#I am not normal about mad rat dead
somethinstupid354 · 2 years
ok so i was   listening to a Nightcore cover of Rather Be and i heard the lyrics and went                                      what about madheart postgame au where they travel the globe to se   all the things i just want the funny rat to live
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umbralknight1344 · 1 year
You should play Mad Rat Dead (available on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4)... NOW!
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madboopdead · 1 year
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MadRatTober day 7: The crossover part of that prompt also hi I like good omens watch good omens please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
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bluestockingbaby · 8 months
if i wanted to get into heaven and god said sidney athertons waiting inside i would piss on gods feet for the sole purpose of getting sent back down. if i have to deal with sidney atherton speaking one more word in person to marjorie or dora not only will i close the email i will delete my substack subscription out of spite and have to reread the entire series again for the experience of being able to skip all the times when he is mentioned or alive. i dont even know why i hate him so much. he does evil science which i normally like  but i am just mad because i am ANGY. he better have some fucked up backstory to explain this if hes just some rich shithead whos a fan of colonization and wanted to make chemical weapons ill go ham. BETTER have had a mesmerist make him kill a man cuz if he didnt Im going to make him.
chapter's not even about him. vaguely mentioned what is supposed to maybe be his library and I lost it. where the fuck is Sidney Atherton if hes still alive im going to so deeply wish he wasn't. crusty anglo man. ill punch atherton and his supposedly strong and manly British bones will simply flake apart under my epic huge meat fist and he will disintegrate until all thats left is one letter he kept on him at all times simply titled The Startling Narration of Robert Holt: Now You Fucked Up in ancient yiddish. im not breathing im hyperventilating at this point. i hope theres a date given for when Sidney died or will die so i can make it a reminder on my phone, and everyday once a year i will see it and do anything but pay respects to the man who had so many fucked up if true supposedly heroic moments, unlike “The Arab” in those last chapters.
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deadmenandthedivine · 3 months
chapter seventeen: last suppers and sealed deals
Maetilda Targaryen, First of her Name, was supposed to be many things. What she became was entirely different.
table of contents
trigger warning!!! this fic contains many graphic topics and depictions. such as but not limited to: dead parents, abusive parents, toxic family systems, incest, medieval misogyny, forced marriage, threats of assault (sexual § physical), actual assault, sexual situations (consensual § nonconsensual), imprisonment, kidnapping, murder, blood/gore, uxoricide, familicide, disassociation, thoughts of self harm and annihilation, PTSD and other neurodivergence. i will do my best to update as i go along, but please let me know if i have missed anything!
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word count: 8820
“She was not so uptight in our youth!” Rhaenyra defended with a nostalgic smile, “We used to be friends once.”
“And I used to be a Faith Militant.” Daemon snorted as he finished off his goblet.
“You jest, yet your eccentricity suggests otherwise.”
Clearly tired of being outdone and outranked that day, the old prince huffed at his wife’s words. “The High Septon and I were only good friends.”
Although the humor didn’t quite reach the eyes of Rhaenyra and Maetilda, the table laughed. Joffrey cackled the hardest despite not quite knowing what was funny. There was a false sense of lightness in the air as everyone sort of pretended they were not mad at anyone, that everything was all a joke. Yet a dark entity lingered in the corner that they all ignored. One that could lash out at any moment.
“Joke all you want. Alicent and I were friends for a very long time, good friends. The real kind.” 
“What happened?” Jace inquired curiously. His voice distorted by the bandaging and swelling around his nose.
“My father married her.”
Both Jace and Luke glanced at their sister-by-marriage before looking back toward their mother. Rhaenyra stroked her swelling belly as she ate.
“Otto plotted all of it. Your father has always trusted him too much.” Daemon grumbled.
In sudden frustration, Rhaenyra shook her head, “Let us stop this conversation. Talk about something else.”
The room fell silent aside from the light patter of rats' feet in and out of the walls of Rhaenyra’s old solar. Another room that had thankfully been left untouched. Maetilda scanned the table with her eyes for any verbal escape.
Joffrey quickly piped up, “Viserys cried all day today!”
“He did? What did the wet nurse do?” Daemon questioned, leaning forward.
“She rocked him and sang to him and fed him and bathed him! His face turned red! He wouldn’t stop!”
“Yes, he must have been angry at something.” Rhaenyra nodded as she furrowed her eyebrows, “He was very tired by this afternoon.”
“Do you plan to birth our sister here in King’s Landing?” Jacaerys wondered aloud, the nasally ‘a’ in landing made the table hold back giggles.
“You three older boys were all born here. Right in my chambers.”
“Me too?” Joffrey gasped.
“Yes, my prince! You were the third!” Rhaenyra smiled at the youngest of the Velaryon boys.
Jacaerys perked up, “Will we come to stay when she arrives?”
Rhaenyra playfully chided her eldest, “We don’t know what the baby will be yet, Jace—“
“I hope it’s a girl!” Joffrey announced.
“But yes, of course you shall come stay.” She finished.
“As long as you’re here, will you make it look normal again?” Luke chimed in.
“Perhaps not by the Worm Moon or by the baby’s arrival, but in time.”
Maetilda finally gathered the strength to ask a question of her own, “If the baby comes after I am wed, may I stay until she does?”
The older two brothers looked to their sister in unison. Dressed finely with her hair now fixed neat. She was to wed the man who stole Baela’s dragon and broke Jacaerys’s nose. She was to betray her brothers, and disappear off to a castle they had never seen before. Clear out in the mountainous Vale. The princess could only hope they would forgive her with time. As she thought of Princess Rhaenys’s words from earlier, Maetilda wondered what kind of future her brothers envisioned. If it still included her after that afternoon. Certainly, it was one of Jace taking over the Throne after his mother and Luke would have the Salt Throne from Lord Corlys. She could not possibly threaten that. Not in Rhaenyra’s solar or in the future. Her betrothed was a second son with no castles to his name. He was no threat either. Only the Hightower side of him.
“Of course, I shall see to it.” Rhaenyra nodded, “You must be here to meet your sister.”
“See! You even admit the babe is a girl!” Luke teased his mother.
“I said nothing of the sort!” She gasped before taking a gulp of tea from her goblet.
Daemon chuckled, “Shall we place bets?” 
“I will not have you teaching my sons to gamble before they even carry their own coin purse!” Rhaenyra scolded.
The Rogue Prince rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair. Maetilda finished off her own goblet. A servant came to refill it, but she simply grabbed the pitcher itself from their hands. Personally filling her goblet to the brim and leaving it on the table in front of her. She could feel eyes watch her as she carelessly slurped the top until she could safely pick up her drink without spilling. The new red wine was bitter and dry, but it became tolerable the more she drank.
“Thirsty, Lady of Runestone?” Luke barked with laughter.
“Absolutely parched.” The princess retorted, eyes narrowed in opposition.
He smirked back as he briefly held his goblet out, “Would you like mine too?”
With a challenge laid before her, the princess was not about to back down. She was her father’s daughter after all. It was in her nature. Just as a dragon could not help but set fields of crops and livestock ablaze. Her younger brother was trying to provoke her, that much was obvious. He had not had his fill of turmoil that afternoon. He sought to finish what he started. 
“Certainly, if you should be too small to finish it.” Maetilda smiled back.
“Give it here, Luke.” Jace grumbled, trying to take the drink from his younger brother who dodged him.
“It looked like Til needed it more than me.” Lucerys chuckled with a sip as he teased his older brother, “I’m not sharing with you!”
Jace puffed out his chest, proud smirk smeared across his face, “Very well. And I shall remember next time Driftmark needs my assistance!” 
Luke scoffed, “Driftmark? Need your help?” The shake in his voice paired with the darting around of his eyes betrayed his air of confidence.
“With Rhaena in charge, Driftmark shall thrive.” Maetilda smiled mischievously, “Do not listen to him, Luke, we shall all be gray by the time Jace sits the throne.”
“Long live our queen.” A smug Daemon interjected.
“Just because we are in my private solar does not mean you may talk so freely.” Rhaenyra stroked her stomach.
“If the servants hear me, should I be charged with treason?” Her father rolled his eyes. “Does my brother’s bitch scare you so?”
“You should act to the standard your name suggests or be held accountable.” The future Queen stated resolutely.
“Of course, your grace.” His words did not match his tone.
A fire burned behind both pairs of eyes as the long-wedded couple stared each other down menacingly from opposite ends of the table. The princess was exhausted from it, from her day, from everything and everyone. She could hardly stomach the sight of them. Which only encouraged her to drink more. To the point where she could feel it pooling in her stomach. It was unbecoming of her. Something she only recently began to care more about. Perfection. Although she was not quite certain what perfection looked like, she knew she had to have it. She had to embody the very meaning of the word, live it and breathe it until she and the word became one. Perhaps then, she would see a day without an outburst from her father. Perhaps then, she would be able to breathe easy. Like Rhaenys did. Like Laena and Rhaena, and even Baela. Like Queen Alysanne herself. Until then, she could only pretend. Mimic what she saw in them and hope she had done it right.
His words suggested submission, something her father did not do easily. He would much rather fall on his own sword than kneel before another. The King seemed to be the only exception, his older brother by four years. And even then, Prince Daemon’s patience only looked like it grew more thin. It was no secret that before Rhaenyra had been named heir, Daemon would have been the one to fulfill the role. But even Ser Otto Hightower preferred a woman to the Rogue Prince. That would be his legacy. Both of their legacies. No matter how deep the rivalry ran, they would both be two men close enough to the Throne to taste its power — get drunk on it — but would never get close enough to actually wield it.
“We shall leave for Dragonstone on the morrow. When I come back, I will set things right in this castle. While we are apart, I expect you all to reflect on your behavior during this stay. It’s shameful, on all of us. Word of what happened today will travel — word of everything that’s happened. Tell me, have we inspired much loyalty during our time here?” Rhaenyra spoke with a slow and menacing authority in her tone.
The table shamefully hung their heads. Jace, Luke, Maetilda, even Joffrey. All except for Daemon, who only smirked back at his wife.
“We have. We managed to bring the King to his Throne, while his second-in-command has clearly been keeping him from it. We have reminded them who we are. Towers are nothing, but a dragon’s chew toy.”
“There is no proof for such accusations, Daemon. We do not know they are behind it.” Rhaenyra was firm before softening to point out, “Father was sick before we left.”
“Not. like. that.” 
The chair scratched against the stone floor as the Rogue Prince shot to his feet and grumbled out the solar. The door shut loudly behind him before the room was smothered in silence. Maetilda watched as Jace and Luke exchanged looks in the unspoken language only they knew. They had an entire conversation without moving a muscle. Occasionally, the two would take turns glancing at their mother. Following their eyes over to her, Rhaenyra sat deadly still. Hand mid-stroke across her stomach. Her eyes were fixed on where her husband had been. She was frozen for a short moment before she blinked herself back into reality. 
“Are any of you still hungry?” Rhaenyra asked.
“I want dessert!” Joffrey proclaimed.
“Dessert!” The older boys smiled.
Maetilda glanced down at her plate. Mostly empty. She had several servings of spiced pork, to the point where the greens and pomegranate couldn’t be finished. The thought of eating more made her stomach churn, “May I be excused? I am done eating.”
“Yes, my dear. Have a good rest.” Rhaenyra nodded.
“Not parched anymore?” Luke teased.
“I have thrown carafes before, do not tempt me to do it again.”
“Where was all this in the maester’s solar? I only got involved because it was the honorable thing to do.” He pressed, mocking her earlier words.
“That remains true. Throwing the carafe after you’ve been given ample notice is the honorable thing to do — honoring my word.” The princess sassed, “But because I am civilized, I shall choose not to, given the day we have had. Thank you again for throwing blows at my betrothed.”
“Of course! Need I remind you that he is the one who broke my nose?” Jace retorted.
“And who was the one who took his eye?” Maetilda fired back.
“Children.” Rhaenyra brought her authoritative voice back out, gaining the three’s attention. 
In the midst of everything, Joffrey had run to her side and clung to her apprehensively. The tension was thick as Maetilda felt an anger brew in her similar to the one she had at dinner with the Queen. The princess could feel it in her shoulders, squared defensively.
“Him of all people.” Jace shook his head in disappointment.
“I did not choose him.”
“You do not behave as such.”
“And what do you expect me to do?”
“Make him see reason!”
“I cannot even make you see reason!” The princess by title stood to her feet, “When you return to this castle, return with an apology.”
Before he could respond, she turned around and stormed out of the room. Much like her father had. Ser Gunthor had been waiting on just the other side. His face dropped when he saw the tornado in her head, the scowl that dragged down her face. She stormed down the corridor in a random direction, not entirely sure of the way back to her own chambers. As much as she thought she had a good sense of direction after seeing a path at least once, the Red Keep had a way of making her question everything. From which corridor led where, to whether or not her own family still cared for her at all. All the uncertainty felt like a knife to the heart. It made her stomach bubble. She could feel it in her throat. Her limbs shook with each step. Her arms shook at her sides. Never in her life had she been so utterly alone and righteously angered. 
The more she thought, the more certain Maetilda was that her siblings would never speak to her again. Perhaps Rhaena would, but only if Baela was not in ear shot. And she could not blame them. If Maetilda were in their shoes, she would probably feel the same. Once they got word that she demanded an apology from her brothers, there would be nothing nice left to say. They had supported her a few days ago, but she would never see it again. Maetilda’s betrothed broke Jacaerys’s nose, and she demanded an apology from him. She could already hear the impassioned arguments. As her mind ran faster than her feet, she could not hear the sound of her knight’s armor. Nor could she hear him ask if she knew where she was going. It was not until he sped up his pace until he passed her and parked himself promptly in her direct path that she finally remembered he was there. Only then did she stop. But with the emotions coursing through her, she felt too still. Her fingers played with each other as her weight went from foot to foot.
“Do you think I have betrayed my family?”
“Princess, you shouldn’t talk like that. Especially here.”
“I do not like that they are leaving while I stay here.”
“This shall be the first time you’ll be properly away from Prince Daemon since you were a babe.”
“I wish my mother was still here. Everything would be better.”
“Aye, it would be. ‘Can’t contest you there, mi’lady. But you and I both know the Stranger likes her too much to ever give her back. ‘Bet she’s the only one who can drink ‘em under the table.”
A smile ghosted the princess’s face, “From the stories I have heard, there would be no greater contest.”
“One day, hopefully when we’re both old and shitting ourselves again, we shall get to see it.”
“Are you suggesting that you have stopped?” Her joke almost went unnoticed through the seriousness of her delivery. She simply could not help herself when it came to teasing Ser Gunthor. 
The knight’s eyes bolted around the two of them for any witnesses, “There is no need to announce that to the whole castle!”
A bit of the tension visibly left the princess as she halfheartedly laughed. The knight joined in a bit more boisterously. Like the two old friends they were. They had a humor that only they shared. From the years of spending day after day together. He knew her as well as any of her brothers.
“Now that’s out of the way,” Ser Gunthor sighed as his laughter settled down, only for him to giggle through his next question, “Do you know where you’re going, mi’lady?”
In that moment, she looked around her to find that she did not recognize the corridor they were in at all. Her vision had tunneled in her turmoil, and had most definitely made a wrong turn. Embarrassed, she looked back at her knight with her head hung low. “Do you know the way?”
Ser Gunthor chuckled, “Hardly, but if we put our heads together, we should have more luck, yeah?”
With a nod from the princess, they were off down the corridor again. This time at a more level headed pace.  They used various familiar looking green tapestries and Faith of the Seven statues to guide their way. It took longer than it should have, but they eventually made it to the wing of bedrooms that contained her chambers. Her two handmaids were already waiting for her when the knight opened the door. Ser Gunthor bid her good night before shutting the wood door behind her, staying guard outside it. Her chambers felt cold at the loss of his presence. A part of her wished her knight could have simply sat with her as she was readied for bed. But that would never be appropriate. Her name would forever be tarnished, more than it already was.
The handmaids had less work this time around in taking down her hair. No impossible rats or tangles. The updo was undone into a single thick braid that cascaded down to her tailbone. Adelyn secured the bottom well before both handmaids worked to undress Maetilda and help her into her nightgown. The two worked silently. Not a single hummed note or whispered word under one’s breath. The princess missed the Pentoshi songs and the warm chatter. She missed learning new things about the two baseborn girls with a thousand stories. She missed her old handmaids too, Kayla and Loreyne. The ones who remained behind at Dragonstone, and always would. They knew her better than anyone, better than her own family. The sensitive parts of her scalp, her favorite flowers, the best way to wake her up in the morning, how she liked the temperature of her bath. They read her better than any book. They knew her in and out.
But she would never see them again, not until she returned to Dragonstone. The possibility of which only seemed to dwindle. Instead she would have Noarysa and Adelyn for as long as she remained at the Red Keep. Only six days prior, the two had been as good as strangers. And in only six days, they had earned their princess’s trust. They had proved themselves the most consistent and most reliable two in the entire castle. While there was always the possibility they were telling someone everything they knew, the princess seemed to get the sense that they cared. At least, she wanted to think that they did. They would only have each other for three more moons, and however much longer it took for her new sibling to arrive. Perhaps they would be assigned to her upon her visits to see Aemond and Helaena, but there was no guarantee.
The thought of Aemond made Maetilda uneasy. The image of him storming out of Maester Orwyle’s solar was engraved in her mind. She was certain she would never forget it. He had not looked at her once. Aside from when the maester saw to her very minor injuries. It filled her with worry. She hoped he would make good on the promises he made her, that he hadn’t changed his mind after everything that had happened. His callousness was enough to make her question. He was going to go through with the wedding, that much had been made clear. But would he live at the Red Keep all his life? Would he risk daily confrontations with her brothers once Rhaenyra was Queen? Would they ever find a way to get along? Common ground or understanding? With such uncertainty, would Aemond force his way into Runestone? Would he demand she let him live there? Would her people look to him over her if she were to allow it to happen? Would she allow it all to happen? Or would she even have a choice in the matter?
As the princess had been lost in the depths of her own mind, she almost did not realize her two handmaids had finished their duties and turned to leave. Timidly, she called after them to let them know her father would break fast with her in the morning before wishing them a good evening. They smiled warmly at her, lingering by the door.
“Would you like help getting into bed, Princess?” Noarysa inquired sweetly.
“Thank you, I am afraid I am far too restless.” Maetilda declined, “I shall see you both in the morning.”
The two sweetly curtsied before the door clicked shut behind them. And then it was almost silent. Barefoot and clad in her nightgown, the princess vacantly stood in the middle of the room. Eyes fixed on the door through which her maids left. She felt hollow, filled only with anxiousness, remnants of anger, and the pitcher of wine in her gut. It weakened her legs, made them more malleable. Her arms were loose and limp. Her throat was dry, as if it were coated in a thin film when she swallowed. The light pitter-patter of rats occasionally echoed between the walls. It was a maddening sound. Some tiny feet scurried off into the distance while others only grew closer. The rats certainly knew where the secret passages were. They certainly used them to run about the castle. With only the rat catchers to stop them.
In her solitude, all she could think of were her siblings. Their faces of disgust and betrayal and anger. They hated her. The princess did not know how it all happened so fast. Any of it. Just days ago, she had stood in the corridors with her brothers refusing to swing at a belligerent Aegon first. The three had been as close as ever. They had giggled down the passage until their cheeks were red. At the time, she couldn’t have imagined anything different.
Only evenings prior, she had thrown wine and a carafe at Aegon. All because he had prevented Luke from stepping in between Aemond and Jace. He had done the same thing the princess was just doing that afternoon. He stood up for his brother. He kept the fight fair. Baela’s actions that afternoon were no different than what she herself had done at dinner with the King. What made everything so different? Had she truly switched sides? That had been the last thought on her mind as she dove for her sister. Yet whether her actions had been intentional or not, there was no doubt her father would do something about it. Something that would most likely hurt. And there was no promise he had the patience to wait until their morning meal to deliver his revenge. Perhaps it would be easier in the cloak of night.
The evening air was chilly as the princess opened the door to her balcony. The breeze stung slightly as it cooled her cheeks, a subtle reminder that her day had been real. Her family’s entire stay at the Red Keep had all been real. Not a dream, real. As much as she wished she could wake up from it all like a nightmare, consequences would still be waiting for her when the sun came up. Unknown consequences that only caused her to spiral the more she speculated about them. Perhaps if she were lucky, the sun would never come up. If she were lucky, everything looming over her would simply disappear. All of her troubles and consequences would cease to exist, and all of her family would all get along. If it were a dream, perhaps such things would be possible.
The small stack of books from the library sat at her bedside table. Her eyes were glued to them. Practically in a trance. While alone, all she could do was think. No one had scolded her for the other night. For wandering about the castle late at night, scantily clad in nothing but a nightgown, only to steal books from the Royal Library. If she had been seen by the wrong person, such behavior could have been yet another blow to Princess Rhaenyra’s name. Yet she hadn’t been scolded for it. Although, nothing could have been more disastrous for the King’s Heir than what took place that afternoon. All of her children of age had been involved and only one of Queen Alicent’s. Yet Maetilda had hardly been scolded for that. She felt like she was walking into some sort of trap, but she had no idea what it was or what triggered it. All she knew is that she wanted her siblings back. If they would ever agree to have her again. Filled with an anxious energy, the princess grabbed the book on top and took a seat upon the chaise lounge.
The Mighty Histories of the Bronze Kings. It was the smallest out of the books she had taken. She hoped its size would make it easier to read. Bound in a dark brown leather with bronze titling, she carefully bent the book open to the first page. The Preface, written by Maester Seban. 
“In my many years at Runestone following Aegon’s ascension to the Iron Throne, it was my pleasure to learn of the Vale’s extensive culture, steeped in thousands of years of history. A history that cannot be discussed without first discussing the many Bronze Kings. I was honored to collect my information through many conversations with various different members of the mountain people. Former regality, merchant class, and peasants alike. All of which shall be accredited accordingly.
My accounts shall serve as proof that not even those as stubborn and mighty as rocks saw it in their best interest to bend the knee to our great King. May he also conquer the deserts.”
She read the preface over three times before the words on the page could fully process them without distraction. Before she understood what was being said. A quiet two-tap knock sounded from within her chambers, only a small distance away from where she sat. Picking her head up from the book, she saw nothing out of place. Just like when she awoke from her bad dream the other night. Her chambers were eerily untouched. Nonetheless, she felt a presence. As if the cloaked figure was back again. In an effort to make it appear, she looked back down, clamping her eyes shut for a moment, before looking back up again. Nothing. Putting her book in the seat beside her, the princess stood to look around. Still nothing. She looked out onto her balcony. Finding nothing out of place there, she closed the doors and latched them before pulling the curtains closed.
Facing the room again, it remained empty. She expected the cloaked figure to jump out at any moment. As if it was waiting for her to let her guard down. But the last thing she wanted to do was give the spirit the upper hand. Deciding to face her fears head-on, the princess began checking the corners and crevice of her chambers. Under the bed, in the wardrobe, behind the bookshelf, anywhere she could think. Yet in the midst of her hunt, she did not see the new guest enter.  By the time she turned back to the rest of the room, there was a figure standing before her, but it was not the cloaked ghost. It was Aemond. He had knocked before entering, through an entrance that was not the door. He had knocked just as he had promised.
“I thought you were the ghost.” She whispered.
“Do I haunt you so?” Aemond quipped smugly, just as quiet.
“Presently, it seems. Yes.” 
“And to think I assumed we were allies now.” 
“That’s one way to phrase it. Co-conspirators against the future crown.” 
“Shall we take this to the balcony then? So your friend won’t hear us.”
“I did not welcome you into my chambers, my prince.”
“Do you wish to come to my own then? I owe you many thanks for what you did.”
“So thank me now. Why must we go anywhere?”
“Do you trust me, ñuha dōna?” (my sweet)
“No. Not entirely. The way you stormed off without a word. The way you would not even look at me in the maester’s solar. How can I trust that?”
“Ziry vestragon nyke enkagon kirimvose se iā vaoreznuni.” (It seems I owe both thanks and an apology.)
“Kostōba laesi.” (Astute observation.)
The prince grabbed Maetilda’s hands in his own. The action reminded her of the inappropriate attire she was dressed in, but simultaneously prevented her from covering herself. While he meant for it to comfort her, to pull at her heartstrings, his hands only angered her. She fought away from him.
“What words are so important they cannot be said to me tomorrow after my family has left? I’ll be stuck here for three moons. We shall have plenty of time to talk.”
“Please come with me, Princess.”
“No.” She hesitated, voice firm yet quiet, “We have already made too much of a stir today.”
“I cannot sleep. My mind cannot rest until you have heard my words.” His whispered plea pulled at the princess’s insides.
“And I must trust these words are so dire they truly cannot wait until tomorrow to be spoken?”
“Emā pāsagon lēda nyke?” (Do you trust me?)
“You have already gotten an answer to that question. No. If we are caught, I only came because you threatened me.”
“What a tale that should be.” He tried his best to muffle his laugh, “Did I hold a dagger to you as well?”
“Yes, and said you’d end my life if I didn’t do as you bid.”
“You didn’t come that easy. Did you?”
“Of course not.”
“That would be absurd.” He shook his head, “Shall we go?”
The princess did not budge. She only looked back at him, thinking of all the promises he had made her that morning, “You haven’t changed your mind, have you? About the tower we shall build you.”
He stilled, making her heartbeat quicken anxiously, “You are the Lady of Runestone. Your castle, your land. But I wish to talk.”
The princess’s heart stopped, “Fine. We can go to the balcony. Let me get my cloak.”
She practically ran to her wardrobe. A fire burned her from the inside out, it was as if her feet felt too hot to touch the ground. With the same shaky quickness, she grabbed her traveling cloak and threw it over her shoulders. Her hands struggled with the fastening. Aemond’s eye lit its own fire across her skin as she stood so vulnerably in front of him. The two stood and stared at each other for what felt like the whole night. Something within Maetilda stirred, did not sit right. She knew how wrong it was for him to be there. She knew they could very easily get caught. But Aemond seemed to know just what to say, knew how to intrigue her just enough so that she could not resist him. He seemed to read her mind without hearing her thoughts. She watched as he adjusted his unlaced tunic before moving to open the doors to the balcony.
It was at that moment that the princess realized how underdressed her betrothed was. He was dressed just as inappropriately, certainly not dressed to be visiting her. She wondered what he was thinking. Perhaps his state of dress had been a symptom of his urgency and running mind. He was too deep in thought to consider the clothes on his back. Or lack thereof. The lacing on his shoes was also undone. Perhaps thrown on as an afterthought in his fervor. Perhaps he had to turn back for them. It was the closest he had ever come to resembling Aegon. The way his trousers hung on his hips reminded the princess of how Aegon’s slipped down his legs as he drunkenly ran down the corridor. How proud the Queen would be. Weighed down by a sheathed dagger, the right side hung down more.
Knowing well enough that all of their parents were already angry at them, Maetilda attempted to confidently stride out onto the balcony. She would much rather be flogged through the streets before allowing the prince to see just how much his words had shaken her. She did not want to give her power to him so easily — or at all. Aemond followed behind her, shutting the doors as a way to further block sound. The princess pulled her cloak around herself again, both for warmth and modesty. The evening breeze was cold at their height. Closer to the ground, the night would have been far more comfortable. Peering downward, ant-sized people carried torches as they moved from place to place. At any other moment, she would’ve been mesmerized and entranced. Unable to pull her eyes away. But the presence behind her kept her at attention. Tense and alert.
“It astounds me how each time I look at you, my breath is taken away all the same.” His voice was still hushed, yet not as quiet as before.
“I don’t like compliments that are given as tricks.”
“You think I wish to trick you?”
“You wish to win me over with flattery before you convince me to reconsider the promise you made. You got into a fight with my brothers, and now you want my castle.”
“Ao vīlībagon aōha mandia, ñuha dōna. Ao tymagon isse se tegon, tepagon aōha brōzi syt nyke. Skorkydoso īlon glaesagon mijegon se tolie?” (You fought your own sister, my sweet. You rolled in the dirt, risked your reputation for me. How could we possibly live apart?)
“Ēza daor yet issare iā jēda. Emi va moriot glaestan mijegon se tolie.” (It has not yet been a fortnight. We have always lived apart.)
“Nyke daor glaesagon mijegon ao, lēda se prūmia eman sir.” (I cannot live apart from you, feeling the way I do now.)
“Se ñuha sombāzmion iksis mērī iā tȳne gūrotrir?” (And my castle is simply an additional reward?)
“Your castle is yours. I do not want it. I want you.”
Maetilda was shell shocked, completely hollow. Her mind went blank. Her heart stopped as if it had never started. His words were so direct they felt exposing. As if with three sentences, he suddenly had full access to every thought and feeling she had ever had. As if he could see through her skin and in her guts. It was something that filled her with panic and terror. As much as her heart pounded, she needed to make him stop.
“Skorkydoso kostagon nyke gīmigon gaomā daor pirtir? Ao kessa mērī ērinagon.” (How can I know you are not lying? You have everything to gain.)
“I am sorry. I deeply regret not bidding you farewell before my departure from the maester’s solar. I do hope you will find it in you to forgive me.”
“It is more than that. You barely acknowledged my presence. I felt like I was going mad. Like you were as disgusted with me as my family.”
“It pains me that you feel so hurt from my actions when I have nothing but pride for yours. The only disgust I have is for your family. Not you.”
“I am a part of my family. You cannot feel disgust for them and not feel that same disgust for me.”
“We shall be a family. Our own family.”
“Bona ao kessa sagon se bartos hen?” (That you shall be the head of?)
“Ñuha giez ābrar, eman mērī mirre udlitan naejot ñuha muña.” (My whole life, I have only ever answered to my mother.)
“Qilōni udligon naejot zirȳla kepa. Mirre aōha ābrar, emā udlitan naejot aōha rōvēgrie kepa.” (Who answers to her father. All your life, you have answered to your grandsire.)
“Sir ao ȳdragon hae aōha kepa.” (Now you sound like your father.)
“He is a smart man. I would be foolish to question his assessments. Vestras ao se aōha rōvēgrie kepa jaelagon ñuha sombāzmion.” (He says you and your grandsire want my castle.)
“Lo nyke jeldan aōha sombāzmion, mazeman ziry. Kesan daor epagon aōha udir ēlī.” (If I wanted your castle, I would take it. I would not ask your permission first.)
“Se Vāle māzigon naejot ao lēda vīlībāzma. Sȳrje daor sylugon ziry.” (And the Vale would declare war against you. Best not try it.)
“I mean to keep my promises to you, Maetilda. In return, I ask that you keep me at your castle. I cannot live my life looking over my shoulder in my own home. Please, you cannot let me live like that.”
The princess hesitated. She wanted to tell him no, to remind them of their agreement. But the look on his face made her second guess. His eye full of desperation as it swam in hers for answers, mouth ajar with worry. His eyebrows were raised in question, causing small creases around the strap of his patch. His expression reminded her of the times when they were little. In the small windows of time they slept under the same roof. Maetilda and Helaena would be off in their own world, Aemond always trailed close behind. Whenever the rest of the boys would run into their trio while playing, they never failed to stop and single little Aemond out. His own brother and nephews took pleasure in taunting him. Calling him a girl, mocking his lack of a dragon, pushing him around. The Kingsguard usually stopped them before it got to blows. Every time it happened, Maetilda always saw that look. A cry for help, for mercy, for peace.
“We do not have to decide this tonight. We can talk about everything after we have both had sleep. After my family leaves.” 
“You may have time to think about your response to my proposal. I can sympathize with that.” Aemond nodded resolutely before adjusting the bottom of his tunic, “The issue remains that I cannot sleep.”
“And why is that my concern?”
The prince took small, careful steps forward, “Because it is you that I am thinking about.”
“Picture me counting stitches in a seam. You should fall asleep rather quickly.”
“What was it your father said?” Aemond glanced off for a moment in thought. “I know you wait for my back to turn. You wish to take what is yours.”
“Something of the sort. He won’t give up my castle any easier than me.”
Aemond chuckled breathily, “He was not talking about Runestone, ñuha dōna. He was talking about you.” (my sweet)
“My prince, in order for something to be a joke, it must be funny.”
Before she could react, his hands were cupping her face. Their chests resting against each other. Never had her nightgown felt so thin. Memories of his last visit flashed in her mind. The way he stole her first kiss after professing his love — his desire for love. He had talked to her so differently that night. He had an air of authority, just as her father always did. He spoke of bedding her so eagerly. Just as Aegon had in the corridors. The two were not so different. A realization that scared her. Perhaps as the years went on, Alicent’s eldest sons found common ground. Maetilda had not seen them fight once. Had not heard Aegon insult Aemond even once. The older brother had even stepped to the younger’s defense, at dinner when Lucerys tried to help Jacaerys gang up on Aemond. 
“Princess, I would never hurt you.” He brushed his thumbs over her cheeks.
Maetilda stared back in confusion. It was her turn to search his face for answers, “And you think my father would?”
“I know he would. I heard him.” Aemond’s voice was so low and serious, it sent shivers down her spine. But worst of all, he was right, “Your father would hurt anyone for the right reason.”
The princess did not know what to say. She was sure her mouth had flapped open and shut like a fish out of water. She felt like one. Unable to breath as the person who had her on a hook and line sat and watched her flounder. While the prince may have been right, Maetilda was still her father’s eldest daughter. Aemond could not possibly be right. She simply could not accept it.
“Dōna, I do not wish to wait for his back to turn.” (Sweet)
“I beg your pardon?”
“I wish to take you right from beneath his nose.”
Her eyes widened in surprise yet again as she watched the prince’s face jump towards hers, crashing their lips together. Just as the first time, she was frozen in shock. His lips moved against hers while she remained still. One of his hands was clamped around her face, crushing her cheekbone under his thumb. The hand that had been petting her hair locked around the back of her head, ensuring she could not pull away. With his hips, he pinned her against the edge of the balcony. The force of him was heavy. It pinched the vertebrae in her spine as the weight of him bent her backward. No wall stood behind her back to catch her. With nothing to anchor her feet, she felt as if she could flip over the side and plummet down to her death. The image of it played in her head. All the while, Aemond continued to kiss her.
Had it been earlier in the day, she would have welcomed it. She eagerly would have kissed him back. Without question or hesitation. But too much had happened. She felt treacherous and guilty. She felt a pending sense of doom. The hand at the back of her head slipped to the base of her neck, lacing fingers into the back of her scalp and tangling themselves into her braid. Aemond pulled away only to rest his forehead against hers.
“Please, Maetilda. Do not deny me.”
“Ao jaelagon naejot gūrogon nyke.  Iksis bisa daor skoros jaelā?” (You wish to take me. Is this not what you want?)
“Jaelan ao.” (I want you.)
“You don’t—”
“Jaelan ao. Jaelan ao. Jaelan ao.” (I want you, I want you, I want you.)
Tears welled in the princess’s eyes as she struggled to shake her head, “Aemond, you can’t. We can’t. Not yet.”
“Maetilda, please, just once. Just once while he is still here. Just once, so he may never deny our union, and then not again until we are wed.”
She could feel the wet trails begin to form down her cheeks, only to be wiped away by thumbs that were not her own. Two hands cupped her face again. Warm, wine and liquor scented breath fanned her into a trance-like state. Her voice was soft, weak, and wavering as she tried to hold her ground, “Mazemilā lēda iā mijegon hen ñuha udir.” (You will take regardless of my word.)
He kissed both cheeks, right next to his thumbs. He kissed her forehead and both temples. He kissed each corner of her mouth before he slowly kissed her again, continuing to bend her backwards. Causing her to yelp. Taking advantage of her open mouth, Aemond caught her bottom lip in between his teeth. He had the grin of a lizard lion, the smirk of a dragon with its dinner in its jaws. She was no different than charred sheep.
“Ilagon syt nyke, dōna. Kostilus.” (Lay down for me, sweet. Please.)
Only then did he peel himself off, giving her back a sense of relief. But Maetilda didn’t move an inch. The two locked eyes for what felt like the longest time. The princess would not dare move. She felt like a mouse, helplessly cornered by a tomcat. One movement and the prince would pounce. 
“Lay down, Maetilda.”
Looking down at the balcony floor, she could barely form words, “Here?”
Aemond shushed her as if she were a crying baby. He stepped forward again, “Shh, shh, shh, shhhhh.” His hands came back up again. This time, they unlaced the fastenings on her cloak. Slowly and carefully, so as not to stress a single stitch or seam. “You are in my hands. Do not fret. Nyke kessa mazverdagon ao sȳrkta emā mirre issare gō. I shall give you se vys se skoros ilagon rēbagon ziry.” (I shall make you feel better than you have ever felt before. [I shall give you] the world and what lays beyond it.)
Pulling away from her without breaking their stare down, Aemond swiftly flicked her cloak out like a blanket. The princess’s knees shook at the sight. The prince was serious, the chill of the breeze confirmed it. More tears slipped down her cheeks. Instead of wiping them away, the prince took a cushion from the bench and laid it down as a pillow. When he made his way back over to her, she could not look at him. Only at the cushion sat atop her cloak — where she was to rest her head. More tears glided past her cheeks and down her neck. Was that truly where she was to be deflowered? On the cold, dusty ground of her balcony. No marriage. No ceremony before the Gods. No dowery. No grand feast. Nothing. 
By the waist, Aemond moved her to stand at the bottom of the cloak. Preceded by his warm, liquor scented breath, came feather-light kisses that started at her cheek. They traced along her jaw, down her neck, across her collarbone, and up to her shoulder. Tickling her skin all the way. Her heart pounded like war drums in her chest. Overwhelmed with embarrassment for what was to come, she could feel the heat rise in her cheeks. The soft tug from the shoulder of her nightgown being gently moved out of place sent off bells of alarm in her head, she instinctively wanted to squeal. But instead, she made a point to bite her mouth shut. More kisses dusted the top of her shoulder.
“Aemond, —“ She tried desperately to keep hold of her resolve.
Another kiss to the corner of her mouth cut her off, followed by the low hum of a familiar tune. Not that of the Pentoshi songs her handmaid sang, but one her father and Laena would sing to her and her young sisters, proudly proclaiming that the girls were three heads in their own right. It was a song from Old Valyria. When she closed her eyes, she could almost hear the bright melody of Lady Laena’s voice. Chirping out the words like the call of a morning bird. 
Drakari pykiros
Tīkummo jemiros
Yn lantyz bartossa
Saelot vāedis
(Fire breather, winged leader, but two heads, to a third sing)
Hen ñuhā elēnī:
Perzyssy vestretis
Se gēlȳn irūdaks
(From my voice, the fires have spoken, and the price paid, with blood magic)
But Lady Laena’s voice was not truly there. Maetilda knew it wasn’t. Her body laid with the Gods beneath the waves. Her dragon answered to a new rider, and he stood before the princess humming. He was the only one humming. Yet, it was like a ghost lingered around them. The hair on her arms stood on end. Chills electrified her spine. It did not help that the tomcat only continued to close in. Eye alert, claws sharp. The closer he got, the more his humming unsettled her. The voice of Lady Laena still rang on in her ears.
Perzyro udrȳssi
Ezīmptos laehossi
Hārossa letagon
Aōt vāedan
(With words of flame, with clear eyes, to bind the three, to you I sing)
Helping her down with an arm on her back and the other grasping her hands to steady her, Aemond laid Maetilda down on the cloak. His hair tickled her cheek as he hovered over her. The princess’s entire body trembled. Goosebumps erupted across her skin from the ground’s cold touch. More tears escaped out of her eyes. She could hear her heart pound in her ears. Pools of snot began to clog her nose, which only made it harder for her to catch her breath. All the while, the prince undid the knot at the top of her nightgown. She wanted to scream. Her knight would be there in only a few steps. The rest of the castle would undoubtedly hear her too. Her father included. They would find her underneath her betrothed, and everything she had ever dreamed for herself would be ruined. She could not scream.
Hae mērot gierūli
Se hāros bartossi
Prūmȳsa sōvīli
Gevī dāerī
(As one we gather, and with three heads, we shall fly as we were destined -- beautifully, freely)
The hum of the song repeated itself on a loop. She could not bare to watch any longer. Each of his boots had haphazardly plopped to their own corner. Maetilda clamped her eyes shut as she felt her betrothed on his knees, positioning one of her legs on either side of him. His trousers came down easy. She could hear him slide them down his thighs. Most of his clothing had already been undone. The cold air bit at her legs, her hips, her torso as her skin became exposed to the night. He had lifted up the bottom of her gown, and she soon felt the fabric bunch at her waist.
Her mouth went dry and her eyes flew open. Anxiously, her hands grabbed at the bunched fabric and tried to cover herself back up. At least down to her thighs. At least enough to keep some dignity in tact. But the tomcat only pushed her hands away, gripping them both in one of his own paws. Aemond held them above her head, using his spare hand to pull at the neck of her gown. Her vision seemed to cloud as her head felt like it was filling with smoke. As if a fire had started burning somewhere inside her. Her organs only blackened the fumes.
It felt warm and cold all at once, causing her to flinch away from the feeling. The fleshy sensation that poked at the place that was never supposed to be touched. The place worth her body weight in gold. Her heart fluttered through the haze clouding her mind. Her gut screamed. A shiver ran through every bone in her body. Aemond used one of his knees to pin her hip down, to keep it from flinching away from his touch again. His free hand came up to his face. Eyes lidded, he stared straight into Maetilda’s soul as he stuck two fingers in his mouth. Coating them in a layer of spit. Without hesitation, his two fingers cut straight down her torso and toward the apex of her thighs. The princess’s gasp covered up the yelp that was lodged in her throat. His hand found refuge between her pillowy thighs. Wet fingers played with her flower, lightly rubbing it in slow circles. 
On instinct, her knees tried to snap together only to be obstructed by the prince’s body. He held her down and kept her knees apart with ease. She tried to squirm, but she could hardly move. Her mind screamed and screamed and screamed. The humming stopped and Lady Laena’s voice was gone. Instead, her father’s voice echoed between her ears. Shouting angrily about how much she disgraced and disgusted him. What if anyone were to find out? What if someone were to hear? Or to walk in? She wouldn’t live to see the sunrise, wouldn’t live to see another day. She would be better off dead. A princess soiled before her wedding day. A lady without morals. A no good harlot. Yet she couldn’t stop Aemond. As filthy as she felt, she didn’t want him to stop. As long as his fingers continued their circles. Sliding his two fingers south, he used his thumb to continue the tantalizingly gentle pattern. The wet pair slid ever so slowly until they reached the lid of the princess’s honeypot. Maetilda’s breath shook. A lilted note spilled out with it. Bottom lip trapped between his teeth, Aemond’s eye seemed to glaze over at the very sound. Velvety lilac deepened to satiny plum. It couldn’t mean anything good.
A yelp escaped her mouth as one of Aemond’s fingers inched inside of her. Splitting her body in two. The prince’s lips soon met her own, muffling the sound of the princess’s quiet whines. His tongue poked its way into her mouth, dominating all of her senses. He consumed her. As if she truly were charred sheep. He only stopped in order to pull his fingers out of her carcass and lick them clean. The feeling was intoxicating, but the view of it even more so.
A/N: this little diddy has probably been over-revised. i’m sorry it took so long!! hopefully it was well worth the wait! happy season 2 premiere day!!!
it’s my first go at anything kinda sexy! i was excited to try it! kinda nervy to post it (hence the hold up) but i hope it does something for you! the freak continues in the next guy though, hope ur cool with that HAH (the next one will be coming much faster)
TAGLIST: @marvelescvpe
xoxo messy
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cookinary · 4 months
Hey guys, if you want some music
I've been putting together a playlist of what my AUs' themes would be
I'll be making a list under the cut of which song matches which AU (so don't check it out if you wanna figure it out for yourself!)
Da OG boi: Banana Man - Tally Hall
Android: Robot Rock - Daft Punk
Backrooms: H A L L S - CG5
Basically Villain: Gangsta's Paradise - Coolio
Beyblade: Beyblade Metal Fusion French opening
Brothers in Arms: Turn the Lights Off - Tally Hall
Cartoon: Duck Sauce - Barbra Streisand
Clone: I think I'm a clone now - Weird Al
Cyberpunk: Organic Self - Noisecream
Demon Banana: Demons - Imagine Dragons / Phoenix - ft.Cailin Russo and Chrissy Costanza
Dragon Pilot: Dragon Pilot Hisone to Masotan outro
Escaped Experiment: Monster - dodie
Explosive Personality: MINECRAFT CREEPER RAP - Dan Bull
Ghost: Ghost - Confetti
Godhunter: Godhunter - Aviators
Honey I shrunk the kid: So What - Three Days Grace
It's just a game: Losing My Mind - Mystery Skulls
Mad Guy Dead: MAD RAT HEART from the Mad Rat Dead OST
Mad Switch: Fuck You - Lily Allen
Magic: Dementia - Owl City ft. Mark Hoppus / ROACHES - Luluyam (I picked these songs because Mage is psychotic because of everything he went through)
Mountains: Les bronzés font du ski
Murder Drones: Disassembly Required - Liam Vickers
Mutant: Captive Normal from the Hi-Fi Rush OST (PLEASE CHECK THIS GAME OUT) / I'm My Own Master Now (Platinum Mix) from the Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance OST
Nyankees: meow - lvusm
Pacific Rim: Pacific Rim main theme
Phoenix: Phoenix - Netrum & Halvorsen
Pokemon: The Journey Starts Today - Walk off the Earth
Portal: Who I am - CG5
Post-Apocalypse: Survive - SOARA / Wasteland Outlaw - MAJESTY
Radioactive: Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
Reaper: The Man Comes Around - Johnny Cash
Sailing Seas: The Seven Seas - F-777
Sea Monster: Ocean Man - Ween
Simulation Collapsing: ECHO [Cover] - Alfakyun
Space: Starman - David Bowie
Spare: I Can't Decide - Scissors Sisters
Supers: Speed of Light - Joe Satriani
Swap: Sweet About Me - Gabrielle Cilmi
Tanuki: Heisei era Tanuki War (Spirited Season) from the Pompoko OST
Therianthropy: Wild Slide - Jules Gaia / T-Rex - K.Flay
Time Agent: This Time - PXL
Time God: Temporal Tower from the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky OST
Time Loop: Stuck in a Timeloop - Animadrop
Totally Spies: Here We Go - Totally Spies season 1 opening
Turning Red: Pandas Unite/Nobody Like U from the Turning Red OST
Unaware Eldritch God: God - Jake Daniels
Untitled Friend Game: Goose Goose Revolution - TheLivingTombstone
Werewolf: Animal In Me - Solence
Witch Vampire: Happy Halloween Rap ver. - nqrse
Zombie: Macabre Rotting Girl - Kathy-Chan / Stay Alive - FFM ft. Felix Bushe / INFECTED - STARSET
Junkyard King: Junkyard King - Navie D
Rookie Mistake (AU where my sona is present): Idontgivea***k - Rabbit Junk
And EMPIRES by Electric Swing Circus isn't for an AU but I thought it was a good fit for vanilla Ophelia
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kingbeeleth · 4 months
i usually go by BEELETH or HALBERD, but i am indifferent to having a name; you can call me anything or nothing at all really
refer to me with he/him, it/its, they/them, or no pronouns.
im 21; minors can interact, but be aware some of my posts/reblogs are suggestive (but typically text-only jokes). i would prefer for my followers to be 16 or older, but this isn't a strict rule or anything. just be safe online
ask me to tag things and i might do it (no guarantees unless we're mutuals, so follow at your own risk; current tags: flashing, loud, clown, bug, unsanitary, apocalypse — note that bug is only applied to realistic bug images, and unsanitary is only applied to more descriptive or visual-oriented posts.)
adult mutuals and brave adult followers, feel free to ask me for my adult art blog, but do not share it with people who should not / do not want to see it. please dont be offended if i dont share it with you. if you came here from my adult art blog, be normal about it and don't talk about my other works here thanks ^_^;
i'm a fat intersex asian guy, and i love men. i'm also epicene and autosexual. i consider myself bear-ish but i still like being cute
i have memory issues, so please be mindful of that. i'm also horrible about responding to messages/replies; if you want a faster response from me, feel free to give me a nudge
if you LOVE my art but HATE being in the presence of such an awesome and talented comedic genius, go to my art-only blog -> @halberdaswang
current major interests are:
Pokémon - mostly BW/BW2 and PLA
Yoeko (formerly Yoeko Kurahashi) - you should join r/YoekoKurahashi :)
DJ Technorch
rhythm games
vocal synths, particularly vocaloid and utau
my OCs - if you like my ocs feel free to draw them ^_^
i am also interested in Klonoa, Sonic, Kemono Friends, demonology, werewolves, media preservation, console emulation, and Nintendo homebrew among a billion other things. if i reblog something with a group of characters but only tag one of them, it's because i only tag my faves in reblogs (original posts are fair game).
additional stuff under the cut if you like reading ^_^
Tumblr media
big list of smaller lists of things i like:
colors — #00FF00 (neon green) if it isn’t clear lol. i also like pink a lot, but if i suddenly went pink, i think it would scare everyone
pokemon — purugly, incineroar, mega banette, regigigas, and beheeyem. i like a lot more but id say these are my main favorites
characters — not listing source media. suffer forever. volo, dark prince / satan, gakupo, kasane teto, both medicine sellers, popuko, king of sorrow, eggnog cookie, wario, santa claus, i m meen, the pyro, sakuya mitsurugi, marisa kirisame, patchouli knowledge, narciso anasui, king of all cosmos, beerus, tingle, goro
musicians/bands/etc — dj technorch, yoeko, hakushi hasegawa, shiina ringo, tv room, emamouse, hi-posi, gladde paling, capsule, susumu hirasawa, gong, oingo boingo, the sworn group, cosmo sheldrake
foods — just about anything with chicken, pork, or mushrooms
drinks — mountain dew is my favorite drink and i think it shows
animals — white tigers
fonts — ms gothic, envy code r, times new roman, really scary minchotai
my ocs — king beeleth, the portalkeeper, anvil, medusa, meow, bullet, root priest, cc, kors
friend ocs — not listing creators because you know who you are. bugs, gwen, hildisvini, fileine, chaching, business dog, starcat, hooligan, quasar
vocaloids/utauloids/etc — gakupo, fuiro, gumi, meika mikoto, defoko, kasane teto, kasane ted, saigone kako, gakudan roco, waltt, speedy torane
rhythm games/series — osu! tatakae! ouendan / elite beat agents, muse dash, frequency / amplitude, taiko no tatsujin, guitar hero, a dance of fire and ice, rhythm doctor, mad rat dead, rhythm heaven, parappa the rapper / um jammer lammy, vib-ribbon / vib-ripple / mojib-ribbon, project diva, project mirai
other stuff — ao oni, lsd: dream emulator, yume nikki, random internet weirdness/rumors/hoaxes (this house has people in it, tsuki project, tortureware, red room, kisaragi station, lhohq, yyyyyyy), fungi, roblox
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
if i wanted to get into heaven and god said the umbrellas waiting inside i would piss on gods feet for the sole purpose of getting sent back down
if i have to deal with the umbrella [fabric rustling] in podcast not only will i close the tab i will delete my bookmark out of spite and have to rewatch the entire series again for the experience of being able to skip all the times when it is mentioned or exists
i dont even know why i hate it so much it collects trash but i am just mad because i am angy
it better have some fucked up backstory to explain this if hes just some poor shithead whos a fan of “rain” and wanted the irl version ill go ham
BETTER have had a normal seagull make it kill a man cuz if it didnt Im going to make it
episodes not even about it. vaguely mentioned what is supposed to maybe be its domain and I lost it
where the fuck is the umbrella if it still exists im going to so deeply wish it wasnt
crusty old thing
ill punch the umbrella and its sad frail old man twig frame will simply flake apart under my epic huge meat fist and it will disintegrate until all thats left is one final garbage bag it kept on it at all times simply titled Now You Fucked Up in ancient yiddish
im not breathing im hyperventilating at this point
i hope theres a date given for when the umbrella is destroyed so i can make it a reminder on my phone
everyday once a year i will see it and do anything but pay respects to the item who had such a fucked up if true entity
Aaaaand there it is xD
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I can make you a pride icon if you want
My epic gamer art fight profile
DNI+Other things under the cut(at least read what's in red pls)
So yeah, my name's Socks and I'll rather be addressed as he/she/it/star+other neos, I'm also ok with most gendered therm but if you're not sure just calls me whatever I'll tell u if I don't like it. Use il and elle interchangeably in french plz
POC trans aspec individual 👍
Here's my full list of neos and other things
I create drawings like fruit
Digital art is made on the weekends and the only drawings you can reasonably expect from me is nilfruits characters and my fursona
Things I do in my free time/I've did out of boredom include: digital and traditional art, made a vtuber model, painting, photography, cosplaying/sewing, made bracelets, translation (only french/english), playing guitar, lockpicking and archery. I am hobby georg
Art request: open but only rain world and nilfruits related because I'm normal (lie)
Please say things to me and send things to me I love listening to people and I'm so sad and alone like half the time and it'll never bother me even if I'm busy
I love bright colors and light but I understand how some people can't look at them for their safety so I tag it as #eyestrain and #flashing I tag other things too theyre just the most common
Ask me phylosophical shit like the meaning of life and I for sure have an answer
Also if you want to send me hate mail feel free!! I like laughing at it
Despite being a guitarist I am the number one bass and bassists fan
Don't follow me if you can't handle occasional vent posts
Don't be fooled by my blog I'm still a furry at heart
I love when people infodump and ramble in my inbox itz so interesting
Memory issues
If I complain about something and its not tagged as a vent then that means I'm not that upset about it
If I do seem upset the best thing you could do is give me a distraction if you wanna help
Don't involve me in discourse I will explode
I have a lot of sideblogs they're @narou-official @ask-voca-mutant-au @yer-fave-is-a-pirate @socks-is-a-menace @zatsunemiku-official @haganemiku-official @weekly-utsu-p @gourmand-appreciation @valid-iterator-name @invenot @the-spearmaster and a couple more, most of em are dead tho
I also have a SUPER MEGA GIGA SECRET pokemon irl blog, try finding it:)
Here I'll be putting hints for it: eel
I also have @the-artificer who just kinda exist
I have autism adhd n I'm personality disorder georg at this point
I'm plural too now apparently??? Some of my headmates are at @bar0ness and @n0mann . You're normally only gonna see me post here tho
I'm a minor
Don't sexualise my ocs pls
I like these thangs->Warrior Cat(barely, I don't even catch up), Mad rat dead, madoka magica, Kirby, the Stanley parable, pafl, biblically accurate angels, sparklecats, Dead plate, Pokemon, Vocaloid but mainly whatever nilfruits characters got going on, OFF, ENA, Cuphead, pjsekai, milgram, Splatoon, bocchi the rock, cult of the lamb, sonic, rain world, and Omori(I don't support omocat), please talk to me about them (there will also be spoiler for all of these)
You can use my art n designs as long as you credit but PLEASE don't give it to AI, repost it(unless credited and Fanart, don't repost my oc art whiteout permission) or use it in edits!! Icons are fine
I kin a lotta diff things and I don't mind doubles👍
Tagging system:
#Paradichlorobenzene is my favorite word:text posts
#random/#rambling: text posts from 2022 to 2023
#socks is scribbling: art tag
#shitty things I made: something I made that isn't a drawing (most likely a shitpost)
#rb: reblog
#me when: posts that are me core
#this is very gender: things that gives me gender envy
#pics of the awesome me: self explanatory
#oc:[insert name]:the mentioned OC's tag
#utsu p characters lore: me making shit up about the characters in utsu-p song because I love his music but the lack of narrative to be abnormal about is sickening so I made the narrative myself
#im dragon: posts about me being a dragon
#muu was here!: Muu fictive posting on my blog. Only it is allowed to post on my blog because she asked nicely bug uses she/they/it/bug also
I also got two personas who are very cools
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Userbox by @sweetpeauserboxes and blinkies by @/harukaenthusiast
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DNI : post untagged nsfw things, Rainflower defenders, support AI art, queerphobics, racist, transphobes, irl yandere, proshipper, radfem, like hp or support it's creator, ableist, anti furries, exclusionist, eating disorder blogs, transautistic, nazi, terfs and similar things
And that's it I think
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prettybluelites · 11 months
Thoughts: The Curse of the Seafaring Life
Okay, fine, I'll watch Episode 5 one more time.
I have watched this half a dozen times by now and I have straight up howled every time Ed says "this here is a ship, and it's a space ship." The delivery combined with the hand gestures - I'm dead. I'm finished. Fucking genius.
A couple posts down I expounded on the fact that Ed is literally wearing sackcloth, still fascinated by that. Also wondering how much trouble he's having making the change from the infamous leathers to a loose-fitting linen onesie :P
That awkward position of, Do I clap, do I do nothing, or do I give the finger - so real
Does the mad cat on the new flag remind anyone else of the union rat inflatables that striking unions use?
Izzy got a new leg and it turned him into a right little sass pot
"I'm your captain! Wait, I can do it better." This whole scene is awesome and "That's the captain's chair" makes me laugh almost as hard as the space ship bit
Thinking a lot about Ed offering to let Lucius push him off the ship when it soon becomes clear that that isn't exactly what Lucius needs - I guess I'll just leave it at, I love how neatly the show illustrates that everyone heals differently
The shot of Izzy training on the gundeck is gorgeous and I'm not just saying that because of the Pecs of Death. And I love that he took himself down there and set all that up and took up his training his own self, idk, it feeds a lot of my headcanon about what sort of person Izzy is outside the context of Blackbeard - disciplined and fastidious
Love a good training montage, especially one that involves ass-slapping. And I love this new normal where Stede and Izzy, like, hang out and converse.
Will never grow tired of the fact that not one but both of Ed's shoes fly off
Really into geometry, lol. One of those superstitious bitches would have known what a pentagram was
Every girl loves an outfit she can twirl in
Third reliable lol of the episode: "draw me as, like, a steely...lord"
I was so busy thinking about Lucius and Pete each reckoning separately with Ed that I forgot to think about Lucius and Pete reckoning with each other. So glad this is a part of the storyline.
There really is nothing like a peanut butter sandwich. And then to be there when they were invented? Wow. :D
The scene with Ed and Fang in the boat is like Lucius recounting his horrors a couple episodes ago, shouldn't be funny, but...it's funny
Lucius is a man of some learning, he should know that Izzy's shark story is not, strictly speaking, fiction: A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison.  (Thanks, Grammarly!) Izzy's not covering up shit with that story, he's explaining an idea.
STG if Izzy and Lucius don't make out by the end of this series...
Roach's comment about Frenchie's beautiful body, lmao
Anyone ever see Northern Exposure? There was a great scene in an early episode of that show where Joel was trying to figure out how Marilyn could sit still and quiet on her shifts as his receptionist and he was just boggled that she could, as Fang puts it, sit with herself. I'm not sure if this quote was from that episode, but I know it's a Marilyn quote: Words are heavy like rocks … they weigh you down. If birds could talk, they wouldn't be able to fly. That has stuck with me for a looong time. Anyway, sorry to blather, that's what this bit of Fang and Ed's conversation reminds me of.
Obvs the shirt needed to stay for plot reasons but also glad Stede got to keep it because he looks fine AF
Awwww Lucius and Pete, I love their love. I laughed and cried.
That feeling when someone reacts in all the right ways to all the right parts of your stories ♥
So much to love about this scene, obviously. Much has already been written about the kiss (THAT KISS!!) and Ed asking to go slow and Stede meeting him where he's at, but I am obsessed with the way Ed looks down, ever so slightly surprised, when Stede takes his hand. When, in Ed's adult life, has someone held his hand in a romantic context? It really is perfect.
And all that is to say nothing of Sometimes it's nice to be patient and wait. Jesus H Christ. When those two finally fuck, brains are going to melt and run out of the ears of fans all over the world.
Okay, phew! That was a lot, thank you for reading!
As a reward for your perseverance, here's a bonus quote I found while I was looking up Marilyn's bird quote:
"We are all pirates at heart. There is not one of us who hasn't had a little larceny in his soul. And which one of us wouldn't soar if God had thought there was merit in the idea? So, when we see one of those great widespread pirates soaring across the grain of sea winds we thrill, and we long, and, if we are honest, we curse that we must be men every day. Why not one day a bird!  There's an idea, now, one day out of seven a pirate in the sky. What puny power a man can attain by comparison. Compare a 747 with a bird and blush!"
Roger Caras, Birds and Flight, 1971.
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notstilinski · 1 year
The Hollow Places Starters !
Taken from the 2020 novel by T. Kingfisher, The Hollow Places! Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit!
“God forgives a lot. He has to. We all do a lot of things that need forgiving.”
“That’s genetic, (Name). For example, your mama always liked to argue and look at you now.”
“Fine like it’s fine, or fine like it hurts like hell but you don’t want to complain?”
“Ugh. Do I need to kill him?”
“He’ll yeah. There was an abandoned mental hospital in the town I grew up in. We used to get high and go sneak into it.”
“If we’re both hallucinating then we might as well keep going.”
“I’m being very calm about this. I want you to notice that.”
“Take it up with the black mold. I’m just hallucinating, remember?”
“Come on, there’s a hallway that can’t exist and a giant locked door at the end. Do you /want/ to get eaten by monsters or open a portal to hell or whatever?”
“You thinking black magic or aliens?”
“I liked the abandoned mental hospital better. It had linoleum.”
“There’s a dead body! You have to call the cops when you find a body!”
“The door that locked from this side to keep whatever’s over there /out/?”
“Okay. But this is how people die in horror movies, ya know.”
“You ever stab somebody?”
“Do you think they’re all bunkers like this one?”
“I feel like the crows here would be weird. Too smart, maybe.”
“I sort of want to, I just want to complain about it.”
“That’s comforting. I’m feeling very comforted right now.”
“Yeah, that’s what my first partner said about anal.”
“Dread. This is dread.”
“Hollow, but not empty.”
“We’re in the woods between worlds and we’ve lost track of which one is ours.”
“(Name), if this was a movie, I’d slap you to snap you out of it, but I don’t think that actually helps, because if you’re being slapped, then you just have something else to be hysterical about, don’t you?”
“It’ll be okay. As long as only one of us freaks out at a time.”
“God, I hope we’re friends. I’d hate to be trapped in a hellish other world with someone I didn’t like.”
“No matter where you go, the Jesuits got there first.”
“That can’t be real. It’s an illusion. It’s just the light.”
“Apparently they phased fairyland survival out of the curriculum before I graduated.”
“Doesn’t matter what universe you’re in, guys are all the same.”
“I kinda think we should go away from that noise.”
“We’re going to die here, aren’t we?”
“I’m home. I made it back.”
“When you’ve been to hell, you get to break out the hood liquor.”
“You’re from Florida. There’s got to be more holes to hell in Florida than any other state.”
“One of us is very confused. I’m not sure which one.”
“Do you need an alibi for the next few hours?”
“Yeah, that’s always a bitch when you figure it out, isn’t it?”
“Pink leopard print handcuffs?”
“Does it cure sleepwalking into portals to hell?”
“I’m slow, but I get there.”
“Say that again, but slowly, because I think I’m hallucinating again.”
“This is normal. I am normal. Normal life is going on.”
“This is where the zombie rat lunges out and latches onto my face.”
“That’s not what the guy with the baseball bat thought.”
“So what’s the big deal? Why am I mad?”
“Are we gonna be doing this in ten years? Like we’ll be like ‘Hey, remember the time we accidentally went to hell?”
“As opposed to everything else about this situation, which has been remarkably straightforward?”
“Come on. Let’s go get Chinese food and get drunk.”
“I’m so sorry, (Name). I’m sorry. I had no idea that would happen. I shouldn’t have left you there.”
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Top 5 viddy games on the Nintendo Switch gaming system
funky little disclaimer! i tried to pick games that a) i have made *some* progression in, and b) are exclusive to consoles (but not necessarily the switch). i could probably do a whole other Top Five Viddy Games That Happen To Have A Nintendo Switch Port otherwise.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (i spent like 10 hours on the Great Plateau alone)
Splatoon 3: electric jamboree (Salmon Run is still the best mode lmao)
Mad Rat Dead (i am so incredibly normal about this game, i promise)
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (played a shitload of it during a time in my life when i was Going Through It)
Super Mario Odyssey (it’s silly and fun. i like open exploration if you couldn’t tell from BOTW’s placement)
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kiwinatorwaffles · 2 years
if i wanted to get into heaven and the gods said welsknight is waiting inside i would piss on their feet for the sole purpose of getting sent back down
if i have to deal with welsknight speaking one word in person in voice on proximity chat not only will i close the game i will delete my bookmark out of spite and have to rewatch the entire season again for the experience of being able to skip all the times when he is mentioned or alive
i dont even know why i hate him so much. he swings swords but i am just mad because i am angy
he better have some fucked up backstory to explain this if hes just some shithead who can flick a finger and send a building toppling ill go ham
BETTER have had a combat guitar make him kill a man cuz if he didnt Im going to make him
episodes not even his. the narrating hermit vaguely mentioned what is supposed to maybe be his starter base and I lost it
where the fuck is welsknight if hes still alive im going to so deeply wish he wasnt
crusty old man
ill punch wels and his sad frail old man twig bones will simply flake apart under my epic huge meat fist and he will disintegrate until all thats left is one final sword he kept on him at all times simply named Now You Fucked Up in medieval italian
im not breathing im hyperventilating at this point
i hope theres a date given for when wels died or will die so i can make it a reminder on my phone
everyday once a year i will see it and do anything but pay respects to the man who had so many fucked up crazy ass weapons
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soobasaur · 4 years
are you mine?
— a lee minho au
genre: enemies to lovers minho x gender neutral!reader
a/n: this is for my bestie who has been in a minho obsession lately and needs more content, you know who you are :]
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« masterlist
you and minho didnt exactly,,,get along very well for a while
the only reason you both even knew each other was two of your best friends were dating and merged ur friend groups
(thanks a lot binsung 〴⋋_⋌〵)
you wouldnt go as far as to say you hated him
but you liked to pretend you did
you just barely saw him around so why not just mke him your mortal enemy??
it was easier to hate him then admit he was decent company!!
you had a reputation to uphold!!!!
and apparently he did too because he never really disagreed,,,,
you guys just ever had a chance to get off on the right foot and really talk
mutual disagreement <33
the thing is, the both of you were never left alone together
like ever
until that one time yall were abandoned (-д-;)
you and ur friend groups planned a hang out but everyone ended up cancelling last minute with no excuse
it was just you two who didnt get the memo and ended up alone
now that you think about it,,,that sounds like smth ur friends would do on purpose
(again, fuck u binsung!! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ )
so just picture this,,,you and minho both showing up to an arcade and sitting in silence for an hour before getting a text that everyone cancelled
your immediate thought was to go home bc why would minho want to hang out with you???
but after the both of you read the text in the groupchat he got up and made his way inside, holding the door open and quirking his eyebrow up at you
“well, are you coming or not? I wanna try the new vr game.”
and you were just like \\(⊙︿⊙)// ???
he? wants?? to hang out??? with just you????
but u ended up following him in and he paid for your guy’s tickets ≧◡≦
“just buy me lunch after and we’re even”
lunch??? now this mf wants to get lunch together?!$%
you learned one thing about minho that day
he was,,,competitive,,VERY competitive
like what demon possessed him kind of competitive
whenever he won he would flash you a smirk and skip to the next game as he dragged his row of tickets along
ur pride was in shambles
so you unleashed everything after that and won a good amount of games ;)
u had been eyeing a cute cat plush the entire time but u didnt have enough tickets at the end :((
o(╥﹏╥)o damn it capitalism u just wanted a plushie
you didnt rlly want anything else so you gave your tickets to minho and waited to the side for him to get his prize
he came out with tHE SAME PLUSHIE YOU HAD BEEN EYEING \\( ಠ_ಠ)//
but before you could sulk about it he handed it to you and started to make his way to the exit O(≧▽≦)O
and during lunch this bitch ended up paying even after saying you should (`ε´)
\(▰˘◡˘▰)//\\ (▰˘◡˘▰)//\\ (▰˘◡˘▰)// \\(▰˘◡˘▰)//
After that...hang out if you will,,u started to notice minho everywhere
why was this bitch all over your college campus?
you never noticed minho was in ur class for the longest time jsskkfk
like all of a sudden u just spotted him out of the corner of ur eye and were like o h
once he noticed you too there was no going back
say good bye to paying attention in class
(as if you ever did anyways)
he started to inch closer to you during class
he even started sending you notes
ಠ▃ಠ and u were so paranoid the professor would catch you
but this bitch was slick so u were fine
ヽ(๏∀๏ )ノ
he was the type of guy to throw little crumpled sticky notes at you whenever he wanted to say something during class
they’d be covered with doodles of cats and his scribbly messy handwriting + little hearts
it was usually just some dumb thought he had or a crude drawing of the professor (. ゚ー゚)
other than those few notes you guys never really talked outside ur friend group
there was one incident late at night tho
you had a big project coming up and it was 2am and you were...2 sentences in T_T
you deserved a coffee break <3
so that was how you found under the awning of an all night coffee shop
except it wasn't all night and closed right after you got ur coffee!!
and now u were stuck under the awning!!
all you had was your measly hoodie that you stole from changbin and your now soggy cup of coffee as you waited for the rain to pass
you might as well of just stayed home since ur wasting all this time you could’ve been working on your project standing outside
were you gonna work on the project once you got home? no
but did the thought of wasted time still make you mad? yes
you slumped against the shop as you bitterly drank your coffee, crushing the cup between your hands
after a couple minutes you felt the rain above you stop
you look to your side to see,,,minho?!
this mf was holding an umbrella above your head
“here, take my umbrella.”
thats when you noticed the cafe uniform he had on
“you work here?” you asked, before taking the umbrella from his hand
“yeah, your observant ass didnt see me literally make your coffee,”
“oh whoops,,,i thought you hated me, why are you giving me our umbrella?”
“i do, but id rather you uh...not die in the cold looking like a dead rat.”
was it just you or were his cheeks dusted pink?
probably the cold
(y/n you dumb bitch-)
you both walk back to your dorms after that
and he insists you carry the umbrella
cus his poor arms are tired from making coffee all day :((
and maybe it's an excuse to be closer to you
since hes a bit taller he has to crouch and scoot closer to you in order to not get wet >_<
⊙﹏⊙ ⊙﹏⊙ ⊙﹏⊙
over the next few weeks your find urself at the cafe he works at more often
one time you got the hours wrong and he wasnt on shift :(
but when you got up to leave he walked in and spent the day helping you study instead of working
you went for the coffee!! not for him!! definitely not,,,
“look, im only hanging out with you cus you get the employee discount.”
“sure, and not cus you enjoy my company-”
“i 100% despise your company.”
ok but u didnt
u actually /REALLY/ liked his company
like WTF
where has he been all ur life
ew that sounded too romantic
but like fr where was he hiding
soon you both were joining binsung on their dates
but it wasn't a double date!!
it was just four friends hanging out and two happened to be a couple
and they liked to hang out at fancy restaurants and do couple like activities
totally normal!!
there was one incident where you were about to pay for your meal but minho placed his hand on top of yours and slid his card instead
“you can pay on the next date.”
excuse me sir what do u mean-
you ignored changbin and jisung’s snickers behind you the entire night
when minho walked you home you couldnt help but let urself blurt out
“was this a date?”
minho gave you an incredulous look
“...was it not??”
oh my god this is embarrassing
you ignored how minho was now turning crimson red and panicking and tugged on his collar, pulling him down for a kiss
“it was...a date” you mumble, now shy at the close proximity between the two of you
“...im gonna kill jisung.” he muttered, pulling you in for a hug, “he told me this was a double date”
“that can be our next date, the murder of our best friends.”
“wow i am in love with you.”
minho and y/n murder besties!!
for legal reasons that is a joke
( ˶˘ ³˘(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)♡
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thank you for reading !!
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nylwnder · 3 years
new to the leafs fandom. what are the key things to know?
well first off, hellooooooooo and i hope you’re well 🥰💘 welcome to this chaotic ass world!!!
well getting into the leafs fandom isn’t that hard. some things to know is you’ll cry, and get mad and want to live in a hole a chunk of the time but then they’ll make your day ✨✨ and everything seems like it’ll be alright. (this means we’ll sometimes lose to shit teams and win against good teams). (this also means we actually haven’t passed the first round in a while and well um that’s a whole other pain).
i’ll walk you through the boys just quickly incase you already know the vibez: AM34 is your main scoring man, last years rocket richard winner (what’s given to the highest goal scorer). mitchy (#16) is his right hand and that man will give u some sexc plays!!! bunts is an absolute godly fit into the first line and you’ll love him for his rat-like personality because he always pisses someone off with simply his presence. you got ✨✨ william nylander ✨✨on your second line makinh all of us fall on our knees for VARIOUS reasons that would take days to talk about. john tavares is our lovely captain and he’s just our precious robot man and we adore him!!!!!! great goal scorer and person whole and whole. you got kerfoot, underrated af but an absolute icon for making sweet plays. kase and kampf are you czech besties who normally accompany ilya mikheyev and yet again they’re just like kerfoot — the third line serves!!!!! then you got SPEZZ <3333333 who is our precious veteran who would die for our team no doubt. you’ve got wayne simmonds, an absolute icon and legendary scrapper. MORGAN RIELLY. you’ll love him (and if you already do, you’ll love him even more every day). he’s just amazing. also dating the most decorated figure skater, tessa virtue, and they’re a power couple!!! RASMUS SANDIN. ouuu bestie he’s a fan favourite and just an amazing baby and i love him and yeah ahsksjqkjdwobdmskakdkje. muzz n hollsy are chaotic icons who do funny things that makes you love ‘em but then can also make you wanna pull your hair out. depends the time. you got brodie, created the sprawling defensive play that you will see in every leafs game — it makes you smile. oh soupy!!!!!!!!! aka. jack campbell, aka. the sweetest man you will ever see and he’s an adorable cat dad. ummmm oh well he’s still on the roster 🥴 and that’s right, it’s petr mrazek. we love him but ummm yeah the hockey, hmmm not the vibe. THERES ERIK KÄLLGREN WHOS OUR NEW SWEDISH BABY GOALIE AND HE GOT THE SHUTTY ON HIS FIRST OFFICIAL START SO WE ALL LOVE HIM NOW. there’s joseph woll too, another baby goalie whos now playing really only for the marlies but he got hurt rn so give him good vibez :((( who am i missing??? well i guess the new guys from the trade deadline period who we’ll learn about together: giordano (from seattle tho originally from calgary and was friends w brodie), blackwell (from seattle, truly have no idea who he is) and then lybushkin who’s already been playing and who’ll you’ll appreciate!!
just to put it out there, some honourable mentions of past leafs that have sadly departed from us (no they’re not dead they’re just not playing here anymore) is travis dermott (who just got traded but he was a one of a kind man), zach hyman (that made everyone sad when he left), frederik andersen (he was sweet, but people ripped him apart, smh) and nazem kadri (oh god that trade was hell).
if you haven’t already and want to get to know more about the guys i suggest watching highlights to learn about them as a player and then interviews to just vibe with them (we have good ones so just search up the leafs on yt and go through their leaf to leaf series!!)
THEYRE ABSOLUTE CHOAS. every man on the team. CHAOS. but you’ll eat it all up cause that’s just a reason why you’re staying here for life!!! you’ll see lots of weird ass haircuts, interesting clothing, ummm ‘no thots head empty’ meme worthy pictures and some spicy pictures as well!!!
if you ever go to the game, well the arena is absolutely insane and i hope you have fun!!!!! that’s if you’re willing to spend some big bucks on them (or if you’re feeling lucky, @thefordfanatic_offical on instagram has ticket giveaways for home games so u can def enter cause i won and it was so cool!!)
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deadfloweremojii · 3 years
Every Morning Felt the Same
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: Slight Yuki x F!Reader
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: Angst
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: akito being akito
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 3884
I wrote this a while ago and I had no idea how long it was until now! After starting the final season I came back to it and spiffed it up a little and well... here it is!
Feel free to send requests!
Fic below the cut
I was walking to school as I normally do; listening to music. Left turn, right turn, wait at the light. Every morning felt the same. However ever since the beginning of this year I have started coming out of my shell. As unapproachable the girls have made Yuki Sohma we have somehow become rather good friends. It was awkward at first but I’ve gotten used to the staring from the “Prince Yuki Fan Club” garbage. It wasn’t as if I liked him, we were just close friends. I have gotten to know him and his friends over the last few months. Yuki and his cousin Kyo have a very interesting dynamic to say the least. It seems as if they are cat and mouse, but the mouse always outsmarts the cat.
It was finally time to go home; I could be considered lucky in that regard. I am an exchange student. I have my own student apartment that the school pays for me to live in. It can get fairly lonely on the weekends or during breaks. I’m fairly introverted and only really talk to Yuki and Co. during the school day. My japanese can be pretty rough at times, but I understand enough to get by. With winter break coming up I was preparing to celebrate New Years by myself like I have the past few years. It’s just not worth it to go home for the holidays; the break is too short to make the price tag worth it. I almost have grown to love being by myself; after a long day at school the silence is calming.
My normal path home is fairly straightforward, but the idea of the upcoming holiday clouded my mind. I had somehow ended up walking past my usual turn without realizing and continued on into the forest on the outskirts of the town. A cold gust of air brought me out of my trance; I looked around wildly unfamiliar with my surroundings. As I turned on my heels to go back the way I came; to my utter disbelief a white snake blocked my path.
Now I didn’t hate snakes, but I admired them from afar or held well handled pets. Very unlike any snake, or wild animal, I’ve ever seen it slithered up to me. I didn’t want to startle it, on the off chance it’s hungry so I stood as still as possible gripping my school bag against my chest. A cool scaly feeling enveloped my calf, as the snake slithered up it. I gripped my eyes shut, praying it just went away after realizing I was not edible. Then it dawned on me, it was below freezing, and snakes are cold blooded… and I’m warm blooded… NOW I'M A SPACE HEATER FOR A SNAKE!
I couldn’t help the yelp that escaped my lips as I felt the snake take refuge under my shirt. Whether it be divine intervention or my (un)lucky day a man came walking toward me on the frozen path. He was dressed in a simple yukata with shaggy black hair. He looked at me calmly and then to my… chest? HE’S LOOKING AT MY BOOBS! I looked down as I saw a little snake head pop up. He’s looking at the snake… Why is the snake looking back at him?
“I see you got yourself into a situation” the man laughed. He didn’t seem to be speaking to me, but almost to the snake?
“Yes, uh… please help” I whispered. I didn’t want to bother the snake for fear of it biting me. In my awkward fear I happened to answer in english instead of japanese. The man tilted his head, and I just assumed he didn’t understand me. I opened my mouth to repeat myself, but he cut me off.
“You’re y/n, right?” He said back in perfect english. “Yuki’s friend from school”. He talks about me?
“Yes, sir.” I said. “Is there any way you can help me? I switched the conversation back to japanese. It always felt rude to make someone accommodate me, even if I wasn't the best speaker.
“Come down the road to the house with me. I can help you better there” He chuckled. “And don’t worry about how you speak. Do what is most comfortable.”
We trotted along the path rather slowly, I did not want the snake to fall or worse. It was only a couple minutes. We exchanged pleasantries. The man was Shigure-san Yuki and Kyo’s uncle who they lived with. From my time being friends with them I’ve only really heard Tohru mention him a few times. I never really hear the boys talk about their family, it seems to be a touchy subject.
We finally arrived at the house. It was pretty nice considering it was in the middle of the woods. As we got inside the snake slithered down my leg and decided that the house was his now. I relaxed my tense muscles. I guess I didn’t have to stay very long. I looked around, still standing in the entryway. I noticed Kyo sitting at the low table and I smiled politely at him. He looked up when he heard the commotion.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, shocked. It seems visitors are not abundant here. “What did you do to her?!” he yelled at Shigure-san.
“Nothing! Why would I do anything to one of Yuki’s beloved friends?” Shigure shrugged off.
“Oh, um there was a snake…” I started. Yuki had just entered the room. He looked up when he heard the word snake.
“A snake here is it now, y/n-san?” he looked around… angrily? “What did it look like?” He blurted. I wasn’t very used to Yuki not being calm and collected. This was definitely a change of pace for him. I guess he really doesn’t like snakes. As I was about to open my mouth to answer, another boisterous man with long silver hair burst into the room
“Yuki-kun! Have you missed me? I wanted to come visit you but it was so cold! Without this fine lady I would have never made it” he swoons. The man walked over to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me into the house, my shoes left in the entryway.
“Aw sweet, y/n-chan” He started, bringing my hand up to his mouth to kiss it. “Thank you so much for your kind nature! Without you I would surely have been left for dead”
Dead? I thought. I don’t recognize him, he kind of looks like Yuki. I don’t think I’ve ever met him. How does he know my name? The only thing I carried here was…
“The snake.” I whispered. I looked up to see familiar yellow orbs. “You… you were the s..snake” I stammered. “How is that even possible, humans can’t be snakes, snakes are snakes” I gripped my hair in my hands as I thought how this could ever be possible.
“My sweet love, don’t grip your beautiful hair” he said as he went to grab my hands. Both Yuki and Kyo shoved themselves between me and the strange man.
“Don’t touch her” Yuki said sternly. He shoved me behind him. I lost my balance and fell into his back. I heard a pop and a cloud of smoke appeared as I fell into nothing. In front of me was a little silver… rat?
“What?” I gasped. At this point I just assumed I was dreaming. “Are you supposed to be Yuki-kun now? I guess you are kind of cute.” I whispered as I scooped up the little thing. Kyo turned to Shigure- san.
“Look what you caused?” He yelled. “And you” he turned to the other man. “What the hell were you thinking?!” Shigure sighed. Looking at the man with his hand scratching his head.
“Well Ayame, I guess we got into an even worse situation” He laughs.
“A curse?” I whisper. The Sohma’s had explained everything to me. I finally now realize more than I did before. Why Yuki was so shy, how Tohru acted when I talked about their home life. Why Kyo always seemed on edge. All of this bewildered me.
“So now what?” I asked shyly. “I promise I won’t say anything to anyone of course! I… I just don’t really know what to say” I looked down into my lap.
“Time to call Hatori I guess,” Shigure-san said as he stood up. Everyone had a solemn look on their face.
“Who is that?” I asked slightly afraid. “Am… am I going to die?” I looked up nervously into Shigure-sans eyes as mine began to water. “I… I promise, please” Tears begin to fall down my cheeks. Tohru, who had come home in the middle of this, offered me a tissue.
“Of course not y/n-chan” He said looking down seriously. “We just can’t have people knowing is all.” Ayame-san caressed my face and wiped away my tears.
“Do not worry, not a pretty little hair on your head will be harmed” He whispered to me. Yuki snatched me away from him.
“This is your fault to begin with.” Yuki said sternly. “Without your whole scheme we would have never been in this mess” This continues on for a while, Yuki being mad at what I now learned is his older brother, and Ayame begging Yuki to forgive him while still being a strange sort of arrogant. I just sat with Tohru, watching the whole thing unfold. Kyo had gone out shortly after this began, Tohru mentioned a Sensei so I assume it was martial art practice of some sort. Ayame-san turned to me and Tohru.
“I have an excellent idea” He sang out, almost twirling over to the two of us. “If we pretend to be together, there is a chance it will be okay!”
“T...Together? What do you mean by that?” I looked up at him, my eyes still a little puffy from before. “Like dating?” Shigure-san just walked back into the room as those words left my mouth.
“Who are you dating now? Ayame? So scandalous!” He wiggled. Yuki facepalmed, fed up with everything.
“You can’t think that’s possibly a good idea.” Yuki sighed. “First of all, I don’t want you anywhere near her, and second you’re almost twice her age. That would never work”
“An apprentice with benefits then!” Ayame hoisted me up and twirled me around. His arm wrapped around my shoulder but not enough to where our bodies were touching. His hand picked my chin up to look at him.
“Look at those sad e/c eyes.” he sighed. “You need some excitement in your life” He whispered in my ear. Yuki pulled me away from his clutches and looked into my eyes.
“Don’t listen to him.” He warned. His eyes were filled with pain. I wondered if this had happened to him before. Tohru seemed to know and be fine, so why couldn't I?
“I don’t want to lose my friends” My eyes fill with tears. “I don’t know what to do, I don't want to hurt you or your family, and I don’t want to lose you” I sob. I couldn't think straight enough to worry about japanese or anything for that matter. “I’ll do anything to just not be alone again”
The room was silent apart from my sniffling. The mood shifted to a depressing tone. Reality had sunk in. The Shomas realized either they try this or let this girl forget. I looked up over everyone.
“I’ll try anything”
Over the last month going to work with Ayame-san was almost tiring. Although he seemed like an airhead, there is definitely something going on in his head that I just can’t guess. I assume it comes with his whole family dynamic. Although I was supposed to be his assistant, I feel like he was holding out for the whole “pretending to be dating” thing. Thank god he couldn’t touch me without becoming a snake; although that did happen a few times. Ayame-san as often as he could would be sure to “teach me” and “guide me” to what I needed to do. Mine-san seemed to keep him in check when we were in the studio, but when we had to run errands it was definitely towing the line.
Yuki always asked if I was okay first thing every morning before homeroom, and walked me home after I was done with Ayame-san every night. I assured him everything was fine. I didn’t want to lose my friends. It wasn’t that bad, it could be annoying at times but I feel like I learned a lot about myself and how to sew; so that's a plus.
One particular night after my apprenticeship, Mine-san pulled me aside. “y/n-chan, you’re doing really well. Most girls would have run for the hills by now!” she laughed. “You’ve gone from this shy little thing, to a young woman who can hold her own!”
“y/n-Chan!” rang out a familiar sing-song voice. Ayame-san waltzed out of the studio. “Do you think you can do me a favor?!” He sang out.
“I guess it depends on what it is exactly, Ayame-san.” I huff looking down the road seeing Yuki walking towards us.
“Well, I’ve been called to the estate. I was wondering if you would like to join me. Shigure said I should bring you!” He grabbed onto my arm and gave me puppy dog eyes. “You can meet Hatori!” Ayame chirped.
“Well I guess I can. If you really want me too” I said as Yuki neared closer. “I'll see you tomorrow then Ayame-san.” I called out as I ran towards Yuki.
“What was that about?” Yuki questioned as we walked towards my apartment. I hopped onto a small wall lining the sidewalk. With my arms out for balance I continued in front of him, spinning on the balls of my feet and walking backwards while facing him.
“He invited me to the estate with him and Shigure-san.” I replied, stopping in my tracks. “I said I would go.” I looked down at him nervously.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea y/n-san?” He looked up at me. He looked rather worried. I was starting to think that saying yes may not have been my brightest idea.
The Saturday morning sun crept into my apartment window. I knew today was going to be… interesting. Shigure-san was nice enough to let me come over in the morning to figure everything out. Ayame-san told me he would have something for me to wear for dinner. Seeing his tastes in clothing it probably was not going to be fun.
When I arrived at the house, it was as rambunctious as always. Yuki and Kyo were lost in one of their usual arguments. They didn’t notice that I entered the house. Shigure-san looked up from his paper and smiled in my direction.
“Good morning, y/n-chan.” he chimed. The two boys looked over in the midst of fighting. I’ve seen them argue but I’ve never seen them fight. Both boys were breathing heavily; sweat rolling down their foreheads. This was rather surprising, Yuki is normally so calm, and collected. Over the past month I’ve learned more about him and my friends. Spending more time with him has made our friendship stronger. Although, it seems to be different now. Yuki has expressed his distrust of his brother. He has even started walking me to the shop, and even to school since my apartment is on the way. I’ve enjoyed spending more time with him… almost more than before. I shook my head at this thought.
“Is everything okay?” He asks endearingly, giving me a smirk. “Ready for your date with Ayame-san?” I blushed bright red at that comment.
“Uh… well… I didn’t think of it that way” I stammered. I brought my hand up to the back of my head, rubbing it sheepishly. Yuki snapped his head over to Shigure-san.
“No way, is that what he thinks is going to work” He seethed. “She never would have agreed to that if those were the terms. Isn't that right y/n-san?” Yuki looked at you sincerely.
“Well I… I wasn’t aware of that. I just assumed it was to meet Hatori-san” I looked down at my feet.
“Don’t worry kids” Shigure-san said as he resumed his paper “It’s just a ploy to allow y/n-chan to the Sohma estate.”
“So I have to pretend I’m dating Ayame-san in order to go?” I looked at Shigure. “Why did no one tell me” I huffed. He looked up at me and smiled.
“Because you wouldn’t have agreed otherwise”
After a “fun” day at the Sohma house it was finally time. Ayame-san arrived with a bag with my name on it to wear. I looked inside; it looked like the pieces of a kimono. I looked up at him.
“I’ve never worn one before… I’m not sure how” I said shyly. Ayame-san snaked an arm around my shoulders.
“That’s okay my love, I can help you put it on for you.” he said coyly. Shigure-san also stood up. “What about me?” he added. Yuki came to my side and took my hand. He dragged you away from the men and up the stairs.
“Or I guess he could.” Shigure-san said defeatedly.
I have never been upstairs in the house before. It wasn't anything special, just everyone's rooms. Yuki still hasn’t said anything as he basically dragged me to his...room. I’m in his room. Those “Prince Yuki” bitches would pay thousands to be in my shoes right now.
“You can change here if you want.” He said shyly. Yuki looked away and blushed. “Tohru isn’t here, otherwise you’d be in her room.”
“I… I don’t know how to put it on” I stammered. “I need help” I looked down at my feet. Yuki took his hand under my chin and pointed it up. His gray eyes looking into my e/c ones.
“I’ll try my best.” He smiled. “There’s no reason for you to be embarrassed, Ayame should have known better. It was definitely one of his tricks.”
Yuki left the room to allow me to get the under clothes on. Once I was done I let him back in. The kimono almost felt like a large sweater. The material was soft and airy. Yuki with his cheeks dusted red, reached around me to gather the material in the way it needed to be. He tied a sort of belt near my waist to gather the fabric. It was not as difficult as I thought it would have been, but I would not have been able to do it correctly myself.
“Thank you, Yuki-san” I said as I pinned my hair up. I looked over at him and smiled brightly.
“Anytime y/n-san” he smiled back blush still sprinkling his cheeks.
The Shoma Estate was huge. I felt like a small child as we approached. Shigure and Ayame walked in front of me, laughing about something or other. My nerves were boiling up, Kyo mentioned how intimidating it can be, especially if you looked out of place. Shigure-san looked back at me and noticed I was staring at the ground. He nudged Ayame-san's arm and pointed back at me. He twirled around towards me and latched onto my arm.
“You’re my date! You should at least look happy” He sang out. I looked around to see some women walking, giving me a disapproving glare.
“I guess I’m just nervous” I squeak. “This place is kind of intimidating” Shigure-san fell into step with us.
“Don’t worry y/n-chan” Shigure-san said “Everything will be alright in the end” He smiled. We arrived at the place we were supposed to meet. It was such a large house. I don’t think I’ve seen one this large since moving from the states. Once we entered, a man greeted us in the entryway.
“Ah Hatori!” Ayame-san said. “How are you! I’ve missed you!” he cried out as he went to hug him. Hatori side stepped and Ayame fell to the floor.
“I assume you’re y/n-chan” Hatori-san said to me.
“Yes, sir” I replied with a bow. Hatori shuffled us into the house and into a traditional dining room. Ayame-san and I sat down together. Hatori stopped Shigure in the doorway.
“Shigure, do you really think this is okay?” Hatori whispered.
“I sure hope so.” He replied.
Dinner went well. It was just the four of us. I was so worried that there was going to be a huge amount of people. I’m so glad there wasn’t. The three men had been drinking, however Hatori-san seemed to be the only one with any sense left. Shigure and Ayame were being as loud as ever, saying risque things towards me.
As we were getting ready to leave, I heard a crash through the house. The sliding door was slammed open and a thin figure was hanging on to the door frame. Hatori immediately jumped to his feet and walked over to the person. The light in the hallway was off so it was hard to see. Shigure-san almost seemed to sober up as this was happening and got up and walked into the other room.
“Let me see her.” the person said as they clawed at the door frame. It looked like they could barely stand. Their robe falling off their shoulder allowed me to see just how thin they were. I shuffled back on the floor only stopping when I hit the wall.
“Let me see her.” they said again menacingly. Hatori-san looked over to me, there was pain in his eyes. I understood he couldn’t do much to stop them.
My heart raced as they came over. They grabbed my face leaving nail marks on my cheeks. My eyes started to water. I had no idea what was going on let alone what to do.
“What’s your name?” they seethed
“y/n” I squealed out meekly.
“You know they don’t like you. They never will. You should just stop trying” they dropped my face and I fell to my knees. I couldn’t stop the tears. Yuki burst through the door and looked on in horror.
“You’re right.” I whispered. Their words resonated with me. I wasn’t part of their world. They had so much more on their plate with Tohru already. They don’t need to worry about me. The person said something to Hatori that I didn’t understand and left the room. Yuki looked at me with tears in his eyes as he crouched in front of me. My tears fell like waterfalls as I cried into my hands.
“I’m so sorry, y/n-san. You should have never been a part of this,” he whispered as he grabbed my hands. “I really did like you. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you. I’ll never forget you” he kissed my forehead.
Hatori helped me get to my feet and brought me into another room. I closed my eyes as I wiped the tears away.
I was walking to school as I normally do; listening to music. Left turn, right turn, wait at the light. Every morning felt the same.
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