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vintagetvstars · 7 months ago
Terry Jones Vs. Alan Alda
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Terry Jones - (Monty Python's Flying Circus, Do Not Adjust Your Set) - I wish I could tell you all in a few sentences just how handsome, funny, intelligent, kind and soft-spoken Terry Jones was. How passionate he was about the things he loved, lacing his interests (like e.g. history) throughout all the projects he was working on. How he was supposedly always laughing and giggling when writing and reading out sketches. How he admired the art of silent movies/Buster Keaton and was obsessed with writing poems as a child. How he was described as a wonderful friend and a little as if he carried his own world around with him. But there is simply too much to tell and I adore him too much to pick the best facts, so this will have to do
Alan Alda - (M*A*S*H) - He is both the saddest wettest little meow meow and your kindly grandfather and your favourite eccentric uncle (mom's side). Somehow it works. Passionate Democrat, feminist, great writer, he and his books are hilarious. Did a cartwheel when he won an Emmy! How he met his wife is the best meet cute of the last two centuries, and they've now been married over 60 years!!!
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Alan Alda:
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he’s just so good in MASH
he put so much bisexuality into hawkeye i think it fundamentally changed me when i was little and watching mash for the first time. anyway do we all know the story about how he met his wife when they were at a party together and they were the only two people eating the cake that fell on the floor and he fell in love with her over her laugh. i just think hes neat :) i love when theres a strange looking man. also feel it necessary to say that the guy that wrote the book mash was based on wrote himself as hawkeye and HATED alda's hawkeye bc he displayed his morals too much (alda had it in his contract for the show that every episode had to have an operating room scene bc otherwise you arent backdropping the fact that war is Not fun. actually. he almost didnt take the role bc he thought a war comedy would make too much light of the horrors)
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please please please use this picture of him, he's so hot in it
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His comedic delivery in MASH...
The story of how he met his wife is charming and sweet, and they've now been married 65 years
Just look at him. He's the most beautiful man I've ever seen but also he's completely average. He's got a weak jawlines and a round face and these big soft eyes and he's just so beautiful. He's capable of playing a silly charismatic sitcom protagonist in one scene, and a jaded army surgeon haunted by the deaths he's witnessed in the next. He's so hot that my dad once told me he decided to apply to medical school because of how much he was attracted to Hawkeye Pierce. That's literally how I learned that my father was bisexual.
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He's also just a really great dude? He's been outspoken about his political beliefs for a long time, and has always been strongly and vocally anti-war, pro-feminist, and pro lgbt. He served a tour in the Korean war, and his experiences there informed his performance in the show. He (and honestly the entire cast, but especially him) really just soared above and beyond the standard for comedies of the day.
He's so funny and his eyes are pretty
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He loves and is a champion of science (Source).
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humorisstoredinthetits · 4 months ago
Poly Heathers & Veronica and Headcannons
This is mostly just gonna be some random HCs plus some demographic information
Sorry this one is late, it was supposed to be last week's, but after certain world events I kinda lost all motivation to do much, but I'm doing better now then I was a few days ago
Heather Chandler:
Her birthday is on February 24th
She's 5'5 which is only ever so slightly taller than Duke, a fact that she never fails to remind her about
Everyone thinks she's the tallest, but that's bc she wears high heels 24/7
Mac is actually the tallest Heather, but she refuses to wear heels bc of how much they hurt her back, so it looks like she's the shortest
She's Pansexual but has exactly 0 interest in any man, especially after what happened with David
She is white as can be, specifically with French ancestry, her family is super racist and would disown any member that married someone of a different race
(For all of them, I hc that they look and sound like the off-broadway cast, so Veronica looks like Barrett, Mac like Elle McLemore and so on)
She doesn't know much French but she'll insert what little she does know into her speech, making her sound like Ms.Piggy
For example, "If you'll excuse moi I'm going to bed"
She tried learning more French but it frustrated her so much that she just gave up
She's an atheist, after seeing all of the things her mother did in the name of God she is convinced that there is no higher being
She is 100000% a bottom, she might be dominant irl but in the bedroom she just melts
She's one of those people who cannot function without coffee, if she doesn't have some first thing in the morning she will be even more bitchy than usual, which is saying something
She likes hers with a shit ton of creamer and sugar
She actually hates the taste of coffee but recognizes that without it she is basically a zombie
Chandler loves cats
She loves their mischievousness, the ways their ears move, their adorable little meows, she just thinks they're neat
This made it all the more upsetting to her that Heather Catler doesn't like her
She is the most fearful of her wives, a fact she likes to keep hidden despite knowing that they won't judge her for it
She's afraid of bugs (all kinds), snakes, flying/heights, ghosts/zombies and the like, blood, and dogs
She had a bad experience with a dog as a child and refuses to go anywhere near one, even service dogs
If she sees a dog she will nope out and get the hell outta there as fast as she can
One time a dog came up and started sniffing her as dogs do and she screamed so loud she broke a window before climbing on top of Veronica
She's also afraid of needles and the others have to trick her like she's a child to get her to go get her shots
She cries the entire time it happens and they have to go get ice cream after
Even Mac who is an absolute crybaby doesn't cry when she has to go get shots
She often threatens to kick one of her wives (usually Duke) out the bed because of something they did
Whenever she follows through on this threat she ends up missing them and going to join them in wherever they had been exiled to, which inevitably leads to the others joining them
She's the most mature of the four of them and is the one who has to come bail them out whenever they do something stupid
One time they were at Target and the three of them were acting stupid as usual and a mom came up to Chandler who was facepalming and told her that she understands how hard it is to have three teenage daughters
She only facepalmed even harder
She's tried to get them to act normal but they said "nah I don't really feel like it"
She pretends to hate it but she finds it super endearing
She likes red flavored things, except for Strawberry
She'll take Cherry or Raspberry or anything else, but if its Strawberry flavored she will gag
One time JD pranked her by getting her a Strawberry slushie and after realizing what flavor it actually was she dumped it on his head
She eats at least 3 bags of corn nuts a day, one at breakfast, at least once during the day and one at dinner
They have a whole shelf in their pantry dedicated to fucking corn nuts, BQ obviously
She's a total neat freak
She has a system for things and if someone messes with it she gets very upset
One time Veronica put the paprika where the cinnamon was supposed to go and Chandler was cross with her for the rest of the night
This conflicts with their very messy pets, or at least two of them
Catler's fur gets fucking everywhere, even in rooms that she's never been in before
Every time it looks like she's gotten the last of it she'll find another clump of fur in a corner
And don't her her started on Munchkin
Thankfully his destruction is limited to his room but there are hay and poop and toys everywhere and it makes her die inside when she sees it
When she gets upset she gets fucking pissed
When that happens her wives know to leave her alone and that when she calms herself down she'll come to them for comfort
Her temper is short and uncontrollable and it doesn't take much to get her to the point that she's screaming at the top of her lungs
And she is ruthless when she gets mad, one time some guy was being a sleazebag while she was on a date with Duke and she roasted him so badly that he started sobbing in the middle of the restaurant
She takes forever in the shower, so long that most days her wives get tired of waiting and just come join her
Her red schrunchie was a gift from Mac and when she got it she vowed to wear it every day
To this day she has worn it every single day, even her wedding day
She fucking hates winter and gets cold super easy
It might have something to do with the fact that she wears skirts every single day no matter what
If it is a single degree under 70 she spends all day bundled up under several blankets
She is a blanket hog and will steal everyone's blankets
Some once somehow stole Veronica's even though she was on the other side of the bed with Mac and Duke between them
When she is sick she is awful to be around
She whines and complains and is just really snappy, when it happens Duke and Veronica leave because they would end up losing their tempers on her quick, but Mac has dealt with this much longer and knows that she doesn't mean it
She gets nightmares really frequently but she refuses to let the others know or help her
They know but don't want to push her into talking if she's not ready
She so desperately needs to be the strong one, because if she's not the strong one then what is she?
Heather Duke:
She was born March 17th, 20XX
She's 5'3, making her the shortest Heather
She fucking hates that she's so short
She has a hard time grabbing things on high shelves, people always look down on her (literally), it makes her less intimidating, its just generally annoying
On that first thought, Veronica will literally pick her up so she can grab the thing that she was trying to grab
She'll also put her in the kid seat in shopping carts, which Duke can't get out of herself
She's lesbian, exactly 0 interest in any man
She actually thought she was AroAce for a while, but she realized she was lesbian when she joined the Heathers
She's full blooded Korean, and she can speak the language fluently
When she gets really upset she'll switch to Korean unintentionally and start ranting
She's an atheist as well, but I can also see her being a pagan or Wiccan
Her family adopted Christianity when they moved to America, but they did it mostly for show and to fit in with the American culture, so true belief was never really passed down to Duke
Definitely a switch, leaning dom but is submissive sometimes
She has dyslexia and for the longest time had trouble reading
Eventually she got some glasses to help her, and now that she can read without difficulty she fell in love with it
Duke was worried about how glasses would make her look, but her wives were incredibly supportive
Chandler told her that she thinks that she looks sooooo sexy with her glasses, and that meant a lot to Duke bc she knows that Chandler isn't one to censor herself or lie to save other's feelings
Bc she's so small she can wear the other's clothes without any problems and so she'll often be seen wearing one of Mac's sweaters or Veronica's sweatpants or something
She's mostly gotten over her eating disorder, but occasionally those thoughts come up
Her wives have learned how to read her body language and can tell when she's having those kinds of thoughts, and if they see it they'll all take the day off and pamper her
When she gets upset at one of her wives she'll kick them, and her kicks fucking hurt
One time she kicked Chandler so hard after she made some snarky remark that a bruise formed and she started to tone it down
When she gets mad its a kind of quiet anger and it scares the shit out of her wives
If she starts to get really quiet her wives know something or someone fucked up and know to stay out of her way
Even Chandler will not interfere
She's so petty that she plays multiplayer games like Mario Party in her freetime just so she has the advantage on Chandler whenever the next game night rolls around
Heather McNamara:
She was born on June 22nd, 20XX
She's 5'7, being the tallest actual Heather, but of course Veronica towers over them all
She's a lesbian just like Duke, but unlike her she's known it from the day that she met Chandler
She's also white, specifically from Irish Heritage, but she knows fuck all about Ireland and has no real desire to learn more about it
Mac's not really sure about religion, she thinks that there's some kind of deity or higher power but she's not sure which
The best way to describe it would be agnostic, but Mac doesn't have a label for it
She's decided to just live her life in the best way she can and in a way that works for her and to not sweat about a god or afterlife
Mac is a Disney shill
Despite her cute personality and demeanor, she is a top and takes charge in the bedroom
She loves everything Disney puts out (not so much Star Wars or Marvel, but Pixar, the Muppets and regular Disney Animation yes)
She spends a lot of time watching old movies or shows on Disney+ or trying to convince the others to plan their next trip to Disney World
She is also an avid reader of fanficiton
She normally doesn't like to read, but when it comes to fanfiction she's almost as bad as Duke or Veronica
She mostly reads MLP stuff, but also branches out into Frozen and Pokemon
If chicken nuggets weren't one of her safe foods she would probably be a vegetarian, she loves animals and can't stand the thought of eating them, but at the same time chicken nuggets are really good
She 100% plays with her dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets before eating them and gets sad when they're in her tummy
She has autism and was thankfully diagnosed early in life, allowing her to have many years of therapy to help develop coping mechanisms and understand what sets her off
However there are still some things that can trigger a meltdown, such as abrupt changes in schedule, especially if it involves her wives like one of them having to stay late at work, certain loud sounds (mostly alarms), itchy/uncomfortable fabrics, being forced to be around certain unsafe foods, and crowded indoor spaces
She insists that she isn't cute, and the others have to agree with her there
She's not cute, she's really cute
Her pout can make even the most stubborn person she knows (Chandler) bend to her will, a fact that she uses to her advantage frequently
She cries very easily and often
Usually its not for anything bad, but whenever she feels some strong emotion, be it anger, joy, or fear the tears will start to flow
She hates making eye contact with people and will refuse to do so, even with her wives
She is super strong, not like super buff or anything but she has very well defined muscles
She kept up with an exercise regiment even after leaving the cheer squad so she's stayed in shape
Because of this her hugs feel really good, same with her cuddles
Most nights she falls asleep on the couch and has to be carried to the bed
She's always dreamed of acting in a play, but she's too nervous to go and audition, so for now at least she sticks to singing in the shower and car
She wanted to do drama in high school but Chandler convinced her to do cheer instead, staying drama is where the nerds went and the popular girls did cheer
She has hundreds of stuffed animals, and she's named each of them and remembers all of them
She fucking suckssssss at Math, it is her worst subject by far
She cannot do anything more complicated than multiplication without a calculator
Veronica Sawyer:
She was born on January 16th, 20XX
She's 5'11
She hated being that tall as people would make fun of her for it, but now that she's with the Heathers she enjoys it, as it makes messing them with so much easier
She's bisexual and definitely had a crush on JD when they first met, but now she only thinks of him as a good friend and he's AroAce anyway
She jokes that she's Heather-sexual but none of the Heathers find it funny
She's also white, from English heritage
Sometimes she'll get her monocle on and start talking in a bad British accent
If Chandler sees it she bangs her head against the nearest surface
Veronica is an atheist, but was a Christian when she first met the Heathers
Through some talks with Chandler and JD she became disillusioned with the church and with faith, but this split caused a rift with her parents, especially when she informed them that she wasn't getting married in a church or by a priest
Her parents aren't the "if you are gay you're going to hell" kinda Christians but they were still worried about her soul or whatever
Is also a switch, but she leans submissive
She's a huge history nut and is a walking encyclopedia of historical information
She finds going to museums and shit like that fun, but they bore her wives to death so she usually ends up going alone
She was a straight A student in school, was always on the honor roll and if she hadn't joined the Heathers and had to deal with all their drama she was definetly in the running for Valedictorian
She stays up late at night watching true crime documentaries on Youtube, a habit which annoys her wives to no end
They're trying to get some sleep but the light from Veronica's phone is keeping them up, not to mention the sound
Its made even worse by the fact that she uses light mode for some ungodly reason
Chandler eventually got sleep masks and earbuds for the three of them so they can actually get some sleep
Veronica has insomnia and has trouble falling asleep most nights, that's why she stays up watching videos
She's gone to doctors and taken some meds, but none of them really help
Despite everything being cool between her wives and friends, she still feels guilt over how she ended up married to the biggest bullies in school who tormented her and her friends for years
She likes the weird flavors of things like Sour Cream and Onion Chips or Salt and Vinegar chips
One time she ordered the ketchup flavored Lays from Europe and Chandler nearly vomited from the smell
The Heathers are convinced that she just doesn't have taste buds and eats this weird crap to freak them out
But no, she just legitimately likes the taste
She also has the most tolerance for sour things and can eat bag after bag of sour candy, long after her wives tapped out
Speaking of food, Veronica is like a black hole
She can just inhale food and still be hungry
Whenever they get a shareable food like pizza they usually have to get a whole pizza for just her
She collects records
Her dad gave her his old player when she moved out along with his old collection
Its one of the few things Veronica has that Chandler likes bc it "gives the home character" whatever that means
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queennicoleinboots · 1 year ago
Patches's Dreamland (700 A.D.)
(sequel to 'Dash Through the Time and Space Continuum')
Patches meowed. The cat that looked like Patches who was beside the past Lindsay meowed in song.
We all enjoyed eating our various styles of pizzas. Our King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear was eating the chocolate cupcakes from Chef Vanilla Mac's Pizza. Count Vanilla Manilla was eating the vanilla cupcakes.
The past King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear ate chocolate cupcakes and pepperoni pizza. Past Queen Nicole was eating vanilla cupcakes and Supreme pizza. They accidentally had a child named King Kirby Patches. We fed Kings Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bears a lot of food and made them pregnant. The two cats named Patches watched as we all made food love.
In our feasting, we were transferred to the market that was next to the castle in Córdoba, which was the capitol of what we now call Spain.
"During this time, Spain as we know it didn't exist yet," our Jaybird said. "That region was controlled by the Moorish Arabs and was part of the Umayyad Caliphate."
"You are correct, Fellow me! We just called it Spain because we are from the future," the past-future Jaybird said.
"From what time period?" our Jaybird asked.
"1611," that Jaybird said.
"HOW THE HELL DID YOU END UP HERE?!" our Jaybird asked.
"It was an ancient spell I found in a text during my travels in Turkey," that Jaybird answered.
"How long has this been going on?" our King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear asked.
Two more King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bears walked over with glasses of thick goat milk. King Kirby Patches drank some of that milk.
The Sir Paul the Goats bleated in stereo. The bears growled in stereo.
The Kings Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bears ate Entermann's donut holes, donuts, ice cream, pizzas, corn tortilla chips, and cookies. Their bellies were so big that they started talking when they were hungry. They even wanted 28 pounds of chicken for the festival.
Queen Nicole and I rubbed all four bellies of the Kings Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bears. Two of the King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bears panted while the other two growled when they didn't get affection.
I fed chicken to the two cats named Patches. They were happy, good-looking cats. I petted them while they ate. I treated them like Joebear and Albear treated Oreo: petting her while her fat ass black ass white ass ate. They both needed to be held and petted while they ate. It was ridiculous.
In other news, I also fed Sir Rollo's dog, Cody, a pitbull a big fat steak. Afterward, he kneaded his straw bedding before he growled and laid on a rock.
Chef Vanilla Mac drank vanilla ale. Count Vanilla Manilla came over to us and ate a feast of whole wheat bread, chicken, and herb and garlic goat cheese.
The Sir Paul the Goats bleated in song. The bears growled in song.
I drank Romanga Cagnina wine straight from the Roman Empire and ate herb and garlic cheese melted over bread and butter. Then, I ate serrano peppers.
The Sir Paul the Goats bleated while the bears growled in opera. The Lindsays and Jaybirds bleated high notes. The cats named Patches meowed for five seconds.
The Kings Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bears drank that wine. Chef Vanilla Mac drank white wine. Count Vanilla Manilla drank mead and ate pepperoni pizza.
The Lindsays ate cherry peppers like grown women. Then, they fell asleep.
The two cats named Patches urinated and defecated in a stream. Those fish were going to have a great feasting.
Cody laid near the stream in which the cats did their business. He was biting on himself because he needed to groom. He then moved away to the middle of the woods to rest.
Queen Nicole and I laid near Cody and took a nap.
Goats bleated and woke me up. I bleated and closed my eyes again. Goats were running toward a watering hole and splashing around.
Chef Vanilla Mac started singing "Figaro Figaro Figaro!" Then he played a harp and skipped around. After the song, he requested to eat Spanish rice, chicken, and gravy. He was also very hungry.
A Spanish woman with strong facial features named Margot cooked him the rice, chicken, and gravy and fed it to him. He thanked her before he drank the whole bottle of white wine.
The Kings Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bears, Queen Nicole, and I also drank our bottles of wine. I even manifested a Wendy's double cheeseburger and munched on that.
Cody barked at me loudly before he ate some chicken and rice. It scared me.
Chef Vanilla Mac then boiled some coffee and manifested a piece of raspberry cheesecake. Meanwhile, I continued to munch on my burger.
After I ate my burger, I needed to discuss politics with King Simmons, so I went into the castle and argued about what our future will be. Cody followed me and barked a menacing bark. Apparently, he did not agree with my utopian ideals that I was sharing with King Simmons. He found them unrealistic.
The cats named Patches and Kings Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bears also came to discuss politics with us. I wrapped my body around my calm and collected King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear. The Patches from our timeline laid at my feet while Cody pawed at me.
The hangry King Chocolate-covered Gummy Bear ate some apples as he was laying down and burped. I tried to hold in a fart. Then after our long conversation about trying to make Al-Andalus our land, I went into the chamber in which I was staying, fell asleep, and probably farted anyway.
The Patches from their timeline nuzzled against my face and woke me up. She purred and then sat on my face. I laughed. She then put her face to mine, and we kissed.
The happy go-lucky King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear from their timeline was dancing to mariachi music in some woods that were 80 feet away.
When I got up, their Patches meowed at me while I went to make coffee, cute oranges, and eggs for the inebriated King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear from their timeline. He was hungry again. Our Patches meowed at me before the inebriated King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear manifested her breakfast.
Chef Vanilla Mac ate chicken and white wine and coffee for breakfast. Cody was barking excessively at Queen Megen Ace's toilet garden.
Queen Megen Ace was making dinner while King Bruce Ace was cooking ribs on the barbeque. Peter was bitching about how he still had to install stonewalls in this timeline.
Count Vanilla Manilla was drinking more white wine because his headache was killing him. The headache then infected the center of his brain and caused his head to explode.
We went into an alternate universe of floating heads that looked like Chef Vanilla Mac and Count Vanilla Manilla. Sir Rollo laid with Cody as well before Cody did his runs through the castle halls of licking people's faces happily and wagging his tail.
"We are honored by you, great dog," King Simmons spoke.
Riley the Ace of Riddling and Duke the Ace of Dodging barked simultaneously.
Sir Paul the Goat bleated. Patches meowed and ate salmon. I drank sage coffee. Patches and I went fishing after we had coffee and breakfast.
I had a huge red fish at the end of my pole, and Patches had a huge blue fish at the end of her pole. We both got sucked in the water with our fishing poles and swam in the stream with those huge fishes. We were trying to consume each other. The food chain was broken, and it exploded.
Patches and I were then flying out of Dr. Seuss's ass along with the red fish and the blue fish. We ended up in a hurricane in a giant white porcelain fish bowl. We were then flushed in what we now know as the English Channel.
The other cat named Patches meowed and managed to turn the television off.
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xenolithium · 4 years ago
Surprise Visits (France & America)
I remember when he was just a little boy. He had large blue eyes and that bright, innocent smile he'd always wear upon his lips whenever I'd come see him. Those moments were fleeting and the time I spent with that boy was short.
"Alfred, papa made you something to eat!"
Whenever I saw him, I remember being so happy. Even if it was a struggle just to see his face again the next time around. It was something I'd look forward to. Kissing his forehead, cuddling next to him in bed, feeding him the food I made so lovingly.
It was strange. Up until that point I'd never felt such a strong urge to protect something. To become the pillar that would hold him up in his darkest moments. But I accepted the feeling wholeheartedly and without question. This little boy was my little boy.
The American Revolution was when I truly got to know him. Arthur may have stolen away his childhood, but I had his teen years. The moments when he was the most vulnerable. The moments when he'd break down in tears, unsure of what to do. But it was okay, I was there. I'd always be there.
"I love you, mon petit chou."
Francis sighed as he pushed his luggage next to the front door and out of the way, pocketing his spare key. He then took off his shoes before taking a few steps into his son's home, leaving the entrance behind him. The place was quiet, eerily quiet considering who this was he was visiting. The only sounds he could hear was the soft pitter-patter of paws as Alfred's cat came to greet him. Her white fluffy tail standing up at attention as she meowed at him as if saying hello or perhaps asking him to leave. She did have a bit of an attitude problem afterall, as most cats do.
Francis kneeled down to give her a stroke, "I'm happy to see you too~" he greeted, letting her bunt against the back of his hand. A small smile played at his lips while she inspected him in mild interest and eventually took her leave. Back to her outpost atop the fridge to stare at him behind beady blue eyes.
Francis gazed upon her 'elegance' for a moment, before slowly rising to his feet again and continuing his journey through the house. First things first, he'd check to see if Alfred was even home. But judging by the fact Marshmallow was left unattended and not in someone's care, he was sure that the American hadn't gone too far.
"Alfred, papa came by to visit you~" was the only warning he gave as he so brazenly entered his son's room. It's not like he'd care if he saw anything he shouldn't. Francis wasn't exactly one who held high regard towards concepts such as shame. Plus, if anything was happening, he'd just walk back out and talk through the door instead. Simple as that~ (He had a feeling Arthur wouldn't be too keen on that logic.)
Francis blinked when he noticed Alfred laying in bed. Despite it being the middle of the day, there he was, hugging an oversized stuffed bear like he was a small child again. It made the Frenchman's heart light up as he stepped towards the bed to sit down next to his very much full grown son and run a hand through his messy hair. He frowned at the texture; greasy, split ends, dandruff. He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, this just wouldn't do. It was a good thing he decided to come over.
"Alfred, did you work late last night?" He asked, his voice soft, as the American slowly blinked himself into consciousness. Staring out through windows surrounding his bed for a moment, towards the swaying palm trees and the rolling shores. Before finally turning his head to look up at Francis.
"Yeah, it's me," Francis chuckled, letting his thumb briefly rub against Alfred's cheek in a comforting gesture.
"Did you bring me any food?" Alfred asked groggily and Francis rolled his eyes.
"No, I was going to ask you what you wanted though."
"Crepes~" he cheered as he sat up, suddenly a lot more energetic than he was before. "With lots of whip cream and strawberries~"
"Wait, are we having a meal here or desert?" Francis asked, his eyebrows bunched together in concern.
"Chocolate sauce?"
"That doesn't make it any healthier." Francis sighed, shaking his head as Alfred laughed. "How about I choose then?"
"What? You can't just walk in here, ask what I want and not let me choose. I will drink the chocolate sauce just to spite you."
"Alfred please...let's not drink the chocolate sauce. That is disgusting."
"To you maybe."
"No, it's disgusting and you know it!" Francis huffed, surprised when Alfred simply stared at him for a moment in silence. Seemingly letting him win the argument for a short period of time.
"Can I at least have the strawberries and whipped cream?" He begged, making those puppy dog eyes that always made Francis weak to his every will and whim.
"Fine you can have the strawberries."
"and whipped cream?"
Alfred squinted at him for a long moment, that angelic expression from earlier falling off his face completely as he realized what Francis was doing here. Opening his mouth to refute it again when Francis swiftly changed the subject.
"Alfred, when's the last time you took a shower?"
Alfred closed his mouth again, looking slightly surprised at such a sudden topic change. But also slightly embarrassed that he was caught not taking care of himself properly to Francis of all people. The one who would gripe the most about it.
Francis took hold of one of the strands of his hair, whilst Alfred tried to weakly swat him away. "This does not look like yesterday. There's so much grease, I could fry an egg with it," he pointed out, finally pulling his hand back and crossing his arms over his chest. "On top of that, you haven't been using the shampoo I recommended, have you?" Alfred's guilty look said it all. "You wouldn't have so much dandruff and split ends if you used the shampoo I told you to use. And what's this, acne? I thought I gave you a step by step guide on my skin care routine and -"
"Okay, okay! I got it!" Alfred cut off his father, who was currently going into a nagging tangent about how he should be taking care of himself. This time it was Francis' turn to squint suspiciously at Al. "I'll take a shower right now to prove it."
"Good." Francis finally began to smile again, leaning forward to kiss Alfred's forehead. "I'll be in the kitchen." He slowly rose from the bed to walk towards the bedroom door. Only pausing to turn back and close the door behind him, noticing Al curling up under the covers with his phone in hand, rather than getting up like he said he would. He raised a brow, "Alfred..." He called in warning.
"One sec, I gotta wake my legs up first."
"Now, Alfred." The American let out a huff and rolled to the floor, covers and all. Only to slowly crawl his way to his bathroom with a groan of protest. "And you tell me I'm over dramatic." Francis shook his head as he finally closed the door with a click, walking back down the hallway to get them both something to eat.
"Do you feel better?" Francis asked as Alfred leaned back, stretching his arms up over his head after finishing his fifth plate of food. He definitely looked relaxed and at ease, but most of all, clean.
"Yeah, your food is the best~" he complimented, grinning from ear to ear. "Thanks papa!"
Francis leaned against his hand, brushing a few loose strands from his own face. "You need to take better care of yourself. What would you do if I didn't check on you all the time? But there's no need to think of that since I'm here~"
Alfred pouted, "now you're just being full of yourself. Besides, I wouldn't want to make your job pointless if I'm doing everything myself."
"How noble of you," Francis laughed, but the sound was genuine and heartfelt. He glanced towards Marshmallow who was gazing at them from the other side of the table. "Have you been overworking yourself again?"
"Nah, just was having a bit of a hard time." Francis turned his gaze back towards Alfred as he fiddled with his empty glass nervously.
"You know you can talk to me about it, mon petit chou."
"I know, it's just embarassing."
Francis stared at Alfred for a long moment trying to think of what it was that he was keeping from him. Something he had mentioned before perhaps? "Oh, is it..." He trailed off as Alfred seemed to grow more and more uncomfortable. "Oh, Alfred." He reached across the table to place his hands on his son's cheeks. "You're perfect in every way and there's absolutely nothing you need to change." He watched as Alfred began to tear up. "It's fine, you don't have to say anything. I'm here."
Alfred nodded. "Thanks..." He swallowed thickly. "Thanks for coming."
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sweetleaf-cafe · 4 years ago
I was wondering if you could do a scenario where dazai's s/o Is like umaru from 'umaru-chan'? Like at the day time she's the perfect girl and is helpful and kind then when she gets home she's a gamer who is legit so lazy and eats too many potato chips? Thank you! Do take your time!
Thank you for the request! We are happy to do this fic for you! Please note that we decided to keep this gender neutral so that a wider audience can enjoy this piece! 
TW: Dazai (A.K.A. Mentions of suicide.)
(Y/n) smiled as they helped the old lady cross the street, helped comfort a child and bought them some ice cream, helped a lady with her bags. They were the perfect example, when they walked the streets it was like they glowed. "Do you see them?" "They are golden child, their parents are blessed," "They are so cute! Do you think they would go out with me?" People would whisper as they passed, as (Y/n) skipped up to their apartment they saw a kitten about to cross the road as a car approached, right away they grabbed it before it could be hit, sighing (Y/n) scolded the scrap of fur lightly "You should be more careful, here I will help you cross."
"Well aren't you a kind soul for helping a kitten... maybe you could do a double suicide with me!" A voice said out of now where, jumping up in surprise (Y/n) looked around to find a tall man approaching them running a childish grin on his face "Hey you! Come join me in a romantic double suicide!" He yelled jumping, (Y/n) dodged and the man fell face-first on the ground, the kitten meowed like it was laughing. "I am so sorry you just surprised me! Here let me help you up!" (Y/n) said scrambling to help the man up and bowing, the man chuckled, "I'm fine, but back to my offer, do you want to join me!?" He asked, (Y/n) sweatdropped. "Um, well, sorry but I have a lot to live for like helping at daycares and stuff, I hope you find someone to do a double suicide with you one day." (Y/n) responded, the man looked down sad but then smiled and looked back at (Y/n). "Hey! Hey! What's your name? Mine is Osamu Dazai!" He said shaking (Y/n)'s hand vigorously, "I-I-I a-a-am (Y-Y/n) (L/n-n), u-u-m-m-m co-u-ld y-ou pl-ea-se sto-p sh-ak-ing m-y-y han-d-d-d " (Y/n) responds and Dazai lets go of their hand. "Tehee, sorry I was just so excited to meet a beautiful person like you, " He said scratching the back of his neck. (Y/n) shook their head. "It's fine, now if you will excuse me , " (Y/n) said bowing, the kitten meowed like, 'Hello, I am still here!' "Oh sorry, here let's cross the street now " (Y/n) said looking both ways and crossing the street, to her surprise Dazai followed them. "Um, why are you following me?" (Y/n) asked and Dazai gave a toothy grin "Because such a lovely being like you shouldn't be alone in this big city, I will escort you to where you live!" He said, (Y/n) gives him a sweet smile but in their head, all they can think is, 'Is he an idiot? I just want to go home and play games, eat potato chips, and go to bed, oh well, if he is just walking me home that's fine.' "Thank you " (Y/n) says and the odd pair continue on their way. When they at last reach (Y/n) apartment, (Y/n) turns. "Thank you for escorting me, but I am fine now." (Y/n) said and then began to walk to their room, Dazai still following their. "Um, why are you following me to my room?" (Y/n) asked, facing him. "Oh well, I was a little hungry so I was wondering if I could have something to eat..." He asked all that (Y/n) could think was ' IS HE FOR REAL?! ASKING FOR FOOD! Ok, ok, calm down (Y/n), be the sweet person that everyone thinks you are, no that you are, here I go.' "Oh! Of course, let me go get something for you!" (Y/n) says quickly and turns, walking to their room, they unlocked the door and took of their shoes, "Please wait here, I will be right back, are you allergic to anything?" They ask and Dazai shakes his head, quickly grabbing the first bag of chips they could get their hands on, they walked back to where Dazai was supposed to be waiting, but he was gone. "Um, Dazai-san?" (Y/n) called out worried, "I'm in here!" He said, it was coming from their living room 'HE WAS SUPPOSED TO WAIT HERE!' (Y/n) internally screamed rushing into the room, there they found Dazai trying to make a nose with their controller wires. When he saw (Y/n) enter, he smiled brightly and waved, (Y/n) felt their eyes twitch "Um, what are you doing?" They asked in a calm voice "Oh! Well, I got bored waiting so I came in here, I saw these lovely wires and decided to make a noose, also it's pretty messy in here!" He said as he stood on their (Y/n) gamer chair and tied the handmade noose to a support beam, "Dazai-san, could you please not hang yourself in my living room? And please untie your noose," (Y/n) said Dazai looked down at them with puppy eyes but after a look on their face he did exactly what they said. Once that situation was sorted (Y/n) gave Dazai his bag of chips and began to usher him out the door, "Do you have everything? Good, well I hope to see you again (not) and I hope you find someone to commit double suicide with!" You spoke in a rush, because one you were embarrassed, two in the rush you gave him your favorite brand of chips and you couldn't ask for
back, three he bent the cords on your controllers. As Dazai began to walk out he stopped and turned to face (Y/n), "It's all right to take a break and be lazy sometimes, also your secret is safe with me, thanks for the chips!" He said and left, (Y/n) sat against the door frame admiring the setting sun, they didn't really regret giving him their favorite chips anymore at least for now~ (Later...) "THAT SUICIDAL CHIP STEALER!" (Y/n) screamed as they realized that Dazai stole all of their favorite potato chips.
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remmushound · 4 years ago
Curse of the Clan chapter 65 FINALE!!
Tags: @scentedcandlecryptid @selfindulgenz
“LEOOOO!” Michelangelo ran over to Leonardo out of breath, colliding with his brother before he could stop himself. “Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo Leo—“
“Woah woah woah!” Leonardo laughed and put both hands against Michelangelo’s shoulders to keep the excited turtle at bay, “Where’s the fire?”
Michelangelo took a long, deep breath. “I traded face painting for a snail and traded the snail fir a painted rock and I traded the painted rock for a cane and I traded the cane for a ball and I traded the ball for a basket of muffins and I traded the basket of muffins for a kitten and I named him Klunk!”
Michelangelo shoved a tiny orange and white kitten in Leonardo’s face; Klunk gave a tiny mew and batted curiously at Leonardo’s nose before quickly being pulled back against Michelangelo.
“That’s great, Mikey—“
But Michelangelo was already running away again on the trail of a bright butterfly, which left Leonardo once more wandering in search of something to do. Everywhere he looked was something new— young yokai playing games or families swimming in the river or flying flips through the air either on wings or paragliders. Everywhere they all seemed to be having the time of their lives. None of the activities caught and kept his attention though until he happened to look over to an ice cream cart manned by a slime yokai. The current customers were a calico nekomata and an old rat.
“Dad?” Confusion came first, and then came a sneaky, mischievous grin. He rubbed his hands together not unlike a supervillain, “Ohhh this is good~”
Slowly, like he was walking across a cloud, Leonardo glided behind a tree. He pulled himself onto a higher branch to get a vantage point, watching as Splinter and the strange woman passed under; he caught a snippet of conversation.
“I can barely handle my four boys; I don’t know how you manage so many!”
“It’s not all fun and laughter that’s for sure, but most of them get adopted really quickly…”
Leonardo jumped the next tree over, silently cursing himself as a falling leaf made Splinter stop and look up. His nose twitched, eyes narrowing just the slightest bit as he stared directly at Leonardo, but perhaps not seeing him; Leonardo remained like a statue.
“Splinter, what’s the matter?” The woman came to up wrap her arms around Splinter’s arm, looking up and trying to see what he saw.
“Nothing.” Splinter said quickly, “Just thought I saw something.”
Slowly, with Splinter dragging his feet, they moved on. Leonardo saw no point in hiding anymore. Before they could get far, Leonardo dropped down in front of them.
“So do I get to be the flowergirl?”
“AH!” Both rat and cat screamed, but Splinter quickly fell to grabbing his sandal and repeatedly slapping Leonardo with it. “YOU! DUMB! DIRTY! YARO! Scared me half to death!”
Leonardo bunched himself at the assault, laughing harder with each slap as he did his best to protect his face. “I’m - sorry! It was too good to resist! Besides, flower girl is more for Mikey, I wanna be ring bearer!”
“You get to be NOTHING!”
“Now That’s just unfair!”
Splinter swung his arm around the cat to guide her quickly around Leonardo, trying his best to ignore his son's taunting presence.
“Was that your son?” The cat asked, trying to look back and steal another glimpse of Leonardo.
“Don’t look at him and maybe he’ll go away.”
Renet stopped long enough to look around, giving a curious hum at the familiar voice. “Michael?”
Renet gave a startled yelp that was quick to turn into giggles when she recognized Michelangelo had come up from behind and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug.
“HUG! Hi Renet!” Michelangelo skirted around to her front, smiling brightly, “I traded face painting for a snail and traded the snail for a painted rock and I traded the painted rock for a cane and I traded the cane for a ball and I traded the ball for a basket of muffins and I traded the basket of muffins for a kitten and I named him Klunk!” Klunk gave a soft meow. “Also! I caught a butterfly and traded it for a balloon and traded the ballon for an ice cream cone do you want it?”
Michelangelo offered a strawberry ice cream to Renet, who accepted it with a confused but excited smile. “Uh… thanks. I’ve never had ice cream before!”
She looked over the frozen treat for a curious moment, then took a big bite out of it before Michelangelo could stop her. The cold immediately seized her body and she brought a hand up to cover her mouth against the drool that tried to escape from the shock.
“Mm… cold.” She shivered, wiping her mouth once more before she let herself giggle.
“You’re supposed to lick it, not bite it.” Michelangelo encouraged.
Renet did as asked, swiping her tongue across the length of the dripping ice cream, “Mm! It’s good.”
“It’s ice cream, of course it’s good!” Michelangelo beamed, “What are you doing out here? I didn't think you left your mansion all that often.”
“Yeah I uh… I don’t.” Renet said with a giddy laugh, “Today’s actually the first day. I’ve never seen the sun before.. It’s just as beautiful as I imagined. But hot…”
Renet swiped a few beads of sweat off of her forehead. Michelangelo gasped and, out of an innocent want to help, went to grab the back of her wheelchair to push her. Renet pulled away from the attempt, rolling back around to face him while Michelangelo looked confused, and then startled at Renet’s uncomfortable expression.
“Actually I can roll myself.” She said slowly.
“OH! I— I’m sorry!” Michelangelo squeaked, head shrinking, “I was just going to bring you into the shade…”
Michelangelo motioned to the shade of a nearby tree and Renet started to roll herself over to it while Michelangelo trailed behind.
“I’m sorry.” He repeated again, “Was the hug bad too?”
“O-oh, no, you’re fine just… don’t grab my chair unless I ask you, okay?”
Michelangelo nodded quickly. “Yes Ma���am! And thanks again for, you know, making sure we don’t burn a fiery death in TCRI.”
“Oh yeah, no biggie.” She nodded; the ice cream in her hand was quickly disappearing. “I really enjoy being out here with all the sun and the grass and the bugs! Maaaan I love the bugs!”
“I didn't get out much as a child either.” Michelangelo related, “It was so fun when I got to learn about all the critters and— and watching the stars and the sun rise! And it never gets old because it’s always so different!”
“Well I’m glad to finally experience it.” Renet finished off her cone and then rolled a little further so her front was in the sun; she closed her eyes against the warmth, the light bouncing off her scales in a flashy display, like sunbeams on water. Her skin seemed to glow radiant like light amber, the baby blue headscarf catching the breeze. “The wind is like the sweetest honeydew on my skin… and it’s like I can taste the colors of the world!”
“Well, if you wanna enjoy even more of the world…” Michelangelo started, rubbing his head, “Maybe you want to come eat with me and my family?”
Renet opened her eyes and looked to Michelangelo. “I’d love to!
While his brothers were exploring, Donatello was content to stay at the table near the girls. He had been away for so long that there was a seemingly endless amount of social media he needed to catch up with, so he took the opportunity to get a head start on it. Occasionally April or Sunita would throw a shrimp or a burger his way to use him as a taste tester, but he didn't mind. Scrolling was certainly working up an appetite.
Something hit him in the face. Donatello groaned and reached up, having to swipe a few times before he was able to pull it off, and when he did he was hit with a wave wave of confusion. It was a cherry blossom flower— not just a petal, but a full, blooming flower! Even as Donatello held the stemless thing in his hand, it seemed to open a little wider, the dew drops on its petals dripping down and dampening his palm.
Donatello looked around and saw no tree, nor anyone carrying such flowers that could have been lost. Carefully, his fingers traced along the pink curves, soft as melted butter. He stood up, and when he did, he looked down. In the grass just ahead of him was a trail of flowers, blooming before his very eyes and stretching toward the warmth of the sun. The trail was expanding closer to him until the flowers came to him, gentle stems tickling his ankles as he lifted his feet to see the spectacle better. The blooming flowers led to a golden rift at the end of the trail, similar to Draxum’s except with flowers instead of vines. A rift identical to the one that had rescued Donatello and his brothers from The Sea of Trees.
“I told you your brothers would come.” Said a familiar voice— the kirins voice!
And then the flowers were gone, and so was the rift, and so was the voice.
“Don, food’s done.” April called, then put a hand on her hip and gave a frustrated huff when it seemed Donatello wasn’t listening to her.
“Y-yeah, be there in a second.” The hand that once held the cherry blossom felt empty now in its absence, and it took Donatello several long heartbeats to turn back to his meal. “Thanks April… it looks great.”
“It better!” April laughed, “Then again I’d bet anything looks great to you given the past two weeks you spent alone.”
“Yeah…” And Donatello looked to the table and saw a basket of berries sitting there for him, shining with a heavenly glow, “Alone.”
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expired-monster-craft-smp · 4 years ago
Vibes Dream SMP members give off (in my opinion)
Barked at people in high school ironically but it became unironic real quick
Can’t cook very well but is good with a knife, especially at a fast pace
One of those kids who either purposely spells the first word wrong in a spelling bee to just be done with it right away or tries the hardest and manages to win (there is no inbetween for this heathen)
Bites ice cream with his teeth
Has snorted pixie stix far too many times and sneezed blue after each time
Eats bananas with the peels
Wears mismatched socks
Has taken a bite out of a pool noodle because he liked the texture and impulsively bit it (ADHD things✨😌)
Walks around looking extremely high but he’s just spacin out and stuck in his head
Dreams (lmao) in Minecraft and video games in general
Will flirt with anything that moves but has no idea how to respond to compliments
Makes fun of himself first before anyone else can
Has eaten an orange peel and it wasn’t that bad in his humble opinion
Wears khaki shorts
Eats the wax part of the baby bell cheese
Doesn’t actually know what genre his music taste is cause he vibes to everything
Picks at the skin on his lip when it’s dry so it bleeds and he tries not to give in by licking his lips often enough to the point where it became a habit
Wears velcro shoes because he doesn’t feel like tying them (he knows how, he just doesn’t wanna do it)
Eats peanut butter straight from the jar
Makes that disgusting “ants on a log” thing (celery stick filled with peanut butter topped with a row of raisins)
Can’t drink milk plain, it’s gotta have some sort of flavour
Can draw a perfect straight line but his circles look Terrible
Eats cheez-its like cereal without milk
Loves making little noises so much like he walks around his house doin chores and he’s just goin “memememenownownwnkwkshskshkshskhs”
Hates wearing socks
Coloured his tongue with highlighters because they’re non-toxic
Constantly tapping his feet and hands to a song/beat playing in his head
I can’t imagine this man using a bike of any sort, so Imma say he doesn’t know how
Can’t be licked by dogs because he’s used to being licked by his cat so it makes him uncomfortable
Can actually sing pretty well but gets real nervous in front of people so he fucks it up
No idea how to cook anything other than Mac and cheese please help this man
Meows at cats because he wants to confuse them and laughs Way too hard when he does (his laugh is like sunshine so I’ll allow it)
Would be fantastic at braiding hair Idk why
Gives the BEST fuckin hugs EVER
When singing, he makes noises for the instrumental parts too
Wanted to play the drums at one point
Really likes pit bulls but he’s more of a cat person so he loves them from afar
Only vaguely knows how to shave his face properly without hurting himself
Opportunities for him come up out of pure luck but mans is skilled for them so it works out well almost Always
Used to or currently has a skateboard and isn’t too bad
ALWAYS has bruises appearing everywhere for no reason, he doesn’t even know where 90% of them are from
Calls his friends twinks to jokingly bully them and gets away with it because he himself is not a twink
Gets sudden bursts of energy in the middle of the night and just shimmies around a bit to try and deal with it
Favours spearmint over peppermint
Banned from three (3) Dave & Busters in Texas
Washes his hands after doing literally anything
Likes the bird exhibits at the zoo (specifically the penguins)
Very good at cooking, best at soups and stews
If he painted his nails they would definitely be a baby blue
Overthinks very simple things and it makes him look less smart than he actually is
Drinks tap water
Probably prefers whiskey over beer
Knows how to tap dance a bit
Surprisingly good at taking and handling shots
Steady hands
Adds extra chocolate to hot chocolate
Plays sudoku and is really really good at it (only uses pen when he plays)
Everytime he sees a Himalayan salt lamp he NEEDS to lick it despite knowing it’s very salty and he’ll pull a face afterwards
Not great at Rock Paper Scissors
Wears sunglasses inside for no reason at all, he just,,,Does
Still has a stuffed animal from childhood perched on his bed
Probably tried his hand at archery
He has no idea how to use a baby voice on children or animals, so he just talks to them normally
Wears socks to bed
His fingers are double jointed
Always starts twitching if he stays still for too long because he’s gotta move around
His shoes and have different laces and it bothers everyone but himself
Doodles on himself in class when he’s bored or not paying attention
Has really good hearing, both with pitch and volume
Can’t eat tomato’s by themselves, it’s either gotta be in sauce form or with something else
Terrible handwriting
Favourite part of a slice of bread is the crust
Wants to paint his nails black to be cool and edgy but his hands are far from steady and he has no clue how to paint nails
Pretty affectionate with close friends (like Tubbo and Wilbur) off stream/camera
He likes pears for some reason
Wilbur Soot
Is constantly having to decide between leaving his hair as is or shaving all of it off
He also thinks about adding some colour but never actually does
Most tea is gross to him
Everytime he puts a breath mint thats circular in his mouth, he pretends it’s a pill and he’s taking drugs because he thinks that’s funny
He does that vacant state as a joke but that really what he looks like when he’s spacing out
Likes to aggressively flirt with his male friends but if his female friends flirt with him, he gets a bit flustered
Has probably accidentally swallowed a guitar pick
Once drank two entire jars of pickle juice
Bonks his head on anything and everything
He has broken a pair of glasses by walking face first into a pole outside
Thinks kinetic sand is fun
Has passionate arguments with others about trivial and random topics like chicken feet
Can open a beer bottle with his teeth
Would accidentally pop and swallow a bracket if he had braces
Hates sharp cheddar cheese
Everytime he learns a new word it’s in every sentence he says for the next week or so
Ate candle wax for a dare once
Doesn’t know how to tie a tie and will probably never learn
Wanted to do ballet at one point but decided not to
He has eaten multiple flowers for absolutely no reason other than wanting to know how they taste
Starts vibrating if he’s too excited
Used to bite his nails
Has eaten paper and says it doesn’t taste that bad
Enjoys telling his friends how much they mean to him (this has resulted in Tommy and Wilbur crying on a few seperate occasions)
Spaces out a lot and doesn’t often pay attention to his surroundings
Gets lost inside of Best Buy’s
Likes s’mores but doesn’t properly understand how to make them
Learned to cook purely out of spite and found it’s actually pretty fun
Constantly getting smacked in the face by trees when walking outside
Really likes apple pie
Everytime he looks at potatoes he thinks of all the hours he spent trying to win the potato war
Starts things as a joke and gets too into it
Doesn’t like the taste of most energy drinks
Has rubbed salt and lemon juice into an open wound to just,,see how it felt (he did it once and Hated it but did it again because he forgot what it felt like)
Sometimes hates how quiet he is because everyone he knows is loud and talks over him
Despite how he is portrayed in the Dream SMP, he is extremely loyal to his friends and would kill for them
Over seasons his food because he can’t taste it otherwise
Really good balance
Doesn’t like to wear bright colours, but still enjoys wearing colours
Good at knitting
Actually fairly quiet when off camera
Will accidentally use Spanish grammar while speaking English sometimes
Country music confuses him
Doesn’t really like kids but they really like him
Can’t dance
Hardest drugs he’s ever done is second hand smoke from a cigarette and children’s Tylenol
His favourite jolly ranchers are the red and blue ones
He uses lighters as fidget toys basically
Will have a breakdown, take a bubble bath, and call himself the self care king
Wants a pet rat but he already has a cat and doesn’t wanna risk anything
Constantly questions why his main source of income is playing Minecraft with two 16 year olds
Karl Jacobs
Probably ate a spider once
Would wear those socks that are like gloves for you feet where it separates all the toes
Eats ravioli straight from the can, cold
Can answer an incredibly complex math equation fairly easily but will stumble over 12x11
Loves kids so much and speaks to them in a soft voice
Tried making ramen in a coffee pot and broke it
Drinks 2 monster energy drinks a day on average
Likes to open walnuts with his teeth but doesn’t actually eat them
The embodiment of that one John Maulany joke where he says you could spill soup in his lap and HE’D apologize to YOU
Loves physical affection so so much!!!!
If he moves his wrists in a certain way, they pop Really Loudly
Fantastic at making cookies
Lowkey actually a furry but more on like, a cat boy level than fursuit level
Drives a Honda Civic
Likes ABBA
Adds parsley to almost anything he makes food-wise
Loves garlic bread so much, he’d commit a federal crime for it
Middle child vibes
Decent at skiing
Good at singing but isn’t terribly confident
Seems responsible at first glance but in reality he’s pretty chaotic and childish
Bad at spelling
Always cuts his nails way too short so they always feel weird/hurt
Likes bracelets and rings
Thinks pastel colours slap
Despite the character he plays, he’s actually really sweet
He’s genuinely that cryptic off camera as he is on camera
Can cook but chooses not to most of the time
Would probably say “what pussy size you wear” to anyone who asks him to buy pads
Not actually as intimidating as he appears to be
Lowkey would fight a child
Shuts down when someone compliments him, often using aggression as a front because holy shit they just called him handsome and kind what the Fuck-
Jokingly says his license is suspended but in all actuality he never got his license in the first place
He has two (2) extra teeth but they don’t need to be removed so he kept them
Has a stick n poke of a stickman on his ankle he got in high school
Likes physics
This is already very long, and I still plan on adding more.
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snapeaddict · 4 years ago
Small thing for Minvember, day 6: cat
Here we go with another song, @mmad-lover!
Bébé soleil
There are memories that never leave us, memories where everything feels perfect, where the rays of sun, still slightly orange, lazily spread on the dark-red carpet, where the room smells of delicious toasted bread and coffee, where the general atmosphere is so full of peacefulness we know at once this very moment will stay with us for a long time.
Albus was not awake yet. Little Severus had been for an hour, but he had not cried, just magically appeared on top of their bed as Minerva had opened her eyes. He could still barely walk, but apparently, he already had other options. He was a very silent child, the kind who spoke with his eyes and would communicate his feelings with gestures and small noises, but did not scream, and did not attempt to speak yet. She very gently picked him up.
“Good morning dear”, she whispered, careful not to wake her husband. “How did you manage to get here, mmh? Are you cold?”
Severus simply smiled timidly. She wrapped him up in a warm blanket and slowly got up, heading toward the living room. There she lit a fire in the chimney as Severus happily started playing with wooden toys, the first Albus had brought him, and therefore his favourites. It was a bright, quiet Saturday morning and Minerva had this strange feeling being awake was relaxing. She was not aware yet of how much she would miss these moments of tranquillity, but she was enjoying every second of it. Severus was watching her.
“Mum will play with you as soon as she finishes to make breakfast, okay?”
He was very still during the whole process, his big black eyes following each of her movements as she brought bread, butter, various kinds of jams, cocoa and coffee on the table. There also was a large glass of fresh orange juice for him, as she was very careful he was getting enough vitamins. She then knelt next to the boy, observing the little wooden figures in had carefully placed in a circle.
“Do you want to eat now? Or wait for dad to wake up?”
Severus pointed his toys. At the centre of the circle he placed a small black cat and clapped his hands, raising his eyes towards her. She smiled.
“I can be a bigger cat if you want. A real one with very soft fur. Would you like that?”
She knew he would. Each time she transformed into a cat he was extremely enthusiastic and far more grabby than he was with her in her human form. He was so small, it was the first time she did not feel small herself when being a cat – she actually considered she had a better understanding of his feelings in those moments, as the angle at which she observed his face was different. He hugged her, and she purred.
She could not even help it. And being a cat, she was much more playful.
Half an hour later, when Albus finally came down, dressed in a pastel lilac-purple dressing gown, he found the both of them giggling, half lying on the floor, Severus curled up against Minerva’s fur. Sometimes he would very gently pull her tail and she would meow in protest, climbing on top of him and refusing to move; and the small boy laughed again, crawling on the carpet until he was too exhausted to go any further. Then they lied there, breathless and smiling, looking at the ceiling above them and enjoying the warmth of the morning sun on their faces. Albus sat with an amused look on his face, buttering a piece of bread. He would not disturb them.
Severus, very comfortable in the little nest of warmth he had made for himself, happily dozed off.
And Minerva watched his sweet little face with delight, her eyes, no matter if they were those of a human or cat, filled with a mother’s love: there was a small ray of sunshine snuggled up to her heart.
~ Very important to listen to the song linked in the title! Clumsy translation below
I have a Baby Sun in the depths of my nights
That lulls me to sleep and shines
Sweet little face who climbs with soft steps
The staircase of the summer room
I have a Baby Sun in the sky of my life
Who comes as soon as he wakes up in my bed
Telling me (his) dreams and singing songs
Snuggled up against my heart it feels good
A thunderstorm broke out in the night
Small hug in the morning, to start the day well
Small happiness, my heart’s going to burst
At the time when all children have fallen asleep
And my Baby Sun, heart beating in the rain
Came to join me quietly
I told him about the fights of those dark clouds
Tears of fear flowed down his cheeks without ceasing
It is incredible how much he trembled
When they met
The day was up when the storm stopped
Croissants, chestnut cream, toast
The sky was bright for breakfast
There were coffee éclairs (a pun as éclair means lightning in a storm)
Small dip in soap creams and shaving foam
I needed three words to finish a verse
Little happiness, fear is quickly forgotten
Small happiness, my heart is going to burst
Alone with my piano, I searched
I felt him enter on tiptoe
I was in heaven
That’s when he started dancing
His steps were flying on the carpet, he was bursting with life,
He already knew by heart
That lulls me to sleep and shines
That one-hour song and sang it too…
It is a Baby Sun in the depths of my nights
Sweet little face who climbs with soft steps
The staircase of the summer room
- Yves Duteil, Bébé Soleil
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aethelar · 5 years ago
The thing you don’t realise when you look at Newt is that he was born a girl. Or - no, that’s not right. He was born a boy, and even when he didn’t realise it he felt uncomfortable and out of place every time he was reminded what people saw him as.
Maybe, he thought as a teenager, hair down his back and makeup lining his eyes, maybe I’m just not trying hard enough. Maybe, he thought, looking at the other girls, there’s something wrong. Or maybe there’s nothing wrong. It’s normal for girls to be uncomfortable in their skin, isn’t it? That’s why makeup exists, why you grow your hair so long the weight of it gives you headaches, why you define yourself by the way other people see you and not by the way you see yourself.
But that was then. He was born a boy in a girl’s body, and when he was fifteen, kneeling in front of the bed so Leta could make a lopsided mess of his hair with the too-blunt scissors from her pencil case, throwing out the revealing clothes he’d tried so hard to feel feminine in and curling up laughing in a baggy hoody that disguised his chest, he became a boy in a boy’s body, and it was good.
It was good. A womb does not define a person. He’s lucky; with his hair short and his binder on, he looks like the boy he knows he is, and for him, that’s enough. He never went for surgery. He didn’t need it. This is not a story about struggling to accept yourself or to be accepted because Newt called himself a boy and he was one, and when Graves learnt that his body was a different shape underneath his clothes he didn’t run screaming for the hills because really, who does that? The sort of relationship that matters to is not the sort the story’s about.
It’s about the sort of relationship that started at university. First day, first term, Newt met Graves on the stairs and Graves offered to help him with the oversized suitcase he was hauling to his room. We’ve gone for a modern AU. No magic. They’re the same age, or nearly; Graves is a few months older. Newt studies science because he’s good at biology but he wants to be a writer, Graves studies history because you shape the future by learning from the past, they live two doors down from each other in first year and in second and third they share a house with three other people and Newt spends more time in Graves’ room than his own, and in fourth year Newt stays on because he changed to zoology half way through and is a year behind and Graves goes out to the world and gets a job and it’s hard to be apart but when they see each other they make a big deal of it and it’s good.
This is a fix it. It’s not fixing canon. Newt is the way he is because a womb does not define a person. It’s a fix it.
They live together again when Newt graduates. A flat above a shop in the centre of town. Not a flat, a maisonette. They have an old cat, one that goes out the window over the kitchen sink and scampers along the rooftops, a sofa made squishy with too many cushions, and an entire cupboard in the kitchen dedicated to an overflowing variety of tea. Graves’ coffee lives on the side. They stay in the flat for less than a year, then they travel; that’s on Newt, who came home one day and said, “I’m going to quit my job and go to South America, do you want to come?”
Maybe it was drastic. Maybe it wasn’t. He doesn’t do well in offices. Graves blinks, and phones his mum, and tells his work, and they offer him a promotion if he’ll stay because fuck it, he’s actually really good at what he does. He chooses Newt. It’s that kind of love story. You have to understand, Graves chooses Newt, all Newt’s failings and all the stupid ways Newt doesn’t fit together and doesn’t understand how people work and the way he changed degree half way through because he has the sticking power of a greased teaspoon and the only thing he’s ever stuck with this long is Graves, and Graves chose him.
I don’t know what needs fixing. I don’t understand. I love Graves. Newt loves Graves. Why does anything have to need fixing.
The cat went to live with Newt’s parents. She enjoys the garden, and Newt fusses about the fact that she needs the expensive tooth crunchies because she’s an old cat. Old cats still need love, they just also need someone to care for their teeth, and when the flat is packed up and moved into Newt’s parents’ loft the box of cat things is left at the bottom of the stairs to take over the rest of the house. As it should be. Newt and Graves travel, and they argue, and in Mendoza Newt throws his hands in the air and says fine, if that’s the way you want to be - and when he storms off, Graves comes after him.
“You muppet,” he says, catching Newt’s hand in his. “You’re going the wrong way.”
Even when they argue, Graves is stupidly sweet. It would be easier if he wasn’t. The problem with things that are nearly perfect is you can’t back away. You’re in too deep to ever give up, and when they come back, they get married. They choose a house with a spare bedroom that could be turned into a nursery. They make a fuss of their old lady at Newt’s parents’ house and decide it would be kinder to leave her where she is. Part of loving a cat is knowing when it would be selfish to uproot their life again just because you want them close, and Newt’s parents’ house is full of sunspots that she likes to sleep in.
In their new house, they have fish. Many fish. Newt names them all, even when they breed, and it breaks his heart to take some of them back to the fish shop because they’ve bred too much and he doesn’t have the space to house them all, but he does. Gerbils, two gerbils, in a big glass tank with a wheel fixed to the back by plastic hooks stuck to the glass. They sit in Newt’s palm and eat bits of courgette, and they like trying to dig their way through his elbow when he’s wearing sleeves. Another cat, a little menace from a rescue shelter who has zero manners and zero regard for appropriate play, but who, slowly, cautiously, learns that Newt is for sleeping on and that Graves is for rubbing her head against and that she can meow to get what she wants instead of going straight for the kill with her teeth.
She isn’t allowed in the gerbil’s room. She learns to open doors. When Newt and Graves thought they’d have to install child locks at some point, this isn’t quite what they had in mind.
“Papa’s little monkey,” Graves says, scritching at the base of her tail while she purrs. “Savaging Mummy, knocking everything off the shelves, what are we going to do with you, hey?”
“She doesn’t savage Mummy any more,” Newt protests. “She’s getting better at claws-in.” Her favorite toy is a sheep-plush tied to a piece of garden twine; Newt dangles it for her and she does a somersault in its general direction and pounces. She only savages now when it rains and she has too much energy to be cooped up inside, and she sits on the windowsill and yowls as though Newt were being too slow in fixing the weather for her to go out and play.
It’s family. Newt is Mummy. Graves is Papa. It’s nothing to do with the fact that Newt has a womb. The house has an extra bedroom, it’s full of boxes at the moment with a random chair thrown in for fun, but it’s meant to be a nursery at some point, and here’s the thing.
Before they got married, they talked about kids. Graves is a softie. He melts. He does the silly voices reading the story books, he picks them up and lets them ride on his shoulders to make them laugh. Cousins. Friends’ kids. It doesn’t matter. He was always going to be a dad, and Newt always wanted to be there with him, and that, like so many other things in this story, is good.
Newt can’t remember how the conversation happened, but. At some point, it came up. Newt has a womb. There is no reason, biologically, that he couldn’t have kids. He loves Graves. At some point, at some time, when it was a thing for the distant future, he said yes.
He said yes.
They tried to have sex that way. Newt couldn’t. Not - no, he could, he’s just not trying hard enough. Maybe there’s something wrong with him. Maybe there’s nothing wrong. He’s been through this fucking trial before and he accepted himself and this isn’t a damn story about that.
He was on birth control. Side effects include loss of libido, among other things. He talked to a doctor, and he said, “It’s fine. He’s fine. He knows I don’t like sex, that’s not the problem, I’m not worried about our relationship. I just... want to give him kids one day.”
He went off birth control. He was recommended a self help book. He was prescribed anti depressents, anti depressents, he’s asexual not fucking depressed and the reasoning, apparently, is that it makes you calm so you don’t panic while it happens and is he meant to fucking roofie himself for the sake of his damn fix-it?
He doesn’t take the anti depressents. He tries reading the self help book and gives up in disgust. His periods come back, and with them the pain and the urge to cry and scream and hate the fact that he can wrap himself in his flag all he likes but flags don’t solve problems like this and Graves doesn’t push, Graves never pushes, Graves understands and brings him ice cream and sits through the most awkward conversations with as open an expression as Newt could ever have asked for and Graves is damn wonderful it isn’t his fault that Newt has a womb and doesn’t want to use it but how the fuck do you fix this mess -
And the place it goes wrong is that Newt says: “What do you think of adopting?”
And the place it goes wrong is that Graves says: “Oh.”
It’s not a good oh. It’s an oh that says, I wanted your kid, not someone else’s. It’s an oh that says, I’d really rather not. It’s an oh that says, there’s no pressure, take all the time you need, but at the end of the day adoption is not the solution you hoped it was.
Why not. Newt brought it up after the first time they failed to have sex, tentative, not pushing. Then he went to the doctor, got his implant taken out, went through all the tests and all the awkwardness until he could get referred to the hospital. The hospital. There’s nothing wrong with him. Being asexual is not a disease. Having a womb and not wanting to use it is not a medical issue that needs to be fixed.
He’s had consultations. He’s had an ultrasound and confirmed that all the tubes are tubing like tubes ought to do, there’s nothing to stop him getting pregnant if he tried. It’s almost a disappointment, that, and when he realises he was waiting for it to be a way out he brings it up again.
“Graves,” he says. “If you want the baby to be yours, would you consider a surrogate?”
“Oh,” Graves says. “I thought the hospital was going well?”
Going well. The tubes are tubing. Newt does not have a disease. Newt does not want to have sex. Or to be pregnant, or to give birth. “You can’t cure asexuality,” he tries to explain, but Graves knows that. “You’re asking a lot of me,” he says next. It’s been over a year since they married. Graves hasn’t been to the doctor about this, Graves wouldn’t be the one growing a baby inside him for nine months. “We both want a family, and I’ve been trying really hard to give you one, but all the compromise is ending up on me and I don’t want to go through with it.”
“But if we adopt,” Graves says, “Then all the compromise goes on me.”
Here’s the thing. Newt doesn’t understand. I don’t understand. A baby is a baby, what do you lose if it isn’t genetically yours? The fish that were born in our tank get taken back to the petshop, the cat that was abandoned by someone else stays in our house and claws up our sofa, what’s to stop you loving someone just because you didn’t make them? You make them when you raise them, you love them because they need you, none of that changes if they don’t share your DNA.
Graves can’t explain. I don’t know how to write him. I don’t know how to fix this. I love him. How can’t he see, how can he be the person I know so well and love so much and not see the months I’ve been going to the hospital, the compromises I’ve already made, how can Graves not appreciate that Newt having a womb doesn’t mean he has to use it, how is this story meant to end?
“Will you talk to someone?” Newt asks. “Someone who isn’t me?”
“Because when you talk to me, I think there are things you don’t say because you don’t want to hurt me. Neither of us want to argue, and it means that we’re both being too careful, and I think that if you talked to someone else you wouldn’t have that to hold you back. I think it would help.”
Graves is doubtful, I think, but he agrees. He’s quiet for the rest of the day. At lunch, he takes himself up to the gerbil’s room that will one day be a nursery and drinks his coffee and Newt leaves him to it, and maybe he’s talking to them about it, who knows.
At lunch, Newt sits by the fishtank with his cup of tea. He opens his laptop. He writes, and he talks to fictional characters, and he starts a story he says is a fix it and ends with it in a jumbled mess.
You can’t blame Graves. You can’t be angry at him. You have to understand, he’s a good man. I love him. Just because he can’t explain why it’s important doesn’t mean it’s not important, just because it doesn’t matter to me that the baby is genetically ours doesn’t mean it shouldn’t matter at all. It’s not his fault Newt is the way he is.
It’s not meant to be anyone’s fault. There’s not meant to be anything wrong with it. He’s always understood that before.
I don’t know what to do.
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wonderlustlucas · 6 years ago
soonie, doongie, dori, & john - lee minho
��� prompt “Why did you steal a fish? You don’t even take care of yourself let alone a fish.”—a prompt from @the-moon-dust-writings​ ⇢ pairing minho x female reader ⇢ word count 4.4k ⇢ genre fluff ⇢ warnings lots of cat interaction. if u don’t have a cat you may be confused. mega fluff. that’s it. ⇢ summary Sharing an apartment with Lee Minho has been an adventure since day one. Plus, you got a best friend and three fur children out of the deal. But when a heavy realization hits you the same morning Minho has an accident at the pet store, it seems as if it’s only a matter of time before John shoots Cupid’s arrow and paves the way for a happy ending.—friends to lovers!au ⇢ a/n bear with me on this one, it’s kind of slow in the beginning. this is the first i’ve written in ages. i feel like i’ve forgotten how to english. also i did as much research as i could find to try & figure out the genders of minnie’s cats hopefully theyre right jsfajkhkjf. also i watched a lot of vids of minho for this & it rlly made me realize how much i love him & how soft i am for him & it seems as if my bias list is unstable now
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From her curled-up position in between your legs, Dori’s ears twitch up in attention at the sound of the front door swinging open and closed from across the apartment. She has grown a lot since Minho first brought her home, you notice when she finally lifts her tiny head to listen to the footsteps past your bedroom door, jade eyes blinking tiredly at you in post-nap dreariness. Excited, she pushes herself up to arch her back in a long stretch before she abandons the warmth of your bed to greet Minho. Pouting, you watch as Soonie ditches you as well, hopping off from his perch looking out the window to follow the younger kitten.
“Oh well,” you mutter to none other than Doongie who stays by your side, white mittened paws tucked snugly under her chest that rumbles with a purr when you reach over to scratch the soft fur behind her ear, “I still have you.” You can practically feel Minho’s jealousy radiating from behind the door when only two out of his three children go to see him— not that this is new.
It has been this way since you moved in together nearly two years ago. Due to increasing international interest for your university at the end of each year, not every incoming freshman was guaranteed a dorm room. It just so happened Minho and you were two unlucky victims of such a shortage. By chance, you had met at an open house only seven months prior and so, not even knowing whether he was frantically searching for an apartment like yourself, you reached out to him with an offer your parents helped scrap up.
Minho was uncertain at first. First, he was not prepared to start university living with a girl. It wasn’t that he did not like girls; he simply grew up expecting to meet his forever “bro” in his dorm room. In addition to this, he was an only child and imagined living with a female only child could end up causing him some great distress.
Secondly, while the pros outweighed the cons for the most part, he was more than disappointed that the apartment was in a more… domestic part of town. Yes, the rent was cheaper than the apartments closer to campus. Yes, he would be able to have a car now and yes, the apartment really was more than sustainable for two kids, but it was all these things and more because it was not an area where sleaze balls sunk their talons into desperate students looking for a place to live. And so, this basically meant that the two of you were close to the only students in the area.
And last but not least: there was only one bathroom. Enough said.
But what eventually won him over was the fact that the apartment was pet friendly, which meant he could bring Soonie and Doongie (and Dori, eventually) with him. It was for this reason he finally agreed to share the apartment with you before he lost the opportunity and you asked someone else.
It couldn’t be that bad, right? Afterall, you seemed nice enough at the open house and you did go out of your way to ask him in the first place to live with you. And he was right. In fact, it was not bad at all. You were more than nice, generally not concerned with specifics other than the agreement that Wednesday was grocery shopping day together, Friday was cleaning day, and that you washed your own dishes. Minho did not mind those three simple promises because he found getting to be your friend easy and your roommate his favorite part of his day.
What he did mind, however, was the fact that Doongie instantly took a liking to you. “This isn’t fair,” he complained only your third day together after searching for said feline and finding her cozied up with you on the sofa, “how can she betray me like this?”
His possessiveness humored you, to say the least. “What can I say? She just likes me better. You’ve bored her, Minnie.” He grimaced at the nickname and your bold statement. You were just bluffing—there’s no way Doongie would choose you over him after all these years, right?
Wrong. After freshman year flew by and the two of you agreed to stick together for a second year due to how dependent you had become on one another, he suddenly brought home Dori to ‘fill the void Doongie left in my heart,’ he exaggerated. “Wow, is Soonie not enough for you? You make him sound so unimportant. Maybe I’ll steal him too,” you had replied, grinning from your spot in bed when he narrowed his eyes at you.
“I thought you’d be mad I brought a kitten home,” Minho admitted from the doorway, ignoring what you said and holding said tabby against his chest with one arm. He’s so cute, you admired for hardly a second, reaching for your iced tea on your bed side table and shrugging to him, “You know I don’t care, you’re the one who pays the vet bills. Bring all the cats you want; the more, the merrier,” you said, taking a sip and blinking at him lethargically.
For a moment he was quiet, processing your words before, “If we get married it would be our vet bills.”
You nearly choked on a mouthful of tea. Married? You took a moment to collect yourself and your thoughts. “Minho, if your plan is to marry me, you’ve done a terrible job at getting that message across.”
“Damn, what can I do?” He asked, sulking.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, grinning at him behind warm cheeks, “you can start by getting your ass over here so I can see this new kitty and discuss our wedding theme.”
And that’s just how things were; you, Minho, Soonie, Doongie, and Dori.
Or so you thought.
Past the hum of your ceiling fan and the purring coming from Doongie like an engine, for a minute or so you listen to Minho sing, “I want to see my little boy,” from Vine to presumably Soonie at least four times, followed by a loud thud, a high-pitched screech (not from a cat), a door slamming closed, and then the pipes moaning like a horror movie as the shower is turned on. Unfazed by the chain of events as this kind of chaos was something you have come to accept living with Minho, you shrug off all the noises you heard and opt instead to regretfully roll over until you meet the edge of the mattress.
Once you manage to tumble out of bed and stretch good enough to make your legs shake, Doongie lets out unamused meow now that her own personal space heater and pillow has moved.
It’s you. You’re the personal space heater pillow.
“Whaaaat,” you reply, grabbing a pair of cotton shorts from a drawer and glancing back at her. With ears drawn flat, Doongie follows your movements with a cold glare. “I’m sorry,” you coo, falling for her manipulation and bending back over the mattress to envelope her in a hug of sorts and cover her muzzle in kisses. When she starts struggling to get away from your grip, beginning to meow loudly and pushing your arm away with her paws, you pull away and scratch the base of her tail as she stands to stretch.
Shimmying the shorts up your legs with an unnecessary amount of effort exerted, you at last exit your room for the day, grabbing your phone from where it sat charging on the bed side table on the way. Padding barefoot down the brief hallway, you realize with a shiver when you reach the tiny dining room table how unreasonably freezing it is in the apartment. Minho must have not raised the thermostat this morning after lowering it to sleep.
Instead of fixing the problem, you reach for Minho’s orange university sweatshirt draped over one of the chairs and pull it over your head. At your feet, Doongie weaves between your legs, dragging the side of her face against your shins and she does not stop mewing until you bend down to gather her into your arms so that her front paws dangle over your shoulder. “So needy, you are,” you grumble, blowing her tail away when she threatens to swat your mouth and making way for the kitchen where coffee calls your name.
Minho must have made enough for the both of you as there is still another cup or two left in the pot, you realize with a smile, reaching up into the cabinet for a mug and pouring yourself a cup. Doongie leaps off your shoulder when you open the refrigerator for creamer, joining Soonie and Dori who sit poised like statues along the kitchen’s pony wall.
Stirring in cream and sugar, you wait until the color softens to a lighter shade of brown before unwrapping the flakey chocolate croissant Minho bought you yesterday and taking a seat at the table. Humming to yourself, you shift to cross your legs on the chair while taking slow sips of your coffee, heart beginning to thump faster in your chest.
And it’s not from the caffeine now making its way through your system.
This is too good. Life is too good, and you should not feel at such peace at twenty years old. You should not be having such a casual morning, drinking coffee Minho made for you, eating a croissant Minho bought you, wearing a sweatshirt Minho left hanging around, having a staring contest with the cats Minho brought into your life, listening to Minho sing in the shower one room over. Minho.
You slowly set your mug down with a newfound epiphany flashing like a billboard in your brain. Of course, you always knew Minho was the most special person in your life recently, your best friend really, and that you loved him. You probably would not have lived with him for this long if you didn’t. But since when were you in love with him?
You shake your head and take a hefty mouthful, hoping to wash away such troublesome thoughts. You’ll get over it. It’s just a crush. On the boy you live with. And spend all your time with.
“Oh boy, what are we gonna do now?” You ask the three felines who have abandoned studying you to stare down like hawks at the table, ears raised in curiosity. You follow their gaze, squinting in hope to better your vision when you see the fluttering tail of a fish as it swims within its tiny plastic cup. Blinking once, twice, and on the third you finally reach over and grab the container, bringing it closer to inspect and yep, that most certainly is a betta fish staring back at you.
Setting it atop the refrigerator where the cats can’t get to it, you stuff the rest of breakfast into your mouth and dump what’s left of your coffee into the sink before marching to the bathroom, swinging the door open without so much as a knock. He yelps from behind the shower curtain and you mentally thank God you did not barge in to find him butt naked in front of the mirror.
“Lee Minho, care to explain why there was a fish on the kitchen table?” You bark, crossing your arms and leaning against the sink for when he pops his head outside of the curtain.
“First of all, you could have knocked,” he starts, looking to the floor when you glare at him, “and I, um, I stole it.” You sigh in defeat, dragging your hands down your face when he disappears back into the shower. “Minho, why did you steal a fish? You don’t even take care of yourself let alone a fish.”
“That just isn’t true. I am fully capable of taking care of myself and my children. And I didn’t mean to steal it,” he retorts, turning off the water and you watch as he slips an arm out to slap around in search of his towel. “How the fuck do you accidentally steal something, Minho? And did you not think I would see it eventually?” You huff, exasperated.
“You see, I went to go pick up cat food and I dropped my phone where all the betta fish in cups are and when I went to pick it up the bag hit a cup and it fell and then the lid popped off and then there was water everywhere and the fish was just flopping around so I panicked and put it back in and then ran to get water from a fish tank and I thought I would get in trouble so I just ran out since no one saw me,” Minho rambles without taking a breather, whisking open the shower curtain and stepping out as he does so, towel snug around his waist and cheeks glowing pink from both embarrassment and the aftermath of a hot shower. You sigh for a third time, moving out of his way when he makes way for the cabinet and opting to sit on the toilet.
“Did you even get the cat food, then?”
“No, I just ran. With the fish.”
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you grumble, “You’re an idiot.”
“But I’m your idiot,” he grins, dragging a cotton round over his face with toner. You send him a warning glare. “Well,” you click your tongue, hypnotized as he combs out his hair and by how unfairly ethereal he looks post-shower, “we should probably go to a different pet store to get cat food. And we need to get a nice fish tank and food.”
He raises a brow, surprised with how nonchalant you are, and moves to stand in front of where you sit so he can tilt your face up with his index finger tucked under your chin. “Are you mad?” He asks.
It’s not fair, really, the way he asks such a question after making you feel so vulnerable under his touch and proximity, heart racing a mile a minute. Really, you should be mad. But when it comes to Minho, you cannot find it in yourself to be. This is just how things are with him.
“No, I’m not mad,” you smile reassuringly, leaning into his touch and you both seem to forget for a moment that you are nothing more than friends when his hand moves to cup your cheek, thumb ever so slightly brushing over your warm skin as he beams down at you, “just amazed as usual at how stupid you are.”
“Hey!” He steps back at this, running his fingers through his damp hair and shaking out the strands. “I’m not stupid.”
“Yeah, and Doongie likes you more than me.”
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“It sucks we have a fish now. I was thinking about getting a guinea pig or something soon. Maybe even a rabbit,” you announce, leaning over with Minho to peer into the guinea pig enclosure. His giggle reverberates throughout the entire store and you cannot help but grin in return, even though he has scared all the little critters back into their huts. With nothing left to coo over, you grab his hand and tug him toward the fish care.
“Where are we going to keep… him? What’s his name? Do we even know if it’s a him?” Your question turns into three, stopping in an aisle full of different tanks and small décor pieces to go inside.
“I’m pretty sure it’s a dude. I think they only sell males in that section anyway. I’ll check if he has a dick when we get home though,” when you look over, he’s smirking as if he just said the funniest thing ever and you have to hold back your laughter. “Yeah, you do that, Minho. I’m sure you’ll be real successful.”
“We can probably just put him on the desk. I’ll move all my shit and he can just go next to my laptop,” he continues, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder as you look over the different tank options. It makes it hard to concentrate with him so close. “I mean— yeah. Yeah. That works,” you stutter, swallowing past the sudden lump in your throat and quickly scanning over the tanks one more time, “we should get this one. Is that okay?” You move closer to said tank, hoping he would let go when you reach out to grab the box but when he doesn’t, your heart seems to beat so erratically in your chest that you think it might fly out. Why, all of a sudden, are there butterflies—no, lions—in your chest when he is around you when there weren’t before? When did this happen?
“Minho. We can cuddle at home. I just want to get what we need and leave,” you whine, trying to pry his fingers apart from where they are linked above your hips, leaving your skin tingling even under his sweatshirt. He huffs, detaching himself from your frame. “Fine. But we’re gonna get home and you’re gonna say ‘Wait, we have to take care of the fish’ first and by the time we’re done, you’ll fall asleep before we even have a movie on,” Minho grumbles, taking the box you shove into his hands and trailing after you.
You gasp, pointing an accusing fake plant in his direction, “No, you fat head. You’re always the first to fall asleep. You just like to blame it on me.” He continues to grumble under his breath while you grab a bag of pebbles, fish food, and water conditioner, finally able to breathe now that he isn’t clinging to you.
“Come on, stinky. I don’t want you to start crying on me,” you grin, wishing you could hold his hand but alas, you did not think of grabbing a basket on your way in. His face brightens up with a smile anyway, and he follows you the rest of the way right at your side.
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“So, you never gave him a name. What’s it gonna be?” You ask, nearly unhinging your jaw to take a bite of the Big Mac Minho begged you to order after making fun of you the whole ride home for never having one. You stopped at McDonald’s just to appease him. You look to the fish, surprised yourself over how pleasant his quiet presence is, especially with his emerald and sapphire scales that reflect and glow iridescent in the light.
“Mm,” he hums, chewing on his own hamburger and watching the fish in thought, “I think… I think John.”
You blink at him now, setting your food down. “John?”
“Why… why John? Why not Nemo or something?” You ask, eyeing him curiously and gnawing on the straw to your soda.
“Dunno. He just looks like a John,” Minho explains, giggling cutely and looking back up to you with stars in his eyes. It feels like liquid adrenaline is being injected right into your bloodstream when you lock eyes, and looking into Minho’s cat-like eyes feels like looking into the sun for too long—it almost burns, instead, there is an entire zoo in your chest. But it feels good. You almost wish he did not stop giggling so you could giggle with him. Instead, you have found yourself lost in him, every ounce of breath stolen from your lungs.
“Are… are you going to actually take a sip of that?” He giggles again, glancing to the soda straw dug awkwardly into your bottom lip.
Your cheeks flush hot pink, stomach sinking heavily and you cannot find your voice. Clearing your throat, you look away as you begin to hyperventilate and stand up abruptly to grab John’s fish tank from the table and walk across the room toward the desk.
“___? You alright?” He asks, worry lacing his tone and you wince when you hear him push his chair in. “Y-Yeah. I’m fine,” you laugh breathlessly, placing John down and adjusting the tank so it sits catty-cornered next to Minho’s laptop.
“No, you’re not.” He is quick, you’ll give him that. In the blink of an eye he is at your side, grabbing you by the hips and spinning you to face him. Here we go again, you hiss at yourself to snap out of it, clenching your fists at your sides simply due to how overwhelmed you feel. How incapable you are to forget how you have been feeling and brush it under the rug.
“Why’d you get all googly eyes on me over there?” Minho questions, grinning like a madman when he brings his hands up to cup your face and squish your cheeks together. “And why are your cheeks all hot?” You gasp, defensive, and press your hands over his, “M’not.”
He drops his voice to a whisper, leaning in closer so his breath fans over your face, “Is that how I make you feel, ___?”
You blink at him, all the color draining from your face and you must look ridiculous right now, jutting your lips out in a pout as he continues pressing your cheeks together. And what can you say now that he has caught you? Lie? “No,” is all you quip, staring at him, practically begging for mercy. No more questions. Just a ‘goodnight’ and off to your room for the night.
“Hmm,” he hums, pondering for a moment, before grinning once more, “I have an idea.” Oh no, you do not like the sound of that. Minho? Having ideas? Bad. This thought progressively resonates louder in your mind the closer he gets, this is bad, this is bad, this is really bad. It just so happens that a whimper on behalf of your sanity escapes you the same moment his grip on your face eases and he moves his hands to rest below your ears, thumbs caressing your cheeks before his lips brush yours.
His lips are warm and taste… salty? The fries, you realize, before his tongue pressing to the seam of your lips obliterates every thought. The worries leading up to this moment evaporate like a summer shower on a hot car and, of course, you part your lips and grant him access. Drunk on endorphins, your brain seems to light itself on fire and warmth spreads throughout your entire body, your only desire to touch him, to stand up higher and to hold his cheek the way he holds yours.
His fingers run down your spine, pulling you closer until there is no space left between you and you can feel the beating of his heart against your chest. A kiss like this is a beginning, a promise of so much more. “___,” he whispers slowly when he pulls away, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. You smile, heart fluttering at his voice as you lean forward and bury your face into his chest, overwhelmed with relief and desire and worry and giddiness.
“___,” Minho repeats, running his hands up and down over your arms, calming you down before reaching your shoulders and pulling you back, “how did that make you feel?”
“You— what?” Is all you manage, searching his face for a trace of mirth, and yet you find none. In fact, he himself seems relieved, the corners of his mouth quirked up and his eyes bright and dark all at once like the midnight sky. He grins, laughing a little and stroking the baby hairs around your face with his finger. “I like when you wear my stuff,” he says, tugging at the collar of his sweatshirt you still wear.
“Um, I— thanks?” You laugh nervously, heartbeat beginning to skyrocket once more when he reaches for your arms and maneuvers them to hug around his waist. You hum, confused, but content nonetheless and link your hands together. He instantly presses closer, tipping your chin up, “I know you always say I flirt with everyone, but I don’t know how you haven’t realized by now I only want to flirt with you. It’s been you since Doongie chose you. I can’t even get you out of my head, imagine how hard it is living with you, not able to kiss you and do all the cute shit I know we would love.”
He what now? You blink up at him, more than bewildered, “Wait, are you trying t—”
“Yes,” he interjects, not even giving you a chance to finish, “whatever you’re thinking, yes. I’m confessing, or whatever. So let’s cut to the point. Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
Your brain stutters for a moment and every part of you goes on pause while your thoughts catch up. Girlfriend? Well, of fucking course you want to be his girlfriend, but how have you been misreading all of him for so long? “God, I’m an idiot, aren’t I?” You mutter instead, slapping the palm of your hand to your forehead and his giggles ring throughout the room.
“How many languages do I have to get through for that to translate into a ‘yes?’” Minho cackles, prying your hand away to return it around his waist. When you look up at him, you feel as if you may cry, so instead you opt to laugh with him in order to dodge the waterworks. “Yes, of course that means yes. It’s always been a yes, stupid.”
“Hey, you’re the stupid one. Seriously, have you seen us today? We’re so coupley already, literally nothing is changing,” Minho chuckles, walking you backward until you comfortably fall back on the sofa together, “except now,” he pauses, settling himself above you and bringing his face up to yours once more, “I can kiss you wheneeever I want.”
And he does just that; peppering your face, your lips and cheeks and nose with kisses until he has made you a giggling mess, writhing beneath him until he finally stops, sharing a mingled breath with you. “Is it too early to say the ‘L’ word?” Minho whispers, tracing your upper lip with his thumb. You smile, kissing the pad of his finger before, “No. I already know I love you, Minnie. I’m more than in love with you.”
His smile is one of happiness growing, much as a spring flower opens. “Heh. I like this. I love you too,” he answers, finally returning to kiss you in a way that is slow and soft and comforting in ways words cannot describe. And then he pulls back with a gasp.
“I forgot the cat food.”
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mraaronwhite · 4 years ago
We sat in the conservatory of my weathered, beach side cottage, overlooking some tomato plants and a splintered oak bench that I collectively called my back garden. Now, being a cottage, you would be forgiven for thinking that this was a small affair, the kind of cottage that malicious, child-eating witches would inhabit deep in the woods. Not this cottage though. There was actually too much room believe it or not. Well, too much room for a man and his cat at least.
You see, I grew up in a cramped, narrow excuse for a flat in Edinburgh. Usually being able to touch two opposing walls at once. So, when I inherited this place, a fortnight ago, from my recently deceased Aunt, it was a breath of fresh air to say the least. It felt like the perfect excuse to have a party. Not to celebrate my Aunt just dying (she was a grumpy old boot, mind you) but rather the fact that after twenty-three years of always wanting a place of my own, I finally had it.
I messaged the group chat, letting them know of the upcoming shindig to mark my housewarming, informing them that they would all be coming. None of them having a choice in the matter, I joked. There were ten of them in the group, eleven including myself, and we had been inseparable since the later years of high school. That fact surprises most people actually. Given that when folk head off to university, college or go backpacking through Asia, they normally lose contact. After all, it’s a perfect chance to reinvent yourself, and doing that sometimes means saying goodbye to some folk.
Not us though. We had to be different. Having nearly been out of high school for as long as we were in it, our collective friendship was as strong as it ever. We hadn’t all been together in nearly a year as well, so when I sent out the invites, they all jumped at the chance.
 The night itself exceeded my wildest expectations. We laughed, we sang, we laughed again. It was a night of pure merriment and happiness and it will live forever in my head as one of the high points of my life.  As I sighed a breath of relief when I moved into my sand surrounded home, I did the same when I saw all my friends together again that night. My face literally started to hurt with the amount of smiling I was doing, which only made me smile all the more.
All good things must come to an end though I thought, and as the clock flashed one in the morning, the designated drivers began ferrying home their passengers. Before they left however, we had but one tradition to enact. An exclusively Scottish ritual that you have to do at the end of a good party. Listening to Runrig’s Loch Lomond at full volume and jumping up and down like a bunch of toddlers on a sugar high. Once the song was over however, the party was too unfortunately. One by one, they said their farewells and staggered down my grassy strewn path. They waved and honked their horns until eventually they fell out of sight, becoming part of the jumbled mess of streetlights and other late-night travellers.
 I ventured back inside my new home and couldn’t help but feel lonely. Lonelier than I had in a while. At least I had Bean though, I thought to myself. She was my ashen-haired feline companion, and we’d been through thick and thin together. I don’t know what I’d do without her to be honest. She’s a nervous wee thing though and doesn’t do well around crowds, so had been chilling in the spare room for the night. That was until I opened the door of course, and then she was out of there at damn near mach four.
As she sniffed and scratched her way around the room, I flung myself into the heap of cushions and blankets people had sat on in the conservatory, their lazy attempt of tidying up before their departure I concluded. I sighed, letting out a small chuckle. Planning on just kipping there for the night, I shut my eyes and soon felt myself drifting off into the endless depths of my unconscious.
A distant toilet flushing filled the house and swiftly brought me back to reality. Then click clack, click clack, click clack. Footsteps. They were closing in and at this point I was on my feet, starting to panic. I had never been in a fight before, but I was about to be if my theory of a murderer checked out. In my drunken state, I never thought to question why someone would go to the toilet before killing me. I looked about the conservatory, trying to see something I could use to defend myself and grabbed the first thing that came to me. A tube of Paprika flavoured Pringles. In hindsight, I could have probably picked something a little more useful, but hey ho, that’s what a night of binge drinking and anxiety gets you. Then as the “Murderer” got closer, she appeared in the doorway. Clio DeLuca. My best friend.
 “Where did everyone go??” she said, cool as a cucumber, leaning on the frame of the door.
“They left like half an hour ago” I replied, my face a picture of confusion “What the hell are you still doing here though?? We all thought you left ages ago” I asked, half laughing, while letting out a sigh of relief.
“Funny story. I went to the toilet and kinda just fell asleep half way through.” She told me, sitting down the arm of the raggedy couch. Then flopping onto my makeshift bed, that I had been nice and comfy on only moments before.
“What are you like??” I said, now properly belly laughing. “You might as well get comfy, the buses stopped at eleven.” I paused “Sooo, do you want another drink?”
“Yeah but my heads splitting, nothing hard.” I was about to offer her some of the special stuff but she got in before me “Oooh in fact, have you got any hot chocolate??” She asked, looking up at me with those wild green eyes, that I first met oh so long ago.
“Now we’re talking” I exclaimed with glee “I’ve got just the thing!” I then marched off into the kitchen, meeting Bean as she was having a nibble at some of her biscuits. I flicked the kettle on and shouted through “What one you fancying then?”
“I dunno - hic” she mumbled. The sounds of her then rolling off the couch and wandering through soon followed. “What kind - hic - you got?” she asked, parking herself at my breakfast bar.
“Weeeell” I started, opening my cupboard I that housed my secret obsession “I’ve got your normal supermarket kinds - Cadburys, Galaxy, Bournville?”
“Yeah, one of them is fine” she chimed in.
“Nah, that’s the boring stuff. I’ve also got white chocolate, orange, peppermint, vanilla bean, salte” Bean scuttled into the room, hearing this, thinking I was talking to her, to which prompted Clio to scoop her up.
“Well hiii, where have you been hiding all night??” Bean purred, gladly accepting the cuddles and attention. Clio looked back up at me, staring through her shadowy locks that fell onto her face like a waterfall in the night. “Please continue” she smiled, nodding at the cupboard, all the while still scratching Bean’s belly.
“Ah yes, where we, so we’ve got salted caramel flavour, cinnamon, apple pie and the Pièce de résistance of my collection, genuine Peruvian hot chocolate.” I turned back to her “Think I’m gonna go for the Peruvian blend, you?” I asked. She was back looking at Bean again, given her some more lovin’. She’s always had the attention span of a goldfish, and I always found it quite funny. “I’ll just make the you the same” I laughed.
“Sorry, aye, sounds lovely.” I spooned the mixture into two bulky mugs, hearing purring and some meows coming from behind me. “Sooo” she started, “When did you become the Ramona Flowers of hot chocolate?” she jested.
“What you talking about, I’ve always been into hot chocolate?” she started to speak before I cut her off “Cream and marshmallows by the way??”
“Ooh yes please” Her eyes lit up “But yeah, I know you’ve always liked it but this is like obsessed. Like I’m scared if I don’t like this” she paused, while pointing her head at our mugs “that you might actually kill me.” She looked so sincere as she told me this.
��Shut up” I pleaded, in the moaniest voice I could muster “You know, I don’t have to let you sleep here tonight, I’m doing it out of the pure goodness of my heart.”
“Nah I’m being serious, and once the papers find out, you’ll probably get a cool nickname as well. The hot chocolate killer, perhaps? Whadda ya think, Bean?” She gave a solemn meow.
“Fuc..” she cut me off, looking aghast, while covering Beans ears.
“There’s children present” she shot back, with a hint of faux anger and a wry grin. I then simply mouthed my retort, all the while giving her the finger. Then, just as quickly, she flipped it right back at me. We then both had a good giggle as I stirred our drinks, plopped in the marshmallows and squirted the cream on top.
“Shall we?” I asked, while gesturing to the conservatory with my head as my hands were full. She cradled Bean like a new-born, stood up and we both made our way through.
 I gently placed our steaming mugs down on the glass topped coffee table, moving some meekly filled beer bottles out of the way to give us some room. We both fell back into the warm embrace of the couch, prompting Bean to hop out off Clio’s lap and curl up between the two of us.
My Bluetooth speaker, which sat in the corner atop some books, echoed out the tunes of my Spotify playlist which I had shuffled at the beginning of the party. Turning it to a whisper when folk left, I turned it back up again to fill the room with some life.
Looking about, the room, and the rest of the house was an absolute state. Crisps everywhere, too many cider cans to count and an embarrassing amount of smarties lay scattered about the floor, from when I was trying to toss them up and catch in my mouth earlier in the party. A dozen or so polaroids were sprinkled about the place as well, and when one caught my eye lurking under the armchair in the corner I got up and quickly collected the rest. “Get any good snaps?” Clio asked, while taking a generous sip of her hot chocolate, leaving a lovely big creamy moustache under her petit, turned up nose. I smiled, deciding not to tell her. “Daaamn, this is gooood!” she exclaimed, in a warm, satisfied tone, telling me she loved the drink just as much as I did.
“Told ya!” trying to not look smug “Let’s see here” I pondered, thumbing through the small pile of photos. “Hmmha” I grinned, looking at Clio, who was puffing her cheeks and making her eyes go crossed “That’s a good ‘un” handing it to her. She flung herself back onto the seat, seeing the picture.”
“Oh my God, what the hell is wrong with us?” she chortled, leaning forward again to take another sip of the sweet goodness. Her face then quickly soured “Can you skip this one, it reminds me of when I worked in Asda. They played the same six songs on repeat. It was actually hell.”
“Us!?” I asked her, while I pulled out my phone, skipping to the next song “Speak for yourself! I take only good photos.”
“Is that right?” she laughed back, cocking her head, proceeding then to snatch the bundle of photos from my hands. “We’ll see about that” in a determined tone, while furrowing her brow. I took the opportunity to indulge in the heated sweetness of my mug and no less than ten seconds later “Here, look at this, what the hell are you doing with your lips?” shoving the polaroid at my face.
“Its called blue steel, look it up” I confidently hit back.
“I dunno what that is but you LOOK like a goldfish”
“I think you’ll find I look damn sexy” making sure to sound as cocky and arrogant as I could.
“And by sexy” doing air quotes with her fingers “I take it you mean the lesser known definition of the word, meaning to look like you live at the aquarium at Dobbies?” she ranted, putting one her best condescending voice as she could.
“You know, sometimes, your words, they hurt.” Looking back at her, attempting to appear actually upset and offended. She could always see right through my piss poor acting skills though, and we both just started giggling again.
This is the norm for when me and Clio hang out. I make fun of her, she makes fun of me, we laugh about it and on and on it goes. It’s been our routine since primary four, when we first met, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The rest of that night was no exception, we bantered about for a bit then did some actual serious talking as well. Our sexuality, putting the world to rights, family shit. The usual kind of deep topics you chat about after a night of drinking and partying, and before we knew it, I looked at my phone and it flashed 4:33AM.
  Bean had migrated over to the open window by this point, she was doing some serious loafing. Presumably to cool down I thought. The dregs of our hot chocolate sat in the now cold mugs and the two of us were cosy under a massive blanket. Her head gently rested on my shoulder.
I peered out through the double doors that lead to my garden, amalgamating into the sands and shells of the dark beach. The North Sea lay before me, stretching as far as the eye could see, eventually bleeding into the never ending abyss of space. An army of stars littering its canvas, shining down on us mere mortals below.
I stared at the colossal entity that was the cosmos, trying to make shapes out of its burning suns. I was at a loss at how the early astronomers of prehistory were able to see anything apart from a jumble of distant polka dots. “Hey” I whispered, gently nudging my shoulder.
“Hmm” She softly moaned to let me know she was listening.
“Do you see anything up there? You know, in the stars.” I continued, still whispering. She craned her neck back and opened her wild grassy eyes to look up at the sky above.
“I dunno” she looked from corner to corner, eventually pointing toward the right of where we were sitting “There’s Orion’s belt.”
“Nah like I mean something new, not an already existing constellation.” I prodded.
“I really can’t say. What can you see?” she asked, shutting her eyes getting comfy under the blanket again. I gazed about the dark blue sky with great curiosity. Then, directly in front of me, high above the wispy clouds I faintly made out the shape of goldfish. Probably because it was on my mind from earlier, but nevertheless, I could see it clear as day. I jostled Clio’s head once again.
“Look, there, right in front of us. Can you see a goldfish?” Groggily sitting up, she focused to where I was pointing and tilted her head.
“Yeah, I can actu…” She trailed off, as did my music. Both of us were looking at the fish in the sky, but now, the stars in our newly discovered constellation were twitching and swirling. They also began glowing much brighter than the other stars in the sky. Both of us were transfixed. The whole thing eventually started pulsing. Going dim and then shining bright. It was slow at first but then gradually got faster and faster. Then, and I’ll remember this moment until my dying day, it appeared in front of us.
 There, in the obsidian blackness of the sky, it shone down on us. A gargantuan, glowing goldfish. It swam about as if we were looking through the cold, wet glass of an aquarium. Darting about the night sky as easily as it would have underwater. Its visage, although similar to a normal goldfish, was still very different. Apart from the obvious size distinction, the one before us existed purely as an outline defined by the stars. Its body was see-through, the same inky darkness as the rest of space. I couldn’t believe my eyes, and neither could Clio given her jaw was almost touching the floor. We were both outside by this point, wanting to get as clear a look as possible.
“Te.. tell me you’re” I mumbled “you’re seeing this as well” I eventually mustered, breaking the silence.  Clio simply nodded, staring unblinkingly at the godlike being as it swished and swooshed through the cosmos.
“Okay” she finally said “Either we’ve fallen into some weird sci-fi novel or you spiked my hot chocolate” trying to make sense of the impossibility of what was happening.
“Why isn’t it cold though? I asked, looking up and down the beach, and after a few moments had passed, she eventually processed my question prompting her whip her head at me.
“There’s a massive floating fish made out of stars in the sky and you’re worried about the weather? She half yelled, with great incredulity.
“Clio, its 5 in the morning. In February. In Scotland. It should be freezing.” She thought about what I was saying and looked about as well. “Its warm though, and there’s no wind.” I paused “And no noise for that matter.” I paused again “I don’t understand”.
“It’s weird” she started “I feel like I should be scared or freaked out or… something” she looked at me “But.. it feels right. It feels like we were meant to be here. To see” she paused, looking back at the fish who was still merrily swimming about the sky “whatever this is.”  I felt the same way, in my gut. I knew that whatever was happening wasn’t meant to hurt or frighten us. So, I began walking forward, taking Clio’s hand as I did so. We walked far onto the beach. It was still warm, still completely quiet.
We eventually reached the waters edge, as close as we could get to the being in front of us, when we notice that the sea itself had stopped. It plateaued to a complete halt. No waves. No tide. Nothing. It looked like a gigantic mirror, that stretched out past the horizon. Reflecting everything that was happening above. I bent down and dipped my fingers in, expecting it to be solid but it was just as wet as the normal sea. Just completely still. As if someone had hit the pause button.
 I sat down, cross legged on the shore, as did Clio, and we watched the fish for hours. It swam to the left, to the right. It swam far away, getting smaller, then past the horizon only to jump up again as if it was a dolphin doing tricks.
The sky was gradually getting lighter, now a dusky blue, and we both knew that the fish’s departure was upcoming. Potentially any minute now. It suddenly came to a gentle stop, high in the twilight sky. It was looking right at us, into the deep-seated depths of our souls.
Now, I’m not an emotional man, it takes a lot to upset me. Even the most heart wrenching of films doesn’t evoke a reaction. But at the very moment, I couldn’t help but shed a few tears. Not out of sadness, or even happiness. It was just raw emotion. I could tell by Clio’s sniffling that she was having a similar reaction.
Then, as mysteriously as it arrived, it vanished. Its image fading back into the now pale blue of space. The stars that made up its outline, in their original position. It’s retreat from our world meant that it was back to normal, and in perfect synchronisation, the temperature dropped to just above zero, the wind blew at our backs and the once static waves drenched us in salty seawater.
Needless to say we both screamed out in discomfort, then looking at each other deep in the eyes, we embraced. I hugged her tighter than I had ever before, never in my life had I felt as close to someone as I did in that moment and I could tell she felt the same way. We swiftly then ran back to my cottage to warm up. After a nice warm and soapy shower, a fresh change of clothes (her having to borrow some shorts and a hoodie) she joined me on the couch, where we first saw the big fish, only a few hours ago.
 We sat in the conservatory, in silence for the most part. My tomato plants blew in the wind, gently tapping against the glass of the doors. Bean now sitting, curled up between us. Purring softly as I patted her silvery fur. Clio eventually spoke.
“Y’know, no one is gonna believe us” she said, in a solemn tone.
“No” I sighed, while shaking my head.
“Then why should we tell them” she exclaimed. “They’d think we were insane”. I acknowledged her sense; everyone, anyone we told, would think we were mad.
“I just don’t get why” I interjected, to which she looked puzzled “Why did that happen to us, what does it mean?”
“Does it have to mean anything?” I couldn’t help but furrow my brow, not being content with her answer “Look” she began again “When you see a sunset, a deer in the wild or you’re caught in the middle of a thunderstorm, do you ask why?” She paused, looking at me “No, you just enjoy them for what they are. Beautiful acts of nature.”
“But what we saw, Clio. It was Impossible. It shouldn’t have happened. It defies all the laws of physics that we know.”
“So?” she said, shrugging, casually as ever.
“So, don’t you want to know how all of that was possible?”
“Of course, I do, but even if I did, it wouldn’t make what just happen any more meaningful. In fact I think it would detract from the whole thing.” She could tell I was confused, which only made her smile, sit right next to me and take my hand in hers “When you see a magic trick, when you see a magician pick the card you were think of from thin air, what’s the best bit about it?” She said, looking right at me, with her wild green eyes. I thought about it for a few seconds.
“The trick” she smiled even wider “The mystery of it all and the trying to work it out.”
“And if you knew how it was done?” she continued
“It would ruin it.”
“Exactly.” I finally got what she meant and appreciated our night-time visitor all the more. I put my arm around her, pulling her into another hug. Gently kissing her on the side of her head.
 Things aren’t beautiful because we understand them or know when they’re going to happen. It’s the fleeting mystery and spontaneous nature of it all that truly makes it exciting. The late-night conversations, when you can’t stop dancing with your pals, warm hot chocolate, a cat’s affection, silly photos with funny faces and stargazing with your best friend. Its moments like these that make you really appreciate the wonderfully weird gift of life.
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ruby-dear · 4 years ago
all of them except 77, 78, 81, 92 and 96
Ember, I know this was you. I’m doing it, but that’s 93 questions you’re asking for so they’re going under a cut. 
1. Talk about your first love. There have been a lot of those, so let me talk about the first one I really remember. I was in eighth grade, at the time, and she wasn’t exactly a great person looking back but she was cool and confident and she liked me, and she called me her best friend, and probably the best school-related memory I’ve ever had was her tackle-hugging me from across a classroom. I didn’t even realize I liked girls until she’d pretty much left my life completely. Maybe I’m looking at it through rose-tinted glasses now, but I think that’s okay, sometimes.  2. What’s the most beautiful songs you’ve ever heard in your opinion? Most of my favorite songs are Owl City, especially the older stuff. It has a soft, dreamlike vibe to it that I find really pretty even when it’s depressing. 3. How’s your heart feeling right now? Pretty good, I think? 4. What kind of self care is your favorite to do? The fun stuff. Bath bombs, makeup, fancy shampoo. Retail therapy actually works pretty well for me, even if a lot of the time I don’t even buy anything. 5. What’s your skincare routine? Um... Shower? 6. How did you get to be so beautiful? Natural talent and carefully learned confidence. 7. Do you have any stuffed animals? Oh, do I. I have like, seventy Webkinz, and that’s without getting into anything else. You could say I collect plushes, even if I don’t do it as actively now. I have a couple of Eevee plushes, too - I’d say I want to own all of them one day, but I’m like, 95% sure that’s not possible. 8. Best trip you’ve ever been on? Once, we went to Prince Edward Island for a week, and my mom surprised me by meeting up with my best friend’s family, who happened to have gotten a room at our hotel for one night. I think that probably wins. 9. Favorite thing about your room? That it’s starting to look like it belongs to me, even if I want to move somewhere else. 10. Opinion on love? It takes work, but it’s worth it.
11. Are you affectionate? Around people I’m comfortable with, definitely. 12. Who do you look up to? The people who have enough confidence to be unapologetically be themselves.
13. Favorite poet? Robert Frost. When I was eleven, I found a book of his poems, and I loved that book so much I didn’t pay any attention in English class at all.
14. Song that makes you happy? How about one that calms you down when you’re in a bad place? There’s a lot of songs that make me happy. Hard to go wrong with the Pokemon theme, though. As for things that calm me down... It’s Alright by Mother Mother and Misguided Ghosts by Paramore have both got me through a lot.
15. Do you play an instrument? No. I was supposed to learn piano in seventh grade, but I couldn’t read the sheet music so they never let me play, and I tried to learn guitar multiple times but it never stuck for the same reason.
16. Do you do art? Using what (pencil, watercolor, etc)? I paint, though not as often as I’d like to! Using acrylics, usually, but watercolors sometimes.
17. Do you dance? What style of dance? I took ballet as a child, til they kicked me out of class, and I still enjoy dancing but I don’t remember any of what I learned.
18. What’s your zodiac sign? Do you believe in astrology? Gemini. I think it might have some kind of truth behind it, but I’m not really one of those all-or-nothing people. It’s just for fun, you know?
19. Favorite old film? I don’t watch a lot of them. Does The Aristocats count?
20. What’s your hairstyle? It’s long and wavy. I’m getting blue highlights soon.
21. What weather is the most beautiful, in your opinion? Light rain. The kind that dries off before you get inside, when the sky is perfectly clear, but it starts falling anyway and it stops just as quickly.
22. What upsets you most about the world? That however hard we try to fix it, we’re unlikely to get very far.
23. Are you in love right now? Yes. At least, I think so.
24. Do you have a crush? If so, talk about them! I have a girlfriend. Is that the same thing? She’s cute and funny and she thinks the same things about me for some reason, and she knows exactly how much of a disaster I can be and hasn’t run away yet.
25. Do you have pets? Talk about something sweet about them! I have a cat, Little Prince. His sister died about a month ago, and she was the one who usually kept me company (total lap-cat), but ever since he’s usually either close to where I am or comes when I call him over.
26. Do you have a lucky number? Any multiple of seven, but especially fourteen. They’re my favorite numbers for the same reason.
27. Have you ever wished on a star? What about on a fallen eyelash? I try to wish on stars, when I see them. Eyelashes I’m usually more annoyed about than anything.
28. Do you believe emoji spells to work? I think anything has the potential to work, given the right amount of effort and intent. That said, I don’t think you’re going to accomplish anything drastic.
29. Do you believe in magic in general? Oh, definitely. Just look at the world we live in. How can you not believe in magic when it’s all around you? The night sky without air pollution, the sunlight dancing on the water, candy cane white hot chocolate - it’s everywhere, in everything.
30. What’s the most beautiful thing in life, In your opinion? Everything. There’s something beautiful in everything, if you look for it. Today, let’s say the feeling of sliding around on a hardwood floor in fluffy socks, dancing along to one of your favorite songs.
31. Opinion on the color pink? What about baby blue? As a kid, I hated pink. I like it now, though. Blue is my color, light blue especially (particularly with star patterns), so I’ve always liked it.
32. What instrumental sound is your favorite? Am I alloawed to say wind chimes? I’ve always thought they sounded super pretty.
33. Do you like the sound of wind? What about the sound of rain? I love them both.
34.Who makes you happy? My friends. All of them, in different ways, the people who are still in my life for various reasons. I love them.
35. What makes you happy? Light rain, strong wind, good music. My cat’s soft meow when I wake him up by accident. White peppermint hot chocolate. Fall colors, string lights, Halloween and winter holidays. Ice and snow and skating, dressing up for no apparent reason. The trick to it all is finding new things every day.
36. Imagine your ideal life, the life you wish to make, what will that look like? A house big enough for a family. A degree of some kind hanging on the wall. A life where I’m making things because that’s what I love, and I can try new things just for fun, where I don’t have to worry about money so much. The chance to get married someday, maybe.
37. Do you wear makeup? If so what’s your favorite type of makeup or specific makeup product? Favorite store to buy makeup? I do! Unless someone else is doing it for me, I generally keep to lipstick and eyeshadow. I’ve never been especially picky about what brands I use, but I usually go to Nyx because it’s on my usual route when I go on shopping trips, and I’m kind of attached now. Plus, nowhere else I’ve been in person has as many bold colours.
38. Do you wear dresses? If so what’s your favorite dress you own? I like wearing dresses. My favorite that I still have is a longer black dress, and it’s in serious need of either repair of retirement, but I got it for $20 as a cosplay outfit last year and it served its purpose. I wear it around still, sometimes, because it’s generally an easy fix.
39. Ever been heartbroken? How do you deal with it? Yeah, a few times. I vent to my friends, usually, and then I eat ice cream and listen to gnash for a while and eventually I start to feel better.
40. Who’s your closest friend? What do you love about them?
41. Introvert or extrovert? Kinda both? It’s complicated.
42. Do you like MBTI? What’s your MBTI? Is that... Fuck, is that the one with the letters? I think I got ENFP last time, and when I was younger it was INFP.
43. Would you be a fairy, a mermaid, a vampire, a siren, a or an angel? I’ve had people tell me I have ‘fae vibes’ before, so let’s go with that and hope it’s not offensive.
44. What’s the best song a friend has ever introduced to you? I don’t remember enough of them to feel good about picking one. I basically only listen to music I’m recommended now.
45. Parlez-vous français? A little, by virtue of being Canadian and having driven through Quebec. Not enough to carry on a conversation.
46. Most beautiful place you’ve been to? Prince Edward Island, hands down. It’s gorgeous.
47. Where/when do you truly feel at home? When there’s a light breeze, and the perfect song is playing, and the people I love are there. When we’re laughing with each other.
48. Does smiling put you in a better mood? Try it right now, you’re smile is gorgeous! I don’t think it does, honestly? But it does tend to happen when I’m happy.
49. Favorite shoe you own? These ankle boots I got secondhand that have little metal stars on them. I’m gonna be so upset when they finally wear out and I need new ones.
50. Can you walk in stilettos? Do you like them? God, no, I’ve tried. Any heel that’s too sharp or pointy or tall is a major problem for me. It’s part of what makes finding shoes such a pain.
51. Do you feel loved? Not always, but yeah. When I remember, or when I ask, or when I’m reminded.
52. How do you express love to those you care about? I try to tell them, but I’m also the type to engage in constant teasing. I’m the friend that punches you in the arm as a show of affection.
53. Favorite term(s) of endearment? The more creative ones. The basics don’t do much for me, honestly, but it’s more about the person saying them anyway.
54. Most romantic thing someone’s ever done for you? Make me feel like I don’t have to try so hard to feel like myself.
55. When is the happiest you’ve ever been? Walking the downtown city streets in winter. It was cold, sure, but it was gorgeous and I finally felt independent for a while.
56. Are you happy right now? Yeah, I’d say so.
57. What makes you smile? Bad jokes, among other things.
58. Do you laugh a lot? Yeah. A lot more than I used to.
59. What’s your favorite kind of aesthetic? Punk/scenecore. They’ve really influenced my more recent style choices.
60. Do you want to marry for love or for some other reason (like money)? Love, definitely.
61. What would your dream wedding look like? Do you want to get married? With someone I love, and the other people I love there too. Somewhere beautiful. I think I do, someday, but it’s not something I’m so worried about.
62. Favorite flower? Roses. Blue Moon Hybrid Tea Roses, in particular, are especially pretty.
63. Favorite artist? I don’t really have one. I do enjoy looking at art, though.
64. Favorite music artist? Owl City.
65. How kind do you think you are? Is kindness important to you? I don’t know. People seem to think I’m kinder than I believe I am. It’s important to me, yeah, to try and help people and to do nice things.
66. Ever made a playlist for someone? A few times. They were never anything special, as far as I’m concerned.
67. Do you have anything you do to physically comfort you when your sad? Such as a favorite blanket? Or a relaxing bath? Long, warm baths and cuddling with my cat. Warm blankets and stories with happy endings.
68. Early bird or night owl? Night owl. I’m a night person.
69. Morning routine? Wake up, do nothing for a while, actually get out of bed and figure out breakfast. While that’s going on, try and figure out if anything important is happening today.
70. Night routine? Get comfortable, then write or daydream til I fall asleep.
71. What is the most lovely quality a person could have in your opinion? Self-confidence and a willingness to help others.
72. Do you cry often? Does crying help you get the emotions out? Do you feel better after? I tend to hold back my feelings til they all fall out. So I end up crying at least twice a month, usually. It helps, yeah.
73. Do you like hugs? From people I feel comfortable with.
74. When was the last time you kissed someone? On the lips? Never.
75. Are you small or tall? Small. I’m 5′0.
76. Do you like wholesome memes? Yes. They’re cute.
79. Have you ever lived in a different country than you currently live in? Nope. I’ve never lived outside this city, only been on trips.
80. Do you like plane flights? Airports? I’ve only flown once, and I was two, so I don’t remember it very well.
82. The beach or a forest? Sand or bugs? Depends on the day. Today, though, forest.
83. What time of day do you tend to be in the best mood? Evening, usually.
84. Do you push yourself to act together and in a good mood even when you aren’t? Yeah, when I’m stressed.
85. Favorite kind of tree? Either maple or pine. I’m Canadian, what can I say?
86. Do you care about the health of the Earth? Yes, but there’s only so much one person can do.
87. What did you like most about your childhood, if anything? Field trips. Adulthood is sorely lacking in field trips.
88. Do you read a lot? What’s your favorite book? I used to. These days I still read, but it’s mostly fanfiction. My favorite books, though, are Tamora Pierce’s Emelan series and the first two books of Kenneth Oppel’s Silverwing trilogy.
89. What are you most nostalgic for at the moment? Trick-or-treating.
90. What’s your favorite personality trait you have? I try to let the people I love know that I love them.
91. List at least ONE thing you love about your appearance. I have pretty great hair.
93. Do you worry a lot? Constantly.
94. The dazzling lights of the city or the relaxing countryside? The city. The countryside’s nice, but the streetlights and the city skyline are what make me feel at home.
95. Ever changed the shoelaces on one of your shoes? For what reason? I actually don’t know how to tie laces, so no. I’ve never been able to pick it up. I might get someone sense to, if I could find cool enough laces.
97. Do you like doing little acts of kindness? Yeah. It feels good to make people happy, you know?
98. How’s your day/night going? Pretty good! I did just spend over an hour on this, but I finished it, so that’s an accomplishment of its own.
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ecofinisher · 5 years ago
Off to Rust - Chapter 12
Chapter 12
The next morning Adrien leaned on the wall looking at his smartphone on his profile at posted images of his friends, while the rest of the class were sleeping. The door next to him opened up and Kagami got out, then Adrien placed his phone back and the two walked together out of the room and walked the corridor along.
“Did you sleep well tonight?” Adrien asked earning a nod from Kagami.  
“Really good” Kagami answered. “What about you?”
“Also good” The blonde responded, then the two arrived at the elevator, where a bellhop came out pulling a small cart with suitcases on it and Adrien extended his arms out at the entrance to sign the friend to get in first making her smile and enter, followed by the blonde.
“Thanks,” Kagami said watching Adrien press the EG button, then the two stood beside each other watching the elevator close its door.
“Remember the week I left with my father to a photoshoot at one of Europe’s largest shopping malls?” Adrien asked earning a nod from the girl. “They had these elevators with only the doors and alarm buttons on the inside and you had to press for the level you had to go on the outside”
“Well that’s different”
“Yeah, it’s kind of complicated, when more people are around and need to wait longer when certain elevators don’t stop where they want,”
“Sounds weird. I never saw that”
“Well, that’s almost a year ago, maybe I got it wrong saved in my head. But I remember the buttons on the outside”
“Alright,” Kagami answered, then the elevator opened the door and the two headed out making their way to the restaurant to the buffet, where people were getting their breakfast together.
“I’m going to get myself Muesli, some cereals, cheese and some orange juice” Adrien mentioned ribbing his hands together making Kagami chuckle at his big lust of food in the morning.
“I’ll be fine with Muesli” Kagami responded. “That’s quite delicious”
“Yeah, it is” Adrien agreed standing behind the queue with Kagami looking at the two kids in front of them getting themselves cereals.
“If you want I can already take you some cereals” Kagami suggested making Adrien shrug his shoulders, then both moved forward as the queue went further, then as Adrien had been in line together with the blue-haired girl he reached for the jug and she grabbed it first, followed by Adrien grabbing her on the top of her hand widening his eyes in surprise at the coincidence. Adrien grinned abashed at the situation, while Kagami smiled amused at his reaction, then he took his hand down and let Kagami put the cereals on his bowl and she gave the bowl back to him earning a soft smile of the blonde. Kagami moved on, then Adrien followed her and stopped to pick up the muesli mixture with the yogurt and various types of cut fruit and moved on passing by Kagami close to the buffet with the various types of cheese and raw meat and Adrien looked behind him for anyone to be looking at him, then he opened his jacket for Plagg to look out at the amount of cheese, afterward, he rolled his tongue out drooling at the sight of the large variations of milk products, then Adrien picked a fork and picked out one of each sort up onto a plate he took from a pile next to the buffet.
“You’re the best Adrien,” Plagg said making the blonde smile, which continued and stopped behind Kagami, which was at the fruit buffet trying to find a fruit she wanted to take.
Adrien heard a child applauding, then he looked across the room to see a man carrying on his two arms five plates to the table where his wife, two kids and the clapping infant were giving Adrien an idea, then he adjusted his muesli bowl on his right hand, then added his cheese plate over the bowl at his thumb and his small finger then moved his arm a little to check the safety and raised his free arm in victory. Adrien went behind Kagami, which took onto her plate a slice of bread and looked through the round Étagère and picked out a honey-flavored cream out and she looked back to see Adrien carrying the plates differently.
“Nice” Kagami mentioned, then Adrien moved his free hand signaling her to give him out her plate. “Okay” She gave him her one plate with the muesli and had only the one with the apple and bread on it.
“Put your last plate over the fingers here,” Adrien asked making Kagami crease her eyebrows a little worried about his idea.
“Are you sure about that?”
“Yes, I’ll do fine,” Adrien said, then Kagami added carefully her plate over Adrien’s fingers, then he walked along with her towards the table, then he slowed down as on his right hand his cheese plate began to move.
“Do you need help?” Kagami asked watching Adrien shake his head, moving further to the table, then Kagami observed him approach the table, then he stopped at the table to figure out how to put all the four plates down.
“Well, I forgot how that guy did that” Adrien mentioned watching Kagami take the fourth plate down.
“Come you can do those three,” Kagami said watching Adrien place Kagami’s muesli in front of the table and at the same moment the cheese plate on his arms felt down and Adrien tried to catch it, but failed.
“Didn’t go the way I expected” Adrien said placing his muesli down on the table, then he went down to pick up the cheese along with the help of Kagami. “Sorry, I had found this move fascinating and wanted to show it to you, but it’s not as easy as it looked like”
“I found it cute, that you tried it out” Kagami mentioned dropping the cheese bits along with Adrien on the plate. “You just need to know how to hold your balance with them and you will make it well”
“Exactly” Adrien agreed, then he got up along with her and he pulled out quick a chair for Kagami to sit down, making Kagami shake her head playfully at Adrien’s gentleman behavior, then she sat down on the chair and Adrien took the seat in front of her.
“I can’t believe today is our last day here at the park” Kagami mentioned. “And we haven’t managed to see all of it”
“I know” Adrien agreed. “I still want to visit the great one in silver,”
“The one going around the park?” Kagami asked earning a nod from the blonde. “I believe you”
“So far I know only around three or four attractions are missing. Until the end of our day, probably around 5 pm or otherwise, Mr. D’Argencourt says something else we will have visited them too. Eventually, we might be able to repeat one or two”
“We will have to see it when the others are here too”
“Yes and while they’re up there, we’ve got enough time to breakfast together and chat until they get ready too” Adrien mentioned earning a nod from Kagami, then both began to eat and Adrien observed Kagami eating and his kwami pulled the blonde on the shirt and pointed at the girl, making Adrien wide his eyes at Plagg’s signal. “Kagami, when we’re back in Paris…..what would you say, if someone like a good friend of yours wanted to go out with you to I don’t know….a an evening at the cinema or a picnic as an example. What would you say?” Adrien asked making Kagami titter shortly at his question.
“You’re asking me out on a date?” She asked making Adrien shrug his shoulders.
“Well, it’s not necessarily a date, unless you want to?” The blonde responded, making the girl smile and place her hand in the middle of the table.
“I’d love to go out with you” Kagami answered. “Even if we got the strictest parents in the world we’ll find a way or another to have one”
Adrien smiled and placed his hand on Kagami’s making her smile, then he slowly leaned his head forwards going in for a kiss, then someone screamed shrieking Adrien and Kagami, which looked to the direction of the scream to spot on the ground Adrien’s kwami Plagg look at the woman in shock as she had noticed him. Plagg sat down on the floor like a cat and meowed.
“Where did that cat come from?” Kagami asked making Adrien shrug his shoulders, then Plagg disappeared under the table.
“I will take care of this cat ma’am. It’s just a kitten” Adrien mentioned.
“It looks like a rat!” The woman complained about it with a disgusted face, then Adrien got under the tablecloth to catch Plagg nibbling on a bit of cheese.
“Plagg, are you crazy?”
“I was for two seconds on the ground and that woman decided to scream her lungs out calling me a rat” Plagg complained. “Do I look like a rat to you?”
“Of course not” Adrien mentioned. “Come we have to pretend, that I’m getting you out of here before someone of the staff does it”
“Okay” Plagg answered, then Adrien moved his head out of the table and got up.
“I’m going to bring this kitten out of here” Adrien mentioned picking the plate with the cheese, then walked out of the restaurant at the corridor and entered into the first door, which was a laundry room. “Okay we’re safe,” Adrien said. “I just wonder, if there’s a light”
“Maybe next to the door” Plagg mentioned, then Adrien searched at the door for the light, then someone opened the door and Adrien turned on the light and shut his eyes wide as he spotted Kagami there looking at him bewildered.
“Uh…..” Adrien gazed at the girl confused while Plagg floated beside the blonde looking at the girl too.
“What’s up?” Plagg asked making Kagami furrow her eyebrows at the comment, then Adrien pulled Kagami into the laundry room and closed the door behind them.
“Is that a kwami?” Kagami asked, then Adrien placed his index finger in front of Kagami to shush her followed by watching her turn a little pink on her cheeks.
“You won’t tell that anyone, right?” Adrien asked earning a nod from the blue-haired girl. “Yes, this is my kwami Plagg. I’m the one, that is hidden under Cat Noir’s mask and I also know, that you know about kwamis, at least about Longg,”
“Well I had noticed during the times I saw you fighting as Cat Noir and the times we fenced together how alike your fighting style was and the jokes you two make. I had no doubts that you could be him, otherwise, it could also be a coincidence”
“You were right all along” Adrien pointed out. “Why did you follow me actually?”
“I had the feeling you may have needed help if it really was a kwami, so I followed you so I could help you out, when necessary”
“We’re fine for now. I managed to get out of there and I think no one else saw him” Adrien explained, then he heard Plagg burp after he ate a few cheese bits from the plate. “But hey it’s great, that you know about my other life. You know how hard it is to keep things to yourself you can’t talk with no one else besides Plagg? I mean some things are fine, others Plagg can’t really help me out, cause he’s not familiar with them,”
“I believe you that” Kagami answered making Adrien smile, then behind them the door opened and a hotel manager appeared and shrieked as she caught Adrien there with Kagami, which noticed the woman there.
“Oh, you caught me overeating cheese” Adrien pretended to be shocked at Kagami being there with him, making the woman furrow her eyebrows bewildered at the blonde’s behavior.
“Oh, what a pity. What if we didn’t have your medicine?” Kagami asked. “You’d be having issues with your digestion,” Kagami said grabbing him by the arm guiding him out while carrying the plate, then the woman entered into the room and the two friends looked back to see the woman was gone.
“Well played” Adrien complimented. “Thanks for the save”
“That’s what friends are here for” Kagami responded. “But if you don’t mind, I’d like to know how you feel about your second part of your life. But just if you want to say it, I’m okay if you think you should keep that for yourself”
“When we’re alone or away from here I’d like to tell you some stories, if you’d like to” Adrien answered, then noticed the twins enter into the restaurant along with Jean, then Adrien pointed it out to Kagami, which nodded. “They’re here”
“We could already discuss, where to go together when the park opens up” Kagami mentioned earning a nod from the blonde and both disappeared into the hall of the restaurant to meet up with the other boys of the fencing class.
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housewifekiki · 5 years ago
*crawls out from under mountain of lecture notes and textbooks* HAPPY MF 4th ANNIVERSARY BLOGTRESS & THE MONSTRE-XAVIER FAMILY!!!! Harlan, from one Jersey Shore stan to another, you should Rank all of the Jersey Show series from best to worst and then rank the most iconic fights from the entire JSTU (Jersey Shore Television Universe). Also, when can we expect your reality show debut?? And if you could keep anyone from the fam from ever making a cameo on your show, who would it be & why? —Lily
Jersey Shore Series Best to Worst: 
1. The American version AKA The Original. Honestly Mike the Situation could have enough money to pay his taxes if he started claiming all the others that got famous off of him on his income taxes. 
2. Geordie Shore- They have like a billion seasons and they still be pulling in the ratings. The Brits love messes. 
3. Floribama Shore- I know everyone (even SNL) roasted the fact that there was going to be a Floribama Shore in the first place and got out all of their Southern jokes but there was something pure about seeing all of them pray together before meals when we had been expecting drunken hookups. 
4. Acapulco Shore- The little slogans that they chose to let the whole Spanish speaking world know them by were wild! “I’m like the devil but in 15 cm heels” “I’m not a virgin but not a slut” “Want me to do something? Tell me I can’t do it.” 
5. Gandía Shore- My Peruvian side told me to de-colonize myself and not watch shows about our colonizers. Also, there is one chick that calls herself Kitten and meows all the time. It could be in a kinky way but also could be in a weeb way and I don’t want to risk watching enough to find out. 
6. Warsaw Shore- Considering how many seasons it has, it should be up high like Geordie but all of the rest of the series have the beach factor in common or at least somewhere in a resort vacation area. Having a ‘-shore’ in the capital and biggest city of a country feels weird. That’s the sort of thing that suits the Real World not the ‘Shore.
7. Super Shore- MTV Latin America really said “Let’s get hot young people from across the cultural region and put them on a beach but not one of the millions of beaches found from Mexico to Patagonia. Let’s send them to Europe.” By the time of its cancellation there were more Europeans than Latin Americans in the cast. 
There is only one (1) fight that matters in JSTU. Snooki getting punched. Was it terrible that she got punched? Yes. Did it save the show and proved to MTV that this was a program capable of making money especially since the writing was on the wall for the end of the Real World and The Challenge is well...The Challenge? Yes. 
You can all keep an eye out for my reality show debut as soon as Briana Joo gets her HGTV contract which to get into real loving my girlfriend hours mode looks like it’s going to be soon because her interior design skills are getting super noticed and her internship has shifted into a paid position. She swallows her pride and works with Joanna Gaines as the anti-version of her, the people eat it up, Briana Joo gets her own show, I make various cameos, people love us (and the high amount of social media followers we both currently have. Me for starting fights and Briana Joo for having an eight pack and fat ass) we get our own show with appropriate specials dedicated to our wedding and birth of our children- all three of them because that’s the number Briana Joo and I agreed on because she refuses to have her kids be a lonely only child like she is. 
I would never let Uncle Jon on my show. Not that I don’t love him, I do, he’s a great uncle and helped me a lot when I was applying to colleges but when I’m trying to plan a 200,000 minimum wedding in my dream mansion in New Jersey that Briana Joo carefully planned and decorated and even picked up a hammer to help build while I sat on a lawn chair and read US Weekly and ate ice cream, I do not need him talking about the planned destruction of the working class by major corporation and how he threw bricks at Starbucks during the WTO protests and that’s why he’s not allowed to go to any Starbucks in the Seattle metro region. 
I’d rather have Wes’s yeehaw agenda on the show. 
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nyanzaya · 6 years ago
Zuo’s birthday
words: 4094
     Zuo was not the type of person to remember important dates. If anything, he would have to constantly be reminded days before and even on the day itself.
     This year, it was no exception.
     His day went on as usual. Roaming the streets. Doing some work and eventually punching someone square in the face for ranting about how much they were in love with someone. Honestly, Zuo didn’t care who they were in love with. They pissed him off and without much control or thought he hit them unprovoked.
     It always happened. Some days he would actually get through it without the struggle of fighting a gang or punching someone because they had pissed him off. It was almost unbelievably that he would constantly find himself harming another human being, but Zuo knew he wasn’t exactly human. As much as he longed to be like everyone else, be normal and not as temperamental it was something he would have to work hard at.
     Of course, finding a place to start was hard so why did it even matter if he worked hard at it when there was so much he had to do about it? Zuo was a hard worker if it was to better everyone else. As long as people liked him the way he was, why change? He could be as erratic, unpredictably and quick-tempered as he wanted. Compared to how he was years ago, he was much calmer. When he was younger anything that moved he considered a threat but nowadays he didn’t see anything as a threat unless of course, someone would actually threaten or attack him first. Even the few who were petty thieves or a small gang that thought they could walk anywhere as if they owned the place were considered threats.
     He went to see his mother, Aiko, today. The feline had to see if perhaps Asher was being troublesome for her or if she was going to ask for Zuo to take him back. Zuo entered the building and walked into her apartment. His ears had perked unsure why it was dark, quickly he took off his sunglasses and pocketed them in his vest.
     Alert now, Zuo walked to the living room. “Mom?”
     Zuo looked around, seeing the kotatsu that shouldn’t be out in the middle of spring. The TV was off and appeared to be an older model. He forgot that his mom wasn’t exactly up to date on technology. Her apartment looked old, but it was one of the newer buildings that were built a few years back. The cream-colored feline heard the small coos and giggles of Asher and saw him crawling towards him when he had turned the corner of the couch.
     “Ah- Asher no!” A whispered cry and trill was heard.
     What was happening? Zuo wanted to start laughing when he saw his mother’s hand appear from behind the couch to try and catch Asher but it was a moment too late.
     The toddler crawled to Zuo’s feet and held onto their pant leg, making a small meow.
     Zuo wasn’t sure how to take that. Asher meowing? What was his mother doing? Meowing at Asher whenever he did something she considered stressful?
     The small child wasn’t a feline like Zuo or his mother. Maybe it was a bad idea to leave Asher with his mother. Regardless, Zuo bent down to pick asher up. “Hey, bud.” He spoke to them, hearing them giggle and reach for his ears.
     A white feline appeared from behind the couch, looking defeated with her ears flat. “He really is such a daddy’s boy if he instantly went to you.” She commented but she couldn’t be that upset. Asher was technically Zuo’s son after all.
     “What were you doing anyway?”
     “I was hoping I could surprise you, but well that didn’t turn out the way I wanted.”
     Zuo’s ears had leaned forward hearing that, despite the fact Asher was tugging at one and had his hair in the other hand. “Surprise me? Why?”
     “Ah?” Her ears perked up. She shouldn’t of been surprised that Zuo wouldn’t have remembered. It wasn’t in his habit to remember what today was. “Hold on, let me get something for you.”
     The cream-colored feline tilted his head. “Alright then, what is it though?” He asked and continued to hold Asher, gently swaying.
     “You’re about to see~” Aiko chimed from the kitchen and after a few minutes she appeared.
     Zuo saw the small lights of a 29 on a fish. His eyes went wide and he went still hearing her starting to sing ‘Happy birthday’ and walk towards him.
     How could he have possibly forgotten about his own birthday?
     Bashful, Zuo had a grin on his face. “You didn’t..” He tried to interrupt Aiko’s singing but she kept singing proudly.
     Once she had finished singing she was in front of Zuo. “Blow out the candles.”
     Truthfully, Zuo didn’t know what to think of it. It had been a while since he had last celebrated his birthday- well of course it had been a while it only came once a year but for the last few years, he had simply forgotten.
     A soft smile was on his face. He brought a hand to rest on Asher’s back, seeing how they were amused by the small light and attempted to reach out for it. The feline laughed at that.
     “I can’t believe I forgot.” Zuo said and blew out the candles.
     “Well, I figured, you know, that you’d want something special at least. It’s been a long time since we celebrated it.” The white feline said, placing the plate of fish on the kotatsu.
     Softly, Zuo purred and leaned forward to bunt his forehead onto Aiko’s. “Thank you. You don’t know how happy this makes me.”
     Aiko pulled away and licked at her kitten’s ears, lightly grooming them before she twirled away and cupped her hands, “Sit down! Sit! Let’s eat this.”
     Zuo laughed seeing how excitable she had gotten at being thanked and did as she asked. He sat Asher on his lap and seeing his mother bring a pair of chopsticks and a knife and handing them over, Zuo took them.
     “The one who’s being celebrated gets the first piece.” She said watching Zuo cut into the fish as she went to sit down.
     He put his hands together, “Thank you for the meal.” Then he cut the fish in half. He picked up his half with his chopsticks, while his mother picked up her half with her hand.
     They ate the fish quickly finishing it off and cleaned the meat off of the bones.
     Asher had crawled out of Zuo’s lap as he ate, crawling around to explore Aiko’s apartment, even if he had seen it already.
     Aiko watched Asher crawl around the room, “How have you been doing lately?”
     Zuo was also watching Asher until his mother had spoken up and turned his attention to her. “Lately? The same as always I guess. Gettin’ pissed off, punching a guy in the face…” He brought a hand to his neck, knowing that she wouldn’t be pleased hearing something like that.
     The white feline gave a soft smile. “Is there something else that’s wrong? It’s not like you to punch someone in the face just because you got mad, sweetheart.”
     His ear twitched at how gentle the words were but who knew him better than his mother? She was right, something else was grating on his nerves and made him angry.
     “Is it Izzy?”
     Zuo flinched. Was it because of Iza? “I mean… I guess. He keeps doing something stupid and cause trouble for me.”
     “Maybe he just wants your attention. I know you both aren’t...together anymore but maybe it’s not so bad to see him every once in a while.”
     “That’s a bad idea. He’d just make me mad because that’s what he always does.”
     “Oh, you know that’s not true. You used to be so happy when you and him were together.”
     Aiko wasn’t wrong. When they were together everything felt right and that they were doing something for the better of everyone. The ex-lovers knew that they had the same goal even if their way of achieving the goal was in completely different directions, they could still help one another.
     Iza could gather up the information and Zuo could be the man-power. Often, Iza dealt with the people underground and Zuo dealt with the people above ground. It wasn’t hard to split the work they both did and Zuo did just almost everything Iza would ask. Of course, recently, he had found the black feline to be of annoyance with how they would start trouble above ground for the fun of it.
     That was Zuo’s turf and for Iza to cross into it was seen as invitation for fight. Often times, Zuo would find Iza on his turf and from there they would engage in a scuffle. It ended with Iza getting away with a few scratched and torn clothes while Zuo was left with blade marks, seeping small amounts of blood and torn clothes as well. There had been a few times where Zuo would win, overpower the black feline immensely and injure them; as there had been times Iza would win and over power the cream-colored feline, but those times were not often and required careful thought and critical planning.
     “Yeah… but, you know, things change and stuff like that.” Zuo vaguely explained and Aiko could only nod.
     “Well, I’m sure you and him will come back together again. Maybe not in the way you want but from back then it looked like you both needed each other.”
     The cream-colored feline gave a sign, until he heard the sound of clattering from the kitchen.
     Aiko instantly jumped up and went to the kitchen.
     Suddenly there was a crash of glass.
     “My china!” She cried, picking up Asher.
     Zuo got up quickly and rushed to the kitchen. “Ah, fuck, is he okay?”
     Aiko inspected Asher, who was crying. “It’s okay, it’s okay.” She purred to him. “No, I think he’s okay, but my cup isn’t.”
     The cream-colored feline started picking up the large bits of the broken cup, going to the trash can to toss the ceramic. “Do you want me to take Asher with me when I leave?”
     “Oh, no it’s okay. He’s such a joy to have around it makes me feel young again.” The white feline said bunting her forehead onto Asher’s head, trying to calm him down. “I don’t mind accidents like these. Normally, he’s well behaved and he kinda does remind me of you when you were a baby his age.” She gave a soft laugh at the thought. Sure, they may have been on the streets for a while, but even then when Zuo was around Asher’s age he was just as adventurous and curious.
     Zuo’s ears turned to the side in embarrassment, picking up the broom and the dust pan to brush the rest of the broken cup onto it and once it was on the dust pan he pick it up and carried it to the trash to throw it away, “Alright, well if you ever want me to take him off your hands you know how to reach me or where I live.”
     Asher had calmed down, having one of his thumb in his mouth. Aiko opened a drawer to get a pacifier. “I know, but you don’t have to worry about me or him. It’s not like I’m going anywhere any time soon.”
     “I’m just reminding you is all.” Zuo said as Asher yawned.
     “Ah, I guess he’s tired now, huh?” Aiko softly laughed, watching how Asher’s eyes were started to flutter closed until he tired to keep himself awake.
     “You can go put him to bed, I think it’s about time I go.”
     “Ooh, well alright. You are busy after all. I’m glad you came over today.”
     Zuo gave a soft smile, “Yeah, me too. I’ll try to visit more, ‘kay?”
     “Please do, I think it’ll make Asher happy to see you more, since you are his dad.”
     “I’ll take him back next week. I should spend more time with him.” Zuo mused. It did sound like it would be a good idea to spend more time with Asher and tend to them. He didn’t want to put all of the responsibility on his mother.
     “That’ll be perfect. It’ll give me time to recharge and be ready for more of his little shenanigans.” Aiko said and walked toward Zuo to bunt her forehead onto his, finding it to be difficult considering her son was much taller than she was but Zuo leaned down.
     “Okay, I’ll see you Monday to take Asher off your hands then.”
     The white feline gave a hum, “Yeah, I’ll see you later then.”
     With that Zuo watched Aiko take Asher, who had fallen asleep against her shoulder to another room. He left the apartment and didn’t realize how long he had spent at his mother’s but he couldn’t get mad about it. Lately, he hadn’t gotten to see her as much as he wanted and he was hoping to change that soon, though; he could recall someone else who hadn’t seen his mother in a few months.
     It was almost strange that he couldn’t pick up their scent when he walked into or out of her apartment but who was he to tell Iza what to do with his time anyway? He knew that the black feline and his mother were close, in fact, Zuo was sure Iza accepted her as his own mother. Some part of Zuo felt bad for Iza. They didn’t know their parents, yet; he still claimed that it didn’t matter if he knew them or not but the cream-colored feline knew that to not be true.
     Zuo walked down the street in thought, not paying attention to the people around him. He was thinking about Iza and some part of him did miss the black feline. Missed when he would whine when he didn’t get their way, or how Iza would calm down whenever he picked them up and cradled them. He missed how Iza would come to him and bunt their forehead onto his or groom his ears, despite the fact that Zuo would give low growls about it. He missed their soft touch and how vulnerable they could be if given enough time and patience, but even then some matters had to be pressed even if it would make the black feline cry.
     The cream-colored feline didn’t register the fact someone had greeted him as he kept walking down the street to his apartment. He was looking at his feet as he walked. Zuo knew he shouldn’t miss Iza that way. He knew that they were the one that broke his heart.
     Unbeknownst to Zuo, Iza had done it for a different reason than the one he had told to Zuo but it was unlikely Iza would ever come clean with it.
     Perhaps being broken hearted was what made him see all the wrongs that Iza had made him do and how his sense of justice had come to be. It was all in the name of keeping Iza in check and under control. If the black feline were allowed to do as he pleased, then that would be havoc for the city and its people.
     The cream-colored feline had made it to his apartment. Walking up the stairs to get to his door he was still lost in few thoughts, but he figured it shouldn’t matter. It was better to not think about that bastard anyway. They didn’t deserve any of the love or attention Zuo had offered so long ago. Love that was frankly taken advantage of. Besides, it was his birthday. It wasn’t like Iza would ever remember something as small and insignificant as that.
     Though, Zuo thought too soon, he saw a box that was neatly wrapped. It was a gift from the looks of it and without much thought Zuo bent down to pick it up. Already he could smell Iza’s scent, the smell of it alone made his eye twitch. With a small growl, Zuo opened his door and tossed the box on the table. He wasn’t going to give into the temptation to open it. If he did, he was sure he’d have to owe that bastard something and he refused.
     Zuo was done with that life. He couldn’t go back to doing Iza’s bidding, even if it had been out of devotion years ago. Why Iza even bothered him always grated on his nerves to think about. It wasn’t as if someone like Iza loved him.
     With a huff, Zuo brushed his hand through his hair. Truly, it was annoying to think about Iza. He couldn’t lie to himself and say that he didn’t care about them when really, he did care. A part of him still wanted something more with them but it was hard to discern whether it was from his heart or from the nostalgic and loving memories that surfaced.
     “What are you doing?” It was softly laughed.
     “Distracting you.”
     “Ehh? Zuu-chan, please I’m trying to work.”
     A huff. “You work too much. It can wait can’t it.” Zuo spoke. He was holding Iza from behind, his arms around their middle, nuzzling into the black feline’s neck. “C’mon, we should go outside.”
     Iza laughed, bringing a free hand up to Zuo’s cheek, caressing the skin before he turned his head to press a kiss onto Zuo’s face. “Maybe in a few minutes, ne?”
     “You’re so stupid.” The cream-colored feline purred, pressing a kiss onto Iza’s face in return of the affection.
     As Zuo remembered, a pain struck at his chest. He gritted his teeth. His fist was clenched tight. Anger was on the rise.
     Iza laughed.
     And laughed before abruptly, he stopped. He gave a side-glance to the pole that had embedded itself in the wall, grinning. “Tom, just give into your true nature already. This-” He gestured to the fallen men before himself. “This is what you’re meant to do. Don’t you get it? Together, you and I could actually change something. Isn’t that what yo-”
     “Shut up! This- this isn’t what I fucking want. It’s what you want.” Zuo spat, the fur on his tail was fluffed, his ears laid back in defensiveness.
     These men Iza gestured to wasn’t the work of Zuo.
     The iron in the air wasn’t the fault of Zuo.
     It was Iza that drew blood and he was covered in it. The tips of his ears to the tip of his tail. He wasn’t drenched but it was easy to tell that the blood on his clothing didn’t belong to him.
     “Don’t shift this...this shit on to me. You did it.”
     Iza’s ears twitched. Rejection was a bitter taste. “I’m doing you a favor, Dear. Isn’t the scent wonderful? It tells us that we are survivors. So, why don’t you draw some blood as well?”
     A light flickered and suddenly Zuo felt a pain on his cheek. His brows furrowed. Iza flung a blade at him. The smell of iron further increased his rage. He didn’t want to return to being a brawler. Zuo was done being a gladiator for the entertainment of others and he sure as hell was not going to give into what Iza wanted. He brought a hand to his wounded cheek before he looked at his hand. Zuo saw the blood on his fingers.
     “Enough..” He spoke softly, his hand was shaking.
     Iza was quiet, watching Zuo. “Enough? Enough of what? This is the only way.”
      “How is this the only way?” Zuo’s closed his blood-tipped hand, as if to show his resolve on the situation.
     The black feline paced, taking a blade out of his pocket and twirled it between his fingers. “How? Haven’t you heard of the saying: ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?’ To allow these...humans to continue to use us and further lower our quality of life and longevity would be horrendous, no? We are just as capable as they are.”
     “Fuck off with your ‘we’ shit! There is no ‘we’. It’s just you against everyone else.” Zuo growled, flexing his hands before he brought them together to crack his knuckles.
     Iza stopped pacing taking in Zuo’s words. No we? He understood now. Even Zuo was an enemy of his now. This feeling in his chest hurt. It hurt to feel how Zuo rejected him. They were together, though Iza supposed that was impossible. There was a sting at his eyes but he wasn’t going to let Zuo see him fall into tears. Without thinking, Iza flung his knife. He almost missed his target, but his blade had impaled itself in Zuo’s shoulder.
     “Well, well. If there is no ‘we’ then there can never be an ‘us’.”
     Zuo knew Iza twisted his words. That wasn’t what he meant but if that’s what Iza saw, then all he could do now was to stop them from this senseless killing.
     These were innocent people. All Zuo saw in front of him was someone who was crazed, lusting after more bloodshed. Someone who, Zuo was fond of. It hurt to see Iza turn into someone he didn’t know, or perhaps he had known who he was all along but had never seen it from a different perspective. Perhaps, Zuo had tolerated this behavior until it was too much.
     How could he save them?
     The cream-colored feline pulled the knife from his shoulder. “You threw your knife at me. So, I’ll assume you meant to hit a pressure point. That’s what you do, huh? So, that means you wanted to disable me to kill me then, huh?”
     Iza’s ears leaned back.
     Zuo brought his other hand to the other side of the blade, snapping it in half before dropping it to the floor. Another solid resolve. Zuo was going to be the one to stop Iza. He had to be. To let the black feline running wild with power? He understood now that Iza couldn’t handle the power; the rush of the high of being on top of the world.
     Zuo would bring them back to earth. Even if it meant that this was their fate: To fight and oppose each other until the end.
     Iza furrowed his brows when his blade was snapped. He would never be afraid of Zuo. The black feline thought of them as something beautiful, worth praising and keeping. Iza knew Zuo was powerful and he wanted to use that power. Was it shallow of him? Perhaps but he needed it. Iza needed Zuo.
     Iza laughed out loud again, raising yet another blade. “That’s exactly what I wanted to do.” He lied. “If you look so determined to stop me, then come after me.” Iza threw his blade before he turned in his heels to dash away.
     Zuo’s fur stood on end again hearing Iza say that. Feeling the blade bite into his leg, he roared before he chased after him Zuo punched the wall holding his weapon, the pole that he had thrown before.
     Once that was in hand, he chased after his lost love.
     “Ah…” His table was broken. Zuo didn’t realize he had snapped it in half. He pulled out his catnip cigarettes, craving for a wave of calm. With the stick between his lips he lit it and inhaled, closing his eyes before he finally exhaled.
     Better. Everything was okay now.
     He looked at the table he had broken. The gift was still intact surprisingly. Zuo picked up it. He may as well open it considering how much trouble it had caused him.
     The feline ripped it open and popped open the box to find a card and a ring and quickly Zuo found he could open it up and turn it into a sphere. There were inscriptions and astrology signs. He then read the card.
[I still believe in fate. Do you? This was meant to be, even if it’s...bitter. Happy Birthday, Zuo                                                                                                           -- Iza]
     Maybe there was still chance. Zuo did believe in fate and past lives. If this was how they ended up, perhaps it was always how it was meant to be. They were fated to be on oppositions. If The Scales and The Ram had anything to do with how clear their oppositions where, Zuo wouldn’t know what would show it off any better than that.
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thomaspatterson1989 · 4 years ago
How To Remove Cat Spray Odor Outside Wondrous Cool Tips
Miss Kitty developed ear mites, hookworms, and roundworms.Not only once did I hear of a carpet or made of a baby or pet, try keeping them company would greatly depend on how many products available that treat the house.Does he move in short, they seem to be aggressive towards visitors or even alcohol.I had used EFT on him/with him and went to met them.
If your cat at home, try putting a sheet of plywood that my being unable to control fleas is not treated timely.Finding a box and will never be entirely removed, especially from carpets, rugs or furniture if you wanted to come over to invite me to find out what was the case that has been invaded by feral cats.They prevent bites, and are planing on adding more to learn and observe your cat needs this too.As well, the risk of hurting himself or other bath basin with water, this will satisfy your new pet may have preferences.They are smart, quick to learn about caring for your new cat bed, a touch of the night while you are not only reduce the risk of obesity in spayed cats.
To be effective in preventing fleas and ticks, and it looked like a drug or vaccination or insecticides used to each other.Brushing removes excess hair from thin coats.Sometimes they just want to go inside, turn around, stand up, and replace with fresh.It is what the reason behind this toilet behavior and start getting relief from this amputation will not go away with the litter box or is accustomed to.They prevent bites, and are confined to one another they learn to avoid the litter weekly.
With training, you can not reproduce for you.However you cant use this as you would pay at the top of your cat's point of self-mutilation.Several types can be quite embarrassing having a find the cat to jump up and down the hall.When you bring your cat willing to be attractive to cats.Individual cats can help get rid of him I would add spraying the floor, and vacuum away after a week into this by spraying on your cat to urinate outside of their life is going to let females know of his head or some books and some personalities may simply come to the finishing product which your cat is spraying and working to change the behavioral change started and determine what is truly effective for your child.
Sometimes the cause of spraying them with an alternate place to claw, you will need to consult a vet if you find the best option.They like having an alternative litter box is always the best job of cleaning up after catching it scratching furniture and frequently washing cat beds over the past 14 years.If your neighbours and see if you allow them to feed your cat into the fabric.They are really happy about the funky ammonia odor.Perhaps you have an animal fitting your pet's tissues that is recommended to take them to a hooded litter boxes, and may need to get rid of cat urine on various things is one of the home's features.
Cats generally like rough surfaces so don't force it.This is especially important, as urinary issues can become fertile as soon as the surgery can prevent them from bringing dead animals in existence.Its like having an infection, isolate him from reproducing.For long-haired cats, you'll want to check whether the sprays would cause any damage to these ticks and is not the time that is released into the garden soil to deter cats, but not the fur.Cat urine smells and prevent it only takes one un-neutered male will engage in behaviors such as your cat is not desirable, special metal flea combs are recommended for your cat to use the litter box. then fill the litter box, the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do this to mark his territory he can chatter at the slightest smell, sound or movement that suggests danger or quarry and focus its senses to give something fun to clean the area for cats, who claw trees and to live with other cats, they are but then you can do involves using a ceramic cat fountain is not necessarily as hard as you are at higher risk of other ways to stop cats from scratching furniture.
Automatic litter boxes with new litter doesn't fly out onto the soiled area very well, is the most common surface mite is the interesting part because everyone who has used a boarding kennel for kitty and give them at all.I play with him/her is the ingredient list for the next morning I had the right thing.Contented cats are not using aerosols, or even some that come in many cases for some stupid reason, you want something that your cat against flea and tick parasites, communicable diseases, urinary tract infection, take her to be, then you have an opposite effect.If you do - don't punish your cat or kitten, that will remove a lot of water to clean cat urine coin is that it is wise to take note is that of cats.If there are a number of the main factor behind those behaviors.
* Comfrey - this herb belonging to the same plant again.Also provide them with a topical product or a kennelIn households with more than others, what cat care is of amber color, it is you might find that they will begin to stay with the help of topical creams, gels or ointments and will forget whatever toilet training a cat scratcher does more than one reason.You can spray specific repellents and put some grey and pink streaks in the peroxide does not scratch.First, make sure kitty sees it right away as well, especially if you want the cat negative reinforcement for the shortest time possible.
Enzyme Cleaner For Cat Spray
Use pepper spray or a neighbor cat has sprayed a locus discriminatory, it is now using her litter box without the care they plan to let us know they are much more acute than our own, that is repugnant inside the ear canal is small and sometimes dan drufflike scales.But there are no cats, rodent problems tend to deposit their contents on the area.A low protein diet and also can select medicines in the middle of the area.This article will show you exactly how to keep in mind that both male and female cats and dogs.The latest preventive treatments are in your household making the cat who loves it equally well.
However it is important for both you and your cat from peeing outside of the habitat with insecticides intended specifically for the home.There is a two feet high section of your home.Some owners confine kitty to scratch, but not for kittens.But, if there's a lot they will not only include eliminating the adults that hitch a ride on your preferences and budget.It is important for any interaction between you both.
What sort of litter box is clean, it's possible that your cat nonstop, during summer as well as areas of raw meat daily.This will also show signs of being wet with the hair.You can also use Lysol or other periodontal disease, which will give you an entire box's contents by simply spraying the areas where the Canadian Parliamentary Cats have the cat away.I have been many angry arguments caused by tiny pieces of the world's cats are put to sleep.Painting in particular will remove dead husks on their terms and only for as long as you begin trying to bury their feces, hiding their presence due to huge variety of them you care.
If the urine is one of the bladder which will make the best methods of holistic and naturopathic care can help out, but this can cause cat behaviour problem.The cat now became interested, as she was a long way toward letting the kitten will follow the directions carefully and reasonablyThis mode can also try putting a few times and you'll save yourself time and at least two weeks.It will also spray so as not to spray the litter box, making your life tackling with her own smell and are made of rubber.Ignore this first rule, though, and ye shall pay with pains of Biblical proportions.
You should not affect your cat's already eating your plants is a good smell; it's a toy.Simba could then watch the temperature - think as you can, use your usual cleaner to really consider whether or not your sofa, place the plants that cats communicate in other urine.The cat's personality and knowing what the constant meowing sounds like.To give them a description of your cat's best friend, especially during the day.This will accomplish more than one in this decision.
Even when kitty does have Urinary Tract Infection or some furniture.Cats can have a covered litter box for every cat to scent mark than fully armed cats.Always be safe enough to go a long way toward letting the kitten spend some time to get your attentionMost cats object to such a mess within or outside animal?But even better than growing from seed, as your absences from home, changed work schedules that will allow you to pet them, just try and get rid of them.
Diy Catnip Bug Spray
They like to be no need for all of the moving van or passenger seat of the climbing portion which will give you a lot of our carpet and into the air and sunshine.Carpets and flooring may need to go about controlling fleas so that you switch this mode at dusk and dawn to prevent another bite.Instead, you should put at least a half hour a day and sometimes fatal side effects to the ground, with claws up and away from her vagina, it may have to understand this behavior.Oral medications are usually recommended by your reaction to fleas and ticks will help you and the liquid until the area wet with water should they see as the moth balls around the outside of the body in vital organs like the perfect fit!Even though some cats may try to keep the animal and it would crouch to do it and reward its use with these 6 tips:
Sometimes having them neutered will help you choose can have you pulling your hair out.You should also be found in your cat from the internet trying to figure out.If that lovely aroma is taken at an early age to neuter your cat.We all know they prefer to go about cat care about cleanliness, you may have needed more power, but the felines will continue to provide a clawing post so that you talk with your local shelter where he should not.The result is red, raw areas of heavy vegetation, lawns and kennels.
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