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jeonscatalyst · 13 hours ago
Sometimes, I sit and think about the fact that all fetus Jimin ever wanted was to go on trips with Jungkook, hand in hand…and years later, Jungkook made it happen entirely on his own.
Do you realize what it means for someone to understand how much something matters to you and then take it upon themselves to make it happen, just to see you smile? The little context we had about their 2017 trip to Tokyo years ago was already sweet, but learning years later that, at that particular moment, they…especially Jimin…were going through a difficult time makes it even more profound. And the person Jungkook chose to escape with wasn’t just anyone….it was Jimin. He must have known that the trip was exactly what they both, but particularly Jimin, needed at the time. According to Jimin, Jungkook planned everything, bought the tickets, and took them to Tokyo. Nothing could ever compare.
This feels especially significant to me because so often, I see people assign deep meaning to friends or even acquaintances going on leisure trips…simply to have fun or pass the time, without any real emotional weight. And while I believe to each their own, nothing will ever come close to the thought of these two, at their most vulnerable, choosing to be with each other in a moment of hardship…when all you crave is the presence of the person who feels like home. They could have been with anyone else, yet they sought comfort in each other.
And the beauty of it all is magnified when you remember that this was something Jimin had always wanted…..going on a trip with Jungkook. Despite Namjoon and Hobi mentioning that Jungkook wasn’t particularly fond of outdoor activities at the time, he willingly traveled to Tokyo with Jimin, walked alongside him for hours until their feet ached (one of the memories Jungkook cherishes most from that trip), and even spent an entire day at Disneyland with him taking the most beautiful and unadulterated photos and videos of him in all his glory.
That, my darlings, is the purest form of love. And I will always cherish the fact that Jimin and Jungkook have consistently found comfort in each other…..not just in moments of joy, but even in moments of struggle. That, to me is GOALS!
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starlit-crossing · 2 days ago
A Ghost of Yourself
Chapter 7 - Brotherly Bonding
Bruce hadn’t been thrilled when they returned later that afternoon. Luckily Danny didn’t have to deal with the fallout. Bruce was more relieved he had returned, than angry at his leaving. He gave him a look Danny was very familiar with and sent him to his room without a word. He didn’t care the mall had been fun, like afternoons spent with Sam and Tucker after school. The others watched him calmly walk up the stairs, stopping at the top to give them a thumbs-up before disappearing. The others were stuck under Bruce’s gaze.
“What were the four of you thinking? What made you think taking Danny out shopping was a good idea? He’s still a flight risk.” Bruce demanded.
“We get that Bruce, but it’s been two weeks since he got here. Have you talked to him? Gotten to know him?” Steph challenged.
“Steph’s right, he’s not going to want to stay if he feels ignored. Duke and Damian can’t be the only ones.” Tim added.
“If that was the case he wouldn’t have left the other homes. He’s trying to get somewhere, and we still don’t know enough about him to let him do whatever he wants.” Bruce sighed, head in his hand from stress.
“But letting him wander the grounds till he’s stir-crazy is better?” Tim scoffed. “We got more out of him just by talking than anything we’ve tried to garner from research.”
“Like what?” Bruce pressed.
“He has never heard of the Justice League,” Duke chimed in. “Anything about heroes really.”
“He seems to have a regular civilian life, video games, and friends. Not that he’d let much slip about the friends.” Steph added.
“He has shown immense interest in astronomy and aerial advancement.” Damian spoke up.
“It’s why we took him out, Bruce. We wanted to see if we gave a reason to want to stay, that he’d take it. The hope is eventually he won’t need strings attached.” Tim concluded.
“So, you took him out as a test.” Bruce looked amongst them reminded of how well he trained. “What did you promise him?”
“A tour of STAR Labs in Metropolis, to see the space exploration department.” Steph answered waiting for a familiar bat glare, instead, Bruce pondered the thought.
“I’ll allow it, but there should be more of you. What would happen if an incident were to occur while you were there? Who would make sure Danny was out of the way while the others went to help? I’ll reach out to Clark and see what I can do about a tour. It’s his city so he’ll be best as back up.” Bruce answered, tugging his phone from his pocket. The four of them were surprised but decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Duke and Steph went off with their haul while Damian went to find Alfred the cat. Tim followed behind Bruce as he made his way to the study. He offered Tim a seat setting the phone aside.
“How was the mall?” Bruce smiled, taking his seat.
“It was fun, Danny seemed to have had a good time at least from what I could tell. Though something else happened I wanted to brief you on.” Tim answered, pulling out his phone.
“What did you find?” Bruce leaned over to get a closer look.
“So far, we know Danny was traveling to Gotham via a Greyhound, no city he’s passed through holds a record of someone named Danny or Daniel matching his description. The brands of the clothes he arrived in can only be found in the northeast side of the U.S.” Tim explained.
“What states does that leave us with?” Bruce asked.
“Everything west of Indiana, then Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Illinois. A burner phone was in his bag, but neither the phone nor the contacts within have ever been used. The location on the phone was turned off and didn’t ping until he entered Gotham.” Tim answered.
“Hmm… Any contacts on the phone?” Bruce inquired.
“Two numbers neither used and no location mentioned since purchase. It almost feels like he must live in an electronic blackout, but such things would’ve been noticed by now.” Tim rambled.
“How does this relate back to the mall?”
“The attention we garnered is something we’re all used to. It comes with the Wayne name. Danny actively hid from the cameras. Though not many were focused on him, one did catch something.” Tim turned the phone to Bruce showing the blurred image of Danny, his eyes a glow. The man’s face was unreadable as he looked at the phone. Then it shifted to a look only Tim could recognize; he’d seen it when Bruce brought in new members. Whether Danny liked it or not he was stuck with the Waynes at his side.
“Dick will be taking those who wish to go to STAR Labs. I’m sure Connor or Wally can tag along as backup.” He spoke leaning back in his seat. “Let’s also keep an eye on that photo, on the off chance anyone is able to recognize him.”
Bruce had given the green light to visit STAR Labs. They had a chaperone, Dick, who would be joining them. He was the eldest of the adopted children. Danny had seen Tim roll his eyes at the mention of the brother though a smile lit his face. Danny didn’t care though so long as he could go he was happy. They would head out the following weekend, anyone who wished to go could tag along.
So far it was just Tim, Duke, and someone named Cass. Damian and Steph had schoolwork and were unable to take the day off. Danny himself was buzzing with excitement, all week he had been in the library reading up on advancements he had missed because of hero work. They had images of black holes and had found so many lives amongst the stars. Danny had also taken the time to learn more about the Justice League.
There were way more than Danny had thought. So many Danny wondered how no one had heard of what happened in Amity Park.  His entire town had been dragged into another dimension and were attacked on almost a weekly basis until recently. Way more than some of these other cities. Those cities did deal with crime he wasn’t used to, except for maybe robberies. They were human crimes, which dried up with the constant ghost attacks.
Nothing about his home, family, or hero life were online. Tourism was prominent for people visiting for work or on the way to Chicago. He could still picture the lawyer’s face when he saved him from getting hit by a truck when fighting Technus. It was so funny when he realized he was a ghost and not a normal hero. The only conclusion he could come up with was the Guys in White creating a media white out on Amity Park. Powerful people had an easy time silencing those who didn’t have a lot of eyes on them.
In comparison the whole world had their eyes on the Justice League, not just Earth but throughout space as well. This meant they also had the whole world on their back. The UN tracks the heroes across the world and will even try to keep them from getting involved. That shut down his hopes of getting help from the JL. If they were bound by the law and he approached them seeking help he would thrust onto the world stage.
The Anti-Ecto Control act would come up and he would be left just fighting for his right to exist. Still, he wanted to meet them at some point, especially Martian Manhunter. It would be amazing to meet him and learn about Mars, Superman too. Superman seemed to have similar powers to himself, mainly the flying and shooting lasers, but he could probably give him some tips.
Then there was the other teams, all young heroes just like him! Other kids his age doing hero work and getting to hang out. Red Robin and Robin were the most familiar as they were from Gotham. Steph and Duke were more than willing to tell him all about Gotham’s iconic bat family. They also skimmed over the Young Justice and the Teen Titans who were more popular online than the adult hero teams.
The Outsiders were the most recent of the teams, focused on public image alongside heroism. Danny had binged through their social media, spending many hours watching their videos. It gave him a peak into what being a hero was like for other teens. All of this filled out his week of waiting very well and let him get to know Damian and Duke more. Damian still had a wall up with him, but was willing to let him help with taking care of Titus, Alfred the cat and his other pets.
Hiding his emotions was easier now, he barely had to consciously focus on it. His emotions felt stronger too, due to being unable to express them he felt more. The excitement for the next day was almost too much at this point. It had been growing gradually throughout the week and was starting to make headway at dinner. Danny could feel the eyes on him as he wolfed down his food, delicious as always thanks to Alfred.
“Thanks for the food, I think I’m going to turn in early. See you all tomorrow!” Danny announced as he finished off his last bit of steak. Rushing out of the dining room to the stairs and back to his room. He changed quickly into pajamas and settled in for the night. He knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep right away so he opened the window letting the crisp fall air drift in while he turned on a movie on the computer.
The screams of the Tormentor filled the room, his eyes wandering from the screen every few minutes. At first it was his leg bouncing under the table, then a hang nail on his thumb, the sound of the leaves rustling outside. His eyes fell back on the window, rolling his swivel chair to face the rolling countryside. The lights of Gotham twinkling in the distance, a few bats swooping through the trees.
When was the last time he flew? The last time he just got to have fun with his ghost powers. His mind reached out to the ghost half of himself, it was still there buzzing with energy ready to go at moment’s notice. A light started to flitter through the trees along the main road. He leaned out the window, seeing if it would stop at the gate as it began to slow. As the car made its way down the drive, Danny felt his head bump against something rigid. Above him was the top of the open window, the floor serval inches below him.
A shout escaped his lips as he forced his flight off knocking the wind out of him as he landed halfway out the window. Scrambling back inside his room before the car parked in the drive.
“So, B wants you to babysit?” Jason Asked in between dodging goons.
“Yep, Red came up with the idea to take the kid on a field trip. Keep him entertained and wanted while he’s on house arrest.” Dick answered. “Apparently he’s a big space fan.”
The two of them were currently in Crime Alley raiding an old office building that had been coveted by a newly formed gang. Jason had little interest in the gang itself, but the group had been bragging about knowing everything that happens in the alley. Rumors had surfaced they got a hold of an old Black Mask info broker. So, Jason and Dick went out to raid the place, well Jason did Dick decided to tag along while Jason ignored him but it was progress. So far the man they’d been looking for was a no show, they had cleared the first two floors with little issue but were growing concerned as more members showed but not the target.
“In that case I’m guessing you’re bringing baby blue with you? I don’t wish to be you this weekend.” Jason laughed, chucking a man out the window.
Dick just gave him a look, “Are you serious?” the sibling just gave him a shrug as they pushed deeper up to the third floor. “Superboy is on holiday with Miss M, I thought of Kaldur or KF but they both are busy with family.”
“So that’s why you followed me out here, you want me to help watch the roamer.” Jason exclaimed.
“That isn’t why I came; I wanted to hang out and catch up on what’s happening at the Manor. You wanted to spend family bonding time beating up a gang.” Dick explained.
“What do you mean, that’s how we always bond in this family.” His brother defended kicking open the next door. The fourth floor was different than the others, it was quiet with an open floor plan with large floor-length windows. Crates and boxes with stacked around creating strange angles and cover.
“True, but if I needed backup for the kid I already have it since Orphan is tagging along.” Dick smiled. They crept forward, movement in the back of the room catching their eyes. The two nodded to each other before splitting up. Dick kept talking, keeping the stranger’s attention.
“I don’t really need an excuse to want to hang out with you do I, Little Wing?” he called, moving between the door and the unknown lurker. “I’m mean really it’s been ages, or maybe just a month. You should swing by more often, I know you can cook at least better than the rest of us.”
Finally, with the man cornered, Dick turned past a pile of crates to see a skinny stick of a man. His wiry frame was covered in tattoos with a large jacket hanging loose over his white tank. His dark hair slicked back with so much product it looked greasy and had a small trigger in his hand. He’d rigged this place to blow, and they were standing at the top of it. Before Dick could think any further, Jason was perched above the man ready to jump him.
He had to get the trigger away before Jason made a move, so he went off instinct and side kicked the trigger out of the man’s hand. Second the info broker let go Jason dove on him throwing both out the window. Dick fell to catch the trigger catching the piece just before the thing landed button first. The room felt too quiet after that, Dick was missing something during all the commotion. A crash was heard outside the building, Jason’s grappling hook couldn’t be seen outside.
Dick ran to the window to see two bodies lying on the ground in a pile of trash. Jason seemed to lay on top letting the broker take the brunt of the fall. Dick deactivated the trigger and followed down to check on the two.
“Hood! Are you alright? What happened?” Dick yelled rushing to his side, a groan met him as an answer. He checked Jason over before rolling him off the crushed man. Jason then proceeded to remove his helmet leaving him in his domino mask.
“Fucker decided that holding my arms as we fell was better than letting me save us from the fall. Is he dead?” Jason huffed, pushing himself up into a sitting position. He looked over the man Jason landed on, surprisingly he was mostly fine outside a few broken bones.
“You definitely broke a rib or two, lucky for him he’s out cold.” Dick answered.
“Great, so I can kick him, and he should wake up!” Jason hissed, trying to move his foot but couldn’t get far.
“He needs to go to the hospital before any integration and we should get you back to the cave.” He ordered, calling over his car.
“Like hell! He was going to blow up an entire building, what for? He could’ve died in there with us, so he’s got something worth hiding.” His brother spat.
“You’re right, but if dies due to a punctured lung than he’ll be useless.”
“Fine.” Jason muttered.
“Good, I know you won’t like it but I’m going to have B look over your guy.” Dick began messaging Bruce through his arm communicator.
“Whatever, but if he wakes up have the kid interrogate. It’ll give him some practice.” Dick smiled at the suggestion of having Damian take lead.
“Sounds good, he’ll be glad to.” He grabbed Jason’s unhurt arm and helped him into the car as it pulled up to the alley.
As they reached home, Dick received confirmation that the broker had made it to the hospital alive. Bruce and Damian would be keeping tabs on him until he woke, but he wouldn’t be going anywhere anytime soon. Jason on the hand kept insisting he was fine, but his attitude on the drive back suggested otherwise. With every tight turn or bump his face would strain and a curse would slip out.
It was a family trait at this point to pretend you were fine when you really needed rest. No one could stand being benched, but doing anything else would risk evoking Alfred’s wrath. As Dick approached the manor he could make out a figure in one of the upper floor windows. He couldn’t tell what they were doing but when the figure suddenly fell half way out the window he picked up on the gas.
By the time they were out front the figure was back inside, he wasn’t sure if it was Danny trying to escape again but it wasn’t the best time to go see. It wouldn’t make sense if Nightwing showed up with an injured crime lord to a billionaire’s house. Dick wasn’t supposed to be here until tomorrow. He’d ask around tomorrow if it could’ve been anyone else and put the alarms on alert.
Rolling into the garage and helping Jason to the Batcave didn’t take long, Alfred was waiting at the bottom to help. They wrapped a cast around Jason’s hairline fracture in his forearm where the brunt of the fall seemed to be. Luckily his only other injuries were a twisted ankle and some bruised ribs. Bedrest was Jason’s best bet despite the many complaints. Alfred went a head and helped the man to bed while Dick followed suit going to his old room.
It still amazed him that Bruce bothered to keep the rooms untouched. Though it’s not he had much of a chance to go through them. Bruce tended to acquire new bats effortlessly, often finding him before he could begin to miss the company. Alfred never dared move anyone out, even with Jason’s first death he just knew that we may need them again. With that thought Dick changed into some pajamas and crashed as his head hit the pillow.
Sleep was something hard to come by Danny knew this and still fought off slumber for as long as he could. Waiting for ages for someone, anyone to barge in and begin questioning him. For the GIW to smash through doors and windows, drag him away far from Wayne Manor and Amity Park. Nothing happened, no one rushed in and slowly the quiet of the night crept into the room. The only thing keeping him from panicking was the focus he held on to. He had to keep his breathing even, so deep in slumber back to the door only the dead could wake him kind of sleep.
Eventually it wasn’t an act, and sleep slowly stole him away from his adrenaline. Just a cozy comforter and bed spread, the sounds of the countryside and crickets easing the tension in his body. As night went on, Danny’s dreamless sleep got interrupted by the cool air as the comforter slipped away. Danny cracked open his eyes to find himself waist deep through the ground floor.
“Ah!” Danny yelped pulling himself back up out of the floor.
 “What is going on?” he whispered to himself. “I’ve been good, doing so good. I should have control.” He needed to think, this hadn’t happened in so long why would it come back. What would his parents think? Wait, that was a dark path and heavily biased. What would Jazz think?
She’d probably say it had to do with bottling his emotions, keeping everything in and making his powers unstable. It wouldn’t be the first time his powers had acted up due to his emotions and Jazz tended to focus on the psychological. It felt wrong, like the answer was deeper than that. Could Clockwork know? Would he help? he thought.
“Clockwork? Any chance of some cryptic wisdom?” Silence was the only answer Danny received. “Should have known, when has he ever stepped in to help when I ask for it.”
With a huff, he decided to forgo his mysterious power instability questions for now. He would just be extra careful; the others would be suspicious if he suddenly refused to go to STAR Labs and it may be a good distraction if he needed. Danny meandered down the hall to the kitchen, hopefully a snack would help him back to sleep. As the door swung open he came face to face with a stranger.
He was taller than any of the Waynes aside from Bruce, a cereal bowl balanced a top a cast as he froze midbite. His hair was black with a white streak dressed in plaid pajamas and a shirt that read Don’t be a “Dick”ens. Danny opened his mouth to speak but felt a familiar chill creep up and out of his mouth in a frosted breath.
The man before him was a ghost, he looked too normal how was he a ghost. Was he like Spectra or Johnny 13 hiding amongst humans gaining power on their emotions. He shouldn’t jump to conclusions but based on the man’s expression he knew Danny wasn’t human. Whether this was a relief for the ghost he couldn’t decide, but as the spoon fell from his hand Danny was already out the door.
“Wait!” The stranger yelled, the sounds of dishes falling could be heard behind him, but he didn’t dare look back as he dashed to his room.
Hello people of the internet! Spring break is near for me, so I’ve finally gotten to work on chapters! I had some more written for this but decided to save it as a head start for chapter 8 so I can hopefully get the next chapter out sooner. I’ve been loving the comments and hype, I can’t wait to see how everyone feels about this chapter.
I’m not sure if anyone else has this issue with their fics, I’m not sure if it’s bots or actual people but I’ve been receiving messages that are basically ads for artists to make art and comics of my story if I pay them. I understand promoting and advocating for yourself as an artist and your artwork but it definitely feels like automated bot messages and it only seems to occur on Fanfiction.net for me. I go into it deeper on fanfiction.net, but in the meantime I hope you all enjoy the story, and I’ll see you next time! Byee!
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advantage-artrick · 24 hours ago
your artrick piss kink fic changed me. i beg of u to write more
your wish is my command! 😌💜
when it comes to artrick omo, there's never a need to beg lol. as soon as i see those words together, the entire plot of my next piss kink fic has already taken shape in my mind.
btw, the art in this one is not bedwetter!art. this is pantswetter!art, who is bedwetter!art's more pathetic doppelganger. not to be confused with normal art #4, who is simply fun to make piss himself (and will be featured frequently in future omo fics).
CW: piss kink (obv), nsfw content (handjob, public humiliation, etc.), d/s overtones, mdni!!
alrighty! let's get this piss party started!
XOXO ✨️🥳
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it wasn't that art was incontinent.
he wasn't. not by any means. despite what several dozen MRTA graduates may claim, he actually made it to the bathroom significantly more than he didn't.
so what if he'd pissed himself a few (eighteen) times? that didn't mean he had bladder issues! he just. . . got a little distracted every once in a while.
sometimes he just got so focused on practice or homework or video games that he didn't always feel the urge to go until it was too late.
so no, he wasn't incontinent. but by the end of his senior year, he had pissed himself five times on his bed, twice on patrick's, four times on the court in front of the entire team, three times in a hallway while trying to make it to the bathroom, once in the woods on a team-building hike, once at a party when he'd had too much to drink, once in a museum on his eighth grade field trip, and once on the bus on their way back from a tournament. . .
and that wasn't counting summers or his years before the academy.
so, whether the habit was medically justified or not, art had developed an unfortunate reputation for being a chronic pants-pisser by the end of his first year.
many kids were cruel to him in the beginning, but he didn't get made fun of for very long. partly because patrick would beat up anyone who so much as gave him a nasty look, but mostly because once they all started to see how kind and smart he was, and how devastated he got every time it happened, they just didn't have it in them to be jerks about it anymore.
in fact, there were many students who developed a soft spot for him purely because of his little issue.
of course art was grateful for this, but having random girls hug you while you're standing in a puddle of your own piss is hardly less humiliating than being pointed and laughed at.
now patrick, being art's best friend and sworn protector, tried to prevent these accidents whenever he realistically could.
there was no one in the entire galaxy who understood art better than patrick did, which is why patrick often figured out when art had to go pee even before he knew himself.
when he noticed the familiar tells, like art squeezing his legs together, shifting his weight back and forth between his feet, or even just fidgeting with his hands too much, patrick was quick to ask him if they could take a short bathroom break.
patrick would always pretend he was the one who had to go so art wouldn't be embarrassed, but when they stopped at the urinals and art took longer to empty his bladder than he did, patrick could see in his eyes that they both knew who the pit stop had really been for.
neither of them ever mentioned it, but patrick knew art was grateful even if he didn't say it out loud. plus, there was no denying that art's accident count would've been way higher had he ever stopped interfering, so they never felt the need to rethink their dynamic.
now, art was only two months away from graduation, and he was pretty confident that with patrick's assistance, he could keep the number of accidents he'd had at the academy below twenty.
patrick had been sure of this too, having not missed one of art's tells in years, but then something happened at practice that made him wonder if he really wanted art to reach his goal after all.
they were doing volley drills on a sunny afternoon in march. art and patrick were partners, as usual, and their coaches mostly left them alone to do their thing, wanting to focus more on the younger students.
they went back and forth between practicing for a few minutes and meeting by the net to talk about whatever girl patrick wanted to seduce at a party that weekend. everything was perfectly normal, or at least it was at first.
"do you think i should wear the green shirt or the blue one?" patrick asked, tossing art the ball so he could serve next.
"the blue one. it brings out your eyes," art responded easily, taking a step back so they could go again.
patrick just watched the ball go right past him with a smirk, making no move to hit it back. art rolled his eyes, coming back to the net to hear whatever he apparently still had to say.
"that was so gay, man," patrick laughed, grabbing the spare ball from his pocket.
"pat, this is the twenty-first century. you have to stop using gay as an insult," art lectured.
"it wasn't an insult," patrick defended, tossing art the ball again for a redo. "but you gotta admit, that was a pretty gay thing to say."
"whatever, i meant it," art huffed, but his annoyed look was ruined by how he shifted slightly onto one foot. . .
and then the other. . .
and then back. . .
patrick wasn't really sure why he didn't say something when he saw the signs. he'd told himself they would take a bathroom break in just a few minutes, but then a few minutes passed. . . and a few more. he saw art squeeze his thighs together after lunging to hit the ball.
he didn't say a single thing.
it wasn't like he wanted art to piss himself. that would've been crazy! what kind of friend would intentionally let art wet his pants in front of all their teammates and coaches?
it had just been so many months since it'd last happened, patrick could barely even remember what art looked like all red-faced and teary-eyed. plus, he had gotten so used to taking art to the bathroom, he wasn't even sure art still needed him to. so maybe he was just curious to see if it was even still a possibility or if he'd finally outgrown it.
on the next serve, art bit his lip, bouncing a little in place. by this point, patrick should've known art hadn't changed, but for some reason he still couldn't bring himself to mention it.
it was just so fascinating how his body seemed to know well before his mind did. how he felt every twinge and pulse in his bladder, but couldn't quite connect the dots as to what it was trying to say. not until he couldn't do anything about it, at least.
his subtle squirming was just so entrancing to watch, especially when they were playing. it almost felt like a show that was put on exclusively for patrick, him being the only one who could really see it.
"you okay, pat?" art asked, bringing him back to reality.
patrick blinked, realizing he'd been thinking so hard about art's shifting, he'd completely missed the last ball he had hit.
"yeah, sorry," he said casually, getting back into position.
and that was when he fully realized what was about to happen. he was about to watch art lose control, knowing he could've stopped it. the entire tennis team was about to see the poor kid cry into the puddle he'd made.
and it was going to be all patrick's fault. . .
god, what was he thinking?
just as he was about to turn around and rush them to the bathroom, he heard art let out a horrified gasp.
without even seeing it, patrick knew what'd happened.
when he looked, he saw art standing there frozen and tense, holding himself through his practice shorts with eyes full of desperation.
"pat," he whined as the first dribble escaped him, dampening his crotch as a single drop ran down his leg.
he'd managed to get it under control, but patrick knew that if he moved a muscle, he'd be done for. art knew it too, of course, but he couldn't bring himself to give up so easily in front of so many people.
"shit," patrick hissed, jumping over the net and rushing over to him.
he wasn't entirely sure how to help, but he didn't want to just stand there and watch art humiliate himself. . . well, maybe he did, but he definitely didn't want art to know that.
"aw shit," patrick groaned, standing in front of him to block as many curious eyes as possible. "i'm sorry, art, i didn't notice."
"i-it's okay," art replied shakily, biting his lip. "it's not like it's your job or something. . . pat, i can't move."
"i know, babe, it's okay," patrick reassured him, pulling him into a tight hug. "just stay here. you'll be fine, i promise, and i'm sure the coaches would rather clean a puddle than a trail."
art leaned into him gratefully, letting out a soft, embarrassed whimper. he was still holding on so hard, too stubborn to admit it was a lost cause.
patrick could feel people watching them, probably wondering why they were hugging for so long in the middle of practice. fortunately for them, they didn't have to wonder very long.
"it's okay. i got you, babe. just let go," patrick hummed, and then art was crying into his chest, gripping the fabric of his shirt for dear life as the sound of water hitting the pavement filled the air around them.
patrick could feel it soaking his shorts and his shoes, the warmth making him feel things he had never felt before. he ran his fingers through art's curls soothingly, talking to him in a gentle voice to distract him from the people watching as art trembled and wet himself uncontrollably.
"that's it. doin' so good, artie," patrick whispered, holding art's head firmly against his shoulder.
art just sniffled, feeling stream after stream of hot piss run down his legs, wishing desperately he could stop it. his shorts were so wet it was like he'd been thrown in the academy pool, and when he shifted from one foot to the other, his socks squelched pitifully.
the court had grown uncomfortably silent, and the only audible sound besides the dripping on the ground beneath them was the whispers of their many onlookers.
"you don't have to see them," patrick murmured, pushing art's head back down when he tried to lift it. "i'll get you out of here, okay?"
"okay," art breathed, sniffling again.
"you finished?"
art nodded, rubbing more tears into patrick's shirt in the process.
patrick glanced down at the massive puddle they were standing in, wondering how they were gonna get out without tracking piss across the entire gym.
"zweig," one of their coaches interrupted, passing him a towel when he looked up.
distantly, he noticed the other adults in the room encouraging the rest of the players to get back to work.
"get him cleaned up," the coach said awkwardly, doing his best to stay outside the lines of the spreading puddle. "you boys take the afternoon off."
"thanks, coach," patrick mumbled, rubbing art's back when he noticed him shaking harder.
"sure, kid. . . you're a good friend, patrick," he said, nodding. "take care, art."
when he walked away to give them more privacy, patrick carefully extracted himself from the hug, shushing art when he whined in protest.
"we can put our shoes and socks in the towel when i'm done, okay?" patrick told him, pressing the cloth gently to art's inner thigh.
art covered his face with his hands, nodding. he rubbed his eyes shamefully, doing everything possible to keep from looking around at his teammates.
everyone had resumed practice for the most part, but there were still quite a few stolen glances and sympathetic whispers going around.
patrick tried his best to ignore it.
"can you spread your legs a little?" he asked, and art complied, letting patrick dry his thighs before moving down to his calves.
he would've offered to clean himself up, but he was too embarrassed to say much of anything at the moment. he knew patrick wouldn't have let him even if he wanted to though, so he didn't feel too bad about it.
"heads up," patrick murmured, and before art could even blink, the towel was being pressed against his soaked crotch, helping to stop the fabric from dripping.
art choked, blushing brighter if that were even possible. standing there with wet shorts and his best friend sponging casually at his dick, he was sure he'd never been so mortified in his entire life.
patrick, on the other hand, was struggling to ignore how aroused he was by the whole ordeal. first it was watching art squirm, then holding him while he lost control in his arms, and now taking care of him while he hid his tear-streaked face in his hands like a little accident-prone toddler. . . something about it was making his dick so hard it was about to burst right through his underwear.
"patrick," art whined, probably begging him to stop rubbing his crotch as if it weren't already obvious what'd happened.
"shh it's okay," patrick cooed, fully grabbing art's dick when he went in to squeeze the fabric again. art jumped, but he didn't push him off. "hang on, i'm almost done."
once they were both dry enough, they toed off their shoes and socks and wrapped them up in the towel, drying their feet before patrick led them back to their dorm. he just hoped passersby would be too distracted by art's wet shorts to notice his obscenely tented ones.
"patrick," art sighed as soon as the door was closed behind them.
patrick heard the shake in his voice, and knew immediately what was about to happen. calmly, he pulled art back in against his chest, feeling a sickening mixture of pity, arousal, and guilt.
"was doin' so good," art hiccuped, sobbing now that there was nobody watching them.
"you're still doing good, art. this is the first time in months, remember?" patrick comforted.
art sniffled, looking up at him with the prettiest teary eyes patrick had ever seen. fuck, he wanted to kiss his bitten red lips more than he ever had in their entire friendship, and that was saying something.
"because of you," art whispered.
patrick wasn't really sure what to say to that. because it was true, wasn't it? without him, art would be wetting himself nearly every day. hell, maybe every day if he'd done it the one time patrick decided not to say something.
god, why hadn't he said something?
"it's fine, art, really. don't beat yourself up about it. we've all got our issues, okay?" patrick brushed off, playing with art's hair to distract him from his shame.
a long silence passed between them after that. patrick happily held art for as long as he needed to calm down, which was understandably a very long time.
it was only when art's trembles turned to shivers that patrick decided to move things along. since he'd already gotten in the mindset of taking care of his best friend, patrick hooked his fingers in the waistband of art's shorts and pushed them slowly down his thighs before art could stop him.
art let out a little confused noise, but he was too emotionally exhausted to protest.
"let's get you cleaned up," patrick whispered, kissing art's temple as he let the soaked garment fall to the ground with a wet slap.
art stepped out of the shorts, letting patrick kick them aside, but he caught patrick's wrist when he reached out towards his underwear.
"pat, what're you-"
"shhh it's okay, art. nothing i haven't seen before," he teased.
art hesitated for a second before releasing patrick's wrist, allowing him to tug his underwear down until they were joining his shorts on the floor.
"so pretty," patrick murmured, entranced. he hadn't even looked at art's dick yet, not that it was much to see soft.
"w-what?" art responded, eyes widening.
"look so pretty when you piss yourself," patrick continued, inhaling the scent of art's sweat and shampoo greedily. "so pretty when you cry. fuck, i always thought so."
art shook his head, trying to step out of his grasp, but patrick pulled him back in easily.
"hey, it's okay," patrick coerced, reaching down between them to wrap a hand around art's half-hard cock.
patrick smirked when he felt it, chuckling proudly into art's hair.
"aww, i knew it," he mused, stroking him slowly a few times. "knew you liked me taking care of you."
art keened, not sure if he should buck forward into patrick's hand or take a step back. as soon as he'd made a decision though, patrick gripped him tighter and brushed his thumb over the tip, and art promptly forgot what his verdict had been.
"that feel good?" patrick hummed, too caught up in the moment to realize what he'd just begun. "this makin' you feel better, baby?"
art nodded, his head falling forwards against patrick's shoulder. god, this was infinitely better than jerking off on seperate beds.
patrick huffed, pulling himself out of his own wet shorts. art's little noises were driving him so fucking crazy, he just couldn't take it anymore.
he gripped their aching cocks together in one hand, jerking them both off at once as art moaned and whimpered into his shoulder. patrick noticed with a sick satisfaction that he had at least an inch and a half on art, the visible difference making his stomach twist possessively. art definitely wasn't small. in fact, he was perfectly average- maybe even a little more than- but when you saw the two right next to each other. . .
"yeah, there you go," patrick groaned, thrusting up into his fist. "don't be embarrassed, baby. you're so sweet when you wet yourself for me. fuck, so pretty."
art whined, humping into patrick's hand a few more times before he was coming, covering patrick's dripping cock with his release. he'd finished so fast, patrick almost wanted to tease him for it, but having been hard for almost an hour at that point, he definitely wasn't too far behind.
"fuck, baby. oh, fuck," patrick groaned, coming hard all over art's favorite practice shirt.
feeling unsteady, patrick eased himself back onto his bed, sitting down and pulling art with him onto his lap. art sighed, settling in easily while they tried to catch their breath.
"patrick?" art questioned after a minute.
patrick hummed, seemingly oblivious to the less-than-normal position (and state of dress) they were in.
". . . what just happened?"
"i don't know," patrick responded, pressing his lips to art's neck tiredly. "but i really don't think you're gonna graduate below twenty."
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yay! more artrick piss! ✨️💦
so did y'all like this one better than the other one, the same, or less? just out of curiosity.
thanks for the ask! this is one of my favorite things to write for sure lol 💜🫢
requests are always open!
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inhurtandincomfort · 16 hours ago
For the oc ask game: 🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies? 💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know. 😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone?
For Eldwin, Kieran and Anccassius!
Thanks for the ask!!! From this ask game
Sorry this got long, I yap a lot
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
1: He likes sketching. He took it up because it's one of the few things he can do while he's confined to his room, especially in the week or two after aether harvests when he's well enough to be bored but his mind is too cloudy to focus on reading and he still can't handle much physical activity. He doesn't consider himself much of an artist, he kind of just mindlessly sketches what's in his sight, things in his room or outside the window. It passes the time though. When he gets Aconite his sketchbook is just filled with cats of varying shape and quality.
2:The Farewell Manor has a huge, beautiful garden with exotic plants from all over the world. He likes to stroll through them, taking in the scenery; more so when Alistair goes with him and takes him into the greenhouses, explaining what each plant is, where they come from, how to care for them. Though Eldwin hasn't had the chance to do any gardening himself, I think he'd like it. He grew up rurally and was always outside exploring the forest; people are surprised because he really doesn't seem like the type, but he misses being in nature.
Specifically he'd really be interested in rare and dangerous plants. There's a full greenhouse of super toxic and magic plants that he's not allowed to go in. He really wants to though.
3: Once he's free from the Syndicate is allowed to do things, he'd love collecting ancient artefacts. Whether their magic is worn out or they're still live and one wrong move could spell disaster - if it's rare and arcane, he wants it. He lost his passion for magic along his way; he'll find it again and really go all in on his study, particularly enchantments.
-He did modelling as kid, so he's always had an interest in fashion and makeup.
-Photography. He photographs all kinds of things from people to scenery.
-Watching movies and musicals. He likes to figure out how a film was made and study the acting, and the musicals are just a vibe
-Swimming and diving. Within his crew he is beaten only by Reva, which is... well, fair. He takes the win.
-Coin collecting. He always keeps at least one modern currency from every place he's been too, and he even has some old and special editions.
-He loves theatre. Spending so much time at sea, he and the crew not only tell stories but put on plays. They're not supposed to be good, they're very over-the-top and dramatic, but it's fun and keeps things light on long nights
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
-He once wanted to be a healer.
-Though he'll eat any food, he's pretty picky when it comes to what he actually likes. He's just learned to take whatever he can get.
-Related to wanting to be a healer, he was once very religious. Most people are in Aenora, especially in a rural village like where he grew up. But of course seeing him nowadays having very much thrown that away, it comes as a surprise.
-He has beautiful handwriting.
-He has Trypanophobia (fear of needles)
-He took ballet classes as a child, but dropped out
-He likes most fish, but hates most other seafood. Considering he spends so much time at sea, this is a problem.
-He's a really good singer.
-He was a crybaby as a child. It wasn't until he was about 15 that he stopped being a wimp
😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone?
By himself, he tends to be left alone. He's pretty which attracts unwanted attention, but he also has a hell of a resting bitch face if he wants to, and anyone genuine tends to stay away, especially if they know his reputation. However, it's not uncommon for Clyde or Alistair to actively bring him to people's attention, which he hates but has to just put up with.
Another pretty boy, he also gets attention. Unlike Eldwin, Kieran is really nice and he's just- he's one of those people you can just tell is gentle, you know? So whilst he attracts some nefarious people, he's also just perceived as a friendly person and people are drawn to him.
...He is an introvert so it can be a bit uncomfortable. But he's glad he's seen as approachable.
Oh, he definitely gets attracts people, and he thrives under the attention. Frankly he feels quite put out when he is left alone. He's a friendly person in general, extroverted, always willing to help. He'd be upset if people felt like they couldn't approach him.
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andichoseyou · 2 years ago
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The Eras Tour: Las Vegas, NV—3/25/23
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marshmallowgoop · 1 year ago
no thoughts just Heiji Hattori (HD)
#detective conan#case closed#amv#my amvs#eye strain#heiji hattori#harley hartwell#conan edogawa#shinichi kudo#funimation english dub script#video#happy two-year anniversary to 'no thoughts just heiji hattori'!#while it's not my first amv (it's maybe my... fifth?)#it was the first one i made with davinci resolve and the amv that really got me into editing amvs for real#it's the amv that made me believe i could make amvs 🥺#and in remastering it i deeply understood how ambitious it was! i thought i did a lot of audio mixing for 'messed up'#but that's not even close to all the audio mixing i did here--cannot believe that i did all this for my first big amv project#it took about 20 hours *just* to remaster!#which is something i've been meaning to do for a while now so i'm very happy to finally share the results!#to make this a 'remaster' and not a 'redo' the only changes i tried to make were to the source footage and audio#video now uses almost entirely hd remastered footage from my blu-rays or netflix rather than my dvds#but oh gosh was it *hard* not to touch anything else! i'd do so many things differently now#but this video will always be really special to me (and i can't believe i did it at all tbh!)#i hope seeing it in hd is fun too! i'm so blown away by all the love this vid's gotten#and that it helped increase interest in funi's old english dub is amazing and 100% what i was trying to do with it!#thank you everyone for all the support <333 i wouldn't be the video editor i am today without this vid or your encouragement for it <3333#like the original the sources used are mostly from what funi dubbed (but mixed in hd by me!): eps 48-49 57-58 77-78 117 and 118 and movie 3#but i also used episodes 141-142 174 189 239 263 277 291 293 345 479 491 517 and 522#and ova 3 and tv special 6 (episode one) and movies 10 and 13 and ops 27 31 and 33 and the funi 5.2 dvd blooper for the one line lol#the song is 'you're stupid aren't you' by toshio masuda (from jubei-chan 2)
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pixlatedvampire · 10 months ago
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You gave those wounds to your god, Enki. Did you think they would heal so easily?
(Uh Oh! Someone gave the priest catholic guilt!)
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kaiowut99 · 3 months ago
Finalized!GX 122-123 Update:
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Our food's important, so no stealin' allowed! 🍞♥
#yugioh#yugioh gx#gx#ygo gx#subbing rambling#going to do a bigger post compiling all these edits when i release the episodes but wanted to show some of it off lol#[and probably a video too]#madman as i am--and love for this show that i have like an ojama--i wanted to give these posters a translation edit#for... all 26 scenes they're in 😳#ofc i'd already done four of them while prepping 121 since they show up in the preview/Just After This clip#it's been fun getting some more AfterEffects use and applying it to this along with Vegas#also extra fun since there isn't a shot where either poster gets a full frontal shot so i've been doing this with partial edits#where i redid custom posters using what i had available and then power-pin them into place in AE#but oh boy was that Premature Burial scene edit fuuuun 🙃#or at least at first--made a proxy thinking i'd have to throw one in but turns out just masking the upper left corner and moving that;#keyframing brightness; masking in shapes for the little squiggles that show on it for a bit; masking in lines to redo the glow lines#and throwing a green screen'd layer made it simpler lol#i just did the Megamorph scene--did what I could with AE's scale motion tracking for the zoom-out that happens so I took two frames#(one for the initial rapid zoom-out and one once the zoom stops)#and just redid the zoom in Vegas with them which was easier#that leaves nine more clips before i work on a couple smaller animation errors i noticed--along with one to strap in for#[burstlady's shoulder strap happened again]#anywho stay tuned lol#[also have been amused with how 4Kids blanked these in some shots which i'll probably point out for funsies in that eventual post]
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venomgaia · 1 year ago
i also have been testing pngtuber+ vs veadotubemini and heres rhe fruit of a 49 layer model
#not all the emotes are shown in this lil demo theres one i keep forgetting where it is lmao#return of the coke heartthrob#i like that i made a pngtuber despite the fact that i am extremelt averse to being percieved in video formats. i used to stream more#n would do drawing streams specifically while working on projects but. ive been outta the game so long im not. too sure how i feel about#like. going back#i also did yt for like. 2 videos during lockdown to try and chronicle that whole art school mess and ended up exploding#this boy is not made for audio/video formats 💔#this is actually to test run how efficient i could be if i were to make pngtuber a commission option when i open those#this took 5 hours and all his psrts including clothing are separate and he has skin under there (i dont save the images like thst tho)#so i can swap out outfits n stuff n not have over 49 moving parts#the ONE issue with this lineless style though. is recoloring parts#i tried to do recolored mouths for s paragon model and it was a pain so i didnt rlly finish or save it.#i think i still prefer veadotubemini tbh. the blinks feel more natural in it than in pngtuber+#but i rlly like the bounce that pngtuber+ provides for just Talking#so. hit or miss#and before anyone asks no i will not be learning live2d vtubing and will not make a 3d vtuber#all of that is just too scary for me i respect everyone i see who does it WAY more now that ive like. LOOKED it over#scary shit. leaving that to the professionals#my 3d model is strictly for fun and because i like vr and vrchat. but i do not think ill ever make a vtuber in 3d.
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foxcassius · 1 year ago
"do you want to take a picture?" no "did you get any pictures?" no "aren't you sad you didn't get any pictures?" NO!!!! i am the not picture taker. i have to remind myself to take occasional selfies with my boyfriend so we can prove to the korean government we've been dating sufficiently long to get married.
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quarterlifekitty · 1 month ago
hiii!!! i love everything you do :)
can I ask for porn star/ erotic voice actor ghost x shy civilian reader? i LOVE that concept
ps. get as freaky and nasty as you want. idc what kinks you add. go crazy babes
So, I was trying to think of ideas for this, and I thought... CamStar!Ghost. Sorry, I didn't make this all that freaky lol
Your name doesn't come up a lot in the chat. You don't make the same thirsty, supposedly complimentary remarks as the others viewers. You don't demand to see more of his cock or tell him you wanna feel his balls pressed against your face while he fucks it. But you are consistent.
Just one very simple thank you, Ghost when he announces he's signing off.
You buy the boring shit off of his Throne wishlist. Things that aren't really sexy or fun. Not the pocket pussy shaped like a dragon's mouth. No, you get him the cast iron pot he asked for because he wanted to try making bœuf bourguignon. He has this bizarre feeling when he finally does, like he should be sharing it with you. You don't even know each other's names. He does a great job making it, by the way. Could make Julia Child cry.
He does a raffle. Call him a scam artist, but he rigs it. He doesn't generally give a fuck about most of the people who pay to see his cock. A video call, 30 minutes, completely private. You buy only one entry and win, even though some people bought more than fifty.
Of course you don't start it with your camera on, but he goads you. Tells you how he recognized you name, how nice it was to see you'd won, as opposed to one of those people that seem to have a parasocial obsession with him.
You're comfy, curled up in your chair. A big t-shirt on with some cracked, faded design. A hastily-pulled on facemask. Smart. Your hair looks a little damp, like you're freshly showered and ready for bed. He'd bet you smell clean.
You're very pretty. Not the kind of person he imagined as one of his viewers, considering you look like you could have any man you wanted. You clearly don't know that, though. You've made no effort to charm him, you hadn't even expected to show him what you look like.
"Wha' if I told you... You're jus' my type?"
The mask over your mouth can't hide the shock in your eyes. It fascinates him. He hides his own face on camera, and now he finds himself on the opposite end-- desperate to know what's beneath it all.
"You'd be smart to refuse, but... Would make my fuckin' day if you took your top off."
He's gotta start somewhere, right?
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crushpunky · 4 months ago
drew and actress!reader do the “we listen and we don’t judge” challenge
masterlist | actress!reader masterlist
cute lil suggestion <3
Y/n set her phone up with a smile on her lips, Drew sitting next to her at their kitchen island, his hair messy as he took a sip of coffee. The two of them had finally gotten out of bed after an hour of cuddling in the early morning light of their bedroom, chatting and showing each other videos the other thought they’d like. After making the two of them coffee, y/n decided it would be fun to make a little video of their own.
“Ok, let’s go.” Y/n grinned, pressing record and sitting back on her stool.
“We listen and we don’t judge.” The two of them said, Drew looking at y/n with a quirk of his brow as he anticipated y/n’s answer.
“The real reason I got a black eye last summer was because I ran into the wall when I was on my phone, not because I fell while shooting.” Y/n bit her lip. Drew already knew that, having witnessed the incident, but the two of them had agreed to keep up the lie to spare the embarrassment and teasing from the rest of the cast.
“We listen and we don’t judge.” The two of them said.
“Sometimes I pretend to be asleep just so I can listen to you talk to yourself in the morning.” Drew smirked. Y/n had a habit of talking to herself in preparation for the day, sometimes even singing a bit as she got around. It was a habit Drew found endearing, but he knew if she knew he was awake she would stop… so he pretended to be asleep.
“We listen and we don’t judge.” They said.
“When we first moved in together I was nervous to… poop in our bathroom and would walk to Madelyn’s apartment every time I had to go to the bathroom.” Y/n giggled. Drew’s cheeks flushed, trying his best not to spit out his coffee.
“We listen and we don’t judge.” The two of them said.
“When we first moved in together I was nervous to poop in our bathroom and would walk to Austin’s apartment every time I had to go to the bathroom.” Drew said. Y/n’s jaw dropped, the two of them laughing at their common secret.
“So nobody pooped in our bathroom for the first few months we lived together?” Y/n asked with a giggle.
“I had a crush on you! I didn’t want you to think I was gross.” Drew blushed, swirling his coffee aimlessly. Y/n pouted playfully before pressing a kiss to Drew’s cheek.
“Ok, ok. Back to business.” Y/n said.
“We listen and we don’t judge.” They said.
“I have a folder of edits of you on my Tik Tok I watch when I miss you.” Y/n laughed, covering her face as Drew tried to hold back his giggles.
“We listen and we don’t judge.” The two of them said.
“One time when I was really drunk I accidentally used like all of your really nice shampoo and blamed it on my sister when she was visiting.” Drew smirked, biting his lip. “I had a buzzcut at the time too, so I don’t know what inspired me to do that.”
“I knew it wasn’t her!” Y/n gasped.
“We don’t judge! We don’t judge!” Drew said, raising his hands in surrender.
“Yes, yes, sorry.” Y/n smiled.
“We listen and we don’t judge.” They said.
“The first time you made me Mama Jodi’s casserole I think you messed something up because I got really bad food poisoning, but I didn’t want to tell you because you were so excited.” Y/n said quickly. Drew’s eyes widened, his jaw dropping at her confession.
“We listen and we don’t judge.” They said together.
“I asked my mom for her ring after only four months of us dating.” Drew said, a blush spreading across his cheeks. She had known the ring he had proposed to her with was his mothers, updated by Drew to match y/n’s own taste, and she knew he had been holding onto it for a while, but she didn’t realize just how long.
“Are you serious?” Y/n raised her brows in surprise, her stomach fluttering.
“I knew you were it for me.” Drew said with a simple shrug. Y/n felt her cheeks grow warm as she flung her arms around Drew’s broad shoulders, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“I love you and your big, romantic heart, Starkey.” Y/n grinned up at him, her arms still resting on his shoulders. Drew smiled back at her, his eyes scanning over her face with a smile on his lips.
“I love you… even if you have a folder of saved Tik Toks of me—” Drew giggled.
“We don’t judge!” Y/n laughed.
“We don’t judge.” Drew grinned, pressing a quick kiss to y/n’s nose before ending the video.
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itoshiexx · 10 months ago
when you call them "husband" - part 2
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how the blue lock boyfriends react when you call them "husband" - part 2
pairings: itoshi rin, michael kaiser, mikage reo x fem!reader (no descriptions tho, just the words "wife" on rin's part) (separate) | warnings: established relationship, fluff, lovesick boys
notes: I'M ALIVE! i cant believe how long it's been since i had time/energy/creativity to write something, ohmy goddddddd. i'm so sorry for all the time it took to post this, but i wanna ty all so much for all the love on part 1 and all the requests for part 2! hopefully this will meet your expectations ♥ as always, i went a lil' overboard with rin's part. enjoy!
part 1 / masterlist
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rin was not a fan of social media. it was clear with the way his instagram only had 8 pictures despite being years since his career started, and even more so by the fact he had no other social media besides that. if he wasn’t so famous, people would say itoshi rin was a ghost or some artificial intelligence invention. 
it was one of the reasons people were very shocked when he started dating you, an influencer with millions of followers on every platform. rin was a private person, and you… well, you shared your life on the internet for everyone to see. to say you were polar opposites was an understatement.
however, you never forced your boyfriend to appear in any of your socials, only recording things for your own fun and memories and posting only what he allowed. rin was glad for that. he didn’t mind doing dumb things with you to see you smile, as long as the rest of the world couldn’t see how whipped he was for you.
also, you were kind of glad the professional athlete was so unaware of social media, because it meant you could do a lot of tiktok trends without the risk of him already knowing what was coming — which made everything more satisfying. 
and the trend you chose that day was especially good.
“hey everyone, it’s y/n here!” you chirped, waving your hands in front of your phone. however, you were actually recording rin, who was at the other side waiting for your sign to appear on the screen.
you continued speaking. “today i have a very special guest, who i’m sure you’re all very familiar with.” you gave the camera a little cheeky wink, and your boyfriend rolled his eyes with all your theatrics. “please welcome itoshi rin, my handsome husband!”
rin gave a step forward to start his way to you, but suddenly, his whole body froze, brows furrowing in what you could only call utmost confusion. silence took over the room for what felt like an eternity, and you had to suppress your laugh seeing the imaginary ‘loading’ wheel on his head.
rin.exe stopped working.
“baby?” you decided to intervene, honestly a little scared of how immobile rin was.
“you— i’m— did you just— did we—”
you could no longer hold your laughter, and rin’s favorite melody echoing through the walls of your shared apartment was probably what snapped him out of his trance. he immediately scowled and crossed his arms, cheeks burning red from his pathetic stutter.
“i am never doing these dumb videos with you again.”
“no, no, i’m sorry!” your giggles kept going, and you approached your pouty boyfriend, squishing his cheeks between your hands. the smooch you gave him was almost enough to make him melt. almost. rin still had some self respect.
he also didn’t want to admit how abnormally fast his stone heart was beating with the mere thought of being referred to as your husband — and, even better, referring to you as his wife. 
fuck. that certainly did make him feel lots of things. those stupid butterflies that were born the minute you met were roaming freely in his stomach, soaring with all the love he had harbored just for you. 
“i’m sorry, baby,” you said again, smiling like you swallowed the sun and all things good in this world. you might as well have. how else could rin explain the way you were his everything? “it was a prank i saw on tiktok.”
he arched his eyebrow, arms uncrossing to put his hands on your waist. “oh? so you don’t want me to be your husband?”
the itoshi was satisfied to see you flushing this time. “i— w-well, you see…”
and then you started rambling, just like you did every time something made you nervous. and rin could only look at you as if nothing else was worth looking at, because really, to him, it wasn’t. 
…well, maybe the sight of you walking down the aisle would get the cake. he might have to find out soon. 
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once you started dating bastard munchen’s star, michael kaiser, it was natural to have his world collide with yours. everything from football to blue hair dye to weird sleeping habits became a part of you as well, and you nourished every expanse of your world his presence alone was able to give.
your favorite part, besides learning all of him — his little habits, quirks and love languages that seemed to be crafted solely for you — was definitely immersing yourself in his culture. germany always seemed distant and quite detached from your life, and you loved to learn new things from different perspectives. 
food, traditions, language… michael loved teaching you things, giddy and secretly grateful for your excitement. it was his sparkly eyes that prompted you to learn a few things by yourself to surprise him and make him happy. 
the tiktok trend was just a nice coincidence. 
you phone was hidden on the kitchen balcony, camera recording and waiting for the moment your boyfriend would arrive in your shared apartment. luckily, kaiser was very punctual, and you didn’t have to wait much longer.
“liebling, i’m home!” you heard him scream from the front door, and you giggled to yourself, pretending to be busy chopping vegetables for dinner. 
you waited for his footsteps to near where you were, and, as soon as you felt he entered the camera frame, you answered:
“welcome home, ehemann!”
you didn’t have to turn around to see the way kaiser completely froze; arms stopping just before reaching your waist as if your figure was an illusion created by his tired mind. you fought hard to suppress your grin.
“what… did you say…?” his voice was low and uncertain, but there was no annoyance in it; just pure confusion. 
turning your head around to finally look at him, you were pleased to find your mikka with rosy cheeks and a bashful expression, so extremely unusual for a guy like him you couldn’t help but feel your heart flutter on your chest. 
you gave him your best innocent look. “huh? isn’t that how you say boyfriend?”
“i-it’s husband, liebe. you called me husband,” his tone was still incredulous, and this time, you couldn’t keep your smile off your face. 
“oh, did i?”
your countenance seemed to finally snap him out of his trance, and michael’s eyebrows shot up, scoffing slightly — albeit still endearingly. his arms circled your waist and he pressed a kiss on the side of your neck. 
“how mean of you, baby. playing with my heart like that.” he trailed more kisses on your neck and jaw, making you squirm. “you tryin’ to kill me or something?”
you giggled again, both from the ticklish kisses he was giving you and the huge amount of love you had harbored just for him. “of course not, baby. i need you alive to make you my husband,” you jested.
“oh, yeah? you wanna make me your husband?”
“yes.” you shifted, giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek. kaiser hugged you a little tighter, feeling something fuzzy inside his chest. “is that a problem?”
“never,” he answered immediately. because it was true.
boyfriend, fiancé, partner, husband… michael didn’t mind what title would be bestowed to him — as long as he could keep being yours.
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being the heir of one of the biggest corporations of the country and a professional football player made your boyfriend’s schedule pretty busy. therefore, thursdays like these, where you and him could have a nice walk around the park under the warm sunlight, hand in hand, were extremely rare — hence why they were so appreciated.
reo knew how much his frenetic agenda was a hard toll on your relationship, affecting both of you with distance, longing and short periods of time together. and, well, everyone knew how much of a goner he was for you, so it wasn’t surprising to see him give in whatever spare time he had in his hands — even going as far as making such time exist if there wasn’t any — to be with you for as long as he possibly could.
how could he deny your pretty little eyes pleading to have a stroll in the park with him ‘just for a few minutes?’
god, you were so selfless. he wanted to give you all of his minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years. and for all that’s worth, reo would never deny you of such a thing — he’d rather shoot himself than make you think you weren’t loved with every fiber of his being.
the weather was nice; a gentle breeze kissing both of your faces and making everything more pleasant. you were both chatting and appreciating the calm environment when you spotted an old lady a few feet ahead, selling different colored roses for the passersby. a smile was etched onto your lips, and you impulsively let go of reo’s hand to run towards her. 
“why hello, dear. would you like to buy a rose?”
your boyfriend watched you beam to the lady and slowly approached you, though still keeping his distance and trying hard not to intervene and buy all the roses for you. 
“yes, please! a red one would be perfect.”
“oh, who will you give it to?” asked the woman, already taking one flower from the bunch to hand it to you. 
your smile became slightly more bashful, “it’s for my husband!”
and fuck, if reo wasn’t already completely in love with you and thoroughly believed you were his soulmate until then, he certainly would after that very moment. he could feel his cheeks burning and his tongue rolling inside his mouth with how speechless he became. his heart soared with your words, excitement coursing through his veins with a love so overwhelming he nearly fell on his knees right there. 
heavens, he loved you so fucking much. and you made him realize it was about time he proved it to you (once again).
his hands easily found his phone in his pocket, and a quick call to the jewelry store was made while you busied yourself with paying for the flower. reo couldn’t stop smiling like a lovesick fool, but he didn’t mind.
“hey, mr. fuji, it’s mikage! you know, i think it’s time for that visit i mentioned a while ago…”
he might not fall to his knees right there, but he would drop at one knee very soon.
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© 2024 itoshiexx. do not plagarise, translate, or repost any of my work on here or other sites.
if you like my writing and would like to support me, you can 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐭𝐢𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐤𝐨-𝐟𝐢 ! any amount is welcomed and very appreciated! ♥
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yuvany · 4 months ago
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─── ( on 𝓅𝑜𝒾𝓃𝓉 ) OT7 ENHYPEN x fem!reader CONTENT / WARNING(S) fluff + kisses + trends / none WORD COUNT 1,124
reblogs are highly appreciated !!
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you had asked him to do it with you, and he easily agreed, this seemed a lot more tame than the previous ones you had asked him to do with you. When it is time to put on the lipstick, you asked him for his opinion on what colour to use, and he said, "choose by singing eeny meeny miny moo". you giggled at this and did as he said, choosing red in the end. The process of planting kisses on his face seemed a lot more enjoyable to him than it did to you. Your lips were starting to feel numb from doing a kissy face. When you finally finished, Heeseung returned one of your many kisses. Now, it was finally time to film the tiktok, and you quickly told him what to to do, but instead of simply wiping it off, he grabbed ahold of your chin and turned your whole head his way and your stunned expression made the cut. Let's just say that the video blew up.
"Jaayy" you cooed is name. "Yes, my love?" He replied. You proceeded to show him a video that appeared on your for you page, and Jay was confused which was evident on his face. "This is a tiktok trend. Wanna do it?" Your upbeat voice convinced him enough to agree. At your desk, Jay sat quietly as he observed what you were doing; going through your lipstick collection. He admired you, putting on lipstick over and over again, to kiss him someplace on his face, enjoying the feeling of your lips pressing against his soft skin. He mentally noted that he needed to buy you another lipstick soon, because oh dear, a lot of lipstick was used. You counted down and hit record, which somehow still caught him off-guard and he missed the corner of your lips and instead wiped your lips, this caused the two of you to burst out laughing.
He will probably be the one to ask you to do the trend with him, Jake just somehow knew that you'd ask him about it. "I was gonna ask you, but I guess." You tried to act nonchalant about it, but Jake saw past the facade. "That colour is so pretty." He points to the one you're currebtly holding. "It is, but it's too light, it won't be visible on camera." You say, and it makes him sulk. "What about that one?" This took a while, but never would you have prepared for what came next. Jake did not know that you would need to kiss his face, he just believed that he needed to swipe the lipstick across his face, so when you began preessing your lips to his skin, he genuinely believed that you were kissing him, so he kissed back. "jake! will you stop trying to make out with me?" You called out through giggles. "Wait, is this part of the trend..."
Does this man even need to try? He is already perfect. Sunghoon just needed to sit there prettily. You had asked him to do the trend with him, and it almost felt as if you were begging on your knees for him to do it with you. "What do I get in return?" He asked, a small smirk present on his lips. "Kisses, i suppose," you shrugged, but not being able to keep your happiness to yourself as you beamed a smile. It did not help that Sunghoon made your job harder by moving his face around while you tried to kiss his face over and over again, so you grabbed him by the chin and told him to be still, which he did, but he just began staring at you, which made you a bit self aware. Overall, the filming part went smooth, and the video gained a lot of attention, and you saw how people were commenting on how handsome Sunghoon were, and you replied to them with, "That's my man, back off."
Becomes all shy and giggly all throughout, not once was he even calm. When you asked him to do the trend with you, he didn't know what you were talking about, but after showing him a video, he gets flustered, but eventually agrees because it looked fun, and because it meant that he'd be able to spend more time with you. I'd like to think that Sunoo would be quiet while you apply your lipstick as he watches you with a shimmer in his eyes whenever he sees you, but you always try to spark up a conversation, and he can't possibly deny your offer, can you? As you pan your phone over to him, it is only showing a lipstick stained faced Sunoo with his hand above his face because he forgot the part where he wipes the lipstick off your lips. He's so giggly like a ball of sunshine.
"wonie, look." You called out, and he whipped his head around and saw your screen, he knew you well enough to understand what you were aiming at. "You wanna do this?" The shining smile on your face told him what he wanted to know. "Let's get to it then!" He pulled you by the arms right into your room. While you adore his face with your lips, he is watching the trend in loop to understand what he was supposed to do. You notice this and tell him, "Just be yourself, it's gonna be adorable!" Jungwon smiles at you and puts down his phone. Filming the video took the longest I'd say. He just can't contain his laughter, it's just something about hitting record that sets him off. Jungwon takes a deep breath and tells you that he is prepared.
Riki has got firece eyes, and he knows how to use them to his advantage. He is such a sweetheart and the people whom are going to watch the clip wouldn't know that. You asked him if he wanted to do the trend once almost a week ago, and he seemed to remember it when you didn't. "About that trend, babe..." You raise an eyebrow, eyes lit with confusion and now he has to show you the video instead. "Can I?" Riki asks when he sees that you roll up your lipstick, and you trust him enough to loan him one of your lipsticks. "Just be careful." You warn, and he knows how much you adore it. "I will." His finger is fixed under your jaw and, and you can feel the heat spread across your cheeks. You did not expect him to take this trend so seriously, and the look of awe that Riki gave you did not go unnoticed by the viewers.
TAGLIST : @dollyhoon @itjengirl @saeivra @orimuraa @pshwrldd
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babyleostuff · 7 months ago
𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬
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𝜗𝜚 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄: fluff, established relationship, down bad wonwoo (he’s a certified simp) 𝜗𝜚 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: idol!wonwoo x fem!reader 𝜗𝜚 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 1.6k
⦗💌 ⦘ though it didn’t bother wonwoo that his girl wasn’t a gamer like him, he was over the moon when one day she proudly declared she started gaming. one thing he forgot to ask - what kind of games she was playing.
𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: guys if i play dress to impress does it mean im finally a gamer?
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wonwoo was having a stroke. 
months ago, when you first started going out, he of course had to mention his love for gaming and computers, no matter how lame it made him - he figured if it bothered you then you simply weren’t fit for him. but, thankfully, you didn’t find it unappealing whatsoever, you even asked him questions about games and whatnot, sounding genuinely interested. 
and he wouldn’t lie - it’d be cool if you were a gamer as well, but… 
“no, it’s not for me,” you said when he asked if you played. “i don’t really get the hype, and to be honest i just suck really bad.” 
…but wonwoo understood that you didn’t have to share his every passion, besides - you had your hobbies, he had his, and that was perfectly fine. he was more than happy to indulge in activities that you enjoyed and getting to know you even better through them. 
during the course of your relationship you still didn’t show any interest in his games. well, maybe except for when you wanted cuddles, then you suddenly took a great interest in what was happening on his computer, but wonwoo didn’t mind. it was cute how you tried to keep up with the game though you had no idea what it was about, especially when you were sleepy.  
sometimes, though, you felt bad that you didn’t share his passion, that you didn’t know about all of the new updates, and gaming terms, or what the different keys on the keyboard were responsible for, but wonwoo was always quick to shut down those silly thoughts of yours. “i don’t mind, honey,” he always said and kissed your cheek. “i really don’t”. 
so it was safe to say that he had never expected to hear, "i'm a gamer now, baby. i play games," with a proud smile on your lips. 
wonwoo’s day had been long and hard, his muscles were aching from the hours spent on dancing and moving around the stage, and his head was begging for a moment of silence from all the yelling and yapping of his members. 
but that, that just woke him up like no amount of coffees or red bulls could. 
“huh?” he managed to say in utter confusion. 
he didn’t like how you were smiling. there was something sinister about it. 
“there’s this game everyone is playing now. i saw some videos on tik tok,” you had to stifle a giggle seeing your boyfriend’s expression upon the mention of the app he considered cursed, “and it looked fun. so… i’ve been playing it ever since you left for work.” 
well, maybe you did find it on tik tok, but a game was still a game, so wonwoo figured he should count that as a win. 
“let me show you,” you declared and took his hand with an excited grin, before he could say anything else, let alone ask you what kind of game you were talking about. 
you quickly pulled him into his bedroom, totally dismissing mingyu’s “hello”, and made him sit on his gaming chair. 
“i know you don’t like it when people touch your computer-,”.
“you can use it, honey, i don’t mind,” he cut you off and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. as ecstatic as wonwoo was about your breakthrough in gaming, he could wait to go to bed and finally get his well deserved cuddles from you. 
“okay okay,” you said and unintendedly ran your fingers through his hair. “so here it is,” you pointed at the screen behind him. 
wonwoo had no idea what game could have finally caught your attention. even the adorable characters from animal crossing weren’t cute enough for you to spend more than five minutes on the game, but what he saw on his computer...
"what, uh," he gulped. "what is that?"
“dress to impress!” 
well, it certainly did not impress wonwoo. 
“it’s like a dressing up game,” you added, when your boyfriend didn’t say anything. “here.” 
you rolled him a bit away from the desk so you could take your designated place on his lap, and disconnected the headphones from the computer, which made everything so much worse. the music that was playing in the background had to be one of the worst sounds he had ever heard. 
“look,” you pointed at the timer at the top of the screen. “the game is starting.” 
he could feel how you were buzzing with excitement, clapping your hands in tiny, waiting for the time to run out. 
“okay, see? here’s the theme,” wonwoo nodded sceptically, but nonetheless tightened his grip on your waist. 
album cover. 
then the screen changed to what looked like a large walk-in closet the size of his and mingyu's apartment. a bunch of other characters were running around, and the god awful music was still playing, and you started to run around as well, and, “oh my god, what was going on?”. 
“who should i dress up as?” you bit your nail, clearly very focused. wonwoo took a peek at your furrowed brows, and small pout and for a second he drowned out the annoying sound coming from his computer, just to focus on your adorable expression.  
“i can do you!” you said, and turned around to quickly place a kiss on his cheek. “from the “face the sun” concept photos. technically it’s not an album cover, but… no one here is ever on theme anyway”.  
wonwoo could only watch as you slowly changed your outfit into something that was supposed to resemble one of his concept photos, only in a more cutified version, because as you said, "you're a babygirl". with the minutes ticking by, he couldn’t help but smile at you being so focused on putting the whole outfit together. 
"okay, it's done," you said, leaning back so you were resting against wonwoo's chest. "now it's show time."
one by one, the characters walked the carpet, presenting their… whatever their outfits were. 
“ugh, this fit sucks ass,” you groaned, and nuzzled your head into his shoulder. “wait til one of them hits the twenty eight pose,” you said, and by the tone of your voice wonwoo did not want to see that. 
“why are you giving everyone one star?” he asked, confused. “that one wasn’t that bad,” he pointed at the character that dressed up as ariana’s dangerous woman. 
“you never give anyone more than one star,” you stated as a matter of fact. “oh, look,” you squealed. “it’s me.” 
indeed it was you, and for what it was worth - your outfit looked the best in wonwoo’s opinion. but then again you were best in everything to him, so his opinion didn’t count. and then the screen turned black again. 
the winners are… 
“now we’ll see who placed on the podium,” you explained, and grabbed his hand that was still resting on your waist. 
wonwoo nodded and put his chin on your shoulder. “i’m sure you’re going to be first, honey.” 
“huh,” you huffed. “i wouldn’t be so sure about that.” 
and yeah, you were right. in the first place there was a character that wasn’t dressed up at all, in the second someone with the vip sign dressed as if they were going to the circus, and in the third there was a very creepy character of a man.
you clicked your tongue annoyed. “told you.” 
well, that was an experience wonwoo had never thought he’d have the, uh, pleasure to go through. 
“so,” you got up, and just when wonwoo was about to whine about the lack of your warmth, you straddled his lap. “what do you think?” you cupped his cheeks and smiled at him brightly. 
he wasn’t sure he was thinking at all, at this point. 
the annoying music? unbearable. the clearly not on theme outfits? hideous. the weird poses that freaked him out? he was sure he’d get nightmares from them. 
wonwoo must’ve been thinking too long about his answer so as not to hurt your feelings, because the smile slowly started to disappear from your face. "you think it's weird, right?" you asked and looked down.
"what? no, it's not that, it's-,".
"sweetie, i understand," you laughed quietly. "it's a game for kids, and a little cheesy at that but-,".
"no no," wonwoo quickly said and grabbed your face in his hands so he could lift your head. "i just didn't expect this. you always said you didn't like to game and i didn't know what to expect."
"yeah, but still-,".
"oh could you be quiet for a second?" he smiled when he saw the corners of your lips lift up. "i didn't mean to make you feel bad and i'm sorry if it did.” 
yeah, the game might not have been his style, and he would never have played it himself, but you liked it. and that was all he cared about. he had never seen you smile like that when he was gaming - your eyes were practically heart shaped when you were dressing up your character, and if this wasn't the most adorable thing ever he didn't know what it was. 
if it made you happy, then it made him happy too.
"you have no idea how glad you found a game you like," he ran his thumbs over your cheeks. "and you know what? if i played myself i'd definitely give your outfit five stars."
you giggled, and wrapped your hand around one of his wrists. "thank you, wonwoo."
"of course," he muttered and pecked your forhead. "now tell me, is there a way we could play it at the same time?"
"wonwoo, you don't have to-,"
"but i want to," he said.
for a moment you just looked at him with a raised brow, as if you were trying to figure out if he was really telling the truth. and he really was. wonwoo would survive any horrible outfit and that annoying music just to see you so excited and happy again.
"are you sure?"
he quickly nodded.
"okay, then let me get my computer."
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taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @jeonghansshitester @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @itza-meee @eightlightstar @immabecreepin @whatsgyud @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @vicehectic @dkswife @uniq-tastic @marisblogg @aaniag @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @isabellah29 @f4iryjjosh @bangantokchy @mrswonwooo @bangtancultsposts @lllucere @athanasiasakura @onlyyjeonghan @haecien @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @hannahhbahng @valgracia @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @mirxzii @hhusbuds @wonranghaeee @rosiesauriostuff @gyuguys @tomodachiii @veryfabday @lilmochiandsuga @asasilentreader @mrsnervous @bewoyewo @sharonxdevi @wondipity @gyuguys @raginghellfire @treehouse-mouse @waldau @wonootnoot @hellodefthings @dokyeomkyeom @sourkimchi @bbysnw @hoichi02 @aaa-sia @haneulparadx @minvrsev @zozojella @wonootnoot @kimingyuslover @wntrei @honglynights @jihoonsbbygirl @uhdrienne @bloodcanbehot  @iamawkwardandshy  @icyminghao @heeseungthel0ml @goyangiiwonu @bath1lda @ruurooozz @ny0sang @luuxian @onerubii @iamawkwardandshy @hurrican3-insert-nam3 @mekuiikore @luvseungcheol @thenotoriousegg @yuuyeonie @soffiyuhh
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ahqkas · 3 months ago
Could you do the bamboos doing the tiktok trend a boy who jacket and kind please
♯JACKED AND KIND ( the batboys doing the ‘jacked and kind’ tiktok trend with you ! )
— gn!reader, dick & jason & tim ( separated ), cursing, not edited
© ahqkas — all rights reserved. even when credited, these works are prohibited to be reposted, translated or modified
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this man would literally be so hyped about doing the trend with you!!
your boyfriend stood behind you as you positioned your phone just right, angling it to catch the best angles. he doing some simple stretches, probably the same ones he did whenever he got ready for one of his patrols. you watched in the reflection your phone provided how his navy blue shirt fit his torso, wrapping and stretching around the muscles without any real effort to show off his broad shoulders and muscular arms. you could also point out the faintest smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. he knew exactly how good he looked.
“okay,” you took a step backwards toward him once you were satisfied with the preparation. “don’t let me down.”
a chuckle left his throat at your words while he met you halfway in the steps, taking a few steps forward so he could be standing behind you in order to record the trend. “baby, letting you down isn’t part of my vocabulary. lifting you up, on the other hand . . .” he trailed off with a wink and you managed to lightly slap his bicep before the countdown went off and the video started recording.
the song started playing from the phone — “slim pickins” by sabrina carpenter — and you tensed into position, facing the camera. you felt the warmth of his large hands on your hips before he touched you ( his touch was steady, as if he had done this a million times before ).
with an almost effortless motion, dick lifted you up in the air for a second before you made contact with his shoulder. you squealed in surprise from how quickly the whole thing happened and tried to balance yourself on top of him. he adjusted his grip on your knees while flexing his biceps for the camera, showing off the pure muscle with a large grin etched on his pretty face.
he looked confident, like he was the first man to ever grace the earth, even swaying a bit on his feet. show-off. the song continued playing, and just as the lyrics — “a boy who’s jacked and kind” — faded, dick followed it by lowering your body down in a quick move, catching you in a bridal style before you could even process what was happening.
“dick!” you couldn’t help but gasp this time. you haven’t seen this feature in the trending videos yet, and you were pretty sure you two would end up viral with just this move alone. you could picture the comments already.
“get a room”
“i miss my future bf”
he really was jacked and kind.
. . . JASON TODD !
jason would kill this trend without even trying.
you had been begging him for the last hour about doing one of those new trending tiktok videos. the ones where couples did something ridiculously romantic which caused the whole comment section to show what’s it like to be born a hater (“so cute!! BLOCKED” “reacted "👍🏻" to your message” “i’m sleeping on a highway tonight guys” ). jason had been through countless trends already, but you were extra set on doing this trend with him.
“jason, come on! it’ll be fun, i promise.”
he dropped the book he was reading on the coffee table with a dramatic sigh, turning to look you in the eye. “i swear, every time i turn around, there’s another damn trend going viral.”
but there was no real annoyance in the tone of his voice. he could act all rough and nonchalant, but deep down, he adored you with all his heart and soul. he’d never admit it aloud, but you got him feeling things he didn’t quite know how to process.
you looked over at him with those pleasing eyes he could never resist. “please, jay?”
letting out the biggest sigh you’ve ever heard, your boyfriend stood up from the couch and walked over to where you were standing in front of your phone. “you’re lucky you’re cute,” he muttered under his breath lowly with those beefy arms crossed at his chest.
“i promise this will be the last one.”
“uh-huh.” jason didn’t want it to be the last one.
you turned your head over your shoulder to look at him while you set your phone up. “you know how this works, right? just pick me up and place me on your shoulder.”
you didn’t have a single doubt about him not being able to pick you up. jason was a big guy, he could manhandle you all you he wanted without breaking a sweat, you knew that. he was going to pick you up.
“alright, sweetheart. get over here.”
the song started playing as soon as the timer was up and you felt his hands sliding up your thighs as he bend over a bit before he wrapped his forearms around the meat of your legs. he picked you up effortlessly like you weighed nothing, not a single sound of protest leaving his lips from the motion. your laugh filled the room when you made contact with his broad shoulder and you wrapped your arm around his neck, leaning slightly closer to him for the video to capture.
jason didn’t flex his arms, didn’t need to show his strength off. he simply wrapped his hands around your thighs, fingers kneading the soft muscles as he helped you balance yourself so you wouldn’t fall and make a blooper instead.
“see? no big deal.”
. . . TIM DRAKE !
tim was never one to enjoy attention, especially not the one that came with being on camera.
but when you, with your sweet smile and convincing voice, had asked him to do yet another one of your tiktok trends, he couldn’t really say no.
“tim, please? you’ll love it, i promise,” you pleaded with him, already setting up your phone with the timer set straight on because you knew he wouldn’t resist you. he never did.
and he didn’t this time, either. “what’s this trend about again?”
you practically bounced over to where he was standing with pure excitement written all over your face. “it’s a lifting one. i just need you to pick me up exactly when the songs say ‘a boy who’s jacked and kind’. simple, right?”
“i really don’t think–“
“oh, come on! you’re strong, and you’re always complaining i never let you have fun. this is fun, tim.”
at that, he let out a long sigh while his hand rubbed the back of his neck. he was thinking, deep in thoughts. but you were really really really hard to resist when you got like this — all pleading and loving with him. you had this look in your eye, he had realized, one that said you would never stop bugging him until you got your way. and he realized he was down bad for that look.
“fine. but if i drop you, don’t blame me.”
tim stepped into position behind you, his eyes narrowing as he mentally braced for the lift before the video could ever start. he wasn’t sure how exactly this was supposed to go, but it didn’t look that complicated, right? it was just about picking you up and holding you there for a few seconds. simple. yet, he couldn’t help but overthink the whole thing.
his stance was little awkward, with his hands hovering near your waist as if he wasn’t entirely sure of his footing, trying to maintain that balance between not looking too stiff and not being too casual either.
for a split second, everything was going perfectly. your boyfriend had you in his arms, effortlessly supporting you on his shoulder while your laughter erupted from your throat. you knew tim would be perfect for this trend. but that’s when things went sideways.
his feet shuffled under him and he lost his footing on the carpet beneath him. his balance wavered which caused yours to do just as same, and before he could adjust and save the situation, your body slipped a little too far to one side. tim’s eyes widened, and he made a split-second decision to shift his hands, trying to catch you before you fell completely.
everything happened so fast.
you were halfway to the floor when his arm shot out, catching you by the waist just in time. for a second, it looked like he might’ve actually saved the moment — then his grip faltered, and you were both tumbling to the ground in a tangled mess of limbs.
the two of you collapsed together, but your boyfriend managed to twist in the last moment, taking most of the fall with his own body before you could hit the floor completely. he groaned softly under you with his chest rising and falling rapidly as you lay on top of him, your face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and laughter.
“you almost dropped me.”
“i did drop you,” he replied dryly, but his voice held no real frustration — just the tiniest hint of amusement as he looked up at you.
it might’ve not been a video that would kill the whole trend, but it was a video that would never fail to make you smile. and that was enough for you.
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