faceglitchsworld · 1 year
It's the 26th of July here which means that today a baby not so baby chick is born.
Happy birthday, Leedo! 🥳
Please have a look to the collage I made for him and maybe try to not scream, I know it's risky this time
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The difficulty I had with this because apparently my Google algorithm refuses to give me Leedo pics. I HATE YOU GOOGLE 😤
And yes, you don't have to tell me I'm biased towards short hair blonde (please circle the word blonde) Leedo.
Now that he came back to short hair again there as high possibility he might come back with this hair...or maybe not and he'll have a different colour. Idk, I hope he'll not come back with blonde hair or my moots' ears will ring because of me screaming.
I'm talking too much about hair here, maybe it's time to something better like, you know, his letter 😅
Oh boy, I think it's been ages since I talked about a rapper for this tradition of mine. And Leedo falls into the category of Idols-I-Immediately-Recognise-On-A-Song because of this. And also because because he has a deep voice. Double combination, immediate recognition.
I think he's also the main reason why I'm so invested into the WeUs family because I think that he made the third/fourth interaction which made my mind going CLICK and turning into a WeUs supporter. I still remember when Dongmyeong made a post on the fancafé saying that he ended a workout session with coach Leedo and my mind went numb for a sec and then went like "Oh...so he's his coach. Leedo is Dongmyeong's coach. The coach. Yeah...his coach" and then my mind exploded.
So yeah, I became a WeUs supporter thanks to a gym post. You can clown on me after hearing this.
Talking about him is not very simple tho. Leedo is someone where you should really dive into every thing he does or you might come up to the conclusion that he's just a random guy who ended up being into a K-Pop group because he was just there. OOOOr you need to open both your eyes and ears widely and pay attention to every gesture or word he says and finding little details about him that you might not notice.
Right now, while I'm writing this letter, the only detail that is coming to my mind is the way he pats the members. You know, the pat? The pat pat? Good. If you pay attention to this little gesture you'll notice how he gives the strongest (and, well, it's obvious, he has the muscles 🤣) but also the most...confident ones? Ok, maybe the adjective is wrong here but I feel that his pats give you the energy to start a new task or even try it again if you failed it the first time. I think that this gesture represents perfectly what Leedo is: an introverted big guy who, in the exact moment he gains some confidence, he'll start taking care of you through little gestures, whether they're little or not.
Oh, I want to take this occasion to talk about the personal tag I made for him for a second. Take this as a little story time, hehe.
So, if you followed me for a while, you probably know that Leedo is called The Artemis Hunter. The reason why I called him like this is because, well, I wanted to associate him to a moon deity and Artemis is the Greek God of the Moon. Also Artemis is very strict towards her rites and so is Leedo with his workout sessions so...you can come up with your own conclusions.
And I called him Hunter because Artemis is also the Greek God of Hunting. And I thought that giving him this title can give him much more protection from the goddess herself (even if he'll never do hunting for his entire life but it's better having the Goddess of the Moon's protection than nothing 🤣).
And, final note, I think the tag suits perfectly with the sense of protection he has towards the members. There are two things about Artemis that you should never touch or violate: one, herself, two, the animals she protect. Kill one of them and her revenge will be terrible. I think Leedo has somehow the same sense of protection, except the killing part. I highly doubt he'll kill someone who might hurt the members...maybe.
Dear Leedo, I've become a broken record at this point, since I'm just saying the same things to all Oneus members over and over again, but I'm sincerely happy about how you overcame last year's difficulties and look much happier now. I remember how last year you burst into tears during the tour's first concerts, becoming completely unable to speak, and how the members came at you, ready to console you. I think that moment is just a memory right now, even tho, it's better that I remind you that the members and ToMoons are always ready to help you, even if it's just for a moment of comfort.
My birthday wish to you is that in the future you'll be able to write AND compose more songs for Oneus. It's a very simple wish which is born in the exact moment I listened to Echo. I loved that song. A lot. And I really want to hear more from you, I think you're ready to show much more of your writing and composing style to us and that you have grown so much as an artist that your style can easily match with the rest of Oneus. I can't wait to listen to more from you.
Hope this day will be bright for you and that you'll celebrate this day with the members happily.
Happy birthday, Artemis Hunter 🌙
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misslavenderlady · 2 years
He's Just an Actor - Chapter 1 ❤️
Dwayne/Female!Reader (She/Her Pronouns)
Summary: The reader has gotten used to her time in the world of The Lost Boys and her new relationship with the handsome vampire, Dwayne. When the boys get curious about the actors who play them in the other world, the reader suddenly remembers her boyfriend's actor has had quite the interesting experiences in his line of work~
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This is in the universe of the fic "It's Just a Movie" by @theyreonlynoodlesmike, so you should definitely read that first (this takes place a little into chapter 12)! I originally planned this to be just for Dwayne, but ended up doing something for all four boys. This one is 3 chapters, but the other ones will be 1 chapter each.
WARNINGS: Nsfw/Smut/18+ Readers Only, Flirting, Dirty Thoughts
Next Chapter
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When you had first gotten settled into your crazy new life in the world of The Lost Boys and the city of Santa Carla, your new, vampire friends had bombarded you with several questions about the world you came from. Whenever you had some downtime in between decorating your space and planning on rewriting their tragic demise, your boys, particularly Marko and Paul, asked about what the future was like. They wanted to know about special events in history, fashion changes in the upcoming decades, and the new technology that awaited them (considering how they mocked the digital movie ticket on your phone the night you met, that one surprised you the most).
As much as you would have loved to tell them about the future, you had to constantly shut down the conversation. They had to realize that not only could their world end up differently from yours, but if it did end up going the same way, then you couldn’t risk triggering drastic changes to the timeline. When you had asked if the movie Back to the Future existed in this world and they said it did, you made a point of comparing the situation to the one Doc Brown spoke of.
However, you did throw them a bone and say that if the film industry here was the same as your own, then they could expect two sequels from that movie. They were surprisingly delighted to hear that. 
After a couple of weeks of getting settled in, you had given in to a few of their minor questions about your world. You were a bit more open about talking about your family and friends and the life that wouldn’t exist for more than 30 years. They were surprisingly good listeners when you fed them those tidbits, no doubt grateful that you gave into them.
One night in particular, you were cuddled up on the couch with Dwayne, now a few days into your relationship with him after sharing that unexpected, yet very sweet first kiss in your room. He had been playing cards with the other three Lost Boys while holding you in his lap when a question was brought up.
“Holy shit, you know what I just realized?” Paul exclaimed, nearly dropping his cards on the cave floor. “If our lives are a movie in your world, that means ACTORS had to play us”.
“Yes, Paul. There are in fact actors instead of vampires playing the roles in the movie” you snorted, amused that it had taken the poor stoner this long to realize this. To your surprise, the other three seemed to perk up as well. To be fair, when they saw their own images on your phone screen, they had just accepted it as themselves, not actors merely pretending to be creatures of the night. 
“You gotta tell us about them!” Paul eagerly said, his cards and the game they were playing forgotten. “I gotta know who’s the guy who shares my gorgeous face”.
Before you made a joke about Paul’s vanity, Marko and David nodded and joined in with his request.
“Yeah! I wanna know who plays me! What’s he like?” Marko asked.
“I’ll admit, I’m pretty curious myself. You don’t have to tell us too much, we just want to know the basics,”  David agreed. At least he was considerate enough to recognize the limits you had about sharing the future with them. 
You wanted to keep your mouth shut about it. They might get jealous of one another for their actors having different ranges of success in their respective careers. Before you could deny them, you felt Dwayne’s warm breath on your skin as he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
“C’mon, baby” he whispered to you, knowing damn good and well his voice was enough to make you melt. “Just tell us a little bit, please”
Now how could you possibly say no to that?
You ended up telling them as much as you knew about their actors. As you expected, David got laughed at by the others for his actor having the first name “Kiefer”. When Paul commented that it sounded like “reefer”, you confirmed that Kiefer Sutherland said in interviews that he had gotten teased with that nickname as a kid. That only added more to the mocking they threw his way. 
What made David’s ego boost again was hearing that his actor had by far the longest list of movie and tv credits out of all of them, making his name the most well-known in Hollywood. As you listed everything from Stand By Me to A Few Good Men to 24, you could see the smugness growing in David’s eyes, no doubt proud of his counterpart for his impressive resume. The others scoffed, saying it wasn’t fair that David’s actor had it so good, especially when you said he had a father who was a famous actor as well. 
Paul was very sore that his actor, Brooke McCarter, had such a short list of acting roles for his career. He was even more cranky that the other movie he was most well-known for was about skateboarding.
“That’s Dwayne’s thing, not mine!” he pouted. Your body gently shook from Dwayne chuckling in amusement behind you.
However, that pout went away when you mentioned that Brooke had experience in both modeling and music. You complimented the wonderful singing voice that he had in the bits of song samples you had come across. Paul was practically puffing like a peacock at the idea that his looks and musical skills were just as prominent in your world as it was in their world. 
You were so happy to see him so proud that you didn’t have the heart to tell him that Brooke had unfortunately passed away from his liver disease. You remembered how heartbroken you were when you learned the news and how much all of his fans, friends and family must have been hurting as well. All you said was that his actor was a kind man who was a dear friend to everyone in the movie production and a good father to his daughter. It was all he needed to know.
You were definitely excited to tell Marko about his actor next. Along with being a big fan of The Lost Boys, you also adored the Bill & Ted movies. You gushed to him about Alex Winter’s comedy skills and how even after several decades the most recent movie in the franchise was amazing (and you would fight anyone who said otherwise). He smiled as you explained the cultural impact, and even asked him to repeat the iconic “be excellent to each other” line the same way Bill S. Preston, Esq. would say it. When he humored you and did so, you were practically squealing with delight.
Marko was pleasantly surprised when you mentioned Alex’s experience in both Broadway and directing. He was impressed when you listed off the more serious work he created, but when you gave a taste of the fun and insanity from his movie Freaked, that really put a smile on his face. Glancing at Paul as you explained the wacky plot you could tell he was wishing it was real in their world so that he could watch it while stoned out of his mind. 
Overall, everyone was satisfied with the answers you were giving them, and you in turn felt pretty good about giving them some information about the world you came from. It felt like you were bonding with them more, sharing the things that brought joy to you and what made your boys the way they were in their movie. 
Behind you, Dwayne adjusted your position so that you were seated on the couch next to him instead of on his lap. He held your hand in his own, the cool temperature clashing beautifully with your human warmth. That same eagerness the others had was prominent on his face as well.
“What about my actor? What’s he done?”
You were ready to go on your tangent, you really were. After seeing everyone else so happy, you were on a roll with sharing the work of their actors. However, when Dwayne asked his innocent question, you only then realized something important.
His actor was Billy Wirth, and you now remembered that Mr. Wirth had a surprisingly large amount of sexual roles in experience. 
Your brain was short-circuiting as you mentally went down the list of roles you had seen in his filmography on Wikipedia back in your world. Desperately, you had to think of something that wouldn’t make you start blushing at the mere mention.
It didn’t help your situation that Billy’s first movie role in Seven Minutes in Heaven was as a flirtatious baseball player that stole cotton candy out of the mouth of a girl he didn’t even know before taking her into a lingerie store. You remembered how quickly your jaw dropped while watching that movie when he unsnapped a mannequin’s bra with just one hand.
Right after The Lost Boys, he had used his partial indigenous heritage to play the main role in the movie War Party. As much as you wanted to bring light to that one, all you could think of was how gorgeous he had looked without a shirt while riding a horse in some of the scenes. At least in this world, he had his jacket on to keep you from going positively braindead.
You were a big fan of the show Tales from The Crypt, and you could talk a mile a minute about all the famous actors that had made cameos in each episode. However, you weren’t ready to explain the fact that Billy’s role in his episode involved being a hot lumberjack that got seduced by his boss’ wife before fucking her on one of the beds in the log cabin. Even if other stuff happened in that episode, you’d be skimping out on a lot of the plot if you tried to skip over it.
Children of the Dust? His character had a passionate sex scene with a beautiful co-star in a hay pile while asking her to run away with him. Ever since you first watched that you had developed fantasies about being ravaged in a wedding dress. Venus Rising? Might as well call it “Cyber Sex, The Movie”. His episode on Charmed? God, you swooned every time you heard the line “If it pleases you to look, then look~” while seeing Billy stand proudly in tight jeans and no shirt. Not to mention the way he had grabbed that one actress from behind and told her to defend herself really did things to you.
By the time you thought about the most sexual role of all on his list, Red Shoe Diaries, you truly realized how royally fucked you were in this situation. Out of all the hot vampire guys to make a move on you, why did it have to be the one whose actor had the most risqué roles?? Even if all the other actors had varying degrees of experience with sex scenes in movies, you couldn’t deny that Billy Wirth’s stood out to you the most. 
“HA! She can’t think of anything! Looks like you got the short end of the stick, Dwayne!” Marko teased his friend. It was only then that you snapped out of your trance, seeing the worried expression on your boyfriend’s face now. Fuck, he probably thought your silence meant you couldn’t think of any other acting roles at all. You had to stop the others from mocking him even further.
“No no! I’m sorry, I zoned out for a second!” you profusely apologized. God, that look on Dwayne’s face made you feel awful. “Your actor’s name is Billy Wirth, and I promise you, he’s been in plenty of stuff!”
You managed to calm your nerves and your lady bits enough to list off some of the more innocent roles he was known for. You stuck with roles from the 21st century, explaining all of the cameos his actor had in popular tv shows. To add some more notes to the list, you mentioned how Billy Wirth was also into directing independent films as well. When Dwayne still seemed skeptical, you went off on a tangent about how his actor and Paul’s had met through the same modeling agency and he had his own impressive career in that field.
As long as you didn’t think TOO much about all those gorgeous pictures of Billy Wirth’s photo sessions, you’d be fine. 
Finally, he seemed happy with your explanation and you mentally patted yourself on the back for pulling all that stuff out without getting flustered. If you had ended up blushing at the thought of Dwayne’s actor passionately kissing and touching one of his female co-stars, you would NEVER hear the end of it from David and the terror twins. 
“He sounds like a cool guy. I’m glad to have someone like that play me” Dwayne said. His gentle smile helped put you at ease. Finally, you could stop worrying about the situation. You ended up moving the conversation to tell the boys fun facts about The Lost Boys movie and the process that went into filming it. 
It was all in good fun until David politely, yet firmly reminded you that the sun would be rising in just a few, short minutes. Sure enough, when you glanced out of the main entrance to the cave, you saw how dangerously light the sky was getting. Time really did fly when you were having fun. 
Each one of the boys bid you farewell for the day, thanking you for telling them about the lives of their actors from your world. David headed to their dark section of the cave first, still carrying himself in a smug way from all the roles you told him about. Marko and Paul followed him and you could hear them whispering about becoming models in their own world as well. You chuckled to yourself, wondering how they planned to do it with such limited time they were available in the day. No sunny photoshoots at the beach for them.
When it was just you and Dwayne, you felt your heartbeat speed up. As he reached to cup his hand against your cheek, you couldn’t help but feel like he was reading the look on your face a little too closely. Trying to figure out the real reason you had that moment of silence when he asked about his actor. You feigned innocence, simply smiling at him in a loving manner before leaning in for your farewell kiss. 
“Sweet dreams, honey,” you told him before slipping from his touch and making a beeline for your room. If he was about to question your hesitation from earlier, you were gonna get the hell out of there before he got a single word in. Thankfully, as you slipped past the curtain by your room entrance, you heard the sound of footsteps making their way out of the main room and into the sleeping area with the others. 
As the sunshine crept into the cave, you got settled into your bed, ready to just relax and enjoy some rest before the next night came. You snuggled into a nearby pillow, breathing in the scent of Dwayne left from the times he laid down here with you. Unfortunately, that proved to be a bad move, because now you were thinking about Dwayne in bed with you doing other things besides sleeping. When you finally felt yourself drifting off to sleep, dirty images of Dwayne filled your head, ready to give you dreams that were more than just sweet~
Goddamn Billy Wirth and his stupid, sexy body.
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Tag List: @britany1997 @6lostgirl6 @american-idiot-jpg @herthinkersmanana
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corroded-hellfire · 2 years
Offline Meeting - Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: Gamer!Steve and gamer!reader have played online together for months, and they finally get the chance to meet in person at a gaming convention.
Note: I have to preface this by saying I am not a gamer whatsoever, My extent of gaming is The Sims. So, I had to enlist the help of @inourtownofhawkins, @trashmouth-richie, and @munson-blurbs! I hope my writing reflects all the wonderful help they gave me. Also, I know there's no such place as the "Orlando Convention Center" for any Floridians reading this, but I figured if I said "Orange County" people would assume California lol. I definitely channeled a bit of Keys from Free Guy for this as well. And a very special thankful to @trashmouth-richie for making the lovely text graphic for me! Finally, this fic is dedicated to my lovely wifey @inourtownofhawkins 💕
Warnings: my poor attempt at pretending to know about gaming, video game violence, smut, p in v, minors DNI, language, i think that's it?
Words: 6k
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It’s easy to fall in love with the idea of falling in love. It’s easy to fall in love with the idea of a person. And when the only way you communicate is through social media or gaming, it’s easy to only see the good parts of someone and pretend there’s nothing bad. You’re always waiting for the other shoe to drop with Steve. Or ready for him to find something that he doesn’t like about you which will make him stop talking to you. So, when he tells you that he got a ticket to come to the gaming con that you’re attending in a few weeks, conflicting feelings come up. 
At first, you’re ecstatic that you’re going to see Steve. The two of you have talked so much about wishing you lived closer together so you could spend time with someone who understands how you feel about gaming in real life. Online is great, but you both know in person is better. But the more you thought about hanging out with Steve in real life, the more caught up in your head you got about it. What if he didn’t like you in person? What if he only liked you when he had the ability to log off? 
You’ve been talking for over nine months now, ever since you met in the lobby for both of your favorite game, Upside Down House. The two of you made a great team in the game, trying to defend a small family home from a Demogorgon that pops out of walls all over the house. Steve’s weapon of choice was always a bat, and he would stun them so you could take them out with a shotgun. You made such a good duo and had such fun playing together that you’d decided to voice chat with one another while playing, and even led to exchanging social medias and connected on discord. 
Talking to Steve was the highlight of your day. Finishing your classes for the day, you’d crash in your dorm and grab your headset, praying he was online as well. Messaging each other throughout the day just wasn’t the same. You wanted to hear his voice, play alongside him. Whenever you’d successfully beat a level, he’d become so happy and giddy that it would make your stomach flutter with the force of a hundred butterflies. The worst part of your day was always when your roommate would come back to your room, and you’d have to log off for the night so she could get some sleep. Steve would still chat with you through discord, but again, it wasn’t the same not hearing his voice. He was always your first and last text of the day. 
As the con gets closer, Steve talks more and more about how excited he is. You are too, but you’re also filled with more anxiety and worry. Begging your roommate to take you shopping for a new outfit and teach you how to do your makeup, you start to gain a little bit more confidence in seeing Steve. 
When you wake up the day of the con, a smile sticks to your face and there’s a bounce in your step. The whole drive over to the convention center you’re dancing along to the radio in your car, simultaneously dreaming about seeing Steve and trying not to think about it at the same time. You’d know his face anywhere, even having never seen it in person, and you wonder what your immediate reaction will be when your eyes land on him. 
The traffic for parking at Orlando Convention Center is backed up all the way to highway 528, and you start to get jittery as you wait in the line of cars. He’s probably already there, you think to yourself. Is he already inside? Is he excited to see you? Is he nervous? Is he already having too much fun and forgot he’s even going to be seeing you?
Your palms are sweating by the time you park your car outside Concourse A. The hot Florida sun doesn’t help you as you walk across the crowded parking lot. The line to get in feels like it takes forever, and you’re convinced you’re going to throw up all the butterflies that have been swirling around inside of you. 
Once you’ve got your badge around your neck, you dodge cosplayers – telling yourself you’ll admire them later – and pull out your phone to shoot a message to Steve.
The thirty seconds it takes to get a reply feel like an eternity.
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For the first time in your twenty-something years it feels like you’ve forgotten how to walk. Shoes stumble over one another, the solid slab floor is somehow sucking your feet in like quicksand. Bumbling through the crowd, your eyes scan the faces around you for the brown eyes that melt your heart every time you see them on your phone’s screen. For that hair that tempts you to run your fingers through it more than you ever wanted to touch anything in your life. 
Right in the middle of a large crowd, your sneakers squeak to a halt, annoying the people around you and forcing them to go around. Steve’s there, in person, in the same space as you. He hasn’t spotted you yet, craning his neck to look over people, his phone clutched tightly in his hand. Perfect isn’t a word you’d ever prescribed to anyone before, but it’s surely how Steve looks just standing there. His jeans are slightly too big, hanging low on his hips, and his navy t-shirt framing his broad shoulders in the most flattering way. 
All thoughts leave your head as Steve turns his head and locks eyes with you. Absolutely frozen to the spot, the growing grin on his face is the only thing that breaks you out of your trance. He takes a step towards you, and you find yourself barreling towards him as well. How were you supposed to greet him? Handshake? Hug? Awkwardly standing there and saying hi? Steve makes the choice for you as he grabs you and pulls your body against his. Positive that he can feel your heart thrumming against his chest, your arms cling around his neck and hold onto him like you’ll never let him go. And you don’t want to.
“Finally,” Steve says as you reluctantly pull away from one another. 
“It’s so good to see you. For real.” Without thinking about it, your hand comes up and cups the side of his face. He leans into your touch and your heart soars into your throat. You let your hand drop from his face and he’s quick to pick it up in his own hand. Steve’s thumb rubs along the back of your hand and it sends tingles up your spine. 
“There’s a panel on Upside Down House in half an hour,” he tells you. “And after that there’s a Junkyard Babysitter tournament in the next hall and the winner gets an Xbox gift card. I already signed us up.”
“Oh, you’re so good at that game! The prize is as good as yours.”
Steve gives you a bashful smile and it sets every nerve in your body on fire. He gives a small tug on your hand and starts to head for the doors.
“Come on, let’s go get some seats for the panel.”
It turns out that you and Steve could’ve run that panel. You were both just as knowledgeable about the game as the hosts, could have easily answered all the questions that were asked by fellow panelists, and even managed to give tips and insight that no one else in the room had. 
“So, when the trail of lights leads you right up to the front door, that’s a decoy. You have to head to the left because that’s where the Demogorgon pops out from.”
“The fire trap in the hallway is great for distracting! But it won’t kill him on its own. You’ve got to use another weapon too.”
Once the panel is over, you and Steve get seats next to each other at the tournament. The room fills fairly quickly so you and Steve have a short chat about strategy. Your character would take cover in the hollowed-out school bus in the junkyard, and Steve’s character would hide behind the junked cars surrounding the area as he makes his way towards the dangerous center. It’s a play you’ve both used before, so you have a fair amount of confidence in it. 
There are about twenty people in this tournament, but you don’t look at any of them around the room. Only Steve. He gives you a reassuring nod before the game starts, then both of your characters are running to their respective locations you agreed upon. Six characters are brought down upon the initial onslaught. Fourteen left. 
“Behind you,” you tell Steve. His character spins around in time to take down the other player with his trusty baseball bat. The back door of the bus is being caved in, so your character picks up the closest weapon – which is a flamethrower – and waits for the intruder to be in sight. 
“There’s two out there,” Steve warns you as he sneaks his character over to get a better view of the bus. Your character lifts the flamethrower and aims it right where you’re expecting the others’ heads to be. The metal is finally bashed in, and the flamethrower takes both characters down with one burst of flame. You climb the ladder that’s in the middle of the bus, not high enough to stick your head out the top, but enough to be better prepared for an ambush. 
That ambush arrives when three players jump on top of the bus, circling you on the ladder below.
Steve’s quick to get his character to the rescue, though. The first thing he does once he’s on the roof is knock one of the three players inside the bus so you can take care of him no problem. Your flamethrower gets the job done. Hiking it over your shoulder, you keep a tight grip on the flamethrower as you climb the ladder to join Steve and the other two on the roof. The player closest to you doesn’t know you’ve come up behind him, so you take advantage and kick his legs out from underneath him, and when he’s lying flat on his back, you pull the trigger. 
“Damn it!”
Steve’s frustrated call has you turning to look at his character, but it’s already too late. The other player is steadily draining his life force and even if you killed him now, Steve’s character would still die. But you go for it anyway. You run at the other player to get as much momentum as you can and ram him off the bus roof. Both he and Steve’s characters die, fading from the playing field. 
Your character climbs down the ladder into the bus for safety, but grabs Steve’s discarded bat when she does. The bottom right corner of your screen tells you that there’s only five players left. They’re out there, either hiding like you, or getting into fights. Your character slowly makes her way to the broken back door of the bus and peeks out. It looks like there’s someone hiding in the bushes closest to the bus. Gripping your controller tight, you have your character swap out her weapons for a shotgun. You always have the best aim with these. Your character crawls to the very edge of the bus and balances on one knee, holding the shotgun up just right to get the target in the viewfinder. With a squeeze of the trigger, the total number of players has gone down to four. Sticking the shotgun and bat in your bag, you carry the flamethrower as you make your way to the other end of the bus. There’s no one visible from the dirty and cracked windows, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t near. 
There’s movement from behind one of the rusty old cars. Another player must have noticed this too because there’s the sound of a shot before the screen is letting you know there are three players remaining. Feeling like a sitting duck, you slip out the back way of the bus and slowly creep around to the hood. Head on the swivel, your character’s back is pressed against the cool yellow metal, and she attempts to make the quietest footfalls possible. 
“Oh, shit! Do you know who that is?” It’s spoken somewhere in the room around you, loud enough that you hear it even with your full concentration on the screen in front of you. 
“Whoa,” Steve says. Your eyes dart to him and are back on the screen in the next instant. 
“What’s going on?” you ask.
In the game, you see one player sneak out of a trunk of one of the cars. It’s one of the worst places to hide because it’s so obvious when you come out of it and the hinges squeak constantly while they’re being moved. You line up your flamethrower and have it positioned just right on your shoulder when a rusty pipe impales the character, leaving the remaining number of players at two.
“It’s Patrice Harlan,” Steve tells you. Your eyes almost bug out of your head.
“The Patrice Harlan? The guy who has won thousands and thousands of dollars by being incredible at these types of games?”
“Yeah,” Steve says with a sigh. Patrice was all over the gaming forums, known as one of the all-time best. He was one of the lucky ones who made a successful career from his gaming. This was seriously impacting your confidence.
“I got this,” you tell yourself, sounding much surer than you feel. Your character searches for Patrice’s character. You’re the only ones left. Taking slow, deliberate steps, your character comes around the front of the bus and darts to hide behind a pile of tires. By the sounds in the junkyard, you know Patrice’s character is getting closer. Depending on how close he got or from what angle would determine which weapon would be the most efficient here. 
Footsteps boom over to your character. This is it. He has to be right on the other side of the tires. Close proximity. You quickly switch out your weapons until your character is holding Steve’s bat. Your avatar stands up and comes face to face with Patrice’s avatar. She’s smaller than him but that could also come with some perks. Your character grips the bat right in her hand, and using her compact size, crouches down and springs up, jumping high enough to land on the pile of tires. From the vantage point, it’s the perfect place to go for the kill shot. You have her raise the bat up over her head, and as you jump down from the pile she cracks Patrice’s avatar straight down the middle of the skull, causing him to fall flat on his back. Always one to take precautions, you have your character swap out for the shotgun and fire it into the avatar’s chest, sealing the deal. 
You won.
The room goes crazy. Steve’s pulling you out of your seat, cupping your face with his hands before he pulls you in for a bone crushing hug that you don’t mind one bit. Other players pat you on the back and offer their congratulations as they walk by. But then you see him. Patrice Harlan. He’s even taller in person than he is online, his buzzed blonde hair catching the bright lights in the room. You’re afraid he’s going to be intimidating, but he walks over to you with a smile and offers you a friendly handshake. It feels insane. To just have beaten a professional to be the champion of one of your favorite games. 
The head of the tournament bestows you with your Xbox gift card and you instantly put it in your wallet for safekeeping. 
After all the excitement of the win dies down, you turn to Steve and find him looking at you a bit differently. You raise an eyebrow as you take a step towards him. 
“You good?” you ask. 
“Uh, yeah,” Steve says. His eyes are so dark and the look he’s giving you is not one anyone has ever given you before. It’s not unpleasant, though. “That was, um… Wow. That was really…”
“Yes, really what?” you ask, trying to help him along.
“Really hot,” Steve says, catching you by surprise. Your face flares up and you give your head a shake. 
“All I did was win a video game,” you say.
“Yeah, but you pretty much beat the best of the best. And it’s really turning me on,” Steve adds with a laugh. The heat in your face dials up but you allow Steve to take your hand in his again. 
Steve holds onto your hand the rest of the day. Only when the occasion absolutely called for it did he let you go, only to intertwine your fingers together again as soon as he could. Through every panel, strolling through the marketplace, even eating dinner together, he keeps his soft hold on you. Even though it’s been going on for hours, your tummy is still in the most pleasant knots possible as you feel his warm skin against yours. 
As the con winds down for the day, you’re starting to dread saying goodbye to Steve. Even if it’s only until tomorrow. But after spending such an amazing day with him, leaving his side for even a moment sounds like torture. 
“So, uh, which way is your car? My hotel is that way.” Steve points in the general direction where there are at least four hotels practically on top of each other. 
“I’m parked right here. I can give you a ride,” you say.
Steve slides into the passenger's seat and the drops of sweat on his forehead make you chuckle as you put on your seatbelt. 
“Not used to this hot weather, huh?”
“And the sun isn’t even out anymore,” Steve says, gesturing to the dark sky. 
“Welcome to Florida.”
You pull out of the convention center parking and turn down I-Drive to get to the hotels.
“What’s the temperature back home?” you ask him.
“Uh, lemme see.” He picks up his phone and swipes to the weather app. “In Hawkins it is currently 62 degrees.”
“Shit, add at least twenty to that here. Maybe twenty-five.” It’s too quick before you pull into the hotel parking lot. You’re not ready to say goodnight. “What’s Hawkins like?”
You’ve both talked about your hometowns with each other before, but you’re grasping at straws to spark a conversation to extend your time together. Even if it’s only five more minutes.
“It’s small,” he says. “Pretty boring little town.” 
“And not as warm as here,” you say.
“Jesus Christ, no,” Steve says with a laugh. He licks over his lips and glances down at his lap. When he looks back at you, he looks nervous. “Do you, um, want to come in? I-I mean we could play a game or something.”
Or something. You want the something.
“Yeah. Yeah, sure.”
The walk to Steve’s room is quiet; both of you riddled with nerves and anticipation. He unlocks the door and lets you in first, like a gentleman. You take in the room as you walk in. It’s a little messy, suitcase open and items strewn about the small space. The temperature is cool, but it makes sense that he’d keep the room like this since he’s so unused to the heat outside. There’s a king bed and your eyes can’t seem to stay off of it for more than a moment at the time. A chair sits at a small table in the corner, but you perch yourself on the edge of the bed, hoping that signals to Steve what you want without you having to say it out loud. 
Steve rubs at the back of his neck and tosses his room key down the counter that’s supporting the television. 
“So, uh, what do you want to do?” he asks. 
“You” doesn’t seem like an appropriate answer to give, even if it’s true. 
“Watch a movie?” you suggest. 
“Sure.” Steve grabs the remote and you kick off your shoes, scooting up to the top of the bed. He joins you, shoulder pressed up against yours, and flips through the channels to see what’s on. Just sitting next to him on the bed like this has your nerves burning in excitement. 
He settles on some movie with weird alien creatures but you’re not paying attention. The heat radiating off Steve’s body is all you can focus on. You make the mistake of glancing over at him and your eyes lock onto his lips. They look so soft and such a pretty shade of pink. Steve reaches up and rubs at his eye, which has you now staring at his hands. His fingers are long, and you know they must be skilled from all the video games he plays. 
Trying to relieve some of the ache that’s growing between your legs, you shift on the bed, squeezing your thighs together and it causes you to bump your shoulder against Steve’s. The contact makes you feel like you've swallowed a fistful of pop rocks; tingly and jumpy from the inside out. Steve looks over at you and your traitorous eyes drop down to his mouth. He licks over his lips again – this time on purpose you think – and you know he clocks the way your breath hitches. A smirk comes to those beautiful rosy lips, and you find yourself leaning in closer to him. 
Steve reaches up and cups the side of your face in his hand, leaning the rest of the way to press his mouth against yours. The kiss starts off soft, lips dancing against one another, careful and timid. A small moan breaks from the back of your throat and it gives Steve the courage to swipe his tongue against your upper lip. You open your lips to him and lower yourself down to the pillows, tangling your fingers in his hair to bring him with you. 
Goosebumps spread up your arms as Steve licks his way into your mouth and the kiss goes from shy to exploring. His hand rests on your hip and he lets out a whine as you suck on his bottom lip. Steve slots a leg between yours, which you gladly spread for him, but you want to let out a frustrated whimper when his thigh isn’t close enough to grind your hips against. 
When you give a small, experimental tug to Steve’s hair, he moans into your mouth and bucks his hips against yours. You smile in satisfaction against him, and he pulls back to look down at your gleeful face.
“I could feel that smile,” he tells you, making you giggle and shrug your shoulders innocently. “You like teasing me, huh?”
“Me teasing you?” You pout. “You need to hike your thigh up about four inches.”
Steve looks down at where his leg is, then four inches up. His playful smirk somehow turns you on even more. 
“What? You want to rut against my leg?” he asks.
“Yes,” you whine. 
“Such an impatient girl,” he says as he leans in for another kiss. This one is quick and sweet. “I’ll take care of you if you want me to.”
You nod your head, eyes falling closed as you do. He gently taps your cheek until you open your eyes.
“Words, sweetheart. I need you to use your words.”
“Want you in me,” you rush out in a breath. 
“Fuck,” Steve mumbles, dropping his forehead to rest against yours. “You’re sure?”
“Yes, Steve. Please.”
“Who am I to say no to that?” He presses a kiss to the tip of your nose before getting up and rummaging through his suitcase. There’s a condom wrapped in its shiny foil in Steve’s hand as he comes back to the bed.
“You always carry those on you or were you expecting this to happen?” you tease. 
“I was hopeful,” he admits with a shrug. “Knew I wanted it to happen. Was praying you did too.”
“Of course I did.” You reach up and tangle your fingers in his hair again. “I should warn you that I don’t have a lot of experience, though.”
“Me neither,” Steve admits. “But fuck, I want to learn your body.”
You pull him back down against your lips, and your hands slide from his hair all the way down to his belt. Tongues tangling, you nimbly unfasten the silver buckle and move on to the button of his jeans. Steve’s hands come to slide up your stomach, gliding underneath the material of your shirt. His thumbs trace the skin just below your breasts and it makes your hands stutter over his zipper. 
Steve kicks his jeans off his legs before helping you yank your shirt over your head. His mouth instantly attaches to your neck, biting and sucking and trying to find the most sensitive spot to drive you wild. Fingers grasping at his shirt, you tug it up as high as you can before Steve breaks the contact with your skin just to get it off. He goes right back to his work though, making sure you’re going to have the best hickey he’s ever given. Your jeans are next to come off, both of you working in tandem to rid the denim from your body. Now you’re left in only your bra and panties, Steve in his boxers. 
Tangling your fingers in his irresistible soft brown tresses once again, you wrap your legs around Steve’s and pull his hips down to press against yours. Both of you moan as his clothed cock brushes over your panty-clad core.
“Eager, huh?” Steve pants out against your neck. 
“You have no idea,” you sigh out, letting your eyes slip closed.
“Think I do,” Steve says between swiping his tongue repeatedly over your pulse point. “Wanted you since I first heard your voice. Sounded so fucking hot.”
He rocks his hips against yours, wetness pooling between your legs. The soft whimpers you let out only egg him on.
“Then I saw a picture of you on your Instagram,” Steve says. “Fuck, made me so hard.”
“D-Did you touch yourself to it?” Even to your own ears, your voice sounds wholly wrecked.
“Touched myself every time I opened your Instagram, baby.” His kisses trail up to behind your ear and an involuntary shiver runs down your body. “Thinking about getting you in this position. Getting you all worked up and panting beneath me. Making you beg me to touch you.”
“Fuck, please touch me,” you cry out. Steve smirks against your skin and trails his hand down to the waistband of your panties. 
“I’d rip these if they weren’t so sexy,” he says, finger dipping just inside the black lace. “But maybe I’ll just take them home with me instead.”
Steve sits up and you whine as his body warmth and weight is taken away. He quickly slips your panties off though, and the coolness hitting your wet center has you shifting your hips. When you look up at him, Steve’s eyes are almost entirely black, that beautiful brown totally consumed. His gaze is hungry, and you take advantage of his gaze to slowly strip yourself of your bra. You notice the catch in his breath as you toss the matching black lace garment off the side of the bed. Fully naked below him, he scans his eyes up and down your body, taking in every little detail of your bare skin. It’s a bit scary, being so vulnerable with him, but Steve’s never made you feel anything less than special. 
“Jesus, you’re perfect,” Steve says quietly. He quickly sheds himself of his boxers, leaving your mouth watering as you eye his impressive cock. Even though you don’t have a ton of experience with sex, you’re still confident in saying Steve is big. His cheeks turn a pale shade of pink as you take the entirety of his beauty in and when your eyes come back up to his, he flops down next to you, making you giggle. He shoots you a devastating smile as his large hands reach out and pull your body on top of his. 
“Can I put my mouth on you, baby?” you ask Steve softly. He lets out a guttural groan from the back of his throat and his eyes squeeze closed. You feel his cock twitch against your thigh, precum pooling between your skin and his. 
“Shit, I want that so bad,” he rasps. “But there’s no way I’d last, and I want to be in you.”
“I want you in me, too,” you say in between kisses to his throat. “I’ll just have to suck you off later.”
Steve lets out a breathy laugh as his hand blindly reaches for the condom next to you on the bed.
“You keep talking like that and I won’t last long either.”
Pushing yourself up to sit on his thighs, you pluck the condom from his hands and rip open the wrapper. Eyes focused on the small foil package, you don’t notice Steve’s hand slipping down until his fingers are gliding through your folds. A gasp escapes you and you drop the condom on Steve’s chest, making him smirk in self-satisfaction. His middle finger brushes over your clit and your hips buck forward.
“Feel good, baby?” Steve coos. “Fuck, you’re so wet. All for me?”
“Yes, Steve,” you let out in a breathy moan. “Had me wet for you all day.”
“Only fair since I’ve been half hard all day,” Steve muses. “And when you beat Harlan this afternoon? God, I wanted to fuck you right then and there.” 
Unable to form words, you just nod as a whine leaves you. Fingers scramble along Steve’s skin until you find the condom again. It’s hard to concentrate slipping it on Steve’s cock as his hand keeps sliding from your clit to your fluttering hole.
Steve’s dick twitches as you roll the condom on, and he removes his hand from between your legs. You want to whine at the loss, but you lift yourself up to line him up with your entrance. The head catches against your hole and you feel your abdominal muscles tighten in pleasure. Moving slowly, you start to lower yourself, his length stretching you in a way you’ve never experienced before. Your eyes shut as the sting quickly switches to pleasure, your walls adjusting to fit his size.
“Fuck,” Steve groans out, eyes rolling back in his head.
An exhale leaves your lungs as you finally take him in up to the hilt. Fully seated on him, you need to still yourself to let your body accommodate the welcome intrusion. 
“Steve, you’re so big,” you whine. His cock twitches inside of you at your words and it makes you bite down on your bottom lip.
“You feel like heaven, baby,” Steve says. His breathing is labored and his hands grip at your hips tightly, anchoring himself. “So warm and tight for me. Fuck, so wet too. Can feel you dripping on my balls.”
“Make me feel so full. S’so good.”
Your hips begin to rock against Steve, planting your hands on his chest to steady yourself. It’s obvious Steve is holding back, lip caught between his teeth and his eyes screwed shut. His thumbs are digging so hard into your hip bones that you know you’re going to have two small black and blue marks tomorrow. 
When you moan out a string of Steve’s name over and over, he can’t keep his composure anymore and fucks his hips up into you. You let out a whimper as he reaches impossibly deep inside of you.
“Shit, s-sorry,” Steve says.
“No, don’t be,” you answer. “W-Want you to feel good. Want you to do what you want.”
Steve snakes an arm around your waist and uses his other arm to push himself up, his back smacking against the headboard. Now you’re seated more comfortably in his lap and your clit has a better angle to rub against his pubic bone. 
“Fuck, Steve.” You speed up your hips, trying to get him to rock up into you. His hand sneaks up to grab at your breast, thumb flicking over your nipple as you drop your head back in ecstasy. “Harder.”
The restraint Steve was barely holding on to snaps and his hips buck up against yours, driving his cock deeper and faster inside of you. Muscles in your lower body tightening, you drop your head forward to rest on Steve’s shoulder.
“Close, baby,” you speak against his skin.
“Me too – fuck – me too.” 
As his hips piston into you, you grind yourself down harder, letting your clit rub deliciously against his body. You feel yourself teetering towards the edge and the clenching of your walls around him has Steve seeing stars.
Screaming out Steve’s name, your vision fills with white as you come hard all over his cock. The prettiest whines leave Steve’s mouth as he orgasms right along with you, twitching inside of you as he fills the condom. 
Both of you need a moment to catch your breath, and you lift your head from his shoulder to meet his eyes. Steve’s lips quirk up in a satisfied smile and the pair of you let out a soft laugh at the same time.
“That was…holy shit, that was amazing,” Steve says.
“So fucking good,” you agree. 
His hand cups your face and he brings you in for a tender kiss on the lips, the softness making you melt after your earth shattering orgasm. You feel in complete bliss as you lean against Steve’s chest, letting him wrap you up in his arms. He nuzzles his nose against yours and you giggle at the tickle you feel as his eyelashes brush over your cheek.
“You really gonna take my panties home with you?” you ask.
“If that’s okay with you,” he says with a peck to your lips.
“As long as I get to keep something of yours.” 
“I’d offer you a hoodie, but I doubt you’d ever wear it in this sauna of a state,” he says, making you laugh.
“How about a t-shirt I can sleep in?” you offer.
You ease yourself off of Steve’s lap, both of you hissing as he slips out of you. He pulls off the condom, ties it up, and gets up to toss it in the trash. Eyes tracking him as he moves around the hotel room, you lay back on the bed and admire how the thin sheen of sweat is making him glow in the dim lamplight. When he looks back to you, you raise your arms to show him that you want him to come back to you for cuddles. 
“Two seconds,” Steve says, slipping into the bathroom. The fact that he takes longer than that makes you pout, arms dropping back down to the bed. He steps back into the room carrying a washcloth and wearing the cutest pair of glasses you’ve ever seen.
“Well, hello,” you say in a flirty tone as he comes over to you. He smiles as he places the warm cloth at the apex of your thigh.
“I think I squeezed my eyes shut too tight before,” he explains with a shrug as he gently cleans you up. “Moved my contact and it was bugging me.”
“They’re hot.” He rolls his eyes at your words, and you frown. “I’m not teasing. I mean it.”
Steve stops his movements, looking up at you and raising his eyebrows.
“Really,” you assure him. A shy smile comes to his lips as he tosses the used cloth towards the bathroom.
“When we go for round two, want me to wear them as I eat that pretty pussy out?”
His words have heat shooting straight down to your core, said pussy already ready for him again. 
“As long as you wear them while I blow you.”
“Fuck, I’m so glad I came to see you.”
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 3 months
for the writing rec thingy, maybe something having to do with how special days were handled when they were younger? Considering they both have very different ideas on social interaction, and ma and pa cop loving them very much, how would they compromise? (Sorry if this doesn’t make sense 😅)
Ma sighed as she watched her boys slouched on the couch watching cartoons. Yet another year where not a single invitation had been responded to. Liam tried to put up an act, pretend like it didn't bother him, but Ma knew better. It hurt them both that no one wanted to be their friend. Pa wrapped an arm around her and gave her a squeeze.
"Thoughts?" He asked.
"I don't know, dear... It just breaks my heart. They're good boys, they don't deserve this... If I could make friends for them, I'd do it in a heartbeat."
"I know you would, darling. I would too. Unfortunately that's beyond our ability, so we need to figure something else out to cheer them up."
Ma sighed and tried to think. An idea occurred to her. It was still pretty early in the day... "The Halloween Festival in Bricksburg might be a good place to start. That should give them the chance to hang out with other kids their age that don't already have a bias against them. And then we can take them out for cake and ice cream after."
The boys seemed to perk up a little once the idea was pitched to them. Liam was still wary, but warmed up to it once he realized these kids would be complete strangers. They wouldn't already have it in their heads to be cruel just because they were different. With any luck, they never would. Garrett especially was thrilled with the idea of going to a festival. They had been to several small "festivals" in their little town, but the one in the city was sure to be so much bigger!
Minds made up, they pulled on their coat and followed their parents to the car. It was along drive to get to the city, more than half an hour. They spent the time holding silent conversations in their mind, as they had recently discovered they could.
"Do you think they'll have lots of games there??"
"Probably, yeah. Lots of food too. Maybe some rides."
"Mom? Will they have rides there?"
Ma smiled. "I'm sure they will, dear."
Garrett's eyes widened as they finally entered the city, and he nearly had his nose pressed to the window as he tried to take in all the sights. There was an awful lot of people around too. Pa muttered to himself as he tried to find a place to park. the parking lot was packed full of so many cars. After driving around for a few more minutes, he finally found a spot.
"Hold onto my hand, boys." Ma told them. "The fairgrounds are big, and with so many people it's easy to get lost." Liam dutifully took their mother's hand and held on tight.
His eyes went wide as he looked up to take in the sight before them. There was a fence all around the fairgrounds to keep people from getting in without tickets, but he could indeed see a number of carnival rides rising up over the top of it. Garrett's excitement was almost overwhelming. "Mom! Mom they have a roller coaster!"
Pa chuckled softly. "I guess we know what we're doing first, then. Sit tight boys, I have to go get our tickets." Liam nodded eagerly.
They spent the day dragging their parents all over the fairgrounds, riding the rides, playing the games, trying new foods, and just taking in all the sights and sounds. They even managed to get along with a few of the other kids there, happily playing team games together.
By supper time, their energy was waning. Pa smiled to himself and lifted them into his arms as they left the festival. By the time they reached the car again, they were out cold.
"They might not be as excited for this next year." Ma pointed out as Pa carefully buckled them into the back seat.
"I know. But we've got a year to figure out a new game plan. I'm just glad this worked out."
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zukadiary · 1 year
Anastasia (Umeda Arts, 2023)
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I’m flattered that the overwhelming response to my poll was to bring back reviews :D Since I posted that, Takarazuka has unfortunately been involved in a terrible tragedy (additional information here). I may review the Takarazuka performances I was able to see at a later date, but at the moment I’m going to take some space from doing so.
In the meantime, a very bright spot in a long-awaited trip otherwise filled with multiple bouts of shocking news was the Broadway musical Anastasia, featuring Asami Hikaru (my ご贔屓, kamioshi, bias to end all biases, for those who joined during COVID and somehow missed this) amidst a rather star-studded cast. Getting to see Anastasia was quite special, not only because it’s been 4 1/2 years since I was last able to travel to Japan and see Komu, but also because I HAD tickets to the original Spring 2020 run before, well, you know (not to mention the ruined plans to see fave #2 as the same role in the tkz version). On top of that, it was good.
The Broadway version of Anastasia follows two con men in post-revolution Russia, Dmitri and Vlad, who, amidst rumors that Anastasia Romanov has somehow survived the execution of the rest of the royal family, accidentally find the real one while auditioning actresses to pretend to be her for reward money.
Given that my bias to end all biases taidan’d 17 years ago, I’ve seen my fair share of Japanese theater outside of Takarazuka in my quest to spend as much time in her presence as humanly possible. Usually, I find the non-OG cast members (especially men!!) unimpressive to the point of superfluousness. Imagine my shock when I found myself raising my opera glasses when Komu wasn’t even on stage.
Anya: Aoi Wakana / Kinoshita Haruka
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Anya is a poor street sweeper with amnesia who has a feeling SOMEONE is waiting for her in Paris (turns out it’s her grandmother, the dowager empress). I was supposed to see each actress twice, but due to the flu making its rounds through the cast, I ended up seeing Wakana three times and Haruka only once… which is unfortunate, because Haruka is an absolute powerhouse, and Wakana is a TV actress. The cast lineup for my first of four viewings was absolutely flawless, and I wish it had been the finale instead (especially because I was in shock from Sora taidan dropping like 3 hours prior to curtain). Haruka has a Broadway-quality voice, and her acting not only made sense, but also lacked that peculiar anime-like delivery that most of the Japanese actors I’ve seen have in spades (IYKYK). Although perhaps she returned from flu recovery too quickly and didn’t have her whole voice, Wakana’s singing wasn’t really up to the challenge of the role; all of Anya’s big solo’s were rendered anticlimactic by very flat long notes. I also found her acting to be over the top and desperate, whereas Haruka’s was quite nuanced.
Dmitri: Kaiho Naoto / Aiba Hiroki / Utsumi Akiyoshi
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Dmitri is the romantic lead, something of a street urchin who starts off by hatching a moneymaking scheme to produce a fake Anastasia, and ultimately gives it all up after falling in love with Anya. I got to see Kaiho and Aiba, and to be honest, the only reason I’m not mad I had to see Aiba once is because that day Kaiho Naoto was Gleb. I know I am very late to this party, but this was the first time I got to see Kaiho Naoto live, and hooooooooooo boy. That man’s voice gave me chills, he acts like a normal person and not a cartoon, and his facial expressions are SO dynamic. His fans in the FIRST ROW had their opera glasses up, and now I take back making fun of them in my head. Incredible casting choice for Dmitri; he did an amazing job going through the full range of emotions and showing character growth, plus he looked so good in that scruffy little outfit. Tbh, marry me (Aiba on the other hand was an anime boy made flesh and blood and I can’t say I cared for it).
Vlad: Osumi Kenya / Ishikawa Zen
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Vlad is Dmitri’s old man friend, a former aristocrat and adulterous lover to Lily. This one is slightly less cut and dry because both actors had their merits, but alas, I’m a big Ishikawa Zen fan. Osumi Kenya is a dancer and Zen is not, and that was quite apparent in any scene with choreography. Other than that, I quite preferred Zen’s knockout voice, nuanced acting, and overflowing kindness. He’s irl bffs with Komu, so I found his Vlad’s chemistry with Lily to be more compelling; but he also integrated himself seamlessly into each cast, despite that I imagine it’s tricky to get the best possible rapport going when the roles are changing all the time. Osumi definitely gave his Vlad quite a bit of enjoyable energy and unique flair, but ultimately, I thought his Vlad was a bit over the top (he’d be a huge hit in a kids’ show), and he seemed to be acting next to rather than with the rest of the cast.
Gleb: Kaiho Naoto / Douchin Yoshikuni / Tashiro Mario
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Gleb, a Bolshevik general trying to fill the shoes of his father who relished executing the Romanov family, is the villain of the show. I was SUPPOSED to see all three Glebs, and I’m quite sad I didn’t, but the flu took Tashiro Mario. I ended up seeing Douchin three times and Kaiho once. This is REALLY HARD, and it’s likely impossible to separate out my feelings toward Kaiho’s Gleb in isolation, because Dmitri, without Kaiho in the role, was not compelling, so the overall impact of the show was less on the not-Douchin day. Kaiho showed up again with the voice that gives you chills, and while his performance throughout most of the show was a bit more low-key, his final scene, in which he attempts to get Anya to admit she’s playing around and return to Russia lest he be forced to shoot her on the spot if she is in fact the real Anastasia, was ABSOLUTELY FUCKING UNHINGED (spit flying everywhere, no wonder everyone got sick). Douchin, however, also has quite a powerful voice, and I think overall he did a better job of coming off as creepy and weird. He was awkward in kind of an is-this-guy-ok way, his barely concealed feelings for Anya were both clearer and more unsettling, and he felt believably indoctrinated into an ideology vs. just this is the villain because we said he’s the villain. His slick, jet-black hair and choice to wear light blue colored contacts also really enhanced the evil image. I really regret not getting to see Tashiro Mario, but I think my ever so slight preference here is Douchin just because his presence balanced the rest of the cast.
Lily: Asami Hikaru / Marcia / Horiuchi Keiko
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Lily is the dowager empress's lady-in-waiting, a former countess who, in her younger days, cheated on her boring husband with Vlad and is currently tending to the dowager empress in refugee-laden Paris. LBR, I didn’t fly across the world to see the other two (although 3 or so days into my trip there was a SCARE where Komu was announced out with an injury, and I thought I might have to… but she recovered in time for my first show!). Ohhhh it was so nice, I missed her more than my COVID-era complacence led me to believe. Lily was a very fun and pleasant Komu role for me. Homegirl is 51 now (don’t talk to me) and fresh taidansha like Tamaki Ryou are getting the heroines she played a decade and a half ago, but Lily isn’t exactly someone’s mom either. She’s funny, and sassy, and wears sick costumes, and has DANCE NUMBERS! Which she did without looking injured at all! With the exception of like 20 seconds in the prologue, Lily does not appear at all until Act 2, but Act 2 is very juicy. I think I liked the look-Vlad’s-back tango even better than her piano-top nightclub solo, but both were utterly delightful. She also has great chemistry with her Yukigumi top senpai Asami Rei, comfortable yet reverent (just like in real life!). I juuuUUUUuuUUUUuuuSsstttt wish they would lower the key for her… just a little… as a treat.........
Dowager Empress Maria: Asami Rei (more like Asami SLAY)
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Y’all… seeing Asami Rei live has BEEN on my bucket list, and the experience did not disappoint. Her voice may be going, but it’s completely age appropriate, and she could have done literally anything up on that stage without it ruining the impact of her presence. I legit inadvertently gasped "mother" into my mask when she made her appearance in a black and silver bejeweled gown to attend the ballet… serving boatloads of charisma uniqueness nerve and talent at 73, to say the least.
The ensemble was also a force and the songs were expertly directed, giving the whole show a stunning sound that has been rare in my experience with Japanese musicals (part vocal talent, part book made for Broadway). The play-within-a-play scene at the ballet was genuinely impressive (it's been a while since I've seen a man jump that high). All in all, a treat to watch!
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Fan Service - Chapter 2
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Josh Kiszka x f!reader
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Read Chapter 1 here
Summary: After a passionate night in Josh’s dressing room it’s time to camp for another round of DIG. What could the universe possibly have on deck to ruin the third concert in the Michigan lineup?
Warnings: 18+ content minors DNI, swearing, feelings, pining, fingering, dom!Josh, unprotected sex (advised against), oral sex (m and f receiving), praise kink, general roughness, etc.
W/c: 7.5k
A/n: Here it is. It’s been a minute since I’ve been this motivated to write so the timeline is a little wonky, just pretend it makes sense ok. I appreciate everyone who sent me requests and suggestions for this series, and special thanks as always to my gresties for cheering me on. Again, apologies for my shameless self insert. Hopefully we like where this story goes, let me know your thoughts! Thank you for the continued support, i love you all!
Edited by the lovely @gretasamfeettt
Vibes: Something About You - Level 42 and golden hour - JVKE
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Being born and raised in the Midwest has made you mostly impartial to the cold. You’d spent many a chilly night around dying campfires, many afternoons skiing down powdered hills, and even more mornings trudging through snowbanks just to get to school. Spending ten hours trying to sleep on cold concrete with only a tent to protect you from the early March wind and snow, however, is turning out to be a little out of your comfort zone.
You don’t really mind though, you’d happily suffer through any amount of discomfort to see your favorite band, and having your two best friends with you does dull the pain somewhat. It had been their idea originally to camp out for the slew of shows happening in your area, so you all bought your tickets months in advance and spent the days leading up meticulously preparing. The vibe has been a bit off ever since you rejoined your group the night before, haphazardly dressed after a romp with a rockstar, but they seem excited for you all the same.
Now that you’ve had time to register the events of the night before, you’re scared shitless. You were living in the moment, but when time resumed its normal pace, the reality that Josh Kiszka picked you is almost too much to bear. You were hesitant to give up too many details when they tried to poke and prod them out of you, even if it meant they would believe you to be mildly full of shit. Hell, you can hardly believe it yourself, but there’s no part of you that’s willing to risk breaking his confidence. The experience you shared with Josh was special to you, and you will not be souring it by any means.
You look down at your phone and reread the last text he sent you, ‘I better see you there.
Josh does own a cell phone and uses it quite often, to your complete surprise. After you rejoined your friends the previous night and began the drive to the next city on your roster, you texted your name to the number he gave you. He texted back immediately to wish you a good night, and when morning came and you wished him good luck he returned with that little crumb.
He wants to see me again… Of all people…
He’s probably just being polite…
“Smile for Joshy!” You extend your arm to snap a selfie, posing in line outside the venue to send him in return. The bundled faces of you and your friends are doing their best to smile through clenched teeth and not look frigid in the Michigan winter air.
The caption reads ‘Camping out just to be sure you do’, and you send it off after gaining an approving nod from everyone.
“I’m not convinced this isn’t some sort of elaborate ruse,” your best friend, Quinn, jests after dropping the smile she forced for the picture. “If you’re Josh Kiszka’s sneaky link now then how come we don’t have backstage passes?”
“Ohh my god. I’m not some clout chaser, I can’t just ask him for things ‘cause he paid attention to me once.” You scoff slightly at the insinuation. How could you possibly ask that man for anything after he already gave you the time of day?
Your answer must not be satisfactory, prompting a retort back. “Okay, but he gave you his phone number, and he’s still texting you? If he didn’t like you he would’ve just let you leave. I saw the way he watched you get whisked away, it was like a fucking romance movie.”
He did give me his number, some random one-night stands I’ve had haven’t even given me their phone numbers afterward. Maybe there’s a point there..
The thought feels so ridiculous in your mind you barely want to let it take root. He’s already taking up so much of your headspace, letting the idea that you might have a chance with him seems much too dangerous of a concept.
“Would you stop getting my hopes up? Everybody knows they don’t have groupies… plus he just slept with me the one time, it didn’t mean anything.” You trail off, suddenly disappointed with yourself for remembering that small fact.
Disappointed about what? Getting attached already? Pitiful.
“Who said anything about being a groupie? I’m sure that’s not the reason he doesn’t show all his fuck buddies off to the masses.” Nina, the third part of your little trio, chimes in. “If I had known that getting beat up in the pit was the way to bag a Kiszka I would’ve knocked my own ass out in front of them a long time ago.”
“Why does everyone keep saying I got beat up?!”
. . .
Not too much later, your phone lights up, his name is on the screen accompanied by a silly picture of him you had saved. Highway Tune plays loud and clear through the speaker, but all you can do is stare as your fight or flight response kicks into gear. Beyond unprepared for an event like this, you turn your hand to show your friends the screen with a deer in headlights look on your face.
“Speakerphone, bitch. Now!” Nina screams at you frantically as the opportunity slips away.
With an appropriate sense of urgency, you clear your throat and swipe across the glass to answer with a cute but casual “Hey!”
“I’m sorry, you’re doing what?” In your experience, no introduction means business. Even when separated by the phone and however many miles, his slightly acidic tone gives you chills.
“Camping! Ya know, for the barricade!”
“You mean you’re outside the damn arena right now?” He sounds relatively calm in contrast to the intensity of his words, it’s hard to tell if he’s really angry or not.
“Well yeah! It’s how you get to be up front… you do know what goes down at your shows, right?” you giggle in an attempt to lighten the mood.
“Y/n… How long have you been out there?”
“I don’t know… some hours…” You dart your eyes to the girls, silently begging them to not say a word about how you drove through the night on no sleep from the previous show to get right back in line for another.
“It’s freezing fucking cold outside, absolutely not, I won’t have it.”
What the fuck does that mean?
“You won’t have it? It’s what everybody does, honestly, it’s fine I have my friends with me. It’s part of the whole experience.”
A contemplative sigh comes from his end of the line followed by a long pause.
“Josh?” You hear some distant voices and shuffling around coming from whoever he’s taken a second to speak to.
“Your friends can come too.” He finally answers.
“Josh, what are you…you’re not sending another goon to kidnap me again, are you?”
“Yeah Peach, stay put for me alright?” The line beeps dead, leaving everyone's jaws dropped at the audacity.
After a moment passes, Quinn is the first to say something. “So. Peach, huh?”
. . .
Faster than you had expected, a wide guy in a baseball cap with a scruffy beard approaches you and your friends in line. You instantly recognize him to be the same guy that rescued you from the pit and kept you like a present for Josh backstage the night before.
“Hey, it’s you!” You exclaim, relieved to be seeing a somewhat familiar face.
“Nice to see you again, Miss y/n. Mr. Kiszka asked me to show you and your friends inside.”
Slightly panicked glances are being shot all around amongst yourselves as you pack up your stuff, unsure of the unorthodox situation that won’t stop unfolding. Gossipy murmurs and glares are shot your way from those in line who may have been snooping, but once your blankets and chairs are picked up he leads you around the side of the building to a door out of sight from the other campers.
“What’s your name?” You ask him as you follow his lead close behind. “Since you know my name I don’t wanna keep calling you security boy.”
He chuckles and shoots a smile over his shoulder. “I’m Trevor, but security boy is fine if you like it.”
“Okay, security boy. How long have you worked for Josh?”
“I’ve been head security for the band for a couple months now.”
“I thought they just used venue security, I never see them out and about with bodyguards.”
“You’re half right. I mostly oversee the local security teams at the concerts and events, but they’ve been needing personal security more than usual lately. Besides, I’m pretty much an assistant at this point with how much they have me run errands like this.”
“Oh, so I’m just another errand, huh?”
“I’m more like your babysitter at this point, don’t you think?” You share a laugh, and instantly tension begins to ease.
You arrive at a small dressing room, which he unlocks and opens up for your group to drop your coats. One by one he hands you each a lanyard with a badge attached, indicating your new security clearance.
“You can warm up and get changed in here, I’ll come to get you when it’s time to head on out. I’ll leave ya to it.”
Josh has him ‘run errands’ a lot, I hope this isn’t something he’s used to…
“Wait…” Standing in the doorway once your group has started unpacking, you fight with yourself for a moment about whether you should ask the million-dollar question. “Is Josh… does he do this a lot? I mean…”
It rolls out with the most pathetically apprehensive voice you’ve ever had the displeasure of speaking, upon hearing it you wish you could take it back. He looks at you for a moment but ultimately seems to take pity on you and places a hand on your shoulder. “No ma’am, he doesn’t.”
He seems earnest enough, and you believe him as much as two strangers can trust each other in these kinds of circumstances. His gesture is enough to soothe a bit of the self-doubt that hasn’t left you alone for about 24 hours.
“Thank you, Trevor.” He touches the bill of his hat and tips it with a gentlemanly nod and half a smile before turning away, leaving you to close the door behind him.
. . .
As the lot of you are getting ready, putting makeup on, and doing your hair, you hear a knock on the door followed by Trevor’s voice. “You ladies decent?”
“Yeah, come in”. You answer without looking up from the flick of eyeliner you’re expertly applying in the mirror.
The door clicks open and the honey-smooth voice floats in before the man himself. “How’s everything coming along in here?,” he says, casual as can be. You flicker your attention up to catch his cocky smile when he enters still in his street clothes. You can’t help but chuckle a little to yourself as you watch your friends attempt to stifle their reactions, but ultimately fail while tripping over each other to meet him.
He greets them politely, asking their names and apologizing for any discomfort in rooting you from your spots in line. As any good fangirl would, they decline his apology and thank him for the opportunity to be inside instead.
“The guys and I were all really worried about everyone out there in the cold, but we know you’re all so dedicated, we couldn’t stop you if we tried.” They agree with him, giggling shamelessly at the charm that seems to come so naturally to him. Watching him interact with fans after knowing how he acts in private is almost comical.
“We really do appreciate you setting aside a spot for us, we know you’re really busy.” You pipe up for the first time.
Gross. You really couldn’t think of anything better to say? Idiot.
He locks eyes with you from where you’re standing against the mirror at the back of the room but says nothing, apart from the way his lips twitch when he takes in the sight of you. Even the blind would be able to notice the instantaneous effect you have on him.
“We didn’t think you guys really knew each other” Nina blurts out while the two odd girls out watch something unspoken bounce back and forth between you.
“Oh no, we definitely know each other. Isn’t that right y/n?” You know the question is rhetorical, but you tip your chin slightly in agreement anyway, a blistering heat behind your eyes. “Would I be able to get a few minutes alone with your friend here, if you guys don’t mind? She’ll join you in a moment, Trevor is just out in the hall to show you to some snacks.”
They nod and scurry out of the room, offering supportive glances, a suggestive wink, and a pair of smiles from behind his back as they file out quicker than you can protest.
His entire demeanor changes when the two of you are left standing alone in the confines of the dressing room, free from anything that could act as a buffer. He was gracious and polite with your friends, clearly putting on a little bit, but you’re with a different person once he shuts and locks the door behind them. Just like the other night, the tension in the surrounding air is palpable.
Don’t make a fool of yourself. Don’t be desperate and weird. You can do this y/n, be confident and breathe.
“You didn’t have to go out of your way to do all this, Josh.” You set down your eyeliner on the counter behind you, doing your best to appear nonchalant despite your heart doing its very best to pound its way out of your chest. As exciting as being in his presence is, you’re also terrified to your core. The energy shift is so seamless you have no room to be rattled by his next move.
Josh shakes his head as he strides towards you, as if hearing the silliest words ever spoken into existence. He closes the gap between you in a few short paces, trapping you in place against the counter. There are barely a few inches between your bodies but you’re steadfast in your cool as a cucumber facade, no matter how unconvincing it may be.
“As much as I appreciate the time you’re willing to put in, I wish you had told me you were gonna wait out in the cold. I could’ve saved you so much earlier.”
“I didn’t really think that was an option. I don’t expect any special treatment.” You long to reach out and touch him, to tear down the invisible barrier holding you back. It’s scary, like there’s some sort of rule you’d be breaking if you did. You’re just trying to be respectful, when in reality that’s the last thing you want to do.
“You should. I can’t give it to everybody but I can give it to you.” Your cheeks flush red forcing you to look down and away from him to avoid getting too flustered, only for him to raise your chin again with one finger to keep your eyes on him, ensuring you really hear what he has to say. “You’re not part of the general population anymore mama, you’re my sweet peach, remember?”
In the wake of his genuinely sweet albeit loaded comment, a wave of emotion returns to blindside you, shattering your smoke screen of indifference like a freight train.
Does he crave me in the same way I crave him?
Could he ever feel anything close to what I feel?
I idolize and ache for him, but what does he think of me?
He’s already been inside me. He’s already had more of me than most other men ever have.
I’ve earned his favor and attention, why am I so quick to reject it?
Does he pity me?
What if he just pities me…
“I’m scared.” You choke out. Without a high to hide behind there’s nothing to stop your bleeding heart from exploding right here in his hands. He catches up with your train of thought though and is so quick to reassure you it might as well be second nature.
“Y/n, what are you scared of?” his eyes flicker back and forth as he searches yours.
“That none of this is real.” you feel you should elaborate but you can’t. Any attempt at trying to explain the thoughts that have been gnawing at you would come out like word vomit. Some preconceived notion you cooked up in your paralyzing anxiety is telling you not to act like his stardom has any effect on you. You’ve wrapped yourself in a cage of barbed wire made of your own cowardice, only to be cut open if a single wrong move is made. He probably goes out of his way to avoid girls like that, so you exercise the minimal restraint you feel capable of to keep it short. Out of fear, of course.
Ever so delicately he takes your hand, brings it to his lips, and ghosts your knuckles along the baby soft skin that rests there. In a breath he leaves a kiss, focusing on the spot for a moment before returning focus to your wet eyes.
“Last night I asked you to trust me and you did, and I took good care of you. Do you still trust me?”
You nod your head.
“Then trust that I’ll continue to take care of you, okay? This is real, I’m real. Look…” he bares his teeth over the back of your hand and play bites it, making you gasp mostly in surprise but you laugh it off crudely, your heart flutters. “See? You’re real too, Peach.”
Of course, Josh would never miss a beat. Of course, all it would take is a teaspoon of vulnerability to prompt him to keep the floodgates from giving way completely to whatever bullshit mess you could concoct.
Stop being so foolish.
You sniffle away the remnants of what could have been a colossal breakdown and crack a smile at him through batted lashes. “Peach.. Is that my name now?”
He nods, moving his lips against your skin again. “I like it, think it’s cute, don’t you?”
“Mhm, it is… I could’ve braved through the cold ya know, hands down.”
“Would you stop complaining every time I try to rescue you?” he snorts in a teasing way that makes you giggle and bite your lip like a little kid with a crush. You try not to get distracted by his chestnut brown eyes, shining bright.
“Anything for you.” For good measure, you toss in a flirty wink with your same line from the night before.
“Again with that shit, babygirl.. I oughta spank you for getting me worked up before a performance. God, you are relentless!”
Finally, you decide to stop fighting the magnetic energy pulling you toward him and lean into his frame. “And I don’t even have to say please?”
A choked moan barely escapes him, and he plays it off with a fake as hell cough that only serves to make you giggle.
“Fuck…” he gives you another quick once over in your concert outfit, smoothing over where he’s wrinkled it in a few spots and breaks out in a smirk, still holding your chin in place to keep you from looking elsewhere, “You look delicious, Peach. Are you me this time?”
The outfit in question just so happens to be a top modeled after the jumpsuit he wore in Los Angeles during the Strange Horizons tour paired with a miniskirt. Pure groupie behavior, yet again. You do your best not to roll your eyes at yourself.
“So, I didn’t plan on meeting you when I picked out my-“ in very Joshua fashion, he just can’t wait until the end of your sentence to swoop in for a bruising, searing hot open mouthed kiss that almost makes you stumble. Your lips mash together sloppily but you don’t care. You just want to feel like he has to have you, maybe he really does.
“How’s that bruised peach doing?” His words are barely intelligible at the lowest end of his register and doesn’t wait for an answer before reaching for the hem of your skirt. “Show me.”
You let him spin you around and hike up your skirt around your hips so he has full access to the panties adorning the purple blotches on your skin. There hasn’t been quite enough time for you to inspect the damage made by your fall, but he’s careful to avoid it.
“I know they’re pretty ugly.” you try to avoid thinking about it, instead focusing on his hand that’s made its way between your legs and is exploring the lacy edge of your panties. Another part of you is hoping the edge of the counter won’t crack under your iron-clad grip on it, purely keeping your knees from losing their integrity.
“Hush, sweetness. Look.” his free hand wraps around you to grab your chin, forcing your gaze upon the mirror you’ve found yourself facing. “See how beautiful you are? Nothing could taint that.”
Right then, he slips his hand under the lace and dives into your slit, already wet to the touch. You’re not sure why watching his hand move obscenely against you has you feeling so embarrassed, but when you see your own cheeks turning rosy you try to turn and protest the position. “Josh..”
“Don’t look away. Watch me.” he holds you still, pressing two of his fingers into you with a squelch. Watching yourself was one thing, but seeing the look on his face when he makes contact with that heavenly gummy texture is something that will be seared into your mind forever. It’s close to a look of pain, like he can’t stand just how unreal you feel to him.
“Good God, y/n.” he stays tucked inside for a few pumps of his wrist before leaving your warmth to press those drenched fingers to your lips. You don’t need a command this time to open up and lick them clean.
“How can I possibly focus on putting on a good show when you’re out here distracting me? Saboteur, that’s what you are!”
“And how am I supposed to enjoy the music I paid good money to see if you’re just gonna be making me horny? Are you going to repay me?”
“Well… you got me there. Maybe if you behave.”
. . .
Now, typically when one has backstage passes to a concert, that usually grants access to back stage. It’s right there in the name. However, you camped with your friends for however long before Joshua stepped in, and your hopes have been set on snagging a spot at the barricade. It’s not something you’re all too fond of giving up on.
Once Josh had released you from his grasp and excused himself to get ready, leaving you with a kiss on the cheek as you part ways, your friends returned with the news that the doors were about to open. It took some light convincing on your part, but Trevor agreed to let you into the pit early so you can secure a spot up front. Watching from backstage the night before was really cool, of course it was, but this is an experience you’d been dreaming of for just as long. Josh Kiszka is not going to be the reason you miss it.
Standing where you are now, directly in front of where he’ll be standing shortly with the gardens gate key hanging high above you, your stomach is firmly planted in your ass. The openers were amazing, adding to the intense build up of the curtain dropping any minute now. You feel almost more nervous now than you did the first time around, but this time it’s a different breed.
When the curtain finally falls and the shrieks of the girls around you dampen your senses, he’s right where he’s supposed to be and instant relief washes over you. Chest puffed out, wide stance, head held high, utterly ecstatic. You can trace his eyes scanning the audience, taking in the sheer mass of the crowd and every face that he can make out. Until they land on you. It’s subtle, but you can tell he wasn’t expecting to see you there, cheering for him as he so deserves.
“Give me my money’s worth, baby!” you don’t care if he can hear you or not, you’re not even sure of the words that spewed out. Everybody knows the most unhinged thoughts sometimes slip in the presence of these men anyway.
He lingers on you with the smuggest expression, a hint of deviance mixed in as well, and licks his lips before diving into the lyrics of their first song.
Yeah, he heard me, that little fucker.
Song after song you hype him up, screaming his name and blowing him kisses, singing along to every single word. Each and every time he lands in front of you he does something ridiculously out of pocket and slutty. Whether it be thrusting his hips, licking his lips, or growling into the damn microphone, he makes eye contact with you every single time.
Every. Single. Time. Without fail.
Oh my god. He’s actually taunting me…
“Who’s misbehaving now, Joshy!?” you scream when he lets a particularly moan-like cry sound out through the arena. It’s your last straw when he sticks his tongue out at you in response. All you can think about is how badly you want to see that tongue somewhere else, and how you want to make him pay for his actions when you finally can.
He’s incorrigible
As the end of Safari Song dawns you recognize the familiar rhythm that marks the beginning of Danny’s drum solo. A fluttering feeling returns to your chest with the realization, because the drum solo also happens to be when Josh rides the shoulders of a security guard to pass out roses.
When he reaches you, he places a rose purposefully in your hand and you try not to swoon when he winks at you from his high horse. He’ll be coming back around shortly to have some face-to-face time with his adoring fans, but with how hard he’s been throwing his sexuality around the stage for the whole world to see you quickly try to think of something that will make him swoon back.
Like a wave, the screaming and shuffling of young women starts to crawl back in your direction, and you’ve finally settled on your move as he appears in your line of sight once again. Instead of blindly reaching for him hoping for just a touch of attention like everyone else, you make eye contact with him as he approaches and hold out your hand open faced. He seems to think nothing of the out of the ordinary gesture and reaches out. In a split second, you fake him out as he’s about to grab your hand, surpassing his grasp to reach up as far as you can.
“Hi baby” is all you can think to say, but it’s more than enough. You can make out the words ‘Hi Peach’ move across his lips with no accompanying sound. Somewhere in the process he catches on and bends just slightly to close the gap for you, never once breaking the eye contact you’re trying so hard to hold. As you reach his face you caress his cheek, using your thumb to slightly grace his bottom lip until he’s pulled out of range.
The exchange barely lasted more than a few heartbeats, but the impact is profound. You didn’t believe it was possible to actually see stars in someone’s eyes until the whole universe manifested in Josh’s. There’s remnants of a blush on the apples of his cheeks when he hops back on stage, and you do your best to vacate the butterflies from your stomach as the show carries on oblivious to your secret.
. . .
After the show ends and the house lights come up, you take your pictures and exchange socials with the girls around you that had bonded with you between sets. Then, once everything has substantially died down, you exchange quick glances at your friends before hopping over the barricade and flashing your security badges at the men who immediately try to stop you.
It’s a funny feeling, floating around backstage aimlessly. You eventually are able to latch onto the sound of Trevor’s voice and follow it until you see the boys huddled around talking, already changed out of their concert attire. Sam and Jake notice you before he does, but you tap Josh on the shoulder anyway. When he turns he smiles like the sunshine boy he is, rushes to you without hesitation and wraps his arms around you, picks you up, and spins you around like you’re old friends in an airport who haven’t seen each other in years.
“Holyyy shit, Peach! Did you get your money’s worth?” he cries gleefully as he sets you down and squishes your cheeks between his palms, knocking loose a few rhinestones you had placed there.
“And more! You acted like a proper slut out there!”
“Thank you, thank you, I try my best. I didn’t expect you to be right in front! You almost had me for a minute there, mama.”
“Yeah, well you deserved it.”
“Ahem,” Jake slaps a hand down on Josh’s shoulder and turns his attention to you. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything. Dear brother, why don’t you introduce us to your friend?”
You take matters into your own hands and thrust yours out to him, which he shakes warmly smiling a devilish grin to match. “Hello Jacob, I’m y/n.”
“Ahhh so this is the dreamboat that kept you so preoccupied last night!?” Sam interjects, pulling you away from the twins and into a hug that you were not prepared for but accept happily anyway.
“Hi Sammy, sorry for keeping him from his important frontman duties.”
“Well shit, he’s not that important.” he laughs, jabbing a playful shove at his eldest brother's shoulder, prompting a scuffle to ensue that you carefully step away from. In taking a step back you bump into Danny, who was standing off to the side with his arms crossed watching the encounter unfold.
“Oops, sorry.” he catches and steadies you, keeping you from taking a tumble when you try to correct yourself but instead misstep.
I just cannot stop being clumsy for two seconds, can I?
“You sweet, sweet angel. You never have to apologize to me Danny,” already being in close proximity, you wrap him in the biggest hug you can manage. “That was my bad anyway.”
“Oh, wow. You’re so sweet, it’s so nice to meet you.”
“Ditto, my friend.” you try not to think about how that was the best hug anyone has ever given you.
You introduce your friends to the rest of the band one at a time and return to Josh’s side, allowing everyone to get their hugs in, some lingering a bit longer than they should. Everyone mingles with each other discussing the events of the night, laughing about things that were thrown on stage and signs that were made until you notice Josh’s arm snaking its way around your waist to pull you flush against him.
“Do you wanna get out of here?” he whispers in your ear, “To the hotel this time?”
If smiles were contagious the one that splits your face in that moment would have everyone infected.
“Love to.” you nod to emphasize your point then turn to say your goodbyes to Quinn and Nina, who are probably just fine being left in their present company. The last thing you need is a thousand missed texts and calls from them if you were to just disappear into the night. Josh does no such thing and makes his move to whisk you away rather hastily.
Trevor, who was standing close by, escorts the two of you outside, blocking you from the view of a small huddle of girls waiting for a glimpse of the boys. You must have stood around talking for too long based on how many of them have accumulated. You make your way to a blacked out car waiting with a driver ready to go, and slide in as quickly as possible. It’s a short drive to the hotel but Josh insists on taking a moment to pick a song for the journey before taking off.
“Come on, Joshua” you roll your eyes playfully as he scrolls through an endless playlist.  
“Shut up and hear me out, okay? The song choice is important!”
The first couple notes of Your Love play through the speakers, but he turns to you slowly to see your reaction like he just told you he knows your deepest darkest secrets.
“I thought you guys were supposed to have pretentious music taste?” you tease. 
“What?! You don’t like this song? Who doesn’t like this song?!”
He breaks into song in the middle of the lyrics at the top of his lungs just for you, clearly to annoy you, but little does he know that everything he’s ever done is endearing beyond comprehension.  You might have even been disappointed if he didn’t pull something that gave you just a tinge of secondhand embarrassment.  His charisma and silliness are becoming and the way he’s singing, waiting for you to give in and humor him has you jumping in at the chorus, matching his energy.  It’s the power ballad to end all power ballads.
I’m singing with Josh Kiszka.  Josh is singing to me.  What the fuck is my life becoming? 
As the music fades out of the chorus and you’re left giggling at the antics, you look out your open window to feel the wind on your face and revel in the ambiance of the next song paired with passing street lights against a black sky.  If you were paying attention you’d see Josh’s stare never left you.  He’s watching you, fawning over you, taken by your beauty as you admire the night.
. . .
Josh lets you into the room first to venture in on your own, you look around briefly at nothing in particular until you hear the door close and lock. When he doesn’t immediately come to you, you turn to catch him subtly admiring you. He meets your gaze and reaches a hand out to you, his eyes are soft but set ablaze with determination.
“I don’t think you know how magnetic you are.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” You take his hand, and once they’ve met he pulls you towards him, only to be turned and pressed against the wall at your back. He kisses you passionately just like earlier, you can feel the adrenaline thumping his heart against his ribcage so hard you think you could see it beneath his supple skin if you weren’t so occupied.
He grabs your ass with both hands and slides them down the backs of your thighs, guiding each one with an effortless lift to rest around his waist. You didn’t expect him to be so strong, but he cradles you with such care despite how ravenously his mouth moves down your chin to lap at your throat. In the darkest depths of your mind, you wish he would take a bite.
You grind your hips against the nearest thing you can, which happens to be his stomach, it heaves at the motion causing you to groan. Every little move you make elicits a clear visceral reaction, making the pit in your stomach tunnel deeper by the minute.
You want to tell him to tear you apart.  You want to tell him to bury himself inside you and stay there until he’s contemplated his own existence, twice.  All that you’re able to form into a coherent thought is “Joshy, more…” 
“Making demands already?” he mumbles into the crook of your neck.
You take no notice of his taunt and start pulling at his clothes blindly, making no real progress towards getting them off, to his amusement. An unmistakable poke makes itself known against your panties, which happen to be exposed to the air by the shortness of your skirt in your current position.
“Don’t ignore me, princess.” he runs his teeth along your collarbone as he digs into the meat of your thigh with his fingers, and a tortured moan vibrates out of you in return. “What do you say when you want something?”
“Please!” you practically scream “Dear God, please. Please just fuck me already!” The last of your self respect flies out the window, but to be fair it’s mostly been absent since he stepped out on stage to fuck the entire stadium.
One of his hands leaves your body, awkwardly and desperately reaching to unbuckle his pants, your faces pressed together cheek to cheek. You hold onto his shoulders on instinct to keep from falling to the floor, though he has you pinned so tightly between the wall and his own body you could let go of him entirely and remain in place. Your cunt pulses in anticipation when he ruts his freed cock against the thin material covering you. The wetness of your panties must be ridiculous, as the shaky breath coming from him feels beyond depraved.
“Y/n, oh my.. Fuck.” he slides it against the material once more while holding you still, using you in a sense, taking what he needs, and you wait patiently while he does.
Because that’s what good girls do.
He praises you while he reaches to pull your panties to the side and nuzzles his tip against your entrance. His head rolls back when he thrusts inside, leaving you huffing quick and shallow breaths against his ear, wisps of his hair tickling your nose as they’re blown around. He hums a sound of delight and settles into a comfortable yet delicious rhythm of bucking his hips up to meet your core.
“Who’s good girl are you? Say it.” he sounds like he might be close to his climax, so you humor him and fist your hand into his hair just how he likes it.
“I’m yours, Josh. I’m your good girl.”
I belong to you.  I always will.
He whines at your response and his pace changes, speeding up but stuttering. He claws at your delicate top, tearing it at the neckline to rip down the middle, exposing your bouncing breasts to him in a way that would ignite the most perverted parts of any man’s brain.
“Are you gonna cum in me, baby?” you tighten your walls around him, approaching your own feeling of ecstasy.
He just nods fervently and adjusts his grip on your ass, his fingers wandering as far as they can to grab a handful until they’re almost touching in the middle. You’re not sure what you were expecting, but it wasn’t for him to use his grip to spread your cheeks, parting your folds to allow him an unobstructed reach into your depths. “I can’t fucking wait, I’m gonna…” he strains to speak, fucking into you to the hilt as he twitches inside you and cum overflows from your meeting point as he completely loses himself in you.
Carefully, he steps back with you still in his arms, retreating to take a seat on the edge of the bed. Still straddling him, you settle onto his cock which has yet to soften.
“I’m sorry, Peach. I got too excited.” his head rests on your shoulder as he catches his breath.
“No, don’t be sorry. I wanted you to cum, it feels good.”
“You can feel it?” the genuine surprise on his face when he looks up at you in pleased shock makes you giggle, and the sight of your delight makes him laugh along with you as he moves his hands to rub little circles over your hardened nipples.
“Yeah I can, I feel it right here… deep inside.” you place one finger between his hips in the center of his abdomen and press down, making him giggle uncontrollably and lurch to swat at your hand.
“No no no no, I’m ticklish!”
You hold your hands up in surrender, and after the laughing subsides, he lays back on the bed, sprawling out under your weight. “Well, I’m not gonna let you leave empty handed. Get up here.” he gestures for you to follow him by curling his finger at you and licks his lips.
You slide him out of you and shift your weight to move up his body until his head is between your legs.
“Other way, mama. Turn around.” you quirk an eyebrow at him but do as he says, carefully avoiding kneeing him in the face as you turn to face his feet. As you get into position, he rests his hands on the tops of your legs. “All the way down.”
You resist the urge to laugh. “I’ll crush you.”
“No you won’t, it’s ‘kay, I got you.” he wraps his arms all the way around your legs and lowers you until his extended tongue makes contact. Immediately he goes for the motions that spark pleasure in you the most, it makes you suspect that he’s learning your body quicker than any mediocre fuckboy ever has.
How his cock is still hard as a rock is beyond you, seemingly impossible, but makes for something to keep your hands busy with while he eats you like a last meal.  You’ve spent an unreasonable amount of time on your own imagining what his cock looks like, having access to it this way feels like such a privilege.  
Taking him in your hand, you lazily work your fist over him and lean just enough to leave kitten licks on the head of his cock, teasing it and coaxing flustered noises out of him that reverberate through your whole body. You rotate your hips the slightest bit, adjusting his position without breaking his concentration as he consumes you, sucking up the juices that leak out and lapping at your clit every time you let out a broken sigh.
“Josh.. don’t stop.”. That familiar building feeling begins its ascent when he sucks your clit into his mouth, leaving you mewling as you suckle on him helplessly.
Light muffled moans just cascade out of his chest with little words of affirmation peppered in, you swear you think you heard him say ‘so perfect’ under his breath, but you can’t be sure of his incoherent ramblings. After a few moments of enjoying the perfect pressure on your most sensitive parts, you let your orgasm wash over you, and you cum on his tongue that’s ventured back to your opening to dip inside and scoop out the spoils of his efforts. You almost stop him when he continues backward to spread your own cum around your other entrance, but the warm sticky feeling he swirls around with long languid strokes paralyzes you into a fucked out stupor.
“Feel better?” he sprinkles little kisses across your thighs, craning his neck to leave more and more as you swing your leg over to relieve him of his fleshy prison and collapse onto your back.
You manage a happy sounding ‘mmm’ when he climbs on top of you to kiss each of your cheeks and retreats to your side once you reciprocate with a peck on the tip of his nose and a smile. He relaxes into the bed with you, letting one hand fall into your hair, and you just lie together in your shared bliss.
. . .
You chat about nonsense for an unknown amount of time until the chill of the room forces you to finally stand up.
“Where are you going?”
“Just to the bathroom, gonna freshen up.” On the way there you grab your purse and your clothes, and thank your past self for having the foresight to pack a few toiletries in your bag the day before. As you’re about to close the door behind you, his voice stops you.
“Hey, Peach?”
“Yeah?” you poke your head back out into the room, he’s sitting up in bed and looking at you but you can’t quite place the look on his face.
“Will you… stay with me tonight? You can wear some of my clothes or I can grab some from Danny…” the concern in his voice could melt you, but you can’t tell if he’s scared of asking the question or what the answer might be. In a weird way though, it’s the cutest thing you’ve ever heard.
Be still my heart, he’s down bad. 
“Oh, sweet boy. Without question.”
. . .
Josh has to be the handsiest person you’ve ever met. Not that you’re complaining. As you climb back into bed with him he executes no self-control and pulls you into his lap by your waist. If you’re being honest though, you’d let him manhandle you when and where he pleases. Especially now, when he seems unmotivated by sex and just holds you close, but still intimate since you’ve both opted out of pajamas for the night.
You’re absentmindedly wrapping his curly locks around your fingers in the comfortable stillness of his hotel room, surrounded by smoke from the joint he lit up, and listening to him tell you all about life on the road. A quick prompt of ‘what’s the next city on the roster?’ launched a rant that you have no plans on stopping. You really should be sleeping but to silence his perfect lips would be a crime.
Except for…
“Josh?” you accidentally interrupt at the arrival of an intrusive thought.
“Yes, sweetness?”
“When you said earlier that Im not part of the general population anymore, what did you mean?”
“I don’t know. I’m kind of… infatuated with you.”
Infatuated with me? Why?
He reads the puzzled look on your face and continues.
“The way you speak about things and carry yourself. I can tell you’re special. Not only that, but from the first time I saw you I was drawn to you. It’s almost like the universe brought you to my feet. Your face was all tear-stained and your eyes were puffy but you stopped and saw me, you really saw me. I thought ‘this girl is looking into my soul’. ” too stunned to speak, you stay silent and let him carry on. “Ever since then you’ve just kept on astounding me. So when I said that I guess it was me letting you know I want you around, I want you with me.”
Holy shit. What?
. . . . . . .
thank you for reading
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astrowaffles · 10 months
34 headcanons for 34 years
gojo is so fucking old you guys
Megumi taught Gojo swear words, not the other way round. Gojo had a very posh sheltered childhood while Megumi practically grew up on the streets, after all
Gojo & Shoko had a 'if we're still single at 30, let's hunt each other for sport' pact, which lead to him having a panic attack when Shoko gifted him a knife for his 30th birthday. She gave him it on purpose
Nanami once tried to teach Gojo to cook, only to give up 2 minutes in as Gojo tried to explode the oven with his mind (he nearly managed it)
Gojo HAS to match pyjamas with someone over Christmas. It's like a need. It's usually Megumi, but in the past he's roped in Shoko, Geto, Haibara, Utahime, Inumaki, Panda, and even Yaga. This year it's gonna be all the first & second years in a HUGE pyjama party
Shoko once got him in a headlock and nearly killed him. Since then, Gojo has never trusted infinity properly
Gojo likes to act like Itadori is his biological son who he birthed. It's gone so far that Itadori is actually questioning if it's actually true
Nobara spends so much of Gojo's money that he opened a separate bank account for her so she has pocket money
The other kids do get pocket money, but it's like 50p a week
In his free time, Gojo hangs out with Shoko. Yeah, in her lab. He likes to sit on the dissecting table and swing his legs like a little kid
Every year, Shoko makes Gojo a paper crown to wear on his birthday and then rips it up at the end of the day. she uses the shreds to help pack next year's present
Gojo's favourite story is peter pan. He was once given tickets to see it on stage and he literally burst out crying and didn't stop for a week
Gojo refuses to celebrate his birthday until his birth hour, 7am. However, he insists on a separate marking of the occasion for 7am in every time zone. Nearly every hour on his birthday requires a party popper and lots of screaming
If it snows on his birthday he will lie in the snow for hours on end, and then complain that he's cold like it isn't literally his fault
Gets his nails done every valentine's day, and has since roped in literally everyone to this tradition so there's like a week where everyone has pink nails
Insists his eyelashes are naturally long and beautiful. Applies lash serum as often as physically possible without his eyelashes falling out
professional ice skater. professional everything, actually, but sometimes he pretends he isn't so someone else can have some time to shine
likes to listen to controversial (read: conservative and probably misogynistic) news channels. and then blow them up
wears high heels on completely random days
The first years once tried to prank him with a trip wire. Gojo, being the drama queen he is, just floated over it, but didn't insist they take the wire away. They found out why when they all tripped over it the next day, having forgotten it was there T-T
bought beanbags for Megumi's room, not because he particularly favours Megumi, but because the other first years like to hang out in there, so it's basically treated like a common room (he does favour Megumi tho)
Organised a brilliant Christmas play featuring him as Santa, the students as reindeer and Shoko as the special effects for the chimney
Insists on singing hymns every day in December, despite being as atheist as they come. he just likes the tunes
Likes to ruffle students' hair. This has given him five black eyes, nine stubbed toes and one broken pinky, but he still won't stop
Favourite number is 7, and favourite time of day is 12:03
"Favourite colour? I love all the colours! ... Did no-one tell you I'm a bit rainbow myself..?"
Has twelve instagram accounts that all list his job as "stay at home mom"
Terrified of dogs; Megumi found this out aged about 11, and has made very good (evil) use of it since
Clear phone case with an origami heart someone-or-other made him a long time ago; debating switching it to a polaroid Shoko took of them both losing at a bowling alley
Likes to think he keeps up with the times and is super young, when in reality he types with his index fingers, zooms in on everything, and has his brightness at 80% minimum
Claims he will never need glasses because of the Six Eyes. Holds books very close to his face because "all books nowadays are printed so blurrily"
Has heart shaped sunglasses for special occasions
Rizzes up cashiers in order to get a discount (he's a billionaire)
OBSESSED with making powerpoints about useless stuff. "assigning my friends as stationary :3" etc etc
Allergic to tinsel, or so he claims. Literally has tinselitis
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Cold feet
@tremendousmasculinity here is the ficlet for the prompt you suggested! It was so fun to write <3
I hope you can forgive my angsty fic transgressions now.
Prompt: wangxian in a band (with wen ning) and being nervous before a peformance, maybe? because i can see lwj being nervous but not showing it (of course) and wwx being the only one who notices and cuteness?
It's the band's first real concert - real as in, huge venue, thousands of attendees, sold out tickets, screaming fans, security and fancy backstage rooms - and Lan Wangji feels like the sky is just about to crash into him. Any moment now.
He has never sympathized with Wen Ning more than right now. He gets the man's anxiety on a very personal level at the moment and wants to apologize for the way he used to think him a bit of a coward.
Wen Ning is incredibly valid in his anxiety actually and Lan Wangji is going to have a huge basket of snacks and alcohol sent to him - because he gets it now. There is, in fact, a lot to be nervous about, there is a lot that could go wrong - and there are way too many people outside.
Wei Ying's just come back from having his hair and makeup done, and Lan Zhan would admire him more if he wasn't so busy trying to think himself out of a panic attack. There are thousands of people out there waiting to see them perform, if they mess up the tabloids are going to tear them to shreds, the band has only just debuted and if they flop then it's going to be near impossible to recover. What if something goes wrong with the sound or lighting or the special effects? What if he forgets the songs or his guitar breaks or something happens to Wei Ying or Wen Ning faints and-
He feels a gentle hand come to cup his right cheek, and Lan Wangji barely finds it in himself to look up towards the person it belongs to.
"Wei Ying..."
"Lan Zhan, you look... really scared right now."
"I am." he admits, and hates it, but if there's anyone he trusts, it's Wei Ying. Wei Ying loves him and understands him, and all Lan Zhan wants to do is hide away in his arms for the rest of forever.
Wei Ying tugs him down on the floor and Lan Zhan decides he is going to cuddle into Wei Ying's chest and pretend like the rest of the world doesn't exist. He closes his eyes too, and stays there, now hyper-aware of his rapid heartbeat and the fact that there doesn't seem to be enough air in the world to fill in his lungs.
"Let's breathe together for a moment, yeah?"
Wei Ying takes in a deep breath, his chest expanding with it, and Lan Zhan feels compelled to do the same, following the slow inhale and exhale until it's all he can focus on. He has to time himself to synchronize with Wei Ying and so his fears take second stage - and the world doesn't feel stuffy and ready to fall on his head anymore.
Wei Ying hands him a glass of water from a nearby table, and begins humming their song lowly, gently petting at his hair so as not to mess up the hairstylist's work.
"Better now?"
Lan Zhan nods, and sits up enough for Wei Ying to plant a soft kiss on his lips. "Okay, now, tell me what's wrong?"
"Everything is so... real. Overwhelming. There is a lot of pressure."
Wei Ying smiles, sympathetic. "I know. I'm nervous too, I was so jittery Wen Qing threatened to strap me to the makeup chair."
Lan Zhan tries imagining the scene but his mind doesn't provide something upsetting. Not at all, quite the opposite, in fact.
"Lan Zhan, focus. No horny thoughts before the show, we'll never make it out there if you let the horny thoughts win. We'll have to send Wen Ning in all by himself."
"He will handle, he is a good drummer. People like him."
Wei Ying laughs. "A little too much if you ask me." He helps Lan Zhan stand up and fixes his outfit. "But we're all in this together, we've all worked hard on this, it's not fair for only one person to go out there."
"Where is he anyway?" Lan Zhan asks. "Is he alright?"
"Yeah, Wen Qing gave him something and he's basically spiritually ascended."
"I don't know, she wouldn't tell me what."
Lan Zhan decides he doesn't actually want to know - and, in fact, he realizes he feels a lot lighter than before. His worries are a lot easier to bear when he shares them with someone else, with that certain someone else that has him feel like the world has meaning.
And perhaps he should let Wei Ying know.
He reaches into one of his pockets and finds the little velvet box he's been carrying around for the past week.
(The tabloids wax poetic about the romantic proposal between the guitarist and the lead singer of the up and coming band from the Yiling region for weeks.
Take that for a successful debut.)
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loracarol · 11 months
For all that I love Les Misérables (the musical), I've only seen it once on stage; when the local high school was performing it, and I was in elementary school/early middle school. (I don't know why my Mum took us to see it, but some things definitely went over my head lmao.)
So my brother got my Mum and I tickets to see the US tour, and holy shit. Holy. Shit.
Some of the things I enjoyed may be common to the play! Maybe I'm just out of the loop! But I still really liked them! (In no particular order.)
Nick Cartell and Preston Truman Boyd were really good as Jean Valjean and Javert, but I have to give a special shout out to Haley Dortch whose Fantine was exquisite and Randy Jeter who played the Bishop and whose breath control/ability to hold long notes I envy deeply.
Gavroche flipped Javert off at the barricades. 🤣
Is Grantaire caring for Gavroche a common theme in the musicals? Because in this one, Gavroche ran to give Grantaire a hug during one point at the barricades - I think after Eponine dies? And then Grantaire gave Gavroche his coat to sleep under. Later it's Grantaire who takes it the worst when Gavroche dies, and is the one to hold him and take him down from the barricade.
I have a confession… I don't actually know the difference between the different Les Amis. I know that they're popular, and I know some of their names, but I have to double check the lyrics to see who Grantaire was. >>; That being said, they're death scene was really amazing but also probably be very careful if you're sensitive to flashing lights. They had spotlights flash to represent the bullets as each Les Amis died and it was gorgeous and brutal.
Our barricade wasn't a turntable, but the sets in general were really cool. They had a projector screen on the back that they used to great effect, especially during the sewer scene and Javert's suicide.
THE RUNAWAY CART. I have no idea how they did that but it was so well done.
The Turning transition to Empty Chairs at Empty Tables and how each lady in Turning left a candle and then each dead Les Amis picked one up and toasted like it was a cup. Ugh. Gut punch.
The Thénardiers were terrible and hilarious as always. We were high up in the cheap seats, so I couldn't always tell what everyone was doing, but the Thénardiers were always so over the top that I could always tell what they were doing.
Diversity win, one of the worst characters in the musical made canonically bisexual (?) with the lines in Beggars at the Feast changed from, "This one's a queer \\ But what can you do?" to "This one's a queer \\ I might try it too." At which point M. Thenardier started dancing with the gentleman in question and dipped him.
I really could see why Marius would be clueless about Eponine's affections; every time he actually is interacting with her, she's either teasing/friendly bullying him (pick-pocketing his book then throwing it across the street), or helping him find another woman. It's only in her asides/inner monologue that she acknowledges it. It gave very, "boy pulling pigtails" vibes and I would understand why Marius wouldn't necessarily see it.
In general, Marius and Cosette were adorable. His "I'm doing everything all wrong" was pitch perfect and he had the audience laughing.
...I know that J/J (?) Valvert (?) is the most popular pairing, but honestly I came out of the first act wanting an AU where Fantine's illness is less deadly, and she ends up leaving w/ Valjean, and they figure the easiest way to hide is to get married and pretend to be a family; it hides Cosette's parentage, and gives them a cover in Paris; Javert is looking for Single Convict Jean Valjean, not Married Family Man Normal McLoving-Husband-and-Father. And later Javert can join in making them a weird poly trio, as a treat. (Not weird because they're poly; weird because Javert is Like That.)
(...Maybe in a modern AU where Javert gets some major therapy.)
(My first thought was fake-marriage AU where Valjean marries Fantine to get her on his health insurance and then I remembered that that's an American Problem Probably.)
(I'm not saying it would work for all versions of Valjean and Fantine, just in this one.)
The Bishop was with Fantine and Eponine in welcoming Valjean to heaven and that's when I started crying.
In the applause, all the child actors held hands with Valjean and did a bow with him & then he picked up the child!Cosette of the night and carried her. It was adorable. Everything about Valjean and child!Cosette was adorable.
In general everything with the children was so fucking cute.
I already loved the songs, but hearing them echo and reverb in the theater was amazing and I'm super jealous of people who can go on the reg. |D
Just. Ugh. It was so good. I didn't realize how much I missed live theater.
I even bought merch for the first time. 🤣(A keychain and some pins, nothing fancy admittedly.)
I wish every traveling group put out their own soundtrack. I want to listen to these guys 5ever.
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'“Why did this face come back?” Though that question is asked throughout “The Star Beast,” it goes unanswered thus far. But Doctor Who’s very fun, delightful, nostalgia-filled, cinematic, and, at times, funny first 60th anniversary special, featuring brilliant performances by David Tennant and Catherine Tate as The Doctor (yes, Fourteen feels very much like Ten) and Donna Noble again does solve one major problem.
At times, it feels like Tennant and Tate never left and The Doctor and Donna never parted — especially during a moment involving his sonic screwdriver (used in impressive ways). As Donna says near the end, “it’s like the old days.” But there’s the matter of aliens running around and, as The Doctor and Donna recap somewhat awkwardly for viewers to open the episode, the fact that she saved the universe by taking the power of a Time Lord into her mind, which resulted in her having to forget him and their travels together — or she’d die (“Journey’s End”).
Everything’s drawing them together in “The Star Beast,” starting with The Doctor going to help someone he sees carrying a tower of boxes only to realize it’s her (“Oi, do you mind?” she calls after him when he re-stacks the boxes and begins walking away). “What?” he asks (and it feels like this special was designed with making Tennant ask just that as many times as possible) when she then calls for Rose — her daughter (Yasmin Finney, who would be so much fun as a companion), not Billie Piper‘s character. Continuing the thread from their original run in Season 4, Donna completely misses the spaceship crashing because she’s turned away, dealing with the boxes. And in true Donna fashion, she leaves The Doctor with, “Nice to meet you, skinny man. Word of advice: You can wear a suit that tight up to the age of 35 — and no further.”
When Donna’s husband Shaun (Karl Collins) calls out to his family, The Doctor intercepts him and has the cab driver take him (“Allons-y!” — it had to happen) to the crash site. (“Catch up,” he tells the psychic paper identifying him as Grandmistress instead of Grandmaster.) He pretends to be a friend of Nerys (How is she? “She’s fine.” After the accident? “She’s not fine.” It was her fault. “She’s been fine.”) and learns that Donna gave away all the money she won with the lottery ticket The Doctor gave her (through her mother and grandfather) on the wedding day.
While sneaking around the steelworks factory where the spaceship crashed, The Doctor meets UNIT science officer Shirley (Ruth Madeley, who will hopefully recur going forward); she has figured out it actually landed, and he has determined there are two sets of visitors, at war. But, she wonders, why is he hiding? They’re on the same side. “It’s all a bit mad,” he admits. “I don’t know who I am anymore.” He looks like The Doctor. “Exactly, the one in a skinny suit. After that, I wear a bowtie. After that, I’m a Scotsman. After that, I’m a woman,” he explains, and that’s not his future. “I regenerated, and she became me.” What has him worried is Donna, “my best friend in the whole wide universe. I absolutely love her. Oh, do I say things like that now? … I won’t be the one who killed her.” And so of course, soon after, he encounters her again.
When The Doctor tags along with UNIT soldiers, he ends up on her block — just in time to hear her shouting about aliens (“We’ve got a bloody Martian in the shed!”). Rose stumbled across The Meep (voiced by Miriam Margolyes) and tried hiding the alien from her mother in her shed, with the toys she makes and sells online, but failed to do so. Despite the level of concern, it’s comical the way that Donna’s mother Sylvia (Jacqueline King), heeding The Doctor’s warning of what would happen if Donna remembered, tries to continue keeping her in the dark. There’s no such thing as spaceships in the sky. No, Donna doesn’t see The Meep clutching her leg. No, The Doctor — whom Sylvia hits — cannot come in, nor does Donna see him as she tries to hide him behind her.
Donna does wonder why The Doctor is so interested in them, and he doesn’t help matters by asking about her grandfather, Wilf (Bernard Cribbins). When she says he’s not with them anymore, The Doctor thinks he died. “Of course, he wasn’t young. I loved that man. I’m so sorry for your loss,” he offers his condolences, and we can’t help but think of their conversation about death in “The End of Time.” No, Wilf is still alive, in sheltered accommodation, paid for by UNIT’s Kate (Jemma Redgrave, who will appear in these specials). “I know her!” The Doctor exclaims.
He assures the family that he’ll help get The Meep — “My chosen pronoun is the definite article,” the alien says after Rose calls The Doctor out on assuming “he” — home. But soon after The Meep explains the Wrarth Warriors cultivated Meepkind for fur and slaughtered them, the house comes under attack — by the other aliens and UNIT soldiers who were hypnotized after opening the spaceship, fighting each other. The Doctor creates shields using his sonic screwdriver, which he hands to Donna at one point and she takes like the partners in crime they once were, and directs everyone upstairs. But after they crawl through adjacent attics and reach Shaun’s car, The Doctor realizes something’s off.
Away from the action, The Doctor dons a barrister’s wig (we were expecting all the nods we got to previous Doctor Who episodes, but not to Tennant’s role in The Escape Artist), intercepts the Wrarth Warriors’ teleport, and extracts the truth: They’re using stun guns and trying to capture The Meep, mutated into a cruel beast by a living sun gone mad, for despicable crimes. The Meep kills the Warriors and uses the hypnotized UNIT soldiers to take The Doctor (who uses the fact that he, too, has two hearts, as a strategy the alien should want to unpack) and the others as hostages.
On their way to the factory, The Doctor, while dodging questions about his identity, asks Donna why she gave away the lottery money. “Because there are places out there where people are in danger, in pain, in fear, and I could help. It just felt like the sort of thing he would do,” she says. And if that “he” has Sylvia worried, that’s nothing on when Donna, as Shirley helps the group escape (weapons in her wheelchair, of course) and sends The Doctor to stop The Meep and the family to safety, stays behind. “If The Doctor can’t save the city, we’re all going to die. I’ve got to help,” Donna says, and her mother realizes she called him by name.
To be fair, The Doctor does try to keep Donna out of it, even as they’re trapped on The Meep’s ship, the alien is destroying London (and about to kill everyone) to take off, and a glass door divides the room in half, so the Time Lord can only reach half the buttons to stop it. But then, with time running out, he tells her, “You and I can stop this ship, together, but it will kill you.” She agrees because not only is it Rose’s life in danger but also nine million people. “Who cares about me?” she asks. “I do!” he says. “I’m just no one,” Donna argues. “No, you are not!” The Doctor tells her before raging, devastated, “Why does it have to be this?” And with that, resigned, he activates the Time Lord part still in her.
Here is when Donna feels (and sounds) the most like Donna again (other than her reaction to teen boys being awful to her daughter), as she rants about giving away her money because of a subconscious part making her act like him while also saving London and stopping The Meep. But then, with seconds left to live, she collapses. Maybe his face came back “to say goodbye,” she suggests as she dies in his arms … or not? Just as The Meep’s soldiers are about to kill The Doctor (do what you want, he says, “you were beaten by The DoctorDonna!”), someone begins flipping switches, freeing UNIT: Rose!
The Doctor realizes that the metacrisis passed down to Rose, a shared inheritance, and she, too, was activated when Donna was. That’s why Rose chose the name she did. The shed was her memory of the TARDIS, and she remembered the creatures The Doctor and Donna met as toys. While they’re binary, Rose isn’t, because The Doctor is male and female and neither and more.
After that, it’s just a matter of Wrarth Warriors taking The Meep into custody, though the alien warns The Doctor before the transport, “I will escape and have my revenge, so you beware, Doctor. Because there’s one more thing. … A creature with two hearts is such a rare thing, just wait until I tell the boss.” And while the metacrisis in Donna and Rose is still troubling, they solve that problem themselves: by just letting it go. (“It’s a shame you’re not a woman anymore because she would’ve understood,” Donna comments, with Rose adding, it’s “something a male-presenting Time Lord will never understand.”)
Then it’s back to the TARDIS for The Doctor, and Donna refuses to let Rose see inside “because something will go wrong and you’ll end up on Mars with Chaucer and a robot shark.” The Doctor does convince Donna to come for one last trip, to see Wilf, now that she remembers. “It’s like the old days, just me and The Doctor, together,” Donna says, happy.
It’s once they’re inside that we see how the TARDIS has changed: sleek, shiny, with lots of ramps for The Doctor to run up and down, which he does, exclaiming, “This is amazing! You clever thing!” He’s delighted in a way he couldn’t have been until now, with Donna back. She, at first, complains it’s still nippy before conceding, “it’s gorgeous!” And it is! Still, she asks about his face coming back. “Does there have to be a reason?” he asks. “We’re stuck with it now.” (We know that’s not the case.)
“I really do remember… every second with you. I’m so glad you’re back because it killed me, Donna. It killed me, it killed me, it killed me,” The Doctor admits, giving her a cup of coffee. She doesn’t see why he can’t stop by to visit with her family after this trip because “you’ve been given a second chance. You could do things different this time, so why don’t you do something completely new and have some friends?” He’s non-committal in his answer. And then Donna, just as she wonders, “What’s going to go wrong?” spills her coffee on the TARDIS console. She did warn him that was how she lost her job… And so the TARDIS takes off, and they “could end up anywhere in time and space,” according to The Doctor.
Since The Doctor might not feel like saying it here, we will, because we can’t wait to see where they land: Allons-y!'
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needzamezuzah · 14 days
I have a question if you don't mind.
Can you keep Native status and move off the reservation?
Of course you don't have to answer this if you don't want to.
In Canada we don't, so I was curious about the US.
tl;dr It depends on which tribe and where you live :c The rest of this is mostly detailing how it works in the state of Oklahona.
I definitely have limited knowledge but I'll do my best. Down here we have a handful of tribes that are sovereign nations and have their own governments and the bigger tribes have their own police forces even (The Lighthorse). They keep a roster of tribal members which if you're not registered at birth you can join through tedious paper work and proving your ancestry. Here in Oklahoma we have 5 large tribes, and two smaller ones, that actually own most of the eastern part of the state, though their jurisdiction only extends to their tribal members. The entirety of our second biggest city sits right in the middle of the Creek, Cherokee, and Ossge territories. They do have reservations inside the territories which are completely owned and run by the tribal governments, but otherwise the federal government allows them to have huge swaths of land that they can give out to their members. A lot of my native friends ended up applying for their allotments and now have land and a house built on it completely free thanks to their tribe. It's wonderful, and considering the lowered life expectancy and higher rate of poverty and addiction for indigenous people (especially women), it's a god send for many families. All of the tribes here issue membership cards that function as an ID and even have their own license plates.
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This is one of the better recent maps I could find of the territories. The tribes in purple still do have quite a bit of land, just not enough to really show on the map with the others.
As far as outside Oklahoma I'm not entirely sure how it works but I imagine the fact that you are indigenous wouldn't matter so much off the res, or at least not as much as it does here as long as you're not still on their land. I think a few other states have a handful of tribes that have any sort of sovereignty (the Dakotas, New England, and New Mexico are coming to mind) but again they just don't own half of an entire state. If you're anywhere in Eastern or Southern Oklahoma outside of the reservations you're still on tribal land. It's just huge. We get a special exception because this is where they sent everyone that was left when they figured out genocide was probably a bad idea so we have treaties protecting the tribes and their members (not that they keep to half the shit anyway. The Cherokee tribe was supposed to have its own seat in Congress 200 years ago 🙃 It hasnt happened yet) The state does still ultimately have control over the land, unfortunately. It's kind of a half asked solution as far as everyone is concerned, but the tribal governments at least have some sort of recourse against the state government if there is something going on they don't like, although the state tries to change that every chance they get.
It still tickles me pink when someone from the one of the tribes takes the city of Tulsa to court over a speeding ticket and gets the case dismissed because the city doesn't have jurisdiction over tribe members :,)
And thanks for asking I love talking about it. I'll take any chance I have to rep my home state :) We still have a long long (long) way to go down here (in the US in general) especially for the smaller tribes. The system set up in Oklahoma is just a compromise so the government could pretend they gave the land back and feel good about doing something but still keep any meaningful rights to it. It lends a lot of power to the tribe members themselves to keep them from being victims of state violence, which is great, but could be so much better. We do have Buffalo ranches though and that's pretty damn cool.
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lifewiththelulus · 11 months
Omg Kindlin being the one to invite cirrus over this time.
Of course Cirrus is probably not expecting them to go all the way back to the bakery and for Kindlin to be like "here's my room you can sleep here with me" Kindlin is just trying to pretend like things are normal and have always been this way and deflects any questions about her Mom and what happened that she's moved out
She does seem genuinely happier though and the bakery isn't nearly as cold and quiet as her old house
Cirrus would be gitty to finally see Kin’s room. I think the first thing that would catch her eye would be her fox plush (just like the shirt she wore, she still loves foxes, must make a note of that)
She keeps her fox on her bed Cirrus is the only one she lets hold him other than Birch
Omg Kindlin waiting until it's dark out and taking her to sit outside on the roof and look at the lit up city in the distance
Cirrus loves seeing the city lights at night, often imagining that she would be living there in the future once she made it to Broadway.
Aw Them talking about their hopes and dreams while they're up there Everything is lighthearted and dreamy until Kindlin gently takes her hand and gives a half serious look "You'll still visit right? Even when you're a big movie star?"
"Of course. : ) "
Kindlin smiles softly and snuggles into her "Then I'll need to master cloud cakes for sure." She giggles and in a bold move intertwines their fingers. "You're… very special to me. I hope you know that. It would make me sad to see you go… but it would make me happy to know you're doing what you love." She wished her flames wouldn't make blushing so obvious
Cirrus sees her flame but thinks she's just embarrassed for getting emotional. "What about this! When I do become a star, I'll send you free tickets to every show I do, ooo, maybe I could hire you and Birch to do catering!"
Kindlin can't help but crack a big smile. "I would come to every single show regardless." She glanced away "You really do have a really beautiful voice."
Cirrus looked at her surprised. Kindlin was always sweet and gave compliments, and maybe it was just her, but that sounded a bit forward.
Cirrus: Your beautiful.
She said before she even realized what she was saying.
Kindlin's whole face turned a slight pink, and she started to smoke a little. She screamed at herself internally Say something back idiot! "I Love you." Not THAT!
Cirrus's head was spinning, like an airplane flying through a storm.
Did the girl she had been pining for for months really say that?!
Kindlin takes her silence the wrong way and let's go. "I-I'm so sorry, I don't know why- I didn't mean it like-" Kin scooted away and held herself. "I get it if you don't feel the same..you can literally have anyone, you're so pretty a-and good.." Kindlin felt so stupid for tearing up over something she already knew
Cirrus panicked trying to think of what to say or do to let her know she did feel the same. But was acting hysterical. And it looked like she was about to cry. Without thinking, she grabbed her shoulders and pulled her in for a chase kiss.
Kindlin was wide eyed at first, before melting into it and kissing her back eagerly. She reached up to hold Cirrus' cheeks as they kissed. She couldn't help it when her flames crackled anxiously yet excitedly.
After slowly pulling apart from the kiss, Kindlin stared off, then focused again on the girl in front of her "W-wow.. that was better than I imagined.." Kindlin snapped out of her trance. "Er uh-" Great real smooth
Cirrus knew she shouldn't tease her at a time like this but… "You imagined this before too?"
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kingofjohto · 2 years
HEADCANON TIME|| Will Byers X M!Reader & rest of party take part in the school musical
Also this takes place AFTER season 4 so SPOILERS. Also this takes place during the year after season 4, so let’s pretend this is a world where after season 4 they beat Vecna and everyone survives also Max wakes up and recovers! She’s still blind, and don’t ever expect me to write that out.
Note: I had to look up stuff for the DND reference so something with that could be incorrect but I still don’t know much about it, sorry!
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You were the first to notice the audition posters around the school and you immediately brought it up the next time the party got together
Almost everyone immediately shot down the idea, but after a while you were able to convince them to do SOMETHING
You were the only one to go for cast, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin all went for running crew, while Will and El both decided to help with costumes
After waiting a few weeks, the cast list finally came back, and you got the role of the prince! Everyone was happy for you, especially Will.
During rehearsals, they began fitting people for costumes, and of course, Will wanted to do yours. He wanted his Prince to look as best as possible.
You would go Over to the Byers house and practice your Lines with Will and El, and whenever El was busy you and Will would practice the romantic scenes.
You absolutely loved practicing your Lines with Will while he worked on his Costumes. He showed you all the different Costumes he had designed with El, but refused to show you your costume, because he wanted it to be a surprise
Eventually dress rehearsals started, and everyone had to get into costume. Will made you put on a blindfold and then helped you get into yours so it would be a surprise
When he took it off, the first thing you noticed was the crown. It was tall, and there was a large jewel in the center that crown, which was painted to look like an Aquamarine. The regal suit itself was a mix of lighter and darker shades of blue and black, with white undertones, and the cape itself was long, with a navy blue color and galaxy pattern weaving itself down, folding like a reflection. That’s when you noticed the pattern in the stars on the cape. It was Ursa Major.
You were enamored with the suit, and with Will as well. The reason the suit was special is because it was based on your DND character, a level 12 Water Genasi, known as the Son of Ursa Major, Caspain
Only the people in the party understood what the suit meant, Mike thought it was Sappy (Eleven quickly shut him up) and the rest of the party thought it was sweet.
When Lucas described the suit to Max she too agreed it was Sappy, but still pretty cute. She was really excited about the show and when tickets started selling she bought one for every show night.
Eventually those nights came. Everything was going well backstage, and all your lines were memorized thanks to your constant training with Will and El.
On the first night Max came, Nancy, Jonathan, Erica, and Steve all came along with her (Robin was in the pit orchestra because Vickie convinced her to join.) and Erica would describe everything that was going on in the scene while Max listened to dialogue (and would quickly silence anyone who dared to try and silence her)
The last 2 nights Max came, she didn’t need Erica. She already knew what was happening and she brought Lucas a single rose every time.
Each show got a huge round of applause at the end, by the last show almost all of Hawkins has seen it, and it was the best show they had put on in quite a while.
On the last night, after the curtains closed, you gave Will the deepest hug you’d given anyone. You had all put months of time into it, and it was so worth it. He also got you a huge bouquet of red roses, which you put in a vase in your room and smelled them every morning.
You got to keep the Crown from your costume, but you’d decided to give it to Will, and he kept it on his night stand next to his bed.
The first thing you all did once you got back together afterwards was start preparing for the next theater performance.
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nightlychaotic · 2 years
The Proposal Con
“So you know how they’re all booked for tonight’s tour?” Marinette asked, as the pair’s tacos arrived.
“Well, I have an idea. My friend, Alya, does this thing where she and her boyfriend, Nino, pretend to get engaged to get into places and get free stuff, and well…. I have a ring.”
“So you want to get engaged?”
“Just to get in. We can break up right after the tour.”
Dick laughed, grinning as he picked up his taco. “So what’s the plan?”
She shrugged. “We run in and act all excited that we just got engaged. They’ll have to let us in then.” 
“What if I proposed right there on the spot? Then they’ll have to believe it.”
“You don’t think they’ll take us at our word?”
“In Gotham? There'd be no way. We’re a jaded breed," he told her.  Marinette gave a small snort, turning pink at the small noise.
"However in New York City, we have a chance.”
"You think so?"
“Absolutely. How about this? I’ll go in and tell them I want to propose tonight. I’ll say we’ve been traveling and I wanted to book tickets in advance but I couldn’t. Tell them how special this place is to you and it’d mean the world if they could squeeze us in. If we’re lucky the desk clerk will be a romantic.”
“You don’t think that’s too much?”
“Not at all.”
“Well then,” she murmured, pulling off the delicate rose gold ring from her finger and holding it out to him. “What do you say we finish up here and do some quick practise of acting as a couple. He took it, taking care to pocket it somewhere it’d be safe with a grin. “Sounds like a plan.”
Couple Practice was- interesting to say the least. Marinette found herself struggling not to blush from time to time as they navigated the okays and things to avoid in their “relationship.” What kinds of small signs of intimacy were okay, what to stay away from, and currently, the art of hand holding.
“We should interlock fingers.”
“We should interlock our fingers,” Dick repeated, letting go of her hand, changing his grip so their fingers interlocked in the grip, as they walked. “Like this. It’s a more intimate hold.”
“This feel okay? Comfortable?”
“Perfect. It’s perfect. Fits like a glove.”
“Does it now?” Dick asked, glancing over with a grin, as Marinette blushed softly, turning her head.
“Yes. It does. Now I think it’s about time you try and see if we can get those tickets,” she told him, giving two soft quizzes before letting go of his hand as they stopped outside of a small fabric store across from the tour building.
“I’ll be right in here when you’re done,” she told him. “Good luck.”
“I’ve been blessed now. Our plan will be sure to succeed.”
She laughed, shaking her head as she disappeared into the fabric store with a grin.
“Hi,” Dick greeted, grinning. “I was wondering if you could help me out.”
“I can try. What can I do for you today, Sir?” the clerk, Cindy, according to her name tag, asked.
“I know you’re booked for tonight. And I know this is totally all my fault but I’m in town for the night with the woman I love. She’s across the street looking at fabrics. We just got back from visiting her family in Paris. And I want to propose to her tonight on the tour. I know it’s full. And this is all my fault. But I was wondering if there was any way you could make space for two more people?”
“Oh, that is so sweet of you! Let me grab my manager. She’s the one to ask about all this.”
“Thank you so much.”
“It’s no problem.”
Dick watched as she left, ducking into a back room for a minute before reappearing with a stern looking older woman.
“Here he is. He wants to propose on tonight’s tour before he and his girlfriend leave town.”
“I see. Well unfortunately the tour is fully booked. I’d be happy to put your name on the waitlist, but it is quite long already.”
“Isn’t there any way you could squeeze us in anyways? She’s been dying to come here since moving to the States, and it’s our anniversary of when we first met.”
“Oh please, Darlene. Can’t you make an exception just this once.”
“Rules are rules. And a soft story is not going to make an exception.”
“Oh she’d kill me if she knew I was about to do this,” he sighed, about to take a move out of Bruce’s book.
“And what is that?”
“How much extra would you want to squeeze two more people into tonight’s tour?”
“You can’t be serious.”
“A hundred each? One fifty?”
“I’m sorry? One fifty? As in one hundred and fifty dollars?”
“It’s only fair since I’m making a last minute request and it’d mean the world to me if you could get me in,” he told her, scribbling out a check for the promised amount. “Thank you so much. Truly. I appreciate it,” he said, smiling as he handed her the check. “6 o’clock?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“See you then.”
“Good luck tonight!”
“Thank you!”
Marinette was grinning, soaking up all the information the tour guide was offering
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng. You are one of my absolute best friends. I will never forget when I first met you 5 years ago today, in that alley in Gotham and you whipped me across the face with a plank of wood because you thought I was another mugger like the three you had already taken out.” Marinette felt the heat rush to her cheeks as he said that, a few soft chuckles echoing through the group as he continued. 
“Looking back on it- I think that was the moment I fell for you. Both literally and figuratively. You apologized so profoundly and then proceeded to do the same thing later that night, only reaffirming my feelings,” A soft laugh escaped as he mentioned that, only the second time had been in masks, and instead of a wooden plan it had been Lady Noire’s bo staff, her first night out. 
“Despite our rough start I found myself chasing after you, determined to get to know this fiery fashion designer from Paris who makes the best pastries I have ever tried. We have had our ups and downs. We have gone through thick and thin together. You are one of the most talented people I have ever known and you never fail to amaze me. From your designs, to your insane plans, to your baking. Everything you do you put your heart and soul into it and I can’t imagine not seeing everything you have yet to accomplish. And I can only hope you won’t ever run from me again as much as you did at the beginning, even though I know you enjoyed the game of cat and mouse. I love you. And it has taken me far too long to come to that realization. Marinette, will you do me the honor of being my partner? Will you marry me?”
Marinette nodded, taking a deep breath, cursing him silently for making her feel so emotional with a fake proposal, before giving a soft “yes” as he slid the ring on her finger before scoping her up in a hug and spinning her around. She laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“May I kiss you?” he whispered, as she rested her forehead against his.
“Someone’s committed.”
“I’m a performer through and through.”
She gave a small nod before meeting him half way, smiling into the kiss as he gently set her down. Finally noticing the applause of the other guests in the tour group. Several coming up to offer their congratulations and one of the workers, tears in her eyes, excitedly getting Dick’s number to send the video and pictures she took for him, saying how beautiful it was as Dick intertwined his hand with Marinette’s.
Leaving the tour was a whirlwind as the “couple” finally managed to escape, walking down the sidewalk hand in hand for a bit.
"Don't you think you were laying it on kind of heavy back there?"
"Not at all. I meant every word," he told her, she let go of his hand, freezing in the middle of the sidewalk as he continued on a few steps.
He stopped, turning to face her, a faint blush covering his cheeks.
“I meant every word I said in there, Mar. You’re amazing, and one of my best friends, and I love you. But I don’t want to risk losing you so you can just ignore-”
She didn’t give him the chance to finish before leaning up and kissing him for a moment before pulling away. “Don’t plan on my ignoring it, Songbird. Especially after that speech you gave back there, because .”
“So where does that leave us?” he asked.
“Well you did just propose to me….”
He grinned, taking her hand once more. “We’ll get you an actual ring tomorrow.”
“And tell our families as well?”
“Yours. I want to see how long it’ll take mine to figure it out.”
She laughed. “You’re joking.”
“You have to be curious.”
“Alright, alright I am.”
“I knew it.”
She laughed, giving him a small shoulder check, before resting her head on his shoulder. “Come on. Let’s get going. We have a long, traffic filled drive ahead of us.”
“After you, Love.”
“I can not call you that if you don’t like it.”
“No. It’s perfect, Darling. Now, really. Come on,” she said, pulling him along. He laughed as she did, the two of them wandering down the New York City sidewalks to begin their next adventure.
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bakhiu · 2 years
After Hours - Chapter 1
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Washing Station - 03/28/2022 - also available on A03
You work as Geto Suguru's personal hair stylist and get to travel the world with him to various photoshoots and events. After visiting your studio after hours, demanding a special deep conditioning treatment, you quickly learn that Suguru sees you more than just his personal hair stylist.
Being one of Geto Suguru’s personal hairstylists had its perks and downfalls. He gave you all the industry connections you could ever dream of, he helped you secure your own studio to take other clients during the little down time he had, and you got to travel all across the world with his team. The downfalls? Long, exhausting hours, high maintenance tendencies and his pickiness when it came to haircare products. At first it offended you that he didn’t trust your recommendations, but after learning the damage his hair went through with previous stylists, you understood. Suguru’s hair is his entire identity, whether he wants it to be or not, so it has to stay in pristine condition.
You decided to skip out on his photoshoot in London to attend a seminar on a new hair repair system that Suguru had shown interest in and he was the one that bought the ticket for you, which you had to remind him about the night before his flight.
“What do you mean you’re not coming?” Suguru questioned in a playful tone. “You’ve always loved London.” “You’re the one who bought me the ticket, Suguru.” You sighed as you closed your laptop shut. “You’re the one who wanted me to further develop my skills.”
Suguru let out a soft chuckle and reassured you that it was fine, and he was just giving you a hard time. The two of you chatted for a bit about his photoshoot, and if he trusted your assistant enough to complete the look. Suguru believed in your assistant, as the two of you attended cosmetology school together and always ran into each other at seminars and beauty events. You knew Akari could get the job done, but Suguru always preferred your hands in his hair, always humming in content and showering you with praises at your gentle yet intricate touch.
“It’s late, I should go to bed, and you should too.” You stated while stifling a yawn. “Good night, sweet dreams and don’t let anyone recruit you tomorrow.” Suguru replied before you gave an annoyed sigh and hung up the phone.
That was Suguru’s biggest fear: losing his best stylist. Akari believed that is why he showered you with so many gifts, favors, and tickets to seminars, to buy your loyalty, which you agreed with at first. However, Suguru has been acting different as of lately. He has been calling you almost every night, to talk about everything and nothing. He asks about your plans on your days off, especially during long periods of time between shoots, and tries to wiggle himself in your plans any chance he could.
He would show up to your studio with fresh flowers, saying that a studio with such beautiful windows and natural lighting should be filled with plants. If you had a male client, he would stick around and pretend to be busy responding to emails on your work computer, claiming that he forgot his at home. After the male client left, he would grumble that he was flirting with you. You didn’t think anything of it at first, thinking you two were just comfortable together, until what happened last week.
Suguru showed up to your studio, an armful of new products in his arms, demanding that you wash his hair.
“C’mon, it’s been so long since you gave me the full treatment.” Suguru whined, pushing the products towards you. “These aren’t for sale yet, c’mon don’t you want to try them?” “Fine, get in the chair.” You finally caved in, putting the products on your work station.
You started by taking his hair out of the signature bun he wore on his days off, raking your fingers through his inky strands gently before grabbing you brush. You slowly brushed his hair in sections, the way he preferred as it was the most relaxing. Suguru let out a small hum as you began to massage his scalp.
“Are you using the scalp scrubber I bought you?” you asked as Suguru leaned his head back to stare at you. “Yeah; I’m surprised it’s helping with my hair growth.” Suguru replied with a smile. “Although, you fingers definitely feel better.” “Too bad my nails can cause microtears on your scalp, which is not good for—” “Yes, yes, I know. Can you just indulge me this once?” Suguru grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on it. “Pretty please?”
You pulled you hand back slowly, cheeks flushing a bit at the sudden show of affection. Suguru was flirty, but never to this extent. You led him to the shampoo station and instructed him to lay back. The water slowly streamed out, waiting for the temperature to be just right before wetting Suguru’s hair.
“So, who was that guy you saw yesterday?” Suguru asked as you began to work the shampoo onto his scalp. “Oh, um, someone from cosmetology school. He helped me during the barber section because I just could not get men’s cuts down for some reason.” You began raking your nails gently up and down on Suguru’s scalp. “Is that why he brought you a gift?” Suguru looked up at you, trying to gauge your reaction. “Well…” you began before turning the water back on and rinsing the shampoo out of his hair slowly. “He might have asked me out.” “Oh?” Suguru’s eyebrows furrowed together. “And your response?”
You worked the conditioning treatment into Suguru’s hair before reaching for a clip to keep his hair in place while the treatment soaked. You bit your lower lip and glanced at Suguru’s face, noticing his slightly annoyed expression. Even in the hair washing station, he still looked incredibly handsome.
“I told him no, like all the other times.” You replied as you finished twisting Suguru’s hair and clipping it into place. Suguru grabbed your hand before you could walk away, yanking you towards him. You grabbed his thigh to steady yourself from falling, glancing up at him in annoyance. “Good, because I don’t know what I would do if another man got your attention.” Suguru’s hand gingerly found purchase on your waist as your eyes widened in confusion. “Suguru, if this is another joke of yours…” you began, avoiding eye contact as best as you could.
Suguru sat up in the chair, his hand grabbing your chin and forcing you to look deep into his eyes. A playful grin was spread across his face, leaving you questioning his intentions even more.
“I’m not joking, just sick of waiting for you to get the hint.” Suguru replied as he pulled you closer to him.
The blush across your face intensified as he guided you to straddle his lap. You placed your hands gingerly on his chest, feeling the defined muscles under his shirt. You finally mustered the courage to glance up at him, noticing a slight tint of red spread across his own cheeks.
“So?” he asked as he tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear. “So, what?” you replied, adjusting yourself on his lap. “Well, I don’t want to assume that you like me too just because you’re grinding on my lap.” Suguru laughed as he drummed his fingers on your waist. “I’m not—”
You began to argue back but Suguru roughly pushed your hips forward and then back, making you take notice of his growing bulge hidden in his pants. Your breath caught in your throat, eyes widened at the pool of wetness forming between your thighs. The sensation felt amazing and you thanked yourself for choosing to wear a skirt today. You slowly moved up and down his clothed length, glancing up for approval.
“Dirty girl,” Suguru whispered as he pulled you closer, his lips inches away from yours. “Do you do this with every client that gets a deep treatment?” “Shut up.” You retorted, grinding down harder and stifling a moan in the process. “What if I do? Whatcha gonna do about it?”
Before Suguru could respond, a sharp buzzer sound came from the front of your studio, followed by three quick knocks. You groaned in annoyance, knowing it was the product delivery that you forgot was scheduled for today. You tried to get up and get the door, but Suguru gripped your waist with more force. “Where do you think you’re going?” he demanded. “You have work to finish.”
You realized you were in bed, not in your studio, having a heated makeout and dry hump session with Suguru as the deep conditioner soaked into his inky black tresses. Eventually the delivery driver dropped the packages off by the door with a final loud knock, but you and Suguru were too engrossed in each other to notice. Your fingers slipped under your panties as you reimagined that scenario over again, wishing the two of you were able to explore more of each other before Suguru received a phone call from his agent. He ended up having to leave with damp hair but promised the two of you would continue where you left off another time.
As you slowly pumped your fingers in and out of your aching pussy, you wished Suguru was there with you, in you, on top of you, making you pant and groan like you know he would. It was no secret that he knew his way around the body; he would tell you stories of past partners that would make your skin crawl at first, but now it made your toes curl in anticipation. The rest of the week, Suguru talked to you like nothing happened at your studio, but every now and then he would place his hand on the small of your back or give you a kiss on the cheek before he left for the day. Did he want to continue where you left off? He didn’t seem as eager as you were, but you’d be damned if you showed it. You eventually finished yourself off, a mediocre orgasm, but made a promise to yourself that your next one would be better because Suguru would be the one making you cum.
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dancingamongstdust · 3 years
sdc group when their partner sneakily joins their Egypt mission? And they only find out when it's too late for them to return?hcs pls?
Yes! My first Jojo's request! Hopefully I get more of these in the future because I love this show.
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· You didn’t even make it onto the first plane before you sensed Jotaro’ large presence standing behind you.
· You turned around with a big smile and tried to pretend that it was a complete coincidence to see him there. He just stared while you slowly made your way through the boarding terminal with your ticket out.
· His plan was to send you home the moment that you next landed.
· The fight with Tower of Gray caused a problem with that plan though the stand itself had little effect on your trip. You only noticed when the group went bustling towards the cockpit, their tones betraying the importance of what was happening.
· You had ventured over and asked about the situation.
· The majority of the group had attempted to usher you out and Jotaro didn’t even respond. Still, Star Platinum kept you safe when the plane hit the water and you were practically carried into the lifeboat with the rest of the group.
· Your comment about the trip being more hazardous than expected earned you a glare.
· The rest of the group didn’t realise anything was special about you until you all arrived in Hong Kong officially and Jotaro led you alongside them to the hotel.
· Details about your relationship with him were quickly brought up after that though he seemed content to mostly ignore everything that was said. You found yourself enjoying the conversation with Joseph though he too felt that the trip was too dangerous for you to be on.
· Jotaro didn’t share a room with you in the hotel, instead having his grandfather get you one that was next door to his.
· Before he could disappear after making sure you were safe, you quickly apologised and asked if he was upset. He was always quiet but there was a heaviness to the air that made you feel as though you’d upset him.
· He told you that you hadn’t and that was the last of that.
· You missed your flight the next day when it became clear that Dio hadn’t sent just one person after the group. Star Platinum’s tendency to hover in front of you (whether you could or couldn’t see him) made it clear that you weren’t to be put in danger.
· Jotaro thought it would make you an easy target to send you back alone after you had been seen with the group.
· He was right and you quickly found yourself an occasional target for those who didn’t know any better. They never injured you badly but scratches and bruises became expected as you continued on the journey.
· Jotaro wasn’t affectionate normally but his coldness built up until one day, you asked if he resented you being there and apologised for your brash actions. You had no idea that the things they were involved in broke the lines of reality and fiction.
· He stared at you for a bit before sighing and wrapping one arm around you.
· That was all that you needed to fling your arms around his middle and squeeze him as tight as you could.
· He didn’t need to say it for you to understand that he didn’t hold it against you. Despite the constant danger that you were in, he had found himself calmer about the situation thanks to your presence. It would have been a much harder trip without you being there.
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· Kakyoin thought he saw you several times but brushed it off as wishful thinking until toward the end of their Singapore stay.
· You were remarkably good at remaining undetected but more and more creepy things were happening, and it made you want to be closer to the group. It felt like the better option if you were putting yourself in danger anyway.
· There was a moment of silence when you made eye contact – your attempts at sneaking around now thwarted.
· So you raised your hand and waved.
· Kakyoin wasn’t sure what to think. For a second, he was sure that he was imagining it but your reaction to his unexpected departure had been suspicious in hindsight. You had gone from being devastated that he was just leaving without warning, to supportive about whatever he had to do.
· And this would be why.
· You made a joke about being mildly codependent when you sat down next to him, awkward and unsure of how he would react to you being there. It was followed by a question about his sun tanning wear that made him chuckle.
· Somehow, he wasn’t overheating in his uniform even though you were dying in just casual summer clothes.
· You apologised for not telling him that you were coming but pointed out how weird he’d been acting for the past few months. Sure, he had gone back to normal afterwards but you were worried. Especially because you knew fully about the slightly weirder aspect of his life.
· Whether you could see him or not, you felt Hierophant Green appear at the mention. He wrapped around your waist as usual. Close even when Kakyoin couldn’t be.
· As if to prove your worries correct, the first thing you found out after spending a day at the pool (pretending that you were just a couple on a regular vacation) was that an imposter had been walking around as Kakyoin.
· The others weren’t entirely on board with your presence and Kakyoin wasn’t happy with the amount of danger you were in.
· Several times he attempted to convince you that it would be safer elsewhere. He even asked Joseph to get you a plane ticket home at one point but each time you would see or experience something that added to your worries.
· The only way you were going home was if he was with you.
· You managed to remain mostly out of danger despite everything. The main threat you faced came in the form of Death 13 who quickly found a way to manipulate your cares for Kakyoin.
· After the first nightmare, you had started staying up later to make sure he was okay before going to sleep – thwarting the stand’s plans in a substantial way.
· When he nearly lost his eyesight, you didn’t sleep for days on end. You sat alongside the bed and waited for him to recover. Often, you’d think you should call somebody back home to let them know what was happening but he always asked you not to.
· While he was recovering, he asked you again to go home. The trip had almost doubled in danger and he didn’t trust Hierophant to be able to protect you fully.
· You refused once more and reiterated that you had come this far.
· You weren’t going to be going back without him at your side.
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· Yeah, Polnareff wouldn’t have noticed you were following at all if it hadn’t been for Jotaro.
· It was shortly after they had arrived in Varanashi and you had accidentally drawn attention to yourself by laughing at Polanareff’s attempts at flirting with Nena. Though he himself hadn’t noticed that you were there, Jotaro had and he quickly come to the conclusion of having seen you before.
· You had made eye contact with him and quickly realised that continuing to hide was going to turn dangerous.
· So you waltzed over to your very distracted partner and draped yourself over his shoulders, playing with the earring and smugly smirking at whomever he had been flirting with.
· He was a flirt, that part you had never minded, but it was always satisfying to show off that he wasn’t truly available.
· Not having expected your sudden appearance, Polnareff had almost fallen over in his scramble to get away from you. After the shock subsided however, he had gasped and swept you into the air with an excited greeting and a seemingly endless stream of French.
· After you were put down, he rapidly introduced you to the rest of the group before realising that you weren’t meant to be there.
· You gave Jotaro an apologetic smile and mentioned that you hadn’t meant to cause trouble with your following.
· He had rolled his eyes and gone back to staring at nothing so you had to assume it was all fine now that you had shown you weren’t an enemy.
· Polnareff on the other hand had begun interrogating you to find out exactly why you had been in India when he remembered saying goodbye to you in France. Though admittedly, that memory was hazy due to the fleshbud having been in effect during time.
· When you explained his suspicious behavior was why you had followed in the first place, he gathered you close and squeezed you as tightly as possible.
· Your unexpected appearance came at the right time. After the bittersweet experience with the Hanged Man, Polnareff had been struggling and you acted as the best possible solution.
· You are a distraction, that much quickly becomes obvious, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing.
· Unfortunately, you did end up getting injured quite frequently while you were with the group but never once did Polnareff mention sending you home. You were never hurt in a way that would leave more than a small scar.
· The others did suggest it once but Polnareff had instantly shut that down.
· He could make sure you were safe. Why wouldn’t he want you with him at all times?
· You got quite a bit of attention during the trip, primarily from other men who all took great interest in you. It was entertaining to see the contrast between your casual attraction of attention and Polnareff’s active seeking of it.
· The only time either of you got actually jealous during the trip was of Iggy who had quickly realised how to exploit both of you.
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· Surprisingly, you managed to follow the group all the way to Singapore before you were spotted by Avdol.
· You could have made it further still without notice but you had been so worried when their ship didn’t arrive in time that you just ran into Avdol the next time you saw him, hugging him as though he was going to slip from your fingers and never return again.
· Avdol was confused though he held it in well enough, just stroking your hair and reassuring you that he was alright.
· After you had calmed and pulled away, he touched your cheek before asking what you were doing there.
· You just shrugged and he sighed.
· Introductions happened then and you made an incredible impression on the rest of the group. Apparently Avdol had been sending you updates about his trip but due to your following, nothing had gotten through and you had to be caught up with everything they had learned.
· Stands were far from a foreign concept to you but you found yourself fascinated by the newer ones.
· Magician’s Red came out shortly after you had examined Silver Chariot closely – betraying Avdol’s otherwise well-hidden jealousy. He simply smiled and winked when you had given him a look because of it.
· He knew their trip would be difficult but Avdol couldn’t bring himself to send you home.
· You had spent such little time together since his first encounter with Dio (him having to flee Egypt shortly after) and he genuinely missed you more than he cared to admit. Additionally, Avdol was very certain that their group could protect you with the combination of knowledge and power they had.
· Avdol kept you well protected while you travelled. Nobody suspicious even got close to you while you were near him.
· He guided you away from dangerous situations with a hand around your waist and a smile on his face. You never even knew there was a problem. Those who got too close quickly found themselves at the mercy of Magician’s Red.
· Even if you couldn’t see his stand, the warmth of its presence would quickly alert you to its appearance. If you could see it though, Avdol would find it harder to brush off things as ‘precaution’ though he would still try.
· After his initial encounter with Hol Horse, you felt your entire world shatter around you.
· That was the end of your journey with the Crusaders as, after he was stabilized, you refused to leave Avdol’s side. You tended to him as best as you could while secretly hoping that he wouldn’t rejoin their quest after this injury.
· But as he recovered you realised that wouldn’t be an option.
· You volunteered to come with him again. Though you hadn’t been much help on the earlier parts of the journey, he was still injured and could probably use your assistance.
· The incident had been frightening to both of you however and when he next left, you weren’t with him. Before he left, you clutched at his clothing in a silent plead for him to stay.
· After the submarine disappeared beneath the waves, you sat down on the beach and just stared at the ocean for hours to come.
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· You got to India before he noticed you and it was a complete accident.
· There was a problem with your hotel booking so you had to remain in the lobby for longer than anticipated – a hand propped on your hip and a bored expression on your face. You hadn’t anticipated that the group would make their way downstairs again, a problem with some missing room service.
· Honestly, he really should have noticed sooner given that the additional charges were coming from his account.
· To the others, nothing was wrong. Joseph just kind of stopped walking and you offered a simple smile in hopes that neither of your covers would be blown.
· He didn’t allow that to last.
· His shout of confusion made everybody jump and you turned around sheepishly. There were a few seconds while the rest of the group realised that you were the source of the commotion so you volunteered your information.
· You had been worried after Joseph’s stand developed (having been there when it happened) and you realised something dangerous was going on. While you weren’t planning on getting involved, surely it couldn’t help to at least know what was happening. From his stories, he didn’t exactly live the quiet life.
· Avdol – having met you before – had a feeling that you were trailing him and is pleasantly surprised to be proved correct.
· Joseph was irritated and worried and happy all at once which resulted in a half-hearted but very loud complaint about why you couldn’t understand what the word ‘dangerous’ means.
· He immediately demanded that you take the first plane home and you very simply responded with ‘no’.
· This resulted in a pretty one-sided argument where he continuously tried to urge you to stop being stubborn and just get back to safety. Your response remained the same to pretty much everything until eventually you just smiled and said that it was good to see him.
· That flustered him enough to cut off his tirade.
· A small silence was broken by the return of the hotel receptionist who couldn’t find a spare room to make up for the booking not coming through on their system. She began apologising when Joseph cut her off.
· It didn’t matter, you would be staying with him either way.
· Avdol sighed and commented something about having to change rooms when the question was finally asked by a very irate Jotaro.
· Who the fuck were you?
· There was a great deal of awkward stammering from Joseph before he eventually settled on saying that you were his assistant. You raised an eyebrow at that but went along with it.
· Though it was obvious that nobody believed it, the matter of your identity wasn’t pushed any further.
· You stuck around after that, mostly remaining at the hotel, and occasionally getting slightly hurt. Joseph made very sure that you remained far from any potential stands and you really didn’t mind that all too much.
· A rule was quickly made to make sure you weren’t ever left alone but that was just fine. You ended up dragging Joseph into too many stores, him complaining about it all the while, until you both left with at least one bag each.
· Jotaro didn’t warm up to you for a long time and even then, it’s more tolerance than anything else.
· The trip didn’t leave you badly injured but it strengthened your relationship with Joseph more than you had ever expected.
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