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this was me the entire time reading this:
I See the Light || DOFP!Logan x Reader
Summary: Logan saved the future but now he doesn't feel like he fits into the mansion anymore. He doesn't know what he needs but he just knows he needs a break. So Charles sends him on a mission that changes his whole world.
warnings: fem!reader (she/her pronouns used), abusive parents (Not descriptive), injury, reader deals with a jerk and logan saves the day, swearing
wc: 6k
a/n: Sooo I might have fucked around and wrote 6k words today. This is my entry for @princessanglophile birthday writing challenge! I was given dofp logan and I see the Light from Tangled. I was so so excited to get this song as its one of my favorite disney songs and I'm so happy that I was able to finally get the story that's been in my head in writing. This fic very very loosely follows the plot of tangled but only in a few ways. I really hope it lives up to the song and I was able to do it justice. Enjoy!!
If there was one word to describe how Logan felt after coming back from 1973. It would be lost. He wouldn't say it himself, in fact he'd insist he was just fine. I mean the plan worked, he went back and he saved everyone. Who wouldn't be thrilled to come back to a peaceful world?
But in doing so Logan sacrificed everything. His friends, his family, they don't remember him.
They only know this timeline version of Logan. So now he's a stranger to them and they're strangers to him. He wakes up and teaches his classes but he doesn't know these students.
He sees Rouge and Bobby and he can't help but think of the timeline where Rogue took the cure and lost all her powers. Seeing Kitty all grown up and teaching the new generation of mutants. Storm being the leader he always knew she could be. And of course. Jean. She was alive in this world and so was Scott. It had been years since he saw them.
He doesn't know how to feel. He's found and lost those closest to him. After all of this, he just needs a break. To find himself and learn to stop fighting. He doesn't have to anymore but the rest of him hasn't caught up with that sentiment.
"Logan, I have a mission for you." Charles has called him into his office. He can sense Logan's unease and despite helping him regain some memory from this timeline he knows that Logan is struggling.
"While this world is not as violent as you remember, there are a few anti mutant sentiments still lingering throughout the country." He hands Logan manilla folder.
"She's been raised her whole life in hiding. Her parents forced her at a young age. You need to find her and bring her back.
"And exactly how am I going to do that? If she's in hiding?" Logan asks, flipping through the little information he's been giving.
"Don't tell me you've lost your touch." Charles says with a smirk. Logan shuts the folder and tosses it back at Charles.
"Give me a week."
"This will be good for you Logan. Be patient with her." Logan nods and turns his back to leave.
"One more thing, Take your time Logan." Charles gives him a look that Logan doesn't quite understand and just nods.
After throwing a few things into a backpack he slings it over his shoulder and silently weaves through the mansion. He sees a few people in the kitchen, laughing over cups of coffee and stories of their students. His heart tugs as he looks away, he has a mission to complete.
He doesn't even say goodbye.
Swiping Scotts keys he hops into one of the many cars in the garage. The only information Charles really had was that she was located across the country.
For days Logan drives through the mountains and plains of America. It's a little weird to be honest. He remembers the world turning to a complete wasteland. Nothing but death and destruction. He never once looked at a field of grass while driving down the interstate and thought anything but how boring the view was. Now things are a little different.
After hopping from shitty motels and diners with sweet waitresses and heart stopping food he finally makes it to where Charles said you were. It's a small beach down on the coast of California. Of all the places to be trapped this isn't the worst he thinks as he parks his car at some motel.
The front desk worker barely paid attention as he handed Logan the keys to his room and a brochure of everything the town had to offer. Which was two restaurants and the beach. Realistically he knows you wouldn't be anywhere in town. Too many people. Probably somewhere on the outskirts of town. He slips into a bar, ordering a glass of whiskey and pokes around. Asking the already drunk locals about the weird parts of town. Any strange people.
After some teeth pulling conversations with a woman who was clearly trying to get in his pants, he manages to get information about this house on top of a hill about five miles out of town. How the kids think it's haunted and only a lone woman lives there. The windows are boarded and a wire fence blocks any trespassers.
Apparently the woman leaves every three days at dawn and doesn't return until night and luckily for him she should be leaving tomorrow morning.
With a cigar in hand Logan stares out at the ocean, he doesn't know what time it is but he knows he can't sleep. His dreams are still plagued with watching his friends die. He just can't shake them off, even if that's not how things are anymore.
At the first sight of light peeking over the horizon he hops into his car and drives towards the lone cabin. He ditches the car about two miles in and walks the rest of the way. The sky is painted pinks and purples as he reaches the small cabin.
He catches two unfamiliar scents as he nears. One makes his eyes water, it's rotten. The other is much sweeter, like fresh flowers and honey. The door opens and Logan jumps behind a tree. The sound of footsteps and a car ring loud in his ears. He moves like an animal as he blends himself in with the foliage.
Once the car is gone he hurries past the fence. Cutting through it with ease and making his way into the cabin. He doesn't see anything as he enters. The lights are turned off and everything seems in order.
"Hello?" He calls into the dark house. His nose twitches as that floral scent invades his nose again. He closes his eyes and his hearing zones in on a heartbeat. It's beating faster and faster.
His eyes snap open and he turns around, grabbing your wrist that was inches above his back. In your hand was a crude excuse for a knife. Your eyes are wide and full of fear, your hands trembling in his grasp.
"There you are kid," Logan plucks the knife from hand with no fight and tosses it onto the counter.
"W-Who are you?" You try and tug your wrist away but he's too strong.
"Logan. Now I'm here to get you out of this place." He expects this, fear or uncertainty is common. But you he's never had someone try and attack him before. He wonders what your powers are.
"No." You say making Logan raise an eyebrow.
"I can't leave. She said they'd hurt me."
"Hurt you?" He lets go of your wrist and you slink back to the corner of the room. He wonders just want your mother has told you. He sighs and sits down on one of the dining room chairs.
The look on his face makes you shiver. He's so. Intense. No smile, no soft words. Like he could careless if you went with him or not.
"Why did they send you?" You ask and Logan just shrugs.
"I'm a people person." He says in a deadpan voice. You don't say anything back and Logan slowly lets his so called "angry" face shift to something else. You're probably scared and he's not great with people but he does want to help.
"Look I don't know what she told you, but I can promise that you don't deserve to be locked up from the world." He says and you lower your head.
"I know you're scared, but I'm just like you." He unsheathes his claws making you jump.
"There's this place, a home for people like us where we can be safe and you can learn to control whatever powers you have." You look down at your hands. Still uncertain about all of this.
Your mother had kept you here your whole life, forcing you to never use your powers. Telling you that the world hates what you are and to be lucky she hasn't fed you to the wolves already. Honestly you don't know why she keeps you around, but its true. You can't protect yourself from whatever is out there.
But this man, Logan. He seems like he's taken care of himself just fine. Not a single scratch on him. Maybe he can protect you too.
Your heart has longed for so much more than whatever this life has been so far. The books you read don't hold a candle to the real thing. Could he really take you to a place that's safe.
"Come with me and if you don't want it, if you don't like it. I'll take you back home." He offers, seeing the swirling emotions in your eyes.
"Promise?" You ask softly.
"Promise." Logan sticks his hand out. You glance down at it. It feels too good to be true but this could be your chance to leave this house, to be yourself. But your mother? Honestly, she'd be happy with you gone. Would she come after you or rejoice that her one problem is gone?
Guess you'll have to find out. You reach out and take Logan's hand, hoping you didn't just make a big mistake.
Logan doesn't waste much time heading back home. He takes you back to the motel and tells you to wait in the car while he packs his stuff and checks you. You've never been in a car before. Of course you knew what they were but being inside one was different.
Curiosity gets the best of you as you open every compartment and press every button you can see. You press something the car makes a noise making you jump. You press it again and again before Logan pulls the door open.
"Hey, quit fucking with the horn." He grumbles as gets into the drivers seat.
"Sorry." You apologize, putting your hands in your lap and looking down at them.
You're silent for a while. Not moving, not speaking a word. Logan keeps sneaking glances at you, guilt slowly building as you don't even look out the window.
When Charles said you were sheltered, he didn't realize you were this sheltered. He thinks back to what Charles said before he left. Patience. He's still working on that one.
"I didn't mean to snap at you." Logan says making you look up at him. Your head tilting in confusion.
"You really never been in a car?" He asks as he turns his attention back to the road.
"No, my parents wouldn't let me. I had to stay inside. I couldn't leave." You say quietly.
"You were pressing on the horn, you don't want to use it often. Only to get someone's attention or when someone's being a jackass." You nod your head, watching the other cars driving.
Suddenly Logan swears as a car cuts too close in front of him. He slams his hand on the horn and swerves around the car. He speeds up, glaring at the driver and throwing up his claws in a threatening manner.
"Like that?" You ask. Logan looks at you and lets out a small laugh.
"Yeah, like that."
He drives a little while longer before stopping for gas. He hands you a twenty and tells you to grab some snacks as he fiddles with the machine. You're too shy to tell him you've never been in a store before so you take the money and head in.
It's like a wonderland of sweets and food. You're mom didn't let you have anything like this. In fact she never even told you about half the things on the shelves. You had read about candy and soda in the books she'd bring you but that was it.
You grab anything you can carry. You're too wrapped up in the overwhelming options that you don't see the man in front of you. You bump into him and send both of your things to the ground. The drink in his hand spilling onto his shirt.
"I'm so sorry!" You squeak as you the man turns around and glares at you.
"Watch where you're fucking going." He snaps making your eyes widen.
You reach down and try to pick up the fallen items but he grabs onto your wrist. This isn't the same as when Logan did it. Logan was firm but gentle while this man was angry.
"You're hurting me." You try tugging yourself free but its no use. The mans grip tightens on your wrist. Suddenly the man is ripped away from you and thrown onto the ground.
"Get the fuck off her!" Logan growls. He stands tall above the man, a pissed off look on his face.
"She ran into me!" The man scrambles to his feet, trying to puff his chest out to stand toe to toe with Logan but it's a feeble attempt.
"Stupid bitch." Logan grabs onto his shirt and slams him into the shelf, uncaring if things fall.
"Listen here bub, you get the fuck out of here and take your cheap gas station coffee with you." Logan lets go of him and grabs the coffee cup.
Slamming it into his chest with force. You watch, afraid to even move as Logan pushes the man out of his way. He scrambles out the door, yelling something that you can't quite understand. Logan turns to you and your eyes start to well with tears.
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to cause all this I-"
"Hey, stop crying." Logan grabs your arms and waits for you to calm down. "It was an accident. That asshole isn't worth crying over alright?" He grabs all he fallen snacks and brings them to the counter.
The poor cashier couldn't even look Logan in the eye as he pays. Too afraid Logan might beat him up too. He hands you the bag of snacks and grabs a few cigars too.
"You really like sugar don't you?" He jokes as he sees the amount of sugary items in the bag.
"I've never had it before." You admit as you dig through the bag and find something small.
You dreamed of tasting it for the first time. You rip open the wrapper and bite into it. Wolfing it down in seconds. Logan chuckles, seeing the brightness in your eyes as you taste it for the first time.
"Pretty good huh sweetheart." He reaches over and takes your chin in his hand.
You drop whatever's in your hand, a sudden feeling of...you don't what to call it. Your stomach flutters as he wipes some chocolate off the side of your lips. Your heart starts to beat faster when you see him smile, his eyes turning soft. Palms sweaty and for some reason you don't think you can even look at him right now.
He lets go of you and turns back to the road without a second thought, like he didn't just cause this kind of reaction in you. You hug the bag of sweets and stare out at the road. Trying to calm your beating heart.
Night falls and Logan is still driving, he could drive for a while if he had to but he sees you asleep off out of the corner of his eye. He pulls of the highway and into the parking lot of a motel. He leaves you asleep in the passenger seat reluctantly, checking every couple seconds as he books a room.
When he comes back you're still sound asleep. You look so peaceful, a smile on your face and he wonders what you're dreaming about.
Candy wrappers sit on the floor the car but he just leaves them be. He did have to cut you off after about three kit kats, not wanting you to give yourself a stomach ache.
Seeing someone try flavored chips and processed candy for the first time was amusing. Seeing your face light up with each bite. You were just so, optimistic. He doesn't really know how. He expected you to be angry, jaded, afraid and meek from being locked away for so long. But instead you're full of wonder and curiosity.
You almost gave him a heart attack when you saw a cow for the first time. You slammed your hands on the window and you screamed in excitement. Pictures didn't do them justice, they were just too cute. Things that other people take for granted every day, you saw as new and wonderful.
He opens the car door and scoops you up in arms. Trying not to wake you as he makes his way into the room. Placing you on one of the beds.
"Hm?" You mumble as you sit up, the jostling having woken you.
"Sorry, tried not to wake you. We're stopping for the night go back to sleep." Logan whispers, laying a blanket over you.
"Okay..." Logan takes a sharp breath when he sees your wrist. The one that man from earlier had grabbed on to. You paid no mind to it as you roll over on your side, snuggling the warm blanket.
"Hey, we need to get this checked out." He gently grabs your wrist but you shoo him away.
"M'fine, it doesn't hurt." You say but he doesn't budge.
"Still, it looks like a nasty bruise is forming." You bat away his hand and cover your wrist with your other hand. Logan's jaw drops as your hair starts to glow. He scrambles back as the it shines brightly and then slowly fades away. When you move your hand your wrist is completely back to normal. No bruising to be seen.
"What the?" He looks at you in shock.
"My powers, I don't really know why but the hair glow seems to be apart of it." You rest your head back into the pillows.
"Why would your parents ever want you to hide this?" He asks in disbelief, your powers weren't ones of destruction but of healing.
A sad looks appears on your face and he doesn't ask any more questions. He sighs and rests his hand on your shoulder.
"Get some rest, we'll keep going in the morning." Your eyes close and sleep comes quicker than it has in a long time, Logan's presence lulling you into a feeling of safety.
The morning light shines right in your eyes as you wake to the sound of snoring. You groan as you roll over onto your back. As the world comes into focus you expect to find yourself staring at the cold wood ceiling you've woken up to every day of your life. But you don't.
You shoot straight up in bed seeing the motel décor and Logan asleep on his bed. He's sprawled out on his stomach, shirtless. His hair is still somehow in the same shape as it always sits. The gray streak in his hair matches with the slight graying of his beard. You feel that fluttering sensation in your stomach as you look at him. You want to look away but you can't. His face has that grumpy look on it, even in his sleep. You giggle as you see some drool on his pillow. You lay back down on your pillow, turning to face Logan. Is it creepy to watch someone sleep? Probably, but you wouldn't mind if Logan watched you sleep.
The only man you had ever known before was your father. When he left your mother grew bitter and angry. Neither of them liked your mutant powers but your mother really hated them. You never really understood why. You could help so many people but she refused.
She would tell you that people lead to nothing but trouble. That everyone was cruel and selfish. That love of any kind wasn't real. But some nights you'd sneak into her study and take on of the many books on the shelves.
Stories of romance , adventure, a knight in shining armor. Despite what your mother said to you, those books kept your fantasies of love alive. You just haven't experienced for yourself let. Could that be the silly feeling in your stomach?
I mean, Logan did come in and rescue you. He wasn't wearing armor or riding a horse, instead he showed up in a blue car and a leather jacket. He didn't slay a dragon but he did threaten that one guy at the gas station. You hear him stir, his eyes opening as he groans and shoves a pillow over his eyes so the sun stops hitting him.
You quickly turn on your other side, pretending to be asleep. Would Logan even want to be with someone like you? He's on a mission to bring you back to his home. This is just a mission for him.
The week deadline Logan gave Charles has gone out the window. It's been far longer as the two of you drive into a new state. Truth be told Logan has been enjoying being away from the mansion. There's no pressure to be anyone but who he is out here.
You don't know anything about his past, or who he was before he came back. You're bright eyed and curious. You had become more and more comfortable around him. You didn't care if he could shoot claws through his knuckles, you trusted him completely.
Now every time you saw something new you begged him to stop. He pretended to be annoyed, making some comment about how he doesn't have the money for all this damn gas. But he can't say no to you. Despite being locked away for so long you seem to have perfected your puppy dog eyes in a matter of days.
In some weird way, watching you discover the world has made him find some joy in life that he's been missing. Logan has always been a glass half empty person if you will and you were so full that some of it was spilling into Logan's glass. He learned that you weren't completely clueless but there were a lot of things that you had never experienced for yourself. Being told stories could only do so much.
You're leaning against the window of the car humming a song on the radio. You really love the radio. In the cupholder sits a water bottle that had been cut in half and filled with dirt and flowers. You had asked him to pull over while passing this field of flowers. He leaned against the car as you took your time admiring them all.
Laying down in the grass and staring at the blue sky. You had called him over and he stood above you, a smile on his face as you held out your hand.
"I don't frolic in flowers sweetheart." Still he let you lay and watch the wind blow the clouds, pointing out the ones that looked a little funny. By the time you got back in his car you had dirt on your clothes and the biggest smile on your face.
You handed him a little handful of daisies. You could barely look at him as you gave them to him, telling him they were a thank you. Those cute little flowers are now living in a cupholder but he likes being reminded of that day.
"Woah! Logan what's that?!" You sit up and point out the window. To your right was a massive wheel and tents and lots of cars.
"Must be a fair or something." He says.
"What's that?"
"It's like a big party I guess. There's greasy food and games and rides." He points towards the big wheel.
"Can we go?" You beg, this is the fourth time today you've asked him to stop and at this rate you won't get back to the mansion by next month. But Logan pulls off the freeway anyways.
The parking lot is uneven ground and you stumble as you try and step in the right spots. Logan just laughs, holding out his arm for you. Shyly you wrap your hands around his big biceps. The bright lights and smells overwhelm you as you step through the gates.
People all around you are laughing and enjoying themselves. You see kids running past trying to get to the next ride, people eating delicious smelling food, bells and whistles literally ringing in your ears from the different game booths.
"Too much?" Logan asks, pulling you to the side.
"No, it's just. I've never seen so many happy people all in one place." You admit. It was an contagious feeling, you wanted to explore everything. and be as happy as the people around you.
Logan takes you through the fair, not letting you go for a moment. He lets you play those rigged fair games for that teddy bear he could easily buy at some second hand store. But you want it so he pays the money. He does end up taking the last shot for you, using all his strength to knock down those damn bottles. Which he does but he also rips a whole in the tent and the tent behind it.
Oops. But you have that teddy bear now.
"I'm going to get us some food, you stay right here got it? No wandering." You nod as you sit on the wooden bench.
You're holding onto the bear waiting for him to come back when you hear someone crying. Through the noise of the fair you can pin point the quiet sobs. You know Logan told you to stay put but you can't ignore the cries. You get up and look around for the source, ducking behind one of the tents to see a little girl on the ground. She has tears streaming down her face clutching her knee.
"What's wrong?" You ask softly as you approach her. She looks scared and you try not to make things worse.
"I fell and hurt my knee and now I can't find my parents." She sniffs, wiping her eyes.
"Can I see your knee, I can help I promise." She looks unsure and so you take the teddy bear Logan won for you and hand it to her.
"This is Mr. Bear, he's a friend." She reaches out and takes him, petting his fluffy head and letting you get closer.
She hugs him tight as you gently rest your hands over her knee. Closing your eyes you hear her gasp as your hair starts to glow. When you open your eyes again her knee is healed. She stares at you in awe.
"You're magic!" She squeals as she stands up, her energy coming back in full force.
"I guess," She jumps into your arms, hugging you tightly. Suddenly she perks up, the frantic voice of an adult calling her name.
"That's my mommy, I should go." She hands you back Mr. Bear but you tell her to keep it.
She runs off to her mom and through the gaps of the tents you see her run into her arms. Her mom overjoyed at finding her again. Your heart sinks just a little, your own mother clawing her way back into your mind. Does she miss you? Did she even notice you were gone? You hear a tent rip and you turn around to see Logan pushing through the fabric. A panicked look on his face.
"Fuck! There you are." He grabs your arm and pulls you back out into the fair.
"I told you to stay put!" He sighs, running his hands through his hair.
"I'm sorry...This little girl, she was hurt and I wanted to help." You wrap your arms around your body, afraid that Logan would be upset at you forever. He looks around and sees a familiar looking bear in a little girls hand. She was talking animatedly to her mother. He can pick up a few words. Magic, healing.
"That was dangerous to do sweetheart, you don't know what kind of people are out here." The worry in his chest isn't going anywhere as he sits down on the bench.
The fear that overtook him when he saw you were gone, fuck he hasn't felt that in a long time. His mind going to the worst places as he frantically searched for you.
"I know, I just couldn't leave her there." You say.
The truth is you had forgotten what the world was like to people like you. Your mother fed you lies for years about how horrible people were to those like you. Mutants. But for some reason when you're with Logan you feel safe. You feel like nothing can hurt you with him around. He's completely flipped your life upside down and you've loved every second. So for a moment you didn't even think of the danger of using your powers out in public. Not when you had Logan.
To your shock Logan pulls you into a hug. His arms wrapping around you tightly. You're here, you're okay. He tells himself. He can't fight it anymore, this feeling inside of him. Somethin in him has changed and it's all your fault.
He lets go far too soon your liking. Not saying a word as he hands you some food. You eat in silence, your knee bouncing up and down as you keep glancing at Logan.
"You don't like it?" He asks seeing how you've barely touched it.
"No no I do, I just...I guess I'm not that hungry." You push the tray of food back to Logan and he just sighs.
"Come on, I want to show you something." He stands up and holds out his hand.
Silently you let him lead you through the crowds until you've gone past the games and the food. Your jaw drops as you see the big wheel come into view. All of your worries are forgotten as you run towards it, Logan following close behind.
"Get in sweetheart, I'll be right there." You see him whisper something to the ride operator and hand him something before getting in next to you. You yelp as it starts to move. Slamming your back against the metal of the seat.
"It's okay, I got you." Logan lifts his arm and puts it around you, letting you stick to his side as the cart goes higher and higher.
You wrap your arms around his waist, burying your face in his chest as you feel yourself getting higher up in the sky. A loud pop makes you screech and slide closer to Logan. He chuckles and gently tilts your head up to look at him.
"Check it out sweetheart, got the best view in the house." You slowly move your face to see big bright colors in the air. You let go of Logan and grab onto the metal bar. Leaning over it as you watch the bright colors shoot through the sky.
"Fireworks." You say breathlessly.
Every year the small city near by would launch these into the sky. Your mother always forced you to bed before night fall but you had your ways and would sneak all the way to the attic. Watching through the tiny window. You could only ever catch a glimpse but it was the highlight of your year, now here they are right in front of you.
"They're beautiful."
Red, Orange, Blue shimmers of light just light up the whole sky. The sky rumbles from the loud booms and the soft fizzles. You rest your head in your hands, utterly mesmerized by the scene in front of you.
Logan has seen a lot of fireworks in his day but these just might be his favorite. They're nothing special. Maybe a little bigger than he's scene before. But these are the ones to bring a smile to your face. You haven't stopped smiling since the show started. He wanted you as close as you could get and what better place than the top of the Ferris wheel.
There's colors lighting up the sky but his eyes are on you. He just can't help himself. Seeing you so happy, so at peace. It's all he wants. His own heart beats a little faster when you look back at him. Nothing but pure joy in that pretty smile.
"Gorgeous." He whispers. You look down at your lap, fighting the fluttering in your stomach.
"Thank you, for everything Logan. For showing me the world, for...for just being you." You don't think you could ever repay what Logan has done for you.
Everything feels so different now but it's a good different. The kind of different that makes you want to dig deeper to see just what has changed.
"I owe you more than you know sweetheart," Logan's rough hand covers yours. He gently takes lifts it off the metal bar and interlaces his fingers with yours, squeezing it gently.
"You asked when we first met why they sent me to come get you." His other hand reaches to cup your face. There's nothing but love and adoration in his eyes as he tilts your head up.
"The truth is I was lost." He doesn't want to spill everything but he needs to know what this whole trip, what you mean to him.
"The past couple of months it feels like I've been drowning, like I couldn't breathe. Until I met you. You look at the world with an optimism I haven't scene in so long. It's infectious. You're infectious."
"Is that a good thing?" You whisper, afraid to even move in fear of ruining this moment.
"Depends, I'm an old man sweetheart. If you don't mind that, if you don't mind me." He knows that he may not be the kind of person you've dreamed of. He's not exactly out of a storybook now is he?
"Logan...All I've known is the inside of that house. I didn't know what was out here," You glance back at the fireworks, at the people below you watching and laughing.
"But you showed me just what I've been missing and I could never thank you enough. I don't know why you felt so lost, but I'm glad it led you to me." Everything just feels right, your heart beating in time with his as he leans in.
Capturing your lips in a soft kiss. Now you don't know if the fireworks are in your head or if they're still going. You can't focus on anything but the feeling of his lips on yours. Both his hands now cupping your face as he deepens the kiss. Chasing after the fresh air that he's longed to breathe.
You reach up and tug on his jacket. Needing him closer to you. This, this is more than you could ever imagine. The stories don't do it justice. Words on paper could never have prepared you for this. For the feeling of his hands on your skin, the movement of his lips, the soft noises, the scent of cigars and honey, the desperation behind every single thing he does.
It couldn't have prepared you for the overwhelming flood of emotions swirling through your heart. It's brand new and you never wanted to it to end. It feels like an eternity passes by the time Logan finally pulls back, his lips still so close to yours. His chest rises and falls slowly. Maybe it's just the fair lights but you swear you see the red creeping up his face.
"What are you looking at?" You ask shyly. A giggle bubbling in your chest as he presses a kiss to your cheek.
"Just wondering how I got so lucky." He says sincerely. Seriously how? Maybe this was the worlds way of thanking him, for forgiving him for the sins of his past.
"I think I'm the lucky one." You kiss his wrist, resting your hand on his arm.
The ferris wheel lurches back into motion taking you both off guard. Logan grabs onto you quickly, pulling you into his chest as you slowly move back down to the ground.
It's like everyone else fades to the background as Logan guides you through the crowd. You're very aware of his hand in yours. You don't ever want to let go. But the fair has come to an end and it's time to leave. Though you don't think you'll ever forget today.
"Do we have to go back to New York already?" You ask as you rest your head against the car window.
"There's still so much I want to see." So much you want to see with Logan.
Logan taps on the steering wheel, he knows he'll have to return to the mansion eventually but he looks over and sees those pleading eyes.
"I don't think they're missing me too much, maybe a little longer." Your eyes light up and he just shakes his head, a smile on his face. Man is he fucked.
I'll be home soon Charles, if you can hear me.
As Logan pulls out of the parking lot he thinks back to what he was told before leaving. Take your time. Well he never specified just how much time. In fact, a small cabin up in Canada doesn't sound too bad right about now. But he'll take you there another day. For now, you have the whole world to explore. He rests his hand on your thigh and pulls out onto the freeway.
"So sweetheart, where do you want to go next?"
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Lesbian humanformers >>>>>>
All art goes to beloved @bloominglegumes !!
#transformers#transformers edit#jazz x prowl#jazz#prowl#soundwave#blaster#jazzprowl#i loveeee#there art ❤️
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#tori himemiya#hajime shino#fine enstars#ra*bits#hajitori#so cuteee#enstars fanart#enstars#enstarrie#ensemble stars#ibispaintx#ensemble stars music#i loveeee#cute#frilly
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i actually think oshamir is similar to haladriel from rings of power. halbrand deceived galadriel but he still treated her with a lot of respect and there was actual vulnerability between them. him asking her to join him in the end came from a place of desire to “rule the world together” which is similar to the power of two that qimir was talking about. and halbrand obviously sensed galadriel’s inner darkness, made her more aware of it and in turn she learned how to kind of channel this to her benefit and become more powerful. it’s similar direction where oshamir might be headed. but maybe unlike galadriel refusing his offer, osha will actually join qimir.
i love when my etl ships do that and there’s no “i can fix him” mess. for me personally lol
#yap yap yap#the acolyte#oshamir#osha x qimir#lotr#the rings of power#haladriel#saurondriel#i am not as familiar with lotr lore as i am#with star wars#but i enjoyed the dynamic in the prequel show#and oshamir is moving that way#i loveeee#light/dark ships and corruption arcs are so good
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A big thank you to my pooki @mizz-sea-nymph
I love Pani and them sm I even made it my instagram profile and phone background
It’s Adamas and Narkissa guys 🥲💖

#record of ragnarok#shuumatsu no valkyrie#ror#snv#終末のワルキ���ーレ#ror adamas#snv adamas#record of ragnarok oc#shuumatsu no valkyrie oc#ror oc#snv oc#AAAAAA#I LOVEEEE#MWAH MWAH MWAH
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My friend @venirush drew some little doodles of Moji one night and im sooo🙏 dfhvhdsjfdv just *inserts a billion hearts* Honestly these are now in my arsenal none that know me shall escape this MY RAT!!!! MY CHILD !!!! MY SILLY GUY !!!!!!!!
#[🌻] Moji#Moji Jihalo#fhsona#fantasy high oc#d20 fantasy high#dimension 20 fantasy high#fantasy high#GIGGLING AND ROCKING BACK AND FORTH AND GIGGLING ANBF#SGVJKBLDSBHDFBHOBJLHVLHVFHDVHJDVLBVJN#god im crazy#i loveeee#so much#THE HAND WAVING ONEEEE OUGHH#mean 2 me.....#this is all i could ever dream of fr its like yeah yeah#this is LIFE#LOVE AND LIFE AND IYEKHEHAH
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MY QT 😣😣😣😣😣

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Hush is so weird and creepy i wanna kiss him
#redacted asmr#redacted audio#redactedverse#redacted hush#fun fact it took me like 3 times to type hush#cause it kept autocorrecting to bush#“oh he’s very dead🙂“#i loveeee
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“Do you remember when we sat up at night... counting stars?”

[Photo credits to @colemorrison and @bedoballoons]
#overwatch#ramattra#zenyatta#ya'll don't understand the emotions I felt this morning#I loveeee#sobbing
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tinashe via instagram
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sunarin listens to 88rising and dpr ian !!!!
#babbles.#SPECIFICALLY BIBI#but not limited to#omg dpr ian enjoyer suna rin x niki enjoyer reader#I LOVEEEE#sunarin is a secret music nerd he’s just adorable like that
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guys I was rewatching smooth opera-rator and check this out

I found a miscolor!!
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right so that shauna + melissa kiss was so fucking hot sorry i ship them im sorry shoot me 🤷♀️🤷♀️🙉🙉🤞
#I LOVEEEE#i haven’t watched the latest ep but i def don’t think shauna will be emotionally invested. and if she is then something in her is still#picturing jackie#but i still ship them because girls kissing 🩷#also why aren’t people discussing this more#i know we’re still stuck on jackieshauna but we just saw a girl hold a knife to another girls throat and then get kissed#this is like such a classic fanfiction trope#and it’s GAY#like woah……#yellowjackets spoilers
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