abitcaughtinthemiddle · 4 months
I don’t know what the fuck they put in this season so far, but I swear to god, I’ve been hypnotized because there has not been a single day since part 1 release that I have known peace.
There is not a corner of the internet I can travel to far enough away to free me from this torment.
I have not been able to sleep, not been able to eat. I can barely speak these days.
It is a feeling that is like torture but one which I cannot, will not, do not want to give up
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saschax · 4 months
Hello! I hope you are in good health.
I was wondering, can you do an alphabet with Ghost? Please, and thank you.
Take your time! <3
hello, and i am in good health.
yes, and your welcome..
i hope this is okay, my first time doing this!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
ghost is not affectionate, at all. he is the opposite, antisocial, distant, detached.. reader will only find him affectionate if he's delirious or drunk.
and if reader happens to find him in either situations- which is rare, he'll show affections by just.. touching. he's touch starved, and since he is in a delirious or drunken state, he doesn't know what he's doing.
most likely will pass out, with his head into your neck.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
hm, best friend..?
you'll have to be in the team, task force 141. otherwise, ghost does not interact with strangers. now, best frienddss?...
years, years of work together. years of staying alive, and mutual respect.
be admirable! be impressive, try and catch his eye. if you manages to beat him in sort some of a competition, he'll respect you more.
( i personally think you can beat him if you play your cards right. i think ghost is a risk-taker, so.. use that to your advantage.. i guess. )
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
gO aWay! he'll throw you across the room if you fuckin' cuddle with him! he has claustrophobia, and help me god if you lay on top of him-
anyways, no. no cuddling.
get out.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
NO, no and nO!
he is an workaholic, and his friends dying- might i add, in front of him, only encouraged him to pursue his work.
he is guilty, he feels like their deaths is his fault. and to honour their deaths, he'll continue his line of work.
running away from his work is cowardiance, and a disgrace to his friends' deaths.
no. if he settles down, he can't bear the haunting grief setting on him.
he lives, and got to settle down.
they didn't.
and he (didn't) caused their deaths.
he doesn't deserve to settle down and rest, not after all he done.
the souls of his friends' faces looking at him, with teary eyes. saying "why are you resting?? after you got us killed?? why aren't you getting revenge for us?? you traitor-"
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
straight up to your face. he seen much worse. he'll just bluntly say "i'm done with you, its over."
he has nothing to lose.. well, he lied.
he's not over, he just wanted to end the relationship because he doesn't deserve this, and he feels like you could get a better guy.
a whole man, not half of a man; like him, a shell of a human being.
and he is sort of holding you back from touching him, he doesn't trust you very much either.. so this relationship is hardly beneficial to both parties.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
he is very committed.
if he thinks you're going to dump him, he'll dump you first- to save him from the pain of abandonment.
no marriages, he'd cry, crumble and break again if he sees you in a wedding dress.
he doesn't deserve this, go away go away go away-
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
physically, he's.. cautious but not? for example, if you and him are training. he'll go sheer hard and will use everything he have against you.
no exceptions.
a woman? who cares, lets fight. you're in a goddamn military for fuck's sake. no one is going to go easy on you in real combat.
( you get hurt alot because of him )
this man, is stone hard, cold, blunt, brash, sassy, and act like he HATES you with his GUTS. he does not let you close. sure, he'll say a few words here and there, but he's not actively revealing his personality to you.
stone cold, ghost.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
hates hugs. it reminds him of his family, roach and johnny all at the same time.
never, he doesn't do it once. even if you and him are best friends. you tried hugging him once (he was having a mental breakdown), he punched you square in the face and shakily left the room.
.. no one knows how his hugs are like, everyone who felt his embrace died and never could tell the story.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
never, and not fast at all. he hates that word too. again, his past.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
doesn't really gets jealous? more like sad if he sees you hanging out with another man more.
abandonment, but again, he did keep pushing you away..
his fault, i guess.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
he never kissed. i dont know.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
i think he is a gentle man when it comes to them, he looks out for them of course. but he doesn't really .. hug.. or do affectionate behaviors- bending down, makes him smaller- less frightening to the kids- he doesn't really do this.
more like a guard dog around them.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
you dont know, he's never there when you wakes up. he's up and gone.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
he appears rarely. and if he is sleeping next to you, he'll have some sort of barrier (aka, pillows) blocking you from touching/reaching out to him.
you keep waking up because he keeps squirming.
you get used to this eventually.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I DO not think ghost will reveal things about himself.
he'll just be a different character around you, but never exactly saying his identity (aka, age, full name, how his parents was like, his backstory, etc). just more softer, kinder, and more.. willing if he warms up to you.
does. not. share. his emotions.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
he's very patient, a patient man indeed. no.
he's not patient, he just sounds patient. inside, he's angry.
and every now and then, you'll encounter his outbursts on you. bottled up feelings, leashing hell.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
remembers everything, but he will forget sometimes.
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
when he made you laugh, a geninue laugh. it felt nice to make someone happy and not make them upset/sad/annoyed.. y'know...
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
he's protective but not. depends. if you're hanging with a friend, he won't be "HmMmm, ARE YOU SUSPSICOIOUSS???" or try to y'know, get you away.
how? get a guard dog, and he'll also train you about self defense, and what-to-do if this happens.
does not feel the need to be protected by you, and he thinks its a bit offensive. you think he can't protect himself??
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
he does put a lot of effort, however, no dates, or anniversaries...
he'll give you plenties of gfits!
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
a really bad texter, so expect to get left on read often.. and! staring.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
not insecure about his looks, he knows he looks good. but he is a bit nervous when it comes to showing his scars.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
he's already incomplete, wouldn't make any difference. although, it does make a slightly more void in his life.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
doesn't sleep often. he's the type to just..stare at his ceiling or longue around in his room and wait til another mission comes up or something.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
dislikes laziness, in terms of your work ethic. likes somebody who is as committed and hard-working as he is to their job.
HATES. betrayals (also one of the reason why he doesn't quit his working)!! and he does not like dependent people.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
he usually fall asleep on sofas, or on uncomfortable things. the bed is wayy too soft for him, not used to it..
NEED SOME LIGHT ON!! in the dark, he sees faces and it creeps him out.
he doesn't like it, so he need some light if he want to sleep better.
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shiningqueen · 11 months
unexpected burdens / mihawk x afab!oc / sfw
I am back with another 2nd person experimental piece that is literally just Fay but kept nameless because why not?
notes: established friendship, pining if you squint, hurt/comfort vibes. rating: sfw / e for everyone
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Mihawk finds you in a crowded bar on Water 7, shoulder to shoulder with locals and sailors of all types. This was one of those rare instances where he went seeking you on purpose, as typically he left you to wander where-ever you pleased on the Grand Line. Yet he does not approach you right away, watching the crowd shift and reveal you were otherwise occupied with someone else.
So occupied that you did not even notice him enter in the first place.
He settles himself at the far side of the taproom to observe, paying no mind to how the other patrons stutter at his presence when he passes. Even from a distance he can easily read the tension in your narrow shoulders, your posture too rigid as if you were coiled to spring into action at any second. The individual that is the cause of such obvious discontent is another woman.
She matches you in height but with a curvier build and shorter hair; he does not recognize her from any other of your associates he'd become acquainted with over the years. Yet the sense of hostile familarity between you both tells him that regardless of whoever she is, you are clearly unhappy to see each other. The drone of the tavern's crowd ebbs into white noise as he attempts to listen in on the exchange - and realizes quickly you are speaking your native language and doing so too rapidly for him to properly follow.
So the Warlord waits and watches, curious and perhaps a little concerned for how you flush with indignation and for the tremor in your arms as you restrain some outpouring of emotion. Your voice never rises above the cacophony to draw too much attention from others but he can tell the argument is of interest to a few.
Mihawk has known you for just under two years at this point and he'd never seen you so incensed before. He knew you to be reserved and level headed and those traits are only partially why he enjoyed your company so much. Your docile demeanor complemented his own aloof tendencies but this encounter is so unlike what he is accustomed to seeing from you. The tension is prime to snap at any moment and he sees the course of action you take seconds before you commit to it. A swift movement of your hand gripping the tumbler nearby and it gets launched behind the bar in an explosion of shattering glass and your voice lifting to a broken octave.
Stillness ripples throughout the bar at the outburst, Mihawk feels the crackle of tension and the electric tingle of your haki skitter over his skin. There are tears flowing freely down your face and your shoulders are shivering from the force of the anguish that had overtaken you. He didnt like it. An uncomfortable twist somewhere in his gut at the sight of you so clearly distraught, such a sharp contrast to the witty, gentle natured person he had gotten to know over time.
It made him realize that in the grander scheme of things, he really did not know much about you.
You shove through the crowd and leave the tavern without looking at anyone else. He lingers long enough for the noise level to return to normal before rising to stand and following your trail out into the streets.
A cocktail of embarassment, anguish, anger and betrayal burned all the way down your throat as you left the bar. This was not how you imagined the day ending. Infact, you hadnt spared a single thought about seeing her again after you left your home island two years ago. Then she had suddenly appeared like a fucking living nightmare when you had only come to Water 7 for a leisurely trip away from Kuraigana. She had no right showing up here! Absolutely no goddamn right to haunt one of your favorite hang outs and drink with your acquaintances so casually as if she hadnt ruined your fucking life.
It was hard to see, even harder to think beyond the feeling of an old wound you thought had scarred over, ripping open and bleeding anew. Your eyes blurry from tears and your throat tight with the crushing blend of anxiety, fury and despair.
You wanted to scream, you wanted to break anything you could get your hands on, you wanted to drown yourself in the sea if it meant relief from having to process the grief all over again. For just a few seconds, you grasped the hilt of your double-edged blade and considered wreaking hapless destruction in the abandoned portions of Water 7. Yet none of that happened. You half ran all the way back to the docks on sheer instinct.
The tears hadnt stopped flowing even as you reach the waterfront beneath the deepening twilight, stumbling and then dropping down to sit at the edge of a platform and let the crushing weight of that wretched encounter bow your shoulders low. Even two years after the fact and she wanted to pretend she did nothing wrong. It wasnt fair.
"[Name]", the cool tenor of a familiar voice jerks you out of your painful reverie, shoulders pulling back and head twisting to peer up at the shadowed visage of Mihawk standing over you. His eyes glint beneath the dark halo cast from his cavalier hat.
You turn away hastily and shudder through several strained sobs, feeling ashamed that he would see you like this. You had somehow managed to befriend the reticient greatest swordsman but there was an ever present barrier between you - something self imposed because of your own insecurity around being remotely worthy to even warrant his attention. Would he think lesser of you for this? Had he been in the tavern to witness that disaster?
"[Name]," Mihawk says again in a marginally gentler tone and you feel the slight pressure of his hand wrapping around your bicep, his body heat now considerably closer as he reached down into your space. "We have somewhere to be, let us not tarry here." His voice lacks its typical brusque edge and you think he almost sounds concerned, even coaxing. You nod and let him help haul you to stand, still pointedly avoiding looking at his face.
Why delay the inevitable any further?
"You saw, didnt you?" You ask, hating how raspy you sounded from crying.
A few heartbeats of silence and then, "I saw enough." His touch goes from your arm to resting on your shoulder, "I wont pry but I will listen, if you deign to share."
It's an unexpected offer but ultimately not unwelcome, though the idea of spilling out your heartbreak does lodge a knot in your throat. You rarely volunteered information about your past to Mihawk and he inquired very little of you in the first place - whether out of disinterest or pragmatic acceptance you had never been certain. The silence stretched on as you mulled over the offer and what it meant for your friendship with him.
"I'll explain later," you decide quietly, tentatively brushing your hand against his that lingered on you.
Mihawk hums in acceptance and keeping his hand in place, prompts you to walk further onto the creaking docks with him. His quiet, unfaltering confidence was a balm to the aching in your chest. Part of you still felt so undeserving of him that it only compounded the hurt.
As if sensing your turmoil, the swordsman cleared his throat and recited calmly, "The calm before the storm, we need to mollify, our inner tempest."
The haiku is soothing and it tempts a muted, pleased huff from you.
"Great heroes need great sorrows," you recite in response, wiping the lessening tears from your eyes as you peek at him shyly from beneath your lashes.
"Sorrow need not be carried alone," Mihawk retorts languidly and you choke on another soft cry, this one a tangle of gratitude and pain.
You really did not deserve him.
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codfanficedits · 1 year
Cheating Ghost part 11 - His ending.
Ghost POV:
I lost it all. And for what? For a little toy, for a little smile, for a little weak moment. Sixty goddamn days of my life.
It wasn’t even worth it. It made me lose the job I worked so hard for. Price didn’t want to hear shit after I got my sentence. I tried to explain how it wasn’t really my fault. After all, you and Soap had planned this. No matter how innocent you tried to act in court. I knew what had happened.
I really tried to live with my anger. I had to go to therapy, but that was a waste of my fucking time. I have one little outburst and all of the sudden I am the problem?
I had to sell the house, because of you. Everything reminded me of you, at night I thought I saw you stand in the doorway, I swear I could hear your footsteps, your laugh, your voice. But you were never there. It haunted me, you know that? So I sold it, bought another house. Tried to forget about you. The money I had made during my time in the military, it lasted me a long time. I didn’t have to work, no I could drown my sorrows in liquor and hookers. The funny thing was, money doesn’t last, just like we didn’t.
And I really tried. I tried to get new jobs, but they would never last. God, people are morons and I just cannot deal with them. Do you know how hard it is to keep your house when you’re not able to keep a goddamn job? And furthermore, do you know how hard it is to keep a relationship when you’re not able to hold a job, when the bills are stacking up?
God, and even if I could hold a job, I’m not able to keep a relationship, I keep searching for a piece of you. Even when they’re a perfect match, they’re still not you.
I hate myself for letting you go, I crave how predictable you were, I crave your touch, your voice, you.
Yet at the same time, I am so angry at you for taking everything from me. I deserve better than this. You took everything I worked so hard for.
The anger is tucked away, for now. It reappears whenever I hit the bottle. Everything I’ve been holding in comes out then. It’s not a pretty sight when I get my shit together again, it makes me feel ashamed.
Your little action has made me unable to look into the mirror. I see my fathers eyes whenever my eyes linger to long on the man I see in the mirror. I became what I hated the most and I can only blame you for it.
I even tried to make up with the last woman, the one you found the video of. I went to her house, tried to explain myself. I even apologised for calling her my toy. She had the audacity to laugh at me. She told me to fuck right off. Hell, she even pulled her girlfriend to her side when I asked for a second chance. It left me broken. Not even my back up wanted me anymore.
Lately I’ve been wandering the streets, as a soul without a purpose. I avoid the large windows, I cannot stand to see my reflection in them, the shell of the man I was supposed to be. I had such a good life ahead of me, but it was all ruined. My days are filled with sorrow and time is slipping through my fingers.
It is a good day, a beautiful day, so I decide to go to the park, maybe it would ease my mind, before I would go home and get drunk again. I wander around in the park, aimlessly, the sun on my skin is a nice feeling, it beats the feeling of feeling sorry for myself.
My heart skips a beat when I see you. You’re standing close to the water, and I can’t tell what you’re saying to the man in front of you, but you look happy. The clothes you’re wearing fit your body perfectly, and truth be told, you look better than you’ve ever looked before.
God I miss you. I miss you so goddamn much. I start to make my way over to you, I want to talk to you, maybe there is a new chance for us to be together. The guy you’re with can suck it, I can show you what you deserve.
My blood runs cold when I see the man in front of you go down on one knee.
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tchaikovskyed · 2 months
The Double ep 38/39/40/40.5(??) spoilers ///
Wanning & Shen Yurong's ending being so surprisingly tender in the end???? God her story was so horrible and her entire life twisted her into a husk of a woman... I actually shed a tear at her death scene
&& Shen Yurong's haunted doggedness in pursuing his goals to the end and how he's gaslit himself into thinking that this is all for the greater good... Shen Yurong is one of the more complex villains out there for sure, and the acting was pitch perfect. Of course he chooses to commit suicide because at the end of it all he's just a fucking coward & has been this entire time!!!
Another thing. Kinda dumb that whoever holds the fish talisman automatically gets the army?? Lmao??? They are like rip even though this guy is evil we gotta follow him because he's holding that damn fish. The CATHARSIS OF A LI FINALLY GETTING TO SHOOT THE DAMN MAN THOUGH!!!!!
Xiao Heng's grandfather is the literal GOAT lmao he was so endearing & same with Xue Zhao LOL calling Xiao Heng his brother in law. Also, kind of rude of them to make Jingrui and Liu Xu get married OFF SCREEN??
The scene where she finally admits that she isnt the real Jiang daughter made me cry so goddamn hard. The regrets of a father who pushed his daughter away and abandoned her... he got his redemption arc but also his self inflicted punishment in the end
Where to start with A Li and Xiao Heng tbh. Perfect chemistry. Perfect banter. No notes. It was incredible that they showed so much affection to each other after ep 34 I was dying every time they were on screen.
Not Xiao Heng acting silly A Li finally told him that she likes him and wants to renovate his house LMAO.
Their wedding night scene was just so tender and intimate and I was surprised (but not at all displeased) that they gave us such an extended kiss scene lmao??? ABOUT DAMN TIME
God if I took a shot every time Xiao Heng gives A Li a longing/incredulous look as if he cannot believe she really exists I would be wasted because that man is a master of those...
Also after finally seeing that Xiao Heng talisman in mouth scene I regret to say that I instantly became even more feral for this man than I already am. They gave him a freaking Guan Gong blade!
The battle scenes were IMPECCABLY choreographed and I cried for Lu Ji and Wen Ji so hard. Why did they have to kill them. WHY. We went through so much together??? Why do this to Xiao Heng has he not lost enough my guys???
As a revenge drama this was just so incredibly satisfying to see all the wrongs be righted and everyone ended up exactly where they were supposed to be!!!
Also did you guys know that there's a secret episode where they play Go with sexual innuendos ??????????? And flirt?????? And have a child???????
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It is absolutely not a genuine critic as much as a petty personal grievance but i think vld's story didn't have enough ghosts in its narrative. (I am not talking about actual ghosts but the whole "haunting the narrative" Thing and I am not just talking about characters but the past itself as well). This is a show dealing with pain and war and death and tragedy that has been going on for 10,000 years it's story should be a goddamn haunted house.
The Castleship shouldn't have been a home, it should have instead invoked a deep sense of loneliness and dread because it's a place made for hundred's if not thousands of people long dead, not just 7.
The alien planets should be filled with ruins and remains long decayed. Dead cultures and long gone eras. It doesn't matter whether if a planet is whole or in pieces, it doesn't matter if it's creatures are living or dead, it doesn't matter it's people are resisting or enslaved, at the end it still haunted by the people and their lives and their cultures and their world, all killed and buried but never resting.
Why was Lotor's breaking point entering the rift and not the guilt of many many MANY Alteans who got killed because of his actions? Why didn't he see the faces of so many alteans who trusted and loved and cared for him in Allura? Why didn't he dream of their faces wretched in anger, despair, disgust, betrayal, and death as he lies to yet another person he claims to love?
Why in those ten thousand long years could Zarkon still manage to look Haggar in the eye, when he could clearly the woman he truly loved and did all this for is not there? Why couldn't Haggar, in those same ten thousand years, see herself in the mirror and ever wonder who that woman is who stares back?
Like closest thing we had Honerva and Alfor, (and maybe Keith's parents if we are pushing it.)
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lilitophidian · 5 months
You have such a masterful command of language - it's very evocative and haunting, words that stick. You can say 'don't match length' all you want but it's hard not at least attempt to to when your prose is so goddamn pretty. Also I love the complexity you've given Lilith, the very epitome of a woman scorned.
Accepting ; What is something about my portrayal that sticks out?
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I bet you're BIASED!!!
I'm joking, you know I put my blood sweat, and tears into my replies to you. I'm glad I can tempt you to write your fingers off to dance along with my writing. And I do try my best to show how scorned Miss Lilith is. I am very pleased I've been able to captivate some people as it's brought me some lovely friendships. Coughs.
Me over here doing bows.
However, Lilith is hungry and must be fed hourly with the blood of her enemies!!!
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cayslongliving · 7 months
A visual story of my journey as a swiftie, starting with going to the Speak Now World Tour on November 22, 2011 where Selena was a surprise guest, they sang ‘Who Says’ and after seeing Taylor perform ‘Haunted’ and going under a giant ass bell after angrily hitting it in a badass red dress, 11 year old Caleigh was HOOKED.
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Fast forward to one of my earliest posts on Instagram on Christmas 2012 after getting Taylor’s Wonderstruck perfume and then the Enchanted Wonderstruck (as shown above). Went to see Red Tour with neighbors a few months later in March 2013
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Fast forward to 1989 Tour Philly night 1 (6/12/15) and Metlife night two (bottom) (7/11/15) in the MOST insane fit ever (peep the cat galaxy leggings in top right💀💀) and the insane amount of purple lights (Taylor’s HYGTG tour fit inspired ofc just purple)
Yup. It was magical. I screamed my lungs out.
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Oh and Taylor looked at me, I died that day.
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Fast forward AGAIN to Rep tour metlife night 2 (7/21/2018) & 3 (7/22/2018)
AMAZING rain show ( as you can see by our fits in top left), surprise song was fearless which also happened to be the first tattoo I ever got just months prior🫶🏼
Boom boom boom, fast forward AGAIN, covid hit, no loverfest :/ but got folklore and evermore!! Rerecordings! Midnights! (There’s a photo limit so I am saving my remaining pics for eras tour of course). 2022, I survived The Great War of Ticketmaster, somehow bagged Denver Night 1 Eras Tour Tickets (7/14/2023), Taylor LIKED MY TIKTOK in Fall of 2022 (still dead from it) anddddd
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To the Eras Tour I went!!! RIGHT next to the stage, and the entire night I was convinced Taylor was trying to give me a heartattack with the EYE CONTACT SHE KEPT MAKING WITH ME
Like, MA’AM???? Now 23 years old and this woman still has my whole goddamn heart. Taylor, I will stay, we will stay, I love you to the moon and to saturn ALWAYS🫶🏼🫶🏼🤍
Words cannot explain how excited I am for The Tortured Poets Department. April 19 CANNOT come sooner enough, I will be prepared with plenty of wine, tissues, and maybe a cheese board because I am a sucker for a good charcuterie board😌
I love you @taylorswift ! I love you swifties, thank you for being the best fandom in the world, I love the friends I’ve made through being a swiftie and friends I know I will make in the future!
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Sorry, Tay Talk😤🫡
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eldritchgray · 1 year
Okay, about Midnight Mass and why I love it so much.
This show is such a beautifully done piece of media, and Idk if I'm fully equipped to express just how impactful it is for me, but I wanna give it an effort. Specifically about the ending, because the ending is my favorite part.
Warning: This got long (also spoilers)
The beginning of the final episode is chaotic. It shows the worst aspects of religion, blind faith, and the church. The blatant hypocrisy of those who see themselves as righteous. The dangers of cherry-picking isolated pieces of scripture to justify every action, even the ones that cause others harm. Especially the ones that cause others harm. It's full of violence, gore, and fear.
The protagonists are the people who have been ostracized by the church for one reason or another. The gay woman, the Muslim man, the adulteress. They're the ones who saw how fucked up the actions of their church were first. They're the ones who realize the goal is to spread vampirism (it's never actually called that in the show, but that's what it is) from their isolated island community to the mainland, and they're the ones who choose to stay and stop this instead of fleeing to safety.
All three of them die in the process. But they win. They win against the rest of the town that was against them.
On the other side, is the culmination of every Christian self-righteous, judgemental asshole. She's the one who has justified every terrible decision with scripture. She's the one who looks down on everyone else in the whole goddamn town. I know several people like her from the church I used to attend.
In one scene she reprimands a man for saving someone who had never set foot in church, and says there's no room in the rec center (one of the two buildings left standing at this point) for him. The man who saved him says, "But I saved him. He was always nice to me." She doesn't care. In here eyes, since he'd never gone to mass, he wasn't redeemable.
It's around this time we see the people starting to realize just how horrible all this is. How terrible their actions have been. That they never should have started down this path, but they have and now they have to recon with the aftermath.
When the main three burn down the last two remaining buildings, the town's reaction compared to the self-righteous woman's is very telling. They remain calmly resigned, while she panics. They've already come to terms with the horror of their actions and their upcoming fate, and she is still firmly clinging to the belief that this was all God's will.
We get to see everyone in their final moments, and specifically we get to hear the inner thoughts the woman the town condemned as promiscuous. The whole monologue is beautifully written and acted, but it's this one line that really gets to me,
"There is no time. There is no death. Life is a dream. It's a wish. Made again and again and again and again and again and again and on into eternity. And I am all of it. I am everything. I am all. I am that I am."
When I tell you this made me sob it is not an exaggeration.
Everyone in the town spends their final moments coming together and singing or praying facing the sunrise. Everyone except the self-righteous woman. She spends her final moments scrambling for survival. The one person who could never come to terms with the fact that she was in the wrong.
The final episode begins with chaos, but it ends with an almost haunting quiet, as everyone looks into the sunrise.
This show does such a good job of criticizing the hypocrisy in the church and in having blind faith. It shows that going to church every week does not make you a good person. But it balances this with showing that having faith and having religion can bring people peace and joy, and that is beautiful and lovely. With showing that not going to church does not make you a bad person. In the end, we are all just people.
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fauxkaren · 1 year
Tale of the Nine-Tailed (9/10)
Oh no. This drama knows how to get me. I am absolutely a sucker for complicated sibling feelings. I cried multiple times because of the relationship between Lee Yeon and Lee Rang. Like, don’t get me wrong! The main romance is also nice! I liked Ji Ah and Yeon together, but the relationship that stabbed me directly in the heart was the relationship between the brothers.
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Right. So. This is a fantasy drama involving gods and myths and Korean folklore and reincarnation. The basic rundown is the 600 years ago Lee Yeon was a mountain god. He fell in love with a human woman and due to the machinations of an evil entity called Imugi, she dies. Lee Yeon makes a deal with the mystic people who run the afterlife where, if they promise to make sure his love reincarnates, he will work for them.
And so, finally, in 2020, Lee Yeon’s first love reincarnates as Nam Ji Ah- a producer at a TV station whose parents went missing under strange/supernatural circumstances when she was a child. She produces a program that investigates urban myths and as part of that, she crosses paths with Lee Yeon who was on a mission on behalf of the Afterlife Immigration Office. Then Imugi rears its head again. Will history repeat itself or can Lee Yeon and Ji Ah make it through with both of them alive this time?
So that’s the basic shape of the show, but goddamn the part the hooked me was the relationship between Lee Yeon and his younger brother Lee Rang. Rang is actually Yeon’s half-brother. Rang’s mother was a human and as a child, she abandoned Rang in a haunted forest. Yeon saved Rang and took Rang to live with him. But then when Yeon gave up his position as mountain god after his love died, the mountain and its forest was no longer protected. Angry villagers burned the forest down, killing Rang’s beloved puppy. Abandoned and angry, Rang uh... made lots of bad choices? Including killing the villagers who destroyed the forest which made him a target that the afterlife gods wanted to eliminate. They sent Yeon to kill Rang and Rang survived, but... yeah. You can see how the relationship between the brothers might be complicated! It’s so good though. The actors playing the brothers are fantastic and the writing is so good for their scenes too. I cried probably 3-4 times because of them!!!
Overall the story was tight and the acting solid. The writing was good and the secondary characters were charming and compelling. I would absolutely recommend this drama. The ONE weakness is that sometimes I feel like plot threads got dropped and I get it... there was a lot going on. But idk. Part of me is like “are we just never going to acknowledge the fact that an island full of people just vanished?” and there are some other threads I wish had been explored more. Still a great show though!
A prequel series is coming out in a couple of weeks and I hope it is good, but idk! I am cautious! I can’t see how they can compete with the original.
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mrsmarlasinger · 2 years
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I posted 9,071 times in 2022
That's 1,181 more posts than 2021!
164 posts created (2%)
8,907 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,231 of my posts in 2022
#tlt - 326 posts
#personal - 138 posts
#drug mention - 123 posts
#tumblrstake - 108 posts
#september 2022 - 105 posts
#drugs tw - 103 posts
#goncharov - 96 posts
#ldsconf - 91 posts
#general conference - 91 posts
#coronavirus - 86 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#(btw universe i am knocking on wood and i'm nawt trying to extort *extra* luck by reblogging this a second time okay love u 🤜🪵🤜🪵🤜🪵)
My Top Posts in 2022:
My Favorite TLT Fanart Things
festeringly hawt, not TOO pretty
pale sallow skin. maybe a liiiiittle touch of jaundice, who can say
blood blood blood
small titty committee, but goddamn does she work that cleavage 😳
flat, colorless sheet of long hair (type 1a. texture what texture) that appears vaguely damp at all times
looks like she barely sleeps more than harrow
VISIBLY sickly, washed out, and fucking unhinged
weird vintage-y clothes that she somehow manages to slay OR slinky Barbiecore party girl dress in an obnoxious and unflattering shade of lavender
tall and svelte like a silver screen actress
men's clothes because i pick and choose what's canon here <33
slightly annoying face. punchable woman.
purple is HER color even though it looks terrible on her
evil freak with fucked-up insane eyes
looks at everyone like she's gonna fuck and/or cannibalize them. just radiating the most horrifying sexual energy you've ever seen
cool gross mess of muscle and gristle connecting her bone arm to her shoulder
lean, kind of hollow face with high cheekbones (but still punchable-looking)
eyes either half-lidded and come-hither or just way way too scarily wide
possibly doesn't shower
ianthe can have piercings too. if she wants :)
Gideon | Harrow | Coronabeth
114 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
Dallin H. Oaks is the reason I could not remain in the Church.
Dallin H. Oaks is the reason I can't tell my parents that I've been dating a girl for eight months and I'm in love with her and I gave my virginity to her and the other night I dreamed that I proposed to her.
Dallin H. Oaks is the reason my father delights in saying the f-slur and making fun of his trans coworker, but god forbid the gays should marry, god forbid someone should reject the pronouns they were assigned from their very first breath.
Dallin H. fucking Oaks is the reason my parents and grandparents may never show up to my wedding, should I marry my girl, or meet my children, should I choose to have any.
And of course, it's not just Oaks, and if he weren't the emblem of homophobia in the Church, it would be someone else.
But I resent him so much.
I'm sorry—if nothing else, I believe in love. But I cannot love the man who so intensely embodies and perpetuates the pain I've endured for 21 years.
How dare he.
137 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
My Favorite TLT Fanart Things
androgynously hawt, not TOO pretty
little curved fangs as gauges
lotssss of piercings
emo 14-year-old grunge blogger attire or ornate lacy goth princess attire, no in-between
insane bags under her eyes
NO bone tiddies on the rib corset (why)
mean scary little gremlin and/or pathetic wet scrunkly rat
at least vaguely pissed-looking at (almost) all times
black nail polish
flat af but not emaciated because :(
choker/collar thing made of vertically arranged bones (you know the one)
blood blood blood
doesn't look 25! she's only three years old!!
insane unhinged energy always
soft dark eyes. tender eyes. angry, powerful eyes. haunted eyes.
looks about as put-together as a goth freak on the wrong end of a bender
smeared face paint cuz she's fucked up
mean, pointy, vaguely sickly little ferret face with small angular features (ideal for conveying A. feral rage, B. tortured sorrow, or C. thinly veiled open exasperation)
hair juuust long enough to curl around her ears and get in her eyes, like an anime boy
neither butch nor femme but a secret third thing
*my special little guy 🖤
Gideon | Ianthe | Coronabeth
153 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
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Mormons RECOVER from limp cabbage EMBARRASSMENT
156 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
22 ½ hours of Canadian Redditors attempting to draw their own flag on r/place:
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Please note that this is juxtaposed with intricate pixel art of the Eiffel Tower, featuring The Little Prince...
See the full post
16,897 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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backofthebookshelf · 4 years
Horror Recs for Magnus Fans, Part the Second
Last time I did this I was assuming that anyone who was listening to a horror podcast already knew some horror, but I have since learned that this is not the case, so there are a few more classics in here, as well as some more of my faves.
For anyone and everyone who listens to TMA: Sarah Monette's Kyle Murchison Booth stories, many (though not all) of which are collected in The Bone Key. Queer information professional would very much like for ghosts and monsters to leave him alone, does not get what he wants; can't resist the impulse to help out people who are more fucked over than him anyway. I love Booth so much, he deserves much better things than he gets.
For Web stans: Blindsight by Peter Watts, a sci-fi horror novel about free will and consciousness. Lydia Nicholas named this as one of her favorite books in the first Assistant's Round Table; I respect her for it, but I read this once and it gave me an existential crisis. Highly recommended, but make sure you've got a palate cleanser.
For jonelias fans and/or fans of the Corruption: Candyman (1992). With bonus folklore & urban legend meta! Kissing bees into your (potential) lover's mouth in order to convince them to become a murderous spirit of vengeance just like you! "All you have left is my desire for you"!!! It's extremely sexy, is what I'm saying, in all the best ways. (Trigger warnings for violence against children and a fair amount of gore, in addition to the aforementioned bees.)
If you love the no-holds-barred social commentary of season five: The Ballad of Black Tom by Victor LaValle. No, I will not shut up about this book until absolutely everyone in the world has read it. It's short! You could read it in an afternoon! This is Lovecraft's "The Horror at Red Hook" from the point of view of a black musician and hustler who's hired to help out with the ritual, and it's incredible. (If you're enjoying Lovecraft Country, absolutely do not miss this.)
If you miss the standalone statements of season one and two: the works of the early 20th century cosmic horror and ghost story writers: M.R. James, Algernon Blackwood, Arthur Machen. Machen has a tendency to get pretty eugenics-y, and they're all either misogynistic or don't have women in their stories at all, but goddamn do they do atmosphere. ("The Magnus Archives" is named after James's "Count Magnus," Jonny's favorite M.R. James story.)
For Stranger fans and those who love unexplained mysteries: The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher, a Southern horror (not a Gothic) about a woman who goes to clean out her abusive grandmother's house to sell it only to find that there are things other than his wife that her grandfather was afraid of, and for good reason. Features hot competent neighbors, extremely practical reactions to terrible monsters, and a Very Good Dog (the dog does not die).
For Lonely bitches: "The Horla" by Guy de Maupassant, the story I use to describe my depression to people. That's a pretty good content warning, honestly.
If you loved the "Am I still human?" plotline: The Monster of Elendhaven by Jennifer Giesbrecht, a grotesque little novella about monsters in (dysfunctional) love. I'm a bit iffy on the ending, but honestly landing the ending of horror is so tricky that I'll almost never discount something just because I'm iffy on the ending. The body horror and emotional repression throughout make up for it.
If you crave the supernatural adventure series starring Gerry Keay: The Sandman Slim series by Richard Kadrey - modern noir, so gritty you can feel it in your teeth, featuring all kinds of monsters, demons, curses, and narrowly-averted apocalypses. Not as misogynistic as noir can get, but it is noir so there's definitely a bit of that (but definitely not as misogynistic as Jim Butcher). Trigger warnings all over the place; this is B-movie horror in book form.
For Distortion fans: The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson. Bears almost no resemblance to the Netflix series of the same name, or any of the movies based on it; this is a twisty psychological novel with a profoundly unreliable narrator and a lot of repressed queerness. Michael/Helen would be right at home in Hill House. (Content warning for suicidality.)
If you want your horror to make you cry: El Orfanado, directed by Guillermo del Toro; a family moves into a house that used to be an orphanage, that is, of course, haunted. This is a tremendous distillation of the way that horror movies are so often centered around women not being believed, so content warning for gaslighting (and for harm to children); I saw this movie once and entire scenes are embedded in my brain in full color. (Honestly you can't go wrong with any Guillermo del Toro movies; he's fantastic.)
If you want your horror to make you cry, but make it gay: In the Flesh, two seasons of a zombie TV show tragically cut short (yes, it ends on a cliffhanger, I’m sorry). Uses zombies as a metaphor for homophobia, but also includes actual queer people. Content warning for small-town-typical homophobia and tragic gays. Please come yell with me about Simon Monroe, I love him so much.
For Slaughter fans: The Shining by Stephen King - look, look, I know. He's not great. He needs an editor. The movie is all kinds of fucked up. But this book is one of the most raw, personal horror stories I've ever read, and it's got an excellent combination of supernatural influence and real-life mundane fear of addiction and personal weakness that really grabs you by the intestines. Again, an iffy ending, but it's worth it for the slow descent into paranoia and madness.
If you just want to try to find some authors to read: The Borderlands anthology series, paperbacks from the height of the 80s horror boom; there are so many different kinds of stories in here that I can pretty much guarantee you that you won't like some of them but you might well find something new to fall in love with. A lot of these writers are out of print but readily available at used bookstores or for pennies on Amazon.
As always, let me know if you liked any of these or if you have a specific need: it is no longer my job to recommend books and media to people but it is still my very favorite thing to do and I will be obnoxious about it forever
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heyhihellowhatsup0 · 3 years
Hooked On Your Feelings - Chapter Two (FWB! Tom Holland x Reader)
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Warnings: Some angst, language, eventual smut in future chapters, fluff
Word Count: 5255
Summary: After a bad breakup, making an agreement with your womanizing neighbor, Tom to be friends with added benefits and no strings attached seemed like the perfect idea. Until things become messy, emotions caused your agreement to crumble.
A/N:  I am HYPE to post this new chapter! Omg I just love writing this series so much its so fun writing Tom like this lol. Also low key...this chapter has an easter egg to a pervious series of mine and I’m v curious if anyone catches it but probably not because its superrr tiny but either way I hope you guys like this one! Obviously, smut is in this chapter! DM me to be tagged and I cannot wait to hear everyone’s thoughts! (Also .gif is not mine. DM me for credit please, I found on google!) Thank you xx -N
“What happened to that girl you took home the other night from The Lace Rabbit?” Harrison asked as he ordered his lunch before he took a seat at the table with Tom. It was typical for them to meet up during the week on their lunch breaks and catch up when they were not busy being wingmen for the other while bar hopping on the weekends. 
Tom shrugged off Harrison’s question as he took a bite of his sandwich, “She got a little clingy so I had Y/N help me get rid of her,” he smiled as he said your name out loud. His friends knew of you as the hot girl who lived next door who bailed him out of sticky situations. Always teasing Tom how he could never actually get you. The irony made it all too funny for him, “How’d it go with that blonde girl?” he asked to change the subject off of him.
He didn’t know if he should bring up the two of you sleeping together with Harrison. Harrison was his best friend and wouldn’t judge but he knew he’d give Tom shit for it. He’d want to know details of your arrangement or how it came about, if you were really that good and Tom didn’t feel comfortable answering that. Not if it was about you. He didn’t want his other friends knowing about you in the way he did. That was personal between you both and he wanted to show you he respected you.
“It didn’t,” Harrison admitted while taking a sip of his water. He let out a chuckle as he felt himself blushing, “Forgot her name and she spilt her drink on me. Can’t say I didn’t deserve that one,” he at least knew when he was in the wrong.
Tom cringed into his sandwich as he let out a cackle, “You definitely deserved it, mate,” he laughed with another bite. His phone vibrated in his pocket but he chose to ignore it, knowing like clock work what it probably was. It was going to ruin the rest of his day and he at least wanted to enjoy lunch with his friend before getting pissed off for the day.
“She’d probably love you,” Harrison teased. 
“Fuck off,” Tom rolled his eyes with a laugh. “I’m not taking your angry seconds.”
“Don’t knock angry sex til you try it,” Harrison smirked knowingly. 
Tom shook his head as he once again ignored the phone ringing, “I think I’m good, thanks,” he brushed it off with another eyeroll. 
He didn’t know why he suddenly felt weird talking about their last venture out at the club. Maybe it was because Tom knew where he ended up after that girl had left and he knew what that meant for the both of you. But Tom wasn’t done with his bachelor days, and even you knew that. Hell, you practically insisted since this was a no strings attached deal.
It just felt strange not telling Harrison about you. Like it was a weird secret. But at the same time, he felt oddly protective of you. Not wanting his friends to see you as some girl he was getting laid with. Or worse, a potential love interest. He knew it wasn’t going to happen. Hell would be freezing over before Tom decided on any sort of long term obligation. But he knew his friends and he knew they wouldn’t see this is a simple agreement between two friends. And he didn’t want to deal with that conversation.
Staying quiet was the better option. For his own sanity. And...well, would you care if he told anyone about this? Tom figured that was another rule he’d have to ask about. He didn’t want to overstep any boundaries and he knew you had a list of rules as well that he was happy to follow. As long as that meant one thing and one thing only: non-exclusive.
Harrison noticed Tom’s phone buzzing for the third time. And Tom ignored it for the third time. He checked the message with a huff of his breath before turning the screen face down on the table, going back to his lunch before he had to get back to work.
“Clingy girl?” Harrison nodded towards Tom’s phone. 
Tom shook his head, “My mother was supposed to visit this weekend but you know the routine,” he mumbled into his food, not even wanting to respond to her.
“Let me guess,” Harrison began, knowing exactly where this was going since he knew Tom’s whole story inside and out. Including the bits he hated to discuss which was mainly his family, “Going skiing with Clint in Veil instead?” he questioned knowingly.
Tom scoffed out a laugh at his guess, “Surfing with Clint in Malibu but same shit,” he corrected as he tried not to let it get to him. But even Harrison could tell he was getting bothered by it once again and who could honestly blame him.
 Always the same story every time no matter what and Tom grew tired of her antics. He couldn’t even blame Clint for it anymore considering she’d been this way since he was a kid before he was even in the picture. Only now she would just use him as the perfect excuse to get out of coming to visit.
He knew he shouldn’t care anymore but he couldn’t help it. It wasn’t something easy for him to simply let go of. It was his mother. And no matter how many times he’d try she would always give him back the bare minimum and it always made him upset. She was his one final connection to him and she could care less about any of it, so why did Tom? It always got under his skin and he loathed that it did.
But he would still invite her. No matter how miserable it made him.
“Well at least now you’re free this weekend,” Harrison broke his thought while he gathered their garbage before they headed back to work, “The usual at The Lace Rabbit this Saturday then?” he suggested with a knowing smile to try and get Tom out of his mood.
Grabbing his phone, Tom clutched it tightly as he inhaled sharply. Knowing his change of plans meant doing his normal routine even though he was looking forward to the slight change this weekend, which now just seemed bleak to him
“Yeah,” Tom agreed as he tapped your name on his phone but hesitated when he saw his mother trying to call for a fourth time, “The usual this weekend.”
Your chest tensed as you got into your car after your extremely long day in the office. Everything around you felt heavy and you couldn’t wait to get home as soon as you could but you found yourself still frozen in your car. Unable to move as the moments from earlier this afternoon invaded your thoughts once again while you tried your best to move in. Even though you knew you were completely grief stricken and didn’t know what the hell to do.
The promotion was yours, at least you had thought it was by the way your boss would constantly hint at it. You knew it was never a definite thing, but you were confident in the hard work you had put into your job and knew you were a top contender for the spot. You worked longer hours, took on extra tasks, you even worked on the occasional weekend to get your work done. Taking every precaution necessary to prove that you were the best fit for the role.
Everything felt like it was lining up for you. Co-workers were giving you a pat on the back for your work accomplishments, your boss was taking note of everything you were doing, and you overall felt really good about where you stood for the potential position. So imagine your surprise when you attended the big luncheon and your boss announced his undeserving son was getting the spot instead of you.
It was both nepotism and misogyny rolled into one and it made your stomach turn the longer you had thought about it. None of it made any sense and it was far from fair. You knew you were the one more deserving of the position, the whole office knew it. Even your damn boss knew but he chose his damn son over you and it felt like a stab right to your gut.
You felt so betrayed and beside yourself as you finally decided to head home. Tears streamed down your cheeks while you tried to focus on the road but you just couldn’t ignore the facts. How were you going to be able to show up and take orders now from your boss’ son? You knew the job more than he did and it felt like a huge screw you.
On your drive home, you tried to make yourself feel better by putting on some music to distract yourself but nothing helped. You felt beyond defeated and frustrated right now you didn’t know what was going to make you feel better at the moment. It felt like the world was against you. Between finding Justin with another woman and your job, you were really batting one thousand lately and you weren’t sure when you would catch a break.
Things were not going how you planned at all. The thought of just quitting your job and starting all over again crossed your mind but the fear of the unknown kept haunting you. You didn’t know which direction to go in or who to turn to for advice anymore. You were slowly drowning and you needed someone to throw you a goddamn life jacket already.
You were relieved to finally be home. Maybe some peace and quiet would make you feel a little better, you thought to yourself while you kicked your shoes off and turned some music on for yourself. Trying to put the day behind you and focus on the present moment while you got changed into more comfortable clothes to unwind.
You jumped out of your skin when you heard a knock at your door, not expecting anybody to come by right now. Pulling your hair up into a bun, you headed back towards the door and looked through the peephole. To your surprise, you weren’t really surprised at all. You were actually sort of relieved when you opened the door and saw Tom standing there holding a pizza box.
“That better have extra cheese,” you asked with a narrowed expression while you invited him inside with the pizza that he would always bring you even in normal times. 
Placing the box on the kitchen table, Tom opened it with a grin as he showed you the pizza pie with cheese practically oozing from the crusts, “Figured it was an extra toppings sort of day,” he admitted, knowing he really needed the escape from reality. Even if it was just a pizza.
“Tell me about it,” you sighed as you grabbed a piece closest to you as Tom handed you a paper plate. You headed over towards your refrigerator to grab you both a few beers while Tom leaned up against your kitchen counter as he devoured his slice, “I’m guessing you had a bad day judging by your pizza presentation?” knowing there wasn’t really any particular reason he’d be coming over with it today. Unless if he wanted something?
You slowed your pace back from the fridge wondering if he was going to pick up on how you were feeling. You weren’t entirely sure if you wanted him to notice. Whenever you and Tom had a pizza night it was merely to gossip about your lunatic neighbors or watch a game together. You talked about casual things but never really gone into depth or prying into each other’s lives. Why did it feel like suddenly you wanted something different? Would sex change that much in your friendship?
“We can just ignore that...we don’t have to talk about unimportant stuff,” you waved it off. Tom didn’t need to hear about your miserable day. And you didn’t want to pry into his. 
He swallowed the last bite of his slice, “If something makes you upset, it’s not unimportant,” he noted. But when he noticed you just looking at him, he raised his hands in surrender. “Ignore my philosophical ass. But I’d like to hear about your day, you know,” he laughed it off. 
What the hell was he doing? He thought to himself. Don’t let personal shit ruin this. Enjoy her company. That’s it. 
“I didn’t get the promotion,” you told him. You had mentioned to Tom a while ago that your boss was hinting at it but you never went into detail with him about it. You weren’t used to Tom actually wanting to be open or the other way around. And you’d be lying if you said you weren’t slightly surprised Tom even gave a crap about stuff like this. 
Tom frowned at your answer and he felt his heart sink a bit when you told him the truth about your bad day. He didn’t know much about your job but he was sure you were a hard worker. He saw how much you loved your job and how passionate you were about it when it would come up. You would share upcoming projects with him from time to time and he would see the look on your face whenever you explained them to him. So hearing that you were passed by for a promotion was upsetting to him.
“I...shit, Y/N,” he put his pizza down as he walked over towards to give you a hug. Sliding his hands around your waist he pulled you into him as he felt you relax against his chest, “You didn’t deserve that,” he added softly.
You allowed Tom to embrace you, his warmness comforting you a bit before you pulled away and started crying when telling him about your boss’ son getting the job instead of you. Making you laugh by calling him every name in the book, you and Tom finally found a common ground as you kept venting to him.
Tom pulled away slowly, his hand resting at your chin while he licked his lips, “You’re boss sounds like a fucking prick, I hope you know that,” he told you reassuringly. The small smile you formed when he spoke made him want to keep making you feel better, “I’m glad you’re smiling,” he blushed at his confession.
Stretching your mouth wider, you flashed Tom a playful yet overly wide grin to deflect the attention he gave to you. The two of you laughed as Tom pulled away with a loud chuckle, shaking his head at your sudden silliness, “That has to be the most hideous smile. But we’ll work on it,” he told you through his laughter.
You rolled your eyes before going back to your pizza, giving Tom a look as you nudged him, “Not gonna tell me about what happened to you?” you finally asked.
Tom tensed as he tried to brush it off with a simple shrug into his pizza. The thought of his mother’s texts and ridiculous apologies and excuses continued to drive him crazy as he mumbled into his bite, “It’s stupid shit,” he told you as he swallowed the crust he was chewing, “Mom stuff, not important,” he added bluntly.
You could see the look on his face and could tell it was important to him but you didn’t want to force him to talk about it. Tom was never one to bring up his family ever to you and that was the first time you had ever heard him even mention his mother. He never spoke of his father, at least to you, so you just assumed both were out of his life for whatever reason and it was none of your business to ask.
 And Tom refused to admit it but he wanted you to ask about him. Spending hours upon hours at bars, turning his focus always onto the girl; because he knew no girl would ever want to go home with a self righteous, egotistical guy. It was never something Tom minded to do, especially with complete strangers who he would never open up to in a million years. It might have been the recent development he had with you but there was something refreshing he felt around you and as much as it freaked him out, he didn’t seem to mind.
But diving into his mommy issues with you now seemed too much to deal with right now. You were dealing with more than enough problems with your job and your miserable ex-boyfriend, he figured you didn’t need to hear his bitching right now anyway. He came here to get away from those shitty thoughts, not open those wounds further. 
Tom came here for a distraction.
Licking his lips, Tom perked up as he looked at you fervidly, “Wanna have sex?” he asked matter of factly. He figured he didn’t need to beat around the bush since you had your arrangement but maybe he was a bit too direct with his request. Tom cleared his throat as he tried to save the night, “I-I mean, I just figured since we both had shitty days that maybe we could uhm-”
“Thought you’d never ask,” you cut him off with a smirk and you perked up as well, nodding as you smoothed out your hair. Standing back up as you turned your back towards him, removing your shirt in the process, “Let’s go,” you called over your shoulder as you headed towards your room.
“Oh, we’re jumping right in,” Tom mumbled to himself as he practically fell off his chair to follow you into your room, tossing his shirt beside yours as he practically froze already seeing you completely undressed, “Christ…” he breathed out while taking you in. 
You rolled your eyes as you walked over to him, bringing your lips to his now bare shoulder, “You’re really acting like you haven’t seen me like this the other day?” You laughed against his skin while you began to suck a bruise against him, hearing him let out a gasp while your hand snaked into his pants sneakily, “Beginning to really like this whole friends with benefits thing we have,” you laughed as you found Tom’s lips.
Practically growling into your kiss, Tom lifted you up and lowered you onto your back on your bed. His lips traveled from yours, to your stomach, dipping his tongue into your belly button as you moaned quietly before he brought himself down between your thighs. His lips peppering your inner thigh before he got straight to the point because this whole arrangement meant no foreplay. Another plus for Tom.
“Darling, I think you may be the best friend I’ve ever had,” Tom breathed out a laugh as he pressed his tongue flatly against your clit. Sliding two of his fingers into your core while he slowly pumped in and out of you, “This is what got me through my day today,” he told you before he brought his mouth back to your core.
You arched your back while your fingers went towards Tom’s curls. His name began to fall from your lips while he lapped his tongue carefully, letting it slip inside of you as he continued to tease you with his mouth. His fingers sliding into you again, adding a third as he moaned against your center; allowing the vibrations to roll throughout your entire body.
“Mmm, oh, fuck...!” you cried out, yanking gently against Tom’s hair as you felt the coil beginning to burn from inside of you. Biting your lip to stifle another moan, “Fuck...yo-you’re really good at that,” you breathed out with a small laugh which turned into a whimper.
With his head peering up at you, Tom flashed you a cocky smile with a playful wink as he licked your folds teasingly, “Did you seriously doubt my abilities to make you cum with my mouth, Y/N?” he raised his eyebrow while pumping his fingers now tantalizingly slow, “You’re gonna pay for that comment,” he said to you.
“Just...shut up and make me cum, Tom,” you told him through another gasp as you felt his teeth drag teasingly against your already throbbing bud. His lips wrapped around it as he sucked more harshly, doing exactly as you had asked him to do, “Ungh...oh god, okay. Yeah, keep doing that,” you instructed as you began to grind your hips against his mouth.
Tom took it as a challenge and picked up his pace, beginning to flick your clit faster while he continuously sucked on it. His three fingers now entirely coated in your warmth as he felt you clenching around them. His pants feeling tighter from his hard on while he knelt at the end of your bed trying to bring you to where he wanted.
His free hand splayed against your stomach, holding you in place while he felt you trying to squirm around from the way he was making you feel. Rubbing your clit in between his breaths, Tom looked up at you as he licked a solid stripe down your center, “Let out how you’re feeling from today and cum for me, Y/N,” Tom commanded. 
Your eyes shut as you did exactly what Tom had suggested. Completely coming undone from beneath him while you released as much of the tension from earlier as you possibly could but in the most amazing way. Your eyes rolled back into your head while your back arched as Tom’s tongue continued to work you up while you were at your highest point.
Letting out a breathy laugh as you started to come down from it, feeling Tom begin to kiss his way back up your stomach with a smug look, “Don’t give me that look,” you rolled your eyes at his cockiness as his tongue traced along your neck, “I could do what you just did to myself, you know,” you tried to knock him off his high horse a bit while he pretended to be wounded from your words.
“Ah, but you didn’t. Did you?” Tom reminded you as his lips found yours. His hands still in between your thighs as he brought them between you both, showing you his coated fingers while he tasted you off of them, “Tastes like I made you cum because you wanted me to,” his smugness only elevated as he pushed himself off of you as he laid on his back on your bed.
“Need I remind you that you came to my place like a porno with a pizza looking to get laid,” you retaliated as you shifted so you were now hovering over him. Your hands guiding towards his belt buckle to get him out of his restraintive pants. The pleading look on his face made you just as smug, “Sounds like you want me to do just about the same thing, am I right or am I right?” you sang in his ear.
Tom helped you get the rest of his pants and boxers off, feeling himself spring out as he stared back at you with uncertainty, “Did you...just call me a porn star?” he questioned as the two of you let out a laugh.
“You wish, Tommy,” you teased as you ran your tongue down his abs, placing small and open kisses against his stomach as you made your way down to his legs while your hand carefully gripped his hardened length, your thumb running the pre-cum around his tip while you already heard him gasping for you.
Gripping your bedsheets with one hand, Tom reached around to create a makeshift ponytail to hold your hair. Cussing under his breath as he watched your mouth wrap around his tip, swirling your tongue around it while your eyes searched for his. He was really trying to hold it together but you were already driving him crazy.
“Let’s see what you got, Y/N,” Tom challenged you with a heavy breath as he tightened his grip around your hair, “Sometimes, girls think they know exactly what to do but-OH FUCK!” 
His words were lost as soon as your mouth went straight down to his base. Suctioning as hard as you could before coming back up his cock painfully slow. Moaning your name as his chest began to heave, Tom felt his thighs start to quiver from under you. Even just watching the way you were working on him was enough to make him whimper right now.
“Fuck...okay, yeah I take that back,” Tom gasped as his nose crinkled up while his other hand white knuckled the sheets, “God, your mouth is fucking perfect. Why haven’t we done any of this shit before?” he was in such a fucked out haze, he wasn’t even sure if anything he was saying made any sense at all. But he felt his stress from earlier going away finally. Even if this was just a short state of bliss, he was grateful for it anyway.
“You really want me to answer that or would you just prefer me to keep sucking your dick?” you sassed while you kitten licked his tip. You watched from the end of the bed as Tom bucked his hips into your mouth to try and get more contact from your lips but you pulled away from him and just kept licking his tip.
God, you were good, Tom thought to himself.
‘K-keep going,” Tom finally breathed out, flinging his head against the pillow to brace for the impact.
Hollowing your cheeks, you pushed yourself all the way down his cock. Your tongue flicking the base in between as you began to feel him throb inside of your mouth. You could tell he was close so you moaned softly into his cock, watching as Tom shuddered from the sensation you just sent through him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Tom cried out, moaning your name as he rutted his hips into your mouth. His pupils blacked as he felt the heat rising in his body, “Shit...I’m gonna cum, Y/N,” he warned as you pulled away, running your hand down his shaft as he began to come undone for you.
His warmth spilled out into your hand and down his cock while he let go finally. The stress somewhat leaving his body as it did yours while the euphoric high peaked for him. Your lips crashed against his while his tongue parted your lips to find yours, tangling them together as he moaned against your mouth while riding out his high finally.
You waited for Tom to catch his breath before you smiled against his lips, placing a small peck against them as you pulled away with an even bigger grin, “Yeah, you’re welcome,” you gave him the same arrogant tone he gave to you moments earlier before you pecked his lips again.
After taking some time to get yourselves together mixed with the continuous fooling around underneath the sheets, you and Tom finally decided to get up and end the night. Even though he didn’t want to leave, he knew he probably shouldn’t overstay. Primarily, Tom was adamant about never spending the night at a girl’s place that he slept with. That made things complicated and he didn’t want complicated. But since you and him had rules to not make things messy, he wasn’t sure if that applied to you. For now, he wanted to play it safe so he got himself dressed again.
You pulled on an oversized t-shirt, realizing both of your hair looked a mess. Luckily you were already home and Tom was down the hall so it didn’t really matter. You wanted to say something to Tom, that you were thankful he came by tonight. You were thankful even before sex was on the table. It felt nice to have him as an ally to swing by with a pizza when he didn’t even know you needed that.
“...is it weird to say I’m glad you came by?” you gestured towards your bedroom while you walked with him out into the kitchen where the half eaten pizza was left, “I know we haven’t really made too many rules about it but…” you trailed off with a nervous laugh as you smiled at him awkwardly.
“Like we said, zero weirdness,” Tom reminded you as he padded his way over to you. He grabbed a leftover crust from the box and shoved it in his mouth, clearly starving already from the workout you had just given him. He smiled while he chewed lazily, his mouth still filled with pizza crumbs, “But I’m happy to come by when we have shit days...and make you cum as well,” he smirked deviously. 
The door opened as you smiled back, “Doesn’t have to be just bad days, you know. We could...screw whenever we feel like it,” you told him, hoping that it wasn’t too much.
“Did you just say screw?” he whipped his head towards you with a loud laugh.
“Alright then, I guess I’ll just leave you to the girls who leave you unsatisfied then,” you fought back.
Tom leaned against the door with his mouth gaped open, “They do not...leave me...unsatisfied?” he questioned himself, knowing that that was true, whether he wanted to admit it or not.
“Then why are you here?” you placed a hand on your hip, feeling the smile pulling at your lips while you messed around with him. You certainly weren’t in this mood earlier before Tom came around.
Pressing his lips together, Tom rolled his eye at you, “Fine...we can screw...whenever,” he leaned in closer to you with his eyes big as he mimicked your voice when you said it, “As long as we keep this thing strictly what we intended, you can use me whenever you need, Y/N,” and he meant it.
You didn’t back away when he sealed his words with a soft kiss, paired with his trademark grin. Tom pulled away slowly, taking in the moment as he wished you a goodnight quietly before kissing you against the cheek, “Like I said, best friend I ever had,” he said softly once again.
“Am I interrupting something?” A voice broke from behind the two of you. Both of your eyes widened towards each other as you both simultaneously pivoted your heads towards the staircase where the voice was coming from.
Tom closed his eyes with a groan, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to ignore Harrison staring at the two of you with a crooked grin. Making it known to Tom that explaining this was going to be a lot tougher than he had imagined.
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saglovesu · 3 years
𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐪𝐮𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
— 𝘽𝙪𝙯𝙯𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 ♡
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CW: lots of swearing, furries (idk if I need to put a warning for that?? I‘ll just put it here like I do w/every kink/fetish related stuff lol), descriptions of violence
A/N: I‘m having WAY too much fun doing these quotes,,, if you want more parts/ other shows let me know!! Requests are open so feel free! 🤍
Atsumu: I think you need to learn how to start seeing things for what they are.
Sakusa: I think you need to learn how to shut the hell up.
Makki: I think the moon having a boner is about as realistic as ghosts.
Oikawa: *laughing* no it‘s not!
Yahaba: in today‘s episode we investigate into the question: are ghosts real?
Kyotani: *shakes head*
Sugawara: By the way, anybody could sketch anybody. Like, I could just- that means if I drew a sketch of you murdering someone back in the day, I could show up to the police station and be like „here it is. Here‘s evidence that Tanaka Ryūnosuke in cold blood, killed this woman dressed as a furry.“
Tanaka: And I feel like you would do that.
Sugawara: and they‘d be like „you‘re right. We had a lot of reports that Tanaka Ryūnosuke is in fact a furry.“
Tanaka: slap the cuffs on those hooves.
Kuroo: so this is part of the recurring theme that you‘ve had throughout this show, where if there weren‘t modern devices you‘d be-
Kenma: I‘d be a monster
Kuroo: - an insane psychopath
Kenma: yes.
Osamu: you hear that ghosts? That‘s Miya Osamu 1, Waverly Hills Sanatorium 0. How does that feel?
Suna [from behind him]: you fucking wimps!
Yamaguchi: the first theory is ridiculous.
Tsukishima: *bursts out laughing*
Yamaguchi: I‘m just gonna say that right now, it‘s ridiculous
Tsukishima: never heard you just flat out-
Yamaguchi: I know, for- for me to say it‘s ridiculous-
Tsukishima: this is a first
Akaashi, counting down: 10,9
Bokuto: 8
Akaashi: I‘m counting in my head.
[in a haunted house]
Oikawa: alright, iwa-chan is doing his lock up in there- oh boy oh god my fucking light just died goddamn it turn back on please please please
Iwaizumi, in the other room: *laughing*
Oikawa: iwa-chan is your lock in done??
Iwaizumi: No I‘ve just got another two min-
Oikawa: *screams* fuck fuck fuck come back out! AH! Come back out!! Come back out!
Iwaizumi, laughing: I got two more minutes-
Oikawa: NO NO!!
Iwaizumi: this is one of the best days of my life.
Atsumu: and the worst part is I don‘t even have my holy water! I went to eight churches today to try and get some holy water and I could not get one bit of holy water so now I‘m going into a demonhole with no holy water!
Tsukishima: I‘m gonna take everything said by a ghost hunter with a grain of salt.
Kuroo: well technically now you‘re a ghost hunter so think about that.
Tsukishima: oh shit.
Kuroo: So I don‘t know if I could trust you.
Tsukishima: uh, I‘m a ghost hunter but I‘d- *stutters*
Kuroo: oh my god did your brain just explode?
Tsukishima: Am I a ghost hunter? I don‘t wanna be a ghosthunter. This is all bullshit!
Kuroo: (wheezes)
Tsukishima: Oh no, do I have to put that on my business card?
Kuroo: yeah „Tsukishima Kei, Ghost hunter“
Tsukishima: son of a bitch
[in the borden house]
Bokuto, holding an axe: andrew this look familiar?
Kuroo: oh my god
Bokuto: *imitates axe smashing his own face* AH! AH!
Kuroo: *laughing* that‘s so fucked up
Bokuto: *imitates swinging axe at kuroo*
Kuroo, still laughing: dude get away from me!
Y/N: that‘s Jodie
Atsumu: the- the doll?
Y/N: mhmm
Osamu: what‘s her deal
Y/N: she will be the overseer of the haunted nursery of dolls that I‘m going to have.
Osamu, whispering to Atsumu: I‘m gonna buy you one of those for christmas.
Atsumu: shut up 'samu!
[in a haunted house]
Sugawara [to the ghost]: I heard you like balls- NO WAIT *laughs*
Daichi: you wanna do a retake on that one? That had to be intentional
Sugawara: I swear to god I‘m not doing this on purpose
Daichi: I mean this is a bit-
Sugawara: *still laughing* no it‘s not a fucking bit I‘m sorry
[talking about a haunted house]
Atsumu: It’s been reported that shadows follow you.
Kita: shadows do tend to follow you though. That‘s sort of how they work.
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Fresh Reads Fridaaaaaay !
hello beloveds, I am coming at you hot with a genre that I fear I often neglect on our little Friday get togethers: romance!
before you ask: yes, there are queer romances on they sound very sweet. and they're not even all white! but I have the most questions about The No-Show, which seems to be about... one poorly-organized man cheating THREE TIMES OVER by juggling three women who don't know about each other. but my understanding is that a romance is required to offer up a happily ever after, so how are we solving this one? personally I hope they pull a Korrasami with bonus polyamory, ie, all three women dumping him to date each other instead.
anyway, if you started panting and shaking with excitement when I said there are gay books on that list... I mean, calm down. seek help. but then check this shit out:
not to toot our collective horn, but goddamn queer people have some cool book ideas. there are several on here that I've already had on my TBR - including those by Isaac Fellman, Grace Lavery, and Julia Armfield - and now I may have to be adding QUITE A FEW MORE. if I had to pick just one, I'd say it would have to be David Santos Donaldson's Greenland - I do love a story about having a terrible time!
and speaking of my long-suffering TBR...
okay hey actually. guys. guys? I know that normally down here I'd talk about books from this list that sound cool but. I thought Hide sounded like a pretty interesting concept but then went "wait haven't I heard the name Kiersten White before" so I looked her up and. this woman also wrote a MESSY paranormal YA love triangle Twilight cash-in that I read when I was a sweet baby tween gobbling up anything vaguely weird or wacky the teen room at my local library could throw me. good lord. how are you doing Kiersten long time no see.
anyway. if you, like me, have been feeling a bit overwhelmed by the [gestures at everything] lately and have been contemplating the benefits of laying face down in the dirt for a bit, here are some books that may help. with the urge to lay in the dirt, I mean, not the [everything].
I can personally vouch for Aimee Nezhukumatathil's World of Wonders, which a delightfully unexpected essay collection that took a weight off my shoulders with each passing page.
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Bound Blood (Cassandra Dimitrescu/Reader, Soulmate AU) Pt. 4
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T+ for language, nudity (but, like, for art), and violence Warnings: Unhealthy dynamics, including violence between the shipped pair, leaning heavily into the "enemies" part of "enemies to friends to lovers" Summary: Local vampire discusses art, depictions of certain anatomy, and enjoys the company of her feral soulmate for 4.5 minutes. Then it goes to shit (as things tend to do). 0-60 Real goddamn quick. Previous Chapters: 1: Sharing Is (Not) Caring; 2: Bloodbath, Baby!, 3: Haunt Me Dearly
4: Portraits For Ghosts
“Am I really supposed to just… stay here? Did she honestly think that I, of all people, would behave? The universe gave me two good hands, and by God, I intend to make that someone else’s problem,” you mutter to yourself as you get dressed. It’s not that you necessarily had anything in mind, rather that you hated the idea of waiting around for who knows how long for Cassandra to return. Especially considering what she had done prior to leaving. Sure, you had laughed, but that hadn’t meant much in the end. At this point, you hadn’t even been out of the dungeon for a full day yet, and the memories of what happened there were fresh in your mind. Nightmares, too, even if you had pushed them aside to deal with Cassandra’s. Why did I bother? You wonder, frowning. There was hardly any point to comforting a monster, no matter the way they trembled.
Or at least that’s the lie you sold yourself.
Soon enough, a knock at the door brings you out of your head. Daphne, maybe, you think, remembering the maiden from yesterday. When you open the door, however, you’re met with an unfamiliar woman. She’s a few years your senior, at the very least, and appears surprised to see you. In her hands is a very enticing tray of food.
“Lady Cassandra wanted me to bring this to you. I am… I am glad to see you are feeling better already,” she says, voice shaking. What was with these maidens and assuming you were anything like your soulmate? Though that last part did catch your interest. Something told you that she wasn’t at all referring to your time in the dungeon. If you had learned anything from Daphne, it was that the best way to get information was to be indirect. So you graciously accepted the food, before speaking, dodging your way around your ignorance.
“Yes, it’s amazing what a bit of meditating can do for the soul- and body, that is,” you start, watching closely for any veiled reactions. Even within the first few words you can tell that this stranger wasn’t expecting you to be pleasant. “Out of curiosity, what did my Lady say about my condition? There are, uh, a few details that I hope she did not share. I’m sure you understand.” As soon as the words leave your mouth, the maiden is nodding, appearing eager to satisfy you. Maybe a hint of fear can be useful, after all.
“No worries, Lady Cassandra did well to respect your privacy, and we would not dare question her further. She simply explained, to her family, that you were dealing with a migraine. I only heard this because I was helping serve breakfast,” she explained, smiling softly. You’re quick to nod, mimicking her expression for maximum empathy. “Do you require anything else? I am here to serve, you must only ask.” Ah, perfect. Would she have offered this even if you hadn’t attempted to be charming? Probably, but your politeness certainly didn't hurt.
“Well, there is one thing… as long as it’s no trouble.”
It had been a risk, asking the servant to take you to a room you weren’t sure existed, but one that had paid off brilliantly. Even if said room was nothing like you had anticipated. Who would have thought that Cassandra, you think, would be an artist? What’s far less surprising is the fact that the studio (or ‘study’, as you had called it) is a disorganized disaster. Discarded papers lie scattered around an overflowing trash can, a cabinet with an attached tool rack is missing pieces, and in one corner there are literally random shards of broken glass lying about. What is this, performance art? Part of you feels tempted to clean up the mess, if only to occupy your time. Instead, you decide to examine some of the pieces within the room. Maybe somehow they’d tell you something noteworthy about your soulmate.
First, you move to your left, where a workbench houses strange sculptures. For the most part they’re abstract, jagged edges contrasting with gentle curves, but there is one you think you understand. It’s very clearly a bust… of someone’s ‘bust’. Guess that solves the age old question of ‘boobs or ass’, you think, stifling a giggle. Moving on, you shift your attention to the exposed section of the cabinet. One row is dedicated to small vials, each labeled with a concerning ‘blood’, despite the fact that it’s clearly not refrigerated. Still, you have heard of artists painting with blood before, but you seem to recall them mixing it with something else. Perhaps Cassandra had done the same? Though you did wonder if she had any difficulty resisting the urge to drink the blood, at least prior to mixing it.
Shrugging, you continue to the other side of the studio, squatting to get a closer look at the broken glass. As expected, there’s no discernable pattern or purpose. Huh, you think, wonder why she doesn’t clean up. Maybe she’s waiting for a servant to do it? Guessing her reasoning was rather difficult, especially considering your lack of context, such as how long the mess had been here. Deciding that this was a pointless distraction, you move on to the only other thing of note in the room: An easel, in the center, with a canvas nearly as tall as yourself. So far, there’s little on it other than pencil lines, a sketch marking where to paint certain details. Only the (start of) the background has been colored. Understandably, it’s hard to make out what exactly the finished project would end up representing. Based on what you know of Cassandra and her family, however, you infer that this- with four figures, one larger than the others, protective- is a painting of the castle residents.
“Family means something to you, hmm?... I hope that mine does not miss me much, for I will never see them again,” you say to yourself, instinctively reaching out towards the art. Before you can touch it, or think better of it, the door to the studio is flying open. In storms Cassandra, fists clenched at her sides. As soon as she sees you, she’s rushing forward, pulling you away from the easel. “Hello, darling. Glad to see me feeling better, yes?” You teased, smiling wide at her. Feeling a bit emboldened by your earlier success, you go a step further, leaning in to give her a quick kiss on the cheek.
“I swear to fuck, if you touched any of my stuff-” Cassandra starts to say, intentionally ignoring the kiss, even though her cheeks get flush at the contact.
“Nope, not a single thing. Not even the broken glass. Nice touch, by the way, makes the whole space feel a helluva lot cozier,” you interject. For a few moments she holds you by your shirt collar, staring you in the eyes as if determining whether or not to believe you. Somehow, some way, she declares you innocent, releasing you with an irritated sigh. After pretending to dust yourself off, you return your attention to the central canvas. “Do you do a lot of art of your family? I passed by several pieces on my way here, though they were certainly in a different style.” Another pause, with Cassandra waiting for you to spring a verbal trap.
“Some of those are mother’s work,” she answers, tentatively, eying you closely. When you merely nod in reply, expecting her to elaborate, she starts to relax, little by little. “I doubt you passed any of mine. Mother tends to keep those closer to her quarters, or near the main entrance.” Interesting, you think, why hasn’t she addressed my original question?
“It sounds like she’s very proud of you,” you muse, still facing away from your soulmate. There’s a slight shakiness to your voice, as your mind starts to dwell on memories of your own family. Perhaps noticing this, Cassandra takes a few steps closer, one hand hovering over your shoulder, not quite sure if you needed (or perhaps deserved) any comfort. In this moment, you feel far more vulnerable than you had the day before. Taking a deep breath, you try to center yourself, before perfectly ruining whatever trust you had just established with Cassandra. “Something tells me she doesn’t know about the titty sculpture though, right? Can’t quite imagine that one being displayed where everyone can see it.”
To your immense surprise, Cassandra gives you a blank stare.
“You… you really don’t know anything about my mother, do you?” She says, after several awkward seconds. It feels strange to think that she had been furious, merely a handful of minutes ago. “If you actually behave for a while, I can show you some of her favorite pieces around the castle. Then maybe you’ll understand.” Intrigued, you debate how exactly to respond. On one hand, you did want to see the art, but on the other hand… misbehaving was your goal of the day.
“Sounds like a nice date to me. Why not start the tour right now?” You suggest, hoping to meet your ‘politeness quota’ earlier rather than later. Still, it is in your very nature to be chaotic, and you find yourself giving Cassandra an affectionate shoulder touch. It’s not at all genuine, but the two of you blush nonetheless. How could you not, when your blood was bound together, hearts made to race in sync?
“Don’t get friendly with me,” Cassandra stammers, unadjusted to the way her pulse pounded. “This isn’t a date. We’re just- it doesn’t matter, actually. As long as it means getting you out of my studio, I don’t care.” With that said, she takes your hand in her own, pulling you towards the exit. If she has any feelings about the soft touch, she hides them well… unlike yourself. Cheeks flushed, you’re half tempted to yank yourself out of her grip, hating the way your heart skips a few beats. Would I still feel this way if I didn’t know we were soulmates? You wonder, biting your lower lip to prevent any unwanted comments from slipping out. Soon enough you’d have art aplenty to distract yourself with. Hopefully.
“My God, you were not kidding. I don’t- I can’t even think of anything clever to say,” you chime, staring dumbfounded at the several statuettes of naked women. They seemed to fulfill some other purpose, one you couldn’t parse at the moment, but you could hardly think about the details right now. “I mean, good for your mother, for sticking to a theme, I suppose,” you continue, tripping over your own tongue, uncharacteristically quiet. Clearly amused by your flustered display, Cassandra lets out a hearty laugh.
“Good to know some things can shut you up. I’ll have to keep this in mind for next time you bother me,” she teases, light-heartedly. Her words only fluster you more, though they quickly give you room to counter, much to your joy.
“Is that so? Planning on carrying around a busty bust for the rest of your life, or thinking of going the more au naturel route?” You asked, briefly sticking your tongue out at Cassandra. It takes her a moment to understand what you’re getting at, but as soon as she does she’s smacking your arm with an offended huff. Despite her irritation, the blow is relatively soft, and you swear you can see her fighting to hide a smile. “Starting to go soft on me, are you? I hardly even felt that one.”
“So you’d prefer I hit you harder? And to think you called me kinky,” Cassandra fires back, without a hint of hesitation. Now both of you are laughing, softly, like old friends sharing fond memories. It’s… weirdly nice. A warmth fills your chest, even as you try to remind yourself that you shouldn’t be happy right now. Damn it, you think, suddenly frowning, hands clenching. We shouldn’t be having fun banter, back and forth like a real couple. Not when I’ve still got wounds from her hands on my skin. Instinctively you reach up to your face, thumb running over the marks Cassandra’s nails had left behind. The touch stings, bad, no matter how gentle you try to be. Noticing your shift in expression, your soulmate inches closer. “If your wounds are bothering you, I can have one of the servants get more ointment or whatever it is we have around. I don’t want you to-... There’s no reason for you to suffer more than you need to, besides, I don’t want you complaining all day.” Of course she couldn’t bring herself to imply that she cared. Of course. It wasn’t like the two of you were actually capable of being soft for each other, obviously. All of your confusion melts down, boiled by the warmth in your chest, turning to a familiar, albeit painful, rage.
“Right, right! Because you care so fucking much, yeah? What the fuck am I doing? Why am I-” you jab a finger towards her chest, accusatory- “talking to you? Why am I pretending you're not the one who did this to me? You’re the fucking reason my face hurts, my shoulder hurts, my brain-... I can’t stop thinking about everything that happened down there. I can’t get those goddamn images out of my head, every time I close my eyes, every time I look at you. I…” You trail off, chest heaving a little, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Cassandra’s standing tall, unflinching, but there’s a noticeable regret in her expression.
“What. Are. You… going to do about it?” She asks, through clenched teeth, fighting back the full force of her emotions. You can’t tell what exactly she’s feeling, but you know that you want her to show you. Every part of you is itching for a fist fight, regardless of how stupid you know the idea is.
“Depends, dickwad, on whether or not these statuettes are properly secured,” you snap, already moving, fully abandoning all impulse control. By the time your hand grips the first sculpture, Cassandra has put you in a headlock, forcefully tugging you backwards. Panic sets in, making you try to jam your elbows into her stomach. Before long both of you are tumbling to the floor, bodies already aching, limbs flailing wildly in an attempt to hit a target, any target. In the end the air is knocked from your lungs as your head smacks against the ground. “Shit, shit, shit,” you grumble, coughing, finally processing just how much of a dumbass you were. It’s clear that at least one of the previous day’s wounds has reopened, and you feel something wet and sticky on your shirt.
“Finished, asshole?” Cassandra wheezes, sounding dazed, roughly pulling you up by your shirt collar. You nod, refusing to meet her gaze. Then she’s sighing in relief, letting you lean on her for support, holding you surprisingly close, considering the circumstances. “Let’s get you cleaned up. Again…”
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