agent-jaselin · 11 months
I haven't watched the new episode of MAWS yet, but clearly Lois and her foreshadowing of trauma mean instead of going the Danny Phantom path, she's going with the usual trope of "Getting mad at someone I barely know for keeping a secret that they have every right to keep." that seems ubiquitous to all super hero romance.
And I think it's fine as a flaw? But she's the one who needs to end up apologizing. With maybe a discussion about the closet.
I want to see her recognize that she's projecting her trauma onto Clark and it being shown as a flaw on her part. Because it absolutely is a justified flaw that makes sense for her.
It is not a flaw on Clark's part (yet) . and I'm tired of the trope where it's always resolved with the hero being like. "You're right we're friends so I should never keep secrets from you *ever*" cause that's not how the real world works.
I'd like to see this resolved with her apologizing. and for recognizing Clarks flaw, maybe him unthinkingly lying to her about it after she already knows he's superman.
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theygender · 4 months
The management at my old apartment stole my fucking bike
#apparently theyve been mass 'confiscating' bikes off peoples porches without telling anyone that theyre taking them#i dont know how long mine has been gone bc i didnt notice it was missing until i went to load it into my car to move it#but if its been more than (i think) 30 days then it would be considered forfeit and they would have already sold/claimed/trashed it by now#my gf and i saw a whole pile of 20+ confiscated bikes near the maintenance building but it doesnt look like mine was in it#i called them today to ask about it and they told me that for them to look for it i would need to provide a photo to prove its mine??#its MY bike! you stole it off my porch. how tf was i supposed to know that i needed to take a picture of it beforehand#they told us we can go check out the pile so me and my gf are gonna go look more thoroughly now that we're officially allowed#but if its IN the maintenance building we wont be able to find it#and if they already sold it or took it home with them or threw it away then it also wont be there#and i cant even ask them to confirm when they took it / if its already gone#bc it looks like theyve been doing this with dozens of bikes over the past few months so how would they even remember one specific one#what the fuck#rambling#also to be clear: they arent being confiscated BECAUSE theyre on the porches#the bikes are supposed to be under the stairwell and thats where mine was#my neighbors who leave their kids bikes piled on their side in the yard got to keep theirs#theyve been doing unscheduled porch painting without any sort of warning or notice on and off since like december tho#so my only guess is that they decided since they werent giving us any notice to move our stuff off the porch ahead of time#they decided to just move straight into confiscating everything off of the porches and hoping no one would call them out on it#which is fucking bullshit
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
#i genuinely-- GENUINELY-- believe more ppl would understand the phrase 'acab' if they were ever present for a camp sweep.#'''bUt ThEyRe JuSt DoInG tHeIr JoBs''' okay if you can give me that excuse after seeing a swat team worth of cops#shred tents in 30°< weather while trashing clothes&blankets at 3am in riot gear#youre actually just a bad person&should probably just admit that lmao.#like its currently illegal in pdx to hand out tents on the streets. street teams are no longer allowed to hand out life saving material.#this was enacted immediately after the last cold front bc fires happened bc how the fuck else do ppl stay warm#on the streets in 20°< weather. &like i dont think ppl realize how quickly you can go thru tents on city streets#SPECIFICALLY bc cops shred tents during camp sweeps. this is yet another in a continued line of laws passed#that-- to anyone who is willing to put in ANY EFFORT AT ALL-- are very obviously angled to kill homeless ppl.#&i really think that if more ppl saw the actual reality of what this all looks like together theyd at the very least#be embarassed if not ashamed to try to defend the pigs&their job which is literally to harm ppl lmao.#tell me theyre just doing their jobs after watching a team of them demolish everything a family has in the world.#there will for sure be officers laughing&physically+verbally abusing the ppl there. that will for sure be happening#bc i cannot stress enough that to do the fucking job in general you have to be a bad person willing to do heinous things.#but are the ones NOT doing that any better lmao? can you genuinely tell me theyre any better or feel any form of pity#as they do the exact same job as the awful ppl around them they just dont laugh or go even further while they do it?#its still legal in most states in the usa for cops to fuck fs street workers to prove theyre swers then arrest them after bc pRoOf lmao.#can you GENUINELY look me in the eye&tell me those cops are better than the ones that outright rape swers once theyre in custody?#i just. i just cant stand ppl who hold horrible beliefs wont further examine them at all&STILL need to be reassured#that theyre good ppl lmao. just be a bad person are you fucking serious why bother bending&breaking to deny it.#just like famous nepo babies crying about 'my mommy+daddy just FUNDED&CONNECTED me i wasnt GIVEN success :('#so you not only get to have EVERYTHING on a silver platter you also NEED to be assured that this wasnt what happened??? NO.
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jq37 · 2 months
Your sister who you love so much (even though you’ve never shown it) asks you to be her sister again, her true sister, in deed not just in name. And yes, of course that’s what you want. That’s what you’ve always wanted and now that she’s shattered your defenses and destroyed the ones who would pit you against each other and died right before your eyes, how could you refuse? How could your answer be anything but yes?
So you go home with her, not the ruins of your perfectly posh prison, but a new home which provides love and care and bunk beds and it’s so so nice. Ridiculously nice. Sickeningly nice. And a small, sick part of you almost misses your old home (if you can even call it a home) because yes, it was cruel and awful and you hated every second of it but you knew where you fit. You knew what your role was. You don’t fit in here. Everyone accepts you because they’re all so nice, but they don’t know how to volley back your sharp words or find a hidden, “I love you” within an offhanded insult. 
And then your sister leaves to save the world again because that’s who she is. She’s the kind of person who goes out to save the world with her friends when she’s needed and you’re not. You’re not, not, not. Not on any count. You don’t save things, you destroy them. And friends? You have to allow yourself to be vulnerable for friends so of course that’s out. Your sister is 16 and she’s out saving the world for the third time and you, fully grown at 18, are a wanted criminal who hasn’t even properly graduated from high school. You can’t stop thinking about it and, without your sister and her friends occupying the house as a buffer, the ones who are left try to get you to talk about it so you make a rash decision, as you are wont to do. You leave, like a thief in the night. You can make your own way. You can. You’ll prove it.
You find a shitty apartment and pay for it with the ill-gotten spoils from one of your many exploits. You could probably pawn some treasure for more luxurious  accommodations–there is that chest of rubies just lying around–but you don’t. That’s not what you deserve. And what if your sister needs help later? You don’t have access to your parental funds anymore which means she doesn’t either. You know she won’t ask anyone for help–you wouldn’t. But someone has to look after her. You’re an abjuration wizard. You protect people. You protect her. No, that’s a lie. But you want to make it not a lie. You want to start now.
If you’re saving the rubies then you need a source of income. You narrow down your least villainous talents to try and find a suitable job and hit on teacher. You’re good at magic, right? So how hard can teaching it be? Hopefully not as hard as securing the job, which proves trickier than expected because, oh right, you’re a wanted criminal who hasn’t graduated high school. But you dip into your villainous talents once more and tell yourself it’s for a good cause. You secure the job. You’re doing it. You’re making your own way. 
You want to text your sister to see if she’s doing alright but you don’t want to intrude and you don’t want to answer any questions about what you’ve been doing because then either you’ll have to lie or explain that you’ve left again, right after you promised you’d be there. Both options make your heart ache, especially since it’s her birthday. So you wait until the house is empty (mostly empty–you’re never really alone in a haunted house) and enter the room you and your sister shared for too brief a time. You paint her walls with carefully rendered runes, filled with all your abjuration magic and stamped with your arcane mark. It’s a possessive bit of spellcraft. A selfish claiming of a climactic kill. You mean to make a different kind of claim. You are claiming your sister, as she asked you to months ago. You are telling the world that she will not be fucked with while you live. Your rooms were so close before. You could hear her. You knew every night she went to bed in the grips of a panic attack with no one to console her. She won’t have to feel unsafe in her own room again. You can make sure of that at least. 
The sun rises one morning and you know that means your sister is alive and well and coming home. You teleport to Falinel to make sure she returns to her favorite dessert. It’s worth the spell slot and the chance of being recognized. The tower where they kept you is long destroyed and you know that this time, if you were ever captured or even killed, rescue wouldn’t be measured in a matter of months. It would be days. Hours even if your clever sister and her powerful divination magic put things together faster. The thought fills you with more emotion than you know what to do with. You leave a note. “I love you,” you think. “Enjoy the nemesis ward,” you write. 
Practicing magic, as it turns out, is a very different skill than teaching magic. The children are loud and obnoxious and you don’t quite realize that maybe your expectations are too high between the hothouse you grew up in and your sister being the world’s greatest diviner, fullstop. You know you can always go back to the manor, but that somehow makes it easier to stick it out. You’ve always been taught that pressure provides the best results but there’s something about the security of a safety net that makes everything a bit more bearable. And so what if you have to take a second job involving a light criminal element. You’re only smuggling–that’s barely even a real crime.
Your sister who has saved the world thrice now, texts you and she wants help. She is looking to you for help. And you do your best to oblige. You offer your knowledge, you offer your rubies, you invite her over again and again. She sends you a text and deletes it. You’re not the diviner in the family but you drain your spell slots scrying for information you already know. Information that you'll hear from her own lips in just a few hours. “I love you.”
She finally visits and you’re not unaware of the state of your apartment. You know you’ve been too exhausted for an Unseen Servant or even a round of Prestidigitations but you know that your sister has seen your mind and there’s nothing messier about you than that. She teases you and you tease her back. She’s the only one who understands how to deliver a complement with a backhand so you can receive it without your skin crawling. The only one who knows how much tartness you need with your sweetness. 
Later, she visits again. She sits in your filthy apartment and you watch trash TV and it’s the highlight of your week. Your month even. That should feel pathetic but, somehow it doesn’t. You want to tell her. She deserves to hear it from time to time without having to filter out the layers of prickliness that you add as second nature, a layer of armor as ever present as your abjurer’s ward. You may not be able to handle naked sentiment but she can. You’ve seen her with her friends. How affectionate they are. You’ve always been taught that loose lips sink ships but you have experience with ship sinking and this prospect fills you with much less dread. You tell her and it’s awkward and fumbling but you manage. Maybe loving people isn’t so different from loving cats.
You have a new job which is perfect because the school year is almost over and, blackmail or no, you aren’t sure how many times you’ll be able to get away with casting Sleep on your class to give yourself a break. Honestly, you should have applied for jobs in Leviathan from the start. Why would pirates care about your sketchy history and lack of credentials? You could teleport yourself to Leviathan every day but that would be a waste of a spell slot when the door to the Compass Points is right there in the manor (and if your sister happens to be there too then hey, happy coincidence). While you’re there, you might as well do your laundry. And stay for dinner from time to time. And spend time with your sister in your her room where your runes stand sentinel and your old bunk lays untouched. You don’t think you’re staring but later, as you go to grab a snack from the kitchen your sister throws you a casual, over the shoulder glance. 
“You can just move back in, if you want.”
And would it really be that easy? Just like that? After a year of trying to make a point or a plan or a better version of yourself or whatever? Just like that? 
You remember a year ago. You and your sister and words that will be burned into your mind forever. 
“Despite the fact that you have not earned it, I do love you.”
Just like that. 
You say yes. You stay. 
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poppy-metal · 11 days
plz omg artashis bratty girl getting so flustered and shy and scared whenever shes in the same room as patrick even in casual situations 😭😭 avoiding eye contact and bottom lip wobbling whenever shes forced to interact with him cause hes so BIG n MEAN n SCARY
he's just so..... brazen. you're used to structure, you need it. patrick is chaos. you dont know how he's art and tashi's best friend - you dont like that he's slept with both of them, and still licks his lips when he looks at them. they promised they wouldn't be sleeping with anyone else but you, but still. and you dont like how he teases them - how be teases you - "what're you gonna do, tell on me?" when you catch him smoking in the house, like you're a joke. blows a plume of smoke right in your face. "they wont spank me - that's your thing."
he calls you their "little girlfriend." and it makes you want to kick him. he enjoys riling you up. honestly, he'd been a bit burned when tashi and art had told him they couldn't fuck him anymore - but when he figured out why, he found it cute. and yeah - he thinks about dipping his dick in you. giving you the kind of pounding you aren't used to. because your attitude is like that of a bratty housecat, and patrick is like a wolf. he wants you in his jaws, wants to roll you around his teeth. bruise you up a bit and not have to worry about all that aftercare shit because you're not his responsibility.
he brings it up to tashi half as a joke half serious, when shes stewing over what to do with you. "i mean, you could always turn me loose on her." and tashi actually thinks on it. she knows you dont necessarily like patrick, but your body responds to him. your little nipples harden under your shirts and she sees the way your thighs squeeze.
it takes convincing art. cause hes never liked to share - you and him are quite similar - but she reminds him its for your own good. and how soft and in need of care you'll be when patricks done - and that. that works. because art has a bit of a saviors complex when it comes to you. likes when you turn to him for things, for comfort. him being your hero after the big bad wolf that is patrick zweig proves to be too tempting.
poor you :(
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dazed--xx · 1 year
SKZ Break up Reaction (Maknae Line)
A/N:so I’m uploading this on my phone cause my 4 year old decided to break my chromebooks screen but I wanted to get this posted so I can post the second part to both anyway if you guys have any requests my requests are open any group you want me to write I usually do lol so just let me know anyway hope you enjoy please like comment reblog I love hearing your opinions
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“GET OUT!” You shout, as you feel Jisungs arms wrap around your waist. You can feel his tears leaking through your shirt as he begs you to hear him out. Your tears streamed down your face. “you need to leave Jisung” You growl taking his arms from around you. His head shakes in panic “No! NO! Im sorry okay?! It was a mistake it didn’t mean anything to me” he cries. His shoulders shaking rapidly. You scoff at his words “Yeah for you it was just a fucking tuesday of course it wouldn’t mean shit to you. But the fact that you didn’t even think about me or I don’t know maybe the fact that you werent even single, proves to me that everything youre saying is bullshit. You don’t just go and fuck someone and then say Oops I made a mistake. You made a fucking choice Jisung and just cause it doesn’t mean anything to you now doesn’t mean you didn’t fucking do it and proves how much I cant trust you.” You snap, gesturing to the crying boy. Grabbing the bags you packed for him, you shove them at your ex boyfriend.
“I don’t want to go” Jisung confesses, his hand wrapping around your wrist pulling you back into him; burying your face in his chest. “Please don’t make me go, I don’t want to wake up every morning without you. I don’t want to let you go. It meant nothing then and now please believe me I don’t want anyone else it was a drunken mistake and I will never stop regretting it. I can make it up to you, I-I c-can fix things please—fuck—please don’t make me go. I love you” His sobs take over his body as you begin to pull yourself away from him. You stare at him, wanting to remember every inch of his face. You caress his cheek. Your eyes locking with one another “Im sorry, but I cant trust you anymore and I cant be with someone I cant trust. I want to break up. Im sorry but if you don’t leave. I will” You confess pulling your hand away from him. “Please....” He whines “Im sorry fuck im so sorry theres nothing I could be more sorry about I don’t know how to fix it. But I don’t want to leave please don’t make me leave, I need you okay? I need YOU! No one else I don’t know how to convince you of that” You shake your head at his words “You don’t need to convince me, you never will be able to Jisung, there’s never an excuse and I wont be able to trust you ever again. It will always feel like a lie.” His eyes widen in shock.
“i-I-” You lift your hand, not wanting to hear anymore “Just go, Jisung! Im done you hurt me way to much and I don’t want to hear your lies anymore” You growl. Nodding in defeat, he picks up his bags and makes his way to the door. You hold the door open for him as he makes his way out as he turns to face you once more you can feel your resolve breaking “I will always love you” he cries as you close the door.
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Hey baby, just wanted to tell you good morning and I miss you when can I see you again? Its been too long😞
Your heart races as you read his message. Biting your lip you contemplate replying before deciding to lock your phone and continue avoiding him. You werent sure why he even bothered anymore, you knew he was pretending, and whilst he didn’t know you had learned the truth about him, you felt stupid every time you thought about seeing him. You were torn between the Felix you had gotten to know a bubbly sweet and kindhearted person that would give up their last for anyone in need, and the one that, apparently, likes to make bets with his friends about how long it would take for you to sleep with him. Its been a few days since you had been told the truth by Minho’s girlfriend, and ever since you had avoided Felix. You couldn’t help but feel anxious and idiotic anytime you thought about being near him, apparently he had won the bet, you did sleep with him fairly quickly considering you guys have been going out for only a few months and have been actively having sex since about your third date; and the idea that right after he went and reported his win to the boys made you feel dirty, gross, and used.
Your phone vibrating in your hand pulls you from your thoughts. Staring at the screen youre met with a photo of your smiling boyfriend. Pressing the decline button, you toss your phone on the bed lifting yourself to your feet. You stare around your room, pictures of you and Felix laugh at you as you grab the stuffed bear Felix had won for you on your second date. With a newfound resolve you toss the bear on the ground. Your body acting on its own accord as you begin throwing every symbol and memory of your relationship in a large destructive pile on the ground. Sobs rack through your chest, nausea building in your stomach. You trusted him, you allowed him to knock your walls down and he lied, pretended and faked his way through everything. With determination in your heart you stomp your way over to your bed grabbing your phone opening your messages with him.
To: LIXIE💕☀️
Please stop calling me stop texting me just leave me alone you won your stupid bet just leave me alone we’re done.
Your palms were sweating as your phone began vibrating once more. You stare at the photo of Felix, your jaw clenches as hot tears run down your face. You watch as the photo disappears a missed call notification coming in before the photo pops up once more. You sit in place as a plethora of calls continue to come in as well as messages all unseen. With a shaky breathe you turn your phone off, opting to take a shower you trudge your way to the bathroom. Your movements halt at the rapid knocks on your front door. “Babe! Please—fuck—open the door!” Felix’s deep voice pleads. Your hand smacks over your mouth, as you hear your doorknob rattling “Y/N! Open up please” he cries. “Let me explain!” The knocks continue in quick succession. “P-please! I-I c-can’t lo-lose y-yo-you, n-not like t-this please!” His voice is desperate, you could tell he was crying. “I’m sorry” the door begins to shake. You could tell he was trying to ram the door open. “I’m sorry! Please talk to me, we can’t be over we can’t Im an idiot but you mean so much to me don’t break up with me I’m sorry! I’ll explain I’ll tell you everything please” your sobs unable to be hidden anymore “Y/N?! Are you crying? Please—fuck—don’t cry please I’m sorry please open the door please! I need to see you. I need you to listen please open up!” He pleaded. You stared at the door as your heart pounded on your sternum as Felix pounded on your door. You apologized silently as you sat on the ground your arm wrapped around your waist as you held your hand over your mouth; tears steadily streaming down your face not being able to bring yourself to open the door.
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You stared blankly at the mahogany table, avoiding Seungmins bored stare. “Why did you ask me to meet you here if you weren’t going to say anything?” He questions confusion etched on his features You sat in shock at his words, you weren’t sure why you were so surprised at the cold stoic tone he used. It had always been the same with him anyway always leaving you to feel small under his judging gaze. You questioned the status of your relationship often due to the lack of affection on either part. You felt more like a close friend rather than his girlfriend or even someone he was dating, and whilst you two had never defined your relationship, you did assume from the fact that he had specifically told you that he had considered the time you two spent together as dates. You stared at your hands as your fingers continued to play with themselves in your lap. “I’m sorry…” you murmur, you hear him hum in response “it’s fine everyone has bad days” you shake your head in response “n-no…I’m sorry but I don’t think we should see each other anymore” your voice is almost a whisper but the widening of Seungmin’s eyes has you shocked. “C-Can I ask why? I thought things were going well…” he questions his hand reaching for yours sadness flashes across his features as you shift yourself further away from him “we’re more friends than anything don’t you think” you mumble disappointedly. “Friends?” He scoffs like the term was beneath him. “I’d like to think we are more than friends” he states calmly.
You wrap your arms around your waist “honestly can you name a single time we’ve done anything that could signify that we’re more than friends” you snap. Seungmin leans back in his seat, taking a sip of his coffee. “We go out on dates…umm I talk to you all the time…” he trails as he contemplates more answers only to come up with nothing and letting out a sigh. “It’s okay…you aren’t attracted to me Seungminie, not the way I am to you and I think you should find a girl you actually like” you state sadly as you lift yourself from your seat. “Goodbye…” you mumble as you make you’re way out of the café. Seungmin sat there in shock, a tear running down his cheek as you make your exit. He willed himself to say something, anything to get you to stay. He watched in horror as you made your way out of the door. His heart shattering in his chest as he wills you to turn around and just see him, see how he’s falling apart at your departure. He’s begged for every moment with you and in his idiocy you were wisped away, he felt lost what could he do?
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“You’re really wearing that?!” The disgust oozing out in his tone. You look down at your lilac skin tight dress and white thigh highs before nodding with confusion etched on your features a pout in your lips. “I-is there something wrong with what Im wearing?” You prod your eyebrow raising in offense. Jeongin scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. You stood in your place, biting your lip in frustration “I mean you look really…..interesting.” He grits. You could feel the uncomfortable stares. You knew what he meant by interesting, reflexively you tug on the hem of your dress bringing it lower on your legs. “Don’t listen to him you look great!” Nayeon smiled as she rubbed your wrist comfortingly. You nod dejected, your eyes not leaving the ground. “I-I’m going to get something to drink” you state rapidly as you rush over to the kitchen. You stare down at your dress, you felt stupid and thanked god you had brought a hoodie. Taking a deep breath you grab a red solo cup pouring a small bit of vodka and adding pineapple juice before mixing the drink. You stare into the concoction, as used to Jeongins temperament and the harshness of his tone you are, you contemplate as to why you had even entered this torturous relationship.
You couldn’t think of many times when Jeongin would speak to you without insulting you in some shape or form. From your hair being the wrong way to you just being too annoying for his taste that day there was always something you did wrong. You thought today would be different, you thought for once he’d actually acknowledge you the way he used too when you first began. Your heart completely shattered considering it was your second anniversary. Your relationship was fantastic up until just a few months ago and now it feels like Jeongin would rather drop dead before even looking at you anymore. You don’t know why you had bothered anymore it obviously wasn’t working. You’ve done everything you could to try to save your relationship tonight being your final attempt and as much as you wanted to give the rest of the night a chance; he couldn’t even acknowledge your anniversary all day and then to greet you like that at a party you didn’t even want to be at. You weren’t sure if you could continue this, you missed your loving, sweet boyfriend. You didn’t know who this Jeongin was. You sighed as you take a sip from your drink. The mixture of alcohol to juice lacking so you grab the vodka bottle once more.
“Sure get drunk so I have to take care of you tonight” you hear from behind you, you roll your eyes. “What? I’m literally just making my first drink” you scoff before turning and shoving past your boyfriend his hand wrapping around your arm “oh and thanks for embarrassing me tonight by the way” he spits. An embarrassing heat fills your cheeks “how did I embarrass you?” You growl a fire burning in your eyes. “You’re kidding right?” His lips are formed in a tight line, you press your chest against his in defiance “No! How did I fucking embarrass you Jeongin?”
“So dressing like a slut to a party where you know your boyfriend and his friends are going to be isn’t a fucking problem? It’s not embarrassing?” He snaps, the glare in his eyes challenging you. The rage filling your stomach you toss your drink in his face. “I can’t believe you! You fucking prick” you shout, Jeongins eyes grow wide at your action. He stood there shocked, covered in your drink, his hands reaching for you quickly with a call of your name. You put your arms up preventing him from touching you. “No! I’m done! I’m so fucking done with you Jeongin! For months I’ve put up with your shitty attitude all because I loved you and you obviously don’t feel the fucking same anymore! You made me miserable and I still loved you! Don’t call me don’t text me just leave me alone. Happy anniversary Jeongin, I’m giving you the best gift I could…you’re single congratulations” your resolve completely breaking as tears stream down your face. You can see the panic in Jeongins eyes, his mouth sits agape in shock. With a scoff you turn to make your exit. “W-wait! Where are you going?” He calls, his voice is shaky. “Babe?!” You can hear him following after you “wait! Y/N!” His voice is shaky as you make your way out the front door, you knew if you turned back just one look at his face would break you. You had to keep going; you picked up your pace as the cold air kissed your skin.
Your car was only down the street a bit you just had to make it there and you were home free. Your heart raced as your legs moved rapidly. You felt arms wrapped around your waist pulling you back into a strong frame. The familiar cologne fills your nostrils, you could feel his shaking figure. “Don’t go, I’m sorry” he pleads. You sigh “please let me go Jeongin” pulling his arms from around you not turning to look at him. “I’m sorry please don’t go im an idiot I didn’t mean to forget but I don’t think it’s something you should break up with me over” he scoffs slight annoyance in his tone. A scowl forms on your face as you whip around to look him in his eyes “you know what?! Yeah! You ARE indeed a fucking idiot! If you think I’m breaking up with you over this bullshit ass anniversary then you’re wrong! You treat me like shit and a burden and I’m just done you obviously don’t love me anymore and as much as I do love you I deserve better just…please leave me alone…” tears stream down your face at a rapid pace, your heart shattering at every word. Your eyes drifting to the floor as your bottom lip finds it’s way between your teeth. Your eyes never once lifting to meet his as you turn away from him and make your way to your car. You don’t see Jeongin standing there in horror as you ultimately walk away from him. You don’t hear the sound of his heart shattering in his chest as you don’t look back at him. His jaw clenched as tears stream down his cheeks willing himself to not chase after you because like you said, you did deserve better
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 3 months
What They Text You: Applies to any...cause they're all a bunch of dorky teens and i dont care what anyone says.
• look at my new plant
• would you like to have tea tomorrow?
• you look so pretty 😍 leo you cant see me and? i bet you do
• am i really an old man???? 😭😭😭
• be honest, do you think raph can beat me in an arm wrestle? if you dont answer in 5 minutes, i will assume it's yes and i will prove you wrong.
• good morning honey. have a wonderful day today! ❤️
• are you still mad at me...? LEO YOU SET MY MICROWAVE ON FIRE. so is that a yes?
• have you eaten yet? you need to eat...and drink something other than (your favorite drink)
• i got benched because i can't stop throwing up. i'm fine! leo...you threw up blood literally 10 minutes ago. it was only a little 🙄
• i'm in desperate need of a kiss right now.
• check out my new katanas
• remember that i love you 🥰🥰❤️
• for the last time, i wont download tik tok. you know how bad i hyperfixate 😠
• stop playing candy crush and pay attention to me
• keep it up and you won't get the knots worked out of your shoulders.
• mikey just called me a boomer...i feel like i should be offended. you are a boomer. I DONT KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS.
• y/n, i love you, but for the love of god, PLEASE PICK UP YOUR SOCKS.
• *drunk* im in a relationship why do i have your name as my love cause my girl/boyfriend/partner will definitely not like that and i dont know who you are but they will kick your ass and i dont even feel sorry cause you arent love leo...you're drunk. NO IM TAKEN
• call me cause i would like to hear about your day and i miss you
• i love you my love ❤️
• come watch me bench im bored
• can you please come get mikey before i hit him?
• wear that giant sweatshirt to our date. ya look adorable in it
• why did you ask donnie to help you with your homework?? um...cause it's about neurons and receptors in the brain. i could've helped with google! 😒
• hey babe. how was your day? ❤️
• have i ever told you how beautiful you are? what did you do. nothing...? i just think you're beautiful. raphael. fine..i broke casey's nose. AGAIN!?!
• i'm so tired...wanna come nap with me?
• facetime me so i can show you this cool trick spike can do
• remember how i said i was going to be more level headed? well donnie's new robot almost broke my arm and it's no more. you lasted 1 day more than the last time.
• *you sent a selfie* yeahhhh that's my baby 😍😍
• eat or im fighting you.
• jokes on you ive always been completely unhinged and it's bold of you to think i cant be worse.
• im sick. can you bring me some soup? 😣
• i miss you like a lot and i hate when you're gone
• i love you a whole lot 😘
• im just gonna start carrying you everywhere if you dont stop tripping over NOTHING. im just gonna trip harder. Y/N NO.
• mikey said we're his parents just an fyi. he's always been my son
• i made waffles. you better come eat some
• damn babe you're fine 🤤
• no i wont do your homework for you
• tell shelldon to stop talking back to me before i ground him for eternity
• im in a house of IDIOTS. technically it's a lair. not now y/n.
• you look like a pile of swans in that sweater 🥰
• i can't sleep. wanna play online scrabble?
• sweetie you need to eat more than a bag of gummy worms and a bag of doritos
• you need to come sit with me while i work because i need an extra set of eyes. you just miss me 😏 don't start.
• don't call a plumber! i know how to fix the sink. i got this 😎 donnie the pipe exploded the last time you "had" this.
• *you sent a selfie* you look nice
• im gonna blow up. a person, a thing, a place, all of the above? yes.
• you need to drink straight broth, it'll help soothe your stomach ache
• im dying. you have a cold.
• i love you but please stop trying to assemble ikea furniture on your own.
• good luck on your exams/work project! 😘
• leo just called me an asparagus. i didn't know how to respond so his phone will self destuct in 5 minutes. DONNIE.
• you're so pretty 🥺
• i made you something and you have to come get it right now. im literally about to have my wisdom teeth out. reschedule it
• listen to the playlist i made you or else im disabling your pirated tv show service
• thanks for listening to me 💜
• babe come snuggle with me
• i made you brownies so come eat them with me while we watch crognard
• i haven't seen you in so long 😭 you saw me this morning. BUT THAT WAS HOURS AGO
• angelcakessssss i love you
• look at this cat video i found
• are you awake? mikey it's 3 am. good, so would you still love me if i was a worm? go to sleep.
• i bet you look like a cuddly bear today 🥰
• im so hungry. can you bring me ice cream?
• raph wont stop being mean to me. can you beat him up? cause a (your height) tall human can beat a 6ft turtle's ass 😑 i believe in you.
• im coming over with my new call of duty game and we're having a game a thon!
• i found a cat. mikey no. his name is gerald. MIKEY WE ALREADY HAVE 10 OF THEM. HALF ARE NAMED GERALD.
• i made you a mixtape i cant wait for you to hear it
• how mad would you be if i crashed the shell razor in a derby and broke my arm? very. then i did not do that.
• im sick. come help me feel better 😭
• call me cause april just told me something about casey that's wild
• i found this cool rock that i think you'll like
• it's so cool i can date you. you're for real the coolest. you broke my coffee table again didn't you? no...maybe.
• im bringing you lunch cause my baby needs to eat!
• this song reminds me of you 💕
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slutforavatar · 1 year
“And a half”
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Pairings: Neteyam X Na’vi!Reader SMUT
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, p in v, oral (male and female receiving), fingering, degrading, swearing, spanking, hair pulling.
Summary: You live with the sully’s since your parents died when you were younger. You had invited friends over and they asked you how big you think your bestfriend Neteyams cock was, and he heard you. He takes you to the forest and fucks you silly to prove how big he is.
Y/n’s POV
“So y/n since you and neteyam are bestfriends and live together surely you’ve seen it, my ears twitch and my eyes widen “no i havent?” i laugh nervously, even though I haven’t seen it my mind always wonder’s how big it is, the thickness and the colour, i clench my thighs together to sooth the warm heartbeat in my core, memories of me touching myself to the thought of his long thick cock inside me. “how long do you think it is” my friends question breaks me out of my thoughts, i look at her as she smirks “quiet down remember i live with them, anyone can hear” my friends scoot closer to me “I can imagine its 18 inches” I whisper and my friends giggle “you guys are unbelievable” kiri walks in and laughs “dont you dare say a word to him” i plead her “dont worry i wont” dhe laughs “by the way your friends need to be home theyre parents are calling for them” they jump up “we’ll see you later” “cya” they walk away. “So y/n” kiri looks at me and wiggles her eyebrows “shut it kiri” i get embarrassed and I head towards the door “y/n” i hear someone call out my name and i turn around neteyam “hey” i gulp praying to eywa that he hadnt heard the previous conversation i had with my friends just moments ago, he smirks “wanna go flying?” i let out a sigh “of course” i smile then i start walking, neteyam not too far behind me “so y/n, i think your friends fancy me a little” i crinkle my nose “whys that?” i turn to face him, he looks down at me “well they were asking about my size, so they must have some interest in me” my stomach drops, oh no oh no shit. I wanna shrink in a hole, my best friend heard me talking about his dick. He leans down and whispers in my ear “18 and a half inches” my eyes widen, his hot breath fans on my neck “i-i dont know what your talking about” i look away from him in hopes he drops it “domt act like you werent talking about the size of my dick with your friends, how many times have you thought about my cock?” he rubs his hand on my cheek and i look up at him, my face is burning, my heart is beating as if its gonna explode “how many times y/n” my core tingles “a few times” i mumble this is so embarrassing, i mentally face palm “did you happen to be..touching yourself any of those times?” my breathe gets caught in my throat, my bestfriend is asking if i touch myself? a random burst of confidence hits me “maybe” I smirk. His eyes widen and he gulps “dont go all shy on me now teyam, i answered your question” i push him against a tree behind him “maybe isnt the answer i want” his raspy voice sends tingles down my spine “fine, i do touch myself to the thought of your thick cock inside me, making me see the stars” I run my hand down his stomach all the way to his thighs, his breathing quickens and his skin heats up, I lower to my knees. I look up and i smirk at him, his eyes looking down at me half opened, ears perking up high, slight pink shade spread across his face and his mouth slightly agape. “Have you ever touched yourself to the thought of me neteyam?” i place my hand over his clothed cock and I palm it softly, he sucks in a quick breathe “so many times y/n” he whimpers, i quicken my pace palming him harder and faster, his stomach raising and falling fast because of how hard and fast hes breathing, i smirk. “Tell me what you’ve pictured me doing” I look up at him giving him doe eyes as i slowly remove the cloth covering his cock “fuck um..” he clears his throat as he watches me remove his clothing, once ive fully pulled his clothing off his long cock springs out and hits his stomach, shit he wasnt lying 18 and half inches, i take him in my hand its so warm. Pre-cum slowly oozes out the top and I look up at him and smirk “come on tell me neteyam, what have you thought about me doing” “kinda like what your doing right now y/n” i smirk, i place one hand on his thigh then the other ome holding his warm member “details would be nice teyam” i let go of his cock, i bring my hand to my mouth then i spit into my hand. “i always thought about us doing this, you wrapping your soft plump lips around my cock.”
i squeeze my thighs together “your so dirty, thinking if your best friend doing that” i take him back in my hand and I pump him a few times, his eyes flutter shut “thats it y/n” i look up at him “open your eyes and look at me” he does as I say, he looks into my eyes and my core burns “what else do you think about” i pump him faster “i-fuck.. ive thought about you underneath me, screaming my name while i fuck you silly” he moans at the last words, holy shit i need him so badly. I scoot closer to him so his tip his almost touching my lips, i slowly lick his tip, tasting his pre-cum and I moan softly against him “so warm” he thigh muscles tense at my touch, lower my head taking more of him into my mouth breathe y/n breathe i remind myself to breathe through my nose so i dont gag “never thought i’d actually get you like this, all to myself” i look up at him then I slowly pull my head back letting him fall out of my mouth with a pop noise “n-no y/n i need your warm mouth on me” he whines once ive stood up “you’ll get it dont worry” i place my hand on his cheek and i softly caress it, he places his hand onto of mine then crashes his lips on mine, i grind against him softly trying to gain some friction between my thighs. He smirks into the kiss then pulls away “desperate are we y/n?” his arms snakes around my waist then softly spanks my ass “neteyam sully did you just hit me” i laugh “just a love tap” he smirks then he quickly slips us around so im pressed up against the tree. My eyes widen as i look up at him, he runs his hands down my chest, stopping at my clothed boobs “may i?” he tugs at the strings of my top softly “please” i whine, as soon as the words leave my mouth i watch his big hands tear my top revealing my boobs, his eyes widen then he looks back up at me “touch them please” he doesnt say a word, he takes my right boob into his hand and squeezes it softly, i moan at his touch hes so warm and his actions are rough i love it. He then lowers his head towards my other boob then takes my nipple in his mouth “fuck neteyam” i clench my thighs together, his hot tongue runs across my sensitive nipple then i place my hand on his head pushing him closer to my chest. My chest is falling and rising as plays with me “teyam i need you inside of me” i whisper, i lower my hand down to stroke his cock but he steps away from my body, i look at him confused had i done something wrong?. “You’ll get what you want soon, lay down now” he looks into my eyes giving me a stern look, i lower my body down then I lay my body on the ground “good girl” he praises me as he lowers to his knees, my breathe hitches at the praise and I grow more restless. He climbs on top of me, his eyes switching from my chest to my eyes “i wanna hear about your fantasies about me” he smirks, i push his braids out of his face and he lowers his face towards my chest “better start talking y/n or i wont be touching you anytime soon” he looks into my eyes and smirks revealing his fangs “fine” i pout, he places softly kisses all over my chest “i started touching myself to the thought of you when i had turned fiftee-” i was cut off by the boys laugh “shit that young?” he looks at me and laughs, my face heats up from embarrassment and i bring my hands to cover my face “no no dont be embarrassed y/n im flattered, you couldnt resist me” he smirks as he lowers his face back to my chest, slowly kissing all the way down to my stomach, i move my hands off my face “oh shut up you skxwang i was a horny fifteen year old with a boy around me all the time” he chuckles against my skin “now get to the good part” he runs his tongue down my stomach all the way to my thigh, i let out a soft moan and i grip his hair “i..i would think you were in between my legs pushing in two of your fingers inside of me” i clear my throat this is so embarrassing i mentally let out a scream “you dirty little girl” he looks up at me and a moan escapes my lips at his words. I look down at him and he has a surprised expression on his face “what?” i question him “you like being degraded” my face flushes.
he sits up then climbs on tops of me once again “does my little slut like how bad i speak to her?” he lowers his face towards my neck, he softly sucks at my skin “oh neteyam” i place my hands on the back back of his neck and i wrap my legs around his waist “please i need you so badly” i whine as i grind against him trying to look for a way to ease the throbbing in between my thighs “so needy” he mumbles in my ear then licks a stripe down my neck.
My eyes stay glued on him as he places kisses all over my thighs, hes driving me crazy hes so close to my aching pussy but yet he wont do anything “neteyam if your not gonna do anything then ill go find someone else to help me” i let out a frustrated groan, i'm so sexually frustrated i need him to touch me so badly but he wont, i let out a yelp when I feel him nip at my thigh with his fangs “your funny if you think im gonna let anyone else ever touch you again” his raspy voice mumbles against my skin “your mine now, you belong to neteyam sully” he slowly pulls down my clothing as i nod my head. I hiss as I feel the cool breeze graze against my exposed pussy, i look down at neteyam and hes basically drooling “wipe the drool off your mouth” i let out a snarky comment “your so wet, all for me” he looks into my eyes as he lowers his head between my thighs “need to taste you so bad” is all i hear him say before his tongue licks a stripe through my wet pussy “shit” i close my eyes “so good” he mumbles as he repeats his action, this time his tongue stops at my sensitive clit and sucks it softly and slowly “oh my god” i let out a sigh. He continues to suck my sensitive bud, i let out a loud moan and I grip his hair, i feel his large fingers rubbing against my opening “please” i whimper. I sound pathetic but he loves it. He listens to what i say and slowly inserts one finger into my slick opening “o-oh fuck” my back archs slightly as he finger grazes my walls, he slowly curls his finger inside of me just grazing a certain spot inside me causing me to let out a cry “another one please” i beg for him to add another finger, i need a release so bad. He does as I say and slowly slides another finger inside me, i tug his hair roughly and he groans against me sending vibrations through my core “your so fucking good at this neteyam” i push his face closer into my pussy “faster” i whine as i arch my back more, he speeds up his figure eight motions on my clit and curls his fingers once again “m’ so close, please neteyam” i squeeze my eyes shut as he moves his fingers inside me faster “fuck i-im gonna let go” i pant, i feel the hot white wave of pleasure surf through my body, i let out a string of moans mixed with neteyams name, my back arches towards the sky and my thighs close together with his head still between my legs still sucking me dry “f-fuck i cant… handle it” my legs start shaking as he continues “s-stop i cant t-take it” i beg as my body starts trembling from overstimulation. My body relaxes as he pulls away from my pussy, i look at him through my half opened eyes, my juices all around his mouth “you taste so good y/n” he softly rubs my trembling thighs “y-your so good at that” i pant as i try to catch my breath “arent you lucky i am” he smirks as he climbs on top of me again, his rock hard cock pressed against my thigh “put it inside me” i place my hands on his cheeks “you sure you can take it already after that?” he looks into my eyes reassuring i want to “yes please i need you” i nod, i use my thumb to wipe my juices off his cheek, i then place my thumb in my mouth and i suck my juices off my thumb, i feel his cock twitch against my thigh “you drive me crazy y/n” he pants as i grabs his cock and alines it with my entrance “if it becomes too much tell me to stop and i will” he looks into my eyes, i giggle “even when your able to ruin me your still a gentleman” i rub his cheek and he slowly slides inside me. We both gasp once he’s fully inside me “your so fucking warm y/n” i look into his eyes as he slowly starts moving, pulling himself out then pushing back in “you fill me so well” i whimper as he speeds up “you suck me in so well” he replies, low grunts and groans escape his lips making me love it even more. I wrap my arms around his torso and I dig my nails into his back “mark me” he pants as he thrusts in and out of me hard, i do as he says, i drag my nails down his back earning a hiss from him. “Flip over” He whispers in my ear, i do as he says. I prop myself up on my knees, my head on the ground.
with my ass in the air waiting for him to enter inside me again, i gasp as i feel him quickly thrust inside me “shit” I scream. He places his hand on my ass and squeezes it, his thrusts become harder and faster i could tell hes close “fucking hell..i..love your cock” i struggle to form any words “filling me so w-well” he rubs my back with one hand then his other grips my waist, i clench around him and i hear him groan “your mine forever” he groans as I clench around him once again “now you wont have to guess how big i am” I can even hear the smirk in his voice “y-yeah i wont be talking to my friends a-about your cock anymore” I moan after i finish my sentence “your all mine, y-your cock is a-all mine and mine only” I feel his cock twitch inside me, were both extremely close “i’m bout t-to cum” i let out a pant, his grip on my waist gets tighter “such a good little slut letting me use her wet cunt” he spanks my ass, his words tip me over the edge, my body shakes as my second orgasm rolls over my body “oh my fuck” i let out a scream as neteyam lowers his hand on clit and rubs it slowly increasing the pleasure to my orgasm “thats it baby let it out” he thrusts into me harder as he tries to search for his high “gonna cum inside you yeah?” he spanks my ass once again and smirks at the red handprint “p-please cum inside me, need you inside” i say weakly as my body continues shaking “fuck fuck fuck” i feel his body shake against mine as his hot cum spills inside me “your so fucking good y/n” he grips my hair and pulls me up so im sitting on his lap while his cum still spills out inside of me “your mine” he wraps his hand around my neck as he whimpers in my ear, i grind against him slowly helping him ride out his high “t-that was so good” he pants in my ear “now maybe you’ll remember 18 and a half inches”.
DM me your requests !! :)
idk if i like this
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gracejh08 · 1 month
Breaking the media
Chapter 4- moving on in
Your alarm rang at the ungodly hour of 7.30 you quickly shut it off and forced yourself out of bed training didnt start till 9.30 but knowing you its going to take atleast 2hrs to get ready. You wandered into the small kitchen and realised that you needed to go shopping you had been so caught up in being ready for training that you hadn't had the chance to get shopping. Your first thought was to just find the nearest shop and buy what you needed however you thought going to a local cafe was a smarter choice and would be better than your terrible cooking skills.
It didnt take long for you to find a cafe with the help of Google maps and being placed in a busy small town. The cafe you had found was very reserved and ran by an old spanish women which was happy to greet you as you stood with your Barcelona sweats on and a giant backpack filled with your training kit. "Thank you so much, how much is it" you asked after having the best avocado on toast you had ever tasted and a mocha that was brew to perfection "its on the house dear, you're welcome back anytime" she said clearling you plates away "no no please let me pay" you practically begged the older women to let you pay but she refused.
After excepting your fate and enjoying your time in the cafe you forgot to check the time and saw it was 9.10 am you'd spent an 1hr in the cafe "shit" you mumbled to yourself and waved the old women goodbye. Now if miracles exists this was one you were 25 minutes away from the training ground and somehow you had made it there for 9.25. With 5 minutes to spare you walked into the changing room to find that you were the last one in and everyone was waiting for you. You knew that wasn't the best impression but atleast you weren't late "captain im so sorry, i didn't mean to show up so far behind i wont do it again" you pleaded to your new captain as you had a feeling she was ready to snap at you from the gaze she gave you "dont apologise its okay just next time be earlier, its your first day dont stress" she said and put a hand on your shoulder in reassurance.
Training had gone well for you, you had very quickly proved yourself to fit to the rumors of being a promising young talent. If football was a language you were fluent everything made sense to you the way the ball moved at your feet it was natural. Everyone was fairly impressed with your skill "you worried luce" mapi joked digging her elbow into lucys side "don't even" she said deadpanning her face of course lucy was the starter over you but you were definitely a threat you were half of lucys age and developing quicker than ever. You walked back to the changing room and got changed quickly sending everyone a goodbye before heading off the walk home as you needed to shop.
This is when lucy needed to bring up your living suitation but she had no power to get this changed she needed to tell alexia "ale, can i talk to you" she said dragging the spainard to the side of the room "sure whats up" she said back "its about y/n" lucy said trying to figure out whats the best way to word this "whats wrong?" Alexia responded her eyebrows knitted together she cared for you and she didnt understand why she was so protective over you even though the two of you rarely spoke, you rarely spoke to anyone unless it was for a drill. "Ermm so basically she's living by herself the team have bought her an apartment and shes been walking to the training ground.. and like yes i know she probably can take care of herself. But shes 16.. and" lucy was rambling "what? She's living by herself she knows no spanish and probably doesn't know how to wash her clothes... we've got to sort this" alexia said almost shocked in the stupidity of the management team what were they thinking a 16 year old by herself.
Alexia had went to talk to jona after she told lucy she would sort out the issue, "jona were abouts does y/n live?" She questioned him "its in de la tres torres apartment 4b" he said "why?" "Im going to check up on her and tell her she is moving in with me, im not having a 16yr old live by herself in a foreign country" she said back firmly grabbing her car keys out of her bag and storming off to the car park before jona could protest against the captain l, you were living with her she didn't care she had a spare room and was quite happy to share it as she wouldn't mind the company on her days off. She drove to your apartment parking her car outside she was preparing for your stubborn attitude to not be willing to leave as she knows how teenagers can be.
It was 5.30pm when the knock came at your door you were about to head off shopping so you had no idea who it could be. You opened your door to find alexia stood outside "am i in trouble?" You questioned it would be the only reason she was at your door "no course not how about we have a seat" she said as you brought her to your sofa "nice place" she commented glazing around the room it was nicely decorated but it wasnt a home "yeah its alright, just a bit lonely sometimes" you said sitting down next to her. "So i was wondering if instead of living here by yourself, you come and live with me in my apartment i have a spare room and it would be much nicer and you would have less responsibility" she began "ermm i dont know captain i dont wanna crash your place.. honestly im fine here" you said almost believing your own words. You weren't fine in that apartment you had no idea how to live by yourself but you didnt want to burden alexia with your problems or with your presence. "No no pequeña, please come live with me honestly it would put me at peace of mind that you are well fed and rest" she said back "really?" You questioned you almost couldn't believe she cared that much for you "of course but please stop calling me captain and call me alexia or ale whatever one" she said almost jokingly.
You had agreed to stay with her and you began to pack but it was getting late and you hadn't eaten yet "umm ale.. alexia can we just go now im really hungry and have no energy to finish packing" you said walking into the living room where she was lay on your couch "of course pequeña how about tomorrow you come back after training then call me when you're finished packing" she said looking up to you. You just nodded you were so tired and it was only 6.30. She brought you to her car and you slipped into the passenger seat the drive was longer than you had expected it was a 30 minutes away yet thats all it took for you to drift of asleep in her car your head resting against the window. Alexia looked over to you her heart almost melting at the sight she knew how hard this must be for you and yet you still hadn't spoke to anyone. The car had pulled into alexias driveway and just as she turned the car off you had stirred awake from your sleep "we're here amor how about you get your bags from the boot" she said getting out the car and made her way to open the door to her house. Her house was beautifully furnished it was so her stylish yet not over the top you couldn't believe you were going to be staying in her home. "How about you start putting your stuff in the bedroom while i cook us some food" she said as she showed you to your new room.
The dish was simple it was just some pasta but it was so tasty you had been craving a home cooked meal. "Thank you so much" you said as you moved to wash your plate in the sink, "no worries amor just wash your dish then you can head off to sleep and i will wake you up" she said giving you a smile. You had climbed into bed this time the sheets felt a lot more comforting and your bed felt so much warmer you had fell asleep with ease. Alexia had came up to check on you but as she peeked her head through the door she found you passed out asleep and she decided to let you sleep.
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mikalame · 10 months
hi, I was wondering if you could write some Bill x reader angst please, where Bill gets jealous bc of the reader's "fan service" towards fanboys ( for example she flirts with them (as a joke ofc), winks at them on stage...) and one day they just have a big fight bc of that, also the reader is a girl and a member of the band. Bye ;)
This is My first angst, i dont think ill make a Pt2 to this as i kinda like were i finished it tell me what you think about it mabey ill do more angst who knows 🤫
Bills a little toxic in this, but they arent really good for eachother, just pretend the band wont break up or anything ahaha.
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"Did you really have to wink at them again" Bill scoffs as he chucks his bag down on the floor walking into the hotel room.
You guys were bombarded when you got off the plane, which is to be expected as a rock star with a world wide fan base, having fans in every country in itself is good but not when your fans are a bit touchy and you have a bit of a playful personality.....expectantly when your boyfriend is a tad bit of a jealous person.
"Really Bill we just got here and you're already picking a fight, can't we just relax after a 13 hour flight, huh?" you question, getting sick of bills arguments you try and assure him that hes all you need but he cant seem to get it in his head, making you feel like your practically cheating on him when you arent your just being friendly, at least in your mind you are.
"Well you seem pretty energetic when that guy came up and hugged you, real tight" Bill looked away, his eyebrows pinched thinking over the airport insident.
"Bill really, i was JUST hugging him like i dont everybody, he wasnt special hes just a fan, a NICE fan who asked for a hug" You retort rolling your eyes, shoving your suit case under the bed not bothering to pack it away yet.
"Whats wrong Bill, huh, you seem so uptight about this whole thing, do you still think im gonna leave you, Bill, im YOUR girlfriend not anybody else and you may think that i would but i wont and i never will" You argue, completely over Bill and his jealousy.
"No because i know you would all the flirting you do when fans come up to you in party's you grab their arms and laugh at all their jokes, their not even funny half the time but you still laugh like its the funniest thing in the world, you BARELY EVER laugh at my jokes huh, am i not funny or something"
Bill continues to rant letting all of it off his chest, you felt your anger rise getting annoyed that bills painting you as some sort of villain that would cheat on him any chance she got.
"Yeah Bill i laught at their jokes because its NICE-"
"So is it a chore or something to laugh at my jokes" He cuts you off rolling his eyes walking over to the couch sitting down with a huff.
"No Bill and you know thats not true, its different, we're their IDOLS they look up to us, we're CELERITYS, im gonna laugh at whatever stupid joke they make to make THEM happy, to make THEM feel great that they made THEIR IDOL smile and laugh, its not that i dont find you funny bill because u dont your a funny person its just i dont see you or anyone in the band as a celebrity i just see you guys as normal people-".
"Oh so im not even named your boyfriend anymore im just a 'normal person' that babe feel REAL nice right now" He scoffs again flicking through the channels on the t.v.
"OMG BILL YOUR BEING SO DIFFICULT RIGHT NOW" you yell, frustrated about how hes acting right now, he does this all the time bringing this argument up again then leaving the argument when you starts to become frustrated.
"I cant do this bill" You sigh slumping down onto the hotel bed, Bill looks over raising his eyebrow he had never heard you give up in an argument your always fighting to prove that your right.
but as both of your emotions are high right now one of you are bound to say something your gonna regret, just like bill did.
"Oh yeah what to much for you?, you just gonna give up on this realtionship, not even gonna try and fix it, just gonna up and leave" he scoffs standing up, looking at you down his nose not thinking your actully going to do what he thought you would.....
but you did
"Bill were not good for each other, your to jealous and cant handle that im maybe am a bit to sweet to our fans but i cant help it a-and i know you cant handle it either, s-so i think this is where this relationship should end- this is for the best for both of us i think... and for the band you know" you say shakily standing up walking slowly to your bed that has the suitcase under it.
"W-wait baby y-your joking right, i didn't mean it, i'll get over it I SWEAR" he begs tears flowing down his cheeks his eyeliner and mascara running with the tears.
"No Bill you wont, this relationship wont work, it's toxic for me and you, this- this is for the best i think" You say sighing as you pull your bag up opening the handle up and holding onto it.
You listen to bill sobs as he tries to bargen with you, to make you stay, his promises of how he wont be jealous and he'll do better, words that fell on deaf ears as you have already made up your mind, knowing even in your mind blurry with emotions that this would be the best for both Bill and You.
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captianbrnes · 8 months
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Summary: You want to prove to Bucky that you'll always be beside him
: Bucky Barnes x !reader
warnings: nothing really, just insecure Bucky kind of
word count: around 300
a/n: pls give me feedback on anything! I'm not really a writer I just do this for fun so any feedback is needed lol
“Buck- Bucky you’re gonna choke me” you squeal out while he has his arms around your shoulders hugging you tight in the kitchen of the compound.
“Can’t help it, just too cute, '' Bucky says before snuggling closer to you, burying his head more into your neck if even possible. “Get a room would yah now-” “shut it bird brain”.
You can't see because of the strong arms blocking you but by the sound of it you can guess that Sam entered the room. Mustering all the strength in you, you’re able to break free from the arms of your boyfriend strolling out the kitchen back to your room but don't get too far before you feel someone walking right behind you.
“Going to your room baby? We can watch a movie if you want”, he says after catching up to you. After you agree, the both of you settle in your shared room choosing to turn on a cringe romance movie neither of you paying attention.
“Do I ever tell you how beautiful you are?” Bucky says looking at you mesmerized. “Only once every ten minutes.” You giggle out while playing with his fluffy hair. “God and that laugh too… wanna’ hear it for the rest of my life if i could.”
“I mean you could if you want..” you faintly whisper out just loud enough for the super soldier to hear. Clearly surprised by your answer he quickly states back, “ Really? You'd really want to spend forever with me?” He genuinely was surprised anyone would reply positively.
“Of course Buck, I mean you’re literally perfect. Your smile and everything, I mean look at you!” You exclaim happy to see Bucky’s smile back on his face. “You know I love you right?” you tell him scared that he didn't realize.
“Yeah you only tell me one hundred times a day” he laughs out after you slap his shoulder. After the conversation you and Bucky spend the rest of the night snuggled up together watching cringe romance movies.
Even though you know it’ll take awhile, you wont stop trying to prove you'll be with Bucky forever, through all seasons.
a/n: idk if my requests are open but if they are feel free to request anything since I'm not the most creative. I also might post at random times since I'm in school but I'll try to get out as much as possible.
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i0134 · 1 year
𖥻 zb1﹎my love playlist 🪡 ˒𓆩⠀⠀⠀
tw! ; angst, fluff, a bit suggestive, lowercase intended.
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jiwoong— try again (by jaehyun x d.ear) ˒ ꙳
despite you and your lover both being from two different worlds, you two still try to stay together forever. all those little arguments and making up only makes your long distanced relationship stronger, pulling each other closer, growing up more mature as you two learn and love everything together. step by step, little by little.
❛ I'm always on your side, we'll be alright ˳ ⋆
zhanghao— old love (by yuji x putri dahlia) ˒ ꙳
dating hao was the most beautiful thing that has ever been done by you. he was the epitome of lovely. just like him, dates planned by him were the best too. that summer night where he stole your first kiss under the full moon or when he ditched the prom with you just so he could slow dance with you at a secret place in the school's backyard, constantly showering you with kisses and muttering how pretty you look in that dress. he surely made you feel all sorts of love.
❛ come on and hold me, I want you right here ˳ ⋆
hanbin— only (by lee hi) ˒ ꙳
he was your dream love and you were his. shy sneaky glances, lingering touches, countless daydreams, sleepless nights thinking about one another and all heart eyes. but none of you were confident or sure enough to confess until you initiate your proposal first and things become so much dreamy and lovely as both of you dwell in eachothers warmth ever after.
❛ my only one, everytime i see you, i want to have you ˳ ⋆
matthew— 10 months (by enhypen) ˒ ꙳
your childhood friend that's a mix resemblance of a cute puppy and the bright smiley sun has been confessing to you ever since you two learned to talk properly. being the mature yet younger one you couldn’t help but giggle at his desperate attempts and defending pouts. but as you two grow up your feelings become more and more prominent and so does his attempts of proving himself that he's your dream man now and your left with no choice but to accept his cute love.
❛ starting tomorrow I'll protect you, all day all night ˳ ⋆
taerae— double take (by dhruv) ˒ ꙳
sleepless nights he spends writing verses of love songs dedicated to you, his friendly classmate. his crush on you is so obvious yet shocking to everone. you’re his muse, his little happy love and he's planning to make his move this prom night with the specially readied song before anyone elss claims you.
❛ tell me, do you feel the love? ˳ ⋆
ricky— beside you (by keshi) ˒ ꙳
no matter how hard you try to deny it, it seems like you’ve taken a bit more interest in that crazy rich heartthrob who's trying to court you, constantly seeking for your attention and perhaps some love. (ps. your ex crush long that you were planning to confess long forgotten) he declares that It's love at first sight and tries to prove he is the best one for you. your the best thing that happened to him and lover boy is absolutely whipped for you. he's never felt such devoted love hehe. so will you be able to ignore him and your blooming feelings? spoiler : you wont ;)
❛ you say this ain't love, but it's the same love ˳ ⋆
gyuvin— every summertime (by niki) ˒ ꙳
you never knew your usual normal summer would be romanticised by a certain goofball and become this exciting and lovely. that summer left a strong warmth in your heart as you fell for him harder than ever and you knew that was it, that this boy named kim gyuvin wss the only one you’ll ever need in not only summer but the whole year, wishing to grow up in eachothers loving embrace.
❛ every year we get older, but I'm still on your side ˳ ⋆
gunwook— love story (by taylor swift) ˒ ꙳
that evening was a truly magical one. you on the balcony watching the sun go down the horizon as your new neighbour's son's figure across the street underneath attracts your attention, meeting eye to eye and suddenly your stomach feels all funny as your pulse rises. that was the start of your little romeo-juliet story but with a happily ever after. sneaking out at the middle of the night with him, skipping classes for quick picnics and doing all sorts of funsies you swore you’ll never do.
❛ It's a love story, baby, just say "yes!" ˳ ⋆
yujin— softcore (by the neighbourhood) ˒ ꙳
being in a secret relationship with an idol wasn’t so easy as you were stuck in the four confines of your room, occupied with studies and yujin on his run around the world doing various promotions and practices to secure his position as a qualified idol. but even in amidst of all you two survive on eachother, comforting and strengthing one another, keeping eachother alive from this hell of a life and healing the wounded souls of one another beacause everything's okay on nights where he sneaks into your room and you take a break for him.
❛ i might need you or I'll break ˳ ⋆
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© aenfilmz / 2023
taglist ; @solarwoniii @shiningstar-byulxx @wtfhyuck @ichiibunztwt
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spacedlexi · 5 months
Saw your post about the Vi, Minerva and Clem in the woods. Do you really think clem would be the jealous type🤔 ? (I personally think the idea of it is hilarious. Also, your art is very pretty.)
its not that i see her as the jealous type. its more so about her issues around trusting people and how shes put her faith in the wrong people before. i dont think shes actually Jealous, i think shes just a little nervous about what it all means and where violet might be at emotionally (especially after finding out minnie didnt die)
she just makes Too Many Faces in instances where vi+minnie is on display that its enough to make me 🤔😏. she looks startled when she sees the heart for the first time (after they had a nice convo in her dorm the night before), she gets all uncomfortable if vi brings up minnie fitting the fish description, and they make a point to show clems reaction (which is not neutral) to vi and minnie reuniting in the woods (as opposed to louis' reuniting with minnie scene where its a close up of him and minnie and clem isnt even in the frame. they WANT YOU to look at clem reacting to vi and minnie hugging which is 🤔)
like it SEEMS LIKE shes got some concerns about it even tho she never explicitly states anything. she also stops making those faces after they talk about minnie in ep3 in her dorm where vi tells clem she wont let minnie hurt her (or aj, or anyone else she cares about (and clem knowing shes gonna look out for aj too im sure is huge for her and why i think vi standing up for them in ep2 meant so much as well)). them talking about minnie there and how vi needs to stop mourning her and move on and then she gives clem the pin and they dance i think is what clears any concerns clem mightve had about violets feelings towards minerva. and violet keeps proving to clem that shes gonna choose her every time
so yeah its not necessarily that shes Jealous. i think shes just a little scared about what it all means. but vi continues to prove to her over the season that she is truly devoted to her and that clem can trust her to be there for her no matter what. and when vi shoots minnie on the boat to save clems life (something clem has also had to choose in the past), its the final act that solidifies their relationship
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drdemonprince · 2 years
I will say, re: that danny lavery post about delaying transition until all one’s loved ones provide buy-in, that you actually do not have to ask anyone for permission to transition or even verbally run it by them at all before you do it. I think that if I felt that I needed to run my transition past everyone significant in my life before attempting it, I never would have gotten anywhere at all. 
Instead, I just started trying shit, and letting the people around me figure out how to respond with everything that stuck. I started wearing men’s clothing, I cut my hair short, i tried low dose T, my name changed, my pronouns changed, the company i kept expanded, i evolved in real time, as all people do with age and time, and aside from a few emails making very specific demands of people (that they use my new name and correct pronouns), i didn’t let anyone into the decision making process at all whatsoever. because it was my decision, and it was up to me to determine what transition even meant, and those desires were free to evolve as i tried things out and saw what fit. 
some people think it was terrible for me to start testosterone without ever telling a soul, including my partner at the time, who i had been dating for roughly seven years at that point. but i know that if i hadn’t gone about it in that way, i would have just kept on quietly dying. having my cis family and loved ones fretting about my transition prior to it’s start would have done nothing for them and it would have absolutely imprisoned me with anxiety over being abandoned.
 instead, i chose myself and my comfort and right to self determination, every single day, applying my gel in the morning and seeing how it suited me and then continuing to choose it again and again. they figured it out. but not before i figured myself out. this option might not be safe for everyone but it’s a good bet for a lot more people than realize it i think. these things are subtle to others but they mean the world to us.
 im glad i changed my name and gender marker one day without telling anyone first. im glad i got that hormone scrip without letting my fragile longing be trampled by anybody else’s skepticism. i discount my feelings so much, every time, and always prioritize others’ and assume that i am crazy. if i had waited until i was confident enough to speak my transgender truth to somebody that day never would have come. instead i just started fuckin transgendering and it felt so fucking good nobody’s bad reactions could push me backward into the closet. 
when you’re gay, you dont have to come out to everyone before you start having sex. i think a lot of gay people would not ever be able to come out if they didnt know the rightness of fucking the way they wanted to first. some would come out without that obviously, some do and continue to. but making a bold declaration about who one IS can prove very difficult. its far easier to just do what feels right and color in the lines from there. transgender is a thing you do, not a thing you need to declare with finality that you are. so just do what you want, and what fuckin feels right, and just keep doing it, and let everybody who has a problem with it figure it out their damn self 
 if i ever get surgery my family wont know a fuckin thing about it until i show up to a beachside vacation in a banana sling and nothing else 
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angelheony · 17 days
'Under the Veil of the Night Sky'
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶ Synopsis ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
When painful memories catch up to people in the middle of the night, A change of scenery can definitely aid- At least that's what you think. ( Modern au!)
Jiang Cheng x gn Reader
Warnings- Might be ooc, bad grammar, and horrible parenting
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In the late hour of the night, two lovers intertwined. Though one finds himself restless, words echoing in his mind. Whether it be the favored words of his father towards anyone but him, the harshness of his mother, and the constant pressure of having to be better than everyone else or your a failure in 'their' eyes. Leaves a certain Jiang Cheng twisting and turning in his bed trying to find rest.
"A-cheng..Can't sleep?" A voice laced with sleep asked beside him. Seemingly stirred by all the movement
"..No, Sorry did I wake you up?"
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
Jiang Cheng tries to keep his tone neutral to not worry the person beside him. Though it all proves to be futile under your keen observation.
You look beside you groggily "What's plaguing your mind? you know you can tell me..."
"Its nothing, Go back to sleep, i'll follow shortly"
He dismisses your words quickly,
You sigh, if he doesn't want to share such heavy thoughts to you just yet, you wont force him. "Ever tried counting sheep to sleep yet?" You try to lighten the mood instead,
"Who still does that? i'm not a five year old anymore"
He huffs out, looking to you with raised eyebrows.
"Hey, never hurts to try" You smile sheepishly back at him, Though shut down by a quick 'no' by the man beside you.
"Fine, wanna go somewhere for a change of scenery? Maybe at the park..."
You say whilst sitting up, wanting to spend some time with him as well. What better time than in the deep of the night, not messing up with your already hectic schedules.
"Who still wanders about at 1 am?" He sits up as well, finding no use in just twisting and turning to get some sleep.
"People who can't sleep, duh. So only a few, plus nobody can bother us now." A sudden wave of energy hits you, hurrying to dress up to at least look presentable at 1 am explorations.
Jiang Cheng just let out a sigh, entertaining your antics just this once.
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
You both originally wanted to go to the empty park, but not before passing through the convenience store to get some snacks, as per your request. A mutter from Jiang Cheng can be heard as well, Huffing out that we just went out in the middle of the night just cause you were hungry, which was amusing to him.
After a few squanders on which snack to buy, you arrive at the park. Proceeding to sit on the bench nearby to take in the tranquility of the atmosphere.
"It really is better here at night," You sigh in content, as you take a bite on the chips you bought. Nudging a piece to him, so he can have a taste as well.
He nods in agreement before taking a bite,
",How're you feeling?" you continue.
"Surprisingly better.." Jiang Cheng murmured, "And tired after all that walking." Rolling his eyes, before leaning his head on your shoulder
"See i'm so smart, when we get back you can surely sleep peacefully now!" Patting him on the head, You say boisterously
"Smart? Where?"
"Wow, okay be that way..." You exchange witty comments with each other for the time being, but after a while, You say softly.
"You know I won't force you to tell me all that's in your mind, but just know that i'll always be here, by your side.."
"I know", Jiang Cheng pulls your body in a tight embrace, Though you won't know the exact thoughts in this man's mind, you hope that it brings him even the littlest of comfort. Embracing him with equal fervor
"Now let's go home shall we? It's almost dawn"
His softening tone tells you everything you need to know for the time being, you nod.
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
As fast as sleep took you in, at the same rate will you have to part from its embrace. Now in your lecture room, The sound of Wei Wuxian's voice echoes out, asking on why you both look like fierce corpses this early in the morning. You both could only answer with a glare and another a sigh. After all you cant say much after only a few hours of much needed sleep since midterms are coming, but oh well, you'll survive cause you know that your both in this together.
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
Yey!! second fic done, idk but I just wanna drown Jiang Cheng with hugs
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sneezemonster15 · 9 months
I'd give you an analysis, but frankly from what I've seen from your own "analysis" you're not very good at reading
also if you'd be so kind to tag this as mha spoilers, or screenshot this ask and put it under a read more so i dont spoil anyone who's interested in reading mha. it'd be greatly appreciated
(also thanks for getting rid of anon, this time i will include pics !)
anyway, this is the "straight dude who is having a typical cutesy high school het romance with a girl in a taken for granted het world." you're talking about;
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also i wont lie, calling mha a het world when these are real dialogue is highkey stupid:
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and i know the topic at hand is s/n/s and bk/dk but lets pivot to tg/chk bc theyre more relevant to what im saying
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theres a lot to say but honestly, the manga speaks for itself :)
oh and also, you're right, bk/dk has no romantic subtext - it has romantic text. no subtlety needed! :) that is, if you have read the manga - my favourite example is this:
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and then shgrk then proceeds to kill bkg, who "dies" (sort of) thinking about izuku in his final moments:
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and then izk loses control when he sees bkg "dead" on the ground
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and these are from recent chapters! imagine the rest of the series, ey
well! that got long. i'd tackle your crappy assessment of deku's character, but then I'd be here all day!
anyways, if i were you, I'd reread mha and really really understand the text you're reading. you might end up seeing something you missed at first!
Aiyyo someone got triggered! Hehehe. Ah it was inevitable that the moment I talked about MHA and rejected shippy head canons from the show, some delusional hardcore shipper would get all up in arms. Sigh.
You think what you wrote is analysis? Hehehe.
So just some random panels and chapter covers from the manga prove Bakugou or Deku is gay? Lol. I have seen fans like you in Naruto fandom as well. But you are right, I am not as invested in MHA, because it just doesn't have the versatility and genius of Naruto and Shippuden, it is actually quite a straightforward story and I don't need to burn a lot of my braincells to 'get it'. Lol. I am not saying it's bad, but as compared to its contemporary mangas, it just isn't at par for my tastes. It's good for entertainment but it doesn't affect me like other mangas that it takes inspiration from. Some silly shipper telling me I can't read, I would tell you my credentials but nah, too much work for disproving silly ass headcanons.
Fans make comparisons between Naruto and BNHA because Horikoshi is inspired by Kishimoto, definitely some similarities are there, but it misses on the most crucial point. Naruto and Shippuden are love stories. BNHA is simply your typical shounen manga. Naruto and Shippuden use the narrative tool of subversion to tell a love story in the restrictive genre of shounen. It has multiple layers and you need presence of mind to see them. Naruto is gay and you see comphet in his character, his interest in Sakura looks superficial from the beginning and then in kage arc, it is concluded as a mere cover to run from confronting his dilemma, and closetedness. His character is consistently shown as having an internal fight, a dilemma. Sasuke is just on your face, he is clearly shown as having no interest in women, but with Naruto he is especially intimate on his own accord. Ya know, using random panels ain't gonna help, you need to establish it in the narrative. Headcanons are all nice to entertain when that's all you watch media for, shipping. But please to be showing more maturity and media comprehension when sending me an ask, I am not very sympathetic to gaslighters whose heads are filled with shippy shit and cheap self gratification. When I talk Naruto, I make comparisons with other clearly gay media, and point out the common tropes, it's a result of expansive research. Not just random panels that prove nothing. Little one, you need more than that to prove your theories. I have watched a wide range of media, including gay media, your ask is just representative of your ignorance and lack of knowledge about how storytelling and character building works. Heh. Or do you think BNHA has its own concept of homosexuality, its own private language that cannot be compared with how other media establishes homosexuality in a given universe? Yeah, solipsistic ideas like that cannot be taken seriously.
Conformity is one of the pillars Japanese society is built upon, so it's not surprising that Japanese media talks upon how anything that doesn't conform to the norms is rejected. Their media is representative of their society. Mha also touches upon that and there's no surprises there, but again, you need more than that to prove it in the course of plot building and narrative. Some random out of context panel about some character saying something about conformity proves your point? You need to SHOW it and not just tell. But where other mangas, great mangas, popular and critically well acclaimed mangas have explored this idea in detail, MHA is just touch and go. It doesn't entertain a balanced proper discourse on it. It is truly shounen in that sense. Again, I am not saying it is bad, it is just more age appropriate. Which is totally fine. Do you know how heteronormativity is established in the narrative? Like this. Show me where this happens in MHA. Lol. Sweetheart, if the writer had made any attempt to write this world as heteronormative, where gay characters face challenges, I would have seen it. But mha is just not that deep. Sorry to burst your bubble. But that's just a fact.
Seriously, you are going to give me the example of Toga? I haven't gone through the recent chapters yet. I have only watched the anime. But it is clear that, that girl is medically insane. Her idea of liking someone is to kill that person and drink their blood, for her own pleasure. She ain't a homosexual, more like hemosexual. Hahaha. Again, you gotta show me the trajectory of her character, start with the base and show me how it escalates, how does she learn better about herself, her own feelings, the world from her perspective. No character is isolated, any writer who is talented enough to write multimillion franchise knows that. Don't project your assumptions on the story and the characters, work with what you have and draw the meaning from what's given, not the other way round.
There is no doubt Izuku and Bakugou have a strong relationship, even if it is mostly rivalry. But one can see that Bakugou cares about Deku and vice versa. Before telling me how to read, perhaps you should have done it yourself. Lol, I see this type of behaviour a lot from typical silly shippy shippers. "What, did you just say my ship makes no sense? 🤬"
Do you even know what subtext or text is? Hahah. This is text and subtext. So just because Bakugou and Deku talk about their rivalry in their vulnerable moments, that the audience knows as congruent since we have already seen they have a hot and cold relationship but that they are friends nonetheless, that proves they love each other romantically? You obviously don't know how romance tropes work. The dynamic between two men who respect and admire each other is always shown with a lot of empathy in Japanese media. It is one of the founding pillars of shounen, a genre meant for teenaged boys. They are certainly closer to each other than they are with women they are interested in, but a lot of fans such as yourself misinterpret it as romantic, because headcanon goggles. No, you gotta have more than that. Where Naruto and Shippuden have it in truckloads, none of that in BNHA. Deku is heterosexual af. If he is so interested in Bakugou, how come he reacts the way he reacts to Uraraka? Where is his conflict? Where is his dilemma? His affection and romantic interest in Uraraka is genuine and sincere, not a cover to hide his more private feelings. Unlike in Naruto's case. Kishi uses clever narrative tricks and tools to tell his love story in shounen and he does it skillfully. His motives and intentions are clear as water. He uses inventive smokescreens and red herrings to escape from being too controversial and colour inside the borders of shounen, nothing like that in BNHA. To begin with, Horikoshi doesn't even delve into the sexualities of his characters, because his story is not about that. There's no context, no set up, nothing. His worldbuilding is simply conventional, by which I mean heteronormative, there's no talk about sexual orientation of characters. You see the usual shounen perviness by Mineta and Kaminari and typical straight girls going kawaai over good looking boys like Todoroki, what impression does that give? If Horikoshi wanted to establish his characters being gay, he would have set up the context mindfully and carefully, like Kishi did. Gay relationships and characters can't be shown so explicitly in shounen as that would jeopardize its distribution in the west. Reason? Censorship. That's why Kishi had to be so careful, his target audience might not get it, but the adults do. Well, unbiased adults do, at the very least. So the boys in bnha are gay just because? Because you want them to be? Storytelling and character building doesn't work like that.
Seriously everything you think works as 'analysis' isn't even valid. I honestly didn't even want to respond to this ask, given it's so surface level and ridiculously simple minded. Perhaps you are a tween or teen who thinks every time two boys or girls smile at each other or rescue each other, they are gay and in love. Lol, watch gay media. Like actually watch it and see where your arguments stand in the scheme of things. I will tell you, nowhere. Juvenile kiddy stuff. I won't entertain anymore asks like these, they are a waste of my time.
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