#I adore this so much yall it's so hard to not just knit this for forever
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astrow1zar6 · 1 month ago
Early Marriage Astro Obervations
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Moon in the 7th house: these people tend to attract really harmonious relationships (is positively aspected). These individuals really value security in their relationships which is why they tend to develop very close knit long term partnerships. Because of their need for security and intimacy they tend to get married & start a family at a pretty young age. I also notice they can date someone who’s younger than them as well. They attract family oriented partners who have a very rich emotional life. Because of their emotionally intelligent natures they are able to be very supportive to their partners & they are able to commit a lot earlier than most.
Venus in Libra: these people attract spouses that ADORE THEM so easily! I am trying so jealous of how easy it is for these people to find good partners. Relationships are like breathing to these people & most tend to develop crushes earlier than most. Their partners are usually very attractive appearance wise & usually love the native dearly. These people love love and are always crushing on someone (they are usually crushing on you too wink wink) this causes them to be able to commit to serious relationships faster than most. In general these people are seen as wifey/hubby material to others. It’s hard for these natives to be single and usually jump from relationship to relationship. If negatively aspected however they can tend to stay in marriages/relationships longer than they should & can ignore red flags because they are in love so be careful that people don’t take advantage of your good heart. Because they can be very naive/ blinded by love and attraction easily. But regardless of negative or positive aspects they tend to attract long term relationships early (good or bad).
Venus in 7th house: these people have probably been planning their wedding since they were little kids. I’m not joking the people I met with this placement LOVE weddings & the idea of love so much. Since this position is in its home love tends to flow to them like water in a stream. Similar to Venus in libra, these people have a lot of suitors interested in them. They attract real charming well cultured/attractive partners who are usually pretty wealthy. They can be serial daters as well, they do not like the idea of being single even more than libra Venus’s imo. If they aren’t in a relationship they definitely have someone on the side or an ex they still mess with. They are very obsessed with romantic attention which is why so many people are into them. Since Venus is in its home in the 7th house early marriage usually occurs for these folks. They can however be a little too obsessed with the idea of love & can settle for people they aren’t truly in love with just to say they have someone. They can also get really jealous if they see their friends have a good partner & they’re single. It boosts their ego a lot to say they have a partner so make sure you aren’t in a relationship just to show off make sure it’s authentic!
Venus in cancer: the mothers of the zodiac. These people give off a very nurturing secure vibe which allows others to feel very safe with them. They know how to make others feel comfortable being themselves which is super attractive to the opposite (or the same) sex. Their genuine natures & their deep love for family are the reason they can get into early marriages. Their loyalty is never usually questioned because of how devoted they are when they find that special someone. The types to be housewives for sure. This placement gives like a Nara Smith vibe, they are usually AMAZING at cooking as well. They are also amazing parents & have amazing relationships with their children. Just such sweet souls, your devoted sweet nature however can attract partners that try to take advantage of you and take more than they give so watch out for those people yall are too good to be treated poorly. Probably one of the most loyal Venus placements imo.
Venus in the 1st/ Libra rising: kinda a no brainer but these people have very good luck in finding partners. They are usually super charming & FUNNY omg, people don’t give them credit for how good their humor is. They are just super easy to get along with in general which is why people flock to them ready to commit. They are normally super flirty & attractive when it comes to the opposite/same sex which can be seen as really attractive. They just ooze LOVE & others feel it so deeply which is why it’s easier for people to trust them. They tend to only have partners who are really attractive like I’m serious their partners usually look like they were sculpted by the gods (they are too as well). They attract partners who genuinely love them so deeply and will do anything for them which can create envy in others a lot because it’s just so easy for you. Make sure you don’t take advantage of your relationships/partners (cuz they tend to do that once the spark dies down).
Jupiter in 7th/house or Libra. Jupiter gives luck to the theme of whatever house/sign it’s in so in the 7th house/libra relationships & marriage are a big theme in your life & you are extremely lucky & blessed in those areas! They tend to attract well cultured partners who are usually super smart & good looking. They have a lot of luck finding partners when they travel as well or could have a partner of a different ethnicity/culture. Most of your personal & spiritual growth will come from the relationships you have during your life. Your spouse is usually very optimistic and can speak life into you during dark times. You can also gain more wealth once you are married. Just be careful with unrealistic expectations or excessive optimism about your relationships to avoid disappointment because you can be pretty impulsive when in love. Make sure you’re realistic about your relationships.
Taurus moon/taurus Venus: every Taurus moon/venus I’ve met in a relationship have usually been in them for yearsss. These people are super stable & tend to attract others who are also very stable & committed. Due to their emotional stable natures they can create very harmonious pleasant relationships early. These people KNOE their worth which is why they usually marry very high quality people. They are super realistic in matters of love not in a detached way but they for sure know what they want and what they are looking for. This deep insight is the reason they attract people that are really good for them. They can get out of toxic relationships a lot faster than most because of how high their self worth is. When other notice this quality they cannot help but busy their ass to be what they want because it’s super rare to find someone with such a high love for themselves. Once they love you they are giving you all their heart.. it’s usually not common for these people to open their hearts up to others which is why once they do just know they found the one. They give almost a kinda nanny vibe to them like you can tell just by looking at them they will be very good nurturing partners/parents. They tend to be more on the conventional side as well and enjoy things like housekeeping, cooking, sewing, decorating ect.. (for a woman however). Their natural feminine energy usually brings out the protection quality in men. Most people that date them feels like they found a hidden gem🥺 be careful however not to stay in relationships due to being comfortable. They have a tendency to stay in partnerships that are well overdue because of the familiarity they bring (Taurus is obsessed with stability & security so it’s harder for them to leave bad relationships once they are in them). But because of their high self worth they usually have the ability to dip if it gets too bad.
7th house stellium’s: also another no brainer. These people live & breathe love. These are the people that you’ve never seen single lol. Their whole mission in life is to learn thru love and relationships so it’s usually a big theme in their life’s. Unless Saturn or Uranus is involved they usually tend to marry very early and have very loving partners. They could’ve grew up in an environment where marriage was super big & could’ve been to a lot of weddings in their life. If Saturn or Uranus is involved it can indicate marrying a little later or to someone older than you. With Saturns influence it can still lead to a long term relationship but it can be more cold and distant than what the native would’ve preferred. Make sure you find love in yourself first before you commit so early to others. If these people don’t find self love first they can go from person to person trying to find that love which will end up draining you out fast. The more love you have for yourself the better your partners will treat you!
North node in the 7th house: similar to 7th house stellium natives, your whole life’s purpose is to find love! In a past life you could’ve been a big pioneer/individual and you learned to develop an authentic sense of self. You could’ve only focused on you before but now the universe is challenging you to change YOU to OTHER. You’re here to experience true love and find what they really means🥹 such a cute aspect imo. This gives good luck in finding partners. Make sure you don’t go back to selfish old habits when dating because you have a tendency to be very “me first”. In this lifetime you’re here to learn compromise. Your relationships are usually very karmic and you will learn yourself the deepest when involved with someone. This may be uncomfortable for you at first but it’s what your souls craves deep down inside. Since you know yourself so well (south node in 1st house) you will be able to speak life into your partners & allow them to be their authentic selves around you which creates such a loving space.
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gothghostiie · 2 months ago
In the spirit of Christmas approaching, and as someone who prefers making gifts to buying them (for many reasons, the main two being that I love making things and forcing ppl to look at them and that I’m fuckin broke lmao), how do u think the 141 lads would react to receiving a gift from their spouse that was made by them? Like a drawing, something they knitted/stitched, or even a sculpture?
using this as my merry Christmas post so
merry Christmas and happy holidays yall<3 I hope ur having a great time and enjoying urself, sending much much love, mwah <3
cw: fluff, gn!reader + bonus what they would gift you
Price is a sucker for that stuff. handknit sweater? he'll wear that thing until it's barely more than a thread. nothing more cozy than something someone handmade with love specifically for him, nothing will ever be as comfy. that goes for anything handmade, he'll treasure it until he can't. nothing makes him feel more loved than anything handmade. hes has a hard time gifting things usually and will flat out ask and get what you asked for, but also add some stuff that he thought you might like. huge fan of practical gifts.
Gaz absolutely adores anything you make yourself, especially decorative items. paintings, stitching, sculptures, little trinkets, adores all of it with his whole heart. will keep everything with him, everything around the house/apartment. and he notices is somethings missing too, absolutely upset until he finds it again. he immediately finds a place for whatever you gave to him. kyle isnt really the one to gift materialistic things (sure, you get some jewelry or those new headphones you wanted) but he always gifts creative dates that he takes you on.
Soap is also a sucker for anything handmade. is a huge, huge fan of handmaking presents himself (he mostly draws, will 100% gift you a drawing too) and loves receiving them just as much. your skill level doesn't matter one bit, whether it be a patchy painting, a wonky mug or a sweater with holes, he'll proudly wear/display it and make sure you know just how much he loves it. as I said, you'll get a drawing - probably a portrait he secretly drew of you while you were doing the most mundane shit ever and he couldn't help but think you're gorgeous.
ghost is a secret christmas lover imo. colourful lights, christmas tree, sinple deco. he doesn't really want/ask for gifts, tells people there's nothing he wants when they ask. but listen: handmake him a balaclava. that man will propose to you on the spot. I'm so serious. appreciates any gifts he gets, especially handmade, keeps saying you shouldn't have, but that will make him fall hard. hes the type of guy where you think youll get a gift card at best, but you get almost anything you wanted but didnt get over the year. that cute mug? that sweater? those earrings? all yours, he remebered.
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stopaskinf · 2 months ago
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Sexy/Romantic things BTS men do:
Genre: FLUFF‼️‼️‼️These bitches are WHIPPED, GN! Reader for the most part
CW: None really
A/N: I really just be on here huh. I had this idea awhile back , and I’ve finally gotten around to posting it. Hope yall enjoy ✌🏾
Yoongi & V: Stares at you intently
There lies a man absolutely entranced by you. He stares so hard that it could burn your skin. He’s examined you so closely that he could tell you every detail of yourself. How your brows furrow and your lips pout whenever you can’t find the word for something. Your lips curve into a smirk whenever you say your “s” . Your upper canines peak out mid sentence whenever you rant like a mad dog; meanwhile your hands make grand, sweeping gestures that make everything you say seem like a grand adventure. When you inevitably catch them in their unsubtle act, they continue staring. After all, they would never wanna look at anything else.
Jhope, Jin(?): Buys you things
Mr. Moneybags. He has money just for you to spend. A man who will want for nothing, but will serve the world to you with a gold leaf. Luxury restaurants with names neither of you can pronounce. Shoes painted crimson on the sole with ruby rings to match. Nothing is out of your reach with him.
Namjoon, Tae, Jungkook: holds your hand and rubs his thumb on your knuckles
Comfort exists solely within this man. Soft hands with only slight calluses that hold yours in a featherlight grip. His thumb rubs over your knuckles in small circles and figure eights. He’s hardly aware that he’s doing it. He’s ingrained it within himself to be your haven.
Namjoon, Jimin: Text you things that remind him of you
Frogs. Lilies. Marigolds. Daisies. Bright red mushrooms with dots. Poems addressed to a long-ago lover. TikToks with love confessions playing in the background. Slow ballads soothe you with their lavender voice and adoring lyrics. Events for things you’re interested in. A photo of you asleep on his chest he took of you last night. A stranger’s poodle called Pepper. Knitted cardigans covered with embroidered stars and moons. The moon standing next to the sun during a pink sunset. A small Polaroid of you smiling that he found lying in the back of his studio. These things fill his camera roll until he inevitably sends them to you. He needs you to know that he always thinks of you.
Namjoon, Yoongi: Send you paragraphs and poems
“My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun”
“Speak of her over my grave and watch how she brings me back to life”
Sentences strung together by loose words and ends in the late nights when he has you on his mind. A painful yearning that existed before you that you dissipated with your being; though it comes back stronger when you leave. Love poems written by him or long dead writers to help him release his emotions. His devotion towards you needs to be known by you in simple language and consciousness. If not, he’ll ruin himself.
Namjoon, Jungkook, Tae: Always has his body facing you
A physical sign of devotion. “My attention is always on you” Head slightly tilted to better catch a glimpse at you, shoulders and back slightly slouched in a relaxed position, his feet facing towards you; his eyes half lidded as his pupils bounce from your eyes, lips, and nose. He tries his best to keep his hands steady, lest he grabs you. He could be in a room full of people and there would be no mistake as to who he’s looking at.
Yoongi, Namjoon, Tae: Asks if he can kiss you
Consent king.
“Can I kiss you?”
Simple. Straightforward. Nerve wrecking. A small question that holds so much vulnerability and weight. Displaying his need to communicate his scorching love through his flesh, but wishing death on himself before he makes you uncomfortable.
“Only if you want to.”
A sign that he’ll put any desire back if you don’t reciprocate it. You’re the only one controlling his world; he won’t forsake you.
Jin, Yoongi, Jungkook, Tae: Answers your texts right away
He’s never been a bad texter, but there is no wait when it comes to you. The thought of making you wait for anything has never entered his mind. He knows how doubt and anxiety can cripple the mind. He does his best to ensure you don’t have to face that with him. Texts sent a minute ago will get a reply in seconds. He’ll never keep you waiting.
Tae, Jungkook: lays his head on top of yours
His warm embrace. Long arms wrapped around you tightly as if he lets go for a moment you’ll vanish like a sweet dream. Your sweet scent mixed in with his cologne, cigarette smoke, and natural musk. Your face is in the crook of his neck; your nose and long lashes tickle his nape. He feels your hot breath warm his skin, but hates how his face feels detached. His eyes can’t bear to look at the wall ahead of him when he has you. He lays his head down into your hair, smelling the crown of your hair; he closes his eyes and snuggles further into your locs. If he could, he’d crawl into your skin and never leave its warm, suffocating embrace; however, laying his head on yours will do for now.
Yoongi, Namjoon, jhope: gives you stuff
Gift-giving couldn’t be considered his first love language; although, he can’t help but attend to you. Old books covered with dog tags, highlighted passages, and small handwritten notes. A beaded bracelet he made on live. A whale-shaped cutting board that you can’t bring yourself to use out of fear of damaging it. All things he gives to show how much he thinks of you.
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sevlyn · 2 years ago
[ID: Many Reddit posts documenting user CountryMamaLynn’s experience of helping her gay son and kicking out her homophobic husband. ]
[Image 1:
My son came out NEED ADVICE
If this post seems a little messy it’s because I'm typing this out quick.
Yall This is a new account I made just now beacuse i need to vent and I'm not sure where else to post this and my family follow my real account.
My son 15 just came out yesterday as gay to my husband and my husband kicked him out well I was at work! I got a panicked phone call from my baby telling me everything and let me tell yall I was pissed I left work early and drove over to my house where I saw my baby boy sitting on the curb with his clothes and shit all across the damn lawn and a screaming as if now soon to be ex husband who is not the man I thought I married!!! I gave that bastard a piece of my mind and told him that if he cant be a man and support his son then he can kiss my ass and find someone else to pay his bills. I shoved my boys stuff in the back of my truck and went to hotel that I'm in right now cause my parents cant pick us up till Monday so we can stay with them. I dont know much about this whole gay thing so what can I do to make my kid fell excepted????
EDIT I took y'alls advice I pay for the house so that mother fucker will be out in a few days and my son will be back in his home. I bought my son a bunch of pride stuff! Apparently hes had a boyfriend for around 7 months now and I'm getting to meet him over facetime tomorrow and I'm so excited!!!! I'm doing everything I can to make him feel loved. Out of everything that's happened the most heart breaking thing was my son saying "I'm sorry I'm crying mom I just need to be strong" I told him that he doesn't need to be strong he needs to be loved and that I'll do anything I can to make him feel that way. God this is the hardest thing in my life and I'm trying so hard yall all I can do is make sure he knows this isnt his fault. Thanks for the support I'll keep ya updated if I can.]
[Image 2:
Meeting my baby boys bf tomorrow !!!!!
I'm sooo excited y'all, were meeting over facetime and I'm so happy I'm knitting my son a rainbow blanket and aaaaaa its turning out perfect!!!]
[Image 3:
C: get fucked mark
(Below the heading, an image with the lady screaming at cat meme. Text overlaying the lady says, “My ex husband trying to kick my son out for being gay”. Text overlaying the cat says, “My son and I kicking him out cause I own the house”. The cat is wearing a rainbow cap and rainbow shirt.)]
[Image 4:
Update yall Mark's reaction (read the previous posts if you're confused)
(Incase you dont know this is the after math of me kicking out my now ex husband after he tried to kick out my baby boy for being gay while I was at work.)
I called him and very "Kindly reminded" him who owns the house and pays the bills and he was screaming about how "You need me woman, you cant just kick me out whore" and asked to meet in person. So I did but I dont trust him so I brought my adorable camo baseball bat just in case things went south so we met up in front of the house and he was hooting and hollering about how "I was already screwing a different woman so I dont need you!" And obviously this upset me but then I remembered that I dont have to put up with this crap so I told him it's time to haul ass before i make him and he started crying like a baby begging me to let him stay and saying " you'll never find another man like me" and I told him that is the whole point of me leaving him. So he finally left after hours crying like a bitch and now my son and I have lots of extra space!]
[Image 5:
HAY Y'ALL Mama Lynn update
I was talking to my son who if you haven't seen my other posts came out recently, and found out I might not be just a straight ally!
I assumed all straight ladys were also just as attracted to other ladys as they were men and I never really thought about it till now but turns out I might be bi??? Is that the right word?? Thanks for all the love n support!!]
[Image in rikusqueenofhearts’ post: Reaction image of middle-aged lady holding a cupcake saying, “Good for her.”]
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countthelions · 3 years ago
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Knit a bunch of my sweater today durin' a lovely soul recharging friend call <3
edit: the pattern is Spot Sweater by Anne Ventzel!
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lune-hime · 4 years ago
Mosquito Huntress (Chocobros x f!Reader
I hate mosquitos, you hate mosquitos, we all hate mosquitos. This drabble is dedicated to the hundreds of mosquitos that died on my Korean dorm room wall at the hand of my  left Adidas sandal :3. 
Noct’s was inspired by true events. 
It was the most horrendous sound. A sickeningly high pitched buzzing that vibrated among your ears at a rapid frequency. It pierced the veil of your dream and forcefully drop kicked you back into the waking world with a start. Just as you regained consciousness an electric clap in the darkness caused you to jolt, almost kicking the sleeping bag off your form. A shadow blocked out the dim moonlight that filtered through the ceiling of the tent.
Noctis’ eyes glowed like sapphires and shown with such an iridescence that meant he had just conjured up magic. Indeed, the clasped hands that were held a few inches above your head emitted a faint blue hue.
“Noct, what are you doing?” You drawled, the close proximity of the light within his palms to your face caused your eyes to squint in irritation.
“I got it.” He whispered victoriously, blinking a couple times in anticipation of your reaction.
“Got what?” You asked just as a large yawn engulfed you.
“The mosquito.” He grinned, shuffling to the door to the tent. He unzipped the zipper just enough for him to wiggle his hand outside, discarding the evil bug. Before you could speak up, Gladiolus’ violent snore ripped through the silence of the night from the far side of the tent. Prompto sleep-kicked the man in the stomach, offering a brief moment of tranquility before the disturbance would inevitably make a comeback.
“Did it die a painful death?” Your voice was devoid of sympathy and the seriousness on your face made Noctis chuckle as he sat cross legged next to you.
“I zapped it before it could land on your face. It died a quick death, sadly.” He stated in a hushed tone, gently brushing flyaway hairs from your forehead.
“What a shame. Still, well done.” You praised, reaching up to give his cheek a few lazy pats. He leaned into your touch, so much so that your drowsy limb flopped down onto the ground.
“What were you dreaming about?” He inquired softly. He was uncharacteristically chatty at this time of night for a boy who needed at least two naps daily.
“I was being serenaded by a beautiful man.” You grumbled. You were still peeved you were abruptly whisked away from the gentle, moonlit guitar strums and the man’s ethereal voice.
“As beautiful as in real life?” Noctis mused his lips curling into a smug smile. Your eyebrows knit in confusion.
“The man from my dream is real?” Your fatigued features contorted as your half asleep brain actually contemplated being able to manifest dreams into reality.
Noctis scooted so close to you that his leg was bushing against your side. He leaned down and stopped when his face was centimeters from your own, whips of his hair feathering your cheeks.
“He’s right here.” Noct stated lowly, his tone as smooth as the sea that resided within his eyes. Their serene waves were beginning to lull you to sleep.  
“No he's not. Ignis is on the other side of the tent.” You replied cheekily, now unable to keep your eyelids from falling. Before Noctis could respond you tugged on the fabric of his tee shirt and dragged him back down into the sleeping bag. You may have been exhausted but you always had enough energy to tease your prince.
It was hot. Painfully hot. The kind of hot that once the humid air left a wet kiss on your exposed skin it clung to your form and every surface in the sun-exposed living room. The heat was slowly sizzling you alive and you were beginning to feel like a shrimp in a hot pot. A blonde shrimp was nestled atop of you, pressing your clammy body further into the plush sofa. His gentle puffs of steamy breath seared your neck and his limbs encircled you, involuntarily incubating you. The electric chattering of the fan and the low hum of the unattended television masked the otherwise curdled silence of the room.
Slowly rising from your slumber just as the sun was rising in the morning sky, you became fully aware of just how sweltering you were. And no matter how much you loved cuddling with your sunshine, he needed to get off of you otherwise you would dissolve into a pool of sweat. Wiggling around under him, you groaned when he clasped onto you tighter, burying his face further into the crook of your neck. You gave an exasperated sigh and now felt even stickier than before. You began to push him off once more, this time a bit more forcefully, when you saw it. The unwanted visitor stood out against the pale skin of his back like Gladiolus at your high school dances.
So you did the only thing you could do to ensure it wouldn’t escape. You smacked his back. Hard . The clap of skin on skin resounded through the apartment and caused a few pigeons to anxiously fly off their perch outside of the windowsill. The rapid flapping of wings was immediately followed by Prompto’s squirrel like squeak.
“WHAT’S WRONG?” His voice ascended to octaves that seemed impossible to reach. He was now very awake, disoriented, and in pain. He shot up to straddle you, sinking back onto your hips and reaching up to clutch the point of impact. There was a deep red mark already blossoming on his shoulder blade. Your eyes held pity until you saw the tiny daemon dust the skin of his upper arm.
“PROMPTO ITS ON YOUR ARM!” Your manic tone only skyrocketed Prompto’s anxiety. He recoiled when you leaned over to deliver another powerful hit. The poor boy was trying to grasp if he was still asleep and experiencing a nightmare.
“WHAT ARE WE AFRAID OF AND WHY DO YOU KEEP TRYING TO HIT ME?” He exclaimed on the verge of tears.
“MOSQUITO!” You rapidly pointed to just below the sleeve of his tank top, the dark spot illuminated by the warm bands of sunlight. Prompto let out a sound resembling a duck being squeezed.
“WHY DIDN’T YOU WARN ME SOONER?” His limbs were in a jelly-like frenzy as they slapped every exposed surface on his body. In the fray, it had strategically darted away from the hurricane of body parts but made its appearance once again when the storm had calmed.
“IT’S ON YOU NOW!” Prompto wailed, causing your eyes to grow wide.
“I DON'T WANT TO HIT YOU.” He whined, shifting apprehensively in his seat. He brought his hand inches from where the mosquito rested on your clavicle but hesitated before the glistening skin.
“I HIT YOU BEFORE ITS OKAY, IT EVENS OUT!” You encouraged, scooching closer to him so your knees touched. You craned your neck to give him a larger area to work with.
Reluctantly, Prompto’s palm came into contact with your collarbone a little too gently. You shot him an amused smirk.
“That was weak.” You said. He rolled his eye and when he removed his hand, the mosquito had been vanquished. You both exhaled a steamy sigh of relief.
Suddenly there was a brisk knocking at your door. After exchanging wide eyes, Prompto padded to the entryway. Before opening it, he discarded the carcass into the trash bin and gave his hands a few thorough wipes against his sweatpants.
A very tiny, unamused woman was standing in the hall. A lit cigarette hung lax from her right hand while the other rested on her hip. He blinked a couple times, unsure of what to say.
“Do I need to call the police or is yelling ‘It’s okay, hit me’ a kink of yall’s?” She said as more of a statement than a question, her voice gravelly. When she exhaled, a large puff of smoke blew into Prompto’s now reddened face. He tried to dodge it unsuccessfully and coughed before explaining.
“Uh, no, to both. We’re fine. We were just-” Prompto started, struggling to battle the creeping mortification brought on by the woman’s assumption. She abruptly held up her hand, cigarette dangerously close to Prompto’s mussed bangs, and turned to walk back to her apartment.
“I don’t need a detailed description of what you like to do in bed. Just keep it down.” She imparted, her voice cracking like and unpaved road, leaving Prompto a sputtering mess.  
A week later, the whole floor of the apartment complex was convinced you and Prompto had an affinity for bug and bug killer role play. It would take you several months to live this down.
“Darling come to bed.” Ignis’ command was more of a sweet invite than an instruction as he was far too drained for anything else. It had been a longer day than usual at the Citadel and all poor Ignis wanted to do was feel the sweet embrace of sleep.
“No.” You retorted stubbornly, not wavering from your defensive post next to the bookshelf. There was no way you would be able to go to bed with that thing watching you, waiting until the vulnerability of sleep overtook you so it could feast upon your blood.
“Please.” He pleaded, his level tone turning into a slight whine by the end. This was the seventeenth time he had asked you. Yes, Ignis was keeping count.
“No, not until it tastes my blade.” You spat, eyes narrowing as you tried to focus in on the tiny intruder’s location.
“You are unarmed my dear.” Ignis’ lips curled into a smile. He discarded his book on his lap and resigned to watching your antics. If he couldn’t stop you, he might as well enjoy the scene before him.
“My hands are my blade.” Your statement was quickly drowned out by a yelp as the mosquito fluttered off the wall. Your body contorted in ways Ignis never knew it could to avoid any possible contact with the creature as it floated a little too close for your liking.
Ignis snorted at your response, lightly biting his bottom lip to swallow a chuckle. You looked more focused on killing this spec of dust than you did hunting a coeurl. No matter how silly the situation was, the glint of determination in your eye and over exaggerated reactions had Ignis regarding you with adoration. He adjusted his position against the headboard, satin sheets pooling softly downward to reveal his bare chest. His hair was still damp and mussed from his shower and thin frames laid low on the bridge of his nose. If you weren’t so preoccupied by the mosquito you surely would have been more than distracted by his appearance.
You circled the room and randomly hit any surface that harbored any substance that vaguely resembled a mosquito. When you accidentally slapped your thigh instead of the side of the wardrobe Ingis’ melodic laugh broke the tense air. You shot him a glare that could melt ice and stuck out your tongue.
Just as he was going to coerce with you once again, the small creature buzzed just under the rim of his glasses. He silently followed the bug with his eyes until it landed on the nightstand next to the bed.
“It’s over here.” Ignis gave you the tip, gesturing to the tiny dot resting on the mahogany.
“Smack it!” You screeched, excitement flooding your veins at the proposition of a peaceful night’s sleep.
“No.” Ignis said smoothly. He was always one to push your buttons. Even though he could end this ridiculous hunt with a single swipe of his palm, he felt teasing was a much more entertaining option. You gasped at his betrayal.
“You’re the one who wants it dead, not me.” Ignis responded innocently, a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Come on, the minute its dead I’ll come to bed.” You pouted, attempting to bribe him with cuteness. Ignis shook his head and pursed his lips. It took everything in him not to start laughing again.
“But I’m so comfortable.” He dragged out each syllable, flopping down and spreading out so he took up the entire surface of the bed. His eyes resembled the greenery of rolling hills against the horizon as they regarded you from under his eyelashes. They almost made you forget about the task at hand. Letting out an annoyed whine, you turned your attention once again to your prey.
You thanked your crownsguard training for the lightness of your feet as they padded silently against the wood floorboards until you were within smacking distance. The moment your hand met the nightstand with a satisfying crack, a triumphant smile spread across your face. There was no way it could have survived that hit.
“I take that as a fresh kill?” Ignis questioned and propped himself up on his elbow.
“Yes, add another to my kill count.” You turned towards him, still beaming, and held up your palm to show him the bounty of your hunt. You playfully shoved your hand near his face, giggling when he struggled to push you away. He laughed, grimacing when it got a little too close to his cheek.
“Lovely, darling. Now go wash your hand and let's go to bed.”
The air conditioning revved to life with three crisp clicks once your sweaty fingers tiredly turned the dial to the max setting. Your corner of the vast training room was now gradually flooding with a frosty breeze that prickled your clammy skin with delightful icicles. A satisfied sigh left your parted lips, thankful to be relieved from the stickiness of hand to hand combat. Your butt was practically glued to the bench as you let the polar vortex cool you down. The grunts of other training Crownsguard members and the slams of bodies hitting the padded mats were muffled by the pulsing in your ears as you gingerly patted the sweat from your neck and face with a towel. A few paces from you Prompto laid sprawled out on the floor, his chest heaving with heavy breaths.
“Don’t get moody, Prompto. She manages to overpower me half the time too.” Gladiolus nudged the deflated blonde with the toe of his boot and flashed you a cheeky grin.
“I know, I know. But the only one I’m ever able to take down besides the new trainees is Noct.” Prompto sighed dramatically.
“Well, that’s not a challenge at all.” Gladiolus snorted and passed you a water bottle, the condensation feeling lovely against your clammy palms.
“He might be easy, but he cheats by warping.” You added, rising from your seat to stand directly in front of the air con. The rush of cool wind felt heavenly on your back.
“Exactly.” There was no emotion in Prompto’s voice. He turned his head agonizingly slowly to look at you, gaze empty. You choked on your mouthful of water at his melodrama.
After taking a few generous swigs from his own water bottle, Gladiolus sauntered over towards you. Rather than standing next to you, like you expected, he grabbed your arms and moved to stand behind you. The action stole the euphoria of the synthetic wind and you whined in protest. He stretched his arms out on your shoulders and rested his chin atop your head.
“Well lately the only one who’s been kicking my ass is Iris. Besides the Marshall, of course.” You coughed as you wiped the droplets of water from your chin with the back of your hand. A giggle bubbled from your chest when you felt Gladiolus tense.
“Oh yeah, she’s getting good. It took her even less time to take the big guy down last week.” Prompto chuckled, vitality slowly flooding back into his system. Gladiolus visibly shuddered and released you from his hold to walk back over to the mat.
“She’s getting too good.” He mumbled as he rolled his shoulders.
“You wanna fight her next time instead of me, Prom?” You suggested jokingly. Gladiolus snickered, making Prompto faintly kick in Gladio’s general direction.
“No thank you. I’ll stick to the 15 year olds and Noctis.” He huffed as he pulled himself off the ground. His movements were like a piece of tape being tugged off of the floor painstakingly slowly. Once Prompto had vacated the training space, Gladiolus threw you a playful grin. He got into a fighting stance, his knees bent and arms angled for combat.
“Ready for our spar, baby?”
"Wait." You stated, attention on the corner of the air conditioner. Gladiolus squinted in the direction of your gaze.
"I will NOT train with this uninvited guest watching me." You declared, slowly rounding the corner of the machine. Prompto let out a quiet huh while Gladiolus shook his head.
“She really hates mosquitoes, doesn’t she?” Prompto asked rhetorically, fanning the sweat from his face with his hands. Gladiolus smiled fondly when you untied your shoe and attempted to use it as a killing device.
"Mhm. Honestly, I think her determination is pretty adorable." Gladiolus responded, not taking his eyes off you.
"Gladdy-" You whined when your target flew too high for your hands to reach. “I need your help.”
You beckoned him over with haste and he padded over with an amused glint in his eyes.
"Give me a boost, it's too high for me to reach." You tapped his shoulders and gestured for him to get down.
“What do I get in return?” He asked rather innocently. Your eyebrows shot up, expecting something more suggestive.
“I’ll treat you and Prompto to ramen when we’re done here.” You proposed, holding the shoe at eye level.
“Hell yeah!” Prompto cheered from the towel rack.
“Done.” Gladio hummed in excitement and knelt down so you could climb onto his shoulders. Gladio maneuvered you as close to the metal box as he could without ramming your knees into the side. You smacked the top hard with the sole of your shoe and turned it over for inspection.
“Hah! Die, bitch.” You roared happily, pressing a triumphant kiss to the top of his head. He squeezed your thighs in return and lowered you to the ground.
“My little mosquito hunter.” He cooed, smushing your cheeks together. “Now come on, let’s get this spar over with so I can get some free ramen.”
"Fine, but if I win Prompto has to fight Iris next week." You smirked.
“Sounds like a deal.” He agreed, winking at you as he got into position.
“This isn’t consensual!” Prompto’s protests were quickly forgotten in the throws of combat.
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kerwritesthings · 5 years ago
babysitting yalls niece/nephew together -sinplisticshawn
So, @sinplisticshawn - totally fitting that you sent this after I posted this one introducing their niece, Natalia. Was a fun, easy one to jump into. Hope you like it!!
“Dee, we’re going to be fine, really,” you say, bouncing Natalia in your arms, the girl giving you nothing but smiles. “See, look at that happy face.”
“Are you sure? Like really?” Didi asks nervously as she shrugs into her coat.
“Please go have dinner with your husband, we got this,” Shawn chimes in from behind you, making silly faces at your niece. “She’s good, we’re good. You guys go enjoy a dinner that doesn’t involved pureed green beans and those weird yogurt cereal puffs she’s obsessed with lately. It’s getting her in the bath and putting her down. I think we can easily handle that.”
“And by that, he means he can’t wait to sing her to sleep, you know that Dee. Go meet Tomas, have dinner, grab a drink. Let us have some time with Tali,” you say as the baby reaches for Shawn’s hair and babbles wildly as her hands sink into his curls.
“C’mere silly girl, let’s go figure out what to do while Mommy is out with Daddy,” he sing-songs to Natalia, taking her from your grasp. “Didi. I love you but get the h-e-l-l out of here.”
You pull Didi into a firm hug. “I get it, but you guys have not had a night out alone in ages. It’s dinner and a nightcap. You two deserve a kid free evening. And it’s us. You have nothing to worry about. We love her like blood, Dee.”
Didi sighs and shoulders slump, leaning more into your embrace. “I wouldn’t even be considering this if it wasn’t you two here, which thank you for giving up one of your nights in the city to do this.”
“Please, I’m glad we can do this for y’all. Not to mention it’s been too long since I’ve had some Natalia love. Now, go meet your husband. Have a spiked decaf espresso at the end of the night. Enjoy yourselves,” you explain, nudging her towards the door.
Once Didi is on her way, you wander back into their living room where you find Natalia perched on Shawn’s lap. He’s back to making silly faces and blowing raspberries at her. She’s got her eyes fixed to him, little hands against his cheeks, smiling and giggling like you’ve not heard her before.
“She is literally the happiest baby I’ve ever seen,” he replies between shifting faces as you sit next to them on the couch. “Every single time we’ve been around her. She must really like us, eh?”
“Don’t jinx it,” you chide, poking Natalia’s tummy. “You ready to get bubbly little girl?”
She leans over from his grasp to kiss your nose, “I’ll take that as a yes then. I’ll go get the bath all set up, Dee left us the Blooming Bath so we can just use the kitchen sink, don’t have to go through the whole production of the bath setup that Tomas loves using with her. Gimme 10 then bring her in.”
You kiss the baby’s head then his before skirting off to Natalia’s room and the bathroom to get all you’ll need. It was easy to set up the bath, the petal keeping a perfect space to hold her in place while turning the kitchen sink into an adorable little bathtub. Using the sleepytime bath that Didi has said helps Natalia at night, you get the water set, bubbles and tiny little duckie included. As you lay out the towel and her lotion, you call the two of them in.
“You ready for splish splash, Natalia?” you say dipping her feet into the sink, smiles and giggles abound again. He helps you slip off her onesie before easing her into the water.
“Ok this is the coolest thing. We’ll need to remember this,” he pokes at one of the petals of the flower in the sink. “Time to clean you up little miss.”
You take turns holding and bathing her as she splashes about. Fascinated with the bubbles, her little purple duckie and basically anything that comes into the water, she is as good as good could be. Until she wasn’t. Everything was going well until you pull her out of the water, drying her off and slathering her in lotion. It wasn’t until after you get her diaper on and you tuck her into her hooded duckie bathrobe towel did she start to have what is her version of a meltdown.
“I told you not to jinx it,” you whisper as Natalia fusses, not crying but whimpering and unhappy as you head towards her room. She keeps wiggling in your hold trying to get her face onto any piece of skin she can get access to while trying to shed her hooded towel.
“Wait, lemme try something,” he responds, shedding his shirt quickly before settling into the glider. “Come here Tali girl.”
Her eyes go wide hearing his voice and she leans out of your grasp towards him, still whimpering. You ease Natalia into his arms. He pulls the duckie towel off and she immediately leans into his chest, her head falling into the crook of his neck, one hand immediately winding around his silver chain. He trails his hand up and down her back humming to her, the whines and fussing easing out. Humming has turned into singing because of course it does with him. He’s rocking lightly, his hand looking so large rubbing against her tiny back.
“Are you really singing Never Be Alone into and Little Too Much to our niece?” you whisper, not wanting to disturb the peace.
“She likes it,” he smiles, leaning down to dust a kiss against the wisps of hair on her head. “I think she’s just about out. See, her hand is just about to drop off my necklace. Let’s just put her down like this, throw the little knit blanket over her. I don’t think she’s about clothes tonight.”
He carefully gets up and sets her down into the crib, covering her carefully. She stirs a little and he rubs at her back immediately, humming again. She nuzzles against the sheet and sighs, settling down immediately. You wrap yourself around his back, pressing a kiss between his shoulder blades before leaning around to look at Natalia.
“It’s amazing, you know. How much she’s taken to you. She loves you so much already,” you murmur, leaning into him. “You’re so good with her. I don’t think you realize how much it means to me that you’re important to her and vice versa. It’s, it’s so special. She’s my niece in every way it really matters. And its shades of what I get to expect when this is us, and we’ve got our own little one.”
He shifts you so he can pull you into his chest, his skin warm against your cheek. “Even if she wasn’t our goddaughter, she’s a special little girl to you. She’s a little ball of sunshine. It would be hard not to love her. Plus, she’s a fan of my singing to her.”
He tilts your head up to lock eyes with you, cupping your cheeks in his palms to have his thumbs shift against your skin. “There’s no one else I’d want to do this with, baby. I couldn’t be a daddy without you as a mommy. You know that right? Me and you, always. Until we add a three.”
You push up on your toes to kiss him. “Love you so damn much, Shawn. Come on, let’s let the little miss sleep. And we need to get you back into your shirt. Dee and Tomas can’t come back to all this on display. I won’t hear the end of it, they’ll think we were naughty on their couch.”
“We have time, we could be!”
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nagitosasshole · 5 years ago
China oneshot comin through, yall!! ! (Ty @kingkinberlyn for proofreading this for me qwq)
My eyebrows knit together in frustration, fuzzy material squeezed tightly between my fingers.
Seriously, again?
I sigh as I sit the sizable panda plush on the washer. It still smells like hot tires, and...... Even hotter...ass.
“Its okay, its okay, just another run through the wash will help him... Hopefully,“ I mutter unbeknownst to no ear other than my own and my plush friends, “No problem, just one more time will work, third times the charm, right? Yeah, I like the sound of that.”
I understand the inevitability of this as it’s become almost routine, but it’s irritating nonetheless.
I put my black and white buddy back into his watery tomb, “Bye bye, buddy,” I give a bitty, uncharismatic wave towards the washer, “See ya when the times up.”
Did I just send my friend off to his untimely demise again? No, wait... Did I just talk to my panda plushie?
Ugh, I need friends.
"你好 (hello?),” a voice with a heavy accent bellowed through the store, but, your brain being too slow and fried, you had a hard time discerning the language. It sounded very familiar, though.
"Huh?,” you clumsily spouted, looking over both shoulders to spot the intruder, “Hello? I’m over here!” You tried to recover as quickly as you could, though, you found yourself still embarrassed. You stood up from the box in front of a shelf you were stocking and began to seek out the invading culprit. Being the only one here is amazing for the peace of mind; but when people want to, say, actually shop, it kind of sucks ass.
You heard a chuckle. A... cute one. "到目前為止您的工作進展如何 (how has your work been going so far, panda?)” Yao, your dear friend, finished with a bright smile.
"Whoa there,” you countered with a chuckle of your own, “I’m still learning, bro. I only know so much." You finished, puffing out your cheeks that had become decorated in a pink flush. You playfully punched him in the chest and arms as you both began to laugh.
"Gotta keep you on your toes, Aru," he looks you in the eyes, smile softening, as did his laughter. "I’m always here to help you learn, Aru."
Your eyes widened, face adopting a bright, embarrassing flush, "Of course, I know that.” You looked him deeply in the eyes, “Aru." you remarked playfully.
Yao started giggling. He’s adorable and all, but sometimes, he sounds like a schoolgirl. You joined your friend, laughing more at him as opposed to with him. You both share a wholesome laugh together; the moment feeling somewhat intimate when Yao starts to lightly lean on you as he’s chuckling, making your face redden all the more... He kind of has a talent for making that happen. Ya know, if you couldn't see that already.
You awkwardly cleared your throat in hopes of changing the course of the conversation. Standing up straight while mocking confidence, you speak in an unconvincing authoritarian voice, "姚先生,我必须回到备货Hello Kitty商品. (Sir Yao, I must get back to stocking Hello Kitty merchandise.)” You punctuate your sentence with a deep bow, to Yao’s surprise.
His eyes widened, practically shining with delight, “Hello Kitty?!"
"Are you kiddin' me?! That Chinese was good, right?” You gloated as you waited for the inevitable praise your friend would give you. “Yaaoooo, I cant believe this!” You huffed out jokingly, pushing him off of you to make your way to the freight box that previously held your attention. You squat down picking up a lone packaged figurine, your eyes trail to yoa's face, looking expectantly, “Well?"
Yao looked to the side, feigning muse, "Eh..."
Gasping as you shot up, you shouted at Yao, “You!" You began stomping in his direction.
"It was good!” Yao raised his hands on either side of his head, surrendering before you, “You've gotten a lot better, Aru."
He cackled as you started to playfully pummel him. You giggled softly as your attention turned back to the box. You pushed a few baby hairs behind your ear, blush softening into a pastel, while still being prevalent.
"白痴... (idiot...),” you whispered to yourself, to being able to to hide the smile spanning your lips.
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Good Omens:A First Foray
The First Impressions of a Viewer with No Context
I knew a good chunk of the plot because at first I honestly wasn't going to watch it, so I didn't really shield myself from any spoilers on tumblr.
That being said, I was hooked right from episode 1. I went into it thinking I was gonna be all over Crowley (given my other favourite characters in most other franchises) but the first time Aziraphale smiled I M E L T E D. SO PURE AND SWEET Also when "Aziraphale" was said I had a moment of 'oh. that's how you say that' Also the earth and my mom share a birthday. When Nanny Ashtoreth showed up I KNEW I was gonna need more content of her. Wife 100%
The fact that, try as they may, Zira and Crowley are completely incompetent and really only matter in the last like 16 minutes before the end of the world is really great. It's like watching a show that's about the really interesting side characters you get to see for 2 minutes and WISH you got 6 hrs of. Thank you, Neil.
Ep 2 we get to meet Newt and Anathema and omg I love them. I need Anathemas wardrobe ugh. And newt??? disaster Newton Pulsifer??? he's a mood. Not totally sure how I feel about their relationship but I love the contrast of "hey we just met like an hour ago and we're dating now thnks" to "we've known each other for 6000 years but there's no way he likes me the same way? side note, isn't it funny how the world is always emitting a low buzz of love my dear?" "ngk"
Agnes is amazing and I love how sassy she is. 10/10. I love how Aziraphale is not at ALL concerned about being shoved against a wall by Crowley. Like not one bit. He's like "oh finally, it's only taken you 6 millenia" honestly same
Ep 3 gives us the 30 minute cold open who's only purpose is to show how these two kept coming back to each other for 6 millenia, no matter how the last meeting may have gone. Here are a few thoughts:
Crowley has very pretty hair. Also I could 100% see by this point how these two have been gay for each other since day 1. Er rather day 7? Golgotha Crowley is v pretty and learning later that those are traditionally female garments was a treat. That scene was otherwise hard to watch, and they definitely thought so as well. The globe theatre was really fun to watch, I love Shakespeare. Sadly, Hamlet reminds me of my awful 10th grade English teacher. she ADORES that play. So thanks,  Aziraphale.
I'd seen the church scene and "you go too fast for for me in MANY a gift,  but hearing them was OOF. Michael Sheen didn't have to go so hard on that line but OH BOY DID HE EVER. I may have cried.
I honestly didn't realize that the intro didn't play until the middle of the episode until I rewatched it??  like that completely flew over my head.
THE BANDSTAND. THE E M O T I O N. AZIRAPHALE WAS SO HURT. he was so torn because so much of him still wanted to believe in the good of heaven, but his heart (or the angelic equivalent) had long ago sided with Crowley. When Crowley came back and asked him to run away to Alpha Centuri??? UGH. that dude instantly assuming they're gay? same. same random dude. same. And omg Crowley praying??? to God??? he cares about humanity and it SHOWS. By this point I was REALLY relating to Aziraphale. His reluctance to stray from what he knows and was told reminds me so much of myself. that A n x i e t y.
the end of episode 4 and into episode 5 HURT. the bookshop? "I lost my best friend"? The fact that Crowley was ready to give up and wallow drunkenly through the Apocalypse because continuing on or running away held no meaning if he didn't have Aziraphale by his side. I cried. On the other hand, defiant Aziraphale? "Angels can't posses people" "Demons can..." YES BBY STOP BLINDLY FOLLOWING ORDERS!!! FREE THOUGHT BABEY!!! Now: Shadwell and Tracy. Shadwell is hilarious and I love him, end of story. He's just so... out there. crazy dude. Madame Tracy on the other hand? AMAZING. her actress (I can't think of her name and I have a REALLY ONE TRACK MIND) absolutely KILLED it. AMAZING. The seance?  That dude who WAS JUST LOVING EVERY SECOND? Loved that so much. still cracks me up. When they first get to the airbase and Crowley compliments his dress and Aziraphales like OwO like fellas they gay.
1970s crowley... the mustache... "Can I hear a Wahoo?" Hastur... love him... "What's a computer" part of me wants to think he's just fucking with Crowley because who wouldn't but also he's so deadpan and yo I can't read expression AT ALL.
Love the fact that Crowley was ready to yeet off to a far off star system light-years away, but at the same times like "you expect me... to go to TADFIELD? In this weather??? Maybe I should drive but I mean, have you SEEN the TRAFFIC Angel? And now the M-25s on fire. Great."
Hastur going from on top of everything and tearing Crowley down to panicking because YOU'RE DRIVING TOWARDS A WALL OF FIRE.
snek eyes :3c
"Young man your CAR is on F I R E"
ALSO the horse people getting lost is peak entertainment. Honestly the horsepeople are great. War? Gorgeous. Famine? Love him. He's got style Pollution??? They're amazing, and also THEY THEM PRONOUNS BABEY. that made me v happy bc I just got used to usin em myself uwu. D E A T H. He knows his aesthetic yall. love it.
suppose nows a good a time as any: THE THEM.
I didn't really like Adam at first, he seemed a bit snobby. he's grown on me now but... ngk. Wenslydale was an instant fave. he's adorable. love him. Brian? total mess. super genuine. Great kid. PEPPER. she's great. she's sassy. she's gonna go far in life. all together, they're a tight knit group and I love them and they're all my children now thabks. and the parallels to the horsepeople? p e r f e c t
Alrighty Episode 6!!!
The beginning terrified me. All this time I was rooting for Zira and Crowley to finally get their happily ever after and yknow how most media is nowadays. There's a reason Fix-it Fics are so popular. So the beginning of the episode scared me. Also Beelzebub 💖
I love the Them vs The Horsepeople. "I believe in Peace, bitch."
I didn't even realize til later that that was Aziraphales sword. didn't even catch that line.
When Beez and Gabriel showed up? THAT DUMB SMILE OF GABES? I really hated Gabriel. The way he treated Aziraphale REALLY rubbed me the wrong way and I just did not like him one bit.
W I N G S. PRETTY WINGS. also didn't even realize that what Crowley did was STOP TIME. LIKE WHSOHDOEBE WHaT? ??
 "it burned down... remember?" uuggghhh kill me with how soft and gentle he's being!!! he knows that bookshop MEANT something to Zira hdoehekdn
T H E B O D Y  S W A P
the caught me COMPLETELY off guard... at first. I was completely unaware right up until "crowley" was attacked. I caught that little "Tickety boo" and I paused screaming like CROWLEY WOULD NOT SAY THAT IN THAT SCENARIO NO WAY THAT IS N O T ANTHONY J CROWLEY W H A T 
The heaven scene solidified my then hatred for Gabriel. I like him now but oof that scene he's still VERY punchable.
Crowley: Nearly threw hands with the Archangel Gabriel
The Hell trial. So Extra. Asking for a rubber duck? iconic! "Michael, dude!" oh mood.
when they switch back and it's all revealed? G l o r i o u s. They played each other so well!!! honestly props to Michael and David, their acting was PHENOMENAL.
The ending. A happy ending. The amount of love with which Zira says "to the world" killed me. I'm dead now thanks to that. I'm typing this from the grave,  that's how powerful that line is. Honestly, knowing next to nothing going in was kind of wild and my crazy reblogging spree actually got some of my mutuals to watch the show which is pretty neat. Going back through 3 more times now, Aziraphale definitely resonates with me the most. I actually have a small blurb I wrote on the positive effects he's had on my perception of myself in terms of stimming.
All in All this show hit me in a way I did NOT expect it to, and I'm glad I found it when I did. I was at a point where I was kinda feeling like I'd never really have a fulfilling relationship because of my asexuality, and then I found good omens. I def read the characters as ace while watching it and it was amazing seeing two characters who can love each other fully, without the need for anything explicit. The show was an instant fav and I'm trying to find a physical copy of the book (that I can afford) so I can read the original text. This is a story that's going to stay important to me for a very long time, I can feel it.
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ughthatimagineblog · 7 years ago
four years
requested:  hi there! I adore your work! could you possibly write a spencer reid x reader, where the reader & reid have been dating for quite sometime but she enlists in some sort of branch of military. timeskip to many months later where the two are finally reunited after her deployment? please & thank you!
warnings: fluff, sadness at the beginning lol rip, nice ending, spencer reid (because damn)
word count: 1567
a/n: hey so this was really fun to write and my heart got excited like 8 times. so this ones for the person who requested! let me know if u like it! other than that if i gave any false information I’m sorry im a mess lol also i changed many months to four years so xxxxtra sadness
Tumblr media
Uniforms, training, fittings and goodbyes were all in the process of joining the U.S Airforce. As an esteemed member of the FBI at the BAU, you decided it was time to move onto different things for a while. To serve the country you fought hard to protect from the inside.  From the beginning, joining was hard. Balancing work with relationships with the many tests you had to take before joining. Looking back it was easy. The tests were, at least. But the hardest part was saying goodbye to your relationship.  Working at the BAU, you didn’t have much time for outside relationships. Meaning, if you were going to fall in love, it was going to be with someone in your department. After all, the schedule agents ran were tight knit, and the smartest decision was to get involved with someone with the same schedule as you. Which was true, at first.
 Spencer Reid was tall, smart and undeniably attractive. Upon your first meeting you found it fascinating how he always knew something about every topic there was to talk about. You worked well as a team and were partnered with the man quite frequently.       As you worked with him you noticed he went on tangents sometimes, long rants of information that others found annoying. You found it fascinating.  “Sorry.” He would apologize to no one else except you at the end of every one. You would put your hand up and say, “No need to apologize, Dr. Reid, I’m sorry that you stopped there.”         Flirtatious banter continued through your time at the unit and eventually, you and Spencer formed a relationship. A quiet one.  One with secret meetings and quiet dates at your place or his. Walks late at night on the town. Most of the time you’d visit museums together. You cared for mostly the art ones but he loved both history and art. And you. He loved you.        And everything was going fine until the day everyone learned you were being shipped overseas for a few years.  It was heartbreaking, you thought, looking back on that day. You and Spencer still hadn’t made your relationship open so you had to say your goodbyes a day early, in the privacy of his home. You would never forget the way he cried. The way he wanted to ask you to stay but knew he couldn’t because everything was already set in stone.
  “You know I can’t stay here. Major General is shipping all new recruits from the area out tomorrow. I’ll be sure to write, Spence. You know I could never forget about you. Besides, I’ll be back in a few years. Only four. And I’ll have my job back.”  He looked at you, sniffing, his eyes glistened with a little bit of hope. And tears, but you also saw hope. “You’ll have your job back?” He asked and you nodded, cupping his face in your hands.  “Of course. I talked to a few people at the BAU and they told me that I would be welcome back if I wished. I told them I would.” You reassured. “Of course they would give you your job back you’re one of the best on the team. The only problem is. . . How are we going to do this?” Spencer replied and you looked at him, tears forming in your eyes. “I think we have to put this on pause. I don’t think we can do this. With my training and all of the work you do here, there won’t be time.” Spencer’s head fell.  “But, I promise that I won’t leave you for another person while I’m away. I love you.” You lifted his head up and he nodded, sniffing and he pulled you in for a hug. “I love you too.”
Looking back, it was heartbreaking, but now, standing in front of the doors to the office, it felt like a far away dream. Like a sad nightmare now almost forgotten. Today was your first day back to work and you asked Hotch and Rossi to keep quiet about it.  Walking in, your heart raced a million miles an hour. The day was just beginning at nine AM in the BAU and only a few people were in the office. Hotch, Rossi, Derek and JJ. The moment they saw you their faces brightened. JJ even screamed a little. You had to set your box full of office items down so they all could hug you.
 “You’re back!” She yelped and you laughed. “Indeed I am. And I’m here to stay unless they call me in again. Except, the next time it will be for shorter periods of time. I’m a U.S citizen with military experience with a job in the federal government. They won’t steal me away for long.” You promised and Derek laughed. “Well, we got a new case yesterday and we could really use your help.”  “We could really use you.” JJ finished for him. “Everyone was, has been, so torn up since you left.” She explained. “Reid was the most upset.” Hotch spoke and you nodded.    “About that,” You began. “Spencer and I had been in a relationship before I left. We wanted to keep quiet so nothing would be compromised at work, but when I had to leave we had to put it on pause. It doesn’t surprise me he was torn up. I was too. I sobbed the entire flight overseas and every night for the first six months.” You laughed at the end.  “Well, he’ll be ecstatic to see you.” Rossi gave you a pat on the arm. “For now, let’s get to work while everyone else shows up.”  You nodded and smiled, organizing your old cubicle to look like how it used to.
 Over the span of an hour and a half, everyone began pouring into work. You were organizing and mulling over files. A few people stopped by to welcome you back but other than Garcia, no one really made a big deal out of it.  Looking around the office at about eleven, you noticed Spencer hadn’t shown up yet and your heart sank. Always tomorrow. You thought to yourself before continuing with your work.  It was at about eleven thirty when you heard the sweet, familiar sound of his voice. “Sorry I’m late. Flat tire on the way to work and had to catch the bus.” He explained to everyone as he entered the building. A few people told him good morning and he set his stuff down at his cubicle.  You sat there, patiently, a smirk plastered to your face as you waited for him to notice you. He draped his coat over the back of his seat, sat down and started messing with the papers left on his desk. A crowd started to gather around him as they all waited for his reaction to your presence. Most of the office had learned of your relationship in his absence that morning and if they didn’t know yet, they knew you two were extremely close.  Spencer slowly looked up from his work to notice the crowd of people around his desk, Derek at the front. “What’s going on?” He asked, simply confused and you nearly let out a giggle.  Derek had one hand casually in his pocket and the other was holding a coffee mug. Spencer’s back was to you and you could see everyone’s smiling faces as they faced him. “Aren’t you going to say good morning to your girl?” Derek gestured his coffee to you and Spencer slowly turned.
“To my wha-” He saw you, a smirk on your face and a sparkle in your eye. You were resting in your chair, leaning back. “Oh my God, Y/N.” He nearly leapt out of his seat and you got up as he ran over to you and hugged you.     Feeling him hug you again was the best thing in the world in that moment. You inhaled his sent and felt every inch of his touch and it was in that moment that you realized the amount of missing someone could be measured.      “I didn’t know you were coming back today.” He whispered into you hair and neck. You felt tears. “I wanted it to be a surprise.” You fessed and looked over his shoulder. The crowd was smiling at you and Derek gave you a two finger salute with a smirk before turning and going about his business. As did everyone else.      He pulled away and cupped your face in his hands. You got a good look at the man in front of you. He had changed. Aged. His hair was no longer long and sort of curly. It was now short and messy in a stylish way. His brown eyes somehow grew darker and stubble littered his chin. He no longer looked like the skinny brain boy from your department. He was now an intelligent man who you loved.     Your heart fluttered and suddenly you felt five years old again. “I love you.” You whispered and he smiled. “I love you too.” And his lips were on yours. You remembered correctly. The curve of his lips, how sweet it felt to feel them semi chapped-semi smooth. How his lips fit with the curve of your own. And how it was a beautiful sorrow to feel them pull away.    “We have some catching up to do.”
hope yall enjoyed!
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hurglewurm · 8 years ago
12.07.17 get ready I saw falsettos in theatres
it’s always fun being in a theatre mostly full of teenage girls, young gay men, and old couples, (and me and my mum), and just crying a whole bunch. collectively. as a group. anyway below are some chronologically segmented thoughts on this experience™ warning it’s long
“four jews” was so good, so bouncy, so happy. I love my kids. To Be Honest I was already crying a bit tho from the start just with the. uh. knowledge of what is to come
by “tight-knit family” christian borle was Already sweating and honestly, same
in “love is blind”: 
the “daddy’s kissing boys” kiss was SEEN and REMEMBERED because BOY HOWDY they MADE OUT
and before that happened andrew did an eyebrow waggle?? and a “come hither” crooked finger beckoning marvin near??? help??
“but so am IIIIIIIIIIII” I love brandon uranowitz, I love mendel
I watched andrew rannells as he did the “ah-ah” and he was a FLAWLESS boy, thank you camera crew for giving this to me
“the thrill of first love”
was so much more??? sexual??????? than I’ve ever seen it be??? andrew rannells put your tongue bACK in your mouth, oh my god
they. were. PALPABLE. that is all I can say
their little bickering and random spurts of dialogue were cute tho. like after The Kiss, whizzer said “that’s all you get” and I was like lmao my boy
legit I’m not joking about how steamy it was like they were mouth to mouth breathing the same air by the last “LOOOOOOOVE” and I was sweating
in “marvin at the psychiatrist” anthony rosenthal is the purest boy, best boy, absolutely flawless, KILLED IT YALL HE DID THAT. VERY PROUD
in “everyone tells jason to see a psychiatrist” 
whizzer stared at marvin for sO LONG after the flick. 
also can I just mention? andrew rannells? as whizzer? loves jason so much, and you can really tell
in “this had better come to a stop” the fluidity with which andrew rannells delivers his L’s in “late for dinner late again” is just incredible honestly, never fails to impress
“I’m breaking down” 
was the first song where the cinema audience clapped really hard along with the filmed audience. 
yall sjb killed it, she killed me, it was amazing. 
she d e s e c r a t e d that banana
“please come to our house”:
“hello to my house, so good of you to travel on account of my unraveling now let’s eat some food” anthony rosenthal’s fake smile was so on point during the delivery of this entire line and I was like. my boy
“I’ll wait for yoouuuuuuuuuuuuuu” trina held that note for SO long as she left the room, smiling shyly at mendel, and it was cUTE
“a marriage proposal”:
“I’m… not a giant man” “good” AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
“a tight-knit family reprise”:
mendel is so??? happy???? marvin pls let him live
“king of the losers” “at eighty an hour” the camera man was just ON MENDEL like. yes my boy deliver it
“I just got a family” “the family was mine” still fuckin gets me. damn. mendel is so happy and just?? full of bliss at his new life??? and marvin is so… act one marvin… you get me
“march of the falsettos”: 
bran uran’s voice sounded so strained my poor boy
whizzer: “stop pulling my shorts!” marvin: “they’re so hard to take off!” oh my god
whizzer screaming into the void for the blocks to be thrown up like: “hit me! another one!” 
the finger thing with marvin and whizzer? yeah that happened. they both gasped in fear
“the chess game”
bitch it was t e n s e
idk andrew rannells made the choice to call marvin “man” a whole bunch in this production and??? ok
after marvin storms off, whizzer is like “mARVIN” still in that growly voice from the last “life’s a sham” (nice) and he starts to say “it was just a g—” and then he sees marvin and goes. quiet
also from midway through this song until the end of act one, andrew rannells has this big Curl of Messy Hair in the middle of his forehead and I’m sorry but it was a blessed sight
“making a home”
hi the little zooms on whizzer? unpacking his suitcase in the corner? being sad? broke my heart, thanks
“could he love me?” the angle of the shot had happy mendel in front and whizzer kind of behind him off to the side and stop this, camera crew, stop
for “the games I play” I have no words. andrew did so good. so good. he was so sad. and he hIT those high notes yES boy. the audience clapped a bit after this one
“marvin hits trina”
he just barges into their house and starts yelling and tears up their wedding invitation like holy fuck marvin, what is ur damage
“I am so dumb.” and there is the longest silence as he walks all the way around before he starts his Lil Rampage
the actual Hit was p quiet but that’s what makes it all the more poignant, because you can hear trina’s little cry of shock and pain, and it takes her a second to bring a hand up to her cheek
after the Hit someone behind me in the audience just. let out an audible breath, like the wind got knocked out of them, and I was like. same bitch
“I never wanted to love you”
the mood of this musical changes so quickly when it gets to this song and it’s. Good. like it cleaves my heart in twain don’t think it doesn’t but it’s. good
trina needs a fucking hug (and mendel is going to give her 20)
“how do I start… not to love you” FUCK
whenever marvin looks at jason tbh my heart hurts bye. which bRINGS US TO
“father to son”
the pure adoration and faint amusement on marvin’s face as his son is all like “I think… girls are” like it’s so cUTE
near the end as marvin was singing about love the camera just showed us whizzer? sitting alone in the dark? leaning his head on a corner of the Cube™? how dare you
anyway christian borle was crying and so was I
act two time because there was no intermission which was…  not great to be honest oops
bran uran had little glow sticks in each hand and at “homosexuals” he just pointed at the audience and the music stalled as he just waved about at them like “YALL ARE ALL GAY JUST TAKE IT”
“and a teeny tiny band” a bunch of little paper cutouts of the band rose up from the Band Area Void and bran uran did a little dance to incite people to love and cherish the band (always love and cherish the band guys they’re so good they do such a good job)
“nancy reagan” andrew slapped the blow up doll so hard lmao
in “about time” marvin holds jason close and is like “as mature as my son who is tHIS TALL!! that’s all!!” and you really can see… just how much he’s changed, my boy,
“year of the child”:
anthony rosenthal is the cutest kid alive
his little dance between his parents as they’re all like “my chiiiiild” is. just. incredible
“I’ll bring women from the wrong side of the tracks” mendel says out of the corner of his mouth, as he tucks jason under his arm and leads him away, like a bad influence
“the baseball game”
when whizzer first appeared and marvin was all “what is he doing here??” he hid behind charlotte while simultaneously trying to get a good look at whizzer and it was. adorable
whenever marvin touched whizzer’s hair, whizzer couldn’t keep the smile off his face. I’m deceased
“how would I know… without him… my life would be flat as a lake” ok but who is responsible for this lmao
“would it be possible to see you or to…......... kiss you” BASHFUL MARVIN I REPEAT BASHFUL MARVIN
“a day in falsettoland”
“yEEEESSS IiiIiiIII dOOOooOoO” u already know it was perfect, I don’t need to tell you
charlotte pulled cordelia in with the apron and their part of the stage went dark but they kissed, they did, saw it with my own two gay little eyes
“what more can I say”
andrew had his leggy out
before whizzer rolled over he?? gave marvin a lil kiss on the cheek? it was really audible????? I’m???
when marvin looked under the sheet, instead of his customary simple eyebrow waggle, this man Dared to laugh in delight along with the audience like “yes I love this boy he is mine and I am his and that’s incredible”
ALSO AT THE END when they both just cuddle into each other they… kissed each other’s faces a bunch… h e lp me
“something bad is happening”
charlotte is so upset and I am upset because hERE WE GO
“more racquetball”
the costume department is full of geniuses tbh like the loosening of whizzer’s costume? genuinely just looked like the poor man had lost a bunch of weight
he fell so hard and abruptly and something in me fell with him
“days like this”
someone forgot to turn on andrew’s mic at the beginning so his mouth said “good morning” but you couldn’t hear it
“kid you’re looking very good today” whizzer just gives a self-deprecating smile and he. he Knows. 
cordelia’s laugh is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard in my life
“I’ll let you win, whizzer” “don’t let me win…” “I’ll let you win” I’m really upset, whizzer looked so… wrecked
at the end of “cancelling the bar mitzvah” mendel’s fucking “why don’t we tell him that we don’t have the answers” whole thing got me w r e c k e d. he says those lines like a man who knows how awful it is, but he knows how true it is, and he’s helpless to stop it
“unlikely lovers”
“marvin? did you hear what I said?” they were both crying, you could hear the tears in andrew’s voice, and christian borle kept… sobbing… between his lines… 
like when marvin stopped singing and cordelia/charlotte were at the door he just had to crumple for a moment and just lie there shaking?? a broken man?? just to recuperate for the next bit of the song? kill me
the way marvin looks people in the eye and just says “I love you” with the softest voice. god
so “something bad is happening reprise”: charlotte sang this directly to marvin, a steadying hand on his elbow, peering into his eyes past her own film of tears to make sure he understands what she’s saying. and he does. and he just turns away and walks off
“you gotta die sometime”
when he swung his legs out of bed his voice broke from the effort
he got really choked up after the second verse and he was openly crying by the end of it (still killed it tho, my boy)
this is my favourite song but I can’t watch anyone sing it ever
“jason’s bar mitzvah”
jason rushes in, bubbly and cheerful, and andrew is still fucking sobbing and it takes him a while to come down from it and everything hurts
“don’t know why, but he looks… like marvin” fucking crying already and then there’s a little pause, jason is really agitated, and marvin just whispered something like “hey you got this” and I WEPT
marvin kissed jason’s head. he loves this boy so much
whizzer also kissed jason’s head??? jason has so many dads who all love him so much
whizzer’s “thank you” was just a whisper but it rang through the theatre and then it was so quiet. I could not breathe in the space after whizzer’s final line. (I mean I was sobbing but I was real quiet about it)
“what would I do”
andrew was crying, christian was crying, I was crying, it was beautiful tho
whizzer just walks out in his pristine white shirt and it’s. it’s poignant. it’s such a stark contrast from the last time we saw him, it hits really hard
“I’d like to believe that I’d do it again and again and again” the crescendo that christian puts in these lines leading to that really Powerful last “again” shakes me to my fucking core (and yeah, makes me cry, you guessed it)
“we’re just gonna skip that stage” it sounded like it hurt to say that. it hurt to hear it too
just in general there’s this softness to christian borle’s voice when it’s live that’s not really there in the cast recording but it’s really, really beautiful
whizzer gives him one last, sad, little smile before the lights change
there were three men sitting beside me and my mother and they were all sobbing
“falsettoland reprise”
marvin buried his face in his hands for most of this, but there were moments where he didn’t, where he tried to be strong in the face of his loss. he couldn’t do it anymore once they put the gravestone down. 
to be honest i could barely see jason put the chess piece down because everything was too blurry from my tears
as my mother put it, “there was no catharsis at the end. it was really, really sad. but it was realistic about that, about death, and love, and everything.”
20000000/10 would watch again, please release a dvd
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bahannah01writes · 8 years ago
Bring Me A Dream (Pt. 5)
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Summary: You’re still at the park and for some reason Mark feels like quizzing you, good luck!
 Little shorter, but that’s okay! Honestly, full on fluff and whatnot, hopefully you will all enjoy! Also, I edited this late at night and may have missed a few things, but tomorrow I’ll relook over it and what not! Just wanna get this up for yall ;3
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Tags: @kourt-kay @boots-jpg @bananakid42 @mtttme @let-it-go-and-live-again  if you want to be on the tagged list,  just message me and it shall be done!
      “Look chickadee, it’s you!” Mark exclaims as he points to a little gray bird with a primarily black head of feathers aside from a single white stripe from its beak to the side of its head. Its feathery form bounces about in the tree- slightly jittery but overall it seems to be relaxed as it takes its time just exploring the tree around it. Whether or not Mark meant to be teasing or playful, you smile cheerfully and watch the tiny ball of feathers with adoration.
     “Mark, that is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen,” You begin a light giggle on your lips, “how on earth am I that adorable little bird?” You’ve seen chickadees before, but you always seem to forget just how precious they are. Your current beaked buddy looks to be the size of your palm, if not smaller.
     Although you aren’t looking, Mark rolls his eyes playfully as a crooked smile slides onto his expression, “I swear you make me be cheesy,” he shakes his head and turns to look at you, “You’re that ‘adorable little bird’ because you’re one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.” Yet, the raven-haired lad also feels the need to add a quick quip to counter the cheesiness of his previous statement, “Plus, I’ve gotta say, you have a bit of a bird brain.”
     Your head whips over to look at his with eyes wide and brows knitted together, “I do not!” You protest, your lips shifting into a proud smirk, “I think I’m quite smart!”
     Mark raises a teasing brow, “You sure about that?”
     A slightly shocked gasp leaves your lungs and you can’t help the hint of laughter that escapes you- you give him a friendly shove after shaking your head. “You asshole! Yes, I am positive!”
     He hums in thought and strokes his stubble, “You’ll have to prove it…” Mark trails off as he tries to think of a way to ‘test’ you, the moment you see a shit-eating grin cross his face you realize he’s found his solution. “I’m going to give you a test on the most important subject ever, can you guess what it is?” The way his eyebrows wiggle in anticipation gave you a rather good idea of what this ‘subject’ may be.
     “Is it you?”
     “No! Ha I- Oh wait,” Not expecting you to get it, he chuckles sheepishly, “Actually, yes, that is the topic.” A light rouge dusts his cheeks in response to this ounce of embarrassment, you simply proceed to laugh at his silly blunder, “Oh shut up,” it is now his turn to return a friendly shove in your direction, which almost ceases your laughter. A bubble of joyous giggles escaping every now and again. “Are you ready for your test, chickadee?”
     “Ready as I’ll ever be, Markimoo!” You exclaim, being a Dream Maker does have some benefits like being able to access vague memories- though this would still be far easier if he would be asleep and you would be in your true Dream Maker state; a time in which you could assess his memories in depth. Nonetheless, you believe you’ll do fairly well in this test of his. You watch as he prepares the questions in his mind, his lips purse as he tries to think of question, the hand resting on your arm subconsciously traces circles into your skin. Ever since that most delightful chase and him carrying you for about half way across the park, in a rather uncomfortable manner as well, the two of you stopped at a charming park bench under a shady tree. Though, eventually, you’ll return to your previous settlement. For now; however, this bench is just perfect.
     “Okay, we’ll start off easy. What’s my whole name?” The tiny circles stop and instead his eyes land on yours.
     “Mark Edward Fischbach, simple.” You shrug, leaning into him further, “What else you got?”
     He chuckles and tells you what else he has, “And where did I live before L.A?”
     “Cincinnati, Ohio,” Albeit, your answers may roll a far bit too fast off your tongue, but as you assume, his fans could have probably answered quicker than you just did. Mark nods and mumbles something about doing a good job.
     “What did I do in high school? Like, ‘club’ wise?” Mark inquires, and while for a moment you weren’t exactly sure what he meant, you soon come to the realization.
     “Oh! You were in marching band! Trumpet, right?” A bright smile crosses your lips, which Mark returns along with a light laugh.
     “Right,” He assures, and in deciding to throw you a wild ball- he asks a most obscure question, “What was my high school nickname?”
     Your brows knit together as you scan over your mental files for the answer. Whatever it may be, obviously hadn’t been impactful in his life and would be a trivial little fact about himself. “Can I get a hint?” If you can at least have some tidbits of information around the nickname, it may bring up some memories and lead you to the answer.
      You hear him give out an audible and exaggerated sigh, “I guess so.” He ponders quietly for a moment as you try to hold back a giggle from his reaction, “People started calling me it because of a glitter incident.”
     A glitter incident? Glitter is that bothersome and sparkly infestation of colors, isn’t it? Most commonly used in crafts and is noted for its persistence, no matter how hard you try- you can never get rid of that sparkling parasite. A name pops into your heard and you begin to wonder. Maybe that’s it… “Does it rhyme?”
     “It does.”
     “Was it Markle Sparkle?” You ask, unable to withhold a laugh or two due to the silliness of the nickname- if that is what it was.
     “It was!” He exclaims with his own laughter following, “I was ol’ Markle Sparkle because someone threw glitter all over me.”
     Your laughter only increases as you shake your head, “Oh God, I kind of want you to be Markle Sparkle again,” you say along with a devious, but playful, smirk spreads on your lips.
     Mark shakes his head and pokes your nose as if scolding you for such a thought, “No, he is not making a comeback! Glitter is like the herpes of crafting, I don’t want it in my house,” his boisterous laughter only gets louder and you’re reminded that indeed, you can still hear it from miles away if you want to.
     “Better watch out then, Markimoo!”
     “Says the girl who hardly knows Los Angeles well enough to find a craft store,” He quips with a cocky slanted smile and you blink before proceeding to shake your head again.
     “Alright, you got me there. I can admit when I’m defeated,” You admit and while you’re about to add on, he starts to talk instead.
     “Y’know, while Markle Sparkle won’t be coming back, I actually do have a few other personas who’ve come back lately,” He looks toward you and sees the swirling confusion in your eyes, “Do you know what I mean?”
     While feeling as though you may have an inkling as to what he’s talking about, you’re still uncertain and in case it may somehow relate that beast, you figure letting him explain may be best. So, you offer a nervous chuckle and shake your head, “Not exactly?”
     The glimmer of excitement that lights up in his brown hues tell you that he doesn’t mind explaining at all. In fact,  he’s rather excited and enthusiastic as he begins to talk about this concept of having personas separate from yourself- like a version of yourself in a different reality or universe per se. “So, for a long time on my YouTube channel, my fanbase and I have made these alternate versions of myself. And for a while, they were around every now and again, but now, I’ve really brought them back and they’re becoming something much more than before. It’s always so much fun to make videos as these egos and see all the ideas my fans have about them. It’s the best,” He explains, the smile never leaving his face and the light never leaving his eyes. In return, you gain some of that light as your heart fills with joy from watching him shine while talking about this passion of his.
     “It sounds fun!” You beam, “What are these egos? If you don’t mind me asking.”
     Mark chuckles and shrugs, “Why would I mind?” He sighs happily and starts to name off his most popular egos, “There’s the two ‘main’ egos: Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache. Then there’s a few others like Googleplier, the Host, Bim Trimmer, Ed Edgar, Dr. Iplier, and the Silver Shepard. There’s a few more, but those are the main ones.”
     You awe at the idea and begin to ponder to yourself how these alters came to be and you can’t help but admire the creativity of both Mark and his fanbase, “There’s so many…” And because of a curious thought, you laugh and look up at the sweetheart, “Out of your egos, which do you think would like me?”
     It’s a simple question but it hard Mark repeating that lovely yet loud laugh of his along with a faint, but visible, blush on his cheeks. With his free hand, he scratches the back of his neck and thinks over your question, “For your own sake, I wouldn’t say Dark or Wilford- maybe even Google. I think Bim Trimmer would like you a lot- probably find you cute,” he quickly offers a cheeky wink, “-though, you might have to compete with Matthias.”
     Laughing, the two of lean in closer to one another, “Is this yet another person I have to meet?”
     “Marvelous!” You decide to shift and simply move to rest your head on his lap, his fingers soon find your hair and begin to mindlessly play with your locks, “So, why not Dark or Wilford?”
     Mark can’t help but shake his head, “Because they aren’t as nice as I am,” he looks up to the clouds and continues speaking, “Dark is practically everything I’m not. He’s manipulative, deceptive, and emotionless. So, if he liked you, it may mean good things for you. While with Wilford, he’s just insane,” he chuckles, “loves to kill and doesn’t see anything wrong with it all while being as bubbly and odd as a wacky reporter. With either ego, you wouldn’t be well off. Which is why it’s a good thing they’re just fictional.”
     For some reason, you an interest in these egos and make a mental note to ask him more about them later on.
      “Jack has one too,” Mark interrupts your thoughts though your eyes light up as you look up at him.
     “Really? Oh we can call him later, right? I’d love to hear about his, as well!” You chime, already wondering about the possibilities of what his egos may include.
     “Course! And until we can, you can always Skype or text him if you want- Signe too.” Mark points out and your love for your Danish friend rekindles and a new excitement bubbles up in your mind at the hope of talking to her soon.
     “Absolutely! I’ve missed them so much.”
     “More than me?”
     You roll yours eyes and smile up at the doof above you, “Hardly, you goofball.”
     “Good, otherwise I wouldn’t buy you anymore slushees.” How dare he! Threatening so significant in your life? What gives himi the right to take away your frozen splendor? Obviously, he sees the shock on your face and bursts into laughter, “Why do you look so offended?”
     “Because it’s my chilled haven!” You explain, trying to hold back the smile on your lips and act serious.
     “I swear, you’re the most passionate person about slushees that I’ve ever met,” Mark raises his brows, amazed by your love for slushees. If you love him half as much as you love those slushees, he thinks that you’d be going all ‘Yandere-chan’ on his ass.
     “Says the guy who almost instantly asked me to cook for him when I came back after months of being away,” You watch as Mark opens his mouth to try and defend himself but then closes it realizing you caught him in a corner, eyes hiding from your own, he chuckles lowly at his own love for very specific food- mainly being anything cooked by you. “Truce?”
     Everything is just about packed up into the car as the sun begin to sets on this Californian day. The orange sky mixes in with the clouds to create floating, fluffy forms along the skyline, the rays of the sun give their last effort and shine brightly as they descend, causing trees and bushes to become a silhouette against the plains. Sunsets were something you always found yourself missing when you were back home, as there are no sunsets or sunrises. There are only changes of the blue in the sky- though every now and again the yellow light beams through the clouds and casts in a beautiful and soft light into your world. But here, in the realm of Dreamers, a sunrise or sunset surpasses those short moments in your world every time.
     Mark catches you in your daze and the corners of his lips turn up into a gentle smile, adoring the way you seem to lose yourself in the beauty of nature. Ever since you came into his life, you seemed to do that. And to be completely honest, he finds it unbelievably cute. To be so intuned with nature and being able to take time to simply watch it, he admires that about you. YouTube has made it a bit harder to do that, yet with you, he remembers how to. He may never say it, but Mark’s thankful for that.
     A breath passes his lips as he approaches you and rests his hands on the trunk of his car as he leans against, shifting his weight onto his right leg. “Y’know, it’s almost as radiant as yourself.”
     The little giggle that escapes you warms his heart, the way your face lights up with both embarrassment and pure happiness only adds to that. No matter how cheesy his lines may be, you always laugh- whether it’s because they’re good or just goofy, he isn’t quite sure, though he thinks it may be the latter. “Back at it with the pick-up lines, huh?”
     “What can I say? I’m just that smooth.”
     “You mean you’re just that dorky.”
     “Eh, tomato, tomato, amiright? Besides, you like them.”
     “Regretfully, I do like a few.”
     “And that’s why they’re worth it, if I can have you laugh and like at least a few of them, my mission will be complete,” Mark admits, which earns him a swift kiss on the cheek, rendering him speechless for a moment due to being overjoyed.
     “I think it’s already complete, Markimoo.” He looks over and while you’re still facing the sunset, you sneak a glance from the corner of your eye and for he sees such felicity in those spectacular orbs of yours. Mark wraps an arm around you and pulls you closer to him, which to happily oblige by, and then places a sweet kiss atop your head.
     “Maybe the first part, but I’ve still got a lot in store for you, chickadee. Just you wait.”
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