doodleneo · 1 year
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OH EYAH THIS TOO,,i've been rambling about VVR and my VVR AUs on WBs a lot,,./and i ended up getting somebody into VVR LOL they made their own bubberz so i drew,.,,///their bubber,,💖
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zappedbyzabka · 11 months
And they were roommates
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oh-katsuki · 1 year
Hey, just wanna say I’ve read all ur tendou fics and despite watching haikyuu for the last time so long ago he has remained my favorite anime boy I always go back to. Every fic has made me cry whether happy sad or in between tears, (that’s a pun if you want it lmao). Idk they’re all just so. Perfect. Exactly what I need whenever I read them. There aren’t many writers for him recently and especially not ones as good as you. It seems a small thing to be so happy about in hindsight bc it isn’t typically the thing that does so for me but I genuinely love and enjoy them so much, thank you:))))
you are so so so SO kind!! im rly glad you enjoy my tendou fics bc i THOROUGHLY enjoy writing them and it makes me happy to see people enjoying them <3 he's one of those characters for me that is an absolute joy to write and the fics that i've written for him feel very personal and important to me.
thank you for the kind words and compliments and im so so so happy that you like them <3 i hope you're doing well!!!
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mooniebatz · 1 year
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Here’s it! It messy lel uhhh soooo I dunno witch wun ta choose!! Fur de sweater, yellowy cloud or orangey clouds?
besids dat,,, dis is zeze znores! Dey ar jus a sleepy wittle wolfi! :3
he/they/it/pup/cloud pronouns fur zeze!
de stuffie it carry it name bee “mr nini” (he/it)
❤️‍🩹🍼info bout zeze!🍼❤️‍🩹
Dey ar wik a stuffie basically. Although talls (5’7) it is very Smol n never big
is nicknamed sleepyhead by Julie and Howdy
never leaves their house witout mr nini n der paci
wears primary cowlrd pads :3
is regressed at de age of 3-5 yrs olds
poppy, howdy, Wally, eddie and Julie takes care of them. Mainly howdy or Wally tho
hates loud sounds
prefers the quietness
loves lullabies and soft tingys
voice is soft and has a slight southern accent to it
likez frank and his rambls bout butterflies
sally is a bit too loud for him but if they tell sally she’s being too loud, she’ll twy n bee mor quiet
Finds home wacky
gives home pats,, doesn’t knu if it cn feely it but it seems oki wit it n pup tinks he cn wik it
Sees barneby as a big brother of sorts
💫and here’s sum nicknames zeze gib der neighbors :3💫
calzz Wally “da” or “wawa” Wally melted wen zeze called him da fur de 1st times lel
callz Julie “Jaja “ :p she giggles everytime zeze callz her it
callz Eddie “Dede” cant help but hug zeze wen he callz him dat
callz barneby “bee” or “pubby “ he pats their head wen he hears des names :]
Callz poppy “mama” she nearly die of cutesness wen zeze calld her dat
callz howdy “buggy” or “baba” he giggles n picks up zeze gibbin escemo kithes ta zeze
Callz frank “fwanki “ or “bubber “(wik bubberfly :3) frank likes it. Smiles, and continus ramblin bout bugs :D
callz sally “sunny” she boops zeze n goes “hehe yes-sir-y! Yu got dat rit mr!”
Dat wus a wot (^^;) hehe woopsieee pup rambled
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doctorstethoscope · 2 years
Sink or Swim || November
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lets all ignore the fact that the last chapter of this is supposed to come out next week and it's not done yet ok
contains: food consumption, grumpiness, a tiny bit of innuendo
wordcount: 1.9k
“Babe?” you call out to Aaron, who is upstairs trying to wrangle Jack out of his Spider-Man pajamas and into a polo for Thanksgiving dinner at Rossi’s. “Do you know where Alexis’ shoes are?”
“If I had seen them, I would have put them in her closet where they belong,” he calls back, a little tense. You take a deep breath and remind yourself that it’s always stressful for both of you getting the kids out of the house on time, let alone when there’s a special occasion involved.
The shoes, as it turns out, are in a bucket of Lexie’s blocks– no doubt her or her brother’s doing. You buckle her into the teeny-tiny mary janes that compliment her baby overall dress and turtleneck, and by the time you’re done, Jack and his father are bounding down the stairs, ready to go themselves. 
“Look at that, and everyone is in one piece,” you smile. “Let’s hit the road, then.” 
Once everyone’s settled in the car, you flick the radio to the holiday music station and take a deep breath. The hard part was over, and now you could enjoy a calm, reflective day with your family.
“I’m hungry,” Jack whines from the backseat. 
“You’ll eat when we get there,” Aaron chides. 
“But I’m hungry now,” he groans. 
“I know, bubbers, I’m hungry too,” you console him. “What food is your favorite?” You ask, trying to distract him. 
“The cranberry sauce with the ridges,” he tells you excitedly. 
“Naturally, the pure sugar from the can,” you remark with a little roll of your eyes. 
“How come Lexie gets to eat whenever she wants?” Jack asks. 
“Because she’s a baby, Jack,” Aaron snarks back.
“She doesn’t understand that food is coming the same way that you do, and she needs a lot more food than you do, bud,” you supplement his father’s explanation with a more gentle tone. 
You make it to Rossi’s without further complaints, and Jack’s all but forgotten his hunger once he sees Henry. 
“Aaron, can you come help me hang up the kids coats?” You say, passing Lexie off to Penelope and giving Aaron a quick glance that says “follow me to the closet and don’t ask questions.”
He, gratefully, reads you as well as he always has and follows you to Rossi’s coatroom. 
“Baby, are you alright? You aren’t acting like yourself today,” you whisper to Aaron as he shuts the door behind him.
He sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face. “I’ve been a bit of an asshole, you mean.” 
“You’ve been… a little grumpy,” you say, stepping closer to him and winding your arms around his neck. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing that excuses my behavior,” he answers. “The end of the year is always difficult administratively… Strauss and the rest of the brass have been breathing down my neck about the budget and our annual numbers. But I need to leave that stuff at my desk, it’s not fair to you or the kids.”
“Neither one of us is perfect. Yesterday I just about played Connect Four by myself because I told Jack we couldn’t play unless he ate a vegetable,” you confess, and he chuckles. 
“I’ll do better. I know I’ve been staying at the office late, and you’ve had to take on more than your fair share with them,” he apologizes. 
“I’m not watching the clock, hon. Work needs more from you right now, down the line I’m sure something will come up for me and you’ll take it in stride. I’m more concerned about you– are you eating when you come home at night? Or taking breaks during the day? The team can help before you’ve run yourself ragged, you know.”
“I need reminders,” he admits. “Maybe a pretty lunch date would help,” he smirks, leaning in to kiss you, which you happily return. 
“I think I can make that happen,” you assure him. “Come on, let’s get back out there before someone gives Jack pie and ice cream before dinner.” 
Rossi has dinner catered, and the meal is lovely. Aaron puts Jack’s plate together and settles him at the kid’s table, and you set up Lexie’s high chair next to you, cutting up some turkey and carrots for her to gnaw at. It keeps her entertained while the adults eat, and JJ is more than happy to give her a bottle after dinner.
“How have you and Hotch been?” Emily asks as the women of the BAU gather in the living room while the men break for whisky in the study. 
“We’ve been good,” you say. “Work has been busy for him. But things are good– I feel like Lexie’s developing more and more of a personality every day, which keeps us on our toes. She’s into throwing food onto the floor and taking off her socks and shoes right now. She’d run around barefoot in the snow if we’d let her,” you tell the girls, and they all laugh. 
“When’s the last time you and the boss got out of the house? No kids, no case.” Penelope asks. 
“Oh, gosh…” you say, running through the calendar in your mind. “Is it awful if I say August? We had dinner and went dancing. It was lovely,” you smile. 
“It’s not awful…” JJ says with a hesitant cringe. 
“But it’s not good, either,” Emily interrupts.
“We’ve got our hands pretty full,” you remind your friends. “Even if we were able to plan more dates, we’d probably get interrupted for a case.” 
“That doesn’t mean you don’t try!” Penelope interjects. “Let us take the kids this weekend.” 
“Pen, that’s sweet, really, but I couldn’t ask—” 
“You didn’t ask. We’re offering,” Emily cuts you off. 
“It will be good for both of you,” JJ intercedes. “Regular date nights saved Will when we were in this stage. And if I recall correctly, you were one of the biggest insistors that we take the help offered to us,” she teases you. “It’s practically my job to return the favor now.” 
You fret a little bit, biting at your thumbnail. “It would be good for Aaron. He needs a break,” you agree. 
“And so do you,” Emily insists.
“Well, let me talk to him about it. But can I give you a tentative yes?” You ask. 
“Of course!” Garcia insists. “Hotch will say yes.” 
“What am I saying yes to?” Aaron asks as he emerges from the study with the rest of the guys.
“Date night,” you explain, and he breaks out into a smile. 
“That one’s always a yes,” he confirms, ducking his chin to plant a kiss to your cheek.
“So, Penelope gave us rules for this evening,” you mention to Aaron as you both settle into a booth at Lafayette in DC– you don’t know how he managed to get reservations on such short notice, but you’re grateful. He likes to spoil you– and you can’t help but be pleased by it. 
“Oh boy,” Aaron groans playfully, the shadow of a grin playing on his features. 
“No talking about the kids, and no talking about work,” you explain to him. 
“Seems simple enough,” he says. 
“Yeah,” you agree. “It’s a good rule.” 
The two of you peruse the menu in a comfortable, practiced silence– with the chaos of your lives, neither one of you feels the need to fill every moment with conversation or noise. When the waiter comes, you order a bottle of wine to share and your respective meals, and without the distraction of the menus, the two of you are left to stare at each other. 
“Every time I go to say something, I realize I’m going to break one of the rules,” you confess after a few minutes of silence. 
“Oh, thank god. It’s not just me,” Aaron lets out a relieved sigh. 
“Are we bad? This feels so bad,” you lament. 
“No, honey, no,” he insists, reaching across the table and taking your hand in his, which comforts you just as it always does. “Our lives are just different. Raising two kids takes up a lot of energy, and so do our jobs. It’s not a moral failing that those are the first things we’d want to talk about.”
“Not just the first thing– we couldn’t think of anything else to talk about,” you point out. 
“When someone tells you not to think about something, it becomes pretty hard to think about anything else, angel,” he reminds you. “This is a good thing, that we’re talking about it. It’s important to me that we aren’t just co-parents. I love you, hon. I love you and I love our kids, and I love you separately from our kids and our kids separately from you. We can do both.”
“Ask me a question,” you insist. 
“What?” He questions.
“Ask me a question that’s not about work or the kids,” you clarify. 
“What did you have for breakfast today?” 
“Aaron,” you whine. 
“What?” He chuckles.
“Take this seriously, please.” 
“I am taking it seriously. Have you ever known me not to take things seriously?” he teases you. 
“You know what I had for breakfast. You made my breakfast.” 
“Well, what did you think of it?’ He asks. 
“It was good,” you tell him. “I like when you cook for me,” you elaborate. “You put more butter on my toast than I ever would, but it tastes better that way. I like my bacon chewy, though. Not crispy,” you confess. “You look sexy in the kitchen. Don’t ask me to explain that.” 
He smiles and lets out a warm, gracious laugh. “See? We’re getting somewhere,” he reassures you, running his thumb over the back of your hand. 
“What do I do that makes you feel cared for?” You ask him in turn, reflecting on how his hand over yours and the breakfasts he prepares make you feel. 
“I’m sure everything isn’t an acceptable answer here,” he attempts, and you narrow your eyes at him in response. He draws in a breath, thinking on the question for a moment before you respond. “Sometimes you look at me from across the room, and it’s like you tell me exactly what I need to hear just by the look in your eyes. Or, I don’t know, I look at you and things just feel clearer. But you’re always there, and you always know just what I need. When the kids are driving us up the wall and you just smile and remind me that bedtime is coming, or when we’re working on a tough case and you assure me that I don’t have to shoulder it all… When things are hard, you’re the person I look for. When they’re good, you’re the person I want to celebrate with. And every time I look for you, you’re always looking for me too. That means a lot to me.” 
You draw in a breath, willing back the tears that were welling up in your eyes, and reach across the table to place your hand over his face. “There’s nobody else I’d rather be looking at,” you smile.
taglist: @spacecowboyhotch @honeybrowne @angelfxllcm @rousethemouse @infinite-tides @gspenc @anlin2058 @zetasaturno99 @realdirectionx @witheldclouds @sbeno22 @el-vs94 @hausofwhores
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toytanks · 3 months
i love you batman bird thing :0
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pe nub bubber
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overcastseas · 1 year
tl:dr about me
🌿 this is my main blog, I also have a rdr2 sideblog called @cowboysprout & a ffxiv blog @wolnotes & my pigeon blog is @kazpidge 🌿
im 29 years old & use they/them pronouns (they preferred, he is okay for general though!) Religion is weird for me, but Im very religious... I call myself a pagan sometimes because I dont fit any boxes.
I barely tag things, but will try and tag triggers...
(more info below - hobbies at the bottom)
I have schizophrenia & am a D.I.D system. I am also autistic. I'm learning to live with the schizophrenia because it's my most recent diagnosis and has been the hardest hitter. I have been diagnosed with D.I.D since I was 15 or so, but I've had it reevaluated and reconfirmed multiple times through out my life.
I have two pigeons who are my life.
A male named Bubbers who was my first and from a "responsible" breeder. I have since come to realize they aren't actually a very good breeder and are in it for the money & for the game of breeding cool colors. He has many issues physically but is a little good boy.
Kazoo is my rescue girl, she has issues with her feet and is a clown about it. She was found in a Wendy's parking lot & when I brought her home everyone fell in love with her. She is a racing breed mixed with a tumbler and is very bad at flying. So we think she was a "mistake" but she's such a ham.
They don't breed because they dont care about each other. Bubs is imprinted on humans so he thinks he's a little man and Kaz thinks I'm her very impressive (yet weird looking) husband. They are clowns when out together for free flying but otherwise don't even look at each other.
My human hubby is always in my likes, he's a goof like that. He taught me to video game & I taught him to touch grass (lol) He's the best and you will read about him and our adventures a lot.
Schizophrenia makes it hard for me to do much, but my hobbies are:
Learning Japanese FFXIV & RDR2 (sometimes other games like Stardew and the Sims 4) My birds Journaling Art (history & abstract) Skateboarding (learning currently)
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comvi · 7 months
Neat, these bubbers are coolio. (ignore the s looking like that.)
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Anyways, this is a Cyan lizard!! they are also called leapsards and I first called them impulse lizards!! they are a early-mid game predator (depending on who you play as again.) they can be tamed, otherwise they will try and eat. On the note of that, they are the most focused lizard ever, they like the thrill of the hunt so they do not give up trying to eat you that easy, even getting hurt (makes most lizards run) they wont run. They have the abillty of.
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wall walking
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Leaping for fun or at prey
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a not very long tongue, but can steal a spear from a slugcat.
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a charge attack like a green, but more risky for em.
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^ low color variation. but very cool tail.
for personality traits, they have a lot of energy, affecting they're dominance over slugcats. however they fight fellow cyans for places but never hunt or kill. they also have the 2nd lowist amount of higher power predators (bigger prey-predators that they are scared of) Friend wise, they need a normal taming of 3 feedings or two. Due to they're abillty to have all movement traits (pole climbing and wall climbing) and they're own added movement traits makes them good long term friends, however due to they're clumsy-ness they can often get themselfs into fights, and they're low heath makes that worse. During rest they curl around ya, even though they constantly glow they like having something to feel.
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these guys are SO cool!!! Love how their tails range from completely spotted, to very lightly spotted (if at all!) !!!
love that mechanic that have while leaping where it causes a big puff of something like smoke/fire! All these lizards have all been so neat so far i ADORE how they each have unique traits/abilities, ways they treat others of their species, etc! like for these guys, being able to walk-on-walls & steal spears from slugcats with their tongues!!!!
and i think its so silly & funny how even though they have such deep determination, concentration, can wall walk, climb polls, and so much more!!!!- theyre still clumsy lol
you can tell how much love the devs of rw put into their game, giving all the characters & species so much personality!!! making sure to balance out characters so they aren’t too powerful/strong, making them all have different ways of acting while tamed, and so on! also i have just loved the atmosphere/backrounds of the gifs youve been adding, the game is so pretty & beautiful, so far ive been absolutely adoring everything youve had to say about it!!! <:0D
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warningsine · 9 months
The Buildable Downpour
Music changes our walls it twists them inward —It exceeds the edges of the seats and greets itself Shooting coups de grace into the air with a trumpet
(Yes, Armstrong, you’re right it made the night too long, it gave us life with love)
Trumpet that winds the string of my head that is becoming unstrung this very moment in order to speak Un carefully with that certain slight balance
(Ray, lead us with your blind cane through the Dangerous Region of the Mind and surprise us again)
Doll I listen to him for you I fall like a cigarette in my hands lit on fire It’s said that I’m in a trance As if I were coming into your lair
(I’m walking through heaven with you, repeated Jimmie with his feet prepared to dance)
Mute with Limbo and the Sound of Nothing
(You still preach like a preacher, Bubber)
You swallow it whole you who disbelieve that I’m whistling melody with Thelonious Monk and Charlie Parker and all those guys that came tonight to my room with the story about the streetlight like a serenade What do you say? Silence They’re singing
The singular movement of the leaf on a lemon tree put the entire house in motion At ground level a light smoke dissipated the house’s shadows and left, out in the open, the sweet brick of the ancestors The old mahogany chifferobe was all stifled laughter and the soft footfall of gloves The wooden beams of the ceiling and the spider’s bracings trembled like a trapeze artist poised in heat The candle on the altar in the corner was already extinguished and did not move— At the edge and in the center of an adobe wall there were now doors and windows swaying back and forth with dry and monotonous banging The sun had its opening as it waited adding and subtracting upon the shutters and the wicket doors In the fragility of its bonds and the thin rope on which it hung the hammock said yes or no The lone butterfly dashed quickly as high as the pitted and solid bench that sat waiting in the hallway from whence the smoky kitchen made a subtle display of embers and ashes Old pots the deposit of maxims and perfumes Desert of dried grains and florid legumes Firewood already moldy and the rebirth of parasites Sluggish cavity of the fireplace and its allure Plates and cups chipped by the incessant pealing of use Bowls hung on the wall like a hanging question mark Down the patio where the hens leave their marks the three lines and the period fade away walking like a murmur that was nothing more than the brushing and rubbing of naked skins over the grass The sky hung from a high noon that was a grey cloud and many white and blue It was only a plural movement of feet like leaves cut from a plantain tree A singular movement that afternoon but as soon as the lemon tree stood still Everything in that place continued on as before
Strip Tease
At times I think that life goes about taking our clothes off. At least I find myself without that shoe that walked down Seventh Avenue in Bogotá one night that came out of the inside of a time worn thin by waiting; the leather jacket, of dubious origin, came apart against the chairback of the bar where the infidel bohemian waned pale from cheap liquor every night; a shirt that Rolf, the German, hadn’t painted, ended up a dirty rag in an apartment in Valle Abajo; my jeans that died frozen in the treeless highlands above Mérida, their fly still in perfect shape;  my striped t-shirt sported a bullet hole in the chest when I lost sight of it in Puerto La Cruz; my briefs ended up serving as a bed for Agapi, Sebucán’s white cat. It is strange, this life that strips us bare only to dress us up as someone else, time after time.
Heap of Hermits
What a multitude of crosses and signs on the iconostasis of the Church of the Transfiguration in Pantocratoras. Everyone who wrecked his body to fatten up his soul, walks through these heavenly frescos painted by Panselinos: Saint Anthony of Memphis, father of the desert fathers, served God burying himself in the dark life of the caves; Saint Pachomius, model of hermits in the image and likeness of those monks that are today and ever shall be; Saint Macarius the Great, a stigmatic, 60 years in the desert, father of the danse macabre; Saint Paul of Thebes, took up residence in a cave for one hundred years until Saint Anthony, with the help of two lions, buried him in the desert; Saint Moses the Black, a ruffian turned to God and to being monk in the desert; Saint Onuphrius, whose beard reached the ground of this earth and bound him forever in the depths of the cave; Saint Symeon the Stylite, perched forever on a pilaster of five meters, on his left foot one year, on his right foot the next. A rope sunk into the rotten flesh of his body, from which the worms were continually falling: “Eat of that which God has given you” he would tell them, with his blessing; Saint Daniel at his side, like the shadow of the man with no shadow. The long row of hermits and anchorites —Saint Nilus, Saint Ephraim, Saint Moses, Saint Peter the Athonite, Saint Paul of Xeropotamou— becomes lost in the darkness and in the blurred years of the iconostasis but there, with humility and pride are to be found all those who with anguish made a hell of this life, in order to gain a sweet heaven of ripened figs, an open-mouthed eternity stood before God.
It wasn’t because he was historical or Egyptian
It wasn’t because he was historical or Egyptian that the Greek, Constantine Cavafis, forgot that the story begins the very day we are living, and that Alexandria is as much sand as it is sea and wind. In the byzantine countenance of a ephebe he saw the hidden god of the ancients, and in the meanderings of time the same light that illuminates us opened up to him. He knew that his Greek was a language of words that are made in the sea, which, upon emerging, become islands, and through his eyes we saw how joy was dissolved, the pleasure of life itself in this land of millenniums, thanks to the advent of the one god, the god of eyes lifted unto heaven for ascesis and torments.
Translated by Matthew Fehskens
From the book From the Air to the Hand / Del aire a la mano, ArtePoética Press, New York, 2021
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mylifemydiary · 1 year
I got the job.
I had so many things lately I've been wanting to vent about, I just haven't had the time to actually sit down and put my thoughts down. And now I have a few minutes, and I don't remember a lot of what I wanted to say.
I will say I got a call today and I got the job. I start November 20th. I will get an official offer letter on September 12th, which is my oldest son's birthday. I am grateful to get the job, and now worried that something will happen between now and then. Like ww3, a nuclear attack, a railroad strike, some sort of horrific accident leaving me permanently impaired, or something else unlikely that I can worry about until then.
I dread leaving my sweet baby in daycare. He's been with me every single day since he was born. He's a mama's boy through and through. My older son will be 5 by then and he is ready for some structure for sure. I think he will do great. He loves to learn and color and create art, I just hope he has an easier time with the transitions of the day than he had last year. But my BABY. My sweet sweet bubba. My Bubbers. My Sweetie Beatie. And all the other pet names I call him. He is my last baby and my everything. My husband pointed out there are 3 photos of him all by himself on my family picture wall, 'almost like you have a favorite...' he joked. I kinda do. I know I'm not supposed to and it will most likely change as his attitude and feelings toward me change as he grows, but for now he is innocent and sweet and loves me completely and I want him to stay like that forever. If I could save time in a bottle...
As for the complaints, my father in law was in town for more than a month and some of my venting was about him. For the most part, he wasn't as needy as he has been in the past, but there was still plenty of times were he needed my husband's help. My husband let him take the last working golf cart from here, so that he could sell it in his town, and I was okay with letting it go because we need the money. We have medical bills pilling up, my husband's truck is literally on it's last leg, our fence still isn't done. Lots of things. So I was okay with his taking it to sell. Then my husband tells me he is letting HIM keep the money for it. What. The. Actual. Fuck. The only reason I was okay with him taking it is because I know we need the money. And yet he is giving it to him. Okay, fine, it's not my money anyway so I can't say anything. Then his cousin asks him to borrow money. And he's taking money out of his accounts to give it to him. I am pissed about that, but again, not my money. And he was quick to remind me of that fact. It's not my money. Fine, but again, when his cousin was building a pool, spending 800 a month on weight loss, having all 3 of his kids in tae kwon do several times a week, generally living it up, we never asked him for any money. It infuriates me but like he said, he's spent more on me over the years. I am his wife though, I thought. But whatever. I can't get mad. I've spent more than my share of money. I just can't stand that HE is the one he asked for money. Like we are dripping in diamonds over here. His truck doesn't have AC, and every day is over 110.
I hope now, that I actually like this job and am not stressed out and able to keep up. I worry in my old age with my mom brain that I'm a little rusty. But I guess we'll see!
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iny2kp-vr · 1 year
>To Bubber
Well it's fine if you don't get it, you don't have to go against your struggles right away. I'm still trying to do that. But learn from your mistakes, you'll be understood and cared about by someone and they'll be there to support you no matter what you do. SUCH AS YOURS TRULY— But who am I to say who you really love dearly? You'll find that person, and you may not even see it. I don't know if you needed to hear this, but remember that for me, will ya Cupid?
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.... Cupid? ... I... I don't have my words.
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michaels-reality · 3 years
A lot of y'all are short but I like to think of devil boy as really tiny and small so my friends can throw him around like a baby
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screenshaas · 4 years
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Reese’s Trick Shot Challenge
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allegedserialkiller · 5 years
how is peanut butter so fucking good like what happens to peanuts when they get fucking demolished that makes them literally irresistible
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bummass · 6 years
I know my baby brother loves me because he stands still while I pop his pimples and dig the wax out his ears with bobby pins. Dare I say he was enthusiastic about letting me give his grubby little teen boy hands a manicure. He love his big sissy 😊😊😊
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sukirichi · 3 years
OooooOoh husband! Bonten loosing their child at the store??? yES
Ran: Has an entire break-down and asks everyone if they've seen his child, after the initial shock he finds child in 10 minutes. "My wife's gonna kill me"
Rindou: Just stands there🧍‍♂️until he hears the speakers saying that there is a child waiting for him at the front; his child finds him after 30 minutes."Sir, are you crying?" "nO"
Kakucho: Legit the only adult here, he is calm and finds his child in under a minute. "Let's keep this between you and me."
Kokonoi: Tries to act calm but is not calm. Was gonna call the police but then he remembered that he worked in a gang, so he calls you. You find your child after 8 minutes. "I may or may not have lost our kid"
Sanzu: Won't notice until he gets in the car but when he does the store is being torn apart, finds his kid in 5 minutes. "Alright lil' bud were goin' home. bUDDY?"
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ran would definitely panic and lose his mind. one moment, he’s holding his kid’s hand, back aching from how tiny the bubber is but they insist on walking - and like the supportive daddy he is, he lets them !! all he does it let go for one second to fumble in his pants for a phone call, only to turn around and see his kid is gone. not only is he barely containing his anxiety as he asks the guards, other civilians shopping, or shop clerks if they’ve seen the kid, but he’s so close to calling for backup from bonten too. gosh, he can just imagine how furious you’ll be once you hear that he lost your kid 😭
rindou, unlike his brother, hides his internal turmoil very well with his usual nonchalant face. deep inside his suit though, he’s sweating bullets and probably freaking out more than ran does. but he can’t think straight - can’t comprehend proper thoughts - until he hears through the speakers that his kid is waiting for him. rindou runs like hell, uncaring anymore that he’s supposed to be this strong, reliant figure to his kid as he sweeps them in his arms, tears streaming down his face from the relief 🥺
kakucho has got this !! long before you showed, kakucho’s already memorized most of the stuff in the parenting books and lessons he’s learned from local parent-to-be seminars. he keeps calm, fixes his tie, clears his throat and starts to take deep breaths. panicking won’t get him anywhere, after all, and the smile beaming on his face when he finally finds his kid is indescribable. he’s quite sneaky though, carrying his kid and pressing them to his hips as he hands them an ice cream cone, looping pinkies as a promise that mommy doesn’t need to know about what happened today 🤫
kokonoi, much like rindou, is gritting his teeth so card to keep himself cool. its times like these that he realizes money can’t buy everything when it dawns on him his kid can’t be found in a split second even if he drains his card. he ponders calling the police when he slaps a hand to his forehead, because oh, he can’t be that stupid. but can you blame him though? he’s so nervous !! finding no other choice bcos he really has no idea what to do, koko sucks in a deep breath and calls you. (good luck koko LMAO)
sanzu, the i’m-trying-my-best-to-be-a-dad daddy !! he’s quite clumsy in the whole parenting field, but hey, he tries and that’s what matters! literally does not notice his kid has been missing for five minutes until he’s on his way to the car, about to ready the kiddie seat when he blanks because. there is no kid to be strapped in. his hands are empty from smaller ones that were supposed to be linked with his. sanzu immediately slams the car door shout and looks around frantically - behind the car seats, under the car, in the back compartment 💀 - everywhere. “buddy, where’d you go?!”
this is literally sanzu LMAO
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