dexlexia · 10 months
how to deal with 3 warlords (while pregnant) - cross guild x reader
pairing: dracule mihawk x buggy the clown x reader x crocdile rating: 18+ summary: Three warlords, three of the most vicious men in all of the world. And somehow, someway they are at your beck and call. What started out as an arrangement with Sir Crocodile turned into a liaison with Mihawk and somewhere along the way you ended up in bed with the clown. tags: long fic (over 5k), polyam!cross guild, smut, pwp, table sex, couch sex, lingerie, slight possessive behaviour, good ol' time, fingering, outdoor sex, clothed sex, cowgirl position.
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Three warlords, three of the most vicious men in all of the world. And somehow,someway they are at your beck and call. What started out as an arrangement with Sir Crocodile turned into a liaison with Mihawk and somewhere along the way you ended up in bed with the clown. 
Now you were living quite well in a large manor on some island in the southeast. You spent most of your days reading, you had even taken up a little gardening. Anything you wanted the Cross Guild got for you. Not many people were living like you on the Grand Line. 
Then it happened. You ended up pregnant by one of the idiots. One of the three men was the father of your child. You expected to be on the next boat off the island, but none of the men were willing to send you off. They wanted to make sure their little lady was taken care of. While they bicker over who the father was, they each made sure you were taken care of. 
  ”Can't you hurt now.“ Crocodile told you as he brushed his fingers through your hair, ”If it isn't my brat this time, it will be next time.“ And he almost smiled around the cigar in his mouth.
So that was how you became the lovely wife to three of the most dangerous men on the high seas. And sometimes you wished their boat would sink. 
At six months pregnant it wasn't easy to get around, you spent most days rubbing the sore spot in your back and hobbling around the manor. Most of the time the men kept to themselves and allowed you freedom to roam around the place. 
There was something about the manor you quite enjoyed, even if the men barely got along they still cared deeply for you. You had the pleasure of being called more beautiful than any treasure. But it was Buggy who told you that and then he promptly passed out from too much liquor. So the compliment only went so far. 
It was a home, even with three fearsome men, you still were happy. You thought of it as a way to keep the men in check. You were like the glue that held them together or prevented them from killing one another. It wasn't easy work but it was your work. 
You rubbed your achy lower back and huffed, ”You better come out easy, or we're going to have a problem.“ You then poked your swollen middle. Your current wardrobe was clothing that belonged to the men. You hadn't had much time to find cuter clothes so you often were dressed like a mob boss or a gothic swordsman or a fucking clown. But none of them men minded, to be fair they'd preferred if you were naked. You however refused to give them the satisfaction.
You weren't a toy to be ogled at, and if any of them treated you like an object they'd be out on the yard before they could finish their sentence. You refused to raise a child to believe that a woman would be under a man. Even if their father was a warlord you'd teach them compassion and kindness in an unforgiving world. 
It was the least you could do. So even with the aches and pains you were happy to carry such a precious gift. You gave your belly and soft pat, ”I'm not mad at you“ You said, ”I just want everything to go smoothly, I'm excited to meet you. And the boys will love you too. They might be a bit much but you'll always have a home.“ 
  ”Talking to the baby again, I see.“ You heard.
  ”Crocodile.“ You responded as you looked up from your swollen middle. Hand on your lower back once more, ”I thought you were busy, Mihawk told me that.“  
You'd say out of the three of them, Crocodile was the most ”attentive“, there was a charm to him that you couldn't deny. You understood why he was able to charm his way through Alabasta. But anything you needed he got for you without question. He often enjoyed your pregnant state, the idea that he bred you so well left him excited. Such a good girl carrying his spawn, and if it happened that the baby belonged to the swordsman or the clown, he'd make sure that next time he finished the job. 
  ”I'm never too busy for you. Where are you going anyway?“ He asked,“If you need something, I will get it fo you.” He approached you and leaned down to caress your bump, “You will need for nothing. You should be resting.“
  ”I have to move sometimes, Crocodile. Even with the pains in my lower back.“ You huffed as you rubbed the sore spot, ”Can't be bed bound forever.“ 
He chuckled and kissed the top of your head, ”If you wanted a back rub you should've come to my office. Mihawk is too rough with you and the clown is an idiot. So why don't we get what you need and head to the bedroom.“ He leaned further down and kissed you on the lips.
You cupped his face and looked at him, ”If you can get me the ice pop from the freezer in the kitchen I'll happily accept your offer.“ And gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes you could muster. 
He chuckled, ”You always know how to get your way.“ Then took you by the hand, ”Why don't get go before the clown takes all of them.“ Then he started to slowly walk to the kitchen on the lower level.
The warlord had a soft spot for you, he was enamoured by you. You were so small compared to him yet you held your own. The kind of woman who would bear his young. 
Soon you were seated at the massive dinner table happily enjoying the blue ice pop that was in the freezer with your back turned to Crocodile. His hand was on your back slowly massaging the aches and pains on your lower back. You could tell he was getting aroused by the closeness to you. You smiled to yourself as he rubbed at your back. 
  ”How's the child doing?” He asked as the hooked hand reached around you and carefully rubbed your bump, “Is he behaving?”
You chuckled, “We don't know the gender of the baby.” And took another bite of the cold treat, “You better not be disappointed if they're a girl."
He chuckled and pressed at a sore spot on your back, ”I could never, not with you.“ Then pulled away, "You're still a marvellous sight, even this far in. You're a beauty to behold, little one.“ Then leaned in to get a good feeling on the tenseness of your lower back, ”You're a good girl, right?“
You turned your head to look at him, ”You're not just being nice for sex are you?“ You reached over and stroked his face, ”Right?“
He moved back a little, “No, of course, I'd only have sex with you, with you permission.” He swallowed. Only the warlord would get nervous around you.
You chuckled and patted him on the cheek, “Why don't you finish this up for me.” You placed the ice pop in his mouth and moved off the chair. You hiked up the shirt that looked like a dress as you hoisted yourself onto the lavish dining table with a huff. It's hard to be sexy when you're so pregnant. 
  “Oh?” He said, “And here I thought you wanted a massage. But if there's something you desire, I'm happy to provide.” He smirked at you as he got up from the other chair.  He stood in front of you and admired you, such a beautiful woman in his eyes. 
Crocodile was such a fearsome man but here he was in front of you, with a glint in his eye as he watched you unbutton the shirt you wore and soon revealed your almost naked form. He had noticed that your breasts had gotten a bit bigger during the time you were pregnant so far, and that only made the man smirk. 
  “Let's get you out of those." He remarked as he helped you out of your underwear, you held onto his broad shoulders as he slipped them off of you. He placed your bum back down on the table and carefully spread your legs. His hook grazed at the soft flesh of your inner thigh and he carefully licked his hip lip.
  ”Don't stare at me like I'm meat, Crocodile.“ You remarked as you held onto the front of his shirt, all three of the men admired you but you had to warn them sometimes not to view you like a slab of meat for sale. They were yours as much as you were theirs, there would be a level of respect you demanded. 
You didn't think it was too much to ask considering you were carrying one of their children, you weren't a broodmare goddamnit! 
He reached over and patted you on the head, his face got closer to yours as he smiled at you, ”Don't you worry, baby. I would never. You're less like meat and more like the finest gold in all of the blue.“ His broad hand reached to your cheek and rubbed it, ”The others should be lucky I even let you in the same room as them.“ Then kissed you on the forehead. He carefully held your legs open for him, he exhaled deeply as he admired your sweet sex, ”Now let's get the show on the road before the others find us.“ Then with a little help from you, he slid his cock into you. 
Taking him was like a punch in the gut sometimes, even when he was being slow. He was just so BIG. It was hard to take him all at once. But he took his time, he didn't want to leave you too sore. His hand was on your waist as he started to thrust into you. The hook on his other hand held onto the side of the table for support. He leaned down and kissed at your neck, ”That's it.“ He said almost breathless against your neck, ”There we go. Such a good girl.“ 
The table made small noises as it was pushed ever so slightly across the carpeted floor. But you didn't pay much mind to it, you were too concerned with the feeling of euphoria that came over you. It was a great feeling, even with the minor stretch you were in good hands with the warlord. 
  ”Crocodile.“ You said softly, ”Fuck.“ 
He chuckled, his warm skin was pressed up against you, ”I know, you like when we have sex. I wouldn't have it with anyone else, those other idiots should be lucky that they get to have a taste of you.“ His voice was low, there was a possessive edge to it that sent a shiver up your spine. While the agreement worked you knew that Crocodile would rather have you all to yourself.
The sex was quiet and secretive. Hot breathing and soft moans filled the air of the lavish dining room. Crocodile's larger body stayed around you as he thrusted up into you. But even the warlord couldn't keep his composure for long.
  ”I want you to finish at the same time as me, baby.“ He said hotly into your ear, ”I want to feel you get very tight around me when you finish. Can you do that for me?“ His breathing was rapid and his shirt was sticking to his muscular back as he thrusted up into you. 
You squeezed your eyes shut for a moment as you felt the wave of pleasure over your body, ”I can do that.“ You panted. Your body jolted with the thrusts, your pregnant belly and heavy breasts moved with each thrust of his hips. 
He pulled you into a deep kiss, he even explored your mouth with his tongue while the intense feeling of climax took hold. It wasn't long before you were clinging onto him for dear life, you belly pressed against him. Then with one last thrust of his cock, you moaned into his mouth and climaxed at the same time as him. You let out a sharp squeak before a primal groan as you felt the wash of pleasure through your system. It made you go lightheaded. 
Soon Crocodile pulled away and patted you on the cheek. He looked over at the half melted popsicle beside you. Between his breaths he said, “Let me get you another one.” then leaned in for one last kiss. The thrill of pleasure still coursed through his body. He cleared his throat and asked, “Blue, right?”
You giggled, your head still a haze and replied, “Or we could go again?” And spread your legs a little further. And what kind of husband would Crocodile be if he didn't give in to his wife's request?
It had been about a week since your encounter with Crocodile. And while you were achy for days later, it wouldn't be the last time you'd have sex. Mihawk had just come back from a trip abroad and while he brought nothing for the other men, he was more than happy to show you what he got you. 
You were now almost seven months and the baby in you was feeling a lot more active, which made you out of breath a lot of the time. But you were determined to see what the swordsman got you. One of the gifts was a lovely dress made for someone as far along as you and while it was a little tight around the belly, you were happy Mihawk even thought of you. 
But there was still more he wanted to show you. The other men were out of the manor, so you went looking for Mihawk. You were occupied all morning with prepping for dinner, between the three warlords not a single one of them knew how to properly cook. They were as clueless in the kitchen as they were competent in combat. So it was just easier for you to cook, there was less of a chance that a fire would break out. 
 “Mihawk!” You called out as you climbed the long staircase upstairs. You peeked into the rooms until you found the man in his study. You let yourself in.
  “You know you can't just- oh, I didn't hear you, my love.” He got up from his chair at the desk, “You shouldn't be putting so much strain on yourself. Come.” He guided you to the old style leather couch at the other end of the room, “You should be resting.” 
  “Well I heard that someone bought me presents while away, and I want my presents.” You smiled at him as you tried to get comfortable on the chair, “Can you blame me?”
 “I'm sorry, I should've found you sooner.” he replied, “Let me get them for you.“ He quickly left the room only to swiftly return with delicately wrapped gifts in hand. He put them on the table in front of you then sat beside you. He watched you with careful eyes as you grabbed the first one. His lips were close to your ear as he said, “Open it.”
It was a floral patterned wrapping paper and underneath was a black box with a white ribbon tied around it, there was a note attached to it that read, ”Forever yours, Mihawk.“ You turned to look at him and he softly kissed you. You then went back to opening the box. It wasn't long until you discovered the contents of the gift. Inside in a bed of tissue paper was burgundy lingerie. 
You turned to look at Mihawk who had his eyes on you. You said to him, ”You shouldn't have.“
He tilted his head to the side, ”What I paid for is nothing compared to how much you're worth. It should fit you.“ His hand played with your hair gently, ”Will you try it on for me?“ And smiled when you slowly stood up, he even carefully supported you while you moved. 
You responded, “Of course.”  With gentle hands you pulled the bra and matching panties out. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw how little fabric there was. You guessed he was right, it would fit if there was nothing to put on. You felt his eyes on you as he got up and started to undress you.
His hands found your swollen middle and he sighed contently, “You've been taking care of him while I've been gone. Good girl.” 
You turned around to him and started to take the dress off, “You men are so possessive. I'm your wife, not a broodmare.” You reminded him.
He leaned in for a kiss and before he did it, he replied, “Of course, I could never remember you as anything but my wife. I am just glad that the others weren't too rough with you. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you.” 
  “Nothing will ever happen to me, I have the best protection on the planet.” You said as you stepped out of your dress. Soon your undergarments came off and he slowly put the pieces on you. 
You noticed right away that in the crotch area, there was an opening. You looked at him with a bit and shock and he got even closer to you. His bare chest was pushed against you and his hand dipped down between your legs. 
  “It's your gift. But under my conditions.” He remarked before he pushed two fingers inside of you. His skillful digits massaged the inside of your pussy and felt just right that you went on your tippy toes and clutched onto him. 
Your nipples grew hard from the sensation and them being practically exposed. Your cheeks grew warm and he went in for another kiss. You held onto him tightly as the pleasure raced through you. This felt amazing. 
Mihawk's favourite position was when he had you so close to his bigger form and fingered you. He prioritised your pleasure first, he wanted to see every expression you made when he pleasured you. He wanted to see and hear how good it was for you. And he was one to never disappoint. Those sharp gold eyes trained on you as he brought you into his lap with your legs open and facing the door. He kissed your neck while you panted and moaned. 
His other hand wandered your bump, “I want it to be mine, I want you to bear me a child who'll truly be the greatest. I have high hopes that it'll be mine.” Then left a deep bruise on your neck.
Your moans often got stuck in your throat from the immense pleasure that Mihawk was giving you. You hooked your hands under your knees to give him a better angle, with your back pressed against his chest.
The thrusts of his fingers were powerful and left your head spinning. This was euphoric. Soon his hand was on your breast and he skilfully fondled it as he continued to finger you at a punishing pace.
Your moans rung clear in the office while he pleasures you on the couch. At least your wetness can easily be cleaned off the leather. Your eyes rolled back as you gripped your thighs in a heightened pleasure.
  “So good for me.” He praised, “A beautiful woman I am able to give pleasure to, it's an honour.” He knew your heart was racing, he could probably feel it. He continued to kiss at your neck as his pace quickened even more. 
Your toes curled in the intense feeling and you moaned loudly as you rolled your hips in time with his movement which caused your breasts and belly to bounce. The knowledge of that made Mihawk's cock twitch in his pants. You really were a remarkable woman. 
He pinched at your nipple and your moans got louder. You pussy clenched around his fingers and he groaned into your flushed skin, ”So perfect.“ he thumb gazed at your clit and you practically jumped but you didn't get too far. He pulled you back in and you got louder as he pleasured you further.
You felt a grip around you as hot pleasure raced through your body. Your core felt on fire from the sensation. And Mihawk thought it was divine.  You looked angelic, especially when he hit just the right spot and you climaxed. 
He groaned into your skin as you tightened around his fingers. You tensed for a moment before you relaxed against him and tried to catch your breath. Yor head was spinning but you felt safe in Mihawk's arms. 
  ”How was that?“ He asked, ”You looked divine when I was pleasuring you. Do you want more?“
You exhaled deeply and slowly got up. You stood in front of him, ”Well.“ You said, ”Let's see how resilient this lace is?“ Then slowly he brought you back to the couch with the full intention of seeing what 'damage' he could do before the other men came home. 
Buggy was home the most, while the other two had matters to attend to off the island, Buggy was well Buggy. He was a fearsome clown but you spent the most time with him. You enjoyed his company, even when it was something as simple as watching over you while you gardened. 
It was the middle of summer and everyone was in their own little corner of the house. You were out in the garden behind the manor waddling around with a watering can in hand. You were tending to the roses portion of the garden before you moved on to the strawberries nearby. 
You didn't mind the alone time, it gave you time to think. You tried not to get too anxious about how your life is going to change once the baby is born. It felt so far away yet so close. Before the first autumn leaves you were going to be a mother! And at times it left you rather anxious. 
You shook off the thoughts while you poured the water over the roses. You heard the back door open and close. You turned to look over and saw Buggy. And when your eyes met, he broke out into a grin. 
  ”Well there you are, my peanut!“ Then made strides to get closer to you. You quickly noticed in his hand was your large sun hat. He approached and placed it on your head, ”I don't think now is the best time to get a sunburn. You know Crocodile will kill you.“ Then leaned in for a kiss. 
While the other two were mysterious, Buggy seemed normal in comparison. Well, for a clown pirate anyway. He had a very sweet spot for you and while you hadn't seen much of his feared nature, you enjoyed your time with him. He was an open book to you.
  ”You know one of us can do that, like you don't have to keep coming out here. Especially alone, what if you slip on some mud or like... A bird drops a rock on your head!" 
You laughed, ”Buggy, I think I have bigger things to worry about than a bird."
He shrugged before he took the watering can from you, “I'd hate to see anything happen to ya, so let's go. It's time for  a break!” Then placed it down before he guided you away from the garden and towards the shade under the largest tree on the property. 
He helped you down onto the grass and he went in for another kiss. He moaned against your lips as gloved hands cupped your face. It was almost romantic if not for the heat between your kisses. Your heart jumped.
  “You shouldn't be out here all alone, angel. What if someone hurt you? What if someone took you from me?“ He stared down at you.
You smiled back at him and reached out for him. You placed a hand on his cheek and assured him, ”No one would ever dare.“ Then went in for another kiss.You felt excitement race though you as he laid down in the grass with you on top of him. 
  ”Good, because you're mine, peanut. Just like that kid in your belly.“ He grinned at you and nodded. Soon with the help of his powers one of his hands reached down, detached from his body and lifted up your dress. He slipped his hand under and found the less than stylish maternity underwear you wore. 
  ”What do you think you're doing, clown?“ You asked, as you held his face, ”Did you come to check on me so you could fuck me?“ 
He laughed, ”Of course not, having sex with you is just a bonus!“ Then with another hand, pull down the underwear to the middle of your thigh, ”C'mon, then afterwards I'll even help ya water the garden. Seeing you all domestic has really turned me on.” Then he grabbed your ass. 
You moaned and he pulled you in for a searing kiss. He continued to gab at your ass as the kiss deepened. He pulled you dress up further to expose your bare ass to the afternoon air. 
  “You drive me crazy.“ He remarked before he created a bit of room between you two to get his cock out of his pants, ”So why don't you be a good girl and get me off.“ He beamed at you. 
You squeezed his nose between your thumb and pointer finger, ”And what do we say with that, Buggy?“
He frowned suddenly, ”Please. Please angel, sugar, honey, peanut, please, please!“ His cock was out of his pants and pressed into your swollen middle, ”I'd love to see that belly bounce while ya ride me.“  Then he attached both hands to his wrists and held onto your waist. ”I want you.“
You chuckled and held onto the bottom of your dress so a bit of your belly was exposed as you eated yourself onto him. You held his hand for support as you slowly seated yourself onto him. You exhaled deeply, “Yeah.“
  ”Doing alright there, peanut?“ He asked as he rubbed your hip with his free hand, ”That's it, good girl.“
You moaned as you started to roll your hips.  You held onto his hand and the bottom of your dress while you rolled your hips. You felt his cock nudge against the most sensitive spots. For a clown he was a good fuck.
Your eyes closed and your mouth slightly opened as you moved faster.  Buggy groaned and soon both hands were on your hips as he tried to meet your pace. “Shit.” You moaned as you felt pleasure spread through your body like warm butter on hot toast. Your cheeks were flushed as you continued to move your body. 
The two of you went at it, you kept the pace steady. It was getting quicker but the depths that he pushed against made you see stars behind your eyelids. Your heart raced as you moved against him. The feeling of overwhelming moments. Sex with Buggy left you breathless as it did with the other men. You were glad that your pussy could take a beating. The thought made you smirk for a second before you felt his thumb rub up against your clit. 
You jolted up but he used his other hand to keep you back down on his cock. He chuckled, “You're not getting away that easily, angel. I know I make you feel good, that's why the brat in ya is mine. His hand moved to your belly to feel around it while he played with your clit.
You felt moans bubble up in your throat as you rode him. You picked up the pace as the swirl of pleasure moved in the pit of your stomach. Your breathing was rapid as your belly moved with your movements. A sight the clown would never get out of his mind. His girl pregnant with his brat riding him on a sunny afternoon, he couldn't luck out more than this!
Soon the pleasure became an overwhelming feeling for both of you. He handed onto your belly with both hands as he pushed up deeper into you. Your coe felt soaked from the stimulation of his cock as you thrust your hips. Soon your hands were over his on your bump as you moved as fast as your pregnant body would allow.
Buggy's eyes rolled back as he gripped onto your belly, your dress fell back down over the bump as you two met each other's pace. Pleasure coursed through you and you tilted your head back in an attempt to catch your breath as you moved. 
You felt your dress cling to your sweaty back as the two of you made love under the sun. The feeling was euphoric. You reached down and grabbed him by the font of his shirt as you felt on the very tip of orgasm.
The moa got caught in your throat as you climaxed. You tightened around him and he soo finished off too inside of you. He painted your inside white as he let out a loud groan and went limp on the ground. 
You slid off of him, cum stained your inner thigh. You wiped the sweat from your forehead and said, ”C'mon now, Buggy. You have to help me water strawberries.“ But his hands, that were detached from his wrists, pulled your dress up once more.
Soon he was on top of you, squishing your belly as he said between ragged breaths, ”Not until I make you scream, peanut.“ With a wild grin on his face. 
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ghostfacd · 11 months
au masterlist
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Jack had always made sure to compliment how good you were at being a mother. How great you were with the kids, how gracefully you handled each problem when it arose. That was just who Jack Hughes was. He was a charmer, always having a way with his words.
You never hated Jack Hughes more than you had at this moment. Your second and youngest baby, Daisy Hughes, was currently celebrating away her first birthday, her chubby hands clapping together excitedly, not aware that her mother, you, was going through an emotional turmoil.
Your first baby, however, was extremely smart for his age. So caring and thoughtful.
“You ‘kay mama?” He wasn’t able to speak proper sentences yet, only being 2, but he had the idea down.
“I’m okay bubba, thank you for asking.” You picked him up, giving him a kiss on the cheek to which he returned one to yours, sloppy but so full of love that it reminded you of Jack.
In fact, Olivier reminded you so much of Jack. He was practically your husband’s carbon copy, your genes having not put up a single fight.
“Daisy fussin’ mama,” Olivier presses his small hands against your cheek, making you turn to look at his baby sister.
“She’s probably just hungry,” you reassure him, placing him down gently before opening the fridge to get milk. “Aren’t you Daisy bear?”
Your baby talk makes your daughter babble something happily back, smiling ear to ear. She was adorable, your mini copy.
An hour later, most of your family members, including Jack’s parents and Quinn had came over to the house, all holding mini gift bags that said Happy Birthday!
Olivier had practically ran over Ellen, who smothered the boy in kisses before doing the same to Daisy who was currently sitting in her high chair.
“Oh my! She’s grown so big,” Ellen says admiringly, “she looks so much like you Rory.”
“Thank you mama,” you say, holding onto Ellen’s hand for a while before taking out the cake you had bought yesterday from the fridge. It was mini sized, perfect for Daisy who’s eyes lit up at the sight of it.
“Jack’s busy tonight?” Quinn whispers after your baby is done blowing out her cake.
“Yeah, him and Luke are away.” You try to hide your disappointment, but Quinn can clearly see it. He knows you like the back of his hand at this point, you were his sister in law.
“Has he called at least?”
You sigh, shaking your head. You knew Jack loved Daisy, you knew he loved both of your kids with all his heart, but it was still upsetting to know that he would be missing Daisy’s first milestone.
“Well don’t worry about it too much Rory, I’m sure he’ll call by tonight. That’s his Daisy girl after all, he wouldn’t miss seeing you two over FaceTime.”
You nod, giving Quinn a quick hug before waving goodbye to all your family members. Now, it was just you and your two kids, like it had been for the past 2 weeks.
You missed Jack with all your heart, wanting to do this entire parenting thing with him. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to be here with you guys, it was just that he couldn’t. But it didn’t make that any less painful.
“Hey.” The sound of Jack makes both of your kids’ ears perk up, Daisy blabbing happily as Olivier ran out from his room.
“Dada!” Ollie takes a seat right next to Daisy, who was currently on your lap.
“My Ollie boy!” Jack’s smile grows wide, watching as Olivier fidgets around in happiness. “How was Daisy’s birthday baby? Did you guys have fun?”
“So much fun!” Olivier opens his arms wide, as if he was trying to express how much fun he had with the length of his arm. “I had this much fun!”
“Oh really,” Jack laughs. “I bet you did. Did you give mama a hard time?”
“Nah uh!” Olivier shakes his head, getting up and personal to the camera. “Daisy was fussin’ earlier dada, but mama took care of her.”
“I’m glad.” Jack then turns his attention to you on the screen. “Hi Rory sweetheart.”
“Hi,” you say. You want to sound happy, you do, but not having Jack by your side really took a toll on your emotions.
“You okay?”
“I just wish you were here Jacky.”
Jack sighs, turning on his hotel room lamp. “I know baby, I wish I was too. I really miss you guys.”
“It doesn’t seem like it.”
Jack’s happy demeanor flatters. “What did you say?”
“Nothing Jack,”
He shakes his head. “No Rory. I heard you. What do you mean it doesn’t seem like it?”
“You barely called today Jack!” You say exasperated, “it’s your daughter’s first birthday, and you barely called. It’s 10pm right now, I should’ve put Daisy and Ollie to sleep an hour ago, but I was waiting on your phone call ‘cause I knew they’d wanted to see you. You know, their father, Jack.”
Jack rubs his face in annoyance, clearly not expecting such a reaction from you. “Well I’m sorry I was busy Rory. I would’ve called if I wasn’t, you know that right? I love you guys, you know this. I’m sorry I haven’t been there Ror, I know it’s hard on you. But you’re such a good mother, you’re doing so well with the kids, I’m proud of you.”
“You know what’s funny, J?” You laugh, a few tears coming to your eyes. “Your words are supposed to make me feel better. Your compliments are supposed to make me let go of all this tension. But they feel like bullets, Jack. I feel your compliments feel like bullets on skin.”
Jack doesn’t know what to say. He knew you would be upset he wouldn’t be able to make it to Daisy’s birthday, but he didn’t think you’d be this upset.
“I’ll talk to you in the morning, okay? We both just need to calm down.”
And before you could protest, Jack’s already hung up.
You swear quietly, covering your baby’s ear as you do so. You get up from your place on the couch, deciding to just call it a night and put Daisy to sleep.
“Are you asleep yet Ol?” You peek your head quietly into your son’s room after putting Daisy in her crib.
“No mama,” he says quietly back, little feet running to you. “Can I sleep with you tonight?”
“Of course you can sweetheart,” you carry Olivier on your hip, walking to your room and making sure your son gets comfortable under the sheets. “Mama is gonna do her skincare, you sleep first, okay baby?”
“Yes mama.”
That night, you can’t help but cry silently as you cuddled your son close to your chest. You knew you were being emotional, but you couldn’t help it. You missed Jack more than anything.
The next morning, you’re awoken by a kiss on the forehead.
“J?” You say groggily, making out your husband’s face as your vision becomes clearer. “J!”
You throw your arms around him, bringing him into a tight hug.
“Rory.” He replies back, pulling away to give you a long awaited kiss on the lips.
After pulling away, you can’t help but chase his lips, which make him chuckle quietly. He presses his head down to give a kiss on Olivier’s forehead.
“Daisy’s still asleep?” You ask, putting your arms around Jack’s shoulders. You missed feeling his touch so much.
“Sound asleep.” Jack smiles. “Looks exactly like her mama.”
You look down guilty, realizing what you had said to Jack yesterday. “I’m sorry about yesterday J. I was just really emotional about you missing Dais’s first birthday. It means a lot to me that you’re here for our babies milestones.”
“I know.” Jack says, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “I’m here now, okay? I told them I had to be home with my wife and kids immediately after I hung up last night. I had to see you guys again, it was killing me too.”
You pull Jack into a hug once again, cherishing this intimate moment you were having with him. It felt so good to have him back in your arms again after a long 2 weeks.
You were too happy to remember to show him the news you had found out a few days ago.
The blue stick with two lines on it.
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holylulusworld · 7 months
TOL - I’m your daddy now (1) - Lloyd Hansen
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Summary: You reached the end of the rope.
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Singlemom!Reader
Warnings: plus-sized reader, needy Lloyd, Lloyd being Lloyd, Lloyd is an ass and boob enthusiast, mentions of sex for money, money trouble, mentions of cheating (her ex), groping, slight mommy kink (kinda, it's Lloyd)
A/N: This is part of my Traders of love (lust) masterlist series. It's the prequel to TOL - Like a virgin (Bucky Barnes) and tells the story about Lloyd and his assistant sunshine.
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You reached the end of the rope. 
With your three-year-old little boy depending on you, it’s not easy to face reality. In two weeks, you will have to leave your home. The bank will take the house, and even the wreck of a car you call your own.
Your deadbeat of a husband left you with nothing but debs and resentment for men. He’s out and about with a younger, prettier, and slimmer girl. – His words, not yours.
While you tried to save your marriage, he fucked some woman he met at a bar behind your back. You knew he was a sleazy and worthless bastard, but never expected him to turn his back on his son too.
It’s not that you didn’t try anything to make enough money to pay for the mortgage and feed your son. One too many nights you went to bed hungry, only lukewarm water in your belly to at least save enough money to buy food for your baby boy.
“Mommy,” your little boy yawns as he looks up at you. He holds out his chubby hands, whining because you don’t pick him up. You just look at him for a moment, feeling your heart chatter all over again.
“How could I ever fall for your father,” you sniffle when you pick your son up. You peck his cheek and sigh. “At least he gave me you. The only good thing coming out of this relationship.”
You nuzzle his cheek and try to ignore the ache in your chest, and your growling stomach. At least you got paid yesterday. It’s not enough to keep the house for another month, but you can get food on the table.
Whatever happens tomorrow, you don’t know. The website you found promised help in hopeless situations. You never know with the internet, but it’s your last resort.
If they don’t keep their promises, you’ll end up on the street with your son only because your husband ran off with all of your savings. He even stole the money your grandmother left you for desperate times.
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“Hi, uh-I’m Y/N Y/L/N. I have an appointment,” you wring your hands while looking around the lobby of the building inheriting the company promising to save your home. The woman at the reception doesn’t even look your way. She huffs and lifts her perfectly manicured index finger to stop you from talking.
“I don’t think you are what we are looking for,” she snaps at you, and your heart sinks. You look down at your body, sighing deeply. The business outfit you are wearing is a tight fit. You gained weight during pregnancy you never got the chance to lose. “You should go home and bake cookies for your kid.”
She points her finger at the stain on your blouse, simply to embarrass you even more. Some women are like that. They try to feel better, or above you by making you feel small.
“Kiki, that is enough,” you flinch when a hand brushes over your ass. The man pats your cheeks, humming happily. “What do we have here?” He purrs and gropes one cheek. “A perfect plump ass.”
“Mr. Hansen, Sir,” the woman splutters. She looks like she saw a ghost, or worse, a monster wanting to eat her alive. “I told her that she doesn’t belong here.”
“Kiki, Kiki,” Hansen tuts while patting your ass. “I decide who belongs here.”
You don’t know what to do. Usually, you’d slap any guy trying to feel you up across the face or kick their balls. But this man could be your way out of your financial crisis. 
“Yes, of course, Mr. Hansen but just look at her,” she squeaks, and points at you. “I don’t think any of our clients want something like this to fulfill their…”
“ENOUGH!” Hansen slams his fist onto the receptionist's desk, making Kiki flinch. “We never talk about our clients nor our employees in front of people outside of our organization. You are dismissed.”
“What?” She stares at Hansen in disbelief. “For today or…”
“Forever,” he huffs and turns around. The man brushes his index finger and thumb over his mustache and grins like he saw something he’d love to devour. You are afraid it’s you.
“I have an appointment,” you clear your throat and try to ignore your heart hammers in your chest. This man looks more like a wolf, with sharp teeth and glowing eyes, than a man. 
“I know, sunshine,” he smirks and holds out his hand. “Please excuse my annoying assistant. She’s no longer working for me.”
You’d love to roll your eyes at the man in front of you. He’s one of the guys who believe you must immediately fall for his charm and non-existent manners. 
“If you’d like to follow me inside my office, sugar plum,” he wraps his arm around your shoulders, and snickers, "we can talk about your problems and how to solve them.”
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“So…” He plops down on a leather couch. He pats the seat next to him, but you prefer standing in the room. “What brings you here, sunshine. How can Lloyd help you?”
“I found your website while searching for a way to keep my house,” you lick your lips. You hate that you must talk about your situation with this man. 
“Humor me,” he smirks and pats the seat again. “If you want me to help you, I want to know it all. From the beginning.”
He tilts his head and looks you up and down. “What do you want to know?” You huff and cross your arms over your chest. “I came here, even though your offer sounded fishy. I reached the end of the rope.” You throw your hands up, and sniffle.
“Now, now. No tears in Lloyd Hansen’s office,” he gets up to march toward you. Lloyd cups your face and tilts your head. “I need to know every detail, sunshine. If you are lying, I’ll send you home with a slap to your plump ass.”
“Fine,” you snap at him and push against his chest. “Quit pro quo, Mr. Hansen. After I told you everything about my situation, I want the truth about your offer.”
“Be my guest,” he smirks darkly. “I hope you don’t pee your pants getting to know the truth.”
“I came this far,” you sniff, “you don’t scare me, Mr. Hansen. You’re not the first man wanting me to fail.” 
“A cocky one, I see,” Lloyd says as he sits back down on the sofa. “Begin, then.”
“What do you want to know? That my deadbeat of a husband left me for some bitch he met at a bar?” You drop your bag onto his desk and take your jacket off. “Or that I must raise my three-year-old son without him because his dick was more important?”
You stride toward Lloyd and step between his legs. He looks up at you, amused as you cup your tits. “I will lose my house and my car. I don’t make enough money to keep the house. He stole the money I spared to give her a nice life.”
“I see,” he licks his lips. “I think you already got what I have to offer.” Lloyd tilts his head and smirks as you start to unbutton your blouse.
“You want me to fuck you, right? That’s all this is about,” you wrinkle your nose. “And I’ll get the money I need to keep my house.”
He grins now. “Sunshine, you didn’t get that this is about business. I’ll put you on my website and my clients can decide if they want to fuck you or not.”
“Oh…” You sigh deeply. “I guess this means there is no hope.” You turn around to grab your bag. “Sorry for wasting your time.”
“Sunshine, wait,” he’s on his feet before you can grab your jacket. “I didn’t say you can just leave. Don’t you want to end up getting fucked good by my clients?”
“Do you honestly believe I was waiting to get fucked by random douches,” you turn back around and slap Lloyd with your bag. “I came here to find help, not dick.”
His grin widens as you slap his chest, face, and shoulder with your bag. “Careful, sunshine. If you don’t watch out, you’ll end up making me rock hard.”
“You’re disgusting,” you wrinkle your nose and cock a brow. 
“Oh, mommy can get mad,” he purrs and roams your body with his eyes. “I bet you are a strict mommy, huh? Do you scold your baby boy?”
“No!” You snap at Lloyd. “Keep my son out of this!” You slap him with your bag again. “Never mention my kid again, you asshole!”
“I knew you were special, sunshine,” he chuckles and grabs your wrist to keep you from slapping him again. “A wildcat ready to scratch and bite me.”
“I’m a tiger mommy if you want to know,” you growl and snap your teeth at Lloyd when he tries to press his lips to yours. “I’ll do anything to protect my son.”
“Sunshine, you’ve got yourself a deal,” Lloyd drops his hands from your arms to grab your face again. This time he kisses you roughly. You bite his lower lip, but he doesn’t seem to mind. He greedily shoves his tongue inside your mouth, devouring your mouth. “I think you’ll make a grand-prime assistant slash sexy bunny for me…”
Part 2
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“Well Lucas, I had pretty much given up on you.  But here you are.  And for some reason, you are in my home wearing clothing.  This is not the way to beg me to allow you to service and serve me once again….  That’s better.  You will need to be disciplined for that.  Remind me before you leave to punish you properly….
“I see the envelope.  Hand it to me. 
“What the fuck are you doing.  Get back there and crawl to me.  It may have been only a few months since I dismissed you, I can’t believe you are forgetting the basics.  Don’t make me regret offering you a second chance.
“Atta boy.  I was surprised when I got the call from Dyson at his leather shop telling me that you were in and wanted to be fitted for that cock cage.  Get back on your knees and present your pecker to me….  Eyes down.
“Dyson did a good job.  Most cages aren’t fit well.  Faggots can easily pull their shaft out and give it a tug.  This one is nearly impossible.  And after I pierce that dickhead of yours, the cage will work even better with the lock, as the jewelry secures you inside.  Your useless pecker won’t be coming outside to play for a long, a very long time.
“This envelope doesn’t look tampered with.  That’s good.  It contains a pair of keys, each in its own smaller envelope.  On the back, Dyson signed his name across the seal….  Here you go.  Add this envelope to your pile of clothes.  That’s his way of telling me the key is secure.
“That envelope, or one that I markup, is to be always with you.  If there is an emergency, a real emergency, you may open it up and remove the cage.  If that should happen, I am to be notified immediately.  If you can contact me prior, do so.  You got that?
“Good boy.  Come with me down to the work and playroom.  You may walk. 
“…This is my key here.  Come over to my worktable.  See all the keys I have?  There’s 18 here.  Yours will be number 19.  Each are screwed down.  That’s why I have this drill here. 
“…There.  Yours is now just like the other slaves’ keys.  None of them are marked.  And if you notice, none have been unscrewed.  The reason for that is that all screws are stripped so they can’t be easily removed.
“I said there are 19.  Sixteen of them are the keys to slaves that have walked away from serving me.  That option is always available to you.  Number 8 is on the other side of the country.  You’ll meet number 15 next weekend.
“Now that’s done.  It’s blumpkin time.  Come with me into the shitter….  And don’t worry, I’m not going to shit in your mouth.
“Help me take my pants off….  You better be ready to do this.  You back out now, you better just go away,… permanently.
“…Kneel there….  Here, get that mouth over here.  I see you are weary.  To take your mind away from the idea of blowing me while I take a dump, let me give you something you can focus on.  I need to piss real bad.
“Get your mouth on it.  Man, you have a very talented tongue.  Now hold still.  There!  That feels so good.  Going forward, I want to have all my piss go through you first. 
“You’ve been drinking me on every visit.  It only makes sense.
“You hear that?  You smell that?  You get to smell my rank farts before I do.  Heh heh.
“I can tell you are squirming on the inside.  I know you are repulsed with the idea.  Good.  You knew this moment was going to be happening from day one. 
“I’m done pissing.  Go ahead and suck.  …To the root.  You know how I like to be blown.  Do it. 
“When I first brought you home from the bar, I fucked you the entire weekend.  Your answer to two questions led us to today.  I asked you what your favorite part of your time here was, and you said that you liked the non-stop fucking of your ass with my gigantic dick. 
“Every time you came by afterwards, I could tell you wanted me to fuck you long and hard.  I purposely haven’t.  I told you that I don’t fuck after the first time, unless you agree to give me something in return.
“It’s all about balance.  You want something from me, you have to offer a sacrifice.  I told you I demand a form of monogamy from you.  That would be monogamy of your dick or monogamy of your cunt.  You could have any man I allow have access to your dick, even yourself, and that your cunt would only be used by me.  A lockable butt plug would be installed.  Or, you could have your cunt available to any man I allow, and your pecker would be unavailable and locked up to all, again even yourself. 
“Seeing you in that cage tells me that you made up your mind.  Going forward, you’ll service men who will give you their loads.  Next weekend you and I will be going on a fishing trip with slave number 15, where both of you will serve and service me and a few of my buds.
“The second question I asked you that night, was what your limits were.  You remember what the only thing you listed?...
“No. No.  Keep up with the blowjob.  Don’t start easing up.  Give it the attention I deserve.  Yes, there you go. 
“You only gave one limit.  It wasn’t animals or kids or women or even something really gross like dead people.  Those would be an immediate no for me too.  No, you just said ‘poop’. 
“No, I’m not going to make you eat out of the toilet bowl, so you can relax.  In fact, let me flush that down.
“Sit back.  Keep your eyes down.  I need to finish up here….  Oh fuck.  I’m out of toilet paper.  I forgot to get some when I was out.  Damn.
“Come with me back into the playroom….  I said, ‘Come with me.’  Lay on the fuck table.  I need to plow that hole.
“Well, that got you smiling.  Yeah, I just hate to see an erection go to waste.  Especially considering the amount of throat slime you put on it. 
“Reach up and hold your legs….  There’s the cunt.  And here’s a little gob of my spit.
“Right to the root!  Goddamn!  Like I told you on that first weekend, your cunt was made to be fucked.  It takes the long dicking of my eight inches with just enough struggle.  That look of ecstasy on your face tells me you are enjoying this…. 
“I should be pissed off.  But I’m not.  A bitch like you should have some moments of heavenly pleasures.  These moments come from my dick taking care of your hole.  You can expect my dick in your ass two or three times a day.  Yeah, I can go multiple times.  You get this intense pleasure.  But it can stop at any time.  All I have to do is… pull out.
“Damn!  After six or seven thrusts, there’s just the beginnings of a gape.  It’s hungry for more!  It needs to be fucked.  Doesn’t it boy?...  Don’t worry, my dick will take care of your ass. 
“That’s what it will be doing day in and day out.  But that requires balance.  It can’t be all me taking care of the needs of your ass.  It has to be balanced with you taking care of the needs of mine.
“Bring your legs down.  Get off the bench and get under the rim seat.  You have some work to do.
“Don’t fucking say a word.  You do NOT want to disobey me on this.
“I see the heavenly bliss on your face went to terrifying fear in only a few seconds….  Good.
“No, lay behind me on that four-inch riser.  I don’t want your torso between my legs.  And I don’t have to worry about you beating off, not that I expect you to be remotely hard doing this.
“Your head goes between those two padded pieces of wood.  That’s to keep your head from moving side to side.  That four-inch platform is designed to elevate the seat so that it fits my legs.  This will allow me to sit on your face for a good long time.  The other thing about this platform are the two holes on both sides of your neck.  That’s where this neck lock gets secured… like that.
“You cannot pull out.  I don’t expect that to be an issue now, but later once we get to the end of your full toilet training, that’s a different situation.
“Get that tongue ready.  Stick it out.  I better feel it go to work….  Now bitch!  Lick!
“Remember, you are the one who decided this on our first time together.  You said this was your limit.  It’s all about balance.  You take care of my ass, and I’ll take care of yours. 
“You can knock off the gagging.  You are going to be down there for a while.  Reach around and stroke my cock.  Feel how rock hard I am.  Think about the fucking you are going to get once I am cleaned up.  Oh yeah.  After we are done here, I am so going to destroy that ass, just like I did that first time.  It’s all about balance.  You are gagging from disgust, and I am rock hard aroused.
“…You know, I thought you were going to say something different about what your favorite part of the weekend.  I thought it was waking up next to me both mornings, with you in my arms and my cock either in your cunt or snuggled up next to it.
“Did you like that?  Flick your tongue twice across my asshole for yes or once for no….  Thought so.  I enjoyed that too. 
“After you clean my ass, we’ll go up to my bedroom and I’ll fuck you there, just like that first weekend.  And afterwards we’ll just stay in bed for the rest of the night.  Yeah, that���s what we’ll do.  Normally slaves should be locked up, and I use that cage over there for those slaves.  But you are going to get your first night in my bed to wake up in my arms.
“You can look forward to that too.  But we need to balance out the tender caresses you will receive from me….  Keep licking….  It’s decided then.  Tenderness from your loving daddy will be balanced against the cruel beatings from your sadistic master.  And I have just the belt to do that with.  Yeah, we’ll get you welted up and bleeding before I fuck you again. “Mmmm, I like that idea.  A lot.  Let go of my cock.  I don’t want to cum too early.”
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minniesmutt · 3 months
❄︎ ━━━━━━ 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐬
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❄︎ ━━━ PAIRING: CHANGBIN X READER ❄︎ ━━━ CW: SUB!CHANGBIN, DOM!READER, PRAISE, LEASH + COLLAR, LINGERIE, BINNIE LEARNING TO MULTI-TASK, ORAL (F. REC), FINGERING, MOMMY KINK, PET NAMES (BABY, BABE, BABY BOY, BUNNY, BUN) BEGGING, UNPROTECTED SEX, CREAM PIE ❄︎ ━━━ WC: 2.2K ❄︎ ━━━ NOTE: I don't often write male subs so if this sucks, my bad. ❄︎ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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     Changbin was very open with sex. Especially to his girlfriend. He wasn't one to shy away from trying something. Often finding things in porn or scrolling through Twitter while he was away from her and sending her a quick text to see if it was something he wanted to try. 
     That’s kind of how he got to where he was. Scrolling through Twitter and finding a video of a man wearing a collar and leash while fucking his girl who held the end of the item. Sending the link to Y/n is what started it. 
Binnie💋: Can we try this when I get back Y/n❤️‍🔥: we don't have a collar and leash bub Binnie💋: I’ll buy one Y/n❤️‍🔥: Didn't you wanna learn to eat me and finger me at the same time when you got back? Binnie💋: Pull the leash when I’m not doing one 😉 Y/n❤️‍🔥: Find a collar and leash Binnie💋: On it 🫡
     Found one he did. A blue fluffy collar and leash set for himself. He sent her a message that it would be there soon. Just a couple of weeks before he got back from tour. 
     Y/n did open it to see what he picked out for himself. Sending him a photo and a “cute” after it. Y/n had a couple of weeks left before he got back from tour so she set the items aside and figured she would surprise him. Knowing her boyfriend like the back of her hand, lingerie was the quickest way to his dick. Y/n managed to find a set in the same shade as the collar he had bought and instantly bought it. 
     The lingerie came a week before Changbin got back. She tried it on and thought about teasing him but didn't wanna ruin the surprise. Putting it away for a later date. 
     Changbin made sure to text her when he landed and that he’d be home within an hour or two. Y/n took that as her sign to get ready. She got in the shower and then put the lingerie under one of his T-shirts and sweats before going into their living room as if she’d been there all day. 
     Changbin unlocked the door to their apartment and put down his luggage by the door to find his girlfriend. He could unpack later. He had the next week off to just relax and he had one hundred percent planned to spend it with his girlfriend in their warm apartment.
     “Babe,” Changbin said before seeing her on the couch under a blanket 
     “Welcome home,” Y/n smiled as he laid on top of her and wrapped his arms around her. 
     “Missed you,” He mumbled into her skin as he tucked his head into her neck. Inhaling her scent that he missed for months. Her perfume just didn't smell the same without her wearing it. 
     “Missed you too.” Y/n smiled as she stroked his curly hair. 
     “I'm taking you with me next time. I hate being away from you for so long,” Changbin told her as he started kissing up her neck. 
     “Going to have to fight your company on that one,” Y/n told him
     “I’ll fight JYP himself to get you to come with me.” Changbin kissed up her neck to her face till he landed on her lips. Moving the blanket down to grab her hips and bring her closer. 
     “Not tired?” Y/n asked between kisses
     “Not when I'm around you,” Changbin replied
     Changbin removed the blanket from between them. Hands moving up on their own and pushing her shirt up. Y/n smiled as she wrapped her arms around him and opened her legs for him to settle between them comfortably. His hands reached up under her shirt before stopping and pulling away from her lips. “Wearing lingerie for me?” He teased
     “Find out for yourself,” Y/n smiled
     Changbin didn’t need to be told twice. He sat up and pulled her shirt off over her head and could feel his dick twitch immediately at the sight of the lacey fabric. He knew he was done for when he saw the matching panties when he pulled the sweats off.
     “Fuck I’m so lucky,” He sighed as he played with the hem of her panties
     “Come on,” Y/n got up from the couch and pulled her boyfriend with her. Changbin followed close behind her to their bedroom, stripping his shirt off himself. Y/n opened their door before getting on the bed with Changbin climbing over her and pressing his lips against hers again.
     “Gonna make you cum all night baby,” Changbin muttered as he started kissing down her neck and chest.
     “Got months to make up for,” Y/n reminded him
     “If you came on tour, I could keep you up in my hotel for after shows,” Chan glanced up at her as she reached over to his pillow.
     His eyes followed her and landed on the collar he had bought a few weeks back. He immediately hovered over her again as she unbuckled the collar and then wrapped it around his neck, adjusting it so it wasn’t too tight. “You look cute like this,” Y/n teased before hooking her leash around the loop and giving him a test tug. Hearing a little whimper from him. She was definitely going to have fun with this.
     “Down boy,” Y/n smiled
     Changbin got down between her legs, spreading them open for him as he kissed over the fabric of her panties. He just now saw that they matched the color of his collar. He moaned against her before peeling the fabric away from her, bringing her legs together to slide it off her legs and tossing them to his side of the bed.     Y/n gently tugged him closer to her as they both locked eyes and smiled at each other. Changbin licked up between her folds. Gathering her essence on his tongue before pressing his tongue against her clit. Changbin wrapped his lips around her clit and gently started sucking on her clit. Y/n let out a soft moan as Changbin moved to grab her thighs. Needing something to hold onto as he moved from her clit to her entrance. Licking the essence from the source.
     Y/n watched the tuff of curly hair between her legs. Licking her up desperately after not seeing her for months. “Fingers baby boy,” Y/n told him
     Changbin reluctantly pulled away from her cunt and dipped to fingers into his mouth to wet them. Taking them out a moment later and pressing one finger against her entrance. Slowly pushing in and watching her reaction. Feeling her walls around his finger pressed his dick right up against his pants.
     “Wrap your lips around mommy’s clit,” Y/n told him
     He did as he was told but not before grinding against their mattress. Something about her calling herself mommy turned him on more. Fuck he loved it.
     He gently sucked on her clit again before she tugged on his leash. He whimpered into her clit, remembering he need to use his finger too. Slowly he started curling his finger up into her walls while slowly sucking on her clit. He thought he was doing good! Maybe he wasn’t as bad at multitasking as he thought!
     Another pull on his leash. Not realizing he stopped sucking on her clit. He got back to sucking and rolling his tongue against her. Doing his best to keep up with both of them. He’s taking it slow as his brain reminds him of both things he needs to do at that moment.
     “Doing good bunny. Go ahead and put another finger in mommy,” Y/n said
     Changbin moaned at the pet name and pulled away from her clit. Y/n tugged him back towards the bud. 
     “Don’t stop sucking bunny. Need to learn to do both.”
     “Sorry Mommy.” Changbin made no further argument. Wrapping his pretty lips around the bundle of nerves and attempted to stuff her with another finger. He stopped playing with her clit twice before he was able to do it. His tongue flicked on the bud as two of his fingers pushed into her. 
     “Good bunny,” Y/n moaned, “Get mommy prepped for your big dick.”
     Changbins moaned in response which sent a little wave of pleasure through her. He moved his fingers in and out of her slowly while sucking on her clit. Trying to keep both going as best he could. 
     He was starting to get the hang of it. If he could learn to dance and sing at the same time he could learn to finger and suck his girlfriend's clit. 
     Feeling confident, he picked up his thrusting speed a bit. Y/n’s moans mixed in his ears with the squelching sound of her cunt around his fingers. 
     “Another finger in bunny. Doing— fuck— so good.” Y/n moaned and he felt her grip on the leash tighten but didn't tug. 
     Changbin pressed another finger up against her and pressed it in with the other two when he pulled them out. Tongue still playing with her clit. 
     “Good job bunny,” Y/n moaned
     Changbin moaned into her clit in response which had her bucking her hips against his face. Changbin pressed on with his pace. Confident in what he was doing right now and knew Y/n was liking it with how her walls were clenching around him. He wasn’t changing it unless she told him to. 
     He knew he didn’t need to as she started to ride his face before her orgasm washed over her. Changbin fucked her through her orgasm until she was finished. He moved down to lick up her release. Savoring the taste he hadn't had for months. 
     Kissing his way up her body till he landed on her lips. Pushing his tongue into her mouth as she wrapped her legs around his waist. “So proud of you bunny,” Y/n said between kisses
     “Let bunny fuck you. Missed being inside Mommy. Please.” Changbins moved his lips down her neck, sucking on the skin 
     “Go ahead bun. You earned that reward,” Y/n moaned
     Changbin sat up a bit and discarded the remainder of his clothing. Tossing them somewhere else into the room to deal with later. He spread her open again as he spread his precum of his length. 
     The rapper lined himself at her entrance bottoming out inside of her quickly as she arched her back for him. He kept his hands on the back of her thighs as he let her get adjusted to him. Y/n felt a bit impatient tonight and wrapped the leash around her hand once and tugged on it.
     Changbins whined but got the message. Pulling back and fucking into her. Immediately picking up the quick rough pace he knew she loved. 
     “Feel so good mommy,” Changbin moaned. Hips snapping into her and filling the room
     Y/n grabbed the pillow under her with her free hand. Taking in the scene on top of her. Her muscular boyfriend who worked so hard with everything he does collared and leashed up while pounding into her. Her walls tightened around him which made him moan. 
     “Fuck,” Changbin groaned 
     “More bunny. Give me more,” Y/n told him, “Play with mommy’s clit again.”
     Still confident from eating her out, Changbin moved one hand down and placed his thumb on her clit. Just the pressure alone of the sensitive bud had her contracting around him. He started moving in slow circles around her clit. Mainly focusing on keeping his thrusting pace. 
     Y/n didn't let it go unnoticed when his thumb faltered. Giving him a little tug in reminder and feeling his dick twitch inside her. “Like when I tug on that leash bunny?”
     “Yes, Mommy,” Changbin moaned, “‘M gonna cum.”
     “Not yet, bunny.”
     “Please, Mommy! Hurts. Need to fill you up,” Changbin whined
     “Make mommy cum on your cock first. She’s— fuck— almost there,”
     Changbins took the sign to rub her clit faster. She let out a louder moan as she threw her head back into the pillow. Changbins reminded himself of the two things he had to keep up with. Working towards the reward of filling her up. That reward seemed right there as her walls pulsed around him. 
     “Gonna cum on your dick bunny,” Y/n managed to warn him before she coated his dick with her essence. Pulling on the leash as she grabbed the pillow with both her hands. 
     Changbins whined as he was pulled forward and came inside her. Fucking her through both their orgasms till the leash went slack. Changbin came down from his high not long after her and planted his hands on either side of her, careful not to fall on her. 
     After a moment, he moved her legs to wrap around his waist before laying on top of her. Wrapping his arms around her and rested on her chest. 
     “Everything you hoped for?” Y/n teased as she played with his hair
     “And more. Should do that more often, Mommy.” Changbin teased back and kissed the top of her breasts.
     “Still need to practice. Maybe I should give you a visual demonstration.”
     “Think that would help a lot,” Changbin agreed. Dick twitched inside her at the thought. 
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deonsx · 1 year
If They Are Jealous Of You From Another Man
Feat: Dazai, Chuuya, Ranpo, Fyodor, Nikolai, Jouno
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Story: You Got Too Close With Your Boy Childhood Friend And It Made Them Angry
Dazai Osamu
Finally, you heard that your friend, whom you haven't seen since you were little, is back and you invited him to the cafe. It was late afternoon, dazai and atsushi from the agency were talking
As darkness fell, your friend walked through the door and immediately waved at you, "My dear!" "You are here!" You quickly got up from the coffee table and greeted him, he came and hugged you right away
you felt your boyfriend's freezing stare on your back, your friend extended his hand to meet dazai But Osamu didn't hold out his hand, you looked at him for what's wrong. "Your boyfriend?" your friend asked you, you shook your head to soften the atmosphere "Yes, he's very tired today so he's depressed" you looked at him but he wasn't smiling at all
You sat next to your boyfriend and started talking to your childhood friend but dazai looked very unhappy about it "Bella I'm so tired why don't we go home.." he pouted and laid his head on your shoulder
"But we dont seeing S/o for a long time. I'll go again tomorrow, let's talk some more?"
Dazai's gaze went from tired to chaotic like in the old days "Next time maybe? I should take care of my boyfriend now" you smiled nervously, didn't want anything to happen
You took him by the hand and took your boyfriend out of the cafe and you started to go home "dazai why did you treat him like that I can't believe you did this" His eyes hardened and his brows furrowed
Why do I have to share you?
Chuuya Nakahara
Your boyfriend was at work and you received a message on your phone, when you looked at the screen, you saw that your friend, who has been one of your best friends for a long time, texted you "I'm in Yokohama for a while! How about meeting up and reliving old moments?"
"Of course I'm giving you a Location!!" You chose a favorite cafe with your boyfriend near your house so you and your friend would have the best meals together
You were finally having dinner with your friend. "This is a place with really good tastes ,s/o" Hours passed by talking and you looked at your phone hours later and saw so many calls and texts all at once, all from chuuya, your boyfriend
“Oh my god..” You spoke in a nervous voice, the thought of something happening to chuuya shuddered at him, until he saw the engine suddenly stop in front of the cafe
As soon as you saw him you got up from the table your friend told the man he didn't know "there are punks even here” "He's my boyfriend don't talk such nonsense ever again" You quickly left the cafe and went to the chuuya at the engine "Are you okay? I'm sorry now I've seen the calls, I'm sorry my phone was silent" chuuya did not speak, his eyes were looking at his friend sitting at the table with the glass between you in the cafe and watching you
"My love?" Your friend came out of the cafe while his eyes squinted and continued to watch him "s/o? are you going?" Chuuya finally spoke, "It's none of your business." Chuuya hissed at the man with an angry sauce tone, "I'm sorry but s/o is my friend, it's my duty to protect him" Chuuya's talent quickly kicked in, red lines all over the place
"Who are you protecting from whom? She is my woman”
Ranpo Edogawa
You were arguing with Ranpo at the agency for fun, the topic was chocolates "I know you ate them!!!" "There's no way you can prove it" Ranpo ate all the chocolates in the house and you took them in your bag to work but now you can't find them
"Look at the piece of Chocolate in your mouth!" Ranpo straightened up quickly and frowned and averted his eyes "This is...This is Coffee-" you interrupted "you don't like coffee" Ranpo hid his eyes like a little kid
Just then, the office door opened again, you thought it was a random customer, but you were quickly greeted with a hug from your waist "who are you!?—“
You saw him when you turned your back You told his old childhood friend about his workplace when you used to talk on the phone "I miss you!!"
"You're here?" You pull back slowly, you didn't want to be misunderstood in front of your boyfriend "I wanted to see you at work but you don't want to see me?” Your boyfriend smiled and got up from his chair and put his hand on your shoulder, "I'm Ranpo! Nice to meet you"
"And you? I didn't know you had a boyfriend, I'm happy for you" Your friend smiled, Ranpo said, "But weren't we going to have Chocolate together I was offended” Ranpo kept the atmosphere steady with his usual cheerfulness "Hm?? why don't I know about this, my love?"
"We're at work right now so I won't be able to chat much. See you later?" your friend nodded. You talked for a while, but then your friend left and when you were done, you and your boyfriend were on your way home. "What have you got?" you asked him
"Are you meeting him tonight?" You nodded "I won't be able to see him again. he's a little upset today anyway." He showed you what he was hiding, chocolate sauce "What are you planning to do with it?”
"I'll add the sauce to my favorite dish and my plan is to eat it until morning"
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Fyodor Dostoyevski
You made a meal plan with your boyfriend, or rather you did it, you finally thought of a nice dinner place together, it's a very nice stylish and quiet place where only the important people will be
You went to the restaurant, you were above the clouds, it was such a high-rise building that the view fascinated everyone, the waiter approached you and said, "Is your order ready, ma'am?"
"No I'm Waiting For My Boyfriend" the waiter walked away, soon you got a notification on your phone, you looked at the messages "Dear, I can't come because of a new job, get everything you want,next time we will eat together"
All depressed with a call overshadowed by your boyfriend's message, the caller was your childhood friend "S/o been a long time I came to yokohama are you nearby?"
Instead of sitting down sad, you wanted to call him and talk about old memories and lift your spirits and now he was here you were having dinner with him "This place looks so expensive, I wonder if we should run away without paying the bill" he chuckled
"It's okay Fyodor so my darling will pay for everything we have to eat tonight" your eyes fell on the table sadly "You look sad?" "Because he hasn't made time for me for a long time, anyway, let's not get discouraged" your friend chuckled. "Someone rich? Or sugardaddy?" he joked. "No, he's a handsome young gentleman"
"My my.. Why is my beautiful woman sitting with a different man?" You turned around with a hand on your shoulder, "Fyodor..?" Your eyes sparkled as you looked at him. He pulled out a chair at the round table and sat next to you "Who is this guy?" he squinted his eyes at him "My childhood friend" You looked as if you were still waiting for an answer from him
Your friend held out his hand to meet him, but Fyodor didn't answer "I think we won't mind if we get up." Fyodor said very clearly to the boy, "s/o? are you going?" fyodor didn't let you speak he took your hand Your friend obviously didn't like Fyodor. "Where are you taking her?"
"You're so curious, it's sickening, but since you want to know so much..." he grinned
"Where her moans can't be heard by anyone but me"
Nikolai Gogol
You lived in the same house as Nikolai and he gifted you a beautiful bracelet that shines silver like a diamond While you were sitting at home, your phone got a text message that your old childhood friend is getting married: "S/o! guess who's finally getting married?"
He called you to choose special rings for his girlfriend. It's been a long time since we saw each other. You accepted his offer and went to the location he threw
The position he threw at you was a jeweler, finally you saw your friend and hugged you "It's been a long time since I've seen you s/o" After 1-2 hours, you finally got everything ready. You said "I'm going to meet my boyfriend now" but your friend had a surprise for you "Close your eyes s/o" you closed your eyes and a necklace on the boy's neck a gold silver light monument of beauty
"Oh.. I'm really sorry I can't take this" You said with a smile "I can't take it back, there's no way I can take it back, introduce me to your boyfriend sometime" He bids you farewell, You finally went home, saw your boyfriend lying in bed, sat at the table across the bed and straightened yourself in the mirror "Aren't we going out? I thought we were going to dinner?" you ask
Nikolai wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck, her silver necklace caught her eye "What is this?" you took a deep breath "Someone who used to be my friend took it"
"Is it a man?" He lightly ran his fingers over the necklace, you nodded, he left you with more kisses "We're not going out to dinner tonight honey" he carried you to bed with kisses as nikolai grabbed your necklace as he took off your top and quickly ripped it off "nikolay!?"
"My hands will look better on your neck than that necklace"
Jouno Saigiku
Jouno mentioned that he was going on a mission, he was going to go on a trip the next day and he was taking a shower right now
a notification from his phone and a 2 times call tone caught your attention, normally you would never wonder but nowadays a number was calling him every night and it was making you suspicious
You picked up your phone and quickly opened it because she told you her password, and you saw messages from a girl but clicked on the photo instead of the messages forgot to look at the messages for a while and heard your boyfriend came out of my bathroom
You dropped the phone quickly, didn't want to talk, but you couldn't keep it inside you put your hand on his shoulder while jouno was drying his hair "Dear?" looked at you
"Is there something you want to tell me, jouno?" He turned slightly when she called him by name, "What do you mean?" He asked in a serious tone "I just wanted to make sure you were okay" you didn't want to talk and say you hoped he wasn't cheating on you
The next day you said goodbye to your boyfriend and gave him a deep kiss, you were in a very unhappy situation, you called your childhood friend and found out he was in Yokohama, then you decided to meet up
You went to the movies with him, you really had fun, but there was always a bitterness on you, you got up to buy popcorn "s/o?" he asked you "I'm going to go get something" he nodded to you
Just then, a familiar burgundy cloak caught your attention "Jouno??" "Why would you s/he with a man?" He looked at you nervously, why was he here? did he lie or.. you answered his question "My friend came because I was depressed"
"Depression? Is it because of me?" You shook your head no. "You answer me, who is that woman?" "Woman?" He asked you confused, while you filled your eyes "Are you cheating on me?" your voice trembled.. He laughed and knelt in front of you suddenly, "Do you want to know what I was talking about with that woman?"
You were on a silent balcony, the moon was shining on you, he put his hand in his pocket, And took out a box "You..Jouno.." He slowly opened the box and the wedding ring inside shone, making you forget everything
"What's your answer my love?”
I may have slipped into a bit of romance, but I really wanted the marriage proposal while I was writing it
Request Are Open
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 19 days
I wanna try a controversial opinion poll! :D
Good Dad Eärendil
Eärendil left to find Aman FOR his sons. He knew if he didn't, Morgoth would definitely kill them all. At least if he tried, there was a chance his boys would live.
Bad Olwë
As explained here, by denying the Noldor passage to Beleriand, Olwë basically signed the death warrants of his kin in Middle Earth. He KNEW Elmo at least still lived there, even if he though Elwë had been captured of killed.
Thingollo is No Longer King of Beleriand
By raising the Girdle, Thingollo basically admitted he could no longer protect his vassals in their own lands. They could come to Doriath, of course, but he could not go to them. If they chose not to go to Doriath, then that would render the liege/vassal contract void. There's more about it here.
Elrond has a Temper
I kind of explain my thoughts here, but the long and short of it is that "kind as summer" can be translated in different ways, and where I live, summers can be brutal. So I've always imagined Elrond as someone slow to anger, but he can hold a grudge.
The Nargothrond Debacle
I address this here, but essentially, Finrod's original plan was pretty stupid. It sounds like he wanted to directly attack Morgoth - likely Tol Sirion first, and then Angband - and he was trying to hype his people up for that. This would've been suicidal for the entire city. The fact that Finrod, who'd almost died in the Bragollach, didn't realize that, shows he's either dumb or paralyzed from some sort of pre-traumatic stress disorder. Or he's just very optimistic. Either way, bad idea, and he should've been called out for it.
Noldor-Aligned Falmari
As stated here, I find it incredibly difficult to believe that all of the Falmari would agree on something like this, where they'd essentially be damning their sundered kin to death and torture under Morgoth. My family can barely agree on dinner, and there are far fewer of us, and the stakes are never that high.
Thranduil's Mother
She's a Vanya imo. I do subscribe to the "only Vanyar have yellow hair" way of thinking, and I do like "yellow haired Thranduil", and I like "a Vanya who actually wanted to stay in Endórë".
Hypocritical Arafinwions and Nolofinwions
I have a whole rant about how it's hypocritical of the Arafinwions and Nolofinwions to condemn how the Fëanárions obtained passage across the Sea, and then complain about being left behind. If it were up to the Ara- and Nolofinwions, they would've all had to take the Helcaraxë.
The Valar Didn't Need the Silmarils
The Trees were never supposed to a permanent solution to the destruction of the Lamps. The Sun and Moon needed to come into existence. Otherwise, Men could not survive.
Eöl and Areðel
I have a whole rant about it here. It's not a particularly complicated thing.
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selfloverrrrrr · 3 months
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You Don't Need Anyone Else~
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Warnings : smut , heavy smut, unprotected sex, Noncon, Anal sex, Kidnapping, physically and emotional abuse, biting, size difference, Yandere Geto, protective, jealous, obsessive, manipulative....
A/n : I do not write any character x character fics or character x male reader fics...but from now Gojo x Geto fics will be available in my blog...so you can ask me for SATOSUGU fics in requests too!
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( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
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Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru were the most famous boys in jujutsu high. They were very well-known for their charms. All girls were ready to throw their body to them. Everyone knows they are bisexual. But none of them were in any relationship. But Geto Suguru had a great crush on Gojo. He never told him. But he loves Gojo...he admires Gojo soooo much. But he didn't let anyone know that.
Geto doesn't like when any girl flirts with Gojo and it's even worse when Gojo flirts back with that girl. Gojo is his... nobody else should try to get him or flirts with him.... Geto thinks. It isn't like girls don't like Geto or try to get him. Girls want Geto as much as they want Gojo. But Geto doesn't like to give them any attention. But he hate the most is whenever someone flirts with Gojo... Gojo also flirts back... Geto hates it!!!
One day Gojo was just about to enter jujutsu high when someone called him. "heyyyy.... Gojo-san???". He turned around and saw Yuta. Yuta was his childhood friend. He also reads in jujutsu high. Gojo smiled at him "yoo Yuta... seeing you after a long time...were you on some vacation or something?" Gojo asked. "Yes...how are you btw?" Yuta asked. "Yeah I'm fine" Gojo said.
"Yo Satoru... what are you doing here" Gojo saw Geto coming from inside of jujutsu high. "Oh Suguru... I was talking with Yuta" Gojo said. Geto glared at Yuta. "Um... actually I'm late I should go... Bye" Yuta said and went in the jujutsu high. "Satoru you told me to wait at the entrance of our classroom you are coming there in a minute and you were talking with Yuta?" Geto said. "Why are you jealous that I'm gonna make him my best friend?" Gojo said with a smirk. "What if I am?... is he more important than me?!" Geto said. "Suguru chill I was just talking with him!...ok I'm sorry and I'm gonna buy your lunch for it... happy?" Gojo said. Geto sighed and they both went inside.
One day Shoko gave a party at her place. Geto called Gojo.
Gojo: hello?
Geto: where are you Satoru?
Gojo: in Shoko's party... when are you coming?
Geto: tf do you mean when I'm coming? Didn't you told me that we're gonna go there together???
Gojo: oh fuck... I'm sorry Suguru! I totally forgot!! Should I come there now with my car?
Geto: no it's ok... I'm already on my way in a cab... gonna be there in a few minutes.
Gojo: okey okey... come then I'm waiting.
*Geto heard a girl's voice*
Geto: Satoru?
Gojo: hmm?
Geto: is there any girl infornt of you right now?
Gojo: oh... yes Mei Mei is here...
*Geto felt his jealousy come again but he took a deep breath and controled his anger*
Geto: okey Satoru...see you there.
Gojo: okey then...
They end the call.
Geto entered the party. Shoko greeted him. But what his eyes were searching for was Gojo. He finally saw him. And what did he saw?? Gojo was still flirting with Mei Mei! Geto went to them. "Suguru... finally here" Gojo said when he saw Geto. Geto smiled. "Can we talk?" Geto said. "Yes ofcourse... what's it?" Gojo asked. "I said Satoru can we talk?! Privately please!!!" Geto said with grinded teeth. Gojo could feel something was definitely wrong! He was taken back for a few seconds. "Y-yeah" Gojo whispered.
They both went to a side. "W-what happened, Suguru?" Gojo asked. "Why don't you stop your whore plays Satoru?" Geto said. "What?" Gojo asked. "Your fucking flirting shit which you do with 1000 of whores!" Geto replied. "Are you still mad Suguru? I'm sorry I forgot that I told you we're gonna come together" Gojo said pleadingly. "Everytime Satoru! Every. Fucking. Time....you always do this" Geto said. "I'm saying I'm sorr-" Gojo couldn't finish his sentence when Geto grabbed his face and pulled towards him. A tear almost fell from Gojo's eye. Some times Gojo really gets scared of Geto. And oh... Geto loved those moments! "You know what? Go on... gonna fix this shit later!" Geto said and let go of Gojo's face. Then he walked away and Gojo started at him.
Geto staring at Gojo the whole time from a distance. Scanning Gojo's whole body with his eyes. Maybe Mentally undressing him.... When the waitress was going to give Gojo his drink called her. Geto knows how to manipulate girls with his charms. And he did that and put something in Gojo's drink , give the waitress some money and tell her to be quiet. And she did as well.
After few times Gojo's eyes started getting blurry. Nanami was sitting beside him. He told Nanami that his head was hurting. Nanami immediately called Geto. Cause Geto is Gojo's bestfriend and roommate as well. Geto went there and put on his act. "Oh Satoru... this is why I told you not to drink too much" Geto said and bring Gojo out to Gojo's car and drove it.
Geto took Gojo in his room. Gojo's hand on Geto's shoulder and Geto's hand on Gojo's waist. "Fuck it's better now... I don't know what happened then but I couldn't see properly" Gojo said and sit on bed. Rubbing his eyes. Geto didn't replied and locked the room's door. "Suguru it's my bedroom you forgot I guess " Gojo said looking at him. "Tsk I know " Geto said walking towards Gojo. Geto grabbed Gojo's leg and pulled it. Gojo fell on his back.
Gojo: Suguru wha-
Geto: shhhh.... Satoru you talk too much you know.
Geto got on the bed on top of Gojo. He leaned over Gojo. Gojo's breath hitched.
Geto: why are you so nervous Satoru....
Gojo: Suguru what are you-
Geto: can't you really don't see Satoru?
Gojo: w-what do you mean????
Gojo asked pleadingly.
Geto: that I fucking love you!!!!!
Gojo started at Geto. Their lips were inches away.
Geto: that I fucking love you, I fucking care about you, I want you.... and you always give all attentions to those whores who doesn't even deserves these!!!! I'm obsessed with you!!!! Geto screamed.
Gojo got totally silent. Geto knows that gojo was scared right now. Geto smirked. "Don't be scared baby I didn't meant to scare you" Geto said and pressed his lips on Gojo's. Before Gojo could process Geto started rubbing Gojo's dick over his pant.
Gojo tried to push him away. But Geto wasn't going to stop. Geto could feel Gojo was getting hard. Gojo couldn't stop Geto's hand but he pushed Geto face away. Geto stopped. "Suguru sto-" before Gojo could complete his sentence Geto slapped him. "Why are you still being a bitch!!!!" Geto screamed. Gojo's tears falling down. He looked at Geto. Geto felt his heart almost stopped when he saw Gojo crying.
"I'm sorry" Geto said and went towards Gojo. Gojo was about to push him away but he realised that his hands were tied up on his back. His eyes widened. He looked at Geto. Geto cupped his face. "S-Suguru .... please" Gojo managed to say. "Don't worry baby...I know you are going to like it too" Geto whispered.
"S-stop" Gojo said. Geto pulled down Gojo's pant and started undoing his shirt. "P-please stopppp....why are you doing this?" Gojo asked. Geto could hear Gojo's breath uneven from fear. " I don't like when other boys or girls look at you " Geto said while rubbing his hand on Gojo's boxer on his erection again. Gojo's breath hitched. " You are mine.... I hate when those girls and boys of our class looks at you " Geto said tugging on his boxer. "I'm your bestfriend Satoru...I want to be more.... You don't need anyone else... it's always just me and you" Geto said and pulled down Gojo's boxer.
"PLEASE.... Please stop.... please stop" Gojo begged. Tears started forming in his eyes. Geto grabbed his dick and started stroking it. Gojo squeezed his eyes shut. "What if you want to give someone else what's mine???" Geto whispered. "I won't...I promise I won't... please just stop... I'm begging you" Gojo said. Tears started falling from his eyes. "Then you should prove it!" Geto said and licked his chest and bite on his nipple. Gojo groaned at that. Geto smirked.
Geto went down to the level of Gojo's dick and put it in his mouth. Gojo moaned loudly. Geto started rubbing his tongue around his dick. His dick was too big. Geto sucked on Gojo's tip harshly and pull out his dick with a 'pop'. Geto looked at it. Gojo's tip became so red when Geto had barely done anything yet. When Geto pulled out Gojo's dick his hips automatically bucked upwards... seeking for release. Geto looked at Gojo who's face was too red from blushing Geto smirked at that.
Geto flipped Gojo. Gojo was breathing heavily. Geto took off his pant. He lined himself with Gojo's butthole. Geto slowly pushed himself in. Gojo moaned . Geto gave Gojo some time to adjust it. Then he slowly started thursting in and out. With one of his hand he started stroking Gojo's dick. Geto started increasing the speed. Gojo was a moaning mess. Geto's dick was touching deepest parts inside Gojo. His speed became faster and harder. Gojo's hole clenched around Geto tightly. Geto smirked at Gojo's body's reaction.
Geto grabbed Gojo's hair and pulled him towards him. "F-fuck... can't believe I'm having you... I always dreamt about it!!!!" Geto moaned. Gojo's mouth was wide open. He was drooling. "Oh Satoru.... baby look at you... The strongest sorcerer becoming a mess under me" Geto whispered in Gojo's ear and bite his earlobe. Geto let go off Gojo's hair and rubbed his hand on Gojo's chest. Geto felt Gojo's nipple Harden. He pinched it. "S-Suguru...huhhh" Gojo moaned loudly. Geto's speed became too much fast and hard. They both came at the same time with too much loud moans. The curse disappeared from Gojo's hand. Gojo fell on the bed. Geto pulled out.
When Geto looked at Gojo he saw that Gojo already fell asleep. Geto cleaned both of them. He smiled watching Gojo's sleeping figure. Suddenly Gojo's phone rang. Gojo was sleeping so Geto didn't disturbed his sleep and picked up Gojo's phone. The call was coming from Shoko. Geto picked up the call. "So idiot... you finally got your crush huh? I told you for a long time that go and propose Geto but no you being shy all time! Finally got him...and gosh...the way you both were moaning!!!... remember it all happened from my party so I deserve a treat!" Shoko said on the call. Geto stopped. Then he processed the thing. That Gojo also had a crush on him?! 'so Satoru liked me? Ahhh... I get it now....he was liking it when I was being rough that's why he was acting that he isn't liking it so I'm gonna be more rough....my Satoru likes it rough, huh?' Geto thought with a smirk while looking at Gojo's sleeping figure. "Actually Shoko... I'm Geto, Gojo's sleeping right now...but thank you" Geto said and cut the call.
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This is my first time writing satosugu fic 😭 so please be gentle with me 😭
Give me your requests guys....
I love when you give me your requests 💕
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Tagging: @han11dh , @candy69gurl , @nanamiiiiiiiswife
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hazybisou · 1 year
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pairing: f!reader x luke hughes
overview: week 2: luke takes y/n out to the beach only for the both of them to be met with a surprise down the shore.
warnings: talks about being sick and possible death.
o. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. au masterlist
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it was 4 am.
why was she awake at this ungodly hour? she didn’t know.
oh wait..she did.
her phone was on her nightstand, ringing like crazy. she was in the midst of sleeping when it began to buzz. it took her a while to wake but when she did, she wished she hadn’t.
y/n groaned and grabbed her phone as she looked at who had called and texted her.
my personal stalker 🥲 (luke)
she had over 26 messages and 2 missed phone calls. why was he calling her this early? she knew he still had yet to tell her all the info she needed for later but it could’ve waited another 3 hours.
she opened her contacts before pressing on luke’s contact. it rang as she sat up, against her headboard, rubbing her eyes from the tiredness she had endured.
“yea it’s me.” he replied.
y/n sighed, “why’d you call me?”
she could hear luke breath on the other side of the phones, “i just wanted to know if we were still on for later?”
she squeezed her eyes in annoyance, “that’s what you called me at 4 in the fucking morning for?” y/n questioned.
“well-yeah. i mean i was worried that you might’ve changed your mind last minute and so i couldn’t sleep and-”
y/n stopped his rant, “yes, we’re still on for later. i’m just waiting for you to tell me which beach it is and at what time.”
“oh right. text me your address.”
she blinked. “what?”
luke rolled his eyes. “just do it.”
“okay, jeez. bye luke.” you told him which a slight laugh.
“bye y/n. i’ll see you later.” and with that you hung up as you typed out your address before sending it to him.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
luke stayed awake after that call.
he was bouncing with excitement over something he had done in order to get to know a girl. sure, every guy had been excited over a girl but y/n wasn’t just any girl. she was his girl. he just had to make it official.
luke got up and out of bed at 9:30. he gathered his clothes for later and made a beeline towards the bathroom. he had got rid of his clothes before getting in the shower.
he had music playing in the bathroom as he showered. it was at maximum volume. luke knew his roommates would be pissed since it was so early in the morning, but did he care at the moment? not even the slightest.
he had finished 30 minutes later. he turned the water off and made his way out the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist.
he got dressed into a pair of light blue swim trunks and a button up shirt, the first two buttons undone.
luke grabbed a pair of sunglasses and a towel that he had thrown onto his shoulder. he made his way out his bedroom and began to walk through the hallway towards the stairs.
as he passed by mackie’s room, he suddenly heard a door creak open. “luke, what the fuck?” it was ethan. “it’s 10 in the morning, why the fuck are you awake?” he asked the boy as he groggily rubbed his eyes.
“i-uh-i’m going to the beach..with a friend.” he responded. luke hadn’t told any of his teammates he was going out with y/n. he knew if he did, they’d find some way to interfere and make it a big deal. so he kept it a secret.
“what, friend? you know you only got us.” ethan teased and luke just rolled his eyes.
“don’t worry about it.” luke told the boy. “now i gotta go.” luke rounded the corner before he rushed down the stairs, his footsteps fainting by the second.
mark’s door opened. “yo,” he called out to ethan who had turned around to go back into his room, “who the fuck was that?”
“luke. said he was going to the beach with a friend.” ethan explained.
“what friend?”
“i don’t fucking know man.” ethan replied. “he just said a friend before he left.”
mark began to think before an idea came to mind. “ay, wake everyone else up and tell them to get showered and dressed.” mark told the boy who just stood there tiredly and confused. “oh and while you’re at it, call the boys and everyone else up. we’re going to the beach.” he announced before turning around and heading into his room, the door shutting behind him.
ethan just stood there for a second before going in his room and flopping back onto his bed.
he’d do it in a bit.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
y/n was up and out of bed, getting ready for her “date” with luke. she had showered an hour before as she picked out dark green bikini bottoms and a dark green bikini top that had a tropical design on it. she had put on shorts over and a navy sweatshirt that went off one shoulder, her bikini strap showing.
her hair was in a braid as she didn’t it want it going all over the place on the way there. she grabbed her tote bag and began to pack all the necessities. she slid on her shoes and grabbed an extra towel from her closet.
she grabbed her phone and keys before heading into the living room and settling onto the couch.
jess was still asleep as she was a heavy sleeper. y/n grabbed her phone and began scrolling through instagram. she had been in the app for a good 5 minutes before she got a message from luke.
my personal stalker 🥲 (luke)
what’s your apartment number??
what do you need that for
you’re outside huh??
my personal stalker 🥲 (luke)
now what’s your apartment number
i’ll just go outside
my personal stalker 🥲 (luke)
no fuckin way is that happening
tell me the number
it’s apartment number 28
my personal stalker 🥲 (luke)
thank you!!
y/n throw her phone next to her and just sighed before rolling her eyes at the conversation she had just had. she grabbed it and left jess a text message, knowing she’d take another hour to wake up.
she was in the middle of texting a girl from her class that had needed help with the course when she heard a knock at the door. y/n got up and walked towards the door. she looked through the peephole and saw luke standing there, his hands in his short’s pockets.
she grabbed the door knob before twisting it and opening the door. “hi.”
luke looked up at her and just smiled. “hi.” he stood there for a second, taking in her figure and beauty before he spoke again, “you ready to go?”
she nodded her head before stepping out and closing the door behind her. the two began walking towards the elevator. after a good 2 minute walk, they both made it to the elevator’s doors and got in, clicking on the ground floor.
the two stood in silence.
y/n watched as the floor number increased until it eventually got to the letter ‘G’, signaling they were at the bottom floor.
they doors slid open and both were about to walk out at the same time before they both realized that they wouldn’t be able to. luke stepped back and let y/n go first, “go ahead.” y/n just smiled at him before she waited for luke.
the pair walked out to the parking lot and began to head towards luke’s car. y/n adjusted her bag over her shoulder as she grabbed her sunglasses out of her bag, with the sun out and all. she placed them on her head just in case.
the two got to the vehicle and luke opened y/n’s door for her to climb into and she thanked him before getting in, luke shutting the door soon after. he walked over to the driver’s seat and got in, settling in his seat as he pulled his seatbelt on.
“you ready? got you seatbelt on” luke asked y/n who nodded. “alright let’s go.” he stated before he started up the car and began to back up.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
the drive from her house to the beach was a good 25 minutes. the two made small talk but it wasn’t much that was said. just the occasional ‘how was your day’ and ‘that’s good to hear’. the two only talked about small things.
y/n was looking out the window, admiring the view that she didn’t notice luke had been staring at her.
gosh she’s so fucking pretty.
luke seemed to snap out of his gaze as he remember he was the one driving.
y/n just leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes, awaiting their arrival at the beach. she hoped it would be sunny and the perfect weather. but she knew better. it was michigan after all. the weather here is never nice.
the two pulled into the parking lot of the beach. y/n opened her eyes and just looked outside through the windshield. she could see the ocean waves and sand at the bottom of the hill.
luke had turned off the engine and unbuckled his seatbelt before reaching into the backseat, grabbing his belongings, which consisted of just his towel. he opened his door and got out before running towards y/n’s side of the car.
she had unbuckled her seatbelt and reached for the door handle but the door opened before she could even get her hand on it.
“oh. thank you.” y/n blushed. she got her bag and hoped out the car. she turned around and watched luke shut the car door.
he turned towards her. “c‘mon.” he told her and y/n just began to walk next to him.
to get down to the beach you had to climb down the stairs that were attached to the rock side. it was a simple task, yet luke seemed to make it look difficult as he has taken y/n’s hand and helped her down as if it were hard to go down herself.
they had gotten to the bottom half of the steps and luke refused to let her hand go. she just rolled her eyes before walking in front of him, their conjoined hands now over her shoulder, as she walked them both down the stairs.
the two reached the sand and at last they were at the bottom. “so you wanna walk around first or go straight into the water?” y/n asked luke as she held a hand over her eyes to block the sun out
“whichever is fine.” y/n hummed and just took his hand as she began to make her way against the shore. luke happily obliged and followed behind her.
the pair had begun to walk along the water, their shoes now off and in their hand, the weather hitting against their feet and ankles. it was silent for a few seconds before one spoke up.
“why’d you ask me to come with you?” y/n asked luke as she looked up at him. he just continued to look down at his feet.
“w-well i thought you seemed like a nice girl, you know? i’ve seen you in class before and have wanted to talk to you for a while but i just never seemed to have gotten the chance until now. i want to get to know you. just us two.” luke explained. he didn’t know wat else to say other then that. i mean it was slightly true. he had seen her in his classes but she would always sit a couple rows ahead of him so she never seemed to acknowledge him. on the other hand, it was all apart of the bet, so he had no choice.
“you’re in my class?” y/n wondered with a slight tilt of her head. she had never seen him before. sure she got there a little later than most people but she always noticed her peers. maybe luke just blended in.
“yeah, i am. econ. i sit a couple rows back.” he answered her question.
y/n just raised her eyebrows. “wow. i guess i’ve never seen you before then.”
“yeah maybe.”
the two continued their walk in silence.
luke was freaking out inside. was it going that bad? they aren’t even talking for gods sake! was this a good idea? would she still talk to him after? millions of thoughts raced through his heads. hopefully this would go well.
y/n was thinking. she had always noticed the kids in her classes. luke just never seemed to be there. although there was always this one kid who would sit in the far back but it couldn’t be him. or maybe it was? she didn’t know. y/n was just focused on the moment at hand.
“hey is this your first year at umich? i’ve never saw you around last year.” luke stated. sure he had known the answer already but he wanted to know more.
“yeah i am. i transferred over from csuf. fullerton.” y/n said.
“oh so you’re a california girl?” luke wondered.
y/n just laughed and shook her head. “i guess you could say that. yeah.” she never was a fan of the heat and humidity. “i just never really liked the heat over there. makes things a lot more difficult.”
luke just shrugged. “well you won’t have to worry about that over here. i’m sure you could tell already though.”
she nodded her head. “yeah, well michigan sure is something.”
“why’d you transfer? if you don’t mind me asking.” luke asked her as they had began to walk back.
“no, it’s fine.” y/n brushed off, “most of my family lives here in michigan so thought it’d be better to live closer to home.” y/n said. “but mainly because my grandpa lives here too. my mom called me one day and told me he had gotten sick. we didn’t know how much time we had left with him so i decided to apply for transfer here at umich for my sophomore year. when i got in, my dad flew over and started to help me pack immediately. i had bought my ticket and flew over here the next week. although my parents live like 10 minutes away from campus, i still found a place to live in. i met my roommate, jess, at some random store in the mall and she told me how she attended umich and that she was looking for a roommate. i took that position. so i’ve been here ever since.” y/n finished off.
“oh wow, i-i’m sorry. must be hard being at school most of time and not getting to see your grandpa. i’m sorry.” luke said as he turned towards y/n.
y/n just waved it off. “it’s fine really. i still get to see him on the weekends and breaks so that’s got to count for something right?” luke just nodded.
“but i’m sure i’ll be fine. i mean i got jess with me. she’s a nice girl.” y/n explained.
“she really is. jess will be there for anyone even if she says she hates them.” luke said and y/n just smiled.
“like you and your team?” y/n teased. “she’s always calling you guys these names and she’ll be telling me about it and i just find it so funny.”
luke grimaced. “yeah she can be like that sometimes.”
y/n just laughed. “that’s what i love about her. she’s never scared to say whats on her mind. she’s truly is amazing.”
luke smiled. “i’m glad you have someone like her.”
“thank you. i-”
she got interrupted.
the pair looked towards where the voice came from. at the top of the stairs stood mark and his teammates, some holding the hands of girls who y/n assumed were their girlfriends, and some friends. among those friends was jess and some sorority girls.
“what the fuck?” luke said only so y/n and him could hear. “how the hell did they know where i was?” he turned to y/n. “i am so sorry this happened.”
“no it’s okay.”
the two stood there spitting out apologies to each other. the team and their friends began to walk down the stairs, beach necessities in hand. as they walked down one by one, y/n noticed how many people there actually was. she never did well around many people. big crowds overwhelmed her and made her feel like she was trapped in a small room. they made her heart speed up.
the group began to place their stuff down but not before saying hi to luke and waving towards y/n with a smile. mark and a couple of the guys walked over to luke and y/n. mark put a hand on luke’s shoulder, going to stand next to him. luke stood annoyed at the boy before turning his head towards mark. “what?”
“how ya doing bud?” mark asked enthusiastically. luke couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
luke took a deep breath in, “fine before you all got here.” he snapped.
mark held his hands up in defense. “hey, we just wanted to spend some time at the beach. we didn’t even know you were here.”
“sure you didn’t.” luke told him before he grabbed y/n’s hand. “c’mon y/n, we’ll go somewhere else.”
the two started to walk towards the stairs. all luke wanted was a simple day out with y/n, his “date”. but of course, mark had to come and ruin it. it’s not that he didn’t like mark or anything. they were best friends. he just really wished he could have a day out without his teammates. luke just wanted to have time with y/n to get to know her better.
the two were almost at the stairs before they heard one of the boys call out, “luke c’mon man!” they turned around to see mackie who had his hands up. “we just wanna have some fun. you can still have your date with y/n here,” he explained, “we’ll stay out of your way.”
luke shut his eyes tightly before opening them and looking down at y/n. “is that okay with you? them being here?” he asked.
y/n nodded. “it’s fine, i promise. besides i need to talk to jess about something.”
“alright we’ll stay but just don’t go crazy or whatever, please?” luke told the group of boys. “i really don’t want to go home with a headache.”
“we promise.” dylan said as he held a hand up. “now get your ass over here.”
luke and y/n walked over to them before y/n let his hand go. “i’ll look for you in a bit.” she told him before she turned around to look for jess.
the sophomores all began to swarm luke as they started to talk and jump around enthusiastically.
y/n however began to walk towards where she saw jess and a couple of girls. she walked up behind her and placed a hand on her back. “jess.”
jess turned around and a smile spread across her face. “hey, y/n!” she took the girl into a hug. “i woke up and you were gone but turns out you were here with luke the whole time.” the pair pulled away as y/n began to sit down with jess on the extra beach chair they had.
“bitch i texted you that i was gonna be gone with like before you woke up, knowing you always check your phone.” y/n explained.
jess just shrugged. “i didn’t see it.” y/n rolled her eyes before jess sat up. “oh you have to meet some of the girls. you’ll like them i promise but first i’d like you to meet some friends of mine.” jess gestured to a girl with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. “this is ellie.”
the blonde waved at y/n and smiled. “hi i’m ellie. it’s nice to meet you y/n.” y/n smiled back.
“she’s dating jacob truscott,” y/n looked confused. “luke’s teammate.”
y/n got introduced to three other girls, lauren, maggie, and valerie. y/n found out that lauren and maggie ran the teams social media account, while valerie was here as a friend. she also found out that she was apart of alpha phi, a top sorority on campus.
y/n began to get along with them very well as they had been laughing and giggling at whatever one said. luke watched from afar, as he was “keeping an eye” on y/n. he knew it was a lie. he had a red solo cup in hand as he talked with some of the guys but he’d get distracted often, looking over at y/n every 5 minutes or so.
“yo luke, keep staring at her and soon she’ll melt.”
nolan, the teams captain laughed. “you okay there hughesy?” nolan asked and be slung an arm over luke.
“yeah i’m fine.” luke looked away from her. “sorry i was just making sure she was alright.”
nolan nodded. “right.”
“what i was!” luke defended himself. “she’s having fun which is good.” luke looked down at the liquid stirring in his cup.
nolan just eyed him for a minute before he spoke. “you like her don’t you?”
luke’s head snapped up. “what? n-no! of course i don’t. i’m just acting the part for the bet. that’s all. really-”
nolan chuckled. “breathe. and i’m not judging. i mean sure we told you not to fall in love but it’s okay. just don’t break each other’s hearts.” with that nolan walked away and luke just stood there before looking towards y/n.
has he really fallen in love after two weeks?
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
it had been a couple of hours since the supposedly kegger had started. y/n took notice of how more and more people showed up. why? she didn’t know. someone had brought a speaker which is how the lyrics to some pitbull song were being heard. some of the guys on the team and their friends had helped build a bonfire big enough to provide light through the evening as it got darker. people would throw in more logs of wood when they noticed it burning out.
y/n had spent time with jess and the girls before she went off to search for luke. she made her way through the crowd of people and headed towards where some of luke’s teammates were. “hey dylan,” she said and the boy turned around to look at her, “have you seen luke?” she asked.
“hold on.” dylan turned around. “aye has anyone seen hughesy?” he yelled over the music. there were murmurs of ‘no’ and ‘i don’t fucking know’. dylan turned towards y/n once again. “no, sorry. last i checked though, he said something about going on a walk. i don’t know. have fun looking for him.”
“thanks. i guess.” y/n told him before she turned around and began to walk towards where she hoped she would eventually find luke.
luke, however, had snuck off. he needed the space away from the large group of people. so he decided to take a walk, just like he and y/n has done earlier. he never wanted this happened. in fact, he didn’t even want any of them to know. yet they did. so how he was stuck here with a bunch of people while all he really wanted was to be with y/n. alone.
why couldn’t i just have one night? one night was all i asked for-
luke snapped out of his thoughts.
he turned his body and saw y/n walking towards him. he began to walk towards her. “hey. is everything okay?” he asked as he placed his hands on either side of her face.
she shouldn’t have been blushing but she was regardless. “yeah, everything’s fine. don’t worry.” y/n looked down at her feet. “it’s just when i went to look for you, you were gone. so i got worried and came looking for you.” she explained.
luke sighed. “i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to worry you. i just needed a break from the noise and the guys.” he said. “i really am sorry. i never wanted them to find out where i was cause i knew they’d question me. i don’t even know how they found out where i was. especially which beach.” he grabbed both her hands in his. “i’ll make it up to you with another date. i promise.”
y/n smiled and shook her head. “it’s okay, alright? it’s not what i expected but at least we’re having fun,” she looked up at him, “although that other date does sound nice.”
they both laughed. “i’ll make sure to keep that in mind.”
y/n let go of one of his hands. “c’mon let’s go back. you can introduce me to the rest of your teammates.”
“you’re fine with that?”
“of course.” y/n told him as they both began to walk back to the group. “i want to get to know you. and if you’re team is apart of you then i have to meet them.”
luke grinned. “maybe another day. i just wanna be with you for now.” he took in her appearance, “have you gone in the ocean yet?” she shook her head. “why not?”
“i’ve been busy talking with jess and some of the girls.” she explained.
“it’s nice that you’re getting along with them.” luke told her.
they both turned a small corner and were met with the light from the flames of the bonfire, the music blaring from the speaker, and of course, the large amount of people.
they began to walk to a space within the crowd of people before luke paused. “c’mon.”
before she could finish her sentence, luke had bent down and picked her up, bridal style. “where are we going?”
“to the water.” luke answered before he began to walk towards the waves.
“LUKE HUGHES PUT ME DOWN.” y/n shouted out with a laugh. “at least let me take my clothes off. which mind you, i don’t want to get wet!”
luke rolled his eyes before setting her down. y/n grabbed the bottom of her sweatshirt and pulled it over her body, dropping it nearby. she then began to work on taking off her shorts. she slid them down her legs before stepping out of them, revealing her bikini. “you’re really gonna wear you’re shirt into the water?”
luke just unbuttoned his shirt before tossing it where her clothes were. “there? now let’s go.” he picked her up bridal style before he began to run towards the water.
“i swear to god if you drop me luke, i will never forgive you.” y/n told him. he pretended to drop her and she let out a small scream. “you little asshole-”
she couldn’t finish as luke had dropped them both into the water. y/n rose to the surface. “you fucking bitch!” she swore as she swam over to him and grabbed his head before dunking him under water as she giggled.
the two stayed there for awhile, laughing and messing with each other, splashing the other. they blocked out the noise of the kegger and just focused at the moment at hand, enjoying each other’s presence.
mark looked towards the pair from where he stood on the sand, his jaw clenched. he knew luke had only been doing it for the money, but was it really that easy?
mark turned towards the group, “aye look.” he nodded towards the couple in the water.
“looks like hughesy already has her locked in.” johnny said as they all watched the pair for a second before turning back to each other.
“you just lost 100 dollars man.” adam told the boy who just stood there with a smug look on his face.
“oh i don’t care about the money anymore. i’m just doing this for fun.”
he would find a way to make this a lot harder for the defensemen. he promised himself that.
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did you miss mee?!! i know you didn’t! anyways here’s the next chapter. i am deeply sorry this took like 3 weeks to write. i had writers block for like 2 weeks and i barely got to writing this like on wednesday. just know that since the endings are always horrible, it’s bc i am writing this at midnight and i am always lacking energy at this ungodly hour. but it is here and hopefully you enjoy. ignore all writing errors. (ima go text him now 🤭🤭) goodnight beautiful angels 💗💗🫶
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Hey there! So I’ve just recently gotten into Lost Boys, and was wondering if you could write a short where they meet the reader by saving them from the train during the bridge scene? Poor reader is just hanging onto Dwayne for dear life, begging for him not to drop her. And they’re all tryna be funny and make her laugh so she’s less scared. And then they take her home and she’s left flustered cause four hot guys actually talked to her lol.
Our hearts hold you little bat
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warning : fluff&comfort, tiny angst, implied flirting
info : Four hot guys that are also vampires what a dream. Happy that you recently gott into tlb. I was very happy writing this for your dear anon. So I hope you like it and have fun reading, everyone else too ;)
In a town like Santa Carla, it felt like there were only three things to do. You walked along the beach and swam in the sea, you went to the funfair and listened to music or you simply walked through the town and nature in the hope that something would happen.
But your choice fell into the third category. In a town like Santa Carla, she had visited the beach thousands of times, sunbathed in the water and enjoyed diving, which had only led to a few small fish that got boring after ten times.
The funfair and the concerts that would take place almost every weekend. Even after hundreds of thousands of visits, they were still entertaining and she liked dancing, eating cotton candy and singing with her friends and family.
But everything becomes too much at some point and she found that the night in this city slightly outside where you could have your peace and quiet was so much better. Peace and quiet is good too she thought as she looked up at the moon in the background as she turned to the beach which was still lit up, she could still hear the music, the saxophone being played could still be heard here.
"Like my own background music," she quipped and continued along the path, still old but still in use, it seemed to fit everything here. It was the height of strange people in the city while she also saw herself among them, but what was normal in this city?
She knew that she could get scared just as well as the other young adults, children and teenagers. ,,Not the murder capital of the world for nothing," she muttered as she walked along the path and saw the old bridge that Hlz and metal had seen for decades and probably years.
A beautiful constuction that stood under the stars, a constuction with history. History of the place she was interested in the place she was interested in. But one look at the party on the beach made her realize again that although she was having fun, she hadn't found a boyfriend or a relationship here yet, it wasn't that there weren't any dates but it had never happened in any way. She didn't really know how and the boys didn't want to.
But she shook off the thought, the wood creaked under her shoes, the metal seemed to tense up, but not because of her, was it? Something she didn't think about because the only thing she could never remember was when the train was coming. Running her hands over the railing, she didn't see the figures below her, the four beings, the handsome creatures in the form of four boys.
Enjoying the view, she looked at the beach, the city lights, the stars in the sky and the moon. It was a beautiful moment in the darkness of the evening. But this beautiful moment was interrupted by a fibrillation that brought her out of her thoughts as she looked beside her. ,,Oh shit!" she exclaimed as she caught the light and started to run.
She knew the bridge was long, the wood was rotten, the metal was rusty and the path wouldn't take her home straight away. It was as if, for the first time in this town, she was feeling terrified in the face of death. The pleading and running she could hear the horn, the light coming closer and the rattling of the wheels rumbling in her chest.
,,Come on fuck please just a little more" she mumbled but something inside her told her that she couldn't outrun a train traveling several hours and miles. A cry of fear escaped her as she closed her eyes and realized that she was not going to be caught by the train for a second when she suddenly felt arms around her.
Arms that were under a leather jacket, a dark leather jacket with a leopard on the sleeve and a bare torso underneath. ,,Wh-What?" she mumbled as she realized she wasn't caught in the train. But she screamed when she saw the ground beneath her and clung to someone. A person in the air? Confused, she looked at the man who looked at her with a slightly amused grin.
,,I've got you," he said calmly and she clawed at the scratching post like a cat, but the stranger didn't seem to mind. ,,Oh, Dwayne, don't be so shy... hey, sweetheart, do you have to scare us like that?" she heard a voice and looked carefully beside her, clawing even more at Dwayne, who was still holding her like she was nothing. A blond man flew next to them, long blond voluminous hair and a smile on his lips as he put his hand on hers.
,,You're flying? What-what are you Superman?" she asked, still not understanding what was going on, it was like a shadow the four of them. She had seen these four before on the solid but always just like a shadow. A damn good-looking shadow.
A laugh came from the four of them which made her squirm and she made a startled sound as one flew headlong towards her. ,,Don't hate, just grin I mean look at the view...besides I'm Marko, volumen hair is Paul and there in front is David" said the one with the curly hair and she saw the last of the four. She saw the light blond spiky hair, the leather coat and the glimpses of the cigarette.
,,Marko's right, sweetheart... enjoy this night view until you're back on the ground, don't want it to be uncomfortable," David said and gave her a grin as he joined his group. She tried to concentrate on the view, even though she kept looking back at the four of them.
Marko grinned at her and tried to tell her stories, Paul made bad jokes, David offered her a cigarette every now and then and talked about something, and Dwayne praised her for how well she was doing. The beauty of the creatures no it wasn't true she had seen the pointy fangs. These four beautiful vampires were really the best part of the night.
At some point it was quite nice to see the city from above and especially Dwayne's hands still holding her. She gave the four of them her address as the morning slowly threatened to come again and they flew there.
Luckily for her, she had left her window open because having to explain to her parents why four punky looking boys were standing outside the house was complicated.
,,Here sweetie," said Dwayne, gently helping her through the window as she finally got her feet back on the ground and the four of them hovered in front of her window. It was only now that she realized what had happened that a grin came to her lips and she could barely contain her excitement.
Four handsome vampires had rescued her and flown through the night. that was incredible i mean the train-you vampires...thank you for everything" she thanked the four of them who smiled at her.
,,Oh sweetie you have no idea how good everything will be tomorrow night at the same time" David mumbled and she knew she would be there, knew she was flying with the four of them again. But most of all she knew that there was now a fourth option. To roam the night with the lost boys.
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blossominghunnie · 3 months
𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
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Pairing: Myung Jaehyun x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, established relationship, headcanons + imagines
Warning: None
Notes: I love Jaehyun sm and I’ve been wanting to write more for him so here it is jsjs.
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• He loves having your attention, and when he doesn’t have it, he does everything in his power to get it back.
“How much longer are you gonna take?” Your boyfriend asked for the nth time.
You were painting and decorating your nails, and since when you concentrate you tend to block the outside world, you weren’t paying a lot of attention to the brown haired; something that he didn’t like.
“I’m almost done, so maybe 10/15 minutes?” You responded not looking at him.
He just nodded and furrowed his brows.
He was getting bored of waiting so he decided to give you quick pecks on your cheeks, an action he knew you loved and always got you flustered.
“Jaeee.” You called out his name. “What are you doing?”
“Me? Nothing.” He responded innocently.
“Pff, sure.” You knew this tactic, you knew your boyfriend pretty well. “I’m done, you needy baby.”
The boy cheered and lifted you by the waist.
“Jaehyun! If my nails get messed up I’m going to end you!” You threatened him.
That only made him giggle.
• He gets pouty when you gush over other idol(s).
“Oh my god! He looks incredible, wow.” You squealed excitedly as you watched one of Zerobaseone’s comeback stages of Sweat on the tv’s living room.
“Who? Are you watching our comeback?” Your boyfriend walked in, situating himself behind your spot on the couch. “Is that Zerobaseone?”
“Maaaybe.” You giggled. “And I’m talking about Hanbin, just look at him! He looks so handsome.”
“Why are you gushing over other men when you have me?” He pouted and crossed his arms.
You could practically hear the jealousy on his tone so you turned around to look at him.
“I’m just fangirling, love. You know he’s my bias and I love zb1, too.” He pouted further. “But it’s just that, it doesn’t mean anything.”
You stood up from your place and got in front of him.
“You’re the only man in my life, okay, handsome?” You placed your arms around his neck and kissed his nose which made him change his stance and blush.
“Okay.” He smiled and hugged you tightly.
• He’s sooo clingy, he’s always hugging you, touching your arm, or holding your hand, even in public.
You and Jaehyun were on your way to the convenience store that was around the corner from his dorm, hand in hand.
It was 2 am so it was okay for the two of you to be out together without fearing that the fans or dispatch would caught you.
As it began to feel colder, the brown haired put his arm around you and caressed your arm to keep you warm.
You pressed your cheek against his arm, making him hug you tightly.
• He’s a cuddler, he loves having you close. it doesn’t matter if you’re just watching tv together or sleeping or sitting next to each other.
You were watching a scary movie together on your bed while cuddling, a position you were in pretty often. Not only was Jaehyun a scaredy cat, but he also used these opportunities (watching horror films) to cuddle you.
He would use any excuse to hold you and hug you. The warm you radiated was so comforting for him.
The movie was halfway done, it was going fine until a jumpscare happened, making the boy jump. He closed his eyes and covered them with his hands.
After he calmed down he lowered them and turned to his left to look at you, just to find you sleeping. He always wondered how you were able to sleep anytime, anywhere.
He smiled softly, kissed your forehead and rested your head against his chest. You automatically cuddling onto him.
• You and Taesan are the ones that tease him the most, and he lets you get away with it.
“Y/nnie, do you think Jaehyun looks like a puppy?” Taesan asked loudly on purpose so that your boyfriend could hear. You were sitting together against one of the walls on their practice room.
You had gone to visit Jaehyun since he told you he had to practice until late.
You spent some time with him earlier and now you were gossiping with Taesan, who you were pretty close with. He loved to tease the older, and so did you, so you would usually team up to mess with him.
“Oh yes, and he’s the most adorable.” You responded with a big smile, trying not to laugh.
“I’m not a puppy! And I’m not adorable!” You heard from across the room making the two of you laugh.
“But you are, honey!” You spoke, which made him sulkier.
“You are like a golden retriever.” The black haired continued.
“I’m a wolf.” He pouted adorably and crossed his arms.
You laughed as you got up and walked over to him.
“I don’t know, love. You seem more like an excitable puppy.” You hugged him by the waist and pinched his cheeks with a teasing smile. “What are you gonna do about that?”
He looked at you with an soft expression and a tender smile, hugging you back. “I’m letting you of the hook just because you’re too cute, my love.”
Then he turned to look at Taesan. “But you’re not getting away with it.” The black haired’s eyes widened and he began to run away.
“Run, Taesanie, run!” You peppered your boyfriend’s face with kisses to try to stall him and let the younger get farther away. He just giggled and tried to pulled you away.
• He loves when you play with his hair, it makes him fall asleep so quickly.
Jaehyun and you were sitting on the bench you had on your balcony, as you were watching the stars and just enjoying each other’s company.
The brown haired had his head on your lap and your hand intertwined with his placed on his stomach.
Your other hand was playing with his soft hair.
You talked and laughed for a while, until you stopped hearing his voice.
Confused, you looked down and saw him sleeping. You smiled and kiss his head tenderly, continuing to play with his hair.
• It makes him happy seeing you get along so well with his members since they’re his second family.
• You are the one that reassures him whenever he has doubts or insecurities regarding being the leader or an idol in general.
• He has two types of love languages, physical touch and gift giving. Which is why he’s always near you and touching in any way but from time to time he gets you a gift, whether is something that he knows you’ve wanted for a while or flowers, a ring, etc.
• Whenever you’re apart, he will text you much more often and FaceTime you when he has the chance.
• He loooves when you compliment him so pls tell him that he looks handsome or cute, you’re the only person he allows to call him cute.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
Boynextdoor masterlist || Main masterlist
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crymyeyesout1 · 5 months
is this a prank
Summary: The marauders are all in a poly relationship with each other and Lily when they all individually become interested in a shy Hufflepuff in their year. What about this little Hufflepuff that makes them all feel complete? Will she return their affections?
Warnings: Poly relationship, mentions of smut, lots of fluff, very shy OC, mentions of child abuse, swearing, kind of a soulmate AU but only really for Remus. let me know if there are any more
part 3
Abigail’s POV
Usually, when I slept I would wake up from one of two things; the first being my uncle yelling or more often than not touching some part of my body, the second being a nightmare of one of the punishments I received by his hand. But when I woke from my nap on the Hogwarts Express to find two hands softly caressing me one hand on my back and the other in my hair. I had first believed that my entire encounter with the self-proclaimed marauders was entirely made up. No one had ever been so kind to me and to feel Sirius’ soft lips against mine couldn’t have been real. But their touch, it was different I didn’t feel so disgusted with myself when they touched me. It was like everything my uncle ever did was forgotten and I was a completely new person. I wanted to go right back to sleep and continue my dream of the Gryffindor lovers but something or someone shifted beneath me.
“Good afternoon doll” A voice called out forcing me to slowly open my eyes and look at who was speaking, when I was met with two gray eyes boring right into mine from mere inches away from my own. Startled I jumped back only to be held down by two large hands, only then did I realize I was sitting on James Potter’s lap, THE James Potter was holding me on his lap. What the actual fuck was going on.
“Baby! Finally, you are awake” James told her excitedly as he held me tighter to him and leaned down and kissed the top of my head. I was completely speechless my cheeks burned and I was sure they were bright red as I tried my best to get up. I didn’t want to be on this man's lap and I was extremely confused as to why his literal boyfriend was sitting next to him completely fine as held some random girl to his lap. I understood that I was Remus Lupin’s mate because he was a werewolf but why were his other mates so nice to me? Why are they acting like I’m part of their relationship? 
“W-w-why?” I asked it was all I could manage to get out, I wasn’t very used to talking, and Uncle Morfin would punish me when he heard me speak out of turn or ask questions. Just the thought of a punishment made me go rigid and I knew for a fact the boys around me had noticed as tears burned my eyes threatening to fall. 
“Shhhh it's okay you are safe” James whispers into my ear as he cocoons himself around me gently pushing my face directly into his chest as he starts to rock me back and forth like a child. After a few moments and more of James’ soft assurances, I had calmed down enough to look back up at him.
“What did you mean why baby?” He asked me trying to decipher the cause of my distress. 
“W-why m-me?” I responded in a barely audible voice still not used to being allowed to speak, but these boys had been nothing but kind to me all day and I certainly did not want this to change.
“Whatever could you mean you are our mate!” Sirius exclaimed exasperated that I could not understand the cause for their affection. “Doll, Moony chose you as a mate which automatically makes you our mate as well.” He explained further as if it was obvious. Meaning I did not have one mate but four. How could this happen? How could someone as worthless as me have four mates? This must be some sort of game these Gryffindors play, Yes! That’s it, It's just a prank they must be trying to fool me.
A simple “No” was all I could manage as I attempted to pry myself off the the burly marauders’ lap with no success. 
“What do y’mean no? Baby I know this is surprising but we already love you so much.” James  told me as he easily held off my weak fighting, I was still exhausted and this prank was just making it worse. It wasn’t until I yelped in pain when he touched my hip where underneath my clothes lay a particularly nasty bruise did he finally allow me off his lap. Panic evident on both boy’s faces as James began to profusely apologize cleary very upset that he had hurt you. Tears were streaming down my face at this point confusion and pain swirling inside of my head. 
“I-I-I just d-don’t understand I-I r-r-really do-d-d-on’t want to b-be a-a-aprat of t-this p-prank” You managed to stutter out, the crying just made it worse as you willed yourself to calm down. 
Oh Abby baby! no no no! This isn’t a prank we would never do that. We just want to be with you. Your our mate, our missing piece and we finally found you.” James explained looking as if he himself wanted to cry too. He carefully made his way over to you and was about to wrap his strong arms around you when he froze looking into your eyes af if to ask permission to hold you. And if you were being honest you had liked being in his arm, they were large and strong making you feel safe and warm so you nodded carefully and he immediately scooped you up rocking you gently again. 
“Oi you’ve gotten to hold my little doll enough Potter! My Turn!” Sirius interjected jumping up to ease you out of his mate’s arms. Settingly you safely on his lap he began to nuzzle into your neck leaving soft kisses here and there as you allowed a soft giggle to pass your lips. It was at this time that Lily and Remus had decided to make their appearance the prefect meeting having finished. 
“Ah my littlest darling how I’ve missed you” Lily said in sing songy voice. As she twirled closer pressing a soft kiss to your cheek she grabbed your hand pulling you to your feet and she told the boys it was time to change into their robes. With he free hand she grabbed both of your bags that held your uniforms and led you to the nearest loo. Handing you your bag she assured you she was only in the next stall over if you needed her. And need her you did, somehow after 4 years of attending hogwarts you still did not know how to tie your tie, but not to worry she told you she made the knot with ease leading you back to the shared compartment. 
The rest of the train ride was uneventful as the four marauders passed you around taking turns making you blush or telling you jokes. Upon reaching the great hall they all placed a kiss on your head and made their way to the Gryffindor table as you went and sat at the Hufflepuff table. You missed their undivided attention but one look over towards them only reassured you of their sincerity as they were already looking at you blushing furiously you turned away allowing yourself to breathe
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added): @chockymilksworld @thoughtfulpandamentality @sydneyle @persephonesalvatore @hcqwxrtss123 @hermionelove @liv2post @fanficlover03 @kxnnxy @noodlesareokah @fairygirl18 @l0kilaufeys0n7 @emilylouise123-blog
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the-trinket-witch · 23 days
Send a 👁️ for a glimpse of their future
Hopefully something happy for your toll boi's
(ask meme here)
Tol Bois? I got a few!
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(6'5) (His isn't happy, sowwy)
All that hard work, all that information: stolen, destroyed, gone. Dr Sona had been found out by The Prefect alongside his coworker's child. The game was up: his residency as the school's counselor had finally been found to be a smokescreen, and everybody could see it.
"I-I-" He seethed. His throat felt tight, filled with a sour, earthy taste. Was it sick? No. "I won't let some insssepid cubs ruin EVERYTHING I worked for!"
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“I will be willing to reward you with a position in the kitchen in exchange for year two herbology lessons," Offered Azul. "Until the end of this school year when your compulsory service at the lounge is fulfilled, and I have passed my exams. What do you say?”
Well, they were short one cook, after the union scuffle, and Tidus had been aching for that job for a while…He perused through the newly rearranged contract with a similar scrutiny to the one keeping Azul or Jade from talking to Vane, but found no fault in the current terms. He took the pen and rescrawled his name along the emptied line. No sooner did the contract roll in on itself and the pen disappeared. Azul rose from his seat and replaced his hat.
"I look forward to what we'll learn together," he declared with a hand out to shake.
Tidus utterly brimmed with excitement. His heart leapt at his new prospects. Completely ignoring the attempt at a handshake, he instead elected to scoop the much smaller man into his arms and into an all-encompassing hug.
"You got it, Boss!"
Both twins hissed with laughter at the octopus’s predicament. Floyd erupted into full-on cackling at the muffled sound of the gesture being 'highly unprofessional' and to 'Put me down and get back to work'. Tidus quickly relented, understanding long, crushing embraces being more of a Rhin Family Thing than a universal exchange.
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Galen still couldn't help feeling apprehensive. His hand lay outstretched: bare. The hair under his sleeve stood on end as Deuce reached out take said gloveless hand into his own.
"You've taught me a lot, Donnelley," the soon-to-be second year smiled. "I wanted to shake cause, I think you deserve to have that kinda contact. I ain't scared of luck; rolling with the punches is something else you taught me. It's...gonna be kinda weird to not see you next year. Mind if we swap contacts just so we don't forget each other?"
Warmth. Unobstructed warmth, from another person...Of their own volition. It threatened to light his nerves like a stick of firecrackers. Yet, ever so cautiously, Galen's hand hesitantly curled around Deuce's and began to shake it.
"Sure. If you don't hear from me, I'm busy. Just gimme a bit to reply, m'kay? It ain't me forgetting you. And...thanks." The typically dour-looking third year suddenly let something akin to a smirk creep up his cheek. "Trey wanted me to keep it a surprise cause he overheard, but Secret between us? I heard your name a bit when Riddle got to talking about picking a new vice housewarden since Trey's takin' off."
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia @writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house @thehollowwriter @rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie @hoboyherewego
@achy-boo @oreoskys @oseathepebble @oathofoaks @tunabesimpin
@hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki @valse-a-mille-temps @hallowed-delights
@kimikitti @plutos-hell @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory @comingyourlugubriousness
@ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin @scint1llat3 @tixdixl
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thecourtjester12 · 8 months
About, asks, au's and relevant nonsense!
About me!
Heeeeeello, hello, hello! I'm Jester! I use They/ey (Themselves and Ey/em/eir/emself or eirself either works! May use I/me and we/us interchangeably. Either is fine.)
I'm Atertiary, Aroace and an Autistic adult! :3
I'm aplflux (plato indifferent/favorable) I'm ok with being called a friend and the /p tag used towards me! But I do not use it myself usually.
I use the term familiar to address people and may call them 'friend' more as a general endearment (only if they want to be called friend/are comfy with it much like the term dear or dove or familiar in this case! ^-^)
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About the blog
I namely post Smoon (aka the daycare attendent, Sun and Moon FNAF) and Au's, be it drawings, writing, random thoughts and sneak peaks! And of course fanart (be it canon fnaf (or my takes on charas) orrrrr fanart for other lovely creators daycare Au's!)
I reblog stuff a lot, I just LOVE sharing peoples awesome stuff!! So expect to see a lot of that, buttttttt generally that will be set on queue throughout the week (unless its something more time dependent!)
Please read the FAQ page before sending asks!
FAQ page!
Asks are through Ask the Jester! Ask status: OPEN
My Au's (I'll have things sorted eventually so y'all can click and see all of a specific au's stuff at once)
JDCAU Masterpost (Jester's DayCare AU...its a terrible name I know) All info and posts on this au! (Masterpost is mostly done...needs to be spruced up a bit!)
My take on Fnaf SB if the fire never happened and the plex was taken under better management, stuff for the Au will be tagged as #jdcau
J-TOL Masterlist(Jester's The Other Location, its very sparce atm...needs to be spruced up)
Same universe as JDCAU, there are two locations the second location never had the virus at all here, also under the same management now and have their own struggles! Stuff for the Au will be tagged as #j-tol
LOTC (Legend of the Celestials)
Siren/leviathan Smoon au, very mythology/folklore based, reworking this au atm...stuff for this Au will be tagged as #lotc or #LOTC
Currently under rework/work in progress so not much for it rn
Currently unavailable, please try again soon!
Under construction and not currently available to the public! (...Also just...have no clue on a name for it...I don't want redacted to stick...but it might :' D) Currently tagged as #REDACTED au (Reaalllllly need to name it >_<)
MIW (Monty In Wonderland)
Currently unavailable, please try again soon!
Under construction and not currently available to the public!
Any snippets that may appear will be tagged #miw or #MIW
LSAU (Lonely Star Au)
An AU where Sun Polaris is sentient but Moondrop is not and his frequent struggles. Lots of angst and making the boi miserable. This Au is also inspired by a prompt from my friend @sketchtxt ! :3 (...and both are a frequent object of friend wanting to smooch...you know who you are.)
Masterpost to be made! Anything for this Au will be tagged #lsau
NBC au (Nightmare Before Christmas Au)
Currently unavailable please try again soon!!! Currently this au is in early stages of brainstorming, what it is may be announced soon! :3 Currently tagged #NBC au
ESS au (Eclipse's Solar System au)
A human SB au that mainly focuses on Eclipse and their twins Nova and Callisto and all their friends! A very fluffy slice of life type au with silly shenanigans and bits of angst! I have an ask blog for ESS au found here! And anything will be tagged as #ess au
PDC au (Playdate Collector au)
An au where me and my friends @sketchtxt and @sir-qwillian-ferne are SMods and put a bunch of our Au's together because we want our various Smoon's+ to interact and made lore for it! We all have a blog for it that can be found here! Anything for it will be tagged #pdc au
CTAMK au (....you'll find out soon)
An in progress AU with my friend @sir-qwillian-ferne to make a wholesome rarepair ship work! Currently not available to the public, please try again later! Anything that IS available will be tagged #ctamk au :3
Tags listing
List of the types of main tags and what they're used for outside au tags
any and all post asides re blogs from other amazing creators
any and all drawings, sketches, all art stuff
any and all writing posts, be it wips, sneak peaks and finished works for A03 on here (generally DCA related, anything else will be on my side blog!)
#jester rambles
just random rants and tangents and whatnot that are just me rambling on whatever
for when answering asks!
#canon #not canon Anything not canon to an au will be tagged #notcanon.
A03 and Other Stuff
Most AU based stuff will be linked with their specific Au master lists (eventually...) Any misc stuff outside that will be listed here!
My A03
My artfight!
My side blog where I post non Smoon content! (AKA my pseudo main I'm more active on! Link has been updated! ^-^)
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thefloorisbalaclava · 2 years
You got me back on my butt stuff bullshit. If ever you're inspired to write our tol boy König reviving any type of butt luvvin..... But only if you feel like it!
you know i'm here for all the butt stuff
könig is a person who will try anything at least once.
it's not to prove anything. he just likes trying new things.
approaching the subject wasn't easy.
you were ready for a final, resounding no.
but that isn't what you got.
he tilted his head and shrugged, "okay".
of course, you weren't going to jump right into pegging.
you started with your fingers.
you took your time, telling him to tell you to stop if it was too much for him.
he never told you to stop.
when you found his spot, he cried out something in German and you stopped.
"why are you stopping?" he asked. so you continued.
you wanted to see what would happen if you stroked him at the same time.
you had never seen him like that before--whiny and needy in the best way.
when you took him into your mouth, he arched up off the bed and cried your name.
you kept rubbing against his spot as you blew him making sure to keep a steady pace. you didn't want him finishing too fast.
"i won't last much longer," he warned.
but you didn’t pull off him nor did you take your finger from his ass.
if anything, it made you get a little more intense.
you wanted to hear him lose control. you wanted him to cum harder than he ever had before.
and he did.
his cum covered your hand, his stomach, chest. some even reached his neck.
he could only look at you afterwards in a lust-filled daze.
"i would like to do that again," he said as he caught his breath.
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minniesmutt · 5 months
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⚠︎ ━━━ DINNER
⚠︎ ━━━  WC: 1.3K
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     Nervous was the only thing to describe what Jeongin was feeling as he drove him and y/n to his family home. He did call his parents and ask to talk to them earlier in the week. He sat down and explained the whole situation to them. The talk went well enough — he was still alive. Now he was driving her over to the home for dinner. 
     Y/n didn’t seem as nervous as him but still slightly. She did feel better knowing (Astrid) was there. Someone she knew to break the ice. And they just happened to pull up as they were getting the baby out of the car. 
     “Ready?” Jeongin asked as he turned his car off. 
     “Yeah,” Y/n said 
     “I did tell them that we’re not together and don’t plan to be so hopefully it doesn't come up,” Jeongin warned her as they got out of the car 
     “Okay,” Y/n nodded.
     She was the one that brought up co-parenting only so why did the last part sting a bit?
     “I was going to yell at you if you were late,” (Astrid) told her friend
     “I’m surprised you guys are on time,” Jeongin replied
     “Look, I tried not to be,” Jisung said closing the door behind him while holding his daughters’ car seat in the other 
     “Gross,” Jeongin shook his head
     The four walked into the house. Y/n was a bit taken aback by how big it was but she shouldn't have been too surprised. The Yang’s were rich after all, so it made sense to have a bigger house. From what she knew, Jeongin had two brothers, and (Astrid) had told her that two boys alone were a lot till his younger brother was born. Plus her parents would have (Astrid) over more when they were teenagers. 
     “Mom!” Jeongin called into the house.
     “We’re in the kitchen!” a male voice called
     The four walked further into the house, Y/n starting to get a bit nervous now. Especially seeing her baby’s father's family gathered. 
     “You guys brought Deiji,” Y/n assume Jeongin’s older brother asked
     “Of course we did,” (Astrid) told him as she greeted the family. 
     Y/n watched as they all greeted each other. “This is Y/n,” Jeongin mentioned
     Y/n smiled as his mom came around the kitchen island, “it’s nice to meet you, my dear.” she greeted
     “It’s nice to meet you too,” Y/n said before the older women pulled her in for a hug
     Y/n hugged her back before the woman pulled away, “can I get you anything to drink?” she offered
     “Water, please.”
     “Why don't you offer me something to drink?” Jeongin joked as his mom hit his shoulder 
     “You lived for how long?” she asked him
     “What about me?” (Astrid) asked 
     “You also grew up here,” Jeongin retorted
     “I didn't,” Jisung inputted as he hiked his daughter up in his arms a bit
     “Between Jeongin and Astrid, you should know enough,” Jeongin’s mom answered as she handed Y/n a glass of water
     “Thank you,” Y/n said 
     “So Y/n what do you do for work? Jeongin just told us the basics of how you two met and nothing else.” Jeongin’s dad asked
     “I’m an editor for an online paper,” Y/n answered 
     “Have you thought about any changes after the baby comes?” his mom asked
     “No. I still haven't told my boss about the pregnancy yet.”
     “What about your family? Do they know?”
     “Yeah. They live a bit of a way away so I gave them a call earlier today and told them.”
     “Were they excited?” 
     “Yeah. They've always wanted grandkids.”
     “So have we. Didn't think it would be Jeongin,” his mom said
     “Ah!” Deiji yelled
     Both her parents, Jeongin, and his brothers laughed at the baby’s opinion on the grandkid matter
     “You tell her,” (Astrid) smiled
     “She gets that from you,” Jeongin’s mom warned her. 
     “I don’t know. Ji’s pretty sassy too sometimes,” (Astrid) told her.
     “No, I’m not,” Jisung defended himself
     “Your mom begs to differ.”
     “You do have an attitude sometimes,” Jeongin agreed
     “I hope your kid is just like you,” Jisung told his friend 
     The pre-dinner conversation continued and Y/n lost all her nerves. Jeongin’s family mainly got to know her and asked her questions about herself and her work. The family was laid back, and normal. Y/n appreciated it— though she felt a bit anxious when (Astrid) went to feed her baby before dinner. Jeongin seemed to notice and squeezed her shoulder as he continued his conversation. 
     “Jisung, go tell your fiancée dinners ready,” Jeongin’s mom said 
     “Okay,” Jisung agreed and walked down the hall. 
     “I thought you were going to do something different with the room?” Jeongin’s youngest brother asked 
     “Might as well keep it now In’s gonna have a kid,” his older brother said
     “Room?” Y/n asked as they all sat at the dinner table, waiting for the other three
     “We converted one of the bedrooms into a nursery slash playroom when Deiji was first born. She had some postpartum depression and there were times Jisung couldn’t be around but (Astrid’s) been better so she’s not over as much,” Jeongin’s mom explained 
     “We’ll probably have to change a few things once you two find out what you’re having,” his dad commented
     “We’ll have to wait and see before we make any changes,” his mom said 
     “She’s still feeding Deiji. Said to start without her,” Jisung said as he walked back into the room
     “All right. Make her a plate, at least Jisung.” 
    Everyone moved to grab some food from the center before fully sitting and starting to eat. The conversation continued as (Astrid) came back with her daughter. Taking a seat next to her fiancé while her daughter immediately tried grabbing the plate of food in front of her. 
     Jisung took his daughter from his fiancé before the little girl started to get passed around the table while everyone ate. Eventually landing on Y/n’s lap towards the end of the night. 
     “She’s getting tired,” (Astrid) noted as she looked at her daughter
     The baby laid back against Y/n, playing with her fingers, comfy and ready to sleep. Y/n was completely unaware of Jeongin smiling at her holding his niece. Everyone decided to call it a since the baby was getting sleep and everyone had work in the morning. 
     Y/n handed the sleepy baby to Jisung to put her in the car seat before saying goodbye to her baby’s father’s family. 
     “Thank you for having me,” Y/n said as his mom hugged her
     “Anytime my dear. Don’t be afraid to call if you need something,” his mom answered and handed her her number
     Y/n thanked her again before all the young adults left the house. Jeongin and (Astrid) said goodbye to his brothers before turning to their cars. 
     “Drive safe guys,” Jisung called as he opened the door for his fiancée. 
     Y/n and Jeongin waved bye to their friends and In opened the door for Y/n. She thanked him and climbed in. She put on the seatbelt as he climbed into the driver’s side and started up the car
     “That went well,” Y/n commented 
     “I had a feeling it would after I talked with them. Though my mom was very serious about calling her anytime. High chance she’s gonna ask you to get coffee with her.”
     “That’s fine,” Y/n laughed, “She’s nice. I’m glad she’s our kids' grandma.”
      Jeongin smiled to himself as he drove her home. The two talk about a few things for the baby and their week. 
     “Do you want me to walk you up?” Jeongin asked as he parked outside her building.
     “No, it’s fine. Thank you for the ride,” Y/n smiled as she grabbed her bag. 
     “Anytime,” Jeongin smiled as she got out of the car. 
     Y/n waved bye after closing the door and headed up to her apartment.
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