#I actually love how silly he is as a character
always-just-red · 1 day
A/N: So I threatened a while back to write MC arresting Sylus since he literally won’t shut up about it. Thought this would be a silly fic but it ended up an angst-driven exploration of how his time with MC is probably finite and ill-fated?? Anyway Sylus is too soft for this, I’m sorryyyy (Sy I love you! I would never do this to you! ‘Didn’t it come from your imagination, though?’ Ssshhhh you don’t know what you’re saying!! 🥰)
To Remain Silent
Sylus x Reader 🩸
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Summary: Sylus has told you to arrest him one too many times...
Genre: Emotional rollercoaster honestly? Some angst, some comfort (and a lil spice for flavour)
Warnings/Additional tags: gn!reader, vaguely established relationship, gets a little steamy at the end (mostly kissing tbh), artistic licence applied liberally since this would be WAY too risky for MC to actually attempt 😭😭
| Word count: 2.7k | Masterlist | Opt-in to my taglist here!
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Love and Deepspace. All work is my own, so please don't repost or plagiarise!
Sylus knows this isn’t real.
You watch him through the glass of his cell, and the subtle tint to it lets you know that he can’t watch you back. He’s sat on the single bench inside, leaning against the far wall, his long legs stretched out before him. His hands are cuffed— tucked away behind his back— but he still looks comfortable. More than comfortable: at ease. At home. Bored.
“You think I can’t feel those pretty little eyes of yours on me?” he mutters, head back, eyes closed. “I’m at your mercy, kitten. Are you really only going to look?”
You tap a button on the glass. “You should start taking this seriously.”
He smiles at the sound of your voice, but his eyes don’t open; there’s still nothing to see. “I’m taking it very seriously, sweetie.”
“I don’t think you are.”
The smile turns even more smug: a confession, all by itself. He sits up and leans forward, like someone who’s found a change of conversation to be interesting. His eyes open— managing to find you, somehow, and— can he see you? No. It’s an educated guess, he’s just selling it with confidence.
Leisurely, he rises from his seat and saunters over to the glass. “Let me see you,” he orders, then bargains: “Please? This is so very—” he toes the division— “one-sided.”
You can’t look him in the eyes, can you? This is hard enough without the windows to your soul baring your heart and your mind to him, like they always do. You should have worn those sunglasses he bought you for that undercover assignment. This is what they’re for, right? Hiding.
With a circular swipe of your finger, the glass before you clears and Sylus meets your gaze.
“Hi,” he teases.
You fold your arms across your chest. “Hey.”
“This is quite some effort you’ve gone to, kitten. And all for me, no less.”
“What effort?” you dismiss plainly. “You practically slapped those handcuffs on yourself.”
It’s not an exaggeration: from the cuffs to the ride here, not a single stage of his arrest has been resisted. The closest he’s gotten to a lack of cooperation was when you’d first restrained and dragged him from his study, where he’d been inclined to point out that the bedroom was the other way.
“Well, I didn’t want to cause a fuss,” he smirks. One of his hands is brought forward, and his handcuffs now hang uselessly from a finger. “Tell me,” he says, letting them swing as he holds your gaze, “what am I to expect now I’ve been so masterfully captured?”
You glance at the restraints, unmoved. “That isn’t for me to decide.”
A door behind you slides open, and— right on time— an altogether more impressive presence joins you before the cell. Sylus glances her up and down as the click of her heeled boots come to a stop; he has never met your captain, but he knows her face.
“You really cashed in all your favours, didn’t you, sweetie?” he observes. He turns to address the woman beside you: “We haven’t been introduced. I’m—”
“I know who you are,” Jenna interrupts, her tone as incorruptible as yours.
Sylus’s arm lifts, resting on the glass above you so he can tower over you, despite the partition. “Is that right?” he purrs absent-mindedly, dropping his head so he can speak into your ear. “Sweetie… I thought you could keep a secret.”
He’s goading you into your usual game, but the stakes don’t interest you. “You were wrong.”
You’re at your own table, dealing your own cards. Does he want to play? You think he might. His lips are curving at the delicious prospect of a challenge. You’ve given him a taste of it. He wants more.
Jenna is studying her clipboard, acting oblivious. She senses the impasse. Asks Sylus: “Do you know why you’re here?”
He huffs impatiently. “Enlighten me.”
“Sylus,” you scold.
Red eyes widen a fraction.
You see it.
Sylus thinks this might be real.
You said his name. His real name: the one with sharp, bloody strings attached. The one on all the posters. The one in your precious Association’s archives, linked to stacks of files and crime scene photos, most of which he isn’t even responsible for.
Sylus. You said: Sylus. 
It was worthy of a grand reveal— the sort of plot twist that delivered the suspense of so many thrillers— but here you are, speaking it like it’s nothing. Not a slip of the tongue; not a mistake. And it’s different here. He’s not your Sylus. He’s theirs.
Their murderer. Their monster. Their convenient little scapegoat for everything dark and unholy.
The captain is reading him a list, reeling off every crime— each alleged sin. As if he needs a reminder. As if all the time in the world could ever let him forget. “Needless to say, Mr Sylus,” she summarises, “due to the nature of these crimes, you may prove exempt from our standard procedures. A case like this is… unprecedented. Onychinus has much to answer for. You have much to answer for.”
Sylus hasn’t really been listening; it’s all senseless bureaucracy. “You have the wrong man,” he says, because whatever you’re doing— whatever stunt this is— a confession is sure to derail it. You know that, don’t you? You must be counting on it: holding that guilty breath of yours and hoping he’s smart enough to not be Sylus.
You don’t look worried in the slightest. You must have an awful lot of faith in him.
He studies you, waiting for a small, deliberate smile or a moment of weakness. Give him a sign, don’t give him a sign— it doesn’t matter; he’ll find one. His intentions must be clearer than yours, because you step up to the glass to face him.
Do it, your silence says, even though the rest of you is illegible. You want to look? Look.
His eye could light like a crimson fire— could burn the truth out of you— but it won’t. It’s a promise he made what feels like a lifetime ago, not long after you’d met: Your thoughts and desires are yours to give, not his to take.
Even here. Even now. He’s a man of his word, after all.
Impressed? You smile faintly, but there’s no warmth to it. “Captain,” you speak, your eyes not leaving his, “can you give us a minute? Please?”
“Of course,” the woman answers with a nod.
Sylus does not see her go. He hears it: the retreating rhythm of her shoes. He feels it: it’s just the two of you, alone again. Well, the two of you and that ‘hidden’ camera in the far corner of the room. “Whatever game this is,” he grins good-naturedly, his teeth gritted, “it stops. Now.”
“It’s not a game, Sylus. I told you to take this seriously.”
“What are you doing?” he snaps, and that good-natured grin didn’t last very long. 
Your hands land on your hips. “My job.” When he scoffs, you continue: “Did you really think this would end any other way? After everything you’ve done?”
He laughs and it’s deeply sardonic. He’s no saint— to try to convince you he was would be a crime worthy of punishments far worse than this. But you know him. You know the line and what stands on each side of it: everything he’s done, yes, and everything he’s been made to take the fall for.
You wouldn’t do this to him. Would you? “You want to play pretend? Fine,” he hisses. He wants to wrap his Evol around that godforsaken camera and annihilate it. “You caught the big, bad boss of Onychinus— congratulations, sweetie. Sure. Let’s say that’s who I am. A man like that has power, right? So what’s to keep him— me— from escaping? Right now?”
“You’re not going to leave, Sylus. Wanna know why?”
He’s sure you’re going to tell him, and you do:
“Because you’re all talk. All smoke and mirrors. You want to go? Go. But there’s not a single person in this building who wouldn’t give their life to bring you back. Someone will catch up to you eventually, and what then?”
“I’ll have a lot of fun, I imagine.”
“You’ll do nothing,” you correct. “Because those people out there? They’re my friends. My family. You hurt them? You hurt me. Make all the threats you want, Sylus— we both know the truth.”
He towers over you, still, but it’s hard not to shrink at your next words:
“You don’t have it in you.”
Your eyes are sharp: whetted with resentment. Sylus is your reflection— your worthy opponent, always— but he just can’t look at you like that.
There’s a quiet hiss as you slide a finger over the cell’s control panel. White, neon light carves through the glass partition: two vertical lines that bleed upwards, either side of him, before bending to meet each-other. The glass between them shimmers, then fades.
Sylus stands on the precipice of the doorway, cool air crawling past him. He stares up at the camera, then down at you. Your arms have folded again as you watch him— a narrative of apathy.
“How about it, Sylus?” you ask bitterly. “Still think you can outrun fate?”
“No.” Not since it started wearing your face. Fate is you, putting a bullet in his heart, and him, waking up so you can do it over and over again. Maybe this is real. Maybe it isn’t. “What do you want from me?” he entreats softly, because you’ll get it— either way.
“Isn’t it obvious?” you sneer, and your hand shoots out, grasping a fistful of his shirt. You use it to drag him out of the cell, closer, lower, so that his face is mere inches from yours.
“No,” he repeats. “Say it.”
Your eyes burn like pyres: so dangerous, so beautiful, so suited to being the death of him. “I want you—” you begin, as they flit briefly to his lips— “to tell me…”
“How you cheat at kitty cards.”
Oh. Oh.
You’re going to be insufferable about this, aren’t you?
Sure enough, you drop his shirt and burst into laughter— irrepressibly you again. The fire in your eyes has simmered down into something warm, safe, and comfortable, and— gods— you’re even crying. You’re doubled over, holding your stomach as though it hurts. You lift a hand to wipe your wet cheek. “Your face,” you get out between gasps, “oh, your face!”
Yours is not the only laughter, but it’s the only laughter Sylus hears.
“We so got you, Skye!” Tara’s vaguely familiar voice resounds from an intercom.
There’s some confusing static with it— more tittering voices— and Sylus suspects he’s found himself the star of your colleagues’ after-work entertainment. He puts his hands on his hips as he looks up at the camera. “Is the whole office—”
“Yeah,” you manage, wiping away another tear. “Figured it would be good for morale. Good practice, too.”
“Mmhmm,” you confirm with a hum. You’ve apparently gotten a handle on the hilarity of the situation, because you approach him with something close to composure. Meditatively, you smooth down the fabric of his shirt. Straighten his collar. “For when we catch the real Sylus one day.”
He captures your wrists; that’s a lot of tenderness for someone who just tried to give him a heart attack. Maybe he’s a little too rough, because you pout at him in a way that makes him instantly soften his grip.
“You ok, Skye?” you enquire with an ironic smile and an adorable tilt of your head.
His thumbs are feathering over your pulse points, and slowly, he leans in to deliver a message, just for you: “If I say no, will you make it up to me?”
Sylus knows this is real.
His mouth is on yours and it’s relentless, desperate; you made him wait for it. How long has he been wanting to trap you against the nearest wall, just like this, so he can kiss you until he forgets just how cold you can be? 
He’s been very patient. He didn’t roll his eyes or utter a word of complaint when you’d dragged him to join your colleagues for dinner. It was your victory party, your ‘I made you look like an idiot’ party, but he was his usual, charming self, and your friends all adored him for it. They’d spun him the tale of his ‘arrest’— the planning, the preparation, and your lightbulb moment: 
“Hey, guys, have you ever thought about how Skye kinda looks like Sylus?”
Only he could understand how wickedly clever it was. His eyes had sought yours as he listened, lazy, content, and so obviously biding his time. You’d smiled at him. He’d smiled back. 
And he’d stayed smiling, even after the party was over and you’d had to walk a slightly-tipsy Tara home. She’d refused a taxi, insisted Sylus escort her— oh, and you could come, too! He’d lent her his arm: humoured every squeeze and chuckled at each remark about the size of it. You’d had to swat her away, in the end.
“I’m just teasing, y’know?” she’d giggled as the three of you arrived at her front door. “Skye knows I’m just teasing. You’re such a sweetheart, Skye. Imagine! You— the leader of Onychinus!”
She’d laughed, much too loud for such a quiet street, and with a less-than-subtle wink, left the two of you alone. Which is how you’d ended up here, in an alley around the back of her building, because it was Sylus’s turn to drag you somewhere. 
His attentions have moved lower; there’s a subtle clink as his fingers find the clasp of your shirt collar and he peels it back, exposing your neck. His lips leave yours, trailing down, down— past the line of your jaw and over the soft, vulnerable column of your throat. You gasp as he brushes over a sensitive spot, and you could swear you feel him smile.
He’s always been passionate, but this is a different fire, fuelled by something you can’t ignore, no matter how much you want to:
“Sy,” you murmur breathlessly, your hand in his hair, tugging gently. “Sy, stop.” 
“Mmm?” he acquiesces, voice sinfully low as the cold evening air takes his place kissing your neck. His eyes shine like blood spilt in the dead of night— lingering on you. He looks drunk.
You lift a hand to cup his face and run your thumb over his cheek. “I’ll never let anything happen to you, Sylus. You know that, right?”
Those dark eyes find clarity with your words, full of apprehension for just how naive you can be. The future will turn on you just as quickly as a wild animal someone boasts about having tamed, and aren’t you foolish, thinking you can control something like that? 
Besides, that’s his job.
“I know,” he says like he’s supposed to— ever the martyr, following the script. He goes to nuzzle into you again, but your hand is still tight in his hair and he groans as you use it to pull him back. 
“I mean it,” you reassert, forcing him to look at you. You don’t care that it’s ridiculous. You don’t care that fate is so hot on your heels that you have to keep running. You’re tired. He’s even more tired.
Isn’t it nice to stop and catch your breath?
Pretend you have time: His gaze is full of faith and oh, the world is going to enjoy punishing the two of you. “I know,” he insists, because this is the second time you’ve fooled him tonight. You feel his hand on your face and you let him kiss you— again, then again— so achingly slow, so arrogant. 
The world can wait; he wants to punish you first. 
“Do you really want to know—” he distracts as he finds that sensitive spot on your neck again— “how I cheat at kitty cards?”
The pad of his finger is chasing the path of his mouth; it tickles. You whine: “Tell me later, Sy.”
“Ok,” he breathes against you.
Later. There’ll be a later.
Won’t there?
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coolemmasulivan2 · 2 days
Rewinding Us | 5
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Pairing: Mason Mount x Reader
Summary: You and Mason built a love story over five years, but after an accident, your memories are wiped away, including any feelings for your constant bickering “rival”. Can you remember your love story with Mason, or will you have to start all over?
Word count: 3582
You can read part 1 here, part 2 here, part 3 here and part 4 here | Bonus Text Messages here
Don't wanna close my eyes Don't wanna fall asleep 'Cause I'd miss you baby And I don't wanna miss a thing
You hated him! At that moment, you truly hated him. But deep down, you knew the truth: you couldn't sleep without him.
"You're sleeping on the sofa, Mount!" You exclaimed, your voice laced with irritation.
"Come on, Y/n! Seriously?" Mason replied, disbelief evident in his tone. "It wasn't my fault. The girl lost her balance and fell into my lap. It's not like I grabbed her—"
"Stop defending her!" You retorted. "She obviously did it on purpose. She knew I was watching."
You'd been at a birthday party of a family member when the girl you despised since childhood had made a scene, falling into Mason's lap just to piss you off. Your boyfriend, ever the gentleman, had played along, making it seem like everything was fine.
"It was just an incident, it wasn't a make-out session." He shouted as you stormed into the bedroom.
Grabbing his pillow and a blanket from the wardrobe. "Here!" You said, throwing them at Mason, who was sitting on the sofa. "Have a nice night." You said sarcastically, walking away. Mason let out a sigh as he heard you slamming the bedroom door.
An hour or two passed, but you were still awake, tossing and turning, feeling the emptiness beside you. Alone in the bed, staring at the ceiling, you knew you'd exaggerated. Vanessa had always been annoying, but you'd let your jealousy get the better of you.
With a groan, you sat up. You had no problem sleeping alone when he was away, but sleeping alone when he was so close was torture.
Getting out of bed, you walked out into the dark living room. The moonlight filtering through the windows provided the only light.
In the living room, you saw Mason sleeping soundly. Your first instinct was to grab a pillow and hit him, but you resisted the urge. How could he sleep so peacefully without you?
Gathering your courage, you shook his shoulder gently. "Mason?" He mumbled, his voice thick with sleep. "Mase?
"What?" He whined, his voice filled with sleeplessness. He didn't open his eyes.
"Come back to bed!" You said, your voice barely a whisper.
He groaned and shifted, trying to get comfortable. You started walking away, but Mason grabbed your wrist, pulling you back.
Without hesitation, you lay down next to him on the sofa, instantly relaxing as his warmth enveloped you. Mason quickly put his arm around you, his face nuzzling into your hair. Within minutes, you were fast asleep.
You opened your eyes as you felt Ace jumping from the bed. You had left the door slightly open, and with the help of his keen nose, he'd pulled it open and escaped, leaving you alone staring at the ceiling.
The memory left you mute. Each memory felt like reliving it without actually controlling your body, like watching a movie from the inside of the main character. It was a bizarre and unsettling sensation.
Letting out a sigh, you got out of bed. It was still early, but sleep was out of the question. You left the room barefoot, yawning as you walked. You could hear Mason's soft voice, talking to Ace, and without realizing it, you smiled.
He was sitting on the sofa, writing something on paper. Ace, ever the playful pup, was trying to bite his hand playfully.
"Ace, stop it!" Mason exclaimed, laughing at the silly young dog. "Dude, I'm trying to leave a note. Let me write."
You leaned against the wall, watching them, but the dog quickly caught your presence. Ace's ears perked up, his tail wagging excitedly as he bounded towards you. Mason turned, a smile spreading across his face.
"Morning!" He said, his voice warm and welcoming. He was already dressed, ready for the day.
"Hi, Mason!" You replied, returning his smile. "Morning."
As Mason's gaze briefly lingered on your legs, a blush crept onto your cheeks as you realised you were in your oversized t-shirt and panties. You self-consciously tugged at the hem of your shirt, pulling it down.
"Are you leaving already?" You asked, changing the subject.
"Yep!" Mason confirmed. "Training starts in twenty minutes."
"Sleep well?"
"Best I've had since your accident." He replied, his eyes holding a hint of affection.
You nodded, a warm feeling spreading through you. It seemed that having Mason back home had a calming effect on you both.
Ace sat down at your feet, watching you and Mason with curious eyes, sensing the awkwardness.
"I made coffee!" Mason announced, gesturing towards the kitchen.
"You didn't have to."
"I know. But you don't know how to make coffee." Mason said with a playful grin on his face. You opened your mouth, pretending to be offended.
"Rude! Weren't you supposed to be nice? And supportive?"
Mason chuckled. "Sorry!"
You rolled your eyes playfully, hiding your smile. "Want to have breakfast with me?"
Mason's eyes widened, and he bit his lip. "I can't! I'm already running late." He glanced at his phone, then paused, a hopeful look in his eyes. "But… can I take you out tonight? A date?"
A blush crept onto your cheeks as a warm wave of excitement washed over you. "Tonight?"
"If you're busy, we can—"
You shook your head quickly. "I'd love that."
Mason's eyes lit up. "Tonight's good?" You nodded, a grin spreading across your face. "I'll pick you up at 7 pm!"
You clenched your teeth, your voice rising. "You're a pig, Mount!"
"And you're a spoiled brat!"
You were in Ben's house, having dinner when your casual and usual banter escalated into a heated argument after Mason made a stupid comment about a girl he had slept with.
"Would you like someone to say that about your sisters?" You demanded, crossing your arms over your chest.
"What did I say?" He protested, his voice laced with frustration. "You're twisting my words."
"Yeah, right!" You said sarcastically. "Because she'd love to hear what you said about the night you spent with her."
Mason let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Y/n!" He said, his voice low and dangerous as he stepped closer. "If you're jealous, just admit it."
"You disgust me." You spat, your eyes filled with anger.
"The feeling is mutual." He replied, his voice cold.
Mason strolled onto the green pitch, a wide grin on his face. While he was always a cheerful guy, his teammates could sense that something extra special was going on. Bruno, noticing the twinkle in his eye, couldn't resist asking.
"What put you in such a good mood today?" The Portuguese player asked.
Mason chuckled. "Just the usual. Happy to be playing football."
Bruno raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, but there's something else."
A mischievous glint appeared in Mason's eyes. "I'm taking Y/n out on a date tonight."
His teammates erupted in cheers and whistles, their excitement infectious. Lisandro wrapped an arm around Mason's shoulder and ruffled his hair playfully. "So, what's the plan, Romeo?" He teased.
Mason grinned, a touch of pink colouring his cheeks. "I'm not sure yet. I want to make it special."
Lisandro nodded approvingly. "Need any help planning? We're all here for you, mate."
"Yeah." Bruno agreed.
Mason chuckled. "Thanks, guys. I'll keep that in mind."
You closed the door as quickly as you had opened it, but Mason's foot was stuck in the gap, preventing it from closing completely.
"I just want to talk!" He said, his voice low and insistent.
"I don't want to talk to you. Go away." You replied, pushing against the door.
Mason shifted his foot, allowing the door to swing open slightly. He then placed his hand against it, blocking your attempt to close it. "I want to apologize."
"You already sent a message. Now go." You snapped, your patience wearing thin.
Mason let out a frustrated sigh. With a forceful push, he opened the door wider, causing you to stumble backwards.
You rolled your eyes, heading into the kitchen where you'd been preparing dinner. Mason followed, closing the door behind him. Your house was cosy, filled with the comforting scent of vanilla.
"Can you please stop for a second and hear me out?" He pleaded.
You stabbed the knife into the wooden cutting board. "What do you want, Mount?"
"We need to talk about it and you know it."
"No, we don't." You disagreed, your heart pounding in your chest. You couldn't help but glance at his lips, a forbidden memory flashing through your mind.
"You kissed me back!" He said. Your hand instinctively went to your neck, the sensation of his lips lingering there. "If you didn't want it, you would have pushed me away."
"We were drunk!"
Mason furrowed his eyebrows. "No, we weren't."
"I WAS!" You shouted, your denial fueled by fear and confusion. The only sound in the room was the soft music drifting from another part of the house.
"You're lying." Mason insisted, his voice filled with doubt. The thought that you might have been drunk that night shattered his heart.
He was right, you were lying, but you couldn't bring yourself to admit it. Your relationship with Mason was a mess, exactly as it should be. The idea of having feelings for him was unthinkable. It had to be.
"I was drunk." You repeated, swallowing hard. "Kissing you was the last thing I wanted to do." Your voice trembled as you spoke, your heart breaking slowly, painfully. "We've been fighting since the first day we met. What do you expect? This isn't a fairytale. We're not going to fall in love and live happily ever after."
"Why not try?" Mason asked, his voice filled with hope.
You let out a sarcastic chuckle. "What?"
He walked around the kitchen island and stopped beside you, his presence suddenly making you feel hotter.
Mason took a deep breath. "I don't know what's going on, but every time I see you, I want to kiss you." He looked down at your lips, his eyes filled with a vulnerability you'd never seen before. "That silly bet, when I kissed you, made me realize that maybe there was something there. And the other night when we kissed, it just confirmed it."
You muttered, "Stop it."
"I like you, Y/n!" He confessed his voice barely a whisper.
You stared at him, unsure of how to respond. Part of you wanted to push him away, to deny the feelings that were starting to stir within you. But another part of you was drawn to him, to the intensity of his gaze, the warmth of his touch.
Mason leaned in slowly, his eyes seeking your permission. You felt a flutter in your chest as he drew closer, his breath fanning against your lips. With a trembling breath, you closed your eyes and let him kiss you.
You were rummaging through the fridge, searching for ingredients for lunch, when the doorbell rang. Ace barked and raced towards the door, his tail wagging furiously. You followed him, swinging the door open to find your friend and coworker, Dianne.
"Di!" You exclaimed, your eyes widening in surprise. "What are you doing here?" You pulled her into a warm embrace, missing her presence after her two-week holiday.
"I just arrived." Dianne replied, her smile radiating warmth. "Since it's your day off, I thought it would be a great chance to catch up and introduce you to someone."
You glanced behind her to see a woman petting Ace, who seemed to have taken an immediate liking to her.
"You've grown so much, Ace!" The woman exclaimed, her voice filled with affection. "You're such a good boy."
You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to place her. "Do I know you?"
"We do! Very well, actually." The woman stood up and smiled at you, her eyes sparkling affectionately. "It's nice to met you again, Y/n. I'm Anouska."
Mason sat nervously in the driver's seat, his hands gripping the steering wheel as he parked in front of your parents' house. He glanced over at you, who was calmly looking at the house in front.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper.
You turned to face him, a reassuring smile on your lips. "Of course I am."
He nodded, but his anxiety didn't subside. He remembered how much they used to hate each other. It seemed almost impossible that they were now in a relationship.
"What if they don't approve?" He asked, his voice filled with doubt.
Y/n squeezed his hand. "They will. They'll see how happy we are together."
Mason chuckled nervously. "Yeah, I guess they've been watching us hate each other for so long, they'll be shocked to see us actually getting along. It's like watching a cat and a mouse suddenly become best friends."
You laughed. "Don't be so dramatic. They'll come around." You grabbed his jaw, forcing him to look at you. "Look at me! I'm with you. You make me happy and you treat me right, and that's exactly the kind of man my parents want me to be with."
Mason looked at you with adorable puppy dog eyes. "I love you, beautiful."
You smiled. "I love you too."
You sat at the restaurant, laughing at the stories Dianne and Anouska were sharing about your times together. It was a really nice get-together, full of laughs and memories.
You learned that Anouska was Luke Shaw's wife, one of Mason's teammates. The realization brought a wave of excitement. You remember Luke since you had always been a football fan.
"I can't believe I know Luke Shaw!" You exclaimed.
Dianne and Anouska chuckled. "Luke's not the only player you know." Dianne replied.
"I know, I know!" You said, a smile spreading across your face.
"He really likes you." Anouska said, making you blush. "He's always saying that you're the best thing that happened to Mason. We had some good times together. When you moved here, we did a bunch of double dates."
"It's a shame I can't remember." You said sadly.
Dianne gave you a reassuring look. "You will! Everything's going to be fine."
"Yes." Anouska agreed. "And we're here to help you in any way we can." Just as Anouska finished speaking, her phone rang. "Sorry, love. It's Luke." She said, answering the call.
While Anouska chatted quietly with Luke on the phone, you asked Dianne about her trip to Spain. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she talked. A contagious smile played on her lips.
As Anouska finished her call with Luke, Dianne and you turned to face her.
"Luke sends a kiss to both of you." Anouska announced, a smile playing on her lips.
"Sweet as always!" Dianne replied.
Anouska placed her phone on the table. "Y/n Y/l/n, when were you going to tell us you're going on a date with Mason?"
Dianne's jaw dropped in surprise. "What? When?"
You bit your lip and played with your earring. "Today!" You whispered, your cheeks blushing.
"Where is he taking you?"
"I don't know. He's picking me up at seven."
"What are we doing here? We need to go shopping!" Anouska exclaimed, jumping out of her seat.
Mason knocked on the door at exactly 7 PM, his heart pounding in his chest. On the other side you took a deep breath and opened the door.
He looked up, prepared to speak, but at the sight of you, he fell speechless. You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
"Hi!" He managed to stammer out.
"You look... wow, you look incredible." He said, his eyes scanning your figure.
You were wearing a red dress, heels, and your hair was styled in a messy yet elegant braid.
"Thank you." You said, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. "You don't look too bad yourself."
He was dressed in a classic black suit and a simple white shirt. He looked handsome. Incredibly handsome.
"Are you ready to go?"
You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. As you stepped out of your house, you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.
The restaurant was a charming and intimate space, perfect for a private date. Mason had chosen it carefully, knowing that you wouldn't want, and neither did he, to be interrupted by his fans during your time together.
The food was exquisite, and with Mason's company, you barely noticed the time passing.
"My family is coming next weekend, and they would love to see you." Mason said, his voice filled with nervousness. He quickly added: "Only if you're comfortable, of course."
Your heart skipped a beat. Over the years, you got to know Mason's family. They had always been incredibly kind and welcoming, and for the past five years, they had been your own family. However, the lack of memories made it a bit daunting.
"I…" You hesitated.
Mason gave you a reassuring smile. "Don't overthink it, Y/n. They love you, but if you're not comfortable, it's okay."
"I'm just… The only memory I have of them is from seeing them at your games at Chelsea."
"I know, I know." Mason said, understanding your hesitation. "Just think about it." You nodded. "They love you as much as I do." You said, blushing slightly at the mention of love. Mason didn't seem to notice. "They miss having you around." He continued. "Summer is always asking about you."
A warm smile spread across your face. "I really want to meet her! I guess I was her favourite aunt!" You joked.
"Yes! You still are."
You sat down on the carpet, helping Summer with her puzzle. She was wearing a floral dress almost identical to the one you were wearing.
"Where's Uncle Mase?" She asked, looking around as she noticed you were the only one sitting beside her.
"He's with the baby. Your little sister!" You replied, searching for the missing piece of her puzzle.
"Hmm." She grumbled, her pout evident. You looked up to see her looking upset and a little jealous.
"What is it?" You asked gently.
"He's always with her!" She was jealous and it was just the cutest scene ever. "I want him to play with me."
You chuckled at her adorable jealousy. "I know, pumpkin, but your sister is very little and Uncle Mason needs to give her lots of cuddles, just like he did with you when you were born."
She shrugged, her pout softening slightly. She looked at you for a moment.
"Can you give me cuddles, Auntie Y/n?" She asked, her voice small.
You were surprised. Cuddles were typically a Mason and Summer thing. "You want my cuddles?" She nodded eagerly. "Of course I can give you cuddles!" You said, smiling. "Let's watch Moana and cuddle on the sofa."
Just as you and Summer were getting comfortable, Mason entered the room, a playful grin on his face. "Hey, I thought I was your cuddle buddy!"
Summer cuddled more against you. "Antie Y/n is my favourite now."
"Mason, what are we doing here? It's late." You whispered, your voice barely audible in the empty parking lot.
Mason smirked at you and grabbed your hand, pulling you towards one of the stadium doors. A security guard in a black uniform opened the door for you, and Mason thanked him.
As you and Mason walked hand-in-hand onto the pitch, you couldn't help but feel a sense of astonishment and wonder. You had never been inside the pitch before.
"This is incredible!" You said, looking around in amazement. Mason squeezed your hand.
Mason led you to the center of the pitch, and you were surprised at how extensive it felt.
"What do you think?" He asked, his voice filled with excitement.
You were speechless. "I can't believe you all ran around this for 90 minutes. It's huge."
Mason laughed. "We got used to it." He lay down on the grass and gestured for you to join him. "Come here. Lay down."
It had been a beautiful day in Manchester, with the sun shining. The night was warm, and the grass was dry.
"Look at the sky!" Mason said, breaking the silence.
You followed his gaze and found yourself mesmerized by the vast expanse of stars above. The city lights created a soft glow, illuminating the night sky like a painting.
"It's beautiful." As you lay there, gazing up at the stars, you couldn't help but feel a deep sense of peace. "Is this the part where you'll teach me where to find the Great Bear?"
Mason chuckled. "I'll leave that to another date." You laughed.
You raised an eyebrow. "And who told you that we'll have another date?" Mason looked at you, a hint of panic in his eyes. "I'm just kidding." You said, laughing.
His face relaxed into a beautiful smile. "You're going to be the death of me." Mason turned to face you, his eyes filled with a soft intensity. "I'm glad you're here."
You smiled. "Me too."
You both gazed at each other, caught in the moment. It felt like time stood still. As you both leaned in. You could feel Mason's breath on your face, your heart pounded in your chest.
His lips met yours, a soft, gentle touch that sent a shiver down your spine. You kissed him back, feeling a sense of peace and contentment wash over you. You cupped his face, felling his beard against your palm and Mason pulled you closer, deepening the kiss.
As you pulled away, breathless and exhilarated, you knew that this was just the beginning. You were falling for Mason, and it felt incredible.
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joydoesathing · 1 day
heres a challenge say everything you love about every single tnmn characters
BET ( but only some doppels will count and the rest don't)
Roman - I like me some serious no-nonsense/ i-am-done-with-life looking guy in accounting :). But he seems to also be actually someone with a soft spot for some things and is actually a really nice and chill dude
Lois - She's so pink and plump and has a beauty mark/mole (people with moles will always have a bonus in my book)
Albertsky - He gives grumpy uncle vibes. Looks like would probably throw hands without hesitation if the situation calls for it
Robertsky - He silly. Love the little quirks in his dialogue where he just greets the doorman "Hi." and says "I look as handsome as ever". Also, I love his outfit. Bro may have no eyebrows and neck visible, but his clothes slay so hard . Like there is no reason why his fit should have a fancy little blue scarf, but yet it does .11/10 XD
Angus - He's a devious looking little shit >:))). And he wears purple and is Italian.
Elenois and Selenne - They pretty women and have a mole
Arnold - His design is just SO CUTE. He reminds me of Jake from Adventure Time with his mustache. But mostly it's the eyes for me. I like to imagine that his eyes would kind of work like this
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Gloria - Gives literal ✨Q U E E N ✨ (she could slap me up to the stratosphere and I wouldn't be that mad). Purple and has a mole. Her golden eyes are mesmerizing too
Izaack - His name's cool and he has the stare-into-your-soul blue anime ahh looking eyes
Margarette - Gives nice little auntie vibes and she knows how to make clothes. I would legit ask her for dressmaking tips just so that I could make historical clothes (I love fashion history)
Nacha - Honestly, when I first played the game, she scared the shit out of me because of the Stitchface doppel and I haven't seen her the same for a bit. But after I figured out she's a mom, she didn't seem that bad and I grew quite fond of her. And she cooks too (If you can see a pattern here, I like people who give of parental/familial vibes)
Anastacha - Girl literally gives the doorman attitude like she owns the place XD
Mia - Again, pretty woman. Love the style of her red dress with the pearls.
Dr. W. - Fucking nerd (affectionate)
Francis- The milkman fit looks nice with his face (but I still get war flashbacks from the plethora of thrists arts and the "save the cow, milk the milkman" line being done to death)
Steven - Here's me being a basic bitch rn, but I really, REALLY love them real rugged guy guys (military soldiers, firemen etc.) That, and also he's a tan boi.
Mclooy - Same reason why I like Steven + He's a DILF/GILF. Also I love to point out a little observation of how him and Steven are one of the most American and typically masculine people I can think of (it's quite endearing for me). A military guy and cowboy in one family? They've probably asked what a kilometer is at one point in their adult life.
Alf - He's so tiny and looks so polite. Posh looking lawyer. I love sweet old grandpas.
Rafttellyn - She gives marites energy (it's a Filipino term, you can go search it up) with her dress and style. No joke, she would low-key fit in with these people.
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Even her name sounds Filipino to me with the -lynn at the end of her. I even jokingly pronounce her name as rap-ti-lin.
Others + VIPs
Henry: Looks like he really never signed up for the doorman job frfr XD
D.D.D : Amongus???????
Clown Mask: Silly face behind mask
Nightmare Clown: I like how the guy just gets so MAD and in denial when he loses the game in Unlikely, he phases out of the astral plane XD.
Keppler: He may not have a face or proper lore yet, but all I know is that he messed up big time and I wanna know how he's handling that.
42: Reminds me of that one time in science class when we were observing fingerprint patterns
Peach Peach: Probably one peach seed is his only brain cell that's floating around his brain space
Ghost Mask and The Flesh Nurse: Cool looking designs. Do they have lore???
Xezbet - Gargamel looking aah
Drugia - Arabian NIIIIIIGHTS ~~~~~ like Arabian DAAAYS~~~~~~. She looks like a genie :)
Barbatos- Chonky and spiky
Excel - Chonky and spiky, Christmas ham looking ahhh
Abducius - Well, he still has the little devious smile
Anazareth and Lilith - Pretty witchy ladies. Though I like Anazareth a lot more.
Chaugnar - *Siri, please play Ganesha by MASA Works Design". Also elephant <3
Nyogtha- Nice little details with her eyes
Zoth - I like his red robe (?)
Shub - Thick Medusa and she has a little heart shaped tattoo on her forehead
Yog - The fact that he was probably intentionally made to be a Great Value Edward Cullen by Nacho sama as an inside joke about Francis' simps
Quachil - Cute biblically accurate angel. And she floats
Yan - Ooh Chinese mythology reference.
Orcus - "Thirty years since all this happened, thirty years it took to rise. Blood on the floor and in their eyes, they took a bite and left it to die-". I had a FNAF phase before so this was a funny throwback
Ishtar - Goofy ass smile (affectionate)
Teutates - So, does he play in a band ??? XD
Ah Puch - Cutie pie that looks like a slasher villain. Also the surname tho? Gives me The Book of Life flashbacks
Dagda - Bug eyed scarecrow. He does have cool looking mouth stitches
Izanami - Ooooh Japanese mythology reference
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feeling the urge to go on a whole ass whoopification speedrun with beetlejuice rn and talk about how he's not as bad of a person as most people seem to think he is. beware of spoilers cuz I will mention the sequel!!!!!!
he's a selfish, disgusting, low life creep, but he's not the murderous monster people assume he is. y'all are gonna have to hear me out on this one and that's okay, I've loved this character since I was a child, grew up with the first movie and the cartoon. you can call me biased because yeah I probably am. but I also love fucked up irredeemable characters.
he's not irredeemable tho. nor do I think it really matters if he is, the whole point of his character is that he sucks. but he sucks in a silly stupid way, a way that makes us love him.
people love to characterize beetlejuice as this horrific vengeful demon, and forget how inherently silly and wacky he is. in the first movie he doesn't even actually kill anyone (tho he comes close), and although we see him get angry with the maitlands he doesn't go on a terrifying torture spree or anything when he's out. his biggest crime is just being a selfish prick. (and being a horny bastard.)
I believe this even more so with the second movie, where he does almost nothing but be useful the entire time (and not even for his own gain, the idiot is just hopelessly in love), and the only bad thing he does is try to make lydia marry him again (to be fair yes she is the one who suggested it, it's just scummy cuz she was in need.) and even then he helps her despite the fact she never keeps her end.
he even helps delia when she asks. and you can chock this all up to he's in love with lydia and would do anything for her, to which I agree, but he's still done more good/helpful things in the span of both movies than he has bad. he's not a good person, his sense of morals are skewed at best nonexistent at worst, but is he a raging murderous monster who would eat the souls of two hundred children if given the chance? no I don't believe so. he just wants to give some people nightmares for a week then go have a nice fuck on a tropical island.
overall he seems way more interested in pulling wacky shenanigans than actually hurting anyone (most especially lydia), and that's something important to me personally.
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yuenthevoices · 1 day
Okay so I haven't seen Transformers One yet (just had midterms) but honestly from the bits i've seen of it - from movie clips on tiktok to some of the hilarious promo stuff they have Bee do - i'm ABSOLUTELY in love with it. some of my favorite stuff i've seen are the little, more niche details i don't see enough of that really show how much care has actually been put into the movie. don't worry, no spoilers for the actual movie - mostly about official promo clips and such.
for example, i saw a bit of an interview where it's said the animation team all grew up with transformers, and were even fighting to animate their favs. there was also another interview i saw where someone - i believe a story boarder/director - seemed genuinely pretty sad that they couldn't do the Megatron gladiator and Orion Pax archivist backstories because it would make the movie too long. like, there is just so much genuine love for the franchise that makes the movie so good and so interesting its crazy like ahduaogeuaisahe
alright alright so enough of my rant i know some of y'all are here for the x reader stuff soooo here's some TF One headcanons! also do keep in mind that this is from my very limited knowledge of the movie characters so prob oc? if they were to somehow meet humans
B-127 (Badassatron)
first off, he's such a silly guy and so adhd coded
but honestly, as a human, be just a bit careful around him, seeing as he accidentally knife-handed quite a few people, and some on purpose
he'd either be as clumsy as he is with his friends that he built, or would literally be too scared to get within touching distance of a human
if you want to get closer to him, honestly just listen to him - with some small input here and there to show you're listening - and he'd want to hang around you a lot more
really, just be nice, don't baby him, and let him yap as much as he wants - bonus points if you sometimes yap to him as well, i'm sure he'd be a great listening, with a lot of input from him, of course
Elita One
honestly, i wish i knew or could tell more about her, but any clips or trailers i've seen her in are pretty limited glimpses into her character
the trait i see the most from these glimpses however, is how she's ambitious and diligent
she'd probably respect you a great deal if you're as ambitious and diligent as she is, and would probably be a bit proud if you compliment her work ethic as well
i think she'd like someone who matches her, aiming for higher goals with the work and strength to prove it - especially since you're a human
bonus points if you can kick ass as well
similar case to Elita, except i think i have a bit more to go off of, considering how much he shows up in promo trailers and stuff
honestly, kinda hard for me to say?
again, i think he'd appreciate someone similar to him, considering how much time he spends with orion, it'd be a nice change of pace
someone who won't take bs, maybe a teeny bit of malicious compliance, and someone who doesn't try to hide their opinions
considering how mush shit miners seem to take from those who can transform, seeing someone else - especially some smaller, squisher being - being proactive and not taking shit, he'd probably be interested
Orion Pax
ok so only doing orion pax and not optimus prime because in total i've only seen like 3 clips of him as optimus soooo yea
i could see him with a jokester kind of person, but also with a more calm caretaker kind of person as well
being a jokester with him would be fun, and he'd probably have no problem with carrying you around to places for plans
being a calm caretaker would possibly be a little more stressful, but still fun with him nonetheless
either way, he'd still be somewhat careful, keeping in mind that he is much larger and sturdier than humans are
just don't play dead on him please, he'd genuinely freak out and run you over to D-16 and ask him what's wrong (D-16 probably won't find it nearly as funny lol)
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ghouldtime · 2 days
i usually don’t message anyone or anything but i just wanted to say i love your characterizations of konig, ghost, and soap very much. the love and appreciation you have for these characters really come through in your writing.
the cod fandom is full of talented writers but the majority of them write smut. it gets tiring scrolling through the tag and just seeing porn when i actually just wanna see… ppl who enjoy the characters outside of sex appeal, yk? so your blog, truly and genuinely, is a breath of fresh air.
that’s not even mentioning the ppl who write them as abusive or use them to fulfill certain fantasies. i mean i don’t kink shame ofc, but idk sometimes ppl write them in extremely degrading ways that do a disservice to their character and it bugs me a little. plus all the “innocent bimbo reader” rhetoric, idk it gets tiring.
anyway, sorry for the yap session, but i did mean everything i said genuinely !!
💚💚💚💚 Salutations anon! You really don't know how much I appreciate hearing this. Seriously, messages like this give me motivation to keep writing and to stay active on here. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU from the very depths of my heart. You've all been so so incredibly kind, sweet, and encouraging 😭 I don't know what I've done to deserve this but it's appreciated and you all are absolutely awesome. This has made my YEAR, thank you for taking time out of your day to send my silly self a message 💚💚💚💚💚
I'm so so happy my characterizations have hit the mark for some people and that I'm (hopefully) doing them some justice! I'm always worried about that because characterization matters heavily to me and I want to respect their characters and how much they mean to me and other people through it EVEN IF THE WRITERS OF THE LAST MODERN WARFARE DON'T KNOW WHAT A PROPER STORY LINE IS AND KILLED SOAP WHICH I'M NOT FORGETTING, IM NOT FORGIVING, AND IM CERTAIN NOT LIVE LAUGH LOVING WITH IT. I'm refusing to accept he's dead, no matter what they say
I love the boys all so much. They all have such interesting things about them and have a lot more dynamic to them than people think and I just want to represent them right, especially lesser appreciated characters (haven't actually really written for them yet but Keegan, Logan, Hesh, Sandman, Roach, Nikto, Krueger - legit I love them, anyone feel free to send asks or scenarios you'd like I WILL write them. Legit, y'all, you can send me asks about certain characters even if there isn't much on them. I WILL do my research and I WILL write to the best of my ability)
Oh there's many talented writers in the COD Fandom, there really are. I can't say I really know any personally seeing as I never really interact with other blogs but I've seen some reallly really nice fics with so much thought put in them. But equally, there's a lot of just... smut. Not even well written smut, I'm sorry, but a lot of it is just really, really poorly written. I'm all for do what you want, write whatever makes you happy. Freedom of speech! If it makes you happy, cool! But I'm also going to cringe cause a lot of it is... yeah, yikes
Not trying to be the smut police and say every detail must be accounted for and everyone should follow it in a certain way but plz basic anatomy 101, basic prep 101, no guy gal or enby pal will appreciate it if you just shove it in to anywhere dry and I've seen a loooot of that and other things that just hurt?????
I get it, people learn by reading/writing, but this is literally just a single search away. And common sense. There's also a lot of practices being unsafely represented (like fifty shades of gray level) and uh it's not on purpose, it's not meant to be dubious, but it just is written as that. PLEEEEASE please please do some research, the internet is right there
But I felt the same way. Like bless whatever y'all want to write, no shame and NO shade to writing smut. I'll probably eventually do it myself again in the future (undecided on that but it'd likely be a side blog if I do and would never be a main focus, I prefer story over smut action. Once again, no shade and no shame to those who don't, to each their own!). Never ever going to full on NSFW mode or only writing that, I'm always always always going to prioritize writing the characters first and trying to get more stories out there about them :D
But I got tired of opening it and all I see is just... smut, smut, more smut, extremely dubious content x 50. And maybe a sprinkle of normal things or fluff here and there. I just don't look in the tags honestly anymore, because so many people just don't properly tag it or give 0 warning at all, not even under a read more, just BAM, unavoidable unless you flat out don't look at the tags at all
There's more to the characters than just being attractive 😭and I love exploring those aspects of them and trying to figure out why they are the way they are
Also I'm ALWAYS going to have an issue with people who fetishize horrible things. When you're actively fantasizing and writing about someone abusing someone else, like flat out abuse, and being incredibly toxic and terrible to someone - just, please talk to a therapist. That's not social commentary, that's not a proper portrayal of real, HORRIBLE things that affect many people and have very real repercussions - that's perpetuating the negative narrative around a lot of struggles and setting it back by instead turning it into something that's treated as attractive. I really fully can elaborate on this and have a whole rant - but it's not cute and it's NEVER cool to fetishize actual, awful awful things that happen to people. Dead dove doesn't excuse you from judgement - especially when it's not even acknowledged. You're just saying you know what you write is probably morally reprehensible. Hey, I'm going to reprehend and won't respect you at all when you write awful things just cause and get off on it. Think people forget that. Dead dove is a descriptor and doesn't excuse you or make you instantly free from judgement or mean you're not doing something problematic/disgusting. It's just saying you know it is, that's about it.
I don't get why people do that when it's clear they have no idea what they're talking about. I've seen that a lot with the bully! Things. Like... wow, clearly some of you WEREN'T bullied and you're writing about it and it shows because if you were, hey, you know how fucking awful that shit is and how it leaves life long effects. Not saying this applies to all but there's a lot I see like that where it's just ".... wow, okay, so you don't have any idea what you're talking about, cool."
AND YEAH the mischaracterization really does do a great disservice where it's clear they're just after the characters for their physique. They just warp them so bad it's like "Are we talking about the same character?" . In AUs you get to explore that and can shape them to your wants, that's your choice! Highly recommend AU's, it allows so much freedom.
But when it's like.... regular? And it's just no where close and they're doing a 180 in how they actually are (like having Ghost flirt with strangers and be big scary daddy dom im sorry he's not at allllll) I don't get it and it's clear you really aren't writing about or for the character - at that point, plz, make your own characters. Just make your own OCs, it's great! And you can make them HOWEVER you want instead of just ignoring a character's characterization to make them fit what you want. And guess what? It's your character so you can TRULY do what you want and have them the way that you want instead of bending characters to fit a box that they weren't made for
I'm not saying you HAVE to write a character the same as me or in a specific way, but when it's a character with an established personality/backstory, the least you can do is follow that outside of AU's if you're writing for them. That's... the whole point of writing that character - I don't get why you'd write for them specifically if you're literally going to ignore everything about them
SPEAKING OF THE INNOCENT BIMBO THING, I'm also really not a fan. Once again, if that makes you happy to write or read, cool! I just am NOOOOT a fan. Why does the reader always have to be so small and so delicate and so pure/innocent? Why does the reader have to be just so UWU coded? Why are they always like "oh you're so little and small :( and just don't know any better" . It's either that or they're John fucking Wick with little in between. Pleeeease it hurts my soul
Its why I try to genuinely write a neutral geared reader with reactions that will likely fit a lot of people! I'm always taken out of a story's immersiveness when it mentions something like like your hair length or how uwu small you are in comparison. Give me just... average sensible reader. Give me reader who has realistic human reactions. Give me reader who isn't perfect, give me a reader who isn't magically special or different. Give me a reader who is just doing their best, who is THEMSELVES, with no intent otherwise. I love those fanfics so so much instead of trying to feel like I have to be something I'm not to get myself in the mindset to read some pieces NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR YAPPING. IM ALWAYS WANTING TO TALK IM ALWAYS AROUND 💚💚💚💚THANK YOU FOR THE MESSAGE IT MAKES MY HEART WARM AND MAKES ME SO SO HAPPY
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season 4 episode 12 thoughts
didn’t watch an episode last night because i was sad. and by consulting the people, i knew that this episode would ALSO be sad. but now in my infinite wisdom, i realize: how better to distract yourself from your own sorrow than to watch some fictional characters writhe in their own grief? which brings us here.
“a headless corpse walks out of a hospital morgue” well that actually just sounds silly. i know it’s not gonna end up being silly, and i’m sure my heart will be on the floor, but you have to admit, it sounds silly.
author’s note: the episode about the dude with no head is now the second episode EVER to make me cry. and editing these notes is gonna SUCK SO BAD😭😭😭I WAS WRONG ABOUT DROWNING MY SORROWS IN FICTIONAL WOES. I HAVE NO INFINITE WISDOM. ONLY TEARS.
let us begin below. join me. hold me. comfort me.
ambulance time :3 we see a guy named leonard, who i presume will be the star of the episode given its title. he tells michele driving the vehicle that this guy having a heart attack is “up to his ass in alligators”, and idk what that means, but it doesn’t sound good
oh a needle. mmmm no no. NO. no. <- girl who cannot look at the screen
NO! no. crash. oh god, that’s my worst fear. EMS lady michele who made the mistake of looking behind her while driving is now covered in blood. i assume that we will see leonard's head soon.
(little did i know!!! little did i know. i have a fear even deeper than causing a car accident that decapitates someone)
ah, yes. the head is not attached to anything. michele, covered in blood, is leaving after leonard is dropped off in the morgue.
the guy in the morgue is trying to stream casual by chappell roan (obviously) but he hears some thumping in the distance. leonard has escaped! without his head!
oh god, he killed morgue guy. you see, i thought we were going to get an episode where the mystery was how the headless man got around and lived his daily life, not that the headless guy was also going to be a murderer. i thought we were gonna get scenes of his headless body using sign language to communicate and question how he’s gonna eat in a semi-comical fashion. but now. now he’s evil. sigh.
and leonard is naked. do they put you in the morgue naked??? i always assumed there’d be a little bit of dignity…
SCULLY TIME!!! i can feel all pain in my body evaporating. she is looking in the little morgue case he escaped from. there are a lot of bloody footprints. and mulder is here, too!
it’s funny how i sit down to watch the scully and mulder show and then when i see them on screen i think “oh boy, it’s scully and mulder time :D”
good news! the morgue guy who was certainly streaming chappell is NOT actually dead. he was just knocked out. and had all his clothes taken, which is unfortunate.
scully is gagged at the idea mulder thinks a headless body escaped from the morgue, and me too girl, but i feel you should be used to it by now. we probably both should be, actually. 
she thinks it’s some sort of coverup for body snatching! oh, compelling. even mulder seems to nod along. god, wouldn’t it be funny if they just had a normal case once? please. i beg.
they’re looking at security camera footage from the night it all went down, and see the clothes that were stolen from morgue guy being worn by someone. scully thinks maybe the thief got scared and dipped, which led to this wonderful exchange: “where could he hide an adult body where it wouldn’t be found?” “i’ll show you” <- YEAHHHH I LOVE WHEN SHE SAYS WEIRD AND UNSETTLING STUFF
time to check the medical waste. are you telling me surgical byproduct gets turned into roads??? i don’t think i can handle that information, so i’m going to simply not fact check it. but she would never lie to me.
mulder looks freaked tf out as he hands the flashlight to her to inspect the waste LMAOOO
“mulder i think i’m gonna need your help, your arms are longer” (cut to visible distress on his face) LMAOOOOO
he’s groaning as they rummage through bags of human stuff, but they find leonard’s head!! noticeably, NOT the rest of him
they are going to split up, and mulder will go to leonard’s house while scully looks at his head. and she makes a pointed correction that he is no longer living. damn. 
his head weighs 10.9 pounds! the head looks a little… wow, i was gonna say it looked fuzzy, but now we get a closeup and it’s actually very convincing. no rigor mortis or clouded eyes, which is inconsistent with the time of death. and she’s gonna go to brain town when he opens his eyes!!
well, bodies do that sometimes. and he’s opening his mouth. and closing it. so uh. what’s that all about?
something or someone is running as mulder enters leonard’s house. he finds a bathtub full of blood, which is not promising. and blood out the window. 
bro stuck his fingers in the blood and sniffed it….. OH! it’s not blood. it’s iodine. okay. that’s less freaky. 
scully says it seems the head has been effected by radiation that is preventing any sort of scanning, and also that she hasn’t cut into the head yet, even though she knows it’s just extra energy stored in the cells that made him blink, but still! aww mulder be NICE TO HER!
“maybe he was home” "leonard betts." “yeah” “without his head.” “yeah :)” LMAO
OMG his headless ass was IN the iodine!!!
wait… he was a really good EMT… and his head somehow grew back… is he one of those aliens that can heal people???
(author's note: it was a really good guess on my part, but i think he was some sort of new freak not previously established in canon)
he could diagnose illness very well… but he kept his distance from his coworkers. hmmmm. and he never got sick. hmmmm. or injured. HMMMM. michele is suspicious.
they’re gonna mummify his head. sort of. and mulder is smiling at scully over his own stupid joke, and i want to punch his stupid face (affectionate).
man. i do not care for this slicing of heads process. 
oh no!! leonard was like, entirely made of cancer. was he absorbing the cancer of his patients… is that a thing you can do….?
he should have died a looooong time ago. or maybe the process of slicing distorted the findings?
michele is pulling into the hospital as she deals with another case, but she hears someone say “up to your ass in alligators” over the radio… and she recognizes leonard’s voice! he’s making another correct ID on what is wrong with a patient!!!!!!!
the agents are off to one of the professors at a maryland university that mulder keeps on call at all times, who is going to look at the head slice. oh…. this guy does aura photography. okay, so not super promising.
she’s like yeah yeah yeah i know about eastern medicine but WHAT does it have to do with this. i respect her knowledge and her focus.
it looks like the aura photography captured some shoulders? that i guess mulder thinks proves leonard is still alive somehow?
“are we happy with the results?” <- something about the way he said this made them sound so married. i'd be happy to live in that brief moment forever.
scully looks pissed off into another dimension at this whole process LMAO
mulder wants to know if there is a good kind of cancer that is actually regeneration…. and the iodine helps regeneration! which has been used in labs for creatures whose limbs regrow, i guess 
“there isn’t a creature on earth that can regrow its head” “worms. you cut a worm in half, you get two” <- and that’s why you’re the FBI’s most unwanted, because you advocate for worm murder 😭😭
“mulder, they’re worms” <- LMAOOOOOOOOO STOP i saw that line out of context once 
scully gets a phone call! and it turns out leonard had an alter ego named albert- whose fingerprints match his? but albert has a living relative. visit time?
yes, it is visit time. oh! the picture his mom has on the table is the same as the picture we saw earlier of leonard when he was featured in the newspaper!
they try to tell his mom that “her son” died recently, but she says he died 6 years ago!! well, that is confusing.
michele is also on the case, looking for whoever it was who she heard on the radio earlier using that distinct phrase and accurately diagnosing people. the others pointing him out to her refer to him as “the new guy”.
and it is leonard! michele is chasing him…. he hugs her and reassures her that it’s okay. at first it's touching, and i realize too late that he is going to kill her, which he does while apologizing. then he lays her down???? but he gets caught!!
he is running and running…. but he gets tackled by the cops and handcuffed. with a very conspicuous head bruise.
OH MY GOD he PULLED HIS THUMB OUT OF THE HANDCUFF BLEUGHHHHHHHHH all the cops return to is some blood and a finger 😭😭😭
no no bad…. body horror… bad…. not for junis, who are weak and frail… 
michele was given a lethal dose of something that occurs naturally, so it usually misses detection. and leonard was ID’d as the attacker!!! oh i just know everyone at that hospital is SO confused
mulder and scully are fighting over evolutionary theories…. while holding umbrellas in the snow… sigh. so beautiful.
GAG! the trunk of leonard's car is filled with cancerous tumors. that scully can name as she sees them. a massive flex of her knowledge.
OH. maybe he eats cancer. well. this is a bold theory, mulder, and what a lovely time for you to propose it, as i am just thinking of how lovely they look in the snow, and how they should go ice skating and other such winter activities. sure. the guy eats tumors.
and the car leonard was driving traces back to the mom!!! so they go to her place with a warrant. scully confronts her, saying they know she’s lying about her son being dead, and he killed someone, so lying to protect him isn’t gonna get her anywhere except JAIL.
mulder finds iodine while she recounts a tale of her son being beaten up as a kid. and she says god means for leonard to stay even if people don’t understand. crazy thing to say about a guy who just killed someone. 
leonard is at a bar watching someone smoke and looking at him hungrily. while his baby thumb pulsates and regrows. NASTY! nasty. 
he’s getting up after the cigarette dude and following him outside like he’s hunting some prey. he says that “you’ve got something i need” and whips out a tiny knife. uh oh.
back at mom’s house, they find a storage locker receipt. off to track it down.
oh. leonard was straight up eating that dude inside the storage locker. see, i don’t care for that. and also he is screaming while this happens and also his body is pulsating and oh my god. OH MY GOD HE JUST GREW A NEW HEAD???? out of his mouth. whyyyyyy
at the storage unit, the agents find blood flowing from beneath the door, and then the dead cigarette guy. but leonard comes out in a car at them!
i like how mulder grabbed scully to keep her safe... it was very nice. 
leonard is speeding off. and they shoot at him, which causes the car to go up in flames. damn. good shots, those two.
so the cigarette guy had his lung removed, but now leonard seems to be burnt to a crisp. BUT! when they dig up the guy under the pseudonym who had allegedly died 6 years ago, he looks also very dead!!
so he just keeps dying and coming back? i ask myself.
no! mulder thinks that the car crashes- both times- were decoys, and that “leonard” is still at large. scully does not seem pleased by this. 
and back at his mom’s house, she’s washing him in iodine, saying they “found your friend”. she says the FBI aren’t going to leave him alone…. you know what you have to do…. WHAT TF DOES THAT MEAN???
the agents are watching her house. but then an ambulance rolls up, saying that an old woman has had massive blood loss. did he eat his mom?? how would anyone know?? is this a trap???
scully finds his mom, who has a surgical cut…. and they’re taking her to the hospital… scully is helping her out…. she is so kind
but as they take leonard's mom out, scully notices IODINE ON HER HEAD! is he waiting on top of the ambulance? she tells mulder to get over here RIGHT NOW. 
and leonard grabs her!!!! and says she has something he needs. NO!!!!! no that means…… no. 
she’s beating the hell out of him though which is a major slay. she defibrillates him. queen.
it seems he really died. for now.
mulder’s telling her she should be proud, but she just wants to go home. that's what she says: "i want to go home". oh my goooooooood. oh my gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.
wait it’s still going. she’s coughing. NO, SHE’S COUGHING BLOOD?????!
no it’s her nose. oh my god. the end.
FUCK YOU ALL I HATE EVERYTHING (punches wall) (punches table) (punches everything in an arm’s reach) (keeps punching until i collapse into a ball of sobs)
well. for most of this, distracting myself with fictional character’s problems worked. but now i’m just sad about my own life AND scully’s.
okay. i won’t lie. you want me to tell the truth? fine. i’ll tell you. i’d never lie to you...
i knew about the scully cancer arc. 
there. i said it. i know, i know, i too wanted everything to come as a surprise. but in all honesty, i’m glad i knew about it, because if i didn’t i’d probs be straight up ugly crying right now. 
yes, i saw it in a gif set a while ago- not this part, but from a later episode- and i find myself still deeply saddened despite knowing it was going to happen. i think it’s just so awful that cancer is a thing that happens, and even knowing that scully isn’t real doesn’t it make it less of a reality for other people, and that breaks my heart. of course i want my fave fictional girl to be okay- and this was foreshadowed after the abduction arc anyway- but cancer…. god, it’s just horrific. i think we all know someone who has it and have had to see what they endure. and it’s so genuinely and horrifically fucked up. luckily i can look at this leonard guy and be like damn, wouldn’t it be fucked up if a guy grew a new head? and i can rest knowing that it shall never happen to anybody alive, but this? like. you just don’t know. it could happen to anyone. 
and that really scares me, i think. more than anything else. so at least we learned about my deep set fear together? glad we had that bonding experience.
gooood. i’m gonna cry. okay yes, check it write it down- the tears are in my eyeballs. you can’t see it, but it is happening. yes, and now they are leaving my eyeballs and going down my cheeks. okay so. that’s fine i guess.
fuck me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this episode was fine, other than that, i guess? i mean i laughed a bit but then i laughn’t. the laughter was cancelled. his face when he was digging around in the body part jumble was really funny, i love when he is squeamish. and i liked him laughing at his own joke and how beautiful they looked in the snow. the idea of this as a monster was kinda interesting and very disturbing in practicality- body horror is always gonna get me- but leonard himself wasn't super compelling. you can't really be that good of a healthcare worker if you're in it just to eat people. his mom was more interesting to me, but also she was annoying because how tf are you gonna sit there and say your baby boy eats people because he is so special?
scully, why do they do this to you……….. i need to save you from chris carter myself……. 
s4 loyalists: you scare me, because how can you endure this willingly? bro, i love angst too... but this is just straight up masochism 😭
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nervocat · 3 months
We love the silly scar :3 who would ever do such horrible things 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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He did nothing guys he's just a bit silly :33
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dootznbootz · 25 days
Fascinating how Polites, the character who is the personification of Odysseus' optimism and is only in 5 songs, is more grieved and appreciated than Eurylochus, a character who is his own person and is in 11 songs.
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sysig · 9 months
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Those wacky skeletons ♥ (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Handplates#You can tell because of Sans' gloves lol#Getting-used-to-them-again doodles as well as just expressing Feeling <3 Happy towards them! Want them to be happy too!#It might seem silly for these - how many sets in now? - to still be getting used to drawing them again lol but it's because they're adults!#Their clothes and the way they hold themselves - but also especially Sans lol I dunno why I have such difficulty with him at times#He's got a cute face and I still find myself like ????how your face#Other than that tho it's just silliness hehe ♪ My favourite lads :D#I feel the need to make the distinction: I do actually have different favourites based on the AU lol#Like for example in classic I still love Flowey just a tiiiiiny bit more than Papyrus but it really is constantly neck and neck#Whereas in Handplates it's no competition even a little bit lol - Papyrus is just my Very Favourite#But Gaster is my favourite Handplates-specific character since he's unique to the AU! It gets a bit in the weeds lol#Sans isn't far behind at all of course the trio are very important! The duo even moreso imo#Going back to gloves tho I did carry over one of my quirks from my original UT doodles about Papyrus' gloves lol#I initially envisioned them as combination mitten-gloves with a free index finger and all the rest together#I still rather like the design! But it is admittedly not Handplates accurate lol#The occasional dip into self-indulgence who me? Lol#Sleeping on each other is important to me as well!! It is such a favourite hehe#Honestly I just imagined Papyrus getting so exhausted that he fell asleep in the snow lol poor lad#Sans teleported in but it's also funny to imagine him just walking up like ''you good? yeah he's fine'' *flop* haha#Silly lads <3 Do love 'em ♪
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cerealmonster15 · 3 months
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i want jamiazu + idikei to go on a double date so badly i think the vibes would be So Very Turbulent
#twisted wonderland#twst#jamiazu#idikei#idicay#cereal tries to draw#i love any fanart of board game club and their bitch ass crushes jdslhffkjg teeheehee#cater and jamil can get along fine but board game club is incapable of behaving#they have to drop everything to bully the shit out of each other given the chance!!!#jamil does this with azul also. tbh i think it would be a war immediately and caters like HaHa Oh My GOd. ??!!?#cater actually it's hard to say bc sometimes hes like HUH!!!! CHILL OUT!! but other times hes a shady little freak of a guy and enables#things so like whose to say. maybe if hes in a silly mood he would join idia and jamil and it would be 3v1 rip azul it was nice knowing u#the rng of if they get peacekeeping caycay or mischievous caycay#it feels like it has been a While since ive really sat and drawn them...#i have had a lot going on <///3 and then all draw time is spent on art fight rn but. small break For Them#do u even understand me. do u see my vision. i want to put all four of them in an escape room#bundle them together and observe them under a microscope#god i just LOVE how any time someone in twst talks about another character it's always either like#yes this is a good respectable classmate of mine who i admire. or I HATE THAT BITCH HE FUCKING SUCKS ASS ACTUALLY!!!!#and then the haters are like best friends who hang out always jfdksljflkshg#but theyd rather DIE than ADMIT IT!!!#bitch boys who only respect each other when they dont know each other too well ig fjldksfh#board game club being god tier haters nonstop of each other is so fucking funny im literally obsessed with whatever they have going on#anyway!!! I WANT THEM TO HANG OUT MORE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fallen6253 · 5 months
About the soul-swap partners:
I love that neither of them decided to stick to their given roles.  In either universe, really.
You’ll get what I mean.
Cale, who was Kim Rok Soo, does not keep up the image of trash.  He calls himself trash, he is called trash.  He does not keep his reputation.  Not the alcoholism, and he doesn’t throw bottles at gangsters.  No, he takes care of the underworld and other nobles in his own way (ie, recruitment or utter destruction).  He does not have his old reputation in this world either.  He’s not known as this cold leader who doesn’t care when someone dies, he’s known as a brilliant young man who cares way too much.  He’s known as an idiot who would rather pass out from exhaustion a week later than leave things to fester for one minute.  
And then there’s Kim Rok Soo, who was Cale Henituse once upon an apocalypse.  (First the fuq of all, nobody knew jac squat about him in the first place, and being the son of his mother probably made him something of an automatic anomaly.  I assume just being a Thames makes you kinda weird.  But anyway!) He lived as trash, an alcoholic who threw too many bottles back and then at the wall.  Then he lived through 20 years of a losing war.  And he got tired.  Tired enough to listen to a voice in his head in his last moments, to switch worlds and bodies with some stranger.  And he chose the motto that reflects the sentiments of his soul swap partner to a T: let’s live peacefullly.
And he smiles now, as Kim Rok Soo.  He sits back in his office chair, with an easygoing attitude.  He’s not the trash that would only shout; he is sly, and he knows how to use his status to properly put punks in their place.  He’s the team leader who refuses to be mistreated by anyone.  He will not be used, he would rather do his work as he needs to.  He isn’t a lowlife with no responsibilities in the wake of a war he would be just about useless in; he has a niece he has to go home to.  He drinks casually, not too much.  And he smiles in a way that’s too bright for the cold Kim Rok Soo.  He’s too happy now to be called cold-blooded. It’s like there’s a fire in his eyes that had been lost ages ago. Something that was rekindled when he had someone to go home to.
Despite changing their own lives so much, they wound up being nearly the same as one another and that drives me a little insane.
And let's not forget the best part.  One famous line they have in common in every world:
“Should I flip everything over?”
Another thing: I think Cale's gonna start resembling Kim Rok Soo. As in, he'll start relaxing a bit as the work goes on, he'll learn to rest as he goes (as in actually rest) and delegate work properly. He won't brush past comments like he used to, he will look a person in the eye and go 'I can just leave this world and leave you to your fate' which I would love to see, honestly. I feel like their individual capacity to be petty increases with age, and that's probably one of my favorite things about these characters. So them finding new ways to piss off people who don't like them could just be made into its own series and I would sell my soul for it.
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labratboygirl · 8 months
kinito art dump from the past few days
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sunsetsandsunshine · 2 months
Hey!! For your next fic could you do Leo and Mikey angst
It came be 2012, MM or rise
~ 𝚈𝚘𝚞’𝚛𝚎 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞 ~
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💙🐢🧡 𝙵𝚒𝚌 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: @tmntalways 💙🐢🧡
·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚𝙷𝚒, 𝚃𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚕𝚎𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍!!! 𝙸 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚘 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚋𝚛𝚘 ☹️💔…𝙸 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚍 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜𝚗’𝚝 𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚃𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 💖💕💘💞🩷!!! 𝙰𝚕𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑, 𝙸 𝚍𝚘 𝚊𝚍𝚖𝚒𝚝 𝙸’𝚖 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛’𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 😅👍🏾! 𝙸 𝚍𝚒𝚍 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚌𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛’𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚍— 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝’𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 🫠…˚*• ̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙**·̩̩̥͙
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝙷𝚞𝚛𝚝/𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜: 𝟹,𝟸𝟾𝟾
𝙻𝚎𝚎: 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢 🐢🧡
𝙻𝚎𝚛: 𝙻𝚎𝚘 🐢💙
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢’𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐…𝚞𝚗𝚏𝚘𝚌𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍…𝚞𝚗𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚣𝚎𝚍, 𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎…𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊 𝚠𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚑 𝚘𝚏 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 '𝚞𝚗'. 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚕? 𝙷𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗’𝚝 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚎 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚐𝚘 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢…
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: @shut-up-jo @someone1348 @saturnzskyzz
@savemeafruitjuice @rice-cake-teen10 @mistyandsnow
@skyloladoodles @itzsana-kiddingmenow @titters-and-tingles
(𝙰/𝙽: 𝚂𝚠𝚒𝚖𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚎𝚊 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝…𝚋𝚞𝚝 *𝙰𝙷𝙴𝙼* 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚕𝚢: 𝙳𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚐𝚞𝚢! 𝚃*𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚔/𝙽𝚂𝙵𝚆 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚜 𝙳𝙽𝙸!!!)
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚂𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚍𝚎𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜, 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏-𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚖 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜, 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐. 𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝙿𝙻𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙴 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚔!!!
𝚁𝙴𝙼𝙸𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁: 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝙰𝙳𝙷𝙳 𝚊𝚗𝚍/𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌!!! 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚒𝚝 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 ☺️💞💗💓💕
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚍 🕺🏾✨💞🎶˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙
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Mikey couldn’t do anything right now. Like…anything.
Well…perhaps he was being a bit too dramatic. He was breathing. And he was fidgeting with his squishy cube. So saying he wasn’t doing 'anything' wasn’t entirely true.
Right now he just…couldn’t do anything…productive. 
For example, the box turtle tried making his favorite dishes and deserts! But that endeavor just ended up being a huge mess in the kitchen…and leaving the youngest turtle with a bunch of unappetizing food. 
Which he fed all to Raph by the way. 
Some would call that choice of action cruel but Mikey would just call it 'using his resources'. 
Besides, it’s not like the eldest minded at all. He said, and I quote: 'It has a nice…crunchy feeling to it. Did you put some of Don’s inventions in this?'
Which honestly got a couple of chuckles out of the smallest turtle teen of the bunch.
Then, Mikey tried skateboarding! But for once in all his 14 years of living…it was just utterly boring. 
And after all of that nonsense, Mikey then finally tried reading a comic…but he was too unfocused to even get to the second page…
But what was really new? Mikey could never focus on jackshit even if said jackshit hit him right in the shell. 
His brothers and sister would always have to remind him to stay focused or 'not do this' or 'not do that'.
For example, a couple days ago Donnie had to kindly remind the box turtle (well…as kindly as Donnie could be anyway…) to brush his teeth.
To. Brush. His. Fucking. Teeth. 
And honestly? Having to be reminded to do that was really embarrassing. And the orange banded teen knew his brother didn’t mean to humiliate him internally…but…yeah.
And it’s not like the softshell was wrong either! The youngest turtle just couldn’t freaking accept that he himself couldn’t do such a simple task in the morning. 
But literally every task he completely fails to do is just utterly simple ones!
Like cleaning his room or not forgetting things or even keeping track of time! 
…And the sad part about all of it was Mikey just honestly could not understand how his family haven’t gotten sick of his annoying tendencies…
And let’s be for real here…that was basically all of his tendencies. 
The box turtle groaned loudly in his room, slamming his whole body on his bed as he screamed into his pillow. 
There had to be something he could do instead of just wallowing in his own self pity…
And one of those options could not consist of bothering his family with his random bad mood. They had to put up with him 24/7…the least he could do was give them some space.
The youngest then glanced at his drawing notebook hopefully…
…One little sketch of something random wouldn’t hurt, right?
The amber eyed teen reached for his notebook, grabbing a pen from his drawer as he started to sketch his desk because why the absolute fuck not? Based on the objects he’s drawn in the past…sketching a simple desk should and will be easy, right? Right. 
That was until the orange banded teen’s pencil tip broke. But it was fine! He could just re-sharpen it, right? Right.
That was until the youngest realized he had absolutely no clue where his sharpener was due to the fact his room looked like a pig stie. And there was no way he was looking for it in…that whole situation. 
…The situation he created in the first place. 
Michelangelo layed on his bed with his face staring at the ceiling in frustration, he ran his fingernails along his arms, not making really deep cuts with them but going deep enough for it to hurt a bit.
Like a reasonable turtle would, Mikey should probably get one of his stress toys…or better yet, another pencil!
But let’s be for real here…he’d most likely find a way to fuck that up too.
Suddenly, there was a small, quiet knock on Mikey’s door but…in all honesty? He just wanted to crawl into his shell and sob for the next hour and a half. Letting out a niiiiice and quick 'come in' would take way too much energy. 
The box turtle let out a soft grunt, letting whoever was on the other side know it was a-okay to come in.
Abruptly, Leo peeked in the room, a wide smile plastered on his face as he closed the door, “Damn, Mikester…it looks like every single natural disaster went through your room…”
“I’m cleaning it.” The youngest grumbled to his brother.
“Really? You sure about that, little bro? Because if my memory serves me correct (which it in-fact does), you said that last week. And the week before that…and the week before—“
“I SAID I’M FUCKING CLEANING IT!!!” The orange banded turtle snapped, sitting up on the bed to glare at his immediate older brother before slowly realizing what he just did. 
The youngest’s heart dropped as he looked away from his brother. The orange banded mutant’s eyed widened as silent and small tears ran down his face. He covered his mouth as his other hand turned to a fist, his nails unforgivingly digging into his palm.
“I-I’m sorry…I’m s-sorry…I-I’m so s-sorry…!” He started, rocking himself back and forth before stopping as he was met with a warm embrace. Leonardo hugged him gently but firmly, rubbing the other’s shell in a comforting hold. “Woah woah…! Bud, you have nothing to apologize for…” The slightly older teen said as he rested his chin on the top of his baby brother’s head.
“L-Like h-hell I don’t. I-I just screamed a-at y-you for no reason…” Michelangelo wobbly said. “You were just trying to lighten the mood but I just had to make everything harder like I-I always do…!” 
“I-I always do this. I-I’m so f-fucking s-sorry Leo…”
“Mikester…I-I appreciate the apology but it seriously isn’t necessary—”
“You’re probably so sick of me and so angry at me. I-I’m sorry I just—”
“Mikey!” Leo gently yelled to get the other’s attention, squeezing the smaller turtle’s hands as he stared straight at him with pleading eyes. “Do I look mad?”
“Do I sound mad?”
The second youngest sadly smiled, “So what are you apologizing for, hm?”
“…I-I…dunno…I-I just…I just felt I needed to apologize…” The box turtle mumbled as he looked at his hands. The blue banded turtle sighed, slowly getting out of the hug so him and his little brother faced each other. The slider rubbed the other turtle’s palm with his thumb comfortingly, “…Do you wanna talk about it, baby bro?”
The leader in blue was just met with silence…which he could honestly work with.
“Angelo…you know you can tell me…anything, right? Like…anything. Although, it doesn’t have to be me you talk to about it. It could be Raph or Don or April or even Dad or Draxum! I just…don’t want you sitting here and bottling up the way you feel…” 
Silence. Leo continued.
“You’re always there when we need you, Angel. Whether it’s to vent or to just ramble about shit, you’re just…always there. We don’t tell you this enough but we appreciate you always being someone we can lean on…”
Silence. Leo continued.
“But…you do know you can lean on us too, right? Comfort goes both ways and I can see you’re hurting, buddy. So please…if you need to talk to me…I’m right here.”
Mikey sniffled, squeezing Leo’s hand, “I-I d-dunno. Today is just…weird. This whole week has just been…weird.” Leo nodded, giving his brother his full undivided attention, “How so?”
“I just…haven’t been able to do anything…” The smaller teen admitted.
“What do you mean?” The taller teen inquired. 
“I haven’t been able to do…anything. Like, I can’t draw, cook or even skateboard! Me!!! Not being able to skateboard— isn’t that crazy?!” The amber eyed turtle laughed bitterly.
“And it’s not like I can’t do it. I’m perfectly freaking capable of doing it in the right amount of time I want but my brain just. won’t. let. me!” 
“I keep procrastinating and not doing the stuff I want to do and I have no idea why! I’m tired of just putting things off and being this way! I want to do things without having to ask you guys for help or to remind me or to relate it with a hyperfixation that I have!” Mikey hiccuped, a new wave of tears rolling down his face as his hands shook. 
The amber eyed teen sniffled, refusing to look at his immediate older brother at all right now because…holy shit he just overshared a whole lot…
Like…a whoooooooooole freaking lot.
“…That sounds like you.” Leonardo shrugged. 
In a state of just shock and confusion, the box turtle pulled his hands away from his brother, looking up at him as lime green eyes met amber ones. “I…what…?” Michelangelo murmured.
“I said that sounds like you.” Leo said again casually as Mikey glared at him, “Yeah. I heard what you said but that isn’t helpful.”
“I’m just being honest with you, Mikester.” Leo said, “Just…let me explain, okay?”
“…You have five minutes before I kick you out of my room.” 
“Deal.” The lime green eyed mutant commented, “You can’t draw, cook or skateboard right now. You’re procrastinating and not doing the stuff you want to do in the time you planned…is that correct?” 
Michelangelo sent deathly daggers to his brother— which the other wasn’t phased by at all. This time was probably the best time to crawl in his own shell and just sob his eyes out because what kind of dumbass question was his dumbass brother asking him?!
“…Yes.” The orange banded teen mumbled. 
“And…why are those bad things?” 
“WHY?!” The box turtle huffed out a laugh of annoyance, “Pfft— you’re asking me why. Maybe it’s because it’s annoying?! Maybe because it’s frustrating to deal with and I don’t want to burden you guys with my problems?! Maybe because I don’t want to fucking feel or be this way?!” The youngest shouted, breathing heavily as he finished his rant. 
The box turtle looked away again, silently cursing at himself for getting annoyed so easily. “Mikey.” Leo started again, “Your being too hard on yourself, okay? No one is expecting you to be at your 100% all the time.” 
“What you just described to me; you being able to not focus or you getting bored easily or procrastinating with stuff is…literally you. You’re just being you.” The slider explained as he held his baby brother’s hand in his. “And I get it. It’s hard to deal with it sometimes and it’s going to be hella frustrating. Like…super borderline frustrating. But you can’t shun them away and just…try to ignore them, bubs…”
“Let’s take moi for example. I’m impulsive, I talk loud and lose things daily. Those three things don’t make up my whole personality but it would be super weird and off-putting if I just…didn’t do or have those three things, right?” 
The youngest giggled wetly, “Yeah…it would. A-And by the way, I’m still waiting for you to find that glittery pen kit I gave you…”
Leonardo groaned loudly and dramatically, causing the other teen to giggle louder, “I’m looking for it, okay?! It’s in my room…somewhere.” The taller mutant mused, “But anyways…back to you. You procrastinate, you relate things to your hyperfixations and you can’t do some of your favorite tasks from time to time…those are some traits that make up you, is it not?” 
Mikey sniffled, rolling his eyes playfully due to the fact he knew damn well where this was going, “Yeah…” 
Leo smiled softly, seeing his younger brother was starting to get his point, “I wouldn’t change a single thing about you, okay? I know sometimes it’s hard to deal with the things you described but you have us for that.” He said as his smile turned to a grin. 
“You can come to me— to us— anytime. We love you for who you are…your flaws and all and we just…I-I need you to know that we love you so so much—!” The slider was cut off by a sudden abrupt embrace from the box turtle. The orange banded teen sobbed into the other’s shoulder, clutching the taller turtle like a lifeline. 
“T-Thank you…” The box turtle wobbly said through tears.  
“Of course, Angel.” Leo said as he hugged his baby brother back, “I love you.” He said as he kissed the other teen on the head.
“I-I l-love you too…”
“Tell your thoughts to shut up.” Leo said as he lightly poked Mikey in the forehead numerous times. The two were sitting on the box turtle’s bed just simply…relaxing and enjoying each other’s company. Michelangelo was sitting in between his older brother’s legs as he had his shell to his brother’s plastron.
Leonardo hugged his brother protectively, resting his chin on the top of the box turtle’s head. “What do you mean?” The youngest giggled out. “I can hear your thoughts, man. You’re not bothering me or disturbing me in any way, shape or form, alright…?” 
The amber eyed turtle nodded, squeezing Leo’s hand, “Y-Yeah…I know...” 
“I’m choosing to be here because I love you. I don’t feel obligated to be here, okay? You’re not annoying and you, neither your problems are a burden…okay?” The slider said reassuringly, “It’s okay to ask us for help…and we don’t mind reminding you to do things…okay?” 
“You’ve said ‘okay’ like, fifty times…”
“Mhm…yeah yeah…I gotcha…”
The elder looked at his brother skeptically, resting his chin on his little brother’s shoulder so they made solid eye contact, “I want you to say it.” 
“…Say what exactly?”
“I want you to say that you are an amazing person and you don’t need to change a single thing about yourself.” 
“You are an amazing person and you don’t need to change a single thing about yourself.” Michelangelo grinned smugly. Leonardo glared at the youngest’s interpretation to his statement, “Mikey, you know exactly what I meant.” 
“I said what you wanted me to say…so…” The amber eyed teen trailed off.
“Michelangelo.” The slider said in a warning tone as he poked the other’s side. The box turtle squeaked at the unexpected touch, trying to stop his immediate older brother from doing it again but his brother had a strong but gentle grip on him…
Then the smallest turtle came to recognition that he was stuck in a potential tickle hug with no way out…
…How wonderful. 
“L-Leeheeo…doohoo nahat.” The orange banded mutant warned through his giggles, said warning not seeming too threatening due to the fact he was already laughing up a storm. The leader in blue raised a brow, poking the other’s side repeatedly, “I just want you to repeat what I said…in the first person.” The taller teen specified.
The smaller turtle squirmed in the hug, small frantic giggles pouring out of his mouth. This…really wasn’t how he was expecting his day to go. Just about an hour ago, he was wallowing in sadness about the stuff he hated about himself, to talking about it with his brother, to now getting tickled by his brother.
…So could he really complain about how things turned out?
…Yes. Yes, he absolutely could.  
“Leeheeon! Plehease dohon’t!” The youngest squealed as one of his brother’s hands hovered over his stomach. Mikey held onto the other’s wrists, trying to stop his elder brother from tickling him but his small attempts ending up to be all for nothing as Leo effortlessly tickled his stomach with one hand.
“LEEHEEHAHAHA!!” Michelangelo laughed wholeheartedly, swatting at his brother’s arms. The lime green eyed turtle cooed at the gesture, now using both of his hands to attack the youngest’s plastron, “D'aww…look at you giggling your head off~! You’re my adorable little bundle of amazingness, aren’t you~?”
The smaller teen shook his head, a faint blush appearing on his face, “STAHA— squeal N-NAHAHA!”
“What~? What was that?” The blue banded mutant asked as he kneaded the box turtle’s hips. “GYAHAH— squeal SHIHIHIT! COHOME OHAHAN!!!” The amber eyed turtle cried frantically as he kicked his legs on the mattress slightly. 
The youngest squealed with laughter, curling in on himself as he slumped in his big brother’s hold. Leonardo just sighed fondly at the action, wrapping the other in another hug as he raspberried his neck. “LEEHEEHEE!! PLAHAH— squeak NAHAHAT THEHERE squeak PLEHEASE PLEHEASE— squeak!!!”
“Not there~?” The elder lightly mocked, “What about…here~?” He mused as he used his hands to scribble all over the younger turtle’s ribs. Mikey cackled, shaking his head to try and at least subside the tickly feelings.
“NAHAHA— squeal AHAHAHA!! NAHAHAT THEHEHERE EHE— squeal EHEHEITHER!!! LEEHEEO!!” The orange banded turtle squeaked as Leo stopped for a second, “I’ve tried sooooo many spots, buddy! How many times are you gonna say not there, hm?”
Mikey genuinely squawked louder than a firefighter siren, squirming so much it looked like he was actually being electrocuted. “PLEHEHAHA LEEHEEO NAHAHAT THEHEHE RIHIHIBS!!!” He cackled. 
“Not the riiiibs~? Why~? Is it because it’s your tickle spot~? Your tickletickletickle spot~? Because you’re ticklish~?” Leonardo asked as he lightly nibbled the crook of Mikey’s neck. 
Michelangelo screamed in laughter, scrunching up his shoulders as he dug his heels on the bed, a couple of his plushies sadly falling on the floor (R.I.P. man…) “EEEHEEHEEP!!! S-STAHAP BEEHEEING MEEHEAN!” Mikey said as he thrashed on the bed. 
The slider said nothing, his hands sneaking up to the box turtle’s underarms. “AAAAHAHAHA! OHO NOHOHO— squeak SHIT! SHIHIHAHAT!”
Happy tears slowly begin to appear in the smallest teen’s eyes, he weakly hit Leo’s arms as a last attempt to be set free, “LEHEHEMME squeal GOHOHOHO!” 
“Ohonly if you sahay it, bubs.” 
“Yeeeees, baby brother~?” The elder dragged out as he kneaded the other’s hips.
“IHI’LL SAHAY IHIHAT I-IHIHI’LL SAHAHAY IHIT!!” The amber eyed teen squealed. 
“And you promise not to be a sassy little shit about it~?” The older teen asked.
Leo stopped tickling his little brother, hugging him protectively as the youngest caught his breath slowly but surely. “W-Wahait…whahat squeak wahas ihihat yohou eeheeven wahanted me squeak to sahay again?” 
The taller turtle pondered for a bit, thinking to himself before loudly groaning, “That’s…a good damn question. I don’t really remember exactly what I wanted you to say in the first place…” The lime green eyed turtle sighed, “Forgetfulness at its finest...” 
The red eared slider adjusted himself, making sure the other was comfortable before starting to speak again, “Well…based on what we talked about…could you maybe just…y'know…” Leo gestured with his hands before groaning, “Do you get what I’m trying to say, man?” 
“…I thihink I have ahan idea…” Mikey giggled as he fiddled with his hands, “I shouldn’t beat myself up so much because of some of my traits or quirks. And I’m allowed to feel frustrated and/or upset because things don’t go my way because of them. But…I shouldn’t allow those things to put me down...”
Michelangelo smiled softly, rubbing his palm with his thumb, “They don’t define me as a person but they make me a person. I don’t need to be at my best 100% and I’m allowed to have bad days. And if things get too overwhelming or difficult I can just go to you guys.” 
Mikey hugged himself, letting out a small laugh as his happy tears welled up in his eyes, “I’m just…being me. And there’s nothing wrong with that.” Leonardo teared up at his brother’s words, hugging him tighter than he ever had before and burying his face at the back of the youngest’s head.
“Never forget that, Miguelito…never forget that.” 
(𝙿.𝚂.: 𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌, 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐!!!)
#Rottmnt tickle#Rottmnt tickle fic#Rottmnt tickle fanfiction#Lee!Mikey#Ler!Leo#MWYAHSHSHHSAN#This is actually so silly I love this 💞💗💗#I hope you guys enjoyed the angst 🤪#ADHDERS AND PPL WITH ADHD TENDENCIES UNITE 🙌🏾💕🩷💓💘💝💗‼️‼️‼️#Adhd is a bitch 🖤…#Leo can be an asshole at times but he doesn’t mean to I swear 😭💔#My boy just copes with jokes but he has a hard time understanding that not EVERYONE copes like that#So when Mikey snapped at him and started breaking down he was like: “😁 -> 😄 -> 😀 -> 😐 -> 🫢”#I HATTTEEE forgetting to brush my teeth 😟…it’s so damn nasty man#AND NOT BEING ABLE TO DRAW LIKE YOU USED TO⁉️⁉️⁉️ GRAUGHHHH REAL SHIT#I care about these two sm omfg#I need more content with these tWO LOOK AT THEM 🥹💙🧡!!!#“Tell ur thoughts to shut up 😒” msndhjsjss peak sibling comment#Also I changed my writing style a TEEEEENSY weensy bit if you haven’t guessed#For a while…I haven’t like the **’s I put at the noises that characters made when they laughed :/#Soooo I tried just doing it in italics and AHHUUGHFHS 😖💖💗💘💝🩷💓💞💕#IT LOOKS SM BETTER#I just wanted the laughing to seem more natural#Your just being you guys 🫶🏾#DON’T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF PLEASEEEE#Eat some snacks!!! Drink some water/juice!!! Exercise!!!#Your allowed to feel the way you do so just take it easy ☺️👍🏾#I’M RUNNING OUTTA TAGS BUT IF ANYONE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT THE BEHIND THE STAGE WORKS ON HOW I MADE THIS I CAN ALWAYS YAP TO YOU ABT IT 😈🤌🏾#I don’t think I implied this very well but Leo feels the same way Mikey feels…so that’s why he was so PERSISTENT on making sure Mikey’s alr#But Leo take his own advice challenge GO 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️ Maybe a pt. 2 🫢??? Idk yet lolololololol
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purpleleavesday · 3 months
Alright I feel like my problem with the Eustace Winner name (Sebastian my boy I'm so sorry) is that he's a really major character with depth and development.
From the start AA has had really stupid pun names and I loved them. April May, Redd White? I thought those were the best when I was playing ace attorney for the first time.
But characters who were actually important -- Phoenix, Maya, Edgeworth, von Karma, I could be wrong but their names aren't as stupid of puns as Redd White or my beloved Detective Detective Detective (love you gumshoe). I mean, Wright is literally just a play on right, but it's not a phrase, like I feel Eustace Winner (Useless Winner?) Is supposed to be. And Phoenix is a reference to his nature, how he "rises from the ashes", it's about his general overall character and doesn't feel like a mean joke. To me, naming Sebastian Eustace Winner is like if Edgeworth was named Meenin Evil so you know he's a bad guy when you meet him.
Poor Sebastian though, he has a LOT that happens (I never finished aai2 actually but I want to give him a hug and a mug of hot chocolate), hes a very important character, and it feels like they gave him a side character name? When he has a lot more importance to the story than just one case
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they-didnt-last · 2 months
anyone interested in talking about the iconic 2000's middle-grade-bordering-on-ya book series gallagher girls??
#okay incoming rant about this series#i read the first book when i was 10 or 11 and i was absolutely obssessed with it. i read it so many times i had the entire story memorized#the issue was that i could not find the rest of the series anywhere. it was either sold out or out of stock#and then i found out that only the first 3 books had been translated into my first language so at that point i kinda gave up on them#anyway#flashforward to a couple of weeks ago#i was re organizing my bookshelf and on the back i found LYKY (is this how y'all are abreviating it??)#and remembred how much i loved it#and since i'm now fluent in english and was stuck at home recovering from a surgery i decided to download the entire series and read it#to find out what the fuck happened afterwards#long story short i read all six books in 4 or 5 days#and i haven't stopped thinking about them since#it's actually so funny how little information we have in the first book#i went all of these years thinking it was mostly a silly series about a boarding school for spies when actually SO MUCH happens afterwards#i can't believe i went all of these years unaware of zach goode's existence#truly character of all time#but also i can't stop thinking about how interesting it would have been if zach had come to hate the circle and his mom during the series#rather than before#make it a true enemies to lovers#and have us witness that portion of his character developement in real time instead of being told about it#like him slowly realizing through cammie and his time at gallagher that maybe what they were doing is wrong#i think it would have been very interesting to read#although let's be real it took me until halfway through book four to trust him and he was fully one of the good guys so..#but yeah i have a lot more to say but these tags are long enough#gallagher girls#okay i just want to add another funny anecdote about my experience with this series#my copy of LYKY has an age warning in the back recomending that readers should be above 13 yo to read it#and i distinctly remember finishing it and thinking the warning was kind of dumb bcs besides a few mentions of death and other heavier topi#nothing really happened#and now i realize it was a warning for the rest of the series not just the first book because jesus fucking chirst everything after
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