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HAPPY NINE SOLS ON CONSOLS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
#nine sols#mak's art#fan art#九日#nine sols yi#nine sols kuafu#shennong#heng nine sols#ruyi nine sols#shanhai 9000#nine sols shuanshuan#chiyou nine sols#ITS ALSO ON SALE RN ON STEAM BUYY ITTTTT#I WROTE THE WRONG FUCKING CHARACTER#I FORGOT AN EXTRA LINE IT SAYS NINE MOUTHS#THIS IS WHAT I GET FOR TRYING TO POST AT 3 AM#FML
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this isn't at all meant to be condescending or finger-waggy because 100% we all have blind spots like this, but I'm really, really hoping that the people who never found Gaiman's approach to his own fandom concerning in any way will take this all as a learning moment.
he was an older, hyper-famous author engaging directly and frequently with an online audience of largely vulnerable young marginalized people. he presented himself as cultured and worldly, and made himself approachable as someone to go to for advice, encouragement and "wisdom." his manner of speech was extremely pathos-heavy and clearly intended to be comforting and encouraging in exactly the way his target demographic needed it to be to swallow every word. the way he spoke about stories and creativity was designed to make young creative hopefuls feel special and important, while sweeping real analytical techniques under the rug - in hindsight, likely so no one would think too critically about the disturbing amount of patriarchal abuse played for cheap shock value and voyerism in his own body of works.
Gaiman saw a target demographic that was desperate for an older creative role model to tell them they were worth something, and he exploited that pain to twist a narrative around himself where he was king and any critique leveled at him or his works were the enemy.
to be clear, he could have been innocent. he could totally have been just an out-of-touch old man saying nice things to people because he wanted to be kind and he thought he was a lot smarter than he really was. red flags are warning signs, not a surefire way to tell if someone is actually "secretly shitty."
but if you used to look up to him, PLEASE take this moment to revisit the ideas you absorbed from him. did you take his words to heart because they seemed to have objective merit? or did you take them to heart because it felt good to believe what he said? do you still hold these values? does knowing he was intentionally manipulating his online audience make you less certain? do you need more information from a different source before deciding one way or another?
again, I'm just really, really hoping people on here will take a moment to reevaluate the ideas and opinions he's injected into tumblr fandom culture, because his reach is immense and he has absolutely been manipulating popular perception of relevant topics to gain further influence and control the narrative around both his own and Pratchett's legacy. please, please take this moment to notice what he's been doing - and next time someone tries to pull the same shit, hopefully we'll be able to apply what we've learned from experience.
#deerchatter#abuse cw#im going to be honest i came to hate him over his years on tumblr.#even if he'd done nothing wrong he was normalizing an extremely unhealthy relationship between a fandom and creator#and he always spoke with so much pathos and so little actual substance. he's an idiot desperate to seem smarter than he is#obvs didn't assume anything about his actual moral character but he sure was spreading some toxic ideas intentionally or not#absolutely heartbreaking and horrible that things turned out to be as bad as they were.#genuinely wrote this out because im hoping this can all AT LEAST make some people aware of the tactics he was using#so the next shithead celebrity who rocks up to social media with an agenda won't have as much reach#counting on people to read the best intentions into this post. i don't give a shit about celebrity drama i want people safe#edit: actually fuck it putting this in the tag#neil gaiman
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Dande says, “I can vouch for you. Do you wanna hold my hand? We can go together.” Fisik asks, “You hold Fisik hand?” Dande says, “Yeah, sure,” holding out his own. Fisik mumbles, “Tall people don’t hold Fisik hand.” Dande replies, “Well, now’s a good time to start.”
#dungeons and dragons#dnd character#dnd art#dnd oc#dnd#dandelion treehollow#terribly affable drow#he's so friendly!! especially toward strangers. it's just he's also very good at scheming when he has to be lol#ugh... i love my boy.............#ravelers#the ravelers#ignore that i wrote the wrong dialogue in the drawing ok#this was the session before#as of last session dande is stressed the fuck out and acting erratic#he is such a character study for me ugh ugh ugh MY BOY!!
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I just realized why lestat marked Tom, like the big stupid idiot I am
(I know everyone else probably already figured this out, but this is MY blog and I get to post whatever deranged thought crosses my pea brained mind.)
When I watched that scene in episode 5 where they're at the bar talking to Tom, I was confused as to why exactly. Why does Lestat mark Tom? If he's marked to kill, why does he wait almost 2 decades later? Well I realized, as all realizations come, in the shower.
Lestat has been planning on killing Tom the whole time.
(Warning before you click read more, this post is a lot longer than I first intended holy fuck)
Well not the whole time. Just right when Louis realized that Anderson and Fenwick had screwed him over. Maybe even longer if he knew it was a trick ("ridiculous of you to mix human and vampire business it always ends poorly"). Notice how he's upset with louis when he kills the guy who's microaggressive with him, cus lestat wasn't there (even if he was there I have my doubts Lestat would understand microaggressions, but he would have definitely killed him for touching Louis.) But tells Louis he's proud of him for killing Alderman. I think this has to be because he witnessed the disrespect first hand. He didn't give a fuck about the money, what he DID care about was that those two disrespected not only him, but Louis.
Even with Lestats little understanding of race relations of the time in America, he did understand hierarchys. He's from 1700s France for God's sake. It's no coincidence wanted to be king of mardi gras. Lestat came to New Orleans and saw himself as the king, even if no one knew it. And he wanted Louis to be his queen. Honestly I could make an entire other post about how Lestat almost literally saw himself as if he was a King and Louis his beloved Queen, which is why he thought it was okay for him to sleep with other women (mistresses and playthings of the king should mean nothing compared to the queen in lestats eyes) but that's getting off topic. I only bring that up because I'm trying to paint a picture of how I think Lestat sees disrespect done to Louis. To him that goes beyond disrespect or rudeness, it's irreverence.
You begin to notice if you watch scenes with them together. Because while I wouldn't say lestat is good at controlling his anger, he's definitely great at concealing it until it erupts (props to Sam Reid have to be given here) lestat is always on the verge of fury when talking to Tom. It starts as a distaste then as he begins to fall more in love with Louis and become more protective of him, his anger builds. Claudia was wrong about one thing, it was no petty slight that was the reason Lestat killed Tom first, it was a loooonng time coming.
I could list every detail I think supports this but I'm sure you get the gist by now. My main point is really the layer of complexity this adds to not only the story, the characters, but also lestat and louis' relationship. Consider it for a second, Lestat saw all his violence as justified, everything he did one can see it through the lense of him punishing the disrespectful (take a shot every time I say disrespect in this post jesus christ). "I bring death to those deserving" indeed. Lestat has a god complex out the wazoo, and every attack, torture, and death he caused was righteous to him and thus enjoyable. Louis on the other hand didn't see himself so highly. He may seem confident but if you look through the cracks it's apparent Louis's self worth in near nonexistent and he's horribly insecure. I think lestat thought when Louis was made a vampire he would see himself as Lestat saw himself, and as Lestat saw Louis. But again, another post for another time.
Despite Louis' insecurities (or perhaps because of them) louis revels in the violence lestat commits for his sake. That's probably why louis is so quick to forgive lestat about the priests. For a brief moment Lestat truly said the truth to Louis and Louis could forgive him because of it. As lestat says, he doesn't kill the priests to intimidate Louis, nor does he do it just because he enjoys it. He does it because he sees them as humiliating Louis, charlatans that don't deserve Louis' sorrow. Louis didn't want the priest's to die, but he could understand why lestat killed them, simply because for once in his goddamn life lestat told the truth, and louis loved that truth. That truth being that lestat killed and mutilated and committed such horrors not just because he liked it, but because he did it out of a fucked up sense of protection. Him killing the priests was essentially a knight killing a dragon to earn the princess' hand in marriage.
The worst part is that Lestat doesn't even realize it. Not fully anyway. Let's be honest with ourselves, lestat doesn't understand Louis. Obviously there's the race, background, culture differences that lestat doesn't understand nor seems inclined to try, but there are better posts about that made by smarter people than moi. I'm mostly talking about lestat doesn't understand louis' mind itself (louis' mind in a vacuum I suppose you could say) he understands Louis' desire for violence sure, but he doesn't understand the core of that want. Honestly I'm on the fence of if he ever understood that Louis loved it when lestat was protective in the first place. I guess it can be dumbed down to Louis wants Lestat to kill to protect Louis and to protect the family (and anyone who deeply disrepects them), lestat perhaps understood a little at one point, but since he sees everyone as a threat and everything is a slight to him, he has no trouble and qualms with delighting in the torture of people Louis views as innocent. Louis' heart is a bit dark, but ultimately human, so he's disgusted by lestats violence towards the undeserving. Lestat can no longer read Louis' mind and even if he could, Louis doesn't quite understand the difference himself (that's why he tries to hunt for criminals briefly) so the cracks of miscommunication starts to form, and neither of them even realize there is miscommunication.
Therein lies the importance of Tom Anderson for season 1. Not much of a character, more of a plot device in human skin. Claudia can see that Lestat hates him, but doesn't understand why, nor does she care to get to the depths of that. (*Mr house voice* understandable) I think it's notable that Louis rarely brought him up, he didn't understand the depths of lestats love. Nor did he know about Lestats 3 decade long grudge, all because Tom disrespected Louis.
Now I'm not excusing Lestat's actions, I just think it's interesting how this one throwaway character reveals a whole level of complexity to the relationship between him and Louis, and better sheds light on not only Lestats personal philosophy but louis' as well. Even Claudia to a degree.
Anyway, uh. End of essay. Bye.
#or im completely wrong#feel free to ratio me if youve gotta a better idea of whats happening#holy fuck this is longer than i meant#whoops wanted to write down some throwaway thoughts and accidentally wrote an essay#happens to the best of us#essay#id add lovely photos like other ppl do but im on phone#iwtv#interview with the vampire#louis de pointe du lac#lestat de lioncourt#loustat#character analysis#sorry if i repeat words it be like that sometimes#i dont even know if i wanna put this in my ramblings tag cus of how long it is#tom anderson#is that a tag? who tf is looking him up#edit;#apparently these types of posts are supposed to be tagged#iwtv meta#i didnt know till just a second ago
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“hey wow I loved how klaus really came into his own in s3 - still an agent of chaos but focused and interesting, taking a bit of control in his life, weaving his way through the plot and in some ways becoming the heart of the series …. I sure can’t wait to watch season 4!!!!!!!!!”
#fuck meeee#don’t get me wrong his plot had its moments#but it all meant Jack shit#just reviving an edgy comic subplot that doesn’t work for his tv character#with a buried alive subplot that should have been in s3#fuck#I wanted floaty klaus but this is the price I paid#tua#the umbrella academy#spoilers#// negative#I even liked the take in ep 1 & 2#a bit iffy but understandable#but then they just re wrote s1 klaus without any of the depth#not even the shit with Claire could save it because it was barely in there
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hi hello. can you catch me up on the oc lore
Since I've gained like a LOT of followers since the last time I did a lore summary, I'll happily do another!
First off though, here is Martin's character profile and Noah's character profile. Those have got the basics about the two of them, and I have a summary for how they met and how their relationship develops right here.
But since i've also brought up Gabriel a lot lately, and plan on mentioning him more, i'll give a little info dump on his relationship with Noah under the cut:
I plan on making Gabe his own character profile in a bit, so i'll go more into detail about him then, but basically he's Noah's oldest and best friend.
Their mothers were also best friends and they were born only a few months apart, so they've been together since before they knew how to walk pretty much.
Noah was a preacher's daughter so they went to church together. They also went to school together and drove their teachers mad if they were sat too close in class.
I touch on the subject of Noah falling in with a bad crowd as a teenager in his profile, but i'm not sure i've gone into much detail on that, it's important to his and Gabe's relationship though.
The short version is that Noah gets tempted into hanging with a guy who's a couple years older than them, called Marcus. Gabriel, always the one trying to keep Noah out of trouble, ends up getting dragged into this group with him.
Marcus makes Noah think he's the leader of their little crew, but basically all he is is Marcus' scapegoat. Marcus would get them all into trouble, and because Noah was the preacher's kid he'd pin the blame on him because he figured he'd get off easier than the rest of them.
In the end though, Gabriel manages to make Noah see how fucked up their situation is (after they both get a pretty bad scare), and the two of them try to distance themselves from the group, eventually getting out of that life.
Noah goes off on his own, and Gabriel becomes a decently successful tattoo artist who owns the flat above his studio.
Their current day relationship is that Gabriel tries to live the life he's worked hard to build for himself, while having the constant reminder of his old life (Noah) stumble in through his door every few months, drunk, beat to hell or straight up just sick.
Noah always jokingly says that in another world it would have been the two of them together. They're pretty much soulmates in every way that matters. With the way things turned out though, all Noah ever tolerates are quick visits and quick fucks to scratch the itch before he's off again.
The two of them keep up their little friends with benefits things way after Martin and Noah start their years long routine of dancing around each other. Even after Noah stops sleeping around with strangers, he comes back to Gabriel when he feels the need to.
Basically he's one more person Noah has wrapped around his little finger.
#Lore tag#i guess i need one of them#I wrote Noah specifically because i wanted to write a character who's just a straight up asshole#He's got two people who would do anything for him and he's using that to pretty much take advantage of them#he loves them don't get me wrong#and he does get his act together a few years down the line#but Noah is just a very fucked up little guy who doesn't know how to be a real person#and he doesn't really care about the fact that he's being a massive cock to the only people in the world who actually care about him#To end this off the briefest summary of the kink situation i can give is:#Martin is an absolute sweetheart and while he's happy to dom he's a very soft dom#and Noah is not a very soft person#He's a massive masochist#so when he needs to scratch a more specific itch#he comes back to Gabriel who is very happy to take some of his frustration with him out on the bastard himself#not art#ask#Thank you for asking!!#If there's anything more specific people wanna know i'm always happy to lore dump <3
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Seething at one of the tags on that poll saying FMA is a military + genocide apologist anime have you even WATCHED it
#It’s literally the exact OPPOSITE of that lmao#Looks at the two characters’ whose motives are to dismantle the military from the inside in order to change the country#And turn it back into a democracy and stop making Amestris a military state#LITERALLY the upper ranks of the military are corrupt as fuck and Roy sees that and he’s like. Oh HELL no. I HAVE to do smth about this#And all the OTHER military folk who are ready to be tried for their crimes in Ishval bc they KNOW it was wrong.#And they’re trying to make up for it and are ready to accept the punishment for the slaughter of so many people#AND. The last fucking 15 EPISODES of FMAB are ALL ABOUT preventing another mass genocide#Literally the culmination of the entire anime is them stopping Father from wiping out an entire country just to gain the powers of ‘god’#SORRY LMAO trying not to make waves. But FMA has got some DEEP messages and character motivations#And I hate to see takes like this. Smh#What’s that one meme where it’s like. The point of the series flies over people’s heads. That’s what this is#(If the person who wrote those tags sees this I’m sorry I prommy I’m not actually mad)#(Just trying to make a point lol)#Anyway. Coughs#FMAB sweep.#Shima speaks#FMA
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To whichever writer wrote Violet and Aunt Mallory’s characters and interactions in RoE…are you okay??? The toxic dynamic between these two and the isolation and emotional suffering on poor Violet’s end feels just a little too real to me. Like it’s well-written but holy shit, it feels like it’s been written from personal experience on such a transcendental level.
#don’t get me wrong#I thought they were easily the best written characters in the series#I HATE Mallory with a burning passion almost on the level of Barthelemy Beaumont#and I feel so fucking bad for Violet#so yes kudos to whoever wrote them#but also jesus are you okay???#choices rules of engagement#choices roe#rules of engagement#choices stories you play#playchoices#choices stories we play#pixelberry#pixelberry studios#playchoices fandom#choices stories you play fandom#choices stories we play fandom
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loghain mac tir is that bitch. your best friend* who you revolve around dies and you spend all resources possible searching for him, only to turn around and kill his son for being stupid and naive and stupid. then try to kill his other son, who is also like that tbh, and a bastard, but at least not trying to leave your daughter for the empress of the nation you just wrestled your own nations freedom from like, 20 years ago, and became a war hero of. and actually you send out a charge to poison the brother of the woman you loved (who was not ever the woman you actually married or had a child with because your best friend** and her got assigned their marriage long before you ever came into the picture). this brother's wife is also from the same nation you pushed out earlier, as a side note. and raised the aforementioned bastard son. and on the topic of killing people you definitely pushed your best friend*** into murdering the woman he truly loved (different from assigned wife) and broke him, and that broken man you made is what you get mad that his sons aren't (instead embodying his- sometimes oafish- charm). of whom you're trying to kill.
* guy you want so bad it makes you look stupid and everyone knows
** guy you want so bad it makes you look stupid and everyone knows
*** guy you want so bad it makes you look stupid and everyone knows & he wasn't even into you back because he's addicted to elf women
#OP#I NEED TO DO A RUN WHERE I RECRUIT HIM SOOOOOOOOO BADDDDDDDDDD#unfortunately. current run is alistair romance. so um. Well#No one will ever out freak his freak what the fuck is wrong with loghain. the answer is everything. obsessed. this bitch...#i cannot tell how much is intentional between loghain and maric because on one hand. this writer is gay and wrote like#the most intimately raw gay character in the series.#on the other hand: the maric rowan katriel loghain love square is like. the most painfully straight written thing#its impressive actually. not sure how that happened.#i do actually: i think he might just kind of not like women.
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am i seriously gonna need to write analysis into why fx isnt classist???

#at this point i feel like we need an arsenal of posts where we can go when someone propegates the echochamber of freezing cold fx takes#'fx was so mean to mq tho???' have you maybe considered that mq also acts like a prick sometimes?#there is a difference between insulting someone who happens to be in a lower class vs insulting someone BECAUSE OF said lower class status#i dont give a fuck if mq was a king or criminal— if you act like a dick you are acting like a dick#and if you dish it out you better be able to fucking take it#like why are we even on this again? 'omg ive been waiting for someone call fx out!' since when? last tuesday? bruh#this take may be arctic in temperature but it sure aint fkn original#ok now that im far enough into my own tags to prob not get shot...#this is why i have such a bad taste in my mouth abt fq esp in fic bc the majority of content i see is written by ppl who say shit like this#and yeah fandom is fandom idgaf who writes what or how if you wrote a fic more power to you and no one should be criticizing it#but omfg#this fake 'mq stan at the expense of everyone who ever wronged him' mindset#is srsly just robbing ppl of the fun in rhetorically picking at wonderfuly complex character he is#ok im done#i need to sleep instead of think abt mq for the... uh... 3rd??? night this week lol#alex talks#rant#...i guess
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I came to a realization listening to the NPC dialogues from Bloodborne. Since we don't have Patches playing his usual role in this game, the Skeptical Man in Oedon Chapel takes over his role of warning us about some of the NPCs. But the key difference is that Patches, despite his smarmy cynicism, is a genuinely good judge of character--every time he tells us not to trust someone, he's right. And most of the characters he accuses are people in positions of power, notably Lautrec the knight who murders the poor imprisoned Fire Keeper, and Petrus the lying cleric who leaves three of his cohort to die. You can argue that in Petrus's case, it's just his bias against clerics talking, but given what almost all of the clerics in Dark Souls preach and who to, it's hard to hold that disdain against him.
But in Bloodborne, the Skeptical Man can never look past his own deep mistrust for everyone around him (again, hard to blame him in a place like Yharnam), and he ends up with the exact wrong read on everyone who accompanies us to Oedon Chapel. Not only that, but everyone he accuses is just as powerless as him: a traumatized old woman, a sex worker minding her own business, and a disabled man who truly wants to help people. The only one he doesn't accuse is Adella, a nun of the Healing Church, which certainly indicates who he's willing to give the benefit of the doubt and who he isn't. And there's also the way he frames himself--while Patches knows that he's a scoundrel, but there are far worse scoundrels than him out in the world, the Skeptical Man clearly thinks of himself as a good and honest man who can see past everyone else's deceit. He's not just wrong, he has to be self-righteous about it.
#I just think it's interesting that in a game where one of the main themes is religiously motivated persecution of The Other#one of their immersion tactics is to shoo out the one of the characters who could poke holes in the Healing Church's rhetoric#and replace him with a guy who regurgitates it back to us. And meanwhile Patches in this game becomes almost a mockery#of a hyper-dedicated religious fundamentalist. Yeah it's funny that the Cleric Hater(TM) is suddenly babbling about his god and his love#but I'd like to believe they wrote it that way for more than just the subversion. Of course I'm not in their heads so I could be wrong. :P#ALSO a lot of fantasy already primes us to expect that Ugly Equals Evil but 'Bloodborne' has various tactics to fuck with our expectations#and having the Skeptical Man seemingly validate our biases in potentially the same hour as Djura's 'They're not beasts--they're people'...#It's a hell of a good rug-pull for the audience who might have just been mindlessly killing 'monsters' up until that point.#Friendly reminder that you are not the good guy in 'Bloodborne'! You are part of the problem!#bloodborne#dark souls#the schemer speaks
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Some ideas for past Red Crown vessels. Considering the Lamb gets to meet TOWW only in death and gains the Red Crown on their first death, does that mean every previous Red Crown Vessel died to receive the crown? Imagine how many times TOWW gave someone his crown with the promise to bring them back to life, give them another chance as long as they follow his word and free him.
Just imagine how many times TOWW has given someone another chance at life. Given them the chance to mend relationships, to kill out of revenge, out of hatred, to see someone dear one more time, to get back whats theirs, all as long as they form a cult in TOWW's name and free him. Imagine how many times TOWW ripped away everything they worked hard for, everything they cared for, because they keep failing and disappointing him over and over again.
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The idea that Dancer didn't and couldn't have known that FCG was a person, and is thus absolved of any responsibility for treating them like an object comes up every once in a while, and, like. Folks. She knew FCG had enough capacity for thought to be worth lying to. She lied to him about having made him. She cannot have considered them basically a toaster. Like, are we imagining that Dancer is out here lying to Pussy the Second to make herself seem smarter?
She bought FCG and restored them, and knew from that restoration that a lot of the technology behind FCG was beyond her understanding. She knew FCG could talk and reason, which is something no automaton we've ever encountered is capable of (excluding aeormatons). She spent four years with him, watching him be very very noticeably different than other automatons. She didn't need to know that he was an aeormaton or what aeormatons were historically capable of; she had all the evidence she needed to understand FCG as a person, and she just didn't.
Like, I can fully believe that she understood all that, that FCG has the capacity to think and feel on some level, and just decided that none of that made them a person. Cause that's the way FCG has thought about themself since their introduction. They think, they feel, they want things, just not how a person would. Not important, not weighty enough to matter.
And I think that matters when thinking about her! Specifically when thinking about her relationship to FCG. Dancer fucked them up! She raised them, he didn't know any other life than the one she built for him till murderbot mode. And I do think she has some responsibility for that. I don't think you can just say that she didn't know any better. She knew a lot! And she could have sought out more information on ancient automatons and their capacities. And she didn't! She knew enough to know she didn't understand FCG and how they worked, and she just. Decided not to do anything about that. She just decided that the thinking feeling robot that she bought should just be a thing that she owns and makes use of, and who cares where it came from or what it might do in the future.
I don't think she's a monster or anything, but it's wild how allergic this fandom is to considering her to have profoundly hurt the person she BOUGHT AND OWNED. Particularly given how gung ho this fandom tends to be about characters having the right to enact bloody vengeance on anyone who has ever made them feel bad.
#i know some people have argued that Dancer didn't lie#and that FCG just assumed that she made him#and Dancer just didn't tell them that they were wrong or anything for ??? reasons#but that's fucking stupid#so I'm gonna assume it's not true until told otherwise#and it will be fucking stupid if it is true#Sam didn't come up with the 'dancer didn't actually make you' twist#Matt did#and can you imagine your DM just saying 'hey guess what this character in your backstory was totally unlike how you wrote them'#'i have not re-contextualized things and added elements that put a new spin on what you thought you knew'#'i have simply decided that your character always had access to this information and just didn't ask'#every explanation that I've read for how Dancer could not be responsible in some way for FCG's worldview is just#'Have you considered that Matt might be a shitty DM?'#and i have considered that#and i don't have any problem saying that something Matt wrote is shitty#maybe he did maybe he didn't#doesn't matter to me
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late Carlo and Moretti (during vinci-moretti war) are like Luca and Clemente to me. Moretti will never raise his hand on Carlo but! will he drive him into guilt in ways that are not direct? insult him in passing? convince Carlo that he's doing everything wrong, when in fact it's the opposite? of course such a painful kick to Carlo's ego, it's unfair, he doesn't deserve it. and it's not a father-son relationship, it's a professional relationship and he can't say anything back & defense himself in any way maybe Moretti's more favorable to Eddie in this period because he's more blindly loyal and Carlo feels he's about to explode
#^ i wrote it before that hounds thing but its about all this anger was once love etc#carlo who is a capo who has done so many terrible things for this place watching how eddie gets bonus points for blind loyalty: 😐#and it's not even that he's a capo it's that carlo says the right things but moretti dismisses him every time#also ok😬😬😬my truth! is that eddie really was against killing moretti at first#and when he finally decides to support carlo well. is it just a change of master? (yes)#m2#moretti family#and!#as far as i understand Moretti's murder took place just a few days before his victory? fucked up thing#i mean. it just makes Carlo an even shitty man. he chose himself over the majority#(i can't think about any war theme on a physical level at this point so. i have only abstract thoughts on this)#but objectively: moretti family may have gained control of the vinci family's territory of influence etc#instead they got a young crazy don. and everyone was alright w it (?!makes me think for what reason)#which is why i think there's been something wrong with Moretti in his last yrs. he looks much older thank frank n leo#for now he's just an old man stubbornly clinging to power to me. but not to say that i worked on his character much#i think he became weaker hypochondriacal and paranoid towards the end. “i saw his hands trembling” carlo bout moretti etc#“akela missed his kill!” and the young wolves tore him apart#ewwwwwwwwwww no Carlo who sees Moretti growing weaker and instinctively his teeth are bared more and more ewww#kill the weak and old so the young can survive😬😬 (fucked up thing is that they aren't animals they would survive w moretti in charge)#spoiled hounds parallel makes things so much complicated tbh. but it feels right
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Me being physically incapable of making this oc have a happy healthy body bc it feels like im taking away smth fundamental to him, that that rotting infection from his first iteration has spread to every version. A prince or a random guy - its there, some infection to mutate and distort him.
#just wrote a gut wrenching lil thing#not my best work but it was more to ge tit outta my system#but it made me sob for an hour and then when i shared it#the qpr read it twelve hours alter and we started talking rp and started crying AGAIN#so i was like... lemme make a happier au! where hes just a lil prince and his dad i sthe king and his mom is still alivw#and like genuinely it doesnt change his character to much#(which is fucking devestating to think about)#but i feel like it also erases something about him#in his canon hes infected by a parasite that slowly mutates and distorts his body into a horrific uncanny monster#he rots#hes infected#and his death is potent bc his father cpuldnt kill him the first time when he was 10#but he finally puts him out of his misery twenty years later#but as a prince with no infection he just seems... wrong. withkut the rot he feels like a constant sense of#something is going to happen.#yknow#jailow pasternak#parasyd au
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Sorry for being shippy but… does dabi like, like-like hawks in imaginary? Or is it a “i pity you moderately good looking bird” situation?
ill be fr, i've never gotten to the part in the anime/manga where dabi and hawks interact. i might joke around with them and if i ever catch up on the series, we'll see how it goes from there
#... actually i never got to the part.. when hawks shows up#i honestly am flying with hawks by the seat of my pants and his wiki page and my friend ro's characterization of him#and 'every time hawks shows up in the anime' and 'hawks analysis' youtube videos#if hawks is ooc let it be known that i didnt intend for him to steal a spotlight in imaginary he just kind of casually demanded it#my asks#imaginary#in fact. about to put myself on blast here#the whole reason i 'changed' canon and Hawks attended UA was bc. Hawks was a brand new character at the time i was writing the fic.#and little ol me just fucking. assumed he'd gone to UA for some reason#so i wrote it that way#that was not like a deep intentional change that was me fucking around with a character and finding out#i think i read another fic where he was at UA. thats why#but anyway#hes still roped into the commission's shit dont get me wrong. but for whatever reason i thought the commission enrolled him into hero schoo#on top of their conditioning#youll have to forgive my four-years-ago self. i did my best lmfao#again: whoopsie!#hawks doesnt repeatedly show up in imaginary because of plot (though it works out in the recent arcs). he shows up because of vibes#and a repeated middle finger in my face
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