#I am lazy to put more hashtags
yulen-creations · 1 year
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Single brush and single layer challenge for myself. I also drew a random human instead of a furry.
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cuppajoe1 · 1 year
They know
I was watching youtube shorts on my computer and I was ALLL the way leaned back in my chair. I thought "I dont want to watch this one anymore but I am too lazy to reach for my mouse."
Suddenly, it just scrolled. I didnt touch the mouse or the keyboard or anything. It did it all on its own
At first, I celebrated! Then I realized that happened just after I thought of that and maybe all the conspiracys were right... then I realized that I am a lazy ass motherfucker. Like, I didnt want to take the 2 seconds to reach over to my mouse and scroll. I was going to have to anyway. And now I dont even know lol...
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darkstarofchaos · 3 months
Spoilers for EarthSpark S2 below the cut.
The problem with Starscream isn't that he was evil. I have to lead with that because apparently if you complain about how he was handled, people are just going to assume you wanted him to be redeemed. I am not a Starscream redemptionist, nor am I a fan of "redemptions" where an evil character becomes a Good Guy. One of the biggest issues I have with Megatron redemptions is that he never actually has to address what he did to his own side, he just fucks off to join the other side/goes his own way. Suffice to say, I was not hoping for EarthSpark to "redeem" Starscream (unless it was in the more personal sense of trying to do better by his own people).
The problem with Starscream is not that he was evil. The problem is that, to make him the specific brand of evil the Powers That Be wanted, they had to completely ignore his previous characterization.
I honestly did not have a problem with most of his (admittedly few) scenes. His motivation for being Evil was disappointingly shallow, but him being grumpy-but-accepting of the new Terrans fit with his S1 characterization. The bit where Skywarp complains when he doesn't do anything to punish "Spitfire's" disrespect could easily have been spun as him trying to be a better leader after his talk with Hashtag. I liked that he isn't stingy with praise when someone accomplishes something. Even the painfully underdeveloped motivation could have been expanded into him trying to do what he thought was best for his faction. All the building blocks for a villainous-but-sympathetic Starscream were right there.
Which is why watching everything fall apart in the last 20 minutes felt like character assassination.
You cannot convince me that the Starscream who knew Hashtag for an hour and was ready to risk his life for her is the same Starscream who murdered two children without blinking. You cannot convince me that the Starscream who criticized Megatron's violent leadership would consider it a compliment when he's called more cruel than Megatron. I don't care what previous Starscreams were like, this one had an established characterization that does not work with what we see later. Not unless working with the Autobots briefly completely disillusioned him to the possibility of a lasting peace.
Also, love how the time skip allows them to just avoid any sort of fallout from having the people you were working with go back to trying to kill you. Love how there was no deeper reason to the war restarting than "they're Decepticons". Heaven forbid we get any sort of conflict with the two sides trying and failing to work together, and the falling out being a shared responsibility and not just "the Cons were actually still evil, lol". Can't have anyone grappling with how things went wrong and wishing they'd done something differently to maintain the peace. Megatron yells at Starscream to end the war like the Autobots played no part in it continuing. Which is obviously the intent, but it just feels like such a lazy copout to keep the Good Guys morally pure.
The Decepticons were being hunted down and locked up. They had no reason to think well of the Autobots or the humans, which means that if the Autobots wanted peace, it was their responsibility to reach out and prove that things could be different. Yes, the Decepticons would need to put in effort too, but they were not the ones - at least not the only ones - who needed to prove that they meant well. If the two sides worked together for a while and the Decepticons still unanimously rejected the possibility of ending the war, the Autobots share the blame for that decision.
I have plenty of other issues with how S2 is going so far (why was Nightshade the only Terran who got completely relegated to side character?), but I'll save my rant about the Chaos Terrans for later. It'll be huge, trust me.
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aquavierra · 10 months
or you can just tag correctly and dodge the whole situation.
you KNOW people are disgusted by thorki, and you know people love lokius. youre either stupid or looking for drama for fun.
Yeah, I acknowledge it's also my fault, but what? Sending death threat in first place is extreme enough. Just tell me as it is. Also, my acknowledgement towards Lokius fans being so freakin aggressive is NONE, and I think my lack of knowledge of this type of behaviour is can't be considered as stupid since stupid has meaning of: having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense. A.k.a have trouble learning or understanding/learning something.
Which btw, kind of different from not knowing something in the first place.
I've been in MCU fandom for a long time now and I always thought Lokius' fans are chill (or so I thought). No one likes to open Tumblr for fun and got this type of mail. Certainly people on internet have some manners and conscience when they reach out to someone telling me to not put this hashtag because it has nothing to do with the tag.
I usually tag my stuff randomly when I type 4 letters and see what they give me and just pick it because I'm lazy. Again, not my best behaviour and I am sorry to make a disgusting type of media to be shown on your phone. No one likes that.
But regardless of that. Sending me message that can be considered death threat is beyond me. I am not offended, or I feel threatened or even I feel down after that because I don't take anonymous stranger's on internet's words to the heart but what if someone who wants to have fun on Tumblr. A bit careless and made minor mistake like this, have a bad day that day and saw that someone on the internet send them death threat? I can't imagine how hurtful it is for them.
If you see my response as "I like drama" or searching for drama. At this point of my life, if I got myself into some sort of drama in my life. I can only just smile and enjoy the flow, I got so much shits in my life that is more important than death threat and this type of threat certainly just put me into thinking about "butterfly meme". I accidentally delve myself into some shit now I have to face the consequences. And that's my response, with meme, because I am emotionally constipated.
Again, on my behalf, it's not fun darling. The message (death threat one, not yours) that I got is already messed up, maybe they need to fix their manner first when they want to complain.
Your response made me realise how some of you perceive "this type of death threat mail" as something normal and it's really really questionable.
Sincerely, your mom.
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oflights · 2 years
i would like to know about: 🍰 and 🍦!
yesss i was hoping to get the dessert one haha
🍰 what’s your favorite dessert to eat? do you have a favorite to make?
i love red velvet cake (mostly as a vehicle for cream cheese frosting, my beloved) and also anything apple-based, so apple pie, apple crisp; my friend makes candied apple shortbread cookies and they are amazing.
in a similar vein, i love to bake apples. i stuff them with cinnamon/crushed graham crackers/butter plus whatever i might have on hand and bake them until they're all soft and syrupy and delicious. i'm more of a chef than a baker and that fits my dessert skill level nicely haha.
🍦 what are ten things you love about yourself?
aww this one is sweet, okay, let's think about this:
my skin! i have really good skin with a very simple (out of pure laziness) skincare routine, hashtag blessed
my tattoos, especially since we're coming up on the one year anniversary of my hobbit hole tattoo, which i adore
listen, i love my own cooking. i love to cook, and ray will literally eat anything i put in front of him because he's a human garbage disposal (affectionate), but i personally love everything i make and love catering to my specific tastes. i don't like lemon so i don't put lemon in things! etc.
i love reading and can read super fast and i love that for me tbh. i tend to hit a point with most books where i just gulp the whole thing down in one sitting and then forget i live in the real world and it's great.
my wardrobe is an excellent place right now. i have a few fun, exciting pieces to wear when i go into the office or somewhere fancy and feel like feeling myself, but have also built it out to be centered on feeling cute and comfortable over anything else, thanks to wfh most of the time
i have the same taste in music i've had since i was like 19 and i will never change it and i am very happy with that
i hate driving and have fully accepted that i'm just not a driver and don't want to be and that's what my car-obsessed husband is for
i love my birthday? is that about me? i love fall and having a fall birthday; it's a week before halloween so i usually do something spooky or some kind of seasonal activity and it's just A++ timing. i was supposed to be born close to christmas and wound up really premature and i like to think i engineered that somehow
this is really hard okay my hands? i play the piano and i've been told my entire life i have good hands for playing the piano 🤷🏻‍♀️
god this is so long. my writing!! i like to writing. i find it impossible to just...not write. i write all the time, a lot (clearly) and i would've stopped doing it ages ago if i didn't think it was any good, haha. there we go.
ask me love things!
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beachboysnatural · 2 years
Getting overwhelmed because I put leftovers in a container that was too big for them and now I can’t do more chores without getting soooo scared. I am NOT a big baby and I am NOT just being lazy and I am NOT a bad person for it hashtag affirmations
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beeblading · 2 years
wednesday ep1 thoughts in no particular order:
the relationship between her and morticia just seems weird. was wednesday hating her mother ever a thing?
who let their mary sue loose?
snobby judgemental mean girl is snobby and mean.
how many boys do we need crushing on, honestly? again- come get your mary sue she got loose. hashtag not like other girls.
yeah I agree with ppl saying there's something not right with the parents in terms of their characters and what they do/don't approve of. I feel maybe in my mind those parents were pretty laid back and are now too serious?? I can't put my finger on what is wrong specifically.
I always get this when watching Addams Family stuff but like what's their deal though? open to weird stuff and weird people but only if they're goth enough? "I don't want to be a housewife like you" is an insult but telling her she has (paraphrasing again) no heart was a compliment? is it just me that thinks they've always been a little inconsistant with their beliefs? I get that it's a comedy so who cares but it always catches me off guard lol
(a very recurring thought) I think I'm too old to be watching this, like I'm clearly not the audience for this. same with Sabrina and Riverdale like I think I'm actually supposed to turn my brain off when watching this and just be wooed by the aesthetics and hot actors or something.
I hope we get a groundhog day situation with this series where she learns to be less of a snobby holier-than-thou mean girl etc. but again with my general confusion with the addams family in all reincarnations lol like what is your deal?! lol
again with riverdale (I could only stomach 2 maybe 3 eps) and sabrina it seems to be all about the superficial aesthetics and quips. but again I am only on episode one so I'll give them a chance to flesh out the story and characters some more.
I love the deadpan dark humour that the addams family has. but sometimes it's hard to tell what is a joke for jokes sake and what is part of their true beliefs (maybe that's just me?)
she really doesn't blink!! I love that. I'm sending eye drops babe
okay so she's suffering from boomer brain like hah I am above technology look at how special and cool I am blah blah. and they acknowledge her using her laptop with a lazy quip BUT SHE -SHE READ THE GIRLS BLOG BEFORE.
I'm making it sound like I really hated this episode but I didn't, I think I'm shy about warming up to a character/idea after Sabrina disappointed me lol (they did witchcraft dirty)
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pronoun-fucker · 2 years
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The trouble with JK Rowling is that she has done nothing wrong. Back in 2020, she wrote a carefully worded, compassionate piece about sex and gender. It’s here if you want to read it.
In it, she described “a climate of fear that serves nobody – least of all trans youth – well”. At no point did she express the even mildest disapproval of gender non-conformity, let alone call for “trans genocide”. “Trans people,” she wrote, “need and deserve protection […] I feel nothing but empathy and solidarity with trans women who’ve been abused by men.”
The response to this piece was obscene. Some of it’s here if you want to read it. I am aware, however, that checking original source material is not the done thing when it comes to having an opinion on Rowling.
Shortly after the publication of her blogpost, countless op-eds appeared explaining what Rowling “really” meant. To summarise them all, Rowling was lying about not hating trans people and wanting them dead, and you could tell this by the fact she said she didn’t hate trans people and didn’t want them dead.
There then followed a succession of lengthy, meandering (and deadly boring) essays on what it meant to be a Harry Potter fan now that Potter’s creator turned out to be evil. Idiotic references to the Sorting Hat, which confused maintaining a strong sense of self regardless of external forces with getting to choose one’s biological sex, seemed to be de rigueur.
As for the rape and death threats, it was quickly established that taking issue with tweets such as “JK rowling suck my fat cock and choke on it” was transphobic. Indeed, when one group of literary figures signed an open letter condemning such messages, the response of over 200 writers, publishers and journalists was to sign a different one stating “trans rights are human rights”.
It’s a response that could have been predicted by Rowling herself. “It would be so much easier,” she’d written in her original blog, “to tweet the approved hashtags – because of course trans rights are human rights and of course trans lives matter – scoop up the woke cookies and bask in a virtue-signalling afterglow.”
That this was so obvious and so lazy didn’t matter to writers including Jeannette Winterson, Malorie Blackman and Joanne Harris. As witch-hunter Martin Del Rio put it in 1599’s Disquisitionum Magicarum Libri Sex, “it is evidence of witchcraft to defend witches”. This may be why Kiran Millwood Hargrave, another signatory of the second letter (and, ironically, author of a novel about a witch hunt), refused to sit on a panel alongside Amanda Craig, a signatory of the first.
The lack of support extended to Rowling by so many in the publishing industry has been nothing short of appalling. True, in the aftermath of the recent attack on Salman Rushdie – and Society of Authors chair Harris’s initially crass response to the suggestion that threats against Rowling should be taken seriously, too – it has been grudgingly acknowledged that all death threats matter, even those against women deemed to be TERF scum.
“Yes, I support trans rights,” Harris eventually tweeted, “But my personal feelings about the gender-critical movement don’t affect my belief in free speech, or what I do for the Society of Authors.”
How magnanimous! This is not enough, though. It’s a position that still falls back on the misrepresentation of Rowling, positioning her as someone who does not “support trans rights”. What’s more, it is a position that uses the very rape and death threats it purports to condemn as a way of dodging accountability. Finally admitting that another woman should not be burned at the stake is not so gracious an act it entitles you to continue calling her a witch.
The monstering of JK Rowling has taken place in two registers: the obscene social media version, and the genteel, literary version, in which horrified articles are written about books not read, advertising campaigns imagine “Harry Potter without its creator” and twee references are made to “the wizard lady” to avoid the distress caused by naming her. You might think the two registers are different – the one, blind hate, the other, political disagreement – but the latter depends on the former. How do we know “the wizard lady” is bad? Well, just look at how hated she is!
This is a situation in which the punishment has created the crime and it’s one that is needed by members of the publishing industry who have spent years embracing the arguments of the most extreme trans activists while ignoring those of feminists. They need Rowling to be a monster. Otherwise they might have to respond, not just to what Rowling has written, but to the realities of the movement to which they have pledged allegiance.
Intelligent writers, many of whom call themselves feminists, have painted themselves into a corner from which they are now forced to play along with utter absurdities. They must pretend that Andrea Long Chu and Grace Lavery are thoughtful commentators on the contemporary sexual landscape, that the only reason a female writer would use a male pseudonym would be if she wasn’t a woman, and that the London Review of Books describing women’s fear of rape as “the sort of fairy-tale fear-mongering that puts them in league with the far right” is top-class feminist analysis.
It is intellectually and morally degrading. I would not want to be the person who, having glibly conflated trans activism with supporting gender non-conformity and gay liberation, now finds herself on the same side as a movement which orders lesbians to “suck my huge trans cock”. No wonder so many writers and journalists, rather than take responsibility for their own politics, prefer to promote the myth that they’re taking a brave stand against the genocidal author of Harry Potter (while expecting an award for nuance and reasonableness for noting that they wouldn’t actually kill her).
The trouble with JK Rowling is not that she is transphobic, but that she isn’t. Her honesty has shamed a literary community that thought it could squint a bit and fudge things when it came to the question of “what is a woman and do they matter, anyway?” Because of this, the extreme, violent misrepresentation of Rowling has become a way to defer any reckoning with the harmful messages those in publishing and the creative arts have been waving through.
Extraordinary women weren’t women! Femaleness is an expectant ass and blank, blank eyes! Books which encourage children to accept their bodies are transphobic propaganda! Less than five seconds’ consideration of such ideas would show them to be regressive nonsense, only JK Rowling disagrees with them and she wants people dead!
Except she doesn’t and that is the problem. The monstering is wearing thin. Last week’s collective attempt to trash The Ink Black Heart by people who hadn’t read it felt far less enthusiastic than 2020’s shot at Troubled Blood. I do not think it can last. People like their fiction, but they do eventually tire of lies.
Link | Archived Link
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realcube · 4 years
random kisses w/ the haikyuu!! boys hcs 💋
characters: tsukishima, akaashi, kenma, iwaizumi & noya 
thank you to anon for the amazing request :3
tw// swearing, sexual references, mentions of kinks, mentions of choking
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Kei Tsukishima
tsukishima was always very hesitant to kiss and hug tbh
the only thing he did freely without overthinking was hold your hand but even then, he’d immediately pull away if he thought his palm was getting the slightest bit sweaty (from his nerves)
also, he’d get really tense when ever he saw you lean in for a kiss bc he was always afraid that he’d mess up something 
like what happens if he sneezes exactly when you’re about to connect lips?- he’d die, that’s what would happen. 
anyway, when you first began surprising him by placing kisses on either the back of his hand or the nape of his neck, he’d become a blushing , irritated mess
like, he thought it was so cute and sweet so of course he’d blush but then he’d get mad bc..you made him blush! how embarrassing for him, tsk.
but although he’d be annoyed and hiss things like ‘you’re so weird’ or ‘that’s simp behaviour’ he would never tell you to stop bc deep down he knows that he enjoys it lol
and surprisingly, he wasn’t in denial about it at first either 
like mans isn’t stupid 
obviously he liked it, why else would he blush?
since he was aware that he liked your lil’ random kisses, he began to pretend to be invested in activity bc he realised that if you thought he was preoccupied with something important/stressful, you’d be more likely to give his neck a lil’ peck
for instance, if he’s just on his phone or whatever then you text him saying that you’re coming over, he immediately rush to gather his backpack and bring out his notes so he can sit at his desk to look like he’s studying lmao 
then you walk in like ‘awh bb you’re always working so hard 🥺 kithes’
and he’s just got the most cunning smirk on his face which he’s trying his very best hide to conceal
then you gave him a kiss on the cheek and he was just like ‘gotcha bitch ( •̀ ω •́ )✧’ 
anyway, when he’s just deadass being lazy he can still tell when you’re about to kiss him bc he’s very observant etc etc
(also bc you always have a cheesy grin on your face before you kiss him lol)
so after a few years of dating, they become less of ‘random kisses’ and more like just regular kisses for tsukki but he always tries to act like it’s surprising 
whether that be jumping slightly whenever you peck the back of his neck or inhaling sharply as you pressed a sudden kiss to his forehead
it’s just bc he loves to hear your giggles at his reaction 🥺 he thinks it’s so cute
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Keiji Akaashi
this all began when he was lying on the couch, reading a book while looking absolutely scrumptious so you just had to give him a lil’ peck on the forehead and he’s been addicted ever since
he especially likes it when you sneak up behind him, wrap him in a hug then plant a kiss on the nape of his neck - he thinks it’s so cute and he always cuddles your arms to his chest so you don’t let go 
deadass he just stood like a statue while you cuddled up behind him, his mouth slightly agape and his eyes wide 
bokuto thought it was adorable and was like ‘awwwhhh!! #couplegoals!! 💖💕🥰’
(yes he does say the hashtag aloud)
while the rest of the team are wondering if akaashi is okay. i mean, mans looking pretty stiff
but dw he’s not dead y’all, he’s just ascended  👼
like seriously he loves it so much 
sometimes he tries to give you random kisses by just grabbing your face while you’re doing something and lean in to place his lips upon yours but he always gets distract by how gorgeous you are, so he’ll spend a little too long admiring your face which will lead to you having to awkwardly muttering something along the lines of
‘i love you too, akaashi. but, erm, my toast is burning.’
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Hajime Iwaizumi
iwaizumi already did something kinda similar to random kisses but not really yk?
like whenever he saw you really invested in an activity that you didn’t like doing (cleaning, laundry, studying, chores etc) he’d plant a firm kiss on your cheek which would end up trailing across your face, to your lips - just to boost your spirits lol :)
but they weren’t really surprising or ‘random’ bc he would always announce something to grab your attention before kissing you, like ‘babe’ or ‘wow’
also, imo ‘random kisses’ gives off a ‘sweet lil’ smooch’ sorta vibe but the kisses he gives you are far from ‘smooches’
like they are unintentionally sensual as hell 
and he doesn’t even realise how erotic they are so he just suddenly pulls away to leave you with your chores ✋😔
anyway, you first gave him a surprise kiss while he was cooking dinner and whispered something jokingly in his ear along the lines of ‘woah, husband material.’
damn, if iwa knew that all he had to do for some kithes was be a hubby then he would’ve done that sooner like geez 😳
istg after that day iwaizumi would be in full maid-mode whenever you were in the house (bc he apparently doesn’t know the difference between the duties of a maid and a ‘husband’ lol)
‘yes i do the cooking, yes i do the cleaning’ - nicki manaj, hey mama -iwazumi hajime after being told that’s he’s husband material
so know you feel obliged to give him kisses and praise him whenever you see him doing chores/cooking/gardening bc you know he’s only doing that to please you lmao
so you just give the man what he wants i mean, he’s trying so hard
and he puts in so much effort to make sure he looks hot while doing it
like if he’s cleaning the bathroom room, he’ll oil himself and get out the Mr Muscle spray to make sure that his chest is shinier than the bathroom tiles
then you’ll kiss his forehead and tell him how he’s doing a great job blah blah blah
honestly, the kisses are hardly ‘random’ anymore since iwaizumi sets up a whole scene just to get you to peck his cheek but whatever
anyway, you helped him realise that he had a domestic and servitude kink 
and for that, he’s forever grateful 🥰
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Kenma Kuzome 
pov: you’re sad so you play stardew valley and your s/o notices and they pounce on you with their love and affection 🥺
and you cry bc you love them so much but you’re not good at expressing it 😔✌
- ok, end of pov -
that was kenma’s pov btw ^
but like seriously, it’s his absolute favourite when you give him kisses while he’s playing video games
and you always give exactly the right quantity - it’s like you can read his mind or something  
like, if he’s in a the climax of a round of any first-person shoot/rpg and you happen to walk by, you’ll just place a brief yet caring kiss on the side of his head then leave him alone
or if he’s on stream and you walk into the room - but don’t wanna be on camera - you’ll blow him kisses and he’ll smile like an idiot then discretely blow one back
then his chat is like ‘omg he can smile?’, ‘why is he smiling?’ ,‘is he sending air kisses? SIMP!!!’
but when he’s down, blaring lo-fi music from his cat speakers and playing animal crossing, nintendogs, stardew valley or tomodachi life (etc), you’ll shower him with all your cuddles and kisses 
ngl tho, when you scuttle up to him while he’s playing any game and press a lil’ kiss on his ear as you absently rub his shoulders, he literally melts 
he just kinda sits there and stares at the screen but not even a fraction of his mind is dedicated on the game, it’s all just ‘(y/n). i love them so much. i hope they know that. wow, i got so lucky, i hope they never leave me. (y/n), if only you could read my mind.’
and to show that he likes it, he purrs!!!
not voluntarily, it kinda just escaped his mouth the first time you were giving him a massage and since you insisted that it was the cutest thing you’ve ever heard, he continues to do it - but v quietly
but- there is one thing he likes more than random kisses 
and that is random cuddles
or random lapping-sitting yESSS
he is a simp so if you’re feeling needy or whateva and sit on his lap while he’s playing, he’ll literally just quit tbh- 
that’s one of the only times he’ll not use the excuse ‘i’ll do it when this round ends’ so use it wisely and sparingly
but that’s only if you sit facing towards him bc he realised that if you sit like that, he’ll get some cooch 
but otherwise, if you just sit on his lap for the sake of sitting on his lap, he’ll either jokingly push you off or continue playing his game by looking over your shoulder
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Yū Nishinoya 
you stole it from him lol
he’s the OG random kisser  ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ 
let’s recall how on your first date with him, you were worrying that he might’ve stood you up as you waited on the picnic blanket for him to arrive and then he jumped out from one of the hedges and attacked you with kisses
like mans got a lot of energy so i can just imagine him attacking you with affection whenever he is bored
and he does it regardless of what you are doing at the time
studying? kiss attack.
cleaning? tickle attack.
sleeping? cuddle attack.
hotel? trivago
he goes into that shit with a strategy too like ‘if i kiss them on the neck first they’ll move their head and arm which will give me access to their chest so then i’ll plant a kiss there too and depending on whether the jerk to the left or right i can then go in for a kiss on their n--’ etc etc
so imagine how hyped he is when you sneak up behind him in the school corridor and peck his cheek
he was so triumphant about it, as if he had just won some sort of award lol 
‘yes, i am the coochieman. and what about it?’
then he bought you lunch for ‘being the best s/o ever’ 🥺
but don’t think you’ll ever beat him in the random kissing game bc while he was feeding you the lunch he bought (he does that sometimes, playfully though, whenever he is feeling like a simp) he’ll lean in and steal a lil’ kiss which will lead to you choking on your rice 
‘hey babe, plz don’t choke. otherwise i’ll have to give you mouth-to-mouth, ahaha.’
meanwhile, you’re turning red
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nerima-division · 2 years
“A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.”
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Age 0:
Is born to Kazuya Kenzaki and Mikoto Kenzaki 5 years after her older brother Touma Kenzaki 
Age 6:
Begins Fencing 
Discovered to be a natural 
Parents start putting pressure on Katsumi to be the best 
Age 14: 
Starts self-harming to cope with the pressure 
Age 15:
Participates in her first Olympics 
Wins gold 3 times 
Age 16:
Unable to handle her parents' expectations Katsumi tries committing s*icide but survives
Her older brother Touma sues their parents for custody of Katsumi and wins 
Gets counseling 
Age 19:
Participates in her 2nd Olympics 
Wins gold 3 more times 
Moves out 
Meets and befriends Aira Otonashi and Mitsuru Tenjo 
Becomes roommates with Aira and Mitsuru
Age 22:
Joins the Nerima Division rap battle team, Vivid Angels, alongside Aira Otonashi and Mitsuru Tenjo
12:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.: Asleep
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.: Awakens and gets ready for the day
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.: Makes and eats breakfast with Aira and Mitsuru 
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.: Training
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.: Eats a snack at the local cafe 
4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.: Returns home
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.: Free time 
6:00 p.m.  - 7:00 p.m.: Makes and eats dinner with Aira and Mitsuru 
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.: Watches TV 
9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.: Talks to her brother over the phone 
10:00 p.m. - 11:00p.m.: Showers and gets ready for bed
11:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.: Asleep
Character Hashtags
Regular Hashtags
#Fierce Lioness 
#Fencing Ace  
#6x gold medalist 
Trauma Hashtags
#Forced to be perfect 
#Couldn't handle the pressure 
#Blade to the wrist
Other Info
Hobby: Playing video games 
Weakness: Laziness 
Trauma: "I was forced to be perfect." 
Twitter: @GoldenSword 
Drinks: Yes 
Smokes: No 
Special Skill: "I'll eat anything you put in front of me." 
Intro Quote: "I'm the number one fencer in the world. Wanna try your luck against me?" 
Trauma Quote: "I can't take it anymore! Am I finally perfect enough for you now?"
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nightklok · 3 years
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Hello everyone!
Welcome to the MTL Rare Pair Month Challenge!
Starting July 4th all the way to the end of the month, this is a challenge where you can write, draw, or create anything really only based on rare pairings!
As doing daily challenges may not possible for some, I am including weekly challenges!
Each week has a theme, and you can use that however you want to! You can replace a day’s theme with a weekly theme, write one fic per weekly theme each week, center a theme around the challenges, anything you want! How you complete this challenge is up to you, but this is just another challenge that I’ve decided to include to either make things harder or easier for everyone :D
Excluded Pairings
Note: While these pairings are excluded, you are allowed to write OT3s of these popular ships (Ex: Charles, Pickles, and Nathan). The decision to exclude these pairings was based on AO3’s relationship tags (the pairings with over 100 fics) and just general fandom knowledge.
Skwistok (Skwisgaar Skwigelf/Toki Wartooth)
Nickles (Nathan Explosion/Pickles the Drummer)
Narles (Nathan Explosion/Charles Foster Offdensen)
Chickles (Charles Foster Offdensen/Pickles the Drummer)
AO3 Collection
I've created an AO3 collection for you to put your works in and see others' entries! For an official link, here it is! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/MTL_RPM_2021
When you edit your works, make sure to add this to Collections: MTL_RPM_2021
Can I post content somewhere else other than Tumblr/AO3?
Yes, you can! I might only see the challenges on tumblr, AO3, and Instagram but you can always double post to get more traction!
What is the hashtag?
please use the tag #MTLRarePair2021! (Optional but encouraged!)
Do I have to do all 31 days/Do I have to complete the weekly challenges?
It’s all entirely up to you! If you want to do one over the other, both, and/or work on them separately it’s up to you! You are not obligated to do all 31 days or all 4 weekly challenges. The point of this challenge is to have fun so where’s the fun in being stressed out?
Can I write crossover pairings? (I.E Nathan Explosion x Eddie Briggs from Brutal Legend) Self-inserts/OC x character pairings?
Of course! It wouldn’t be a rare pair event without some crossover or OC pairings now wouldn’t it?
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me, but remember there is no limit to this, just do what will make this fun and easier for you! Good luck!! (Any questions will be tagged as #MTLrarepair2021qanda so be sure to check that out if you wanna see if your question has been answered!
Week 1 Theme:
Tarot Cards: Tarot Cards can answer many things but will they even ask? With this week’s theme, you can write a fic centered around tarot cards, a tarot reading, or a single tarot card that sticks out to you! If you have a deck of your own, maybe you can use the cards to guide your fic?
Day 4: the first… Day 5: Arranged Marriage/Fake Dating Day 6: Heroes/Villains Day 7: Sunrises/Sunsets Day 8: Monster AU/Magic AU Day 9: Soulmate/Enemies to Lovers Day 10: Mutual Unrequited Love
Week 2 Theme:
Fear of The Unknown: Season 4 especially seems to slowly shift to this theme for the viewers; what will happen to Dethklok? What is Project Falconback? Take this challenge as a reflection or confrontation of what characters may have to face, whether it’s with the prophecy or with their own relationships. Alternatively/additionally, you can use this to write on pairings you haven’t before!
Day 11: Deleted Scenes (This would be different from Day 18 as this is more focused on adding to an episode, rather than rewriting an episode)
Day 12: Kidfic/Kid AU Day 13: Coffee Shop AU/Tattoo Shop AU Day 14: Lies/Honesty Day 15: Dating App/Random Meeting Day 16: Rainy Day/Beach Day Day 17: Road Trip/Night Drives
Week 3 Theme:
Changing of the Seasons: As old as time, the seasons change one after another without fail. Will their feelings be as long as summer nights or will it slowly fade over time by the time fall rolls around? This week’s challenge can do anything with the seasons, metaphorically or physically doing something like raking leaves or attending local winter festivals.
Day 18: Episode Rewrite Day 19: Blind Date/Double Date Day 20: Sick fic/lazy day Day 21: Power Outage/Stranded Day 22: Prom/Wedding Day 23: And there was only one bed…./Actually, there are two beds Day 24: Amnesia/Reminiscing
Week 4 Theme:
Emotional Turmoil: Can you tell that a show is lacking in something so much that there needs to be a challenge about it? Definitely. This final challenge can really amp up the angst or fluff you may desperately crave. Will their emotions run high in an ever-changing environment? Is the weight of their past or future finally making them break? Or will they finally confess their feelings when it’s all too late?
Day 25: Pre-klok/Post-DSR Day 26: Angst/Fluff Day 27: Secret Dating/Undercover Day 28: Stargazing/Star watching Day 29: Mistakes/Fixing Day 30: The Last… Day 31: Free Space
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youarejesting · 3 years
First year: Dorms
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[Master List] Requests are open! [Purple Magic Masterlist]
This is a BTS Harry Potter au.
As jungkook is sorted into ravenclaw by himself I put Army (Ami) with him. I hope you all enjoy.
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Kim Seokjin followed the head of house to the Gryffindor common room, making sure to act like his usual confident self. Jin was in awe of the fat lady but he didn’t let that distract him from winking and blowing a kiss to the portrait who giggled maniacly her face red. The common room was quite  bright and the windows in the Gryffindor tower allowed him to admire the view. 
Jin was obviously nervous about who he would be rooming with. What if he hated them? What if they hated him? Johnny, DK, Wooyoung, Namjoon and himself. Seokjin thought they all seemed like great guys and he wasn’t about to complain. He was happy when Kim Namjoon asked to take the bed beside him and the two spent their first night talking and laughing with one another.
He was more confident knowing that there was someone he felt like he could really be friends with.
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Trudging to the dungeons Yoongi let out a shiver, squinting in the dark. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, this seemed really dodgy. The other students said he looked mean and that's why he was in slytherin. He hoped this wasn’t the punishment for being in Slytherin. The doors opened to the common room and Yoongi felt the warmth wash over him.
Outside the windows he saw a huge squid swimming past, he looked concerned and a hand softly grasped his shoulder. “It’s two to a room in Slytherin, would you like to share a room with me?” Yoongi looked at the young boy and nodded. He had no problem who he was sharing a room with but this kid seemed to know a lot and seemed harmless compared to a few of his classmates.
The room was dark, the beds were soft, and just outside the window were soft underwater sounds. It was no surprise that Yoongi fell asleep so quickly. It was quite possibly the best sleep he had ever had.
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Hoseok and Taehyung hadn’t stopped talking the whole way to the common room, they had made friends quickly with some of the other boys. Mingi, Hoshi, Jooheon, and Jungwoo were all goofy and sweet. They passed by a portrait of fruit which Hobi pointed out was the entrance to the kitchens before they hit a dead end with barrels.
“What is going on?” Taehyung asked and Hoseok smiled, his father was a bit of a know-it-all and so he was privy to a lot of the Hogwarts secrets.
“The entrance is through the barrels” Hoseok grinned watching the others sliding into the barrels and stepped forward. It was an elaborate slide that had him whooping as he landed in a pile of soft mustard cushions. Crawling away from the shoot before he could be squished by the next person entering.
Taehyung was next and he helped catch his newest friend and the two giggled as the rest of their group landed in the round and cheery common room.
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Namjoon was nervous, he wondered if his new friend Seokjin noticed him trip up the stairs or fall out of bed in the middle of the night. He hoped he wasn’t mad when he spilt ink on the floor that morning. He had been writing to his parents letting his father know he didn’t get into Ravenclaw and wishing he could still make him proud.
Seokjin seemed like a really nice friend, making light of Namjoon’s mistakes. Helping him when his tie got tangled and catching him when he tripped on his robes. It was nice that he had someone to look out for him but it was not overbearing. Namjoon was quick to write down Seokjin’s birthday in his notebook and started listening intently to what he liked and disliked.
He was going to be an exceptional friend and he wouldn’t let Seokjin down.
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Jimin woke the next morning to see his roommate still fast asleep. He wondered if he was a nice guy. He didn’t know anything about him but he seemed like the kind of guy who didn’t like to cause a scene. Drama was something Jimin found on his own, he didn’t think he could handle any more. 
Thinking he would be nice he dressed early, styling his hair perfectly and heading to the great hall to secure some breakfast. He grabbed a few things and headed back to the common room and opened the door to the dorm.
Yoongi was still sleeping soundly, Jimin walked over giving his roommate a small shake, calling his name softly. “Yoongi, Yoongi, it’s time to get up and get ready for class, I brought us breakfast”
Yoongi’s pale and thin arm swiped at Jimin and he ducked expertly, giggling at the lazy attack. “Come on, up you get or I will leave you behind.”
The man got up swearing and ate with a grumpy expression, “sorry for being rude, I am not a morning person, it’s probably easier if you ignore me and go to class”
“Not a chance.” Jimin chuckled.
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Taehyung woke the next morning to a bright and bubbly Hoseok giggling with some of the other boys. The dorm room was full of bunk beds. Hoseok had given him the top bunk willingly and that meant he was a really good friend. The two dressed quickly and set out to the great hall leaving the others in the dorm to slowly wake and get dressed. Happily eating and talking about their new class and how they liked the dorm, Taehyung thanked Hoseok again.
“I didn’t know about magic before I got my letter, so my family were worried that people would make fun of me, but you have all been really nice.” Taehyung blushed
“Oh, Taehyungie,” Hoseok said, his bright smile never faltering.
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Jungkook was nervous, in the ravenclaw dorm he didn’t really feel comfortable with his roommates, he sat on his bed while they all talked about how excited they were to learn magic. There was a knock on the door and the girl poked her head into the room. Immediately recognizing her as Ami from the sorting ceremony.
All he remembered after he was sorted was how pretty she was and how she smelled like freshly washed cotton sheets drying on a summer's day. It had been distracting but she seemed to be looking for something. “Has anyone seen my cat? She is a little munchkin with very small legs and orange fur.”
“I can help you look,” Jungkook said, happy to leave the awkwardness of conversing with new people. At least he didn’t have to talk while looking for a cat, maybe if it took long enough they would all be asleep by the time he returned.
Ami was nervously biting her thumb. Her sweater was oversized and lumpy but looked so soft, they were looking for about ten minutes when they heard the tiny meow from on top of the bookshelf. “You silly cat, you jumped up there and you got yourself stuck.”
Jungkook reached up and smiled, placing the small cat in your arms. “Say thank you to Kookie for saving you,” the cat meowed, making you both laugh.
“You are welcome.” Jungkook smiled patting the small cat, “You were easy to talk to.”
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crow-in-a-teapot · 4 years
tower of nero spoilers
i have just finished the tower of nero. and before i go searching for other people’s thoughts and art and more of the characters i love so much, i want to write down some of my own thoughts because i know as soon as i delve into that ‘ton spoilers’ hashtag there are going to be complaints and criticisms and so much that i don’t want to hear, or essays that’ll make me upset, or things that’ll change my perception on the book (because on this website people really love to hate the trials of apollo).
i want to start with: i loved it. it didn’t feel earth-shattering or huge and momentous like some of my favourite riordanverse books (house of hades, the blood of olympus, the last olympian and maybe some of the magnus chase books take those pedestals for me) but it was satisfying. and i think it was satisfying because it in no way felt like an ending. whether because eventually rick will write that will-and-nico-go-through-tartarus-and-save-bob novella, or because we (or at least i) will continue writing and imagining and creating for this world i don’t know. he didn’t wrap up the story in a perfect little bow like ‘nineteen years later’, he simply put it on pause. gave us a glimpse of where every character was at at the end.
the only thing that makes me so angry and upset is that i did manage to get some spoilers for moments that i know would have been so good to experience for the first time if i hadn’t been spoiled for them. the moment where rachel mentions penguins in a mansion near her house, nico getting mental health advice from mr d, the fact that will and nico were going to be in the book for so much of the story, but the big thing was literally spoiled for me two days ago, it was the reason i sat down to read it as fast as possible because i was terrified of getting more spoiled and not being able to experience the moments for myself, was that piper had a girlfriend. i know that reading that for the first time would have been so cool and surprising, and the fact that when it came up for a moment in the last couple pages all i felt was disappointment because it was spoiled for me and because it was now tinged with whatever that person was saying about her having a girlfriend.
but i still had some warm fuzzy moments, the two parts where apollo thinks he’s going to die but nico comes up behind him - so good. impeccable. 
Leader Guy spat. ‘Now, I kill you.’
He raised his sword... and froze. His face turned pale. His skin began to shrivel. His beard fell out whisker by whisker like dead pine needles. Finally, his skin crumbled away, along with his clothes and flesh, until Leader Guy was nothing but a bleached-white skeleton, holding a sword in his bony hands. 
Standing behind him, his hand on the skeleton’s shoulder, was Nico di Angelo.
Nero raised his hand, ready to give the kill command, when behind me a mighty BOOM! shook the chamber. Half our enemies were thrown off their feet. Cracks sprouted in the windowsand the marble columns. Ceiling tiles broke, raining dust like split bags of flour. 
I turned to see the impenetrable blast doors lying twisted and broken, a strangely emaciated red bull standing in the breach. Behind it stood Nico di Angelo.
gods. poetic brilliance. i can’t believe i’m still a nico di angelo stannie in the year 2021. in five years i have not changed (ever since the tv show announcement last summer i have managed to morph into myself from 2017)
from here i’m not sure where to go next i kind of want to go through everything, except it’ll be more difficult than my tyrant’s tomb reaction because i wasn’t reading on a kindle and thus can’t just do funny little reactions to screenshots of quotes, so i’ll just skim through the book page by page and see what i can comment on (i’m not planning on doing analysis today, no thank you, just enjoying the end of my childhood and trying to squeeze as much out of it as possible)
i have an emotional attachment to mr. snake from the very first chapter, and am very upset that he’ll never get off on his baltimore stop and get to see his wife, lu had no reason to shoot and kill him like that.
that brings me to lu, i liked her, it was interesting to see how rick kind of brought in not only the overarching theme of abuse, but also people who let the abuse happen, i have more i could say on this i’m too lazy to right now, and i promised no analysis - or the fact that Lu had conspired to make the show non-lethal to spare Meg’s feelings rather than - oh, I don’t know - refusing to do Nero’s dirty work in the first place and getting Meg out of that house of horrors. 
And are you any better? taunted a small voice in my brain. How many times have you stood up to Zeus?
Okay, small voice. Fair point. Tyrants are not easy to opppose or walk away from, especially when you depend on them for everything.
the parallels to meg and lester heading to percy’s apartment, and then to camp half blood to the hidden oracle was so cool to read, every callback to the hidden oracle just there to remind us readers exactly how far apollo has come and how he’s changed; the entire chapter with sally, paul and estelle just felt sickly sweet, it just didn’t seem real how wholesome and good that family is, like i get why apollo broke down and just sobbed in that shower.
also rick really saying acab again in toa, i thought he was done after that elf cop chapter in magnus chase (the magnus chase series is a masterpiece) but apparently not, with A ‘good cop’ is still a cop... still a part of the mind game.
the grey sisters, i forgot about them completely but this threw me back into was it the sea of monsters when annabeth summoned them? i’m not sure, it could have been the lightning thief either, they really remind me of the disney hercules movie. the whole ganymede paragraph was gold, i love gods being canonically confirmed lgbt in the riordanverse. i also love the whole eye-tossing part - 
‘He will crush our eye,’ Anger cried, ‘if we don’t recite our verses!’
‘I will not!’
‘We will all die!’ Wasp said. ‘He is crazy!’
‘Fine, you win!’ Tempest howled.
also, the explanation for why dionysus chooses to look the way he does was perfect, because it was something i often wondered about and wasn’t expecting to get an explanation for, and i imagine the whole mythological dionysus to look like.. well like a more feminine apollo i guess, beautiful in a gender non-comforming way.
Other Olympians could never comprehend why Dionysus chose this form when he could look like anything he wanted. In ancient times, he’d been famous for his youthful beauty that defied gender.
In retaliation, Dionysus had decided to look and act as ungodly as possible. He was like a child refusing to tuck in his shirt, comb his hair or brush his teeth, just to show his parents how little he cared.
every scene with nico at camp just BREAKS ME, i would throw in screenshots of every damn quote but unfortunately, as said above, cannot and would rather not type every one; we’ll start with, obviously apollo confirming to him that jason is dead. 
He didn’t look angry exactly. He looked as if he’d been hit in the gut not just once but so many times over the course of so many years that he was beginning to lose perspective on what it meant to be in pain. He swayed on his feet. He blinked. Then he flinched, jerking his hands away from Meg’s as if he’d just remembered his own touch was poison.
ugh then will talking about how nico’s doing, confirming that he’s suffering with ptsd, mr d giving him advice, helping him sort though what voices in his head are real and which ones aren’t, then the paragraph that just recounts every horrific thing poor nico has been through, how will has to reassure him that he’s okay and ‘with friends’ when he wakes up after shadow travel
will’s kindness to apollo, buying him clothes, and apollo finding seymour the leopard’s head in his bed, put there by mr d aaaa AAAA A A A A A THE ORDINARY, EVERYDAY CAMP HALF BLOOD THINGS..
i could go on for years and years about how much i appreciate rachel having a big role in this book, and the visit to her apartment, everything, her art, the fact that she got what she wanted, she’s going to PARIS to study ART, she isn’t forced to be someone she’s not by her dad, and gets to be a big part of a demigod mission and not stand on the sidelines for once.
i love that her landscapes are still visions, that she still paints the quests demigods go on - the burning maze, jason’s funeral pyre, caligula’s ships; and how nico ~appreciates art~
‘And, hey, di Angelo -’ she pushed him playfully away from the canvas he’d been ogling - ‘don’t brush against the art! I don’t care about the paintings, but if you get any colour on you, you’ll ruin that whole black-and-white aesthetic you’ve got going.’
i. love. rachel.
I AM  OBSESSED WITH THE TROGS, I LOVE THEM, THEY ARE GREAT, not gonna lie, i was expecting something more dramatic and spooky with how worried will was and how dionysus was going.. visiting the cavern-runners isn’t ♫ good for your mental health  ♫ but the little hat frog gremlins were a good addition. i like them very much and their funky little soup shenanigans. quoting the ghost king himself: trogs good. nice hats. (IM SORRY I KEEP MENTIONING HIM BUT I JUST) also how apollo starts wishing for breadsticks a s ajoke and theY STRAIGHT UP HAVE BREADSTICKS? HUH? WHERE DID THEY GET THE BREADSTICKS FROM??
yeah, i’m also still very much upset by every mention of jason grace, it’s funny how ever since his death in the burning maze i have grown to love him more and more and that’s not fun for me, for that boy to become one of my main comfort character’s and have his death and sacrifice and nobility mentioned every few chapters. i’m pretty sure i cried when he appeared to talk in apollo’s dreams, and this time the tears weren’t from the effort of keeping my eyes open and working for hours straight reading this book (i remember staying up until 2am to finish the sequel to beautiful, broken things, it was very much worth it)
‘All right, Jason. We miss you, though.’
as @couldnt-think-of-a-funny-name said: ‘thinking about how ghost! Jason didn’t seem to understand why Apollo was so upset about his death because he’s been raised to believe a hero’s sacrifice is noble and his life doesn’t matter in the grand scheme and also if he doesn’t understand why the person who watched him get horrifically killed is so torn up over his death he probably doesn’t even realize his other friends are grieving him..’
the entire python battle was pretty grim, there is a part of me that's like because this is the last book series i would have loved say the magnus chase and kane chronicles gang in a giant battle with everyone like the battle of manhattan but even more dramatic, but even so, i did appreciate that python battle and the whole almost-falling-into-the-depths-of-tartarus thing.
him talking to artemis was cool, but JESUS: 'I turned and strode out of my room, trying to recall how the god Apollo walked.' like that HURTS. it was such a huge culture shock for apollo to go throught this huge character arc and be so human and understand the pain of others, to be around gods again who are so.. apathetic. also, zeus. 'Interesting how he put that: I had done him proud. I had been useful in making him look good. My heart did not melt. I did not feel that this was a warm-and-fuzzy reconciliation with my father. Let's be honest: some fathers don't deserve that. Some aren't capable of it.'
okay quick word on the reunions at the end: funny little elephant visitation program with livia and hannibal. love that for them. calypso and leo's relationship seems rocky and complicated, but that's to be expected, i think even if they do get properly back together again it might not last long, because it does pretty much feel like a teenage relationship where the two aren't very compatible, but we'll see. hazel and frank are so funny with their gold plated necklaces. lavinia - tap-dance icon. almost cried at the mention of jason's temple-extension plan again. percy not being sure about what he wants to do in college is accurate and i like that that's left to be up-for-interpretation (rick does THE MOST for the fanfic writers pfsjsj). i am OBSESSED with aeithales, like i hate deserts so the burning maze setting is not my favourite but GOD that HOUSE, the vibes are off-the-charts. i'd love a house made of living trees that's also a greenhouse filled with dryads. meg gets a unicorn. that is so great.
i kind of wish the book hadn't ended with 'Call on me. I will be there for you.' because every time I imagine the friends theme song and i don't think that's the vibe he was going for, BUT i do love him talking to meg, that was genuinely emotional - 'You'll come back?' she asked. 'Always,' I promised. 'The sun always comes back.' ; i really wish it had ended with that, but i guess apollo does tend to break fourth walls and talk to the readers, like a lot of the protagonists of riordanverse books.
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oz-the-sorcerer · 3 years
HELLO 👁️👄👁️
The lack of content in this royalmelody blackhole is making me go mad, so imma make my own content yay 🎉
I am currently working on a Royalmelody social media AU! (idk if yall would be interested but-)
This may be even cliche however I love putting the gang in a modern setting. Hear me out?
It's a Twitter AU
Main couple is Royalmelody, Brea x Kylan
There are characters from the YA novels ( Amri, Tae, Periss) ((maybe more later?idk))
And ofc, our main six
fluff, crack, just a little fun thing I came up with
Probably won't be that long uwu
I will post it with pics, duh
And pls excuse me, this is my first social media au so it may not be good oops
Their departments and classes won't be mentioned so you are free to think what they study 👍
You don't need to keep up with the time and dates, I'm lazy
I will make a main post for this au and pin it so you can follow the parts if needed (also it's own hashtag?)
🌟Brea has this huge crush on the guy who works part time at the campus library and she sees him almost everyday
She thinks he is not aware of her
She is a fool to think so
🌟Kylan is very aware of the girl who is sitting at the same table everyday
Wants to talk to her but doesn't know how to start
🌟Rian and Deet are already going out, it's their second year in the relationship
They are adorable
Basically the sad guy and his happy pill
🌟Naia and Gurjin are wholesome as ever
Amri and Naia are not in a relationship YET
🌟Tae was a transfer student and Tavra knew her so she automatically became friends with Brea and the rest of the girls
🌟Periss is the 'soft inside but looks like a bad boy' boy lmao
He is trying okay
🌟There are two groups of (closer) friends:
1. Brea, Deet, Tae, Naia
2. Kylan, Rian, Naia, Gurjin, Amri, Periss
-Brea's building is at the furthest north among all so she doesn't know any of the guys except for Rian and Gurjin
And she's very busy and can't really hang out with most of them
-Deet is only close with Gurjin as he's Rian's best friend and Naia in the second group so she has not noticed THE TEA
-Rian knows the girls but he doesn't know that the girl Kylan keeps tweeting about is Brea
-Naia also has not yet realized two of her best friends are simping for each other
-Everyone is stupid smh 😔
That's about it (I promise it's not complicated as it looks)
And please don't take anything seriously, this is just a fan content!
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johnrossbowie · 4 years
I wrote this earlier in the fall, before the election, after dissolving my Twitter account. I wasn’t sure where to put it (“try up your ass!” – someone, I’m sure) and then I remembered I have a tumblr I never use. Anyway, here tis.
How do you shame someone who thinks Trumps’ half-baked policies and quarter-baked messaging put him in the pantheon of great Presidents? How do you shame someone so lacking in introspection that they will call Obama arrogant while praising Trump’s decisiveness and yet at the same time vehemently deny that they’re racist? How do you shame someone for whom that racism is endearing and maybe long overdue?
You don’t. It’s silly to think otherwise.
Twitter is an addiction of mine, and true to form, my dependence on it grew more serious after I quit drinking in 2010. At first it was a chance to mouth off, make jokes both stupid and erudite and occasionally stick my foot in my mouth (I owe New Yorker writer Tad Friend an apology. He knows why, or (God willing) he’s forgotten. Either way. Sorry.) I blew off steam, steam that was accumulating without booze to dampen the flames. Not always constructive venting, but I also met new friends, and connected with people whose work I’ve admired for literal decades and ended up seeing plays with Lin-Manuel Miranda and hanging backstage with Jane Wiedlin after a Go-Go’s show and exchanging sober thoughts with Mike Doughty. When my mom passed in 2018, a lot of people reached out to tell me they were thinking of me. This was nice. For a while, Twitter was a huge help when I needed it.
I used to hate going to parties and really hated dancing and mingling, but a couple of drinks would fix that. Point is, for a while, booze was a huge help, too.
But my engagement with Twitter changed, and I started calling people my ‘friends’ even though I’d never once met them or even heard their voices. These weren’t even penpals, these were people whose jokes or stances I enjoyed, so with Arthurian benevolence I clicked on a little heart icon, liked their tweet, and assumed therefore that we had signed some sort of blood oath.
We had not. I got glib, and cheap, and a little lazy. And then to make matters much worse, Trump came along and extended his reach with the medium.
There was a while there where I thought I could be a sort of voice for the voiceless, and I thought I was doing that. I tried very hard to only contribute things that I felt were not being said – It wasn’t accomplishing anything to notice “Haha Trump looks like he’s bullshitting his way through an oral report” – such things were self-evident. I tried to point out very specific inconsistencies in his policies, like the Muslim ban meant to curb terrorism that still favored the country that brought forth 13 of the 9/11 hijackers. Like his full-throated cries against media bias performed while he suckled at Roger Ailes’ wrinkly teat.  Like his fondness for evangelical votes that coincided with a scriptural knowledge that lagged far behind mine, even though I’m a lapsed Episcopalian, and there is no one less religiously observant than a lapsed Episcopalian. But that eventually gave way to unleashing ad hominem attacks against his higher profile supporters, who I felt weren’t being questioned enough, who I felt were in turn being fawned over by theirdim supporters. If you’re one of these guys, and you think I’m talking about you, you’re probably right, but don’t mistake this for an apology. You suck, and you support someone who sucks, and your idolatry is hurting our country and its standing in the world. Fuck you entirely, but that’s not the point. The point is that me screaming into the toilet of Twitter helps no one – it doesn’t help a family stuck at the border because they’re trying to secure a better life for their kids. It doesn’t help a poor teenager who can’t get an abortion because the party of ‘small government’ has squeezed their tiny jurisdiction into her uterus. It doesn’t help the coal miner who’s staking all his hopes on a dying industry and a President’s empty promises to resurrect it. I was born in New York City, and I currently live in Los Angeles. Those are the only two places I’ve ever lived, if you don’t count the 4 years I spent in Ithaca[1]. So, yes, I live in a liberal bubble, and while I’ve driven across the country a couple of times and did a few weeks in a touring band and am as crushed as any heartlander about the demise of Waffle House, you have me dead to rights if you call me a coastal elitist. And with that in mind, I offer few surprises. A guy who grew up in the theater district and was vehemently opposed to same-sex marriage or felt you should own an AR-15? THAT would be newsworthy. I am not newsworthy. I can preach to the choir, I can confirm people’s biases, but I will likely not sway anyone who is eager to dismiss a Native New Yorker who lives in Hollywood. I grew up in the New York of the 1970s, and that part of my identity did shape my politics. My mom’s boss was gay and the Son of Sam posed a realistic threat. As such, gays are job creators[2] and guns are used for homicide much more often than they are used for self-defense[3]. I have found this to be generally true over the years, and there’s even data to back it up.
“But Mr. Bowie,” you might say, though I insist you call me John - “those studies are conducted by elitist institutions and those institutions suck!” And again, I am not going to reason with people who will dismiss anything that doesn’t fit their limited world view as elitist or, God Help Us, fake news. But the studies above are peer-reviewed, convincing, and there are more where those came from.
“But John,” you might say, and I am soothed that we’re one a first name basis - “Can’t you just stay on Twitter for the jokes?” Ugh. A) apparently not and B) the jokes are few and far between, and I am 100% part of that problem.
I have stuff to offer, but Twitter is not the place from which to offer it.
After years of academically understanding that Twitter is not the real world, Super Tuesday 2020 made the abstract pretty fucking concrete. If you had looked at my feed on the Monday beforehand – my feed which is admittedly curated towards the left, but not monolithic (Hi, Rich Lowry!) – you’d have felt that a solid Bernie surge was imminent, but also that your candidate was going surprise her more vocal critics. When the Biden sweep swept, when Bernie was diminished and when Warren was defeated, I realized that Twitter is not only not the real world, it’s almost some sort of Phillip K. Dickian alternate timeline, untethered to anything we’re actually experiencing in our day to day life. This is both good news and bad news – one, we’re not heading towards a utopia of single payer health care and the eradication of American medical debt any time soon, but two, we’re also not being increasingly governed by diaper-clad jungen like Charlie Kirk. Clouds and their linings. Leaving Twitter may look like ceding ground to the assclowns but get this – the ground. Is not. There.
It’s just air.
There are tangible things I can do with my time - volunteer with a local organization called Food On Foot, who provide food and job training for people experiencing homelessness here in my adopted Los Angeles. I can give money to candidates and causes I support, and I can occasionally even drop by social media to boost a project or an issue and then vanish, like a sort of Caucasian Zorro who doesn’t read his mentions. I can also model good behavior for my kids (ages 10 and 13) who don’t need to see their father glued to his phone, arguing about Trumps incompetence with Constitutional scholars who have a misspelled Bible verse in their bio (three s’ in Ecclesiastes, folks).
So farewell Twitter. I’ll miss a lot of you. Perhaps not as badly as I miss Simon Maloy and Roger Ebert and Harris Wittels and others whose deaths created an unfillable void on the platform. But I won’t miss the yelling, and the lionization of poor grammar, and anonymous trolls telling my Jewish friends that they were gonna leave the country “via chimney.” I will not miss people who think Trump is a stable genius calling me a “fucktard.” I will not miss transphobia or cancelling but I will miss hashtag games, particularly my stellar work during #mypunkmusical (Probably should have quit after that surge, I was on fire that night, real blaze of glory stuff I mean, Christ, Sunday in the Park with the Germs? Husker Du I Hear A Waltz? Fiddler on the Roof (keeping an eye out for the cops)? These are Pulitzer contenders.). Twitter makes me feel lousy, even when I’m right, and I’m often right. There’s just no point in barking bumperstickers at each other, and there are people who are speaking truth to power and doing a cleaner job of it – Aaron Rupar, Steven Pasquale, Louise Mensch, Imani Gandy and Ijeoma Oluo to name five solid mostly politically based accounts (Yes, Pasquale is a Broadway tenor. He’s also a tenacious lefty with good points and research and a dreamy voice. You think you’re straight and then you hear him sing anything from Bridges of Madison County and you want him to spoon you.). You’re probably already following those mentioned, but on the off chance you’re not, get to it. You’ll thank me, but you won’t be able to unless you actually have my email.
[1] And Jesus, that’s worse – Ithaca is such a lefty enclave that they had an actual socialist mayor FOR WHOM I VOTED while I was there. And not socialist the way some people think all Democrats are socialist – I mean Ben Nichols actually ran on the socialist ticket and was re-elected twice for a total of six years.
[2] The National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, “America’s LGBT Economy” Jan 20th, 2017
[3] The Violence Policy Institute, Firearm Justifiable Homicides and Non-Fatal Self Defense Gun Use, July 2019.
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bathtimeboy · 3 years
preface with idk anything but stuff experienced by myself and others, but think that brains are really, really complex and we haven't found a way to accurately identify different "types" of brains (ie a brain that is autistic, has adhd) yet. so the labels we use for certain disorders fit more with the symptoms shown/experienced than what's actually happening in the brain. as for the boys, josh talks about his anxiety (not much though) and tyler might just not care much for labels, or maybe can't find one that encompasses his experience. or maybe it's stigmatized and he doesn't want it tacked on to every article written about them. i do believe that mental/developmental disorders are disabilities. it makes things harder. imo, even if i lived in a utopian society, id still be autistic. i'd think autistically.
All this yes. We classify things to treat problems associated with them and to find common ground.
I have to wonder though in a utopia would I even be considered ill or disabled or lazy? What labels would I use for myself?
What if the people who say it's all trauma are right? What if adhd is mostly trauma and autism is the only real neurotype difference. What if all the generations of fucked up coping in my family resulted in all my problems?
In 100 years will these labels matter? Will people look at me and say I'm like her?
I care a lot about finding an identity but the concept that excessively labeling myself is a symptom of capitalism and comodifying myself just fucks me up. Because I enjoy putting labels on things sometimes. I am trying to understand my world. But it doesn't fit neatly into labels.
Then there's all those hashtag relatable adhd posts that are just regular human experiences. I don't want to gatekeep adhd but it's become a total joke now.
Maybe I'm just the most normal not fucked up person in the world. If I am then why is everything so hard sometimes.
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