#I also remove an eyebrow cuz I can and I did
genimas · 8 months
Happy 19th Birthday Avatar The Last Airbender
Today Atla animated first episode aired on Nicklelodeon, tomorrow Atla live action will air for the very first time
6Tomorrow the boy in the iceberg will wake up, with the water damage siblings, a flying bison and a winged lemur, he's going to save the world
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Imagine coming home late all beat up after running into trouble leaving work and Zuko is trying his best to help, but also being Zuko.
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Let's pay the poll toll! Our prompt winner is "it's three in the morning." There sure was a close running for the most part but it came out on top! I might have slipped in another prompt in there ;)
This one is more fluffy/ protective BUT... there might be something some might call smutty on its way soon with the same prompt cuz I know what you babes want ;)
Anywho, so basically you have a late close at the tea shop and run into trouble on your way home but through it all you gain a new pal on the way home, when you get home Zuko is super concerned and worried about you.
~1500 word count, there is mention of blood and cuts and whatnot, but also fluffy protection, so beware, and enjoy :)
You limped down the dark street, coming up to your apartment, you couldn’t believe you made it back. Your head hurts so bad you could swear the throbbing it produced was visible. You felt a drip come from your nose and you wiped it away with your free hand. Red. You groan and wipe it on your black pants. Your ribs were so sore, you could peel over any second. You took a look at the small dog you hold in your other arm against your side. “What do you think Zuko’s gonna say when we walk in?” You humor the small animal. It looks at you with the literal definition of puppy eyes, you look ahead and give its head a small pat.
You walk up to the apartment door and open it. Inside, Zuko shoots up sitting on the couch, he had fallen asleep. He half looks over his shoulder, “Hey, I was getting worried.” he said, trying to wake himself as if he wasn't out cold, you walk towards him. He begins to fully turn around, “Did you have to stay later at the tea shop-” and as soon as his eyes find you he immediately stands up, "Holy shit-". You walked over to him and handed him the dog, “Can you hold this please.” Zuko took the dog dumbly as you walked towards the bathroom. “UM- What the hell happened?? Are you ok??” He put the dog down and his eyes followed you as you disappeared into the bathroom, you didn’t answer, you went to open the mirror to grab the first aid, but your reflection grabbed you first. Zuko appeared in the doorway, “Hello?? I need you to answer me!?” You looked at your reflection and you looked so much worse than you thought. There were scrapes all around your face and was a deep cut through the top of your right eyebrow, the blood streamed down and in your eye, blood smudged across your face and below your nose. There was a gash on your lip which left a trail of blood down your chin. You instinctively lifted your shirt off and you winced, getting caught mid way with sharp pains that halted your motions. “Please, help me.” You asked weakly and Zuko was already assisting you. Your shirt is pulled free and you take a look at your sides, along your ribs are already a dark purple and blue. You groan and begin to remove your pants, the sides of your thighs bruised as well, but not as bad, but the slashed wound in the back of your right calf was the piece on top of the cake.
“Holy shit…” Zuko repeated, “What happened?” You leaned against the counter and sighed, standing bare in your underclothing. Zuko put a gentle hand against your back, for comfort or for his fear of you passing out. You started slowly by grabbing a cloth and wetting it, you started by wiping the cuts, it hurt bad. Zuko gently took the cloth from you and offered to do it for you, you did not protest and took a seat on the nearby stool. “I was coming back home from closing the tea shop, and I walked past this alley- Ahh-!!” You were cut off by Zuko wiping the cold damp cloth across a cut, “Sorry…” he replied softly, and went to wipe some of the dried smudged blood away. You took a deep breath and continued, “I walked past this alley and I heard these two guys picking on what I thought was some kid or- something…” You grit your teeth and wince once again at the cold stinging sensation that seems to almost shut down all your senses, or what's left at this point. “I told them to knock it off and when I approached them, there were actually four of them… and they were beating on the dog… and that made me mad. What cowards they were to pick on such a small innocent thing. Something that cannot… fight back or tell anyone-'' Zuko cut you off, rinsing the cloth, his anger slipping through, “Are you serious?? You risked your life for that dog?! All of this over a dog??!” You look at him, you look deep in his eyes. “Yes,” You replied coldly, “I did.” Zuko grabbed the bridge of his nose and groaned your name in frustration, “You cannot do this kind of stuff! Spirits! You were going to get yourself killed over that damn dog!” You eyed up Zuko as he added "What on earth were you thinking going down that ally so late?!" You had no clue how to answer, "it's three in the morning." He said through his teeth, you had enough, you shot up and Zuko immediately held out his hands because the sway that moved your body seemed more concerning to him then to you, “Don’t you dare tell me what to do, I did well by my conscience and I made it home.” You sternly said, “You barely made it home.” Zuko replied in the same cool tone. While you tried to hold eye contact, you started to lose balance and lean onto his outstretched arms. “Hey, hey, sit down.” Zuko said, “Bite me.” You replied trying to push past him in this blurry state you were in and out of, but to no avail. “If you insist, but you're quite the mouthful.” Zuko quietly remarked as he led you back down to the stool, grabbing the cool cloth and placing it on your forehead. “Come on, keep your eyes open, you cannot sleep, you probably have a concussion.” He said trying to keep you awake, “Zuko,” You said in a worried tone, he looked at you to continue, “I told them to leave it alone and walk away. But they recognized me…” I felt Zuko freeze, “They recognized you?” He asked. “They taunted me, talking about the tea shop, how they constantly see me there. But I’ve never seen them… I didn’t recognize them, Zuko.” You said. Zuko thought for a moment and replied “Don’t worry about anything. You're back home safe and I’m going to take care of you.” And that is what he did, he used the cloth to remove the dried and smeared blood, then he helped you out of your underclothes as he ran you a bath to relax your bruised mussels in and to wash the rest of the dirt, cuts and scrapes. He sat on the stool next to the tub and helped you wash beyond where your sore muscles constricted your movement. Once you were cleaned, Zuko added some new warm water, he set the bucket down and pushed some damp hair behind your ear. You welcomed his touch as you laid in the tub.
"I'm sorry for being so harsh earlier," Zuko started, "I'm so sorry. I was so worried and if only I hadn't have fallen asleep-'' You stopped him there, "No, don't say that, don't go down that road." you warned him. "No, if I was awake, I would have noticed the time and gone looking for you. I would have." You look at him with stern eyes, "Don't blame yourself, this isn't on you." You said shortly. Zuko looked at you with a gaze you so often saw and said "If I could take all your pain, all your cuts and bruises, I would in a heartbeat. you are a good soul, many people would have just kept walking." You hold his eyes, taking in his words, "I don't think you would have." You told him, "I think you would have helped too." He gives you a half hearted smile. "You think too good of me." He replied softly, and after a moment he added "Ok how about we get you dried off? It didn't look like anything needed stitches so I can bandage you up, we will have Katara look at you in the morning. I think you need some time to relax." You felt a lump in your throat rise with emotion as it was a sweet thing to consider. Just you and him for the next bit cooling down and relaxing. You nodded and tried to position yourself as best you could as Zuko reached in and basically picked you up out of the tub. You sat in the towel as Zuko bandaged up your calf, and the cut on your face. He picked you up once again and sat with you on the couch, making you both some warm tea and hoping to keep you up and talking until the early morning when he could fetch Katara for more help. But until that point he would sit with you and do what he could.
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icycoldninja · 9 months
So I've been wanting to request something for a hot minute from y’all; Vergil (or Nero..? Idk if you do stuff for him tbh) having to warm-up with a Male reader during a blizzard???
(👉👈 Never done a request before so idk how much to put. I love your work and can't wait to read more from you (/p)!)
AAAAAA I KNOW U, U ALWAYS REBLOG MY WORKS WITH THOSE HILARIOUS TAGS! I've also read your stuff on ao3! I love your works too! I'm so glad you requested! I chose to do Vergil cause I like writing for him more than Nero lol; hope you enjoy!💜💜💜
Warm-Up (Vergil x Male!Reader)
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Bonus pic I pulled off Pinterest for ya cuz y'all deserve it 💜
You shivered in your seat, goosebumps breaking out across your skin. A blizzard raged on outside, rattling the walls of your house and, via several drafts in said walls, lowered the overall temperature to lows your poor human body couldn't handle. You continued shuddering, wrapping your arms around yourself in an attempt to keep warm, futile as it was. You were just so cold, for an indescribable reason, no matter how many layers of clothes you threw on or how many blankets you piled on, you were freezing. It was like you were cursed, cursed to be eternally chilly.
The front door clicked, then swung open; Vergil stomped in, covered in snow. "Y/N?" He called, peeking around the corner and finding you curled up on the couch, swaddled in blankets and thick clothes. "What is going on?" He demanded, raising a thin white eyebrow at you. "I'm cold." You grumbled, tugging the blankets tighter around you as another strong wind shook the house and chilled the room even further. "Cold?" Vergil repeated, confused. He had never felt cold in his life, being an ice demon and whatnot. Nonchalantly, he stalked away to remove the snow from his person and change into dry clothes. A few moments later, he rejoined you in the living room, only to find a pile of blankets where you once had been seated. "Y/N? Where did you go?" A hand--your hand--shot up from within the mountain of bedclothes. "Right here, Verg. Right here, freezing my ass off." Vergil sighed, then began shifting the blankets aside to get to your trembling, nearly numb-with-cold form. "You lack motivation," He stated, shoving the blankets aside, then taking a seat on the couch and rearranging them in his lap. "A mere bit of cold is nothing; such a trivial inconvenience should mean nothing to you." While those words may have sounded harsh and derogatory, they were in fact, meant to be motivating--and they were.
"I...I guess you're right," You admitted, sighing and sitting up. "it shouldn't bother me, but it does." Vergil scoffed, then dragged you by the arm over into his lap. With a grumpy huff that was probably caused by embarrassment for his uncharacteristically soft behavior today, he began to wrap you up like a burrito. Once he was done, he scooped you up and cradled you in his arms like a mother with her baby.
You were confused at first, but soon relaxed into your new blanket cocoon. "Are you warm now?" Vergil asked, after a few moments of silence. Believe it or not, you were. The cocoon, combined with Vergil's furnace-like body heat, did wonders for your own body temperature, warming you up much more efficiently compared to all the other methods you previously tried. "Yes, I am," You murmured, rather enjoying this treatment. "Good. I suppose I can unwrap you now, correct?" You shrugged, not really wanting to leave Vergil's lap. "If you don't mind....a little longer?" Vergil gave you a side-eye that could have withered flowers, but said nothing and made no attempt to move you. You yawned, now that you'd been warmed up, you were starting to feel a little sleepy. "Tired?" He inquired, bouncing his leg so as to rock you easier. "Yeah, a little," You sighed, yawning again. "I'm gonna take a nap...wake me in a few hours, ok?" Vergĺil nodded, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead. "Very well." As you closed your eyes and began to drift off to sleep, you could have sworn you heard him mumble "Sweet dreams, my little lump of coverlets."
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chaoticspeedrun · 2 years
Girl! Hey! You beautiful sunshine! I have a idea and automatically you,yes you pop out in my mind cuz your writing is so *chef kiss* and i think you gonna like cuz its related to the first girlfriend headcanon.
Bear with me and hear me well.
Our precious Neon Leon,chilling with reader in a normal date but *dramatic music*
The ex
Reader's ex? No no no.
Leo's ex
Yeah i think you probably getting what i mean in here. I also headcanon that Leo has a bad tasty in men,so maybe this ex is kinda toxic? Making Leo feel uncomfortable remenbering what this ex have done but reader is not having it and break the shit out of him or sum cuz we must protect our blue boy 😌✊🏽💙
Hi Mitarashi! Thanks for waiting and I hope you feel like punching the lights out of his ex once you finish reading, because it means I did it right then. And remember guys, if someone tries to make you feel like you are less than you are, remove the asshole from your life immediately.
Hold my hand before I break his face
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Pairing: Rise! Leo x Fem! reader
Type: Oneshot
Summary: Leo and you are getting ready for your date when his ex makes an appearance.
Can be read by itself but goes along with the headcanons of Leo with his first girlriend here.
Warnings: Toxic exes, insecurities, gaslighting, slight angst with a happy ending.
Friday was date night, Leo had decided a little after the beginning of your relationship, you'd dress up nicely, he'd meet you at your door, sometimes he'd bring flowers or candy and you both would fake a posh accent while at it before he portaled you to your destiny.
Wether the destiny was run of the mill pizza in the hidden city or the lair's couch to watch a movie, date nights were always special for the two of you.
The first of those dates that you had you worried that he was trying too hard to please you, always going above and beyond to do so.
You realized a while before you even started dating that Leo, as arrogant and confident as he seemed was secretly insecure and you didn't want him to feel that way in your relationship.
So you talked about it, and Leo seemed to relax with you, he was still romantic, it was natural to him, but he was perfectly fine with a date being just you and him cuddling while you did your own thing instead of trying hard to impress you, he was comfortable with you, he felt safe.
Today was mostly a lazy day, so you both were going to get pick up from run off the mill and then crash on his bed to read comics.
So you grabbed a long soft sweater that wouldn't itch when you cuddled and leggings, with fluffy socks under your sneakers.
Hearing his telltale knock at your door you smiled wide at seeing your boyfriend waiting there for you with a lazy smile and wearing a very familiar black hoodie.
You raised an eyebrow looking at him suspiciously "Is that my hoodie?" Leo scoffed feigning being offended.
"What? No greeting to your handsome boyfriend? No kiss? Just accusing me of stealing first thing." You snort, but he continues "This is just a generic hoodie I had in my closet, thanks."
You shook your head with a smile "Alright, alright, I'm sorry I doubted you my love, the mark of bleach on the left sleeve just looked a little familiar, of course you wouldn't just steal from me"
"But of course I wouldn't, but it's Okay, I forgive you" He sighs and you giggle before he sends a smile your way and pulls out one of his katanas.
"So, will this be the day you finally try the creepy supreme?" He asks while taking hold of your hand.
You squeeze the fingers in your grasp and grin at him "Not a chance."
His chuckle follows you both as he makes a portal and you step through it ending up at the front desk of the pizzeria.
Señor Hueso looks at both of you and rolls his eyes "Ah Pepino and his novia, given what you're wearing I'm hoping you'll be leaving soon?"
"Oh we'd love to stay Señor Hueso, I'm sure you'll miss us but alas! It's lazy night at the lair so two of your best pizzas señor! And another one for Donnie I guess" Leo ended dismissively before continuing with the order.
While he did so you looked around always fascinated by the different type of yokai around when you noticed a particular yokai walking your way.
The first thing you noticed was that he was tall and full of feathers, with red markings and a long beak, you remember reading about Tengu's, a japanese yokai that usually had a bird form, it seemed to fit his characteristics.
You were so busy trying to figure that out you didn't notice your boyfriend glancing up at the yokai and paling.
"Leo! I see you haven't changed a bit, still getting pizza every chance you get" The yokai grinned and Leo squeezed your hand.
"Yeah, well you haven't changed either Raku" The yokai rolled his eyes not losing the grin.
"So, are you going to introduce me to your friend?" The yokai, Raku, you now knew, asked offering his hand to you "Sorry for his lack of manners, I'm Raku, Leo and I used to be very close"
You offered him your hand for a shake noticing how uncomfortable Leo seemed and disliking the way this guy spoke from the get go "He was probably surprised to see a familiar face" You told him your name and made sure to add "I'm Leo's girlfriend."
Raku seemed surprised looking between both of you with a funny grin "Girlfriend, really? I thought you were gay?" He directed at Leo who sported an uneasy smile up until that point, a frown starting to form on his face.
"I told you I was pan" He said and the tengu rolled his eyes.
"Just say you're bi Leo, I get it, you swing both ways" Leo's fake smile was disappearing and yours had already left quite a bit ago, you thought tengu were bird yokai, not rats.
You internally apologized to Splinter for that last thought, but got a little snarky "So, you are?"
"Leo never told you about me?" He asked "Ah well, we didn't end in the best terms but it's all passed, right Lee? I'm his ex-boyfriend."
You couldn't deny the bitter feeling as you heard that, not because you were jealous of this guy, but because just a couple minutes with him already gave you a glimpse of how he'd treated Leo during their relationship.
"Hm, really? No I hadn't heard of you at all" you answered with an innocent smile, reveling on how his faltered for a second.
"But enough of that, going back to the original topic" Raku changed the subject "You know, eating pizza all the time can't be good for a ninja Leo, and I'm sure I saw you get here via portal, 's not gonna help losing all those calories."
Leo winced but put on a mask of disinterest, before he could answer though Raku continued "Also, what's up with that ratty hoodie? You are going out like this? Gee, you really let yourself go once we ended our relationship."
You didn't care anymore, you were gonna snap "Actually that's my hoodie" You smiled "It was too big for me, but Leo fills it up just right with his muscles, it used to fit better but now I fear one day it's gonna snap from the biceps" You had never spoken like that, Leo gaped wide at you and Raku seemed to frown at your words.
A waiter arrived at that very moment with your three pizzas and Raku looked like they were proving a point "not gon' keep those muscles long like these, gee, are you both sharing them or...?"
"Oi, just back off Raku" Leo spoke placing an arm around your shoulders and Raku rolled his eyes.
"Oh don't be so dramatic Leo, I was just joking around."
You chuckled, your hand pulling your boyfriend closer by the waist as you leaned and looked up at the offending yokai in feigned amusement.
"Sorry, I was trying to figure out the kind of yokai you are, I think I finally did, with the way you spew out bullshit and how it reeks, you're an Akaname right?"
Raku blushed embarrassed and a couple chuckles could be heard from behind him, he glared at you and scoffed "Hope you enjoy sloppy seconds, ugh humans" with not much left to say he stormed off.
You still yelled "Did I mispronounce the name? Sorry Akaname-san!" a couple people turned to Raku with funny grins as he rushed his steps.
You sighed feeling Leo slouch slightly, relieved the interaction ended, taking the pizzas and paying you turned to prompt him into opening a portal.
He did and you both appeared on his room, it was quiet for a moment before Leo looked back at you.
He looked so vulnerable, so you left the pizza on his night stand and pulled him by the hand towards his bed, laying back on it with him on your side.
"Thank you" He spoke after a couple minutes, you traced shapes on his plastron with your fingers, looking up at him with an inquiring gaze, giving him the chance to search for the words he wanted "for standing up for me, for...making me feel safe" there was a second of hesitation before he continued "For making me feel like I'm enough."
"You are" you stated firmly "You're more than enough Leo, and nothing Raku said is true, those kind of assholes just want to make their partner insecure, want to steal their freedom from them, geez Leo, we were there for just a moment and he gaslighted you as soon as he could, you have terrible taste in men."
Leo leaned in and kissed your forehead softly, a small chuckle leaving his lips while his hand reached up to intertwine with yours over his plastron "I know, ever since we started dating you made that clear to me, with him I always felt like I had to try too hard, and you've been clear since the beginning that I just have to be me with you" he smiled.
You both stayed like that, sharing small kisses and reveling in the comfort of the other for a bit longer before he spoke again "But what was that thing you called him? Akaname?" He questioned curiously and you chuckled.
You grin was mischievous "It's a yokai that eats the filth and scum in bathrooms" Leo's laugh was really loud after that, holding his stomach as he did and making you laugh too.
"Gosh, I love you so much" He said with bright eyes and you kissed him, the words 'me too' unsaid but lingering in the air.
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ollypopwrites · 8 months
Ch. 4 Damage Gets Done
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Words: 4.8k
Pairing: Gale x Named Female Tav
Rating: M (I personally think it's a T but just to be safe lol)
Since the time she had learned how, Isra occasionally liked to wildshape to sleep. If her bed was some particularly uncomfortable ground, being a small animal provided a way of burrowing around and finding comfort. Or if she was cold, she could transform into something with fur and be mostly unbothered by the chill for a while as she slept.
Warnings: language, misunderstandings/miscommunication (I know I hate it too, just stick with me), jealousy, mentions of Mystra and how creepy she is, thoughts of death and dying (cuz its Gale).
Notes: It's time to yearn, boys.
You can also Read on Ao3!
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Since the time she had learned how, Isra occasionally liked to wildshape to sleep. If her bed was some particularly uncomfortable ground, being a small animal provided a way of burrowing around and finding comfort. Or if she was cold, she could transform into something with fur and be mostly unbothered by the chill for a while as she slept. It had been such a night the first time she encountered Gale by the campfire, half expecting him to realize it was her immediately. Maybe it was the wine she could smell on his breath that night, but he did not catch on. 
And when he first petted her, the intoxication of touch from him, despite her wildshaped form, overwhelmed her. 
If she was honest she could not remember the last time she had been given such gentle affections, and her body ached for more. And he seemed pleased to have a friend, something she could not provide the same way after showing him her feelings for him in the Weave. He had pushed her away and though it hurt, she had allowed him his space. Gale had courted a goddess and how could she or any mortal ever compare? He was always talking of her, or creating simulacrums of her visage, and constantly channeling the weave of which Mystra intrinsically was made of. 
Both Selune and Eilistraee had been as dear to her as such far removed entities could be since she had emerged from the Underdark with her parents. That first night topside as a little girl, when she looked up and saw the beautiful silver orb of light, she had been moved to tears. It followed her and guided her as she traveled,  and she had felt the presence of the deity  gentle and comforting — what would it feel like to be scooped up and held in either of their embraces? She could hardly fathom the idea of it. 
Gale and Mystra’s was a strange dynamic, one that made Isra’s stomach turn. But as she had told Shadowheart, whose Goddess was diametrically opposed to her own, Isra never found it to be her place to speak on someone else’s faith. She was no crusader or missionary, she was just a girl who loved the moon. Who was she to impede on the love affair of a mortal man and his goddess?
Despite it being sneaky and a bit dishonest, she thought the guise of ‘Vesper,’ as he called her cat form, was a decent compromise. Selfishly, she got to steal time with him, and although it created an entirely self-inflicted new form of pining, he got the gift of ignorance of her pain and a friend.
If anything, she should have known her luck was running out the day they took on the goblin outpost and freed Halsin. She had kept track of time, taking into account her exhaustion from the fight earlier in the day and left Gale’s side before her spell would have given out. Even better, he had been sleeping when she left. 
As she exited his tent, however, she forgot to take into account the nightly watch. So distracted by her own thoughts of Gale and trying to remember exactly how it felt to be held by him, to carry the feeling with her to her bedroll — she dropped the wildshape spell halfway to her tent. 
“You’ve got to be joking.” 
It was Shadowheart. By the fire for her watch, with an eyebrow raised, lips perked up into a teasing smile and laughter dancing behind her eyes. Isra froze before immediately hiding her face behind her hands. 
“Fucking hells, I’m an idiot.” 
“Yes,” Shadowheart joked back, her voice at least quiet. 
“Please — just — gods, don’t tell anyone.” 
“I thought he had finally lost it,” Shadowheart said, “talking about a mysterious house cat no one has ever seen before.” 
Isra was panicking, kicking herself; the whole thing was stupid to begin with and she had to be dumb enough to get caught on top of it. 
“Your secret is safe with me,” Shadowheart assured her. “Consider us even for the nautiloid.” 
“I hardly think saving your life is equal to -“
“Oh, shall I tell him then?” 
“No!” Isra hissed. “No. Fine. Even. That’s it. Goodnight.” 
“Goodnight, Vesper.”
Yet, this close call was not enough to make her give up being close to him. Isra had hoped to keep it going until they went to the Underdark where she could simply stop and he could believe his new feline friend was safe somewhere on the top ground.  She knew she was selfish, but she promised herself that she would stop before the real damage was done. 
However, she  lost track of time. She used to be able to take any animal form for an entire night but with the tadpole she seemed to be starting all over. Two hours was what she could manage now. 
And now she was here, in his tent, halfway in his lap with her secret out in the open to the one person she dreaded finding out. 
Gale’s expression was hard to decipher but it was not a happy one and she wanted to flee. He was grimacing, eyes tightened so the vague crows feet at the corners were more pronounced than usual.  He had said her name with such a sharp intensity that made her stomach drop. 
“I’m sorry,” she blurted. “I’m so sorry Gale, I - “ I wanted to be close to you, I wanted to hear your dumb hums of interest as you read something interesting, I wanted, I wanted, I wanted. She felt tears pricking her eyes, half mortification and half overwhelming guilt. “I should go.” 
“I believe that would be best,” he replied and then grunted, as if physically pained. 
Isra turned tail and ran, not caring if anyone saw her leave his tent. 
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Luckily, there was little time for personal concerns the next day, given that they were moving into a new territory. Everyone did their part as they  moved camp as a whole and headed to the Underdark, scouted out a good spot to call home base for the time being and settled in. 
The Underdark was just how she remembered it. Damp, gloomy, and although not without its own beauty, a generally dreary place. She immediately missed the big open sky with her beloved moon, and fresh air of the forest. Few of them had journeyed down below the surface before, so she took her time to remind everyone of the basic rules of the Underdark. She provided them all jugs, telling them that if they came across fresh water to bottle as much as possible. She warned them not to get separated, to keep a keen eye out for creatures in dark spaces and most importantly to watch their step. A tumble there would prove fatal. 
Astarion kept looking at the stone ceiling, and she lamented with him the loss of the sky. Karlach was eager to get moving, just to get out of there quicker. The others seemed fine, Wyll’s spirits were not weakened, Shadowheart found the place fascinating (despite their entrance via a Selunite stronghold), Lae’zel wondered aloud what strange beasts she could decapitate and mount, all while Gale seemed quietly studious. Halsin had joined them as well, and he was adamant this route was safer than the mountain pass. She was willing to brave it, the Underdark was treacherous but it had once been her home. She knew she could lead them through it.
Isra had chosen to not bring Gale along for the first few ventures further into the dark, opting to give him his space after they had been explicitly avoiding each other. Shadowheart, Karlach and Astarion had been her team, who all had their obvious advantages in the dark spaces. After assisting a lovely myconid colony with some invasive duergar and gathering some information about Absolute cultists deeper in the Underdark, they decided to visit a mysterious abandoned wizard’s tower. 
It was supposedly the place to find some materials needed by a friendly refugee mind flayer in order to do some research on their unusual tadpoles. When she discussed her plan and her party, no one seemed to protest (besides Lae’zel who reminded her a ghaik had gotten them into this mess in the first place) and they planned to head out after another night of rest. At camp, she settled in to work on some alchemy with the new extractions she had made of some of the plentiful mushrooms of the Underdark. 
Every once in a while she glanced up around the camp, everyone was getting along, although most of them had taken to whispering as if something was on the verge of finding them and leaping out of the shadows. Karlach’s gleeful laughter broke the spell at something Astarion said, echoing off the walls and it made Isra smile. She caught the eyes of Gale who was watching her and she immediately looked away from him and back to her task.
 It had been days since her secret was exposed, days of pushing the thought out of her head, avoiding him beyond what was polite and he had done the same. Circe slithered up her back, coiling around her shoulders and resting her head down, offering a welcome distraction as she continued her work. They chatted about the day, Circe casually mentioning that she seemed to be avoiding the resident wizard.
Isra was grateful no one else could understand the snake as she brushed off the comments. So caught up in her task of extracting essences and not allowing Circe to extract any information from her, she did not hear the footsteps approaching her. 
“Do you have a moment?” 
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Gale had gotten little sleep the night of the revelation. The orb ached in his chest, and the absence of Vesper now that her true identity was revealed felt like a heavier loss. She was clearly mortified, he was certain she was near bursting to tears when she realized she was found out and he wanted to go tell her not to worry herself. He wanted to offer comfort, to assure her he found it rather sweet, but the ever present pain he felt was a reminder why he couldn’t. 
It did not help that now she was outright avoiding him. Better in the grand scheme of things, he had reminded himself, trying hard to grasp onto the logic of it. He was trying not to lead her down a path of agony for them both. But he could not deny that he missed her. 
It was silly, since she was always there just across camp. Isra, however, would not even look at him and just as she had allowed him to take his space there was little he could do but allow her to run off. 
It was hard enough before but this was a special form of self-flagellation. He had borne it all with a polite smile, until she had passed him over for Astarion of all people to join her on a journey to a very intriguing wizards tower. If being denied the chance to see such a place was not enough, Astarion’s new place at her side was. He was flirty by nature, and handsome was an understatement when describing him; he was also conniving and (quite literally) blood thirsty. He knew the vampire had propositioned her at the tiefling party, and he also knew that Isra was regularly feeding him her own blood. 
Jealousy was now rearing its very ugly head, and despite reminding himself he was certainly not in any position to be jealous, he knew the feeling well. The Gods were not an entirely monogamous group, as it were. He felt as he had when Mystra told him of other lovers; helpless and very, very human. 
But the last straw seemed to be the fact Isra had not even considered him to join on this journey. He told himself that the only reason he was breaking the unspoken barrier between them was because he had to see that tower. So he marched over to where she was idly chatting to the snake on her shoulders, crushing up mushrooms in her mortar. 
“Do you have a moment?” When she looked up at him, her eyes widened, with panic or shock, he was not sure. 
“Yes,” she said cautiously, then turned her attention back to her task. 
Silence rang between them, filled only by everyone else doing their own tasks and the scrape of the pestle on the stone. Irritation flared in him. 
“Apologies, I meant to ask; may I speak with you privately?” His tone was polite, forced, but polite nonetheless. He added a terse, “please,” for good measure. 
“Ah, sorry, yes,” she set her mortar and pestle down, a gentle word to Circe had the snake sliding down her arm to curl around the tools. 
He had already turned away, walking some distance towards camp to a nightlight frond within visual distance of the camp but not close enough to be overheard. Isra followed him, chewing on her bottom lip until he worried it might catch on her sharp canines. She met his eyes resolutely, chin tilted up to do so and face set into a neutral expression.
“I understand that you have taken on a position of leadership in our merry little band,” he began, “a position well earned, I might add, but I would advise you to take into consideration the strengths of everyone before organizing your outing parties.” 
Her lips parted, eyes widened in shock, and then she frowned, “I’m sorry, is this a random lecture or do you intend to say what you really mean, Gale?”
“What I mean is,” he said, slowly to counteract the flaring irritation at her retort, “Shadowheart’s healing abilities are an invaluable asset down here, as is Karlach’s brute strength, but Astarion has no place poking around an abandoned wizard’s tower.” 
“Astarion is incredibly good in the shadows,” Isra shot back, “look around, Gale, the entire place is shadows.” 
“A valid point,” he conceded, “and yet, not every situation requires his brand of finesse.” 
“So who shall I take instead?” Her tone was sharp, “since you’re so obviously bothered by your lack of input on the matter.” 
“You are much cleverer than this Isra,” he said, in the back of his mind he knew he was being condescending and not making a good case for his own inclusion in the party. His ire, however, was taking the reins. “But if you insist on playing the fool: who amongst our party is, in fact, a wizard? Not only a wizard, but Mystra’s former chosen and learned under her tutelage and that of one of the greatest wizards in the realms?”
“Oh, were you Mystra’s chosen? You’re so humble for  never mentioning it before,” Isra rolled her eyes. 
He ignored the sarcasm, forcing instead more brightness with his factuality. He would not take the bait. “I did indeed,” he said. “A wizard’s tower is a labyrinth of curiosities that we protect fiercely, it is a sanctuary of our own making — of all our group, I am best suited for any challenges that may face us there.” He folded his hands in front of him, pleased with his speech, “and I believe you understand that the goal of learning more about these Illithid stowaways in order to eventually evict them, is more important than whatever personal challenges there may be between us.” 
The sardonic expression on her face quickly shifted to something softer and much sadder. “I —“ she started but then seemed to deflate before him.  She took a deep breath, and gathered herself, once again the fearless leader he had seen day in and out for the past months.  Aloof, and stoic. “You’re right. I apologize. We leave tomorrow immediately after everyone has gotten enough rest, make sure you have what you need.” 
Normally Gale loved hearing someone admit he was right. This time it felt empty. “I am at your disposal,” he replied, his own tone of insincere and overt brightness making him cringe internally. 
Isra looked like she might say something else, but then reconsidered and asked, “is there anything else you wanted to say?” 
There were a great many things he wanted to say to her, ranging all the way from poetry to just plain and simple declarations. “No, my case has been made.” 
She smiled a little, “top of the class, as always, Gale.” 
His heart ached with longing at the joke and the fond way she delivered it. He forced himself to smile back, nodded and then used the last of his willpower to walk away. 
Gods above, he was in love with her. 
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The tower was a ways from their camp, and they had to double back towards the docks where the bodies of enemy duergar were beginning to rot. It was somewhat treacherous, they had to go one or two at a time along certain ridges and up rocky walls. 
At some point they stopped to take a breather, Shadowheart and Karlach down below on an outcropping of rock while Gale and Isra were above on the cliffside. Shadowheart’s heavy armor was weighing her down, she needed a breather before taking on more rock climbing and while all four of them sticking as close as possible was best, pairs were acceptable to Isra for a short rest. 
“Bread?” He offered her and she declined politely. “Isra, it’ll be hours before we head back to camp and breakfast was well before we even started this trek up the side of what seems to be eternally extending stone wall,” he said, exasperated. “Have some bread.”
He half expected her to make a comment about his lecturing, she normally did, or at the very least to roll her eyes at him. But she did neither. She took the bread, took a bite and then went back to staring at a very old, very detailed map of the Underdark. 
Disappointed by the lack of reaction, he hummed slightly. His next choice of words could break the wall of ice between them, or it could make it worse. Making casual conversation had not yet worked, and despite knowing that the distance between them was best he couldn’t help himself. 
“Do you often take the form of a cat at night?”
The way her eyes stopped flitting about the page gave away her shock at the question, her posture did not change much and in the lowlight it was hard to tell but he thought she may be turning that lovely magenta color. Her eyes closed tight as she scrunched up her face in a cringe. 
“Gale, I truly am sorry,” she said. “I’ve tried to give you your space after… after… well — you know. And then I let it get in the way of —“
“It was not meant as a slight,” Gale interrupted. “Only curiosity.” 
Isra seemed unsure, she licked her lips and then nibbled slightly on the bottom one (he would do damn near anything to have the privilege to do the same). She pursed her lips slightly until she spoke again.
“Sometimes.” Was all she said. 
 Brain momentarily befuddled thinking about her lips, he frowned, “pardon?”
“Sometimes,” she repeated, seeming like she was forcing herself to speak. “I take to wildshaping to sleep.”
Ah, yes he had asked her a question. Coming back to himself, chest aching vaguely with his renewed interest and proximity to her, Gale rubbed the mark of the orb and forced himself to meet her eyes. 
“Do you find it more comfortable?”
Isra chewed on some bread, buying herself time before she responded. “If the ground is particularly uncomfortable, yes.” 
“Are there varying levels of comfort while sleeping on the ground?” 
“As someone who has slept on the ground most of their life: yes,” she said. 
Gale wanted to whisk her away to his tower, where she could leisure away her days (in cat form or otherwise) on his bed. In fact, thinking about his bed made him pine for it deeply, his fireplace, his favorite chair, and his extensive library.
 “I’ll have to take your word for it.” 
There was a silence, not tense like before but companionable, and contemplative. Isra broke it when she added, “if it’s cold I like to transform into something with fur, helps keep it at bay.” 
“We ought to get you a coat, or at the very least a better blanket,” he frowned slightly.
“Coats are expensive,” she told him, with a shrug. 
“But you hunt, surely,” he said, “couldn’t you make something with fur?”
“Never took to sewing and tanning,” she shrugged. “Usually I sell whatever pelts I get my hands on.” 
Gale made a mental note to find a nice blanket for her next time they came across a trader. Nothing long forgotten and repurposed like clothes she wore now, or scrounged together from scraps of their enemies belongings like her tent back at camp — something new and just for her. He could tell her not to worry herself anymore about the Vesper situation, he could further mend this break between them. But it was comfortable again and comfortable conversation was all he could afford. 
They chatted a bit on the way to the tower, until the building was in sight. It was magnificent, even in its deteriorating state. A large looming beacon of civilization amongst a sea of barren rock and caverns. They navigated all the way through, down into the garden — picking through personal diaries, book collections and forgotten belongings. The Sussur tree flowers made Gale wildly uncomfortable, and he noticed both Shadowheart and Isra were fascinated and befuddled by it but he found it quite clever that it powered the lift which brought them to each floor. 
Isra had pocketed a book, The Roads to Darkness, that had obviously been well loved by the wizard who created the tower. They found the spores they were hunting and the rest was pure curiosity. At the top floor he saw Isra freeze in place, befuddled by what she was seeing. Several magical  automatons populated what was once a workshop, most of them were in disrepair and clunking about loudly. 
“Fascinating work,” Gale admired, “still running after all this time.” 
 He half expected them to attack. However, when Isra approached the largest, most intricate one, it did not raise a metal finger. 
“New sounds through damp and dark oppression break,” it said, “is it the foe, that foul contemptuous heel?”
Isra’s brow furrowed, and she seemed to be figuring some unknown puzzle. “The book!” She whispered and dug in her bag to pull out the book. “‘Or art thou friend, a rescue from my lonely wake?” 
“Come out of love for me, not love for blood and steel. Command as you see fit, my lord, my liege,” it said in its strange tinny voice and gave a small bow. 
“Good manners for a hunk of metal,” Karlach commented. 
“Don’t get me wrong,” Gale began, “I love poetry as much as the next wizard, but using it to command an automaton…seems a bit self-indulgent to me.” 
“One of the letters, I think she said something about being holed up with only… Bernard.” Shadowheart frowned. “This must be him. It. Whatever.”
 “‘The silence stretches on -’” Isra said ignoring her companions and reading from the book, “‘Please, can I hold your hands, for just a while?’”
“Of course, my love. Don’t be afraid, sweet girl.” The machine’s tone echoed, its unnatural movement and lifeless eyes mismatching the sweet words. “What can I do? Say, would you like a hug?”
Gale was aghast, as Isra agreed. The strangeness of the moment made it tense, as the unfeeling thing encouraged her into its large arms with stuttering movements. An empty charade of an intimate moment with Isra in a cage of mechanical limbs. It was meant for someone shorter than her, smaller in general. 
“Remember: you are loved, Lenore,” it whispered in the imitation of a lover. “So much. You’re doing great. And everyone will be so proud of you. As I already am.”
After Bernard released her, he went about his pointless patrol of the top floor, gears whirring with each jolting step. The other constructs let them mill about the top floor and they stopped to  gather their wits before heading back towards camp. Isra and Karlach sat on the ground, perched on the edge of where a fallen wall gave a view of the rocky terrain below. Shadowheart was praying, as she often did in any given downtime, and so Gale left her be and sat with the others. 
“How’d you know what to say?” Karlach asked her. 
Isra procured the book from her pack and showed it to Karlach, the very page with the verse she had exchanged with Bernard. “He started speaking and it was so familiar.” 
“Huh, clever,” Karlach replied, then turned Gale, “watch out or she may take your job as the brains of the operation.” 
“A worthy opponent she may be but I think my particular niche of knowledge will maintain my long standing position,” he said confidently. 
“Think he just called you dumb, mate,” Karlach teased.
“I do have my moments,” Isra replied with mirth. “I'm sure we all remember the acid vial I mistook for a Health potion.” 
“Astarion’s hair is still ruined in that same spot,” Karlach cackled along with both of them. “Strange thing, though. The old bag of bolts was made for what? A snuggle?”
“I’m certain they have security protocols,” Gale replied, “but the last thing I expected it to do was hug you, Isra.” 
She was quiet for a moment. “She lost her dog, lost her lover — and after finding out she tried to tame a bulette into a house pet… Bernard doesn’t seem so far-fetched.” Isra frowned, “the things he said. How lonely must she have been.” 
“Are all wizard towers lonely?” Karlach asked. 
“It certainly isn’t a prerequisite for wizard towers to be lonely.” 
“Was yours?”
“No,” he said confidently, but he did feel  he was trying to convince himself as much as Karlach when he added, “I had Tara, and my books. Hard to be lonely in that company.” 
“Isn’t Tara a cat?”
“She is a tressym,” he corrected, “and never let her hear you mix that up.” 
They chatted for a bit longer before heading out. Gale behind Isra who took the lead, it was a long trek back but filled with easy conversation. Eventually, as they always seemed to be, Isra and Gale were far enough ahead of the other two that their conversation could not be overheard. 
“Were you lying?” Isra asked out of the blue. 
“I don’t make a habit of lying,” he replied, “but I could be more precise if I knew what you were referring to.” 
“About your tower,” she clarified, “not being lonely.” 
“I only ask because,” she paused, chewing on her lower lip again, “well I have Circe. And I can speak to her. She’s… dearer to me than I could say. But… It is lonely sometimes, even with her there. She’s not…she can’t…”
The word travels from her tadpole to his, unwillingly, accompanied by visions of the automaton Bernard, wrapping large unfeeling arms around her. Days of traveling through woods with no other person around. Curling up at night as a cat in a hollowed out log, hiding from the rain. His own tadpole transferred images back, sitting alone by the fire while Tara ventured out to find him trinkets to consume. Hearing people down below on the streets cajoling drunkenly at the end of the night. The lights of Waterdeep’s night markets twinkling from afar, bodies like little ants mulling around. All of those people, living lives, laughing with friends, dancing with lovers — and he could have none of it. Lonely was certainly the word he would use to describe it. 
They both opened their eyes as the connection faded, realizing they stopped mid step. Gale found himself at a loss for words, it felt invasive on both ends every time any of their tadpoles connected. There was no real choice of what was revealed, no choice to look away to respect the other’s privacy. However, it had bonded them all in a way that no other situation could. To feel each other's feelings, to live another’s memories in perfect view — it was intimate. 
“Everything alright?” Shadowheart said as the other two caught up, stopping along with them. 
“Yes,” Isra answered before Gale could. “Tadpole stuff.” 
“Damn wriggling shits,” Karlach grimaced. 
They ventured on. With the other two there the conversation had been brought to an end, not that he knew what to say still. The night’s of Vesper the cat at his feet made more sense than ever. He dearly wanted them back.
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Notes: thank you for reading :)
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REA$$UR@nc3 Rice .!!!!<3
GuandulASS pigeon Peepee peas<3 n reassurance rice …. r so yummy.!! w chorizoos n spams n chili oil:) Okokokkkkk so i hasnt written blogzz posts in a WHILEEZZ cuz ive been SAD CUZ I HAS NO MORE ADDERALLL N I BEEN takin lotzz of time 2 b semi domesticatedd .!! my tummy hurtz from k crampz n bein shemxii n im at a macdonaldzz rn drinkin a carmel fappeH. :-} i luv eating reasusrancess rices cuz it means my boyfriend luvs meh even tho brown rice is rly crunchie n he is cute in his daddy cardigan:-]] N CAMEL MILK MAKES U PREGENANET.!!!
we walkeDd 2 da wrong sapphire strwipp club n dese white ppl in front of us were like “is this whut it’s like to feel lik ur in Bushwick.??” Officee mag zine strippah releases wuz fun n kute tho i did leave after 3 min :-] i wuff kholing n trauma dumping in chikfila 4 approxx three hours is littytittttyz n crying ab how many abandonment issuezz u has:-] n linkin wiff fwendzz at starrbarr n farewell n then crying 2gether at market hotel so hard til security asks u if ur ok then ur old situationshipz old roomie whos rly hot tells u they lik ur red assthetic cuz ur like shy n like in luv with them kinda n alsoo u jus got a haircutt at tha same place tht they fucked it up the first time but it wuz kinda good just likk how Tht piercing place off myrtle wycoff fucked ur bridge twice but lik wuz kinda good n lit for ur hippy dippys rn :.?! Every1 deserves 2nd n 3rd chancezz to redo piercings On ur body n haircutz cuz piercings can b removed n hair grows back.!!! n Everything 😃🙃 is temporary lik permanenttattooz .!!! N berlin guy at markett who asked meh to go into baffroom wiff him to do his Berlin K MADE MEH CRY.!!!!!!!
I luvv going on the train N reminiscing ab old aptzz u Ated max N cheeze in N doing K in the park in broaddayy Lite in chinatown shaming our ex’s in deep addiction while we snort deeply n Hard in front of Children while All my cute clothes From the Xxtra virgin Popup shoppeeepee kinda fall off of meh N i almost Stole their chinese leggings then realized While after i paid n was pretending to listen to another artistss story ab their visual art piece then i had an anxiety attack.!!!!!!! beijing yogurt is LIT.!!!
i am still UNMEDICATED FOR MY ADHD N I DUNTTT KARE ANYMOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE .!!!’ my indexxx finger has 3 holes on it from stabbing myself unintentionallt wiff tagging Gun n yessh im annoyed cuz the office i work at w three earth signs n A PUPPY is still acting lik everythin i say is WEIRD n fat shaming shelly duvAll n they told meh to turn my music lowerr cuz u cullds hear moi music thRu my dollskilzz Bedazzled kitty headphonezz . :-[ im sad ab my crush who i stood up at carmallows 2 yrs ago but mercury gatorades is best in the flavor CHERRY GLACIER.!!!!!!
yEth my eyebrows r growinn out rn N r awkward n Yethh my kuromi socks r sticking out of my WOODENjeffreyy campbells Rn n Yethh my nipple piercings still haves pus inside AND outside N yethh i still has aKUTE pain of my rite shoulder as a diagnosis on my Mychart in callen Lourde N Yethh istill am doing k in the bathroom B4 n After my 9amtherapyy appointmentzz dere n Yethh dressing more n more slutty unconsciously for each appointment n workday N Yethh i did tell my therapist i think Theyy r the type of queer adult thtt dresses like a comfortable baby AKA all queer adultss wear overallz n sweater vests n lik make it shemxy n Kute in their own way cuz thts Faggot Fashion.!!!!
i FINALLT CONQUEREDD MY FEAR OF WEED N AM SMOKIN A J WITH QUEEF ALLLLL OVA IT WHILE WATCHING DA SUNSETT N WALKIN 7 BLOCKS 2 FIND DA TAMALE WOMAN WITH MANGOes IN WILLIAMSBURG N NOT FINDING HER :-]]]]]] i bleached my hair 4 times in one dayy last wk cuz of IMPULSIVITY N then havin a mental brekdownz cuz i wuz called “STRABWRRY SHORTCAKE PHEONIX HALEY WILLIAMZZ POLLYPOCKET.” le FUKIN SIGEHH. ii keepss tinkin ab how i wanna get married at oliveGardein but not lik in the soy meat frozen chiggen nugget way.., n how i rly want my boyfriend to divorc his wife .! N how ii made cookie4 u butt ated it n how i offered last bitee 2 u n Den u ated it n now im SAD.!!! N i wanna beat up my sisters boyfriend “KALE”for eating my fried chikkin 1 yr ago.!
i luv gettin airdropped selfies of peoples vaginas with their fingers spreading it open on Tha train n gettin picked up by Latinx uber drivers whose names r Chang Chiu n kholing in the basement of Hawaaiinn restaurantsz n doin our makeups for 25 minzz dereess . KATCH ME in likeee three More music videozz cumming out soon N also in la la landds this thurs til mondayzz n plannin diss chiggens fashion show in June tht my boss says i need to “LOWERR MY EXPECTATIONS FOR…” :-] <3 <3 i kunt wait 2 c mybestie dere who just rolled their ankle n got their tires popped n has a frog obsession n a pet opposum named mochi :-] <3 <3
Xxx, have safe seggs, or NOT,,,,,, N never trust a bride who is a PODATRIST…!!!!,
renny Xcx <3 <3
Vroom vroom.!!!! :-D
0 notes
kafka-ish · 3 years
the drunken words you spoke last night (1) | b.d.
one thing leads to another and before she knows it, y/n's longtime crush becomes a casual fuck.
word count: 2,893
warnings/included: nsfw (explicit smut -- male x female, pretty vanilla), fem!reader, angst(?), also a lot of this is written in italics cuz of flashbacks
a/n: sorry it's been so long since i've written anything!!
It was never supposed to end up like this. Just one quick fuck was all it was supposed to be; which lead to another one, then another one, then another one…
y/n watches as Bill scurries around the room, searching for his shirt. She’s noiseless and he doesn’t know she’s awake yet. He does a good job at being quiet, making sure not to disturb what he thinks is a sleeping y/n. The grey baseball tee he wore to her place last night turned out to be underneath her bed—how it got there was a different story. The silence is broken when Bill opens the door and is met with a large creaking sound.
Don’t look back, don’t look back, don’t look—
He regrets it immediately when he sees y/n, her back against her bedframe. She’s wide-eyed from watching him with such intent.
“Hu-hey.” Bill swallows the saliva gathering in the back of his throat. “I, uh, I didn’t nuh-know—”
“It’s fine.” y/n says her words with such ease and for a moment Bill’s jealous. He wants to know a life without speech therapy, a life without the nickname Stuttering Bill. And most of all, he wants to know a life without loving someone who won’t love you back.
“So, you’re not staying?” y/n does her best to conceal the insecurity in her voice but it’s hard. She doesn’t want to come off as needy or clingy, but she wants a response she already knows the answer to.
“I duh-didn’t want t-to wake you.” Bill shrugs as he says this. Half of it was true—he really didn’t want to wake y/n but seeing as she was already up his excuse fell flat.
“Right.” It takes everything for y/n to not roll her eyes as she replies through gritted teeth.
“So…” Bill’s left foot is digging into the carpet and his fingers find themselves intertwined together.
“So.” y/n herself is picking at loose strings from her worn-out comforter. Her eyes avert from their previous lock on his figure and she doesn’t know what to do with the lump in the back of her throat. She’s annoyed—no—furious.
It was never supposed to end up like this.
“Hey,” Bill answered the door in low-rise sweats and shirtless. “What’s u—”
He’s cut off and taken aback with a messy kiss. It’s bold, breathtaking, and smelled like vodka—nothing he’d ever expect from y/n. Once the shock had passed, he felt his eyes flutter shut and he became lax under her touch.
“I need you,” y/n mumbled helplessly in between kisses. Her fingers which had previously been confidently intertwined around his neck were now reaching for the ends of her shirt.
“W-Wait—what?” Bill’s still hazy from the blunt he smoked earlier and everything’s going so fast.
“You heard me.” Uh, not really. She pressed another kiss to his already swollen lips and the feeling of his skin on hers feels a hundred times better than what she imagined it to be. “Fuck.” Her hips press up to his, but Bill can’t revel in the delicious spark their jeans create every time her hips meet his.
The Denbrough’s front door is still open.
“y/n,” Bill spoke. He tried to say it firmly, but it came out as more of a breath than an assertion.
“Hmm?” The noises coming from her are downright pornographic, which only made Bill wonder what the rest of the night will be like.
“I have to shut the door,” he whispered. His breath tickled her neck and y/n felt her face grow hotter—if that was even possible. Reluctantly, y/n relieved Bill of her possessive grip so he could shut the door. But, immediately, he noticed he’s cold—freezing, even. But how can Bill be cold in the middle of July—Maine’s hottest month?
y/n’s quick to reassume her previous position—arms swung around his tanned neck, hips bucked up desperately to meet his.
“Wuh-we should take this somewhere more comfortable. Sh-shouldn’t we?” Bill only stuttered when he’s nervous now. It’s cute.
She pressed a quick kiss onto his jawline. If there weren’t remnants of her lipstick on his skin, he’d assume he was dreaming. “Okay,” she hummed into the spot her lips had just previously grazed over. Bill shivers.
He led the two of them up the stairs and into his room. The trip is slow. Bill’s careful to make sure y/n didn’t trip or snag her top on the railing. What a gentleman.
“Bill,” she whined.
That night, Bill decided his favorite sound was her voice calling his name. He’s always loved the sound of y/n’s voice and the way his name rolled off her tongue (“Bill, watch!” “Bill are you coming?”). But this was different. Tonight was different.
“Bill, I need you.” He turned to y/n who wore a pout as she followed Bill closely into his room. It’s pitch black but Bill doesn’t need to turn on a light to know his way around.
The back of y/n’s calves hit his bed with a light thump followed by another whimper.
“Shh,” Bill cooed into her hair…
y/n awoke that morning with her too-tight tank top and faded denim shorts replaced with one of Bill’s graphic tees that drape over her figure like a dress. She finds half of her eyeliner and lipstick-stained on Bill’s grey pillowcase and there’s an empty space next to her where Bill once lay.
“Fuck,” y/n whispered to herself. She can’t remember the events that happened last night, and the pounding in her head doesn’t make it any better. But the way the sheets around her creased and wrinkled, and the way her collarbone peaked out of Bill’s Led Zeppelin tee made her skin crawl and her stomach turn.
Bill’s scratchy morning voice startled y/n. His perfect tall and slender figure slanted against the doorframe and y/n had to compose herself under his sheets the way she’s done all her life.
“Hi,” she swallowed thickly. Her breathing started to pick up along with her pulse and when did it get so hot in here?
“Do you want breakfast?” Bill made a motion towards the kitchen downstairs. “My parents aren’t home still. I guh-guess they’re still out.” Bill’s parents were always “out”.
y/n only nodded.
“Look, about last night—”
“Whatever happened last night, I can—”
“Did you mean it?” Bill cut her off, not even listening to the word vomit spilling from y/n’s splotchy lips.
“Mean what?” y/n’s ungroomed eyebrows furrowed together inquisitively because what the fuck? What on earth happened last night that could have left Bill Denbrough wondering for answers in the morning?
“Wuh-when you said that stuff about needing me.” From the flushed cheeks and timid words, y/n could tell Bill felt awkward saying to her what he’d just said.
Mortification took the form of y/n y/l/n that morning. The tiny hairs on her neck started to rise and goosebumps shot a trail down her forearms.
Bill crept forward after he didn’t receive a response. His face was only a few inches away from y/n’s. The swoosh of his I-just-woke-up hair framed his hairline like an auburn halo. To make matters worse, the morning sun shone directly on his skin, giving him a god-like glow.
“Did you?” His minty breath hit her face. Colgate.
Instead of watching his swimmingly blue eyes—swimming for answers, an indication, anything—she watched his lips. She admired how rosy they were even in the morning. She admired the curl of his cupid’s bow. She admired how soft they looked and felt as she bit the bullet and shoved herself forward to kiss him.
This kiss is different from last night. It’s daring, yet nervous; sweet, but awkward. It’s not the same as her desperate kisses from when she was wasted. This kiss is slow, thoughtful—
Bill pulled away. His breaths grew heavy, and his eyesight got hazy. The only thing he could think to do was go in for another kiss. So, he did. He’s quick to capture her bottom lip with his and cup her jawline in the palm of his hand.
Bill’s impatient now. His parents were gone, and he had a beautiful girl in his bed. What else was a teenage boy to do? In a flash of flesh, Bill’s shirt was gone.
“Do-do you want this?” He asked before he made the effort to remove any other articles of clothing and possibly embarrass himself further. Of course, Bill would be perfectly fine with getting off in the other room with just his bruised ego and bare chest to keep him company.
But y/n was fast to reply “yes” and press yet another kiss on Bill’s swollen lips. Their flesh pinned against each other’s elicited a feeling inside the two that both y/n and Bill had never felt before.
“You smell good,” Bill murmured against her shoulder. The words slipped out of his mouth like a hockey puck on ice. “I bet you taste even better.”
y/n grew flustered at the sudden statement. It wasn’t like Bill to confess something like that—at least not to her. Before another moan, like the ones from last night, could claw its way out of her throat, y/n caught Bill sliding the elastic of his grey sweats down his long legs.
He’s in his boxers. y/n could only catch glimpses of streaks of greens and yellows but didn’t get a chance to look at them for long as her attention was redirected to taking off her—Bill’s—shirt.
Although he knew it wasn’t gentlemanly, Bill could only stare at y/n’s bra-clad chest. It’s just black, simple, classic. But it hugged y/n’s figure effortlessly and contorted her shape perfectly.
“Bill?” y/n wondered aloud. His silence worried her, but she has nothing to worry about—she’s got Bill hooked like a fish.
Her meek words snapped Bill out of his trance, which allowed him to press another kiss onto her lips before he trailed down to her neck. Each graze of his lips turned her into a moaning mess. Bill wished he could say he was surprised, but he wasn’t, not from when he remembered the events from last night so vividly.
His lips lingered a little longer on a certain spot just above her collarbone that made y/n’s lips part so erotic-like, Bill thought he might cum at the sight.
But he wouldn’t allow himself to release just mere seconds in of making out with his dream girl—even if it pained him.
He released his lips from her skin, leaving a bruise. Bill chuckled to himself. At least, if he can’t have her, he can pretend he does for these few moments until she leaves for home and covers his mark with her trusty concealer.
Their lips clashed again. It was hard and rough—y/n’s more dominant than she let on and before either of them realized, she was on top: legs straddled Bill’s torso, nimble fingers gripped at his skin where a shirt used to be, and her lips viscously stained his red with what was left of her lipstick from last night.
Bill’s the one to moan this time. The sound was throaty and gruff, which sent shocks straight to y/n’s core. She bucked up, causing Bill to moan again and the cycle repeats.
“Fuck, y/n, I need you.” y/n liked this side of Bill: the bolder, dominant side; the speak-your-mind side. But most of all, y/n liked Bill.
She giggled at his words. She loved the way his voice cracked with desperation and the way his fingers began to clutch her skin tighter—like she was his.
The delicate sound of y/n’s voice only made Bill want her more. The tent in his boxers grew impossibly harder—a contradicting feeling of pain and desire at the same time.
“Please.” It wasn’t long until Bill’s groans turned into pleads. The rough palms of his hands coast across her bare skin, causing goosebumps to form and hair to raise. “Please.” The fast movements of y/n’s clothed clit on his plaid-covered dick matched the fast beats of y/n’s pounding heart.
Ba-dumb. Ba-dumb. Ba-dumb.
“Tell me what you want,” Bill’s voice easily sliced through y/n’s pathetic whines, “using your words,” he instructed clearly.
“I wah—” Another whine. “I want you.”
At that, the rough pad of Bill’s thumb started to massage the sharp edge of y/n’s jaw. “I need you to be more specific, baby.”
Baby? Bill’s never called her that before. Actually, Bill’s never had a girl as beautiful as y/n on top of his lap before but here he was, the tent in his boxers being barely relieved by the girl by his dreams.
“I—” The sensation of the fabric against skin felt too much to bear but she wanted more. “I want your—your cock in me. Please.” She said this through lazy lips and heavy lids.
“F-f-fuck.” Bill groaned at the vulgarity of her words. Never in his life would he expect y/n to utter something as filthy as that. But never in his life would Bill Denbrough ever expect to be offered the chance to fuck her. “Okay, baby, hold on.” His calloused palm slowly slipped its way down from the slope of her jaw to her neck where fingerprints were left and then down to the clasp of her bra.
The damn thing. As hard as his hand grasped and as hard as his fingers twisted, the clip wouldn’t budge.
“Need some help?” y/n giggled, as she noticed Bill’s pained expression. Effortlessly, she unhooked the cursed contraption. It was as effortless as how the piece of fabric once made her look so perfect. But perfection didn’t change once the garment left her skin. Bill then realized that it wasn’t the strawberry-stained lips or the dramatic smokey eye or the tempting clothing that made y/n perfect. y/n was already perfect on her own; everything else was just a prop.
Bill’s once furrowed brows softened when y/n began to take the lead. His bare back pressed further into the mattress in the same motion y/n’s chest leaned into his.
Her crotch just barely brushed his and Bill couldn’t take the ‘almost there’ feeling anymore. “I hate these,” he bit. His hand swooped down to peel off the lacy string of fabric in one harsh motion.
“This is a little unfair, isn’t it?” y/n posed. Her eyebrow raised a little the way it always did when she asked a question. Her hands were cold when they made a trail down his chest and to his boxers. “Now we’re even,” she giggled when she finally released him from his confinements.
In an instant, Bill’s erection had slapped his stomach and y/n found herself near salivating at the sight. Her thumb just barely brushed the tip, letting out a hiss from Bill.
“Shh…” Before Bill could get another word out through choked moans and deep breaths, y/n led his cock to her heat. Immediately, she let out a whine at the stretch of Bill which he chuckled at. “Bill..”
“Yes?” Bill couldn’t help but smirk at the fact that he was making her feel this way. He was the one whose name she was moaning. He was the one she was fucking.
“Bill…harder…” Her moans were like a record Bill would never get tired of hearing. His right hand moved to brush a stray strand of hair behind her ear before his fingers gripped her scalp while his left hand moved just below her butt, allowing him to thrust deeper.
Moans turned into whines and whines turned into screams as Bill set the pace faster and harder. Each thrust hit deeper each time, hitting a spot no boy had ever found before. “Bill, I’m—” But y/n’s words were cut off when Bill’s lips captured hers in a kiss. His hand still found itself tangled in her morning hair. His other hand still tightly gripped on her ass which would surely leave a bruise. His hips bucked up once more, leaving y/n in a moaning mess, unable to hold herself above him anymore. With shaky arms, y/n allowed herself to collapse on Bill’s chest. Their breaths mixed and their pants synced.
Tenaciously, Bill pressed a kiss upon y/n’s sweat-slicked forehead. The feeling of his lips was gentle and tickled as they dragged down to her cheekbone.
It was never supposed to end up like this, y/n could only think to herself now as she watched Bill walk out of her room and presumably out the front door. Of course, he’d be back the next night. Ever since their first drunken encounter with each other, casual sex had become second nature to y/n and Bill—like learning how to tie your shoes or riding your bike. But it was at this moment when y/n realized how she wanted more.
Hickies and torn shirts would never be enough to satisfy the aching need for something deeper; the feeling that made her stomach drop every time she caught Bill looking at her; the feeling that made her throat dry up every time she tried to speak to him outside of moans and cries; the feeling that made her heart skip a beat at the thought of him; the feeling of want—and only want—for Bill Denbrough.
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danses-with-dogmeat · 3 years
a romanced hancock reacting to sole wanting him to be a father figure in synth shaun's life?
Thank you so much for the ask anon!
So, I couldn't decide if I wanted to do more of a drabble or headcanons, so I just did both! I thought this prompt was really sweet, I hope you enjoy!
You stood in your shared room at the top of the Old State House, before the man in the red coat, the man you loved, awaiting his answer to your proposal. Having just asked him the question that had been patiently waiting at the back of your mind since the day that Shaun had come back into your life.
"Oh sunshine..." Hancock's gravelly voice broke the silence that had followed your question, "I'm beyond flattered that'd you'd ask that. I mean, I love that kid to pieces, but... you really think a ghoulified, blood-soaked, mega-junkie like me is the best fit for the kid to look up to?" The ghoul gave a soft chuckle, but Sole could see his brow furrowed slightly with uncertainty. A rare sight, given his usual gusto.
"Hancock," you said, in an attempt to reassure him, "you're a hell of a lot more than that. And Shaun is crazy about you, the reason I brought this up now was because he asked me when he could start calling you 'dad'." Hancock's dark eyes widened at your words and it took him a moment to answer.
"He- he did? Man... It's not too often I find myself at a loss for words but, I mean, me, a dad? I never thought that would've been possible, given my eh... present condition," He brought his hands up to gesture at his whole body. Your eyes never left his, the only change in your expression being a small smile, encouraging him to respond to your earlier question. Hancock sighed, taking a few steps towards you.
"So I suppose the thing I'm trying to say here is, I'm not sure I'm qualified for the position you're offering me." Your shoulders slumped at his words, you couldn't help but think he'd have been more receptive to the idea of being Shaun's new father. He may not be perfect, but he's one hell of an upgrade from the synth child's last "father."
"Look sunshine," Hancock decided to break the silence again, noticing your disappointed expression, "you sure you want this? I don't really tend to think of myself as 'daddy material'." You cocked an eyebrow at him, despite the weight of the conversation, you found yourself unable to keep a suggestive smile from spreading across your lips at his choice of words.
"Hey now, aren't you supposed to be the responsible one in this outfit?" Hancock quipped, his crooked smile imitating your own as he took another step closer. Before he could reach for you, you brought your hands up and grabbed ahold of his shoulders, trying to regain control of the conversation.
"Look, John, I know you don't always see it this way," you looked him in the eye, willing your next words to sink in, "but you really are an outstanding role model. I mean, look at all you've done for the people of Goodneighbor, and the Commonwealth. You're out there actively trying to make this wasteland a better place, lending a hand to the little guy and doing all you can to take down the tyrants. You're a skilled leader who genuinely cares about the people you're responsible for, you're fiercely protective of the ones you love, and of the ideals that you support. You're a good man, John. And I couldn't think of anyone better for Shaun to call 'dad'."
"Shit sweetheart, you really know how to make a ghoul blush. Tell me, how did I ever get so lucky to have you in my life?" He whispered softly, shaking his head slightly as he looked deep into your eyes. You couldn't help but blush at his comment and at his unrelenting smoky gaze, you looked down to break the tension for a moment.
"We're talking about you here, John, remember? So..." you trailed off, hoping to finally get a straight answer from him.
"So?" He asked.
"So, what do you say? You gonna make me ask you again, or what?"
"Look," he reached a ruined hand out to lightly take your own, his thumb rubbing soothingly over your knuckles, "you and that kid are the most important thing I've got going on in my life, and if you really want me around, then I'm not goin' anywhere. And for the first time in my life, I fucking mean it." He grasped your hand tightly, before you gently removed it from his own, instead bringing your arms up to pull him into a tight embrace, which Hancock happily leaned into, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck.
"Just one thing..." you said, finally pulling away, "we might have to work on that foul mouth of yours."
"Don't worry sweetheart, if we're doing this thing, we're gonna do it right. I'll teach the kid all he needs to know. The real creative foul language, how to cure a hangover, where to get the best chems. All that important shit." You rolled your eyes playfully, mirth shining behind your dilated pupils as you stared into the eyes of your son's new father.
"Now, about that foul mouth of mine..." his hand slunk around your waist and pulled you into him as a mischievous grin spread across his lips a moment before they met yours.
And now, a few headcanons, for your consideration:
- After agreeing to act as Shaun's father, Hancock would seriously clean up his act. He may occasionally still take chems and drink (cuz, let's face it, he's still Hancock, and quitting cold turkey is hardly an option) but much less than he used to, and never around Shaun. This is only partly because he doesn't want to bring Shaun into that part of his life, but also it has a lot to do with his decreasing dependency on self-medicating. Being genuinely happy with his family, he doesn't feel as though he needs to escape.
- He would continue to be mayor of Goodneighbor, but would leave many of the day-to-day decisions to a committee (composed of Daisy, Fahrenheit, Dr. Amari, and an elected security guard). While Hancock, Sole and Shaun would live at another (more kid-friendly) settlement of Sole's choice.
- Hancock would actually excel at teaching Shaun. Whether it would be a shooting lesson, showing Shaun how to cook, teaching him to fish, or telling him about pre-war history (usually with a good amount of focus on the American revolution given his own fascination with it), even if Hancock wasn't extraordinarily knowledgeable, he would do his absolute best at helping Shaun get some form of an education.
- Once Sole was able to convince Hancock that Shaun liked his voice, rough as it may be, he would love to do bedtime stories. Even though Shaun is probably just getting old enough to outgrow them, he has a particularly hard time getting to sleep, and he soon finds that the ghoul's low, calm voice is a surefire way to drift off when the sun goes down.
- Hancock would be one of those parents that always looks like they know what they're doing, he would be patient during Shaun's tantrums, would be very focused on communication, and would have a nice blend of being protective of Shaun, but not to the point that it would be stifling. That being said, he would remain awfully uncertain and need constant reassurance from Sole, seeking their advice on almost everything to do with Shaun. Inside, he would have trouble realizing he's as good of a father figure to Shaun as everyone says he is. However, outwardly, he would be as confident as ever. Even fooling Nick into believing that he was completely at ease in the role of being Shaun's dad.
- He'd be killer at all of the popular kid games, playing hide and seek with Shaun when they visited the Old State House, or playing tag back in sanctuary, or even imagination games where he had to be the deathclaw and Shaun got to be Grognak the barbarian (do deathclaws exist in the Grognak universe? It doesn't matter, they do to Shaun). Hancock normally wouldn't let anyone win, he believes in playing fair, but occasionally for Shaun, he'd hide in the obvious places, or trip when running away in tag, or let it slide that Shaun says Grognak is strong enough to punch a deathclaw's head clean off in one hit. (Man, if only he could do that.)
- If other kids were bullying Shaun, Hancock would be the type of parent to bring the bully aside and have a frighteningly quiet conversation. And by conversation, I mean an in-depth description of what Hancock will do to the kid if he's mean to Shaun again. (Think of that scene at the beginning of the first Jurassic Park movie where the main character is describing to a kid how a velociraptor guts its prey and eats it alive. That's Hancock. Both the man, and probably the velociraptor too if the bully doesn't heed his warning.) Hancock wouldn't necessarily kill the kid for being mean to Shaun, but it's because he wouldn't have to, after his 'discussion' with the kid, he'll never even look at Shaun the wrong way again. Thankfully, the 'discussion' is all Hancock's ever had to do when kiddos are involved.
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tendouluvr · 4 years
hq!! boys taking care of their s/o who just got their wisdom teeth out - gn reader
- characters: iwaizumi, osamu, matsukawa, kyōtani
- warnings: small mentions of being on anesthesia, centered around wisdom teeth removal/oral surgery, wisdom recovery, vague mentions of blood/gauze/medications nothing graphic tho, a lot of talk about food and eating limitations
- wc: 198, 258, 241, 252
a/n: im writing as im currently recovering from my wisdom teeth removal 😪😪 so kinda (basically) v self-indulgent
this is all based on my own experience. i’m healing pretty fast i think and there hasn’t been any problems for me so i wouldn’t know, personally, cases where people get heavy nausea, dry sockets, etc etc
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#! the best :(((
#! follows every direction the surgeon gave to the dot
#! before the surgery, he was given some papers and it was covered with post-surgery aftercare instructions and he read everything over multiple times
#! doesn’t let you do anything for days even though you were capable of doing things yourself by the third day
#! makes a lot of smoothies
#! he already drinks smoothies a lot on a regular basis besides his protein shakes and all that so being his s/o, you also get to drink them every other day
#! but your smoothie intake goes ☝️
#! understands your pain, makes sure you’re taking all of your required medications on time (he sets up alarms and timers) and giving you any doses of pain relievers as needed
#! (was about to blend up meals for you but you were adamant on him not doing that. you did not want to eat blended liquified food when it’s usually meant to be eaten solid)
#! overall,, kinda strict but he’s just tryna make sure you fully recover properly with no complications :)) you’ll probably be annoyed with him at some point for feeding you another smoothie, but you’re grateful for him anyway <3333
#! he’s a foodie :’(
#! lowk (highkey) sad you won’t be able to eat normally with him until you’re fully healed (could be weeks, could be up to a month and a half)
#! did a lot of research before and during the recovery process to go grocery shopping so he knows what he should stock up on and what he shouldn’t get
#! was kinda convinced four (4) days into recovery that you could start eating a bit normal again but you had to tell him no
#! “so when can you eat my onigiris again? it’s getting boring when only i’m trying new recipes, and you can’t,” he would constantly huff
#! “go feed your brother,” you would reply with an eye roll making him pout
#! your bottle of salt water is always filled because he makes sure it never runs out
#! his search history (and yours) is full of “can i eat ___ after wisdom teeth removal” LMAO mine is
#! to be honest, he was probably more scared of the surgery than you were
#! throughout the healing process, you grew a lot of cravings for a lot of food you couldn’t eat so he would write down everything whenever you tell him while laying in bed together
#! promises to make you all of the food on the list once you can properly eat again :’))
#! will spoil you rotten after this
you have no idea how bad i want focaccia bread rn. i need it. in my mouth. just imagine warm, crispy, chewy fresh out of the oven focaccia bread 💭💭💭
#! does not care.
#! JK
#! he does care but he’ll act like he doesn’t
#! immediately laughs at you passed out on anesthesia in the passenger seat as he’s driving home
#! he’s still holding your hand though and caressing it 🙄
#! literally thought you would’ve been healed the next day for whatever reason ://
#! told you, “you look like a squirrel,” while you were sleeping in bed with gauze in your mouth
#! teases you a lot about the pain cuz he’s a meanie but he does things to take care of you at the same time
#! like reminding you to not drink with a straw because you sometimes forget, or making sure he doesn’t make you laugh/talk too much cuz it really hurts to open your mouth
#! constantly asks you about your extraction sites even though you already told him all you know
#! tempted to squeeze your cheeks because they looked so cute but you were swollen,,,,
#! stacks your pillows up at night so you’re not laying all the way down (he heard it helps with your swelling, something to do with your head being higher than your heart)
#! laughs when you struggle with brushing your teeth (he makes himself so despiseable)
#! kisses your forehead every night and whispers praises before you sleep to let you know you’re doing very well and will recover in no time
#! leaves you to fend for yourself
#! im kidding >< he’s a sweetheart
#! helps you change into your pajamas after he brought you home so you can go to sleep
#! gets all of your meds ready while you were sleeping so you didn’t have to do it yourself after you woke up
#! he holds gauzes out for you while you take out your bloody ones so you didn’t have to stumble around for new ones
#! you lived off of water for a bit because you were afraid to actually eat (you also couldn’t really open your mouth anyway)
#! so when you finally told him you’ll eat now, he makes you whatever you wanted out of your very limited choices
#! he has a tiny grumpy pout while doing everything but it’s just his natural face :( he loves taking care of you, i promise
#! but you don’t really care honestly, you find it adorable
#! he slowly gets irritated as time goes on though because he doesn’t like that you’re going through this and it’s ruining the kisses you would give him from time to time
#! is actually a little childish when it comes to life in general so he gets really pouty at some point with furrowed eyebrows that just keeps getting furrowed-er
#! he grumbles a lot while taking care of you because even after oral surgery you could still find a way to tease him about being a softie
#! threatens to leave you to take care of yourself but he’s all bark
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my mom thought i was healed the day after my surgery and kept telling me i’m just being dramatic about not being able to eat a lot of things (and she kept cooking omf) and told me she thinks i’m fine and worried for no reason shdjsjaj i dont think she knew i had stitches in my mouth 😕
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stay-midnight · 4 years
Royals. I
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Hyunjin x Male Reader
(Late Hyunjin Day Special)
a/n: Look at me and my late ass post again 💀, Anyways, this would be split up into two or tbree parts cause it’s gonna be a bit long than my other fics. So enjoy this for now 🤧 Smut would be on the second part which would be posted in a week or two (No promises though cuz 🤡)
Things to note: Royal AU!, Insult Fight, Implied Changsung (BinxSung), All of skz is here/mentioned, Implied Hookups, TXT is mentioned, Y/N’s a bit of a dick, Hyunjin is barely mentioned here yet, Minho is also a bit of dick, flirty Minho, Minho and Y/N tension, maybe some Seungmin x Y/N here and there too-. Prince! Felix, Jeongin, Changbin, Jisung, Hyunjin, Seungmin, Y/N and Knights! Minho and Chan. Y/N’s last name here is "Hyangsu"
W.C - 2.9K
A prince of the Hwang Kingdom is having their 21st birthday and you were invited, you were a bit salty about this since you really just wanted to relax after these past weeks of taking different lessons from your oh-so-called studious teacher.
As a prince of Hyangsu Kingdom, you were called to attend the Hwang Prince’s birthday ball, and attending this party was of your at most displeasure since you just wanted to have a relaxing break from your studies.
It was a 21st birthday after all, the age where you’re supposed to find a possible suitor and you just didn’t want to see girls fawning over someone.
You sighed in annoyance as your butler comes rushing with different clothes from your wardrobe, ranging from the royal-tailored attire, elegant clothing to a more casual one.
“Just pick me something that looks presentable as Prince, please.” you mumble to him as you glared him down causing him to tremble at your passive-aggressive tone.
You didn’t even know why they’re so serious about this, you’ve went to many royal banquet and events before, and none of them have ever got your parents or workers so.... worked up.
Is it because the Hwang Kingdom was one of the most powerful in the continent? You wanted to scoff at that thought but you may not be wrong.
In the end of playing a game of picking clothes with your butler, he picked a white suit with gold lines tattered over it, it had a gold plating at the shoulder, a red silk belt matching with the red silk long half-blouse, and white pants accompanied by white boots with a red sole.
After getting dressed you walked down to the lounge, waiting for the caravan to arrive.
You were a bit rude and snappy to people, you hated if they interrupted you one bit, not to mention you were sarcastic and people find it hard to win arguments about you. The only things people really liked about you are your looks and brains, you actually had a brain, unlike those snobby rich prince and princesses — who thinks they own the whole world, and the only aspect that are important to them are looks and money.
You sigh as you wait for the royal caravan to arrive.
. . . .
After minutes and minutes of waiting, “Sire?! The caravan is here, the carriage you are going to stay in is ready outside the palace gates.” your butler said fast, fixing his tie and cleaning his monocle afterwards.
You nodded and stood up to walk over to the gates, without command or words exchanged — the guards opened it as soon as they saw you walk down the path. Bowing respectfully at your presence which you answered with a simple “Thank you.”
You hum at the sight of the royal carriage — colored white with intricate designs and patterns made with real gold and of course, the family crest at the side of it.
A knight in a silver suddenly came out of the royal carriage, removing his helmet and smiling as he waved at you.
You let out a small smile back to him, Ah, the one and only Lee Minho, “Minho.” you spoke, reaching out to shake his hand, to which he gladly obliged.
“Y/N. Always a pleasure to see the prince. Well, if you were a bit more excited about this.” He teased, letting out a few snorts. Petting your head while constantly laughing amusedly.
“I’ll stick a fork in your eye one of these days, you stupid knight.” You gave him a death glare as a warning.
“Ah, Prince, you’re so kind~” he grinned, winking at you too, you rolled your eyes at his behaviour. He was always like this, flirty and sometimes egotistic. You didn’t mind it though since he is an amazing duelist and mentor. He isn’t a King’s guard for no reason.
But one day, his cocky attitude is gonna bite him in the ass.
You grumbled and moved forward to the royal carriage, “Lino, you should move, we can’t be late remember?” You tsked, giving Minho a smirk.
“Whatever.” He spoke up in an sassy tone, you snorted at him, to which he glared at you.
He entered inside the carriage, with you slowly following right after.
After entering inside, you sat down at one side while Minho sat near you. It was spacious inside as expected and a small window was also in place.
You had no interest in staying awake for 3 hours during the ride so you decided to take a nap.
“You could use my shoulder, you know?” He teased, patting his shoulder while smirking at you.
“Shut up.” you mumble as you shifted a bit so your head could rest more comfortably against the wall.
As much as you wanted to just sleep laying down at the long couch-like thingy where you’re sat at, you can’t because this stupid knight is watching you.
And the last thing you want is him, teasing you for being less than ‘formal’.
Slowly, the sounds around you seem to deafen itself out causing you to relax your shoulders and fall asleep regardless whether Minho is there watching your every move.
Opening your eyes as you felt someone poke your cheek, your eyes drifted slowly to the side. You were eye to eye with the knight, faces inches apart.
Your recently droopy eyes from sleeping — shot open in panic, “W-What are you doing!” you stuttered, leaning back from him which made him grin.
“We’re at the city, prince~” He pets your hair, running his hand through it softly.
You glowered and slapped his hand away, “Ugh, keep your hands to yourself, Lino.” you tried to glare the knight down.
“Ah, Feisty.” he smiled back at you to which you responded with a scowl making him laugh loudly.
“No need to be so aggressive~” Minho winked making you just look away and give up, you ignored him and looked out through the window, finding the surrounding endearing.
The loud chattering from the outside is muffled by the walls of the carriage, from at first glance, this was a very happy city.
It has a warm and vibrant tone to it.
. . .
The carriage comes to a sudden halt after riding in what seems to be a hill due to how it felt riding it earlier, the ground was sloped upwards.
The coachman driving the carriage suddenly spoke up, “We’re here, sire.” he spoke up, muffled by the wooden walls but you caught it.
With a sigh, you opened the door and slowly stepped down — your eyes widening at the sight of the towering castle.
It had a wonderful structure, the stone bricks perfectly fit into one another and of course the Hwang family crest adorned the flags that were raised.
Your kingdom’s castle was in no means small but it pales in comparison to that.
Looking around at the surroundings, you saw that a lot of royals were around, some you recognized and some that you had no idea where they came from.
You looked far and noticed the view of the capital at the city which you saw while taking a ride.
“...Prince Y/N.” After getting lost in a little bubble after staring at the refreshing view, Minho was nudging your shoulder.
“Hm? What is it?” you said, looking at him with raised eyebrows as you fixed the tie of your suit.
He rolled his eyes, “Did you even hear what I said?” he glared, tapping his foot on the ground multiple times.
“Would I be asking you if I did?” you shot back, clicking your tongue in annoyance as you waited for his answer.
He groaned at your attitude, “You have to sign up to enter the castle. Lose the attitude too, prince.” he said in a careless tone, looking at you with his icy glare.
“Who are you to talk like that to me, knight..?” you scowled at him as you stood your ground firmly.
What was happening now was in contrast to earlier, this was a more serious battle between you and Minho. These were times were usually one of the houseworkers back at your kingdom, steps in to stop both of you and succeeded most of the time.
To be honest though, this fight shouldn't escalate at all.
. . .
From the distance though, someone was watching both of you in amusement, “The party hasn’t even started and they’re bickering all ready.”
“Chan if you could stop them, please?” The man with long black hair commanded to the person next to him.
The knight fixed his posture and nodded, “Of course, my prince.”
“You can call me by my name, you know? We’ve been friends for a long time.” the long-haired man chuckled.
“Still need to use honorifics, sire.” the shorter smiled at the taller before leaving to stop the heated glare-down and exchange of insults at the entrance.
He took one last glance at the royal that was bickering with a knight, finding him amusing but at the same time, he found him interesting.
“Might need to keep an eye on that one.” he hummed to himself before going back inside the castle.
. . .
Minho just recently called you a brat and undeserving of being called a prince of your kingdom, he even mentioned your brother, the crown prince — next in line to the throne — he says of how your brother is just better than you in every way. This sends a devastating pang to your heart as this was not only hurtful to your pride but in a way, he also disregards all your hard work.
“Fuck you. You have no rights to tell me this. You are not my brother nor my parents. You are merely a fucking knight!” you said, shouting the last part.
Your own eyes are tinted with anger, wanting to choke the life out of your escorting knight.
“What, isn’t what all I said was t—”
An applaud was heard from the near distance, cutting Lino off and causing your head to turn to the source of sound.
The man with the curly locks and a pretty face bowed to your direction, “The opening ceremony of the party is starting soon, Prince Hyangsu Y/N. I suggest you sign the guest book and head on inside.” he smiles at you, dimples shown causing you go soften your look.
“While you,” he said sighing after, pointing to Minho with a finger.
“...Fellow knight, let’s chit chat for a bit.” he coughed and grabbed Minho’s hand — dragging him away despites the struggling knight's protest.
You looked around and noticed some of the royals still outside, staring at you with a hint of disappointment probably because of your fight with Minho.
You grumbled, annoyed and angry at the disrespectful knight — you'll most likely have to talk with Minho after this god-forsaken party.
. . .
A yawn almost slipped out of your mouth as the host of the party or ball, at this point you question which is it. The speech lacked any entertainment of the sorts causing you to just listen with half-lidded eyes.
Then came the introduction of the Prince that is having their born day.
A tall man suddenly came out of the curtains, aura filled with confidence and pride, gleaming and filling the room. You inspected his face and not gonna lie, he was indeed pretty, prettier than most princes you have seen — Long black locks neatly tied up in a ponytail, alluring eyes, thick and kissable li— You snapped out of your little bubble after noticing that you were checking the Hwang, this is not good.
You turned away from the center of attention and looked for your small group of friends but felt as if someone was boring holes into your skull.
Turning back, only to see no one staring at you but instead just the continuous blah blah blah’s by the Hwang Prince.
Sighing, you continue to scout the palace room for any signs of a certain fox-eyed brat, someone who dressed too dark and a ray of sunshine.
You clicked your tongue in annoyance when you still haven’t spotted the trio.
. . .
The Prince finally stopped talking and just announced that the dance will start in about an hour, giving his guests — free time to converse with one another.
After going through a sea of screaming princesses that want to marry him, you sighed in relief and just wished to leave this place. That is, until you finally caught a glimpse of a familiar royal. Finally.
You poked the shoulder of the foxy prince which startled him, almost causing him to spill his red drink over his royal wear. “God, Y/N, couldn’t you just approach me like a normal person.” he tutted.
Then returned his dimpled smile, he hugged you with one hand unable to engulf with his arms due to the drink he was holding.
“I thought you didn’t go to this clownfest.” you sighed, your words having a sarcastic tone.
“Me? Yang Jeongin wouldn’t miss a ball, especially one that is hosted by one of the richest kingdoms.” he laughed, taking a sip of his drink.
“Is that wine or juice? Also, why are you talking in third person?” you stared at him with confusion.
“This is red water.” he sassed mockingly causing you to roll your eyes and flick his forehead a bit too hard with your index finger.
“Ow!” Jeongin squinted his eyes at you.
He pulls on your ear at payback which you took easily before yawning and looking at the clock impatiently. You wanted to return home and sleep, and also give Minho a lecture.
“Where’s Bin and Lix?” you piped up before taking a seat at the small seat near a pillar, curiously scouting the again for signs of them.
He sighed and sat down right next to you, “Felix-hyung is hunting for more exotic food, since he liked the Shark meat a bit too much and well...” he trailed off, taking a sip of his drink and clearing his throat.
“Bin-hyung is getting flirted slash hitted on again by Prince Jisung of the Han Kingdom. I thought the he already gave up but nope. He still pursuing the Bin booty.” Jeongin chuckled, calling over a roaming waiter for a refill to which the worker happily obliged
You laughed at that since Han has been shooting hearts at Changbin for a long time and always had flirted with him at different parties. Changbin had always rejected his advances though.
“Also they sent a new representative from the Kim kingdom. I’ve never seen him before. Looks cute though, might be your type.” Jeongin said, nudging your shoulders and pointing at a specific direction. Your eyes raked over the prince’s form, charming and handsome but at the same time cute — He was leaning back at the wall, also drinking something.
You grumbled though, this is once again Jeongin trying to hook you up with someone again. It didn’t end well last time — The last prince, Jeongin hooked you up was Prince Yeonjun — All he wanted was sex though, causing you to immediately cut off ties with said prince, leaving a bit heartbroken at that since he only said that he wanted sex after you already spent the night together.
“Not this again, Innie.” you tsked, crossing your arms around your chest.
“Come onnn~.. I thought Yeonjun liked you a lot, he stared at you a lot during Taehyun’s party” Jeongin mumbles since he knows, that you don't like fooling around with people who didn’t even have a single interest on being on an actual relationship.
He felt bad matching you up with him, since he thought that was time you actually would get out of the singles’ list.
He nudged you and tilted his head to the Kim prince’s direction, “He’s walking over here.”
Your head immediately snapped to him, “Did he notice me staring at him earlier?!” you whispered nervously.
He raised his shoulders as he doesn’t know but you could already hear his evil mind spouting not-so-good ideas when he let out a grim grin.
“Well.....~ Y/N, I have to go find Felix, I kinda wanna try the shark meat, Ok byeeeee~” he said as if he was in a rush but this was just a part of his scheme.
“Jeongin, wait, don’t lea—” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before he was out of sight, the man was already extremely near you, his eyes never leaving your own.
You gulp, not knowing what to do in this situation.
In a mere second, you were face to face with the unfamiliar prince. He looked down at you with a emotionless face before sitting down next to you.
“My name is Kim Seungmin, yours?” He spoke with a honey-laced voice crossing his legs as he looked at you with curious eyes.
A smirk was starting to form at the corner of his lips before you opened your mouth to speak.
But nothing came out
He was attractive but he had soft features and an aura that resonates well with his features. He had this cute puppy-look to him but by that smirk he isn’t all that rainbows and sunshines.
Now, this is totally not good.
Little did Y/N know someone was watching this interaction in the distance, a prince than seems to be allured to you ever since he saw you within the crowd. He doesn't seem happy though~
~ tbc
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creweemmaeec11 · 4 years
The Gift of Panic Pt#2
First part
After a moment of silence, the villain finially spoke.
"The last birthday present I got..." they started in a quiet, almost whispered tone, "was a bomb..."
"What!?" the hero replied in shock.
"Someone I cared about... though it would be funny to open my present before me as a joke..." they took a deep breath, "they didn't..."
Their voice cracked before they trailed off, and the quickly wiped at their face, abruptly standing up, keeping their back to the hero.
"I don't even know..." the hero replied, trailing off as well. They didnt know what to say, how to respond, what to do. What could they?
"Its fine I just," the villain started, before taking a deep, recomposing breath, "Sorry, I've never told anyone about it,"
"No no, it's okay. God, I can't even imagine..."
"Its alright, I got my revenge in the end," the villain replied, turning back toward the hero.
"Really? How?"
The villain looked at them with a confused expression, before it shifted into an amused smirk, "For legal reasons, and because I don't want to prolong my time in here, I probably shouldn't tell you,"
The hero laughed, "fair point. For what it's worth, I'm glad you got justice, even if it probably isn't the kind of justice I'd agree with,"
"Really? You think I deserve justice?"
"Of course, I think everyone does," the hero said in confusion, as if that was obvious.
The villain huffed a half laugh, giving a small smile, "I need to remember who I'm talking to,"
Both their gazes fell back to the long discarded present on the floor.
"I can take it, if you'd like, but-"
"No no, it's okay, I... I cant believe the words 'I trust you' are coming out of my mouth but I at least trust you didnt gift me a bomb,"
"I don't know if I'm hurt or flattered,"
The villain laughed again, walking over to hesitantly pick up the gift. They turned back to face the hero, holding the box with both hands as they just stared at it.
"The question still remains..." they drawled, before looking up at the hero that was still sat on the bed, "Why would you get me a birthday present?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why would you get me a gift? Why would you do something like that? For me? I dont think I'm very... deserving of a gift. Especially from you. Unless whatever is in here is some form of mockery- I mean- I guess I shouldn't assume..."
Their eyes dimmed slightly, as if they realized the only thing that could be in the box was something mocking, a heros form of bragging that they had won.
"Okay now I'm definitely hurt,"
The villain looked back up at them.
"Your my friend, I realized your birthday was coming up, so I thought back on our previous conversations, and tried to get something I thought youd like," the hero replied, moving to sit it a more casual position, "There wasnt any more thought put into it then that,"
The villain was now staring at them with wide eyes.
They blinked, seemingly trying to process what they'd just heard.
"I... have questions..."
The hero smirked, tilting their head as a prompt to continue, amused at the normally silver tounged villain being thrown so off their game by something so simple.
"Friend?" The villain responded almost instantly.
"Oh I'm sorry, what would you call this? Marriage?"
"I'd call this me tolerating your visits, whenever you decide to drop by because you've nothing better to do,"
"Maybe at first, but I've seen the way you recently light up whenever I come in,"
"Then you've *recently* begun going blind. I'd suggest seeing an optometrist,"
The hero laughed, "also, for your information, I make time for these visits, I dont just swing by cuz 'I'm bored',"
The villain squinted at that, "You... make time... for me?"
"Yes, that's what friends do,"
"I am not your friend," the villain replied stubbornly.
"Oh yeah? When was the last time you let someone hug you? I have to have passed the friend mark by now,"
The villain blushed, realizing they *had* allowed the hero to hug them, and they couldnt remeber the last time anyone else had even tried, nevermind been *allowed*.
"this is a dysfunctional work relationship at best"
The hero snorted another laugh at that.
The villain glanced down at the box once more.
Finially they knelt down onto the floor, placing the box infront of them. The stared at it for a few seconds, hands shaking slightly as they hovered over it, before taking a deep breath and tearing the wrapping off.
It was a simple brown box with a lid.
The villain chuckled under their breath slightly at that.
"What?" The hero questioned, not seeing anything funny.
"No, sorry I just-, had a thought,"
The hero raised an eyebrow at them.
"I just thought how funny it would be if after all this it turned out to be empty, but that would be cruel, even for-"
Their sentence came to a halt as the lid came off and they saw what was inside.
Now their wasnt anything incredible inside, it wasnt like they had gotten a new iphone, but there was *many* things inside.
They looked up at the hero, mouth open slightly, not even attempting to hide their shock.
The hero just smiled.
Slowly, the villain began taking things out of the box. A book of puzzles, like crosswords and word searches, a small sketch book and a pack of markers to go with them. A small puzzle, showing the picture of a fox, which was the villains favourite animal. There was also a rubix cube that was already messed up, and a set of other small puzzles. At the bottom, there were two more boxes, one much bigger then the other.
The bigger box contained the Harry Potter book series. The second, contained a small device that looked like an airpod, along with earbuds.
It was fascinating for the hero to watch the villain open their gift. One would expect a villain to be clumsy, rushed, or aggressive, ripping into their present, but they were the opposite. They removed every item slowly, delicately, like it was a peice of glass that could break, examining it with the same gentleness before laying it down carefully beside them.
When they had opened the last item, they looked back up at the hero, completely flabbergasted, jaw on the floor and eyes wide.
The hero laughed quietly, "do you like it?"
"I..." the villain sat back onto their heels from where they were kneeling, looking over the items like they were unsure what to do now, "what..."
They blinked, gathering their thoughts, "how did you...? I mean what-"
They picked up the puzzle as they spoke.
"That's your favourite animal right? A fox? Now I wasnt sure what kind of fox but-"
"How?" The villain asked, almost breathlessly, looking back at the hero.
"How did I know that? You mentioned it, once. I was talking about being a cat or dog person, and you said youd always been a fox person, something about them being 'sly and underestimated, yet smart enough to know when to strike'" they recited, making quotations in the air.
The villains jaw hit the floor again.
"That was actually one of the first things you ever told me about yourself,"
"You bothered... to remeber that...?" they muttered under their breath.
"Yep. The rubix cube is because you bragged to me once you were good at puzzles and could do one, and I didn't believe you," the hero smirked, "still don't,"
The villain huffed a small laugh, before glancing over at the books.
"the puzzle book and sketch book are just something to do, I know markers arnt ideal, but obviously I wasnt allowed to give you any pencils or pens,"
The villain nodded in understanding.
"the books are because I was talking about game of thrones one day, and you said youd always preferred Harry Potter,"
The villain smiled, and shook their head at that, chuckling, "I've never actually read them, I just wanted to disagree with you," they joked.
They both laughed.
"What's this?" The villain asked, picking up the small device with the ear buds.
"Its a little mini portable radio. I didnt know what songs you liked, and obviously, I'm not allowed to give you anything with acsess to the internet, but at least now you can choose what station you want,"
The villain sat back again, looking over everything with the same stunned, almost lost expression.
"You... remebered all those little details... and here I thought I was doing a good job at not letting anything about myself slip..."
"Oh you have been, trying to figure out what to get you was near impossible, but I managed to remeber a couple little things youd mentioned,"
They picked up the rubix cube, playing with it aimlessly, "I... don't even know what to say..."
"Well, most people would say thankyou,"
The villain shook their head, "that dosent seem like enough. I... I cant even remeber the last time someone gave me a gift, nevermind one without strings attached, and esspecially nevermind one with actual thought put into it,"
"I get the feeling you need better friends," the hero joked, trying to keep the mood light.
"Yeah well, I guess I'm on the right track, I've already got one," they replied, but couldnt bring themselves to look at the hero while they did.
The hero in question was lit up like a christmas tree, heart swelling happily in their chest.
"I hate to cut this short, but don't have long today, I'm going to have to get going, I just wanted to make sure I got to swing by today," the hero said, looking at their watch.
"Oh! Yeah, of course, you -"
"Do not have 'more important' things to do, I simply have *other* things I need to do," the hero interrupted sternly, giving the villain, who blushed, a pointed look.
"yeah, that."
The villain stood up, standing awkwardly in the middle of all their gifts, watching the hero leave through the finger print locked cell door. They approached the switch to turn on the force field, when the villain stopped them.
"Oh, hey, wait!"
"What's up?" The hero asked.
Suddenly the villain tossed something through the bars with effortless perfect aim. The hero caught it, and this time it was their jaw that hit the floor.
It was a completed rubix cube.
They looked back at the villain in shock, who laughed, giving them a real, large, and although greatly amused, no less genuine smile. The first real, true smile they'd ever seen on the villain. They couldnt help but stare in awe for a moment.
"What..?" The villain asked after a moment.
The hero shook their head to snap them out of it, "sorry! It's just, that's the first time I think I've ever seen you actually smile,"
Instantly the smile vanished as the villain steeled their features, crossing their arms and shrugging, trying to ignore the blush on their face, "yeah well, that's cuz it dosent happen often, so,"
"I'm honored,"
"Shut up,"
The hero laughed, before looking at the cube in their hand again,"this is like, actually really impressive though, that was so fast!"
The villain shrugged again, "the 3 by 3 ones are easy, the 4 by 4 or 5 ones arnt that much more difficult, the 6 and 7 ones take me a while though, 8 is an actual challenge, and I dont think I've ever done above that before,"
The hero was still staring at them wide eyed.
The villain just chuckled and shrugged at them again, "I was an outcast kid, had alot of time on my hands. Anyway, get going,"
"Yeah, right," the hero replied, tossing the cube back before flicking on the force field. They began walking toward the door, before the villain spoke out to them one last time,
"By the way... thank you... really..."
The hero smiled, "your welcome," they replied, before disappearing out the door.
The next time they visited, they would make sure to bring a 9 by 9 rubix cube, and a fox calendar.
Third part
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drmmyrs · 3 years
ok so i had this idea.. after kamilah and amy being married for quite a time they grow a bit distant and one day kamilah finds amy in a bar serenading someone or flirting - the thing is she’s cheating- however kamilah doesn’t leash out -at first at least- but get that amy is very young compared to her, and while kamilah had many partners, amy didn’t. so they talk about “having an open marriage”. however, they agree to not discuss any info about their affairs, until someday amy walks into a bar and finds kamilah with aiko (it’s a business thing but amy doesn’t know that). anyhow, after getting into a fight, where kamilah enjoys teasing Amy cuz that was her idea and letting her think that yes she was with aiko, Amy then realises that maaaybe an open marriage wasn’t a good idea after all
Sorry for the delay anon, kinda had a block the past few days 😕 Hope you like it! 💕
Shoutout to @samanthadalton​ for the title 🧡
tag list: @samanthadalton @crazzyplays @uselesslesbianfr @baexpoppy @alexroyard @alexlabhont @veenast @noixngn @sillyandcutewizardstuffs @noah6m55-blog @itszdavenport (If you wanna be added or removed or just prefer a certain ship just let me know ❤️)
Another Woman (Kamilah x MC)
Amy and Kamilah had been married for nearly 40 years, and life couldn't have been more perfect–or at least that's what Amy kept repeating to herself. She looked at her wife, happily tending her garden, a smile of pure contentment on her lips. Ever since Rheya had been defeated, there were no longer any major threats that terrorized both vampires and humans alike on a global scale. Sure, some fanatics would try and mobilize against the other kind, but it was never threatening enough that Amy and her friends had to intervene. There was no impending death. No running. No fighting. They were safe. She should be happy. Then why wasn't she?
Ever since Adrian became the Chairman of the Vampire-Human Relations Committee, he barely had time for his company, which was why he had left Amy in charge of most business dealings. Amy quickly jumped at the chance, of course. Even when she was human, it had always been her dream to lead a company, especially a multi-billion dollar company like Raines Corp. What Amy didn't foresee, however, was how quickly she would lose her passion for it. She knew that if she quit her job, Adrian really wouldn't mind. But then what? It wasn't like there was another profession she was passionate about. And most importantly, Kamilah was already happy, content with the way things were. And Amy could never take that away from her.
One night, when Amy felt more downcast than usual, she decided to go to a bar for a drink or two, just enough to get a buzz after a crummy day. She was in the middle of her first drink when she was pulled out of her thoughts by the sight of the bartender placing a new drink on the counter in front of her.
"For you, Miss."
"But I didn't–" Amy started, but the bartender had already walked away.
She looked around until she met the gaze of a gorgeous young woman sitting a few seats beside her. The woman raised her drink and smiled at her.
"You look like you needed a stronger drink."
Amy blushed when she realized that she was staring. "Oh, uh, thanks."
The woman stood up and sat beside her, outreaching her hand. "Josie, by the way."
Amy shook her hand. "Amy."
The night went on with the two of them chatting and drinking. And before she knew it, Amy had forgotten all about her day, her sorrows, and the woman she was supposed to come home to.
At home, Amy could barely look at her wife in the eyes, the shame of her affair eating at her heart. It wasn't enough, however, for her to stop as the exhilaration of her newfound intimacy overpowered any existing guilt.
One night, Amy was at a booth in a bar with Josie, cuddling with her, when suddenly, the hair at the back of her neck stood up. She felt a familiar presence–her scent, the beating of her heart, it was all remarkably distinct from any other. Amy swept her eye around the bar and immediately saw her. Kamilah was looking at them, her gaze shifting from Amy's eye to her hand, which was on Josie's thigh. Amy quickly excused herself and strode to follow Kamilah, who was now walking towards a quieter part of the bar.
"I'm sorry." Amy didn't bother lying.
Amy fully expected Kamilah to be mad–who wouldn't be after catching her wife cheat on her. But Kamilah just stood there silent, no emotions betraying her.
"You're not mad," Amy stated as a fact.
"No." Kamilah gave Amy a tight smile. "I've been with countless partners, Amy, and denying you of that same experience would be... hypocritical on my part."
Amy just stood there silently for a while, not knowing what to say. She then took a deep breath and decided to break the silence. "An open relationship. We could have one of those." The idea left a bitter taste on her tongue, but it was the only thing she could think of that would be fair to both of them.
Kamilah nodded. "I suppose there are rules?"
Amy chewed on her bottom lip, thinking. "No feelings, just sex."
"All right. I also suggest that we don't discuss the details about our affairs."
"That's fair." Amy narrowed her eyes. "Kamilah, are you sure you're okay with this?
Kamilah smiled and placed a kiss on Amy's forehead. "Anything for you, my Dear," she whispered.
It wasn't an answer. In fact, it was a love declaration as it always was with Kamilah. And it didn't do anything to quell the guilt that Amy felt.
Amy sat at the edge of the rooftop of Raines Corps–something she usually did when she wanted to be alone with her thoughts–and watched as a group of young vampires jump from roof to roof. A smile escaped from her lips, remembering a similar memory from the past with her friends. Suddenly, her eye caught a familiar figure getting out of a car below, followed by another figure. Amy's anger and jealousy instantly spiked as she watched Kamilah and Aiko make way to a bar, her mind racing with all the possibilities. The devil then took over her body as she raced towards them, her eyes glowing red and her fangs exposed. When she reached the bar, Kamilah and Aiko were on their way to a booth, and before anyone had a chance to react, Amy dashed to Kamilah, grabbed her hand, and led her outside to a nearby alley.
Kamilah's eyes were wide, shocked by Amy's outburst. "Amy, what–"
"Aiko?! Really? Of all people?"
Kamilah stared at Amy, looking genuinely confused. "What's wrong with Aiko?"
"What do you mean what's–" Amy rubbed her temples. "Well, for starters, she's only madly in love with you, and you have all this history–
All of a sudden, Kamilah started laughing.
"–are you seriously laughing right now?!"
"Sorry. You're just too cute when you're jealous."
"It's not funny!"
Kamilah raised her eyebrow. "If I remember correctly, you're the one who suggested an open relationship."
"But we had a rule! No feelings remember?!"
"I don't have any feelings for Aiko."
"But she obviously has feelings for you!"
"And how can I be sure that the girls you're seeing doesn't have feelings for you?"
"I..." Amy didn't know how to answer that, so instead, she let her head hang down. "I don't know," she murmured.
A few seconds later, she felt Kamilah wrapped her arms around her, pulling her into a hug.
Amy melted into the hug as hot tears prickled her eyes. "I don't want this anymore, Kamilah. Let's go back to the way things were. Just you and me."
When Amy pulled away, Kamilah's eyes were filled with desire, with hunger. And when their lips touched, it arose something between them. The passion that was once lost was flowing in waves–each touch, each moan, each sensation filling every inch of their bodies until the world dissolved around them; it was just her and Kamilah at that moment. Kamilah pushed Amy roughly against the wall, her fangs digging into Amy's lower lip until she tasted blood, earning a deep moan from her. In response, Amy slipped her hands inside Kamilah's shirt, digging her nails against her back until they bruised–the pain intensifying all other sensations until it became too much for both of them.
"Wow, that was..." Amy said between breaths when they pulled apart.
When they recovered, Kamilah looked at Amy intently and then said something so unexpected that Amy wasn't sure if she heard it right.
"When we get home, let's start packing our bags."
Amy blinked in confusion. "W–what? Where are we going?"
"Somewhere. Everywhere." Kamilah's brown eyes glowed with eagerness replacing the calm glint that Amy had been accustomed to for the past decades. "There are still so many places I want you to see, experiences I want you to have." Kamilah's voice then grew softer, almost shy. "After all the running around, building a home with someone I love, it was like a dream that I never thought could ever be fulfilled, even in an eternity. So when I had that with you, I became comfortable, too comfortable, that I deprived you of the worldly pleasures that you could have enjoyed. And I'm sorry for that."
"You didn't do–"
"No, let me finish." Kamilah took Amy's hand in hers. "You're my home, Amy. No matter where we are, that dream had already come true." Kamilah raised Amy's hand to her lips and kissed her knuckle. "So... what do you say?" Kamilah was smiling hopefully at Amy, the corner of her eyes crinkling in adoration.
Amy nodded enthusiastically, beaming, and pulled her wife into a bone-crushing hug. "Yes! I'd love to."
Kamilah buried her face against Amy's hair and hummed in appreciation. "You deserve the world, my Queen. And I intend to give it to you."
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2dmenenthusiast · 4 years
Grounded - Levi Ackerman x Reader
I had this whole thing typed out but it all got deleted cuz im an idiot so all I’ll say is that writing for Levi is hella difficicult, I hate the ending, and I hope you all enjoy. also yes there is a line from TWD in here but it fit so perfectly and it was too good to pass up okay? and I gave Hange they/them pronouns btw
(also one of my favorite fanfic writers @phen0l​ followed me and uhh I just wanna say that I’m honored?? They write amazing Levi fics and fics for other fandoms, so make sure to go check them out)
Summary: The Scouts are getting ready for the 57th expedition outside the walls, and you can’t help but let Levi know how worried you feel about the possible outcome of the mission
Word count: 6.8k
Warnings/other info: swearing, angst, death, spoilers for AOT season 1, reader has possible anxiety, reader is kept gender nuetral
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No matter how many times you face them, no matter how many times you find yourself suspended in mid-air right over their gaping mouths, ready to swallow you whole, you will always have nightmares about that one fateful day in Shiganshina. The day the Colossal Titan kicked in Wall Maria and let his friends feast on the people in your district. Your friends, family, all destined to be one thing at that moment. Titan fodder. You still wonder how you made it out sometimes. How through all the commotion, a titan didn’t target you and scoop you into its mouth, effectively sealing your fate just like everyone around you. You chalked it up to luck at first before telling yourself that was bullshit. Luck didn’t have anything to do with it. Shit just happens, and there’s nothing you can do about it besides roll with the punches and try your best to survive.
The sight of your sister and father being eaten by those beasts was permanently engraved behind your eyelids, seeing flashes of their thrashing, screaming bodies whenever you close your eyes to go to sleep. In those moments, you always wondered why you survived rather than them. Your sister… she was the sweetest little thing, lighting up a room whenever she smiled and constantly greeting you at the door with a hug whenever you came back from shopping in town. You swore her laugh was all you needed to take you right out of a bad mood, reminding you that things weren’t so bad if you had someone so full of joy in your life. And your father, while he was stubborn, he made sure to take care of his family the best he could, and you were forever grateful for that. He raised you to be strong and rely on yourself because in the end, the only person you truly had on your side was you.
No one really knew about your past. Well, besides your superiors who needed to know, but other than them, your fellow cadets knew the bare minimum about your private life. Although, when they found out you were from Shiganshina, they all just automatically assumed you suffered a great loss of some kind, whether it be your family or your home. In your case, it was both. Of course, you were close with some of the other soldiers. Eld and Petra were people you considered to be good friends with, along with the rest of your captain’s squad. Though, that didn’t stop you from wanting to deck Oluo in the face whenever he got too cocky, throwing his arm around your shoulders during lunch before immediately removing it when you would elbow him in the ribs.
“Jeez, Oluo. You think you’d learn by now. What is this, the fifth, sixth time?” Petra asked, pushing a stray hand of hair behind her ear.
“Seventh,” you chimed as you brought a spoonful of soup up to your mouth.
“Aw, you’ve been keeping count. That must mean you actually like me.”
You raised an eyebrow as you looked over at him, placing the spoon back in your bowl before licking the remaining soup off of your lips. “You know this food is still steaming. Don’t make me throw it at your old ass face.”
He let out a noise of protest while the rest of the table laughed, and you snickered to yourself before shifting your gaze to meet Levi’s, his steely eyes almost piercing through you before he looked down into his cup and tuned back into the conversation his commander and squad leader Hange were having, watching as the dark liquid swirled around.
You always knew Levi to be a man of few words, but a strong sense of purpose. He wasn’t one to waste time on trivial things, always wanting to get straight to the point. He didn’t seem to be the type to waste time on feelings either, but you guessed it wasn’t any of your business. You knew he felt things. Experienced emotions and all that. You’d be stupid to think he didn’t. During training, when he’d survey your group to see how things were going, there would always be gossip when he left, your peers saying how he was cold and emotionless, but you disagreed. You had already heard the rumors of the captain being some type of underground gangster at that point, so when you really thought about it, it wasn’t unusual or weird for him to act the way he did. Something, someone, had made him that way, and that was okay. Something had affected all of you too. The world you all lived in didn’t have the time to spare you from grief or trauma.
“Cadet l/n.”
You jumped slightly at the sudden mention of your name, lifting your head to see your captain entering the mess hall with a signature cup of tea in his hand, and you gave him a lazy smile before looking back down at your own cup, the liquid having gone cold over the time you had been sitting there. Levi didn’t reprimand you for not saluting him, just silently walked over and occupied the seat across from you, looking at you with that stern gaze of his.
“You should be asleep. I won’t make training any easier for you tomorrow just because you’re tired.”
“This isn’t unusual for me, captain. Just needed something else to look at that wasn’t my bedroom wall,” you said, your voice quiet.
He slightly tilted his head as he studied you, lifting his hand to gesture around the room. “And you thought an empty mess hall would be better?”
You let out a scoff, meeting his eyes for a moment before sipping at your drink and immediately grimacing at the taste of it. “It’s better than the alternative. For now, at least.”
He didn’t respond at first, simply staring off into the distance as he let your words sink in before setting down his cup with a soft ‘clink.’ You thought that maybe if you weren’t so over everything at the moment, you wouldn’t be acting so casual with your superior, but he didn’t seem to be bothered by it. Hopefully this wouldn’t bite you in the ass later
“You’re not the first one here to experience nightmares, you know.”
“Oh, so you have this talk with all of the cadets in the middle of the night?”
“No,” he answered simply, taking another sip of his drink.
You didn’t know why, but that simple interaction had been the best one you had with another person in months. Sure, you loved the company of your friends, but talking to Levi was just so… different. Almost liberating in a way. There were things you had told him that you never told anyone else during your late-night meetings, and it got to the point where you had found yourself looking forward to talking with him. Because you knew that behind his gaze was a man that felt so much, and you knew what that was like.
“You know… I only really made it out because they were too busy eating my family.”
Levi paused at that, eyebrows slightly raised as he looked at you over his cup that was pressed to his lips. He didn’t speak at first, taking his time as he leisurely drank his tea, and you could practically feel the depth of the silence looming over the both of you like it was its own presence.
“Shit, maybe I should’ve just kept my mouth shut,” you thought, teeth digging into your bottom lip as you anxiously waited for Levi’s response.
You didn’t want him to pity you. That was never your intention. You guessed you just.... wanted someone to know what you were thinking and feeling, tired of constantly keeping it to yourself. If you got eaten by a titan one day, you’d at least want someone to know who you were. Who you really were.
“Sorry, I um…” you looked around at everything besides the man sitting in front of you, trying to find a way to fill the silence. “You probably don’t wanna hear some sob story from some cadet, I-”
“‘Some cadet?’”
Your eyes snapped over to his, mouth slightly agape before swallowing thickly. “I… Well I mean-”
“Talking like that about yourself isn’t going to change anything or make anything better. You’re not just some cadet, and I’m even willing to say that you’re not as bad as some of the shit-for-brains we have here. You came here to do the same thing everyone else is here to do. Fight for humanity. Whether your end goal is selfish or to try and relieve yourself of some guilt from the past, it doesn’t matter.” He leaned closer to you, elbows placed on the table as he pinned you with his gaze. “Every life sacrificed out there matters. So does yours, even if you don’t think it does. And it’s our job to make sure those soldiers don’t die in vain. 
You didn’t know what to say. No one had ever really talked to you like this, so how could you know how to respond? Luckily, he started speaking again so that you didn’t have to.
“Your family…  it’s a shame what happened to them. What you had to go through. But, their deaths will be avenged, and I will make damn sure of it.”
That night was the first time you cried in probably months. You thought Levi would think of you as some pathetic little soldier, trying to gain the sympathy of their captain, but he didn’t. He just placed a hand over yours and let you cry, and you remembered how you were sort of surprised by how warm he was. You remember that talk like it was only yesterday when in reality it was years ago. You and Levi didn’t talk as much as you used to, considering the fact that he was constantly busy with helping the titan shifter cadet, Eren Jaeger, and you had been recruited to squad leader, so you had your own people to deal with. But that didn’t mean you two never spoke. Whenever your paths crossed, you’d make sure to give him a little greeting, whether it was a simple wave or a “hello.” And occasionally, when you couldn’t sleep and you’d come down to the mess hall, he was there, a steaming cup of tea in front of him, and you’d talk for a few hours until you both agreed it was time to try and catch some sleep.
Now, the soldiers were getting ready for the 57th expedition, and you couldn’t shake off the bad feeling you got whenever you thought about it. Of course, every expedition was dangerous. More often than not, the scouts would come back from outside the walls with more than a few dead, and on bad days, their numbers would be cut in half. Eren was making progress, and you hoped he would be useful, but a part of you was still doubtful.
“I’m worried,” you stated, arms crossed over your chest as you stood next to Levi, watching the cadets train vigorously.
“You always worry.”
You glanced over at the man and huffed, seeing him completely focused on the soldiers before you lightly kicked your boot into the dirt. “I guess that’s kinda my thing, isn’t it? Can you blame me though? We’ve seen what Eren can do, but… he hardly has it under control. And this isn’t exactly a normal expedition.”
“Things will turn out the way they turn out. There’s nothing we can do except make sure things go the best way they can.”
You sighed. Levi was able to reassure you most of the time, but other times he did nothing to calm your nerves. It wasn’t his job to, though. His responses were straightforward, and if you didn’t like it then that was just something you had to deal with.
“Ever the optimist, Levi,” you said, a sarcastic lilt to your voice, and you smiled when he glanced at you before shaking his head.
“Hey! You’re not here to slack off. Pick up the pace before I make you all train through dinner.”
You were used to Levi giving out orders. Hell, he gave them to you all the time, but his commanding voice sent shivers down your spine at that moment.
“He’s a freaking tiny tyrant, I swear,” you heard one of the cadets mutter, and you couldn’t help but snicker as you turned your head away from your captain, covering your mouth to conceal your smile.
“Find something funny?”
You cleared your throat as you shook your head, turning to Levi with a grin and shrugging your shoulders. “Not at all, captain. Just have a little cough is all.”
“Mhm. Maybe I should make you run it off then.”
“Aw c’mon, Levi. Have a little laugh. We all need one once in a while, especially considering the day you’re all going to have tomorrow.”
He just let out a hum, and your smile slowly dropped as you looked out at the horizon, the sky painted in beautiful strokes of orange and pink. Yes, you were right, you all needed those small moments of joy in this fucked up world you lived in, but you weren’t stupid enough to believe that those moments could last forever. Sometimes you just had to face the reality of the situation you were all in, and you couldn’t help the feeling of dread that filled you as you thought about tomorrow.
“You’re overthinking. Stop it,” Levi said, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You shook your head and gave him a smile that felt bittersweet. “I can’t help it sometimes. I wish I could go with you.”
“We have enough force and skill in the recruits we have for the expedition. It would be a waste to put you and your squad into it and leave you hanging with no real job to do.”
“No real job? We’d be doing what everyone else would be; killing titans and keeping Eren safe! How would we not be useful? You know for a fact that my squad and I are plenty skilled and-”
“We can’t risk more sacrifices by putting you out there. We have enough people to hopefully accomplish what we need to.”
“Then why wasn’t my squad a first choice to go beyond the walls this time? We’re more capable than most of the people here and you know it. Maybe if I talk to Erwin he’ll-”
“This wasn’t just Erwin’s decision, it was mine. And your insubordination is starting to get irritating, so I suggest you take a walk.”
You looked at Levi with widened eyes, disbelief clear on your face, and you swallowed down what you actually wanted to say before letting out a deep breath.
“Levi, I-”
“Take a walk, l/n. I don’t wanna hear about it.”
You simply blinked at him a few times, clearly upset by the way he addressed you, before letting out a scoff and walking away, your jaw and fists clenched tightly. Yes, maybe you were being a bit childish, but you refused to acknowledge that when you felt so pissed at the moment.
“I mean, how can he just treat me like that?! Just completely dismiss me and not even give me a reasonable answer! He’s so… He’s just so… Ugh!”
You groaned and rested your head in your hands as you sat across from Hange, your friend looking at you with raised brows as they idly tapped their fingers against the table.
“I mean, he is your superior, y/n.”
“But that’s not the point! Like, yeah okay, I know he’s my captain and all that, but… We’ve always just been casual with each other. We’ve never seen each other as our ranks. I still respect him and follow his orders when he gives them but…” You let out a noise of frustration and slammed your fists down on the table. “That doesn’t give him the right to just pull out the superiority card whenever it benefits him!”
Hange blinked a few times before letting out a sigh, brushing a piece of stray hair out of their face as they leaned back in their chair, shrugging their shoulders. “I mean, he said it was also his decision, right? So maybe… he’s trying to keep you safe?”
Your eyes widened almost comically, feeling heat travel up the back of your neck at the mention of the possibility that Levi was concerned about your safety. “I-I… I mean he- um.”
“Oh my, are you getting flustered, y/n? Does the thought of Levi caring about you make your heart race?” Hange asked, a playful smirk on their face.
“Stop! For the love of everything, please stop,” you whined, waving your hands in front of you as you tried to ignore how embarrassed you felt. 
Hange just laughed at you, continuing to poke fun until you threatened to not be a part of their crazy experiments anymore, to which they quickly backed off. You thought talking with Hange might make you feel better, but hours later when you were pacing in front of the door to Levi’s office, you still wanted to rip your hair out as you thought of what to say to him. Letting out a huff and straightening your posture, trying to gain some nerve, you raised your hand to knock on the door, only for it to suddenly open and reveal your captain, his cravat having come off and the first few buttons of his shirt undone.
“Your incessant pacing is driving me up the wall. What do you want?”
Oh, so he had heard you. You avoided eye-contact, reaching a hand up to rub at the back of your neck before clearing your throat to try and relieve some of the awkwardness you felt.
“Um… can I come in?”
You both stood there for a moment, Levi’s gaze traveling up and down your body before stepping aside to let you in, and you gave him a small, appreciative nod as you walked inside his office. The tension in your shoulders was almost painful, your whole body almost stiff as Levi walked in front of you to sit on the edge of his desk, crossing his arms over his chest. You didn’t know why you felt so nervous. It was only Levi, a man you had come to know for years. And while you didn’t know everything about him, you still considered you both to be somewhat close. So why were you feeling so weird right now?
“Uh… I wanted to talk about this afternoon,” you said, mindlessly fidgeting with your fingers.
Levi raised a curious brow, letting you linger in silence for a moment before letting out a soft hum. “Not sure it’s something worth talking about.”
Lips curving into a small frown, you mimicked his posture and crossed your arms, shifting your weight onto one foot. “Well, I think we left some things… unaddressed back there, and I wanna talk about it.”
He didn’t say anything, and you were starting to get pissed, your fuse short enough as it is. Your frustration finally hit its peak when he grabbed the cup of tea next to him and wordlessly took a sip, and you swore at that moment you wanted to take the cup and smash it against his head.
“Goddammit, would you stop drinking your stupid fucking tea and listen to me?!” you yelled, and you could see a flash of shock in his eyes at your outburst before he glared at you, setting his cup down.
“You wanna repeat that?”
“Oh, don’t get all fucking ‘Captain Levi’ on me. You know exactly what all of this is about. You didn’t even try to give me a reasonable explanation earlier, and I feel like I deserve one.”
“Do you? You think you deserve something for acting like this?”
“I’m not a child!”
“But I am your superior, which you seem to forget quite a lot.”
“That is such bullshit! Since when have you given two fucks about ranks when it comes to us? I follow your orders when I have to, not when you use your superiority when it’s most convenient for you.” 
Levi clicked his tongue as he got off of his desk, rounding it to sit in his chair, and your fists were clenched so tightly it was becoming almost painful, your nails digging into your palms.
“You know, you say you’re not a child, yet you constantly act like one. Throwing a fit when you don’t get your way. Sometimes I wonder why Erwin made the decision to promote you.”
Your eyes widened as you softly gasped, questioning if you heard Levi correctly, but you know you did. There was no mistaking it. You always believed that Levi knew that you were capable, that you could protect yourself. But now he made you question if he really thought those things. Did he even respect you as a soldier? After countless nights of spilling your guts to him and him reassuring you… did he think of you as just some simple-minded cadet? You felt like your heart was in your throat and tears were threatening to spill, but you just swallowed everything down and turned your head away.
“Good luck on the expedition tomorrow,” you muttered, and you were quick to leave his office and rush back to your room, tears spilling down your cheeks.
When it came time for your fellow scouts to leave for the expedition in the morning, you were a bit reluctant to watch them, knowing that you’d end up automatically spotting Levi in the crowd, and the petty side of you wanted to ignore him at all costs. However, the rational side of you remembered that it wasn’t just Levi going out there, it was other soldiers as well, most of them you knew personally, and you’d be damned if you didn’t give them a proper send-off, knowing the likelihood of some of them not making it back. So, you dragged yourself out of bed and made yourself presentable, slipping on your jacket as you stepped out of your room.
You turned at the shout of your name, seeing Hange waving excitedly at you as they jogged down the hall, slowing down to walk with you.
“So? How did it go with Captain Shorty?”
You groaned and rolled your eyes, bringing your fingers up to rub at your temples to try and cease the headache you already felt coming. “I don’t even wanna talk about it.”
“Dang, that bad, huh?” Hange grimaced.
“You have no idea. I just wanna forget about it”
Hange didn’t say anything more on the topic after that, simply talking about random things with you as you walked outside to the stables. You had a bad feeling settled in your stomach ever since you woke up, but as more time passed it just got worse.
“Hange,” you muttered, the squad leader turning towards you with raised eyebrows as they held the reins to their horse.
“Uh… Please be careful out there, okay?”
Hange looked shocked for a moment before their mouth split into a wide grin, and they quickly pulled you into a tight hug, which you immediately reciprocated.
“Aw, y/n! Don’t worry about me, I’m always careful!”
“That is such a lie, but I’ll believe you anyway,” you chuckled.
Pulling away from each other, Hange mounted their horse and joined the rest of the scouts at the gate, and you went to stand at the sidelines with the rest of your peers to watch them. Your eyes immediately caught sight of a head of familiar black hair, and you felt your heart grow heavy and your chest tighten, almost wishing he would feel your gaze and look over at you. But he didn’t and with Erwin’s war-cry, they charged through the open gate, the horses kicking up dirt and dust, and you only got a glance at their retreating figures before the gate was closed again.
Every minute that ticked by felt like hours. You didn’t know how long they would be gone, the time usually spent outside the walls ranging from a few hours to a few days. You hoped it was the former, knowing that the longer they were out there, the more likely they were to get killed. You knew your comrades were skilled, having been outside the walls with them and seen their skills up close, but that didn’t stop you from worrying. Now with the Eren being a titan shifter and a traitor in your midst, anything could happen.
You almost didn’t acknowledge the shouting of your fellow soldiers that afternoon, too focused on taking care of some of the horses in the stables. But when you finally heard it, you quickly stopped what you were doing and ran to the gate. They were back. Adrenaline coursed through you as your heart pounded like a drum against your chest, and when you finally caught sight of the returning scouts, you immediately stopped in your tracks. The look on their faces was one of defeat, and you could already tell just by looking at them that not all of them made it back. When you spotted Hange, you felt some relief wash over you and you quickly made your way over to them, walking beside their horse.
“Hange, what happened? Was the mission successful?”
Hange didn’t answer, a blank look on their face, which was identical to the expressions on all of the other soldier’s faces. It was a bad day, that much you could tell, and you made brief eye-contact with Levi before looking for your friends. Only… you couldn’t see them. Turning around frantically, you spotted Eren laying in a cart and ran over, jumping in beside him as you glanced at his hand clutching Mikasa’s. He looked even worse than everyone else did. No, loss was never easy, but Eren was just a kid, and experiencing so much of it at his age must have been devastating for him, especially when he was so passionate about saving humanity.
“Eren, tell me what happened. Who… Who did we lose?” you asked.
You didn’t even know if you wanted to know the answer, seeing Eren so broken and torn up already told you that what happened out there wasn’t good, but when was it ever? The boy had tears falling down his cheeks, trying to keep his sobs quiet, and Mikasa just looked at you with narrowed eyes.
“Y/n, I don’t think right now’s a good time-”
“Please!” You gripped the cape that was laid over top of Eren, eyes focussed on the blue and white wings embroidered on the back and you sniffled as you tried to hold back the tears that were desperately trying to come out. “I… I need to know. Please, Eren…”
He stared at you with wide eyes, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed before letting out a shuddered breath. “They… We were after the female titan and she… I couldn’t save them, y/n. They died protecting me!”
Your face seemed void of any emotion as Eren’s words sunk in, piercing your heart like a million knives, and all you did was nod silently before jumping out of the cart, your mind going on autopilot as you walked. You didn’t need him to explain who he was talking about for you to already put the pieces together. Levi had told you that Eren was going to be a part of his squad so that he could keep an eye on him, and his squad was in charge of protecting him. He had become humanity’s number one asset after all. Civilians were shouting at all of you, cursing at you and hurling insults at your face. You weren’t even one of the scouts on the expedition, but that didn’t matter. As long as you wore the wings of freedom on your back, you were a bastard like the rest of them. No more, no less.
You had stumbled too close to the crowd, too preoccupied with your thoughts to even notice, until a large man gripped your shoulders and pushed you in front of the horses, your body landing harshly in the dirt as some of the people laughed at you. You heard someone shout your name, but it sounded distant to you, everyone’s drowned out underneath the roaring of your thoughts. You shifted yourself onto your hands and knees, only to look up and see Hange crouched down in front of you, a concerned expression on their face.
“Y/n, are you okay? Can you hear me?”
There was a ringing in your ears as you looked at them, trying desperately to just get a grip.
The dirt under my hands, the dryness in my mouth, the shouts of the citizens, the musty smell of the horses… Hange right in front of me.
“I’m fine. I… I’m fine.”
The single tear slipping down your cheek went unnoticed by you, but it was one of the things that let Hange know that you were lying. That you weren’t fine. Reaching out to wipe the tear away Hange shook their head.
“I’ll see you later, okay?”
Giving Hange a tight-lipped smile, you picked yourself up off the ground and made your way back to the Scout’s headquarters, feeling everyone’s eyes on your back, and you couldn’t help but wonder if Levi was watching you too.
You didn’t keep track of how long you cried that day, keeping yourself locked in your room and sobbing until your body physically couldn’t produce any more tears. The last time you cried this much was when your family died, same thing could be said when you thought about the last time you felt this way. Like all hope was lost. You found yourself questioning what the point of all of this was for a moment before you quickly slapped yourself out of that thought. You knew why you had to do this, why the Survey Corps was important. But shit, all this loss? You didn’t know how much more you could take. Especially if days like today became more frequent.
Then you got to thinking about Levi and the stupid argument you had yesterday. At the time, you felt like your feelings were justified, and maybe they were, but now you felt like a complete idiot for arguing with him, especially the day before an expedition where it was one hundred percent possible that he could’ve died out there. The thought of your last interaction being some petty argument made more tears fall, and you gripped the sheets of your bed so tightly that you thought they might rip. Did he even want to speak to you now? Maybe he realized that you were just some immature little soldier and wanted nothing to do with you.
No, you couldn’t accept that. You wouldn’t. Standing from your bed, you harshly wiped at your eyes and sniffled, trying to look like you weren’t crying for hours on end - even though it was pointless, you knew Levi would be able to tell immediately - and exited your room to start making your way to Levi’s office. Your nerves were kicked into high gear, but you refused to let this man intimidate you. You were going to let him know how you felt and he was going to listen. Of course, your confidence immediately deflated when you found yourself standing in front of his door, but you swallowed down your nerves and knocked, taking a deep breath.
Levi’s muffled voice came from the other side of the door, telling you to come in, and you let out a small huff as you gripped the doorknob and let yourself in. He didn’t even look up from the paperwork in front of him when you walked in, and as the door closed behind you and you moved to stand in front of his desk with your hands held behind your back, you lightly cleared your throat to get his attention. His eyes flickered up to meet yours, and you could feel yourself shrink under his gaze. There was no doubt he saw what happened earlier today when they came back, and from the way he was examining you, you knew he could easily tell that you had been crying.
“Did you need me?” he asked, and you sharply inhaled at the sound of his voice. It felt like forever since he talked to you last, and hearing him speak made your stomach do flips.
“Uh… I don’t know, honestly. I didn’t really practice what I was going to say before I came in here.”
He raised a brow at you. “‘Practice?’”
“I mean, it’s kinda hard to talk to you. Not that that’s a bad thing, it’s just… Ah shit, I don’t know. It might just be me. I’m not the best at articulating, you know?”
He hummed and grabbed his cup as you let out a sigh, taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk and leaning your elbows on your knees, bouncing your leg. Taking your bottom lip between your teeth, you wordlessly gazed at him for a moment, a made-up image of his death flashing in your mind before you shook your head and ran your hand down your face.
“Look, um… I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for yesterday. For questioning your judgment when I should’ve just dealt with it. You’re my superior and I disrespected you so… Again, I’m sorry.”
Silence fell between you for a moment before he let out a sigh, setting down his cup before leaning his chin against his propped up hand. “Don’t apologize. You were right.”
Your eyes widened. Did you hear that correctly? “Uh, I’m sorry?”
Getting up from his seat, he rounded his desk to stand in front of you, and you were even more confused. You swore he would’ve been done with you by now.
“You said you and your squad were more than capable of handling the mission. You were right. Or at least, you were right at the time. The female titan would’ve wiped us all out if she wanted to, just like she did my squad. I don’t doubt that if you went after her, you’d be dead right now too.”
You stiffened slightly at his words, fingers gripping your knees as you let out the breath you didn’t realize you had been holding in. “Oh.”
“As captain, I’m supposed to remain unbiased. My decisions should be based on the greater good of humanity and my comrades. If my judgment is wrong, then that’s something I have to live with. Making my squad protect Eren was my decision, and they died.” He let out a long breath. “When Erwin decided to not bring you on the expedition, I was opposed to it at first. I knew that you and your squad would be able to aid us greatly, but I couldn’t sway him. However, now that I think about it, I’m glad you weren’t there.”
You were at a loss for words. When Hange had joked the other day about Levi caring about you, you didn’t take it seriously. But now that you were hearing all of this… Did he care for you? Or was it just your wishful thinking that was causing you to interpret things wrong? Slowly standing up, you briefly met his gaze before walking over to the window and looking out at the night sky, the sun having gone down a while ago, and you wrapped your arms around yourself as you tried to piece together what you wanted to say to him.
“Even if you think I was right, I’m still sorry. I don’t like arguing, especially with you. And the fact that you had to go on an expedition the next day…” You swallowed thickly. “I was scared. I know you say that there’s no use regretting the decisions we’ve made, but if you died out there today and a stupid argument was the last interaction we ever had, I would’ve regretted it every day of my life.” You turned to face him, eyes glossing over. “I would’ve beat myself up when I know you’d want me to continue to be strong. But I feel like I can’t do that without you, and I feel so weak and stupid for saying that. For feeling like the only thing that gives me hope in this godforsaken world is you.”
Levi remained silent, not that you expected him to say anything, and you sniffled as you reached up to wipe at your teary eyes before sighing and giving him a sad smile.
“I’m sorry. I know you don’t wanna hear some silly confession. I’ll let you get back to your business,” you said, walking past Levi to get to the door, but you didn’t make it that far when his hand suddenly shot out and gripped your arm, causing you to turn back and look at him.
“Why do you always do that?”
Your brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“You never take yourself seriously and act like the people around you don’t either. You’re self-deprecating. You did the same thing when I found you in the mess hall years ago. Why?”
“I… I don’t know, I guess I just get nervous around you.”
Your mouth felt dry suddenly, and your heart was racing as Levi’s grip on your arm tightened and he pulled you closer. “Because… I want to be strong in front of you. I don’t want you to see me as someone immature and incapable, and I’m scared of embarrassing myself in front of you.”
“Did you find your confession embarrassing? Do you want me to forget about it?”
“If you want to.”
“Mm. And what if I don’t?”
You let out a shuddered breath, eyes flitting down to his lips for a moment. “Then what will you do about it?”
Neither of you moved at first, your gaze not leaving one another, and you felt like your heart was about to beat out of your chest, it was going so fast. You wondered if Levi was experiencing the same feeling. Wondered if underneath that stoic, calm expression, his blood was pumping in his ears and his pulse was going crazy. You were waiting for him to do something, anything, as he stared at you with an almost challenging look. It made anger flare up in you for some reason, and you clenched your jaw as you narrowed your eyes. 
No, I won’t let this get away from me.
Reaching up, your hand grabbed at his cravat, yanking him forward into an almost desperate kiss that had your mind reeling. His brows were scrunched up, body tense, before finally relaxing, and you could feel him almost melt into you as he brought both of his hands up to hold your face, eagerly responding. Your frustration had been building up ever since your fight, and you felt like you were both letting it all out now, each kiss hungry and rushed, barely able to pull your faces away before one of you was pulling the other one in again.
“Fuck, I can’t stand you sometimes,” you breathed out between kisses, fingers weaving into Levi’s dark locks and lightly tugging, causing him to let out a soft groan against your lips.
“Stop talking.”
You don’t know when the anxiety started bubbling in your stomach or why your heart felt like it was about to jump out of your throat, all you knew was that every sensation was suddenly overwhelming. Levi’s hands, his lips, his breath against your face, it was all too much. You were suddenly pushing him away, tears quickly building up behind your eyes as you panted for breath. Whether it be from the desperateness of your kisses, or the constricting of your chest, you didn’t know. You just knew that everything was suddenly hitting you at once, and you couldn't get a grasp on how to deal with it.
Right, Levi was still here, and he looked at you with a hand slightly reached out, waiting for you to meet him halfway. You hesitated, staring at his hand like you were trying to see through it, before eventually grabbing it, and he slowly pulled you into his chest. Your arms were limp at your sides, silent tears streaming down your face as Levi held you.
“They’d be proud of you, y/n. You know that.”
You felt like you had been falling all of your life, nothing to stop you, nothing to hold onto as you plummeted through an endless abyss. But now, as you brought your hands up to grip the back of Levi’s jacket and sobbed into his shoulder, for once, you felt like your feet had finally found the ground.
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Who's Tougher part 2
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!) Guest starring Thor
Summary: So the Guardians now know you aren't Terran. That makes things awkward, but things only get more awkward when they find out what you are.
Author’s Note: Part 1 here.
Word Count: 3,337
"Any chance we can just forget that happened?" you ask, nervously chuckling as you wring your hands. "I promise I'll fix that-" you stand up and look again at the ruined metal that was once the arm of a chair, "or uh... replace it?" You grin hopefully, though you were sure it came out more like a grimace.
"No! Of course we're not just gonna forget that happened!" Peter cried, his face a mix of startled amazement and incredulity, like he couldn't quite believe what he had just witnessed from his friend. "Are you crazy!? What are you!?"
You shrank back a bit, his words stung a little, whether he intended them to or not. "Ok, I had a feeling that wouldn't fly..." Your gaze dropped to the table. What were you? You were his friend... right?
"Why did you lie?" Gamora asked, not nearly as harshly as Peter, but it hurt more regardless.
You furrow your brows as you look up to her, insulted. "Hey! I didn't lie!"
"You said you was from Terra." Kraglin interjected. "An' you ain't a Terran. Think that counts as lyin'." He sat back in his chair, eyeing you. Yondu still stood next to him, doing the same.
Drax, still sat in his chair but removing his electrode leads, then threw in a, "Friends shouldn't lie," with Groot nodding in agreement as well as Mantis, but you ignored them.
"I was born there- Pretty sure that counts as 'being from' someplace." You suppressed the urge to call him a jerk and crossed your arms in front of you with a hurt expression. "Not my fault you filled in the blanks yourselves."
Yondu spoke up now. "Ya didn't exactly tell us otherwise, either." He doesn't sound angry or as confused or suspicious like the others, his statement was more matter-of-fact. You had been with the team longer than he had, but in the time that he had known you, you had never given an inclining that you were anything other than a normal Terran like Quill- or well, maybe that's a bad example... but now that Ego is dead that probably makes him a normal Terran, right?
You merely responded to him with, "You didn't ask." You had a feeling that likely wouldn't go over well, but you were too busy being offended for being called a liar to give it much thought before it was out of your mouth.
Peter made noises that couldn't be classified as words as he waved his hands around in exasperation. "Wha- You- HOW- Were we really just supposed to ask, 'Hey, do you have any cool or weird powers you haven't told us about? Like glowing eyes or the ability to crush metal with your bare freaking hands?!'"
You don't respond, just stare off into a corner.
"I think you better start talking. Or, ya know, we can always hook you back up to this thing you hated so much until you spill the goods." Rocket said with a chuckle, holding up what you now mentally dubbed as a torture device. You couldn't quite tell if he was trying to lighten the mood or not, but either way it didn't work.
You blush and instinctively wrap your arms protectively around your middle. "You don't have to be mean about it..." you say, not making eye contact with anyone.
"Ok," says Gamora, trying to calm the situation down, holding her hands up in a placating gesture. "I think what Peter means is why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you feel you could trust us?"
That hurt. You didn't want them to think you thought so little of them. You sigh, "It's not like that. I just- I dunno."
"You don't know?" Gamora repeated, an eyebrow raised.
"Look, I'm sorry. Ok? It's not that I didn't trust you, I trust you guys with my life! I do! I- I just couldn't. I don't have a better answer." You did actually, but it was too complicated. You wanted to melt into the floor.
"Hey, I got a question." Kraglin spoke back up when everyone else seemed to be at a loss for words. "'While back, when Thor was here, he told you he thought ya looked familiar, and you got all nervous-like when you told him he was mistaken. Now, at the time I thought you was just crushin' on him mighty hard, but now you've got me thinking maybe you didn't wanna be recognized."
You cringed. You knew what he was referring to. When Thor had briefly been with the Guardians he came up to you, stating he swore he knew you from somewhere. You had replied that you merely had 'one of those faces' and that he was mistaking you for someone else before scurrying off to talk to Gamora.
You had lied.
Kraglin continued. "Cuz now that I think about it, you're kinda like him... Kinda like a-"
You knew what he was about to say, and you hated it. "Please don't-"
He finished the sentence anyway, "-god."
Something seemed to click for the rest of the team and they now stared at you wide-eyed. Little Groot's mouth dropped open, while Mantis covered hers. Peter and Gamora exchanged stunned glances with Drax. Yondu and Rocket each raised an eyebrow while Kraglin just looked at you expectantly for an answer.
You pinched the bridge of your nose. "Please don't call me that."
Peter stared at you. "You're a god?!" All this time... All this freaking time one of his friends had been a god and never told him?? Were you a celestial like Ego? Were you another Asgardian like Thor? He had so many questions, but couldn't verbalize any of them in his shock.
You shoot Kraglin a pained look. "Dammit! You've gone and made it all weird!" You turn back to Peter. "No! I'm not a god!" This seemed to relax the others some, but not much. Yeah, you seemed cool, but why hide you could do what you just did to the chair? What else were you hiding?
"But ya are, aren't ya? Like Thor, I mean." Kraglin pressed.
You scrambled for the right words. "I- No- Well, not exactly..." You hated this. Everything was so simple ten minutes ago, couldn't you just go back to that?
"I'm calling him." Rocket says, pulling out his media pad and beginning to dial.
"Wait! No no no no no!" you exclaim, stepping forward with your hands raised. You realized you shouldn't have done that, it looked suspicious as hell, but you panicked.
Rocket looked up at you, smirking, "Why? Is it because he'll recognize you and confirm you're like him? Or... wait..." He thought for a second. "Are you some kind of fugitive?"
"No!" you say, wincing. "I mean-" You brush a hand over your face. "Ok. I did know him," you admitted, making Kraglin laugh out a "Knew it!" You shoot him a look before returning to Rocket. "I'm not a god- or a fugitive- I would just rather he -uh- didn't remember me." Truthfully, it wasn't Thor you were worried about, it was his brother, and if Thor remembered you there was a chance he'd bring it up to Loki. But, that was another story for another day. Or never. Never was good.
The rest of the team gave you a weird look for a moment. Eventually Gamora asked suspiciously, "Why?" You being vague wasn't exactly helping you right now, but you couldn't help it.
"Just... personal reasons." you reply, hoping it would be enough.
Spoiler: it wasn't.
"Yeah, no, I'm calling him." Rocket said, he had already dialed and it was ringing. If there was one thing Rocket liked, it was uncovering other people's secrets, usually to hold them over there heads, and Thor was clearly a lead to figuring out yours.
Your eyes went wide in panic again and you tried to stop him, but before you could do anything Thor's face appeared in the screen and you muttered an, "Aw, fuck."
"Rabbit! Hi! It's been a bit, what brings you to call me?" Thor said cheerfully. "And everyone else is there, too! Hello!"
Mantis waved cutely at the screen and the others verbalized their greetings. Well, aside from Yondu and Kraglin, who just gave a nod to be polite.
"Hey Thor," Rocket started, "I was hoping you could settle something. You remember our friend here, right?" He turned the screen to you and you quickly changed your expression from exasperated pleading as you mouthed the word "No!" over and over with a wave of your hands into to a forced smile as you waved and awkwardly said "Hi, Thor..."
Rocket grinned, taking glee in watching you squirm. Yes, partially because he was a dick, but also because he was actually offended that you, his pranking buddy, had kept something like this from him. It hurt, and this was how he was choosing to deal with that.
"You know, I thought I did, but I was told it was a misunderstanding... although..." Thor said thoughtfully, squinting his eyes.
Your stomach sank.
Thors face lit up. "Oh yes! I knew I recognized you! You were one of mine and Loki's playmates when Mother and Father would visit old friends on Earth!"
You winced but retained your forced smile, but it immediately fell with what he said next.
"You were the lovely Nephilim girl that Loki would get into so much trouble with!" Thor laughed heartily. "My, it's been a long time. I don't really remember why we didn't keep in touch..."
Your eyes grew wide, you didn't expect him to just blurt out what you were right there and then. Part of you had still been naive enough to think it could have been avoided altogether. However, you didn't have much time to dwell on it before the other shoe dropped. Your stomach jumped into your throat when he asked, "Loki's around here somewhere... Would you like me to fetch him?"
"No!" you say, a little too loudly, before trying to cover, "No, that's fine Thor. I- I don't think that's the best idea!"
Thor didn't hear you, he was already too busy calling for Loki.
The others could see you were real nervous about Thor putting Loki on the call. Yondu and Kraglin exchanged a look that was a mix of suspicion and amusement. It was evident now you had been telling the truth about not being a fugitive, but why were you so nervous? Was this Loki fella an ex-boyfriend or something? And what even was a Nephlilim?
The question on Gamora's mind was why were you avoiding what were apparently your childhood friends if they didn't seem to be angry with you?
Rocket just grinned a shit-eating grin, clearly thinking he was about to see something very funny -- meaning completely embarrassing for you-- happen.
He wouldn't get to see that happen, however, because with a quick, "Goodbye, Thor!" you lunged forward to push the button that would end the call just before Rocket could pull away.
"Hey!" Rocket complained, "You know I can just call him back, right?"
"Later, Rat." Yondu said, looking at you inquisitively. "He said ya were a Nephilim, what's that?" He didn't think you were dangerous from what he'd seen of you before today. You were about as damn goofy as Peter was... but what if that had been a cover this whole time? He did just see you destroy that chair arm without even realizing, like it was nothing. Why else would you have hidden who/what you were from the team? He had to be cautious.
Peter spoke up. "I've heard of those. My grandparents made me go to Sunday school. It's like the baby of an angel and a human... and they're like... super powerful... but- but you're not supposed to be real!" he said, amazement in his eyes. "I thought that was all religious bullcrap! Does this mean that God, like thee God is real??" He was asking out of utter disbelief rather than anything, having never actually believed in any of that stuff, especially after being taken by Yondu when he was a boy.
You cringed so hard. "Peter please. You're being so embarrassing right now!" You covered your face before letting your hands fall again. The rest of the team just kind of stared at each other, not really sure what to do with all this information. "Look, if the dude exists, I've never met him, and that Terran religion stuff made things so awkward for people like me. And you wonder why I didn't tell!"
Now Peter looked a little sorry, and to your surprise he actually apologized. "Look, ok, I'm sorry. You're right, but can you blame us?"
Your shoulders fell and you sighed, breaking your gaze from his. "I get it, I do. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but why does it matter what I am? I'm still me. I'm still the same person."
Drax spoke up for the first time in a while, standing up from his chair to stand with you as he patted you on the shoulder. "This small neffle-thing is right. We are family. It shouldn't matter what anyone is."
You awkwardly pat his hand on your shoulder, honestly not expecting the sudden solidarity. "Thanks, buddy."
"I do have a question though." he added, removing his hand.
You dropped your head, muttering, "Dammit."
"Peter said your kind are very powerful, does that mean this whole time you've been holding back on missions?"
The realization of what Drax had asked put strange expressions on half the faces of your team. The kinda look that says, "Hey! You've been holding out on us! What the hell?!" Rocket nearly verbalized this sentiment as such with a, "Hey! He's right! How many jobs could we have just been in and out of with a snap of your fingers?! Rude, is what that is."
"Ok, first off, I can't make anything happen 'with the snap of my fingers,' ok? I just want to make that clear," you scolded. Your cheeks began to grow hot as you continued, "and secondly... um... none."
"None!? Quill just said you were some super powerful being, and you're really gonna tell us that none of your powers could have helped us on any of those missions?" Rocket stood staring at you in disbelief, his hands on his hips in a way that would have been super adorable if you weren't so uncomfortable right now.
"Yeah, I'm not exactly great at... controlling them." you admitted, rubbing your arm.
"You can't control them?" Gamora asked, sounding a bit surprised, and maybe a little sympathetic too.
"No." You admitted again, begrudgingly. You saw they were looking at you like they wanted some sort of explanation, so you sighed before making wildish gestures with your hands at the ruined chair arm, saying sarcastically, "Exhibit A! I broke the damn chair just because the damn trash panda... tickled me too hard with his electrocution-torture- thingy..." your sentence trailed off in a mix of bitterness and embarrassment, your face flushed a decent shade of scarlet as you crossed your arms. "You know, if you ask me this is all his fault. We wouldn't be having this conversation if it weren't for him."
"You can't blame me! It was supposed to hurt! Not my fault you didn't tell us you're some weird-god thing." Rocket then proceeded to mock you. "oH No! NoT AN elEcTRiC SHOCK! IT TiCkLES TOO mUcH! i'm GOnnA bEg ROCkEt FOR MERCY And BreAK A ChAIR BeCAUsE eVEn ThOUgh I'm a GOD i'm StiLL a Big bABy!"
"I hate you," you say flatly, glaring at him before looking up at the ceiling in frustration as you said, "and stop calling me a god, I'm not a god!"
The sound of laughter brought your gaze back to the team. It was Rocket, of course. Yondu and Kraglin were also snickering, mostly due to your pouty expression, but Rocket was definitely the loudest. You frowned. "It's not funny."
"The hell if it ain't," Yondu laughed. Everyone had been so surprised by what you had done to the chair that they actually had forgotten what had made you do it in the first place.
"Aw, don't give us that long face," Kraglin teased, still laughing. "It could've been worse. Getting tickled til ya break a chair is a whole lot less embarrasin' than gettin' tickled til yer pissin' yer pants."
You gave Kraglin a scandalized look as his comment earned snickers from more of the team. He might have been trying to make you feel better, but he had actually only embarrassed you more. The only one not actually laughing was Gamora, and she looked like she was going to tell the others off for you, but she was cut off by Rocket.
"Oh cheer up, or I'll do it again!" Rocket laughed, giving you a mischievous look. "That'll teach you to blame me! If you and Quill hadn't been bickering all the time I wouldn't have made this thing to shut you up!"
You glared at him. "Threaten me with that again and I'm taking it," you warned.
To your surprise, Yondu took that moment and actually snatched the device from Rocket himself. This surprised Rocket too, and he looked up at Yondu with a dejected, "Hey!"
"Sorry there, Rat, but we don't need anymore broken chairs." He chuckled and slipped you a wink as he slipped the device into one of the inside pockets of his duster. He might have been making a joke at your expense as he did it, but you were grateful for the gesture nonetheless. You didn't need Rocket threatening you with it every time he wanted something from you- and you know he would have. As did Yondu, hence why he snatched it. You may have been a goofy little shit like Peter, and you may have hidden powers (and don't get him wrong, he was still going to keep an eye on you), but he still liked ya well enough to save you from a sadistic raccoon, for now.
Rocket pouted, muttering something about "Never let me have any fun!" as he collected Groot and sulked off.
You smiled at Yondu in return, glad the mood had been somewhat lifted, even if it was at your own expense. After a beat you look back to Peter. "Are we good?" you asked, with so much more meaning behind those three words than just asking if you two were good. Peter could see that you were desperately asking not only for forgiveness, but acceptance. There was thinly veiled fear and nervousness in your eyes that he might cast you out for keeping this secret from the team, from him. It made him feel a little guilty.
He looked at you softly. "Yeah. I mean, I still have a lot of questions, but yeah, we're good."
"I guess that's fair," you say, a relieved grin cracking your face. "But another day, ok? It's late and I'm tired." With that you excused yourself for bed, barely waiting for an acknowledgment of what you said before you were walking away, eager to just get away from this conversation for now. You did smirk a little, however, when you heard Drax ask Peter if you being a "Neffleling" meant you were the tougher one, only for Peter to sigh irritably and say, "No, Drax," and Kraglin to laugh in response and say to Peter, "Nah, I think it does," just to rile him up.
Once you were gone Kraglin spoke again, wondering out loud what had happened with Loki that made you so nervous when Rocket called Thor.
This made Peter look back and share a look with the rest of the team. Kraglin was right. You were nervous enough to hang up the phone when Thor called for Loki to join the conversation. Nervous enough to wish Thor didn't remember your face.
What had happened?
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shotofire · 4 years
bonjour,how are you ? well a oneshot for levi with a kind and shy cadet s/o, who respect everybody but when she gets mad, she'll answer with sarcasm cuz she's dumbass without being afraid or caring about the punishment(even if it's keith or another chef, no body have the right to treat her like a shit) merçi beaucoup ^^✨
Hi friend :p i’m great and I hope you are as well ! Thank you for the request <3
Warnings: cursing, age gap (legal of course)
Season: not specified
Becoming apart of the Survey Corps was everything but glamorous. Not that anyone would think that, but things definitely were on the ugly side most of the time. To be a scout required discipline and a huge amount of focus. To lay down your life without a second thought would be hard for just about anyone. For some reason, you found it rather easy.
Not a single person believed when you’d say it wasn’t that complicated. Of course knowing you’re going to die isn’t the most exciting thing to come to terms with, but every scout needs to. When your mind is set like that you only excel from there, and that’s exactly what you did. Many of your peers found you admirable, and only wished they could think they way you do.
Levi Ackerman especially found interest in you. At first to find a girl younger than him was controversial, only to him, and he worried that others would accuse you of trying to climb up in the ranks. Soon everyone knew Levi was not the reason you excelled. Sure he’d help you train and push you to your limits, but your natural inner strength is what has kept you alive.
The two of you never classified your relationship, but it was obvious it was closer than an ordinary friendship. There has been several occasions where a group of cadets have spotted you sneaking out of his office. One time Erwin saw you go in without even knocking, that’s the day he knew Levi Ackerman was definitely whipped.
Many couldn’t imagine how you two even came together. Levi was quiet, and only really spoke when giving orders. Then there was you, the quietest girl that had ever entered the Survey Corps. Nobody was being dramatic when they said to hear you speak was rare. You tried to keep to yourself, getting close to others was a weakness. Then Levi entered your life and screwed up that little plan, and now you were perfectly smitten with the captain.
The relationship, or whatever you’d call it, was kept at a minimum to the eyes of others. The furthest it had gone to give others a clue were the office visits, and the way you’d smile at him in the halls or during training.
Before the two of you became a thing you’d given him a few sarcastic remarks. Initially he saw you as someone who needed remediation, but that soon changed. The man saw so much of himself in you it was ridiculous, and he soon started to understand you. On the occasions you’d been a urchin he realized that you were simply sticking up for yourself.
It shocked many to hear the quiet girl stand up for herself, especially to someone as scary as Levi. Unlike everyone else, you didn’t find him intimidating. In all honestly, you didn’t find any of the commanders, chiefs, or captains worth cowering over. You’d experienced titans break down the wall to your home village and devour people in your late teenage years. A couple of humans were the least of your fears, especially men.
Those sarcastic remarks and dramatic eye rolls is what drew the captain in. Not to mention your strength was something they hadn’t seen in years. Some would go as far to say you were worth a hundred soldiers. The raven-haired man made it his mission to get closer with you. This feeling had never been within Levi, that’s how he knew you were special.
He knew you so well after years of watching you become stronger and more skilled. You may be young but you were better than half the soldiers who’d been fighting for a decade longer.
Levi was worried about today, it had been on his mind for weeks. It was time for commander Keith to do his annual checkup. Levi found it rather pointless but it had to be done. The sunkened eyed man always came when he brought a new batch of soldiers. Levi had managed to steer you clear of him year after year, but it still worried him. Keith was a loud and rude man most of the time, and that was your biggest pet peeves. To come face to face with a walking version of the things you hated wouldn’t end well. He knew if the man pushed your buttons in the wrong place you’d have plenty to say.
He spent majority of the day convincing you to train with him away from everyone else. It was his usual solution for this day, to have you separated. As the years went by you started to pick up on it, it’s not like you were dumb. Around the same time every year Levi did this and it started to become obvious and you knew something was happening.
Right now you were trying to take the wooden knife from his hand and pin him down, which was something you hadn’t done since the earlier years. It had been round after round of outsmarting him and throwing him to the ground that you finally spoke your mind, “Levi what’s going on? Everyone is gathered out front and we’re here, I want to get the experience that the others are.” He could see the frustration running through you, and the annoyed on your face expression was prominent.
You didn’t like when Levi took you to do things one on one when everyone else was together. There was a fear of judgment, what if they thought you were getting special treatment? This is what that was to you. Levi was much more skilled than anyone else out there and you were getting to do combat with him, which is unfair in your eyes. “I just wanted to have some alone time with you, is that okay?” The man may have a face that mainly consists of one expression, but you knew he was lying.
He knew you saw right through him once you scoffed. “I’m going to join everyone else, feel free to come with.” There was no stopping you now, even if he tried it’d be more obvious that something was going on. Your eyes scanned the groups of your fellow cadets, and a few you didn’t recognize. Did we get a new group today? You asked yourself.
Before you can really process what’s going on, a bald man with weird eyes is making his way towards you. You recognized his face from past expeditions, but didn’t care enough to remember his name. “Late to meet new fellow cadets?” He asked baffled, a bit dramatic in your opinion. Getting new cadets was nothing special or new, so who cares if you were late? Half of them would be titan food in the next month.
He was quick to talk before letting you answer, but you weren’t sure if you were even going to say anything. For a second you considered just walking away. Someone coming up to you and raising there voice for no reason was enough to irritate anyone. “You’ve been here for years but have never bothered to show up to one of these, maybe you should learn some respect cadet.”
Levi watched from afar with wide eyes. Of course Keith was already talking to you, the man had it out for you. He’s complain that you kept to yourself too much and it was suspicious, and hated that you never showed up to these. Half of that was obviously Levi’s fault. Keith wasn’t aware of that and also wasn’t aware of your relationship with the captain.
Keith’s eyes become staggered when you let out a light snicker, cheeks upturning into a smile. “What the hell is funny?” He asks with his arms crossed, still trying to be intimidating. “The fact that you think i’d ever be afraid of someone like you.” Your words made his mouth fall, no one had ever said something like that to him. He’s pretty much convinced himself at this point that everyone feared him in some way. Then there was you, showing him he was completely wrong.
“You should have some respect!” The man says, stepping closer to you. “So coming up to me without introducing yourself and yelling in my face earns you respect? I don’t know where the fuck you came from, but we say hello first here.” He was down right astonished by you. The smirk on your face made his blood boil, you had zero alarm of him. Before he could come back at you, which he was struggling to think of something, Levi’s hands were on your waist. “Oh well okay, i’m gonna take her away from you now.”
Levi nervously laughs as he pulls you away from Keith. You didn’t want to be around him any longer so Levi taking you away was perfectly fine with you. “What’s that guys deal?” You asked with your lips pushed up and you eyebrows knitted. “As you can tell, he’s not a fan of you.” Well duh, you could tell. You look over Levi’s shoulder to see the man was still looking at you with his same crossed arms. “What a freak,” you mumbled and Levi huffed.
“That freak is pretty important to the scouts, he could have you removed if he really wanted to.” That statement didn’t scare you one bit. Everyone would raise hell if you got taken away, Levi even knew it. “He said I never show up to these, do you know why?” Your brow is quirked and your hand is on you hip, fingers tapping against it. It had become evident that Levi had kept you away from the man, but that seemed to have made things worse over the years.
“I’m sorry,” he said while scratching the back of his head. He knew you had already figured it out by the way you were looking at him. You laughed a bit at his mannerism, the guy really had you isolated from someone like Keith. “It’s fine, you just need to understand I can handle myself.” You smile and Levi ruffles your hair. “I’m well aware you can handle yourself. I experienced the (y/n) attitude when you first got here, don’t think I forgot.” You chuckle thinking of the hard times you used to give him.
“Oh you loved it, didn’t you? I mean look at us now.”He rolls his eyes at you and you can’t help but let out another laugh. “Yeah yeah, whatever you brat,” he says playfully, “Just avoid Keith till he leaves. I don’t feel like listening to him complain about you, I may use choice words with him myself.” You scan to make sure no ones looking, Mainly Keith, before you smack a kiss on his cheek. His cheeks heat up at the gesture, which you’d never done in public before. “You sound like an old man, I may use some choice words,” you voice deepens as you restate what he had just said.
Before he can say anything your giving him another kiss on the cheek and walking off, “I want to meet some cadets this year, unlike all the times before this.” He presses his tongue to the inside of his cheek and narrows his eyes at you playfully. You walk off with a smile and wave, getting ready to greet the cadets. This would probably be the only time the new comers heard you speak to them directly.
Levi’s eyes watch you, then they widen when he sees Keith headed straight for you.
Shit, not again.
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trollartistry · 4 years
Fleeting Reunion
Doing a drabble again! No art this time, but I might draw it later. I had the idea of ‘what if Nemi reunited with Classic Freddy as an adult?’ and wanted to do something with it.
Now, just an FYI, this drabble’s based on the idea that *somehow* and for *some* reason, the old classic animatronics were kept and used as parts or something for the new Glamrocks. Also dunno what year Security Breach canonly is in so I’m using our current year, 2021. So I’m really breaking canon here- oh well.
Story under the read more!
The first time Nemi discovered the old, beat down classics, he was shocked and thought he had been seeing things. Tucked deep in the pizzaplex was a parts and services room, and while he worked as a nightguard, on occasion he’d act as a mechanic. The man only had been looking for a basic piece to replace in Monty’s arm as it had broken mid golf swing, and it was an easy fix. But Nemi found more than just the part he needed- he found 4 familiar animatronics from the pizzeria he used to go to as a child; Foxy, Bonnie, Chica, and of course Freddy.
It plagued his mind, and it unnerved him every time he had to go into that room. They weren’t even that dismantled, if anything just.. broken. The foam and fabric on all of them torn, Chica’s hands were missing, Bonnie’s face was gone, and Foxy looked shredded up along his limbs and ear. Freddy was the only one that looked mostly decent, but the state he was in infuriated the nightguard. All of these beloved robots, just dumped in the back with no care in the world.
And then Nemi’s thoughts went from a simple, curious walk to a manic, inquisitive run. Were they the same four from that old pizzeria he attended on a weekly basis when he was a child? Why were they here? Could they still work if he powered them up? What would he even do once he turned them all on and they were the old ones he once knew? ...Would Freddy remember who he was, if Nemi was to power him up? 
Finally his willpower broke one night. He had to know. He would only power up Freddy, just to see what would happen. If it wasn’t the same Freddy as the one all those years ago, he’d just shut him back off and let his burning questions fizzle to forgotten ash. And if it was the same Freddy, well.. they could at least catch up.
He spent a good month or so sneaking in, fiddling with wires and parts to make sure the bot could turn on without much difficulty. Thankfully, it seemed any evidence of his tampering either went unnoticed, or wasn’t reported cuz no one ever stopped him. And finally, one night, he was done. All there was left to do was flick the switch and power Freddy up. Nemi took a breath in, muttered his hope, and flicked the switch.
Sparks sputtered and the whole frame of Freddy jolted as power ran through his circuits, causing Nemi to jump back. Inside there was whirring, old inner workings flowing with electricity. The man watched, unsure if his heart was racing with hope or anxiety as the bot’s eyes twitched a bit, before blinking, focusing in on the darkened room and the person before him.
Freddy sat up against the wall, ears tilting a little and he blinked once, twice. Nemi could tell he was confused immediately, the way his eyebrows furrowed and he shut his jaw in a pursed manner. There was silence, an uncomfortable silence and Nemi didn’t know what to say or do, Freddy was just sitting there..
As Nemi opened his mouth, Freddy blinked with some recognition and spoke, unsure, “..*D-Deadname*?”
It’s a name that hasn’t been used by friends or family in so many years, only used for legal manners. But hearing it makes Nemi choke on his words as his heart clenches with emotion. So it is the same Freddy, and he recognizes him even after all these years.
“..Y-yea, it’s me, Freddy.” Nemi said, coming back over to kneel down before the sitting bot, unable to help but grin at him. “I don’t- don’t go by that anymore b-but it’s me.”
Freddy’s silent as he looks the man over, obviously a bit frazzled seeing someone he last saw as a child now kneeling before him as a grown man. He then looks around the room, and sees all of the different parts, and his fellow animatronics. He’s quiet as he takes it all in, and even though he’s old and worn, Freddy was wise and knew what this entailed. They weren’t in use anymore and instead replaced.
“I uh.. go by Nemi now.” Nemi said, bringing the bot’s attention back to him. Freddy blinked, then softly hummed a little as he nodded, “Nemi.. it’s.. unique.”
“Heh.. yea, got it during highschool.” Nemi replied. It’s quiet again and Freddy’s once again looking around, and Nemi wiped his watery eyes before deciding to explain, “You uh.. You’re in Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzaplex. The year’s 2021.. I guess you guys are being used as parts now.”
“2021?” Freddy asked, attention back on Nemi. The man nods and Freddy gives a quiet sigh, “..I’m amazed we’re still in solid pieces then. Or that I even work..” He looked down at himself.
“I uh.. had to fix you quite a bit actually just to get you to t-turn on..” Nemi said with a shrug. He’s looking over Freddy again, and now that the animatronic’s on and talking, it makes his withered state hurt Nemi all the more. Freddy doesn’t miss the first tears dripping down the man’s face and he tries to distract him from his emotions, “Hey.. at least my name’s still out there, right? Surely there’s another model of me still keeping an eye on you.” He smiled.
Nemi’s heart only hurts more than that. Glamrock Freddy was just as incredible as the classic, if not more, and sure, the man loves him dearly.. but he could hear his younger self weep in the back of his mind, ‘But that’s not MY Freddy!’ Nemi clenches his eyes shut at that, a sniffle escaping him, and Freddy quietly sighs before he opens his arms, the old joints creaking. “Shh.. come here, it’s okay.”
The guard, though grown, can’t help but immediately close the distance to hug the beloved animatronic, a sob escaping him. Freddy holds him close, and recalls the few times he did this to Nemi when he was a little girl. He begins to try and play the same tune he did back then, but realizes he no longer has his music box, only a soft clicking noise coming from the inner crank that was left installed to turn it. So instead, Freddy talks and hopes his voice offers that same comfort.
“I missed you.. It’s nice to see you grown up.” Freddy said softly, removing the security hat from Nemi’s head to stroke his hair soothingly. Nemi manages to whimper out that he missed the bot as well, along with an apology that makes Freddy hush him softly, “You have nothing to be sorry for, Nemi..”
The brunette pulls back a little, shaking his head as he tries to wipe those spilled tears, “I-I didn’t even get to say goodbye to you back then when I had to move.. A-And now, here you are, i-in the back of a damn mall collecting d-dust and in pieces-” He began, and a old paw cups his cheek.
“None of that is your fault.” Freddy said as he comforted the man, “What matters is you had a good life after your time with me. I knew I would eventually be taken down from the spotlight, either for good or for a new model to replace me.. it happens, Nemi.”
Nemi looks at the bot who gives him a warm smile, the same smile he would give him all those years ago. It calms some of those bubbling sorrows, but Nemi still can’t help but sniffle.
“It’s been, what.. 10 or so years? And you’ve changed so much.. we have time, why don’t you tell me what you’ve been up to? Just like old times.” Freddy offered, and Nemi nodded.
He told the bear about his father’s passing, the many years of moving before he ended up in his aunt and uncle’s care. How he discovered his own identity and realized he was a man, and graduated highschool by the skin of his teeth. Freddy listened to all of it, just like how he used to listen to Nemi as a child talk about his days back then. He then asked about the pizzaplex and how the man enjoyed working there, and Nemi in turn talked about the whole place and the Glamrock animatronics. Freddy’s amused at how Nemi talks about Glamrock Freddy- its that same admiration the man had for Freddy back then.. and something more, Freddy can tell. The conversation helped Nemi calm down and it was comforting to Freddy himself to know he was still loved by people, even if it was a completely different model. But a glance to his watch told Nemi he only had another hour or two before his shift was up. Before his time with Freddy, was up.
“..Y’know,” Nemi began after a silent moment of just being close to the bot, “I think- I think they’d get along fine with you and the others.. I could work on them too, get them up and running, and-”
“No.” Freddy shuts down the idea with a frown. It hurts to do so, but he knows his place. “I’ve had my time on the stage. We all have..”
The nightguard looks shocked at Freddy’s answer, and tries to change his mind, “F-Freddy c’mon, it’ll be fine! Maybe- Maybe HR would consider refurbishing you guys and you can be part of it all even-!” He said, voice cracking with desperation and Freddy cups the man’s face again, eyes sternly looking down at him.
“You and I both know that’s not how it would go, Nemi.” He said, “Even if we got along with the Glamrocks, it’d be trouble for all of us to be on again. You already risked your job just to get me back online, do you know how much trouble you’ll get into if you left me on?”
“I don’t care!” Nemi exclaimed, not caring just how childish he sounded, “Do you know how much I missed you when I had to leave?! And now here at my job I find your- your broken body just laying here and not know if it was really you and now that I put in all that work, it really IS you?! I-I can’t just- power you back down and forget about you after this, I-I wont! I love you too much to lose you again!!”
There’s a silence, and Nemi’s face grows red as he realizes what he said was selfish and childish of him, along with a confession for the old bot. Freddy’s surprised to hear it, but he then smiles, brushing back some of the brunette hair.
“I know. But you’ve never lost me nor forgot about me, have you? You got a job at a place with my name still in it, along with getting along with another me.” Freddy said warmly, “I know it’s hard.. but it’s for the best. If you kept me on, it would jeopardize everything and you could lose everything you have here.. including that Glamrock version of me.”
Nemi’s eyes widen, before looking away with sorrow at the thought of losing Glamrock Freddy. Freddy was right, but the thought of having to turn him back off had Nemi’s heart twisting in agony. “..B-but.. I can’t..” He whimpered, and Freddy pulled him back into the embrace.
“I know it’s hard.. but you have to.” Freddy murmured. “I’ll still be here, in more ways than one.”
Nemi nodded, fresh tears spilling as he let out another sob, “Can- can I hear your song, just one last time..?”
Freddy may of not had his music box, but he began to hum softly, letting the man hear that tune once more. They stayed there in the darkness of the room, Nemi quietly crying in Freddy’s arms as he listened, before sitting up as the last few notes were hummed. Nemi opened up the bot’s chest, reaching in to that power switch and looked up at Freddy, the two sharing one last gaze.
“G-Goodbye, Freddy..”
“Goodbye, Nemi.”
And with a flip of the switch, the sound of machinery powering down echoed in Nemi’s ears as he watched the life fade from Freddy’s eyes as he slumped against the wall, eyelids closing over. The man closed the chest plate, staring at the bot with a heavy heart before picking up his hat and getting up. He went to the door, pausing to take one glance back to the beloved bear, before exiting the room, the thud of the door closing behind him echoing down the hall.
A week later when he has to go in to that same room, he’s griefstricken to see the four bodies of the classic animatronics were gone for good and for the rest of that night, it’s spent sticking close to Glamrock Freddy as the new, shiny Glamrock model of his beloved childhood friend still brought the man comfort and happiness.
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