#I actually just went grocery shopping 😅
freepassbound · 3 months
Grocery list or no grocery list?
Do you decorate your house for holidays? Which ones?
Favorite high-effort meal that you make?
Please :)
Grocery list or no grocery list?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Depends how desperately I need something (and thus must remember it) combined with how recently I forgot something because I wasn't using a list. 😅
Do you decorate your house for holidays? Which ones?
I haven't even ever really finished moving into this house, so, no. I've thought about doing something for Christmas (which is the only one I've ever decorated for), but... no family is around in the winter. Though I did up the old family house a few times when I was solo (for various reasons)... this place... for whatever reason it just doesn't seem worth it for only myself? Also, there's no tradition of doing it here, I think is a big part of it.
Favorite high-effort meal that you make?
I am not much of a fancy chef, but there is this dish called hamburger pie (which I make with ground turkey) that goes well with mashed potatoes... it's delicious, but it's a lot of work for a single person. Brown the ground turkey, wash potatoes, peel potatoes, cut potatoes, mix the turkey, prep the dish, pop in oven, drain potatoes, mash potatoes... it usually ends up being about two hours (though there is some down time waiting for the potatoes to cook).
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stucky4evayall · 1 year
Eddie Brock x Pregnant Reader Imagines
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When you first told him it was almost first thing in the morning and his mind wasn’t fully awake and functional yet. He was making breakfast when you told him and it took him a hot second to realize what you said.
“That’s great honey.” *five seconds later he realizes what you said*
“Wait what?!”
He’s so excited he actually starts to cry as he hugs you. (After he picks you up and spins you once in the air with tears in his eyes) Cause this was his chance! His chance to be the father that his father wasn’t! He’s hugging and kissing you and thanking you for this (writing this makes me wanna cry 😅🥲)
Venom already knew all this because this mf slithered under the bathroom door like a little snake and saw your reaction when the test showed positive.
Baby shopping with this man is like showing with a kid during at a toy store. He’s just so excited and wants everything to be perfect!
One day you went to lunch with Anne (if you befriended her, if not then another friend) Eddie decided to try and build the crib while you were out.
He struggled. Venom asked to help but Eddie first said no. Then he asked Venom for help. Then he called Dan. So now there’s two grown ass men plus a symbiot sitting in the not yet finished nursery, on the floor trying to build the crib.😂
When Anne (or other friend) and you return to your place you hear three sets of male voices arguing and walk into the nursery to see Eddie sitting crisscross, Dan laying on the floor and Venom in a glob in the corner connected to Eddie by a thread.
You ordered them all out and you and Anne (or bestie) built that crib in less than ten minutes, leaving the men speechless.
He just LOVES your baby bump and talks to it CONSTANTLY.
“Hey bud, all ya all nice and comfy in there?” “What are ya gonna be buddy?” “You need to calm down on the kicking kiddo, mama needs her sleep.”
Gets excited whenever your baby kicks or moves.
Gladly goes on grocery/late night runs to get whatever food you crave. (Venom even shares his chocolate)
When your water breaks he LOOKS calm, but inside he’s scared shitless.
Venom grabbed the bag and your stuff in the rush.
Held your hand and encouraged you the entire time. “Hey honey I’m right here okay, you’re doing so good.”
Silently bursts into tears when he heard your babies first cry.
When the doctors came in with your guys baby and handed it to you, Eddie kisses your forehead and just stared in awe at the little bundle of joy that you two created. “We did it hun, we did it.”
When you asked if he wanted to hold him he was a bit nervous. When he your guys child in his arms he started to cry all over again. He said he loved them promised that nothing bad was going to happen to them.
Eddie invited Venom (with your consent) to come out and see the baby. Venom moved up Eddie arm in his blob form and stared curiously at the child. “It’s so small and chubby.” With a tiny tentacle, he brushed the baby’s cheek and the baby moved against it. “I will protect this little thing with my life and eat whoever harms them.”
You both laughed at this and we’re glad that Venom loves your child.
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linos-luna · 1 year
Hii I love ur fics and I was wondering, if u have the time, can u write seungmin x small reader? Wit seungmin being very possessive and intimidating you wit his tall height and infantilizing you? Ty smm💖 <3
Sorry it took forever. My life has been so chaotic lately 😅
Just a Baby 🔪
Yandere!Seungmin x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: infantilization, Yandere
You hadn’t been dating for long but we’re already moved in. Actually, you were forced to move in. You didn’t really have much of a choice. Seungmin wanted you to be with him 24/7. You were just so small and fragile! He has protect you! Or at least that’s what he thought…
He was possessive and scary when mad. He could easily loom over you and scare you into submission.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🎀
Coming back from the grocery store with bags in hand, you opened the door to find your boyfriend standing there, angrily looking down at you.
“Where were you, babygirl?”
“I… I went shopping… we needed food…” you said while putting the bags down. You had gone out while he was at work. You wanted to go out on your own but your boyfriend never let you.
“All by yourself??” Seungmin said while taking your arm. “You could’ve gotten hurt!”
“I can take care of myself…” you frown as he pulls you to the couch.
“Oh baby…” he shakes his head while sitting you down and crouching down to your level. “You just don’t know anything, huh?”
“Just a baby…” he said while pinching your cheek, making you whine.
“Seungmin stop!” You stand up but freeze as he does the same.
“Or what?!”
His voice was loud in the quiet room and it scared you, making you quiet.
“That’s what I thought…” he said while wiping a tear from your cheek.
You tried walking away but he grabbed you from behind and gave you a tight hug.
“I think you’re just tired. That’s why you’re acting up…”
“No… let me put away the groceries…” you said with a sigh.
“I think it’s time for a nap.” He said with chuckle.
“No seungmin, I don’t want a nap!” You said before he suddenly lifted you up.
“No! No! No!” You yelled, squirming around in his arms before he threw you on the bed, pinning you down. His hand was big enough to hold both your wrists tightly over your head.
“Stop it!” He snapped. “Stop it or you’re going on time out!”
You only looked at him with tears in your eyes. The way he was holding you down was scary, especially how he used his other hand to hold your waist down, making it so you could barely move.
“Hm… I could never be mad at you.” He said with a sigh. “You’re just too cute. So small and perfect… like a little doll…”
You didn’t know what to say at his sudden shift in mood and only nodded.
“After all, your just a baby… don’t know anything, right?”
You nodded again and Seungmin let go of your wrists, then gently kissing your lips.
“You shouldn’t have gone out without me…” he said calmly with an odd, unsettling smile. “Someone could hurt you…”
“I’m… I’m sowwy…” you responded, hoping it’d make him happy.
“I know you are.” He said while rubbing your cheek. “Now… it’s naptime.”
“Okay…” you said quietly as he gets off of you and you lay your head on the pillows.
“I’ll be back in an hour.” He said with a smile.
You lay on your side and say nothing. Your heart was pounding and you just wanted him to leave the room…
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ms-rampage · 1 year
Fluent When Upset
König x Y/n (fem-reader)
Warnings: Language
Authors note: This is my first time ACTUALLY writing König. I sort of based it off on this
I apologize for the butchered German 😂😅
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You have been living in Austria for 3 years now. You and König have been together for 5 years. As time went by, and you discovered you were pregnant with a baby boy that König was absolutely excited about.
Aside from all that, you did struggle to learn the German language once you settled in, the only time you did speak it properly (or at least you think it is) when you get mad or annoyed, and König rarely to never upsetted, nor annoyed you. It only comes out when you stub your toe on the table, or when you hit your head, or when someone on a bike or scooter nearly hits you when you cross the street.
This day, you went to the store to do a little bit of grocery shopping, and you took your son with you in his stroller. He needed some fresh air after being in the house all day. König was on the fence about going with you. He went against his anxiety, and went with you two.
"You don't have to come." you tell him, while putting your jacket on, "I just need to buy a few things for dinner."
"I know, liebe, I just want to make sure you're both safe." he tells you, figetting with the bag on your sons stroller handle.
One of the few times, your husband takes off his sniper hood when he's at home and isn't expecting company. He has those tired, sad European eyes that you fell in love with. He was always worried and concerned about your well-being, even more so after having your son.
"We'll be fine, I know how you feel about crowds, and I don't want you to be uncomfortable." you reassure him.
"I know, but I know your German isn't good." he tells you with a slight hesitation in his voice, but he wasn't wrong. Your German is okay at best. You know the basics but not enough to hold onto a conversation.
"Well, you got me there." You chuckle, checking to see if your son is secure in his stroller. It was only a 10 minute walk to the store. König had never heard you speak German, maybe one or two words but never a full sentence.
After buying what you need from the store, a little grocery store that sells everything. You were always careful when crossing the street, especially when you had your infant son with you. You had the right away to cross, you had the green. König standing next to with one of the bags of groceries in his hand and the other around your waist.
Taking a few steps onto the street, some asshole decides at the very, very last second to go forward when he had the red light. A few feet away from hitting the stroller, that absolutely sent you into a verbal rage.
"Scheiße!." König exclaims, pulling the stroller back.
"Arschloch!." you yell at the driver, looking back at the other cars stopped at the light to see if there's another jackass that will do the same, then back in the direction of the car that nearly hit you and your child that is long gone now, "Siehst du uns nicht! Verdammtes arschloch!."
You both continue crossing the street while you yell at the driver who can't hear you anymore, but you just wanted to voice your opinion on drivers like them.
"Wir hatten gleich das recht, und ich schiebe einen kinderwagen!." you continue to shout as if you were a native speaker.
When you get to the other side, König is wide-eyed, mostly because of how your German is.
"Liebe, where did you learn that?." he asks, moving you to the side. Away from others walking by.
"I don't know, probably from having the TV on throughout the day. I picked up on a few phrases, and also the neighbors." you tell him, checking on your son who is asleep.
He kisses the top of your head through his hood. "I guess I did need you to come with me to the store." You joked as you two continued to walk back to your apartment. To König you German did sound broken, but hey, you were yelling at some dipshit who had zero patients for pedestrians.
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teresalace · 2 years
I won't cry for you, Yandere Tyler Galpin x Female Reader Part 2
Yandere Tyler Galpin x Female Reader Part 2, "I won't cry for you"
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Part one: here (PART 1)
• Words: 2358
•Triggers/Warnings: none
•Show: Wednesday (2022) Netflix
💖Author's Note😌: Happy almost Chinese new year everyone! Enjoy! And please remember 😅this story is more of what I imagine the show would be like in season2 but I haven't watched S1! 💖Much love! My Kofi is in my pinned post if you'd like to support me :-D Singapore based writer wo!
As promised, tagging y'all! @taylorsreputationsversion​ and @queen-wolf7577
Summary: After successfully relocating the Hyde, Your mother's pet, Laurel Gates (Professor Thornhill), in a nearby town, you had almost not much else to do except to help see to that Tyler Galpin adjusts to his new life and identity. Yet as time goes by, you realized you had a terrifying fondness for his company but that's just because you see him as a wounded stray animal you've adopted. Surely you could overcome this attachment. Maybe. Like mother like daughter. . .
The rest of the first week living with Tyler felt distant and polite, you liked it that way, being able to keep a close eye on his few unusual movements (other than staying cooped up, reading books and whatnot in his assigned room) and overall health in the house.
You'd conclude that he's overall healthy from the three meals he'd eat daily, though mentally you can't say for certain.
There was no need for conversations whenever you crossed paths with him when there wasn't anything to talk about, so in a way you were technically on a short holiday. He was barely an annoyance, always keeping to himself, no complaints whatsoever, had respectable minimal eye-contact with you whenever there's a brief moment of passing between you and him. . .
How nice, like he instinctively knew his place to be submissive. One less problem to deal with.
Until one early morning in the living room, at 7am of your usual waking time, you were surprised to see breakfast for two laid out on the coffee table. Two cups of coffee accompanying their own full plates of steaming hot pancakes– admittedly it was a strange, welcoming sight.
"I- uh- wanted to surprise you."
You whipped around at the sudden voice and observed Tyler standing behind you awkwardly, wearing layers of clothes with big pockets that hid his dangling arms.
So, Galpin made the first move.
You shot a swift glance between him and the breakfast before easing a small smile out of your stiff lips. "consider me surprised, Galpin."
Huh, he usually wouldn't come out of his room at this time. . . (Which was why you chose this time to be busy in doing your other tasks and grocery shopping.) It got you thinking, suspecting him of wanting to gain something from you. Let's hear it first before throwing a dog a bone.
"I'm glad you're awake, uh the pancakes won't get soggy then." He says, tone genuinely relieved. Almost sounding like he was actually glad he didn't have to go up to your room to get you for breakfast. . . Or he was one incredible actor.
Either way, you weren't mad. It was more than interesting living with a former normie. You were glad in a way that he had settled down nicely but it did seem somewhat suspicious. He settled down way too fast- but you'd think you would be desperate to adapt if you were in his shoes and even overwhelmingly grateful to be given assistance.
"After you, Galpin." You gestured towards the food on the coffee table, a low grumbling in your empty stomach urging you to eat already. He quickly protested, "oh n-no, you go first. . ."
You raised an eyebrow, it only took a few more seconds of staring for him to zip up and hesitantly nodding in defeat. He went to take a seat at the coffee table and you followed suit, sitting across from him.
The steam of the rich creamy coffee hit your nostrils the moment you sat down and took a deep breath in. And even though there was barely any movement from infront of you, you carefully sipped the hot coffee. . . Just one drop. Wow.
"This is really good," you admitted outloud, looking into your mocha-coloured coffee, surprising yourself in the process. "I don't think I've had coffee taste this good in years."
A small whoosh of relief released from across you but when you flicked your gaze up, Tyler had already started grabbing his cutlery and wore a bigger smile while cutting through his pancakes. "Glad I have something to bring to the table. I guess working in café wasn't so bad," he finished his sentence by stuffing himself a large bite and chewing with intense urgency.
His attention zeroed in on his food once he saw you begining to eat yours.
Gosh, he must've been starving waiting for you to get out of your room. Not that you felt guilty but for a moment as you stared at him engoring himself with pancakes. . . Your heart sunk a little and pitied him. For only a moment, of course. . .
He made breakfast for you because he felt indebted to you. Simple enough for you to understand and not question.
No wonder he seemed the tiniest, slightest bit on edge around you the past few days and from the corner of your eyes- you'd occasionally catch him watching you subtly while you ate. Maybe he was worried of what you'd say to him.
Like a worried tenant trying to please their unpredictable landlord from kicking them out.
In the dead quiet other than steel clinking and the muffled beeping of cars outside, he must've sensed your blatant stare on him as he shifted in his seat and tried to smile casually. "I forgot to say this but good morning," he greeted, evergreen eyes boring into yours.
You slowly nodded, copying his friendly smile to a tee, "morning."
That was already a huge effort you never expected yourself to make, especially willing without any underlying intention. It's only been a few days since you've adopted– gave a place for him to stay. . . You couldn't possibly be growing an attachment to him.
It can't be possible, you reassured yourself mentally while finishing off the rest of the fluffy pancakes.
You were leaving soon in a week or two anyways, these interactions are temporary and won't even be remembered in a couple of months for you. Good.
"Galpin," you called when he was about to take away your empty place along with his, "thank you. Your pancakes were delicious, so was the coffee. You didn't have to do this."
He shrugged his back at you, putting down the empty dishes in the sink before he turnt on the faucet.
"I can't just sit back and not do anything. You've already done alot for me so. . . " He washed the cups through the running water. "I thought making breakfast for you would help you relax," Tyler said nonchalantly as he washed the rest of the dishes.
Huh, did you seem stressed to him?
A slow smile spread on your face when you looked around the tidy living room, arms crossed. "How nice, thank you, Galpin."
"I also took out the trash. Gotta pull my weight here, right." He chuckled lightly, trying to sound humorous while drying his hands with a hand towel by the kitchen counter.
As much as he's right, you initially prefered being alone in the mornings but without your dear plants near– Tyler soon became a good substitute for some company. . . You really need to take another long hot shower before you begin thinking again.
He stood idle across from you, tucking his hands in an oversized jacket your family member used to wear. (No doubt he found from the closet in his room) "So I guess this is uh, see you later?"
"Sure, see you. Galpin," you nodded, watching him back away and retreating up the stairs quietly with a short glance thrown behind his shoulder at you before disappearing.
Only when the clicking of his door closing echoed through the house were you finally able to fully relax and do the rest of your morning routine. . . .
After much housework and managing some of your mother's leftover papers (on subjects unknown to you), you recalled not having checked if the meat had gone bad, so you did.
Slowly opening the freezer of the fridge did not prepare you enough for the shocking sight of a cold white empty space. How did a dozen of plastic packaged red meat that you just recently ordered a few days ago, become completely gone in no time.
Obvious answer: Tyler Galpin.
You slowly closed the freezer and went to check the trash bin in the kitchen, only to see an empty bin. . . Ah right, Tyler did say he threw the trash away earlier.
The pots and pans are crisp and clean, but since you weren't always at this second house with Tyler– there were many time gaps where he could've cooked or fried the meat. Assuming he cooked it at all.
You rubbed your feet against the floor, sensing no grease nor oil on the smoothe clean surface. He must've found the mop somewhere and cleaned after his cooking. . .
What funny timing. Except that you don't remember reading anything about Hydes craving meat, but could you have misread? Impossible.
You needed some time to think about Tyler's abnormal cravings (and recalling the bloodied state he was in when you discovered him in the woods) he most likely is going through some kind of withdrawal.
Then again, you aren't a monster expert so you need to call someone who is.
So you reached behind you for your phone, secretly hidden in your back pocket but froze in place. Wait what were you thinking, (Name), this is so unnecessary. You've helped him enough, whatever else he goes through he should deal with it. Not you.
Your hand dropped from your back as you continued going about your day in endless amounts of work, peacefully. Or so you convinced yourself.
And for hours long you didn't see Tyler until he came down the stairs suddenly, all jittery and nervous smiles when noticing your stare on him from the couch.
"Afternoon, Galpin." You greeted before looking back down to your work laptop.
"Ye-yeah, good afternoon," he softly said, watching you for a couple of seconds before taking any action.
Him walking towards you in a casual saunter like he had something important to say, opening his mouth before closing it. You glanced up and blinked at him questioningly.
"Um- If it's at all possible. . . Could I talk to my dad? Or just send a letter, something to let him know I'm alive. . ." He asked pleading, heavy toned.
Staring intensely into yours was his forest green eyes shrouded by the shadows of his front curly hair. Eyes full of uncertainty and glimmering hope yet also prepared for the least favourable answer.
So you pulled the laptop closed while maintaining steely eye-contact and asked. "Galpin, Isn't it dangerous to be contacting your father during this time?"
By this time, you meant when the whole town's police force could potentially be on the hunt for him, an escaped murderer.
His eyes shone brighter after hearing you not say no. Tyler then confidently stood firmer, like an opportunist he took what he could get.
"Nothing's gonna happen if we're already out of Jericho," he said it matter-of-factly with a dead serious expression, "the cops don't search anyplace far. . ." Looks like his father must've told him something for his confident to skyrocket in this area.
"I'll see what I can do." You rose from your comfortable seat, "I won't guarantee anything except your safety, remember that, Galpin."
You smoothly maneuvered around a wide-eyed standing Tyler as he tried to speak as you headed up the stairs. Towards your bedroom.
Because somewhere deep inside your wardrobe was a cardboard box full of throwaway phones incase of emergencies. And this wasn't an emergency but a small favour that could lead to a potential disaster if one was careless.
Shaking these useless thoughts out of your head, you took one of the phones and hid the box again.
After going back down to the living room where Tyler was waiting for you, sitting on the couch this time- on the place where you last sat, you just stood Infront of him.
"Your hand, please."
Curious, he held his hand up to you. Only for you to put a black burner phone in it, his thumb accidentally brushing along the side of your hand as you do.
"Smash it or step on it, anything. Do what is necessary to destroy it after your call. Absolutely make sure you get rid of it, your future depends on it." You immediately returned your hand to your side, feeling a small tingle spreading- comfortably.
Too comfortably for your liking.
"Thanks, seriously. I- This means a lot to me," he stuttered, smiling widely, gratefully then stared at the burner phone in his hand in contemplation.
In that smile you almost lost yourself but snapped out of it quickly, he just has a nice smile, that's all.
For a split second it reminded you of your mother's many practiced smiles, generously wide with all her pearly white teeth on display to show how harmless she is. She taught you better than to trust smiley people.
Tyler stood up from the couch and peered into your eyes, breaking your train of thought completely. "I'll see you later then?" He asked softly, the burner phone gripped tightly in his palm.
"Maybe, I'm not sure of my schedule. Another time, Galpin." You shrugged then turned to leave before he could call you.
Now that you think about it, today's been a day full of interactions between Tyler and you. You weren't sure what to feel about it.
So off you went to your room, your mind battling itself the whole way up the stairs. . . As you laid on your bed, your brain alarmed you of what would happen if Tyler were to mess up any one thing.
A clue that'd give away his location. Any word mentioning you, a technical accomplice.
You didn't trust him enough to be helping him at all.
You'd be in big trouble. Worse trouble if the police got involved. . . Mother would find out about the. . . Escaped prisoner? Guest? Visitor? It didn't really matter what to call him except that his existence right now is a secret.
One of your few secrets that had a ticking bomb.
You grabbed your phone from underneath your pillow and dialled a number you hadn't expect yourself to call in months. . . And for the person to answer instantly with a gruffy laugh.
"Well well well, if it isn't the sweet consequence of my actions."
A somber smile lifted on your face at the older voice against your ear. Looks like Tyler won't be the only person calling his father today.
"I need some help."
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
Hi can I have a part two of Yandere jtww x reader
Like how they help with the Baby dipper's
How they help the reader around
How the date the Reader
How they get merrid
And then my surprise one how did they live that long and how did they find the reader
And how they still stay young.
Sure! Though this might turn out short, I am not sure yet just going to have to wait and see 😅
Warning: noob author, female reader, romantic yandere characters, and others.
Characters: sun, macaque, pigsy, sandy, Bai long ma.
Sun wukong:
After you two met each other again you soon got to spending time together as it had been a century or two for sun and 3 month for you since you two last saw each other so you two wanted to to get to know each other again as things might’ve changed, mostly for sun as he had to wait until the modern time where you resided in to see you again.
Sun helps with the groceries as long as you have a list of the items you may need and some other chores like cleaning the house, he’ll just have his clones do it as he cuddles you and little mk though! He’ll also help out in gardening any vegetables, fruit, ot flowers you want to have in your garden that you have at your house.
It wasn’t until after 6 months of dating before the two of you married and became a actual family. Sun was still his mischievous way and in the past you didn’t really head much to punish with….. until now. Whenever he does something bad you get him to be on diaper duty for a month, which was basically all the time so now he does it when he smells that mk needs a change of diaper.
Though sometimes he’ll feel like being sneaky and uses his clones to do it for him while he hides to not get caught but mk always cries around the clones and not around the original when he doesn’t use the clones so you figured out that he’s being sneaky when mk cries and now he’s in bigger trouble than before.
You usually cook food but mk seem to have an attachment to a noodle shop called ‘pigsy’s noddles’ on it, at first sun was jealous but stopped when you mentioned how your brother, tang, married him, so sun doesn’t have a reason to be jealous which he is glad that he doesn’t have completion anymore besides the background characters that magically disappeared after only seeing them once.
Your babysitters are usually pigsy and tang when you and sun want alone time but when both couples want alone time sandy is the one to babysit mk who loves the big teddy bear.
His first word was mommy even though sun been saying anything close to a father title like: dada, day, papa, baba, but it all went in vain as mk had said ‘mama’ instead which made you laugh so hard you snorted at sun’s defeated faces before he playfully glare at you.
You, him, and little bai he spend most of your times watching movies at your home.
It didn’t take for you two long to date and get married as nothing changed sept for both of you needing cuddles and that you two have a child now .
He mostly stays in your shadow as the three of you go do errands and makes sure to come out when he feels like you’re in any sort of trouble and needs his help.
He would have his clones do the diapers as he doesn’t want to smell… that, plus he has more sensitive nose than yours so it’s more overwhelming than it is for you which you understand and try to help any way you can so it be easier on him as he wants to be there for everythingg bai he does, even if their embarrassing and smelly.
Bai he loves to play with the fingers of her father as it’s a bit different from her more human hands, sometimes she tales interests in his six eases but he makes sure to not get them tugged on by her as baby hands can grip hard especially if they start to pull.
Bai he gets babysit by tang, your brother, and his husband pigsy and mk is her playmate. Though when both you and macaque, tang and pigsy wants alone time you go to sandy who is happy to watch over the two.
Bai he had said a mixture of dada and mama which made you two ‘aww’ at, you a little more so than macaque but in the end all three of you got yourselves a nice treat and relaxed at home.
You and him got to know each other again And found out that he had went into the modern times after the journey to the west journey ended and made a noodle shop in hopes of having you come in and find you again as he knew you liked noodles.
He does the diapers when you’re feeling stressed and overwork along with the other baby stuff like feeding him formula, burping him, and all sorts of things you need to do to take care of a child.
He also helps with chores and errands while you take care of tang, and on other times you three relax, watch a movie or play a game that can have a child play, like making slimes; though you do have to be careful so as to not have tang eat the slime, and theres also paint y’all do together.
It wasn’t long before the two of you got married, about 5 months after you started dating since you two already know each other due to being in a relationship before having to unwillingly be apart for however long cause of you leaving without even saying goodbye.
Tang grew an obsession over noodles as he grew a bit more to eat anything that was edible and not formula.
Tang had said ‘dada’ while holding the little pig plushie that you had gifted him before you were reunited with your love, pigsy was estacted and thankfully you were away to see his little dance of joy that he did which made tang giggle, pigsy did show you that tang had said ‘dada’ as his first word once you had gotten home.
You three go back to the park where y’all reunited as it bring nostalgia and tang likes the park as well.
Sandy is a saint when it came to helping you out with the child you two have. He helped with the diapers, the throw up, the feeding, the burps and possible vomit afterwards, everything, of course you also tried to help as well, key word on ‘tried’ as he wanted you to rest and even made mo and the other cats pile on top of you for cuddles.
He is a big guy so he helps with any errand you need done even if you say that they were small enough for you to do by yourself, his sweet words make you melt involuntarily as you try to fight it back to not become a burden until sandy reassures that you should rest as you had the baby inside of you for 9 months and had to take care of them for 3 months afterwards before he finally reunited with you again.
You did ask how he’s still alive and haven’t passed on, he said that quayin decided to teleport him to the modern times that you talked about to be with you after he and the others finished the journey and that all he ever did was try and find you after all that time of staying in your time.
The babysitters for your child is pigsy and tang, but if their busy then it’s huntsman who you met and was explained how the two met via huntsman used to be on the bad guys team before lbd happened while you and your family was away on a relaxation vacation while you wre pregnant.
You two had ended up getting married after 2 months of dating as both of you already knew each other quite well to understand each other so why wait any longer.
Your child always loved it when sandy showed them the miniature builds he does, along with the cuddle pile with you three and the cats while y’all watch a movie together and that makes them sleep pretty fast unless it’s in the hot seasons.
Your child first word was ‘cat!’ Which made both of you laugh and agree as they were pointing at mo who was innocently licking himself clean but stopped once the attention was on him making him look up at you three in confusion.
Bai long ma:
Bai long ma, or also known as ao lie was apparently sealed in a dragon sword that became the heirloom of his descendants and was finally released on the day you came to visit his descendants that was from his siblings side as he only had eyes for you before he was sealed away in that sword.
He swore that the sword he was sealed in would be mei’s once she’s old enough to have and wield it but until then he wild wield it and eventually will train and show her how to wield it for the future.
He was having a hard time with the diaper changes with the displeasing smell along with how he has more enhanced sense of smell than you but the others he was a pro at.
He made sure to do research on how to take care of babies after he reunited with you and found out he had a daughter and also to take some of the stress you gained from having her in your baby and taking care of her for 3 months.
Mei’s first word was dragon which was pronounced ‘dwagon!’ Which made you both ‘aww’ at, it was when he had first changed into a small version of his dragon form for her the first time and apparently she catches on what a dragon from Chinese culture looks like.
She really likes dragons and have all sorts of plushies of them in her nursery.
She took a shine of mk and created mischief with her cousin like friend which made both you, ao lie, pigsy, and tang all very tired as the two have tons of energy it seems.
(A/n: i hope y’all like what i did with it! I ended up being able to make it seven paragraphs after all which makes me happy 😁 but anyway, hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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smimon · 9 months
More questions to giant k
Fav season? Why?
Least fav season? Why?
Potato fan? 👀👀👀 i freaking love potatoes, especially fried 🤤🤤🤤.
Who was the first K called once he realised something was wrong? How did that go?
How was the adjustment phase?
Why is he so tall? Was there a reason and if so what was it? Is it permanent or temporary? Can it be undone? Who caused it? 👀👀👀 more backstory?
What influences his size? Can he get even taller? Will clothes given to him magically fit suddenly? Even if the item was standard size? Or does that not work?
He is tall yes but did he ever got lost?
Jay my friend saving the day again with a pile of nice questions 🥹💛
Fav season? Why?
Must be summer because he can just walk shirtless and not worry about wearing the same one t-shirt for the 100th time 😅
Least fav season? Why?
Was gonna say winter which is I guess true for irl Jere but actually giant K would enjoy the thought that he can serve as a portable heater for his friends and just shove them under his jacket in case they don't dress warm enough for the weather 🤭
So maybe it is autumn instead, when the weather forces him inside buildings more often than he would like :/
He still hasn't experienced spring as a giant so the ranking might still change 👀
Potato fan? 👀👀👀 i freaking love potatoes, especially fried 🤤🤤🤤.
He's probably enjoying baked potatoes more than fries, chasing each and every single fry through the plate must be irritating when they are so tiny to him, and cutlery won't make things any easier...
I bet he loves kumpir!
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Who was the first K called once he realised something was wrong? How did that go?
🥹 This will be detailed in one episode but he did set up a group call thing with Häärijä and Jesse, asking them to come keep him company but still not quite understanding what happened.
Jesse was the first to arrive because Häärijä quickly went shopping for groceries (they thought he's sick or something). He and Jere first assumed they must be hallucinating, until they realized they are not 😅 and Häärijä never noticed something changed but still made sure his friend is being taken care of 💛
How was the adjustment phase?
Well, once he realized he is very likely not going to shrink anytime soon, he took extra effort to feel comfortable in his new shape as soon as possible.
So he did a lot of physical activity until the movements felt right again, like aerobics and swimming and zumba and Just Dance. And asked his gym to provide weights heavy enough for him to not go out of shape.
And definitely tried to squeeze on purpose into every hole and opening and space that seemed just barely big enough for him, so that he could learn his limits before he got stuck somewhere accidentally when least expecting it. Mostly places that are not meant for human presence at all. He would notice a wardrobe or a car trunk or two trees growing close to each other and go nyoom! without a single thought.
Why is he so tall? Was there a reason and if so what was it? Is it permanent or temporary? Can it be undone? Who caused it? 👀👀👀 more backstory?
Can't answer because spoilers for final episode 🥲
Can I say that he grew through the power of love like Clifford the big red dog? Would you accept such an answer? XD
Well there is one way it could go away with time, but it would take years and also it does not seem likely at this point (will be detailed in the finale). So it is permanent for now.
The magical forces that caused it technically could revert it if persuaded enough. But they are proud and stubborn magical beings who believe their actions were only good and right and mere mortals disagreeing with them is not enough to make them undo such a magical masterpiece! (The finale will be very fantasy genre haha)
What influences his size? Can he get even taller? Will clothes given to him magically fit suddenly? Even if the item was standard size? Or does that not work?
Oh he would never want to get so big that it would be impossible to hold hands with his friends 🥺 and the forces of magic are not cuel, they won't do this to him 💚
His current size is a result of a few coincidences and misunderstandings and some ignorance too 😅 once he and his friends learn the truth they will probably sit and stare in the void for a few hours
He needs his clothes tailor-made 🥺 everything he owned before the change also grew, but new clothes need to be specifically made for him. If he were to return to his previous size, the new bigger clothes would shrink too! Magic is so thoughtful!
He is tall yes but did he ever got lost?
Wouldn't it be the funniest thing 😂
Imagine Kä confidently going for a walk in an unknown neighbourhood believing he has a good sense of orientation since he can see so far. And five minutes later calling Jesse for help and unable to even describe where he is 👍
Thanks for asking 😊💛
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smolbbydolly · 8 months
New video is up! Day 5 + grocery haul!
I have finally caught up with my editing 😅 I’m on day 6 of the Rainy day diet. Been doing really well just had one bad day. But other than that been on track. So far this video hasn’t been taken down by YouTube yet. But there’s a grocery haul! Just a few things I got from the store. Not much. Was thinking about doing separate meal videos of some things I like to make for myself. I tend to eat more home cooked meals when I actually have food😅. It since I don’t have a job right now it’s hard to buy my own groceries all the time. My mom has been helping me out here and there and I appreciate her for that but since I’m primarily vegetarian some stuff can be pricey/ not in the stores they shop at so I literally live off of veggies. But yesterday she gave me her card to get food while she went to work. So now I can actually have proper meals and get some more protein in since I’m losing muscle and we don’t want that.
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izzytompkins · 8 months
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What a fucking couple of weeks I tell 'ya. Polar vortex, means minus fifty celsius...that was not fun. At least I have cute tea mugs & tea things. I now send panda stance pics as proof of life to my friends who can't believe I actually live where it's this fucking cold. On the upside my kid has 2 new foods!!! Mr. Noodles (beef or chicken flavors) & fruit to go snacks! My cat is right done with this shit ass winter. More panda stance. Fun fact I have lost almost 15 lbs but my ass is still badonkadonking so my snowsuit is super uncomfortable because it's made for a man with no ass!
I had to move my art supplies from my upstairs craft room because of my partner having to move thier bedroom there. I value quality sleep, bedsharing drives me right fucking nuts so we learned after 3 years that separated bedrooms is awesome especially with shift work & parenting! They normally sleep downstairs but that's being renovated because we had a mini flood over the vortex week. I should title this damn thing basement episodes. 😒 ALSO, our back door just fell off, frame & all. The frost got in between the siding & popped it off. Repaired it good enough until spring. Then we had a lovely day of only minus thirty so the kids went to school & we went grocery shopping. They were out of school because the buses weren't running. It was so cold they grounded some planes so The American got to stay a few extra days! 🤣 Ugh I need a nap but the insurance people still haven't come. Supposedly today, but that's sounding like "When Covid is over." 😅
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mapmakerscolors · 2 years
Okay, so one of my goals this year is to get my financial life in order, and it's going pretty well so far. I had a minor fail/win money-wise today.
I went out to buy just a few specific things at the grocery store(s), because my monthly grocery budget is down to its last dregs and also I have lots of stuff in my pantry/freezer to use up. I wound up buying a couple things I didn't strictly need (a can of Ito En green tea, instant udon noodles and some bell peppers that looked great and were $1.99/lb, when lately they've been $1.99 per pepper). It's not about the money because it was only a few dollars and I can easily cover it with excess from other categories, but I had specifically thought of this shopping trip as a way to practice my stick-to-the-list muscle. So objectively it was a failure in that regard 😅
BUT I was thinking about it when I got home, and it was very instructive. It taught me first of all that the $3 fee I pay to get curbside pickup for my week-to-week grocery shopping is worth paying, because it's probably keeping me from doing stuff like this way more often to the point that it would actually be a problem 😂 And it also taught me that while I probably don't want to go back to shopping in the store on a weekly basis, maybe I need to be more intentional about going in occasionally with a small amount set aside specifically for browsing the aisles and trying new stuff. It's easy to get into a rut doing curbside pickup because it's tough to browse the store that way and my brain was apparently craving way more novelty than I've been giving it!
idk I'm just kind of proud of this because I know there was a time when I would have been so frustrated with myself for impulse buying, enough that I've definitely derailed previous attempts at budgeting (or other good habits) in similar situations. Partially because I literally did not understand my own thoughts and feelings enough to identify why I acted contrary to my stated goal, and partially because I had an all-or-nothing mindset and making a mistake or deviating from the "ideal" plan made me feel like there was no point to trying at all. So I love that I can see where my emotional need for spontaneity interfered with my money goal, and I can be generous enough not to berate myself for that need and/or try to stamp it out but instead simply try again next month to accommodate it in my plan. Emotional growth, it's neat!! :)
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strokesandscribbles · 3 months
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What have I been doing?
The past weeks was nothing but errands, lots of working, lil bits of fun and adventure, with some crying in between, random dancing and occasional insomia.
So I accompanied my friend to pick her wedding dress. My bestie really getting married. I'm crying. 🥹
I got my new eyeglasses last month, what an adventure that day was cuz it rained so hard, I had to make a stop. I was soaked cuz I forgot my umbrella so I bought a new one. It was hard to get a ride home and to add to that the street got flooded. On my way home I lost the hand-held fan I just bought. Like I thought it couldn't get any shittier. But thankfully, I got home in one piece. Tho very late. It was about an hour and a half ride.
Anyways, had a little pride celebration with my asexual gals. We didn't get to meet at the parade cuz only one went 😅 but glad we have arranged a hangout.
Also, I've been copying recipes from Pinterest, went back to the workout routine cuz yep I keep on stalling, been learning a new side hustle. (hope that works 🤞). Still buying books online 😬 albeit there are bunch of unread ones, always thinking of good designs, planning to buy a drawing tablet, watching the show called Superstore, been thinking of watching more of 80's film this month, still contemplating on getting drum lessons, realizing grocery shopping is actually therapeutic, constantly missing our dogs back home. Solo living is kinda noisy cuz my brain can't stop... ok I'll stop now. I'm rambling. That's all. Bye. 👋
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linos-luna · 2 years
Hey if your still taking requests can I get a clingy dependent yandere Felix who literally can’t function without fem reader there with him and it gets to the point where she starts avoiding him and trying to stay away from him and the others. HOWEVER the other members feel bad for felix and try (and seceded) in manipulating/forcing the reader to going back to him.
Whew sorry that was so long😅
Yes I’m still taking requests! ☺️
Oooo that sounds cool….
Sorry the fic is long. I got carried away. Hope you like.
You’re too much 🔪
Yandere!Felix x fem!Reader
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Warnings: obsessive behavior, yandere, manipulation, 18+, drugs, stalking, manipulation, suggestion
“Felix please stop. You’re freaking me out!”
“Noona! I just wanted get lunch with you!” The boy pouts.
“You followed me home!” You replied, referencing the night before. And again here he is, finding you at the local coffee shop.
You were friends with Felix. No actually, maybe a little more. You had started “dating” him a few months ago. He was very sweet and loving but eventually got obsessive and would follow you everywhere. It became suffocating and you broke off the relationship, opting to be friends. But this devastated him and for the past two months has been stalking you.
You hated to admit that you still held feelings for him. You had a soft spot and wanted to be with him but not when he’s like this. Secretly you wanted him back too, but you just can’t do it so you avoid him as much as you can.
“Noona… I want to take you out again. I promise I’ll be better!” He was practically begging while grabbing onto your hands.
“Felix… you’re too clingy. I’m sorry.” You sighed and let go of his hands and turning to leave. But before you could, you were pulled by the back of your shirt.
“Noona, please don’t leave!”
“Let go!” You said in a shaky voice.
“Felix, let go of her…” a familiar Australian voice said while pulling the boy off of you.
“Chan, why are you here…?” You asked, a bit suspicious of his sudden appearance.
“Felix invited me for lunch. I didn’t know this was why…”
You nodded and left, waving goodbye why felix was tearing up.
“Why’d you let her get away?!” He yelled at the older boy.
“Felix this is getting scary. Are you okay?” His friend asked as they walked out to the car. Once in the car, the boy started sobbing.
“I want her back!” Felix cried with tears streaming down his cheeks. “Hyung, I want her back!!”
Chan was concerned but also felt bad. These past two months he’s been a wreck.
“Okay…” he sighed. “I’ll help you get her back…”
Felix looked at Chan very surprised. “R-really…? “
“Yeah… I’ll get the others to help too…”
Felix was giddy at the idea while Chan tried coming up with a plan.
Three weeks have passed since you last saw felix and you started to wonder if his friends got him to move on. You were feeling more comfortable, that’s for sure.
You were out getting some quick stuff from the grocery store when running into Hyunjin. He’s a mutual friend of you and Felix but you d been avoiding some of his friends to be less awkward.
“Hi, y/n!” He said while smiling and waving. “I haven’t seen you in a bit.”
You nervously said hi back and he was quick to want to chat.
“How’ve you been, noona? Everything okay?”
“Um… yeah. Everything is good.” You nodded with a small smile. “How about you?”
“I’m alright, just planning on going out with the boys later.” He said happily, about to grab your shoulder.
“Oh ok! Bye Hyunjin” You averted quickly and fast walked out of there. You got an unsettling vibe from him. Hyunjin on the other hand watched and followed to see where you were going, taking note of something.
A few days later you went out with a friend, having a small picnic in the park.
As your friend left for the day you were heading towards your car when you were stopped by a familiar face.
“Hey y/n!” The Australian had a big smile and ran right up to you. “Haven’t seen you in forever!”
“Um… hi?”
“Hey, me and some friends are hanging out tonight at my place. Wanna come?”
“Uh… I don’t know… Felix probably-…”
“Oh, he’s over it.” Chan said, cutting you off. “Like really, we got him some help.”
“Oh um… are you-”
“-sure? Yes I am.” Chan interrupted again. “Come on over. We’re just playing some games and a movie.
You thought about it for a moment, wondering if Felix really has gotten over you. You did wish to be friends with them all again. “Uhm sure.”
“Great!” Chan replied. “We’ll see you at 7!”
“Okay…” you were hesitant but got in your car to get home and get ready.
You put on some comfortable clothes and went to get some snacks from the convenience store where you found Jeongin and Seungmin.
“Oh hi guys. Are you going to the hang out too?”
“Yeah! So happy you could make it, noona!” He exclaimed while seungmin nodded.
“Yeah it’ll be fun.” You replied, wondering why Jeongin was so giddy
You later met at Chan’s place. He welcomed you in and you saw all the boys there, including Felix who was snacking on some chips.
“Hi noona.” Han said going up to you with a soda. He looked at Felix then back to you. “You can talk to him, you know?”
“Oh um… I’ll just say hi.” You said as you awkwardly made your way to the couch.
“Hi, Felix…”
“Hi, noona.” He smiles with a small wave. “Are you okay?”
“Uh… yeah I’m fine.” You smile back and go to the kitchen to drop off the snacks you brought. You turned around and nearly jumped; Felix was right behind you. He was holding a plate of brownies he must’ve made.
“Oh sorry noona.” He chuckled nervously. “I just wanted to know if you wanted a brownie.”
“Oh… sure…” you replied nervously, grabbing one and making your way back to the living room area and sitting on the couch. You took a bite of the brownie, remembered how good his treats are.
“So what kind of games are we playing.” You asked curiously.
“Oh it’s this game I got the other day…” Han’s voice was drifting away as your vision got a little fuzzy. Before you could question it, you heard a door opening somewhere behind you.
“Hey y/n. Didn’t know you were already here.” It was Minho, coming out from the bathroom.
“Hi Minho. I actually just-…” you got up to greet him but suddenly got very dizzy. You figured it was from getting up to fast so you sat back down.
Felix sat next to you as Han and Changbin started the game. Some type of fighting game, you couldn’t tell.
The other’s surrounded Han and Changbin, cheering on whoever they want to win.
You blinked a few times to focus your vision, looking at the brownie in front of you, holding it up to take a look at it.
“You didn’t finish it.” Felix said with a frown, looking to Chan. “Did you not like it?”
“No it’s good… I’m just not sure I can finish it-“
Suddenly you felt a hand grab yours with the brownie and shoving it in your mouth. You nearly choked on it but eventually was able to chew and swallow it.
It was Chan, standing at the couch behind you. He then started rubbing your shoulders.
“W-why-…? Why-…” you couldn’t even get out what you wanted to say as you getting even more dizzy and disoriented from whatever was in those brownies. You could barely keep your eyes open.
“Don’t you miss having your boyfriend around?” Chan said while messaging your shoulders from behind. “Having Felix around?”
“…… y-yeah… I do…” you replied, your words practically slurred.
“You miss Felix don’t you…” he continued as Felix inched his way to your hand, laying his hand on your lap.
“Mmmmhm….” You groaned. “I-I miss him…”
Hyunjin joined in, sitting next you while turning your head towards Felix. You couldn’t really move. You felt like your muscles gave out and you barely had any control of your body.
“He misses you too. Your baby misses you.” Hyunjin said, getting close to your ear.
You were looking at Felix but could barely make out any features. “Baby… misses me…” your words were so slurred that that it was getting hard to understand.
Hyunjin pinched at your arm and snapped his fingers with his other hand next to your ear. This startled you and made you whine. At this point you could barely open your eyes. Felix squeezed your hand and smiled as your whines turned into cries.
“F-Felix… Felix?!” You were in a bit of a panic, now shaking.
“Yes, noona?” He said, squeezing your hand and getting closer.
“F-Felix… ow… hurts…” you cried as Hyunjin kept pinching your arm. “I-I’m…”
“You’re scared…?” Chan said, giving you a pinch on the back of your neck.
“S-scared…. Felix?!”
“I’m right here, love.” Felix felt your hand squeezing his and smiled as you tried leaning into him.
“S-scared… lixie… hurts…” you’re words were becoming incomprehensible and Chan took this as a sign to give you some water from the kitchen.
“Can you stand up, noona?” Felix asked while getting up and pulling you to your feet. You could barely hold yourself up and legs felt like jelly.
Chan came back with an oddly colored glass of water and held it to your lips.
“Y/n, drink this.” Chan said while tilting to make you drink it. “It’ll make you feel better.”
Your drank it without hesitation and after a few seconds your legs gave out. Luckily Felix caught you and soon enough you passed out. Felix cheered as you did so and picked you up bridal style. Your arms and legs were limp and head hanging.
“Thanks guys.” Felix said with a bright smile, the first one his friends have seen in months.
“No problem…” Chan sighed while looking at the others who nodded.
Felix took you home and gently placed you on the bed. He undressed you and put on some pajamas he stole from your apartment.
He laid next to you and lifted your shirt a bit to trace little designs on your stomach with his finger. He did this until falling asleep next to you.
You woke up hours later in the morning. Your head hurt and you got up to look around. You couldn’t figure out where you where you were or what happened last night.
You exited the room, recognizing your surroundings. This was Felix’s place!
Felix met you in the kitchen, a bright smile on his face as he saw you.
“Good morning.” He said, giving you a kiss on the cheek and grabbing your hand.
“N-no…” you pull away and shake your head.
“Noona…” Felix pouted, coming closer. “You said you missed me..”
“I don’t… I don’t…?” You couldn’t figure out what he was talking about. This was Felix right? Something didn’t feel right. Was this your boyfriend.
You rubbed your forehead when you had a random weird wave of panic.
“Noona? Are you scared?” He asked, tilting his head. “Are you scared noona?”
You hesitanted and he gave you a tight hug. “W-why… why am I-…”
“Shhhh~” the boy interrupted and gently rubbed your back. “I’m here… I’ll always take care of you.”
You were just confused, wondering how you got there. About what happened last. What’d you even do yesterday?
“I’m gonna take care of you, noona…” he said with a devious smile. “You need me now…”
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Tuesday, January 30, 2024!
4:51am woke up and started ruminating on the past. Oops! Also I keep getting hot and sweaty with my sweatshirt on but it's comforting and I don't want to take it off. Eh fuck it like C said, the worst thing they can do is forfeit your loans right 😅 like it was all a dream oop. Just vibe you only have 12 weeks of class left omg can you imagine if this was actually the end of it??? That would be so crazy, maybe this is why all those ppl weren't smiling at the end of bachelor's 😂 hahaha
9:07pm I've been neglecting to clean the bathroom for a hella long time bc every time I thought about it, it was super overwhelming and there was a mold puddle behind the toilet from my crappy shower curtain that won't close, but I did it today and I just love days like this. And I went grocery shopping and I just love when life feels so much better than it did previously.
Went on a coffee date with a guy who primarily spoke Spanish and now he wants to take me on a second date?? Idrk why I would say no tbh haha but v interesting??
1:40am..... I'm gonna say it again, he's a cheating dick, and once a cheater always a cheater. And literally all the crazy ass shit he did to me, not cool. Yk my dad probably would've invited him to the beach with us, except he acted like a little bitch to my parents.... 😑 Not cool. Am I bitter? No it just feels fake AF but whatever, I'm like convinced he's a narcissist bc this shit has to be love bombing?? I stg or they all had some damn epiphany (the realization that everyone hates them except each other so they better learn to like each other 😂) why do I feel like that's hella accurate lol. Idk man bad/weird vibes still.
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July 30: Woke up today to the news that someone smashed the wing mirror on my rental car overnight. It was parked on the road, and someone hit it...didn't leave a note, so now I'm left to pay for the damage. Some people...
Was going to run some errands today, but can't really do that without the drivers side mirror, so I went shopping with Cathy instead. Was hoping to get a dress and/or shoes for Brian's daughter's wedding next weekend, but just ended up with a cardigan. Thought I might start on the new farm tomorrow, but it turns out the timing isn't great for that farmer, so I've got the day off tomorrow...time to try to get my car fixed.
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July 31: Called the car rental place today to tell them I needed to report some damage, and the first thing the guy said was "Right — what have you done?" I'm sure he assumed the young-ish American woman who can't drive a standard would damage the car, but SHOCKINGLY it wasn't me. 🙄 Anyway, they told me I could just pop the mirror back in place since it's shattered but still in the frame, and I can drive it like that until I return the car. So I decided to go on another shoe shopping hunt. Went to a nearby town and finally had success. Then went grocery shopping and made tea. Seems like the new farm this week isn't working out quite yet, so I'm back to the original farm tomorrow. I guess I shouldn't have said such a dramatic goodbye already!
August 1: The fields at Brian's and Tom's farm needed rolling, so that's what I focused on today. They needed to roll the fields to press any stones back into the ground so that the stones don't damage the machine that bales the silage. So I had a quick refresher on how to drive the tractor, and then went for it! The perfectionist in me was annoyed because it took me a very long time to get the lines straight without any gaps between them, but I eventually got there. I was listening to the radio while driving, and when a certain song came on the radio I had to make this video. Then in the afternoon, we did some sheep work. I got to drive the quad bike around the field gathering the sheep which is one of my favorite things, and then we sprayed them with Dysect (which treats blowfly strike and prevents lice and ticks). It was nice being back on the farm...
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August 2: Back on the original farm again today for more field rolling. I really shouldn't have said goodbye yet 😅 I got promoted to doing 2 fields instead of one today, so had my work cut out for me. I felt more confident in the tractor which meant I could drive a bit faster, so I was able to cover a lot more ground. My only bad moment was when I had to drive the tractor around a tree, and I thought the branches would just flexibly go *whoosh* around the tractor, but they hit it with more of a *thunk*. 😳 One of the big side mirrors got pushed in, so I tried to get out of the tractor to reposition it, but it had actually been pushed in so far that it trapped me inside the tractor. I was totally stuck and had to decide whether to call for help or climb out the back window of the tractor. I climbed out the back, fixed the mirror, and got back in! I also noticed the mirror on the other side needed adjusting, so I went to fix that one but realized the metal arm holding the mirror was actually broken😩 Wasn't sure if I'd done it or not, but figured I should probably let someone know. Had such a pit in my stomach about telling them! Thankfully, they told me it was already like that...phew. After lunch, I helped put up a small marquee for this weekend's wedding. We went inside for a drink in the afternoon, and when we came back outside less than an hour later, it had blown down and broken :( So they will have to hire a new one for the wedding. Such a sad moment! Should be leaving the farm for real now, as tomorrow I really do start at the new farm...Here's a video I made of my last few weeks with the Longmynd Commoners.
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mugoi-usagi · 2 years
If you've ever wondered what it's like to have ADHD, or laughed about "oh my god I'm so ADHD!" because you got distracted easily for a moment, allow me to share a fun story about what it's REALLY like to have ADHD!
These are the texts I sent boyfriend this morning:
Ernest called and said they got the allocation for my car and it might be here by the end of the month!! I only remember Ernest's name because The Importance of Being Ernest.
And it's one of the colors I chose!
We need to go to the bank! I gotta get my funding in order lol
I wonder if I can get my ass together in time to do that before work... lmao not likely, bitch!
I need to find the paperwork for the car. Fuck.
This is where I began wracking my brain for where I was when I got the documentation for the car. I remember thinking I needed to make sure I didn't lose it. End of memory. 😐
So I started hunting around my apartment looking at all the places I have left papers that I didn't want to lose. Recipes on the tv stand, post it notes on the coffee table, bills on the table, a few papers on a tote that hasn't been unpacked yet.
Then I see the chair by the door. I've been meaning to dispose of said chair for over a year. It now holds random crap. Cue the following text to boyfriend:
FOUND THEM!! They were in a totally logical and normal place that any organized person without an executive disfunction would put them! Folded in half in a plastic grocery bag with a post card and packing slip for a purse I got from kickstarter, placed lovingly on a chair beneath several books, a hoodie, some christmas gifts, and a dog harness!
Now, dear reader, you may think, "Ah! You remembered where you put them!"
You would be wrong.
I saw a plastic shopping bag that had papers in it and went, "Oo! What's this?!"
Because I genuinely had no idea what the fuck it was.
I tucked it under my arm and kept digging through the chair pile. Then I opened the bag and found the post card. THIS is when I remembered where I may have put the papers and hoped I was right.
ADHD isn't just a high energy kid or being easily distracted on occasion, it's a (sometimes debilitating) executive disfunction.
It's also as much a source of hilarity as it is frustration when you're able to maintain a sense of humor about it. 😅 Maybe I should do a "Things in My Apartment That Just (don't) Make Sense" post. If I can remember that idea long enough to actually do it! Yay ADHD!!
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whatnowhaya · 2 years
Teacher's Day✨ and whatnot...
Today our school celebrated teachers' day and it was the first time for me, (considering I came to school last year, in November ).
Our coordinator brought a cake ( it was goood😋) and the school gave us a nice gesture too.
But the kids were amazing, from giving hugs and saying " happy birthday?🤭", to little cards they did, ( I got a feeling they made it on the spot😆💚) and not to mention the sweets.
Also, our school hosted a little muppets show for the kids to raise awareness for a cause.
Later, I was in my classroom and a student who says I'm her favourite and she was actually the first student to talk to me ( she's the one who said I look like I'm 16 and that in "aesthetic")... Anyways, she came in crying, and she hugged me ( طبعا انا مو كتير متعودة على هيك أجواء😬) and she started talking to me and I honestly felt like I was a counsellor or something other than a "teacher" who gives a material; the things she shared made me realise how I'm in desperate need for a workshop on how to deal with ppl who come to me with their "vents or issues". But the fact she trusted me enough, is something both I honour and worries me.
Sounds like a nice day, right?
Since I kinda have a cold, and since my body was needing for rest but I kept pushing it for the past few days, ( which is why maybe I'm sick to start with🤔) I skipped exercising this morning and woke up per usual, but in school, I was LITERALLY snoozing, like dudes! I was cutting papers and I suddenly snoozed😳 I drank coffee, and two cups of tea and kept eating just to stay awake 😬... And when I got home, I went out with my family to do grocery shopping, so not much of a rest day, is it😬
بس عادي الحمدلله, كان يوم لطيف و غريب.
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برضو بحب كيف رفع التكلفة بيني و الطلاب🤣 انو خلص, هيا هيك حاف😅🙂😆
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