made me realize that I have dreams, Captain. I can do anything I set my mind to. I can be anything—a lawyer, a sheriff, a high-end fashion designer specializing in faux-crocodile-vegan-leather accessories…”
She had no idea where that came from, but the raucous laughter from the audience made her feel a little better—at least they were having a good night. Then her gaze slipped to the side and she finally saw all of the horrified faces of the cast and crew watching the debacle from backstage. Well, maybe there was no way she was going to save the show, but even if Gold let loose, he couldn’t put the blame solely on Killian now. She was in the thick of it too, and she doubted he’d go so far as to expel Sheriff Nolan’s daughter.
“I’ve yet to see you fail, Wendy,” Killian asserted, and though the name was wrong and he was projecting enough to reach the back of the auditorium, she knew the words were meant for her, because he’d always believed in her, always believed in them.
She hated that she had been so afraid of what this could be, that she hid it away, worried if she put her heart out there, it would all fall apart.
“While I used to think that catching that crocodile was my happy ending,” Killian continued, grinding his jaw at the thought of the sneaky reptile, “I know now that it’s you, it’s always been you, so tell me, love,” and he dipped his lips closer to hers, teasing a kiss before turning his gaze on the audience, a rakish grin spreading across his face as he gestured broadly over the crowd, “will you sail away with me?”
“Always,” she breathed, “to the end of the world, and time!”
There was a roar of noise from the audience—laughter, clapping, whooping, whistling—and while she had no idea where the words had come from, what came next, well, that was no mystery. She grabbed her pirate, hands fisted in his jacket as she rocked into him, bodies swaying as their lips clashed. It didn’t matter that they were standing in front of the entire school, every detail illuminated by the hot spotlight—in that moment, there was nothing but the two of them.
It wasn’t until they broke apart—and if people hadn’t known about them before, they sure did now—that Emma heard anything outside their bubble, but then it hit—the crowd was clapping and laughing, perhaps at the insanity of it all, but who cared. Gold’s voice was cutting through the chaos backstage, reaching that thin, forced pitch that meant he was furious, and Belle was already picking up the pieces. Neal was grumbling and nursing his arm—maybe the best acting he’d ever done—beating a retreat from the stage, and the rest of the cast and crew couldn’t take their eyes off of her and Killian as they scrambled to close the curtains and help Belle figure out what came next.
Emma tugged Killian into the wing and back through the stacks of equipment and props to a quiet corner, wanting to find a place they could speak, but also to remove him from Gold’s eyesight as quickly as possible.
“I’m so sorry. I should have—”
“Emma,” he murmured, tilting her chin up so she could see the truth in his words. “I’m not upset with you. How could I be?”
“It was my fault. If I hadn’t insisted that we keep our relationship a secret, then he…”
“Oh, Swan. It is not your fault that Neal assaulted you.”
“Assault is a little…look, if he had known we were together, he wouldn’t have tried to kiss me.”
“He shouldn’t have tried to force a kiss on you, regardless. You’ve been more than clear, for years, that you have no interest in him. Though, maybe I shouldn’t have lost my temper and stormed the stage,” Killian admitted, ducking his head and scratching his ear in that way that always made her heart flutter. “Thanks for saving me from myself, lass.”
“I meant what I said, Killian,” she whispered, her voice dropping as she pushed the words out before they could crawl back in. “I think…I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you.”
“Are you sure it’s not just the hook, Swan?” he teased, giving her the out, because he just understood her that well, but she could see the hope in his eyes, and suddenly all of that old trepidation was gone.    
“You’re not even wearing the hook,” she pointed out. “I’m sure, Killian Jones. I love you, whether you’re a smoldering-eyed pirate, or not.”
“You think my eyes smolder?”
“Stop it!” she laughed, shaking his shoulders gently as he waggled his brows at her, the both of them enjoying the smile of the other before he grew serious once more.
“And I love you, Emma—so much.”
“Yeah, I know.”
 *     *     *
Gold’s fury had tapered down to mild annoyance by the next morning, no small thanks to Sydney Glass and his cover story on their humble production. He’d praised the comical genius of their work, calling it far from ‘just another retelling of the same old story’. He highlighted the unexpected romance and praised the heartfelt acting of the two leads, whose whirlwind chemistry swept the audience away. He even went so far as to paint the play as a tongue-in-cheek examination of eternal youth versus personal growth, and while Emma thought that the whole piece was a little lofty, she was more than happy that there hadn’t been any blowback on Killian for his stage-crashing.
Overall, opening night hadn’t been a total failure, and Belle had been more than capable of a hasty rewrite for their follow-up performances. While Neal wasn’t thrilled with his sudden decrease in lines, Emma was hardly going to complain that she got to kiss her smoldering-eyed Killian Jones on stage each night—and if the hook and pirate costume went missing from the prop department for some reason, she doubted anyone would notice.
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feminist-propaganda · 3 years
Single Mothers Will Probably Cry During Every Episode Of  Queen’s Gambit - Episode 1
I’ll start this long piece with a quote by Toni Morrisson. She once said : “If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
After watching Queen’s Gambit yesterday I rushed to the Internet to see if someone had written all of the things I am about to write, all of the symbols I saw in the miniseries, all of the dog whistles, the references.  I found articles about chess. About how the community had adopted the film, about which grandmasters the characters were based off of, about chess moves and theories, about production and the unexpected success of the series.
According to me, this is quite mediocre commentary. I eventually clicked on the New Yorker article that seemed to be a tiny bit smarter. After a couple of paragraphs I realized that the male writer was only going to rant about how the actress is “too pretty” to be Beth Harmon, and this seems to upset him. A lot.
But no one talked about Beth’s mother. Or the name of the series. Or the embroidery. The chess board. The tranquilizers. The math. The flashbacks. The exchange of queens. The sacrifice of the queen. Did no one see it? Or is it again one of those things; where the world is so obsessed with single mothers and representing them as huge, massive, quite literal train wrecks, but no one actually wants to look at them in the eye, talk to them, help them?
Let me tell you, as a single mother, this miniseries had me in tears the whole time. It’s really difficult to watch. It’s downright triggering.
Single mothers like to keep their silence. That’s because we know the world doesn’t like it when we start talking. It hurts. A lot. So instead, the world likes to make memes about how single moms are whores, how they are drunks or over worked. How they’re psychotic. How they ramble. They don’t make any sense. Bipolar. Crazy. How their children stare at the television all day, the way they microwave bad food. We laugh at them, and use them as comical relief in our ... what exactly? Cultural objects. Then we move on. We send a message to single mothers when we do this, and the message is important. You suck. Shut Up. Don’t exist. It’s your fault. 
We make an entire mini series about a single mother who killed herself to save her kid, we put on the television images that hurt and harm single mothers and then the public responds with nothing. They don’t even bat an eyelash. Miss the point entirely. Great series about chess! Except it’s not about chess. Not at all. It’s about raising children alone, when the world hates you. It’s about a trailer. In the middle of nowhere. A strong willed woman who was a mathematician in the 1940s. Who taught her daughter everything she could. Realized she couldn’t do more. And made the ultimate sacrifice, the queen’s gambit. The riskiest, most reckless, bravest move of all.
So let me tell you about what it’s like to watch Queen’s Gambit when you’re a single mother. So that somewhere in the AI, it’s written. So that when our great grand children will try to understand our times, they’ll read it.
I’ll write an essay for each episode. And in each essay I will review the important lession that Alice passed on to young Beth, and how this takes her to Moscow, where she can live a much more fulfilling life than in the U.S.A.
Lesson 1 : Find A Two Dimensional Algebric Plane. Study It. Control It.
I recently learned from instagram user @itllbeokbaby and Amsterdam based artist and weaver Liza Prins that the words textile and text have the same origin as the word texture. 
Text derives from the Latin textus (a tissue), which is in turn derived from texere (to weave). It belongs to a field of associated linguistic values that includes weaving, that which is woven, spinning, and that which is spun, indeed even web and webbing. Textus entered European vernaculars through Old French, where it appears as texte and where it assumes its important relation with tissu (a tissue or fabric) and tisser (to weave).
Women have been weaving, beading, sowing and stitching since the dawn of times. We also know that women used this technology not just to create clothes, tents or shoes. They used it as a container of information. As cultural DNA. 
In South America, in places where writing as we know of it was never created, women would bead important tribal information into skirts. They would then use the skirts as a database of the tribe. To track births, deaths, epidemics, droughts and other important group defining events.
In modern times, women still use embroidery as a means of expression. My memories from childhood contain strong images of my aunts and grandmothers, sewing my name and date of birth onto pillow cases, bathrobes and bedcovers. They would do this by the pool, at the bottom of the ski slopes, on the beach or in the train. They would engage into conversation as they embroidered; as this activity required some concentration, but not their full attention. It was their way of being present; but also transcending into the past and projecting into the future. They sewed our lives into the cloth.
I once heard my grandmother counting the holes in the cloth she was decorating with her beautiful colours. I asked what she was doing. She said that to build the letters on the cloth, you needed to count the squares. Two to the top, four to the right, ten to the middle, etc etc. I was quite mesmerized. I was maybe eight at the time, the same age as Beth when she loses her mother. I had started learning some math in school but somehow the math in school seemed to be presented to me as the epitome of something quite different than this excruciatingly feminine passtime. 
Math was presented to me as masculine, out of reach to us girls. And now I was disovering that these women in my family were geometry experts, fluent in linear algebra, and that at a higher level, they were database account managers.
In the first episode of the miniseries, in the first couple of minutes; we discover two Beths. The first Beth is in Paris, the beautiful, the chic; the glamourous Paris. Paris will always be the undisputed capital of Fashion. 
Paris is the undisputed capital of fashion not because it is the home of polluting massive textile industries like the ones in Pakistan or Zara’s empire in Spain. Paris is the capital of fashion because it is the capital of Haute Couture. And Haute Couture is custom made, sowed by hand, piece by piece, bead by bead, sequin per sequin. It is delicate. It is slow. It is sacred. It is what my aunt’s did. 
It is the opposite of industrial, the opposite of a sewing machine, the opposite of an engine. The opposite of yield failures, punching in and punching out. It is lace. Delicate, personal, eternal.
The second Beth we see is the eight year old Beth, that has just lost her mother. She stands on a bridge. Two cars have crashed into one another. And she stares on at the police officers. One says “Not a scratch on her. It’s a miracle”. The other says “I doubt she’ll see it like that”. 
My theory is that the miniseries explain how Beth eventually begins to “see it like that”. 
The first time we see 8 year old Beth she is wearing a dress, with her name embroidered on it. It reads Beth, in pink. Feminine. Purple flowers surround it. The embroidery is delicate. It’s on her heart. 
We follow eight year old Beth as she gets sent to an orphanage. In the first couple of scenes at the orphanage, we think, for a minute, that maybe Beth will be okay here. The head mistress smiles, has nice hair. Shows her around. Yes, the bed is by the lavatory, but at least she has a bed, a roof over her head.
We only start despising this new mother figure when she takes Beth to choose new clothes. Beth takes off her dress, and stares at her name, written on the front. The headmistress selects a white shirt and grey dress for Beth. She hands to her these new items, symbol of her new life, of her integration within the orphanage and later mainstream society. The headmistress then grabs the dress with the name embroidered and looks at it with disgust. Then, she says “I think we’ll burn this one” and disapears.
Beth then understands that she is no longer allowed to love her mother. That to fit in this school, this orphanage, to survive, she must let go of the embroidery and all of the things she associates with her mother. Her mother, in the words of the teacher was a “victim” of “a carefree life”. A free spirited whore, a lesbian, a witch. There’s a lot of words we liek to use to describe women who don’t conform. And Beth’s mother, as we learn, never conformed.
At night, Beth sees her mother’s eyes, she hears the last words her mother uttered before dying in the car crash. “Close your eyes”. She said it with tears in her eyes and an air of great determination. She knew what she was doing, which is something Beth doesn’t want to tell anyone. Not even her new friend Jolene. Beth’s secret is her mother wasn’t crazy. She wasn’t crazy at all.
Then, Beth discovers the board. One day, she gets sent to the basement and sees the janitor playing chess. Later in the miniseries, Beth tells the journalist from Life it was the board that attracted her. Not the pieces.
As the first episode unfolds, Beth learns that the squares have names. She learns the names. And at night when she looks up at the ceiling she sees the board. She visualizes the pieces moving on the 64 squares. She moves them in her mind and imagines all of the alternatives. What the board would look like if she moved this piece to that square. What would her opponent do then? 
To the journalist of the Life magazine, Beth says that the Chess board was a universe of 64 squares, and that she could control this space. All she had to do was study it.
The board is much like the cloth that Beth’s mother Alice would sew information onto when she was a young child. You count the squares and move your material through it. As you go, you make shapes, patterns, motifs. Beth looks up at the ceiling at night and the first night, without the tranquilizers, she sees her mother say “Close your eyes” which is too painful or such a young child. A young child doesn’t understand yet why a mother would say “Close your eyes” and then crash on purpose into a truck. A young child doesn’t know about the world yet.
Alice aknowledged that she was about to do something extremely risky, that the outcome was uncertain. Alice told Beth that she was going to purposely provoke the car crash. 
But when Beth takes the tranquilizers at night, and now that she knows about chess, she can transfer her love for her mother into her growing obsession with Chess. She looks up at the ceiling and instead of seeing Alice’s last thoughts, she sees the Chess board. Which is the small piece of universe that Alice controlled, when she was alive. The cloth that she sewed her daughter’s name on: “So that you’ll always remember who you are”.
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thirsty-x1 · 5 years
Midnight Softness | Han Seungwoo
hi can i request a one shot fluff where you just want to cuddle with seungwoo at home?
↬ Pairing: Seungwoo x Reader
↬ Genre: Fluff
↬ Warnings: too much softness
↬ Word Count: 1.5k
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“I just miss you a little...” You were sitting on your sofa, knees against your chest, skipping channels with one hand whilst the other held your phone.
“I miss you too. What are you doing now?” Your boyfriend’s voice made you feel a little better, getting to hear him was better than nothing.
“I’m searching for a movie or something like that. Wouldn’t it be nice if you came? We could watch a horror film.” You remembered how the members in Victon said that Seungwoo enjoyed going to the cinema on his own, but when it came to you, he really just wanted to do every single thing with you by his side.
“A good one or a bad one?”
“They are all pretty good at being bad.”
His laugh on the other side of the line made you smile. You missed him so much... The schedules were killing him (and you) but he was working so hard and all that hard work was showing up. He was finally getting the recognition he always deserved and you were extremely happy for him, even if it meant that you two didn’t get to see each other often. Still, he made sure to talk to you every single day, no matter how busy he was. You kept talking with him for a while, until you noticed his voice was a little bit off.
“Are you feeling fine?”
“Huh? Yeah, why you ask?” His almost immediate reply made you suspect.
“Your voice sounds breathy... Were you exercising or something while we talked? You should get some rest.”
“Ah, I’m fine really, nothing like that...” Yet his breathing still sounded quite irregular, until you heard a car honking through the phone.
“Are you on the streets? You silly, shouldn’t be on the phone! What if something happens to you?” You were referring mostly to getting robbed or stalked by fans.
“I can take care of myself, you know? I’m a big guy.”
“Yeah, sure.” He liked giving weak and soft vibes, even if he had the body of a Greek god. Well, you couldn’t deny he was indeed the softest boy you had ever met, but maybe that was a little biased statement.
“I have to hang up now, but I will talk to you soon, yes?”
“Mhmm, take care, yes? I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.”
Silence surrounded you again. You pulled on the sleeves of the hoodie you had on, Seungwoo’s cologne still on the fabric. Turning up the volume of the movie that was playing, you started to pay attention to the plot, which made you feel even worse. It was all about a long distance relationship and how it slowly faded away, the feelings disappearing although they still cared deeply for each other. What kind of bullshit was this? Did Netflix really recommend this to you, right now? The disrespect.
You got up and started making some popcorn, the popping sound distracting your mind for a bit, your chin being held by your hand. Maybe some music would lift you up... You played the song that never failed to lift you up, and after the first chorus you were already tapping your fingers to the rhythm and slightly dancing around. There was no use in being sad and feeling down, right? Seungwoo was doing his best so you should too and support him. After one spin, you thought your heart was going to come off of your chest. At the second spin, your eyes got teary. And in the third one, strong arms held you close.
“W-What are you... How...”
Seungwoo shook a set of keys in his hands, the one you had given him a few months ago. It was the first time he used them to surprise you like this. Throwing your arms on his shoulders, you giggled and pecked his lips, his ears turning slightly red at the unexpected motion. A weird smell filled the air, making you remember about the popcorn, letting off of him to go and turn off the stove.
“You should buy the microwave one.” He hugged you from behind, laughing at the few burnt ones.
“These ones are more entertaining, besides this wouldn’t have happened if my boyfriend hadn’t materialized from the air.”
“Oh, yeah? Well your boyfriend missed you too much so asked permission, got denied and snuck off anyway.” Your eyes opened wide.
“What do you mean?! They are going to kill you!” He laughed again, this time holding your face between his hands.
“I asked Seungyoun to cover up for me, he is quite smart and creative, I’m sure he can hold them for a few hours.” His fingers poked your cheeks and tried to make your frown disappear, which seemed to work.
“Jeez... You should be more careful, you dummy.”
Now his lips kissed yours, a huge smile spreading on his face as he grabbed the bowl behind you and went to take a seat on the sofa, patting his thighs as if he had been waiting a long time to make that one action. You shook your head but still walked up to him, cuddling up on his lap as his big frame took over you.
You two searched for a movie and decided on one pretty fast, but to be honest, you didn’t watch two minutes of it. All you could do was admire him and his pretty features. His sharp jawline, his wide mouth, the way his glasses looked when slowly sliding down his nose and the way it scrunched whenever he tasted the taste of the burnt bits of popcorn, his bangs barely covering his eyebrows and forehead, the lightly smudged eyeliner on the corner of his big eyes, the way his dark eyebrows raised whenever one of the scenes turned into a plot twist, his sweet stare when he noticed you weren’t watching the screen at all, his fingers feeding you the pieces of popcorn that weren’t burnt. He was so pretty, and it felt unreal to have them right there with you, smiling in that unique way he did, his laugh vibrating against his chest, the slight squeaking sound making you giggle as well.
“Is there anything on my face?” He mocked you, tongue out as he let out the bowl aside to hold you.
“I love you so, so much.” Your declaration took him by surprise, a dumbfounded expression making its way on his face and his shoulders hitching up in the cutest embarrassment ever.
“I love you too, y/n. So, so, so much.” His touch felt tender as he played with the hem of his hoodie, another smile spreading on his face when he noticed that you wore his clothes when he wasn’t around. He buried his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent and leaving a soft kiss there, only to go back to stare at you again. “I missed you a lot, and I know I said it before but I will repeat it a thousand times more so get used to it.”
“I will never get tired of listening to you~” The way cooed made him feel all fuzzy inside, pinching your cheeks and tickling you, all at the same time. You were so cute in his eyes and sometimes he felt like squeezing you until you exploded in a million of confetti. Healthily, of course.
“What do you want to do now?” His soft voice sending warmth all over your body.
“Being like this with you...” Your fingers played with his hair, parting it gently so you could place a gentle kiss on his forehead. “This is all I want and all I need.”
“You are so cheesy.” You scoffed at him, flicking his forehead and running away, knowing he would catch you after a few steps anyway, a loud squeak leaving your lips as he lifted you up in the air making you spin around a few times before putting you down.
“You are cheesier... Trying to pull a Romeo by coming here.” Seungwoo made a fake hurt expression and let his weight fall on you, using it as an excuse to hold you closer.
“I liked seeing you dance before, but would you dance with me tonight?”
There was no need to reply anything, you simply started swaying with him softly, the music from the ending credits fitting perfectly with the whole situation and making you feel the star of movie where everything worked out, dancing at midnight with the man you loved as if nothing else mattered, and honestly? There was nothing else that you considered more beautifully soft than the moment you two were sharing right now.
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I am not crying. Also, Seungyoun fucked up and Seungwoo had to run all the way back to the agency where his ass got beaten. He liked it tho. He is planning bringing it up to you some day.
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foodcourtdetective · 5 years
i’ll be yours in any way you’ll have me
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summary: y/n waits for her soulmate to return from visiting Gene in the hospital, but there’s good news and bad news when Barry finally gets home.
tags: tw gun violence, tw anxiety attack, soulmate au, love at first sight, nods to canon but obvious twists on it, stressful plot with a happy ending
A/N: thank you for all of your lovely support! this is the end of the soulmark!au but I have another fic half-written if anyone is interested!
word count 1.7k
part 1 x // Part 2 x // AO3 x
Y/N was lounging on the couch, reading her psychology of personal adjustment textbook while mindlessly writing important terms in the notebook precariously balanced on her bent left leg. Barry was visiting Gene in the hospital; the couple had planned on finally celebrating the success of the scenes showcase after the pandemonium that had occurred opening night. Sure enough, Sally upstaging Barry in the scene and getting all the acclaim on the same night as Fuches escaping had been a bit of a dark cloud looming over her boyfriend. Y/N closed her books, her grad work forgotten as her eye caught the Catalina Breeze bottle displayed proudly on her mantle. She sighed happily before turning her glance over to Barry’s phone on the kitchen counter nearby. He had insisted on leaving his phone which her at all times so if Fuches was tracking their devices, the older man would think that Barry was always watching over his girlfriend. NoHank had given him a burner phone for when he had to leave her, even offering to stay nearby if Y/N needed backup.
She chuckled to herself, remembering the instant shine NoHank had taken to her. Any girl of Barry’s is a girl of mine. Despite the contention between the two criminals, Y/N could tell that Barry and NoHank really did have a strong connection. She could only imagine how excited NoHank would be for Barry when he finds out that he got the part in the Jay Roach movie after all. The leading man himself had yet to receive the news and Y/N hoped that the combination of Gene getting better and the huge career score would cheer up her soulmate when he got back. The rattling of the doorknob pulled her out of her happy thoughts, forcing her to confront the idea that someone was breaking into her apartment. Her heart jumped up her throat as she stood up, her books falling silently on the carpet as Y/N reached for the Glock 43 stored underneath the couch. Carefully tip-toeing to hide behind the kitchen island by the door, Y/N pointed the gun at the door with her dominant hand and speed-dialed the burner phone with her other hand. Despite herself, she thought back to how Barry had shown her these safety precautions and how goofy his long legs had looked as he crouched down behind their counter, how he had hindered her giggles with a hard kiss that somehow conveyed the severity of all of his emotions.
The phone was shaking as she raised it to her ear. “C’mon Bear, please pick u—“ her voice betrayed her fear as it cracked on her pet name for him, the one she had coined after comparing him to the teddy bear she used to cuddle as a child. Y/N’s prayers were cut off by the door swinging open, the lock successfully tampered with. She took a shaky breath and mentally prepared herself to jump for the intruder’s legs, to shoot— Her thoughts were interrupted as the intruder fell to his knees, revealing himself to be none other than Barry Berkman. She lowered the gun and put it down slowly, a choked sob of relief betraying her presence to him. He didn’t acknowledge her, staring at the floor with a hopeless look on his face as silent, angry tears streamed down his face. Y/N crawled over to his side, tilting her head downward to try to look into his big eyes.
“Gene knows. Fuches told him I.. I…” Barry started hyperventilating, the raw emotions of guilt and hurt overwhelming him as his hands flapped like an actor trying to “shake it out.” Y/N intercepted his hands before he could punch something, her warm thumbs stroking his knuckles soothingly. Their soulmarks burned like they always did when they got closer to each other, still visible as his hands were surprisingly clean of any blood. He looked up at her, trying to read her face, trying to see how badly he had messed things up.
“How can he believe the man that framed him for murder? Besides, there’s proof that it was the Chechens…” she tried to reassure him.
“He told me to leave town, to never step into his class again,” he choked on his words, wheezing on the large gulps of air he was sucking in. Y/N shushed him kindly, pulling his long arms around her waist as she pressed her lips to his forehead. Her own hands left his so she could wrap her arms around his neck and stroke his hair, trying to envelop Barry in warm love as he cried into her CSUN sweatshirt. They sat there for a while until he pulled away, in awe of how she supported him unconditionally, without the same self interest everyone else valued in his relationship with them. Taking his observation as a victory, Y/N helped the assassin to his feet and walked him to the couch, kicking the books out of the way. As Barry hesitantly sat on the couch, Y/N pressed her hands atop his thighs and pressed her forehead to his.
“You sit here. Tomorrow morning, I’m going to call Leo and tell him that a con artist named Kenneth Goulet has been manipulating Gene and feeding him lies to isolate him from his loved ones. Then I’ll try to get him to let you go to class next week. You might have to pay extra the first couple sessions or lay low in participating but once he’s off his sedatives, it will be like it never happened. Okay?” She gave him a chaste but sweet kiss as he sat there, stunned by her calculated solution. Not paying his shock too much mind, Y/N headed over to the kitchen and opened the fridge.
“I don’t know if you’re hungry, I know hospital food is terrible. I’m going to heat up my Mediterranean food if you want some. Just promise me you’ll take me to that new hipster cafe next weekend to make it up to me, m’kay?” Pulling the plastic container out and placing it in the microwave, Y/N tapped a few buttons before turning back to him to tell him about the part he had gotten. Barry was looking right at her, a look of epiphany painting his face as he asked her a question that stopped her pleasantries in their tracks.
“Marry me?”
“What!?” She asked, bewildered by his simple request out of nowhere. Suddenly aware of what he asked, Barry sheepishly stood up and scratched the back of his neck.
“Well, we can’t actually get married on paper because of my whole fake identity thing and I know you’re still working on grad school, but you’re my soulmate, literally and emotionally, and I want to prove that I’m gonna spend the rest of my ugly life with you in it and oh god, this was too soon is it—“ mid-rant he noticed that Y/N had closed the distance between them, her face glowing with happiness and her eyes glistening with tears.
“Yes! Of course yes! I’ll be yours in any way you’ll have me!” Emboldened by her response, Barry picked Y/N up into a hug, spinning her around with the same strength that broke a man’s windpipe to share his love for her. As Barry set her down, he placed both hands on her beaming cheeks and laughed in disbelief.
“Wow, I’m sorry I had plans! I don’t even have a ring yet…”
“I do!” Barry pulled a pistol out of the back waistband of his pants, roughly pushing his fiancé behind him as he faced the doorway to the bedroom, the source of the strange voice. NoHank had emerged from Y/N’s walk-in closet with tears in his eyes and his hands in the air, a twinkling ring in one hand.
“What the hell, Hank??”
“I told you I would stay nearby your zuda!” NoHank lowered his hands as Barry stored the gun back in its original spot. The bald Chechen handed him the ring, a bright smile on his face.
“Thank you, Hank,” Y/N smiled at her friend, gesturing for Barry to put the blood diamond on her finger. He simply obeyed, his muttering under his breath about getting her a clean ring later quieted by her soft eyes.
“Oh this is SO beautiful!!! I have shipped you ever since you guys went to the shooting range together!”
“But-“ a flurry of movement and a warning shot cut short whatever NoHank was about to say, the bullet hitting the wall next to the memorial bottle. NoHank yelped, scampering out the bedroom window behind him. Y/N shook her head, a wry smile on her face as Barry made a show of putting his gun away.
“That was a little dramatic, Bear.” He shrugged in response, kissing her earnestly with a joy he had never known. This commitment wasn’t going to be easy with Fuches still at large and Gene still unstable, but the radiance of affection that swelled through his once empty heart told him it would be worth it. After a long, beautiful kiss, Y/N broke it with a smile and tilted her head up at him.
“So am I ever going to know your real name?” He looked down at her, a gentle flush across his features as he pretended to consider her request. Suddenly, Y/N found his lips tickling her ear as he whispered faintly. She laughed, twisting away to get a good look at her fiancé.
“Bartholomew! That is SUCH an actor’s name,” she laughed, ruffling his hair as he just gave her a lovesick look. Heading back to the kitchen to get their food, Y/N failed to notice Barry following her into the kitchen and yelped when he encircled her waist with both arms, kissing her on the cheek.
“You know, you should change your actor’s name to Bartholomew Block for the Roach movie so it’s half real, half fake,” she added, the accidental reveal of the big news not dawning on her until Barry turned her to face him, the complete and blissful shock vibrant on his face.
“I GOT THE PART!” Y/N’s shy little nod prompted Barry to tackle her onto the floor playfully, his fingers brushing against her side accidentally and drawing a laugh from her lips. Kissing right under her ear, he smiled brighter than the sun.
“That is the second best news I’ve heard today!”
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writeontimey · 3 years
WoT - Would you read it for Chris' snack? // PILOT
Today we have, Food Follies, the pilot of Write on Time.
The scene starts showing a grassy field with only one tree, in this tree we can see a small bird house hanging from a branch, that's the Tricky Trio's house, the scene starts to show the inside of the house, where Joseph and Philip are playing a card game called "The Game".
Philip: JUST PLAY!
Joseph: I'm thinking! T-INK-IN-G, now wait, will ya?
Philip: Ngh, don't think so you don't hurt your head.
Philip gets up, stands next to Joseph, and starts to see his cards.
Philip: If I were you I would play this one.
Joseph: Ok.
Joseph plays the card chosen by Philip.
Philip: Hey, how did you make such a good play?
Joseph: Secret.
Philip: Cool, 'cuz I WIN!
Philip plays all his cards and wins the game, he laughs while Joseph looks at him annoyed, Joseph then looks at the camera.
Joseph: Skilled isn't he?
Joseph goes back to looking at Philip.
Joseph: Let's play again.
Joseph and Philip get scared and look at each other for a second, the scene then changes to Chris, sitting on a couch, Joseph and Philip jump out of the throw pillows and look at Chris.
Joseph and Philip: WHAT?
Chris: It's horrible, deplorable, unignorable... it rhymed... BUT IT'S HORRIBLE!
Joseph and Philip: WHAT?
Chris: Somebody ate my SNACK!
Joseph and Philip: IMPOSSIBLE!
Chris (crying): Possible! WAAAAAH! Help me!
Philip: Of course, we'll help! I investigated a familiar case before, mine was a turkey sandwich, I loved it, seeing it dead was the most shocking scene I have seen in 17 years being a detective.
Joseph: What was the second most shocking?
Philip: This one.
Philip gets closer to Chris.
Philip: Don't worry, the great detectives are here.
A very detective like intro happens, with the first scene showing Philip walking in circles following his own trail of footprints, and the second scene showing Joseph holding a magnifying glass analyzing things, but accidentally looking at the Sun and burning his eyes.
Philip: Firstly!
Philip gives a stylish entrance by spinning his way to Chris and putting a pipe in his mouth.
Philip: Explain what happeneEE COUGH COUGH COUGH!
Philip throws the pipe away.
Philip: What COUGH COUGH, happened COUGH.
Chris: My snack was eaten.
Philip: Can you give a more detailed explanation?
Chris: Sure, my snack, wich is a quick meal between lunch and dinner was ingested and it's probably being digested and soon will become...
Philip: What were you doing when the snack was stolen?
Chris: I was on TikTok thinking about how JungKook is pretty.
Philip: Yes, and how did you find out it was stolen?
Chris: I went to the microwave, where I kept the snack, and then, I SAW... I SAW THE SCENE... ONLY CRUMBS AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH.
Chris: By the way, "GREAT DETECTIVES"... how can I know that YOU weren't the ones who ate it? BUNCH OF MUGGERS!
Chris: No! Just criminal, evildoer, crook and outlaw.
Philip: Oh alright, BUT IT WASN'T ME!
Joseph: Me neither.
Chris: Where were YOU at the time of the crime?
Philip and Joseph: Playing The Game.
Chris: Hmmmm, ok, nothing strange there, for now! Oh, when I find out who was responsible for this, I will equalize their face!
Philip: Let's go to the microwave to analyze the crumbs, there may be a clue there.
Everyone runs to the kitchen, and Joseph starts pointing somewhere.
Chris: Where is it? Where is it?
Joseph shows a cellphone with the app "One Clue Crossword" showing.
Chris: Are you trying to die?
Philip pushes the two, and goes to the microwave.
Philip: I'm serious, people! Hmm, let me see these crumbs here.
The scene shows a very cliché detective sequence with Philip analyzing everything, putting crumbs in scientist tubes, tasting them, even hacking them with a computer. The scene then changes to Joseph and Chris standing in the middle of the kitchen looking at Philip.
Joseph: What a show off, isn't he?
Chris just nods positively. After that, Philip jumps in front of them.
Philip: Well friends.
Philip: Well, analyzing the situation a little and testing the texture and taste of the remaining crumbs, I come to the conclusion that yes, it was definitely a snack.
Philip: I also found a sign saying "William was here."
The scene changes to William sitting on another couch from the house, watching TV, out of nowhere a long, macabre hand slowly comes out of the TV, when it touches William, the TV starts screaming and Philip, Joseph and a furious Chris jump out of it and fall on the couch.
Joseph, Chris and Philip: IT WAS YOU!
Chris: It was you, wasn't it? You ate my snack!
William: Did I? I don't remember.
Chris: Oh, so you're going to make a fool of yourself now, right? PHILIP INTERROGATE HIM!
Philip stands in front of William
Philip: Let's go! Helper, hold him.
Joseph's arms start to stretch and tie William to the couch.
Philip: A crime occurred here recently, one of the clues led us to you.
William: What crime? What clue?
Joseph slaps William in the face.
Joseph: We are the ones who ask the questions here!
William: Ok... then ask.
Joseph: Uuuuhhh, are you to blame?
William: For what?
Joseph slaps William in the face again.
Philip: The crime is a snack theft, the clue was a sign saying "William was here."
William: Ah, well, I'm having some amnesia attacks recently so I am leaving these signs all over the house to remind myself of where I have been.
Joseph: That's the most lame excuse I've ever heard.
Philip, Chris and Joseph: It must be true.
Philip: So, sir, have you heard anything recently that might be suspicious?
William: Well... I have amnesia so I have no idea.
Philip, Chris and Joseph look with a bored expression to each other and leave, the scene changes to them talking in private.
Philip: Okay, so it wasn't him.
Chris: But what if he is lying?
Joseph: Makes sense, Chris, I read in a book that the culprit is always the first person interrogated.
Philip: Yes, but we don't want that OLD AND PAST CLICHÉ on our show, do we?
Philip and Chris look at the camera and then at Joseph with a sarcastic look.
Joseph: Okay!
Philip: Hmmm, I already know who we can interrogate next!
The scene changes to a close up on William with an angry expresion on his face, the screen then shows Chris, Joseph and Philip around him.
William: Why do you want to interrogate me again?
Philip: We don't know who we can interrogate next!
William: Why don't you go, like, I don't know, to the place where she bought the snack?
Philip: Hey hey hey, shhh, I'm the detective here!
Philip turns to Chris and Joseph and says.
Philip: Guys, let's investigate the place...
William: GO AWAY!!!!
The scene changes to a restaurant called McRat. Philip, Chris and Joseph are in front of it.
Philip (narrating): McRat, normally a nice, happy place, but today, it was a dark place, because all the lights we're out.
Joseph: Are you narrating?
Philip: Yeah! Super cool!
Philip (narrating): We entered McRat, there was nobody inside it today, probably because it was already closed and we broke in to get in there.
Philip: Helper, hold him!
Joseph grabs an refrigerator, puts the employee inside it and closes the door, he then wait 3 seconds and opens the door, showing the employee inside a giant block of ice only with his head free.
Philip: We want to ask you a few questions.
Employee: Ugh, ok, yes, the CheeseRat is made of rats, yes, they are sewage rats, but they are washed, they are clean...
Chris: I came here and bought a Fried Vole earlier.
Employee: Well, those are worse, they are made with...
Employee: Good, because I REALLY didn't want to explain about the Chicken Sushi... I'll just say one thing, it's not chicken.
Joseph looks at the camera and at the Employee with a sad expression.
Joseph: I'm glad I don't eat here.
Philip: Okay, okay, enough talk, did you see someone strange here recently?
The employee takes a good look at the trio, who are making weird faces.
Employment: Yes.
Philip: ...
Philip: Alright! We're going, come on, helper, let him go.
Joseph hits the ice with a hammer and chisel, breaking everything. They go to the outside of the restaurant and sit on the sidewalk.
Philip: Let's interrogate some more people.
Chris: I know someone we can interrogate.
The scene changes to the Big Bad Wolf, hidden in a bush in the middle of a forest, watching a Little Red Riding Hood pass by.
Big Bad Wolf: Hmm, picnic basket, snack time.
Out of nowhere Joseph, Philip and Chris appear.
Joseph, Philip and Chris: STOP!
Philip: Well, you know, mom loved dad a lot and...
Joseph comes closer to the wolf's ear.
Joseph: I came from a scientific experiment.
Big Bad Wolf: What do you want here?
Big Bad Wolf: What? What snack?
Joseph slaps the wolf.
Joseph: Another one who likes to ask.
Chris: You know what snack! We know you're a glutton, tried to eat 3 pigs and even ate an old lady once.
Philip: Chris! This show was supposed to be family friendly.
Joseph: Yeah right, look who's speaking, "Mr. Daddy Loved Mommy Guy".
Philip: Mine was a valid example.
Big Bad Wolf: LISTEN! I didn't eat any snacks, in fact, if you read my stories you can see that I always fail to eat anything.
Chris: Go on..
Big Bad Wolf: But I know someone who is rude enough to eat other people's food without asking.
Joseph, Philip and Chris: Who?
The scene changes to Goldilocks analyzing the bears' porridges.
Goldilocks: Too hot, too cold, perfect!
Joseph, Philip and Chris appear out of nowhere.
Joseph, Philip and Chris: STOP!
Goldilocks chokes on the porridge and spits it all over her face.
Chris: So you like to eat things without permission, right! Did you eat my snack?
Goldilocks: No! No! I swear! I don't even know you! But... I know someone who likes snacks.
A montage with the trio interrogating other characters starts, firstly with them talking with Shaggy and Scooby-Doo, then Garfield, then Hansel and Gretel. The scene then changes to the tired trio seated in a couch in their house.
Philip: Who we still need to interrogate?
Joseph: Goku, Naruto, Greedy Smurf.
Philip (excited): Ooooh, did you say Naruto?
Chris: Oh, forget it, we'll never find out who ate my snack, let's just leave it behind.
Chris walks out and Joseph follows her.
Philip (mentally): Hmm, wait... behind?
A light bulb suddenly appears on Philip's head and he has an idea.
Philip: I GOT IT!
The scene then shows all previously interrogated characters and the trio in a room, Philip is standing in front of everyone while the rest is sitting in chairs.
Philip: Now, you must be wondering why I called you all here.
Joseph: We are not, smart guy, it is literally the plot of the whole episode.
Big Bad Wolf: And why do we need to be phere? We don't care about a stupid snack.
Philip: You are here because we need more people to play Among Us.
All previously interrogated people leave the room, only leaving the trio.
Philip: Rude people.
Philip: Well, Chris, I was in doubt, but after you said "leave it behind" I remembered something! Who is the only person who can be everywhere at the same time, and is the only person who in all cartoons, comic strips, films and everywhere never eats?
Chris: Me.
Philip: The cameraman.
Chris and Joseph: AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, what?
Chris: This is a text, we don't have a cameraman.
Philip: But here we have a NARRATOR!
Chris and Joseph: AAAAAAAAAHHHH.
What? How can he...
Narrator: What?
Philip: Admit it, before the episode started you saw the snack and decided to eat it.
Narrator: O-Of course not.
Narrator: Of course it wasn't me, I was... I... I was! I WAS!
Philip: You can't fool me, Narrator.
Chris: No! We still have to find out who you really are.
Grr alright... I, the narrator, materialize myself in front of Chris, Joseph and Philip.
William: Here.
Chris, Joseph and Philip: William?
Philip: Wait, William, are you a narrator?
William: Just for this pilot, the normal narrator is sick today.
Joseph: The guy missed the first day at work.
Chris: It doesn't matter, TIME TO DIE, FOR MY SNACK!
Chris starts to fight with William like crazy, a cartoon fight cloud appears and they start to move around the room fighting! The scene changes to Joseph and Philip.
Philip: So wait, my logic was wrong! If the original narrator were working today, William wouldn't be caught.
Joseph: Well duuh, who puts together a random phrase and thinks that would solve a whole case that easily?
Philip: It works in the movies.
Joseph: Well, at least MY logic was right! I told ya it's always the first person to be interrogated, didn't I?
Philip looks angrily at Joseph and then at the screen, and shows a sign saying "Cliché ending, isn't it?"
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harryfreakinstyles2 · 5 years
Torn (Part 5) H.S.
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“What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper. My pulse instantly starts to race, partially from his presence and partially from the terror of being in a room with him and Julie at the same time.
"Julie invited me yesterday. I figured the offer still stood. And I figured you wouldn't invite me." He whispers back eyeing me down. He definitely did not like my reaction to his presence.
"You need to leave now. This is a bad idea." I whisper. I look behind me nervous but the view of the front door is just out of sight from the kitchen wall blocking the living room. Putting my hand on his chest I push him back out the front door. Hoping he will not fight me on this and just leave.
"No, I'm not leaving. We're friends now, so what's the problem?" He says testing me and even though his voice sends a shiver up my spine I want to kick him in the shin for being an ass right now. He leans in even closer so he is only inches away waiting for my response. My pulse starts racing and I hope he doesn't notice. God this boy is stubborn.
My breathing has become rapid and uneven. I notice my hand is still on his chest when I feel his heart start beating faster. I pull away quickly embarrassed I take a step away from him to help clear my head.
"Who is it, Allie?!" Julie yells from the living room making me jump slightly.
"Fine." I say coldly to him not wanting to argue with him when everyone is right inside and turn back into the apartment. I can feel him following close behind me. Why is he doing this to me? Why does he have to make this harder for me. It's like he enjoys watching me suffer.
"Look who's here," I say with a fake cheerful voice to the group as I walk back into the living room and take my seat on the floor.
"Harry!!" Julie says in her high-pitched squealing tone making my ears ring slightly.
"Hey! You guys don't mind if I join you right?" Harry responds casually while avoiding the scowl on my face.
"Of course not! But you'll have to sit on the floor with Allie because we are out of seats," Julie informs him with a smile and my body tenses. What the hell I figured at least she would have him sit with her. This just keeps getting worse.
I watch him as he slips his shoes off and makes his way towards me. He is trying to hide his delight, but I can see his smile forming which both irritates me and sends another chill up my spine at the same time. He purposely sits closer to me than necessary but luckily no one else notices. He is wearing a light grey hoodie and his usual black skinny jeans and looking so good it makes me want to scream. I start eating handfuls of my popcorn to keep myself occupied as I try not to glare at his cheerful attitude.
After a few minutes of Dylan arguing with Maya and Julie about what movie to watch the girls finally win with the classic "The Notebook" as their choice movie of the night. I have avoided speaking since I sat back down not wanting to bring attention to myself and not being able to focus on anything other than the inch of space that separates my body from Harry's. I keep my legs crossed Indian style with my popcorn in my lap trying to keep my distance. Julie finally gets up and starts the movie and then continues to shut off every light in the entire living room. And I sigh annoyed that I can't seem to catch a break tonight.
The first thirty minutes of the movie roll by without Harry moving an inch. He is completely focused on the movie. Every now and then a slight laugh escapes his perfectly shaped lips and I can't help but smile to myself even though I am still pissed at him for coming here in the first place. Realizing that Harry seems to be on good behavior tonight and is done torturing me I finally start to relax. With my popcorn gone I lean over and place the bowl on the floor next to me as I stretch my legs out in front of me. I grab my blanket spreading it out over of me as I relax back against the couch. I can see Harry looking at me from the corner of my eye. I turn to glare at him again and he makes a gesture for me to share my blanket with him. I sigh reluctantly and hand him the edge of the blanket closest to him. Pulling the blanket over his legs he takes the opportunity to close the inch of space between us. Our legs are flush against each other and our shoulders are touching, my body instantly starts to react to his as my pulse brings to race, and I can feel every inch where his body touches mine and I feel like I am on fire. I try not to move so he won't notice the effect he has on me. I casually look behind me and both Julie and Dylan are passed out leaning on Maya who is still eating a bowl of chips. Luckily both her and Sam are so focused on the movie they don't seem to notice Harry and I sitting so close together on the floor. I turn back around focusing my attention back on the movie when I feel Harry's fingertips rest just above my knee under the blanket. My eyes widen, and I do not dare to pull them away from the movie. Slowly his fingertips start to trail up my thigh and in this moment I am so happy I decided to wear pants instead of pajama shorts, so he cannot feel the goosebumps that follow the path of his touch. His slow pace is torture as my heart pounds and my breathing uneven with every inch he moves up my thigh my body tingles more. I know I should move or swat his hand away but I can't. I flinch startled from a loud crunch of Maya eating her chips behind me snapping me back to reality. Remembering the room full of people and my best friend behind me I rush to my feet to create as much space between Harry and I as I can.
"I'm getting some more popcorn!" I announce much too loud not caring as I break the silence in the room and startle everyone on the couch. I head for the kitchen stepping over Harry's long legs carefully while I glare at his barely visible face in the darkness. I see his huge grin on his face knowing he had his intended effect on me.
I stick the popcorn in the microwave and place my hands flat against the counter trying to return my breathing to normal. The effect he has on me makes me feel like I could burst into flames every time he looks at me. It has been so long since I have felt this way about anyone I almost forgot what it was like. I hear someone enter the kitchen behind me but I don't turn around. He is fucking killing me.
"Hey Allie," I hear a soft voice say but not the one I expected.
"Hey! What's up?" I respond turning around surprised to find Sam standing in front of me.
"Umm, I know this is random but I was just wondering if you had any plans this coming Friday night?" He asks while staring at the floor his usual awkwardness heightened tonight.
Right now?! You have to be kidding me! I know exactly where this is going and I panic not wanting to answer his question. But maybe this is good. Maybe this is exactly what I need. Maybe this will make Harry stop his merciless taunting.
"Uhh, I work in the morning but besides that, I'm free," I say casually bracing myself for his response.
"Is there any chance you would like to go out on Friday? With me?" Sam mutters too fast while still looking at the floor he says exactly what I have been anticipating for months. Why he waited until now when things are complicated I have no idea. But things are not complicated really I realize. So despite the gorgeous guy who just had me almost hyperventilating sitting on my living room floor two minutes ago I answer with a simple, "That sounds great."
My answer takes him by surprise and his head snaps up so fast I feel like he may have whiplash but a smile takes over his entire face and I cannot help but smile back.
"Awesome! I'll text you this week and we can make a plan," he tries to say casually but I can practically feel his excitement.
"Sounds good," I answer with a smile.
He turns and walks into the bathroom across from the kitchen and I sink back against the counter once again and sigh deeply. This is not where I saw tonight going. The microwave beeps and I grab my popcorn pouring it into the bowl and go to head back into the living room to face Harry again. Turning to leave I nearly smack right into him. He looks pissed but there is also a sadness in his eyes that I have not seen before and it cuts me to my core. His mood has shifted from five minutes ago and I can feel the tension between us. He doesn't say a word and I know he heard Sam and I's conversation. I rack my brain to find something to say to him but it's blank. I don't have any reason to need to explain anything to him but I still feel like I need to.
"Harry," I say reaching my hand out to touch him but he pulls away quickly.
He turns walking away from me and I don't say a word as I follow him back to the living room. What is there to say. I watch helplessly as he puts on his shoes and walks right past me and out the door without a word. I feel like my head is spinning so much has happened in the last ten minutes I can't think straight. I don't know why he is so pissed. Nothing is going on between us. Besides him torturing me. He has no reason to be upset that I am going on a date with Sam. But I think he is and it confuses the hell out of me.
"Is he okay?" Julie says looking at me confused by the strange scene that just unfolded.
"Yeah, he said something about not feeling well and that he has to be up early for work so he decided to head home I guess," I say shrugging my shoulders as I lie to her with ease. I realize I don't even know what he does for work. My stomach turns with guilt for lying to Julie again but I couldn't explain what just happened even if I wanted to.
Sam smiles at me as I walk back to my spot on the floor and take a seat, but I pretend not to see it because I can't return it right now. I feel utterly helpless and like a complete jerk. Why didn't I say anything. And why should I feel guilty, it is not like I am cheating on him. We are not even together. We barely know each other. But for some reason I can not focus on the last bit of the movie with Harry's sad eyes stuck in my head. Not be able to take it any longer I pull out my phone.
Me: "Can we talk? Please!" I text Harry and wait for a reply.
He doesn't have a reason to be mad at me when I told him we could only be friends. He knows that is all I can offer him because of Julie. But it still does not stop me from feeling guilty and shattered by the look on his face when he left. I continue to check my phone every two minutes for the remainder of the movie but Harry never texts me back and the pit in my stomach keeps growing. Everyone gets up starting to chat when the movie finally finishes, but I feel even less like talking than I did before.
"I am heading to bed. Night everyone," I say to the group not waiting for a response and walk into my room and shut the door.
Collapsing on the bed with a sigh. I pull up Harry's contact on my phone, his name just the smirking emoji. I thought it suited him. I put it just in case someone saw him pop up on my phone. By someone I mean Julie. I hit the call button this time and listen to the ringing through the little speaker. It rings again and again until it finally gets to the automated voicemail.
"Ughhhh!" I groan loudly. I wish I would have said something to him. Anything would have been better than this.
Accepting that I will not be hearing from him tonight I put my phone on my nightstand and grab my planner to make sure I did all my homework that's due for class tomorrow before sleep finally takes over.
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dragonsaphirareads · 5 years
The Selfish Protector - Disney and Deceit (Chapter 2)
Crossposted to AO3
Link to Masterlist
Deceit didn’t want to answer the door when he heard the knock. He was still nursing his face; he’d cleaned it off and made sure the bleeding stopped before laying on his bed, but it stung horribly.
He flung himself to his feet, opening the door and not attempting to hide his frustration.
“What do you want Roman?”
Roman stood tall, his shoulders back and hands clasped behind him, and he looked Deceit in the eyes. It was almost enough to distract from the fact that he was fidgeting and his heart was racing.
“I want to apologize to you. I should have never come into your room without permission, and I--”
“Roman, stop.” The prince swallowed at Deceit’s flat tone. He did his best to not flinch.
“But I truly am sorry, Deceit.”
Deceit blew out a breath. God, he sounded so pathetic, it cooled his temper slightly. “Tell me Roman, why are you here?”
“To-To apologize?”
Roman bit his lip. “Well, because I... I came into your room without permission, and then you got hurt because of it...”
“Oh no, not at all. I adore having my face ripped apart by someone who’s been driven insane by my room’s influence!” Deceit drawled sarcastically, and Roman swallowed, looking at his shoes.
“Yes, I know it was completely my fault for bringing him in there and it’s my fault that you got hurt. And I completely understand if you want nothing to do with me after this... but...”
He sighed, meeting Deceit’s eyes. “I still want to extend a proper invitation. This Friday, I would love it if you could join us for movie night.”
Deceit raised an eyebrow. “‘Us’? I thought Virgil and Patton wanted nothing to do with me even after I saved their butts.”
Roman winced. “Yeah, so they’re a little angry right now, but I’m sure they’ll work it out by Friday!” That was a lie, he didn’t know if they would ever forgive him for what happened. Deceit didn’t call him on it. “And... even if they don’t... it would be me, you, and Logan, and that would still be fun!”
Deceit watched Roman’s face carefully. He was trying so hard... and for what? For him? For Thomas? Just for curiosity's sake?
Deceit found that whatever Roman’s reason, it didn’t matter. He was rather curious too.
“Alright. I’ll be there.”
Deceit closed the bathroom door quickly and leaned against the counter, inhaling slowly to calm himself down.
He’d expected Virgil to explode. Hell, he’d been purposely needling him ever since he arrived to achieve that very goal. Didn’t mean it was pleasant being held by your collar with a fist hovering inches from your face.
Deceit sighed, rubbing at his temples to try and sooth his growing headache. How was it possible that the four of them could lie so badly and yet they never noticed?
He knew why - they didn’t have a sixth sense dedicated specifically to detecting when someone was lying. It had been going off practically nonstop since he’d arrived in the common room. There had only been a few blatant lies of commision, but the sheer amount of omission taking place made his head spin.
Patton and Virgil were the worst of all. Even without his sense, he knew those two were up to something.
There was no way they’d come around so quickly. Not with how they’d been so angry with him before. There was something going on, with Patton especially, cogs whirring behind that too-bright smile of his.
Deceit had caught on to it pretty much the moment he walked into the room. And it was worrying him. He was sure that the effects of his room hadn’t been permanent -  he hadn’t seen a single speck of gold in either of Patton’s eyes when he’d checked. He should be perfectly fine.
But there was something underlying his fake smile, something darker that Deceit couldn’t quite grasp. When he’d compared Patton to Hans, he saw a shadow flicker in those bright eyes.
The lying side huffed, tugging off his gloves and turning on the faucet to splash his face with cool water. He hissed as the right side of his face stung as he scrubbed at it. He glanced up at the mirror and took in his appearance.
The sweater that Roman had designed was soft, warm and ever so slightly oversized. The design itself was fitting - Roman had clearly drawn inspiration from his logo. It didn’t cover his neck like his normal outfit, and it revealed the scales that trailed past his face.
Deceit gently traced a hand against them, from the corner of his left eye down to his collarbone. He loved his scales, no matter what the others said. He loved how they glittered in the light, how they complemented his golden eye, how they split his body so nicely down the middle. He’d even learned to love the scar that traced from his ear to the corner of his mouth, a remnant of a time that he hadn’t appreciated how he looked as much.
He loved who he was, and it extended further than just his physical appearance. He loved being himself. How he could mold his words to make someone do what he wants, how just his presence puts the others on edge. He coveted his image as an over-the-top villain, molded from Thomas’s own idea of who he should be.
Yet, he couldn’t help but wonder what it might be like if Thomas was different. If Patton wasn’t so strongly in charge, if Deceit had been formed not as an entity stuck in the shadows but as what Roman might classify as a “Light Side.”
Deceit shook his head, throwing that thought away. That wasn’t important. That couldn’t happen, so there was no point in indulging that fantasy. In order to do what needed to be done... they all had to work together against him.
The side took a deep breath, clearing his mind and slipping his gloves back on. Deceit stepped out of the bathroom to see the lights had been turned off, and the TV was on, the opening scenes of Aladdin playing.
The other four had shifted closer to each other on the sectional. Patton had his arm around Virgil’s shoulders, who was in turn curled up tightly against the fatherly side. Roman was on the other side, arms stretched out on the back of the couch behind him. Logan was on the end, seemingly having been dragged by the princely side to side closer to the group. His legs were up on the table, arms crossed and head leaning against the back of the couch.  
They were comfy, and the sound of the bathroom door closing didn’t draw their attention. The four of them were focused on the screen and the shared bowl of popcorn on Patton’s lap.
Deceit sighed, standing in the darkness, watching them for a moment. Roman was humming the background music quietly, more subdued than he’d been before. The lying side couldn’t help but smile slightly - the movie had to have been the creative side’s idea.
The snake turned around and walked down the hall, into the darkness and back to his room. He’d accomplished what he’d wanted to this night. There was no point in inserting himself into their movie night.
He wasn’t part of the family.
Halfway through the movie, Roman got up to refill the popcorn bowl that had been eagerly emptied by the four of them. The other three were asleep. Virgil’s head had fallen heavy on Patton’s shoulder, who had in turn put his chin on top of the emo’s head protectively. Logan had curled up, falling asleep with his legs tucked under him and arms crossed.
A smile ghosted across his lips as he looked over the three of them. Then it faded away as he thought about the missing side.
He’d noticed Deceit hadn’t come back, but he’d kept his mouth shut. The last thing Roman needed was another argument with Virgil and Patton, so he let it go. They either hadn’t noticed or had been glad that he never came back, but Roman couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness in his chest.
Already ideas were swirling in his head, coming up with endless ways he could feasibly invite the lying side back into their group for another night. He felt guilty; he knew it was selfish of him to accept the things Deceit told him. The compliments were like candy - they tasted good but he knew they would rot him from the inside out if he took them too seriously.
Logan would tell him that logically, the only solution is to not take it in the first place. Virgil would tell him Deceit’s words were hypnotizing, and the only way to avoid falling under his spell was to plug his ears and not listen to a thing he said. Patton would tell him that Deceit was wrong, and that he should fight for honor and justice to defeat the villain.
Roman leaned against the counter as he listened to the hum of the microwave, and the popcorn popping. He could hear all their advice so clearly, and he knew they knew better. He was the fanciful one, the one with the outlandish dreams and wild fantasies that needed to be reigned in. The others were more down to earth, so they could see Deceit for what he was, what he wanted and what he was doing.
Why, then, did the prince find himself wanting, more than anything, to just speak with Deceit one more time?
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spookyfox · 6 years
Shattered Minds Chapter One: Reconnecting?
So it looks like soon came today guys! Here's chapter one of @cresstic and my fanfic.
Trigger Warning: blood, violence mention.
Virgil shuffled down the stairs now that the others were gone. Reaching the
bottom floor, he headed into the kitchen, seeking out the leftovers from earlier as he listened to music blasting through a beat up pair of headphones. After sticking the food in the microwave, he sat at one of the stools with his eyes closed, listening.
Deceit smirked as he watched Virgil from just outside the large kitchen window. With the others gone, now would be the best time to get inside and speak to... What was the nickname Roman had given him ages ago? Oh, yes: “Panic at the Everywhere.” He slipped inside silently, closing the front door behind him. Patton was never good at keeping it locked.
Virgil watched as the timer went off, sliding off the stool and pulling his food out. He hummed softly as he got it ready, pulling silverware out of the drawer.
Deceit chuckled quietly to himself, his fangs just showing under his top lip, enhancing his snake-like appearance. "Hello again, Virgil" he said, revealing himself.
Virgil startled, spinning around to face the vampire, eyes widening. “What are you doing here?” he hissed.
Deceit laughed again, his yellow and black wings fanning out behind him slightly. "Is it wrong of me to want to see an old friend?" he cooed, putting a gloved hand to his chin.
Virgil’s dark grey wings fluffed out some, twitching slightly. “Friends is sure a word to use. Why are you here?”
"I figured now that we're alone we could use this time to reconnect" he said, straightening up again. "I've missed you.”
Virgil scanned the other’s face. “How do you get in?” He purposefully ignored the other’s comment, unsure of how to respond.
"Patton left the door unlocked" he said simply, nodding toward the front door and leaning against the counter.
Virgil groaned slightly, running his hand through his hair. “The idiot...” He propped himself against the counter behind him, crossing his arms. “You know it’s not just... reconnecting. It’s different.”
"How so?" Deceit asked, raising an eyebrow at Virgil. With the way he was facing, the snake half of his face turned away from the other, he looked almost safe to interact with.
“I mean you... you hurt him.” The shorter man glanced at Deceit, eyes softening some, but looked down at the floor between them.
"And I'm genuinely sorry about that, no tricks." The taller one raised his hands to show his fingers weren't crossed. "I should've been more careful"
Virgil met his gaze, humming in response. “Yeah, you should have.” He straightened up, grabbing his plate and pushing past Deceit to sit down at the counter.
Deceit sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose before sitting beside Virgil, folding his wings up so they wouldn't be in the way. After a few minutes of unsure silence, he sighed. "You don't believe a word I say do you?"
Virgil continued to stare at his food for a moment. “I’m not sure.” He folded his wings a bit closer. “I... sure. I miss what we had. But attacking someone is... and Patton of all people.” He sent a glare towards the other.
The vampire sighed, trying to hold back his own glare and remain calm, his hands twitching where they rested on the countertop. "It's not my fault he was the only one in the room."
Virgil let out a frustrated sigh. “I mean, how Patton described you... hell, it didn’t seem like you. I know it wasn’t... it wasn’t voluntary.” He pushed the plate away, crossing his arms on the counter and resting his head on top, wings sagging.
"And it wasn't," Deceit explained quietly, looking away for a moment. "Can we just try again?" he asked, daring to reach out toward Virgil.
Virgil stilled slightly at the touch before relaxing some. “The others wouldn’t be happy about it...” he mumbled against his arms.
Deceit nodded "I know that, but I'll talk to them... Starting with Patton," he added, rubbing Virgil's arm gently.
Virgil hummed. “What if we just kept it between us for now?” He lifted his head to look at Deceit, scanning his face.
The taller man nodded, smiling a little and showing his fangs. "Sure, that would be fine if you’re okay with it."
Virgil stared for a moment longer before the corner of his mouth twitched up. He put his hand over Deceit’s softly before meeting the vampire’s eyes. “Okay.”
As soon as the others had left, Virgil sent a quick text to Deceit, telling him the coast was clear. It had been nearly a month, texting and sneaking into the house. Things had been similar to before, but hiding everything he was doing from the others was taxing.
Deceit smiled softly at the text, letting himself in through the front door and taking a seat on the couch in the living room. "You do realize we can't keep this up forever right?"
Virgil grumbled, leaning against the other some. “Great way to start a conversation. ‘Virgil you know you’re a fuck up who can’t get his life together, right?’”
Deceit wrapped an arm around the shorter one’s shoulders. "You know I didn't mean it that way... I'm only saying that the others are bound to notice the signs I'm back eventually." He blinked, his brown eye now showing a tinge of red.
Virgil scoffed. “Like what? You know how I am: I’m thorough, I check everything.” He swallowed nervously though, knowing full well that Deceit was right.
"Like this for example." The vampire ran a gloved thumb along the small puncture wounds in Virgil's neck. "I know how observant Logan can be, and he's bound to question them."
Virgil shivered slightly at the touch, biting his lip. “And how do you suppose we would tell them? They’ll be mad at me, bringing you in here without letting them know.”
"In all honesty, I haven't gotten they far in the plan yet... Maybe like I said a month ago, I could have a talk with them individually- without letting them know we're together again of course."
Virgil looked at the other. “You’d leave me out of it?”
"I… I was hoping you could help me break it to them," he admitted, looking away "I know they would never believe me without your word."
“They’ll think we’re together again if I’m on your side... we’d have to sell that we’re not, to convince them otherwise.” Virgil ran a hand through his hair.
Deceit nodded, resting his head on the back of the couch with a sigh. "True."
Virgil stared at his hands. “How do you think they would react? Obviously they’ll be upset at first.”
"I think Patton will be the most understanding, Roman and Logan..." the other sighed. "They're harder for me to understand." He looked back toward Virgil. "Are you sure we need to keep this a secret though?"
Virgil chewed his lip. “I don’t... imagine them reacting well? Or maybe trusting me as much, if we told them.”
"They'd still trust you more than they would me," Deceit scoffed, “and I think keeping our relationship a secret would just be taxing for you.... I know how much you worry without having to keep secrets, so it must be really hard to have this piled up on everything else."
Virgil sighed. “I... yeah. You’re right.” He pushed himself off Deceit gently, leaning forward to prop his elbows on his knees. “Then how do you suggest telling them, like when/where? You’re better at this kind of thing than me.”
"Ah... hmm." The taller one straightened up, stretching out his wings. "Dinner would cause too much of a scene... maybe you could find a day where there's only one other person here? So we don't risk a walk in?" he suggested.
Virgil laughed slightly. “Well. Only Patton is going to be here tonight- for a while anyway. Logan’s working late and Roman has a show, so neither of them will be back until at least midnight. Patton will be back in...” he glanced at the time, “a little under two hours.”
Deceit nodded slightly. "Best to start with him anyway, he'll be the nicest of the group," he sighed, putting a hand to his head with a soft grunt, his non-snake like eye glowing red now.
Virgil turned to look at the other, eyes narrowing slightly. “Are you okay?” he asked, slightly wary.
The taller one sucked in a breath. "I... haven't fed in a couple days," he admitted, blinking and looking up at Virgil.
The man bit down on his lip, glancing away for a second. “I think I would be fine to let you... I felt a little lightheaded last time but if I just eat something afterwards I think I would be fine. I don’t want anything to happen with Patton here. Just... if you’re careful? I should be fine I think.”
Deceit nodded, an eager hunger in his eyes now. "I promise I'll be careful." He patted the seat beside him.
Virgil flushed slightly, laughing a bit as he shifted over. “Did you have this in mind?” the shorter half-scoffed.
The vampire chuckled, rolling his eyes as he moved Virgil's hoodie away from his neck. "Maybe," he teased, scraping his fangs against his neck, "Try not to tense up this time."
“Well it’s not exactly easy with fangs digging into my skin,” he murmured with a small smile, closing his eyes and trying to relax.
Deceit chuckled again, sinking his fangs into Virgil's neck, offering his free hand to squeeze.
Virgil grunted slightly, gripping into the other’s hand, but forced himself to relax as much as he could. He felt his heart rate rise, both attempting to compensate for the blood leaving his body and in reaction to his nervousness. The shorter man slowly let his head lean against the back of the couch, purposefully going slow so the other was aware of what he was doing.
Deceit followed Virgil's movements, careful with both how much he was taking and for how long. After about two minutes he pulled away, licking at the new wounds to close them. The vampire licked the blood away from his lips, smiling softly. "Thank you."
Virgil hummed softly, still resting against the couch with his eyes closed. “Can you get crackers or something? And juice? ‘m pretty sure there’s some in there.”
Deceit nodded, standing and grabbing what the other wanted before walking back over to the couch and sitting down. "Are you sure you're OK?"
Virgil hummed again, blinking open his eyes, slightly unfocused. “Dizzy.” He reached to take the juice from the other, but accidentally hit the glass, causing it to spill over both of them. “Shit...” Virgil jolted to his feet for a moment, setting the glass down shakily on the table, spilling it a bit more. “Fuck, ‘m sorry...” he swayed slightly, gripping onto the back of the couch. “I can get towels...”
The taller one stood, steadying the other and gently helping him sit back down "No, I'll handle it, you need to rest." He quickly gathered the towels and wiped up the mess. Despite his usual manipulative nature, the vampire was beginning to feel genuine love for Virgil.
Said man whined slightly but listened, sinking back against the couch. After a minute he took the crackers from where they sat next to him and opened the box, slowly eating a few. “‘M sorry,” he repeated.
"It's fine, Virgil," Deceit said quietly. "I shouldn't have taken so much anyway," he frowned, sitting beside the other.
Virgil shook his head softly. “No no, it’s okay. You hadn’t eaten. I’ll be okay.” He looked at the cup on the table, flushing slightly in embarrassment. “Could you... hand me that?”
Deceit chuckled, reaching for the cup and handing it to him. "You don't need to worry about changing into a vampire, unless you want me to change you?" he suggested with a sly smile.
Virgil carefully took a sip of the juice, scoffing. “Then neither of us would have a place to get blood from. That hardly seems functional.” He rolled his head slightly, trying to stop the slight ache in his neck.
The vampire shrugged. "Merely a suggestion." He reached over and began to massage Virgil's neck gently.
Virgil hummed contentedly, opening one eye to look at the other. “A dumb one,” he snorted. He closed his eyes before blinking them open again, his wings fluttering slightly. “Sorry, that wasn’t meant to sound rude, just out of it.” He hissed slightly as Deceit rubbed against a painful spot, pulling away ever so slightly.
He let up his grip just a little, frowning. "Understandable," he nodded
“You’re fine,” Virgil muttered, taking another sip of the juice. “Have you been doing okay? I mean... I know you used to have issues paying rent ‘n stuff.” He carefully rested a wing in front of Deceit, ruffling it slightly, and giving the other a slight grin.
He nodded slightly, reaching forward to pet Virgil's wing slowly and gently. "I'm managing... barely," he sighed. "Night shift sucks."
Virgil let out a soft noise, almost like a purr. “Mhm... I thought you liked being awake at night though?”
"I do, but..." the taller one sighed. "There are some crazy people out at night," he explained. "Someone claimed I was a vampire," he joked. "Nobody believed him."
Virgil laughed. “Oh noooooo! A vampirrrreee! They must be crazy then.” He leaned over, pressing a kiss to the other’s temple before leaning back again the couch, closing his eyes and enjoying his wing being pet.
Deceit chuckled, rolling his eyes. "No kidding, almost as crazy as a man with wings" he laughed, moving to scratching the wing gently.
Virgil made another purr-like noise. “Who would even believe that?” He snorted. “Can you imagine the reactions if we just didn’t hide them? It’s so much easier to just not go out, I hate wrapping mine, they’re too big.”
The vampire nodded. "Yeah, but it's fun to mess with people.”
Virgil rolled his head over to look at Deceit, grinning. “Oh if anyone would do it you would. How much have you managed to mentally scar the public?”
"Only the drunk ones, maybe a few druggies," he waved a hand. "They're more fun... Kids like them though."
Virgil took another sip of his juice, becoming less and less groggy. “Do you remember that one time I actually did go out with you, and that one little girl was lost and I panicked and showed her my wings hoping she’d calm down, and she thought I was an angel?” The shorter man blushed at the memory.
Deceit laughed. "Yeah, that was adorable." He frowned, running a hand across the snake like part of his face. "She was scared of me, though."
Virgil sat up some, scooting close and reaching out to cup that side of his face, running his thumb over the scales. “She didn’t know what to expect with you. Angels are known, and people say they’re good.”
The vampire sighed, leaning into Virgil's hand a little. "I'm no angel," he mumbled.
Virgil smiled softly. “Well neither am I. That doesn’t make you any less.”
Deceit chuckled, glancing at the clock and sighing. "Patton should be home any minute," he reached to squeeze Virgil's hand. "You ready?"
Virgil looked at the clock. “Oh, geez, I couldn’t have been out of it for that long?” He shook his head, pulling his wings back into place. He could already feel the tension in his shoulders coming back. “I-I think so... I just hope he doesn’t hate me.” Virgil looked at the discarded package of crackers and the cup on the table. “We should at least tidy up. And-and maybe I should warn him first? Instead of him just walking in and seeing you?”
"He would never hate you, Virgil," Deceit sighed, grabbing the crackers and closing them. "I do think warning him would be best though," he nodded.
The shorter one sat up slowly, making sure he was steady, before getting to his feet. He grabbed the cup from the table and headed into the kitchen, putting it away in the sink and grabbing his headphones from where he had discarded them on the counter when the other had gotten here, hanging them around his neck in an attempt to hide the new marks. Virgil knew it was too soon to try to cover it with makeup. “Should you maybe... go up to my room? I’m not sure.”
Deceit sighed, thinking for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, that would probably be the best place for me to 'hide.'" He put air quotes around the final word, smirking and beginning toward the steps.
“I’ll come get you, yeah?” Virgil looked at the other, slightly owl-eyed. It was obvious he was nervous, pulling his lip between his teeth and ruffling his feathers some.
The vampire frowned, turning back and hugging the other gently, kissing him on the forehead while attempting to fix his hair. "Yes, that'll work... and it's Patton," he chuckled, looking Virgil in the eye. "What's the worst that could happen?"
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Yeah, you’re not the one still living here,” he grumbled, giving the other a playful shove towards the stairs. “Go, I’ll come get you when we’re ready.”
Deceit chuckled, nodding and heading upstairs, knowing all too well where Virgil's room was. He slipped inside, closing the door behind him, sitting down on the man’s bed to wait.
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ferluccia · 7 years
I love the Victuuri fluff prompts you post!! The baking vlogger Victor one in particular made my heart all warm and fuzzy (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
aaaaaaaa omg thank you!
here’s a little something, then: 
The idea came up when they were done with the season and brainstorming different ways of enjoying each other’s company in their first off-season together in St. Petersburg. It didn’t matter who’d thought of it first, what mattered was that, at some point, they’d both agreed it would be a sweet idea and that they’d have a lot of fun doing it.
After a couple of days of research, they record a cooking video. Yuuri offers to record (still somewhat camera shy, Victor knows, but he dismisses that saying he’s had enough experience helping Phichit record videos) and Victor, with Makkachin’s well-behaved support, are the stars of the show. 
Their video goes viral in a matter of minutes. It’s impressive. 
It starts off very simple: a shot with a happy Makkachin lolling her tongue and a cute little mug cake on the counter with a simple handwritten title overlaid on it. Then, it transitions to a very cozy and domestic Victor Nikiforov, who waves at the camera with a bright smile. Makkachin, at his side, wags her tail.
“Hi! I’m Victor Nikiforov and today I’ll share my personal, homemade mug cake recipe! It’s very simple and quick to make, an ideal snack for a rainy afternoon like today when you want to relax at home and watch some movies,” he winks playfully at the camera. “After I’m done baking, my recipe is going to be judged by the best mug cake connoisseur who is going to give it a score based on taste, appearance and…" 
He waggles his eyebrows comically as the camera zooms in his face - perhaps a bit too close when only Victor’s eyes are in the shot. He hesitates, his dramatic expression breaking when Yuuri bursts out laughing off camera, and it abruptly cuts. 
Victor is smiling on the next shot as if he’s been laughing for the past five minutes, and his clear effort to keep it together is adorable.
"Alright, as I was saying, my mug cake is going to be judged on taste, appearance and overall presentation - ‘is it a mug cake?’ is the question we’re trying to answer here today. With me, I have Makkachin - say hi, Makka!” Makkachin wags her tail vigorously. “She’s going to give me moral support - something of dire importance when you’re baking mug cake. Let’s get the ingredients!”
On a quick little montage, all items are displayed on the pristine kitchen counter. Those with keen eyes can tell that Yuuri is the mastermind behind that staged shot, all ingredients neatly placed and ready to be mixed. Again, overlaid handwritten instructions with cute little arrows point out how many portions are going to be needed.
“I came up with this recipe when I was living with Yakov and Lilia,” he says, and it’s clear he’s not speaking to the audience because he keeps looking at his fiancé off-camera as he beats an egg in the mug. “They were very strict about my diet when I was off-season, and I’d crave sweet things so I ended up making a small-sized cake using the least utensils possible.”
“And what are you doing now?” Yuuri’s sweet voice says off-camera, zooming in on Victor, who looks at him in confusion.
“The mug cake,” he states the obvious, pouring milk into the mug. Yuuri chuckles.
“You have to tell us! You have to talk to the camera, Vitya!”
“Oh!” He laughs. “Right, yes, so… Uh… After you’re done beating the egg you’re going to add oil and milk and mix it well - you know, that wet ingredients and dry ingredients rule. Is it a rule?”
“I don’t know,” Yuuri hums.
“Well, OK. I’m using the same spoon to pour and mix the ingredients because… It’s always the same spoon. And I don’t want to wash a lot of dishes.”
“Sustainable cooking.”
“Exactly,” Victor chuckles as he adds chocolate powder and mixes carefully, all under Makkachin’s curious gaze. “So now we start adding the dry ingredients, but you have to be careful-” the camera switches to his face and zooms comically again, and the shot is all Victor’s eyes, sometimes only his mouth “-because you don’t want the flour to, uh, make bubbles. Bubbles?”
“Yeah, it gets…” Yuuri is very clearly trying not to laugh. “You have to mix it well, got it.”
“Exactly, you don’t want to find flour bombs in your mug cake,” the shot is in Victor’s hands as he adds sugar. “So we’re going to mix these first and leave flour and yeast last. Yuuri?”
“I’m recording.”
“All of me?”
All you can see is Victor’s hand on the screen, with his golden ring shining poetically.
The next shot is serious again, with Victor adding spoonfuls of flour with a tense expression.
“Oh, no.”
“What’s wrong, babe?”
Victor hesitates, with a spoon in one hand and sack of flour in the other, staring at the mug.
“I think I put too much flour.”
“Oh, no!”
“What do I do?” He bursts out laughing. “Oh, no!! I screwed up! It was supposed to be three spoons and I put four full ones? Help me, Yuuri!!” Victor whines, looking at the camera with supplicant eyes as he slowly swirls the ingredients in the mug.
“I can’t, I’m the cameraman,” he says with a chuckle.
“Makkachin!! Help me!!”
“You’re getting flour all over your shirt,” Yuuri laughs, and Victor pauses to look at the mess he’s made.
“Aw, no…”
A quick montage comes up with a close-up shot of Victor mixing the flour in the mug then adding some yeast. The tragedy, it seems, was limited to Victor’s drama, because the mixed ingredients look pretty good.
When it transitions to Victor again, the camera is positioned closer, and it’s clear Victor cannot look away from his gorgeous cameraman.
“Now that Makkachin has saved the day - thanks, Makka! - we are going to put it in the microwave for three minutes. And be careful, it’s going to be super hot when it’s done, so wait a few minutes until it’s cooled down before eating.”
Another quick montage of the mug spinning in the microwave, Victor cleaning up the counter and Makkachin being a good girl plays to the sound of a light, cheery music. Then, the microwave beeps and Victor picks the mug carefully and sets it on the counter.
Back to its original placement, the camera now frames Victor, Yuuri and Makkachin, all looking excited about the mug cake. 
Looking at the camera, Victor announces:
“So now I have here, with me, an authority in mug cakes,” Yuuri hides his smile behind his hand as he gazes at Victor. “A man who has traveled around the world looking for the perfect mug cake recipe and who is going to judge my homemade mug cake with the highest of standards. Isn’t that right, Yuuri?”
Yuuri, blushing, nods and tries to appear serious.
“Should I mouth-feed you the bite?” Victor asks in all seriousness. And Yuuri, apparently forgetting about the camera, smiles and nods at him.
“What am I judging you on?" 
"Oh,” Victor pauses with the fork in his hand. “You have to give me a score based on taste, appearance and is it a mug cake?”
“So, please, have a look,” he gestures at the mug and Yuuri steps closer, inhaling a deep breath and humming in approval.
“It smells amazing. And it looks a bit…” Yuuri shakes his head, “I think I can see some flour you didn’t manage to mix.”
“Damn it.”
“But I’m intrigued. Let’s taste it!”
And, in what could possibly be the most romantic scene in all video, Victor takes a forkful of chocolate cake and feeds it to Yuuri, his other hand automatically reaching to caress his cheek. Yuuri gazes back into his eyes, fluttering his eyes shut as he tastes the bite and nods, eyes closed. Victor watches him expectantly, his hand seemingly forgotten on Yuuri’s cheek and grazing the pad of his thumb like it’s a natural instinct. 
“It’s very good.”
Victor sighs with relief, laughing with Yuuri at his own reaction.
“It tastes sweet, but not too sweet, you know?”
“Exactly! I had to fool Yakov somehow - sorry, Yakov.”
“I really like it, this is delicious,” Yuuri pokes him for another bite.
“OK, but the final question…”
“… Is it a mug cake?”
Victor nods, expectantly. And taking his time, Yuuri grabs another bite and chews on it, pondering, raising an eyebrow just to tease Victor. 
“It is a mug cake.”
Victor cheers, asking Makkachin for a high-five and giving Yuuri a gentle kiss on his cheek, wrapping him in a hug as Yuuri chuckles.
“Final score?” He asks, excited.
“I’d give this mug cake a gold medal.”
“Wow! Yuuri!” Victor beams, wrapping his arms tighter around Yuuri. “Alright, and what should we do next?”
Tapping his chin with his finger (a classic Nikiforov quirk), Yuuri takes a moment to think about it.
“Cookies!” Victor echoes, excited. “Do you know how to bake cookies?”
“I do!”
“Perfect! For my next video, we will have a very special guest,” he winks at the camera. “Thanks for watching!”
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fuckedbykpop-blog · 5 years
Heat | pt.3
Pairing: Yoongi x Hoseok // Suga x Jhope // Yoonseok // Sope // Jimin x Yoongi // Jimin x Suga // Yoonmin 
Genre: Hybrid!au, angst, fluff, smut, 
Warning: story line (with some angst), depressing shit, smut later.
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~1 month later~
Yoongi surprisingly woke up before Hoseok did, which is completely weird considering Hoseok was more of the early bird. In the reflection in front of him, he noticed his red pajama shirt slightly fall off his shoulder. Don't get him wrong, it fits, it’s just that it was unbuttoned once....or twice...with love bites on his chest. His hair was messed up and his ears lay flat on his head because of the exhaustion that still consumes his body. He stretched his arms out and yawned quietly, his tail flicked agitatedly behind him. He plopped his arms back down on the bed and looked to his right to see his lover...
He looked like as if he was doing some weird karate pose on the bed...Hoseok tends to move a lot in his sleep.
Yoongi just stared at him for a while, his tail wrapped around his arm, he was needy. But he remembered that he couldn’t exactly get help with that considering Hoseok had to go to a very important meeting today. He bent down and started leaving playful kisses around Hoseok’s face, trying to wake him up. To his prevail, it worked as he saw Hoseok’s eyes flutter open before leaving a kiss on his lips, “wake up”
“Well, that’s certainly a pleasant way to wake up”, Hoseok mumbled, playfully grinning a bit, “Yoongi, what time is it?”, Hoseok rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
“Oh.....OH SHIT!!”, Hoseok sprung out of the bed, running his hands through his hair, “I thought Seokjin would've told m-”
“Hoseok! You’re gonna be late for the meet-”, Seokjin barged in the room, catching Yoongi and Hoseok’s attention
“I know! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!”
Yoongi switched his attention to both males that were yelling across the room, his tail still flicking.
“I woke up rather late than usual, I apologize. Jimin kept me up because he needed attention, you know how I can't deny his cuteness”, Seokjin pouted
“I know, I know. I’m going to take a shower and get dressed. Just gather all the necessities and paperwork. I’ll be down soon”, Hoseok ordered Seokjin.
“Understood”, Seokjin bowed before leaving the room.
Hoseok looked at Yoongi, who was just sitting on the bed, staring at him, “do I have to go? I wanna stay here with you”
“Yes, you do”, Yoongi crawled off the bed and got off it, grabbing Hoseok’s hand, “I’ll shower with you if it’ll make you feel better”
Hoseok grabbed the smaller male into his embrace, “okay!”
“I can't breathe, please let go”, Yoongi muffled into Hoseok’s chest, which he complied to.
The whole time they showered, he clung onto Hoseok and wanted kisses. The whole time they dressed, he made sure to dress him because he just wanted his touch against him. He made sure to get lifted down the stairs just to keep contact before Hoseok had to go. He watched as Hoseok and Seokjin talked, Seokjin carrying a briefcase and a file of papers. Hoseok just had to go to an important meeting about a company he doesn't care about but his father needed him to. And from what Yoongi has heard about Hoseok’s father he didn't really like.
“Okay, Yoongi, I’ll be back later.”, Hoseok turned his head to see the hybrid getting up from the dining table seat. Yoongi wrapped his arms around Hoseok’s neck and gave him a chaste kiss. 
“Okay..”, Yoongi pouted, his tail whipping behind him. Hoseok gave him a small smile before heading out the door with Seokjin. Yoongi went to go lock the door before turning to see a very empty house. It seemed so dead without Hoseok, “we had the same experience then..”
He walked to the fridge to see what was in it, there was food labeled “Jimin” “Yoongi” “Taehyung”, and “Hoseok”. Seokjin had his own separate food somewhere else in the fridge, and it’s usually in a large portion. Yoongi took his food and heated it in the microwave, watching the food spin. When he took it out, he decided that sitting at the dining table would be too boring so he went to go bother Taehyung. He walked up the stairs, to go up another flight of stairs to pull the lever. He walked up the stairs, food in one hand. Before he was about to poke his head out, his senses were tingling before quickly ducking. A bullet shot right beside the floor on the left side of his head. If he wasn't used to this by now, then what is he?
“Can you not shoot every time you're mad about losing? You're don't always have to be the best at everything”, Yoongi complained, stepping in Taehyung’s room. For a passionate assassin, his room was always neat, despite all the bullet marks. His guns were organized, his bed spread, shoes and clothes put away, and a small cactus on the window sil.
“It’s a habit”, Taehyung put his gun back in his drawer before sliding back down on the floor, looking up at his TV screen. Showing the start screen of Mortal Kombat. “I’m trying my best to stop that but I guess I’m not trying hard enough. “, Taehyung spoke emotionless. 
“You could just like, punch a pillow”, Yoongi took a spoonful of the fried rice and chopped chicken, “It’s better than one of us having a bullet in ou head.”
“Yeah”, Taehyung removed his eyes from the TV and sat up on his bed, more so in Yoongi’s direction. He just stared at him as he pat a spot in front of him. 
“That would be less creepy if you smiled more but who am I to talk?”, Yoongi shrugged, sitting on Taehyung’s bed, made of silk unlike his clothes. “Hoseok mentioned to Seokjin that he was going to size you up for proper clothes tomorrow, as all you wear is the same colored outfits”
“But that would make me stand out, my role its to not stand out”, Taehyung furrowed his brows.
“You might have a role but you're not going to be needed like that all the time”, Yoongi swallowed his spoonful of food, “you're a person, not a robot. People have expressions and lives. You can go outside and meet people, date people, and be yourself. You just haven't found that yet because you weren't raised for any of that. You were just raised to kill”
Taehyung just sat there quiet for a good minute, “Can you help me then? Be myself?”
“I can't do that for you as I’m not you, you have to figure it out”, Yoongi set his food on the night table next to him before facing Taehyung again. “What are something’s you love? Besides games and killing I guess”
“My hybrid ‘brother’..he wasn't really my brother, he was just a hybrid I trained with back when we were little. He passed because he got assassinated for being too weak” Taehyung balled his fist into his sweats, grabbing at the material, “I killed them all, I killed those who killed him at age 10. I buried him in the graveyard not too far from here. The only reason I escaped was by running into Hoseok’s house”, Taehyung looked down at his hands.
“When you say that he was too weak, what do you mean?” “He was too happy and cared too much about life. He got disciplined a lot and I did as well because I enjoyed his company. The only way to prevent that to them was by killing him. So that I wouldn’t recognize what joy was”, Taehyung started breathing heavily, he started freaking out a little as well, looking at Yoongi. He had tears at the brim of his eyes, “what is this that I’m feeling? My face is hot and my chest hurts”
“You're sad Tae..he was very important to you”,  Yoongi mumbled
“I don’t like it”, a tear escaped Taehyung’s right eye, “he was only 6..”
“It wasn’t your fault”, Yoongi rubbed Taehyung’s arm, until Taehyung pulled him in to hug him.
Taehyung started to..cry. He cried in Yoongi’s shoulder as he held him tight. Yoongi wrapped his arms around Taehyung’s torso and put his chin on his shoulder, hushing him and telling him ‘It’s okay’. This went on for about 2 minutes before Taehyung broke the embrace, his face had tear streaks with some new ones coming down as well. He wiped them away and sniffled.
“I’m sorry, I haven’t felt this way in years”, Taehyung frowned, “I guess I only dealt with it by killing people or shooting things, hence why I was so quick to be Hoseok’s assassin.”
“Well you can quit that one and start anew. You don't have to be Hoseok’s assassin, you can be Taehyung. Stop using the guns and thinking about killing. Go outside, even on the patio is fine. Go find things you like, you don't always have to assassin”, Yoongi encouraged him, Taehyung nodded. “You obviously don't have to o it now, take your time.”
“I’ll keep that in mind..thank you Yoongi”
“No problem. By the way, go eat. Your food’s in the fridge. Haven't really seen downstairs often.
“I will, in a minute”, Taehyung calmed himself, inhaling and exhaling.
Yoongi quietly grabbed his food before waving Taehyung a ‘goodbye’ and heading down the ladder to the dead quiet house. He walked down the long quiet hallway, down the second flight of stairs, and into the living room area. His food had gotten cold but he was too lazy to walk to the microwave and heat it up so he just ate it how it was. He tried stalling by watching whatever was on the TV only to get sidetracked by thinking of Hoseok, wondering what was happening on his end.
Hoseok huffed a loud puff of air, impatiently tapping his foot on the floor. He sat in a room with stuck up people who had more to talk about this company. All the butlers sat on the other side of the room on the left, quietly holding their papers for whoever they're assisting. Hoseok twirled the finger on his room, looking around, he seemed like the only person out of place. Colored hair, a different colored suit besides the usual gray or black ones, and a frilled white shirt. He kept getting impatient by the minute, he was waiting for his father to walk in. 
He heard all the murmurs across the room about him, of course he didn't give a damn, they just worked for the company or associated themselves with his father. He rolled his eyes and looked towards Seokjin, who was looking forward. “Time?”
“12:45pm”, Seokjin told him, giving a small smile, which Hoseok gave one back. 
Within the next minute, his father walked in. Everyone stood up to bow to him while Hoseok just stayed in his seat, dreading everything. Eyes were on him, even Seokjin who was still in bowing position.
“Mr. Jung, please b-”
“Seokjin, what with the honorifics? Just call me Hoseok”, Hoseok sighed.
“There’s my favorite delinquent, Hoseok, how are you?”, before Hoseok could give him a smart remark, his father interrupted him, “You don't need to bow by the way, you could just sit there. I’ll just give pity on you, not learning from the best. If anything, I’m disappointed in Seokjin for not teaching you the proper manners. You could always get another butler. He’s letting you go on with your immature tactics. You can't go around being a rotten stubborn hooligan in this company”, Seokjin stayed in the bowing position until Hoseok’s father sat down as it was disrespectful, the harsh words hurting him deeply.
“Don’t talk about Seokjin like that. And if anything, you should've been the one teaching me, not him. But either way, he taught me far more things than you”, Hoseok furrowed his brows, biting his nail, giving off a strong aura.
His father bellowed a laugh straight from his stomach, “cute. Everyone may sit, we have more important things to talk about.”, he gave Hoseok a chilling look that gave Seokjin shivers down his spine. Unlike Seokjin, Hoseok wasn’t scared of his father, he’d rather his father give the company to someone else.
“Our percentage in stock has risen to 80%, but if anything, we need it risen more. People have bought 100 shares of Hybrid lingerie, 100 shares of tailored suits made of the richest wool, linen, silk, and fur, and our collaboration with Wrinrey’s Transports overseas has grown to 76%. But we need something more that the wealthy can find useful. Any suggestions?”, Hoseok’s father questioned his staff.
One of the stood up to present, “as more and more Hybrids being bought every year, maybe we should get in contact with the scientists behind the aphrodisiac drug, Dionysos, to see if we can-”
“For the last time, we are not making some kind of catnip for the hybrids. That’s why you bring them to a clinic to get these shots”, Hoseok’s dad interrupted the co-worker, who just bowed and sat back down, “anything else?”
Before any of them could say anything, Hoseok plopped his hands down on the table and stood up, “how about we create a better system for background knowledge of owners for the hybrids? Some of them could possibly be dying out of, I don’t know, malnourishment, abuse, anything perhaps dangerous. A system we let them go through, specifically for owners of hybrids.”, Hoseok inquired, his father looked rather shocked, mostly because his son actually got involved into one of his discussions.
“Wouldn’t you just need a lie detector for this kind of stuff? We’re not cops, we’re business men”, He bellowed, cueing everyone else to laugh. 
“No actually, we need more advanced technology than that. It would be better for the safety for the hybrid. Maybe a product that if a hybrid is in danger, they can press something to signal the cops or paramedics”
His father looked at him...and smiled gently, “I’ll think about it. In the meanwhile, we need to come up with new and better things so that we can grow and be infamous. I trust that this won’t be a problem, right gentlemen?”
Everyone shook their heads and his father smiled, “good. On to the next one I suppose”
The meeting ended after an hour or so being in the crowded room. Hoseok packed away his papers with literally one thing written because he didn’t care for what the other co-workers had to say. Seokjin got out of his seat and walked over to Hoseok, bowing to him before greeting him and taking the briefcase. 
“Why did you act so formal earlier?”, Hoseok questioned him, taking his trench coat from Seokjin’s arm and put it on.
“Mr. Jung, you know I can’t act however you want me to act with your father around, in which he is still in the same room with us”, Seokjin whispered into his ear
“Yeah yeah, you don’t work for him though, you work for me”, Hoseok genuinely smiled at Seokjin, they were about to walk out of the room until Hoseok’s father called him. He sighed deeply and turned around to face him.
“Hoseok! My favorite delinquent. I have come to announce to you that I’m hosting a party, specifically a hybrid party to celebrate my 50th birthday”, Hoseok’s father informed him.
Hybrid parties...he hated parties but hybrid parties is what he hated the most. Owners would brag about their hybrids and flaunt them around in the most expensive attire, with leashes on them as if they were slaves. Sometimes, cruel owners would make their hybrids crawl on all fours if the hybrid misbehaved. And of course there were private rooms for the owner and hybrid to have intercourse in, in case the owner was in the mood. That’s some of the main reasons. Another small reason is that some of the owners might look at a hybrid and be so angry at the fact that there’s isn’t good enough compared to someone else’s and try to kill them to just get the hybrid. 
“I’m planning on getting a useful hybrid for you, maybe to keep you company considering you probably don’t have one”
Hoseok cocked an eyebrow, “Actually, I own one. Maybe you’ll get to see him if I even choose to come. I most likely won’t considering I might have more important stuff to do that day”, Hoseok didn’t mention names, especially Jimin, for the sake of Seokjin’s privacy.
“Well, you don’t really have a choice. I informed everyone that you’ll be making a speech about me and the company, to make us look good. Mostly me of course. Before you get upset, this all pays off in the end. You get my wealth after I wither away.”
“...I don’t care for the money..Seokjin, let’s go”, Hoseok turned around, eyebrows furrowed as he walked away. Seokjin bowed to Hoseok’s father before walking beside him.
“Would you like me to order a gift for him?”, Seokjin asked as they walked down the halls to the elevator
“I don’t really care, I don’t like spending time on his birthday. I’d rather take a hike off a cliff”, Hoseok huffed
“Yes, but its a necessity to get him a gift. It’s for his reputation of being respect-”
“Yes but I don’t care!”, Hoseok slightly raised his voice, causing Seokjin to flinch a little, that made Hoseok bothered himself as he doesn’t like taking his anger out on people, especially if it’s Seokjin. “I’m sorry, I..I just miss the boys...I need rest when I get home. You can relax too, spend some time with Jimin.”
“I appreciate the gesture Hoseok. And It’s okay to lash out on me”, Seokjin gave a small smile as Hoseok gave him an empty one.
“No, no. I shouldn’t have...but please, promise me, you’ll rest?”
Seokjin chuckled lowly, “I will”
As the elevator hit the first floor, they quickly walked out the building and into the car, Hoseok plopping down in the passenger seat as Seokjin took the driver’s seat. “I wonder what the boys are you to”
“Milking? Jimin, when the fuck did you and Seokjin fuck?”, Yoongi pushed his hair up and out the way with a headband as he had to get ready to help a currently horny Jimin. His tail was wrapped around his leg and he was biting his bottom lip, cheeks flushed, and gave little thrusts in the air. 
“3 days ago, I didn’t bother him because he had to go with Hoseok today.” Jimin whined, “just help me, hyung”
“I will, don’t worry. We have enough time considering they are at the meeting still.”, he put his hands on the tops of Jimin’s knees, “what would you like today?”
“V-vibrator and you. I want contact”, Yoongi bored his eyes into Jimin’s lustful ones. It’s been a while since they had sex with each other, they sometimes did it as a performance for they’re old owners but when they had sex for themselves, they always felt good. It wasn’t anything weird for them obviously, they’d just have to be careful in case of breeding purposes. Yoongi gave him a small smile before leaving the bed to go in their metal box full of sex toys. 
He pulled out a vibrating wand that has 6 different settings, strawberry flavored lube, and a condom until Jimin stopped him. 
“You’re clean aren’t you?”
“Well, yeah. I don’t exactly top Hoseok”
“No condom, p-please.” Jimin rubbed his thighs together, Yoongi nodded before putting the condom back in the box. He walked back to the bed and dropped the things on the right side of the bed, hovering over Jimin.
“I know you needing to be milked is not severe as last time but I still would like to make you feel good, if you’ll let me”, Yoongi whispered by Jimin’s ear, making the Jaguar touch Yoongi’s chest.
“Of course”, Jimin reassured him, his cheeks getting hotter as Yoongi moved him up further on the bed so he could be in between Jimin’s legs. His feet on either side of him. Yoongi looked at the way Jimin’s tail was wrapped around his left leg, he traced his finger against it, causing Jimin’s breath to slightly hitch. 
“I forgot how sensitive your tail is, I don’t understand how it so pleasurable to you”, Yoongi trailed his hands down Jimin’s inner thighs, past his pajama shorts, and on his waist.
“You never..tried to touch it? Hoseok doesn’t?”, Jimin asked, Yoongi shook his head. Jimin signaled for Yoongi to bring his tail closer to him, which he obliged to. Jimin slowly stroke it, looking at Yoongi’s face for any reaction
“..I don’t fee-”, he got cut off by a purr the emitted from him. “Oh..oh my”, he quickly removed his tail from Jimin’s grip, “I should start doing that. But right now, that isn’t my priority.”
Yoongi pushed up Jimin’s sweater to reveal his nipple piercings, it was a half moon nipple shield. Yoongi bent down and ran his tongue over the right one, causing the Jaguar to let out a shaky breath. He ran his gentle fingers through Yoongi’s raven locks as he sucked harder on the bud. He made sure to nip on it every once in a while before moving to the next one. 
“Ahh...Yoongi”, Jimin mewled, gripping his hair, not too tight but enough to make Yoongi move. He trailed his lips on Jimin’s neck and left wet open mouth kisses, not trying to leave any hickeys. He did bite on the area however to emit a small chuckle from the Jaguar. He led the kisses down the crease of Jimin’s chest and slight abs. He always admired Jimin’s toned body, it was his third favorite part about him. The first being him in general, second being his full lips. He linked his fingers around the hem of Jimin’s silk pajama shorts, making sure not to hurt Jimin’s tail. He wasn’t surprised that Jimin wasn’t wearing underwear, what he was surprised about is that he wore a baby pink cock cage, precum leaking out the tip. When Yoongi looked up at him, Jimin shyed away. “Seokjin hyung liked it so I liked it”, his cheeks were so pink, “stop looking at me like that”
“But it’s cute”, Yoongi gave a small smile before furrowing his brows, “any idea where the key is?”
“Seokjin has it, he was going to take it off today”, Jimin still avoided eye contact with Yoongi who kept look at his caged cock, he closed his legs but Yoongi just opened it back open. He grazed his thumb over the opening of where the opening of Jimin’s slit, cause the Jaguar to let out a long whiny moan. He was more sensitive with the cock cage than he is normally, this was... a lot.
Yoongi’s eyes were blown out, he was growing harder and harder in this drawstring sweatpants as he laid his eyes on the movements of his thumb against Jimin’s slit. The Jaguar squirming against his touch, trying to rut against his hand. 
“Hyung..please, it hurts..”, Yoongi automatically stopped his movements and saw the tears fall down Jimin’s cheeks.
“I’m sorry, baby boy”, Yoongi licked the precum off his thumb, tasting Jimin’s sweetness. He pulled off his shirt and undid his drawstring sweatpants followed by his boxers. His hard on slapped against his stomach, making Jimin lick his lips. He pushed Jimin further on the bed, scooting in between is legs, both of their tails wrapped around their own leg. Yoongi grabbed the vibrating wand and turned it on the first setting. 
He placed it on the base of Jimin’s caged cock, making the Jaguar mewl.
“Ahh..Yoongi..”, Jimin ran his hands under his sweater to twist his nipples. Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, not satisfied with the volume Jimin was emitting so he bumped it up to the third setting, making Jimin moan a little louder but he bit his lip to contain it. 
“Baby boy, why are you being so quiet?”, Yoongi cooed at him, placing the vibrator on the top of his cock, making Jimin let out a squeaky whine, his chest rising and falling rapidly. 
“T-Taehyung’s here”, Jimin stumbled across his words but managed to get it out. 
“Don’t worry, he’ll understand.”, Yoongi rubbed the inside of Jimin’s thigh, “but I’m going to need to hear you”, Yoongi placed a small kiss on Jimin’s knee before putting the setting all the way to six.
Jimin’s eyes welled up with tears again as he let out moans and whines with Yoongi’s name mixed with it, he smiled to himself. Jimin tried to cover his mouth with both hands to muffle himself but Yoongi just gripped his hand around both the top of the wand and around Jimin’s cock. His hands flew to grip the sheet on the bed and let arousal take over his body. Tears fell down the sides of his face again because of the pleasure of being locked up for three whole days.
Yoongi kissed the tears away, tasting the salty liquid before going in for a slow  sweet kiss. It contrasted from what they were actually doing, delicate yet sinful. They kept at it for a minute before Jimin started rutting against Yoongi’s hand more vigorously, he was close, poor baby was really needy. Yoongi took his lips off Jimin’s, admiring the now red swollen lips. Jimin’s mouth was shaped into an “O” as he stared Yoongi into his eyes. He grabbed Yoongi’s unoccupied hand and sucked on his middle and ring fingers, imitating as if he was sucking Yoongi off. Yoongi grabbed a little too hard and Jimin cried out, cum leaking out and getting on the vibrator’s head. 
As he was getting down from his orgasm, Yoongi removed the vibrator and got tissue from the dresser to wipe the cum off it before placing the vibrator back on the bed. He threw the tissue in the garbage bin before putting his attention back on Jimin, who was still panting. He saw the little bit of cum that was on his cock cage and swiping it with his thumb before bringing it into his mouth. He then grabbed to strawberry flavored lube bottle, he saw the way Jimin’s eyes were trained on it.
He poured some on this fingers, leaning down to Jimin’s open legs to where his pink puckered hole is. He swiped his tongue against, making Jimin shiver a bit. He circled around his rim with his lubed up finger before inserting his index finger in, all the way to the knuckle. Jimin let out an ascending moan as Yoongi quickly found his prostate. After knowing Jimin for a very long time and having sex with him plenty, it wasn’t that hard to figure out what he likes and dislikes. After a minute of fingering his with one finger, he soon put in a second finger, making Jimin arch his back and grip the sheet next to him. 
“Feels so good”, Jimin sobbed, switching between biting his bottom lip and letting out small puffs of air. Yoongi finally put in his third finger inside, thrusting his fingers hastily. Jimin started to squirm around, causing Yoongi to hold his hips down and attack his prostate. 
“Tsk, Jimin, I thought you were better than that”, Yoongi scolded him as he kept at his pace. Jimin cried out as he tried to compose himself but he was just too sensitive.
“I-I can’t Yoongi”, He wailed, Yoongi soon stopped his movements and pulled his fingers out after a minute, watching his hole clench around nothing.
Yoongi didn’t say anything to Jimin, he just heard him sniffle and grabbed a few tissues to wipe the lube off. He then grabbed the bottle of lube again and handed it towards Jimin.
“Would you like to put it on for me?”, Yoongi offered Jimin the bottle, the Jaguar nodded quickly and took it from him. 
As he was opening it to squeeze some on his palm, Yoongi grabbed the used tissues and throwing then in the garbage before hovering over Jimin’s torso so he can lube him up. Jimin grabbed Yoongi’s hard on with his two hands and started stroking him, Yoongi watched as his hands glided with ease, from the base, all the way to the tip. Jimin leaned forward a bit to give Yoongi a kitten lick on the tip, tasting both the lube and Yoongi’s precum, Yoongi would usually groan at the action but he doesn’t want Jimin to start focusing on Yoongi instead of himself. He stopped Jimin after a short while and went back in between Jimin’s legs. He grabbed the base of his cock and lined it up with  Jimin’s rim, hooking his inner knees on his inner elbow. 
He slowly pushed himself into Jimin, a long strung groan escaped the Jaguar’s mouth. 
“so warm, Jiminie~”, he continued to push in until the base of his cock met Jimin’s backside before bottoming out. He let the Jaguar hybrid adjust to his size, he wiped the left over tears that pricked at the corners of Jimin’s eyes. He also handed his a few tissues to wipe the leftover lube off his hands so that there wouldn’t be evidence of fucking in the room. After a minute, Jimin started to move his hips, catching Yoongi off guard, making Yoongi’s hands to fly to Jimin’s waist. “Fuck..”
The Jaguar giggled below him, which quickly turned into a moan after Yoongi gave one hard thrust against his prostate. Yoongi started thrusting into the Jaguar at a moderate pace, using Jimin’s thighs as support. Soft whimpers released from him as he stared Yoongi through half lidded eyes. His sweater gave him sweater paws that rested on his chest as he didn’t know what to do with them. Blush spread on his cheeks as his whole body felt warm, he looked so vulnerable under Yoongi. He couldn’t touch his poor cock because of the cage in the way of his own pleasure. Yoongi looked at to where him and Jimin were connected, watching his cock get engulfed in Jimin’s warmth. He looked at Jimin’s face to see him get shy again.
“You look so gorgeous, baby. Why are you hiding yourself?”, Yoongi huffed, his eyebrows furrowed as Jimin covered his eyes with his arms, “Jiminie, move your arms.”, Jimin didn’t reply, he just kept whimpering. “Fine”, Yoongi stopped moving his hips, causing Jimin to stop whining and moving his hips but Yoongi pinned it against the bed. He grabbed the vibrator again and handed it to Jimin, “I need you milked so that you don’t hurt anymore. Put it on your cock. Don’t worry, I’ll continue”
Jimin nodded and grabbed it turned it on, feeling the vibrations throughout the toy. 
“High”, Yoongi ordered
He raised the settings to the 6th. Without pulling out, Yoongi pushed Jimin further up the bed so that he can change his pose, holding onto Jimin’s waist while kneeling on the bed. Jimin put it on his cage, he started being more vocal but was struggling to keep it in place. He wanted to make Yoongi proud, even though Yoongi was, he gripped the top of the vibrator and his caged cock together to hold it in place. Yoongi gave a small smile before thrusting into Jimin fast and hard. The Jaguar cried out with pleasure as he was getting overstimulated, he enjoyed it, he liked the burn. As much as he would love more of it, Jimin was close. When the hybrids are in need of being milked, they cum quicker than their usual duration. 
Yoongi can tell when Jimin is close, mostly by his voice, but also by the way the end of his tail flicks against his thigh. Yoongi trailed his right hand to roll Jimin’s nipple inbetween his his index and thumb, playing with piercing. Soon after, Jimin’s hips jolted as he started to ejaculate, most of it landing on his stomach, some getting on the vibrator again. The sounds that emitted from him were heavenly, Yoongi stopped thrusting and leaned down to kiss Jimin’s lips, grabbing his face. It was more of a lazy kiss between them as they were so fucked, during that minute of Yoongi in a trance, he didn’t hear hear Jimin whimpering still, he was confused and broke the kiss. He noticed that Jimin was still holding the vibrator against his cock. He chuckled and turned off the vibrator, removing it from Jimin’s grasp. He wiped what he could of the now cooled cum on the toy with a tissue, throwing it in the garbage bin.
Yoongi pulled out of Jimin, hissing as he fully got out, “You didn’t cum”, Jimin frowned, he thought he did a bad job.
“This wasn’t about me, you needed to get milked. Don’t feel sad”, Yoongi reassured him, “if it makes you feel better, you can join me in a shower. I know i took one today but I like the water”, he smiled, making Jimin return one. Jimin nodded and Yoongi lifted him up bridal style, making Jimin giggle. 
He brought him to the shower and copied what Hoseok did for him during his own heat. He fully undressed the Jaguar, wiping the leftover cum off his stomach before turning the water to warm. He hopped in after Jimin and soaped up the loofah with lavender body wash and scrubbed all over his body, making sure to pay close attention the Jimin’s caged cock in case of dry cum that may have managed to get on it. He made sure to wash all the suds away, the smaller one copied the actions on Yoongi’s body. Still seeing that he was fully erect, he replaced the loofah with his hand instead, catching his attention, slowly stroking him.
“It’s bothering you that much?”, Yoongi questioned
“Mhm..”, Jimin looked up at Yoongi, “let me just get you off”, his ears propped up on his ears and his tail wrapped around his leg again.
Yoongi shook his head and sighed, “go ahead, I just wanted it to be about you”
“I know but I couldn’t just leave you like this”, Jimin mumbled
The water from the shower head hit against Yoongi’s back as Jimin and Yoongi looked down at the Jaguar stroking him. Yoongi was already close when he was fucking Jimin, it was going away until Jimin wanted to make him cum so he was bound to explode anytime soon. He rested his forehead on Jimin’s shoulder, Jimin left soft kisses on his head and ears as he continued pumping. Within a minute, Jimin felt Yoongi twitching in his palm. Yoongi let out  throaty groan as he came in Jimin’s hands. Yoongi raised his head, panting, seeing Jimin licking the cum off his hands. 
“You don’t have to”, Yoongi reassured him, he detached the shower head and brought it to Jimin’s hands, washing the cum away, “lets hurry up and get out of here”
After a few minutes passed, they got out the shower and dried themselves. Yoongi had to go back to his and Hoseok’s shared room to retrieve his clothes. As we went out to the hallway, Taehyung was at the dining table, eating his food while scrolling on his phone. 
“Jimin needed miliking, huh?”, Taehyung questioned without taking his eyes off the device.
“Mhm”, Yoongi replied, walking up the stair to the shared room, taking out underwear, a white t-shirt, and pajama pants. 
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