#I am both very excited and also horrified
intotheelliwoods · 4 months
oooh everyone wants to wish me luck at my new job so badddd ✌
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vaguesxrrow · 4 months
Can you do prompt number 29 with the cat king please(:
tysm for the request ! ive never written for him before so i was very excited to. this is short but sweet so i hope u dont mind that <3
cat king / reader - doing something silly to cheer them up
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a/n: i'm not the best at writing jokes so apologies if this sounds a bit clunky 😅 and also this is the pic of the apron thomas wears
wc: 777
tags: gender neutral reader, alive human reader
prompt 29. doing something silly to cheer them up // one time thomas does it for you, and one time you do the same for him
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you stumbled into your flat, immediately dropping your bag in favour of massaging your temple, where a throbbing headache was working away at your sanity. a cat padded up to you, meowing in question. a cloud of dust formed, and before you stood thomas, slitted eyes narrowed in concern.
"headache, babe?" he asked.
you nodded. "i've had it since noon."
he tutted in sympathy, kissing you on the forehead. "let's get you to bed," he said as he snapped his fingers, transporting you to your bedroom, where the lights were already dimmed and your pillows were already arranged in the exact way you liked them. he ushered you onto your mattress, tucking you in.
"sleep," he whispered into your ear, and you felt your eyes get heavy as you relaxed into the mattress.
you only woke again to the irresistible aroma of cookies. letting your nose lead you, you trudged to the kitchen, where your eyes immediately zeroed in on the plate of gingerbread cookies on the table. when reaching for them, you realised the gingerbread men were all missing some part of their body, and had comedic frowns drawn on their faces in icing. the one you were holding right now was missing a hand, and its expression looked very clearly upset.
you laughed. "thomas, did you make these?"
he was standing at the kitchen counter, bent over what you presumed to be another batch, with a piping tube in his hand. when he whirled around, you only laughed harder. his apron - god knew where he got that from - was neon green, and had the words 'the food has weed in it' neatly embroidered on the front, surrounded by various flowers and plants... including the one mentioned in the text.
"only the best for my sweetheart," he stated simply. "don't they look positively… horrified?"
"they do," you agreed. "i didn't know you had such a talent for baking... or that you've had this very unique apron this whole time."
he kissed you chastely. "i'm glad you're smiling again."
you grinned, leaning in again for a deeper kiss. "all thanks to you."
⌦ --
"would it be bad of me to kill a disciple?" thomas asked, flopping face down onto your bed. when he had appeared at your window, clawing furiously at the glass, you barely batted an eye before letting him in. he had paced for a while in cat form, growling furiously, before he transformed and began a tangent on how problematic his cats were being these days.
"i am their king!" he said, now. "do they not realise that? or... do i not act like it?"
you awh'ed in sympathy, moving to lay shoulder to shoulder with him. both of you were stomach down. your eyes were firmly trained on thomas, who was still adamantly huffing into your bedsheets.
"honestly, thomas, i think they're just jealous," you said casually. "i bet they spend time behind gargabe cans whining about how much they wish they were you. you know that whiny one, karl? yeah, he seems like the type to throw a hissy fit and be petty."
he barked (irony unintended) a short laugh. at last, he turned around to face you. "really?" he drawled.
you nodded vigorously. "oh, yeah," you said, sounding extremely convinced. "y'know those book clubs with old, gossipy ladies? that's definitely them."
thomas bit back an amused smile. "are you calling my cats old?"
"hey!" you said defensively. "you were the one complaining about them first."
"i'm their king, i'm allowed to say that," he argued.
you ran a hand over the nape of his neck, scritching the spot where his hair began. "yeah, you are. and you're a great king. no one could doubt that."
he preened under your touch, moving closer for more contact. you smirked mischievously, your gentle touch suddenly changing to a tickle attack as you jabbed your fingers into his neck. he yelped, even as a surprised laugh burst from his throat.
"what was that for?" he gasped in betrayal.
"clearly my humour wasn't enough to make you laugh, so i resorted to more physical means." you sat up, looking at him in challenge.
he snickered. "well, you know i'm all about payback," he said as he transformed into his cat form with a playful growl. he nimbly climbed up your shoulders, weaving around your neck and licking the back of your ears as you squirmed, trying to escape. you squawked when thomas transformed back, collapsing on top of you as he chuckled.
"the things i suffer through just to cheer you up," you cried dramatically.
he nosed your cheek. "well, just know that i appreciate it.”
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serasvictoria · 6 months
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Title: The Boy Is Mine (Mar’s edition)
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: A romantic night in doesn’t go exactly as Eddie had planned.
Word Count: 3.312
Warnings: Established relationship. Insecure Eddie. Hurt/comfort.
Notes: Written for @carolmunson’s The Boy Is Mine Writing Challenge (you can find the rules here). Super late entry and it feels like I’ve been working on this for months, but it’s only been about two and a half weeks. Anyway. Here it is.
At least I can finally read the other entries now so that’s the rest of my weekend sorted.
Not beta-read so if you find any mistakes… those are all mine.
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“I’ll take care of everything,” Eddie promised you the night before. “You can just put your feet up, or on me if you want, and I’ll obey your every command. I am but your humble servant.”
It had been one month since you had moved in together and Eddie had insisted on doing this for you since he felt that he had been difficult to live with. Naturally you had disagreed with that assessment, but he had been adamant.
Every time that you walked into the bathroom and he had left the toilet seat up, he would apologize like it was the worst thing in the world. It didn’t matter that you kept telling him that you didn’t mind and that it was no trouble at all, he’d still apologize and dart around you to right the wrong.
Same thing happened when you found the odd sock in a place that wasn’t the laundry basket. Or when Eddie hadn’t used a coaster.
Ridiculous and tiny things that were easily overlooked and ignored. Nothing that would be able to ruin your day so you never called him out on these things, because you genuinely didn’t mind. It didn’t stop him from insisting that he was an awful boyfriend and promising to do better though.
Sure, living with Eddie provided some challenges, which was more down to this still being very new to both of you, but nowhere near as many as he himself seemed to think.
For now, you were eager to find out what he had in store for you. Eddie had been incredibly secretive about it and had offered up no clues whatsoever. The only things that he had said were that it was going to be cheesily romantic and that he would surprise you.
You had been looking forward to it the entire day and were positively buzzing as you parked your car next to his van. Work had been hectic this past week and you had been fast asleep at around eight every single evening.
Thankfully today had been relatively quiet so you had been able to leave early. Maybe you should have called to let him know, but you had completely forgotten in your excitement.
When you got out of the car, you could already hear Eddie swearing inside the trailer. The volume only increased the closer that you got and you could only silently apologize to your poor neighbors.
It made you giggle to hear him swear like a docker on the other side of the door. You could only guess as to why it was, but still tried to keep your face as passive as possible when you finally opened the door to see what lay within.
Nothing could prepare you for what was on the other side however.
The kitchen looked like a bomb had exploded in it and Eddie was standing right in the middle of the chaos with a pink flowery apron that had once belonged to your grandmother over his usual black outfit. It looked both ridiculous and endearing.
There were eggshells on the counter and the contents of said eggs were dripping down it. There were white footprints on the floor, because your boyfriend must have stepped in what you assumed (and hoped) was flour. And then there were the white globs of something that looked like frosting that were everywhere, including in his hair.
“Eddie?” Upon hearing your voice, he turned around with a horrified expression on his face since you had caught him in the act. The spoon that was in his hand clattered to the floor loudly. Whatever was on it spattered onto the floor and also left debris on his socks and his jeans. You covered your mouth with your hand to stifle a laugh. “What are you doing?”
“Oh fuck.” Eddie rubbed his hands on the apron, leaving white smudges in its wake. “I thought I had another hour at least.”
Very calmly, you took off your shoes and hung your coat and bag on a peg near the door before walking closer to survey the mess that your boyfriend had made. Somehow it was even worse up close and that was saying something.
There was a mixing bowl on the counter, which seemed to be the source of the mess, with a hand mixer next to it. You could picture him using the highest setting only to have the contents end up all over the place.
“I got to hand it to you, I’m definitely surprised,” you eventually managed to get out whilst desperately trying to suppress your giggles.
“But not exactly in the right way,” he admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck. “In my head, you would come home after I cleaned everything, with the table set all fancy, so many lit candles that it would be a fire hazard and with some sappy record playing.”
“That does sound nice.” There were paper molds with batter in them right behind Eddie, which he was unsuccessfully trying to block from view. “Shame that I got home a bit earlier.”
“You could always leave and pretend that you’ve never seen this.” That’s what finally makes you laugh and since you had been holding back for a while, it didn’t take long for your eyes to well up with happy tears. It made him crack a smile, too. “Which you’re obviously not going to do.”
“Course not,” you replied as you wiped your eyes. “And honestly, as much as I appreciate this,” you gestured around the messy kitchen and then at Eddie himself, “you need to take a shower.”
“Sweetheart, I’m not gonna-“
“No,” you interjected simply and when it looked like Eddie was going to argue, you simply pressed your pointer finger on his lips to ensure that he kept silent. “No.”
“Fuck’s sake,” he mumbled against your finger. “This was supposed to be about you.”
“And I love it.” You pressed a kiss to his frosting stained cheek and could taste the vanilla. When you pulled away, his thumb wiped over your lips to clear the residue that was stuck to it away before sticking it into his mouth. “But I also like you clean and you are, and I’m sorry for saying this, a mess right now.”
“Thought you liked that,” he retorted with an accompanying wiggle of his eyebrows.
“I do yeah, but not when you’re covered in raw eggs, flour, cake batter and frosting.”
“Okay, okay, point taken,” he sighed deeply as he held his hands up to indicate that he was going to let it go. For now. “But I could always leave some of the edible bits on so you could lick them off later though,” he added with a wide and naughty grin.
“Absolutely not.” You pushed him out of the kitchen and in the direction of the bathroom. “If you want me to eat stuff off you, buy some Cool Whip.”
“Kinky!” Eddie laughed when your hand came down on his ass to give it a firm squeeze before he rounded the corner. “I’m not forgetting about that by the way,” he called out before closing the door behind him.
“Didn’t think you would,” you answered.
Part of you already knew that he’d run out to buy some the next morning and that at one point during the day you would end up finding him in the bedroom with the stuff lathered all over himself. You made a mental note to remember to put either a towel or a box of tissues in the bedroom tomorrow just in case, because you had a feeling that things could get messy.
But that was a problem for later. You had to deal with something else right now.
The kitchen was such a mess that you barely even knew where to begin, but the first thing that your eye fell on was a small notebook, one that Eddie always had on him, folded open to a page with a recipe that was written in handwriting that was much nicer than Eddie’s was, not to mention legible.
Chocolate cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting.
His little notebook was a closely guarded secret, something that your mortal eyes would not be able to comprehend (his words right before he had shielded it from you by holding a throw pillow in front of it). He used it to jot down notes for D&D campaigns, ideas that he got for lyrics, or whatever else that came to mind that he judged important enough to write down, so the fact that he used it for a recipe that he had procured for you was pretty meaningful.
This was quite possibly the sweetest thing that he had ever done, going through all this trouble for you by doing something that was completely alien to him, since he didn’t think that he was much of a cook. It wasn’t that he didn’t do it, it’s just that his repertoire seemed to be limited to heating up canned foods.
Lost in thought, you had barely even scratched the surface in concerns of the mess that Eddie had made, only managing to put several things in the sink and getting rid of the eggshells, when he reappeared again in a pair of black sweatpants with an old Iron Maiden shirt. If it wasn't for his wet hair, which was soaking the fabric of his shirt, you might have been inclined to think that he hadn’t washed himself at all.
“Did you just stick your head under the tap?”
“No. I took a shower, just like you asked.” He stepped in close enough so that you could smell the soap on his skin. “I just didn’t want you to clean my mess.”
“I don’t mind.”
“You always say that,” he groaned with obvious frustration. “Just let me do it.”
“We can do it together.” You held out a wet cloth to him, which he was eying reluctantly, simply because he felt that you weren’t supposed to help clean up the mess that he had made. “Is that a good compromise?”
“You’re not gonna let this go, are you?”
“Nope,” you popped the ‘p’ for emphasis. “I insist.”
“So I basically have no choice.”
“Pretty much.”
“Okay, whatever.” Seeing that he had lost the discussion, he admitted defeat and finally took the cloth from your hands. “Help me clean then.”
Cleaning together was a lot faster than if he had gone at it alone and before you knew it, all the surfaces were wiped clean, the dishes had been done and were drying in the dish rack, and most importantly of all, the cupcakes were finally in the oven.
“See? That didn’t take too long, now did it?”
“You weren’t supposed to help though.”
That much was kind of made clear to you while the two of you were cleaning. There were little looks that Eddie threw in your direction, whenever he seemed to think that you weren’t looking, that seemed to indicate that he was less than pleased with your help. His expressions were also somewhat… pained at times? It didn’t make a lot of sense and only made you think about why he was even acting like this to begin with.
“I genuinely don’t mind. I wasn’t going to sit and watch you clean, you know that.” You took his hand, pulled him along in the direction of the couch and gestured at him to sit. “Now. What’s this about anyway?”
“What do you mean?” Eddie immediately started fidgeting, even more so than usual, and his leg started bouncing anxiously. “I was trying to do something nice for you.”
Something was obviously bothering him. It’s not that you didn’t appreciate that he had done all this, because you really really did but there was a reason behind this and you’d keep picking at him all night if you had to.
“Excellent deflecting. I’ll get it out of you somehow,” you replied with certainty.
Leaving him on the couch, you stepped back into the kitchen to check the oven and to get something to drink. Eddie had even splurged on the soda by buying something that wasn’t store brand and therefore cheaper. It was amazing how he had managed to plan all of this without giving anything away.
“We appear to have run out of nice cups.” Instead you held up a red plastic cup that you found earlier in one of the cupboards. “So is this okay?”
“We don’t have any nice cups,” he replied without missing a beat.
“How dare you,” you clutched at your chest, pretending to be aghast at his statement. “That Star Wars cup is the best thing that we own.”
“Oh yeah, of course it is.” He rolled his eyes when you mentioned your favorite cup. You were always waving it in his face whenever you needed a quick laugh. “You’re just saying that because you have a thing for Han Solo.”
“You’re just jealous that they didn’t have one with Leia on it.” You handed him his drink and settled in next to him on the couch. Nudging your shoulder into him, you asked, “Now, tell me, why did you do all this?”
“Is it a crime to want to do something nice for you?”
“No, of course it’s n-”
“So why are you interrogating me?”
“Because I know you.” 
Eddie avoided your gaze and ran a hand down his face, because of course you’d be able to tell. He knew that he should have thought up some convincing excuse beforehand, but it was too late for that now and the chances that he’d successfully make up something on the fly were practically nonexistent.
Silence fell and for a second there, you thought that he wouldn’t tell you at all, that he would end up brushing it off, as if he was embarrassed to tell you the real reason, which was simply ridiculous. So what was it?
“I wanted to impress you,” he finally admitted softly and pulled you out of your train of thought. “Just once.”
His confession bewildered you and you genuinely didn’t know what to say. You had no idea that he had even felt this way, but you obviously needed to mend this situation since your actions seemed to have inadvertently caused this.
You liked taking care of Eddie, perhaps a little bit too much, and it seemed to have caused him to think that you didn’t need his help at all, which couldn’t have been farther from the truth.
“Eddie, that’s not- hey, look at me.” You cupped his face with your hands until his sad eyes, which were usually filled with so much warmth, finally focused back on you. “I’m already impressed.”
“You’re always looking after me, but I don’t do much,” he sighed dejectedly. “And I’m like the worst cook ever.”
"Aw, don't be like that. That’s not even true," you declared. “Your cooking is fine.”
“Don’t lie.”
“No one can make SpaghettiOs better than you can.”
“Ha, ha.” He tried to sound annoyed, but missed the mark completely when he (accidentally) laughed in earnest. It made him clear his throat in a very poor attempt to hide it. “Very funny.”
“Still made you laugh.” You poked a finger into one of his dimples until he jerked his head away with an even bigger grin than before. “I always like it when you make me breakfast.”
“That’s nothing special,” he shrugged. “Just buttered toast and fruit juice.”
“So? I like it just fine.” Seeing him act so dejectedly over feeling inadequate was breaking your heart and you felt like an idiot for never noticing it before. “Just take the compliment, please. You do enough. Trust me.”
“Doesn’t feel like it.”
“You want me to give examples? Okay, how about when my car broke down and you dropped everything to come pick me up.” It was the first example that came to mind and you could see a spark of amusement in his eyes when you reminded him. “Dustin wouldn’t talk to me for about a week because I ruined your D&D night.”
“The little shit only forgave you when I threatened to kill off his bard,” he laughed. “As if I was going to leave my girl at some seedy gas station in the middle of the night.”
“It was nine, still light out, and mister Jenkins was fine with me hanging out with him until the tow truck showed up.”
“Of course he was fine with it. Have you seen you?” His hand came down on your thigh, giving you a soft squeeze, since the sheer memory of that night ignited a spark of possessiveness inside him. “I don’t trust him.”
“The man’s at least seventy, Eddie!”
“So?” He said very matter of factly, as if it made perfect sense for Eddie to act so territorial around someone that posed no threat whatsoever. “He’s still a guy and I didn’t like how he was looking at you when I got there.”
“Oh yeah? You’d beat up an old man to defend my honor?”
“Babe, I would beat anyone up to defend your honor.”
“And that’s how you take care of me,” you replied resolutely, because he had just proven your point. “You’d take on the whole world for me.”
“I have to. You’re my girl.” Hearing those words were enough to make your heart swell about three sizes in your chest and you managed to catch him off guard when you pressed your lips against his for a quick kiss. “What was that for?”
“For being you,” you sighed contentedly as you rested your head against his shoulder. “That’s why I love you.”
“I love you too.” He put his arm around you and attempted to pull you even closer into his side. “Let me try this again. How about a romantic evening with me, your loving boyfriend, while I fully intend to feed you the cupcakes that I made all by myself, and maybe then we can watch a movie?”
“What movie?”
He pressed his lips into your hairline, suddenly embarrassed, and mumbled, “A Room with a View.”
“Really?” It made you pull away from him, wide eyed and excited, so you could see his face and found that he was dead serious. “You didn’t!” you exclaimed in surprise. 
“I did,” he confirmed. “You should have seen Harrington’s face.”
“It’s not really your kind of movie.” Eddie’s taste in movies was fairly unique to put it mildly. He had a penchant for loving the ones that were unbelievably bad. “You must have really shocked him for not renting something shittier.”
“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with Hard Rock Zombies.”
“Oh my god,” you groaned when you remembered that particular movie. “Or Slumber Party Massacre, which you called an ‘underrated classic’ if I recall correctly?”
“It is! My tastes are just too high end for you and I accepted that shortcoming in you years ago-“
“Let me finish.” It was his turn to place his index finger over your lips to ensure your silence this time around. “So yeah, I could have rented one of those masterpieces, but I didn’t because this is your night and this one came highly recommended by Robin. So, babe, would you do me the honor of watching this movie with me?”
“I would love to.”
“That’s what I thought,” he said with a self satisfied smile. “So just sit here and look pretty while I get everything ready, okay?”
“I shall eagerly await your return.” Eddie took your hand, kissed the back of it and let it slip from his grasp as he went back to the kitchen. “You’re such a dork.”
“Your dork,” he corrected. “And don’t you forget it.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t,” you confirmed.
And you wouldn’t. He was your guy after all.
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xxgothchatonxx · 4 months
I am extremely pleased and impressed with how the show has adapted Armand's POV so far. I think they hit that perfect balance of expressing how normalized Armand is to coven life is while also showing us as the audience how fucked up it is. But good writing isn't that effective without good acting so let's give a huge round of applause for the Armandiest Armand to ever Armand - Assad Zaman.
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(this and Claudia's reaction to that dress are my favourite non-speaking moments of the episode, btw)
He absolutely NAILED Armand's disturbing innocence in this flashback sequence. Especially his desperation and his devotion. And what really impressed me was the little (well, they were pretty obvious...) hints that this desperation and devotion was quite, well, disturbing. And I loved that in the present day story, there is a clear difference in how Armand acts... but he still hasn't changed much. He's just changed his approach. So I found myself both horrified but also sympathetic towards him. Because this is all he knows.
I think this episode makes perfect sense for how Armand views and presents himself. So, I am very excited to see how the writers and Assad continue with this characterization.
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asklilmissrarity · 10 months
The Future of Lil Miss Rarity
Hello everyone, this is Jay Tonique (formerly known as Lil Miss Jay), the writer, artist, everything other than the music in the Lil Miss Rarity animation for the blog "Lil Miss Rarity."
As some of you know, Lil Miss Rarity was an ongoing outlet for my physical, verbal and emotional abuse I was suffering prior to and leading up to Lil Miss Rarity's release, October 11th 2011.
The blog took off so heavily that my entire artistic career became a viable future for me, allowing me to profit from my art, build a huge loving fanbase, and even allowing me to become something of a celebrity in the Brony community (even very much hated by a large portion of the community).
It's needless for me to say that Lil Miss Rarity not only changed but saved my life. I was on the verge of taking my own life around the time the blog was started, due to the abuse I was going through, and if it weren't for the success of the blog that fateful October week, I would certainly not be here, typing this right now. I owe my life to you all, and the support you've given me for this blog.
However, it's time for the news I know very few people want to hear. In fact, I'm sure just reading this line right here has people's hearts sinking, but please, don't be anxious, please read the full post.
I would like to say: Please read the full post, I am going to be very clear about the future.
Moving forward, Lil Miss Rarity will no longer be updated, and the blog is officially entirely over, as of this post.
I am still looking for a musician to commission a new song for the remake of the Lil Miss Rarity animation on YouTube, which will be my final major update involving the blog, and then I will be putting the blog entirely to rest. The animation will serve as a fond emotional farewell to Lil Miss Rarity.
However, that's not the end of the twisted grimdark storytelling. I have decided to make a spiritual successor, a new IP, entirely my own and not using My Little Pony as a crutch.
I won't get too into it, but I left the Brony fandom long ago. It was both the greatest thing to ever happen in my life, and the absolute worst thing to ever happen in my life. I met great friends, but also met unbelievably horrible sick people, many of which I literally got FBI involvement to deal with and many of which are literally in prison now.
Due to this, and many many more reasons I'm leaving out, I cannot and will not continue to be a part of the fandom. This is just a few reasons, as well, that continuing to have Lil Miss Rarity exist as a My Little Pony blog just doesn't make any sense to me.
So what am I doing moving forward?
A brand new IP called "Melodi." It's about a magic school student who is part of a wealthy family who goes on a magical twisted adventure in a horrifying grimdark world.
It will have characters either very slightly or very heavily inspired by the characters of Lil Miss Rarity, with Melodi of course being inspired by Rarity.
It will also be an ongoing web comic, similar to LMR, and will encourage fan feedback just as much as LMR did, but will not be an Ask Blog like LMR.
I plan to release character concepts for the cast of Melodi soon.
Now, there's probably a lot of questions moving forward, so I'll try to answer them now, as well as in asks on this blog, though I'd prefer you send the asks about Melodi to my main blog at http://www.jayisbutts.com/ask
Here's some questions I think will be asked, and I'll answer them here:
"Will this blog be on Tumblr?" - Yes, and on Patreon. Each update will be on Patreon first. When an update comes out on Patreon, the previous update will go public at the same time on Tumblr.
"Don't you think the LMR fanbase you've garnered for 12 years are gonna be upset about this?" - I'm 100% certain they will be, yes. However, I hope that most people who hear this news are excited to see Melodi in the future. I'm very proud of what I've created with LMR, and happy about how many lives I've changed and how many people have told me how much they love LMR. People with the heart-brand tattoo, people with LMR tattoos, people who cosplay as LMR, LMR fanart still being made regularly to this date, real-life Opal dolls, fan-dubs of the comic, fan animations, Anime Music Videos, etc etc etc. I love each and every one of you and I hope that I can one day garner the same amount of love for Melodi as I received for LMR. Thank you all so much for your support.
"What if someone else wants to carry on the LMR blog or use the characters to make their own?" - Please, do. LMR is officially Public Domain as of this post, and I strongly encourage LMR fan-fiction, fan-blogs, etc. I would love if someone could do LMR better than I did. I will very happily use this blog going forward to showcase new LMR blogs and fan-content that I like, and I will very gladly be a guest artist from time to time on an update or two to those blogs. You all have my blessing to take LMR and do with her whatever you want.
"Are you still remaking the LMR animation?" - Yes, I'm still actively seeking a musician to make an official LMR theme that will play in the background of it. It will be a glorious farewell to LMR.
"Is the heart-brand still a thing in Melodi?" - Absolutely, yes. The one incredibly major staple being carried over to Melodi is the heart brand. That symbol has become synonymous with LMR.
"What about the eye scars?" - Probably not. There will be facial scarring of some kind, yes, but considering the new story will not involve killing a cat (not yet anyway), she probably won't have the eye scars.
"Black eye with white pupil?" - We'll see! (It is a sign of Malice's corruption to have a black left eye, so almost certainly yes, but we'll see!)
"Ponies? Humans? Furries?" - I haven't fully decided. In my head, Melodi is a human, but I could also see her being a cat. I'm not sure what I wanna do just yet. However, she will not be a pony. She's gonna be far more human shaped. With boobies.
"Is this one gonna have porn?" - Nope! Not directly as part of the blog, no. Sexual encounters are going to happen in a very fade-to-black way, or a cropped-off-screen sort of way, yes. And there will be sexy characters, like monster girls or demon girls, and I'm sure people will find Melodi herself sexy, too. However, the blog is not going to contain actual porn. No full nudity. It will have what some would refer to as "fetish content," as with LMR, but it's not porn.
"Final question, so... LMR is just... dead? As of now?" - In terms of receiving updates from me, all that will be made is the LMR animation. But no, I certainly hope LMR is not dead. I would love to see the blog live on through other artists I've inspired. You all have my blessing to keep her alive forever.
Thank you all so much for your support.
More news involving Melodi and her twisted adventures coming soon.
I love you all, and I want you all to know how much your support of Lil Miss Rarity has changed my life.
I know it's cringe to type this, but, "I'm literally crying right now."
Mommy will always be pretty.
~Jay Tonique (Formerly Lil Miss Jay)
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evangelinesecondacc · 2 months
We both knew.
Pairing: Mattheo x Reader
TW: black out, drugs, a little bit of angst?,lmk if there’s anything else
A/N: y’all I haven’t checked for any mistakes so, I’m sorry for that. And I recommend listening to ‘Where’s my love’ cus I was listening to it while I wrote this. So yeah.
Also this is in Matt’s POV
We both knew.
I remember the first time I heard you laugh. Not the little by the side laugh. But the one, when you are genuinen.
We were both sitting at the black lake. It was night. I was telling you about the first time Theodore, Blaze and me got high. I was confused because you didn’t cover your smile with your hand. You were always covering it. But I didn’t care. Hearing you laugh so sweetly and seeing your eyes get smaller because of your cheeks, you know, it did something to me. I never felt something like that before. And I don’t mean the love part. I mean the part where I felt safe. You were, are my safe space. We would talk for hours, get high and laugh about stupid shit. Remember the time we got caught? Good for us, that we are good runners, huh? My lungs were bleeding, but it was worth holding your hand. I would gladly bleed for you again, if it meant holding your hands. Those hands, that wiped away my tears, cleaned my wounds, made me feel good, caressed my hair and baked your delicious pastries.
We both knew.
I remember how we used to play uno for hours on the ride to Hogwarts. I let you win most of the time. Seeing you get excited and laugh over me, made me feel something. We would talk for hours, trauma dump each other, without feeling ugly, disgusting or scared.
The ride back was something different. We were both quiet. You’d hold my hand and squeeze it occasionally, whisper sweet things and make me calm down. I would feel sorry for being quiet and just looking out the window every time. But I just couldn’t. Knowing that I was going back to that place, called home. It was more of a prison than home. I was in my own world most of the time. I couldn’t. I can’t.
We both knew.
I remember finding your paintings. I was looking for you, because you weren’t at class. I didn’t knew, that you were skipping classes with Pansy at the astronomy tower, because you always told me if you’d skip. I went to your dorm and looked everywhere. I was looking under your bed, when I found oil paintings. I knew you made them because of your signature at the bottom. You painted the black lake at night. Our not so secret, secret spot. We met there every morning, noon or night. It was beautiful. It had something peaceful about it. All those colors and little details, were mesmerizing and living in harmony. They reminded me of you.
We both knew.
I remember how I snuck into your dorm every now and then. It was wrong but, it felt right. Your touch made my skin feel on fire. It made me burn for you. I burn for you. Every kiss, every sound you made, it drove me crazy. You loved to tease me about it the next morning. But still.
We both knew.
I remember the time I passed out and you found me in my dorm. I don’t remember it all clearly, but your screams still echo in my head. You were horrified. You were so scared and fell on your knees. You put my head on your lap and stroke my hair while the others came running in. Draco told me, that you refused to let go of me until a teacher came. Lorenzo had to hold you back, while Tom carried me to the medical wing. They told me, that you thought that I was dying even though it was just an overdose.
When I opened my eyes again, I saw you asleep on the chair next to me. You looked not well. You woke up started crying again. We both were, I couldn’t hide it. I am sorry.
We both knew.
I remember your last birthday in Hogwarts. I bought you new paint brushes, new paint and a necklace I made myself. You were so excited and hugged me so deeply, that it made me feel alive. You used those brushes to make a painting of my eyes. It was very charming. You were very excited as you showed it to me. Your eyes got small and you didn’t hide your smile.
We both knew.
I remember explaining you with tears in my eyes. But you didn’t listen to me. You were furious, aggressive, sad and lost. I found you throwing up in the bathroom. You were grieving. I told you, that we both knew. We both knew that it was too dangerous. We both knew that we were feeling. We both knew we couldn’t.
We both knew.
We both knew it was too dangerous to be together.
We both knew that we were in love, but we were too scared to say it out loud.
We both knew that we were going to be hurt.
We both knew.
here’s the painting of the black lake and of his eyes, just try to imagine it’s his
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luneariann · 1 year
Bsd headcanons!
- Kouyou, 27 yr as of current canon
- Kouyou started dressing in traditional clothing in an effort to seem older/inspire more respect when she first became an executive, and it stuck. now instructs all the people under her wing to do the same
- Actually a huge fan of romance novels, Chuuya started reading them cuz of her
- Tea snob
- WILL judge you to your face in the most convoluted language, you will only realize you were insulted in like three business days
- She has freckles but she covers them up w makeup, Yosano loves them
- Yosano, 27 yr old
- When she was first adopted by Fukuzawa she tried doing things she thought kids her age did in an effort to feel more "normal" it didn't rly work
- Has won scariest ADA member four years in a row, shes both very proud of that title and very protective of it, actively does scarier shit once the elections come back around each year
- Wine snob!
- Veryyy blunt, she got it from Ranpo (Fukuzawa would call him a bad influence except he theyre both saying what hes thinking so)
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- Dazai, 26
- Has tried to be a plant dad to win a bet w Ranpo, failed miserably, none of his plants are alive but theyre all lovingly named anyway, he talks to their decomposing corpses sometimes
- The worst fashion sense known to man, he KNOWS how to dress he just makes the active choice to dress like a bowling alley carpet when given the chance
- When Atsushi made him a friendship bracelet and he had to be excused to go to the bathroom and compose himself
- Hes Yokohamas local cryptid
- Chuuya, 26
- Loves romance novels, its his greatest secret
- Dazai gave him a bunch of plants as a surprise gift during his brief plant dad phase, he frantically learned everything he could abt them so he could take care of them properly
- He cuts his own hair, yes it is uneven on purpose, he thinks he looks cool (he does, but only because hes Chuuya so he can pull off literally anything) (yes i am biased why do you ask)
- Fantastic cook
- Piercings <333 he would get a tattoo but he doesnt rly do well with needles (cough trauma cough)
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- Atsushi, 18
- Had a "sleepover" with Kyouka when he realized neither of them had ever had one, it was great they did eachothers nails and watched romcoms together, Kyouka decided she didnt really like them but Atsushi did so they watched them anyways
- Made everyone friendship bracelets one time on said "sleepover"!
- ALSO has an atrocious fashion sense, its Dazais influence <//3
- Kyouka has made it her personal mission to fix his haircut over time (he cuts his hair with kitchen scissors, she was horrified when she saw)
- Akutagawa, 19
- a full on trad goth, he goes simple for work tho
- Hes a gatekeeper, sorry yall </3
- Carries around an umbrella in the sunlight cuz he burns rly rly easily
- Gets cold REALLY easily too
- The most socially inept man you will ever meet, Gin had to cover for him A LOT when they were children
- When he first realized he felt something for Atsushi he not only did not realize that his heart speeding up around him was a crush thing, but thought it was excitement for a fight, so he just ended up challenging him to an absurd amount of fights, going as far as to go to the ADA to pick fights
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Inside me are two wolves.
One recognizes the Spamton NEO fight as horrifying and disturbing, even spared on a regular route, both for Spamton himself and Kris (or whoever gets slotted in the betrayed player spot in the dozen different crossover AUs I have bouncing around my brain). It is his ultimate mental breakdown, the freedom he wanted all this time being just out of reach, so he turns on the one person who went out of their way to help him. Kris is terrified and disheartened, but fights for their life anyway, and just when it looks like they got through to him - just as Spamton realizes that, for once, someone didn't give up on him - he falls. Because that's what happens when a puppet's strings are abruptly, forcibly cut. And Kris gets to see this play out right in front of them. Spamton's only hope is to give up his desperation, his passion, his hope that has kept him going all this time, and settle for less, and Kris is notably distraught afterwards. And I know all this. It's why I became so obsessed with it in the first place.
The other wolf freaking loves the thing. Gets all excited and giddy just thinking about it. The cutscene lead up is so terrifyingly, awesomely tense, the music SLAPS, the yellow soul mechanics and attacks are so FUN. Despite the meta storytelling - the very reason I love Deltarune and Undertale so much - silently judging it, I have a save file set permanently before the Spamton NEO fight just so I can go refight him. (And I am THIS CLOSE to booting it up rn-)
The inherent contradiction of being invested in the characters' perspectives and arcs and wanting to take them seriously, but also wanting to go replay some of their most traumatic moments for FUN because WHEEEEEEEEEEE-
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Sorry if I keep sending kinger asks tbh there's just so little x reader stuff with him about and I love your writing omg
Could we maybe get hcs for a quiet and kinda shy reader who loves sketching bugs and also has a big interest in them?
I am absolutely inlove with kinger, so keep sending em! Loving your ideas btw^^
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, Kinger would defienetly love to rant and talk to you about bugs since nobody gives a shit about his interests
, If you were to catch a bug and show it to him, He'd gasp of happiness, hug you and take care of the bug for life
, if you went abstracted he'd protect that thing with his life, Because it's all that's left of you.
, You both hide out in his pillow fort all day and night
, Would accidently probably get touchy with you if you started ranting about bugs while he just listens, holding your hand while looking at you lovingly or sm.
, He'd probably drag you away from jax, Knowing that jax is an asshole and all.
, Would treasure your art and hang it up in a golden frame in his room, Admiring greatly and then telling you how great it was in a quiet voice. I like to think he'd be hesitant to compliment you and stumble over his words, Because he's afraid you would think he's weird.
, Probably tries some stupid shit to try and impress you (general hc)
, he always asks for a peek in your sketchbook Admiring all and every art you drew, Loving how you drew bugs.
, if you were to draw him, or talk to him alot he'd be so excited ad happy that he'd start shaking around rabidly as you show him a self portrait, or as you speak to him.
, Flirting with him would excitingly suprise him, Knowing you don't talk very much and your a bit shy, He would stop doing whatever he was doing and look at you flabbergasted. "O-oh- Thank- Thank you so much for that..?" (He doesn't know what to say and quietly sends back a flirt but cheesier and runs off embarrassed and horrified)
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bunniekittiee · 1 year
What would Nubbins be like with a best friend? She tells him that she considers him special and that she likes spending time with him... and she may come to feel something more for Nubbins
I’ll answer this in headcanons/drabble! Im also referring to the reader as “you” cause it’s easier that way but reader is a female. Tried my best with this one
Here we goooo:
The Sawyers and your family were close as the farms were close in proximity.
Your family had known it was Drayton by himself raising his siblings for the most part, so sometimes they took the load off of his hands when he needed a break.
This is how your relationship with Nubbins started.
You were both very young, about five years old, and when you first met, you were extremely shy.
The young boy was excited, acting out wildly as he could not control himself.
It made you nervous.
But after some adjustment, you began to enjoy his presence.
You first discovered roadkill together and you both became fascinated with dead critters.
Sometimes you both would poke at their bodies with sticks out of pure curiosity.
Eventually, you started going to school but you noticed that Nubbins did not go.
But everyday, he waited at the bus stop for you to get off and so you both could play.
It was your favorite part of the day and you could barely contain your excitement at school because of how much you wanted to be with Nubbins.
You had a hard time making friends at school because they were nothing like your little roadkill obsessed friend at home.
So Nubbins ended up being your only friend.
Chop Top teased him and said that you were his girlfriend, but Nubbins always tackled him and told him to shut his mouth.
You both were inseparable. Drayton always smiled when he saw the both of you running around together.
He found both of you asleep in the pasture one time and couldn’t help but chuckle.
It was cute to see you two together.
As time went on, you both began to grow up. Grow into your bodies. Adjust to hormones.
Going from being shorter than you, to towering over you in a quick amount of time.
Your body began to change too, curves forming and your womanly features coming in.
Your style had changed as well, going from wearing frilly, cute clothes to dark, gothic-like clothing to match your interests.
You both had stayed very close, absolute best friends.
But there was some feelings between you two that neither of you addressed.
The way he wrapped his arms around your waist to lift you up to the birds nest in the tree.
The way he held your hand to look at the new animal bone ring you made.
The way he smiled when you brushed his hair out after washing it for him.
The way he kept his body close to yours when pulling you in for a hug.
He noticed how flush your body was to his when he was showing you how to throw a knife at a haystack.
Sometimes you both stole glances at each other but tried to make sure the other person did not notice.
There were many things between you two that you did but did not talk about.
It was almost taboo to bring it up.
So neither of you spoke about it, continuing your friendship as if there wasn’t something more to you both.
Drayton always scolded him to make sure he did not get you pregnant, which would have horrified Nubbins if he was not in love with you.
One day, Johnny joked that he was going to “steal that fine piece of ass from Roadkill Boy” and it set Nubbins off bad.
He hurled insults and physical objects at Johnny, screaming to stay the fuck away from you and if he didn’t, he would slit his throat.
Johnny knew he struck a nerve and just chuckled, only wanting to get underneath Nubbins’ skin.
You asked Nubbins if he would like to have a picnic with you in the sunflower fields and he quickly agreed.
The next afternoon, you skipped down to the Sawyer house in a black, lacy dress with a black cropped bell sleeve cardigan cover up (long ass description I am so sorry).
You wore bone jewelry Nubbins had gifted you and you curled your hair to perfection.
When he answered the door, he felt his heart skip.
You were absolutely beautiful.
Chop Top yelled that Nubbins had a hard on which embarrassed him a lot and Johnny just about died from laughter.
But he did not have a hard on, to your dismay.
You gently grabbed his hand and pulled him outside to go to the sunflower field together.
He seemed a bit off, he was not his usual, wiry self.
He seemed nervous and a bit out of it. Not usual Nubbins behavior.
“Are you okay, darlin’?” you asked as you both made your way into the sunflower field.
“Y-yeah.” he stuttered.
You frowned. This was not your usual Nubbins. You wondered what was wrong with him, but you didn’t want to push it any further.
“Well, I made us some sandwiches and got chips. I made your favorite dessert too!” you chirped as you pulled him quicker. “Come on, I’m starvin’.”
He giggled as you pulled on his hand softly to speed up his pace. Your hand fit perfectly into his.
Setting up the quilt and giving Nubbins a show with how your dress started to ride up your thighs, you both sat down on the quilt with a small sigh. You took out the lunch you had prepared and you both began to eat, talking about the latest roadkill you had seen and the latest victim the Sawyers had mutilated. You knew what went on, but it did not bother you. You were twisted in your own ways. But Nubbins loved that you didn’t seem to mind their bloodthirsty tendencies and their cannibalism.
However, he did enjoy the sandwiches you made even if it wasn’t made of human flesh or organs. Sometimes he had a craving for something other than human. And you filled that craving. After the main course, you took out dessert. A double chocolate cake that you decorated carefully with chocolate icing and chocolate sprinkles. Nubbins had a sweet tooth as well, and chocolate was a huge weakness of his.
“Y-you’re the best, ya’ know that?” he said as he munched on a slice of cake. “This is amazing.”
You smiled. “Aww, well I had to make it. Ya’ are my special boy, ya’ know.”
A slight blush covered his cheeks as he giggled. “Am I your s-special boy?”
“Of course you are, you are my best friend in the whole world.” you replied with a blush tinging your cheeks as well. You opened your mouth to say something else, but you closed it.
He tilted his head. Some things did not go unseen with Nubbins. “What else were y-ya’ going to say?”
You swallowed and shook your head. “Nothin’.”
“I thought we d-didn’t keep secrets from each other.” he pouted.
You felt your hands begin to sweat nervously. You fumbled with the trim of your dress. “Well, I really enjoy spending time with you. It’s what I look forward to a lot. Just being with you.” You avoided his gaze.
“I-I-I feel the same way too.” He replied. “I really l-like spending time with ya’ too, Y/N.”
An awkward silence filled the air as the birds chirped quietly in the background. You both looked away from each other, not sure what else to say.
“I’m in love with ya’.” Nubbins said softly, the only sentence he said without stuttering.
Your head snapped up. “Seriously?”
Nubbins slightly flinched at your tone, immediately recoiling back. “I-it’s okay if ya’ don’t feel the same way-”
Gaining some courage, you leaned forward and cradled his face between your hands. “Nubs, I’m in love with ya’ too.”
He blinked at you in bewilderment. “Y-ya’ are?”
“Always have been.” you said quietly as you looked down. “Ya’ are my whole world.”
A smile tugged at his lips as he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer. “Oh, I knew ya’ was gonna’ come around!”
You giggled as he began to get hyper. “My special boy, I always have been around.”
You kissed him gently. He was not very sure what to do, as he only had watched a lot of television that only showed a few kissing scenes, but he just went with his instincts. After what felt like forever, you pulled away and grinned at your Nubbins. He grinned back.
“So w-we’re a thing?”
“Yes we are!”
You both spent the rest of the evening together in the sunflower fields, watching the stars in the sky and talking. He held you close to him as you snuggled into him. This felt like home to him.
After some time, he noticed how frequently you were yawning and figured it was time to let you get back home to rest. He walked you to your house, which was not very far but he wanted to make sure you made it safe. He was not going to let his lady walk by herself in the dark. You kissed him goodbye once more and hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go of him. He didn’t want to let go of you either
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Nubs.” You said sleepily.
“Y-yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He replied as he ruffled your hair. You smiled at him as you went inside.
Trekking back to his home, he could barely contain his excitement. You were finally his and he was so proud of it. When he walked inside his home, Sissy hounded him immediately.
“Why are ya’ so smiley about?” she teased. “Someone got a little girlfriend?”
He nodded and smiled more.
Sissy gasped. “Ya’ finally got Y/N?!”
Chop Top peeked his head around the corner of the door frame. “Nubbins got a girlfriend?!” He started to dance around and tease his twin. “Nubbins got a girlfriend! Nubbins got a girlfriend!” he sang.
The hitchhiker could not help the string of giggles that came out of him. His cheeks hurt from the amount of smiling he was doing.
Bubba was freaking out with Sissy as they both squealed with happiness.
Johnny clasped his shoulder. “Ya’ shifty sum-bitch, I knew ya’ had it in ya’!”
With all the clamor and excitement, they did not hear the phone ringing except for Drayton who answered it and relayed the message.
“Nubbins!” he yelled as he came into the living room. “Ya’ little girlfriend called and said to come back to her house, she forgot to give ya’ somethin’.”
“Yeah, forgot to give him some ass!” Johnny and Chop Top howled with laughter as Sissy punched Johnny in the shoulder. “Oww, Sissy what the fuck?!”
Nubbins had a faint blush and nodded. “A-alright.”
Drayton eyed his brother. “And ya’ better make sure there ain’t no hanky panky goin’ on! Don’t need no love child of yours to be runnin’ about!”
“Lighten up old man, let Nubbins have this one!” Johnny said. “Go on, get to ya’ girlfriend now!”
Nubbins exited the house and made his way back to your house quickly. He was a little confused as to what you wanted to give to him, but he didn’t mind walking to your house this late. In fact, he didn’t mind doing anything for you at all.
He noticed that it was empty. Your parents must have been gone and he didn’t take notice of it earlier when he walked you home. He was too busy thinking about how you loved him. Knocking on your door, he glanced around and shifted onto his other leg. He was still a bit hyper from the commotion of his family.
When you answered the door, he felt his blood rush. You were wearing panties and a plain t shirt that outlined your curves. He tried not to stare too much.
“Wh-what is it that ya’ wanted to give to me?” he asked.
You chuckled. “Actually, I just wanted to see if ya’ wanted to have a sleepover. My parents are gone.”
He smiled. “I would l-l-love that.”
You both cuddled together and watched a movie, dozing off as you two soaked in each other’s presence. He was yours, and you were his. Forever.
“Where in the hell is that boy?!” Drayton complained. “It’s 12 in the goddamn morning!”
“Like I said old man, he’s gettin’ some ass right about now.” Johnny replied as he and Chop Top watched a horror movie and ate popcorn. “It’s best to leave them be. Ain’t hurtin’ anyone.”
“Y-yeah, he ain’t had a girlfriend ever.” Chop Top said while shoving popcorn into his mouth. “It’s g-good to see him happy.”
“Fuckin’ A.” Johnny said as he nodded his head.
Drayton sighed. “I’ll let it be this time, but I swear to God if she ends up pregnant I am beating the shit out of both of ya’.”
“They are gonna’ fuck like rabbits.” said the Slaughter boy with a chuckle.
“What was that, boy?” His mother asked in a warning-like tone.
“Nothin’ mama.”
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
On Akasha, I think it’s so horrifying because Lestat is sexually drawn to her. As I see it, it makes how Akasha uses Lestat even worse that she doesn’t just have him a kind of hostage she’s making do awful things… Lestat is drawn to her beauty & obviously her power & the fact that she’s so ancient & many things about her - some amount of her self… & it isn’t only due to her mind-powers of enchantment that Lestat has these feelings.
It isn’t anywhere similar let alone near love in the sense of Loustat, yet it’s feelings… Feelings which are deep enough that even when desperate to escape her, it’s difficult for Lestat to watch Akasha die & Lestat has an urge (he successfully fights against) to try to save her.
Akasha is never a meaningful romantic relationship for Lestat obviously, but I would certainly say he loves her to some degree. Albeit it is VERY twisted & power imbalanced & she alters Lestat both psychologically & physically beyond imagining (though I am not sure how much the physical aspects will be in the tv show as Lestst is already so much stronger there.)
On the other hand, Akasha surely knows less what love is than even Armand! And we cannot entirely blame her, trapped for millennia as she was by Enkil’s possessiveness and envy.
I am so excited to see the nuance they give her!
Akasha is no one-dimensional villain either, obviously. And obviously Lestat is also drawn to her, not negating that :)
But she does spell-bind him, on several occasions, compels him. And there are a lot of little nods towards him worrying about Louis, Gabrielle and Armand(!) while he is with her, which very clearly speaks of "not rocking the boat too much", imho. Still, all these aspects will come together, I very much agree there^^.
And I cannot wait 😈
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onyxbird · 2 years
OK, the idea of a soulmate au where you can't look anyone but your soulmate directly in the eyes was not done with me yet.
Leverage version:
Sophie knows all the tricks for faking full eye contact. For a third-party observer, it's nigh-impossible to tell that she's not quite achieving direct eye contact short of using cameras with very good eye-tracking software. Trying to fool a mark into thinking she's their soulmate via “eye contact” is tougher, but on a mark who hasn't met their own soulmate (and thus has never experienced true full eye contact), Sophie still has a pretty good success rate. Every member of the team has been drafted as her fake soulmate on a con at least once. Or, at least, Sophie has tried. Parker failed to pick up on any of the hints Sophie was able to drop without blowing their cover, so Sophie had to switch tactics. Hardison tried valiantly to hold the near-eye-contact, and they pulled off the job, but he was struggling and his resulting nervous blather did not help the illusion at all. Eliot picked up her cues and pulled off the illusion flawlessly… and hated every second of it. The first time they faked prolonged eye contact, he ducked away to Nate's bathroom the second they got in the door, and Sophie (slightly insulted) wondered if he was going to throw up. He didn't, just practically boiled his skin off in the hottest shower he could stand. Nate is by far Sophie's most frequent “soulmate” on the job… None of the rest of the team are entirely sure whether the eye contact is fake or not, and neither Nate nor Sophie is telling.
Parker has never had any interest in making eye contact, and was genuinely unaware that this was a serious thing people actually believe in. (Sure, people talk about finding their “soulmate” through eye contact, but people also talk about summoning Bloody Mary through the bathroom mirror. That doesn't mean it's real.) The first time she looked directly into Hardison's eyes was both accidental and jarring. She averted her eyes and assumed they would never mention this uncomfortable situation again. She was not expecting Hardison to suddenly want to have an intense, excited conversation that was clearly loaded with some meaning she wasn't picking up on, and she definitely wasn't expecting him to do so while trying to eagerly stare into her eyeballs. When Eliot happened to walk in, she latched onto him like a spooked cat, demanding he do something about Hardison; there was something wrong with him, like he's possessed or something; make him stop!
Eliot has habitually avoided even the possibility of eye contact with anyone since he was in high school. (He certainly wasn't trying to lock eyes with people even before that, but, well, he and Aimee had tried once, back when they were young and naive and thought maybe they were meant to be. They weren't.) In his line of work… it was better not to know. There was just no way that would end well. He doesn't have anything against other people finding their soulmates, though. Really. So he's not quite sure why there's such a bite to his words when he snaps at Hardison to knock it off—that “soulmates” is no excuse for trying to look someone in the eye when they don't like it. But he's sure he can feel a headache forming as he's stuck between Parker's “'Soulmates'! Ha! …Oh, come on. You're kidding, right? That's not real” from one side and Hardison's horrified “Oh my god, I'm sorry! Parker, I am so, so sorry—I was just so excited, you know? I didn't realize—” start of what was clearly going to be a long and heartfelt apology on the other.
Hardison thinks soulmates are very romantic, and he's always hoped, you know? He tries not to talk too openly about it—dreaming of finding your soulmate was deemed “girly” and “wussy” by the popular boys at his high school, and he had more than enough targets on his back for bullying as a kid without drawing attention this one. He's always kind of thought he'd probably never find his, if he even had one. He did so much of his socializing with like-minded people online, and you can't make eye contact—not real eye contact—over a webcam. There have been some near misses that made his heart flip (Hell, back during that first Dubenich job, when Eliot had taken out all the Pierson guards and then given him that smug little smirk, for an instant—just for an instant—Hardison had almost thought their eyes met directly. He must have imagined it, too caught up in the incredibly sexy and unexpected display of competence on display in front of him to avoid a split second of daydreaming about what it would feel like to look straight into those incredibly blue eyes. Anyway, it had never happened again, and after working together for so long, they surely would have looked each other in the eyes by now if it were possible.), but no dice. Until now. Parker, though… Even while apologizing (he should have realized to be more careful with Parker), Hardison could barely keep the absolutely giddy smile off his face. There had been no mistaking that, and god when people talked about “getting lost” in their soulmate's eyes… Wow, they weren't kidding!
Nate will expound at length about how the concept of “soulmates” and consequently the act of making eye contact have been exploited and commercialized for all of recorded history, the absence of any scientific evidence that the rare ability to make eye contact with another person actually correlates with any real measures of relationship compatibility rather than being a random biological quirk that has been superstitiously fetishized, and (if the person who brought it up isn't desperately trying to escape the conversation yet) whether the concept soulmates is compatible with Catholic theology. Very few people last long enough through his disparagement of the entire concept to notice that he has skirted around ever actually saying whether or not he's ever made direct eye contact with another person, and even fewer are willing to risk touching off another lengthy tirade to press him on the matter.
Thanks @soulmate-au-bargain-bin for the fun idea!
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sentientgolfball · 1 year
that recent dew request got me SOFT!!! i love your writing so much, so how about i request phantom x reader also engaging in a playfight but since phantom has been recently summoned, he's not used to holding back and ends up unintentionally scratching the reader with his claws. i wonder how freaked out and horrified he'd be once he realized !!!!!!
Ok so I went a little overboard with this one cause I'm HEAVY on the Phantom brainrot. Semi continuation of this but all you really need to know is Reader works as Sister's assistant and has been at the Ministry for a decent amount of time.
Also...thank you so much that really makes me so happy WAHHHH
My requests are open !
Your eyes darted up in the direction of the door for the millionth time since Sister Imperator left her office for the day. You had stayed behind to get some extra work done for the upcoming Samhain harvest party. You rolled your shoulders to sedate the feeling of anticipation building up within you. As time dragged on with nothing happening you began to relax and get some proper work done, that is until you hear it. The slightest creak of the floorboards. You tense for a moment pausing your typing to listen for it again thinking you just imagined it. You get this deep feeling within your gut that you need to turn around right now or who knows what will happen. You shift in your chair and scan the surprisingly small space. 
There’s no way he’s here. I would’ve seen him come in unless he crawled through the fucking window. What am I thinking of course he would crawl through a window. 
You turn back around in your chair only to be met with the glowing purple eyes of your favorite scarred face. You jump ever so slightly but cover it up with a laugh and a shake of your head.
“Nice try star,  but you’re gonna have to do better than that.” 
“Seriously? I spent all day perfecting that trick and nothing.” He makes a pouty face as he looks at you from across the desk. 
“It’s going to take a lot more than sudden popping into existence to get me” you laugh “but I wouldn’t mind hearing about that little trick.” You just wanted to know exactly what to look out for for future encounters. You hoped you sounded innocent enough, though apparently you didn’t. 
“Can’t do. A magician never reveals his secrets.” He looks at you smugly. 
You roll your eyes with a smile and finish the email you were writing before standing and slipping your hand into his. You walk back to your room together and you can literally feel the excitement sparking off of Phantom. You shudder when you feel a zap of accidental quintessence pulse through you. With the harvest party so close, the Ministry is fully done up in autumn colors and cheap decorations. It was hard to make a Satanic abbey filled with demons look any more haunted, but it’s the thought that counts. 
Phantom had become completely enamored with the concept of Halloween. The day the very first fake cobweb appeared he had burst into your room on your day off to interrogate you about why the Siblings were getting annoyed with him for cleaning it. When you explained to him what Halloween was and how humans celebrate it he was so excited that the lichtenberg figure scars on his body began to pulse with barely contained quintessence. He spent the remainder of the night on your laptop binge watching movies and looking at costumes. He also picked up a nasty habit. From that day on he turned his daily ‘visit you at work’ moments into daily ‘try to scare you shitless’ moments. You ended up having to explain to a rather sad looking Phantom that you’ve been at the Ministry for quite some time and a ghoul jumping out and yelling ‘boo’ is not going to scare you. Little did you know, that would only egg him on. His little scares started to become big scares trying everything he could think of to get to you. 
You both pause when you finally get to your room. This immediately makes you suspicious as Phantom usually opens the door first. You turn to look at him. 
“Phantom I swear to Satan if one of your bats is in there again.” You say slowly pushing open the door and peaking in. You sigh in relief when you don’t see anything moving. 
You walk in with him hot on your heels. His smile falters as he looks around the room. 
“Aw come on I left it right there!” He says pointing to your desk. Your eyes scan over him. 
“Is that who you were looking for?” You motion to his shoulder. He turns his head and yelps when he sees the tarantula on him. You walk over and take it gently into your hand before he can smack it. 
“Is this one of Papa Secondo’s? How did you convince him to let you borrow her for this?” 
He stays silent.
“You didn’t convince him, did you?” 
“I thought it would work! Aren’t most humans anthropomorphic?” 
“That’s what I said.” 
You smile and shake your head “Well I’m going to take this little lady back to Secondo before he turns the Ministry inside out.” 
You leave your room and immediately notice Phantom is not making a move to follow you. That’s your sign that he has something else planned. You mentally prepare yourself for whatever it may be as you make the long walk to Secondo’s chambers where you deposit the tarantula safely into his waiting, and worried, hands. 
Your internal clock still hasn’t matched up to the time change and it is suddenly a lot darker on your way back to your room than you anticipated. The candles being your only source of light for your journey. You pause in front of the open Chapel doors and stare at a glowing stained glass window. You smile contentedly taking it all in, this time of year was always your favorite. 
And then all the candles are snuffed at once. And the heavy doors slam shut. And you smell something. It’s a scent you’re not familiar with. It smells like a strange mix of all the things you’ve come to associate with each element. You turn in a small circle trying to get your bearings in the dim lighting and that’s when you see the thing that makes your blood run cold. The flash of a silver mask standing in front of one of the windows. You can feel your heart jump to your throat as you recall the legends you were told when you first joined the Church. 
Never walk alone at night or else the ghoul who lurks there will find you and dispose of you assuming that you’re a trespasser. He has no name. He only reacts to—
“Special.” You say out loud in shock. 
The moment you do the masked figure rushes at you. You curse and immediately turn to run the opposite direction but you’re no match for the speed of a ghoul. You feel the clawed hand grip your wrist, but luckily you had enough momentum to pull away before he could fully hold you in place.  You sprint down the hallway without a second thought doing everything you can to put distance between you and the ghoul. You pass a small utility closet and that brings you to your senses. You can’t outrun a ghoul no matter how much of a head start you have. You double back and jump into the closet leaving it open just enough to peak out. You keep a hand over your mouth trying to keep your breathing as quiet as you can. You watch through the crack as Special stops right outside of the closet and sniffs the air. Time feels like it moves in slow motion as you watch him. Your chest clenches. Your stomach drops to the floor. You can feel yourself shaking. An image of your death flashes through your mind. 
The ghoul seems to catch something and laughs before taking off in the direction you had gone before ducking into cover. That laugh. It wasn’t full of malice or danger. It was giddy, full of pure excitement. You recognized that laugh. 
You take a moment to sigh in relief about the fact you aren’t about ready to be horribly murdered by the ghoul from Ministry legend before deciding you were so getting Phantom back for this. You quietly step out of the closet and creep down the hallway you saw him go towards. You hide behind a pillar when you see him standing there frantically looking around. You hear him growl before watching him rip the mask off.
“I can’t smell anything with this thing on.” 
He turns around and starts walking back to where this little game all began. You hold back a smile and lean against the pillar nonchalantly as if you weren’t just on the verge of tears. You watch him pass you before you speak. 
“Come here often?” 
He screams and drops the mask, turning around to face you. You laugh and pick it up, holding it out to him. 
“This is impossible! I’m starting to think you’re not human.” he pauses and you can see his nose twitch as a satisfied grin spreads across his face. He can definitely smell your fear. 
“Nope. Nuh uh. You didn’t get me.” You give him a light shove with your shoulder. 
“Oh I definitely did. I finally found what freaks you out! The big bad ghoul that goes bump in the night!” 
He grabs you and gives you an excited and triumphant shake. When he lets go you feel a small stinging sensation on your arms where he grabbed. You check yourself over and see the little pinpricks from where his claws accidentally dug into your flesh, a small amount of blood already welling there. It wasn’t deep, certainly not the worst scratch from a ghoul, but you did not feel like walking around the Ministry at night with blood on you. The idea of the legends still being true flashes in your mind. 
“Hey uh Phantom.” 
He turns and looks at you and all the elation from his success disappears in an instant. You immediately try to soothe him before he freaks out. 
“Hey no it’s okay. It doesn’t really hurt, I'm fine. I just need you to heal them, okay?” 
He stares at you frozen in place, eyes flicking from your face back to the blood back to you. He looks lost, like he’s not even entirely sure what he’s seeing. You can practically see the storm of thoughts in his head. 
“Phantom.” You say gently. This time he snaps out of it. He’s shaking like a leaf as he silently reaches for you. He hesitates for a moment before carefully putting his hands on you. The air is filled with the smell of ozone and frost as you watch his scars pulse to life with his quintessence. And then you’re screaming as the small sting turns into a horrible burn. He rips his hands away immediately and backs up so far he bumps into the wall. 
You take a moment to catch your breath and scream out a rather creative string of curse words as the feeling turns into a dull throb. 
“Okay. That one’s on me.” You knew he had a hard time controlling his magic when his emotions ran high, but you weren’t exactly thinking logically after the night's events. 
He mumbles something and you tilt your head. He notices and repeats himself just a bit louder. 
“Omega should still be in the infirmary.” He looks up at you with the saddest puppy eyes you’ve ever seen. You mentally smack yourself for not remembering that. 
“Alright let’s go see Omega then.” You smile and move towards Phantom only for him to back away. You pause and feel your chest tighten a bit at the once clingy ghoul keeping a five foot distance from you. You’ve never seen him so quiet, so reserved in your time together. You don’t really know what to do, so you just turn and make your way towards the infirmary. You feel a little better hearing the sound of his shoes clicking after you. 
The infirmary isn’t busy and Omega is able to see you immediately. The lingering scent of your fear made him believe that something horrible happened, but when he saw the little claw marks he sighed. Phantom seemed to take his reaction a different way and immediately started to babble out an explanation with you occasionally interjecting to correct his overdramatization. However, when you got to the part about the added pain Omega seemed concerned. 
“Phantom, you isolated the wrong thread. Have you not been practicing your healing?” 
His ears dropped down as his tail wrapped around his leg. His only response was a high pitched whine. 
Omega sighed “I don’t know if I should yell at you or Aether or both” he pinches the bridge of his nose “starting tomorrow you’re to come here. Don’t be late.” 
He gets up and stalks off to another room without saying anything more. 
You and Phantom leave and head back to your room. He walks next to you this time, but he’s still quiet and it doesn’t sit right with you. He follows you into your room and looks up at you when you close the door.
“Are you really okay?” 
“Yes star, I’m fine. It was barely even a scratch.”
He doesn’t look convinced. You hold your arms out to him.
“Hey. Come here. I want my favorite little love bug.” 
To your surprise, he jumps into you immediately. The force of it knocks you backwards and you land on the bed with him clinging to you. You laugh as he buries his face into your chest muttering apologies and promises to never do it again. He clings tightly to you for a while and you let him, happy that he seems back to normal. Relief washes over you when you finally hear him purr. 
“Hey by the way.”
“Where did you get that uniform?” 
“Oh I borrowed it from Dew.” 
You furrow your brows “And he just let you?” 
He laughs “Well yea. It was his and Swiss’ idea for me to use it.” 
Suddenly the whole situation makes sense. There’s no way Phantom would’ve come up with the idea of masquerading as the special ghoul on his own, much less actually use the idea. You pull his face up to meet yours in a quick kiss. 
“I love you, but never take the advice of those two again.” 
“You’re just mad that I won.” 
You roll your eyes and pull him closer in your little spoon. You lay there with him listening to him ramble about how he did everything, slowly getting lulled to sleep by his weight and the rumble of his voice.
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crestfallercanyon · 7 months
Kristen is so fucking relatable as a repressed teenager jfc. I am both horrified and in awe of Ally Beardsley’s playing of Kristen Applebees — Kristen is a MESS but she’s a lovable mess who I’m glad everyone’s kind exasperatedly supporting. I knew plenty of people like her in my school or going through this wild renaissance of new information about themselves (or that they wouldn’t let themselves learn about who they were) and it’s just really uplifting to see Kristen have such good friends through it all (though her speech started sweet and very swiftly needed to be shut down lol) but I know lots of people might like really regard her as frustrating and awful but she’s a teenager who is going through a lot of changes and crises of faith and persona and I just gah. I love her.
Fig and her care toward her two dads is adorable, every interaction with Gilear is gold (also props to Gilear for recognizing Sklonda is too much woman for him) but also the mantras in the mirror were so sweet. I also love how Gilear interacts with all of Fig’s friends and how Fig asserts herself and just wants the best for literally everyone. Yes she is very mischievous (also holy shit her deception skill is so fucking high??) but she’s mischievous on the path of good and I love it.
Fabian makes me sad. Like, he wants to impress his dad but he wants to be his own man. And Bill Seacaster — I still don’t know what to make of him— but being around someone whose mood is entirely unreliable (and assuredly that bleeds into other aspects of him) no wonder Fabian tries so hard to be strong and stable because he’s had to deal with instability his whole life.
Gorgug — I’ve talked about Gorgug a few times now but he’s just such a sweetheart. He called himself stupid and that’s tragic because he may not be the one figuring out all the clues and know what to do but he’s also the one they can rely on to diffuse a situation or just be kind about unknown things and as a barbarian that’s a huge tonal shift that’s so impressive. He’s not the brightest bulb but he may be the sweetest and that matters.
Adaine and her whole sibling rivalry gives me life. I’m glad she’s rebelling against her parents. She became powerful and wonderful and adept DESPITE her parents (whereas Aelwyn always had their full support) and I think that’s something that — while painfully — I hope she’ll learn to carry with pride.
Also Riz? One, he’s such a great like awkwardly confident teenager, and I’m glad he responded to his mom’s hiding of information the way he did (I love that him and Sklonda are like— healthy parent/child relationship) (also love how Brennan plays Sklonda), but he takes this with stride and won’t let all the things dragging him down hold him back and I’m sure for Sklonda that’s both amazing and scary because she wants her son safe but it just warms my heart to see.
And the teamwork here!!! Kristen and Adaine detecting magic and good here? Gorgug trying to find a power source for the palimpsest. THE BIZ REVEAL?? Also Riz’s final move here to take the palimpsest and then pull the gun with Biz!!! That was fucking AMAZING, because of course he’s not cool with what Biz is doing and I also I want Riz and Adaine both to absolutely tear Biz apart.
Adaine and Riz teamups are truly my beloved — like go you angry intelligent kids, go go go!
Honestly all of them — I’m so excited for this fight at the arcade let’s get it.
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xxgothchatonxx · 6 months
I am so excited to see Luke Brandon Field as Daniel Molloy next season.
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I think Daniel Molloy is a great character. The whole idea of a human character willingly wanting to be a vampire and being subjected to a horrific, self-destructive lifestyle as a result of that desire that is never fulfilled until he is literally dying because of it (yup, metaphor for drug addiction) is just so horrifying but so well-written in the books.
And the fact that we're FINALLY getting to see his story with Armand be portrayed on-screen is both exciting and dread-inducing in the best possible ways. It's exciting because this will be the first time this story has been adapted. It wasn't included in the '94 film (well, duh, it was just about 'IWTV') and the QOTD film just completely erased Daniel's existence (another queer plot bites the dust...) so I am so relieved that we're finally getting this hauntingly beautiful insanely fucked up vampire-human romance story. Because it truly is a fucked up romance. And I have no doubt that the show will do this story justice. Sure, show how Daniel made the wrong choice with his desire to be a vampire BUT also show how selfish Armand is for putting him through all that. Because yes, Armand does love him and he does have a point that vampirism is a curse etc., but he's incredibly selfish for not just letting Daniel go... EXCEPT in this show he did eventually let Daniel go... but now Daniel's back- jeez, this season's going to be completely chock-full of drama, huh?
So, this show's version of 'Devil's Minion' is clearly more extended than the book's version, but I'm really excited to see how it all plays out. And I'm so excited to see how Luke portrays this version of Daniel. I hope to see a lot of love, delirium, comfort, anger, confusion, exhaustion, and heartbreak.
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It's going to be very uncomfortable to watch, but I reckon he (and Assad, Jacob and whoever's playing Alice) is going to deliver an incredible performance.
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zabala0z · 2 months
Okay. So I finished the last 2 episodes of the first season of the magnus archives!!! Pat on the back for me, come on, someone give me a medal. I didn’t write notes but here are some of my thoughts:
Sasha got fucking replaced I am so pissed. I established her as my favorite character and now she’s either dead or maybe in a whole different dimension. The whole time in Human Remains, I was just screaming “that’s not my Sasha!” But like god. Just hearing a voice repeat her last words until it sounded like her was horrifying. I had to pace my room. Y’all.
So the swirly table caused this stuff. It’s interesting because Graham spent a lot of time watching that table according to Amy but he didn’t get replaced until later. Sasha got replaced quickly. Also, “I lost the tapes” oh uh huh. Sure. My Sasha wouldn’t. Also another thing. She referred to “Michael” as a him. Come on Jon, NOTICE. BRING BACK SASHA 😭
Okay, moving on before I break down; Martin and Jon! Both have problems but I liked their little heart to heart, I thought it was sweet. Kinda nice they’re (Jon) growing past disagreements and stuff but that’s what happens in life or death situations. Also, Tim is really funny. I’m not establishing him as my fav or god forbid, he’s gonna wind up as a corpse.
Martin found Gertrude’s dead body. The fact she got shot in a horror/supernatural story is so out of place, I’m cackling. I was thinking like curses or spells but nah it was a GUN.
My theory that they would burn the archives down was wrong. damn. I did think in Infestation when Elias mentioned that the co2 would go off when a fire happened that they’d use the lighter Jon got so my theory would be kinda true?? Didn’t happen
The fact the worms were trying to make a doorway (at least in gassed up Tims mind) is concerning. Like are they making a portal?? Tf are they doing??
Anyways, I’m very happy I finished the first season!! Barely any questions were answered and more questions were brought up but I’m excited to see what’s next. See you soon for “newbie listens to TMA S2 and suffers more”
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