#also fuuuuuuuckkkk this was cool
smallest-moon · 11 months
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Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 12 my beloved ♡
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tense-gayety · 7 years
What’s that? A call in the darkness? A whistle in the wind? I tired old gal who hasn’t been in drag in months but still wants to feel relevant??? 
Yes, that’s right, it’s me, Lady Dee, the Kirstie Alley of drag, here to deliver onto the masses her stupid opinions, because why the hell not?? 
Let’s get into it. Week 6 
Analyse: A bit of a miss for me this week. The elements are there, but it isn’t cohesive. I really like the cage skirt, and the flowers, and the beret is killer. That said, this look isn’t giving me death (see what I did there???) It reads as like... Villain from a Disney Channel Original Movie. And the harness looks cheap. A close call, but it must in the end be a 
Avana: This is not uncute. I think you could have done something more with the main body of the dress, it’s a bit of a wall of black. And the day of the dead paint it a bit done to death. Also when you do cardboard accessories, you need to make sure you get them ALL painted, even the sides, otherwise it looks tacky (I should know.) Maybe I’m feeling mean today but it’s a 
Lexi: Classic flawless Lexi Look. The spider thing coming out of your eye??!!?? Poetry darling. This is tight, precise, but still loaded with detail. Fuckin GREAT execution. Not much more to say. 
Marcella: Fuuuuuuuckkkk meeee upppppppppppppp. The first full body pic of this look where you’ve got that thousand mile stare belongs in the fucking Met. Everything about this says suffocation. Your artistry gags me so damn hard!!! The shape you’ve created. The makeup. Even the hair somehow says suffocation. God damn. 
Paprika: Paaaaapalalapaaaaaaa. This looks is certainly... scary. Something about the sad, raggedy teenaged drag queen in the back of her suburban yard in late winter with bad lighting is just hitting my “ E X I S T E N T I A L D R E A D” button really hard. Which I don’t mind. Still, it must be a  
Phoebe: I’m not getting tornado. Oh at all. This dress is super cute though!!! I like the twirly thing and the shoulder bit. Pls maybe don’t open your eyes so scary wide all the time??? Just because it isn’t giving me your theme (but I really like this and well done,) 
Sugar: SUGAAARRRRR!! Oh bitch, she finally showed up!!! This is fucking cool as hell and so scary. I can here that demented circus music every time I look at these pics. You really fucking did it. Keep this up!! I love the shape you created, I love the makeup, I love the photography. I love this. 
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