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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year ago
I would commit murder to see the interview these pictures are from
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elliesgaymachete · 7 months ago
I feel like buffy the vampire slayer really needed a found footage/mockumentary episode, probably around late season 5/early season 6
Dawn’s working on a project for some class that’s about family so obviously she’s gonna do it on her sister and extended/found family.
Buffy immediately tells her to get the camera out of her face, she has enough to worry about right now and for the rest of the episode is only seen in small glimpses that Dawn is able to get before she notices and she always hides the camera when Buffy looks in her direction.
Willow helps her figure out how to work the camera and transfer the files and edit and stuff. She’s really good at that. She and Tara are incredibly helpful and like overly enthusiastic about the project they just want her to do a good job. They like sit down for an interview but end up flirting the whole time and Dawn has to clear her throat and remind them that they’re on camera.
Anya doesn’t understand the concept and says multiple things that Dawn mutters behind the camera “gonna have to cut that”. She doesn’t cut it
Every time the camera falls on Xander he tries to act like a macho action star but it’s just awkward and Anya has to tell him to stop embarrassing himself.
Dawn has a heart to heart with Spike at some point but he doesn’t realize there’s a camera and in the middle he finally notices and—“Are you FILMING this? Have you no decency? Respect for privacy?” The footage cuts out.
Giles is in one scene. She asks him a question for context of what’s going on. He answers honestly in a very descriptive, expository monologue, then realizes there’s a camera. Apparently no one told him she’s working on a project.
There’s a scene at some point where she’s getting chased by the monster of the week where she’s just running and the camera’s going crazy and she drops the camera and there’s a perfect view at some awkward side angle of Buffy kicking this monster’s ass.
She finishes, Dawn scrambles for the camera, Buffy helps her up, notices the camera, “Are you SERIOUSLY filming right now—“ Static.
Some button at the end maybe spliced together with other random clips of everyone laughing or hugging or weird bits that didn’t fit elsewhere while Dawn talks about how much she loves her family
Cut to Dawn presenting the footage in class. Weird looks, scattered applause. The teacher comments, “While that was very… creative, I’m not sure you understood the point of the assignment…”
Next presentation is like some cookie cutter boring thing about a nuclear family
Dawn gets a B-
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year ago
Follow-up to this post and a point-by-point recap of last night's events:
- Definitely thought I would be nervous, but as soon as I saw Neil waiting backstage from the vantage of my fourth row seat, all that went away.
- The event was a tribute to Ray Bradbury, with Neil and several actors reading different short stories and Neil talking about them in between. He started off the night by talking about being a TikTok meme ("Neil Gaiman, why are you in my falafel?") and how his time as a meme was almost up.
- There was an after party in the bar following the show, and the ticket I had purchased allowed me to attend. I didn't even realize Neil was there yet because he was so low profile and just chilling while a line began to form at his table.
- When I went up to him, he was very smiley and kind and soft-spoken. I mentioned really enjoying the Bradbury story he read ("The Homecoming") because it felt like an allegory for autism, for an autistic person in a family full of neurotypicals, and it really resonated with me. So we talked Ray Bradbury and writing and it was lovely. - I also mentioned the tweets from a few years ago (here and here) that involved him commenting on a photo of me in a red bikini and me offering to cook him dinner if he came to New Jersey, and he remembered! Haha. He also still seemed very interested in the offer and said, "It's a date" and "We'll do dinner." Oh, Neil... - At the end, I somehow finally remembered to tell him my name and said "I'm Amy" as we shook hands. To which he replied, "It's lovely to meet you, Amy. I'm Neil." - After we took the picture, I wished Neil a good flight (the venue staff said they were trying to hurry up the queue because he had an early flight today) and safe travels, and he said "Thank you!" and was again so sweet and lovely and just a person. - Didn't talk to Neil about anything Good Omens, but I did end up chatting with a woman who knows Rob Wilkins (someone waiting in the queue asked Neil how to get in touch with Rob and he pointed to this woman, so that was how I first became aware of her). Later on in the evening, after Neil left, we were on the other side of the bar and struck up a conversation about all things GO, Terry Pratchett, fandoms, Michael and David's chemistry, and much more. She also told me to follow her on Instagram and message her if I ever needed tips for navigating the overwhelm that is NYCC. A totally unexpected and thoroughly enjoyable conversation overall. - Also got to talk with Yetide Badaki (who was in American Gods and one of the actors who performed last night) and she was beyond lovely. I complimented her performance and said how it was "like Siri, but less creepy" and she burst out laughing and asked if she could put that in her résumé. Haha. The topic of autism came up and she said how it was so important to her and how there needs to be more awareness. I mentioned being a professional speaker and that I've done a TED talk on autism, and she said she wanted to watch it. Again, completely unexpected interaction, but so delightful and so much fun.
My overall thoughts and takeaway from this is that real life is very, very much different and not the same thing at all as online fandom. It was incredibly refreshing to see Neil and talk to him in a non-fandom context, and to see how gracious he was with every person in line (adults, kids, couples, all of it). He signed books, took pictures with people, and hugged fans who seemed to be sharing particularly emotional moments. I feel like the fandom tends to treat Neil like some kind of god, but for me, I truly enjoyed seeing and getting to meet him as a person--charming, intelligent, funny, polite, and just a bit awkward...
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theflyindutchwoman · 10 months ago
Okay so now that the season is over and the dust has settled… and also to give us all something to do over the hiatus: what are your five favorite chenford scenes/moments from season 6?
Oooh, that's a really good question, thank you for this trip down memory lane ᡣ𐭩
. 05 - The Elevator Hug (6.09) Ngl, I hesitated between this moment, the wedding dance and the birthday card… But, ultimately, I have to go with this one (for tonight ha!). Maybe it's because I just love their hugs so much - and this one is so beautiful… It mirrors their hug at the hospice perfectly, which is one of my favourite scene of theirs. Maybe it's because of the context, making this one extra special. Or maybe it's because of all the lovely details, like Tim melting into her embrace, Lucy closing her eyes after he says "I'm okay now" and squeezing him a bit more… You can feel the love and caring amidst all the hurt and heartbreak. It doesn't fix anything, it is simply a short respite for the both of them… and for us.
. 04 - Letting Lucy sleep in (6.03) It's a small scene, but the gesture is incredibly sweet. And domestic with Tim getting dressed in front of her. Of course, Primm had to ruin it with his mind games and all, but I just love this little moment where we could see Tim taking care of Lucy and letting her rest because she needed it.
. 03 - Trophy (6.03) + Radio Gift (6.05) Technically, these are two different scenes… But the idea behind it is similar. In both cases, it's Tim taking the time to make silly - but meaningful - gifts to Lucy to show her the support she deserves and how proud he is of her. It's about acknowledging her in a season where it often felt like she was isolated and alone… if not unseen. And, of course, there is the wonderful "you could never disappoint me", something she desperately needed to hear.
. 02 - Battle Couple (6.10) My favourite trope and these two do it so well… even when they're no longer a couple and things are still awkward between them. The whole sequence was so good : Lucy speeding to get to Tim, coming up with a crazy plan and giving instructions to Angela who didn't even blink an eye… that jump… and when things finally slowed down, that look between Tim and Lucy… the man was shooketh.
. 01 - Hospital scene (6.04) Hands down, my favourite scene of the season. From the way Lucy was all alone, in clear distress over the events of the day but trying to hold it together, to Tim who rushed to her side, not even taking the time to change his clothes and yet had the presence of mind to take her bag with him… To him trying to make her laugh a little, touching her to ground her in the present and reassure her (and him for that matter) and engulfing her in a hug to comfort her… And what a hug! He was trying to shield her, cradling her, his hand on her head and her hand on his chest, close to his heart as if she needed to hear his beating heart… Such a great parallel to some of their other hugs. And of course : "let's go home".
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artsycrapfromsai · 1 year ago
I saw you already got a similar ask, but it's worth saying: Amaryllis is just... she feels so... *specifically* tailored to me in a way? Obviously I'm not implying that you made her for me, some rando, I just find it funny which very precise boxes she ticks that appeal to me. Her look and pink and flower motifs aside, it's very validating to see her demisexuality coupled with her sincerity and how you contrast it with Astarion's ineffective flirting. If she likes you, she will say so! And when the time comes she will get to the good stuff. But first she will build actual personal intimacy w/ you. Coyness is foreign to her and I ADORE that, it means a lot. It feels refreshing, relatable, and validating to see, thank you :)
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Djgfjgdhf this is so sweet to read?????
Honestly the amount of messages I've gotten from people who relate to Amaryllis and the way I write her is just so... Nice, and validating???? Its????
Ive been writing her for 5ish years now, but most of that was in the context of our personal DnD campaign; but now that I'm drawing the comics with Astarion, its easier for people to understand her and so many folks are telling me that they're enjoying what they see, and its just???? Such a nice feeling???
Im glad she scratches such a specific itch in people fkvjbcj aaaaaaaa
She was honestly made by me wanting to toss all of my favorite self indulgent tropes into one character (pink, unicorn, cute girl that is Very Strong, socially awkward, extremely curious and just wants to make friends and explore/learn...)
Funnily enough, romance wasn't even considered when I first made her, but as her relationships grew and naturally developed, it became really easy to write those parts and how they confused and flustered her
When it comes to romance, she has to be the one to realize her own feelings first or else any attemps at it with her will just scare her off. All of her relationships in her DnD campaign took months to actually get to, if not years with some partners (both in and out of the campaign), bc she does need that relationship & intimacy built up first. She needs to really get to know someone first, or else it just won't work
But once she's there, she can become really flustered and blushy and awkward around the person she likes (especially if she doesn't know if they like her back), and super incredibly affectionate and loving and adorable.
She loves hugging and kissing and cuddling her partners, bc she just feels so much love and affection when she is in a relationship. It just takes a while to get there
Just. Aaaaaaaaaaa im so glad people like and can relate to Amy so much!!
Thank you for such a kind message!!!!
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septiccoffeefreak · 7 months ago
So what's the system's singlet-sona like?/hj
Well Tommy is very, very open about our plurality, so usually we don't have to use one- he'll introduce himself to new people as Tommy and right out the gate explains that other people might front later- if someone asks his name he'll say "Tommy! But I'm in a system so someone else might front later and have a different name." just, very casually and openly. This does sometimes backfire, but not as often as some people expect, actually. Our parents and friends all also know.
I also try to be open, but sometimes I get nervous and just don't elaborate or correct anything, so if they assume I'm Tommy I won't say anything out of anxiety, or if they ask my name I'll say Seán and give no further context. I do explain we're plural and stuff about half the time, though; it's something I like being open about, I just have anxiety.
But when around people we already have met who don't and CAN'T know (usually pluralphobic or generally ableist), we just use our AGAB pronouns and the name of our core (that's what we call the person who the body belongs to, so...name given at birth). As for personality and interests we go the route of just...accepting everything, I guess, since plurality can be very covert anyway. The things I'm interested in and the things Tommy's interested in and things we know other people are interested in all get blended up into a blender.
So if Tommy's fronting and someone asks him about horror movies, he'll say, yes, he likes them- even though he specifically doesn't like them at all- and I'll jump in to provide examples or trivia. If I'm fronting and someone asks if I want to go to some crowded busy place with lots of people (because Tommy is an extrovert), I'll just say I'm not in the mood right now or that I'm overstimulated and we can go later. Neither of us are huge into clowns, but we have a collection because of someone else, so if we receive a clown we'll thank the person and talk about how great it'll be for the collection.
this also happens with triggers and boundaries- we phrase all of it as "it depends" and "sometimes" and hide behind vagueness, so nothing is completely contradictory. Tommy likes hugs and physical contact and I don't, so usually we just switch quickly if we see someone is about to hug us, or if I'm given a heads up I'll just say I'm not in the mood right now, etc. instead of saying we do, or don't, like hugs. Nothing is ever 100%, it's always conditional.
There's a lot of near CONSTANT back and forth and interrupting each other to keep this up and it's exhausting; finishing each other's sentences, rushing to fill awkward pauses that happen from hesitation and checking in with each other, passing control of the body like a ball whenever the subject changes and we don't know shit about it- it's incredibly involved. I'm glad we don't have to do this often and usually for short periods, because FUCK.
For longer stretches of time where we have to do this, we'll take frequent bathroom breaks, retreat to secluded areas whenever possible, and change clothes a lot for excuses to duck out and take a moment to recuperate; little walks to the water fountain when we don't actually need water so we can have the silence we need to talk to ourselves in our head and tell each other it's okay, give some encouragement, maybe take a deep breath, and then go back in.
It's awful and I hate it when we have to do that. I loathe the stress and anxiety and being on high-alert, and the constant changing of who's talking or moving the body with no warning at all because "oh fuck someone wants to hug us and oh god they just asked about our SOAD shirt and wait shit they want to know about Tommy's comissions-" (I imagine it's even worse for anyone who doesn't have help, and doesn't host like we do, and just has to make up excuses for not knowing things or not wanting to talk about them.)
And we're terrible liars as well, so this is just about the only option. If we made up a specific character to "act" as, it wouldn't work and I think all we'd accomplish was looking suspicious and possibly splitting someone. Same with picking a specific pre-existing alter, although minus the risk of splitting.
So we didn't consciously make up a specific way to BE in front of known ableist people- a specific persona to act out- we just pretend to be one person like, at all. I don't even know if you can call it a singletsona because of that- it's just lying?? Like the only thing we want to do is hide we're plural, there's no specific characteristics we're trying to keep up, so we just lie about being plural and stay as vague as possible so inconsistencies don't show.
People tend to make up their own way of making things make sense, though, so "just lying" works perfectly fine. Those relatives just think of us as odd, socially awkward, moody, and indecisive, but still singlet. They aren't suspicious, they just decided we're a (singular) weirdo and moved along. And thank God for that, because my religiously traumatized ass could not take having a forced exorcism or something shitty like that because someone decided we're actually demons.
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paletigers · 2 years ago
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Found this template on Twitter (@ TheMoYouKnow_ ) and now I want to explain Marrowe's friendship dynamics :) (Under the cut :) and BG3 spoilers ahead!)
Lae'zel is Marrowe's first friend. Since Marrowe has amnesia regarding most of his "life" (see my this post for context), Lae'zel's companionship meant the world to him (he knew of his background during the events of BG3). He respects the hell out of her blunt personality because he doesn't really understand what people really mean a majority of the time. They butt heads a lot regarding opinions, but both can call it quits when they're proven wrong. They also had some sexual tension during the events of act 1, even getting to the point of undressing each other and ready to go at it, but they both kind of looked at each other and went, "is this like, awkward for you? i think i just find you to be a friend" and now theyre best friends :)
Shadowheart doesn't really earn Marrowe's respect until the end of act 2 during the Gaunlet of Shar. Marrowe didn't really understand her Shar worship but didn't want to get in the way of her becoming a Dark Justiciar, so he just helped her until they found the Nightsong. Shadowheart casted aside the spear and saved the Nightsong, much to the suprise of Marrowe. Marrowe isn't a hero, but seeing Shadowheart cast aside Shar made him rethink his worldview as well. They're buds, but Shadowheart not respecting Lae'zel really soured his perception of her, lol. He's really damn loyal to a fault.
Astarion!! Marrowe learned Astarion was a vampire from the moment Astarion knocked him to the ground. He saw his sharp teeth, his fangs, his red eyes, and saw himself. They're both monsters. He didn't say anything to Astarion about his knowledge of Astarion's vampirism, instead keeping a watchful eye over him. When Astarion woke Marrowe in the night attempting to bite him, Marrowe was extremely understanding. Marrowe is unfortunately, really really REALLY enabling to Astarion's bad behavior and vice versa. They're both full of revenge and hatred for people, so Marrowe agrees to Ascend Astarion when the time comes. They're both sick of being controlled and not having ownership over their bodies. By the time Cazador's mansion rolls around and Marrowe sees how Cazador affects his lover, he can't agree with the Ascension anymore. Astarion stays a spawn, and Marrowe is there by his side until the end of time. (After credits, they move into the Goblin camp area in act 1. They clean the fuck out of the place so they have access to the overworld and the underdark, so Astarion can roam freely where he chooses. They've made a lot of sun free areas outside so Astarion can still go out during the day. Don't ask how it works, just accept it.)
Karlach quickly turns into a best friend to Marrowe after they meet. Marrowe had already killed the people hunting Karlach before they met and was on Karlach's side from the get go. Marrowe does everything he can to aid Karlach's heart, not wanting to see his friend hurt. They're both incredibly touchy with each other after her final upgrade, hugging and cuddling all the time. They're the type of friends who are attatched at the hip. (In my canon, Karlach lives a happy long life with Astarion and Marrowe in the renovated goblin camp. no one can tell me otherwise.)
Halsin has the hots for Marrowe from the moment they met, but Marrowe isn't really interested in him. Halsin lives in the Marrowe Hype House post credits. (thats what im calling it now)
Gale and Marrowe are kind of weird around one another. Gale doesn't really like the shit him and Astarion get up to, but they're all weirdly drawn to each other. Astarion flirts with Gale during act 1 and Marrowe is quick to see this. They sort of all dance around each other, riling each other up and having weird unresolved sexual tension with each other. Marrowe is quick to help Gale with whatever he needs, ready to fight Mystra the second she even suggest Gale to blow himself up. Marrowe sort of favors him by giving him really nice equipment for spellcasting even when Marrowe (being a warlock) could use it more than him. He loves talking about magic with Gale and hearing his input on certain decisions. (Gale's like, "Me or Astarion!!" and Marrowe's like "havent you seen us kiss like 500 times already? I thought you knew we were dating." and Gales like "wait what" and Astarion is just "you could always join us yknow like i wouldnt mind kissing you too if thats whats holding you back" and gales fragile virgin mind cant handle it LMAOOO)
Wyll! Marrowe doesn't really understand the whole "Lets fight evil! Yippie!" Thing but respects the hustle. He finds it hilarious that he wants to fight the forces of evil but has Mizora as a patron. He gets really annoyed with Wyll not liking Karlach for a brief moment and him and Astarion bickering pisses him off but its more like "come on my boys kiss and make up before i punch you both". Wishes Mizora would leave the poor fucker alone and gets into shit with Mizora constantly at camp. "Will you please fucking leave im so tired of you" "no but like id fuck you if i had the chance" "PLEASe LEAVE???" (this happened in my game i dont even know why mizora wanted to fuck so bad) (the other three companions i didnt really talk to or have in my camp LMAO) Marrowe WILL have his toxic gay yaoi with Astarion and Gale as the Astarion's thirst card foretold
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thoughts-with-hailey · 1 month ago
My Life in Prythian - Chapter Thirty-Three
The Meeting
Summary: the meeting takes place and some new developments put azzie-kins on edge
My stomach was in knots as I paced around the room. 
Rhys had turned one of the large rooms in the Moonstone Palace above the Court of Nightmares into a meeting room to host the first ever Human Realm Emissary meeting and I, the Human Realm Emissary, was leading it. 
I had never been good at meetings. 
In the human realm I had worked hard to make sure I had a job where I didn’t need to speak in a meeting that had more than my immediate coworkers and all meetings larger than that were held on zoom with my camera off so I didn’t need to worry about my social anxiety. And now I was supposed to lead a meting comprised of my ideas and thoughts regarding the future of the humans in the fucking fae realm, all in front of the other High Lords as well as the humans who had landed in Prythian. 
I was going to puke. 
Or shit. 
I definitely had Feyre bowels. 
My body didn’t know the difference between public speaking and getting hunted by an assassin. 
“Everything is fine,”Azriel said for the thousandth time, obviously picking up on my distress. His strong arms wrapped around me, enveloping me in a hug tight enough to compress my nervous system and stall some of the anxiety coursing through my body. “You have brilliant ideas, you’ve practiced what you’re going to say dozens of times, and if all else fails Amari said he would help you with your pitch.”
“What if everything goes great but then they all hate me?” I murmured into his chest. 
“They won’t.”
“How do you know?”
“Because it’s incredibly easy to love you.”
The very second the ‘l’ word was out of his mouth in context with the word ‘you’ after it my entire body went into panic mode. 
Of all the things he could’ve said in that moment he had somehow picked the absolute worst thing to say to me considering my commitment issues, the ones that I had been fighting since the very moment he had declared me his, started sounding the sirens. 
Unable to help myself I pulled away from him and began to pace again, my steps taking me further and further away from him as I tried to quell my rapidly beating heart. In true panicking fashion I started to yap to cover up my awkwardness over what he had just said and the easiest way for me to fill the silence was to practice my speech again. 
He let out a soft sigh and settled back into the chair he had been occupying throughout the morning, listening diligently once again to what I planned on saying when everyone arrived. 
I was about halfway through the overall presentation for the fifth time that morning when the door opened and Rhysand stepped inside closely followed by Feyre and…Eris?
The familiar amber gaze swept the nearly empty room, skipping right over Azriel to focus in on me. His eyes ran down my form as if taking inventory before his lips curved up ever so slightly at the corners which was the closest he could probably get to a real smile. 
“I hope you don’t mind me arriving a bit early,” he spoke softly, the deep timber of his voice somehow soothing the panic in me slightly. “Beron didn’t want to attend so he sent me in his stead, and I wanted to arrive ahead of time so everyone could stop worrying about having to put up with him for the afternoon.”
At his proclamation my anxiety did ease slightly. While there were still other factors in me not wanting to present everything, Beron not being there would make it a lot easier. “Thank you, Eris. That helps a lot, actually.”
He stepped further into the room as Rhysand and Feyre took seats near Azriel, all three of their gazes locked on Eris as he moved towards me. “I brought you something, Hailey,” Eris informed, holding out a familiar looking paper bag along with an ornate looking canister of some sort. “You said you are fond of the chocolate croissants from the bakery so I grabbed one for you. If you’re too nervous to eat I figured it would be nice to have a familiar food for afterwards when you’re sure to be hungry. I also brought you something special from the Autumn Court.”
I eyed the canister he held out, a gold embellished tin with a pointed lid that reminded me of the container the White Witch gave Edmund his turkish delight in. As he was completely right about not wanting to eat because of the nerves, I ignored the croissant and took the tin from him. The top came off easy enough to reveal little sachets of what looked like a tan powder. The distinct smell of apples wafted up from it and I felt my mouth water. 
“It’s a sacred recipe,” he murmured, taking one of the sachets out and waving his wrist. A mug of hot water appeared in his hand and he dumped the contents inside, then gave it a stir with the spoon he conjured. “There’s an ancient tree in our apple orchard, one that’s been there longer than anyone can remember, and it yields these apples that are truly magic. They have calming properties that, when ingested, relax anyone for hours at a time while still keeping them alert. We harvest them and turn them into a powder to make instant hot magic cider. Many of us use to when we want to read or study, and I myself have used it countless times when preparing for an important event. It’s very helpful.”
The familiar aroma of hot cider filled the room and I nearly sighed at the comfort the scent alone offered. Perhaps drinking a strange concoction from Eris, son of human hater Beron, wasn’t the best idea but I simply did not care. Hot apple cider was one of my weaknesses and it smelled devine. 
Taking the mug he offered I cradled it in my hands, reveling in the warmth seeping through the ceramic, and took a tentative sip. 
It was the perfect temperature, nice and hot yet not hot enough to burn me, and the flavor was unlike anything I had ever experienced. The familiar tartness of the apple combined with cinnamon to remind me so much of home, yet there was something else in there too. It danced across my tongue and tickled the back of my throat on the way down, spreading warmth through me on its journey. A moment later the tension in my limbs eased and my muscles I hadn’t known I had been clenching relaxed. All thoughts of what Azriel had just implied shifted to the back of my plate of worried and I felt my brain focus on the task at hand. 
“Wow,” I grinned, taking another sip. “This is incredible.”
Eris nodded, placing the lid back on the tin and setting it aside with the croissant. “I thought you might appreciate it’s magic. Drink up, I expect this presentation to be compelling enough that even Beron won’t be able to argue once he hears how well it went.”
He turned to go find a seat around the table and before he could get to far I reached out to place my hand on his arm. “Eris?”
Those amber eyes met mine once more, filled with some emotion I couldn’t quite decipher. “Yes?”
“Thank you. That was very kind of you.”
His lips tilted up in an almost smile once more. “Anything for you, sweet girl.”
Warmth that had nothing to do with the cider spread through me as he snagged a seat at the table just as the door opened and more High Lords entered the room. 
Across the room I could feel Azriel’s gaze on me. 
Once everyone had arrived and was seated, introductions were made between the ne human arrivals and the other High Lords. Most of the humans were eager to meet each other and discuss their experiences, all except Becca who remained cold and aloof from everyone while still casting longing looks towards Azriel. Thanks to the cider I was calm and patient as everyone got acquainted, and I silently reminded myself to make sure to thank Eris again later for it. 
When it came time for me to present my ideas the nerves were held at bay and I managed to get through everything without incident. 
Everyone seemed to agree that utilizing the human’s talents was a great idea and that a survey to see what they were interested in would be beneficial to all. Well, everyone but Becca who muttered under her breath that she shouldn’t be expected to work when she never even asked to be in this world in the first place. I studiously ignored her, as did everyone else, and we continued on. A few other questions were offered to add to the survey to help with placements and overall they all seemed excited about it. 
The humans were even more excited when I distributed ipads and Nintendo switches for everyone, courtesy of the House of Wind, all of which were magically enchanted to not need to recharge and could connect to the magic internet of the fae realm. That resulted in the High Lords being very interested in what their human companions could teach them and several of them looked excited when I mentioned I would get them one once they were taught how to use it. 
Becca, however, rolled her eyes at all this and tossed the switch onto the table. “You think offering me video games is going to keep me happy? I’m not some gamer nerd who can get excited over digging virtual holes or collecting rocks in a game. I need something fun to do.”
Gritting my teeth I tried to ignore her snotty tone and asked, “What do you consider fun, Becca? You were rather silent when I opened the floor about questions to include on the survey. If you’re not content with what is being offered then your insights and opinions on the matter would help make life easier for you as well as everyone else.”
She crossed her arms over her chest and shrugged. “I spent most of my time with my personal trainer, redecorating my daddy’s house, or getting protein shakes with my friends. I can’t do any of that here, so-”
“What is a protein shake?” Cassian interjected, looking curious. 
“Cass, honey, I made one for you last week,” I laughed. 
“Oh that pink thing? That was good. We should have a protein shake shop in Velaris. I could-”
“Not know, big guy,” I grinned at him. “We can discuss your business ideas later. It’s Becca’s turn right now. Becca, you know there are friends to make in Prythian if you talked to others, and I am sure there are shops that sell tea or other beverages where you could go with those friends if you had them.”
“It’s too cold to go anywhere!” Becca complained, her voice petulant again. “I need warmth, I need sunshine.”
“There are places with warmth and sun,” I nodded. 
Then an idea occurred to me.
“Becca. I actually think I have the perfect place for you to use your talents and enjoy the sun.”
She arched a brow at me and I felt everyone in the room turn curious. 
Grinning I looked towards Tamlin and asked, “You said you needed some help to renovate and redecorate your home, didn’t you? I’m sure that Becca would love to spend some time in the spring court where there’s sunshine, and you would greatly benefit from her styling expertise.”
The two glanced at each other and I saw the interest flash in Becca’s eyes. 
Score one for me. 
Not too long later Becca was contemplating what colors to paint Tamlin’s walls so they would bring out the green in his eyes and one of the humans from Dawn Court who had been a construction worker in the human realm was interrupting saying they needed walls first before she could paint them. Kallias and Viviene, pleased to find out that their charge would be transferred to the Spring Court, left early to go pack up her things and send them on their way. Helion and his other charge seemed to be content to flirt with each other the entire meeting so there was little doubt in my mind what would be occurring as they left early too. 
A few more suggestions from the surveys were thrown around and eventually everyone filed out of the room to their respective courts, everyone except Eris. 
Azriel, either oblivious or uncaring that we had an audience of one, stood from his seat and rounded the table to tug me into his arms once more as he sang my praise. “You did so good, love,” he grinned, pressing his lips to my hair. 
There was that word again. When he had said it before when we had been snuggled up in bed together I had never realized how heavy a word it was, and now that had changed. Squirming away from him I grabbed the bag with the croissant in it and tore it open. “I’m starved after all that.”
Seemingly oblivious to my inner turmoil he only rolled his eyes and guided me towards a chair. “Sit while you eat, at least.”
I did, seating myself directly across from Eris, and I grinned at him once more. “Thanks again for this, and the tea. It was super helpful.”
“I’m glad it worked for you,” he said gently, angling his chair towards me so our knees brushed. 
A thrill of heat coursed up my leg where we touched and I felt my heart skip a beat. The longing I had been feeling for something unknown for the last weeks suddenly settled into place, dissipating into nothingness as the now familiar comforting warmth spread. 
Had that feeling, that emptiness that had been plaguing me, been a need for…Eris?
The cool touch of Azriel’s shadows brushed against my neck just before I felt his hands settle on my shoulders in a possessive claim as he came to stand behind me. I watched as Eris’ gaze dropped to where the shadows trailed over Azriel’s bite mark, the one that both of us had refused to let Madja heal and it had blossomed into a bright purple and blue beacon that proclaimed I belonged to someone. A flash of anger sparked through his eyes before he quelled it and pasted on the same bored yet smug expression he always had.
“I think this meeting went very well, and I plan on relaying the information to Beron over dinner tonight. You can expect a response to be sent in a few days time.” His eyes went to the ipad I had given him. “He will not be using this, I assure you.”
“That’s good, it’s for you,” I shrugged, smiling at him as I was unable to do anything else. The calmness his presence brought me combined with the excitement I felt around Azriel had my head producing perhaps a bit too much serotonin at the moment and I found myself almost giddy. “I put my contact information in there, and sent everyone a message so you all can contact me if you need anything. You’re welcome to use it in lieu of Beron as I would rather speak to you anyways.”
His lips quirked up again and he glanced between me and the ipad. “Am I only allowed to contact you for matters of business, or does the offer extend if I find myself alone in bed at night and in need of conversation?”
My jaw dropped open at those suggestive words and I saw a sparkle of mischief in his eyes that reminded me so much of Lucien. Before I could answer Azriel’s hands tightened on my shoulders and he cleared his throat. “I hate to interrupt, but Hailey has yet to eat today and I doubt a croissant is enough to fuel her for this evening so I must insist the meeting concludes so I can get some food into my female.”
The possessive tone in which he referred to me had me melting and yet a twinge of irritation rising in me that I couldn’t quite justify. Eris was being nice to me, even if he was flirting, and there was no mistake that I felt a comfort around him that I had been lacking for days. As good as the idea of food sounded, I didn’t like that he was obviously trying to enter a pissing contest with my new friend. 
“Azriel,” I scolded, glancing up at him with a stern expression so he knew I was serious. “Do not be rude to our guest.”
“Our guest has overstayed his welcome.”
“As he is our guest I believe both of us would need to tire of his presence before that statement could be true, and since I am currently enjoying his presence, it is not. Eris, would you care to join us for lunch?”
“I couldn’t impose,” Eris replied politely. 
“It wouldn’t be an imposition, and I’m afraid I have to insist. You brought that tea, and a croissant, so I owe you a meal in return.”
“A croissant is not a meal,” Azriel murmured behind me.
Ignoring him and his hateful words I stood and held out a hand to Eris. “Come. We can go back to the House of Wind to grab George, and then we can go out to lunch in Velaris! It will be fun.”
Eris didn’t hesitate to take my hand and I grinned up at him as he stood. “Who is George?” Eris questioned, causing Azriel to audibly groan from behind us. 
My grin deepened. “Oh, you’re going to love him. Trust me.”
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swampydivine · 1 year ago
Idk if you have posted about them before but... donyou have headcanons and thoughts to share on your OC that's your pfp? It's SUCH a cool design. Are they based off of something? Is it a fan made race? I freaking love the facial structure going on and I'd like to know more if you've got it...
What the heck that is so sweet ;~; If it's the blue girl, that is my OC Mau! I will write you some information on her.
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Concept Art. Mau in Edo-Period Kimono, similar to how a high-ranking Courtesan would dress. She is not a Courtesan.
Context & Background
She is designed by me, including her race who I call Jattil. They are large-size Fae creatures that revere both warrior and scholarly lifestyles. Many of them become minor deities or even powerful gods and goddesses, and this is partially due to their incredible lifespans.
The point at which I draw her, she is generally a minor Nature Goddess, with ties to the Sickly and Passing. She is the Patron Saint of the Forsaken, of the Vulnerable, and of Prostitutes and their establishments. Mau does have great power, but her fortitude is often too weak to wield it.
That sounds so sad and deep for such a light-hearted looking girl. xD I'm not a very good OC artist so now I'm having to explore all the avenues of her.
Fun Facts
Mau loves Mortals and prefers hanging out with them instead of her own people.
She loves fashion and all types of clothes, but her "official" uniform tends to be based off of a Tayuu or Oiran from the Edo Period of Japan.
I originally wanted Jattil to be natural shapeshifters, something that inherently knew how to turn into a creature before seeing it. They could do this because they had a complex form of chimerism - extra genetic code for living things like animals, plants, monsters, and more. Now, Jattil can only shapeshift if they actively practice that skill. But they are still influenced as people by these variations in genetics.
Mau has more Succubus and Hag traits than the average Jattil. It can make things very awkward for her, but she has learned to make it work for her.
Her mother has profound Oracle traits.
Mau's a turbo virgin and very socially awkward and anxious. LOL
She's honestly a really sweet girl, desperately needs a hug and always tired. I hope she lives up to your expectations, and thank you for the questioni!
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raparopa · 3 years ago
flirting with the witcher boys, please?
a/n:Hey! I'm really sorry it took so long, but now I'm back and I'll try to write more often than all this time))) I'm very glad that I'm here again)
warnings: nothing, i think
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-He is not easily embarrassed
-He easily recognizes when you are flirting with him
-He will smile at you and wait for what else you can say or do
- He is unlikely to answer you, it's just funny for him to watch. (and nice, of course)
-If you touch him, he will grunt, continuing to wait for your further actions.
-Geralt himself does not flirt, only sometimes he gives you unambiguous comments that make your ears redden.
-You don't need to flirt with him for a long time to make him smile, smirk, or guttural chuckle at your words.
- In short, you are sincerely trying to embarrass Geralt with your flirting, but ... it turns out the opposite
-His gaze, silence and smile directed at you...oh You drop your face into your palms, feeling your cheeks burning as you try to ease your awkwardness. And one second you get a soft kiss on the head
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-well, you can really try to embarrass him with your flirting, but there is one BUT - nothing can embarrass him. This is Eskel.
-When you flirt with him, he doesn't blink - he just looks at you with such a smile that a person who doesn't know the subtext will be scared.
- You won't win this war, it's out of the question. Eskel doesn't even need to say anything to make you blush from head to toe. But he will be pleasantly surprised if you don't back down. This is even more interesting.
-If you use touch while flirting, the witcher will soften. For him, this is a sign of true affection.
-You will end up just listening to flirting lessons from him while he twirls your hair around his finger and smirks.
- He usually flirts with you. -But encourages your cute moments of flirting.
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-It is very nice .
- And very embarrassing! Both sides, I think. You may start making cute comments in a rather cheerful way, but under his astonished amusement look, you immediately want to run out and scream into the pillow.
- In fact, he smiles stupidly at all your sharp comments, and looks around, as if he robbed the whole world.
- But let's be honest - he's a terrible flirt. Very strange, but funny. Have you ever been called a pinecone in a romantic context? No? then get ready.
-When you flirt, he will always throw you something in return that will make you smile for sure
- But, in truth, in five minutes, all the general (or just your) flirting will just go to the joke session.
-It is very rare that this does not happen.
-But, he will be very proud! So pout when you flirt with him!
-God, you better just hug him.
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- Self-proclaimed master of the art of flirting. Don't even dare to deny it. Never.
-Every day, every second, every moment spent with Jaskier is one continuous flirtation. Most often from his side, which is why you do not have enough strength, and you just roll your eyes with a smile.
-He sometimes does it wrong, but sometimes he manages to make you flare up
-Your flirting will make him stop breathing and think rationally for a few seconds
-If you act decisively, he will not be able to say a word to you - he will just look at you
-No, well, maybe of course he will try to parry, but he is unlikely to succeed
-You will turn him into a sixteen year old youth -He will go away and digest your actions only after a few hours. And even more embarrassed.
-Flirting is his communication style. He never expects people to respond to him in the same way. Be careful. Don't break it.
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- He doesn't flirt. Don't even think about getting him to make some kind of cute, ambiguous comment about your dress, or about your eyes. No.
-I wouldn't say that he's just throwing obvious things right in your face, no.
-He might sometimes say something that will make you blush and most likely hit him, but it will only amuse him.
- So in this relationship you are the main supplier of flirting.
- It's... strange for him. You say so many nice, sweet, loving things that it just confuses him.
-I think he won't even understand at first why you smile so broadly and wink at him across the room.
-He might think you're crazy. Or you got bitten by a tick.
-So, until you directly tell him that you are flirting with him, he will think that you are crazy.
-But he is pleased to realize that you are trying so hard to make him embarrassed or even a simple smirk ...
-He thinks you're cute when you flirt so casually with him.
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-Do you want to play a game? You will get your game, in which everyone has equal chances.
- I'm sure, I'm SURE that he is able to flirt just by looking at you. Just looking at you over the top of a book, or a glass, gives you goosebumps. (God...)
-Everything that concerns the two of you concerns only the two of you. Even if you flirt where there are a lot of people, I doubt that anyone will notice.
-Flirting on your part will surprise him, but not much. I'm sure he'll just raise his eyebrows and grin as a sign that you can continue your game in this game.
-Believe me, he will be calm, relaxed, passionate. Again, this is a game.
- He will tease you. I wonder how your party will end. How hungry is he for touch? Very. Therefore, his fingers will not leave your arm, waist, cheek, shoulder. But if you cling to him, he will appreciate it even more.
- It's funny for him to watch your eyes, your smooth actions.
-You have the chance to win or lose, everything is in your hands.
-But whatever this game is, he feels relief and pleasure from your presence.)
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louweasleymalfoy · 3 years ago
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Draco is incredibly affectionate, but he’ll show it differently depending on context. In general, his affection comes in just wanting to be around you—he craves closeness with you, even if he’s not touching you.
Touching you is the best, though. He’s a fan of small bits of PDA: when you’re out together, he’s always holding your hand, or touching your arm or the small of your back or maybe – on occasion – your ass. (Just little grazes that make his eyes shine and your stomach flip.) Probably some little kisses here and there, if you have a moment alone. If he sees another guy looking at you, he'll probably make out with you in public.
But there are also moments where the both of you think PDA isn’t appropriate. Then it’s all about soft looks and smiles, finding ways to bring you into a conversation, things like that. Just showing you that you’re on his mind even if he can’t hold you like he’d like to.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Let's be honest, you guys didn't really start on good terms. You guys met at the train, the both of you are pure-blooded Slytherins, and when everyone thought you guys would immediately get along you just had to prove them wrong. Both of you are competitive, always trying to be better than the other.
The moment the two of you realized your feelings for each other was in 4th year, earning sighs of relief from the Slytherin gang.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Does Draco like to cuddle? Yes yes absolutely yes. This man loves cuddling, especially after a long day. He loves to curl up with you on his bed and hold you close, maybe with your head tucked under his chin. He’ll give you soft kisses while he holds you, on your temple or your cheek or your neck and they’re not even intended to steer things toward a make-out or sex, unless you decide to take it there. (Sometimes he decides but if he does it’s uh pretty obvious.)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down?)
DEFINITELY. Draco is ready to settle down when it comes to you. He loves you so much that he already wants to marry you, you had to remind him that the both of you are still at school tho.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
So here’s the thing about Draco. He's fallen for you, HARD. The problem is that, if he’s the one initiating a break-up, it hits him hard. He would never even think about ending things with you. He loves you too much for that. Although sometimes he worries that you might leave him for someone else, you reassure him that it will never happen.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Like I've stated before, he loves you so much that he wants to marry you already. He never thought there'd be a day that he'd think about stuff like this and yet here we are. Is he nervous about it tho? Honestly, yes. Who doesn't? But the thing is, whenever he takes a look at you all the worries go away and just knows he's ready.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
This softy! is so gentle!! The biggest exception is if he sees you after a longer separation – this might be a summer break but it also might just be something like one of you having A LOT of homework that keeps you from being with each other when he rather be hanging out together – he needs to be all over you and he might be rougher, then—rougher hugs, kisses, everything.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Draco is a frequent and enthusiastic hugger. Hugs from Draco are him pulling you close and burying his face in your neck and luxuriating in the smell of you. Hugs from Draco are him nudging his forehead against yours and maybe bumping your nose while he leans in to give you a kiss.
Hugs from Draco are usually your first cue if something’s wrong, too—you’ll get to his dorm and find him sitting on the bed and he’ll pull you into his arms and you’ll feel in the way he holds you that he had a really shit day.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Like when he knows that he wants to settle down with you, Draco will say, “I love you,” pretty much as soon as he knows. He’s bursting with it and he’s gotta get it out. He’ll be a bit disappointed if you’re not ready to say it back, but he doesn’t take it personally because he knows he kinda falls hard and fast.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
This man gets jealous. It's not that he doesn't trust you, he just doesn't trust other guys. If a guy looks at you for too long, you can count on Draco giving them a death glare. Does he maybe give you a particularly emphatic kiss after someone tries to flirt with you? Perhaps, but it’s more because he revels in the fact that he gets to do that when no one else does.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Draco kisses your lips like he has nowhere else like he needs to be. Slow, deep kisses all about savoring the taste of you, the feeling of you close to him.
He kisses your neck playfully, teeth nipping over your skin and scattering the occasional hickey because he can’t resist.
He kisses your breasts, your stomach, your thighs when he’s ravenous for you, when he’s desperate to wind you up.
And where does Draco want to be kissed? Obviously he loves when you have your mouth on his because then he can be tasting you, too, but oh, does he love this one spot on his neck right below his jaw. You kiss and suck there and he downright whimpers if he wasn’t expecting it (and sometimes even if he was expecting it).
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Draco Malfoy doesn't really have experience on taking care of children— he's more of a picking on children type of guy. So when you and Draco spent one summer break together and you were asked to babysit your niece, Draco was worried. He’s a bit awkward at first but after seeing how you interact with them, the tension would start to melt away and he relaxed around them.
After watching you interact with babies, he would start to imagine having a baby with you and he realizes how much he wants kids with you.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings are spent with each other in his dorm. The both of you just enjoying your time with each other before you get ready for the day. It was these mornings together that reminded him of the love the two of you have for each other and how important you are in his life.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are often spent cuddling and catching each other up on their days. Basically quality time is the primary love language of most evenings (combined as always with touch because again—super cuddly man). Then probably once a week you’ll go out either on a date or to hang with friends.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It took some time for him to open up. He loves you and trusts you very much but he was scared of how you'd react. He's not really used to all the "talking about his feelings" type of thing since he didn't really grow up in a homey environment but over time, he started telling you things and he felt better and lucky to have you in his life.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He does have a temper but not with you. He’s very patient and calm when it comes to you. He never wants to upset and anger you. When you two would fight, he felt like it was all his fault and he would try to make it up to you only for you to apologize too and remind him that it wasn’t all his fault.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Remembering little details that you share with him is definitely one of the ways that he shows interest in you at first. But while he makes a particular point of it at first, he is still quite good at it in general.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment was your first kiss. It was the happiest he ever felt, and he would always remember the perfection of that moment
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is super protective. Whenever the two of you go out, he doesn't take his eyes off of you just because he doesn't want anything to happen to you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Oh he would DEFINITELY spoil the sht out of you. He would definitely put a lot of thought into gifts and anniversaries since he's really rich. Sometimes, he would randomly show up in your dorm with a gift in hand — claiming that it's a gift for you just because he wants to give you one and although you appreciate the gesture, you had to tell him to not waste his money on stuff. Of course he promised to stop buying things for you but he never did and continued to shower you with gifts.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Walks with your hand in his. Oh and cuddling you of course.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
He LOVES to show you off. He's so proud of your accomplishments and believes that you'll achieve your dream one day.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He’s terrified of losing you, knowing that he would never be whole again if he lost you. He couldn’t even bear the thought of a life without you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Draco is— well how do I even say this. Draco can be mean at most times but the thing is, in his eyes you're an exception. There was this one time when he was having a bad day and Theo was aking him something and he just glared at Theo but when you came in and asked the same question, he answered you patiently, his eyes softening, leaving Theo to have his jaw dropped.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He HATES ferrets and I don't even have to explain why. There was this one time where Blaise showed him a ferret and he just ran away from the both of you.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Draco is absolutely that partner who ends up encroaching more and more on your space over the course of the night. And you want to find it cute, you do, because it’s really about him trying to cuddle with you but also it means you frequently wake up for the morning and he has two thirds of the bed to himself. You’re alright with it though because once he gets up, you’re able to spread out for a little bit. (And maybe roll over into the spot where he was sleeping so you can doze with the smell of him still lingering.)
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Hello!!! Can I have romantic headcanons about Wolfram? Thank you and I wish you'll have an awesome day/night ❤
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He’s very… awkward, shall we say, in romantic relationships. For a long time he was used to treating life as nothing but a mission. He gets his orders, he carries them out as best as he possibly can, and when he’s done, he gets new orders, to repeat the cycle. An efficient soldier, he salutes smartly and moves on. Romance has never really been a big part of his life, so you’ll have to be a little patient with him as he navigates this kind of thing.
That’s not to say he’s incapable of being romantic! Far from it, he focuses on little things at first. Although he might forget the correct names for them (English being his second language and one he’s a bit clumsy at), he remembers your favorite flowers and your favorite food and your favorite color. He’s just so unsure of the ‘right’ thing to say or do within a romantic context, he second-guesses himself so much, he might get flustered if he thinks he’s messing up. If that happens, he’ll pull back from doing anything romantic for a short while so he doesn’t ‘get it wrong’. Of course, it’s incredibly obvious that’s what he’s doing, so a little reassurance goes a long way.
His kisses are very shy! It’s simply that he isn’t used to being with someone like this, and he’s… God, he’s maybe kissed one or two other people in his whole life. It was never really a priority, so he doesn’t have much practice. But he’s… very open to getting a lot of practice in with you. At the end of the day, all you really have to do is communicate. Tell him if you don’t like something, tell him if he needs to change position or be gentler or be more forceful or, hell, give him instruction if that seems to work best. He’s a bit reserved in this because he’s not used to it, but he takes to it very well once he does get more used to it.
Being Wolfram’s S/O pretty much goes along with being another parental figure to Sieglinde. That little girl is his whole world, aside from you, so she’ll be looking up to you just the same as she looks up to him. You’ll get to carry her around and help with her experiments and basically be the second parent, and she adores you! To her it’s almost like being a family, which is… really all she’s ever wanted. And Wolfram is so content to watch the two of you together; if all Sieglinde has ever wanted is a family, then all he has ever wanted is for her to be happy. After the first time you’re with her all day and put her to bed, you’ll turn to find Wolfram standing there, ready to take you into his arms, kiss your cheek, and whisper, “Danke sehr.”
Will completely melt if you run your hands through his hair. He’s never been treated so softly in his life, and the more you do it, the more he gets a taste for it. After a long day when you greet him by giving him a kiss and ruffling his hair or sideburns, he’ll let out this sigh that sounds like everything that is right in the world. He’s always in good hands with you.
If you’re close to him in public, there’s a near-certain chance he’ll be holding your hand. Not only is it to tell anyone who tries to give you unwanted attention to back off, it’s… also the single gesture of affection he can offer around other people that won’t make him blush. In front of others, kissing or hugging will just make him very timid and his face will go red. That ruins his intimidating demeanor (which he doesn’t care about in private, but around other people that air is quite helpful) so bitte… just holding hands in public, okay? For now, until he can… manage not to blush.
He finds it easier to express himself in German, at least where confessions of romance and pet names and the like are concerned. His most frequent ways to do so are by saying “Du bist meine Ein und Alles” or to simply call you “meine Ein und Alles”, which is quite clear once he explains it. “You are my one and only” or “my one and only”, the best way he knows to say how he feels. You’re it. You’re his one and only. His endgame. The person he wants to spend the rest of his life with, never so much as looking toward anyone else. He’s got you, so why would he even think about that? He loves you so much, and he has found no better way to express it than this. (…But, sometimes he will call you Liebchen or Liebste.)
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non-binaryzombie · 4 years ago
Summary: Jake is a little bit obsessed with you, he needs to know more about you, going beyond what you show on the internet, but his biggest problem now is making you understand that he owns you, and that no one is taking you away from him.
Characters: Jake x reader (a little bit of Darkness too cuz, you know that I love him)
Warnings: Yandere Jake, stalking, possessiveness, lovesick, obsession, not exactly a happy ending, angst, language, use of straw (sorry turtles)
Word count: 2672
A/N: Here it is! I hope you don't hate me for it, I changed the name to fit more with the story, but the context is the same :)
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(Most of my pics/gifs come from Pinterest, if I use a photo that belongs to you and you don't like it, please contact me and we'll take care of it)
Fascinating, that's the word Jake would use to describe you if he had to, he could spend hours trying to decipher you, trying to understand how are you able to like him without even seeing his face, without even knowing who he really was? You just know what he allows you to, but you've never been nosy, if you ask something to him and he says that he can't tell you, you just put it aside, not wanting to bother; and that's one of the things he most admires in you, the fact that you're so curious and yet, when he doesn't want to tell you something, you just try to let it go, making a mental note about the things you shouldn't ask, at least not over the phone.
Ever since you helped Jake to find Hannah, he've been more and more interested in you, how did you manage to help him to find his half-sister, and at the same time made him fall in love with you? Something he never thought would happen, suddenly from a time to another, he saw himself in love with someone who he thought be just someone that would help him to find his sister, just a means to an end.
But now, here he is, watching you from the window of the café you're in, he knows that he shouldn't, what would you think if you found out that he've been following you? He is pretty sure that 'happiness' would not be the right feeling, but he had no choice, he wanted- no, he needed to know more about you, and this time the internet wouldn't help him, for some reason you're really reserved, unlikely the most people at your age, you have social medias, of course but you rarely post something about yourself at them, the most interesting thing that the hacker could find about you was your school records and not surprisingly your track record is perfect, you never got bad grades, you never got into trouble, you are simply flawless. It makes him question, it's impossible for someone to be so perfect, you're sweet, kind, innocent and you always want the best for everyone no matter how bad someone has done you; you always forgive them. But you have flaws, everyone has, and that's what he's trying to find out, what are you hiding from everyone? And how are you so good at hiding it?
His blue eyes getting darker when he sees you hugging a man, who is he? And why do you look so happy to see him? You two talk a little before sitting down in one of the tables close to the window, the waitress soon come and both of you place your orders. The black-hair boy on the outside quickly grab his phone, sending you a message, just a 'Hi Y/N :)' waiting to see if you're going to answer him, he sees you pick up the phone and look at it for a few seconds before putting it back in your your pocket, did you just ignore his message? Okay, now he has no other choice then go inside.
And there he goes, entering the place and thankfully he could seat somewhere that you couldn't see you, but he could listen to everything, pretending to be doing something important on the phone. He orders a black coffee, nothing more. Soon you and the tall man started to talk while he paid attention to every single word.
"I am glad that we were able to meet, Y/N" he says with a grin on his face
"Wow, you really talk like this even in person, I thought that it was just you way to text" a giggle escaped your lips
"What do you mean?" he tilted his head
"You just, talk like you are in a really important dinner with the queen" you say resting your cheek against your hand while looking at him
"I think I never stopped to notice the way I speak, is this a nuisance for you?" he asked and you quickly shacked your hands
"Oh, no! That's not what I meant, I happen to like it, actually" he looked relieved
"You are really observant aren't you?" you smiled
"You'd be surprised how many times I've heard this" the girl came back with your orders and you thanked her with a gentle smile
"So, I haven't seen you in the forum lately" he took a sip of his latte
"Of course you've noticed" you giggle playing with your milkshake straw "I should have predicted" he let out a light laugh through his nose
"Is there a especial reason for that?"
"Well if I am being honest, lately I have been too tired to even scroll through the forum" you looked down playing with your fingers on the table
"It’s okay, you don't have to talk if you don't want to" he said putting his hand next to yours
"No, it’s just-" a sight left your mouth "Do you ever feel that everything around you is slowly becoming tiresome? How if the slightest effort to follow your routine makes you tired?" he nodded, you are not sure if he really understands you, or if he is just trying to make you feel better, but you continue "But for a few seconds, something makes you step out of your comfort zone, makes you hope again, but then it ends and everything becomes monotonous and boring again" you didn't even realized that your fingers are now entwined with his, you feel your face turn red and quickly let go of his hand "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you" the hand that was holding his is now between your legs pressed against the soft upholstery of the seat you are on, and the other on the straw of your milkshake bringing it to your mouth.
"You don't have to apologize, Y/N, it’s okay you know that you can trust me" he said straightening his posture
"Yeah, I know, Dark, and I thank you for that, but I don't really want to bother you with this, we're here to have a good time" you smiled, and he nodded
"Let's chance the topic then. How about the guy you told me about? Are you two a couple?" you felt your face turn red again
"Jake? Well, not exactly, it's complicated" 'Not exactly? Of course, we are a couple' the hacker thought with himself
"Complicated?" Darkness asked encouraged you to continue
"Hum, none of us really made a official dating request, y'know?" Jake never thought about it that way, he really has to put a ring in your finger for you to know that you are his?
"But you like him, don't you?" he looked straight into your eyes, like he was trying to guess what was happening in your head
"Yeah, we haven't said 'I love you' yet, but, I really like him, and I think that he likes me too, it's just..." you paused lettings out a sigh "He is not really good at showing how he feels, he is not good at talking at all" you giggle
"Then why don't you take the first step?" he asked confused
"I'm afraid of being rejected." the man sitting in front of you looked surprised, so did the one sitting behind you
"Why would he reject you? You are amazing, anyone would be lucky to have you." a shy smile appears on your lips
"I just, don't think he has time for a relationship, he's constantly busy and moving, because of work" you completed
"Well, this is really a misfortune, but you know I'll always be here for you, don't you?" he said picking your hand
"Yes, I know, and I can say the same to you" he gave you a smirk "Why are your hands so big?" he laughed
"You really know how to change the subject very quickly don't you?" you smiled at him.
The man sitting in the table behind you got up putting the money on the table and got out of the café as fast as he entered, what made him bump into someone that he quickly ignored making his way back to the motel he was staying at, he was angry, how dare this random guy even touch you? Say that he's going to be there for you, you don't need anyone else, you have him, you may don't know it, but you are his, he always makes time to talk to you, and now you say that it’s not enough? You even dare to consider that he's going to reject you? What more he needs to do for you to be sure that he wants a relationship with you? When he finally arrived at his room, he slammed the door shut, sitting in front of the computer, trying to calm down, breathing heavy. He knows exactly what he must do for you to know that you belong to him.
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You threw yourself on the bed, with a smile on your face, the day with Darkness was better than you expected, he is not all serious personally, or you just have the ability of making him less keyed up, your phone buzzed on your pocket and you grab it quickly not so surprising it was Jessy 'Hey, how was your little date?' you giggled after answering her 'Not a date Jessy, but it was really good to be honest' Jessy was incredibly supportive when you said you were going to meet your forum-friend 'I'll want to hear everything about it tomorrow' ' Don't worry, I'll tell you everything'. Soon you remembered that Jake texted you early and dialed his number wondering whether or not to call him, you bite your bottom lip before working up your courage, clicking the green button and bringing the cell phone to your ear, settling down on the bed, you start to wonder if this is a good idea right away thinking about just hanging up and pretending it was an accident, but as soon as the call is answered you feel your body tense up.
"Hum, hi" you say shyly "Sorry I haven't texted you earlier, I was kinda busy"
"It's okay" his deep voice make your whole-body shiver "How are you?" he asked
"I'm good, how about you?" why do you feel so awkward?
"Good" he says and keeps silent 'god, why is it so hard?' you thought while trying to think something to say
"I-" you are interrupted by his voice
"What were you doing?" he asked, and you frowned your eyebrows
"You said you were busy, what with?" you blinked a few time before answering him
"I went out with a friend" you said and heard a 'hum' coming from him on the other side of the phone "Are you mad?" you asked apprehensively
"Why would I be?" his voice makes you feel butterflies in your stomach
"I don't know, we haven't talked the whole day, and you seem, rough" he sighed
"It wasn't my intention, I’m sorry"
"Don't worry" you heard someone knock at the door
“Oh, wait a minute there’s someone at the door” you said getting up, and walking towards the noise opening it, just to see a black hair boy standing there, with his phone on his ear
"okay" he said before giving you a little smile, your eyes widened and you felt your body freeze
"Jake?" you ask and he nods, that's all that he needs to do to see you quickly hug him tight, he looked a little surprised but then he just wrap his arms around you, feeling the good smell of your hair, you two stayed there for a while hugging in the doorway.
When you finally looked up at him your eyes were full of teas, happiness tears, but that didn't stop Jake of push the tears away
"What are you doing here? I thought you were with Lilly" you said pulling him inside and closing the door
"I've come to see you" he said looking at you
"You could have warned me, you know, I would have at least organized this a little bit" you say scratching the back of your neck shyly
"Then it wouldn't be a surprise" he says putting his backpack on the sofa "And it's not that messy at all" you two sat on the bed, your face is so red it looks like you're going to explode
"I have something for you" he says taking a little box of his pocket, opening it and revealing two rings your eyes widen and you quickly look up at him
"Are you serious?" you ask and he nods
"So, what do you say?" he smiles
"Jake, I-I don't know..." his smile disappeared and he looked at you confused
"What?" that's what you wanted a ring, an official request, wasn't it? Then why are you rejecting him?
"It's just- I like you, I really do!" you say as you see his reaction
"Then why don't you want to be with me?" he looks sad
"That's not what I said, I mean, you're wanted Jake, by FBI and by another hackers, I know that there's a lot of things that you don't tell me, I know that you're just trying to protect me but, I can't keep in the dark just trusting that you are doing the right thing" no, he's not sad, he's angry, he closed the box tightly, making you flinch
"Okay, look I don't need a fucking ring to prove that we are together, I just bought it because that's what you wanted, you are mine, and I don't care who the fuck is coming after me, I won't let anyone be on our way, you don't have to worry about it" you blinked a few times trying to process what he just said, he sighed putting his hand on your cheek "I love you, Y/N" he smiled again
"I'm not a pet, Jake, you don't own me" you took his hand off
"I think you should leave now" you said looking away
"I won't leave you" he said firmly
"Are you even listening to yourself?!" you said getting up "This is not love, Jake" he got up standing in front of you, the difference between your highs makes you feel intimidated
"I am lovesick, Y/N, can you blame me?" he says getting closer making you step back "I can't stop thinking about you everything that you say or do makes me love you more, I want you, I need you, why can't you understand that?" you now see yourself trapped between him and the wall behind you
"You're not lovesick, you're just sick, you are fucking obsessed! I would never be with someone who acts the way you're acting right now" instant regret
"If I can't have you, no one can, and I'll make sure of that, my love" he muttered taking his cell phone out of his pocket and showing it to you, your eyes widened
"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Let him go!" Darkness was tied to a chair with a cloth over his mouth, he didn't look hurt
"I'll let him go, when you accept to stay with me, otherwise, I'll kill him." you can feel the tears wetting your face
"You sick motherfucker" he pretended to be hurt
"You better choose your words better Y/N, I can kill him in just a snap" you looked at the picture again
"Fine, just let him go" he grinned as he put his cell phone away, he took the rings again and offered them to you, you looked at him before picking the ring and put it on your finger, he did the same
"You won't regret it, my love" he says pulling you closer and kissing you 'I already did' you thought with yourself.
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kira-fluff · 4 years ago
please please PLEASE may we have a part two to the 'only one bed' piece you posted 🥺🥺 your writing is INCREDIBLE and I loved it so much 🥺🥺🥺 if u decide to do a part two then thank u so much in advance,, hope u have a good day 🥺
a/n: you asked for it (some others did too but this anon was so adorable so I’m replying to this one) so I’m gon’ give it to u <3 also, THANK YOU I am being 1000% honest that your comments seriously brought me to tears I was SO happy you all loved it. when I say pt.2, I kind of assume that it’s with the same characters (since no one specified others) so that’s what I’m gonna do! 
Context provided, don’t worry babes 
WARNINGS: sexual harassment, intoxication, extremely heavily suggestive (it gets pretty spicy)
Also contains spoilers from part 1 but like why would you even read part 2 if you haven’t read part 1? Get outta here and read it!! (Why is this even a warning? I don’t know don’t question my methods) 
“There’s only one bed” [PT.2] PT.1
You awoke to a sleeping Saeyoung, his toned arms enveloping your small body in a hug. Shamelessly, you laid still for a few moments longer.
When you’d noticed him stirring awake, you quickly shut your eyes once more, trying to conceal your growing smile 
Saeyoung blinked a few times before registering at last where he was 
He needed a little more time to register why you are in his arms 
Pretending to be asleep again, you nuzzled further into his chest, letting out a soft groan 
Saeyoung’s mind flew to DANGER MODE 
He felt kinda guilty holding you in his arms because let’s face it there’s no way he isn’t enjoying this 
He was so stunned that, for once, he was at a loss for words (shocking, I know) 
Blinking out of his stupor, he murmured, “Y/N?” 
His morning voice was... nice. 
You pretended to “wake up”, fake yawning before saying, “Yes, Saeyoung?”, subtly batting your eyes a little 
(It wasn’t subtle) 
But since Saeyoung is an actual fucking moron, he can’t tell the difference 
Play it cool, Seven. She can’t know that you know she was doing this all night and you didn’t do anything. 
“Wow”, Saeyoung choked out a laugh, “I didn’t know you liked me this much.” 
You look down, in between the two of you before slowly making eye contact with him again, smirking in disbelief, “I could say the same to you.” 
A slow blush crept up his face at the innuendo 
But he was NOT about to lose 
Saeyoung Choi is NOT a loser 
“Oh, yeah? Well, I wasn’t the one screaming my name last night.” 
You gasped, “Screaming?! I didn’t scream -- I would’ve remembered a dream like tha-- Oh!” You quickly covered your mouth, already feeling regret seeping into every bone of your body.
Saeyoung openly chuckled, looking at you with a sort of darkness in his eyes 
“You’re more dangerous than this whole mission.”
You were still out of sorts, failing to come up with a comeback besides a quiet, “I wasn’t screaming.”
A shit eating grin replaced the cool smirk on Saeyoung’s face 
“I win.” 
“Eat a dick, Seven.” 
“Sorry, I think I’m more attracted to the one who was moaning out, ‘Oooh, Saeyoung~~~’“ 
You threw a pillow straight in his face, muttering a “shut up”, blushing profusely 
Ever the competitive fucker, Saeyoung proclaims an all out pillow fight
It is WAR 
Throwing pillow after pillow at each other in between giggles and taunts and jeers 
“Take no prisoners!” you shouted, feeling unbeatable
Until Saeyoung grabbed your ass, pulling you down with him, earning a yelp from you 
“What the fuck, Sev’?! You cheater!!” 
“I don’t know, my hand’s a lot more comfortable here!” 
You scoffed, “Oh, YOU! YOU are gonna GET IT!” 
Saeyoung threw back his head in laughter but abruptly stopped when you grabbed his face with both your hands, and forcefully kissed him 
He let out a “MMPH!”, eyes wide 
Before, of course, kissing you back with equal force 
Gasping for air at last, you spoke in between breaths, “I......win..”
“Actually, darling, I think I just did.”
Noticing your loss for words, he smirked before asking, “So.... what’s my prize?” 
You didn’t have to be asked twice, “I think I have something in mind...”
His eyes met your own before slowly scanning your body, then snapping back to your eyes once more 
You bit your lip 
“I know you’ll lose at least one thing tonight.” 
“Bold of you to assume--” 
“Just shut up and kiss me again.” 
Wish granted ;) 
Yoosung glanced away, taking a deep breath before saying, “Yeah, yeah I did. I really like you.” You couldn’t hold back the big ol’ smile that took over your face as you proudly declared, “Me too!!” Right when Yoosung was going to go in for a kiss, he saw his auntie suddenly right next to the both of you
“Oh my GOD when did you get here?!”
She smirked, “My question first, dearie, what did you two like?” Neither of you answered, your cheeks growing red
“You know, the first time your uncle did it with me I felt the same way. Like, what a man! Must run in the fam--” 
Your blush didn’t leave you as you smeared strawberry cream cheese on your toasted bagel. This trip was going to be very VERY difficult. Thank God there was alcohol. And Yoosung. And probably dogs. And Yoosung. Yeah. Gotta love relatives.
Following this stunning confession, you felt dumb because, well, you still didn’t know where you really stood with Yoosung 
So when night came, you were ready to go to a party 
Putting on your earrings and making sure your clothes were laid properly in place, you stepped out of the resort room to a waiting Yoosung 
“H-hey, thanks for waiting for me,” You nervously tucked a stray hair behind your ear. 
Yoosung avoided eye contact, opting for a stiff nod 
You gazed deeper into the side of his head, feeling hurt. 
But... you decided not to say anything. 
Walking together to the reserved room the resort had made in preparation for Yoosung’s uncle was awkward, not a single word spoken between the two of you 
When you arrived, Yoosung’s eccentric uncle immediately shouted, “’Sung ‘Sung! Get over ‘ere! We’re gonna have a part-ay!!” 
You suddenly understood why Chaewon was the way he was 
and why Yoosung’s parents forced him to go on this trip instead of themselves 
Since you didn’t know his name, you opted for your nickname -- Uncle Alcohol 
Cuz he had a LOT of it 
In number, and in the amount he shoved down his throat at any given time
Seriously, how is this guy already drunk?!
You watched as Uncle Alcohol shoved a sloppy arm around Yoosung, not so quietly shouting something in his ear above the blaring music 
You were too far away to hear, thank goodness, but you took note of the way Yoosung immediately blushed and shook his head fervently, his hands held in front of his chest 
Before you could take in the atmosphere further, you felt a shiver down your back
Immediately turning around you saw the oh-so-famous Chaewon 
“Heeeyyyyyyy babbeeheehe...... Wannnaaa..... sliiidee in my room tonighhht?” Laughing in a way what made you cringe and your ears numb, you replied, “No thanks, bud. You should probably get some water.” 
“Nooo I want youuuu” Grabbing your boob in his hand, he laughed again, saying, “Nice” 
Oh my god.. where the fuck is Yoosung?? 
You quickly slapped away his hand, shouting, “Stay the hell away from me asshole! Try anything else again, and I won’t give a shit that you’re drunk or Yoosung’s family, I will call the cops on you!” 
He acted as if he didn’t hear you, but must’ve gotten the message because he sauntered over to another group of girls 
Aren’t those his cousins? What the fuck is WRONG with that guy?! 
The loud smack and curses answered the question. You didn’t attempt to help when you saw them proceed to beat the absolute shit out of him, blood and all. 
What you needed was a drink. Something really, really strong. 
You walked over to the resort bar tender
Something about your face must’ve given it all away because he began with a “Rough night, huh?” 
“Do not even fucking ask me about it. God, please, I’m sorry that was rude. I just need something strong... just give me three fingers of rye.” You waved your hand nonchalantly, sitting at a bar stool. 
“Are you sure, lady? You don’t look the type to handle that kinda liquor..”
“That’s kind of the point.”
He sighed, “Look... I’m not supposed to condone you getting completely shit-faced.. but you look like you need it tonight. I’ll make something a little easier down the throat, okay?” 
You nodded, exasperated. 
You didn’t know what it was, but it did the trick. It’s fruity taste easily passed down your throat, leaving you feeling lighter and more at peace. 
“’nother one.” 
He obliged, pouring another glass for you. 
Four drinks in and your world was already unbelievably wobbly. 
You were seeing double, looking at the bartender’s second form 
You laughed, it all seemed to funny 
Standing up, you stumbled over to the dance floor, grabbing one of Uncle A’s craft beers. 
Dancing was fun for a few minutes, grateful no one had bothered you. 
But you sat down, tears suddenly welling in your eyes 
You were alone. 
Your mood brightened just by remembering his name
Giggling, you called out, “Yoosuuungg~~~” repeatedly around the room 
One of the cousins heard your call, laughing because everything was funny, before grabbing Yoosung’s arm and shouting what they’d just heard 
Yoosung quickly glanced over at you, brows furrowed. They softened a little upon seeing your drunken state 
He’d had a beer or two, but the good feeling got old quickly and he sobered up by the time he’d noticed his cousins acting like complete fools 
Upon seeing him, your smile grew to a big, childish grin 
“Hiiii Yoosuuunggg...” 
“Jeez, Y/n, how much did you drink?” 
You giggled, playfully sticking out your tongue, “not sure~ a few.. probably..?” you laughed again, winking at him 
“Hey, let’s get you some water, yeah? On second thought.. we gotta get outta here. I’ll carry you to our room.” 
Your eyes shamelessly stared at his lips, not listening to a word he was saying 
“Yoosunngg~~ I want you to fuck meeee” 
Yoosung held the bridge of his nose in between his fingers, “L-let’s just go.” 
Putting your arm over his shoulder, he carried most of your weight. 
“Yoosuuung I want to have your babiess~~” 
Yoosung blushed and looked down, continuing to walk, “You’re way too drunk.” 
“Yoosunggieee I want to know what it feels like to have your d--” 
He quickly shushed you, looking around for other observers
He basically ran to your resort room from there
Taking a long sigh as he finally had got you in the room, he wiped some sweat off his face 
Just when he’d gotten up to get a water bottle for you, he heard retching noises
Before he could stop you, you upchucked all over yourself and some of the cheap resort carpeting 
Groaning in physical and emotional pain, Yoosung muttered a quiet, “why me” 
Before putting his arms under your arm pits and dragging you to the bathroom 
He spent a good 10 minutes just trying to get the stupid shower to turn on because of course at any other place than your own house it’s never easy 
Then, after getting the temperature just right, he forced you to down at least half of the water bottle 
“Are you able to take off your clothes by yourself, Y/n?” 
You giggled back, shaking your head 
“Help me take ‘em off pweaseee” 
You started tearing up again, your lip wobbling 
“You know I can’t do that sweetie, you’re drunk.”
“No ‘m not.” 
“Yeah, you are.” 
You looked up at him before sighing and lifting up your shirt, fully exposing half of your naked body to him 
He screamed like a little girl, running and slamming the door behind him 
You pouted, “That’s no fun.” 
After getting out of your clothes, you devised another poorly thought through plan
“Yoosunngggieee I need help washing myselffff” 
“Um.. okay, lemme go see if I can get a hold of someone...”
“I want it to be you. I want it to be you who sees me like this. I want it to be you. Only you.” 
“S-stop..” He said through the door. 
Sighing, Yoosung knew there was no one who wasn’t drunk or available to help. 
He did what any good guy would do. He proceeded to blind fold himself, opting for reaching his hands out to guess and where things were. 
You laughed, “’Sunggiee you know you’re still gunna be touchin’ me” 
“I’m not going to.”
“You said you’d help me!” 
“Yeah, getting shampoo or something like that!” 
“How ya gunna do that with somethin’ over your eyes?” 
“I didn’t think it through that far.” 
You sighed, conceding and attempting to wash yourself (which ended pretty badly) but, keeping his word, he managed to assist you the best he could without touching you. 
He pitied the hangover you’d have... and the regret. 
 At last carrying you to bed after getting you another drink of water, he began cleaning the putrid stain you’d left on the carpet. 
It was about 5AM when he’d finished, finally crawling into bed. 
He thought about the way it felt last night compared to now
and he blamed himself. 
He was the one that made you get so drunk you essentially passed out 
Looking at you again, he sighed. 
Tugging you close into his arms, he whispered a soft, “I’m sorry.” 
Your subconscious must’ve heard him because you said in your sleep, “’s ok.” 
And suddenly your faces weren’t so far apart. And you couldn’t help but slowly close your eyes. Jumin was confused. He can be a bit of a pea brain, so he of course said, “I’m sure you’re very tired.” He shut off the light, reaching over you. You held back the big frown you’d gotten when you realized he’d rejected you. Unbeknownst to you that it took everything in him, from the moment he’d saw you in the jet cabin, not to scoop you up in his arms and make out with you the whole way there.
You were awoken by birds chirping outside the massive estate window
You made eye contact with an already staring, wide-eyed Jumin 
Upon realizing you’d woken up, he averted his gaze saying, “Breakfast -- soon.” 
You missed the crimson color of his face, instead getting up and stretching (like you didn’t learn your lesson last time)
Then, you made your way over to the fresh coffee that had been delivered to your room minutes before
Adding a shit load of cream and a dash of sugar, you turned to see Jumin staring at you. Again. 
You breathed out a laugh, “What are you looking at?” 
Jumin’s brows knit together for a split second before he again looked away, his soft blush never fading, “It’s hard not to.” 
“Look at wha--” Your eyes grew wide in realization, looking down at the lingerie hardly covering your skin, Jumin’s shirt no where to be seen.  
You screamed, making a poor attempt to cover yourself shouting, “Oh my god I’m so sorry I forgot!!” 
Again, Jumin found his gaze resting on your body, stifling a groan. 
He at last spoke, his deep voice reverberating throughout the room, “You... you’re making this all.. so much more ....difficult.” 
You then grew defensive, “Made what difficult? Ogling at me without staying anything?!” 
His eyes glowered with something you couldn’t quite place. “That’s not what I meant” 
He walked slowly toward you, causing you to take steps backward 
He’d backed you up against the wall, letting out a deep breath through his nose
With glittering eyes, he grabbed your chin with his fingers, forcing you to look up at him instead of the ground 
“You’re doing on purpose, aren’t you?” 
You gulped in anticipation, “D-doing what?” 
Jumin raked his eyes down your body then looked back up at you with a sarcastic expression that said, “really?” 
“N-no! I didn’t have a choice!!” 
“Your clothes would’ve been dry hours ago.. if it really bothered you--”
“Well I was really tired from the jet ride and putting up with you!” 
Jumin looked surprised for a moment before grinning sardonically, “Putting up with me? Do you have any idea how fucking hard it is to control myself when you’re constantly grabbing me, touching me, everything!” 
“I didn’t do all that on purpose!” Okay, maybe that wasn’t entirely true, but you weren’t about to admit that to him when he was being such a dick.
He laughed dryly, “Yeah, okay. All I’m saying is that I don’t find it very funny.” 
“You think that you’re just some big joke to me?!” 
“What other explanation is there?” 
You were practically hysterical in your laughter saying, “You’re unbelievable.” 
“Oh yeah?” he challenged. 
“Yeah,” you glared back at him, your faces inches apart. 
Before Jumin could realize what he was doing, he pulled your hips flush against his own, crashing his lips harshly on yours. 
Letting out moans of both desperation and anger, your eyebrows furrowed as you deepened the kiss, gasping when Jumin slid his tongue so far into your mouth you swore you felt it going down your throat. 
After what felt like hours, you parted for oxygen, both breathing heavily, before going in for another long, simmering kiss
You felt Jumin smirk against your mouth causing you to lightly smack his chest, hating that he knew he’d gotten a rise out of you. 
He grabbed your wrist against his chest, slowly guiding it to his first button of his night shirt. 
You made quick work of removing all the fastenings, nodding and obeying him when he commanded, “Jump”
Your legs tied round his waist, you continued to make out, pulling at the waistband of his pants. 
Jumin moaned into your mouth before parting to say, “You will be the death of me, little spitfire.” 
Let’s just say the whole fiance thing might not be a lie anymore. 
Zen wanted to say something smooth like “I’ve always wanted to do that.” But instead he said “I’ve always wanted to do you.” He mentally smacked his head, blaming the lack of oxygen for his stupidity. But you smirked up at him coyly, replying, “Then why don’t you?” Um, yeah, rip your hotel neighbor he will literally hate both of you so much.
You awoke you Zen rubbing his thumb on your arm, basking in the morning light 
He groggily said, “’mornin’ babe.” 
“I’m ‘babe’ now?”
“What else am I supposed to call my beautiful girlfriend?” 
You leaned up and kissed him softly, smiling. 
“I love you, Zen. So much.” 
“I love you, too, Y/n. If you didn’t already get that from when we...” 
You laughed shyly, “yeah..” 
“I know I skipped a few steps, but I have never been happier and more sure of anything in my life.” 
You looked up at him, peacefully grinning. 
“Hey, let’s get married.” 
Zen choked on his spit, “R-right now?!” 
You giggled, “Not right now, but soon. I dunno, we’ve been friends for, like, forever. Now that we know we like each other it seems like the next step.” 
Zen looked at you, searching your face to determine whether you were serious or not. 
Detecting that you weren’t joking he laughed airily saying, “Sure. Whatever you want princess.” 
He kissed the top of your head, whispering, “You’re so beautiful, ya know that?” 
Sighing comfortably, you nodded, falling back into sleep. 
“H-hey! Wake up!!” Zen shouted, giving up and just cuddling up to you instead, stroking your hair gently. 
The concert wasn’t until late that night -- he had time to spare. 
....Even if he didn’t, he’d make time for you.  - 3 months later
In classic Zen and Y/n style, you’d eloped shortly after the tour ended. 
“Hey, Y/n? Have you seen my grey t-shirt?” 
You looked up from your laptop, “Mhm, it’s in the dryer.” 
He sighed, “Thanks babe”, before making his way down to the mudroom where your laundry was kept 
He sifted through the hot laundry in the dryer, not seeing his shirt anywhere, when he hard a crash. 
He rushed out to the living room, glancing from the smashed coffee mug on the ground, to you. 
“Y/N?! Are you okay?!!!” 
You clutched your stomach in anguish, beads of sweat forming at your brow, “Y-yeah.. my stomach hurts so bad ‘s all.”
Zen was having NONE of that
He rushed you to the Emergency Room, holding your hand the entire time. 
“It’s gonna be okay, Princess, I promise.” You nodded, before losing consciousness - 
you awoke to a depressing hospital room, meeting Zen’s worried eyes. 
“How long was I out..?” 
“For a few minutes.” 
You sighed in relief, feeling a lot better than you were when you were rushed to the ER. 
All of a sudden, a doctor entered the room looking stern. 
“I wanted to discuss the diagnosis with the two of you when you were both physically present.” 
You blanched, looking at Zen with fear etched in your eyes. 
Zen held your hand tighter, before saying, “What’s the problem?” 
The doctor looked in between the two of you before letting out a little laugh, “There’s nothing wrong, actually.” 
You both looked confused, Zen proudly saying, “Then why’d you look all doom and gloom when you came in here?!” 
The doctor roared with laughter saying, “Eh, I get a kick out of the faces you guys make. Ah, now to the diagnosis.” 
“There’s still a diagnosis?!” 
You shushed Zen, nodding at the doctor. 
He took a breath before saying, “Miss Y/N Hyeon, you’re pregnant.” 
Both your eyes grew wide, mouths slacked
“O-oh, oh my gosh!!” 
Zen enveloped you in a big hug, congratulating you (and also hiding his tears) 
This man could not hold back the proud grin he sported for MONTHS
I simp for this prompt so if someone asked, it’s not like I could say no to writing it for more characters.......right? lol Also, I came to a realization that I made that a fanfic rather than a headcanon.. so oh well, right? 
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anime-academix · 4 years ago
Dating Mexican Reader
Characters: Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, Aizawa, Shigaraki, Dabi
Warnings: minor swearing, minor nsfw (it’s extremely brief, you’ll see it if you squint)
Requested by: @peachyhonxeey​ Thank you for your request! :)
A/N: I’m so sorry, I took so long to post this! 😭 But I hope you all like it! I will admit, my knowledge on Mexican culture is limited...so I asked a few friends more knowledgeable in that area for some help! So, if there are any spelling/pronunciation/translation errors, I apologise in advance! But, I hope you guys enjoy reading this! I will definitely be going back in and doing some much needed revising though lol and then maybe a part 2!
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Shy when it comes to dating outside of his race, but claims he’s the luckiest person in the world once he’s with you.
ALWAYS asking questions about your family, culture, and even the language.
Writes down all of your answers.
Actually enrolled himself in a Spanish class so he could surprise you with what he’s been learning.
If Japanese isn't your first language, he will offer to help you with your Japanese.
The two of you end up spending hours just teaching each other phrase in your native languages.
During times like these, this boy is so madly in love with you, just observing the way you are, the way you’re just existing.
Wants to meet your family and will even ask how he can please your family members.
Listens to you in awe when you converse with your family in your native language.
Will try and repeat some of the words/phrases he hears you use to himself.
Once you’re done talking to your family, he’ll ask you how to pronounce a word he heard you say or what a phrase means.
Will ask you about how Japanese culture is different from your own culture.
When it comes to PDA, Izuku is EXTREMELY shy and gets flustered so easily.
He’s shock when he finds out that you’re culture is significantly different than Japanese culture.
Especially when it comes to PDA.
In public, as far as the two of you go are hugs, hand holding and cheek kisses.
Most times you initiate it, but after a while, he begins initiating it on his own.
He’s always sending you recipes he comes across and asks if you two could make it together on the weekend.
You’ll have conversations concerning your own experiences with racial discrimination.
Will almost always start crying.
Hugs you tight and reassures you that you and everything about you is beautiful.
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He is so fascinated by you and your culture, but he won’t ever say it aloud.
You’ll see his fascination through little things:
Started eating Mexican food, even when the two of you were just friends to understand you a bit more.
Even learning words, phrases, and slang words in Spanish when he could.
He absolutely loves it when you switch to speaking your native tongue.
Especially when you guys get into an argument, he’s left speechless because you’ll curse at him in Spanish but he has NO idea all of what you’re saying.
“Excuse me? ¡Siempre haces esto! Te voy a romper la cara con mis puñetazos. No me jodas. Ugh! Vete a la mierda, pendejo. Eres tan jodidamente molesto.”
“W-what...what the hell did you just say to me?!”
You can honestly out argue him.
Will almost always lose the argument because he wouldn’t know how to reply.
Honestly would think it’s really hot and badass that you switch languages when you’re upset.
Usually won’t be the first to apologise directly, but after giving you space to calm down, he usually starts by calling you ‘Mi Amor’ or ‘Princesa’.
His pronunciation is actually so on point.
He’ll act as though he’s indifferent but he LOVES Mexican food.
On RARE occasions, he will even attempt to make a simple Mexican recipe to impress you.
He’s actually so good at cooking and when you praise him, he’ll say:
“Tch. Don’t make a big deal about it; it wasn’t that hard.”
Was actually hella nervous that he would do it wrong and you wouldn't like it.
Blushes HARD, but will pretend like its nothing when you praise his cooking.
During late night talks, usually with you laying on top of him, his arms wrapped around you and he’ll ask you if you feel comfortable in Japan.
Then will eventually ask if you’re comfortable with him.
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Is 100% nervous to date outside of his race, or anyone for that matter.
So, once the two of you start dating, he is very attentive and takes the relationship seriously.
Very traditional when it comes to dating, but at the same time extremely shy.
Especially when it comes to PDA.
If we’re being honest, he’s really awkward when it comes to being around you, so it’s hard for him to express affection and his emotions directly.
So majority of the time, you’re instigating hand holding, hugs, and eventually kissing a lot of the time.
Expresses his love and affection for you through other ways.
He will take so much of his time reading about Mexican culture, the languages, and will even learn your native language to converse with you at times.
Constantly asking you random and unexpected questions about yourself and background.
Most of the time, he won’t give an explanation or context for the question.
Over time, he becomes more comfortable with affection and will start making the first move, such as: cheek and hand kissing and hugs.
When he’s around his friends, he usually sticks to hugging because this boy is honestly so awkward.
Whenever the two of you are in public, he prefers to always be holding your hand.
Some times he’ll have two of his fingers wrapped around yours.
He finds it so interesting when you speak in your native language whether you’re talking to family/friends or talking to yourself.
When you guys have an argument, it definitely would be over something serious.
Todoroki tries to remain calm whenever the two of you do fight, which usually resolves the argument as quick as it started.
But on rare occasions, during an argument he’s caught off guard when you switch to your native language when you’re upset/frustrated.
He’ll understand even more that when you switch to your native tongue, you’re extremely upset about whatever the two of you are arguing about.
Even then, he usually doesn’t argue back and will let you get out all of your feelings until you’ve calmed down.
If he thinks the two of you need some space, he’ll leave for an hour or so and then come back so the two of you can talk.
Regardless of whoever started the argument, he’s almost always the first to apologize, which usually results in the both of you apologizing at the same time.
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In all honesty, the two of you just clicked instantly.
Picks up on your native language incredibly fast.
The two of you can hold entire conversations in Spanish.
Confuses the others because they have no idea what you’re talking about.
As if Kirishima wasn’t already romantic enough, once he starts learning more about your culture, his art in the romantics sky rocket.
Like this boy will tell you pick up lines in Spanish with a smirk on his face in front of your friends.
Will even ask if you can teach him any Mexican dances that you know.
When/if you do, he won’t stop practicing that dance(s) and he gets INTO it, emotions and all.
But honestly, the two of you are always dancing, especially when you’re alone together.
Kirishima doesn’t care about what others think, so therefore, he has no problem showing you off in public.
He will almost always initiate PDA and it doesn’t even bother him if other people think it’s weird.
Your family absolutely loves him, he honestly fits right in quite well when he meets your family.
Has at least a question every day about your culture and/or family.
Aizawa (slight NSFW towards the end)
Same with Kirishima, he has no problem showing you off.
LOVES listening to you speak in your native tongue.
But also loves hearing you talk about your culture and family.
Though he’s very educated on Mexican culture, he also learns alot from you--more intimate and personal details.
Aizawa knows a good amount of Spanish, but is kind of shy when it comes to responding back in Spanish because he’s self conscious when it comes to pronunciation.
His pronunciation is actually really good, but he doesn’t seem to think so.
You lowkey love when he speaks in your native language.
At times, when you ask him a question in Spanish, he will answer in Japanese and/or English.
Whenever you guys argue, you tend to switch back to your native tongue especially when you’re angry/upset.
He actually knows exactly what you’re saying, but usually won’t say anything.
Wants to let you scream out your anger/frustration as effectively as you can.
BUT NOW HEAR ME OUT, Aizawa WILL speak Spanish but only on rare occasions, like really rare.
Happens mostly on late nights when the two of you are cuddling that he’ll call you Mi Amor while holding you in his arms.
The other times he speaks Spanish to you are the nights when you two are doing the deed, he will whisper dirty things in your ear because he knows that it will turn you on instantly.
His deep voice + Spanish = ⚰️
He’s extremely protective of you.
Whenever the two of you are out in public, tends to hold you close to him by your waist.
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He may act like he’s all big and bad, but he becomes so shy whenever the two of you are alone.
Though you’re immune to his quirk, he’s always scared that one day he’ll touch you and you’re going to decay in his hands.
Because he’s always thinking that, you’re the one to take his hand and remind him that you’re not going anywhere
When you’re around the other League members and he’s acting out, you’ll put that boy back in line.
You’re honestly the only person that can keep him calm the most effectively.
Kurogiri is so lucky to have you, because he knows Shigaraki will listen to you.
Becomes a huge softie when you speak in your native tongue around him
Very interested in your culture and background.
He’s extremely shy when it comes to him asking you questions about your culture.
If he feels too embarrassed to ask you a question, he’ll spend a good amount of time researching the topic and he will inform you in hopes of impressing you.
Loves to see the happy look on your face when he tells you what he’s learned.
He may be a soft, pouty baby when it comes to you, but if anyone even dares to disrespect you, he will dust them in a second.
Will occasionally ask if you’re comfortable being with him or if you’d rather be at home.
He’d become flustered asf when you tell him that he is your home.
Spends hours cuddling and talking about everything and nothing.
Okay okay okay, one night he will ask you if you can give him a nickname in Spanish.
When he asks you that, he’s blushing like CRAZY.
Dabi (slight NSFW)
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Okay, if we’re being honest, he honestly was the one to make the first move when he saw you.
Jokingly says dating you was a bad idea, but doesn’t regret meeting you at all .
Dabi won’t ever admit it, but he is SO in love with you, even if he tells you you’re a pain in the ass.
Whenever he gets an attitude, you have no problem reminding him of his place.
“What are you gonna do? Kick my ass? Doll, I’m not scared of you.”
“I don’t know who the fuck you think you talking to, but it ain’t me. So, you better watch yourself before I knock you out into next week.”
He’s almost always caught off guard with how fast you snap back.
When the two of you argue, he tends to lose the argument because at some point when your anger/annoyance heightens, you’ll start swearing at him in Spanish.
He’ll just stand there smirking at you while you’re just full of frustration.
Finds it so hot when you switch back to your native language.
Asks you so many times to speak in Spanish to him.
Knows a generous amount of phrases and words native to your culture.
Okay, I will tell you, it turns him on so much if you talk dirty to him in Spanish--it’s definitely one of his weaknesses.
Has no problem asking you questions about your culture.
Loves hearing you talk about your stories about your home, background and even family.
Though he’s a little rough around the edges, Dabi is EXTREMELY protective and especially observant when it comes to you.
Whenever the two of you are in public, he always has his arm around your shoulders or waist.
Dabi doesn’t care too much for PDA, but if he notices someone staring at you, he’ll glare at the person before kissing your lips then your down your neck.
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toosicktoocare · 4 years ago
Hi, uh, this is awkward since you're the first person I have ever requested a fic from. Anyway, if you're still taking requests for dc, would you mind making a sick Alfred? I just want the boys to do something for their father/grandfather. Thanks. Love your fics btw.
This is super cute, and I lowkey feel honored (?? lmao) that I’m your first request. I hope you like the fic!
Dick’s rounding a corner, with Jason hot on his heels, but he freezes, one socked foot seconds from leaving the dark wood of the hallway to plant on the white, almost pristine, linoleum of the kitchen, and he quickly braces both hands on either side of the doorframe when Jason slams into his back.
“What the fuck, Dickbrain?”
Frowning, Dick narrows his eyes as Bruce turns away from the stove. He’s donned in a navy blue apron, and he’s got one oven mit on to protect his hand from the hot frying pan he’s holding.
“Where’s Alfred?”
Jason peers over Dick’s shoulder, wordlessly studying the black smoke that billows up from the pan. “Christ, we’re gonna starve.”
“Jason,” Dick hisses, sparing a brief glare to Jason’s direction before bringing a worried gaze back to Bruce, his brows furrowed.
“Alfred’s sick” is all Bruce offers, his voice low and worn, and he turns back to the stove with a sigh.
“Sick?” Dick parrots back, the single word so unfamilair on his tongue within this context. “How sick?”
“He’s, like, really old,” Jason mutters, tense at Dick’s back. “Is he dying?”
“Jay,” Dick groans, his words getting lost when Damian shoves past him to squeeze into the kitchen, a small crinkle to his raised nose.
“Father, are you trying to burn down the entire manor?”
Bruce’s sigh fades to a low growl. He leaves the pan on the stove and turns back to the three, running one hand down his face. “Alfred’s fine. He’s been working through a cold the last few days, and he just pushed himself a little too hard. He’s on bed rest for the rest of the week.”
Dick gnaws lightly at his bottom lip, worried, and Jason spares a weary glance around the kitchen, fanning away some of the lingering smoke. “You’ve never cooked a day in your life, have you, Bats?”
“Jason,” Bruce warns, but, despite the gravel in his tone, his face falls around an endless sigh, and he sinks down into a chair, dropping the oven mit atop the table. “I admit I’m a little out of my element here.”
“Clearly,” Jason spits out, examining some of the spices Bruce has littered all over the counter. He pokes at whatever charred, burned mess is stuck to the bottom of a pan with a wooden spoon, groaning deep in his throat.
“Maybe we can order in?” Dick questions, peering over Jason’s shoulder with a wince.
“Nah,” Jason says, already shuffling spices around to clear space. “I’ve got this.” He turns back to the others. “Also, scram? I don’t need your deadweight in here.”
Dick offers a mock salute and clamps a hand to Damian’s shoulder, guiding him out of the kitchen.
“Grayson, Todd’s going to kill us all.”
“Relax,” Dick says, waving for Bruce to follow. “Jay’s been feeding himself for a while. He’s actually a really good cook.”
“I did not know this,” Bruce says lowly, and Dick spares a side glance, brows rising.
“Save the emotional constipation for another day, B. We’ve got Alfred to worry about.” Dick expertly ducks when Bruce swings at the back of his head, and he slips around until he’s walking backwards, facing Bruce and Damian. “I’m going to go check on him.” At the look Bruce gives him, the sharp, borderline Batman look, Dick raises both hands in defense. “I’ll be quiet; I promise.”
“I don’t believe that one bit,” Bruce grumbles. “But I’m too tired to stop you.” He starts to guide Damian to the library, to maybe pick out a book Alfred will want to read, but he stops, glancing over his shoulder. “Dick, remember. Just because Alfred’s sick, it doesn’t mean he’s incapable of tossing you out the window in a heartbeat.”
Dick grabs at his chest. “He would never!” He spins on his heels, taking the steps back up the stairs two at a time, and he’s just about to turn toward Alfred’s room when Tim steps out from his own room, somehow looking simultaneously like he’s slept for days yet hasn’t slept at all.
“What’s burning?” Tim questions around a yawn. “Alfred doesn’t burn things.”
“Bruce was cooking.”
Frowning, Tim glances toward Alfred’s room, taking mental note of the closed bedroom door. “Why? Where’s Alfred?”
“Sick,” Dick says, and immediately, Tim turns on his heel and starts toward Alfred’s room, promptly dodging Dick’s quick attempts at grabbing him until Dick’s bear-hugging him and pulling him back right before he can twist open the door.
“Let me go, Dick.” Tim wriggles in Dick’s arms, but Dick only tightens his hold and starts back to the stairs.
“Not a chance, Tim. You can’t be around him.”
“It’s not going to kill me, Dick.”
Dick sets Tim down on the top step, frowning. “Maybe not, but I’ve seen you hooked up to IVs too many times now, baby bird. So, humor me? I’ll tell Alfred you say hi.”
Tim doesn’t pout. He pulls his lips into a wordless, flat line, eyes sharp against Dick’s blue ones, and they remain like that for an endless minute before Tim breaks the gaze with a sigh. “Who’s cooking?”
“Jay is. I’m sure he could use the help.”
“Doubtful,” Tim mutters, but he starts down the steps anyway, and Dick smiles, watching Tim turn into the kitchen, before he starts back to Alfred’s room, offering two courtesy knocks before slipping quietly into the room.
Alfred’s propped up into a seated position, his pale face pulled to the window, but when Dick steps in, he turns to him, offering a tired smile.
“Master Richard,” Alfred rasps out, and Dick winces, crossing the room and dropping to the edge of the bed.
“Hey, Al. How’re you feeling?” He reaches over, brushing the back of his hand to Alfred’s cheek. It’s warm, he thinks, but not alarmingly so. “You feel a little feverish.”
“Oh, don’t dote, Master Richard. I’m quite alright.”
“B has you on bed rest,” Dick replies, and Alfred sighs around a light laugh that gives way to a few coughs.
“Master Bruce has a tendency to panic...”
“Oh,” Dick drags out, “we know.” He smooths his hand over Alfred’s blanket. “I’m sorry we didn’t notice you were sick before,” Dick sighs, and Alfred pats his hand warmly.
“No apology necessary, Master Richard. I’ll be fine in a few days tops, I assure you.”
Nodding, Dick drags his fingers through his hair. “Can we get you anything?”
“Soup would be nice,” Alfred starts. “I specifically told Master Bruce to keep far away from my kitchen, but based on the faint scent of burning eggs, I presume he did not listen.”
If there’s one thing that will consistently impress Dick, it’s Jason’s impeccable timing. At this, the latter slips into the room, kicking the door open with his foot. He’s carrying a tray that looks out of place in his hands, and atop it, there’s a large, steaming bowl of soup that smells incredible.
“Master Jason,” Alfred smiles, and Jason shoos Dick off the bed, gently placing the tray across Alfred’s lap.
“Ah, Master Jason, I’ve quite missed your cooking.”
“Wait,” Dick draws out, “You’ve had Jay’s cooking?”
“We have a thing,” Jason smirks, jabbing right where he knows it will bother Dick the most. “He comes to my apartment to patch me up, and I cook us dinner.”
“You guys have a thing?” Dick works his jaw, a pout pressing against his lips. “Al, do we have a thing?” He paces the length of the room, unfazed at Jason’s loud groan. “We definitely have a thing, right?”
“Jealously doesn’t suit you, Dick.”
Dick whips around to see Bruce walking in, with Damian close behind, a novel in hand. “B, how the hell does Jay have a thing with Alfred, and I don’t?”
“I almost want to be offended by that,” Jason spits out, smiling. “Almost.”
Dick whips a sharp gaze back to Jason, prepared to take the very clear bait Jason’s dangling before him, but he stops when Tim shuffles in, silently, and drops onto a loveseat that’s a reasonable distance from Alfred’s bed.
“You all seriously have the worst bedside manner.”
“You can’t be in here, Tim.”
“You’ll get sick.”
“Are you double-masked, Master Timothy?” Alfred’s voice, though a tired rasp, carries over everyone else, and Tim hooks a finger under the top mask covering his mouth and nose, pulling it back to reveal a second mask.
“I’ll be okay,” Tim assures, and Bruce and Dick look seconds away from arguing, but Jason interrupts, flopping down onto the couch beside Tim.
“Is someone going to start reading this sh- stuff, or what?” He motions to the book in Damian’s hand, and Damian holds to book out to Bruce, eyes wide, expectant.
Bruce drags a large chair up to Alfred’s bed, muttering “careful” as Damain climbs onto the bed, situating himself beside Alfred. Dick eyes Tim wearily, shares a silent conversation with Jason, then drops onto the plush carpet below him, his back pressed against the side of the bed and one foot stretched out in front of him.
Alfred watches, an unreadable expression painted across his face. He looks to Jason, who’s tugging Tim’s legs up over his, and then to Dick, who’s face has gone soft as he watches the two. He’s slowly moves to see Damian curled up at his side, small and still beside him, and then he meets Bruce’s eyes, and Bruce smiles, a rare sight that never fails to warm him to the core.
“I’m sure you all have much work to do,” Alfred tries, and Bruce shakes his head and flicks open the book.
“There’s nowhere else we’d rather be, Al.”
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