#I am a detail oriented person who likes to be organized
as con gets closer therse this weird panic settling in my chest thats prepared for me to have fucked up something horrifically thats going to make everyone mad at me like what seemed to happen w every trip i planned w my ex
but Ive poured over every detail. compared every date. flights have been coordinated and booked. I hae the authorization form to submit for our room this week which will prepay for it so I wont even have to worry about it when we get there.
all I really need to focus on now is getting my little projects done. I may finally pull off a trip that is nothing more than the normal bumps and bruises of travel(i always experience an insane amount of minor inconveniences when i travel its so dumb) and it feels really weird
of course theres always room for anything to go wrong literally at any point obviously. but I have back up plans for each one. Theres a plan a b c and so on. everything has a solution and I am in control
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carriesthewind · 12 days
Ok. I am maybe kind of losing my mind just a little bit.
A few days ago, I mentioned in a post that the IA only cares about information being digitized, not about actual digital access. And I mentioned that access includes patrons being able to actually find what they are looking for, and suggested IA did not prioritize that critical aspect of access. But I didn't really go into any more detail.
So someone over on bluesky linked to this write-up of a talk Brewster Kahle gave about using so-called AI. And one of his reported statements made my mouth drop open in shock.
...and then I read further in the article and realized it was incorrectly reporting basic facts around Hachette, so I had to go and listen to the whole speech myself.* (And I want to say, briefly - he raises some legitimate potential uses for LLMs! He's kind of a dick about some of it ("it's up to us to go and keep [Balinese] culture alive"), but some of the things he's talking about actually seem useful.)
*Incidentally, while Kahle doesn't lie about the ALA brief in the speech, he absolutely misleads about the nature and facts of the case and deliberately omit the part of the story where the IA decided to suspend the one-to-one owned-to-loan ratio thing, despite repeatedly emphasizing that one-to-one was what the IA was doing with their lending program.
And oh my god. He really said what the article reports. (This portion starts around 20:10.)
He says that the IA has scanned over 18,000 periodicals. And that they used to have professional librarians manually create descriptions of the periodicals in order to catalog them. (Sidenote: there are existing directories, but he describes their licensing terms as "ridiculous." This is not a field I know much about, but I spoke to one person who agreed, though for different reasons. His reason is that you can only license, not purchase, the directory descriptions. The person I spoke to was instead focused on the prices demanded for the licenses. Regardless, the idea of creating an open, free directory seems both like an incredible amount of work and an amazing resource...if it was accurate.)
But according to Kahle, it took 45 minutes to an hour to create a description and catalog each periodical.
And so now, instead, they're using AI to make the descriptions and so it only takes 7-10 minutes!
"And yes it hallucinates, and it has some problems, and whatever — but it’s a lot faster than having to write it yourself!"
Oh. My god.
(And yes, he says that they are "confirmed by a librarian" but it can't really be, not if it's only taking 7-10 minutes! Maybe the librarian can do a quick check for super obvious errors, but actually checking a AI's summary work requires actually going back to the source and reviewing it yourself!)
I just....
I need to emphasize for those of you for who aren't familiar - if a book or article is miscataloged, it is effectively lost. Because it doesn't mater if a library or an archive owes it - if someone can't find it when they are looking for it, it is not only inaccessible, the only way to find it again is through chance. Imagine if you went into a library, but instead of organized shelves (where if even if you can't find what you're looking for, the librarians know where to look), every single book was just piled in a heap.
If a book is miscateloged, it still exists, but it is lost, not truly accessible. And they know that this is happening, "but whatever." Because Brewster Kahle doesn't actually care about real, practical, digital access. (Much less non-digital access.)
(And then to top it off, he goes on to criticize the Library of Congress for not being "access oriented.")
I just. 18,000 periodicals. And they've knowing, recklessly lost who knows how many of them. I feel like crying.
18,000 periodicals.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
coming from one of those "born in mid 2000s and is now suddenly an adult, making everyone feel old," people, do you have any resources to learn how to bullshit your way through getting a job with zero experience. cause i cant even put like "babysitting" or anything since covid prevented literally any teenage-typical jobs and i kinda dont know what to put on a resume beyond the university im currently attending and the high school i graduated from. and they still dont teach you this in school even though we've complained for years 😭
Okay my chilluns, listen up. This is how to bullshit your way into a basic 1-page resume even if you think you have absolutely dum-dum-diddlysquat to put on it. I completely feel you, as it's hard as hell to get a job even in the ordinary course of things, and especially when everything seems to want 10 years of experience and a bachelor's degree (and still pays like shit). But you gotta be persistent anyway. So here follows the step-by-step guide of How To Resume:
Open a new Word (or other word-processing software of your choice) document.
Pick a nice, professional-looking font (for the love of God, no Comic Sans). Times New Roman is fine; you don't have to overthink it. My own CV is currently in Perpetua, because it's a nice serif that looks crisp and a little different, but it is still clean and readable. Garamond or Cambria or other starter typefaces are fine too. Make sure it is the right size, usually around 12pt.
Put your full name at the top, centered, in BOLD CAPITALS. Increase the typeface size a few more points on this, to make it stand out and to make it take up space.
Underneath this, in regular-sized text, put your contact information: mailing address if you're comfortable sharing it, or if not, at least your phone number and email address. Use a school email if you have it, and not some weird/in-jokey personal email.
Start a new paragraph. In a slightly smaller font (italic if you want to make it look classy) write a few words about yourself. This should be something like I am a [Major] student at [University] looking for a part-time, entry-level position in [sales, retail, office, etc]. A [year] graduate of [High School] in [City, State], I am [prompt, reliable, detail-oriented, mature, friendly, etc] and a hard worker who is eager to gain experience and positively contribute to your business.
Start a new paragraph. Change the alignment from Center to Left. Create a new heading in bold underline labeled Education.
Under this, fill in your education (college first, followed by high school). Include the institution name, city, and state, the year you graduated or expect to graduate, any honors or awards, any extracurriculars, any grade-point averages if they're good (i.e. 3.0 and above), and your expected major in college.
Start a new paragraph. Create another heading: Experience.
This is where you put absolutely anything you can think of (in chronological order, most recent first and counting backward). Did you volunteer for something ever in your life? Put it down! (Title of work, dates, location, brief description of work). Did you do yard work for someone for a weekend? Put it down! Were you (or are you) part of a student club or organization in high school or university? Have you organized or taken part in any local initiatives in your community or neighborhood? Put it down! Basically, absolutely any kind of work, paid or unpaid, that might be relevant, regardless of how long it was or when it took place.
Under that, put the new heading/paragraph Skills and Interests.
Have you worked with Microsoft Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Adobe, Photoshop? Put it down! People love that shit! Do you use social media and/or know how to work it better than the average grandma? Put 'er down! You get the idea. Think of anything in your daily life that can be put in Job Language and then see if you can do that. You are in university; do you have any projects, papers, or other things that you're proud of? Have you successfully managed a (gasp) group project? Do you make any kind of art? Are you a registered voter who has taken part in civic/political organizations, drives, or events? (If not, REGISTER TO VOTE! This is your angry grandmother speaking). All of that can go down. Even if it's not job experience per se, it's life experience and shows that you are someone who is engaged with the world and working to gain more.
Last paragraph and heading: References. Ask a few trusted adults who know you well and aren't related to you, such as a favorite high school teacher or a university faculty member/degree advisor, if they'd be willing to serve as referees. Put down their full names, titles/place of work, email addresses, and phone numbers.
Voila! You have a full page resume, probably even a little more if you're lucky. Proofread, make sure the spacing is even and the alignment is right, it doesn't look weird, the text is a consistent size, it's all the same color, there are no glaring typos or grammatical errors, etc. etc. Save it as a PDF.
Boom. Done. You are now a Job Hunting Maestro.
If you get an interview, you don't need to pretend that you have tons of experience or that you're something you're not, but you can present what you ARE in a positive light anyway. Don't apologize for yourself or play yourself down pre-emptively; be confident about yourself and what you can offer. You're a college kid looking for your first part-time job, COVID prevented you from a lot of normal teenage work experience, you're willing to work hard and learn new things. Here's your resume. What would be a good time to talk again.
Good luck! I believe in you.
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evillemons · 5 months
BTS MBTI types
Controversial? Sort of? I am not an MBTI expert by any means, nor do I think it should be taken too seriously, but it's fun to analyze the boys nonetheless. I would love to hear what other people think :) See the MBTI types of their girlfriends here, and the masterlist for other fun content.
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There seems to be a huge debate around whether Namjoon is an INFJ or ENFP, and while I see both in him, I lean towards the former. He is incredibly introspective (if not a little brooding) and intrinsically wise. He is often misunderstood and claims to feel like an “outsider”, which is characteristic of INFJs. He really does strike me as the lone wolf type - a uniquely insightful, intelligent, and open-minded leader that bears a heavy burden in order to make a difference in the world. He truly is a one of a kind, deeply special human being.
I am not sold on Yoongi as an INTJ because he also suits INTP and ISTP, and he even has a more visible sympathetic side lately. However, he is theoretical, speculative, organized, and practical like an INTJ. He’s extremely logical and hard working, and has a hard time expressing his feelings or receiving affection. He is also highly reserved, independent, and somewhat perfectionistic and likes to have control over his work. INTJ’s are known as one of the most intelligent types, and that comes through in the form of his musical innovation.
Tae’s unusually creative thought process, emotional vulnerability, social nature, and spontaneity render him a pretty clear ENFP. ENFP’s are enthusiastic, imaginative creators who are people-oriented and expressive communicators. They often drawn to the abstract and intuitive nature of art and love to search for deeper meanings within humanity. V also highly values his individuality and freedom, and comes across as unconventional and mysterious.
j-hope - ESFJ
This ray of sunshine is undoubtedly an ESFJ. He’s incredibly social and vibrant around his members, and serves as a sort of human energy charger that everyone gravitates towards. His radiant energy and dependability makes him a well-loved and an essential member of BTS. ESFJ’s are also extremely organized, preferring structure and planning to spontaneity. His strong sense of duty and unwavering mentality shine through as a dance teacher and leader - despite his caring nature, he will not hesitate to hold people accountable for their actions.
Jungkook - ISFP
This is another clear typing for me, Jungkook is blatantly ISFP. He is innately artistic, adventurous, self-expressive, and open-minded. Despite their highly introverted and independent nature, ISFP’s are known for being sweet and caring in relationships, and it is no secret how fond and protective JK is of his members. He can also be quite sensitive due to his perfectionistic tendencies and emotional receptivity; he is often too hard on himself and seems to struggle with self-esteem at his core.
Jimin - ENFJ
I fluctuate between ESFJ and ENFJ for Jimin, but settled on the latter because he seems to be more future-oriented rather than present-focused. ENFJ’s are incredibly empathetic and caring people who tend to put others before themselves. Jimin naturally and instinctively lends a hand to his members when they are in need and constantly thinks about how is actions affect others. He is also quite the perfectionist, which is characteristic of ENFJ's. The only detail I am uncertain on is that ENFJ’s are quite the creative and abstract thinkers, and I am not sure I see this within him.
Jin - INTP
Jin is tricky because his media persona seems to be quite different from that of his real personality. He could also be ENTP, although he is very introverted and doesn’t seem to engage in much conversation outside of the people he is comfortable with. His sarcastic and dry sense of humor is particularly characteristic of an INTP, and he is also straightforward, logical, and blunt. Although INTP’s are often stereotyped as cold and unexpressive, he has a goofy side that is childlike and wholesome.
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ducktracy · 1 month
Have you ever wanted to join the writers room of SpongeBob and the Patrick star show?
THIS IS A TIMELY QUESTION! i was just discussing this with my director a few weeks ago. tldr before i even get to the long part: not necessarily, it's never really been something on my radar and so i don't feel as equipped for it but that could--and i hope it does--change!
LONGER EXPLANATION.. i was in a meeting with my director recently pitching my boards to him, and we got spitballing back and forth and we essentially just started joke pitching an idea for an episode. he was like "yknow that's pretty good, i could get you in touch with our script coordinators if you ever felt you wanted to take it further" and my response was like ahhhhhhh nah i could never write an episode i wouldn't know where to start blah blah blah, and we basically had a talk that amounted to "don't knock it 'til you'll try it" and so it's definitely been more on my mind lately
IT'S AN INTERESTING SITUATION. i'd consider myself a decent writer and i certainly enjoy doing it, most of my free time is spent writing my reviews! likewise, i LOVE breaking down and analyzing dialogue and coming up with random character conversations. talking to the person who typed the entire Hamlet soliloquy in Porky's stutter one time because ?. i think i'm more interested in writing than i think i really am
but something about writing for cartoons has always been very intimidating to me HAHA. i'm not really someone who is sitting on a wealth of episode ideas and dying going like "ahhh man i wish we could see SpongeBob and Patrick doing this", etc--if and when i have those moments it's usually very spontaneous and in the moment! like what i mentioned above when i'm spitfiring in a meeting. i think i get intimidated by the "where the hell do i start" and "how do i organize this" aspects, because i have had ideas for cartoons before and aim to act on some of them! i still haven't forgotten the "Porky and Daffy are competing salesmen" cartoon idea i thought up in 2020 which is also partially responsible for my job in the first place. but it's like a blip, a skip in a record in that i struggle untangling and organizing and really establishing a working structure. i am a VERY detail oriented person and so i think i like working smaller and more intimately, where i can add my own personal flair to something that someone who may be more proficient in establishing a foundation has done.
BUT! maybe i just say all this because i haven't done it yet!! don't know it unless i try! for my purposes as an artist now i enjoy drawing and embellishing pre-existing ideas and suggesting gags and getting into the nitty gritty of the details on a small scale, but i also don't wanna put myself in any boxes and restrain myself from trying, either. i don't talk about them as much on here just because they literally dominate every other aspect of my life (well that and NDAs forbid me from doing so!), but i love SB and Patrick and all the Bikini Bottomites deeply! i'm so lucky to get to document their lives. they really are like real friends to me and i hope i'm lucky enough to find more ways to fraternize with them and learn about them and bring out their tics and habits and traits and how they contrast and support one another. i do that best through drawing right now, but i'm excited for all the ways i'll be able to expand beyond that. and maybe one day that'll include writing!
ALSO KINDA FRAGMENTED I KNOW i just made my closing statements above. i apologize for my pedanticism. but TPSS doesn't have a writer's room to my knowledge because it's board driven! we get to sit in on storyboard pitches (just had a wonderful one this evening) and watch the artists pitch their boards and it's such a wonderful experience. i have thought "i wonder how it would go if i pitched to the network like that" in sitting in these meetings. BUT JUST WANTED TO CLARIFY i know writer's room is an all consuming term and i'm being pedantic. but it's very neat that we get to work on a board driven show to begin with and has made quite a difference and so i just like pointing it out :) i love what we're doing
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By: Paul Garcia-Ryan
Published: Apr 18, 2024
Paul Garcia-Ryan is the board president of Therapy First.
A comprehensive review commissioned by England’s National Health Service, released last week, found that gender transition medical treatment for children and young people has been built on “shaky foundations,” with “remarkably weak” evidence. The independent study — led by physician Hilary Cass, the former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health — incorporates multiple systematic reviews “to provide the best available collation of published evidence,” as well as interviews with clinicians, parents and young people, in reaching its conclusions.
Referring to young people who have already been treated under these dubious circumstances, such as those at the Tavistock Centre’s now-closed Gender Identity Development Service, Cass wrote, “They deserve very much better.”
In the wake of the Cass Review’s release — which has rocked the British medical and media establishment, and might soon reverberate in the United States — many are asking how we got here. How did clinicians come to recommend the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to thousands of children and adolescents when there was insufficient evidence that these treatments were safe and effective?
Part of the reason is that “the toxicity of the debate is exceptional,” as Cass notes in her foreword: “There are few other areas of healthcare where professionals are so afraid to openly discuss their views, where people are vilified on social media, and where name-calling echoes the worst bullying behaviour. This must stop.”
I know all too well how the absence of good-faith, healthy debate on this subject can affect clinicians and patients. When I was 15, a therapist affirmed my conviction that I was born in the wrong body. After more than a decade of hormonal and surgical interventions, I detransitioned at age 30. I had come to realize that my transition was motivated by my difficulty reconciling with being gay. Today, I am a licensed clinical social worker and board president of Therapy First, formerly the Gender Exploratory Therapy Association, a nonprofit organization that advocates psychotherapy as a first-line treatment for youth gender dysphoria.
Usually in psychotherapy, treatment approaches are refined and improved by vigorous discussion, research and dissemination of new information. When it comes to youth gender treatments, though, professionals who raise concerns have been censored and subjected to reputational damage, threats to their license and doxing. As a result, countless gender nonconforming young people have been badly served.
Therapy First has been the target of silencing and intimidation efforts. Now with a professional membership of more than 300 clinicians based in 36 states and 14 countries, we are joined in our concern regarding the quality of mental health care provided to gender dysphoric youth. Even though the organization is apolitical and non-religious, with many of our members being LGBT, we have been falsely linked to the religious right. Despite being strongly opposed to conversion therapy, or trying to change someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity, we have been accused of practicing it.
What I’ve learned is that therapists who cite the poor quality of evidence in support of medical interventions for youth gender dysphoria, or who advocate traditional principles of psychotherapy in this area, are likely to be vilified — sometimes by fellow clinicians. Last week alone, eight complaints were filed against one of our members’ licenses by other therapists for simply posting, on a professional Listserv, the link to one of our organization’s webinars, on trauma-informed mind-body practices.
An activist website has labeled our therapists as part of the “global anti-transgender movement” and listed details from their personal lives, including the names of their children and other family members. Last month in London, the Telegraph reported, a medical conference that explored evidence and heard from seasoned therapists and doctors regarding the treatment of gender dysphoria was interrupted by masked protesters who set off a smoke bomb and attempted to force their way into the building.
In addition to worrying about activists outside the consulting room, therapists apparently must now also be concerned about whether their patients are wielding hidden cameras. This month, an undercover video recording of a therapy session was posted online, presenting the clinician as a practitioner of conversion therapy, yet the would-be video sting merely revealed a clinician engaged in normal therapeutic exploration. In the current climate, any therapeutic response other than immediate affirmation is considered transphobic.
It isn’t right that professionals must risk their livelihood and reputation to help young people struggling with gender dysphoria. If the culture of bullying persists, I fear that fewer clinicians with a developmental approach will be inclined to keep working with this population. These young people will be left with clinicians who aren’t following the science, many with good intentions, but others who might behave more like activists than mental health professionals.
The Cass Review made clear that the evidence supporting medical interventions in youth gender dysphoria is utterly insufficient, and that alternative approaches, such as psychotherapy, need to be encouraged. Only then will gender-questioning youth be able to get the help they need to navigate their distress.
[ Via: https://archive.today/83ZJa ]
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silent-dragon · 6 months
TWST Student OC Profile ~ Guan Zǐ-Xīn
"In an endless night, there is nothing closer than the bright moon, always hanging in the sky." - Jing Yuan
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Personal Info
Name - Guan Zǐ-Xīn (pronounced “Zu-Shin”)
Physical Age - 19
Birthday - October 6
Zodiac - Libra
Gender - Male
Species - Fae
Height - 215cm/7ft
Eye Color - Golden Amber
Hair Color - White Silver
Orientation - Pansexual
Homeland - ??
Twist of Jing Yuan from Honkai Star Rail
College Info
School - Night Ravens College
Dorm - Celestellaron (@geminiiviolets)
Year - 3rd
Best Subject - All
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Occupation - Ex-Royal Guard of Thorns,Martial Arts Tutor
Favorite Food - Boba Milk Tea
Likes - Feline Animals,Sleeping,Swords,Neat and Clean Places,Suen Wěi & Sun Jian,Comfortable Chairs,Cool Days,Tea,Elaborate Decor,Long Train Rides,Fluffy Pillows
Dislikes - Disorder,Dirty Places/People,Feline Dislikers,Disturbing His Sleep/Nap
Talents - Swordsmanship,Martial Art Master,Organization,Noticing Every Little Detail of Something/Someone,Napping Anywhere
Unique Ability - Shocking Friends - Zǐ-Xīn can summon unique familiars that all have lightning based looks to them but look like ordinary animals at first. Usually will be a cat or other felines as his favorite but can be other animals…if he ever thought about other ones.
Personality - Comes off as very taciturn as hardly speaks but always observing. Usually will talk if there's a cat nearby but only to the cat,sees a flaw that bothers him,or sees friends. He is super friendly and makes an effort to check up on those he calls friends. Other side of him is well…sleepy. He has a common problem with falling asleep anywhere but in class during teaching time. Nothing is wrong with him,he just says he is so tired. Has an angry sleepy mode if get on his bad side,most say he goes into a commander type vibe…it's scary but exciting to some. His sleepy expression has him always looking at you with bedroom-like eyes but he is just sleepy…most of the time.
Bio - A sleepy man of kinda unknown origin. Often seen talking to Diasomnia students so friends with a lot of them. His fuzzy poof of hair is signature to knowing who he is if stumble upon him. Usually a random cat or two will be snuggled on his lap. It's common to find him asleep somewhere just like a certain feline man that has a colorful relationship with him. He is like a different person in class when lessons going on as active,attentive,and answering all the questions right. Super good standing student overall,can't seem to find any faults in this man but maybe there's something hidden underneath the poof? Who knows…
Other Facts
Just note I am spelling his name in the way chinese names usually are so Guan is not his first or surname its his last/family name. Zǐ-Xīn is his first name and I added the pronunciation for it above the best I think it's said but I may be wrong I did research but may not been enough I try.
Zǐ-Xīn's normal familiar is his pet lion,Kei who he obtained from being scammed but she was a little cub and he couldn't ignore how cute she was so kept her. She is now fully grown and has a family of her own in the wild so he goes to visit her but never summons her away from them.
Only when his hair gets wet from rain or maybe sweat from him working out that you may get a rare glimpse at his ears which are pointy indicating he is of fae relation.
He has a small cute little mole under his left eye but usually can't see it as hair covers his left eye often.
Calls Lilia chief,commander,and other titles that mean someone of high rank…but says it's just for fun.
Talks about Sun Jian as if they have been long time friends but only known him for a little while and sometimes corrects himself as he forgets to say he is talking about another who he won't say name of but is similar to him so is why he likes being near him.
Has an interesting relationship with the Savanaclaw dorm leader as is quite fond of him and had the bravery to pet his head which caused a mess of problems but he still can't hate him and actually adores still.
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swiftrunnerfelidae · 1 year
hi hello! i’ve ID’d as agender for years now and i think i’m happy with it - it gets the point across, anyway - but “gendervoid” is SUCH a cool term and i wld love to hear more abt what it means to you if you want to share!! no pressure tho, and i hope ur havin a good one :-)
Well, I'm glad you asked what it means to me, instead of what it means in general (if you ask a hundred queer people about gender, you'll probably get about 110 different answers), because that means I actually have some kind of answer.
The analogy I like to use is that a person's mind is a bit like an archive. It's usually not a very smartly organized archive - things are in a bit of disarray, sometimes one index points to another that points to what you actually want, and you're not in charge of the archive so can at best INFLUENCE where stuff goes - but generally, you can find things easily enough. And among all the different shelves and cabinets, there's a shelf, right near the front for easy access, labeled "gender".
For most people, the shelf is big and important and clearly labeled. For others, it's small and flimsy and only marked with some masking tape that someone wrote on. But the shelf is where gender stuff goes. Usually, it's a big box labeled "man" or "woman" or "boy" or "girl". Sometimes it's labeled something else. Sometimes there's two or three or seventeen or more boxes. Sometimes the staff cycles through which box or boxes are on the shelf, and you just have to deal with it.
Sometimes the boxes are gorgeously detailed works of art, carefully arrayed with illuminated manuscripts and annotated treatises and artefacts of significance. Sometimes they're a plain cardboard box, but one full to bursting with disorganized documents that spill out from it every time you open it. Sometimes the box looks large and impressive, and then you open it up to find a crayon drawing of a cat saying "butts lol". Sometimes it's a slim manilla envelope, holding a single document, but one of such profound significance that it nonetheless matters so very much that it is put here. Sometimes it's a disorganized three-ring binder with dog-eared corners and torn pages. Sometimes the crayon drawing of a cat isn't in any sort of box or folder at all. But whatever it is, whatever is placed on that shelf? To that archive, it matters. That's what "gender" means.
To someone who is agender, that shelf is empty. It's still there, in some capacity - maybe it's big and sturdy and important, or maybe it's flimsy and fragile and in disrepair - but the shelf has nothing on it. People might come into the archive and put something on it, but the agender person's archive team always files it somewhere else. Maybe on the "gender presenation" shelf, or the "sexual orientation" shelf, or somewhere else entirely - but never on the gender shelf for long, if at all.
To me? As someone who is gendervoid?
My shelf is gone.
No markings of where it got torn down, no "please wait while we undergo renovations" sign, nothing. Just a smooth, blank wall, and a floor covered in dents where people tried to put something on the gender shelf and turned around as it crashed to the floor. Because everyone has a gender shelf, something HAS to go there, so something HAS to be there to hold it!
But no.
There's nothing.
Less than nothing.
It's a gender void.
So that's what I am.
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purplehanfu · 1 year
Self Indulgent Birthday Post: 2023
notes: Spoilers!, probably. Yay, it's my birthday again! Enjoy some of my finest unfinished work!
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Oh? You have both my interest and attention!
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Booooo.... (this disappointment brought to you by The Young Brewmaster’s Adventure, which happens to be the prequel to Blood of Youth)
Recap Recycle Bin
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So many dramas and never enough time to write a full review. Read on! 
Dominator of Martial Gods
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tl:dr for this drama
Each episode is 35 minutes long, feels like 3,500 minutes, and delivers maybe 10 minutes worth of story. Impressive! 
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We waste a great deal of time in the first few episodes watching Qin Chen and the bootlicking alchemist refine a needle that will allow our hero to activate his bloodline. Intriguing, because you often hear dramas refer to treasures being refined into weapons, but you never see the process. There's a reason for this- it does not make for compelling viewing. But that does not stop us from standing around arguing about the specs and adding things to the oven. This process was more fun when Chu Wanning just takes you up to the lake. On a technical note, I am enamored of the way the ever present green screened background makes no attempt to be in scale with the human actors.
My Deepest Dream
Ooh, a plot with a time loop, evil birds, superpowers, getting sucked into the Marianas Trench when you just wanted to go on a scuba diving excursion and JIN HAN!!! But, as always, there's a glitch in the matrix.
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Our heroine realizes she has lost a year of her life and no one has noticed. No one except the astrophysics PhD candidate turned car mechanic Wu Yu (JIN HAN!!!). Wu Yu divulges that he can read a phone screen at 10 kilometers. But mostly he uses his special eyes to keep an elaborate dossier on the comings and goings of the FL, who lives across the street from the garage he works at. Is that creepy or romantic?
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don’t be silly, if it were a Marvel movie we’d be having an interminable CGI sky battle 
Till the End of the Moon
Meet Tantai Jin. As you may have noticed from his costume design, he's totally evil.
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He's a goal-oriented CEO who's turned the Devil Sect into a high reliability organization that generates impactful customer experiences (annihilation). I bet he's evil enough to use six sigma. But where Tantai Jin truly shines is personal branding. You may not be buying what he's selling, but product recognition is through the roof.
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Tantai Jin seen here working out of his travel office: a flaming, flying boudoir with melting skull detail. This is why CEOs should never make more than 10x what the average worker does.
Circle of Love
I can see why the Republican period was relatively short. Everybody setting fire to each other's estates, staying out late ballroom dancing, getting uniforms tailored, making sure there are enough manacles to chain the female lead to a bed... it doesn't really leave a lot of time for governance.
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We start out, as we generally do, with a clean sweep of the FL's family, in this case via a big ol' raging house fire. Where is everyone? Or even anyone? Even Maid's Revenge scraped up some extras to be dead family members.
My Kung Fu Girlfriend
Slow your roll, it ain't GL.
You know what they say- it's not whether you win or lose the MMORPG, it's how you min max all your stats and then act like an ass in chat about it.
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Meet Huang Xiao Yu. She clearly did not pay to win because she is the low XP real life martial sister of a kung fu champion. In this drama, she'll level up in love and life with the help of an OP MMO NPC who escapes her game and shows up uninvited in the real world.
The Antarctic Octopus
Not to be confused with the 2020 film Big Octopus. I guess that's the great thing about having an audience of over a billion people- even the most niche interest has plenty of content.
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This is how you dress when you visit your Uncle Pete in Antarctica.
In this movie: monsters, explosions, a supercharged ice jalopy and a dedicated ignorance of the laws of physics usually only seen in a Fast and Furious film. But credit where it's due: The Antarctic Octopus delivers. Only 12 seconds in and we get our first tentacle!
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available free on youtube although how bravely they were fighting is up for debate
Bonus Content: Superlatives
In the Day We Flipped
My post of the year!
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Getting over 500 likes on a review? Unexpected.
Forgetting to add a link back to my other recaps? Priceless.
Bloody Romance
still my favorite drama
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when your grandma’s a zombie and she was left in a cave to guard a tiny box with one (1) restorative pill in it and she’s suspended by her hair but her hair is also like tentacles that can kill people and she thinks you’re your mom but she still loves you. 💚💚💚 But then she starts screaming and tries to strangle you with her hair.
2nd favorite drama
you know something’s good when you have a file called ‘sappy su mengzhen yang wuxie edits.txt’
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go get your man, Wuxie!
pinboard full of recaps!
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calamity-bean · 10 months
wait, do you have advice/resources for beginning to sew clothes? i self drafted a totebag and have made a few small bags, but am hoping to branch out
Make mockups; do lots of test fittings throughout the process; finish your seams; clip your corners and curves; stitch the most visible and trickiest bits by hand, not machine (unless you're good enough with a machine!); learn the main properties of different fabrics; when you really wanna hold your fabric in place nicely, baste rather than pin; adjust the fit via triangles and curves; it's only fabric; it's okay to fuck up; accept that you WILL fuck-up and WILL have to undo and redo things and that that is OKAY.
^ Some things I personally have benefited from and wish I'd learned earlier!
Seriously, though — I should preface by saying that I myself am also a beginner. I follow some really brilliant costumers and cosplayers here on tumblr, and I am nowhere NEAR their level. (And I would welcome any advice/resources more experienced clothes-makers would like to share!) It's only in the last few years that I've gotten more into sewing, starting mainly with alterations of existing clothes and then moving into making things from scratch. I've figured out a lot just via trial and error — as well as by taking existing garments apart and looking at how they're made.
But, honestly, my main resource has been YouTube. There are tons of tutorials on there for specific techniques and garments, of course, and I do watch those. But I've also learned a LOT from the more entertainment-focused sewing content — the ones where the sewist isn't really trying to teach you how to make something, just making something cool and showing how they made it. There's so much knowledge to be gleaned just from watching them work and listening to them talk about why they used a certain stitch, how they resolved a fit issue, etc.
Some favorite creators include:
TheClosetHistorian: Makes stunning vintage and high-end fashion; big proponent of drafting your own patterns, and has tutorials on how to do so as well as on things like darts and seam finishing. Plus I find her voice and aesthetic very soothing.
Bernadette Banner: Focuses on using period-appropriate methods to create her garments (mainly 19th and early 20th c.), which means a lot of hand sewing. I've picked up a lot of hand-sewing tips and tricks from watching her work.
Vincent Briggs: Mainly 18th century garments, with very excellent tutorials on decorative buttons and buttonholes in particular. And how to make an adorable leaf-kerchief!
Morgan Donner: All-around crafter with a particular focus on medieval garments and other aspects of medieval culture. Does lots of non-sewing craft content I enjoy as well.
Rachel Maksy: Less focused on technical sewing skills and more so on costume making and other crafting, but she's very inventive and fun to watch and shows a lot of creative problem solving.
And a few specific tutorials:
Circle skirt drafting by Mariah Pattie
Making a split-side adjustable skirt by Ash L G
Seam finishing by Evelyn Wood
There are honestly too many good channels to list... Sewstine; The Stitchery; Nicole Rudolph; Shannon Makes...... Beyond the sheer entertainment value, what I really love about watching all of these creators is that each of them has their own particular specialties, preferred ways of doing things, etc. Some of them went to fashion school, some are self-taught. Some are very technical and precise, some of them work organically and messily. And I think that just as the measured, detail-oriented approach of someone like Bernadette Banner offers much instruction, so too (in a very different way) does the chaotic approach of someone like Micarah Tewers, who perhaps can make garment construction seem less intimidating by demonstrating that you don't have to precisely follow a step-by-step guide.
Right now, I'm almost done (SO CLOSE TO DONE) making a skirt. It's not a crazy difficult skirt, but it does have pockets, pleats, gathers, a zipper, an attached waistband with elastic, and a plaid pattern to consider the direction and matching of, so it required thought and planning. I had originally been planning to make the whole skirt using a hand-me-down McCalls pattern, but then decided I didn't like the fullness of that skirt, so I took only the pockets from that pattern and drafted the skirt itself using the circle skirt tutorial linked above. I used a quarter-circle with a 175% waist measurement for the front half, which is pleated, and a 150% waist measurement for the back half, which is gathered. I did frequent test fittings and had to take apart and redo a couple things. And whenever I wasn't exactly sure how to do something, I'd just Google it and find lots of help.
Like I said, some of my mutuals on here are far better at this than I am, and I feel a little silly talking about my skirt like it's some grand accomplishment and a little unqualified to offer resources/advice. But I guess I'm hoping that my experience can still be helpful precisely because I am still a beginner and am very much still in the phase of figuring it all out. And my method is basically to take in information and inspiration from a lot of different sources, find the courage to try things out, learn from my mistakes and try try again.
Congrats on your tote bags, anon, and best wishes on your sewing journeys to come!
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nahisummerhold · 2 months
Character Profile: Nahilvi, the Silver Banshee
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(Art by @kissfortheelves)
Name: Nahilvi Summerhold (surname never used)
Pronunciation: Nah-ill-vee
Nickname: Nahi (nah-ee)
Stage Name: The Silver Banshee
Race: Sin’dorei 
Gender: Female
Birthdate: September 25
Marital Status: Single
~~Physical Appearance~~
Hair: Long, curls, ombré - palest of lilac to a purple so deep it is almost black.
Eye Color: Glowing purple
Height: 5’9”
Build: Willowy (Chrissy Teigan body claim) 
Distinguishing Marks: Six small criss-cross scars between her shoulder blades, right ear scar through upper cartilage
Tattoos: Silver music G clef on her sternum
Piercings: Right ear only, nose, belly button
Face Claim: Kiara Pike
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~~Personal Information~~
Profession: Performer
Hobbies: Dancing, hiking, gardening, learning guitar
Residence: Dalaran
Birthplace: Quel’thalas
Fears: Sharks, mice, dementia, becoming a burden, forcing a person away from her by relying on them too much.
Spouse: None
Mother: Acenadalia Aerostar (was Countess Summerhold)
Father: Count Mianos Summerhold (she does not recognize him as her father, possibly deceased
Step-Father:  Irenthalas
Siblings: None
Other Family: Unknown
~~Sex and Romance~~
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Preferred Sexual Role: Switch, leaning towards sub
Preferred Emotional Role: Sub
Libido: Medium High
Turn ons: Independence, confidence, great music, adventurous spirit (including in the bedroom), dancing, surety of spirit, mutual respect, willingness to show they desire her, care for family.
Turn offs: Braggadocio, jealousy, loud chewing, bad listeners, laziness, standoffishness, clinging.
Love Language: Touch
Relationship Tendencies: She likes to flirt but often will do so in little ways, sexy whispers in public, meeting a lover’s eyes in a crowd or when she is singing, small touches to just remind the person she cares. In private she enjoys physical connection, cuddling, massage, brushing or braiding a lover’s hair, laying with her legs across someone’s lap, or theirs across hers.
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(Bold your character’s answer)
Extroverted / In-between / Introverted
Disorganized / In-between / Organized
Close Minded / In-between / Open Minded
Calm / In-Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In-between / Agreeable
Cautious / In-between / Reckless
Patient / In-between / Impatient
Outspoken / In-between / Reserved
Leader / In-between / Follower
Empathetic / In-between / Apathetic 
Optimistic / In-between / Pessimistic 
Hard Working / In-between / Lazy
Cultured / In-between / Uncultured
Loyal / In-between / Disloyal
Faithful / In-between / Unfaithful 
~~Additional Information~~
Alcohol: Socially
Drugs: Never, not opposed, just haven't
May have to leave a situation quickly but always explains why.
Devoted to her mother’s care
~~RP Hooks~~
Entertainer: Lounge singer in Dalaran, now performing different styles of music at other venues. Will do performances for private events, contact me to discuss details.
Succulent Tart: Belongs to the performing group, the Succulent Tarts. She is a greeter, bartender and performer, sometimes she might even be found at a kissing booth.
Tempest Keep: Her family were residents of Tempest Keep and loyal followers of Kael’thalas until the keep’s fall.
Famous Mother: Her mother was an opera singer who was a favored performer in Kael’thalas’ court. Nahilvi would occasionally perform with her mother as more of a novelty over a true duet.
~~How to Contact~~
I am happy to RP with Nahilvi on Discord as I am not often in game except at events. If you do want to meet in game I am happy to set up a time though. In Discord contact me at Mirrielyanna, in game Nahilvi on Wyrmrest Accord. 
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drdemonprince · 2 years
do you have any tips for dealing with anxiety caused by uncertainty in autistic people? i feel like i especially deal with it in "i need to work out the next steps for this" or "i am unsure how to do this but it has to be done and is probably possible" work/learning/fun projects. gets very bad at times and not in a self judging "lazy" way but in a i legitimately don't progress on fun or work or learning or self care for a long time. in therapy, journalling, wondered if there's anything i'm missing. maybe i'm assuming it's to do with autism and not my other mental health stuff/"gifted kid" leftovers but i thought i'd check.
It depends on the skill area, but I think generally speaking, you'll want to get acclimated to not always doing things perfectly or to the precise specifications of anyone else.
I often find a lack of information super stressful to the point of not knowing how or when to start a task, but if I push past that discomfort and use my own best discernment about how I want to complete a task or what makes sense for the end product to be, I often discover the resulting product is a far better fit to people's expectations than I ever could have hoped, and that what's more, because my autistic ass is so detail oriented and analytical, what i've produced is often far better and more meticulously done than was expected! And that's when I'm in "fuck it, i'll just go with what info i have" half-ass mode.
many of us overthink things by neurotypical communication standards, but the positive side of that is that even when we feel like we are not suitably prepared or half assing, we have often actually put way more thought into a product or activity than a neuro-conforming person would, and so the more neuro normie leaning will be absolutely stunned by the level of effort shown in what we make or put together. and the more you fumble through figuring out a task when all the details have not been specified, the greater confidence you will build in your own judgement.
NOW admittedly this entire very affirming process can be completely cut off at the knees by a terrible manager who cannot communicate their highly specific needs and desires, so if you find yourself making your best guess at doing a task only to later be told that you failed to intuit some hyper specific unspoken expectation, just know that shit is not on you. that's a leadership problem or the sign of a highly dysfunctional organization that does not appreciate you, which is all the more reason to continue doing a shitty and half assed job while you're working there. if they fail to set you up for success, let them fail. and if they hold you responsible for their failures, get the hell out of there if you can or find ways to obsfucate/play dumb/pass the buck up the leadership hierarchy
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theredcarstairs · 2 years
TLH’s characters and their big 3 astrological signs:
(personal analysis) Cordelia: Taurus ☉, Aries ☽, Sag ↑
James: Virgo ☉, Sag ☽, Capricorn ↑
Matthew: Pisces ☉, Cancer ☽, Leo ↑
Anna:  Scorpio ☉, Sag ☽, Leo ↑
Alastair: Virgo ☉, Scorpio ☽, Aquarius ↑
Lucie: Gemini ☉, Aquarius ☽, Sag ↑
Thomas: Virgo ☉, Virgo ☽, Cancer ↑
Christopher: Aquarius ☉, Gemini ☽, Pisces ↑
Grace: Virgo ☉, Capricorn ☽, Scorpio ↑
Jesse: Libra ☉, Aquarius ☽, Gemini ↑
Charles: Gemini ☉, Taurus ☽, Capricorn ↑
Barbara: Cancer ☉, Pisces ☽, Libra ↑
Eugenia: Leo ☉, Taurus ☽, Aries ↑
Some explanations about this little and personal astrological game that I have played : 
- At first, James and Matthew's friendship did not have a good start, as James fits well as a shy, practical and detail-oriented Virgo young boy. Thomas said of him “I am not [..] or aloof and above it all like James” (in “Nothing but Shadow”), which is a good example of how can behaves a social mask (the rising sign) in Capricorn that also contrasts (and it’s not easy fascinated by) the bursting rising sing in Leo of Matthew, who attracts attention without much effort. The two of them then found their compatibly when they both dropped their social masks, as Pisces and Virgo are opposite signs: one has what the other misses. And they compensate each other. 

I’ve also assigned the Cancer Moon to Matthew since he doesn’t forgive and doesn’t allow himself to ever forget his mistakes; he’s not capable of handling his suffering due to this great hidden personal sensitivity. - For Cordelia I’ve thought about the brave moon in Aries, which is able to set and organize her emotions quite quickly... almost too quickly. As if she is not able to stop and to reflect deeply on what she has left behind her. A moon full of life that masks its emotions and feelings with self-confidence, a trait that we find in many passages of the books. But her sun sign is in Taurus, an earth and concrete sign, ruled however by Venus, and so, by love. I finally gave her and James something in Sag since: “We’ve talked so much about travel, I wanted to give you the world” (Chain of Iron) and I liked this little metaphor for a fire sign without boundaries like Sag is.  - Anna is seductive and silent “you have to wait for her to approach, like a cat does” so I thought of a water sign which is very deep as the ocean like Scorpio can easily be. I gave her the moon in Sag for her sense of independence. The emotions of this moon are settled in a way that the instinct tells them to do not form a bond with someone until they know it will be value added in their life and making it better. - Alastair: I have given him the moon in Scorpio because he doesn’t let easily people inside his heart. Edit: While he gives me strong Capricorn vibes we know for a fact that his birthday is on September from the beginning in Chain of Gold (thanks for the notification). Virgo is a very reasonable placement for him: an earth sign ruled by Mercury (I don’t forget his habit of searching for deamons’ activity through mundane’s newspapers). Still, for me, he could easily have Capricorn placements in his Mars and his Jupiter as well. - Charles also has been an interesting case. I gave him the rising in Capricorn for his practical, clear-minded and ambitious side. And also because he appears to be easily oriented to not be too sentimental and to protect his heart with emotional detachment. But his Taurus moon tells how hard it is for him in reality to react to changes and dramas that basically tend to give him a real personal crisis (as we see his tendency to not give up on Alastair in many passages at the end of Chain of Iron). I finally gave him the Gemini sun sign for his multitasking ability, his communication skills, and his difficulty with not mastering the more detailing aspects of his own plans (Charles’ mistake of forgetting the Marseille's Vampire Clan in Chain of iron, for example). Also, in the case of Charles, I knew that he was born during spring time, due to the informations that we have in “Clockwork Princess” in The Infernal Devices saga where Charlotte’s pregnancy due time is said. Same for Matthew and James we kind of knew the period when they could have been born, from what we learn in the little comic pieces designed by Cassandra Jean when Tessa tells Will about her first pregnancy. characters belong to @cassandraclare
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the-agent-of-blight · 7 months
Aromanticism in Academic Papers (day 7)
Today is the last day of ASAW 2024. It's been fun compiling all of this research for you! As ASAW ends, I thought it'd be a good time to look forward. We are part of a wider community after all, the queer community. And as a whole, the queer community is also underrepresented in relationship research.
Today's paper is: Queer Intimacies: A New Paradigm for the Study of Relationship Diversity by Phillip L. Hammack, David M. Frost, and Sam D. Hughes (2018). [stable link]
This paper puts forth 7 ways in which relationships differ from the normative path, and how these perspectives need to be included in academic research more. These assumptions and corresponding "axioms" are that:
Relationships involve 2 different cisgenders, as opposed to homosexual relationships and relationships involving trans/non-binary gender identities
That intimacy is directed solely at one gender, and that attraction does not change, as opposed to plural sexual orientations such as bi and pansexuality and changes in desires
That intimacy is between only two individuals, as opposed to polyamory
That intimacy is characterized by equality and symmetry of role and status, as opposed to consentual power asymmetry often found in kink and BDSM communities
That intimacy is characterized by romance and sex, as opposed to asexual and aromantic intimacies that do not involve romance or sex
That family structures consist of biological offspring, as opposed to chosen families
That forms of intimacy can be known and catalogued, as opposed to the fact that intimacy forms are always situated in their place in history, and that new ways of being intimate with other people are always being invented.
This paper stresses the need for research to be done into these other forms of intimacy that are not usually focused upon.
Now for today's post, I'm going to be focusing on point 5 because I can speak to it personally better. For the sake of brevity I am focusing this on aromanticism, as that is what this whole week of posts has been about. If you have the ability to read this paper though, don't neglect the other portions. they deserve better and further research too.
The authors carefully detail some of the history of asexuality research, and then present the primary holes left to fill in the research. They ask why there has been a difference found in rates of ace men and women having a romantic relationship and for analysis to look beyond the gender binary. They ask for more research on the direct experiences of aros and aces in relationships. The relational forms present in our community are unique and deserve "Legitimization through empirical documentation and systematic inquiry". The authors ask what unique forms of intimacies exist? how do individuals make meaning of these relationships in a culture that privileges sex and romance? and how do partners navigate stigma? What distinctions exist in the experience or expression of asexuality and aromanticism across diverse gender, race, class, and sexual identities?
This paper by Hammack, Frost, and Hughes gives us a charge. To go out and research this. These are only the most obvious gaps in literature from 2018, some will be closed, but that means more will have been opened. We should try and research this, or facilitate those who do. If you ever see a chance to participate in a survey on aromanticism or whatever identity you have, Take it. Even if you aren't in the position to conduct research personally, you can always take part in it. Support organizations like AUREA which provide vital resources not just to the community but to researchers! take part in the aro census ! You have the chance to help facilitate important research in something that is sorely lacking representation in academia. So please, if you have the chance, do it.
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hardmouth · 7 months
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she/they.     demi   woman.      ›      spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   ishika   narayan   ,   most   likely   listening   to   figure   8   by   paramore   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty-five   year   old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -resentful   yet   +aspiring   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   late   night   study   sessions   with   custom   made   anki   decks   and   luxury   coffee   ,   editing   tiktoks   and   youtube   videos   while   listening   to   lecture   recordings   ,   being   in   tears   because   of   an   argument   over   the   phone   one   moment   and   looking   into   a   camera   with   a   smile   the   next   ,   followed   by   burberry   touch   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   ishika   buying   exam   answers   to   get   into   medical   school   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .  
FULL NAME:  ishika narayan.   NICKNAME(S):   ishi.   AGE:   twenty5.   DATE OF BIRTH:  october 20th, 1998.   PLACE OF BIRTH: los angeles, california.   CURRENT LOCATION:  nyc.   GENDER:  demi woman.   PRONOUNS:  she/they.   ORIENTATION:  bisexual.   OCCUPATION:   medical student, socialite, influencer, occasional model, former disney star and singer.
HEIGHT:  5'6.   TATTOOS:  none.   PIERCINGS:  both earlobes, right nostril.   CLOTHING STYLE:  varies, usually whatever brand of the month is sponsoring her.
ALLERGIES:  lactose.   SLEEPING HABITS:  poor, sleeps late and has to wake up early.   EATING HABITS:  enjoys spicy and sweet foods.   SOCIABILITY:  9/10.   DRINKING / SMOKING / DRUGS:  socially / no / maybe.
POSITIVE TRAITS:  confident, excited, highly aspiring.   NEGATIVE TRAITS:  vindictive, resentful, cutthroat.   LIKES: organization, writing with pen and paper, being better than everyone else.   DISLIKES:  anyone that has her blocked on social media, most of her disney co-stars, relying on others.   FEARS:  failure.   HABITS:  flipping hair over shoulder, nodding her head to show active listening, touching the arm of the person she's talking to.   HOBBIES: collecting tiny beakers.
MOTHER:  alive, former model.   FATHER:  alive, screenwriter.   SIGNIFICANT OTHER: muse 2h / subplot 17.   BEST FRIEND:  tba.   EXES: tba.   SIBLING(S):  only child. CHILDREN:  none.   PET(S):  persian cat named diva.
real quick and dirty pt 2 because i am always running on steam apparently.... born the only child to a young model and screenwriter couple in los angeles. apple of their eyes, doted upon endlessly, pampered and spoiled
always expected that she'd end up on screen one way or another, so her parents had her do auditions from a very young age. she got a few parts here and there as a kid in some movies, but her 'making it big' moment was a disney show when she was around 14.
bridget mendIer type of success where she was the star of a show and the show was very popular and she ended up being in a disney channel original movie as a main character. she also released some music through disney, though she cringes at it now a days.
as soon as her contract and the show ended, she refused any further contracts. her parents understood, though they were somewhat disappointed. she decided to finish up high school and got admitted into nyu as a pre-med student. drastic career change, but she really wanted to leave behind anything to do with acting and music as it didn't feel 'genuine'.
genuine or not... she ended up becoming somewhat of an influencer on tiktok and youtube as she documented her journey through school, talked about what it was like to be an actor (more specific details after her nda expired, of course), and other such things. her parents, though they love her to death, wanted her to pay for her schooling herself since she seemed insistent on leaving it all behind. she makes money through social media as well as modeling stints here and there.
has that sort of attitude where you're always questioning if she's really nice or just really good at being fake nice... (it's both).
would you hate me if i said i'll come back to this later...
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aceseonghwa · 8 months
Okay I'm gonna take a moment to get sappy as hell because ATEEZ concerts always do this to me but... I wish I could meet all eight members in person and just. Shower them in praise. I want to tell them directly how incredible they are. Not just as people, but as performers. Artists.
One thing about ATEEZ, they have never been stagnant. Thinking back to their first tour and comparing it to the one their on now is just crazy. Each tour has gotten more and more elaborate and the venue sizes just continue to grow. It's so clear how dedicated ATEEZ are to being the absolute best performers they can be. I'll always remember when one member said in an interview that they always try to make their stages memorable, because it could be someone's first or last time seeing them -- and they always follow through. ATEEZ are in their own league when it comes to performances. They tell stories through their stages, taking on the roles of different characters for every song and showing atinys their entire range of emotion.
I'm going to be completely honest. In my several years of being a kpop fan, there a lot of performances that I think are great; but ATEEZ have absolutely taken the cake. Their performances are alive, they always give 1000%, they sing completely LIVE, on top of that, their stages are full on theater sets. I feel so much whenever I watch them perform. I get so immersed, watching them pour their heart and soul into everything, down to the little details. If you look up the definition of passion in the dictionary you'll see a photo of ATEEZ. They are the perfect example of what it means to be dedicated to one's craft. You can tell they want nothing more than to continue to improve, and they DO, always outdoing themselves with every comeback. Their involvement in their own work is also extremely admirable. Hongjoong and Mingi being so dedicated to producing and song writing, and of course with their latest album, all of the members got to show of their song writing skills and blew all of us away with their lyricism. And then of course there's moments on stage.
We often here about how ideas for certain performances on stage come from the members themselves (a lot of times, Seonghwa, lol) and it's just so--excuse my French--FUCKING obvious that this is more than just a job to them. They don't do the bare minimum on stage to get paid. No, it's clear that ATEEZ love what they do so much, possibly more than anything. They were born to be on stage. I know it's kinda cheesy, and I don't even really believe in fate-- but there was definitely some magic that happened when the eight of them united.
ATEEZ are so hard-working, so goal-oriented, so in love with performing and creating memorable experiences for their fans. I'm honestly so blessed to be alive at the same time as them, because I am HERE to witness their amazing artistry.
This is just another long ass ramble post that more than likely won't be seen by anyone but if it just so happens that someone who's contemplating stanning ATEEZ sees this-- this is your SIGN. You will never turn back. You won't want to turn back. You've never seen a group give their all until you’ve met ATEEZ. Your expectations will be exceeded every single time with them. The bar will be raised higher than you ever thought it could be. Put aside your judgements. Don't ignore them just because they're 4th gen. The hate train for ATEEZ exists purely out of intimidation and jealousy. But once you open your eyes to them and see what they're all about and how much they give back to their fans... you'll see why people are intimidated. You'll see why people even just want a fraction of their success. And when you come to learn that their growth was organic, stemming not from being handed things on a silver platter but because of genuine goddamn talent, you'll say "oh. OH. I see. This is what the hype is about."
They came from a small, unheard of company, and faced so many difficulties, but didn't let that stop or even slow them. From performing on the streets to putting on elaborate shows for Towards the Light; it's all deserved.
End of my long ass ramble post sjsusgsbdu I LOVE MY ATEEZ HERE'S TO A SAFE AND FUN TOUR 💕 ❤
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