mikonez · 11 days
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trans arthur lester scream if you agree
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melverie · 1 year
Just remembered that Satan in the "A World of Our Very Own" devilgram says that he believes he was "born in order to meet MC" and it always sounded incredibly cheesy to me but then I thought about it a little more and--
Originally, Satan was just a small glimmer inside Lucifer's consciousness until Lucifer's wrath reached its peak with Lilith's death which, in turn, resulted in Satan's birth
MC is a direct descendant of Lilith after she was reborn as human
If it weren't for Lilith's death, neither of them would be here
Both of their existences are directly intertwined with one another, so in a way Satan's right
They have always been destined to be a part of each other's lives
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itaogo · 14 days
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"With love,
Ada Tennant."
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smallest-moon · 11 months
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Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 12 my beloved ♡
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hello-eeveev · 1 year
I imagine Essek had this moment of recognition with Astrid and Eadwulf while they were all in the Blooming Grove, similar to how Kima was like “sword lesbian recognize sword lesbian” with Yasha. They all looked at each other and went “neutral evil wizard with complicated feelings for Caleb and a weird relationship to their homeland recognize neutral evil wizard with complicated feelings for Caleb and a weird relationship to their homeland,” and they didn’t need to discuss it any further. Their relationship is not affectionate at all, but it is not hostile. It can’t even really be called professional. It’s just there, and it’s a relationship of few words, but enough understanding.
And Astrid. Astrid Beck, my most beloved. Her relationship with Caleb hurts, if she’s being honest. But so does her relationship with Eadwulf, even though it’s a different kind of hurt. She is just full of trauma and I don’t think there is anything in her life that isn’t filtered through it, so everything is just kinda painful.
But I imagine that after taking on the role of Archmage, Astrid feeds Essek just enough intel to steer clear of the Assembly's ire, but they don't talk at all beyond that. So like, they don't really know anything about each other, but they are still offering up a lot of trust. It creates this weird intimacy of knowing someone's greatest secrets (Astrid, about Essek) and having seen them at their lowest point (Essek, about Astrid) and sharing a weakness (both of them, for Caleb). But at the same time, there is a massive divide between them that, for a myriad of reasons, will never ever be bridged. They both know this, so they won't even try.
They do not have a relationship, but there is still so much to it, you feel me?
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frascospecimen · 10 months
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Practicing drawing bodies feat. Callie
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zuutiomi · 3 months
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just doodle of the most evil and gay necromancers on nirn
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witchinatree · 7 months
giggling and kicking my feet at the mention of the loml georgie barker
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I forgot how to draw Spamton but rahh!! ^_^ 🎂
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sprinkanao · 2 years
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"My senpai gave me these concert tickets. Want to go with me?"
Redraw Tokyo Mew Mew New Scene Episode 9
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divinedeathbed · 3 months
Kniiiiightttt knigghttttt kniiiight
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walmart-icarus · 11 months
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Trick or treat :>
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vanillashusband · 1 year
liking horror and horror concepts is so great except when you are very scared of everything
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hearteyedbunny · 6 months
i wrote this for my boyfriend, its his lone wanderer and butch deloria from fo3 <3 love these dorks so much they are SO gay and SO stupid
“Hey,” Butch gently elbowed the man next to him as he spoke up. They had been sitting on the floor for some time now, mostly in silence as they both did their own thing. Warren was intently reading some book about explosives that he had scavenged, while Butch busied himself with patching up a hole in his leather jacket. Butch still didn’t know why Warren had chosen to sit on the floor to read his book when there was a perfectly good bed right next to them, but at this point it was usually better not to ask about any decisions Warren made. “You, uh, you ever kissed anyone, man?”
Warren looked up from his book quizzically, his green eyes giving Butch all of his attention.
“Hmm...no. Have you, Butch?” He answered so honestly, not even curious as to why his friend was asking in the first place. Sometimes Butch admired his naivety, and sometimes he wondered how Warren had managed to stay alive so long with that attitude. He supposed pure luck would do wonders.
“Ah…yeah. I’ve kissed loads of chicks…” His lips twitched nervously, but Warren didn’t seem to pick up on it, only staring at him as he listened. “But that don’t surprise me, you never exactly been a ladies man. Didn’t get no action, even after you left the vault, huh?”
Butch was laughing, playfully slapping Warren on the shoulder. The sound was pleasant to Warren’s ears and he smiled as he gazed at Butch. Warren thought he always looked so pretty when he laughed.
“I guess not, but being out here in the wasteland…it keeps me busy. I didn’t really think about girls,” and he never really did, if he was being honest. He couldn’t remember a time where he ever thought about a woman, or about kissing one. He thought about Butch all the time, though, even when they were kids. Warren always thought that was normal, but nowadays he was starting to become anxious about the whole thing, wondering if maybe he was different after all. He was twenty years old, and had never kissed anyone, let alone a woman. Was there something he was missing?
“Well, y’know…” Butch cleared his throat awkwardly, the sound snapping Warren out of his thoughts. His eyes avoided Warren’s own intense gaze. “I was thinking, uh…I could teach you. If you want. Y’know…so you’re ready when that unlucky dame finally takes pity on you. Wouldn’t want you embarrassin’ yourself or anythin’...”
Butch’s face burned bright red, but Warren was still giving him that sweet and trusting smile. Goddamn, he smiled like he could never be mad at anyone. Butch couldn’t count the amount of times he had given Warren a hard time when they were kids, and still he looked at Butch like he was the whole world.
“Like, practice kissing? On you?” Warren laughed nervously, but didn’t seem uncomfortable, “That’s nice of you, Butch. Sure, we can do that.”
“Um! C-Cool, yeah…” Butch felt himself stutter and was internally beating himself on the head. He thought about kissing Warren all the time, maybe more than was normal, but he always managed to push it down in the end. This time he supposed he just couldn’t keep his thoughts to himself. Ever since they had been traveling together, it was becoming increasingly harder and harder to keep his thoughts quiet. Every time Warren looked at him, smiled at him, rested up against him when they sat together, when there was only one bed and Warren insisted it was alright to share it…Butch’s head had been swimming for months now. “J-Just…Whenever you feel like it, I’m here for you, man.”
“Oh…What about now? I-I’m not busy, or anything…” Warren had to admit he was a little nervous as well. He had seen people kiss before, and even read about it, but the action still seemed so foreign to him. He was afraid of messing it up, but was grateful that Butch would be the first person he ever shared this experience with.
“Sure!” Butch almost squeaked, clearing his throat again in an attempt to hide how quick and enthusiastic his response had been, “I mean. Yeah, sure. Yeah…Just, sit in front of me…Come here.”
Warren did as he was told, placing his book to the side and moving so that he and Butch were sitting across from each other now, looking each other directly in the face. Warren couldn’t ever remember seeing Butch so red. He must have been nervous too, but Warren couldn’t understand why, if Butch had so much more experience than him…
“You’re gonna wanna close your eyes,” Butch couldn’t believe this was actually happening. Sure, he had been the one to suggest it, but it was just a stupid little idea, almost a joke, and yet he shouldn’t have been surprised when Warren went along with it. Sweet, stupid Warren…Butch’s head was full of thoughts again. “Just…just close your eyes and I’ll lean in. Uh, just move your lips against mine, when you feel me���”
“Okay, Butch,” Warren was obedient, fluttering his eyes closed without a second thought. His hands were folded in his lap, his fingers nervously rubbing against the fabric of his pants, “Don’t be nervous, it’s me.”
“I ain’t nervous,” Butch retorted quietly, allowing himself a heavy sigh that he didn’t realize he had been holding in his chest. 
His heart was in his throat as he hesitated, staring at the man sitting in front of him. Even after being out in the wasteland for so long, Warren was still the same boy he was in the vault. He still had the same face, despite the several burn scars that imprinted themselves in his skin. His cheeks were pink and dusted lightly with a few freckles, his eyelashes long, and his honey-blonde hair fluffy and soft. His slicked back locks were starting to curl slightly around his ears and against his neck, while a few strands came loose and hung freely against his forehead. Butch made a mental note that maybe he should do the man a favor and give him a haircut soon, he seemed overdue for one.
Finally finding his courage, Butch leaned in. His own eyes slowly shut as their faces grew closer. He could hear his heartbeat thump-thump-thumping in his ears, drowning out any other noise that might have been around them. His palms were sweaty, his hands shaking slightly as it finally dawned on him just what was about to happen. He was going to kiss his long time crush, the man he had his eyes on for as long as he could remember. He wondered if Warren was as nervous as he was, or if he was just as carefree as he’s always been.
Their lips finally joined together, their mouths pressing softly and eagerly against each other. It was awkward, their teeth clinking together a few times as they excitedly and hurriedly breathed each other in. Butch tried to take control, his shaking fingers cupping Warren’s rounded jaw and keeping him steady. The kiss only lasted for a few moments as Warren broke away to catch his breath, forgetting to breathe in their haste.
Butch blinked open his eyes to meet the emerald green ones in front of him. Warren’s face was flushed, and he looked starstruck.
“Was that okay?” Warren asked nervously. 
Butch only blinked in response, his head filled with nothing but the thought of those velvety, pink lips against his own. They were as soft as he had imagined so many times before.
“Butch?” Warren waved a hand in front of Butch’s face, finally freeing him from his thoughts.
“Uh…” Butch blinked a few times, “Yeah…Yeah, was good. A little sloppy, could use some work…” 
“You wanna try again?”
“Yeah…” Butch’s voice was low as he stared at the blonde, almost like he was in a trance, “C’mere…”
Butch shifted forward on his knees a little, the hand cradling Warren’s jaw wrapping around the back of his head to thread through his golden locks, causing Warren to moan quietly as their lips collided once more.
This time was just as heated, but slow and careful as they took their time. Butch softly gripped the back of the other man’s neck and, goddammit, Warren wouldn’t stop making those little hushed moans as their lips moved together. Butch wondered if Warren was even aware of what those noises were doing to him, or if he knew he was even making them at all. He sounded so sweet. Butch wanted to devour him whole.
Caught in the moment, Butch flicked his tongue out to lick his way into Warren’s soft mouth. The blonde flinched away at the sensation, breaking their kiss and sending Butch into a panic. God, I fucked up, he thought, I went too far and now he’s never gonna talk to me again…
“Shit. I’m sorry man, I–”
“It’s okay,” Warren interrupted, placing a hand on Butch’s arm, “I’ve never, uh… It surprised me,” He smiled sheepishly and Butch wanted to tackle him to the floor, “I liked it…can we keep going?” It killed Butch how soft Warren’s voice was, like he was equally afraid of scaring Butch off.
Butch only nodded in response, their faces still so close to each other that all he had to do was lean in again to press their lips together for a third time. Warren accepted him eagerly, wrapping his muscled arms around Butch’s neck and pulling him close to his own body. Butch was the one to moan at that, a noise he didn’t even realize he was making until it already escaped him.
Pushing gently at Warren’s chest, Butch ushered him to lay on his back before climbing atop him in his haste. Warren didn’t seem to object, allowing Butch to straddle him and do what he pleased. The arms wrapped around Butch’s neck began to explore, one feeling along his back and the other entwining into the back of his thick, dark hair. Butch shuddered.
Warren whimpered this time when he felt Butch’s tongue slowly trace along his top lip. He opened his mouth tentatively, allowing Butch to lick his way inside. It was…an odd feeling, but Warren didn’t dislike it. He wasn’t sure what to do with his own tongue, so he just let Butch take the lead. He shivered as Butch felt his way around, exploring Warren’s mouth and drinking up every muffled moan that the blonde couldn’t keep to himself. Warren didn’t mean to be so noisy, but it was so hard when Butch was right on top of him, invading his mouth and biting softly at his bottom lip.
The sudden grind of Butch’s hips made them both groan. Warren tightened his fingers in Butch’s hair, desperate to keep him close even as their kiss broke. They nuzzled against each other, both gasping quietly at the friction.
They stayed that way for a few moments, bodies glued to one another as both of them attempted to catch their breath. Warren leaned his head back against the floor, just breathing softly and fluttering his eyes shut, his hand still coiled in Butch’s hair. Butch looked down at him, admiring his flushed cheeks and the way his chest rose and fell as he breathed. He was beautiful. Butch realized he was hard, and then he realized Warren was too. Butch felt himself grow hotter, if that was even possible at this point.
“You…I…” Butch’s tongue suddenly felt too heavy in his mouth, “That was–”
“Good…” Warren finished his sentence, smiling up at Butch serenely. He was petting the back of Butch’s neck, and Butch felt it tingle along his spine. “I mean…did I do good?”
“Yeah…” Butch felt lightheaded, his courage from just a few minutes ago suddenly nowhere to be found. He realized he was shaking. “Great. You did great.”
Warren slid his fingers back into Butch’s hair, pushing him forward so that their lips were almost touching. They looked into each other’s eyes, and Butch shivered again as he realized Warren’s looked hungry.
“I want more,” Warren’s words were punctuated by an experimental roll of his hips. It was Butch’s turn to whimper. “Show me, Butch…”
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oddogoblino · 11 months
cant sleep so bugging the moots hiiiiiii :3 ily /p im still trying to remebr to rb yer arts a bunch when i see it. bc i think yer amazing and talented and grgrrgr get appreciated idiot /pos
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deerlisteners · 11 months
do u ever suddenly become so overwhelmed w love for ur friends that u have to cry abt it. because baby i waiugh
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