#I also got 11 pairs of contacts 😅😅
slythernnn ¡ 4 months
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New wig who dis
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dynamic-power ¡ 9 months
Evie @energievie tagged me in an end of year writer interview! This is such a cool idea.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 
15! I plan to increase that by a lot next year!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Just shy of 62k.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Since Prom - Steddie, E
An Offer - Kanej, T
back to the past - Steddie, T WIP
Coach H - Steddie, T
Kinktober Drabbles - various, E WIP (it's finished on tumbr. I just need to move the last few to AO3 lmao)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Ngl, I struggle with this. I want to. I see and cherish every single one! But I forget to reply, or I don't know what to say, or I don't check for comments for a month and when I finally see them, I feel like it's too late. 😅
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
That would be A Coat Or A Blanket. Angst is not my forte. I want happy endings for everyone.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Probably Since Prom? Or Arrivals. Just because there's an actual plot and a real ending lol.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not yet. But maybe in the future? 🤷
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes lol. It was on a kinktober fic. Ao3 rule number 1: don't like, don't read. Apparently they didn't get the memo. 🤣
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Most of my fics are kinktober! So kinky, gay sex. 😏 That'll change next year. I mean that I plan to write a lot of non-kinktober stuff, not that I won't be writing kikny, gay sex.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so 👀
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I wouldn't be opposed
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope, but I wouldn't be opposed. Seriously, if you ever want to collab, lmk! 😄
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Currently, it's Gallavich. But my favorite of all time is Drarry.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
It's one I haven't even started posting yet. It's a Gallavich soul mate AU where the pair have special gifts centered around eye contact. Mickey can see soul mates and Ian severs soul mate connections. I'm absolutely in love with it but I'm also kinda struggling to get through it. 😭😭😭
15. What are your writing strengths?
Word limits. I love the challenge of trying to portray certain emotions or situations in a limited amount of time, and I feel like I'm really good at it. I don't have to get caught up in details, I can just make my readers feel in just a few sentences.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing lol. I don't have patience, I always end up rushing my ending.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
2 situations. If the POV character doesn't speak the language, I try to limit it to things that can be easily assumed without need for translation. Expletives, nicknames, or recognizable phrases. Unless, of course, the POV character is meant to not understand what is being said. And 2, if the POV character speaks the language, I'll usually have them translate in their thoughts. I just want the reader to be on the same level of understanding as the POV character.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. That was way back in the day. I posted my first fic in 2010. 🤣 On my current account, it was Six of Crows.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Hooo boy. Doctor Who comes to mind. I'm obsessed with the idea of Fourteen and Jack Harkness meeting again. I've always wanted to do something for Criminal Minds. I'll probably dip my toe into Supernatural, too. I've done drabbles for Mungrove, Harringrove, and Harringroveson, but i'd also like to do full fics for them. Idk, I've always got too many ideas.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Either Since Prom or Coming Soon To Home Video. I can't pick.
If you write fanfiction, you should totally do this! Consider this me, tagging you.
Our just giving you cake. 🍰
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achoonihaachu ¡ 3 years
Hi! Can I request a fic where F!Mc was brought into the exchange programme at the age of 11-13 the brothers loved her (platonic) and cared deeply about her but then the exchange programme comes to an end and F!Mc goes back to the human world but then around 5/6 years later the brothers go to the human world and they see F!Mc but this time she was around 17 and they all got quiet emotional and they were all proud of how much she had grown?
You doing have to do this if you don’t feel comfortable! 😅
See U Later
a/n: it's been a while >_< school has literally been so rough and i'm pretty sure my soul's 45% up the stairs of heaven by now. anyways! i've had this request sitting in my messages for a little while and i've found it to be such an interesting storyline so i couldn't help myself soooo i decided to make it into a series! :>> it'll be a lot shorter than my god must hate me series but i hope you still enjoy :D i missed writing so this was nice ilya <33 (ALSO PLEASE SHOW LUKE'S VA ALL THE LOVE WHEN THE SONG AND THE AUDIO DRAMA DROP!!) (i wasn't able to do this for dia and barb so im starting now >:(()
warnings: none as of this part!, oh and not proof read (again)
pairings: ALL THE SHIPS IN THIS FIC ARE PLATONIC! the boys are all brotherly (even fatherly at some points lmao)
“Do you promise to visit?”
“We’ll never be too far, sweetheart.”
Figures out of focus dance around in your memories; Shadows– mere wisps of the essence of someone you used to hold dear in your heart. They plague every dream and soothe every nightmare but you could never make out a face.
Seven faces you used to caress in hopes of burning the very image of them into your mind. You’d memorize every curve and sharp angle on their faces, every curl in their hair, every crinkle by their eyes when they smiled. It’s a shame, really.
They were your hearth and home.
The locket around your neck was the only thing you had left of them, whoever they were. It felt like they were merely just a part of a grand fever dream you desperately tried revisiting every single night..
It started 6 years ago.
A tall building was lit up by corridor torches that each held an ethereal fire. The night sky seemed painted on; the stars gleamed silently, their light peering down on the people below curiously. You’d expect silence yet the buzz of demonic cicadas filled the otherwise dead quiet of the night. These stars were special, for they gleamed white one moment, then blood red the next. An enchanting sight, it looked like a scene you’d rip straight out of a fairytale. Every column lit the walls up, shadows of people that weren’t there painted in contrast to the old cobblestone, they told of the tales that have long occurred since. Rumors went that if you stayed in the gardens at the Devil’s Hour, you’d be lulled into a sense of peace so otherworldly, you’d be turned to stone by day break.
Of course, no one but the younglings believed such a tale. Why, in the land of the demonic, would you believe something so silly?
The otherwise peaceful building shook as hushed figures held their late meeting in one of the many, many offices.
It was an awkward meeting; the crowned demon Prince had plans. Great plans, honestly. He was to bring in a human to live in their realm for a year. To solidify relations between the three realms— it was quite ironic to see that the one regarded as the highest form of evil personified, was also the one to suggest something so… kind.
Diavolo was used to pushing the boundaries, though.
Now, you see, he was supposed to find an older exchange student but for some reason, paperwork got mixed up, his contacts were an absolute mess on Earth, scrambling around to collect as much information on eligible exchange students but nothing went his way and now, he was stuck in a three-hour argument with Lucifer about the fact that the originally 19-year-old exchange student had been replaced with a 12-year-old child.
In truth, the issue wasn’t difficult to remedy; He could’ve postponed the exchange program by a week or two, he could’ve found a new human to bring down to the Devildom… had he not found out that you were an orphan.
Your profile was bleak and contained but a single page that could be summarized in about 7 sentences. Your parents left you on the doorstep of a church, a note attached to your tiny bonnet that basically said that your young mother was not yet ready to take care of a child and your father was still in school. They left you in a small wicker basket and you’d been a child in the foster system since.
You were nothing short of a troublemaker. An angel in the light, sure, but your shadow had little devil horns. You never meant any harm, obviously, but you were deemed the “handful” and you were passed around on an almost monthly basis. House after house, family after family, their faces blurred and blended and they soon all just became familiar strangers when they got fed up.
You had nothing to your name, you lived for the day but there was something about you– perhaps it was the defiant light that shone in your eyes, perhaps it was the simple fact that Diavolo wanted to give you a taste of love–
He couldn’t stand in the sidelines when your file fell on his desk.
After bargaining with the devil himself, Diavolo and Lucifer finally came to an agreement. You had 1 year in the Devildom. No more, no less. The fallen Morningstar was sure that you’d be nothing but another mess he had to clean up after and he didn’t want to deal with you for longer than he had to.
If it isn’t obvious, he’s a man who loves to talk big and act like if not obeyed, the world would be obliterated with a single flick of his wrist. When you peel back the layers of faux intimidation though, he’s more like a clingy little house cat who adores his family.
That fateful night was like every other night; Your foster parents at the time hugged you and patted your back, albeit a tad forced and pretentiously, before they made you march off to your room by the back of the house. Your pajamas were worn out old things; you donned on a once nice pair of blue and white striped bottoms, what once was silky smooth had small tears and the stitching was stretched out due to years of usage. Your top was a ratty old baseball tee, there were stains of unidentifiable condiments at the bottom but you never complained.
You were just glad that they still fit after 4 years.
The night swallowed your tiny room whole, leaving no corner or spot lit up and for some strange reason, you couldn’t fall asleep. Your heart beat wildly against your ribcage as you felt the room grow smaller and smaller and smaller.
You screwed your eyes shut tight, your knuckles ghostly white as you fisted the thin blanket that covered your body.
“Little one… Breathe.”
Fear, anxiety, absolute dread filled you to the brim, your eyes watering with tears like salty sea brine and you held your breath. A beat passes, then two, then your body is lifted ever so casually. You couldn’t remember a time before then when you felt comfort so pure; In the arms of… someone… A blank slate of a face that was being drawn in with watercolor of the highest quality as each feature is touched by a magnificent light. He coddles you in your flimsy blanket as he walks through an arched doorway.
He looked so pretty.
Dual colored hair, an ombre of black to green and a calm smile that made you feel secure. You crack an eye open wider, your hands still balled up in defense as you look around secretly. Who was this man and where did he take you? A gloved hand holds you from under your knees while another hand gently holds you by the small of your back. You felt like a newborn— so delicately held.
His eyes were like sharp emeralds; they held a power beyond your own comprehension. They fluttered close every so often but upon closer inspection, he looked to have small dark circles under his pretty gem-like eyes. He was tired.
His eyes dart down to stare at your petite frame and before you could even react, you two make eye contact. It was too late to go back to pretending. He stops walking for a moment, standing in the middle of an open, well-lit corridor.
“I see that you’re finally awake, Miss.”
You slowly blink and look up at him— he was mighty pretty. A strong jaw, sharp features and cat-like eyes. Was he your guardian angel? This all is definitely just some sort of stupid dream, right?
“Who are you?” Your voice was hoarse, crying has never been your favorite activity. You coughed awkwardly into your blanket before you eyed him ,”Why did you bring me here?”
The strange man simply smiled and shook his head, “I’m afraid I’m not the one you must ask this question to. I am just here to take you to my Master.”
You nod and squirm a little against his chest. “I’d much rather meet him on my feet than in your arms.”
He shot you a serene smile before crouching down to let you place your feet on the speckless marble floor. Squinting, you glare at the bright light fixture before waddling off after the primly dressed man.
You found yourself winding through corridors and ancient looking hallways, it looked like that one school in the popular teen novel series that revolved around wizards and witches. You shiver as your feet beat against the flooring, you knew you should’ve worn socks to bed. Not to worry though, you’d wake up from your dream soon enough.
A door or two later, the stranger stops in front of a gorgeous double doorway, the wood had etchings in a language you had no understanding of and the handle seemed to have been made from pure gold. His fist raps against the door, the sound crisp yet gentle, before he reaches for the handle and twists it.
“If you ever need me, I’ll be around to aid you in your journey here.”
He pushes the door open and motions for you to walk in. The air in the room was different, previously humid like dewy petrichor now felt like soft, newly pressed linen on your nose. It was fresh and invigorating but the shift in the air wasn’t what had you stopping mid-step through the door.
Your small toes curl as the marble flooring is replaced with plush carpet. From where you stood, you got a good look of the space and to your left there was a platform, a small rise in the flooring more like, and on it were seven throne-like chairs lined up side by side. Banners hung from the roof with intricate paintings detailing different creatures and you couldn’t help but gawk. Too caught up in marveling, you fail to notice the small group stood a little ways beyond the chairs.
“Welcome to the Devildom!”
The voice was loud, bellowing yet in some ways held this charisma that had you tense up in anticipation. Your eyes dart towards the source of the noise and they grow wide at the sight of a man in all red, posed in a way a politician would stand for photo ops. Hands raised high, palms facing outwards with a bright, confident smile plastered on his face.
Stood behind the loud redhead were a group of 5 other males.
Introductions were exchanged, obviously, and that was when you realized that this was, in fact, not a dream. You were told that the man who brought you here was Barbatos, the Devil Prince’s butler. You timidly shook hands with Lord Diavolo, the aforementioned Prince of all Hell, and for a moment, you cowered in fear as Lucifer eyed you down.
Lucifer Morningstar, what an aura he held.
When you stare at him, you’re reminded of your current foster father. You purse your lips as you recall how he managed the house with an iron fist and how he’d always smell of coffee and your backyard garden. The man that stood before you was kind of scary but you couldn’t even focus on his intimidation.
You had just been taken from your foster home. By a bunch of strange… creatures.
A part of you felt that it would only be logical to start crying and screaming, demanding that they take you back home, but as they introduced themselves one by one, you couldn’t help but feel intrigued. Their names were a little heavy on the tongue, perhaps it was the fact that it sounded like you were reciting an incantation when you mentioned them, but your head spun when you were told that the 5 brothers were still incomplete.
The eldest of the Avatars told you that you were only to stay with them for a year for a program they had implemented.
You had a small scowl on your lips for a moment and Diavolo, being ever the keen one, noted how you’d nod and furrow your brows whenever Lucifer asked you to recite their names one by one to ensure that you could remember.
You’d glance at them slowly and say back what they told you. Lucifer, Mammon, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub. Five out of the seven. A miniscule part of you was already upset that you’d have to forget them one day… You were only there for their own little experiment.
You put your feelings aside and blinked up at the Prince,
“I like your coat.”
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