#I also included a forest-scented item!
furretsden · 10 months
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Elizabeth Afton {Five Nights at Freddy's} care kit with links to the animatronics, soft things and the colours pink and purple for 🕸️🔮🩹 anon
🍃 🍃 🍃 | 🍃 🍃 🍃 | 🍃 🍃 🍃
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littlelemoncheesecake · 6 months
im gonna do a little exercise for myself
because i have bad habits of putting on a kind of "character" when it comes to accounts like this and i need to remind myself that i am a real person with a personality and feelings and stuff
so fun facts about Poppet that are completely unrelated to nsfw topics or "soft fluffy cute puppy" things so that you can get to know me better for who I am, rather than just this persona I seem to play as ^^;
- I really like horror! that includes both games and movies, like Five Nights at Freddys, and the Scream franchise!
- I love lemon flavoured and scented things! Lemon cheesecake is my favourite dessert <3
- I can be a very picky eater, but oddly enough, I usually go for foods that picky eaters tend to avoid such as sushi, and I tend to avoid "picky eater foods" such as pasta!! I love spicy tuna sushi, and just spicy food in general!
- I collect comfort items, like blankets and candles! I need to replace my favourite candle because I've burnt it all, but my favourite candle is my peach candle with a wooden wick, I like it because it smells really nice and also it makes a really nice crackling sound!
- I really like anime and manga, and I cosplay! I really like dressing as characters and going to anime cons with my friends <3 I think my favourite anime would probably either be Seraph of the End, or Black Butler (specifically the Book of Circus Arc)
- I collect Monster High dolls, and I look for the original ones that aren't produced anymore! I currently have 3, two different Frankie's, and an Abbey
- I really like Lily of the Valley flowers, I think they're so pretty
- I occasionally have these moments where I become unresponsive, I'm not sure why it happens but from time to time I just feel empty in a strange way, and I don't really react appropriately to things (I don't seem to react at all to anything) so apologies in advance if you catch me in one of those moments
- My favourite book is called Erebos! But I've never really found another person who's read it! If you're a fan of Doki Doki Literature Club, I recommend it! It kinda feels like if DDLC was a dungeons and dragons type fantasy game!
- I love to write stories, brainstorming story ideas is one of my favourite things to do!!
- I have a special interest in vampires! I have for around 11-12 years now, and any mention of them will immediately get my interest! I love to talk about various vampire media! And if you have any you like and want to share, please do so!
- My favourite colours are orange and green, specifically soft peachy shades of orange, and soft/desaturated deep greens, I love colours that are easy on the eyes, and both those colours remind me of things I like, the sunset, and the forest/nature <3
If you've gotten this far, thank you for taking the time to learn more about me. I have a really hard time when it comes to things like sexualisation, as well as boundaries, so I find it difficult to express my dislike for being seen and treated ONLY like some kind of sex toy, as well as I struggle to ACT otherwise, due to the pressure I put on myself to please the people who treat me that way, so if you've taken the time to understand more of who I am as a person, I really really appreciate it <3
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Alchemy Tick
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Screenshot from Ticks (1993)
[Ticks is a much better movie than I was expecting from a 90s creature feature throwing back to the 50s. Its primary strength are the visual effects, which are gory and gross in a way that only practical effects can provide. But its script is surprisingly earnest. The movie is set up like a typical slasher--a group of troubled teens at a summer camp run afoul of monsters--but it refuses to treat the characters as just a body count. Which means that you’re not sure who is going to survive to the end credits, and gives the deaths that do happen a narrative heft greater than anything that even happened in, say, a Friday the 13th.
There are already giant ticks in Pathfinder, but they’re not a good match for the Ticks ticks. They’re the wrong size, for one. For another thing, the movie ticks are much weirder than just “mundane animal, but bigger”. Weird enough I wanted to make them a magical beast.]
Alchemy Tick CR 2 N Magical Beast This creature appears to be an oversized tick about the size of a rat. It skitters on eight little legs, its body swollen with blood and digestive juices.
Alchemy ticks are mutated versions of mundane ticks. They are created when ticks are exposed to mutagenic chemicals, such as runoff from an alchemist’s laboratory. These creatures are smaller than so-called giant ticks, but still upsettingly large. Their bite deals little damage, and they tend to release victims before drinking them dry (an alchemy tick is full after having dealt 6 points of Con damage). The primary danger they pose is from their venomous saliva, which causes hallucinations and delirium in addition to numbness. Victims suffering from these mental effects tend to panic, making escape more difficult for the entire party. In addition, an alchemy tick can enhance their own abilities by drinking the blood of those with alchemical or magical enhancements, potentially turning a single tick into a powerful monster after just a few sips.
Alchemy ticks are facultative parasitoids. They lay their eggs in places that are warm and wet, and that can include the corpses of victims, or even still living but unconscious prey items. Laying these eggs takes too long to occur inside of a still struggling creature. The eggs incubate with startling rapidity, hatching within 24 hours into a brood of new hungry alchemy ticks. Alchemy tick infestations tend to burn out rapidly, as the ticks consume their entire food supply in an area and then starve to death, but the egg cases are sticky, and may be inadvertently carried by those escaping the outbreak.
Alchemy Tick     CR 2 XP 600 N Tiny magical beast Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +4, scent Defense AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural) hp 19 (3d8+3) Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +1 Offense Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft. Melee bite +7 (1d3-2 plus attach plus poison) Space 2 ½ ft.; Reach 0 ft. Special Attacks blood drain (1d2 Consititution), drink enhancement Statistics Str 7, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 11, Cha 8 Base Atk +3; CMB +3 (+11 grappling); CMD 11 (23 vs. trip) Feats Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Finesse (B) Skills Climb +10, Perception +4, Stealth +18; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth Ecology Environment any forests or hills Organization solitary, pair, cluster (3–6), or nest (7–12) Treasure none Special Abilities Drink Enhancement (Su) If an alchemy tick drinks the blood of a creature, it also gains the benefit of any alchemical or enhancement bonus to its saving throws, speed, ability scores or skill checks that that creature has. It gains this bonus for the remaining duration of the effect, or for 1 hour, whichever is shorter. Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save Fort DC 12; duration 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1 Dex damage and 1 Wis damage, victim experiences visual hallucinations for as long as they have Wis damage; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution based.
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zenkor123 · 20 days
Peeta's journal-the Den continued
October 4th 75 ADD
The machines he introduced included the Morphling cooker,Morphling grinder,Morphling garden Morphling fermenter, Morphling dryer and Oven. He showed me the basics of using all these machines. The next to Introduce himself was the Goosling, Michael Nuka. He began describing the fermentation machines in more detail. Fermented morphling becomes hard like a raddish. Once this occurs it can be ground up into powder and later into a fluid. The result is the Morphling used in the hospitals. It is even more powerful then the morphling that is used recreationally becuase the sugars and carbohydrates rise like yeast in bread. It also has more "ions" like lemons. It is alot of science and its interesting. Nuka has curly hair and is a chemist for the hospital. His last name rhymes with Nuke.
Mrs Stocksbridge is just as shy as her husband but shows a computer taken from the hospital, it she handles the records for our cell. The records are in Morse code. When a sale is made she instructs me to put the time,date, product sold and customer. This information is written on a chip, you slip the paper into the chip and it is put into the computer which converts it into Morse code. She tells me that this is how miners store data on their daily finds in the lower levels of 13, and that she and Arlo began design of these machines for the hospital and for morphling.
Samanthan Nuka, the leafling(a type of stick insect mutt) cleans the den, and keeps everything organized, she is also a librarian and likewise organizes the den like library. She also checks the safety of the morphling for usage. She told me my shoes were dirty and had me clean my shoes cleaned as I entered the den. Everyone just rolled their eyes like they were used to it at this point. She also praised the pure scent of morphling and said she would discuss the history of Morphling. She begins by its creation by the mutation by the capital of a district 13 mushroom. The capital hoarded the morphling but in act of rebellion that this district is proudly known several morphling user Stone Dollar spread the spores of dry morphling into the forest and morphling returned to 13 its rightful owner. The foresters illegally harvested it in the ancient andirondacks. It was legalized by Galerius Nero who led the war against the capital during the dark days. It's medical applications were realized by the rebels who built centers of morphling production in district 6 for distribution in the front lines. Following our defeat in this war morphling gave hope in the dark bunkers of 13. The president who succeeded Nero banned all capitalist enterprises and crushed the enterprises that produced morphling but coin another tyrant who isnt a builder like the Jr Nero legalized our work. Her legacy shall be decided in this war the preparations for which were started by her predecessor in the 50s. We keep a low profile and she encourages and buys our morphling though she isn't a heavy morphling like us. I think to myself if morphling can bring hope to the damned survivors of 13 can it bring hope to me? I will not merely be a rebelous criminal but I will also preserve an item created by rebellion. I wouldn't have been able to work without the morphling treatments prior to Coin's resource allocations. The next to speak is Galena's husband tells of the history of our cell the forester enterprises rebuilt slowly after the purges the victors cell started as a minor 2 person operation but young foresters wanted to rebuild this industry so it would be ready once the surface was rebuilt. This project recieved the consent of the new President of 13, the iron lady alma coin. First the Nukas, then the stones,then Helena Kennedy and her boyfriend, Arlo, and finally the Browns. They didn't begin recruiting until Johanna volunteered. The next to speak is Harold Nuka, the Squirrel hog, a gardener who thanks me for saving his life by warning 13 of the capital bombardment. Harold was not untouched by capital bombardment, he sustained injuries as a AA gun operator. He shows the garden we have in the den, the garden is filled with mushrooms of different colors. I ask if morphling makes a great die for paint. He and Velma answer yes and that the morphling bottles use morphling die. Harold opens a shaft that goes the hospital greenhouse. He informs me that all siphoning is done with the consent of the hospital and that the cell pays the hospital for its morphling, written on a yellow card. He says this becuase Helena forgot to mention this important information. So he takes me to the hospital greenhouse and the plants have so many different colors, the air feels so good. I feel myself get used to the sweet smell of morphling, I used to think it smelled like urine but seeing so much colors that it's associated with and my exposure to it makes me want to smell it all the time. Katniss begins feeling quesey at the thought of that smell but she lived in the seam and in 13 so she was used to all sorts of smells she has learned to ignore such smells like dead bodies, coal and metal. She can't imagine actually liking the smell of morphling. But Thom she recalls likes the smell of coal. Katniss when Peeta went smashing Jacker hives learned what Jacker venom smells like: like metal smoke, with a hint of goat cheese. This is what Peeta smelled like when he choked her. This was also the smell of the Jackers from the 1st games. Katniss misses the smell of Peeta though.
Katniss thinks to herself, so Johanna wasn't stealing anything, the hospital gave my morphling to her! When Katniss found out that Johanna was in the cartel, she resolved that if she was injured Jo would recieve none of her morphling.
Katniss rolls her eyes and indignantly thinks :" wow even the smartest in 13 treat a harmful drug like it's something precious. "
Prim she wants to talk to me I haven't seen her since the resource allocations of coin, she never left my side,and helped recover memores I otherwise would not have had. Prim was doomed in every reality either the capital kills her along with Mrs Everdeen,reaps her for the 3rd quarter quell. But she is more then the innocent lamb that she is portrayed as she is a warrior who survived the death of Mr everdeen, with her dignity intact. It was her sister that took the hit when she sold herself to cray. Though the fake romance that took place with Peeta and Katniss saved both our lives I did stuff to her sister afterwards rather then accept that it was a con. I also in accordance with my design as a mutt attacked her sister. Yet she is 12 perhaps she is innocent and does not know. But after all that Prim did for me I can't close her off. Her sister hates me so why does she want to meet with me? Is it charity from a 12 YEAR OLD! Yet she deserves respect, it isn't just about what she did for me, I've seen her in the hospital with many patients and she is brave and is mature for her age and is super smart. Does she want to find what she believes was the old Peeta. I won't go through what I did with Delly again never again! What happens with delly represents everything wrong with Peeta Mellark. Just as I was silent to myrna for false safety, begging her for food, I yearned for any tether to old Peeta and any human connection, and like all false realities Peeta constructed they were lies. I would rather be alone then suffer that again.That she did all this for a lie hurts. But I want to protect her as best as she can so the world does not take Prim's nobility away. I want friends who want to take to me for me not old peeta. Stand guard Peeta, Stand guard! Well howabout this: we see if she wants to be friends with the mutt that strangled her sister but who escaped the capitals evil will or if she merely pities me. I am going to tell her how Peeta died in the capital and exactly how I am trying to rebuild. I will also hint in a way appropriate to a 12 year old that things with Katniss were never what they were. Prim unlocks an openness from the respect I have for her almost like a little sister and I can't lie to her. But I am going to start light first to see if I should even go there. This nonsense of Prim being like my sister is all in my head. I was her patient she was determined becuase it was her first assignment and she thought it would help her sister
Katniss remembers how she found the den, Peeta despite working disappeared, my brain kept asking “Where’s Peeetaa!!!” I kept repeating to it “it’s not Peeta it’s a mutt” but then it kept saying “Wheeeres Peeta.” I kept repeating "there is no Peeta, snow took him from me! But it would not shut up! Before Coin’s resource allocations I knew where Peeta was at all times, I also received updates on his progress. When that stopped because as Coin said “Peeta does not have an intimate relationship with the Mockingjay.” My heart sank, it was like he was really gone, When I kissed the Pearl I had no idea where Peeta was. I sometimes watched Peeta in the hallways, afraid he would kill me, and the fear that Peeta would hunt me down was real. But then he no longer traveled the hallways. When he appeared at lunch it was like went from thin air then returned to the thin air. I stared at Peeta and saw him leaving, he opened a small hatch and crawled into it. I stared at the hatch but had to go to training. While I went to sleep first I saw Peeta stare at me and I sometimes heard a noise that could only belong to the mutt that Snow replaced Peeta with. I sometimes was in training but then I would hear the loud noise of Peeta in the pipes and I would be totally distracted, He was vanished I knew about Peeta’s whereabouts as much as any stranger but now I could find out what Peeta was doing in the pipes and perhaps get Coin to resume treatment of Peeta. I saw Peeta and Johanna enter the pipes the following day, So I found the hatch in the cafeteria skipped training and followed after them. I quietly watched Peeta and Johanna like I would an animal I was tracking in the forest. I lost track of them but was surprised by the scale of these tunnels. I sometimes followed Peeta around in the tunnels so I would be prepared if he tried to kill me in my sleep. I saw Peeta with Morphling and reported him to coin but coin laughed at me and told me to mind my own business. Johanna, and Peeta’s friends from the cartel sometimes gave me dirty looks followed by strange looks. Later I saw Peeta Johanna, and several residents of 13 enter a hatch and I slowly and carefully followed them. I saw a room that smelled like Morphling and Peeta was in that room it had Color and showed a waterfall and looked almost like a room in the capital. I found a hatch that went one way but overlooked the ceiling of the room. Now I could watch the Morphling cartel without being discovered. They gave me the same looks and Peeta gave me a vacant stare. Later one of the foresters as I overhead them call themselves called to see if I wanted any Morphling I ran away. Then I came back 5 minutes later. And that is how I discovered the Den.
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fizzy-chaos · 5 months
- I really like horror! that includes both games and movies, like Five Nights at Freddys, and the Scream franchise!
- I love lemon flavoured and scented things! Lemon cheesecake is my favourite dessert <3
- I can be a very picky eater, but oddly enough, I usually go for foods that picky eaters tend to avoid such as sushi, and I tend to avoid "picky eater foods" such as pasta!! I love spicy tuna sushi, and just spicy food in general!
- I collect comfort items, like blankets and candles! I need to replace my favourite candle because l've burnt it all, but my favourite candle is my peach candle with a wooden wick, I like it because it smells really nice and also it makes a really nice crackling sound!
- I've studied English Literature + Language, Art, and Photography, and I love to design outfits and characters!
- Nicknames are one of my favourite things! I've been given lots of nicknames, e.g. Fizzy, Poppet, Tank, Knight, Jinx, and Ghosty!
- I really like anime and manga, and I cosplay! I really like dressing as characters and going to anime cons with my friends <3 I think my favourite anime would probably either be Seraph of the End, or Black Butler (specifically the Book of Circus Arc)
- I collect Monster High dolls, and I look for the original ones that aren't produced anymore! I currently have 3, two different Frankie's, and an Abbey
- I really like Lily of the Valley flowers, I think they're so pretty
- I occasionally have these moments where l become unresponsive, I'm not sure why it happens but from time to time I just feel empty in a strange way, and I don't really react
appropriately to things (I don't seem to react at all to anything) so apologies in advance if you catch me in one of those moments
- My favourite book is called Erebos! But l've never really found another person who's read it! If you're a fan of Doki Doki Literature Club, I recommend it! It kinda feels like if DDLC was a dungeons and dragons type fantasy game!
- I love to write stories, brainstorming story ideas is one of my favourite things to do!
- I have a special interest in vampires! I have for around 11-12 years now, and any mention of them will immediately get my interest! I love to talk about various vampire media! And if you have any you like and want to share, please do so!
- My favourite colours are orange and green, specifically soft peachy shades of orange, and soft/desaturated deep greens, I love colours that are easy on the eyes, and both those colours remind me of things I like, the sunset, and the forest/nature <3
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snowbellewells · 2 years
Self Promo Sunday: 3 Thanksgiving Stories
Alright folks, this week you get three stories in one promo. There are so many wonderful Halloween-themed and Christmas-themed CS stories, but I have always wished there were more centered around our pirate and princess (and the rest of the OuaT gang) celebrating Thanksgiving together. Over the years, I’ve written a few myself, and I couldn’t choose between them this morning, so I’ve included all three in this week’s self-promo post. 
They can also be found on AO3 and ff.net. If that’s your preference, just look for the links below:
“And All the Trimmings”      AO3       ff.net
“We Gather Together (Glad for the Blessings)”    AO3      ff.net
“Bless What is Given You”     AO3       
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Some Thanksgiving fluff written during 5B as I anxiously hoped for them to return from the Underworld with their hero party still intact and a pirate in tow. Nods to CS, Snowing, and OQ in here (I even intended on trying to work in Rumbelle, but it didn’t happen) Anyway, think that’s it. Enjoy – and please let me know what you think if you’re so inclined!
“Charming?” his lovely wife’s voice rings brightly from the loft’s small kitchen right into the erstwhile Prince of the Enchanted Forest’s ears as he bustles through the door of their apartment, arms full of groceries and cheeks red from the first deep chill and frost of the year. “Is that you?”
“Yes, Snow, I’m back!” he calls, bemused smile quirking up one side of his mouth. A chuckle escapes David Nolan’s throat at how happy and excited his Princess sounds. Setting his purchases on the table until he can hang his coat back on its peg, he shakes his head with affectionate good humor and goes to meet her in the kitchen.
If he’s honest with himself, David is nearly as anxious and thrilled as Snow. After all, their entire family, with all its odd, extended members, will soon be gathered here with them for the first Thanksgiving holiday they have celebrated together. His heart swells at the very idea – even if at the same time he has to simply hope the whole thing will really manage to go off without a hitch…or any bloodshed.
“Looking for these?” he asks with happy teasing in his voice as he enters the kitchen, sets the several plastic bags from the market on the counter, and leans over the center island to plant a kiss on Snow’s upturned lips.
“Yep,” she chirps, beaming at him as they part and reaching in to begin unpacking, “I was.”
Charming moves back into the front dining area, preparing the table and making sure they have enough chairs, that the candles and centerpieces Snows wants are out, and letting her get back to her cooking in the meantime. Between the homemade noodles, green beans, and the mashed potatoes and gravy his wife has simmering all at once, Charming is impressed she can keep everything going without setting anything on fire, much less have the whole apartment smelling good enough to make him drool, and he certainly doesn’t want to distract her from it. No matter how long they have been married, or what realm they find themselves in, it doesn’t take long for Snow to prove that she will never cease to surprise and amaze him.
He has just stepped back to survey his handiwork proudly when the doorbell rings. Swiftly moving forward to answer it before Snow comes running, Charming’s smile grows even wider as Henry bursts into the room, greeting him enthusiastically and launching right into a story of their hectic morning. He is followed by Roland, who is practically bouncing up and down in place and vibrating with rambunctious energy, his deep dimples cracking wide across his face. After their two boys come Robin and Regina, each laden with items that Charming attempts to help take off their hands.
Robin hands over the delectably scented and delicious-looking turkey, beaming proudly as he gives a nod toward the perfectly crisped and golden brown bird on the platter, which has clearly been charmed in some way by Regina to stay warm and ready to place on the table. “Caught it myself, Mate,” Robin says. “Should be a good one.”
Charming sets the turkey on the long dining table he has just finished with, then claps his friend on the shoulder and ushers him in. “I’m sure it will be. Thanks,” he answers.
Robin slings an insulated bag off his shoulder and holds it forward as well. “Regina’s apple tarts,” he explains with both a mischievous smile and a shrug of feigned innocence. The former thief knows the rest of the family’s understandable aversion to the fruit, but he also somewhat adores his beloved’s rather twisted sense of humor and refusal to shy away from her past by making a dish that highlights the difference in her now and just how far she has come. With a wink, he tacks on, “Taste tested them myself, and they’re irresistible.”
The archer moves past, on into the loft to greet Snow and to catch and corral his young son. Regina raises a sculpted brow at David as she enters after Robin, their new little girl sleeping cradled in her arms and a diaper bag slung over her shoulder. Though David knows all too well that having a newborn in the home can be harrying, the formerly evil Queen looks as completely polished and put together as always – not a hair out of place. “Charming,” she greets with a wry nod, somehow managing to inject even the simplest hello with her trademark dry sarcasm. They may be on the same side now, fumbling towards being a truly non-dysfunctional family, but he somehow feels that her half-mocking way of using the name Snow gave him will never change, and perhaps – in Regina’s own way – it is meant as an endearment.
Peeking into the layers of lavender blanket bundled around Robin and Regina’s little daughter to shield her from the biting wind outside, Charming can’t help a soft grin at the sweet, perfect infant sleeping peacefully, the softest wisps of russet curls on her little head and her soft, pale pink skin. “She’s lovely, Regina,” he murmurs in quiet awe, not wanting to rouse little Mariana, and feeling a flood of affection for this woman who once hunted he and Snow, wanting both of their heads, but who also saved Snow’s life as a child, and has clawed her way back from the bottom to right her wrongs.
Before he can close the door behind her, Emma and Killian come tramping up the hall stairs, cheeks flushed and both laughing at some unknown joke between them, but greeting him heartily as they see that he is standing there watching. Emma reaches David first, falling into her dad’s arms and returning his hug exuberantly before reaching back to pull Killian in as well when he hesitates, effectively sandwiching herself between the two of them in a three-way hug. The laugh that rings from his daughter’s throat, light and open and at last free of the guilt and pain she had been saddled with for too long, is all David needs to be as grateful this Thanksgiving as at any he can remember.
“Thanks Dad,” Emma mumbles almost bashfully when she does ease back and both she and her pirate boyfriend pull away. They follow him into the house, their food contributions in hand.
“Aye, thank you for having us, Mate,” Killian adds with a dip of his chin as they all step through the door and he shuts it behind himself. He offers his love’s father a genuine smile when their gazes meet, Emma having busied herself with hanging up their jackets and removing her boots. For a moment, David is frozen in place, forcibly reminded of how Killian had looked just a few weeks before, when they had found him in the black depths of the Underworld. As long as any of them live, David fears the sight of Killian Jones which had greeted them beyond the Veil would be hauntingly branded on their souls. Chained to a dank stone wall in the furthest recesses of Hades’ domain, the shade of a pirate that they’d found was not the dashing rapscallion they knew. Though bearing his torment in stoic silent, he had been emaciated and shivering, the dark rings under his eyes clearly showing that Killian had known no sleep nor peace since he left their world. The rest of the rescue party had stood horrified as Emma fell to her knees before him, tears pouring down her face while she reached out to cup his bearded cheeks in her hands. Worse than all that though had been the blank, almost unseeing despair in blue eyes that had always been so full of life; the vacancy in their depths no longer seemed like Killian at all and had truly made their blood run cold.
To see that spark back in Jones’ smiling gaze, and the dark bruises beneath his eyes fading, reminds David forcibly just how much they do have to celebrate before he clears his throat to respond with hoarse emotion. “Of course. We’re glad to have everyone. Snow’s really trying to outdo herself.”
Without further ado, David soon finds his family gathered around the table, talking, laughing and reveling in the warmth and happiness of the occasion. There is good natured ribbing at Emma’s continued inability to cook and a playful debate over whether or not the bottoms of several of the butter horn rolls she had made were more burnt than a nice golden brown. Mariana wakes from her nap and begins to gurgle and coo at everyone she can see gathered around her. Snow gushes over the pecan pie that Emma grudgingly admits Killian had made, complete with perfectly crimped edges of crust and an ornate little ‘KJ’ carved into the crunchy sugared top. ‘Figures,” Charming hears his daughter grumble with teasing chagrin, “He can cook circles around me with only one hand.”
Snow is quick to assure her daughter that she will get better with practice, but Killian only smirks at Emma, looking entirely as though he wants her to either smack or kiss the grin off his face. “Well, I had to sign such artwork, Swan,” he counters playfully. “You might have tried to take credit for it otherwise.”
The whole table laughs and carries on, but is quickly more absorbed in eating than talking, just comfortable in each other’s presence and enjoying a quiet moment. David looks to the other end of the long table and catches Snow’s eye, perfectly understanding the misty look he finds there. This was all either of them had ever wanted: a family, all together, happy and safe. It is what they had sacrificed so much for their best chance at preserving. He smiles at his True Love, marveling that two other pairs of True Loves sit in this very room with them, and tucks into his own meal at last. Now that they have all found each other, this family has every blessing it could possibly need.
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~*~ Post s6 Thanksgiving fluff; Other than Robin being alive, and Belle not being reconciled with Rumple, I don’t think there is any reason this couldn’t fit into the timeline somewhere after the CS wedding. There aren't a lot of Thanksgiving fics in this fandom, despite all the Halloween and Christmas ones, and so I thought I would try to do my part with this little one shot – especially seeing as it's a holiday I truly love, and I would adore being able to watch the whole Charming-Swan-Jones-Mills family get to relax, break bread together, and just enjoy a "quiet moment" or two. 
Barreling into the kitchen calling out "Henry?! Killian?!", Emma Swan was already well into panic mode due to the charred, burning smell that had reached her nostrils as soon as she'd mounted the steps to the front porch and the plumes of grey smoke wafting into her vision in the entryway once she opened the door. She was skidding to a stop at the kitchen table before she realized that though the fire alarm had been bleating raucously, there were no sounds of panic or yells of dismay. Instead, though both of her True Loves were now frozen, looking to her guiltily as if caught with their hands painted red - Killian bent over the open stove and Henry with his arm outstretched, fanning the air with a hot pad - they appeared to have been happy as clams until her sudden entrance..
Clearly they weren't in any immediate danger, and Emma's posture relaxed upon seeing the house wasn't burning down and neither her son nor her pirate was blackened to a crisp. Shaking her head at them both, she genuinely tried to look stern instead of both relieved and ready to burst out laughing. Crossing her arms, she mused aloud, "Do I even want to know what the two of you are doing?"
Sighing in defeat, Killian stood to his full height, letting the oven door bang closed and not quite meeting her reproving gaze as he raked a hand through his hair, darted a quick glance at Henry, then finally answered her question. "We were trying to help you, Swan. It seemed prudent to get started with the main course before hosting your entire family tomorrow, and the lad felt sure he could offer guidance on the proceedings."
Henry flushed as Killian gestured toward him, and shrugged sheepishly, looking up at her with big brown eyes that, though in an older face, still proved as irresistible to her as when he'd showed up on her doorstep as a ten-year-old. "I may have overestimated how closely I was watching my other mom the last time she did this."
Emma couldn't help it; her metabolism did tick up a few notches and her eyes widened in shocked dismay. "Oh no, don't tell me… Do you mean to say you guys ruined that 19 pound Butterball I had all ready in the freezer?"
Killian winced a bit at her reaction. "Come now, Lass, it isn't as if we did it on purpose. You were just saying last night how you wanted everything to be perfect, you've never been able to celebrate a real family Thanksgiving with all the trimmings before, and everything should be just right. We only wished to help you along."
Emma gave an exaggerated nod as she responded, "Ah, I see," before a knowing light slipped into her eyes while studying one and then the other to see who would crack first. "Just selfless action from the good of your hearts, was it?"
Henry nodded, pulling off a ridiculously innocent look, but Killian couldn't quite meet her gaze, peeking up at her from beneath the fringe of his dark hair and eyelashes like a poor, repentant rascal. "Well, Swan, if the truth be told, we might have become a bit distracted…"
"I thought so," she affirmed with one last quick, triumphant dip of the head.
"Yes, well," Killian hemmed and hawed adorably, and Emma was almost afraid she might bite through her lip trying not to laugh out loud, the whole kitchen mishap long forgiven, but watching him stutter in embarrassment like he often caused her to do was too priceless to end just yet. "Love, your boy's moving picture box sucks a man in with its programs. Are you sure it doesn't possess some sort of hypnotic magic of its own? Perhaps we should not let Henry…"
"Okay, okay, hold up," Henry broke in anxiously, not about to see his stepdad - much as he might love him - relegate him back to the Stone Age with concern over modern technology.
Emma couldn't hold back her dissolution into helpless giggles any longer, and Killian stopped short with an affronted look at the noisy interruption from both of them at once. After a few moments, Emma reined in her laughter, assured Henry he wouldn't be losing all television privileges, and turned with the both of them to survey the wreck that had been her nice, clean kitchen when she'd left that morning, hands on hips. "Well boys, let's see what we can salvage," she said at last.
In the end, the turkey is magicked to golden brown perfection for the holiday meal. Emma had hoped to succeed at doing it the old fashioned way, but after seeing the damage Killian and Henry had wrought with their attempt – and though she only admitted it to herself, knowing either one of them was better in the kitchen than she was, when not unfortunately sidetracked – she decided there was no sense in further risking the main course she intended to serve to company.
She, Killian, and Henry did spend a warm, domestic, evening making the accompanying side dishes together. After placing a tray of butterhorn rolls in the oven to cook, Emma turned to see Henry flip a spoonful of cranberry sauce at Killian, hitting him square on the nose and making him jerk back in surprise at the splat of impact.
"Hey now," her pirate warned, glowering as he raised a spoonful of stuffing for a counterattack.
Emma thought idly that she should be warning them not to waste food, not to destroy their kitchen for a second time in one day, and basically chide them both to behave themselves, but instead she could merely watch as author and pirate mounted a giddy food fight she eventually joined, hugging herself tightly so she didn't simply burst with the joy swelling up inside her, so full of gratitude for both of them, for a home and family at last, and for this moment in which to enjoy it all. Thanksgiving, indeed.
That night when Henry had settled into his own room and the house had grown quiet, Emma stopped Killian as he left the bathroom after brushing his teeth, biting her lip at the all-too-inviting sight of him in dark blue lounge pants with little white anchors printed on them that he wore for sleep and all that dark hair on his toned and scarred chest. He looked upon her with a curious quirk to his brow, but didn't question her, only wrapped his arms around her waist and brought his forehead to rest against her own.
Enveloped in his warmth, Emma grew almost dizzy at the minty fresh breath he exhaled against her neck and nearly lost her train of thought altogether, but she pulled out the item she had intended to show him. It was the wishbone from their turkey, and she held it out for him to see. "Do you know what this is?"
"Aye," Killian answered, though she could tell by his expression he had no clue why she would draw his attention to it. "It's some part of that fowl we prepared for tomorrow's feast, but why…"
He trailed off when she twined the fingers of her free hand with his and brought his hand up to grip the opposite end of the wishbone from the one she held. "They're for wishing on," she explained briefly, playful mirth in her eyes. "People pull them apart and whoever gets the larger piece makes a wish that is then supposed to come true."
"Alright Lass, if you say so," he agreed gamely, a bit of a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth now as well.
Holding her breath, Emma thought of all the times she had wanted to do this as a kid and had never been the one who got the wishbone. Or all the times as an adult that she'd had it, but no one in her empty apartment to hold the other end, or to appreciate the wish she'd made, nor share in her joy if it did come to fruition. As the fragile bone snapped and they looked down to the pieces in their hands, Emma and Killian found it had broken almost evenly, and so she whispered, not wanting to break the calm stillness in the room, "Let's say we both wish…together."
Killian merely nodded and closed his eyes as she did. When she opened them again, it was to meet his blue, blue gaze shining back at her. She had the feeling they'd wished for the exact same thing…many more years of holidays like this.
The blessed feeling carried over to the family dinner the next day. Sitting at the head of the long table in the dining room of a home of her very own – hers, Henry's and Killian's – the first time she'd ever had such a thing, Emma felt as though the whole scene was bathed in some sort of golden light, like she was living inside a perfect Norman Rockwell painting. The table surface was packed, crammed, overloaded with food – from the golden brown, crisp-skinned, turkey and their perfectly toasted, flaky butterhorns to Regina's apple dumplings, green beans, noodles, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. The ten-year-old foster child inside her nearly drools at the bounty, never quite able to banish the breakfasts, lunches, and dinners missed, the times she had sat alone in some cafeteria, eyes fixed on the food other students carelessly tossed in the bins which she would have loved to have while she had been packed nothing to eat and had no money to buy even a carton of milk, of the times she had gone to bed in a rickety bunk, stomach growling and unable to stop fixating on those cabinets full of snacks that were off limits. Seeing Henry to her right, ruffling his hair affectionately for just a second before he turned to grin at her proudly, clearly pleased their time spent cooking the previous evening had given them this much to show for it, she could only rejoice that he had never known such days, and the neither she nor Killian ever would again.
She gave her father a nod of confirmation where he sat at the other end of the table, leading him to grin widely, the warm look of love and happiness on his face making her feel even more that this moment right here really was all she had been missing – all she had ever wanted – all those years she spent alone. As David stood to carve the turkey and Snow alternated between beaming up at her husband proudly and passing the plates now loaded up with juicy slices of turkey down the table, Emma squeezed Killian's hand with her left, and he cut a knowing glance at her, showing clearly that he understood and felt it too.
Beside Henry sat Belle, then Snow, and across from Henry were Regina, Robin, and Roland. It would seem that their family continued to grow and warmly open to welcome into its circle anyone with nowhere else to belong on this day meant to be spent with loved ones. As she had wished for that very thing each holiday season for 28 years, Emma could think of no better nor more heroic thing for her family to do.
Once everyone had been served – both turkey and all the other dishes filling the long table – Killian stood with raised glass, even as Emma tapped her spoon against her own to garner everyone's attention for him. "A toast, mates, if I may," Killian announced jovially in that rich, enticing voice. Emma shivered slightly at the way its tones thrilled through her, though trying to give no outward sign; she would gladly listen to him read the ingredients of the box for the stuffing, but she knew everyone else was hungry and ready to dig in, so her heart swelled just that much more when the others around their table dutifully paused and turned to listen to him with genuine interest and agreement.
"I daresay I shan't keep us from this delectable feast for long," her pirate intoned, "but I have more to be grateful for this year than I have ever possessed in my ridiculously long life, and my thanks must be offered…"
He paused, meeting the eyes of each of those gathered around the table briefly, and then continued with a fervent tone which came out sounding a bit choked with emotion. "When I first arrived in this realm, still lost in my bitterness, anger, and thirst for revenge, I could not have imagined a day like this, full of peace, love, and gratitude. Emma, Love, when you offered me the chance to join you and be a part of something, and we undertook that desperate quest to Neverland, the idea that we could come to belong to each other as we do now, that you would hold my heart in your very palm, or that I would find myself with a true family again, seemed inconceivable. Yet, I am so glad you gave me that last chance, like a line thrown in the drink to a drowning man. It saved my life, turned me back around to the man I once meant to be. My thankfulness to be here with all of you today cannot be adequately expressed." He swallowed hard, dipped his head, and then took his seat again. "You have all blessed us with your presence at our table."
"Cheers!" everyone else agreed, raising their glasses to clink with each other around the table, several other eyes misty and voices husky with feeling besides their captain's. Emma blinked quite a bit herself, glancing around at their motley crew.
Her fingers reached across to trail lightly over Killian's shoulder, stroking his back soothingly for a few moments and then rising to delve playfully into the dark hair at the nape of his neck. Brushing gently through the soft strands, Emma smiled affectionately as his head inclined slightly toward her, thinking humorously that if he were a cat, her sailor would be nearly purring in contentment right now. This moment deserved to be captured – preserved – in her mind forever; she couldn't feel any more stuffed with grateful satisfaction.
It was nearly midnight when the last of their guests had been seen to the door and out into the chilly dark of Storybrooke's nighttime streets. Henry had gone with Regina; they had a tradition of shopping, followed by decorating the mayor's mansion for Christmas, and then capping the evening off with homemade apple turnovers running over with icing on their day after Thanksgiving. Emma marveled at Henry's blithely forgiving ability to still eat the things with relish after nearly dying from one bit of just such a poisoned pastry also made by Regina long ago. Still, she couldn't deny she was also glad to have her pirate to herself this night – a true quiet moment for the two of them.
They were curled around each other on the couch in the living room, watching flames crackle merrily in the fireplace, feet up on the coffee table, each of them enjoying a sweet taste of leftover pumpkin pie.
"Open up, Darling," Killian urged, fork upraised to her lips with a piece of sticky filling and flaky crust adorned with the sweet white topping she loved. Emma really didn't need him to feed her, but she playfully went along with his gesture and hummed in pleasure when the flavors exploded on her tongue.
"Mhmm, really good," she mumbled, her mouth still full, but nodding her head and moving to get a piece on her own fork and return the favor for him.
Killian's deep, reverberating chuckle stopped her though, and he leaned forward just enough to wrap his lips around the tip of her nose, licking off the bit of whipped cream he'd gotten on her moments before. It was a mostly innocent gesture, but his proximity, the warmth of the near kiss, and the fact that they were truly – finally – alone, relaxed, and had nowhere else to be had her heart hammering triple time as she sat up quickly, unfolded her legs and pulled him up with her.
"Come on, Pirate," she spoke a little breathlessly, a devilish gleam in her eyes, "we can finish this later."
It didn't take him long to catch on and follow her eagerly, still chuckling with his hand in hers, as she picked up the can of whipped cream from the coffee table where she'd placed it earlier and hurriedly pulled him upstairs.
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This last Thanksgiving rerun was originally written as a birthday gift for a shipmate; there’s a nod to a missing moment from 3x19, but then it jumps to post s6 in Storybrooke, to all of them in their happy beginnings…
“Do you mean to tell me you think you know better than a queen?” Regina’s haughty voice practically dripped disdain from each clipped, precise syllable she spoke. The perfect arch of her sculpted brow rose in question, disbelief and disapproval clear on her challenging, flawless face, even if her tone had not made her opinion more than apparent. “My mother was Rumplestiltskin’s most prized pupil; he sought me out himself to train me as well, chose me to cast his precious Dark Curse… Do you honestly think the fact that you can scare off a few monkeys with your arrows and you’ve been squatting in his deserted castle makes you a better judge of...of…” Even though she spoke the “you” as though her mouth was swallowing something foul and her face scrunched up accordingly, it seemed that the formerly Evil Queen was at a rare loss for words to express just how ridiculous the very idea was.
Unfazed, the scruffy archer gazed right back at her cheekily, seeming more than a bit amused by her ruffled feathers and inability to continue. “Not sure that is quite the distinction you’re making it out to be, Milady,” he offered with a smirk.
From across the way, Snow couldn’t seem to resist chiming in with the outlaw who had once befriended a princess on the run; who, in what now seemed like another life had helped her fine-tune her skills with a bow and advised her on spots in the forest where one could most easily hunt game to eat without encountering Regina’s guards. Though Snow had long since made the choice to put their painful and sordid history in the past, there was something that teased a warble of delighted laughter up her throat at the sight of this bandit who once graced “Wanted” posters by her side agitating Regina to the point of losing all her icy, polished reserve. “It is a bit of a dubious honor, Regina, you have to admit.”
Charming beside her dipped his head to hide the chuckle rumbling in his chest as well, reaching across their round council table’s polished surface to squeeze her hand. The shepherd-prince consort would have been lying if he refused to admit there wasn’t a part of him who enjoyed watching her Majesty flunder for her unaffected poise. It went without saying that the curse they were speaking of had ripped he and Snow apart and taken their daughter from his arms almost the moment she was born; consigning them all to 28 lonely years of misery. The truth was that plain and that simple, but he wisely held his tongue. At least since his recent pirate friend had gone off on his own after their arrival back in their land, Robin was someone to break a bit of the tension and who might lighten all of their dark and despairing moods once in a while.
As they returned to discussing the plan to raid Gold’s castle here in their home realm, knowing Zelena had holed up in the Dark One’s stronghold - with Rumplestiltskin himself still prisoner - it became clear it was really the only method they had left to try, to hope that the man who always knew so much more than anyone else would also know some way out of this mess, some way to stop Regina’s rage and envy fueled half-sister. Belle across the table looked pale and strained, her lips pressed together in a thin line but determined, needing to help in whatever way she could. Even if they couldn’t free her True Love, even if his mind were already too fractured by his near death, the half-possession that had held his son’s mind within his body as well, and then that son’s violent loss, he wouldn’t want things to continue as they were; with him under Zelena’s control and bent to her will. Belle had to cling to that truth if nothing else.
Seeming to sense her flagging spirit, Charming saw Leroy sitting next to her place a clumsily large, axe-calloused hand over her slender, tiny one and give it a reassuring squeeze. The dwarf leaned over to whisper encouragingly to the petite beauty, and the prince realized that even within his inner circle of friends and allies there were deeper friendships, and stories leading to them, that he didn’t know, as Belle’s petite frame relaxed and her tense shoulders lowered slightly at the stout little man’s clearly welcomed assurances. The former shepherd thought he just made out the kind, if gruffly voiced, words, “Hang in there, Sister, the battle ain’t over yet.” Charming smiled; that might as well be a mantra for all of them.
Robin of Locksley, otherwise known in the Enchanted Forest these days by his more colorful moniker of Robin Hood, simply could not seem to help it. He knew something about him - be it his cavalier attitude towards risk and danger, his leisurely and rather lax methods of ruling over his crew (Can he help it if he’d trust them with his life and has never had cause to question their loyalty or skill?), or perhaps it was just his very form and person she objected to. Whatever the case may be, he couldn’t help goading her Majesty, rattling that posh control of which the woman seemed so proud. Behind the cool and haughty veneer Regina Mills carefully wore, he sensed something injured - fragile, even - though she would be appalled at the thought that any weakness showed, he had no doubt of that. The irony, of course, was that bit of a chink in her flawless armor was the one thing that kept him from dismissing her as another selfish, cruel royal stepping on the backs of those less fortunate to get ahead. Her tiny show of pained humanity, the loneliness hidden behind those large dark eyes, beguiled him no matter how hard he tried to resist; drew his empathy where otherwise he would have had only scorn for her past actions and the villain she had been.
They were in the Dark Castle; seemingly, hopefully, having escaped Zelena’s notice so far, but stymied by a large door into the chamber where Rumplestiltskin had to be imprisoned. They had searched the entire rest of the castle and found it empty. None of them were foolish enough, however, to assume that the fact that they had not yet seen the Wicked Witch meant that the way ahead was safe or that she had not laid hidden snares for any intruders. Particularly not if this door were the barrier beyond which she was hiding the powerful being she meant to both use and prove herself to. There had been no other closed doors until this one, after all.
With a huff of impatience, as if she couldn’t be bothered to waste another second of her time - even with safety - the former Queen reached forward, her perfectly manicured hand nearly to the golden inlaid handle despite the Princess Snow’s warnings for caution and the Lady Belle’s wise suggestion that they wait. What appeared as bold unconcern and decisiveness radiated down her spine of steel, held ramrod-straight, but there was a slight tremor in those pale fingers, one he would have missed if he hadn’t been seeking it, just before they closed around the polished metal.
Some strange shiver of foreboding knowledge borne of a life in the forest, in the shadows, constantly on the move, pursued and on the run, made some more than tangible knowledge run through him, and Robin’s limbs and muscles were reacting before his mind issued a conscious order. Knowing the proud woman plowing ahead would not heed any words he called out anyway, he had silently reached over his shoulder, pulled an arrow from his quiver, nocked it to his bow, and let it fly before another moment passed, startling Regina enough as its course whistled past her ear to make her jerk back several steps. 
The feathered missile embedded in the heavy oaken portal with the solid “thunk” of a shot ringing true, but to the horror of all, rather than remaining there, vibrating from its landing, the arrow was lost from sight as the entire door was engulfed in instantaneous flames.
Watching the blaze which would undoubtedly have devoured her as well had he allowed her to touch that door before loosing his arrow, Regina paused for mere moments before whipping around, dark eyes flashing, to arrest him angrily. “That arrow nearly took off my head!” she barked, voice as sharp as jagged glass.
Robin shot back, unable to keep himself from rising to the bait. Her lack of gratitude didn’t even surprise him by that point, but he hadn’t intended to be chastised for his quick-thinking aversion of danger either. “Where I come from a simple thank you would have sufficed.”
The regent’s black eyebrow rose in eloquent derision, making her opinion of where he came from quite clear without speaking a word. Yet, despite that hateful, snarling facade he could see the slight tremor he had previously noticed in her pale hands become a full-body quivering that, while still not plainly visible, had to be making it hard for her to remain standing, much less glaring at him with such vitriol. Her full, blood-red-painted lips trembled minutely as well until her perfect white teeth bit into the lower one, stilling it and making him swallow heavily with some reaction he couldn’t explain. She was shaken; that much he knew. But he could understand refusing to admit fear, not being able to let it show for the sake of those who follow, who must see strength to stay their course.
Thankfully, the clearly magical blaze soon expired and the way before them was as clear and unbarred as all the previous entryways they had encountered. Not without a bit of trepidation, but also as brave and determinedly as he had long since learned their hero contingent to be, Prince Charming and Snow pressed forward, followed anxiously by Belle (whom Robin’s heart panged for as she clearly ached to find the man she loved still able to recognize her and navigate his own mind) and the rest of their group. Regina just to the side, looked for all the world as if she were in no particular hurry to enter and see her former mentor, but could instead care less one way or the other. Hanging back, the outlaw of Sherwood Forest made sure the others had passed through the door and into the other room, well out of hearing, before he stepped up to Regina’s side, drawing almost nose-to-nose with her. He then leaned forward practically brushing the shell of her ear as he murmured. “There’s no need to pretend you’re made of stone, your Majesty…” He put precise emphasis on the title that she had let him know in no uncertain terms that she preferred upon their first meeting in the forest. “In fact, with the present company, I believe you might get much further by letting them see that you have doubts and fears, just as they do. I know I like you much better seeing you as more than the Evil Queen.”
At her sharp intake of air with his last pronouncement, he pulled back quickly, half expecting a slap to be stinging his skin at any moment. Instead, he found color rising hotly up her neck, her chest rising and falling strenuously in that ridiculously low-cut corseted gown, and her generally looking more flustered and affected than he had ever seen her before.
She opened and closed her mouth soundlessly for several seconds until her tart tongue seemed to return to her, then spit out a quick, “Insolent bandit,” before moving to brush past him and follow the others.
Something in Robin snapped and surged to life in answer to her challenge; not allowing her to push him aside, he grasped her upper arm firmly and held on, her back to the wall and crowding in close to her, until their breaths were mingling in the same air, their faces were so close. Even as his pulse pounded and his heart rate skyrocketed, Robin wondered what had come over him. The woman had maimed and killed, schemed and plotted for her own selfish ends, and stood for everything he had devoted himself to toppling. She was nothing like his beloved Marian had been; someone with whom he would not have imagined sharing a thing in common - and yet he couldn’t fight the pull he felt. The need to imprint upon her not to put her life at risk so needlessly again.
Sweeping forward, he dove into an all-consuming kiss, taking her mouth with his and giving no quarter, delving further instead, and swallowing the whimper and hum that escaped her throat unconsciously, despite her best attempts to remain unaffected.  
Regina’s hands grappled blindly at his biceps as if trying to steady herself. She scrabbled for solid support before helplessly melting against him, opening for his questing mouth and giving herself over to the heated embrace. When they finally broke for air, she was breathless, and he huffed out a winded chuckle himself when she managed, “Well, Thief, that really was quite pleasant… Even if you do still smell of forest.”
Several realms, curses, and years later, in Storybrooke
The three men and their half dozen offspring of various ages creeping through the woods on the border of Storybrooke out near the town line are quiet and intent, completely and unabashedly focused on their prize. Up ahead, atop the small rise of a hill as the sun climbs fully into the cold, clear November morning sky, their prey struts proudly, stopping occasionally to offer its warbled call or peck at the rough ground beneath its feet. They have been tracking the large turkey for some time now, since before day fully dawned, and the time to strike has come at last.
Briefly, the thought flits through Robin’s head that this could be the same tom that had escaped himself and his Merry Men in this same forest years ago, when the hunt had been interrupted by the nightmarish interruption of a winged simian attacker and LIttle John’s subsequent transformation. To this day, the large and otherwise unflappable man stays far away from this particular section of the forest and refuses to go anywhere near the town line on foot. A quick glance at David and his preteen son to the right, then Killian and his little girl and second son to the left, gives him the hint from both men’s expressions that they are also remembering that rather ill-fated day, as bows are readied and last instructions offered.
He can only hope they will face nothing so unexpected this fine morn. The turkey before them has been promised to grace the main table of the large community Thanksgiving feast, and between the three men and their brood of adventurous junior hunters it is a matter of pride that they not return empty-handed today. Roland was promised the first unobstructed shot, and the young man, just barely a teenager but already capable and thoughtful as an adult, has already taken aim and is readying his shot to fly, much to his half-sister Margot’s displeasure as she stands just behind her big brother at Robin’s elbow. She is as untamed and mischievous as Roland is quiet and serious, and was much put out at the decision that Roland as the oldest child should get first chance, arguing rather heatedly that Roland might be biggest but she was the best shot. His blond-braided, green-attired second child is one of the best shots he’s ever seen at barely ten, but if she doesn’t learn to keep her temper and her slightly spoiled younger sibling petulance under control, he is certainly in for further trials in a few years.
Even in the few silent moments afforded him as they all hold their breaths, Rob feels the gratitude and love he has for his children, and the friends and adopted family surrounding them, surge through him with new strength. He had so very nearly left this world, numerous times over, as had the men on either side of him, and the women each of them loved. It was part of the heavy mantle they wore when standing against the Darkness in the world and fighting it back from the light and good time after time. Still, what better time than the present holiday to give thanks for the fact that they are all still standing and present to celebrate together?
Roland lets out a soft breath and then releases the arrow, just as a sharp cry rings out to the left.  His son’s aim is true, but the bird is startled from its perch just in time to have the shot glide by beneath its talons as it takes flight. David on his right is already directing Leo to adjust his aim quickly and get off a second shot, even as Robin’s eyes sweep to where Killian is righting Hope from a tumble over a jutting tree root, brushing off her dark leggings and checking her for injury as she clearly struggles to hold back embarrassed and disappointed tears.
What he hasn’t banked on is his daughter’s inability to wait her turn or hold back any longer. Quick as whip, Margot lets fly, striking the bird right as she intends and sending it toppling from the sky. Mouth falling open in surprise at her audacity and her skill in equal measure, Robin can’t help the surge of pride at his daughter’s prowess, even if he knows he should admonish her for taking Leo’s moment from him and wondering if he should be making certain Roland doesn’t feel overshadowed.  However, his eldest spares him the trouble when he whoops and claps Margot on the shoulder, crying out “You got him on the fly, Sis! Nice one!”
When the whole group converges together, he decides to let the lecture about abiding by the rules and taking turns slide for the time being upon noticing that Leo looks rather relieved that the pressure to prove his mettle before their quarry escaped has been taken off of his shoulders. Instead, he claps his little girl on the shoulder, squeezing with gentle affection until she looks up at him, beaming.  Like her brother before her, she is growing much too fast, turning into a young lady before his eyes, and so for a moment, he lets himself revel in the fact that she still wants to spend time out in the woods with him and wishes to make him proud. Her papa won’t hold the favored spot in her heart forever, so he may as well savor it while he can.
He thinks Killian’s youngest, barely old enough to be tromping around out here with them in truth, looks a bit teary at the downed and unnaturally still bird before them, so he hurries to bag their prize for the journey homeward and puts it out of sight over his shoulder while Killian picks his tired youngest up off his feet and begins asking him how many different types of trees he can recognize from their leaves on the way back. That seems a bit difficult for a five-year-old until little Liam David begins happily babbling (suitably distracted thankfully) and pointing out oaks, maples and scotch pines as the pirate’s unerring sense of direction leads their whole troupe out of the forest toward the main road where they’ve left their trucks, Margot takes his hand, and Hope her grandpa’s, and Roland and Leo fall in behind talking amiably and carrying the bows. Apparently they have a budding naturalist in their midst as well, and Killian Jones - as usual - knows exactly what he is doing.
When he, Roland, and Margot trail back into the mayoral mansion some time later, discarding their muddy boots by the door, but still scattering crumbled leaves and dirt in the entryway, Regina stands in the hall shaking her head, and directs the children toward the laundry room to discard their outerwear before heading up to wash for dinner.  She looks at him, trying to muster exasperation, but unable to do so. That flawless Queen is long gone; she has come a long way since they snapped and snarled at each other in self-preservation back in their home realm, neither wanting to fall in love and risk heartbreak again.
Snatching his jacket collar and pulling him in close, Regina nips at his lips playfully before murmuring against his scruffy cheek, “You still smell like forest,” she mocks, “but somehow you’ve managed to steal my heart.”
He shakes his head, offering back words she’d stunned him with once long ago, “That’s not quite the way I remember it.  If I recall, your heart was given to me,” he whispers, emotion taking over the jest, “and a person can’t steal what’s been given to him.”
All in all, he’s been given much more than a simple archer from Sherwood Forest could have ever hoped.
Tagging a few who may enjoy (or for whom these stories might even be new...)
@jennjenn615 @searchingwardrobes @kmomof4 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @jrob64 @apiratewhopines @laschatzi @spartanguard @tiganasummertree @optomisticgirl @thislassishooked @anmylica @sotangledupinit @cosette141 @teamhook @revanmeetra87 @ilovemesomekillianjones @winterbaby89 @hollyethecurious @zaharadessert @elizabeethan @donteattheappleshook @the-darkdragonfly @xsajx @kday426 @scientificapricot @xarandomdreamx​ @justanother-unluckysoul​ @ineffablecolors​ 
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rjalker · 2 years
Murderbot fandom Challenge 2023 challenge #1: Escaped large animal on the station
Word count: 3,101
Summary: Somehow, an animal native to Preservation gets loose on Preservation Station. Fortunately, it's not hostile. Unfortunately, it's looking for a mate, and its species has a very inconvenient way of going about finding one -- being deafeningly loud, and exuding a horrible smell that's toxic to humans and robots alike.
OC POV because my brain just did not want Murderbot to be the narrator this time. So here's Grous, completely out of order of her supposed introduction. Oh well. Just roll with it. Or don't, IDC, lol.
As usual, there's zero spoilers for the books because everything mentioned in this fic is just made the fuck up. Because there isn't actually anything (besides Martha Well's casual bigotry) in The Murderbot Diaries that I'd actually want to change in terms of the story or plot.
You are encouraged to use the animal concept here for your own original fiction or fanfiction for other things. Like I said it's 100% original.
Actually ykw no, no read-more because tumblr's stupid. It's tagged long post.
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This was not one of the small, fluffy cubs the SecUnit from Preservation had had the misfortune of running into down on the planet, when it and Evrim had fallen into a nest that had been dug under the supposedly safe path leading through the woods.
This was also not one of the parents, who'd been only a little bit bigger than their offspring, bristling with spines and spitting corrosive acid, but still very easy to run away from.
No, this was neither of those options.
Turns out, adult animals of this species who hadn't found a mate yet were trying really, really hard to remedy that fact. They attempted to remedy this fact by attracting a mate. By being as attractive as possible.
And you know what these animals thought was really attractive?
Animals who were really fucking big, really fucking bright, and reeked to high fucking heaven of the most cloying smell you can imagine, that burned the eyes and nose with its strength, and could even start corroding certain metals if it was in high enough concentrations.
This trait had evolved so that while these animals were running around in the unbelievably giant forests that were their natural habitat, their scent would be dispersed on the wind over a large area, allowing them, with the additional aid of their literally deafening howls, to find eachother and see if they liked what they saw.
This is what was pacing up and down the thoroughfare of Preservation Station, sniffing at every single thing that it came upon, and growing increasingly more obviously confused.
The scent glands that covered its body were constantly producing more of the noxious chemicals that had already caused several dozen humans, only some of whom had been confirmed to have respiratory problems before this incident, to pass out from lack of oxygen, even now that they were in separate sections of the station.
The air filters were working as hard as they could, but they hadn't been designed with a situation like this in mind. Purposefully poisonous gas they could handle. But even the most advanced poison gas wasn't almost infinitely self-replicating the way this animal's smell was. Not to mention it had stuck to people's clothes and skin, and there weren't enough shower or sanitation rooms for everyone on the station to clean the smell off of them at the same time.
And to make things worse, every few minutes, the animal, viewed only by the surviving, most sturdily built cameras in the highest spots of the high ceiling, stopped its pacing to throw its head back and let out a howl so loud it was literally deafening, which had already broken dozens of display surfaces and other fragile items within the thoroughfare where it'd been locked and isolated. Including all the cameras that were further down the walls.
The first howl it had given (once it got out of the landing pod it had arrived in) had instantly incapacitated over four hundred humans and two hundred bots, knocking them violently unconscious and permanently deafening the hundreds that had been closest to it, before anyone had even realized it was there, let alone before anyone could evacuate.
More humans and bots had had to run in to try and rescue the ones who were now unconscious, with a few exceptionally brave and foolhardy ones attempting (and succeeding, to everyone's shock) to distract the animal so it wouldn't howl again until they could get everyone away, even though they were being overwhelmed by the smell.
Fortunately, this was real life, not a dramatic movie, so the animal did not immediately start roaring and howling and leaping to viciously maul everyone it saw. Because that would be counterproductive to its goals - - find a mate, and stay alive.
It wasn't interested in taking a human as a mate, and it also wasn't interested in picking a fight when it was outnumbered by animals who were each almost as big as it was. It also wasn't interested in hunting or eating right now, but even if it had been, it still wouldn't have tried to hunt any humans, because they were way bigger than what it had evolved to eat.
Also, again, it was outnumbered, so even if it was hungry, it wasn't going to pick a fight it clearly couldn't win. Real animals did not just randomly start hunting people for no reason, and especially not when they were in a new environment.
So the successive waves of humans who volunteered to try and herd it back into the landing pod it'd come out of /did/ manage to keep it distracted and busy long enough for everyone who'd been knocked unconscious by its first howl, or the toxic fumes, to be either dragged away to safety further into the station, or dragged to safety into the nearest ship, and then the hatch sealed, without getting themselves mauled.
They also weren't deafened or knocked unconscious by any new howls, because, again, it can not be stressed enough: this wasn't a movie, so the animal reacted like a real animal. And a real animal isn't going to keep performing its mate-attracting ritual while it's being harassed by many large other animals. That's just not the kind of behavior that gets passed down the evolutionary line, because that's the kind of behavior that guarantees you'll be killed before you can pass your genes on in the first place.
Fortunately, no one had died of their injuries yet, and most people were recovering enough that the medics thought that could be avoided altogether.
As for the SecUnit from Preservation?
Well, it wasn't dead. But it had been unlucky enough to be standing close to the pod the animal had come out of, so it'd been knocked unconscious as the internal structures of its ears, as well as a few other crucial systems in its head, literally shattered from the sheer volume of the animal's howl.
When it woke up - - and the medics assured that Grous that it would, hopefully at some point soon - - it would be mostly fine, except for the inability to hear through its ears. But the SecUnit from Preservation usually used drones or cameras for audio anyways, so that hopefully wasn't going to be as big of a deal as it would be for anyone else. Heck, it might even enjoy the fact that humans wouldn't be able to talk to it unless it wanted to be able to hear them.
Yes, Grous was 100% aware that was not the likely outcome of this event at all, but it was trying to keep optimistic. Imagining how devastated the SecUnit from Preservation would be when it found out it'd never be able to hear again without additional augments was not doing anything to help her mood. She'd been far away enough during the initial howl that she hadn't been knocked out, though her ears were still ringing with the after-effects. She'd never been able to smell, not in the way humans or other constructs described it, so the animal's scent wasn't bothering her, since her lungs were able to filter in enough oxygen past it with only a slightly noticeable difficulty. She knew it was there because her chemoreceptor was constantly giving her updates on the percentage of atmosphere it was making up.
Right now she was locked inside one of the spaceships stranded in the port. She'd grabbed as many humans as could hold onto her at once (Which was four when they were all conscious and cooperating) and dragged them all inside. They'd been joined by twelve other humans and five robots, one of which was another construct.
None of them knew how to fly this kind of spaceship, but fortunately the the bot pilot, Thrive, who used fe/ir pronouns, hadn't been damaged, and was more than happy to help, so the whole shipful of them were currently in the process of disconnecting from the station so the pilot could ferry those who wanted to get off down to the planet, before fe'd bring Grous and 6210311, the hauler bot who'd also volunteered to return and help out, who used he/him pronouns, back to the station.
(Fe would have let them off before bringing everyone else down to the planet, except that the animal'd wandered over to where fe was docked by that point, and even if the animal itself wasn't hostile, opening the airlock would let in too much of its smell than would be safe for the humans.)
[Pheromones], Thrive the bot pilot had corrected Grous. Apparently the smell this animal was releasing was specifically called a pheromone, because it was used to communicate a specific purpose. In this case, the purpose was finding a date.
Everyone was grateful that it was not attempting to seduce any humans or robots so far. Grous had heard stories of animals on other planets who were so social and bonded so readily with humans they'd perform mating dances at them, even if humans were dozens of times bigger than them and of a completely different body plan.
Grous wasn't sure exactly what she'd do once she and 6210311 got back to the station, but she figured that with her anosmia and the fact that she required less oxygen than humans would help in the toxic fumes department, if nothing else.
Thrive was talking to one of the systems on Preservation on a channel with a free invite so they could all listen in if they wanted, talking to a bot who studied the species of animal that had somehow gotten onto the station.
Thrive had sent down a description of the animal along with visual and audio recordings, and the bot on the surface, whose feed signature read, “Xeotherial, xe/xir/xirris” sent back a quick summary of the species, highlighting most of what they'd already figured out - - that its territorial howls were dangerous for most life forms not native to Preservation, that its pheromones were toxic to humans, and that it was generally non-hostile in its current state.
All of this they already knew, but Xeotherial also had some new information to share - - like the fact that long enough exposure to the pheromones could start to damage bots as well as humans, by physically clogging filtration systems and corroding some materials, though there wasn't yet enough research to say what effects it would have on constructs. Based on the effects it had on humans and bots, it wouldn't be anything healthy.
And speaking of the pheromone, Grous' scanner was showing that it was still present in the atmosphere inside Thrive, clinging to her skin, clothes, and mechanical parts. It was like it was more than just a smell, it was like a sticky residue. She couldn't see it except with one of her visual overlays, but she could feel it when she experimentally pinched the fabric of her shirt between two fingers. It was making the fabric stiffer, less soft than it should be, and made it stick to her fingers slightly as she pulled away.
All of the humans who'd gotten aboard Thrive had immediately fled to the bathrooms, and Grous could hear them all through the doors they'd left open along the way, very noisily complaining about the smell and trying to wash it off their clothes, skin, and hair.
6210311 had happily accepted Thrive's offer of a charging station, and was in standby mode at the moment while he, from what Grous could gather from his reactions on the open feed channel, watched a documentary about the animals in question.
Which were called mostly just Preservation grey foxes, though the grey part of the name applied to the adult and juvenile forms only, not this bright intermediate stage. Grous had never seen an adult or a baby for herself, just the recording the SecUnit from Preservation had shared with her of its (mis)adventure with Evrim.
She'd had no idea their middle stage looked anything like this. From the complaints the humans were making, (shouting and exclaiming in disgust and horror and confusion and some begrudging humor), she was guessing none of them had, either.
Thrive informed her that it would be at least half a Preservation standard hour before they were able to land, and offered her a charging station across from 6213011 if she wanted it.
But Grous didn't need to initiate a charge cycle for another few Preservation-standard days, so she thanked ir, but declined, showing ir her pantry of full power batteries.
But her chemoreceptor analysis was still showing a high concentration of the animal's pheromones on her skin and clothes, so it would be a good use of her time to try and wash it off, if she could, like the humans were. No point carrying around the smell unnecessarily.
So she left the main area and went to join the humans in the communal bathroom, who'd progressed almost all the way to being optimistic and cheerful and thinking the situation was funny, rather than just being afraid and worried. They'd left all the doors open between them and the rest of Thrive to help keep the air circulating, and most of the pheromones that had been stuck to them had been successfully washed down the drains. That would pose problems in the future if the chemicals weren't easily broken down for re-use, but that would be a problem for later.
Grous had estimated that the amount of pheromones still left hanging around her were at a level humans would find unpleasant, and was proven correct when she stepped into the further bathroom, which was less crowded than the first, and was gratified to be immediately met with a wave of “ewww!!” “aaah!!” and “uughh!!!” as she stepped in and the humans caught scent of her.
One of the naked humans closest to the door, whose short bio was listed as [Jikar, alternating he/him, they/them] in the feed, covered his mouth and nose with one hand, and waved Grous over with the other, saying urgently, their voice muffled by his hand, “Oh, quick, quick come under the water, get that stuff off of you! I'll grab you some more solid soap, we used it all.” They quickly but carefully fast-walked past her toward the door. Grous started for the shower of water that was still running over the tiled floor. Jikar's clothes had been left scattered by the drain in the floor, presumably so they'd keep getting rinsed out.
Grous started to lift her shirt over her head, but was stopped by another human's voice- -
“Don't bother getting undressed yet, just go right under the water with your clothes still on first, it'll be easier to get most of it off that way.” Grous turned to look at the voice, and saw a human sitting on one of the benches in one of the bath-showers, with new water falling down from above and the rest of their body submerged below the shoulders. Several pieces of clothing were floating or had sunk to the bottom of the small pool. A pair of crutches were visible thorugh the water sitting on a small shelf next to the human.
A quick fumble for the feed bio displayed, [Ask for my name, pronouns: sie/syr/syr/(syrs)/syrself. I am part of – ]
The human spoke again before Grous could finish reading, saying:
“When Jikar gets back with more soap, just start at the top and go down, it'll help rinse more off with the soap.” Sie gestured as sie spoke, lifting one hand out of the water and then moving it back down with the palm flat to demonstrate. “Then you can take your clothes off and wash them again. It seems to stick more to natural fibers than the synthetic ones. It shouldn't take long for your shirt, but your pants you're probably gonna have to use a whole bar on.” Sie gestured to syr clothes in the water. “I'm just going to let mine soak until we're almost ready to land. Apparently it sticks really well to dagro.”
Grous knew from her scouring of the information for Preservation that dagro was the name of an animal fiber commonly used for clothes. The species it was harvested from (nunam) were native to the same sorts of ecosystems as the Preservation grey foxes. Which sort of made sense. The foxes' pheromones had probably evolved specifically to stick to the fur of other nearby animals so they'd spread it even further than the wind could.
Jikar returned at that moment, carrying several bags of packaged soap bars. “Here you go!” He said, handing one of the bags to Grous, their nose crinkled up in reaction to the smell still sticking to her. “Ugh!” They exclaimed, “I just can't believe how bad that smells! I've lived here on Preservation for two years now, and I never knew anything that smelled that bad was living here! How can anything find that attractive?” He used their free hand to wave the air in front of his nose for emphasis.
If there was ever a time that Grous was glad for her inability to smell, it was times like these. She gratefully accepted the soap, though, and went to the next empty shower to wash off. She couldn't smell the horribleness like everyone else, but it was creating a weird texture on her skin and clothes, and just because she couldn't smell it didn't mean she wanted to subject everyone else to it.
She set the bag down and took out one of the packages of soap. It said it was clofus scented, with an artistic painting of the bark of the kiius tree on it, dotted with bright purple sap. Grous' chemoreceptor feedout informed her part of the composition of the soap did indeed match what she'd recorded the few times she'd seen kiius trees in person.
She checked the timer Thrive had been nice enough to set in the feed for everyone, and saw that there was still most of an hour left before they got to the planet. And then it would be an hour again before they could get back to the station.
Plenty of time to wash off the pheromones, and maybe start watching that show the SecUnit from Preservation was so obsessed with, to see if it was actually any good.
She sat down under under the warm shower of water, and put on the first episode of The Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon.
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 2 years
Okay, my sysmates have convinced me to do something for myself for once.
Could I get a care kit for a non-canon ThunderClan cat? I was the deputy & sometimes medicine cat when it was needed. Anything that would relate to being in my territory (around the lake). As well as perhaps just regular Warriors merch, it makes me happy to be reminded of my source. If you need more information, I’m happy to oblige. - ☀️
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added to queue! i hope you'll enjoy it, i'm glad you decided to request! i included a variety of items, some with scents of the forest and lake and others that might help you feel more yourself. i also included a slime that i thought you might like! it's based off creek water, and it looks very accurate!
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A Self Love Altar
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picture found here
What is a Self Love Altar?
A self love altar is a place that represents your devotion to yourself. It is a physical representation of the love you have for yourself through items that symbolize you. It is a place you can practice self care or create magical workings regarding self love. It is a place to build a better relationship with yourself.
Where Do I Set Up My Altar?
The most important thing is to have a sacred place. This can be in your home, outside, a portable travel container, etc.
If you want to use a space in your home: Choose an area that is able to be free of distractions that would bother you. This can be in a favorite room of your house. It can also be as big of a space as you want. Some good options include a small shelf, the top of a dresser, the countertop in your bathroom, etc.
If you want to use an outdoor space: You can use a small space in your backyard. You can decorate this space to make it special to you: fairy lights, planting a garden with corresponding herbs like rose or lavender, sigils carved into a fence or nearby tree. A porch or patio can also work. You can get potted plants and paint sigils on the bottoms of them. If you plan to travel a bit farther, like to a nearby lake or a favorite spot in a forest, read about the travel altar below.
If you want to use a travel altar: You can use any container to pack your items. A basket or a tote bag with pockets for optimal organization are good options to carry a lot at once. A smaller and more discrete option would be a mint container. You could easily throw this into a bag or pocket to take with you on your travels. Bonus: because it is so discrete, it's a great option for those in the broom closet.
What Do I Include On My Altar?
Note that all of the items listed below are optional. Pick and choose what you want to include and what works for you and your practice. Some of these items can be found at your local dollar tree, 99¢ store, 5 below, etc. Others can be found on amazon, at your local metaphysical shop, or an etsy store. Find or diy what you can and want.
A mirror. You can use this to reflect where you are on your journey to self love in this current moment.
A picture of yourself during a happy moment. This serves as a reminder to yourself that good times have happened and are bound to come again.
A personal journal. You can use this journal for shadow work, writing down spells, writing diary entries, keeping a gratitude log, etc. I personally use mine to write letters to my past and future selves. I practice forgiveness and understanding when writing to my past self. I also use it to vent when writing to my future self. It's nice to go back and look at these letters and see how things worked out or unfolded and to remind myself that the universe has my back.
Magical workings. If you have a current spell that you are working on that centers around self love, keep it on your altar. I have a couple of spell jars on my blog, such as this self love one.
Divination items. You can use these to help you cue yourself into what you need most in life.
Candles or incense in a scent that corresponds to a specific intention that you have (i.e., rose for self love). You may wish to light this before beginning any working or journaling.
Crystals that correspond to your intention (i.e., citrine for increased happiness). These can be good to meditate with, use as worry stones, or charge the altar space.
Makeup and/or perfume. This can be good for glamour magic.
Self care items, such as things for facials or mani pedis. These items are good to take care of yourself. You can pamper yourself as a reminder that you deserve to have time to yourself.
An Important Note: Before Setting Up Your Altar
Be sure to cleanse the area of any negative energies. Wipe down any surfaces with a cleansing spray or charged oil. You can also use incense smoke. Charge the space with crystals, rose water, infused moon water, etc.
How Do I Use My Altar?
Feel free to use your altar the way you want to. Below are just some helpful tips that I typically do. Feel free to change anything or to follow them as you please.
Light your candles or incense. If you cannot use fire, opt to use digital candles on apps or youtube.
Write in your journal with whichever purpose you chose to use it for (shadow work, gratitude, letters, diary entries, etc.).
Think about what you wrote. How does it impact your daily life? If it is something negative, how do you want to grow from it? If it is something positive, how do you want to continue to manifest it?
Meditate on these thoughts. Imagine the good in your life and the goals you have manifesting. Imagine the negativity in your life being banished and leaving you for good.
If you practice divination, use any divination items you would like.
Decide on an affirmation or mantra for your day or week, depending on how often you want to change it. I like to use my altar once a week or more if I can. Each time I feel drawn to my altar, I like to manifest self love for the next couple of days with a newly chosen mantra.
Additional Resources
All About Shadow Work: a beginner's guide / a small list of prompts
All About Glamour Magic: a brief explanation / a couple example spells
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pastafossa · 2 years
could you please do a rundown of all the thread colors and what they mean?
Needed a break from editing so yes, I can! Except the ones that are spoilers, for now.
Threads colors we know:
Yellow - Orange - Red: these three are connected. These colors illustrate the mutual care and affection you have for and with another sentient being (including, say, dogs and cats).
Yellow is generally restricted to acquaintances and very new friends who haven't gotten to know each other all that well. You'd be a little sad and bummed out if something happened to them or you never met them again.
Orange is much more solid - you would be upset if you lost contact or something happened to this person, sometimes heartbroken if the orange is particularly dark. Some friendships never progress past this point, and that's ok. That's normal. A lot of friends have threads like this.
Red is where it gets tricky, though... because you need both halves of the connection to be aware of and acknowledge to themselves that they care, very deeply, for the other person. If only one person acknowledges that they care, the thread stays orange. It must be mutually acknowledged. Once a thread turns red, it's very hard to undo. These aren't just for lovers, either. They're also for your beloved pets, bffs, long-term romantic partners, and close family members. If you lost this person, you'd grieve, deeply, and it would take a very long time to recover. This thread color can be used by the Man in the White Coat to track Jane, though she's unsure how at this time.
Blue signifies an attachment to an inanimate object or item, something without soul or sentience. Some people have blue threads with their cars, a family heirloom, or even a stuffed animal. Sadly, the way you know someone has passed is if a thread turns blue.
Green signifies a one-way connection - the person on the other end either doesn't care, hates the carer, or may not even know the person who cares exists. The emotion is entirely one-sided but that doesn't affect the level of care. Somewhere out there, a dog you've never actually met has smelled you or walked by you and thinks you're the best person in the world, so never doubt you have one of these.
Brown is strongly implied to be a connection to the land or a particular area, whether that's one beach you love to visit or, in Matt's case, the city of Hell's Kitchen.
Purple signifies abstract worship of some kind. When touching a purple thread, it can feel like anything from the roar of an adoring crowd, to the scent of incense and the whisper of paper pages. Celebrities, religious leaders, buildings, texts, and even forests can be connected to someone by a purple thread.
White light contains every color in the spectrum, which is why a white thread embodies every one of the connections above. These threads are very rare, because they require a deep, fervent connection and love for everything and everyone in a given area. Matt cares so much for the people of his city (yellow, orange, red, green) and for the city itself (blue, brown) that he's essentially formed a connection with the very bones of Hell's Kitchen.
Thread colors I've only hinted at:
Black is something a lot of people guessed but since we haven't delved into it, I'm not coming out with it just yet. Tends to absorb light, and feels seething and hot. Frank Castle has a lot of these.
Grey is our most mysterious color. It's exceedingly rare, it tends to look dull and charred, and it gives off little flakes of ash when touched. There is no feeling when it is held. Just silence.
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stargazer-balladeer · 3 years
“We’ll love you together” [Genshin Impact]
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What its like to be in a poly relationship with Ei and Yae Miko.
Characters Included: Raiden Shogun (Ei) & Yae Miko + GN! Reader
Notes: I love both of these women 🥺 their interaction during the archon quest and Ei’s story quest are just so 😩👌 hope ya’ll like this!
Warning: Slight spoilers in Inazuma Story Quest Chapter 2 and Ei’s story quest.
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Knowing how these two interact, it would be Yae who would introduce you to Ei instead of the other way around. After all, Ei is more closed-off than the friendly and flirty Miko.
At first Ei was wary of you, she even felt threatened by you. Were you there to destroy the one lover she has left after all these years? Miko had to reassure her several times that that’s not the case. Even proceeding to explain to Ei about Polyamorous relationship, who kept asking her girlfriend more and more questions.
But don’t worry, Ei would soon warm up to you. If Miko trusts you, she will do, albeit hesitantly and slowly of course.
Miko loves spoiling you with items around Inazuma, from the food to novels to little trinkets. Enjoys teasing you very much, just to see your flustered state. Sometimes Ei would join in on her teasing you, which you would whine about being ‘unfair’.
Ei is more reserved but she is a child at heart. Eyes literally sparkles when you decided to visit her in her Plane of Euthymia or gifted her some items Miko gave you. Appreciates if you brought her some sweets, which she would reward you with a gleeful smile on her face.
Miko spoils you and Ei rotten with her affection, most especially behind closed doors or rather in Ei’s plane of euthymia. Giggles every time she takes a look on both of your faces. Loves pressing kisses all over your face. If she has lipstick on, she deliberately leaves a kiss mark on a area of your face and makes a bet with Ei on when will you realize it.
Meanwhile, Ei often than not show her affections. She prefers cuddling than kissing, but wouldn’t give up the opportunity to press a kiss on your lips. Nuzzling her face into your neck while inhaling your scent and wrapping her arms around you. If you try to move, her arms only tightened.
Dates are rare as the two are busy with their roles. Ei in her world while Miko doing her duty as the high priestess in the Grand Narukami Shrine. But whenever both of them are free, you three tend to walk around Inazuma. Whether its near the shrine, the city or the forest. Ei is in the middle whenever you three hold hands since she’s a bit ignorant in today’s era.
You and Miko often team up to show Ei around the new era of Inazuma, trying to explain to her different things about each peculiar thing she noticed. It’s usually Miko that does the talking since she knows how to use her words in which the archon can understand.
No one dares to hurt you. Not even the Raiden Shogun herself, or rather the robot. Ei secretly (well not really secretly) planted a code in the Shogun that ables her to sense danger around you and protect you from it. There was once a time where the Shogun was following you around like a dog, which raised rumors and murmur around the city folks.
Actually, Ei might made an announcement that whoever dares hurt you would be punished accordingly. Miko thought this was a bit top extreme but shrugged it off. As long as she’s not doing any dirty work.
Miko might also show her fox form to you… might being the important word to note :)
Overall, Miko and Ei being your partners is A+, if you exclude the all eternity stuff…
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“Are you ready to visit Ei, darling?” The voice of Miko echoed through the room, turning around to see her on your doorway with a smile on her face and a basket hanging from her arm containing sweets for Ei. “She’ll get real impatient you know? And I don’t feel like taking care of a child right now.” Miko sighed dramatically making you chuckle.
“I’m almost done. I’m just making sure I’ve brought everything for Ei.” You said, eyes scanning through the contents inside the bag once more. Miko chuckled as she walks over elegantly and takes a peek on the contents of the bag, whistling a bit. “That’s a lot of items, love. You sure that’s for Ei? Seems more like it’s a gift for a child.” Rolling your eyes as you zip up the bag and carried over your shoulder, you sneak a peck on her cheek. “If Ei is a child, then are you her mother?”
Miko snorts while waving her hand around with a furrowed brow, but a playful smile tugging on her lips. “Oh no no. Goodness. I would never imagine wanting to adopt a child like her. Besides…” Sneakily like a devious fox she is, she wraps her hand around your waist to pull you towards her. With a mischief-filled eyes, she stares right into your eyes with your lips almost touching. “If she was my child, that would be so wrong wouldn’t it? I wouldn’t be able to spoil her with my romantic love.”
Placing a brief kiss on your lips making you pout wanting more, she chuckled and lets go of you. She starts to walk towards the door, her hips swaying as usual. “Come along now, darling. Our other lover is awaiting us in her Plane of Euthymia.”
“What took you both so long?” The soft voice of Ei spoke once you and Miko were in her inner world. The sky became bright once her eyes came in contact with yours. Walking towards you, she wraps her arms around you and brings you to her chest. Miko chuckles as she pats her pouty girlfriend’s head. “There there. We just has a mini detour, that’s all.”
Ei uncharacteristically grumbled, nuzzling her face further into your neck. Miko sighs as she taps on Ei’s arm. “Now now, I’m also here, aren’t I? How come you only greeted them?” “I always see you.” “No fair. I want my share of love, thank you very much.” The two started to bicker while you sigh before smiling. There was never a dull moment between these two.
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mythicamagic · 3 years
As usual... I can never just choose one... soo here are my top choices you choose one. Lol
1. Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?
2. The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I’m still in love with you.
3.that ship has sailed. i’ve had my one great love already
4. we’re just…friends.” “friends don’t do this type of shit!
5. Did you just slap my ass?” / “Actually, I firmly grasped it.” 
Why did I decide 2 of the hurt/sad/angst.. idk.. i suppose im glutton for punishment. Dont hurt me too bad if you choose to do one of them myth.
Decided to do a part two for - this ask. 
I chose;  The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I’m still in love with you.
The air felt crisp and clean, biting at Kagome's cheeks as she wound her scarf tighter around her neck. Winter markets were so much fun. The vast array of cute little items on display made warmth light up her chest, even as the candy and children's toys reminded her of a certain fox she'd left behind in the past.
Kagome smiled at Ayumi as she prattled on about something or other.
She shouldn't feel guilty. Shippo had barely visited the village in the last year she'd been there. Everyone had moved on. Including herself, somewhat. She'd been so wrapped up in her whirlwind romance with a certain Daiyoukai- the feudal era had been irreparably damaged as a home for her the second they'd broken up.
But she missed her friends. Dearly.
She shook herself. It was too late to go back on her choice now. The well had sealed shut for good.
Ayumi stopped to grab some hot chocolate from a street vendor, allowing Kagome a moment to warm her hands, rubbing them together.
Snowflakes gently danced about like powdered sugar, kissing Kagome's face as she turned- almost bumping face-first into a muscular chest. Fresh scents of wild forests and thunderstorms filled her nose, and she stiffened.
He smells the same.
Kagome bit the inside of her cheek, blue eyes narrowing. "Don't think I don't know what you're doing."
"Haven't the faintest idea of what you mean," he arranged his features into mild innocence, which was near impossible due to his smiling eyes.
"Riiight," she muttered, wishing Ayumi would hurry up.
Sesshoumaru gazed down at her, a pink gift bag in hand. Kagome grit her teeth, hating that she wondered who it was meant for.
"I did not intend to run into you here, before you accuse me of anything," his silky voice caressed her hearing once more. It sounded so lulling, designed to draw her back in. "Did you take my gift home with you or did you throw it away?" he asked, deceptively casually.
"Home. But don't think that means anything- it's not the plant's fault you're trying to worm your way back into my life."
The Daiyouki smiled to himself, obviously absurdly pleased. He began pursuing the street vendor's items right beside her, gazing at children's toys with a touch of gentleness in his steady gaze. Kagome was prepared to ignore him- until he leaned down, breath fanning 'accidentally' over her cheek as he picked up a doll and straightened.
"Do you remember Rin? And the other children-"
"Don't," Kagome said, unable to move away. She hated the thrumming of her skin so much. The way it cried out. Hated him.
Her skin flared alive, body humming with hunger. Like a shot of adrenalin to the heart, Kagome dipped her chin into her scarf to try and mask her escalating breathing due to his proximity. When they'd had sex- so many years ago- it hadn't been like human lovemaking.
He'd wired new pathways within her system via his youki. Sometimes she felt like it still lived inside her, having made a home for itself. They hadn't mated, but she felt irreversibly changed by it.
Kagome made a faint noise, squeezing her eyes shut.
Resist him-
Oh thank God.
"Ayumi, let's go," she said abruptly, facing her friend with an urgent look in her eyes.
Ayumi tilted her head slightly, eyeing Sesshoumaru curiously. "A-alright?"
"You do not need to leave," he turned, exuding a magnanimous air. "I am the one who intruded on your time, please continue," he gestured to the market, ensnaring Kagome's gaze with his own. Unblinking, unable to hide his more animalistic habits even after so many years.
"I hope to see you some other time when my presence does not disturb you," he said softly, walking away.
When entering work that Saturday, Kagome could already sense the buzz in the air. Someone had generously donated some priceless artefacts to their museum. The previously undiscovered finds that shaken everyone due to their rarity and mint condition. No one could stop talking about it.
Kagome's blood ran cold the second the items in question were described to her. Pushing through the crowd that had gathered, she stared in horror at the display case.
Itching for a fight, she immediately stormed to his office downtown, opening the door to reception and letting herself in. "Is Sesshoumaru here?" she burst, stopping in front of the secretary's desk.
"Mr Taisho?" the woman blinked, obviously thrown by the petite, angry miko currently glaring at her and using his name so informally. "Do you have an appointment?"
"No. Just tell him Kagome is here."
She was let into his office soon enough, trying to keep a lid on her crackling reiki. Sesshoumaru glanced up from his computer. "Miko? What a pleasant surprise."
Kagome slammed an article atop his desk. "What the hell is wrong with you?" she snapped.
He raised a brow, briefly flicking his attention to the contents. A photo of red and white silks, coupled with polished spiked armour sat in a display unit. "Something wrong? It was just a donation, given in good faith."
"Donated to my workplace!" Kagome seethed, groaning and burying her face in her hands. "Don't you realise I'm going to have to see your things now every day? I've worn those clothes! I've slept in them as pyjamas! Are you trying to mess with me because you want me back?"
"That's a little dramatic, dear one, I'm not trying to 'mess with you.' It was just a donation," he rose from his seat, face inches from hers. "And if I wanted to romance you, I'd go about it much differently."
"Don't 'dear one' me," she snapped. "You could've donated that stuff years ago- or to a different museum. But no, you had to give it to mine."
"My gift was not meant to distress you, but," he rounded the table slowly, fingers dragging over the wood. "It does make me worry, seeing you so worn thin. Is something else going on? Separate from...us?"
Kagome stiffened, avoiding eye contact. Things with her boyfriend had been strained as of late, and the Daiyoukai's sudden appearance back into her life wasn't helping matters.
"There is no 'us.' I'm frustrated and exhausted, that's all. Don't make things even more complicated by asking about that stuff."
Sesshoumaru lingered close, and Kagome didn't shy away. The one person she couldn't bear to be near was also the only being who could offer some semblance of comfort to her due to his familiarity.
"This one meant to give you something," reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a business card, handing it over. Kagome immediately froze, staring at the name. "You miss him," Sesshoumaru murmured. "The kit lives in Kyoto now with his wife and children. Call him."
Tears pricked her eyes, and Kagome bowed her head. Full lips crumpled into a wobbly line.
"If there is something I regret more than our parting, it is that you felt compelled to leave. The fault lies with me."
Shaking her head, a saddened laugh bubbled up her throat. "It was my decision to break up, and it was my decision to leave the Feudal Era. Don't...blame yourself for that part."
"You did not do anything wrong," a long-fingered hand reached out, blunt nails losing their glamour. Sharp claws stroked dark curling hair back from her neck. Kagome's breathing hitched. "When we were together- you did not do anything wrong. We were both so young. It was foolish of me to act as I did, but I think it is now... that we are in the right place for something more."
Kagome shivered, body warming to him. Intuitively, the brush of fingers on her neck made her foolishly anticipate a kiss- sorely disappointed when it didn't come. "I'm not," she forced herself to say. Seeing the disappointment darken his brown eyes, she sighed. "I miss you," Kagome admitted quietly, turning away to escape from his touch. "I miss how... we were. I'm terrified of that, though. I was...under the impression we'd be together. Permanently. Then you had to go and tell me you needed 'pure' heirs to continue the family bloodline."
She laughed bitterly, loosely holding her arms. "The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I'm still in love with you."
"You are frightened that I will hurt you again."
Kagome nodded mutely. She then forced a giggle, giving a weak smile. "Besides, you may not like me as I am now. I'm more jaded than before."
"I like what I see very much," moving closer once more as though experiencing a gravitational pull, he stopped inches away. "I have missed you too," he muttered quietly, genuinely. She could feel him inhale her scent through her hair. "Very much."
Her mouth suddenly became dry. "I'm with Natsuki-"
"Leave him," a rush of passion entered his voice as Sesshoumaru swept closer, backing her into the desk. The wood dug into her thighs, their hips meeting. "This one is not interested in being 'the other man' in an affair. Nor am I interested in watching you remain with someone less than ideal," he snorted, resting his hand over her wrist and grazing his thumb over it.
"Y-you don't know anything about it!"
"I could smell your scent. It was not bright and cheerful even before I re-entered your life the other day. His feels...murky on you. Unhappy."
Kagome swallowed thickly, glancing away. "Observant as ever," she admitted softly.
"Or perhaps you did a poor job of hiding it," backing off a little- he rested his hip next to hers beside the desk, remaining near but barely touching. And yet everything felt so close. "You've changed. But you're still the same at your core, miko," hot breath fanned over her neck, teeth ghosting over the shell of her ear. "If you permitted me, I would not be reckless with your heart again, as I was in my youth."
Her palms traitorously slid up, sliding over firm muscles- running across his chest. He felt warm. His heart was beating fast. Was he nervous? Such a thing sounded impossible.
She bit her lip, secretly longing for the sensation of silks under her hands again instead of the modern cotton of his shirt.
"I don't know that I believe you," Kagome met his gaze, rewarded with the golden glow of his eyes instead of human brown.
"I've gotta go," she said reluctantly, forcing herself to pull away. "I need to be at work."
"Very well," he hummed, unmoving. "But if you...need something. You know where to find me."
He sounded almost desperate for an excuse to talk with her. Giving a curt nod, she let herself out of his office with a long breath, shaking her head. Sesshoumaru's static youki haunted her steps for the remainder of the day.
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shyrose57 · 4 years
the xlife and dsmp crossover au you have with the mentor stuff for the minors is so fun!! i love it a bunch and was wondering if you have any idea about it?
i love the idea of niki being h’s student, also the idea of him being really protective of her and just constantly wanting to teach her is amazing. i’m imagining him being a cat and liking warm spots, but then sometimes those warm spots are just open fire or lava and it’s the old dragon instincts popping up except he does not know why
Glad you enjoy it! I do have a few ideas for it, but not much, seeing as I mostly just watch Lizzie’s videos. Feel free to offer up some more ideas!
Purpled’s always been a money-making person. He had chests upon chests of treasure, ranging from stacks of gold to priceless artifacts. Lauren moved all of it to his burial site after his death.
Everyone’s still got some traits from their past hybrid sides, even if they are different hybrids now. Hbomb has the most, since his reincarnation went a bit funky(via him keeping his name and main appearance), but the others have little things too. Tommy’s always liked mossy, overgrown caves, despite his avian status, and nests in them more often than not. It always bewildered Phil. Tubbo always smells faintly of dandelions. Nobody can pinpoint where it comes from, but the scent seems to cling to his skin, making him a beloved visitor of the bees. George feels most at home in the forest, Ranboo can be found lounging in warm spots, on his rare lazy days, and Purpled is weirdly accurate when it comes to Enderpearls.
As a child, Tommy absolutely despised sunlight. He’d cry and scream if he was dragged outside, and wore tinted glasses for a large majority of his childhood. On the other hand, he could stare at anything with color for hours.
Tommy and Tubbo have always known when something was up with the other. Even when they’d just met, they instantly seemed to be able to read each other. Not only that, but they’ve always been intimately aware of the world around them, of the storms and earthquakes, and how well the harvest would go. It’s a connection that has traversed lives, and will continue to do so.
Ranboo’s white half looks almost exactly like his old self, minus the red eye. If his skin was just pale, and his eye was blue, it’d be like looking at a torn photo. This causes much pain, later on.
Ranboo has a secret little cabin miles away from the main Smp area, hidden in a dark oak forest. He shares the area with George, who has his own little hideaway here. Neither have ever said anything about it, but sometimes they invite each other over for snacks, and just...sit and enjoy being so surrounded by the world. 
Purpled has mixed feelings on the others. As a wolf hybrid, he’s incredibly loyal to those who earn it...but that doesn’t explain why he’s so ready to go to war for these people he barely knows. The minors, maybe he could understand. He knows them at least a bit, and they all get along fairly well. But Wilbur? Niki? Why does he feel the need to protect them when they don’t even speak? These confusing feelings lead to him keeping his distance from everyone quite often, though he doesn’t hesitate to join Pogtopia’s side when they come asking.
Ranboo’s frequently adopted by cats. It doesn’t matter where he is, if there’s a cat, there will soon follow a few dead rabbits at his feet, and he will be promptly stared down until he eats them. This is actually how he met his own cats, and they continue to do this to this day.
All the X-life members have little trinkets from their former students, kept safe in their Enderchests.
Speaking of Enderchest, the first time Hbomb opened one, he found it already filled with a bunch of items, including a strange, oversized golden harness, carefully carved and inlaid with moonstones and garnet. He feels strangely sad when holding it. 
He never mentioned it to anyone-half these items didn’t exist on this server, it seemed like it would make Dream to happy to have them here. 
(Every once in awhile though, he does take out his Elytra and use it to fly around. The wings always take on a draconic form, despite being feathery for almost everybody else)
You know that Familiar Book Lizzie has in her Shadowcraft series? Tommy and Tubbo both had one too, which eventually end up back in their possessions, thanks to the weakening walls between worlds, and some very persistent creatures. Thicket’s favored familiar was the Ocelot, like Lizzie. Thimble personally was fond of 1up and the Fairy. 
Purpled taught Ranboo how to teleport. How did he know? Not even Purpled knows that, but his tips certainly were helpful. 
As for Niki and Hbomb being close, well, that’s what I was going for! He easily takes up a mentor role with her, and the two just seem to connect quick, which is definitely because of their past lives. Hbomb helps protect all of them, and it’s not long before Niki’s joining him, decked up in armor. Neither of them may remember, but they have always been the protectors, from one dragon to another. 
Yeah, he should definitely like warm spots. Maybe he can have a small base in a lava pit. It’s pretty far away, and all it has is a few chests, a bed, and the nether portal entrance, but it’s very warm and toasty...for him. For anyone else, it’d probably feel more roasty. 
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earthnashes · 4 years
If you're still taking asks on Zelda headcanons, this might be depressing but how do each race mourn and honor their dead?
Apologies for the wait on answering this question! I’ve been a little busy ;w;
At any rate, how each race mounrs/honors the dead? Hmmm.... So some of this is a bit off the top of my head, but what I’m thinking is:
-Hylians: Given how their patron goddess (Hylia) is thought to be a phoenix (given her wings, transformation, and repeatedly “rising from the ashes” or, AKA, reincarnation as Zelda), I think cremation is the most common way Hylians handle their dead. Rarely do they ever bury their dead under the belief that their souls will be trapped in the corpse if they aren’t released properly via burning the body and scattering the ashes. I’d imagine they would hold a memorial service for the person first, open-casket if able, and the service typically lasts for a day to two days. Once the service has concluded, the body will be burned to ash, after which the ash is taken to a sacred location where it’s spread and released to the wind.
I’d like to imagine that soldiers of the royal guard probably get an additional honor, in which Zelda is asked to bless the deceased (by way of drawing the symbol of her triforce upon the forehead) before they are burned.
-Gerudo: While the Gerudo are no longer nomadic, they still retain many customs from their time as nomads, and cremating their dead is one of them. After the deceased has been properly mourned (usually in a public vigil for at least a day), the body is taken to be cremated. The Gerudo are unique by which the ashes are then taken to be painstakingly transformed into colorful, shining gemstones. A handful will be placed in an ornate boxed commissioned by the family before being put to rest at a sacred burial ground; the remaining gems will then be given to the family and close friends of the deceased. These gemstones commonly become a piece of jewelry the Gerudo wear as a means of “keeping their loved one close”, a practice that’s very common in their culture (for example, Gerudo often keep the tusks of their beloved sand seals and fashion them into jewelry or ornate items as memorabilia).
In addition, the Gerudo also have a 3-day holiday every year that is solely dedicated to celebrating the lives of their departed. This celebration includes the likes of food, drink, dance, music, sparring, gift-giving, and so on.
Rito: The Rito’s means of mourning their dead is a very quiet, very private affair in comparison to the rest. Instead of receptions, Rito vigils are usually contained to just the immediate family of the deceased. Before the vigil, the body is prepared in such a way in that they are encapsulated in a biodegradable pod with a tree sapling perched atop of it. The family then transports the pod to the Rito sacred burial ground, the Forest of the Fallen, a luscious forest that sits atop a high, flat mountain plain, where they will bury the pod in a spot of their choosing. Once completed, the newly planted sapling is marked with a plaque settled next to it, and the family will sit with the sapling until the next day. Visits to the forest are frequent, often with the Rito intending to tend to their loved one’s tree as well as leave small offerings.
Every Rito household owns a small family shrine as well. Those who have passed on will have a small alter erected in their memory in this shrine, usually by way of their armor and prized weapon protectively enclosed in a mounted glass casing, and a painted portrait.
Zora: The Zora operate under the belief that, at some point in their origins, they once came from the sea. As such, it’s only fitting that, once a Zora passes on, that they return them from the very place they first came from. Zora wakes, while open to the public, usually somber and quiet affair. The deceased are often left entirely naked with the sole exception of necklaces and crowns made from flowers, and elaborate body paint marked on their skin. Once prepared, the body is then placed on a floating cot, which will be carried by the closest members of the family to the Vatn Anda, a hidden lake that leads directly to the ocean. Anyone who attends the vigil is required to wear their own flower-made necklace and bring one scented candle, the scent of which is specified by the family’s request. Once at the lake, the cot will be placed on the surface of the water, and a priest or priestess will speak a prayer in the decease’s name. With the exception of the family’s candles, who will place them upon the cot to help light the spirit’s way to the afterlife, everyone blows their candle out and the cot is released to flow the body to the ocean.
Similarly to the Gerudo, the Zora also have a day every year that honors the dead, however theirs only for one day. It’s a celebration in the name of sending the dead their love and respect. This is shown through custom plays and dance, music, and of course food and drink. The making of flower crowns and necklaces are pivotal to this festival, which are meant to symbolize flourishing life after death. The festival then winds down when the sun sets, where the Zora will transition over to Ruta River. Here they will use lily pads to ferry small handfuls of food offering (often cuts of meat and berries) and the flower crown or necklace they made beforehand to the ocean.
Gorons: Despite their close proximity to lava, the Goron’s invulnerability to Lava and flame in general makes it difficult to dispose of their dead in such a way. So instead, the Gorons honor their departed by way of open-invite funeral. The Gorons allow at least 3 days of absolute mourning, in which they often practice fasting and will retreat to solitude for quiet reflection. Once this period is up, a wake will be held in the departed one’s name; this vigil includes the body being dressed in the finest clothes and metal jewelry (jewelry being significant due to it being uncommon among living Gorons). Each attending Goron will grasp the departed’s hand and recite something they vow to keep in their memory (such as their wisdom, their humor, compassion, so on), then they press their foreheads to the hand in their grasp as a means of saying goodbye. When it’s over, a Goron shaman will recite an ancient spell that will incase the coffin in a layer of crystal, after which the body is then taken to be put to rest in the vast underground network that is the Goron Tombs.
This one was actually pretty challenging to come up with so, I hope it’s at least interesting! owo
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raindancer2004 · 4 years
Aro’s Choice
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Word Count: 2,464 Demetri x reader Part One. Warnings: Fluff
Summary: Aro chooses a mate for Demetri; someone that will link his coven to Carlisle’s, a gifted human like none he’s met before. But Demetri isn’t happy, he didn’t choose her, doesn’t want her so he does the only thing he can think of, he pushes her away despite agreeing to a compromise proposed by Y/N. So what happens when an event occurs that changes everything for Demetri and Y/N? Will he go and rescue her...save her? Or will he stay in the castle and wait for his mate as he has done the last 1000 years? Will he realise that the one he’s been waiting for was the very one he had rejected and pushed away? Is it too late, will she ever forgive him? Will she give him a chance to love and protect her or will she walk away from him for forever...?
Edward was in Volterra standing in front of Aro, one of the Volturi’s Kings and whilst Aro was reading through Edward’s memories he saw a girl who resembled Bella and discovered her name was Y/N Swan. However, Aro was unconcerned about the girl as she appeared to know nothing about their world. After seeing Alice’s vision of Bella becoming immortal Aro allowed Edward, Bella and Alice to return to Forks to make their preparations for Bella’s transformation.
Aro saw Y/N Swan again in the memories of both Edward and Renesmee at the confrontation at Christmas but again it seemed that she was still none the wiser about their world so he left with his coven and witnesses to return to Volterra and thought no more of the girl known as Y/N Swan.
Aro paid the Cullens a surprise visit that summer to check on how Renesmee was getting on and bought Jane and Alec with him. Aro decided to stay for a few days and use the time to catch up with Carlisle at the same time as he was aware that his friend was tracking the growth and development of Renesmee. Marcus and Caius stayed back in Volterra along with Felix and Demetri as they were keeping an eye on some nomads that are hunting a little too close to Volterra.
During the second day of their visit Jane had taken a walk in the forest and came across the little cottage Edward, Bella and Ness lived in and being curious she walked up the path to the door and pushed it open peaking around inside. Jane could hear two heartbeats and recognised Ness’ scent but she noted the second heartbeat belonged to someone she hadn’t met before; she was just glad Jake wasn’t around as his scent was rather unpleasant.
Everything changed after Jane’s visit to the cottage for she couldn’t hide her excitement at seeing the gift that the human girl had displayed so openly in front of her niece. Aro noticed that Jane seemed ‘different’ after her walk; she seemed excited about something as she had a hushed but animated conversation with her brother in one corner of the Cullen’s family room. “Jane” Aro said holding out his hand “Master” She replied smiling as she placed her little hand in Aro’s much larger one watching as his facial expressions changed as he saw her most recent memories.
Aro saw Jane watching Y/N with curiosity rather than the usual distaste she held for humans as Y/N’s hands were moving slightly in the air and the toys on the floor were moving into the toy box on the left-hand side of the room. Ness was smiling and clapping quietly as she watched her aunt tidy away some of the toys she had left lying around.
Aro spoke with Carlisle that evening after he returned from his shift at the local hospital. “Good evening Carlisle. I trust you had a good day at work?” Aro greets him after Esme leaves his study, having greeted her husband home from work. “Evening Aro, it was a busy day at the hospital but none of my patients died so, yes it was a good day” Carlisle replies, feeling a little curious “Splendid. I am after a little favour my friend” ‘I knew it’ Carlisle thought to himself “I would like to meet Bella’s sister Y/N. I have seen her in some of your family’s memories and she didn’t seem of much interest…until now” Aro continued “May I ask why she is of interest now Aro?” “Jane met her today at the cottage and saw her ‘gift’ in action and I would very much like to meet her” He replied and Carlisle nodded “I’ll see what I can do” Aro smiled and left Carlisle’s study.
The following afternoon Bella went and collected her sister and drove her back to the main Cullen house “A friend of Carlisle’s wishes to meet you Y/N” Bella said as she drove “Really? Why?” Y/N asked “Well after you met Jane she spoke to Aro about your ‘gift’ and he wanted to meet you” Bella replied “Does this have anything to do with the whole ‘I’ll tell you what you need to know thing?’” Y/N asked turning to look at her sister “Yes it does. You’ll find out more about that too during this visit” Bella replied looking back at her “Ok” Y/N said and turned back to looking out of the window.
Aro waited at the Cullen house to meet Y/N and was feeling both anxious and excited; something Jasper found amusing. Aro finally got to meet the girl in person and pleased to know he could read her thoughts / memories and he found them interesting especially the one where she discovered her ‘gift’. Aro asked Y/N for a demonstration and after looking at Carlisle who smiled and nodded at her; she waved her hands over the coffee table and the magazines stacked themselves into a neat pile whilst the newspapers moved and formed their own neat pile. Aro smiled and clapped his hands together “Wonderful my dear. A truly unique gift” He said smiling at her “Thank you Aro” Y/N smiled back at him. Y/N used her gift a few more times during her visit and Aro only became more intrigued by her and the ‘possibilities’ of her gift once she was immortal. Aro made a choice that day; a choice that changed everything for the Volturi, the Cullens and Y/N Swan. She would be the one to link his coven to Carlisle’s…forever.
Later that evening Y/N and Ness went to the cottage for the night as Ness wanted a sleepover with her aunt, the Cullen ‘children’ including Bella and the twins went hunting “Eating Deer as a one off is one thing…but to do it regularly, I don’t know how you do it” Jane said looking at Alice “It takes a little getting used to I’ll admit but…we prefer this ‘diet’ to yours” Alice responded.
Meanwhile, back at the main house Aro, Carlisle and Esme were seated in the living room reading when Aro broke the silence “Carlisle there is something I wish to discuss with you” “Ok Aro, I’m listening” He replied closing his book and giving Aro his full attention, Esme doing the same. “Y/N now knows about Vampires and our world so she cannot remain human indefinitely” Aro began “I understand that Aro. However, she only learned about us today after you asked to meet her” Carlisle replied “Yes, I am aware of that but it doesn’t change the situation we now find ourselves in” Aro replied “Y/N can become one of us…join our family after she graduates next year” Esme adds softly “I actually had another idea in mind my dear” Aro says looking at Esme, who nods waiting for him to continue. “I think it would be best if Y/N was to become Demetri’s mate. Think of it as an ‘arranged marriage’” Aro said smiling at Carlisle and Esme “Aro, that custom is…rather outdated…with the exception of a few cultures that is. Arranged marriages aren’t really applicable to our kind either…due to the whole mate thing” Carlisle responded “That may be my friend but Y/N knows of our world and Caius would not be happy if I let you add her to your coven, your family. Y/N becoming a part of my family would make things easier for everyone. Carlisle, you know Demetri, after all you lived with us for a few decades. You also know that he is still alone after being around for more than 1000 years. He will treat her well my friend…she will want for nothing” Aro replied in a tone that Carlisle recognised so well, a tone that meant this was a done deal and not up for discussion. “Very well Aro. I agree that Demetri is a good choice for Y/N; he is one of the more…reasonable guards at the castle and you’re right he will treat her well” Carlisle says wondering how the rest of the family will take the news.
The following morning the Cullens, the Volturi and Y/N meet in the family room “I have some news to share that will change things around here a little” Carlisle says standing up and addressing the room, Esme moving to stand beside him. “Y/N knows about us and our world now and I know that we and the Volturi are the reason for that” He says looking at Y/N before continuing “As a result of this Y/N will need to be changed and it has been decided that she will join Demetri in Italy…as his mate; therefore he will be the one to turn her when the time comes.” The room is silent for a few moments as everyone tries taking in the news “So…I become a part of Aro’s family and…and not yours?” Y/N says looking at Esme and Carlisle “As Bella’s sister, Ness’ aunt you will always be a part of our family Y/N but you will be a Volturi not a Cullen once you are immortal” Esme replies softly. Y/N sat there trying to collect her thoughts and therefore tuned out the conversation going on around her. “You can’t send my sister away to live with…with them. They don’t even like humans” Bella said concern clear in her voice “Demetri has never met her. How do you know they’re mates? What happens if he rejects her?” Rosalie asked “You’re right Demetri and Y/N have never met and we don’t know if they are mates. However, that said he has been alone for a very long time and I have decided that Y/N will come back with us and that she will be Demetri’s mate…think of it as an ‘arranged marriage.’ Demetri will treat her well, you need not worry about that” Aro answered Rosalie’s questions.
Y/N had agreed to Aro’s plan as she learned what the alternative option would be if she didn’t. Y/N went back to her house and with the help of Bella they packed her clothes, shoes and a few personal items before meeting Aro back at the Cullen house. Carlisle drove them to the airport where the private jet was waiting for Aro, Jane, Alec and Y/N. Santiago greeted them “Good evening master, the plane is ready to depart when you are” “Thank you Santiago” Aro replied.
“What’s Demetri like?” Y/N asked Jane once they were seated on the plane “He is one of the nicer more reasonable guards, he’s well-spoken and is a very skilled fighter, in fact he and Felix train the lower and transitory guards” She replied, Y/N nodded “You’ll learn much more about him once you meet him” Alec added smiling.
Y/N fell asleep a few hours into the flight and Alec carried her into the room at the back of the plane lying her down on the bed. “Remember to put a blanket on her brother, she’ll get cold otherwise” Jane called out quietly but Alec heard her. “Done, hopefully she’ll sleep for the remainder of the flight” Alec replied as he made his way back to his seat beside Jane. “What do you think Demetri will think of her and her gift?” Alec asked his sister “I think Demetri will find the human very pretty and her gift will no doubt intrigue him…I mean we don’t know anyone else who has that gift” Jane replies smiling “I’m more curious as to what he’ll think about Aro choosing her to be his mate” Jane mused “I think he’ll be surprised but I’m sure he’ll welcome her with open arms as it means he’ll no longer be alone; something we all know is starting to bother him. You know how protective our kind are once we meet our mate and as she’s human it means she’ll need more protection than if she were immortal. You know he’s going to love keeping ‘his little human’ safe” Aro replied smiling “I hope so master because it would be a real shame if he rejects her” Alec added.  
Aro, Jane, Alec, Santiago and Y/N arrive at the castle to find that Demetri and Felix were away on a small mission “Santiago please help Jane and Alec take Y/N’s stuff to Demetri’s quarters” Santiago nods and follows the twins and Y/N up to the Elite Guard’s floor; Jane held Y/N’s hand along the way. “Demetri is away on a mission but should be back tomorrow afternoon” Santiago tells Y/N, Jane and Alec before leaving to return to his own room. Alec lit the fireplace so Y/N wouldn’t get cold and Jane got her a glass of water from the kitchen before they both said goodnight and returned to their rooms.
Demetri and Felix returned sooner than expected and made their way back to their rooms; both hearing a steady heartbeat and picking up on an unknown scent “I wonder why is there is a human up here?” Felix asked “Maybe the human is a welcome home snack for me…seeing as she is in my room” Demetri replied smiling as he opened the door to his room and saw her lying in his bed asleep “You get all the luck” Felix muttered “Y/N is not a welcome home snack Demetri” Jane said firmly “I take it you haven’t seen Aro?” Alec asked “No, we haven’t. He and Caius are with their wives and I wasn’t about to disturb them, besides we’re back earlier than expected” Demetri replied. “Shall we tell him sister or make him wait till he speaks with Aro in the morning?” Alec asked “Normally I’d say wait but seeing as he thought she was a snack, I’m sure Aro won’t mind us telling the basics” Jane replied smiling “The girl in your room is Y/N Swan and she is indeed yours Demetri…” “He gets all the luck” Felix muttered “So let me get this straight the human in my room is mine but she is not a snack?” He asked looking at Jane and Alec “Exactly” They replied together “Then what is she to him?” Felix asked confused “We’ll see if he can work it out on his own, but if he doesn’t Aro will tell all in the morning anyway. Good night” Jane smiles as she and Alec return to their rooms.
The following morning Aro calls a small meeting in the throne room “Jane, Alec please go and get Demetri, Felix and Y/N and bring them here as we have matters to discuss” Aro says to the twins “Yes master” They reply together and make their way to Demetri’s room. “Brother, what is going on? Why have you bought a human home with you?” Caius asked “I’ll explain everything once Demetri arrives” Aro replies smiling.
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petri808 · 3 years
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Bakudeku canon divergent, vampire quirk AU
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
“How are you holding up son, are you eating enough food? You need to keep up your strength.” Mitsuki Bakugou questioned through the phone when her son called to give her an update.
“Yeah, yeah, of course I am! And, um, thanks for the money you put in my account,” Bakugou mumbled his appreciation.
“It’s from us, Inko, and All Might— actually he’s been putting up the bulk of it. We’re all hoping you find Izuku soon, but until then we’ll make sure you have what you need, just bring him home.”
“I’m working on it. Bastard’s not making it easy, but at least the damn authorities haven’t picked up on the trail yet.” It was a good thing, because Bakugou didn’t need them scaring Midoriya further away.
“You’re like a dog with a bone when you put your mind to something, so I know you’ll find a way.”
“I can’t believe you just equated me to a dog!”
“Oh, bite your tongue boy! It’s an expression!”
“Yeah, yeah. I better go, the train’s here.” He could see it pulling into Kawaji station.
“Are you still not gonna tell us where you are?”
“Nope. He moves around a lot anyways. Just know we haven’t left Honshu.”
“Alright. Good luck son. I’ll pass on your update to Inko and All Might.”
This game of hide and seek was physically wearing on Bakugou, but there was nothing short of a full incapacitation that would keep him from searching. After the Ena incident, Midoriya’s tactics had changed somewhat. The man moved more frequently and, in a zigzag, whereas in the past it had been heading in a straight line towards Shizuoka to the southwest. But there was one thing Midoriya couldn’t hide— victims. It didn’t take a genius to put the pieces together.
There were still times victims were drained, but not all of them. Bakugou surmised in order to not leave them fully incapacitated like before, his friend wasn’t always waiting until he was hungry, or he hadn’t learned to control it yet. He probably fed almost nightly, picking drunkards who wouldn’t remember what happened, and even less likely to report the incident. But less reports made it harder to track, and less blood also forced Midoriya to drink more often. Bakugou hoped that with shorter times between attacks, the man would get sloppy and make a mistake.
There were a lot of small towns all over, including abandoned structures from older times. Plenty of places to hide, not to mention dense forests and the mountainous terrain of central Japan that a person could disappear in. When tracking a lack of victim reports grew frustrating, Bakugou started looking for other clues, and in one town, a perceptive police officer commented about thefts he’d been hearing about from the surrounding areas. Random stores or restaurants, even some homes reporting the theft of food, sometimes clothing, basically survival type supplies but no valuables, which are not the norm of a burglary. It was brilliant.
Bakugou had thanked the officer for the information and immediately began inquiring in towns and watching newspapers where they were having both types of problems. It took almost a month, including a couple of near misses, until Bakugou knew he was closing in.
Local newspapers were reporting about unusual happenings in the smaller towns. In Ieyama city, high up in the mountains north of Shizuoka, Bakugou spoke with a police officer and confirmed a rash of strange incidents reported. Three burglaries of just food, one bath house broken into after closing, and a couple of reported attacks where the victims had marks on their necks. So far, Izuku’s new behaviors included sticking around the same area for about a week before moving on. With these latest cases only 3 days old in total, Bakugou knew they were a fresh lead.
“Yesterday, right?”
“Yes, the last burglary was in the afternoon while the homeowner was at work.” Using a paper map, the police officer showed Bakugou the location of the most recent burglary as well as two others over the last couple of days. It was very telling. The three places were centered around a 4-block radius. “If you are looking for hiding spots, there is an abandoned factory in that area. I’ll give you the address.”
“Thanks. I doubt they’d stay so close to the attack grounds, but I’ll check it out.” He didn’t want any of them following him.
It was still daylight, but Bakugou didn’t want to waste any time and risk his friend moving again after dark, heading straight for the dilapidated warehouse. The place looked like it had been emptied for a longtime. There was a rusted, chain link fence around the property, many broken windows, and weeds growing over the structure. Bakugou crept up to one of the windows, and heard nothing, so he moved slowly, quietly around the exterior paying close attention to any sounds or movements inside. But he heard nothing to indicate anything was there, not even an animal. Maybe it was another dead end, or maybe Midoriya was just sleeping. Un-phased, he moved inside the two-story building to make absolutely sure.
It took a while to search cautiously through the darkness, watching his step so not to step on anything or make a noise. The vastly open bottom floor was almost completely empty aside from a few left behind junk. So, Bakugou moved to the second floor where offices once were. Of all the areas, the top floor would provide the warmest cover, as well as quicker access to the roof. Like a trained tactical soldier, he cleared room after room, moving down the hallway that separated the individual offices, and one by one, eliminating them from the search. Finally, Bakugou reached the last one and heard the soft breathing of a sleeping person. Well, that meant two options, it’s just a homeless person or he’d finally caught his friend off guard.
Bakugou peered cautiously around the door frame. It was dark, but just enough light from a small window allowed his eyes to adjust quickly on a form lying down on the floor. Next to the person was a backpack, empty food containers strewn around, and possibly other items from the burglaries. There was also a make-shift hearth of broken bricks and a metal bowl with dark residue inside. He could even smell the light scent of soot mixed with burnt wood. ‘Gotcha!’ He smirked as he pocketed his flashlight and pulled out a special pair of handcuffs used to dampen quirks. It didn’t completely shut down a person’s quirk, but it kept them from using its full power. He was ready for Midoriya this time.
‘Almost there…’ he crept forward in a crouched manner ready to pounce like a predator stalking its prey in careful movements since he no longer had the flashlight out to see by. ‘Damn minefield,’ Bakugou grumbled as he navigated around the strewn mess of stuff the sleeping man had around him. ‘Almost there—'
A piece of glass shattered below his boot, the sounds reverberating off the silent cement walls. “Shit!” Bakugou dove forward when Midoriya immediately popped up and tried to dash away. “Not this time nerd!”
“Waaahhhcchan!” Midoriya screamed as he was tackled to the floor. The two men fought, vying for footing, but the blonde kept them on the ground. Bakugou grabbed for and slapped one end of the handcuffs onto one of Midoriya’s wrists. “Nooo!” The man screamed.
“Not this time Deku! You ain’t getting away!”
Weakened by the cuff, Bakugou poured all his strength into jerking the disheveled man, flipping him onto his stomach, and tweaking his arm behind him into a wrist lock for leverage.
Midoriya screamed again from the pain, but nevertheless fought with all he had. Unfortunately, the cuffs were doing their job. “Please, Kacchan! Don’t do this!”
“Tough shit!” Bakugou snapped back and attached the other cuff to his own wrist. The effects would hamper them both, but “I dare you, nerd, you can’t beat me in a contemporary fight.” He was confident of such, having always been the physically stronger of the two regardless of quirk. “I’m taking you home!”
Midoriya wriggled, and tugged, but it was of no use. His friend had planted his feet, dropped his weight, and refused to budge. He didn’t want to risk exhausting himself and triggering a full-blown thirst like last time, so he stopped struggling.
After a few seconds, Bakugou got off the man and turned him over so he could sit up. Midoriya nursed his arm and rubbed at his wrist to soothe the pain. “Of course, I want to go home,” he sighed. “But it’s too dangerous Kacchan, why can’t you understand that?”
“Eri’s getting better every day, one day she’ll be able to control her quirk and fix you.”
“That’s not good enough. What are you gonna do, lock me up hoping she can fix me?! You saw what happened! Just like we eat food every day, I need blood, how are you gonna deal with that?!”
“Fine,” Bakugou shrugged, “we’ll hook you up to an IV and feed you blood when you need it.”
“No,” Midoriya started tugging again as tears flowed down his cheeks. “Please,” he begged, “this is too embarrassing, don’t you understand! I’ll never be able to be a hero again, my reputation will be ruined once everyone finds out! Hero society will look bad! It’s better I stay away!”
Frustrated with having his wrist yanked, Bakugou whipped his friend around and put him in a carotid choke hold. “Well, I’m not fucking leaving,” he spat, “so, we need to come up with a solution. Now stop fucking fighting me and get it through your head, the reality is I’m not going anywhere.”
Midoriya clawed at Bakugou’s arm trying to pull it away from his neck, but the man had it cinched in tight. If he kept struggling, he was bound to pass out. Exhausted, he finally relented and turned into a dead weight, sobbing quietly. “Why are you doing this, Kacchan… why?”
“Because a friend once told me I need to save to win, and right now you need to be saved for me to win.”
“Right? Win, I get it,” Midoriya narrowed his eyes along with tone. “This is an ego thing? You’ll take me back to show how you’re still better than me?” His heart didn’t believe those words, but as a coping mechanism, it did.
Bakugou let go of the man and shoved him so hard Midoriya face planted on the floor, stretching the handcuff chain to its limit. “I ought’a punch your lights out for saying that! I’m trying to win my friend back you asshole! You think I’d spend all this time chasing you if I didn’t care?!”
“Kacchan…” The man sighed and slowly propped himself back up. “There’s nowhere safe for me to go.”
Bakugou ignored the man and looked at his watch, noting the sun would have fully set by now. It might best to stay another night while he came up with a plan. “Tch, I’ll figure something out. In the meantime, behave or I will just knock you unconscious.”
“Fine, I won’t fight. But I do need to feed tonight.” Midoriya lifted his arm to flash the cuff. “Guess you’ll have to help me.”
“Why? You feeling the urge?” Midoriya nodded yes. “How can you tell?”
Midoriya thought about the answer for a minute before responding. “It’s like feeling dehydrated, maybe, at least in the beginning, but then it starts to get painful if I don’t feed it. I guess think of it like if you don’t eat for so long your stomach hurts— that’s what it’s like.”
“Sounds like it sucks.”
Midoriya snorted. “Understatement. It takes control of my mind by that point, almost as if it’s a survival instinct to protect itself.”
“Well, mister know it all. You ever heard of this kind of quirk before?”
“No,” Midoriya shook his head.
“Do the vestiges have anything to say about all this?”
Again, Midoriya shook his head.
Bakugou groaned and ran a hand down his face. “Whatever. Doesn’t matter for the current situation.” He looked up again fixing a stare at his friend. “So, what do you do to get the blood?”
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