potatobugz · 2 years
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greatest book ever btw. getting the audiobook was so worth it omg omg
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iwannascreameurekaa · 3 months
Percy Jackson fans who refuse to read trials of Apollo kinda piss me off
I've only heard a few reasons on my people don't want to read TOA but most of the reasons are honestly stupid... and bullshit so
! Might have TOA spoilers !
reason one: Lester is annoying
no shit he's Apollo that's his whole character development thing usually when a character starts off bad that means they're going to evolve into a better person that's basic writing
reason two: caleo
valid tbh but really you just gotta Manipulate yourself into believing that Rick was 100% writing them as friends idk
but also they're only in a last part of the first book, the second, and basically no where else
reason three: the one and only Jason Grace scene
did I say spoilers? Cause there's gonna be spoilers here!! So you don't want to read a five book series because one of those books contain the death of a character who you didn't even particularly like until their death? Most of the fanbase disliked or even hated Jason before the burning maze and I see loads of hate towards him today but we're not getting into that rn we're talking about TOA so here's my solution if you don't want to read a characters death scene: don't read any Percy jackson book. There are plenty of people who die during any Riordan book so stop whining about one. If you don't want to read the book that's fine but saying your reason for not reading is because someone dies is stupid. Do I need to name all the people that have died throughought the series?
reason four: Percy's not in the book
It is completely valid if your favorite character is Percy and you want him to show up more but that mf has 5+ books from his pov and is also in multiple other books. He's in four out of five of the hero's of Olympus series he's in the first TOA book he's in Magnus chase too so grow up he's not going to be in every book
I think the only other reason I've seen is that they can't afford to buy the books which is completely valid you're fine
but I think that sums up my little rant
Edit: spelling, added something to the caleo part 👍
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ilybeam · 1 year
“Tat my name on you so I know it’s real”
You jokingly tell him to tattoo your name so you know he’s serious about your relationship.
Various x Gn!reader
Gun Park, Dg/James Lee, Hudson Ahn, Samuel Seo, Vasco, and Jake Kim
Content Warnings - Established relationship, unintentionally manipulative reader?
A/n - Didn’t add all my favorite characters so if people enjoy this I might make a part two.
Doesn’t tat it
Gun park -
- Definitely scoffed at you when you said that.
- I mean are you crazy? His body is a temple, of course he’s not going to go through with something that he could potentially regret in the future.
- Told you to get his name first and then he’d think about it. Was not serious about that proposition when he said it.
- Has semi realistic expectations of romantic relationships.
- Scolded you even after you said it was a joke.
“All jokes have some truth to them, [name].” He chided
“God you sound like my mother.” You bit back.”
Dg/James Lee-
- Looked at you like you had three eyes.
- He’s an idol, his image is everything. A tacky tattoo of his lovers name would not slide.
- Doesn’t even matter if he thinks y’all would last forever, a tattoo is just too much.
- Would try to compromise by buying a chain with your name on it.
Didn’t agree to it, but definitely thought about it
Hudson Ahn-
- The man reeks of commitment what can I say.
- His devotion to relying on his right hand is a testament to that.
- But even with all things considered a tattoo of your name is a bit much.
- Definitely thinks it’s a bit tacky as well.
- Not to mention, your significant others name as a first tattoo is a lot.
- All things considered, you should be thankful he even thought about.
Samuel Seo -
- Laughed at you when you said it.
- But even so, it definitely took him a minute to think about it.
- I mean his whole body is tatted up, how’s one more going to make a difference.
- Would also be very easy to cover up or incorporate in the design of his whole body’s
- But a king with his significant others name tattooed on his body, I’m not sure if that’s a great idea.
- Told you he’d tattoo your name, if you tattooed his.
- But unlike gun he wasn’t joking.
“Okay I’ll do it-“ he smirked, he’s definitely up to something.
“Wait really?” you interrupted, not actually thinking he’d agree.
“But only if you tattoo mine aswell”
Agreed to tattoo your name, no regrets.
- Didn’t think of the nuances of tattooing your name.
- I mean look at him, what’s one more tattoo.
- Not much more to be said.
“Vasco?” You called out, gaining his attention.
You both sat in the park whilst Vasco was in between sets.
“Hmm?” He replied, slowly catching his breath after completing his ridiculous workout regimen.
“You should get my name tattooed” you tried to hide the smile forming on your face.
“Huh, get your name tattooed, why?” His whole attention was on on you now, he was genuinely confused.
“So I know it’s real” it was really hard to contain your laugh now.
His face fell some more, even more confused than before. An adorable display of his emotions.
“Let me rephrase that, so I know you’re serious about me .” You pouted as those last words came out of your mouth, attempting to add sincerity to your words. You knew Vasco was serious about you, from your first, albeit, disastrous date.
“Okay” he smiled as his reply came out, full of real sincerity.
“Okay?” Now you felt bad, you didn’t think he’d actually agree.
“Mhm, I’m real serious. I’ll have to set an appointment for it then. Sorry if it takes too long, my artist might not have any availability.” With those words he turned back to his set, ready to complete the rest of his push-ups.
Okay, now you felt really bad. His face when he said that made you take pause when telling him it was a joke. You forget how sincere your boyfriend really is. One to always wear his heart on his sleeve.
“No, no Vasco. I was joking. Don’t get my name tattooed please.”
Jake Kim-
- What can I say, he’s as committed as they come.
- Would only get into a relationship if he’s completely sure he wants to stay with you forever.
- A tattoo is for ever and so is your love.
- Would hope you’d get his name tattooed aswell, but wouldn’t force it. Especially if you don’t have any other tattoos.
- Definitely pouted when you said it was a joke.
- Told you he was going to get it done anyways now that you put the Idea into his head.
A/n - got a bit carried away with Vasco’s one, I’m not sure how it happened but I wanted to add a bit of a Drabble since his was so short and it turned into that. Hope y’all enjoy anyways.
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so-long-soldier28 · 1 year
Favorite Sociopath
kai parker x reader
summary: damon and bonnie leave you in charge of babysitting kai. you accept willingly as time to get to know him.
tags: characters watching american horror story / ahs references, talking about trauma, past child abuse, childhood trauma, accidental cuddling / cuddling, bonding
word count: ~3.5k
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“I’m almost finished, shut up,” Bonnie snaps at the brooding man beside her.
Damon puts his hands up, “jeez.”
“He’s in Georgia. At this location,” she points to the site on the map.
“What’s he doing there?”
“It’s your brother, you tell me.”
“It’s not like I control him!”
“Ah,” a voice interrupts their arguing, “the two of you, still bickering. Just like in the old days of 1994.”
“Shut up, Kai,” Damon orders the younger man. 
“Harsh words! I’m hurt.” He grabs his chest as if he were stabbed.
“You’re fine.”
The siphon clicks his tongue, “so when are we leaving?”
“We? You’re not going anywhere.”
“Oh come on! I helped,” he gestures vaguely, “with the spell.”
“Suggesting a locator spell is not helping. But regardless, your help or lack thereof is not why you’re not coming. You’re dangerous; you can’t be trusted. You’re staying here. Y/N, you’re watching him.”
“What?” Bonnie whips to face Damon before you can even comment. “He cannot be alone with her, he’ll kill her! How do you think Elena will feel when she finds out you let the psychopath murder her cousin?”
“Please, she’ll be fine! She can handle her own.”
“Kai is a psychopath! Whether or not she can handle her own means nothing when you have a psychotic witch against a mere human!”
“Only slightly offended,” you mutter. Then louder, “I’ll be fine, trust me. Kai’s a sociopath, not a psychopath.”
“And that means what exactly? That he’s not capable of killing you?”
“No, I’m just saying… I don’t know… I trust him. Sociopaths at least have the capability to feel emotions, they’re just buried, or reserved for certain people. Psychopaths are the ones that scare me.”
Both are obviously baffled from your statement. Though as soon as Bonnie gets over it, she yells, “you trust him?! Are you crazy?”
Kai borrows your words, “only slightly offended.” It makes you chuckle. “Just a reminder - I’m right here.”
“And, Bonnie, no. She’s not crazy. She can think for herself, y’know? And she’s right - I’m not going to hurt her.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Then don’t. You’re not the one being told to babysit me.”
“Damon, we cannot leave her with him!” She turns back to the man. 
“Well we’re running out of options. We could go with my original plan and leave these two here, go retrieve Stefan, and return. Or, we could bring them with us. Listen to Kai talk non-stop all the way to Georgia, grab Stefan, squeeze all three in the back of my camaro, and drive all the way back, with Kai still yammering. Does that sound fun to you?”
“Better than letting Y/N die at the jam-covered hands of him.”
You roll your eyes, “Bonnie, I’ll be fine. I promise. You two need to go get Stefan before he attacks someone else, and Georgia’s a long drive. Kai and I will be fine, and if not, there’s plenty of people I can call for help. Not only that, plenty of places I can hide in this massive house.”
“Just not under the bed,” Kai smirks, “I’ll find you there.”
You stifle a laugh as you meet Bonnie’s eyes. 
Kai notices her expression, too, and coughs, “just a joke. Very bad joke.”
“No more jokes.”
Seeing the fire in his friend’s eyes, Damon chooses the next moment to interrupt. “You’re right, Georgia’s a long drive. Kai, no leaving the house. Y/N, watch him carefully. No killing, no threatening, no nothing. Call Rick if you need anything-”
“Ew,” you cut him off.
“Alright. Call, I don’t know, Jeremy then. What’s wrong with Rick?”
“Weird, just weird. Might be the beard. Might be the…”
“Spit it out, Y/N.”
Bonnie gives you a glare.
“Fine, I’ll call him. But I’ll be fine. We’ll be fine. Right, Kai?”
“Whatever. Just be careful.”
Twenty minutes later, they’re finally out the door. 
“Finally!” You collapse on the couch, “peace and quiet!”
Kai takes the chair across from you, then watches as you get comfortable.
“Want to watch something?”
“I am.”
“No, you goof. I mean on the TV,” you roll your eyes playfully at his comment.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know? Let’s see if there’s Netflix on here.”
“What’s a Netflix?”
“You’ll see.”
After a bit of scrolling - the brothers did, in fact, have Netflix downloaded - your eyes light up at one show in particular. 
“Oh this is a fun one.” 
“American Horror Story?”
“Mhm! Murder. Mayhem. It’s a masterpiece.”
“You’re into that sorta thing?”
You look at him, “why? Do I not look like it to you?”
“I don’t know, you just seem so sweet and innocent.”
“Oh, Kai Parker,” you coo at him, “that’s the thing about girls. Even the sweetest ones have a dark streak in there somewhere.” 
His eyes stay focused on you, nearly black and unblinking, but it’s hard to miss the lump in his throat.
“So you want to watch it?”
“You’ve got me intrigued. Now I’ve got to see it.”
You can’t help but giggle in excitement as you press start on the first episode. “They don’t have to be watched in order, but season one is a classic. Wait til you meet the love of my life, Tate Langdon.”
“Who’s Tate?”
“Oh, just my favorite sociopath,” you wink at him. “Aside from you, of course.”
His cheeks flush, but he tries to hide it with a cough. 
“It’s starting. Meet,” you spread your hands out as an introduction, “the twins, that I honestly forgot opened the show. And I don’t know their names.”
Kai chuckles, smiling at you before turning his eyes to the TV.
Only half of your attention is on the show, as the other half watches for the witch’s reactions. You notice a small grin when the twin - Brad? - gets sucked into the basement’s abyss. The expression should scare you, but you find yourself more entertained than anything else. His face changes, however, when Ben’s caught cheating on his wife. Kai’s eyes darken and jaw tenses. The smile returns when Vivian cuts the man’s arm in a fury, making you giggle. 
“He deserved that,” Kai justifies.
“Oh definitely.”
“I don’t know that much about… like, love, and all that, but you should never cheat on someone you love.”
Ignoring the butterflies in your stomach, you smile, “okay, Tate.” 
He cocks his head at you.
“You just nearly quoted him verbatim. Couldn’t help it. You’re right, though.”
You guys continue to watch. 
Eventually, the scene fades into the introduction. You can’t help but stick your tongue out at it, and don’t miss Kai muttering, “ew. That’s a little creepy, all those dolls and jars.” He grimaces.
“Sometimes the intros are scarier than the actual show.”
“How many seasons are there?”
“Four, but I bet there’ll be more.”
“Good. Ten minutes in and I’m hooked.”
“Season 3 is called Coven. But I really want you to meet Tate.”
“Coven? Is it anything like mine?”
“Well, let’s see from what you told me about yours... Shitty leaders - check. Awful parents - check. Stupid traditions - check. Yeah, similar.”
“Wait… you believe me? About my parents?”
“Of course,” you say without hesitation, “I mean, they locked you away for god’s sake. Of course I believe how they treated you. Why it made you snap.” Your tone quiets at the end, afraid to hit a nerve. Kai, however, doesn’t seem bothered by the mention of his crimes. He’s too focused on someone actually believing him; someone listening. 
The two of you stare at each other for a moment before he remembers to respond. “Thank you. For believing me.”
“All the evidence is stacked against your father. And if we’re being honest, dads are usually the cause of trauma, in my personal opinion. I mean, just look at my childhood. Hey, look at Ben Harmon,” you gesture to the TV, “every shitty thing is his fault. Or, maybe I’m projecting. Either way, he sucks.”
Kai laughs.
“Regardless, yes, I believe you, Kai. You’re not alone in your feelings. And like I told Bonnie, I do trust you.”
He’s quiet for a second, “it means a lot.”
You nod.
“Back to the show now?”
You push the back button a few times to where you guys were before your mini conversation. For a second as it starts to play, you keep your eyes on him. His lips form a small smile. Fingers are still, resting on the armchair. His posture, though…
“Hey, Kai?”
“Are you comfy?”
“Enough, yeah, why?”
“Come here, sit with me.” You sit up to pat the pillow where your head had just been. “Don’t hurt your neck looking up like that.”
“Are you sure?”
“‘Course. I don’t bite.”
The witch chuckles as you move the pillow for him to sit beside you. He sinks into the couch and gives you a smile that reawakens the butterflies in your stomach. 
“Mhm, thank you.”
“Is it okay if I touch you?”
“What, why?” The question catches him off guard.
“It’s okay to say no, I just wanted to ask in case I lean into you by accident. Don’t want to startle you, or cross a line.”
“No, um, wait. It’s okay.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, you’re okay.”
Sensing his hesitation, you take slow movements to get back into your comfortable position. Soon, your shoulders touch gently, causing him to flinch a little.
“I’m okay still. I wasn’t… expecting it. I mean, I know you told me, but I wasn’t allowed to… I, uh, I’ve been isolated a lot of my life.” He debated his words carefully before settling on the explanation. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, sweet. It’s not your fault. I’m guessing your father’s responsible for that, too?”
Kai nods slowly. “As a siphon, who didn’t know how to control their power, any form of contact would harm the other person. If I was allowed out of my room, I had to wear gloves, but even then, wasn’t allowed to touch anyone. Then I was in the prison world for eighteen years, alone.”
Hearing another bit of his past makes your heart break. Neither Damon nor Bonnie have told you much about him, except for a few antics from the prison world. They call him dangerous, but haven’t even told you his side of the story. As you learn more about him, everything in you wants to reach out and give him a tight hug, but you refrain from doing that to not startle him. 
He acknowledges your silence, “is this the part where you run?”
You snap out of your thoughts, “no, Kai. No, I’m not going to run. I’m sorry, I was just thinking. How awful of a man to treat his son that way.” Suddenly, you turn your body so you can look him in the eye. “You’re safe with me, Kai. Okay? Ever need to talk, ever need a hug. I’m here.”
“Okay. Um, thank you.”
“So… you okay if I…” you slowly get closer to him until your shoulders are touching again. “This too much?”
“No, you’re okay. Feels nice, actually.”
“Tell me if you need me to move.”
He nods, then pushes play on the remote. 
A deep focus takes over to the both of you as the show continues. At some point, Kai’s hand begins to absentmindedly trail along your arm - a gesture you don’t notice until you feel a chill throughout your body. He feels it too, and immediately retracts his hand.
“It’s okay. I like it.”
Kai doesn’t say anything, but to your delight, puts his hand back on your arm. You stay like that throughout the episode, too relaxed to recognize the heaviness in your eyes as sleep soon consumes your body. 
Sometime later, your eyes flutter open, making you confused. There’s no sound, not even the TV, but it’s a comfortable silence, not one that feels threatening. Slowly, you wake up more fully and are able to better take in your senses. You’re still on the couch, but laying on your back. Your head is on something soft, but not pillow-soft. A hand runs along your arm - just as it was before you fell asleep… Kai. Where’s Kai?
You try to ask for his name, but in your state, all that comes out is a whine.
Nonetheless, he answers. “Hey, are you awake?”
“Yeah, it’s me. Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah, but when did I fall asleep? Where are you?”
Eventually you’re able to pull your body up so that you’re sitting, not laying, on the couch. 
“I’m right here,” he waves to you as you reposition.
“Did I fall asleep on your lap?” The realization hits you, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to-”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. No worries, I, uh, kinda liked the contact. Like I said, I kinda lacked that for a while.”
“I know, but I would’ve asked first.”
“Technically, you did. And you can’t control being tired, it’s fine. Trust me, I don’t mind being your pillow.”
A blush creeps onto your cheeks.
“In fact, I wouldn’t argue if you wanted to lay back down, because now I’m missing it.”
That’s all the convincing you need to reassume your position in his lap. Though this time, you move your head so you’re looking up at him. “Hey, Kai?”
“I’m happy you trust me enough to be this close. I like it, too. And I like being someone you are comfortable around.”
“Me too, Y/N. Oh, and hey, I paused the tv about an hour ago because I wanted to watch it with you but you were asleep. But we’re some way through episode two.”
“I slept that long?”
“Yeah, but it’s okay. I’ve been on Twitter, so I haven’t been completely bored.”
“Not Tweeting pictures of me sleeping, right?” You joke with a snort.
He snaps his fingers, “aw, I should’ve! Quick, go back to sleep!”
“Hell no! The whole Twitter-World doesn’t need to see my sleeping face! Bad enough you already did!”
“Awh, what are you talking about? You have a cute sleeping face. Twitter would thank you for being able to see it.”
The blush and the butterflies return with that comment. “I-uh-thanks.”
“I’m serious!”
“I, um, uh… do you want to keep watching, or are you bored?”
“I’m down to keep watching if you are.”
“Okay, press the play button.”
“Oh, wait, wait, wait, before we do - I met Tate!”
“Oh, yes! How’d you like him?”
“He’s fun! Highly relatable all the way down to the music taste. I see why you like him.”
“See?! My friends think I’m crazy for it, but he’s such a good character. And the way he absolutely loves Violet - he’d do anything for her! I mean, yeah, he killed a bunch of kids, but I don’t know, maybe if his mother didn’t fucking abuse him, he wouldn’t have snapped the way he did.”
You see Kai’s jaw set out of the corner of your eye. “Sorry, uh, spoiler alert.”
“It’s okay. Do you really blame his mom for that?”
“I mean, yeah. Yes, he was the one to carry out the crimes, but you can only take so much hurt and abuse before you snap. Emotions fizzle out until there’s just a numb feeling, and then… well, I imagine it’s hard to make rational decisions when you feel that way for so long.” A second later, you realize you’ve been ranting. “I’m sorry, I’ve just really studied his character. Done a lot of research, including research on sociopathy, and the long-term effects of childhood abuse. Helps me understand him, and what he felt, and what caused him to snap. Sorry, I’m ranting again, oh jeez!”
“It’s okay,” Kai swallows hard, “I, uh, feels nice to be understood. For Tate, I mean.”
You stiffen. “Kai?”
“Did your parents hurt you?”
“I mean, I was isolated for a long time.”
“I know that, but…” you don’t want to say it. Don’t want to open a wound; don’t want to push him past his limits of comfort. But, you need to know. “Did they hurt you?”
A visible lump forms in his throat. “What counts as that? Cause I mean, some parents just toss their hands in the air. Some others hit with shoes, I’ve heard. Jo’s friend actually mentioned one time that they had a wooden spoon reserved for punishments.” He’s deflecting. You can’t blame him; he’s obviously been through a lot.
He rambles on like this until he meets your eyes. Tears welling, threatening to spill. A trembling lip. You know. He knows you know. 
“Yeah, sometimes, Dad would. Most of the time he’d use magic, probably just to make a point about me being the abomination that can’t do magic.”
“For what reasons? Like, what did he see as a reason to hurt you?”
“Hmm, like if I talked back, or left my room without permission, or spoke to someone outside of the coven, like a sibling’s friend or neighbor. If he were really angry, like if I siphoned a sibling, he’d get more physical. Let’s just say, there’s probably a reason everyone wore long-sleeves with band tees in the nineties. Cover up those bruises with some devil band your parents hate,” cocking his head, he adds, “which then leads to more bruises but for different reasons.” He then pauses to clear his throat. “Eventually, I learned how to siphon the magic he’d throw at me. For three days, I felt so powerful. He’d hit me with a spell, and I could absorb some of it to fire back at him. But while I got a few good licks in, it mostly just made him angrier. He started getting even more physical, and later, would only include magic once I was down and unable to think up a spell.”
“And then Mom died, and he only got worse. I mean, Mom and I never had a relationship so I wasn’t particularly affected by her passing. He was, though, and he got more violent towards me. I mean, he was now single-handedly raising eight kids - he had to take his anger out on one of them. Who better than the one you already hate? Anyway, life continued. Dad got more secretive, more dangerous.” Kai actually laughs, “I even feared him a little. I didn’t know if I’d ever escape that stupid bedroom, and even if I did, he’d make my life hell. Not only that, but it felt like he was planning something. And what do you know?! He was. Right before Jo and I’s birthday, the stupid fucking coven planned their monthly meeting in our house. Directly under my bedroom. I heard them through the vent, how they weren’t going to let us merge, and how they were going to wait until Liv and Luke were twenty-two instead. I had my suspicions about this - I knew something was off about the way he was acting - but for him to break coven tradition just to prevent me from merging? Fuck him. Coven always came before family with him, but he’d break the rules because he hated me so much.” Fire dances in his eyes, but he calms down a second later. “And that night is when I snapped. Something took over and I did to my family what my Dad probably wishes he did to me the night I was born. When he came back after whatever the hell the coven had left to do, he found Jo. And from that point on, I think you know how it went.”
Some time through his story, you had sat up to face him, leaving you now right in front of him as tears roll off your cheeks. “Kai…” There’s no words for what he’s just told you. Instead, you reach forward and hug him. Your arms wrap around his waist and you bury your face into his chest. Tears continue to fall, soaking his shirt, making you cry harder. A few moments later, you feel his arms on your back and he pulls you close. 
You two stay like that for a couple minutes. It’s nice. 
“I don’t want to pull away, but I want to tell you…” he lets you lift your head to face him again. “It feels good to have told someone. Thank you for listening to me, Y/N.”
“I’m glad you told me. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”
He responds by pulling you back into the hug, “so, yeah… pretty relatable, your favorite sociopath.”
“Mmmm, actually, that title belongs to you,” you lean back so he can catch your wink. 
“Honored, Miss Y/N. Should we get back to watching your, ahem, second favorite sociopath?”
“Let’s do it.”
“Pressing playyyy, now,” he drags out the ‘y’. “Oh, and don’t you dare think of letting go.” 
You look at your position. Sitting on his lap, your arms around him, his around you. Your head on his chest, and his fingers tracing your back. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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sloilan · 6 months
I want to rate the silly ships like people have been doing so I will (my memory of them in canon is so bad) 
Percabeth: 9/10
by far one of the best ships in pjo, but there are times where the "tough love" is just too tough for me
Jiper/Jasper: 3/10
I don't remember much about this ship at all but it was a little cute? It did feel very fabricated with it being forced by Hera & I found Piper's heart eyes at Jason 24/7 annoying as hell- 
Frazel: 4/10
it was cute, but that could just be the characters lol I wish we saw them more developing their crushes on each other instead of Percy showing up and being like "oh these guys like each other lol" 
I don't like the age gap at all tho, it might just be like 2-3 years but when you're a teen that's a BEEG difference in brain development and maturity levels etc. 
Caleo: -100/10
no, just no. I can not even begin to explain why it is so bad and toxic. Richardio really saw Percabeth pop off and was like "let me do that again!" and made the most toxic ship i could find fr. Me and my homies hate Calypso frfr. Even if all their interactions were rewritten so that Calypso isn't constantly talking over and shutting down anything and everything Leo does I dislike it still because it just plays into the damsel in distress x savior knight which i do not like at allll 
Solangelo: 1/10
they had slight potential in blood of olympus (and that's me being nice) but otherwise everything after that just felt so stale, fake, cringey, and toxic. 
Will's character lacks,,, well, character. If you want to construct a relationship with characters you need them to be people in the first place- and not just a "__'s boyfriend!" 
It also just feels like those 13 yr olds in school that are so obnoxiously lovey in class and then they break up after a week you know what i mean? I have more to say but these are getting long-
Solangelo (in fanon): 8/10 
Hell yeah. Most of the fan content ive seen from solangelo has been DRASTICALLY better than canon, they actually make Will feel more like a concrete person, they give proper chemistry/shared interests to him & Nico, and overall it just flows better? Idk (big fan of when people make Will freakier than Nico, my favorite flavor of Will) 
Pernico: 2/10
I can see it? But I don't like it. They have so much built up miscommunication and bad memories from each other (Percy literally tried to strangle Nico to death) also the same with Frazel; I don't like the age gaps while theyre teens 
Jasico: 8/10
I get this one, but I really see them as more like besties, so I don't partake in it too much. Otherwise it's great. 
Valdangelo: 10/10
I am biased, but good looorrrd the potential :(( the similarities of them, both being the outcasts and just heguehfh i love them 
Valgrace: 8/10
same as Jasico, i see them as bros way too much but I don't deny it's a banger ship too. 
Shelper: 1/10
I feel the same way with this as i do Solangelo, there's no character for Shel, it's just Piper and "Piper's gf!!" Rick is so bad at writing queer rep, he just picks main characters and slaps a random blank slate character onto their side and thinks he ate, but he's just desperate for queer brownie points. 
Feirrochase: 10/10
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wisteria-lodge · 1 month
What do you think leads some people to prefer fictional villains and anti-heroes to the good guys? I've had this preference ever since I was a little kid watching Rugrats, thinking Angelica was the best. My favorites usually have that "edge" and it isn't based on sorting. Loki, Vegeta from DBZ, Jayne, Draco, Magneto, the uncle in Teen Wolf, Zuko, the Phantom, etc. Sometimes when a character is redeemed (Itachi, Zuko), I actually lose interest. If it matters, I think I'm a Snake Bird.
This is a big question, with a lot of potential answers. I'll throw a few out there, see if anything resonates.
Structurally, villains tend to be more active. The villain does a thing, and the hero reacts to it (tries to fix the problem, restore things to how they were, etc.) Since we like watching characters who want things, do things, and make decisions - that can make the villain a lot more fun to watch than the much more passive hero. Also, there's a lot more structural pressure on the hero to be - relatable, likable, able to carry big emotional beats. This can (unfortunately) lead to heroes who are kind of Bland, Generic Everymen.
Related to this - if you yourself are not your culture's idea of an Everyman, then chances are the villain might actually be a lot more *relatable* than the hero. A lot of the guys you listed are a disenfranchised minority of some sort. Magneto is Jewish, the Phantom is disfigured, Zuko is a poltical exile, Loki is an ice-giant (which counts.) Even Draco is honestly quite femme-coded, unlike Harry or Ron.
I think villains work really well as power fantasies. I *like* Superman as a character, but being him seems exhausting and unrelatable. But being that charismatic, powerful asshole... there's so much *freedom* there, it's fun to think about. I honestly think is why characters like Rick Sanchez and Walter White get such disproportionate amounts of love and identification from their fans. I think this is why a lot of people loved BBC!Sherlock, who is SO much more of an asshole than the original Sherlock Holmes.
Things like pettiness, cowardice, vanity, pride, short-sightedness, cruelty.... like these are such an important part of the human experience, and when they're explored in art it's often through the villain or antihero. You see a good performance of a villain in a Shakespeare play, and it's very - oh shit, I recognize those impulses, that's me and my grimiest and stickiest. Engaging with that can be a really cathartic, really rewarding experience.
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hazelnut-u-out · 3 months
Hi! Me again! So, why exactly do you like Rick? Im not insulting you at all! He's my absolute favorite character, but it's kinda hard to believe you love him when looking at some of your posts, not that I blame you though because I'm the same way! I love him because of his character development, he's funny, interesting and fun to watch and he's super complex ! Sorry for the kinda long ask! Love your posts!
To be honest, I have a hard time finding sympathy for Rick. A lot of abusive people tend to cite their own trauma as excuses rather than reasons and, while I wouldn’t argue that Rick himself explicitly does so, I do think he sometimes views his own experiences through that lens. That can make it a lot more difficult for me to find him sympathetic. I have a lot of empathy for Rick— as in, I can feel his pain, anger, frustration, etc. At the same time, I have a hard time understanding how that makes his actions in the present (specifically in his relationship with Morty) acceptable. I cannot separate Rick from his actions because, to reference Bojack Horseman, people are what they do, intentions be damned.
I mentioned this somewhere a while back (I think in the tags of a post I reblogged), but I think you can have genuine personal criticisms of a character and still love that character. In fact, I would go as far as to say that my issues with Rick are what make me love him, because a character’s flaws are part of what their character represents in context.
I love Rick because he’s given me something to root for. Morty deserves a good grandpa. So does Summer. Beth, who also isn’t immune to my criticism, deserves a good dad. From Season 1, you can see the good in him just begging to peek out from behind the facade, trauma, and bullshit. Furthermore, in context, he shows us that taking accountability might not always mean you’re entitled to forgiveness, but that a lack of forgiveness doesn’t mean trying and moving forward is pointless, as well.
None of us are perfect, and Rick isn’t either. Like you said, he’s complex, funny, dynamic, etc. People are not without nuance. None of us are, whether we like it or not. No one is entirely good or entirely bad. We’re all mixed bags of trail mix. We’ve all got our raisins. (Unless you like raisins. Then my joke doesn’t land.) The point of working on yourself isn’t to be perfect, or even to be forgiven. It’s just to work on yourself— to try; to fail; to keep trying.
I don’t think I’d like Rick as a person if I met him in real life, to be honest with you, but I love him as a piece of art. That’s what I think characters are! Art can be grotesque, appalling, fucked up, and offensive, especially when there’s a message behind that.
Characters can’t exist in a vacuum. I mean, would we even be interested in a show where Rick realized he was an asshole in the pilot and was The Perfect Family Man for 10 seasons without anything challenging that? Probably not.
Also, he’s just a silly guy, and I like ‘em silly.
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thefuzzzz · 8 months
Ranking Nico Di Angelo ships as a multishipper with a crazy imagination, a Nico hyperfixation of 3 years, and the willpower of a god:
1. Solangelo - 8/10 I love them!! I adore Will in TSATS and he’s easily one of my favorite characters. I wish Rick had let us get to know Will separately before he was immediately made Nico’s boyfriend, but I love him anyway. I think they’re good for each other and very supportive. I think I spend too much time consuming media of them than their actual book interactions, because in media I hate their fanon portrayals, but I adore them in cannon. I only had the chance to read half of TSATS, but I thought it was cute!
2. Jasico - 10/10 I love them for the same reasons I love Solangelo, but Jason got character development and Will didn’t. Also, they had a cool moment with Cupid that I think about once a week at least. Jason is constantly someone Nico trusts and (I may be wrong) hugs at some point in the series. The only people Nico has shown direct physical affection to within the series (to my knowledge) are Will, Jason, Hazel, and Reyna. This proves how much Nico trusts Jason, even after Cupid. Also they’re silly and dumb and I love them so I’m right always
3. Nico x Conner - 10/10 I FUCKING LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Lemme explain. So when Nico came to camp he stayed with the Hermes cabin, but Luke was already fucked off (I think) so Conner and Travis were probably in charge of the cabin. Conner’s age changes several times, so I headcannon him to be just a tad older than Nico. I think since he knew Nico when he was a kid he can make present day Nico less doom and gloom and know when he’s truly happy. Also, Nico went to a notably strict military school before coming to camp, yk what they say, strict conditions raise sneaky kids. Thats right, these two are fucking nuts. They are little thieves. And I don’t even wanna mention the implications of Conner’s dad (Lin Manuel Miranda) being the god of travelers and Nico essentially being an eternal traveller. They make me so sick I love them
4. Nico x Clovis - 7/10 they were mentioned as friends MAYBE once and I took that shit and ran with it tbh. I don’t even remember if it’s cannon. I just love them. I THINK it was mentioned that Clovis helps Nico with his nightmares, but atp this shit might just be my imagination or a fic I read once. Anyways, Nico is noted as a very anxious person, and Clovis is very laid back. I really like that duo and the idea that Clovis can help to ground him a lot and help him relax
5. Valdengelo - 6/10 while I do adore them, they have hardly any time together or any bonding moments at all (Note: I am a hypocrite over Clovis let’s fight abt it) I do love media about them and consume it at rates not comprehendible by mankind though. Aside from no time together, I think they’re epic. Nico experiences a lot of the same things as Leo, such as losing his mother and general sadness, but they cope in wildly different ways (neither of which are healthy). Also, Nico grew up in the lotus casino. I’m sick of us all acting like he doesn’t understand technology. Let them be engineer boyfriends PLEASE
6. Pernico. - 0/10 I don’t care at all if other people ship them, since it’s fandom and you can do whatever you want. I just personally don’t enjoy their chemistry and see them more as brothers. You do you tho.
Keep in mind this is just my opinion please don’t take anything too personal!! I love all ships (almost.) equally and if you have any fic recommendations for any of these please give them to me I’m desperate
(Also, this doesn’t represent my FAVORITE Nico ship, just a ranking based on how much I giggle when I see them. It does not take many logistics into account)
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xfriki26 · 1 month
Some of my family headcanons/Aus
Most of them wouldn't make sense in canon lol, these are just fun to make.
Lila and Jack as siblings
This is a more common one. The idea of Jack being Skid's uncle and taking care of him from time to time is adorable, I also like the idea of Lila and Jack growing up together with Lila acting as a protective sister. (in my head Lila is the older sibling)
Dexter and Streber as siblings
This one occurred to me when I found out that Streber's favorite animal was rats, Dexter has a bad habit of killing his family pets. Also, Streber and Michelle grieving the loss of Dexter together.
Ignacio adopting Pump (+ Susie)
I blame @eatyourmaker for this one.
At first it seemed a little out of character for Ignacio, but then I thought of different ways it could work (and that most aus are for shits and gigles)
Pump has a chaotic energy that no one can control. Ignacio is the hitman of the cult and local arsonist, his house is literally built so that no one can enter or see what happens inside.
If you think about it, Ignacio would be one of the few people capable of controlling Pump's chaos because he also has his own uncontrollable violent energy.
Roy, Patty, Rick and Actress related in some way
Weird, I know lmao.
Most times when I do family headcanons/Aus I try to relate characters that have some physical resemblance, plus, these four seemed like they could have a fun dynamic.
I'm not sure if I like it better with Patty, Rick and Actress as Roy's uncles (it would make more sense if you're looking for something that might fit better with the canon) or the four of them as siblings (I find it hard to believe that Roy is an only child, and Roy would be the best example of an annoying little brother)
Bob as Lila's father
It just has so many possibilities.
From fluffy ones like Lila and Bob celebrating Halloween as a family when Lila was a child to the more angsty ones like Lila discovering all the atrocities her father did.
Fat Thief and Lucky related in some way
It's just cute, nothing more
Thin Thief, Kevin and Captain as brothers
It's just really fucking funny
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icedragonlizard · 4 months
What if Kirby characters could drive cars?
Let's just assume gijinka versions of them because otherwise most don't even have the proper anatomy to drive, LOL.
Anyways, here are my thoughts on the matter:
-Kirby is a funny case because he's shown decent motoring skills such as piloting a Robobot Armor, but he's also a literal child. So therefore, no license for him.
-Susie would be the most skilled driver in the cast, I feel. But she'd also be unhinged in the way she drives. She'd make all sorts of crazy "advanced" maneuvers that would terrify someone in her passenger seat. Basically, she has such high confidence of her driving capabilities that she's arrogant on the road. You'd think that this would lead to her easily getting into accidents, but she does have good enough reflexes and reaction time to dodge a lot of potential accidents. Not at all to say she's untouchable... she'd absolutely get into accidents on occasion, but she often gets away with her overconfidence by reacting quick enough to escape many dangerous moments. Still would be nerve wracking to be in the passenger seat with her though.
-Magolor would be good at driving as well. Probably even the second most skilled driver in the cast, but he'd get into accidents a lot more often than Susie would. Him canonically crashing the Lor Starcutter more than once makes me believe this. He'd also speed in a lot of instances where he thinks he can get away with it. Heck, I wouldn't even be surprised if he'd be mischievous enough to sometimes honk his horn with the sole intent of pissing other drivers off because he thinks it's funny.
-Marx should not be allowed to have a license. The reasons are fairly self explanatory. He'd instigate chaos in traffic and cause accidents on purpose. He'd be an absolute menace on the road. Don't let this shitfaced lunatic drive a car. I love this jester but I would not under any circumstances trust him to drive. Well, maybe I wouldn't trust a lot of others in the cast to drive, but especially Marx.
-Daroach would probably be decent at driving, but you know damn well that if you see him driving then he 100% stole the car he's using. Although I think it'd be funny if car theft is something he did pretty often. Like every time he finds a new favorite car, he then just takes it and drives off with it.
-Taranza is a strange case. His six hands would make him seem like he'd be stellar at driving, but I also imagine he's someone that's just not great at using tech appliances. Give him enough training and I think he'd be good at driving, but overall he'd be the least skilled driver out of the Wave 3 triad because the other two are just much better with tech.
Funny scenario: Taranza is in the passenger seat with either Susie or Magolor driving, and he gets nervous of their arrogant driving mentalities, despite him being less skilled than them in driving.
-I'm not sure if King Dedede would stand out as a driver. I guess he'd be alright at it? Not great but not awful. Although I imagine he'd probably just let waddle dees drive for him.
-Reminder that Meta Knight himself does not pilot the Halberd, it's his crewmates. I think they'd be better drivers than him, LOL. I think he himself might be alright in terms of driving capability, but would also notably suffer from road rage because of how easily combative he is.
-Speaking of road rage, I actually see many in the cast suffering from it. Meta Knight, Dedede, Susie, Zan and maybe Magolor would all be road ragers sometimes. I think the biggest road ragers, however, would be Flamberge and Dark Meta Knight... those two would lowkey fall under the "get out and fight the other driver" levels of road rage. I guess Meta Knight might occasionally do that too, but not as vehemently as those two.
-Would the animal friends bother driving, even in gijinka forms? I imagine ChuChu and Pitch are kids so no for them. Not sure about Nago because he seems lazy. Rick... sure, probably, albeit not often. The idea of gijinka-ified Coo and Kine piloting aerial and aquatic vehicles respectively sounds cool, but I'm not sure how likely they'd actually do that lol. Kine seems pretty air headed for that.
-Gooey driving would be the funniest thing ever. It'd obviously go very poorly but I think it'd be entertaining to watch just to see what happens. LMAO.
-Depending on if you headcanon Bandana Waddle Dee as either a child or an adult, I think he'd be a serviceable driver if the latter. But in my case, he's a kid. So no license for him.
That's... practically all my notable thoughts for this matter. What do you think?
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we will never be able to accurately determine what PJO series is the best because of this:
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (PJO)
classic, the first one
Percy is so funny
lots of people got this as their first step into the water (ha ha), so points for nostalgia
look, i didn't want to be a half-blood
Heroes of Olympus (HO (i think))
So many new characters
and they're all so good
the stakes?????
different perspectives
Hazel and Frank
so sad?????? wtf rick
the chosen drink of Mr D.
Kane Cronicals
tbh i couldn't get into this one so don't expect much from this section (so sry, I'm doing my best at reading it)
Egyptian Mythology????? um yes??????
Carter and Sadie's sibling relationship
romance??????? please and thank you
somewhat clean slate
The Trials of Apollo
so funny
Apollo / Lester's growth
Apollo / Lester and Meg's siblingness
Apollo / Lester being a drama queen, bisexual disaster and wet cat all in one
side characters get bigger spotlights (like the Apollo cabin)
Apollo / Lester still having faith in his sister to help him
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
personal favorite <3333
the gay
the representation????? go off Rick Riordan???? um thank you?????
the gay
being dead on like page 50????? you go magnus
the gay
Norse Mitholigy is so good, even if there's not a lot of pre - chritinisation to work off of.
the gay panic Magnus endures in books 2 + 3
Alex Feirrio
the absolute badass that is Sam
floor 19's relationship <3333
family of empty cups?????? I am crying??????
sry that the Magnus Chase one is so long, just finished my re - read of the series
EDIT: evreyone has their personal best, even if I don't really like kane cronicals, I think If i got around to reading it, I might get the hype that all my friends say that there is
lotsa love, and go re-read your favorite <3
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bluecrocss · 18 days
Those Annabeth "fans" lol
I really wanna let this topic go, but if I have ONE MORE non-black pjo fan, come on to my page and explain to me how "they grew up seeing the book characters (they're literally only talking about Leah, btw) one way, and they just can't reconcile it with the show 🥺", I might commit serious bodily harm...
They act like only white kids read PJO. I was little black girl reading it in middle school and annabeth was my favorite character. Do you think I was like, "oh she's blonde and white, how can I ever relate to her??" I didn't really have that choice, cuz as a kid MOST of the books/shows/plays/movies I had growing up, most characters didn't look like me. The hunger games, harry potter (forgive me, I was a kid), nancy drew, every disney princess movie, you name it. I notice how only white people complain about "struggling to connect" with characters that don't look like them, cuz POC have always had to do it. When POC ask for representation, it is because we have historically been ACTIVELY excluded, not because we can't connect to the characters otherwise 🙄
When it was halloween, and I dressed up as my favorite princess (Belle) and my brother dressed as his favorite superhero (superman), we just wore the wig and the outfit. I didn't need to paint my skin white to see myself as Belle. Yet every year there's this new controversy of some white person painting their skin or doing some offensive cosplay when they dress up as a POC character, because they see the race of POC characters as INHERENTLY part of the costume.
Why does your perception of Annabeth and the pjo characters trump mine, because you're white and I'm not? I fully viewed Annabeth as a white girl when I read the books, and when I saw Leah was cast, that didn't change my view of the character because her race was never central to the character. The author has stated the same thing. If you can't view a non-white/non-blonde version of annabeth (I am not speaking about the writing of the show or Leah's performance because this discourse started as soon as she was cast) as annabeth, then the parts of annabeth that actually mattered, the parts that Rick has identified as the most important, the part that I and millions of other non-white, non-blonde girls connected to, never connected with you. Rare representation of Neurodivergence in a female character, being underestimated (which had nothing to do with her being blonde lmao), perseverance, emotional vulnerability, overcoming generational curses and broken family life, abandonment issues, I could go on...
If you managed to grow to the age of maturity and still struggle to connect with people and view people as equal beneath their physical/material presentation, that is a YOU problem... the rest of the world shouldn't have to hold your hand through this.
And once again... NOBODY FORCED YOU TO WATCH THE SHOW. You don't like the casting, DON'T WATCH. Stop, coming to my comments and explaining how you're the exception, and you're not being ignorant, how, in fact it's the author, the casting directors, and the majority of the fanbase, who just don't understand her character the way you do 🥺
Give me a break.
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spopsalt · 4 months
Horde Prime is just such a lame final villian, He has no ersonality beyond just evil cult leaderrr like you have SO MUCH potential there! There is SO MUCH you can do with having a literal CULT LEADER as your main antagionist, I say this as someone who's written a story with a cult leader before. Y'know a show that does villians right? RICK AND MORTY BABY!
Honestly I don't get the hype around Rick Prime, he's not the greatest villian, he's fine, he's passable, but he doesn't have much personality, kinda seems like wasted potential. Especially considering that he didn't personally know Rick c137, and only brutally killed his wife and child because he bruised his ego. And I struggle to say three words about him, I mean uhhhh he's evil, sadistic, and uhm....has a big ego. I mean he's a fun to watch, and is admittadly very memorable. Also, it's honestly refreshing to have a villian that doesn't have some tragic backstory, honestly though, I feel like Evil Morty is a MUCH more interesting villian. He's smart, manipulative, cunning, arrogant, and is shown to have a sense of humor (Example Rick c137 saying "Are you better than me?!" And Evil Morty replying "Jesus Chirst, I hope so!) and is very good at making plans. Needing only one day to completely control Evil Rick, he also has a belivable backstory, his Rick is implied to be physically abusive, since he has a tendency to flinch, we actually see him flinch and shield himself in his backstory when Evil Rick yells at him, but both of these villians are WAY better than Horde Prime because THEY HAVE PERSONALITIES.
While Rick Prime doesn't have a ton of personality, they make up for that by having him be fun to watch, Horde Prime is just boring, he has no interesting dialogue, as of writing this I can't remember a SINGLE line from him, just the god-awful deleted victim blaming line "You always wanted more, all she ever wanted was you"
Meanwhile the lines I remember from Rick Prime off the top of my head "You think it's cool being the smartest man on earth, but once we give you this technology you become the smartest thing in every concieveable universe, the infinite Rick, a god." "It's a non-stop where all the guests are the only people we like" "Or me! Again it might be me! But like a saw thing! I'm veryyy sneaky." "Look it's the wife guy! Dead wife Rick! I'll tell you this guy does not know when to quit (...) You brought two Mortys with you? What are they, your cheering section?" "What're gonna do? 'Aw Jeez' me to death? Oh you don't want those scematics buddy, those are for grownups. (...) Listen, Rick to Rick, he's got the weapon plans, buddy, nip this in the bud! He's 14! What's gonna happen the next time he gets mad at Grandpa?" And my all time favorite lines from him that he says while literally getting brutally beaten to death by the guy who's wife and child he brutally murdered "Haha! Let's do this then! You're welcome by the way! I MADE you! I showed you infinity! And what did you do with it!? Hang out with MY grandson?! Raise echos of MY daughter?! What's your LIFE without me!? Admit it! You would've been me! I just walked into your garage before you walked into mine! But eventually you did! YOU LIVED IN MY HOUSE!" He made it abundatly clear that he regrets NOTHING! Not. One. Single. Thing. Meanwhile I literally cannot remember Horde Prime's last words.
How do you screw up THAT badly with a final villian? Rick Prime isn't the greatest villian, but at least he's fun and memorable. What's memorable about Horde Prime besides his character design? That's right! Nothing! Evil Morty is an amazing villian with an interesting backstory that makes sense, being one Morty who finally snapped after years of emotional and implied physical abuse. Meanwhile Horde Prime is just uhhhh evil and uhmmm that's it. He's evil, deal with it. HE'S A GOOD FINAL VILLIAN!
Sorry I kinda blabbered on about Rick and Morty for too long, it's just AMAZING how many things it does better than spop, it's not the greatest tv show ever, but I like it nonetheless, and when it does good, it does GOOD! It just has a bad reputation because of those godawful episodes in seasons 4-6, I won't specify, but if you know, YOU KNOW! Ok, I'll stop talking now, I hope you enjoyed this comparison!
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yonemurishiroku · 7 months
Child of Aphrodite Nico au in which Will is put through trails like Psyche in order to prove his dedication to Nico. Thoughts?
Will and Apollo bonding over having to overcome trials. Will fighting for his love whereas Apollo fighting his exes. Brilliant. He is really his father's son.
Anw this reminds me of that one Child of Aphrodite! Nico fanfic wherein Cupid calls him "Mother's favorite" or brother or st like that.... It's fun. It gets me thinking, where do Cupid and Psyche stand in all of this? Are they supportive? I think they would be, even though their support doesn't always promise good things...
On another note. Idk if you notice but like. Will is a child of Apollo. And Apollo and Cupid might have... beef? In the myth, I mean. It's about Daphne and the origin of the laurel tree, you know? That time Apollo looks down on Eros' archery and in retort, Eros shoots a gold arrow at Apollo and a bronze one at Daphne, which then leads to the whole... tragic love chase or whatever.
Sorry. The whole thing is also the inspiration for a Solangelo fanfic of mine so I can't help but bring that up LMAO. What I'm trying to say is that this can shine a new light on this scenario. Does it make Cupid/Eros more bitter or lenient?
Onto the story itself. Now this is an exciting part. In the original myth, Psyche has to go through four trials, three of which are finished with the help of outside forces, the last of which is -I just looked it up- retrieving Persephone's cream. I can alr see many references, really.
The first thing that popped into my head was that we could put other characters into the roles of Will/Psyche's helpers, which then translates into all the connections either Will or Nico possibly have made in all those years of demigod life.
For instance, in the 3rd task of the original myth, an eagle helped Psyche fill a crystal vessel with the water of the spring that feeds the Styx and Cocytus. Who does it remind you of? Who has access to the Underworld and has connections to an eagle symbol?
Hazel. That's who. And I really don't know how you intend to mortify their dynamics now that Nico isn't a child of Hades, but Imma assume they are sibling-like still bc fuck it, they are my religion. The point is Hazel might help Will, if only for her brother.
I suppose I don't have to talk much about how Will's gonna fetch Persephone's cream bc Rick makes it pretty obviously LMAO. They are chilling in the Underworld garden sunbathing (Will being the sun) covered in Persephone's suncream or st Idk. Will has this so much easier than Psyche.
In the end, Cupid rescues Psyche from the deep sleep of the underworld cream. This can be translated into Nico realizing that someone is truly fighting to be with him, and he wants to make an effort to meet them in the middle, but that's just me running into a dead-end bc idk how Will's gonna fall asleep if Persephone is alr so kind lending him the cream and that kid def doesn't dream about getting more beautiful like Psyche did or whatsoever. So. Idk. Maybe Cupid messes it up? I would if I were him, ngl. But that's just me.
Thoughts are jumbling around in my mind but life doesn't always give what we want so I guess this is all I can offer atm LMAO. this is a good foundation for a long-chaptered Solangelo child of Aphrodite!Nico fanfic if you ask me, ngl.
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paletteprimary · 4 months
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≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺ ╭────────── ♱ · 𓆩🤍𓆪 · ♱ ─╮ Howdy <33 ,, Strings is my name, being silly is my game. I go by multiple names, but Strings is a heavily preferred one ! Single man :3 ILY MY BEST FRIENDS (Punky my pookie /p) There's more underneath! I think you should keep reading <3 ╰─ ♱ · 𓆩🤍𓆪 · ♱ ──────────╯ ≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
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𓆩♡𓆪 About me ,, :^
Here's some basic info bout me ! vvv
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my main interests are spooky month, pico's school, and mainly ocs (including fankids)
Lover of an indie games !! BATIM/BATDR, Smile For Me, Indigo Park, and more
i have more than three sonas !! I might post them all, I don't know,
some of my favorite music artists are: will wood, kmfdm, cg5, hozier, miracle musical, the living tombstone, etc etc <3
some of my songs are: too sweet, against the kitchen floor, megalomaniac, love me normally, pork soda, etc.
i have a ton of comfort characters, some are: ronbo, kevin, robert, alucard, etc
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𓆩♡𓆪 tag info ,, :^
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#pri art - my art specifically !
#pri reply - replies to asks/questions !
#pri fankid - fankids I made for ships I like!
#pri shipping - ship doodles, often paired with my art tag!
#pri yammer - my yammering :]
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𓆩♡𓆪 dni ,, :^
basic dni criteria
ists & phobes
dark/pro/comship (WEIRDOS!!!)
certain irl doubles (unless i know you beforehand) (i'm irls of thomas connor, rick hedony & alucard)
ship slander (unless it's obviously problematic)
slander of my interests
unwanted criticism of any kind, especially if not asked
ANY person i had drama with, including exes
homestuck, hazbin/helluva, dsmp, object shows (im not okay with these, dont talk about them in front of me please. If you interact w/ me short term, I'll probably be fine)
ai "art" users, fuck off my stuff pal
people who use femboy. i hate that goddamn word
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𓆩♡𓆪 byi + boundaries ,, :^
I would HEAVILY perfer if you use tonetags around me, you don't have to, but i'd like you to,
i ramble, yap, and yammer a TON, say outta pocket things, make inappropriate jokes, volume control/all caps issues, flirt/tease super close friends. If I EVER do a thing that makes you/someone uncomfortable, please inform me and don't tone switch with me.
sexual jokes are ONLY for close friends, not for people I just met, please refrain.
i dont like a lot of popular ships in the medias im into, don't get mad at me for not liking them. I am a BIG rarepair fan.
im a-okay with interaction, but I might not reply immediately because I am very anxious
i have some strong opinions, but i try to keep an open mind
don't question my art style (some doodles will just be a head and hands, my style in general is REALLY sketchy anyway)
my blog, my rules
☽. LAST UPDATED: 9/5/24
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stylezxsilvermoon · 1 month
mila's summer watches review list (ft...hot ass actors)
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hey everyone i've been watching a hella lot of movies with hot men in it (hence the pictures) and i wanted to do a review or wrap up list, because this summer i've watched an unbelievable amount of movies and shows this summer (like may to august) so yeah why not make a list! and maybe rate some of them!
(not in chronological order at all)
hayden christensen
factory girl
shatterd glass
life as a house
virgin territory
little italy
vanishing on 7th street
higher ground (show)
american heist
little italy
hayden christensen faves:
i might be a bit bias (i am) (denial) but i really did semi-like everything hayden was in, although some of it was a bit weird. but my faves that you should SO WATCH is life as a house (2001) i just rewatched it for the 4th time and its just such a classic coming-of-age 2000's movie about this edgy teen that has separated parents and his dad takes him for the summer, and its just a whole thing you have to watch it.
also not to mention higher ground (show) its about these teens that are troubled and end up at a summer camp for abuse survivors and druggies and it just goes so in depth about serious topics and i just love it so much, there's a tiny bit of drama but it's not so over the top its unbelievable, and its realistic too.
tom sturridge:
the boat that rocked/ pirate radio (uk version vs us version lol)
on the road
like minds/ murderous intent
sweetbitter (show)
3 way junction
waiting for forever
effie gray
tom sturridge faves:
literally just the boat that rocked/pirate radio (2009), its so good, its about these middle aged men who start an illegal radio channel on a boat, and the godson of one of them is tom sturridge's character and it takes off from there, also set in the 60s...and made in 2009...so ehem...ya know...
but still really good! fun fact this was the first tom sturridge movie i watched and it's still my fave! also another fun fact you can literally find all of waiting for forever full movie on youtube uploaded by some random person here (not a rick roll, literally the full movie no joke)
mike faist:
(not that many since i just got into him but he still makes the list lol)
panic (show)
west side story
the atlantic city story
i can i will i did
mike faist faves:
ok so we probably all know challengers is gonna sweep right..right? yeah but actually WRONG it was panic (2021) but challengers (2024) is a close 2nd for me, the reason being i did not get it at all first watch, but i watched some movie reviews on it and watched the interviews with the cast and i actually was like wow this is deeper than i thought (mainly bc i just hated tashi the whole movie) lol blame my probably ocd high morality and anxiety that was PROBABLY flaring while watching it but its just! a character! so we can look at it from a regular standpoint
but yeah, panic just had me on the edge of my seat the ENTIRE time and it was such a good show, im sad it got cancelled but what I saw of it was SOSOSO good I'm clawing at the walls of my enclosure
and yeah to wrap this post up I just wanna say all 3 of these men are insanely talented and I'm looking forward to watching all of their movies and shows...and out of all of them in total I'd say my favorite one is probably life as a house (2001) and it just captured those summer vibes for me and it was one of the (1st? I think) movies I watched of hayden's that started this ENTIRE thing, this monstrosity of me foaming at the mouth for these fine ass men and posting about it several times lmfao
and btw moots! And ppl who I don't follow or don't follow me feel free to talk about any of these that were mentioned because they were all a joy to watch some more than others obviously
other things i watched that aren't hayden/tom/mike related:
black clover
young justice
and bro black clover (anime) is SO good literally my favorite show of 2024 if you haven't watched it you need to show-wise is my favorite rn and blows these out of the water in enjoyment but that's just bc I watched it literally since like may 2024 @blackclovershowrunners SEASON 5 NEOWWW!!!?? I DONT WANT ANOTHER DANG MOVIE I WANT SEASON 5 (take ur time tho so it's good)
also for fun, here's a poll:
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