#I also just finished re-watching season 3 so I have a lot to say about it
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emptymasks · 1 year ago
so.. i sure feel like i invested a lot into a show just for them to not care in the end. and this isn't a 'wah they killed of my fave character so show bad'.
the pacing felt weird, right? i wonder if they wanted 10 episodes but the network only gave them 8? or maybe they just didn't know how to end the show. maybe they're scared they won't get a season 3 and so rushed the end of season 2?
but to build up izzy, to have him talk about belonging to something... only to have him die without anyone telling him they love him. yeah ed said they're family but like. the whole thing felt so sudden, from him being the one with richard to getting shot to dying and then to suddenly haha the silly guitar music is playing guys its funny joke time. like. ed was upset as izzy was dying but then it seemed at his burial that no one really cared. it would have been more impactful if his death had been the final scene of the season.
but wouldn't it have been much better to show izzy finding a family? to have him captain the revenge? to contrast with season 1 and how the crew hated him when he was in charge. to end season 2, end the show, with him captaining the crew and having their respect and their love?
because it really didn't feel like he died for the crew, for his family. because he push someone else out of the way to save them he just got outsmarted by richard (since when is izzy that stupid or not strong enough to hold onto a man?) and got shot. like idk you could have had him die protecting ed or stede or the crew. how on earth could izzy not hold onto a man who's physically weaker than him and how the hell did he let someone else grab his fucking gun. or wait im re-watching it looks like richard just.. grabbed a gun out of his own coat.. i.. did no one search this man and take his weapons off him.. what the fuck.. no im sorry there's no excuse that doesn't make sense for no one to have taken his weapons away that just seems like bad writing.
if you were going to kill him off he deserved a better death.
but he deserved a better ending than this. what's the point of him having this arc of finally caring about people if he dies and it seems no one really cared other than ed and fang?
omg i just read as i'm writing this that jenkins does have a plan for a season 3. okay so now it's only acceptable if con wanted to leave the show so they had to kill off izzy but they still should have done it better. have him fending off the english so the crew can escape. have him taking a bullet for ed. something that means something. omg.
and ed and stede... i don't feel like they're ready for this yet. the only way they should be living together is the end of the show. not the end of a season. they literally only just got back together they need time to grow together.
you really said its a show about people finding love and happiness and then killed off the queer disabled character who got to die while telling his abuser that he loved him. the ending feels like the show saying 'actually not everyone deserved love, if you were an izzy fan you were right to get hate' like. he deserved to be loved by the crew, to be told that they cared. but he didn't get that.
also um?? the crew dont love ed. he literally only just finished torturing them, some of them have ptsd and trauma from what he did to them, and even if they want to forgive him they certainly do not love him yet. they cared much more about you izzy than they did about ed.
and then to have him shot in the left side, the place that ed showed in season 1 was a 'safe place' to get injured i. what.
where the fuck was roach? just watching? not trying to help? does he either not care or not think it's worth trying to save him??
i love the crew, i love zheng. i like stede and ed's romance but they're never the reason i watched the show. but i found izzy's arc the most meaningful to me. and i. i really don't think i'm going to watch a season 3 if there is one. not just because izzy's not there, but that last episode just felt like they don't care or don't know how to write anymore in a way that i enjoy at least.
to see someone like izzy (who's backstory i thought we would get, at least who the ring belongs too that he wears around his neck but no okay) he disliked because he has to be, he doesn't know how to be soft and be loved or how to love others. to show that a person who has been hurt so much and built themself so hard and buried their real self so far below.. to see that person be able to find themself again, to love others, to let themself be loved, to others see who they are. that meant so much.
so much for this being a happy queer show. for a lot of people he felt like this representation of an older queer man who's just coming out of the closet, exploring himself, there's not another character like that. the disability representation with him this season i've seen has meant a lot of people. his arc isn't the same as any others and a lot of people have found something very personal to connect to in that and i think they have a right to be upset.
to say it makes sense for him to be killed off for the narrative because ed needed to let him go... sounds cruel? izzy is a person, he's not a narrative object to make ed feel better about himself. to have ed abuse izzy, physically abuse him, and then izzy's arc ending with him apologising as if it was his fault (yes he encouraged blackbeard, but please let's not victim blame, let's take male victims of abuse seriously) and saying he still loved ed i just..
to say it makes sense narratively for him to get killed off for other reasons i don't fully disagree, but i think it was too soon, and i think at least it should have been in a way that made sense like him protecting the crew, not allowing richard to STILL HAVE HIS GUN ON HIM DID NO ONE CONFISCATE HIS WEAPONS?? or did he take izzy's gun in which case HOW how would izzy allow richard to take his gun. he's smart and a capable fighter what is this.
i saw someone else say izzy's death had no meaning and no consequence. and they're right. the crew moved on straight away and forgot about him (apart from fang, shout out to fang), and seemed like they didn't care. they aren't seeking revenge. they aren't angry. so it's for.. ed and stede to get together? izzy deserves more than that. and they could have still gotten together anyway... if it's for ed to move on then fuck that. an abuser doesn't get to move on from the abuse he caused because his victim fucking died.
i'd been looking forward to this episode all week after i really terrible week and well. should have known nothing this week was going to plan.
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fersauce47mediatalk · 2 months ago
About Beastars' final season
Spoiler warning, if that wasn’t obvious. 
I don’t watch much anime. The only ones that I’ve really been able to get into were Pokemon, Dragon Ball, and Beastars. Back in late 2023 my friend recommended that I try out Beastars, because it was just such a perfect anime. I watched it, and yeah, it sure as hell was! On December 5th, 2024, the final season came out on Netflix and got me re-obsessed. 
When I first heard that it was getting another season, I lost my mind. I heard in September, and had to grind through 3 months to get it. I almost put myself into hibernation or some shit. It was well worth the wait, and everyone that I forced to watch the show agrees. 
Funny story here. When I first finished season 2, that ending scared me into being vegetarian for the rest of the year. Only a perfect, immersive show can cause that.  
Season 1 of Beastars was released onto netflix (outside of Japan) on March 13, 2020. Season 2 released on July 15, 2021. Season 3, AKA the Final Season, released on December 5th of 2024. Each season has 12 episodes, at 24 minutes each. If you binged the show in one sitting, it would take about 15 hours. I’d say it’s worth it, this is the one show I cannot condone speeding up. 
If you haven’t seen Beastars, you really should watch it before you read this. It’s a great show, and you’re missing out. Also because this post will spoil a good amount. The characters are perfect, the pacing isn’t too slow or fast, the jokes land (most of the time, it’s still anime) and most importantly, the art style is a pleasure to look at. Also, the music… holy shit. You can count on any bit of music in this show to be a banger. Especially Wild Side and Into The World. 
I think that every character introduced in this season was a wonderful addition to the cast. Some helped progress the lore and the plot, and others were just there to vibe. I can’t think of any of them that I didn’t like. I will say that with the addition of all of the new characters, most of our old stars didn't shine very bright. Like Juno. I would’ve loved to see more of her. I didn’t expect the beastar to be a horse. I thought it’d be a… idk, maybe a tiger? Bear? Speaking of morally questionable badass characters…
Melon was great. He’s been the best villain so far, mainly because he actually won. He reminds me a lot of Scar from the lion king. Think about it, he’s a gay lil misfit with a wonderful onscreen personality who ends up winning… for the most part. He was introduced really well, and maintained his mystery up until the end. He’s also hot. 
While we’re on the topic of cool characters, can Juno just go back to being evil? I liked her more when she was threatening Haru’s life and being witty. I can’t say that I like Haru. The one good thing about Juno this season was her one crashout scene in the udon restaurant. 
I may be a tad biased when I say that Beastars fans are really chill. The ones that I’ve met are just gay gen z furries who have an outstanding taste in media. We love Beastars fans <3
There’s one more thing I need to mention before I conclude. Tf was that ending? I don’t think that Legosi is actually dead, because the seal homie taught him how to ask for help in ocean language. Also, he’s the main character. But I suppose that we can never know, because it’s the final season. We’ll also never know about everything else they set up. What happens with Haru? What happens with Juno? What happens with the Kines investigation? What happens with Melon and the Shishi-gumi? What happens with Legosi’s grandpa and the Beastar? What happens with the panda homie? There’s so much shit that was left in the dust, just because, why? Was it cut for time? Fuck you.
In conclusion… Even though the ending was infuriating, I only cared so much because the show had me invested every step of the way. It left me as a changed man. I understand not everyone can get into the theme, and some of you lil WEAKLINGS can’t stomach the violence like a true alpha, but it’s still worth watching. 
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gleefullypolin · 10 months ago
Just talking to myself about my favorite topic
I'm saying this for ME. It's my blog and I like to muse. But I have made it through my season 1 re-watch. I'm getting ready to start episode 3 of Season 2 before we get to Polin Season... I also re-read RMB just for things I could pull from there as well.
For context I was a Bridgerton virgin, I had no idea there were books and I went into the show having no context to what it was about. I pulled Polin as my interest from episode 1 because I like the nerds and its just what I enjoy. I had no idea they were a thing or had a book or ended up together until after Season 2 had aired and there was discussion about "their season and I looked it up". Lucky me :)
Anyway, I really wanted to do that to get my feelings in the right place and remind myself where we were. Boy did it bring up a lot of feelings.
First off, Colin wasn't exactly stupid to Pen's affection, but he wasn't clued in either in Season 1. She was very much attached to his sister's hip and very young at this point. Asking to go pretty much play with Eloise makes her very young in my eyes. I think she grew up a lot in this season with the awful Marina storyline. It forced her from her infatuation stage into feelings for Colin. (I still hate everything about that damn storyline tho)
Let's talk about the brothers as we think about S3 brothel BS. Anthony and Ben were dipping their wicks into a lot of candles this season. Ben had a threesome at the party with the Modieste and another girl at the party. Anthony was pretty much doing it everywhere and then at one point I think he spent the family fortune paying the brothel tab, they even had a "coin" sound for a good 30 seconds of him paying money.
When Anthony talks to Colin about the Marina situation, he tells Colin he blames himself because he didn't take him to brothel's like he should have to sow his oats before he settled on his first girl. Because THAT was a what men did back then. Colin grew up with Anthony as his father after his own dad died. He watched his brothers and learned from them. Once he started traveling he learned from what he had there. This is what he knows and believes is being a man.
Season 2 he even came back a new "man" per se. He's drinking more, and the Jack Featherington of it all. I won't go into all that until I'm at those parts of the re-watch. I think it's interesting so far just in two episodes seeing his interaction with Pen is already so different than season 1.
Season 1 it was talking to a sister, but already its different, they have more to say after writing to each other. They seem to want to interact and suddenly El is a distraction to them BOTH. They both seem annoyed when El pops up to take Pen away, like it annoys them both that she isn't letting them talk. That was new that season.
They also wrote Colin very confusing in S2. In S1 his affection toward Pen was brother/sister yes. And in S2 I'm not saying its changed per se, but it's less. Yes he gave the line "You are Pen" and I did yell at the TV, "That's going to bite you in the ass, you big cunt" and my husband asked if I needed to be alone. But the way he says it, the smile, it wasn't meant to be insulting. He means it reverently. She means something to him. He has no fucking idea what, but it's something to him. something more than El, but not as much as what he thought Marina meant to him...YET.
The looks he is giving her in S2 in just 1 episode mind you because he's not in episode 1 so this is all from episode 2 are a bit of awe. He stares at her in wonder. Like he's still trying to figure out what to make of her after conversing with her all summer. Peeling back the layers of what he has discovered.
More to come once I finish season 2.....
Also in RMB I did find this quote and it reminded me that Colin is not quite so innocent in Pen's mind in that world either:
He was, for all his rakish and mischievous ways, for all his jokes and teasing and sly humor, a good and noble man. And he would be a good and noble husband.
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laura1633 · 4 months ago
let me tell you a funny story! when i was getting into f1 rpf last spring i decided to check out tumblr after only reading a few fanfics... i saw your account and everybody just casually talking about doing these questionable things to these grown men was a veryyyy bizarre experience (at that point) (my first actual rpf fandom experience)
after months and reading possibly every work under the lestappen tag on ao3 i have to admit im responsible for a few too many unholy asks in your inbox myself
and to imagine people like me stumbling into your account and seeing the things we say is a very funny image to me
you never know until you're in it i guess
i love you for being the voice of everyonee! and i wonder did yesterday's phenomenal performance might mean we still get a preloved chapter this week?? if not that's okay this sport and fia are still corrupted
Haha I can totally see why it would be a strange experience! When I first started answering asks and writing rpf I was also questioning myself but given that I keep all this on tumblr and ao3 I just decided to go full send into it 😂😂
Thank you for sending asks through anon <3
So... it depends. I normally do a lot of the editing on the chapters at the weekend which I just could not focus on this weekend because I was so unhappy with certain things! Unfortunately this next chapter is the one that needs the most amount of editing and re-writes as I am not happy with it at the moment but I have an idea how to fix it (hopefully)!
I am going to try my best to get it done for Wednesday but I don't want to post it until I am happy with it but I suspect that if its not done by Wednesday I will post it by Friday rather than delay it until next week. And then the next chapter will follow Wednesday as usual.
All my other stories are on hold for a couple weeks but I do think I will be back to finishing them off because otherwise what am I going to do in the off season. As much as I hate the corruption I know deep down I will keep watching because of my favourite drivers! And life with some Lestappen rpf doesn't feel right haha!
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pitter-patt-art · 6 months ago
Ace Attorney AU August oops-august-has-been-over-for-a-week Update!!
Hiiiii well okay first and most importantly of all! Happy investigations collection day everyone!!!! My copy is supposed to arrive by 10pm although I'm not sure I'll be playing it right away, but, hey, once it arrives I'll have in my possession at least one physical copy of every game in the series (2 for aai1, woohoo)!!! *Coughs* uh except all of the OG Trilogy which instead I own like 2 times over digitally (3 in T&T's case, thanks Wii) lmao. Ah well.
NOW the actual post. Yeah it's not August anymore but I've been recuperating or w/e so shhh, better late than never!
Overall I wrote over 50k words (actually in August itself) and posted 5 fics (with many more in progress), which is honestly just, wild???? That is so cool. Apparently the way to overcome writer's block is just overcommit to a month-long prompt list, who knew!
Here is my post about the first 17 days/AUs! And over here's my Ao3 series for these! Below the cut I'll wrap up the last 14 days of AUs, some thoughts, etc!
I am setting the goal for myself to actually finish writing these before the end of the year even if they're not technically "AU-gust" qualified anymore by the time I get to them sooo ...wish me luck!! In the meantime I am proud of myself for (tbh completely unnecessarily and to my detriment lmao) coming up with actually a full 31 solid AUs based on the prompts that I feel inspired by.
This post is gonna be a bit more rambly than the last one because I definitely did more of my writing last month the first 2 weeks rather than the last 2, but nevertheless--
Onto the remaining AUs!
18 - Space Travel
So, I actually started a draft at the airport before my vacation where I got wayyyy too sidetracked getting detailed about this one and thus ended up not being able to finish the post before takeoff lmao. I'm not sure whether it's annoying or interesting to include all of that here, but it's my post so fuck it, here's August 21st patt to tell you aaall about it so I don't have to: The Martian AU (I've only seen the movie and not read the book but i *did* literally just re-watch it because this thought crossed my mind lol. (Hello! It's future me popping in to say: fun fact, rewatching this movie literally ended up being the reason I knew a bar trivia answer last week lmao. Huzzah for the powers of Ace Attorney refreshing my movie quote knowledge.) Be glad this one occurred to me because my first inclination was to lean into the dark past of my vld phase (I'm super joking I had a lot of fun with it before the last few seasons haha sorry idk what to tell you friends) and see how much I'd retained if i tried to make that work but the martian sounded more fun in the end). Apparently my Thing™ is a) poisoning Phoenix and b) putting Apollo in an insane situation in which he's completely on his own--which all things considered is probably far meaner lol. I think Phoenix is to blame for creating his own problem here for choosing to eat the stupid necklace but I fully blame Capcom for all the BS Apollo has gone through after AA4 (bc...the stuff IN that game is. coincidentally also Phoenix's blame to claim. lol). That said I'm part of the problem teehee. Apollo can be Some Guy from the real world who gets isekai'ed and he can also be Mark Watney :P (sorry bud I love you but you have just the Worst case of unavoidable main character syndrome). ((Which is QUITE funny actually because I'll never get over Capcom calling 4,5,6 the """"Apollo Justice Trilogy"""" (it's really not and it's frankly insulting they're trying to say it is.) Like he's. Y’know. The main character in exactly one of those games...... so.)) What was I talking about? Lmao oh yeah so Apollo is left on Mars (not sure he actually has much in the way of Botanist™ vibes but the indomitable, never-say-die, highly sarcastic vibes.... ye haha that's my boy right there). Omg wait sorry I'm writing this and realizing this whole thing actually fits the 18th AND yesterday's (the 20th) prompt as well. Whoops.
Clay as the captain (let him do something, says I)
Trucy as I think the pilot ONLY because I am literally constantly on the lookout to make a Wright Flying Brothers joke, sorry
Klavier aaaas. Uh. So the German astronaut in the film is the chemist and navigator and I know Klav's not necessarily supposed to be actually German canonically but there IS something funny about it
Athena as the flight surgeon and EVA specialist (for a couple reasons but mostly so she can be a doctor lol. I imagine she also can be there for psych stuff too, like, it's a long ass space voyage, that does shit to your brain)
Kay as the SysOp and reactor tech, tbh mostly because for some reason i really have a thing for hacker/programmer Kay, i guess?
Ema I want to be there also lol so that would be exceeding the actual number of OG astronauts but eh it's my AU. The rest of these I'm just directly comparing to a crew member from the martian but I think some of the titles and tasks could be redistributed a little to allow an extra person as a treat for me.
Originally i kind of wanted Sebastian (....SIGH. or...Eustace. (I fear even though it's AAIC release day today, I truly may die on this hill forever, falling on my sword of devotion and gratitude to the fan translation team... That said, while I think Eustace is, like, a Deeply Fine name, I have to say that Excelsius is a fucking knockout name lmfao, that one took me out. Anyway, ahem: "I wanted Seb/Eustace...")) to be there too but I think that's getting into too many cooks territory just specifically bc I'd have too many voices to play with lmfao. So instead I think he's the operator who works the satellite and realizes Apollo is alive, I think he'd fit that well. NOT THAT that needs to be. Included. In the AU. I have...so much self control.
Anyway I have too many thoughts about it, it's a problem, ironically I think I would prefer to focus on the crew and not Apollo himself, so that would at least make it more than just a rehashing of the movie/book. (Or, the movie at least. Does the book spend more time with them? I should read the book.) ...I did, Of Course, also came up with a funny, pseudo-future-science-y way to do a Sibling Reveal in this one, so there's that, too, haha. OKAY AND, SCENE. Snatching my mic back from myself. I'm actually so devoted to the Martian AU now hahaha, I really didn't think I'd let that happen to myself but here we are... You'll see in a bit, but I for-better-or-worse do truly have an extended universe going on for it now, eheh... (Help.)
19 - Spies
Franmaya?? Franziska POV??? Here's the deal: I cannot BELIEVE I got this many days into the month and STILL hadn't come up with a franmaya-centric AU, it's terrible. Also I need a Maya POV if I want to hit my self-set, self-indulgent goal of having POV of every "main" character I can (did I exactly accomplish this no but that's perfectly fine obviously haha it was just a side achievement I had my eye on). So to that end, I ended up with something here that I'm not COMPLETELY sure I won't end up changing when I sit down to actually work on it, but in short: semi The Princess Bride vibes but with spies instead of pirates! Or uh! So um okay full disclosure lol I got all excited about an AU of this kind and then like an hour into daydreaming it into existence I realized I was heavily relying on / leaning into ASSASSIN territory rather than SPY. Which are notably different things. (Wait lol should I blame Spy x Family?? Totally Endo-sensei's fault and not at all mine, boom, take that.) ...And not to go even harder into sxf territory, whoops, but my idea was something along the lines of like, since Kurain School Channeling changes spirit mediums' appearance entirely, I was going to have Maya be something of an expert in disguise, and Franziska I was almost more or less going to let retain her actual position of international prosecutor with Interpol, although perhaps I'd lean more into a James Bond-esque intelligence agency sort of thing than what we see them do in-game, I'm not sure. Maya gets "killed" for real in 2-4 except she actually just becomes an international assassin(?) apprentice. Does this make sense? Probably not lol. But is it a little funny and a little sad? Yes, yes it is, and that's always my sweet spot as a writer. The only problem with this premise is I can't stop myself from considering what Phoenix would do / be doing in the background, because the problem with Maya "dying"-only-being-secretly-alive leaves at least twofold problems in justifying why Nick hasn't gone full conspiracy theory board stop-at-nothing-to-find-her, in that a) If she's not dead, Pearl can't channel her, and knowing Pearl I have to imagine that would be her first move to try tbh, and b) even if that weren't an issue, if the police were never able to track down Maya's body at all, I fully believe Nick would still throw himself at the problem until he's able to find answers irregardless, so. This ain't about him though!! So we'll just all have to deal with knowing he's taking reaaally really bad care of himself while he single-mindedly tries to figure out what's going on ahaha...ha. He's most absolutely the drowning child in the facebook post meme. Don't worry about him.
20 - Crossover/Fusion
Soooo. Okay. First may I say, I'm not the most crossover-fic-y person in the world neither as a reader nor writer. HOWEVER. Unfortunately. My one undying weakness has proven to be Ace Attorney x Legally Blonde (and more specifically Legally Blonde the Musical, the best version, though I do love Reese Witherspoon's performance ofc it's iconic but the musical is just MWAH ugh. One of my all-time favorite musicals and definitely the one I've listened to the most esp the past couple years hahaha.) The problem is, I've joked about so many slight variations / one very Long Intensive specific AA/LBtM crossover AU ideas, that trying to limit myself to a one-shot I could conceivably finish within a day proved too much for my decision paralysis and I didn't end up writing any of them lmao. Alas. Mostly, I just think it would be funny to see the characters interact in something of a vacuum just for fun, the problem is just that I happen to be uniquely terrible at not thinking through a Crack AU until I can, ahem, "crack" it, so to speak, to make it actually justifiably function. So in theory all I want to write for this day is some combination of like, Elle and Phoenix interacting and Miles and Emmett interacting, or the four of them having a conversation that goes something like "omg wait me too!! i also went from a creative undergrad degree directly into law to chase after some guy!! what are the odds teehee" while Emmett and Miles watch in horror, and also alternatively Emmett and Phoenix mostly bemusedly watching Elle and Miles geek out over like, fancy ass high class (pink) clothing like "uh yeah i have no idea what any of those words mean. she bought me this suit and i honestly wouldn't even be able to find the store again. oh no way he bought you yours too?? man, wild." Etc. (If anyone's interested in really watching me suffer and spiral: my longer and more intensive idea for an AU with them is to have them be tackling parallel cases where either of them (Elle and Phoenix) has specific knowledge that is helpful to defending the others' client, and they get like place-swapped through dimensional shenanigans somehow also related to the cases. And Phoenix has to abide by, like, nominally-accurate US trial law (I know he wouldn't really be licensed shhhh) -- by which I mean Emmett is sitting as his co-council and exercising the most restraint possible to keep from bashing his head into the table every two seconds. And Elle has to abide by guilty-until-proven-innocent Japanifornia trial law ("wait WHAT omg what do you MEAN the prosecution can just, like, not submit their evidence before the trial???? wait what do you MEAN we should just TAKE THAT that is EVIDENCE AT A CRIME SCENE--"). On the bright side, Elle gets to experience being one of the most normally-dressed people in a courtroom and not at all being looked down upon for her general vibes and wardrobe (like tell me she wouldn't fit right in in the ace attorney universe and seem completely ordinary), and Phoenix gets to experience a real jury (take that jurist system trial that Capcom would like to never ever talk about again) and also the judge going "so, Prospective Juror No. 103, do you understand that the defense in this criminal trial does not need to say a single word in order to be doing their job? the burden of proof lies entirely on the prosecution the entire time and the defense and defendant could choose to remain silent every day of trial and that would be completely within their rights, do you understand that? are you okay with that?" etc etc, shout out to my jury service a couple month ago and the kinds of questions a real life California judge asks jurors that would seriously blow the minds of every single character in Ace Attorney lmfao can you imagine? Anyway.) So yeah idk. Also something something, spirit mediums and the whole Greek Chorus bit from the musical... "School Spirit"... much to think about in crack AU land hahaha.)
21 - Absurd Tragedy
To be honest with you, this is the entire series lmao, so much so that I had trouble even thinking of an AU to be "alternate" in any way here, hahaha. What I sort-of landed on and have vague outline notes about in my doc is (not to make another excellent-musical-adaptation-of-an-already-top-tier-movie-which-is-itself-a-highly-unfaithful-adaptation-of-a-fairly-obscure-book reference) a Shrek the Musical "I Think I Got You Beat"-style debate about whose canonical absurd tragic circumstances are the worst, lmfao. Granted, this then turned into a "wait what if I use said argument as an absurd way in which to make Apollo and Trucy have a siblings realization completely on their own, which both compounds the fact they've both already lived such tragedy to begin with but also could touch on Phoenix knowing about it and not telling them about it", and uhhhhh lmfao a debate specifically between them is OBVIOUSLY not the romantic flirting banter of the song between Shrek and Fiona lmfao but like still, the general premise, just in a sibling bickering coat of paint instead. Also was toying with it being an Athena POV just to sell home / for the additional absurdity of the experience of "you've gone over to your friend's house to hang out and suddenly they're obnoxiously arguing with their sibling and their parents are nowhere to be seen and you're not exactly sure what you're supposed to do with yourself except awkwardly wait for them to be done" lmfao. Which I've most absolutely experienced from both ends multiple times hahaha. The alternative option for this prompt is just for me to write an excessively long essay debating and attempting to personally rank the main cast's level of absurd tragedy compared to each other, lol.
22 - Orphan
I wrote 324 words (slash one physical lined page in my actual notebook) of this while I was on vacation, lol. AU where Miles invites Phoenix to go watch one of Gregory's trials (or Phoenix invites himself, or Gregory invites him while Miles tries to hold the landline phone away from him, lol) and I mean of course the trial he goes to is The Trial (like, Jeffre... AW CRAP wait I don't actually know what Jeff Master's or Kate Hall's official names are lmfao uhhh. Well you know what don't worry about that. Happy AAIC day once again..? Lol. Anyway, the concluding day of Gregory's last trial, obviously, ignore the defendant's name.) Like, basically, here's my thought. AU where Phoenix is also there, and not only does that mean he knows what happened to Miles and Gregory but also, like, it's Phoenix. Tell me even at 9 he wouldn't be insisting on taking care of the poor kid who just lost everything and has nowhere in the world to go. Tell me he's not like, begging his parents they need to help him, lol. I think really this is just sort of an AU to explore one of my several personal headcanons for what Phoenix's parents are like, because I've spent a lot of time on a different version of them (coughs for the last AU on this list...coughs) but I also have a version of them which I find fun / funny where they're like, kinda hippy-dippy and like very hands-off (tbh almost all of my hc's about the Greater Wrights is they're very hands off, just in different ways) but in more of a "we want our child to experience the beauty and wonder of the world on his own time and not influence him or set rigid standards to conform to" kind of philosophy. Anyway my point is they like adopt/foster Miles somehow before Manfred can actually get his hands on him (he's still too busy dealing with the fresh bullet wound I guess?) This is just a gen au of course, not only because they're 9 lol but also the logistics of being adoptive/foster siblings gets weird quick lmao, but mostly I just find it interesting to think about what might have happened if Miles was in an environment where people paid more attention and cared more (and weren't explicitly influencing and manipulating him to exasperate the problem on purpose), because I have to imagine examining his nightmares a little more closely a little more quickly might have led someone (say, Phoenix who was also there in this AU) to find something slightly off about it or like start putting pieces together quicker, idk. I, uh, I'm not gonna lie to you, I don't actually remember how I intended to end this one hahaha ;; I started it but I was on vacation and neglected to outline / summarize the rest of my ideas the day of, so I guess I'll just have to see where my mind takes me when I get back to it.
23 - Musician
So my FIRST thought for this day was to use it as an excuse to finish my First Ever Ace Attorney Fic, which has been in WIP stasis for...uh.... 6. Years. i--SIX????? Shit. lmfao. yeah uh. I guess I created the first version of the doc (on my OneNote, god) back in 2018. So. Yeah. Hm. Omfg. This fic has partially existed since before Phoenix Disbarment Day. That is so. Wow. Damn. Y'all we're so close to aa4 time (2026) what the hell??? Ahem. Pianist Phoenix. That's. My point lmao. I know the original thing that sparked me loving this concept was actually some tumblr post I saw apparently a LONG long time ago, hahaha, and I know there's no way I'll find it with tumblr's abysmal search function, but just know it was not a completely original idea of mine when I say i fucking LOVE the headcanon that, you know what actually Phoenix CAN play the piano, he just chooses to do it as shittily as possible because that's kind of what he's like post-disbarment and he'd absolutely get a kick out of fucking with people like that even if they have no way to know they're being fucked with. It's like, he's no virtuoso or anything, but he can passably play the piano! He's just being an ass on purpose! It kills me every time lol. I won't say I think that's necessarily true in canon so ofc it's not like an end-all-be-all hc for me or anything but it's just sooooo funny to me that I like to break it out any time I possibly can. Look me in the eyes and tell me he wouldn't. Honestly, look me in the eyes and tell me if he actually put his mind to it in any meaningful way he wouldn't be able to get decent quickly regardless, considering the fact he became an accomplished lawyer on more-or-less a total whim. This to say: that was my intention, to finish this fic I've had brewing that was about Phoenix actually being able to play the piano and hiding it for a really long time but eventually being found out by Miles by chance. Except then I sat down on the plane and started writing a Pearl POV instead? In which she finds out about more or less the same exact concept but from Iris--also by chance, but less actually catching him playing and more being asked, "Oh, does he still play? He was always good at that." And then bc it's Pearl (Pearl I love you), of COURSE she goes and confronts him about it. Pearl might be the single most confrontational character in these games tbh which is SO FUNNY to me. Like I'm kind of exaggerating obviously but also am I? I know she has psyche-locks you have to break through multiple times throughout the series but stiiiill. Everyone else is so repressed and weird about anything remotely vulnerable, I stg. Props to Maya for making sure Pearl turned out pretty okay I guess, lmao. Anyhow yeah that's sort of the AU I ended up with. Pearl POV where she and Iris know they're sisters (don't get me started on this I have so many thoughts about the amount of information I'm positive Maya and Pearl are NEVER given skjflj) and Pearl visits Iris in prison regularly and on one such visit maybe she mentions Nick's job at Borscht and Iris makes a totally innocuous comment to the effect that Pearl learns he actually knows how to play the piano and she goes to get mad at him about it because he's definitely been pretending he can't and Pearl's pretty sure he's told neither Maya nor Trucy the truth and that cannot be left to stand.
24 - Pretend Hate
Okay, this exists in a similar realm to the Orphan prompt, except instead of Phoenix being there for the trial or the Wrights taking Miles in before Manfred can, it's more just AU where Miles doesn't actually cut all contact and he and Phoenix successfully end up exchanging correspondence (in semi-secret) during the time they're separated (i.e. they remain friends and close during the 15 years they're separated in canon). "Semi-secret" because they--esp Miles--somehow hide who exactly it is they're talking / writing to all the time but don't necessarily hide the fact they are doing that. Like, a fake cultural / language exchange program or something? I feel like there could be a world where Manfred really doesn't give a shit what Miles is up to as long as he's being molded into "someone Gregory Edgeworth would hate" (I don't think he would lol but that's another AU) and becoming a model von Karma protege prosecutor and such. He obviously goes to lengths to cut Miles off from everything he's familiar with in that he takes him to Germany, but I've always thought it's way more on Miles feeling guilty and blaming himself and thinking he's unworthy / pushing people away being the reason why they never talked before aa1 despite Phoenix's "attempts to contact him," whatever those may be specifically. And, yeah, I've watched that one episode of the anime but tbh I don't really use anime canon for almost anything besides maybe some of the fun visuals, haha, so I'm kind of disregarding that anyway. ANYWAY. My point is. The "pretend hate" part is that--sometime over the course of exchanging correspondence, Phoenix starts thinking something's weird and gets it in his head to "investigate" himself, since he's still in LA / has access to the scene of the crime and stuff, and then as a combo of him just plugging away at it until he has enough (circumstantial) evidence to be like "Miles I think you're wrong about this" and also a younger, slightly less repressed, slightly less in Manfred's pocket Miles actually being somehow willing to consider alternatives a little--they're able to put their heads together and eventually come to the (correct) conclusion ahead of time, before the 15-year statute of limitations, that it was almost certainly Manfred who did it. And then they work together to figure out how they can possibly PROVE that but they haven't thought of anything foolproof by the time aa1 events start rolling around (or at the very least, the 5-years-ago sections of aa3? It might make more sense if it's as soon as Miles returns to Japanifornia, and also I think Phoenix has way less reason to fall for Dahlia/Iris so hard if Miles is around and *coughs* available lmfao. Anyhow). So, in the hopes it'll keep Manfred from getting suspicious of Miles, they publicly pretend to hate each other, putting on a show of more of the canon attitude Miles esp. has before 1-4, but behind the scenes they're actually working together trying to think of a way they can definitely get a conviction to stick that Manfred won't be able to worm out of. And that's the AU! Idk, in terms of additional thoughts, I couldn't decide what to do / what would happen to Mia in this AU either, which doesn't super matter but did give me pause. So she might live, idk, depends the exact timeline. I do also think a scene where--Dahlia still hits on Phoenix in the reading room/courthouse library but he's like, actively there waiting for one of Miles' trials to conclude for a covert meeting, so when Miles gets there and is like "What are you messing with over there?" Phoenix is like "Oh, hey, check out this weird bottle some girl just gave me because apparently she fell in love at first sight, haha, isn't that so funny--" and then Miles recognizes it from the Fawles trial and they catch Dahlia earlier or something, idk. Or alternatively Phoenix was AT that trial so HE recognizes it. Or maybe it's funniest if he was there but doesn't recognize it until Miles does lmao, this is not the point of this AU but I can't stop myself from considering this part of it.
25 - Scientists
So THIS is the day I sort of alluded to earlier, many many words of post ago, where I got so invested in my The Martian AU that I started accidentally worldbuilding about it. What I've started and have about 400 words of (slash one notebook page, again from the plane after my vacation), is like, AU where it's NASA instead of law and I can make Phoenix go "What, like it's hard?" only it's about literally rocket science this time hahaha. Basically for this fic I just thought, well what if Phoenix just shows up as a flight tech or engineer or something (idk I don't really know that much about real life astronautics) as Miles is preparing for some space mission or something and he's just like WHAT are YOU doing HERE. I know I know I made Apollo literally be the titular martian and yes he ALSO has a (or tbh probably has a WORSE) canonical debilitating fear of heights, so, shhh, but I do like the idea that Phoenix is like, oh, who, me? In the flying metal death trap? No fucking thank you, I will be down here watching and talking directly to you through a headset or something. You cannot escape me however i can at least escape the building I'm in. No interest in seeing the Earth from above, thanks. Actually iirc Miles also doesn't love heights but meh whatever I'm fairly certain Phoenix talks about it the earliest in the series so there you go. Anyway, this would all be a mission prior to whatever mission it is that Apollo & Co. go on to Mars for the first part of the AU, so I guess you could consider it a prequel? And probably a fairly shippy one. I have other reasons for which it's fun for me if wrightworth is at least together if not outright married before the events of the "The Martian" part of the AU, so this one would be, like, about how exactly that went down.
26 - Victorian Era
Okay, once again, this just. IS. Literally. Dai Gyakuten Saiban / The Great Ace Attorney. Lol. That said, I've always loved the fanart I've seen of like Ryuunosuke and Phoenix (and respective Co.'s) interacting, or like, one or the other ending up in the other time period somehow, so I thought it'd probably be fun to try my hat at that. I feel like I've neglected the tgaa characters anyway, considering I actually somehow managed to reference PLvPW already, which is obviously significantly more of a spinoff and also just largely non-canonical, lmao. Also tgaa is just SO GOOD, augh. I'd love to have the multi-witness cross examinations from both of those games back sometime again, and I had so much fun with the jury in tgaa too, excellent mechanic. What was I talking about? So, I never completely decided on a concrete direction to take this, but even before AU-gust had started I'd already been toying with the idea of an AU where maybe Maya or Pearl channels a character from tgaa specifically because some documentary or special or something comes out talking about the real-life Herlock Sholmes (as opposed to the Totally Fictional "Sherlock Holmes" who Phoenix references in that one trilogy line, because I really think that's the funniest possible explanation for the discrepancy) and they're arguing over how that cannot possibly be a real person and no one was named that and etc etc and then to prove once and for all one way or the other Hurley is channeled and also for bonus joke content "recognizes" Phoenix at first (idk pretend his eyesight got worse in his older age, I know Phoenix and Ryuunosuke look, tbh, less alike than Ryuu and Apollo do, lmao, but again that's another AU) and then I get to play with Phoenix's mom's maiden name is Naruhodou and his middle name is Ryuuichi or such to that effect, because that is also a favorite headcanon of mine (not in small part because I can project my own life onto him by making him half-Japanese from SoCal, lol). So that's an idea I'd had that was already decently fleshed out and the ONLY problem is that if I'm having characters actually be channeled then there's a very real limiting factor of how many spirit mediums exist, and also that means Maya and/or Pearl don't get to interact with them, which for the sake of not overwriting would be good but for the sake of my love of a chaotic group conversation would be bad. But, uh, hopefully I do manage to hold myself to a less broad cast of characters, ideally, instead of bringing a bunch of them over to the other time period to see how they'd deal with that and interact en masse. Ha. Haha.
27. Younger / De-Aged
So here's another AU I'd already had idle thoughts about before AU-gust had even started! I...will get into this later, TRUST I will, lmfao, but I do have an extremely involved AU already in which Time Travel of the "regression" type is involved, i.e., they have their memories of the "future" but are thrown back into the past including their own younger bodies however-many-years-ago. So I've got that type of thing covered, I promise I do, haha. And additionally, I've actually already written them "younger" for my colorless AU way back on day 2, so I did think perhaps I'd just continue that one and say it was for this prompt (a smart person thing to do. this is the objectively correct option). On the other hand. I find pre-DL6 Phoenix and Miles reacting to how their lives actually turned out in the end HILARIOUS. Tell me it's not funny. And tell me it's not, like, some sort of depressing-yet-ultimately-hopeful for the older/current them to look at their child selves and be like Kid, Oh, You're Going To Go Through Some Shit, but also reflect on how they did make it and things turned out okay and life goes on etc etc. My problem with this kind of thing is that it's hard to come up with a justification for and that's not a problem in itself but it is a problem in me not knowing how i'm going to end a fic, which often gets me decision-paralysis-ed into not being able to start it in the first place, which did in fact happen to me here, haha. I think ideally I'd just do a quick "wait, was that a dream?" kind of thing where they (Miles and Nick) have a short conversation with themselves, but... Uh-oh, what, did you think that was all I had? You clearly don't know me at all. OTHER au option where young Phoenix is in the future/present and rather than himself and Miles it's the Wright Anything Agency who like, idk, find him roaming the streets of LA (fun fact! I actually came up with this AU one day while I was quite literally roaming the streets of LA myself at like 3am-ish. Do with that what you will). He is of course wearing a hat or beanie or something at first because come on, that's way more fun, and no matter how much Trucy, Apollo, and Athena are like "hm idk something about this kid seems familiar" I just don't think my first thought upon seeing some vaguely familiar kid alone on the street would be, like, "Oh, that's obviously a child version of my father/coworker/boss!" So. I'm not really sure that one has an end point either, though, so the same problem still stands, haha. The bad, someone get a spray bottle to spritz me, option of this is, obviously, to combine the two, so it's like the WAA find him first and then are like UHHHHH we need an adult (never mind actual adult-age-ness between them) and somehow end up getting Miles there too, but idk. I... should not. Overcomplicate. I shouldn't. Even, even if...august is over...so theoretically there's no longer any sort of On-Time component since it's late either way........ definitely not.
28 - Caretaker
Here are my exact notes / entire doc for this day. Ahem. And I quote: i brought up the lighthouse keeper thing but i dont know where that would be going exactly maybe this is a thing i could do franmaya for??? since i still havent gotten there? actually lol that as a lighthouse thing is funny. ghost romance? my three tropes rattle End quote. Anyway, shout-out to my friend hailstorm for being the one there to brainstorm "lighthouse keeper" with at the self-same bar trivia that I mentioned previously, lmao. I actually think that was even the same exact day as the The Martian quote was a relevant answer to a question. So yeah, even though I already kind of have franmaya planned for the spies day, that's both kind of sort of a darker AU overall and--WELP well, okay, so, i do, you know, recognize maybe a ghost romance isn't, uh, necessarily the fluffiest kind of AU lmao. Don't mind that. My point is, I love the vibes of a lighthouse keeper AU, and I generally like ghost romance as a trope, so that does feel like a viable option. Honestly, I kind of separately wanted an excuse to practice writing miego also, so maybe the Feys are just all chillin' in this lighthouse for...Some Reason, and that's side-plot relevant somehow, idk. I know Franziska and Godot exist in the same place for a minute in 3-5, but I honestly can't really remember them interacting? I think she'd fucking HATE him though lmfao. He'd think she's funny but I actually think she'd be too reactive for his most preferred teasing/fucking-with-people dynamics, haha. Regardless, if he is there at all, it's a very minor B plot, I think, 'cause this ain't about him, lol.
29 - Forced into Hiding
Achtung, baby, 2566 words of this are written! Lol. So uh, yeah. In short, AU where Klavier gets hounded by fans on the street while he's also having just a bad personal day, and the closest and best place he can think to hide from them is at the WAA. I, um, actually hadn't realized I'd written quite this much of this, haha, it was supposed to be short and fairly silly but then it turned into Klavier having a little bit of a panic attack maybe and getting consoled by Apollo, sure, of course, but then also having to deal with and experience some amount of closure / reach some kind of understanding with the Wrights, also. It's kind of part Klav character study, kind of part complaint against freaking Capcom for neglecting him (boo, I love him, stop ignoring him, or, yknow, worse, whatever the heck turnabout academy was supposed to do for him, which honestly almost felt like a step back to be quite honest). Okay, also, taking a slightly closer look at what I've already written, the REASON I'd thought I'd written way less than this is definitely because he hasn't even GOTTEN to the Agency yet, never mind spoken with any of its members, lmao. That would do it. In any case, I like the idea of Klavier having a bit of a vulnerable moment, and I also like the idea of him and Phoenix actually, like, talking for real, instead of, once again, whatever Turnabout Academy and DD was meant to tell me, which seems to be less than nothing. I kind of like the fact that it gave him a law mentor? I mean, she was very dead, but I have a very meaningful Use for her in later-to-be-announced-AUs-I-keep-teasing, haha. I of course considered other people and times when people in AA might be forced into hiding, but this felt like a silly but also meaningful way to do that without it just being an exploration of Miles and his not-suicide note (which wasn't exactly "forced" anyhow, he did that all on his own) or like, Zak Gramarye (who also completely did that to himself but w/e). Making it about Klavier completely escapes the bounds of canon, because canon is a weenie about talking about any of his actual feelings EVER, so screw you Capcom, I'm doing it for you. Don't worry about it. Trucy commiserating with him about still Loving someone, perhaps the very closest person biologically related to you you've ever known and depended on in your life, who not only did you very big harm personally but explicitly used you in a very real and participatory way to perpetuate the harm elsewhere and all the complexities about Feelings For And About Them Therein, and Phoenix somehow having enough self-awareness to recognize that shutting down completely and isolating yourself away doesn't actually do you any good even when you're at your lowest, and recognizing that Klavier doesn't exactly have a "Trucy" to be a focal point to draw him out of that, and that therefore he needs to be a bit more open to his peers. (Insert joke about "Well, I'm really definitely not suggesting you go adopt an entire child, that's really probably, uh, not the way to go, actually, but, you know. Everyone needs people, that just makes us human." Etc.)
30 - The Beginning of the World
So, hm, as it turns out, I got extremely sidetracked this day thinking about the next day on the docket. Whoops! Unfortunately this ultimately means my ideas for this day as of now are relatively uninspired: I had the thought that I could explore the beginning of Troupe Gramarye, which is its own sort of world, or else, maybe something about the beginning of the series itself but from the somewhat unconventional POV of a one Mr. Larry Butz. Yes, that's a bit self-serving in that it lends toward trying to complete a list of "main, recurring characters' POVs" that I've had as a sidequest all month, but, still. That said, just exploring actual canon through Larry's POV isn't exactly what I'd classify as an "AU" necessarily, so I feel like something would need to be different here. Okay, wait--not to draw inspiration a dang week late to the party, BUT. Now that I'm typing this up, I'm thinking, okay, maybe, what if. The "Beginning" of the series, technically speaking, is basically the fact that Phoenix gets put on (class) trial for stealing Miles' lunch money--which notably only happened because Larry himself picked it up when it fell on the floor. So, perhaps, what about an AU where he doesn't do that? I mean, I guess it would just turn the entire world of AA into something of a terrible series of tragedies with no real closure about them, lol, rip, but it could possibly be interesting? I dunno! (And, yes, I know DL-6 itself is more or less the basis of the series, if we're being ticky-tacky, but Phoenix wouldn't have been involved without meeting Miles, and that somewhat necessitates the class trial, and without him none of canon would get resolved, so. I will say, I do love going back to the earliest points to see how and how much you can make canon deviate or stay the same--reasonably speaking--via minor tweaks and butterfly effect and all that, so this could be interesting, although I once again must say I think it really just means a bunch of innocent people, Miles included, are going to be put away and possibly executed over murders that weren't their faults, lol. Hm. Much to consider.)
31 - Two(+) of the Above:
Beginning of the World + Younger/De-Aged + Canon Divergence (+ Feat. Jokers: Guardian, Everybody Lives)
With all of this, the ONLY prompts I've actually missed on this list become Animagus which I swapped for the Wings joker, and the last joker of the four, Thriller, which was never exactly a priority of mine because I'm not sure I'd write that sort of thing particularly well, so! Wild! Completionists everywhere almost rejoice, haha. SOOOOO. For the eagle-eyed readers out there, I'll bet you're just dying to know what this one AU I've been teasing all post could Possibly be to warrant such a build-up, right? (...Right?) The answer is the at-ow! (Phonetically, lol. I've been calling it that instead of out loud saying all the letters in AATTAU out loud every time.) My friend Ben can attest to the fact that this behemoth AU (her word which I'm stealing) has been in the works for, uhhhh... months?
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MONTHS. AHAHA. Ha. That. Sure says March! It sure does! And it is not lying. Lmfao. (Ignore the time, I was working overnight then--my beloved work schedule whomst I miss dearly--so that's a perfectly reasonable discord-ing hour for March-me.) Also, once again, I'm choosing to blame Ben for my extensive AU problems, she sent me a very cute time loop AA fic that utterly destroyed my entire mind because it got the mere idea of "Time-based AU" caught in my endless void-idea-hole. So. Here's the real rub. The literal reason I started doing this AU-gust challenge in the freaking first place was that I was absolutely Desperate to find a way to overcome my writer's block. And one of the (admittedly many) reasons I wanted to do this was because I have been ITCHING to write this stupid behemoth AU for real. I have a massive outline doc already, I have a whole slew of scenes planned, I have lots of character archage, I have sooo many things I want to say and explore about them all you have No Idea. It's extremely self-indulgent and absolutely my personal magnum opus for all my very specific favorite AA headcanons and ideas and thoughts. And obviously, it worked! I did indeed overcome my writer's block! And I had so much fun doing it!! And I'll admit, from the very beginning, I had been eyeing that "Everybody Lives" joker prompt, because...that's it! That's basically the point of the AATTAU (Ace Attorney Time Travel Alternate Universe, if that wasn't clear, haha). I don't want to let myself get TOO into it, because Oh Boy, I sure will! If you let me! Haha. But basically the premise is EXACTLY what I stated in that very first discord message I could find about it. Maybe not so much "time travel" technically speaking than it is "gaining memories of everything that happened in canon right as the DL-6 earthquake happens", so it's more regression than actual time travel since they're in their own younger bodies and everything, but still. It's basically my excuse to treat canon like it did happen and YET allow for everybody to survive and for the very fun cocktail of traumas and joys that come from remembering what happened but having the chance for something different (and all the effort that goes into making something different happen in the first place).
Now, as far as AU-gust goes. I was obviously not about to even pretend I could remotely start this during August itself or justify connecting any of it to the series and the prompts I'd already written for it, lol, but I also couldn't get the idea out of my head, so I got it in my head I really wanted to end the month with SOMETHING that somehow tied into my AATTAU, if only to motivate myself to actually get on it and start writing out instead of solely outlining everything that's been in the works all these months. So to that end, I saw the "Everybody Lives" and the "Beginning of the World" prompts, and an idea came to me. I'd been dancing around the justification aspect of this AU for most of the time I've had it because let's be honest, it's just a very self-indulgent idea and it does not NEED "justification" to serve the purpose I want it to serve and be what I want it to be. But the AU-gust prompts gave me some actual inspiration and an Idea as to a way to solidify my unnecessary "justification" but in a way that it doesn't need to be directly part of the final product of the AATTAU (like, I could make it a separate one-shot and either just link it to and from the AATTAU fic itself, or if it all ends up being a series, then I could just include it in the series but it wouldn't be necessary to read to understand what's going on. And so, I present! The Ami Fey one-shot special I came up with just to fit these prompts :3 ...And by "i present" i mean, uh, I wrote 4k words of it on the 31st and didn't even come close to what I wanted to cover, because I suck at being concise. Lmfao. (Shocker.) Basically, I used Ami Fey as a semi-self-insert kind of godlike figure to reason out a semi-plausible way to make the concept I want to explore happen, happen. And I had a lot of fun, but I do still have a bunch to finish, but either way, I'm very pleased to have a (somewhat silly but ultimately fun for me) reasoning as to the gears ticking behind the scenes of my idea! To be somewhat less vague, the whole AU is predicated on the idea that, Phoenix and/or Miles (who remember from the beginning / from December 28th, 2001) meeting the other characters at-or-after the time they originally met in canon are able to recall their memories of the "original" (i.e. canon) timeline. I've used some magatama shenanigans to have some fun with this, and I'm now using Ami Fey and magatama shenanigans to explain how and why this is A Thing, even if it isn't necessarily the objectively most logically sound argument I've ever made. It's still a good one, in my book, and more importantly I like it, so that's all that really matters.
To briefly explain the "two" (by which I mean 5?) of the "above" I'm using here:
Beginning of the World: This fic specifically would show the beginning of the "world" of this AU specifically! Woohoo! Go Ami Fey, creating a whole new set of problems for our beloved little Guys to go through, hahaha. I think I may have based her character a little too much on Maya mischievousness, but, oh well. Let's just say that's where she gets it from.
Younger/De-Aged: As I've already kind of expressed, the premise of this AU is mostly just them being their own younger selves except they also have the memories of all of canon (and maybe a year or two after the fact, I need to confirm a couple dates).
Canon Divergence: I feel like this is decently self-explanatory, but then again maybe it's a bit cheesy to include this here, since it basically diverges from nearly the first major event of canon (DL-6), but that's not the only time things go almost-canonically but diverge a bit in some way, so I think it really does fit here.
Guardian: This one is a bit multi-fold. It somewhat refers to the way I'm making Gregory Edgeworth the de facto guardian (as in, legal guardian) of mostly everyone I possibly can because I love him and he would be great at it. But also, guardian in that, Mr. Savior Complex Phoenix Wright himself has literally all of the information at his disposal to try to "save" the potential Happy Lives of literally every person he loves, and, well. He does a pretty good job about it; not without cost, haha, but I feel like I can definitely call him a "guardian" of others in this AU. And, as for specifically the one-shot Ami fic, she is essentially the guardian of the entire Fey lineage, in this AU at least, so that also totally fits and is most immediately relevant.
Everybody Lives: I think this one is pretty self-explanatory at this point, lol. But for the one-shot: Ami is essentially trying to secure an "everybody lives" scenario, even if it hasn't been achieved yet, so it's more an aspiration at that point, but ultimately it is indeed successful. Now, "living" does not mean, like, "totally healthy" (mentally or physically), so there's lots more to it, but in short, yes, they live.
And......that's basically a wrap on that!
I mean, it isn't actually at all, since I still have to finish 26/31 fics, lmfao, but as far as the idea generation stage goes, and the use of the AU-gust prompts, that's what's up in my world! Somewhere out there maybe there's an AU of my actual real life where i finished more of these on time, but i'm still pretty pumped by all the work that's already been made on making so many AA fics a reality for me. I've come a long way since starting that first AA fic in 2018...!!
I still have all the aforementioned 26 fics to finish obviously, and I also have AU continuations planned for at the very least, day 2's colorless prompt and day 3's dark academia prompt (let alone day 31's, lol, but that's its own monster entirely), but I'm optimistic!
Thankfully I actually finished using nano to word track for me before they, you know, doubled down on AI and called everyone "abelist" (???) for not supporting it, which, uh. Well. But for my own posterity and if anyone's curious, here's what my word counts looked like throughout the month of AU-gust--admittedly including some planning and outlining:
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It ended up being 51,377 words total in August on these AU prompts alone!
I feel like I wanted to say something poignant and meaningful at the end here, but it's almost 9:30 and I work at 4am tomorrow, so I'm going to go ahead and wrap this post up here, haha. If you read all of this, thank you very much for joining me on my little journey!
Once again, here is the Ao3 series where I'll post anything more that gets done, so if you'd like to see how any of these AUs turn out, feel free to keep an eye on that!
And here is the previous post with the 1st half+ of the AUs if you missed it and are interested now!
My copy arrived literally as I was writing this up so I've spent the last several prompts of this post listening to the AAIC soundtrack in the music collection, and, oh man, it's seriously so surreal this exists??? I might be an old fogey who has and will for an indeterminate amount of time continue to have trouble letting go of the fan translation names I've lived with for the past decade or whatever, but it's seriously so awesome the entire series is finally available internationally!! Let's hope for my sake AA7 doesn't come out before I finish any of my AATTAU, because that would really throw a bit of a wrench in my decision-making process, lol.
Bye for now!
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lesbiancolumbo · 8 months ago
🐻 anon here!
So I watched the rest of the season and I confirm my episode 1's thoughts: the story is on the nose!
Even in season 2, I found the Christmas dinner unnecessary: we know already that the berzotti are fucked up and the mother is a nightmare. We don't need to see her driving into her home. Also I am tired of seeing abusive mothers on tv behaving so loudly while the fathers can be all icyly and cool. Maybe it's bc the dinner scene recalls me hundreds of dinners my own mother prepared and she has always been awful while she is cooking, but she has always been collected about it, bc the show must go on and guests are at a distance of a wall.
This kind of situation repeated itself in season 3: the episode 8 was just a 40 minutes long therapy session. People don't talk like that and wow I am glad Donna worked on herself and was there for Sugar but it's a sterotype, it gives "when you will be a mother you will know", "mother and daughter bonding bc daughter is pregnant so she is an adult now".
Re using parts of past episodes cannot used for every goddamn episode, bc it becomes stale. We know from the beginning Carmy worked in a bad environment, we don't need to see it again with the same scene. Show me something else.
Also I don't care if Carmy and Sydney get together, if it is a warrior bond or whatever. Personally i love a good slow burn, an ambiguous messy situation and all but that relationship is going nowhere. He is going down and she with him, but it feels obliged. She is staying bc she is grateful but that special bond they had even in s2 is gone. I would have loved to see her so loyal she cares only about having that star as he wants.
I know we have all a fucked up relationship with food, but if in the previous seasons Carmy seemed to have some kind of interest on it, no more, here it's like he doesn't care about it at all. He could do whatever else and it would be the same. We see Richie loving serving well people and we see him so taken by this environment that he almost forgets about how much he loves his job and he regrets it, but Carmy? He could do professional card castles for how much he cares about food. He doesn't eat. How can you know if your food is good if you don't taste it?
Also the last episodes drag Sooo much. I love slow but why do I have to watch people talk about nothing when I could make my own small talk with my neighbour?
Also this is a personal consideration but in these years many shows had a very good s1 and then went downhill. It's a hubris thing? It's a "I didnt think it would have a s2 and it made me lose my mind" thing? It's a business thing? Idk
What do you think?
i'm glad you brought up the fishes episode from season two, because i got a lot of flak at the time for hating that episode lol. it, to me, felt very symbolic of the the larger issues with the show that i have (which i've already elaborated on elsewhere and won't rehash here). that episode gives us no new information, really, especially since the season doesn't even follow up on the donna plot thread anyway. it's spectacle for the sake of spectacle and casting all those stars for the sake of saying hey, look at who we can afford now that people care about our little indie show!
admittedly i've decided to not continue finishing s3 after the first episode - i just don't want to, i live one life, i'm sick and miserable and it's a holiday weekend and i'd rather watch iron chef america, etc. so i can't really speak to a lot of what s3 does, but it sounds to me like it's retreading a lot of familiar ground from seasons one and two and not really propelling the ship forward. i can't say this surprises me! i don't think chris & co are interested in creating a cohesive season.... they want every episode to be like fishes: a one-off that will grip you and make you forget how poorly structured the rest of it is. this is working on a lot of people, so i have to respect the grift lol. but i digress.
i will say re: the carmy and his relationship to food point you make that there's definitely a not-small group of chefs who actually have that kind of relationship to food lol.... they don't cook at home! they eat garbage! the other day i was watching an episode of alex vs. america on food network and it was being judged by two professional chefs with multiple restaurants, and one of them mentioned that the dish they were eating was similar to something she would cook at home. the other judge, a chef who is very well-known in LA and has many italian restaurants, is known for being a pasta master and cooks IN HIS RESTAURANT, replies in shock, "you cook at home?" now, i guess my question would be is this intentional or not lol..... i don't have a high opinion of the showrunner/writer so i won't answer that question. tbh i really don't think they know what to do with carmy, which is why his character arc/the story as a whole seems to constantly just.... come to a halt or go back to the beginning.
you bring up a lot of great points, and while again, i can't speak to most of s3 because i'm just not interested in going further with this show, i'm not shocked they seem to once again sideline the characters and relationships that got us on board with this show in the first place! and for what! to film in copenhagen and cast daniel boulud? ok. i am very neutral on syd and carmy (as in, i don't care if they go the romance route or not) but i liked their dynamic a lot in season one and i felt that it was lacking in season two. and from what i've read about season three, it feels like again it's lacking and once again carmy is doing the thing where he just totally disrespects her and sidelines here.... sydney! name-twin... if you can hear me: get out of there! leave this loser behind i am so serious.
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theonethatyaks93 · 2 years ago
A Discussion on Pinky's Sexuality/Gender (Day 3 of Pinky Week)
(Quick Note: Ahhh! Sorry about the delay on this! It's just that I've had a lot on my plate and with that new Pinky and The Brain trailer thing, I've been kind of stressed out. This is mostly because I've been trying to lower my expectations as far as they will go so I won't be disappointed or I'll be blown away. I just don't know what to think. Also, burnout is real. I'm making it all up this week, I promise!)
(Another note: I didn't expect this post to be delayed so much! Oh god! Anyways, the next few days will be a makeup week where I finally finish Pinky Week and get prepared for Brain Week coming up. This was supposed to come out last Wednesday, but I had absolutely no time! Also, I had to do a LOT of re-watching clips and research for this! Way more than I had thought. Sorry!!!)
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Hi everyone and welcome to the third day of Pinky Week! For those who are just joining me, here's the gist of what's going on. Since there's going to be a new set of Pinky and The Brain shorts on Friday and Pinky's narfday was last Saturday, I decided to dedicate an entire week to talking about Pinky. Every day, I'll be making a new post about a different aspect of him, discussing things such as his character. I've already made a happy birthday and a more personal story about Pinky so go check those out. Ok, so let's begin today's discussion.
3/22/23 Discussing Pinky's Sexuality/Gender- Listen, most of this will just serve as possible headcanons/theories on events. I personally think that Pinky is pansexual and genderfluid; obviously not everyone will agree with me. This post is just a celebration on the things that I have noticed during the course of the reboot and spin-off series. I'll be tracing his evolution from loyal assistant to best friend to possible love interest for Brain. I will also be talking about how his gender identity transitioned from an interesting little joke to a realistic and admirable portrayal of a character who's not afraid to be himself. I am trying to cover as much ground as possible so let's give it a shot.
Pinky's Sexuality: Pansexual
What Does Being Pansexual Mean?: Pansexual can be defined as a romantic attraction to male, female, and nonbinary people; so basically, you like everyone. While seemingly not as common as being gay or bisexual, pansexual characters have been getting the respect and love they deserve.
Why Does Pinky Embody Pansexuality?: Pinky being pansexual has been tossed around as a kind of fan theory for a few years. Some people think that he's bisexual (like Brain) and some think he's just straight up gay (read below section for further information). However, I fall under the group that says he's pansexual because it fits his character the best. Pinky is the kind of mouse who would love just about everyone, no matter their gender or species. His kindness for anyone knows no bounds and though his heart gets constantly broken, he always gets back up again. Pinky is always determined to support Brain in everything he does, no matter how upset his friend makes him. His unbridled affection for Brain is honestly a pretty big giveaway to Pinky not being straight in the slightest.
Could Pinky be Just Gay?: This really depends on the person you ask. If you were a new fan of the series, only starting to watch during season 3 of the reboot, then yeah. Pinky is basically gay in those final ten episodes with him never mentioning a female love interest for the first time (I think) ever. It's insane. Also, he hints at his attraction to Brain in several ways such as dressing up alongside him in feminine clothing (he didn't have to do that) and even holding his hand tightly (much to Brain's surprise). He also does that little hand gesture at least five or six times and showcases his more extravagant personality. So, my conclusion is that if you were to only watch season 3 of the reboot then Pinky is nearly 100% gay. However, when you watch the rest of the franchise, this changes his sexuality to pansexual since he has a few female attractions earlier on.
Setting Things Up (Animaniacs 1993): Below is the first time Pinky gives Brain a compliment. It's from their debut episode "Win Big."
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The first "gay stare" from the entire franchise in the episode "Where Rodents Dare."
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Although we don't get too many Brinky moments from the earliest era of the mice's existence, we do get to see that even from the beginning, Pinky really cared for Brain in many ways. He gives his friend compliments, admires his work, and even tries his best to follow his plans, (though Pinky can get distracted easily). In "Win Big" Pinky gives a seemingly content reaction when Brain pulls him by the tail. "Where Rodents Dare" gives us the first official gay stare in the series, done by Pinky after Brain talks to him about the plan. Pinky is often seen acting in a very positive way around Brain, no matter what his friend says. While this was the point in the series where the two's relationship could only be seen as a partnership/acquaintanceship, Pinky still seems to call Brain his friends without hassle. Brain seems more reserved here and is often more brash when it comes to Pinky and his behavior.
Pinky Gets Flirty (Pinky and The Brain): Below is a screenshot from the infamous "colleague" line from episode "That Smarts"
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Pinky doesn't know what to say to Brain on their "dinner date" in segment "Brain's Night Off."
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This well-known frame from segment "Beach Blanket Brain" (which coincidently is paired with the previously mentioned segment).
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A flirtatious line from "Brain Noir."
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Pinky consoles a distraught Brain in episode "You'll Never Eat Food Pellets in This Town Again."
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Pinky playing around with Brain from "Pinky's Plan."
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Pinky in his adorable sweater from "Megalomaniacs Anonymous."
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Pinky trying to save Brain from an avalanche in (one of my favorite episodes) "This Old Mouse."
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Things began to escalate quickly after the mice got their own spin-off show. Pinky's more flirty tendencies and his relationship with Brain began to grow stronger and stronger. He showcases his feelings more often here as well. For example: when Brain calls Pinky his colleague, Pinky gets all giddy and he swoons a little. When Brain compliments Pinky after his mindless TV watching proves beneficial to the plan, Pinky tells Brain to stop it as Brain's making him feel all gooshy. This moment is complete with Pinky looking flustered and there's even a music swell to compliment the entire ordeal. Pinky is shown on multiple occasions to take great pleasure in flirting or teasing Brain, giggling often. His loyalty to his friend is also shown in excess. When Pinky sees that Brain is going to perish after an avalanche in episode "This Old Mouse", he goes all the way up north to find him. Pinky does manage to save Brain, not only proving his dedication to his companion, but convincing Brain that the future can in fact be changed. Pinky even says things like "I can't lose you again" and when Brain tries to get him to leave for his own safety, Pinky repeatedly denies doing so, wanting to save Brain. It's incredibly heart-warming. In episode "Broadway Malady" Pinky sings a song after he and Brain split-apart about how much he misses him (and Brain hears the entire song and begins crying!). Pinky even gets the entire world's supply of important musical critics to watch Brain's show, much to Brain's surprise. Pinky's dedication to Brain is admirable, and the bond the two share is precious in every single way. Pinky is always there to comfort Brain in his darkest hours. He also gives meaningful gifts to his best friend including the globe keychain from the Christmas episode. Even when Snowball tries to convince Pinky to join him, he remains loyal. Despite the many flaws in their relationship, Pinky truly believes that Brain is the most important mouse in his life and he would do anything for him.
Secret Intentions (Pinky, Elmyra, and The Brain): Below is a picture of Pinky staring at Brain from "The Girl with Nothing Extra."
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Pinky imagining him and Brain as a married couple! This is from my favorite PEaTB episode "Pinky's Dream House."
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Despite being poorly received by fans, Pinky, Elmyra, and The Brain gave us a few new, very obvious signs of Pinky's possible attraction to Brain. Though he has a gained a massive sassitiude, he still maintains most of his core character traits from the spin-off. The most obvious case of a romantic hint was in the segment "Pinky's Dream House." This gives us an extensive view at Pinky's desires, which include being a housewife to Brain and living a perfect life. He even goes on to sing a song about his dream (the song is really good and well written). This is one of the most ambiguously gay moments in the entire franchise; it's actually stunning that they managed to sneak this past network censors. Pinky wants this to happen, and it isn't a version of him that is female. It's just Pinky wanting to be a housewife to Brain in one of the sweetest segments from this mixed bag of a show. Pinky's wish does come true and he does get to live with Brain for a while, but it doesn't last. It's a darn shame too because it seemed like Brain was starting to enjoy this lifestyle as well. Aside from this, there are a few cute gay stares and a compliment or two on occasion. It's really admirable how Pinky's dream of being a housewife was taken very seriously, and that he still cares for Brain's needs no matter what.
A Troubling Conflict (the Brinky vs. Pinky x Phar Fignewton feud): Below is a picture of Pinky and Phar Fignewton (you get the idea of Brinky by this point).
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Yeah, this was a thing. Back before the reboot was made and nearly everyone became a Brinky shipper, there was a small conflict within the fandom between two well-regarded ships. Brinky fans were just starting to migrate their way onto various internet platforms and the ship was gaining steam. However, there were a few people who stuck with the canon ship of Pinky x Phar Fignewton instead. Their reasoning was that the two were essentially "soulmates" with their designs being similar and their interactions all the more precious. For those who aren't aware, Phar Fignewton is a character that was introduced in the segment "Jockey for Position." She'd later appear as only a cameo in Pinky and The Brain segments "The Third Mouse" and "A Meticulous Analysis of History." She made her return in the movie Wakko's Wish, where she had a more extensive role as Pinky's love interest (or so we think). After this movie, she never appeared alongside the mice again, fading into the realm of obscure Animaniacs characters. A lot of people really liked this ship though and fanart made its way onto sites like DeviantArt. However, Pinky x Phar Fignewton fans would often denounce Brinky for interfering with their ship and Brinky fans would do the same to them. It was a giant mess. Unfortunately for the fans of the horse-mouse couple, their ship was laid to rest in non-canon during 2020 when the Animaniacs reboot came out, as she only appeared in a brief cameo. Pinky was now more focused on Brain and Brinky shippers rejoiced as the mice came close to being canon. Though many of us out there do ship Brinky, it's important to remember our fallen alternate ship and the cuteness it brought us. Brinky did win in the end, taking a lot of Pinky x Phar Fignewton shippers away from their previous ship and into a larger group of the fandom.
Put to the Side: (Reboot Season 1): Below is Pinky staring at Brain yet again from "Ex-Mousina" (I wanted to put the cute moment from "Future Brain" here but I think it's more suited to Brain rather than Pinky).
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This adorable exchange from episode "Babysitter's Flub."
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Here we are, the Animanics reboot. This is where Pinky's sexuality stops being questioned and instead becomes somewhat confirmed. Much to the delight of many people, Pinky's interactions with Brain become a lot less platonic as the series goes along; there are also less straight routes to fall down as well. However, things didn't kick into shape until later seasons. Cute Pinky and Brain moments were put to the side in exchange for focusing on re-introducing the mice to a modern audience in season one. There wasn't a complete non-existence as we got a few adorable stares and even a near-kiss (wait until we get to Brain Week to hear about that one!). The mice did have their fair share of gay scenes such as the X and O confusion bit from "Babysitter's Flub" and the ending of "Future Brain" where Pinky saves Brain from falling into a portal. Pinky's loyalty to Brain is stronger than ever, with Brain being the one that has to go through the test in his relationship with Pinky. Sure Pinky feels a twinge of jealousy when Brain essentially abandons him for a robot, but that ends up in complete disaster. While this season did a great job of re-establishing their relationship, Pinky's presence as a character had to be sacrificed. He barely has any major roles in these first segments, almost seeming like a side or background character at times. He still proves to have a close bond with Brain, always listening to his feelings and offering comfort. Luckily, better things were on the horizon.
New Developments: (Reboot Season 2): Below is a picture of an underrated embrace from "Narf Over Troubled Water."
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An extremely popular moment from "Happy Narfday."
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Pinky caught gay staring YET AGAIN in "Wakkiver Twist." (It never ends!)
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Hand holding from episode "Narf Over Troubled Water." (This episode just has too many moments to count!)
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This season managed to blow everyone's expectations out of the water. Not only did we get more undeniable moments of Pinky showcasing his possible feelings for Brain, but Brain seemed to recuperate those affections. Pinky was more used here, him having at least four times as many gay moments as he did in the previous season. He often lovingly gazes at Brain, gives him tight embraces, holds his hand, and even mentions attending a traffic light party and wearing yellow, seemingly implying that he doesn't entirely know what their is relationship at this point. The number of moments in season 2 that made people scream in delight are nearly impossible to count. Here are a few notable ones. In "Backwards Pinky", Pinky often makes vaguely flirtatious comments about Brain, to which Brain responds in annoyance. In "The Flawed Couple", Pinky is seen in the first pilot playing a housewife to Brain in a similar situation to "Pinky's Dream House." Pinky's loyalty to Brain comes full circle in "Run Pinky Run" where he would do anything to save his best friend. "Happy Narfday" probably has some of the most obvious interactions including Pinky calling Brain "darling", Pinky moving Brain around and holding his hand, and even an adorable hug at the segment's end. Pinky compliments Brain and makes pleasant statements to him in "Plight of Hand" and "Mouse Madness"; in the former, he even fights against his own hands in order to save Brain. "Narf Over Troubled Water" was probably the most famous episode when it came to Brinky moments. There was just so much to comprehend at once; it's extremely difficult to try and mark down it all. Pinky comforting Brain after he starts doubting himself, Pinky coming back for Brain after their split-up, and that ENTIRE ending sequence were the most noticeable. These moments were impactful to Pinky's character as they showed his displays of affection and kindness and that their co-dependent relationship was not only important but entirely necessary to the franchise.
Pinky's Sexuality Confirmed? (Reboot Season 3): Below is a picture of Pinky posing in a seductive manner while Brain watches in annoyance. From the segment "How The Brain Thieved Christmas."
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A clip of Pinky kissing Brain from "Groundmouse Day!"
A picture of a picture of Pinky kissing Brain from "How to: Friendship."
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Pinky holds Brain by the shoulders in an attempt to steady him. From "How The Brain Thieved Christmas."
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Pinky after Brain mentions the current situation being "too romantic." He heavily implies that he thinks that he and Brain are also in a romantic situation. I'm not kidding! From segment "Royal Flush."
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Pinky is so proud of Brain for taking over the world. From episode "Groundmouse Day."
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Pinky touches Brain's image on the screen in an precious manner! From "How to: Friendship."
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Pinky holds Brain's hand tightly after destroying AI Julia (the entire moment will be shown when we get to Brain Week!). From episode "All's Fair in Love and Door."
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Season three had easily the most on-the-nose segments when it came to hints at Brinky. This is also the season that confirmed to a lot of people that Pinky was not straight. In fact, if you were only to watch this season and nothing else, Pinky could be considered gay. Not only does he never mention a female love interest but he seems to have taken his flirty and more romantic tendencies with Brain to another level. There is an intimate interaction between the mice in every single episode, whether it be settle or extremely suggestive and obvious. Pinky in particular starts to showcase his feelings in a more outrageous way. These moments are just precious. In the first few segments, Pinky is seen doing various things, including staring at Brain, rubbing his head when he gets stressed, touching Brain's image on a screen, envisioning Brain in the stars, making an adorable macaroni photo of him kissing Brain, implying that he thinks that he and Brain are having a romantic moment, relying on Brain to calm him down in a car, and resting his head on Brain's head. The second half of the season showcases Brain seemingly responding to these actions in a not so settle manner (at least from an audience perspective). From Pinky kissing Brain goodnight in one of the most hyped-up moments from the entire reboot to Pinky getting somewhat jealous and hurt when he sees that Brain was married to Julia in an alternate world, these precious scenes come in abundance. The final four episodes contain more development for Brain than Pinky, but they're still noteworthy. In "All's Fair in Love and Door", Pinky looks very surprised when Brain sacrifices himself to save Pinky from AI Julia. After Pinky saves Brain in the end, he even holds Brain's hand tightly, much to the latter's surprise. "How The Brain Thieves Christmas" was more of an exploration of Brain than Pinky, but the taller mouse has some fun moments. He poses "seductively" in front of Brain when modeling for the toy. Pinky gives Brain a meaningful gift: the thing he needed to take over the world. Pinky even says "love you!" to Brain in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment in the second part. The ending was also quite sweet with Pinky making a ton of gay stares and starting lots of embraces with Brain. In "International Mouse of Mystery", the whole song shows Pinky dropping essentially compliments towards his friend. Pinky also seemingly wants Brain to kiss him at one point, only for Brain to throw him away. Pinky is almost definitely at least some form of LGBTQ+ at this point, due to his relationship with Brain being very strong. Seeing these kinds of interactions between best friends, male best friends nonetheless, is interesting and unique. It makes their friendship/possible romantic relationship all the more special and this is why they have an extensive fanbase of people who really care for them.
Pinky is a Genderfluid Icon (An Overview from "Noah's Lark" to "International Mouse of Mystery"): Below is the very first time we see Pinky in a dress from segment "Noah's Lark" from the original Animaniacs.
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Pinky in a dress inspired by the movie Gone With the Wind in episode "Brainie the Poo"
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A collection of Pinky's many outfits from the Animaniacs reboot. These are from episodes "Mouse Congeniality", "Royal Flush", and "International Mouse of Mystery."
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Pinky is honestly one of the most influential and important characters when it comes to gender identity and just being yourself, at least in the modern media. The running "joke" of him wearing dresses went from being a little gag in various episodes to being an actual part of his personality, revealing that it is something he enjoys quite a lot. And no one every belittles him for his decisions, especially Brain, who only gets annoyed with Pinky's actions rather than his appearance. In fact during some segments, Brain seems to have a reaction to Pinky's looks, especially in "Mouse Congeniality." While many characters characters have cross-dressed in old cartoon such as Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, they were usually to evade the capture of a foe. Pinky does this in a lot of plans, sometimes because he wants to, other times because it's necessary for the plan to work. He didn't have to dress up in "Royal Flush", but he chose to do so. That's amazing. He also doesn't dislike being referred to by she/her pronouns. At first, things didn't start out so revolutionary. Pinky's first time in a dress was in the Animaniacs segment "Noah's Lark." Rather than looking sophisticated, he looks like he's only wearing this as a disguise to go along with Brain's plan to sneak onto the ark. It's portrayed in a silly way, as if Pinky was forced to do this. He does this again in episode "Meet John Brain" when he tries to play the role of Brain's first lady. When the spin-off series was introduced, Pinky's feminine side was exposed in a more natural, less comical way. The dresses he wore were more elaborate, more colorful, and cuter. He'd be seen playing with lipstick in episode "Of Mouse and Man", showing that this was something he did for fun. After that, he can often be seen in dresses during various parody episodes, often playing the female character. He also posed as a female in episode "My Feldmans My Friends" alongside Brain as his spouse. However, in the song "The Really Great Dictator", Pinky is seen in a pink dress in what has become one of his most beloved appearances in dress. Not only does he not wear any makeup or wig for the very first time, but in the context of the song, Pinky didn't have to wear a dress at all. It was his personal decision, rather than one made by force. Despite wearing a ton of dresses, Pinky could rock the masculine wardrobe as well, being seen in suits, tuxedoes, sweaters, and swim trunks throughout the series. In Pinky, Elmyra, and The Brain, Pinky would add more outfits and looks to his collection including he (and Brain!) wearing lipstick and earrings, a Hansen inspired getup, and of course, the well-known headscarf and apron from "Pinky's Dream House" which was discussed earlier. Pinky in dresses would become a popular part of the fandom; however no one was prepared for the glory that would be given in the reboot, around 22 years after Pinky was last seen in feminine clothing.
The reboot would give us incredible moments when it came to Pinky as a character. He could finally be himself and showcase all his marvelous beauty. The first instance of Pinky in an outfit was in season 2 episode "The Flawed Couple" where Pinky is seen in typical housewife attire for a parody of the show The Honeymooners. His most iconic, popular, and recognizable dress was in the episode "Mouse Congeniality" where Pinky joins in a beauty pageant to help Brain in a plan for world domination. Pinky outfit here goes all out, even to the point where Brain is impressed with his work. Pinky is seen here in a blonde wig, has purple eye shadow, long eyelashes, lipstick, a pink dress with sash, long pink gloves, and high-heeled shoes. This is perhaps his most elaborate outfit to date, with him sporting a completely new and impressive appearance. He is also seen in a few alternate costumes including a bikini (finally!) and a baby costume (I don't know you guys). Pinky even manages to win the pageant, albeit not by vote. Him winning the pageant is a very heartfelt and genuinely happy moment. Pinky stating that he wanted to be the most beautiful human woman on the planet was so precious and sweet. It also offers a great look at Pinky, showing that cross-dressing is something he genuinely enjoys and wishes to do. Even though he doesn't wear another dress throughout the rest of the season, Pinky will sometimes randomly have eyelashes or act in a feminine manner. It's so adorable. In season 3, Pinky continues to push and break boundaries, blessing us with two new looks, though they are similar to his previous outfit in "Mouse Congeniality." In "Royal Flush", Pinky is wearing a red version of his previous dress along with purple long gloves, high heels, and another blonde wig. In a few scenes towards the beginning, Pinky has eyelashes. However as the segment continued along, those disappeared permanently, leaving him again without any makeup. He still looks incredible though. It's quite intriguing to see Pinky without makeup in a dress because that hasn't been seen since the 90's. His final outfit comes from the segment "International Mouse of Mystery", which has also gotten some attention after a frame from this cold-opening was leaked in early February 2023. This outfit contains elements of the previous two looks with Pinky wearing a red dress, though it's a darker shade, having dark purple eyeshadow, eyelashes, lipstick, high heels, and a red wig. It's really cute how he tries to play the Bond girl seen in a lot of spy films and he looks really good. Throughout, the entire song portion (Pinky has an angelic voice), Pinky is seen in his getup with Brain even "saving" him at one point. It's super cool that even though three different studious animated these episodes (Digital eMation, Titmouse, Saerom), the dresses and design remained consistent. Though it would've been nice to see Pinky get more dresses to wear, the ones he got proved to be good enough to leave an impact on the community. Every time Pinky is seen in a dress, he's treated with an enormous amount of respect and is showered with praise from all angles. He is a genderfluid icon, and can be inspiring to people in the ways he expresses himself in such a natural way. Even if this show is forgotten, there remains some hope that Pinky will be remembered as an important figure in the realm of gender identity and positivity.
Conclusion: Overall, Pinky exemplifies true greatness when it comes to representation in the LGBTQ+ community. Even though things started off in a nuanced manner, things began to become more obvious as the series went along. Pinky began to showcase his feminine side, wearing dresses and makeup for enjoyment. His apparent attraction to Brain becomes more exaggerated in the reboot. It's so wonderful to see this kind of character in our ever-changing world. Even though most of this involves things that haven't been outright confirmed, it's still important to look though all this change and growth. There are a lot of individuals out there who could and do latch onto Pinky, including myself. While he may seem like a surface-level mouse at first, if you take a deeper look, you may find that he's not as simple as he appears. I hope you took something from this, whether it be some random person on Tumblr charting Pinky's relationship with Brain and with his character growth, or a bit of information you never knew. I look forward to continuing Pinky Week in high spirits. I'll be focusing on specific moments of character development in the next three installments, so be prepared. Anyways, have a great day and/or night and I'll see you next time! Narf!
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nellie-elizabeth · 29 days ago
January 2025 - Reading & Media Logging
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Thought I'd try and get some thoughts down about what I read/watch/listen to each month! We'll see if I keep it up throughout the year... thoughts under the cut!
What I Read:
This was a pretty light reading month, honestly. I've been so swamped with work and just feeling pretty overwhelmed and anxious in general, and it's had a negative impact on my reading time. I'm pretty far into 3 or 4 books right now so I think early February will have a lot of finished volumes, hopefully!
Maurice by EM Forster: Finished this on New Year's Day I think, so it counts! Really glad I read this, it was a surprisingly moving emotional experience, especially given when it was written and its publication history.
Paladin's Hope by T. Kingfisher: Well, nobody can say I didn't give this series a fair shake. I tried three books, but unfortunately it's time for me to bow out now. It's a bummer because I do like the world-building of this series, like I think the setting is intriguing and I would love to spend more time in the world, but... the characters are just too stick-figure-y for me, they just don't feel like real people at all, and the romances are very... tepid and don't give me any feels? If I'm reading romance I need the feels lol. I actually had the thought that I'd rather read like, mystery novels or straight-up fantasy adventure without the romance being the focus, in this setting. Because then the characters being pretty 2-dimensional and same-y wouldn't matter as much, because their emotional centers wouldn't be like... the purported main purpose of the text, as it has to be if it's romance. I also think they're just poorly written enough that it's hard for me to overlook other sins. Ah well.
Go Tell it On the Mountain by James Baldwin: obviously Baldwin is a genius and his stuff is always really moving! I hadn't read what is probably his most known work before, and it was an interesting experience - it felt kind of dense and impenetrable in some ways, but also really affecting in others. I feel like I can tell it's an earlier novel from him, where he's really working out some of his foundational thoughts socially and politically. Definitely glad I finally got around to reading it.
The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens: Only recommend if you're a big ol' Dickens fan and you want to check out everything he's written - it's definitely not strong as a novel, it's very episodic and repetitive. But there's that quote about Dickens, that he has bad architecture but good gargoyles, and that was definitely true here. Sam Weller in particular stands out as an all-time Dickens character for me, I love love loved him. I legitimately wonder if Samwise Gamgee is based on him at all.
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson: completed my re-read of this trilogy! These books are oddly compelling for a reason I can't quite quantify, I think for this one it was just super satisfying to see the good guys successfully dismantle all these evil conspiracies, they got that fantasy of being able to pull a fast one over the villains and totally drop the mic on them lol. Plus I love how just... unapologetically queer these books are in certain ways? Berger and her husband and their non-monogamous bisexual BDSM stuff, and then Lisbeth and Miriam... it's just cool how casually integrated that stuff is.
Blood of Empire by Brian McClellan: A straight over the plate, nothing fancy, nothing to write home about but nothing to complain about fantasy series! I really enjoyed making my way through this sequel trilogy. Not a ton to say, but I think for this last book the highlight is Bo and Nila slutting it up with all of Vlora's soldiers while she's having a mental breakdown. Great stuff, no notes.
What I Watched:
Outlander season 7 started back last year but the last couple episodes aired in January! I've already written reviews that are posted here going into detail, but broadly speaking I'd say that this show has had a gradual dip in quality over the years, I think partly in response to the books getting bigger and more meander-y and just less coherent as novels? So. Can't blame the show too much for that. All the stuff that makes me like Outlander for the messy, juicy, melodrama that it is, were still present this season though. I got fed WELL with all the John Grey material, lemme tell ya.
Critical Role, Bells Hells: Obviously I'm always watching whatever CR is putting out, but I wanted to do a shout-out on Bells Hells because the campaign finale episode is airing NEXT WEEK! This campaign has been far more controversial than the first two, it seems, and I'll just toss my two cents in and say that I really love it. I've seen some of the fandom criticism and it's an interesting experience for me because I can't exactly disagree with most of the points people are making, but for me most of the issues people have been listing, are features, not bugs, to my mind? Idk, I won't get into the weeds with it but I guess this experience has taught me that what I'm looking for from CR is not the same thing a lot of other people are. I love that these campaigns break the rules of narrative structure in ways that can sometimes feel uncomfortable or alienating. I think almost everything that's being said about BH could be said about M9, tbh, and there was far less of a backlash against it. Ah, well. Point is, I'm still having a great time and I'm SUPER looking forward to seeing the epic 8.5 hour finale episode next week.
Dropout Content: I've been having such a bad mental health month and work has been crazy and my brain has been having more trouble than usual processing new content, so I've been revisiting a lot of Dropout stuff, rewatching eps of Make Some Noise and Game Changer, and enjoying the new shows like Gastronauts and Nobody Asked. This has become quintessential comfort TV for me, I'll watch pretty much whatever these people decide to make. I've gotta get back to watching Dimension 20 though, I go through feasts and droughts with my binging of seasons. I was part way through Mice and Murder but I fell off of it... maybe I'll hop back on in February!
What I Listened To:
Epic: The Musical. Okay. So. One of the other reasons why I think my reading time was down this month is that my brain was eaten by worms and my whole personality was turned into Epic: The Musical? I am not that which I once was. I've been listening through this entire 2 hour and 20 minute album like... daily. For weeks. I cannot stop. I have been doing a lot of thinking about why this grabbed me the way it did, because I'm always fascinated in why certain things grab my attention and activate a hyperfixation, when others don't. Honestly, for the most part it's inexplicable; the stars have to be aligned or whatever. I needed something to listen to, to just buckle down and get through this huge amount of work at both my jobs, and this was what accompanied me through a couple of really bad weeks. Here's my pitch for why it's a good musical: catchy songs, complex and really well-constructed as a work of musical composition, awesome production quality, and a voice cast that's honestly so fucking stellar it blows the mind? If you're just like "yeah, I like listening to fun songs sung by people who are very good at singing" then like... I recommend it for that alone. But as for why I think this musical is not just good, but truly great, at least for my interests? Well, I think it's three big things:
This is an adaptation of a source material from nearly 3,000 years ago. I am fascinated by adaptations of ancient texts or even just like... "pretty old" texts - what concerns did the text grapple with in its original context, and what does this adaptation choose to focus on, how are different threads pulled depending on who's adapting it and when. It's the closest thing I have in my life to a truly spiritual practice, thinking about humans who lived so long ago that they could never have imagined the world today, sharing the same story I'm sharing today. Thinking about listening to this musical, and having this emotionally cathartic response to Odysseus reuniting with his wife Penelope after 20 years of separation, and knowing that millennia ago, ostensibly people sat and listened to this same story told in song, and had an emotionally cathartic experience about the same thing. It feels very special to me. Plus, like, I had a Greek mythology phase as a kid like I think a lot of us did, and this musical totally awakened that slumbering fascination, which is fun.
The compositional complexity of the text as a concept album. Jorge Rivera-Herrans is a young guy, he's in his mid-twenties and he started this project 4-ish years ago I believe. It makes me so hyped to think of the long life of creating art he has ahead of him, because this is... some good, good shit. Not just good for someone his age. It's good, period. The musical serves as something of a puzzle-box for those people who are interested in dissecting leitmotif and musical themes. This is one of the most intricately woven works of music I've ever encountered as a musical theatre fan, if I'm being honest. I'm still catching new threads every time I listen; the care with which it was constructed makes it feel truly worthy of closer attention and study. There's a pleasurable effort in unraveling all the ways the songs interact with one another. It works on the level of just being fun songs to listen to, but if you like it enough to want to slow down and pay attention, there's a whole world waiting there for you to notice.
The manner of how it was produced - a TikTok-y musical for the kids these days... basically, Jorge marketed this musical through social media. He released it in chunks over time, he released snippets of songs, demos of himself singing, he auditioned the vast majority of the cast by asking them to duet his TikToks and thus found the right voices for each character. He released videos explaining his process of composing, and going into the hidden motifs and connections. It was a brilliant bit of marketing, but it also hits on one of the most special parts of the musical and the fandom surrounding it: you get to see the creative process and the final product side by side. It's kind of the same thing I like about TTRPG shows, where you watch the art being made, and the art, all at once. Being able to go back and see Jorge singing a demo of a song in 2021, and then seeing his video asking people to audition, and then hearing the final release, and then getting a behind-the-scene video where he picks apart the choices he made in composition, it's like getting to see inside the machinery of construction. It's iterative and it's community-focused and it's the best of what social media can do, a reminder that it's not actually ALL bad. Plus, all the fan-made animatics are so cool... there are enough of them that you can actually "watch" this concept album from start to finish with visuals created by a whole host of talented artists.
So... yeah, I knew I'd talk about Epic for too long but that's where my brain is at right now. I'll be curious if by the end of February this hyper-fixation has started to fade, or if there's anything else that comes along to replace it!
This was fun, to reflect on what I've been watching and reading this month!
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itsasweater · 2 years ago
HSMTMTS thoughts before season 4
So I recently finished my re-watch of season 1 through 3 before the final season airs so that things are fresh in my memory. I wanted to make a couple of posts on my thoughts on the seasons in general and possibly some specific topics like the characters themselves. This one will be about each season.
Season 1:
I hadn't seen this season since when it originally aired and let me just say, it was kind of a grind to watch. I feel like the season didn't really start until the Homecoming episode which was ep 5. I also forgot this season had 10 episodes. The whole Nini/Ricky/EJ triangle storyline didn't really hit for me. Ricky's home problems with his parents, everything changing around him (which he clearly hates) and how he dealt with that was probably the best storyline of the season, as sad as it was to see his character go through it. The music in the season was decent, Nini had some really good. I think a lot of nostalgia comes in to play with the way people talk about season 1, it is overhyped. I also think a lot of it has to do with the very weird Jolivia obsession that still to this day for some reason resides in the fandom, I see the PFP's and twitter user names smh. Overall, new shows tend to struggle out of the gate and need a while to find the right path so I'm at least glad that they got more seasons to continue that journey instead of being cancelled like many shows do without getting the chance to do so. It certainly seems like they were not sure whether they would get renewed or not after season 1.
Season 2:
It really is a shame that this season has the most episodes because I feel like it is definitely the weakest season. It was a struggle to get through this season on the re-watch. I appreciate what the cast and crew went through while filming this season though because I know they started filming in Feb 2020 and stopped in March because of the pandemic and had to return towards the end of 2020 until March of the next year with under strict conditions. So, maybe the pandemic played a role in the quality of the season but I feel like this was even the casts least favorite season with the way they talked about it. Nini's YAC storyline felt out of place and just didn't keep me engaged, the lighting for this season was also very dark lol. I do think this season did a nice job of continuing to show Ricky's struggle with his home life from season 1 and the fact that things were still changing in his life which the show continues to mention just how much he hates that. Ashlyn getting the leading role as Belle was nice and her dealing with her insecurities about that was good. The season Finale fell flat though, it seemed rushed and I think it was ranked as the worst episode in the whole series. This season did however have 2 of my favorite songs of the whole show, the trio of Kourtney, Gina and Ashlyn coming together to sing 1-2-3 was great. The 4 main characters (Nini, Gina, EJ and Ricky) singing Second Chance was so good, they meshed well together.
Season 3:
This season is probably my favorite. I know some people in the fandom don't feel the same about the season because it felt different from the first 2 but I think that is a good thing. Sometimes shows need a change of pace and they did that with this season. Making it a summer season out of school at a camp was something different and the show had a different tone because of it. It was definitely more lighthearted compared to season 2 and the cast seemed to have had great time filming together. Also going from filming in Utah to filming in LA was probably a nice change for the actors since most of them are based in LA. I know the whole documentary storyline thing was an adjustment for people but they clearly had a plan for it to be a springboard for the plot in season 4 and connect them together. Besides that, Kourtney's anxiety storyline was a highlight for me as I'm sure lots of people could relate to her, the phone call with her mom was great and I'm interested to see if they touch on this more in season 4. Some of the disappointment in the season comes from favorite characters not being in it like Seb and Big Red which is understandable but it's also realistic that not everyone in the group would go to the same camp in the summer, when people usually have different plans. Also, the show clearly felt like they weren't as important to tell the story in season 3 which was used too set up season 4. It was nice that Big Red, Seb and Miss Jenn did make cameo's though, with how big the cast is and the length of the episodes that are not that long it's hard to fit everyone in with meaningful storylines. The additions of Maddox and Jet this season were probably the best new characters that the show has added during the 3 seasons, the actors playing them are great as well and seem to have really bonded with the cast which is really nice to see. WDYKAL was probably my favorite performance of the season, it was very non Disney like lol The tension and chemistry was kind of crazy lol I feel like they could have shown more of the Frozen performance but Kourtney playing Elsa was also a great moment in the season. I'm really excited for season 4 because they seem to be going with a really META storyline for the season and I'm excited too see how the documentary from season 3 has affected the characters.
Anyways, this turned out longer than I intended it too but these are my thoughts on each of the 3 seasons after my re-watch, I will probably make a couple more posts on singular topics like the characters or the ships later. I'm always up for discussions, so if you have anything you want to say please do. I know this place can get out of hand when discussing this show within the fandom but I have thicker skin than most and I don't mind having a discussion but I also understand I'm not the norm lol
If you have read all of this, thank you. If you at least read the title of the post, thank you. Even though you will not see the thank you lol
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addictedtostorytelling · 1 year ago
Hi, there! I must admit that I'm fascinated with your takes on our lovely couple, that is GSR. Honestly, before I fumble into your blog, I was quite lost at the deepness that is their relationship. So thank you for this incredible work you've been doing! 💗
Based on that, do you think that during s1, specifically in s1e02, Sara and Grissom might have met in particular? If you know what I mean. Assuming they, in fact, already had some sort of more intimate relationship back from San Francisco's time.
I've always wondered that. As it was never meant for Sara to stay in Vegas, right? Her permanent stay was something bright new, and I wonder if they took 'advantage' of that moment, even under those terrible circumstances. Which would might lead to why Sara might have accepted the proposal of staying in Vegas and why she might have thought Grissom would pursue a relationship with her, only for her being frustrated by that man's terrible dating skills (well, not that terrible, just a bit unusual).
Sorry, I started mumbling! But thank you beforehand! I love to read your analysis of them <3
hi, @ms-machine!
thank you for your kind words! i'm so glad you enjoy my gsr takes and find them helpful for understanding the ship! ❤
re: your question:
if i catch your drift, you're asking if i think grissom and sara have sex while sara is in vegas during the events of episode 01x02 "cool change," yeah?
while upon sara's arrival in vegas (which takes place, within the universe of the show, on approximately 10.16.00), grissom and sara are super flirty with each other and grissom does open up to sara emotionally, both of which behaviors could be indicative that they sleep together while she is in town, since grissom and sara also often act that way at other times during the early seasons of the show when we know for certain they're not having sex, said behavior in itself isn't enough to prove anything one way or the other.
just looking at the timeline, sara wraps her mini-investigation into warrick's conduct and whereabouts within the course of a single day, and, during that day, both she and grissom are extremely busy—he with his inquiries into the mysterious circs death of ted sallenger, she with her examination of warrick's itinerary surrounding the gribbs shooting. that so, after their initial interactions in front of the monaco casino, grissom and sara don't really talk to each other again until the end of the episode, when they convene with the rest of the team to watch as gribbs's killer is remanded into custody.
given the tight schedule they're on through morning and afternoon hours, we can probably say with some surety they don't sleep with each other then.
but what about afterward?
after all, the events of episode 01x03 "crate n' burial" don't transpire, within the universe of the show, until 10.29.00—meaning there are thirteen days' worth of unaccounted for time between when we last see grissom and sara following the conclusion of the gribbs case and when we next see them responding to the garris "kidnapping" callout.
honestly, there's so much we don't know about what happens during that interval.
for example, does sara immediately hop a plane back to san francisco on the evening of 10.16.00 after she finishes her conduct report on warrick or does she maybe hang around in vegas for a while afterward? if so, for how long? a day or two? a week? and where does she make her accommodations while she's in town—at a hotel or perhaps staying at grissom's place? if at grissom's place, crashing on his couch or sharing his bed?
another major line of questioning revolves around her hiring process.
we never get to see the moment when grissom asks sara to officially join his team on screen.
when does he do so? has he already made the invitation by the time she's standing at his side in the las vegas crime lab parking lot, watching holly gribbs's killer being loaded onto a police van and taken to jail? or does he wait a couple of days? does she have the job offer in pocket by the time she touches down back in san francisco or does he contact her sometime later in order to extend it?
considering that she is already hired and onboarded just thirteen days later, he probably can't wait too long after the events of episode 01x02 "cool change" to start officially headhunting her, especially since she still has to put in notice that she is quitting with the sfpd.
as stated in the meta i posted the other day, the timeline for these first three episodes of s1 is not very realistic, particularly where sara's hiring and move are concerned.
whenever he does "pop the (employment) question," does she tell him yes before he can even fully finish asking? or does she take a few days to consider?
during that decision-making process, is there any discussion between them about how her joining his team (and becoming his employee) might affect their relationship, one way or another? or is that issue one they gloss over?
frankly, without knowing the answers to these questions, it's really impossible to say definitively whether or not grissom and sara have sex at any point circa the events of episode 01x02 "cool change."
headcanon rules on the matter.
personally, in my headcanon, i don't think they do sleep together during that time, as i tend to believe that had they crossed that particular threshold and gotten into the habit of having a sexual relationship while sara was visiting vegas during the gribbs investigation, they probably wouldn't have been able to backtrack and/or stop themselves from continuing said relationship once she moved to vegas permanently.
to me, i think their sexual encounters—and i do believe they have some while sara still lives in san francisco (just perhaps not "going all the way")—end sometime prior to the gribbs murder.
to my mind, the cessation of their sexual encounters isn't something they discuss (meaning they never have any kind of explicit "hey, now that we're going to be coworkers, we should probably cool it, yeah?" conversation; the encounters themselves just peter off sans acknowledgment as to what is happening or explanation as to why)—which is perhaps the cause of a lot of the confusion of s1, when their relationship seems so ill-defined and nebulous, with unclear expectations.
as for the issue of why sara accepts grissom's job offer and has expectations that she and grissom will continue their relationship once she relocates to vegas, i don't necessarily think she and grissom would have to have sex during the gribbs case in order to cause her to take that course of action and think in that direction.
even if they don't actually ~do the do~ during her brief stint in sin city while she's investigating warrick, she's already head over heels in love with grissom when he asks her to work for him, and they've already been carrying on some kind of ambiguous personal relationship (perhaps even of a sexual nature) prior to this point, so she has plenty of motivation to want to move closer to him and plenty of reason to suppose that if she does so their new, closer proximity will take their relationship to that "next level" she so desires to be at with him as is.
—but all of that stuff is just my take.
like i said, there's really no right or wrong answer here, so if you prefer to imagine that they do sleep together sometime during sara's first visit to vegas, you certainly have ample grounding for that line of thinking.
(thirteen days is a lot of unaccounted for time!)
also, fic rec: i just read @hollygl125's delightful story where grissom and sara do have a sexual relationship all the way up until she officially joins the team, so if you're looking for a well-done take on that version of events, i highly recommend you check it out!
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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mx-pokirby · 4 months ago
Days with my Stepsister
is the anime we just finished, and trying to formulate our thoughts on.
Our feelings are middled, leaning positive. A soft recommend, if the premise/genre interests you.
It was slow and methodical, one might even say thoughtful, yet also clearly deliberate in painting the picture of the two leads' relation-ship. It felt very wistful at times, and even had an interesting style that you don't see all the time.
A lot of the episodes blended together for us. We couldn't really tell what the show was going for, for a lot of its run time, until individual scenes come along to re-contextualize why everything was actually important for "this thing happening right now as a result of it all". Whether you see that as a positive or negative, I'll leave to you.
Spoilers below
The whole "English Lit tutoring arc" didn't make sense to us as the direction the show decided to take, until Ayane climbed into bed with Asamura a couple episodes later, and we got a flashback/recap from her interpretation of events.
The pool break plot left us pondering its place until Asamura realized his feelings for Ayane once they'd both put in the effort to make it.
And lastly, probably most importantly, we couldn't tell whom the show was for, or what it was even trying to do/say until the very final scene. Which, for the record, we would consider the most impactful scene in the show.
Which pains me, because I wish we could've reached it about half a season ago, therefore having a whole extra half-season to explore the aftermath of it. It's not like a 2nd season seems likely. Maybe our tune would change if there was one, but alas.
Lemme lay it out for people who've not watched the anime. With this kind of anime, (you should know what I mean by that), they're basically required to pick one out of three targets audiences.
People who think X is gross, people who think X is hot because it is was it is, and people who are... I guess X "allies", as long as the relation isn't by blood?
(Sometimes works will try playing to both groups 1 and 2/3 at the same time but I don't understand why, other than money. Not like group 1 would normally watch something clearly made for 2/3 or vice versa)
Up until the climax of the show, we could not tell if the two leads were meant to get together, selling the story to group 3, or have them reach a mutual understanding and agree to stay friends at arm's distance, selling to group 1. (Which considering how it's literally the final scene, leaves no place for group 2, who were pulled in by the damn title)
Especially given the additional fact that SO MANY characters throughout the show, tease the two leads about "Why aren't you interested in each other?", only for the two leads to be like "What? No." in a normal human way, not even an cliche "I'm hiding that I have a crush" type flustered response; implying all of society (that we see) would be cool with it/it's not taboo, and they're both bottling everything up for no reason, but WHATEVER
Idk if the fact it literally could've gone either way at the end makes it a poor story or an interesting one. I don't feel equipped to answer that for you. Maybe I didn't have a clear enough grasp on their personalities by the end to know the choices they were most likely to make, or maybe it was written that way on purpose. I accept the possibility it's a simple skill issue on my part.
But they do get together. Thus, the show was for group 3 all along. Sort of. It's complicated, just like their relationship as a whole. The scene where they communicate their feelings like normal people, actually working through it and trying to understand what path will work best for the both of them, is sweet and tense while also relieving after a whole season of build-up.
But it's just so weird, to not know until it's over whether you were being strung along or not. I sure would've loved to know sooner, both so I could make sure I'm on its level, and also, again, because I so so so wish there were literally any time left to actually see their relationship develop now that they know they have feelings for each other.
Let's assume I'm in group 3. I learn about this show and I watch it, hoping to see just equally juicy & complicated relationship drama. Except there is none. There's only the promise that stuff will happen, later, off-screen. And damn if it wasn't a well-written promise. I doubt one would expect the "relationship drama" you hoped to invest yourself in was merely two characters, in their own heads, figuring out if they even want to be in a relationship, without the others' knowledge, for like 11.5 episodes.
But again, you still need all that build-up, or at least most of it, or else the payoff lacks satisfaction. But still, you want to avoid trapping your audience in nail-biting "You both have all the pieces you need, please just talk to each other already!" hellish suspense for multiple episodes. So...
Idk, I'm rambling and I think I've elaborated enough on my point.
Lastly I just wanna say, the concept of social taboo is obviously inherently linked to stories that cover this concept. So it's always odd to me when so few of these works ever bother to actually ask the question "But why tho?" in both cases when the work is arguing for / against the idea.
Given that it's a taboo, both sides will often include a character claiming "It's wrong!" regardless if the audience is meant to agree with them or not. And it's always treated as a one-and-done point.
There's never any elaboration on the initial claim, no justifications for why its wrong, no counter-arguments why the one they're speaking to believes it shouldn't be, nothing. Even if I disagree with the work's argument, I would still like an argument either way.
Help me understand why you believe what you believe; I feel like that's just obviously good storytelling. Challenge me with beliefs counter to my own, well-informed or otherwise.
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marmarisawesome · 5 months ago
Ranting about the London Special
So, i've never posted anything here but I just watched Miraculous World : London and i must rant about it somewhere so i'm doing it here
First of all, seeing Bunnyx playing chess with her older selves was amazing, it made me laugh a lot (and it was probably the bestest part of the special but anyway)
Then, when the older Bunnyxes started to fade, it was scary? Like i was kind of anxious and hyped for the following, to see how baby Bunnyx and Chronobug will fix it all and everything. And then, we finally saw what happened after Gabriel's wish and it was so great like i've been creating a gazillion senarios in my head since last year about how did LB/Marinette manage it all, how did she tell Adrien... I'm happy to finally have an answer to those interrogations.
BUT. Baby Bunnyx re-playing the last 5 seasons beforehand... too long and boring
Then, Bug Noire wants to tell Adrien and, not gonna lie, i felt so sad for both of them like, i could feel Adrien's pain and Bug Noire's hesitation (i really don't have a word for her emotion, like she knows that she's lying to her bf and at the same time, she's protecting him from a far worse truth that would must probably destroy his life (and i mean it literally)). Kagami in the background knowing the truth while watching her friend lying to her other friend... it pained me a lot.
Later, when Marinette was going to sleep and talked to Plagg and Tikki... I really liked how we could really read her pain and turmoil on her face. She knows that she had to lie but she feels so guilty about it. But i'm excited for the future now that Nathalie shares the burden with her! They are both close relatives to Adrien and know the real truth and have to lie to everyone, i can't wait to see how this goes in S6.
Then, the whole fighting with the akumatized/new Hawk Moth/Lila/Bianca/whoever that is her name was... I'm not gonna say bad cause, let's be real, it was so complex that it gave me a headache, but it was... too long? like i get that you have to go back in time multiple times to fight and all but did we really have to see it all?
Also, i would've prefered if it was focused on Lila's plan and how she came up with it. How did she know the Bug Noire and Monarch were fighting? How did she know that Gabriel is Monarch? What is/was her wish? Why is she doing this? How did she come up with a plan so complex that it works? What is her actual identity??? (bonus questions : how does she her 3 different mothers???????? How a 14-15-year-old teenager can lie that much, fool everyone, have multiple identity and knows so much about Miraculouses??? Let's hope those questions will be answered in S6 cause it keeps me up at night)
Then, the whole fight was finished (took too long, again) and Marinette wakes up and everything is all good and back to "normal". She then fixes the miraculouses somehow (i want to see how they look like now, are they jewels like before or did they change?) Marinette announces to the Kwamis that they will have holders and they are all so happy and it was so cute, i loved it. Marinette then tells Plagg to go back to his holder and he was so funny about it, being disgusted by all the cuteness of his siblings with the Guardian. But please, I wanted to see Adrien and Plagg reunited!!! Plagg knows Gabriel is Monarch and saw him die! Adrien doesn't know that, how did they reunited, did Adrien cry seeing Plagg come back? Did he asked questions about the final fight Bug Noire/Monarch? How did Plagg act about this whole situation?? I NEED TO KNOW.
The final scene between LadyNoir was so heartfelt (am i using the word correctly?) like, i actually felt LB et CN pain, like really. Their hug meaning "everything will be fine, we'll do it together, we'll win. Together." got me in almost tears.
And LB almost telling CN the whole truth!!!!! I wanted it to happen, i need CN to be more involved in the Guardian shit like, LB can't take it alone anymore, even though she was Alya with her, she need CN's help, i'm sure of it.
Final word : I am more hyped for S6 then I was before, i want all of the questions i wrote above to be answered. I want to see how LB and CN relationship goes, how LB will manage to lie to her partner. I want to see how Adrien will live without someone controlling him (i am still not over the fact that he is a senti...), how he will manage life without parents, how Marinette and him evolve through life with lies between them (Gabriel being the villain all along, them being CN and LB...). I want to see how Lila will use the Butterfly miraculous to get what she wants and i want to see what she wants.
(Side note 1 : I once saw a theory that Gabriel waited for Bug Noire to destransform before attacking because she had her hand on Adrien's amok and she could've cataclysmed it and, even though Gabriel is the worst parent ever, he wanted to protect Adrien. I think that theory is true because many times in the special, we see Bug Noire's hand on the amok and Gabriel's fear in his eyes.
Also, i do believe that Gabriel wanted to revive Emilie in exchange of Bug Noire's life but she manage to convince him to not make the Wish for Adrien's sake. Gabriel obviously didn't listen but changed plans last second because he realize that Marinette is so important for Adrien and, even though his mother would be back (when she clearly said that she didn't want to) (and he grieved her death, he moved on), Adrien would still be heartbroken because his gf would be gone. Gabriel realized that at the end and exchanged his life for Nathalie's. )
(Side note 2 : i really don't like yellow on LB...)
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snowflakesnsundry · 1 year ago
Okay listen up nerds
i am so fuckin sorry ive been gone so goddamn long I've been a bit of a mess. I ended up losing my job but weirdly it's kinda been the best thing to happen to me in a while. It had gotten really unhealthy for me-which isnt the point of this post but...
I have just finished Loki seaon 2 and I gotta talk about it right now and in unreasonable depth
STARTING with the end.
Firstly, for any of you who have not read Jason Aaron's "King Thor" series. I reccommend you do right now.
When i started my fic I read every single Thor/ Loki comic i could get my grubby little hands on- and out of all of them, there was just one that tore my fucking heart in half- Aaron's King Thor run.
And I am not kidding when I say it's beautifully written- but I am also not kidding when I say this is exactly where our season 2 ending came from- just.... well.... look-
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In the story, the God Butcher has swallowed the universe until only one singular star remains; dying and soon to flicker out. It can survive if there is something to re-start it. Something, or someone to provide it with power
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Honestly when the God Butcher showed up in Thor: Love and Thunder it made me nervous because of this ending, because it is heartbreaking and beautiful particularly within the context of the story-
-begin brief tangent-
-because heres the thing.
The Loki in the comics is not as kind and fuzzy as the one in the TV show and movies- the newer comic loki has taken a lot of ques from Hiddleston's Loki, but thats sort of the exception to the rule. In the comics he is constantly lashing out at thor with hate and anger and rage- its an inescapable centuries long cycle for them.
But even as Loki has betrayed Thor to the God Butcher, even as the universe is breathing its last breaths and fading into darkness... we get this:
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These two brothers, enemies for countless lifetimes... in their last moments, they reach for one another until there is nothing left and i was INCONSOLABLE.
If you haven't read the Thor or the Loki comics, you dont have to read them all- but I do encourage you to at least read this one run. It's 4 "books" (and contains a lot from Aaron's run as a writer for Thor as this was his last series before moving on) but its worth it for this moment- particularly as it relates to the TV series
-end brief tangent-
Regardless, I think we have all heard about Hiddleston chasing Owen Wilson down to tell him every last thing about the Loki lore so I swear to god he knows about this and the fucking writers did this on purpose stg.
Anyway- the use of this particular plot was beautifully exicuted and we love the comics being blended into the MCU in such a lovely way.
I have more thoughts overall but this has been clawing at me all goddamn night and I had to share it with you all.
Watching has gotten me back to writing, and I hope to be back fully very soon.
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xxbrightshadowxx · 1 year ago
So I’m rewatching Only Murders In The Building and I’m on the last episode of the first season and I’ve just begun to realize how many small details there is in this show. Jan has just finished talking about how glad she is they reopened the fire places and I remember back in episode two about how they couldn’t have them because of Tim. I’ve also remember when Oliver uses the gut milk that they bought to save Charles, way back in ep 3.
The show has a lot of background details that make it fun to watch for re-watchers and it also really shows how plan out the show is. Which is much more than I can say about other shows.
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divorceblogger · 2 years ago
Mid-Year Book Freakout 2023
Thank you for the tag @kazz-brekker! 🌻
1. Best book you’ve read so far this year
This is a hard one but I'm going to rule out the various re-reads I did this year (three!) and pick Rebecca.
2. Best sequel you’ve read so far this year
It's easily Dune Messiah - I don't think it's perfect, but I think I discovered lots of nuances in the series after re-reading the first book and dissecting Dune Messiah in that context has been really fun. The sequel also picks up the thread of the gothic atmosphere the first book was cultivating and continues to delve into that with greater detail which is probably why I grew fond it very quickly. Also Frank Herbert really got his shit together for it and committed to the criticism of empire that he was only really hinting at in the first book without forgetting to care for the characters and sympathise with them which I think really did something for me.
The series has a very TLT-esque balance of narrating the story, now that I think of it, in the sense that there are larger events happening in the universe around the characters while the narrative chooses to zero in on the personal tragedies of a select cast of characters in order to effectively convey the themes that it’s dealing with.
3. New release you haven’t read yet
I haven't really been keeping track of new releases much since I didn't care for a lot of the queer fiction Tor was marketing lately - but Our Wives Under the Sea has been on my radar for a while and it's the latest release I can think of at the moment because the rest of my tbr fully dips into books published pre-2000. I did read A Day of Fallen Night recently though, and it was published in Feb 2023, iirc.
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year
I'm going to cheat and say Alecto the Ninth although Tamsyn Muir said that release was probably going to be delayed. The only other release I'm looking forward to is The Bone Season #5 coming out next year-ish? (probably 2025 tbh).
5. Biggest disappointment
Books #2 and #3 in the Southern Reach trilogy were rather poorly done. I don't think Jeff Vandermeer is a very good storyteller, but instead has a lot to say about sci-fi and horror as genres - and those things are interesting but I'm not certain they can act as stand-ins for the actual act of storytelling.
I did still enjoy my reread of Annihilation though, but it was probably just nostalgia.
6. Biggest surprise
Wuthering Heights, although I'm not quite certain why. I think I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did.
7. Favorite new author (debut or new to you)
Daphne du Maurier - I'd tried to read and finish Rebecca before, but I really got around to finishing the book this year and it was very, very good. I enjoyed Rebecca so much that I kind of wanted to started My Cousin Rachel immediately; but I might have to put that off for a while because my tbr is very long at the moment.
8. Newest fictional crush/newest favorite character
I'm in Alia Atreides hell currently and I'm uncertain that there's any cure for it.
9. Book that made you cry
Harrow the Ninth! Books rarely make me cry and this was a reread but I still felt plenty emotional.
10. Book that made you happy
Solaris :) I distinctly remember smiling very broadly while I was reading the last couple paragraphs of the book. I think more people should read Solaris and also watch the film that Andrei Tarkovsky made based off of the book. It falls roughly under a category that I like to refer to as sci-fi horror, but it's also very Nona-esque, in the sense that it discusses the human condition of love with brutal honesty (I think basically all the sci-fi books I’ve read this year have dealt with very similar themes, especially with respect to their criticisms of imperial hegemony and environmentalism).
uhh tagging @phantomxblood @jaqobis @jelli-ace @wishesofeternity @honey-and-hibiscus-kingdom @iliyanaofcasimir and anybody else who might be interested in doing the game!
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thymewayster · 2 years ago
Fixing the Mandalorian season 3: an outline rewrite
Now that the season is finished and I can see the whole picture...season 3 had a few issues. It had a lot of good moments and some great story potential, but I think it could have been executed a lot better.
So I’ve fixed it by making a few tweaks, rearranging some scenes, and letting this be two seasons rather than one. I am trying to use roughly the same resources and roughly the same plot beats as canon did while still having the spirit of the first two seasons.
One of my major goals is also to make sure each show is self-contained—aka, you do not have to have seen any other show other than the one you’re watching for things to make sense. (Although of course, if you have seen the other shows, you will know a lot more context.)
Also fair warning, this is staying platonic, but if you want to imagine more shippy details, feel free.
This might get a little long.
So. Let’s start with Book of Boba Fett.
BoBF: Din is not the main character, Boba Is
Grogu and Luke do not make an appearance at all.
Pretty much the entire storyline of BoBF needs fixing, but fixing Boba’s story is a different issue. This post is about fixing the Mandalorian, so I’m going to focus on the last couple episodes when Din appears.
Episode 5 (or 6, depending on how Boba’s story is fixed) opens in media res, action scene. Din is in the middle of killing/beating up a bunch of guys while on a bounty hunt. Din wins the fight, pushes forward, and…it is revealed that his bounty is a child who was kidnapped for ransom that Din has been hired to retrieve. 
Optional: Shots during this part that parallel the very first episode of season 1.
Din reunites child with grateful rich parent/client. There’s a moment of Din looking at them longingly and it’s clear that Din is angsting over watching the parent/child reunion. The pain of losing Grogu is still relatively fresh. 
After Din is paid, Fennec appears (in person or more likely via holocall). 
There is a two-line exchange: Fennec asking how Din’s search for his people is going, Din replying it’s not going well and that he hasn’t found anything in weeks/months. Thus establishing two things: 1) Din is looking for other Mandalorians. 2) It has been weeks/months since the season 2 finale.
Fennec says Boba has a job for Din. Din says he owes Boba and he’ll do it for free.
All of the above takes up maybe the first five minutes of the episode at most. 
This also works because it feeds Mandalorian fans while not requiring you to have seen the Mandalorian at all if you’re just here for the Boba Fett show. 
If you’re watching BoBF in a vacuum, then it establishes all you really need to know: Din is a Mandalorian/has similar armor to Boba, is an ally of Boba’s, and is a very good fighter. It makes perfect sense Boba would call him for help.
From a business standpoint, this also still promotes the Mandalorian show. (“Hey, if you think this guy is cool, he already has his own show!”)
If you have seen the Mandalorian then you know the context of why Din is angsting over a parent/child reunion and you are having FEELINGS.
We next see Din on Tatooine and he is present for the BoBF finale as part of Boba’s crew.
Crucially, nothing of actual plot importance happens with Din. It is not required to watch BoBF to understand season 3 of the Mandalorian. 
The focus of the show is on Boba, and Din is there to be a cameo/look cool/be Boba’s backup so we can have some cool side-by-side shots and give the Mandalorian fans a sliver of content without disrupting BoBF-only watchers’ experience. 
The scene where Din says “I’m with you until we both fall” can stay, complete with sending the majordomo out with a fake notice of surrender. (Because that was great, and a good character moment for Boba.)
There is no Grogu appearing in the middle of the fight. Grogu is not even mentioned beyond the implication that Din misses him.
After the battle, we can either see Boba thank Din and then Din leaves to a quick little motif of his theme song. Or, because this is Boba’s show and Din is a side character, we might not even see Din leave. The focus might be more on other cast members.
New Mando s3: Din and Grogu
The theme: Din and Grogu reuniting, Din redeeming himself and rebuilding in the wake of season 2, the covert
Episode 1: Canon BoBF episode, where it should be
Canon BoBF ep 5, with a few differences.
The entire dramatic bounty-hunting/fight scene in the freezer is perfect, nothing changes. It also serves to tell the audience that Din’s having issues wielding the darksaber.
Din tracks down not only the Armorer and Paz, but there are some other survivors as well. Paz/somebody heals him from his darksaber accident. 
Preferably that character is a new named Mando character who is basically the covert’s doctor/medic. Like they can fight but they actually specialize in combat medicine. (This is also a good opportunity for worldbuilding since we can go into a bit more detail on how they handle injuries. Do they all cauterize their wounds or was that just Din out in the field? How do they handle head injuries if they can’t remove their helmet??)
Optional: have a passing comment about how long it’s been since the fight with the Nevarro bounty guild, further establishing that some time has passed.
This is also a chance for a nice sprinkling of worldbuilding for what the covert is like, how Din interacts with other members, and what he misses about them. 
Some members of the covert actually ask him why he removed his helmet, and there is some debate on whether his removal was acceptable as it was in service of a foundling. 
This is a good chance to introduce a few more Mandalorian characters. They don’t have to be big/detailed roles, but it helps humanize the Mandos a bit to show that they aren’t all a monolith, and we can have some familiar faces/helmets in future episodes. (And now you have names to go with the Funko pop figures. Because this is Star Wars and Disney, and let’s face it a major part of the franchise is the merch. We gotta keep the studio execs happy and the investors rich or they’ll ax our show.) 
Maybe Paz is the hothead of the group, or maybe his personality is pretty typical for the group. Maybe Din is unusually quiet/private compared to the rest of the group. Maybe one person is even more strict about the Creed than Din is. Maybe one just straight up does not speak in Basic/English and needs subtitles, implying that under the helmet they’re some species that physically can’t speak Basic/English. etc. Give us some characters.
Optional: a passing line to indicate that even though the audience is hearing English (or whatever Earth language) with no subtitles, the Mandalorians including Din are actually all speaking Mando’a and we’re getting a direct translation.
Anyway so they’re all debating whether Din is an apostate or not. The Armorer points out that the Creed is clear on removing the helmet, but she sounds deeply sorrowful/regretful about it.
Some members think Din is now an apostate. Others think that Din’s removal was justified. 
Crucially, Din himself falls on the apostate side, and he believes he needs to be redeemed.
Optional: When the covert find out he has the darksaber, there is further debate on whether this redeems him or not. Din doesn’t think it does.
Like in canon, Paz challenges him for the darksaber. Din is not sure he wants to be leader, but he also isn’t willing to just hand it over. 
Paz is like, if you don’t want it, why are you fighting so hard for it? And Din points out that losing a fight on purpose is Not the Way. Paz points out that he is an apostate. Din still refuses to give up without a fight. (Same fight from canon, with other Mandos watching, Din wins.)
Optional: At some point we meet Ragnar and learn that he is Paz’s foundling/apprentice. He is training to swear the Creed. Bonus points if Din angsts over that too.
When covert members ask about Grogu, Din reveals that he has coordinates for Grogu. (It can be left vague whether Din found them himself or Luke gave them to him off-screen) But Din has not visited Grogu because he doesn’t want to interfere with Grogu’s training. 
Din decides he wants to go to Mandalore to bathe in the waters and redeem himself. The Armorer warns him that it is probably not possible since Mandalore was glassed, but Din is determined to try. 
The covert wishes him luck. The Armorer decides to give him a gift: some chainmail for Grogu. (can be made from the spear or not.) Din protests that he has returned Grogu to his people and will not jeopardize his training. The Armorer replies that it is the child’s birthright as a Mandalorian foundling. Even if Din does not see the child again, then the chainmail will serve as a reminder of what Din sacrificed so much for.
The Armorer also gives Din a cool new weapon, possibly a new amban rifle or something similar. 
Let’s face it, cool weapons are integral to his character's design, coolness factor, and marketability. Gotta have something to make new toys. If the spear is melted down, he’ll need a replacement cool weapon. Even if he keeps the spear, that means he has two cool melee weapons, the darksaber and the spear, and he needs a cool long-range weapon.
Din accepts the gifts.
The covert is discovered by bad guys (Imperials? Beskar hunters? a crime syndicate?), there is another action sequence while the Mandalorians fight off the intruders. Din assists the others in fighting the enemies off. (This is a good chance for further characterization and exploration of group dynamics. Does Din communicate well and fight in sync with his fellow covert members, or has his time away from the covert and his bounty hunting career made it so he tends to fight alone rather than working as a team?) 
The Mandalorians win easily, because this is a chance to show off Mandalorian combat. 
But because secrecy is their survival, the covert must now relocate.
Optional: a good father-son moment with Paz defending Ragnar. Bonus points if Din also sees Ragnar defend himself using something he learned in training earlier in the episode. (Because it reinforces to Din that training is important. He’s going to bring that up later.)
Din helps the covert acquire a ship to get off planet (possibly with some money he earned on his way here? Showing that he still thinks of himself as the covert's provider. Or maybe they steal one) 
The Armorer asks if he wishes to join them. Din shakes his head, doesn’t believe himself to be worthy. He feels he does not belong with them and is an apostate.
The Mandalorians part ways, with the covert off to find a new location, while Din is left alone, watching them leave. (Visually, this shows him at rock bottom. He is an apostate. He has no ship, he has no covert, he has no child. It’s just him, alone in the universe.)
Optional end stinger: We see Grogu, meditating on a rock. He is concentrating for a moment, then his eyes open. He looks sad (and adorable). Possibly reaches out a hand, reminiscent of s1 ep1’s ending moment, but there is no Din there to take his finger.
Episode 2: Din and Grogu reunite
This episode has two plots: Din’s plot and Grogu’s. We switch between them. 
Optional: No CGI Luke. I love that Mark Hamill got to come back, but CGI Luke is not good at emoting. It worked okay for the season 2 finale, because Luke was calm and not super emotionally involved, but by the time we get to season 3 we need him to be able to emote or he comes off as very flat. If necessary, we can use a little CGI to make a lookalike actor (Sebastian Stan? An unknown?) a little more Luke like. But remember Luke is a bit older, he doesn’t have to look exactly like he did in Return of the Jedi. 
Screw it, maybe he has a beard now or something. He had a beard in the Last Jedi, and Disney wants us to use this season to prop up the sequels, right? Just look at that continuity! And that might make it easier for makeup/a touch of CGI to make the actor look more like Mark Hamill.
A Plot
We see a montage of Grogu and Luke training. Pretty much the canon scenes from canon BoBF ep 6. The seasons change on the planet they are on during the training montage to indicate the passage of time. 
Grogu is doing well in his studies, but he is very easily distracted and almost always looks sad. It’s clear that he’s feeling very distracted/conflicted. Luke is concerned.
Optional: show that Grogu is not the only student being trained. He likes the other students, but it’s clear that he isn’t as focused as the others. (Maybe squeeze in a quick flashback to happy Grogu back in the Jedi creche with the other students to show the difference?)
B Plot
Switch to Din. Din’s plot is basically the non-covert parts of BoBF ep 5. Funny public transport sequence to Tatooine, the bundle of armor is shaped like Grogu’s head, Rodian child angst. Meets up with Pelli, gets N1. Pelli tells Din that fixing it would go faster if Din helped.
A Plot
Luke is concerned because Grogu is very gifted with the Force but it’s clear his feelings are conflicted. Luke meditates with Grogu, does the frog-lifting scene. Luke realizes that Grogu deeply misses Din, and Luke gently mentions that being a Jedi requires a lot more focus than Grogu is currently using.
Optional: Luke mentions he himself has struggled to find the balance between helping his friends and his Jedi training.
Luke consults Ahsoka by holocall or in person. (Possibly drop a hint at what Ahsoka’s doing. Looking for Ezra or fighting Thrawn or whatever she’s going to be doing in her show). 
Ahsoka points out Grogu’s attachment to Din, which is why she didn’t train him in the first place.
Luke and Ahsoka have a discussion about Jedi philosophy and attachment. Ahsoka points out the Jedi did not maintain family attachments. Luke points out that he certainly is still maintaining contact with his family/friends. 
Optional: Luke mentions he has found records of Jedi maintaining family relationships, anciently as well as recently. (Drop some KOTOR references?)
By the end of the discussion, they have clearly defined attachment/possessiveness for the audience. (Will this finally stop the endless discussion among fans about Anakin’s fall and whether the Jedi’s no-attachment rule caused it? Of course not, this is the Star Wars fandom lol.)
B Plot:
N1 repair montage. 
Pelli modifies the back seat for Grogu, even though Din sadly points out that Grogu is not traveling with him anymore. Pelli’s like, “You want me to put a droid in there then?” Din, with possibly the first non-sad emotion we’ve seen him have this season, says no, absolutely not. Then Pelli’s like “So it’ll be for visits then!” Din is silent after that. He is clearly still sad.
There is a more in-depth conversation where Pelli wants more information about where Grogu is now and Din mentions that he of course misses Grogu, but he is sure that getting this training is the best thing for him and he made the right decision.
The repair montage might be shorter than or the same length as the original, depending on the runtime of the episode. (This episode will be on the longer side for a Mando episode. Maybe like an hour. Tbh you could probably stretch this out to two episodes if you really wanted.)
The N1 is finished. Din takes it out for a spin, sees the Rodian kid again, escapes from the space cops, plays out like the original BoBF ep 5 did. 
After the test ride, he bids goodbye to Pelli and takes off to space.
In the N1 in space, Din has a quiet moment. Visual shots of space being huge and vast and beautiful, while Din’s ship is very small in comparison. While Din experienced a moment of happiness in rebuilding the N1, he is still very alone.
We see Din holding the armor bundle shaped like Grogu’s head and thinking. (This scene visually echoes the s1 ep3 scene where he contemplates the shifter knob and decides to rescue Grogu from the Imp compound instead of just leaving.)
After a moment of silent contemplation (and probably as the music builds), Din makes a decision. He jumps to hyperspace.
A Plot/B Plot:
Luke sits Grogu down and asks if Grogu would prefer to continue his Jedi training or to return to the Mandalorian. Luke points out that of course Grogu’s bond with Din is not a bad thing, but being a Jedi requires focus and commitment. The greater good and the Jedi code must come before all else. Luke also points out that a short time for Grogu is a long time for Din. 
Luke would love to train Grogu to be a great Jedi, but he will respect whatever Grogu chooses.
Grogu chooses Din, and Luke accepts this decision. 
Luke is just debating how they’re going to reach Din…when Din shows up!
Optional: still include the “Is that a bench?” scene with R2 lol.
Din is awkward and nervous and just wanted to stop by for a visit and give Grogu the armor, but Luke informs him of Grogu’s choice. 
Din takes a bit of convincing, because after all he sacrificed a lot to get Grogu his training. 
Luke mentions that Grogu has done well in his training, and although it is not finished, Grogu really does want to stay with Din.
Grogu does one of those delightfully ridiculous puppet baby flips into Din’s arms. 
Father and son have a happy possibly tearful reunion.
Optional: we get another helmetless scene here with just Din and Grogu. (but probably not if Din hasn’t even adopted him yet)
Episode 3: Visit to Nevarro
Din visits Nevarro because Greef wants to give him a job offer, to stay and be a marshal since Cara is (fired) off doing New Republic things. 
Din seriously considers the offer because it would provide stability for Grogu. He still wants to be redeemed, but going to Mandalore is a suicide mission and now he has the kid to think about. 
Kind of s1ep4 vibes on Sorgan. Now that Din has left his covert, he has another chance to settle down, have a relatively normal life. We should have lots of moments either through framing/acting or maybe conversations with Greef that indicate that Din is thinking about taking the offer, but he’s reluctant to give up his desire to be redeemed. Grogu also clearly likes it here.
Optional: They can have a nice moment with the IG-11 statue like the canon s3 ep1 did, but there’s no reviving yet.
The pirate encounter occurs, but it’s a bit more extended and action-y and there are many more pirates—a scouting invasion.
After the climax of the episode and defeating the pirates, Greef and the Nevarro citizens are sifting through the pirates’ loot when they discover a green shard with Mandalorian writing on it. Din is shook.
Din interrogates a surviving captured pirate and discovers that they got it after raiding some exploration vessels in the Mandalore system. Din is ecstatic. Mandalore might be visitable, which means redemption is possible.
He declines Greef’s job offer, at least until after he is redeemed.
Episode 4: If we must include build up for the sequels, then fine. Have a fun pirate fight.
Din decides he needs a droid to measure the air readings on Mandalore, and IG-11 is that droid. The IG-11 terminator / Anzellan scenes play out like canon s3 ep1.
They leave Nevarro and are pursued by the pirates. (Can make this as long or as short as runtime allows, depending on how long the Pershing bit needs to be.)
Since this is the most flexible episode that doesn’t have as many important plot points, the Pershing story goes here as a B plot. If it has to be as long as it is due to executive demands, fine. Otherwise, condense it. A lot. The worldbuilding is great but the story itself really didn’t need to be that long. Make sure you drop hints about Gideon escaping and being alive.
Din and Grogu escape pirates.
Show the pirates on their ship. The captain mentions the mysterious employer who hired them is not going to be happy, and they’ll have to try again.
Episode 5: Getting R5 and having a fun filler adventure
Din and Grogu have a pit stop on Tatooine and have a fun action-y adventure involving Pelli and maybe a BoBF cast cameo or a fun new side character. Pelli gives Din R5 so he can test whether Mandalore is safe. 
Din uses the darksaber in a fight at some point. He’s still struggling with it a bit, but he has gotten a bit better.
Grogu shows off his powers. Din is impressed and very proud of him.
Depending on how the runtime works out, either the end of this episode or the beginning of next episode is the bit from the original s3 ep1 where Din visits Bo-Katan on her depression throne and gets directions to the mines of Mandalore.
Episode 6: The Mines of Mandalore Revamped
This episode basically follows the original beats of s3 ep2. Grogu map lesson, Din captured, Grogu gets Bo-Katan, Bo-Katan saves Din, Grogu is powerful, Din is redeemed. 
But we’re going to use this opportunity to flesh out some Mandalore backstory/history. Bo is a returning side character in this episode, but we need to flesh her out a bit more for next season.
I do want to make a bit more of a deal about Din setting foot on Mandalore for the first time. Like a shot of his boot landing on the ground and a slow pan on his helmet looking around at the barren landscape or a comment to Grogu or something. It’d take like five seconds.
Bo-Katan is still Creed-agnostic/atheist but clearly does respect Din even if she thinks his Creed is kind of dumb.
After Din wakes up post-barbecue-rescue, he points out that Bo-Katan beat the trap monster that captured him, so does she want the Darksaber? Bo-Katan bitterly says no, she can’t take it, because it has to be won in battle and whatever other reasons. The story’s not good enough—because it’s not so much about the sword itself, per se, but how you got it.
When Bo talks about her father she also mentions her sister. We’re not going to go into a whole crash course on who Satine is, because you should be able to watch this show without watching TCW. But a little mention would be nice. (Even if it’s just point to some random destroyed structure and be like “That was constructed under my sister’s rule.”)
Mention of her family can segue into a bare-bones outline of history so that TCW isn’t required viewing for context. We don’t need a detailed breakdown of pacifism/New Mandos vs Death Watch and can keep this all fairly vague. But we have to establish a couple things.
Bo fought in the Mandalorian Civil Wars, and she did a lot of shady things she now regrets. (What exactly the shady things were can be left as vague as Disney requires, because I have a feeling partly why canon Bo didn’t get to talk about this much is because Disney didn’t want a protagonist with a villainous past.)
Bo had a sister who once ruled Mandalore, but thanks to Bo and her shady actions, the sister was killed. (Yeah, it was a lot more complicated than that, but this shows that in the intervening years Bo has reflected upon her actions in TCW and regrets a lot of it and at least partly blames herself for Satine’s death. Part of her redemption arc.)
Bo concludes if the Mandalorians, including herself, hadn’t been so busy fighting over what divided them, they might have been ready for the Empire when it came, and Mandalore might not have been destroyed.
Optional: When Bo’s talking about things she regrets, Din says something about how he can relate to that because he’s also done things he regrets (like turning in Grogu or whatever he was doing with Ran’s group). Bo’s like, is that why you’re so determined to be redeemed? Because you regret taking your helmet off? And Din’s like, I don’t regret that. (because it was for Grogu)
Optional: Also, the more parallels we can fit between Din being redeemed with Mandalore being redeemed, the better. Din’s getting a new start, and so will Mandalore (and Bo)
Din recites the Creed and goes in the water. Make it more clear whether Din fell in or was pulled. I prefer pulled, but either is fine.
Optional: Bo-Katan sees the Mythosaur, but Din does not. Bo-Katan is shook. She does have a moment where Din asks if she still plans to reunite Mandalore and is she sure she doesn’t want the darksaber and she vagues at Din “...I will have to find another way.” While looking at the water. Clearly talking about the Mythosaur, but Din is oblivious since he didn’t see the Mythosaur.
Din and Bo-Katan part ways as friends. Din tells Bo-Katan he is in her debt and owes her one. The Kryze castle is not destroyed…(yet). 
Episode 7: Reunion with the Covert
Din and Grogu return to the covert. Basically the original s3 ep4 with a couple differences. 
Ragnar’s Creed ceremony, the giant crocodile, and Din’s dramatic entrance from the canon s3 ep1 is moved here.
Bring in the concept of the foundling/apprentice ranking here. The Armorer addresses Ragnar as “Apprentice Ragnar” during the ceremony, implying that swearing the Creed is akin to a graduation ceremony going from apprentice to full Mandalorian.
Din is welcomed back to the covert with open arms, and Grogu is introduced to the other Mandos. Everyone is really happy for Din and excited when he says Mandalore is not exactly habitable, but also not completely inhabitable.
Grogu’s training scene versus Ragnar stays. Din is the one who helps Grogu put on the little dart shooter. Din calls Grogu his ward, but we’re going to elaborate on why Grogu isn’t his son officially yet. When Ragnar asks why Grogu doesn’t wear a helmet, Din says he can’t talk and is too young to swear the Creed and become an apprentice, so he is still a foundling. This makes it a little clearer why Grogu isn’t officially Din’s son, and adds some Mando worldbuilding. 
Optional: Ragnar is referred to as “Paz Ragnar” or something to establish the naming convention. (Unless Djarin truly is his given name. But I’m ignoring it. He’s always Din to me.) “Apprentice Paz Ragnar” in the ceremony?
Ragnar is still captured by the shriek hawk, but this is the first time this has happened. Shriek hawk might have attacked before, but it’s never carried off a child. (Literally all you have to do is just cut the line "it always gets away" or replace it with “it got away” because really??)
Paz chases after shriek hawk, jet pack runs out of fuel, but fortunately Din/other Mandalorians bring the bigger Mandalorian ship, pick him up. (And give him more jetpack fuel.)
They all immediately go to fight the shriek-hawk at its nest, fight goes down like it did in canon and Din saves Ragnar. Paz is grateful.
They still bring in the baby shriek-hawks because lol. Maybe drop the foundling joke though since it made it sound like they were sentient. 
Grogu still gets his rondlet and processes his Order 66 trauma. Ahmed Best still saves him in a flashback.
Also, fit in as many small moments of Paz/other Mandos character development as possible. By the end of this episode we should have at least a character sketch for a few other Mandos besides Paz and the Armorer.
End stinger: Pirates attack Nevarro, Greef sends out distress signal, tries to contact New Republic.
Teva gets message, Zeb cameo
Episode 8: Defending Nevarro
Basically the original s3 ep5, but bigger and better.
Teva goes to New Republic, they turn him down.
Teva tracks R5-D4, shows up at the Mandalorians’ compound.
Din and covert peeved, Din negotiates.
Din wants to help Greef, and also remembers Greef offered him a protection gig/land. Realizes this will solve the issue of being constantly attacked by wildlife.
The group meeting/holding the speaking hammer scene.
Din points out that Greef offered him a tract of land, and that sounds a lot better than a place where giant creatures almost eat their foundlings. Basically his canon speech.
Mandalorians go to Nevarro, wipe out the pirates in as much glorious carnage as Disney will let us get away with. These action sequences take up a third to a half of the episode. 
Optional: Mandos ride the baby shriek hawks in battle. (The babies are trying their best, but they haven’t quite gotten the hang of it yet, for some comic relief.)
Optional: Din uses the darksaber. He has gotten a lot better at wielding it. (Because he believes in himself and what he’s doing now.)
Pirates are defeated, Nevarro is grateful, Mandalorians take up new job as protectors of Nevarro.
End stinger: Teva ship scene, Gideon escaped, there’s beskar on the ship oh no! 
Switch to Gideon looking menacing and accepting a holocall from the lead pirate. Reveal that Gideon hired pirates. Pirates tell Gideon they failed to take Nevarro and they’re mad that Gideon didn’t tell them the planet was defended by Mandalorians. Gideon furious, stalks off from holocall dramatically, pan out a bit and we get a glimpse of the facility/beskar troopers/Gideon clones.
Season 4: Bo-Katan and Mandalore (but Din and Grogu are still the main characters)
Mostly about Bo-Katan, darksaber drama, reuniting Mandalorians. Gideon is main antagonist. Din is still the main character most of the time, but occasionally Bo takes over to further the main plotline.
Episode 1: Bo-Katan enters the chat
loosely based on canon s3ep3
We open with Bo-Katan in her childhood home. (possibly still on her depression throne lol but it’d also probably be good to see what she does with herself all day). Bonus points if there’s some kind of family portrait in the background that features Bo, Satine, and their parents. (and/or the theoretical third sister that birthed Korkie lol).
Optional: Have a moment where Bo actually looks at the painting wistfully to indicate where her head’s at.
She gets an alert of invading ships, takes off in her own ship to fight them. An action scene of dogfighting ships ensues.
They bomb/destroy her castle.
Furious, Bo-Katan chases after them, but realizes they are based on Mandalore and their forces are huge. 
Reluctantly, very frustrated, decides to retreat.
We switch to Nevarro. Establishing shots. Nevarro is thriving even more than the last time we saw it. Trade is bustling, more infrastructure. Mandalorians roam the street freely. Some are patrolling / being security, others are just there to shop/chill/socialize. Relationships are friendly.
Last establishing shot zeroes in on the Mandalorian land. Also busy and thriving. Children are playing in the sunlight…including Grogu. :)
When I say playing, I mean they’re totally sparring with and beating the crap out of each other because they’re Mandalorian kids. 
Grogu has also gotten a lot better in combat, and despite being tiny the other kids respect him as an equal. Grogu is thriving and seems much more at home than he did with the Jedi kids at Luke’s school.
Optional: Grogu and Ragnar are rivals/besties. 
Camera moves over to Din and Greef chatting about a growing threat. A larger group such as the Crimson Dawn / a new original crime syndicate is considering making a move on Nevarro since Nevarro is becoming even more of a wealthy trade hub and insists on maintaining its independence from the New Republic given how badly the NR failed them last time. 
Optional: the new syndicate is somehow led by Hondo Ohnaka, because that would be hilarious (although that also has the potential to ruin tension if not handled well.)
Din is a little concerned that if the enemy syndicate makes a move, they have enough numbers to possibly overwhelm the Mandalorians.
They are interrupted by an alert of a rapidly approaching invading spaceship that isn’t following landing protocol. 
Din and other Mandalorians jetpack off and/or rush to ships (yes, they have multiple ships now. More signs of growth.) to shoot it down, but Din gets a call from Bo-Katan. She’s the one in the ship, she’s homeless, there’s tons of bad guys on Mandalore, and she has nowhere else to go since her forces abandoned her and Din is her last friend.
(It’s not weird that she knows where Din/Mandalorians are. It’s public knowledge they’re on Nevarro.)
They let her land in Mandalorian territory. Her ship is badly damaged. (Maybe we see some Mando mechanics swarm to fix it!)
On Bo-Katan’s ship, we see Bo-Katan pause and think for a moment. She dons her helmet before disembarking to talk to the Mandos. (Din might comment on this later, and Bo-Katan says she thought it would help her case and get them to trust her. Din says that was probably a good idea.)
The Armorer points out that she’s not really a true follower of the Way, but because she saved Din’s life last season she is welcome to live among them.
From there the episode pivots to a slice-of-Mandalorian-life story. Bo-Katan, with Din as a guide since he’s the only one she’s sort of friends with, realizes that the covert she dismissed as a cult is actually not that bad.
They accepted her, in contrast to the forces that “melted away.” 
At the start of the episode, the other covert members are passive-aggressive against Bo-Katan since she is an apostate. By the end of the episode, as Bo-Katan grows to appreciate the covert’s ways, they grow to appreciate her and her ways. Mutual respect!
She notices that Din is not even the leader of his group despite owning the darksaber and Din reinforces that he and his people could not care less about the fancy sword. Honor and loyalty are more important. 
Optional: Since Din is friends with Greef he is basically the group’s diplomat (and/or military leader?) while the Armorer is social/political/religious leader. Din defers to her.
More Mandalorian worldbuilding. Have some of the Mando characters we met last season interact with Bo and/or Din so they are fleshed out a bit more. 
Optional: Paz Vizsla and Bo interaction. Do they have beef? Do they get along? Idk I just want Bo to react to seeing a Vizsla and vice versa
Bo-Katan has more large-scale military experience than anyone in the covert does, so she ends up contributing some ideas to better defend Nevarro against the enemy syndicate.
Grogu gets another piece of armor (vambrace?). Din is very proud of Grogu. We should get lots of little cute father-son moments threaded through the episode.
Optional: The Armorer is starting to sketch out some helmet concepts for Grogu
Optional: Grogu is clearly going to start talking soon, tries to say “This is the Way” when everybody else says it.
The enemy syndicate attacks. Partly thanks to Bo-Katan’s contributions, the Mandalorians successfully fight them off despite being vastly outnumbered.
Optional: bonus points if Grogu uses the Force to help somehow. More bonus points if Ragnar is also helping defend a bit.
Optional: Okay but what if they tasked Grogu (and maybe Ragnar) with defending the younger foundlings while the adults fight the syndicate? Because that would be cute and potentially hilarious. (Ragnar carefully and perfectly fights/shoots enemies. Grogu just yeets them.)
After syndicate is defeated, Bo-Katan feels great. She has actually used her talents for good. She laments if only other Mandalorians could reunite and take back their planet as well as they defended Nevarro.
Like canon, the Armorer notes Bo-Katan needs a repair and they go off in private. Bo-Katan confides she saw a mythosaur. Armorer and Bo-Katan have their “take off your helmet” scene. It’s less weird because it was always clear that Bo-Katan was wearing the helmet more out of a nicety than a belief. The Armorer tells her she has walked both worlds, and seeing the mythosaur likely signals a new age for Mandalore. 
The Armorer believes that Bo’s goal of taking back Mandalore, especially now that they know the planet isn’t deadly, is worthwhile. Reuniting with other Mandalorians sounds like a good idea (especially since she and the rest of the covert now see that Bo is not the traitorous apostate they thought her and other outsiders to be).
The whole helmetless walk is the same as canon, but at the end of it, Din asks Bo if she wants the darksaber for her quest.
Bo-Katan very much wants the darksaber, but she can’t accept. (This is practically a running joke by this point.)
Well since Din has the darksaber, does she want him to help her in her mission? Din does owe her a favor since she saved his life. (And Din lives for side quests to help his friends.)
Bo-Katan accepts.
I do see that this episode runs the risk of being a little repetitive from the new s3 finale. To differentiate, this episode’s fights should be more aerial/dogfight based since they have more ships. Also a great opportunity to show off some cool new ship models, now at a toy store near you.)
Episode 2: Din and Bo vs Axe
basically the canon s3ep 6. Was it silly? Yes. But I liked it fine, and I’m here for major plot beats. This whole show has been built on fun filler-y adventures.
Maybe clarify what the heck Christopher Lloyd’s motive was though.
Anyway at the end of the episode Bo confronts Axe Woves. Axe says his whole thing about Din not being Mandalorian and not having a drop of Mandalorian blood in his veins. 
Bo-Katan defends Din same as canon
Optional: Maybe also says that Din is far more Mandalorian than Axe is.
Din challenges Axe to a duel. Axe laughs and is like, you’re not Mandalorian, you can’t challenge me to a formal duel.
Optional: Din lights up  the darksaber, but Bo stops him.
Bo-Katan says, fine, then since you’re too much of a coward to fight him I challenge you on his behalf.
Axe accepts.
Din offers her the darksaber for the fight, but Bo-Katan turns him down.
Optional: “I don’t need that thing to take this insert Star Wars slur here down.”
Bo-Katan wipes the floor with Axe.
Then one of two options:
Option A: Din hands Bo Katan the darksaber with the same weak excuse as in canon (but since we’ve seen him repeatedly trying his best to get rid of it, this isn’t out of nowhere.)
Option B: Din mildly says to the whole group that he has the darksaber and he thinks Bo-Katan’s pretty great actually. And if they really need the darksaber to convince them of leadership, then that makes him their leader as the owner of the darksaber, and he’s putting Bo-Katan as his second in command so listen to her.
The other Mandalorians (possibly a little reluctantly) are now on Bo-Katan’s side, as is their giant fleet.
Episode 3A: Side Quest Shenanigans
a fun adventure-y episode where Din+Grogu go on a side quest in order to track down a third Mandalorian group. (Or a flex episode if the runtime for one of the others goes too long and needs to be split)
Optional: Bonus points for going to a planet we’ve never seen before 
Optional: Bonus points for introducing fun new one-off side characters
Optional: Bonus points for introducing new alien species
Optional: Bonus points for another space whale cameo
Din succeeds in his quest and gets coordinates for the Mandalorian group.
Episode 3B: It’s flashback time
Kind of a bottle episode with Din, Grogu, and some young Din flashbacks. 
A third Mando group has made contact. Bo-Katan’s busy doing leader-y things / organizing the fleet so she’s sending Din to go meet them, and Din of course is bringing Grogu. 
Another reason why Bo is sending Din specifically is that he has been to Mandalore and can attest that the planet is relatively habitable.
Optional: Yet another reason is because this third group possibly fought with her before and they don’t really trust her. Din’s going to be her hype man.
flashbacks reveal more about Din’s upbringing. Lots of worldbuilding. Probably a lot of TCW references. And addresses Din’s trainer (father?) and explains a bit more why Din has not formally adopted Grogu yet. 
Weave those flashbacks in with Din and Grogu having nice parallel moments
Young Din also fulfills Din’s face reveal quota for the season lol. 
End of the episode is them taking off to get the other group.
Episode 4: More Mandos
Din confronts third group of Mandos.
Optional: Bonus points if some Wrens are in the new Mandalorian group. (Probably not Sabine sadly, since she’s probably doing stuff on the Ahsoka show.)
Optional: Bonus points if any other familiar names/characters are included in the new Mandalorian group. Also a good chance for KOTOR easter eggs.
Another good chance for worldbuilding! How is this group similar/different from the two main groups (covert and Axe Woves’ group) that we’ve seen so far?
Din helps them with whatever the problem of the week is.
Din convinces the third group of Mandalorians to join them on Nevarro and take back Mandalore. (It helps that he’s actually been there. He should include that in his speech.)
Grogu continues to be adorable and powerful. Bonus points if he plays with or hangs out with this covert’s kids.
Optional: B plot where Bo does something leader-y.
Episode 5: So many Mandos
Mandos prepare for war. In order to take back Mandalore, all gathered groups of Mandalorians will need to work together.
Optional: Word has spread through the galaxy, and more Mandos have joined them. 
The Mandos have amassed a giant fleet but they still need more ships.
Bo-Katan leads Mandos (including Din) to forcefully take ships from the new crime syndicate. We see Bo actually doing a good job of leading the team.
Optional: More quick background bits of characterization for the named Mandos, especially Paz.
After the mission is over and the ships are obtained, Din gives Bo his loyalty speech from canon s3ep7. If Din didn’t give her the darksaber in episode 2, he gives it to her now, and she finally accepts.
Please fit in as many adorable Grogu training montages as possible.
At some point, Din can say goodbye to Greef, and Greef gives him a droid with the yes/no buttons for Grogu. 
Optional: The droid is not IG-11, because not enough of IG-11 survived in the first place. So a different kind of droid. I’m thinking something like a BB-8 type model or hollowed-out mind probe droid. It’d basically be a souped-up version of his orb cradle. Granted neither of those models have voice boxes..
Optional: Din informs Greef that most of the Mandos are about to leave, but they’ll leave a group behind to fulfill their defense contract. (Or they’re just leaving/saying goodbye. Now that the syndicate is defeated Nevarro shouldn’t have any major problems.) Greef tells Din to tell Bo that Nevarro and Mandalore officially have an alliance.
Episode 6: Scouting Mandalore
The plot of this episode is putting together a team and then going on a scout mission to figure out who is actually on Mandalore and how many there are. Basically an expanded first half of canon s3 ep7.
Personalities clash, old history is brought up (but somewhat glossed over. Enough that people who have seen TCW/Rebels know what they’re talking about, but a Mandalorian-only watcher still gets the general gist.) 
Like canon we do need Grogu to come along for plot reasons, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense for Din to bring him on this incredibly dangerous mission, so we’re going to tweak the scene a bit. 
Nobody’s volunteering for the scouting mission, so Din volunteers himself. Then Grogu makes a noise (or stands droid up and pushes the Yes button) indicating he volunteers as well. Din does a panicked double-take.
Axe immediately volunteers next, because he’s not about to be shown up by a not-even-blood-Mandalorian’s not-even-blood-Mandalorian baby. Then Paz volunteers, because he’s not about to be shown up by Axe. Then more people volunteer.
The scout team is a mix from each Mandalorian group. All (or most) of the covert characters we’ve met are on the team.
Din and Grogu have a moment where Din’s like, well you volunteered and you’re partly why everyone else agreed to come, so I guess you’re coming. But be very very very careful.
Back to canon, the scouting mission lands on Mandalore and finds the survivors. 
More Mandalore backstory from the survivors. (What happened on Mandalore during/right after the bombing?)
Option A: Part of why the survivors have survived is because after the initial bombings they surrendered/worked for the Empire (out of necessity for survival, to protect their kids, etc.) This causes a lot of outrage from the other groups, especially the third group who probably fought with Bo in Rebels. Bo-Katan admits she has done a lot of wrong things in her past, but she wants to make up for it. And it seems like these survivors do too. 
Option B: The survivors are heavily implied to be former New Mandalorians. Which causes a lot of tension between the Armorer/covert and survivors. Bonus points if there’s a line like “Concordia? So you were exiled?” 
Either way, it’s about to come to blows. Grogu gets his peacekeeping moment. (If Din says “He didn’t learn that from me,” Bo says “I doubt that.” Or Din just doesn’t say that at all. Like I’m guessing they were trying to imply that’s Grogu’s Jedi training kicking in, but come on, we’ve seen Din be a peacekeeper multiple times.)
Bo-Katan gives her Mandalorians are stronger together speech. She, the Armorer, and the leaders of the other two groups manage to maintain peace.
Since Disney seems to refuse to let the Mandos speak Mandoa, this will have to be in English/Basic. But in in Legends and the Mandoa dictionary, there’s this concept of cin vhetin, or clean slate. It means once you become Mandalorian, you leave your past behind and start fresh and are only judged on what you do from that point onward. 
Bo brings up this concept in her speech to the other Mandos. Says something along the lines of, we have all had our differences but in the end we are all Mandalorian. From this point on, we are as one faction, not many.
Also going to add a little addition. “You’ve trained your apprentice well.” “He’s not an apprentice yet.” “Seriously? You’re letting a foundling go on this mission?” Bo giving Din some serious side-eye. Din says nothing but is visibly stressed. Bonus points if it’s somehow mentioned that Din could totally stop him from going on the mission if he was Grogu’s parent. Also, this further illustrates the ranked system and that Din hasn’t adopted Grogu.
By the end of the episode, Mandalorians are united.
Episode 7: The Battle of Mandalore, Part I (Second half of canon s3ep7.)
Pretty much goes like canon, with a little more fleshed out since we have more time. The previous episodes should have done enough work that everything has much more of an emotional impact.
The Armorer bringing the survivors back to the fleet is now a nice character moment that shows the formerly fighting groups are united.
Now when Paz dies, it’s going to feel a lot more meaningful because we’ve built up his character more. (And I do think he should die. As much as I love him, he got the best final stand scene ever and it raised the stakes nicely.)
One tweak though is have Bo’s discussion with Paz about how he should escape with them comes before all the other Mandos have climbed out of the hole. That way it’s more clear that Paz’s sacrifice bought them all enough time to escape.
Din is still captured, we see more of Grogu’s reaction
Optional: Gideon takes off the helmet while Din is captured. I am so happy for Din that it stayed on, but it almost seems out of character to me that Gideon didn’t touch it or any of his armor. It would have been an easy, perfect way to demoralize Din and the other Mandos. Also I know you apparently somehow disabled the weapons in his vambraces but wouldn’t it be easier to just remove the vambraces?? Honestly though the fight scenes are so good I’m cool with overlooking this
Episode 8: The Battle of Mandalore of Mandalore, Part II
canon s3 ep8, pretty much untouched except for a few added shots of the Mando characters we have names for.
I realize the Volume has some limitations, but if we could add a little CGI or a practical effect to make it look like there’s thousands of Mandos gathered around the Forge, that would be great.
Din actually says the word “son” at some point after the adoption.
Now hopefully everything in this episode lands a lot better and has more emotional impact.
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