#I Stan bottom!Cas
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billsanartist · 2 months ago
I still have this dumb little AU in my head. I’m open to questions about it because I genuinely want to talk about it.
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Few Image Explanations:
1 - Various snippets of Cas and Stan on the top and their time together prior to Stan getting the post card. Bottom half of Ford’s (and Mable’s) attempts to get Cas to get along with Ford.
2 - Various snippets of Cas and Stan surviving on the streets!
3 - Cas and Stan being nicotine addicts and choosing different deployments of their chosen poison due to the niblings coming around for the summer.
4 - Castiel punching Ford because Ford punched Stan.
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perkeia · 6 months ago
Twisted Roots AU Masterpost (Work in progress)
Approximately 10 years after Weirdmaggedon, the Pines family and Gravity Falls have seemingly moved onto bigger things. Healing from the past, or ignoring it altogether, they've set new milestones and made headway on new beginnings.
No manner of growth is going to distract from the fact that old, and new threats are still lurking. Bill might be gone, but the Nightmare Realm's tether to the world remains firm.
Sequential pieces
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Journal Entry 1
Part 4 (wip)
Part 5
Doodles and other things
Dipper and Pacifica bonding
The nicest anomaly
Mabel reference
Pacifica reference
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Dipper Pines - age 23
-Graduated highschool at 17
-Took a 'gap year' traveling with Stan and Ford. Ford managed to work this into counting toward Dipper's degree.
-With Ford's help, Dipper, at age 21, earned his PhD in computer science. (Don't think about it too hard, considering the main theory for Ford is that he completed his first PhD in 3.5 years EEK). Dipper studies biology on the side.
-Dipper moves to Gravity Falls despite Ford's advice to keep climbing the academic ladder. He buys his own little place in the woods, within a short distance of the Mystery Shack (belonging to Melody and Soos). He begins his own research, and continues Ford's. Though he may not have a fancy degree for Biology, he studies it in his spare time.
-Interested in computers, film, drumming, and ghosts. Big ghost hunter this one. Don't let him tell you about his old youtube channels. Also taken up the job of ensuring Bill stays out of Gravity Falls.
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Mabel Pines - age 23
-Graduated highschool at 17
-Bounced around different areas of study before settling on Paramedic. She completed her certification at 20. (Did NOT do summer semesters like Dipper).
-Started her own yarn and craft business at 19, 'May & Hogg Threads - It'll give you stitches!' which is doing insanely well.
-Mabel doesn't have plans to move to Gravity Falls, and despite missing her twin, has decided CA has more opportunities for her.
-Interested in crafts, scrapbooking, adrenaline rushes, ultimate frisbee and loves her grouchy old pig.
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Pacifica Northwest - age 24
-Basics as they don't come up often. Graduated at 18, got her bachelor's in business at 22. Currently debating going to fashion school.
-Though she maintains her own Tailor shop in Gravity Falls, she works at Sally's Diner on weekends to spite her parents.
-Interests include thrifting, archery, sewing, singing and hiking (she'd die before admitting that).
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'Journal entry 1 WOOP. Can't believe I get to be the one to write this, definitely thought one of the others had gotten here first. Guess they're just too slow. Can't blame them though. I'm pretty fast.
But back to that stupid demon(?) Bramble. It doesn't seem to have a physical form like Bill did but ------' (the rest of the entry is unreadable. Covered in what could be glitter glue, or Mabel juice. A final note is scribbled on the bottom of the page.)
'I'll rewrite it later.'
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joseimukeaddict · 3 months ago
Haikyuu and Public Transportation Headcanons: Date Tech
So I had planned to finish this like a month ago but then I got stuck and then finals hit and now I may be pulling an all-night to finish my final project for art… and yeah, I really do only post whenever I’m stressed out of my mind 🙃. Anyways I’m trying sth new and am linking some good causes below if you guys want to support someone in need ⬇️ ⬇️⬇️ Also at the bottom are my headcanons for the other teams.
Third Years
Yasushi Kamasaki - Bro is the most normal guy on the subway ever like actually I got stuck on him for WEEKS bc I couldn't think of anything; every once in a while he has payment problems with his phone not scanning but other than that riding the bus and subway is just riding public transportation for him; he gets his driver's license and a car pretty quick too and bro would never get on the subway again if his car didn't have limited capacity (it's not like he hates the subway or anything) (I'm so sorry to any Kamasaki stans I cannot get a read on this guy)
Kaname Moniwa - Always been a bus kid, has his bag in his lap to not take up space; gets slightly motion sick on longer rides; eyes glued to the phone on rides so not to accidentally make contact with random passengers
Takehito Sasaya - Prefers the train; honestly, I see him riding the train often on the way to a date with his girlfriend (who will be his future wife, I can’t believe someone actually gets canonically hitched in Haikyuu AND WITH KIDS, damn the sacrifices you have to make to be a main character 😔); stander on the train even when his gf is with him but it’s annoying bc of the height difference so she needs to pull him down into a seat (this man is a girl dad, he listens to his future wife)
Second Years
Mai Nametsu - Travels either on bus or train with a small group of friends except for mornings when she comes in early to prep the gym before practice; always works on something when she’s alone like notes for practice or homework (my girl gives such diligent worker vibes); public transportation has always been convenient for her so if she gets a driver’s license, she’ll still use public transport if she can
Takanobu Aone - poor lonely boy on the train who people won’t sit next to 😭 (actually from Haikyuu-Bu!!); he’s very punctual and has a very predictable schedule so eventually the people who always ride the same train car as he will realize he’s not scary and some grannies will end up sitting next to him later on, not much of a talker but a great listener and they’ll offer him candies; I don’t care if this is not canon but he’s a sitter because the train car heights are too short for him to feel comfortable standing
Kenji Futakuchi - sits at the end of the seats right by the door so he can immediately get out of the train car because he has no patience for slow people; wants to nap on the train but the train seats are so uncomfortable so he just ends up scrolling on his phone the whole time, which just makes him more tired and cranky; actually prefers riding with friends since he won’t have to be on his phone but man will not make conversation himself and will just half-heartily listen, unless he’s with Aone, in that case, Futakuchi needs to talk or else it’s going to be a silent train ride
Yutaka Obara - Power naps at the back of the bus, waking up just in time to rush to the doors to get off at his stop; doesn't like the subways much because it's always crowded whenever he has to get on one and he hates the feeling of being packed like a sardine; loves a long-distance bullet train ride, especially if he can get some extra leg room, then he can stretch out and watch the world go by
Tarō Onagawa - One of the few kids who get driven by their parents ( helicopter mother) so riding the subway for the first time was kinda special for them; a little wary of all the strangers in close distance at first but the headphones and music combo makes the experience so much better on the subway than car; I see the guy never getting his license when he grows up and gets a job that allows him to make great use of public transport
First Years
Kanji Koganegawa - chronically barely makes it onto the ride and thus rarely gets to sit (it's fine bc he's too tall to sit comfortably anyway); gets his jacket caught in the doors after barely making it too so after tugging for a bit, he gives up and waits for the next stop; even when the ride is completely packed, he really likes looking out the window so at least one perk of being this tall is there's rarely anyone blocking his view
Jingo Fukiage - Rides the bus but stands since he's also too tall for the seats to sit comfortably; similar to Aone, people didn't really sit near him until they realized he just had a resting blank face, and Fukiage definitely noticed this happening but just didn't do anything because he has no idea how to respond; if someone asks him for directions he blanks on response until a minute later when his brain has finally booted up and he can give an articulated response
Kōsuke Sakunami - He cannot ride public transportation with anyone from his team, because 1) the train is almost always packed and he has to be squished like a sardine, and 2) his dignity when his face is squashed between the wall and Koganegawa's chest, which isn't helped by the fact that Koganegawa keeps asking if Sakunami is okay when Sakunami can't even move his mouth without fear of biting the inside of his cheek; the slipperiest traveler in the subway, he can squeeze in between and around half a train car's length of people and slip onto and off a train as the train doors are closing; he ends up getting his license but chooses instead to carpool since he was kinda lonely and now it feels weird to travel anywhere without Koganegawa’s insistent yapping
Takurō Oiwake has a car, which cannot be any smaller than mid-sized if not an entire truck. This man has ridden public transport a total of 3 times in his life because his family can fix their own cars.
Palestinian Relief:
Just by sharing the links you can help!
^ Vetted by Operation Olive Branch (#26)
Less than $800 away from their goal!!! 99% of the way through ➡️ @hayanahed
^ Vetted by @/90-ghost
Almost a quarter of the way there! A fellow college student 💪💪 ➡️ @asmaamajed2
^ Vetted by @/gazavetters
Just over 30%! The family is trying to get to Egypt and rebuild their lives! ➡️ @familgazaamal1
Other Teams: Nekoma, Seijoh, Karasuno
Yea I need to get back to lineart, next one is either the owls or foxes, I'll decide when it comes to it. Remember to pretend these headcanons don't exist if you don't like them, and stay safe everyone!
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thisweekingundamwing · 7 months ago
This Week in Gundam Wing 11-17 August 2024
Here’s the roundup for August 11th - August 17th, 2024!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make this next week!
~Mod Hel
Learning as you go https://www.tumblr.com/janaverse/758756174144356353/learning-as-you-go-they-fool-around-again-on
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
NSFW things
They fool around again on Tuesday night, but nothing as elaborate as the previous two times.
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
Disco time with Zechs, gif
Heero Yuy, Sims, screenshot
Noin, Zechs, photoset/screenshots
Relena and her barbie car, photoset/screenshots
Heero, photo/screenshot
Zechs/Noin, photo/screenshot
Trowa/Quatre tears, gifset
Fandom Discourse:
Quatre’s trauma
Prompts Suggestion Form!
Look y’all, I laughed for a long time. lol
Calendar Events:
Gundam Wing AU Fest
All info about the event is in the post!
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompts for Friday, August 23rd: https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/759131166909628416/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-august
In need of prompts!
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/730188053636841472/updated-events-calendar
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
Needs to be updated...
Note that Sign-ups for the GW Holiday Gift Exchange will open on September 1st! Be on the lookout for it!
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abbatoirablaze · 10 months ago
Behind Closed Doors, Chapter 9
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: soft fluff, little bit of sexual tension/teasing. 
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“Momma…momma.  I see?” Johnny asked as he tried to crawl up onto the hospital bed.  Your laugh kissed the air as you watched your two-year-old trying to pull himself up onto the bed, “Momma!”
“I see baby?” Shayla asked curiously from beside her brother, her eyes barely peeking over the thin blanket, “we see?”
“Momma, up?” Johnny asked sadly when he realized that he couldn’t get up on his own, “Up!”
“UP!” Shayla joined in, hopping up and down.
“Guys, mommy can’t pick you up,” Sebastian chuckled as he smoothed out their hair, “not right now.  She’s holding baby Jack…we have to be patient and wait our turns.”
“If you want, you can hold him, daddy,” you cooed, looking up from your newest addition to your boyfriend, “what do you think, guys?  Should mommy give daddy to baby Jack for a bit, and he can sit down so that you can see him?”
“YEAH!” Shayla yelled. 
Jack’s bright blue eyes shifted nervously, and his bottom lip warbled.
“Awww, Jack, it’s okay baby boy…that’s your big sister, Shay…she’s just excited!” you cooed as you smoothed down the little tufts of hair at the top of his head.
“Shayla, you guys have to be calm…babies scare easily!”
“No worry baby Jack.  I protec’ you!” Johnny proclaimed proudly, his little hand reaching up onto the bed and barely touching your thigh. 
You felt yourself swooning at the sweetness from your oldest, “Johnny…”
“He baby!” Johnny said firmly, before gesturing to himself and his twin, “we protec’ the baby.”
“You sure you’re okay with me holding him?” Sebastian asked as he bit his lip.
“You deserve to hold your son, Mr. Stan,” you smiled, “I think you’ve been exceptionally patient about it.”
He smiled, lighting up as he reached for his son.  You leaned forward and passed him off.  Sebastian looked like he was going to cry as he cradled him in his arms, wonder filling his eyes, “He’s so small…”
“He’s perfect!” you reminded him, “and he wasn’t small.  Baby Stan was eight pounds, two ounces and twenty two inches long.  That’s big for a baby…I mean the twins were only five or so pounds each, and seventeen inches long…”
“They were also born a month and a half early!” he reminded you as he sat down, and Shayla and Johnny gathered around him. 
Your heart lurched in your chest as you watched Sebastian with the kids.  He had always been loving towards Shayla and Johnny, and you could see the same love in his eyes for Jack.  You were glad to know that there wasn’t any change in his actions just because he now had a biological child of his own.
But you frowned as you thought about Shay and Johnny’s birth.
Chris wasn’t like that. 
He loved them, yes, but the look in his eyes was different than the one that you witnessed with Sebastian.  You’d remembered how he seemed almost lost when he looked at them.
You were broken from your thoughts when you saw Johnny back at your side, tapping the bed because he couldn’t reach your leg.
“What is it baby bear?” you asked softly, “don’t you wanna see your new little brother with daddy and Shayla?”
You sighed as you leaned forward, ignoring the pain in your lower stomach, “can you help momma and jump when she tells you?  I ca-“
“Hey, hey…you shouldn’t be doing any heavy lifting.  I can put him up there!” Sebastian offered, eyes widening as you lifted Johnny onto the bed and he immediately crawled into your side, “baby…you just had Jack.  You shouldn’t be-“
“I’m fine,” you sighed, smoothing down Johnny’s hair, “if I’m being honest, I’m kinda sad that he’s out here…I-I kind of feel empty.  I need another one of my babies to snuggle me and tell me it’s okay.”
He gave you a sympathetic look, “baby-“
“I-it sounds worse than what I mean…I just-I got so used to carrying him around…and it’s weird not feeling his little kicks and shifts in my stomach…I felt the same way when I gave birth to Shayla and Johnny…I guess it’s just postpartum…but I really liked it when I-never mind.  It sounds really silly to say aloud.”
A blush rose to your boyfriend’s cheeks, “are you saying you like being pregnant, (Y/N)?”
“No more baby in tummy?” Johnny asked as he gently put a hand on your stomach. 
You nodded, unable to stop the tears that slipped down your cheeks, “no baby in momma’s tummy anymore…Jack is in daddy’s arms, remember?”
He seemed concerned as he looked up at your face, his little hands slipping from your stomach up to your neck, “no cry momma…”
“Baby, are you okay?”
“Yeah…just a little blues…I-I really do enjoy being pregnant…this part…not as much…it’s like my first little taste of our baby leaving their first nest…” you replied, looking to him once more, “god I’m going to be a mess when they get older and want to really spread their wings.”
“I no get older, momma!” Johnny proclaimed lovingly, “I be momma’s baby forever!”
“Aww thank you baby bear!” you smiled, “you’ll always be mommy’s baby.”
“Momma?” Shayla asked, appearing at your bedside once more, “I uppies?”
“Sebastian?” you sniffled, looking at your boyfriend, “since you don’t want me lifting the kids?”
He nodded and placed Jack in the little baby crib beside the bed, before picking Shayla up and putting her on the hospital bed as well.  She immediately went to your other side and snuggled into you, “love you momma.”
“Love you too baby!” you sighed, kissing the top of her head. 
“I love momma!”
“I love you too, Johnny,” you laughed, looking at your little momma’s boy, “but we all love daddy, right?  And baby Jack…”
“I love you guys too…” he mused.  Sebastian smiled even more, chuckling at the twin’s continued proclamation of their love for him.  You watched him intimately once more as his hand rimmed the crib, before sliding into his pocket, “hey baby?”
“I uh, I’ve been thinking about this…and-well, if I’m being honest, I bought it the day I drove out to you in California…” he said slowly, pulling a little black box from his pocket.  You gasped, your eyes immediately watering once more as you realized what he was doing.
“Sebastian, stop,” you begged, cutting him off as he opened the box and your eyes met that of a gorgeous, glistening ring, “oh my god…”
“I’m not going to do what Chris did, (Y/N)…I-I’m not him,” he began as he dropped down to one knee, “and I’d understand if you said no, because I know what must be going through your head right now…all the worry and nerves, but I want to show you that I’m here for you through it all. I love you so much.  I love you more than anything…I know that Johnny and Shayla aren’t mine, but I don’t care…because they are…and now we have Jack too…and I just-“
“I’m afraid,” you admitted softly, “Sebastian…I-Chris nearly ruined me, and I-“
“I’ll wait as long as you want me to…if it takes our whole lives, I’ll do it, just-being your fiancé….but I want you to know that I’m committed to us.  To our future…”
“What’s g’on?”
“(Y/F/N, Y/L/N) will you eventually marry me, and become (Y/F/N) Stan?”
Your brows rose as your fiancé held his phone out, “I uh-I just got the call…”
“Call….what call?” You asked slowly, trying to think about what he could be talking about.  He let it set in for a second and your eyes widened as you realized what he was saying, “OH!  OH!  Well?  What happened?”
“I got it,” he smiled softly, “Baby…I’m going to be Bucky Barnes…the Winter Soldier.”
“Oh my god, Sebastian!” you smiled, running towards him, “that’s amazing news.  That-oh my god!”
“Ther-there’s just one thing.”
You frowned, feeling the uneasiness in his voice, “what’s wrong?”
“Chris…” he admitted slowly, “he-he uh, got the role of Captain America…”
“As in, my ex, Chris?  Chris Evans?” you asked.  Sebastian nodded, and your smile dropped, “Shit…”
“I-I think I’m going to turn it down,” he nodded, biting his lip, “I-“
“What?” you asked, cutting him off, “NO.  Sebastian, why would you do that?” 
“Because of Chri-“
“NO!” you said quickly, shushing him, “you’re not going to throw away an opportunity like this because you don’t want to be around Chris or because of me, or whatever excuse you’re thinking of doing right now.  Sebastian, this is an amazing opportunity.”
“I know, I jus-“
“You’re doing it!” you said gently as you pressed a kiss to his lips, “you’re going to be Bucky Barnes.”
“T-that’s really alright with you?”
“Hey…this is your career,” you said pointedly, “and I’m not letting you back out of a role because of me…hell, if it wasn’t for those casting parties…we wouldn’t have our little family…”
He smiled, nodding along, “I mean…I do owe Marvel a lot already…I got you…the twins…Jack…”
“Exactly!” you nodded back, “and you’re going to kick ass!”
“Since you’re okay with it…I guess I should tell you…the rollout plan for it…Captain America is phase one…but this role…if everything goes well…baby they want me for at least five films.”
“FIVE?  Oh, that’s it…we’re so celebrating!” you giggled, pushing your fiancé back until his back hit the wall.  He lit up, a cheshire catted grin taking over on his face, as his hands slipped up your hips. He licked his lips.
“I think I like where this is going!”
“Yeah…” you smiled, kissing him softly and slowly, “think you like it now…just wait until after the kids are bathed and in bed…”
“Well, I’ve already got Jack bathed and put to sleep…” he smirked as your hand snaked down his chest and to his pants.  His eyes fluttered shut as you stroked him over the sleep pants, “fuck…(Y/N)…”
Sebastian jumped, his eyes shooting open as your eldest child yelled from down the hall. 
“DADDY BAFF TIME!” Shayla yelled as Johnny came running naked down the hall and into the kitchen. 
You pressed a kiss to your fiancé’s lips and gave him a sad smile, “to be continued…”
“Oh, you just wait until the kids are in bed!” he smirked, hungrily licking his lips once more as you chased after your son, “I’ll clean up dinner if you want to get them bathed…tuck em in together?”
You nodded, agreeing with him as you caught your squirming son.  He giggled maniacally as you went back to Sebastian and pressed a firm kiss to his lips, “and then I’ll tuck you in after, daddy.”
“Can’t wait, mommy!”
Chapter 10
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Daylight MV by Harry Styles - why was it not the unreleased Two Ghosts MV 2.0? A timeline.
This video, released on July 19, 2023, is jam packed with Blondie and Haylor references. I think it was almost the sister project to the never released Two Ghosts MV…until it wasn’t. And I have an idea as to why.
Don’t believe me that it’s Haylor AF? Go read this amazing summary by @womanexile at whose request I am writing this timeline.
As we know, Harry was filming the video on and around May 10 and 11, 2022, based in articles and pap/drone photos from the time, like this Daily Mail article:
Let’s review the timeline:
April 22, 2022 - Harry performs at Coachella weekend 2 in Indio, CA.
April 26, 2022 - OW is onstage at CinemaCon in Las Vegas when she is served custody papers. H is not there.
But where is H? According to the article - circus training!
Late April/early May - Harry starts training in Kent, England with family-owned Sanctus Circus.
From the article:
“A source told [the publication]: Harry has spent weeks being taught circus skills for this video — he wanted it to be a real spectacle.
'It is probably his most expensive video yet because as well as all the rehearsals, it was a huge set with loads of extras and really extravagant costumes'.
The source revealed to the publication that the singer pushed himself to the limit in order to perform the stunts. Adding: 'It's been a real undertaking and the finished product will prove why he's one of the biggest pop stars in the world.' “
So late April - May 11 - circus stuff. Which is part time and on-and-off, I imagine. Then filming. And this was an UNDERTAKING that would have required a lot of planning.
He even arranged to have live animals, as outlined here in an article with the horse and parrot handlers:
Some take aways:
- he was supposed to the riding *the WHITE horse*. And when that didn’t work, he ensured the white horse remained in the shot.
- they only had a short time to teach him with the animals, but he listened and did exactly what they said.
- the legendary Styles charm extends to grumpy parrots named Poppleguy. “He's a little bit picky and he went straight on Harry Styles' shoulder, the sign of a good vibe," [his owner] said.”
Who can resist this man?!
But he HAS to know that he’ll get questions about the song title, since it shares a name with a song by Blondie. And he gets photographed making this video - articles about it start appearing May 12, 2022.
So what does he do next? Creates a smoke screen! Good thing two of his best friends—Ben Winston and James Corden—run a late night show known for outrageous bits with musicians. And he has a long history of doing crazy things with them, so no one will bat an eye.
He heads off to NYC for Harry’s House promo and ONO, but first — he has a DUPLICATE video to shoot.
And it’s hilarious, watching him shock and delight a quartet of Brooklyn residents and their friends:
And look at the clapperboard to date it:
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Bottom right - MAY 17/22.
The next morning, May 18, he is on air with Howard Stern who immediately brings up Blondie (look at H’s usual TS grin!!). And watch him evade:
“You’re reading too much into it…I know you’d like me to tell you ‘you’re spot on’ but…yeah, you’re not.”
But you know who thinks Howard actually is Spot On? Harry’s Mom!!
The Late Late Daylight video airs on May 26/27, 2022 (depending on your time zone). And here is Anne’s IG story when she watches it:
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And then - Harry keeps the circus video in his pocket. For FIFTEEN MONTHS. And makes and releases other videos.
There’s background speculation that the still images captured (Birdrry) might be for a Daydreaming or Grapejuice or other video, despite the bird. After all - we already have a Daylight MV!
And then, on July 18th, 2023 at his penultimate HSLOT concert in Lisbon, Harry has the bird image shown on the screen as he finishes singing Daylight.
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After the concert, we learn that the video will drop in July 19th at 5pm UK, 12 pm Eastern.
And while the As It Was video promo stated: “It’s just us”, this one proclaims “It’s just a video, just for you.”
Which naturally leads us to this parallel:
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And it is followed by the 10-minute 2nd encore piano ballad at the final HSLOT concert on July 22, introduced in Italian by saying “I wrote this for you, just for tonight.”
**My theory - its release is another in a long line of grand gestures designed to remind and assure Blondie of his ongoing, perpetual love and devotion.**
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gothamgigante · 2 years ago
hi, me again, u sounded so enthusiastic in your answer and your reply to my comment so i just had to ask : what was finsbury like for u? and go into detail, i just love to talk and hear about it so HIT ME WITH ALL THE THOUGHTS
THE THOUGHTS ARE THOUGHT-ING LIKE THEY’VE NEVER THOUGHT BEFORE. thank you so much for taking interest in my over-explained enthusiastic ramblings — I again apologise well in advance.
I also just want to preface incase anyone stumbles over this post, this is about my experience personally, and I recognise not everyone would’ve had the same experience as me. nether the less, everything shall be under the cut if you care to give it a read :)
okay, so I’ll start off by giving my experience getting into finsbury. we took the tube (and ran into another ‘75 fan on the way) and commuting was pretty easy (we were staying just outside of london, took us just over an hour to get to the park) and we got there just before 11am. if I remember correctly, I believe we were the second group of people to get into the holding area because of the concern of the crowd going onto the street, and from there it was pretty chill and the security that we ran into were all amazing and up for a laugh! the waiting did suck as they prolonged opening the gates but not much you can do about that, safety over everything!
as soon as we got in we ran to merch, grabbed a t-shirt and some scran and situated ourselves a row behind middle right pitch barrier — very happy with our spot (will include a video at the bottom) and the people around us were lovely.
onto the music!
After Life I thought were really good at opening and definitely got the crowds attention, kept thanking everyone for turning up early to see their set and it was appreciated. a very good performance overall!
Pretty Sick I admittedly did not pay that much attention too, although I don’t want that to be taken negatively, as it dawned upon me how many hours we were going to be there for. had to preserve battery lol.
American Football I will also admit was pretty similar, I was very concerned with scranning a milkshake… no regrets.
The Japanese House were the only one other than the 1975 that I would consider myself a pretty big fan of, and I’m pretty sure I cried at least twice. hearing ‘sunshine baby’ live whilst knowing I’d pre-ordered a personally signed copy of ‘in the end it always does’ was magical and amber herself blew me away with their vocals and presence on the stage. can’t wait to see them on tour.
Bleachers were probably my second favourite (not including the 1975) of the night. really great to watch on stage despite not being a fan and the energy the crowd was giving was immense!
Cigarettes After Sex although good, and I did enjoy, did feel a little out of place on the setlist. although I can obviously see why they were the last act before the headline, taking that out of consideration, I would’ve preferred to have watched cas after the japanese house, and then bleachers.
ladies and gentlemen… the 1975!
I don’t even know where to begin when talking about the 1975. from tim healy to people, I genuinely couldn’t have wished for a better show (although the nothing revealed / everything denied stan in me is praying for the day)
the opening. wow. although it was arguably obvious they were going to open with the 1975 (bfiafl), it didn’t make it any less impactful. hearing those chords striking that piano I’m convinced I felt it within my gut. absolutely breathtaking — and it set a high standard that was carried out throughout the entire night, completely electrifying.
to talk about the first ‘surprise’ of the night — ‘love me’. although I do preach being an abiior stan, iliwys also has a special place in my heart, ‘love me’ being my second favourite (after ballad… yeah) this is when I knew this gig wasn’t going to be topped by anything I’d previously seen!
‘part of the band’ will also get a mention here that despite being a regular on the setlist, reaches deeply into my heart. a tear was shed (and I had no clue what was to come).
“who gives a fuck this is too much fun!” matty’s little speeches honestly kept me going.
tim healy. tim healy singing my favourite song off of bfiafl. I thought I died and went to heaven right there. another crying mark.
also trying to kill me with ‘be my mistake’, this was a block of non stop sobbing.
oh, you thought you died right there?
at this point I was the luckiest woman ever that the couple we made friends with in-front of us let me swap with him so I was on the middle barrier. kindness from strangers is the best thing ever.
I genuinely don’t even know what to comprehend about ‘medicine’.
and as you can clearly see, having CARLY appear was not easing me down gently at all. doing this post has made me realise how the hell did I get out of there alive??
(I also went feral during ‘the sound’… not one of my proudest moments)
guys snippet… into iawds… as per my last post you can imagine what I was going through. the only thing that was running through my head was “I need to book my box tattoo appointment”
and now to wrap it up, ‘love it if we made it’ and ‘give yourself a try’ (and ‘sex’) being my all-time favourites and were the best way to end the gig…
until the 1975 to literally make me die dead right then and there when I heard the beat to ‘people’.
all in all, despite some people disagreeing, including consumption at the end really solidified the era and drew the door (or tv screen) to a close for one final time. your new era. your old friends.
(p.s the only negative thing I have to say is getting out of the park was an absolute fucking nightmare and made our journey three times longer, but seeing the 1975 definitely made it worth it and I’d do it all again)
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musclesandhammering · 2 months ago
Oh I agree with this hard. But I feel like there’s a certain component to this whole fuckery that you touched on, that rarely gets talked about, which is: Dean and his stans are the problem.
It’s always kinda hard to find anti destiel folks who address this because antis are generally wincest shippers or brotherly salmondean fans, meaning Dean is one of their favs too and they almost always see cas as the sole problem. But if you look around at the most deranged and vehement and out of touch destiel meta, it’s almost always by deangirls.
And it always goes the same: Dean is their misunderstood mistreated eldest-daughter-coded bisexual little softhearted nerd bottom who wants to suck the dick of every male character he meets and is so distraught every time ‘his angel’ is gone that he goes into an inconsolable depression. And Sam only exists to be he and Cas’s relationship therapist. Seriously. Like.. they genuinely believe that.
Nevermind the fact that, in the actual show, dean has repeatedly chosen Sam over everything- including cas- to an unhealthy degree. He’s not female coded in any way whatsoever (that would be Sam), he’s not queer coded at all (the would also be Sam), and in fact he’s generally framed as the foil to Sam’s feminine coding- the domineering, closed minded, abrasive asshole who mirrors their shitty dad far more than anything else. He also doesn’t really give a shit about cas. Like the times cas has been killed, Sam has been more upset about it than dean, and the times where cas exited due to some morally tricky situation going on between them, dean instantly detaches from him with little to no difficulty. Even when they’re together, he doesn’t seem fond of him, ever. He’s mildly annoyed at best and outright hostile at worst. Sam is the one who finds cas amusing and is always patient and forgiving with him.
In fact, I could go on and on about how Dean has constantly treated both Sam and Cas like shit at pretty much every turn. But with Sam, it comes from a place of personal dysfunction and codependency issues- Dean doesn’t know how to express concern without anger, doesn’t know how to be protective without being controlling, doesn’t know how to guide Sam without also denouncing him, doesn’t know how to love a family member without projecting John’s “love” for him. Whereas with cas, Dean genuinely seems to just not trust or like him about 80% of the time.
But the problem is his fans can’t acknowledge that their fav is legitimately bad in those ways (because lord forbid you enjoy a problematic character), so they find excuses for some aspects of him (he just uses anger to hide how sensitive he is, it’s not his fault!!) and do mental gymnastics to twist other aspects into something completely different (he’s always annoyed at cas bc he’s frustrated about having to hide his feelings!!) and just outright brush other aspects off as ‘bad writing’ and ignore them (racist porn, jailbait kink, and misogyny anyone?). And what they’re left with- the absolute bare skin and bones of his character- is a guy who maybe kinda sorta could be attracted to his angel buddy 🤷‍♀️.
TLDR- Dean’s a pos and his fans can’t accept that, so they hallucinate him into a different character- one who doesn’t put his brother above everything to an unhealthy degree and is a little bit in love with cas.
in re: “cas knows dean better than sam”
“cas sees dean as a whole person and sam just sees dean’s façade as his big brother slash parent” but like how and where. outside of your fanfiction. season and episode. scene and line. if it’s so obvious and apparent you should have at least 3-5 concrete examples right? “sam doesn’t know dean carried him out of the burning house” yeah but did cas? outside of a footnote in the angelic manila folder they gave him between seasons 3 and 4 so he could better manipulate him and sam into doing heaven’s bidding? like if you’re going to say “cas knows dean better than sam” than you need to show how cas succeeds where you perceive sam to be failing at the very least. but even your perceptions of how sam doesn’t measure up are so warped, blinkered, and moronic that it wouldn’t even be worth much if you could provide the textual evidence, but at least you’d have a semblance of a point. like say anything without going “as an eldest daughter…” “well my relationship with my sibling isn’t…” please say anything without fucking projecting your own self-pitying crybaby bullshit onto your little woobie dean and using the actual canon text of the show. I’m literally begging you.
like the thing of it all is and always has been that you’re so hell-bent on twisting the sam and dean relationship to fit into this narrow and almost entirely inaccurate mold which is the basis upon which you build the entire Destiel Mythos that you literally lose all sense of media literacy. you don’t even miss the forest for the trees, you miss the trees for like, the pretend invisible things you’re seeing in between the trees, the forest is a whole long way away from your current level of perception. because the Destiel Mythos is based entirely on the fact that dean is Not Seen and Not Appreciated and Not Loved and Cannot Be Himself until cas comes along, and that Family (read: sam) Is Only A Burden on Him That He Must Be Freed From In Order to Flourish, so you keep trying to warp the sam relationship into something that is only one dimension of it – and keep ignoring the ways in which dean is seen, loved and understood within it, because you need to keep lying to yourselves that there is a narrative need to emancipate dean from something that he has never wanted emancipation from because it is ultimately a net good for dean in the particular circumstances of their lives. it’s also profoundly unhealthy, codependent, evil and toxic etc. (a lot more dean’s fault than sam’s but I will nawt be getting into all that right now) but that doesn’t change the fact that sam and dean both know and understand and feel deeply that they are each other’s person – that they know the best and love the most in the world. but that – which IS true canon fact – is incompatible with the Destiel Mythos so it must be ignored and all good sense must be thrown out the window in order to do it.
anyway i digress there are two main categories of Bad Thinking that i will be addressing below
childhood/ “parent/child” / blah blah blah
every single thing people are saying in favour of the deeply stupid thesis in the title of this post is proof positive of the very silly form of ‘analysis’ I just described. a few things:
“wah sam didn’t know that dean carried him out of the burning house :( this means that dean withholds things from sam to protect him because he is a PARENT and sam can only know things about him in the context of him being a PARENT to him” – what the fuck are you on about genuinely. first of all reducing the sam/dean relationship exclusively to parent/child is in itself foolishness for so many reasons that I don’t have time for right now. but also, it’s clear that this is just something that happened when sam was a baby that just never came up. in the scene (1.09) where this is brought up, dean is mildly surprised that he or john never mentioned that detail and then states that sam knows the rest of the story (i.e. the actual traumatic stuff) just as well as dean does – which is true, demonstrably whenever they talk about it.
obviously there are some things that happened to dean in their childhood that sam doesn’t know about (or didn’t know about, until told in whatever episode they come up in). equally, there are things dean doesn’t know about sam’s childhood, e.g. the fact that he was so lonely he needed a zanna (11.08). or how dean didn’t remember that sam was friends with barry cook until he mentions it when they go back to their old school (4.13). or about the nature of sam’s relationship with amy pond (7.03). these don’t mean that ‘sam withheld these things to protect dean out of parental love’ lol, it’s just that there are details and events in each of their lives that the other happens to not have been told about.
similarly “sam didn’t even know dean wanted to be a firefighter L” girl did dean know sam wanted to be a lawyer? in 1.01 he’s pretty surprised that sam has a law school interview. the point here isn’t “neither sam nor dean know each other well,” these are minutiae that aren’t relevant to how well you know someone as a whole, and very poorly demonstrate the bad and inaccurate point that dean withholds things from sam the way a parent does a child (on a constant or regular basis). obviously the way they were raised, sam was deemed too young to know about certain things until he got older and dean had to keep that secret, but as shown in 3.08 flashbacks, most if not all of this is eventually revealed throughout their childhood when sam is still fairly young.
or possibly the dumbest one is that “wah sam doesn’t even know that dean reads books L” whenever that was he was also obviously joking because in more serious moments (e.g. 8.14) he admits that dean is smart/a better researcher than he is, literally remembers dean reading to him as a kid (8.21) so like. clam down  
one of the extra annoying variants of this type of ‘proof’ covers things that are very clearly novel pieces of information about dean that dean, sam, and the audience are learning about dean in real time. like if you’re actually watching the show to comprehend it as it was intended to be comprehended, instead of funnelling everything through the Destiel Machine until it’s unrecognizable slop that fits neatly into your pre-ordained molds that Make Destiel Necessary In the Narrative (when it actually isn’t, at all) it’s abundantly clear. the top two worst offenders:
“sam didn’t even know that dean is good with kids :( he doesn’t even realize that dean raised him :(” first of all you people need to understand that parentification does not literally create a parent-child dynamic between siblings but I digress – this doesn’t make any sense bro. in 1.03 dean admits he doesn’t know any kids as an adult. dean being good with his own kid brother when they were both kids is to any reasonable person not necessarily linked with him being good with other random kids when he’s an adult. in 1.03 it’s clear that dean himself is a bit surprised that he’s able to connect w/ lucas so well because he’s clearly not dealt with a lot of kids since sam grew up. the whole point of this is that dean, sam, and the audience are all sort of seeing a new side of dean. who again is just 26. after this very early episode, there’s no question from sam that dean is able to connect w kids. sam being a bit surprised by this also has absolutely zero connection with him not understanding or realizing that dean looked out for him when they were both kids – sam is standing there at 22 years of age talking about adult dean and children – of fucking course he doesn’t mean himself are you stupid.
from the very first season, sam is very clearly aware of everything dean ~did for him~ when they were kids, see e.g. 1.21: “Dean...ah...I wanna thank you. […] For everything. You've always had my back you know? Even when I couldn't count on anyone I could always count on you. And I don't know, I just wanted to let you know, just in case.”
and 1.06: DEAN: Well, I’m a freak, too. I’m right there with ya, all the way. (SAM laughs.) SAM: Yeah, I know you are.
and then possibly even more stupidly, the one where it’s like “wah sam doesn’t even know dean can cook :( he doesn’t even know that DEAN was the one making him food as a babe in arms :(” – when sam is surprised that dean made something fairly gourmet and from scratch literally the first time they have ever had a permanent living space with a functional kitchen. in this VERY scene (8.14), dean himself points out that they haven’t had a kitchen before and when sam remarks on the irregularity of him doing serious cooking, he says “I’m nesting”, clearly showing that this is a novel development because they now have a kitchen, and that it’s irregular relative to past behaviour – both of them acknowledge this. because real proper in-depth cooking and making box mac and cheese for sam until he was like 11 and old enough to be left alone are two different things, which sam understands because he’s smart, unlike whoever chooses to make this point. dean never showed significant signs of liking to cook before this, which is what the exchange is about, but he did have to prepare food for them both when sam was too young – of course sam knows he had to, there are childhood memories referred to (e.g. 14.11) where sam is mentioned to literally help dean do the cooking as kids lol (and yes, genius, sam says ‘I didn’t know you knew what a kitchen was’ or something to that effect, but if you think he’s being 100% literal there I have an oceanfront property in Kansas to sell you)
again, obviously there are pieces that sam doesn’t know about dean, e.g. when he’s talking about his response to mary dying in 1.03. but again, Sam is 22, dean is 26, the last time they were in regular contact was when sam was 18-20, these are things that happen when people grow up, they’re able to reflect and share on childhood experiences if they’re close with their siblings as adults. it’s clearly not something that 26 y/o dean wanted to hide from 22 y/o sam. yes sam didn’t know everything about how dean felt when they were young, but that’s equally true in the other direction, and it’s such an irrelevant point in this discussion when, crucially, sam does learn these things about dean mostly fairly early on in the series (i.e. when they’re really not that deep into adulthood yet). cas was also not magically blessed w/ knowledge about dean, he also had to learn whatever it is that he knows, but somehow sam has to know everything about dean from age 7 or it doesn’t count when it’s sam lol.
“sam doesn’t know the One True Dean / doesn’t see through his facades”
the next branch of defending this flawed thesis is invariably that sam has little idea of the fronts and facades that dean puts up and is content to just believe them, whereas cas digs deep and sees the One True Dean that stupid sam always misses. there is nothing in the text that demonstrates this is true. multiple times, we see sam being very knowing of the fact that dean puts up fronts and facades. sam is also knowledgeable of the way dean perceives himself, and – demonstrated in multiple episodes before such sam lines were very poorly recycled and regurgitated into cas’s dialogue in 15.18, but keep acting like that was the first time anyone ever showed that they knew the One True Dean.
Obviously there are times where sam teases dean when he’s being more touchy-feely than usual, but 9.99 times out of 10 (as a conservative estimate in case there's something i'm forgetting otherwise i would say every time) that’s very clearly coming from a place of knowing the real dean vs. the façade he puts up because that’s the whole joke. and it’s allowed to be a joke because they’re siblings and that’s what siblings do lol. esp since sam and dean have touchy feely moments at the end of like every episode.
examples of all of the above off the top of my head (there are more than these, but these are the ones I can think of):
2.02 (about John’s death)
Sam: “I mean this ‘strong silent’ thing of yours, it's crap. […] I'm over it. This isn't just anyone we're talking about, this is Dad. I know how you felt about the man.”
Dean: “You know what, back off, all right? Just because I'm not caring and sharing like you want me to.”
Sam: “No, no, no, that's not what this is about, Dean. I don't care how you deal with this. But you have to deal with it, man. Listen, I'm your brother, all right? I just want to make sure you're okay.”
2.03 (Sam to Dean, also about John’s death): “You know, you slap on this big fake smile but I can see right through it. Because I know how you feel, Dean. Dad's dead. And he left a hole, and it hurts so bad you can't take it, but you can't just fill up that hole with whoever you want to. It's an insult to his memory.”
Note that Dean essentially admits that Sam is right in these two instances in 2.04 bc I know yall have stupid shit to say about john too that has nothing to do with how anyone actually felt about him in canon
3.07 (about Dean’s demon deal – also proven true in later episodes)
SAM: Dude, drop the attitude, Dean. Quit turning everything into a punch line. And you know something else? Stop trying to act like you're not afraid.
DEAN: I'm not!
SAM: You're lying. And you may as well drop it 'cause I can see right through you.
DEAN: You got no idea what you're talking about.
SAM: Yeah, I do. You're scared, Dean. You're scared because your year is running out, and you're still going to Hell, and you're freaked.
DEAN: And how do you know that?
SAM: Because I know you! […] Yeah, I've been following you around my entire life! I mean, I've been looking up to you since I was four, Dean. Studying you, trying to be just like my big brother. So yeah, I know you. Better than anyone else in the entire world. And this is exactly how you act when you're terrified. And, I mean, I can't blame you. It's just […] I wish you would drop the show and be my brother again. 'Cause... (can't find words; tears in his eyes) just 'cause.
5.18 [Sam figures out what Dean is doing re: his plan to let Michael possess him, tracks him down, and eventually is the catalyst for Dean ‘making the right call’, which he predicts] – e.g.:
SAM: No, you won’t. When push shoves, you’ll make the right call
DEAN: You know, if tables were turned…I’d let you rot in here. Hell, I have let you rot in here.
SAM: Yeah, well…I guess I’m not that smart.
DEAN: I—I don’t get it. Sam, why are you doing this?
SAM: Because… you’re still my big brother.
8.14 (basically the o.g. version of whatever went on in 15.18 + sam intrinsically understanding the trials are a death wish for dean): “I'm closing the gates. It's a suicide mission for you. I want to slam hell shut, too, okay? But I want to survive it. I want to live, and so should you. You have friends up here, family. I mean, hell, you even got your own room now. You were right, okay? I see light at the end of this tunnel. And I'm sorry you don't – I am. But it's there. And if you come with me, I can take you to it. […] I AM smart, and so are you. You're not a grunt, Dean. You're a genius – when it comes to lore, to – you're the best damn hunter I have ever seen – better than me, better than dad. I believe in you, Dean. So, please – please believe in me, too.”
10.22 (understanding how much dean has ~done for him~)
SAM: I'm saving my brother.
CASTIEL: You told Dean—
SAM: —I know what I told Dean. Cas, look. I've been the one out there, messed up and scared. And alone. And Dean—
CASTIEL: He did whatever he could to save you.
SAM: Yes. I mean, it's become his thing. I owe him this. I owe him everything.
10.23 (basically the o.g. version of whatever went on in 15.18, x2 – from Sam to Dean): “You were also willing to summon death to make sure you could never do any more harm. You summoned me because you knew I would do anything to protect you. That's not evil, Dean. That's not an evil man. That is a good man crying to be heard, searching for... some other way. […] You will never, ever hear me say that you -- the real you -- is anything but good.”
11.13 (Sam understanding exactly how Dean feels about Amara being his ‘deepest desire’, and confirming that it doesn’t make him a bad person)
Dean: Why? Because if she is that means that I’m…
Sam: Means you’re what? Complicit? Weak? Evil?
Dean: For starters, yeah.
Sam: Dean. Do you honestly think you ever had a choice in the matter? She’s the sister of God, and for some reason she picked you and that sucks, but if you think I’m gonna blame you or judge you…I’m not.
Dean: You know that I want her ass dead.
Sam: Yes. Of course. And I know you’ve also probably beaten yourself up a hundred times over it, but where has that gotten us? (Long silence) Just how bad is it?
13.02 (Sam perfectly explaining Dean’s psyche to Jack)
JACK: Is that why Dean hates me?
SAM: Dean doesn’t hate you. It… Look, sometimes the wires in Dean’s head get crossed and—and he gets frustrated, and then he mixes frustration with anger, and—and fear.
JACK: Why would he be afraid?
SAM: Because Dean feels like it’s his job to protect everyone. And right now, we need to protect you. But we may also need to protect people from you.
14.03 [Sam assesses Dean’s psychological/emotional response to the Michael possession; end of episode, Dean confirms that Sam’s assessment was fully accurate]
14.10 [Sam is the only one able to snap Dean out of his weird Michael mind loop by using their code word]
14.11 [Sam figuring out that something is troubling Dean just based on the fact that Dean hugs him]
15.17 (self explanatory at this point)
DEAN: Chuck has to die. He has to! Otherwise he'll keep us tap dancing forever, and I can't live like that, man! I can't live like that! I won't!
SAM: I know you feel like that right now, okay. I know you do. But you gotta trust me. My entire life, you've protected me— from Dad, from Lucifer, from everything. I didn't always like it, you know, but... it's the one thing in the whole world that I could always count on. It's the only thing I've ever known that was true. So please... put the gun away. Just put it away, and we'll figure it out, Dean, we'll find another way, you and me. We always do.
like maybe there are some cas moments w dean along these lines too. i don't know, i don't remember what the guy says or does anymore it's been too many years and he is not memorable. but the point is where and in what capacity and based on what metric other than the amount of bad fanfic you've read does cas exceed sam in these respects.
so basically just. genuinely, what are you people literally ever talking about. go watch the show instead of saying stupid wrong stuff about sam on the hellsites all day. or watch another show (please for the love of god watch any other show this one is absolutely lost on you and it’s such a stupid one too i'm embarrassed for you)
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poedtry · 10 months ago
The Interest! ❤︎
In music, my main guy is obviously sprawled across my account huh. Not that hard to guess. ENHYPEN and BOYNEXTDOOR is the one I'm currently stanning and religiously listening to! Followed closely by Stray Kids, Seventeen, and Aespa.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
I am a casual listener of a lot of genres in music, you might see these names when I posted songs that I'm currently listening such as: Taylor Swift, Niki, Deftones, Radiohead, Sza, Omar Apollo, The Weeknd or Abel Tefasye, Phoebe Bridgers, bôa, Chet Baker, Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, Keane, Kanye West, Tupac Shakur, Arctic Monkeys, CAS, Chase Atlantic, The Cranberries, Paramore, Doja Cat, Lana Del Ray, w2e, Bryson Tiller, Tory Lanez, PARTYNEXTDOOR, Drake, The Neighborhood, PinkPantheress, Childish Gambino, Lloyd, Nirvana, Brent Faiyaz, and many more. With this I am very open to have listening session with anyone since I can easily listen to anything! 🩶
My spotify!
I found myself enjoying more horror and thriller than any other genres when it comes to movie. I love the Conjuring universe, Train to Busan, Knives Out, Bottoms, Harry Potter, Red White and Royal Blue, Top Gun, and the Jurassic universe.
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TV series: The Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, B99, Young Sheldon, Gilmore Girls, Girl from Nowhere, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Heartstopper, Sweet Home, The Crown, The Umbrella Academy.
Anime: One Piece!!! Black Butler, Sasaki to Miyano, Haikyuu, Attack on Titan, Given, Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, Trigun Stampede, and many more.
0 notes
pbandcas · 4 years ago
Where the Love Light Gleams
So I took a small break from my Endverse Advent Calendar series to write some Christmas fluff! this is for @diminuel (for inspiring me on Twitter and also for being an absolute omega!Cas supporting treasure)
tags: omega verse, omega!Castiel, Alpha!Dean, mpreg, Jack and Claire are Dean and Castiel's kids, family fluff, proposals, and inappropriate humor, pregnant Castiel, Pregnant Eileen
pairing(s): Dean/Castiel, Sam/Eileen
characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam Wincheste, Eileen Leahy, Jack Kline, Claire Novak
Read on AO3
Where the Love Light Gleams
Christmas, Dean decided, wasn’t actually so bad anymore. He wasn’t sure if it was the fact that they weren’t constantly moving around and could settle in one place for the holiday. Or if it was because they weren’t constantly fighting for their lives anymore or trying to stop another apocalypse. Or if it was because the bright smell of cloves and honey and sunlight after a storm permeated the air around him. The smell of content, happy omega, the smell of his content, happy omega. Cas was once again rearranging the small pile of gifts under their tree. The rainbow lights reflected soft smears of color in his dark hair. The blues and yellows bringing out his eyes, the reds and greens stained his cheeks and nose. Dean couldn’t help the happy rumble in his chest at the sight. They had only been officially mated for a few months. Cas had just started his pre-heat mood swings and finally demanded Dean either bite him and claim his ass or he’ll go find an alpha who would. Who was Dean to turn down such a romantic request. Now they proudly wore each other's bite and Dean— well Dean had plans.
See being mated, they didn’t have to technically get married. They were already together, till death do them part and all the jazz because as Cas had mentioned many times before, Angels mated for life. Even little Graceless, earthbound Omegas, but Dean wasn’t an Angel. Though he did believe in mating for life, he just— had other customs he wanted as well. Which was why, hidden away in the branches of their Christmas tree was a little black box with a little silver ring inside. “I think if you move them around anymore, the paper will rip and you’ll ruin Christmas.” He said with a slowly widening smile. Cas blinked over his shoulder at him owlishly before he frowned down at the gift in his hands. With a tilt of his head Cas set the thin box down on the very top and sat back on his heels. “I am… nervous.” Cas admitted softly, sadness and anxiety saturated his scent causing Dean to frown. Before he could say anything else though Cas shook his head and pushed himself to stand. With one hand on his hip and the other on his chin, he murmured softly, “I want everything to be perfect.” Rolling his eyes Dean walked up behind him and circled his arms around his mates waist. Propping his chin on Castiel’s shoulder he pressed a soft kiss to his mating bite before peppering more kisses up the side of his neck and up to his temple. “Everything will be, Angel. You worry too much.” Content Omega was back and the Alpha in Dean preened at being the cause of it. “Now come on. Help me finish up cooking before Sam and Eileen get here.” “You are under the assumption they will arrive before Jack and Claire.” Cas shot back with raised brows, an amused smile playing across his lips. “At least your brother and his wife will help cook… your children will not.” True, Jack was always more than happy to help, however, they’d all agreed long ago that he was never allowed in the kitchen. And Claire, well, Claire just didn’t like to help. Dean barked out a laugh at that and he nudged Cas’s cheek with his nose affectionately. “They’re your kids too, honeycake.” He paused for a minute before his grin widened. “She’s not even related to me, but Claire is pretty much a spitting image of me at her age. I love it.” Cas rolled his eyes and wiggled out of Dean’s grasp. “Of course you would. Alphas. I swear.” ————— They managed to get the last pies in the oven as they heard the bunker door open. Instantly loud arguing was heard and Dean shot Cas an amused smirk. “There is no way anyone could go to every house in a single night to deliver presents. Magic reindeer or not.” Claire growled with an eye roll as she sauntered into the kitchen. Jack followed hot on her heels and a wide smile on his face. “But it’s magic, C. Anything can be done with magic.” He turned his happy grin to Dean and Cas where they’d moved from the ovens to come give them hugs. “Isn’t that right, father?” He let Cas wrap him in a tight hug as he waited for Dean to speak. The hunter snorted, gave his o wn hug, then stepped back to ruffle Claire’s hair. The younger alpha groaned and shooed his hand away.
“Well duh.” Dean said in exaggeration, rolling his eyes for extra effect. “How else would there be presents here for you otherwise?” Jack’s face lit up at that and he all but scrambled from the room leaving behind a trail of cinnamon and rain.
“Oh! Are there?” He called excitedly as the door swung shut.
Claire snorted but sent a grin Dean’s way before turning to Castiel. Her face visibly softened as she smiled. “How’ve you been, dad?” Cas let the pleased expression take over as he opened his arms in invitation. To no one's surprise, she took it instantly and wrapped her arms around the omega. Whether she’d admit it or not, both Dean and Cas knew she adored Castiel.
“Busy.” Cas laughed as he pressed a small kiss to her temple before letting her go. “It has been like wrestling a hurricane to keep this one from actively hunting.” He jabbed a thumb over his shoulder at Dean. At Claire’s snort Dean rolled his eyes. “He wouldn’t know what a vacation was if it bit him on the ass.” They both laughed as Dean sputtered in indignation.
“It was a mating leave, Cas. Not a vacation, and after the holidays we’ll be right back at it.” He pointed a warning finger at them both, Cas raised an eyebrow and Claire snickered behind on hand. “Now. I’m going to go make sure the other one hasn’t opened anything yet.” With that he swept from the room, grumbling about ‘cheeky omegas’ and ‘nosy brat alphas.’
The second the door shut Claire whirled on him. “Did you tell him yet?” She demanded practically vibrating in excitement. Cas shushed her with one hand as he peered at the door, making sure her voice hadn’t carried.
“Not yet.”
“Ugh, Daaad.” She whined and crossed her arms over her chest, “What are you waiting on? For him to smell it first?”
Truth be told that had been Castiel’s biggest fear thus far. That Dean would smell it before he had a chance to tell him. He’d managed smothering the change so far but he knew it was just a matter of time. “I’ll be telling him tonight.” He said with a soft smile and happiness rolled off him in waves. “When we do presents.”
“Cas! Claire! Sammy and Eileen are here!”
They shared one last look before Claire clapped a hand on his shoulder and nodded. “I know I’ve said it before, but I’m so happy for you, dad.”
The second the two stepped into the main room Cas was swept up into a hug, his feet barely brushing the floor. Sam’s bright apple smell enveloped him in a content bubble and he couldn’t help the smile from blooming on his face. “Hello, Sam. I trust all has been well?” The tall alpha rumbled out his agreement as he spun them in a half circle. Cas could pick up the second Sam’s nose twitched and his scent grew curious as he scented the air around Cas. “Don’t say anything.” He whispered quickly, eyes glancing up at Dean who’d just released Eileen with a wide grin.
“Come on now man, that one’s mine.” Dean teased as he came over and pulled Sam into a bear hug. Sam rolled his eyes but pat him on the back anyway after letting Cas slip away to greet Eileen.
“So, how’s mated life treating you?” Sam’s shit eating grin grew when Dean’s ears flushed bright red and he mumbled ‘shut up’ under his breath. He was smiling fondly after his omega though. It was all so disgustingly domestic and Sam almost didn’t believe it was actually Dean. “That good then?”
The smell of satisfied alpha washed over them both as Dean turned his gaze back on his brother. “It’s been amazing, Sammy. Like. Seriously,” His eyes jumped to where Cas and Eileen were now excitedly talking to Jack. The young beta was showing them something on his phone and they couldn’t hear what exactly they were talking about but it was clearly entertaining. From the other side of the room Claire was poking around with a CD player, her tongue poking out of the side of her mouth in concentration. “I’m happy, man.”
There was a triumphant sound as Claire managed to get the music to turn on and instantly ‘It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas’ started filtering through the room. Beside him Sam smiled, “That’s good, Dean. That’s really good.” He patted him on the back once and then, “You deserve this. You deserve each other.”
“Enough about me.” Dean said in embarrassment, “How are you and Eileen doing? It’s been a while since we’ve gotten together.” He looked over the dark haired woman where she now sat beside Castiel in front of the tree, her hands resting lightly over her protruding stomach. “She’s looking quite… large.”
Sam scoffed with a smile. “She’s pregnant, Dean, you know that, of course she’s large.” The expression turned fond and the apple scent around them sweetened. “Things are going really well. Just hit six months and the little bugger is super active.” The almost longing look on Dean’s face made Sam’s heartache. His brother had always been the more pup oriented of the two. Always talking about wanting to settle down and raise a family. “Have you and Cas talked about… you know… having pups?”
Dean didn’t say anything for a long moment and then, “Sometimes.” His voice was distant as he watched the two omegas laugh quietly as Claire plopped down beside Cas, her feet instantly coming up to rest on his lap. “Though it’s usually when he’s in heat and begging me to--”
“Oh ew, Dean! No, don’t even. I don’t need to know that.” Dean gave him a wolfish grin and waggled his eyebrows but the effect was lost when his scent dampened. “Mating habits aside,” He groaned, face twisting in disgust, “Have you talked about it while both of you are lucid?” Dean only shrugged and Sam pursed his lips, one eyebrow raised, “Why not, Dean?”
“Because I don’t know if he’d actually want a pup with me.” He shot back, the air burning around him, causing Sam’s nose to wrinkle. The next second the strong soothing smell of honey overtook them. Both blinked dazedly as Castiel popped up to wrap himself around Dean, his face pinched in a frown as he scented at his mate.
Looking up Dean, Cas pressed a hand against his mating bite. “You are distressed. Why are you distressed?” Turning to the younger Winchester he frowned, “What did you do?” Sam put his hands up and shook his head with a laugh.
“Nothing, Cas. We were just having a conversation.”
“Well, time for conversation is done. It’s time for food.” With that he turned on his heel and stalked away toward the table currently being set with food by Jack and Claire. Dean shot his brother a long suffering look that was only mildly put off by soft pine. They’d talk about it again later. He knew that, but for now he followed his omega toward the rest of their family.
“Oh my God.” Claire burst out with a laugh as she pulled out a pair of soft looking pajama pants from the box Jack had handed her. They were bright yellow and covered in little cheeseburgers and she grinned at Jack, “These a fuckin beautiful.”
From the couch Cas ‘tutted’, “Language.” Claire rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Cas before turning back to Jack and giving him a hug. The cheeseburger pants grasped tightly in her hands as she rubbed the back of his head affectionately.
“Thanks, J.”
Jack seemed to preen under the praise as he said brightly, “They match Dean’s hotdog pants!”
Dean nodded approvingly as he eyeballed the bright pants, “That they do.” He turned slightly toward Cas and nudged his side, “You and Jack need a pair now. I’m thinking fries for the kid,” Jack’s face lit up as Dean tossed him a box he had at his side. Not breaking eye contact with his mate he smiled, “Great minds think alike, ya?” Dropping his voice lower he muttered, “Soda’s for you, my little juice box.” Cheeks instantly burning Cas looked away from him, wide eyed and mouth gone dry.
As Jack pulled out the red pants covered in fries, Claire handed Castiel an almost identical box. Cas frowned, his face still burning at Dean’s comment, at the box in his hands then glanced between the two, “You planned this.” Dean shrugged, smirk firmly in place as Cas opened the box and pulled out dark blue pants covered in soda cups, the straws each a rainbow of colors. “Did you pick them out?” He asked Claire tentatively, alarm raising as the two alphas looked at each other with matching smirks.
The look was all he needed to know before he was wishing the floor would open up and swallow him whole. Sam and Eileen cackled on the love seat and Castiel shot them a glare. “You are all terrible people.” Sam shrugged one shoulder as he wheezed through his laughter, Eileen patting his back while stifling her own giggles.
Beside him Dean let out a soothing rumble and nuzzled against his cheek. “Oh come on, honeycake, it’s all in good fun.” Cas huffed, but let himself be soothed at the same time. The rest of the presents were handed out. New matching knit sweaters for Sam and Eileen from Jack and Claire. A new rifle for Claire, much to Castiel’s displeasure. A new laptop for Jack. A card from Cas to Eileen that neither alpha knew what it said but there were tears and hugs and happy smiles.
Then Dean was raising to his feet and grabbing something hidden away in the uppermost branches of their tree. He cleared his throat and all eyes around the room snapped up to him. First on the box in his hand, then to his content smile and crinkled eyes and the rainbow lights haloing his blonde hair. Jack’s head tilted in confusion as Claire choked on her cocoa, eyes widening.
Happy honey and cloves flooded the room instantly as Dean took another two steps forward before falling to one knee in front of where Castiel was still perched on the couch. “I know you know what this is and what’s going on… so do I still have to say it?” Cas nodded quickly, voice catching in his throat.
“Dean! Of course you do!”
“Shut your face before I take your shit back.” Dean wagged a threatening finger at Claire who snickered back. Turning back to his mate he huffed, but he smiled again anyway, “I love you, Cas. You know I do, and I’m happy to be your mate. Always.” Castiel bit his bottom lip as his eyes sparkled with flecks of brilliant gold amongst ocean blue. “But I’d be even happier if you’d be my husband.”
In lieu of answering Cas merely launched himself off the couch and tackled Dean to the ground. Both of them laughing as their mouths clashed together, none too gently and their family cheered around them. “So that a yes?” Dean murmured against Castiel’s lips after a moment of kissing him soundly.
Cas pulled back enough to give a small, soft lick to the mating bite on Dean’s neck before he nodded. “Yes. Of course yes.”
The night was just starting to wind down when Claire gave Cas a pointed look in the kitchen as they were refilling their mugs that Dean didn’t miss. From his spot in the chair he raised an eyebrow at the silent standoff. Finally it seemed that Cas won when Claire threw her hands in the air, grabbed her, Jack and Eileen’s mugs and stormed out to rejoin the others.
Dean watched Cas shake his head in exasperation before he picked up Dean and Sam’s mugs. He passed Sam his on the way past, the younger Winchester took it with a soft thank you. Pausing briefly by the tree Castiel picked up a small thin box that everyone had noticed, but hadn’t mentioned. Stopping beside Dean’s chair he held out the cup in one hand and the box in the other. Dean furrowed his brows when Castiel’s scent turned apprehensive and he quickly turned away to go back to the kitchen.
As Cas picked up his cocoa and took a large sip, eyes nervously on Dean’s face, waiting for his reaction before quickly flitting away. There was a slight rustle as he slipped the wrapping paper off, then cardboard coming apart, then… silence. One beat. Two. Then the wobbly sound of photo paper moving against itself.
Taking a deep breath, Cas held his mug tightly between his hands and wandered back over to stand behind Dean’s chair. He hadn’t dared to look at his alpha’s face yet but he watched mesmerized as his fingers trailed over the black and white photo almost reverently. “This-- Cas?” Licking his lips, Cas leaned over the back of the chair to wrap his arms around Dean’s shoulders.
He was still staring at the sonogram when he whispered, “Cas... is this…” He broke off, hand starting to shake slightly. Cas let his scent soften enough that faint vanilla could come through the fresh rain and honey. He pressed a gentle kiss against his alpha’s temple and when he smiled he knew Dean could feel it too.
“That’s your pup, Dean.” The cocoa was dangerously close to tipping but neither of them noticed as the scent of joyous alpha saturated the air. “Merry Christmas.”
Curled around his omega later that night the enormity of it sunk in all at once. With a feather light touch Dean pressed his hand against the Angel’s lower abdomen. The softly content answering purr told him Castiel was still awake, though he was completely pliant in Dean’s arms.
Stroking his fingers over the still flat plane of Castiel’s stomach Dean pressed his face into the hair at the nape of his neck. “That’s our pup.” Dean breathed in amazement, heart threatening to rip from his chest with how hard it was beating. “That’s our pup.”
Christmas, Dean decided, wasn’t actually so bad anymore. He has officially decided it was because of the bright smell of cloves and honey and vanilla wrapped in sunlight after a storm.
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years ago
Since I’m in lovvvvve with Jimin being all subby… may I please request reader sucking/edging jimin off until he begs for her pussy🔥🙈
Thank you and I love youuuu happy jihope month 💜🫶🏼
HI JAZ ILY 🥺 i kinda cheated a little bc my brain...... really wanted to write fleshlight porn idk i have no excuse. but i hope this still gives you what you were looking for 🥰 stan sub!jimin forever and ever !!!!
~taking jihope drabble requests all month!!~
pairing: sub!jimin x dom!reader wordcount: just over 1k but i won't tell if u don't contains: subbbbbby jimin, reader is pretty soft w him 🥰, edging with a fleshlight hehe, orgasm control/denial, crying, quick mention of brat taming, one face slap, dumbification if u squint, mentions of ownership, teasing, BEGGING, noona kink (sorry 🙈), unprotected sex, jimin comes immediately, we love him anyway
Jimin’s got his mouth dropped open, tongue lolling out, showing off the places where he’s soft and pink the whole way down.
Eyes closed, lids flickering, keeping time with the pace of his hips. Twitching, shaky, humping up into the toy in your hand as you work it over his cock. The slide is easy, his shaft slick from his own mess of precum and the thick squirt of lube you prepped him with.
There’s a loud squelch for every sloppy pass of silicone down his length, a dirty fucking sound, but Jimin is too gone for the sour-shame shivers that drew his nipples up tight when you first started pumping him. He’s chasing the feeling entirely now, all animal. Brainless.
You want to take him in your mouth and bite down– on the fat muscle of his tongue, the weeping head of his flushed-dark dick, everywhere.
Chew him up and spit him out, pretty baby boy.
“Y-yeah,” Jimin pants, tongue thick in his mouth. “Oh, fuck.”
The muscles of his thighs roll and flex as he fucks himself closer, his cock rabbiting up into your grip, strokes punctuated by desperate little whines, wet gasps. His voice is wrecked, wrung out with pleasure. “Just like that, fuck, fuck–”
All at once, you pull the toy off and watch as denial crashes over Jimin like a wave.
He collapses against the bed, a shattered groan torn from the back of his throat. Shivering, hips still jerking with enough force to smack his useless cock against the flat plane of his stomach, like he’s trying to get himself over that so-close edge untouched. His balls are drawn up tight, surely heavy and aching with pent-up release, enough that a fresh, fat teardrop of it leaks from his slit.
When you drag your gaze back up his body, you find more tears glittering at the edge of his lash line.
You shift up to straddle Jimin’s spread, shaking thighs as his hips finally still; you’re so turned on you may very well be dripping wetness too.
“Are you going to be a good boy now? Not a little brat anymore?” you ask softly, and he nods, bottom lip twisted between his teeth.
“Use your words.” You know he’s not too far gone for it.
“Y-yes. I will,” he sniffs. “Be so good.”
It’s so easy, the pliant way he moves when you grab his jaw with your hand, tilting his chin up to force his gaze to follow. Doesn’t even flinch at the slap you deliver to his cheek, just because you can.
“Then tell me who owns you.”
“Noona does,” that sweet little broken voice mewls.
“Yeah? Who does your cock belong to?”
“Noona,” Jimin answers as you tighten your grip on him again, pressing the blunt edge of your nails into the smooth, soft skin beneath them. “To noona. My cock belongs to noona.”
“That’s right, baby. It’s mine to do whatever I want with. To play with for as long as I want, hmm? Even all day?”
“Love it,” he gasps. There’s a flush to his skin all over, blooming hot want; his chest heaves with it. “Love it when you play with m-my cock all day. ‘Cause it’s y-yours.”
“Aw, baby.” That deserves its own reward. “You are a good boy, huh?”
His fingers twist helplessly in the sheets when you flick a thumb over the brown bud of his nipple, just once. It kicks through him like an electric shock, you can feel it, his hips bucking up between your legs.
“Yeah,” he whines. Reiterates, “‘M yours.”
So fucking perfect. “Why don’t you tell noona what you want, then?” you purr.
A tear drips down Jimin’s face as he breathes his confession like a sinner. Like he’s ashamed to even ask for it, good boy that he is. “Want noona’s pussy.”
“Is that right?”
All it takes is your thighs spread a little wider for you to sink low enough that the folds of your cunt kiss his glossed-wet shaft. Jimin outright moans when you roll your hips, dragging your pussy along his needy cock once, then again.
“Just like this, baby?” You move slow for the delicious slide of him over your clit, and it’s torture good enough to have you both leaking slick.
It takes Jimin three tries to get the word out. “Inside,” he finally whimpers. “Want in, noona.”
“Yeah, you wanna fuck me? Is that it?”
A sob wracks his chest as you keep grinding your slit on him, slow-burn sparks popping in your gut as he loses it beneath you. “Please, noona. Wanna come, wanna fill it up, be a good boy. Please let me in.” He’s babbling, spine arching up like his body’s pleading too.
“Oh, baby,” you murmur. “How can I say no when you ask for it so pretty?”
Jimin’s shuddering like a plucked string, as if every inch of him is hovering on the edge of indulgent blackout pleasure. He’s still begging, an endless pleasepleaseplease drooling out over his tongue until you finally, finally line yourself up to the fat head of his cock and let him stretch your pussy open.
You’re halfway down his shaft when he gasps, “I’m coming.”
“Good boy,” you rasp, greedy for it now as you take him entirely. “Give me what’s mine. Did so good, saved it all for me.”
You can feel the hot pulse of his cock squeezed tight by your walls, pouring out thick spurts of cum, giving back everything you worked up in him. Tears spill down his face, the sweet fucked-up relief kind, like his whole body is shattering to pieces, coming all the way apart.
Jimin takes his time with his long-denied orgasm, his hips shoving up in twitchy aftershocks until he’s worked his way through the last of it. His cock throbs, spent and empty inside of you.
“What do you say, baby?” You reach both hands up to swipe your thumbs over the tear tracks on his face.
“Thank you, noona,” Jimin breathes, his voice softer without that raw edge of need coloring his words. He nuzzles his cheek into the palm of your hand, smudges a kiss there too. The creases under his eyes deepen in an afterglow smile, all the desire shot through him now replaced by the molten warmth of praise.
“You know the rules.”
You tip forward to grab your small purple bullet off the nightstand, then let it drop carelessly onto Jimin’s torso, where it tumbles down to rest in the hollow dip beneath the swell of his ribcage.
“Keep that pretty little cock where it belongs and make noona come, too.”
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dotthings · 2 years ago
Antis' claim that the reason Cas wasn't there is because "the show's focus is Sam and Dean" is incorrect. This argument from antis was already pulverized, but worth pointing out again, since Misha again told us about the original plan was to have Cas in the Roadhouse at the bar with Dean (this isn't the first time he's spoke about it), the intention of the creative team was very very different than the resulting 15.20 and the creative team had to sit by while 15.20 got butchered. On Dean, on Cas, on so many things.
The only reason the finale was only Sam and Dean was because the finale got butchered.
If you expected Cas to be in the finale--if you thought that was the story intent and where creatives intended it to go--you were right.
I hope all antis are sitting with the fact that the only reason they dodged Cas and the only reason they dodged something that at the least implied Dean and Cas...together, at the end, is because the production protocols brought on by a deadly pandemic made the ending of SPN vulnerable to butchering and budget cuts. Also, budget cuts are not the explanation why Misha wasn't there. That is even more complicated and it is not a pretty picture from certain parties.
Budget cuts are not why the most significant and long running series regular after Jared and Jensen was shut out of the series finale.
Budget cuts would certainly carve into the large scale. Kansas and dozens of recurring favorites. That would be budget feasible pre-covid, it wasn't during covid.
That does not explain why Misha Collins was cut out of the series finale.
I need Cas/Misha stans to sit fully and let this sink in: THE WRITERS ROOM ARE NOT THE VILLAINS. THEY THOUGHT HE WOULD BE THERE.
People who hated Dabb's era top to bottom, front to back, are not going to comprehend any of this, they just hate everything and think the entire writers room hated their faves. This post isn't addressing that and I'm also not trying to shut down people who hated Dabb's era through and through. That's your thing, have at it. But there's a lot of us who enjoyed that era, and appreciate the work of multiple writers, especially Bobo, and we got screwed over very very hard by the ending, after seasons that made sense emotionally. What I hope people understand is that the writers got screwed over too. They had their intents screwed over. They had the good we saw in it, that they wrote, screwed over.
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vanshikathequeenofheavens · 2 years ago
The people I hate more then the wincesties are the people who claim themselves to be Dean Stans and still have the audacity to say that Dean got the ending he WANTED. One can not say that and still be a Dean stan. Absolutely no.
People who think Dean got the ending he wanted do not actually no him in depth. Although there are something Dean did which I do not agree, I still believe him to be selfless hero.
But that is not how Dean saw himself. He hated what he saw when he look in the mirror. He saw himself as a poison. He believed himself to be weapon who was only good at killing. His self-worth was so low that he thought his only worth was keeping him baby brother alive. And because of these thoughts and all his trauma he believed that the only way he deserved to go from this was at early age with guns blazing. He was not convinced that he deserved more then that or he wasn't lucky enough to have more then that.
Because he believed he didn't deserved better than that and that he wasn't blessed enough to have more than that, he just made his piece with it and accepted it as his fate.
But Cas at last made Dean believe that he deserved the world. Cas showed that Dean was more then his father's weapon. That he was the most selfless and beautiful man in the world. That even though he was being controlled by Chuck, Dean's nature was his own and no one had control of that. So at last Dean dared to hope. He dared to hope for something more.
Deep down the Dean who held a gun since he was 6, killed for most of his life and suffered one heartbreak after another heartbreak wanted to retire but the guilt of leaving the world with monsters crippled him. Deep down at the bottom of his heart Dean wanted to to relax, he wanted to stop hunting, he wanted to not kill anymore, he wanted to be happy and peaceful. Dean wanted to be at beach with Sam and Cas, with his toes in sand with matching Hawaiian shirts. THAT IS WHAT DEAN WINCHESTER WANTED.
Funny how people who claim to be Dean stans can't even see the sadness on Jensen's face during the interview. They think they know Dean more then the man who spent 15 playing that character.
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swagging-back-to · 2 years ago
sims 4 cc lists for individual sims - skins, makeup/tattoos, presets, poses, hair, clothes
Links will come eventually. Some are listed by file names, some are listed by official titles. Creator username always comes first, and may be abbreviated or shortened if i use a lot of their stuff. Typically has a description of what type of item it is.
// skins and presets //
suzue ear preset n 3
suzue ear preset n 2
minimalsim small tattoos n1
alfgray male body presets 01
helgatisha model poses 32 posepack and CAS
couquett admire me posepack
beto_ae0 sleepover with friends (pose pack)
kiellessa rin okumura's tail
thecomic voltron face markings
daria_glass tattoo lunar cycle
jovelyng japanese flower tattoo
gossipgirl-s4 japanese tattoo
wistfulcastle cosmic dune - mtattoo
s-clubts4 WM tattoo back 01
-merci- tattoo n01
merci tattoo n10
alix dekostube s#ign symbols v1
azurenika grunkle stans tattoo
shazzqr mixed design tattoo pack #1
sugar owl the sun tattoos
sugar owl the moon tattoos
sugar owl the star tattoos
sugar owl the chariot tattoos
sugar owl the devil tattoos
sugar owl golden bracelet tattoos
SO garden of roses tattoos
so love is on the line full body tattoo
so under the sea full body tattoo
so see the good full body tattoo
so carnival joy face tattoo
so children of the night
so here comes the sun full body tattoo
// hair //
Wings fluffy long curled
wings frizzled updo
wings fluffy male curl
wings curly hair with double buns
wings natural curly short
wings echo
wings OE0818
wings fluffy male hair
wings TO0418
wings TO0326
wings TO0220
wings TZ1028
wings ER0805
wings TO0729
leah lilith joie
leah lilith soundwave
leah lilith juliette
anto angelo (adult & child)
anto ivory
anto lizzo
anto momsen
anto arya
anto daisy
anto maggie
anto blossom
-merci- triandal hairstyle
darknightt dahlia hairstyle
viviandang kojiro hairstyle
// clothing //
---> tops
christopher067 temptress top
belaloallure_lili blouse
lace up crop top
cleotopia lace top bralette crop
cleotopia accessoiry bra tops
belaloallure_ cassandra top
cleotopia lace top flora
charlindy peasant blouse
the perfect night side ruffle top
SLYD cuban collar shirt
pizazz ladies bouse N 08
amaranthwaffle mabel pines sweater
plumbobs n fries maddox sweater
plumbobs n fries Nikolai jacket
plumbobs n fries santos
plumbobs n fries thalia sweater
toksik kaliah top
kks4 sweatshirts 03 fm
slyd cropped tank top estelle
jwofles-sims oversized hoodie
oranostr print sweaters
fesege shingeki no kyojin all
---> bottoms
belaloallure_ alaina pants
belaloallure_zafaria shorts
belaloallure_fai pants
belal19972 danial pants
wicked_kittie halloween themed leggings
pizazz cropped sweat pants
SLYD culottes noel
plumbobs n fries lewis shorts
plumbobs n fries frankie pants
pnf sierra pants
trillyke flashback pants
trillyke take off pants
trillyke love me right cropped
trillyke hi high pleaded skirt
trillyke my little black skirt
sims2fanbg 332 ripped skinny jeans
pinkzombiecupcake winter black ripped jeans
sentate mortimer biker pants
serenity-cc pearl slit pants
viy_sims pants mi - vic
---> full body
esyram floral applique tulle dress
its leeloo lace up suede dress
plumbobs n fries brandy outfit
toksik bailo dress
slyd ondria dress
pinkzombieunicorns reinas swimsuit
---> accessories
christopher067 lovato necklace
christopher067 nouveau earrings
wisteriasims gothic moon choker
minimalsim grace earrings
minimalsim trekant necklace
sugar_owl arya halo
serenity-cc elisa glasses
pralinesims shine forever glasses
pralinesims xoev glasses
pralinesims mobius necklace
nightcrawler layerable hoops
trillyke wolo fishnet tights
toksik euphoria rings
toksik kamil headband
sugar owl pine tree stud earrings gravity falls
yealuis pine cap
Winter sporty socks
helsoseira joko thigh high socks
pinkzombiecupcakes winter tights
plumbobs n fries celina earrings
---> shoes
madlen puricelli boots
ShakeProductions leather sandals
arltos long boots
MinimalSim Ivory shoes V1
dissia mrand boots
slyd superstar sneakers
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spn-season-16-chronicles · 4 years ago
The great chronicles of season 16
I'm making the chronicles and will be grateful if you tell me what I forgot. Also there might be one day difference - chronicles were made according to CET timezone.
The 5th of November 2020 - destiel is canon and homophobic (according to memes and also kinda in retrospect), we know after tweet mentioning also Putin stepping down and. While vote counting was taking place. Spn trending on tumblr and twitter. As well as Destiel. Over the presidential election.
The 11th of November - Misha stated that Cas loved Dean romantically, and the confession was of a very homosexual nature
The 12 th of November - 15x19 - two mentions of Cas (including Lucifer impersonating him, which implies that Dean reciprocated Cas’ feelings), plot resumed, speculations about parallel to Dean being pulled out from Hell by Cas
Whole week of build-up and speculations
The 18th of November - Entertainment Weekly publishes (now most likely deleted or strongly edited) videointerview with Jensen talking about wanting to have a keepsake of sorts. So he had a crew member record the confession scene with his phone, unadulterated, unedited, with no music. To remember it as Jensen and Misha's last moment on set, not Dean and Cas' final goodbye. Says they had a few takes, some more emotional than others. And that some things they recorded were cut. Unlikely he'll ever publish it, as it is his personal keepsake. In same interview he say that Kripke was the one to convince him that Dean's ending was good and Jensen should think about how fans would react to it
The 19th of November - The Episode That Must Not Be Named airs and is bad, and instead of a long episode we got one shorter than the rest of season finales and a documentary. Canons were not confirmed on screen (Destiel and Seileen). Subplot not resumed. No reunion with supporting characters, nor with Cas or Jack. People angry. Cast silent
Multiple charity projects as an act of rage against c*w started hours after finale
The 22nd of November - Misha saying that Cas had rainbow wings
Inbetween events anger, sadness, fix-it fics, jackles' silence, and conspiracy theories
The 24th of November - Destiel canon again but in Spanish - causes tumblr servers to shut down
"#They silenced you" twitter campaign
The 25th of November - Indian Netflix edit
The 26th of November - Misha is talking about rogue translator, and makes people angry. Apologises later that day and promises to listen to criticism. Misha remains the only one till date to address criticism at all
The 27th of November - The alleged leaked Italian dub tricks people into thinking that there was 2nd dub reciprocation on Dean’s part
The 28th of November - People freaking out because Obama followed stan twitter acc
The 30th of November - Italian dub (ofc) fake
Brazilian dub - speculations that Dean said something in ending scene, but those were only added sounds of birds tweeting
People continue freaking out cause Heller Obama
The 30th of November - Sarah Z uploads her Destiel/SPN video to youtube
The 5th of December - Misha announced fundraising for voting rights with cast and Stacey Abrams, and people were wondering what will happen, Destiel gets own ship category in hellsite's 2020 year in review
The 7th of December - info about Misha's nude photo floods hellsite, people making fanarts furiously
The 8th of December - Mini reversed Mishapocalypse - Misha allegedly has secret tumblr acc so everyone in here could be Misha. People frantically asking stans if they are Misha
Misha stirs the pot by tweeting about wild questions, weird acting choices, and cut scenes
The 8th of November (the evening) - meeting very uneventful, people tad bit dissatisfied, but in bloopers Jensen is making a joke about bottoming (or so I am told) . OH, and they were telling very weird story about Jared giving massage to Sebastian Roche
The 9th of December - Jensen allegedly states that Dean is bi and a bottom, no clear source tho, probably fake. End of Heller Obama
The 10th of December - denial that The Episode That Must Not Be Named even happened, shipping Jenmish as coping mechanism. Misha praised "castiel project" on Trevorproject and people thought that he donated 1000 bucks (but it was a big-hearted fan - we love ya)
The 10th/11th of December - Taylor Swift drops new album and people are looking for Destiel subtext - unconfirmed Heller Swift. And Stacey Abrams liked the ending (good for her)
The 11th of December - possible 3rd canon Destiel, because of script suggesting that something didn't make it to the final cut, but the authenticity is hard to define. Script hinting at romantic feelings at Cas' part including his POV "Still beautiful. Still Dean Winchester"
Authenticity of script confirmed by Adam Williams, of all people, who goes unhinged, for like 10 hours, on twitter after that.(The origin story of stuff like "pesky danglers", "New universes created if they'd kiss", "drunken brojobs" and "Dean clearly is alfa male. But who knows, alfas are very generous). Jared was praising the finale.
The 12th of December - Destiel going canon (?) for the 4th time because of rogue Heller director of LatAm dub. In his interpretation Dean was bi, and in love with Cas, and the English scene version was too subtle for love this big and obvious. Whole dubbing crew had same standpoint, so they went with it. They denied that any kind of reciprocation was in original script, there was no other audio
The 13th of December - spn trending AGAIN because of LatAm dub actors panel. There were a lot of widely contradicting statements. It looks like there never was reciprocation in any of English sources, but we cannot be sure. There was "I too" in Hispanic script changed by director to more expressive, better fitting to mouth movement version. Whole cast was on board with that version. Warner Brothers either did not check what was on final tapes or did not care, not knowing what kind of chaos would that version unleash. They probably accepted the script with "i too" but for now it is not proven to be true nor false. Talks about interview with director himself
The 14th of December - discovery of new beer from Jensen's brewery, named "Eyes like the sky" with very flowery and fruity description. Wave of conspiracy theories stating that it is dedicated to Misha because of "11 Jenmish" anniversary. Very few reliable sources. Conspiracy, very improbable
The 15th of December - sheer pain and lil bit of PTSD drags tags from supernatural to trending yet again. Probably triggered by walker trending first. Or other unknown reason. Collective confusion keeps destiel tag on trending for a good part of a day. Fandom officially restored to 2012 state.
The 16th of December - I'm not going to try explaining that... Thing. No, I'm not mad at y'all. Just disappointed. The amount of freakout about BILL CLINTON IN 2020 is astounding. The cause better be forgotten. Jensen had to post a vid to calm you down a little (it mean he did post it, not that he posted it do distract us, that was a joke). And also you summoned to existence articles about the alleged scandal in mainstream media (Newsweek)
The 17th of December - SPN tags still trending because of the aftermath of Bill Clinton deal and Jensen’s thirst trap. Scripts from season 8 dug up. Stating that Dean and Benny “broke up” either confirming yet again Bi!Dean or blatant queerbaiting and queercoding. Misha publishes tweet related to bees (and uses Cas spelling instead of Cass), starting speculations about secret tumblr account yet again
The 18th of December - Misha addresses the Newsweek article on social media. Unknown what does he think about the whole business. Taggs Clinton and Levinsky.
The 20th of December - all supernatural materials and promos get deleted from c*w's websites (including youtube) due to licensing deals. Full rights went back to Warner Brothers that was landing the license to c*w (an I guess who later landed that license to Chaos Machine)
The 25th of December - people analysing purgatory prayer scene from 15x09, claiming that it contains barely audible "I love you" that coincidentally or not gives a new meaning to the whole 09-18 Cas-Dean dynamic (and it even makes more sense that way)
The 31st of December - Mishapocalypse 2.0 has been started and was raging, taking spn to trending for the last time this year
The 3rd of January - Jim Michaels tweets photo from the finale, with caption that provoked people to comment with their critical opinions. Michaels blocks a lot of people that were criticising the finale (not only people that were hateful but also constructive criticism). That ignites a fair amount of drama on both platforms. Michaels likes antiheller tweets from w*ncest and b*bro accounts
The 6th of January - spn trending under US politics because of chaos surrounding Georgia election and insurrection in Washington
The 10th of January - hate speedrun with Greg Hopwood as a target - people in a span of 24 hours since the moment he confirmed that he supports destiel proceeded to spam his posts, demand his resignation (he’s a costume concept designer for the Boys), spam Kripke and other directors, and finished on a death threats sent via social media
The 11th of January - Jensen wins best actor in horror series Critics Choice Super Award, He thanks Jared and the whole crew
The 12th of January - Fandom loses it a little bit after Jensen thanks Mish and Dee on instagram
The 13th of January - Supernatural is officially the most streamed horror show of 2020 with over 20 billion streamed minutes. It’s ranked on 7th place overall
The 15th of January - interview with Jared for Variety is published. It consists of a few bad takes but also reveals that Eileen wasn’t Sam’s wife in any of the scripts he got. That triggers discussion about C*W’s misogyny and disabled representation erasure, as well as treatment of BIPOC representation in mainstream media overall. Leads to reevaluation od Jared’s standpoints and past actions taking place for next few days
The 19th of January - Chaos Machine productions gains official instagram profile and over 4k followers in one day
The 20th of January - hellers and Gen Padalecki getting blamed for rather bad reviews of Walker
The 21st of January - Walker premiers. Internet community not very enthusiastic
The 23rd of January - theories about new Family Business Beer Co. "Rainbow Road", and spam under instagram posts result in site partially disabling the comments
The 24th of January - celebration of Dean's birthday via social media and zoom. Chad Lindberg organises Harvella Roadhouse party via twitter. Gets adopted by fandom
The 26th of January - Kings of Con podcast with Misha premieres. People baffled by the lack of mentions of supernatural 
The 2nd of February - twitter drama with Jim Michaels gets reignited. Discovery of Sky Deutchland instagram post listing Dean as Cas' closest kin
The 3rd February - growing interest in Chad Lindberg's roadhouse idea
The 4th of February - group of twitter fans starts first real steps into fan reshoot of the finale. As of now the state of the project is unclear
The 7th of February - Misha's space pants get auctioned off, which kick-start a project to get those pants back to him
The 9th of February - premiere date for full 15 seasons box set gets announced 
The 13th of February - Kripke reveals that in his vision Sam and Dean were always supposed to die in the end
The 14th of February - fandom celebrates Destiel wedding on both twitter and tumblr. It trends worldwide for long hours on bird app
The 16th of February - fallout with Chad Lindberg and Samantha Ferris after some very bad takes coming from them, one of which was that queer reading would damage the integrity of the story
The 20th of February - tumblr meltdown that escaped containment pushed Steve Yockey into acknowledging it by saying he is in fact not dead
The 28th of February - Kim Rhodes states that she didn't watch nor she's going to watch the finale
The 1st of March - celebration of Jensen's birthday
The 3rd of March - german dub of 15x19 drops. It is romantic as well
The 5th-7th of March - first online con after the finale takes place. The reactions to the way the con was conducted as well as to its actual contents are very mixed. It invokes very strong feelings
The 9th of March - Misha joins Cameo as an effort to fund his community messages. Acknowledges "CastielMatters" hashtag and says that "Actually, CastielEnergies"
The 10th of March - premiere of 15x18 with french dub. Destiel proclaimed canon yet again thanks to more romantic reading visible in the translation. Wanek's book available for preorders. Website containing Dabb's letter that confirmed the big Harvella's reunion party that got scrapped due to covid
The 13th of March - Misha tweets at amazon about shipping. A clearly not serious thing. Shitstorm rages through the fandom
The 14th of March - Misha deletes the tweet and apologises for his joke
The 16th of March - fans publish cameo with Misha saying "still beautiful, still Dean Winchester" in Cas voice
The 17th of March - fandom celebrates Seileen wedding 
The 20th of March - 2nd "still beautiful, still Dean Winchester" drops 
The 21st of March - Saileen wedding celebra this time on twitter 
The 23rd of March - more twitter drama involving Samantha Ferris and Bi!Dean
The 31st of March - a fragment of 15x19 script with Jack's prayer gets leaked
The 1st of April - Mishapocalypse reenactment
The 4th of April - cameo with Misha reciting deleted bit from 05x04 The End gets published
The 7th of April - whole leaked last drafts for 15x19 and 15x20 are published. Number of cut and omitted scenes astounds fandom
The 10th-11th of April - Paris DarkLight Conline 2 takes place
The 13th of April - twitter drama between Jared, people critical of him and his fans
The 18th of April - 2nd draft for Tombstone gets published, reveals copious amounts of subtext consciously written into the text
The 22nd of April - fandom celebrates Midam wedding
The 25th of April - Q&A with Jerry Wanek, set designer takes place. He confirms that ever human who died was supposed to be at the Harvella's roadhouse 
The 26th of April - Misha sighting on oscar gala causes a healthy dose of positive chaos
The 2nd of May - fandom celebrates Sam's birthday
The 8th of May - DarkLight Conline 2 takes place
The 10th of May - footage from online con gets shared. Asked if Berens and him experienced any pushback regarding 15x18 says no, they were gradually clueing more and more people - most likely in fear of said pushback
The 15th of May - Galaxy Con Online takes place
The 18th of May - fandom celebrates Jack's 4th birthday
The 20th of May - stuff from the box set gets shared for promotional purposes 
The 21st of May - even more stuff from the box set gets shared through official channels 
The 22nd of May - full gag reel and deleted scenes from season 15 are published
The 23rd of May - featurette from the box set gets leaked. Fandom very unhappy with its content. Featured cast and crew give contradicting testimonies. More deleted scenes are published
The 25th of May - the box set officially premieres
The 18th of June - Russian dub of 15x18 gets published. It as well is more romantic than the original
The 25th of June - first info regarding prequel produced by Ackles' production company gets published. It confirms that they were in the process of acquiring rights to the series. The series itself is said to center around Mary and John and it would be narrated by Dean. And former spn writer Robbie Thompson will be involved in writing it.That reveal leads to Jared's twitter meltdown and possibly still ongoing fallout between J2. 
The 26th of June - Jensen says there will be no retconning in the series
The 30th of June - Misha posts pick of cas with rainbow wings for coming to an end pride month
The 6th of July - Great Dadstiel Wars wreck havoc on the webbed site
The 16th of July - Perfume Genius shares a self-insert fanfiction starring Jensen Ackles
The 19th of July - Fandom celebrates Jared's birthday
The 2nd of August - Perfume Genius shares next one of his fanfictions in "I slept with all actors in spn series" series. This time starring Jared 
The 9th of August - Castiel/Dean Winchester tag crosses a threshold of 100k fics on Archive Of Our Own webbed site, as a very first fic in history. Misha acknowledges that colossal event as well
The 11th of August - fandom creates hate askbloghs. For homebrew drama 
The 20th of August - fandom celebrates Misha's birthday as well as return of in-person cons
The 2nd of September - Misha posts on his tiktok acc for the very first time. Causes chaos 
The 3rd of September - Jake Abel launches his ad campaign for hot sauce. Employs Michael's and Adam's characters
The 4th-5th of September - Momento Con takes place
The 9th of September - dubbed 15x18 premieres in Italy. Unlike its fake counterpart from December it is very sonservative with its Iloveyou's opting for platonic version. This draws Misha's attention, and he publishes short video with his own "ti amo"
The 13th of September - anniversary of airing of the very first spn episode
The 17th-18th of September - Fan X Comic Convention takes place
The 18th of September - Fandom celebrates Cas Day/Cas' Birthday, commemorating his first appearance on the show
The 25-26th of September - UK Crossroads Con takes place
The 5th of October - Misha complains about the pain of playing in a queerbaiting show. Basically calling out supernatural on its queerbaiting
The 12th of October - Misha's poetry book, containing one poem from Cas' POV, officially premieres
The 15th-17th of October - Denver Con takes place. J2M reunite for the first time since march 2020. The highest of highs and lowest of lows
The 19th of October - The cule launches a emails writing campaign aimed at creation entertainment, taking a stance against censorship on their cons. The answer from creation being basically "we are not homophobic, we can't be homophobic, my son is trans and he works with us. Any eventual censorship is on the volunteers
The 4th of November - fandom celebrates eve of Destiel anniversary
The 5th of November 2021 - fandom celebrates one year anniversary of canon destiel. Loudly and unabashedly. Trying to revive the spirit of that night and reminiscing the events of last year
The 19th of November 2021 - fandom commemorates the first anniversary of cursed finale
Last updated: 31st December 2021
Thanks for the the info on the things that I’ve missed to: @clarasmoon @lostboyfromneverland5 @antifacas and @sinnabonka
And shout-out:
To the people who leaked 15x18 script (unfortunately i don’t know who you are)
To people who’ve put together 8h edit of Destiel scenes - @gaIlaghcr at twitter.com (go there for links)
To people studying confession scene with math and 3d models (can’t find ya, so can someone put a link below)
To everyone donating to charity out of sheer rage
Sources: tumblr hellsite dot com, twitter, instagram, mainstream media (pink news, newsweek and rest)
I for sure forgot about something, sooo tag me in other posts? Dm me, comment?
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vampirxella · 5 years ago
am I the only one who gets Destiel vibes? 😏
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