I Will Soar Where Others Cannot Climb
181 posts
a massive fucking child inside a 22 year old's body
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
Jealousy - Mighty Nein x Reader
Original Requested Prompt: I love your writing so much! Could we see jealousy headcanons for the M9, perhaps? (I am especially invested in Caleb and Molly~)
definitely a low-key jealous type
doesn’t want to cause a scene, but he still makes sure he’s within earshot of the two of you, just in case he needs to step in
fidgets with his tusks when he gets jealous, absent mindedly running his fingers across the stunted spikes
he tries to act like he’s not bothered, in fact, he acts as if he didn’t even notice
although he puts on a good front, his charismatic skills getting put to good use, you’ve known him long enough that you can see right through him
“course I’m not jealous, I just didn’t like the way they were looking atcha.”
after all the hurtful comments thrown at him as a child, he gets self conscious when he sees someone try to hit on you, making him feel like that helpless, vulnerable kid once again
give him lots of forehead kisses and remind him of every amazing quality he has, he may not believe you, but it’s what he needs to hear in moments like that
if looks could kill
no matter who it is, Beau won’t care, sending full fledged daggers at whoever is trying to chat you up
immediately makes her way over to you, leaning her torso against the bar, kissing you before nonchalantly turning to the drunk bar goer.
“Thanks for keeping them company, you can get fucking lost now.”
They scramble off, making you laugh at the jealous monk in front of you
She’s a little huffy and grumpy afterwards, crossing her arms and scowling at the fact that someone tried to hit on you
her scowls aren’t anything that can’t be fixed with a few kisses and a lot of booze
gets very publicly affectionate when she’s jealous
does occasional sweeps of the room, narrowing her eyes at anyone who she thinks could be a bother, placing her staff on the table for all to see
a mix between wanting to retreat to his room and avoid facing his feelings and burning the person talking to you to a crisp
instead he finds his version of an unhappy medium, loudly scraping his chair back as he stands, his glare piercing before he storms up to his room
holes himself up in his room, using books as a way to distract him from the jealousy that still rings in the back of his mind
when you enter the room and try to assure him that nothing happened, he buries his face deeper in the book, almost as if he’s trying to ignoring you
after trailing small kisses along his neck, he’ll sigh and put down his book, hanging his head as he admits his jealousy got the better of him
refuses to let you apologize in any way, insisting that you did nothing wrong and that he trusts you
he tries not to show it, but he’s always worried that someone will try to take you away from him like they did with Astrid
give him lots and lots of kisses! this poor boy needs to be treated tenderly every once in a while
Refuses to admit that she’s jealous
gets absolutely hammered, using alcohol to bolster her and make her brave enough to confront the person flirting with you
drops her mask and bares her teeth, using her goblin form to scare them off
definitely pick pockets them and tries to do something like tie their shoe laces together so they’ll trip over themselves
she gets very moody and snippy with you, she doesn’t mean to, she just can’t contain her sour mood
because of her appearance and how most societies perceive her, she has an extreme lack of confidence, which causes her to get jealous easily
she’ll go to Jester and ask for tips on how to be more girly and romantic, trying to find tips to make herself a better girlfriend for you
you pointedly remind her that you fell in love with her for who she is, and she doesn’t need to change herself or worry about not being good enough because to you, she is perfect
the easiest to get jealous out of all of the mighty nein
makes snide and condescending comments at whoever is talking to you, constantly trying to undermine or find a flaw in them
begins loudly recalling every romantic moment that the two of you have ever had, not so subtly giving them the hint that you’re taken
gets very pouty, needs lots of affection to reassure her.
quickly takes off one of her many rings, handing it to you and insisting you wear it so people will think you’re married and therefore off limits
for weeks after the event happened, you find small drawings of them in her sketchbook, typically being mauled by animals or covered in poop
the number one way to ebb away her feelings of jealousy is to kiss the freckles that are splashed across her cheeks, she’ll be giggling and squealing again in no time
doesn’t quite know how to handle herself
receives a pep talk from Beau, who tells her to go stand her ground
making her way over to you, she stands as tall as possible, her large stature casting a shadow onto whoever is talking with you
“You’re in my seat”
those words paired with her visible physical strength and stony expression quickly send them on their way
blushes slightly when you tease her, commenting that she’s cute when she gets jealous
though she isn’t one for PDA, she becomes a smiling, flustered mess when you kiss her in the tavern, touched that you’re proud to show your relationship off to anyone and everyone around
at night when the two of you are alone in your room, she is much more affectionate than usual, braiding your hair to match hers and planting kisses to the back of your neck
tries to fight off his feelings of jealousy by making it into a game, plotting ways to scare the bar goer so badly they’ll have nightmares
he isn’t one to get jealous often, but when he does, he’s hard to reign in
speaks in infernal to scare them, even though the only thing he’s speaking in the demonic tongue being absolute gibberish, you would know as you insisted he teach you many months ago
gets very handsy and loudly proclaims his undying love for you to anyone within earshot, much to your dismay and embarrassment as you hurriedly clamp a hand over his mouth
though he would never admit it, his jealousy stems from the magnitude of his love for you. he’s used to being a migrant with only himself to think about, so having someone he cares about so deeply makes him very protective of you
on the nights when he shows his jealous side, you see a more possessive side of him when the door to your room closes behind you
the multitude of small red love-bites remain on your neck for days, providing a visual affirmation of your relationship to Molly for anyone with eyes
doesn’t get jealous easily, but when he is, he’ll make it known
though he’s one to handle his feelings maturely, he still gets bothered and jealous just like anyone else
asks Fjord if it’s normal to feel like that in such situations, unfamiliar with this new found emotion
he’s fully aware that his large stature can be intimidating, and he uses that to his advantage to scare off whoever is trying to flirt with you
“Would you like to know what I use to brew my homemade tea?”
the two of you turn in from you night at the bar early, spending the rest of the night with just the two of you, whispering sweet nothings and small confessions of love to each other until he can’t even remember the prick of jealously he had experienced earlier
holds you a lot tighter that night, his actions further proving the love he has for you as he embraces you, thanking the wild mother that he found someone like you
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
Winter’s Crest Festival - Mighty Nein x Reader
Original Requested Prompt: Hello again, i’m the anon who made Winter’s Crest request (: Just popping in to say Winters Crest is a holiday from campaign 1 celebrating winter solstice. Something like New Year in the world of Exandria? So i was wondering what is like to celebrate it with m9, like going to fair, drink and play games, exchange gifts, things like that? Also, you do amazing work with this blog, keep it up (;
She isn’t particularly interested in attending the festival, but she’s unable to say no to you when she sees how excited you are to go out and try everything that is being offered during the holiday season.
Because of the large crowds of people, she keeps her hand tightly gripping yours, making sure not to lose you in the sea of people. Although Yasha is tall enough to be able to find easily, you keep that to yourself, quietly enjoying the excuse for her to hold your hand.
She’s impressed by all the decorations set up around town, explaining the Xhorhas never held such beautiful celebrations in her life, making you all the more determined to give her the best experience of her life to make up for the years of missed opportunity.
The two of you stop by a lot of food stalls, the warm aroma of fresh baked pies and roasted meat being especially enticing after walking in the cold for so long. It does take a little bit of searching, but you do manage to find a vendor who sells roasted rat, much to Yasha’s excitement as she buys every available rat for everyone in the nein to try.
By far her favorite thing to do is sit by the fireplace with your head resting in her lap as she combs her fingers through your hair, the two of you taking advantage of this rare free time to enjoy it together and end the day off on a relaxing note.
 she is especially excited by the winter’s crest festival because she has the opportunity to try all the seasonal alcohol, the two of you sitting together in the tavern as she tells stories of her childhood in the winery and even admitting that she has a dream of owning her own tavern one day, a smile crossing your face as you watch how animated she gets when thinking of the future.
Despite the cold weather, she refuses to wear any other layers besides her usual outfit and her reversible coat, stubbornly stating that she won’t get cold when you try to persuade her into wearing a warmer set of clothes
You can’t help but laugh when you catch her teeth chattering later, wordlessly shrugging off your coat and handing it to her, pressing it into her hand when she tries to refuse, grumbling as she slips it on.
You spend a lot of the day going from booth to booth and seeing who can attain the highest score on each game, Beau’s competitive streak manifesting as she tries to distract you from the ring toss game by shouting nonsense in attempts to break your focus.
After witnessing a group of children construct a small igloo, the two of you become determined to build a bigger version, one that can fit all of the mighty nein, resulting in a party-wide effort to construct the biggest igloo in town
Honestly, he loves any excuse for people to celebrate so he’s thrilled when winter’s crest rolls around, scouring the streets for any unique or seasonal vendors who could be selling items not found anywhere else.
He can’t get over how adorable you look all bundled up for the cold weather, kissing your nose and teasingly calling you his ‘marshmallow’ as you scowl at him, making him hold up his hands in surrender as he flashes an apologetic smile
The festival reminds him of the commotion and high energy that the circus also had, making him slightly nostalgic as he roams the streets with you, a small smile resting on his lips as he listens to the familiar buzz of chatter from the crowds of people.
 Not only will he show off his skills at playing cards, he’ll also show and teach you his tips and tricks for winning, his smirk growing wider as he manages to perform sleight of hand countless times without you noticing until much later in the game
 As revenge for him mercilessly defeating you at every round of cards, you try and take revenge by tying a sprig of mistletoe to each of his horns, making your boyfriend into a walking decoration. You’re a little disappointed when he’s unfazed by your attempted prank, grinning and declaring that he’s into it before pulling you into a kiss.
Because he’s lived so long in a somewhat isolated area with no real connection to the outside world, he’s absolutely awe-struck by all the decorations and festivities that the winters crest festival has to offer
He wants to try everything! He’s curious about everything, although he’s a little disappointed to find that winter themed alcohol tastes just as bad as the regular kind, but he’s ecstatic when he finds the food stalls lining the streets, sampling every food vegetarian food item in sight.
He’s incredibly good at the carnival style games that are set up in small booths along the streets of town, his combined height and strength making it substantially easier for him than most people to land rings on bottles and hit targets.
This results in the two of you shoving numerous stuffed animals and little trinkets into Jester’s haversack so you can continue to wander the festival without having to lug around a mountain of toys.
He feels guilty when he learns that this holiday has a tradition of gift giving, so to make up for his lack of a gift for you, he offers to win you any prize you want from the festival games, chuckling as you drag him by the hand from booth to booth; carefully trying to determine which prize you want most.
Her favorite part of the winter’s crest festival is definitely all the drinking games that take place in taverns, giving her the opportunity to stay warm during the cold weather while showing off her slightly concerning ability to drink copious amounts of booze.
She also does extremely well in the archery games, hitting all of her targets despite her slightly intoxicated state as you cheer her on, giving her a boost of confidence as she proudly claims her rewards for winning.
Nott has a hard time seeing over the large crowds of people in the streets, and as soon as you notice that, you lift her up and place her onto your shoulders for a better view, her noises of surprising quickly shifting into delight as she holds onto you for balance.
She uses the money that she won from the archery game to browse the stores for a gift to buy you, sending you off to the other side of the store while she hurriedly purchases the first thing she thinks you’ll like, shoving it into her pocket before you return to her.
Later that night, she nervously presents you with the gift she bought, fidgeting with her hands as you stare at it in surprise, assuring you that she can return it if you don’t like it, her words making you cut her off with a kiss, breathlessly telling her that you love it.
He has a lot of knowledge on the winter’s crest festival and the solstice itself due to his love of reading, but he’s never actually attended such a festival before, mainly due to the fact that his family didn’t have the means to attend such events.
Because of that, it does require you to coax him to attend the festival with you, which he agrees to after you promise to keep him company the entire time.
He isn’t very interested in the drinking games or booths, but he does really enjoy all the decorations that have been placed around the town in celebration, his eyes immediately drawn to the stings of small colored lights that drape across buildings.
He refuses to admit that he’s freezing after being outside for so long, stubbornly insisting that he’s fine as he pulls his coat tighter to his frame. He gets a little bit flustered when you entwine your hand with his and press your shoulder into his, insisting that it’ll help keep the both of you warm.
Later that night, he pulls a small box from his coat pocket, hastily wrapped in what looks to be parchment paper and tied with a little string bow. He stutters slightly as he admits that it’s not the most glamorous gift, but he read that it was custom to give presents to those you care for as he presses it into your hands and quickly excuses himself.
He’s determined to redeem himself after how poorly he performed in the festival games during the harvest close festival, making a beeline for game booths as you hurry to keep up with his quick pace.
Thanks to his extensive practice in preparation for the game (and Caleb secretly casting a strength spell on Fjord) he manages to win the game, beaming as he attempts to play off his excitement, crossing his arms over his chest and remarking how it wasn’t that hard.
After he successfully proves himself at the first booth, he’s content to do whatever it is you want, following you from shop to shop, still too happy from his win to complain about having to go shopping. He does carry all your purchases for you though, turning a darker green as you press a kiss to his cheek in thanks.
Your enthusiasm and excitement is contagious to him, the two of you spending the rest of the day playing in the snow and building snow versions of each other, his heart swelling in his chest at this moment; your nose pink from the cold with small specks of snow glittering in your hair as you laugh at the crudely made sculptures.
The two of you spend the rest of the night huddled up near a fire after spending almost all day out in the snow, your head resting on his shoulder and teasingly asking him if the snow was worth the frostbite, a deep chuckles rumbling through his chest as he kisses the top of your head and claims it was worth it.
She’s a big fan of any type of celebration, she’s willing to try every food and activity offered during the holiday season, her favorite thing by far are the candied apples that are sold in the festival, the two of you sharing it as you wander through the festival stands.
 As soon as she notices you starting to shiver from the cooler temperatures of winter, she’d shrug off her shawl and drape it over your shoulders, bragging about how she rarely feels cold as she insists that you wear it instead.
Because she grew up in a coastal area, she especially entranced by the snow that covers the town that you and the nein are currently residing in, resulting in her dragging you outside to help her make a snow version of the traveler.
Lots and lots of snowballs fights! Sometimes she’ll direct the attack at you, other times the two of you hide with a small army of snowballs and launch them at the unsuspecting nein which will result in an impromptu snowball fight in the middle of town.
She’s a hopeless romantic, so please pull the classic under the mistletoe on her. It’ll make her so happy and giggly that Beau won’t hear the end of it for months.
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
Teeny Tiny - Mighty Nein x Reader
Original Requested prompt: Ahh I just read through your entire blog and I love your writing style! Could you please write hcs for the M9 with a really short S/O? Thank you!
you two are quite a sight to behold, your small frame making his slightly over seven foot stature seem that much more giant-like
he isn’t bothered at all by your small height, in fact, he thinks it adorable that the two of you have to work a little bit harder to account for the gap in height, either him having to bend down to kiss you or lift you up so you can reach his lips
he frequently ruffles your hair as a sign of affection
cuddling with him is one of your favorite things, his arms bringing you close to his side, engulfing you and making you feel safe and protected in his large embrace
after long days of travel with the party, he’ll take note of how you begin to lag behind, your legs beginning to ache from overexertion. You refuse to let anyone think that you need to rest, not wanting to bother anyone, you push yourself further, trying to silently make up for the fact that your short height makes it harder for you to keep up
Caduceus smiles at your willful determination, completely in awe of your resilience. Quietly, he scoops you up in arms, placing you on his back before you can refuse his offer for a piggyback ride
when you finally get to the inn room, he carefully untangles your arms that were curled around him, chuckling as he carefully places your small, sleeping form in bed before climbing in next to you
It’s not often that people are smaller than Nott, so she’s delighted by the fact that she’s no longer the shortest person around
Uses every single height joke in the book on you, excited that she finally has the opportunity to say it to someone other than children
whenever she says one too many jokes, she smiles sheepishly and quickly kisses your cheek as an apology
despite all the lighthearted jabs and easing, she finds it adorable that you’re smaller than her, and she’s always more than willing to help or at least try to help when you need help with things such as reaching something on a high shelf
although Nott is taller than you, she’s still a relatively small person, so the two of you have to be creative when trying to blend in during the mighty nein’s rest stops in town.
you being smaller than her makes her that much more protective of you, keeping a tight hold on your hand whenever the two of you are in the public eye
You already know that the two of you have stacked on top of each other, covering up with a long trench coat and attempting to walk around town as if the two of you were just one oddly tall person
he actually really likes that you’re so much shorter than him, it makes him feel like of a protector for you
he likes to have a sense of responsibility. he thrives on the feeling of having people depend on him
gives you nicknames such as ‘little darling,’ trying to subtly tease you while still showing affection
doesn’t like it when anyone else tries to poke fun at your height, he wants to be the only one who can joke with you that way
after all is said and done, he always makes sure that his teasing doesn’t go too far, double checking that he hasn’t hurt your feelings
if he ever does go too far, or notices that you seem a little upset about something that happened regarding your height, he’s instantly all over you, rubbing your back and listing all the cool advantages you have with your height that others don’t
his struggles with aspects of his appearance make him much more mindful of you, and he tries to make sure you know you have nothing to be ashamed of
constant heart eyes over how small you are
remember at the carnival when Yasha offered to hold Beau during the show as a side offer?? It’s like that with you 24/7, but it’s free of charge
not one for being publicly affectionate, in front of others, she tries to play it off, unfazed and seemingly unaware of how she towers over you
becomes a blushing and stammering mess when you turn and her for her help reaching something, rushing forward to help
sometimes the act drops, when you hop up to reach something or dart around during a battle, she’s momentarily stunned at how cute you are
lots and lots of forehead kisses when the two of you are alone, her head dipping slightly to press the kisses to your skin
during make out sessions she’ll grip under your thighs, lifting you up to gain better access to you, loving the feeling of your legs wrapped around her waist
oh boy, he has a lot of fun with it
you swear that every other thing out of your mouth is either a joke about your height or an innuendo about your height, whichever the case, he can’t keep the satisfied grin off his face as you get all riled up
he sighs when you huff and turn away from him, wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder
thinks it kind of hot when you get feisty with him, despite your petite size you still pack a powerful punch and can hold your own against the enemies that the party faces daily, making him that much more proud to be with you
“sweetheart, dearest, light of my life, don’t be mad at me. I can’t help it, you’re just so cute that I can’t resist seeing you get so worked up”
he’s more thoughtful than he lets on, always quietly assessing your reactions and mood to make sure he never crosses a line
on the days when you’re feeling sensitive about your height, he clues onto it immediately, quietly doing small things on your behalf, moving things on the shelves down a couple pegs to easily be within reach, shooting death glares at any townspeople who poke fun at your height, slipping compliments casually into his conversations with you
she! loves! it! so! much!!
can’t contain how cute she thinks you are, constantly giving anyone in the party around an earful about something cute you did or how she had to help you reach something
whenever you hug, she’ll sweep you off your feet, twirling you around in her arms.
the two of you dance a lot, as she’s shown before, she’s very good at waltzing, and even better at being the one who leads
she likes feeling needed, especially by someone she loves so much. Growing up, she always felt that she was heavily dependent on her momma and the traveler, looking to them for comfort and kicking herself for feeling so childish, even with the mighty nein, she often feels that everyone is looking out for her, as if she’s a child
because of her hidden feelings and insecurities, having someone need her makes her happier than she could ever convey with words, flattered that you think she’s someone you can depend on
always rests her arm on your shoulder, using you as someone to lean on, both physically and emotionally
she’s so whipped for you
definitely boosts her confidence having a shorter significant other, she loves feeling that she can protect you, though she’d never admit her feelings to anyone aloud
her tough bravado crumbles when you put your hands on your hips, speaking to her with confidence despite having to peer up at her looming frame
very protective of you, she’s not the best with comforting people, but she gives it her best effort to be there for you when you admit to being insecure on your stature, her hand rubbing a path up and down your spine and she tries to make you smile, spouting off corny jokes that she learned from Nott until your back to yourself again
absolutely hates it when anyone mocks your height, making her face harden in anger as she gets in their face, challenging them to say it again
loves giving you piggyback rides, being able to do such carefree things with you momentarily distracts her from the pressures and obligations she has, making her feel like she can finally experience her youth that was stolen from her when she was taken by the cobalt soul
he’s not one for cracking jokes that often, his wit shining through in casual conversations instead of planned jokes
never really makes jokes at your expense about your height, don’t be mistaken, he’ll demolish you with his wit any day, just not on a topic like your height, he would never make light of your appearance, he thinks your the most beautiful thing he’s set eyes on, how could he joke about that?
he’s very confused at why he thinks your height is so adorable, logically he can’t piece it together, it’s just height, so why does his heart start to race when he has to lean down to kiss you?
he shows his love for you in the little things, never being great with facing his emotions, he tries to show it through other outlets to make up for that fact
when it’s cold out, he notices how you shiver and wrap your arms tighter across your chest, trying to generate body heat. he mutters to himself in Zemnian, shrugging off his tattered coat and handing it to you despite your protests, a light flush tinting his face as he insists he’s not cold
tries to repress his smile when you put on his coat gratefully, the sleeves of it sliding far past your hands, making you appear even smaller
bends down and helps you fold the cuffs of his sleeves back, his expression soft and adoring as he kisses the tip of your nose. “There we go, fits you like a glove, ja?“
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
Resurrection - Mighty Nein x Reader
Original Requested Prompt: Hi there! I really love your writing!! I have a rather angsty request- could you do a M9’s reaction to you dying in combat & being resurrected ?
Watching the life leave you during a battle is almost too much for him to handle, his mind dangerously close to snapping and sending him into a state of dissociation as he struggles to regain control of himself
His hands shake as searing bursts of flame spring from his hand, the intensity of the flame incinerating the bodies of the enemies within moments
Once the battle is finished, the enemies now piles of ash, Caleb falls to his knees, his eyes glossing over as he stares at your once radiant face now pale and devoid of it’s typically rosy color
When the life is brought back into your body, he immediately pulls you into his arms, kissing you with a passion that you’d never witnessed before, shocking the rest of the mighty nein at his brazen actions, not used to seeing such behavior from the emotionally reserved wizard
“Meine liebe, I thought I’d lost you.“
For countless nights after your death and subsequent resurrection he is plagued with nightmares of your death, gasping for air as he shoots up in bed, clutching desperately to you as you stroke his hair, trying to soothe him as you assure him that you’re right there beside him.
On such sleepless nights the two of you spend it tangled in each other’s arms, silently savoring the time together, thankful that your time together had not been cut short.
blinded by rage, adrenaline courses through her, mixing with her spiked emotions, allowing her to cut down any remaining enemies
refuses to believe that you had died, shaking your shoulders and screaming at you to wake up, before collapsing on the ground beside you in tears
spends every piece of gold she has to buy the necessary materials for the clerics to perform a resurrection spell
when the spell is successful, she can barely believe it, pulling you into a bone-crushing hug as she buries her face into your neck, her tears soaking your skin as she clung to you, almost afraid that it was an illusion that could be cruelly ripped from her at any moment
Though she’s never been one for religion and faith, she says an awkward but sincere prayer of thanks to both the Wildmother and the Traveler as both clerics called on them for aid during the spell.
Once the matter of your health has been taken care of, her new priority is revenge, hellbent of finding and disposing anyone involved or associated with the one who killed you
Won’t let you out of her sight for days on end, terrified that someone or something might try to take you away from her again, though she’d never admit it to you, your death was one of the scariest moments in her life, a moment that she uses as motivation to become stronger so she can protect everyone and prevent a scare like that from happening ever again.
blames herself heavily, mad at herself for not being able to get to you in time to heal you
can’t wrap her head around the thought of you being dead, the contents of the haversack spread on the ground as she frantically rummages through it, looking in vain for any kind of potion that might be strong enough to save you
she’s never experienced the death of a loved one before, the grief overtaking her body with such force that she’s never experienced before, her nose and eyes pink from constant crying
cleans out every store that sells diamonds, carefully selecting the biggest and most pristine diamonds to use in the resurrection spell, believing that you deserve only the best
When she casts the spell, she can’t help but feel terrified, petrified at the thought that maybe she isn’t strong enough to save you, her lack of skills being the reason she loses you
can barely contain her excitement when you open your eyes once again, tackling you in a hug and insisting that she knew the spell would work, silently thanking the Traveler for bringing you back to her
In celebration of your return, Jester insists that you help her vandalize a local temple for the Traveler, insisting that he helped saved you because he likes you too, making sure to remind you that she’s his favorite.
He’s been surrounded by death for as long as he can remember, but nothing ever prepared him for watching you die right before his eyes
honestly, he never even thought of the possibility of your death, his only thoughts of the future being growing old with you back at his family crypt.
he rushes to your side, seemingly oblivious to the battle raging around him as he bends down, cradling your smaller frame in his arms, carrying your lifeless body to safety as the mighty nein finishes the enemies off with new found vengeance.
when the party offers to pool their money to hire the services of the renowned healer in the Empire, he refuses, insisting that he will be the one to perform the spell, carrying it out as you remain securely in his arms
as soon as the resurrection proves to be successful, he breathes out in relief, gently pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he says a prayer of gratitude to the wildmother for her mercy
He’s determined to never let such harm befall you again, sitting you down and giving you lessons in basic medical skills, training you just in case he can’t get to you in time
Comforts you as you grapple with your complex emotions that accompanied your return from the dead, his hand rubbing small, soothing circles across your knuckles as he sits with you every night, never once complaining at the loss of sleep, instead he is grateful for every moment that he has been granted to spend with you
He’s always been one to live life to the fullest, trying anything once with the motto that death is inevitable and you should life every day like it’s the last
that mindset comes crumbling down, becoming childish and naive words as he witnesses your death, time seeming to move in slow motion as the enemy deals a fatal blow, leaving you crumpled on the ground
When it comes to your life, money is of no object to him, shoving his coin purse into the hands of the clerics, begging them to save you, no matter the cost
refuses to leave your side as the resurection ritual and spell is carried out, his hand tightly grasping yours, silently willing you to come back to him
witnessing your resurection is somewhat jarring to him, reminding him of how it felt when he was in your position, being risen from the dead.
He’s extremely worried that you might not be the same person that you were before being brought back by magic, he can’t bear the thought of having you forget him, making him question you incessantly until he is assured that you came back with your memories intact, briefly making him wonder why his memories from his past life have yet to return
With his similar experience, he knows how traumatic it can be to face the darkness of death only to be shoved back into the world of the living, that experience is enough to shake the sanity of anyone.
He tries to be as mindful of you as possible, telling you the ways that he coped with his resurrection and reminding you that you aren’t alone, promising to help you come to terms with it, holding you tightly to his chest as you cling to him
Without conscious thought, his falchion is summoned into his grasp, his knuckles turning white with force as he charges at the person who dealt the fatal blow to you
He’s never been one who enjoyed fighting, as he was one who preferred diplomacy to physical force, but in that moment, he was filled with such aggression that he almost didn’t recognize himself, his fury that someone would dare to harm you overpowering all his senses of reason
His voice becomes even more gravelly, strained as he tries to withhold the panic that bubbles inside him, asking the clerics to work quickly
He tries so hard to remain calm, muttering under his breath and tugging at the roots of his hair, pacing as he awaits the resurrection spell to be carried out
When you regain consciousness, it takes every ounce of restraint that he has to not tackle you into a hug, willing himself to be cautious with you, especially since the mighty nein remain in the vicinity
in your room, he can’t keep his hands off of you, engulfing you in his arms as he tries to commit every aspect of you to his memory, the brush with death making him realize how much he took his time with you for granted
He trains you in sword based combat, teaching you techniques on how to both attack and defend yourself from incoming attacks.
He’s tough on you, but that’s only because he wants to make sure you’re never put in that sort of danger again
goes into a downward spiral almost immediately, putting her bottomless flask to use, drinking copious amounts of liquor to try and numb herself from the trauma of witnessing your death
Has to be physically restrained by Caleb, holding her back as she attempts to further mutilate the bodies of the person who killed you, yelling that they deserve much worse as she breaks down in tears
frantically clings to the fabric of Jester’s dress, begging her to save you
When you come to, she essentially tackles you, the two of you falling on the ground as she peppers kisses all over your face
Insists on inspecting you for any lasting injuries, ignoring you as you insist that you’re fine
acts almost like a bodyguard for days after that event, pointing her loaded crossbow at anyone who came within 10 feet of you, telling them to state their business so she could assess if they were a threat or not. After a lot of lecturing and assurance that you’re okay, she was able to relax a little bit.
she struggles with the event of your death. Although your resurrection was successful, she is still rattled that you came so close to being permanently lost, making her even more on edge for your safety.
When she admits this to you during sleepless nights, you cuddle closer to her, the two of you silently comforting each other through the trauma of what had occurred.
once again, "I would like to rage.”
Seeing you fall in battle sends her over the line of all reason, wings appearing and hair streaking black as she gave in to the full potential of her powers
She almost single handedly cuts down all the enemies, giving the mercy of a quick death, fighting the urge to tear them limb from limb
Holds you to her chest and begs for you to open your eyes, begging you not to leave her
While the clerics perform the spell of resurrection on you, she has to take a moment to compose herself, every instinct in her body telling her to run and leave before a similar fate befalls everyone in the party
Nearly faints when she returns to see you alive and standing with the help of Jester, rushing to you and easily sweeping you off your feet in her embrace
That night, she hangs her head in guilt, explaining to you about how she feels her presence curses those around her, as she blames herself for your death.
Please give her lots of kisses! So much love has been taken from her and she’s terrified that you might be stolen from her as well.
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
Mollymauk x Reader: From Beyond the Grave, Part 1
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Dirt was tucked over you like silk sheets. Rain tapping on your skin and sending shocks of cold through your body. The sun’s warmth does not reach you but anytime a patch of light hits you through the shifting branches a brief buzz of energy hums in your veins. The breeze caresses you like a lover juxtaposed by the shivers that climb underneath your skin and settle into your bones.
It is a soft place. A safe place. Relaxing and peaceful despite the cold that you seem to permanently harbor within you. It would be so easy to just let go and give in to something far more deeper than sleep.
But you cannot. It is very important that you stay here, in this strange limbo half covered in dirt. You need to slowly gather your strength so that one day you can open your eyes. But more importantly you need to pool what you can spare and send it to him. To your Mollymauk.
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
I adore your writing!! Thank you for all your wonderful and hard work!!!💕💕 If requests are still a thing and if you'd like to, could you write something with a Mollymauk/Reader?? ♥️♥️
ASDFGHJKL I HOPE??? I HOPE I GOT MOLLY’S CHARACTER DOWN IN THIS?? Let me know if you liked this!! :D
The carnival was in town. It was honestly a once in a lifetime opportunity. A carnival. The word itself made you smile. It brought forth mystery and wonder, filled your mind with smoke and mirrors and stories of lands you could only dream of. You remembered when you first saw the tents. You had been working, running errands from one end of the city to the other, when the tents and the crowds surrounding them drew your attention. From the crowds came two people. Your heart stuttered just a little.
Thinking of him now made your face flush. You struggled to think of something else, of anything else, something that would help you focus on your work. Instead, you heard a door open somewhere behind you. “Oh please come, it will be quite the treat,” said a voice.
You turned from unloading a crate. The woman stood by the door, arms loosely crossed over her body, casting a long and towering shadow in the afternoon sun. She nodded when your eyes met hers and a knowing smile tilted up the corner of her lips. She nudged her companion with her elbow, a tiefling who was waving his hands to whomever he had spoken to before. He turned and followed her gaze.
You were screwed.
He smiled with such brilliance that you felt the warmth from across the road. He hummed, fingers twisting the flyers around his fingers as though they were silk instead of paper. He crossed the distance to you and circled you. “Well, well,” he sang, “To think that we get to see you again.”
A hand on your back steadied you as you leaned away. The woman’s hair fell over your shoulder.
“Did you decide?” he asked. You asked on what, for there had been many choices to make that day. He smiled at your answer, amused and impressed, and produced one of the many flyers he had been handing out all day. This one was folded in on itself until it was a box. You plucked it from his palm. “This. Have you decided on this?” he asked.
Your answer was soft and shy against his ears, “Perhaps I’ll go.”
His smile changed then, now teasing, now curled with the faintest glimpse of teeth. His finger flicked the tip of your nose ever so gently. “Good. Let them know you’re there with me,” he pressed a hand to his chest, his voice dropping with his words until it was almost a whisper “Mollymauk - though, call me Molly,” he dropped his hand and cleared his throat and in the moment of that change, you swore his introduction was a dream, “And they’ll treat you to the best seat in the house.”
He turned away, towards an inn not too far from you. The woman patted your back. “By ‘they’, he means me,” she said. She walked in front of you, nodding her head. “We look forward to seeing you.”
And off they went.
You cupped the paper box in your hands, afraid it would disappear like sand or fog or a captured firefly if you so much as moved. You released a breath you hadn’t realized you held and slipped your thumbs under the flap of the box.
There was a ring inside, gold and purple and undeserving of being stuck in a paper box in the hands of a merchant’s child. A dazed smile tugged at the corners of your lips.
Now you had to go. Such a ring deserved to be with its owner after all.
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
Caleb + Blowjob?
My first time posting something steamy like this. It’s not anywhere as filthy as I expected it to turn out, but hoo boy… So glad to share in our collective thirst for one hobo wizard.
NSFW under the cut.
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
*pulling up to the best drive thru ever* Can I get uh number 18 from the super sappy lines prompt list with reader saying that to Mollymauk?
Anonymous said:
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” (18 from the sappy romance prompt list) with mollymauk and a gender neutral reader ? love your writing btw ! 💕💕
Thank you for the requests, anons! I hope you enjoy this!
As a note, I didn’t originally intend for this to turn into a post about body positivity, but here we are. also I’m bad at titling things…
Title: BeautifulWord Count: 1,640Pairing: Mollymauk x gender-neutral!reader
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
fic title: "Always Had A Thing For Horns"
Molly slept extremely soundly, you found. So soundly that you could get up and get ready for the day and still need to jump back on the bed and shake him. So, it wasn’t long before you took the opportunity to mess with some of his jewelry, trace his tattoos and scars, and admire his horns.
It always started with gently tapping his dangling charms, watching them sway and catch some of the moonlight.
Then, of course, you’d grow bored of that and move on to tracing the peacock feather on his cheek, trailing down to his shoulder, pausing at each scar.
Naturally, you’d find your way back up to running your fingers over the ridges of his horns.
He never woke up, not that you knew, anyway. Until one night, when he blearily woke up with your fingers caught in a chain on his horns.
“What are you doing, love?” He asked softly, voice rough from sleep.
“Uh…you’re dreaming. This isn’t really happening.”
Well, you couldnt say you didn’t try?
He chuckled quietly, reaching up to help you untangle yourself. “I think you have a thing for my horns.”
With an embarrassed grin, you shrugged. “Maybe.”
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
Critical Role Master List:
Last Updated: 3/17/20
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Caleb Widogast: 
Familiar: Caleb help’s his apprentice! S/o get their Familiar.
Scrolls and Spell books: After the Mighty Nien fail to get a spell scroll for Caleb, the reader gives him her families secret spell book. 
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Mollymauk Tealeaf: 
Coming soon!
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Jester Lavorre
Coming soon!
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Beauregard Lionnett
Coming soon!
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Yasha Nydoorin 
Coming soon!
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Fjord ‘Stone’
Coming soon!
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
Mollymauk Tealeaf x Monk Fem!Reader 
      He was like the sun. He was bright and colorful and tried to make the world better wherever he went. You do not remember when it happened, but after traveling with the colorful teifling you fell head over heels for him; not that you would ever tell him that. You groan and let your head hit the table of the Leaky Tap. You watched as Mollymauk flited around the room talking and flirting with whomever he found interesting; you return your head to the table not acknowledging your fellow monk sitting next to you.
      “What’s up with you?” She raises a pierced eyebrow at you.
      “I am having feelings that I don’t want to acknowledge.” You mumble into the table.
      “Do those feelings have to do with your obvious crush on Molly” Beau was never one to beat around the bush.
      “Thanks for announcing it to the whole table Beau.” You grumble, luckily the only person currently with you was Caleb who was not paying attention.
      “Eh. You wanna go hit shit?” she gestures to the door with her thumb. You stand up straightening out your skirt.
      “We need to let someone know where we are going.” Your eyes skim around the room for the rest of The Mighty Nein.
      “Are you heading to the Archive?” a heavily accented voice asked.
      “Do you want to go to the library Caleb?” you laugh at his poorly hidden attempt to find a reason to accompany you two to the Cobalt Soul.
     “Bitte.” He mumbles shyly. Beau left the two of you to tell Fjord where you three would be.
      The walk from the Leaky Tap was awkward for the three of you. Beau offered some awkward and uncomfortable advice on how you should handle your crush. Caleb walked silently behind you, you trusted him not to say anything to Molly, but he let Beau continue to prattle.
      After leaving Caleb in the library proper, Beau and you seek out Dairon. Luckily for the two of you the elf is currently present at the archive. Training is hard but nothing that you are not used to. It is good to just be able to spar with Dairon and Beau again. You eventually loose track of time; beaten and bruised you and Beau drag Caleb away from the library with promises to return soon. Making your way back to The Leaky Tap is a slower journey than the trip there. Caleb gently places a hand on your shoulder before you head into The Leaky Tap.
       “You should tell Molly how you feel.”  His voice is soft you almost did not hear the statement.
      “And make things awkward in the group. Caleb it is too big of a risk.” You smile sadly at the wizard.
      “The you have obviously missed the way his eyes follow you.” He gives you a pat on the shoulder and heads into the tavern.
       You sigh before heading in yourself. Eyes skimming the noisy tavern; you find The Nein sitting together at a table Caleb just taking a seat between Nott and Fjord. You make your way over to the table and sit down next to Jester.
      “Where did you three go?” Jester questioned looking between Beau, Caleb, and you.
      “Cobalt soul. Y/N and I had some monk shit to do and Caleb wanted to visit the library” Beau shrugs.
      “Monk shit. So eloquent Beauregard.” Molly sasses from his seat next to Fjord.
       “Bite me.” She growlers.
       “Only if you ask nicely.” He grins exposing sharp fangs. Beau mumbles a few incoherent, before flipping him the bird and walking over to the bar.
      Molly’s eyes eventually find yours; widening at the impressive shiner you are sporting thanks to a stray blow from Dairon.
      “What happened to you pretty face Dear?” he leans over the table grabbing your face between his hands turning your face from side to side as if examining you for more damage.
      “Training accident.” You mumble as a blush begins to form across your cheeks. Molly pouts for a second before releasing your face and returning to his side of the table.
       Dinner is an awkward affair as more people fill into The Leaky Tap. There is tension between you and Molly, and it seems like all of your companions have picked up on it. Eventually the group disperses out. Beau leaving to start shit; Fjord following her to prevent it from happening. Jester found a card game to join. Nott slipped of to gods knows where; Caleb stays with you at the table. Molly moves across the room making new friends along the way. Soft music fills the air from a traveling bard; Molly eventually makes his way back to the table holding out a hand to you.
      “Dance with me Dear?” He smiles down at you.
      “There’s no one else dancing.” You stutter out.
      “That doesn’t matter.” He holds a hand to you again.
      You take his hand, and he twirls you into his chest. He leads you into a slow waltz holding you tightly to him. You pray he can’t feel your heart pounding into your chest. He smiles down at you and red eyes lovingly gaze into yours.
      “Gods I love you.” The words spill from your mouth before your brain can process them.
       “Well, thank the Moonweaver.” He stops dancing and places a hand under your chin. He tilts your head up and brings his lips to yours in a passionate kiss “I love you too.”
       You rise onto your toes and kiss him again not caring about the others around you. From their various places around the tavern the rest of your merry band of misfits watch on smiles across their faces as coin passes between a few members.
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
i love your writing so much🥺 could you do V and J for molly?
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) Molly is nothing if not clever, and he knows how to make the most of every situation, even when you’re giving him the cold shoulder after a heated disagreement. After a few hours of the two of you meandering about your small, cramped bedroom while making a point of not talking to each other, Molly begins to get impatient. His frustration grows when he attempts to reconcile with you about the argument that neither of you can even remember, trying to place a hand on your waist before you quickly swat it away and shrug past him. Both his knuckles and his pride sting at being rebuffed, the gears in his head shifting as he comes up with the perfect plan to end this futile argument while still maintaining the upper hand and having his fun. His gaze remains glued to your back as you angrily flip through the pages of a book you borrowed from Caleb, making sure that you don’t flip the pages harshly enough to do actual damage. While keeping an eye on you, he makes his way over to the bed, lounging lazily across it while kicking off his boots, the hollow thud of them hitting the bedroom floor making you pause in your actions before acting as if you didn’t notice. Smirking in admiration of your stubborn willpower, Molly decides to ramp up the theatrics, shrugging the waistband of his pants down to his mid-thigh, just low enough to allow his cock to spring free, already beginning to harden in the cool air brought about by the window that he “accidentally” left a draft. He begins to stroke along the shaft at a tortuously slow pace, his thumb running over the prominent vein along the underside that he knows you enjoy running your tongue along. His head reclines back against the pillow as soft purrs of pleasure rumble from his chest. He tries to repress his smile when he hears you slam the book down on the table, clearly trying to resist his siren’s call and maintain your icy demeanor. The room is blanketed in tense silence, only broken by your heavy breathing of wavering restraint, Molly’s teasing purrs, and the lewd sounds of his hand slickly gliding along his cock at a steadily increasing pace. Before he gets too lost in the feeling of his own touch, his head tilts back up to crack open an eye at the feeling of your warm hand swatting his own away and wrapping around his cock. Before he has the chance to open his mouth and tease you further, you press a finger to his lips, your other hand squeezing his cock with just enough pressure to make him gasp as you lean forward to whisper in his ear. “I’m going to make you fucking pay for that”
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) He isn’t very loud, he prefers for you to be the loud one when the two of you are together. This isn’t to say that he’s completely silent, he makes sure he’s just loud enough for your ears only and no one else’s. You would rather have it that way, enjoying the fact that you’re the only one who gets to hear such vulnerable sounds coming from Molly and that you’re the cause behind the devilish tiefling coming apart at the seams. His sounds of pleasure are primarily soft purrs in your ear, nibbling on your earlobe as you claw at his back, your hips lifting up to bob along the length of his pulsing shaft, the feelings of intensity only heightened by the feeling of his wet kisses. Since he is a fan of light bondage, he also enjoys it when you're tied up to the bedposts, on display and at his mercy for him and him alone. Reveling at the way your fingers curl in longing due to the inability to grab onto his horns and direct him to relieve the pressure between your legs, he ghosts his lips along your jaw, brushing the loose strands of hair behind your ear before instructing you to be good and he might reward you, but only if you prove how badly you want him to fuck you until your legs feel like jello and the only word you know is his name.
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
Mollymauk Tealeaf X Fem!reader
Spoilers for episode 26
Guess who decided to make herself sad today 
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
#4 for Molly?
“Molly,” You mumble, pulling away from him. Molly tried to follow your lips with his, not giving you even a minute to speak. You laugh and push on his chest softly, “Molly, please.”
“Please what, sunflower?” The grin Molly gives you, paired with his hooded eyes, is nearly enough to stop any coherant thought in your head.
“We should head back.” You point out. Molly leans in closer, tightening his arms around you and nibbling song your neck. The two of you had broken off from the rest of the Nein, meaning to explain Xhorhas, just the two of you, but you didn’t make it far before Molly tugged you into a secluded corner.
“You,” Molly says, pulling away enough to look you in the eye, “talk too much.” He pulls you into another searing kiss and you can’t hear the thunder rumbling over the heat rushing through you. Molly is all teeth and passion, and you’re sure you’re lips are going to be swollen by the time you’re done
It’s starts slowly at first, so slowly that neither of you notice. Then the rain drops become heavier and before you two even pull away from each other, it’s beginning to rain hard. Molly just grins at you, grabbing your hand and leading you back to the Xhorhaus.
You two run through the rain, laughing and occasionally stumbling here or there. By the time you make it back to the Xhorhaus, you’re both soaked. You grab Molly by the lapel of his coat, pulling him in for one more deep kiss in the rain.
“Now, lets go in, I’m freezing.” You whine, opening the door. Molly loops an arm around your stomach pulling him back against his chest.
“Need me to help?” Molly grins.
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
Ruby sent me! I'm happy to find another Critical Role writer. From the prompt list, could I get 9 with Molly? 💜
🥰💕 thank u for checking out my blog
Rooming with Molly was not an unusual occurrence, especially if Yasha had wandered off. The rest of the Nein, despite how much they loved Molly, refused to room with him.
You didn’t mind it so much, usually. He’s certainly entertaining and he’d finally, finally, stopped have his ‘fun’ in your shared rooms.
But now, you and Molly stood in the doorway to the last room available at the inn, only a single bed in the room. Molly grinned and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
“Oh, how promising!” He basically purred one your ear. You shrug him off and give him a pointed look.
“Behave, Mollymauk.” You stick you’re tongue out at him and throw your stuff down at the foot of the bed.
“Where’s the fun in that, sunflower?” You roll your eyes at his nickname for you and point your finger at him.
“No funny business, got it?” This, of course, only encouraged Molly to tease you incessantly before bed. He does, however, relent upon the two of you actually needing to get into bed.
You laid as close to the edge of the bed as possible, trying not to get into your own head too much. Molly took a little longer to get into to bed and you’d just about dozed, off when you felt something brush the back of tour leg.
“Molly!” You squeal, jumping in surprise a bit and falling halfway off the bed.
“Sorry, sorry.” Molly chuckles, pulling his tail back towards his side of the bed. You huff and scramble back onto the bed.
Morning eventually comes, waking you earlier than you’d like. You worry, for a moment, that there’s an earthquake or something, as the bed seemed to be shifting.
At least, you thought it was the bed, until an arm tightened around your waist and you felt a puff of air shading the top of your head. Your eyes pop open. You were lying on Molly’s unclothed chest, your head tucked up under his chin, one leg flung over both of his.
You try to shift away from him, when the arm on your waist tightens even further, the hand holding onto your pjs.
“It can not possibly be morning.” Molly grumbled. “Go back to sleep, sunflower.”
“Molly...” You don’t know what to say in this situation and try again to shift away from him. Molly moves suddenly, shifting your position so he’s using you as a pillow and you’re trapped under him. “Molly!”
“You said no funny business and I think this is far from funny.” Molly leans up just enough so you can see the cocky, yet still half-asleep smile on his face. He kisses you quickly before burrowing himself against you again.
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
Excerpt from ‘Unfinished Business’
“You were not about to kiss Molly, Molly was in front of you and at the same time completely gone. And just before your lips touched you decided to leave him. So, you put everything into that kiss. It was all of the sorries, and all of the I’ve missed you. It was how much you missed everything about him. It was I love you, said soft enough and fervent enough to be a prayer. And I love you with so much passion it would scare most. It was I love you, and so I am letting you go. It was I love you so much that I would break my heart to keep you alive. It was held back tears and thirst for warmth. And when you pulled away eyes brimming, you gave the softest kiss on his forehead” 
Read Here^^ 
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ravenclaws-hidden-jewel · 4 years ago
Excerpt from ‘A Muddy Coat’
“Only one thought repeated in your mind. Molly’s gone. Molly’s gone. Molly’s gone. Molly was gone and it was your fault. If you had been stronger, faster, smarter, he’d still be here. But he was gone. Never to live in the beautiful color that he deserved. Just like his coat”
Read Here
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