#I WAS GONNA PUT AF TOO but . no . no wayy too much
farewell-in-veil · 2 years
Both, or whichever you prefer :}
okay well itd probably be better to explain the actual games before explaining the aus i have for them , sooo !
starting off w / pr bc i can probably give a bit more of a coherent plot for it bc most of it is my hcs and nothing else ! ( the og plot is all over the place so trust me this is better )
so , hundreds of years ago , a god named equinox ruled over valestrum . and there was solstice who i think was lesser but also very powerful . tess aract and dusekkar were two ppl living under these two , and they fucking hated them bc um . tyrannical gods yknow ?
and one day when theyre still rlly young ( 13 - 14 methinks ) tess summons a demon , aka scriptliss . back then , ribbon demons werent uncommon at all , but nowadays , scriptliss is thought to be the only one left .
anyways , the trio grow up a bit , so fast forward to their mid to late 20s . they decide theyve had enough of equinox and solstice , so they start plotting to put an end to their reign . they go on quests for equinoxs oracle , aka sphara , and in turn she grants them each a wish . dusekkar wishes for a device to help him create a new world , and is granted the plot book . tess wishes for a vessel to help him study the void ( as hes an alchemist and void mage ) , and he gets the void star . scriptliss wishes for immortality , , and gets his soul ripped into 7 pieces lmao
anyways , equinox finds out ab the plot book and summons the 3 , then demands the plot book . dusekkar calls him a bitch , and this triggers doomsday . the 3 then proceed to have to beat the crap out of equinox and solstice
now dusekkars cousin , lanter , was a supporter of solstice , i think ? mightve been equinox tho . idk its irrelvant anyways . so hes pissed , and resents dusekkar for getting rid of them . dusk however doesnt care ( yes he does ) and creates a new world , paper robloxia .
everything is peaceful for a while , but then out favorite void mage decides " hm , what would happen if i put this bitch ( the void star ) on ? "
see the void star held a dormant evil god named 1x1x1x1 . tess put that bitch on and instantly , 1x transferred into his body , and used him as a puppet to commit mass genocide !
dusk and script were devastated to see what had become of their boyfriend ( oh did i mention they started dating at some point . lol ) , but they had no way of saving him . they had no choice but to lock him away in baland , which is essentially a prison dimension .
fast forward like a century or two later , scriptliss decides that tess rlly was all of his impulse control , and he was now going to take the pieces of his soul ( which can be very dangerous if they fall into the wrong hands and also will cause him to die if they all get destroyed ) and scatter them around . a town i forgot the name of . some random ass robloxian follows him around and collects them all , then delivers them back to dusekkar .
dusk tells them they had no idea those were even missing , and tells them to return them to their shrine in his wastebasket . so random ass robloxian : tm : does that . in the wastebasket they meet the folded , which are essentially scrapped people from when dusk was writing the plot book .
random ass robloxian leaves , scriptliss goes to the wastebasket to visit the folded and tell them stories , as per usual , and they proceed to lock him in the shrine . yippee !
and dusk is still clueless .
and fast forward like a couple hundred years , we have protagonist , this random ass bitch , waking up in prologue forest , with no idea how they got there . they begin to make their way out of the forest , and run into scriptliss . wowzers !
script tells protag that he has no idea how he got free , but ehs grateful for a second chance , yada yada . oh and also he has a piece of his soul chained to his leg . anyways , the two make their way out of the forest , and run into a scissor witch named wiscara at scissor shrine
she tells them that theres an evil necromancer named antagon on the loose , and she needs their help collecting 7 scissors . they agree , and protag makes their way up to castle climax , where a box dragon is going on a rampage .
they get to the castle and find a mage named otempes tryign to calm the box dragon . turns out her name is boxdra , and she was being controlled to go crazy . the two manage to bring her back though , and she gives protag a pair of scissors
now , on their way up to castle climax , protag got a letter from wiscara saying to meet her at peculiar hills . when protag gets there , she tells them that her brother , a wind mage named aristris , stole one of her scissors . the two make their way to his mansion , and traverse through it to get the scissors back . aristris taunts wiscara at the end , and she pushes him onto the ground , gets her scissors back , and opens a portal back to cutout town ( which is the town everythign is happening in forgot to mention that )
protag got another letter at some point , saying that they were needed at oddity woods . when they get there , they finally meet dusekkar . him and script have a nice reunion , and then they all get to buisness . protag is informed to make their way to oddity tree , where the rift of darkness is . its believed that antagon will target it , so they want to be sure to keep it safe . unfortunately , when protag , accompanied by otempes , get to the tree , the void star is there , and finishes absorbing the rift , then proceeds to disappear . luckily , it left a scissor behind !
so protag got another letter , inviting them to the brand new casino centavo . wiscara feels something is fishy , so she tells protag to go , since theyre the only one who got an invite . here they meet tucker trillion , and a bunch of other irrelevant characters that i do not remember the names of . anyways , after a bit of parkour , all the people in the casino get trapped in a room . there , antagon shows up on the tv , obscured by shadow , and informs everyone that this whole thing was a trap for the protagonist .
then , slowly , people begin to disappear . when its just tucker and protag left , tucker accuses them of being the one behind all this . turns out , the void star was just teleporting people lol . so tucker apologizes , and then they have to traverse through a gravity changing maze . when they eventually get out they find . wow scissors !
so during that whole thing protag got another letter , telling them to meet the others at these big ass doors . turns out the heroes are going to the rift of light , and they need get the first sage to open the door . the only problem is , , the first sage is lanter .
lanter no longer supports equinox , hes seen how awful that guy was , but he still resents dussekar . he believes hes too immature to be the ruler of paper robloxia . scriptliss has a perfectly fine relationship with lanter though . so him and protagonist go and get lanter .
lanter is willing to help , until he hears dusekkar will be there . scriptliss , however , is very convincing ( aka just too cute and pathetic to say no to ) . so finally , he agrees , and opens the door .
he doesnt intend on sticking around , but again , scriptliss is convincing . dusekkar , upon seeing lanter is sticking around , stays behind . the rest of the heroes go to retrieve the second sage , to opent he second sage door . the second sage is sphara ! unfortunately shes been sleeping since like a few years after the creation of paper robloxia .
they go to wake her up , and encounter glyph ! which , he was around back in old world times , but he went by glyphard and was . well , a human . now hes literally just a glyph .
anyways , he helps wake up sphara , and she makes a comment ab the wish she granted scriptliss , which leads to his whole past with tess being revealed . then she goes and opens the second sage door for them .
they all go to open the third sage door , but like halfway there , lanter reveals that the third sage was tess , and therefore if the door is open that would be very bad . so guess what ? the door is open lol .
they go inside , and find , , 1x1x1x1 in the rift of light . he appears to be in large amounts of pain . and he is ! it turns out tess is currently in control . antagon freed him from banland , and had him wear the void star again . he hadnt thought anything bad would happen , as he had already had 1x transferred into his body , and hed already regained control of his body . but oops , antagon filled the void star with dark energy , as we know from chapter 3 . the dark energy corrupted his mind , made him weak and easily overpowered by 1x . he rushed to the rift of light to try and counteract it , but it was too late for him .
he apologized to scriptliss , and told him that he loves him , and to tell dusekkar that he said the same to him . then he disappears , along with the rift of light . script is crushed , and lashes out at lanter and otempes when they try to comfort him , then runs off . protag then grabs the scissors that just existed for reasons
then low and behold a buncha portals open over the cutout town harbor and a bunch of warships appear ! this pink i lady says that shes with the banland security force , and theyve sided w / antagon bc she got bribed or something . tucker then takes the protag to sneak onto the ships and see whats goign on .
the moment they actually make it into a ship , they get kidnapped , and taken to the leader of the fleet , rozanda , a pin magic user , and a pirate released from banland . she then has tucker whisked off to be kept as a prisoner , and lets protag go free with a pair of scissors . for some reason
then protag goes to the music district , aka the neighboring area to cutout town , w / otempes . the residents there ( harmonians ) worship otempes , as long ago , he aided them in a war against tretone and the crevons . otempes goes to see his old friend , base clef , whos apparently a pacifist . then finds out base clef is declaring war bc tretone is threatening them or something .
the protagonist goes to crescendo crevice , aka where a battles ab to take place , and finds pink i there . pink i and base clef threaten each other with literal nukes , then just before fighting breaks out , otempes swoops in on boxdra and whisks protag off to sforandzo ( ? i think thats how its spelled ) spire , aka tretones lair .
they traverse up to the top together , and confront tretone . otempes questions why tretones doing this , when they had previously had an era of peace . tretone says hes sided with antagon , as hes a psychic , and had a vision that told him it was useless to resist . he then gives them scissors . bc why not .
so now we have 7 scissors ! wiscara opens a dimensional cut , and were transported to paper boxia . its just filled with box animals , nothing important happens here . except scriptliss' true form is revealed , and his soul that was chained to his leg is transformed into a crystal named cogen .
the next dimensional cut brings the heroes to clockworks domain , where theyre confronted by rozanda . she gives wiscara and otempes an outfit change for practically no reason , then tells them all that their efforts are meaningless and disappears . the heroes then meet clockwork , who speaks an old tongue called birdyword ( i think ) . dusekkar also speaks it and acts as a translator . clockwork ends up leading them to the next dimensional cut .
that leads them to banland . like paper boxia , not much happens here . none of the guards attack , and the next dimensional cut , , is in 1x1x1x1s cell . which kinda hits close to home for scriptliss . oops .
the final dimensional cut leads them to auxim , the dimension which holds antagons castle . theres guards in the way , but a strange creature named tsumin instructs the heroes to go tell a butcher ab antagons actions
the butcher is his mom , antagmom .
yeah .
she gets mad , hearing her son has been causing trouble , and goes and gets rid of the guards , allowing our heroes to pass through .
the first thing that happens ? 1x taunts script , and they start fighting midair .
the next thing we encounter is a battlefield . on one side is wiscara , otempes , boxdra , base clef , and an army of harmonians . on the other is pink i , tretone , an army of crevons , and , , , aristris ? yeah turns out hes a bad guy . also turns out tretone is fucking dead ! and robotified ! so cool . yeah protag gets out of there just before battle breaks out , but wiscara is practically heartbroken at seeing her brother side w / the enemy . even if he was annoying - she never expected this from him .
next up , we have 1x and scriptliss again ! this time , 1x and script are arguing in the air . 1x says something along the lines of " you dont even know who freed you , do you ? it was antagon . he freed us both . you owe him . " and this sends scriptliss into a panic attack which can best be sumemd up by " DONT LISTEN DONT LISTEN DONT DONT DONT DONT DONT DONT AAAAAAAAAAA - " and then 1x dips . cogen stays behind to try and help script .
next , we see tucker and a group of others who got kidnapped , tucker and rozanda r ab to fight , and the others r trying to stop him . not much else to say here .
and then 1x plunges protag into tess' subconscious . theres a lot of burnign shit , and 1x tries to get protag to derealize . a lot . and somewhat succeeds . however protag finds soemthing . a remnant of tess , in the form of a blurry , distoerted version of him . the moment they fidn him . they drag him around , detrmined to save him . for scriptliss . they confront 1x , and dsiract him long enough for scriptliss to swoop in , grab him and drag him back into the fight up in the air .
next , we see lanter confront lanter . lanter reprimands dusekkar for his actions , and asks him if hes going to throw antagon , a child , into banland , for essentially doing the same thing he had hundreds of years ago . try to overthrow gods . this makes dusekkar realize the error in his ways , and he promises to try and help antagon instead . lanter is satisfied with this and lets him continue on .
next . i think its important to tell u the canon version first , bc then ull know how objectively better my version is
canonically , scriptliss kills 1x , and bro is left as a fucking . stain on the ground . scriptliss is moruning , knowing this means he killed tess as well . he says he wants to die , yada yada .
my better version goes like this ; whilst fighting in the air , scriptliss uses his ribbon powers to throw 1x at teh ground . antagon , simply wanting to break scriptliss , lets tess have the body back midway through crashing to the ground . due to 1x still being present , tess isnt immediately killed . scriptliss sees tess , and immediately rushes to him . he tries his best to save him , but after a few quiet words and a gentle cheek hold , the void mage dies in his arms . protag and cogen watched this whole thing , and cogen encourages player to go on while she comforts scriptliss .
finally , were nearing the end . protagonist and dusekkar confront antagon , who then reveals that the plot book has been filled up , which wouldnt happen with dusekkar , but since antagon wasnt the owner , it didnt generate more pages for him . but antagon doesnt know this , so he thinks its useless and burns it . which proceeds to destroy reality as they know it .
luckily , dusk manages to grab a piece of the burning paper , and write on it , giving the three a platform , surroneded by paper nil . antagon starts crying like a bitch baby , dusekkar takes him in as his apprentice , idk i didnt pay much attention to this bit it was boring - anyways the dusk starts rewriting the plot book at 1000 words per second or something .
whilst rewriting it , he sees scriptliss , holding tess' body and floating through paper nil . and he decides to revive tess , like any good boyfriend would . yknow .
once hes done , they all exit through a door , and everythign is suddenly okay ! the questing trio has a sweet reunion , um tretone got revived bc i said so , and they hold a lil show with epic guitar solos ! stream summer of heroes or sumn .
yeah i think thats it . well i could go into more detail ab the aftermath i made up but this is already long enough , so small summary ; protag finds out they were one of the folded , gains more personality and becomes lil shit : tm : , and forces tess to give them half of 1xs being bc tess is always paranoid that 1x will take him over again bc hes still within him , and protag figures " hey he cant do shit if hes split between us ! "
also dusk and wiscara get married at some point
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sabh0 · 4 months
What's your opinion on the anime? I find it pretty funny, but I can't say that I am not disappointed to see so many scenes missing.
For exemple, I wanted to see Dazai cry laugh at Chuuya's young mistress act, show that it was a joke shared by both of them, rather than one made to us at the expense of Chuuya. They took a genuinely funny moment and made me cringe SO hard for no reason T^T
God i could go on for hours about how Bones ruined this series. I'm obviously thankful we have an anime adaptation but. Well just compare bsd anime to jjk one or smth and yeah.
I will be complaining more under the cut,,
First the overall writing choices:
-Deleting or changing skk scenes to the point im not even shocked when ppl think these two actually somehow hate each other.
-The way they portrayed Sigma. They deleted half of his personality and backstory. And just speedrunned the Sky Casino arc like if seeing that place was giving them nightmares. No wonder he gets mischaracterized now.
-Tachihara's internal conflict about belonging to either Port Mafia or The Hunting Dogs? Bones never heard about it. It's not like IT'S A VERY IMPORTANT PLOT POINT.
-Akutagawa's whole character in the anime is just 'edgy and angry and bad grr'. In the manga he had some 'kind' or even seelf-reflection moments that were ommited in the anime. Like where he realizes defeating Atsushi didn't satisfy him (ship fight, season 1). Or when he gives files about the orphanage Director to Atsushi and says he won't fight him today because he lost someone impirtant to him. Sskk vs Fukuchi fight?? No scene where Sskk r helping each other walk. Instead we get Akutagwa just pushing Atsushi away. Won't even start on that last smile that looked more like another angry expression.
-THE WAY THEY CHANGED "DAZAI'S ENTRANCE EXAM" INTO SOME CURRENT TIMELINE EPISODES. IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY LIKE. THIS NOVEL WAS SO GOOD. Showing both Dazai and Kunikida's characters and partnership so well. But no. Let's just??? Put Atsushi there. Let's delete the fact this thing happened 2 years ago. And let's delete everything that was actually important about it, too.
-also some changes in the Dark Era arc. Like. Lord. Dazai is so much more emotional in the novel. His expressions r described so well. But the anime either shows him from the back at those moments (him finding out Oda was almost killed by a sniper in Ango's room) or just deletes/changes the thing (Oda dying. This scene is so emotional in the novel. From the description u can tell Dazai was crying/on the verge of it as Odasaku died. But in the anime he looks calm and then we get a far aeay frame and he just. Gets up and that's it yeah.) They also deleted the scene of him visiting Oda's grave.
-The way they rushed seasons 4 and 5. Just to give us an episode that goes further than the manga and has the shittiest writing ever when it comes to skk's plan revelation (im so angry about this u guys have no idea. I sincerely believe that if this episode never came out, the manga would go differently bc there's no way that Asagiri who wrote things like Stormbringer suddenly thought that some dollar store vampire make up will fool a guy who's centuries old and literally lived next to vampires. But well!! Seems like these two speeches Dazai gave weren't important at all and now we can just forget about them yippiee)
I could definitely mention WAYY more examples of that but this is already long af. Like guys. I know u cant fit everything in an animated show. It takes time to make it and all but. Bro. The character's in the anime r so shallow compared to their original versions.
Now onto the artstyle of the anime.
Lord. U know? It was actually pretty in the first 2 seasons. The official arts at the time were also really nice to look at.
No idea what happened later. Why did Bones suddenly decide that those ugly turtle smiles r gonna become the main thing in the character design. Why so many fisheyes. Atp sometimes i look at the official art and i go oh lord even i could fix it. It really feels like they draw some characters ugly on purpose now (Chuuya being the main victim for unknown reasons).
Tho i must say they have their moments even now. Some last episodes of season 5 weren't really bad, especially the Meursault part (love them for animating Dazai and Sigma dancing so well. And for that 101 animation. And maybe for the heartattack they gave me with 109 and Chuuya shooting Dazai so many times.)
On some other things, i really like the music! Bsd openings and endings never miss,,,
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robby-bobby-tommy · 10 months
I was too tired to stay on Philza's stream... But I am winning, ok?
Fitza staying as strong as ever.
I'll talk a bit about purgatory, since I didn't have time while it was happening.
During the purgatory, we all were thinking that Wallflower duo was dying, cuz they both hunt each other down, but in reality they only got stronger! They are one of the few duos who could kill each other and still stay besties for life. Closer to the end of the Purgatory, they met up and threw a dice together, laughing and joking. Even hugging!! They were in different teams, yet they still hugged and respected each other so much. The Eye B_tch tried to break Fitza up, but their not so platonic duo was stronger than that.
I think it's a stretch, but I felt very warm, when Phil woke up and called for Fit first. I dunno why, but they are very dear to me. Fit is Phil's closest friend and vice versa. So Phil waking up and seeking Fit is so sweet.
And now to yesterday's stream. I didn't watched it all, but I've had enough moments to speak of. Firstly, Fit greeting Philza right when the latter logged in, as they did wayy back, in the first few months of qsmp. Then Phil shows his crows his wings for the first time, which was already huge af. But then he trusted Fit enough to show them to him. And in reality, Phil just showed his greatest vulnerability and insecurity to this specific person, and if it's not the biggest gesture of trust I don't know what is. After Purgatory, they both were supposed to be colder to and be wary of each other, but no. They still confide in each other, being the most honest they can. Fit even apologized. And when Dadza called himself a dumbass, Fit quickly said he isn't one. I love them.
And then Phil and Fit spent a lot of time together, as they did before. Walking, talking, cleaning the server for their kids, joking about each other's d_c-. They're calm around each other, cuz they've known each other for years. I think it's a stretch once again, but I feel that Phil would show his wings to Fit first even if he had a choice.
And again, if we're going back more, when Phil saw the picture of the skull and called for Fit, the latter came almost immediately. After Crow started saying "stupid... Stupid bird brain" 2b2t veteran informed that he believed in existence of skull picture. War criminal sees that dadza starts to doubt in himself, so he reassures him and lets him join him and Pac in the dungeon. Putting friends before roommates (they are so gay, why is Fit in denial... No matter how jacked he is he can't beat Fitpac allegations).
They rotate in my head every second of the day. Their friendship is stronger than anything. If the world came crushing down, they're gonna be together. If one's in trouble the other is already planning the rescue mission. They know each other for a long time, they know how ruthless they can be, but they aren't afraid. They're here for each other. They put their trust in each other, giving each other access to private chambers (Fit's secret bedroom and kid's basement). They're prepared to break the rules, put oneself on the line for the other's sake. They even share illegal stuff with each other. Fit is bullets for Philza's gun. The best duo ever.
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cator99 · 10 days
The conversation went like this: general pleasantries followed by her being like I'm so relieved you reached out to me because I really just want to have a more positive relationship with all of you guys and I know how annoying it is when a landlord isn't able to deal with things in a timely manner I get it I'm a renter too... i get the sense that, just as i had over-prepared for the conversation, she had over-prepared to apologize for the fact that the basement bathroom has a recurring leak issues that get patched up and then continue to cause issues meanwhile she's literally going through a divorce and has to keep postponing because she wants to be there when the repair dudes come to make sure they're doing their job properly but she has a big trial coming up and had to put it off by another week, it's really no big deal tbh... I assured her that she's been doing a fantastic job at staying on top of things and communicating with us oh my fucking god okay new girl is banging that fugly creepy white boy she keeps bringing over so god damn loud l cant wait for her to gtfo anyways yeah so we basically just spent 10 minutes getting on the same page like we good we good she just wants to make sure that everyone is chill in the house and we had a really good talk about what we all want from this but TLDR once we got down to business it went like this:
Me: Pins Girl is the problem
Her: omg slay I fucking hate her please go on
Me: yaaaas she fucking sucks here's some tea sis....
Her: ok work so I'm not crazy for being like maddd uncomfortable around her like one time this thing happened...
Me: omg lol no seriously she's vile here's another wild example related to your anecdote....
Her: no way bestie she did that to me too. Just 0 to 100 in an instant I didnt even know what to do just being accused of every -ism under the sun
Me: yeah no that's just kind of how things go with her you cant get so much as an innocent Hello in without her immediately labeling it a hostile attack
Her: yas okay good riddance so what's the deal with this new girl she's her friend should I be concerned
Me: oh girl.......... so, no not really she's a sweetheart and also– thank god– fully employed. Absolutelyyy messy as hell tho so that's one of my biggest concerns. I think it would be best if you didn't add her to the lease no shade but she's really not a great fit since we're all older and chill and clean af
Her: ...and the rest of the concerns? Oh my god do you think [PG] will try to move back in if we decline her friend???
Me: no wayy she wants OUT out she's already got a new place lined up and her shit in boxes at the door waiting to be hauled off forever
Her: omg like. Far? Like is she moving far? Please tell me she's moving sooo far
Me: yes lmao dont even worry I dont know the exacts but it's nowhere even near here
Her: okay slayyyyy thank you for being dope as hell it's such a relief that this crazy person is gone so we can all just chilllll
Me: okay so about that
Her: ohhh no
Me: yes so you already know what we're dealing with. You know how she deemed me unworthy of being on speaking terms with her? I didn't mind that at all and really just kept tf to myself. Then suddenly she moves in this friend of hers and I just assumed this was done with some sort of approval from you, because that would be the normal thing to do.
Her: okay that's kind of wack, do you guys not like get a vote on these sorts of things
Me: I stayed out of it plus like I'm really not gonna start questioning her and risk putting myself in the line of fire and everyone is pretty much in that position as well
Her: omg no fr...
Me: so like I just kept to myself and my work without thinking about it... then I find out she was living here totally off the record when PG sent that email requesting that she be added to the lease. That's when the conversation opened up. And listen this new girl is super young super naive didnt realize that she was even doing anything wrong and then suddenly everyone's totally freaking out and realizing that this goes against the lease agreement and that if you find out, our ability to live here is jeopardized. She got us into hot water and then just... left us to deal with the consequences.
Her: she's still legally bound by the lease until it changes so if anything goes wrong she wont be escaping accountability no matter how many -isms she throws at me. I want this to work for all of us and we got this trust thang between us and I wouldn't evict you guys omg evictions are seriously sooo annoying and *most* of you have been great tenants especially (names everyone except for the unemployed ftm) they're all super chill and mature and we've had great conversations so yeah I'm just glad she's gone
Me: incredible yaas I love honesty. She has been actively impeding our ability to have a productive working relationship with you and each other it's so crazy
Her: literallyyyy😁🥂🔥yipeee
Me: yippee yaaaaay yay 😇☝️��
Her: okay so my game plan is to interview the new girl irl like no zoom bs I really wanna read her vibes and decide if this is worth it... I'll give her a chance but if that doesn't work out... I mean... tee hee..... the yearly house inspection is coming up...
Me: ok that's so dope. She's gonna be moving upstairs once PG vacates so its gonna be pretty hard to hide the fact someone's right there even just doing a quick walk-through
Her: yeah so if things don't go well and I decide against putting her on the lease and they still don't admit to having her there then at least I can talk to them about it when the inspection happens and be chill about it and pretend like I totally had no idea. We can work something out as long as everything is good you know what I mean... okay if you need anything at all dont even hesitate to give me a call
Me: absolutely and if I have any updates I'll let you know ASAP, lmk if you need anything srsly I dont want to cause you any more stress like from what i understand you've had a stressful enough year
Her: yes good lord i have, thank you for being considerate..... seriously it's been hellish and this conversation has been such a relief
etc etc obviously the conversation was longer and more thorough but you get the gist. She's awesome. We hung up and I skipped my way to the grocery store
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wendytestabrat · 5 months
why family guy needs to shorten its seasons
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ok so i just saw how s22 of family guy is gonna wrap up with only 15 episodes (this season was terrible, but i digress) i hope it stays that way because i think a BIG reason why family guy has gone downhill is bc the writers and staff are burnt out af with the huge episode load rather than it being a lack of talent. like ya’ll be shitting on modern family guy for being bad but then praise modern south park, well in all fairness matt & trey are only making 6 episodes a season now while the family guy writers make like 20 so i don’t think it’s rlly a fair comparison LOL. plus the family guy episodes take longer to make too bc of the animation, they take up to 9 months to a year while matt & trey make the south park episodes within 6 days. so yeah i’ve been wanting family guy to make shorter seasons FOREVER bc i feel like the show would benefit A LOT from making quality over quantity. it’s been hard for me to keep up with family guy episodes these days with how many bad episodes they keep pumping out. it makes it hard to dig and find which ones are actually good and worth watching lol. (which i’m on a mission rn to torture myself with a bunch of modern family guy to find those episodes bc i’m such a martyr like that, i’ll link the blog i did a while back on the top 10 modern episodes below) bc yeah family guy still comes out with good episodes and funny jokes every now and then which shows the writers are talented and do know how to make magic if they rlly try lol. (and i still think modern family guy is wayyyy better than a lot of shows these days) so i think the show just needs to make less episodes that are higher quality than 57382992 bad episodes. i mean literally every other popular adult cartoon these days has shorter seasons too. south park has 6 episodes a season, rick & morty has 10, bojack horseman has 12, even the latest futurama season only had 10 episodes lol, so yeah i think that’s what family guy needs to do too to keep up with the popularity of those shows and become the cool kid on the block again like it once was. (bc yeah back in the day family guy was like the most popular adult cartoon on tv and i feel like it deserves to become that again and has the potential to as well) ik family guy always had long af seasons but it worked in the past when the show was actually good and every single one was a masterpiece. that was something i appreciated abt family guy back then was how we were getting WAYY more consistently good episodes than south park (bc south park seasons have always been shorter than family guy seasons). anyway i hate it when people complain about the south park seasons getting shorter like ya’ll are dumb u do realize matt & trey are old af and burnt out right? LOL stop pressuring two dudes in their 50s who are close to the age of retirement to pump out 473892923 cartoon episodes. i feel like if south park had longer seasons the show could’ve gone downhill as badly as family guy did (and we did see the show getting pretty bad in seasons 20-23 before they shortened the seasons even more) so lets be grateful matt & trey are doing what they need to do to keep the show running and going strong still. anyway here is the list i did on the top 10 best modern family guy episodes a while back if u haven’t seen it.
this video is based bc they put “send in stewie please” at #1 too. people don’t appreciate how much of a masterpiece that episode is lol
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xhaotixaesthetica · 6 years
Guardian Witch!Hyunjin
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Starlink Intergalactic Navigator
You are in: a genetic mutation of The Fantasia Star System 
TRIGGER WARNING: one mention of groping, one mention of a creepy man luring kids in a van, some sexual themes
man this is gonna fuck me up so hard but lezzgettit i need to stop reading jae’s tweets
idk how it works in y’all’s universe, y’all got some weird shit going on that one dude, trump? WILDT
but here in CS2001, witches are a subcategory of demons, so basically you got a guardian demon trailing after you 24/7
guardian witch! hyunjin looks like the above picture, his eyes are like that constantly, but whenever he works any kind of magic, his irises glow
hyunjin is not a subtle bitch and he works magic pretty much 24/7 so either they’re normally constantly glowing or flashing like a fucking neon sign
once when y’all were cuddling and he was staring up at the ceiling, his eyes were just constantly glowing and when you asked about it he said, “I’m protecting you.” all casual like he does this shit all the time which he does sis do you know how many shields and protection spells are around your fucking house
crying rn, where can i get me a guardian witch! hyunjin
hyunjin is v young, esp for a demon, he’s the same age as you, but all the other demons are fucking terrified of him and they never tease him about it except his eight other crackhead demon friends
boy knows some powerful magic, some neutral, some light, and some very very dark
no one outwardly knows if he’s ever offed someone but he never gives a straight answer to the question, only this smug little smirk, and he knows a little too much about some very disturbing curses and torture devices
this is not to say that he’s a bad person, he’s not, he’s like the chaotic good type
because the only people that end up on his shit list are the people who deserve it
that dude who groped you without your consent when you were 13? yeah no one knows what happened to him, hyunjin don’t fuck with that sexual assault shit
the creepy dude in the white van trying to lure kids in that hyunjin happened to spot when he was walking you home from school one day? yeah, he’s missing and a bunch of previously missing kids were recovered the next day
he’s not like a vigilante or an antihero, boy spends most of his time with you anyways, but this shit is everywhere and if he sees it, he’s gonna put a stop to it
there was no big event where you came home and saw him chilling on your bed and threw him out the window in fear if i saw hyunjin’s fine ass on my bed after i came home from school, i’d probs cry and need a bowl of cereal to cope
he was just kinda always with you
demons are notoriously bad parents so when his mom had him, bitch just kind of dipped and he was assigned to you
witches don’t eat, not like humans anyways, they feed off energy, what kind of energy depends on what kind of witch it is
guardian witches feed off the life energy of their person, so as long as you’re alive he is too
growing up, your parents were no stranger to the name hyunjin cause you talked about him constantly but they thought he was just an imaginary friend till you were like seven and hyunjin started his drum faze and he was “drumming along” to linkin park on your father’s office desk at 3am
now they just don’t comment when shit starts floating around the house or you scream at them when they try to sit in a spot where hyunjin’s already sitting
he can actually appear to people if he chooses to, he just likes fucking with your parents, this dumbass thinks their reactions are funny
two of hyunjin’s dumbass demon friends, these little assholes named minho and jisung like to hang around your house and eat all your fucking food, EVEN THOUGH THEY’RE FUCKING WITCHES AS WELL AND DON’T NEED FOOD
they hang around your house constantly, it’s like they live there
it’s lowkey a battle for who can get hyunjin’s attention
now onto YOU and hyunjin
boy is WHIPPDT
he low-key follows you everywhere, not like a stalker, he’ll just find an excuse to go anywhere you go
claims it’s cause you need protection, when really he does, cause this bitch is ready to throw hands at any single loud noise
you and hyunjin are a couple but were best friends long before that and it fucking shows
knows all your orders from every single restaurant, but he doesn’t order it, he just pops it into existence cause he’s lazy and he doesn’t like the way the cashier checks you out when you guys go
jinnie takes his job as your guardian WAYY too seriously
you ain’t going outside in late fall without a jacket, you better be wearing short sleeves in summer, no standing around in the rain you might get sick, ANYONE messes with you at school, you gotta tell him so he can kick their asses
some things hyunjin doesn’t have a solution for but he’ll just be by your side for it and it’s so calming. you got a test? he’s sitting beside you both while you study and while you take it lowkey trying to help you cheat, you might have to hit him a bit or accept his help and cheat, do what you gotta do sis, you won’t need that info later on anyways
you gotta come out to your parents? boy’s right there rubbing circles on your hand with his thumb
you gotta give a speech? he’s in the audience with a foam finger and a fucking banner with your name on it, trying to be stupid and make you laugh
supportive in the most tsundere way
“ooh, that looks cool” he says nonchalantly, looking your talent show dance and pretending like he didn’t just finish putting  up flyers for the show, highlighting your name and crossing out the other contestant’s names and drawing mustaches on them and acting like it was just your fucking solo performance basically
“y/n can we cuddle i had a nightmare :(”
“jinnie....it’s noon and you don’t sleep”
despite how he acts and how clingy he is, this boy is so fucking tsundere and actually quite shy
his eyes glow when you hold his hand cause he still has to perform a silent spell to keep himself from blushing
he pretends to be all aloof when his friends are over
“y/n don’t hold my hand, you have two for a reason, hold your own”
this is said WHILE he’s crawling into your lap and literally drinking from the same cup as you
he’s not reserved about PDA around other demons who aren’t his friends, boy wants them to know you’re taken
“jinnie, what are you doing why are your eyes glowing?”
“i don’t like the way that asshole was looking at you”
“but your eyes only glow when you— HWANG HYUNJIN DID YOU JUST MAKE ME INVISIBLE?!”
“don’t worry we both are”
whenever hyunjin feels really REALLY strongly (anger, lust, happiness, doesn’t matter as long as the emotion’s really really strong), his eyes will glow completely green iris, pupil, sclera the white part for you uneducated bitches, and all
you’ve only seen this happen three times (minus when you have sex, boy’s eyes go green quicker than you can get him on the bed)
the first time was when y’all were fifteen and he realized he loved you
it was stupid, you were literally just about to fall asleep and he was playing with your hair and looked down and was like wow, i would really die for this moron
and his eyes glowed green and he just poofed out of your room and you didn’t see him for two days it was like that video of that cat that ran in and said i love you and then zoomed off real confused cause they couldn’t handle their emotions
the second time was when y’all were 17 and you were the first to say i love you
he. literally. started. crying.
cause he still has doubts that anyone could ever really love a demon and he thinks that you’re amazing and you could get any guy you want but you fell for him? that shit just got to him man, he wouldn’t stop saying i love for for like three hours
fight me you dumb bitch, you’re literally a fucking god and you deserve all the love in the world
can y’all tell i love hyunjin, i love hyunjin so fucking much :(
and the third time was when an angel tried to get you to ditch him
they do this shit a lot actually, they don’t agree with the idea of any sort of demon being a guardian so they try to get the human to break the bond and get a guardian angel
and this angel was bold, he walked up to you when hyunjin was right there, the nerve of him >:(
hyunjin’s eyes glowed green as soon as he realized what was happening
“you have three seconds to get the hell away from my human before we have a fucking problem”
he fucking growled the words out
ngl, it was hot, you’d never really seen hyunjin this mad before 
the angel was scared af
yall went home and fucked after, for a loooong time
if you ever want to get hyunjin riled up, call him hyunjin instead of jinnie
his eyes glow green and he does that thing that people do where they like close their eyes and roll their neck around, trying to release the tension from their shoulders and keep themselves under control idk if you know what i’m talking about but it’s so dom, jimin from bts did it once and i think i had a spasm
“yes baby?”
and he’s looking down at you really intensely, like you’re something to eat
you can always tell when he’s in the mood either cause his eyes are glowing or suddenly your name has switched from y/n, love, sweetheart, and loser to baby or prince/ess
jinnie has an animal form
it is, you guessed it, A SAMOYED DOG
except his fur is as black as his hair and he’s kinda VERY big for a samoyed, and his eyes are green
people who know what samoyeds are and are supposed to look like are kind of freaked out when they see him but everyone else just coos over how cute he is cause he is
he’s a very happy pup, actually likes for you to walk him and take him to the dog park and shit
doesn’t like leashes, but he’ll never admit that he actually likes wearing the collar with your name on it
“i just don’t see why i have to wear it y/n”
“jinnie, you don’t, you made me buy it”
“it’s not like if i can’t find my way home or teleport if the pound picks me up”
“that’s what i said before you made me buy it”
*dramatic sigh* “if you insist, just put the damn thing on so i can go play”
“jinnie, you don’t have to wear it, i really don’t care—”
even sometimes changes into his samoyed form while you're at school and walks around the street so strangers give him food and pets and tell him how pretty he is
he’s really carefree and happy in this form and usually only changes into it when he’s really stressed or just wants to chill or play
he likes to lay on you in this form big ass mf thinks he’s a fucking lap dog or some shit so you rub his ears and give him pets and belly scratches and will not move until he gets them
lays in sunspots and sways his tail like a cat
not afraid to use the puppy dog eyes and they work everytime
call him a good boy or a good dog and he’ll probably bite you
do NOT play tug-of-war with this damn dog, he does not care that you’re his s/o, he will fucking DRAG you with NO. MERCY
one time y’all were at the mall and he was trotting along beside you in samoyed form, happy as a clam, until some rando person came up trying to spit game
long story short, jinnie peed on their leg
he got an earful that day but he still hasn’t apologized and probably never will
“i had to go y/n”
“c’mon prince/ss, it’s not like they didn’t get what they deserved, who wants to be flirted with while they’re walking their dog”
his logic makes ZERO sense and he knows it, bub just doesn’t wanna admit he was jealous
and as he’s saying this he’s back hugging you, whispering in your ear, swaying gently, even nibbling on your neck and earlobe a bit
he’s got you wrapped around his finger and he uses that to his full advantage
he thinks you deserve it for stealing his heart >:(, how dare you reader
so basically guardian witch! hyunjin is a really chill but really devoted boyfriend, protective af with a heart of gold and would give you the moon and stars but pretends like he would sell you to satan for one corn chip
The Fantasia Star System 
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator
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it’s just me and some of my thoughts that I need to get out, so don’t mind me
Since this year’s ending I’m thinking a lot about next year, though when I haven’t done that lol. And since it seems my life is finally back on track. I can finally look forward to my plans that I’ve made ages ago.
But I’m getting a lot of pressure from my parents to do that or that or something else and it’s so easy to make thousands of plans for next year and then see how most of them burn and burn with them too. So I’ve made one thing clear for myself - have one big plan for next year. That doesn’t mean to leave other plans for someday. Only that have one that I will spend my time and money on so it would pay off in my near future. Concerts and trips are plans but they’re like part of my life so I’m not even thinking about that much. But what I’ve decided is that the big plan for next year is to finally learn German. I will take courses and i don’t care if I’ll need to spend my nights without much sleep but I WILL learn it. Because I want and I need. This will open a lot of doors for me or to put it differently this will let my open some doors that are closed for me now. Also another good thing, next autumn I will be able to pay my student loan. I want that next year for me would be marked as my personal growth year. I might not be able to move out and rent a place for myself for now, but that doesn’t stop me from healing and changing myself to a version of myself I want to see. I will have therapy probably till next autumn so hopefully I will heal or at least I will be on the path of healing. And as for changing myself it means a lot of change in my appearance and style. I have planned or still planning things I wanna change and boyy oh boy it’s gonna be hard for my parents to see that change but I’m willing to stand up for myself and finally show them how I wanna look and also show them that I don’t care if they approve of it or not. Yes, it’s gonna be hard af for me since I’m gonna still be living with my mother but hell, if I survived 23 year of it, I can survive a bit more, right? 
I wanna be optimistic for next year, but I also know that I shouldn’t be too optimistic and shouldn’t get my hope too high because disappointment gonna hurt like a bitch. 
Now as for my creative and artistic side I’m wayy too lost to make any plans or be optimistic, that’s the hardest part of it all probably and I’m still not sure what kind of approach I should take on it next year. But that doesn’t mean I won’t be looking out for opportunities, maybe I will take another course for idk filming or such, maybe something else will come up.
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