Bad Cop's (and Good Cop's) Ask Blog
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 1 hour ago
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Reblogging this not because I feel this way myself, but to tell all of my wonderful followers that please, do not be afraid to message me or send me asks! I am very happy to talk with anyone. =) No hate will be thrown around here.
what I think will happen if I message my mutuals
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 3 hours ago
So…I received a compelling question around three days ago.
The question was posed by @ask-good-cop-bad-cop and @differentsublimephantom. It was a simple question, and one I realized I had never got around to answering: What does c!Avi look like? So I resolved to fix that! c!Avi was modeled very closely, though not quite exactly to my appearance. c!Avi did start out as me sending Ki a de-aging M!a after all! She’s her own character, and as stated above she isn’t a one to one replica of me. For example, I’m not an orphan. But her appearance is similar enough to mine that if you wanna draw me you can use her as a reference! I’ll draw myself eventually (I hope). And I have another character in the works as well! Yall’ve already interacted with her actually! Doesn’t have a name yet though. Back to the point! Without further delay, this is c!Avi’s appearance!
c!Avi is 5’8 tall, and in her early twenties. Around 19-22. She has blue eyes with hints of green around the iris of her eyes. Her skin is white with a slight tan because Louisiana is a sunny state. Her skin is speckled with freckles, though especially on her shoulders, cheeks, and outer thighs. She has strawberry brunette hair, with it being more on the brown side but the red is clearly visible. Her hair is straight as a line though slightly frizzy and a little longer than shoulder length when down. She normally wears her hair in a low but tight ponytail, in a claw clip, or braided if she’s feeling pretty. Her ears are pierced, and she is often wearing either small hoops or dainty and small dangling earrings. She has a scar on her upper left arm from when Threes grazed her during the Void Incident. Her outfit really depends on the season and how I’m feeling, but she’s almost always wearing jeans. Jeans look good year round after all! And as a treat for those who read through this; here’s my attempt at drawing c!Avi!
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If you want me to clarify any doodles or zoom in on a specific doodle please ask in the comments! I’d love to talk about these! I hope yall like c!Avi now you can see her face!
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 13 hours ago
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That was kind of rude to offer and then not follow through... Can't help but wonder who it is he's avoiding.
□ yknow em never showef up actualy. yeah sure wgatever
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 15 hours ago
hi benny! how's spaceshipping going?
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Really good!! I finished up some blueprints and a scale model today, and did some repairs and updates on a few of our older spaceships. I think the Space Corps is really happy to have me back. They seemed thrilled with my work at any rate. Man Upstairs knows I'm happy to be back.
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 18 hours ago
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I suppose so. He is more just annoying to deal with than anything- most of the time, at least. We still don't trust him not to try to take advantage of you though.
▪️ Sorry, Threes. We tried.
≜ Don't worry about it - I appreciate the effort. At least he's one of the nicer Businesses in the multiverse. Honestly, don't even hate this one.
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 1 day ago
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Yeah man, no worries! I got your back. And I'll also make sure it gets out that Business couldn't be bothered to say just three words to help someone out, too. ;)
Oh hey I think I might actually know these guys, they let me talk spaceships with them-
▪️ Sir, do you think you could spare a minute to help someone? No money involved, you just need to give an order.
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Ooh! I like giving orders!… and helping people too, I guess. What do I have to do?
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 1 day ago
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Threes. Buddy, it's okay. Just remember he's not our only option. We'll keep trying with the techs, maybe see if they'll respond to Benny or Emmet. And if all else fails we'll see if Dr. Fox can spare some time.
▪️ Sir, do you think you could spare a minute to help someone? No money involved, you just need to give an order.
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Ooh! I like giving orders!… and helping people too, I guess. What do I have to do?
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 2 days ago
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Have it your way, then.
▪️ Sir, do you think you could spare a minute to help someone? No money involved, you just need to give an order.
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Ooh! I like giving orders!… and helping people too, I guess. What do I have to do?
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 2 days ago
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It's personal. We'll explain later, if Threes is okay with it, but it is something that needs to be sorted sooner rather than later, so if you don't mind...?
▪️ Sir, do you think you could spare a minute to help someone? No money involved, you just need to give an order.
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Ooh! I like giving orders!… and helping people too, I guess. What do I have to do?
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 2 days ago
12 and 26!
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
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Yes. In fact I've been awake for a consecutive 72 hours before. I do not recommend it.
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I would say "me too" but um... That was the weekend I kind of wasn't around.
26: What are you craving right now?
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Still craving that guac.
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Actually I could go for some of that too now. Oh! Maybe we can get street tacos for supper??
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I won't argue with that.
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 2 days ago
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We're not. Unfortunately, it HAS to come from you. If it would work coming from us, we would have done it already.
▪️ Sir, do you think you could spare a minute to help someone? No money involved, you just need to give an order.
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Ooh! I like giving orders!… and helping people too, I guess. What do I have to do?
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 2 days ago
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You remember Rex's friend Threes, right? You just have to tell him "disregard last order". We know it probably won't make a lot of sense for you, but it really would do so much to help him.
▪️ Sir, do you think you could spare a minute to help someone? No money involved, you just need to give an order.
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Ooh! I like giving orders!… and helping people too, I guess. What do I have to do?
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 2 days ago
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We'll ask and see if he's amenable to the idea, then.
if i do a really really good busness voice and wear a business mask does that work too
≜ 🔪 <- Do you want this in your abdomen? No? Then perhaps don't try it.
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 2 days ago
17, 34, 35
Hehehehe >:3
-Unravelling artificer
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
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Oh, sure! Several times, in fact. Not since our college days though.
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34: Who/what was your last dream about?
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It was honestly kind of weird. I think we were exploring Alexithymia with RJ and Hawkodile only they weren't quite themselves- like with most dreams their appearance wasn't constant even if within the dream we still recognized them. I'm not entirely certain it was Alexithymia either? I mean I don't know for certain, as far as we know no one else has really been able to explore it either, but there was a lot of ruins everywhere. It was fun though!
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Definitely one we'll be holding onto for a while, I think.
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
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Mom and Dad.
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Probably the bots? I don't exactly cry at the drop of a hat but it does happen often enough I can't really keep track of when or where or why anymore, hehe.
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 2 days ago
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Thanks. We've been thinking about it for a while, but it wasn't something we wanted to try without getting your input first. Probably wouldn't hurt to know exactly what sort of order needs to be given too, I don't want to take chances with giving one that's too vague.
if i do a really really good busness voice and wear a business mask does that work too
≜ 🔪 <- Do you want this in your abdomen? No? Then perhaps don't try it.
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 2 days ago
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Very good, sir. Very you.
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Lookie lookie, I’ve got a namecard just like everyone else! Fitting in is fun!
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ask-good-cop-bad-cop · 2 days ago
26, 56, 69
26: What are you craving right now?
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Mm... A coconut donut and an iced matcha latte with a shot of mocha syrup, I think!
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Some guac.
56: How many people have you fist fought?
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Uh. I lost count. A lot, though.
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Just a few. Bad's usually the one that does the fighting. I CAN, I just prefer not to if it can be helped.
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
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We didn't used to. The concept of soulmates was quite firmly in the realm of fiction, as far as we were concerned.
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But then we got introduced to the multiverse, and seeing the sheer number of other universes in which we're with Benny... Kind of makes you have to reconsider, you know?
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