#I actually made this blog just because I thought it'd be funny. Also a good excuse to draw more consistently? but mostly cause it'd be funn
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daily-odile · 1 year ago
Saw this blog on my dash and IMMEDIATELY followed and subscribed. I love Odile and I love your art style! Thank you for blessing us with your art, and I hope you have a lovely day!
Aaaa right back at you!! Thank you for checking my silly little blog where I draw the same old woman 20 times. The tags fuel me throughout the entire day
Here's a few bonus (ooc) sketches for today
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supernovasbeyond · 2 months ago
I never ever felt this lonely before... Why in discord? That place was basically joy.
Sure i got it then all the sudden my life became hell, but i had friends there right?
...Not really many. we just talk then they leave. Sunny and Rei didn't really talk to me much either even though i spent my time with them.
The only ones i could really trust were Cara , Leaf, Akito Sophia and Azalea honestly....oh and my momma of course!!
When i was banned from that thing of a community , i felt empty.
..or so i thought.
On that time, i was working on what'd be happening with Kamizaka agency
After i was ungrounded, I luckily gave Cara Azalea, mom and Leaf my Tumblr, and i guess we could talk there. Also Sophia already had my Tumblr so I'll talk to her about wanting to kiss girls there ahahahdjwakcnm.. women
"I heard about Au roleplay blogs! It'd be cool to make one of that detective au of Project Sekai that ive been working on." I thought. And that was a good idea!
Tomiho was the first one i saw honestly, then we interacted.
It actually got people interested - I'm skipping the part with the flower princess an au because that thing was deleted.
I got in another friend disbanding so i thought about it then I made the Superhero Au.
"hehe, if i post this funny thing about An shapeshifting into Akito, I'll probably use this thing more." I did that,
"Can i make an akito account lol" ...That wasnt the exact message but, it made me surprised.
Someone was actually interested? I decided to let them.
...It grew.
And I made Hypnosis sekai out of a stupid idea...
Then Crimson came. I was excited to actually... Have people interested in my ideas.
Everything grew and came so quickly to the point of new year.
We all have may just known each other for months besides Azalea, Cara and Leaf but....
Im thankful.
The funny moments in the superhero au, the canaries in the hypnosekai au, the coffee stuff in Kamizaka...
They made me happy.
Was it cause it wasn't just some random friend break up? Drama? Vent? I didnt know how to feel.
..And this is where my message to you all comes.
Thank you, @rad-fire @starfrill (idk man i got braindead remembering ur user) @internetxstarz @crime-soncloud @ithappenedonroute66 @reazelf411 @the-depths-of-the-coral-sea @enanannnnn @mycutiemelody @phiaiso , I sadly cannot tag everyone here because they might not wanna get tagged but... This is also for the ones who weren't tagged.
Thank you for everything you've done for me... And I wanna give that all back to you! You all are amazing people. I thought i was never gonna feel at peace again. But i found out that many people in this community actually cared and wanted to see more of what I do, and I absolutely feel the same! I wanna do everything that is there with all of you. Please talk to me if you need anything and once again,
Thank you. :)
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project-lumen · 2 months ago
Hi, Red Spring anon here again (I couldn't think of a better name lol) :-D I have come with some ramblings and a few questions bec I am too curious for my own good.
So, I have come to the conclusion that since Red Spring was not mentioned in your guys' response (:0 you guys responded! woah - me) I am going to assume that it might (!) happen. I hope. If not, then I guess I'll sit in my room staring into the distance while the kazoo cover of "My Heart Will Go On" (from the Titanic movie, which I still have not seen yet, lol) plays loudly (/j). If you're doing it tho (or plan on maybe doing it, this blog has been up for, like, a week so far, I don't expect y'all to have your entire plot ready yet lol) don't tell me! I want the surprise when I (1:) play the game, or when I (2:) get to help with the game (hopefully) and thereby spoil myself.
But! Martren confirmed!!!! He's so underappreciated it's so sad </3
Also, having Scar as your favorite is very real. He's just so icon
Just saw the art guide earlier today and I am stoked! Especially for the SL style, that's a really cool take on it! Also LL being retro/90s vibes we love to see it
I took a glimpse at the lore post earlier (Lore(tm) <3 my beloved) and *ooooh I am interested*. I also had the funny thought earlier that since there are a bunch of Watcher Apprentices watching the games through the other players, does that mean our wonderful WC just keeps ending up with the winners of each season? Because if so, that's really funny. WC either has extreme mc energy or is unreasonably lucky and either way it's hilarious.
Right, questions. That's what this blog is for but *man ranting about how happy your guys' response made me is also a very appealing idea*.
So, y'know that one Instagram thingy of Jimmy praying to the Watchers? Will that be in the game (or can we influence Jimmy in some way)? I just think it'd be a cool thing to have in the story, like a brief peek into the mind of 1 Jimmy Solidarity. Or just whatever he's praying about, I guess. Idk how praying to the op eldritch beings works. If not, weeeell it just happened off camera and that's why it's not in the game, clearly, because I am definitely, 100% a game dev, I'm the secret one and I steal your internet speeds (/j).
Also, on Porl because I had an idea. So, she goes all insane and stuff in cannon, but can we potentially have the divorce squad *not* be the divorce squad? Can we have Pearl and Scott and Tilly (and Pearl's other 50 million doggos) as a happy little family? Can we somehow ruin the divorce squad even more? They're just so fun and messed up, I love them.
Also, kind of a joke question but also kind of not (i'd be funny if this was treated with 100% gravity for no reason), can we definitively prove that Etho is washed up? Can we disprove this? Can we at least make him pay child support for his children (/j)???
Also (I will find a better word to use someday I swear), I am excited for the snails. I don't know how it's gonna work but I'm excited nonetheless. I also read this fic where everyone was *really* sleep deprived because of the murder snails and I think that'd be funny to show by all of the sprites looking like they haven't slept in 48 hours, thank you for coming to my TED talk, that's literally all I have to say rn.
And, last but not least, Joel should hit Scott with his car, that's actually part of the True Ending, where Joel just drives around committing traffic violations and hitting people with his car instead of winning and then the Watchers come down from Watcher Land or wherever they live (i forgot the name but Watcher Land sounds like an amusement park so it's staying) and so Joel hits them with his car too trust me this is how he wins Life(tm).
Thank you for listening to my ramblings, have a nice day/night/evening/morning, and drink water and eat some food plz take care of yourself (that goes to all of you).
This is really long, sorry! - Red Spring Anon (i will come up with a better name soon, promise!)
Hi hello there Red Spring Anon! Nice to see you again, Arto, Pinkie and Kori here :3
First off, thank you so much for your ramblings that is what our blog is for! I think we might have to either hire you or steal your ideas/hj and you don't get to know which one is the /j part
Alright so, let's go over your points, starting with Red Spring: We can confirm that it will happen and our local Treebark expert has been brainstorming about it! We don't want to spoil too much but it'll be awesome, trust
The Art Guide was so much fun to make, and we are very glad you all liked it! :D (personally my favorite is the Wild Life style solely because I had a very clear idea of how Tango would look like :,> -Kori)
Also yeah, no, the main character energy with the WC is truly strong, maybe it is fate?
Jimmy praying to eldritch deities™️ would be pretty neat! Maybe in battle he could get a move that the next turn gives him a boost! Ooooooh, and there could be a chance that boost either doesn't happen at all or ends up being a nerf? :0 That would be a good idea to spice up battles, but out of that there could be maybe a little hidden Jimmy altar in the overworld, a funny reference to that, special cutscene and all! Just don't steal our internet pretty please :D
About the Divorce Squad, we can surely include them like a dysfunctional family instead of whatever they had going on in Double Life, all depending on your choices as a WC, we just need to take the script and try to solve it in a way that makes sense, but we will figure it out. Also about Etho, picture me this: he is a pretty mighty opponent in Third Life, we nerf him in Last Life, then nerf him more in Double Life to the point of just being support for Joel, and then in LimLife you can just one-shot him with any move and has a special move called "absent father" that makes him run away from any battle, but if you are able to defeat him, he gives you an item called "child support money" that you then give to Cleo, how's that? >:3 /j, probably
(Might sound like a joke but my current placeholder sprites for test purposes in Unity are snails I sketched, 100% true)
We haven't gotten that far in script things, unfortunately, but bet that in the future we will have good snail mechanics :,]
And True Ending, yeah no I think you might have read our minds, Joel hits Scott with a 1970 Dodge Charger and then crashes into the void, breaking the simulation Truman Show style and messing up the continuum. Trust, that is what happens.
Thank you for sharing your ramblings Anon! Really nice to read them, you too take care and have a good day!
-Team Rocket
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fictionfolk-safehaven · 1 month ago
CW: abuse, SA from a young age, depression, incest, intrusive thoughts. Long post, a bit of a doozy lol
Hi! we think this blog is rlly cool and it actually helped us a lot. like really thanks. We in general have a lot of intrustive thoughts but particularly ones about incest/minors hit us the worst, basically cuz our brain is just reminding us of trauma that actually happened to us. And it causes a lot of shame and self-hate, and even guilt. My name is Kaoru Hitachiin, from Ouran Highschool Host Club. Both my brother and I are in the system. In our source we are literally the "brotherly love duo" and in our system we are in a relationship. To give context.
We've existed since middle school, dormant I guess but showed up recently thanks to us seeing these posts and trying to understand people's perspectives better, because everyone deserves to feel understood. This caused us to reframe how we view incest on a more compassionate level. Like y'know it's not good, I'd perfer if people didn't have to go through whatever it was that made their brain develop that way but it's also not their fault. System wise, my brother and I would not have been able to exist prior to this understanding. Like, we literally would've crumbled with the inner shame and maybe even outside critic of other systems members, no matter how nice they all are. I know in their heart they'd be freaking out about it, and it'd make our intrusive thoughts worse.
It's not like it was easy for us either, Particularly Hikaru.
We got exomemories that aren't even from source. Memories of our uncle, SA, from 5 years old to Middle school. Often together. Everyone in the family knew, no one cared.
We thought we didn't need anyone else, no one else was to be trusted. He took care of me, I took care of him. We survived because each other. This was hard for me, I developed feelings for him since childhood, he only realized his feelings until a little bit after haruhi showed up in the show. and in real life this was something he knew but we had to work through immediately first day of hosting because of the stress is was giving us. Our "Brotherly love act" was supposed to just be that, and act. We thought it was funny and entertaining to make the girls swoon, we are performers after all. All the while my souls constantly being crushed like a garbage disposal, but I'm used to that by now, years and years of practice. And they made us like that in the show, so you really can't blame me for feeling these feelings , right?
Anyways, things are better now. We are happy, we've accepted that our happiness doesn't need to make sense for others, and that it's more valuable for us to do that than to desire for acceptance. Thanks guys for providing a space like this. Don't know if we would've showed up for a very long time without it.
I wrote a poem earlier, about this, and wanted to share in case anyone else resonated with it, as this is (my) first poem and I like it! It felt good to make, if ur reading this u should make a poem soon (that includes u, person scrolling) if u want
Old Memories Melt- Kaoru Hitachiin
But that was the past, and this is the now
In your arms I crave and your passions endowed
Your heart beats quicker than the rabbit I found
Dove into a rabbit hole so deep and profound
I've been falling since a child
Drank the potion and now it's time for cake
Growing up is hard
When they've wrecked up your mental state
Pillaged our safest space
That is, Each Other
Thoughts began to spiral in fear of being outnumbered
Or of you, finding another
Leaving me Alone In the wreckage of the past without a word of Our present
Each smile and wink you give *Is* a Present
Wrapped in barbed wire- but I must open
Pandora's box
I must feel these feelings
Although it's Paradox
To love your brother
Ties the deepest knot
In my gut and my heart
So tell me it's wrong
Go ahead! If it weren't for him-
I'd be dead..
We're a bit exhausted this week (/lighthearted) so I can't put it into words as well as I'd like, but tbh I'm not sure if I'd be able to anyway. I genuinely can't express how much it means to us that this blog helped anyone to the point of like... headmates leaving dormancy because they're allowed to exist safely???? that's just. Genuinely unfathomable to me. I'm so glad that there's less shame within your system, and we're so honored to have played any part in that from our little corner of the internet.
We also have intrusive thoughts, and know from experience that trying to shame yourselves less for those thoughts and such can be so difficult. So points to you all for handling that.
-Archivist Phil
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OOC Post Explaining Blog and all that
Hi OP here out of character and not the poor guy who lives in Gotham who's name we'll probably find out soon. I realised I should make a post giving a good explanation of this blog and any rules and all that for interaction
Info about me the OP
I'm still getting into the Batman comics rn so I might get lore or any of the like wrong
Also I'm not American but trying my hardest to get American universities accurate
I'd rather not share my personal blog because I am actually terrified this blog might be cringe and I am not quite free yet (also I'm scared of possibly getting yelled at for portraying a character wrong once that cat's out the bag 💀💀)
Info about the blog
This follows the life of some poor sod living in Gotham
It will be following a narrative and is updated in real time
Going to be honest I made this because I didn't think I had it in me to run an ask blog where I did drawings, then I thought "god it'd be funny to just run a blog for this character"
Feel free to interact as if you're someone who maybe lives outside of Gotham or also lives in Gotham
Hell feel free to interact as if you're a gotham rogue or something I want this guy to shit himself
Some characters I won't interact with for timeline reasons such as any of the bat family members with appearances after Tim Drake, or Jason Todd who is currently dead when I have placed this blog on the timeline
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This place may actually be worse than Black Mesa...
After the events of Black Mesa and Chuck E Cheese and the Theatre, the Science Team finds themselves relocated and now living in this strange place with an infinite elevator. Probably complimentary from Mr Coolatta, because it'd be hard to readjust to society. Then again adjusting to this place is just as hard in theory. Oh well, nothing ventured nothing gained!
Hey! This is an RP/ask blog featuring a hlvrai + regretevator au that I made up because I thought it would be funny and got attached.
This blog features Gordon Freeman, Joshua Freeman, Benrey, Dr Bubby, Dr Coomer, and Tommy Coolatta. It'll be both text and art based, anyways more lore + designs will be under the cut.
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So here we have our dubiously human cast, I hope you guys like the designs I crafted with my gnoggin. Also there definitely isn't already plotted out shops (lying) so look forward to those. Anyways,
They all live on a floor called Gordon's Apartment, but mechanic wise only Gordon, Joshua, and Benrey would actually "spawn" on this floor. Coomer, Bubby, and Tommy would spawn on the Testing Chamber floor, which would just look like a laboratory.
Gordon (He/Him) is a panicked and nervous person, he's very protective of the science team but more specifically he's protective of his son Joshua. He is not trusting at all, but despite this he rambles a lot. He's also the defacto leader of sorts, mostly because while everyone else is committing shenanigans he acts as a straight man.
Joshua (He/It) is just a chaotic kid. He loves his dad and new family but he can and will get into trouble. He loves farms and cashews, and likes making a loud foghorn sound. He gets his talkative nature from his dad, obviously.
Benrey (He/It/They) is an unbothered kind of thing. He rarely makes sense, and still acts like some sort of security guard. Usually by asking people if they have their passport, and abuses their Black Mesa Sweet Voice™ to influence people. Usually just calm them down.
Bubby (He/It) is a hot headed scientist. He's incredibly self-centered but in a "I'm the smartest in the room and the best" way, despite this he's not actually extremely confident and second guesses himself a comedic amount. Also a bit of a coward, but we love him.
Dr Coomer (He/Him) is a jovial scientist who also acts a bit like a tutorial NPC. He repeats himself often, and talks about game mechanics that do not exist. He also loves violence and will take any chance to punch someone and get into a good tustle. Sometimes, though, you can see something beneath the surface.
Tommy (He/Any) is a "naive" scientist. He is actually pretty smart under the surface, he just isn't good at articulating himself. He is pretty by the books, but also not, he's a walking contradiction sometimes. He's also pretty cheerful, and does not know how to handle emotions so he's a bit awkward too.
Well that's all the characters. I'll see you all in the inbox! Hopefully. Please interact I'm mentally ill and I like rping with other people's characters and OCS please please /silly
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royaltaleau · 2 years ago
Oh hey since were asking you directly now, what insipire you to make this au?
A simple question yet difficult to answer. I never actually thought about making a UT au before, it just happened. The FIRST character design I made for Chara was actually an adult design for them, kind of around 20 years old! I mainly created them for a fantasy rp with friends. Then I ended up making Frisk because well it's not UT without our favourite protagonist.
I guess you could say that I was inspired after looking at other people's UT aus (Ask mercy series beloved) I decided to make my own versions of Chara and Frisk using my own ideas. Chara being alive isn't an original idea but having the barrier broken by Asgore himself while Chara AND Asriel are alive is one of the ideas I had.
And like I said! I only made the ADULT versions of Frisk and Chara, I never thought about what their actual backstory is! I just thought it'd be neat if Chara was like a Royal Advisor for Asriel since there is no way Chara would want to be the heir to the throne.
Frisk didn't have any roles yet so I had them take on the role as the ambassador for humanity because HEY Chara and Asriel are alive, there isn't much reason for Frisk to be the monster ambassador. Also its good Charisk fuel.
It's funny how the reason why they were made in the first place was because I shipped Charisk then I thought 'Hey I should make backstories for them so people will know how they got into this mess'
Then this au was made. I never actually had ANY plans to make this an ask blog but i thought it would be nice to have people interact with the story! So Anon bot was made, why are you guys a robot? Because you and I both know that there are anons who would rather sow chaos and not think about the consequences of their actions.
Besides it'll be entertaining to make both the characters and you suffer within this lovely little au of mine.
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barbieb0y · 2 years ago
yeah yeah shameless song reference in the title but hey it fits my acc's theme
if you can't guess it yet, in this one i'll be talking about my relationship with the internet. of course, i still mostly am on the internet, or at least on my pc and phone, but i'm doing a whole lot better than i did a few years back lol
anyways sit back bc this is gonna be a long one.
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i've always had a fascination with modern gadgets, considering i grew up with gaming consoles and a dad who's a computer science graduate.
but i never used these gadgets to actually engage with the wide community on the internet - it was mostly for playing video games, to nobody's surprise. not that i was old enough to really understand anything that's being said on the net; then again, even toddlers are being let on to social media these days.
it truly started when i was around 11. though technically it doesn't classify as a social medium, i remember being on quizup. it was there where i had my first real taste of online social interaction - it's just that it wasn't too memorable so i buried it in the depths of my mind. what came after is much more interesting (despite the sudden onslaught of... graphic pictures of the popstar that clogged the taylor swift quiz community section at one point, but i digress).
it was there where i discovered about amino - a friend of mine there shared a screenshot of what seemed to be a community dedicated to blogging exclusively about taylor swift (i was a swiftie okay you don't have to rub it in) and curious, i asked them what it was. they told me it's an app called amino and you can join any community within the app. for whatever reason, that dragged me in.
i installed amino. i joined my first ever community - the swifties community (or as we call it, swifties amino). while amino is notorious for its roleplaying community, i participated in none of that (i would argue that there is nothing roleplay about in a community about the worldwide popstar taylor swift but terminally online people are well... creative enough to come up with anything). if anything, i think i barely chatted with any of the people in that community. i mostly did my own thing, which is lurking. the only thing i remember posting was fan-made gifs of the song "out of the woods".
no, what really started my chronically online phase was none other than the sims amino. and here's the funny part - i wasn't even a massive sims fan at the time. my only exposure to it is playing the sims freeplay and the sims 2 on my old psp. but since the app was still new (or at least, the main app - there were always the standalone aminos that were their own apps, including a sims amino app i believe), it was one of the only aminos available at the time that didn't really intimidate me. so i joined, for whatever reason.
it was a small community. almost everyone was new. i remember using basic gif filters to edit pics of sims was mind-blowing back then. most people actually play the sims 4, which was new (and paid; expensive at that) at the time, and it made me jealous - i only had a mobile game and an old game to speak for. and that year, i actually begged my mom to buy me a copy of the game. once i got good grades for an exam that year, i got my copy i ordered online which was, funnily enough, the first instance of online shopping i did that i can recount. (fun fact: i also got the get together expansion pack but i don't remember if that was the same year or not)
i wanted to be like everyone else, posting their sims with a pretty gradient background. i read blogs on how to edit. i wrote my own nonsensical, corny stories that i keep cancelling because i couldn't commit. there was a point where i'd post everyday. a point where i put my deepest, darkest thoughts into an amino post because i thought it'd be entertaining. honestly, it would've been simple if it was just that.
but there was a desire for approval.
if you didn't know, aminos have this section called the "feature page" and upon entering an amino, you're instantly greeted with this section. mods can pick certain posts they think are feature-worthy and put them there. we called it "featuring" posts. it's supposed to bring attention to these posts that deserve more attention. i can't remember the first time i got featured but by god was it exhilarating.
logging in and seeing my post, sometimes at the top if it was still newly featured, was like being fed food after not having eaten for a week. i didn't know i was so starving for attention until that moment. or maybe i never craved it - that amino only sparked that need, that thirst.
i remember i would feel particularly down if a post of mine (that i think deserves to be featured) was ignored and only got 20 likes instead of 300. it's funny to think about that now because nowadays, from what i've check briefly on the web, even featured posts get only 12 likes at best. it's eerie to see an amino in such a state. it's like a graveyard.
it kind of give me the image of what it would be like if we actually destroyed the internet.
this is also where i found my first ever friend group. i remember all their (user)names still. back then, i had a tendency to "fictionalize" the people i knew, including myself. i remember making sims that "represented" us. they were even color-coded, with mine being red because that was my favorite color at the time. i've also fictionalized friends outside that group. wrote a fictional story including us living fictional lives, loving fictional men i created, even straight-up putting these characters in situations that should've made my friends uncomfortable. but they never said anything about it. i was lucky. but also not.
one of the members of this friend group actually inspired me to start writing because they were a writer themselves. and after time, they decided to make an amino of their own, exclusively for writing. all four of us joined and some others - including my very own biological sister. i still think of that place as a safe haven; it's a small place with mostly familiar faces and i can write anything i want with little to no judgement.
eventually we all started leaving amino. or at least, they did. i always had trouble moving on when it came to friends leaving, for whatever reason. but perhaps it's because i always had a small glimmer of hope inside of me that told me "but what if they come back?" and that i have to be there when they come back. but they never did.
i was feeling dejected by then. i tried searching for another amino to belong in. fortunately, around the same time, i've been joining my sister in on her danganronpa marathon so i've taken a liking to the franchise. and so that meant i was more than eligible to join danganronpa amino.
i joined. everything happened in a blur - yet it feels like i could remember it all crystal clear too. i remember posting my first ever fanfic there. i don't remember what my first post was. i remembered what was probably could only be described as falling platonically in love with your best friend. i don't remember if i had breakdowns there or not. i remember fictionalizing people and them enabling it yet again. i don't remember what i said to make people even like me.
i remember being ghosted by the girl i loved.
and i remember it cutting deep.
after all the posts i wrote about her, for her, after messaging her "i love you" everyday even after she left, after everything.
i held on. just in case she came back. but she never did. they never do.
i couldn't read any instances of her name for a while after that. being there made me yearn for all the good times again and finally, after a while of holding on to that little glimmer of hope, somehow, i left.
either i was already a part of it or until after i left danganronpa amino did i join bandori amino. i had little to no negative experiences here - if anything, i was the negative experience. i had a deep hatred for this one character back then and for whatever reason, i often had to make it known to others. but otherwise, all i really did was post edit sets, post blogs explaining why i love the characters i love and sell reroll accounts (and no the price is not real money. it's amino coins). there was a point where i did lose my game account to a scammer posing as an account farmer though.
but things really went down once i joined a3! amino, a bit after i joined bandori amino. i simply wanted to be surrounded by people who enjoys the same game i do but boy oh boy did i get more than i bargained for.
don't get me wrong. a3! amino is still a memorable place for me and i have friends and family i made through it that i am still connected and close with to this day. but to say that it was all positive would be a lie.
underneath the facade of a welcoming community, i could see fights breaking out and users making fun of each other behind each other's backs. i thought i wouldn't ever be a part of all that but well, life is unpredictable, isn't it?
i had these 3 friends. 2 of them were adults, 1 around my age. these adults does not get along with the 1 kid - and honestly, i do not blame them because this kid is insufferable and i was just too naive to really accept it earlier. that i was just friends with her because i pitied her.
one of the adults told me to tell this kid that she has problems, blah blah blah, whatever. i told my friend to get her shit together and solve her own problems and not drag me into it. well, guess what? i got dragged into it. she got mad at me instead, telling me i shouldn't listen to my other friend.
it's to the point where i would feel uncomfortable interacting with any of them. i didn't know what to do. and i don't remember what the resolution was anyway. i only remember how the whole situation made me stressed out like never before. i simply wanted everyone to get along. it seemed so easy before.
another minor dilemma i experienced was when i joined this entertainment team. and though that was where i met my younger sibling and close friend, it was also where my inferiority complex grew. everyone in the team was an artist - except for me. i was the only writer accepted, for whatever reason. though i am honored, at some point, it just made me feel small.
we published a new edition of our magazine, which was in the form of a post. everyone's submissions were amazing - and to close it all off, my fanfic was featured at the very bottom. i had hoped it would make people happy - and now i have no doubt but it must've - but one comment, though innocuous, i took to heart. the user praised all the art featured in the post,
but did not comment on my writing.
i thought that my work is not worth reading. not worth consuming. not worth experiencing, just because you can't just take it in by simply looking. and knowing me, i'm known for how quickly i lose motivation. that one comment was enough to bring me down. i brought it up with my other teammates and they sympathized with me, but eventually i had to leave due to my lack of motivation and, again, inability to commit to anything.
i left both the team and amino altogether. i couldn't take what this app was doing to me anymore. i needed a new start. and somehow, somehow, past me thought twitter was a good idea. most likely because some of my friends were already on twitter by then.
i moved. i made an account. behaved like any other twitter user would - with delusion. eventually, i made two accounts. then 3. then many more. there was my public account, my private, a writing account, a gimmick account, roleplaying accounts (ironic how i got into roleplaying after leaving amino), bot accounts, the works. i was still desperate for attention, for approval, for acceptance still.
again, just like amino, i've had positive experiences with twitter; as amusing as it is, i've met most of my current friends through twitter, through the many, many accounts i made. i fondly remember how a friend of mine messaged a roleplaying account i ran and told me that i'm doing such a great job and how they really appreciate me. i didn't think my actions held so much meaning and significance to someone. and to think there might be more out there who holds the same regards but are not bold enough to tell me.
i've had my dark moments of course. who hasn't impulsively, secretly deactivated when they were feeling like garbage to see if people would notice if they're gone or not? it did work once for me so it's not completely foolproof; but it is also, obviously, unhealthy. it's done nothing but feed into my delusion that nobody cared about me when, really, they do but they need to care about themselves - or even someone else who needs it more - at that time.
i've felt isolated too. it seemed like everyone was good at something, or at least part of a majority, except for me. it was like secondary school all over again. i remember being one of the only men in the self-shipping community and even then, i didn't self-ship romantically and/or sexually so it basically meant nothing. i was nothing.
then came the thing that pushed me to the edge.
it was an innocent tweet. out of curiosity, i was simply asking fellow aroaces at the time if they mind being in a non-platonic relationship. suddenly, a mutual of mine came into my replies with a screenshot taken from my rentry. the screenshot read "i don't think all the bandori girls are lesbians". the caption read "now what is this".
i didn't think much of it at first. it's unrelated to what i was asking and besides, shouldn't have they known that when they checked my rentry before they followed me? it barely took a few minutes for people to come and attack me for it though. first it was just 2 people. then 3. then suddenly hundreds were quote-retweeting me with nasty comments and even some death threats. only 2 of my friends defended me. only a gimmick account i liked was respectful to me.
i laugh at the incident now but at that time, i felt myself break. when i hugged myself, i could hear cracks. i asked myself if i should listen to those death threats after all. maybe they'll be satisfied if such a terrible person like me, who dares misrepresent some anime girls, died at their hands.
i held on, for the sole reason that national exams were nearing and that it's a bad decision to let a bunch of stupid terminally online maggots decide whether i live or die because of fictional girls. but it still affected me greatly. i went private.
one day, i was having it particularly bad. i remember that evening vividly: i forgot i accidentally released one of my cats and i had no idea where she went. she's been out since morning and hasn't come back for a few hours now. i start crying while studying, feeling guilty for not just her but everything. i never seemed to be able to do anything right. i called myself a cursed child, that i'm nothing but a burden and an abomination.
i deactivated, thinking it's just one of those times.
i cried, until the cat showed up at my door eventually. i felt relieved by then, that maybe im not such a failure after all. i debated reactivating now that i felt better but i thought that i could probably focus on studying better if i didn't. so i didn't.
the days i went on without twitter were the most liberating and peaceful days i had. nothing else was on my mind other than studying. i'd study while listening to my favorite albums, with a tinge of curiosity as to what's happening on twitter at the time. but i persisted.
eventually, i came back - but only to announce that i'm quitting twitter and make sure my friends know how to keep in contact with me. it only lasted a few days.
then i deactivated.
it felt like a huge burden's been lifted off my shoulders. to this day, i haven't attempted to make a new account at all, even though i had the urges. but i'm proud to say i've been clean of twitter for a year and a few months now.
fast-forward to the present day, i am now on tumblr again and it's a peaceful alternative. plus, i'm not on here all the time like i was with twitter. it's just easier to search for content here, what with the tags and all. and it's the only social media i need.
people can say that i'm missing out for not having instagram or tiktok all they want. i'm comfortable where i am right now.
plus, maybe they haven't overdosed like i have just yet.
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crazy to think ive been on the internet for like what 7 years now? but it was my only safe space for a while (and still is to some extent) so i dont blame past me
tomorrow will be the last day i post something for this miniseries. i already have a draft in the works so stay tuned~
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hospitalterrorizer · 1 year ago
i did see a movie today,
i got to go watch fallen angels, about halfway through the movie i was always at tears, even the funny stuff made me want to cry. it's insane how that movie gets you into every character's head, the extremity of how it presents itself is just a kind of expressionism made to communicate/connect to that speed of life and distance between oneself and others, and the yearning to close the gap always, the long shots of the movie are really incredible too. i need to see his other movies, i think.
i also met someone new, someone my gf talks about a lot, a new person at school/work, they're nice but i basically know nothing about them still. they're flirting with a friend of ours though, which is funny.
anyways, my friend got back to me about the idea i had, he said it'd be cool to try out, so we're gonna do that. i need to go ahead and export a bunch of guitar tracks w/o any (or maybe only a few) effects on them to get that to work well. and then, i think i'm gonna have him listen to what i've got and get opinions on what sounds good and what doesn't.
i just listened to a bunch of my music and shocker: i like it a lot more now. wow!! crazy what taking a break can do. only 3 songs where i think i've really failed to get the guitars right, and one where there's one part that's way off but the guitars work in literally every other part. curious and difficult. hopefully these new sounds i have can really help out here.
i did work on a new guitar tone today, i'm really excited about maybe actually writing new stuff soon. short grindy shit, i need to get some shit going. just fucked up spastic songs, i want to go crazyyyy soon.
with the 4 songs that i think are way fucked, i at least know where to start w/ what riffs to export out. and there's another i know i might want some real distortion on a riff. so there's 5 things that are for sure.
tomorrow i need to get them exported, and i need to get all the bpms down for these songs so i can do them in ableton right.
and that's about all i can put about my day and my future here.
i guess now i'm going to make a fucked up short song because i want to use this one guitar i made and see if it works in songwriting.
it does, that's fun. it sounds good too i think.
i keep thinking about how my friend told me when he saw fallen angels he thought it was set in korea.
i still need to get a more perfect low guitar tone. something that actually sits in the register like, the low e string hits. or is convincingly situated around there. it's been the hardest thing i think to nail.
my friend told me about these other friends of his thinking about making an irc. something about that is so lame to me, when people are like, let's bring back something old because it's actually better than what we have now (ignore me posting on my tumblr blog again (please (lol))). it's just such a thing people do, especially with internet stuff. like, let's simulate a bbs, let's do another imageboard, let's do things and act like they're for security but really it's about giving ourselves the illusion of community/a scene when there is really nothing at all, surely if we put the work in to hallucinate it, it'll really be there. #snore.
there's such strange complaints i see people come up with for new chat platforms, outside of complaints that this stuff ends up as bloatware and it is often the case that huge communities are totally awful which are normal and make sense, i've seen people talk about how avatars and various other personalized features invite a kind of narcissism and self obsession, and other psycho stuff.
anyways here's the song i'm listening to right now:
i love this record a ton, the organs/synths are so so cool.
anyways, byebye!!
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animatedrapture · 4 years ago
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"𝖐𝖎𝖘𝖘 𝖒𝖊 𝖘𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖞" — suna rintarou ;
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𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞: suna rintarō is so much more than his bored eyes, the blunt between his lips, and his tendency to slack off—luckily, you're one of the very few people who know this; especially after he comes home to you sullen after finding out he didn't make it to the olympic players.
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖘: female reader. fluff—established relationship. angst if you squint. comfort. mention of drug use. like, one swear word.
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 2k
𝖛𝖎𝖔𝖑𝖊𝖙'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊: in lieu of the influx of toxic stoner!suna content, i offer you a piece of appreciation towards him and all that he is. i was meaning to post this in my new blog but i thought there's so much of you here who would appreciate and need this more. written on a whim at 1AM and didn't proofread so for any errors, gomen. repost because tumblr tagging hates me. cross posted on ao3 under the same username. original post here. this was written before we got information that he actually made it to the olympic team. furudate really told me to stfu, huh?
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It's you who find out first that there is truly so much more to Suna Rintarō than his expressionless exterior, sleepy eyes, and bored gaze towards even the most ridiculous situations. It's when his self assured stance dwindled as he walked towards you once upon a time, introducing himself first before asking you for your number.
"My number?" You echoed his request, trying your best not to gawk at his attractive features and six foot two stature towering over you so easily; making you feel oh so small. (Which is funny, given that you were already standing straight on your heels.)
"If you don't mind, 's cool if you say no," he replies, tearing his gaze from you as if he was actually anxious you'd say no.
It's funny, really. It's not every day a famous pro-athlete known for both his good looks and skills walk up to you, asking for your number and actually considering you'd say no to him and his pretty features—in fact, nevermind that he was pretty, it was more the fact that he wasn't so full of himself to actually think you wouldn't say no.
That's what makes you nod your head; your heart already beating right out of your chest as he gives you a lazy grin and his phone to press your number in. When you're done, you hand it back to him and you mentally pat yourself at the back for not visibly trembling.
"Y/N?" He reads your name from the contact information, and good God, did your name sound so beautiful coming out of his mouth. He doesn't wait for your reply anymore, looking back at you from his phone, the lazy smile still across his lips as if he knew it was a heart killer.
"Thanks, I'll text you later," is the last thing he said before he walked away from you.
It didn't take long for you to fall in love with someone like Suna Rintarō—underneath his detached personality also lied someone who was truly passionate with the things he set his mind to, gave his time to. Like you or volleyball or the video game he's been waiting to release for a whole month—it only had to be something or someone who was special enough, then, he would give it his all.
The smoke that filled his lungs occasionally did nothing to lessen your own intoxication of Suna Rintarō and his passions—because every exhale, his dark green eyes would meet yours and oh so easily, he offers you that same lazy smile yet one that was dripping with affection.
"Should you even be smoking that, Rintarō?" You had questioned him before, about the second time you've seen him put the rolled blunt in between his soft lips, inhaling it.
"It's a once in a while kinda thing, you don't actually think I'd sacrifice my career for this don'tcha?" He grins at you, amusement flooding his usually bored eyes — now glazed over with the effects of the weed—from the way he gazes at you with an eyebrow raised.
It's when you realize that Suna Rintarō was independent and knew what he was doing—did what he did with full awareness, full control, full flexibility. It's as if who he was in court was who he was in person as well.
"You're really interesting, y'know that Rin?" You had mumbled against his chest once before, it was at the first few months of dating—he had one of his arms around you with you cuddled on his side, watching a movie from his couch.
"I mean—you've always been so good at what you do, huh? But you still work for it."
"What makes you say that?" You can feel him looking down on face against his chest.
"C'mon, don't be silly. You were scouted at middle school and you only got better as you grew up!" You say, finally moving your head to meet his gaze.
But all you get is a flick on your forehead and his low chuckle, "'s not that deep, y/n," he answers.
But you already knew better.
Suna isn't one for words, and no matter how much you insist that he was beyond the description of words, he only rolls his narrowed eyes at you. You find out Suna Rintarō, your boyfriend, was a huge inspiration during your sixth month together when you finally met his little sister.
It's hard to say it wasn't amusing how snarky she was, just as he was to his friends whom you've met a few times before—Atsumu and Osamu Miya, you remember. She's quick with her tongue, easily retorting back to her brother's comments.
"Are you sure you didn't just pay Y/N-san to be your girlfriend, nii-san?"
"Nah, you still jealous I came out prettier than you?" Suna bites back, a teasing grin plastered across his face. His sister only scoffs, looking back at you.
"You can tell me if he blackmailed you to come here!" She attempts to whisper. You're not sure whether you should be worried or continue to laugh, but you do neither as you choke on the drink you were sipping on right as she told you this.
"Shit, Y/N," Suna curses as you cough, your throat burning at the drink's intrusion, but Suna's quick to rub soothingly against your back as he offers you his water, his eyes glazed over in panic.
"You okay?" He asks when you stopped coughing, and you nod in response—throat remaining slightly sore. Suna lets out an aggravated groan, "Be careful next time," he manages to scold you, but oddly enough, his words remain saccharine.
There's something about the way that his little sister doesn't seem the least bit surprised with his reaction that somehow lets you know that perhaps, Suna Rintarō might just be quite the caring brother behind closed doors.
After that, it was when Suna excused himself to take a call from his manager, leaving you with his sister.
"Hey, nee-san, promise you'll take care of Rin-nii? You won't break his heart, will you?" His sister asks, eyes gleaming with something akin to hope, expectation, wonder. It easily takes you by surprise.
"Don't you worry, I'll promise I'll take care of him, promise I won't break his heart," your voice easily softens, nodding. His little sister's gaze remains on you, as if she's assessing you and as if she would easily tell whether or not you meant the words that came out of your mouth.
It makes you hold a breath until she nods slowly, smiling at you lightly just as Suna comes walking back, eyebrows raised, knowing he must've missed something.
"Whatcha girls talkin' bout?" He asked as he slipped back on his seat beside you.
"None of your business, obviously," his sister quickly answers.
They're truly quite similar, it's enough to make you smile and get through meeting his little sister until both of you dropped her off back to the train station.
"What'd she tell you?" Suna nudged you after seeing her train leave.
"Nothing, Rin," you answered with a wide smile, leaning up to place a chaste kiss against his lips—yet just as you pull away, one of his hands has found its way behind your neck, pulling you back to him.
You never thought a kiss could feel so loving before—but it really seemed as if Suna Rintarō had a knack for proving you wrong, over and over again.
It was the day that the Olympic team was announced when you see so much more of Suna Rintarō. Quick like the blink of an eye, or lightning that leaves the thunder chasing it; Suna felt the exhaustion, the pressure, the burnt-out feeling that's been repressed in the back of his head. It comes to him, crashing down like boulders not just on his shoulders but weighing down every part of his body.
Did he lack somewhere? He wonders. Where did that lacking end and start? What could have he done? Was it training, where he spent most of his time now? Suna had end up seeing you less and less since the drafting of olympic players started and you've been nothing but patient.
What was he supposed to tell you? After all the time it has stolen away from you—that he didn't make it?
When he opened the door to your shared apartment, he doesn't look up at you with a relieved sigh as he usually would—he avoids you gaze entirely, he avoids your observing eyes from the couch you sat on, watching him slowly shrug his shoes off.
"I'm just gonn—" he started, about to make an excuse to avoid looking at you.
"Prepared your bath, Rin. C'mon," Suna hears you say but it doesn't sink in his head, watching you take his hand, leading him to the bathroom.
Suna remains silent as he looks down on the bath you prepared for him, warm and inviting.
"Meet me in the kitchen when you're done, okay?" He hears you say, followed by the echo of your footsteps walking away.
You easily understand that Suna Rintarō was more than his talents, his efforts, and every little thing about him when you feel his large arms wrapped around you, his broad chest pressed against your back and his face buried on the crook of your neck. His fresh scent right out of the shower engulfing you and invading your senses, flooding you with him.
"'m sorry, bunny," he mumbles.
"You have nothing to be sorry about, Ri—"
"It's odd, thought I'd pull it off, thought it'd be nothin' if I didn't make it. Don't know why I'm so upset right now," he continues, cutting you off, "Been so patient for me too, bunny. Thought I'd be nice to make you proud, ya know?"
Your sigh comes out sharp from the heavy feeling from your chest, not knowing what to do to make him feel better—like he did with you, always knowing his way around your low moments.
You wriggle out of his arms, making him grumble until you fully face him. He looks back at you with a small frown, eyebrows furrowed, watching your expression.
"I'm always proud of you, Rin. Olympic player or not, you make me so proud," you speak softly, your hands cupping each side of his face.
"Don't even get why it matters to me this much, it's just—" it was your turn to cut him off, tipping your toes to press a lingering kiss against his lips. Suna smiles against your lips, carrying you to sit on the kitchen counter like he always did—knowing you always would have to tip on your toes to reach him.
Soon, the lingering kiss turns slow and passionate—lips softly grazing the other, and it feels more like pouring the heavy weight of love out of your chest and into the other. A kiss so loving, so reassuring, so passionate—the kind that easily takes your breath away and makes your mind go blank. When Suna pulls away, he rests his forehead against yours, breathing heavily. You smile at him because it's all you can do when your heart feels like it's going to leap out of your throat just to offer itself to him entirely—and Suna smiles back at you, pecking your lips before wrapping his arms around you again, resting his chin on your shoulder.
You run your fingers through his hair, hoping it would help soothe him, and then you say, "I promise that you'll make it next year, Rin. I'll be with you now, and I'll still be with you then."
It only makes him hold you tighter, closer to him, "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you, Rintarō. You deserve the world and all the stars in the galaxy."
"'s too bad there's nothin' more I need than you, then."
That's what Suna tells you—Suna, who was smoke in his lungs, dumb videos of the twins to blackmail them with, little mistakes, bored eyes, and lazy attitude. The same Suna who was slow kisses, passion, and genuine smiles reserved for you—the same Suna who gave his passions his all, the same Suna who held you securely in his arms every night, the same Suna his little sister admired. Most of all, the same Suna Rintarō you loved with every beat of your heart, every fibre of your being.
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📞 violet is calling... all content featured belongs to ©️ animatedrapture. do not plagiarize, repost, or modify.
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chordata-on-alterhumanity · 3 years ago
best way to have/cause memories, if possible?
Hey! Sorry this took so long for me to get to. I've had a ton going on and I really wanted to properly sit down and collect my thoughts to give you an answer. That said, I'm just me and I'm bound to not be able to look at this from every possible perspective, so I'm sure other people will think of things that should be said about the topic or tips on how to make/find memories as a linker that I can't think of, so if someone reads this and thinks of smth additional, please add it in a reply or reblog of this post!!!
-didn't proofread this. Sorry about typos!-
(edits this almost a month after posting) I just realized that i answered this pertaining to otherlinking even though the ask doesn't specify that... I guess my mind assumed that's what it's talking about because I mostly talk about linking on this blog currently. Hope that was the case or my information is helpful regardless. Anyway, edit end -
Memories as an otherlinker can be made or come to be through a wide range of causes. They can be intentionally crafted or come unexpectedly. What really matters isn't the way they're gathered, but how they feel. A memory needs to feel "right", "correct", "true". You can try spending a lot of time convincing yourself that xy event happened as your linktype, but if it doesn't sit right (i.e. feels out of character, too ideal to be realistic, etc), it'll be a lot harder for you to incorporate it into your linktype's past.
For me, personally, memories seem to ring the most true if I don't have to do much thinking about them. I like the random sort of memory aquisition most. I'll have a random thought, I briefly question if it's connected to my linktype, and if it fits, I feel it fits. If it doesn't fit, I get a negative feeling. The exact feeling can vary in both form (distaste, discomfort, irritation, annoyance, ...) and strength (mild to strong). I can also feel neutrally about it. I tend to not view memories as mine if they make me feel neutral or negative. The positive ones, I consider.
Once I have such a memory than can stick to my linktype because it feels "right" (in character, I feel good about it), I can let that sit for a while or immediately start thinking about the story around it. Why did that happen/Why was that a thing? It's basically the same process as before. Whatever explanation feels "right" can most easily lead to more memories.
Otherlink memories don't have to be memories of specific events, btw. It can also just be general knowledge. That's called noema, with the plural version being noemata (this term was coined for otherkin but is free to use for experiences from other groups as far as I know). Like, you can remember that your favourite pair of shoes was red, but you don't know that because you remember an exact moment where you put on your shoes. You can remember a fact, not an event. But remembering a fact can lead to remembering events and vice versa!
Triggers for creating/getting memories can be utterly random. I'm so sorry I can't give you specific tips there. I'll talk about my experience for a little.
For my Raihan linktype, I had the random thought that it'd be funny if Raihan had a Beautifly, and then I thought "Well actually why not?". It felt ooc at first, but then I realized it's exactly something that fits into the Raihan I am. This spun into a whole bunch of memories, going off of my relationship to Beautifly, my living situation, how I wasn't particularly fond of being seen in public with it because it didn't fit my public image, but that conflicted with how I loved spending time with it in nature. Then the - you can call it worldbuilding at this point - rolled off away from Beautifly and to other people I don't have in canon and how I met them. A vacation in the Hoenn region, meeting a Tropius there... Can you see what I mean with one thing leading to the next?
What I just described wasn't information I sat down for and gathered within a day. It instead happened over weeks, months. Once you find a memory that feels right, don't rush into finding the next. Let your mind process it for a while and get comfortable. If you rush things, from my experience, it becomes harder to find more potential memories that feel true.
Dreams about your linktype can also be triggers for memories! They're very potent ones because dreams come with feelings, so it becomes easier to adapt the experienced events as memories because there's already an emotional connection there. I don't recommend blindly accepting all dreams as memories, though. Dreams can be non-sensical, chaotic, and also uncomfortable or downright nightmares. Do yourself a favor and dismiss dreams/nightmares that'll drag you down if you dwell on them. Or at least think it through properly first.
It's also helpful to try searching for memories that are related to, or a re-interpretation of your irl life. For example, if you really like bugs, you can think about whether or not you caught bugs in your linktype's childhood. Or let current events inspire you, i.e. whatever weather it is where you're at - are there any memorable things that happened as your linktype while in similar weather? Walking through rainy puddles while in a large city as your linktype, having your clothes blown in your face by windy weather, roasting in the sun during sunny we... Think about the most special or most mundane things. Or inbetween. Anything could be your inspiration and lead you to ideas that resonate as memories!
If you decide something's a memory, and then later realize that it doesn't fit after all, feel free to change your mind on it. You can "drop" memories.
I'm trying to think of more, but I think that's all I got... I hope this helps!
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egg-emperor · 3 years ago
DID YOU SEE The eggman dating profile on Sonic the hedgehog official twitter?!
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Love to see that he's taking pride in his IQ, being the ruler of the best most glorious empire, having a Ph.D. in evil, and his passion for robots openly on his profile, instead of trying to hide it to find someone. They're all very sexy and appealing qualities and anyone that wouldn't appreciate them are fools that don't deserve his time! He deserves to be loved for his true self, which I do because he's my dream man exactly the way he is and I wholeheartedly support and admire his passions. 💕
His canonical wealth and the gift giving + the age difference of Eggman and I... Sugar daddy Eggman is actually real ahfisngjsngjsng I've always imagined that due to his wealth, it'd be easy for him to gift his partners as a way of showing affection and to impress. Also that it'd be easy for him to accidentally spoil someone without realizing because of how easily he can make expensive purchases without much thought! But him and his love is the greatest gift of all, that's what's most important to me and I'd want to gift and spoil him more to make him feel special! It's good to know that he'd accept that as a love language for me to display to him too 💘
I literally have a headcanon post somewhere in my blog where I say Eggman's favorite things to do on dates would be to go to fun places and that he'd love to do evil things, rather than other mundane traditionally romantic stuff. Either having it be something casual to some place nice and interesting like the beach or exciting stuff like plotting world domination is exactly his style! The amount of headcanons of mine that have been supported by new official content lately is a delight :D
No judgement to Ivo at all but I'm very curious about his fear of shoelaces. The times he's seen wearing shoes with laces in X, Sonic Channel, and Tokyo 2020 confirmed fake. Maybe he has trouble with tying them? It wouldn't be surprising, I imagine it'd be a challenge with his big bear paw hands, along with it not being so easy for him to reach his feet because of his big tummy. I can imagine the poor guy fumbling with real laces and getting embarrassed, having to ask Orbot for help XD
He made sure to let everyone know that he's a DILF. He knows what's up, the clever bastard. ;) I find it funny that he feels he needs to explain having an arch nemesis, as if the whole world doesn't already know of his glorious existence through the worldwide chaos he's caused and all the brilliant things he's done, and that the only reason he hasn't won is because of an annoying hedgehog pest. Give yourself more credit Ivo! I know very well who you are and I admire all that you do! 🥰💜
AND I WANT HIM TO RULE THE WORLD! I'd always support him in following his dreams, I'd never try to change him or want him give up on them because I love him exactly as he is as his glorious intelligent evil self. I admire his determination and he truly deserves the world! I love how he's open about his pride in his intelligence and evil desires on his profile. And he wants to be loved and cherished... I want to be the guy that makes him feel very important and loved as he deserves!! :') 💖
And I just have to bring up again that I'm obsessed with the way Sonic Official have been keeping gender ambiguous when it comes to any mention of Eggman and dating lately... I can't express how much joy I've been feeling for the way they leave it up to interpretation and aren't deconfirming any headcanons, it's a big deal! I can say that Eggman is kissing men and that I'm gonna be his bf and husband and no hateful homophobic Sonic fans can tell me otherwise! This is POWER >:D
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i-may-be · 3 years ago
Hi my name is rex, i’m queer and use they/them pronouns and i’m 15. And i would prefer someone not over the age of 18 plz.
have like a caramel colored skin-tone and im 5’3 (short king). Rn i have a purple-pink short mullet and i have pretty curly hair(the ethnic popped off hehe), im pretty chubby but i have an hourglass shape, im pretty busty(im a fuckin k bro😭) and thicc thighs(thicc thighs save lives, sorry i’ll stop). I dress pretty alternative but i cant just choose one subculture tho, i wear a lot of heavy eye makeup. I could say i dress kinda “showy” but thats kinda what only fits me, but also who gives a fuck.
Im a libra sun, scropio moon, and gemini rising. This means that im a pretty social person and always wanna hang out with friends and just have fun, but moon in scropio makes my emotions rlly haywire and kinda boosts any sorta negative emotion. I really like making people laugh, it makes me feel helpful, but im also good at being to mother figure for people.
My hobbies include art (painting, drawing), sleeping (because i stay up mad late😭✌🏽), reading comics, Marvel and D.C superheroes, and super villains, cartoons, and anime/manga.
My favorite music genre’s are rock, alternative, emo, rap, and a little bit if indie music.
Personality: funny, sarcastic, creative, kind, inappropriate and the right times. Like im not gonna pull out a dick joke in front of your family
hello! thank you for choosing this blog for your matchup <3
ROMANTIC MATCHUP: Tadashi Yamaguchi
I always feel like a cop out when I say this but school. You guys were put on a table together(if your school only has single seats uhh not anymore).
Mutual friends because sometimes people at school are cool and Yams was one of the cool ones.
It's really boring but that's basically it, you just kinda became friends because all solid relationships start with the good friendship as a foundation.
I think you guys would just have a good few common interests so it was easy for you both to find things to talk about when you were both bored in class.
It was kinda sweet n' nice, your friendgroups(friend rather? Yams mostly hangs out with Tsuki in the source so I dunno mate) got along well so it was very cool and awesome and nice how things ended up.
If you want him to not die like I don't want him to die, please refrain from being funny when he is eating/drinking because he will choke, and it will not be fun. Also the inappropraite jokes, especially infront of other's because their reactions just add to it.
A though has occured... if you were to paint him.... he would lose it/pos. He'd be like "you!! you made me look so pretty and awesome!!" genuilnely so excited whenever you show him any of your art actually.
Mans is so supportive and understanding of you <3 You're havng a bad day? He's getting you your favourite snack. You're in an unmotivated slump? He'll find something really cool to inspire you!!
His love language is words of affirmation, so he likes complimenting and reassuring you. He makes a habit of complimenting you especially when you're more comfortable with each other.
Listening and finding music together. I feel like you both have similar music taste ya'know?? It was probably one of the things you both reall bonded over when you first met so I think it'd be a cool lil thing that helps bring you both together!!
Do his makeup PLEASE. He is so bad at it because he keeps blocking his face from where he can see so please help him however you can I beg. You guys doing eachother's makeup though <3
No thoughts just the two of you talking about superheroes together. He likes Nightwing a lot methinks. I imagine you'd both share your comics because some of them are ridiculously hard to find+expensive so it would help :]
YOU GUYS WATCHING CARTOONS!!! Not sure what cartoons you like but he really enjoys Looney Tunes and The Owl House. He'll watch basically anything, especially if it's with you.
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phenomenalcosmicpowers · 3 years ago
In a recent post on I Dream of Twilight Sparkle I said that I noticed asks that were not in my inbox the last time I decided to read through my entire ask box. So I did the same for my mod blog. And while there were some also that I didn't see before. Most are questions I feel either I feel like I may have already sufficiently answered enough with my thoughts on an episode and/or it'd be weird at this point to answer something that's obviously years after the fact.
But there is two I found that I feel like I may want to respond to. The person who sent it was someone who used to discuss the show with me almost all the time, though obviously they must no longer be on Tumblr as all their blogs are deactivated. But I still want to answer since it is sort of relevant to recent stuff. Particularly in their 2nd ask.
By the way, I'm always open to questions on the show or even non-pony topics here on my modblog. I still do love talking about G4 ponies and I wouldn't mind some questions if any of you would like to know my opinion on anything. Now that the show has been over for nearly 2 years , I can have a perspective on many topics about Friendship is Magic that I wouldn't mind sharing. Maybe some things have changed here and there, though I think I still generally have a positive attitude towards most things for certain. I stuck with the show until the very end, and was satisfied with how it ended. And I still have interest in doing more in G4's world even as G5 approaches. (Though I'm sure perhaps once that movie has aired that may be the focus of any questions sent here)
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((My answer and more after the break))
For the most part, I think I still generally agree with what I said in my initial thoughts about the Season 6 finale. It's a solid episode with some great interactions between Starlight, Trixie, Discord, and Thorax. Though the way the ending is executed is a bit of a headscratcher. Maybe somewhat less so since thinking about it now, like even if Chrysalis did keep some things loyal. What would stop them from eventually seeing what Thorax's changelings did shortly after.
But I suppose I wanted to answer this mostly about Starlight. Since while the Season 6 finale made HomerJ get over some remaining feelings about Starlight. I'll admit it took literally until writing Secrets of the Dragon's Tear (A year after the show was over) to realize the sort of potential that Starlight had. The baggage from the Season 5 finale always felt like a cloud above her for the entire rest of the show's run. And I consider Season 6's largest mistake is not trying harder to endear us to Starlight. That's what that season's entire job was, to try to make us feel a little better of how rather rushed Starlight's redemption was by giving us a more expanded look into Starlight's character. And unfortunately, I feel like it failed at that in my opinion. Thus I basically disagree (Though respect the opinion of) with those who would say the Season 6 finale was when Starlight finally won them over.
Don't get me wrong, I like how Starlight is portrayed in the episode. But it would of been stronger if say the season had explained more about Starlight's past. How did Starlight get her cutie mark, and given her opinion on Cutie Marks how did she feel at the time?
Instead, we mostly just got Starlight reuniting with Sunburst that didn't exactly give any more details to her rather vague reasons for turning to darkness from him moving away other then finding out Sunburst's personality and how his side of the story went. And from there we had Starlight befriend Trixie... in an episode I still don't really like to this day.
Ironically, the character in the Hearth's Warming episode that casts Starlight as the story's version of Scrooge (Snowfall Frost) is given more reason to sympathize with then Starlight herself.
Starlight then just about disappears up until the episode that introduces Thorax. Where she doesn't do much other then be among the crowd that Spike has to convince that Thorax is not evil.
The next time we see her is Every Little Thing She Does. Which is something of a controversial ep from what I hear, though ironically despite my skepticism of Starlight at the time. I actually sort of liked that episode since it was basically Starlight's own Lesson Zero. Though I get why Starlight deciding to hypnotize all the Mane 6 besides Twilight against their will would not be approved of. Though it does feel like at the very least Twilight and the rest give her enough of a piece of their mind at the end.
And that's how things stood before the Season 6 finale happened. Even though I do think Starlight has good moments in said finale, nothing earlier in the season really dispelled many of my feelings about the Season 5 finale's ending. So despite a good showing, I could hardly care for it. I wasn't convinced yet we were given a satisfactory answer about the many questions that Starlight's sudden redemption prompted.
Another part of my thoughts I feel still applies is when I mentioned that Starlight's a "Diet Sunset Shimmer" (Which considering what I did to link the two for SOTDT, is a bit funny in hindsight). It took just one movie (Rainbow Rocks) for the fanbase to turn a 180 on Sunset. While an entire season with Starlight as one of the good guys goes by and she remained just as divisive as before if not more so by the end of Season 6.
Come Season 7, and Starlight appears quite a bit more often though under the assumption that the Season 6 finale was enough to warm you up to her. There were many complaints during the first half of Season 7 that she was appearing more then she should (Even in an Equestria Girls special where she got to meet the character she was so often compared to). Though another thing about Starlight in Season 7 in hindsight is besides from her meeting a few more friends like Maud. Starlight isn't actually given much to actually work towards. They dropped the whole student aspect so it's not like she was doing friendship lessons under Twilight anymore (Though I suppose on the bright side for the detractors, it lessened worries about her becoming an Alicorn). Season 8 and 9 does somewhat fix that by having Starlight employed at the school, first as a counselor and ultimately ending with her as the school's Principal as Twilight herself got promoted to sole ruler. Which I'm still unsure about if fans of her character feel that was a proper ending for her. Though probably the best that could of been done in context of not much having been done with her over time.
Still, at least for me personally it felt there was alot missing about Starlight and as time went on it became obvious I wasn't going to get the satisfactory answers about her that I wanted. So as a result, I only had lukewarm reactions when a new Starlight episode was coming up. It also didn't help that there were two episodes that raised my hopes of at least one interesting aspect that would of been cool to see. The first being the episode "All Bottled Up" which I had hoped would mean it would be an episode that's somewhat genie related. And then there was Road to Friendship where Starlight and Trixie try to travel to Saddle Arabia (which is an important location in I Dream of Twilight Sparkle)... and yet never actually get there. So even on the few times that I was hoping to be excited about a Starlight episode, it dropped the ball. Partly my fault for getting so hyped about something that wasn't promised, but I would of loved to at least SEEN canon Saddle Arabia.
I'd never say that I hated Starlight back during the show's run. But she was a frustrating character for certain back then. I couldn't hate Starlight as much as some others did, but at the same time I couldn't like her as much as others. She was in likability limbo. For every fun and or good moment that included her, it's brought right back by either lingering problems that arised from the Season 5 finale or otherwise dropping the ball in some way.
In some ways, she's still a frustrating character. Though that's just how it'll always be with the canon Starlight. It's up entirely now to fanon to give their approach on Starlight that was never done in Canon. With SOTDT, I obviously did a bit of a "Fine, I'll do it myself" when it comes to making Starlight a more satisfactory character for me. Though I'm sure there are many interpretations that are vastly different from how I approached it that can satisfy others and probably be more popular and better written then mine. (My interpretation might be understandably controversial just for Starlight being put back on a path where she'll likely become an Alicorn eventually. Something Starlight detractors feared the most. Though I think I at least try to explain as best I could that makes sense with the story, her cutie mark moment being similar to Twilight's, and the identity of her mother. And I myself sort of feared Starlight becoming an Alicorn might happen, so for me to actually write it so that it might be inevitable. That's just how much of a 180 I've taken on Starlight because of writing SOTDT)
I think I mentioned this before, but I can pretty much say that in a way that I can actually say I like Starlight now. But sort of in a "FiM's biggest missed opportunity" sort of way that it becomes sort of sad to look at how canon Starlight was done. Rather then me simply shrugging her off back when I didn't care so much about her. I also understand it's a bit cheating to say I like Starlight now after doing my own sort of fanfic that had her in a major role since that might be me tooting my own horn a bit.
Though I will say as much as necessary that I am very aware alot of what happens in SOTDT would have been impossible to do in canon and I don't plan on pushing what I did to expand on Starlight's backstory as gospel. It only applies to what I'm doing on the blog, I will not be making a case that my interpretation is the only correct one. I'd actually welcome seeing some different interpretations on things such as who Starlight's mother is, what they feel her past was like outside of the Sunburst leaving incident, and/or especially how Starlight originally got her cutie mark. (I've even said my personal guess is different then how I did it in SOTDT, as my guess is she got it the first time she discovered the cutie mark removal spell). Cause if nothing else, I've realized Starlight is a very interesting character that I think would be fun to explore all the possibilities with. It certainly could be something for those still on the G4 train to talk with one another about.
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alicemitch09writes · 4 years ago
hi omg so lately i've been thinking about ulma again (it's jus that good that i still think about it even tho it ended long ago already ok 😭)
i've been thinking a lot about how neat it'd be if y/n ended up with one of the third years (specifically ojiro) post-ulma because of the bond she shared with them. i just really appreciate that they kept her going and still stayed in touch with her after they graduated? i just loved their dynamic, and it made me all soft thinking about the what-ifs had they ever crossed paths with each other in their careers.
so i visited your blog with the intention of re-binging ulma only to find outsider looking in and now i feel stupid because i don't know why i never considered that she'd end up with suna 😭 the story was everything i'd been craving
my heart felt for suna so much as i read oli! i really enjoyed the prospect of the two and how their lives continue to be entangled. suna being the bystander to her and atsumu's story, only wishing he could do more, be better for her, and to take atsumu's place. suna and y/n finding each other again after graduation, and even the high of realizing that he has a shot with her.
his insecurities catching up to him, and y/n standing her ground by saying no; my heart doesn't lie with atsumu, and it hasn't for a long time. you don't get to decided that for me, i love you 😭 where atsumu was her twin flame, suna is her soulmate. fawk 😭 i'm in my feelings now!
suna didn't want to be a selfish person when it came to y/n, and now she's practically asking him to allow himself the right to be selfish this once when it comes to his chance at love.
i have so many thoughts about oli. suna viewing him and y/n as something that could never happen, until it does. after all those years of silently pining. kaoru's protectiveness (bless his soul). how natural it is for reiki to just be there as part of the l/n family. and then there's atsumu 😭
i think it's true that atsumu was never in love with y/n as she said, at least maybe not in the way she was with him. it isn't until over the years after she decides to let go that i think atsumu truly falls in love with her romantically. it breaks my heart to know that y/n remains to be the one that got a way for him 😭 the atsumu at the end of ulma who, in a flurry of desperation and guilt, claimed that he wanted to try to not only love her as he already did, but to love her the same way she did him; and he did so on his own— all the while y/n was becoming smitten with suna 😭
suna went from hopelessly watching y/n from the sidelines, to becoming part of her life and treating her the way she deserved. never in his wildest dreams. when you think about it, the roles are reversed with suna and atsumu now.
also, yandere suna vibes /hj
you know what's funny? originally, i just wanted to write atsumu's story (when it was a one-shot idea at the time) but a thought/idea just nagged at me so hard. the idea was of suna having a crush on reader. i really didn't want to entertain it, but i ended up doing so -_-
also, i was inspired by a story called '16 chapels' that delved on a vulnerable suna that seemed like an interesting angle to take. considering that in almost all the fics i've read of him, he's either detached, uncaring, some fuckboy or druggie. i was also reminded of a few college friends who were pining on someone but never made a move out of fear of losing their friendship. in a way, i was a bit inspired by my younger sister, too. because they have a best friend with a guy that lasted for 7 years and they were really scared on making a move because they didn't want to lose their friendship with him, but eventually, they gave it a try and 3 years later, here they are: happy and in love.
as for the third years? i can't really see that happening, because all three of them just saw reader as a little sister, nothing more.
and as of writing 'outsider looking in', i felt really proud of myself with the progression of the fic. also, i was really excited to blindside y'all with who reader actually ended up with.
the way i look at it, atsumu had the idea of love in his head for mika, but that was just it: an idea. but with reader? it was something else, only he found out too late when she was ready to move on to the next phase of her life.
there's a smut version (again: I BLAME YOU WHORE READERS!) that tackles reader and suna's first time titled 'too much of a good thing' and a few fun stuff under the #outsiderlookingdrabble
thank you so much for the read sweetpea! stay safe now and please get yourself vaccinated!
honestly, i also entertained the idea of yandere atsumu /loljk
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greywindys · 4 years ago
I've seen you mention A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara on your blog a while back, I just wanted to let you know that I have finished the book today and I am both devastated and in awe.
It's funny because a close friend actually bought it for me right after I had finished reading The Answer. She's not into gorillaz and I never even told her about the fic, she just thought it'd be a good gift.
(Also I have bought House of Leaves bc you mentioned it in another one of your fics and I trust your taste in books)
Omg, that’s amazing!! And congrats, anon, on finishing A Little Life and having your life changed as a result (though HUGE cw for anyone thinking about reading...please do the necessary research before reading because it covers heavy topics). Hanya Yanagihara‘s writing is beautiful and made me experience emotions I didn’t know I had lol. But anyhow, yeah, what a coincidence for that book to come into your life, completely by chance, after finishing TA. It’s like it was meant to be (but also, sorry, because A Little Life is devastating).
And thanks! I hope you enjoy House of Leaves too!
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