#I am giving it smooches on the head
platypan · 2 years
can I ask what's going on with your fic 'Strangest'? You're restructuring? So like some edits, before the story moves forward? I'm just confused, but ecxited. I'm like a dog who can tell the humans are doing something and I want to he involved but I don't know what's happening 😅
(also I really hope I'm sending this to the right person)
I AM the right person! XD I have long wanted to edit Strangest--there are some weird things I was doing like refusing to use speech tags for some reason, still ironing that out, and then just like...I knew what I meant, but rereading years later there are lines that are confusing?? I found one I had to reread like five times where Steve was doing something with a towel?? Flipping it?? Something?? and I still have no idea what, so I had him actually dry his hair XD;;
Anyway, little edits, I'm not deleting dialogue or anything people would notice, it's just something I've been meaning to do, and since I'm rereading in order to finish the dang thing, I might as well fix them when I find them!
WHILE I'M REREADING, though, and the thing people who've read it WILL notice (annnnd unfortunately the thing Ao3 is going to excitedly email everyone about), I'm breaking the chapters up into smaller pieces! It's always been hard to keep track of what happens in what chapter for me, hard to find a passage I'm thinking of to check back, and I've heard from people that the long chapters make it hard to find their spot between devices, so I'm breaking the chapters down to around 5k. That means some chapters will stay the same (chapters 1&2 were around that mark already) but since later chapters were getting looooong, they'll be broken into two (or three) smaller chapters each.
I'm rereading to finally finish/finish editing the final bits, though, and I hope to post smaller chapters of those too, so maybe they'l be faster than if I wait to post one of my novella-length chapters!
THANKS FOR BEING CURIOUS and liking my story!
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inspectordookie · 7 months
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dk why but this makes sense to me
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kiok0r0 · 4 months
Shout out to your friends who knows so much lore behind sans centric aus because who else was going to tell me that Killer's Papyrus was actually alive and well and is still looking for him? Like this whole time I thought he and Dust were almost similar but now I know it's not entirely that so I can either make a new Papyrus and say this one's from Killer's universe or my Error Papyrus, Pascal, is Killer's brother but void and dimension traveling shenanigans messed him up in the process?
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monodramatic-cannibal · 2 months
I LOVE DOG CODED CROSS TOO! I always see him as that dog that survived so much and now that he can rest and receive affection, he doesn't know how to let his guard down, how to know which hand will be gentle and which will be aggressive. I like his silly side too, but THIS side, he's just very special to me.
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Losing my mind rn. Cross to me has neglected shelter dog rizz, he just wants to sit on the couch and watch tv with someone. Is that too much for him to ask. (Also this is going to be all over the place, me just throwing thoughts out there to see what sticks. Also me talking about this can be taken romantic or platonic routes, I don't mind how anyone sees it. Also throwing in a bit of weapon coded Cross in there as a treat.)
I love the concept of feral dog coded turning into guard dog coded. Like Cross has been through so much, I think he deserves to bite people. As a treat.
I know Cross has canon fangs, but I also like to imagine he has claws too. Just I want him to be sharp. Also this is OOC, but I don't care I'm having fun.
I imagine Cross has a very specific type of fear he shows, it's the equivalent of a cornered pray animal that has nowhere to go and nothing to do but fight for his life.
Given all that has happened to him, especially later on into his life, him becoming like a fighting dog to protect himself. Being alert and lashing, snarling, clawing at anything that moves too quickly or is too loud. Not even trusting those who approach slowly and quietly, seeing them as people who want something from him or assuming they only want to get close to him to hurt him. Which leads him to especially snap at those people, wanting to hurt those that get too close.
He's basically become a walking weapon, something sharp that stabs and slashes, tears and scratches. Now wondering around without anyone to wield him as a weapon. Now having no use, no purpose.
(me talking about a build up of someone trying to get to know Cross)
Him not knowing why someone would approach him, being so confused when they don't make an effort to come too close, the other quietly sitting down a bit away from him trying to show they're not a threat, while also giving Cross his space. Cross not liking this and walking away every time, but this other person is persistent.
The other slowly starting to talk after the first few times in a soft tone, telling Cross about themselves, not worrying if Cross is even listening. Just wanting him to get used to their voice and company.
After a while the other starts to give Cross little offerings, such as food or ways to entertain him, trying to inch Cross closer with each coming day. Cross would lash out at these gifts at first, thinking they'd expect something in return, or seeing these gifts as a threat, like what happens if the food is poisoned, he wasn't about to take that chance. Him lashing out throwing things back, snarling and hissing. Him even daring to get close enough to try to take a swipe at the other. But after the other offers him chocolate he just can't resist but have it. Slowly opening up to the idea of their gifts.
Asking the other what the point of all this is. And the other just smiling at him. Looking at him like he means something to the world again. And he wants to cry, he wants to scream and lash out. But all he can do is stare back for a few seconds before fleeing away. The look scaring him half to death. How can someone look at him like that. With so much kindness, no malice, don't they know the things he's done, he's tried to hurt them. And yet they still looked at him like that.
After a while of this back and forth of spending time with Cross and giving him things now and then Cross will start to sit closer, just over an arm's length away, shooting the other unsure glances always having his body angled in such a way he can defend himself if needed.
The other person one day lifting and offering their hand to Cross. Doing a little bit too quickly for Cross's taste leading to him lashing out at the hand, digging his claws into their wrist and latching his teeth onto the hand.
Which 100% would lead into the story you wrote of Cross biting. (I love that short story sm, once I found it I couldn't stop going back and reading it over and over again).
Him now realizing he may have someone he can trust, he's hurt them a lot and yet they've continued to work with him. Him now realizing he can at least trust their touch, even if its only for short periods of time. Them always offering up their hand and him always reluctantly shoving his head into their palm, closing his eyes tight and nuzzling, sometimes a light whine coming from him. Always nuzzling the hand, the hand that now has a permanent mark of his worry and anger. But the other always uses their thumb to softly rub his cheek to comfort him.
It would take him a while to get closer than the arm's length, only being able to do it minutes at a time any longer, and he'd start to panic, still being unsure on letting himself fully trust the other.
Just him not being able to process any of the kindness given to him. It's something now foreign to him, he still has his moments where he gets too anxiety ridden and lashes, but he's quick to back himself up to shoot the other sympathetic glances and whines.
Then one day it's like a switch got flipped in his head, he's quick to approach the other on their next visit to him, waiting for them to sit before he sits next to them then suddenly leans his head on them, shoving himself into them in an effort to get any sort of attention, either it be positive or negative, he didn't care at that moment in time.
He doesn't know what to think of this feeling, but also doesn't want it to go. Unsure if all of it will be taken away from him. But then quickly realizing he doesn't want this feeling to go, so clings and claws at the other in a desperate attempt to get them to stay.
A sort of 'bite the hand that feeds' sort of situation as he is still unsure on what any of it means so cannot process the kindness given to him as kindness. He's still partly stuck in the mindset that the other must want something. But all the other does is softly pet the back of his skull, quietly talking to him, trying to comfort him. Something in him breaks, and he becomes a sobbing mess. shuddering and whining. Being physically unable to control his emotions, now understanding the other is here for him not for anything else.
The other has dedicated so much time to befriending Cross that they now have a very loyal guard dog that wants to go everywhere with them, always at their side like a thorn in skin.
He's devoted to them, and craves any sort of praise or physical affection from them. Despite all the work put into him, there's still such a long way to go with him. He will still sometimes go on edge when the other moves too quickly. Or he's too nervous to get attention most of the time out of fear of upsetting them or coming across as too needy.
Seems like the type of guy to shake/shiver if the other was to touch him, either it be out of anticipation of waiting for the other to hurt him in some way, or finally getting the softness and validation he craves. Him quietly hanging out in the same room as the other person, giving them side glaces. Wanting to approach but being unsure, but deciding a possible reward outweighs the risk and just walking over looking like a kicked puppy. Settling himself down next to the other and resting his head on them eyes closes, praying that he will receive a soft touch rather than a hit.
I'd also like to think, despite all the trust and work, he will always still bite and scratch, but it won't nearly be as bad, more so a warning nip of his teeth, a light warning telling the other how fragile this trust is.
Cross now finding a purpose with this person, even if he sees his purpose in an unhealthy light, seeing himself as a weapon for this person to use as they please. He will always need work and praise, he will always need someone to tell him he isn't a weapon.
oh whoops wrote a bit there.
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I don't know if any of this can be seen as dog coded, but I did attempt to write it as such. Also I'm not much of a writer so forgive my style of writing.
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we-are-inevitable · 7 months
in case the first one's too weird, perhaps the phrase 'bruised heart', because ive been listening to pink ladies again and have a problem - @pigeonwit
"I guarantee you, you don't want me. You don't."
The words hit Jack like a truck.
When he told himself he was going to finally confess to David today, when he ran through all of the options and avenues for the conversation while on the thirty minute subway ride, he never once considered this option. The option where David thought he wouldn't be good enough, the one where he would say-- that.
Jack's mouth opens and closes for a few moments, the words lodged in his throat, before he chokes out, "What?"
To his credit, David laughs. It's not a happy sound, though- no, it's defeated, and trails off into a sigh at the tail-end of it. As he drops his shoulders, David's gaze flick's to Jack's across the table, before dropping back down to his clasped hands next to his cup of coffee. "You don't want me," David says easily, like it's a fact. Like it doesn't rip Jack in two.
"No, I heard you," Jack says, leaning a little further in, but he makes sure to keep his voice down- he doesn't need the rest of the cafe hearing this. Why he decided to do this in public, he doesn't know anymore, but he felt like he was going to burst out of his skin if he didn't blurt it out. "I just- I don't... get it. What do you mean, I don't want you? I think I know what I want, Dave."
David sighs, shaking his head and giving Jack a desperate, pleading look. "I'm telling you, you don't want-"
"And I'm tellin' you, you don't know what I want or not," Jack cuts in. "And I want you. I want you, and everything you're willin' to give, do you understand?" He stares at David, who is silent, and refuses to meet Jack's eyes.
Jack takes a deep breath and reaches out, gently taking David's hand. David doesn't pull away, but he doesn't grab back. "Look, I... I don't care if you don't want this. That's fine, and we can forget I ever opened my big mouth, okay? But if you- if you're refusin' to give this a shot 'cause you don't think you're good enough... Dave, you can't possibly believe that."
David gulps, his gaze shifting frantically, and he looks like a deer in the headlights. The image makes Jack regret ever saying anything, but when Jack starts to pull his hand away, David stops him with a squeeze. "Do you-" He stops, clearing his throat and staring straight at the wooden table between them. "Do you know how hard it is for... for me to get out of bed every day?"
Jack stays silent. David takes a breath, and closes his eyes.
"It's- It's not that I don't want you, Jackie, 'cause I want you more than you'll ever know," He whispers. "But you... You deserve more than me, okay? You deserve someone who doesn't feel drained every day. Someone who can be... I don't know, happy, without having to try to be. I'm a mess, Jack. You don't want that."
"I don't want that for you," Jack murmurs, squeezing David's hand back. "David, we... we can wait 'til you feel better, or healed, or whatever the fuck it is, but regardless, I don't... I don't need you to change for me to love you, okay? You deserve that, just as you are."
David finally looks up, and gulps hard. "...Love?"
"Yeah. Love," Jack responds.
David's shoulders sink a little, and he nods slowly, his grip on Jack's hand tightening. "I'm broken," David mumbles. "And I-- I know that sounds dramatic, but I've never... I've never been good at this, and you know that. You've been there for all of my breakups."
"Yeah, I have," Jack nods, "and I know that you didn't deserve a damn one of 'em. David, you're a catch, and if people don't get that... That's their problem. Not yours." With a soft sigh, Jack looks down, then shifts in his seat and looks back up at David. "You don't have to make a decision now. We can talk this out when you want, 'kay? The ball's in your court, Dave, but... You ain't broken. I swear."
"There's a difference between broken and bruised," Jack murmurs. "Okay? You... You might be goin' through a rough patch. You might be hurtin', and that fuckin' sucks, but that don't mean you're beyond repair. You said the same damn thing about me."
David gulps hard, then uses his free hand to rub his eyes. "I... I don't know if I'm ready for-... I'm sorry..."
Jack shakes his head. "You got nothin' to apologize for, okay? If you need to wait, we wait."
"I want to," David explains. "I-... I really, really want to try with you, I just..."
"It's okay," Jack whispers. "I promise."
"Promise," David whispers back.
They finish lunch. They go to the park, then to a bar. They table it for a month and a half before David takes the plunge and kisses Jack. A bruised heart just takes a little time, and Jack Kelly would wait an eternity and a half for David Jacobs.
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This is my lovely little guy… he was a stray before I found him and I’ve always wondered if he ever lived the warrior life and what his name would be. (He’s the sweetest thing ever)
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Sunheart was unfortunately injured as an apprentice during an enemy clan ambush. This, however, didn't stop him from trying his hardest to become a strong Warrior. He succeeded, of course, and even became clan deputy thanks to his strength and big heart.
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addie4ddie2005 · 4 months
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More lil sketches of my Flower Kid-sona 💥💥🐊🦷 n some stuff I made up abt her eyesies 👁️👁️
Facts ⬇️😃
In regular chill human height numbers she’s 4’10 but in my mind’s eye she is the size of a backpack.
She is 24… Good number I think.
I was going to draw Habit with her so I could tag him but forgort.
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captainjamster · 3 months
Thank you for 200 followers and 1k notes on my drabble!!
I've been in hospital for emergency surgery the past few days (goodbye gallbladder!!) so I'm sorry for not seeing sooner - but thank you all so, so much!!
Though I primarily post for my own enjoyment, it's an amazing feeling when others like what I produce!! I hope to keep making enjoyable content for you all, thank you so much 🥹💖
A reminder my underrepresented!reader series is still ongoing and available for requests!! Feel free to send an ask or DM my way!!! 💝
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loveshinesbrightly · 2 years
tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
thanks for tagging me @gentil-minou!! this was such a pleasant surpirse!! I love doing these :3
three ships: wangxian (mdzs), hualian (tgcf), and of course, the miraculous ladybug love square
first ever ship: I was a destiel girlie lmao (before that I read one direction fanfic but we don't need to go into that...)
last song: teenage dirtbag (specifically the one direction cover LMAO)
last movie: I don't really watch movies very often but I think it was a Korean movie called The Beauty Inside (it's a comfort movie of mine - i recommend it!)
currently reading: all the mxtx danmei books (finally almost done with mdzs, about halfway through tgcf, and I only just started svsss), i'm also always reading fic (mostly wangxian, but also miraculous ladybug)
currently watching: just started mr queen the other day and I'm enjoying it SO much! it's soooo funny and the acting is really good! I also recently finished rewatching sense8, which I haven't watched in years and I'm so sad it got cancelled :(
currently consuming: soda & snacks
currently craving: always craving soup dumpling (especially from Soup Dumpling STL but I live like 4 hours away it's a tragedy so I'm always on the hunt for good soup dumpling!)
tagging: @caterpilller, @cityofchestpains, @nutcasewithaknife, @invader-mim, @peachybeesplease, @flor-de-un-salon-viejo, @brokenback-willtango, @real-scoliosis, & @katelovesherdoggo
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crystalflygeo · 1 year
You know how everyone simps for at least like 2-3 characters or so?
Like maybe there's their main true love but also hell yeah would get down and dirty 11/10 with this other character.
I've never simped much for characters honestly ever since I was a teen but Zhongli has me on an absolute c h o k e h o l d from the moment genshin came out. I've never been this down horrendous and don't think ever will again lmao
and I was like yeah sure Kaeya is also nice, I'm very tsundere and in denial about Childe but..... fine too. Would bed them, sure, sure <3 //hit But it's not the same feel, NOWHERE near the same intensity as Mr. Zhongli.
And now. This man. This man I have been waiting for since 1.0 I find myself falling more and more for him and loving him as the final countdown happens. Like yes I've always been excited, love the design, captivated by the mysteriousness.
but BOI I am down bad for Baizhu. I love him so much. My feels for him almost rival Zhongli fr fr just... he <3
Guess I have a thing for reptile-related long-haired Liyue men//hit
But Liyue does make its reptile-related long-haired men HOT AF
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lloydfrontera · 10 months
i just realized how delightfully ironic it is that javilon rebelled because he thought it was shameful for the king and adeline to grant rakiel's request when just a few weeks later javilon will be fully enamored of him. completely gone for the man. like. yeah babe adeline had to live in his court for a couple weeks but you're gonna kneel at his feet and beg him to stroke your hair. you are not the same lmao
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draklorn · 3 months
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unlocking new technology (stealing style choices)
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flockrest · 1 year
hiiii.... 👉👈
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cryptic-bee · 1 year
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it was a Bohemian Rhapsody reference btw <3
very very normal about your art so very normal :]
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ordinarydoodles · 1 year
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I remembered you liked katydids and wanted to share this fella with you!!!!
Ohhhh my gosh oh my gosh sksgavwhwv EVERYBODY LOOK they're so PRETTY! They are the prettiest leaf baby and I love them and am giving them a smooch on their tiny little head!!!
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hellguarded-moved · 2 years
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